SIS World - SIS Swiss International School


SIS World - SIS Swiss International School
A Glimpse of the
SIS World
SIS Swiss International School is a private day
school offering continuous education from kindergarten through to college.
Designed to fulfil the educational goals of local
as well as internationally mobile families, the SIS
programme is centred on consistent bilingual classroom instruction and peer experience in the national
lang­uage and English, culminating in a diploma with
national and international university entrance qualifications.
Our teaching philosophy is non-ideological, but
founded on clearly defined core values.
The combination of an international outlook and
close ties to the local community empowers students to take on the challenges of today’s globalised
world with confidence.
SIS has been operating schools in Switzerland since
1999, in Germany since 2008, and in Brazil since
The SIS Swiss International School is a joint venture
of Kalaidos Swiss Education Group and Klett Group.
Design concept: dezember und juli gmbh
Concept, editing: Susanne Meili
Photos: Palma Fiacco, teams at SIS schools
Printing: Edubook AG
Circulation: 5300
February 2014
Welcome to SIS
Table of Contents
Core Values_5
School Concept_5
The SIS World_6
SIS Head Offices_38
Dear readers,
Over the past fourteen years, SIS Swiss International School has developed from one small
bilingual class taught at the Minerva School in Basel into a vivid organism with 15 schools
in three different countries. In order to maintain stability and continuity within our everexpanding institution, the educational cosmos of SIS is governed by a shared set of core
values. In addition to offering bilingual education with a strong emphasis on languages
and the possibility of attaining both national and international university entrance qualifications, SIS strives to provide a holistic education which helps students to develop personal
and social competence and realise their potential as responsible, mature and independent
global citizens.
By encouraging learning inside and outside of the classroom, education at SIS gives their
students a fundamental understanding of the world, which not only enables them to excel
in their future academic careers, but also to reach their full individual potential. Additionally,
while a global outlook is a sine qua non for every international school, SIS also strongly
emphasises local insight and encourages its individual branches to develop and nurture a
unique, local profile.
Just as each turn of the kaleidoscope yields a different pattern, the texts of the fifth issue
of our annual publication reveal new, colourful combinations of the various, shared elements that make up the SIS World.
As our schools continue to grow and diversify in population, we, at SIS, aim to make
the most of the opportunities that arise with every new individual who steps over our
threshold, while at the same time taking on the responsibility of preparing the children
and adolescents entrusted to our care for their life-long journey of learning. The variety of
nationalities and backgrounds that make up the SIS community provides the perfect platform for students to encounter other languages, cultures and people with openness and
respect and thus helps them to develop into committed, honest and autonomous adults.
The following texts offer you a glimpse into the unique environment for learning and teaching at our schools and invite you to join our reporters as they explore the multifaceted
aspects of school life at SIS – we hope you enjoy the read, and: may education make a
better world go round!
Best regards,
Ambros Hollenstein
Area Manager Switzerland and Germany
Christian Zindel, Chairman and CEO SIS Brazil,
Ann-Christin Werner, Deputy CEO SIS Germany,
Ambros Hollenstein, Area Manager Switzerland and Germany
Core Values
SIS has no ideological, political, or religious affiliations.
We believe in honesty, respect, personal responsibility, and keeping one’s word. These
are the core values we seek to instil in our students. They underpin everything we do, and
are at the heart of our interaction with the children and young adults entrusted to our care.
Our goal is to strengthen students’ cultural, linguistic, and social identity, enabling them to
• develop into committed individuals with a strong sense of personal responsibility
for their actions
• encounter other people, languages, and cultures with openness, empathy, and respect
• think and act both as global citizens and as members of their local community
School Concept
International Education – Local Insight
Our intention is that SIS students graduate as global citizens with a strong sense of their
origins. Our slogan “international education – local insight” gives shape to SIS on all levels
and can be experienced by students, parents and teachers in a multitude of ways.
English and German (Portuguese in the case of our Brazilian school) play equal roles in
school communication – in the classroom and in all parts of day-to-day school life. As a
result, children learn to express themselves naturally and confidently in both languages.
Curriculum and Qualifications
Each SIS school’s curriculum is based on the regulations of that school’s state, supplemented by elements of international curricula.
School Environment
The community of SIS students, parents and teachers is made up of a variety of nationalities and backgrounds.
School – a Place to Learn and Thrive
SIS offers full-spectrum education in multiple locations with one shared source. With kindergarten, primary and secondary schools in one institution – sometimes even under one
roof – the SIS concept ensures a smooth transition from each level to the next, as well as
from one branch to another.
A Foundation for Independent, Life-Long Learning, Discovery and Exploration
SIS teachers use their knowledge as a resource for guiding their students in developing independent learning skills, stimulating the children’s natural thirst for knowledge and
encouraging their joy of discovery. Our goal is to foster learning as an integral part of life,
and to offer the opportunity to become independent and critical students. SIS children are
encouraged to achieve their full potential and exceed their own expectations. At the same
time, they learn to evaluate their achievements and limitations realistically. Moreover, we
maintain close contact with parents, and regularly discuss their children’s progress and
learning style.
The SIS World
The SIS World comprises fifteen schools in three countries: Switzerland, Germany and Brazil. Each school was given
one page in this booklet, to tell a very special story of its own.
SIS Swiss International School
SIS Swiss International School
SIS Swiss International School
SIS Basel
Page 8
SIS Männedorf-Zürich
Page 10
SIS Rotkreuz-Zug
Page 12
SIS Schönenwerd
Page 14
SIS Suhr
Page 16
SIS Tamins-Chur
Page 18
SIS Winterthur
Page 20
SIS Zürich
Page 22
SIS Zürich-Wollishofen
Page 24
SIS Friedrichshafen
Page 26
SIS Ingolstadt
Page 28
SIS Kassel
Page 30
SIS Regensburg
Page 32
SIS Stuttgart-Fellbach
Page 34
SIS Brasilia
Page 36
SIS Basel
Mit Elan im Theaterprojekt unterwegs
Nina Herres, Sekundarlehrerin
Im Kreis stehen wir hinter der Bühne, farbenfroh kostümiert, die Gesichter angespannt. Wir
hören, wie das Publikum Platz nimmt und vorfreudig tuschelt. Auf ein vertrautes Kommando
atmen wir dreimal tief durch. Dann treten meine Schülerinnen und Schüler auf.
Zwei unserer Sekundarklassen führten im Oktober 2013 die Einakter «Die Schildbürger
bauen ein Rathaus» und «Wer am besten reimt, wird Bürgermeister» auf.
Die acht Wochen zuvor waren eine gemeinsame Reise durch offene Gewässer, unruhige
Passagen und ungeahnte Stürme. Begeisterungsstürme wechselten sich mit Flauten ab,
bekannte Untiefen haben wir gemeistert und überraschende Engstellen. Mehrmals haben
wir Rollen umgeschrieben, Szenen den Schauspielerinnen und Schauspielern angepasst
und die Kulissenkonstruktion diskutiert. Unzählige Male sassen wir im Schneidersitz auf
dem Boden und analysierten unsere Proben. Acht Wochen liegen hinter uns, in denen der
Deutschunterricht völlig anders war als sonst – und zugleich ganz bei sich.
