Contemporary Ukraine
Contemporary Ukraine
Contemporary Ukraine on the Cuftural Mapof Europe Edited by Larissa M.L. Zaleska0nyshkevych and Maria G.Rewakowicz PUBLISHED I N C O O P E R A T I OW NI T H T H ES H E V C H E N K O S C I E N T I F I CS O C I E T Y &I.E.Sharpe Armonk, New york London, England Copyright @ 2009 by the Shevchenko Scientific Society Acknowledgmen Introduction: The Larissa M. Ukraine on Histor All rights reserved.No part ofthis book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher, M.E. Sharpe, Inc., 80 Business Park Drive, Armonk, New York I 0504. Library of CongressCataloging'in-Publication Data I. Mapping the N Ukraineon the culturalmap of Europe/ LarissaM.L. ZaleskaOnyshkevychand Contemporary Maria G. Rewakowicz,editors. andindex. Includesbibliographicalreferences (cloth : alk. paper) ISBN 978-0-7656-2400-0 l. Ukraine-Civilization.2. Ukraine-Relations-Europe.3. Europe-Relations-Ukraine. LarissaM. L. Zaleska.II. Rewakowicz,Maria G. I. Onyshkevych, 2. Cultural Faul in Contempo Mykola Ri DK508.4.C662009 94'1.708'6-4c22 3. Ukraine's Ro Giulia Lar 2008046853 Printed in the United Statesof America The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of American National Standard for Information Sciences Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI Z 39.48-1984. @ EB (c) l0 1. The WesternI Roman Sz 4. Finis Europae from the Hun Oxana Pa 5. The Statusof Andrew S 6. Missionaries Landscapein Catherine 7. The Futureol Polls Disclos Elehie Na 8. Accountabili Regimesa4d Myroslav 9. Collective M Marian J. 20 Colonial Linguistic Reflexesin a Post-SovietSetting The Galician Variantof the Ukrainian LanguageandAnti-Ukrainian Discoursein ContemporaryInternetSources MichaelMoser Ukrainian as the"Zelexivl German dict: And the so-c this volume), serves as an i Ukrainian ort compromise, of fact, many the Ukrainian Soviet Union. a more Russii has remained is the reason , of the Moden negative attitt Anti-Galiciar The areaknown as Galicia (Halyöyna)rhas always functionedas a bridgebetwern central-Eastern and EasternEurope. From the perspective of the RussianEmpire or the Soviet union, it has beenconstantlyregardid as the ..mostEuropean,,genuinery Fast Slavic region,primarily for two ."uronr' first, it was part of theiustnan Enpin between1772 and19r 8 (Austro-Hungariansince lg67), and second,it wasn'tinc.r poratedinto the Soviet union until world war II. Moreover,Galicia is knownasthe traditional strongholdofa separateukrainian national consciousness andofwidespread useof the Ukrainian language.Hence,Galicia and the Galicians,aswell astheGalician variety of ukrainian, have arways served as favorite targets for anti-ukainianand anti-Europeanattacks.The presentstudy demonstrates that this remainsunchange/ today,despitethe fact that virtually all anti-Galician stereotypicalattitudes, especially those concerninglanguage,are basedon false or at leastquestionableassump['ns. Someofthese stereotypesarewidespreadand occur evenbeyondthe typesofsouras presentedbelow. First, despitecertainlocal peculiarities, the Galicianvanetyofthe ukrainian language,as it comesinto play in the ringuistic discussions of today, isnor "a Galician dialect" by origin. In reality,its most important sourceis theriterary languagethat developedin.the uhainian-speaking territories of the RussianEmpire and that was adoptedin Galicia underthe influenceof the most notableukainian writen of the nineteenthcentury,Tarassevöenkoand pantelejmon Kulis, beginning inthe 1860s(Moser 2008, 2009). Second,it is true that Galician ukrainian is characterizd by various loan elements, but it is a fact that not only Modern Standardukainian but also other languages,including Russian,feature a sizabrenumberof various for. eign elementsat all linguistic levels as well. Third, some authorstry to characteria recent efforts to introduce some changesinto the orthography of ModernStandard 316 Philologistsst their field has i By its very na Scholarly and r of the Ukrainir For instanc the "Russian r the publishers llyd:luuuax LIt have expected devoted to the I presentedas "a me.{ecrneHuo Although pz merous substa search for the a ofPa5aeva'sou world: theWeb links to the boo Ivan Naumovyi tion, in an embl oder Ukraine ü .(parouauon, I removed by Ocl I LINGUISTIC REFLEXES 317 ukrainian asGalicianby provenance.yet even truly'.Galician,,orthographies, "Zelexivka" suchas the (rheorrhographv designed uy1""r,."äi;;;rü;5jif, u*u,n,un_ German dictionary of rgg6) inciudeo"non-ö"ri"imodels to a considerableextent. orthographv ofle2&and 1e2e (cf.vunr"nrol, chapter in ln fil'"tffiffi*Lffrl"" 1n uffarnranorthography.was only the result of a quite reasonableGalician_non_Galician compromise' abandonedin 1g33at the peakof Siatinistterror in Ukraine.As a matter offact,many peculiarities of the Galiciä, "".i"Iv "r ukrainian were best preservedin theukrainian diaspora,especially in North America, after Galiciu ,u, un,i"^"d by the Soviet Union. In Soviet Ukraine, Galician Uk ;il; ,ill1?"JL::lli*:::Jaiä:'r## ::T:T'"imponantrJ"Y$",'##';:'ff sein amore Russi anizedsoviet variety orukraini an.Jälä:ffi :ii:i"äil":t#::ff n has remained morevirarin Galiciarh"" i;;;;;t , -"u of ukraine.Mästrikely,this Isthereason why somecontemporaries, espäcially.those who sti' questiontheright orthe ModernStandard y$ifan L"";;ü;;;ixist, have deveroped a particurarlv negative artiruderowardGaliciaunOcuii"iän üi.ornrun. Anti-Galician Sourceson the Internet 'ridge between ;ian Empire or :an" genuinely rstrian Empire was not incor; known as the of widespread asthe Galician Ukrainian and Lnsunchanged les, especially : assumptions. pes of sources variety of the rf today, is not te literary lanm Empire and 'ainian writers ginning in the characterized ard Ukrainian rf various forr characterize lern Standard Phrlologists studying the history ofSlavic languages areperfectly awareofthe fact that ff T3t#T"?"ät;5:" * object orpolitl"-uif, .otiuuted debate andmanipuration. schorarryandn;;;;;;;;'fi ä$,:,f ff":""rnffiT,";:h";:ä*::::lm*l; oftheUkrainian languagehave been *i."rn"iy'"*red over the years. Forinsrance,when N.M. paiaevap"uiirr,äa a book in zool on rhe history "Russian the of movementin Galicia in tr,. nin.i*nth and twentieth centuries,,,with thepublishersof the renowned public Historicar state Library [rocy.apcrneuuax lly6twuat tr'IcropauecxaaEu6,rzorera] in rrlo."or, most readers would certainly have expected a history of Gariciannu*optrir"r. Surprisingly,however,the book .ev'red is to thehistoryof the Garician.,Ruttrenian",; 1,,ukrainian,,)awakening,which is "a presented as complex phenomenonof the fatherland,shistory,, lcaoxn'ü QenonaeH me'ecrseu'oüucropuul (pa.aeva 3) from a clearly nurriun p"rrf;;il.; pasaeva's Although work containr r.* .""