the 2015 mile makers information here


the 2015 mile makers information here
Volunteers Pack – ABP Mile Makers
A BIG thank you for signing up to join our ABP Mile Makers team. There will be 6,000
runners taking part in this debut event in April 2015 and we want to ensure we give the
runners their best experience yet, so we will be aiming to spread the word about the
‘Southampton Smile!’
In this pack and future emails will be everything you need to know about the ABP
Southampton Half Marathon on Sunday 26th April 2015.
ABP Mile Makers
We will be recruiting 500 marshals to help direct runners through the registration process,
around the route, hand out medals and ensure the day runs smoothly for all the athletes.
ABP are our title sponsors who have generously ensured we can provide the following for
our lovely volunteers:
Free t-shirt for Mile makers (Adults only)
Drinks and snacks whilst volunteering
Offer of entry to 2016 Event as an individual runner or for a partner (Individuals)
Donation of £200 for groups and charities offering 20+ marshals (Groups)
£500 prize for most motivating mile (Groups)
The role of the ABP Mile Makers
To ensure that runners, spectators and residents all have a GREAT day!
Ensure you can answer any questions about the event
Give a smile, a cheer or a WOOP! As runners go by!
Offer assistance to residents and spectators about where the best place is to view
the event from.
Marafun will give you:
Full training on marshalling and other duties
Indepth Race pack to read through prior to the event
FAQ’s for questions on the day
Unique uniform for all helpers for the debut event!
Did you know?
Almost 47% of the runners are first timers so nerves will be running high that day
which is where you come in!
The Great South Run started in Southampton back in the 80’s?
There hasn’t been a Half Marathon in the City for almost 30 years!
ABP Mile Makers
Marafun UK
ABP Mile Makers
Role – To hand out Southampton Smiles to runners, spectators and the city. We want the
‘smiliest’, happiest half marathon in the UK!
Who are we looking for?
Well trained individuals preferably with volunteering experience
Smiley, happy people!
Available to work either Saturday 25th April between 1000 – 1800 or Sunday 26th
April between 0600 – 1400 (minimum of 4 hours per day) Total of 8 hours required
for Free event.
So whats next?
Register online in our ABP Mile Maker Registration or follow this link:
If you are a group or charity and wish to raise £200 for your group please register
your group here:
Ensure you fill in your sizes for uniforms in the registration
Book in for one of our Marshal Training Days
Many thanks for your time and for wanting to ensure the ABP Southampton Half Marathon
is the best it can be!
If you have any queries or questions please check our Mile Makers page for details or
contact me directly,
Many thanks and let’s spread that Southampton Smile!
Helen Goosey,
Events Co-Ordinator
Marafun UK
ABP Southampton Half Marathon
ABP Mile Makers
Marafun UK
Volunteer Briefings
What to expect today:
Chance to meet the Race Team
Meet other Mile Makers
Timetable for the Race Weekend
Roles and responsibilities
Chris Rees – Race Director 2015
Helen Goosey – Events Co-Ordinator
Chris Rees
Race Director for the first ABP Southampton
Half Marathon, from route designer to
Managing Director of ReesLeisure which
includes Wessex Swim School and Try Tri
An experienced race director of 7 years,
looking forward to his biggest race to date!
Email: [email protected]
ABP Mile Makers
Marafun UK
Helen Goosey
Local runner from Hedge End, previously personal trainer and
St Albans Half Marathon Co-ordinator for 2 years.
Helen has been busy working with partners, charities, runners
to ensure the event runs smoothly.
Looking forward to the first year with ReesLeisure team and
introducing a Children’s race in 2016 so her children can take
part too!
Email: [email protected]
Office number: 02380 254721
Yvette Barnard – Race Village Manager
Yvette runs the ReesLeisure office during the week
keeping order, and this role will involve Yvette using her
skills to manage the busy Race Day Village.
Yvette will be port of call on Race Day for any issues in
the Race village itself. This will involve ensuring runners
are flowing through the village and partners, clubs and
charities are all happy.
Ben Cook – Man with the Mic
The Try Tri Events Director by
day and for the ABP
Southampton Half Marathon the
man with the Mic.
Ben will be doing interviews
with runners, charities, and
clubs pre and post race as well
as keeping the spectators
entertained during the race.
