An Eritrean man presented with 3 years of - charite
An Eritrean man presented with 3 years of - charite
A 56 year old man with a history of roux-en-y gastric bypass presented with abdominal pain, nausea, and bilious emesis. What is the diagnosis? Anastomotic stricture Incisional hernia Intussusception Dumping syndrome Internal hernia The correct answer is internal hernia. This patient presented with symptoms and radiologic findings consistent with a small bowel obstruction. CT scan revealed swirling of the bowel and mesenteric vessels as they herniated through the jejunojejunostomy mesenteric defect; exploratory laparoscopy showed an internal hernia of the small bowel. Small-bowel obstructions associated with internal hernias after gastric bypass can progress to bowel necrosis and death, and require early surgical intervention. Der Roux-en-Y-Magenbypass (RYGB) ist die international am häufigsten durchgeführte chirurgische Operationstechnik im Rahmen der Adipositaschirurgie. Bei extrem adipösen Personen kann mit ihrer Hilfe eine Gewichtsreduktion erzielt werden, weil sie den natürlichen Weg der Nahrung durch den MagenDarm-Trakt verändert und so zu einer gewollten Malabsorption führt und gleichzeitig bewirkt, dass die Patienten geringere Mengen an fester und flüssiger Nahrung aufnehmen. Der Eingriff gilt als das letzte Mittel der Wahl, wenn konservative Methoden zur Gewichtsreduktion versagt haben. Die operierten Patienten können bereits nach wenigen Tagen beginnen, wieder feste Nahrung zu sich zu nehmen. Relativ gefürchtet beim R/Y-Magenbypass ist das sogenannte Dumping-Syndrom, die sogenannte Sturzentleerung flüssiger und fester Nahrung vom Magen in den Dünndarm mit ihren Folgen. Anastomosenstriktor könnte an zwei Stellen stattfinden. An incisional hernia is a type of hernia caused by an incompletely-healed surgical wound. Since median incisions in the abdomen are frequent for abdominal exploratory surgery, ventral incisional hernias are often also classified as ventral hernias due to their location. Not all Ventral Hernias are from incisions, as some may be caused by other trauma or congenital problems. Clinically, incisional hernias present as a bulge or protrusion at or near the area of a surgical incision. Virtually any prior abdominal operation can develop an incisional hernia at the scar area (provided adequate healing does not occur due to infection), including large abdominal procedures such as intestinal or vascular surgery, and small incisions, such as (appendix removal or abdominal exploratory surgery). Als Intussuszeption (Synonym: Invagination) des Darmes wird die in Längsachse erfolgende Einstülpung eines Darmabschnittes in einen anderen bezeichnet. Hierbei kommt es durch Störungen in der Blutversorgung der Darmwand infolge von Blutstauung und Ödemen zur Ausbildung der Symptomatik eines Darmverschlusses. Der eingestülpte Darmteil wird als Invaginat (oder Intussusceptum) bezeichnet. Die Darmeinstülpung verläuft meist in die aborale Richtung in das Invaginans (oder auch Intussuscipiens), der Darm stülpt sich also in der Richtung seiner Peristaltikwellen ein. Relativ selten liegt eine Invagination nach oral vor (retrograde Invagination), was hauptsächlich als Komplikation nach einer Magenresektion beschrieben wird. Hauptsächlich werden Säuglinge und Kleinkinder (Verhältnis Jungen:Mädchen 3:1) bis zum zweiten Lebensjahr von der Erkrankung betroffen; hier liegt als Ursache meist eine (vorübergehende) Störung der Darmmotorik vor. Der invaginierte Wurmfortsatz ist die zweithäufigste Ursache des akuten Abdomens im Säuglings- und Kleinkindesalter. Tritt die Invagination in einem höheren Lebensalter auf, kann häufig eine morphologische Ursache (MeckelDivertikel, Polyp, Tumor, Darmduplikatur) für ihre Entstehung gefunden werden. Eine Hernie (von griech. ἔρνος érnos „Knospe, Spross“) ist der Austritt von Eingeweiden aus der Bauchhöhle durch eine angeborene oder erworbene Lücke in den tragenden Bauchwandschichten. Ihr deutscher Name Bruch oder Eingeweidebruch verwendet die Nebenbedeutung von Bruch als Riss. Es werden nach dem Ort ihres Auftretens innere und äußere Hernien unterschieden. Ist die Hernie von außen zu erkennen oder führt die Bruchpforte vom Körperinneren in Richtung Haut, spricht man von einer äußeren Hernie. Liegt die Hernie innerhalb des Rumpfes (z. B. vom Bauch in den Brustkorb gerichtet) und kann deshalb nicht ohne Hilfsmittel erkannt werden, dann ist es eine innere Hernie. Bei der Treitz-Hernie sind Darmanteile im Recessus duodenalis superior, einer sehr engen Bauchfelltasche hinter dem sogenannten Treitz'schen Band (Ligamentum suspensorium duodeni), welches den Zwölffingerdarm fixiert und Darmgefäße enthält, eingeklemmt. It’s a complicated neurological disease, with head pain and other symptoms, like nausea, vomiting, dizziness, sensitivity to touch, sound, light, and odors. Abdominal pain and mood changes can occur, too. While kids generally have fewer and shorter migraine attacks than adult sufferers, childhood migraine can be just as disabling, and it can seriously affect the child’s quality of life. Unfortunately, migraine is very common in children. It’s been reported in kids as young as 18 months old. About 10% of