Easter Celebration You`re Invited Holy Week 2015 at Lord of Life
Easter Celebration You`re Invited Holy Week 2015 at Lord of Life
You’re Invited March 18, 2015 Easter Celebration Holy Week 2015 at Lord of Life Palm Sunday ∙ March 29th Procession with Palms 8:30am | 9:50am | 11:00am Maundy Thursday ∙ April 2nd Seder Meal | 6:00pm Communion | 7:30pm with Stripping of the Altar Good Friday ∙ April 3rd Silent Prayer | 10:00am -Noon Worship at Noon: Service of Shadows Good Friday Cantata " The Colors of Grace" with Choir & Chamber Orchestra | 7:00pm Saturday ∙ April 4th Easter Vigil | 7:00pm Easter Sunday ∙ April 5th Sunrise Worship 6:30am | 8:30am | 9:50am | 11:00am inside Easter Breakfast | 7:30am-11am in the Fellowship Hall Prayer Pastoral Breakfast Lord of Life Care Lord of Life Lutheran Church LUTHERAN CHURCH at LOL Update 3801 South Panther Creek Drive, The Woodlands, TX 77381 | (281) 367-7016 | lordoflifeonline.org PJ’s Corner PJ’s Corner I’ve been thinking lately about the daily rhythm or routine of life. We all have a routine or plan for each day. Some days it’s the regular or possibly mundane stuff of life. Other days you get to shake things up and create a new rhythm. For instance, I loved that my grandparents and dad came to visit for a few days. We had a great time playing cards and dominoes, going out to eat, touring The Woodlands, going to church and of course spending a day at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. My favorite moment was during the Alan Jackson concert watching my grandparents (married for 66 years) hold hands and cuddle (as much as you can in stadium seating!) while Alan sang “Remember When”. It was precious. Anyway, having my family visit was wonderful and it changed the daily rhythm for a few days. After their visit I went into recovery mode and experienced a different It was 90 minutes of surrendering to the kind of rhythm…..a massage! rhythm of the massage therapist as she paced her way through stressed out shoulders and neck muscles. She used her elbows, fingers and palms in circles and lines to create a rhythm that became motions of healing for me. What are your rhythms of healing and reframing? Click to read the rest of PJ’s blog at http://lolonline.org/got-rhythm/. BATS AT LORD OF LIFE There are BATS in the Belfry. No, really there are. You may have noticed that the Fellowship Hall was closed on Mar. 15 due to bats. We just wanted to update you on the situation. Six colonies of bats have been found around the roof of our building. Don’t worry, they are harmless. No one will turn into Edward or Bella or even Batman. However, animal control is working on a solution to eliminate our bat problem. Please be patient as we work to reclocate them. Educational and Family Events Sunday School for all ages Sunday mornings - 9:45 am Pastor’s Bible Study Tuesdays - 11:30 am Strong Women - Strong Faith Wednesdays - 9:15 am Women’s Bible Study Wednesdays - 9:30 am Baptism Anniversary 2nd Sunday of each Month Ladies Lunch Bunch 2nd Wednesday of each Month Men’s Breakfast 2nd/4th Saturday of each Month RuthAnn’s Remnants 3rd Thursday of each Month Pastoral Care at Lord of Life "Pray for one another, that you may be healed." James 5:16 Good news! A Pastoral Care Team has been established to revamp Pastoral care ministries at Lord of Life. This has been a strong area of ministry at Lord of Life, and we want to make sure our people have the care they need. Areas of pastoral care include: • • • • • • • • Crisis intervention, support, assessment and referral for individuals or families Stephens Ministers - A team of trained lay ministers to walk with those needing ongoing support Hospital, home bound and rehab facility visitation Care and Share - providing meals and transportation for those going through challenging times Grief Care for those going through the loss of loved ones Support systems for separated and divorced families Support groups for various needs of our members Prayer Ministries - including members who pray for those who are on our prayer list, coordinating prayer vigils for various occasions, encouraging use of our Labyrinth and other prayer resources available to our people • Offering and locating resources to deepen the spiritual life of our members The team will be seeking members who have gifts in these areas to strengthen our