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Mound City NEWS Published & Printed in Mound City, Missouri Vol. 133, No. 43 75¢ Thursday • May 2 • 2013 Final round of meetings for new transmission line Graduation is approaching Holt County school graduation activities are fast approaching. On Sunday, May 5, at the First Christian Church in Mound City, there will be a baccalaureate for area seniors. All area seniors are invited to the baccalaureate at 4 p.m. at the First Christian Church. The first of four graduations will take place on Friday, May 10, for Craig R-3. Graduation will be held in the school gymnasium in Craig, MO, at 7 p.m. On the following Sunday, May 12, Mound City’s graduation will begin at 2 p.m. in the school gym and Nodaway-Holt will hold graduation in Graham, MO, in the school gymnasium at 2 p.m. On Sunday, May 12, at 5 p.m., South Holt will hold a baccalaureate at the United Methodist Church in Oregon, MO, and graduation will be Sunday, May 19, at 2 p.m. in the school auditorium in Oregon. GLO-NTHE NITE 5K Run The glow sticks are coming out in Oregon, MO, on Saturday, May 4. That evening marks the first annual GLON-THE NITE 5K sponsored by the Oregon Petal Pushers. The event will begin with registration in front of the courthouse beginning at 8 p.m. with the actual run starting at 9 p.m. Registration forms and cost are available in Oregon at Oregon Farmers Mutual, Bank CBO, Home Exchange Bank, Scheib Drainage or at the school. Participants can run individually or on teams. Teams consist of 4 people, 2 of which will walk the course and 2 who will run. Times will be averaged to find team winners. All team members must be in the same age division. Recommended attire for the evening includes as much white and glow in the dark materials as possible. Have fun with it. Medals will be awarded to individual and team winners in each age division. Craig Alumni Banquet May 11 The Craig Alumni Banquet will be held Saturday, May 11, in the gym in Craig, MO. Social hour will be from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. with dinner at 6 p.m. The Hornets Nest Restaurant will be catering the event. The school doors will open at 4 p.m. with registration starting a 5 p.m. The 50-year class, 25-year class, and 10year class will be honored. Reservations need to be made by Saturday, May 4. The price for the meal will be $15 per person or $17 at the door. For more information e-mail Liz Burnsides at [email protected] or call Donna Kunkle at 660-4425937 or Darla Sue Schmidt at 816-261-5006. The Mound City Scholar Bowl Team - Is state bound after winning the sectional match on Wednesday, April 24, in Rosendale, MO. Team members are pictured, left to right: Front row - Elijah Poe, Chelsea Killin, Jake Meyer, and Emily Thomas; and back row - Carina Metzgar, Abbey Forehand and Eryn Acton. State competition is Friday, May 3, in Columbia, MO. Mound City Scholar Bowl Team is state bound after winning sectional The Mound City Scholar Bowl Team is again headed to state competition in Columbia, MO, after defeating the North Andrew Cardinals on Wednesday, April 24, in Rosendale, MO. The Mound City team beat the North Andrew team by winning two out of three matches with scores of 440-140 and 390-140. On Thursday afternoon, May 2, the scholar bowl team Body of St. Joseph man found at Thurnau Wildlife Area On Tuesday, April 30, 2013, at 2:57 p.m., the body of Vernon Frazee, age 69, of St. Joseph, MO, was found on the Thurnau State Wildlife Area west of Craig, MO. Apparently, Frazee was mushroom hunting with a friend, something he does every year. They went their separate ways. When the friend could not locate Frazee, the family was contacted. The family reported Frazee missing to the local authorities. A search party was sent out by the Missouri State Highway Patrol, Holt County Sheriff’s Department and Craig Volunteer Fire Department. Frazee’s body was found by the search party. The cause of death is assumed to be of natural causes with no foul play suspected. will head for Columbia. On Friday morning, May 3, at 10:00 a.m., on the University of Missouri campus in the Memorial Union, the team will take its place for the first match in the preliminary rounds. Mound City will compete against New Franklin, MO, for the first meet. The top four teams of the preliminary rounds will play that afternoon. Teams in Mound City’s division at the state competition are: Mound City, New Franklin, Leopold, Thomas Jefferson, Pilot Grove, Bevier, Polo and St. Joseph Christian. The Mound City Scholar Bowl Team has a record of 44-6 and is hoping for another state title. The Panther team consists of Elijah Poe, Chelsea Killin, Abbey Forehand, Emily Thomas, Carina Metzgar, Jake Meyer, Eryn Acton, Lily Forehand, Emily Wedlock, Hailey Garman, Rebecca Wheeler, and Coach David Reiter. The team finished second in state competition in 2011, and first at state last year. The final round of public open house meetings for the Midwest Transmission Project (MTP), a proposed electric transmission line through northwest Missouri and southeast Nebraska, is slated during the next two weeks. At the meetings, MTP project planners will provide the latest information about the project, show the network of reduced potential routes, answer questions and accept comments on the project. These meeting are open to the public and informal. Guests may arrive at any time during the meetings. Dates, times and locations of the meetings follow: Monday, May 6 - Auburn, NE, from 3:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Wellness Center of Nemaha County at 601 J Street. Tuesday, May 7 - Maryville, MO, from 3:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Maryville High School Commons at 1503 S. Munn Avenue. Thursday, May 9 - King City, MO, from 3:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the King City Elementary School Gym at 300 N. Grand Avenue. Monday, May 13 - Fairfax, MO, from 3:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Fairfax High School Gym at 500 Main Street. Tuesday, May 14 - Cameron, MO, from 3:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the United Methodist Church of Cameron at 201 N. Pine. Thursday, May 16 - Lawson, MO, from 3:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Lawson High School Commons at 600 Bob Gill Drive. The MTP is a joint project of Kansas City, MO, Power & Light and the Omaha, NE, Public Power District. To see maps of the reduced potential routes and to find out more about MTP, go to the project website at www.mid westtransmissionproject. com; email info@midwest; or call the project hotline, tollfree, at 855-222-1291. Welcoming Dr. Erica Gillette to the area An open house was held on Friday, April 26, for Dr. Erica Gillette at the Holt County Outpatient Services in Mound City, MO. Dr. Gillette is currently practicing family medicine at the Community Hospital Primary Care Clinic at Community Hospital-Fairfax, MO. She sees obstetric patients half days on Fridays at the clinic in Mound City Dr. Erica Gillette and her family moved to Tarkio, MO, the day that she graduated from the Indiana University School of Medicine in October, 2012. Her husband, Jason, and three children, Ava, 8, Landon, 7, and Mariah, 18 months, accompanied her to Tarkio. Jason is currently a student working on his second master’s degree in seminary studies. Ava and Landon are both elementary students at Tarkio Elementary. Dr. Gillette grew up in a small southern Kentucky town, which is close to the University of Kentucky, where she started her studies. She acquired a Bachelor of Science degree in biology and a Bachelor of Arts degree in exercise medicine with a minor in biological sciences. She then earned her degree in medicine from the Indiana University School of Medicine and then completed her residency at the Ball Memorial Family Medicine Residency. Dr. Gillette earned her Doctorate of Medicine in May of 2009. Her clinical interests include full spectrum family medicine, preventive care, obstetrics, and women’s health. Health care has always been Dr. Gillette’s passion. She realized when her father became ill that there was a need for accessible and relatable doctors. “The world needs more doctors who people can relate to,” stated Dr. Gillette. She enjoys all aspects of family medicine, but particularly women’s health and obstetrics. She also wants to emphasize the importance of preventive health care. Since Dr. Erica Gillette is from a small town, she can relate to small town living. She says, “There’s a connection that a doctor can make with their patients and their families. A rural community is where I feel comfortable and it is like coming home.” Dr. Erica Gillette, left- Greets Dave Holland, right, during an Open House on Friday, April 26, at the Outpatient Services in Mound City, MO. She has a clinic at Community HospitalFairfax in Fairfax, MO. Daylynn Kruse, middle, waits for her turn to meet Dr. Gillette. Track meet changed Due to the pending weather on Friday, May 3, the 5th/6th grade Holt County track meet at Mound City has been changed to Tuesday, May 7. The field events start at 9 a.m. With a lunch break from 11 a.m. to 11:30 a.m, running events will start after the lunch break. This meet will include Craig, South Holt, Nodaway-Holt and Mound City. Athletes may enter any combination of three events. Participants will need to check in for an event at the north end of the track by the water tower. Field events will consist of long jump, standing long jump, soft discus and a softball throw. The running events will consist of the 100 meter dash, 200 meter dash, 400 meter dash, 600 meter run and a 4 x 100 relay. Pipeline being replaced near Maitland Pictured above is a crew from TransCanada’s ANR Pipeline- As they work to replace 1,500 ft. of the 24” natural gas pipeline. According to officials at TransCanada, engineers found there to be a suspended section of pipeline through the Nodaway River just northwest of Maitland, MO. The decision was made to use a method called Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) to drill a new line underneath the Nodaway River. Officials believe this to be the safest way to replace the suspended line, with no disturbance to the river. Around 1,100 ft. of pipeline will be replaced using the HDD method with an additional 400 ft. being replaced for a total of 1,500 ft. There will be no service interruption during the project, as there is a parallel line that is still in use. The project is expected to be completed by May 30, 2013. Thursday, May 2, 2013 • Page 2 4th of July Blast! Total this year $107.09 You may bring donations to the 4th Blast fund to the Mound City News office or mail to 511 State St., PO Box 175, Mound City, MO 64470. 2013 4th Blast Donation List Previous balance carried over from 2012= $57.09 Julie Wallace Moschenross - $50 Letter to the editor April 29, 2013 Dear Editor: The Missouri House is now considering a poorly drafted bill (SB 125) dealing with teacher evaluations and other subjects that would lead to numerous legal challenges should it be approved by the General Assembly. Representative Mike Thomson voted against this bill in committee. Because of that vote, he was removed from that committee. We thank Representative Thomson for support- ing our public schools and voting “no” on the bill. He demonstrated political courage and genuine leadership by opposing the bill. Representative Thomson deserves our thanks for his support of our schools and for his good work in the Missouri House. Sincerely, Mike Rosenbohm Nodaway-Holt R-VII Board of Education Board of Directors Missouri School Boards’ Association Upcoming Mound City R-2 School events With the end of the year fast approaching, many school events and activities will be taking place at Mound City R-2. On Tuesday, May 7, the 5th/6th Grade Holt County Track Meet will take place at the Mound City Track beginning at 9 a.m.; and that evening the Middle School Athletic Banquet will be held in the school gym at 6:30 p.m. On Wednesday, May 8, the Mound City High School and Middle School Spring Concert/Art Show will be held at 6:30 p.m. in the school gym. On Thursday, May 9, the fourth graders will present their famous Missourian presentations; and that evening the Mound City elementary students will have their Spring Concert/Art Show at 6:30 p.m. in the gym. On Friday, May 10, there will be field trips for the 1st, 2nd, and 4th grade classes to the Omaha, NE, zoo and also the Middle School Privilege Field Trip. Published and Printed in Mound City, Missouri Established 1879 (USPS 364-920) Published weekly on Thursdays and entered as periodical publication at the Post Office in Mound City, Missouri 64470. POSTMASTER - Send changes of address to: Mound City News, PO Box 175 • Mound City, MO 64470 511 State Street, PO Box 175 • Mound City, MO 64470 (660) 442-5423 • Fax (660) 442-5423 E-mail: [email protected] Adam Johnson Owner/Publisher Jessica Lindsay, Layout & Design Dana Zembles, News & Sports Paige Bierman, News Lisa Yocum, Features Pam Kent, Advertising Joy Johnson, Proofreading Benjamin Flint, Jennifer Pardue, Todd Puckett, Will Johnson, Print Shop Member Missouri Press Association Subscription Information $30 PER YEAR Holt, Nodaway, Andrew, and Atchison Counties. $35 PER YEAR Elsewhere In Missouri and All Other States. All Subscriptions Are Due In January Copies available each week at our office and at: Craig Country Store, Craig; Lakeshore Grill, Prop-In, Big Lake; Forest City Diner, Forest City; Country Corner and Price’s Grocery, Oregon; The Smokehouse, Graham; Skidmore Service, Skidmore; Rocky’s Pit Stop, Maitland; Mound City Thriftway, Kwik Zone, George’s C-Store, New Squaw Creek Travel Plaza & I-29 Travel Plaza in Mound City. Remembering “Birds”, I ran across an old superstition that the Celtic people in Ireland believed in years ago that bothered me, but it was interesting. (They believed that the robin, which stood for the new year, had to slay the wren, which stood for the old year, before the new year would turn.) Apparently the people would help and go out and kill wrens and even may have collected a fee for doing so and would celebrate the event with a great feast that night. Whether this was true or not, I’m not sure. This wasn’t the way I grew up. I guess we kids, for whatever reason, were told to never shoot or harm a wren or a robin, but to protect them. I have a feeling if I had shot my BB gun, or anything else, at either a wren or a robin, I’d sure still remember the consequences from Dad. Betty and I never wanted the boys to shoot them either. We always had birdhouses up for the wrens, in fact one of the first projects in Manual Training for us was to build a wren house. Most probably looked so bad that the wrens never used them. Mom had Dad, before we kids could do it, make wren houses from tin cans, scraps of wood, gourds or anything that would work. We used to even clean them By Eugene Poynter out after the winter season was over, so they’d have a clean place to stay. When it was windy or a storm would come, it would cause their nests to fall out. After the storms, we’d put them back, eggs and all, even though most said you shouldn’t do that. I remember how “Jenny Wren” would be nearby, giving us, by her chatter, either a scolding or instructions. They had a song we always looked forward to hearing when they came back to the same little house each spring, at least we thought they were the same ones. Robins, before all this “global warming”, when they came back to us, were the sign that spring was here. We wouldn’t have wanted to do away with them. Still, to me, the first robin I see means winter is over or soon will be. Now I think some stay all winter. After a nice warm spring rain, seeing them out in the yards, trying to pull a worm out of the ground, is worth the time it takes to watch. How we ended up protecting both the robin and the wren, I’ll never know. I’m still that way. I know I was like the average youth growing up, for when I got my first BB gun and 22, I’d shoot other birds, the blades on the windmill (until I was caught) and all the tin cans I could find. One evening I was down in our timber, west of our house, with my 22 and when I went to a tree, I shot a big bird and it fell down at my feet. Its mate flew down at me from a nest higher up, just missing my face, and sat down by the dying mate and finally went back up to the nest. I saw, by then, that they were owls of some kind and I could see little heads sticking up from their nest. That sad ending for that family was also the ending of me ever doing a thing like that again. Yes, I’ve gone hunting, later on, as I grew older, but never enjoyed it like most do. All my plinking during those times, I feel, helped me stay alive during WWII on Luzon, but I confine my shooting to paper targets now. Even though the “bluebird” is our state bird and is considered one of the early signs of spring, I’m still looking for the first robin anyway. I wonder if our feelings for the robins and wrens are in any way connected to that Ireland susperstition of years ago. If so, somewhere along, we decided the wren was to be protected instead of being done away with. One thing I’ve learned, we’re just as superstitious as they were, but take care of the robins and wrens. We want them back. Jessica Stoner wins trip to Las Vegas For just wanting to win a dozen doughnuts, who would have thought a trip to Las Vegas, NV, would be in store. Jessica Stoner of Craig, MO, did just that. She got on QCountry 92.7’s, in St. Joseph, MO, website to enter contests that the radio station promotes. Around the first of February, Jessica was on QCountry’s website entering a contest to win a dozen doughnuts. As she was going through the list of contests that day she came upon the contest for a trip to Vegas to see Tim McGraw and Faith Hill. She thought, why not enter the contest? The following day Jessica returned to the site and noticed that the contest for the trip was no longer on there. She decided again to enter the contest for a dozen doughnuts. About a week later, Jessica was fixing breakfast for her 11 year-old daughter, Paige, when she received a phone call from a friend of hers letting her know that she had won the trip to Vegas. The contest had slipped her mind and she was unsure of, at first, what her friend was talking about. She then remembered about the contest. Shortly after Jessica received the phone call from her