Es gibt wohl kein anderes Unterrichtsprojekt, das in vergleichbarem Masse den Herausforderungen des Sprachunterrichts entgegenkommt, wie das Theaterspiel. Insbesondere
an einer bilingualen Schule wie der SIS liegen die Vorzüge auf der Hand: Die Schülerinnen
und Schüler verbessern ihre Sprachkenntnisse und schöpfen Selbstvertrauen im gemeinsamen Erfolgserlebnis. Wir üben uns darin, Texte mit Leben zu füllen und unserer Rede
Ausdruck und Haltung zu verleihen.
Zudem ist jedes Theaterspiel zwangsläufig interdisziplinär. Wir verfassen Dialoge, lernen
umfangreiche Texte auswendig, schleifen an einer deutlichen Aussprache, legen Emotion
und Bewegung in unsere Worte. Lieblingsvokabel meiner Klassen war nach diesen acht
Wochen dann auch Elan. Mit nicht nachlassendem Elan haben die Schülerinnen und Schüler Gestik und Mimik trainiert, Requisiten herbeigeschafft, Kostüme zusammengestellt und
Bühnenbilder gestaltet. Wie gross war schliesslich das Vergnügen an technischen Finessen, die allerhand Ton- und Lichteffekte bereithielten!
Das Beeindruckendste war aber, wie die Klassengemeinschaften sich durch das Schauspielprojekt positiv entwickelt haben. Theater kann bekanntlich nur gelingen, wenn alle
Beteiligten zuverlässig zusammenhalten. Wenn also die kindliche Begeisterung am Spiel
auf der Bühne zwischenzeitlich in ein halbwegs diszipliniertes Programm zu überführen ist,
üben wir uns ganz nebenbei in Achtsamkeit und Akzeptanz. Beim steten Experimentieren
mit Stimmungen und Situationen schärfen wir unsere Wahrnehmung und geben zugleich
der Fantasie Raum. Wir verlassen uns aufeinander, ermutigen uns gegenseitig und teilen
schlussendlich einen unfassbaren Stolz. Theater muss sein!
“Two German classes
performed two short,
one-act plays in October
2013. The two evenings
of performances marked
the glorious culmination
of a long and arduous
journey that highlighted
just how much work it is
to put on even a small
theatre performance
outside the classroom,
and just how rewarding
and necessary, nonetheless, it is to do so.”
Facts & Figures
Established / Gegründet
Educational Offers /
Schulisches Angebot
Primary School
Secondary School
Diplomas / Abschlüsse
International General
Certificate of Secondary
Education (IGCSE)
International Baccalaureate (IB)
Swiss High School Diploma
Bilingual Swiss High School
International General
Certificate of Secondary
Education (IGCSE)
International Baccalaureate (IB)
Schweizer Maturität
Zweisprachige Schweizer
Additional Offers /
Early and After School Care
Holiday Club
Summer Camp
Cambridge Certificates
in English
Diplôme d’Études en
Langue Française
Morgen- und Nachmittags­
Cambridge Certificates
in English
Diplôme d’Études en
Langue Française
Number of Students /
Anzahl Schülerinnen und Schüler
Principal / Schulleiter
Andrew Wulfers
School Management Team /
Adrian Bürgi
Marie-Claude Gaëtan
Kurt Greiner
Herbert Kögler
Ulrike Müller
Ann Schmidt
IB Coordinator
Grayson McCready
as per February 2014
SIS Swiss International School
Erlenstrasse 15
CH-4058 Basel
Phone +41 61 683 71 40
Fax +41 61 683 71 41
[email protected]
Andrew Wulfers, Principal
SIS Männedorf-Zürich
Building Character as a Teaching Objective
Jennifer Cunningham, Primary Teacher
People have differing opinions about a child’s education. Some believe that an emphasis
should be on math, while others desire a focus on language. Some feel that there is too
much homework, while others wonder why there isn’t more. As a teacher, I have found that
there is one area in which everyone agrees: character. We all want our students to develop
a good character.
Students learn about character by watching their parents and teachers. To ensure that all
of my grade 4 students have an opportunity to reflect and work on their character, we are
looking deeper into the definition of the words, as well as qualities people often exhibit.
To start with, the students explained what they thought character was. “How you treat
each other and behave,” or “how somebody really is, as a person,” were typical answers,
and “people can trust you.” Then we reflected on a quote about character:
“Character is doing the right thing when nobody is looking.” (J.C. Watts)
What did this mean to my students? “Somebody does the right thing and he doesn’t need
to be told,” was a smart answer as well as “helping other people even if the others don’t.”
By simply analysing this one quote, we have already initiated some great changes in the
classroom. Students are reminding each other to show good character when they get
off-track. They are holding doors for others, helping to clean messes that aren’t theirs, and
using kind words.
As homework, the children were to describe at least one instance when they showed good
character during the week. We discussed these acts of kindness, and realised we can
shape our own behaviour. Throughout the year, I will continue to introduce new quotes to
them. I believe these thoughts make a person stop and think.
Last, but not least: Working as mentors for grade 1 students, my grade 4 students realised
that … after all, we are each an example to others.
Facts & Figures
Established / Gegründet
Educational Offers /
Schulisches Angebot
Primary School
Additional Offers /
Early and After School Care
Holiday Club
Summer Camp
Morgen- und Nachmittagsbetreuung
Number of Students /
Anzahl Schülerinnen und Schüler
Principal / Schulleiter
Dr. des. Anja Gottwald
as per February 2014
SIS Swiss International School
Seestrasse 57
CH-8708 Männedorf
Phone +41 44 921 50 50
Fax +41 44 921 50 51
[email protected]
Dr. des. Anja Gottwald,
SIS Rotkreuz-Zug
Team Teaching – Proven Effective!
Chrysoula Lolos, Primary Teacher
As instructors, don’t we teach our students to be good team players? Don’t we promote
diversity in our classroom and teach children to be respectful? Well, team teaching offers
many positives for our students to use as an example. Teachers planning units together
models to students the value of teamwork and idea sharing.
From my short time working at SIS Rotkreuz-Zug, I have recognised that team teaching
makes a real difference. It can be a challenge, but if you view it from a positive perspective,
you are able to recognise its effectiveness. I strongly believe team teaching is an essential
part of planning because it helps me to grow as a teacher and it allows me to be a reflective
Through my experiences, I believe that having a teaching partner is beneficial and valuable
for student learning and success. With our students we are currently studying Chembakolli,
India and I enjoy planning and discussing this theme with my German speaking teaching
partner. It has helped both myself and my students to gain a deeper understanding of the
theme, develop more vocabulary and thus develop a true bilingual programme. This idea
of working as a team to plan material for units is useful for student success. Being able to
grasp ideas in both English and German requires teachers to work together to establish
comprehensible input for all students.
In addition, if students are aware that their German and English teachers plan units
together, it shows them how to work as a team in class and in life. Having the skill to work
in a team is critical to master and will only assist one in the future. Often in problem solving
situations, we as adults explore and discuss issues in groups, regularly “piggy backing”
on each other’s ideas to generate solutions. If we really want our students to learn then we
have to be open to it ourselves, show them and develop it.
Finally, as a proud team teacher, I am learning how crucial it is to discuss, argue, and reflect
on ideas with a teaching partner. You are able to bounce ideas off one another in a way that
allows you to cherish each other’s perspectives, views, and experiences. Every teacher
comes with different teaching experiences, therefore respecting new ideas from team
teaching is the key to success. In my opinion, this is a wonderful technique to experience.
It helps you understand the true meaning of higher quality learning.
