Guide - Final (Web Version).web


Guide - Final (Web Version).web
aPRil 2016
i 1"ga, ixhb
COR - KashRuTh COunCil Of Canada
“and you shall tell
your children”
u"ga, jxp
COR 2016-5776 passOveR guide 1
what’s cooking?
COR 2016-5776 passover guide 2
Rabbinical Vaad HAKASHRUTH
Chairman: Rabbi Yacov Felder
Chairman Emeritus: Rabbi Yitzchok Kerzner
Rabbi Amram Assayag • Rabbi Avraham Bartfeld • Rabbi Shlomo Bixenspanner • Rabbi Chanoch Ehrentreu
Rabbi Shlomo Gemara • Rabbi Ovadia Haboucha • Rabbi Yossel Kanofsky • Rabbi Mendel Kaplan
Rabbi Yaakov Kaufman • Rabbi Uri Kaufman • Rabbi Daniel Korobkin • Rabbi Chaim Kulik
Rabbi Yisroel Landa • Rabbi Rafi Lipner • Rabbi Moshe Lowy • Rabbi Yirmiya Milevsky • Rabbi Yosef Oziel
Rabbi Dovid Pam • Rabbi Meir Rosenberg • Rabbi Mordechai Scheiner • Rabbi Dovid Schochet
Rabbi Raphael Shmulewitz • Rabbi Chaim Strauchler • Rabbi Yehoshua Weber
Kashruth Council Board of Directors
Chair: Dr. Ira Marder
Past Chair: Mr. Martin Maierovitz, z”l
Vice Chairs: Mr. Jack Feintuch • Mr. Shimshon Gross • Mr. Naftali Winter
Secretary: Mr. Ari Messinger
Treasurer: Mr. Moshe Sigler
Assistant Treasurer: Mr. Moishe Kesten
Assistant Secretary: Mr. Michoel Klugmann
Mr. Daniel Bitton • Mr. Nathan Bleeman • Mr. Meyer Feldman • Mr. David Kleiner • Mr. Marvin Sigler • Mr. David Woolf
Mr. Robert Benmergui • Rabbi Neil Cohen • Mr. Yehoshua Czermak • Mr. Ben Fefferman • Mr. Shlome Goldreich
Mr. Allan Gutenberg • Mr. Mark Halpern • Mr. Paul Jacobs • Mr. Irving Karoly • Mr. Jerrold Landau
Mr. Brian Lass • Mr. Elie Mamann • Mr. Isaac E. Oziel • Mr. Ronald Rutman • Mr. Simon Schonblum
Mr. Avrum Waisbrod • Mr. Meyer Zeifman • Mr. Shmuel Zimmerman • Dr. Leibel Zoberman
Kashruth Council Staff
Chairman, Rabbinical Vaad Hakashruth: Rabbi Yacov Felder
Director of Industrial Kosher, Kashrus Administrator: Rabbi Sholom H. Adler
Director of Community Kosher: Rabbi Tsvi Heber
Rabbinic Liaison: Rabbi Yosef Oziel
Managing Director: Mr. Richard Rabkin
Director of Operations: Mr. Jay Spitzer
Rabbinic Coordinators: Rabbi Avrohom Lowinger • Rabbi Joshua Norman • Rabbi Dovid Rosen • Rabbi Yechiel Teichman
Head Mashgiach: Rabbi Mendel Brogna
Senior Mashgichim: Rabbi Mendel Gansburg • Mr. Moshe Mayer Mrvic
Senior Rabbinic Field Representatives: Rabbi Binyomin Kreitman • Rabbi Nachman Ribiat
Shechita Division: Rabbi Shlomo Bixenspanner
Junior Developer & Field Representative: Mr. Chaim Ribiat
Administrative Assistant & Customer Service Representative: Mrs. Albina Aminob
Office Support: Mrs. Barbara Bar-Dayan
Administrative Assistant: Mrs. Wanda Bengio
Executive Assistant & New Client Representative: Mrs. Judy Pister
Account Specialist: Ms. Sarah Rosen
Administrative Assistant & Customer Service Representative: Mrs. Esther Scheer
Accountant: Mrs. Olga Sekiritsky
Kosher CORner Editorial Staff
Editor-in-chief: Mr. Richard Rabkin
Senior Halachic Contributor Rabbi Dovid Rosen
Contributing Editor & Advertising Coordinator: Ms. Sarah Rosen
Senior Staff Writer Ms. Sari Cohen
Design & Layout: RB Creative
Photography: Katan Studio
COR- Kashruth Council of Canada
Live in Edmonton
suNdAY, April 3rd 7:30 pM
COR Rabbis will highlight the most frequently asked questions
received on the COR Passover Hotline and perform a live insect checking demonstration.
Learn the techniques that COR’s professional mashgichim use every day!
A selection of complimentary appetizers and desserts will be served • 416.635.9550 • [email protected]
tuesdAY, April 5TH, 2016
rAbbi doVid roseN: 1 hour; 100 questions
COR’s Rabbi Rosen answered over five thousand Pesach related questions
last year. In 1 hour he will go through 100 of the most frequently asked Pesach questions.
Introductory remarks by rabbi Avram rothman,
Rav of the Aish Thornhill Community Shul
A selection of complimentary appetizers and desserts will be served by Levy’s Catering. • 416.635.9550 • [email protected]
welcoMe / 4
Rabbi Felder’s Message / 6
Dr. Marder’s Message / 7
Nisan Calendar / 8
Important Pesach
Dates and Times / 9
lAws ANd
GuideliNes / 11
Establishments & Services
for Passover / 11
Passover Product Guide / 13
Kitniyot / 18
Common Kitniyot Items / 19
Guidelines for use of
Medications and Personal
Care Products on Passover / 20
Articles of fAitH / 41
Teach Your Children
Who They Are / 41
Benaya Yechiel Eshkar,
of Blessed Memory / 43
HIT: Questions and Answers
from the Halacha Line / 46
A Kosher Jew in a Non-Kosher
Wokplace / 48
pAreNts ANd
pAssoVer / 73
Giraffe Foods / 73
Global Botanical / 74
Natur-a / 75
You sHAll tell Your
cHildreN / 51
Sol Cuisine / 76
Kashering for Passover / 27
Interviews with Machanchim
and Mechanchos
Victory’s Kitchen /78
Tevilat Kelim / 32
Vancouver: Rabbi Don Pacht / 52
Shaimos Guidelines / 34
Rabbi Chaim Greenwald / 54
Chametz Free Medications / 21
Personal Care Products / 22
Pet Food on Passover / 35
Pesach Traveler Checklist / 37
Top 10 Questions from the
COR Passover Hotline / 38
Rabbi Yehuda Oppenheimer / 58
Toronto: Mrs. Sara Munk / 61
Montreal: Rabbi Shmuel Mellul / 63
Halifax: Mrs. Bassie Feldman / 65
All in the Family / 67
Sweets from the Earth / 77
beHiNd tHe cor / 79
COR Gets Cracking / 79
How your Questions get Answered / 81
COR Launches First of its Kind
College Accredited Mashgiach
Training Program / 83
Meet the Sobeys Mashgichim / 85
COR Company Updates / 87
Supervised and Unsupervised Events / 88
wHAt’s cookiNG / 89
COR Recipes / 91
Guest Chef Recipes / 95
Be a Healthy Eating Role Model / 96
kids CORNer / 99
Chewing Kosher Gum / 99
Shmuli is Cooking Up Trouble / 104
Coby and the Flying Jets / 109
Activity CORner / 110
At the seder,
we recite in the Hagaddah
hrv ohrmn ,thmhc rpxk vcrnv kfu"
“jcuan vz “the more one elaborates
upon the Exodus, the more he is
praiseworthy”. Why do our sages
encourage us to expand upon these
miracles in order to fulfill the mitzvah
of ohrmn ,thmh ruphx?
Further in the Hagaddah, we recite
tuv ukhtf unmg ,t ,utrk ost chhj
ohrmnn tmh - each person is obligated
to view himself as if he left Mitzrayim.
When most people experience
something miraculous, they enumerate
the details to anyone who is willing
to listen. They will enthusiastically
expand on the specifics as if they are
reliving the experience. Likewise, the
more we discuss the greatness of the
miracles that Hashem performed in
Mitzrayim, the greater the demonstration that we feel as though it is truly
our salvation. When we can actually
appreciate that we ourselves were
redeemed, then we will not become
tired of discussing all of the miracles
at length.
The mitzvah to recite the Haggadah
and discuss Hashem’s miraculous
deeds in Mitzrayim is fulfilled when
the Matzah and Maror are in front of
us - lhbpk ohjbun rurnu vmn aha vgac.
The reason for this requirement can
now be understood. Our objective is
to relive the experience of the Exodus
from Mitzrayim ourselves each year.
When a person passes a place where
he experienced a miracle, even many
years later, he recites a bracha, as the
place arouses his sentiment of Divine
gratitude. Likewise, when we see
the Matzah and Maror, they awaken
feelings of appreciation that we have
to Hashem for all of the miracles He
performed for us in Mitzrayim – the
miracles that led to our redemption
and becoming the nation of Hashem.
A major focus of the seder is the
ohrmn ,thmh ruphx, relating to our
children all that Hashem did for us
in Mitzrayim, thereby fulfilling the
mitzvah of lbck ,sdvu. When we
recount in great detail the wonders
that Hashem did for us as though
we experienced them ourselves, we
transmit our sentiments about
ohrmn ,thmh with enthusiasm and
vibrancy, thereby impressing upon
our children the greatness of Hashem
and the glory in becoming His nation.
Actions speak louder than words.
When our children see us enthusiastically involved, they will be more
influenced than if we just speak to
them. Likewise, when children follow
in the footsteps of their parents, it is
a testament to the parents who were
able to transmit these values to their
families through their actions.
The theme of this year’s Pesach
Guide is lbck ,sdvu. At COR, we are
privileged to have numerous people
who are involved in kashrus for the
second generation. Some of these
prominent members of the COR, are
featured later in the Guide. Serving
as Chairman of the Rabbinical Vaad
Hakashruth, I too fit into this category
as my father Rabbi Gedalia Felder
k"mz was the founding Chairman of
the Rabbinical Vaad Hakashruth and
served the community in that capacity
with great devotion and distinction for
over 30 years. When children follow in
the footsteps of their parents in this
fashion, it is a testament to the parents
who are able to transmit to their family
through their actions, the significance
of devoting one’s time and resources
to assist in communal matters and in
particular community kashrus.
A few months ago, COR and the
8 KasHRuTH COuNCiL OF CaNada | 416-635-9550 | WWW.COR.Ca
greater Toronto community suffered
a tragic loss in the passing of our
esteemed mashgiach Reb Benaya
Eschar, k"z. Although he lived in
Toronto for only a few years, Reb
Benaya was an integral member of our
COR Foodservice hashgacha and made
a profound impact on so many of us.
His deeply rooted iujycu vbunt even
in the face of great adversity,
ohna ,trhu oav ,cvt, his love and
respect of Hashem, combined with his
refined character and humble nature,
continuously inspired us and endeared
him to us all. lurc urfz hvh, may his
memory be a blessing, and may his
wife and children, his parents and his
entire family have a rta lu,c vnjb
ohkaurhu iuhm hkct may they be
comforted amongst the mourners of
Zion and Jerusalem.
We, at COR, continue to expand
with new endeavors that will enhance
kashrus and improve our community
services. Our most recent project was
the Mashgiach Training Course which
is detailed further in this publication.
This revolutionary course is the first
of its kind (as far as we know), and we
express our gratitude to Rabbi Tsvi
Heber, COR’s Director of Community
Kosher, his assistants and the “First
Class” graduates for this ground
breaking project.
I would like to express sincere
appreciation to our devoted staff,
the Rabbinical Vaad Hakashruth, the
Executive and Board members, for
all of their tireless efforts on behalf
of COR, and to all of you – the kosher
consumers, for your encouragement
and trust in us in fulfilling our mandate
of providing kashrus to our wonderful
jnau raf dj
rgskgp ouka cegh
again to all of our kosher consumers
and friends from the Kashruth
Council of Canada. It is a great honour
to represent COR as the Chair of our
country’s largest and most-respected
kosher certifier.
I must start by thanking and congratulating the talented team that put
together this issue of Kosher CORner.
I receive many compliments and
kudos for this excellent publication
and I want to be clear; it is not me but
the dedicated team at our COR office
who ensure that our publications,
newsletters, website, articles and
other communications consistently
contain interesting and educational
content coupled with a high level of
professionalism and quality. Yeyasher
Koach once again on a job well done.
This issue’s theme is “Vehigadeta
LeVincha” or “Teaching Our
Children”, and as many of you do, I
clearly remember the work, effort,
and endless time that went into
preparing for Pesach. It was a unique
educational experience to witness
our parents and grandparents toiling
to ensure that Pesach was the special
and memorable holiday that it should
be – from Yom Tov food to cleaning
the house to Divrei Torah. Everyone
was involved and engaged. The
smells, sights and sounds live with
you forever. B”H that tradition and
commitment was passed on down the
generations as we now witness our
children and grandchildren investing
the same effort and standard for
their own families and homes. This
magazine celebrates that.
I want to make note of the
highlighted families and companies
in this edition. They are all perfect
examples of the special people and
relationships that COR enjoys as
part of our family. My personal
congratulations to the Rosens and
Pontes and my dear friends the
Siglers (whose names and lives have
been intertwined with COR since our
inception) on being so deservedly
For those of you who read my
messages regularly (Hi Mom!),
you know that in the past I have
recognized the many groups of
devoted individuals who contribute to
ensure that COR continues to run with
the highest level of effectiveness and
service. To this end, I have written
about the Rabbonim of our Rabbinical
Va’ad Hakashruth, the lay leaders
of our Executive and Board and the
senior staff professionals in our
COR office. I want to now recognize
another group of special people who
work day-in and day-out in less visible
but no less important roles who are
the backbone and strength of our
I am referring to the many men and
women who are our RCs (Rabbinic
Coordinators), Mashgichim and Office
Staff and Support workers. We have
well over 100 people who work full or
part time for COR, without whom we
couldn’t possibly deliver the quantity
or quality of kosher supervision that
you have come to expect. These
individuals do their jobs daily without
fanfare but with great dedication and
devotion. It is to all these important
people that I publicly thank and
recognize for their selfless efforts
on behalf of COR, kashrus and our
community. And I ask each one of our
readers to consider them as well. The
next time you call or visit our COR
office, thank them for a job well done.
The next time you are at a simcha or in
a restaurant, find the Mashgiach and
let him or her know you appreciate
their diligence. They will appreciate it
and they certainly deserve it.
Our lay Board of Directors are
planning our bi-annual elections this
spring so I want to end by thanking
the outgoing volunteers for their
valuable support and input. While
most of you do not witness their
efforts first-hand, I can attest to
their commitment and contribution to our Kashruth Council of
Canada. So, allow me to extend
thanks and a Yeyasher Kochachem
to our Executive Board composed of
Dan Bitton, Nathan Bleeman, Jack
Feintuch, Meyer Feldman, Shimshon
Gross, Moshe Kesten, David Kleiner,
Michoel Klugmann, Ari Messinger,
Marvin Sigler, Moshe Sigler, Naftali
Winter and David Woolf. As well,
kudos to the wider Board of Directors
made of up Robert Benmergui, Mark
Berenblut, Neil Cohen, Shia Czermack,
Ben Fefferman, Shlome Goldreich,
Allan Gutenberg, Mark Halpern, Paul
Jacobs, Sruli Karoly, Jerrold Landau,
Brian Lass, Elie Mamann, Isaac Oziel,
Duvy Plonka, Ron Rutman, Shimon
Schonblum, Avrum Waisbrod, Meyer
Zeifman, Shmuel Zimmerman and
Leibel Zoberman.
I would also like to welcome our
new Executive and Board members
to their upcoming term and wish
them Hatzlocha and Brocha in
their community work and Askonus
BeTzorchei Tzibbur. I encourage
you to contact and use them as
your resource and liaison for any
COR-related concerns, comments or
On behalf of the Executive and the
Board as well as on behalf of myself
and my family, I wish you all a Chag
Pesach Kasher VeSameach and my
very best for a happy and healthy
summer season!
COR 2016-5776 passOveR guide 9
u"ga, ixhb
April/may 2016
Yom Rishon
Yom sheni
Yom shlishi
Yom revi’i
Yom chamishi
Yom shishi
COR Community
in Edmonton
10 April
COR Community
Event in Toronto
11 April
12 April
9 April
16 April
for Pesach
at the Bayt
13 April
14 April
15 April
Shabbat Hagadol
17 April
18 April
19 April
20 april
21 april
Bedikat Chametz
24 april
2nd Day
Sefira 2
Sefira 8
8 May
Chol Hamoed
Sefira 1
25 april
Sefira 9
26 april
Chol Hamoed
Sefira 3
27 april
Sefira 10
Chol Hamoed
Sefira 4
Sefira 11
28 april
Chol Hamoed
Eruv Tavshilin
Sefira 5
Sefira 12
22 april
Erev Pesach
Taanit Bechorot
First Seder Night
29 april
30 april
8th Day
Sefira 7
Sefira 13
Sefira 14
Sefira 15
Are you getting our emails?
Sign up for our kosher alerts, community news and other
important information at or send your email
address to [email protected]
1st Day
Second Seder Night
7th Day
Sefira 6
23 april
eveNiNG, aPRil 21
fRiday, aPRil 22
eRev PeSach /
fiRSt NiGht
of PeSach
Shabbat, aPRil 23
fiRSt day
of PeSach /
SecoNd NiGht
of PeSach
Calgary edmOnTOn
OTTawa VanCOuVer winnipeg
10:33 am
12:04 Pm
8:26 Pm
8:44 Pm
1:34 am
10:25 am
11:59 am
8:31 Pm
8:49 Pm
1:31 am
10:22 am
11:48 am
7:50 Pm
8:08 Pm
1:12 am
10:01 am
11:27 am
7:32 Pm
7:50 Pm
12:52 Pm
10:09 am
11:35 am
7:40 Pm
7:58 Pm
1:00 am
Bedikat Chametz
latest time to eat chametz 10:27 am
latest time to burn chametz 11:51 am
7:52 Pm
8:10 Pm
1:16 am
10:13 am 10:28 am
11:42 am 11:58 am
7:58 Pm 8:16 Pm
8:16 Pm 8:34 Pm
1:10 am 1:26 am
Candlelighting after
8:11 Pm
8:56 Pm
1:16 am
8:46 Pm
9:31 Pm
1:35 am
8:50 Pm
9:35 Pm
1:32 am
8:10 Pm
8:55 Pm
1:13 am
7:52 Pm
8:37 Pm
12:52 am
8:00 Pm
8:45 Pm
1:01 am
8:19 Pm
9:04 Pm
1:11 am
8:36 Pm
9:21 Pm
1:27 am
yom Tov Ends
8:13 Pm
8:58 Pm
8:48 Pm
9:33 Pm
8:53 Pm
9:38 Pm
8:12 Pm
8:57 Pm
7:53 Pm
8:38 Pm
8:02 Pm
8:47 Pm
8:20 Pm
9:05 Pm
8:38 Pm
9:23 Pm
thURSday, aPRil 28
eRev yom tov
eRUv tavShiliN
7:59 Pm
8:17 Pm
8:36 Pm
8:54 Pm
8:41 Pm
8:59 Pm
7:58 Pm
8:16 Pm
7:39 Pm
7:57 Pm
7:48 Pm
8:06 Pm
8:07 Pm
8:25 Pm
8:25 Pm
8:43 Pm
fRiday, aPRil 29
7th day of PeSach /
8th NiGht of PeSach
8:00 Pm
8:18 Pm
8:38 Pm
8:56 Pm
8:43 Pm
9:01 Pm
7:59 Pm
8:17 Pm
7:41 Pm
7:59 Pm
7:49 Pm
8:07 Pm
8:09 Pm
8:27 Pm
8:26 Pm
8:44 Pm
yom Tov Ends
8:20 Pm
9:05 Pm
8:58 Pm
9:43 Pm
9:04 Pm
9:49 Pm
8:19 Pm
9:04 Pm
8:01 Pm
8:46 Pm
8:09 Pm
8:54 Pm
8:29 Pm
9:14 Pm
8:47 Pm
9:32 Pm
SUNday, aPRil 24
SecoNd day
of PeSach
Shabbat, aPRil 30
8th day of PeSach
*Candlelighting times for April 23rd and Yom Tov Ends times for April 24th and 30th are set at 45 minutes after Shkia.
appy P
rom Natura
Natura Foods
Canada’s Le
Non-Dairyy Kossherr
Parve Be
w w. n a t u r- a . c o m
COR 2016-5776 passOveR guide 11
laws + guidelines
of faith
for Passov
Establishments and
Services for Passover
Airline meAls
You must request Kosher for passover meals in advance from your travel agent or the airline.
meals prepared for passover are specially sealed and stamped “COR Kosher l’Pesach”.
easy sweets gluten Free Bakery ........................................................................................................... 416.783.7200
Hermes Bakery ....................................................................................................................................................416.787.1234
my Zaidys gluten Free Bakery .................................................................................................................905.763.6463
ButCher shoPs
glatt Kosher Centre ......................................................................................................................................... 905.597.7571
magen meats ......................................................................................................................................................905.731.6328
Real Canadian superstore .......................................................................................................................... 416.665.3209
savours Fresh market .....................................................................................................................................416.663.7779
sobeys (Clark) ....................................................................................................................................................905.764.3770
Toronto Kosher ................................................................................................................................................. 416.633.9642
CAterers & tAKe-out foods
applause Catering............................................................................................................................................416.628.9198
ellen Jane desserts (pastry caterer) ......................................................................................................416.487.7286
ely’s Fine Foods .................................................................................................................................................416.782.3231
exquisite gourmet ...........................................................................................................................................416.356.5987
glatt Kosher Centre ......................................................................................................................................... 905.597.7571
COR 2016-5776 passOveR guide 13
laws + guidelines
Koshertrends by mona pasternak .......................................................................................................... 416.665.6662
Lechaim Caterers ............................................................................................................................................ 416.650.5440
magen meats ......................................................................................................................................................905.731.6328
mitzuyan Kosher Catering ........................................................................................................................... 416.419.5260
modern Kosher Catering ...............................................................................................................................416.783.4293
my Zaidy’s pizza ...............................................................................................................................................905.763.6463
pR Creative Caterers ...................................................................................................................................... 416.787.9889
Real Canadian superstore .......................................................................................................................... 416.665.3209
savours Fresh market .....................................................................................................................................416.663.7779
shazzies Catering ........................................................................................................................................... 647.268.3532
sobeys (Clark) ....................................................................................................................................................905.764.3770
The Kosher dudes .............................................................................................................................................416.707.6053
The Kosher gourmet ....................................................................................................................................... 416.781.9900
Toronto Kosher ................................................................................................................................................. 416.633.9642
uptown gourmet Catering..........................................................................................................................416.636.9000
Zuchter Berk meat & dairy Caterers ...................................................................................................... 416.386.1086
fish mArKets
Friedmans Fresh Fish .....................................................................................................................................416.782.6056
Nu age Fish .........................................................................................................................................................416.663.3474
sobeys (Clark) ....................................................................................................................................................905.764.3770
Kosher food & novelty stores
Baskets n stuf ....................................................................................................................................................416.250.9116
Bella sabatina Tea shoppe ......................................................................................................................... 416.855.2020
Chocolate Charm ...............................................................................................................................................416.787.4256
Kosher N Natural - The Candy man ..........................................................................................................416.789.7173
Kosher City plus ............................................................................................................................................... 416.782.6788
Kosher Food Warehouse ............................................................................................................................... 905.764.7575
savours Fresh market .....................................................................................................................................647.827.6275
The Chocolate moose ....................................................................................................................................416.784.9092
Zack’s Chocolates ............................................................................................................................................905.597.7022
PuBliC/PrivAte institutions
Kitchens of the institutions listed below have been prepared for Passover by mashgichim under the
direction and instruction of the Rabbinical Vaad Hakashruth in accordance with the requirements
for Passover: Baycrest centre for geriatric care • Baycrest terrace • Bernard Betel centre: Assoc. of
Jewish seniors is providing a first seder on Friday, April 22, 2016 • cedarvale terrace • Kensington
place Retirement Residence • one Kenton • terrace gardens
Wines, brandies, liqueurs and other such beverages certified by recognized rabbinic authorities are
permissible. The label must indicate that the bottle has been prepared “Kosher l’Pesach”.
grafstein Wines ................................................................................................................................................ 416.256.0440
mazel Wines ......................................................................................................................................................... 416.631.8071
press and Kettle................................................................................................................................................ 416.831.2296
simcha Wine Corp ............................................................................................................................................905.761.9022
Call the Kosher Hotline at 416.635.9550 x100 or email us at [email protected]. We have answers.
14 KasHRuTH COuNCiL OF CaNada | 416-635-9550 | WWW.COR.Ca
laws + guidelines
Passover Product Guide
No Passover Certification Required
Passover Certification Required.
No Certification Required Year-Round
Almond milk
Passover Certification Required
Apple Juice
Passover Certification Required
Apple sauce
Passover Certification Required
Baby carrots, rawNo Certification Required Year-Round
Baby food
Passover Certification Required
Baby formula
The following baby formulas are produced in chametz-free
facilities and are acceptable when bearing the OU. They are
kitniyot and should be prepared with designated utensils.
1. Enfamil
2. Enfapro
3. Isomil
4. Kirkland Signature
5. Life Brand
6. Nestle Good Start
7. Next Step
8. Parent’s Choice
9. President’s Choice
10. Similac
Baking powder
Passover Certification Required
Baking sodaNo Certification Required Year-Round
Brown sugar
Passover Certification Required
Redpath Brown Sugar with COR No Passover Certification Required
Passover Certification Required
Canned fruits and vegetables
Passover Certification Required
Canola oil
Carrots, frozen/canned
Passover Certification Required
Passover Certification Required
see poultry
Club soda (as opposed to seltzer which is water and CO2 only)
Passover Certification Required
Cocoa powder: 100% pure, produced in North AmericaNo Certification Required Year-Round
Hershey’s cocoa powderNo Certification Required Year-Round
COR 2016-5776 passover guide 15
laws + guidelines
Coconut (shredded)
Passover Certification Required
Coconut oil
Passover Certification Required
1. all flavoured - beans, instant, decaf
Passover Certification Required
2. all decaf - beans or instant
Passover Certification Required
3. regular beans - whole or groundNo Certification Required Year-Round
4. regular instant
Passover Certification Required
(Folger’s instant and Taster’s Choice instant - regular, not decaf or flavoured)No Certification Required Year-Round
Coffee whitener/non-dairy creamer
Passover Certification Required
Confectionary sugar
Passover Certification Required
Cooking oil spray
Passover Certification Required
Corn and corn products
Passover Certification Required
Dessert gels and puddings
Passover Certification Required
Dried fruit
Passover Certification Required
EggsNo Certification Required Year-Round
Liquid eggs
Passover Certification Required
NOTE: Nutri Liquid Eggs from Supreme Egg Products carry COR-P for Passover and year round use Fish:
fresh: w/ no added ingredients besides saltNo Passover Certification Required
all other varieties
Passover Certification Required
Food coloring
Passover Certification Required
Fruit juice
Passover Certification Required
Fruit, frozen: unsweetened, without additives (i.e. syrup, citric acid, ascorbic acid, vitimin C)No Certification Required Year-Round
freshNo Certification Required Year-Round
Passover Certification Required
Grape juice
Passover Certification Required
Grapeseed oil
Passover Certification Required
Green beans
Passover Certification Required
Herbal tea
Passover Certification Required
Passover Certification Required
rawNo Certification Required Year-Round
Passover Certification Required
Ice (bagged)No Certification Required Year-Round
Ice cream, sherbert, etc.
Passover Certification Required
Jam, jelly, preserves
Passover Certification Required
Passover Certification Required
Lactaid caplets,drops,tabletsMay contain CHAMETZ
Lactaid milkIf needed, purchase before Passover
Lemon juice
Passover Certification Required
NOTE: ReaLemon Lemon juice certified by the OU is acceptable without Passover certification
laws + guidelines
Passover Certification Required
Passover Certification Required
Passover Certification Required
Preferable with Passover Certification
if certified milk is unavailable,
purchase regular milk before Passover
Passover Certification Required
fresh, dried, pre-slicedNo Certification Required Year-Round
Nuts: in shellNo Certification Required Year-Round
without BHT and BHA, AND not blanched or roastedNo Certification Required Year-Round
pecan pieces
Passover Certification Required
Olive oil: all olive oil varieties including: pure olive oil, extra light and extra virgin
Passover Certification Required
Orange juice: fresh
Passover Certification Required
frozen concentrate, grade A 100% pure without additives or enrichments (e.g. calcium)No Certification Required Year-Round
Passover Certification Required
Pineapple (canned)
Passover Certification Required
Poppy seeds
Potato chips
Passover Certification Required
PoultryAll raw unprocessed poultry from
Marvid is kosher for Passover
all year round
Passover Certification Required
There are differing opinions as to the
kitniyot status of quinoa.
Ask your Rabbi for direction.
Passover Certification Required
Rice milk
KITNIYOT and may contain chametz
Safflower oil
There are differing opinions as to the
kitniyot status of safflower oil.
Ask your Rabbi for direction.
Salads, bagged
Passover Certification Required
Salt: iodized
Passover Certification Required
non-iodized / sea saltNo Certification Required Year-Round
Seltzer (water and CO2 only) unflavoured,
(as opposed to Club Soda which has other ingredients)No Certification Required Year-Round
Sesame seeds
Snow peas
COR 2016-5776 passover guide 17
laws + guidelines
Passover Certification Required
Soup mix
Passover Certification Required
Soy milk KITNIYOT and may contain chametz
Soy products
Passover Certification Required
Sugar, white granulatedNo Certification Required Year-Round
Sugar substitue, artificial sweetners
Passover Certification Required
Sunflower seeds
Tea: 1. instant, decaffeinated, flavoured, and herbal Passover Certification Required
2. pure black, green, and white leaves or bagsNo Certification Required Year-Round
3. Lipton decaf tea bagsNo Passover Certification Required
4. Nestea unflavoured instant regular and decafNo Passover Certification Required
Tomato paste, tomato sauce etc.
Passover Certification Required
Tuna fish, canned
Passover Certification Required
Vegetable oil
Passover Certification Required
Vegetables, frozen
Passover Certification Required
Passover Certification Required
Passover Certification Required
Water, unflavouredNo Certification Required Year-Round
Wild rice
Passover Certification Required
Passover Certification Required
Out shopping but not sure
which products are kosher
for Passover?
Email [email protected]
from your smartphone to
automatically receive a list of
Passover-approved products.
laws + guidelines
Non-Edible Products
No Passover Certification Required
Passover Certification Required.
