December 2010 - German American Social Club of Sarasota


December 2010 - German American Social Club of Sarasota
German-American Social Club
of Sarasota
Dear Club Members,
I was very much surprised to find out that nobody wanted to run for office at the last
election. Lucky for us, almost all of the Officers and Directors agreed to stay on. So here
we are, not much has changed, and apparently you all liked what you had and didn’t want
any changes. I will take this opportunity and thank the Officers and Directors for their
dedication and work during the last two years.
Gerhard Glaesel, our Vice President, decided not to stay on. Gerhard, thanks for all your
hard work during the last three years; and I know you will still help us out whenever we are
in need.
Our new Vice President is Rosie Herke. She will be a welcome addition to the team.
Harald and Bärbel Schnoor agreed to be in charge of the food. They will work with Klaus
Schymanek in the kitchen and Gerhard Glaesel taking the reservations. So for all of you
who like to eat at the dances keep calling Gerhard Glaesel for your dinner reservations.
Here are a few more details for our 60th Anniversary Dinner Party on Saturday, March 19th
2011. Please join us at 5:30 pm for Cocktails (cash bar); the Dinner will follow at 6:00 pm.
This is a free dinner for our members; but if you do not make your reservation with our
member Karin Kriegsfeld (941) 921-8374 and give her your dinner choice, we will not feed
you. The Stoneybrook Golf and Country Club is located at 8801 Stoneybrook Blvd.,
Sarasota, FL 34238. Directions to the event will follow in the next newsletter.
Let me wish you all a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year. I am looking forward
to see you at our Christmas Party and New Year’s Eve Dance.
German-American Social Club of Sarasota -
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German-American Social Club of Sarasota -
As Dieter mentions in his message, the election time has passed and not much has changed. Five
Officers and one Director end their terms on December 31, 2010; four Officers and one Director
agreed to another term:
Dieter H. Schneider, President, new term expires December 31, 2012
Rosie Herke, Vice President, term expires December 31, 2012
Ernst Shillus, Treasurer, new term expires December 31, 2012
Brigitte Wetjen, Membership Secretary, new term expires December 31, 2012
Rosemarie Deutsch, Secretary, new term expires December 31, 2012
Erwin Deutsch, term expires December 31, 2011
Erwin Wetjen, term expires December 31, 2012
Lloyd Koontz, term expires December 31, 2013
Ron Stopperich, new term expires December 31, 2014
Upcoming functions:
December 11, 2010
Sepp Diepolder
Christmas Party
December 31, 2010
Peter Műller
New Year’s Eve*
January 22, 2011
Peter Műller
Western Night
February 15, 2011
General Membership Mtg.
Gulf Gate Library
February 26, 2011
Alpen Diamanten
Dances start at 7 pm (*unless otherwise indicated, see below) at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 4880 Fruitville Rd., Sarasota,
FL. For reservations call Brigitte at (941) 371-7786 or e-mail her at [email protected] and the deadline is Wednesday
before the event unless otherwise indicated. For dinner reservations call Gerhard Glaesel at (941) 923-4043 or e-mail him at
[email protected] and the deadline is Tuesday before the event unless otherwise indicated.
General Membership Meetings start at 6:30 pm
The Christmas Party on December 11th is free for all members of our club. Please bring your
2010 membership cards as proof when checking in at the door. Other clubs’ memberships will
not be accepted that evening. Guests pay $15.00 at the door (with dinner included). The cut-off
date for reservations, as already mentioned in my last newsletter, is November 30th, 2010. We
will serve Chicken Pot Pie, Potato Patties, Garden Salad and Christmas Stollen for dessert.
*New Year’s Eve is not so far away. Please note that the party will start again at 8:00 pm. There
will be NO dinner. We will provide hors d’oeuvres on every table as well as a bottle of
champagne per table for midnight toasting. Peter Műller will keep us entertained until 1:00 am.
The price for this evening for club members and guests is $35.00. Last call for reservation and
payment will be December 20th.