schoolage children suffer from migraine. Half of all migraine sufferers have their first attack before the age of 12. Before puberty, boys suffer from migraine more often than girls. As adolescence approaches, the incidence increases more rapidly in girls than in boys. By the time they turn 17, as many as 8% of boys and 23% of girls have experienced a migraine. Trial of Amitriptyline, Topiramate, and Placebo for Pediatric Migraine Which, medication, if any, to use to prevent the headache of pediatric migraine has not been established. We conducted a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of amitriptyline (1 mg per kilogram of body weight per day), topiramate (2 mg per kilogram per day), and placebo in children and adolescents 8 to 17 years of age with migraine. Patients were randomly assigned in a 2:2:1 ratio to receive one of the medications or placebo. The primary outcome was a relative reduction of 50% or more in the number of headache days in the comparison of the 28-day baseline period with the last 28 days of a 24-week trial. Secondary outcomes were headacherelated disability, headache days, number of trial completers, and serious adverse events that emerged during treatment. The first three PedMIDAS questions relate to the impact of headache on school performance. Caution needs to be taken to minimize duplication of days (i.e., don’t count a half day missed both as a full day missed and a half day missed) Patients with a Relative Reduction of 50% or More in the Number of Headache Days. Shown is the percentage of patients with a relative reduction of 50% or more in the number of headache days in the comparison of the 4-week baseline period with the last 4 weeks of a 24-week trial (primary end point). Results are shown for the primary analysis and two a priori sensitivity analyses to assess the effect of missing data. Sample sizes for the trial groups represent the primary analysis population. For observed data, the population is the subgroup with observed data at week 24. At this point, reaching for the prescription pad may not be the best answer for pediatricians caring for patients with migraine headache. Whatever clinicians use, they can expect improvement on the basis of the powerful placebo effect and by selecting the most benign option that is acceptable to children and their parents. Neuroendokrine Tumoren (NET) sind gut- oder bösartige Tumoren, die ihren Ursprung aus dem Neuroektoderm (Neuralleiste) nehmen und deren Zellen in der immunhistochemischen Charakterisierung den endokrinen Drüsenzellen gleichen. Epitheliale neuroendokrine Tumoren kommen vor allem im MagenDarm-Trakt und in der Bauchspeicheldrüse vor. Für neuroendokrine Tumoren im Magen und Darm ist auch die alte Bezeichnung Karzinoid (karzinomähnlicher Tumor) noch sehr verbreitet. Dieser sollte wie auch der Begriff APUDom (amine precursor uptake and decarboxylation) nicht mehr verwendet werden. Das kleinzellige Bronchialkarzinom wie auch das MerkelzellKarzinom der Haut zählen ebenfalls zu den neuroendokrinen Tumoren. Eng verwandt sind die nervenähnlichen Neuroblastome, Phäochromozytome, und Paragangliome. 75 % aller neuroendokrinen Tumoren sind im gastroenteropankreatischen System lokalisiert (Gastroenteropankreatischer Neuroendokriner Tumor – Abk. GEP-NET). Die GEPTumoren entwickeln sich aus endokrinen (hormonproduzierenden) Zellen, die überall im Verdauungssystem oder damit zusammenhängenden Stellen des Körpers vorkommen und die Aufgabe haben, bestimmte Stoffe zu produzieren, die den Verdauungsprozess steuern. Von ihren Eigenschaften her besitzen diese Zellen Ähnlichkeiten mit Nervenzellen und von ihrer Funktion her zählen sie zu den inneren Drüsen. Daher werden sie neuroendokrine Zellen genannt. DOTA-TATE, DOTATATE or DOTA-octreotate is a substance which, when bound to various radionuclides, has been tested for the treatment and diagnosis of certain types of cancer, mainly neuroendocrine tumours. DOTA-TATE is an amide of the acid DOTA (top left in the image), which acts as a chelator for a radionuclide, and (Tyr3)-octreotate, a derivative of octreotide. The latter binds to somatostatin receptors, which are found on the cell surfaces of a number of neuroendocrine tumours, and thus directs the radioactivity into the tumour. Lutetium (177Lu) DOTA-TATE has been tested for the treatment of tumors such as carcinoid and endocrine pancreatic tumor. Patients are typically treated with an intravenous infusion of 7.5 GBq of lutetium-177 octreotate. After about four to six hours, the exposure rate of the patient has fallen to less than 25 microsieverts per hour at one metre and the patients can be discharged from hospital. A course of therapy consists of four infusions at three monthly intervals. Lutetium-176, decays via beta decay with a half-life of 3.78×1010 years. A total of 852 adverse events were reported (301 with amitriptyline, 419 with topiramate, and 132 with placebo), in 272 patients During the trial, the FDA approved topiramate for the treatment of episodic migraine in adolescents 12 to 17 years of age. Although our trial included patients outside this age range and included those with either episodic or chronic migraine, the trial results suggest