friend, Q-Country 92.7 called and told her that she had won the trip to Vegas. She was asked to pick one other person to go with her. She asked her husband, John, and her son, Jordan, and they both declined, so Jessica told her daughter, Paige, “I guess it’s you and me, Paige.” Early Saturday morning, April 13, Jessica and Paige left for Vegas. When they arrived, they had time for sightseeing before the show that night. At 8 p.m. that evening, Jessica and Paige took their seats for the show. On Sunday, April 14 (also Jessica’s birthday), they did more sightseeing and flew back home that evening. The name of the contest was “It’s Your Love” FlyAway. The contest started around the middle of January. The requirements were simple, contact information and what their love is. It lasted 4 weeks. On Wednesday, February 13, Jessica was contacted by Q-Country with the notification that she had won the contest. Cuts For A Cure On Sunday, May 5, from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m., the Attic in Mound City, MO, will host Cuts For A Cure. The fund raiser is for the American Cancer Society Relay for Life of Holt County. During the event, haircuts, manicures and chair massages will be provided. It is a free will donation fund raiser. Marsha Milne of Oregon, MO, and Terresa Showalter of Mound City will be the beauticians; Karen Cotton of Oregon will provide haircuts and manicures; and Allison Bungenstock will do chair massages. Free drawings and a huge bake sale will also be part of the event that day. Drawings will be held every hour and winners must be present to win. Gift certificates and hair products will be the prizes. Area civic organizations will be providing the baked goods for the bake sale. All proceeds from the fund raiser will go to the American Cancer Society Relay for Life of Holt County. The Relay for Life of Holt County will be held on Saturday, June 1, from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. in Oregon. Chamberlain Funeral Home & Monuments 1705 Ridge Drive Mound City, MO 442-5300 ATTENTION: Offering Men’s & Women’s 12-Step Drug & Alcohol Recovery Program at 304 E. 4th St. Mound City, MO EVERY WEDNESDAY 7:00-8:00 p.m. For information call 660-442-6305 or 660-442-6085. Thursday, May 2, 2013 • Page 3 Irene Virginia Milne Irene Virginia Milne, 93, of Oregon, MO, passed to her Heavenly home on Thursday, December 27, 2012. She was a Christmas baby, born in Centerville, IA, on December 25, 1919. She graduated from Ft. Collins, CO, High School in 1937, and then graduated from Colorado State University (CSU) in 1941. After graduation, Irene worked in the college Registrar's Office and met her future husband, CSU student and Missouri native, Billy M. Milne. They were married January 24, 1943, in San Diego, CA. Upon his discharge from the Marines in July, 1946, they moved to Oregon for Mr. Milne to farm with his parents. Irene was predeceased by her parents, Ernest and Helena (Eid) Anderson; brother, Howard Anderson; two brothersin-law, Frank Milne and Walter Olds; and a sister-in-law, Ernestine Milne. She lived in Oregon until three years ago, when she moved to Parkville, MO, to live with her daughter and son-in-law, Charla and Jim Cathcart, and their sons, Keegan and Presley. She is also survived by her sons, Arlen (Diana) Milne of Kansas City, MO, and Erwin (Jennifer) Milne of Jefferson City, MO; grandchildren, Christy Milne of Chicago, IL, Josh Milne of Smithville, MO, Jordan Milne of New Mexico, Brendan Milne of Jefferson City; greatgranddaughter, Brinley Virginia Milne; sister-in-law, Betty Olds of Berkeley, CA; three stepgrandchildren; seven stepgreat-grandchildren; and numerous nieces and nephews. Family visitation will be held on Saturday, May 4, 2013, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Oregon United Methodist Church. Memorials may be directed to the American Cancer Society. Care was entrusted to Chamberlain Funeral Home, Oregon. Online condolences may be left at www. News from Tiffany Heights The residents enjoyed ice cream on Monday, April 22, at Tiffany Heights in Mound City, MO. The residents made their own ice cream sundaes. They used caramel and strawberries. There was also a flavor of the month, it was “Bunny Tracks”. It has chocolate chunks, peanut butter filled chocolate bunnies and it is delicious. On Tuesday, April 23, the residents enjoyed a visit from Rhonda Roseman. Rhonda is the manager of McDonald’s in Mound City. On April 15, in 1955, the fisrt McDonald’s franchise was opened. It was in Des Plains, IL. Rhonda gave an informative talk on what McDonald’s offers today. Residents were impressed at the number of McDonald’s restaurants in the U.S. and world-wide. Did you know that in Europe some McDonald’s restaurants offer beer? Residents enjoyed apple dippers courtesy of Rhonda and McDonald’s. Another month is quickly approaching and on Wednesday, April 24, the residents enjoyed playing. The calendars are made and the Mother’s Day Tea will be on Rhonda Roseman, manager of McDonald’sBrought a bag of goodies to the residents of Tiffany Heights in Mound City, MO, on Tuesday, April 23. Friday, May 10. Dee Ann Heck played piano before lunch on Thursday, April 25. Bingo volunteers on Thursday afternoon were Shirley Jackson, Jean McCall, Barbara Hanlon, Gordon Robbins, Lucille Stull, and Mary Lee Privett. Charles Milby was the winner of the game. Glamour nails were provided Friday morning, Apirl 26. Residents enjoyed reading from the “Down on the Farm” book. They enjoyed discussing moving day, farm chores, and the many changes to farm life. During the afternoon, residents were engaged with a discussion of Arbor Day. They discussed types of trees and the Missouri State Tree. They also discussed tree climbing and recalled the many fun times in a tree. The residents also got a chance to look at a book of shrubs and trees. Games of choice were offered during the afternoon on Saturday, April 27. Larry Brickey and the Baptist Church family provided Sunday morning services. Afternoon worship was conducted by the United Methodist Church. The Mound City Lions Club- Hosted a tenderloin dinner for a fundraiser for its scholarship program and also for the Mound City Nutrition Site in Mound City, MO, on Saturday, April 27. Pictured above, left to right, are Elmer Barker, Betty Russell, Mary Belle Carter, Marg Field, Coleen White and Lion Wayne White. Nutrition site news Volunteers at the Nutrition Site in Mound City during the week of April 22, 2013, were: Walt and Pat Groves, Gene and Bev Miller, Herb and Mary Ann Beggs, Bill Golden, Addie Trimmer, Dee Ann Heck, Alita Meyer, Yogi Swymeler, Ardis Davis, Carolyn Roberts, Betty Russell, Kenneth and Irene Caton, Wayne White, Karra and Katie Smith, Linda Nauman, Susan Rippen, Ed and Sandra Meng, Dave King, Greg Biermann, Marj Field, Mary Ann Beggs, Ernest Hester, Gailen Robbins, Barb Flint, and the Mound City Lions Club. Delivering meals the week of May 6, 2013, will be: Craig - Monday - Walt and Pat Groves and Gene and Bev Miller. Mound City - Monday and Tuesday - Mound City Baptist Church (Larry and Carol Brickey); Wednesday Mound City Schools; Thursday and Friday - Christian Fellowship Church. Oregon - Monday through Friday - Woodville Presbyterian. Forest City - Monday and Tuesday - Open; Wednesday and Thursday - Open; Friday - Keith Knaak. Gem of the Week: If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop diggin’. The grand prize bingo winner on Friday, April 26, was Loretta Morris. The Mound City Nutrition Site recycles cell phones, ink cartridges, and aluminum cans for cancer (Helping Hand) in two purple cans by the front and back doors. There are also drop boxes for box tops for the school and donations to the food pantry. The May products of the month are jams and jellies. The drawing will be held Friday, May 31. Upcoming activities at the Mound City Nutrition Site are: May 6 - Exercises, 8:30 a.m. May 7 - Voting, 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.; Popcorn, lemonade and music starting at 10:30 a.m.; Share embroidery, knitting, quilting, etc., sit a spell, visit, share, 12:45 until 3:30 p.m. May 8 - Exercises, 8:30 a.m.; Board meeting, 10:00 a.m.; Kendallwood Hospice Blood Pressure Screening, 11:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. May 9 - Popcorn, lemonade and music starting at 10:30 a.m. May 10 - Cinnamon rolls and donuts, 8:30 a.m. If anyone can volunteer with preparing or serving cinnamon rolls and/or donuts, please call Addie Trimmer at 660-442-5889. The upcoming menu at the site is: Monday, May 6 - Hamburger steak with mushroom gravy, baked potato, spinach, peaches and cookie. Tuesday, May 7 - Chicken strips, lettuce and pea salad, pickled beets, and pudding. Wednesday, May 8 - Ham, sweet potatoes, 3-bean salad and fruit gelatin. Thursday, May 9 - Ham and beans, coleslaw, corn bread and baked apples. Friday, May 10 - Chef salad with ham, cheese, bolied egg and tomato, club crackers, and green beans. Good turnout for community meal Lots of fellowship and partaking of food- Were enjoyed by many local and area residents at the New Life Apostolic Assembly during the Mound City Community Fellowship meal on Sunday, April 28, in Mound City, MO. Members of the area community - Came together for fellowship during the Mound City Community Fellowship meal on Sunday, April 28, at New Life Apostolic Assembly in Mound City. With country style ham, fried chicken, salads and desserts, the turnout was amazing. Ladies’ golf league starting soon The Ladies’ Golf League in Mound City will start on Thursday, May 16. Kathy Ungles was elected chairman and Bev Callow was elected vice-chairman at the last meeting. Nancy McCrory will serve as scorekeeper for the Ladies’ Golf League. The ladies voted to start league play on Thursday, May 16, and will end play on Thursday, August 22, with a fun night. League play starting time is 5:30 p.m. Last year there were seventeen teams of three ladies on each team and it is hoped to have more teams this year. Come join the fun on Thursday nights throughout the summer. If interested in joining the ladies and forming a team or keeping the same ing notified by Mrs. Lentz. The follow-up reviews will be conducted privately with CH-F staff at each school. The schedule is as follows: • South Holt R-1- Tuesday, April 30 • Craig R-3- Thursday, May 2 • Mound City R-2- Friday, May 3 School nurse, Susan Lentz, BSN RN, coordinated this program with Ann Schlueter, Outreach Coordinator for CH-F. The goal is to provide opportunities/information for high school students to access health risk factors and make lifestyle changes to improve their health. Welcome Hunters! What is back pain management? These friendly faces are the ones you will associate with relief once you have learned about pain management at Community Hospital-Fairfax. From left, back row: David Fast, RT (R) (CT), Kaitlea Corken, RT (R), Beth Mackey, RT (R)(M), Jackie Martin, RN. Front: Tracy Beason, RT (R )(M), Becky Heits, RN, Rikki Wilson, RT ® and Cyrinthia Dawson, RDMS RVT. 26136 US Hwy. 59, Fairfax, MO Patients must have a doctor’s referral and a recent MRI or CAT scan for this procedure. Talk to your doctor today about CH-F pain management options. CLOSED Friday, May 3 We will resume normal business hours on Monday, May 6. g NW Northwest Graphix Office: 660-442-3804 502 State Street • Mound City, MO 64470 [email protected] Kitchen Hours - 10:30 a.m.-9:00 p.m. Full Menu and Carry-Out Available Open Every Day But Sunday Home Cooked Lunch Specials Daily ~ Golfer’s Special ~ Wednesday Night 10 oz. Choice Sirloin, Baked Potato & Salad Thursday Night Grilled Chicken Summer Salads Evening Specials Monday - Pizza & Wings (Happy Hour Prices All Evening) Tuesday - Tacos Wednesday - Chicken Fried Chicken Thursday - 10 oz. Top Sirloin Friday - Catfish or Shrimp Saturday - Rib Eye WiFi Available! ~ Touch Tunes Closed Sunday ~ NON SMOKING!!! 660-442-5502 • 1012 State St. • Mound City, MO Pettijohn & Crawford ... The standard in funeral homes. Come experience our Unmatched: ed:: •Service •Value A series of steroid injections performed through outpatient services. An option to relieve severe back and neck pain when surgery is not yet required. Relief that some patients report is effective in easing pain before they even leave the hospital. We will be HAPPY HOUR 3-6 p.m. Daily Check it at the door follow-up In the fall of 2012, area high school students participated in a program called “Check It At The Door”. The program was a cooperative effort between Community HospitalFairfax (CH-F), MO, and the local school districts. The program was designed to access students’ health risks for heart disease. Screenings included blood sugar and cholesterol levels, nutritional habits, family history, tobacco use and other risk factors. Students set goals for themselves to improve their personal health. Students are reviewing their goals with CH-F staff. Each student completing the review will receive a Worlds of Fun or Schlitterbahn pass in the mail for summer fun. Last fall each school had a $100 winner from those students who participated. The reviews are only for students who participated in the fall screenings. Students needing follow-up blood checks are be- team as last year, please contact the Mound City Golf Course or Kathy Ungles (4423807) by Wednesday, May 8. •Grief Support •After loss Support, and more ree Pettijohn & Crawford is unequalled in supporting you during and after one of the most difficult periods of your life. Judith Crawford Long Judith Crawford Long C (816) 294-0231 • H (660) 442-3617 Thursday, May 2, 2013 • Page 4 Area Church Information CRAIG Craig Presbyterian Church Worship Service, 9:15 a.m. Cliff McNair, Minister Sharp’s Grove United Methodist Church 4.5 mi. north of Craig on Hwy. 59 • Rev. Jeremy Blevins Worship Service, 8:45 a.m. Craig Community Church of the Nazarene 105 S. Ensworth Street • Keith Knaak, Pastor Sunday School, 10 a.m., Worship Service, 11 a.m. Wed. Night Bible Study, 5:30 p.m., Wed. Kingdom Kids, 3:30-5:00 p.m., Wed. Night Youth Group, 6:30-8:00 p.m. Church of God Sunday School, 10:00 a.m., Worship, 11:00 a.m. FILLMORE The Lighthouse Exit 65 on I-29 • Pastors Tim and Faith Uzzle Sunday Worship: 10 a.m., Thurs. Bible Study: 7 p.m. GRAHAM Graham Union Church Sunday School, 9:30 a.m., Morning Worship, 10:30 a.m. Evening Service, 6:30 p.m., Wednesday night, 7 p.m. United Methodist Church Connie Ury, Pastor Sunday School, 9 a.m., Worship, 10:15 a.m. MAITLAND First Christian Church Chronic back pain relief at Community Hospital-Fairfax What is on the “to-do list”? Chances are one has a fulltime job, errands to run, a carpool or chores around the house. These days, life is one long to-do list and if one has back or neck pain, everything on the list suddenly becomes a lot harder to accomplish. Community Hospital-Fairfax’s (CH-F), MO, to-do list starts with helping patients in all aspects of health care, and that includes relief from chronic back pain. That is one of the reasons Director of Radiology, Beth Mackey, wants more people to know about Lumbar Epidural Steroid injections, a progressive pain management procedure available through the radiology department. “According to the Centers for Disease Control, 29 million Americans suffer from chronic back pain, but CH-F has the tools to help treat it,” Beth Mackey explained. Lumbar Epidural Steroids are an option for patients with severe back and neck pain when surgery is not yet required. Patients with chronic back problems can talk to their primary care physician or can request a referral to CH-F from their neurosurgeon or specialist for the procedure. The outpatient procedure consists of a series of steroid injections that take less than an hour and is performed by the radiologists from Diagnostic Radiology at CH-F. “A lot of patients are surprised they feel so much better after treatment. CH-F is able to get the medicine right where it needs to be, so the patient gets relief very quickly,” said Radiologist James Smith, M.D. Dr. Smith, along with his team at Diagnostic Radiology of Omaha, NE, are thrilled to offer the Lumbar treatment to CH-F patients. “We really feel that this is a good service for patients and we want as many people as possible to have access to it and know that it is available. It is our hope that we can help patients feel better and resume their normal daily activities. In some cases, we can even help patients avoid surgery with periodic injections,” Dr. Smith explained. If one suffers from severe back or neck pain that does not improve after rest or has pain after a fall or injury, consider talking to the doctor and specialist about receiving the Lumbar Epidural Steroid procedure at CH-F. A doctor’s referral and recent MRI or CAT scan is required. 4th and Ash • Bill Gazaway, Pastor Sunday School, 9:15 a.m., Worship Service, 10 a.m. Sunday Night Worship, 7 p.m., Wed., Youth Rallies, 7 p.m. United Methodist Church 217 S. Maple Avenue • Connie Ury, Pastor Worship Service, 9 a.m. MOUND CITY Community of Christ 1410 Nebraska Street • Theresa Mackey, Pastor 660-446-2048 Sunday School, 10 a.m., Worship Service, 11 a.m. Christian Fellowship 18080 Hwy. 59 • Jim Brown, Minister Sunday School, 9:30 a.m., Worship, 10:30 a.m. Senior High Youth, 7:00 p.m. • Holy Trinity Lutheran Church 1413 Nebraska St. • Rev. Brian Lemcke Worship Service, 10:30 a.m. Bible Class or Sunday School, 9:15 a.m. Worship Every Third Sunday, 7:00 p.m. First Christian Church 402 E. 5th Street • Paul Grant, Pastor Sunday School, 9:30 a.m., Worship, 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays- Bible Study, 12 p.m. Tri-City Friendship Center hosts a Potato Bar Members of the Tri-City Friendship Center- Hosted a Potato Bar Sunday, April 28, from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Maitland, MO, Nutrition Site. The potato bar included baked potatoes with all the trimmings, homemade salads and pies. The Tri-City Friendship Center served 72 people, making approximately $600. Mound City Baptist Church 1308 Savannah Street • Pastor Nathan Lowe Sunday School, 10:15 a.m., Worship Service, 11:15 a.m. Tuesday Bible Study, Larry Brickey, 6:30 p.m.; Acteens (K-12 Grades), 4:00 p.m. - 660-853-2089 Youth Group, 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. 