Minimum Documentation Fiche


Minimum Documentation Fiche
Minimum Documentation Fiche
composed by national/regional working party of: Brazil
0.1 Picture of building/site depicted item:
Santa Maria Sanatorium
source: CPDOC/FGV
date: c. 1942
Otávio de Freitas Sanatorium
source: CPDOC/FGV
date: c. 1946.
Maracanaú Sanatorium
source: CPDOC/FGV
date: c. 1940.
Getulio Vargas Sanatorium
source: CPDOC/FGV
date: c. 1942.
Mandaqui Sanatorium
source: CPDOC/FGV
date: c. 1940.
1. Identity of building/group of buildings/urban scheme/landscape/garden
1.1 current name of building: Tuberculosis Sanatoriums built for Getulio Vargas
first administration (1937-1945)
1.2 variant or former name: Santa Maria Sanatorium; Belém Sanatorium; Otávio de
Freitas Sanatorium; Maracanaú Sanatorium; Getúlio Vargas Sanatorium (ES);
Azevedo Lima Sanatorium; Getúlio Vargas Sanatorium (PI); Aracaju Sanatorium;
General Severiano da Fonseca Sanatorium; Clementino Fraga Sanatorium;
Mandaqui Sanatorium.
1.3 number & name of street: Estrada do Rio Pequeno, 656 - Taquara, Rio de
Janeiro - RJ; Rua dos Mundurucus, 4487 – Guamá, Belém; Rua Aprígio
Guímarães - Tejipió, Recife; Rua Cap. Valdemar de Lima, Maracanaú; Avenida
Marechal Campos, 1468 - Vitória - ES; Rua Teixeira Freitas, 30 - Fonseca, Niterói;
Rua 5 de Janeiro, 166 - São Luís - MA; Av. Marechal Rondon, Aracaju; Av. José
da Silveira Camerino, 1065, Maceió; Rua Ester Borges Bastos, Jaguaribe - João
Pessoa e Av. Voluntários da Pátria, 4301, Mandaqui - São Paulo.
1.4 town: Rio de Janeiro; Belém; Recife; Maracanaú; Vitória; Niterói; São Luís;
Aracaju; Maceió; João Pessoa e São Paulo.
1.5 province/state: Rio de Janeiro; Pará; Pernambuco; Ceará; Espírito Santo; Rio
de Janeiro; Rio Grande do Norte; Maranhão; Sergipe; Alagoas; Paraíba e São
1.6 zip code: 22723-195 (RJ); 66073-000 (PA); 50920-640 (PE); 61900-020 (CE);
29047-105 (ES); 24130-616 (RJ); 65040-055 (MA); 49100-000 (SE); 57057-250
(AL); 58015-270 (PB); 02401-400 (SP).
1.7 country: Brazil
1.8 national grid reference:
1.9 classification/typology: Sanatoriums
1.10 protection status & date: Not protected
2 History of building
2.1 original brief/purpose: Sanatoriums built for treatment of Tuberculosis
2.2 dates: Sanatório de Santa Maria (1937-1943); Sanatório de Belém (19381950); Sanatório Otávio de Freitas (1938-1946); Sanatório de Fortaleza (1938);
Sanatório Getúlio Vargas - ES (1938-1942); Sanatório Azevedo Lima (1939-1946);
Sanatório Getulio Vargas - PI (1939-1941); Sanatório de Aracaju (1939-1941);
Sanatório General Severiano da Fonseca (1939-1946); Sanatório Clementino
Fraga (1941-1946); Sanatório de Mandaqui (1939-1950).
2.3 architectural and other designers: Team of the Works Division of the Ministry of
Education and Health.
2.4 others associated with building
2.5 significant alterations with dates: After the closing of the division, in 1977, and
along the 1980’s, all these sanatoriums became general hospitals or university
hospitals, keeping his healthing use.
2.6 current use: General hospitals or university hospitals.
2.7 current condition: Good, with internal interventions done during the last 20
3 Description
3.1 general description: The Works Division of the Ministry of Education and Health
acted between 1934 and 1977 in the construction of the sanatoruims for all over
the country, being responsible for elaborate the architectural programs, the
projects, organize the specifications and the bugets, execute and supervise the
works. During his existance, his team of professionals projected and constructed
with funds from the minstry, from 13 to 19 big sanatoriums for tuberculosis in
pratically all the states of the brazilian nation.
3.2 construction: During the first Getulio Vargas administration (1937-1945).
3.3 context: During the first Getulio Vargas administration (1937-1945), it was
developed a national policy for the construction of the sanatoriums to batlle the
tuberculosis. Following a global tendency ocorred between the two great world
wars, this policy would utilize the sanatoriums as the main elements to battle the
diseases that recomended the isolation as therapy, like the tuberculosis. Health as
a public political sphere played a crucial role in the construction and consolidation
of the nation, of the state and their relations with society. In Brazil, the sanitation
campaigns at the beginning of the XX century, the establishment of the federal
government health agencies between the decades of 1930 and 1940 are, amidst
others, landmarks of a path directly linked to the foundation of a valuable heritage,
expressed in the most diverse registers, properties, testimonials and collections of
information and knowledge.
4 Evaluation
4.1 technical: These sanatoriums present technical qualities that followed the
recomendations for a better treatment for tuberculosis, including healing varandas,
with the use of heliotherapy; ventilated and illuminated spaces; location in large
green areas farway from city downtowns.
4.2 social: These sanatoriums, adapted for general and university hospitals, are
very useful for the local population, that, unfortunately, don´t know about their
4.3 cultural & aesthetic: In aesthetic terms the modernity of these sanatorium´s
architecture would express itself in a relative way, more close to Erich Mendelsohn
expression school, or after Alvar Aalto´s Paimio Sanatorium or even utilizing the
american déco repertoire.
4.4 historical: These sanatoriums symbolized an important brazilian public policy
for health programs of Getulio Varga´s first administration for the battle of
tuberculosis, wich became marked as the ‘sanitation crusade of the Getulian era’.
5 Documentation
5.1 principal references:
BITTENCOURT, Tânia. Peste Branca, Arquitetura Branca: os sanatórios de tuberculosos
no Brasil na primeira metade do século vinte, 2000. Dissertação de mestrado, São Carlos:
Instituto Escola de Engenharia, Universidade de São Carlos.
COSTA, Renato Gama-Rosa. “Arquitetura e saúde no Rio de Janeiro” IN: PORTO, Ângela
et al. História da saúde no Rio de Janeiro: instituições e patrimônio arquitetônico – Rio de
Janeiro (1808-1958). Rio de Janeiro: Editora Fiocruz; 2008.
COSTA, Renato Gama-Rosa. Healthcare in Brazil. 1930-1960: preserving the modern
architectural legacy. IN Docomomo Journal, n. 37, sept. 2007.
PORTO, Ângela et al. História da saúde no Rio de Janeiro: instituições e patrimônio
arquitetônico – Rio de Janeiro (1808-1958). Rio de Janeiro: Editora Fiocruz; 2008.
5.2 visual material attached
5.3 rapporteur/date: july 2012
6 Fiche report examination by ISC/R
name of examining ISC member:
date of examination:
working party/ref. n°: NAI ref. n°: