Kunsthaus Lempertz - The


Kunsthaus Lempertz - The
Kunsthaus Lempertz
The Berlin Sale
Neumarkt 3
Started 02 May 2015 10:00 CEST
An early Berlin silver partially gilt coin-set beaker. Set with 36 Brandenburg and Polish coins and H 12 cm, weight 295 g. LiteratureCf. a
covered beaker with identical decor from the workshop of Thomas Kober, illus. in Scheffler 1968, no. 17.Früher Münzbecher Silber,
getrieben und graviert; innen ...[more]
A large Berlin faience baluster-form vase. White glaze with blue grand feu Chinoiserie decor throughout. Unmarked. The lid lost. H 35.5
cm. Gerhard Wolbeer manufactory, ca. 1710.Große Balustervase Fayence, Scharffeuerdekor in laviertem Blau. Weiße Glasur auf rotem
Scherben, dekoriert mit umlaufend ...[more]
A rare Lübben silver gilt coin-set beaker. With four 16th century Gdansk groats. Marks of Daniel Fri H 5.5 cm, weight 43 g. LiteratureCf.
an almost identical beaker in a private collection, illus. in: Scheffler 1980, no. 8. A further coin-set beaker by this master is kept in the
Märkisches Museum in ...[more]
A rare Frankfurt (Oder) silver candle-snuffer set. Comprising two pairs of scissors with trays. Mark L of trays 16; W 9; H 4.5 cm, total
weight 435 g.Seltenes Paar Lichtputzgarnituren Silber, getrieben und gegossen. Bestehend aus zwei Dochtscheren mit Tabletts. Die
oval fassoniertenTabletts auf vi ...[more]
A pair of royal German fire-gilt bronze and crystal appliques. Finely worked mirrored wall lights set with facetted rock crystal, amethyst
and smoky quarz stones and droplets. One nozzle with a glued crack, some droplets chipped. H ca. 53 cm. Probably mid 18th C.
Traditionally thought to have been m ...[more]
Antoine PesneThe Dancer Barbarina Campanini Oil on canvas (relined). 68 x 52 cm.ExpertiseAntonio Morassi, Milano
30.7.1953.ProvenanceJames von Bleichröder, Berlin. - Sold by Lepke Berlin 31.5.1938, no. 152. - Private collection,
Italy.ExhibitionsBerlin 1906 (on loan to James von Bleichröder).Litera ...[more]
A carved, silver-gilt softwood Frederician Rococo mirror. The mirror glass replaced, crowning element restored, silver gilt redone and
worn. 114 x 61 cm. Berlin or Potsdam, in the manner of Hoppenhaupt, ca. 1750 - 60.Friderizianischer Rokoko-Spiegel Weichholz
geschnitzt, über rotem Bolus versilber ...[more]
A Berlin or Potsdam ormolu mounted mahogany chest of drawers. With iron locks. Of serpentine form with three drawers and rhombusform inlays, supported by four carved feet. Restored. H 73, W 100, D 57.5 cm. 3rd quarter 18th C.Höfische Kommode Mahagoni auf
Weichholz, vergoldete Bronzebeschläge, Eis ...[more]
A Baroque Berlin silver platter. Marks of Johann Gottfried Hildebrand, ca. 1745. L 41; W 22 cm, weight 812 g.Paar Barocke
Henkelplatten Silber, getrieben und gegossen. Oval fassonierte Platte mit glattem Spiegel, hochgezogenem, profiliertem Rand und zwei
gegenständigen eingerollten Henkeln. Die Wa ...[more]
A large Berlin silver partially gilt coin-set beaker. With 18 Baltic, Brandenburg and Silesian coins H 13 cm, weight 272 g.Großer
Münzbecher Silber, getrieben und graviert; innen ganz und außen teilweise vergoldet. Auf flachem Standring konischer Korpus mit
profiliertem Lippenrand; die Wandung dek ...[more]
A painted plaster cartouche with the head of a dying warrior. A copy of the cartouche from the central avant corps of the south eastern
interior wall of the Zeughaus in Berlin. The plaster painted in imitation of stone. With minor chips, primarily to the edge. H 128, W 87, D
36 cm. Berlin, Replica-W ...[more]
A View Between the Palace and Unten den Linden with the Zeughaus, Crown Prince's Palace and Opera Oil on canvas (relined) Signed
and dated lower right: J. Rosenberg pinxit 1764 57 x 84 cm Johann Georg Rosenbeg was a well-known theatre scenery and decorative
painter in Frederician Berlin. Today, his ...[more]
Johann Georg RosenbergA View of Berlin Palace Square seen from the West 57 x 84 cm.Signed and dated upper right: J. Rosenberg
pinxit.Johann Georg RosenbergAnsicht des Schlossplatzes von Westen her Öl auf Leinwand. 57 x 84 cm.Signiert und datiert oben
rechts: J. Rosenberg pinxit. ...[more]
A rococo silver sugar box. Marks of Daniel Matignon, ca. 1770. W 13; D 11.5; H 9 cm, weight 296 g. LiteratureIllus. in Scheffler 1965,
no. 56.Rokoko Zuckerdose Silber, getrieben und gegossen. Auf vier Blattfüßen ovaler, stark gebauchter Korpus; die Wandung und der
wenig aufgewölbte Scharnierdeckel ...[more]
A small Berlin silver partially gilt coin-set beaker. With eight 17th century Brunswick-Lüneburg gro H 7.3 cm, weight 73 g.Kleiner
Münzbecher Silber, getrieben; innen ganz und außen teilweise vergoldet. Auf eingezogenem Fuß konischer Becher mit profiliertem
Lippenrand; die Wandung dekoriert mit ac ...[more]
A Berlin silver gilt rococo beaker. Marks of Johann Gottfried Hildebrand, ca. 1778. H 9 cm, weight 83 g.Rokokobecher Silber, getrieben
und graviert; vergoldet. Auf eingezogenem Fuß glockenförmig ausschwingender Becher mit getriebenem Blattmuscheldekor. Marken:
BZ Berlin um 1778 - 85, MZ Johann Got ...[more]
A Berlin silver rococo sugar box. Marks of Jean Frédéric Pastre, 1776/77. W 13; D 10; H 10 cm, weight 220 g.Rokoko Zuckerdose
Silber, getrieben und gegossen. Auf vier Blattfüßen ovaler, stark gebauchter Korpus, die Wandung und der Scharnierdeckel dekoriert
mit getriebenen Blütenzweigen. Marken: BZ ...[more]
A Berlin silver partially gilt coin-set beaker. With 15 Brunswick-Lüneburg and Brandenburg coins dat H 9.5 cm, weight 128
g.Münzbecher Silber, getrieben und graviert; vergoldet. Auf eingezogenem Fuß konischer Korpus mit profiliertem Lippenrand; die
Wandung dekoriert mit fein ziselierten C-Schwünge ...[more]
Two Rococo silver candlesticks from Potsdam and Magdeburg. Potsdam candlestick with marks of Christi H 19 and 19.5 cm, weight 235
and 237 g.Zwei Rokoko-Leuchter Silber, getrieben und gegossen. Marken: Der eine Leuchter mit BZ Potsdam, Ältermannsbuchstabe A,
Feingehaltstempel 12Lot, MZ Christian Fr ...[more]
A Berlin silver interior gilt potpourri dish. Marks of Daniel Matignon, ca. 1780. W 7; D 6; H 4.5 cm, weight 68 g. ProvenancePrivate
collection, Berlin.LiteratureCf. a pair made by the Berlin master Masseron, illus. in: Gruber, Gebrauchssilber des 16. bis 19.
Jahrhunderts, Fribourg 1982, no. 223. Fo ...[more]
A Berlin silver sweets dish. Monogrammed "F.H.K." and dated 1803. Indistinct maker's mark, ca. 1760 W 15.5; D 12; H 3.5 cm, weight
90 g.Berliner Kandisschale Silber, getrieben. Auf eingezogenem Fuß ovale Schale mit getriebenem Muschel- und Blütendekor.
Unterseitig späteres Besitzermonogram "F.H.K. ...[more]
A Berlin silver covered dish. Marks of Jacob Albrecht Küsel, ca. 1760. H 17 cm, weight 400 g.Deckelschüssel Silber, getrieben,
gegossen und graviert. Auf eingezogenem Fuß stark gebauchte Schale mit gegenständigen Rocaillenhenkeln. Die Wandung mit
getriebenem und fein graviertem Dekor. Der Stülpdec ...[more]
A Berlin silver interior gilt ladle. Monogrammed "S" to the centre. Probably marks of Friedrich Wilh L 39 cm, weight 254 g.Kelle Silber;
innen vergoldet. Tiefe runde Kelle mit gedrehten Zügen; der wenig gebogene Stiel mit Monogrammgravur "S"; am Abschluss reliefierter
Muschel- und Blütendekor. Mar ...[more]
A large Frederician Berlin silver interior gilt covered tureen. Marks of the Müller brothers, ca. 17 W 40.5; D 21.5; H 24.5 cm, weight 1998
g.Große friderizianische Deckelterrine Silber, getrieben, gegossen und ziseliert; innen vergoldet. Auf vier Blattfüßen ovaler, stark
gebauchter Korpus mit rei ...[more]
A small Berlin silver rococo jug. Marks of Jacob Albrecht Küsel, ca. 1763 - 70. H 19.5 cm, weight 302 g. LiteratureCf. a similar jug by this
master, illus. in: Scheffler 1968, no. 48.Kleine Rokoko-Kanne Silber, getrieben und gegossen. Auf eingezogenem Fuß birnförmiger
Korpus mit getriebenem Rocail ...[more]
A Berlin silver coffee pot. With an engraved heraldic emblem to the display side and a wooden finial H 24.5 cm, weight 528
g.Kaffeekanne Silber, getrieben und gegossen. Auf eingezogenem Fuß birnförmiger Korpus mit Konsolausguss und ohrenförmigem
Holzhenkel. Die Wandung mit getriebenem Rocaillendek ...[more]
A Potsdam silver snuff box commemorating the Battle of Minden in 1759. With a depiction of the battl L 15.5; W 5; H 3.5 cm, weight 192
g.Tabatière auf die Schlacht bei Minden 1759 Silber, getrieben und graviert. Längliche abgerundete Rechteckform mit profilierten
Rändern und geprägtem Reliefdekor. ...[more]
A rare Potsdam silver partially gilt hunting dish. Marks of Christian Friedrich Müller, 1767 - 70. L15.5; W 7; H 3.5 cm, weight 167
g.Seltene Potsdamer Jagdschale Silber, getrieben; innen ganz und außen teilweise vergoldet. Tiefe ovale Schale mit glattem Rand; die
Wandung an den Längsseiten nach i ...[more]
A Prussian silver beaker made from a rubel coin. With remains of gilt. Inscribed "Zum Andenken der B H 3.5 cm, weight 23
g.Rubelbecher Silber, getrieben; mit Resten von Vergoldung. Aus einem Rubel getriebener Becher mit erhaltenem Münzrand. Die
Wandung umlaufend graviert "Zum Andenken der Batallje ...[more]
A Prussian silver gilt beaker formed from a rubel coin. Monogrammed "vL" and with an inscription com H 3.5 cm, weight 24 g.
LiteratureCf. a pair of rubel beakers with Landsberg marks, illus. in: Scheffler Mitteldeutschland, Berlin 1980, no. 7.Rubelbecher Silber,
getrieben; mit schwachen Resten von ...[more]
A Berlin ormolu-mounted walnut secretaire. Some of the bronze mountings replaced, with iron locks. Formed from a two-doored upper
section above a three-drawered serpentine lower section. The sections optically separated by the drop-flap opening concealing three
arched compartments (the pillars of wh ...[more]
A Wegely bronze-mounted porcelain rocaille form flask. With "deutsche Blumen" decor. Blue W mark, impressed numbers 1 and 116.
