Whangarei District Council
Whangarei District Council
Whangarei District Council Notice of Meeting A meeting of the Whangarei District Council will be held in the Council Chamber, Forum North, Whangarei on: Wednesday 27 June 2012 10.00 am Committee His Worship the Mayor (Chairperson) Cr C B Christie Cr S J Deeming Cr A J Edwards Cr S M Glen Cr P R Halse Cr J S Jongejans Cr G M Martin Cr B L McLachlan Cr S L Morgan Cr K J Sutherland Cr W L Syers Cr M R Williams Cr J D T Williamson Whangarei District Council CONFIDENTIAL – not for publication Notice of Meeting A meeting of the Whangarei District Council will be held in the Council Chamber, Forum North, Whangarei on: Wednesday 27 June 2012 10.00 am Committee His Worship the Mayor (Chairperson) Cr C B Christie Cr S J Deeming Cr A J Edwards Cr S M Glen Cr P R Halse Cr J S Jongejans Cr G M Martin Cr B L McLachlan Cr S L Morgan Cr K J Sutherland Cr W L Syers Cr M R Williams Cr J D T Williamson INDEX Item No Page No 1. Public Forum .............................................................................................................................1 2. Minutes of a Meeting of the Whangarei District Council held 30 May 2012 .............................2 3. Minutes of an Extra-ordinary Meeting of the Whangarei District Council held 29 May 2012 .............................................................................................................................6 4. Minutes of an Extra-ordinary Meeting of the Whangarei District Council held 13 June 2012 ..........................................................................................................................20 5. Police Report...........................................................................................................................22 6. Approval and Adoption of Long Term Plan 2012-2022...........................................................23 2012 Long Term Plan -under separate cover 7. Rates Resolution 2012/2013 ..................................................................................................24 8. Adoption of Fees and Charges 2012-2013 .............................................................................28 9. Development Contributions Policy 2012 .................................................................................39 Development Contributions Policy – under separate cover 10. Waste Management and Minimisation Plan Adoption ............................................................40 Waste Management and Minimisation Plan – under separate cover 11. Trade Waste Bylaw Adoption ..................................................................................................42 Trade Waste Bylaw under separate cover 12. Sanitary Assessments for Cemeteries and Crematoria ..........................................................46 13. Amendment to Council Schedule of Meetings ........................................................................63 Note: Members of the public can obtain copies of attachments under separate cover from the Senior Meeting Coordinator. Documents ‘under separate cover can be located in Council’s Document Management System. Recommendations contained in the Council agenda are NOT Council decisions. Please refer to Council minutes for resolutions CONFIDENTIAL INDEX Item No Page No C.1 Confidential Minutes of a Meeting of the Whangarei District Council held 30 May 2012 .............................................................................................................................1 C.2 Confidential Minutes of a Meeting of the Civic Honours Committee held 12 June 2012 ............................................................................................................................4 C.3 Partnership: Financial Arrangement .........................................................................................8 C.4 Property Matters......................................................................................................................11 C.5 Property Transaction ...............................................................................................................14 C.6 Property Transaction ...............................................................................................................20 . 1 1. Public Forum Reporting officer Carolyne Brindle (Senior Meeting Co-ordinator) Date 14 June 2012 Public Forum Appendix F in Standing Orders allows for a period of up to 15 minutes to be set aside for a public forum at the commencement of each monthly council meeting. The time allowed for each speaker is 3 minutes. Members of the public who wish to participate should send a written application setting out the subject matter and the names of the speakers to the Chief Executive Officer at least 5 working days before the day of the meeting. Speakers The following persons/organisations have indicated their intention to speak at today’s meeting: Speaker Subject Clive Rutherford-Corin Concept of “Anniversary Day, Whangarei” for 28 January 2013. An event to celebrate the anniversary of the Whangarei District Basic programme 28 January: Morning – Waka-ama races on Hatea River Afternoon – Live Day at Heritage Museum. Public Forum – Report on actions taken Where practicable actions taken on matters raised by previous speakers are reported back to public forum. Speaker/Subject Report Mary McDonald Voting methods The way that the electoral system is determined for each election is either by way of Council resolution, 5% of electors demanding a poll or Council choosing to hold a poll on the matter. At the Council meeting on 24 August 2011 the Council resolved to keep the first past the post electoral system for the 2013 elections. It is a requirement of the Local Electoral Act 2001 that this decision is publicly notified. This was done so on 13 September 2011 in the Whangarei Leader and on Council’s website. The public notification also detailed how electors could demand a poll to determine the electoral system. Such demand for a poll was to be received by Council by 28 February 2012 for the results of that poll to be binding on the next two triennial elections. There were no objections to this resolution or any demand for a poll, so the first past the post electoral system will apply for the 2013 elections. Electors can demand a poll at any time but such demand must be signed by 5% of electors. If the demand comes after 28 February in the year prior to the election then the result cannot apply to the next election, but for the two after that. Whangarei District Council 27 June 2012 2 2. Minutes: Whangarei District Council Wednesday, 30 May 2012 Minutes of a meeting of the Whangarei District Council held in the Council Chamber, Forum North on Wednesday 30 May 2012 at 10.00 am Present: His Worship the Mayor M C A Cutforth (Chairperson) Crs C B Christie, S J Deeming, A J Edwards, S M Glen, P R Halse, J S Jongejans, G M Martin, B L McLachlan, S L Morgan, K J Sutherland, W L Syers, M R Williams and J D T Williamson Also present: Mary McDonald (Public Forum) In Attendance: Chief Executive Officer (M P Simpson), Group Manager Positive Growth (J Thompson), Group Manager District Living (P Dell), Group Manager Infrastructure and Services (S Weston), Group Manager Support Services (A Adcock), Parks and Recreation Manager (P McDonald), Water Services Manager (A Venmore), Governance Manager (D Kula), Property Manager (M Hibbert), Community Services Manager (O Thomas), Property Officer (J Calder), Community Safety Officer (D Palmer), Councillor Support (J Crocombe) and Senior Meeting Co-ordinator (C Brindle) 1. Public Forum Mary McDonald – Voting Methods 2. Confirmation of Minutes of a Meeting of the Whangarei District Council held on 24 April 2012 Moved: Cr McLachlan Seconded: Cr Glen “That the minutes of the meeting of the Whangarei District Council held on Tuesday 24 April 2012, including the confidential section, having been circulated, be taken as read and now confirmed and adopted as a true and correct record of proceedings of that meeting.” CARRIED 3. Confirmation of Minutes of an Extra-ordinary Meeting of the Whangarei District Council held 14 - 18 May 2012 Moved: Cr Edwards Seconded: Cr Jongejans “That the minutes of the meeting of the Whangarei District Council held on Monday 14 May to Friday 18 May 2012, having been circulated, be taken as read and now confirmed and adopted as a true and correct record of proceedings of that meeting.” CARRIED 4. Police Report This item was withdrawn from the agenda. Whangarei District Council 27 June 2012 3 5. Presentation of Plaque from Brother International Rally of Whangarei Moved: Cr Jongejans Seconded: Cr Glen “That the Plaque be received.” CARRIED 6. Leave of Absence Moved: Cr Christie Seconded: Cr Morgan “That pursuant to Standing Order 3.6.1, leave of absence be granted to Councillor A J Edwards for the period Thursday 12 July to Tuesday 21 July 2012.” CARRIED 7. Policy for allowances and reimbursement of expenses to Elected Members Moved: Cr Syers Seconded: Cr Halse “1. That Council note that the Chief Executive Officer will pursue issues surrounding the exclusion from claiming mileage for the first 30 kilometres in respect of any one travel event by way of remit at the next Local Government New Zealand Annual General Meeting. 2. That Council adopt the Policy for allowances and reimbursement of expenses.” CARRIED 8. Water Supply Bylaw Amendment Moved: Cr Martin Seconded: Cr Deeming “1. That Council makes the Water Supply Bylaw 2012 with no changes other than formatting from the draft bylaw as proposed in the Statement of Proposal. 2. That staff be directed to update the Backflow Prevention and Cross Connection Policy of the Policy and Delegations manual to be consistent with the approved bylaw. 3. That the bylaw comes into operation on 8 June 2012.” CARRIED 9. Revised Pressure Sewer Policy (May 2012) Moved: Cr McLachlan Seconded: Cr Williams “That Council adopt the Pressure Sewer Policy (May 2012).” CARRIED Whangarei District Council 27 June 2012 4 10. Easement at Bedlington Street Reserve Moved: Cr Williamson Seconded: Cr Edwards “1. That staff provide Council with a review of the policies regarding occupation rights over Parks and Reserves in August 2012. 2. That Council provide approval for this application at 18 Bedlington Street, subject to satisfactory response through Iwi consultation and final terms of the easements as negotiated by the Chief Executive Officer.” CARRIED 11. Water Reticulation Maintenance Contract Moved: Cr McLachlan Seconded: Cr Edwards “1. That the testing and maintenance of backflow preventers be included in Contract 07003. 