pastoral care presence in the congregation and in the community. If you feel called to any of the above areas of ministry, please contact the church office by email at [email protected], or 281.367.7016. Are you: Struggling with the stress of the economic downturn? Concerned about the stability of your job? Losing your job or losing co workers who have been let go? In a supervisory position where you have had to let employees go? Well, you are invited to a Lord of Life Prayer Breakfast Thursday, March 26, 6 AM Hosted by Mendy Schoppe and Pastor Gary. This prayer breakfast is an opportunity to: Pray and Eat! ! (Our “Chef” is Peter Hakansson!) Hear words of encouragement and empowerment from Scripture Learn a meditative technique for managing your stress Help Lord of Life determine ways we can support you Consider Lord of Life's possibility of establishing networking opportunities You, your spouse, your friends are all welcome to attend To RSVP, contact Lord of Life 281.367.7016 email: [email protected] Bi-Annual Seder Meal Maundy Thursday April 2nd at 6:00pm “Because Christ our Passover has been sacrificed for us; therefore, let us observe the festival [Passover and Unleavened Bread] ... with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth” 1 Cor. 5:7-8 Please mark your calendars for this moving Holy Week experience, where we remember our roots. Families welcome! The Passover Seder is a Jewish ritual feast that marks the beginning of the Jewish holiday of Passover, performed by a community or by multiple generations of a family, involving a retelling of the story of the liberation of the Israelites from slavery in ancient Egypt. This story is in the Book of Exodus and is based on the Biblical verse commanding Jews to retell the story of the exodus from Egypt: “You shall tell your child on that day, saying, ‘It is because of what the LORD did for me when I came out of Egypt.’” Exodus 13:8 Traditionally, families and friends gather in the evening to read the narrative of the Israelite exodus from Egypt, special blessings and rituals, commentaries from the Talmud, and special Passover songs. Seder customs include drinking four cups of wine, eating matza, partaking of symbolic foods placed on the Passover Seder Plate, and reclining in celebration of freedom. The Seder is performed in much the same way by Jews all over the world. Sign up in front of the Fellowship Hall to participate – even better, sign up to host a table! The youth group will be providing Breakfast on Easter Sunday this year and we need some help from the congregation. If you would like to bring a casserole, fruit or a dish to donate to our breakfast we would greatly appreciate it. We have a sign up located in the hall or ask Patrick for more information. All proceds from the breakfast will benefit upcoming youth trips, including our summer experience at the National Youth Gathering in Detroit, MI. A NEW SUNDAY SCHOOL OPTION!! Beginning April 12th (the Sunday after Easter), we will begin to offer an Adult Sunday school class during 11:00 service. It will be facilitated by Mark Ruch and Kurt Roberts, and will cover the same topic being covered in Mark’s 9:45 class. Worship & The Arts From the desk of Rob Hunt Director of Worship and Arts Saturday@5 Lord of Life has long offered a variety of worship experiences on Sunday mornings. Now those who have Sunday conflicts have a Saturday option. Our new Saturday@5 service will go weekly, starting in May. These services emphasize fellowship, an informal atmosphere, and innovative approaches to the timeless elements of worship. Music will be contemporary, but open to occasional changes of style. Here is the schedule of the first month of services – all begin at 5:00 in the sanctuary: • April 25 – before Pig Roast, music led by Pig Roast guest musicians; Bonnie Parker, Pastor at Gethsemane Lutheran Church in Chalmette, LA, preaching • May 2 – youth-led • May 9 – music led by Reese Foster • May 16 – a cappella gospel music • May 23 – music led by Reese Foster • May 30 – bluegrass ensemble There will be a fellowship time with snacks after each of the May services. Fine Arts Camp Dates for the 2015 Fine Arts Camp have been set. The Camp will be held in the mornings (9-noon) of August 3 – 7, with a culminating performance on Friday evening. We welcome all children going