Slight wear to the gilt, a restored chip to the base. H 10 cm. Wilhelm Caspar Wegely manufactory, Berlin, ca. 1755.LiteratureA further
example in: Zick, Berliner Porzellan d ...[more]
A Wegely white porcelain figure of a putto as a doctor. Blue sceptre mark, incised 1 90. Restorations to the hands and the table. H 10.7
cm. Wilhelm Caspar Wegely manufactory, Berlin, ca. 1755.LiteratureEin weiteres Exemplar bei Zick, Berliner Porzellan der Manufaktur
von Wilhelm Caspar Wegely, Berl ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain dinner plate from the 2nd Potsdam service. With relief decor and a central floral bouquet in typical early
polychromy. Blue sceptre mark, impressed number 200. Slight wear to the gilt. Diameter 26.4 cm. Ca. 1765.LiteratureCf. "Kronschatz
und Schatzkammer der Hohenzollern", Ber ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain coffee pot after a Meissen design. Of pear form, decorated with "indianische Blumen" in gilt and purple after a
Meissen design. Blue sceptre mark, impressed number. A chip to the lower edge of the lid. H 23.5 cm. Ca. 1770.Kaffeekanne nach
Meißener Vorbild Porzellan, Emaildek ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain tray after a Meissen design. With Korean lion decor. Blue sceptre mark, impressed number. With a restored rim
chip. Diameter 30 cm. Ca. 1775.Platte nach Meißener Vorbild Porzellan, Emaildekor. Platte mit Koreanischem Löwen. Blaumarke
Zepter, Pressnummer. Restaurierter Randch ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain plate after a Meissen design. Decorated with river landscapes in gilt scrollwork cartouches. Blue sceptre mark,
impressed marks. Diameter 22 cm. Ca. 1770.Teller nach Meißener Vorbild Porzellan, Emaildekor, Vergoldung. Flach gemuldeter Teller,
dicht dekoriert mit Flusslandsch ...[more]
A Meissen porcelain coffee pot made for Frederick II. With relief shell, yellow mosaic and opulent floral decor. Blue crossed swords
mark, purple 69 to the base of the pot and inside the lid. With a minor restoration to the spout cover. H 22.5 cm. 1762.The Prussian
order which Frederick II placed wi ...[more]
A small Meissen porcelain tureen made for Frederick II. Of oval form standing on a matching platter. With rocaille and vegetable form
handles, the finial formed as a putto with a cornucopia, Dulong relief and floral and fruit decor. The tureen and platter each with blue
crossed swords mark, the plat ...[more]
Two Meissen porcelain salts made for Frederick II. Formed as shells on volute feet. With Dulong relief, floral and fruit decor and gilt
tendril edging. Blue crossed swords mark. Minor wear to the gilt. H 6 cm, L 12.2 cm. 1760.LiteratureAn extensive assorted lot containing
a cloche from this service ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain teapot with mascaron and floral decor. With naturalistically painted brach-form handles and floral decor in typical
early polychromy. Blue sceptre mark to the interior of the lid, impressed mark to the unglazed underside. A minor chip to the spout. H 10
cm. Ca. 1765.Frühe Te ...[more]
A small Berlin KPM porcelain teapot after a Gotzkowsky model. With a branch-form handle, naturalistically painted mascaron spout and
floral decor. Blue sceptre mark. The green pigment partially poorly fired. H 8.3 cm. Shortly after 1763.Teekännchen nach GotzkowskyVorbild Porzellan, Emaildekor. Gl ...[more]
A Berlin KPM silver-mounted porcelain pipe bowl formed as a Turkish lady. Unmarked. With a breakage to the rim, some partially
severe wear to the decor. H 5 cm. Ca. 1765 - 70.LiteratureCf. Köllmann, Braunschweig 1966, vol. II, pl. 13 d. The Meissen design illus.
in: Rückert, Munich 1966, illus. 800. ...[more]
An early Berlin KPM porcelain trembleuse. With floral decor in the typical early polychromy. Blue sceptre mark, impressed numbers.
Two rim chips, wear to the gilt edging. Ca. 1765.Frühe Trembleuse Porzellan, Emaildekor, Vergoldung. Glatt mit C-Henkel. Dekoriert mit
Blumenbouquets in der typischen ...[more]
Two Berlin KPM porcelain busts. Finely painted busts of Isis and Neptune on rectangular socles. Blue sceptre marks to the unglazed
undersides, the female bust inscribed "Isis" to the reverse. A small breakage to the crown of Neptune, wear to the gilding. H 10.8 and
10.3 cm. Ca. 1765, modelled by Fri ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain plate with decor after Teniers. With a scene of two peasants drinking to the centre and rocaille decor to the
border. Blue sceptre mark, impressed number 19. Diameter 24.3 cm. Ca. 1780.Teller mit Szene nach Teniers Porzellan, Emaildekor,
Goldrand. Königsglatt. Im Spiegel Dar ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain plate with a painted scene after Teniers. Of neuglatt design and with applied purple flowers. Blue sceptre mark,
impressed numbers. Diameter 24.8 cm. Ca. 1780.Teller mit Szene nach Teniers Porzellan, Emaildekor, Vergoldung. Neuglatt.
Figurenstaffage nach Teniers, die Zierate ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain plate with decor after Watteau. Relief and openwork decor to the border, the centre with a courtship scene after
Watteau in iron red. Blue sceptre mark, impressed 13. Diameter 24.5 cm. Ca. 1775.Teller mit Watteauszene Porzellan, Emaildekor und
Vergoldung. Reliefzierat mit du ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain tea and coffee service with decor after Watteau. Comprising coffee pot, teapot, milk jug, two teacups and
saucers, sugar box, octagonal dish and slop bowl. With Ozier mouldings, floral decor and finely painted courtship and park scenes after
Watteau. Blue sceptre mark, impress ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain plate made for Duke Rothenberg. Of deep form, decorated to the border and centre with native birds perching
on branches. Blue sceptre mark, impressed numbers. One restored rim chip, one ground down. Diameter 24.2 cm. 1769.Teller für Graf
Rothenberg Porzellan, Emaildekor, Ver ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain plate made for Duke Rothenberg. Of deep form, decorated to the border and centre with native birds perching
on branches. Blue sceptre mark, impressed numbers. One ground rim chip. Diameter 24.2 cm. 1769.Teller für Graf Rothenberg
Porzellan, Emaildekor, Vergoldung. Antikziera ...[more]
An early 19th century marble bust of King Frederick II of Prussia. Carved in the round..With minor wear. Loosely set onto a later
associated marble socle. 34 x 26 x 17 cm.ProvenanceA present from the Prussian royal family to the Berlin Oberhofbaurat Friedrich
Christian Becherer (1746-1823) who bore ...[more]
Johann August Ernst NiegelssohnTwo Views of Berlin in the Era of Frederick the Great. Gouache over etching. 39.5 x 62.8 cm.Signed
and dated lower left: J.A.E. Niegelssohn pinx. 1787 (on a leaf).LiteratureJ.G. Rosenberg and J.A.E. Niegelssohn, Berliner Gouachen.
Lizenausgabe für die Nicolaische Verl ...[more]
A Berlin silver interior gilt Frederician coffee pot. Marks of Hermann Neupert, ca. 1762 - 73. H 25.5 cm, weight 737 g. Hermann Neupert
II came from a family of goldsmiths living in North/East Friesland. He worked in Berlin from ca. 1762 - 1773, where Frederick II
commissioned him to complete the se ...[more]
A Berlin silver Frederician teapot. With a wooden handle. Marks of Friedrich Jacob Stoltz, ca. 1765 H 10 cm, weight 239 g. LiteratureCf.
a hot chocolate pot by this master in the Landesmuseum Schwerin and a sugar pot in the Berlin Kunstgewerbemuseum, illus. in:
Scheffler 1965, no. 51, 59.Frideriz ...[more]
A Berlin silver Frederician candelabrum. Marks of Hermann Neupert, 1762 - 73. H 32.5 cm, weight 986 g. LiteratureCf. a pair of
candelabra in Haus Doorn, illus. in cat.: Kaiserlicher Kunstbesitz aus dem holländischen Exil Haus Doorn, Berlin 1991, p. 92, cat. no.
74.4.Friderizianische Girandole Silb ...[more]
A Potsdam silver sugar box. With original lock and key. Marks of Christian Friedrich Müller, 1767 - W 16.5; D 11.5; H 8.5 cm, weight 666
g.Potsdamer Zuckerkasten Silber, getrieben, gewickelt, gegossen und ziseliert. Auf flachem Boden rechteckiger Korpus mit glatter
Wandung; der wenig aufgewölbte S ...[more]
A Berlin silver neoclassical candle-snuffer set. Both pieces engraved "S". Marks of Friedrich Jacob L of scissors 16.5; W of tray 19; D
8.5; H 2.5 cm, total weight 267 g.Klassizistische Lichtputzgarnitur Silber, getrieben und gesägt. Bestehend aus Lichtputzschere und
zweipassigem Tablett mit Galer ...[more]
A set of six silver gilt spoons made for the Dukes of Anhalt-Dessau. The ends decorated with the arm L ca. 19/19.5 cm, total weight 458
g.Sechs Löffel für die Herzöge von Anhalt-Dessau Silber; vergoldet. Eiförmige Laffen und zum Ende verbreiterte Stiele, davon zwei in
Spatenform. Die Stielenden mi ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain figure of a boy with a billy goat. An allegory of autumn. Blue sceptre mark to the reverse of the base. The goat's
horns replaced. H 13 cm. 1763, the model made by the Gotzkowsky manufactory.LiteratureCf. Lenz, Berlin 1913, vol. I, illus. 2.Knabe
mit Böckchen Porzellan, Emai ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain allegory of taste. A figure of a youth leaning on a barrel and holding an apple in his hand. Blue sceptre mark to
the back of the socle, unglazed base with collector's monogram. The right hand reattached. H 12 cm. 1770, modelled by Wilhelm
Christian Meyer.ProvenanceFormerly th ...[more]
A fine ceder veneer ormolu-mounted chest of drawers. An elegant piece exemplifying the Berlin/Potsdam late rococo style. Restored. H
85, W 89, D 48 cm. 2nd half 18th C., with later additions.Potsdamer Kommode Zederfurnier und andere Hölzer auf Weichholz, massives
Holz, vergoldete Bronzebeschläge. ...[more]
A painted and gilt softwood bracket made for the Neue Palais in Potsdam. With a veined white marble top. An interesting piece with a
fine composition of openwork rocailles to the front. With an inventory label to the back of the apron: "Neues P.. Zimmer No VII lfde No
74", further painted marks. Two ...[more]
A small Berlin KPM porcelain jug with floral decor. Blue sceptre mark, impressed letter K. H 12.3 cm. Ca. 1770.Kännchen mit
Blumenmalerei Porzellan, Emaildekor, Vergoldung. Reliefzierat, Konsolausguss, der Deckel mit Blütenknauf. Dekoriert mit großen
Blumenbouquets, die Konturen an Ausguss und Hen ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain cup and saucer decorated with flying putti. With a dents de loup rim. Blue sceptre mark. The gilt edging worn
and retouched. Ca. 1770.Tasse mit fliegenden Putti Porzellan, Emaildekor, Vergoldung. Glatt. Dekoriert mit paarweise dargestellten
Putti, das eine mit Fanfare, das a ...[more]
A Berlin KPM moulded porcelain tray decorated with flying putti. With moulded rocaille handles and depictions of putti shooting arrows at
a heart. With dents de loup gilt edging. Blue sceptre mark, impressed number 23. L 36.2 cm. Ca. 1770.LiteratureIllus. in Keramos
221/2013, "Unbekannte Schätze aus ...[more]
A pair of Berlin KPM porcelain cooling vessels made for Berlin Palace. The handles formed as moulded foliage and shells. With
wildflower bouquets, scattered flowers and insect decor and gilt foliate borders. Blue sceptre mark. The insets restored. H 22.5;
diameter 18 cm. Ca. 1775.In 1772, Frederick ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain dish made for General de la Motte Fouqué. A compote dish of round form, decorated with "deutsche Blumen",
scattered flowers and some remains of gilt edging. Blue sceptre mark, impressed number 200. Diameter 21 cm. 1766.ProvenanceErnst
August Heinrich de la Motte Fouqué (1698 - ...[more]
Two Berlin KPM porcelain dessert plates made for Prince Heinrich. With relief, floral and insect decor. Blue sceptre mark and impressed
number K3. Diameter 24.5 cm. Ca. 1765.Zwei Dessertteller für Prinz Heinrich Porzellan, Emaildekor. Reliefzierat. Dekoriert mit
deutschen Blumen, Insekten und brau ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain sprinkler spoon with "deutsche Blumen" decor. The turned wooden handle attached via four dowels and a metal
cuff. Unmarked. A hairline crack to the top of the handle. L 21.5 cm. Ca. 1775.Streulöffel mit Blumendekor Porzellan, Emaildekor,
Vergoldung; Metallmanschette, gedrech ...[more]
A small Berlin KPM porcelain jug with floral and insect decor. Blue sceptre mark. H 16.8 cm. Ca. 1775.Kleine Helmkanne Porzellan,
Emaildekor, Vergoldung. Godronierte Kanne mit Volutenhenkel, dekoriert mit feinen Blumenbouquets, Streublüten und Insekten.