No Certification Required Year-Round
Alcohol (isopropyl)No Certification Required
Aluminum pans and foilNo Certification Required
Baby oilNo Certification Required
Baby ointmentNo Certification Required
Baby powderNo Certification Required
Baby wipesW/O ALCOHOL
No Certification Required
Bags, plasticNo Certification Required
paper, plastic, styrofoam:
plates, cutlery, cupsNo Certification Required
napkins, papertowelsNo Certification Required
Note: Many paper plates, napkins and papertowels contain corn
starch, therefore it is recommended not to use these products for hot
or moist foods unless they have Passover certification.
Papertowels: some companies use a corn based glue to produce the
rolls, therefore the first three sheets and the last sheet should not be
used. Sponge Towels Ultra with COR does not have this concern.
Paper cups: recommended for cold drinks only
BalloonsW/O POWDER
No Certification Required
eye shadowNo Certification Required
Band-aidsNo Certification Required
Fabric protectorNo Certification Required
BleachNo Certification Required
Fabric softenerNo Certification Required
BlushNo Certification Required
CandlesNo Certification Required
Gloves (disposable)W/O POWDER
No Certification Required
CharcoalNo Certification Required
hydrogen peroxideNo Certification Required
Clensers and polishes:
bowl and tub cleaner
carpet cleaner
drain/pipe opener
glass cleanerNo Certification Required
javax, clorox
Mr. Clean
Murphy Oil
oven cleaner
Insecticide: spraysNo Certification Required
some baits contain
Coffee filtersNo Certification Required
OintmentNo Certification Required
Contact lens solutionNo Certification Required
Paper products
Contact paperNo Certification Required
Parchment paper
Crème, topicalNo Certification Required
Crockpot linerNo Certification Required
Dental flossUNFAVOURED
No Certification Required
Deoderant, stickNo Certification Required
Detergent: dish, liquid
dish, powderNo Certification Required
eyelinerNo Certification Required
LotionNo Certification Required
MascaraNo Certification Required
Mineral oilNo Certification Required
Nail polishNo Certification Required
Nail polish removerNo Certification Required
see disposables
Plastic wrapNo Certification Required
Play dough
Polishes:No Certification Required
furniture polish
jewelry polish
silver, metal polish
shoe polish
ToothpicksW/O COLOR
No Certification Required
Vaseline, petroleum jellyNo Certification Required
Wax paperNo Certification Required
COR 2016-5776 passover guide 19
laws + guidelines
In addition to the Torah’s prohibition of chametz on Pesach, many
people have the custom to refrain from consuming kitniyot as well.
avoid chametz. (In addition, since chametz is permitted
throughout the year, mistakes are also more likely.)
The custom of kitniyot is a well known example of an
instituted safeguard.
The classic kitniyot products are rice, buckwheat, millet,
beans, lentils, chickpeas, and mustard seed. Even though
kitniyot products are not chametz, our Chachomim
were worried that if we allow their consumption, actual
chametz might be consumed as well. One concern is the
realistic possibility that wheat or barley kernels, which
are similar to kitniyot kernels, might be inadvertently
mixed into the kitniyot. Thereby cooking chametz with
the kitniyot. Another concern was that since one can
grind kitniyot into flour and bake or cook them into items
that resemble actual chametz, the uninitiated observer
might assume that chametz products are permissible.
Also, the harvesting and processing of kitniyot is done in
a similar way to chametz grains, and again that might lead
to confusion. In order to prevent the grave sin of eating
chametz, the custom of kitniyot was enacted.
The earliest literature regarding kitniyot dates back over
700 years. The Smak (Rabbi Yitzchak of Korbol), who lived
in the 13th century, writes about the custom of kitniyot
that had been practiced in his times for many generations!
In order to appreciate the custom of kitniyot, let us first
make an observation about the nature of the prohibition
of chametz on Pesach.
Among the foods that the Torah has forbidden, there is
a wide range of rules and regulations. Some foods are only
forbidden to be eaten (i.e. typical non-kosher); monetary
and physical benefit is additionally restricted from others
(i.e. milk and meat mixtures, and orlah - fruits from a tree
that is not yet three years old). The penalty for violation
and the rules of nullification vary from item to item.
The prohibition of chametz is unique in its broad applications and its severity of violation. Chametz has the
strictest restrictions of all forbidden foods in the Torah.
Besides the prohibition of eating chametz, one is forbidden
from even owning or benefiting from it as well. Many
times, even a small drop of chametz that gets mixed into
an otherwise non-chametz food would forbid the entire
mixture. The punishment of kares (spiritual excision) for
consuming chametz is the most severe penalty that the
Torah gives for forbidden food.
With this in mind, we can appreciate that halachah
has a heightened cautiousness towards chametz, and
why extra safeguards have been set in place in order to
20 KasHRuTH COuNCiL OF CaNada | 416-635-9550 | WWW.COR.Ca
TO WHOm dOes THe CusTOm appLY?
As the halachic nature of customs dictates, only those
communities which have adopted the custom of kitniyot
are bound by it. The Ashkenazi communities of that
time certainly accepted this custom, while generally the
Sephardic communities did not.
It is interesting that even within the Sephardic
The original kitniyot products are rice, buckwheat, millet, beans,
lentils, chickpeas, and mustard seed. As new products were
introduced and discovered, their kitniyot status needed to be
discussed. We find literature in regard to the kitniyot status of
potatoes, corn, peanuts, quinoa, and others as well. Since there are
many factors to consider, it is apparent that only a Rabbinic authority
can decide what is and what is not included in the custom.
Although kitniyot was prohibited out of a concern that it would be
confused with chametz, kitniyot does not share the same strict applications of actual chametz. The custom was only enacted to forbid
eating kitniyot. One is permitted to own, use, and benefit from
kitniyot. Therefore, kitniyot products do not have to be sold with
the chametz, and pet food containing kitniyot may be used. They
are more relaxed than the Pesach rules but in general the regular
rules of nullification apply. In addition, when necessary, sick and
elderly people may consume kitniyot products; someone suffering
discomfort may take medication that has kitniyot ingredients; and a
baby may be fed formula that has kitniyot ingredients.
Pesach is a holiday in which we cherish our heritage and our link
back to the earlier generations. Adhering to one’s traditions in regard
to kitniyot is a great demonstration of this appreciation.
Types of Items Included
,uhbye hkfutk er ra
communities, who have this custom to avoid some kitniyot to some
extent. Many members of the Moroccan communities avoid kitniyot,
and some Iraqis don’t eat rice. (My friend, whose family is Persian,
has a custom not to eat chickpeas. The reason is not based on what
is mentioned above, but for a different reason entirely. Chummus is
a chickpea product, and since “chummus” sounds like “chametz”,
that community had a tradition to avoid chickpeas on Pesach!)
Although kitniyot has the halachic status of a custom, its
observance is in no way optional. There are two types of customs:
instituted customs and developed customs. Examples of developed
customs include eating fried foods on Chanukah and hamantashen
on Purim. These customs developed as their practices relate to the
holidays. We cherish these customs, but there is no requirement to
practice them. An instituted custom, on the other hand, once it has
been accepted and practiced, has a similar status to a binding law. If
one is of Ashkenazi descent, they are bound to adhere to the custom
of kitniyot.
laws + guidelines
Kitniyot Items
Canola Oil (Rapeseed)
Green Beans
Poppy Seeds
Sesame Seeds
Snow peas
Soy Beans
String Beans
New COR Service!
For one word answer questions
(i.e. “Does this require kosher for Passover certification”)
text 647.402.1910
COR 2016-5776 passover guide 21
laws + guidelines
Guidelines for use of
medications and
personal Care products
on passover
First and foremost, it has to be clear
that no one should discontinue or avoid
taking medications that have been
prescribed to them without consulting
their doctor and Rabbi.
pLeasaNT TasTiNg mediCiNe
Liquid medicines and chewable pills,
which are flavoured to give a pleasant
taste, have the same halachic status as
regular food, even though they are only
being taken for their medicinal benefits.
If these medications contain
chametz, they are forbidden to be
ingested on Pesach. In a situation
where the patient is seriously ill (choleh
sheyaish bo sakana), a Rabbi should be
BiTTeR TasTiNg mediCiNe
Pills which are bitter are permitted
for someone who is ill, even if the pills
contain chametz. (If a pill has a thin
sweet flavoured coating, but the actual
pill is bitter, the pill may be permitted
as long as the coating is chametzfree.) This leniency is based on the
principle that the pill is being eaten in
an abnormal way, shlo kederech achila,
and is limited to one who is ill. Someone
who is suffering only slight discomfort
should not take pills that contain
chametz. In addition, even if someone is
ill, the halacha clearly states (Rama Y”D
155:3) that one may not take a pill that
contains chametz if there is a chametzfree alternative.
viTamiNs aNd suppLemeNTs
Since the allowance for taking medicines
that contain chametz is limited to
someone who is ill, it is forbidden
to electively take vitamins or food
supplements unless it is determined
that they do not contain chametz.
Medicine containing kitniyot is
permitted for someone who feels ill.
COsmeTiCs aNd
peRsONaL CaRe pROduCTs
Cosmetics and personal care products
are generally considered “totally
inedible” (aino raooi leachilas kelev),
and, therefore, according to the letter of
the law, they may be permitted for use
even if they contain chametz. However,
in the categories discussed below it
is commendable to use only those
cosmetics that are chametz-free.
Sicha Keshtia There is a halachic
opinion from the Rishonim that applying
products topically is considered
ingesting, (sicha keshtia). Typically,
we are not stringent in this matter and
therefore one may apply non-kosher
22 KasHRuTH COuNCiL OF CaNada | 416-635-9550 | WWW.COR.Ca
products on the skin. However, due to
the stringent approach toward chametz
on Pesach (meshum chumra dePischa)
many avoid using chametz in this
fashion and are therefore, meticulous in
using only chametz-free cosmetics.
Lipstick and Toothpaste In addition,
due to the stringent approach toward
chametz on Pesach (meshum chumra
dePischa) it is advised to be stringent
with regard to cosmetics and personal
care products that are applied to the
lips or that are used orally. Therefore,
it is recommended to avoid the use of
lipsticks and toothpastes that contain
Denatured Alcohol Denatured
alcohol is inedible alcohol that can
be derived from either chametz or
non-chametz sources. It is commonly
found in deodorants, perfumes, and
mouthwashes. Although denatured
alcohol is inedible, it could conceivably
be distilled back to an edible state, and
for this reason, many Poskim (Rabbis)
are of the opinion that denatured
alcohol is considered edible. In order to
avoid this issue, ensure that the product
in question is on a reliable “ChametzFree” list, or contact the COR.
laws + guidelines
Chametz Free Medications
important: No one should discontinue
or avoid taking medications that have been
prescribed to them without consulting their
doctor and Rabbi.
medication which tastes bitter (when
chewed) is permitted. However, one should not
take a pill that contains chametz if there is a
chametz-free alternative.
Liquid and chewable medications, as well as
coatings of medications that contain chametz
should not be used.
Vitamins and food supplements that
contain chametz should not be used.
Allergy and
Cough + Cold Relief
• Advil Cold & Flu
• Advil Cold & Sinus Plus
• Advil Cold & Sinus
• Aerius
• Allegra 12 Hour 60 mg
• Allegra 24 Hour 120 mg
• Allegra-D
• Benadryl Preparations
• Benadryl Extra Strength
Nightime Caplets
• Benylin Cold and Sinus
• Benylin Cold and Sinus
Plus/Benylin Cold and
Sinus Night
• Claritin Allergy+Sinus
• Claritin Allergy+Sinus Extra
• Coricidin HBP
Antihistamine Cough &
ristan tablet and Dristan
Extra Strength caplet
ltor 120
eactine Tablets
eactine Allergy & Sinus
inutab Nightime Extra
udafed Decongestant 12
udafed Head Cold and
Sinus Extra Strength
Analgesics/ Pain
• Advil Tablets/Caplets
• Advil Extra Strength
• Advil Muscle & Joint
• Aleve Caplets
• Aleve Tablets
• Anacin
• Aspirin Regular Strength
• Aspirin Regular Strength
• Aspirin Extra-Strength
• Aspirin Stomach Guard
Extra Strength
Medicine containing kitniyot is permitted
for someone who feels ill.
products that are only permitted for
medical reasons should be used in separate
the above guidelines do not address the
question of consuming medicines on Shabbat or
Yom Tov.
The following is a list of basic over the counter products
that are chametz-free but may contain kitniyot. Furthermore, the list does not verify the general kashrut of the
Items must be in exact format as shown and exactly as
• Aspirin Stomach Guard
Regular Strength
idol PMS Complete
idol Menstrual Complete
idol Teen Complete
otrin IB
otrin IB Extra Strength
otrin IB Super Strength
• Tempra Syrup
• Tylenol Regular Strength
Caplets & Tablet
• Tylenol Extra Strength
• Diclectin
• Gravol Filmkote Tablets
• Metamucil Original Texture,
Unflavoured Powder (nonkitniyot)
• RestoraLAX
• Phillips’ Milk of Magnesia
• Senokot Tablets
• Senokot•S
Prenatal Vitamins
• Alka-Seltzer
• Pepcid AC
• Pepcid AC, Maximum
• Pepcid Tablets
• Zantac
• PregVit
• PregVit Folic 5
• Imodium Caplets
• Pepto-Bismol Liquid
• Pepto-Bismol Liquid Extra
[email protected]
from your smartphone
to automatically receive
a list of chametz-free
COR 2016-5776 passover guide 23
laws + guidelines
Personal Care Products
Deodorants, hairsprays, perfumes, and mouthwashes that contain
denatured alcohol should not be used (or kept in possession) on Passover
unless they are chametz free.
Lipsticks, toothpastes, and mouthwashes which contain chametz should
not be used as they may be ingested.
Other personal care products, since they are not fit for
consumption, are permitted on Passover. However, some have the practice of
being stringent not to use products that contain chametz which are applied to
one’s body.
[email protected]
from your smartphone
for a list of personal
care products that
are chametz-free.
The products listed below are chametz-free.
If you have any questions about products not listed, please call the
COR’s Passover Hotline at 416-635-9550 ext. 100.
Denture Care
• Fixodent Complete Denture
Adhesive Cream
• Polident Partials, Antibacterial
Denture Cleanser
• Polident 3 Minute, Antibacterial
Denture Cleanser, Triple Mint
• Polident Overnight Whitening
Antibacterial Denture Cleanser
• Arrid Extra Dry Aerosol Antiperspirant & Deodorant, Regular
• Arrid XX Dry Antiperspirant &
Deodorant Spray, Regular
• Degree Men Antiperspirant &
Deodorant, Sport Aerosol
• Dove Dry Spray Antiperspirant
• Dove Men+Care Dry Spray
• Right Guard Xtreme Cooling
Aerosol Spray, Antiperspirant &
• Right Guard Sport 3-D Odor
Defense, Antiperspirant &
Deodorant Aerosol Spray
• Right Guard Sport Antiperspirant
Deodorant Aerosol Spray
• Secret Aerosol Antiperspirant &
• Arrid XX Antiperspirant &
Deodorant Solid
• AXE Antiperspirant &/or
Deodorant Solid
• Dove Antiperspirant &/or
Deodorant Solid
• Old Spice Antiperspirant &/or
Deodorant Solid
• Secret Antiperspirant &/or
Deodorant Solid
Lip Care
• Blistex - All with exception of the
Blistex Five Star Lip Protection CHAMETZ
Blistex Medicated Lip Ointment CHAMETZ
Blistex Ultra-Rich Hydration
Dual Layer Lip Protectant CHAMETZ
• ChapStick Classic, Original
• Crest - all Alcohol Free varieties
• LISTERINE Zero - All varieties
• Neutrogena Deep Moisture Night
• Neutrogena Healthy Defense
Daily Moisturizer
• Neutrogena Liquid Neutrogena
Facial Cleansing Formula
• Neutrogena Norwegian Formula
Body Emulsion
• Neutrogena Norwegian Formula
Hand Cream
• Neutrogena Oil-Free Moisture
Facial Moisturizer
• St. Ives Daily Hydrating Body
• Vaseline Intensive Rescue
Intensive Care Advanced Repair
• Vaseline Men Body Lotion
Shampoo & Conditioners
• Axe Shampoo & Conditioners
• Dove Damage Therapy Shampoo
& Conditioners
• Dove Nutritive Solutions Cool
Moisture Shampoo & Conditioners
• Head & Shoulders Shampoo &
• Herbal Essences Hello Hydration
Shampoo & Conditioners
• Herbal Essences Hydralicious
Shampoo & Conditioners
• Pantene Pro-V Classic Care
Shampoo & Conditioners
• Pantene Pro-V Normal - Thick
Hair Solutions Shampoo &
• Pantene Pro-V Repair & Protect
Shampoo & Conditioners
Soaps & BoDy Washes
• AXE Shower Gels
• Dial Antibacterial Hand Soap
• Dial Bar Soap
• Dial for Men Hair & Body Wash
• Dial Kids Hair & Body Wash
• Dial Spring Water Body Wash
• Dove Bar Soap
• Dove Body Wash
• Irish Spring Bar Soap
• Irish Spring Body Wash
• Old Spice Bar Soap
• Old Spice Body Wash
• Softsoap Bar Soap
• Softsoap Body Wash
• Softsoap Liquid Soap
• Coppertone Kids Sunscreen
• Coppertone Sport High
Performance Sunscreen Lotions
• Arm & Hammer Complete Care
• Colgate Toothpastes
• Crest Cavity Protection
Toothpaste - Regular
• Crest Cavity Protection
Toothpaste Gel
• Crest Kid’s Cavity Protection
• Sensodyne Toothpastes
• Almay Amazing Lasting 16 Hour
Eye Pencil
• Almay Brow Defining Pencil
• Almay Eyeliner Pencil
• Almay Intense i-Color Evening
Smoky All Day Wear Powder
• Almay Intense i-Color Everyday
Neutrals All Day Wear Powder
• Almay Intense i-Color Eye
Shadow Softies
• Almay Intense i-Color Liner
• Almay Intense i-Color Liquid
• Almay Intense i-Color Liquid
Shadow + Color Primer
• Almay Intense i-Color Party
Brights All Day Wear Powder
• Almay Intense i-Color Volumizing
• Almay Liquid Line Eyeliner
• Almay One Coat Nourishing
Waterproof Thickening Mascara
• Almay One Coat Thickening
• Clinique Quickliner for Eyes
• Clinique Superdefense Age
laws + guidelines
Defense Eye Cream Broad
Spectrum SPF 20
• CoverGirl Bombshell Intensity
Eye Liner
• CoverGirl Bombshell POW-der
Brow & Liner by lashblast
• CoverGirl Brow & Eye Makers
Brow Shaper and Eyeliner
• CoverGirl Eye Enhancers 1 Kit
Eye Shadow
• CoverGirl Eye Enhancers 3 Kit
Eye Shadow
• CoverGirl Eye Enhancers 4 Kit
Eye Shadow
• CoverGirl Eye Shadow Quads
• CoverGirl Flamed Out Shadow
• CoverGirl Flamed Out Shadow
• CoverGirl Full Lash Bloom by
lashblast Waterproof Mascara
• CoverGirl Intensify Me! Liquid
• CoverGirl LashBlast 24 Hour
• CoverGirl LashBlast Volume
• CoverGirl LashBlast
Waterproof Mascara
• CoverGirl LashBlast
Waterproof Volume Mascara
• CoverGirl Perfect Blend Eye
• CoverGirl Perfect Blend Pencil
• CoverGirl Perfect Point Plus
Eye Pencil
• CoverGirl Perfect Point Plus
Self-Sharpening Eye Pencil
• CoverGirl Professional Super
Thick Lash Waterproof
• CoverGirl Professional
Waterproof Mascara
• CoverGirl Queen Collection
Eye Shadow Pot
• CoverGirl Queen Collection
• CoverGirl Queen Collection
• CoverGirl Queen Collection
Lash Fanatic Waterproof
• CoverGirl Queen Collection
• CoverGirl Queen Collection
Quad Eyeshadow
• CoverGirl Queen Collection
Vivid Impact Eyeliner
• CoverGirl The Super Sizer
• L’Oreal Paris Colour Riche Dual
Effects Eye Shadow
• L’Oreal Paris HiP Studio
Secrets Professional Bright
Eye Shadow Duo
• L’Oreal Paris HiP Studio
Secrets Professional Concentrated Intense Duo
• L’Oreal Paris HiP Studio
Secrets Professional Concentrated Shadow Duo
• L’Oreal Paris HiP Studio
Secrets Professional Metallic
Shadow Duo
• L’Oreal Paris Infallible Eye
• L’Oreal Paris Infallible Gel
Lacquer Liner
• L’Oreal Paris Infallible Never Fail
• L’Oreal Paris Infallible Silkissime
Silky Pencil Eyeliner
• L’Oreal Paris Infallible Super
Slim Liner
• L’Oreal Paris Studio Secrets
Pro Brush Tip Liquid Eyeliner
• L’Oreal Paris Studio Secrets
Pro Extra Volume Collagen
Hydra Collagen Plumping
• L’Oreal Paris Studio Secrets
Pro Eye Shadow
• L’Oreal Paris Studio Secrets
Pro Eye Shadow Single
• L’Oreal Paris Telescopic
Dramatic Lengthening & Intensifying Mascara
• L’Oreal Paris Telescopic
• L’Oreal Paris Telescopic
Precision Liquid Eyeliner
• L’Oreal Paris Telescopic
Waterproof Liquid Precision
• L’Oreal Paris Voluminous
Butterfly Mascara
• L’Oreal Paris Voluminous
Curved Brush Volume Building
• L’Oreal Paris Voluminous False
Fiber Lashes Mascara
• L’Oreal Paris Voluminous
• L’Oreal Paris Voluminous Miss
Manga Mascara
• L’Oreal Paris Voluminous
Power Volume 24H Washable
• L’Oreal Paris Voluminous
Smoldering Eyeliner
• L’Oreal Paris Voluminous
Volume Building Mascara
• L’Oreal Paris Voluminous
Waterproof Mascara
• MAC Extra Dimension Eye
• Maybelline Color Tattoo 24Hr
Leather by EyeStudio Cream
Gel Eyeshadow
• Maybelline Color Tattoo Pure
Pigments Loose Powder
• Maybelline Define-A-Brow
Eyebrow Pencil
• Maybelline Define-A-Lash
Lengthening Washable
• Maybelline Expert Wear
Eyeshadow Duo
aybelline Expert Wear
Eyeshadow Quad
aybelline Expert Wear
Eyeshadow Trio
aybelline ExpertWear Twin
Brow & Eye Pencils
aybelline Eye Studio
Color Fusion Molten Cream
aybelline Eye Studio Color
Plush Shadow Quad
aybelline Eye Studio Color
Tattoo 24Hr Eyeshadow
aybelline Eye Studio Color
Tattoo Metal 24hr Cream Gel
aybelline Eye Studio
Eyeshadow Quad
aybelline Eye Studio Master
Precise Liquid Eyeliner
aybelline Full ‘N Soft
aybelline Full ‘N Soft
Waterproof Mascara
aybelline Lasting Drama by
Eye Studio Gel Eyeliner
aybelline Unstoppable
Smudge Resistant Eyeliner
aybelline Volum’ Express The
Colossal Washable Mascara
evlon Brow Fantasy
evlon ColorStay 16-Hour Eye
evlon Colorstay Eye Liner
evlon CustomEyes Shadow
& Liner
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immel Scandal Eyes
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linique Superbalanced
Powder Makeup SPF 15
linique Superpowder Double
Face Makeup
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Corrects Discolorations
COR 2016-5776 passover guide 25
laws + guidelines
• Clinique Superprimer Colour
Corrects Dullness
• Clinique Superprimer Colour
Corrects Redness
• Clinique Superprimer Colour
Corrects Sallowness
• Clinique Superprimer Universal
Face Primer
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Cleansing Balm
• Clinique Take The Day Off
Cleansing Milk
• Clinique Take the Day Off
Cleansing Oil
• Clinique True Bronze pressed
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• Maybelline SuperStay Better
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• Revlon Age Defying Powder
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• Revlon ColorStay Pressed
• Revlon Highlighting Palette
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• Rimmel Lasting Finish Liquid
laws + guidelines
• Rimmel Match Perfection
• Rimmel Match Perfection
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Control Pressed Powder
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• Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick
• Revlon Ultra HD Lip Lacquer
• Revlon Ultra HD Lipstick
• Rimmel Exaggerate Full Color
Lip Liner Definer
• Rimmel Show Off Lip Lacquer
COR 2016-5776 passOveR guide 27
Tel: 416.631.8071 Fax: 416.631.9144
Email: [email protected]
laws + guidelines
ny kitchen items, utensils, and appliances that were used for chametz during the year must
be cleaned well in order to make them suitable for Passover use. Since we are taught that
chametz is absorbed into the utensils used during certain cooking processes, many times
a thorough surface cleaning is insufficient. in order to remove this absorbed chametz, the
utensil must go through a cleansing process known as “kashering”.
not all items can be kashered. An item must be made from a material that will extract absorbed
chametz when it is kashered. Below is a list of materials that can and cannot be kashered.
items made of the following materials can be kashered:
• Granite • Marble • Metal • Stone • Wood
items made of the following materials cannot be kashered:
• China • Corelle • Corian • Cork • Corningware • Duralex • Earthenware • Enamel Coating • Formica
• Melmac • Nylon • Plastic • Porcelain • Pyrex • Synthetic Rubber • Teflon coating
In addition, items cannot be kashered where there is concern that they might break or get ruined due to
the kashering process. The rationale is that a person may not kasher an item properly if they fear it might
break or get damaged.
the following are five methods of kashering:
1. LiBuN gamuR
2. LiBuN KaL
3. HagOLa
4. iRui ROsCHim
5. miLui v’iRui
Each method has a different level of capability in removing absorbed chametz. (Libun gamur has the
greatest capability; Milui v’irui has the lowest.) The specific kashering method necessary for each item
will depend on how the chametz was originally absorbed. If an item was used in a cooking process that
absorbs chametz more intensely, a more intense kashering method is necessary, while an item that was
used for a less intense cooking process, a less intense kashering method is required. With this being the
case, if a specific item requires a certain kashering method, one may use a more intense process.
COR 2016-5776 passOveR guide 29
laws + guidelines
Kashering overview
Libun Gamur // complete glowing
Application: Items used directly on a stove top or grill or in the oven with food that does not contain liquid.
examples: Baking pan, roasting pan, grill.
Method: The item must be heated e.g. by a blowtorch until every part of it becomes red hot.
Note: It is highly recommended that only one with experience should use a blowtorch for these purposes.
Libun kal // modified glowing
Application: This method can be used in place of hagola and as well, can suffice in certain circumstances when libun is
examples: Some types of ovens [see next page].
Method: The item must be heated until a piece of paper or straw, touching the other side of it, will burn. Note: One can test
to see if the item reached the necessary heat for libun kal by sprinkling water onto the item; if the water sizzles, the item has
been kashered with libun kal.
Hagola // boiling
Application: Items used directly on a stove top or grill or in the oven with food that does contain liquid.
examples: Pots, stirring utensils, flatware when used on the fire with liquid foods. (Regular flatware also generally requires hagola.)
Method: 1 Clean the item thoroughly to remove all dirt, labels,
glue and tangible rust. Any part of the item that can’t be
accessed to clean properly e.g. crevices, needs libun kal.
2 The item should not be used for hot for 24 hours
[if this wasn’t done, ask your Rabbi].
3 If the pot used for kashering is not a Pesach pot, the
minhag is that the pot itself should first be kashered.
This is done as follows:
A. make sure that the pot is clean and do not use it
for 24 hours
B. fill the pot to the brim with water and heat it up to
a rolling boil;
4 Immerse each item, one at a time, in boiling water. If you
are kashering several items, make certain that the water is
still boiling before inserting each one.
5 When the water becomes murky, it must be changed.
6 If the entire item can’t fit into the kashering pot at one
time, it may be kashered in sections.
7 After kashering the item, it should be rinsed off in cold
8 Once everything has been kashered, the kashering pot
itself should be kashered if it will be used for Pesach. (This
can be done right away; no need to wait another 24 hours.)
irui roschim // pouring hot water
Application: Items upon which hot chametz was poured.
examples: Sinks, counters.
Method: 1 Clean the item thoroughly [see Hagola, above].
2 The item should not be used for 24 hours [if this wasn’t done, ask your Rabbi].
3 Pour boiling water onto every part of the item by using a kettle or a pot of water taken directly from the stove (see Hagola
above concerning the type of pot).
milui v’irui // soaking
Application: Items used only with cold chametz.
examples: Drinking glasses. Note: If one is able to buy separate glasses for Pesach, this type of kashering should be
Method: 1 Clean the item thoroughly.
2 Immerse the item in water e.g. in a tub or basin or fill the item with water.
3 Change the water every 24 hours, for a total of 72 hours.
laws + guidelines
Kashering and Cleaning Guide
ov e n s
S tov e to p s
A. Self-Cleaning Ovens
• Clean any parts of the oven where the heat of the selfcleaning cycle doesn’t reach -- mainly edges and sides
of the doors and the gasket.
• Run the self-cleaning cycle for at least two hours.
• Don’t put any food during Pesach on the door unless
the door is covered.
A. Electric and Gas
• Clean the entire surface of the stove top and all its parts
-- mainly grates, burners, chrome rings, drip trays and
• Electric burners – Turn them on to the maximum
setting (until they are glowing red hot) for approximately
10 minutes.
• Chrome rings should be immersed in a pot of boiling
water. Alternatively, one can place a wide pot (with
water so as not to burn the pot) on the element while the
burners are turned to maximum heat in order to spread
the heat to the chrome rings.
• Gas grates – Kasher them with libun kal by one of the
following methods:
1 Placing them in the oven while it is being kashered.
(Caution - if the oven is being kashered by using the selfcleaning cycle, verify that the grates can withstand the
2 Moving them around the flame until every part of
them has been heated to libun kal (Caution - use tongs
and protective gloves). Alternatively, one can place a
wide pot (with water so as not to burn the pot) on the
grate while the burners are turned to maximum heat in
order to spread the heat to the grates.
• Drip trays – Put them in the oven while it’s being
• Knobs – Kasher them with hagola or cover them (if they
could come into contact with food or steam from pots).
• Surface – Cover the entire surface with heavy aluminum
foil or a Pesach blech so that only the burners are
• Backsplash – Cover with heavy aluminum foil. (Caution
- be careful not to block any vents).
• Oven hood – Clean thoroughly. The oven hood does not
have to be covered unless it is very low (to the point that
the steam from the pot below yad soledet. 113˚ F)
B. Conventional Ovens
• Use an oven cleaner to thoroughly clean the entire
oven, including the racks and doors.