into 1st grade through those going into 7th grade. We hope to build on the success of last year’s Camp by offering a greater variety of activities in singing, music reading skills, drama, and art – all in a Christian context. Holy Week Children’s choirs/handbells will lead the processional at both 8:30 and 11:00 services on March 29, Palm Sunday. The LOL Choir will present the cantata Colors of Grace as the Good Friday 7:00 service. They will also sing for the Saturday Vigil and for 8:30 and 11:00 services on Easter Sunday. Brass players will play at 8:30 and 11:00 on Palm Sunday, for Saturday Vigil, and for 6:30, 8:30, and 11:00 services on Easter. The Good Friday evening worship will feature a full orchestra with the Choir.Our musicians are very busy during Holy Week. We deeply appreciate their dedication and service. Recording The LOL Choir will record their performance of John Rutter’s Magnificat. The recording session on March 28 will be engineered by Brad Sayles of KUHF. A CD will be made available for the 2015 Advent season. Reformation Heritage Tour Planning has started for a proposed choir tour of sites in Germany associated with the life of Martin Luther. The 500th anniversary of the nailing of the 95 theses on the Wittenberg Cathedral door occurs in 2017. Our trip, tentatively set for June of 2016, will be open to non-singers as well as choir members. Outreach Ministries Update KRAUSE CHILDREN’S CENTER Dance to Beatles music (LIVE BAND) while supporting Krause Children’s Center for abused and neglected girls at the 4th annual Lutheran Social Services Healing Hearts Gala at Warehouse Live on Saturday, March 28, 2015. Isn’t it wonderful that there is a place that not only offers shelter, but education and spiritual counseling to young people? Be proud of what Lutheran Social Services is doing and support them while also having a great time!! Visit www.KrauseChildrensCenter.org or call 800-938-5777 for reservations. Free valet parking. LUTHERAN WORLD RELIEF KITS Make school, personal care or sewing kits for Lutheran World Relief. We should be able to TRACK them and see which of 20 Countries they go to!! Come help pack quilts @10:00AM ON Tuesday, March 31st. It’s Game Night for the Grown ups! Friday, March 27 at 6pm, Upstairs at Lord of Life. $10 per person to cover the cost of dinner. This month’s menu: Italian! BYOB. (Tea, Water and Coffee will be provided.) We’ll have Poker, Rummoli, 42, Eucher and “Oh He!!”. Bring your favorite board game to Share. Kids age 5 through 6th grade are welcome to attend Kid’s Night Out in the Fellowship Hall. Kids age 6 weeks to age 5 are welcome in our free nursery. Please bring $2 per kid for pizza. Come Bike With US! It’s time to sign up for the Dads Bike Trip! It will be April 10-12, and we will be staying at Lutherhill. Total cost will be $120 plus your transportation and late night snacks. The whole weekend is meant to be a time of good fellowship and fun. Lutherhill is a wonderful place just to be, and made even better if you’re there with old or new friends. We plan to ride both at Bluff Creek Ranch and Rock Creek Ranch. The biking will give us some stories to tell on Saturday night and countless DRAFT happy hours. Please sign up through the Lord of Life website at http:// lolonline.org/dads-bike-trip/, or contact Keith Patterson. Calling ALL DADS – We have a new schedule for DRAFT! (Dads Refreshing And Fellowshipping Together). We will now meet from 8:00-10:00 at Gooses’ Acre on the 2nd Thursday of each month – NEXT MEETING: APRIL 9TH. Join us for beer and fellowship! Questions? Contact Mark Ruch at [email protected] Dads n Kids Camping It was part cold, part wet, and all fun! Check out these photos from our trip: Upcoming Events March 27 Kids Night Out March 29 Easter Egg Hunt March 30 Day Camp Registration April 19/26 Third Grade Footstep with Christ Easter March 29 12:00 (after last worship service) At Lord of Life Toddlers—Grade 4 Bring your basket and friends! Egg Hunt This year, we are partnering with Outreach Ministry to raise awareness and funds for several charities. Eggs will be filled with “bucks” and children will determine which charities their bucks will go to. All children will receive a prize as well. Lutherhill Day Camp at Lord of Life JUNE 22-26 Participants and Volunteers Sign Up ONLINE March 