Blaumarke Zepter. H 16,8 cm. Berlin, KPM, um ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain jug with Dutch landscapes. Decorated on both sides with sepia landscapes in green foliate medallions. Blue
sceptre mark, impressed numbers. The lid probably a later replacement. H 14.8 cm. Ca. 1770/75.Kanne mit holländischen Landschaften
Porzellan, Emaildekor, Vergoldung. Gl ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcealin ecuelle and platter with bird decor. With branch form handles and bird and insect decor. Blue sceptre mark,
impressed numbers. Wear to the gilt, the floral finial reattached. Diameter platter 19.3 cm. Ca. 1775.ProvenanceFrau Geheime
Seehandlungsrat Schoeller, BerlinLempertz au ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain teapot with river landscapes and floral relief decor. Blue sceptre mark. H 10.8 cm. Ca. 1775.Teekanne mit
Flusslandschaften Porzellan, Emaildekor, Vergoldung. Ballenform mit Ozierrelief. Beidseitig dekoriert mit Flusslandschaften und reicher
Figurenstaffage, der Reliefdekor ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain tray with imitation stone decor. With relief cartouche decor and moulded rocaille handles. Blue sceptre mark,
impressed numbers. Minor wear to the gilt edging. L 36.7 cm. Ca. 1775.LiteratureA tray of this form with imitation porphyry decor illus
in:"Raffinesse & Eleganz", Muni ...[more]
A Berlin KPM moulded porcelain tray with floral and insect decor. With neuozier relief decor and moulded rocaille handles. Blue sceptre
mark, impressed number 13. L 36.2 cm. Ca. 1775.LiteratureIllus. in Keramos 221/2013 p. 40.Berliner Tablett Porzellan, Emaildekor.
Passig geschnittener Rand mit Re ...[more]
A round Berlin KPM porcelain cloche formed as naturalistic vine leaves. Blue sceptre mark, impressed III. With a 1 cm firing crack to the
reverse, concealed by an insect. Diameter 32 cm, H 15 cm. Ca. 1790.Wärmeglocke mit Blattrelief Porzellan, Emaildekor und Goldrand.
Aus Weinblättern geformte run ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain tray with floral decor. Of scalloped form with rocaille handles. Floral and insect decor partially over firing flaws.
Blue sceptre mark, impressed 23 and II. W 36.5 cm. Ca. 1775.Tablett mit Blumendekor Porzellan, Emaildekor. Passig geschnittener
Rand mit Rocaillenhandhaben. ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain dessert plate. With openwork elements to the border and "deutsche Blumen" decor. Blue sceptre mark,
impressed number. Diameter 23.4 cm. Ca. 1790.Berliner Dessertteller Porzellan, Emaildekor. Korbrelief mit durchbrochenen Zwickeln,
dekoriert mit deutschen Blumen und rotem Ran ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain dessert plate with fruit decor. With openwork elements to the border. Blue sceptre mark, impressed number 13.
Diameter 23.5 cm. Ca. 1790.Dessertteller mit Früchtemalerei Porzellan, Emaildekor, Vergoldung. Korbrelief mit durchbrochenen
Zwickeln, dekoriert mit Früchten, Nüssen ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain teacup with finely painted castles. Blue sceptre mark, impressed numbers. Slight wear to the gilt rim. Ca.
1780.Teetasse mit Schlossdarstellungen Porzellan, Emaildekor, Vergoldung. Halbkugelform. Zwei von kupfergrünen Blattranken
gerahmte Madaillons mit zartgelbem Fond, dari ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain teacup with a river landscape. Blue sceptre mark, impressed numbers. Ca. 1775.Teetasse mit Flusslandschaft
Porzellan, Emaildekor, Vergoldung. Halbkugelform mit Ozierrelief. Dekoriert mit Flusslandschaft in Purpurcamaieu auf goldener
Rocaillenkonsole. Blaumarke Zepter, Pressn ...[more]
A Berlin KPM cup and saucer with a portrait of Frederick II. The portrait on an oval, laurel-framed reserve inscribed
"Fridericus.II.Borossor.rex". The saucer decorated with attributes of sovereignty and fame. Blue sceptre mark, black 4., impressed
marks. Ca. 1790.Tasse mit Bildnis Friedrich II. P ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain covered cup with a portrait of Queen Friederike Luise of Prussia. The portrait on an oval, laurel-framed reserve
inscribed "F.L. Koenigin v. Preussen". The saucer decorated with attributes of sovereignty and music. Blue sceptre mark, painted I
mark. Ca. 1790.ProvenanceFormerly ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain cup and saucer with a portrait of Frederick William II of Prussia. The portrait within an oval reserve on a cobalt
ground, inscribed "Fried.Wilhelm. Koenig v. Preussen". The saucer decorated with attributes of sovereignty. Blue scepter mark, purple
6. mark. Minor losses to the ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain covered cup and saucer with a portrait of Frederick William. The portrait of the crown prince within an oval
reserve inscribed "Fred.Guillaume.Pr.de.Prusse". The saucer decorated with attributes of sovereignty. Blue scepter mark, gold painter's
mark. Ca. 1775.LiteratureCf. a s ...[more]
A Berlin KPM biscuit porcelain relief portrait of Frederick II. In a glazed and gilded frame. Blue sceptre mark. With slight wear to the
gilding of the upper section. Diameter 14.2 cm. Ca. 1786, modelled by Johann Georg Müller.Reliefporträt Friedrichs II. Biscuitporzellan,
partiell radierte Vergol ...[more]
A Berlin KPM biscuit porcelain relief portrait of the poet Johann Gleim. With a labelled portrait of the poet Johann Wilhelm Gleim (1719 1803) in profile. In a glazed and gilded frame. Blue sceptre mark. Diameter 14.2 cm. Ca. 1785.Reliefporträt Johann Gleim
Biscuitporzellan, partielle radierte V ...[more]
A large Berlin KPM biscuit porcelain relief portrait of Frederick William II. A finely modelled depiction of the then Crown Prince with the
Order of the Black Eagle. In a glazed and gilded frame. Blue sceptre mark. A discreet firing crack behind the shoulder. Diameter 17 cm.
Ca. 1785, modelled by Jo ...[more]
A pair of Baroque brass candlesticks. Cast in two pieces and screwed together. After a design for silver. Monogrammed "FWR" to the
underside, dated 1789. With an unidentified stamped mark. H 19 cm. Possibly Nuremberg, 1st quarter 18th C.In the year of the French
Revolution, the candlesticks were fin ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain cup and saucer with a silhouetted couple. The silhouette framed by a medallion hung with floral swags. Violet
flower decor to the cup and saucer. Blue sceptre mark, impressed numbers. Ca. 1790.Tasse mit Silhouette eines Paares Porzellan,
Emaildekor, Vergoldung. Zylindrisch. ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain covered cup and saucer with a river landscape. Ligatured monogram FLCS to the centre of the saucer. Blue
sceptre mark, impressed numbers. Ca. 1795.Deckeltasse mit Flusslandschaft Porzellan, Email- und Scharffeuerdekor, Vergoldung.
Zylindrisch, Henkel à la grecque. Mit Goldbl ...[more]
A Berlin KPM neoclassical porcelain cup and saucer with floral decor. Blue sceptre mark with dash, iron red 3 and 5. Wear to the gilt
edging of the saucer. Ca. 1795.Klassizistische Tasse Porzellan, Scharffeuer- und Emaildekor, Vergoldung. Zylindrisch, Henkel à la
grecque. Kobaltblauer Fond mit Gol ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain cup with park landscape decor. Blue sceptre mark with blue enamel dash, impressed mark. 1795.Tasse mit
Parklandschaft Porzellan, Email- und Scharffeuerdekor, Vergoldung. Zylindrisch, Henkel à la grecque. Kobaltblauer Fond mit goldenem
Vermicellidekor, dekoriert mit Parkansic ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain tête à tête with sepia decor. Comprising tray, two cups and saucers, coffee pot, teapot, milk jug and sugar box.
Decorated in sepia with children playing and making music.With gilt dents de loup rims. Blue sceptre mark, impressed numbers. The gilt
etched frames partially rubbe ...[more]
A Berlin KPM neoclassical porcelain plate. Of Kurländer design, with wildflower and gilt swag decor. Blue sceptre mark, blue enamel
dash, painter's mark. Diameter 24 cm. Ca. 1805.Probably from the service with "wildflowers and insects" made for Prince Henry of
Prussia or Frederick William II.Klass ...[more]
Two Berlin KPM plates with scattered roses. Blue sceptre mark with dash, impressed numbers 32 and 36. Wear to the gilt edging.
Diameter 24.8 cm. Ca. 1795.Princess Auguste of Prussia received a dinner service with scattered roses from Frederick William II in
1797 on the occasion of her marriage to Pr ...[more]
Two Berlin KPM neoclassical porcelain platters. Each with a central rosette hung with foliage. Blue sceptre mark, impressed numbers.
Minimal faults in the glaze concealed beneath gold dots. Diameter 35 cm. Ca. 1790.Zwei klassizistische Platten Porzellan, Emaildekor,
Goldränder. Kurländer Muster. D ...[more]
Two Berlin KPM neoclassical porcelain plates. Each with a central rosette hung with foliage. Blue sceptre mark, impressed numbers.
Wear to the outer gilt edges. Diameter 24.5 cm. Ca. 1790.Zwei klassizistische Teller Porzellan, Emaildekor, Goldränder. Kurländer
Muster. Die Draperien auf seegrünem F ...[more]
A small Berlin KPM porcelain hot chocolate jug. With ormolu mountings and a hardwood handle. With grand feu underglaze floral decor.
