Try one of our Summer Sermon Series: May 20, 2015 Attitude is Everything! Sometimes you get stuck in an attitude that is not so healthy. It doesn’t feel good, and it doesn’t lead to anything productive. Join our pastors as they explore how our attitudes affect how we live. They’ll talk about how we can change our attitude to grow into the good life God intends for us, and that Jesus died for us to have. Learn how you can better live in alignment with some empowering attitudes, and receive some scripture passages that will help you to deepen that attitude! Our worship services continue to be Saturday@5, and Sundays at 8:30,9:50, and 11. Join us! June 6 & 7: “I can do whatever I need to do!” Philippians 4:13 June 20 & 21 - Father’s Day Weekend “God meets all my needs!” Psalm 23:1 June 13 & 14: “I choose to live in faith, not fear!” I John 4:18 June 27 & 28: “I always have options!” Galatians 5:1 inside Receive some Biblically-grounded, practical tips for living in these attitudes, and a “refrigerator magnet” to stick on your refrigerator or on your computer screen each week. Blessings as your attitudes grow more useful and positive! See you in church. PJ’s Corner Care and Share Confirmation 2015 Lord of Life LUTHERAN CHURCH PJ’s Corner How are your grace-filled moments, otherwise known as distractions, going this week? Educational and Family Events Sunday School for all ages Sunday mornings - 9:45 am The story starts with 3 men that are wet, dirty and hungry all huddled under one little umbrella in a Target parking lot during the pouring down rain. I asked if they needed some help and all they said was that they were hungry. I invited them to hop in the car and we went a few blocks to a place where we could get some quick food. The ride was quick and smooth. The only thing they really said was that they were worried about getting the seats wet. I watched these courteous men shift in their seats for the whole minute it took to get to our destination. Pastor’s Bible Study What happens next in the saga of grace-filled moments? Click here to check out PJ’s Corner for more of the story. Wednesdays - 9:30 am It’s Game Night for the Grown ups! Friday, June 5th at 6pm, Upstairs at Lord of Life. $10 per person to cover the cost of dinner. This month’s menu: Italian! BYOB. (Tea, Water and Coffee will be provided.) We’ll have Poker, Rummoli, 42, Eucher and “Oh He!!”. Bring your favorite Board Game to Share. Kids age 6 weeks to age 5 are welcome in our free nursery. Tuesdays - 11:30 am Strong Women - Strong Faith Wednesdays - 9:15 am BUNCO 1st Tuesday of month - 7 pm Women’s Bible Study Baptism Anniversary 2nd Sunday of each Month Ladies Lunch Bunch 2nd Wednesday of each Month Men’s Breakfast 2nd/4th Saturday of each month DRAFT at Goose’s Acre 2nd Thursday of month - 8 pm RuthAnn’s Remnants 2nd/3rd Thursday of each month Hug-A-Bears 4th Thursday of each month Homeless Ministry 4th Tuesday of each month Game Night for Grown-Ups/ Kids Night Out June 5 - 6:30 pm Worship & The Arts From the desk of Rob Hunt Director of Worship and Arts With summer approaching, we look forward to some exciting events in the worship life of LOL. Here are some highlights: Pentecost, Saturday/Sunday, May 23/24 – Day of Pentecost celebrated with multicultural music; choir and band at all Sunday services; a cappella vocal quartet at Saturday@5 service. Saturday, May 30 – James Sloan brings his bluegrass gospel group to LOL to lead the music for the Saturday@5 worship service. This is a well-established group of first-rate musicians with an enthusiastic following throughout Montgomery County. Sunday, June 7 – Summer Choir starts with rehearsal at 8:00; sing an easy or familiar anthem for the 8:30 service. Open to everyone, including kids! Just show up at 8:00 in choir room. July 19-23 – Rob attending “Called to Be a Living Voice” Lutheran worship conference in Atlanta; Emily Borling is guest organist/pianist for Saturday and Sunday services. August 3-7 – Fine Arts Camp featuring Disney’s Winnie the Pooh! For children going into grades 1-8, the Camp will be held each morning 9-noon, with the culminating production of “Winnie the Pooh” on Friday evening. Children will learn singing and music-reading, as well as acting and movement , and will participate in set construction and costumemaking. $25 per child. Auditions for principal roles will be held in June, TBA. • • We have a pronounced need for helpers in our children’s music ministry. Please