that prevention medication for pediatric migraine might be reexamined. Phase 3 Trial of 177Lu-Dotatate for Midgut Neuroendocrine Tumors Patients with advanced midgut neuroendocrine tumors who have had disease progression during first-line somatostatin analogue therapy have limited therapeutic options. This randomized, controlled trial evaluated the efficacy and safety of lutetium-177 (177Lu)–Dotatate in patients with advanced, progressive, somatostatin-receptor– positive midgut neuroendocrine tumors. We randomly assigned 229 patients who had welldifferentiated, metastatic midgut neuroendocrine tumors to receive either 177Lu-Dotatate (116 patients) at a dose of 7.4 GBq every 8 weeks (four intravenous infusions, plus best supportive care including octreotide long-acting repeatable [LAR] administered intramuscularly at a dose of 30 mg) (177Lu-Dotatate group) or octreotide LAR alone (113 patients) administered intramuscularly at a dose of 60 mg every 4 weeks (control group). The primary end point was progression-free survival. Secondary end points included the objective response rate, overall survival, safety, and the side-effect profile. The final analysis of overall survival will be conducted in the future as specified in the protocol; a prespecified interim analysis of overall survival was conducted and is reported here. In this randomized, phase 3 trial involving patients with progressive midgut neuroendocrine tumors, treatment with 177Lu-Dotatate resulted in a risk of progression or death that was 79% lower than the risk associated with high-dose octreotide LAR. The estimated rate of progressionfree survival at month 20 was 65.2% (95% CI, 50.0 to 76.8) in the 177Lu-Dotatate group and 10.8% (95% CI, 3.5 to 23.0) in the control group. The median progression-free survival was 8.4 months in the control group and had not yet been reached in the 177Lu-Dotatate group. A subgroup analysis showed consistent benefit across major subgroups. Tranexamsäure ist eine Substanz, die in der Medizin zur Hemmung des Fibrinolysesystems verwendet wird. Der Wirkungsmechanismus beruht dabei auf einer Komplexbildung mit Plasminogen, wodurch dessen Bindung an die Fibrinoberfläche gehemmt wird. Damit resultiert letztendlich eine Hemmung der Gerinnselauflösung (Fibrinolyse). Es wird daher als Antifibrinolytikum (Fibrinolysehemmer) bezeichnet. Tranexamsäure ist ein synthetischer Stoff, der dem Lysin ähnelt. Er zählt wie εAminocapronsäure und pAminomethylbenzoesäure zur Gruppe der sogenannten ε-Aminocarbonsäuren. Tranexamsäure blockiert die Bildung von Plasmin durch Hemmung der proteolytischen Aktivität der Plasminogenaktivatoren. Dadurch wird Plasmin in seiner Fähigkeit Fibrin zu lysieren behindert. Bei niedriger Dosis wirkt Tranexamsäure als kompetitiver Hemmer des Plasmins, bei hoher Dosierung als nichtkompetitiver Hemmer. Alle ε-Aminocarbonsäuren wirken analog. Tranexamsäure ist nach peroraler Gabe zu 30–50 % bioverfügbar. Das Verteilungsvolumen beträgt 9–12 L. Die Halbwertszeit ist 2 Stunden. Tranexamic Acid in Patients Undergoing Coronary-Artery Surgery Tranexamic acid reduces the risk of bleeding among patients undergoing cardiac surgery, but it is unclear whether this leads to improved outcomes. Furthermore, there are concerns that tranexamic acid may have prothrombotic and proconvulsant effects. In a trial with a 2-by-2 factorial design, we randomly assigned patients who were scheduled to undergo coronaryartery surgery and were at risk for perioperative complications to receive aspirin or placebo and tranexamic acid or placebo. The results of the tranexamic acid comparison are reported here. The primary outcome was a composite of death and thrombotic complications (nonfatal myocardial infarction, stroke, pulmonary embolism, renal failure, or bowel infarction) within 30 days after surgery. In this trial, we found no evidence that the use of tranexamic acid resulted in a higher risk of death or thrombotic complications than that with placebo among patients undergoing coronaryartery surgery. We also found that the tranexamic acid group had a lower risk of blood loss, blood transfusion, and reoperation but a higher risk of postoperative seizures than did the placebo group. Subgroup analyses of the primary outcome showed no significant interactions. The results were consistent among patients who were being treated with aspirin and those who were not. Patients in the tranexamic acid group received 46% fewer units of blood products than did those in the placebo group. In a cardiac surgical practice similar to the practices in which our trial population was treated, the use of tranexamic acid would save approximately 57 units of blood products for every 100 patients treated. The observed blood-sparing effects are consistent with those reported in metaanalyses. Screening for Colorectal Neoplasia A 79-year-old woman visits your office for routine health maintenance. She has normal daily bowel movements without rectal bleeding. Her medical history is notable for osteoarthritis but no other medical conditions. She takes nonsteroidal antiinflammatory medication and multivitamins. Her maternal uncle received a diagnosis of colorectal cancer at 65 years of age, but she has