• Turn the oven on to its highest setting for one and a
half hours (libun kal).
• Turn the oven on to broil for one half hour.
• It is preferable to cover the racks with aluminum foil
so that no pots or pans touch them directly.
C. Continuous Cleaning Ovens
• Despite its name, don’t assume that this type of oven
is always clean.
• Clean the oven thoroughly.
(Caution - check the manual for what type of cleansers
you should use).
• Kasher in the same way as a conventional oven.
D. Microwave Ovens
• It is best not to kasher a microwave oven. If it must
be used, it should be kashered as follows:
• Clean the oven thoroughly to remove all dirt, and
food residue. If any part of the interior can’t be
accessed to clean properly (e.g. crevices), then the
microwave cannot be kashered.
• The oven should not be used for 24 hours.
• Place a container(s) of water in the oven and boil it
until the oven fills with thick steam.
• The glass tray should either be changed or be
completely covered with a material that is microwavesafe.
• Some people also either cover the 6 walls of the
microwave (Caution – do not block any vents) or
completely double wrap any food before heating it.
B. Glass-topped Range
(including Corning, Halogen, Ceran)
• Burners: Turn them onto their maximum setting (until
they are glowing red hot) for approximately 10 minutes.
• Cover the rest of the surface around and between the
burners with material that will not easily tear (Caution:
do not cover the stove with a Pesach blech as it can cause
the glass to crack).
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COR 2016-5776 passover guide 31
laws + guidelines
d i s h was h e r s
A. Enamel interior
These types of dishwashers may not be kashered.
B. Metal interior
It may be possible to kasher a dishwasher with stainless
steel walls, however, because of the various issues that
are involved, this should only be done after consulting
with, and under the direction of, your Rabbi.
s i n ks
A. S
tainless Steel Sinks
• Clean every part thoroughly -- mainly basin, knobs,
faucet, drain area. Be sure to clean the spout on the
- Pour a strong chemical cleaner down the drain and
into any crevices that cannot be properly cleaned.
• Do not use the sink with hot chometz for 24 hours.
• Dry the sink prior to kashering.
• Kasher with Irui Roschim by pouring boiling hot
water on every part of the sink, including the knobs
and faucet. If the pot used for kashering is not a
Pesach pot, the minhag is that the pot itself should first
be kashered. (See above Hagola method, third step.)
• Some people move a preheated stone or piece of
metal around the sink as the water is being poured.
• It may take a few refills of the kettle or pot to kasher
the entire sink.
• Extendable faucets - An alternative way of kashering
this part of the sink is to quickly dip it into the
kashering pot (Caution – plastic parts could warp if
kept in too long).
• Stoppers, strainers – replace for Pesach. (If
necessary, they may be cleaned well and kashered with
boiling water)
• Instant Hot Water Device - Pour boiling hot water
over it while letting hot water run from it.
• Soap Dispenser – Empty it of all the soap, flush out
any remaining soap with water and pour boiling water
over the entire dispenser.
• Some people cover the entire area of the sink after
kashering it or place an insert in the sink.
B. E
namel, Porcelain, Corian Sinks
• Sinks made of these materials cannot be kashered.
• Clean them thoroughly and use a strong chemical
cleaner (see stainless steel sinks, above)
• Place an insert in the sink; or
• Line the walls and bottom of the sink with contact
paper or heavy aluminum foil. Then, place a rack on
the bottom and wash dishes in a dishpan placed on top
of the rack.
c o u n t e rto p s
A.Materials that can be kashered:
Granite / Marble / Metal / Stainless Steel / Wood
To kasher these counters:
• Clean them thoroughly.
• Do not put anything hot on them for 24 hours.
• Kasher with Irui Roschim by carefully pouring boiling
water on entire area from a kettle or from a pot taken
directly from the stove. If the pot used for kashering is
not a Pesach pot, the minhag is that the pot itself should
first be kashered (see above Hagola method, third step).
• Some people cover these types of counters even
after kashering them. Alternately, they move around a
preheated stone or hot iron as they pour the hot water.
B. Materials that cannot be kashered:
Corian / Enamel / Formica / Plastic / Porcelain / Surrel
Before using these counters:
• Clean them thoroughly.
• Cover them with a thick waterproof material that won’t
rip easily while you are working on them.
• Some people kasher these counters as outlined above
before covering them.
r e f r i g e r ato r s & f r e e z e r s
• Clean every surface and all parts thoroughly using a
cleanser that will render inedible any tiny crumbs that
may have been missed.
• Some have a custom to cover surfaces that will directly
touch food.
c u p b oa r d s , d r aw e r s & s h e lv e s
• Clean thoroughly with a cleanser that will render
inedible any tiny crumbs that may have been missed.
• Some have a custom to cover surfaces that will directly
touch food.
f l at wa r e
• Requires Hagola (see method on page 26).
ta b l e s & c ha i r s
Clean thoroughly. Cover tables with a thick material that
won’t tear easily and through which spills won’t easily
penetrate. Covers should be fastened securely.
laws + guidelines
m i s c e l l an e o u s i t e m s
A. Tablecloths and Dish Towels
• Launder with soap and hot water.
(Plastic tablecloths cannot be kashered.)
B. Highchairs
• Clean thoroughly and cover tray.
• Some pour hot water on the tray before covering it.
C. Rings
• Clean thoroughly and pour boiling water on them
(Irui Roschim).
D. C
andlesticks and Tray
Clean thoroughly and don’t wash in a Kosher for Pesach
sink (the same applies for flower vases that were on the
table during the year).
Kashering notes
Kashering (with the exception of libun
gamur) should be done before the
latest time to eat chametz. If this was
not done, ask your Rabbi or contact
Typically, it is not permitted to kasher a
meat item in order to use it for dairy, or
vice versa. However, once an item has
been kashered for Pesach, it may be
designated for either one.
Since kashering can involve boiling hot
water, red-hot burners or even a blow
torch, safety is an important concern. It’s
best to use protective gloves and tongs
while kashering. Children should be kept
away from the area in which you are
When in doubt, ask your Rabbi or
contact COR. Although this is an
important rule all year round, it’s crucial
when it comes to Pesach when the laws
are more complex and more stringent.
i t e m s t hat c ann ot b e k as h e r e d
Bottles with narrow necks
Food Processor
George Foreman Grill
Hot Plate
Plastic Tablecloths
Toaster / Toaster Oven
Warming Drawer
Wooden Cutting Board
These guidelines are for kashering
chametz items for Pesach use only. To
kasher items all year round that may
have become non-kosher (i.e. meat
utensil that absorbed milk), consult
your Rabbi or COR, as there may be
more leniencies.
Due to the complexities of the kashering
process, to the extent that it is feasible,
it is best to have separate items for
COR 2016-5776 passover guide 33
laws + guidelines
in a kosher kitchen, many types
of dishes and utensils must be
Immersing Dishes and Utensils in a Mikvah
ownershiP reQuirements:
The function of tevilat keilim is to
sanctify a vessel that is now owned
by a Jew. Consequently, if an item
was originally made by a Jew, and has
always been owned by a Jew, the item
would not require tevilah (immersion
in the mikvah). Conversely, if an item
is owned jointly or in a partnership
with a non-Jew, it would also not need
tevilah. If later the Jew becomes the
exclusive owner, the item would then
need tevilah.
Tevilat keilim is required only on
utensils that are considered klai achila,
utensils used for food preparation or
mealtime. Based on this classification,
a storeowner who sells these utensils
should not tovel them. This is because
the storeowner relates to them as klai
schorah, store inventory, and not as
klai achila. Once the customer buys the
utensil, the utensil is now considered
klai achila, and the utensil could now
be toveled.
Questions arise when sending a gift
if the sender could do the tevilah. As the
scenarios can be quite complex, one
should consult their Rabbi or contact
the COR, with his or her specific
utensil reQuirements:
We are required to tovel (immerse in
a mikvah) items that come into direct
contact with food during preparation
or mealtime. Oven racks generally do
not come into direct contact with food,
and would therefore not require tevilah,
but the racks from a toaster oven which
do directly touch food would require
To require tevilah, items must
be made of metal (aluminum, brass,
copper, gold, iron, lead, silver, steel,
and tin) or glass (including Pyrex,
Duralex, and Corelle). Wood, plastic,
rubber, and unglazed earthenware do
not require tevilah.
PrePAring the utensil:
In order for the tevilah to be valid, the
item must be immersed in the mikvah
waters without any interference.
The item must therefore be prepared
accordingly. All labels and stickers that
one plans to remove when using the
item must be removed before tevilah.
After the sticker is removed, any
residual adhesive that is left on the item
must be removed as well. On a practical
note, WD-40 and nail polish remover
are known to be effective in adhesive
removal. Also, if there are many items
to tovel, it is recommended to prepare
the items before going to the mikvah.
Generally, one must make a brachah
(blessing) before performing the mitzvah of tevilat keilim. One should hold
the item, or one of the items that is to
34 KasHRuTH COuNCiL OF CaNada | 416-635-9550 | WWW.COR.Ca
immersed in a mikvah before they
may be used. Tevilat keilim is
independent from kashering. the
basic difference between the two
is that kashering refers to various
methods of extracting or burning
absorbed substances, while tevilat
keilim is a ritual of sanctifying the
utensil. based on this discrepancy,
tevilat keilim has different
applications, requirements,
and guidelines than kashering.
be toveled while making the brachah. If
one item is being toveled the brachah is
“Baruch…asher kedishanu bemitzvotav
vetzivanu al tevilat keli.” If many items
are to be toveled the brachah changes
to “Baruch… asher kedishanu bemitzvotav vetzivanu al tevilat keilim.”
There are a number of items that
require tevilah however a brachah is
not said. This could be for a number
of reasons. For example, if there is
an uncertainty in halacha if an item
requires tevilah, then tevilah would be
done without a brachah. Many of these
items are listed in the chart on the next
tevilAh ProCedure:
It is preferable to wet one’s hand before
toveling the item, and if possible to
do this before making the brachah.
The item being toveled must be totally
immersed with the mikvah waters
touching the entire item both outside
and inside. The entire item must be
under water at one time and may not be
immersed in stages. One must be aware
when toveling many items simultaneously that the pile is not weighed down
in a way that water cannot reach all the
As with any matter in halacha, if a
question arises or if you need further
guidance, consult your Rabbi or contact
laws + guidelines
Aluminum pans
- to be used once
- to be used more than once
No Tevilah Required
Preferable to Tovel NO
No Tevilah Required
Tevilah Required YES
Can Opener
No Tevilah Required
Ceramic Dishes (i.e.: Coffee Mug)
Preferable to Tovel NO
Typical sandwich makers, hot
Preferable to Tovel NO
water kettles, and urns require
Cookie Cutters
Tevilah Required NO
tevilah. Discuss with your Rabbi
Cooling Racks
Tevilah Required
or COR how to practically tovel
Cork Screw
No Tevilah Required
Tevilah Required NO
Crockpot: Ceramic Insert
Metal Insert Glass Lid
Preferable to Tovel Tevilah Required Tevilah Required NO
Dish Rack
No Tevilah Required
Earthenware, non-glazed
No Tevilah Required
George Forman Grill
Tevilah Required YES
Tevilah Required YES
be ruined with tevilah. Taking
Hot Water Urn
Tevilah Required YES
this into account, there is a valid
Meat Tenderizer Hammer
Tevilah Required NO
halachic claim that tevilah is not
Meat Thermometer
No Tevilah Required
required. The best option in these
Microwave - Turntable Only
Tevilah Required YES
Mixer Beaters
Some of the most common
questions that arise pertaining
to tevilat keilim concern toveling
these appliances. For example,
how much of the appliance must
be immersed? Does the cord
have to be immersed as well?
When it comes to appliances
with a digital panel, i.e. a Keurig
coffee brewer, there is a greater
concern that these items would
situations is to free yourself of any
question with regard to toveling
the appliance. As mentioned in
- if to be used exclusively
the article, if an item is partially
Tevilah Required NO
Tevilah Required YES
require tevilah. Therefore, under
Oven Racks
No Tevilah Required
the circumstances, it would be
Tevilah Required YES
advisable to sell a percentage
No Tevilah Required
of the appliance to a non-Jew.
Popcorn Popper
Tevilah Required YES
Porcelain Enamel
Preferable to Tovel NO
Sandwich Maker
Tevilah Required YES
Spatula (metal)
Tevilah Required YES
Stoneware, glazed
Preferable to Tovel NO
No Tevilah Required
Tea Kettle
Tevilah Required YES
Teflon Coated Pots
Tevilah Required YES
Toaster Oven - Racks & Tray Only
Tevilah Required YES
with not yet edible food (i.e. dough)
owned by a non-Jew, it does not
- if to be used at times with already
edible food (i.e. ice cream)
to properly administer such a
transaction, talk to your Rabbi
or call COR to obtain a contract
which has been designed specifically for this purpose.
COR 2016-5776 passover guide 35
laws + guidelines
Shaimos Guidelines:
Discarding Holy Objects
As we clean for Passover, we
tend to use the opportunity to
The following are special status shaimos and should
be wrapped in plastic before being placed in shaimos:
de-clutter our homes as well.
• Tefillin, mezuzot, and megilot
We find that over the course of
The following are considered shaimos and should
not be discarded into the regular
garbage or the recycling bin:
the year we manage to collect
a sizeable collection of Torah
and mitzvah related material.
Since the Torah requires us to
treat holy writings and objects
with dignity even when they
won’t be used anymore, many of
these items cannot be thrown
out in the regular garbage. These
items, known colloquially as
shaimos, must be discarded in
the respectful manner that is
outlined in halachah. Many cities
have an organization that deals
with shaimos burial. People
collect their personal shaimos
materials and place them either
in a designated bin, or, as is the
practice in Toronto, wait for a city
wide shaimos collection. Just as
it is important to clarify which
items belong in shaimos, it is also
important to know what is not
considered shaimos, since there
are times that it is considered disrespectful to bury non-shaimos
with regular shaimos.
• Chumashim, siddurim, benchers, mishnayot, gemara, Torah
commentaries, Shulchan Aruch and Halacha seforim, etc.
• Covers of the seforim mentioned above
• Mezuza covers, tefillin straps, boxes and bags
• Paper that contains Hashem’s name
The following should be placed in shaimos or when
difficult it should be discarded
respectfully by wrapping them before
placing them in the recycling bin:
• Printed material which by their nature are not intended to be saved, i.e.
weekly Divrei Torah flyers, Torah articles printed in newspapers and
magazines. (The rest of the newspaper or magazine is not shaimos, and
should not be placed in shaimos.)
• Children’s Lemudai kodesh homework and parsha sheets
• Invitations that contain additional pesukim (verses) besides the
standard Od Yeshama
The following should be discarded respectfully by
wrapping them before placing them in the recycling
bin (if not accepted in the recycling bin then place
them wrapped into the regular garbage):
• Tzitzis, tzitzis strings, and talleisim
• Kippot
• Lulav, esrog, schach
• Tallis bags, tallis and tefillin plastics
The following are not shaimos and should
preferably be discarded in the recycling bin (if not
accepted in the recycling bin then place them into the
regular garbage):
• CDs, DVDs, tapes, computer disks that contain Torah shiurim
• Torah-themed projects and pictures – provided that no pesukim
(verses) are displayed
• Invitations that contain only the standard Od Yeshama and no
additional pesukim (verses)
laws + guidelines
Pet Food on Passover
(and Throughout the Year)
Although one is allowed to feed pets non-kosher foods, there are still kashrut issues that one
has to be aware of. Throughout the year, not only are we commanded not to eat foods that
contain a meat and milk mixture, one is also not allowed to derive benefit from them. Feeding
pets these foods is considered a derived benefit and, therefore, it is forbidden. On Passover, we
are commanded not to eat chametz, nor may we derive benefit from or own it. Having pet food,
which contains chametz in one’s possession during Passover, transgresses this prohibition. On
the other hand, it is permitted to derive benefit from non-kosher and, therefore, one is allowed
to feed pets non-kosher food.
Ashkenazi Jews who do not eat kitniyot are allowed to feed kitniyot to their pets on Passover.
The Torah’s prohibition of eating, owning, and deriving benefit from chametz is limited to the
five grains – wheat, barley, oats, rye, and spelt. As an extra safeguard, Ashkenazi Jews have been
instructed to avoid kitniyot as well. (See our article on kitniyot in this guide.) This safeguard
prohibits eating kitniyot, but does not forbid owning and deriving benefit from kitniyot.
Therefore, one may feed kitniyot to pets on Passover.
What should one be aware of when buying pet food?
Dogs and Cats
Throughout the year, one has to make sure that pet food with meat does not contain dairy.
When it comes to regular food, we are forbidden to have dairy mixed with any sort of meat
or poultry, however, with pet food it is only forbidden to have dairy mixed with beef. It is not
a problem if dairy is mixed with poultry, fowl, or meat from a non-kosher species (i.e. pork).
Therefore, if the label states “beef”, “lamb”, “meat”, or similar declaration it must not have
dairy ingredients. “Animal fat” should be considered an ingredient that cannot be mixed with
dairy. Whey and casein are some of the not-so-obvious dairy ingredients that could be found
in pet food.
For Passover, pet food cannot have chametz ingredients. Ingredients made of wheat, barley,
oats, rye, spelt, pasta, and brewer’s yeast are chametz. Also, note that “starch” could be wheat
starch and should be avoided.
Kitniyot ingredients are permitted. Common kitniyot ingredients are: beans, buckwheat,
corn, millet, peanuts, peas, rice, sorghum and soybeans.
Be careful with pet foods that are “gluten free” as they still might have chametz ingredients.
“Grain free” pet foods seem not to be a problem, but make sure to check the ingredient label.
COR 2016-5776 passover guide 37
laws + guidelines
FisH, BiRds, aNd smaLL aNimaLs
Feed for fish, birds, and small animals has its own
unique challenge as many feeds are grain based.
Reading the ingredient panel is imperative. Since some
people have difficulty finding suitable pet food, there
are those who make their own homemade “Kosher for
Passover” pet food. It is recommended to speak with
a pet food specialist for advice as to what to feed your
pets. It is also a good idea to start acclimating your pet
to its new Passover diet for a little while before Passover.
Also, beware that although some reptile foods are not a
problem, the feed might be packaged with oatmeal or
wheat flakes, which is chametz.
Below are a few chametz-free options:
the Kosher Pet Food
ten Commandments
1 Pet food may contain non-kosher
2 Pet food may not contain a mixture
of meat (beef) and milk. this applies
3 Pet food may contain a mixture of
pork and milk.
4 Pet food may contain a mixture of
poultry and milk.
5 During Passover, pet food may not
contain any chametz.
6 During Passover, pet food that is
spray millet for birds
alfalfa Hay and Cubes
chametz should be sold with the
rest of your chametz.
7 During Passover, avoid the following
ingredients: wheat, barley, oats, rye,
spelt, brewer’s yeast, and starch.
8 During Passover, pet food
may contain kitniyot.
9 During Passover, be careful
For Fish
(please read ingredients to verify that the pet food is
chametz-free. similar looking items might contain chametz)
While it seems like a good solution, it is not
simple to halachically avoid the issue by
giving your pet to a non-Jew for Passover.
If you wish to do so, you must discuss this
issue with your Rabbi.
As always, if you have any questions
about specific ingredients please call the
COR and we will be pleased to assist.
38 KasHRuTH COuNCiL OF CaNada | 416-635-9550 | WWW.COR.Ca
with foods for fish, birds
and small animals.
10 During Passover,
double-check the
ingredient panels
even if the food
is grain/gluten
laws + guidelines
Below is a list that addresses common scenarios
for those people who are not staying home for Pesach:
pRimARy Residence:
destinAtion (hotel):
If leaving more than 30 days before Pesach
(and not returning until after Pesach):
• If you brought in chametz: Bedika with
bracha required
• No bedika required
• Must sell chametz and must declare Kol Chamira
before the latest time for owning chametz on Erev
If leaving less than 30 days before Pesach:
• If chametz was not brought in: Bedika
without bracha required
Make sure that when selling chametz it will be
sold before the latest time for owning chametz
in the place that you are staying and that it will
be bought back only after Pesach is over for
you at the place where you are staying.
• Bedika required
- Must be performed by candlelight during the
night before you leave this location
- No bracha is said
- Kol Chamira is said, however, substitute
bershusi (in my possession) with bebaisa
hadain (in this house)
- [One could also appoint a shaliach (agent)
to perform the bedika on his behalf on Erev
-It is generally more appropriate not to
absolve oneself of the requirement to have a
bedika performed by selling the entire house
on the 13th of Nisan. In case of need, speak to
your Rabbi
When Flying:
Make sure that the kosher meal is certified
Kosher for Passover, and that the double
wrap of the hot airline meal is not pierced
(this applies all year, not only for Pesach). One
should not have any of the hot drinks, and you
should assume that the cold drinks are not
Passover certified, unless clearly stated that
they are.
in A hotel:
One should not use the coffee urn in the room
(or anywhere in the hotel) unless it is clearly
stated that it is certified Kosher for Passover.
• Must sell chametz and must declare the regular
Kol Chamira before the latest time for owning
chametz on Erev Pesach
COR 2016-5776 passOveR guide 39
laws + guidelines
Top Ten Questions from
the COR Passover Hotline
COR is pleased to answer questions from Canadian kosher consumers throughout the year. This
service is especially popular during the weeks leading up to Passover, as is evidenced by the over
5000 questions coming into our office during this time.
This COR Passover magazine can be used as a reference to provide consumers with much of the
information that is needed during Passover. However, many questions do come up, and we are
here to answer them. To contact us, call the COR Passover Hotline at (416)635-9550 ext. 100
or email us at [email protected]. You can also use our Text-A-Question service by texting your
question to (647)402-1910 for yes/no questions.
Here is a list of the more frequently asked questions from Passover 2015:
Do liquid eggs require KFP certification?
YES. Nutri Liquid Eggs from Supreme Egg Products carry a COR-P
for Passover and year round use.
May extra virgin olive oil be purchased without certification?
NO. We recently became aware of reports claiming that much of what is
being sold as extra virgin olive oil is actually diluted with cheaper sunflower or
canola oil. Indeed, an industry expert has gone on record saying that “75-80
percent of the oil sold in the U.S. does not meet the legal grades for extravirgin oil.” We are currently investigating these allegations but until we receive
conclusive evidence, we can only recommend extra virgin olive oil that carries
Passover certification.
Does lemon juice require KFP certification?
YES. But ReaLemon Lemon juice certified by the OU is acceptable for
use on Passover even without KFP certification.
laws + guidelines
does toothpaste
need to be chametz free?
Since toothpaste is
used orally, it should
be chametz free.
does deodorant need to be
chametz free?
Since it is theoretically possible
to distil alcohol found in liquid and
spray deodorants and restore the
alcohol to an edible state, such
deodorants should be chametz free.
do sliced raw
need kfp certification?
does frozen fruit need
kfp certification?
Any frozen fruit, whole or sliced, that is
unsweetened and without additives
(i.e. syrup, citric acid, ascorbic acid,
vitamin C) is acceptable without KFP
which coffees do and don’t require kfp certification?
A.. All regular ground coffees are acceptable for Passover use.
B. Decaffeinated coffee: Coffee is often decaffeinated by means of ethyl acetate, which is
derived from either kitniyot or chametz. Therefore, decaffeinated coffees are not acceptable
without Passover certification.
C. Instant coffees often contain maltodextrin, which is derived from either kitniyot or chametz.
Therefore, all instant coffees require Passover certification.
D. All flavoured coffee requires Passover certification.
Are the following kitniyot?
caraway • coriander • cumin • fennel
These items are not kitniyot. However, you have to make sure no foreign grain is mixed in.
Therefore, while you may use the whole grains, we don’t recommend using the ground
varieties of these products without Passover certification.
does frozen salmon require passover certification?
Frozen salmon requires Passover certification. In the
past, the OU has recommended a few frozen salmons
under their certification without special Passover certification. (Please call COR to verify if the OU will give
that endorsement this year as well)
Call the Kosher Hotline at
416.635.9550 x100
or email us at
[email protected]
We have answers.
COR 2016-5776 passOveR guide 41
STAY Tuned
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take out menu!
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Happy Passover
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Mitzuyan Kosher Catering
laws + guidelines
articles of faith
Teach Your Children
Who They Really Are
By Rabbi mordechai scheiner
hud cren hud uk ,jek tuck ohekt vxbv ut rntba vnf vbhfa hukd uz kusd truncu
ohkusd ohtruncu vhuyb gurzcu vezj shcu vnjkncu oh,puncu ,u,utc ,uxnc
redemption from Mitzrayim,
the Torah tells us that it was
performed through Hashem’s
“Strong Hand” vezj shc and His
“Outstretched Arm” vhuyb gurzcu,
thereby giving us a sense of the
nature of redemption. But what is
the connection between revelation
and redemption? Clearly strength is
required in order to redeem, but why
is G-d revealing Himself as an essential
part of taking ktrah hbc (Children of
Israel) out of Mitzrayim?
When Yaakov Avinu took his family
down to Mitzrayim, which ultimately
began the galus, Yaakov was extremely
afraid, even though he knew that this
was a necessary step for him to fulfil
the brachos of Avraham Avinu and to
inherit Eretz Yisrael. Nonetheless, he
was afraid that being in Mitzrayim, a
place of tumah (impurity), for so many
years, might prevent the Jewish people
from being redeemed. Indeed, we
know from the Arizal that the Jews fell
to the 49th level of tumah. The Torah
describes the Exodus as hud uk ,jek,”
“hud cren showing us that G-d had to
extract the Jewish people from within
the Egyptian nation. After 210 years
of integration into Egyptian society,
the Jews became part of their belief
system and culture, vsucg hscug ukkv
vrz vsucg hscug ukkvu vrz/
So Hashem told Yaakov, trh, kt
“vkg od lkgt hfbtu///ohrmn vsrn
- Do not be afraid… I will bring them
out.” The double language od lkgt
vkg means that G-d went down with
them to Mitzrayim and therefore
literally, “I will bring you up and go up
with you.” The Beis Haleivi explains
that “ktrah og una ;,ha v"cev”-
G-d’s name and the Jewish people
are eternally bound together. He has
revealed Himself to the world through
the ascendance of the Jewish nation.
If we have to go down to Mitzrayim, so
does Hashem and if He comes out, so
do we. If we fall into a lowly state, the
name of Hashem will be hidden from
mankind (as we have seen in so many
tragic periods in Jewish history), and
when G-d chooses to reveal Himself,
then we too will ascend to the loftiest
heights. This is the greatest assurance
that G-d gave us, that He is eternally
tied to the Jewish people, meaning
that He will not reveal Himself to the
world in any miraculous way except
through the Jewish nation. In our days
too, throughout this long and difficult
galus, this is a Divine promise - a
guarantee - that we will not be lost,
because Hashem will ultimately reveal
COR 2016-5776 passOveR guide 43
laws + guidelines
Himself to the entire world.
When we read the chapters
of the Exodus, we see two things
happening simultaneously. The first
is the redemption of ktrah kkf and
the second is the revelation that G-d
brought 's hbt hf gs, ,tzc- ultimately
they all saw clearly that there is no
other power in the world. These are
not two separate acts. Rather, the
redemption came about through the
Nonetheless, we can still ask, just
how did Hashem’s act of revealing
Himself contribute to redemption from
Mitzrayim? ChaZaL tell us, 's ,ufzc
uktdb ohrcs - we were redeemed in
the merit of 4 things: we did not
change our names, our language, our
mode of dress and we kept our family
purity. These correspond to the four
expressions of redemption h,ktdu
h,kmvu h,tmuvu h,jeku. Each one
was a way of preserving a different
aspect of the identity, dignity and
holiness of the Jewish people. This
prevented their total assimilation into
Egyptian culture, for if we identified
as Egyptians, we would not have been
able to be redeemed. Each makah
(plague) served as a way of dividing us
from within the Mitzriim (i.e. the same
drink was blood for the Mitzri but
water for the Jews) hf iugs, ignk
.ktrah ihcu ohrmn ihc 's vkph
There is a story of a certain Jew
from the famed city of Chelm, a welldressed businessman that we’ll call
Yankel. One morning, he was on the
way to immerse himself in the mikvah,
but as he was undressing a disturbing
thought came to him. What if someone
mistakenly takes his clothing? Might
he get confused and forget that he is
Yankel the successful businessman?
He came up with a plan: he tied a red
string around his toe to remember that
the man with the red string is Yankel.
But to his utter astonishment, as he
left the mikvah, the string fell off his
toe and got caught on someone else’s
toe. After a moment, Yankel went over
to this fellow and said “Excuse me, I
know who you are but please tell me
who am I”. Sometimes we identify
ourselves with external “clothing” –
in other words, outside values, that
are not who we are. Society does not
identify us nor do matzah balls or
gefilte fish, rather, our internal values
are who we are: ause hudu ohbvf ,fknn/
The G-dliness within us is our
essence -ofheukt 'sk o,t ohbc - we
are a holy nation and that is what
truly defines us. G-d took us out of
Mitzrayim by elevating us and making
us His holy nation. He redeemed us by
revealing Himself to us.
As we sit with our children at the
seder we can take the opportunity
to give them their most precious
possession: their self-identity. We
can teach them who they truly are
and where they come from, thereby
creating the next link in the eternity
of ktrah kkf. We cannot be absorbed
by the other nations because we are
bound together with G-d and He will
ultimately reveal Himself again and we
will all join together in Yerushalayim.
jnau raf dj
Rabbi MoRdechai scheineR is
an executive MeMbeR of coR’s
Rabbinical vaad haKashRuth,
and the Rosh Kollel of Kollel
ohR yosef, the thoRnhill
coMMunity Kollel
COR 2016-5776 passOveR guide 44
laws + guidelines
Benaya Yechiel Eshchar,
of Blessed Memory
By Rabbi Mendel Gansburg
k"z vhbc ,fxn ibn hab,, tk
here are forty Mesechtot (tractates) in the entire
Shas (Talmud). Some are longer, like Bava Batra
which contains one hundred and seventy-six
dapim (pages) while others are shorter, like
Makkot which contains only twenty-four. But each
is a complete section of Torah. Some are longer because their
halachot are more complex and require more expansive
explanation. It takes more time to arrive at their shleimut
(complete understanding). Others are smaller since their
laws are simpler and less complex. We are able to arrive at
their shleimut in a more straight forward manner. The life
of Benaya Yechiel Eshchar zichrono livracha (of blessed
memory), was a short volume. Indeed, he arrived
at his shleimut quickly, too quickly for us, in a
direct and straight forward manner. There is no
need to describe the life of our dear friend Benaya
z”l with too many words. His pure soul arrived
at its shleimut directly and without any detours
through his incredible sense of emunah (faith) in
Hashem gave me the zchut (merit) to be close to
Benaya z”l for the last four years of his life. In these
years, Benaya z”l was true to his name – he was
the son of Hashem (v-h ic) who built a house for
Hashem (v-hk vbc) in our city of Toronto. Benaya
z”l could use only 26% of his lung capacity, but with his supernatural strength, combined with the medical assistance
that he received, he built a house for Hashem by dedicating
himself to strengthening kashrut, with tremendous mesirat
nefesh (self-sacrifice), from the early morning until late at
Benaya z”l was appointed to the position of Mashgiach
for Bedikat Yerakot - checking produce for insect infestation,
in the south end of Toronto. Anyone who is familiar will
this position can attest that while the start of the day can
generally be predicted, the end of the day is consistently
unknown. It would always depend on how much produce
was required by the establishments on his route and how
infested the produce might be. There were many times that
Benaya z”l spent hours checking lettuce for insects only
to have to redo all of his work because he found one small
insect at the end of the batch. He would often work late into
the night in order to complete his daily route. In King David’s
eulogy of King Saul and his son Yonatan, he describes their
traits as urcd ,uhrtnu uke ohrabn. Like eagles who easily soar
to great heights and like lions the strongest in the kingdom
of animals. So were the traits of Benaya z”l.