2. That Contract 07003 Water Reticulation Maintenance be extended for a period of three years for the sum of $5,372,117.29 (excl GST).” CARRIED Cr Christie withdrew from the table taking no part in discussions or voting on this item. 12. Recommendation for Increase in Contract Value for Contract 06002 Maintenance Area and Contract 06004 South Maintenance Area Moved: Cr Martin Seconded: Cr Deeming “1. That the contract for North Maintenance Area (Contract 06002) be increased by the sum of $500,000 and the total contract value increased to $34,267,768 exclusive of GST. 2. That the contract for South Maintenance Area (Contract 06004) be increased by the sum of $340,000 and the total contract value increased to $35,366,690 exclusive of GST.” CARRIED 13. Contract 12001 – Road Maintenance – North Area Moved: Cr Martin Seconded: Cr Glen “”That Contract 12001 Roading Maintenance – North Area be awarded to Fulton Holgan Northland for the tendered sum of $9,799,588.75 exclusive of GST.” CARRIED 14. Contract 12002 – Road Maintenance – South Area Moved: Cr Martin Seconded: Cr Deeming “That Contract 12002 Roading Maintenance South Area be awarded to Transfield Services Limited for the tendered sum of $9,269,852.35 exclusive of GST.” CARRIED Whangarei District Council 27 June 2012 5 15. Contract 12003 – Road Maintenance – Central Area Moved: Cr Martin Seconded: Cr Edwards “That Contract 12003 Roading Maintenance Central Area be awarded to Transfield Services Limited for the tendered sum of $3,681,277.03 exclusive of GST.” CARRIED Urgent business Moved: Cr Deeming Seconded: Cr Edwards “1. That in accordance with NZS 3.7.5 Council considers Items C.4, C.5 and C.6 – Property Transactions at this meeting. 2. That the reason these late items be considered at this meeting is to enable Council to progress negotiations without undue delay.” CARRIED Exclusion of public Moved: Seconded: Cr Deeming Cr Edwards “That the public be excluded from the following part(s) of this meeting namely: Item C.1 Minutes of the Whangarei District Council meeting held 24 April 2012 Item C.2 Reporting – Performance Targets Reason To enable the council to carry on without prejudice or disadvantage negotiations Grounds Section 7(2)(h) Item C.3 Appointment Reason To protect the privacy of natural persons Grounds Section 7(2)(a) Item C.4 Item C.5 Item C.6 Property Transaction Property Transaction Property Transaction Reasons To enable the council to carry on without prejudice or disadvantage negotiations Grounds Section 7(2)(h).” CARRIED The meeting closed at 11.52am Confirmed this 27 th day of June 2012 M C A Cutforth (Chairperson) Whangarei District Council 27 June 2012 6 3. Minutes: Extra-ordinary Whangarei District Council Tuesday 29 May 2012 Minutes of an Extra-ordinary Whangarei District Council meeting held in the Council Chamber, Forum North on Tuesday 29 May 2012 at 9.30am Present: His Worship the Mayor M C A Cutforth (Chairperson) Crs C B Christie, S J Deeming, A J Edwards, S M Glen, P R Halse, J S Jongejans, G M Martin, B L McLachlan, S L Morgan, K J Sutherland, W L Syers, M R Williams and J D T Williamson In Attendance: Chief Executive Officer (M P Simpson), Group Manager Positive Growth (J Thompson), Group Manager Support Services (A Adcock), Group Manager District Living (P Dell), Group Manager Infrastructure and Services (S Weston), Governance Manager (D Kula), Finance Manager (D Muckle), Media Relations Adviser (A Midson), Plans and Treasury Accountant (S Goddard), LTP Co-ordinator (S Munday), Casual Communications Advisor (S Halliwell), Personal Assistant (J Walters), Councillor Support (J Crocombe) and Senior Meeting Co-ordinator (C Brindle) 1. 2012-2022 Draft Long Term Plan (LTP) Deliberations Traffic Congestion Moved: Cr McLachlan Seconded: Cr Morgan “1. That council includes $700,000 (adjusted for inflation) in Year 1 of the LTP to meet its share of the intersection improvement funding. 2. That this project (the share if intersection improvement funding) be included on the Development Contribution schedule.” CARRIED Cr Edwards declared a conflict of interest and left the room at 9.34am taking no part in discussions or voting on this matter. Cr Edwards rejoined the meeting at 9.35am after this item. Economic Growth Moved: Cr Jongejans Seconded: Cr Morgan “1. That Council notes the submissions and that no change be made to the 2012-2022 Long Term Plan. 2. That Council continues to focus efforts on Economic Growth and allocates appropriate resources to support positive GDP growth in the Whangarei District.” CARRIED Whangarei District Council 27 June 2012 7 Sense of Place Moved: Cr Williams Seconded: Cr Deeming “That additional funding of $100,000 per annum (adjusted for inflation) is allocated in the Long Term Plan for community projects that support their Sense of Place.” CARRIED Hundertwasser Art Centre Moved: Cr Syers Seconded: His Worship the Mayor “1. That Council confirm the budget allocated in the draft Long Term Plan for this project. 2. That Council proceed with this project, to a consent stage including all necessary design drawings. 3. That Council formally applies to outside external sources for Grant funding to complete the financial budget required to complete this project. 4. That Council formalise all necessary arrangements with the Hundertwasser Foundation, including, agreement to proceed with the construction, details of rotated displayed art works, insurance of art works and agreement of any artistic copyright. 5. That the Chief Executive Officer present to full council in a timely manner, a full report on all those issues raised in points 1 to 4 above, and any other matters that require council’s attention.” Amendment Moved: Cr Martin Seconded: Cr Deeming “1.. That Council formalise all necessary arrangements with the Hundertwasser Foundation, including, agreement to proceed with the construction subject to details of rotated displayed art works, insurance of art works and agreement of any artistic copyright meeting council approval. 2. That the Chief Executive Officer present to full council in a timely manner, a full report on all those issues raised and any other matters that require council’s attention before the project begins. 3. That all staff time and costings be identified in the monthly financial accounts.” Cr Williams gave notice that if the amendment was lost he would move a further amendment. On the amendment being put Cr Glen called for a division: For the amendment: Cr Martin (1) Against the amendment: Crs Halse, Edwards, Deeming, Williams, Williamson, McLachlan, Glen, Jongejans, Christie, Sutherland, Morgan, Syers and His Worship the Mayor (13) The amendment was LOST Amendment Moved: Cr Williams Seconded: Cr McLachlan Whangarei District Council 27 June 2012 8 “1. That Council confirm the budget allocated in the draft Long Term Plan for this project. 2. That Council formally applies to outside external sources for grant funding to complete the financial budget required to complete the project. 3. That no other steps be taken to further the project until a binding referendum of voters is carried out.” Cr Deeming gave notice that if the amendment was lost she would move a further amendment. On the amendment being put Cr Halse called for a division: For the amendment: Crs Edwards, Deeming, Williams, McLachlan, Martin and Christie (6) Against the amendment: Crs Halse, Williamson, Glen, Jongejans, Sutherland, Morgan, Syers and His Worship the Mayor (8) The amendment was LOST Amendment Moved: Cr Deeming Seconded: Cr Edwards “That Council confirm the budget allocated in the draft Long Term Plan for the purpose of redevelopment of the old NRC building and site subsequent to further assessment of proposals, including funding from outside sources and further community engagement.” On the amendment being put His Worship the Mayor called for a division: For the amendment: Crs Edwards, Deeming and Martin (3) Against the amendment: Crs Halse, Williams, Williamson, McLachlan, Glen, Jongejans, Christie, Sutherland, Morgan, Syers and His Worship the Mayor (11) The amendment was LOST On motion being put His Worship the Mayor called for a division: For the motion: Crs Halse, Williams, Williamson, Glen, Jongejans, Christie, Sutherland, Morgan, Syers and His Worship the Mayor (10) Against the motion: Crs Edwards, Deeming and Martin (3) Abstained: Cr McLachlan The motion was CARRIED A tea break was taken at 11.16am following discussions on the Hundertwasser Art Centre. The meeting resumed at 11.29am. Cr Williams did not rejoin the meeting immediately following the tea break. Wastewater Moved: Cr Jongejans Seconded: Cr Williamson Whangarei District Council 27 June 2012 9 “That Council approves the Wastewater programme as budgeted for in the 2012-2022 draft Long Term Plan.” CARRIED Levels of Service Moved: Cr Martin Seconded: Cr Edwards “1. That the levels of service for Transportation are adjusted to reflect the changes to the Transportation budgets. 2. That no change is made to other levels of service as outlined in the draft Long Term Plan. CARRIED Rates Review Moved: His Worship the Mayor Seconded: Cr Jongejans “That the changes to the rating system outline din the draft Long Term Plan are implemented.” CARRIED Cr Christie requested his vote against be recorded. Community Services Child and Youth Friendly Cities Moved: Cr Edwards Seconded: Cr Williamson “1. That Council notes the submission(s) and that no change be made to the 2012-2022 Long Term Plan. 2. That staff progress a risk assessment and feasibility study of this project and the conditions for accreditation.” CARRIED He Matariki Teen Parent School Moved: Cr Martin Seconded: Cr Glen “1. That Council notes the submission and that no change be made to the 2012-2022 Long Term Plan. 2. That Council directs staff to undertake further investigations before any funding is committed and that any funding will be provided through existing Contestable Grants budgets.” CARRIED The Barn – Waipu Moved: Cr Halse Seconded: Cr Jongejans “That an allocation of $600,000 (adjusted for inflation) as a capital grant be incorporated into Year 2 of the final Long Term Plan to support this proposal.” CARRIED Whangarei District Council 27 June 2012 10 General District Living CBD Revitalisation Moved: Cr Halse Seconded: Cr Edwards “1. That it is acknowledged that the submissions support the current programmes included in the 2012-2022 Long Term Plan. 2. That Council notes the submissions and that no change be made to the 2012-2022 Long Term Plan. 3. That the 20/20 Inner City Development (City Centre/Urban Design) Subcommittee reviews all plans and reports back to full council before any work commences.” CARRIED Gomez Road Moved: Cr Christie Seconded: Cr Jongejans “1. That the funding for the Gomez Road Sportspark is removed from the 2012-2022 Long Term Plan. 2. That the Gomez Road Plan Change is abandoned. 3. That staff be directed to undertake a wider assessment of options for locating noisy sports activities in the District. 4. That staff enter into discussions with the Gomez Road people on the future of the property.” CARRIED Policy and Monitoring Genetic Engineering Moved: Cr Edwards Seconded: Cr Morgan “That Council notes the submission and that no change be made to the 2012-2022 Long Term Plan.” CARRIED Economic Development Tourism/District Promotions Moved: Cr Deeming Seconded: Cr Syers “1. That Council retains the contribution to Destination Northland at $1 per head per population. 