never undergone screening for colorectal cancer. Would you advise this patient to undergo screening for colorectal cancer, and if so, which screening strategy would you recommend? The percentage of U.S. residents with up-to-date screening for colorectal cancer has not increased appreciably since 2010 and remains at approximately 60%. Costs remain a barrier despite the mandate in the Affordable Care Act that health plans cover colorectal cancer screening with no patient cost-sharing, because Medicare and other insurers impose a cost-sharing requirement when a colonoscopy is performed to evaluate a positive screening test or when a screening colonoscopy becomes a therapeutic procedure with the inclusion of polypectomy. Those with increased risk (below). Because it is not feasible to summarize the entire menu of options during the span of a routine health maintenance visit, I would initially focus the discussion on colonoscopy or on annual FIT, followed by colonoscopy if the test was positive, and engage the patient in shared decision making. If she declined colonoscopy and FIT, I would discuss additional screening options, with the understanding that insurance coverage, cost-sharing, and other barriers may affect the feasibility of some options. A 37-year-old man presented to the emergency department with a 7-day history of genital lesions. He also had weight loss (approximately 4 kg), fatigue, and back pain but no gastrointestinal symptoms. Two months before presentation, he had had dysuria and urethral discharge, both of which resolved spontaneously. He took no medications on a regular basis, and his medical history was unremarkable. Physical examination revealed erythematous, welldemarcated annular plaques on the glans penis and meatal inflammation (Panels A and B). He also had conjunctival injection in both eyes. The patient had a positive test result for infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), with a viral load of 15,000 copies per milliliter. His CD4 T-cell count was 172 per microliter. A test for rheumatoid factor was negative, and a test for HLA-B27 was positive. A serum sample was obtained to evaluate the patient for infection with hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, and syphilis; the test results were negative. Infection with Chlamydia trachomatis was detected on nucleic acid amplification testing with a sample from a urethral swab. A single oral dose of 1 g of azithromycin was administered, and antiretroviral therapy was started. During the next month, the circinate balanitis persisted. Topical tacrolimus 0.1% was administered, and the patient had complete remission within the next 10 days. A 70-Year-Old Woman with Gradually Progressive Loss of Language The patient had reportedly been well until approximately 8 years before this evaluation, when gradually progressive difficulties with word finding developed, along with associated confusion about the meaning of some words. For example, during a conversation about a recent family event, she did not understand what the phrase “punch bowl” meant. She also had increased egocentric behavior, during which she spoke most frequently about herself. She had a good memory for recent events of her life and could recount multiple stories (at times to an excessive extent during history taking, such that she required refocusing). She had an excellent sense of direction. She had an uncharacteristically matter-of-fact reaction to the death of a sibling and of her dog (being less upset than her family expected). She occasionally had mildly inappropriate behavior, such as saying “I love you” to people to whom she was not particularly close. She had a score on the Mini–Mental State Examination of 28 (with scores ranging from 0 to 30 and higher scores indicating better cognitive function), because she was unable to recall the name of the hospital or the county. MRI of the Head. A high-resolution coronal T1-weighted image obtained at the level of the temporal lobes shows generalized loss of parenchymal tissue (arrow) and superimposed severe, asymmetric atrophy (arrowhead) of left temporal lobes, including cortical thinning of the temporal gyri and severe shrinkage of the left hippocampal formation, with resultant expansion of the left temporal horn and sulci. Speech pathological evaluation revealed that the patient had fluent, articulate speech with pauses for word finding, vague word substitutions, and circumlocutions. She was somewhat tangential in her speech and was fixated on telling stories from her life, such that she required frequent refocusing on the topic at hand. She had substantial impairment on a test of naming, with superordinate responses, and she had impairment on word–picture matching. Rare phonemic paraphasias were present. Auditory comprehension was impaired for words she no longer recognized and for sentences with complex syntax. Sentence repetition was intact. A written language assessment revealed that she could read normally and had mild agrammatism in written language samples. A semantic picture–picture matching test revealed no evidence of visual agnosia. 