Benaya z”l was an expert in his field of bedikat tola’im
– checking for insects. He was a pioneer in helping COR
develop faster and more efficient systems of ridding
produce of insect infestation without compromising the
quality of the final product. I remember sitting in a meeting
together with Benaya z”l and the senior Rabbonim of COR
and listening to Benaya z”l explain to them practical issues
with great clarity.
There are no words that can possibly be used to
accurately describe Benaya’s yirat shamayim (fear of
Heaven). All one had to do was look at his face to see a man
who was completely enveloped in G-dliness. Whenever
asked as to how he was doing and if there was any
progress in his health, even in the hospital when
he was in a weakened state, he would respond by
pointing upward towards Hashem in the heavens,
as if to say, it is all in His hands and no one else can
influence my fate. He accepted all of the pain and
anguish with complete love for Hashem. He saw
Hashem above him, in the purest and truest sense.
As his friend, I was heavily influenced by his yirat
shamayim to which I can only aspire.
Benaya z”l was a person who distanced
himself from kavod (honour). Everything he did
was quiet, sweet and with the utmost humility.
He loved his family deeply and was a devoted husband and
father. He loved people; his clients, his colleagues and his
friends. In the hospital, the angels from the community
would come and play music and sing for him. He asked me to
give each one of them a hug in appreciation of their selflessness as he was unable. He always spoke to others with the
greatest sensitivity possible. And the feelings were always
Benaya z”l was a person of complete truth who could
not tolerate any type of flattery, especially of himself and he
would not likely appreciate my writing about him in a public
forum. But I know in my heart that Benaya z”l would have
done anything to strengthen the emuna and yirat shamayim
of others around him. Therefore I pray and believe that his
memory will be a source of inspiration to his colleagues
at COR, his friends, those who knew him and the entire
community. We will miss you Benaya z”l. We will never
forget you.
/ibn hab,, tku k"z vhbc ,fxn lbn hab,b tk
Rabbi Mendel Gansburg is a Senior Mashgiach at
COR 2016-5776 passover guide 45
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articles of faith
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COR 2016-5776
2015-5775 passover guide 47
articles of faith
Must I wait six hours after
consuming ravioli or lasagna
that contains parmesan cheese prior
to eating meat? What about after
consuming Caesar salad sprinkled with
parmesan cheese?
and Answers
from the
Halacha Line
I drove my car into someone else’s
while attempting to parallel-park
and this caused a noticeable scratch
on his front bumper. His car was parked
on a busy main street in a legal spot
directly behind the spot that I was
trying to get into. I am wondering if I am
obligated to pay anything since everyone
who parks on a busy main street
understands that his or her car is a
target and may get hit in the course of
standard careful parking. Furthermore,
his car is not new and displays its fair
share of scratches which he has not
fixed. He tells me that he fully intends
to fix this scratch since in his opinion it
on it. But if the scratch is truly an
eye sore or if it might cause the car
to rust, then it must be repaired,
and you are liable to pay for the full
cost of repair. If it is not a scratch
that must be repaired then you are
not responsible to pay for the full
cost of repair, even if he decides to
repair it. Determining how much you
owe requires further assessment
and should be brought in front of
qualified Dayanim.
Someone who does not keep kosher
wishes to give me their used baby
high chair which has a plastic tray for
is an eye sore and feels that I should pay
eating. Can I wash the tray and then use
for the repair. The cost to fix this is $500.
it to give my baby kosher food?
Am I responsible or not?
Since it is not usual to place hot food
down on a baby high chair tray, it is
unlikely that hot non-kosher food
came into contact with this tray.
Even if it did, it would either have the
status of a kli sheini– whose ability to
render the tray treif is the subject of
halachic debate or perhaps the status
of davar gush whose ability to render
the tray treif is a chumrah. Therefore
kashering is not required al pi din.
Notwithstanding since the tray can
easily be kashered by pouring boiling
water over its entire surface, it is
worthwhile to do so.
Clearly, when attempting to parallelpark, one must proceed with extreme
caution and carefully determine
the position of the cars in front and
behind to protect against hitting one
of them. You were not careful and
are clearly liable for the damage that
resulted. That said, the amount due
is not as clear. Damage is typically
measured by the depreciation in the
value due to the incident. In this case,
the value of depreciation might be
minimal, probably less than the $500
that it would cost to repair, since his
car is used and has other scratches
Most authentic parmesan cheeses
are aged for six months and fall into
the category of gevina kasha whose
consumption necessitates waiting the
appropriate halachic waiting period -six-hours according to most customs
-- prior to consuming meat. Some are
of the opinion that this requirement
applies only if the parmesan cheese
is b’ayn – independently identifiable. If, however, it is melted into
a dish, the dish is called a tavshil
d’gevina, upon which, this opinion
requires only a one-hour waiting
period. Others do not differentiate
and are of the opinion that six hours
is required even after tavshil d’gevina.
In summary, you must wait six hours
after consuming salad sprinkled with
parmesan and it is recommended
that you wait six hours even after
consuming either ravioli or lasagna
that includes melted parmesan
which is not independently identifiable. In cases of necessity, you may
be lenient and wait only one-hour
after consuming ravioli or lasagna
that includes aged parmesan. It is
worthwhile to note that some establishments sprinkle Parmesan on
lasagna after it comes out of the oven
before serving it. In that case, the full
waiting period is required.
I go for massage therapy and
sometimes there are two people
working on me at the same time. I heard
that there might be a problem with this.
Is there any truth to this?
We are not aware of such a problem.
There is a practice not have two
people dressing someone, a child or
otherwise, as this is similar to how a
tahara is performed. There is also a
halacha which prohibits putting on
two articles of clothing together at
the same time although shoes and
rubber overshoes may be put on at
the same time.
articles of faith
a LOveLY sHiDDuCH Was suggesTed FOR
mY sON. THe giRL Has TWO Names, ONe
OF WHiCH is ideNTiCaL TO miNe. is THeRe a
pROBLem WiTH THis?
The famous last testament of Rebbe
Yehuda HaChassid states that one
should not marry a girl who has the
same name as his mother. While many
halachic authorities consider this
testament to be halachically binding,
others are lenient for individuals who
are not makpid. If she has two names,
one of which is not the same as yours,
then there is no problem, even if she is
called by the name that is the same as
yours. Some suggest that you ask your
son to call her by both names or by her
other name or even by a nickname,
especially in your presence so that it
should not sound like he is calling you,
his mother, by your first name.
i am THe OWNeR OF a pROFessiONaL
BusiNesses gROW. mY empLOYees aRe
assigNed speCiFiC BusiNess Cases TO
CONsuLT ON. THeY aRe paid BY THe HOuR
aNd i, iN TuRN, BiLL THeiR TOTaL HOuRs TO mY
CLieNTs. sOme OF mY empLOYees aRe JeWisH
WHiLe OTHeRs aRe geNTiLes. mOsT OF THem
WiLL WORK ON THeiR Cases ON sHAbbos
aNd yoM ToV iN THeiR OWN HOmes. WHiLe
appLiCaTiON, THeY WiLL dO MElACHos suCH
as WORKiNg ON THeiR COmpuTeR aNd usiNg
THe pHONe. is THeRe aN issue?
First and foremost, it is forbidden
to put another Jew into a situation
such that he would be desecrating
Shabbos or Yom Tov by working for
you. You have an obligation to tell your
Jewish employees, in no uncertain
terms, that they must not do any work
related to your clients on Shabbos
and Yom Tov. Regarding your gentile
employees, there is a prohibition
against hiring employees that are
paid by the hour to perform activities
that are forbidden on Shabbos and
Yom Tov on your behalf. This is true
even if you are not telling them to do
the work specifically on Shabbos and
Yom Tov and even when they have an
option to do the same work during the
week. That said your case may be an
exception. While it is not permitted to
hire a gentile to work by the hour on
Tefila (four sha’os zmaniyos after
Shabbos and Yom Tov, it is permitted
sunrise. Please consult
to hire a contractor, a kablan, who is for more
paid a set amount for the job, even if
details). If she cannot do so then she
he will perform melachos on Shabbos
may daven until chatzos hayom.
and Yom Tov. This is because the
work that he performs on Shabbos
dO TOOTHpasTe aNd mOuTHWasH Need
and Yom Tov is of his own volition and
a HECHsHEr? WHaT aBOuT “LisTeRiNe
for his own benefit since as far as you
are concerned he could do the same
Neither toothpaste nor mouthwash
work after Shabbos and Yom Tov. In
requires a hechsher. Both fall into
your situation, it appears that you
the category of shelo k’derech achilah
are paying an hourly wage in order to
which may be put in your mouth if you
determine how long the job will take
are going to spit them out. On Pesach,
but that you are essentially hiring the
it is advisable to be stringent with
employee to perform and complete a
regard to products that are used orally
job and therefore he has the status of
and it is recommended to use only
a kablan.
toothpastes and mouthwash that do
We might better understand this
not contain chametz. Some are careful
exception by using an example of a
all year round and use only toothpaste
lawyer who is hired to provide a legal
and mouthwash that do not contain
opinion. The lawyer is paid by the hour
glycerin. Listerine strips are edible
for his work but is hired to provide an
products that are ingested and require
opinion, in writing, on a legal matter.
a hechsher all year round to ensure
Let’s say that the lawyer spent several
that they do not contain non-kosher
hours researching the matter and then
informed you that he would not be
able complete the opinion for personal
reasons. It would not be acceptable
for him to bill for the time that he
spent researching the issue since; in
the end he did not complete the work.
He is, therefore, a kablan even though
he is paid by the hour. Similarly, in
your case, if your employee is only
paid on the condition that the job is
completed, then you can consider
him a kablan and it is permitted to
allow him or her to work on Shabbos
and Yom Tov if they choose to do so.
But you must be very careful
not to fall into a situation
where they must work
on Shabbos and
Yom Tov in order
to complete
o cal
their work by
e inv Line at:
an imposed
e Ha
is THeRe aN
issue OF sof
AiL i
A woman who wishes
to daven shachris
should ideally do so
before the sof zman
COR 2016-5776 passOveR guide 49
articles of faith
A Kosher Jew
in a Non-Kosher Workplace
By Rabbi Tsvi Heber
A guide for keeping kosher at the office –
both during Passover and year round
kosher observant Jew working daily in a
largely non-kosher world is often faced
with difficult, even awkward scenarios and
challenges. My esteemed colleague, Richard
Rabkin, shared a humorous (yet uncomfortable)
personal story that occurred to him at a job several
years ago, long before he took the reins of the COR –
Kashruth Council of Canada as its Managing Director.
Richard and his former group of colleagues sat down
together to a team building lunch. His considerate boss
had it catered kosher so Richard could join. Lunch was
enjoyable as they discussed important work related
matters including their strategic goals for the future.
As the meal came to an end, people started getting up
to leave. He said to his boss, “Paula, I have to recite a
prayer of thanks, so you guys can just go ahead and I’ll
catch up.” “Oh no,” Paula said. “Go ahead, we’ll wait.”
She motioned for everyone to sit down. “No really,
Paula, it takes a few minutes. Why don’t you guys just go
and I’ll catch up.” “Absolutely not!” she said resolutely.
“We’re going to wait for you to finish your prayer.”
Just when he thought that it could not get any worse,
Paula came up with an even better idea. “Actually, why
don’t you recite your prayer out loud? I think it would
be very interesting for us.” “Paula, I really don’t think
that’s necessary. It’s more of a private prayer,” he
pleaded. “You know, I think it would be a good team
building experience for the whole department to
become more familiar with some of your traditions,”
she said earnestly. He looked around and saw the other
faces of his coworkers nodding in agreement, egging
him on. So, in the boardroom on the 49th floor of the
downtown office building, surrounded by non-Jewish
colleagues, he began chanting the Birkat Hamazon -the grace after meals. “Baruch Ata Hashem, Elokeinu
Melech haolam...” Perhaps it was at this point that
Richard decided it was time to find himself a new job,
this time in a strictly kosher environment!
Amusing stories aside, and I am sure we all have
some of them, there are several kashrut challenges
that present themselves on a daily basis in non-kosher
office environments. Such challenges are even more
difficult to navigate during Pesach. The following
examples are some of the most common scenarios
that can present themselves year-round and on Pesach
in the workplace.
(Note: the term “year-round” refers to the rest of the
year excluding Pesach)
articles of faith
Lunchroom &
There are two concerns to address
regarding the non-kosher lunchroom
or cafeteria:
1. Eating Kosher (or Kosher for
Passover) food on a non-kosher
lunch table – It is permitted to
eat on a non-kosher lunch table or
cafeteria table provided that the
tablet is cleaned thoroughlyc and it
does not typically come into direct
contact with hot food.d That said,
common custom dictates that food
not be placed directly on the table
but rather on a separation such as
a tablecloth, placemat or even on a
plastic bag. This guideline applies
equally to year-round and Pesach.
2. Eating together with friends
or colleagues who are eating
non-kosher food or chametz
–It is permitted to eat together
with friends and colleagues who
are eating non-kosher food. This
is because there is no concern of
forgetting and partaking in their
food since we are accustomed to
avoiding non-kosher food yearround.s On Pesach, however, it
is forbidden to eat together with
friends and colleagues or even
together with strangersv if they are
eating bread or otherwise kosher
chametz; even if a heker (separating
object) is placed in between you and
Work Desk &
Since work desks commonly contain
crevices and cracks where bread
crumbs may become lodged, one
should not place kosher for Passover
food directly down on his or her desk
on Pesach. Instead, a separation
such as a cloth, placemat or plastic
bag should be used. Similarly, fridge
shelves are typically not very clean
and may contain residue from spills of
non-kosher food or chametz. As such,
neither kosher nor kosher for Passover
food should be placed directly on the
shelf of a fridge. Rather, food should
be kept in a bag and then placed in the
Kosher food should not be left
unsealed for long periods of time or
overnight in an unsecure environment
where others who do not keep kosher
have access. Rather, it should be sealed
in a manner that is easily determinable
in the event that the bag or food has
been tampered with.j
Microwave Oven
A microwave oven that is used
regularly for non-kosher food at the
office can be used for kosher food
year-round provided that the kosher
food is double-wrapped or more
accurately, double layered such that
there are always two separators
between the kosher food and the
non-kosher surface of the microwave
oven. If the kosher food is on a plate,
the plate can be considered one layer
separating the food from the bottom
of the microwave such that only one
additional layer in required underneath
the plate and two layers are required
atop the food. The reason for the
requirement of two separators is due to
the idea that non-kosher ta’am (taste)
does not penetrate two separating
layers provided that there is no liquid
in between the layers.y
This can best be accomplished by
placing the food into a Ziploc plastic
bag and then placing a second Ziploc
plastic bag over the first. If Saran wrap
is used then a single layer of Saran
wrap should be placed around the
food followed by a second layer to be
wrapped over the first layer. Be careful
to cut the Saran wrap in between the
first and second layers so that you are
not using one single piece of Saran
wrap to double-wrap the food but
instead two separate pieces of Saran
wrap.h Some are stringent and suggest
adding a third layer of separation
between the food and the non-kosher
surface of the microwave oven On Pesach, it is preferable
not to use the office microwave at all
to warm kosher for Passover
Notwithstanding, if you wish to use
the microwave on Pesach, you may,
provided that the additional third
separating layer is added.dh If this was
not done and the food was only doublewrapped and warmed in an office
microwave on Pesach, it is permitted
after the
A word of caution is necessary
when handling food that has been
warmed up in a non-kosher microwave
oven in the office or on an airplane and
especially on Be extremely
careful when removing the outer layer
and keep it away from the food prior
to opening the inner layer. The outer
layer is considered to be non-kosher
and may even have non-kosher food or
chametz on it. You must, therefore, be
careful to ensure that it does not come
into contact with the kosher food.
Spring Water
It is permitted to use the office’s
cold or warm spring water machine
year-round and even on Pesach if it has
no hot water spout.zy If the machine
has a hot water spout which can be
used by office staff to add hot water
to non-kosher foods such as soups
and noodles, for example, there is a
concern that the spouts may become
non-kosher. Notwithstanding, the
water machine may be used year-round
even to dispense hot water.zh On Pesach
such a water machine which has a
hot water spout should not be used
to dispense hot water,jh however it
is permitted to use it occasionally to
dispense cold water.yh
COR 2016-5776 passover guide 51
articles of faith
Urns & Kettles
Metal urns and kettles that are hot on the outside may become
non-kosher through coming into contact with non-kosher food or
with cloths that are dirty with food residue. Urns and kettles may
be used year-round, but may not be used on Pesach.f
Coffee, Coffee Makers & Keurig
When it comes to coffee and tea, it is important to differentiate
between the question of purchasing coffee and tea that has already
been prepared for the office staff; which takes on a lenient status;
and the question of preparing the coffee and hot water yourself for
your own use; which takes on a stricter
Year-round it is permitted to drink unflavoured coffee that has
already been prepared for the office and it is similarly permitted to
purchase unflavoured coffee and tea from a coffee shop or from a
non-kosher On
Pesach, however, it is forbidden
to drink coffee that was made in
a brewer at the office, in a coffee
shop and in a non-kosher establishment. To reiterate: one may
not purchase coffee or tea from
Tim Hortons, Starbucks or any
other coffee shop or non-kosher
establishment on Pesach.df
Coffee makers and coffee
machines that are used
exclusively for regular or decaffeinated coffee or with
kosher certified flavoured
coffees may be used to make
coffee year-round but may not
be used to make kosher for
Passover coffee on Pesach. If
such machines are used to make
uncertified flavoured coffee
then they may not be used to
make kosher coffee year-round.
Keurig machines that are used
exclusively with kosher certified
pods may be used year-round but
may not be used on Pesach.sf
Tsvi Heber
is COR’s
Director of
you shall tell your children
You Shall Tell
articles Your
of faith
How do our teachers
impart Jewish values
to the next generation?
COR writer Sari Cohen interviews
Jewish educators across Canada to find out
COR 2016-5776 passOveR guide 53
you shall tell your children
The Challenges and
Opportunities of Jewish
Education Today
Each generation has its own
unique opportunities. Torah
is more accessible and
available than ever before.
New literature will often
appear in Judaica stores
just in time for the holidays.
For Jewish families, Torah
resources are now within
reach. On the flip side, our
lives are also busier than
ever before. This can cause
a huge strain in our relationship with our children.
At Hebrew Academy in
Vancouver, we work hard
to engage parents as our
partners in their children’s
education. When we are in
touch with parents and do
not hear back from them,
we know it’s not because
parents don’t care about
their children’s schooling
but rather parents were
simply too busy to get back
to us right away.
An authentic parent-
child connection is being
inhibited by parents being
so busy. It is the curse
of our affluence, if you
will. We’re trying to keep
up with the Cohens and
this creates a society that
pursues materialism and
physical comforts. Children
often take a backseat
and we neglect them due
to our pursuits of these
comforts. It is no different
from a person who can’t
be kovea itim or set aside
time to learn Torah. He
would like to learn but is too
busy earning a livelihood.
No parent ever makes a
conscious decision to set
aside the needs of their
child. However, we find
ourselves so engaged in
providing for our children
and ensuring that they
have all of those creature
comforts that we lose sight
of what they really need, US!
In order to combat
this nisayon or challenge,
awareness of the problem
is the first step. An acute
awareness of our own
weakness or shortcoming
helps us to combat the issue
and allows us to slowly chip
away at the challenge. There
is always a struggle to stay
ahead of the crowd and
our relationship with our
children suffers because of
this. We need to treat time
with our children like we
Rabbi Don Pacht
Rabbi Pacht is the head
of Hebrew Academy in
Vancouver, British Columbia.
would treat time with our
boss, or even with more
importance. We should plan
a date and time to spend
with our children. If we
don’t put the date and time
on our calendars, we will
likely forget about spending
time with our children and it
won’t happen at all.
Imparting the lessons of
Pesach is replete with
many lessons. But one
lesson stands out to me
as, perhaps, the most
fundamental: Hakadosh
Baruch Hu runs the
world. Hashgacha pratis
or Divine intervention is
so evident in the story of
Yetzias Mitzrayim (Leaving
Egypt). Hashem told us
when He would take us
out of Mitzrayim. Rashi
says h,sep suep (G-d has
remembered) is a lashon,
an expression, given over in
the time of Yaakov Avinu,
then used by Yosef and
subsequent generations.
And then Moshe Rabbeinu
said it. Everyone knew there
was going to be a geulah,
redemption. Even Pharaoh
knew about it because his
astrologers informed him.
The prophecy of the geulah
was public knowledge.
In Mitzrayim, Hashem
sent plagues of fire and ice,
making His intervention
clear to Bnei Yisrael (the
Children of Israel). These
plagues solidified Bnei
Yisrael’s belief in Hashem.
Even by Krias Yam Suf
(splitting of the Reed Sea),
Hashem took care of every
detail. He provided Bnei
Yisrael with food and dry
land as they crossed the
Yam Suf. The pasuk quotes:
uscg vancu 'vc ubhnthu
(and the Children of Israel
believed in Hashem and
Moses His servant).
Hashem’s control is
felt all around the world.
Hashgacha pratis is in our
lives. We just have to find
it. Rav Aharon Kotler says
that even the sun rising in
the morning is a miracle
like Krias Yam Suf. We take
sunrise for granted because
each day, we see a rising
sun. It doesn’t cross our
minds that there would ever
be a day the sun doesn’t
rise. We can see Divine intervention in our lives if we
just take time to look.
Passing on Jewish Values
to our Children
I firmly believe that to pass
on values to your children,
you need to live your values.
Children may not do
what you say, but they
will do what you do.
There’s a famous Chassidic
story where a father goes
to the Rebbe. The father is
you shall tell your children
upset that his child isn’t learning Torah. The Rebbe
asks the father, “Do you learn Torah?” The chassid
answers, “No. I’m too busy making a parnassah
(living) to be kovea itim (set aside times for study).”
The Rebbe then replies, “Your son will be just like
you. He’ll also want his son to learn Torah.” We
need to take this message to heart. Our children
will inevitably do what we do.
When immigrants first came to America off the
boat, they could not find work or they would find
work and be fired because they couldn’t work on
Shabbos. Rav Moshe Feinstein explains that the
next generation went off the derech (strayed from
the religious path) because their parents would
always complain, “Shver tzu zein a yid, it’s hard to
be a Jew!” That’s the message children got from
their parents. Many people lack enthusiasm when
serving Hashem and this makes children question
their own connection to Yiddishkeit. That is why we
need to help our children understand the beauty of
Jewish values.
Why Pesach is so widely celebrated
D’var Torah
The recitation of the Haggadah begins with the well-known phrase
“Ha lachma anyah.” (This is the bread of affliction). The section
continues with a brief explanation of the origin of the Matzah and a
blessing of hope for the coming year: “hashata hacha, lishana haba
biara diYisroel. Hashata avdei, lshana haba bnei chorin”…This year
we are here (in exile), next year we will be in the land of Israel. This
year we are slaves, next year we will be free.”
In explanation of this passage, the 14th century Torah scholar,
Rabbi Dovid Abudraham, details the specific request in each phase of
this blessing. First, he offers, the Haggadah addresses our material
needs: “This year we are here in exile.” As such, you must rely on
others for your sustenance. Next year, you will be at home in Eretz
Yisrael where you will be master of your own domain.
The next phrase refers to the spiritual fulfillment that we yearn
for: “This year we are slaves…” Here Abudraham explains, while we
Pesach is understood to be the birth of the Jewish
nation. To some extent it is our shared suffering
that binds us together. Misery loves company.
We are unfortunately more likely to connect to
someone when we are suffering.
Some people today inherently feel disconnected from their Jewish community. Many people
are not actively engaged in Jewish traditions
such as celebrating Shabbat and Jewish holidays.
Celebrating Pesach is like receiving an invitation
to a class reunion. When you hold that invitation
in your hand, there is a warm sense and feeling
of belonging. On Pesach, we became the Jewish
nation. Pesach is an invitation to a class reunion.
Even families who are far away from Yiddishkeit
want to be a part of it.
may now be under the thumb of other regimes, we pray that in the
Tips to Engage our Children during the Seder
and shelter, can we begin to focus on personal and professional
There must be a thoughtful, pointed effort on the
part of parents to engage children at the Seder.
You really have to give it proper thought and
preparation. Part of engaging our children during
the Seder is the logistics and pre-planning so
children don’t get bored. It’s like being at a Shabbos
table and not singing zemiros (songs). Our children
would be bored out of their minds. We need to
engage children, each on his or her level, and help
children see the beauty of traditions.
Use time at the beginning of the Seder to engage
your children. Don’t wait until they have already
‘checked out’. You should understand the different
components of the Haggadah prior to the Seder
and allocate reading sections and questions to each
child. For example, one child can answer questions
about the Four Sons and another child can answer
questions about the Plagues. Find the areas and
ideas that you know will resonate with that child.
Allow your children to express interest and ask
questions throughout the Seder. Preparation
beforehand will go a long way.
coming year we will see the arrival of Mashiach who will free us of
any level of oppression.
Based on this understanding of the blessing, it is interesting
that the Haggadah places its emphasis first on our material needs
and only then the broader (and loftier) spiritual goal of reaching
the time of Mashiach and heightened spirituality. Perhaps, this is a
testament to a fundamental frailty of the human condition. If we do
not feel a sense of creature comfort, that our basic needs are met,
we are unable to set our sights on higher goals.
This is perhaps similar (lihavdil), to Dr. Abraham Maslow’s
Hierarchy of Needs. Dr. Maslow argues that only when we feel a
sense of security and safety, that our basic needs are met with food
Here, the Haggadah helps us to understand something about
ourselves. Only once we have satisfied our basic need of food and
shelter, will we strive for closeness to Hashem. This presents us with
a great challenge. We must be able to clearly identify the difference
between a ‘need’ and a ‘want’. We must be prepared to fight the
Yetzer Hara (evil inclination), who keeps telling us that our needs
are still not met, and that we must continue to toil in the mundane
before we can focus on the divine.
Perhaps this will be the year that we fully appreciate all that we
have, all that Hashem provides. We will be able to see beyond the
snares of our own material desires. If we are successful in doing so,
we may finally dedicate the necessary attention and effort to build
upon our special relationship with Hashem and bring about the final
COR 2016-5776 passover guide 55
you shall tell your children
Rabbi Chaim Greenwald
Rabbi Greenwald is the Menahel/Principal
of Akiva Academy in Calgary, Alberta
The Challenges and
Opportunities of Jewish
Education Today
One of the great challenges
I find today, is our inability
to view challenges as
opportunities. Parents
are often worried that
their children will be
negatively influenced by
their environment and
the people around them.
They are absolutely right
to be concerned and it is a
parent’s job to ensure their
child is in an environment
where he or she is able
to succeed. However, not
every situation is as bad as
it seems. Often, we need to
change our mindset to view
challenges as opportunities
for growth.
One of the challenges
that we face in a small
community such as Calgary
is small class sizes. Parents
are often worried that their
children won’t have a large
social network of friends
to choose from. However,
sometimes having a smaller
class size can be a great
opportunity for learning
critical life skills. Our
school has grown significantly in the past several
years but prior to that, we
had only three students in
the entire junior high. They
all came from different
backgrounds and naturally
didn’t all get along with
one another. Some days,
they came to school and
decided they were not
talking to each other. They
found they had literally no
one to talk to and became
miserable. After remaining
silent around each other
for a while, they realized
that they had to make
their friendship work if
they wanted to be happy.
They became close friends
in spite of their natural
differences and left our
school as lifelong friends.
What a great opportunity
this was for them to learn
how to deal with important
relationships such as with
a spouse, an employer,
and other partners! In a
large class, children may
not have this opportunity
since they naturally will be
friends with those they get
along with and can easily
ignore or not have to deal
with those that they do
not see eye to eye with.
When we are faced with a
nisayon or obstacle in life,
we should look at it as an
opportunity to grow.
Imparting the lessons
of Pesach
One of the most important
lessons that I try to share
with my students and
children is a lesson that
my father ingrained in me.
The fact is that in spite
of there being thousands
of religions in the world,
there is no other nation or
religion that makes a claim
that G-d revealed Himself
to the entire nation. We are
the only religion to claim
that G-d revealed Himself
to approximately 2 million
people at Har Sinai. The
reason I know this is true
is because my father told
me and his father told him
and parents wouldn’t lie to
their children. Many other
religions have leaders who
claim to have had a vision
or to have spoken to G-d,
but no one else was around
to witness these leaders’
claims and certainly not
2 million people. It is
impossible to make such a
claim since there would be
someone who would say it
is not true. We are unique
in our claim that Hashem
took our entire people out
of Egypt with miracles
you shall tell your children
D’var Torah
When Hashem punished the Egyptians with the plague of the death of the first born, the Pasuk says that for the Bnai Yisrael, no dog
barked. Later on, the Torah gives us a Mitzvah to feed a terefa animal to the dogs. Rashi tells us that this was a reward for being quiet
in Mitzrayim. We learn from here that Hashem gives reward to anyone, even an animal for the good that they do. The Daas Zekenim
Mibaalei Hatosafos suggests a different reason. He says that since dogs are usually used to protect farm animals from the wolves, even
though this time he failed in his job, we nevertheless must show appreciation to him for the protection that he gives. Here we learn
another important lesson. We are used to showing appreciation and giving thanks to those whose intentions and positive results we
appreciate. But what if they fail in their attempt to help us or do their job? Do we still give proper credit and thanks?