312 E. 7th St. • Pastor Jeremy Blevins Sunday School, 9 a.m., Sunday Service, 10 a.m. New Liberty and Big Lake Baptist Churches County Road 140 • Richard Lionberger, Pastor Sunday School, 9:45 a.m., Worship, 10:30 a.m. Churches have now combined. U.P.C.I. - 307 E. 6th, Mound City • Pastor Scott Jordan Worship Service, 11 a.m. Life Night Bible Study & Revolution Youth Group Thursdays, 6:30 p.m. - 660-442-3441 Benton Church An 1880s Church in the 21st Century • Pastor Jim Broker 1/2 mile south of Squaw Creek Truck Plaza on Hwy. BB Worship Service, 10:00 a.m. on 1st Sunday of each month For information, call 660-928-3665 OREGON St. Patrick’s Catholic Church 303 Grand, Forest City • Father Peter Ullrich, OSB Pastor and Parish Administrator Oregon Church of the Nazarene 207 W. George • Keith Knaak, Pastor Sunday School, 8 a.m., Worship Service, 9 a.m. Carly and Steven Edwards of Mound City are excited to announce the arrival of their second son, Ryan Charles Edwards. Ryan was born on Wednesday, April 17, 2013, at 10:27 a.m. at Heartland Regional Medical Center in St. Joseph, MO. He weighed six pounds, nine ounces, and was 22 inches long. Ryan was welcomed home by his big brother, Jaxon Lee. Celebrating Ryan’s arrival are proud grandparents, Debbie and Steve Loucks and Dana and Terry Edwards, all of Mound City. Proud great-grandparents are Bob and Jeane Crouse of Mound City and Bernard and Sue Heits of Rock Port, MO. Planting corn in wet soil can damage root system Missouri corn growers chomping at the bit to plant should practice patience to prevent harm to their plants’ root systems. University of Missouri (MU) Extension cereal crops’ specialist, Brent Myers, and agronomy specialist, Bill Wiebold, advise growers not to plant too soon when soils begin to dry. Planting and other traffic will compact wet soil. Roots in compacted, wet soil can’t grow properly and are more vulnerable to disease. Due to frequent rains and low soil temperatures, corn planting was only 8 percent complete by mid-April, compared to 37 percent at this time in 2012. However, last year’s planting season should not be used as a yardstick, Wiebold says. The average over recent years is only 17 percent. “There’s no reason for alarm,” Wiebold says. “Reasonably high yields can be obtained when corn is planted in mid to late May.” Wiebold has analyzed the effects of corn planting dates on yield in mid-Missouri and found little difference for planting dates in April. From May 1 to June 1, corn yields decrease about 25 percent, and decline more rapidly after that. His data is averaged over five Tri-City Friendship Center members- Helped serve at the potato bar on Sunday, April 28, at the Nutrition Site in Maitland, MO. Pictured above are, left to right, Maryann Linville, Anna Lea Lance, Virginia Lent, and Ramona Shields. O’ Come, Come, Come to the church in the wildwood this Sunday morning at 10 a.m. and discover what a church service was like 100 years ago. It’s 1/2 mile south of the truck stop near Mound City on Hwy. BB. Benton Church For more information, call Jim Broker at 660-928-3665. The Old Country Church A meeting of the Graham, MO, Community Betterment was held on Tuesday, April 23, in the community building. Richard Vogel presided with five others present. This group had a Bake Sale at the April 6 Fish Fry. The stool in the men’s bathroom has been replaced and a cooler in the kitchen repaired. There will be a June wedding in the building. The Lions Club is going to spilt meetings between this building and the new Social Center across the street. Terri Vogel is placing the past Community Betterment scrapbooks on Facebook. The Memorial Day Salad Luncheon will be held on Sunday, May 26. The charge will be $9 for each adult and children, $3 each. Serving New Point Christian Church 24135 Stone Hill Rd. • Brian Buck, Minister Sunday School, 9:30 a.m., Worship, 10:30 a.m. Fellowship Dinner, 4th Sunday of month following church REGIONAL River of Hope Fellowship Presently meeting at: 304 East 4th St., Mound City 442-0197 or 442-6305 • Pastor David Showalter Sunday School, 9:15 a.m., Worship, 10:30 a.m. SKIDMORE St. Oswald’s-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church 30996 X Avenue, Skidmore, MO 2nd Sundays - 11 a.m., Morning Prayer service by Lay Reader 4th Sundays - 11 a.m., Eucharist Service years, and at least four hybrids were used in each year of the study. “As you might guess, differences occur among years for response of corn yield to planting date,” Wiebold says. “Weather conditions in July and early August affect corn yield far more than planting date, and weather during those weeks can mask the effects of the planting date.” That makes it difficult to predict how delayed planting will affect corn yield. Myers cautions growers against a hasty decision to switch corn acreage to other crops such as soybeans. Results vary among farmers and fields, but MU data indicates that there is still time to plant corn as intended. It may not make sense to switch to early-maturing hybrids either, Wiebold says. “We found that corn hybrids with CRM (comparative relative maturity) of 110 out-yielded corn hybrids with CRM of 100 until the first week of June,” he said, noting that early maturing hybrids are short, have shorter kernel filling periods, and should be planted at greater seeding rates. “We understand that drying costs are important,” he added. “Our data focuses solely on yield comparisons.” Graham news Mound City United Methodist Church New Life Apostolic Assembly Edwards’ welcome home second son April 17 Find a doctor close to home. Find the healthcare answers you need. Primary Care Clinic gives you both. Schedule an appointment today by calling (660) 686-2276 26136 US Hwy 59, Fairfax, Mo. 660-686-2276 Erica Gillette, M.D. By Michelle Brown will start at 11 a.m. Arbor Day was to be held at the park on Sunday, April 28, at 2 p.m. Michelle Brown was in charge. The advertising sign that was across from the Methodist Church is now in the park. A fence may be placed around the multi-purpose court. The Lions Club may replace the outhouse with a cement block building. The next meeting is Tuesday, May 28, at 7 p.m. Anna Lea Lance and Jenevieve Talbott traveled on a bus trip through Oklahoma to Texas with a destination of San Antonio, TX, on Friday, April 5, through Friday, April 12. Some of the sites they enjoyed were the Gene Autry Museum in Gene Autry, OK, and the Charreada Rodeo. In Texas, they enjoyed the Riverwalk, Alamo, San Jose Mission and the Botanical Gardens. They ate at a lot of good places including the Mennonite Restaurant and Dutch Pantry in Chouteau, OK, and an Amish Restaurant in Clarita, OK. Michelle Brown spent the night of Saturday, April 20, with her sister, Velinda, in Kansas City, MO. They went to the Nascar STP 400 Car Race on Sunday, April 21, at the Kansas Speedway. They also enjoyed the “Sprint” experience. Weather didn’t hurt first week turkey harvest In spite of less than ideal weather, hunters shot 21,437 turkeys during the first week of Missouri’s three-week spring hunting season. This year’s first week harvest is 328 fewer than last year, a 1.5 percent decrease. That small difference is fairly insignificant, according to Resource Scientist, Jason Isabelle, with the Missouri Department of Conservation. Isabelle says the first-week harvest number is encouraging considering the weather that many hunters had to contend with. “We had some very challenging hunting conditions for much of the week,” says Isabelle, “but still managed to harvest about the same number of turkeys that we did on opening week last year. At one point during the week, we were 17 percent behind where we were last year. The improved conditions that we had this past weekend, however particularly on Saturday, helped us to nearly catch up to where we were at this point one year ago.” Isabelle, who oversees the Conservation Department’s turkey management program, says last year’s turkey harvest was the second to show an increase since 2004. Jakes, as 1 yearold male turkeys are commonly known, made up 17 percent of this year’s first week harvest compared to 26 percent last year. “Jakes made up a smaller percentage of the opening week harvest than last year,” says Isabelle, “but the difference does not necessarily indicate that we have fewer jakes on the landscape. Prior to 2011’s hatch, we hadn’t had good turkey production for a number of years. Because Loess Hill Timber/ Prairie Field Day to be held on Saturday, May 18 The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) and the Graves-Chapple Research Center will host a Loess Hill Timber and Prairie Field Day on Saturday, May 18, 2013, at Sly Fox Farms near the GravesChapple Experiment Center. MDC foresters will provide advice and take participants on a walk through the timber on private land in the morning. Information on proper timber management including timber stand improvement, sales and how to obtain a forest stewardship plan will be covered with plenty of time for questions. The afternoon section will focus on loess hill prairie restoration. A walking tour will cover work that has been accomplished on three different tracts of land. Discussions on the benefits and problems associated with restoration will be covered. Other topics will be cost share opportunities for both timber and prairie. Lunch will be provided by the MDC. For more information and further details, please contact Jim Pierson, Private Land Conservationist at 660-442-3173, ext. 114. Old Bud’s Cartoons Thursday, May 2, 2013 • Page 5 This Week’s History Matt Buckminster of Skidmore, MO- Bagged an approximate 25 pound tom turkey west of Maitland, MO, on Saturday, April 27. The tom also had two 9 inch beards. of the improved hatch of 2011, jakes were readily available during the 2012 season, and adult gobbler abundance was lower than it typically would be, so naturally hunters shot more jakes. We had a second year of improved nesting success in 2012 and a good carry-over of birds from 2011. Hunters found more 2 year- old gobblers this year, and that took some pressure off of our 2012 crop of jakes.” Isabelle says weather could still hold down this year’s harvest, but with relatively normal conditions, especially on weekends, hunters could easily top last year’s end of season turkey kill. “If the weather cooperates, I could certainly see a spring harvest that exceeds the last couple of years,” Isabelle says. “Hunters still have the majority of the season ahead of them. As the season progresses, there will be more hens nesting, which leaves gobblers by themselves and more likely to respond to hunters’ calls. This fact, coupled with less hunting pressure during the last couple weeks of the season, can make for some outstanding hunting conditions.” Missouri’s top three turkey harvest counties in the first week of the season were Franklin with 560 turkeys checked, Texas with 444, and Ste. Genevieve with 413. The Conservation Department recorded no firearms related hunting incidents during the first week of the season. Holt County checked 123 turkeys the first week of the season. AMERICAN FAMILY AGENT Find success within our family. We believe that when AGENT you bringAMERICAN creativity, FAMILY experience and passion to the Findworld success within family.for Wesuccess. believe professional you areour bound that when you bring creativity, experience We are currently for motivated, energetic and passionlooking to the professional world you arewho bound for success. individuals have an entrepreneurial spirit and a strong desire for success. We will provide financial We are currently looking for support and resources to help you begin your career motivated, energetic individuals who have as an American Family agent. an entrepreneurial spirit and a strong desire for success.looking We will provide financial to support We are currently for applicants support resources as to help you American begin the Mound City and community a local Famyour career as an American Family agent. ily Insurance agent. We are currently looking for applicants to Mounds City community as a To support learn the more about the opportunity, local American Family Insurance agent. To learn more about the opportunity, e-mail your e-mail your resume and cover letter to resume and cover letter to Alex Arriola at Alex Arriola at [email protected] [email protected] or apply online at or apply online at From the Mound City News archives 50 Years Ago - 1963 • Jack A. Kinder, a graduate of Mound City High School, was named superintendent of schools at Newton, Kansas. • A great act of kindness was performed for the Rev. Charles R. Hagee and his family. Rev. Hagee had been very ill during recent months. Friends and neighbors gathered to build a half-mile of new fence between the Hagee and Emory Smith farms. • Wilbur Heitman, president of the Craig R-III Alumni Association, announced that the annual banquet would be held May 18 at the Craig School. • The fireman who jumped from the moving train that was incorrectly guided onto a side track at Bigelow because of an open switch died at a Kansas City hospital. The open switch was blamed for a head-on accident which resulted in a passenger train striking a parked freight engine. • Schoonover’s DX advertised a hunter’s special for the weekend. The purchase of 10 gallons of gasoline would make customers eligible to buy a box of dove or quail loaded shotgun shells for only $1.60. 25 Years Ago - 1988 • The Big Lake Dining Lodge opened for business again after having been closed for approximately 1 1/2 years for major renovation. The restaurant was redesigned to better accommodate large groups at banquets, to be open seven days a week, and to feature a full menu, specials, and buffet. • Four freshman students from Holt County high schools were among the students statewide who attended the 1st Annual Missouri State Youth Government Day in Jefferson City. Those selected to attend were Jane Dudeck, South Holt R-I; Marde Kent, Craig R-III; Mike Ball, Holt County R-II; and Troy Brady, Nodaway-Holt R-VII. • Stephanie Miller of Barnes Realty was named Secretary of the Year by KSFT 105 Radio Station in St. Joseph. ? r e b m e m e r u o y o d What The Holt County Historical Society is looking for answers to these questions that have been submitted by researchers. SHILOH SCHOOL REUNION Phil Blazer identified several in this photo (left) as his Dad, Frank, was in the group along with several other family relatives. Verna and Eddie Young also provided additional information. Anyone else knowing other names are welcome to stop by the Genealogy Center on Wednesdays, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Back Row: Left to Right: Frank Blazer, unknowns, Francis Thompson on the end. Third Row: Milo Blazer, Lola Richards. Second Row: Doris Meyer Williams, Opal Armentrout, Ellen Varvel, Elburn Morris. First Row: Minnie Blazer Ball, Ruth Fogg, Glen Trimmer, Glen Mohler. WAS COTTONWOOD SCHOOL ONCE CALLED BEL AIR?? Sharon Adkins, Kennewick, WA, recently was met in Mound City, MO, by Norma Jean McCurry and Angela Brook to pass on to the society a wonderful collection of historical documents. Ms. Adkins is a descendant of Judge Asa Turpin (1844-1920), who is buried in the IOOF Cemetery in Craig, MO. She brought family histories, artifacts, and photos to donate. Also included in the collection were three fragile Cottonwood School ledgers dated in the early 1870s that included many pioneer names. Daniel Smith (1826-1906), who is buried in the Tarkio Chapel Cemetery north of Fortescue, MO, was chairman of the school board. An interesting note is that several record pages list the name of the school, not Cottonwood, but Bel Air. Cottonwood was located west of Bigelow. Anyone with ancestors who lived in the area are sure to find a familiar name. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Eddie and Verna Young brought by the history booklet of the Nazarene Church in Mound City. Pages were copied to add to the church history files. If anyone has any information about any of these items please call 660-442-5949. present st to the a p re” e th f eo r the futu fo e v r e “Heritag s pre on and to .m. on generati a.m.-3 p treet in open 9 We are s at 612 State S sday City Wedne Mound The Holt County Historical Society 612 State Street • PO Box 55 • Mound City, MO 64470 Also, answers may be e-mailed to the society at [email protected] • Students at Holt County R-II had an educational program on AIDS presented by the Good Samaritan Project in Kansas City. The program was coordinated by Susan Lentz, R.N., school nurse. • The third annual Panther Relays was set for Saturday, April 30. 10 Years Ago - 2003 • Matt Rosenbohm, rural Graham, MO, was named Area 1 Star in Agribusiness at the Missouri FFA Convention. • The Mound City Police Department received a new Dell computer and a color printer and scanner to go with it. Officer Scott Wedlock reported the equipment was supplied free to the city as part of the Locater program at the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. • Kris Grimm and DeTania Lawson were Craig’s Prom King and Queen. • The new Kwik Zone convenience store was taking shape at the 118 Highway entrance to Mound City. The $1.6 million project would create new jobs for 14 to 18 full-time employees. • Holt County commissioners bought six new Dell computers and a server for $13,561 to upgrade the computer system used in the offices of the treasurer, collector, assessor, and clerk. Spring clean-up was a success Thursday, May 2, 2013 • Page 6 MoDOT flushing bridges in Holt County Mound City residents, left to right, John Killin, Kelly Graves, and Jim Krueger- Helped dispose of household items from pickups and trailers for the spring clean-up at the swimming pool parking lot on Sunday afternoon, April 28. Mound City’s spring clean-up- Was held Sunday, April 28, at the swimming pool parking lot. The residents of the community did a successful job at bringing furniture, televisions, trash, appliances, iron, scrap metal and batteries for disposal. There were plenty of helpers and everyone enjoyed the nice weather. Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT)- Crew members flushed the bridge along Highway 118 in Mound City, MO, on Tuesday, April 30. MoDOT will be on various routes flushing bridges through Friday, May 3, in Holt County. Craig R-3 graduation approaching On Friday, May 10, at 7 p.m., the seniors from Craig, MO, R-3 will be receiving their high school diplomas during graduation exercises at the school gymnasium. The speaker for the evening will be Brian Weidmer. Brian is the 7-12 Social Studies teacher at Craig R-3 and one of the senior class sponsors. When speaking at graduation, he will be reading memories from the senior class, as well as memories current and former teachers have of this year’s graduating class. He will add a little something along with it, to tie in with the theme of making memories. Brian grew up in Troy, KS, before going to Highland Community College to earn his Associate degree in Secondary Education. After Highland, he attended Missouri Western State University where he obtained his bachelor’s degree in History with an emphasis in Education. This is Brian’s fourth year of teaching at Craig. Antique, Household, Toys & Shop AUCTION Saturday, May 4, 2013 • 10:00 a.m. DUE TO THE WEATHER, THE SHOP AND FARM ITEMS WILL SELL AT THE FARM AT 10 A.M. THE HOUSEHOLD, FURNITURE AND ANTIQUES WILL SELL AT THE T.J. HALL BUILDING IN OREGON, MO, ON THE EAST SIDE OF THE SQUARE BEGINNING AT 11 A.M. Location: 26626 Hwy. 59, Oregon, MO Take Hwy. 59 north of Oregon approximately two miles. (West side of Hwy. 59) Featuring: Antique furniture and small items, plus nice furniture, appliances, household items and farm tools. Note: We’ll sell the shop items first, then on to the household items. - Greg Milan and Elizabeth Boswell Estate Lunch on grounds. Cash or personal check, no credit cards, please. All statements made sale day take precedence over printed material. Auction Managed & Conducted By: Greg Clement Auctions LLC AUCTIONEERS: Greg Clement, Maitland, MO, 660-442-5436, cell 816-387-3652; Chance Clement, Skidmore, MO, 660-853-1868; and Justin Gregory, Mayetta, KS, 785-250-8412 Pics. & Info.: • e-mail: [email protected] Mark Niewald to Jeffrey Verbick and Devon Verbick, Oregon, MO; The East 69 feet of Lots 2 and 3 in Block 11 in the original town of Oregon. Jeffrey Verbick and Devon Verbick to Mark Niewald, Oregon, MO; The West Half of Lots 6 and 7 in Block 6 in the original town of Oregon. George T. Sinkhorn and Verna G. Sinkhorn to Virginia W. Wilcoxson and Robert Wilcoxson, Mound City, MO; All of Lots 4, 5 and 6 in Block 12 in Mound City Extension Company in Mound City. Gene Edward Moore, Deceased, by Affidavit, to Jeanne L. Moore, Mound City; Undivided 1/3 Interest of South 67 feet of North Half Fraction in Block 9 in the original town of Mound City; UPCOMING AUCTIONS ON THE LOT 2012 Chevy Captiva LTZ, AWD, Leather, Sun Roof, Backup Camera........................ New MSRP..........$33,009 Special Sale Price..........$23,995 2012 Captiva SUV, FWD, V-6, 6,000 Miles.............$17,995 2012 Captiva SUV, FWD, 4 Cyl., 26,000 Miles.......$17,995 2012 Suburban, 4x4........................................$37,995 2012 Cruze.......................................................$14,995 2012 Cruze RS, Leather, Sun Roof.....................$17,995 2012 Traverse, AWD.........................................$29,995 2012 Equinox...................................................$24,995 An abundance of items- Were looked over carefully by the many shoppers on Saturday, April 27, during the community-wide garage sale that was held in the Historic City Hall in Forest City, MO. With the temperature being a little chilly that morning, it was a great time to do a little garage selling. Shoppers named their own prices during the event. Holt County real estate transfers REMINDER: “The Voice Everybody Knows” The Riverbend Extension Company- Hosted a community-wide garage sale on Saturday, April 27, at the Historic City Hall in Forest City, MO. Members of the Riverbend Extension Company pictured are, back row, standing left to right, Cecilia Fink, Bonnie Gordon and Peggy Ann Edwards; front row, Ellen Kneale, and Darith Buckles. The garage sale proceeds went to the Drug Store Museum in Forest City. Riverbend Extension holds community-wide sale 2010 Traverse, AWD.........................................$26,995 2008 Silverado 3500, Ext. Cab, 4x4, Dually, Flat Bed, Low Miles..............................................................$24,995 2013 Dodge Journey, AWD, 9,000 Miles.............$23,995 2013 Dodge Dart...............................................$16,495 2013 Malibu Eco, Leather....................................$24,995 2012 Impala......................................................$14,695 2012 Chrysler 200, 4-Door.................................$15,995 2012 Avenger, Heated Seats...............................$15,995 2010 Ram 1500, Crew Cab.................................$25,995 2011 Silverado 2500, Ext. Cab, 4x4, Low Miles, Diesel.............................................................$37,995 2012 Caravan, Power Doors...............................$19,995 2012 Challenger SXT..........................................$22,995 2011 Charger, 4-Door,......................Reduced to $18,995 2010 Charger.....................................................$14,995 2010 Avalanche, AWD, Leather...........................$29,995 2010 Edge Limited.............................................$20,995 2009 Silverado, Crew Cab, 4x4...........................$22,995 Northwest Missouri’s Premiere Service Dealer Serving The Area Since 1946 Laukemper Laukemper Laukemper 2 Locations in Mound City Since 1946 MOTORS Chrysler - DODGE - JEEP - RAMSince 1946 CHEVROLET - Chevrolet - Pontiac Chrysler - Dodge - Jeep--Dodge Chevrolet - Pontiac I-29 & Hwy. 59 - Mound City, MOChrysler 3rd &- Jeep Nebraska - Mound City, MO 660-442-5438 660-442-9942 800-490-8035 800-381-9942 Over 100 Pre-Owned In Stock WWW. LAUKEMPERMOTORS .COM Mound City License Bureau • 302 Nebraska St. • Mound City, MO • 660-442-5531 Undivided 1/3 Interest of the Northeast 60 feet of Lot 2 in Block 25 in the original town of Mound City; Undivided 1/3 Interest of the Northeast 60 feet of Lot 3 in Block 25 in the original town of Mound City. Mina F. Yeager to Charlee M. Garst, James F. Garst and Dayan Garst, Rock Port, MO; All of Lot 61 except the South 25 feet in the Ideker Subdivision located in the Northwest Quarter of Section 19, Township 61 North, Range 39 West and the Northwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 61 North, Range 40 West, all in Holt County, Missouri. Stephen Timothy Haer, Shirley R. Haer, Marcus Leslie Haer, and Brenda F. Haer to Rob Properties, LLC, Maryville, MO; A tract of land in Section 28, Township 62, Range 40. In RE: Survey For Brad Younger to Brad Younger; Section 20, Township 59, Range 37. Caleb Robert Morris, By Successor Trustee, to National Association, JPMorgan Chase Bank, Columbus, OH; A tract of land in the East Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 6, Township 61, Range 37. John Columbus Patterson Revocable Trust, By Trustee, to Randy Neal Patterson and Rex Allen Patterson, Maitland, MO; Undivided OneHalf Interest of a tract in the Southwest Quarter of Section 4, Township 61, Range 37; Undivided One-Half Interest of the South Half of Section 5, Township 61, Range 37. Rex A. Patterson and Kim L. Patterson to Rex A. Patterson, T.O.D, St. Joseph, MO; A tract of land in Southwest Quarter of Section 4, Township 61, Range 37, and the South Half of Section 5, Township 61, Range 37. Randy N. Patterson and Cynthia G. Patterson to Randy N. Patterson Declaration of Trust, Maitland, MO; The Southwest Quarter of Section 4, Township 61, Range 37, and South Half of Section 5, Township 61, Range 37. Randy N. Patterson and Cynthia G. Patterson to Randy N. Patterson Declaration of Trust and Cynthia G. Patterson Declaration of Trust; Beginning at a point on the section line, 1,101.1 feet East of the Northwest corner of the East Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 6, Twonship 61 North, of Range 37 West of the 5th P.M., see record for full description. Jeanette Smock Trust, By Successor Trustee, to Robert Charles Smock, Joshua R. Smock, and Travis W. Smock, Maitland; Tract 1: Lot 2 of the Northeast Quarter of Section 28, see record for full description. Tract 2: All that part of the following described tract lying West of the right-of-way of Chicago, Burlington, and Quincy Railroad Company, to-wit: The Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 28, see record for full description. Tract 3: The Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 28, Township 63, Range 37. Tract 4: The South 17 acres of Lot 1 in the Northwest Fractional Quarter of Section 27, see record for full description. Tract 5: Lot 1 of the Northwest Quarter of Section 34, and all that part of the Northeast Quarter of Dr. Erica Gillette is welcoming expectant mothers at Northwest Health Services on Fridays. Appointments may be scheduled by calling (660) 686-2276 26136 US Hwy 59, Fairfax, Mo. 660-686-2776 Section 33, as lies East of the right-of-way of the Nodaway Valley Railroad, see record for full description. Tract 6: An undivided one-fourth interest in the following tract: All of Lot 1 of the Northwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 63, Range 37, as lies West of the Nodaway River Ditch. Tract 7: All of that portion of the Easterly 50 feet of Burlingtion Northern Railroad Company’s Maitland to Skidmore, MO, Branch Line right-of-way, now discontinued, being 50 feet wide on each side of the main track centerline, as originally located and constructed, which lies in the North Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 28, Township 63, Range 37, see record for full description. Tract 8: A strip of land 100 feet in width, being 50 feet wide on each side of the track centerline of the Burlingtion Northern Railroad Company’s Maitland to Skidmore, MO, Branch Line, now removed, in 28, Township 63, Range 37, see record for full description. William J. Smock Trust, By Successor Trustee, to Robert Charles Smock, Maitland, MO; Tract 1: Lot 2 of the Northeast Quarter of Section 28, see record for full description. Tract 2: All that part of the following described tract lying West of the right-of-way of Chicago, Burlington, and Quincy Railroad Company, to-wit: The Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 28, see record for full description. Tract 3: The Continued to Page 12 “As a mother of three, l know how special the journey to parenthood can be. I look forward to being there for my patients every step of the way” -Erica Gillette, M.D. Holt County traffic violations The following traffic violations that occurred in Holt County were paid through the Missouri Judiciary Fine Collection Center: Jose Hinojosa HernandezOf Bellevue, NE, Driver Fail to Secure Child Under 8 years old in Child Restraint or Booster Seat. Case filed on March 2, 2013. Case disposed on April 8, 2013. Fine Amount: $20.50. Jose Hinojosa HernandezOf Bellevue, NE, Driver Fail to Secure Child Under 8 years old in Child Restraint or Booster Seat. Case filed on March 2, 2013. Case disposed on April 8, 2013. Fine Amount: $20.50. Brian A. Hough- Of Olathe, KS, Exceeded Posted Speed Limit (Exceeded by 11 - 15 mph). Case filed on March 30, 2013. Case disposed on April 9, 2013. Fine Amount: $55.50. Keri Ann Hull- Of Bellevue, WA, Exceeded Posted Speed Limit (Exceeded by 11 - 15 mph). Case filed on March 20, 2013. Case disposed on April 4, 2013. Fine Amount: $55.50. Derek A. Jones- Of Olathe, KS, Exceeded Posted Speed Limit (Exceeded by 11 - 15 mph). Case filed on March 14, 2013. Case disposed on April 10, 2013. Fine Amount: $55.50. Stephanie R. King- Of Omaha, NE, Exceeded Posted Speed Limit (Exceeded by 20 25 mph). Case filed on March 26, 2013. Case disposed on April 9, 2013. Fine Amount: $155.50. Eric James Knight- Of Roeland Park, KS, Exceeded Posted Speed Limit (Exceeded by 16 - 19 mph). Case filed on March 20, 2013. Case disposed on April 9, 2013. Fine Amount: $80.50. Brett Anthony Los- Of Lake Zurich, IL, Pursuing/Taking/Killed/Possessed or Disposed of Wildlife Illegally. Case filed on March 9, 2013. Case disposed on April 4, 2013. Fine Amount: $74.50. Katelyn P. Menolascino- Of Omaha, NE, Exceeded Posted Speed Limit (Exceeded by 20 - 25 mph). Case filed on April 5, 2013. Case disposed on April 10, 2013. Fine Amount: $155.50. Mary P. Roelker- Of Bellevue, NE, Exceeded Posted Speed Limit (Exceeded by 11 - 15 mph). Case filed on March 28, 2013. Case disposed on April 10, 2013. Fine Amount: $55.50. Neil A. Russell- Of Falls City, NE, Drove Wrong Direction on Highway Divided Into Two Or More Roadways. Case filed on March 7, 2013. Case disposed on April 5, 2013. Fine Amount: $30.50. Frank Montez Smith- Of Vernon, AL, Exceeded Posted Speed Limit (Exceeded by 20 25 mph). Case filed on March 16, 2013. Case disposed on April 9, 2013. Fine Amount: $155.50. Larry E. Smith- Of Kansas City, MO, Exceeded Posted Speed Limit (Exceeded by 16 - 19 mph). Case filed on March 31, 2013. Case disposed on April 8, 2013. Fine Amount: $80.50. Marc N. Sobeski- Of Fox Point, WI, Pursuing/Taking/ Killed/Possessed or Disposed of Wildlife Illegally. Case filed on March 12, 2013. Case disposed on April 8, 2013. Fine Amount: $249.50. Bradley Gene Thomas- Of Douglas, ND, Exceeded Posted Speed Limit (Exceeded by 11 15 mph). Case filed on March 12, 2013. Case disposed on April 8, 2013. Fine Amount: $55.50. John Milton Thomas- Of Gretna, NE, Failed to Stop for a Stop Sign At Stop Line/Before Crosswalk/Point Nearest Intersection. Case filed on March 31, 2013. Case disposed on April 8, 2013. Fine Amount: $30.50. Meagan Elizabeth TurnerOf Saint Charles, MO, Exceeded Posted Speed Limit (Exceeded by 11 - 15 mph). Case filed on March 27, 2013. Case disposed on April 9, 2013. Fine Amount: $55.50. Carlos Yepiz Lagarda- Of Kansas City, MO, Driver Fail to Secure Child Under 8 years old in Child Restraint or Booster Seat. Case filed on February 2, 2013. Case disposed on April 9, 2013. Fine Amount: $20.50. Nathan Aguilar Villanueva- Of Council Bluffs, IA, Exceeded Posted Speed Limit (Exceeded by 11 - 15 mph). Case filed on March 16, 2013. Case disposed on April 12, 2013. Fine Amount: $55.50. Curtis G. Alvarez-Hall- Of Omaha, NE, Exceeded Posted Speed Limit (Exceeded by 11 - 15 mph). Case filed on February 27, 2013. Case disposed on April 12, 2013. Fine Amount: $55.50. Mallory Joanne Bennett- Of Olathe, KS, Exceeded Posted Speed Limit (Exceeded by 11 - 15 mph). Case filed on March 16, 2013. Case disposed on April 15, 2013. Fine Amount: $55.50. Emmett L. Davidson- Of Hastings, NE, Driver/Front Seat Passenger Fail to Wear Properly Adjusted/Fastened Safety Belt. Case filed on March 2, 2013. Case disposed on April 17, 2013. Fine Amount: $10.00. Benjamin R. Egeland- Of Omaha, NE, Exceeded Posted Speed Limit (Exceeded by 11 15 mph). Case filed on March 23, 2013. Case disposed on April 17, 2013. Fine Amount: $55.50. Raymond I. Harrower- Of Omaha, NE, Exceeded Posted Speed Limit (Exceeded by 20 25 mph). Case filed on March 20, 2013. Case disposed on April 14, 2013. Fine Amount: $155.50. Harold Lawrence Hendrix- Of Maryville, MO, Exceeded Posted Speed Limit (Exceeded by 20 - 25 mph). Case filed on March 31, 2013. Case disposed on April 11, 2013. Fine Amount: $155.50. Melissa Carol Hinton- Secretarial disaster declaration The U.S. Secretary of Agriculture designated Nebraska counties as primary agricultural natural disaster areas making certain farmers and other agricultural producers in the counties eligible for low-interest emergency loans from United States Department of Agriculture (USDA’s) Farm Service Agency (FSA), in addition to other disaster programs. One county in Missouri was designated as a contiguous natural disaster area due to damages and losses caused by drought which occurred April 2, 2013, and continuing. Producers in contiguous counties may also be eligible for programs based on this designation. The contiguous county is Atchison County, MO. All counties that were designated natural disaster areas on April 10, 2013, make all qualified farm operators in the designated areas eligible for low interest emergency (EM) loans from USDA’s FSA, provided eligibility requirements are met. Farmers in eligible counties have eight months from the date of the declaration to apply for loans to help cover part of their actual losses. FSA will consider each loan application on its own merits, taking into account the extent of losses, security available and repayment ability. Loans for physical losses must be used to replace or repair damage to buildings, fences or to compensate the farmer for losses of basic livestock, stored crops, or supplies on hand, equipment, etc., that was lost due to the disaster. Loans for production losses may also be used to buy feed, seed, fertilizer, livestock or to make payments on real estate or chattel debts. Generally, loans for production losses cannot be approved until crops have completed their production cycle or have been harvested. In order to qualify, a farmer must have suffered a 30 percent loss in production or an actual physical loss that was essential to the successful operation of the farm. Interested farmers may contact the Atchison County FSA office at (660) 744-5328 for further information on eligibility requirements and application procedures for these and other programs or visit www.fsa. Of Sioux Falls, SD, Exceeded Posted Speed Limit (Exceeded by 11 - 15 mph). Case filed on March 23, 2013. Case disposed on April 15, 2013. Fine Amount: $55.50. Kolby Max Jenkins- Of Maryville, MO, Exceeded Posted Speed Limit (Exceeded by 16 - 19 mph). Case filed on March 16, 2013. Case disposed on April 11, 2013. Fine Amount: $80.50. Kolby Max Jenkins- Of Maryville, MO, Failed to Place Vehicle Not In Motion As Near Right Hand Side Of Highway As Practicable.Case filed on March 16, 2013. Case disposed on April 11, 2013. Fine Amount: $30.50. Larae Pamela Jones- Of Council Bluffs, IA, Exceeded Posted Speed Limit (Exceeded by 11 - 15 mph). Case filed on March 29, 2013. Case disposed on April 11, 2013. Fine Amount: $55.50. Robert George McCracken- Of Bigelow, AR, Failed to Display Plates on Motor Vehicle/Trailer. Case filed on April 5, 2013. Case disposed on April 15, 2013. Fine Amount: $30.50. Robert M. Mulvey- Of Kansas City, MO, Exceeded Posted Speed Limit (Exceeded by 11 15 mph). Case filed on April 2, 2013. Case disposed on April 17, 2013. Fine Amount: $55.50. Henry L. Nelson- Of Saint Louis, MO, Exceeded Posted Speed Limit (Exceeded by 11 - 15 mph). Case filed on February 14, 2013. Case disposed on April 11, 2013. Fine Amount: $55.50. Judy C. Niemackl- Of Shawnee, KS, Exceeded Posted Speed Limit (Exceeded by 20 25 mph). Case filed on March 17, 2013. Case disposed on April 17, 2013. Fine Amount: $155.50. Aaron R. Offutt- Of Lawrence, KS, Exceeded