Facts & Figures
Established / Gegründet
Educational Offers /
Schulisches Angebot
Primary School
Additional Offers /
Early and After School Care
Holiday Club
Summer Camp
Morgen- und Nachmittagsbetreuung
Number of Students /
Anzahl Schülerinnen und Schüler
Principal / Schulleiter
Jarrod Brauer
Milestones / Meilensteine
Occupation of extension
classrooms, August 2013
Bezug Erweiterungsräume,
August 2013
as per February 2014
SIS Swiss International School
Suurstoffi 7
CH-6343 Rotkreuz
Phone +41 41 757 57 11
[email protected]
Jarrod Brauer, Principal
SIS Schönenwerd
Mein Dorf, meine Stadt
Eva Gygax Künzli, Primarlehrerin
Ein Punkt innerhalb des Bildungskonzeptes der SIS Swiss International School ist die «internationale Ausrichtung – lokale Verankerung». Dass der erste Teil dieser Aussage unter
anderem mit Schülerinnen und Schülern sowie Lehrpersonen aus aller Herren Länder, die
entsprechende Inputs geben, und Immersionsunterricht gedeckt wird, ist offensichtlich.
Die praktische Umsetzung der zweiten Hälfte, der lokalen Verankerung, möchten wir anhand einer Vortragsreihe der 4. Klasse veranschaulichen.
Nachdem wir im Sachkundeunterricht zuvor das alte Rom behandelt haben, hiess das
neue Thema «Mein Dorf, meine Stadt».
Die Schülerinnen und Schüler haben bereits in der 3. Klasse mit grosser Begeisterung Vorträge gehalten. Sie lieben dies einfach: Sobald eine Vortragsreihe zu Ende ist, wollen sie
wissen, wann sie den nächsten Vortrag halten dürfen und bringen Ideen und Wünsche ein.
Mit dieser hohen Motivation als Ausgangslage war es für mich klar, dass wir das Thema in
Form von Präsentationen behandeln werden. Als ich das Thema, welches vom Lehrplan
des Kantons Solothurn vorgegeben ist, bekannt gab, hielt sich die Begeisterung – so wie
ich das geahnt hatte – in Grenzen. Es gebe viel spannendere Themen, weshalb es denn
gerade dieses sein müsse, wollten die Kinder wissen und versuchten, mich umzustimmen.
Aber eben, Vorgabe ist Vorgabe und so liessen sich die Schülerinnen und Schüler etwas
kopfhängend auf die neue Aufgabe ein.
Die Aufgabe bestand aus drei Bereichen:
• einen Vortrag mit vorgegebenen Inhalten wie Lage, Fläche, Einwohnerzahl,
Wappen, Gewerbe, Sehenswürdigkeiten etc. halten
• ein passendes Plakat erstellen
• ein Interview mit einer Person aus der Gemeinde führen
Als ich die Kinder zwei Tage später wieder unterrichtete, hatte sich ihre Einstellung bereits
um hundertachtzig Grad gedreht. Einige waren schon auf der Gemeindekanzlei und brachten viel Material mit, andere hatten sich bereits überlegt, wen sie interviewen möchten.
Es war sehr eindrücklich, mit welcher Begeisterung die Kinder an dem Projekt arbeiteten.
Gegen Ende der Einheit drängte sich noch ein Schreibanlass auf. Ich gab den Kindern vor,
dass ich umziehen wolle, aber noch nicht wisse, wohin. Ihre Aufgabe war es, mich von ihrem Wohnort zu überzeugen. Und wie sie das taten! Sie argumentierten und liessen nicht
locker – jeder Gemeinderat hätte seine wahre Freude daran gehabt! Die Vorträge selber
waren sehr gut vorbereitet, die Plakate gespickt mit Fotos und Informationen, und die eine
oder der andere versuchte sogar, mich mit Spezialitäten des Wohnortes auf kulinarische
Art und Weise zu überzeugen.
So haben wir ein lokales Thema aus dem Lehrplan im Unterricht umgesetzt und die Kinder und auch ich wissen jetzt mehr über den Wohnort ihrer Klassenkameradinnen und
“The SIS school concept
starts with ‘international
education – local insight’.
Students and teachers
from all different
countries bring different
dimensions to the chil­
drens’ education. This
article summarises the
second half – the local
The Canton Solothurn
requires that students
learn about their home
town. Because the
children really enjoy
doing presentations,
I decided to create a
demonstration why a
stranger should move to
their place.
In the beginning they
were to plan a speech
directed to the class,
then they had to make a
poster and finally the students were to organise
an interview with a local
person. The students
were very inventive in
their work, for instance,
some brought along local
Facts & Figures
Joined SIS Group /
in SIS-Gruppe integriert
Educational Offers /
Schulisches Angebot
Primary Intro
Primary School
Secondary School on two
levels (advanced requirements
and precollege requirements)
Zweigliedrige Sekundar­
stufe I (erweiterte Anforderungen und progymnasiale
Additional Offers /
Early and After School Care
Holiday Club
Summer Camp
Diplôme d’Études en
Langue Française
Cambridge Certificates
in English
School Bus
Morgen- und Nachmittagsbetreuung
Diplôme d’Études en
Langue Française
Cambridge Certificates
in English
Number of Students /
Anzahl Schülerinnen und Schüler
Principal / Schulleiter
Marc Zängerle
School Management Team /
Katrin Schmitz
as per February 2014
SIS Swiss International School
Schachenstrasse 24
CH-5012 Schönenwerd
Phone +41 62 312 30 30
Fax +41 62 312 30 40
[email protected]
Marc Zängerle, Principal
SIS Suhr
Naturphänomen Regenbogen
Livia Boppart, Kindergartenlehrerin
Wenn ein Regenbogen am Himmel steht, ist es jedes Mal eine Freude für Gross und Klein.
Aber wie ist dieses Naturphänomen überhaupt möglich? Dieser Frage wollten wir im
Kindergarten nachgehen und wir beschäftigten uns während zweier Wochen intensiv mit
diesem Thema.
In der ersten Woche lernten wir die Farben und die Farbreihenfolge des Regenbogens kennen. Gemeinsam dekorierten wir die Themenecke und sprachen darüber, was ein Regenbogen überhaupt ist. Die Kinder hatten viele kreative Ideen und wussten schon erstaunlich
viel über dieses Naturphänomen.
Mit buntem Papier legten wir einen grossen Regenbogen auf den Boden. Zum Vertiefen der
Farbreihenfolge spielten wir in den darauf folgenden Tagen immer wieder ein Farbtheater.
Jedes Kind wickelte sich ein buntes Tuch um die Schultern und gemeinsam bildeten die
Kinder einen Regenbogen. Sie wussten sehr schnell, welche Farben im Regenbogen vorkommen und dass jeder sichtbare Regenbogen dieselben Farben hat.
In der zweiten Woche setzten wir uns zum Ziel, heraus zu finden, wie der Regenbogen
überhaupt an den Himmel kommt. Dazu führten wir Experimente durch, bei denen wir mit
einer Taschenlampe und einem mit Wasser gefüllten Gefäss selbst einen Regenbogen an
die Wand projizierten. An diesem Tag hatten wir das Glück auf unserer Seite, denn genau
um sechzehn Uhr stand die Sonne so am Himmel, dass ihre Strahlen durch unser Aquarium schienen und dahinter einen wunderschönen Regenbogen auf den Boden zeichneten.
Die Kinder trauten ihren Augen nicht und freuten sich sehr.