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose–Positron-Emission Tomographic (FDG-PET) Scans. Four months after the initial evaluation, FDG-PET scans show hypometabolism of the bilateral frontal lobes asymmetrically and of the bilateral temporal lobes that is greater on the left side than on the right side. Panel A shows cortical surface projections of the FDG distribution. Panel B shows cortical surface projections of a statistical analysis derived from comparison of the patient’s scans with a sample of normal scans; the distribution of the patient’s abnormal metabolism in the frontal and temporal lobes is shown in dark blue, and normal variation in visual activation is shown in red and white. The color scale represents standard deviations from the normal scans. The letters surrounding each projection indicate the orientation of the image: A denotes anterior, I inferior, L left, P posterior, R right, and S superior. In patients with primary progressive aphasia, the underlying pathologic process is usually caused by frontotemporal lobar degeneration or Alzheimer’s disease. Approximately 60% of cases of primary progressive aphasia are associated with frontotemporal lobar degeneration, and 40% are associated with Alzheimer’s disease. PET with amyloid-binding compounds (amyloid PET) would be useful in this patient to determine whether her primary progressive aphasia is likely to be caused by Alzheimer’s disease. A positive result on amyloid PET increases the likelihood of Alzheimer’s disease, whereas a negative result definitively rules out Alzheimer’s disease and makes frontotemporal lobar degeneration the most likely cause. Therefore, the next step in this patient’s evaluation should be to perform amyloid PET. PET Scans for Amyloid. Amyloid PET scans, obtained with the administration of 11C-labeled Pittsburgh compound B, in accordance with a research protocol, show uptake in the medial and lateral prefrontal and temporoparietal cortexes. The color scale represents the distribution volume ratio of 11C-labeled Pittsburgh compound B. All images are displayed in radiographic orientation (i.e., the right side of the image is the patient’s left side). There is a strong correlation between the semantic variant of primary progressive aphasia and a type of frontotemporal lobar degeneration that is linked to the presence of abnormal deposits of TAR DNA-binding protein 43 (TDP-43), an RNA-binding protein with a wide range of targets. TDP-associated frontotemporal lobar degeneration has several subtypes, defined according to the pattern of inclusions, and the semantic variant of primary progressive aphasia is associated with type C in 80% of cases. Therefore, despite the positive result on amyloid PET, I think that this patient’s primary progressive aphasia is caused by TDPassociated frontotemporal lobar degeneration, type C, rather than Alzheimer’s disease. Ultimately, she “forgot” how to walk. When the patient was 77 years of age, she had decreased interest in food and increased difficulty with swallowing, and hospice services were engaged. She was enrolled in a Namaste Care program (i.e., a program for persons with advanced-stage dementia), which provided her with calming, supportive end-of-life care, and she passed away peacefully 1 day before her 78th birthday. A photograph of the ventral surface of the brain shows atrophy of the temporal lobes that is greater on the left side than on the right side (Panel A). Photographs of coronal slabs obtained at the levels of the anterior and body of the hippocampus (Panels B and C, respectively) show severe atrophy of the inferior and medial temporal lobe and lesser degrees of atrophy of the insula, cingulate, and anterior frontal lobes. Immunohistochemical staining for TAR DNAbinding protein 43 (TDP-43) shows multiple long, dystrophic neurites (Panel D, arrow); a single long, dystrophic TDP-43–positive neurite (Panel E); and neuronal loss from area CA1 of the hippocampal formation (hippocampal sclerosis) (Panel F). . Two Types of Transfer to Reduce the Risk of Mitochondrial DNA Disease. Pronuclear transfer involves the removal of the male and female pronuclei, which form after fertilization and contain the haploid paternal and maternal genomes, respectively. The pronuclei from the carrier zygote (fertilized egg) are fused with the enucleated donor zygote. In the case of spindle transfer, the nuclear envelope is absent, but the chromosomes are typically aligned on the meiosis II spindle. Spindles are removed from both oocytes, and the carrier's spindle is fused with the enucleated donor oocyte, which is then fertilized. The end product for both procedures is a reconstructed zygote consisting of nuclear DNA from the carrier and her partner and cytoplasm — and hence mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) — from the donor oocyte. However, in both cases, nuclear DNA is removed in a karyoplast consisting of a small amount of cytoplasm, which will contain some mtDNA carryover from the carrier's oocyte or zygote. For research purposes, embryos can be cultured, and embryonic stem cells can be derived from the embryos that develop to the blastocyst stage. Das Sturge-Weber-Syndrom, auch unter den Synonymen Sturge-Weber-Krabbe-Syndrom, meningofaciale Angiomatose, encephalotrigeminale