The Boom Towns and Ghost Towns of the New Economy
The Boom Towns and Ghost Towns of the New Economy August/Agosto 2015 Vol. 26 - No. 8 The Boom Towns and Ghost Towns of the New Economy By: Richard Florida Buffalo Rochester, Houston, Washington, D.C.—plus most college towns and the energy belt—are all up, while much of the Sun Belt is (still) down. Mapping the winners and losers since the crash. Cities such a Dunkirk, N.Y. that has failed to reinvent themselfe are emerming as Ghost Towns. America’s economic map is ever changing. Great migrations—Hispanic settlers westward, eastward and south ward; African Americans northward; urbanites outward to greener suburbs, then back again—have shaped the country’s history. Cities have heaved skyward; boom towns have come and gone. Back in the spring of 2009, I wrote in these pages that the financial crisis would “permanently and profoundly alter the country’s economic landscape.” Some cities and regions “will eventually spring back stronger than before,” I predicted. “Others may never come back at all.” Such as Dunkirk, NY. It might have sounded apocalyptic, but tectonic shifts of this kind are not unprecedented. They are the geographic counterpart to what the economist Joseph Schumpeter dubbed “creative destruction”—the great gales of change that level some companies and industries, and give rise to others. As powerful as they might seem in the moment, it is only when we look back through the lens of history that the full extent of economic and Pierluisi habla de la estadidad como solución a crisis económica del país geographic changes becomes clear. Eight years after the crash, with the national economy has return to good health, we can begin to trace the outlines of America’s emerging economic map— and take inventory of the places that are thriving, those that are declining, and those that are trying, in novel ways, to come back. The American economy is enormous, See ESTADIDAD on page 3 See TOWNS on page 3 Veterano es honrado con el Corazón purpura Un veterano de guerra recibió un Corazón purpura en el festival anual del palo encebado por las heridas que sufrió en la guerra de Vietnam después de 44 anos. Wilmer Olivencia fue homenajeado en el Festival de Palo encebado. Él estaba sirviendo en el ejército de Estados Unidos cuando recibió un disparo en la rodilla, y le golpeó en la cara por la metralla de granadas. Fue rescatado por un helicóptero, pero no fue capaz de aterrizar en la selva, y él tuvo que subir una escalera con sus heridas. Tristemente, Olivencia dijo que el resto de su escuadrón resultaron muertos en el ataque. Dijo que siendo honrado fue especialmente muy emotivo para él. "Es un poco difícil de explicar porque por lo general el despliegue es asesinado, por Por: Pedro Pierluisi El comisionado residente en Washington, Pedro Pierluisi, enfatizó el sábado la importancia del status político de la Isla, dentro de su desalentador panorama financiero, y apuntó a la igualdad que sólo se logra con la estadidad como el paso correcto para superar la crisis. “Nadie ha prosperado económicamente mientras se le priva de derechos políticos y civiles básicos. Si Puerto Rico va a tener éxito, debe ser tratado con igualdad. Y, para que sea igual, debe convertirse en un Ending the Crisis of Confidence in Our Criminal Justice System lo que me considero muy afortunado Esto significa mucho que tengo a mi madre aquí desde Puerto Rico;. Ella tiene 90 años de edad, Mi hijo, mi hija, mi esposa, y todos mis amigos que me han dado tanto ayuda ", dijo. Olivencia hizo un punto para decir que el VA ha sido un gran recurso en todo después By: Eric T. Schneiderman When President Obama visited a federal prison in Oklahoma last week, he highlighted one of our nation's most urgent moral issues -- the inequitable and ineffective state of our criminal justice system. In a system that disproportionately harms poor people and people of color, too many Americans have lost faith in the essential American principle of equal justice under law. Last December, when I called for my office to be appointed as temporary special prosecutor in cases where unarmed civilians die during encounters with police in New York State, I did so in large part See PURPURA on page 3 to help restore confidence in our justice system. On July 8, Gov. Andrew Cuomo granted my office that power, an important step towards a renewed public confidence. However, the crisis of confidence is rooted See CRISIS on page 3 Niagara Family Dental ML Gallego Auto Insurance 572 Amherst Street (716) 854-2800 821 Niagara Street (716) 883-3664 (716) 442-8246 LAW OFFICES Consulta en su Hogar si tiene impedimiento o enfermedad OF NOEMI FERNANDEZ, PLLC NOEMI FERNÁNDEZ, ESQ., BS, JD Experiencia legal con la honestidád e integridad que usted se merece UÊLESIONES PERSONALES – Accidentes de Auto, Caidas Mala Práctica Médica UÊLEY DE FAMILIA – Custodia, Mantenimiento, Ofensas de Familia, Visitación, Adopciones UÊMATRIMONIAL – Contratos pre-matrimonio, Contratos de separación, divorcios y contratos, Contratos post-matrimonio Hablamos Tu Idioma UÊDEFENSA CRIMINAL – (Estatal - Federal) Ê UÊTESTAMENTOS, PODERES, CASOS DE HERENCIA (testado/no testado/Guardianes y Tutores) UÊBANCARROTA, IMIGRACIÓN, ARTICULOS 81 (Guardianes y Tutores) UÊBIENES RAICES – (cierre de casa en compras y ventas) 69 Delaware Ave., Suite 603 Buffalo, NY 14202 716.842.1379 LiÀÌ\ÊÕiÃÊ>Ê6iÀiÃÊ`iÊ\ää>ÊÊÇ\ää«ÊUÊSabados 9:00am - 6:00pm Para emergencias fín de semana 716-864-9618 pg PANORAMA HISPANO ׀August/Agosto 2015 ׀BUFFALO • DUNKIRK • ROCHESTER • ERIE 2 State Ed Commissioner Singles out Buffalo & Rochester Schools for Receivership Buffalo News Page 4 La OEA viaja a Haití por su conflicto migratorio con RD Mundo Latino Page 9 The man from U.N.C.L.E – El agente del Cipol Entretenimiento Page 13 Health Crisis as HeroinRelated Deaths Escalate Buffalo News Page 4 Ibero Awards Record Number of Student Scholarships Rochester News Page 7 Fuga del Chapo refleja corrupción política en México Mundo Latino Page 9 Rochester Puerto Rican Festival is August 21-23 Entretenimiento Page 13 WhatsApp lanza nuevas funciones para computadoras Tech & Science News Page 10 Con fecha el encuentro entre Miguel Cotto y Canelo Álvarez Sports News Page 21 Ibero Members Highlights: Jaira Santiago Rochester News Page 7 Dinorah E. Santos Pride of the Community Conozca su Gente Page 11 Mónica González se queda con bronce en boxeo Sports News Page 21 $PSB[ØO4JODFSPt&M Perdón Tu Reflejo Page 7 Piononos Puertorriqueños Receta Page 11 How the American opiate epidemic was started by one company Editorial/ Letters Page 22 For calendar of events visit: PANORAMA HISPANO ׀August/Agosto 2015 ׀BUFFALO • DUNKIRK • ROCHESTER • ERIE PORTADA 508/4t from FRONT page and enormously complicated. It comprises scores of industries harboring hundreds of occupations, spread across more than 350 metro economies, large and small. A variety of measures can be used to divine the health and prospects of these different places— population growth, job growth, housing prices, and the unemployment rate are among the more common. Each of these measures has its uses, but some of them can conceal as much as they reveal. Population growth, for instance, tells you nothing about the skills and education of the people arriving; job growth says nothing about whether the new jobs are good or bad. Throughout this article, I will draw on some of these measures. But I’ll lean most heavily on three measures less commonly seen in the popular press, but perhaps more telling: the composition of job growth (high-wage, mid-wage, or low-wage); productivity growth (which is the basis for improvements in the standard of living); and venture-capital funding (a proxy for the sort of entrepreneurial innovation that can power future growth). Taken together, the patterns revealed by these measures provide a fine-grained picture of America’s post-crisis geography. The economic landscape is being reshaped around two kinds of hubs—centers of knowledge and ideas, and clusters of energy production. Overwhelmingly, these are the places driving the economic recovery. Outside them, the economy remains troubled and weak. New York City was widely expected to be devastated by the financial crisis. Wall Street’s collapse, the conventional wisdom went, would bring the whole city down with it. In 2009, I predicted that New York would in fact prove to be one of the country’s most resilient places. Even so, the speed and strength of its rebound has surprised me—its explosive growth as a start-up center especially so. New York’s financial sector did shrink somewhat—before the 2008 crash, finance and insurance accounted for 44 percent of Manhattan’s payroll; in 2009, 37 percent—but the city has retained its perch as a preeminent global finance center, and the reduction of the finance industry’s footprint has provided the spur and the space for other industries to grow. New York has incredibly high concentrations of management, media, design, and creative occupations. Since the crash, it has gained ground in its competition with Los Angeles as a center for media and entertainment (the imminent return of The Tonight Show, which decamped for Burbank, California, in 1972, is one result). Brooklyn—the setting for the HBO megahit Girls—has emerged as a major trendsetter for everything from film and television to indie rock and artisanal food. The crash was supposed to send real-estate values plummeting throughout the city, and prices did dip. But today Manhattan and nearby sections of Brooklyn not only are booming, they have surpassed pre-crisis peaks. And as anyone who has noticed how many windows are dark in Manhattan’s luxury high-rises might have guessed, New York is not just a playground for the global elite, but a locus for their investments—including highend properties where they reside for a small part of the year. Cities such as Dunkirk’s have seen real-estate values plummeting. In Buffalo and Rochester prices have kept pace and continue to rise. Then there is tech. Wall Street has always provided capital to high-tech businesses, but until recently, its investment dollars were typically exported to other regions. Yet over the past 10 years, greater New York’s share of the nation’s start-ups funded by venture capital has more than doubled, from 5.3 percent to 11.4 percent, far outpacing Silicon Valley’s rate of growth, with much of the growth occurring after the crash. In 2011, the city attracted more venture-capital investment than any other save San Francisco, nearly double Palo Alto’s, almost four times Boston’s, and more than six times Seattle’s. pg 3 At every step of the process -- in encounters with police, bail and sentencing decisions, and re-entry options after release -- we can adopt evidence-based practices that will reduce both crime and our prison population. For many young people, their first contact with the criminal justice system is not a police stop on the street. Instead, it's in a classroom, where a minor disciplinary infraction (one that used to warrant a call to the principal's office) now gets a call to local police. In those cases where our children do end up in the system, they should be treated as children. After the governor and legislature failed to agree on a "Raise the Age" proposal this past session, New York remains one of only two states that automatically treats 16and 17-year-olds as adults. This is unconscionable. When a system treats young people this way -- especially boys of color -- it is no wonder the crisis of confidence endures and grows. Restoring trust between police and the communities they serve is crucial to solving this crisis in the long run. That is why New York should follow the lead of the US Department of Justice and the recommendation of the National District Attorneys Association and videotape police interviews with suspects once they are in custody. Once they are charged, too many poor New Yorkers find themselves trapped by our unjust bail system. Unable to pay for bail, they languish in Rikers Island or other jails while they await trial, regardless of guilt. There are many interesting bail reform proposals circulating in both the city and state. My friends in government must move forward on those reforms. Finally, once formerly incarcerated New Yorkers have paid their debts to society, they must be given the chance to re-enter society as productive, responsible citizens. Connecting them to jobs, housing and education is critical to driving down recidivism. My office is working with both employers and colleges to ensure New Yorkers who have earned a second chance can get one. In all the years I have worked to reform our criminal justice system, I have never been as hopeful as I am today that we can finally tackle the big, structural challenges. The political climate is ripe for reform. It is time for New York to lead. &45"%*%"%tGSPNFRONT page estado”, dijo Pierluisi en un comunicado de prensa. El Comisionado Residente se encuentra en Nueva York participando de la 85va Convención Anual de la Liga Ciudadanos Latinoamericanos Unidos (LULAC, por sus siglas en inglés). Además de presentar el cuadro sobre la situación de Puerto Rico y las soluciones que propone, fue el orador invitado a la Cena Presidencial. “Mientras Puerto Rico siga siendo un territorio, desprovisto de igualdad de trato bajo programas federales, obligado a endeudarse fuertemente para compensar la diferencia y sin el derecho de votar por el Presidente y por miembros del Congreso que hacen nuestras leyes nacionales, la isla estará en una posición meramente para manejar, más que superar, sus problemas económicos”, expresó Pierluisi. “Esta es la única conclusión razonable a décadas de evidencia empírica, incluyendo un reciente informe de Oficina de la Contraloría General de Estados Unidos que confirma que, al ser un territorio, Puerto Rico pierde hasta $10 billones al año en fondos federales”, agregó. Durante su mensaje, Pierluisi dejó establecido el panorama financiero desalentador por el que atraviesa la Isla, con su deuda de más de $70 billones de dólares; la degradación a chatarra de los bonos de casi todas las 17 entidades de Puerto Rico; la pérdida de 38,000 empleos desde que la actual administración asumió el poder en enero de 2013; una tasa de desempleo de casi 14 por ciento; un éxodo sin precedentes, donde cerca de 1,000 Number of Capitol Venture Deals 2015 puertorriqueños emigran semanalmente a los Estados en busca de mejores oportunidades, Tech clusters have sprouted in Manhattan, Buffalo and Rochester,NY mostly in y donde el ingreso promedio familiar es de aproximadamente $40,000 al año para los lower neighborhoods like the Medical Campus, Flatiron District, and Chelsea and puertorriqueños viviendo allá, en comparación con los aproximados $19,000 anuales de la the Meatpacking District down to SoHo and Tribeca on the West Side. All of these Isla. neighborhoods are diverse places, filled with old buildings like the former Port Authority “La mayoría de los puertorriqueños entienden que el estatus de la Isla es la causa de los building that now serves as Google’s nearly $2 billion New York headquarters. In the Buffalo área Yahoo has built facilities and continued growth is expected. Their repurposing problemas económicos, y por eso votaron para rechazar el estatus actual en un referéndum celebrado en 2012, donde hubo una fuerte preferencia por la estadidad por encima de as tech hubs only makes these cities stronger and more diverse. New York’s rise as a tech center signals a major shift in the locus of venture-capital-fueled cualquiera de las otras alternativas. El Presidente y los miembros del Congreso de ambos partidos reconocen esto también, por lo que promulgaron legislación este año que incluye innovation. For a long time, high-tech start-ups have clustered in suburban office parks $2.5 millones para llevar a cabo la primera votación de status patrocinada por el gobierno along freeways, places that are sometimes called “nerdistans.” But since the crisis, startfederal, con el propósito de resolver el asunto del status territorial”, dijo. ups have taken an urban turn. San Francisco, which has fared extremely well since the “Por mi parte, he presentado legislación para que la votación autorizada por el gobierno crash, is a striking case in point. Over the past several years, Twitter has established its federal se estructure como una votación sobre si Puerto Rico debe ser admitido como estado y que requiera una acción federal si una mayoría de votantes favorece la admisión. Continued on page 16 Este proyecto de ley cuenta con el apoyo de 131 de mis colegas en la Cámara de Representantes federal, y un proyecto de ley idéntico se ha presentado en el Senado”, enfatizó Pierluisi, añadiendo que para llevar a cabo dicha votación, solo falta que el 163163"tGSPNFRONT page Gobernador y la Asamblea Legislativa le pongan una fecha. El Comisionado Residente también hizo referencia a la Ley para el Cumplimento con las de todo lo que ha pasado. Él está exhortando otros veteranos que necesitan ayuda para Deudas y para la Recuperación de las Corporaciones Públicas, mejor conocida como la llegar a ellos, y hablar con alguien. “Ley de Quiebra Criolla” promulgada el mes pasado por el Gobierno, que permitiría a ciertas corporaciones estatales reestructurar su deuda, lo que desencadenó otra ronda de reducción de las calificaciones, así como un desafío constitucional presentada en una corte $3*4*4tGSPNFRONT page federal. in far more than those rare, tragic cases in which a civilian dies during an encounter with “Como Presidente del principal partido de oposición en Puerto Rico, que favorece la the police. estadidad para la isla, me he opuesto a muchas de las decisiones de política hechas por el There are serious structural issues that must be addressed if all our citizens are expected actual gobernador y el partido de mayoría en la Asamblea legislativa, que prefieren el statu to feel our system provides equal justice under law. Without reform, we are consigning an quo territorial sobre la estadidad o la independencia. Creo que sus acciones, en conjunto, entire generation of young, predominantly African-American men to incarceration with han empeorado, no mejorado una situación difícil. Creo que las decisiones del gobierno little hope of a successful future. local y su proceso