Animal groups and their features
Animal groups and their features
PRO-CLIL: Providing Guidelines for CLIL Implementation in Primary and Pre-primary Education Prof. Dr. Ute Massler Claudia Steiert Ein EU-Projekt zur Bereitstellung von Leitlinien für das Fremdsprachliche Sachfachlernen in Englisch im Grundschul- und Vorschulbereich PH Weingarten Kirchplatz 2 88250 Weingarten Lesson Plan: Animal groups and their features Subject: Science Grade 1 Name: Date: Teacher: School: Nadine Schramm May 25 th 2008 Ina Willauer-Bohle Primary/Secondary School Wolfegg University Teacher:: Prof. Dr. Ute Massler 1 Science (class 1) Animal groups and their features 28.05.08 Author: N. Schramm, A. Wespel Lesson Plan Date: 28.05.08 Subject: Science School: Wolfegg Primary School Topic: Animal groups and their features Mentors: Prof. Dr. U. Massler; I. Willauer-Bohle Class: 2 Name of Instructor: Nadine Schramm; Alexandra Wespel Subject Goals: Linguistic Goals: The pupils are supposed; The pupils are supposed; - to be able to name the animal groups - to learn the terms: mammal, insect, fish, bird, snail, animal groups, and features - to know the different features of the animal groups Materials and Equipment: flashcards of the different animals (2 of each animal group), labels for the animal groups (mammals, insects, fish, birds, snails), worksheet, work stations (more details on page 2ff) Phase/Time Teacher Activities Students Activities Styles of Learning Media The teacher puts flashcards of animals, from each group,, on the board (not in any specific order). flashcards Introduction to the topic 12 min Exploration 23 min 10 min The teacher asks for headlines for the animal groups which were built. T helps to find the names and puts them on the board above each group (Mammals, insects, fish, birds, snails). The teacher has prepared work stations for each animal group. T explains what the pupils should at the different work stations, as well as how to work with the worksheet. T divides them into groups. The teacher discusses the worksheet on the OHP. If time is left, the T shows an animal and asks for the corresponding animal group. The pupils try to order the animals. The pupils think of a headline for the animal groups. Teacher-Student discourse labels for the animal groups They revise names as a groupchoir. The pupils listen. Repeat the work instruction in German. The pupils divide into groups and start to fill out their worksheet at different work stations. The pupils tell their results and correct them. The pupils try to find the corresponding animal group. Group or single work worksheets, work stations for the animal groups Teacher-Student discourse OHP; worksheet; flashcards 2 Science (class 1) Animal groups and their features 28.05.08 Author: N. Schramm, A. Wespel Media Work station 1: - pictures of mammals breastfeeding their babies - pictures of mammal skeletons - stuffed mammals - a piece of fur page 3 Work station 2: - pictures of fish skeletons - pictures of fish eggs - model of a fish page 5 Work station 3: - pictures of bird skeletons - pictures of bird eggs - stuffed birds - feathers page 7 Work station 4: - insect eggs - models of insects page 9 Work station 5: - snail eggs - snail shells page 10 Worksheet page 11 3 Mammals breastfeed their babies. (Säugetiere säugen ihre Babies.) 4 cat cow mammal skeletons horse whale 5 fish skeletons 6 fish eggs 7 hummingbird ( /Kolibri_Anatomie.htm Bird skeletons penguin chicken 8 bird eggs 9 insect eggs 10 snail eggs 1 1 11 Instructions: (Arbeitsanweisungen) tick (ankreuzen) 1) mammals 2) birds draw (malen) 3) fish 4) insects write (schreiben) 5) snails Examples (Beispiele) or Locomotion (Fortbewegung) swim (schwimmen) fly (fliegen) walk (zu Fuß gehen) creep (kriechen) Description of the body Body (Körperoberfläche) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) (Beschreibe die Körperoberfläche) scales (Schuppen) feathers (Federn) fur (Fell) slimy skin (schleimige Haut) 12 shell (Panzer) 1) mammals 2) birds 3) fish 4) insects 5) snails Amount of legs (Anzahl der Beine) spine (Wirbelsäule) Babies receive milk. (Babies bekommen Muttermilch) lay eggs (legen Eier) Find more features (Finde weitere Merkmale) 13