To use sports as an analogy: Imagine the field goal kicker who misses an easy extra point or field goal kick. Do we thank him for
all the times that he made the kick or do we show him the door due to his isolated poor performance? The Torah teaches us, that at
the time of his failure is precisely the appropriate time to show him how much we appreciate all the other times that he did his job
correctly. How much more so, the efforts of our family members, friends and teachers who selflessly try so hard to guide us and help us
be successful - they must be properly recognized and appreciated, regardless of the results.
and gave us the Torah
on Har Sinai. This is the
foundation of our mesorah,
our tradition, and it is of
critical importance to pass
it on from one generation to
the next.
Passing on Jewish Values
to our Children
The most effective way
to pass on Jewish values
is to model them for our
children and live the
lifestyle we want our
children to follow. Our
children are watching us.
We have an opportunity to
model good behaviour for
our children when we are
driving in the car. Do we
get angry when someone
cuts us off in traffic, do we
obey the law and rules of
the road? Do we follow the
laws of distracted driving?
When faced with challenges
of preparing for Pesach, do
we fall into the trap of shver
tzu zein a Yid - it’s hard to
be a Jew? Is that what our
kids are observing? Or are
they seeing our excitement
in fulfilling the mitzvos of
Yom Tov? Again, we need
to try as much as we can to
look at our challenges as
Why Pesach is so widely
People from so many
different backgrounds, by
and large, remember the
Pesach they celebrated with
their parents and grandparents. The toil of their
parents and grandparents
preparing for Pesach and
the effort they put into
making the Seder, makes
an indelible impression on
them, and that message
was passed on to their
Tips to Engage our
Children during the
Discuss ahead of time the
possible challenges that
might arise during the
Seder with your children,
especially grown children
who are bringing their own
children to the Seder. What
do they anticipate? What
do they want to get out of
the Seder? Failure to plan
is planning for failure.
Make sure your children’s
basic needs, like having
enough sleep and food, are
taken care of prior to the
To engage the children
at the Seder, my father
will leave the Seder in the
middle and come back
dressed up as Saba’s
Saba’s Saba, his ancestral
grandfather who actually
witnessed the redemption
from Egypt. My father will
put on a costume of a robe,
a white beard and walk
with a cane and relate the
story of Pesach as though
he were actually there.
This leaves a memorable
impression on me, as well
as on my children, who
remember Saba’s Saba’s
Saba a year later.
When faced
with challenges
of preparing
for Pesach,
do we fall into
the trap of
shver tzu zein
a Yid - it’s hard
to be a Jew?
COR 2016-5776 passover guide 57
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you shall tell your children
Rabbi Yehuda Oppenheimer
Rabbi Oppenheimer is the Menahel/Principal
of Bnos Bais Yaakov High School in Toronto, Ontario.
The Challenges and
Opportunities of Jewish
Education Today
One of the challenges
of today’s generation
is the overall lack of
respect, the respect that
was present in previous
generations. Recently, a
government inspector
entered a classroom at
Bnos Bais Yaakov and
the girls stood up for the
inspector. She remarked,
“I have never seen respect
like this before. Not
since I was in elementary
school.” We need to
make sure our children
maintain respect toward
parents and teachers in a
world that doesn’t value
respect. Children will
not internalize chinuch
(educational) lessons if
they don’t respect their
parents and teachers.
Another challenge is
how easily children are
able to access objection-
able material through
social media and the
Internet. Using Internet
without a proper filter can
interfere with a child’s
overall development and
spiritual growth. The
Internet can be compared
to a knife. Just like a knife
can be used for good or
bad purposes, the same
can be said about the
Internet. If you use a knife
to cut challah on Shabbos,
it’s a mitzvah. If you use
a knife to hurt someone,
chas veshalom (Heaven
forbid), it’s an aveirah
(sin). That is why you don’t
give your child a knife to
play with. On the contrary,
until you are sure that he
will not get hurt, you keep
your child far away from
knives. Treat the Internet
as a dangerous tool until
your kids are the right
age and can use it with
seichel (proper knowledge)
and maturity. We should
realize that although the
Internet is here to stay
and although we can use
the Internet for constructive purposes, we need
to be the right age and
have the proper maturity
level. Our responsibility as
parents is to teach children
to maintain kedushah
(holiness) in a world that
lacks kedushah.
Imparting the lessons
of Pesach
Ramban at the end of
Parshas Bo teaches us
that the fundamentals of
emunah (belief in Hashem)
were conveyed through
all of the miracles that
Hashem performed for us
in Mitzrayim (Egypt). Bnei
Yisrael (Children of Israel),
who witnessed these
awesome miracles were
commanded to relate these
events to their children,
as it is written, lbck ,sdvu.
Ramban adds that we can
attain the same level of
clarity of the generation
who witnessed Hashem’s
miracles by relating the
story of Pesach to our
children. As long as the
links in the chain of our
mesorah (Jewish heritage)
are strong, we can attain
the same level of clarity
that our ancestors had.
That being said, a
child can learn emunah
from his or her parents
or, chas veshalom, lack
thereof. When it comes
to displaying emunah,
parents must show
conviction. A child is
more likely to develop
emunah from home than
from school. In previous
generations, children
absorbed messages of
emunah from their parents
through osmosis. That
doesn’t seem to happen
anymore. Therefore,
parents must articulate
ideas to their children.
There is no better place to
articulate these ideas than
at the Seder.
Passing on Jewish
Values to our Children
Parents should work
on having a strong and
positive relationship with
their children. Teaching
children values will be
easier if children have a
good relationship with
parents versus a bad
relationship. If something
is wrong in the parentchild relationship, it is
largely the fault of the
you shall tell your children
The problem, though, is an obvious one. What about us,
living thousands of years later? If mankind needed to witness
these miracles so that the truth of these fundamentals could be
established, on what basis are we expected to believe?
The Ramban himself addresses this with a profound statement:
gar kf hbhgk rus kfc ,punu ,ut vagh tk v"cev hf rucgcu"
wubhbhg utr ratk ,utu iurfz shn, vagba ub,ut vumh wrpuf ut
.“iurjt rusk ovhbcu w ovhbck ovhbcu wubhbc kt rcsv eh,gbu
“Because Hashem will not perform miracles in every generation
to disprove every disbeliever, He instructed us to constantly
commemorate that which we saw and to convey it to our children,
who will transmit it to their children who, in turn, will ensure that
it is passed on until the very last generation”. The Ramban is telling
us that the same clarity achieved by those who witnessed the actual
miracles will also be attained by those who hear about them from
their parents, as long as the links in the chain of tradition are strong.
The fact that there are thousands of people today who believe
these basic concepts - Be’Emunah Sheleima - three thousand, three
D’var Torah
hundred and twenty eight years later, despite all the many alternatives presented during that time and despite the tremendous
suffering endured on account of these beliefs, is the greatest
testament to the veracity of the Ramban’s assertion.
“Stick to the Script!”
If a child, on a Sukkos night, were to ask his parents why
wherever there is doubt in areas of Emunah, the root must be traced
However, by inference, the Ramban is also telling us that
they are eating outside in the cold, the Torah does not
to a faulty link in the transmission of the story of Yetzias Mitzrayim.
instruct them how to answer. If, on a Friday night, he would
The proliferation of children with questions in areas of Emunah
ask about Kiddush, challah and gefilte fish, there is, likewise,
is a much discussed concern in the Chinuch world. The Ramban
no scripted answer provided by the Torah. If asked about
reveals the crux of the problem and the solution; the Pesach Seder
shofar on Rosh Hashanah, fasting on Yom Kippur, etc., the
provides us with the opportunity to implement it. But we must be
parents are clearly relied upon to present the answer of
careful not to veer off topic. On this night, regardless of one’s level
their choice. Certainly, the Torah does not mandate that the
of scholarship, the Torah demands that he stay “on script”.
ohgsuh ubkuf wohbucb ubkuf wohnfj ubkuf ukhptu)
(ohrmn ,thmhc rpxk ubhkg vumn - vru,v ,t
answer be tailored to the level of observance and intelligence of the child.
(z"f wu"f c"h /,una)
"///o,rntu - ofk ,tzv vscgv vn ofhbc ofhkt urnth hf vhvu"
We must retell the miracles of Yetzias Mitzrayim and stress their
There is a very specific answer that must be used. The various
conversation can segue into a detailed explanation of how and when
responses provided in different places throughout the Torah
each of the aforementioned Ikrei Emunah was demonstrated and
are not intended as an “answer bank” from which we may
proven). We need to imagine ourselves witnessing those miracles
Pesach is the exception. As it says:
intended purpose: ".rtv
crec 'v hbt hf gs, ignk". (Perhaps the
choose. On the contrary! Each is a customized response to
and learning from them the same lessons that our forefathers did.
differently worded questions, asked by different types of
(ohrmnn tmh tuv ukhtf unmg ,t ,utrk ost chhj rusu rus kfc) We
children. sjtu wofj sjt :vru, vrcs ohbc vgcrt sdbf")
("kutak gsuh ubhta sjtu wo, sjtu wgar Moreover, it is only
are required to stimulate our children to ask because when a child
on Pesach that we are instructed to stimulate the child’s
Only then will the message penetrate.
curiosity to ensure that he will inquire. We do a number of
strange things for no purpose other than to encourage his
this discussion the Torah does not allow for a “one-size-fits-all”
questions! Why?
response. If the intellectual child leaves the Seder under-stimulated,
The Ramban (z"y
euxp d"h erp ,una rpx) writes that
asks a question it means that he is bothered by his lack of clarity.
Most importantly, because of the fundamental importance of
the job has not been done. If a younger child cannot follow any
any confusion in areas of Emunah was permanently resolved
part of the discussion and, as a result, leaves the Seder uninspired,
by Hashem through the miracles that He performed at the
the job has not been done. If the Mussar is delivered to the Rasha in
time of Yetzias Mitzrayim. After witnessing those miracles
an ineffective way, the opportunity has been squandered. It is the
there was no room left for further doubt. The miracles were
responsibility of the Baal HaSeder to ensure that every participant
performed in such a way as to negate each of the many
leaves on a higher level of Emunah.
possible ideological mistakes.
Chag Kasher VeSameach!
COR 2016-5776 passover guide 61
you shall tell your children
parent, because he or she
is the adult in the equation.
Jewish values can’t be
passed on in a home where
there is ongoing conflict
or displays of hypocrisy.
As parents, we are far
from perfect. Being weak
in certain areas is fine if
a parent acknowledges
his weakness instead of
defending it. Should
he choose to admit his
weakness, he would not be
considered hypocritical. He
can tell his child, “Speaking
lashon hara (gossip) is bad.
I do it too sometimes. It’s a
challenge, but we can work
on it.”
As long as a parent acknowledges his weaknesses
in his avodas Hashem
(serving Hashem), he can
still teach his children
without being considered
hypocritical. A person is
commanded to educate his
children even if he is not a
tzaddik gamur (completely
righteous person.)
why pesaCh is sO widely
I speculate that historically, because the Torah
is especially machmir
(stringent) with the mitzvos
of Pesach, even Jews
who are less observant
want to take the time to
celebrate Pesach and keep
the traditions stated in
the Torah. As I mentioned
before, Ramban says that
during Pesach, the concept
of emunah was conveyed
through Hashem’s miracles.
Bnei Yisrael (Children of
Israel) developed such a
strong level of emunah
during Yetzias Mitzrayim
(redemption from Egypt)
that it became incumbent
upon Jews to pass on
these traditions to the
next generation, relate
the story of Pesach at
the Seder, and celebrate
the holiday of Pesach.
Celebrating Pesach today
is a link in the chain of our
mesorah that connects us
to our ancestors who left
Mitzrayim. Pesach is so rich
with tradition that even
someone who gives up a lot
of Yiddishkeit would still
want to hold onto Pesach.
Tips TO engage Our
Children during The
Each child should leave
the Seder feeling that his
or her level of intelligence
was addressed. Ask your
children questions geared
to their specific level. This
will help engage children
throughout the Seder.
When you preach, it’s like
throwing a ball against a
wall; it will bounce right
back. But when there’s a
hole in the wall, the ball will
go in. Similarly, when you
engage a child, you open
his or her heart and then
lessons can sink in. Before
the Seder, prepare tidbits of
information that children
can relate to. For example,
Rabbeinu Bachya says 900
million Mitzrim (Egyptians)
died at Krias Yam Suf
(splitting of the Reed Sea).
You can ask your child,
“How many Mitzrim do you
think died at Krias Yam
Suf?” They can then guess
the answer or even use
their imaginations. When
you tell your children the
right answer, this can open
up a whole new discussion.
Engaging your children in
conversation will foster
feelings of comfort. Your
children will want to ask
questions at the Seder. But
more than anything else,
it is important to make
sure children walk away
from the Seder with some
element of clarity regarding
the yesodos (foundations)
of Yiddishkeit.
62 KasHRuTH COuNCiL OF CaNada | 416-635-9550 | WWW.COR.Ca
you shall tell your children
Mrs. Sara Munk
Mrs. Munk is the Assistant Principal and Director of Judaic Studies at
Ulpanat Orot in Toronto, Ontario
The Challenges and OppOrTuniTies Of Jewish
eduCaTiOn TOday
Over the course of the last
few years, there has been an
emphasis on differentiated
learning, and the demand to
meet the various needs of
students in the classroom.
Students can be auditory,
visual, or kinesthetic
learners and the school
curriculum must cater to
all learners. The previous
educational system was
“sink or swim”, meaning
this is how we teach, take
it or leave it. But creating
a one-size-fits-all model
for students doesn’t work
anymore. Each student
has her or his own learning
style and as educators,
it is our responsibility to
ensure that we are not just
teaching, rather students
are learning as well.
We live in a generation
that epitomizes instant
gratification. This is a
challenge when it comes
to education, because
information can now be
found quickly. It used to
be that students would
struggle to find information
but students were willing
to go through the struggle
to reach their goals. Today,
students wish to bypass
the struggle and reach their
goals as easily and quickly
as possible. Because of this,
students can often struggle
with motivation and work
ethic. They are used to
having everything instantly
with information right at
their fingertips.
imparTing The lessOns Of
Pesach is essentially the
Jewish nation’s awareness
of Hashem’s existence in
their lives. In the 210 years
that Bnei Yisrael (Children
of Israel) were in Mitzrayim
(Egypt), Bnei Yisrael had
sunk down to the 49th level
of tumah (impurity). Bnei
Yisrael weren’t aware of
Hashem’s relevance in their
The Abarbanel
explains why Rav Yehuda
categorizes the 10 makot
(plagues) as
c"jtc a"sg l"ms. One of the
first times Moshe comes to
Pharaoh with the request
that he let the Bnei Yisrael
go, Pharaoh responds with
the following statements:
1. ukuec gnat rat 'v hn
(Who is this Hashem that I
should listen to Him?)
2. 'v ,t h,gsh tk
(I have never heard of
3. jkat tk ktrah ,t odu
(And also the nation of
Israel I will not send out.)
The Abarbanel explains
that each one of these is a
statement of heresy:
1. 'v hn (Who is Hashem)—
Pharaoh denies Hashem’s
2. h,gsh tk (I never heard
of )—Pharaoh denies the
hashgacha (Divine intervention) of Hashem.
3. ktrah ,t odu (And also
the nation of Israel)—
Pharaoh denies Hakadosh
Baruch Hu’s ability to alter
The Abarbanel explains
that the makot were
brought upon Egypt in
three groups to counteract
Pharaoh’s three statements
and to teach Pharaoh.
Pharaoh’s magicians also
denied Hashem’s existence
because they were able
to replicate the first two
makot. The magicians could
not, however, replicate
makat kinim (plague of lice)
and were forced to admit
thv oheukt gcmt (this is a
finger of G-d’s strength).
This was an acknowledgement of Hashem’s
passing On Jewish Values
TO Our Children
An effective way to transmit
Jewish values on Pesach
is by getting your children
involved. Have children
prepare for Pesach and
the Seder. This doesn’t
just mean spring cleaning.
I have a colleague who
prepares for Pesach by
decorating the house. She
recreates Mitzrayim in her
own house! For Krias Yam
Suf (splitting of the Reed
Sea), she puts blue paper
over the wall and her kids
create the fish. For Har
Sinai, she drapes a blanket
with flowers over chairs.
Each year, she assigns
every child a different
decorating job. One year,
my colleague created a
photo gallery with pictures
of the 10 makot her children
drew. Her goal is to recreate
the sequence of events
from Shibud Mitzrayim
(Enslavement in Egypt) to
Matan Torah (Receiving
the Torah). In a bag, she
keeps props, such as balls
for Makat Barad (Plague
of Hail) and sunglasses for
Makat Choshech (Plague of
Darkness), for a dramatic
presentation of the makot.
When it comes to Pesach,
my colleague says her
children know every detail
about the story of Pesach,
more than any other
holiday. This approach can
work well with younger
wish to bypass
the struggle
and reach
their goals
as easily
and quickly
as possible.
COR 2016-5776 passOveR guide 63
you shall tell your children
D’var Torah
In the Haggadah we read about the 4 sons. I
believe these 4 sons represent different students
we as educators encounter.
ofj- This is obviously the good, well-
natured student. Most teachers will prefer
teaching students who are bright and hardworkers. They can bring us the greatest sense of
satisfaction and are most receptive to what we
offer in the classroom.
gar- This is the cynical student who doesn’t
naturally buy in to what we teach. Their
behaviour can present challenges and bring
us the greatest sense of frustration. This may
be the adolescent who questions the value of
davening and the relevance of curriculum.
o,- These are the students who are most
likely to fall between the cracks. As an administrator I have to read through all report cards
before they are distributed to students. I once
For older children, you can put them
in charge of younger children. That is
a job older children are almost always
willing to do. Also, if teens have living
grandparents who can be present at the
Seder, it’s a tremendous opportunity
for teens to connect with the older
generation. Teens have a deep respect
for the older generation especially if
they are Holocaust survivors. When a
Holocaust survivor relates his or her
own personal story of liberation from
the concentration camps, it gives Pesach
a lot more meaning because a survivor
truly represents the concept of Me’avdut
Lecheirut (From Slavery to Freedom).
Why Pesach is so widely celebrated
Pesach has long been a tradition. This
shows us the power of tradition. There are so many
elements to Pesach that there is something for
everyone. Pesach is based all around a story. Pesach is
more about a story than any other holiday. Everyone,
regardless of religious level, has some affiliation to Pesach.
This shows us the power of a story. Stories have the ability
to unify people.
read a report card in which ten out of ten
Tips to Engage our Children during the Seder
teachers commented about the fact that she
It is incumbent upon parents to get children to prepare
for the Seder because only giving children passages of the
Haggadah to read at the Seder can be boring. Find a way
to harness your children’s strengths. Ask questions. For
example, Moshe says hng ,t jka, let my people go. This
statement is well known, yet not present in the Haggadah.
Ask your children why they think that is. Older children
also enjoy topics about leadership. Moshe’s name is only
mentioned once in the Haggadah. What does that tell us
about Moshe? What makes a good leader? Set grounds for
good questions and it is important not to repeat questions
that have already been asked.
Some other ideas include making your own games,
such as Pesach bingo or filling a jar with candy as a reward
system for younger children. As parents, we need to
broaden our horizons to what needs to be done and what
doesn’t in order to engage our children at the Seder. One
year, my little daughter wasn’t in the mood to participate
at the Seder. We had to think on our feet, so we took her
Fisher-Price mentchies and re-enacted Krias Yam Suf. She
loved it! You can’t always predict children. Remember, it’s
not just about what has to get done but also about what
your children want to do.
was quiet. As a mother of three quiet children,
I definitely don’t need all of my children’s
teachers to tell me that they are quiet. As
educators, it is our responsibility to find each
student’s area of passion. They all have one. It is
our job to discover it and develop it.
kutak gsuh ubhta- I believe these are the
students who we called “learning disabled”.
While kids have so many different ways of
learning, there are many who have a genuine
inability to learn the “regular way”. Again, it is
our responsibility to find the experts out there
who can help us understand the brains of those
who just don’t learn the way most other kids
All four of these students are our respon-
sibilities. We cannot pride ourselves on just
teaching the ohnfj. We have to self-reflect, dig
deep and find ways to love each one of those
that walk into our classrooms.
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you shall tell your children
Rabbi Shmuel Mellul
Rabbi Mellul is the principal of Academie Yeshiva Yavne in Montreal, Quebec.
The Challenges and Opportunities of Jewish Education
Some schools today make Torah
learning like a competition.
Torah learning is not like math
or science or any other secular
subject. The secular education
curriculum is based on how
much a student can achieve
academically. In the workforce,
our salaries are determined
based on how hard we work to
reach goals. Report cards reflect
a student’s academic strengths
and weaknesses. Academic
achievement effectively prepares
a student for a career in the
competitive workforce. But the
purpose of Torah learning is
not to prepare a student for the
workforce. Unlike the secular
education curriculum, which
is based on rewards for accomplishment, the goal of learning
Torah is very different. Rewards
for Torah learning are based on
the amount a student exerts
himself or herself to learn (Pirkei
Avot 5:26). The merit of Torah
study is awarded to those who
study Torah for its own sake with
no ulterior motives (Pirkei Avot
Therefore, the goal of Torah
learning should be appealing
to a student. Each student
should learn according to his or
her capability. Teachers have
to make Torah sweet for their
students, as every morning we
say in Birchot HaTorah, tb crgvu.
Exams shouldn’t be about how
much a student can accomplish.
Teachers should also mark
students according to how much
effort they put into their work
as well as class participation. It
is important that students are
encouraged to participate in
There are stories of students
who couldn’t make it to the next
grade, so they stayed behind a
grade and did not love Torah
anymore. Consequently, they
went off the derech (strayed from
a religious path).
In my generation, there
were no educational materials.
Our teacher taught only with
a Chumash. Today there is
more technology and materials
available to help teachers teach.
Because of this, I fear that there
is a risk of Torah becoming just
like any other subject.
Imparting the lessons of
Children learn better when
teachers and parents use a
question and answer method.
When a child asks a question,
you should answer him or her.
Also, we need to approach
Pesach with seder (organization), just like the order of kadesh
urchatz (kiddush and breaking
of the matzah) at the Seder. This
COR 2016-5776 passover guide 65
you shall tell your children
is just like Shlomo Hamelech (King Solomon) says,
“There’s a time and place for everything.”
On Pesach, we are told lbck ,sdvu, you should
tell your child (about the miracles that happened on
Pesach). Before you can tell it to your child, you have
to tell it to yourself. You have to convince yourself
(about the story of Pesach or any other subject)
before you can convince your child.
Passing on Jewish Values to our Children
Parents have to be an example to their children. You
cannot send your child to school if you don’t follow
the values or keep the mitzvot kept at your child’s
school. A child will see his parents don’t follow the
school and in turn, disregard the lessons he learns
at school. A son will imitate his father and a
daughter will imitate her mother. Education
must be a partnership between the parents and the
school. The school provides a child with learning
and the home is an example to the child.
Why Pesach is so widely celebrated
Pesach is widely celebrated because it’s not only a
chag (holiday) that you set the table and prepare
extensively for; It’s a holiday that is about the
child. Mah Nishtanah is essentially a conversation
between you and your child. Pesach is all about
the family sitting at the table and spending time
together. Pesach is a holiday that unites families.
You are more likely to able to teach the lessons of
Pesach to your child while the family sits together at
the Seder.
The previous generations used to sit together
with their children every night at dinner like
every day was Shabbat. This made an impact on
their children’s educations. Today, many people
are too busy to do this. On Shabbat, we have the
opportunity to sit and eat with our families and
talk to each other. We should at least use the one
opportunity we have to get to know our children.
Tips to Engage our Children during the Seder
You have to give your children tools. Give your
family the same Haggadah so you can all share
together. A child will often bring home her or his
own Haggadah from school. A child is usually
excited to share the contents of the Haggadah.
To engage children at the Seder, you can also give
children responsibilities. For example, one child can
be in charge of filling up the arbah kosot (four cups
of wine) at the Seder. More importantly, speak about
topics that your child will be interested in. Fathers
should prepare topics for the Seder long before
Pesach begins. It is important for fathers to make
the Seder interesting and not too long for children so
children don’t get bored. If you would like to expand
on certain topics, do so after the children have been
properly engaged at the Seder.
The Challenges and Opportunities of Jewish Education
The biggest challenge for our
children and other Jewish
children living in Nova Scotia,
is that we have is no Jewish
day school. There is an afterschool Talmud Torah, which
certainly is crucial and parents
make a commitment to ensure
their children attend. We must
maximize the time we have with
our children to educate them.
To combat the void of day school options,
Chabad has been innovative, creating a full-fledged
online day school for children of Shluchim (Chabad
emissaries), who don’t have chinuch (education)
where they live. The Shluchim Online School where I
teach, offers chinuch for children just like a standard
Chabad cheder.
It’s revolutionary. Lubavitch has always been at
the forefront of using technology for good things.
The Online School is live and interactive; students
and teachers see each other using Webcam and
must log into school at specific times. Once students
are logged into class, they no longer have access to
other Internet sites. I have taught students from all
around the world, from places such as Turkey, Chile,
Guatemala, Copenhagen, and Finland. My children
keep in touch with their classmates and want to go
to summer camp with these children, as well.
Chabad Shluchim will often go to a community
where there is limited Yiddishkeit and the online
school responds to this fundamental need. It is
noteworthy to point out that online afternoon
you shall tell your children
Mrs. Bassie Feldman
Mrs. Feldman is the fourth grade Chumash teacher and the seventh grade
Halacha teacher at Shluchim Online School. She also teaches third grade
Parsha and Sunday Preschool at the local Talmud Torah in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
school and a contemporary Jewish
Day School are also available for
remote communities that lack
them. These schools appeal to
various segments of a small Jewish
school must be reinforced at home.
It is important that a child goes to
a school that is in sync with what
he or she sees at home. Inevitably,
our children will learn from our
Imparting the lessons of Pesach
Why Pesach is so widely
One lesson you can learn is that the
word Mitzrayim, (Egypt), comes
from the word Meitzar, which
means limitation. Each of us has
our own limitations when it comes
to Yiddishkeit. Pesach teaches us
to reach beyond our limits and
our comfort zone to increase our
observance of Torah and Mitzvot.
Passing on Jewish Values to our
We are all different and have our own
set of values. Passing on values to
our children starts from the home.
There is no greater reinforcement
or lesson for a child than what she
or he sees at home. When parents
show a commitment to Jewish values
and heritage, as well as love and
enthusiasm for Yiddishkeit, it is immeasurable. As parents, we send our
children to school where knowledgeable teachers educate our children.
The lessons our children learn at
Essentially, a Jew celebrates Pesach
because he or she has a neshama
(soul). We all feel connected to our
great, great-grandparents until Moshe
Rabbeinu. On a practical level, a lot
of family memories are associated
with celebrating Pesach . To most
people, Pesach is a holiday that
contains fond memories of how their
grandparents imbued the holiday
with many customs and traditions.
New generations of grandparents
should make an effort to restore
the enthusiasm and values of past
generations. Today’s grandparents
need to take on the roles of their
Zaidy and Bubby.
is running late. A theme of Pesach is
lbck ,sdvu. Essentially, our children
are the continuity of Yiddishkeit.
Relate to each child on his or her
own level (as the message of the
four sons). Tell the story of Pesach
to each child in a way he or she
can understand. Know your child’s
strengths and capabilities and work
within them to ensure a successful
and meaningful Seder for the whole
a Jew celebrates
Pesach because
he or she has a
neshama (soul).
Tips to Engage our Children
during the Seder
Many children come home with
divrei Torah (Torah thoughts) to
say. Be patient and attentive to their
education and input even if the Seder
COR 2016-5776 passover guide 67
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you shall tell your children
hat is it that makes children internalize the lessons
that their parents taught them? We spoke to three sets
of parents and children where the children
have followed in the footsteps
of their parents to find out.
COR 2016-5776 passOveR guide 69
you shall tell your children
ews of all stripes know that Passover is a time for passing down our traditions from
one generation to the next. This is not done out of some sort of vague sense of
nostalgia - the Torah tells us “and you should tell your children” (lbck ,sdvu) – it’s in
our spiritual DNA.
So what is it exactly that makes children internalize their parents’ lessons? To help answer
that question, we spoke to three sets of parents and children, where the children followed in
the footsteps of their parents, whether in their professional or communal life.
Rabbi Tzvi Rosen
and Rabbi Dovid Rosen
rAbbi TZvi rosen
rAbbi dovid rosen
70 KasHRuTH COuNCiL OF CaNada | 416-635-9550 | WWW.COR.Ca
rabbi tzvi rosen, is a Kashrus administrator at star-k kosher
Certification based in baltimore, maryland and his son rabbi
dovid rosen, is a rabbinic Coordinator at Cor - both are
involved in kosher supervision, serving their communities. how
rabbi tzvi rosen got started in the kosher world is actually an
interesting story.
when he first started out as a young rabbi, rabbi tzvi
rosen was a member of a kollel in new orleans. at the time
in the 1970s, there was little available in terms of kosher food.
rabbi rosen’s kollel was learning the halachot (laws) pertaining
to beignets or french-style doughnuts and they realized
that eating these doughnuts may pose problems due to the
absence of bishul Yisrael (Jewish involvement during baking).
rabbi rosen took it upon himself to approach the
proprietor who baked the beignets and asked if he could turn
on the ovens, thereby satisfying the requirements of bishul
Yisrael and the proprietor was happy to comply. from then
on, rabbi rosen was a permanent fixture at the establishment
whenever oven flames needed turning on.
shortly thereafter, rabbi rosen moved from new orleans
to birmingham, alabama, where he served as a pulpit rabbi.
it was during this time that he received a call from rabbi
Greenblatt in memphis asking if he could begin making
kosher inspections at the sunnyland refinery. rabbi rosen was
basically the only orthodox rabbinic presence in alabama, so
he gladly obliged. as the need for kosher certification steadily
grew, so too did rabbi rosen’s roster of inspections on behalf
of different kosher agencies.
but while rabbi rosen’s education in the kosher industry
grew, his children had already outgrown the Jewish education
options available to them in birmingham. sending the children
away to school in different cities didn’t appeal to the rosens.
fortunately, in a chance encounter with rabbi benjamin
shandalov of the Chicago rabbinical Council, rabbi rosen
you shall tell your children
learned of a job opening in st. louis, and in short order
became the executive director of the Vaad hoeir of st. louis,
also known as the “ov.”
rabbi rosen and his family remained in st. louis for
a number of years during which time rabbi rosen worked
hard to revitalize the ov and make kosher more accessible to
the local community. but as time went by, the rosens again
needed to have access to more advanced Jewish educational
options for their children. rabbi rosen called the star-k in
baltimore and the rest, as they say, is history.
reflecting on his many years in kosher supervision, rabbi
rosen relates, “some people move toward something they
have a penchant for. i definitely had an interest in kashrus and
i met with success. it was a good fit. Kashrus is not just a job.
it’s something you have to be passionate about.”
rabbi tzvi rosen’s son rabbi dovid rosen has followed
almost directly in his father’s footsteps. rabbi dovid rosen is
a rabbinic Coordinator at Cor. along with being responsible
for the kosher programs of a full roster of manufacturing
companies, he also answers consumer questions sent to
[email protected] as well as the text-a-Question text message
service. furthermore, he is Cor’s in-house Pesach expert. as
the saying goes, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
in 2007, rabbi dovid rosen moved to thornhill, ontario
to join the thornhill Community Kollel when it first began. in
2012, Cor had an opening for a rabbinic Coordinator and
rabbi mordechai scheiner, the Rosh Kollel, suggested that
rabbi rosen apply. “in a few short years, rabbi rosen has
become a critical member of our seasoned Cor team,” says
rabbi sholom h. adler, Cor’s Kashrus administrator. ”our
community is fortunate that rabbi rosen has become such a
valuable resource.”
was rabbi dovid rosen groomed from a young age for
a career in kashrus? not so, says his father. “i did not groom
dovid to be involved in kashrus,” says rabbi tzvi rosen. “his
Rosh Kollel saw in him strengths to be a kashrus administrator.
i only ingrained in dovid the primacy of torah, being a talmid
chacham, and being a mensch. dovid took those strengths and
became a kashrus administrator.”
rabbi dovid rosen describes his father as a mensch and
as someone who is very personable. “being involved with the
community was something that was taught to me from the
home,” says rabbi dovid rosen. “our sense of responsibility
was home-grown because my father was part of the rabbinate
and liked communal work.”