*rive elementsand suffersfiom nu_ ner'us is still part of the scholarryar*"".r"."A search Google for the author'sname,1H.M. nu,u*iuj q*ckly demonstrates that, regardless ofPalaeva's own intentions,her work trasstitt'aioirrer meaningoutsidethe academic world: theweb site,/paszaewa.htmr, one of the first results,contains links to thebook and io two more paiaeva,s of articles,on ttre caticianässophile Ivan Naumovyö and the Russophileorganization Halyc,ko-Rus,kaMatycja. In u,n'in anemblemrocatedright addi_ ab_ovJth"r.rlntr, on" can read: ..pyccxaa faturlut derUkaine über alles',and find tt" nu."r-iI-o IlparouaHon, (http://ukrsr;;;.;;;r:r:XHi;,iiäl"J,i;,?lr"T;.; A"op"r".r,i', ---'.r nmoved by Ocrober200g_-M.M.). i l @ J,/8 MICHAEL MOSER The messageis obvious: accordingto certainRussianchauvinisttraditions,Galicia is viewed as one of the ancientRussianlands. whereas"Ukrainian nationalist" Galicia is stigmatizedas the quite recentresult of an Austro-German-or Polish--+r Jewish-at any rate,foreign-born,anti-Russianintrigue. Languagesare not onlythe medium of such absurdpropagandabut also their objects,in many cases.In regard to the debateson the role of Ukrainian and Russianin Ukraine, this obviouslyholds true for both languages.It is remarkablethat the particularrole of the Galicianvariant of the Ukrainian languagehas been strongly (re)emphasizedsince 1991withinthe discussionson Ukrainian. This chapterwill demonstratethat the Galicianvariantof the Ukrainianlanguageis still one of the favorite targetsnot only of an anti-Galicianbut also of a moregeneral anti-Ukrainian,and eventuallyanti-European,discourse.Being interestedin cunent attitudestoward the Galician variety of Ukrainian, I recently conductedextensive Google searchesfor the expressions"raluqxnü arrrr" (in Russian)and "raluqrra naona"(in Ukrainian),both meaning"Galician language"(on March 20, July2, and July 4, 2007,with someproofreadingsbetweenJuly l1 and July 20,2001).Of course, theseelectronicsearchescan only be regardedas an initial stageof this subproject. Yet they provide a good impressionof the prevailingattitudestoward GalicianUkainian in today's most important generalinformation source,the Internet.Moreover,they provide accessnot only to the differentviews of various"experts"but alsoto thecurrent opinionsof numerous"nonexperts"who appearasparticipantsin variousInternet forums and blogs and adoptthe "experts"' attitudesto someextentin theirownway, Some of thesesourcesare very likely to disappearfrom the Internetwithin thenext monthsor years.Yet, as a miror for certain linguistic ideologies,which provetobe still alive at the turn ofthe twenty-firstcentury,they deserveto be studied,regardless of their intellectuallevel, which quite often appearsto be very low. Although the presentchapteris part of my project,"One thousandyearsof Ukainian languagehistory in Galicia,"r the more unconventionalapproachesto the historyof GalicianUkrainianencounteredin the sourcesusedherewill be largelyexcludedfrom the presentanalysis,first dueto limited space,and secondin accordancewith thetopic of this volume.aStill, it shouldbe mentionedthat,apartfrom the quite banaldiscourse on the allegedlinguistic unity in Kyjivan Rus' and the long-lastinglinguisticunityof "Little Russian,""Ruthenian," and leastsomeof thetendentious scholarlysourcesdo containinterestinginformation on the history of the Ukainian languagein the nineteenthcentury.Yet most interpretationsof thesematerials in extremelyUkrainophobicworks (suchas Karevin 2006 or Uljanov 19661199612003i)ue merely absurd,so that only a carefulexaminationcan make thesepublications useful as additionalsourcesfor the study ofthe Ukrainian language'shistory.Thentheygan help overcomecertainshortcomingsof modernUkrainianistphilology,whichusually pays too little attentionto phenomenasuchas the Galician Russophilemovement,0r the contradictoryattitudetoward Ukrainian observedin some centralfiguresof the nineteenth-century Ukrainianmovement,suchasPantelejmonKuli5 andmanyothen (cf. also Moser 2009). For my anal Ukrainian expre about 1,000 prir page to about fil chapters from s and nonscholar Internet forums Russianones.V resultsoftheseC especiallyin the texts written in R those written in anti-Galician tex interests,suchas fatherlandl, or "t blogs of this kinc gers who oppose assessmentsof tl rarely, for instan ties of Galician t in some apologe some scholarly a Some anti-Ga toward speakersr American diaspo of "Galician Ukr stereotype that w all rules of good r hiding behind the of the anonymity tizations of Galic are followers of S organizer of the Ut and "zapadency" I been well-known Galicia and of the ideology (cf. Gera adhereto a totalita themselves.Other still widespread ir Camp Talerhof ne last years of theAt is well-known fror P_, - { F. LINGUISTIC REFLEXES Lsttraditions,Galiainian nationalist" an-or Polish---or es are not only the ly cases.In regard is obviouslyholds ireGalician variant :e l99l within the rainianlanguageis r of a more general Iterestedin current nducted extensive m) and "r€urrubKa rch20, July 2, and ,2007). Of course, ;hissubproject.Yet lalician Ukrainian :t. Moreover, they but also to the curin variousInternet t in their own way. ret within the next which prove to be studied,regardless V. yearsof Ukrainian )s to the history of ;ely excludedfrom ancewith the topic ite banal discourse linguistic unity of : ofthe tendentious y of the Ukrainian se materials in ex66/1996/20O3)are rublicationsuseful ory. Then they can ogy,which usually hile movement, or rtral figures of the i5 and many others 319 Formy analysis,I viewed the first 150-200entries underboth the Russianand the Llkrainian expressions. Altogetherthe morerelevantsourcesin this sampling comprise about 1,000printed pages-The documentsvary widely in length (from one printed page to aboutfifty) and in intellectuallever.Among them, we find variousrext rypes: chapters from scholarly and nonscholarlybooks, as well as articles from scholarly and nonscholarly journals, newspaperarticles,Internetarticles, variousweblogs, and Internet forums.Most documentsoriginatefrom ukrainian sources,and othersfrom Russian ones.very few authorsfrom other countriesappearin theseforums. rn the results of theseGooglesearches, anti-ukrainianandanti-Galicianviewsclearlyprevail, especially in the searchresultsfor Russian"ra,ruqxuü q3ur.,, Not surprisingry,the texts writtenin Russiantendto be of an anti-Galicianorientation much moreotten than tlose writtenin ukrainian, althoughthis is indeedonly a tendency.euite frequentry, anti-Galician texts are locateclon sitesthat are explicitly <t"voted toi"rtain political interests, suchas "-f-Anti-orange" [I am anti-orange],.,E4zuoe oreqecrBo,, [united fatherlandl, or "Eguuat pycr" [united Rus']. The Russianlanguage clearlydominates blogs of this kind, whereascontributionsin ukrainian areusually introducedby blog_ genwhoopposeanti-Galicianstatements. As a matterol. fact.unanimouslypositive assessments of the Galician variant of ukrainian and its historical role appearvery rarely, for instance,on the few ukrainian sitesthat are explicitly devotedto peculiari_ lies of Galicianukrainian (e.g.,"Fish" 2003 or ,,L,vivs'ka gvara,, 2007).Tney occur insome apologeticsources_fromwhich I will quote at the end of this stu<ly,and in some scholarlyarticles(including my own). Someanti-Galician sourcesare characterizedby a particurarly hateful attitude t'ward speakers of Galician ukrainian, that is, the Galiciin ukrainians and the North American diaspora,wherebythe latter is usua[y viewed as an important stronghold of"Galicianukrainianness."There is virtually no anti-Galicianor anti_ukrainian $ere.type that would not appearin thesesources,and many of them clearly violate of eood rasre.In particular,this hordstbr someof rhe forums, wherepeople tl.ylel srrongly confirm all the widely debateddisadvanrages ii'#:.::g:t:"".f1""T"s oftheanonymityof the cyberspace.Most of the steadilyrepeatedtraditionarstigmatizations of Galician ukrainians as "banderovcy" (or ,.bandörovcy,,) [..peoplewho uefollowers of StepanBandera,"a readingideorogistof ukrainian nationarismand mganizerof theukrainian resistance againsitheNazi, aswelr asthe Soviet,regimesl_ md"zapadency" (or "zapad€ncy")["westernizers(viewedin a negative light),,] have brcn well-knownat leastsince Stalin's times. In the worst sources,the Galiciansof Oalicia andof the diasporaare accuseilof being traditional sympathizersof the Nazi tdeology (cf.GeraSöenko 200i): mostoften,thii occursin textswhoseauthors crearry dhere toa totalitarian,antidemocratic,anti-western(andoften anti-Semitic)ideorogy henselves. other authors,trying to appealto the Germanophobic emotionsthat are nillwidespread in anti-westerncircles in postspviet countries,remind readersof crmp Talerhofnear Graz, where Galiciun h.urroptites were imprisonedduring the lastyears of theAustrian monarchy(Anisimova ztioo;. Rnottrer rhetoricaldevicethat iswell-known from Stalinistdiscourseand