contact Rob Hunt if you are available to help with Fine Arts Camp or with our regular fall music activities. Would you be interested in serving on an LOL Task Force for Youth and Children’s Music/Arts? Contact Rob at [email protected]. CONFIRMATION 2015 Lord of Life proudly celebrated the affirmation of baptism of 17 of its family this past weekend. The 2015 confirmands were: Jill Elizabeth Bohnet Coleman James Boyer Brendan Cole Callihan Braeden Clay Callihan Brandon Lee Ching Gregory Kent Collier Aidan Reed Ecuyer Torsten Dieter Henze Logan Kiril Hoherz Levi Kyle Machac Dawson Ray McGuire Carrigan Elizabeth Simmons Matthew Scott St. Laurent Garrett Phillip Tomasek Leonard Lee Valka III Lars Johnathen Walker Sarah Riley Windham Teen Life at LOL Stock Sales continue throughout May - Youth Group Latest Fundraiser: For the month of May, the youth group is selling stock for the congregation. Stock costs $30 a share and comes with an invitation to the stock holders dinner held in the fall. This fundraiser gives you the opportunity to take stock in our youth, to show them that they belong to a congregation that values and supports youth. These stock sales help fund our trips that we take as a youth program. This year we are taking 23 youth and 5 adults to the National Youth Gathering in Detroit. These types of trips can be life-changing experiences for our youth and a chance to re-center our hearts and minds on Christ. Abbie Steiner, a graduating senior here at Lord of Life, wrote the following paragraph describing her experience with the youth program and our summer mission trips: “The past few years that I’ve been involved with youth group have been life-changing and have helped shape who I am as a person today. Every weekend I look forward to Sunday School and Bible Study/ Worship because that’s when I get the opportunity to strengthen my faith surrounded by the people I trust and respect. It’s much less intimidating talking to your friends about your beliefs or doubts or just life in general. The best way that I have found to get to know everyone is through Mission Trips. When you spend 8 or 9 hours in the back of a van with six other people, you get to know them pretty well. While painting a gazebo, hauling shingles through the heat, and navigating the subway system with 70 people (it can get pretty crowded) that’s when you become friends and I love every second of it. Even the message becomes so much more meaningful once you’re surrounded by the people you’ve been living with for the last week. In every mission trip I’ve been on, the final worship service has been the most powerful experience on the trip. Youth Group and Mission Trips have been a crucial part of growing in my faith. Every summer I look forward to what we will do, who we will help, and what I’ll learn on the Mission Trip (or National Youth Gathering). Thanks, Abbie Steiner” Mini Mission Trip for Rising 7th and 8th graders -August 2-5 This trip will go into Houston and be involved with serving organizations in the city of Houston. In the past we have worked with the homeless, children, elderly, provided meals and worked with Houston Food bank and this year we will have another great experience. Cost: $50 a person (Sign up by June 1st with Patrick Nazaroff). Service Project Sunday Junior High kids pick up trash on the pathways as part of Service Project Sunday, every last Sunday of the month. Outreach Ministries Update Hand of Faith 2nd Anniversary Celebration Thank you to all who attended the 2nd anniversary event for Hands of Faith, our Fair Trade store. The evening was a huge success with total sales of over $2,000. Proceeds from the Hands of Faith Fair Trade Store support small farmers and artisans living in poverty around the world, including countries like Nepal, where so many are suffering from the recent earthquake. I also want to thank the many volunteers who came together. Our store wouldn’t be so successful without you! ALL OF YOU! Together, we are changing the world, one purchase at a time! We especially appreciate those who invited others to come. It was very successful, and also, all seemed to be having a lot of fun! The store was also a “spotlighted” ministry at the recent synodical conference. Lutheran World Relief Quilts I had to look at the numbers again—a record-breaking 150 quilts were made this year!! Special thanks to Shirley Hurst and all the hard-working, dedicated women who accomplished this! (It is very possible