Am nächsten Tag legten wir mit Stofftüchern einen grossen Wassertropfen auf den Boden und symbolisierten mit zusammengefalteten Tüchern die Sonnenstrahlen, die auf den
Tropfen schienen. Das vermeintlich weisse Licht bricht im Innern des Wassertropfens,
einmal beim Eintritt und dann nochmals beim Austritt. So sieht man die Farbzerlegung, die
sogenannte Dispersion.
Es waren zwei lehrreiche und interessante Wochen, denn nun sehen wir den Regenbogen
mit ganz anderen Augen.
“Everyone loves to see
rainbows, but how and
why does this phenomenon occur?
The children from SIS
Suhr focused on this
topic for two weeks.
During the first week the
students learnt about
the colors and their
sequence. They used
colored paper, painted
rainbows and played
games. In the second
week the children did
experiments to find out
why and how rainbows
form at all. Exactly on
that day mother nature
showed them how it
works by shining through
the aquarium and
projecting an amazing
rainbow on the floor – it
was a magical moment!
The next day the
children learnt about
the refraction of light in
water droplets. Overall,
these have been two very
interesting weeks!”
Facts & Figures
Joined SIS Group /
in SIS-Gruppe integriert
Educational Offers /
Schulisches Angebot
Additional Offers /
Early and After School Care
Holiday Club
Morgen- und Nachmittagsbetreuung
Number of Students /
Anzahl Schülerinnen und Schüler
Principal / Schulleiter
Marc Zängerle
School Management Team /
Lucia Krüger
as per February 2014
SIS Swiss International School
Reiherweg 2b
CH-5034 Suhr
Phone +41 62 842 97 07
[email protected]
Marc Zängerle, Principal
SIS Tamins-Chur
Der geheimnisvolle Ritter Namenlos
Lisa Cummins, Schulleiterin
Das Thema unserer Projektwoche im letzten Juni war «Mittelalter». Bereits vor der Projektwoche beschäftigten sich die Kinder aller Stufen mit dem Thema und tauchten ein in
diese für sie sehr geheimnisvolle und abenteuerliche Zeit. Sie lernten, wie die Leute damals
lebten, was sie assen, woraus die verschiedenen Rüstungen bestanden und vieles mehr.
Schon vom ersten Tag an waren sie hell begeistert und spielten auch während der Pause
mit der Burg und ihren Bewohnern. Parallel dazu lernten die Kinder die Geschichte «Der
geheimnisvolle Ritter Namenlos» kennen. Sowohl den Kindergartenkindern als auch den
Kindern der Primarschule gefiel die Geschichte auf Anhieb. Und da es sie auf Englisch und
Deutsch gibt, war sie ideal für unser Theaterstück. Während des Sprach- und Musikunterrichts setzten sich die Kinder mit den Texten auseinander und lernten die Tänze und Lieder.
Dann begann die Projektwoche. Die Szenen mussten nun zusammengesetzt und an den
Dialogen musste geschliffen werden. Und immer wieder wurde der Ablauf auf der Bühne
Zusammen mit unserer Handarbeitslehrerin nähten und bastelten die Kinder und ihre Eltern die Steckenpferdchen für die Ritter. Im Kindergarten sägten die Kinder Schwerter und
malten sie farbig an. Für die Kulissen projizierten wir Dias mit verschiedenen mittelalter­
lichen Bildern auf die Bühne.
Natürlich stand auch das Mittagessen unter diesem Thema. Durch ein riesiges Rittertor
gelangten die Kinder in den Essraum. An einem Mittag gab es sogar ein spezielles Mittelalteressen: Zur Vorspeise gab es eine salzlose Linsensuppe, die alle Kinder mit Begeisterung assen, da es eine «mittelalterliche» Suppe war. Danach stand ein in Honig getränktes
Gebäck auf dem Menü, und als letzten Gang wurden wir mit gebratenen Pouletschenkeln
verwöhnt. Da wir nur Löffel zur Verfügung hatten, waren am Schluss alle Hände so richtig
klebrig, wie es sich für das Mittelalter gehört.
Der Höhepunkt der Projektwoche war natürlich die Theateraufführung. Die Kinder übertrafen sich selbst. Ohne einen Patzer spielten sie ihre Rollen voller Freude. Das Zusammenspiel der Bühnenbilder, der Musik und der verschiedenen Szenen war sehr stimmungsvoll.
Die Eltern waren beeindruckt vom guten Englisch der Kinder, von der rührenden Geschichte und der professionellen Leistung aller Beteiligten.
Nach der Aufführung waren alle zu einem mittelalterlichen Bankett eingeladen. Die meisten
Eltern blieben lange sitzen, während die Kinder draussen spielten.
“Learning about the
middle ages set the
scene for our last project
week which culminated
in a theatre performance
based on the story
‘The Princess Knight’.
Children created costumes and props, learnt
dances and songs, and
entertained the parents
in a moving performance.
A medieval banquet
celebrated the end of a
successful week.”
Facts & Figures
Established / Gegründet
Educational Offers /
Schulisches Angebot
Primary School
Additional Offers /
Early and After School Care
Summer Camp
School Bus
Morgen- und Nachmittagsbetreuung
Number of Students /
Anzahl Schülerinnen und Schüler
Principal / Schulleiterin
Lisa Cummins
as per February 2014
SIS Swiss International School
Aligstrasse 5
CH-7015 Tamins
Phone +41 81 641 18 80
[email protected]
Lisa Cummins, Principal
SIS Winterthur
Zarna Allen, Vice-Principal, and Julia Neale, Primary Teacher
For the first semester, the grade 3 and 4 students of SIS Winterthur have been learning
about the big idea of belonging. First, the children discussed and identified what groups
they belong to, including which groups are chosen and which groups are not. Philosophical discussions were carried out about how they knew they belonged to a group. The
students discovered there are many commonalities that join people together, but within
these groups we are all individuals. This theme impacted students’ perceptions of peer
groups at school and made it easier to discuss belonging during class meetings.
The first task set for the students was to write a narrative for the grade 1 and 2 students
of the school to share newly acquired knowledge about belonging and share messages
about how to be a positive member of the SIS Winterthur community. The children were
excited by the idea of writing a “real” book and were motivated to develop their narrative
writing skills.
After completing the writing process of brainstorming, planning, drafting, editing, revising
and publishing, the children were ready to share their masterpieces. Grade 1 students
were captivated by the stories and we very thankful for their lovely new books. Here are
some of the grade 1’s feedback to the budding authors.
“The stories had good endings and I learned how to be kind, good and
make my friends happy.” Alex
“The story was funny.” David
“We can be not friends and then become friends.” Melanie
“We should try to be friends.” Marvin
“It was nice.” Noè
Then we began the second task in our belonging big idea: planning a school club during
school breaks. The students discovered that a lot of effort was needed for this task! First,
research had to take place on what games were already being played at morning breaks
and lunch times, what activities people wanted to do and what problems exist on the
playground. Using this information, the children brainstormed ideas for clubs that would fit
the purposes of having fun, learning or helping others.
Planning for the clubs could then begin. The children have chosen to start clubs for drama,
crafting, Pokémon, first aid, fitness, music, detectives and more. As leaders and organisers,
the students were very motivated in the process. Their persuasive skills were developed
and used to create effective posters to encourage others to join their clubs. Once the planning for the first meeting had been completed, materials gathered and members informed,
then students held their first club meetings in January.