appearsin the brogs,is the comparisonof I I 320 MICHAEL MOSER targetedgroups to various animals.Clearly, most of the labersusedin anti_Galician discourseare, aboveall, the expressionofcertain intellectualdeficiencies.Theonly interestinglabel, "ukrainian croatians" [yxpazHcrrEexopnarsr],seemsto be quite uncommon,appearingin only a single source(Baulin 2007). Negative Labels for Galician Ukrainian when an assessment is basedon insufficient knowledge,various superficiar labels are often usedas substitutesfbr soundargument. This holds true for assessments of languagesor varietiesof languages. Not Ukrainian In many anti-Galiciansources,Galician ukrainian is placed in oppositionto ,,real,, ukrainian and depictedas virtually non-ukrainian. .,Maskal,,' (2007),fbr example, writes about the "Galician . . . not the ukrainian" language, and addsthat it diffen from "real ukrainian" "in pronunciation(intonation of words and sentences) andinthe useof Polish words'" According to this widespread, anti-Galicianand anti-ulaainian "rear myth, it is not ukrainian," but "the Gaician language,'that has been imposed on all Ukrainianssinceat least1991.6 Dialect and Mixed Language Most authors merely identify the Galician variant of ukrainian as an entlty that they call "the Galician dialect" franzqrr'ü Ar4aneKr(polisöuk 2003)or Ha fanI4IIKoMHapequv(Enals-Pilugina20O7)lor "the so-calledGalician dialect"frar Ha3brBaeMoe ranuqKoe uapeuzel (Macuka 2004). Skvorcov (2007) *.ites more concretelyabout "the Galician urbanistic not urbanlzopodtcrcoüi_xl.M.1dia_ [why lect, generously 'enriched' by polonism, uni diurpo.a Americanisms,,[raluqrnfi y p6 auucr nuec xu ü Av aJreKT,MrrJro crr.rBo"o6oraqeHH rrü', no,rouu3MaMfi r.r AzacnopHbrM'aMepvKa*W:uauul.7 Otherscall Galician ukrainian a.,westernizing Polish dialect" [:anaaencxo(!-M.M.)-no^cxoe napeune] (..Dreamer,,2007),and still othersrefer to it as "the porish-Galicianlanguage" [flo,rrcxo-fanuqruü r:ur] (Ivanov 2007). Relatedlabelssuch as "Galician SurZyk" [ratruguircxur4cypxl4K (sic !, with capitals)l (Kornilov 2000), "ukrainian-polish .Surzyk',, yxpauucxo_ nonbcKoMcypxur<el(Mlcuka 2004)or, more aggressively,..diity [ua SurZyk,;1,tnonymous 2007a),8"Polish-Galicianjargon" [lolrcxo-r arutluircxuirxaprou] (vadzra 2007a or Kolesnikov 2002), "polish-Hutsulianmixture . . . with absurddialectisms,, Flo,rrcxo-ryuy,'rrcruü MfiKc HeJ.rerrbre (Juröenko 2007),and A'aneKrr.r3Mbr] "hybrid language-neither polish . . . nor ukrainian" (..stu.-un'i io-tts;, urropu, the emphasison the "mixed" or "dialectal" character of Galician ukrainran.sodid a nicknamed contributor for a blog on viktor Janukovyö,s personal information ss1vs1-whsse absurd text was, however, deleted from the server betweenJuly 2 and July 11, dialect" ("Vlar Romanian-po 2OO7),and stil ized" ("Anticor reflects the gen "Margo" (200' dialect" [ora nr to Galician Uk language in ge ridiculous, whi of it.r2 The Alien Inng In some sources alien, North An "Western dialec diaspora,who th (2003) even rrie is characterizedt a particularly har preferring this .t The Artificial Ia If it is not the .,p "Canadian," or.. allegedly "artifici hesitate to call it "artificial Galicia 2007), in complel torical myths cre blogger argues th compete with onr made by HruSev Eastern Ukraine 1 2OO6).t4Gera5öe Galician literary li cian dialect by thr Austrian politics o adjective "lurepat of this language.t r LINGUISTICREFLEXES 321 lbelsusedin anti-Galician tualdeficiencies.The only pearul, seemsto be quite t7). varioussuperficial labels ds true for assessmentsof ed in opposition to "real" <al"' (2007), for example, ;e, and adds that it differs .sandsentences) and in the alicianand anti-Ukrainian le" that has been imposed Ukrainian as an entity :r (Poli5öuk2003) or Ha LedGaliciandialect" [rar rcov (2007) writes more zopodcxoü?-M.M.l diaaericanisms"Iranuuxuü urrü" nonoHv3uaril u Ikrainiana "Westernizing "'l ("Dreamer" 2OOi), and orrcxo-fanuqxnü q:Hx] raruunücruü CYPXHK SurZyk"' IHa yxpalrHcxo', "dirty SurZyk" (Anonyvritcxuir xap roH I (VadZra with absurddialectisms" 'Il (Juröenko 2007), and iturman" 20O5)ealso put alicianUkrainian. So did i's personal information the server between July 2 andJuly 11, 2007: He called Galician ukrainian ..a polonized Roman_Galician dialect"("vladimir" 2007),10 whereasunorr,". oroggerspeaks ,.the about Galician Romanian-Polish laneuage j:" prrur"o-no,rrcxoü uonel (..Kharkov,, yr.llor" 2007), and still anothJris cerrain "rhe .ülrainian, that language,,isalso ..Lirhuanized"("Anticommunist" 2.00,7.a).tt rrouuiry Ä"',nor, absurdlabel of rhis sorr,which teflects rhe generalxenophobicartitude orte anti carician di;;;;;,^i, "Margo" offered by (200r), who introduces the term .,ttrispotrrr-German-yiddish Galician dialect"[sra nolrcxo-HeMerIKo-a^r4rrrcKa{ raJ,rr.rrIKa ronupra], while referring not toGalician ukrainian in particular, but to the contemporary ukrainian standard language in general. others decide ro a"r"ri-ul the Gaician oi"r;;;; somerhing while confessingrhat rh"v;;;;;;er come upon authenticexampres ;ff*""t' TheAlien Language of the Diaspora Insomesources,Garician ukrainian is primarily characterizedas the languageof the alien,Norrh American ukrainian aiurpo* onä ttogg". calls Galician ük uiniun "western u dialect"' which is nothing out tr," ;alur"", of the American and canadian diaspora, who thinks that ail of ukäine rrrourJiurt hke that,,(,,Ar.,, 2006).polisöuk (2003) eventries to show that the "Galician oi"r*," of the North a^"ri"un diaspora rscharacterized by more Russianelementsttraottre ukrainian ranguagein ukraine. In aparticularly harefurarricle,he accusesth" N;;;-erican oiasiorioi,*oirionuly ',dialect,' peferringthis to .,literary Utrainian.l, lheArtificial Languqge lf it is not the ,,polish,',,.Roman,,,,,Romanian,,,.,German,,,.,yiddish,,, ,.American,,, -canadian," "dialectar" or characteror cancun ukrainian that is attacked,then its "artificiar" dlegedly characteris stressed.som. of various forums do not hesitate to ca' ir "newspeak-.[uonoarr('a4;ri;; c", 2007),or more expressivery, anificial Galiciannewspeak"1r"*y."r""nn'o i-"u*rri uoeoasr(..Enals-pilugina,, 2o7),in completeignoiance of the original ."uning of the term.r3 Referringto his_ crearedby cerrain anti-uLainian ideorogists (cf. [:::1ry*r Karevin 2006), one ,l'ggerarguesthat it is 'the tragedy of ukrainei' thai .,two ukrainian l-unguug"r,, mnpete wirh one another,firsr "rhe-polonized Galician invenrion ;;; ;, hastily ..rhe and his ferows," unol".*o y::bt,:r:""s'kyj vernacularof centrar and tastem Ukrainepropasaredby Hrubevskyj,, ,"*i., Neöuj_Levyc,kyj,,(..nickpro,, 2ffi6)'ro Gerasöento-zöoz.oparticularly pggressiveauthor,speaksabout ..the new Galician literary.language thar was trastiiyciäted on rhe basis of the polonizedGali_ 'andialectby the activistsof the ukrainian 'n.""-"", in full accordancewith the Austrian potiticsof separatism,"andrhetori;it;r;, the genuinelyporishform of the '"'*0,?1rra" j',::ll: [riterary] in order to underlinethe ailegedry arien character Is 0ltlltslanguage. 322 MICHAEL MOSER " " The N o nexistent I-anguage Polish [!-M. variant "raJrr4 widely used ir "Westernizing One of the most paradoxicalattitudestoward Galician Ukrainian, which is a well' known componentof the generalanti-Ukrainiandiscourseusedsincethe nineteenth plains that Ul century,is off'eredin a forum by anotherparticularlyaggressivepersonhidingbehind "Ivanov." He describesUkrainian in generaland Galician Ukainian manner" [no-r the nickname "a nonexistentlanguagein a nonexistentstate" ("Ivanov" 2006),rb whereas even in particular as paraits with 1863 of course,Baulir circular the Valuev of wording the which comesquite closeto "that never existed,does not existand the Crimea wl a language use of doxical limitation of the present to who tries diaspora" [oH contributor, another by is offered view cannotexist." The same in words few a to write trying Like so many r while painful defeat a himself as a polyglot but suffers "Ja wiem Rossijskii rozumie Polski. Ja movie-cholopy, chodzcieiz Krymu language" [xs Polish: jezyk' jakij sie nie est To of 10% of the nie ma. jezyka Jego Ukrainskiego. do dupy! Ja nie wiem ny to Crimea go the from peasants, because, acco say, Polish-I [I know Russianand understand at language not a This is cavou ue not exist. It does language. [na assI I do not know the Ukrainian of is the use past in the used often was that device [!!!