de toma de decisiones, ha causado que el público, la comunidad de Meaningful reform is possible -- and it works. Back in 2009, critics said New York's inversiones y las agencias acreditadoras cuestionen la capacidad, la coherencia y la sweeping reform of our draconian Rockefeller drug laws would spur a crime wave. One credibilidad del gobierno”, expresó Pierluisi. columnist called my reform bill "the drug dealer protection act." “Yo apoyo la estadidad por muchas razones, pero una de las razones principales es que Six years later, crime rates are down. Recidivism is down. The prison population is creo que es la mejor opción de estatus para fortalecer nuestra economía y crear empleos, shrinking. And New York taxpayers are saving millions each year on the costs of trying mejorar el clima de negocios, permitir a nuestro gobierno superar sus problemas fiscales and imprisoning non-violent drug offenders. y revertir la tendencia actual de la migración. También creo que Puerto Rico, un estado The success of the Rockefeller reforms highlighted just how far we still have to go in New fuerte y estable, sería de interés nacional a los Estados Unidos, un punto reforzado por York. Our system remains one that ensnares far too many young people and continues to el análisis que figura en el reciente informe de la Oficina de la Contraloría General de heap punishment on offenders long after they have served their time. Estados Unidos que he citado anteriormente”, puntualizó el Comisionado Residente. pg 4 PANORAMA HISPANO ׀August/Agosto 2015 ׀BUFFALO • DUNKIRK • ROCHESTER • ERIE Noticias de Buffalo State Education Commissioner Singles out Buffalo and Rochester Schools for Receivership BY: Carlos DePonce State Education Commissioner MaryEllen Elia announced today that the Department has identified 144 schools in 17 school districts as Struggling Schools or Persistently Struggling Schools. Of the schools identified, 124 were identified as Struggling Schools and 20 were identified as Persistently Struggling Schools. “In those schools designated as Persistently Struggling, there will be an unprecedented infusion of resources to support school turnaround efforts,” said Board of Regents Chancellor, Merryl H. Tisch. “This is an opportunity that communities must seize to come together to fundamentally rethink how these schools carry out their obligations to students and families.” “In these schools, whole generations of students have been left behind,” said Commissioner Elia. “As a former school superintendent, I know how important it will be for superintendents to use their new authority to develop robust plans to improve student performance. Superintendents have an obligation to act on conditions that have persisted for too long in these schools.” In April 2015, the legislature and governor created a new section of State Education Law pertaining to school receivership. In June, the Board of Regents approved new regulations to implement the provisions of the law. Struggling Schools are defined as schools that have been identified since 2012-13 as Priority Schools (i.e., among the lowest performing five percent of schools in the state). Priority Schools that have been in the most severe accountability status since the 2006-07 school year have been identified as Persistently Struggling Schools. Under the receivership law, a school receiver is granted new authority to, among other things, develop a school intervention plan; convert schools to community schools providing wrap-around services; expand the school day or school year; and remove staff and/or require staff to reapply for their jobs in collaboration with a staffing committee. In the 20 schools identified as Persistently Struggling, the superintendent first serves as the receiver and is given an initial one-year period to use the enhanced authority of a receiver to make demonstrable improvement on annual goals established by the Commissioner, including student performance. Absent demonstrable improvement, the Commissioner will direct the school board to appoint an independent receiver within 60 days. The Commissioner will work closely with the school board to ensure that the most qualified individual is identified and the appointment of all independent receivers must be approved by the Commissioner. Additionally, the school will be eligible for a portion of $75 million in state aid to support and implement its turnaround efforts over a two-year period. Struggling Schools will be given two years under a “superintendent receiver” to make demonstrable improvement or the district will be required to appoint an independent receiver and submit the appointment for approval by the Commissioner. Independent receivers, who can be an individual, a not-for-profit organization, or another school district, have sole responsibility to manage and operate the school and have all of the enhanced authority of a school receiver. Independent receivers are appointed for up to three school years and serve under contract with the Commissioner. As with Persistently Struggling Schools, the independent receiver appointed by the district must be approved by the Commissioner, and the Commissioner will make the appointment if an acceptable receiver is not selected by the district. Health Crisis as Heroin-Related Deaths Escalate BUFFALO, N.Y. -- In Erie County, there have been 54 fatal opioid overdoses so far in 2015. Thirteen additional overdoses are still being investigated. It mirrors the nationwide trend of heroin-related deaths, which have quadrupled since 2000, according to the Drug Enforcement Agency. "The majority of heroin that's coming in to Western New York, New York State in general and the northeast is coming from Mexico," said James Hunt, DEA Special Agent in Charge, New York Division. According to the DEA, about 20 percent of heroin seized nationwide is confiscated in New York State. The majorities of larger shipments go to New York City first and then branch out to places like Buffalo, Syracuse, and Rochester. In Western New York, it's a health crisis and a crisis for law enforcement. "About 80 percent of the opiate-addicted people that we see are between 18 and 40," said Anne Constantino, Horizon Health Services President & CEO. "These are people whose first experience with treatment is with a very serious and very severe addiction." "A couple of the significant cases that we have had recently, we had a female that overdosed three times within a three week period at the same address," said Buffalo Police Captain Patrick Mann. According to the Drug Enforcement Administration, the rise is fueled by the prescription pill epidemic and the high rate of import by Mexican groups. Of late, law enforcement has also seen an influx of fentanyl. "It's 30 to 50 times more powerful than heroin, and we're seeing these Mexican groups spiking so to speak their shipments with fentanyl to make them stronger," Hunt said. Locally, Agencies like Hispanics United of Buffalo have opened Methodone Clinics to try to address addiction yet since their opening just six months ago overdose cases have more that doubled and usage continues to rise. Canalside Events- Buffalo Waterfront Something for Everyone, Everyday! From kayaking and pingpong to having a delicious meal and watching the sunset- there is always something to do at Canalside, every day! You can take a stroll along our Boardwalk or relax in one of our new Buffalo Sunset Chairs and enjoy the breathtaking views of the Buffalo River and Lake Erie, especially at sunset! Enjoy a walk around the historically aligned canals – take in the historic interpretation of the Terminus of the Erie Canal, the Immigrant Steps, and Lloyd Street, Lake Street and Commercial Street bridges. Games Canalside has full collection of lawn and table games available to play for FREE! Includes ping pong, foosball, bean bag toss, giant Connect Four, ladder ball, and much more- Bring a friend and enjoy the fun! Canalside game cart supplies are courtesy of the TreeHouse Toy Store and BlueCross BlueSheild of Western New York! Hours: Monday-Friday 11 am-7 pm, Saturday & Sunday 10 am-8 pm. Daily Rentals and Tours BFLO Harbor Kayak offers kayaks and SUP (stand up paddle-board) rentals and tours. For hours, rates, and tour info visit Water Bikes of Buffalo offer both water bike and pedal car rentals. For hours, rates, and more info visit The Spirit of Buffalo topsail schooner offers breathtaking day and evening sails and is available to rent for private events. For more info visit Buffalo River History Tours offers boat tours along the Buffalo River, including tours of Buffalo’s Grain Elevators! For rates and tour information visit www. Food & Drink The Dish is Canalside’s newly updated take out restaurant! Don’t forget to save room for ice cream! “The Dish” is open for lunch and dinner daily and includes a beer & wine garden- it’s the best place to relax by the water and enjoy the view with a drink in your hand! Open daily 11 am-10 pm The Blue Line is the newest food stand at Canalside located at the Lloyd Street Bridge, featuring Code Blu Juices & Smoothies during the day and Just Fries and fun Happy Hours at night. The Liberty Hound is is a full-service restaurant located inside the Naval & Military Park serving seafood and other American favorites all summer long! For menu and more information visit Vendor Kiosks Our new vendor kiosks are located alongside the Canals in the Aud Block. They include: Buffalove memorabilia, Harborside Mercantile, TMG Wellness Chair Massage, Kinga’s Jewelry Box. The hours of operation for all kiosks are Monday-Thursday 12 pm-8pm, Friday-Sunday 10 am-8 pm. Buffalo and Erie County Naval & Military Park The Buffalo & Erie County Naval & Military Park is located at Canalside and takes you inside history with incredible exhibits and displays including actual historic documents, uniforms, military gear, photographs and so much more. Take tours of the USS Little Rock, the USS Croaker, and the USS The Sullivans. For more information visit www. Art Installations Take a photo sitting next to the famous Shark Girl located at The Canals, by the Commercial Street Bridge – a piece of public art by artist Casey Riordan-Millard and courtesy of Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Erie County and City of Buffalo! We also have our new art installation Silent Poets by Jaume Plensa – a modern-day space for meditation and collective contemplation at Canalside with the two figures facing one another, symbolically conversing through changing colors—green, blue, yellow, purple. For more informations on Canalside events visit: Hispanic Hertage Month Join us for the Kick off of Hispanic Heritage Month Tuesday, September 15, 12pm at the Buffalo & Erie County Public Libarary – 1 Lafayette Square, Buffalo, NY 14203. Hispanic Women’s League Offers Awards College students have the opportunity of winning a Hispanic Women’s League scholarship award for the fall 2015 semester. To qualify, students must be of Hispanic origin, female, and have 24 degree credits. The grade point average should be at least 2.75. Applicants must be residents of Erie or Niagara County and attend an institution in either of these regions. Criteria for successful applications include academic achievement, financial need, and a show of commitment to the Hispanic community. The deadline for receipt of applications is September 17th. To request forms, for questions or more information, contact the Scholarship Committee Co-chairs, Ms. Alicia Granto-Estenoz at (716) 885-HELP or Dr. Eleanor Paterson at (716) 851-1049. The Hispanic Women’s League is a not-for-profit organization comprised of member volunteers working toward a better community. Allentown's Casa de Arte's Upcomming Events 1. "Infinitely Complex", Rick Williams, artist. Installations, paintings films and mixed media. Subject matter: The brain-arguably the most complex structure in the universe-and mental illness. Opening reception: Friday, July 17, 2015, 6 to 10 pm; the exhibit runs through August 6th. 2. "Casa de Arte presents Geraldine Liquidano's paintings and fused glass works." Ms. Liquidano's fascinating background includes architecture and a wide variety of art. Opening reception: Saturday, August 22, 2015, 6 to 10 pm; the exhibit runs through September 20th. 3. " LA LUCHA: a path to commitment.” Bill Jungels, artist, a critically acclaimed photojournalist and documentary film artist. Installations, photographs, films and mixed media Subject matter: Migrants from Mexico and their struggle. Opening reception: Saturday, September 26, 2015, 6 to 10 pm; the exhibit runs through October 25th. 4. "El Dia de los Muertos" (The Day of the Dead) Casa de Arte's most popular exhibit, featuring installations, sculptures and mixed media from internationally known artist Mara Odette Opening reception: Saturday, October 31, 2015, 6 to 10 pm, with a special celebration Monday, November 2nd, 4 to 8 pm; the exhibit runs through November 22, 2015. Casa de Arte, 141 Elmwood Ave., Buffalo, N.Y. 14201, 716-227-0271 PANORAMA HISPANO ׀August/Agosto 2015 2014 ׀BUFFALO • DUNKIRK • ROCHESTER • ERIE Strong Memorial Hospital Strong Memorial Hospital Named Upstate’s Best Hospital Patient & Family Centered Care pg 5 pg PANORAMA HISPANO ׀August/Agosto 2015 ׀BUFFALO • DUNKIRK • ROCHESTER • ERIE 6 A WORLD CLASS COMPANY Center One, LLC, the premier Customer Service center in WNY, has the following opportunity: Customer Care Specialist · · · · · · · · · · Candidates should have the following skills: Strong Customer service skills Positive and professional tone Ability to handle inbound/outbound phone calls Use Customer-centric negotiation skills when dealing with past due Customers Ability to manipulate multiple computer systems at one time Meet hourly, daily, weekly and monthly performance, productivity and quality standards Have a desire to work in a fast pace environment that is constantly evolving and growing! Ability to work 1:30pm-10:00pm with varied weekends. Bi-Lingual/Spanish encouraged to apply and are hired at an INCREASED hourly rate! A WORLD CLASS EMPLOYER Competitive benefit package includes: • Paid training program • 401k package • Paid vacation • Medical, Dental and Life Insurance • On-Site Physicians Office “Free to Employees” A WORLD CLASS OPPORTUNITY If you have the desire and dedication to provide superior customer service with the opportunity for advancement, then Center One is the place for you! Interested candidates should apply online at or contact Recruiting at 716-844-3211 or visit 652 South Ogden Street, Buffalo, NY 14206. Center One, LLC is an equal opportunity employer. Handbags Accessories 1XVNX`WN[\QRYis important. and more We’re here to help first-time homebuyers navigate the mortgage process and make buying a home affordable, even if you have: 5R]]UNVXWNbOX[JMX`WYJbVNW] 5R]]UNX[¬UN\\]QJWYN[ONL]L[NMR]QR\]X[b *[NLNW]SXKLQJWPN To get started, call 1-888-253-0993 or visit 490 Niagara St. Buffalo, NY [email protected] [716] 777.6481 Certain restrictions apply. Subject to credit and property approval. NMLS# 381076 ©2015 M&T Bank. Member FDIC. PANORAMA HISPANO ׀August/Agosto 2015 2014 ׀BUFFALO • DUNKIRK • ROCHESTER • ERIE Noticias de Rochester Tu Reflejo pg 7 Ibero Awards Record Number of Student Scholarships Corazón Sincero Ibero American Action League Inc. recognized 61 high school seniors from the class of 2015 for their academic achievements at Ibero’s Annual Gala and Hispanic Scholarship Recognition Awards, Saturday, June 11, at the Rochester Riverside Convention Center. According to officials, each student received at least one college scholarship, made possible by Ibero, and several other businesses and organizations in the Rochester area. Wegmans, The Bonadio Group and Usherwood Office Technology sponsored the event. “This is a record number of college scholarships for our program,” said Ibero president and CEO, Hilda Rosario Escher. “What makes us just as proud is that, out of these 61 high school graduates, 21 are from the Rochester City School District – another record number.” According to Ibero, the organization’s scholarship application process required students to demonstrate high academic achievement, community engagement, and leadership qualities. In addition, a scholarship committee, consisting of professionals in the Latino community, ranked and selected the students who received the awards. “In a city where the high school graduation rate among Hispanic students is 43 percent, it’s more important than ever to recognize the accomplishments of high school students, and graduates,” said associate director of youth services, Jessica Wilson. “Our programs are successfully providing academic and social support to current students, so they, too, can follow a similar path.” The organizations which donated to Ibero’s scholarship fund included Ibero; The Greater Rochester Health Foundation; Conserve; Dale Carnegie Rochester; Excellus; First Capital Payments; Rochester’s Cornerstone Group; the Rochester Hispanic Business Association; the Rochester Latino Rotary Club; the Puerto Rican Festival; the United Way’s Latino Leadership Development Program; and several individuals who had partnered with the organization to provide scholarships for the first time. Members Highlights: Jaira Santiago Jaira N. Santiago is a 38 year old Hispanic native from Rochester NY, and the mother of two beautiful children. She graduated from East High School and attended classes at Monroe Community College. Santiago is the owner and creator of Beads and Bangles by Jaira located at 733 East Main Street Rochester NY. “We make custom handcrafted beaded jewelry combining silver and gold filled beads with Swarvoski Crystals and semi precious stones to create a one of a kind piece to cherish. On my spare time, I enjoy working with my hands creating wedding cakes, floral arrangements and favors for all occasions. However, my passion has always been jewelry and I’ve been a jeweler for over 13 years.” Hubo una vez, una madre humilde y sacrificada que crió a sus dos hijos prácticamente sola. Luego de adultos, sus hijos formaron sus propias familias y se fueron cada cual por su lado, pero su hija menor siempre estuvo al pendiente de ella. Un día, la amorosa mujer se enfermó. Tenía un tumor canceroso en el intestino. Su hija menor estuvo a sus cuidados siempre. Nunca