ABP Mile Makers
Marafun UK
Each group listed will be aiming to provide a minimum of 20 marshals - but the more the
Before the Race:
Car Parks through West Quay to High Street - No Limits
Directions from West Quay to Hoglands Park - Ronald
Start Area - Hoglands Park
General Directions and Marshal - Wessex Heartbeat
T-shirt Tent - 25th Itchen South Beavers and Cubs
Baggage Tent – 2nd Southampton Scouts
Finish area - Guildhall Square
Medals - Beavers
Water - 4th Bitterne Brownies
Foil blankets - Fledge
Refreshments and freebies - Sail4Cancer
ABP Mile Makers
Marafun UK
On the route itself:
From Marlands to Bargate - Southampton Tourist
Bargate to Dock Gate 4 - Hedge End Running Club
Dock Gate 4 to RSYC - Southampton Seafarers
WATER STATION 2.5 miles by SWAC - Woolston District
Guides + BTC + Active Nation
Endle Street to Itchen Bridge - Southampton Twins and
Super Twins Club
Turn around point on Itchen Bridge and centre of bridge
- Southampton Amateur Rowing Club
Marine Parade to St Mary's - Southampton Tri Club
WATER STATION 4.5 miles by St Mary's Stadium - Saints Foundation
Northam Underpass over Northam Bridge - Riverside Family Church
Bitterne Triangle to Riverside Park - 29th Immaculata
WATER STATION 7.5 miles by Woodmill Kayak Centre - Southampton
Samaritans and Active Nation
Langhorn Road and Burgess Road - City Life Church
WATER STATION 9 miles - Southampton University Campus - SUSU and Bens Heroes Trust
Church Lane to Khartoum Lane - Wildern Waves
The Common - 1st Southampton Scouts
WATER STATION 11.5 miles by Hawthorns Cafe - YMCA, and Isaac's Gift
Northlands Road to London Road - Girl Guiding Chandlers Ford
East Park and Palmerston Park - Waterfall Trust
ABP Mile Makers
Marafun UK
ABP Mile Makers
Marafun UK
Saturday 25th April - Race Village opens
1000 - 1800 Come and check out the start line, listen to live music and speak to our Running
Coaches, Pacers and sponsors in Hoglands Park
Sunday 26th April - Race Day!
0600 - Car Parks and Race Village Opens
0810 - Warm up for ABP Southampton 10km Race
0820 - Assemble in Timing start areas
0830 - ABP Southampton 10km Race START!
0930 - Warm up for the ABP Southampton Half Marathon.
0940 - Assemble in Timings start areas
0950 - Parade to the Start line in Timings order
1000 - ABP Southampton Half Marathon START!
1101 - First Half Marathon Finisher in the Guildhall Square?
1230 - 10km and Half Marathon Awards Presentations Hoglands Park
1330 - Last Runner across the Finishing line.
1600 - Race village close
1830 - Sign up to ABP Southampton Half Marathon 2016
ABP Mile Makers
Marafun UK
Roles and Responsibilities
Mile Leader
Junction Marshal
Water station Marshal
Bag Storage Marshal
T-shirt Marshal
Finish Line Marshal
1. Mile Leader
Responsible for a section of the race approx. a mile.
Liase with local residents and drivers
Report any incidents or accidents to Race control
Help set up and co-ordinate any stations in your area
Cheer on runners
Co-ordinate clear up in your area
Ensure branding up where appropriate
Place Mile Makers in your ‘mile’ in correct locations
Prioritise runner safety, enjoyment for volunteers and ensure minimum disruption to
residents and the community.
Time Commitment:
Pick up equipment and brief on Saturday 25th between 1000 – 1800
Sunday 26th April dependent on location.
Mile Maker box
High visibility vests for team
Radio and use instructions
Roll of bin bags
Lunches and water for team
Instruction sheets
Junction details
Cable ties
ABP Mile Makers
Marafun UK
2. Junction Marshal
Responsible for directing the runners at a specific location in a certain direction.
Liase with local residents and drivers
Report any incidents or accidents to Mile Leader
Help set up and co-ordinate any stations in your area
Cheer on runners
Co-ordinate clear up in your area
Prioritise runner safety, enjoyment for volunteers
and ensure minimum disruption to residents and the
Time Commitment:
Sunday 26th April dependent on location.
High visibility vest
Snack and water
Instruction sheets
Junction details
3. Water Station Marshal
Responsible for handing out water to runners.
Hand out water to runners on route
Report any incidents or accidents to Mile Leader
Help set up and co-ordinate any water stations in your area
Cheer on runners
Co-ordinate clear up in your area
Prioritise runner safety, enjoyment for volunteers and ensure
minimum disruption to residents and the community.