Posted Speed Limit (Exceeded by 11 - 15 mph). Case filed on January 25, 2013. Case disposed on April 11, 2013. Fine Amount: $55.50. Richard Tyler Parga Owen- Of San Diego, CA, Exceeded Posted Speed Limit (Ex- Thursday, May 2, 2013 • Page 7 ceeded by 16 - 19 mph). Case filed on March 29, 2013. Case disposed on April 15, 2013. Fine Amount: $80.50. Jessica Maria Peavler- Of Sedalia, MO, Exceeded Posted Speed Limit (Exceeded by 20 25 mph). Case filed on March 17, 2013. Case disposed on April 17, 2013. Fine Amount: $155.50. Matthew K. Powers- Of Omaha, NE, Exceeded Posted Speed Limit (Exceeded by 20 25 mph). Case filed on March 6, 2013. Case disposed on April 15, 2013. Fine Amount: $155.50. Stephen P. Reynolds- Of Kansas City, KS, Driver/Front Seat Passenger Fail to Wear Properly Adjusted/Fastened Safety Belt. Case filed on March 16, 2013. Case disposed on April 12, 2013. Fine Amount: $10.00. Scot A. Stengel- Of Scottsbluff, NE, Exceeded Posted Speed Limit (Exceeded by 11 - 15 mph). Case filed on March 24, 2013. Case disposed on April 11, 2013. Fine Amount: $55.50. Gilberto Teixeira- Of Overland Park, KS, Exceeded Posted Speed Limit (Exceeded by 11 15 mph). Case filed on March 3, 2013. Case disposed on April 17, 2013. Fine Amount: $55.50. Roland Gordon Thon- Of Papillion, NE, Exceeded Posted Speed Limit (Exceeded by 11 15 mph). Case filed on March 23, 2013. Case disposed on April 15, 2013. Fine Amount: $55.50. Matthew Alan Thornton- Of Lawrence, KS, Failed to Drive Within Right Lane Of Highway With Two or More Lanes in Same Direction. Case filed on April 4, 2013. Case disposed on April 16, 2013. Fine Amount: $30.50. Robin Lee Wheeler- Of Faucett, MO, Exceeded Posted Speed Limit (Exceeded by 11 15 mph). Case filed on March 15, 2013. Case disposed on April 14, 2013. Fine Amount: $55.50. Melissa Anne Wiley- Of Westboro, MO, Exceeded Posted Speed Limit (Exceeded by 11 15 mph). Case filed on February 8, 2013. Case disposed on April 17, 2013. Fine Amount: $55.50. Margaret M. Beacom- Of Omaha, NE, Exceeded Posted Speed Limit (Exceeded by 11 15 mph). Case filed on March 28, 2013. Case disposed on April 22, 2013. Fine Amount: $55.50. Rachel N. Covington- Of Kansas City, MO, Exceeded Posted Speed Limit (Exceeded by 16 - 19 mph). Case filed on March 24, 2013. Case disposed on April 23, 2013. Fine Amount: $80.50. Gregory Joseph DannerOf North Sioux City, SD, Exceeded Posted Speed Limit (Exceeded by 16 - 19 mph). Case filed on March 27, 2013. Case disposed on April 18, 2013. Fine Amount: $80.50. Kimberly Kay Day- Of Saint Joseph, MO, Weight on Axle Group Exceeded Limit For Highway. Case filed on March 21, 2013. Case disposed on April 19, 2013. Fine Amount: $625.00. Jasmine Marie Gatson- Of Omaha, NE, Exceeded Posted Speed Limit (Exceeded by 6 -10 mph). Case filed on March 20, 2013. Case disposed on April 18, 2013. Fine Amount: $30.50. Byron Johnson JohnsonOf Buena Park, CA, Failed to Display Plates on Motor Vehicle/Trailer. Case filed on April 12, 2013. Case disposed on April 23, 2013. Fine Amount: $30.50. Julio Cesar Jordan- Of Madison, NE, Exceeded Posted Speed Limit (Exceeded by 11 15 mph). Case filed on March 20, 2013. Case disposed on April 19, 2013. Fine Amount: $55.50. Antaya Elaine KeownRogers- Of Kansas City, MO, Exceeded Posted Speed Limit (Exceeded by 16 - 19 mph). Case filed on March 22, 2013. Case disposed on April 22, 2013. Fine Amount: $80.50. Katelyn M. Kynion- Of Olathe, KS, Exceeded Posted Speed Limit (Exceeded by 20 25 mph). Case filed on March 17, 2013. Case disposed on April 19, 2013. Fine Amount: $155.50. Shannon J. Lafollette- Of Saint Joseph, MO, Operated Motor Carrier Vehicle With Vision Reducing Damage/Vision Discoloration/Glazing Covered. Case filed on February 25, 2013. Case disposed on April 23, 2013. Fine Amount: $30.50. Kalab Brian Long- Of Fairfax, MO, Driver/Front Seat Passenger Fail to Wear Properly Adjusted/Fastened Safety Belt. Case filed on March 21, 2013. Case disposed on April 20, 2013. Fine Amount: $10.00. Thomas Darann MartinOf Kansas City, MO, Failed to Equip Car/Truck/Bus With 2 Approved Headlamps/Each Side/On Same Level. Case filed on April 3, 2013. Case disposed on April 24, 2013. Fine Amount: $20.50. William Wesley Nicks- Of Clarinda, IA, Failed to Display Plates on Motor Vehicle/Trailer. Case filed on March 13, 2013. Case disposed on April 23, 2013. Fine Amount: $30.50. Bobby R. Purcell- Of Amazonia, MO, Failed to Register Motor Vehicle. Case filed on March 15, 2013. Case disposed on April 22, 2013. Fine Amount: $30.50. Breauna Tyleen Sneed- Of Omaha, NE, Exceeded Posted Speed Limit (Exceeded by 20 25 mph). Case filed on March 20, 2013. Case disposed on April 20, 2013. Fine Amount: $155.50. Drew Alan Wriston- Of Belton, MO, Exceeded Posted Speed Limit (Exceeded by 16 19 mph). Case filed on March 22, 2013. Case disposed on April 22, 2013. Fine Amount: $80.50. Ultimate Image Hair Salon/Tanning & Gift Shop Men’s Cuts - $9 Perms ~ Color ~ Highlights Cuts ~ Styles ~ Tanning Stylists: Sarah Kemerling & Chartina Skeen 1&1/2 miles north of Craig, MO, on Hwy. 59 (660) 683-5359 Public Meetings Reduced Potential Routes for Midwest Transmission Project A joint project of Kansas City Power & Light and Omaha Public Power District We invite you to attend the final round of public open house meetings for the Midwest Transmission Project (MTP), a proposed electric transmission line through northwest Missouri and southeast Nebraska. At the meetings MTP project planners will provide the latest information about the project, show the network of reduced potential routes, answer questions and accept comments on the project. These meetings are open to the public and informal; you may arrive anytime during the meeting. Monday, May 6- Auburn, NE Monday, May 13- Fairfax, MO 3:30 – 7:30 p.m. 3:30– 7:30 p.m. The Wellness Center of Nemaha County Fairfax High School Gym 601 J Street, Auburn, NE 68305 500 Main Street, Fairfax, MO 64446 Tuesday, May 7- Maryville, MO Tuesday, May 14- Cameron, MO 3:30 – 7:30 p.m. 3:30 – 7:30 p.m. Maryville High School Commons United Methodist Church of Cameron 1503 S Munn Avenue, Maryville, MO 64468 201 N. Pine, Cameron, MO 64429 Thursday, May 9- King City, MO Thursday, May 16- Lawson, MO 3:30 – 7:30 p.m. 3:30 – 7:30 p.m. King City Elementary School Gym Lawson High School Commons 300 N. Grand Avenue, King City, MO 64463 600 Bob Gill Drive, Lawson, MO 64062 To see maps of the reduced potential routes and to find out more about MTP: · Project website: · Email: [email protected] · Toll-free project hotline: (855) 222-1291 The Midwest Transmission Project will enhance regional electric power reliability and security, supporting economic growth and electricity needs in the Midwest. Anyone needing project information or special accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) may contact Joab Ortiz at 816-349-6766 or via email at [email protected]. Requests should be made no later than May 3, 2013. Thursday, May 2, 2013 • Page 8 Gavin Summers, left, and Matthew Grover, rightPush hard for the finish line during the 200 meter dash at the 2nd Annual Elementary Track Meet on Saturday, April 27, at the Mound City Track in Mound City, MO. Matthew ran hard for 5th place with a time of 35.81. Kaci Billings of Maitland, MO- Took a running start at the long jump event during the 2nd Annual Elementary Track Meet on Saturday, April 27, in Mound City, MO. Dakota Bammer of Mound City, MO- Makes a good jump during the 2nd Annual Elementary Track Meet on Saturday, April 27, at the Mound City track. 2nd Annual Elementary Track Meet draws a large crowd Pictured above (standing) is Dave Fast, CH-F Radiology Tech - Demonstrating how a portable x-ray machine On Saturday, April 27, at the would work on a patient as the Craig elementary first gradtrack in Mound City, MO, 153 ers look on. Students, from left to right, are: Destini Wilchildren participated in the 2nd liams, Quinton Livengood, Zackery Stevens and Kinsey Annual Elementary Track Meet Niedfeldt. on an overcast cool morning. By the time the running events started, it had warmed up nicely. The event was organized as a fundraiser for new weight room equipment at Mound City R-2. Mrs. Schlapia’s Craig, MO, x-rays look like and why This year the event raised over elementary first graders blood is taken while in the $2,000 from entry fees, admisvisited Community Hospi- hospital from CH-F’s radi- sions, concessions, and the field tal-Fairfax, MO (CH-F), on ology and laboratory staff, goal kicker contest. Ryan OsMonday, April 22, for Pedi- the first graders had fun burn is the regining champ of atric Orientation. Pediatric with wheelchair rides and the field goal kicking contest Orientation is a great way got the chance to give their with a kick from the 30 yard line. for children to familiarize teacher a pretend shot. They The event was held for chilthemselves with the hospi- also dressed up as doctors, dren preschool age through patients and the patients’ sixth grade. Medals were given tal and staff. After learning about what parents. to the 1st through 3rd place winners from each event. The following is a list of the top six finishers in each of the events at the 2nd Annual Mound City Elementary track meet: 5th-Kadee Crider 9.37 6th-Kenedie Summers 9.96 100 Meter Dash 1st-Paycee Slusher 17.09 (new record) 2nd-Sydney Meadows 18.38 3rd-Kenedie Summers 18.61 4th-Ashlynn Welcome 19.00 5th-Elizabeth Laukemper 20.00 6th-Lauren Quinlin 20.25 Standing Long Jump 1st-Paycee Slusher 5’7” (new record) 2nd-Kenedie Summers 5’2” 3rd-Haley Noland 4’11” 4th-Elizabeth Laukemper 4’10” 5th-Kadee Crider 4’6.5” 6th-Abby Sipes 4’4.5” Tennis Ball Throw 1st-Kadee Crider 55’8” 2nd-Jordan Meng 48’5” 3rd-Zoey Prussman 44’5” 4th-Hattie Jo Luce 42’1” 5th-Lauren Quinlin 36’2” 6th-Maddie Runde 35’4” 3rd and 4th Grade Long Jump Girls’ Events 1st-Rachel Ottman 9’4” (new rePreschool & cord) Kindergarten 2nd-Sara Wilson 7’10” Standing Long Jump 3rd-Grace Ezzell & Lynden 1st-Juli Miles 4’4” Prussman 7’8” 2nd-Mylee Prussman 4’ 4th-Reese Morris 6’9” 3rd-Emerson Courtney 3’10.5” 5th-Ashlynn Evans 6’8” 4th-Savannah Jones 3’10” 6th-Laci Kurtz 6’7” 5th-Maggie Osburn 3’7” Softball Throw 6th-Devan Young and Hailey 1st-Sara Wilson 74’5” Majewski 3’4” 2nd-Alaina Poppa 69’8” Tennis Ball Throw 3rd-Aviree Roup 64’4” 1st-Mylee Prussman 36’7” 4th-Bailey Long 53’1” 2nd-Brailey Poppa 31’5” 5th-Emma Long 51’2” 3rd-Maggie Osburn 21’3” (Extended hours are Weather Permitting) 6th-Lynden Prussman 51’ 4th-Izzy Luce 20’10” 100 Meter Dash 5th-Devan Young 19’9” 1st-Sara Wilson 17.44 6th-Juli Miles 18’1” 2nd- Cholee Prussman 17.47 50 Meter Dash 3rd-Aviree Roup 17.50 1st-Mylee Prussman 10.94 4th-Rachel Ottman 17.90 2nd-Devan Young 11.86 5th-Reese Morris 18.84 3rd-Izzy Luce 12.06 6th-Leva Harris 19.27 4th-Savannah Jones 12.19 200 Meter Dash 5th-Brailey Poppa 12.35 1st-Aviree Roup 35.77 6th-Reese Miles 12.38 2nd-Cholee Prussman 36.27 1st and 2nd Grade 3rd-Rachel Ottman 39.04 50 Meter Dash 4th-Reese Morris 40.69 StateST.St. • Hwy. 591410 N • Mound City, 12151410 OREGON STATE ST., POMO BOX 310 1st-Sydney Meadows 9.15 (new 5th-Alaina Poppa 45.25 (660) 442-3814 Or 1-888-742-3814 HIAWATHA, KS 66434 MOUND CITY, MO 64470 record) 6th-Sydney Sipes 50.31 November Is: November Is: PHONE: 785-741-7121 PHONE: 660-442-3814 2nd-Haley Noland 9.25 5th & 6th Grade 3rd-Paycee Slusher 9.29 Long Jump 4th-Ashlynn Welcome 9.37 1st-Sydney Billings 12’7” (new record) 2nd-Emma Derr 11’11” 3rd-Emma Gibson 11’8.5” 4th-Hannah Wedlock 11’7” November Is: 5th-Kelcie Gaines 11’2” We offer Apex OR Dr. Comfort Athletic or 6th-Sianna Meadows 9’4.5” Softball Throw Casual Style Shoes. The qualified diabetic 1st-Kelcie Gaines 113’5” (new patient is allowed one pair of diabetic shoes and We Offer Apex Athletic Or Casual Style Shoes. record) three pairs of orthotic insoles calendar year. Or Casual Style Shoes. WeDiabetic OfferperApex Athletic The Qualified Patient Is Allowed One Pair Of Diabetic Shoes And 2nd-Dara Young 87’5” We offer Apex OR Dr. Comfort athletic The QualifiedThree Diabetic Patient Is Allowed One Pair Of Diabetic Shoes And 3rd-Skylar Heitman 83’9” Pairs Of Orthotic Insoles Per Calendar Year. or casual style shoes. TheOf qualified Three Pairs Orthotic Insoles Per Calendar Year. 4th-Kaci Billings 73’8” We offer patient Apex OR is Dr.allowed Comfort Athletic or diabetic one pair 5th-Gracie Caton 63’3” Styleshoes Shoes. and The qualified diabeticof 6th-Cameron Laukemper 53’8” ofCasual diabetic three pairs patient is allowed one pair of diabetic shoes and 100 Meter Dash orthotic insolesWe perOffer calendar Apex year. Athletic Or Casual Style Shoes. three pairs of orthotic insoles per calendar year. 1st-Victoria Nauman 15.16 The Qualified Diabetic Patient Is Allowed One Pair Of Diabetic Shoes And (new record) Three Pairs Of Orthotic Insoles Per Calendar Year. 2nd-Emma Derr 15.44 3rd-Hannah Wedlock 16.02 4th-Halle Clement 16.64 5th-Alexi Welcome 16.73 6th-Paige Stoner 17.06 200 Meter Dash 1st-Emma Derr 33.06 (new record) Let us fit you with your next pair of shoes at Rogers Pharmacy Home Medical Equipment. 2nd-Paige Stoner 33.42 Let us fit you with your next pair of shoes at Rogers Pharmacy Home Medical Equipment. 3rd-Hannah Wedlock 35.04 4th-Emma Gibson 35.11 5th-Anna Gladstone 35.90 Home Medical Equipment 6th-Sianna Meadows 36.28 Tarkio • Mound City • St. Joseph 400 Meter Dash Medical Equipment Let us fit you with your next pair of shoesHome at Pharmacy Home Medical Equipment. 1st-Sydney Billings 1:17.55 Tarkio • Mound City • St. Joseph 411 Main Street - Tarkio, MO (new record) (660) 736-5512 - Toll Free 1-800-803-5630 2nd-Victoria Nauman 1:18.02 607 411 State Street • Mound Main Street - Tarkio,City, MO MO 3rd-Anna Gladstone 1:31.09 660-442-3355 •- TollEquipment Free 800-962-0096 (660) 736-5512 Free 1-800-803-5630 Home Medical 4th-Emma Gibson 1:37.56 Tarkio • Mound City • St. Joseph 5th-Paige Stoner 1:54.72 Craig first graders attend Pediatric Orientation Parts Store Spring Planting Hours Starting Now 7:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. - (Mon.-Fri.) 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. - (Sat.) 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. - (Sun.) Check out our website: Athletic Or Casual Athletic Or Diabetic Shoes Casual Diabetic Shoes Athletic Or Casual Diabetic Shoes Diabetic Diabetic Supplies Supplies • Contour Strips Diabetic • Breeze 2 • One Touch Supplies • Contour Strips • Breeze 2 • One Touch • Freestyle • Accu-chek Rogers Pharmacy Rogers Pharmacy • Freestyle • Accu-chek Rogers Pharmacy 411 Main Street - Tarkio, MO (660) 736-5512 - Toll Free 1-800-803-5630 Preschool age girls- Ran as fast as their little legs would carry them on Saturday, April 27, during the 2nd Annual Elementary Track Meet at the track in Mound City. 800 Meter Run 1st-Sydney Billings 2:49.36 (new record) 2nd-Victoria Nauman 2:56.10 3rd-Anna Gladstone 3:23.25 Boys’ Events Preschool & Kindergarten Standing Long Jump 1st-Tait Morris 4’6” 2nd-Cole Medsker 4’4” 3rd-Creyton Roup 4’ 4th-Landon Noland 3’10.5” 5th-Rowen Derr 3’10” 6th-Kaedyn Courtney 3’9” Tennis Ball Throw 1st-Jaydin Burnett 55’7” 2nd-Landon Noland 52’3” 3rd-Cole Medsker 51’10” 4th-Creyton Roup 50’10” 5th-Jacob Hall 49’9” 6th-Rowen Derr 40’8” 50 Meter Dash 1st-Jaydin Burnett 10.34 2nd-Conner Tubbs 10.56 3rd-Landon Noland 10.63 4th-Cole Medsker 10.70 5th-Jacob Hall 10.72 6th-Rowen Derr 10.86 1st & 2nd Grade 50 Meter Dash 1st-Trevor Tubbs 8.54 (new record) 2nd-Kendall Noland 8.84 3rd-Weston Klosek 8.86 4th-Jayce Mitchell 8.95 5th-Eli Caton 9.14 6th-Conner Brown 9.30 100 Meter Dash 1st-Trevor Tubbs 16.63 (tied Brendon Tubbs’ old record) 2nd-Kendall Noland 16.66 3rd-Eli Caton 17.53 4th-Weston Klosek 17.70 5th-Maverick Binder 17.90 6th-Conner Brown 17.91 Standing Long Jump 1st-Bryson Tenney 5’4” (new record) 2nd-Tylynn Prussman 5’1.5” 3rd-Zane Crider 5’1.25” 4th-Kendall Noland 5’1” 5th-Zander Howell 4’7” 6th-Cade Kurtz 4’3” Tennis Ball Throw 1st-Maverick Binder 99’6” (new record) 2nd-Weston Klosek 91’8” 3rd-Cole Gillenwater 72’8” 4th-Trevor Tubbs 70’9” 5th-Zander Howell 66’9” 6th-Zane Crider 65’5” 2nd-Landon Poppa 16.01 3rd-Brendon Tubbs 16.07 4th-Gannon Phelan 16.18 5th-Josh Howell 16.38 6th-Conner Derr 16.39 200 Meter Dash 1st-Conner Derr 33.55 (new record) 2nd-Drew Quinlin 35.06 3rd-Lane Zembles 35.33 4th-Brendon Tubbs 35.53 5th-Matthew Grover 35.81 6th-Jackson Runde 36.69 5th & 6th Grade Long Jump 1st-Eric Ottman 12’11” 2nd-Dawson Harris 11’6” 3rd-Tristan VanDerHeide 11’ 4th-Parker Staples 10’11” 5th-James Dean 10’9” 6th-Tyler Phillips 10’5” Softball Throw 1st-Dylan Marrs 143’9” (new record) 2nd-Jake McEnaney 122’4” 3rd-Justyn Hall 116’7” 4th-Parker Staples 113’4” 5th-Mason Bragg 112’4” 6th-Dawson Harris 110’3” 100 Meter Dash 1st-Eric Ottman 14.64 (new record) 2nd-Noah Young 15.80 3rd-James Dean 15.81 4th-Tyler Phillips 15.91 5th-Dawson Harris 15.95 6th-Tristan VanDerHeide 26.55 200 Meter Dash 1st-Reagan Morris 31.72 2nd-Jake McEnaney 33.25 3rd-Noah Young 24.18 4th-Tristan VanDerHeide 35.09 5th-Tyler Phillips 35.38 6th-Mason Bragg 37.29 400 Meter Dash 1st-Eric Ottman 1:08.97 (new record) 2nd-Reagan Morris 1:16.70 3rd-Jake McEnaney 1:17.66 4th-Ryan Binder 1:21.84 5th-Camerion Binder 1:22.56 6th-Dylan Marrs 1:23.09 800 Meter Dash 1st-Camerion Binder 2:52.25 2nd-Reagan Morris 2:55.55 3rd-Ryan Binder 2:57.84 4th-Parker Staples 3:10.76 5th-Dylan Marrs 3:20.19 3rd & 4th Grade Long Jump 1st-Drew Quinlin 11’10” 2nd-Landon Poppa 10’9.5” 3rd-Tony Osburn 10’8.5” 4th-Carl Carver 10’2” 5th-Logan Noland 10’1.5” 6th-Lane Zembles 9’3” Softball Throw 1st-Cameron Binder 124’2” (new record) 2nd-Landon Poppa 121’3” 3rd-Logan Noland 102’ 4th-Brendon Tubbs 101’8” 5th-Tony Osburn 97”3 6th-Gavin Summers 92’3” 100 Meter Dash 1st-Drew Quinlin 15.68 (new record) Ryan Osburn of Fairfax, MO- Won the field goal kicking contest with a kick of 30 yards during the Second Annual Elementary Track Meet on Saturday, April 27, at the Mound City track in Mound City. He is known as the “reigning champ”. Thursday, May 2, 2013 • Page 9 Legal Notices IN THE 4TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, MISSOURI - PROBATE DIVISION ) In the Estate of: Daniel Shawn Eldredge, Case No. 13HO-PR00013 ) Deceased ) NOTICE OF LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION GRANTED (Independent Administration - Non-Resident Fiduciary) To All Persons Interested in the Estate of DANIEL SHAWN ELDREDGE, Decedent: On April 16, 2013, the following individual was appointed the personal representative of the estate of Daniel Shawn Eldredge, decedent, by the Probate Division of the Circuit Court of Holt County, Missouri. The personal representative may administer the estate independently without adjudication, order, or direction of the Probate Division of the Circuit Court, unless a petition for supervised administration is made to and granted by the court. The personal representative’s business address is: WILLIAM KIRT ELDREDGE, 4301 DAKOTA DRIVE, WEST DES MOINES, IA 50265. The personal representative’s attorney’s name, business address and phone number are: BEVERLY KAY JONES, PO BOX 35, 302 NORTH 10TH STREET, TARKIO, MO 64491, 660-736-4221. The non-resident personal representative’s designated agent’s name, business address, and phone number are: BEVERLY KAY JONES, PO BOX 35, 302 NORTH 10TH STREET, TARKIO, MO 64491, 660-736-4221. All creditors of said decedent are notified to file claims in court within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice or if a copy of this notice was mailed to, or served upon, such creditor by the personal representative, then within two months from the date it was mailed or served, whichever is later, or be forever barred to the fullest extent permissible by law. Such six-month period and such two-month period do not extend the limitation period that would bar claims one year after the decedent’s death, as provided in Section 473.444, RSMo, or any other applicable limitation periods. Nothing in Section 473.033, RSMo, shall be construed to bar any action against a decedent’s liability insurance carrier through a defendent ad litem pursuant to Section 537.021, RSMo. Date of the decedent’s death: December 15, 2012 Date of first publication is April 25, 2013. Karen L. Frede, Clerk of the Probate Division of the Circuit Court of Holt County, Missouri Receipt of this notice by mail should not be construed by the recipient to indicate that the recipient necessarily has a beneficial interest in the estate. The nature and extent of any person’s interest, if any, can be determined from the files and records of this estate in the Probate Division of the above referenced Circuit Court. 