H.V. TEST (PTY) LTD 3 Gaiety Ave, Robindale, Randburg, South Africa, 2010 Tel: +27(11) 782 1010 Fax: +27(11) 782 2770 P.O. Box 651287, Benmore, 2010 Email: [email protected] Website: www.hvtest.co.za Voltage Monitoring Inputs (V1 & V2) One analog voltage input channel (designated as V1) is dedicated to monitoring a circuit-breaker dc power supply or a coil voltage (0 to 255 volts, dc or peak ac). A second voltage input channel (designated as V2) is dedicated to detecting voltage on/off status (presence or absence) of an A/B switch (an input range of 30300 V dc or peak ac). Trip/Close Current Monitoring A built-in Hall-effect current sensor records the Trip/Close current level and duration. The Trip/Close coil current waveform (effectively, a performance “fingerprint” or current profile) can be used as a diagnostic tool for analysis of a breaker’s performance. Breaker Stroke and Velocity CT-8000 TM The Vanguard Instrument Company, Inc. Model CT-8000™ EHV Circuit-Breaker Analyzer is a fifth-generation design configuration. The Model CT-8000 is a standalone, microcomputer-controlled Circuit-Breaker Analyzer that is inexpensive and easy to use. It operates in either of two modes: As a traditional Time-vs-Travel analyzer or as a Quick-Shot (on-line timing). The CT-8000 is available with either 3 dry contacts (CT-8000-3) or 6 dry contacts (CT-8000-6) configurations. Both models are supplied with 3 digital travel transducer input channels. Quick Shot Mode In the Quick-Shot mode, the CT-8000 captures the breaker’s trip or close time, the Trip/close-coil current “fingerprint,” and the battery-supply voltage (while the breaker is still on-line and in service). Trip/close time is derived from the time of trip, or at the close-coil initiation, to the breaker’s bushing current-break or -make (detected by an ac clamp-on current-probe). With a simple connection, the Quick-Shot mode detects a breaker’s operating conditions with little or no down (out of service) time. The Quick-Shot mode captures the First-Trip Operation time of the breaker. When a breaker has been in service for a long time (such as sitting in a closed position), the time of the breaker's first trip may be slow (e.g., due to a "sticky" mechanism). Traditional breaker timing may not detect this condition, since several operations may have occurred before the first timing test is conducted. Conventional Time-versus-Travel Analyses Mode In the Time-Travel mode, the CT-8000 analyzes circuit-breaker performance, namely: contact time, stroke, velocity, over-travel, and wipe. A 200-ampere, builtin, power supply allows the CT-8000 to perform contact dynamic-resistance tests. Contact-motion analyses include: Open, Close, Open-Close, Close-Open, and OpenClose-Open switching sequences. The timing window is selectable: 1-second, 10second, or 20-second periods. The 10-second and 20-second windows allow timing of long-duration events (e.g., circuit-switching contacts). Breaker Contact Timing Inputs Three digital travel transducer channels enable the CT-8000 to measure stroke, overtravel, and bounce-back. Unlike other types of travel transducers, the digital transducer requires no calibration or setup. A contact-velocity calculation is based on a contact’s travel distance over a period of time, which is defined by the breaker manufacturer’s specifications. A special feature lets users “slow-close” a breaker and produce a testresult report. Dynamic Contact Resistance One channel of Dynamic Contact Resistance test is also available. A built-in 200-ampere power supply provides the test current for this application. Resistance measurement ranges from 1 micro-ohm to 1999 micro-ohms. The dynamic resistance test allows the user to monitor contact resistance during circuit breaker operation. This feature allows the user to detect circuit-breaker contact erosion, or