JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography


JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography
We classify one literature in up to two categories as follows:
1. JGSS Project
2. EASS Project
3. Social Change/Social Trend
4. Social Group/Organization
5. Social Class/Social Stratification/Social Mobility
6. Family
7. Urban/Rural/Local Community
8. Disasters
9. Geography
10. Politics/Policy/Political Attitudes
11. English Language
12. Labor/Industry
13. Population
14. Education
15. Culture/Religion/Morality
16. Social Psychology
17. Mass Communication/IT
18. Social Problem
20. Development Assistance/International Cooperation
21. Social Survey (Sampling, Measurement, and Coding)
22. Household Income/Wage
23. Life History/Life Course
24. Law/Social System
25. International Relations/Cross-cultural Understanding
26. Comparative Studies
28. Elderly/Generations
29. Knowledge/Science
30. Leisure/Sports
31. Environment/Ecology
32. Social Network/Social Capital
33. Pets
34. Social Movement/NPO/Volunteering
35. Happiness/Satisfaction
36. Gender
37. Marriage/Divorce
38. Methodology
39. Consumer Behavior
40. Female Employment
19. Health Care/Social Welfare/Health
98. Government Periodicals/White Paper
99. Research Paper
100. JGSS Publications
[FJ]: Text in Japanese language only (fully Japaense)
[AE]: Abstract in English, text in Japanese language only
[FE]: Text in English only (fully English)
[NP]: Oral presentation only (not in print)
[FC]: Text in Chinese language only (fullyChinese)
[FK]: Text in Korean language only (fullyKorean)
1. JGSS Project
ANZO, Shinji, 1999, “Nippon-ban General Social Surveys (JGSS) no Chosa-hohoron-jo no Mondai ni tsuite (5)
GSS to JGSS o mochiita Bunsekirei to Kadai (Methodological Issues of JGSS (5) Comparison and problem
of GSS and JGSS),” Proceedings: 72nd Conference of the Japan Sociological Society, p.23.[FJ]
INABA, Taichi, and IWAI, Noriko, 2000, “Nippon-ban General Social Surveys (JGSS) no Chosa-hohoron-jo no
Mondai ni tsuite (2) JGSS Dai-2-kai Yobi-chosa no Kaishuritsu to Keppyo no Bunseki (Methodological
Issues of JGSS (2) An Analysis of Response Rates and Nonresponses),” Proceedings: 73rd Conference of the
Japan Sociological Society, p.26.[FJ]
ISHIDA, Hiroshi, 1999, “Social Science Japan Data Archive and Japanese General Social Surveys,” Japan
Sociologists Network Panel, 94th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Chicago,
ISHIDA, Hiroshi, 2000, “Doing Social Science Research in Japan: Data Archives and Japanese General Social
Surveys,” presented at the 4th Annual Asian Studies Conference, Japan.[NP]
IWAI, Noriko, 1999, “Nippon-ban GSS no Dai-1-kai Yobi-chosa o mochiita Kazoku Sokutei-komoku no Kento
(Examining Measurements of Family and Gender Attitudes based on the JGSS 1st Pilot Survey),”
Proceedings: 9th Conference of the Japan Society of Family Sociology, pp.82-83.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, 1999, “Nippon-ban General Social Surveys (JGSS) no Chosa-hohoron-jo no Mondai ni tsuite (3)
Split-Ballot ni yoru Shitsumon-komoku no Kento (Methodological Issues of JGSS (3) Examining Forms of
Questions by a Split-ballot Method),” Proceedings: 72nd Conference of the Japan Sociological Society,
IWAI, Noriko, 2000, “Nippon-ban General Social Surveys (JGSS) no Chosa-hohoron-jo no Mondai ni tsuite (1)
JGSS Dai-2-kai Yobi-chosa no Mokuteki to Hoho (Methodolocial Issues of JGSS (1) Objectives and Method
of the 2nd Pilot Survey),” Proceedings: 73rd Conference of the Japan Sociological Society, p.25.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, 2000, “Nippon-ban General Social Surveys (JGSS) Dai-2-kai Yobi-data ni yoru
Chosa-hohoron-jo no Kento: Sharei no Timing no Eikyo oyobi Split-Ballot ni yoru Shitsumon-komoku no
Kento (Examination of Methodological Issues based on the JGSS 2nd Pilot Survey: The Effect of Timing of
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
Giving Incentives and Examining Forms of Questions by a Split-ballot Method),” Proceedings:41st
Conference of the Japanese Society of Social Psychology, pp.118-119.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, 2000, “Nihon no Sogo-Shakai-Chosa (Japanese General Social Surveys) Japanese General Social
Surveys,” SATO, Hiroki, ISHIDA, Hiroshi, and IKEDA, Ken’ichi [eds.], Secondary Analysis in Social
Research, University of Tokyo Press, pp.83-87.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, 2000, “Project Gaiyo: Nippon-ban GSS no Koso to Keika-hokoku: 1999-2003-nendo
Kyodo-Kenkyu (JGSS Project: Outline and Schedule of Japanese General Social Surveys Project in
1999-2003),” Milepost, No.3, Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, pp.1-2.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, 2000, “America ni okeru Kokai Data o Riyo shita Kenkyu to Kyoiku no Genjo to JGSS Data no
motarasu Kanosei (Research and Education which utilize Data Archives in the U.S. and Posssibility that