42/4tp NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE IN RE: Michael Aaron Selleck, Jr. & Melanie E. Selleck: For default in the payment of debt and performance of certain obligations secured by a Future Advance Deed of Trust, executed by Michael Aaron Selleck, Jr., and Melanie E. Selleck, husband and wife, dated August 22, 2002, and recorded on August 23, 2002, in Book 346 at Page 536, in the office of the Recorder of Deeds for Holt County, Missouri, the undersigned Successor Trustee will, at the request of the legal holder of the note who has elected to declare the entire indebtedness due and payable, and in accordance with the provisions of the Future Advance Deed of Trust, on May 3, 2013, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., commencing at 2:00 p.m., at the West door of the Holt County Courthouse, in the city of Oregon, Holt County, Missouri, sell at public venue to the highest bidder for cash: A TRACT OF LAND IN THE SOUTHEAST ONE-FOURTH (SE 1/4) OF SECTION THIRTY-TWO (32), TOWNSHIP SIXTY-ONE (61) NORTH, RANGE THIRTY-NINE (39) WEST OF THE 5TH P.M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT A POINT 205 FEET EAST OF THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT TWENTY-FOUR (24), BLOCK ONE (1) OF THE TOWN OF FORTESCUE; THENCE NORTH 150 FEET; THENCE EAST 145 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 150 FEET; THENCE WEST 145 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; ALL IN HOLT COUNTY, MISSOURI. SUBJECT TO EXISTING PUBLIC ROADS, HIGHWAYS AND EASEMENTS OF RECORD, IF ANY, COMMONLY KNOWN AS 311 VANCAMP STREET, FORTESCUE, MISSOURI 64437, to satisfy said debt and costs. BEVERLY K. JONES, Successor Trustee PO Box 35, 302 N. 10th St., Tarkio, MO 64491 (660) 736-4221/facsimile (660) 736-4223 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, MISSOURI - PROBATE DIVISION To All Persons Interested in the Estate of LARRY S. JACKSON, a disabled person. In the Estate of: Larry S. Jackson Estate Number: 13HO-PR00002 On the 2nd day of April, 2013, BETTY JACKSON was appointed conservator of the estate of LARRY S. JACKSON, a person adjudicated disabled under the laws of Missouri by the Probate Division of the Circuit Court of Holt County, Missouri. The business address of the conservator is 306 S. Williams St., Craig, MO 64437. All creditors of said disabled person are notified to file their claims in the Probate Division of the Circuit Court. Date of first publication is April 11, 2013. Karen L. Frede, 40/4tp Clerk of the Probate Division of the Circuit Court of Holt County, Missouri PUBLIC NOTICE CITY OF MOUND CITY BUDGET HEARING Tuesday, May 7, 2013 5:30 p.m. at Mound City City Hall The City of Mound City is beginning its budget preparation process. All interested residents are invited to attend the budget hearing to make comments or ask questions about the budget which begins July 1, 2013. 41/2tc 2004 LincoLn Town car “uLTimaTe”, 82,000 miLes, moonroof $9,950 Seven South Holt High School students of Oregon, MO- Participated in the annual state music contests held on Friday, April 26, on the University of Missouri campus in Columbia. Mac Kelly received a 2 rating on his vocal solo, Rachel Kurtz received a 2 rating on her vocal solo, and the Girls’ Sextet comprised of Megan Binder, Darian Kurtz, Rachel Kurtz, Nicole Meyer, Courtney Smith and Linden Stucky received a 2 rating. Linden Stucky also received a 3 rating on her vocal solo. South Holt Vocal Music Instructor, Sally Kirchhoff, served as the piano accompanist for all of the events. Pictured above, left to right, are Rachel Kurtz, Linden Stucky, Megan Binder, Mac Kelly, Nicole Meyer, Darian Kurtz and Courtney Smith. Wedlock is MSC Athlete of the Week New driveway for Post Office The U.S. Post Office repair service employees- Work hard cutting up the old asphalt driveway at the Post Office in Mound City to replace it with concrete in hopes of a lonEmily Wedlock, a freshman at Mound City High School, ger lasting surface on Thursday, April 25. was named the Many Signals Communications (MSC) Athlete of the Week after her performance at the Mound City Panther Relays on Friday, April 26. She earned four gold medals at the relays, three in running events and one in a field event. Wedlock placed first in the 100 Meter Hurdles with a time of 17.40; first in the 300 Meter Hurdles with a time of 50.04; first in the Long Jump with a distance of 15’3”; and was a member of the 1600 Meter Relay team that took first with a time of 4:25.10. The Lady Panthers of Mound City claimed the team crown with 121 points, 41.5 points above the second place team in the competition. SSM among top hospital systems for diversity DiversityInc has ranked SSM Health Care number 5 on its 2013 list of Top 10 hospital systems for diversity in the country. SSM Health Care is a Catholic, not-forprofit health system with facilities in four states including St. Francis Hospital and Health Services in Maryville, MO. DiversityInc consults with companies on their diversity efforts. It publishes a magazine and two websites, www. and www. DiversityIncBestPractices. com. SSM was cited for its strong management representation and promotion of women, mentoring program and its supplier diversity effort. “Diversity has always been one of our priorities at SSM Health Care,” said William Thompson, SSM President/ CEO. “In 1933 in St. Louis, MO, our founding congregation opened the first Catholic hospital in the nation for African Americans. Not only did it serve African Americans, it gave African American doctors and nurses a place to practice their professions.” “To this day, we continue to focus on diversity,” Thompson said. “We serve people from many different cultural backgrounds, and we want to ensure that every patient is treated with dignity and the utmost respect. We also believe that the diversity of people within our health-care facilities should reflect the diverse make-up of our communities.” 2009 ford escape The Top 10 list includes: 1. University Hospitals (Cleveland, Ohio) 2. Henry Ford Health System 3. Cleveland Clinic 4. Continuum Health Partners 5. SSM Health Care 6. Mayo Clinic 7. Massachusetts General Hospital 8. Rush University Medical Center 9. North Shore–LIJ Health System 10. University of New Mexico Hospitals “On the heels of the demographically revealing 2012 presidential election, it is clear that U.S. companies are increasingly conscious of the importance of diversity,” said Luke Visconti, CEO of DiversityInc. “We are very encouraged to see more companies and health systems applying for this distinction and embracing diversity more deeply than ever. We also note a continued positive correlation between achievement in diversity and overall positive stock performance.” Companies making the list were judged in four equally weighted categories: CEO commitment, human capital, corporate and organizational communications and supplier diversity. Companies were assessed within their own industries and applications are reviewed by DiversityInc staff. The award was announced at a DiversityInc event on Tuesday, April 23, 2013. SHOP AT HOME FOR MOTHER’S DAY - JEWELRY - TANNING - CHI IRONS - $9,950 - GIFT CERTIFICATES FOR HAIR CARE SERVICES/NAIL SHELLAC - The Attic Beauty, Barber & Bronzing 524 State St. • Mound City, MO • 660-442-5919 AMERICAN POWER. AMERICAN PRIDE. Oreck®, an American success story, is proud to announce our NEW Pro Series Power Teams – more advanced, more durable, more Oreck. Pro Series Platinum Pilot™ Power Team NEW Pro Series Gold Power Team NEW Pro Series Silver Power Team NEW Pro Series Oreck XL Element™ Power Team Make sure your child is the only thing crawling on your floors. NEW Pro Series Power Teams: • Lightweight: 10-lbs. or less* • Powerful: 102 mph airflow at the floor • Deep cleaning rollerbrush spins at up to 6,500 rpm** • Ergonomic Helping Hand Handle could > Millions of germs, viruses and® bacteria be living on your floor. • FREE Handheld Vac for above the floor messes • Hypo-allergenic HEPA quality filtration • Variable features: Up to 10-yr limited warranty† and 10 free tune-ups*** *Approximate weight without cord. NEW TM Healthier Home. Try theTeam today with our 30 day > Get an Oreck TryHalo a Pro Series Power ® NEW germ-killing Oreck Halo vacuum a risk-free trial. If youwith don't love it, you don't keep it. 30 day Risk Free Guarantee. Available only at your local Oreck Store. Viruses Offer expires XX/XX/10 Dust Mite Eggs ©2009 Oreck Holdings, LLC. All rights reserved. Oreck Direct, LLC.,1400 Salem Road, Cookeville, TN 38506 Flea Eggs Bacteria Mold Ad 339 WHEN THE LIGHT IS ON, GERMS ARE GONE. Store Name Location Name 411 Location Street 123 Main Street, Anytown Town, St XXXXX (000) 000-0000Location Name 2008 dodge avenger 1 owner Trade in, 89,000 miLes, XLT, LocaL 83,000 miLes Trade in, $12,500 The Mound City Post Office- Is getting a new driveway. On Thursday, April 25, out-of-state workers cut old asphalt and dug out chunks of the driveway to shape and prepare it for a new concrete driveway. Mound City postal workers hope the project will be complete by the first part of May. 411 Location Street Town, St XXXXX Location Name Location Name We Service 411 Location Street 411 Location Street All Makes, Town, St XXXXX Town, St XXXXX Brands & Models Location Name Location Name 411 Location Street Town, St XXXXX 411 Location Street Town, St XXXXX 2012 ford edge fronT wheeL drive, ecoboosT, 13,000 miLes $26,700 find everything you need at hullmans ford Hullman’s Ford-Lincoln • Falls City, NE • 402-245-4413 402-245-4413 • **Speed varies by model. ***Number of tune-ups varies by model.†Some limitations apply. See store for details. ©2010 Oreck Holdings, LLC. All rights reserved. Cannot be combined with any other offer. NOTICE Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, 15 U.S.C. §1692c(b), no information concerning the collection of this debt may be given without the prior consent of the consumer given directly to the debt collector or the express permission of a court of competent jurisdiction. The debt collector is attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. 40/4tc South Holt students participate in annual state music contests Thursday, May 2, 2013 • Page 10 Craig FBLA Chapter attends State Leadership Conference, sending qualifier to National Leadership Conference Members of the Craig Fu- advisers representing 403 ture Business Leaders of chapters throughout the America (FBLA) Chapter state met to elect state ofrecently attended the 2013 ficers, transact business of Missouri FBLA Leadership the state chapter, particiConference held on Sunday, pate in leadership and caApril 21, Monday, April 22, reer workshops, and comand Tuesday, April 23, in pete in the state leadership Columbia, MO. Members awards’ program. representing Craig include: Winning recognition at the Kelly Dougherty, Kathy state conference was Kelly Howard, and adviser, Steph- Dougherty with 3rd place in anie Burge. Sports Management. Kelly Future Business Leaders will add this to her growing of America-Phi Beta Lambda list of successes in FBLA this (PBL), Inc., is a national or- year. At the District Leaderganization that serves over ship Conference in February, 225,000 high school, college, 2013, Kelly won the Sports and professional members. Management event, placed Missouri FBLA is a state second in the Word Processassociation of FBLA-PBL ing II event, and was elected with 15,442 members in 403 as the District 1 Reporter – chapters across the state, the first district officer from the second largest chapter this area. in the nation. The FBLAKelly will be competing PBL mission is to bring at the national conference business and education to- in Anaheim, CA, this June. gether in a positive working She will soon be working on relationship through inno- studying, preparing to comvative leadership and career pete, and raising funds in development programs. order to attend. Over 3,000 members and The Mound City Boys’ Golf Team - Claimed the 275 Conference Championship on Monday, April 29, at the course in Tarkio, MO, with a team score of 362. Team members with their conference trophy are, left to right: Kelton Kurtz, Luke Sanders, James Walker, Miles Loucks and Hayden Marrs. Mound City golfers claim 275 Conference Championship Kelly Dougherty, a student of Craig, MO- Placed 3rd in Sports Management at the Missouri Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) Leadership Conference held on Sunday, April 21, Monday, April 22, and Tuesday, April 23, in Columbia, MO. She will be competing at the national conference in Anaheim, CA, this June. Nodaway-Holt Jr. High boys place second at Tiger Relays The Nodaway-Holt junior high track teams traveled to Grant City, MO, on Thursday, April 25. The NodawayHolt Trojans placed second in the meet with 55 team points behind South Harrison with 106 points. The Nodaway-Holt Lady Trojans placed seventh in the meet with 31 team points. Complete standings for the girls’ teams in the meet are: Rock Port, 1st, 91 points; South Nodaway, 2nd, 69; Worth County, 3rd, 53.50; Mercer, 4th, 46; Gallatin, 5th, 35.25; St. Joseph Christian, 6th, 32; Nodaway-Holt, 7th, 31; North Nodaway, 8th, 26; Maysville, 9th, 23; Tarkio, 10th, 19.25; Stanberry, 11th, 11; Ridgeway, 12th, 10; Jefferson, 13th, five; Albany, 13th, five; West Nodaway, 15th, four; and North Harrison, 15th, four points. Complete standings for the boys’ teams are: South Harrison, 1st, 106 points; Nodaway-Holt, 2nd, 55; Stanberry, 3rd, 48; King City, 4th, 34; Maysville, 5th, 32; North Nodaway, 6th, 30; Rock Port, 7th, 28; Worth County, 7th, 28; Gallatin, 9th, 18; St. Joseph Christian, 10th, 14; Jefferson, 11th, 13; Mercer, 11th, 13; Albany, 11th, 13; Northeast Nodaway, 14th, 12; Ridgeway, 15th, 10; Tarkio, 16th, eight; West Nodaway, 17th, one; and Pattonsburg, 17th, one point. Results for Nodaway-Holt athletes are: GIRLS High Jump - Maddie Lance, 4th, 4’4”. Triple Jump - Macie Bohannon, 2nd, 31’5”. Long Jump - Macie Bohannon, 2nd, 13’9.75”. 200 Meter Dash - Macie Bohannon, 4th, 30.45. 400 Meter Dash - Macie District track meet set for this Saturday District track meets for area high schools are set for this coming Saturday, May 4. The Missouri High School Class 1, District 8, Track Meet will be held at the Albany High School Track in Albany, MO, at 11 a.m. Sixteen schools will be compet- CRAIG C ommunity C alendar (Items Must Be At the Mound City News by Noon Monday) May 4 - District Track at Albany, MO - 11 a.m. May 5 - High School Baccalaureate at First Christian Church in Mound City - 4 p.m. May 6 - Boys’ Golf Sectionals at Fairview in St. Joseph, MO - 9 a.m. May 7 - Holt County 5th/6th Grade Track Meet at Mound City - 9 a.m. May 9 - Craig City Council at Craig City Hall - 5:30 p.m. May 10 - Craig High School Graduation at Craig R-3 Gym - 7 p.m. May 11 - Sectional Track at Holden, MO - 11 a.m. May 11 - Craig Alumni Banquet at Craig R-3 School - 4 p.m. See Us For All Your Banking Needs • FREE Checking • FREE Internet Banking • NOW Accounts • Savings Accounts • CD’S • LOANS At Competitive Rates for Homes, Cars, Etc. Citizens Bank & Trust PO Box 70 Rock Port, MO 64482 660-744-5333 Member FDIC Bohannon, 2nd, 1:07.36. BOYS Discus - Eli Sloniker, 6th, 94’1”. High Jump - Zach Walker, 1st, 5’2”. Long Jump - Brody Day, 2nd, 16’5”. 200 Meter Dash - Brody Day, 2nd, 27.11. 100 Meter Hurdles - Brody Day, 6th, 20.05. 1600 Meter Run - Zach Walker, 6th, 5:40.52. 400 Meter Dash - Brody Day, 1st, 59.56; and Zach Walker, 2nd, 1:00.93. 