The children appreciate this leadership opportunity and the chance to take part in something they are passionate about and feel a sense of ownership over. At the end of the
semester, a sharing event took place where parents learnt about all of the students’ hard
work, as well as a much deserved celebration of their learning successes.
Facts & Figures
Established / Gegründet
Educational Offers /
Schulisches Angebot
Primary School
Additional Offers /
Early and After School Care
Holiday Club
Summer Camp
Morgen- und Nachmittagsbetreuung
Number of Students /
Anzahl Schülerinnen und Schüler
Principal / Schulleiter
Lawrence Wood
School Management Team /
Zarna Allen
as per February 2014
SIS Swiss International School
Technoparkstrasse 1
CH-8406 Winterthur
Phone +41 52 202 82 11
Fax +41 52 202 82 20
[email protected]
Lawrence Wood, Principal
SIS Zürich
First Steps in Economics – With Shoe Companies
Mark Werth, Grade 11 Student
For this year’s project week our class was given the opportunity to participate in an economic simulation. On the first day, the class was split into four groups/companies and we
received our first introduction on how this simulation would work. In a nutshell, each group
assumed control of a shoe company and their job was to guide it as successfully as possible. It was basically a game in which, after each day, the students had to make decisions,
such as determine how many workers operated in the firm or what the price of their shoe
would be and much more. At the end of this process, our corresponding teachers analysed
these decisions and the companies competed against each other. On Friday, the results
were announced, with numerous prizes as rewards.
I was privileged to be a part of our invented company Durawork AG. We developed our
product with help of the five p’s of marketing (product, price, place, promotion, people) to
be a shoe for workers. Our strategy was to bring forth a high-quality shoe at an affordable
price. This worked extremely well for us in terms of profit, yet we almost had problems with
the blue-collar union, due to numerous firings of employees. Our CEO believed our actions
to be the sacrifice of our success.
Mark Werth
In addition to our simulation, we were able to take a tour of the ABB factory in Zürich-Oerlikon.
There, we focused on their impressive gas insulated switchgears and saw how they were
produced. I personally was amazed at how professional and organised this factory was.
Furthermore, Mr. Gräf, our teacher, arranged for us to speak with a couple of ABB experts.
It was a great experience and I now have an idea how this company functions.
In conclusion, the project week was a great success. On Friday, Durawork AG won the
prize “most profitable firm”, yet our employees were unhappy. Probably because we did
not raise the salaries as much as the other companies did. But more importantly, the whole
class received a great introduction to the world of microeconomics and for me, it seemed
as if everyone in the class got to know each other better as well.
Durawork AG
Moritz Gasser
Anna Berset
Flora Mariya
Mark Werth
Unser Produkt
5‐ jährige Garantie
Chemikalienresistent Wasserfest
Statistik Börsenkurs
Facts & Figures
Established / Gegründet
Educational Offers /
Schulisches Angebot
Primary School
Secondary School
Diplomas / Abschlüsse
International Baccalaureate
Bilingual Swiss High School
International Baccalaureate
Zweisprachige eidgenössische Maturität
Additional Offers /
Early and After School Care
Holiday Club
Summer Camp
Cambridge Certificates
in English
Diplôme d’Études en
Langue Française
Morgen- und Nachmittagsbetreuung
Cambridge Certificates
in English
Diplôme d’Études en
Langue Française
Number of Students /
Anzahl Schülerinnen und Schüler
Principal / Schulleiter
Marcel Stähli
School Management Team /
Harald Gräf
Valentin Grob
Bridget Grubenmann
IB Coordinator
Alfons Würms
Milestones / Meilensteine
Federal recognition of the
Eidgenössische Anerkenbilingual high school diploma, nung der zweisprachigen
June 2013
Maturität, Juni 2013
as per February 2014
SIS Swiss International School
Seidenstrasse 2
CH-8304 Wallisellen
Phone +41 44 388 99 44
Fax +41 44 388 99 49
[email protected]
Marcel Stähli, Principal
SIS Zürich-Wollishofen
Vielfältiges Kursangebot
Michael Peter, Schulleiter
Als Ergänzung zum Unterricht bieten wir unseren Schülerinnen und Schülern die Möglichkeit, ihre persönlichen Interessen zu vertiefen und / oder Talente zu entdecken und zu fördern. Die Kurse finden vor oder nach der Schule statt und wir haben darauf geachtet, dass
sie verschiedene Bereiche, wie beispielsweise kreativer Ausdruck in Schrift und Theater,
Musik und Gesang, Technik, Mathematik, Physik sowie strategisches Denken, abdecken.
Zudem soll der akademische Grad der Kurse tendenziell für die älteren Kinder zunehmen.
Für die Kinder der Unterstufe stehen die Kreativität, das spielerische Entdecken der Technik und das darstellende Spiel im Vordergrund.
Daraus entwickelten sich verschiedene Angebote wie das Theater, die Lego Challenge,
der Schachclub, der Chor, das Tastaturschreiben, das kreatives Schreiben, die Prüfungsvorbereitung für den Übertritt ins Gymnasium sowie der Förderclub.
Zwei dieser Kurse möchten wir hier genauer vorstellen:
Lego Challenge für 1. bis 4. Klasse
Der Kurs beginnt jeweils mit einer spannenden Modelleinführung, die zum Nachbau verschiedener Konstruktionen motiviert. Anhand einer bildlichen Anleitung bauen die Kinder
in Zweiergruppen die Objekte in 75 Minuten zusammen und üben sich dabei in Geduld,
trainieren ihre Feinmotorik und erleben so auf spielerische Art die Grundgesetze der Physik. Der Schwierigkeitsgrad und die Komplexität steigern sich im Laufe des Kurses – von
einfachen und eher statischen Modellen bis hin zu Maschinen mit Rädern, Schwenkarmen
oder Antriebswellen. In ihrer Arbeit werden die Kinder von ausgebildeten Legoinstruktoren
deutscher oder englischer Muttersprache an- und begleitet.
Schach-Club für 3. bis 6. Klasse
Der Schach-Club beginnt meistens mit einer strategischen Vorgabe. Auf dem Smartboard
oder auf Papier präsentiert der englischsprachige Kursleiter eine Schachstellung, welche
anschliessend gemeinsam analysiert, diskutiert und teilweise auch zum Aufwärmen nachgespielt wird. Damit die Anfängerinnen und Anfänger zusammen mit den Fortgeschrittenen
spielen und von deren Zugstrategien lernen können, starten die Kinder mit mehr Erfahrung
mit einem Handicap aus einer defensiven Position und werden so ebenfalls herausgefordert.
Besonders beliebt bei den Kindern ist das Tandemschach, bei dem sich zwei Zweierteams
an zwei Schachbrettern herausfordern. Wird eine Figur geschlagen, so wird diese dem
Partner am anderen Schachbrett gereicht, der die Figur dann frei aufstellen und damit
weiterspielen darf.
Der Höhepunkt des Kurses ist und bleibt jedoch das finale Schachturnier, an welchem die
Schachkönigin, bzw. der Schachkönig des Jahres erkoren wird.
“Through extra-curricular
clubs, we offer the children the opportunity to
expand their personal
interests and / or promote
hidden talents. The
courses cover various
areas such as creative
expression in writing
and theatre, music and
singing, engineering,
mathematics, physics
and strategic thinking.
We would like to present
two of them more in
Lego Challenge
Trained Lego instructors
guide the children to
playfully experience the
basic laws of physics by
building different models
based on pictures.
Chess Club
With targeted strategic
exercises, the children
learn how to play chess.