-M.M.]tl alll ("Micha" 2007).Still another vian," and "Rr quotationmarks for Galician Ukrainian in particular,and Ukrainian in general.Cer"the inventionof a separate'Ukainian' weak region o tain authors,suchas Smolin (2007),speakof "a "yxpauucroro" lsura], and subsequently referto beggars'la language"[ra:o6perenrleoco6oro "the language" (2006) writes Ljapunov that marks. aims in th quotation in again it only as [gurr], "Western "'Ukrainian' scholarlylanguage" othr:rrx]. Still nayvnuü Ukri ["yxpanncruü" aboutthe "the so-calledstatelanguage"or "the statelanguagenamed (TepHononrc ers refer to Ukrainian as "gepxannoü uonu," or "4epxaenblrra"qsbrxol'{ noÄ last century" a Ukrainian" [rax ua:unaerraoü "the statelangue" have settledir simply (Baulin or 2007), [4epxaeuar yKpauHcKorol Ha3BaHueM Moeaorabbreviated..Aep)Krr,roea''](ibid.).Someauthorswriteaboutthe..LittleRussian "Ukrainian" at the beginningofthe "Glottonyms' language"[uanopoccuücrulür:rtr] that was named "Little Russiandialect" [Ha uaropyccxot'l twentiethcentury(Baulin 2004),aboutthe "West Russianliterary language" the about even The last categ Hapevurzl("Vpixatinec" 2004),or abandoned was that 2007a) ("Anticommunist" asrtr] to Ukrainian i nucllresnrtü IranaAHopyccxuü "'Ukrainian"r€urHqaHcbK "absolutely IrcKyccrBeHHuü] artificial" [a6conrorno for the sakeof an can be interpr Ruthenian'language" ["yxpaincrxo-pycsroro" (slc, in Ukrainian and in quotation ') Yet many ("vpixatinec" 2004). letters)l capital with other one is marks)t3bIKA (slc, in Russian, "the A bloggerr mothertongue" [pi4na ruoea]("Astakhov" 2007)orju$ referto it in Ukrainianas "the language" text.rl Russian a within 2007) (Baulin Gerasöenko 2007; manages to cc as [naona] The Innguage and lts SPeakers "glottonyms" aim at characterizing a As usual,someof the most tastelessderogatory "Ivanov" its speakers. with associate authors the languageby hateful stereotypesthat "the languageof Galician cattle" [r'aoeororanl4qaHcbKoro calls Galician Ukrainian "cattle nonsense" 6uÄnsueürapa6apulunel [Ha 6uura)("Ivanov" 2006a),or merely the "congönial" participant of another forum assertsthat "the (..Ivanov" 2006b).rrrA Ukrainian languageis not a language,but the sounclsof animals . . . of the Jewish' ...the beyond languag an allus throughr I havenc but only in Band "bunker - LINGUISTIC REFLEXES which is a well:e the nineteenth :n hiding behind lician Ukrainian vanov" 2006),16 63 with its paraes not exist and ) tries to present e a few words in tdzcie iz Krymu . jakij sie jezyk" re Crimea to my rot a languageat rast is the use of in general. CerLrate'Ukrainian' lquently refer to rv (2006) writes r:uxl. Still othlanguagenamed N.r"qgrrxoN.ruoa re" lÄepxasHat e "Little Russian beginning ofthe la ruanopyccrou erary language" t was abandoned rül "'Ukrainianmd in quotation 2004). Yet many :v" 2007) orjust Russiantext.lT characterizing a lakers."Ivanov" TAIVIIAHCbKONO ü rapa6apurunel nserts that "the . of the Jewish- 323 Polish [!-M.M.l cattle from Galicia" (..Voin" 2007).tsThe pejorarive derivarional "ra,ruqaucxufr," variant which is fbrmed from zanu,raur.rr (inhabitantof Galicia), is widely used in the anti-Galiciansources.Baulin 2007 writes about the widespread "Westernizing pronunciation" [:anaAeHcroe(l_M.M.) npor3norxeHze],and com_ plains that ukrainian pupils have already begun pronounceg in the Galician nanner" (l-M.M.) "."-*uto;1ri.l, the author [no-raauqaHcKr4 ctäty means..g,,,;1 whereas even speakersof Russianin Ukraine pronoun"" ..softly,, it t(l_ M.M.)1. Of course, Baulin expresseshis sympathy for the people from the Donbas region and the crimeawho do not want to rearn"the Galician mother-tongueof the ukrainian diaspora" [oHrzue xorrr yr{r.rrb"pi^Hy raJ'rr4qaHcbKy MoBy"yKpar4ucxoü 4uacnoprr]. Like somanyothers,he is convincedthat,in the schools of ukraine, it is the ,.Galicians, language" [rsrrx ra,'rnuaul.that is being taughtat the moment,and that ..thelanguage ofl07oof the population"is being impos"ion the rest.This particularlyannoyshim hcause, accordingto him, it is Galicianthat is ,.theleast developedand most archaic,, Hepa3BuroM, apxauqHoM a:srxell among the Iive iast Sravic languages Priy* Jll!-M.M.lthat he finds in ukraine (the othersareRussian,,,Little Russian,,,,.polta_ vian," and"Rusyn"). Moreover,referring to the fact that Galicia is an economicalry weak regionof ukraine, Baulin doesnot hesitate to write aboutGaricianukrainian as ?beggars' language"[-s:'r nnrqerrr]. In anotherparticularly tastelesscontribution hataimsin the samedirection,the Galician variant of ukrainian is not only calreda -ivestern ukrainian dialect from Ternopil' and Lviv,, u,crcuitÄr4iureKr [:ana4Hoyxpa flepHonolrcxo-Jlrnoecxuü)], but also;'partlythe languageofthe day laborers ofthe "partry last century"and the ranguageof th. *u, criminals(the Banderapeopre) who bave settledin Canadaand America' (,.Tania,,2006).20 \lattonyms" D eriv ed from Swearw ords Ihlastcategoryamongthe derogatoryglottonyms appliedto Galicianukrainian and hukainianin generaris basedon ,n"r" sreair"o.di.-one of them i, .,o.poro"u,, o. tamvaucrra 4epruoaa,"which is derivedfrom R ussiandepo.tto,,dirt,mud, smut,,and unbe interpreted as a tastelessparody of ..AepNrraosa,,r, lAnonymou, iOöZul.rrnn_ "Aynouoea," üeroneis which is derived frim dyna, "ass,,(Anonymous 2007b).23 Ablogger with the strangenickname"ukrainian patriot,, u,,cr<uirnarpnor,,] [,,vrpa lanages to combinearl of the most tasteressderogatory labelswithin one entry: "language" '. . the [ukrainian "mova,'in the Russiantext_M.M.] doesnot exist beyond the sphereof the radio and the rv ,"." idiot decidedto declarea dead the sratelanguage_ ["ro'v4apcrn.nru.r" couroue ertrr.;; ;;i;; lung,yug: error or "homo-"-M.tvt.l anallusionto :il) . .,. as long ps I havebeenalive"ÄJiraveling through all of ukraine(Luhansk'Done9k, Kyjivihe crimea,Xarkiv,odesa,Xerson), Ihavenotheardalive"thelanguage" tukiainiunLouu" in theRussian,.*i_t r.u.r, butonlyour belovedmothertonlue, the Russian language,*", ;;; .'. . maybe inBandera's land in the wild hii bunkersttrreworo is taken from porishschron, "bunker"l far in the woodsand mountains;ttr" tunguug",, evenexists,but rn what I 321 MICHAEL MOSER way are thesewild placesrelatedto ukraine? . . . so that the peopre,slanguage, Russian,shouldbe language,andnor rh" ,,d*,;;;;,; äätunguug.ortl. t...rtlp peasants andof the bulls.2a Modern Standard Ukrainian_a Galician project? Interestingly,virtually all anti-Galicanauthors claim that, since 1991,Galician ukrainian has been imposed on the rest of Ukraine. According to trrem,ukrainian nationalists(the "consciousukrainians," cf. also the formation ..cnu4onrzrrr,,,from ukrainian ceidouuü, as usedby "anb" 2006 and ,.Tania,, 2006) regaä it as thebest ("exclusively conscious")variety of ukrainian.2s Hence, th"irpr"ä the myth that, after 1991,it was only the Galician ukrainians and the North-Americanemigrants who began reorganizingthe functionality, orthography, and the very structureofthe Ukrainian languagein Ukraine. In particular, the suggestionsthat were madefor the orthographic reforms are characterized as ..the appearanceof a stubbornnessthat is traditional in Galicia" [npoaeleuue rpa^r{rl}roHHoro An, fa-nuq,n' ynp.arucrna] (Kornilov 2000), becausethe Galicians are allegedly unable to realizethatGalicia is only one of ukraine's