2. That increased promotion of the District be managed within existing budgets.” CARRIED Marine Recreational Park Moved: Cr Edwards Whangarei District Council 27 June 2012 11 Seconded: Cr Glen “1. That Whangarei District Council support Northland Regional Council expediting the process to establish a Marine Recreational Park in the Whangarei District. 2. That once the Marine Recreational Park proposal is complete and subject to the concerns of key stakeholders being met, Council support the proposal and agree next steps, including any funding requirements, to be incorporated in the 2013 Annual Plan.” CARRIED Mining Moved: Seconded: Cr Williamson Cr Halse “That Council investigates the new data, and monitors the process so as to better understand the implications and opportunities for the District arising from the aero-magnetic survey of Northland. Amendment Moved: Seconded: Cr Martin Cr Edwards “1. That Council investigates the new data, and monitors the process so as to better understand the implications and opportunities for the District arising from the aero-magnetic survey of Northland. 2. That Council keeps stakeholders within the District regularly updated.” The amendment was CARRIED and subsequently CARRIED as the substantive MOTION Cr Williams rejoined the meeting at 12.14pm during discussions on this item. Venues and Events Theatre Moved: Seconded: Cr Halse Cr Edwards “1. That the funding allocated in Year 9 and Year 10 of the 2012-2022 Long Term Plan is retained. 2. That once the theatre feasibility study is complete, it is presented to Council for consideration and next steps, including theatre size and location, be agreed and incorporated into future planning processes.” CARRIED Maori Relationships Maori Relationships Moved: Seconded: “1. His Worship the Mayor Cr Edwards That Council notes the submission and that no change be made in the 2012-200 Long Term Plan. Whangarei District Council 27 June 2012 12 2. That as soon as is practical an agenda item including draft Terms of Reference for the recommended approach is prepared by staff.” CARRIED Property – Community Policy Rose Street Bus Terminal Moved: Seconded: Cr Morgan Cr Edwards “That $50,000 (adjusted for inflation) be allocated in Year 4 of the Long Term Plan to make improvements to the Rose Street Bus terminal.” CARRIED Financial Services Debt Moved: Seconded: Cr Syers Cr Jongejans “That the debt levels outlined in the draft Plan are retained to allow Council to complete the planned capital works program and meet level of service targets.” CARRIED Cr Christie requested his vote against be recorded. Rates – CPI vs LGCI Moved: Seconded: Cr Martin Cr Deeming “That the overall budget for Rates in the Long Term Plan is increased by the LGCI inflation factor each year.” CARRIED Crs Christie and McLachlan requested their votes against be recorded. A lunch break was taken after this item from 12.53pm to 1.15pm. Cr McLachlan did not rejoin the meeting immediately following the lunch break. Asset Sales Moved: Seconded: Cr Martin Cr Syers “1. That planned asset sales continue. 2. That staff include more information about property sales and the Property Reinvestment Reserve in regular financial reports.” CARRIED Governance Culture Change Moved: Seconded: Cr Williams Cr Jongejans Whangarei District Council 27 June 2012 13 “That Council management instruct staff to discharge their statutory duties in a manner that enables the implementation of proposed initiatives where possible and appropriate.” CARRIED EECA Moved: Seconded: Cr Halse His Worship the Mayor “That Council notes the submission and that no change be made to the 2012-2022 Long Term Plan.” Cr Edwards gave notice that if the motion was lost he would move a further motion. On the motion being put Cr Williams called for a division: For the motion: Crs Halse, Deeming, Williamson, Martin, Glen, Sutherland, Syers and His Worship the Mayor (8) Against the motion: Crs Edwards, Williams, McLachlan, Jongejans, Christie and Morgan (6) CARRIED Cr McLachlan rejoined the meeting at 1.19pm during discussions on this item. Parks and Recreation Third Hockey Turf Moved: Seconded: Cr Halse Cr Martin “1. That the Kensington Park Management Plan be reviewed as soon as possible. 2. That the Urban Park line in the Capital Expenditure Programme which included $1 million for Hockey, will now be shown as a separate item in Year 1. 3. That discussions are held with Hockey to provide an additional grass field in Kensington Park in the interim.” CARRIED Cr Christie withdrew from the table taking no part in discussions or voting on this item. Netball Courts Moved: Seconded: “1. Cr McLachlan Cr Jongejans That staff develop a change to the Kensington Park Management Plan to alter the area indicated for Petanque to be used for four additional netball courts. 2. That funding of $250,000 (adjusted for inflation) to allow for the provision of additional netball facilities be included in Year 2 of the Long Term Plan.” CARRIED Cr Sutherland requested his vote against be recorded. Support for proposed development at Springs Flat Whangarei District Council 27 June 2012 14 Moved: Seconded: Cr Martin Cr Edwards “The Springs Flat development proceeds as provided for in the 2012-2022 draft Long Term Plan.” CARRIED Onerahi Soccer Moved: Seconded: Cr Glen Cr McLachlan “1. That Council rescind the decision to offer a Recreation Development Loan to Onerahi Soccer. 2. That a capital grant of $100,000 (adjusted for inflation) is added to the Long Term Plan for the provision of a new public toilet in Church Street, Onerahi, to be administered by the Onerahi Soccer Club on agreed terms.” CARRIED Pest and Weed Control Moved: Seconded: Cr Morgan Cr McLachlan “1. That council continues to meet its current level of service for areas managed as weed free in Parihaka, Whangarei Falls, and Pukenui and continues to prioritise weed related customer calls by order of the level of threat, especially to health and safety. 2. That an additional $40,000 be included within the Parks and Reserves operating budget to further prioritise weed related customer requests.” CARRIED Skateparks/Playgrounds Moved: Seconded: Cr Sutherland Cr Morgan “1. That the funding for skateparks already in the draft Long Term Plan is approved. 2. That the budget for the Otangarei Centre Development is confirmed, but that consideration for a skateboard park be included for consulting with community groups as part of the overall programme development.” CARRIED Quarry Gardens Moved: Seconded: Cr Glen Cr Edwards “That Council includes a further $100,000 (adjusted for inflation) as a capital grant in Year 2 of the Long Term Plan to support the proposed development.” CARRIED Cr Williams withdrew from the table taking no part in discussions or voting on this item. Matakohe/Limestone Island Moved: Seconded: Cr Sutherland Cr Jongejans Whangarei District Council 27 June 2012 15 “That allowance is made to increase operational funding to $50,000 per annum (adjusted for inflation) and that this is formalised as an annual operating grant or contract .” CARRIED Coastal Protection Issues Moved: Seconded: Cr Deeming Cr Martin “1. That Council approves coastal works in line with previous proposed programmes. 2. That Council approves additional funding of $500,000 per annum (adjusted for inflation) from Year 4 to Year 10 of the Long Term Plan to fund the long term improvement programme.” CARRIED Lease of Land at Puni Puni Road, Whangaruru Moved: Seconded: Cr McLachlan Cr Martin “That Council request an operational plan and more detail of the building proposal from the submitter, including agreement from the leaseholder prior to committing budget via a subsequent planning process.” CARRIED Oakura Reserve Moved: Seconded: Cr Martin Cr Jongejans “1. That Council provides a budget for a $10,000 grant (adjusted for inflation) in Year 1 of the Long Term Plan. 2. That Council enters into lease negotiations with the Community Group.” CARRIED Stormwater Hikurangi Swamp Moved: Seconded: Cr Halse Cr Williamson “1. That rate increases be 25% per year for each of the first three years of the Long Term Plan and 8% each year thereafter. 2. That the capital works programme be modified so that the resource consent requirements (primarily stop bank remediation) be undertaken prior to further pump replacements and the debt profile provided for in the draft Long Term Plan is maintained. 3. That WDC continue to collaborate with NRC in operating the scheme.” CARRIED Cr Martin and the Chief Executive Officer declared a conflict of interest and took no part in discussions or voting on this item. Porowini Stormwater Moved: Seconded: Cr McLachlan Cr Williams Whangarei District Council 27 June 2012 16 “1. That the geotechnical investigation to develop an overland flow path to Limeburners Creek is undertaken and a final design and estimate reported to council. The report shall identify timing and what further budgets are required. 2. That a budget of $2 million (adjusted for inflation) be included in Year 1 of the Long Term Plan for remedial works, subject to identifying a funding source that does not increase WDC debt.” CARRIED Cr Halse requested his vote against be recorded. Infrastructure improvements in Kamo Moved: Seconded: Cr Williamson Cr Christie “1. That within Year 1 of the Long Term Plan Council investigate flooding issues at the corner of Kamo and Bush Roads. 2. That Council includes $100,000 per annum (adjusted for inflation) for Years 1, 2 and 3 of the Long Term Plan to fund infrastructure works as agreed with Kamo Community Inc.” CARRIED Transportation Seal Extensions Moved: Seconded: His Worship the Mayor Cr Edwards “That Council make a budget allocation of $600,000 a year (adjusted for inflation) to allow for seal extensions. Funding for this would come from a relocation of other works in the road maintenance budget.” CARRIED Cr Halse requested his vote against be recorded. Walking and Cycling – General Moved: Seconded: Cr Edwards Cr Williams “1. That Council approves the programme detailed in the 2012-2022 draft Long Term Plan. 2. That Council include $150,000 per annum (adjusted for inflation) in Years 1 through to 4 of the Long Term Plan for the Raumanga – Onerahi Cycleway.” CARRIED Mander Statue – Coronation Centenary Moved: Seconded: Cr Williamson Cr Williams “1. That funding be allocated from current budgets for the erection of story boards at Mander Park to commemorate the gifting in 1906 of 4 acres to the then Whangarei Borough Council by local MP and businessman Frank Mander. 