30! http://lolchildren.weebly.com/about-day-camp-2015.html This year’s day camp SERVICE PROJECT is assembling BACK-TO-SCHOOL KITS for kids in Houston. Lutherhill Ministries is partnering with Communities in Schools, Houston to “surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.” We can help by collecting school supplies for the kits such as: Markers Manila paper Scissors Erasers Pencils Crayons Reams of paper Composition books Liquid hand soap Hand sanitizer Look for a complete list of collection items at the drop off table near the fellowship hall. Teen Life at LOL Drive-In Movie Night : On Friday, March 27, we are doing an outing to the drive in movies. The cost is $6.00. We will meet at the church at 5:30 and be back around 10:00. The plan is to see Insurgent. We will also need adults to help drive. Contact Patrick Nazaroff at pnazaroff@ lordoflifeonline.org. Summer opportunities: June 22-26 – Lutherhill Day Camp - help out with the PreK and K leadership team – you get to have fun, help corral kiddos and help with Bible study, crafts, snacks, and story time. Hours: 8:15-12:15 Contact [email protected] for more information. June 28-July 1 — Sr. High Mini-mission trip – As much fun as it’s been traveling all over the US to serve with the youth, it’s important to see that there is service right in our own back yard. We will be staying at Lord of Life and partnering with local service organizations. Cost: $50 a person (this helps cover food and gas). Sign up by April 1st. (Will need help with drivers). August 2-5 — Jr. High Mini Mission Trip – This trip will go into Houston and be involved with serving organizations in the city of Houston. In the past we have worked with the homeless, children, elderly, provided meals and worked with Houston Food bank. Cost: $50 a person (Sign up by June 1st). Kickballapalooza Check out our Senior High Youth in part two of our Droids vs. Wookies series. Liturgical Arts Hold Banner-Making Session Members of the Liturgical Arts committee traced and cut out pieces of the new banner, designed by Jackie Gardiner. After a few finishing touches, this banner will grace the entry way of church for Pentecost. Liturgical Arts Team Needs Your Ribbon! Do you have unused spools of ribbon cluttering your closet or craft room? If you would like to find a good home for them, please consider donating them for an Easter project. We can use unwired ribbon of any width or color, except black or grey. There will be a basket in the narthex (the entrance to our worship space) to collect the ribbon. Care and Share Care and Share Ministry is in need of a few cooks! And you definitely don't need to be an accomplished cook! We like to have several frozen casseroles or entrees in the freezer for our pastors to take 'on the run' when they are visiting those with a death, illness, or accident in the family. Please simply put your casserole or entrée in the church freezer on the top shelf with a label noting that it is for Care and Share, name of the dish, date made, thawing and heating instructions, and list of major ingredients. It's that easy - your leftovers will be fine too. If you've made too much, just freeze it and bring to church. Meals for 2, 4, and 6 people are appreciated. Thanks and if you have any questions please contact Nancy Steiner at [email protected]. March 22, 2015 ▫ 2-4 p.m. Kinsmen Lutheran Church 12100 Champion Forest Dr., Houston, Texas, 77066 281.444.3126 www.kinsmenlutheran.org • • • • • Workshop Topics How do I search for the school that is right for me? How do I fill out a strong college application? How does Financial Aid work, and what is the FAFSA? Can you give me some tips on the Do’s and Don’ts of this process? Plus time for your individual questions Registration Information This workshop is offered by the Center for Servant Leadership at Texas Lutheran University (Pastor Stanley J. Meyer, Director of Church Relations) as a service to congregations. There is no registration fee. The workshop is open to all. Walk-ins are welcome. To guarantee a space, however, you may sign up in advance by contacting the Center for Servant Leadership: [email protected]; 830.372.8160 A Note from Kids of the Kingdom: We had a great turn out with registration for next year! We will continue enrolling from now through the summer so please share our name and number with