Angiomatose oder Angiomatosis encephalofacialis bekannt, ist eine angeborene fortschreitende Erkrankung aus der Gruppe der neurokutanen Phakomatosen. Es ist gekennzeichnet durch hohlräumige gutartige Gefäßtumoren (Angiome) im Gesichtsbereich, im Bereich der Meningen, im Bereich der ipsilateralen weichen Hirnhaut (Leptomeninx) und der Aderhaut des Auges (Choroidea); häufig mit nachfolgender Augensymptomatik. Äußerlich erkennbar sind die Gefäßfehlbildungen in der Regel an einer kapillären vaskulären Malformation in Form eines meist einseitigen rötlich bis portweinfarbenen Naevus flammeus (Feuermal) im Gesicht betroffener Kinder, dieses umfasst immer das Augenlid. Lange Zeit wurde eine somatische Mutation als Ursache vermutet, was schließlich in einer DNA-Sequenzierungs-Studie bestätigt werden konnte. Bei 23 von 26 amerikanischen Patienten (88 %) zeigte sich in den untersuchten Biopsien eine somatische Mosaik-Mutation mit Austausch eines Basenpaares (EinzelnukleotidPolymorphismus: c.548G→A, p.Arg183Gln auf Chromosom 9q21) im Gen GNAQ, das das Protein Gαq codiert, ein Protein der q-Klasse der G-Protein-αUntereinheiten, das zur intrazellulären Signalweiterleitung von G-Protein-gekoppelten Rezeptoren auf weitere Effektorproteine dient. Should recommendations about starting inhaled corticosteroid treatment for mild asthma be based on symptom frequency: a post-hoc efficacy analysis of the START study Low-dose inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) are highly effective for reducing asthma exacerbations and mortality. Conventionally, ICS treatment is recommended for patients with symptoms on more than 2 days per week, but this criterion has scant evidence. We aimed to assess the validity of the previous symptom-based cutoff for starting ICS by establishing whether there was a differential response to budesonide versus placebo for severe asthma exacerbations, lung function, and asthma symptom control across subgroups identified by baseline asthma symptom frequency. We did a post-hoc analysis of the 3 year inhaled Steroid Treatment As Regular Therapy (START) study. Interaction with baseline symptom frequency was investigated, with patients grouped by more than two symptom days per week and two or fewer symptom days per week (divided into no days to 1 day, and more than 1 day to 2 days). Analysis was done by intention to treat. This post-hoc analysis of the START study showed that, in patients with mild, recently diagnosed asthma, low-dose budesonide halved the long-term risk of serious asthma-related events, reduced the decline in lung function, and improved day-to-day symptom control compared with placebo, even in participants with infrequent baseline symptoms. These findings challenge longstanding recommendations that asthma should be treated with SABA alone if the patient has symptoms on 2 or fewer days per week at presentation. The extent of benefit with low-dose ICS suggests that guidelines about treatment of mild asthma should take into account the potential to reduce the population-level risk of serious asthma-related events, even if day to day symptoms are not burdensome. A cleaner burning biomass-fuelled cookstove intervention to prevent pneumonia in children under 5 years old in rural Malawi (the Cooking and Pneumonia Study) WHO estimates exposure to air pollution from cooking with solid fuels is associated with over 4 million premature deaths worldwide every year including half a million children under the age of 5 years from pneumonia. We hypothesised that replacing open fires with cleaner burning biomassfuelled cookstoves would reduce pneumonia incidence in young children. We did a community-level open cluster randomised controlled trial to compare the effects of a cleaner burning biomass-fuelled cookstove intervention to continuation of open fire cooking on pneumonia in children. We did a cluster randomised controlled trial with two groups of equal size comparing the effects of a cleaner burning biomass-fuelled cookstove intervention with continued use of open fire cooking on pneumonia incidence in children under 5 years of age living in rural Malawi over a 2 year period (the Cooking and Pneumonia Study, CAPS). Advanced-combustion cook stoves Incidence rate and incidence rate ratio of severe pneumonia defined according to IMCI criteria, oxygen saturation less than 90%, or death. IMCI=WHO Integrated Management of Childhood Illness. In conclusion, we found no evidence of a reduction in pneumonia in young Malawian children in a rigorously conducted clinical trial of a cleaner burning biomass-fuelled cookstove intervention. The lack of effect on pneumonia might be explained by exposure to other sources of air pollution, including rubbish burning and tobacco smoke, that could have overwhelmed any potential effects of the cookstoves. It is also possible that the cookstoves used simply did not reduce emissions sufficiently to have an effect. The Healthy Activity Program (HAP), a lay counsellor-delivered brief psychological treatment for severe depression, in primary care in India: Although structured psychological treatments are recommended as first-line interventions for depression, only a small fraction of people