2. That appropriate action is taken to commemorate the centennial of the establishment of the Coronation Scenic Reserve.” CARRIED Other Issues – Appendix A Citysafe Whangarei District Council 27 June 2012 17 General Community Services General Funding Requests Youth Issues District Plan Issues General Policy and Monitoring General Regulatory Services General Resource Consents General Community Property Pensioner Housing The Hub/Bus Terminal Economic Growth – General Hihiaua General Property (Commercial) General Venues & Events Hotel General Financial Services Core Service Focus Council Policy & (Strategic Direction) Council Reorganisation (Unitary etc) Governance – process Long Term and Annual Plan process issues General Library Dog Park/facilities Fruit trees General Parks and Recreation Mander Park Trees Mangroves Sports/Recreational Facilities General Infrastructure and Services General Solid Waste General Storm water General Transport Parking Public Transport Traffic Congestion General Wastewater Public Toilets General Water New Water Source. Moved: Seconded: Cr McLachlan Cr Edwards “That Council notes the submissions and that no change be made to the 2012-2022 Long Term Plan.” CARRIED Other Issues – Appendix B General Community Property General Parks and Recreation General Policy and Monitoring General Stormwater General Transport General Wastewater Parking Rates General Sales of Council owned Property Unsealed Roads. Moved: Cr Deeming Whangarei District Council 27 June 2012 18 Seconded: “1. That no change be made to the 2012-2022 Long Term Plan. 2. That the 18 identified submission issues raised are lodged as Customer Request Management Issues (CRM’s) and that the issue is allocated to the appropriate department and/or staff member of direct follow up with the submitter.” CARRIED Moved: Seconded: 2. Cr Edwards Cr Syers Cr Morgan “1. That the information be received. 2. That recommendations in the Deliberations Report, after any amendments and where appropriate, be incorporated into the 2012-2022 Long Term Plan. 3. That the Chief Executive Officer directs staff to review operating and capital budgets based on the outcomes of the deliberations process and that these changes are incorporated into the final 2012-2022 Long Term Plan for the adoption meeting. 4. That staff are directed to review the naming of the CAPEX project items prior to the completion of the final 2012-2022 Long Term Plan to support and enhance community understanding and transparency.” CARRIED Fees and Charges 2012/2013 - Deliberations Moved: Seconded: Cr Deeming Cr Williamson “That no changes be made to the schedule of fees and charges as publicly notified for consultation and that Staff proceed towards preparing the final fees and charges schedule, for adoption prior to 1 July 202.” CARRIED 3. Draft 2012 Development Contributions Policy Deliberations Moved: Seconded: Cr Halse Cr Deeming “1. That the deliberations report be received. 2. That the amended uncapped development contributions charges be incorporated into the 2012 Development Contributions Policy, noting that there are no changes to the capped values. 3. That following consideration of the staff recommendations to submissions Council approve the policy incorporating any amendments for adoption at the June Meeting. 4. That the Chief Executive Officer be authorised to make any minor changes including drafting, typographical or format changes before final adoption. 5. That at the June Council meeting the final Development Contributions Policy be presented for adoption in accordance with the provisions of Section 102 of the Local Government Act 2002. 6. That Council will review the Policy as required,” CARRIED Cr Edwards withdrew from the table taking no part in discussions or voting on this item. Whangarei District Council 27 June 2012 19 The meeting closed at 2.29pm Confirmed this 27th day of June 2012 M C A Cutforth (Chairperson) Whangarei District Council 27 June 2012 20 4. Minutes: Extra-ordinary Whangarei District Council Wednesday 13 June 2012 Minutes of an Extra-ordinary Whangarei District Council meeting held in the Council Chamber, Forum North on Wednesday 13 June 2012 at 1.00pm Present: His Worship the Mayor M C A Cutforth (Chairperson) Crs C B Christie, S J Deeming, A J Edwards, S M Glen, J S Jongejans, G M Martin, B L McLachlan, S L Morgan, K J Sutherland, W L Syers, M R Williams and J D T Williamson Apology: Cr P R Halse Moved: Cr Martin Seconded: Cr Glen “That the apology be sustained.” CARRIED In Attendance: Chief Executive Officer (M P Simpson), Group Manager Positive Growth (J Thompson), Group Manager Support Services (A Adcock), Councillor Support (J Crocombe) and Senior Meeting Co-ordinator (C Brindle) 1. Rates Remission and Postponement Policies Policy 12/102 – Remission of some general rates and uniform annual general charges and targeted rates on rating units which are in common ownership but do not meet the criteria of a contiguous property Moved: Cr Edwards Seconded: Cr Syers “That no changes are made to the draft policy.” CARRIED Policy 09/309 – Remission of Rates for Community, Sports and Other Organisations Moved: Cr Deeming Seconded: Cr Morgan “That no changes are made to the draft policy.” CARRIED Policy 09/611- Remission of Rates on Unoccupied Maori Freehold Land Moved: Cr Williams Seconded: Cr Williamson “That no changes are made to the draft policy.” CARRIED Policy 12/412 – Postponement and Remission on Specific Farmland Properties Whangarei District Council 27 June 2012 21 Moved: Cr Williams Seconded: Cr Edwards “That clauses 4 and 5 of the conditions and criteria of Policy 12/412 – Postponement and Remission on Specific Farmland Properties be amended to: “4 The farming operation should provide a significant source of revenue for the owner of the land who should be the actual operator of the farm, and 5 The area of the land that is the subject of the application is not less than 30 hectares. Discretion will be allowed to extend the relief to owner-operators of smaller intensive farming operations where there is clear evidence that it is an economic unit in its own right.” And the following two additional clauses be included in the conditions and criteria section of the policy: “7 The Financial Services Manager and the Group Manager – Support Services have delegated authority to grant or refuse remissions under this policy. Any appeals against the decision of the Group Manager – Support Services will be referred to the Finance and Support Committee for final determination.”” CARRIED Cr Williamson left the meeting at 1.29pm during discussions on Policy 12/412. 8 Moved: Cr McLachlan Seconded: Cr Morgan “1. That the information be received. 2. That after deliberating, the recommendations after any amendments and where appropriate be incorporated into the Rates Postponement and Remissions Policies. 3. That Council adopts the Rates and Remissions Policies (including any amendments) to take effect from 1 July 2012.” CARRIED The meeting closed at 1.38pm Confirmed this 27th day of June 2012 M C A Cutforth (Chairperson) Whangarei District Council 27 June 2012 22 5. Police Report Reporting officer Carolyne Brindle (Senior Meeting Co-ordinator) Date 14 June 2012 The Police report had not been received at the time the agenda closed and will therefore be circulated prior to or tabled at the meeting. Whangarei District Council 27 June 2012 23 6. Approval and Adoption of Long Term Plan 2012-2022 Reporting officer Alan Adcock (Group Manager Support Services) Date 18 June 2012 Vision, mission and values The Long Term Plan documents Council’s path for the 10 years ahead as it moves toward its vision of ‘creating the ultimate living environment’. Local Government Act 2002 – The four well-beings The Long Term Plan is prepared in the context of the Four Well-Beings – cultural, economic, environmental and social. The Long Term Plan also sets out how Council’s activities will contribute to the Community Outcomes. Long Term Plan Process The 2012-2022 draft Long Term Plan has been updated as a result of the consultation process and subsequent Council hearings and deliberations. The final plan includes a section titled ‘A Snapshot of our Long Term Plan’ which includes an outline of the key changes as a result of submissions that have led to modifications to budgets and work programs. These changes are neutral in terms of their effect on planned debt levels and rates increases. The Local Government Act 2002 requires Council to adopt its Long Term Plan by 30 June 2012. The adoption of the 2012-2022 Long Term Plan will be a two step process; Council must first consider a resolution to approve the Long Term Plan for signing as part of the audit process, with the meeting being adjourned for a short time while the documents are signed. Once the documents are signed the meeting is reconvened and the Plan can then be considered for adoption. Asset and Activity Management Plans (AMPS) The Long Term Plan both informs and reflects the Asset and Activity Management Plans (AMPs) of Council. In addition the projects detailed in the Development Contributions Policy (which is also to be adopted as part of this meeting) are provided for in the AMPs. These Plans provide the context for developing capital and maintenance work programmes as well as identifying and detailing links to Council’s key strategies. Now that the Long Term Plan is finalised the draft AMPs can be updated and finalised. It is recommended that once this process is completed the AMPs are brought back to Council to be formally adopted. Recommendation That the 2012-2022 Long Term Plan be approved for signing. Following the signing of the 2012-2022 Long Term Plan: Recommendation 1. That Council adopt the 2012-2022 Long Term Plan in accordance with Section 93 of the Local Government Act 2002. 2. That Council authorises the Chief Executive to make any necessary minor drafting, typographical or presentation corrections to the 2012-2022 Long Term Plan prior to the document going to print. 