se separó de ella mostrando una gran sonrisa y tranquilidad a pesar de que por dentro se estaba cayendo en pedazos. Su madre no sabía nada de su enfermedad y su hija, al conocer muy bien a su madre, no quería que se enterara todavía. Luego de unas semanas de ardua oración de fe y desesperación, la enferma madre se enteró, pero tal sorpresa se llevó su hija al enterarse que el cáncer había sido removido por completo y que luego de un minucioso examen en las áreas cercanas a la que estuvo afectada, no hubo señal de cáncer por ningún lado. El tratamiento que le darían sería preventivo. Fue un alivio y una felicidad tan grande saber que disfrutaría del amor de su madre por un tiempo más, hasta que el Todopoderoso decida. Pasaron los años y su hija menor se vio obligada a abandonar su país. Ya la avejentada madre, no tendría a su única hija para cuidarla y estar con ella en sus momentos tristes. Todos los días su hija la llamaba por teléfono, pero no era lo mismo. Una llamada, no suplanta un abrazo, un beso, el olor de la piel, la suavidad de las arrugadas mejillas. Pasaron unos meses y lo inesperado sucedió. En unos estudios médicos, nuevamente su madre apareció con "algo" sospechoso en uno de sus pulmones. La hija al enterarse, se echó a llorar en la cama preguntándose mil veces: "¿Qué hago? No puedo regresar. No puedo traérmela conmigo. ¿Qué hago?" Se incó de rodillas mirando entre sollozos al cielo y dijo: "Padre, Tú eres el Rey de Reyes. Nada de lo que yo tengo te sirve, pero te entrego mi fe y me humillo ante ti, mi Señor a favor de la salud de mi madre. Pero aún con eso, que se haga tu voluntad, si no es de agrado el corazón de ésta tu cierva". Concluyó la joven ahogada en llanto antes de raparse la cabeza, a favor de la salud de su madre. Tiempo después, los resultados salieron negativos. No hay qué preocuparse, sólo visitar su médico cada cierto tiempo para estudios rutinarios. Mi madre es una joya para mí al igual que mis hijos y mi esposo. Cada uno de nosotros hemos pasado por situaciones verdaderamente difíciles pero todavía estamos de pie. Aunque no la tengo cerca, mi madre continúa enseñándome de lo que soy capaz por amor. Así como ella lo hizo y lo seguirá haciendo. Calva o con peluca, la verdadera belleza se lleva en el corazón. Sí, los dos personajes de ésta historia son mi madre y yo. Sacrifiqué mi cabello por ella y lo haría mil veces más por ella o por cualquiera de mis seres amados si fuera necesario. El amor es el sentimiento más poderoso que existe en el Universo, ¿Imagínense lo que se puede lograr uniéndole la fe y un corazón sincero? Que Dios me los bendiga siempre. S&P upgrades Rochester to ‘positive outlook,’ joins Moody’s to affirm excellent credit ratings Mayor Lovely A. Warren announced today that Standard & Poors Ratings Services (S&P) has upgraded Rochester’s fiscal outlook from stable to positive and has joined Moody’s Investors Service in assigning the City with excellent credit ratings on $91 million in longand short-term bonds. “Once again the City of Rochester has proven to be a good steward of the taxpayers’ resources, which helps us make strategic investments that lead to more jobs, safer, more vibrant neighborhoods and provide all of our children with a quality education,” said Mayor Warren. “These reports prove what so many of us already know: the City of Rochester is an excellent investment.” In an analysis released Thursday, S&P upgraded its outlook on the City’s long-term debt from stable to positive “based on the City’s strong management conditions, which have led to stable budgetary performance and maintenance of very strong budgetary flexibility.” S&P assigned the City with an A+/positive rating on $59.6 million in general obligation bonds (long term) and a SP-1+ on the $31.6 million in bond anticipation notes (shortterm). Moody’s Investors Service also released an analysis Thursday and affirmed its stable outlook for the City. Moody’s assigned Rochester with Aa3 ratings on the same general obligation bonds and a MIG 1 on the bond anticipation notes. All of these ratings are among the top tier of ratings assigned by the services. Both services cited the City’s fiscal policies as rationale for the excellent ratings in analyses released Thursday, July 9. “The stable outlook reflects our belief that the City’s cash and reserve position will remain satisfactory due to proactive management initiatives despite a number of financial pressures,” Moody’s wrote in its analysis. Moody’s also noted: “Strong fiscal management has led to closure of budget gaps and maintenance of healthy reserves.” S&P also cited “Strong management, with good financial policies and practices.” The bonds will be used on such projects as school buildings, water-supply infrastructure and road construction. 2015 RHBA Annual Lunch Gala Date/Time Date(s) - 09/22/2015 11:00 am - 2:00 pm Location Joseph A. Floreano Rochester Riverside Convention Center 123 East Main Street Rochester, New York 14604 Looking to get married? We have your answer Pilgrim-St. Luke’s y El Nuevo Camino This beautiful sanctuary looks like a castle from outside and is beautiful inside. Located in the heart of the Elwood Village we are available to conduct all gender weddings in either English or Spanish. We can even tailor a bilingual service to meet your needs. The Reverend Justo Gonzalez, II, M.Div., M.S.S.A., M.A.P.M. has 25 years of ministry experience and will work with you to create the wedding of your dreams. Contact us at 716-989-9207. El Perdón La palabra "PERDÓN" abarca mucho más que una simple pronunciación verbal. Abarca un sentimiento cuando se pronuncia de corazón. Dice mucho más de la persona que la pronuncia, que de la persona que la recibe. Refleja humildad, en la persona que la pronuncia. Refleja fortaleza y madures. Pedir perdón NO es humillación; es valentía. Es inteligencia. Es una clara manera de demostrar que se ha cambiado para mejorar. Muchas veces una persona sabia pide perdón aunque NO esté en la obligación. ¿Por qué? Porque como ser humano capacitado, se da cuenta de que no vale la pena tratar con personas tercas, evitando así problemas futuros. El Universo se deja llevar del lenguaje que emite nuestro corazón y sabe realmente quién pide perdón sinceramente y quién no. Piden perdón aquellas personas que con madures se dan cuenta que no vale la pena vivir en el pasado. Son aquellas personas que reconociendo errores están dispuestas a vivir en paz con ellas mismas pero más importante, quieren estar bien delante del Universo. Independientemente sean perdonadas o no por su semejante, la intensión interior es lo que cuenta. Si has pedido perdón algún día y no has sido perdonado/a, no importa. Eso demuestra la poca capacidad de la otra persona, ya que NADIE en éste planeta es "tan Santo" para sentirse con el derecho de negar un perdón. Los seres humanos cometemos errores todos los días... Aquellos que se empeñan en encerrar resentimientos pasados, deben recordar que ellos también cometieron errores con otras personas y también pidieron perdón en algún momento dado. ¿Qué hubiese pasado si esas personas que perdonaron a esos que niegan un perdón ahora, hubiesen tenido esa misma mentalidad de vivir con rencillas pasadas? El perdón no hubiese servido de nada, y en estos momentos todo el entorno hubiese estado lleno de rencor y negativismo. A ti te digo: "recuerda que mientras tú juzgas señalando con tu dedo índice, hay tres dedos restantes señalándote a ti". NADIE es digno de juzgar en esta existencia y el que esté libre de pecado, que tire la primera piedra... Debemos recordar que la vida es una caja de sorpresas y su dueño NO eres tú. ¡NUNCA LO OLVIDES! La 13 ª Desfile Anual Puertorriqueña y Hispana de WNY le invita a ORGULLO DE NUESTRAS RAISES el dia sabado 12 de Septembre de 1- 3 PM en la Avenida San Juan (Calle Niagara) VISITENOS EN EL INTERNET - VISIT US ONLINE Interactivo•Actualizado • Videos•Imagenes•Links pg PANORAMA HISPANO ׀August/Agosto 2015 ׀BUFFALO • DUNKIRK • ROCHESTER • ERIE 8 Noticias de Dunkirk Crime continues to rise in Dunkirk. Authorities say they've busted separate heroin and cocaine rings operating in Dunkirk. Federal prosecutors and agents joined local law enforcement officials in Buffalo on Thursday to announce that a total of 8 people had been arrested and charged with trafficking drugs in neighboring Chautauqua counties. U.S. Attorney William Hochul stated “The dangers of both heroin and cocaine are well known, and can include death for the user, and a severe decline in the neighborhood for those who through no fault of their own reside near drug distribution locations. This office will continue to target and prosecute those who would destroy our community through the peddling of illegal and toxic substances.” Officials say the Dunkirk operation distributed heroin, while the one operating out of Dunkirk was involved with cocaine trafficking. Federal authorities continue to search for members of the drug operation that remain at large. Authorities say busting up the major drug rings resulted in the seizure of large amounts of cocaine and heroin, $175,000 in cash and a fully automatic assault rifle Investigators say the Dunkirk-based ring was servicing up to 200 heroin users a day. Unemployment Rates locally rises above national average The unemployment rates in New York State fell to their lowest levels in nearly seven years as the long, steady improvement of New York’s economy continued in June, according to State Labor Department figures released on Thursday. In Dunkirk the unemployment rate has risen to 6.3 percent from 5.9 perecnt in June. National unemployment rate drops to 5.3 percent. The department reported that New York State unemployment rate dropped to 5.5 percent, from 6.4 percent in May. It had not been that low since September 2008, the month the Lehman Brothers investment bank failed. The city has been recovering from the financial crisis for more than five years, but it was doing so without much help from its signature industry on Wall Street until now. The businesses of investment banking and securities trading are now providing a significant boost: Wall Street has added about 5,500 jobs in the past year, an increase of more than 3 percent. That gain still pales in comparison to the jobs that have been added in the state’s fastestgrowing industries: health care, education and businesses that cater to tourists. The building boom underway in the state is also generating jobs at a fast clip — about 7,200 in the past year, the Labor Department’s figures show. “This is in line with the trend in the past couple of years,” said Elena Volovelsky, an economist with the Labor Department. “There has been growth across all sectors, with the exception of manufacturing.” All told, the number of private-sector jobs in the state has grown by 3.1 percent in the last year, well above the national rate of 2.4 percent and the state’s private-sector growth rate of 2.3 percent. The state’s unemployment rate remains higher than the national rate of 5.3 percent for June, in part because job seekers have been flooding into New York. In June, the number of people either working or trying to find work in the city was at a record 4.22 million, the state’s data show. Statewide, private-sector employment increased by 24,200, to a new high of 7.8 million, the Labor Department said. The city has accounted for nearly two-thirds of the state’s job gains in the past year, the data show. The state’s unemployment rate dropped to 5.5 percent, its lowest level since July 2008. It had been 5.7 percent in May. About 539,000 residents of New York State were counted as unemployed in June, which means that they tried unsuccessfully to find jobs. But only about one-fifth of them received unemployment insurance benefits, many of the others having been out of work so long that they had used up all of the benefits available to them. The Labor Department said the state has added jobs in 47 of the past 54 months. The increase in jobs since April amounts to the biggest two-month gain it has had in more than 16 years, the department said. “New York State’s labor market continues to exhibit strength,” said Bohdan M. Wynnyk, deputy director of the Labor Department’s division of research and statistics. Dunkirk Native Van Miller Dies Marv Levy: Van Miller was 'heart and soul' of the Bills As former coach Marv Levy patrolled the sidelines during the Buffalo Bills' Super Bowl runs of the early 1990s, former broadcaster Van Miller sat in the radio booth, calling some of the most historic moments in the franchise's history. Miller died Friday at 87, and Levy remembered Miller as both the team's longtime broadcaster and as a friend. "Beyond being just a great announcer, he was the heart and soul of the Buffalo Bills," Levy told ESPN by phone Saturday afternoon. "He was a lot of fun to be with. He had a very good sense of humor. I'm very saddened to hear about his passing away." Miller spent 12 of his 37 years as the Bills' play-by-play announcer calling games that Levy coached, including the team's dramatic comeback win over the Houston Oilers in the 1992 playoffs. "He would be on the flights with us. He would be at so many events," Levy said. "I was always relaxed with him and he seemed to be with me. We had a lot of interchange. He was a friend as well as a business associate." Dunkirk man arrested for felony criminal mischief in mugging A 21-year-old Dunkirk man was arrested Sunday by State Police for allegedly striking another man repeatedly in the face and breaking his victim’s $300 eye glasses during an argument. Sean Korzenski was charged with felony criminal mischief in the third-degree and harassment in the second-degree. He faces further proceedings in Sheridan Town Court next week. Su socio en la compra de su vivienda 800.777.3921 716.829.7600 Touch Lives Become a recognized leader in a healthcare profession • Chiropractic • Dietetics • Exercise & Sports Studies • Health Analytics • Health Service Management • Nursing >M2UR]PWM:W_^cRPMaWMQRZ6bcMQ^QR@dReMK^aY^SaRPR͛ • Occupational Therapy ΄:W_^cRPMbP^\_RcWcWeMbP^]cMbMŬXM_MaM`dWR]RbP^\_aM] eWeWR]QMb_^a_aW\RaMeRj ΄2hdQM_MaMRZ_MU^QRZQR_ƝbWc^VMbcM_^aΆ͜ ΄Ba^UaM\MRb_RPWMZ_MaMeRcRaM]^b͜\WZWcMaRbR]bRaeWPW^MPcWe^͜ 8dMaQWM@MPW^]MZhaRbRaeWbcMb ΄7^]Q^bQWb_^]WOZRb_MaMaR]^eMPWƝ] • Pharmacy • Physical Therapy • Physician Assistant • Public Health 1-800-382-HOME(4663) • Pre-Veterinary • Pre-Dental • Pre-Medical 320 Porter Avenue • Buffalo NY 14201 PANORAMA HISPANO ׀August/Agosto 2015 ׀BUFFALO • DUNKIRK • ROCHESTER • ERIE pg 9 Mundo Latino La OEA viaja a Haití por su conflicto migratorio con República Dominicana La Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA) enviará esta semana una misión de alto nivel a República Dominicana y a Haití, según anunció este miércoles. Su objetivo principal será evaluar y buscar una solución a la situación creada tras la expiración de un plan dominicano de regularización que se teme podría desatar la deportación masiva de personas de origen haitiano, algo que ya ha provocado las protestas del gobierno de Michel Martelly. El conflicto enfrenta a ambos países desde hace dos años. La misión estará encabezada por el secretario de Asuntos Políticos de la OEA, Francisco Guerrero, que visitará Puerto Príncipe y Santo Domingo. Su objetivo será “valorar sobre el terreno la situación migratoria de la población haitiana para facilitar una solución duradera que regularice el estatus de los inmigrantes”, dijo ayer miércoles el secretario general del organismo, Luis Almagro, durante una sesión especial donde volvió a quedar patente la tensión entre los dos países por el diferendo migratorio que los enfrenta desde 2013. Según el Gobierno dominicano, desde que acabara el plazo de inscripción en el Plan Nacional de Regularización de Extranjeros, el 17 de junio, más de 36.000 personas de origen haitiano se han repatriado “voluntariamente” a Haití. El ejecutivo de este país, así como parte de la comunidad internacional y las ONG, ponen en duda el carácter “voluntario” de unas repatriaciones en las que ver el inicio potencial de un programa de deportaciones forzadas que, temen, podría ser “masivo”. “Existe un gran riesgo de que Haití se encuentre con decenas de miles de dominicanos desnacionalizados”, advirtió también este miércoles en la sede de la OEA el canciller haitiano, Lener Renauld. En el país más pobre de la región y que todavía no ha superado el terremoto de 2010, esto podría provocar una nueva “catástrofe humanitaria que no solamente plantearía el riesgo de desestabilizar el país en plena campaña electoral, sino que a largo plazo podría constituir una amenaza para la seguridad regional”, afirmó. El problema de fondo es la disputa sobre la nacionalidad de las personas en peligro de deportación. Haití sostiene que República Dominicana pretende que acoja a ciudadanos que no tienen la nacionalidad haitiana como afirma Santo Domingo. La disputa comenzó tras una sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional dominicano de 2013 que privó de forma retroactiva de su ciudadanía a más de 200.000 nacidos en el país de padres migrantes entre 1929 y 2010. La mayoría de los afectados son de ascendencia haitiana. Instituciones como la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (Corte IDH) dijeron que la sentencia violaba el derecho a la nacionalidad y ponía en riesgo de dejar apátridas a decenas o cientos de miles de personas. Tras las protestas internacionales, el Gobierno dominicano aprobó un año más tarde una Ley de Naturalización que según Santo Domingo ha permitido el reconocimiento como dominicanos de 55.000 personas afectadas por la reforma constitucional. También inició el Plan Nacional de Regularización que expiró en junio y en el que según afirma se han inscrito más de 288.000 personas. El embajador dominicano ante la OEA, Pedro Verges, acusó a Haití de generar una “campaña de desinformación con el solo propósito de ocultar la realidad, que es el total y completo abandono que hace de sus ciudadanos en territorio dominicano” y para “desviar la atención” internacional de sus problemas en el proceso electoral interno haitiano. Panorama HisPano LA VOZ DE NUESTRA COMUNIDAD Publisher Panorama Hispano News Managing Editor Marcos Lebron Health and Marketing Director Nadia Martinez Internet Art Director Yuri Cisneros Cartas/Letters 266 Elmwood Ave. Suite 927 Buffalo, NY 14222 Contribuidores Carlos DePonce Marcos Lebron Nadia Martinez For Advertisement Sales [email protected] (716) 228-7498 (716) 228-7498 Panorama Hispano invita sus comentarios, favor de incluir su dirección y teléfono diurno para ón. Todas las cartas al Editor están sujetas a edición y corrección. Los articulos y anuncios publicados aquí no pueden ser riempresos sin autorización escrita de Panorama Hispano. Las opiniones expresadas en este periódico no son necesariamente compartidas por el mismo. The articles and advertising contained in this publication may not be reprinted without written permission of Panorama Hispano. The opinions given in this newspaper are not necessarily the opinions of Panorama Hispano. pública, centro de reclutamiento de servicios armados, programas estatales que sirven a las personas con discapacidades, cualquier instalación pública que un estado haya designado como una agencia de inscripción de votante. Para más información sobre el senador Bernie Sanders visite a su página web: Comparta este artículo con su familia, sus hijos, sus padres, sus parejas, sus amigos, su iglesia, su lugar de empleo, organizaciones sin fines de lucro… compártalo con todo el mundo. No olvide de ponerlo en sus redes sociales. Especialmente en Facebook, Twitter, y Linkedin. Fuga del Chapo refleja corrupción política en México México. AFP. La fuga del capo Joaquín el Chapo Guzmán de un penal de máxima seguridad en México, es el broche de oro para una larga historia de evasiones masivas, motines y asesinatos en cárceles, que, según varios especialistas, reflejan la corrupción que persiste en el sistema político y 1.) Le quiere dar trabajo a sus hijos. 