In preparation for the end
of the year tournament,
the children play matches
in teams of two against
each other.”
Facts & Figures
Established / Gegründet
Educational Offers /
Schulisches Angebot
Primary School
Additional Offers /
Early and After School Care
Holiday Club
Summer Camp
School Bus
Morgen- und Nachmittagsbetreuung
Number of Students /
Anzahl Schülerinnen und Schüler
Principal / Schulleiter
Michael Peter
School Management Team /
Amy von Boyen
as per February 2014
SIS Swiss International School
Seestrasse 271
CH-8038 Zürich
Phone +41 43 399 88 44
Fax +41 43 399 88 40
[email protected]
Michael Peter, Principal
SIS Friedrichshafen
REACH and Altruism:
Helping and Thinking of Others
Stefanie Hausmann, Principal
“Altruism is the opposite of egoism: We help others and share our things. For example, if
someone falls down, we should console him or her and not just look the other way or laugh.
Altruism also means that we do not only think of ourselves but first of others.” Mia, grade 6
At SIS Friedrichshafen, we use REACH for positive reinforcement throughout all levels.
REACH stands for respect, enthusiasm, altruism, commitment, and honesty and these
are virtues that are vital for healthy social interactions and provide the basis for a positive learning atmosphere in and outside the classroom. Besides awarding the individual
student or a complete grade level with the REACH award at the end of each epoch, we
use a REACH motto for certain terms in the year. Altruism, for example, is the focus during the second term. Helping and thinking of others determine classroom activities and
projects during that time of the year. We are very proud of our students who have shown
an incredible amount of motivation and determination to give back to members of society
that are in need of help. With their help, we were able to not only talk about altruism but to
act altruistically.
Charity Projects
Our projects to help other people in the pre-Christmas time, have already a little tradition
since we have been organising them for three times already. In 2013, we had four different
projects and were able to donate money to local as well as international non-profit organisations: With weekly cookie sales during the break times, we were able to donate around
400 Euros to the Red Cross. Another 400 Euros, won by our candidates at the TV quiz
show Tigerentenclub, went to Urmel, an organisation that supports families with children
that were diagnosed with cancer. At our sponsor run on Thanksgiving, students were running to support the soup kitchen in Langenargen and were able to raise more than 1.600
Euros and our annual Christmas market raised 1.900 Euros for a home for handicapped
children in Friedrichshafen’s partner city in Polozk, Belarus.
“I like it that our school has lots of charity workshops. A lot of schools don’t do so much
for charity. I hope I run over ten laps in the Thanksgiving fun run. I have got four people
sponsoring me. Also the cookie sale is a good idea. Students like buying cookies to eat,
so most of the students buy them, which means a lot of money for charity. And everybody
likes the Christmas market. First of all the parents get to see a little bit of what the students
do. Secondly all the students have fun making things.” Sarah, grade 4
“I want to run a lot of laps at our fun run because I want to donate a lot of money to the
soup kitchen. I like to donate because I get a feeling as if I am flying. And it is fun to run.”
Philip, grade 4
“I sometimes help the first grade students during break time. When one does not have a
friend, I ask if he wants to play with us. One time, I had to get an ice pack because a first
grade student fell down and hurt himself.” Luke, grade 2
“Sometimes I help other students with their homework when they did not understand
something. Then the other student feels good and I feel good as well.” Tim, grade 1
Facts & Figures
Established / Gegründet
Educational Offers /
Schulisches Angebot
Primary School
Secondary School
Diplomas / Abschlüsse
International Baccalaureate
(IB) projected
German High School
Diploma projected
International Baccalaureate
(IB) geplant
Abitur geplant
Additional Offers /
Early and After School Care
Morgen- und Nachmittagsbetreuung
Number of Students /
Anzahl Schülerinnen und Schüler
Principal / Schulleiterin
Stefanie Hausmann
School Management Team /
Anika Eitz
Annette Steinlein
Carolin Wicker
as per February 2014
SIS Swiss International School
Katharinenstraße 55
D-88045 Friedrichshafen
Phone +49 7541 700 57 60
Fax +49 7541 700 57 62
[email protected]
Stefanie Hausmann, Principal
SIS Ingolstadt
The House Point System
Sarah Kragl, Primary Teacher
During the last months, one common theme has been present through our school activities: How can we encourage our school community, promote team spirit and a sense of
belonging for our students? We devised a house system for the preschool and primary
school which enables the senior students to more systematically provide care and help
to their junior schoolmates, as well as providing them with the opportunity to take on a
How Does it Work?
All preschool and primary school children have been divided into three groups, or “houses”:
the foxes, the wolves and the bears. Each house has elected a captain and a vice captain;
usually older students of grade 3 or 4. The captains and vice captains are responsible for
bringing their house into assembly quietly, setting a good example of exemplary behaviour
and attitude, and being a buddy to younger children in their house.
Any member of staff can award a house point to a student. Points can be awarded for
adhering to our so called “golden rules”, among others showing good manners, being
helpful, and being positive about learning. House points are awarded in the form of a gold
card. At the end of each week, the house captains collect the house points from each class
and count up the total number of gold cards their house has earned that week. At the end
of each assembly, it is announced which house has earned the most points during that
week. The house with the most points before a school holiday receives a trophy.
Positive Learning Environment
Since the introduction of the house system, the children have been working hard to collect
golden cards. We have noticed an improvement in behaviour and politeness throughout
the school. The introduction of the house system provides an excellent opportunity for
student leadership and peer group support as well as enabling students of different ages
to bond and work together to create a positive learning environment.
Facts & Figures
Established / Gegründet
Educational Offers /
Schulisches Angebot
Primary School
Secondary School
Diplomas / Abschlüsse
International Baccalaureate
(IB) planned
German High School
Diploma planned
International Baccalaureate
(IB) geplant
Abitur geplant
Additional Offers /
Early and After School Care
Morgen- und Nachmittagsbetreuung
Number of Students /
Anzahl Schülerinnen und Schüler
Principal / Schulleiterin
Martin Seffner
School Management Team /
Pamela Bradley-Höllering
Christina Dexl
Marie Ott
IB Coordinator
Maria Stahr
Milestones / Meilensteine
IB Candidate School,
September 2013; move to
new school building,
January 2014
IB Candidate School,
September 2013; Bezug
neues Schulgebäude,
Januar 2014
Support / Besonderes
Inception and growth
supported by Förderverein
Gründung und Aufbau
unterstützt vom Förder­
verein SISI e.V.
as per February 2014
SIS Swiss International School
Stinnesstraße 1
D-85057 Ingolstadt
Phone +49 841 981 446 00
[email protected]
Martin Seffner, Principal
SIS Kassel
Verlässlicher Partner:
Wintershall unterstützt SIS Kassel
Dr. Axel Bode, Personalleiter Wintershall-Gruppe
Warum eine internationale Schule in Kassel? Gibt es dort nicht genügend Schulen? Wir
sind der Meinung, dass gerade eine Schule mit internationaler Ausrichtung und einem
Schwerpunkt in der Vermittlung der englischen Sprache in Kassel bislang gefehlt hat.
Wir freuen uns, mit der SIS Swiss International School einen verlässlichen Partner für die
Gründung einer internationalen Schule gefunden zu haben.