3. That the Asset and Activity Management Plans of the activity groups identified in the Long Term Plan are now finalised and brought back to Council for adoption by August 2012. Under Separate Cover (available on request, phone +64 9 4304 200)) 2012-2022 Long Term Plan (Ref 12/42793) Whangarei District Council 27 June 2012 24 7. Rates Resolution 2012/2013 Reporting officer Alan Adcock (Group Manager Support Services) Date 18 June 2012 Vision, mission and values This item is in accord with Council’s vision, mission and values. Local Government Act 2002 – The four well-beings Cultural Setting of rates recognises the significance of cultural values. WDC has developed policy in relation to rates relief for Maori land to meet the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002. Economic The primary purpose of rates when set is to achieve a fair balance between user pays principles, fairness and equity between ratepayers, and encouraging economic development where possible. Environmental The setting of rates includes relief by way of remission of rates on properties where land or portions of land have been covenanted for protection purposes. Social WDC has also developed policy in relation to rates postponement or remission which recognises hardship or special circumstances related to land values and applies these to create a greater balance of social needs within our communities. Section 23 of the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002 requires that rates must be: a) Set by a resolution of the local authority; b) Set in accordance with the relevant provisions of the local authority’s long-term plan and funding impact statement for that financial year: The details in the recommendation that follows are an extract from those included in the Funding Impact Statement in the 2012/2022 Long Term Plan. The adoption of the Long Term Plan has completed that part of the process and now the resolution to formally set the rates is able to proceed. Note: This agenda item was prepared prior to the Council meeting of 27 June set down for the adoption of the Long Term Plan. If any changes were made to the proposed rating criteria prior to the plan being adopted then those changes must also be reflected in the recommendation below. Recommendation That the Whangarei District Council in pursuance of its powers under the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002 hereby resolves to set the following rates and charges upon the rateable value of all rateable properties appearing in the District Valuation Roll now in force in the Whangarei district for the period 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013. The rates will be set in accordance with the relevant provisions of the funding impact statement covering the financial year 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013. All rates and charges include Goods and Services Tax (GST). Penalties added to unpaid rates are exempt from GST but will be applied to the GST inclusive amount. Whangarei District Council 27 June 2012 25 General rates and charges General Rates: Differential Land Use Category Cents in Dollar of Land Value including GST 1. Residential $0.0026354 2. Residential – Step 1 $0.0013177 3. Residential – Step 2 $0.0006589 4. Multi – Unit $0.0052708 5. Rural $0.0019866 6. Commercial / Industrial $0.0118727 7. Miscellaneous Properties $0.0026354 Uniform Annual General Charge: A charge of $338.00 to every separately used or inhabited part of a rating unit. Targeted rates Sewage Disposal: A targeted rate of $566.00 for residential and for any other premises having no more than two toilet pans and a targeted rate of $368.00 per pan for all other premises having more than two toilet pans connected to the district’s sewer reticulation and sewage disposal systems. The rate will be based on the number of water closets or urinals per separately used and inhabited parts within the rating unit. Educational establishments will be subject to a special remissions policy. Refuse Facilities: A targeted rate of $140.00 in respect of every separately used or inhabited part of a rating unit. Water Supply: A charge of $2.02 per cubic metre of water consumed (as measured by meter) in respect of every separate rating unit to which water is supplied and where a meter is installed An annual supply charge of $28.00 will apply to every separately metered used or inhabited part of a rating unit and will be calculated and applied to each account according to the consumers’ cyclic billing period. For calculation purposes, water will be treated as having been consumed on an equal daily basis over the period of the reading. An estimated account may be calculated and this will be in accordance with clause of the (WDC) Water Supply By-Law 2012. Rating units, where the consumption of water is not charged through a meter, but are connected to any of the district’s water supply systems, will be subject to an annual charge of $395.00. Rating units that are situated within 100 metres of any public water reticulation system that are capable of being connected but are not connected will be subject to an annual charge of $28.00 (for availability). 26 Rating units where a backflow preventer connection is required will be subject to an annual charge based on the size of the connection applied as follows: 15/20mm connection $70.22 25mm connection $71.17 32mm connection $84.19 40mm connection $86.17 50mm connection $89.39 100mm connection $225.16 150mm connection $263.58 200mm connection $436.56 Miscellaneous targeted rates These rates will be charged as a set amount per rating unit and will only apply to rating units within a defined and specified area where it is considered that the ratepayers within this defined area are receiving a direct benefit from the specified works. Targeted Rates – Project Works Annual Charge including GST Ruakaka South Sewer Extension- (Residential) $2,342.95 (Non Residential) $3,466.87 Whangarei Heads Sewerage Scheme (Stage 3) $1,610.00 Acacia Park Roading Remediation $400.00 Pataua Boat Ramp and Foreshore Protection $141.07 McGregors Bay, Taiharuru Erosion Protection (Beachfront) $2,204.07 (Other) $304.83 Hikurangi Swamp Major Scheme Rating District A differential targeted rate will be applied to every rating unit within the defined area of the Hikurangi Swamp Major Scheme Rating District. Rates will be charged on the basis of the land area within the rating unit in accordance with the following scale: Class – Scale of Charges Dollar per Hectare including GST A $88.48 B $79.46 C $61.94 D $ 8.86 E $ 4.46 F $ 1.78 27 Hikurangi Swamp Drainage Rating District A differential targeted rate will be applied to every rating unit within the defined area of the Hikurangi Swamp Drainage Rating District. Rates will be charged on the basis of the land area within the rating unit in accordance with the following scale: Class – Scale of Charges Dollar per Hectare A $10.23 F $ 1.03 Due dates for payment For those ratepayers who are unable to pay their year’s rates in full by the due date of the first instalment (20 August 2012) payment may be made by way of four instalments with each instalment due and payable on the date specified on the rate invoice for that instalment as follows: Instalment Date Rates Due and Payable 1. 20 August 2012 2. 20 November 2012 3. 20 February 2013 4. 20 May 2013 Water (by meter) accounts are processed monthly, two-monthly or six-monthly. The due dates of these accounts will be relative to the consumer’s cyclic billing period. The due date for payment will be shown on every separate account. Discount for rates and charges paid in full Discount of three per cent (3%) will be allowed if full payment of 2012/2013 rates and charges and any arrears (excluding water by meter) are paid in full by the due and payable date of the first instalment - 20 August 2012. Penalties added to unpaid rates A penalty of ten per cent (10%) will be added to each instalment or part thereof, or in the case of water (by meter) to each account or part thereof, which are not paid by the due date. All rates and charges (excluding water by meter) charged prior to 30th June 2012 (i.e. all previous years rates) that still remain unpaid as at 1st September 2012 will be subject to a further additional penalty of ten per cent (10%). For rates and annual charges for water by meter, still unpaid at six monthly intervals after the any due date for payment will be subject to an additional penalty of 10% applied at each six monthly interval. 28 8. Adoption of Fees and Charges 2012-2013 Reporting officer Paul Dell (Group Manager District Living) Date Vision, mission and values Council has adopted a user pays regime for a number of the services provided by the District Living Group. This approach is a 'user pays' approach, leaving ratepayer money to be spent on projects that have a wider community benefit. Local Government Act 2002 – The four well-beings Cultural: Where appropriate cultural matters are considered through the various processes funded through user charges. Economic: The user pays principle adopted ensures a 'user pays' principle is maintained, with ratepayer subsidy being kept to a minimum. Environmental: The services provided by the District Living Group are focused on ensuring environmental wellbeing is maintained. Social: With the benefiter paying for the services provided it provides equity in payment, leaving ratepayer money to be spent on projects with a wider social/community benefit. Background At the District Living Committee meeting of 8 February 2012, an item was presented providing a review of the District Living Group user charges and suggesting amendments to the charges for the 2012 – 2013 period. As a result, a resolution was passed that various proposed amendments to fees and charges would be adopted for consultation under the Local Government Act 2002. The formal Statement of Proposal was adopted by Council at the 14 March 2012 meeting in order to commence with the Special Consultative Procedure. That Statement identified the key changes to the proposed fees and charges as being: Resource Consents Increase in hourly rate for Environmental Health Officers and Compliance Officers and new charges for photocopying. Inclusion of administration of Road Naming Policy as a new charge. Policy and Monitoring Increase in hourly rate for Environmental Health Officers and Compliance Officers. Inclusion of new charges for photocopying. Regulatory Services A new fee relating to applications for exemption under Section 6 of the Fencing of Swimming Pools Act. ( $275) An increase in the fencing of swimming pool first inspection fee of 13.5% Building Compliance An increase in fee for Land Information Memorandums (LIMS) This report provides a summary of submissions received during the Special Consultative Procedure, consideration of those submissions, and a recommendation on final adoption of the fees and charges. The relevant fees and charges for each section, with any proposed new charges highlighted, are shown in the tables contained in this report. It should be noted that fees and charges relating to Building Compliance, Dog Control and Impoundment, and Health Act were not required to be adopted for consultation under the Local Government Act and therefore do not form part of this report. Whangarei District Council 27 June 2012 29 Resource Management Fees and Charges This covers both the Resource Consents and Policy and Monitoring Departments. Tables 1 and 2 illustrate the existing and proposed fees for these respective Departments. No submissions were received on these proposed changes. On this basis, it is recommended that the fees and charges as identified in tables 1 and 2 be adopted with no changes. Regulatory Services No submissions were received from the public regarding the following matters that fall under Regulatory Services: Swimming Pool Inspections (Table 3) Gambling Act and Racing Act Consent fees (Table 4) Bylaw Enforcement (Tables 5 and 6) Landuse Consent Monitoring (Table 7) Building Compliance No submissions were received from the public regarding the following matters that fall under Building Compliance: Land Information Memorandums (Table 8) On this basis, it is recommended that the proposed changes to these fees and charges be adopted with no changes. 