16.3 % de jóvenes hispanos no están trabajando o estudiando. El senador Bernie Sanders quiere darle trabajo a sus hijos que quieren pero no judicial del país. pueden conseguir empleo.Estar desempleado le roba a sus hijos de su autoestima y hasta le La segunda fuga de Guzmán de una cárcel de máxima seguridad es evidencia de una “sintomática corrupción” en los sistemas político y judicial mexicanos, dijo Raúl Benítez Manáut, experto en puede causar depresión. seguridad nacional de la pública Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). 2.) Le quiere ayudar a obtener una educación gratuita y bajarle los intereses a aquellos que En una espectacular huida, que el país pudo presenciar en un video difundid o el martes, el líder del se están ahogando con préstamos estudiantiles. El senador Bernie Sanders cree que obtener cartel de Sinaloa se fugó el sábado por segunda vez de un penal de alta seguridad. una educación es un derecho de todos y piensa hacer ese derecho realidad. Lo hará con la El narco huyó por un hoyo bajo la ducha de su celda en la cárcel de El Altiplano que conectaba con ayuda de ustedes. un túnel de más de 1,5 kilómetros (km) hasta el exterior de la prisión, ubicada a 90 km de la capital 3.) Quiere que a la mujer le paguen como se lo merece. Las mujeres hispanas les afecta mexicana. El Gobierno reconoció que el capo tuvo que tener ayuda de funcionarios o trabajadores del penal más la desigualdad salarial. Comparado a cada dólar que le pagan a un hombre blanco, a para su evasión, lo que ha colocado en una situación difícil y vergonzosa a la administración de las mujeres hispanas le pagan 56 centavos por hacer el mismo trabajo. El senador Bernie Enrique Peña Nieto. Sanders está luchando para cambiar eso. Nuestras mujeres se lo merecen. BernieSanders para Presidente: 10 Razones por las que les Conviene a los Hispanos 4.) Quiere ampliar el tratamiento médico para todos. No solo eso, si votan por Bernie, él se encargará de que su tratamiento sea gratis. Si usted o un familiar no tiene seguro, quiere ayudarlo. También se opone a que le corten los beneficios de Medicaid, seguro social, y Medicare a usted, sus hijos, y a sus padres. Bernie Sanders ve como una obligación la protección de los vulnerables entre nosotros: a los niños, las personas de tercera edad, a los pobres y a los discapacitados. 5.) Quiere ayudarle a obtener la ciudadanía a 11 millones de inmigrantes que están en este país. Apoya a trabajadores indocumentados y a los DREAMers.Se opone a que se rompan sus familias y el abuso de trabajadores por sus empleadores. Algo que afecta desproporcionadamente a los hispanos. Vote por Bernie Sanders si está de acuerdo con el. 6.) Quiere que le paguen lo que se merecen sin tener que trabajar muchas más horas y por menos dinero. Cree que es un derecho que todos tenga un sueldo digno para vivir. Así podrán tener más tiempo para compartir con sus familiares y realizar sus sueños. 7.) Quiere facilitar el proceso de ser dueño de su propio negocio y ayudar a emplear a las personas que ya están aquí. En vez de mandar esos trabajos a otros países que muy probablemente no tienen protección y explotan a sus empleados, prefiere que se queden en este país. 8.) Quiere invertir en el mantenimiento y la reparación de nuestras calles, puentes, sistemas de agua, aeropuertos, ferrocarriles, escuelas, y mucho más. Esto nos traerá más trabajos. 9.) Quiere poner marcha atrás el cambio climático con tecnología de eficiencia energética. Esto también nos traerá muchos más empleos y también reducirá las enfermedades pulmonares que afectan a nuestros niños. 10.) Quiere facilitar que los trabajadores se unan a las uniones para que así fortalezcan su derecho de negociar colectivamente para obtener salarios más altos. Todas sus proposiciones ayudarán sumamente a los hispanos. Muchísimo más que las de los otros candidatos. Tomen en cuenta el entrelazamiento entre ellas y que obviamente nos llevará a la prosperidad si lo apoyamos con sus metas. Ayudémoslo a que nos ayude. Vote por Bernie Sanders. No olvides de inscribirte como demócrata y votar por el senador Bernie Sanders en las próximas elecciones. Para registrarse a votar por el correo, dele clic a este enlace y baje el formulario: formulario nacional de inscripción de votantes Para inscribirse a votar en persona vaya a oficinas estatales o locales de elección o inscripción del votante, el departamento de vehículos de motor, agencias de asistencia Embajada de Estados Unidos en Cuba inicia funciones LA HABANA, CUBA - La embajada de Estados Unidos en Cuba amaneció este lunes sin bandera en su asta, pero con nuevo personal de seguridad y funcionarios, quienes se congratularon por esta nueva etapa entre ambos países. Sin ceremonias oficiales ni discursos, los servidores públicos estadounidenses llegaron a la que hasta ayer era la Sección de Intereses de los Estados Unidos (USINT) en La Habana y que a partir de este lunes comenzó a funcionar como embajada. Al llegar estacionaron sus automóviles fuera del edificio e ingresaron caminando a las oficinas. Algunos ondearon banderas de la Unión Americana en sus manos, pero ninguno dio declaraciones; si acaso, expresaron su beneplácito por esta nueva faceta en las relaciones diplomáticas entre ambos gobiernos. Más notorio fue el cambio en la seguridad, toda vez que a partir de hoy personal de la embajada uniformado de pantalón negro y camisa blanca con el escudo de Estados Unidos, asumió el control del inmueble. A su vez agentes de la Policía Nacional de Cuba seguirán su labor de resguardar el orden en los alrededores del edificio. En punto de las 06:25, hora de Cuba, el pabellón nacional cubano fue izado en el Monte de las Banderas, ubicado en la llamada Tribuna Antiimperialista José Martí colocada hace varios años justo frente a la sede diplomática estadounidense. A las 06:40 horas, ciudadanos cubanos ya hacían fila para entrar a la embajada y realizar trámites para obtener una visa que les permitiría viajar a Estados Unidos. Los solicitantes eran ordenados para entrar por el nuevo personal de seguridad. Para la mayoría de los cubanos estos acontecimientos pasaron inadvertidos y sin mayores júbilos, toda vez que en esta nación se preparan los festejos del Movimiento 26 de Julio. Por ello este día transcurrió igual que cualquier otro, aunque algunos ciudadanos señalaron a la prensa que lamentaban el hecho de que esa embajada significara la victoria de Estados Unidos. En ese sentido casi a las 08:30 horas un automóvil marca Chevrolet, color rojo, de los años 50 y placas de circulación 035952, dio varias vueltas cerca a la embajada, mientras sus tripulantes ondeaban la bandera de Estados Unidos llenos de júbilo por lo que llamaron "el triunfo norteamericano sobre la isla". Hoy los cubanos o cualquier persona puede acercarse un poco más al edificio diplomático, situación que no sucedía hasta hace unas horas, como una muestra más de las nuevas relaciones entre ambos países. A las 12:01 horas del lunes 20 de julio ocurrió el restablecimiento formal de relaciones diplomáticas entre Cuba y Estados Unidos, como parte del histórico acuerdo alcanzado meses atrás entre los presidentes Raúl Castro Ruz y Barack Obama, respectivamente. pg 10 PANORAMA HISPANO ׀August/Agosto 2015 ׀BUFFALO • DUNKIRK • ROCHESTER • ERIE Technology & Science WhatsApp lanza nuevas funciones para computadoras La aplicación de WhatsApp para computadoras sigue mejorando sus servicios ya que añadirá más funciones para que la experiencia de usuario sea como en su versión móvil. De acuerdo con el portal ABC, entre las nuevas funciones se tiene la posibilidad de tener emoticones con diferentes tonos de piel, con la intención de fomentar la diversidad racial. Asimismo, a partir de esta semana en WhatsApp Webs se podrá cambiar la foto de perfil, borrar los historiales de los chat, silenciar los grupos o salir de ellos para que el usuario no deba usar su smartphone cuando interactúa, aunque aún es necesario que éste se encuentre cerca para mantener la conexión. Si se desea cambiar la foto de perfil, únicamente hay que colocar el cursor encima y aparecerá la opción y en el caso del estado, la opción está al lado de la frase reciente. Si lo que desea es eliminar o archivar alguna conversación, se da clic en la flecha hacia abajo del chat. A seis meses de su lanzamiento, WhatsApp Web todavía no cuenta con todas las funciones que se pueden usar desde el celular, como enviar alguna ubicación, un contacto o realizar alguna llamada y aún no hay versiones oficiales de cuándo se integrarían. Boricua dirige laboratorio especializado en coagulación en Nueva Jersey Más de uno se marea, suda frío o siente náuseas al ver sangre.Otros se ponen pálidos y hasta se desmayan ante el más mínimo asomo. Pero, para Myrna DelVecchio, el rojo líquido que recorre las venas es su pasión, tanto así que se define como experta en hematología y coagulación. DelVecchio, de 55 años, trabaja como supervisora del Special Hemostasis Laboratory de la Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School en Brunswick, Nueva Jersey, una instalación especializada en coagulación. Destaca, no obstante, que en ocasiones también labora como tecnóloga, realizando exámenes de sangre para medir la actividad de varios factores. Estos exámenes, dice, son muy importantes para evitar desangramientos y prevenir la formación de coágulos. “Con el Factor VIII, por ejemplo, hay una enfermedad llamada hemofilia, que puede llevar a un paciente a desangrarse. Hay que mantener precaución y en algunas ocasiones hacer transfusión del factor. Asimismo, hay otros factores y proteínas que mantienen el sistema de coagulación funcionando”, dice DelVecchio, quien posee un bachillerato en tecnología médica de la Fairleigh DickinsonUniversity, en Teaneck, Nueva Jersey. “Más que nada, como supervisora tengo que asegurar que el control de calidad del laboratorio sea aceptable por el College of American Pathologists, quien certifica a los laboratorios, aparte de las funciones normales de administración y evaluación de los empleados que tengo a cargo. También tengo que mantener mucha comunicación con los doctores y compañías que proveen los instrumentos y reactivos que usamos”, agrega. Previo a trabajar en el Special Hemostasis Laboratory, DelVecchio laboró como tecnóloga en el departamento de hematología y coagulación del Hackensack Hospital y el University Hospital, ambos en Nueva Jersey. “Hacía exámenes de sangre, fluidos del cuerpo y de la médula ósea”, resume. DelVecchio, quien es la única hispana en su centro de trabajo, nació en Nueva Jersey, pero es de padres boricuas. De hecho, cursó estudios primarios en Mayagüez y visita la Isla frecuentemente. “Llevo a Puerto Rico en mi corazón. Visito a mi papá en Humacao y demás familiares en Mayagüez y en la zona de San Juan. Mis hijos y nietos están en Nueva Jersey, por lo que no creo que pueda vivir permanentemente en la Isla, pero sí la visito cada dos años”, resalta, tras hacerse disponible para compartir sus conocimientos con la nueva generación de científicos. “Estoy llegando al fin de mi carrera profesional. Me quedan unos años para ayudar y aprender lo más posible. Quisiera ayudar a los técnicos del futuro y compartir con ellos mi experiencia”, concluye DelVecchio, quien a nivel personal aspira a pasar más tiempo junto a sus nietos y enseñarles a jugar golf, como ella. La gallina de huevos de oro de Apple El emblemático iPhone sigue siendo popular a pesar de que otros fabricantes están viendo un descenso en la demanda La venta de teléfonos celulares posiblemente se ha vuelto lenta para algunas compañías tecnológicas, pero no para Apple. Los analistas prevén otro buen reporte financiero cuando el gigante tecnológico de California informe el martes sus resultados trimestrales. El emblemático iPhone sigue siendo popular a pesar de que otros fabricantes están viendo un descenso en la demanda. Analistas de Wall Street calculan que Apple reportará 10,300 millones de dólares en ganancias después de vender iPhones, iPads, computadoras Mac y otros productos por un valor de 49.000 millones de dólares en el periodo abril-junio. Apple todavía no difunde cifras de venta del nuevo Apple Watch, aunque algunos analistas creen que la demanda ha bajado desde su lanzamiento hace tres meses. Pero tampoco importa: como en otros trimestres, Apple sacará las mejores ganancias de sus smartphones, en especial de los nuevo modelos iPhone 6 y 6 Plus, que lanzó el año pasado, y he aquí por qué: Las pantallas grandes son populares La gente usa los celulares para relacionarse con otras personas, ver fotografías, jugar, mucho más que para llamar por teléfono. Y para estas actividades, muchos usuarios prefieren una pantalla grande. Según algunos analistas, el director general de Apple Tim Cook dijo que muchos compradores recientes del iPhone son personas que dejaron los teléfonos con el sistema operativo Android. Algunos clientes fueron atraídos a los dispositivos Android en años recientes porque tenían pantallas más grandes, pero la decisión de Apple de agrandar la pantalla del iPhone está llamando la atención de los dueños Android, de acuerdo con Ryan Reith, analista de la firma IDC. Apple posiblemente vendió 47 millones de iPhones en el trimestre más reciente, 34% más que el año pasado, de acuerdo con analistas encuestados por FactSet. Son muy rentables Con un precio de venta de 600 dólares en Estados Unidos, antes de los subsidios de las telefónicas, los teléfonos de Apple son más costosos que muchos modelos que le compiten de Android, pero también generan más ganancias. Aunque la empresa no lo desglosa, Michael Walkley, analista de Canaccord Genuity, calcula que en los primeros tres meses de 2015 Apple sumó 92% de los 16.600 millones de dólares en ganancias operativas generadas por los smartphones para las empresas de todo el mundo. Rivales enfrentan retos Apple vendió un 18,2% de todos los smartphones en el mundo en el primer trimestre de 2015, y Samsung el 24,5%, de acuerdo con IDC. Pero la firma surcoreana prevé una caída en ingresos en el trimestre abril-junio aparentemente porque las ventas de sus modelos Galaxy S6 no alcanzaron las expectativas. Otras empresas como HTC también han reducido sus expectativas financieras trimestrales debido a las débiles ventas en China y menor demanda por los teléfonos Android de alta gama. Por su parte,Microsoft —que eliminará 7.600 empleos y reducirá el valor de su división telefónica Nokia en 7.600 millones de dólares— básicamente ha reconocido que ha fracasado su esfuerzo por construir un negocio que venda teléfonos con sistema Windows. La firma IDC prevé un aumento de 11% en la venta mundial de celulares este año, comparado con 28% de 2014. No está clara la demanda por el Apple Watch Los expertos opinan que las ventas del iPhone retomarán bríos cuando Apple dé a conocer sus nuevos modelos a finales de año. Los analistas dicen que muchos siguen usando modelos pasados, como la versión 4 o 5, como resultado, es posible que compren nuevos cuando expiren sus contratos de dos años con las compañías telefónicas. Con otros productos de Apple como el iPad, las ventas han bajado varios trimestres, mientras que con la demanda del Apple Watch los analistas dan estimados que van de optimistas a deslucidos. Cofundador admite que "Wikipedia no tiene la verdad absoluta" Wikipedia "es el lugar para ir a encontrar las preguntas, no las respuestas", afirmó Jimmy Wales, cofundador de la enciclopedia digital de edición colaborativa lanzada hace casi 15 años y uno de los sitios web más consultados a nivel internacional. "Los wikipedianos batallan porque quizá hay información contradictoria en la red, pero generalmente encuentran una historia interesante, y entonces pueden contrastar la información, y Wikipedia puede ser una herramienta", dijo Wales a Efe en el marco de su participación en la conferencia Wikimanía 2015. De acuerdo con Wales, "Wikipedia no tiene la verdad absoluta, solo es un puente para llegar a otras fuentes". Refirió que Wikimanía, que este año se realiza en la Ciudad de México del 15 al 19 de julio, cuenta en esta ocasión con 850 participantes de alrededor del mundo pertenecientes al "proyecto Wikipedia pero también del más amplio Movimiento del Conocimiento Libre, y la idea es que todos tengan acceso libre al conocimiento". Durante la inauguración de la conferencia anual de Wikipedia el miércoles se anunció un convenio entre la enciclopedia digital y el Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes (Conaculta) de México. Al respecto, Wales dijo que el convenio establece "una sociedad para trabajar con el Consejo, con varios museos y otras instituciones culturales, que