“dovid and i are cut from the same cloth,” says rabbi tzvi
rosen. “i’m a people person and feel comfortable dealing with
the community. i learned at the chofetz chaim Yeshiva. my
Rosh Yeshiva, rabbi henoch leibowitz, always taught me that
my actions should disseminate torah.” rabbi tzvi rosen taught
his son the importance of displaying kovod haTorah (honour of
the torah) by wearing a suit and tie and looking professional
and put-together on the job. this is just one lesson amongst
many that rabbi dovid rosen carries with him during his work
at the Cor.
rabbi dovid rosen and his rebbetzin Chaya are now
fortunate to pass on the many lessons they learned from their
parents to their children. they make sure that their kids gain
a sense of communal responsibility by being involved at shul
and setting up for Kiddush. the rosens also welcome guests
from different walks of life to their shabbos table. “the most
important thing for parents to do is set an example for their
children,” says rabbi dovid rosen. “lessons are imparted
through being an honest example.”
As The locAl rAbbinic FAMilY, The rosens oFTen
seT An eXAMple reGArdinG JeWish liFe.
COR 2016-5776 passOveR guide 71
you shall tell your children
Mr. Saul Sigler z”l, Mr. Marvin Sigler,
and Mr. Moshe Sigler
for generations, the sigler family has been instrumental in moulding the infrastructure of religious life in toronto. saul sigler z”l moved to toronto in the
1930’s and rose to a position of leadership in a number of crucial Jewish organizations in the city. for example, he and his father-in-law, moshe sigal z”l,
worked together to found the toronto hebrew day school, known today as
associated hebrew day school, the first Jewish day school in toronto.
saul was also involved in establishing Cor. saul and his brother-in-law
meyer Gasner served as presidents at shaarei shomayim Congregation in
the 1950’s. meyer was disturbed by the amount of treif butchers who
were calling themselves kosher. in fact, he convinced the organized
Jewish community to conduct a study of the matter and they found
that over half of the meat being sold in toronto was actually treif!
saul and meyer sprang into action. they approached the Canadian
Jewish Congress and initiated an effort of lay leaders and rabbis to
create a kosher certifying body that would be accepted across the
community. the organization was called the “Vaad hakashruth
of the Canadian Jewish Congress of the Central region” and the
rabbinic committee was called the “Council of orthodox rabbis”
which is where the “Cor” logo comes from. when meyer stepped
down, saul took over the Chairmanship and he was passionately
dedicated to the cause as he believed that availability of reliably
kosher food would increase the observance of kashrut.
in addition to saul’s work at Cor, he, along with others,
recognized the need for a yeshiva high school in toronto. the
yeshiva would provide its students with both a strong Jewish and
secular education and would be open to the entire community. the
result was Ner israel Yeshiva. saul was active in every facet of the
yeshiva’s administration for many years. saul sigler passed away in
march of 1989, leaving behind a family of children, grandchildren, and
great-grandchildren, who are all dedicated to Jewish observance and
serving the community. the toronto Jewish community we enjoy today
would not be the same without his dedication and self-sacrifice.
saul’s son, marvin sigler, took up where his father left off. marvin served
as president of the Clanton park shul and as vice president of Ner israel Yeshiva.
he also currently is the Co-president of Eitz chaim schools.
35 years ago, marvin became involved with Cor, first as the Cor representative for the Clanton park shul, and eventually, following in his father’s
footsteps, he assumed the role of Chairman.
during marvin’s term as Chairman, the kashruth Council of Canada was incorporated as its own legal entity, separate from the Canadian Jewish Congress.
processes were professionalized and the community’s kosher standards and
practices were enhanced. marvin and the rest of his colleagues on the board, as
well as the rabbis on the rabbinical Vaad hakashruth and the internal staff have
developed Cor into one of the most highly regarded kosher certifiers in north
72 KasHRuTH COuNCiL OF CaNada | 416-635-9550 | WWW.COR.Ca
you shall tell your children
clockWise FroM Top leFT:
Mr. sAUl siGler Z”l,
Mr. Moshe siGler And
Mr. MArvin siGler
“because i grew up in a home that was involved with communal needs, it is
dear to my heart,” says marvin. “my mother established the ou, ontario Chapter
of women’s division, women who encouraged supermarkets to carry kosher
foods and strove to create awareness of kosher products.
“serving the community was already in my blood,” adds marvin.
Kashrus is an important objective to bring to the community. that is the
driving force for me to continue what my father started. my father was
Chairman after my uncle. naturally, i had an interest.”
marvin grew up in a home that fostered communal responsibility and marvin and his wife continued that tradition in their home.
and the message appears to have been transmitted to the next
the siglers have a daughter who runs a children’s gemach
(Jewish free-loan fund organization) with a friend, a daughter in
new York who is involved with her children’s school’s mother’s
association, as well as a son who is involved in kiruv (outreach)
through aish haTorah
haTorah. their son, moshe, is very active in a
number of community causes including at Cor where he serves
as treasurer and executive member of the board of directors.
the spouses of each of marvin’s children are also involved with
community service.
moshe recalls growing up with Cor as his family was instrumental in its founding. when the opportunity to be involved
with Cor presented itself, moshe seized it. he started as a Cor
representative for Toras Emeth (viewmount) Congregation,
became an executive member, and then treasurer.
“serving the community is how i grew up,” moshe
comments. “i never thought otherwise. this is how i was raised. You
live in a community and you have to do something to help out. my
father was always involved with the community and his example drew
me in that direction.”
despite coming from an illustrious family, moshe says he was never
told to be involved with the community. “we never got a speech. through
my father’s actions, i saw how important being involved with the community
was. i admired what he was doing. he transmitted his values by his actions.
“i never saw my grandfather active in the community. he passed away when i
was 15 years old. but hearing about my grandfather today gives me a sense of pride
and a desire to follow his path.”
moshe’s wife and children run one of toronto’s bridal gemachs. recently, moshe’s
daughter ran the Bikur cholim blood drive. moshe, his wife, and his children continue their
grandfather and great-grandfather’s legacy even today.
COR 2016-5776 passOveR guide 73
you shall tell your children
Mrs. Alliette Ponte and Mr. Jack Ponte
“when i was young, i always said i would never go into the food business or marry an electrician. i did both,”
quips leChaim Caterers owner mrs. aliette ponte.
leChaim Caterers has been serving the kosher community since 1976. founded by mrs. aliette ponte and
now under the leadership of her son mr. Jack ponte, leChaim Caterers is one of the longest standing and most
respected kosher catering companies in the toronto. they also happen to be one of Cor’s staunchest supporters,
mrs. ponte points out.
leChaim Caterers sends pre-packaged kosher meals to hospitals, airlines, jails, and other institutions, as well
as catering private parties, bar mitzvahs, weddings, and shivas. mrs. ponte credits her success in the catering
business to her late husband. “he pushed me,” says mrs. ponte. “he said, ‘you have the brain, so i’ll push you.’”
it all started when mrs. ponte was called to make a bar mitzvah for her friend’s son. with no prior experience
in catering or party planning, mrs. ponte singlehandedly pulled off a successful event. then, mrs. ponte organized
her niece’s engagement party, which was also a hit. people started taking notice. they said things like, “maybe you
should do this a living.” initially, mrs. ponte hesitated, but after being told by many people that this was indeed
her calling, including her husband, she acquiesced.
at first, she started freelancing, organizing house parties or events at the toronto zionist Centre. then, mrs.
ponte went to work for the monte Casino place banquet hall for five years on contract, working only on sundays
and weekdays. but because people never made parties on weekdays, mrs. ponte had trouble making a living.
instead, she took a job at beth david synagogue on Yeomans street . mrs. ponte hated leaving her family alone
every weekend, so she opened her own retail store. but she didn’t enjoy that either. from there, she went into the
catering business and it’s been 40 years and she hasn’t looked back.
25 years ago, mrs. ponte’s son Jack joined her at leChaim. at the time, Jack was in the travel business and
felt it was time for a career change. “it was time to move on,” says Jack. “my mom was running the business all
on her own. i spoke to her and i thought it would be interesting to work in the family business. it’s an interesting
dynamic because you’ve got to respect your mom. she’s not like any other person you work with.”
but the respect comes easy. at 80 years of age, mrs. ponte still comes to work every day to
help her son. “we get along great,” mrs. ponte comments. “we’ve never had a problem.”
offering kosher food and helping others keep kosher is important to leChaim
Caterers. “i keep kosher at home,” Jack explains. “that alone inspires me to want to help
others be able to keep kosher—especially when costs of kosher food are increasing.”
mrs. ponte’s hard work, dedication, passion, and love for her work inspired her
son to follow in her footsteps. “keeping kosher is tradition,” says Jack. “keeping the
faith is important because it’s becoming harder to inspire the next generation to
keep kosher.”
Jack also passes on the traditions and values he’s learned from his mother
to his children. in their younger days, Jack’s children would go with him to
synagogue and get involved with Purim and chanukah synagogue parties. no
doubt Jack’s children have learned about serving the community from their
grandmother and father’s selfless examples.
74 KasHRuTH COuNCiL OF CaNada | 416-635-9550 | WWW.COR.Ca
Proprietors, Parents and Passover
articles of faith
Parents and
COR certifies a number of manufacturing facilities that are
Jewish-owned. A few of these proprietors sit down with COR
and share lessons learned from their parents, what values they
emphasize to their children, and their favourite Passover memories.
By Sari Cohen
Giraffe beverages
Owner Ari Powell says that being kosher is not only something that is done to
meet customer needs, but also serves to connect him to Jewish tradition.
Giraffe foods is a private label manufacturer
(a company that produces goods on behalf of
another entity) of sauces, dips, salad dressings,
and soft drink concentrates. their products are
distributed to a variety of foodservice chains,
restaurants and grocery stores throughout
north America and around the world. What
differentiates Giraffe foods from its competitors though is the company’s
flexibility and creativity. the development process is innovative, developing
new products, flavours, and new ways of creating product formulas.
Everything from the product to the packaging is developed with a
customer needs in mind.
Because there is high consumer demand for kosher products,
maintaining kosher product lines is important to Giraffe foods. As a Jewishowned company, being kosher is not only something that is done to meet
customer needs, but also serves as a connection for the company’s owner to
his Jewish tradition.
When reflecting on the company’s working relationship with COR,
Giraffe foods company owner Ari Powell comments, “it has been great.
We’ve been with COR ever since we started. the people at COR are helpful
and available. it has been a great experience for us with no problems and a
leSSoNS aRi leaRNed fRom hiS PaReNtS
oR GRaNdPaReNtS:
“One of the main things my father always
said was, ‘work on making money rather
than saving it. Spend money today to make
money tomorrow.’”
valUeS aRi imPaRtS to hiS childReN:
“I have an 11-year-old son and a 12-year-old
daughter. My wife and I impart to our
children values of honesty, integrity, and
overall, maintaining good values. It’s
important to always be true to yourself and
aRi’S favoURite PaSSoveR memoRy:
“Passover to me is all about the family
getting together, not just coming together as
family, but being in good company as well.
“I recall in my childhood, my parents’
family and friends would get together for
the Passover seder and have a good time.
Passover to me was everyone being in one
place and having fun. Finding the afikomen
was also a highlight.”
aRi’S favoURite PaSSoveR memoRy that
iNvolveS a PaReNt oR GRaNdPaReNt:
“All the Passover memories put together
make special memories. My father would
lead the seder, going through it very quickly.
I remember as a young boy trying to keep up
with him. It wasn’t easy but I would try.”
bit of learning along the way.”
COR 2016-5776 passOveR guide 75
Proprietors, Parents and Passover
G l o b a l B o t an i c a l
Company owner Joel Thuna says that while none of his employees are
Jewish, they all wear their COR kosher certification as a badge of pride.
Global Botanical or Purely Natural, as consumers know them, is
an herbal manufacturing company that produces natural health
products. Global Botanical, a fourth generation family-owned
and run business, has been manufacturing products since 1864;
and one of the things that makes them unique is that they
supervise the production process, from the seed to the finished
According to Global Botanical’s owner Joel Thuna, being
kosher certified is important for a wide spectrum of consumers,
not only those who are Jewish. Consumers respect kosher
certification because they know the high standard associated
with kosher. In fact, no one working at Global Botanical is even
Jewish, yet everyone takes pride in the fact that the company
is COR certified. Being kosher is seen as a badge of pride. Joel
Thuna, comments, “Working with COR is one of our bright spots.
Being kosher is all about quality control and we are impressed.
COR comes in and they are realistic. Our plant sources are usually
kosher, but we don’t cut corners. Rabbis actually explain the
rationale behind their decisions. Because they explain themselves,
this helps us help them inspect us!”
“The lines of communication are always open. This helps us
avoid frustration. Before we look to make a product, the rabbi
comes in to speak with me. We also discuss future products and
possible concerns. Our products are different than most. We
not only have to get our products approved by COR but also by
Health Canada and an organic agency.”
Lessons Joel Learned
from his Parents or
“I learned from my
grandfather that in life
you’ll meet people from
every race, country,
and religion. Some are
good and some are bad.
Spend time with those
who are good.”
Values Joel
Imparts to his
“The biggest thing
my wife and I try
to instill is not
prejudge people. Let
people prove their
worthiness or lack
thereof. Everyone is
Joel’s Favourite Passover Memory:
“My mother used to do the Passover
seder for the entire extended family,
about 35 or 40 people. My siblings
and their kids, great-aunts and
great-uncles and their families,
and grandparents would come. It
really struck me that out of all the
concerns my mother could have,
her main concern was whether or
not there would be enough wine for
the blessing.”
Joel’s Favourite
Passover Memory that
Involves a Parent or
“No matter who was
at our table, no matter
what level of observance
someone was, we would
try to include everyone.
We wanted everyone to
feel part of the seder.”
Proprietors, Parents and Passover
Company owner
Nick Feldman says that
both Jewish and
non-Jewish consumers
have confidence in
natur-a products thanks
to COR certification.
leSSoNS NicK leaRNed fRom hiS
PaReNtS aNd GRaNdPaReNtS:
“I learned to be fair, flexible, and
valUeS NicK imPaRtS to hiS
“Don’t be a pushover and hold
your ground. Be a nice person
but be stern because we live in
a hard world. When you have
a belief, hold your ground.
My parents taught me that. I
teach my kids to be a leader,
not a follower, and to not be
influenced by people who are
not on the right track.”
NicK’S favoURite PaSSoveR
“When my great-grandparents
were alive, it was back in the
90’s. It was very rare to have
great-grandparents. We used
to go out of our way to make
sure everyone would attend the
Passover seder, no matter where
they lived.”
“My father’s cousin owned
a building with a beautiful
room that accommodated 100
people with a table shaped into
a U. The whole family came
for Passover and we were 100
people. We would all
recite the passages from
the Haggadah. Family
members, as well as
extended family and
friends, used to come out
of their way for my greatgrandparents. As a kid,
I remembered being in
this beautiful room with
100 people. I was amazed
because it was grandiose
for me.”
NicK’S favoURite
PaSSoveR memoRy that
iNvolveS a PaReNt oR
“I remember my
grandmother from my
father’s side used to
make a nice Passover
seder meal that included
turkey with stuffing and
gravy. It was delicious.
When my grandfather
was alive, he used to run
the Passover seder. He
unfortunately passed
away when I was young.”
natur-a is a dairy-free beverage manufacturer that produces a variety of almond,
soy and rice milks. These dairy alternatives
that are lactose-free and vegetable-based,
which offers a great alternative to a host of
consumers; not just the lactose intolerant,
but also for those who are watching their
cholesterol, looking for pareve (non-dairy/
neutral) products, or just want to live a
healthier lifestyle overall.
in fact, kosher and natur-a products
go hand-in-hand! Having a non-dairy
alternative that wasn’t kosher and pareve
would defeat the purpose for so many of
their consumers. Kosher certification also
provides credibility – a stamp of approval
of sorts, which is an added advantage.
Both Jewish and non-Jewish consumers
have confidence in natur-a products thanks
to COR certification. natur-a owner nick
feldman comments, “Working with COR
has been excellent. they are flexible and
good to work with.”
Call the Kosher Hotline at 416.635.9550 x100 or email us at [email protected]. We have answers.
COR 2016-5776 passOveR guide 77
Proprietors, Parents and Passover
sol cuisine
Company owner Dror Balshine says that Sol Cuisine
has been COR certified for so many years that the
Kashruth Council of Canada have naturally become
part of his team.
Sol Cuisine is a recognized Canadian manufacturer of soy-based and soy-free vegetarian and
vegan products sold to retail, foodservice, and
private label markets in Canada and around the
world. Sol Cuisine produces several varieties of
veggie burgers, falafel with tahini sauce, veggie
breakfast patties, as well as artisan organic firm
and sprouted extra firm tofu, tofu ribs, veggie
crumbles, and a full line of meatless chicken
and beef flavours. Most retail products are also
available for the foodservice market as well. Sol
Cuisine’s dedicated team of product developers
take pride in continuing to meet the needs of their
private label customers.
A COR kosher certified company for decades,
Sol Cuisine is also vegan, non-GMO project verified,
certified gluten-free, and SQf certified (a globally
recognized food safety standard). Additionally, Sol
Cuisine carries several certified organic products.
Due to a growing consumer demand for local
ingredients, Sol Cuisine has committed to using
locally sourced ingredients when possible. Sol
Cuisine maintains a unique approach in developing
their products, using only clean ingredients, and
meeting current consumer trends.
Being kosher has always been important to
both Sol Cuisine and their customers. in fact it
is a requirement for many of their commercial
customers to have a kosher certificate prior to
even dealing with Sol Cuisine. Sol Cuisine company
owner Dror Balshine comments, “Our working
relationship with COR has always been pleasant
and seamless. We have worked with COR for so
many years that they are naturally part of our
team. We are a vegetarian company with no dairy
or meat in our facility. However, there are always
things that need attention and planning. COR is
very responsive and knowledgeable.” the kosher
program Sol Cuisine follows has served them well
and will continue serving them well in the future.
78 KasHRuTH COuNCiL OF CaNada | 416-635-9550 | WWW.COR.Ca
leSSoNS dRoR leaRNed fRom hiS PaReNtS oR GRaNdPaReNtS:
“One of my fondest memories was helping my father deliver dairy
to grocery stores in Israel. He would tell jokes and kibitz with the
shop owners, who were all close friends.”
“One of the many lessons I learned from my parents and
grandparents is the importance of working hard. With knowledge,
a positive attitude, good family and friends, anything is possible.
The support, patience, and understanding my parents offered
me, I offer to my family, local employees, and community. It can
be hard to remember these lessons when things become chaotic
and seemingly out of control, but when I have time to take a deep
breath and reflect, I feel the importance of the people around me
and understand that they support me.”
valUeS dRoR imPaRtS to hiS childReN:
“I tell my children if they try hard and focus, anything is possible.
My wife and I spend time with our children and impart ideas
of tzedakah or charity, respect for others and yourself, and the
importance of a good education. We try to instill in our children
a love for Israel and Jewish culture by sending our children to
Jewish Day School as well as celebrating Shabbat and chagim as
a family.”
dRoR’S favoURite PaSSoveR memoRy:
“Growing up in Vancouver, my mother was a Hebrew teacher and
songs were an important part of our seders. We would often have
a large gathering of people and read the whole Haggadah in both
English and Hebrew. My father would lead the seder and I got to
sit next to him and allocate the reading sections to everyone. My
mother’s brisket and matzah balls were obviously the best!”
dRoR’S favoURite PaSSoveR memoRy that iNvolveS a PaReNt oR
“When I was young, we celebrated a few Passovers in Israel. My
grandfather was a hero figure for me. I have fond memories of
my grandfather leading the seder and hiding the afikomen under
his chair. After he hid the afikomen, he would show me where it
was. I was his only grandson out of eight grandchildren. We had a
special relationship.”
Proprietors, Parents and Passover
Sweets from the Earth
Company owner Marc Kadanoff says being kosher was never an afterthought,
but rather, was baked into the essence of what Sweets from the Earth represents.
Sweets from the Earth is one of Canada’s first all-natural vegan
bakeries that was founded over 13 years ago. Their products are
handmade in small batches, using only the finest plant-based
ingredients. In fact, many of Sweets from the Earth cakes, cookies,
bars, and squares are “free”, be it from dairy, eggs, sesame, peanuts,
nuts, wheat or gluten. Sweets from the Earth creates high quality
and healthy desserts with customer preferences, concerns, and desires
in mind. You can find their products at your local grocery store, or
favourite cafe or restaurant.
When Sweets from the Earth decided to apply for kosher certifica-
tion, it was primarily for personal reasons. As a vegan company, the
transition was fairly easy, as all of the company’s ingredients are already pareve (neutral). Being kosher validates what
Sweets from the Earth already does on a daily basis. The process controls and a documented food safety program already
in place incorporate most of the kosher specifications and guidelines. Being kosher was never an afterthought but
rather baked into the essence of what Sweets from the Earth represents. Sweets from the Earth owner Marc Kadonoff
comments, “COR has been a fantastic partner both in our quest for Kosher certification and the ongoing process of
kosher program maintenance and adherence. When becoming kosher certified, all we experienced was COR’s support
and determination at every level of our organization. COR has been a pleasure to work with and always very clear about
expectations and guidelines. Mutual respect goes a long way. Having both parties on the same page makes things easy.”
Lessons Marc Learned from his
Parents or Grandparents:
“Being partners with a sibling in
business has many advantages,
especially because we come from
a house where our father was a
successful entrepreneur. We learned
these lessons at our dinner table!”
1. Treat all stakeholders fairly.
2. A
lways continue to improve
your internal systems and
3. N
umbers are important but far
from everything.
4. I nvest back into the business
to ensure growth and further
5. Quality control is an investment,
not a cost.
Values Marc Imparts to his Children:
Marc’s Favourite Passover Memory:
“Fairness has always been an important
lesson. Treat people like you would like to
be treated. It sounds so easy, but rarely is,
and must constantly be kept in mind.”
“Don’t be afraid to try. When you try,
always give it your best. If you never fail, it
means you are not taking enough risks.”
“Remember where you come from no
matter where you end up. See charity and
helping those who are less fortunate as
more important than buying the latest
“We learned all these lessons from
our parents and grandparents and from
growing up in a Jewish home. Our culture
and values have shaped who we are
“Our seders were always a large event
where we had a chance to reconnect
with our extended family in a relaxed
and spiritual setting. Our discussions
were great but my favourite part of
the seder was always opening the
door for Elijah.”
Marc’s Favourite Passover
Memory that Involves a Parent or
“A cherished memory was when our
Zaidy used to run our seders. He
always had an interesting take on
something each year and we never
knew what to expect.”
COR 2016-5776 passover guide 79
Proprietors, Parents and Passover
Victory’s Kitchen
Company owner Allan Kliger says that the pressure of performing the Ma Nishtana when he was a boy taught him to
go outside of his comfort zone -- a skill which eventually helped him in business.
Victory’s Kitchen manufactures quality
Lessons Allan Learned from his Parents or Grandparents:
kettle-cooked and “spoonable” products
“There aren’t any separate rules for business and personal life;
they are all one. Integrity is all you have. Live and breathe it all
the time. You have only one good name.”
“My father operated honestly and with integrity toward
others and doing so made it simple for him to know what to do
in business. People responded to him glowingly. You need to
love what you do and love working with others. That is the key.
Otherwise why are you in business? You should be in business
because you want to connect with people, exchange ideas, and
“Business is not a sprint but a marathon. It’s a race that runs
over a course of years. Work hard. Times aren’t always good but
they can get better. Believe it.”
such as soup, stews, sauces, dips, glazes,
and marinades. The company is also a
private-label supplier. They offer
commissary services, flexible manufacturing amounts, current technology, and
innovative product ideas. Food operators
with signature recipes, who wish to
improve the consistency of a food or
simplify the development process, seek
Victory’s Kitchen’s services.
Victory’s Kitchen pride itself on being
attuned to their customer’s needs. The
company develops products and profiles
that keep up with the trends of today’s
market, with their goal being to provide
fantastic tasting kosher products. For that
reason, being kosher certified is important
to the company. Kosher consumers put
their trust in Victory’s Kitchen who in turn
put their trust in COR to oversee their
kosher program so that the community
can have the utmost faith in their
About the company’s working relation-
ship with COR, Victory’s Kitchen company
owner Allan Kliger comments, “We have
a symbiotic relationship. We enjoy our
COR colleagues as people. They are hardworking, responsible, and responsive.”
Values Allan Imparts to his Children:
“Life is about family. Family is love and love is family. My father
would always think about the future when sharing lessons with
me. It was important to him to have a system in his life that
his family would be together for Shabbat dinners and Jewish
holidays. Jewish holidays to me are warm, loving, and emotional
times that are meaningful to me and my family.”
Allan’s Favourite Passover Memory:
“I was the youngest and got to read the Mah Nishtanah, Four
Questions. Part of me was excited but nervous too. I was
reading because my parents wanted me to. I felt anxious but
wanted to make my parents proud at the same time. It was both
a burden and a source of pride. These experiences push you to
develop confidence and break through barriers and go beyond
your comfort zone. This helps you later in life when doing
Allan’s Favourite Passover Memory that Involves a Parent
or Grandparent:
“I remember being in the kitchen and watching my father
making charoset from scratch, with his big hands stained from
red wine. Making our own charoset was a family tradition. ”
“My mother did the home-cooking. Of course, her matzah
balls are delightful and more flavourful than anyone’s.”
behind the cor
articles of faith
The story behind how COR facilitated the availability of kosher
for Passover liquid eggs for Canadian kosher consumers.
As Passover approaches, COR receives
thousands of questions on its questions
hotline including inquiries about which
products can be purchased without
a special Passover certification. COR
dedicates resources to extensively
researching this topic in an effort to
try and bring down the cost of making
Passover. Likewise, the COR team also
spends time researching products that
they certify which might be suitable for
a COR-P designation for Passover and
year round use, such as Redpath Sugar
and Windsor Salt, whose certifications
have been switched to alleviate the
need for special Passover runs.
Last year, Passover 2015, one particular question kept coming
up; “Do liquid eggs need Passover certification?” The answer is
yes, because liquid eggs contain citric acid and other possible
additives that are not kosher for Passover. There are also
machinery concerns. “One does not know if there is shared
equipment with non-Passover ingredients,” says Rabbi Sholom H.
Adler, COR’s Director of Industrial Kosher.
Consumers were asking where they could purchase Kosher
for Passover liquid eggs. COR searched for a Kosher for Passover
liquid egg brand in Canada but could not find any to recommend.
After Passover, COR looked through their own certified
companies and found Supreme Egg Products, an egg company
that COR had just converted into all year round Passover certification. The only problem? Supreme Egg Products were mainly
sold on a large industrial scale with quantities in 20 kilo drums,
which would obviously not be suitable for household consumers.
Richard Rabkin, COR’s Managing Director, contacted the
Supreme Egg team: Frank Femia, Phil Carnovale, and Fabio
Iatorno. They had a meeting and Richard explained the kosher
community’s need for liquid eggs and the team was happy to
oblige. Supreme Egg Products even had a consumer-sized liquid
COR 2016-5776 passOveR guide 81
behind the cor
egg product they had been selling, but mainly in Asian supermarkets. It seemed as though all they had needed was
someone to make the shidduch (connection) with the kosher
“Over the last number of years, we at Supreme Egg
Products received a number of inquiries from the Jewish
community, asking where they can purchase our products
not only during the Passover holiday but all year round,”
says Fabio. “We at Supreme Egg understood the void in the
market for Passover liquid eggs and were thrilled when
Richard Rabkin at the COR got in touch with us. We are
delighted that the Jewish community will finally be able to
purchase a Kosher for Passover product all year round!”
But in order for the liquid eggs to get to end consumers,
COR needed another “ingredient”: a distributor. Enter
Michael Nadler of Central Epicure. Central Epicure, a manufacturer of fish and fish products, is also under the supervision
of COR. Because of Central Epicure’s relationships with both
smaller kosher retailers and big box retailers, the company also
acts as a distributor for other products.
Richard called Michael and explained the situation. The
idea intrigued Michael, so Richard set up a meeting at the COR
office between himself, Michael from Central Epicure, and
Fabio from Supreme Egg Products. By the end of the meeting,
they had a deal!
“We are always pleased to help
bring items to the public that allow them
to celebrate and enjoy holidays together
with their families while observing
traditions,” says Michael. “We have
always tried to find products that fit a
need that was not being serviced yet.
Nutri Liquid Egg Whites, Kosher for
Passover fit that need perfectly. So this
year, when you are planning how many
dozens of eggs you will need to make all
of your Passover food, we’re happy to
help you come out of your ‘shell’ and get
down to cooking!”
As a community organization, COR looks for every
opportunity to make things easier for people to keep kosher.
COR realizes that Passover is an expensive time of year and
they have been working hard to reduce costs for consumers.
COR hopes that Supreme Egg’s Nutri Liquid Whole Eggs and
Liquid Egg Whites will make this Passover just a bit easier!
“We are always
pleased to help
bring items to the
public that allow
them to celebrate
and enjoy holidays
together with
their families while
observing traditions,”
Cakes, Cookies & Bundts!