30 TABLE 1 Fees and Charges for Resource Management Administration All fees and charges are DEPOSITS unless otherwise stated Current($) Proposed($) Applications under the Resource Management Act as follows: 1500.00 1500.00 4500.00 4500.00 1000.00 1000.00 750.00 750.00 Actual and reasonable costs Actual and reasonable costs Non-notified Resource Consent applications (Land Use and/or Subdivision) Non-notified Notices of Requirement for designations and alterations to existing designations under Sections 168, 168A, and 181 Applications for Certificates of Compliance under Section 139 Applications for Existing Use Rights Certificates under Section 139A Waiver and extension of time limits under Section 37, Change or Cancellation of Consent Condition/s under Section 127 Extension of time under Section 125 Review of Consent Condition/s under Section 128 Vary or cancel a consent notice under Section 221(3) Applications requiring public or limited notification under the Resource Management Act Note: Where a determination is made requiring notification of an application where $1500.00 advance fees has already been paid, Council will require an additional $3,000.00 advance fee to be paid before notification proceeds. Applications under the Resource Management Act as follows: Surrender of Consent S138 Removal of Designation S182 Outline Plan s176A Certification that Subdivision complies with District Plan under Section 226 Cancellation of covenant against transfer of allotment & Cancellation of Amalgamation of allotments under Sections 240(4) and 241 Grant, Surrender, Transfer, Vary or Cancel Easements under Section 243 Applications under sections 9, 31, and 55 of the Sale of Liquor Act Applications under sections 327A (Cancellation of Building Line Restriction) and 348 (Creation of right-of-way easement) of the Local Government Act Applications under sections 94 and 114 (Conservation Covenants) of the Reserves Act Applications under the First Schedule of the Overseas Investment Regulations 1995 Applications under the Resource Management Act as follows: Approval of Survey Plan under Section 223 Completion Certificate for subdivision under Section 224 31 All fees and charges are DEPOSITS unless otherwise stated Administration of Councils Road Naming Policy Road naming as part of resource consent process Road naming of existing access at request of residents Council Professional Fees Hourly Rates Charged in 6 minute intervals Resource Consents Manager Current($) Proposed($) Actual and reasonable costs Actual and reasonable costs Current ($) Proposed ($) 165.00/hr 165.00/hr 150.00/hr 150.00/hr Parks and Recreation Manager Major Projects Manager Roading Manager Policy Manager Water Services Manager Wastes and Drainage Manager Principal Planner Team Leader (Consents) Team Leader (Engineering/Post-Approval) Senior Environmental Planner(Consents & Policy) Senior Environmental Engineering Officer Senior Specialist Team Leader Planning (Policy) Team Leader - Asset Data Senior Water Technician Parks Operations Team Leader Asset Manager 32 Council Professional Fees Hourly Rates Charged in 6 minute intervals Current ($) Proposed ($) Team Leader (Administration) 125.00/hr 125.00/hr Environmental Planner (Consents & Policy) 130.00/hr 130.00/hr Infrastructure and Services Project Manager Asset Engineer Distribution Engineer Solid Waste Engineer Wastewater Asset Engineer Storm water Asset Engineer Team Leader Planning (Infrastructure and Services) Cemetery and Conservatory Manager Parks Contracts Co-ordinator Senior Policy Planner Senior State of the Environment Co-ordinator Team Leader Compliance Environmental Engineering Officer Landscape Architect Subdivision Officer Development Contributions Co-ordinator/Officer Group Planner Parks Asset Co-ordinator Technical Officer Policy Planner State of the Environment Co-ordinator 33 Council Professional Fees Hourly Rates Charged in 6 minute intervals Current ($) Proposed ($) Building Officer 106.00/hr 120.00/hr Environmental Health Officer 103.00/hr 110.00/hr Compliance Officer 100.00/hr 110.00/hr Planning Administrator (Consents & Policy) Note: This hourly rate will only apply for where an application is to be notified or for processing of post-approval subdivision certification. 75.00/hr 75.00/hr Mileage 85 cents/km 85 cents/km Disbursements At cost charged to Resource Consents Department by provider At cost charged to Resource Consents Department by provider Photocopying A4 Black and white A4 Colour $0.03 $0.13 A3 Black and white A3 Colour Note: double sided copying same cost as single sided copying $0.05 $0.25 Hearings required for any resource consent or other permission Cost of third party/hearings commissioners will be charged at actual cost. All staff and consultants costs will be charged at actual cost. Miscellaneous charges will be charged at actual cost. All costs will be itemised All figures are standard fees inclusive of GST; the final fee in any one application will be determined by the Resource Consents Manager or his/her appointee. Council reserves the right to interim invoice applications where significant costs have been incurred over a period of one month or more without progress on the application. In the case where a consultant(s) is required, Council will charge the actual and reasonab le costs incurred by the consultant, plus 5% for supervision and administration. 34 TABLE 2 Fees and Charges for Policy and Monitoring activities Current ($) Proposed ($) Advance Fee Advance Fee Private Plan Change-- on receipt of a request to change the Plan 11,500 11,500 Private Plan Change --before commencement of a hearing 11,500 11,500 165.00/hr 165.00/hr 150.00/hr 150.00/hr 150.00/hr 150.00/hr 130.00/hr 130.00/hr 103.00/hr 100.00/hr 110.00/hr 110.00/hr Private Plan Change Council Professional Fees Hourly Rates Charged in six (6) minute intervals Policy and Monitoring Manager Parks and Recreation Manager Major Projects Manager Roading Manager Water Services Manager Wastes & Drainage Manager Resource Consent Manager Regulatory Services Manager Library Manager Team Leader (Policy) Senior Policy Planner Senior Specialist Principal Planner Team Leader (Planning) Team Leader (Consents) Senior Environmental Engineering Officer Team Leader – Asset Data Cemetery & Conservatory Manager Parks Contracts Coordinator Team Leader Planning (Infrastructure and Services) Asset Manager Infrastructure & Services Project Manager Asset Engineer Distribution Engineer Solid Waste Engineer Waste Water Asset Engineer Storm Water Asset Engineer Senior State of the Environment Coordinator Policy Planner Group Planner Team Leader Compliance Environmental Planner – Consents Parks Asset Coordinator Technical Officer Parks Landscape Architect State of the Environment Coordinator Senior Water Technician Environmental Health Officer Compliance Officer 35 Current ($) Proposed ($) 75.00/hr 75.00/hr 85 cents/km 85 cents/km At cost charged to Policy and Monitoring by provider At cost charged to Policy and Monitoring by provider Planning Administrator Mileage Disbursements Hearings Required for Any Plan Change Any and all costs of third party or independent Commissioners will be recoverable as well as the cost associated with the hearing (i.e. staff time, consultants costs, venue hire, printing). When a Councillor is appointed as a Hearings Commissioner the cost set by Regulation will be charged. All figures are standard fees inclusive of GST, the final fee in any one change to the District Plan will be determined by the Environmental Policy and Monitoring Manager or his/her appointee. In the case where a consultant(s) is required, Council reserves the right to on-charge costs. Photocopying A4 Black and white A4 Colour A3 Black and white A3 Colour Note: double sided copying same cost as single sided copying $0.03 $0.13 $0.05 $0.25 Notes: Private plan changes may be processed by consultants and an applicant will be asked to undertake, at the submission stage, to pay the full cost of such processing in addition to the normal cost of Council to process its part of the application. Fees are charged to defray the cost of: a. Initial receipt of the application b. Cost of allocation of the application and distribution of information c. Site visits d. All professional and administrative staff costs at the hourly rate, mileage and disbursements in handling the application e. Request for additional information and review or peer review such information f. Notification procedure g. Summarising submissions and input into database h. Notification of submissions for further submissions i. Summary of further submissions and input into database j. Preparation of staff report to a Hearings Committee and/or Council k. Preparation of hearing, notices, hall hire, appointment of commissioners, etc l. Attendance and any cost of hearings plus secretarial services m. All cost of the hearing including full cost of independent commissioners n. Preparation and finalising the Hearings Committee’s recommendation to Council o. Submission to Council of the hearings report and cost of any subsequent requirements of Council p. Updating of database with all the decisions of Council on submissions 36 q. Distributing decision replies to all submitters r. Council may on-charge cost of an appeal where the decision of Council was in favour of the applicant, but was appealed by a submitter s. All costs will still be payable notwithstanding the outcome of the application, i.e. if an application is declined or only partially accepted/adopted/granted the cost still has to be recovered t. Cost can be reduced if all information is provided electronically and distributed electronically where applicable. Table 3 Fees and Charges – Swimming Pool / Spa Pool Inspections First inspection of pool Follow up inspections Administration of empty pools (two yearly) Application for exemption, Section 6, Fencing of Swimming Pools Act Table 4 Proposed ($) 110.00 125.00 Direct recovery of actual cost for each inspection with time recovered at $100/hr and mileage at $0.85/km Direct recovery of actual cost for each inspection with time recovered at $103/hr and mileage at $0.85/km 30.00 34.00 nil 275 Fees and Charges – Gambling Act and Racing Act Application Application for TLA consent under Gambling Act 2003 (s 99) and Racing Act 2003 (s 65B) Table 5 Current ($) Current ($) Proposed ($) 490.00 507.00 Fees and Charges – Seizure of property under bylaws Seizure and confiscation of signs under the Local Government Act 2002 and bylaws Current ($) Proposed ($) Signs under 1m square 55.00 57.00 Signs over 1m square 110.00 114.00 Actual cost recovery at 70/hr and mileage of 0.85 Actual cost recovery at 70/hr and mileage of 0.85 92 95 Seizure of other property Where otherwise not specified any application for a permit, consent or exemption application or request under a Whangarei District Bylaw 37 Table 6 Fees and charges – Stalls, Hawkers, Mobile Shops and others These are annual fees unless otherwise stated Current($) Proposed ($) Mobile Shop Licence 122.67 127.00 Hawker/Pedlar Licence 92.00 95.00 Hawker/Pedlar – per 6 months 46.00 47.50 Stall Licence 184.00 190.00 Stall Licence per day 20.44 21.00 Alfresco dining permit (not renewed annually – (‘one-off’) 122.67 127.00 Animal Powered Vehicle Licence 122.67 127.00 Table 7 Fees and Charges – Monitoring of Land Use Consents Current ($) Proposed ($) Residential 350.00 362.00 Commercial 500.00 517.00 Monitoring and Land Use Consent Conditions Deposit invoiced at the time a resource consent decision is issued. This average cost equates to 3.6 hours of compliance staff time for residential and 5.1 hours for commercial. See Table 2 Resource Management Administration Charges See Table 2 Resource Management Administratio n Charges Charge applied to issue an abatement notice 120.00 124.00 Charge to cover seizure, transporting and storing of seized property 200.00 200.00 Hours over the above advance fee and mileage, which may also involve work by other specialist planning, parks and engineering staff will be charged at a rate specified in the Council Professional Fee Schedule for Resource Consents. Abatement Notices Table 8 Fees and charges for Land Information Memorandum (LIM) Current ($) Proposed $ 265.00 274.00 Copy of current Certificate of Title if not provided 16.00 17.00 Completed LIM report scanned and transferred to electronic format – additional fee 37.00 38.00 Class: Residential (including lifestyle blocks) Used principally for residential purposes or lifestyle residential purposes A lifestyle block includes properties of variable size, but generally comprise of 20 hectares or less, which might otherwise be categorised as Rural, but which are used for non-economic (in the traditional farming sense) lifestyle residential purposes 38 Courier charge Current ($) Proposed $ 16.00 17.00 Class: Commercial (including farms) A building or land in which any natural resources, goods, services or money are either developed, sold, exchanged or stored Large commercial/industrial LIMs will be assessed and may incur additional costs 478.00 495.00 Copy of current Certificate of Title if not provided 16.00 17.00 Completed LIM report scanned and transferred to electronic format – additional fee 63.00 65.00 Courier charge 21.00 22.00 Recommendation 1. That this report be received. 2. That the proposed Resource Management fees and charges in Tables 1 and 2 for the period 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013 be adopted, pursuant to Section 36 of the Resource Management Act 1991. 3. That the proposed Swimming Pool Inspection fees and charges in Table 3 for the period 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013 be adopted pursuant to Section 150(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 2002. 4. That the proposed Gambling Act and Racing Licensing fees and charges in Table 4 for the period 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013 be adopted pursuant to Section 150(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 2002. 5. That the proposed Bylaw Enforcement fees and charges in Tables 5 and 6 for the period 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013 be adopted pursuant to Section 150(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 2002. 6. That the proposed Landuse Consent Monitoring fees and charges in Table 7 for the period 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013 be adopted, pursuant to Section 36 of the Resource Management Act 1991. 7. That the proposed Land Information Memorandum fees and charges in Table 8 for the period 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013 be adopted pursuant to Section 44A(4) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987. 39 9. Development Contributions Policy 2012 Reporting officer Paul Dell (Group Manager Environment) Date 21 June 2012 Vision, mission and values The Development Contributions Policy2012 documents and explains the methodology used to calculate charges and how the policy is applied. Local Government Act 2002 – The four well-beings The Development Contributions Policy is prepared in the context of the four Well-Beings – cultural, economic, environmental and social –and sets out Council’s policy with regard to Development Contribution. The recovery of growth related income will contribute to the five Community Outcomes identified by the Whangarei community during the LTP process. Introduction After consultation with ratepayers and deliberation by Councillors the final changes to the Development Contributions Policy 2012 have now been completed and this document is ready for adoption. Changes since the Draft Development Contributions Policy 2012 The Development Contributions Policy 2012 has been updated as a result of the consultation process and subsequent Council workshops and deliberations. The draft Policy was prepared on the basis of projects that Council was proposing to undertake in the draft Long Term Plan (LTP). As a result of the consultation and deliberation processes these projects have changed, the schedules and changes in the final Policy reflect these changes The deliberations report summary noted that submissions which did not require amendments to the draft Policy would inform future policies, may lead to actions in the future and or be incorporated into normal operation. Recommendation 1. That Council adopt the Development Contributions Policy 2012 in accordance with Section 102 of the Local Government Act 2002. 2. That Council authorises the Chief Executive Officer to make any necessary minor drafting, typographical or presentation corrections to the Development Contributions Policy 2012 prior to the document going to print. Attachment (under separate cover – available on request, phone +64 9 4304 200) Development Contributions Policy 2012 (Ref: 12/38019) Whangarei District Council 27 June 2012 40 10. Waste Management and Minimisation Plan Adoption Reporting officer John Langsford (Solid Waste Engineer) Date 11 May 2012 Vision, mission and values This item is in accord with Council’s vision, mission and values statement as it fulfils the requirements of the Waste Minimisation Act 2008 by preparing and, after consultation, adopting a Waste Management and Minimisation Plan. Local Government Act 2002 – The four well-beings Waste management and minimisation options have cultural impacts Cultural Waste management and minimisation options have economic impacts Economic Environmental Waste management and minimisation options have environmental impacts Waste management and minimisation options have social impacts Social Purpose To consider the submissions to the draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan and adopt the final Plan. Introduction Whangarei District Council adopted its first Solid Waste Management Plan in 1996, which was updated and reviewed in 2002 and 2007. Since the last review the Waste Minimisation Act 2008 (WMA) came into force. Under Section 50 of the WMA, Council is required to review its existing Waste Management Plan and develop and adopt a Waste Management and Minimisation Plan (WMMP) by 1 July 2012. Section 44 of the WMA requires Council to consult on the draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan in accordance with the Special Consultative Procedure of Section 83 of the Local Government Act 2002. Council consulted on the proposed WMMP during March – April 2012 in conjunction with the consultation on the draft Long Term Plan. Four submissions were received on the draft Plan and Council held a Hearing at its 14 May 2012 Extraordinary Council Meeting, where submitters were invited to present their views. One submitter presented their submission. Now that submissions have been received, heard and reviewed, the recommendations for the final version of the Waste Management and Minimisation Plan are reported back for consideration and adoption. Submitter Summary of Submission Discussion and Recommendation Daphne Clair de Jong Would like higher targets set for waste reduction and recycling. The targets proposed in the Plan are considered to be realistically achievable. Aiming for a 4% per year decrease in landfilled waste generation per person is already at the higher end of what is typically achieved. Would like to see more than only #1 and #2 plastics recycled The Plan already includes an action to: Review options to extend the range of materials able to be recycled at kerbside, ReSort and transfer stations. No change required Whangarei District Council 27 June 2012 41 Submitter Summary of Submission Discussion and Recommendation Betsy Kettle Queried the design of ReSort and suggested a number of improvements to the waste minimisation facilities at the site to bring them up to the standard in the 2008 WasteMINZ Guide for Resource Recovery Parks. This submission related to ReSort rather than the WMMP. Staff have responded directly to the submitter to answer these queries. The plan provides an appropriate way forward for Council’s waste management and minimisation. It outlines a range of actions that will offer interesting options for the future. If Council makes changes to the overall plan which include identifying different items for levy spending this should be included in the plan as any spending must be consistent with the plan. Part B identified that levy funding may be used to lobby relevant industries and central government and may be used to conduct reviews on making Waste Minimisation Fund applications. Funding these activities from the levy money may not meet the required criteria in the Waste Minimisation Act. To note the points in MfE’s submission and ensure that items which may be funded from the levy are clearly identified in the plan and that levy funding is only applied to activities which can be demonstrated to help promote or achieve waste minimisation. Supports provisions for minimising waste to landfill and increasing recycling rates while meeting community needs related to service and cost. Described Fonterra’s successful record of reducing waste to landfill and increasing recycling and reuse. No change required. Auckland Community Zero Waste Alliance Ministry for the Environment Fonterra No change required No change required at this time. Recommendation It is not recommended that any change is made to this Plan. Conclusion This finalised version is attached to this agenda item and has been prepared taking into account the submissions received. It is now presented to Council for consideration and adoption as the Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2012. Following adoption by Council the Plan will be published (including any minor re-formatting that is required prior to publication) and the public will be advised that the plan is operative. Recommendation 1. That the report be received. 2. That after deliberating, the recommendations in this report, after any amendments and where appropriate, be incorporated in the Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2012. 3. That Council adopts the Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2012 (including any amendments following deliberation). 