Blue sceptre mark and 5, impressed 17. H 11.3 cm. Ca. 1780.Kleine Schokoladenkanne Scharffeuerdekor; vergoldete
Bronzemontierung, Handhabe aus Hartholz. Zylindrische ...[more]
A Berlin KPM neoclassical porcelain dessert plate. With wildflower decor and a grisaille oak leaf border. Blue sceptre mark, impressed
numbers. 24.3 cm. 1791.Frederick William II presented his niece Friederike Luise Wilhemine with a dinner service with an oak leaf
border on occasion of her marriage ...[more]
Two Berlin KPM neoclassical porcelain plates. One deep and one shallower plate. Decorated to the centre with wildflower bouquets and
insects. Foliate decor to the border. Blue sceptre mark, impressed numbers. Diameter 23.5 and 24 cm. Ca. 1795.The elegant and
minimal decor of these plates from an as ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain writing set. Comprising a tray, sand caster, covered inkwell and quill stand with floral swag decor. Blue sceptre
mark, impressed numbers. L tray 26.2 cm; H quill stand 9.8 cm. Ca. 1795.LiteratureFrederick William II ordered a dinner service with the
same decor for Charlottenb ...[more]
A large Berlin KPM neoclassical porcelain platter with floral and insect decor. Blue sceptre mark, impressed numbers 27 and IIII. 39.5
cm. Ca. 1790.Große klassizistische Platte Porzellan, Emaildekor, Vergoldung. Antikglatt. Dekoriert mit einem großen Blumenbouquet
und zahlreichen Insekten, schokol ...[more]
A Berlin KPM neoclassical porcelain sweets basket and presentoire. Of octagonal form with foliate rosette decor. Blue sceptre mark with
a gilt dot, impressed numbers and marks. H basket 10.8 cm; L presentoire 33.8 cm. Ca. 1790.Klassizistischer Dessertkorb mit
Présentoir Porzellan, Emaildekor, Verg ...[more]
Three Berlin KPM neoclassical porcelain salts. Two with green ribbon and rose decor, one from a subsequent order with wildflower and
leaf border decor on a purple ground. Blue sceptre mark and blue sceptre mark with red imperial orb. Minor wear to the gilt edging. Ca.
1795 and 1835.Drei klassizist ...[more]
Two Berlin KPM porcelain jugs with children playing. Of cylindrical form with finely painted sepia decor in floral medallions. Blue sceptre
mark, impressed mark. One jug with a chip to the interior of the base. H 14 and 10.5 cm. Ca. 1795, the decor after engravings by
Francesco Bartolozzi.Zwei Kän ...[more]
A Berlin silver interior gilt sugar box. With original lock and key. Owner's monogram "v.H." beneath W 15; D 10; H 8.5 cm, weight 462 g.
ProvenancePrivate collection, Berlin.Zuckerkasten Silber, getrieben und gegossen; innen vergoldet. Auf vier Füßchen rechteckiger
Korpus mit Scharnierdeckel. Orig ...[more]
A pair of Berlin silver neoclassical candlesticks. Marks of Esajas Karl Hoffmann, 1804 - 13. H 23 cm, weight 501 g.Paar klassizistische
Leuchter Silber, getrieben und gegossen. Quadratische Plinthe und konischer Schaft mit Palmettdekor. Eingesteckte Traufschalen.
Marken: BZ Berlin für 1804 - 17, M ...[more]
A Berlin silver neoclassical sugar caster. Marks probably of Johann Christian Samuel Kessner, ca. 18 H 22.5 cm, weight 207
g.Klassizistischer Zuckerstreuer Balusterförmiger Korpus mit durchbrochenem Streuaufsatz. Marken: BZ Berlin um 1785 - 1803,
verschlagenes MZ, Johann Christian Samuel Kessner ( ...[more]
A carved oak upholstered neoclassical chair. 81 x 54.5 x 58 cm. Berlin, after a design by Karl Friedrich Schinkel made for Wörlitz
palace, late 18th / early 19th C.ProvenanceCollection of Prof. Dr. Erich Köllmann, Lempertz auction 622 on 27th June 1987, lot
1043.Private ownership, Rhineland.Literatu ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain sugar box with fleurs en terrasse decor. With wildflowers over basketwork. Blue sceptre mark, impressed
numbers. A restored rim chip to the lid. H 9.3 cm. Ca. 1800.Zuckerdose mit fleurs en terrasse Porzellan, Emaildekor, Vergoldung.
Konisch. Dekoriert mit Wiesenblumen über K ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain cup with "fleurs en terrasse" decor. Blue sceptre mark, blue enamel dash, iron red 73. Minor losses to the gilt
edging. Ca. 1810.Tasse mit fleurs en terrasse Porzellan, Emaildekor, Vergoldung. Zylindrisch, Henkel à la grecque. Lichtgrauer Fond,
darauf sehr fein gemalte fleur ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain neoclassical cup. With floral swags. Blue sceptre mark, iron red 79, impressed numbers. Ca.
1800.Klassizistische Tasse Porzellan, Emaildekor, Vergoldung. Konisch, mit Henkel à la grecque. Chamoisfarbener Fond mit
Blütenfestons, Bildflächen konturiert mit Pompejirot und Gold. ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain cup and saucer with a floral still life. The finely painted floral still life in a rectangular reserve on a white ground
with gilt dots. Blue sceptre mark with blue enamel dash, iron red 75., impressed marks. Ca. 1810.Tasse mit Blumenstillleben Porzellan,
Emaildekor, Vergold ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain cup and saucer with finely painted fruit decor. Blue sceptre mark with gold painter's mark and iron red 5,
impressed numbers. Ca. 1800.Tasse mit feiner Früchtemalerei Porzellan, Emaildekor, Vergoldung. Zylindrisch, Henkel à la grecque. Auf
der Wandung der Tasse und im Spiege ...[more]
A Berlin KPM gilt porcelain cup with red and blue striped decor. After a Viennese design. Blue sceptre mark, red 4, impressed numbers.
Slight wear to the gilt. Ca. 1800.Tasse mit Golddekor Porzellan, Emaildekor, Vergoldung. Zylindrisch, Henkel à la grecque. Radialer
Streifendekor in Rot und Blau a ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain cup with gilding and red and green striped decor. After a Viennese design. Blue sceptre mark, red 1., incised
and impressed marks. Ca. 1800.Tasse mit Golddekor Porzellan, Emaildekor, Vergoldung. Zylindrisch, Henkel à la grecque. Radialer
Streifendekor in Rot und Grün auf gol ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain cup and saucer decorated with putti amongst clouds. Inscribed "Les Heureaux" to the centre of the saucer. Blue
sceptre mark, blue enamel dash, impressed number. Ca. 1810.LiteratureA cup with the same decor illus. in: "Berliner Porzellan",
Münster 2006, p. 192.Tasse mit Cheru ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain cup with a landscape panorama. The landscape decor after a Dutch design. Blue sceptre mark, red 12,
impressed mark. Ca. 1795.Tasse mit Landschaftspanorama Porzellan, Email- und Scharffeuerdekor, Vergoldung. Zylindrisch, Henkel à
la grecque. Kobaltblauer Fond mit Goldbordüre, ...[more]
A Berlin KPM neoclassical porcelain plate. A gilt framed medallion to the centre surrounding a depiction of a boy and a girl leading a
songbird on a ribbon, inscribed to the reverse "le pivoise". Blue sceptre mark, impressed numbers. Diameter 24.2 cm. Ca. 1800.The
children are using the captive song ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain plate representing October. With autumnal decor symbolic of the month of October. From a series of the months
of the year after an unknown engraved design. Blue sceptre mark, black painter's mark. Diameter 24.5 cm. Ca. 1805.Monatsteller
Oktober Porzellan, Emaildekor, Vergold ...[more]
German SchoolTwo Portraits: Frederick William III and Queen Louise Chalk pastel on paper, mounted on canvas. each 41.5 x 32
cm.Deutscher Meister um 1800Zwei Porträts: Friedrich Wilhelm III. und Königin Luise Pastellkreide auf Papier, auf Leinwand
aufgezogen.. Jeweils 41,5 x 32 cm.. ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain cup with rose decor. With floral and foliate decor. The interior of the cup gilt. Blue sceptre mark, black painter's
mark, impressed numbers. Ca. 1805.Tasse mit Rosenblüten Porzellan, Emaildekor, Vergoldung. Kalathosform mit Campanerhenkel.
Mattblauer Fond mit goldradierten ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain cup with oak leaf decor. The interior of the cup gilt. Blue sceptre mark with blue enamel dash, brown painter's
mark, impressed numbers. Ca. 1810.Tasse mit Eichenlaub Porzellan, Emaildekor, Vergoldung. Etrurische Form mit Campanerhenkel.
Eichenlaubbordüre und goldradierter B ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain cup and saucer with morning glory flower decor. Blue sceptre mark with enamel dash, red 6., impressed
numbers. Ca. 1810.Campanertasse mit Ackerwinden Porzellan, Emaildekor, Vergoldung. Ackerwinden auf weißem Fond, um die
Ränder Dekorband in Reliefgold auf lachsfarbenem Fond. ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain cup with carnation flowers on a pale pink ground. Blue sceptre mark with enamel dash, brown 3., impressed
numbers. Ca. 1810.Campanertasse mit Nelkenblüten Porzellan, Emaildekor, Vergoldung. Rote Nelken auf lachsfarbenem Fond, um die
Ränder Dekorband in Reliefgold auf hellbla ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain cup with floral decor. With gilt-framed oval reserves surrounding floral still lifes. Flanked by sepia ivy festoons.
Blue sceptre mark with blue enamel dash, brown 1., impressed numbers. Ca. 1810.Campanertasse mit Blumenstillleben Porzellan,
Emaildekor, Vergoldung. Goldgerah ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain cup and saucer with sunflowers on a pink ground. Blue sceptre mark, the cup with a blue enamel dash, brown 1.
Ca. 1810.Campanertasse mit Sonnenblumen Porzellan, Emaildekor, Vergoldung. Sonnenblumenblüten auf rosa Fond, um die Ränder
Dekorband in Reliefgold auf hellrauem Fond ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain cup and saucer with imitation marble and gilt relief decor. Blue sceptre mark with blue enamel dash, brown 13,
impressed numbers. Ca. 1810.Campanertasse mit Steinimitation Porzellan, Emaildekor, Vergoldung. Die Wandung mit gelbem Marmor
trompe l'oeil, um die Ränder Dekorband ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain cup and saucer with lilac flower and gilt relief decor. Blue sceptre mark with blue enamel dash, iron red 5.,
impressed numbers. Ca. 1810.Campanertasse mit Fliederblüten Porzellan, Emaildekor, Vergoldung. Weiße Fliederblüten auf violettem
Fond, um die Ränder Dekorband in Rel ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain cup with gilt decor. With foliate decor in flat and relief gilt. Blue sceptre mark with blue enamel dash, brown S.,
impressed numbers. Ca. 1810.Campanertasse mit Golddekor Porzellan, Emaildekor, Vergoldung. Goldene Bäumchen in reliefgoldenen
Blattschalen, um die Ränder Dekor ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain cup decorated with ears of corn. With cornflowers "en terrasse" and a gilt relief border. Blue sceptre mark, that
of the saucer with blue enamel dash, iron red 22. Ca. 1810.Campanertasse mit Kornähren Porzellan, Emaildekor, Vergoldung.
Goldradierte Ähren und Kornblumen en te ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain cup with gilt scroll decor on a brown ground. Blue sceptre mark, red imperial orb mark, painter's mark sf. Ca.
1900.Campanertasse mit braunem Fond Porzellan, Emaildekor, Vergoldung. Goldradierter Blattbordüre auf mattbraunem Fond, um die
Ränder Dekorband in Reliefgold auf la ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain cup with rose decor on a pink ground. Blue sceptre mark, grey enamel dash, brown 2., impressed numbers. Ca.
1810.Campanertasse mit Rosenblüten Porzellan, Emaildekor, Vergoldung. Rosenblüten auf rosa Fond, um die Ränder Dekorband in
Reliefgold auf zartgrünem Fond. Blaumarke Z ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain cup commemorating Princess Luise. With a relief portrait in biscuit porcelain, inscribed "Sie lebe auf immer in
den Herzen treuer Patrioten". Dated 10th March 1776 - 19th July 1810 to the saucer. Blue sceptre mark with blue enamel dash,
painter's mark, impressed 36. Ca. 1810/1 ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain dinner plate made for Princess Luise of Prussia. With botanical decor to the border, inscribed "Robinia viscosa"
to the reverse. Blue sceptre mark, red eagle mark with KPM, painter's mark, impressed number. Diameter 24 cm. Ca. 1825.Princess
Luise of Prussia received a 50-piece ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain plate with floral and gilt etched foliate decor. Blue sceptre mark, planet mark, impressed number. Diameter 24.8
cm. Ca. 1815.LiteratureA plate with similar floral decor in: Twinight Collection, Munich 2007, cat. 68 - 78.Teller mit Ackerwinden
Porzellan, Emaildekor, radierte ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain plate with dahlia flower decor. Gilt palmette and etched leaf decor to the border. Blue sceptre mark with orange
enamel dash, painter's mark, impressed numbers. Two scratches to the gilding of the border. Diameter 24.3 cm. Ca. 1815.Teller mit
Dahlien Porzellan, Emaildekor, V ...[more]
A pair of Berlin KPM porcelain krater form vases with floral and foliate décor. The body and bases of the vases connected by an ormolu
rosette Both vases richly gilt, each with an ivy border to the neck and gilt palmettes below the rim. One decorated with black and green
grapes, the other with colou ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain plate with a view of the Königssee near Berchtesgaden. Painted in sepia to the centre after an engraving.