regions.Basedon that attitude,other writers do not hesitate to write about the emergenceof a "Galician" or, in another version, ..GreatGalician imperialism" (l) [ra:rurlruü r.rM[epr4€urr,r3M or BeJrvKoraJrrzqruü uunepr.ra,ruru] (Juröenko2007). To be sure,within this strangenarrativeit is the Galicianswho areallegedlyspoiling sevöenko'slanguage(Juröenko2007), which is describedas ..realukrainian,,or,as othersput it in closerconformity with their view of the world, real ..Little Russian.,,rn the forums,someparticipantswould evenexplicitly assertwhat someanti-ukainian authorsstateonly implicitly: For them, eventually nothing but Russiancan bethe "real Ukrainian" language[ | ] (..Anricommunisr,,2001b). one componentof the anti-Galicianmyth asserts that, since 199r, the Galicians have been taking revengefor what the Borsheviks did to them in r933, preventing the Galiciansfrom imposing their languageon the rest of Ukraine for the firsttime. A lot of anti-Galicianauthorswould agreewith Macuka (2004)or Skvorcov(2007) that, since 1991, the "ukrainian westernizers" [yrpau'rl'-:ana4uunzr havedone their bestto passoff "the so-calledGariciandialect" ..the as ukrainian language,,and to force the rest of ukraine to acceptit. According to this view, Ukrainianstiom the N^o-rth Americandiasporajoined this effort, which was nothing uur r"u"ng" (Kornilov 2000).' 6Now, the Galicianseven want to punish those who äo no, ,p"ut like them, especiallyspeakersof ukrainian-Russian;'SurZyk,,' althoughu".o.äng to theanti_ Galicianfaction,the Galicianlanguageis the real ,.surZyk," andthe ukrainian_Russian mixturethatis commonlyreferredto as"SurZyk,' is thegenuine..LittleRussiandialect,, [va'ropyccxoeHapevuel,spokenby far more people than '.the Galician language,, (Kornilov 2000).21Continuing in tllis vein, Andrej yadLra,one of the authorswho try to presentthemselvesas seriousscholars, claims that ukraine is not characterized by bilingualism,but by trilingualism,wiih Russian,rhe ..Litle Russiandialecr,, ("SurZyk"), an of the countr variety of Gal Ukrainians."' Orange Revol Within the Language itse cian Ukrainiar Sokolov (200? it is represen Ukrainian liter creation, it app Modern Ukrair as their basis,.t man words" [r clonaunl (Kole acceptedonly u "the Ukrainian i Galicians from pects "an entire MaKapoHUr{ec As a conseq command of tru Ukrainian Stand origin. Some are mous 2007),3ru regard it as .,a hc does not reply tc wishful thinking human language to Ukrainianl.3l "Enals-pilugi speak Ukrainian I Polish dialect an basedon the inte the unity of the L Most of the s< of "Viter" rhar G unfortunately bec Yet it is not or growing inffuenc diaspora's impac this anti-Galician I LINGUISTIC : people's language, 'the language of the r c e 1 9 9 1 ,G a l i c i a n to them, Ukrainian 'csr.{Aor\aHrrr," from 'egardit as the best ,readthe myth that, \mericanemigrants ery structure of the I were made for the r stubbornnessthat a'rnHsrynprucrea] realize that Galicia itersdo not hesitate rsion, "Great Gali<uü uunepua:rn:u] 'eallegedlyspoiling ll Ukrainian" or, as "Little Russian." In omeanti-Ukrainian Russiancan be the 1991,the Galicians n 1933,preventing refor the first time. rr Skvorcov (2OO'7) r4Huxu] have done nian language" and Jkrainiansfrom the I revenge(Kornilov ot speaklike them, cording to the anti: Ukrainian-Russian ttleRussiandialect" Galician language" of the authors who re is not charactertle Russiandialect" REFLEXES 325 ("SurZyk"),and the ukrainian literary ranguagefunctioning asthe threemain languages 0f the country. The ukrainian literary tangiage, according to him, is nothing but a varietyof Galician ukrainian, and is only slpok"en by ..ahandful of trained .conscious ukainians."' Subsequentry, this variety of'ukrainian is linked to the ideorogy of the 0rangeRevolution;therefore, yadlr aiOOZ cattsit,.orangeoid.,,za Mthin the framework of this puzzling discourse, the Modern ukrainian standard Language itself ultimately appearsto bJ"not real ukrainian,,' but a variant of Galicianukrainian (Gerasöenko2007).2sMany anti-Garician authors would agree with sokolov(2001), who assertsthat "the real ukrainian (Little Russianlanguage),,,as it is representedin Kvitka's and sevöenko's works, significantly differs from ..the ukrainianliterary language,as it was formed in Galicia.,,The latter is an ..artificial creation, it appearedunder a strong German and polish influence,,and becamethe Modern ukrainian standardLanguage.30 The creatorsofthis languageallegedlytook astheirbasis"the Gariciandiarect,which was mosrheavily ,oil.ä uirorish and Ger_ manwords" [ra,rHqxoeHapeq[e,uau6olee 3acopeHHoe rIoJIbcK]'Mrr rr HeMerIKrrMr4 cronauul(Kolesnikov 2002),whereaselements of the genuineUkrainian dialectswere accepted only with utmostcaution.Skvorcov(2007)even feelsmotivatedto warn that theUkainian languageitself will soonnot be Slavicanymore,"if the influenceof the Galicians from Galicia and from the diasporacontinues. As the final outcome,he ex_ "an Fcts entirelyWestEuropeanmacaronicmixture,, [nno,rnerunuoro""poneücryro MaKapoHr.rrrecKyrc norvrecs]. Asa consequence, someardentanti,Ukrainiansevenassertthat, despitetheir alleged cornmand of true Ukrainian, they do not know and do not want to know the Modern ukrainian standardLanguage,becausethey are surethat it is nothingbut Garicianby origin' some areconvincedthat only Galicianscan understand this language(Anonymous 2007),3rwhile others "d9 n9t use this langua€e as a matter of principle,, and "a regard it as hostileranguage" ("rvanov"2ooeil.n",,yr".g";; il;, rhatshe itöbti does notreply to any messagesthat shegets in ukrainian, and-probabry guided by wishfulthinking-asserts that she has e'ien forced firms from Lviv to switch to ..the human language"[ueronevecrnü aarrx, an often-used label for Russianas opposed toUkainianl.3s "Enals-Pilugina" (2007) assertsthat "the Kobzar's descendants', do not want to speak ukainian becausethe modern ukrainian language ..a is mixture of the Galician_ Polish dialectand the newspeakthat was invented in the lgth century.,,34 Of course, based on the interpretationof "ukrainian" and .,Galician,, as two separateranguages, theunityof the ukrainian stateis openly questioned in someforums, too.35 Mostof the sourceswe have ue"n i"ating with up to now confirm the opinion of"viter" that Galician matters,including ttr"eGalician variety of ukrainian, have unf.rtunately become the object of a true rinformation war,' (..Viter,, 2006s.t0 Yetit is not only openly anti-ukrainian authorswho warn againstthe alregedly gowinginfluence of the.Galician variety of ukrainian and the North American diaspora's impact in ukraine. one of the most prominent intelrectualswho joined lhisanti-Galiciandiscourseto a certain degreewas petro Toloöko, a renowned ar_ @ 326 MICHAEL MOSER chaeologistfrom the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences.In his leaflet,,who or whar Endangersthe ukrainian Language?', lputtisnea in r sgai, Tirroökorefened to the anti-Gariciandiscourseof ukraiiiariauthors suchas tvan Neöuj_t_evyckyj and others,and reasserted,without any tempering, that the ukrainian languagehasbeen "soiled" "the by Galician dialect" (late. t " ,"t rc to the sameidiom as ,.theGalician language"),37 that "the Garician diarecf is .:entirelypolonized,,, and that up to the end of the twentiethcentury,"two riterary ,.Dnipro" ranguages,,,the literarylanguage "Galician" and the literary language,have coexisted(Toloöko l99g). Accordingto Toloöko'sabsurdcraim, the "cahcian" ..orthography,, was created in the nineteenth century on the basisof "Latin or polish" moaels,ana the Gaticiansdid not want "the to adopt phonetic language" [sicr]. Toroökocontinuesto write that, whereas "Dnipro" the riterary languagehas proceededfar aheadin its developmentduringthe twentiethcentury,the "Galician" literary language( its diasporavariant,,)remained stuck