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82 KasHRuTH COuNCiL OF CaNada | 416-635-9550 | WWW.COR.Ca
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behind the cor
the kashruth Council of Canada (Cor)
is well known for its certification on
How Your Questions
Get Answered
A behind the
scenes look
at the COR team
who answer
your questions.
food products and establishments across
Canada and beyond. but Cor is also
known for something else: answering
questions. the Cor staff answers kosherrelated questions all year round but in
the weeks leading up to passover last
year, they answered a staggering 5000
consumer questions. have you ever
wondered who answers these questions
and how it all works? Cor writer, sari
Cohen, takes you behind the scenes to
speak to the people who answer your
WHEn YOU EnTER THE COR OFFICE, Esther Scheer, administrative assistant, greets you.
Esther and her fellow administrative staff members in the front office, Albina Aminob and Barbara Bar-Dayan
are the first line of question answerers. The administrative team has a database of over two thousand
frequently asked questions and more often than not, a question has already been asked before. “You know
what they say,” Esther says, “There’s nothing new under the sun.”
Of course, if there are any questions that require psak, a halachic ruling, Esther passes the question on to
one of the Rabbis.
RABBI DOVID ROSEn The Rabbi who is generally responsible for answering the COR questions
hotline is Rabbi Dovid Rosen. Rabbi Rosen answers the “Ask the Rabbi” emails that get sent to questions@cor.
ca as well as the “Text-a-Question” messages. Throughout the year (not on Passover), Rabbi Rosen receives
about 25 questions a day. “What I find fascinating,” says Rabbi Rosen, “is the broad range of questions that
we receive; from the straightforward to the complex, from across the Jewish spectrum: from those who have
been keeping kosher their whole lives to those who just decided to kasher their homes - and there are many
questions from the non-Jewish community, as well.”
When asked if COR over gets overwhelmed by the amount of questions that need answering, Rabbi Rosen
responds, “COR has many years of experience and the know-how to weather storms, we never feel burdened,
on the contrary, it is our privilege. Answering community questions reminds me that we are helping the
kosher community and it energizes us to continue serving the community.”
In addition to answering questions, Rabbi Rosen also serves as a Rabbinic Coordinator, or RC, and is in
charge of the kosher programs in many of COR’s certified manufacturing facilities. Each day he visits a few
companies and inspects the ingredients being used. Occasionally, he will kasher equipment from dairy to
pareve (neutral) or from non-kosher to kosher. Rabbi Rosen’s extensive background in industrial kashrut is an
asset for answering community questions.
COR 2016-5776 passOveR guide 83
behind the cor
at the other end of the office is rabbi
tsvi heber, director of Community kosher, who also answers a number
of questions from the community. Cor has two major divisions. the
industrial division is headed by rabbi sholom h. adler and deals with
factory-packaged foods such as ketchup, soft drinks, potato chips, and
the like. the food service division is headed by rabbi heber and deals
with restaurants, caterers, bakeries, and other similar local establishments. perhaps it is because he is on the ground interfacing with kosher consumers every day that rabbi heber receives so many questions
from the community. in fact, he estimates that he spends around two
hours per day answering consumer questions.
in addition to answering questions and being responsible for the food
service division, rabbi heber also provides services for the community,
such as kashrut demonstrations, bug-checking courses, kashering
kitchens, or speaking at shuls and schools around the city. when asked
if his schedule ever gets a little too hectic, rabbi heber responds with
a smile, “when you work for the benefit of the community, you don’t
watch the clock. it’s an honour.”
“When you work for the
benefit of the community,
you don’t watch the clock.
It’s an honour.”
hW at is an
The mashgiach, or kosher supervisor, is the face
of COR. It is through a mashgiach that community kashrut services are
carried out. The mashgichim are on the front lines interacting with kosher
consumers every day, often answering consumer questions. In addition
to their vast responsibilities heading up the store’s kosher program, the
Thornhill Sobeys mashgichim, Rabbi Aryeh Leib Merovitch and Reb Dovid
Chayempour, also answer consumer questions (see our article Meet the
Sobeys Mashgichim).
On any given day, Rabbi Aryeh Leib and Reb Dovid can get any question
under the sun. In addition to kosher-related questions, they also receive
more general questions such as:
• How do you use this product?
• How do you cook this product?
• Do you have a good recipe for this product?
• What liquid would you substitute for beer in cooking?
• What are the halachot, or laws, for sitting shiva?
• How do I make a bar mitzvah?
In addition to questions the mashgichim receive in the store, people
also stop Rabbi Aryeh Leib and Reb Dovid in the street to ask them
questions. Reb Dovid adds that sometimes he even gets calls at
home from his wife’s friends, who ask him cooking questions.
So as you can see, whether it’s in the field, or
in the office, the entire COR team pitches in to
answer your questions. So keep them coming!
Call the Kosher Hotline at 416.635.9550 x100 or email us at [email protected]. We have answers.
84 KasHRuTH COuNCiL OF CaNada | 416-635-9550 | WWW.COR.Ca
behind the cor
Kashruth Council of Canada (COR)
Launches First of its Kind College
Accredited Mashgiach Training Program
Graduation dinner for first cohort of mashgichim is attended by the
Honourable Reza Moridi, Ontario’s Minister of Training,
Colleges and Universities.
lawyer attends law school; a doctor goes
to medical school; plumbers, electricians
and tradespeople of all types have professional training and licensing programs. But
the standard in the kosher industry is that
someone can become a mashgiach, a kosher supervisor,
without such professional training. But thanks to the
Kashruth Council of Canada (COR), that is about to
change. In conjunction with Liaison Culinary College,
the largest private culinary college in Ontario, COR has
launched a first of its kind college accredited mashgiach
training program; and recently, COR commemorated
the graduation of its first cohort of 13 mashgichim at a
celebratory graduation dinner in Toronto.
The course itself is a rigorous combination of in
class lectures, out of class text book readings, labs,
video presentations and regular tests culminating in
a comprehensive and demanding final examination.
The technical kashrut component is taught by senior
COR Rabbis and consists of topics including: ensuring
compliance with bishul Yisrael (Jewish involvement in
cooking), kosherizing equipment, checking fruits and
vegetables for insect infestation, separating terumot
and ma’asrot (tithing fruits and vegetables that come
from Israel), hafrashat challah (separating dough), and
the laws of Passover, amongst many others. There is
also an emphasis on broader skills that a mashgiach
requires, such as a conflict resolution course taught by
noted author and psychologist Dr. David Lieberman,
and a series on auditing techniques -- such as inventory
control and invoice tracking -- tools that are necessary to
effectively manage an establishment’s kosher program.
Finally, the Liaison College staff taught knife handling,
menu skills, and food safety and handling, with each
mashgiach graduate also receiving food safety and knife
handling certificates.
COR’s Mashgiach Training Program was the brainchild
of Rabbi Tsvi Heber, COR’s Director of Community
Kosher. Its formulation was years in the making and
came to fruition as a result of the involvement of many
individuals in the COR organization including Rabbi
Moshe Rose, the course curriculum developer, and Rabbi
Matis Stebbin, course administrator.
The graduation dinner was catered by Mitzuyan
Kosher Catering at The Boulevard Banquet Hall at the
Avenue Banquet Hall and was attended by the mashgiach
graduates, their spouses, COR staff, community Rabbis,
long time COR proprietors and representatives from
partner Jewish organizations across the community. Of
special note, in attendance was The Honourable Reza
Moridi, the Ontario Minister of Training, Colleges and
Universities & Ministry of Research and Innovation. The
Minister addressed the graduating class, saying, “We
know that a child in the womb is affected by the food
that his or her mother eats. So too, as Rabbi Felder said,
what we eat as adults has an effect on our souls.” The
Minister continued, “The skills that you have gained will
benefit you greatly and improve food safety and handling
in kosher restaurants. Your dedication to helping your
community will be valued.”
Rabbi Heber also addressed his graduating class with
warm words of congratulations. “I really mean it when I
say I can’t believe I’m standing here today. Think about
the long nights that you spent away from your families,
the assigned reading, the studying, the exams! But now
you are all graduates. Just like any other job has a professional training course, now so do you. You are all professional mashgichim! Mazal tov!”
COR 2016-5776 passover guide 85
behind the cor
Clockwise from top left:
Rabbi Mendel Gansburg receiving his diploma from Rabbi Yosef
Oziel, First Graduating Class of the COR Mashgiach Training
Program, The Honourable Reza Moridi, Richard Rabkin,
Rabbi Yacov Felder and the Honourable Reza Moridi
Other representatives of the Jewish community also shared Rabbi Heber’s enthusiasm. “The graduation dinner
itself was an elegant event, but more importantly, the milestone celebrated that evening was truly momentous”
noted Shimon Koffler Fogel, Chief Executive Officer of the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA). “Kosher
food is something that unites people across the entire Jewish community and having mashgichim who are formally
trained at this level raises the calibre of the mashgichim as professionals and increases the collective confidence
we have in the products and institutions that they supervise. COR deserves a great deal of credit for trailblazing
this very valuable initiative, which weds our sacred tradition with modern-day knowledge and food industry best
The mashgichim themselves were also struck by the precedent setting nature of the COR Mashgiach Training
Program. “This course is a foundational change in the kashrus industry because of all the professional knowledge
this course offers,” reflected Rabbi Mendel Gansburg, one of the graduates of the COR Mashgiach Training
Program. “I may have known some of this information before, but now that I have been formally educated, I have
internalized everything in a more lasting way.” Of particular value to Rabbi Gansburg were the lessons that weren’t
limited to technical kashrut. “I really enjoyed the general kitchen skills that we learned. Kitchen knowledge is
beneficial for both mashgichim and proprietors because when a mashgiach doesn’t know about the kitchen, the
proprietor doesn’t feel he or she is getting the complete benefit of hiring a mashgiach.”
Interestingly, the proprietors – the COR certified establishments that use the services of the mashgichim –
appeared to be the most enthusiastic about the program. “Recently, my dream came true,” said Mrs. Aliette Ponte,
owner of COR certified LeChaim Catering. “I have been with COR since the beginning and they have been amazing.
But my dream has always been to send the mashgichim to school and now finally my dream came true.”
With the graduation dinner now complete, a new crop of mashgichim have already begun their studies at
Liaison Culinary College. They are well on their way to obtaining the educational training necessary to obtain the
designation that they so very much deserve: professionals.
behind the cor
Meet the Sobeys Mashgichim
#What does a mashgiach do? The mashgichim at Sobeys take you behind the scenes.
Meet the sobeys Mashgichim
What does a mashgiach do?
the mashgichim at sobeys take you behind the scenes.
ELCOME TO SOBEYS, a hub of Jewish
grocery shopping. The Clark and Hilda
Sobeys location in Thornhill boasts its
own kosher bakery and serves readyto-eat sushi, meats, dairy, fish, olives, and salads. Sobeys
also has four kosher aisles under COR supervision.
None of this would be possible without the
hardworking and knowledgeable mashgichim of Sobeys,
Rabbi Aryeh Leib Merovitch and Reb Dovid Chayempour.
When you meet them, you will immediately be impressed
with Rabbi Aryeh Leib’s friendly, warm demeanour
and Reb Dovid’s quick wit. Both mashgichim display a
willingness to help and go above and beyond the call of
duty. This earns them the appreciation and affection not only from the
employees who work at Sobeys, but
among customers as well.
As you follow the mashgichim
upstairs to their office, you notice
equipment stored in every available
space. This equipment is from food
demos that frequently occur at the
store as vendors who would like to sell
their products at Sobeys often launch
an in store demo first. However, any
equipment that the company uses
must be brand new to meet kosher
standards. All of this equipment
stays in the mashgichim’s office
under lock and key. Additionally, any
food that is brought in from different
establishments must be sealed and
signed off by the mashgiach of that
particular establishment. The Sobeys
mashgichim will then call that
mashgiach for verification to ensure that the food hasn’t
been compromised.
A Sobeys mashgiach’s main job is to run the kosher
program in the kitchen. “What we wouldn’t eat ourselves,
we don’t serve. We’re in charge of kosher,” Reb Dovid
explains. The mashgichim are responsible for making
sure that the food at Sobeys is kosher at the highest
standard possible so people from all walks of life will have
confidence in Sobeys’ kosher offerings. The mashgichim
ensure that food made at Sobeys is bishul Yisroel (Jews
have been involved in the cooking), cholov Yisroel (Jews
have been involved in the milk production), and pas
Yisroel (Jews have been involved in the baking).
Typically, a mashgiach’s
day starts before anyone else’s. The
mashgiach arrives before any of the
other employees, takes off all the
locks, and starts all the fires on the
stoves and in the ovens. Cooking and
baking at Sobeys starts with bishul
Yisroel; should any machine turn
off suddenly, a worker must call the
mashgiach to turn the machine back
on before cooking or baking can
Sobeys managers and staff
work well with the mashgichim. It
is understood by the staff that a
mashgiach will remove any unacceptable or non-kosher items. With the
cooperation of the store manager, the
mashgichim are also able to use the
video surveillance to supervise the
various production areas to provide
an added layer of kosher supervision.
COR 2016-5776 passOveR guide 87
behind the cor
Rabbi Aryeh Leib and Reb Dovid check fruit and
vegetable orders when they are received in the back of the
store. The mashgichim then clean and inspect produce
to make sure that it is insect-free. Vegetables such as
cauliflower, scallions (green onions), cabbage, and lettuce
are inspected and washed before being use in any of the
prepared kosher foods made at Sobeys. Mashgichim also
check to see if there’s any produce from Israel, as many
halachic conditions may apply, such as terumah, maaser,
and shmittah. The mashgichim also supervise the meat
packaging at the back of the store, as all of the kosher
meat has been salted, and strictly supervised.
Another of Reb Dovid’s jobs is to supervise the
designated kosher aisles of the main shopping area. Every
hour, he checks for any non-kosher item that may have
accidently found its way to the kosher aisle. As good as
a mashgiach as Reb Dovid is, he always welcomes the
assistance of Sobeys consumers who are constantly
on the lookout for a non-kosher product that may have
been placed in the kosher aisle by mistake. Reb Dovid and
Rabbi Aryeh Leib are happy that there aren’t only two
mashgichim at Sobeys – in fact, there are thousands!
In order to be a mashgiach, a person must put his trust
in G-d. “We give our jobs our very best efforts, like 110
percent effort,” says Reb Dovid. “But it’s really 10 percent
us and 90 percent G-d behind us.”
Rabbi Aryeh Leib Merovitch stands in the Sobeys kosher bakery section.
So the next time you sit down to eat food that you
bought at Sobeys, know that a lot of attention and effort
has gone into making that food conform to the highest
kosher standards. In addition to those high kosher
standards, Reb Dovid assures people that shopping
at Sobeys is also fun. “It’s like a social hall shopping
experience. It’s like going to shul and seeing your friends
but shopping for groceries at the same time!”
behind the cor
COR Company Updates
R=Retail • C=Commercial • D=Dairy • DE=Dairy Equipment • P=Passover;
PY=Pas Yisroel • BY=Bishul Yisroel • CY=Cholov Yisroel • M=Meat • V=Vegan
New Local Establishments/Facilities
Aroma Espresso Bar Kosher – Dairy
Restaurant. 3791 Bathurst Street,
Toronto. (647)347-1818
King David Laffa Grill – Meat
Restaurant. 5999 Bathurst Street,
Toronto. (647) 938-0833
Noah Kosher Sushi – (Inside Richmond
Bakery) 4119 Bathurst Street, Toronto.
Ba-Li Italiano – Dairy Restaurant.
1045 Steeles Avenue West, Toronto.
(647) 748-4825
King David Pizza (Mt. Sinai Hospital)
– Dairy Restaurant. 600 University
Avenue, Toronto. (416)509-7907
One Kenton Place – Memory Care
Centre. 1 Kenton Drive, Toronto.
Famous Laffa Kosher – Meat
Restaurant. The Promenade Mall.
Thornhill. (905)918-3890
Marron Bistro – Meat Restaurant.
Under New Management. 948 Eglinton
Ave W, Toronto. (416)784-0128
The Bonbonniere – Chocolates by
Order Only. Toronto. (647)702-3414
Howie T’s Burger Bar North – Meat
Restaurant. 7000 Bathurst Street,
#C3, Thornhill. (905)597-1606
Mobius Culinary Labs – Meat Caterer.
Toronto. (647)982-2625
The Kosher Dudes – Meat Caterer.
Toronto. (416)707-6053
New Companies
AGT Foods (R&C) some (P) – New
plants: Aberdeen & Rosetown,
Farmer Direct Co-operative Ltd (R&C)
– New Plants. Alberta, Saskatchewan &
Agropur Cooperative (R&C) (D) – New
Plants: Victoria, Winnipeg, Edmonton,
Chilliwack, Burnaby.
Field Farms Marketing Ltd. (C) Petrolia, Ontario.
Alpha Omega Management Corp (R) Etobicoke, Ontario.
Arctic Chiller (R) - Sherwood Park,
Bella Sabatina Tea Shoppe (R) Toronto, Ontario.
Belle Pulses Ltd. (C) - St-Isidore-deBellevue, Saskatchewan.
Bunge Canada (C) – New plant: British
Chemfil Canada (C) - Windsor, Ontario.
Clef Des Champs Inc. (R) - Val David,
CoolWhey Inc. (R) (D) – Saint-Laurent,
Delices de la foret (R) some (D) –
New Plant: Delson, Quebec.
Delorme Seeds Ltd. (C) - Assiniboia,
Deluxe Produce Distribution (C) Toronto, Ontario.
Earth To Kids, Inc (R) - Stayner, Ontario.
RDJ Bakeries Ltd (R) (D)(DE) Cambridge, Ontario.
Saxon Chocolates (R) (D) – Toronto,
Fresh Cutz Foods Inc. (R) - Vaughan,
Shepherd Gourmet Dairy (R&C) (D) St Marys, Ontario.
Golden Acres Honey Products Ltd. (R) Three Hills, Alberta.
Sprague Foods Limited (R) - Belleville,
Greeniche Natural Health (R) – Windsor,
TD Brands (R) - Toronto, Ontario.
Hamazon (R&C) (P-Kitniyot) - Montreal,
Trophy Foods Inc. (R) some (D) – New
Plant: Cheektowaga, New York, USA.
Highbury Canco (R&C) some (D) Leamington, Ontario.
Wholesome Harvest Baking Ltd (R&C)
- Toronto, Ontario.
King David Frozen Products Inc. (R) (D)
- Toronto, Ontario.
Water X Industries Ltd. - Mobile Truck
Wash. Steinbach, Manitoba.
La Cooperative Forestiere du
Nord-Ouest Ltee (R&C) (V) - Clair,
New Brunswick.
Weston Bakeries Limited (R) – New
Plant: Winnipeg, Manitoba.
MRS Truck Transport Inc. (C) Guelph, Ontario.
Worldly Food (R) some (D) Toronto, Ontario.
Nature’s Touch Frozen Food Inc (R) –
New Plant: Front Royal, Virginia, USA.
YoungShin Food Co (R) - South Korea.
Peninsula Food Technology (special
productions) (C) - St. Catharines,
Phidelia Premium Products (R&C)
some (D) - Concord, Ontario.
Sign up for instant
COR Kosher alerts at
COR 2016-5776 passover guide 89
behind the cor
Unsupervised Versus
Supervised Events
Un-supervised could be un-kosher
Just like the government has health inspectors who visit restaurants
to ensure compliance with the government’s health and safety
standards, in simple terms, a mashgiach or a kosher supervisor,
ensures that an establishment, caterer or event is in compliance with
kosher standards.
COR certified kosher caterers typically cook in their own kitchens
(called commissaries) where they have an onsite mashgiach who
ensures that kosher standards are being complied with. But what
happens when a caterer delivers food to an offsite event venue, such
as a hotel, a museum or even a dinner party in someone’s home? If
the event organizer has requested that this be a “supervised event” it
means that a COR mashgiach will be present at the event and will for
example, be responsible for making sure that the kosher food is not
reheated with non-kosher equipment, served on non-kosher dishes,
or that no non-kosher beverages or food are brought into the event.
At “supervised events” COR certificate signage will be placed at the
entrance of the event so guests know that the event is under COR
supervision. If there is no mashgiach present however, there is no one
overseeing the event’s kosher program. As a result, there could be a
number of problems with the event’s kosher status including the fact
that non-kosher dishes may have been used, that the food may have
been reheated with non-kosher equipment, that fruits and vegetables
may not have been cleaned properly to remove insects, that food may
have been cooked without the required Jewish involvement (bishul
Yisrael), or that non-kosher food or beverages may also be present at
the event. This is what we call an “unsupervised event.”
In order to verify that you are attending a supervised event, look
for the COR certificate at the entrance of the event. Alternatively, you
can check in advance by contacting the COR office at 416 635-9550
or [email protected].
An easy way to remember the difference is the following adage,
“un-supervised could be un-kosher.”
of faith
behind the
articles of
By Sarah Rosen
For me, this year’s magazine’s theme
really touches home on many levels,
especially as to how it relates to food. “lbck ,sdvu - teaching Your Children”
isn’t just about the Haggadah and the story of leaving Egypt, but one of the
basic building blocks on which a parent can guide their child – through teaching
them about food! One of my earliest cooking memories is an image of me and
my brother as toddlers sitting on the kitchen floor surrounded by newspapers,
each with a huge sack of potatoes and carrots in front of us, peelers in hand,
waiting to peel away for the Seders! i didn’t learn to cook from a show, a class
or a book, i learned literally at my mother’s feet.
to try and capture some of that nostalgia (and of course because she’s just
brilliant), i asked my mother for help this year in compiling recipes that would
work well, not just for a restricted Passover menu, but something that kids
would enjoy either helping make or helping eat.
try our Deviled Dragon Eggs, the cracked stained egg will intrigue your
diners, and the yummy avocado –based green filling will have the adults at
the table doing a double-take. Have a hard time getting your kids to eat their
chicken? What if it’s not called a chicken leg, but rather a “Chicken Lollipop”?
Sometimes it all in the way you spin it! And of course we’ve got snacks, with
Matzah nachos, which kids can add their favourite toppings to, or fried spinach
and potato balls, which little hands are great at rolling.
As always, remember, the food will get made, the seder table will be set, and
the kids will eventually find the afikomen; the important part is to take the time
to teach and share where and when you can. You never know what a vegetable
peeler and some newspaper will lead to one day!
COR 2016-5776 passOveR guide 91
Sepha Group of Companies
The Sepha
Group of
Trusted Brands include:
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We are proud to be the only kosher
company in Ontario to have the
following certifications:
Visit us at
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we are the leaders in Kosher and
ethnic food in Ontario.
what’s cooking?
Passover Matzah Nachos
Just because it’s Pesach, doesn’t mean you can’t have a fun
snack! Kids will love topping these “nachos” with a variety of
healthy toppings.
4 sheets matzah
Extra virgin olive oil
½ cup shredded cheese, or more to taste
¼ teaspoon crushed chili flakes, or more to taste (optional)
Kosher salt
Deviled Dragon Eggs
These fun and crazy looking eggs will get children’s
imaginations soaring! The adults will definitely enjoy
the creamy filling too!
6 eggs
¼ cup coffee
2 tablespoons honey
2 teaspoons salt
8 tea bags
3 tablespoons mayonnaise
1 ripe avocado
2 tablespoons minced red bell pepper
salt and ground black pepper to taste
paprika, for serving
Optional toppings:
1 tomato, finely diced
¼ red onion, finely diced
1 small avocado, diced
½ cup sliced green or black olives
¼ cup sour cream
Lime wedges
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Take each sheet of matzah and dip in
water for a few seconds. This will make it easier to cut the matzah
into pieces without shattering. Using scissors or a sharp knife cut the
matzah into triangles (like nacho chips).
Put the matzah on a baking sheet in a single layer and lightly drizzle
olive oil over the matzah and sprinkle with salt and chili flakes (if using).
Sprinkle with the cheese and place in the oven 7-10 minutes, until
cheese is melty and bubbly. Remove nachos from oven and top with
your favorite toppings.
Place eggs in a saucepan and cover with water. Bring to a boil, remove
from heat, and let eggs stand in hot water for 15 minutes. Drain hot
water and fill saucepan with cold water; allow eggs to sit until cooled, 15
to 20 minutes. Drain water. Gently tap or roll eggs on the counter so the
shell is cracked but still intact.
Return eggs to saucepan and pour in enough water to cover eggs;
add coffee, honey, salt, and tea bags. Bring to a boil, reduce heat,
and simmer until eggs have absorbed color, about 30 minutes.
Remove saucepan from heat and leave eggs in water to cool to room
Peel eggs and cut each egg lengthwise and scoop yolks into a bowl.
Mix mayonnaise, avocado, red bell pepper, salt, and pepper into egg
yolks until evenly combined. Spoon the yolk mixture into a sandwich
bag, and seal or twist the bag closed. Gather all of the yolk mixture in
one corner of the bag, and then carefully cut the corner off the bag.
This will create a piping bag for you to fill the egg whites with. Place
the egg white halves on a platter and carefully pipe in the yolk mixture.
Serve with a sprinkling of paprika on top of the eggs.
COR 2016-5776 passover guide 93
what’s cooking?
sweet & sour hasselback
This is a great appetizer, especially if you are serving for a
crowd! It’s also such an easy recipe that once you’ve cut the
salami, your kids can add the rest of the ingredients.
1 log (16oz.) salami
1 cup sweet & sour duck sauce
1 lb cranberries
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Remove the wrapper from the salami
and place on a cutting board with chopsticks on either side. Having
the chopsticks in place will allow you to slice the salami thinly, without
slicing all the way through, so that the salami takes on a fanned affect.
Holding the salami down with one hand, slice into thin, even slices.
Place the salami in a round baking dish, and add the cranberries.
Fried Mashed Potato Balls
As a snack or side dish, these balls are fun to roll and fun to
eat! If you don’t want to fry them, they can be baked in a 350
degree oven for about 15 minutes, or until they begin to brown.
2 ½ cups mashed potatoes (cold)
1 (10 ounce) box frozen chopped spinach, thawed
1 ½ teaspoons dried parsley
1 teaspoon dried dill weed
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon onion powder
1 teaspoon dried onion flakes
½ teaspoon pepper
½ teaspoon dried chives
½ teaspoon salt
¾ cup potato starch
oil for frying
1 ½ cups tomato sauce for dipping
Place the spinach in a sieve and press out as much moisture as
possible. Then move it to a large paper towel and squeeze out the
remaining moisture. In a large bowl, add the mashed potatoes, drained
and squeezed spinach and all of the seasonings. Mix by hand to
Pour the oil into a large pot and set over medium-high heat. Measure
out 1 ½ tablespoons portions of the potato-spinach mixture, and roll
into balls. Place the potato starch in a rimmed dish, and roll the potato
balls in the starch to thoroughly coat.
Start frying once the oil reaches 350 degrees. Carefully lower 10-12
balls into the hot oil and fry for 5-8 minutes, until golden brown.
Remove the potato balls with a skimmer and place on a paper towel
lined plate. Repeat with remaining potato balls. You can keep the ready
balls warm by placing them in a warm oven, while frying the remaining
balls. Serve the potato balls hot with warm tomato sauce for dipping.
94 KasHRuTH COuNCiL OF CaNada | 416-635-9550 | WWW.COR.Ca
Generously brush the salami with the duck sauce, making sure to get
in between all the slices. Bake for approximately 45 minutes, basting
every 10-15 minutes, until the salami is browned and crispy around the
edges. Serve warm with leftover sauce for dipping.
NOTE: You will notice that the salami will begin to turn and split open in
a certain spot. When basting, split the salami open in different areas so
it can brown evenly all over instead of just one spot.
Potato Chip Fish
Here’s a different take on “Fish & Chips”! Have your kids choose
their favourite flavoured chips and crush them to make the
coating for this healthy fish dish.
6 white fish fillets, such as cod, halibut or tilapia
3-4 tablespoons mayonnaise
½ teaspoon garlic powder
½ teaspoon paprika
½ teaspoon onion powder
¼ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon pepper
1 large bag of chips, crushed (any flavour)
1 lemon, cut into wedges (for serving)
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. In a small bowl, mix together all of
the spices. Pat dry the fish fillets and sprinkle both sides of the fish
with some of the spice mixture. Using a pastry brush or spoon, lightly
coat the fillets with mayonnaise, not overly thick, but enough to give
the crushed chips something to cling to. Gently press the crushed
chips onto the coated fillets, making sure to get good coverage. Bake
the fish for 10 minutes per inch thickness of fish (if your fillet is an inch
and half thick, then for 15 minutes). Fish will be done when it flakes
easily when tested with a fork. Serve with lemon wedges.
what’s cooking?
Bundt Pan rotisserie
Depending on their ages, your kids may not be able
to assist in this recipe, but they will love seeing the
chicken standing up on the Bundt pan! Have them
create a story about the chicken that would only stand
to be cooked, and would not lie down! .
honey Garlic Chicken lollipops
Who doesn’t love a lollipop? Keep hands a little cleaner when eating by
wrapping some tinfoil around the bone “stick” of the “lollipop”.
10-12 Chicken drumsticks (about 3 lbs)
¼ cup + 1 tablespoon honey
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1 heaping tablespoon crushed garlic
1 tablespoon lemon or lime juice
¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper (optional)
¼ cup white wine or chicken broth
2 teaspoons potato starch
¼ cup cold water
salt and pepper
1 whole chicken, about 5-6 pounds
4 potatoes, cut into bite-sized pieces
1 medium onion, chopped
2 carrots, peeled and diced
1 stalk celery, diced
2 cloves garlic
a few sprigs of thyme*
1 lemon, cut in quarters (do not peel)
1 bay leaf
olive oil
salt and pepper
In a small bowl, whisk together the olive oil, ¼ cup honey, brown sugar, garlic,
lemon/lime juice, and cayenne (if using) to form a marinade.
*To learn how to properly check thyme please check out for our produce checking guide.
Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator. Let the chicken
marinate for 2 hours up to overnight. When ready to cook, preheat oven to 400
degrees. Spray the bottom of a glass or ceramic baking dish with non-stick
cooking oil, or brush lightly with olive oil. Place the “lollipops” in the baking dish,
standing up, with the bony end in the air. Spoon the leftover marinade over
the top of the chicken, and bake for 35-45 minutes, or until when the meat is
pierced with a fork, the juices run clear.
Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Spray the pan with non-stick
cooking spray or brush with oil. Set the pan on a baking sheet
(this will make it easier to take in and out of the oven and help
with any accidental spillages). Take a piece of foil and cover
the hole in centre of the Bundt pan. Place the vegetables, garlic, thyme, lemon and bay leaf in the basin of the Bundt pan.
Pat the chicken dry and rub with olive oil, salt and pepper and
place the chicken cavity over the Bundt pan stick. Roast for
approximately 1 hour, until chicken is cooked through (internal
temperature should be 165 degrees) and the skin is golden
and crisp.