that some of these quilts were given to refugees in Nepal—isn’t it a nice thought that the comfort of these quilts may be a simple blessing to those who have lost so much?) 9,240 quilts have been seen to Nepal by Lutheran World Relief thus far. Nepal Earthquake Some of our vendors for Hands of Faith have been affected by the earthquake in Nepal. One group said they had been impacted by the loss of the medical facility close-by. Lutheran World Relief’s emergency response funding is now more than $1 million and is actively raising funds for additional programming. They are working in the rural areas of the quake epicenter, where they already have active projects. Staff from LWR’s Emergency Operations unit are arriving now to assist Nepal staff on the ground. Be sure to help those in Nepal by giving to Lutheran World Relief in several ways: • Here at the table set up outside the sanctuary • Directly to Lutheran World Relief at 1-800-597-5972 • Online at Please continue to pray with us for the safety of the people of Nepal, and all who work to help them. Gebert Mission Outreach Fund Here is the distribution of funds from Gebert Mission Outreach Fund, approved by the LOL Church Council: • CASA – $3,000 (trains volunteer to become advocates for children in Mont. County, who have been neglected or abused) • Safe Harbor – $3000 (works with volunteers who help and provide support to children in Montgomery County who have endured sexual abuse) • Kids of the Kingdom scholarships – $3,000 • Fill the Gap – $3,000 (provides rental deposits for homeless families) • Principe of Paz (Prince of Peace) Lutheran Church – $2,500 (provides training for youth to implement “Camp Hope.” Training provided by the synod office) • Lutheran World Relief – $3,000 (for Nepal earthquake victims) • Interfaith Community Clinic – $3,000 (provides dental care for those uninsured near poverty level) • Orphan Solutions – $1500 (provides support luncheon for CPS workers and for work in Montgomery County which works to facilitate adopts and support foster parents in their role) • Montgomery County Childrens Museum – $3,000 (assists autistic children with special needs) Food Pantry Sunday Senior Sages The Lord of Life Senior Sages group is reaching out to the community and helping a very worthy local facility. Inspiration Ranch is a volunteer driven non-profit equine-assisted therapy facility founded in 2006 to enhance and transform the lives of children, individuals and families struggling with mental and physical challenges. Their annual fund raising event is in the fall and the Senior Sages are helping them build “paddle boards” for their bidding event. The group is meeting at 10 am on Friday, May 22nd if you want to help. Kids of the Kingdom Recycled Book Fair Thank you so much for donating to the Recycled Book Fair fundraiser for KOK's clean water initiative. We were able to raise $427 for our clean water service project. We purchased a share of a water well, an irrigation canal, and many water jugs through the ELCA good gifts organization. May was another great month for Lord of Life as we all stepped up to help our community during Food Pantry Sunday. Check out what Jackie Easton said on Facebook: Check out our Facebook page at www.facebook. com/LordOfLifeLutheranChurchELCA 500th Anniversary of the Reformation In 2017, Bishop Mike will be leading a group (maximum 24 people) on October 29-November 7 to Germany in honor of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. Cost has yet to be determined. Please email the synod at [email protected] if you are interested and would like to be added to the email list. The synod will notify you with the information as it comes available. And for more information as the ELCA looks ahead to 500th anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation http:// Care and Share It’s been a tough few months for our members and people in our community. We’ve depleted our generous supply of freezer meals. Care and Share Ministry needs your help. And you definitely don’t need to be an accomplished cook! We like to have several frozen casseroles or entrees in the freezer for our pastors to take ‘on the run’ when they are visiting those with a death, illness, or accident in the family. Please put your casserole or entrée in the church freezer on the top shelf with a label noting that it is for Care and Share, name of the dish, date made, thawing and heating instructions, and list of major