in its position since the end of ti.," nä"t""nth and beginning of the twentieth century.In this sameleaflet,Toloöko rejects the allegedun"n'it oitt? iorth American diasporato influencethe developm"nt äf uk uinianin post-Sovietukraine.Toloöko,s linguistic argumentsextendto somelexical items,but focusmainry on someerements that are usually regardedas matters for',orthographic,,discussionin the ukainian context,althoughin reality they mean much more, namely,variousapproaches to the crucial questionof what exactryStandard ukrainian should look like (vakurenko, in this volume).18 What Is the Galician Language? It is Toloöko's( I 998) leafletthat ultimately confirmswhat we havehithertoobserved in virtually all of the sourcesthat we truve unatyredup to no* uppu..niiv,unti_curi.i, polemicistsusually fail to understand the historicaland the currentroles of Galician ukrainian, and demonstratea very poor understandingof its structureandits very es sence.No anti-Galicianauthorfrom our sourcesaskeJthe innocent,cruciatquestions "Avangard" that are posedin a forum by 200o 1in ukrainian, from Moscow Il]): What is the Galician^t1lClT? S:r" ,_?Ithat it is a dialectof Ukrainian,others call it a real ranguageof its own? . . . w^ut elementsmake it differentfromthe ukrainianriteraryranguage? I havein -inJ uuou. a1lgrammatical, orthoepic, and orthographicones.Is thereany linguistic sketch this"questionüwitt uegraterut -on for any informationon this topic t:Auung*0,, ZOOOI. Even in the non-ukrainophobicforum that',Avangard,,turned to, no soundanswer has been offered so far. Ali one can learn is that ..theGalician languagecontains a lot of Polish words," and that it woulcr ,.,no." b" correctto write about ,theGalician dialect of the ukrainian language"' ("Igor" 2006) or about ,,theGalician dialectof Ukrainian + Galician SurZyk', 1;Senk,,1OOO,ZOOAu). From a linguistic point of view, it is clear that ..theGarician ukrainian dialect.,, as so many a guists accou and shareso discussin th attack is dire variant. As a "the Galicia on the literar Sevöenkoan 221;232-23 Language inc it is not a dia Thus, it is ui nyjro,6r.rhis readers,b colloquial lan region," and t Galicianson t offered by a r who encourag sionism to "g imposed as thr might be expe gilov" (2005), discourseand the conclusion wide use of th for the view o1 Inaaa:ueaHne asrrxa]. Attack anti-Ukrainian of a separate,r Russian conce history," "rhe c (1998) (cf. als intellectual "ph correctly pointr role of the Wes an alien, "non-t unity.44yet, as I "Galician seed ignore the fact r maintenanceof - LINGUISTIC In his leaflet "Who 8). Toloöko referred \eöuj-Levyckyj and n languagehas been om as "the Galician " and that up to the :o" literary language 1998).According to .edin the nineteenth ians did not want to te that, whereas the :lopment during the a variant") remained ing of the twentieth 'the NorthAmerican t Ukraine.Toloöko's Iy on someelements on in the Ukrainian us approachesto the :like ( :hithertoobservedin rently, anti-Galician :nt roles of Galician lture and its very esrnt,crucial questions r mM o s c o w [ ! ] ) : of Ukrainian, others it different from the atical,orthoepic,and ion?I will be grateful to, no sound answer languagecontains a ,about 'the Galician : Galician dialect of Ukrainian dialect," REFLEXES 327 assomany authorscall it without hesitation, hasneverexistedas such.rnstead,lin_ guistsaccountfor certainsouthwestern ukrainian dialectsthat are ,pok"n in Garicia andsharesomecrucial linguistic qualities.yer what the anti_Gariciänauthorsreally discuss in their texts actually doei not berongto the sphereof dialects at ail. Their attackis directed toward the Modern ukrainian standard Languagein ir, cuti.iun variant. As anticipatedin the introduction,however, this variety is neither basedon "the Galician dialect" nor on the southwestern ukrainian dialeätsfrom Garicia,but onthe literary form of uktuilill, as adopted primarily from writers such as Taras sevöenko and panrelejmonKulis betweentnä taoos and rg70s (cf. Moser2007, 221;232-237).of course,the Galician variant of the Modern ukrainian Standard Language incorporatescertain diarectalelementsfrom the Galician area,too. yet, it is not a dialectas such. Thus,it is nothing but absurdfor Juröenko 200i toquote the sentence,,Ta nninu . ui ryjro, 6n-lr narpyeaero. Ta BJ'racHoB pyKoBAaBuy $ajrcy. . .,, and try to assure hisreaders,based on a particularly ill-minded sort of rhetoric,3ethat .,this is the colloquial languagethat exists in reality and is stilr common in the lvano_Frankivsk regl'n"'and that, moreover,this is the languagethat is now being imposed by the Galicians on the rest of ukraine. one of ttr"eco"rrect responsesto such assertionsis offered by a non-anti-Galician participant of a forum tn ,.Galicianimperialism,,, whoencourages those who constantlyattact the alleged Galician linguistic expan_ to "give examples, where absurd Garician dialectal "remäts are reary ::Tr, mposed as the norm of the actively usedUkrainian language,,f: nVJü;;zOO6);ou as mightbe expected'no convincing answer has been posted so far. obviously, ..Angilov"(2005),who offers a parody of the generalanti-Galician and anti-ukrainian discourse and its steadilyrepeatedstereoty=pes, is perfectly right when he comes to the.conclusion that they ultimately o.iginarä ..i" irr" sovieiuräna.;;epurt fiom rhe wideuseof the traditional imagesof iiternal and externalenemies,this arsoholds fortheview of the ukrainian language as the "'westernizing, catician ranguage,, yKpaLrHcKoro, [nan8stnaune s AeücraureJ'rr,Hocrr.r xe-..3ana^escKoro,, I.aluqxoro mural'Attackson Galician ukrainian are, in fact, most oftenjust a part of a general anti-ukainianal andeventua_lly an anti-Europeanprogramthat aimsat the destruction ofa separate, non-Russian.ukrainian identity, und i,"d in the name of pan_ "the Russian concepts,such as united peopre,'l"th" co-mon roots,,,..the common "the history," common language" (,.Angilov" 2005).12Another uuit oiito. f_oriu (1998) (cf' also Hrabovskyj 2005), coirectry wrires abour various anti-Galician "phantoms" intellectual that are widespreadamong anti-ukrainian authors.a:r He conectly points out that, in this discouise,the Gariciansare usually assignedthe roleof thewestern, catholic, or simply alien temptersof the ukrainian people, of analien,"non-ukrainian" force that tore the ukrainians away from ,i," fui'_nurriun unity.aa Yet,as Losiv states,the creatorsof this myth are unableto explain how the "Galician seed" could ultimatery spreadthrougdut ukraine, and they stubbornly ignore the fact thar ukrainians from outside äti.iu have been ,r.rggling fbr the malntenance of a separateukrainian identity, too.15In essence,it urt,iuiif tu.n, out 328 MICHAEL MOSER that in the typical anti-Galician discourse,virtually everything that is depictedas Galician is just As regardsthe Ukrainian languagein particular, anti-Galician attitudesoftenresult from the observation that the Galicians were the first to realize that the sphereof the ukrainian literary languageshould not be limited to belles lettres in the long run, but that a full-fledged,standardlanguageshouldbe developed(Moser 2007,10-1] 2009). The Galicians not only had the opportunity to make a serious contributionto the development of such a truly polyfunctional standard language in the Austrian Empire, they also made good use of it and started their efficient work on Ukainian terminology and functional style. On the other hand, it is true that the Ukainians under the RussianEmpire sufferedunder the Valuev circular of 1863 and theUkaz of Bad Ems of 1876,which limited the use of Ukrainian in the RussianEmpire.But it is also true that, beginning with PantelejmonKuli5 (Moser 2009), many leading ukrainian intellectuals from the Russian Empire, and later from the Soviet Union, failed to recognizethe significanceof the Galician