your friends and neighbors who might be new to the area or looking for an outstanding preschool program for their family. We appreciate your continued support! Telephone: 281-298-9901. Website: www.kokpreschool.net. Quilters needed for Prayers & Squares Make a quilt and pray for those in need. To request a quilt or to volunteer your skills, contact Francine Atkinson, 281-367-4518 [email protected]. THANK YOU FROM THE TOBECKSENS On behalf of myself and my family, I would like to sincerely thank the conregation of Lord of Life for their thoughtful expressions of sympathy on the passing of my mother, Elsie Vogrig. Your cards, thoughts, and prayers meant so much to us, and helped make the last few months easier. Thank you, Carol Tobecksen L.I.F.T Upcoming Events Forget those New Year's resolutions for one evening and surrender to the siren call of chocolate! The next L.I.F.T. (Ladies in Fellowship Together) outing will be a Tuesday, March 24 trip to Schakolad Chocolate Factory, 1500 Research Forest Drive, Suite 130 in The Woodlands. From 6:30 pm until 8:00 pm we will learn about the history and types of chocolate, watch demonstrations of dipping and molding, sample a bit and then decorate our own chocolate bar. The price for this bliss is $20. To reserve your spot please contact Dana Berlin at [email protected] or 281-635-9823 no later than March 20th. Saturday, April 18th - Bonhoeffer Tour at the Holocaust Museum Houston The Holocaust Museum in Houston is commemorating the 70th anniversary of the death of Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer. The tours provide an opportunity for museum visitors to learn the story of his ministry and his message to the church in the context of the events of the Holocaust. He was very outspoken in his opposition to Hitler. Pastor Bonhoeffer was arrested, put in a concentration camp and then put to death for his support of the Jews and opposition to Hitler. Admission is free for members and students, $12 for nonmember adults, $8 for seniors and members of active-duty military. Our group tour is scheduled for 10:30 a.m. We will meet at the church at 9:00 a.m. and carpool to the museum. We will then have lunch nearby afterwards. Please let me know if you would like to attend. Saturday, May 2nd. - The Painted Churches of Schulenberg Tour. From the outside, they look like many American country churches built around the turn of the last century -- arched Gothic Revival windows, facades clad in white frame siding or in stone, lone steeples rising up into the Texas sky. Cross the threshold of these particular Texas churches and you'll encounter not a simple wooden interior but an unexpected profusion of color. Nearly every surface is covered with bright painting: exuberant murals radiate from the apse, elaborate foliage trails the walls, wooden columns and baseboards shine like polished marble in shades of green and gray. These are the Painted Churches of Texas. There are 20 painted churches throughout Texas. We will be seeing four of them near Schulenberg. Our tour guide is scheduled for 11:00 a.m. During our tour we will stop for lunch at the Oakridge Smokehouse. We will depart from The Woodlands by 8:15 a.m. Depending on the size of the group, our transportation will either be a large passenger van or a bus. The cost for the tour is $10 pp. The tour guide's tip of $60 and the transportation will be divided among those attending. Please RSVP Dana Berlin at [email protected] no later than Sunday, April 19th so I can line up the appropriate transportation. We are to be content with what we have. “Keep your lives free from the love of money, and be content with what you have; for he has said, ‘I will never leave you or forsake you’” (Heb. 13:5). Suppose that God allowed you to have one wish. Without limit, you could have anything you desire. You could have unlimited wealth. You could have perfect health and live 1,000 years — or more. You could — like Solomon — have great wisdom. Whatever you want, you may have it. But you only get one wish. What would you choose? Sad to say, many people would choose great wealth and material possessions. Unfortunately, that would not be a good choice. Listen to the counsel of God as expressed in this contemporary translation of Proverbs 27:20 through Solomon, one of the richest people who ever lived — “The