globally receive these treatments because of poor access in routine primary care. We assessed the effectiveness and costeffectiveness of a brief psychological treatment (Healthy Activity Program [HAP]) for delivery by lay counsellors to patients with moderately severe to severe depression in primary healthcare settings. In this randomised controlled trial, we recruited participants aged 18–65 years scoring more than 14 on the Patient Health Questionnaire 9 (PHQ-9) indicating moderately severe to severe depression from ten primary health centres in Goa, India. Primary outcomes were depression symptom severity on the Beck Depression Inventory version II and remission from depression (PHQ-9 score of <10) at 3 months in the intention-to-treat population, assessed by masked field researchers. Data are mean (SD), n (%), or median (IQR). EUC=Enhanced usual care. PHQ-9=Patient Health Questionnaire 9. *Includes students and people not working outside of the home. An international expert in behavioural activation (SD) trained and provided ongoing supervision for five local specialists, who in turn provided onsite training and supervision for lay counsellors. Training of lay counsellors involved a 3 week participatory workshop covering both HAP and CAP treatments, followed by an internship phase of 6 months, in which trainee counsellors delivered the treatment to eligible patients in primary health-care clinics, combined with peer-led group supervision as the trainees gained experience in delivery of the treatment. 11 counsellors who met competency standards as assessed by standardised roleplays and therapy quality measures participated in the trial. They received weekly peer-led supervision in groups of four to six that involved rating of a randomly selected (using a random selection strategy stratified by counsellor and phase of session) 10% of recorded sessions on the HAP Therapy Quality Scale (TQS)26 and individual supervision twice monthly. HAP delivery costs included patient contact and counsellor training, supervision, and salary. Cost-effectiveness acceptability curve: willingness to pay per quality-adjusted lifeyear gained from the Healthy Activity Program from a health system perspective Effect of baseline PHQ-9 score on depression severity according to BDI-II score at 3 months BDI=Beck Depression Inventory. EUC=enhanced usual care. HAP=Healthy Activity Program. PHQ=Patient Health Questionnaire. HAP as delivered by non-specialist health workers in routine primary care settings is effective in treatment of moderately severe and severe depression. HAP produced a moderate effect on depressive symptoms, an almost two-thirds increase in remission, and small effects on secondary outcomes related to functional impairment after only six to eight sessions of treatment. Counselling for Alcohol Problems (CAP), a lay counsellor-delivered brief psychological treatment for harmful drinking in men, in primary care in India: a randomised controlled trial Although structured psychological treatments are recommended as first-line interventions for harmful drinking, only a small fraction of people globally receive these treatments because of poor access in routine primary care. We assessed the effectiveness and costeffectiveness of Counselling for Alcohol Problems (CAP), a brief psychological treatment delivered by lay counsellors to patients with harmful drinking attending routine primary health-care settings. In this randomised controlled trial, we recruited male harmful drinkers defined by an Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) score of 12–19 who were aged 18–65 years from ten primary health centres in Goa, India. Primary outcomes were remission (AUDIT score of <8) and mean daily alcohol consumed in the past 14 days, at 3 months. Secondary outcomes were the effect of drinking, disability score, days unable to work, suicide attempts, intimate partner violence, and resource use and costs of illness. Ethanol consumption at 3 months by baseline AUDIT score AUDIT=Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test. CAP was associated with strong effects on abstinence and remission 3 months after enrolment, but had no effect on other alcohol-related outcomes. The economic analysis indicates that CAP is likely to be cost-effective with regard to remission and nondrinking outcomes. Acute myocardial infarction Acute myocardial infarction has traditionally been divided into ST elevation or non-ST elevation myocardial infarction; however, therapies are similar between the two, and the overall management of acute myocardial infarction can be reviewed for simplicity. Acute myocardial infarction remains a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, despite substantial improvements in prognosis over the past decade. The progress is a result of several major trends, including improvements in risk stratification, more widespread use of an invasive strategy, implementation of care delivery systems prioritising immediate revascularisation through percutaneous coronary intervention (or fibrinolysis), advances in antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants, and greater use of secondary prevention strategies such as statins. This seminar discusses the important topics of the pathophysiology, epidemiological trends, and modern management of acute myocardial infarction, focusing on the recent advances in reperfusion strategies and pharmacological treatment approaches. Comparison of anticoagulants used to treat acute coronary syndrome Patients taking the novel anticoagulants (direct thrombin inhibitor dabigatran, FXa inhibitors rivaroxaban and apixaban) are often encountered; there are no guidelines to direct anticoagulation for acute coronary syndrome or during PCI in these patients. AT=antithrombin III. FXa=factor Xa. aPTT=activated partial thromboplastin time. PCI=percutaneous coronary intervention. STEMI=ST elevation myocardial infarction. NSTEMI=non-STEMI. CrCl=creatinine clearance. CKD=chronic kidney disease. *Given increased risk of catheter thrombosis, if fondaparinux is used, a second anticoagulant is recommended during PCI. Complications of acute myocardial infarction Common complications following acute myocardial infarction and their approximate timing. Approximately 50% of bradyarrhythmias are Mobitz I, 50% are Mobitz II or third degree atrioventricular block. Posterior papillary muscle rupture is the most common mechanical complication of acute myocardial infarction, most often because of infarction of the right communicating artery (which is dominant in 85% of patients). Not listed above, atrial fibrillation could be seen any time after acute myocardial infarction, most often in patients with left atrial enlargement. LSB=left sternal border. LV=left ventricle. MR=mitral regurgitation. PCI=percutaneous coronary intervention. STEMI=ST segment elevation myocardial infarction. Viral bronchiolitis Viral bronchiolitis is a common clinical syndrome affecting infants and young children. Concern about its associated morbidity and cost has led to a large body of research that has been summarised in systematic reviews and integrated into clinical practice guidelines in several countries. The evidence and guideline recommendations consistently support a clinical diagnosis with the limited role for diagnostic testing for children presenting with the typical clinical syndrome of viral upper respiratory infection progressing to the lower respiratory tract. Management is largely supportive, focusing on maintaining oxygenation and hydration of the patient. Evidence suggests no benefit from bronchodilator or corticosteroid use in infants with a first episode of bronchiolitis. Evidence for other treatments such as hypertonic saline is evolving but not clearly defined yet. For infants with severe disease, the insufficient available data suggest a role for high-flow nasal cannula and continuous positive airway pressure use in a monitored setting to prevent respiratory failure. Meta-analysis of studies assessing average clinical score after treatment in patients with bronchiolitis receiving bronchodilators versus placebo Test for heterogeneity in the inpatient studies demonstrated low inconsistency between the nine studies (I2=36%; p=0·13) and the summary effect was not significant (Z=1·06; p=0·29), the outpatient studies demonstrated very high inconsistency between the 12 studies (I2=81%; p<0·00001) and the summary effect was significant (Z=2·26; p=0·024), and the overall heterogeneity of the metaanalysis demonstrated high inconsistency between the 21 studies (I2=73%; p<0·00001) and the overall summary effect was significant (Z=2·4; p=0·016). IPR=ipratropium. SAL=salbutamol. neb=nebulised. Intravenous urogram showing laterally displaced distal ureters (green arrows), backflow of contrast from the renal calyces (white arrows), displacement and compression of the left kidney inferiorly (blue arrow), coarsening of bone trabeculations throughout the pelvic girdle and spine, and gallstones (red arrow). A 28-year-old woman of Jewish descent with a history of sickle β-thalassaemia disorder and uterine fibroids presented to the emergency department with a 2-week history of frank haematuria. She had been taking paracetamol daily for persistent headaches. On examination she was pale and tachycardic and had a palpable spleen. Full blood count showed haemoglobin 60 g/L. Creatinine was 97 µmol/L. Intravenous urogram showed pyelotubular reflux, splenomegaly, gallstones, uterine fibroids, and coarsening of the pelvic bones and spine. We believe that the analgesic acted synergistically with the existing hypoxia of the renal medulla caused by her chronic anaemia state leading to medullary ischaemia and renal papillary necrosis, causing gross haematuria and the pyelotubular reflux evident on radiography. The coarse appearance of bone seen on the plain film is due to bone marrow expansion, and the mass effect on the left kidney caused by her splenomegaly; the lateral displacement of the ureters is likely due to uterine fibroids. Paracetamol was stopped and she was admitted by the nephrologists for intravenous hydration. She received two units of packed red cells and was discharged 3 days later after resolution of her haematuria, with haemoglobin 82 g/L. Sickle cell-beta thalassemia is caused by inheritance of a sickle cell allele from one parent and a beta thalassemia allele from the other.