Inscribed with details on the depiction on verso. Blue sceptre mark with blue enamel dash, impressed mark. Slight wear to the ground of
the centre. Diameter 24.5 cm. Ca. 1 ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain plate with a view of a palace. With gilt foliate decor to the border and an architectural motif in sepia to the centre.
Blue sceptre mark, iron red painter's mark. Diameter 23.8 cm. Ca. 1810.Ansicht eines Palais' Porzellan, Emaildekor, Vergoldung.
Antikglatt. Die Fahne mit m ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain plate with a harvest scene. With a gilt mosaic pattern border and a depiction of peasants working on the harvest
reserved on a faux lapis lazuli ground to the centre. Blue sceptre mark, gold painter's mark 131, impressed numbers. Diameter 24.3 cm.
Ca. 1810.Teller mit Erntesz ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain cup with a river landscape. The landscape after a Netherlandish design. Blue scepter mark with blue dash,
impressed numbers. Slight wear to the gilt edging. Ca. 1810.Tasse mit Flusslandschaft Porzellan, Emaildekor, Vergoldung. Zylindrisch
mit C-Henkel. Der Fond mit Lapislazu ...[more]
A Berlin KPM "Leontodon teraxacon" plate. Inscribed "Leontodon teraxacon", or dandelion, after a botanical engraving. With salmon
pink and gilt decor to the border. Blue sceptre mark, blue enamel dash, painter's mark, impressed numbers. 23.8 cm. Ca.
1810.LiteratureOn KPM's botanical plates cf.: Witt ...[more]
A Berlin KPM "Oxalis Acetosella" plate. Inscribed to the reverse "Oxalis Acetosella", or wood sorrel, after a botanical engraving. With
salmon pink and gilt decor to the border. Blue sceptre mark, blue enamel dash, painter's mark, impressed numbers. Ca.
1810.LiteratureOn Berlin KPM's botantical plat ...[more]
A Berlin KPM "Impatiens Nolitangere" plate. Inscribed to the reverse "Impatiens Nolitangere", or touch-me-not balsam, after a botanical
engraving. With salmon pink and gilt decor to the border. Blue sceptre mark, blue enamel dash, painter's mark, impressed numbers.
Diameter 24 cm. Ca. 1810.Teller ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain "Lychnis vistaria" plate. Inscribed to the reverse "Lychnis vistaria", or campion, after a botanical engraving. With
salmon pink and gilt decor to the border. Blue sceptre mark, blue enamel dash, painter's mark, impressed numbers. Diameter 24 cm.
Ca. 1810.Teller "Lychnis vis ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain plate with floral bouquet decor. Decorated with a colourful bouquet of native summer blooms. Blue sceptre mark
with grey enamel dash, black painter's mark. Diameter 24.5 cm. Ca. 1810.ProvenanceLempertz Berlin auction 886 on 27.5.2006, lot
65.Teller mit Blumenbouquet Porzella ...[more]
A signed Berlin KPM porcelain plate with floral still life decor. Blue sceptre mark with blue enamel dash, impressed 23, signed "Bläske"
to the stone ledge. Diameter 24.5 cm. Ca. 1810, painted by Johann Friedrich Bläske.LiteratureKöllmann quotes Rosenstiels list of artists
collaborating on Riese's t ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain cup with silvered scale pattern decor. Of cylindrical form with gilt decor to the rims. Blue sceptre mark with a gilt
dot, impressed marks. Ca. 1800.Tasse mit Silberschuppen Porzellan, Emaildekor, Vergoldung und Versilberung. Zylindrisch, Henkel à
la grecque. Schokoladenbrau ...[more]
A set of Berlin KPM porcelain crockery. Comprising 6 dinner plates, 6 soup plates, 2 dishes and three salts. All pieces with bindweed
flower decor and gilt edging. Blue sceptre mark with blue enamel dash, various other pigment and impressed marks. With firing cracks,
one plate with restored chips, o ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain plate decorated with a scene from Faust I. With a depiction of Gretchen praying to the Virgin Mary in the centre,
inscribed on verso with the accompanying passage from Goethe's famous play. Blue sceptre mark with orange enamel dash, painter's
mark and impressed numbers. Diamet ...[more]
A Prussian cast iron cameo collier. With five medallions bearing neoclassical relief portrait cameos. Some wear to the black laquer. L 45
cm. Weight 58.1 g. Berlin or Gleiwitz, ca. 1820 - 30.LiteratureCf. for the Psyche motif, cat.: Eisenkunstguss aus der Hanns Schell
Collection Graz, Deutsches Schl ...[more]
A pair of Prussian cast iron neoclassical bracelets. Of cast iron and iron wire. The straps of finely woven wire, the clasps bearing cameo
portraits after Classical models. Berlin or Gleiwitz, ca. 1815 - 20.LiteratureCf. cat.: Eisenkunstguss aus der Hanns Schell Collection
Graz, Deutsches Schloss- u ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain cup with imitation micro mosaic decor. Of octagonal form. Alternatingly decorated with faux micro mosic ruins
and faux pietra dura tripods. Blue sceptre mark, impressed numbers. Ca. 1817.LiteratureAn identical cup in the Twinight Collection, cf.
cat. 26.Tasse mit Mikromosaik ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain cup with imitation micro mosaic decor. Reserves on a salmon pink ground painted with architectural ruins
imitating micro mosaic work. The saucer corresponding and of the period but not original. Blue sceptre mark, impressed marks. Ca.
1805.Tasse mit Mikromosaik Porzellan, Em ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain plate with decor imitating micro mosaic. With a gilt leaf framed medallion to the centre containing a faux micro
mosaic view of a ruined temple. The border with foliate and floral faux pietra dura decor. Blue sceptre mark, black painter's mark,
impressed numbers and incised ma ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain saucer with decor imitating micromosaic. Of octagonal form with a relief gilt foliate border. With alternating faux
micro mosaic and pietra dura decor to the centre. Blue sceptre mark with blue enamel dash, gold painter's mark, impressed mark.
Diameter 13.3 cm. Berlin, KPM, um ...[more]
A Berlin silver neoclassical sugar box. With original lock, the key lost. Marks of Jean Frédéric God W 14.5; D 9.5; H 9.5 cm, weight 637
g.Klassizistischer Zuckerkasten Silber. Auf flachem Boden rechteckiger Korpus; die abgeschrägten Ecken mit Reliefauflagen. Flacher
Scharnierdeckel, auf dem Schei ...[more]
A Berlin silver interior gilt casserole dish and cover. Marks of Johann George Wilhelm Thum, 1819 - Diameter 21; L 39 cm, weight 1014
g.Deckelkasserole Silber, getrieben und gegossen; innen vergoldet. Auf flachem Boden flacher zylindrischer Korpus mit gedrechseltem
Elfenbeinstiel. Der wenig aufgew ...[more]
A pair of Berlin silver interior gilt neoclassical salts. Marks of Johann Christian Müller, ca. 1820 H 6; diameter 7 cm, weight 130 g.Paar
klassizistische Salièren Silber; innen vergoldet. Auf eingezogenem Fuß tiefe runde Schale mit klassizistischem Dekorfries. Marken: BZ
Berlin mit zweitem Zeiche ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain plate with a view of Schwerin. Inscribed on verso "Schwerin von der Seite des Windmühlenberges". Blue
sceptre mark, painter's mark, orange enamel dash. Diameter 24.5 cm. Ca. 1815.Ansichtenteller Schwerin Porzellan, Emaildekor,
Vergoldung. Antikglatt. Die fein gemalte Darstel ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain krater form vase with views of Potsdam. The bowl and base connected via a bronze rosette form screw
mounting. The shoulders and socle with gilt tendril decor on a cream ground, the base and handles gilt and finely etched. Two
rectangular fields containing a labelled view of th ...[more]
A Berlin silver teapot and rechaud. The teapot with marks of Johann David Hertel, 1819 - 42; the rec H 24.5 cm, weight 703 g.Teekessel
mit Rechaud Silber, getrieben, gegossen und graviert. Kugelförmiger Korpus mit Stülpdeckel; die Wandung mit graviertem
klassizistischem Dekor. Geschwungene Tülle m ...[more]
A pair of Berlin silver coasters. Marks of August Friedrich Lorenz Peters, 1821 - 42. H 3; diameter 14 cm, total weight 255 g.Paar
Flaschenuntersetzer Silber, getrieben, gewickelt und gegossen. Runde Bodenfläche mit konzentrischen Zügen; der hochgezogene
Rand mit gegossenem Blütenfriesabschluss. M ...[more]
A Berlin silver teapot. Monogrammed to the underside "EA/Fr". Marks of George Friedrich Hossauer, ca H 16 cm, weight 1073 g.
LiteratureCf. a tea maker made for Prince Carl of Prussia, illus. in: Jonas 1998, no. 38.Teekanne Silber, getrieben und gegossen. Auf
godroniertem Fuß solide Kanne nach engl ...[more]
The Berlin silver interior gilt goblet of the marksman's guild (Schützengilde) of Alt-Brandenburg. I H 22 cm, weight 408 g. LiteratureThe
present goblet mentioned in: Scheffler 1965, p. 391.Pokal der Schützengilde zu Alt-Brandenburg Silber, getrieben, gegossen und
graviert; innen vergoldet. Fuß un ...[more]
A Bohemian cut glass chalice with views of Berlin. Decorated with four medallions bearing star motifs and a labelled view of the
Werdersche Church in Berlin. H 28 cm. After 1831.Karl Friedrich Schinkel's Gothic Renaissance brick church on Werdeschen market in
Berlin was inaugrated on 10th July 1831. ...[more]
A black patinated cast iron bust of Friedrich August I of Saxony. A crisp, finely chased cast, made from various connected pieces.
Showing the 56 year old King in uniform wearing the star of the Saxon house order. H 34.8 cm. The cast probably Gräflich
Einsiedelsches Eisenwerk Lauchhammer, probably a ...[more]
A black patinated cast iron bust of Duke Ostermann-Tolstoy. Cast in two connected parts. A portrait of the Lieutenant General dressed
in the Uniform of the German Campaign with three orders. H 12.5, with pedestal 26.5 cm. Attributed to the Fürstlich Dietrichsteinsche
iron foundries in Ransko, after ...[more]
A black patinated cast iron bust of Emperor Franz. A crisp, finely chased bust cast in two connected pieces. A bust of the young
Emperor in the style of an Ancient Roman portrait. H 28 cm. Probably Komarau foundry in Bohemia, 1st quarter 19th C.The Austrian
grand duke reigned under the name Franz II ...[more]
A black patinated cast iron bust of Wilhelm I of Württemberg. A rare, finely chased cast with a smooth, shiny surface. A bust of the
young King based on Classical Roman models. The cast slightly thin to the back of the head. H 25.8 cm. Probably Prussia, 1st half 19th
C., modelled by Johann Heinrich ...[more]
A Berlin cast iron bust of Bergrat Werner. Cast in two pieces and connected. A portrait of the mining superintendent (Bergrat) Abrahm
Gottlob Werner in a miner's uniform with the Saxon civil service order. H 22.5 cm. Royal Prussian Iron Foundries in Gleiwitz, after 1816 1847, modelled by Johann Ca ...[more]
A cast iron bust of Ernst Ludwig Heim. A portrait of the famous Berlin doctor in Classical costume. H 27.8 cm. Royal Prussian Iron
Foundries, 2nd half 19th C., probably after the bust by Ludwig Wichmann.Ernst Ludwig Heim (1747 - 1834) first worked as town doctor
of Spandau, but was later named privy ...[more]
A black patinated cast iron bust of Friedrich Wilhelm IV. A crisp, finely chased work. A bust showing the King at age 50. H 33.3 cm.