eyes of man are never satisfied.” The behavior and attitude which always wants more has a name: Greed, and it demonstrates itself in our lives as though we were at an auction. If we have $5, we want $10; if we have $10, we want $20; if we have $20 we want $30. Solomon went on to say in Ecclesiastes 5:10, “The lover of money will not be satisfied with money; nor the lover of wealth, with gain.” A better choice would be to ask for God’s perspective on life and all that life entails. When we see life as God does, we realize that everything belongs to Him, that we are just managers and stewards, and that only what is done for Him will endure for eternity. When we have God’s perspective, we will be able to say with the Apostle Paul, “ . . . I have learned to be content with whatever I have.” When we have God’s perspective, we will accept with a spirit of peace and restfulness whatever He entrusts to us. And when we have God’s perspective, we will put into practice the truth of Hebrews 13:5 — “Keep your lives free from the love of money, and be content with what you have; for he has said, ‘I will never leave you or forsake you.’” Do you shop on Amazon? Of course you do! Bookmark the synod's Amazon Smile page, and use it any time you need to make your Amazon purchases. When you shop on Amazon through our smile page, Amazon will donate % of the eligible purchase prices back us. Help support your synod every time you shop. Lord of Life now has an online suggestion box. All comments are anonymous and confidential. Go to LordofLifeOnline. org and click the “Resources” tab. Income Distribution YTD $250,000 $200,000 $25,655 $25,955 Donation Envelopes $150,000 $100,000 $163,332 Designated Funds $50,000 Capital Campaign If you would like to cancel or change your subscription for the monthly donation envelopes that are mailed to your home, please contact Lanette Jackson, Director of Finance at 281-367-7016 Monday through Wednesday or email [email protected]. Regular Offerings $0 �Jan - Feb Regular Offerings are $26746 below budget of $189,808 as of Feb 28. Homeless Ministry Do you travel? Homeless Ministry needs your sample-size toiletries like shampoo, lotion and soap. These items help clients regain and maintain dignity, and are a necessity for those who, in finding their way to an independent and productive life, are employed or are seeking employment. Your gifts bring added relief from the struggles and social indignities that many who come to the Salvation Army must struggle with on a daily basis. You can leave your donations in the wire baskets by the front door. Would you like to nurture your family’s faith all week long? Would you like to practice the 4 keys to faith formation but aren’t quite sure how to do that? We have a resource for you: Taking Faith Home Visit our website LordofLifeOnline.org/ Resources to get lectionary-based prayers, blessings, devotions, and service ideas that you and your family can enjoy. With this amazing resource, individuals and families can nurture their faith all week long. Lord of Life Lutheran Church Non-Profit Organization 3801 South Panther Creek Dr. US Postage PAID The Woodlands TX 77381 Permit #17 Spring, TX Lord of Life Lutheran Church 281-367-7016 Fax 281-363-4716 www.lordoflifeonline.org [email protected] Kids of the Kingdom Preschool 281-298-9901 We invite you to join us for worship on Sundays Your Church Staff Evangelical Lutheran Church in America www.lordoflifeonline.org Rev. Gary Heath Michelle McGuire Senior Pastor KOK Preschool Director Rev. Jennifer Fuhr Janis Armstrong Associate Pastor Child Care Coordinator Rob Hunt Carla Summers Worship & The Arts Director Children & Youth Music Lanette Jackson Sarah Schlacks Director of Finance Bells of Life Director Marna Arlien Nancy Hauglie Director of Connecting Ministries Wedding Coordinator Mark Ruch Director of Adult Ministry Patrick Nazaroff Director of Teen Life Ministry 8:30 am Contemporary Liturgical Jennifer Rowe 9:45 am Sunday School 9:50 am New Life Worship Director of Children’s Ministry 11:00 am Traditional Worship Anne Swetich Director of Outreach Ministries Sandy DeSelms Funeral Coordinator Rick Janacek Office & Communication Manager Steve Shirley Building Superintendent
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Kids age 6 weeks to age 5 are welcome in our free nursery.