Wintershall ist der größte deutsche Erdöl- und Erdgasproduzent. Wir suchen und fördern seit über achtzig Jahren Erdöl und Erdgas auf der ganzen Welt. Dabei sind unsere
Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter unsere wichtigste Ressource. Die Verschiedenheit und
Einzigartigkeit unserer über 2.500 Kolleginnen und Kollegen aus mehr als vierzig Natio­
nen verstehen wir als entscheidenden Wettbewerbsvorteil. Damit dies so bleibt, ist es
unabdingbar, die internationale Mobilität dieser Mitarbeiter zu gewährleisten und sowohl
deutschen Mitarbeitern einen beruflichen Wechsel ins Ausland als auch internationalen
Mitarbeitern einen Wechsel nach Kassel zu erleichtern.
SIS bringt Internationalität nach Kassel
Eine internationale, bilinguale Schule vom Format der SIS unterstützt unsere deutschen
Mitarbeiter dabei, ihre Kinder für einen eventuellen Auslandsaufenthalt zu rüsten. Unsere
internationalen Mitarbeiter wiederum können ihre Kinder an einer Schule unterrichten lassen, an der englischsprachige Kinder sich in ihrer Sprache von Beginn an aktiv am Unterricht beteiligen können und durch die Immersionsmethode auch die deutsche Sprache lernen. Dies geschieht in einem Umfeld, das von der Internationalität und Multikulturalität des
Lehrerkollegiums wie auch der Schüler- und Elternschaft geprägt ist. An der SIS erwerben
die Kinder daher nicht nur Sprachkenntnisse, sondern lernen auch, was es bedeutet, mit
Menschen aus anderen Kulturkreisen zusammen zu leben und zu arbeiten.
Für uns als Arbeitgeber ist ein Schulangebot wie das der SIS ein großer Gewinn, da die
Attraktivität des Standorts Kassel für Fachkräfte deutlich gesteigert wird. So profitieren
nicht nur Wintershall, sondern auch Kassel und die Region von der Gründung der SIS
Swiss International School Kassel. Wir freuen uns darauf, wenn die Schule im September
2014 ihren Betrieb aufnimmt!
Bertram Hilgen, Oberbürgermeister der Stadt
Kassel, Sebastian Koch, Schulleiter SIS Kassel, und
Ann-Christin Werner, Stellvertretende Unternehmensleiterin SIS Deutschland, bei der Ansprache
anlässlich der Grundsteinlegung (v.l.n.r.)
Grundsteinlegung für das Schulhaus der
SIS Kassel mit zukünftigen Schulkindern
Dr. Axel Bode
“Wintershall is Germany’s
largest crude oil and
natural gas producer.
The uniqueness of each
of our 2.500 employees
from over 40 nations is
a critical competitive
advantage. An international bilingual school
like SIS supports our
German employees to
prepare their children
for a stay abroad,
whereas our international
employees find in SIS
a school where their
children can actively take
part in lessons from the
very beginning on. The
educational offer of SIS
is a real advantage for
Wintershall as well as for
the whole Kassel region.
We are looking forward
to the start of the school
in September 2014!”
Facts & Figures
Established / Gegründet
Educational Offers /
Schulisches Angebot
Reception Class
Primary School
Additional Offers /
Early and After School Care
Morgen- und Nachmittagsbetreuung
Principal / Schulleiterin
Sebastian Koch
Milestones / Meilensteine
Inauguration in September
Eröffnung im September
Support / Besonderes
Inception and growth
supported by Wintershall
Holding GmbH
Gründung und Aufbau
unterstützt von der
Wintershall Holding GmbH
as per February 2014
SIS Swiss International School
Johanna-Waescher-Straße 15
D-34131 Kassel
Phone +49 711 6672 1883
[email protected]
Sebastian Koch, Principal
SIS Regensburg
We Strengthen our New School Community
Tanja Landgraf, Vice Principal
The topic “community” plays an especially important role for SIS Swiss International
School Regensburg in this school year. In August 2013, the two international schools,
SIS Regensburg and Regensburg International School (RIS), merged with SIS being the
responsible body for the new combined school. This means two separate school communities need to grow together at several levels: students, parents, and teachers. We support
this process by organising special events to create positive shared experiences. In order to
strengthen the new school community and establish a shared feeling of common interests
and goals, several fun and meaningful activities have taken place at SIS Regensburg since
the beginning of the 2013/14 school year.
Integration Project Days “Community”
We started the new school year with project days using the topic “community”. On the
first day of school after the official welcome ceremony, team building activities took place
in class as well as the section. The next day started with an art project where every child
painted a tile with his or her individual thoughts, hobbies, and goals. The tile represents the
individual child as well as the role of the individual in our school community. On the third
day, a school-wide excursion completed the project days.
To further strengthen the school community and to build school spirit, the student council
at SIS Regensburg organised a crazy hair day in November where both students and
teachers participated. It was really fun to see everyone having a good time as a part of our
school community!
We Help Us by Helping Others
We also wanted our school community to help other children and to share this experience.
Therefore, the students of SIS Regensburg took part in ADRA’s “Kinder helfen Kindern”
project. The student council organised this community service project and our students
packed 106 gift boxes for children in the Ukraine. The boxes included toys, hats, scarves,
sweets, hygiene products, and school supplies. This was a great project and the students
would like to participate again next year.
A very special project was the red hand day run by the organisation Terre des Hommes.
This is a project to collect red hand prints with signatures and messages against the use
of child soldiers. Students of grades 3 and 4 inquired into needs and wants, our personal rights and responsibilities, and rights that children do not get around the world.
We decided to take part in this campaign and involved other children in the school. The
students put up posters around the school and visited other classes to raise awareness
about the project. Many students from other classes came to make their own handprints
and write messages. In German lessons, the students created a cover letter to explain our
action and posted them to our local member of the state parliament, with a request that
she replies soon and informs us of how she will support the programme.
All these projects strengthen our school community and help towards having a positive
learning environment and a good atmosphere at SIS Regensburg.
Facts & Figures
Joined SIS Group /
in SIS-Gruppe integriert
Educational Offers /
Schulisches Angebot
Bilingual Preschool
Bilingual Primary School
English-Speaking Primary School
Bilingual Secondary School
English-Speaking Secondary
Zweisprachiger Kindergarten
Zweisprachige Grundschule
Englischsprachige Grundschule
Zweisprachiges Gymnasium
Englischsprachige Sekundarschule
Diplomas / Abschlüsse
International General Certificate
of Secondary Education (IGCSE)
International Baccalaureate
(IB) planned
German High School
Diploma planned
International General
Certificate of Secondary
Education (IGCSE) geplant
International Baccalaureate (IB)
Abitur geplant
Additional Offers /
Early and After School Care
Morgen- und Nachmittags­
Number of Students /
Anzahl Schülerinnen und Schüler
Principal / Schulleiter
Verena Simpson
School Management Team /
Sabine Kunst
Tanja Landgraf
Janett Maslowski
Patricia Zaldivar
IB Coordinator
Verena Simpson
PYP Coordinator
Nancy Lam
Milestones / Meilensteine
Integration of RIS Regensburg
International School and move
to new school building, August
2013; IB Candidate School,
September 2013
Integration der RIS Regensburg International School und
Umzug in neues Schulhaus,
August 2013; IB Candidate
School, September 2013
as per February 2014
SIS Swiss International School
Erzbischof-Buchberger-Allee 23
D-93051 Regensburg
Phone +49 (0) 941/9925 93 00
[email protected]
Verena Simpson, Principal
SIS Stuttgart-Fellbach
Unsere erste Schülermitverantwortung!