ingredients. It’s that easy – your leftovers will be fine too. If you’ve made too much, just freeze it and bring to church. Meals for 2, 4, and 6 people are appreciated. If you have any questions please contact Nancy Steiner at [email protected]. Thank you to everyone who donated to, helped with & attended the 2015 Pig Roast. With your help, we raised over $30,000 for the Pastor's Discretionary Fund! Pig Roast 2015 Save the date: April 16, 2016 Mother’s Day Brunch 2015 Council Notes The Lord of Life Church Council meets on the second Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. Here are some of the highlights from the December meeting: Financial Statements You should have received your first quarter personal financial statement the first week of May. Please review and if you see any discrepancy in the statement vs your giving, please contact Tommy Eubanks at tleubanks@ or 713-805-4386. Your feedback is appreciated. 1. Ed Spaulding discussed the consideration of a new Capital Campaign, and is overseeing a steering committee approved by council. 2. Approved disbursements of Gebert Funds 3. In June the church council and staff will begin the study of “5 Practices of Fruitful Congregations,” to be followed by congregationwide study of the five practices in the fall. What comes to mind when someone mentions “work”? Is your initial tendency to moan and groan, wishing you could avoid work? It might surprise you to learn that God described His creative acts as “work” and that He brought “work” into being shortly after He created man. Adam worked in the Garden before and after his fall due to his sin. Cain worked by raising vegetables. Abel worked by tending sheep. Throughout Scripture, people worked. Even the Lord Jesus worked while He was on earth, and He described God the Father as having worked. Work has always been part of God’s nature and eternal plan for mankind. Wait a minute — if God created and owns everything, why should we His children have to work? Couldn’t He just provide for us in some supernatural way that would enable us not to have to work? Surely, God could do that, but He doesn’t do so. According to the admonition in 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12, one of the primary benefits from working and providing for our needs is to be able to lead lives marked by integrity and a healthy self-respect. And God’s plan is that we are best able to accomplish these worthy goals by working. God also knows that by utilizing our talents and abilities through work, He will be able to minister to others through us in an effective way. Work, then, is one of the primary avenues by which we can demonstrate our Christian faith, particularly as we do our tasks to God’s glory. Work is also the primary way through which we obtain money to give to God. What should be the Christian’s response to work? First, thank God for work and for the ability to work. As Solomon observed, this is a “gift of God.” Second, view your work as a means of bringing glory to God. Third, whatever you do — no matter what your vocation or occupation — do it “with your might,” as unto the Lord. And finally, remember that by providing work for us to do, God enables us to give to Him and to His ministry at Lord of Life Lutheran Church. Lord of Life Lutheran Church Non-Profit Organization 3801 South Panther Creek Dr. US Postage PAID The Woodlands TX 77381 Permit #17 Spring, TX Lord of Life Lutheran Church 281-367-7016 Fax 281-363-4716 [email protected] Kids of the Kingdom Preschool 281-298-9901 We invite you to join us for worship on Sundays Your Church Staff Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Rev. Gary Heath Michelle McGuire Senior Pastor KOK Preschool Director Rev. Jennifer Fuhr Janis Armstrong Associate Pastor Child Care Coordinator Rob Hunt Carla Summers Worship & The Arts Director Children & Youth Music Lanette Jackson Sarah Schlacks Director of Finance Bells of Life Director Marna Arlien Nancy Hauglie Director of Connecting Ministries Wedding Coordinator Mark Ruch Director of Adult Ministry Patrick Nazaroff Director of Teen Life Ministry 8:30 am Contemporary Liturgical Jennifer Rowe 9:45 am Sunday School 9:50 am New Life Worship Director of Children’s Ministry 11:00 am Traditional Worship Anne Swetich Director of Outreach Ministries Sandy DeSelms Funeral Coordinator Rick Janacek Office & Communication Manager Steve Shirley Building Superintendent
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