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German-American Social Club of Sarasota -
It is once again time for our annual membership dues. Due to the rise in
our costs for the hall and the bands, we (the Board) saw no choice but to
raise our annual dues to $30.00 per person. It is due by January 15th, 2011.
Please pay Brigitte between now and then, making out your check to
“G.A.S.C. of Sarasota” and mailing it to her in the enclosed envelope.
Thank you for paying on time. It saves us a lot of extra work.
We (the Board) also feel obliged to slightly increase our entrance fee. Starting in January 2011
members will pay $6.00 and guests will pay $8.00 per person at the door.
Since we added some new volunteers to our food-preparation staff, there is an appeal for some
equipment use. Please let us know if you have an extra refrigerator/freezer available where we
could store the food between the date of purchase and the time of serving it. Call Dieter or any of
the Officers if you can help us out.
This is also the good time to let Brigitte and me (Rosemarie Deutsch) know of any changes in
your address, telephone number and/or e-mail address. I will mail the 2011 directories with
the next newsletter at the end of January.
Please note that there are some changes (3) in the 2011 events. I have enclosed a NEW-2011
schedule (on the small blue sheet) with this newsletter; the schedule you received with the
October newsletter is no longer up to date.
We warmly welcome our
Evelyn Fosset
Ken Schaefer
Iris Velasco
Harry and Marti Zier
Lloyd Koontz needs our thoughts and good wishes during this season. He had foot surgery, but is
up and walking again. We wish him a complete recovery.
A heartfelt THANK YOU goes out to all the members who expressed
their concern about my health by the many means of uplifting support
during all the months of my treatments and feeling really poorly. Please
accept this as a personal note of our appreciation and we wish everyone
happy and healthy holidays as well as a good year 2011.
Erwin and Brigitte Wetjen
German-American Social Club of Sarasota -
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Greetings Fellow Club Members,
It has been a long time since I wrote for our newsletter. It seems that every which way the Club
turns good things bestow it. Our dances and all of our functions have been super. I would like to
reiterate that these things do not just happen by themselves. It is through the dedication and
perseverance of our wonderful volunteers that makes these functions the success that they are
today. Our dance season just started, the election of Officers and Directors is history. Give the
Officers and Directors your support to keep the Club going.
Thank you for all the help I received. I wish everybody a Merry Christmas and a Healthy and
Happy New Year.
May God continue to bless our Club!
May I remind you early? February dance is Fasching dance. Please let your
creative juices flow and come up with something “wild” or “wonderful” or
maybe both? There will be recognitions for 3 categories: singles, couples and
‘special’ judges’ consideration. So – surprise us and let’s have some fun!!
We have cancelled our membership
with the UGAS (United GermanAmerican Society) of Florida.
However, that does not mean you
cannot attend the Heritage Day
2011 on Sunday, March 27th at the
Wyndham Orlando Resort, see ad.
The cost will be $29.00 for nonmembers. If you are interested in
attending, please contact Ron
Stopperich at (941) 358-0621 for
the purchase of tickets and further
Noch einmal ein Weihnachtsfest.
Immer kleiner wird der Rest.
Aber nehm’ ich so die Summe,
Alles Gerade, alles Krumme,
Alles Falsche, alles Rechte
Alles Gute, alles Schlechte Rechnet sich aus all dem Braus
Doch ein richtig’ Leben ‘raus.
Und dies können ist das Beste
Wohl bei diesem Weihnachtsfeste.
(Zum 24. Dezember 1890)
German-American Social Club of Sarasota -
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Dies und das aus deutschland
Die Zahl der Arbeitslosen in Deutschland fällt auf 2,945 Millionen.
Terror: Die Bundesregierung stoppt jegliche Luftfracht aus dem Jemen. Westliche Schwäche, arabisches Taktieren,
Radikalisierung des Islams und die Bevölkerungsexplosion treiben die Konflikte an. Wenn der Westen seine
Abwehr erfolgreich aufstellen will, darf er nicht in eine Angstpsychose verfallen, sondern muss Verbündete unter
den Arabern suchen, die selbst in der vordersten Front stehen.