contact problems that can not be detected in static resistance test. The CT-8000 can be used as a 200-ampere, micro-ohm meter to check circuit-breaker contact resistance, bus connection, or other applications where a low-resistance measurement is required. Resistor Type Transducer Input Channel One resistor type input channel is also available with the CT-8000. This input channel allows the CT-8000 to interface directly with resistive type transducers. The transducer resistance ranges from 200 ohm to 10K Ohm. Timing Shot Storage Capabilities The CT-8000 uses Flash Electrically Erasable PROMs (EEPROMs) to store timing data. Unlike other storage media, EEPROMs are immune to shock, temperature, and humidity. Stored timing shots can be recalled to re-analyze test data, print copies, or transfer data to an IBM-PC database for record keeping. Up to 150 timing shots can be stored in the EEPROMs. Circuit-Breaker Test Plan Up to 99 breaker test plans can be stored in the CT-8000. Test plans comprise all breaker specifications (stroke, velocity, contact time). By recalling a test plan, the user can instantly test a breaker and view a pass/fail report (made by comparing performance with specifications in the stored test plan). A user doesn’t need to look-up a breaker’s specifications to compare with test results to determine if the breaker passed performance tests or not. Test plans can be downloaded to the CT8000 via an RS-232C serial port or via a USB port. Breaker Initiate Features A built-in, solid-state, initiate device allows users to remotely operate the breaker from the CT-8000. The operational mode includes: Open, Close, Open-Close, Close-Open, and Open-Close-Open. Multiple operation (e.g., Open-Close, OpenClose-Open) can be initiated by using a programmable delay time or by sensing the breaker’s contact condition. Circuit Breaker Time-Travel Analy Contact timing uses dry-contact input channels. Each contact-input channel can detect main contact and insertion-resistor contact times (displayed in milliseconds & cycles). H.V. TEST (PTY) LTD 3 Gaiety Ave, Robindale, Randburg, South Africa, 2010 Tel: +27(11) 782 1010 Fax: +27(11) 782 2770 P.O. Box 651287, Benmore, 2010 Email: [email protected] Website: www.hvtest.co.za alyze Computer Interface User Interface One RS-232C Interface port and one USB port allows the CT-8000 to be controlled from an IBM-PC-compatible computer. From the PC, circuit breakers can be timed and users can retrieve timing shots that have been saved in the CT-8000 flash EEPROM. Windows® XP-based Breaker-Analysis software lets users retrieve test-shot data stored in the computer’s hard-drive disk, re-analyze the stored data, and generate reports in the office on an IBM-compatible computer. This PC software also allows users generate customized test-result reports and to create a circuit-breaker database library. Additionally, users can create circuit-breaker test plans to be downloaded to the CT-8000. An alpha-numeric keypad allows users to enter breaker ID and control functions. A 4-line by 20-character LCD readout displays user messages. The LCD is back lighted so messages can be viewed in low light levels. Display contrast is controlled via the CT-8000 keypad. Built-in Thermal Printer A built-in thermal printer prints the breaker contact analysis results in both tabular and graphic formats on 4.5-inch-wide thermal paper. Linear Transducer Voltage Input Channels Contact Timing Channels Travel Transducer Connectors USB Connector RS-232C Connector 4x20 Backlit LCD Display Current Lead Connector Sense Lead Connector Power Receptacle Module Resistor Transducer Input Breaker Initiate Output 4.5-inch Thermal Printer Rugged 16-Key Membrane Keyboard Breaker Initiate Arm Switch ABB AHMA-8 Mechanism Transducer H.V. TEST (PTY) LTD 3 Gaiety Ave, Robindale, Randburg, South Africa, 2010 