efforts, while their reservations, which were often basedon a certainarrogance,were usually not convincing. Despite all of the anti-Galician attitudes,the Galician impact on the Ukainian languagehas in fact been quite powerful, at least since the turn of the twentiethcentury (Shevelov 1966).Beginning at least with Stalin's rule, however, Soviet stigmatization of the Galicians as "bourgeoisnationalists"or "banderovcy,"along with the extremely restrictive and Russian-orientedSoviet languagepolicy, as symbolized by the strictly imposed"orthographic"reformsof 1933and 1946(cf. Vakulenko,in this volume),helped weaken this processfor decades.Yet it has never been "the Galician dialect" thathas contributed to the developmentof Modern StandardUkrainian; it has alwaysbeenthe Galician variant of the Modern Ukrainian StandardLanguage.In the post-Sovieter4 it is again not "the Galician dialect" that hascome into play, but the Galicianvariantof Modem Standnrd Ukrainian, as it has been partly preservedand developedin Galicia and within the Galician diaspora,particularly in North America. In the end,thereis nothing amazing about the fact that the Galician variant of Ukrainian is now in fact playing a certain role in the generaldevelopmentof Ukrainian again.Given thebroad functionality of Ukrainian in Galicia, as opposedto most other regions of Ukaine,it is not very likely that any anti-Galician, anti-Ukrainian, and ultimately anti-European attitudes,asencounteredin the sourceswe havebeendealingwith, will stopthatproces in the nearestfuture. Notes in Galicia in tl the two mean of "all-Russia that interpreta of Galicia ex1 identified witl ued to refer t( their term can translateit intr "Malorossijan of the ninetee 3. The prc the START:-pr relations betw significant rolt 4. The hir volume in We 5. Cf. .,,copra, 6e,roxy 6. Even pn that absurd asse inhabitants of p 7. "Anticr language, yet nolrcraü]. 8. "Bu Ne EuÄ,rroxu xox,r 9. "Bor u r r:rrx), u ue yxt 10. "Baszrc 11. "Harepr Br4AHee." 12. "Kax-ro noHrJra.Ilocue 3HUtr,HACmOtt4 TO CTAJIKI4BEUIC' na VxpauHe, He caonevxu, @pa: from the fact thr (not at) a dialec 13.Adopted languageof Cor 14. "Tparesü HbIM TAJIIIIIKHM 1.Sincethisis an articleon linguistics, theconventional linguistictransliteration willbe used,ratherthantheU.S.Libraryof Congress transliteration. "Rus"' in its moregeneralmeaning 2. As a reminder:geographically, initiallyrefened to all territoriesof Kyjivan Rus' (in a narrowersenseit meantjust the Kyjiv-Perejaslav region). Russian pyccrrü, "Russian,"is derivedfrom "Rus',"' andsomepeoplearguethatit hastwo (l) "belonging meanings: to Russia,"(2) "belonging to 'Rus'."Russian chauvinists, aswellas "Russophile" "Muscophile") representatives (or of the movement, whichfoundmanyadherents , r3brKoMI_lenrpa cxoro, Heuyü-. 15. "B nonno ABI,I)KCHTT-' CIIEIII HOro ran[qKoro 1 6 ." . . . 4 a n a r3brKeB Hecyqei - LINGUISTIC REFLEXES 329 inGaliciain the secondhalfofthe nineteenthcentury deniedany substantiardifference between üng that is depicted as ranattitudesoften result rc thatthe sphereofthe lettresin the long run, d (Moser20O7.lO-13: seriouscontribution to rguagein the Austrian ent work on Ukrainian ue that the Ukrainians 'of 1863 and the Ukaz reRussianEmpire. But r 2009), many leading rom the Soviet Union, hile their reservations, notconvincing. )t on the Ukrainian lan,f the twentieth century r, Soviet stigmatization ong with the extremely nbolizedby the stricrly , in this volume), helped Lliciandialect" that has it hasalways been the In the post-Soviet era, IheGalician variant of d developedin Galicia :a. In the end, there is <rainianis now in fact again.Given the broad 'regionsof Ukraine, it .imatelyanti-European :, will stop that process :ic transliteration will be ll{*"t!i;ö;;;ile $:.Tifr',1älgi::10"".[:"* But that "üä."sf;ortcomings inrerpretation. -tlt"tI rt is'ouul^t,11'-^u,tl of ,r c. i.;;;öi;;;, : tiöiÄ ; ;lä** lilqi'F {;; 1,"; I",F ::: when *lltl lUi r."ri",.iö ortF Russian riiiö1,,."ä.:fj Empire [T::t:"tJ'I|:ll,;Y;'l?**" theycontin_ l"::r_i;ö;;ää;i'i:,x:;:#;H,7;:;ii,2!iö,i:|öiffirtHrääJ ransrate ir intoRussian asnv.ccxuü. r" "ra"ri" u..läirtvia.nrin.i.c;i;ir;::ärrr"r..and "Malorossijane" of theRusiian rhe E.pi.";;;p;;ä;ä".,ukrainians,,during "'n; rherasrdecades'""ua", äi,i"'ääu",n century. 1li::::,,:::H:f:d *,"Aü#j:;,i,:i::,tä3ä::iiü#?ffi jil"äää+üy,ä:.f i::j$,:TÄ:il1"x1 lunguage t irio"",rnanarea rhathasarways prayed a ff"'närn}ff ,T:'ffi|d:lte'nal the-ukrainianlanguagein general' 4. The historical uro".f :t . volume in weimarlce#anyilffi"firäälvzed 5. Cf. "'.fl:rrr ""raa"- in a studvto bepublished in a conference ,,opraKa,, HaÄo noJrararb. nnen'ä"p'ua copra,6eaorypnx *urhrrKr4x ?p.rüu.";,r";;";;;;;;'r[fffräirä:ä 6 Evenpro-ukrainian oalticipanis äläff "0 BÄrcuero or.."r" iär"ä., whoexplicittydistance that absurd themserves asserrion, from mavarsreth; currciun,.u*oiüä.9".0,9 .n"ak..normal pottava nhabitants tlkrainian,,, of whereas .u,rä u. ior..o r".f"*'::;,;; uär,.,* accenr..(..Dybit.. T "Anticommunist"(z.o_lt);,s.."äi" 2006). , irräii:,tiruiniun, is a poronized ord Russian not Polish" ["Yrpauncxr'rü" * ono"n"".HH'ücrapopyccx^üs:rrx, ,iJr*rX?t"?,1"t Ho He 3HaergHr4r3br*a,Hz sepruonur rpe'4rzre Harpr3HoMcypxr4Ke. t*t;;31"ffi;""yr1i,,He | 9 "Bor a [oJr] {aercr r3ux-ra6paÄ-a Henoarcrcuü(TaKKaKHaÄoH anp*ar'cu ""?:,,rä,1,T,äl srü vuorzera,rr'"ö no"o,n",'e ?'"Yä!::* ":Harcr).,, ^-l!',y**;; 14 yqurb :ö;;.#ry#."ff:T:Hl'#'4l{iul€rrou 7^.{r zrbiÄ crllc 14oJrl4ToBrleutrü, rro ero 3Haer,nu B'üHee.,,,rornalr "Kax-ro 12' r,e-To r HarKHynacbna o6parqrr ra,rrrirlKoroHapeqür: a6co,rrcr'o norlla'llocuernacb' a coxpaHr'rr' Hr.rireroHe HeÄoÄyMaJracr. Ho uHorÄaAnr Äe6aros 6rr,ro 6urnennoxo 6.Hapolr"." HeKr{Mr4 naHaMr.r:{o.Bjr IT^y:;y#:::::"npI4ÄyMaHHBre "L,.ä.;vroxe! rcro_ "v.p."*iltffi ;,fflä1ff":xii::;lT:XiT,,#"","iiäill,"ft#ffitm: cl.BeqKli' Qpaa')" ("IEE" 2005).rne anrlcailJi.täru"t., ot ttriscontrib'nionis ontyclear " r" e"".J,'ä""ääy il:i,l|:n'ii:il'J:,',""'J.:iXi,t1'.",;1i';r"-Ä;ää*" iuugr, uuout l3 Adopredfrom Georsebrwell's novel *rgg4,- the term ..newspeak,,was language appriedto the of Communistpropagandain the E*t"Ä bfä.. 14"TpareaNrvrcpanirri oipra","*oiiä'ü iri)rHcKuv, 13btKauu-noroHn3upoBaH_ ruMralrr.ruKr4M HaKo!,reHoqH'rM ".oop.r.n'r.Ji;;;ä;_"." coroBapuuu [sic!] a Hapo4x'v tr;:Lff#ä.äX ning initially referred to lyjiv-Perejaslavregion). ple argue that it has two Lnchauvinists,as welt as :h found many adherents ,.Rus,,,is just.,Russian,,in rhe sense I" apart.from ,r'. tö docro'rHoüvKp-""i t7*.iu'orpo"u".,,rMc' yqare!'reM rpyruen- l5 "B no'rHoucooTBercrB,r c arcrpaücrcoüno,ruru roü pa:geJ,reHr', Äerreru y*par.rHcKofo ,'o"y.u.",u"-t;;;;;;;.v ',,ä;;ää. i,"")i frff#Ää:T:;"."ä:,T"n, iä"oJi,,"oo"u,_ ". 16. . . Äasaüreeqe nonu6epanbHr{r{aeM u caMuHag ßtrKe BHecyuecrByr.orreM .o.youp.r".. rpuo,uron,#:Til::3J:lJ;:lä::."ylorqeM @, 330 MICHAEL MOSER l7' "Heroropue HaqnoHuulbHo-oga6oqenHsre ÄerreJr, nonbrrarorc, npr4nucarbHaMocrop6"rreuue Mosr,r." "[ I 8' ' . . ] qner ruryls noit uar\uu-ra,ür{aHeroBoprr Ha6'Arqqeü rapa6apruuHe,roropar Her{MeerHrjKaKoroorHorrreHilrr yrpauncr<oüuone:rb N Qarcr,,a,pa6yaurrA ÄoKa3areJrbcrB,, ("Ivanov" 2006b). 19."vrcpaiucrra MoBa-3To He13brK,3ToKpr,*u xnnorHux (ubrqaHbe,raBKaHbe, xpro*aHbe, KapKaHbe)-xu.[ononbcKoro 6ua,ra Il] ng fa,rr,rqrzHrr.. .,, "Hasszrtsaercq 20' nMeHHo3anaÄHoy*parzucrufiAuarerr (Tepnono,rr,cxo-Jlraorcr<uü) u orr{acrr{ ALraJ'reKT rrporrlJrocroJirernux :apoouruaH U BOeHHbrx ,,pecrynH14KOB (6aHÄeponuer), qro oceJrr4 qacrHocrn B s KaHaaea Auepuxe.,, 2l' "Brl xe' rBapu t!-M'M'], " Hr4r3r,rKa [obviously,Russianis meanthere], Hu gepr'voBrl t ' ' ' I A uro crocyerl'ct r.l'srcoif, ro rle-qucro 'ra,ruqancrruü,gia.nercr riei xe aepuvoaa! Br- 6erpoaui.)ttuaflra r!:!