800 Meter Run - Zach Walker, 2nd, 2:34.04. PO Box 38 Craig, MO 64437 660-683-5333 904 State St. Mound City, MO 64470 660-442-3800 ing. These schools include: Mound City, Nodaway-Holt, Craig/Fairfax (CFX), Albany, Cainsville, Gilman City, Jefferson, North Harrison, North Nodaway, Northeast Nodaway, Ridgeway, Rock Port, Stanberry, Tarkio, West Nodaway and Worth County. The Missouri High School Class 1, District 7, Track Meet will be held at the St. Joseph Christian High School Track in St. Joseph, MO, at 11 a.m. Fifteen schools are competing in this district event. These schools include: South Holt, DeKalb, King City, Kansas City Lutheran, North Andrew, North Daviess, Orrick, Osborn, Pattonsburg, Polo, St. Joseph Christian, St. Mary’s (Independence), Stewartsville, Union Star and Winston. The top four finishers in each event at the district meets will qualify for sectional competition the following Saturday, May 11. Districts 7 and 8 will be competing at the Missouri High School School Class 1, Sectional 4, Track Meet at the Holden High School Track in Holden, MO. Sectional competition will determine who goes on to the state meet. The Mound City boys’ golf team claimed the 275 Conference Championship at the course in Tarkio, MO, on Monday, April 29, under sunny skies and 80 degree temperatures. Mound City’s team score of 362 edged out Tarkio’s team score of 369 to take the title. Complete teams results are: Mound City, 1st, 362; Tarkio, 2nd, 369; Craig/Fairfax (CFX), 3rd, 388; Rock Port, 4th, 390; and West Nodaway, 5th, 476. Mound City also placed two individual golfers on the 275 All-Conference Team this season. James Walker and Luke Sanders of Mound City joined Tristan Ray and Grant Hopkins, both of CFX, and Derek Rohlfsen of Tarkio on the All-Conference Team. Tristan Ray and Derek Rohlfsen shared the individual championship as both shot a 78 in the 18-hole match. Complete individual results follow: Mound City - James Walker, 86; Luke Sanders, 88; Kelton Kurtz, 93; Miles Loucks, 95; and Hayden Marrs, 101. Tarkio - Derek Rohlfsen, 78; JayDee Wilcox, 92; Dakota Wooten, 98; and Trev Martin and David Beck, both shooting 101. CFX - Tristan Ray, 78; Grant Hopkins, 87; Keifer Nemyer, 107; Jayton Johnson, 130; and Miles Murry, 116. Rock Port - Austin Alitz and Bryan Evans, both shooting 94; Mitchell Minter, 98; Camden Ireland, 104; and Dillan DeRosier, 108. West Nodaway - Logan Steins, 114; Kirby Filley, 117; Justin Chitwood, 120; and Justin Shimak, 125. The 275 Conference teams were scheduled to compete in the Missouri High School Class 1, District 8, Tournament at Mozingo in Maryville, MO, on Wednesday, May 1. The top two teams from the district event, as well as the top 15 individuals (not on the top two teams), qualified for the sectional tournament. The sectional event for Districts 7 and 8 is set for Monday, May 6, at Fairview Golf Course in St. Joseph, MO, at 9 a.m. The top two teams from the sectional tournament, as well as the top 12 individuals (not on the top two teams), will qualify for the state tournament. The Missouri High School Class 1 State Tournament will be held at Silo Ridge Golf Club in Bolivar, MO, on Monday and Tuesday, May 13 and 14. Two Mound City High School golfers - Made the 275 All-Conference Team after the 18-hole conference match on Monday, April 29, at the course in Tarkio, MO. Luke Sanders, left, shot an 88 and James Walker, right, shot an 86 to join three other All-Conference team members, Tristan Ray and Grant Hopkins of Craig/Fairfax and Derek Rohlfsen of Tarkio. Panthers win golf tri-meet On Wednesday, April 24, the Mound City Panthers and Craig/Fairfax (CFX) Hornets traveled to Rock Port, MO, for a tri-meet at the Rock Port golf course. Mound City won first on a sunny 60 degree day. Panther golfers recorded a team score of 179, using the top four scores. Kelton Kurtz shot a 41 and was the match medalist. Luke Sanders stroked 45. James Walker had a 46. Miles Loucks shot a 47. Hayden Marrs had a 48. Jamison Loucks and Tim Runnels competed as junior varsity players with Loucks shooting a 45 aand Runnels recording a 49. CFX recorded a team score of 211, placing third. Tristan Ray shot a 45. Grant Hopkins stroked a 50. Keifer Nemyer had a 56. Miles Murry and Jayton Johnson both shot 60’s. The Rock Port Blue Jays finished in second place with a team score of 186. Mound City golfer, Miles Loucks- Concentrates on his chipping ability to help the team with its first place win during a tri-meet on Wednesday, April 24, at the Rock Port golf course in Rock Port, MO. Panther golfer, Jamison Loucks- Makes a nice putt at the Rock Port, MO, golf course on Wednesday, April 24, during a tri-meet with CFX and Rock Port. Eye exam for glasses & contacts Cataract and implant surgery • Laser Surgery Optical stores attached Maryville Office 2024 S. Main Maryville, MO (660) 562-2566 Toll Free 1-800-326-1399 Bethany Office 1303 N. 25th Bethany, MO (660) 425-2317 Welcomes All Eye Care Plans • Accepts Medicaid • Medicare Participating Physician Thursday, May 2, 2013 • Page 11 South Holt and CFX tracksters compete at Cardinal Relays South Holt Knight, Tobin Sisk- Placed 7th in Pole Vaulter, Elijah Poe of Mound City- Placed second in the Vaulting on Friday, Apirl 26, pole vault event with a height of 10’6” on Friday, April 26, in Mound City during Panin Mound City, MO, during Panther Relays. ther Relays. Devin Albertson of Nodaway-Holt- Is running the 100 Meter Dash during the Panther Relays on Friday, April 26, in Mound City. Mound City Lady Panthers victorious at Panther Relays The Mound City Lady Panthers won the 28th annual Panther Relays in Mound City on Friday, April 26, with a team total of 121 points. The next closest competitor, coming in second in team scoring, was Worth County with 79.50 points. In the boys’ division, the St. Joseph Christian Lions took first with 108 points in a very close race with the Rock Port Blue Jays, who scored 106 points to claim second place. The Mound City boys came in third with 99 points. Complete scoring for the girls’ teams follows: Mound City, 1st, 121 points; Worth County, 2nd, 79.50; Rock Port, 3rd, 77; DeKalb, 4th, 72; North Andrew, 5th, 47; Nodaway-Holt, 6th, 46; Tarkio, 7th, 37; West Nodaway, 8th, 32; North Nodaway, 9th, 13.50; St. Joseph Christian, 10th, 13; Tri-County, tie for 11th, seven; South Holt, tie for 11th, seven; Craig/Fairfax (CFX), 13th, two; and Northeast Nodaway, 14th, one point. Scoring in the boys’ division went as follows: St. Joseph Christian, 1st, 108 points; Rock Port, 2nd, 106; Mound City, 3rd, 99; Worth County, 4th, 74; North Andrew, 5th, 55; Tarkio, 6th, 46; DeKalb, 7th; 23; Tri-County, 8th, 22; West Nodaway, 9th, 10; Northeast Nodaway, 10th, seven; Nodaway-Holt, 11th, six; and South Holt, 12th, two points. One record was broken at this year’s Panther Relays. Eric Duncan of Rock Port, MO, broke the boys’ High Jump record with a height of 6’6”. The previous record was held by Scott Parman of Worth County High School at a height of 6’5”, which he set in 1993. Complete results for Holt County school athletes denoted as Mound City (MC), Nodaway-Holt (NH), South Holt (SH), and Craig/Fairfax (CFX) follow: GIRLS Discus - Jordan Long, NH, 7th, 69’3”; Eryn Acton, MC, 8th, 68’11”; Jorden Miller, MC, 10th, 67’5”; Emma Ezzell, SH, 15th, 52’8”; and Cassidy Saxton, NH, 17th, 52’5”. Shot Put - Jordan Long, NH, 2nd, 32’10.50”; Emily Cox, SH, 6th, 28’3”; Emma Ezzell, SH, 9th, 24’3.50”; Eryn Acton, MC, 12th, 22’6.50”; Cassidy Saxton, NH, 13th, 21’11”; and Shinju Nakayama, MC, 17th, 19’5”. Long Jump - Emily Wedlock, MC, 1st, 15’3”; Megan Rosenbohm, NH, 2nd, 15’2.75”; Alex Phillips, MC, 3rd, 14’10.50”; and Emma Ezzell, SH, 11th, 10’11.25”. Triple Jump - Megan Rosenbohm, NH, 1st, 34’8.50”; Mae Sanders, MC, 4th, 29’7”; and Rachel Binder, SH, 12th, 23’9.50”. High Jump - Katie Beck, CFX, 7th, 4’4”; and Crystal Yocum, CFX, 9th, 4’2”. Pole Vault - Alex Phillips, MC, 2nd, 9’; Mackenzie Prussman, SH, 4th, 8’6”; and Mound City boys place third at home event Kendey Eaton, MC, 5th, 7’6”. 3200 Meter Relay - MC (Haylee Clifton, Kendey Eaton, Jessica Johnson and Mae Sanders), 1st, 11:04.87. 100 Meter Hurdles - Emily Wedlock, MC, 1st, 17.40. 100 Meter Dash - Carina Metzgar, MC, 4th, 14.78; and Lily Grant, MC, 5th, 14.95. 800 Meter Relay - MC (Haylee Clifton, Carina Metzgar, Grace Newcomb and Alex Phillips), 1st, 1:57.88; CFX (Katie Beck, Crystal Yocum, Ryan Hopkins and Emma Morris), 8th, 2:07.37; and SH (Hailey Markt, Rachel Kurtz, Kareena Shuman and Mackenzie Prussman), 9th, 2:11.52. 1600 Meter Run - Kendey Eaton, MC, 2nd, 5:45.81. 400 Meter Relay - MC (Haylee Clifton, Lily Grant, Carina Metzgar and Grace Newcomb), 2nd, 55.38; and SH (Mackenzie Prussman, Hailey Markt, Rachel Kurtz and Kareena Shuman), 7th, 59.13. 400 Meter Dash - Megan Rosenbohm, NH, 1st, 1:03.40; Rachel Kurtz, SH, 11th, 1:16.78; Montana Kunkel, MC, 14th, 1:23.96; and Falicia Lawson, MC, 15th, 1:25.16. 300 Meter Hurdles - Emily Wedlock, MC, 1st, 50.04; and Ryan Hopkins, CFX, 5th, 56.96. 800 Meter Run - Mae Sanders, MC, 3rd, 2:43.31; and Grace Newcomb, MC, 5th, 2:51.92. 200 Meter Dash - Megan Rosenbohm, NH, 1st, 28.22; and Hailey Markt, SH, 5th, 31.02. 3200 Meter Run - Kendey Eaton, MC, 1st, 12:47.66; and Samona Carver, MC, 6th, 15:49.46. 1600 Meter Relay - MC (Haylee Clifton, Alex Phillips, Mae Sanders and Emily Wedlock), 1st, 4:25.10. BOYS Discus - Justin Dearmont, NH, 5th, 108’; James Walker, MC, 7th, 106’4”; Cutler Derr, SH, 8th, 104’9”; John Poppa, NH, 13th, 94’6”; Pat Hurst, MC, 19th, 71’; and Miles Murry, CFX, 21st, 67’4”. Shot Put - Justin Dearmont, NH, 5th, 38’11”; James Walker, MC, 6th, 38’6”; John Poppa, NH, 7th, 37’3”; Cutler Derr, SH, 8th, 36’8”; Wyatt Jackson, SH, 12th, 33’10”; Grant Hopkins, CFX, 15th, 31’4”; Colton Smith, MC, 16th, 31’1”; and Miles Murry, CFX, 17th, 30’3”. Long Jump - Brett Johnson, MC, 3rd, 18’1”; Thomas Shifflett, MC, 8th, 17’1”; Mitch Mueller, SH, 10th, 16’8.75”; Garrett Ball, CFX, 14’8.75”; and Dylan Gallagher, NH, 17th, 12’4”. Triple Jump - Tobin Sisk, SH, 7th, 37’1”; Hayston Wilson, MC, 8th, 36’10”; Hayden Marrs, MC, 10th, 35’2”; and Keifer Nemyer, CFX, 12th, 32’4”. High Jump - Kyler Miles, MC, 4th, 5’6”; and Hayston Wilson, MC, 7th, 5’2”. Pole Vault - Elijah Poe, MC, 2nd, 10’6”; Hayden Marrs, MC, 5th, 9’6”; and Tobin Sisk, SH, 7th, 9’. 3200 Meter Relay - MC (Brett Johnson, Josh Johnson, Dayne Messer and Spencer Staples), 1st, 8:59.73. 110 Meter Hurdles - Dalton Dreher, MC, 3rd, 18.88; and Hunter Holstine, MC, 5th, 19.60. 800 Meter Relay - MC (Dayne Messer, Kase Newcomb, Luke Sanders and Spencer Staples), 1st, 1:38.44. 1600 Meter Run - Derek Lemon, NH, 5th, 5:16.27. 400 Meter Relay - MC ‘A’ (Brett Johnson, Dayne Messer, Kase Newcomb and Thomas Shifflett), 1st, 46.96; SH (Tobin Sisk, Wyatt Jackson, Mac Kelly and Mitch Mueller), 6th, 50.22; and MC ‘B’ (Pat Hurst, Elijah Poe, Colton Smith and James Walker), 7th, 53.03. 400 Meter Dash - Luke Sanders, MC, 4th, 57.99; Jeremiah Bragg, SH, 6th, 58.75; Colton Dean, MC, 11th, 1:01.68; Grant Hopkins, CFX, 14th, 1:04.20; and Dylan Gallagher, NH, 17th, 1:11.58. 300 Meter Hurdles - Dalton Dreher, MC, 2nd, 43.40; Hunter Holstine, MC, 7th, 47.73; John Poppa, NH, 11th, 51.09; and Austin Bartin, SH, 17th, 1:01.40. 800 Meter Run - Spencer Staples, MC, 2nd, 2:09.18; and Hayden Marrs, MC, 6th, 2:14.53. 200 Meter Dash - Kase Newcomb, MC, 3rd, 25.34; and Dalton Honea, MC, 5th, 26.39. 3200 Meter Run - Josh Johnson, MC, 6th, 12:02.47. 1600 Meter Relay - MC (Dalton Dreher, Brett Johnson, Dayne Messer and Spencer Staples), 1st, 3:41.39. The South Holt and Craig/ Fairfax (CFX) track teams traveled to Rosendale, MO, on Thursday, April 25, to compete in the North Andrew Cardinal Relays. The Gallatin girls and boys took the championships of the meet. Complete standings for the girls’ teams are: Gallatin, 1st, 113 points; Polo, 2nd, 73; North Andrew, 3rd, 59; Southwest Livingston County, 4th, 56; DeKalb, 5th, 52; King City, 6th, 45; Jefferson, 7th, 40; West Nodaway, 8th, 28; Mid-Buchanan, 9th, 27; South Holt, 10th, 19; CFX, 11th, nine points; Veritas Christian, 12th, eight; Stewartsville, 13th, six; Northeast Nodaway, 14th, two; Osborn, 15th, no points; and Union Star, 16th, no points. Complete standings for the boys’ teams are: Gallatin, 1st, 109 points; North Andrew, 2nd, 102; Stewartsville, 3rd, 50; Mid-Buchanan, 4th, 42; King City, 5th, 39; Union Star, 6th, 36; West Nodaway, 7th, 36; Polo, 8th, 30; Veritas Christian, 9th, 29; Southwest Livingston County, 10th, 26; DeKalb, 11th, 25; Osborn, 12th, 18; Northeast Nodaway, 13th, nine points; South Holt 14th, five; CFX, 15th, no points; and Jefferson, 16th, no points. Results for South Holt (SH) and CFX athletes follow: GIRLS Pole Vault - McKenzie Prussman, SH, 2nd, 7’6”. Shot Put - Emily Cox, SH, 6th, 28’6”. 100 Meter Dash - Katie Beck, CFX, 2nd, 14.80; and Hailey Markt, SH, 4th, 14.94. 400 Meter Relay - SH (Emily Cox, Hailey Markt, Kareena Shuman and McKenzie Prussman), 5th, 59.05. 300 Meter Low Hurdles - Ryan Hopkins, CFX, 6th, 57.70. 200 Meter Dash - Hailey Markt, SH, 4th, 30.59. BOYS Pole Vault - Tobin Sisk, SH, 5th, 9’. Shot Put - Cutler Derr, SH, 5th, 35’9.50”. 100 Meter Dash - Mitch Mueller, SH, 6th, 13.07. Jennifer Thomas receives “II” at state contests Jennifer Thomas of Mound City, MO- Participated in the Missouri High School State Music Contests on April 25-27 in Columbia, MO, on the campus of the University of Missouri. Jennifer sang two songs, “Passing By” by Edward Purcell and “Ave Maria” by Franz Schubert. She sang “Ave Maria” in Latin. Jennifer received a “II” rating for her performance. 614 State Street • Mound City, MO • 660-442-3131 April 29-May 3 - MAP Testing at Mound City R-2 May 3 - Mound City R-2 at State Academic Bowl in Columbia, MO - 10 a.m. May 4 - Mound City Varsity Track at District Meet in Albany, MO - 11 a.m. May 5 - “Cuts For A Cure” at the Attic in Mound City - 12 p.m.-4 p.m. May 5 - High School Baccalaureate at First Christian Church in Mound City - 4 p.m. Panther Josh JohnsonKeeps a good stride going during the 3200 meter run on Friday, April 19, at the Indian Relays in Tarkio, MO. He finished the run with a time of 12:19.60 for 4th place. May 6 - Sectional Golf at Fairview in St. Joseph, MO - 9 a.m. May 6 - Friends of the Library at Mound City Library - 5 p.m. May 6 - Mound City Middle School Athletic Banquet at Mound City Gym - 6:30 p.m. May 7 - Holt County 5th & 6th Grade Track Meet at Mound City - 9 a.m. May 7 - Story Time at Mound City Library - 10:30 a.m. May 8 - Mound City High School/Middle School Music Concert/Art Show in Mound City Gym - 6:30 p.m. May 8 - Men’s and Women’s Drug and Alcohol Program at 304 E. 5th St., Mound City - 7-8 p.m. May 9 - Mound City Elementary Spring Concert/Art Show in Mound City Gym - 6:30 p.m. Every Friday at the Mound City Nutrition Site Doughnuts, Doughnut Holes, Cinnamon Rolls 8:30 a.m. until Sold Out Take Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS), non-profit, non-religious weight-loss support group, Mondays, 4:30 p.m. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Mound City Lobby Hours: Monday-Thursday 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; Friday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Drive-In Window: Monday-Thursday 8 a.m.-5 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m.; Saturday 8 a.m.-12 noon Lady Panther Samona Carver- Paces herself during the 3200 meter run at the Indian Relays on April 19, in Tarkio, MO. She placed 3rd with a time of 15:14.00. Thursday, May 2, 2013 • Page 12 Holt County real estate transfers Continued from Page 6 Ladies’ Golf L EAG U E At the Mound City Golf Course STARTS THURSDAY, MAY 16, at 5:30 p.m. If you would like to have a team or be a sub, call BY MAY 8 Kathy Ungles 442-3807 feet wide on each side of the track centerline of the Burlingtion Northern Railroad Company’s Maitland to SkidSouthwest Quarter of the more, MO, Branch Line, now Northwest Quarter of Sec- removed, in 28, Township 63, tion 28, Township 63, Range Range 37, see record for full 37. Tract 4: The South 17 description. acres of Lot 1 in the NorthRobert Charles Smock, west Fractional Quarter of S. Diane Smock, Joshua R. Section 27, see record for full Smock, Jessie Smock, Travis description. Tract 5: Lot 1 W. Smock, and Kathryn M. of the Northwest Quarter of Smock to Robert C. Smock Section 34, and all that part Revocable Living Trust, S. of the Northeast Quarter of Diane Smock Revocable LivSection 33, as lies East of the ing Trust, Joshua R. Smock, right-of-way of the Nodaway Jessie R. Smock, Travis W. Valley Railroad, see record Smock, and Kathryn M. for full description. Tract 6: Smock; Lot 2 of Northeast An undivided one-fourth in- Quarter of Section 28; All terest in the following tract: that part of the Northwest All of Lot 1 of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 27, Town- Quarter of Section 28 deship 63, Range 37, as lies scribed as follows: Beginning West of the Nodaway River at the Northwest Corner of Ditch. Tract 7: All of that por- said Forty acres, which is also tion of the Easterly 50 feet of the center of said section, see Burlingtion Northern Rail- record for full description. road Company’s Maitland to Robert Charles Smock, Skidmore, MO, Branch Line S. Diane Smock, Joshua R. right-of-way, now discontin- Smock, Jessie R. Smock, Traued, being 50 feet wide on vis W. Smock, and Kathryn each side of the main track M. Smock to Robert C. Smock centerline, as originally lo- Revocable Living Trust, S. cated and constructed, which Diane Smock Revocable Livlies in the North Half of the ing Trust, Joshua R. Smock, Southeast Quarter of Section Jessie R. Smock, Travis W. 28, Township 63, Range 37, Smock, and Kathryn M. see record for full descrip- Smock; Lot One of the Northtion. Tract 8: A strip of land west Quarter of Section 27, 100 feet in width, being 50 Township 63, Range 37. Linda Sue Hughes and Lawrence Martin Hughes to Linda Sue Hughes, T.O.D.; Lot 5 in Ridgeview Estates in Mound City. Don E. Hall to Daniel D. Johnson and Debra J. Johnson; East 63 feet Between Lot 1, Don Hall in First Addition and Lot 23, Hall’s Second Addition in Village of Big Lake, MO. Spring is the Loren Season, R. Markt and Carla Better Sleep is F. theMarkt Reason to Loren R. Markt to get a Tempur-Pedic® Sleep System Today! Timberview Roofing Chris Clement Call: 816-390-3002 (Cell) 660-935-2219 (Office) 660-652-3033 (Home) Open Season Gun Shop Buy, Sell & Trade Justin, Russ & Kirby Wednesday-Saturday • 10 a.m.