Tel: +27(11) 782 1010 Fax: +27(11) 782 2770 P.O. Box 651287, Benmore, 2010 Email: [email protected] Website: www.hvtest.co.za Graphic and Tabulated Printouts ▼ Built-in Thermal Printer Output ▼ EEPROM Stored Test Parameters ▼ Trip Time Using Quickshot Mode Trip Time Using Bushing CT Trip Coil Current Profile CT-8000 H.V. TEST (PTY) LTD 3 Gaiety Ave, Robindale, Randburg, South Africa, 2010 Tel: +27(11) 782 1010 Fax: +27(11) 782 2770 P.O. Box 651287, Benmore, 2010 Email: [email protected] Website: www.hvtest.co.za pensive Digital Circuit Breaker Tester FEATURES • • • • • • • • • On-Line Timing/Capture First Trip Time Static & Dynamic Resistance Tests Full Breaker Tabulated & Graphic Data Printout Output Test Results to Built-in Thermal Printer Digital Travel Transducer; No Setup or Calibration Required Supports Resistance Type Transducers Detect Main Contact and Insertion Resistor Contact on the Same Input Channel On-Board Flash EEPROM Shot Storage/Test Plan Storage Computer Interface (RS-232C or USB) SPECIFICATIONS TYPE PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS INPUT POWER DRY-CONTACT INPUT TIMING WINDOWS TIMING RESOLUTION TIMING ACCURACY CONTACT DETECTION RANGE RESISTOR DETECTION RANGE CT CURRENT SENSOR EXTERNAL TRIGGER INPUT VOLTAGE SENSING INPUT RANGE BREAKER OPERATION BREAKER INITIATE CAPACITY INITIATE CURRENT READING RANGE TRAVEL TRANSDUCER INPUT CONTACT TRAVEL POINT DIFFERENCE DYNAMIC/STATIC RESISTANCE RANGE RESISTANCE TEST CURRENT RESISTOR TYPE TRANSUCER CHANNEL DISPLAY PRINTOUT TEST RECORD STORAGE COMPUTE INTERFACE PC SOFTWARE SAFETY ENVIRONMENT OPTIONS WARRANTY yzer Special purpose test equipment, portable circuit breaker analyzer 16” W by 11” H by 14” D (40.6 cm x 29.9 cm x 35.6 cm); Weight; 25 lbs (11.3 kg) 90-130 Vac or 200-240 Vac (selectable), 50/60Hz 3 or 6 dry-input channels; Each channel detects Main and Insertion-Resistor Contacts Selectable: 1-second, 10-seconds or 20-seconds 50 microseconds at 1-second duration; 0.5 milliseconds at 10-second duration; 1.00 milliseconds at 20-second duration 0.05% of reading, ±50 microseconds at 1-second duration Closed: <20 ohms, Open:> 5,000 ohms 50 – 5,000 Ohms One, None Contacting, 0-150 Amp Open/Close: 30-300V dc or peak ac V1: analog input; 0–255 V, dc or peak ac, Sensitivity: ± 1 V; V2: voltage detector (present/absent) input; 30-300V, dc or peak ac Open, Close, Open-Close, Close-Open, Open-Close-Open 25 A/250 V ac/dc max (100A Inrush) One, Non-contact, Hall-Effect sensor, 0-20-amp range, dc to 5 kHz 3 digital travel transducer channels; Linear range, 0.0-30.0 in (±0.01 in); Rotary range 0-360° (±0.36°) Measures “Slow-Close” contact-point distances (hard copy printout) 0.1 to 1,999 micro-ohm, Accuracy: ±2% of reading, ±5 micro-ohm 200 Amperes Typical 200 Ohm to 10 K Ohm 4 lines by 20 character back-lit LCD, sunlight viewable Both graphic contact-travel waveforms & tabulated results are printed on a 4.5-inch thermal printer Store up to 150 timing records and 99 test plans RS-232C port, USB Port Furnished Circuit breaker analysis software running under Windows XP; features graphic display, numerical reports, and data base utility for use at shop or office. Designed to meet UL 6101A-1 Certification and CAN/CSA C22.2 No 1010.1-92 Operating: -10°C to 50°C (+15°F to +122°F); Storage: -30°C to70°C (-22°F to +158°F) Hard case for shipping; available for both Travel Transducers and CT-8000 One-year warranty on parts and labor Note: The above specifications are valid at nominal voltage and ambient temperature of +25°C (+77°F). Specifications are subject to change without notice. H.V. TEST (PTY) LTD 3 Gaiety Ave, Robindale, Randburg, South Africa, 2010 Tel: +27(11) 782 1010 Fax: +27(11) 782 2770 P.O. Box 651287, Benmore, 2010 Email: [email protected] Website: www.hvtest.co.za
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