proporcionarán imágenes y texto a Wilkipedia para ayudarnos a mejorar nuestra cobertura de la cultura y la historia mexicanas". Wales también asistió este viernes a la firma de un convenio de colaboración con el Gobierno de la Ciudad de México para poner al alcance de los viajeros de todo el mundo la oferta turística de la capital mexicana, de manera gratuita, a través de la plataforma digital. Los artículos sobre la capital mexicana generados por wikipedistas incluirán como referencia el enlace a, que brinda información sobre hoteles, museos, paseos nocturnos, restaurantes y bares, ferias y parques, transporte terrestre, fiestas y tradiciones populares, entre otros servicios. Respecto a la forma en que la enciclopedia se mantiene, Wales dijo a Efe que cada año se realiza una campaña de recaudación de fondos. "La vasta mayoría del dinero viene de los pequeños donantes. Este modelo funciona para nosotros. No es fácil obtener el dinero que necesitamos, pero confiamos en que continuaremos porque la gente ama a Wikipedia y nos apoya", declaró. Y en cuanto a los retos a futuro, dijo estar "muy emocionado" ante la posibilidad de mejorar el servicio móvil de Wikipedia. "Vemos un creciente tráfico de personas en teléfonos móviles leyendo Wikipedia. Estamos trabajando en formas para que las personas con móviles puedan contribuir de mejor forma con Wikipedia", explicó. Finalmente, expuso que la principal tarea de la enciclopedia en la actualidad es "alentar la diversidad de nuestra base de contribuyentes". Wikipedia contienemás de 37 millones de artículos en 287 idiomas que han sido redactados conjuntamente por voluntarios de todo el mundo, lo que la convierte en la mayor y más popular obra de consulta de conocimiento general en el ciberespacio. "Queremos más personas editando, en particular más mujeres editando. Siempre queremos hacer la invitación al público para hacerse contribuyentes y hacer algo grande para el mundo", puntualizó. COMPRA UNO Y RECEBE UNO de igual o menor valor GRATIS Librería Bíblica de la Sociedad Bíblica de WNY 261 Main Street (cerca de Amherst / Fillmore) En Buffalo NY Abierto: lun- Mar 10-am 6 pm los Miércoles - Viernes 10-5pm Cualquier Pregunta Llame al (716) 833-3430 Cupón es válido hasta el 04/31/15 PANORAMA HISPANO ׀August/Agosto 2015 ׀BUFFALO • DUNKIRK • ROCHESTER • ERIE Conozca su Gente Receta del Mes Pride of the Community Dinorah E. Santos Receta Piononos Puertorriqueños pg Esta receta muestra como hacer los famosos piononos a la sartén. Sirve 3 a 4 raciones (dependiendo del tamaño del plátano). Dinorah E. Santos was born to Puerto Rican parents Dinorah and Hector in Atlantic City, New Jersey. She moved to Buffalo at a very young age and was raised by her mother on Buffalo’s Westside with her sibilings: Hector, Haslin and Shadaylee. In 2014, Dinorah graduated from the University at Buffalo with a B.A. in communications and Psychology. While in college, she participated in and volunteered for many organizations within her community. She is passionate about community progress and envisions what can be accomplished in the future Buffalo community with the strength of everyone working together for the benefit of all. Dinorah is a Community Relations Specialist for Community Services for the Developmentally Disabled. She continues to be active in our community. In addition to serving as a board Director for the Hispanic Heritage Council of WNY, Dinorah is also a Committee Member for the Puerto Rican and Hispanic Day Parade and a member of the Miss Borinquen Leadership Program of WNY (the only Leadership program for Hispanic women in Western New York). She also recently joined the Buffalo Urban League Young Professionals. Dinorah received an award from the Hispanic American Veterans Memorial of WNY for her dedication to detail and Photography. She was also a 2015 Honoree for Capital Change’s 30 under 30 Changemakers Award. HOME OF THE GREASE POLE FESTIVAL E S T . 1 9 6 8 PUCHO INC. 48"/453&&5t#6''"-0/&8:03, 716.578.6254 Let us assist you with your special occasion Our newly remodeled banquet facility is equipped to accommodate all of your special events! XFEEJOHTtCJSUIEBZTtTXFFUTJYUFFOTtGBNJMZHBUIFSJOHT PUCHO’S SOCIAL CLUB OPEN EVERY WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY & FRIDAY WEDNESDAYS: OPEN 6:00-11:00 P.M. SALSA CLASSES WITH CALVIN & FANNE THURSDAYS: OPEN 6:00-11:00 P.M. ,"3"0,&t%3*/,41&$*"-4t100-t%"354 FRIDAYS: OPEN 8:00 - ? %+t%3*/,41&$*"-4 FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: WILLIE 578-6254 OR LUIS 603-4523 Ingredientes • 1 plátano maduro (Amarillo) • 1/2 taza de tu picadillo favorito (previamente preparado). • 2 huevos batidos con un poco de leche • Mantequilla • Palillos de diente (o espagueti crudo) para sujetar las lonjas. Procedimiento • Pelar la cáscara del plátano. • Corta el plátano en lonjas a lo largo. • Dorar las lonjas en una sartén con mantequilla. • Escurrir en papel toalla. • Envuelve cada lonja en forma de cilindro (ver fotos). • Sujete las lonjas con el palillo de diente o espagueti. • Coloque el cilindro sobre la sartén. • Vierta un poco de huevo batido dentro del cilindro. • Rellene con el picadillo . • Vierta huevo batido sobre el picadillo y voltee cuidadosamente usando una espátula de cocina o tenazas. • Dejar que el huevo cocine. • Servir 11 pg PANORAMA HISPANO ׀August/Agosto 2015 ׀BUFFALO • DUNKIRK • ROCHESTER • ERIE 12 Women: Get Hired in Technology From 2012-2022, employment of computer network administrators is projected to grow The average median network administrators is 12% pay for computer $72,560 Join Trocaire’s growing team of professionals If you’re right out of high school, returning to college or working and raising a family, Trocaire offers flexible scheduling options to meet your career needs. Get started today at “ The information I’m learning here is focused on my specific career goals. I love the computer networking administration program. – Aime Foss, computer network administration ” NEW Small Business Loans Made for You and Your Business Five Star Bank is the local, community bank that’s committed to helping your small business grow. That’s why we’re making it easier than ever to apply for small business loans. Our Small Business Loan product features: t t t t Fast application process - most decisions within 10 business days Flexible pricing and structure - designed specifically for small businesses All underwriting decisions made locally - in Western New York Experienced relationship managers - service-oriented, small business specialists Look to Five Star Bank for a full-range of loan products and other services designed for your small business. t t t t Lines of credit Term loans Business mortgages Government-backed SBA loans t t t t Business checking Business credit cards Merchant services Business Mobile Services We’re doing more to help your small business thrive. Stop by a Five Star Bank branch or contact one of our Small Business specialists for details. 585-627-1362 Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter @FiveStarBankNY PANORAMA HISPANO ׀August/Agosto 2015 ׀BUFFALO • DUNKIRK • ROCHESTER • ERIE Entreteniemiento pg 13 Movies/Peliculas Rochester – Puerto Rican Festival – August 21-23 3 days of fun, live music, cultural events, food and more. The event will be held at the Frontier Field VIP parking lot. 3 días de diversión, música en vivo, eventos culturales, comida y mucho mas! Este evento estará en el estacionamiento del Frontier Field VIP. Friday August 7th. – The Fantastic Four – Los Cuatro Fantásticos Fantastic Four, a contemporary re-imagining of Marvel’s original and longest-running superhero team, centers on four young outsiders who teleport to an alternate and dangerous universe, which alters their physical form in shocking ways. Their lives irrevocably upended, the team must learn to harness their daunting new abilities and work together to save Earth from a former friend turned enemy. Los Cuatro Fantásticos, una re-imaginación contemporánea del equipo de superhéroes original y de más larga duración de Marvel, se centra en cuatro forasteros jóvenes que teletransportan a un suplente y peligroso universo, lo que altera su forma física enformas sorprendentes. Sus vidas irrevocablemente les da la vuelta, el equipo debe aprender a aprovechar sus nuevas habilidades de enormes proporciones y trabajar juntos para salvar a la Tierra de un antiguo amigo se volvió enemigo. Regresión- Regression – Friday Aug. 28th. Minnesota, 1990. Detective Bruce Kenner (Ethan Hawke) investigates the case of young Angela (Emma Watson), who accuses her father, John Gray (David Dencik), of an unspeakable crime. When John unexpectedly and without recollection admits guilt, renowned psychologist Dr. Raines (David Thewlis) is brought in to help him relive his memories and what they discover unmasks a horrifying nationwide mystery. Minnesota, 1990.detective Bruce Kenner investiga el caso de la joven Ángela, que acusa a su padre, John Gray, de un crimen incalificable. Cuando Juan de forma inesperada y sin recolección admite culpabilidad, renombrado psicólogo Dr. Raines es traído para ayudarle a revivir sus recuerdos y lo que descubren desenmascara el misterio a nivel nacional horroroso. Festivals- Festivales Dunkirk - Summer on the lake - Music on the Pier Live Music, food and fun every thursday until the 27th. You can find all the information on their website. www. Este verano disfrutar de la música en el lago es increíble con el festival de la música en el muelle con música en vivo, comida y mucha diversión hasta el 27 de Agosto. Para mas información acerca de este festival visite www. The man from U.N.C.L.E – El agente del Cipol- Friday Aug.14th. 2015 Set against the backdrop of the early 1960s, at the height of the Cold War, The Man from U.N.C.L.E. centers on CIA agent Solo and KGB agent Kuryakin. Forced to put aside longstanding hostilities, the two team up on a joint mission to stop a mysterious international criminal organization, which is bent on destabilizing the fragile balance of power through the proliferation of nuclear weapons and technology. The duo’s only lead is the daughter of a vanished German scientist, who is the key to infiltrating the criminal organization, and they must race against time to find him and prevent a worldwide catastrophe. Con el trasfondo de la década de 1960, en el apogeo de la Guerra Fría, El agente de CIPOL, se centra en el agente de la CIA y agente de la KGB Kuryakin. Obligados a poner a un lado las hostilidades de larga historia, los dos se unen en una misión conjunta para detener una organización criminal internacional misteriosa, que está empeñada en desestabilizar el frágil equilibrio del poder a través de la proliferación de armas y la tecnología nuclear. La Única pista del dúo es la hija de un científico alemán desaparecido, que es la clave para infiltrarse en la organización criminal, y deben correr contra el tiempo para encontrarlo y evitar una catástrofe mundial. Niagara Falls – August-2015 (entire month ) Go out and enjoy many free events with live music, food and for whole family. Visit their website for more info at BUFFALO- CHALKFEST – August 1st and 2nd. • Downtown Buffalo • Main St. between Mohawk & Chippewa St. Encouraging the revitalization of Buffalo’s Main Streets is really what ChalkFest and the 500 Block Association is all about, and what better way than to get a bunch of kids, and those young at heart, artists, both amateur and professional, together outdoors enjoying and decorating our downtown Para fomentar la revitalización de las calle Main de Bufalo, es lo que la asociación del bloque 500 ha creado festival artístico del gis y que mejor que disfrutarlo con muchos niños, jóvenes, artistas y toda la familia para poder gozar el decoro de la calle en un ambiente artístico en nuestro centro de la ciudad. Disfruta de este verano en las cataratas del Niagara con los todos los eventos gratuitos que están programados en la calle old falls. Visita su pagina web pg PANORAMA HISPANO ׀August/Agosto 2015 ׀BUFFALO • DUNKIRK • ROCHESTER • ERIE 14 Niagara Family Dental La Clinica Dental de Los Hispanos 821 Niagara St., Buffalo HELP WANTED CURRENT JOB POSTINGS... Librarian I - Orchard Park Library Librarian I, Part time - Orchard Park Library ONGOING POSTINGS... Page, part-time - Central Library Senior Page, part-time - Central Library Building Guard, part-time - Central Library or Buffalo Branches Cleaner, part-time - Central Library or Buffalo Branches Visit: Iluminando el camino a la esperanza y la recuperación Mental Health & Substance Abuse Treatment & Rehabilitation Services for Adults & Adolescents Servicios de tratamiento y rehabilitation de salud mental y adiccion para adultos y adolescentes Consejeros Bilingües (Español/Inglés) For information, referrals or appointments call: Para información, citas o referidos llame: El Dr. Bauer es el dentista preferido de los hispanos Aceptamos Medicaid y otros seguros médicos Abiertos Lunes a Viernes 10am - 5pm Para Cita 883-3664 (716) 884-0888 Join The Lake Shore Behavioral Health Team! We hire professional social workers (LMSW/LCSW), mental health counselors (LMHC), substance abuse counselors (CASAC), psychiatrists, registered nurses (RN) and vocational counselors as well as administrative staff and case managers. Se habla español Bilingual individuals encouraged to apply. To view our open positions and apply online visit: HUD Subsidized Apartments Towne Apartments 440 Clinton St., Buffalo, NY 14204 Apartamentos disponibles de inmediato El Alquiler incluye gas, calefacción, estufa y refrigerador. Se encuentran ubicados cerca de tres rutas de transporte público, lavandería y un shopping plaza. HUD subvencionado y cupones de vivienda aceptada Se habla español. Para más información por favor comuniques al: 716.843.8673 NOW LEASING Apartments available immediately Lease includes gas, heating, stove and refridgerator Near 3 bus routes, laundromat and shopping plaza HUD subsidized and housing vouchers accepted For more information contact 716.843.8673 EQUAL HOUSING O P P O RT U N I T Y Price: $150.00 PANORAMA HISPANO ׀August/Agosto 2015 ׀BUFFALO • DUNKIRK • ROCHESTER • ERIE PARA TODAS SUS NECESIDADES DE VIAJES ALIDI TOUR & TRAVEL VIAJES PARA PUERTO RICO, SANTO DOMINGO Y EL CARIBE 886-4443 245 ELMWOOD AVE. TOLL FREE (888) 416-4443 WWW.ALIDITRAVEL.COM pg 15 Associate Director The Counseling Center at Buffalo State, State University of New York, seeks candidates for the position of Associate Director. Required Qualifications: Doctoral degree in clinical or counseling psychology from an APA-accredited program and completed internship; Licensed or license eligible within 6 months of hire date as psychologist in the State of New York; Knowledge and skills in time-limited psychotherapy; experience in crisis intervention and consultation; Experience working with trauma and violence; experience working with a diverse student population and demonstrated multicultural competence; Evidence of increasing responsibility in administrative duties; Excellent analytical and organizational skills; Computer literacy and data analysis; Excellent communication skills; Expertise in clinical supervision; Significant demonstrated post license clinical work experience; Ability to work at a fast pace and handle spontaneous work demands and maintain positive and healthy perspectives and relationships; Interest and expertise working with diverse students (e.g., GLBT, students of color); Experience in providing outreach to campus communities, particularly underserved and vulnerable populations. Preferred Qualifications: Demonstrated post-license clinical work. Ability to work at a fast pace and handle spontaneous work demands and maintain positive and healthy perspectives and relationships in a multi-disciplinary team. Excellent crisis management skills. Internship in a college counseling center or recent college or university counseling center staff experience. Self-motivated, self-directed commitment to high professional ideals. Excellent analytical and organizational skills. Computer literacy. Expertise in clinical supervision. For a full job description and to apply: Buffalo State is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and committed to respect for diversity and individual differences. Senior Counselor Panorama News The CounselingHispanic Center at Buffalo State, State University of New York, seeks candidates for the Lecturer position of Senior Counselor. 