VARIATION: You may use other vegetables and/or aromatics,
such as parsnips, turnips, rosemary etc. If you are roasting
vegetables that you’d like to serve with the chicken (such as
potatoes) and they aren’t tender by the time the chicken is
cooked, remove the chicken from the Bundt pan and return
the vegetables to the oven, baking until tender.
NOTE: Try to keep the chicken as raised as possible. This
ensures that the skin gets crispy all around.
Place each chicken drumstick on a cutting board. Using a sharp knife, run the
knife around the non-meat end of the drumstick, cutting down the bone. You
can pull out any of the white tendons at this point and discard them if you wish.
Holding the bony end of the leg with one hand, use your other hand to push the
meat up and toward the flesh end to form a “lollipop.” Scrape the exposed bone
with the knife to remove any flesh. Repeat with the remaining drumsticks, then
season the “lollipops” with salt and pepper, and place each one in the bowl with
the marinade as you finish prepping them.
Transfer cooked chicken “lollipops” to a platter. If you like, you can wrap some
tinfoil around each bone or “handle” of the “lollipop”. Place a mesh strainer over a
small saucepan and carefully pour the drippings from baking the chicken into it.
Using a spoon, try and remove most of the fat that will rise to the surface of the
Heat the sauce slowly over medium heat. While sauce is heating, in a small
bowl stir together the potato starch and ¼ cup cold water till dissolved. Add the
starch mixture to the pan drippings, along with 1 tablespoon honey and ¼ cup
white wine or chicken broth.
Stir the sauce over medium heat till it thickens and bubbles around the edges.
If sauce is too thick, add more water or chicken broth. If the sauce is too thin,
let it simmer till it thickens to desired consistency. Season sauce with salt and
pepper to taste. Serve the chicken “lollipops” drizzled with warm honey sauce.
COR 2016-5776 passOveR guide 95
what’s cooking?
ice Cream sundaes
Who doesn’t love ice cream? You can use store bought ice
cream for this dish or use the recipe below to make your own
favourite flavours, either way, the sauces really make it a treat!
You can also add toppings such as cut-up fruit, crumbled
cookies or chopped nuts.
8 eggs separated
3 cups water
2 tablespoons potato starch
½ teaspoon vanilla extract
¾ cup sugar
3 tablespoons oil
Flavour options:
2 tablespoons cocoa (for chocolate ice cream)
1 ½ tablespoons instant coffee (for coffee ice cream)
2 tablespoons cocoa + 1 tablespoon instant coffee
(for mocha ice cream)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract (for vanilla ice cream)
½ cup chopped nuts, chocolate chips, cookie bits, etc. (optional)
Beat egg yolks and half of the sugar until light and creamy. In a
separate bowl beat egg whites with the remaining sugar until stiff
peaks form. In a medium pot cook water and potato starch and add
whatever flavour option you like, stirring constantly until it thickens.
Fold gently into beaten egg whites. This will cause the egg whites
to “melt” but they will still stay thick. Combine the egg yolk mixture
and the flavour mixture, as well as the oil, folding to thoroughly mix. If
adding nuts, fold them in at this point too. Freeze in a 9 x 13 inch baking.
Once frozen, scoop out servings.
Chocolate Hard Shell
3 tablespoons butter or margarine
⅔ cup semisweet chocolate chips
Melt butter/margarine and chocolate in a small saucepan over medium
heat, or in the microwave, stirring frequently. Keep at room temperature
until ready to serve over ice cream. Watch the mixture harden into a
chocolate shell when it sits on the cold ice cream!
Chocolate Sauce
⅔ cup unsweetened cocoa
1 ⅔ cups white sugar
1 ¼ cups water
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
In a medium saucepan over medium heat, combine cocoa, sugar and
water. Bring to a boil and let boil 1 minute. Remove from heat and stir
in vanilla.
Berry Sauce
2 cups frozen berries, defrosted
⅓ cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
Combine berries, sugar, and vanilla in a saucepan. Cook over
medium-high heat, stirring occasionally. The mixture will sizzle for a
while, but then juice will begin to form. Continue stirring; mash a few
berries with a wooden spoon or heat-proof spatula to help produce the
syrup. Cook until sauce thickens, about 15 minutes. Remove from heat.
In a blender, puree about ⅓ of the sauce, then mix back into remaining
topping. Store in refrigerator
Krispie squares
These marshmallow squares are a fun treat
that kids of any age can help make or eat!
¼ cup butter or margarine
4 cups miniature marshmallows or 1-10 oz. package
regular (or coconut) marshmallows
or 1 jar marshmallow fluff
6 cups matzah farfel rolled/crushed into smaller
pieces (do not use matzah meal)
Melt butter in large sauce pan over low heat. Add
marshmallows and stir until melted and well-blended.
Cook 2 minutes longer, stirring constantly. Remove
from heat.
Add farfel. Stir until well coated. Using wet fingers,
press mixture evenly and firmly into a 9 x 13 inch
pan. Cut into 2 x 2 inch squares when cool. Optional
– cover with melted semi-sweet chocolate.
96 KasHRuTH COuNCiL OF CaNada | 416-635-9550 | WWW.COR.Ca
what’s cooking?
As a new addition to our recipe section of
COR’s Passover Magazine,
we will be having a different chef from one of our COR certified restaurants or
facilities give over a Passover recipe that has meaning to them. This year,
Chef Yehuda Goldberg has offered two recipes from his kitchen:
“To me growing up, Pesach was always very different considering we didn’t eat
gebruchts. A couple of years ago my mother let me redo her Pesach menu to bring
forth more natural flavours so there is at least some flavour in the food. I taught
her how to cook with wine and deglazing pans to get more flavour. So with that
in mind I am giving you two recipes one chicken one beef to choose from. Simple
recipes but bursting with flavour.”
Chef Yehuda Goldberg is the owner and chef of the Sepha Group of Companies.
Sepha Group of Companies and its subsidiaries include manufacturing, co-packing
and catering. For more information please visit
White Wine Chicken with
Caramelized Onions
2 whole chickens, cut into ¼’s or ⅛’s
2 cups white wine
3 medium cooking onions cut into half moons
½ head garlic crushed
2 tablespoons oil, for searing
Salt and pepper to taste
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Heat a pan with
oil. Sear individual pieces of chicken and place in a
roasting pan. While the pan is still hot, sauté onions
on medium heat until they begin to caramelize.
Deglaze the pan with white wine while onions are
still in the pan. Reduce the wine by half. Turn off
heat and pour the reduced wine and onions evenly
over the chicken. Place roasting pan in over for 35
minutes or until chicken is ready. Cooking times
may vary from oven to oven.
Sepha Beef Stew
2 pounds cubed beef
1 large carrot – cubed
1 large onion – cubed
3 stalks celery
1 whole rutabaga – cubed
1 cup red wine
4 liters water or chicken soup
2 tablespoons oil
Preheat a 5 quart stock pot and heat the oil, until it starts
to smoke. Put the cubed meat in and let it sit only stirring
a couple of times. Once the meat is caramelized add
the cubed vegetables and stir for 2 minutes. Take out
the meat and vegetables and place in a bowl on the side.
Deglaze the pan with the red wine making sure to reduce
the red wine by half. Put the meat and vegetables back
in the pot covering everything with the water or chicken
stock. Turn the heat down to medium and cook for 1 hour
or until the meat is tender.
COR 2016-5776 passover guide 97
what’s cooking?
Be a Healthy
Eating Role Model
this Passover
It’s important not just to “tell” our children to eat healthy
but to “role model” healthy eating behaviors for them.
By Miriam Leibowitz, MHSc, RD
n fitting in with this year’s theme, of teaching our children, it
is important not just to “tell” our children to eat healthy but
to “role model” healthy eating behaviors for them. Teaching
kids positive eating behaviors during childhood can set them
up with healthy eating habits for life. Developing a positive
relationship with food, as well as a balanced approach to
eating, can lead to better health outcomes in the long run.
Parents often undervalue their role in the development of
healthy eating practices. Speaking positively to your children about
healthy foods and role modelling balanced eating is the first step in
helping kids develop a healthy connection with food. And remember, actions
speak louder than words! Children watch, listen and learn through observation,
and will most likely follow what they’ve seen. Be a positive role model and create healthy
habits from the beginning.
Here are some practical tips, that are particularly relevant on Passover:
njoy all foods in moderation. Teaching children or talking in front of them that a
particular food or food group is “bad” can lead to disordered eating habits. It’s not the
type of food that’s bad, it’s the amount and how often the food is eaten that can be
problematic. All foods can be part of a healthy diet if eaten in moderation.
void negative language around less healthy foods. On Passover, parents should
refrain from using words such as “I’ve eaten so much matzah, I’m going to get fat…”
or “I’m so stuffed, I can’t look at food anymore.” If you are planning on dieting right
after Passover, keep your thoughts and comments to yourself and do not talk about dieting
in front of your children.
ncourage your children to be involved in the grocery shopping, menu planning
and cooking process. Discuss with your children what they like to eat and plan a menu
with options they will choose. Take them grocery shopping with you. We often assume
the only snacks kids like are chips, chocolate and Passover candy, however you’d be surprised
how many healthy kosher for Passover items are available on the market – many of which are
certified by our very own COR!
nsure your child’s diet is balanced and contains a variety of foods from all the
four food groups. Children should include foods and snack items from the following
food groups; Grain products, Milk & Alternatives, Meat & Alternatives and Fruits &
what’s cooking?
hoose healthier versions of traditional Passover foods.
Traditional holiday foods taste good but can be loaded with
fat, sugar, and calories that are not good for your health.
Choose whole wheat, whole grain or spelt matzah whenever you
can. It actually tastes great and is something your whole family
will enjoy. Talk about these healthy foods and what they do for
your body. Help your children understand why you are choosing
them to include as part of your Passover meals.
e a good role model and drink water, water,
and water! Buy some new water bottles and
encourage your children to drink water as their #1
beverage over juice and pop.
e attentive and listen to your kids
hunger cues. Most children are great at
eating until they are full so let your child
stop eating when they don’t want anymore.
As parents, try to do the same. It’s ok for your
children to see that you have leftovers on your
plate. Take smaller portions initially so there
isn’t a lot thrown in the garbage.
void using sweets as a reward or
bribe, or holding back on foods
as punishment. Many families have
a custom to give out treats during the Seder
when they read the Hagaddah and “ask”
questions to their children. Try using dollar
store prizes as a reward instead of candy or
ake time to exercise and get
your kids active with you.
According to Health Canada it is
recommended that adults accumulate at
least 2½ hours of moderate to vigorous
physical activity, each week and that
children and youth accumulate at least 60
minutes per day. Go with your kids for a
walk or choose Chol Hamoed activities that
get them moving such as trampolining, rock
climbing, hockey, a great park or the zoo
instead of more sedentary activities. For
Afikomen presents try to choose “active”
presents such as balls, bikes or scooters
instead of video games.
Wishing you and your families a happy and
healthier Passover!
Miriam Leibowitz is a Registered Dietitian in
Toronto who runs a private nutrition counseling
practice. She has an office in the Bathurst &
Glencairn area and does home visits as well. She
can be contacted at [email protected]
or 416-937-7411 to book an appointment. Most
extended health care plans cover the services of
Registered/Licensed Dietitian.
Visit our retail location for the largest selection
of gourmet Kosher for Passover options in the city.
Place your order Online,
Fax or in Person NOW!
416.782.3231 | 416.782.0466 | ELYSFINEFOODS.COM
COR 2016-5776 passover guide 99
kids CorNer
articles of faith
How is gum made?
Does it require kosher certification?
What about on Passover?
Judy Pister answers all of your questions.
COR 2016-5776 passOveR guide 101
kids corner
A common question
that we receive at the COR
is about a product that is not
even meant to be eaten:
chewing gum.
Does it need to be kosher?
What about Kosher for Passover?
The answer is, yes.
And here is why…
Gum chewing has been around for thousands of years. What looked like a piece
of chewing gum made of birch bark, with tooth marks, probably a few thousand
years old, was found in finland in the 1980’s. Years ago women used this gum as a
mouth freshener. it might have also been used as a medicine.
forms of chewing gums were also used in Ancient Greece where they chewed mastic
gum, made from the resin of the mastic tree, Pistacia lentiscus or a small evergreen
tree. the Hebrew name for chewing gum is in fact, mastic! People from many
different parts of the world have chewed a sticky gum-like object over the centuries.
At first, modern chewing gum was made from latex sap of the sapodilla tree that
grows in Central America, called chicle. that is where the name “Chiclets” for one of
the first gum products came from.
in the 1860’s, chicle was planned to be a rubber replacement but when that failed,
it was used as a gum base along with beeswax or paraffin. After WWii, chemists
learned to make a synthetic rubber to replace most natural rubber in chewing gum in
order to reduce the cost.
in addition to the gum base, chewing gum contains sweeteners, flavourings and
softeners. Softeners are ingredients such as glycerin that are used to blend the
other ingredients and help prevent gum from hardening. Chewing gum that
hardens quickly is no fun at all!
102 KasHRuTH COuNCiL OF CaNada | 416-635-9550 | WWW.COR.Ca
kids CORNer
Today, in most cases, the
base used to make gum is a synthetic
man-made substitute for the sap of
different rubber trees. Natural gum
bases like chicle do still exist. There
are very few chicle trees around and
it takes years to produce a very small
amount of chicle so it is just too
expensive to use it for gum.
Most modern chewing gum bases use synthetic
rubbers with long names such as butadiene-styrene rubber, polyethylene and polyvinyl acetate. Sometimes a small amount of natural latex is mixed in with this.
After the gum base, the biggest ingredient in chewing gum is sugar or sweetener. Then flavour is
mixed in. Interestingly, while the flavour of a stick of spearmint gum is quite strong, the flavour
ingredient is the tiniest amount.
Mint flavours such as spearmint and peppermint are made from plant oils. When fruit
flavours are added, they are usually artificial. No real strawberries, grapes or cherries are
Finally preservatives such as butylated hydroxytoluene and softeners like glycerin are
added to keep the gum fresh, soft, and moist. Some manufacturers may also add fillers
such as calcium carbonate and corn starch.
To summarize, a gum recipe consists of: a bit of latex (the rubbery part), lots of sugar
(sweetness), a bit of flavour (mint, fruity), some softener (we don’t want to chew hard
gum) and some extra filler to complete the package.
Whether natural or synthetic gum base is used (or a combination of the two), it is first
ground into a coarse meal, mixed and hot air dried for a day or more.
Next the gum base is cooked at around 115°C until it melts into a thick syrup. Then it is
filtered a few times to purify the mixture.
The filtered product is further cooked as sugars, flavourings and softeners are added.
The smooth mixture is rolled out and air cooled. This is followed by kneading and final
flattening to the desired thickness.
It is finely dusted with sugar to prevent sticking and add some flavour and then scored
and stored in a temperature controlled room. This gives the gum its consistency and
At this point, to make gum pieces, the gum flavours are added and
the gum is broken. They are then tumbled while spray coated and
then cooled. For gum sticks, the sheets are cut and wrapped.
COR 2016-5776 passover guide 103
kids corner
we must look
the two things
kosher gum ar
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2. What are the in
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104 KasHRuTH COuNCiL OF CaNada | 416-635-9550 | WWW.COR.Ca
kids CorNer
Now that we looked at how to make kosher gum, the next question is can we
make it kosher for Passover?
Short answer: of course this is possible; it’s just a lot more work!
Step 1 is to make sure that all the ingredients are kosher for Passover. A Rabbi will
go over each ingredient carefully to make sure. He will need to substitute kosher for
Passover ingredients where required.
Step 2 is to make sure that the place where the Passover gum is made is spotlessly
clean so all chometz is completely removed. You know how hard it is to clean your
house for Passover? now imagine a big factory, or even a big room in that factory. it
can be a lot of work! Again we need the Rabbi to check every piece of equipment,
tables, pots and utensils. Some items may need kashering.
Step 3 will only work if we can complete steps 1 and 2. A mashgiach must be present
to watch the entire production from start to finish. Only then can we be certain that
our gum is suitable for Passover.
So as you can now see, the answer to the question, “does gum really need to be
kosher certified” is a definite “yes.” Can we chew it on Passover is “yes” again but it
must say “Certified Kosher for Passover” on the label.
We hope we didn’t burst your bubble.
Judy pisteR is an executive assistant and new-client RepResentative
at KashRuth council of canada (coR).
COR 2016-5776 passOveR guide 105
Shmuli is Coo
By e.N. schiff
“Mommy, I’m bored,”
shmuli adler said with a sigh. everyone was busy
cleaning the house for Pesach and no one had
time to play with shmuli.
“Well, you’re in luck sweetie,” said mrs.
adler. “i stopped by a garage sale yesterday and
bought this box of old toys just for you.” shmuli’s
eyes lit up. mrs. adler plunked down a big dusty
box next to shmuli. shmuli brushed off a thick
layer of dust as he opened the box. “achoo!”
“Bless you,” said mrs. adler. “i have to go out
and do some grocery shopping. adina is upstairs
cleaning her room for Pesach if you need her, and
as his mother was talking, shmuli managed
to get the box of toys open to reveal -- “dolls!”
shmuli said, disappointed. “i don’t play with dolls!”
“There are lots of toys in there, shmuli,” his
mother reassured. “and anyway, that’s not a doll,”
mrs. adler said pointing to a stuffed character in
a chef’s hat and an apron. “He’s a chef.”
“it’s a doll. dolls are boring,” said shmuli
“OK honey, have fun playing with your new
toys. Remember, the basement has already
been cleaned for Pesach, so whatever you do, no
With that, shmuli was alone again. Just him.
and his new…dolls.
“Hmph…” shmuli grunted, looking at the box.
examining it a little closer he also saw a baby
kitchen set with pots, pans, even a little toy oven.
“These are baby toys!” shmuli said. “i wish
i had cool toys…the coolest toys in the world.”
shmuli sighed.
Then, shmuli heard a sound coming from
the box. He moved closer to check it out. it was
the chef doll. something looked
different about him. His eyes were
now red, lit up.
shmuli thought that was
strange. He didn’t remember red
eyes. He checked the back of the
doll for a battery pack but couldn’t
find one anywhere. “if the chef’s
eyes light up, doesn’t that mean
there have to be batteries?” shmuli
wondered. He started lifting the
chef’s apron and poking him in his
stomach to find the batteries, but
Then, shmuli heard what he
106 KasHRuTH COuNCiL OF CaNada | 416-635-9550 | WWW.COR.Ca
kids CORNer
was sure was giggling. Lots and lots of giggling. But where was it coming from? What
happened next, Shmuli will remember it for the rest of his life.
“Stop!” said the doll laughing. “I’m a-ticklish!”
“Ahhh!!!!!!!!!” Shmuli threw the chef back in the box and hightailed it out of the room.
“Ouch!” said the chef, rubbing his head, climbing out of the box.
Shmuli peered around the corner. The chef was taking things out of the box – the
plates, pots, oven --it looked like he was setting up a little kitchen. Shmuli watched for a few
minutes then took a few steps forward, approaching slowly while the chef was humming,
busy in his makeshift kitchen. Shmuli couldn’t believe his eyes.
“You…you…you…” Shmuli said stammering, “You talk!”
“I don’t just talk,” the chef said with a smile as he turned around revealing a piece of
dough on his hands. “I bake!” the chef twirled the dough and threw it high in the sky and
then caught it as it landed. Then a bell from his little oven rang and out came a… “Pizza!” chef
announced proudly. “Come and get it!”
Just when Shmuli thought things couldn’t get any stranger, a bunch of toys jumped out
of the box and ran towards a little table that the chef had setup in his kitchen. There was a
doll that looked like a little girl with blond curly hair, two stuffed bears, one pink and one blue,
holdings hands, a Curious George doll – Shmuli could hardly keep track. They sat down at
the table and --started -- eating pizza!
“Hey Shmuli,” said the chef, “Want a piece?”
“Um, well,” Shmuli tried to gather his thoughts, “we actually just cleaned the house for
Pesach, so we’re not allowed to have any chametz.”
“What’s chametz?” the girl doll asked.
“What’s Pesach?” asked another toy that could probably best be described as a purple
blob with eyes.
“Pesach is the holiday that we Jews celebrate to remember our freedom from slavery in
Egypt. We left Egypt in a hurry so the dough didn’t have time to rise and…” Shmuli explained
but the toys just stared at him expressionless.
“What’s this kid talking about?” the purple blob asked.
“Whatever, it’s a long story,” said Shmuli,
“but I can’t have you guys eating pizza in my
The toys were saddened by that
development. “OK we don’t have to eat,” Curious
George said trying to cheer up the crowd, “We
can play!” Curious George picked a ball of the
chef’s dough and launched it towards the blue
bear. “Catch!” Curious George said a little too
late because it whacked the bear on the side of
his furry head.
“Very funny, George,” the bear said as he
picked up a fistful of dough and threw it at
George. But by mistake, it hit the blond girl doll
instead. She wiped the dough from her face
as the other toys waited anxiously, fearing her
notoriously ruthless temper. She grabbed a
mass of dough in her hands and yelled at the
top of her lungs, “FOOD FIGHT!”
In an instant, all of the toys were heaving
globs of dough and cheese and even pizza
sauce at each other. Shmuli was in shock. He
They sat down at the table and
--started -- eating pizza!
COR 2016-5776 passover guide 107
She grabbed a mass of dough in her hands and yelled
at the top of her lungs, “FOOD FIGHT!”
kids corner
didn’t know what to do. And just when
he thought it couldn’t get any worse,
well, it got worse. A group of toy soldiers
started streaming out of the toy box.
The one toy soldier that had a different
colour uniform than the other – he
must have been their General - picked
up a tiny megaphone to his mouth and
said, “Did somebody say fight?! On my
count soldiers! Ready, aim, fire!” Then,
what seemed like a thousand tiny rifles
blasted pizza dough. “Again!” barked the
General. “Fire!”
Then the toy soldiers wheeled out a
toy tank from the box. “Fire!” the General
ordered, and out came a massive mound
of dough and sauce that splatted onto
the wall.
“Guys!” Shmuli screamed, “You’ve
got to stop this! Please stop!” But the
toys paid no attention to him. They kept
on throwing food, turning his basement
into a kind of chametz war zone.
Then Shmuli heard footsteps
coming towards the basement. “What’s
going on down there?” it was his older
sister, Adina, who was back from
seminary in Israel. As she opened
the door to the basement, something
strange happened. All of the toys just
froze in place and then fell on the ground.
They were back to being “normal” toys.
Adina looked at the basement in shock.
“What in the world are you doing
down here Shmuli?” Adina asked in
“It wasn’t me!” Shmuli tried to
explain. “It was the toys.” He motioned
towards them, but they were all just lying
on the ground, motionless.
“The house was already cleaned for
Pesach,” Adina said, still surveying the
basement in disbelief. “You better stop
playing with your toys and start cleaning
this up or there’s no way you’re getting
an afikomen present!” Adina closed the
door and started heading upstairs, and
when she did, the toys came back to life.
“Pass the dynamite!” said the
General. “I’m going in!” He ran towards
the chef’s kitchen and stuck some little
plasticine bricks onto the side of the
oven. He started running back to his
base and yelled, “TAKE COVER!” and with
that, the oven exploded and the pizza
went everywhere – stuck on the walls,
the ceiling, even on Shmuli’s face.
Just when he thought all hope was
lost, Shmuli had an idea. He opened the
door and called, “Adina! Come quick!”
Adina rushed down the stairs and came
back into the basement. She opened
the door and again, the toys fell to the
ground, motionless.
“I said start cleaning,” said Adina.
“Not make it worse.”
“ I know,” said Shmuli. “Listen I don’t
have time to explain, but I need you to
do me a favour.” Shmuli started picking
up the toys and putting them back into
the box. “You know that house down
the street that had that garage sale
Adina nodded.
“I need you to take this box of toys
back to them. Like now,” said Shmuli.
“OK,” Adina agreed. “But what are
you going to do about cleaning up the
kids CorNer
“i don’t know,” shmuli looked around
at the mess. “How do you even clean
dough off a ceiling?
“don’t ask me,” adina said.
“Well who should i ask?” wondered
“i don’t know,” his sister responded.
“maybe try calling the COR.”
Hmm…that’s not a bad idea, shmuli
thought as he handed the box of toys to
his sister. When he looked into the box
one last time, he saw the chef’s eyes
flicker, red. “Hang on,” shmuli said as his
sister was getting her coat at the door. He
grabbed some duct tape and taped the
box shut. “OK, now you can go,” shmuli
said as he pushed his sister out the door.
“ i think you got weirder while i was in
israel,” adina said as she started walking.
shmuli rushed to the kitchen
counter where he found the COR Pesach
magazine. He called the number for the
Pesach questions hotline.
“Hello, COR Pesach hotline,” the voice
“Ya, hi, is this Rabbi Rosen?” shmuli
asked shyly.
“That’s what it says on my hat,” Rabbi
Rosen replied. “How can i help you?”
“um…i’ve got a question, but it’s kind
of a weird question,” shmuli said.
“No question is a weird question,”
reassured Rabbi Rosen. “unless it’s like, a
super weird question. Just kidding.”
“Ya, mine is super weird,” said shmuli.
“don’t worry, i get all sorts of
questions. if you can believe it, i don’t just
get questions from people. i get questions
from animals too. people need to know
what kind of food to feed their pets on
Pesach and they don’t want to have
chametz in the house. so a dog could eat
trief, but not chametz. That’s pretty cool,
(Have you ever heard of a “light bulb
moment” where you get an idea out of
nowhere? Well just then, shmuli had one
of those).
“Wait a second,” shmuli said, “did you
“No question is a weird questiso it’s like,
reassured Rabbi Rosen. “Unles g.”
a super weird question. Just ki
just say dogs?”
“Oh yeah,” Rabbi Rosen replied. “people call me with all sorts of
questions about pet food. dogs, cats, birds, fish…you’d be surprised, most
fish food has chametz in it. i even got a call from…”
“Thank you so much! You’ve been a great help!” shmuli hung up the
“Hmm,” Rabbi Rosen said to himself. “That was kind of a weird
question. Because there was no question.”
shmuli opened his front door, put his fingers in his mouth and whistled
as loud as he could. He grabbed a bell and started ringing it. shmuli’s
neighbours had a bunch of dogs. Big dogs. and when they heard shmuli’s
whistle, they came running.
“good dogs!” shmuli said as they ran into the house. He directed them
down the stairs and into the basement. “get to work!” shmuli instructed,
and fortunately, they obliged. They started eating everything in sight. They
licked the pizza sauce off the walls, and the cheese off the floor. in no time,
the room was starting to look clean again. But what about that dough
on the ceiling…shmuli had an idea. His aunt had just bought him a mini
trampoline for his birthday…
“Who wants to jump on the trampoline with me?” shmuli asked the
dogs as he got on the trampoline and started jumping. The dogs started
barking, looking at the fun that shmuli was having, and finally one of them
jumped on. shmuli double bounced the dog, who went sky high towards the
COR 2016-5776 passOveR guide 109
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ceiling and while he was up there, he snatched one of the
pieces of pizza dough hanging from the ceiling. Then it was
next dog’s turn, and the next, and then before he knew it,
his basement was clean.
“shmuli, i’m home.” it was his mother. “everything OK?”
“um…ya,” shmuli said as he tried to figure out how
to get rid of the neighbour’s dogs. He heard his mother’s
footsteps coming towards the basement. He rushed
towards the backdoor and opened it, shoving the dogs out.
He closed the door just as his mother came in.
“How did it go down here?” mrs. adler asked, smiling.
shmuli looked around, in disbelief over what he’d been
“OK, i guess,” said shmuli.
“is that mr. pickles over there?” mrs. adler asked,
motioning towards a dog lying in the corner. it was one of
“Good dogs!”
Shmuli said as
they ran into
the house.
He directed
them down the
stairs and into
the basement.
“Get to work!”
110 KasHRuTH COuNCiL OF CaNada | 416-635-9550 | WWW.COR.Ca
the neighbor’s dogs that shmuli must not have noticed as
he was shooing the others out.
“What’s he doing in here?” asked mrs. adler. He was
just lying on the ground, licking his paws, looking like
he was ready to take a nap after his big meal. “i don’t
remember his tummy being that…big” she said.
“uh…i think he has a junk food problem,” shmuli said,
opening the back door. “No more pizza for you mr. pickles!”
“so you decided to play with the neighbour’s dogs
instead of those dolls i got you?” mrs. adler asked.
“ Ya,” shmuli replied with a smile. “dolls are, kind of,
kids CORNer
Coby and the
Flying Jets
Story by Rabbi Paysach Krohn
Retold by Rabbi Moishe Blaustein, Rebbe at Eitz Chaim Patricia Campus
and Director of Camp Agudah
The story of Pesach is about how Moshe Rabbeinu
guided the Jewish people out of Egypt.
This is also a story about being guided
and directed by others.
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here was once a jet pilot in the israeli Air force. His name was Yaakov
but everyone called him Coby. He would lead a group of fire pilots
every night preparing for possible war. Each night, this was their
routine: Coby’s jet roared off the runway and into the air. Coby’s
division flew in V-formation with Coby in the front, two pilots slightly
behind Coby on the right, and two behind Coby on the left. Coby
would shoot a flare into the air, lighting up one area. the other pilots
would fly over the lit area and then Coby would turn his jet around
and fly back to the tarmac. the other pilots would follow suit returning a few seconds
after Coby. this was their routine. night after night.
One night, Coby shot his flare as usual. then suddenly, he became dizzy and disoriented,
suffering from a condition called vertigo. But Coby didn’t realize that at the time. instead
of flying his jet upward, Coby started flying his jet downward, heading for straight for
disaster! Within seconds, Coby’s friends saw what was going on and they knew it wasn’t
good. Coby had to turn his plane around now!
the other pilots radioed Coby immediately. “You must change directions now!” they told
Coby looked at his altimeter, which showed the height of the plane in the air. He realized
his friends were right. He was heading in the wrong direction, flying straight toward the
Coby knew he had to pull his plane into the opposite direction. But in his condition, it
was just about the hardest thing he ever did in his life! But somehow, Coby managed to
turn the plane upward. His head then cleared. He was able to turn the plane back into the
right direction. Baruch Hashem, Coby landed safely!
this is what guidance is all about. Pesach is about guidance. We must learn how to take
guidance from parents and teachers and sometimes even good friends who can show us
the right way.
today, Yaakov “Coby” Sherman is a father of a beautiful family in Yerushalayim. He’s now
giving guidance when it comes to torah and mitzvoth, the same type of guidance that he
has been fortunate to receive from others.
(Living Lessons: Pesach by Rabbi Paysach Krohn ,
112 KasHRuTH COuNCiL OF CaNada | 416-635-9550 | WWW.COR.Ca
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Activity CORner
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what’s cooking?
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what’s cooking?
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