Die verschickte Paketbombe an das Kanzleramt stammt von Linksextremisten. Sie sind europa-weit und
Trauer: Loki Schmidt, die Ehefrau des ehemaligen Bundeskanzlers Helmut Schmidt, ist im Alter von 91 Jahren in
Hamburg verstorben. Viel Prominenz aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Showbusiness nahmen an einer sehr bewegenden
Trauerfeier im Hamburger “Michel” teil.
Deutscher Atommüll aus der ehemaligen DDR soll zum Ural-Russland gebracht werden. Das beschlieβt ein
Abkommen zwischen der USA und Russland.
Die USA aus deutscher Sicht: Die Fettsuchtepidemie in den USA wird erst 2050 seinen Höhepunkt erreichen,
prophezeien Forscher. Dann sind 42% der US-Bevölkerung fettleibig!!
“Die Lichtgestalt Obama”verliert an Glanz. Aber er ist noch nicht am Ende, wie das Beispiel des ehemaligen
Präsidenten Clinton zeigt. Auch er musste in der Mitte seiner Amtszeit eine Niederlage einstecken. Trotz der
Lewinsky-Affäre ist er heute ein anerkannter Staatsmann.
Obama liess sich mit fast messianischer Geste ins Amt wählen. Der Glanz ist verblichen, der Präsident ist leicht
ergraut, man könnte sagen, er ist auf dem Wege zur Reife. Seine ersten beiden Jahre hätten nicht schwerer sein
können: Afghanistan, Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise, Öldesaster im Golf, die für die USA revolutionäre
Gesundheitsreform. Die nächsten Jahre muss er sich beweglicher und kompromissbereiter zeigen, weil er die
Republikaner braucht. Seine Gegner hingegen müssen nun ihre Konstruktivität beweisen. Die Wirtschaftskrise hat
das Land in eine schwere Sinnkrise gestürzt. Damit haben nun beide Seiten zu tun. Sie müssen viel Optimismus
Bush’s Memoiren: George W. Bush geht mit dem ehemaligen deutschen Bundeskanzler Helmut Schröder hart ins
Gericht. Er wirft ihm Täuschung vor. Erst habe er ihm die Unterstützung im Irak-Krieg zugesagt, aber das Verspre-
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German-American Social Club of Sarasota -
chen nicht gehalten. Ganz anders bewertet er Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel: Sie ist vertauenswürdig, engagiert
und warmherzig.
Mehrere Fonds für Holocaust Überlebende in den USA wurden um 42 Millionen betrogen. Der Hauptverdächtige ist
ein früherer Fond-Chef. Diese Fonds wurden von der Deutschen Regierung geschaffen und finanziert!
G-20 Gipfel in Seoul: Kanzlerin Merkel ist zu Beginn des G-20 Gipfels auf Konfrontationskurs zu den USA. Die
beiden “Exportweltmeister” Deutschland und China sehen sich zu Unrecht in der Kritik. Die USA werden wegen
ihres niedrigen Dollarwechselkurses kritisiert.
Angie Overdiek
Wünsche zum Neuen Jahr
Ein bisschen mehr Friede und weniger Streit.
Ein bisschen mehr Güte und weniger Neid.
Ein bisschen mehr Liebe und weniger Hass.
Ein bisschen mehr Wahrheit – das wäre was.
Statt so viel Unrast ein bisschen mehr Ruh.
Statt immer nur Ich ein bisschen mehr Du.
Statt Angst und Hemmung ein bisschen mehr Mut.
Und Kraft zum Handeln, das wäre gut.
In Trübsal und Dunkel ein bisschen mehr Licht.
Kein quälend Verlangen, ein bisschen Verzicht.
Und viel mehr Blumen, solange es geht.
Nicht erst an Gräbern, da blühn sie zu spät.
Ziel sei der Friede des Herzens, besseres weiβ ich nicht.
Peter Rosegger 1843 – 1918
(submitted by Gerda Boye)
In this spirit and the spirit of the season, the Officers and Directors wish
you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy
Healthy Year
Year 2011.
Rosemarie Deutsch, 6803 Coyote Ridge Court, University Park, FL 34201, Tel. (941) 358-5088, e-mail: [email protected]