Time Commitment:
Sunday 26th April dependent on location.
High visibility vest
Snack and water
Instruction sheets
ABP Mile Makers
Marafun UK
4. Bag Storage Marshal
Responsible for rapid collection, storage and safe keeping of runners bags during the race.
Liase with Runners and their kit in a Marquee, all runners will have a numbered
baggage label on their bib
Report any incidents or accidents to Mile Leader
Help set up and co-ordinate any stations in your area
Co-ordinate clear up in your area
Prioritise runner safety, enjoyment for volunteers and ensure minimum disruption to
residents and the community.
Time Commitment:
Sunday 26th April 0600 - 1400.
High visibility vest
Snack and water
Instruction sheets
Cellotape and scissors
5. T-shirt Marshal
Handing out correct size FREE t-shirt to Runners.
Liase with runners over size of tee, collect token from bib
Report any incidents or accidents to Mile Leader
Help set up and co-ordinate any stations in your area
Cheer on runners
Co-ordinate clear up in your area
Time Commitment:
Sunday 26th April 0600 - 1200.
High visibility vest
Snack and water
Instruction sheets
ABP Mile Makers
Marafun UK
6. Finish Line Marshal
Responsible for ensuring a smooth flow at the Finish line.
Hand out medals/water/refreshments to runners
Report any incidents or accidents to Mile Leader and First Aid team
Help set up and co-ordinate any stations in your area
Congratulate runners
Keep area tidy and rubbish free
Prioritise runner safety, enjoyment for volunteers
Time Commitment:
Sunday 26th April 0830 - 1400.
High visibility vest
Snack and water
Instruction sheets
ABP Mile Makers
Marafun UK
ABP Mile Makers
Marafun UK
Mile Maker FAQ’s
How do I get to my position with all the Road Closures?
The road closures will be in place from 0800 however there will be almost 10,000 people
descending on the city for the morning. If possible arrive on foot or by bike.
If driving plan your journey by allowing an extra 30 minutes on top of your normal journey
What should I bring with me?
We advise wearing lots of layers ready for any weather, even if weather is relatively good
you maybe outside for up to 6 hours. Bring a folding chair, flask, waterproof sunscreen and a
mobile phone fully charged.
Morning briefing
Your Mile Leader will meet you at a specific location and time on Race Day. They will ask you
to sign in with your Name, Email and mobile number. They will provide you with some
refreshments, a hi-vis jacket and an instruction sheet.
Can I bring a friend on the day?
You are more than welcome to bring a friend or 2 with you to keep you entertained, please
ensure you are all cheering for the runners and your friends do not distract you from the job
at hand.
Questions I don’t know!
If you are asked a question by a runner or a member of public you do not know the answer
to, please call your Mile Leader first who will be in radio contact with Race Control.
Accidents and Injuries
If you see and accident or a runner/mile maker get injured call your Mile Leader for basic
first aid or for a life threatening accident ring the Emergency number from your instructions
to get the Events Ambulances, doctors and paramedics to you.
ABP Mile Makers
Marafun UK
What happens if a vehicle attempts to enter a closed road?
The event is all closed roads and there will be fully qualified Traffic Management Officers
TMO’s on site to monitor these areas. These are paid staff who are qualified to stop traffic,
you are not able to stop a vehicle and please do not put yourself at risk. Please call your
Race Leader for verification of any vehicle which attempts to enter, permission from Race
Control must be given before a vehicle is allowed on the route.
What happens if I am approached by an unhappy resident?
Please ensure you are friendly and courteous to the resident. This is the first time the event
has happened in 30 years and we have attempted to contact everybody who may be
affected through the media, residents letters and via our website. Please try to calm the
resident down, explain you are a volunteer and either direct them to the Mile leader if they
are nearby or they can contact the Race Director Chris Rees on [email protected]
When can I leave my position?
Your Mile Leader will let you know when it is safe to leave your position. The road closures
will be lifted throughout the morning, however we need to also ensure the rubbish and
litter is cleared so as to cause minimum disruption to the residents. We aim to return the
area to how it was before the race started.
Thank you from the Race Team and all the Runners!
We would like to say a MASSIVE thank you for all your help, support and BIG smiles!
Lets make Southampton Proud but putting on a fantastic event!
ABP Mile Makers
Marafun UK