Georg Wesch, Schüler der 8. Klasse
»Der Schwerpunkt der Schülermitverantwortung (SMV) liegt an der einzelnen Schule. Damit sie ihre Aufgaben erfüllen kann, müssen Schulleiter, Lehrer, Eltern und Schüler, die
sich in der Schule mit unterschiedlichen Rechten, Pflichten, Aufgaben und Interessen begegnen, zusammenarbeiten.« (Verordnung des Kultusministeriums über Einrichtung und
Aufgaben der Schülermitverantwortung)
Die SMV ermöglicht den Schülern, ihre demokratischen Rechte auszuüben, indem sie ihre
Schule und die Lernatmosphäre mitgestalten. Zwar gibt es unsere Schule seit über fünf
Jahren, aber erst seit diesem Schuljahr, mit nun mehr als 300 Schülern, haben wir eine
SMV und einen Schülersprecher.
Wer ist in der SMV?
Die SMV besteht bei uns derzeit aus allen Klassensprechern des Gymnasiums. Aus diesem Kreis werden die Schülersprecher gewählt. Wir treffen uns ein Mal pro Woche und besprechen die anstehenden Projekte und Veranstaltungen. Bei uns gibt es darüber hinaus
einen Ausschuss, der sich mit der Organisation von Veranstaltungen befasst und der von
freiwilligen Schülern des restlichen Gymnasiums unterstützt wird. Das ist ein toller Anfang.
Was sind die Aufgaben der SMV?
Jede SMV entscheidet für sich selbst, was sie tun möchte. Wir haben uns an der SIS
Stuttgart-Fellbach dafür entschieden, neben dem Dialog zwischen Schülern und Schule
vor allem das Schulleben aktiv mitzugestalten. Bis jetzt haben wir die folgenden Veranstaltungen organisiert oder waren daran beteiligt: Regionale SMV-Tagung des Regierungspräsidiums, children in need day der BBC, winter performance des Gymnasiums und den
Weihnachtsbasar der Grundschule.
Die ersten Veranstaltungen sind ganz gut gelungen. Bei der Weihnachtsfeier hatten wir
allerdings zwar viele Waffeleisen, aber vergessen, Teig mitzubringen … Wir haben dann
schnell den Teig angerührt und die Waffeln fanden reißenden Absatz und schmeckten
sehr lecker!
Wir sind zwar erst am Anfang, aber wir freuen uns sehr, unser Schulleben aktiv mitgestalten zu dürfen!
“This school year, SIS
has a student council
consisting of all class
representatives. The
main tasks of the student
council are to stimulate
the dialogue between
student and school and
to participate in creating
an active school life. The
first events we organised
were a local student
council meeting of the
the BBC children in need
day, the winter performance of the secondary
school and the Christmas
bazaar of our primary
school. We are looking
forward to contributing
more to our school life!”
Facts & Figures
Established / Gegründet
Educational Offers /
Schulisches Angebot
Primary School
Secondary School
Diplomas / Abschlüsse
International Baccalaureate
(IB) planned
German High School
Diploma planned
International Baccalaureate
(IB) geplant
Abitur geplant
Additional Offers /
Early and After School Care
Morgen- und Nachmittagsbetreuung
Number of Students /
Anzahl Schülerinnen und Schüler
Principal / Schulleiterin
Thomas Hackmann
School Management Team /
Suzanne Füllemann
Jessica Wiehl
Richard Williamson
IB Coordinator
Roswitha Anderson
as per February 2014
SIS Swiss International School
Schmidener Weg 7/1
D-70736 Fellbach
Phone +49 711 469 194 10
Fax +49 711 469 194 30
[email protected]
Thomas Hackmann, Principal
SIS Brasilia
An Inquiry into Things that Grow
Hayley Waghorn, Kindergarten Teacher
Children demonstrate a natural curiosity towards the world in which they live. As part of
the IB Primary Years Programme curriculum, our kindergarten students studied a unit of
inquiry under the theme of “how the world works.” This unit of inquiry had the purpose of
developing the central idea that all living things go through a process of change, with the
aim to nurture students’ natural curiosity by using student questions and ideas to lead
Initiating the Inquiry Process
We began by reading books to spark students’ curiosity and interest into things that grow
and their process of change. A favourite read-aloud book called “The Crawly Caterpillar”
soon became a way to demonstrate and share our learning. Some children initiated a
retelling of the book to the whole class. One student, with English as a second language,
read: “Egg on a leaf. And caterpillar. Sleep time. And go to sleep cocoon. And then butterfly. Butterfly is here.” Other students decided to use props to retell the story.
Student-led Investigations
Leading on from the life cycle of a butterfly, students made the connection that other living
things lay eggs too. This started a discussion about other living things that lay eggs and
those that don’t. During this stage of the inquiry, the students were becoming aware and
closely observing living things around them. One student spotted an ant crawling through
the classroom. This immediately gained the attention of the whole class and initiated discussions about ants which led to questions like, “Do ants come from eggs?”, and “How do
ants grow and change?”
Following on with the inquiry, we had a group brainstorm which started with the question
“What is something that grows?” Students sorted a collection of images into things that
grow and things that don’t grow. As we came to an image of a balloon, the question was
asked, “Does a balloon grow?” And one student replied, “Yes. Balloons go up, up, up.”
Building on from this, we carried out a short investigation into things that move up and
things that grow up.
From a teacher’s perspective, the most engaging moments of this unit were student-led and
by being responsive to their interests and curiosities it led to some exciting investigations.
Facts & Figures
Educational Offers
Primary School
Secondary School planned
High School planned
Educação Infantil
Ensino Fundamental I
Ensino Fundamental II
Ensino Médio (projeção)
National High School
Diploma planned
International Baccalaureate
(IB) planned
Exame Nacional do Ensino
Médio (projeção)
International Baccalaureate
IB (projeção)
Additional Offers
Day School
After School Care
School Bus
Horário integral
Atividades extracurriculares
Transporte escolar
Number of Students
David Aaron Norman
School Management Team
Bianca Garcia de Grazia
as per February 2014
SIS Escola Internacional Brasil-Suíça
SGA/SUL, Quadra 905, cj B
BR-70390-050 Brasília – DF
Phone +55 61 3443 4145
[email protected]
David Aaron Norman,
SIS Head Offices
SIS Switzerland
Ambros Hollenstein
Divison Managers
Schools with Kindergarten and Primary: Janet Meister
Schools with Secondary and College: Tom Huber
Management Staff
Corporate Communications: Susanne Meili
Finance and Administration: Friedrich Bruckmayr
ICT: Bernhard Rieber
Quality Development: Janet Meister
SIS Swiss International Schools Schweiz AG
Seestrasse 269, CH-8038 Zürich
Phone +41 44 206 47 27
[email protected]
SIS Germany
Annette Krieger
Deputy CEO
Ann-Christin Werner
Management Staff
Corporate Communications: Christina Heinisch
Finance and Administration: Birgit Hannah Schulte
Project and Quality Management: Johannes Linsenmeier
Quality Development: Roswitha Anderson
SIS Swiss International School gemeinnützige GmbH
Rotebühlstrasse 77, D-70178 Stuttgart
Phone +49 711 6672 1380
[email protected]
SIS Brazil
Christian Zindel
Management Staff
Finance and Administration: Rodolfo Steingruber
Estrada do Joá 3516
Barra da Tijuca, BR-22611-022 Rio de Janeiro RJ
Phone +55 61 3443 4145
[email protected]