1/8 page (5.0625 x 3.875) Size: The Chemistry Department at Buffalo State, State University of New York, Issue: August For a full job description and to apply: seeks candidates for the position of Lecturer. D/L: July 20th Required Qualifications: Master's degree in Chemistry or closely related field, with extensive coursework in chemistry at the undergraduate and graduate level. Official transcripts will be required upon hire. Buffalo State is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and committed to respect for diversity and individual differences. Preferred Qualifications: Ph.D. degree in Chemistry; teaching experience at the college level; experience teaching high school students; teaching general chemistry at the college level; a demonstrated ability to work with a diverse group of learners. Panorama QualifiedHispanic applicants News may apply online at Size: Issue: D/L: Price: 1/16 page (5.0625 x 2) FULL COLOR August July 20th $150.00 Buffalo State is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and committed to respect for diversity and individual differences. PINE RIDGE A P P L I A N C E S • Neveras • Estufas • Lavadoras • Secadoras 319 Hampshire St. 895-4655 Acceptamos su voucher de Serivicios Sociales Senior Counselor Panorama Hispanic News The Counseling Center Buffalo(5.0625 State, StatexUniversity Size: 1/8atpage 3.875) of New York, seeks candidates for the position of Senior Counselor. Issue: August Required Qualifications: D/L: 20th Doctoral degree inJuly Clinical or Counseling Psychology from an APA approved program; completed APA internship; licensed as a psychologist in the State of New York (or license eligible Price: $180.00 in 6 months of hire date); demonstrated knowledge and skills in time-limited, evidence-based psychotherapy; experience in crisis intervention and consultation; interest and experience working with trauma and violence; experience working with a diverse student population and demonstrated multicultural competence; experience in providing outreach or psycho-educational programming, particularly with underserved and vulnerable populations; strong communication skills; enthusiasm and skill with collaboration across campus. Preferred Qualifications: Demonstrated post-license clinical work. Ability to work at a fast pace and handle spontaneous work demands and maintain positive and healthy perspectives and relationships in a multidisciplinary team. Excellent crisis management skills. Internship in a college counseling center or recent college or university counseling center staff experience. Self-motivated, self-directed commitment to high professional ideals. Excellent analytical and organizational skills. Computer literacy. Expertise in clinical supervision. For a full job description and to apply: Buffalo State is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and committed to respect for diversity and individual differences. Panorama Hispanic News Assistant Director for Transfer Admissions 1/8 page (5.0625 3.875) of New York, seeks candidates for the Size: The Admissions Office at Buffalo State, StatexUniversity position of Assistant Director for Transfer Admissions. Issue: August For a full job20th description and to apply: D/L:: July Buffalo State is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and committed to respect for diversity and individual differences. VISITENOS EN EL INTERNET Interactivo•Actualizado Videos•Imagenes•Links VISIT US ONLINE 16 508/4tDPOUJOVFEGSPNQBHF pg PANORAMA HISPANO ׀August/Agosto 2015 2014 ׀BUFFALO • DUNKIRK • ROCHESTER • ERIE headquarters downtown, Pinterest has moved from Silicon Valley to San Francisco, and even Yahoo has created a new facility in the old San Francisco Chronicle building in the South of Market neighborhood. The legendary Silicon Valley investor Paul Graham saw this coming. “For all its power, Silicon Valley has a great weakness,” he wrote in 2006: “its soul-crushing suburban sprawl.” Today, San Francisco proper tops Silicon Valley as a center for venture-capital investment, by a wide margin. The same shift has happened in greater Boston, where venture-capital investment and start-up activity are now more concentrated in Cambridge and downtown Boston than in the suburbs along Route 128. What’s surprising is that tech stayed in the suburbs for so long. The urbanist Jane Jacobs long ago noted how cities, with their deep wells of intellectual and entrepreneurial capital, and their density and diversity, provide ideal ecosystems for entrepreneurial innovation. Nineteenth-century Pittsburgh and Henry Ford’s Detroit were the Silicon Valleys of their time. Suburban tech parks, of course, aren’t all about to be shuttered. Big, established companies like Google, Apple, and Facebook need the large amounts of space that their suburban campuses provide. Company shuttles will continue to run between San Francisco, where more and more workers prefer to live, and Cupertino or Mountain View. But new entrepreneurial activity is increasingly bubbling up from within the urban core. America’s “knowledge metros,” large and small, make up perhaps the biggest group of winners, overall, since the crash. Data provided by Economic Modeling Specialists International show that a handful of knowledge metros have an overwhelming lead in generating the high-wage jobs (those paying more than $21 an hour) that America needs. Nearly two-thirds of San Jose’s new jobs have been high-wage, as have nearly half of the new jobs in nearby San Francisco. San Jose also leads the nation in productivity growth, with a nearly 10 percent increase between 2009 and 2011, based on comprehensive data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis. Portland, Oregon, posted the second-highest level of productivity growth among large metros, nearly 7 percent, belying its Portlandia caricature as a place for slackers. Austin’s tech-fueled economy combined the fastest job growth of all large metros (10.5 percent between 2009 and 2013) with well-above-average growth in productivity and in high-wage jobs. Job-Growth Change, 2009–15 College towns such as Buffalo, Rochester, New York, Boulder, Colorado; Ann Arbor, Michigan; Charlottesville, Virginia; Champaign-Urbana, Illinois; and Lawrence, Kansas, number among the nation’s leading centers for start-up activity on a per capita basis. And in general, college towns have combined low unemployment rates with stable economies. The strength of these smaller centers suggests that the future does not belong to large superstar cities alone. Knowledge, it turns out, is what allows metros to generate good high-wage jobs. Across America’s metro regions, I have found that high-wage jobs are closely related to several key markers of regional knowledge economies: the share of adults who are college grads; the share of the workforce in professional, technical, and creative jobs; the levels of innovation and venture-capital investment. That brings us to Washington, D.C. As the urbanist Aaron Renn wrote recently, Washington is well on its way to becoming America’s “second city,” on track to displace Chicago and Los Angeles “in terms of economic power and national importance.” Greater Washington has had among the nation’s lowest rates of unemployment, the most-stable housing prices, and high overall job growth since the crash. A whopping 59 percent of all new jobs created there since 2009 have been high-wage jobs, second only to San Jose. The Washington metro area includes six of the 10 most affluent counties in the nation. Percentage Increase for High-Wage Jobs, 2009–15 Washington’s economy has clearly prospered from federal spending; lobbying and government contracts are significant sources of its wealth. But its economy is not entirely or even predominantly parasitic. The decline in the federal workforce over the past several years (a result of austerity) has not substantially altered the region’s economic trajectory. The ultimate source of the region’s wealth is Washington’s unparalleled human capital. The population is the best educated of any large metro’s in the United States; about half the region’s adults hold bachelor’s degrees, and nearly a quarter have graduate degrees. Greater Washington is much more economically diverse than its reputation suggests. It is a major center for media and real-estate finance, and is home to a small but growing cluster of high-tech activity, in the city as well as in outlying Maryland and Northern Virginia. The greater Washington metro area consistently ranks among the nation’s leading centers of venture-capital-backed start-ups, alongside noted tech hubs like Austin, San Diego, and Seattle. For well-educated professionals, especially those with families, D.C. offers tremendous quality of life and a raft of opportunities at a fraction of Manhattan prices. And indeed, it is the southern terminus of the vibrant economic corridor stretching all the way up to Boston, which produced more than $2.5 trillion in economic output in 2011, more than all of the United Kingdom or Brazil. One thing I didn’t foresee in 2009 was the stunning rise of America’s energy belt—a region stretching from Houston to Oklahoma City to New Orleans and their surrounding areas that in 2011, by my estimation, produced some $750 billion in total economic output, more than Switzerland or Sweden. The Sun Belt features two kinds of regional economies: declining real-estate economies and booming energy economies. Energy stands alongside knowledge as the second pillar of America’s recovery. Cities like Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and Bismarck and Fargo in North Dakota have experienced strong growth since the crisis, and fracking has brought flush times to outof-the-way places in North Dakota, Wyoming, and other parts of the country. Several commentators have argued that places with energy-based economies or natural-resourcebased economies, not knowledge metros, have been the real stars of the recovery. That goes too far. To put things in perspective, the economist Paul Krugman noted in March 2012 that while “employment in oil and gas extraction has risen more than 50 percent since the middle of the last decade … that amounts to only 70,000 jobs, around onetwentieth of one percent of total U.S. employment.” Still, the energy economy involves more than just extraction. Houston has clocked the third-fastest rate of job growth of all large metros since the recession, 9 percent. Between 2009 and 2013, it gained more than 250,000 new jobs, 5.6 percent of all new jobs added nationwide. And its job growth has been balanced, with 24 percent coming from highwage jobs (again, those paying more than $21 an hour), 48 percent from mid-wage jobs ($14 to $21 an hour), and 27 percent from low-wage jobs (less than $14 an hour). Houston’s high-wage-job growth stems from two main sources—the fossil-fuel industry and information technology. The city is home to more than a third of the country’s petroleum engineers and by far the highest concentration of geoscientists. From 2009 to 2012, Houston added 30,000 jobs in a mix of industries related to oil and gas extraction and scientific and technical consulting services. These pay an average salary of $124,000. Houston has also seen rapid growth in software-development jobs (16 percent) and information-technology jobs (12 percent), along with consistent growth in its medicineand-health-care sector. Opinions vary on just how long the shale boom will last—especially in specific localities. And while energy metros have generated jobs, my analysis of all U.S. metros finds that in general, energy economies are not notable for high-wage-job growth. Nonetheless, the fracking boom illustrates how energy and technology are combining. Unlike some oil booms of the past, which turned on the discovery of new oil fields, we’ve known about these shale deposits for a long time. It was new technology that made exploiting them possible. Much has been made of the so-called resource curse—the syndrome whereby countries that are endowed with an abundance of natural resources get lazy, rest on their inherited riches, and fail to invest in the kinds of research, education, and innovation that are key to long-run development. That’s not what has happened in the United States. America’s leading energy hubs prosper not just because of the stuff they pump out of the ground, but because of their ability to combine resources with technology and knowledge. Cheap energy, especially from natural gas, has been a boon to the broader economy in the past several years, and still is today. Knowledge centers like Houston make it quite plausible that as the fracking boom eventually goes bust, other technologies will arise to provide new sources of inexpensive energy—and the growth that comes along with them. Back in 2009, I predicted that the crisis would exact its steepest toll in “the interior of the country—in older, manufacturing regions whose heydays are long past,” and “in newer, shallow-rooted Sun Belt communities whose recent booms have been fueled in part by real-estate speculation, overdevelopment, and fictitious housing wealth.” Sadly, the data bear me out. Just before the crisis, greater Las Vegas was one of the nation’s leaders in population growth; today it has the highest concentration of fast-food jobs in the nation. Palm Coast, Florida, the metro with the fastest population growth since 2001, has seen the nation’s worst rate of growth in economic output per person since that same year (negative 3.2 percent through 2011). Population growth alone has never proved a sufficient foundation for future prosperity— not when many of the new arrivals are retirees or modestly educated people looking to get in on a real-estate boom. But since the crash, even that imperfect engine has failed many Sun Belt cities. Buffeted by the effects of the housing-and-real-estate collapse, both Phoenix and Las Vegas saw their population growth stall in the wake of the crisis. And Sun Belt metros that were once rapidly growing, like Las Vegas, Reno, Miami, and Orlando, all saw their productivity decline between 2009 and 2011. The Harvard economist Edward Glaeser argued in April 2011 that “human capital follows the thermometer,” but the crisis appears to have broken this connection. My analysis, focused on the past four years, finds no association whatsoever between warmer temperatures and high-wage-job growth. The metros where low-wage jobs make up the largest share of job growth since 2009 are Continued on page 18 PANORAMA HISPANO ׀August/Agosto 2015 ׀BUFFALO • DUNKIRK • ROCHESTER • ERIE Salud pg Horoscopo 17 Services Available to You at Roswell Park by David Clarence Scott Director of Diversity and Inclusion, RPCI Most people know that Roswell Park Cancer Institute (RPCI) is one of the nation’s leading cancer centers. But did you know about all the services it offers the general public? Career Assistance & Business Development RPCI’s Office of Diversity & Inclusion offers career and business development services throughout Western New York, including: • Classes on building a strong resume, for community members interested in working at RPCI. Classes are held on the second Tuesday of every month at 1:30 p.m. at the U.B. Gateway Basement, 77 Goodell St. in Buffalo. One-on-one counseling is also available at The Office of Diversity & Inclusion at RPCI. To sign up, call 716-845-4567. • Classes on developing interview skills, plus practice interviews, for people interested in working at RPCI who want to improve their job-interview skills. Classes are held on the second Tuesday of every month at 3 p.m., right after the resume classes, at the U.B. Gateway Basement, 77 Goodell St., Buffalo. Practice interviews are available at The Office of Diversity & Inclusion at RPCI. To sign up, call 716-845-4567. • Assistance in getting certified as a Minority and/or Woman-Owned Business Enterprise. The Office of Diversity & Inclusion can assist you with the certification process. Being certified can help you secure New York State contracts. We can guide you through the application process and help you work with the Empire State Development agency to speed the application process. For details: 716-845-4567. The Tools You & Your Loved Ones Need to Stay Healthy RPCI’s Office of Cancer Health Disparities Research offers services and information to help protect you and your loved ones from cancer: • The Buffalo/Niagara Witness Project (BNWP) features storytelling by survivors of breast and cervical cancer, who share information and experiences that can made a difference in early cancer detection. Held in churches and other community settings, BNWP programs are sponsored by RPCI and the Niagara Falls Memorial Medical Center, and are funded in part by the Western New York affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure. For information: 716-845-1394 or 716-845-3383. • Did you know that almost all cases of cervical cancer could be prevented with regular Pap test screening? RPCI’sEsperanza y Vida (EyV) programpromotes breast and cervical cancer screening among Latinas living in both the city and the countryside, and tries to identify any situations that might make it difficult for women to get screening services. The program is funded in part by Univera and the Western New York affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure. For information: 716-845-4623. • African-American men are more than twice as likely as men of other ethnicities to develop prostate cancer, and also more than twice as likely to die of it. Men Allied for the Need to Understand Prostate Cancer (MAN UP)delivers the information you need to make educated decisions about prostate cancer screening and treatment. For more information:716-845-4557 orvisit • Lung cancer kills more Americans than any other type of cancer, and AfricanAmericans have a higher risk than any other group. RPCI’s Lung Cancer Surveillance Education & Recruitmentworks to find ways of decreasing that risk for specific racial groups, through stop-smoking programs, lung cancer screening, and specific ways of delivering treatment. For more information: 716-845-4888. • African-Americans have the greatest risk of developing colorectal cancer of any ethnic group in the U.S. — and the greatest risk of dying of the disease. Screening for colorectal cancer saves lives. RPCI’s Witness Cares Colorectal Cancer Screening Study promotes colorectal cancer screening among African-Americans. Learn more, call: 716845-4888. • RPCI’s Community Connections Newsletterdelivers news, information, and stories of hope specifically for minority communities throughout Western New York. It’s published four times a year. To subscribe by mail or email, contact 716-845-4557 or email [email protected]. Education & Research to Improve Cancer Care & Prevention Among Minority Groups You can play an important role in helping us to understand what causes cancer — especially among minority populations — and to find better ways of preventing and treating it. Get involved through these programs from RPCI’s Office of Diversity & Inclusion: • Science-to-the-Sidewalk introduces members of minority and medically underserved communities to RPCI’s healthcare providers and scientists, who will help you understand their work in language geared toward the general public. To learn more, call 716-845-4557. • Clinical research studies, also called clinical trials, evaluate new and promising ways of treating cancer. RPCI offers clinical trials as a treatment option to eligible patients. The Research Study Resource Program provides information and assistance to anyone who is thinking about enrolling in a clinical trial at RPCI. For more information, visit, call 1-877-ASK-RPCI (1-877-275-7724) or email [email protected]. Follow Roswell Park on Facebook and Twitter. Dormir mejor podría proteger contra el Alzheimer WASHINGTON — ¿Dormir mejor puede proteger contra el mal de Alzheimer? Un nuevo estudio sugiere que dormir mal o poco puede incrementar el riesgo de desarrollar esta enfermedad, al estimular la formación de una sustancia viscosa que atrofia el cerebro y que a su vez interrumpe más el sueño. El sueño alterado puede ser una de las piezas faltantes para explicar cómo una característica del mal de Alzheimer, una proteína pegajosa llamada beta-amiloide, comienza a generar su daño mucho antes de que la persona presente problemas de memoria, reportaron el lunes investigadores en la Conferencia Internacional de la Asociación del Mal de Alzheimer. "Está bastante claro que la interrupción del sueño es un factor subestimado", dijo el doctor Matthew Walker, de la Universidad de California en Berkeley, quien presentó información que vincula niveles de amiloide con el sueño de las personas y el desempeño de su memoria. "Es un nuevo actor en la escena que incrementa el riesgo de padecer el mal de Alzheimer". Read the rest of the article on our website at Aries: Usted puede esperar a tener esa esperada satisfacción esperada en su vida amorosa hoy. Tauro: Tendrás que ser equilibrado entre tu vida profesional y la emocional junto a esa persona Géminis: Estás pasando por una etapa de cambios, pero no te preocupes que serán positivos. Cáncer: Esa persona piensa en ti. Buen momento para replantear lo que no está saliendo bien. Leo: No te sientas mal si te han decepcionado. Verás que ese deseo se convierte en realidad. Virgo: Es el momento de crear alegría y felicidad a tu alrededor.Vive una aventura. Libra: Tienes magnetismo con el sexo opuesto, pero ten cuidado con los pasos que vas a dar. Piensa bien. Escorpio: Su naturaleza apasionada que puede conducirlo a un encuentro romántico con cierta persona especial. Sagitario: Comparte un tiempo con las personas que más te quieren. Recibirás una noticia alentadora. Capricornio: Hoy es un gran día dedicarle tiempo a tu pareja más que al trabajo. Acuario: Puede haber un encuentro sorpresa cerca del final de este día. Piscis: Se estás soltero tendrás la oportunidad de tener una relación amorosa satisfactoria. ¡Empiece A Sentirse Mejor Hoy Mismo! ¿Por qué West Buffalo Chiropractic? :0+'/'6'41'3#3, Le Hacemos Su +5#/.'