Scorpion Management in Residential Homes


Scorpion Management in Residential Homes
Scorpion Management in Residential Homes
Figure 1. Hentz striped scorpion (Centruroides hentzi) female with young on her back (Photo: Greg Greer)
Scorpions are arachnids, meaning they have eight legs.
They also have a set of front pinchers. The scorpion
species native to Alabama are typically 2 inches (5 cm) or
less in length. They naturally find their way into homes;
therefore knowing facts about these creatures can make
encounters less distressing.
Unlike most six-legged insects, scorpions do not lay eggs.
Their young grow inside of the female and are born alive.
They ride on their mother’s back (Figure 1) until the young
have undergone at least one molt (shed). After the first
molt, the young leave their mother’s back
to look for food and shelter. Scorpions
periodically shed their exoskeleton (skin)
before reaching maturity.
Scorpions do not build nests. They
naturally live outdoors under logs, stones,
loose tree bark (especially of dead trees
and stumps), fallen snags, and wood piles.
They also live in mulch, pine nuggets, and
pine straw.
Scorpions are opportunistic predators of
invertebrates. Their natural prey consists
of spiders and insects as well as other
arthropods small enough for them to
subdue. They are important in this regard
as a source of biological control. Scorpions
use the pinchers to grab and tear apart their prey. They
use the stinger situated at the tip of the tail to inject the
victim with lethal venom (Figure 2). The word lethal
applies only to small insects and spiders. No scorpion
species native to Alabama are known to be of serious
concern to humans or their pets.
Scorpion Identification
Scorpions are easy to distinguish from other
arthropods (six-legged insects and eight-legged
spiders) by their flattened body
shape (not very thick from back to
belly). This is known biologically as
dorso-ventrally flattened.
Figure 2. Hentz striped scorpion
stinger (Photo: Greg Greer)
Scorpions exhibit a segmented body
that is broadly joined to the head
(Figure 3). The head bears eyes and one
pair of formidable pinchers (also called
pedipalps). The body is differentiated
into two parts: a broad front portion
bearing eight legs (four pairs) and a
much narrower long tail extending
from the rear portion of the body.
The terminus of the tail is bulbous
with a thin spike at the end, which is
the stinger.
The southern unstriped scorpion, aka southern devil
scorpion, habituates the southeastern part of the
United States and the piedmont and mountain areas
of Alabama. This scorpion is usually less than 2 inches
(5 cm) in length, including the long, slender tail, and
is most often uniform in color. The color may vary
from blackish to dark brown to dark gray. It is the only
scorpion found in its range that covers much of the
piedmont and mountain areas in central and northern
Alabama. Range is often the best indication of the
species in your area.
Figure 3. Scorpion body parts (Photo: Greg Greer)
Common Scorpions in Alabama
Three types of scorpions can be found in Alabama.
Of these, only two species are native and commonly
find their way into garages, basements, and homes
(Figure 4).
Alabama’s native scorpions are fairly small. One is
the Hentz striped scorpion (Centruroides hentzi). The
other is the southern unstriped scorpion, also called
southern devil scorpion (Vaejovis carolinianus).
The Hentz striped scorpion is found throughout
Florida, the coastal plain of Georgia, and well into
the coastal plain counties of Alabama. This scorpion
is typically 2 inches (5 cm) or less in length. Large
individuals may reach 2.5 inches (6.3 cm), although
this is rare. It has a base color of brown with three
yellowish stripes along its back, which at times may
be a little obscure. Like many scorpions, males tend to
be more slender in build, with elongated tail segments.
This species is an obligate coastal plain species, thus
requiring sandy substrates.
Scorpion Inside, No Reason to Hide
Scorpions occasionally enter houses or garages or
are outside around patios. Driven by cold, rain, or
drought, they wander into homes looking for shelter,
moisture, and prey. Scorpions can find remarkable
ways to get into structures through openings or cracks
only 1/8-inch wide. They can easily enter under door
jams and windows unless these are sealed very tightly.
They also find their way into homes via inadequately
sealed pipes inside of walls. A typical entry point is
where pipes enter under cabinets such as in kitchens
and bathrooms.
Scorpions are nocturnal (active at night), shy,
and secretive, wandering around on floors and
sometimes on walls in search of prey. In most cases,
they will eventually die indoors from dehydration
and starvation.
Effects of a Scorpion’s Sting
Scorpions are known for their painful, venomous
sting. Fortunately, scorpions native to Alabama are not
potentially lethal to humans.