Berlin Royal Iron Foundries, modelled by Christian Daniel Rauch, after 1845.The King sat six times for the original plaster bust which
Rauch completed on 6th March 184 ...[more]
A white marble bust of Amalie Auguste of Saxony. On a veined marble socle. Worked in the round. The head inclined slightly to the
right. The Princess wears an opulent hair style, pearl collier and an Empire waisted dress. With a label to the reverse "A.A. Herzogin v.
Sachsen" and a red seal with arm ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain "Malestoma coccinea" plate. With a botanical depiction on a matte yellow ground, the border with foliate decor in
fine shades of sepia. Blue sceptre mark, red imperial orb mark over KPM, inscribed "Malestoma coccinea - Gouadeloupe". Slight losses
of pigment around the flowers. ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain "Jatropha acuminata" plate. With a botanical depiction on a matte yellow ground, the border with foliate decor in
fine shades of sepia. Blue sceptre mark, red imperial orb mark over KPM, inscribed "Jatropha acuminata - Antilles". Diameter 24.3 cm.
Ca. 1825.LiteratureAbgebildet ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain "Kennedia monophylla" plate. With a botanical depiction on a matte yellow ground, the border with foliate decor
in fine shades of sepia. Blue sceptre mark, red imperial eagle mark over KPM, painter's mark, inscribed "Kennedia monophylla Nouvelle Hollande". Diameter 24.3 cm. ...[more]
A pair of Berlin KPM neoclassical ormolu mounted porcelain table centrepieces. The chamfered pedestals supporting four gilt biscuit
porcelain lions and a foliate bronze mounting to hold the gilt tops. The mountings numbered VI and VII. The tops decorated with
rectangular gilt foliate framed reserves ...[more]
A Berlin KPM Munich metal mounted porcelain vase with views of Berlin. Munich vase no. 1 with fine foliate etching to the gilt ground
and the white ground of the neck. Two labelled scenes of the Berlin Museum and the Berlin Werdesche Church within oval reserves to
the body. Blue sceptre mark, red im ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain stembowl with a view of the Pfaueninsel. A gilt circle in the centre of the bowl marks the viewer’s hypothetical
position atop the tower of the Kavaliershaus from which they are able to observe the entirety of the Pfaueninsel (Peacock Island) with all
its buildings, monuments ...[more]
A monumental Berlin KPM ormolu-mounted porcelain krater form vase with a view of Potsdam. The panorama which stretches over the
entirety of the vase shows Potsdam seen from Babelsberg. Our gaze is led northwards from the Havel towards Glienicke to the
Marmorpalais at Heiligensee on towards the cent ...[more]
A large cast iron "Medici" style krater vase. Cast in various parts and connected, the base filled with wood. The figural reliefs to the body
of the Medici vase are today interpreted as Homer's heroic figures consulting an oracle. H 48.5, D 37 cm. Attributed to the Prussian Iron
Foundries, 19th C.Th ...[more]
A large Berlin KPM porcelain cup and saucer with views of Charlottenhof. Decorated with two gilt framed views of Charlottenhof palace
reserved on a faux lapis lazuli ground. The interior of the cup gilt. Blue sceptre mark, red imperial orb mark, blue painter's mark,
impressed numbers. Diameter of sa ...[more]
A large Berlin KPM porcelain vase with a fruit still life. On a fire-gilt bronze base inlaid with a porcelain plaque. Vase with rosette form
handles, lapis blue ground with gilt veins, the front bearing a gilt framed rectangular reserve containing a finely painted still life after a
Dutch design.The ...[more]
Ernst SagerA Large Floral Still Life Oil on canvas, framed.. 64 x 87 cm..Signed lower right on the windowsill: E. Sager inv. et fecit
1829..Ernst Sager is mainly remembered for the excellent flower paintings he carried out for the Royal Berlin porcelain manufactory.
After being taught under Gottfrie ...[more]
Unknown Artist, of the early 19th centuryA Portrait of Prince Blücher of Wahlstatt Pastel on paper. 41 x 33.5 cm.This pastel adheres to a
mezzotint engraving by J. P. Lützenkirchen.Unbekannter Meister des frühen 19. JahrhundertsFürst Blücher von Wahlstatt Pastell auf
Papier.. 41 x 33,5 cm..Das Pas ...[more]
Franz KrügerA Portrait of Louise Castellane-Norante, Duchess of Pourtalès Black chalk, highlighted in white, on paper. 27 x 24.5
cm.ProvenancePrivate ownership, Rhineland.A handwritten label to the reverse of this drawing reveals the identity of the lady in an
unusual hat and lace stole. According t ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain plate with a view of Wartburg. The border with gilt foliate decor on a pink ground, the centre with a labelled view
of the "Wartburg". Blue sceptre mark, red imperial orb mark over KPM, gold painter's mark. Diameter 24.3 cm. Ca.
1835.ProvenanceLempertz auction 922 on 24.5.2008 ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain plate with a view of Taxis palace. The border with gilt foliate decor on a pink ground, with a labelled view
"Schloss Taxis" to the centre. Blue sceptre mark, red imperial orb mark over KPM, gold painter's mark. Diameter 24.3 cm. Ca.
1835.ProvenanceLempertz auction 922 on 24.5 ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain plate with a view of Dornburg. The border with gilt foliate decor on a pink ground, with a labelled view "Dornburg
an der Saale" to the centre. Blue sceptre mark, red imperial orb mark over KPM, gold painter's mark. Diameter 24.3 cm. Ca.
1835.ProvenanceLempertz auction 922 on ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain plate with a view of Kallenberg. The border with gilt foliate decor on a pink ground, with a labelled view
"Kallenberg bei Coburg" to the centre. Blue sceptre mark, red imperial orb mark over KPM, gold painter's mark. Diameter 24.3 cm. Ca.
1835.ProvenanceLempertz auction 922 o ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain plate with a view of Altenburg palace. The border with gilt foliate decor on a pink ground, with a labelled view
"Altenburger Schloß" to the centre. Blue sceptre mark, red imperial orb mark over KPM, gold painter's mark. Diameter 24.3 cm. Ca.
1835.ProvenanceLempertz auctin 922 ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain plate with a view of Leuchtenburg. The border with gilt foliate decor on a pink ground, with a labelled view
"Leuchtenburg bey Kahla" to the centre. Blue sceptre mark, red imperial orb mark over KPM, gold painter's mark. Diameter 24.3 cm. Ca.
1835.ProvenanceLempertz auction 92 ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain plate with a view of Liebenstein. The border with gilt foliate decor on a pink ground, with a labelled view "Bad
Liebenstein" to the centre. Blue sceptre mark, red imperial orb mark over KPM, gold painter's mark. Diameter 24.3 cm. Ca.
1835.LiteratureIllus. in cat.: "Raffinesse ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain plate with a view of Meiningen. The border with gilt foliate decor on a pink ground, with a labelled view of
"Meiningen" to the centre. Blue sceptre mark, red imperial orb mark over KPM, gold painter's mark. Diameter 24.3 cm. Ca.
1835.LiteratureIllus. in cat.: "Raffinesse & El ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain plate with a view of Altenstein. The border with gilt foliate decor on a pink ground, with a labelled view of
"Altenstein" to the centre. Blue sceptre mark, red imperial orb mark over KPM, gold painter's mark. Diameter 24.3 cm. Ca.
1835.LiteratureIllus. in cat.: "Raffinesse & ...[more]
Six Berlin KPM porcelain plates made for Glienicke castle. Of neoclassical design with gilt palmette decor on a dark red ground. Blue
sceptre mark, one with painter's mark +, the others with red imperial orb mark, various impressed numbers. Diameter 24.3 cm. Ca. 1835
and earlier.This service was pro ...[more]
A rare Berlin KPM porcelain friendship cup. Decorated with a map of Europe and North Africa on a round reserve. Inscribed "Liebe und
Freundschaft gehen mit verschloßnen Lippen über diese Kugel". Blue sceptre mark, red eagle mark. Ca. 1830.Seltene
Freundschaftstasse Porzellan, Emaildekor, Vergoldun ...[more]
August Wilhelm Ferdinand SchirmerA Southern Valley with a Water Mill Oil on canvas. 26.6 x 34.8 cm.Monogrammed lower left: AWS
(ligatured) 1834.ExhibitionsStiftung Preußische Schlösser und Gärten Berlin-Brandenburg, 1996LiteratureOn the artist: E. Sprecher:
August Wilhelm Ferdinand Schirmer. Ein Ber ...[more]
A large Berlin KPM porcelain cup and saucer with forget-me-not decor. The interior of the cup gilt. Blue sceptre mark, red imperial orb
mark. Diameter of saucer 18 cm. Ca. 1835.ProvenanceSotheby's auction "Property from the Royal House of Hanover", 9.10.2005, lot
2449.Große Tasse mit Vergissmeinni ...[more]
A pair of Berlin silver neoclassical candlesticks. One with marks of Johann George Wilhelm Peters, c H 21 cm, weight 297 g.Paar
Leuchter Silber. Balusterschaft mit klassizistischem Prägedekor und eingesteckten Traufschalen. Marken: BZ Berlin mit zweitem
Zeichenmeister Andreack für 1819 - 42, MZ Jo ...[more]
A Berlin silver partially gilt platter made for the Grand Dukes of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. Marks of Jo Diameter 30 cm, weight 930 g.
LiteratureCf. cat.: Schätze deutscher Goldschmiedekunst, Berlin 1992, no. 245; and: Melitta Jonas, Gold und Silber für den König, Berlin
1998, p. 67 ff.Teller für die ...[more]
A pair of Berlin silver candelabra. Marks of Johann George Hossauer, 1842 - 47. H 47 cm, total weight 4470 g.Paar Kandelaber Silber,
getrieben und gegossen. Aufgewölbter, rund fassonierter Fuß und Balusterschaft mit reichem, fein ziseliertem Muscheldekor und
Blütenzweigen. Der eingesteckte Kandela ...[more]
A Hanau cast iron figure of a recumbent Sphinx. With remains of black and bronze patina. Cast in several parts and connected via
screws. Based on the Sphinx of Giza. With an oval foundry mark to the underside. 11.8 x 8 x 23.7 cm. E. G. Zimmermann foundry, 1st
half 19th C.Liegende Sphinx Eisenguss, ...[more]
A Prussian cast iron figure of a winged Sphinx. The base filled. One wing attached via later rivets, some scratches. 17.2 x 7.3 x 16.4 cm.