-M.M.r. rri Hi.roroHe svircrs. rprv o6rnaaHur 'raüHon cyciga, xxuitporyvnitruü ga sac. V turruÄana"no"y 4ia,rercriNr,sxaf qacro 3aMlHro€ nany !,, HarrphKJlaÄ-r'inra-4iuca. I nu rqe xoqere cKa3arr4,,IO Ue rasroriunr i e yxpuora? EPEIIIETE,CyKI4I!l [!-M.M.] I_{ee ra-nvvaHcbra AepbMoBa, cyviur MoBrr3 nueubrnu liareKroM. Koporrue,sixolu ue 6yaeno aaruonay! HIKOJII4I,, 22. Interestingly,it is the^very sameauthor who appeals to the Europeancharter fbr Regional or Languagesas for the protection of Russranin Ukraine. \I]norltV "AyIIOMOBA 23. B CBI{HApHAXE [ . . . ] Bear MoBasBrrerc, xno6crsa ocHosoü, Eö uacax4aer uyranrurrü ypo,. oT toü aynoro"or Hac cr.r!'rbHo rorrHrr'ro [ . . . r repnerr sry Mep3.crr' p(e Hery calH, or MoBbrxejryaoK r{ Hory cBerro.[ . . . ] Bcö 6änr.ue cBr.rHapHr.r( cMepÄr,TÄynouoaoü, t{ro ge,rarr, He 3HaerHecqacrnlrü "upoa, pyrru, pa:pyxa-ucö oro ne "o"^o.. Bcö:ro ycrporrJrHav na,ruuxuüc6po4.,, ..: 24."1 . .. ] uona HecyilIecrByer3anpe,eJraMn pa, no u.rB,rarcou[!, a typing error_M.M.] rrÄr'rorHa4yMarlMeprByroMoBy foMygap rBeHHbrM [cf. above] ".",no, ;ä";;", :))) t . . . l cKonbro)rr'rByz 6rrsarc no nceü vrpaune (,rryraucn, loneqr, rcir.", ip"r^o iäprxon, oÄecca, Xepcon) , He cJrbrrrraJ'r Bxr'rByroMoBy,KpyroM nau, po4noü n rrc6ulruü pycc*r4, r:ur [. .. ] Moxer raM Ha6auleponrqr{Her{ ecrb MoBaB sa6urbrx a*poru* ru,,iJ* "'rr."u* ".opu*, ÄUKr.rx HOKaKoeorHo'''eHüe r4Merorre_arKne Mecra x vrpalrHe ? t . . . ] TaKrrro aoayuup"rranrrr" aorlxHe [!, a_typing enor-M.M.] 6brrb s:uK ,uporu_py..#;;;, ;; cerrroKoBcKar Äep^bMoMoBa 6srqaqr,q,' (.,Ukrainskijpatriot" 2005). 25' "Bor :ror g14a!'reKr ü HaBr3Hnaercsuceü vxpar.rHe,KaKBbrHrrKoBo-cBr4ÄoMuri,, (..Tania,, 2006). "luacnopa 26. sce 6oru[e ücno!,r63oBara r4MeHF MeqTalIA I Bcena' To,vro"o"r;""H#ü"t""Ji##,t"rT.Tti?1i:r1; Mepe 3ror.ur",ü "3a 'yvur'reunoe BaHtII raJll4qaHe 27. uc*ar{eHre' yKpal,rHcKoror36IKa HaquoHarrlrcrbr HaMepeHbr Bcex noÄprÄ urpa$orarr, noÄ roprqyrc pyr(y ÄonxHbr noracr' npexae Bcefo re, Icro foBopr4T Ha pyccKo-yKpar4Ho<oü cuecn, cypxrzxe,'[ . . . ]. 28'"Ys"acHeÄByr3brque,KaKnpvHrrocqurarb,arpr{r3brque.lyuarorge-ro g5vonaceteHr{r coBpeMeHHOü vxpa'nrr roBopr,r r,IAyMaer r4nuHa pycc*oM '3r,lKe, r.rJ,rrl Ha MaJropyccKoM Hapequu(cypxr.rxe).tr4.;.ntssr .cBr,r4oMbrx Hr4qroxHarropcrKa Äpeccr4poBaHHbrx yK pafiumtus, ;;; tiJäx1i#,TJ;.f :il::ffi? äilffii#"r:äJJ#Hä:ffiä'äi.;;ll"T 29."1 . . .1tr16ou co3aareJrr{ ero, u ero rrporr""r., Ha3brBaJrr4,3brK^nM, a Hey(pa_ hHcKr.tM. fa,rrqrau no csoeü c),Tr.,x crpyKrype oH ocraJrc, a roHr,rHe.,, yrcpauucxn; q3s,* B roM BuÄe,B KaKoMos jg.l 6sr o6pasonan r ::: ]-lTlpuwpHrrü I""a.:t.urlLru, BecbMa cyrqecrBeHHo orJruqaltcqor co6crset or'3brKa Knnrxu , ur""".n*o, 14 rrpe'craBnnrr *#X".ö::lJ.tffi:HT#:T:*:il:? noÄ cunbHbrM HeMe(KnM u nonbcKlrM iazrHaelr.,' 31. ,.pass n,r.scKü6,,rr{:r 7) "r posyrr.rI ro ura6 ,Tüuyrc üpaBo rr( Tr4 'yKpon Bopoxolo, 3H 6oporuc.aa ro1 the source-M 33. "A q H nucruo, Qarc Brr :saere-lol ("Margo" 2007 34. ,.IIoqeM rou? !a norov: HOBOr3a, npuÄy 35. "3aqel,rr. 2006). 36. "Iae iuÖ 2006). 37. "B uiü n lireparypHa lror roaiprcoro" (Tolc 38. Toloöko's on the Internet,r 39. "Her, ser AüaJ'rercrü3 npol peaJrbHocyqecr (Juröenko2007) 4O. "llpunepu HeJlenbreavureK 4 1 . Y e tt h e s e 42."l4xoue\u s,rrc6,'reHnrrxn ca qTo caMOCTOrTe ToJ'roraMn6lr,r up apceHaJra,o6pa: n uapo4a-3ana4 nr oyuonqz-6aHgep npocTo-Harlr4oH :a CIIIA. A rarx la,ruqrcoro a$rxa. poÄ,' 'o6rque xopr pa3opBarbe1tHuü yr(paHHUeB lpaBo i rrepKoBb"("Angilo 43. yet thesean 44. "Cr<raÄoso . rtcno nos'qgauzüg no,rirurli iNnrri no ncExono,rirlr.lHoi x - faIoTCrnpuIucaTl HaM OC_ rteir t apa6aptuuHe, r(oropa, peoyrcrqzü4oxa3areJ.rbcrB" {aHbe,r-aBKaHr,e, xptoKaHbe, pHono,rrcxo-,flrzovcxuir) u lrynH14KoB (6anaspoeuea), y. Russianis meant herel. e,rnqaHcsrcuü' aia,rerr riei BMllorb,xpiu o6,runanur ni Nr'-sra f .racro rauiurce l faBKorlHHq i e yrcplrona? rrIIMoBu: nureulxulr Äia_ )peanCharter for Regional erc.r N,'Io6crsa ocHonofi ,[. . . ] Tepnerr arv Bcö 6o,rrure "urrupn"* rHa,pa3pyxa-scö lro ne [, a typing error-M.M.] rorao6b.qsür:r)t . . . [ ] (pbrM.XapbKos, Oaecca, rtupyccrcuürcrx [... ] ÄiureKoB J'recax14ropax, K qTOfocyÄapcrBeHHbrM 3bIK, A HC CCJ'IIOKOBCK,UI ,no-cnzaonruü"(..Tania" tanrn opQorpa$nu. pe_ ÄL\-r4 ecrr, n 6olsruoü .rlacTbrHaMepeHbrBCeX )ero Te, Kfo roBopHTHa arcrÄe-To95Vo uacene_ i, t4r1t4 Ha ManopyccKoM lr4ÄoMbrx yxpafiunqxa' :.[...]llo,ryvaercr ,paHXOZ4OU."' :,fanauKr.rM,a He yKpa_ I ou 6rur o6paroaau a MaJropyccxoro)rrur4 CO3ÄAHI,IE, BO3HüKIIICC LINGUISTIC REFLEXES I -:l ;;;tt;nt&ffi ffi "ffi 331 14 xa pbKo BqaHhHy ;,"J#-',": T:.:v,,.r, rJru:;nltiJ#;J:':l^MoBvr;;";;;#vJ[?{lTi}}jiltt# 'äl'J:td;ÄH"",".H;d*lt'll$"1**';ry-;; äo:1"äo:J;#';,ix;^ü1ff "i;,1{ilüäTi",:.trtrjfiI**rl* ,',,:,".:1,.:;;ö#*i:il::",#X,';,i,iif fpvu,eac r<on ;H"ffJx'tr l:o,"uJ'"^.JiT.ü tiq"r,*ffi :::=*rr;n:",'n_t;r;?##Lfr{##flfrlif:xä"#"fiT::;r""ä;$fl:1iäflH:-?t:;"T:;ffi:^,:t?:::. ; "'o"o"b eÄHHorl crpaHbr "la' c eA,Ho,iuonoü?,,(,.Era,, ,'j.',l]#, iu*opnaauiüsa :::::::tt"u'" siirua, aqeücarir_e411. m6lu!. , ;;.;;:" ;;". l,:;::, -r* ii:T"x,',,j,1'#;i'"1"x.y;trIffi *,ättr#ütffi ::ä,#;ff rffi ääx tl[Tilliy;*#;;[:i]]rT:ffä;ö: : !.1: whchisalso availab e ff![flresnonse A*t1x*t**i****s,t,äTxä,.,,"r# ,t#[,tt,Wr;n:ffi 'iT:f,tffi friffL*äTiffi111Tffiä!:öä"äffi li.iti,,Tr.',",)ra.ryu(rae -ä#if,::i;'ää,r*It'frts1*.$;1*ru - r,nfi*;f*fii****'r*l*il;n*,{l:lhffiiiläll#"f:,lilö:Ti..;'g,lä,,,,ä# ffi:rll;r***##i;lxft :#"':#l-ä1rr.,rfu*;::t;::" T..n""'l -"- reppt4 *tlrunl,jl,r:J;T;llll?liil*:;:'1fu;;ffiJääi?'#liffi ruf rop,to. ; ,r*. ;;;;-ä;iir"#äJ 43.yer thesä r",r ürrr,r" ;::^l ffifif #ä'1i;änru*nnxi;q;;#i*!rilä0i:Tö,,'tr,h" ''ffiil'I,il:i:ä::Jffi i:r.ffi*;ff''*Til,'#trtr,:,,*,äffi 'ü'ffi,# @ 332 MICHAEL MOSER 'rrcKyct4Te,lu' yrpa'rncrxoro HapoÄy,'uro6perareru' yrpaiHcrrcoro uaqiosa,rr:uy i narirr :osciNane yrpaiHrli, ari uaawr<y 6ararrox-pocirH,uanu 6yrlr uaaaurronauinpopocificrrl 3a Bu3HaqeHHru" (Losiv l 998). 45. "Taopurv lriQy npo ,ralzqrry 3apa3y'BaxKonprr3Harucl caMvtMco6i,uo niro,ruue upopoc,ro.6ra,rv qbKe3epHrrKono sciü xpaini, rx6n ue 6yno 4,"a q"o.o 6,"aroaurronoryyHry, ncüxojrori'rHofo, MoBHOTO, noairravHolo, KynbrypHofo, qx6n BernKa vrcpaina He Br{3HaBana falnvr'rHy cnoerc opnanivHolo qacrlrHoro, He Brr3HaBiura 6 raxorc ru "nä*ya" nrv6rurol,ry ni4cnil0vonaypinHi,HearaxaroqilHa nasirceaHi(40Curr qiaecnprvoeauo!.1 no6yroniurrau':anaae'ui.' nn-'6au4epirui' i . . . MiN ruu, i 4o renepiurHsoiouacy r pociücrxiü nepioaHrrrnaHyeAyuxa: rr6u He r€urHriaHfi,ro ue 6y,ro 6 npoo,rerur Ma,ropäciä, *ril : vccp, qr : ninleuHo-raxiluuu xpaev, vu 'npexpacHsrrlr loroM iroaa"r.' r "ory* ,a ara^yrorb(rK[lo 3Harorb),u10HaaiD ro4i, roru fa,rzquHa nepe6yna,rara MexaMr{ Be;rrzroivxpainu, npo6neur r yrpaiuunvu eceoaHo6yrr. . . . A qrcuto6 BÄW,,lHBuü aocriaHHr lsep"y" y"ury HayrpaiHcrxuü rucu\esrcrxuä pyx 60-x, 70-x porin, ro noMirne 6u cepe4".ou'u"r" yrcpaiucrxux rpoMaacbKr4x air.Jia. nzcurveHnHrcie. BqeHHx,cryaeHriaay*a "arr*y rilsncrs rrx, xro HapoaxBct I BllxoByBaBctHa cxogi Vrpaiur'r. Ta sna.rHonpocriure i npllerranirre'cnucyBar1r' sce Ha fanu.raHy"(Losiv 1998). 46' "Bce' uropociücrr<acsiÄovicrs cxHJtbHa xea,ri$iryaarlrrK rulJu,rubKe. no cyri c npocro yrpaiucrxuu. . . . faruvnuy HeMoxJ.rrrBo siaÄirr{rz "ia ynpair", "* i vrcpairy ei4 faruvuru" (Losiv 1998). References "Al' " in: Forum on "Galickij imperializm," I .06/30g32.html. November20, 2006. l5: 18. "anb" "Galickij in: Forum on imperializm," 1.06/30g32.html, November 21, 2006,O2:35. "Angilov"|/r93/ua.html.July 1l,2005. Anisimova, v. in: Materik-informacionno-analitiöeskij po*d pÄtrou;;k;g" prosranswa, "2000" from: Gazeta (httptl/,/print/svobodasiovn/zaschititduiffiu.html), www gl . iooo. . Anonymous,Obra5öenie, 2007. Evropejskajaxartija regional'nyxjazykov,in:'nezavisimyx Zurnalistov, =2147 65. June,24, 2007a, l 5:;i. Dupomovav svinarike,in:'nezavisimy* Zrinutistov, tritp:Zwww.vlasti. net/index.php?Screen=new s&id=214765. 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