4. That the submitters be thanked and supplied with a copy of this agenda item and the finalised Plan. Attachment (Under separate cover available on request, phone +64 9 4304 200) ) Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2012. (Reference No 12/37449) 42 11. Trade Waste Bylaw Adoption Reporting officer Glenys Rule (Operations Engineer Waste & Drainage) Date 06 June 2012 Vision, mission and values This item promotes sustainable, healthy and clean wastewater services. Local Government Act 2002 – The four well-beings Cultural Controlling discharges into harbour and providing for cultural sustainability. Economic Recovering the cost of treating industrial discharges enabling sustainable growth and development. Environmental Ensuring compliance with discharge consents and protecting the environment. Social Protects public health. Purpose At the 14 March 2012 extraordinary meeting of Council, a statement of proposal was adopted to review and amend the Trade Waste Bylaw 2008. Whangarei District Council adopted its first Trade Waste Bylaw in 1991 which was updated and reviewed in 2008. The latest review process was prompted because a number of trade waste customers have raised issues with the current charging model for trade waste and its implementation. It was therefore proposed to increase the number of dischargers that are monitored and charged under the Trade Waste Bylaw to more fairly spread the cost of treating trade waste. Accordingly some amendments to the bylaw were proposed including: to add an additional tier in the current pricing structure - a unit rate charge for low risk businesses, minimising WDC monitoring and administration costs. To include a new category of “controlled” discharger – a discharge that requires a pre-treatment process to be installed before it will comply with the bylaw. These businesses will be required to have maintenance and servicing systems in place to ensure continuing compliance with the trade waste bylaw. A further minor change to correct an error was also proposed: Change Biological Chemical Oxygen Demand to Biochemical Oxygen Demand. The Local Government Act process This proposal has been subject to the special consultative process under the Local Government Act 2002. The amendments proposed in the Statement of Proposal (with minor grammatical/formatting changes) were notified alongside the 2012 LTP consultation process with submissions being received and the opportunity to be heard provided by Council. Two submissions were received; neither indicated a wish to be heard. Whangarei District Council 27 June 2012 43 The Submissions The submissions are attached to this report and details of these submissions, including summary and analysis are in the table below. Name Organisation Summary of Submission Analysis Shona Beeston Hot Chocolate Cafe Opposed. Not currently charged trade waste. To be assessed as a trade waste discharger after July 2012. Cannot afford additional outgoings. Likely to be assessed as Tier 2 and may require the installation of pre-treatment to remove fat/grease from the discharge. Fat/grease routinely blocks sewerage pipework and increases maintenance and treatment plant costs. If not regulated, there is a higher risk of spills from the sewer and increased costs to the general ratepayers. All similar businesses will be assessed using the same criteria. If Tier 2, there would be a unit cost of approximately $400/year. Ood Sayer Red Rose Car Valet Opposed. Not currently charged trade waste. To be assessed as a trade waste discharger after July 2012. Cannot afford additional outgoings. Likely to discharge very low risk trade waste (Tier 1) i.e. permitted discharge, and pan charges only will be applied. If flows/strengths are higher then some charge needs to be levied to cover the cost of this service in accordance with other similar businesses. Consideration of Submissions Both of the submitters own businesses that discharge trade waste and will be required to apply for a trade waste consent. Each discharge consent application will be considered individually, and charges applied according to the risk and costs that the discharge poses to our network and treatment plants. These costs would otherwise be paid for by the general ratepayers. Recommendation It is not recommended that any change be made to the proposed Trade Waste Bylaw 2012 as a result of the two submissions received. Conclusion The proposed Trade Waste Bylaw 2012 effects the current and future provision of Trade Waste Services. This Bylaw review has been consulted with the community as required by sections 125 and 83 of the Local Government Act 2002. Council now needs to deliberate and adopt, with any amendments, the proposed Trade Waste Bylaw 2012. Recommendation 1. That the report be received. 2. That after deliberating the recommendations in this report, after any amendments, and where appropriate, the Council adopts the Trade Waste Bylaw 2012 from the Draft Bylaw as consulted. 3. That the Bylaw comes into operation on 1 August 2012. Under separate cover – available on request, phone +64 9 4304 200 Trade Waste Bylaw (Ref: 12/10341) 44 12. Sanitary Assessments for Cemeteries and Crematoria Reporting officer Helen Cairns (Cemetery Manager) Date 06 June 2012 Vision, mission and values This item is in accord with Council’s vision, mission and values statement as it ensures the future provision of cemetery and crematoria services within the District. Local Government Act 2002 – The four well-beings Cultural: Cemeteries provide places for families from all cultures to acknowledge and remember their deceased relatives and friends. They also provide a historical record of past residents of the district. Economic The provision of Cemeteries within the District ensures that the local community does not have to travel and expend money outside of the District to access this service. Environmental Council is required by Section 4 of the Burial and Cremation Act 1964 to provide facilities for the safe and acceptable disposal of deceased persons. Well constructed and maintained Cemeteries provide a place where interments can take place with minimal negative effects on the surrounding environment. Social Cemeteries ensure that individuals are able to acknowledge and remember their deceased relatives and friends in appropriate ways, both at the time of interment as well as in the future. Cemeteries further provide open space while enabling the wider community to acknowledge and remember the deceased in appropriate ways, both at the time of interment as well as in the future. Background Council has earlier adopted Statement of Proposals for Sanitary Assessments for Crematoria and Cemeteries. The proposals have been subject to the special consultative process under the Local Government Act 2002 with submissions being received and the opportunity to be heard provided by Council. This report details the submissions received and recommends that after deliberations the proposals be finally adopted. Introduction Part 7 of the Local Government Act 2002 requires Council to assess cemeteries and crematoria. The 2008 assessment was reviewed in early 2012 as part of the development of the 2012 – 2022 Draft Long Term Plan. The 2008 assessments had previously been combined into one assessment. The review identified a number of issues as a result of changes in capacity at Onerahi cemetery as well as the operation of the crematorium. As a result it was decided that it was appropriate to update the assessments to reflect the current and future planning provisions for the service. It was further determined to split the assessments into, one of cemeteries and the other for crematoria. Draft assessments were prepared encompassing the issues identified and were approved by Council on 14 March 2012 for inclusion in Consultations Associated with the 2012 – 2022 Draft Long Term Plan. Whangarei District Council 27 June 2012 45 Submissions on consultations closed on 23 April 2012 with no submissions being received for the Proposed Sanitary Assessment of Crematoria. One submission was received for the Proposed Sanitary Assessment of Cemeteries. The submitter raised issues in relation to community involvement in the location and expansion of local cemeteries. The submitter did not wish to be heard. Any change and/or purchase of land for further expansion will be undertaken with community involvement. Recommendation That no changes are made to the Assessments. Conclusions The Proposed Sanitary Assessments reflect the current and future provision of cemetery and crematoria services. Both assessments have been consulted with the community as required by sections 125 and 83 of the Local Government Act 2002. Council now needs to deliberate and adopt, with any amendments, the proposed sanitary assessments. Recommendation 1. That the report be received. 2. That after deliberating, the recommendations in this report, after any amendments and where appropriate, be incorporated into the Proposed Sanitary Assessment – Cemeteries 2012. 3. That Council adopts the Proposed Sanitary Assessment – Crematoria 2012 (including any amendments following deliberation). 4. That Council adopts the Proposed Sanitary Assessment – Cemeteries 2012 (including any amendments following deliberation). Attachments available under separate cover, phone +64 9 4304 200 1 Sanitary assessment- Cemeteries Crematoria 2012. (Reference 12/44148) 2 Submissions Received on Proposed Sanitary Assessment – Crematoria and Cemeteries 2012 46 13. Amendment to Council Schedule of Meetings Reporting officer M P Simpson (Chief Executive Officer) Date 6 June 2012 Background The Local Government Act 2002, Schedule 7, Clause 19 contains general provisions for the calling of meetings. Clause 19(6) provides for the local authority to adopt a schedule of meetings that : - may cover any future period that the local authority considers appropriate; and - may be amended. Proposed Amendments to meeting times It is considered that for efficiency the Committee meeting times be adjusted, the proposed changes have been outlined below (Note: no change to Infrastructure and Services Committee meeting time): Committee Day nd Current time Proposed time Community Funding Subcommittee 2 Wednesday (specified dates) 1.00 or 1.30pm 8.30am Infrastructure and Services Committee 2nd Wednesday 9.00am 9.00am (no change) District Living 2nd Wednesday 10.30am 10.00am 1.00pm or 1.30pm 11.00am Licensing, Exemptions and Objections Committee nd 2 Wednesday A resolution of Council is required to amend the meeting times. Recommendation 1. That the amended schedule of Council Meetings, showing the Community Funding Subcommittee meeting time as 8.30am, District Living Committee meeting time as 10.00am and the Licensing, Exemptions and Objections Committee meeting time as 11.00am, be adopted. 2. That the relevant Committee Terms of Reference be updated to reflect the changes to the meeting times. Whangarei District Council 27 June 2012