19th C.Geflügelte Sphinx Eisenguss, schwarzbraune Patinierung, der Boden verfüllt. Ein Flügel mit zwei späteren Nieten wieder
befestigt, einige Kratzspuren. 17 ...[more]
A small cast iron bust of Goethe. Chips to the edge of the socle. H of bust 7.3, with socle 12.2 cm.Kleine Goethebüste Eisenguss,
schwarz gebrannt, Onyxsockel. Chips am Sockelrand. Büste H 7,3, mit Sockel 12,2 cm. ...[more]
A Prussian cast iron paperweight formed as Cupid riding a lion. Cast in two parts. 8 x 13 x 8.6 cm. Sayner Imperial Prussian Iron
Foundry, 19th C.LiteratureCf. cat.: Aus einem Guss, Berlin 1988, no. 241.Briefbeschwerer "Amor auf Löwe" Eisenguss, schwarz
patiniert, zweiteilig gegossen. 8 x 13 x 8,6 ...[more]
A black patinated cast iron equestrian statuette of Frederick II. Cast in several pieces and connected via screws. A so-called
"Zimmerdenkmal" (domestic monument) on a tall plinth. H 67 cm. Royal Prussian Iron Foundries, ca. 1826, after a model by Theodor
Kalide.The design for the large scale monume ...[more]
Six Berlin KPM porcelain heraldic plates with views of Berlin. Decorated to the centre with coats of arms, and to the border with
cartouches containing views of monuments in Berlin, Potsdam and the surrounding area. Blue sceptre mark over KPM, red imperial orb
mark, impressed numbers. Diameter 26cm. ...[more]
Two Berlin KPM porcelain plates made for Mosigkau palace. With blue grand feu lambrequin decor to the border and bamboo and
peony decor to the centre. Blue sceptre mark with KPM, red imperial orb mark. Diameter 23.2 cm. Ca. 1840.LiteratureThe pieces from
this service after a Chinese design remaining ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain dish with passion flower decor. Blue sceptre and "pfennig" mark, red imperial orb mark, impressed numbers.
Diameter 27.8 cm. Ca. 1850.A subsequent order to a service made for Frederick William III.Schale mit Passionsblumendekor Porzellan,
Emaildekor, Vergoldung. Konisch. Bla ...[more]
Two Berlin KPM porcelain cups. With a bindweed flower border and thick gilt edging. Blue sceptre mark over KPM, red imperial orb
mark, ligatured owner's monogram "FW". H 6 cm. Ca. 1840.ProvenanceKing Frederick William IV.Zwei königliche Tassen Porzellan,
Emaildekor, Vergoldung. Konisch, die Henkel ...[more]
A Berlin KPM framed porcelain plaque with a view of Sanssouci palace. The view shows the southern side of the palace with the
vineyard and fountain. Impressed sceptre mark above KPM, impressed letter H. 28.3 x 38.5 cm. Ca. 1845. The painting based on a
work by Carl Daniel Freydanck from 1843.Frederi ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain plate with a Russian view. With geometric and foliate decor the border, also a crowned monogram within an oval
reserve. The centre with a labelled view of the Yélaguine Villa in St. Petersburg. Blue "pfennig" mark with sceptre, red imperial orb mark.
Diameter 25.3 cm. Ca. 1850 ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain plate from a Russian court service. With arabesque decor to the border and a crowned monogram within an oval
reserve. Blue "pfennig" mark with sceptre, red imperial orb mark. Severe wear to the gilt edging around the centre. Diameter 25.2 cm.
Ca. 1850.Teller aus einem russis ...[more]
Two Berlin KPM porcelain cups with portraits of musicians. With rectangular reserves containing portraits of Nicolò Paganini and Ole
Bull, the centres of the saucers inscribed with the names Ole Bull and Francois Prume. The interiors of the cups gilt. Blue sceptre mark
with KPM, red imperial orb mar ...[more]
A pair of burr walnut veneer Gothic Revival chairs. With later textile upholstery. With a quatrefoil form opening to the backrest. H 92 cm.
Berlin, ca. 1840 - 50, after a design by Karl Friedrich Schinkel.LiteratureFor this model, cf. cat.: Karl Friedrich Schinkel 1781-1841, Berlin
1982, illus. 300. ...[more]
A Berlin silver gilt plate made for Duke Ernst August of Cumberland and Crown Prince of Hannover. Wi Diameter 27 cm, weight 550 g.
This plate is part of a subsequent order of 60 plates which the Duke of Brunswick placed in 1843 to complete his dinner
service.LiteratureCf. Jonas, Gold und Silber für ...[more]
An opulent Berlin silver table centrepiece made for the Dukes of Salm and Beissel von Gymnich. Comprising a jardinière formed as a
basket woven from grape vines and two corresponding eight-flame candelabra. Bearing the arms of the Dukes of Salm and Beissel von
Gymnich. Marks of Heinrich Friedeberg, ...[more]
A large Berlin silver platter and ten plates made for Prince Frederick Carl of Prussia. With the owner's monogram beneath the Prussian
King's crown and the Prussian royal family's device "GOTT MIT UNS". Marks of Johann George Hossauer, 1848 - 54. Diameter 25 and
32.5 cm, total weight 6,790 g. Fried ...[more]
A set of six Berlin silver plates made for Duke Leopold IV Friedrich of Anhalt-Dessau. Monogrammed " Diameter 25 cm, total weight
3280 g. ProvenanceFrom the estate of Leopold Friedrich's great granddaughter Princess Antoinette Anna zu Schaumburg-Lippe, née
Princess of Anhalt-Dessau (1885 - 1963).Lit ...[more]
A set of six Berlin silver knives and forks made for Duke Leopold IV Friedrich of Anhalt-Dessau. The L of knives 27.5; of forks 21 cm,
weight of forks 556 g.Sechs Messer und Gabeln für Herzog Leopold IV Friedrich v. Anhalt-Dessau Silber. Die Gabeln vierzinkig, die
Messer mit Stahlklinge. Die Stiel ...[more]
Ludwig ElsholtzThe Chance Quarry Oil on canvas. 32 x 40 cm.Signed and dated lower right: L. Elsholtz 1840.Despite his relatively short
life, Ludwig Elsholtz was able to leave behind a considerable oeuvre. He first specialised in military and battle paintings, for example his
selection of works commi ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain plaque with Frederick Wilhelm III's monument. Impressed sceptre mark over KPM, impressed letter H. Signed
and dated in black to the reverse "H. Litfas, 1852". 25.5 x 31.8 cm. Painted by H. Litfas.This vase shows Friedrich Drake's monument to
Frederick William III in the southe ...[more]
A Berlin KPM cup and saucer with a portrait of Frederick William IV. With figural and relief biscuit porcelain decor and a portrait of the
King after a painting by Joseph Karl Stieler. The interior of the cup gilt. Blue sceptre mark, red imperial orb mark and gold painter's mark.
Ca. 1850.Tasse mi ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain cup and saucer with a view of the Victory Column. With figural and relief biscuit porcelain decor and a depiction
of the Berlin Victory Column in a rectangular reserve. Blue sceptre and "pfennig" mark, red imperial orb mark, impressed marks. Ca.
1875.Ansichtentasse Siegessäu ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain covered cup and saucer with views of Berlin. Relief rocaille cartouches surrounding labelled views of Berlin
palaces and monuments. The interior of the cup gilt. Blue sceptre mark with KPM, the saucer with a blue eagle mark, red imperial orb
mark, gold painter's mark P, impres ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain covered cup and saucer with views of Berlin. With relief rocaille cartouches surrounding depictions of Berlin
palaces and landmarks. Blue sceptre mark with KPM, blue eagle mark to the saucer, red imperial orb mark, impressed numbers.
Diameter of saucer 19.5 cm. Ca. 1840.Deck ...[more]
Wilhelm KrauseThe Helgoland Coast with a View of the "Lange Anna" Oil on canvas.. 25.5 x 34.5 cm..Signed and dated lower right: W.
Krause 1852..Wilhelm KrauseDie Küste vor Helgoland mit Blick auf die "Lange Anna" Öl auf Leinwand.. 25,5 x 34,5 cm..Signiert und
datiert unten rechts: W. Krause 1852.. ...[more]
Charles HoguetA View of a Medieval City Oil on canvas (relined). 77.5 x 60.5 cm..Signed and dated lower right: C. Houguet 1855..The
present work is a relatively early piece by the Berlin painter Charles Hoguet, who was highly famed among his contemporaries.
Following his training in Paris, Houget tr ...[more]
A Berlin silver tray made for the Dukes of Schwerin. Engraved with the arms of alliance of the Dukes L 57; W 37 cm, weight 1356 g.
Duke Friedrich of Schwerin (1826 - 99) of the Wendisch-Wilmersdorf line, an honorary knight of the Order of Saint John, married Fanny
Brandt von Lindau (1835 - 95) in Sc ...[more]
A large Berlin silver tray. Monogrammed "HRK" to the centre. Unidentified maker's mark "S", ca. 1860 Diameter 49 cm, weight 1690
g.Großes Tablett Silber, getrieben und graviert. Passig rundes Tablett mit graviertem Bandwerk und Efeu; im Zentrum ligiertes
Monogramm"HRK" unter Freiherrenkrone. Marke ...[more]
August Friedrich Wilhelm NothnagelHunting Lodge "zum Possen" of the Princes of Schwarzburg-Sonde Watercolour. 28 x 40 cm.A.
Noth 1855 (in the date a nail).ProvenancePrivate collection, Thuringia.Nothnagel was a court painter in Berlin.August Friedrich Wilhelm
NothnagelJagdschloss "Zum Possen" der ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain tête-à-tête with views of Kamenz palace. In a leather-bound wooden case. Comprising tray, coffee pot, milk jug,
sugar box, two cups and saucers. With rocailles, gilt scrollwork decor and 15 cartouches with views of Kamenz palace and grounds.
Blue scepter mark and "pfennig", re ...[more]
Hermann ZillerA Study after Schinkel's Design for a Palace in Crimea Watercolour. 42 x 64.5 cm.Signed and dated lower centre: H.
Ziller inv. et f. 1866.Hermann Ziller came from a renowned family of architects and master builders and was a student at the Berlin
Architectural Academy (Bauakademie). He ...[more]
A Berlin KPM vase with a view of Koblenz. With biscuit porcelain Griffin-form handles and a round, gilt framed reserve containing views
of Ehrenbreitstein fortress and the bridge over the Rhine. Blue sceptre mark, red imperial orb mark. A restoration to the base. H 46.3
cm. Ca. 1870, modelled by Jul ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain tête-à-tête with views of Potsdam. Comprising a tray, teapot, coffee pot, milk jug, cream pot, sugar box and two
cups and saucers. Gilt scrollwork and relief decor on a pale blue ground. With rocaille cartouches containing views of various buildings
and palaces in and around P ...[more]
A large Berlin KPM porcelain cup with views of Potsdam. The rocaille-framed reserves painted with views of Potsdam landmarks. The
interior of the cup gilt. Blue sceptre and "pfennig" mark, red imperial orb mark, gold painter's mark P., impressed numbers. Diameter of
saucer 18 cm. Ca. 1860.Große Ta ...[more]
A large Berlin KPM porcelain cup and saucer with views of Potsdam. Labelled scenes of Potsdam reserved in gilt relief rocaille
cartouches on a blue ground. The interior of the cup gilt. Blue sceptre and "pfennig" mark, red imperial orb mark, impressed numbers.
Diameter of saucer 18 cm. Ca. 1860.Gr ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain egg form flask with a depiction of the Imperial palace. The palace shown in a gilt framed reserve on a Prussian
blue ground and labelled to the reverse. Unmarked. H 7 cm. Ca. 1875.Eiflakon mit dem Kaiserlichen Palais Porzellan, Emaildekor,
Vergoldung. Preußischblauer Fond mi ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain cup and saucer with a depiction of the Potsdam Ruinenberg. With figural handles and relief decor. The Prussian
shield containing a black eagle and the monogram FR. The castle view within a rectangular field. The saucer with painted floral and gilt
foliate decor. Blue sceptre m ...[more]
A Berlin KPM framed porcelain tondo with a view of Schwerin Palace. A view of the palace seen from the bridge framed by a laurel
wreath bearing the names of eight battles fought during the Franco-Prussian war of 1870/71. Impressed sceptre mark over KPM, incised
13,5 " and K. Diameter 35.2 cm. Ca. 18 ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain dinner plate from the service with the toppled flower basket. Made for Charlottenburg palace. Blue sceptre mark,
red imperial orb mark, stamped owner's mark WR. Diameter 24.5 cm. Ca. 1890.Speiseteller für Schloss Charlottenburg Porzellan,
Emaildekor, Vergoldung. Neuglatt, de ...[more]
A three piece set of silver serving pieces in a leather case. With the monogram of Duchess Elisabeth L 20.5/22 cm, total weight 249
g.Dreiteiliges Vorlegebesteck im Lederetui. Silber. Drei Pastetenheber; die Stiele mit reliefiertem Muscheldekor. Auf den Laffen das
gravierte Monogramm der Herzogin ...[more]
A pair of Berlin silver dishes made for the Dukes of Anhalt-Dessau. Monogrammed "LE" beneath a Ducal W 44; D 26; H 11 cm, total
weight 2416 g. Leopold heir to the throne of Anhalt (1855 - 86) married Princess Elisabeth of Hessen-Kassel on 26th May 1884 at
Philippsruhe Palace near Hanau. These dishes ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain plate made for Frederick III. Decor after the 2nd Potsdam service with silver scale pattern and floral swags on a
pale green ground. Blue sceptre mark, black imperial orb mark, gold painter's mark, impressed numbers. Diameter 26 cm. 1883.For the
Crown Prince and Princess' silv ...[more]
A set of Berlin silver gilt dessert cutlery made for Crown Prince Friedrich Wilhelm and Cecilie of P L of knife 22 cm, total weight 240 g.