&+#5#.'/5' :0&'3/#4/45#-#%+0/'4 :5+-+9#.04#4>46'7#4'%/0-0)@#s :%'15#.04##803@#'')6ro48 Procesamos Sus Cobros :B.0&04-#/'4'#)0 :-?&+%0#$-#41#A0l Lesiones De Trabajo Accidentes De Auto Lesiones De Deportes " Consulta, Examen, Examinación y primer tratamiento 35 0-#.'/5e $ Visitas proximas solo $25 Pr07''.04-',033#5#.+'/50#3# % !"! % % %!$ %# ! % $ %" % !" $ %! % (!) % ! %)+ %"! ! %!" %* !" 3#/%+4%0 aquer0 +#)#3#5:6((#-0" 18 508/4tDPOUJOVFEGSPNQBHF pg PANORAMA HISPANO ׀August/Agosto 2015 ׀BUFFALO • DUNKIRK • ROCHESTER • ERIE in the Rust Belt and the Sun Belt: St. Louis (where 90 percent of new jobs are low-wage); California’s so-called Inland Empire of Riverside–San Bernardino (where nearly threequarters of new jobs are low-wage); New Orleans; Tampa; Orlando; Columbus, Ohio; and Rochester, New York (where more than half of new jobs are low-wage). Temp jobs account for an extraordinarily large share of recent job growth in Memphis, Birmingham, Cincinnati, Milwaukee, and Cleveland. Percentage Increase for Low-Wage Jobs, 2009–15 It is striking, nonetheless, how some of the hardest-hit places have begun to sow the seeds of recovery in ways few people, including myself, would have predicted. Detroit has been a case study in industrial decline and white flight for decades. Long before the economic crisis, its population had cratered and its city services had collapsed. In many ways, things have gone from terrible to even worse in the wake of the crisis. As of July, the city is officially bankrupt, with the fates of thousands of municipal pensioners hanging in the balance. Yet amid all of that truly dreadful news are signs of a comeback. Despite the continuing exodus of its residents, Detroit has posted the third-highest rate of productivity growth of any large metro since the crash. And while the greater Detroit region is home to affluent suburbs and has world-class research and knowledge communities like Ann Arbor just outside its borders, reinvestment in the city’s once-burned-out core is spurring a partial recovery in Detroit itself. The past several years have seen a flow of new residents into the downtown area, including architects, designers, techies, and innovative musicians. Much of the immediate impetus for the boom has been provided by Quicken Loans, whose billionaire founder, Dan Gilbert, has been taking advantage of Detroit’s real-estate collapse to amass millions of square feet of real estate. A major new initiative is under way to animate the business districts with dozens of pop-up food markets, cafés, restaurants, and shops. Though these developments don’t begin to erase the city’s misery, the fact that some green shoots are pushing upward is astonishing. Something similar is happening in downtown Las Vegas, in and around its Fremont East neighborhood, a place that had also fallen into steep decline, even before Las Vegas’s housing market imploded. Two years ago, Tony Hsieh, the CEO of the online apparel retailer Zappos, leased the old Las Vegas city hall for his new corporate headquarters, bringing jobs into the area. (Hsieh has called upon me, as well as other urban experts, to advise him from time to time.) He’s also investing hundreds of millions of his own dollars into his much-ballyhooed Downtown Project, which seeks to turn the area into a thriving tech hub in just five years by attracting companies from places like the Bay Area; opening cafés, bars, theaters, and restaurants; using shipping containers to create instant start-up incubators; and launching bike- and car-sharing programs (the latter includes a fleet of 100 Tesla electric cars). “One of our goals is to have everything you need to live, work, and play within walking distance,” he told Inc. magazine in May. “In an ideal world, we’d like to help people get rid of their cars.” Whether or not Gilbert and Hsieh are doing this out of sheer love for their cities, moving their companies back to urban centers—even the dilapidated centers of the most-distressed cities—makes financial sense. Extremely low real-estate costs make it economical to move jobs to these places. And after surveying his workers, Hsieh told me, he realized he couldn’t provide the amenities they wanted on a suburban campus. Gilbert is blunter. “We realized we needed to control the hardware, or the buildings,” is the way he puts it. “The good news was there was a skyscraper sale going on in Detroit at the time.” Cynics suggest that Hsieh’s Las Vegas and Gilbert’s Detroit amount to 21st-century versions of company towns, albeit more enlightened and less exploitative. Still, by bringing investment back to largely abandoned commercial corridors, they generate jobs in the urban core and provide much-needed tax revenues, giving hard-pressed cities the beginnings of a foundation that they can build on. America’s emergent growth model, which is taking shape around its knowledge and energy hubs, may be more powerful than its old one. That pre-crash model depended on the continual building of debt-financed houses with bigger and bigger footprints, sprawling ever outward. It was dirty, resource-inefficient, crisis-prone, and ultimately unsustainable. Business 80 Years Of Social Security By Erwin Beljan, Social Security District Manager in Buffalo, NY Social Security has provided critical financial help topeople of all ages for the last 80 years, and despite our age, we’re far from retiring! As the Social Security program celebrates its historic birthday this August, we’re reflecting on our diverse history, our current strengths, and ways we can continue to improve our services to you. On August 14, 1935, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act into law. In doing so, he promised the law would protect “the average citizen and his family against the loss of a job and against poverty-ridden old age.” Today, we continue to provide financial security for our country’s most vulnerable citizens. In fact, Social Security provides world-class service to millions of people every day — online, on the phone, and in our network of field offices across the country. As we celebrate 80 years, we’re proud to present our “Celebrating the Past and Building the Future” anniversary website.There, you can read 80 interesting facts about an agency that touches everyone’s life at some point or another! For example, did you know the original name of the Social Security Act was the Economic Security Act? The anniversary website also includes a timeline of our history. It begins with the signing of the Act in 1935 and ends with this year’s announcement of Vision 2025, our bold vision that will guide the agency as we work to meet the future customer service needs of the public. A memorable spot on the timeline is November 2, 2000, the date when we started taking retirement claims online. Since our agency’s beginning, we’ve relied on our passionate and hard-working employees to face challenges and provide exceptional service. Throughout the 80 days leading up to our anniversary, we’ve been posting employee testimonials that answer the question, “Why do you serve?” We also invitedyou to share your story with us. You can tell us how Social Security has made a difference in your life and/or the lives of your family and friends. We would love to hear from you, the people we serve every day. Menos empleados en Puerto Rico Disminuye la cifra de trabajadores y aumenta la de desempleo La tasa del desempleo aumentó .2 por ciento entre los meses de mayo a junio, según datos oficiales del Departamento del Trabajo. El secretario del Trabajo, Vance Thomas, detalló que el mes de junio cerró con una cifra de desempleo de 12.6 por ciento.Para mayo, la cifra fue de 12.4 por ciento. Si la actual tasa del desempleo se compara con febrero pasado, se demarca un incremento de un por ciento comparado, pues hace cuatro meses la tasa estaba en 11.6 por ciento. Estos datos sobre los aumentos que se han registrado en los pasados meses no fueron destacados por Thomas en un comunicado de prensa en el que detalló datos de la encuesta de Empleo y Desempleo y Empleo Asalariado No Agrícola para el mes de junio. En cambio, resaltó que en junio de 2014 la tasa del desempleo alcanzó los 13.5 por ciento. “Para el mes de junio, la tasa de desempleo se colocó en 12.6 por ciento, lo que representa una disminución de 0.9 por ciento en comparación con el mismo periodo de 2014, cuando la cifra se colocó en 13.5 por ciento”, informó el secretario. Otro renglón que también registró un descenso fue en el total de personas empleadas. Para junio la cifra fue de 989,000 personas empleados, cuando en mayo estaba en 997,000. La baja fue de 8,000 personas en el mercado laboral. Por otro lado, Thomas señaló que en el Informe de Empleo Asalariado No Agrícola se reflejó que ocho de los renglones contenidos en la encuesta reflejan aumentos. Puntualizó, además, que el empleo asociado al turismo, conforme a la Encuesta de Empleo Asalariado No Agrícola, también aumentó. “Ello se evidencia por el alza en el empleo en el renglón de hoteles y restaurantes. Sobre este renglón en particular, el empleo para el mes de junio de 2015 es el más alto para dicho mes en toda la serie desde el 1990”, dijo. 800.777.3921 716.829.7600 Start, Advance or Change Your Career in Business International reputation with accelerated and weekend programs enabling you to enter or advance in the workforce faster at a very affordable cost. Clear away the rubble, and one can better see the country’s formidable strengths. The recovery has been more robust in the United States than many expected, much more so than in Europe. That’s partly a result of America’s willingness to print money and run substantial deficits. But what other nation has even one start-up ecosystem that can rival Silicon Valley’s, San Francisco’s, New York’s, or Boston’s—to say nothing of Seattle’s or Austin’s? What other nation boasts the number of world-class universities and college towns that America has? What other advanced nation can combine such knowledge resources with such abundant energy resources? The main threats to America’s growth model don’t come from other countries, but from domestic contradictions. The more talented people cluster, the greater the economic returns they produce. But as these clusters of highly educated people form and grow, they tend to push out the middle class, resulting in a ruthless sorting of people and places. As great as its potential may be, this new economic landscape is also notable for its widening fissures. The cultural, political, and economic gulfs that separate advantaged and disadvantaged people and places go well beyond the wage gap. Knowledge workers benefit from living in neighborhoods with better schools, better amenities, and lower crime rates, while less advantaged groups are sometimes stuck in place, with limited prospects for climbing even one rung up the economic ladder, and insufficient resources to move out of stagnant areas. Americans have seen a dramatic decline in economic mobility, overall. But a poor person from a knowledge center like San Jose or San Francisco has twice the chance of becoming wealthy as a poor person from some Rust Belt or Sun Belt centers like Cleveland or Atlanta. Reckoning with these deepening class and geographic divides, finding and implementing a set of policies that can build a sustainable prosperity for everyone, is the toughest and, at the same time, most urgent challenge we face. 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BROWN CoB_PanoramaHispano_fullpg.indd 1 7/22/15 1:28 PM pg PANORAMA HISPANO ׀August/Agosto 2015 ׀BUFFALO • DUNKIRK • ROCHESTER • ERIE 20 JustOneDayWithUs.Org JustOneDayWithUs.Org Please call 1.877.275.7724. Elaine Bauer and her team are here to assist. LOW COST AUTO INSURANCE Low Down Payment • All Drivers Accepted Immediate Coverage CALL FOR A QUICK QUOTE 854-2800 572 Amherst St. Buffalo, NY 14207 ML GALLEGO AGENCY M-TH 9-5 • F 9-6 and by appt. PANORAMA HISPANO ׀August/Agosto 2015 ׀BUFFALO • DUNKIRK • ROCHESTER • ERIE Deportes Con fecha el encuentro entre Miguel Cotto y Canelo Álvarez Se enfrentarán en Las Vegas La esperada megapelea entre Miguel Ángel Cotto Vázquez y Saúl ´Canelo´ Álvarez subirá a escena el 21 de noviembre en Las Vegas, Nevada, de acuerdo a varias fuentes cercanas a la negociación y al propio copromotor del evento, Oscar De La Hoya. Cotto y Álvarez son las principales atracciones boxísticas de Puerto Rico y México, respectivamente. Sus representantes actualmente le dan los toques finales a su segunda ronda de negociaciones, luego de las infructuosas pláitcas para un duelo en mayo pasado. Las fechas siendo barajeadas lo son el 7 y 21 de noviembre, aunque varias personas con conocimiento de las negociaciones le dijeron a este diario, bajo condición de anonimato, que ya estaba prácticamente decidido que el choque subirá a escena el 21 de noviembre en la capital de las apuestas. Las sedes bajo consideración lo son el MGM Grand Garden Arena y el Thomas & Mack Center. Aunque el grupo de Cotto interesaba que la pelea se llevara a cabo en Nueva York, donde el boricua tiene una gran fanaticada, la Gran Manzana ya fue descartada como sede, indicó De La Hoya, presidente de Golden Boy Promotions, anteanoche. El excampeón y hoy día promotor de Álvarez le dijo a El Nuevo Día que “estamos en negociaciones con Las Vegas, pero la fecha no se ha decidido (oficialmente) todavía”. La pelea será transmitida por el brazo ´pague para ver´ de la telecadena HBO, con la cual tienen acuerdos ambos peleadores. El dúo se enfrentará a un máximo de 12 asaltos, por el título mediano del Consejo Mundial de Boxeo que ostenta el boricua. Sin embargo, aunque la división mediano tiene un límite máximo de 160 libras, el grupo Cotto exigió, y consiguió, que el peso para la pelea fuera de 155 libras o menos. Se espera que el anuncio oficial se haga en las próximas semanas y que luego los protagonistas celebren una gira promocional con paradas en California, Nueva York, México y Puerto Rico. Mónica González se queda con bronce en boxeo TORONTO. – La puertorriqueña Mónica González enfrentó anoche a una rival con experiencia olímpica y se quedó con la medalla de bronce al caer en la semifinal de los 51 kilos en el boxeo femenino de estos Juegos Panamericanos. González perdió por decisión unánime (3-0) ante la estadounidense Marlen Esparza, la medallista de bronce en los pasados Juegos Olímpicos de Londres 2012. Los jueces favorecieron a Esparza 39-37, 40-36 y 40-36. Esparza, sencillamente, fue superior a la boricua en los cuatro asaltos del combate. La velocidad de Esparza fue puro veneno para González, quien siempre estuvo atacando a su oponente. Sin embargo, los golpes de González no llegaban con tanta efectividad. Esparza supo moverse bien en todo el ensogado. “Estoy bien contenta y satisfecha con mi trabajo. Di todo lo mejor de mí y me siento contenta porque logré llevarme una medalla. No fue de plata, pero seguimos hacia adelante”, reaccionó la boricua. “Fue una peleadora incómoda. Era la primera vez que la enfrentaba. Ella es una veterana y yo estoy empezando en esto. Uno siempre aprende de las derrotas y esto es una motivación.Esto no se acaba aquí.Voy a seguir mejorando”, prosiguió. Puerto Rico trajo dos púgiles al boxeo femenino de estos Juegos y González fue la única que logró una medalla. Kiria Tapia perdió en el combate del lunes en los cuartos de final y falló en defender el oro de los pasados Juegos en Guadalajara 2011. En la jornada de ayer, el boricua José Rosario también aseguró una medalla de bronce sin subir al ensogado, luego de que el hondureño Merin Sálazar fallara en un prueba de dopaje. Rosario peleará mañana ante el mexicano Lindolfo Delgado en la semifinal de los 60 kilos. Detienen a Juanma López El exboxeador Juanma López fue detenido hoy debido a una deuda de pensión alimentaria con su exesposa, con la que procreó dos hijos. El Nuevo Día habló con López, quien confirmó la información y aseguró que se trató de un malentendido. "El dinero estaba, lo que pasa es que teníamos un acuerdo verbal", recalcó López, pg 21 subrayando que ya había realizado el pago correspondiente. El manejador del excampeón mundial, Peter Rivera, también confirmó la información a este medio, al tiempo que aclaró que nunca fue arrestado. “Eso fue ayer (lunes). Él fue a una vista de pensión para solucionar un problema que tenía. El tribunal parece que determinó que debía pagar una cantidad de dinero y como él no lo tenía al momento, le dijeron