-7 p.m. 660-442-3252 215 Walnut Street Mound City, MO 64470 (Directly behind Hiawatha Implement) [email protected] Carpet Cleaners 2 Carpet Cleaning Machines! • Great Machines • Superior carpet cleaning power. Rates: • $24.00 per day Bookkeeper/Benefits Coordinator • $18.00/4 hours Full-Time Position With Benefits • $12.00/2 hours (min.) Applications Available Now McIntire Building Center Computer Experience Required McIntire Building Center DoMound It Best City, MO • Rental 660-442-5416Center 108 W. 7th St. • Mound City, MO • 660-442-5416 Hours: Monday-Friday - 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Saturday - 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. and Carla F. Markt, Oregon, MO; Subject to undivided 1/2 Interest in oil, gas and mineral rights in the Northwest Quarter of Section 8, Township 59, Range 38. Loren R. Markt and Carla F. Markt to Loren R. Markt, T.O.D., and Carla F. Markt, T.O.D.; Subject to undivided 1/2 Interest in oil, gas and mineral rights in the Northwest Quarter of Section 8, Township 59, Range 38. Mary Jo Cordova, aka Mary Jo Butler and David J. Cordova, Jr., to Rodney M. Hummer and Lisa E. Hummer, Savannah, MO; All of Lots 37 and 38 in Funny Farm Lake Lots in the Village of Big Lake. Richard Nicholson and Jeanne Nicholson to Kevin D. Atkins and Janet R. Atkins; Part of Lot 5 in Tubb’s Subdivision in the Village of Big Lake. Heather M. Forsman to Chris K. Forsman, Omaha, NE; Lots 3 and 4 of the Fractional Northwest Quarter of Section 31, Township 61, Range 39. Jo Ann Schaeffer to Jo Ann Schaeffer, T.O.D.; All of Lot 3 in Block 3 in the original town of Oregon. Ramona Schneider to G. Allen and Cochran Revocable Living Trust, Maryville, MO; All of Lots 2 and 13 in Block 4 in the original town of Forest City and the South 11 feet of Lots 1 and 14 in the original town of Forest City. Anthony L. Rauch and Susan Rauch to Bradley A. Younger and Deavon M. Younger, Oregon, MO; Beginning at the Southwest Corner Section 20, Township 59 North, Range 37 West, see record for full description. Garden Tilling Cameron’s and Elizabeth’s Minnesota fishing fundraiser. Evenings and weekends. Call 660-442-5440 COTTON BODY SHOP & TOW SERVICE Larry & Troy Cotton Oregon, MO Shop: 660-446-2008 Home: 660-446-2561 Falls City Mercantile 223 West 8th St., Falls City, NE 402-245-2716 Complete Quality Food Service, Wholesale Supplier MC Auto & Truck Repair Mound City, M O 6 6 0-4 42-5 6 00 Spring is here. Now is the time to get your AC checked and serviced. Monday-Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Saturday: 8 a.m. - 12 noon Shop Falls City, NE Now Available at Chaney Furniture Co.! 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Limited-time offer. ©2008 U.S. Cellular. 2BSTAN-ADBW-A-5/08 1612 Stone St. • Falls City 402-245-4003 Free 10-Year USC-PRD-08-012_bw USC-PRD-XXX_bw MajorUSC-PRD-08-026_bw Parts Warranty with Every Appliance Purchased Must bring in coupon CONS-Z2039-021071 s, Images & Fonts : Black Fine Quality Antiques & Collectibles Norma Brittell, Owner 1/2 Price Shakes After 8 p.m. Like us 1715 Stone St. • Falls City on 402-245-4338 1305 Harlan, Falls City, NE Hours: P U B L Saturday I C I S & H A L R I N402-245-3525 EY Monday Through S A N F R A N C I S CO OPEN UNTIL 10 P.M. DAILY 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Approvals La Fiesta Mexican Restaurant C_StarArt_BW_20K.eps, USC_AgentTag_BW.eps, ARL_COMP_06_LORES.0005_BW.psd (Gray; 988 ppi; 8%), ux260_whiteBG_LORES.0012_BW.eps (Gray; 0 ppi; 0%), 3-4view_LG_ux565-016558_bw.eps ay; 1849 ppi; 0%) By Hometown Floral & Gifts, Inc. 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Buffet 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. every day but Saturday Slug_0-7 Date Version:01 1022 Harlan St., Falls City, NE 1605 Stone St. • Falls City, NE Email/Proofreader Eurographics 402-245-4588 1521 E. 14th St. (East Highway 159) Falls City, NE Heritage Falls Candles & Gifts Amy Henderson Springtime is here. Come check out the new Clarks, Taos, Orthaheel and Keen sandals. thold Akzidenz Grotesk (Bold, Regular), Adobe Garand (Semibold), Frutiger (47 Light Condensed) Every Thursday $.99 Tillers, Mowers, Landscaping Supplies We Have Them All! Farm & City Supply Remember us for all of your spraying needs. 2618 Harlan Street • Falls City, NE 68355 402-245-3400 Date Art Director Print Prod Authentic Mexican Food Email/Acct Mgmt We are your authorized Grasshopper dealer. Norma’s Antique Mall, LLC Inks, Images & Fonts Cont'd : M-TH - 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. F-S - 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. SUN - 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. verification 1516 Stone Ave.,CTA Falls City Toll-free#/Acct Mgmt 402-245-4400URL/Acct Mgmt North Hwy. 73 • Falls City, NE 402-245-2419 04-26-08 mp Hours: Monday - Thursday: 11:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Friday - Saturday: 11:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m. Sunday: 11:30 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Good selection of trees & shrubs...and as always, fresh floral. Hours: Monday - Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Highway 159, 7 Miles East of Falls City, NE 402-245-5400 Thursday, May 2, 2013 • Page 13 Thank You/Remembering Buy • Sell • Trade • Rent Hire • Thank You/Remembering • Legal Services Call The Mound City News To Place Your Ad • 660-442-5423 M iscellaneous R eal E state GREG’S JEWELRY HOWARD’S GUN RELocated at 307 E. 5th St., in PAIR- 12315 Hwy. 59, Craig, Mound City, MO, offers gradMO, 64437. 660-683-9401. uation gifts of all kinds. Call 17/tfc 660-442-3739 for all your 43/1tc RAFTER CROSS VET- jewelry needs. ERINARY SERVICES- In EMU OIL- Arthritis and Mound City, Dr. Roy Wilson. joint pain, burns and sun660-442-3101. 44/tfc burns, aging skin, cuts and abrasions. Hand lotion. G & HUGE CLEARANCE L Enterprises. Call 816-387SALE- Flair Boutique, 1611 7332 or 660-442-5688. Stone St., Falls City, NE. 40/tfc Making room for lots of new things that have arrived and FREE PALLETS AND more to come. Monday-Fri- END ROLLS- At the Holt day, 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m.; Satur- County Publishing building day, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. 42/2tc north of Mound City on Hwy. 59. Help Wanted DRIVERS- CDL-B: Great pay, home time! No forced dispatch! New singles from St. Joseph, MO, to surrounding states. Apply: TruckMovers. com or 1-888-567-4861. 40/4tp HELP WANTED- Paraplegic needs help in home, part-time, no lifting. Call 816-261-3174. 43/tfc Antique lover’s dream home! Charming 2-story home Unique features of beautiful woodwork & amazing mirrored fireplace mantel. Family room is adorned with a stunning bay window w/curved glass. Master on main floor, laundry room leads to a wonderful 20’x30’ entertaining deck which overlooks the bottom ground, the view is outstanding. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, den, laundry, parlor & sun room, this house has southern charm. Reduced. Call for details. “The Negotiators” Nadine: 816-390-7938 Becky: 816-390-5366 Reece And Nichols Ide Capital Realty LLC Office 816-233-5200 39/tfc Homemakers SSM Private Duty is seeking motivated individuals to work in our Holt/Nodaway counties’ area to assist the elderly and disabled in their homes. If interested contact 660-562-7905. EOE 514 B State St. • Mound City, MO 64470 660-442-6500 • Cell: 816-387-3018 [email protected] Kathi Clement, Broker A heartfelt thank you to everyone who sent food, cards, prayers, calls, provided rides to doctors’ appointments, took time to visit and stayed during necessary times during Mom’s illness and passing. A special thank you to Becky for all the time and TLC. Jeff, Mike and Todd Elton and families CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 660-442-5423 Custom Planting John Deere 16-row split with shut-offs Chris: (816) 261-4459 • Larry: (816) 387-1671 1st Class Carports, Sheds & Garages Charla Salfrank 816-387-7175 660-442-3555 WE REPAIR WIND/FLOOD DAMAGE. Brad Pankau’s Home & Farm Repair Roofing, siding, interior/exterior painting, decks, gutter installation & cleaning, electrical & plumbing, drywall & interior remodeling, tree trimming & removal, etc. BA R N & I M P L E M E N T S H E D R E PA I R ! No job is too small! ~ Fully Insured Call 660-442-3354, 660-254-0156, or 660-442-6343. Weldon’s Tree Service Tree Trimming/Transplanting Tree and Stump Removal/Tree Shearing Insured ~ Public Liability Residential & Commercial FREE ESTIMATES (660) 582-3267 816-803-3951 • E-mail: [email protected] McChristy Realty & Auction Call Us for Details. - 816-232-7160 ENTERPRISE REALTY Wanted WANTED- My dad and I are looking to hunt turkeys. We pay $100 per bird harvested from your land. Call Matt at 701-799-5421. 43/1tc Jim Loucks, Sales Agent 816-390-2749 Office 877-669-7653 LAND FOR SALE AfterLooks/Debbie Sportsman; American Broadband; Richard Miles; Rob Sparks; Ancient Free Skidmore Lodge 511; Anderson Construction; Applebee’s; Bateman Photography; Beth’s Clip & Curl & Tanning Salon; Bearcat Lanes; Bearcat Lumber; Cameron Mutual Insurance; Carson’s Sports Grill; Casey’s; Community Hospital Association; Consumer’s Oil Company; Davis Fertilizer; Derr Insurance Services; Eveready Battery Co. Inc.; Federal Mogul; Fraternal Order of Eagles; Gage’s Fertilizer; Gary Walker; Gayle Bond; Graham Seed; Grand River Mutual Telephone; Pam Wallace/Hair It Is; Hall Insurance Agency; Hangar Restaurant & Cinema; Holt County Publishing; Jock’s Nitch; Kawasaki Motors; Kentucky Fried Chicken; Laclede Chain; Tim Lance; Laukemper Motors; Maryville Daily Forum; Maryville Glass & Lock; McIntyre Building Center; Mike Hanson Agency; Miller Realty Inc.; Miller Sukup Sales & Services; Nodaway News Leader; Nodaway Valley Bank; Northwest Implement, Inc.; Northwest Graphix; Northwest Missouri Cellular; Northwest Nutrition; Nucor-LMP, Inc.; Oregon Lodge #139 AF&AM; Pizza Hut; Patti Spire/Salon 1; Sharp’s Seamless Guttering; Shipp’s Lawn Service; The Smokehouse; Sonic Drive-In; Steve Miller Insurance; St. Francis Hospital; Student Body; The 275 Grill; Timberview Construction; Tri-State Ford; Vern & Peggy Swartz; Weldon Sales; Wal-Mart; Zeigler; and American Legion #256 • Overhead doors and operators • Custom residential replacement windows • Complete locksmithing services • Commercial - residential glass replacements (660) 582-3131 5TH AND BUCHANAN, MARYVILLE REMINDER The Mound City Development Corporation will hold the Annual Stockholders’ Meeting on Monday, May 6, 2013, at the Mound City Nutrition Site at 7:30 p.m. All stockholders are encouraged to attend or submit a proxy to represent their shares. Scott Laukemper, President Notice Brian A. Tubbs Attorney At Law Phone: 660-442-5989 Fax: 660-442-3574 [email protected] The Law Office of Brian Tubbs LLC For Sale NOTICE- Benton CemFOR SALE- Earthwise etery Board Meeting Sunday, self propelled mower, new, May 5, 2013, at 2 p.m. never used. Includes 24 43/1tp volt batteries/charger, grass catcher, etc. Call 660-4423203. 42/2tc arage ale G S Time to sign up for Mound City’s CITY-WIDE Garage Sales Memorial Day, Monday, May 27 Call Joy Wheeler at 660-5720415 or 660-442-4039 FOR SALE- Butcher Hogs, 1/2 or whole. Larry Wright, 816-294-6788. 43/2tp FOR SALE- 2003 Ford Explorer XLT, 4x4, 4-door, third row seating, secure code key entry, excellent condition. Gay Quick, Oregon, MO, 660-446-2066 or 816-261-9948. 43/2tc Call for appointments 222 State Street • Mound City, MO 64470 J&E Concrete Commercial & Residential Concrete Work Jeff Karsten Cell: 816-262-5933 Free Estimates FOR SALE - STEEL DOCK PLATE 6’X2 ’ • 10,000 LB. CAPACITY • USED JUST A FEW TIMES. PURCHASED NEW FOR $725. SELLING FOR $300. STOP BY HOLT COUNTY PUBLISHING PRINT SHOP NORTH OF MOUND CITY OR CALL 660-572-0733. 1/2 NAUMAN C ONSTRUCTION & C ABINET S HOP, I NC. GENERAL CONTRACTORS MARYVILLE GLASS AND LOCK Verna Young Randy Patterson 13 Colors To Choose From Jim Salfrank I want to thank my family and friends for the beautiful 80th birthday party. The food was delicious and the flowers, gifts and cards were beautiful. My 80th birthday had so many great surprises in store for me. I was so blessed to have so many come and take time to visit. The 2013 Nodaway-Holt After-Prom would like to thank the following businesses and individuals for their donations: BROKER • REALTOR Chris Russell Farms Thank You New Construction, Remodeling, Cabinets. Granite & Solid Surface Countertops 307 State Street • Mound City, MO 64470 Shop: 660-442-5290 Website and e-mail: Hugh: 816-383-3001 Tracy: 816-596-7159 [email protected] Casey Johnson, Owner 660-442-6354 Licensed and Insured Specializing with Trane and Heil models CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 660-442-5423 Thursday, May 2, 2013 • Page 14 Great turnout for Mound City Lions Club tenderloin meal Mound City Lions Club member, Charles PlummerFries up the tenderloins during the tenderloin meal on Saturday, April 27, at the Mound City Nutrition Site in Mound City, MO. The meal’s proceeds went to the Nutrition Site and the Scholarship Fund. Two family dentists serving the Mound City area offer new smiles to every face Northwest Health Services has been offering dental services to the Mound City, MO, area since 2010. There are two dentists accepting appointments at the Mound City office, Dr. Ishita Seth, DDS, and Dr. Samantha Hindupur, DDS. Dr. Seth works on Mondays and Thursdays and Dr. Hindupur works at the Mound City office on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Dr. Ishita Seth lives in St. Joseph, MO, with her husband, Dr. Raman Seth, MD, and two children, son, Raveesh Seth, 2 years old, and daughter, Maher Seth, nine months old. Ishita graduated from TUFTS University in Boston, MA, in 2010. Before attending TUFTS University, Ishita completed a five-year dentistry program in India. Ishita said that she and her husband really like the area. She commented that the people in Mound City are very friendly and she really enjoys coming to Mound City on Mondays and Thursdays to see dental patients. Ishita’s hobbies include cooking and photography. Dr. Ishita Seth Dr. Samantha Hindupur grew up in St. Joseph. She attended Creighton University in Omaha, NE, and graduated from the University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC) School of Dentistry. From 2009 to 2010, Samantha completed her residency at UMKC Advanced Dentistry. She also volunteered on a medical mission trip providing dental services in Jamaica. Samantha lives in St. Joseph as do her father, Dr. Mohan Hindupur, MD, who specializes in cardiovascular disease, and her mother, Dr. Jamuna Hindupur, MD. Samantha enjoys watching movies as well as playing Xbox 360 Kinect in her spare time. With two dentists offering services at Northwest Health Services Monday through Thursday, the local facility is able to accept new patients while offering a full service dentistry for the area. Northwest Health Services is a community health center serving 15 counties in northwest Missouri. Dr. Samantha Hindupur Vickie Christensen, Dental Assistant at Northwest Health Service in Mound City, left - Is pictured talking to a patient while Brandee Davison, receptionist, right, is busy completing some paperwork. Pastor Brian Lemcke, left, and Ed Jones, right- Put the finshing touches on the Lions Club tenderloin meal that was held at the Mound City Nutrition Site in Mound City, MO, on Saturday, April 27. Lion Club members were very pleased with the turnout for the event. The death of Johnny Fry- Was reenacted on Saturday, April 27, west of Mound City on the farm of Stan and Pam Rippey. Justin Rother, who plays Johnny Fry, was portraying death for the documentary of the Battle of Baxter Springs. The battle was between the Union and Confederate soldiers in Baxter Springs, KS, in October of 1863. Riders from the Battle of Baxter Springs- Perform a scene of a documentary on Saturday, April 27, outside of The RFD TV bus- Needed a little break on Wednesday, Mound City, MO, at the residence of Stan and Pam Rippey. April 17. While on the way to Kansas City, MO, it made a Pictured, left to right, are Evan Howard, Justin Rother, and stop at Kwik Zone in Mound City. Willie Richey, all of Mound City RFD TV bus makes pit stop in Mound City DJ Monty 9:00 p.m.- 1:00 a.m. Every Saturday Evening Starting at 5 p.m. Prime Rib Dinner with Soup & Salad Bar for $15.95! Every Sunday Starting at 11 a.m. 3 pc. Fried Chicken Dinner with Soup and Salad Bar - $10.95! Jay Prop In Bar & Grill eslie’s L & Big Lake, MO 660-442-3411 Presents THANK YOU EVENT FOR THE ONGOING WONDERFUL COMMUNITY SUPPORT OF THE THEATER. Laughing Matters 5-6 p.m. - Light Supper 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, May 14 FREE EVENT!!! This show is a Thank You to the community members for their support of the State Theater. For more information please contact 660-442-5909 or 816-294-4016. Sponsored by: State Theater Arts Council Pony Express and joined the Union Army as a courier in Kansas. While on his way from Fort Gibson, OK, to Fort Scott, KS, with an important message, Fry was attacked by Confederate guerrillas under the leadership of the famed William Quantrill. In a hand-to-hand fight with the Confederates, Fry killed five of his assailants before falling mortally wounded. Fry is buried at the Baxter Springs Cemetery in Baxter Springs, KS. Jim Conlon of St. Joseph, MO, is the director of the documentary. The shooting of the documentary was paid for through a grant with Freedom’s Frontier out of Lawrence, KS, and the National Park Service. Treat Mom to the best! More A & E Milk Products Including Cottage Cheese and Half & Half Also offering a variety of A & E Snack Dips! Mound City, MO • (660) 442-3600 The Sportsman’s Lodge SUMMER HOURS 11 a.m. - Midnight • Fridays & Saturdays 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. • Sundays COME DINE ON THE DECK! Friday & Saturday Nights Catfish & Prime Rib Sunday Lunch Smoked Turkey & Ham Rose Petals Flowers & Gifts Let us do the cooking on Mother’s Day! 601 State St., Mound City • 660-442-5916 Unique fresh bouquets, outdoor baskets and more! he Spo rtsman’s Lo d ge State Theater, Mound City, MO A documentary was shot in both Baxter Springs, KS, and Mound City, MO. The main shots were filmed in Baxter Springs on Saturday, April 6, at both the Baxter Springs Heritage Museum’s fort and a farm one mile outside of Baxter Springs. On Saturday, April 27, the death scene of Johnny Fry and the battle between the Confederate and Union soldiers were shot on Stan and Pam Rippey’s farm just east of Mound City. Justin Rother of Mound City reprised his role as Johnny Fry, the first Pony Express rider to leave St. Joseph, MO, on April 3, 1860. Fry was killed in the Battle of Baxter Springs on October 6, 1863, just less than two years after he quit the Now Featuring T Saturday, May 4 Documentary of the Battle of Baxter Springs shot near Mound City A Modern Feel With Old School Appeal Food, Wine & Spirits FRIDAY-SATURDAY 11:00 A.M.-MIDNIGHT SUNDAY • 11:00 A.M.-2:00 P.M. -------------------------------------------------------402 Rulo Street • Bigelow, MO 64437 660-442-5165
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