ProvenancePrivate collection, Rhineland-Palatinate.LiteratureJulius Lessing, Silberarbeiten - Ihren Königlichen Hoheiten dem Prinzen
und der Prinzessin Wilhelm v ...[more]
Albert HertelA Peasant Kitchen with a Washerwoman Oil on panel.. 26.6 x 21.2 cm..Signed and dated lower right: A.Hertel 1879..Albert
HertelBäuerliche Küche mit Wäscherin Öl auf Holz.. 26,6 x 21,2 cm..Signiert und datiert unten rechts: A.Hertel 1879.. ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain plaque showing Cupid sharpening an arrow. Fine painting after a pastel by Anton Raphael Mengs. Impressed
sceptre mark above KPM, impressed numbers. 24.5 x 18.5 cm. The plaque KPM, painted 2nd half 19th C.Amor, den Pfeil spitzend
Porzellan, Emaildekor; gerahmt. Sehr qualitätv ...[more]
Adolf SchmidtThe Godmother's Visit Oil on canvas. 46 x 39 cm.Signed and dated lower right: A. Schmidt Df.
1864.ExhibitionsAkademische Kunstasusstellung Dresden 1865. - Allgemeine und Permanente Kunstausstellung, Bismayer-Kraus
Düsseldorf (labelled).LiteratureBoetticher, vol. II/2, p. 590, no. 11.The ...[more]
Wilhelm AmbergCuriosity Oil on canvas. 63.5 x 48 cm.Signed lower right: W. Amberg Berlin.ProvenancePrivate ownership, South
Germany.Wilhelm Amberg was one of the most popular genre painters in Berlin during the 1860s and 70s. His motifs are all variations
on the theme of love - at times witty and ri ...[more]
A black patinated galvinated metal figure of the praying boy. On a sandstone pedestal. H without pedestal 136 cm. Probably Germany,
late 19th C.The "Praying Boy", made in the 3rd century BC, is among the most well-known original Greek bronzes. Frederick II
purchased the sculpture from Wenzel Liechte ...[more]
A brown patinated bronze bust of a youthful warrior (possibly Perseus). Cast in several pieces and connected via screws. Artist's
signature "ARaum Rom 1903" and stamped Gladenbeck mark. H 63.3 cm. Cast by Berlin-Friedrichshagen, Aktiengesellschaft
Gladenbeck, early 20th C., modelled by Alfred Raum 1 ...[more]
A bronze patinated cast iron bust of Pjotr Iljitsch Tschaikowski. A bust of the great composer who died in 1893 aged just 53 years. With
the artist's signature "R.R. Bach" and the model number to the reverse, with eage and date stamp (1906) to the underside. H 31.7 cm.
Russia, Kasli foundry (?), 190 ...[more]
Clara von SiversA Landscape View with Spring Flowers Oil on canvas.. 194 x 138.5 cm.Signed and dated lower left: C.K von Sivers
1893..ProvenancePrivate ownership, Belgium.Clara von Sivers studied at the academies of Copenhagen, Paris, Stuttgart and Dresden.
Following her marriage to the naval office ...[more]
Albert HertelIn the Gardens of Casel Gandolfo Oil on canvas, laid down on card.. 62 x 59 cm..Monogrammed upper left: AH
(ligatured)..Albert Hertel was one of the most famous Berlin landscape artists of his era. After studying in Berlin and under Oswald
Achenbach in Düsseldorf, he began teaching at t ...[more]
Carl Ludwig BeckerA Venetian Lady Oil on panel.. 71.5 x 53 cm.Signed upper left: L Becker.LiteratureBoetticher no. 68 as
"Italienerin"The traditional title of this image "The Ventian Lady" draws the observer's attention to the most obvious element of the Berlin
artist Carl Ludwig Becker's style. Aft ...[more]
Walter Günther Julian WittingA Portrait of Price August of Prussia 53.3 x 36.5 cm..Signed lower right: n. F. Krüger W.
Wittig..ProvenanceEstate of M. v. Waldenburg. - Private ownership, South Germany.This work shows Prince August of Prussia (1779 1843) in a general's uniform, in front of Francois ...[more]
Carl RöhlingBismarck with his Pet Mastiff in Sachsenwald Oil on canvas.. 68 x 52.5 cm.Signed and dated lower right: C. Röhling
Sachsenwald 1898..Carl RöhlingBismarck mit seiner Dogge im Sachsenwald Öl auf Leinwand.. 68 x 52,5 cm..Signiert und datiert unten
rechts: C. Röhling Sachsenwald 1898.. ...[more]
KoppayBismarck and his Doctor Scherzinger Oil on fibreboard (backed with wood). 51.5 x 88.5 cm.Signed and dated lower right:
Koppay Berlin 89..ProvenancePrivate ownership, South Germany.The Hungarian portrait artist Joszi Arpád Koppay was a pupil of Hans
Makart in Vienna. He became a renowned portra ...[more]
A silver partially gilt 'Historismus' cup with a figure of Flora. Marks of Mayen & Co, Berlin, ca. 1 H 48 cm, weight 841 g.Großer Berliner
Historismuspokal Silber; innen vergoldet. Im Renaissancestil; der Stülpdeckel mit einer plastischen Figur der Flora als Bekrönung.
Marken: 800 mit Halbmond und ...[more]
A Berlin silver and enamel uniform bust owned by Emperor Wilhelm II. Silver mountings over a core of L 26 cm. The rank "Grand
Admiral" of the Imperial Navy was introduced in 1900 at the request of the highest Naval officers in order to provide a counterpart to the
army's title of General Field Marsh ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain paperweight with a depiction of the Neue Palais in Berlin. Blue sceptre mark, red imperial orb mark. One corner
restored. 10 x 19.5 cm. Ca. 1900.Briefbeschwerer Neues Palais Porzellan, Emaildekor, Vergoldung. Flaches Postament, die Konturen
in vergoldetem Biscuit. Zentrale ...[more]
A Berlin KPM bronze-mounted porcelain box commemorating the Jubilee of William II. Made for the Emperor's 25th Jubilee. Decorated
with gilt foliage, a portrait and the dates of the Emperor's reign (1888 - 1913) to the front. Blue sceptre mark, red imperial orb mark and
jubilee mark 1763 FR 1913. 6.3 ...[more]
A large Berlin KPM porcelain jardiniere. Of oval form, the exterior partially openwork and with painterly floral decor to the long sides,
both paintings signed “K. Jung”. Inscribed to one short side with the monogram “AV” and to the other “Weihnachten 1906”. Blue sceptre
mark, red imperial orb mark, ...[more]
A large Berlin KPM porcelain mantle clock. Fired in one piece with grand feu decor and partially relief gilding; the bell-striking pendulum
movement of brass; chased gilt hands; original domed glazing. Olive green porcelain dial in a rounded case flanked by two allegorical
figures, presumably repres ...[more]
A Berlin KPM Jugendstil porcelain vase and cover. Of oval form with an openwork cover, delicately painted with roses and forget-menots. Blue sceptre mark, red imperial orb mark, painter's marks, impressed numbers, year letter F. H 16.3 cm. Designed by Theo
Schmuz-Bausdiss in 1908.LiteratureModel no ...[more]
A pair of Berlin KPM porcelain lovebirds. Blue sceptre mark and imperial orb, painter's marks, year letter M. H 18 cm. 1913, design by
Wilhelm Robra.LiteratureCf. von Treskow, Die Judendstilporzellane der KPM, Munich 1971, cat. 214.Sittichpaar Porzellan,
Scharffeuerdekor. Zwei Rosenkopfsittiche au ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain figure of a schoolgirl with a book. Blue sceptre mark, red imperial orb mark, painter's mark, year letter H, model
number 9072. Signed "Fritzsche" to the socle. H 23.8 cm. 1908, designed by Martin Fritzsche.LiteratureCf. von Treskow, Die
Judendstilporzellane der KPM, Munich 19 ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain figure of Athena. With green grand-feu decor. Underglaze blue sceptre and imperial orb marks, black painter's
mark and impressed number. Signed and dated HUBATSCH 15 to the socle. H 35 cm. Modelled in 1915, made shortly after.Athene
Porzellan, grüner Scharffeuerdekor. Vollpl ...[more]
A Berlin KPM porcelain Art Deco covered beaker. Silver mountings, the lid of amber. The base of silver, also the mountings of the lid,
the finial of porcelain. Blue sceptre mark to the interior, Czech 800 fineness stamp, maker's mark HG. H 15 cm. Ca. 1930.Deckelbecher
Art Deco Porzellan, Emaildeko ...[more]
A Berlin silver mask. With openings for the eyes and mouth. Marks of Hans Markl, ca. 1950. H 25 cm, weight 395 g. The silversmith
Hans Markl (1910 - 1971)Following his apprenticeship under Fritz Zehgruber in Cologne, Hans Markl became a master goldsmith in
1935 and assisting workshop master to H. J. ...[more]
A Berlin silver pitcher. Engraved "1952" ´to the underside. Marks of Hans Markl, ca. 1952. H 14 cm, weight 463 g.Schenkkanne Silber,
getrieben und gegossen. Solide Kanne mit breiter Schnaupe und ohrenförmigem Henkel; die Wandung mit sichtbarem Martelé.
Unterseitig gravierte Datierung 1952. Marken: ...[more]
A Berlin silver dish. Marks of Hans Markl, ca. 1950. H 7.5; diameter without handles 15.5 cm, weight 365 g.Henkelschale Silber,
getrieben und graviert. Auf eingezogenem Fuß runde, leicht gebauchte Schale mit ausgestelltem Rand und zwei gegenständigen
Henkeln. Im Boden eine gravierte Blüte. Marken: ...[more]
A Berlin silver interior gilt cream set. Comprising sugar bowl, milk jug and tray with ebony handles H of milk jug 7; L of tray 24; W 12 cm,
total weight 405 g.Sahnegarnitur Silber, getrieben; innen mit Resten von Vergoldung. Bestehend aus Zuckerschale, Milchkännchen und
ovalem Tablett. Geschwunge ...[more]
A pair of Berlin silver salts. Marks of Emil Lettré, ca. 1930. H 4 cm, weight 125 g.Paar Salièren Silber, getrieben. Auf eingezogenem Fuß
flache, kugelsegmentförmige Schale. Marken: Künstlersignet Emil Lettré (Bröhan VI Nr. 209). H 4 cm, Gewicht 125 g. Berlin, Emil
Lettré, um 1930 ...[more]
A 67 piece Heilbronn silver cutlery set designed by Emil Lettré. Comprising six dinner and starter k L of knives 22 cm, weight without
knives ca. 2424 g. The 1920s and 1930s were the most successful era in Emil Lettré's career and were spent in his elegant studio at
Unter den Linden in Berlin.Litera ...[more]