Under normal circumstances, a sting can be painful,
akin to a wasp sting but with a slightly different
sensation. It may be described as a sharp feeling
accompanied by a burning sensation that is usually
short-lived. The pain often subsides or is completely
gone within 30 minutes. The resulting sting may
remain swollen and be quite itchy for a few days.
Figure 4. Hentz striped scorpion (left) and
southern unstriped scorpion (Photo: Greg Greer)
2 Alabama Cooperative Extension System
Scorpion stings are quite common and typically result
in localized pain only, unless a person is hypersensitive
to the venom. Anyone stung by a scorpion should be
monitored for a more severe reaction. Allergic reactions
are a medical emergency requiring prompt medical
care. When in doubt, call 9-1-1.
Scorpions are shy and not looking for people to sting.
Stings usually occur when a scorpion is disturbed or
handled. Hiding places to be aware of include inside
shoes or bedroom slippers, under a damp dish cloth left
on the kitchen counter, or occasionally in bed linens.
Dead scorpions should never be picked up by hand. A
dust pan and brush is your best method for sweeping
up dead scorpions. This will prevent an unpleasant
sting in the event that one still has some life in it. Once
dead, the scorpion’s tail will usually straighten out, but
don’t use this as an indication that a scorpion is dead.
Scorpions don’t live in drains or drain
pipes, don’t make nests inside homes,
and don’t infest homes, as some might
believe. One or two scorpions inside the
house simply mean that one or two got in.
Scorpion Management
Nonchemical Methods
If you have scorpions entering your home, the
following nonchemical methods should be
considered first:
• Carefully inspect and clean up outdoor areas
where they naturally live. Suggestions include,
but are not limited to, the following:
ƍƍ Remove all trash and debris.
ƍƍ Store firewood and lumber off the ground and
away from your house.
ƍƍ Remove unnecessary rocks.
ƍƍ Keep the area dry.
ƍƍ Use small gravel as groundcover immediately
adjacent to the home.
• Install weather stripping around loose-fitting
doors and windows.
• Use sealant around roof eaves, pipes, and any
other cracks in the structure. Great Stuff is a
spray Styrofoam that works well in sealing
around pipes.
• Keep window screens in good repair. Make sure
they fit tightly in the window frame.
Chemical Control
Use chemical control only if the scorpion problem
persists, which is rare, after applying recommended
nonchemical measures. If you decide to use chemical
control, consider these guidelines:
• One technique to treat scorpions is to concentrate
them into a preferred habitat by spreading wet
burlap or cloth on the ground near suspected
infested areas. By grouping scorpions, chemical
sprays can be applied to the collected individuals.
• Outside perimeter treatment should consist of
directing repellent products at potential entry
points of the house.
• When using pesticides, it is important to consider
children and pets that live in your household. You
must strictly follow the guidelines indicated for
safe application where children and pets reside.
• Check the pesticide label carefully to make
certain that the product may be used for
scorpions and that it is approved for indoor use,
if that is the intended treatment area. Follow all
label instructions exactly.
Before taking any chemical measures, remember that
scorpions are natural enemies of small arthropod
pests and should be protected rather than killed. If a
heavy infestation of scorpions is a problem, contact a
pest control professional. Professionals have access to
products and methods not available to the general public.
• Seal any openings in outside walls with mortar
or caulking.
• Plug weep holes in stone or brick veneer structures with copper mesh, pieces of nylon scouring
pad, small squares of screen wire, or steel wool.
Steel wool will rust when wet, so it should be used
only on dark-colored facades.
Scorpion Management in Residential Homes
Xing Ping Hu, Extension Specialist, Professor, Entomology, Auburn
University; Greg C. Greer, Greg Greer Enterprises, Inc.
For more information, contact your county Extension office.
Published by the Alabama Cooperative Extension System (Alabama A&M University and
Auburn University), an equal opportunity educator and employer.
New April 2015, ANR-2259
© 2015 by the Alabama Cooperative Extension System. All rights reserved.
Trade names are used only to give specific information. The Alabama
Cooperative Extension System does not endorse or guarantee any product and
does not recommend one product instead of another that might be similar. Trade
and brand names used in this publication are given for information purposes
only. No guarantee, endorsement, or discrimination among comparable products
is intended or implied by the Alabama Cooperative Extension System.
Use pesticides only according to the directions on the label. Follow all directions,
precautions, and restrictions that are listed. Do not use pesticides on plants
that are not listed on the label. The pesticide rates in this publication are
recommended only if the product(s) is registered with the Environmental
Protection Agency and the Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries.
If a registration is changed or canceled, the rate listed here is no longer
recommended. Read and follow all directions on the label.