que no se podía ir de allí hasta que no lo consiguiera”, sostuvo Rivera en conversación telefónica con este medio. El también vicepresidente de la empresa promotora Puerto Rico Best Boxing dijo que habló con López al momento del incidente, pero destacó que López pudo resolver su situación en corto tiempo y salir del tribunal. “Estuvo poco más de una hora. Tan pronto logró conseguir el dinero que le exigía el tribunal, salió de allí”, indicó Rivera. El dos veces campeón mundial en las 122 y 126 libras de la Organización Mundial de Boxeo (OMB), y quien ya se encuentra retirado de los cuadriláteros, procreó dos hijos con su exesposa, Bárbara De Jesús, de quien se divorció en el 2011, luego de más de diez años de relación. López volvió a casarse en el 2014 con su actual pareja, Geraldine Crespo. LeBron James la 'donquea' en el cine Cuando LeBron James decida colgar las zapatillas en la NBA, perseguir una carrera actoral luego de su retiro no sería una mala idea. Y es que la estrella de los Cavaliers de Cleveland recibió buenas críticas por su pequeño papel en la comedia ‘Trainwreck’, que se exhibe desde la semana pasada en las salas de la Isla. “James es la persona más graciosa en la cinta”, escribió Ian Crouch de The New Yorker. La cinta cuenta con los comediantes veteranos Colin Quinn y Mike Birbiglia, además de la actriz en ascenso Amy Schumer. “La interpretación de James refleja un tempo impresionante fuera de la cancha y un sentido del humor acerca de su imagen”, dijo Rebecca Keegan de The Los Angeles Times. James no pudo conquistar el campeonato de la NBA el pasado junio en su primera temporada de regreso a Cleveland, cayendo en seis juegos frente a los Warriors de Golden State. Spieth isn't flashy, but he's just what golf needs ST. ANDREWS, Scotland – Golf, like boxing and tennis and track and all other individual sports, relies on the power of its stars. It’s an inevitable thing, really. In team sports like baseball or football, fandom builds from countless things. Geography. History. Team colors. A Dodgers fan, a Bears fan, a Spurs fan might be rooting for the team of her father or favorite teacher or the first team she ever saw in person or any other reason. But in golf, like those other individual sports, a player must give you a reason to care. There are thousands of professional golfers around the world and all of them have honed their skills to the level of magic. When compared to our own meager games, all of them can crush long drives and hit precise iron shots and make the golf ball hop gently out of the sand. Follow any medium-level professional for 18 holes and you will see something remarkable. The larger game of golf thrives when a few of them – and usually one in particular – stands out, thrills us, captivates us, angers us in ways that consistently leave us awed and surprised. Think Ali. Think Bolt. Think Serena. Think Tiger. It’s a rare thing. Most athletes, even some of the most fantastic ones, just don't have that extra push, they just don’t quite enthrall us like that. We admire them, applaud them, even root for them. But they never quite grab us emotionally. We don’t quite love them. We don’t quite loathe them either. They leave us unmoved. Sunday at St. Andrews, for just a few moments, Jordan Spieth once again pulled golf out of that pleasant monotony and made it riveting and chilling and fun. It’s amazing that it is Spieth playing this role. A year ago, if you had to pick the new Tiger Woods, the player who might step out of the moment and make golf big and colorful and cool, Spieth probably would have been about the 15th choice. Rory McIlroy was the one with everything then, and you had a long list of players (Dustin Johnson? Rickie Fowler? Jason Day? Louis Oosthuizen?) with silkier swings and longer drives and more obvious gifts. pg 22 PANORAMA HISPANO ׀August/Agosto 2015 ׀BUFFALO • DUNKIRK • ROCHESTER • ERIE Editorial/Letters How the American opiate epidemic was started by one pharmaceutical company By: Mike Mariani- The Pacific Standard The state of Kentucky may finally get its deliverance. After more than seven years of battling the evasive legal tactics of Purdue Pharma, 2015 may be the year that Kentucky and its attorney general, Jack Conway, are able to move forward with a civil lawsuit alleging that the drugmaker misled doctors and patients about their blockbuster pain pill OxyContin, leading to a vicious addiction epidemic across large swaths of the state. A pernicious distinction of the first decade of the 21st century was the rise in painkiller abuse, which ultimately led to a catastrophic increase in addicts, fatal overdoses, and blighted communities. But the story of the painkiller epidemic can really be reduced to the story of one powerful, highly addictive drug and its small but ruthlessly enterprising manufacturer. On December 12, 1995, the Food and Drug Administration approved the opioid analgesic OxyContin. It hit the market in 1996. In its first year, OxyContin accounted for $45 million in sales for its manufacturer, Stamford, Connecticut-based pharmaceutical company Purdue Pharma. By 2000 that number would balloon to $1.1 billion, an increase of well over 2,000 percent in a span of just four years. Ten years later, the profits would inflate still further, to $3.1 billion. By then the potent opioid accounted for about 30 percent of the painkiller market. What's more, Purdue Pharma's patent for the original OxyContin formula didn't expire until 2013. This meant that a single private, family-owned pharmaceutical company with non-descript headquarters in the Northeast controlled nearly a third of the entire United States market for pain pills. OxyContin's ball-of-lightning emergence in the health care marketplace was close to unprecedented for a new painkiller in an age where synthetic opiates like Vicodin, Percocet, and Fentanyl had already been competing for decades in doctors' offices and pharmacies for their piece of the market share of pain-relieving drugs. In retrospect, it almost didn't make sense. Why was OxyContin so much more popular? Had it been approved for a wider range of ailments than its opioid cousins? Did doctors prefer prescribing it to their patients? During its rise in popularity, there was a suspicious undercurrent to the drug's spectrum of approved uses and Purdue Pharma's relationship to the physicians that were suddenly privileging OxyContin over other meds to combat everything from back pain to arthritis to post-operative discomfort. It would take years to discover that there was much more to the story than the benign introduction of a new, highly effective painkiller. In 1952, brothers Arthur, Raymond, and Mortimer Sackler purchased Purdue Pharma, then called Purdue Frederick Co. All three men were psychiatrists by trade, working at a mental facility in Queens in the 1940s. The eldest brother, Arthur, was a brilliant polymath, contributing not only to psychiatric research but also thriving in the fledgling field of pharmaceutical advertising. It was here that he would leave his greatest mark. As a member of William Douglas McAdams, a small New York-based advertising firm, Sackler expanded the possibilities of medical advertising by promoting products in medical journals and experimenting with television and radio marketing. Perhaps his greatest achievement, detailed in his biography in the Medical Advertising Hall of Fame, was finding enough different uses for Valium to turn it into the first drug to hit $100 million in revenue. The Medical Advertising Hall of Fame website's euphemistic argot for this accomplishment states that Sackler's experience in the fields of psychiatry and experimental medicine "enabled him to position different indications for Roche's Librium and Valium." Sackler was also among the first medical advertisers to foster relationships with doctors in the hopes of earning extra points for his company's drugs, according to a 2011 exposé in Fortune. Such backscratching in the hopes of reciprocity is now the model for the whole drug marketing industry. Arthur Sackler's pioneering methods would be cultivated by his younger brothers Raymond and Mortimer in the decades to come, as they grew their small pharmaceutical firm. Starting in 1996, Purdue Pharma expanded its sales department to coincide with the debut of its new drug. According to an article published in The American Journal of Public Health, “The Promotion and Marketing of OxyContin: Commercial Triumph, Public Health Tragedy," Purdue increased its number of sales representatives from 318 in 1996 to 671 in 2000. By 2001, when OxyContin was hitting its stride, these sales reps received annual bonuses averaging over $70,000, with some bonuses nearing a quarter of a million dollars. In that year Purdue Pharma spent $200 million marketing its golden goose. Pouring money into marketing is not uncommon for Big Pharma, but proportionate to the size of the company, Purdue’s OxyContin push was substantial. Boots on the ground was not the only stratagem employed by Purdue to increase sales for OxyContin. Long before the rise of big data, Purdue was compiling profiles of doctors and their prescribing habits into databases. These databases then organized the information based on location to indicate the spectrum of prescribing patterns in a given state or county. The idea was to pinpoint the doctors prescribing the most pain medication and target them for the company's marketing onslaught. That the databases couldn't distinguish between doctors who were prescribing more pain meds because they were seeing more patients with chronic pain or were simply looser with their signatures didn't matter to Purdue. The Los Angeles Times reported that by 2002 Purdue Pharma had identified hundreds of doctors who were prescribing OxyContin recklessly, yet they did little about it. The same article notes that it wasn’t until June of 2013, at a drug dependency conference in San Diego, that the database was ever even discussed in public. Combining the physician database with its expanded marketing, it would become one of Purdue's preeminent missions to make primary care doctors less judicious when it came to handing out OxyContin prescriptions. Beginning around 1980, one of the more significant trends in pain pharmacology was the increased use of opioids for chronic non-cancer pain. Like other pharmaceutical companies, Purdue likely sought to capitalize on the abundant financial opportunities of this trend. The logic was simple: While the number of cancer patients was not likely to increase drastically from one year to the next, if a company could expand the indications for use of a particular drug, then it could boost sales exponentially without any real change in the country's health demography. This was indeed one of OxyContin’s greatest tactical successes. According to "The Promotion and Marketing of OxyContin," from 1997 to 2002 prescriptions of OxyContin for non-cancer pain increased almost tenfold. Meanwhile, in 1996 the FDA approved an 80mg version of the pill; four years later it approved a 160mg tablet. According to the FDA’s “History of OxyContin: Labeling and Risk Management Program,” higher dosages were approved specifically for opioid-tolerant patients. These high-milligram pills were probably one of biggest reasons that OxyContin became such a popular street drug. Recreational users and addicts could crush, sniff, and inject the pill for a powerful high that, as promised, lasted over eight hours. The euphoric effects and potential for abuse were comparable to heroin. But clearly doctors and pharmacies never drew the ghastly parallel. Why? The state of Kentucky's lawsuit against Purdue Pharma is not the first legal trouble the company has run into. In 2007, in United States of America v. The Purdue Frederick Company, Inc., Purdue and its top executives pleaded guilty to charges that it misled doctors and patients about the addictive properties of OxyContin and misbranded the product as "abuse resistant." Prosecutors found a "corporate culture that allowed this product to be misbranded with the intent to defraud and mislead." Purdue Pharma paid $600 million in fines, among the largest settlements in U.S. history for a pharmaceutical company. Perhaps knowing that doctors would be vigilant against prescribing drugs with the potential for abuse, Purdue set out to distinguish OxyContin from rivals as soon as it dropped. The cornerstone of its marketing campaign was the drug's incredibly low risk of addiction, an enviable characteristic made possible by its patented time-release formula. Through an array of promotional materials, including literature, brochures, videotapes, and Web content, Purdue proudly asserted that the potential for addiction was very small, at one point stating it to be "less than 1 percent." The time-release conceit even worked on the FDA, which stated that "Delayed absorption, as provided by OxyContin tablets is believed to reduce the abuse liability of a drug." Armed with the time-release formula and misleading statistics about the risk of addiction, Purdue positioned the drug as a relatively safe choice for CNCP patients. Sales representatives told some doctors that the drug didn't even produce a buzz, according to USA Today. (This for a pill that has since drawn frequent comparisons to heroin in terms of analgesia, euphoria, and the propensity for addiction.) Between physician databases, incentive-happy sales reps, and an aggressive blitz package of promotional ephemera, Purdue's multifaceted marketing campaign pushed OxyContin out of the niche offices of oncologists and pain specialists and into the primary care bazaar, where prescriptions for the drug could be handed out to millions upon millions of Americans. The most scathing irony is that what allowed OxyContin to reach so many households and communities was the claim that it wasn't dangerous. Kentucky originally filed its civil suit, Commonwealth of Kentucky v. Purdue Pharma, over seven years ago, back in 2007. After years of Purdue Pharma fighting to keep the trial out of Pike County, and Kentuckians watching as the suit pinballed from appeals court to appeals court, at one point even being transferred to New York, Purdue has finally exhausted its adjournment artistry. Unless the pharmaceutical company wins its latest appeal in the state Supreme Court, trial will most likely begin this year. Kentucky is filing a total of 12 claims against the company, including false advertising, Medicaid fraud, unjust enrichment, and punitive damages. In total the suit could cost Purdue Pharma $1 billion (which is just one-third of its annual revenues from OxyContin). No state has been more devastated by the nationwide opiate problem than Kentucky. Much of the eastern part of the state and the Appalachians has watched as men, women, and teenagers fell victim to the potent pain pills. There were several different gateways — back injuries, operations, parents' medicine cabinets — but all of them led to an implacable addiction that rivals that of the hardest street drugs. And that’s the rub. Because there was simply so much OxyContin available for over a decade, it trickled down from pharmacies and hospitals and became a street drug, coveted by teens and fiends and sold by dealers at a premium (prices often shot up well over $1 a milligram, pricing the popular 80mg tablets at over $100 for a single pill). Whatever the gray areas on OxyContin's many paths to perdition, the statistics on the first decade of this century bear out a staggering epidemic. From 1999 to 2010, the sale of prescription painkillers to pharmacies and doctors' offices quadrupled. In the exact same time span, the number of overdose deaths from prescription painkillers also quadrupled, rising to almost 17,000. To call this a coincidence would be analogous to declaring no connection between loosening enforcement on drunk driving laws and observing a sudden increase in deaths caused by drunk driving. It goes almost without saying that these figures dovetail seamlessly with the release of OxyContin and Purdue's marketing timeline, which hit hardest in the early 2000s. The figures on fatal overdoses, which in recent years have eclipsed the number of deaths caused by cocaine and heroin combined, speak nothing of the skyrocketing rates of addiction throughout the country. Funerals from overdoses are anguishing enough, but as places like Pike County know too well, fatalities are only one dimension of a problem whose insidious sprawl affects local economies and health care costs, incites crime, and ruptures families through the vagaries of addiction, rehab stints, and prison sentences. The degree to which Purdue Pharma is responsible to Kentucky for a decade rotted and warped by its popular drug is still pending in the eyes of the justice system. Now that federal regulations have finally caught up to the pharmaceutical drug problem in this country and doctors have wised up to the sinister realities of the drug nicknamed "Hillbilly Heroin," the hard and fast days of OxyContin are over. Many are now arguing that the epidemic hasn't gone away so much as it has evolved: Heroin use is again on the upswing. Like a shrewd virus that mutates once it confronts a vaccine, Americans' addiction to opioids has survived the government crackdown on OxyContin and fled to the seedy asylum of heroin. It's a kind of evolution in retrograde, with pill users turning to an old 20th-century scourge that once flourished in urban decay and is uglier, more stigmatized, and more lethal than its pharmaceutical counterpart. But for OxyContin, a drug that, despite its manufacturer’s many clever disguises, was always frighteningly close to heroin, there's a morbid sort of symmetry. PANORAMA HISPANO ׀August/Agosto 2015 ׀BUFFALO • DUNKIRK • ROCHESTER • ERIE pg Men: Get Hired in Healthcare From 2012-2022, practical nursing occupations are projected to grow by 25% Between 2012 and 2022, healthcare employment is projected to grow by 26% an increase of about 4.1 MILLION JOBS Join Trocaire’s growing team of professionals ain hands-on experience, focus on your career and explore flexible scheduling options from a variety of programs for men in healthcare. “ Being in a non-traditional occupation shows that everyone is capable of any job. 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