JGSS Data will provide),” SSJ Data Archive Research Paper Series 13(SSJDA-13), Information Center for
Social Science Research on Japan, Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo, pp.30-34.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, 2001, “JGSS hatsu: Dai-1-kai Hon-chosa (JGSS2000) no Jisshi (JGSS Project: Implementation of
the First Main Survey, JGSS-2000),” Milepost, No.6, Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of
Commerce, pp.5-6.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, 2001, “JGSS Project no Shokai to Yobi-chosa no Kekka kara (Outline of the JGSS Project and
Results from Pilot Surveys),” Chuo-chosa-ho, No.528, Central Research Services, Inc., pp.1-4.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, 2003, “Research Designs for the JGSS,” presented at the Thematic Lecture Series on East Asia
[Theme 1] Social Surveys in East Asia, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea.[NP]
IWAI, Noriko, 2003, “Japanese General Social Surveys: Beginning and Development,” JGSS Symposium 2003
Hokokusho (Proceedings: JGSS Symposium 2003), pp.161-184.[FE]
IWAI, Noriko, 2003, “Research Designs for the JGSS,” presented at the Thematic Lecture on Japanese and
Korean Social Surveys, Institute of Sociology, Academic Sinica, Taiwan.[NP]
IWAI, Noriko, 2004, “Japanese General Social Surveys: Beginning and Development, 4th edition,” Institute of
Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.],
JGSS Monographs No.3, pp.241-271.[FE]
IWAI, Noriko, 2004, “JGSS Project (7) JGSS Data no Katsuyo to Tenbo (JGSS Project (7) Utilization of Data
and Coming Development),” Statistics, Apr. 2004 edition, pp.53-56.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, 2004, “Japanese General Social Surveys: Beginning and Development,” Abstracts (Papers
Presented in Sessions) for the 36th World Congress, International Institute of Sociology, Beijing, China,
IWAI, Noriko, 2004, “Japanese General Social Survey: Beginning and Development,” ZA (Zentralarchiv für
Empirische Sozialforschung an der Universität zu Köln)-Information No.55, pp.99-113.[FE]
IWAI, Noriko, 2005, “On East Asian Social Surveys,” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of
Commerce [ed.], JGSS Colloquium 2005 Hokokusho (Proceedings:JGSS Colloquium 2005), pp.25-29.[FE]
IWAI, Noriko, 2006, “Japanese General Social Surveys (JGSS) no Torikumi to Saikin no Seika no Shokai
(Efforts of Japanese General Social Surveys (JGSS)),” 326th Kansai Shakaishinrigaku Kenkyukai (326th
IWAI, Noriko, 2010, “Nihon no Kazoku no Henka to Kore kara: JGSS-2000-2010 kara mita Kazoku no Genjo to
Henka (Japanese family transitions and future trends: present situations and changes of Japanese families
based on the JGSS cummulative data 2000-2010),” Proceedings: 20th Conference of the Japan Society of
Family Sociology, pp.144-145.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, 2010, “Nihon no Zenkoku-Chosa no Keifu: JGSS (Tracing Japanese nationwide survey projects:
Japanese General Social Surveys),” Symposium of Japanese Association for Social Research, November 14,
Josui Kaikan, Tokyo.[NP]
IWAI, Noriko, 2011, “Kokai-Chosa Data no Sakusei to Kitaku: JGSS (Japanese General Sociasl Survey) no
Keiken (Social Surveys and Data Archives: Making Survey Data Publicly Available and its Depositing:
Experience of the JGSS),” Proceedings:62nd Conference of the Kansai Sociological Association, p.78.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, 2011, “Choki-Keizoku-Chosa no Genjyo to Kadai: JGSS (Japanese General Sociasl Surveys) no
Keiken (Current Condition and Challenges of Repeated Surveys: Experience of the JGSS),” 2011
Conference of the Japan Association for Public Opinion Research, November 11, Chuo University Surugadai
IWAI, Noriko, 2012, “Column: JGSS (Japanese General Social Surveys),” KANAI, Masayuki, KOBAYASHI,
Jun, and WATANABE, Daisuke [eds.], Applications of Social Research (Shakai Chosa no Oyo Ryo-teki
Chosa hen: Shakaichosashi E/G Kamoku Taio), Kobundo, 69p.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, 2012, “JGSS no Setsuritsu to Mokuteki (Foundation and Purpose of the JGSS Project),” Yoron:
Japan Association for Public Opinion Research, No.109, pp.33-36.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, 2012, “Preparation and Deposition of Social Survey Data for Public Usage: The Case of Japanese
General Social Surveys (Kokai Chosa Data no Sakusei to Kitaku: JGSS no Keiken),” Kansai Sociological
Review, Vol.11 2012, pp.122-131, P.143.[AE]
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
WAI, Noriko, and et al., 2012, “Challenges of Capturing Attitudes and Behavioral Patterns among Japanese
People: An Experience of JGSS since 1998,” JGSS Symposium 2012, June 9, Osaka University of
KIM, Hyun Sung, 2010, “Empirical Japan Study and Japanese General Social Surveys (실증적 일본연구와
일본판 종합사회조사 (JGSS)),” Japanese Studies (일본학연구), Vol.29, pp.159-177.[FK]
KIMURA, Masafumi, 1999, “Nippon-ban General Social Surveys (JGSS) no Chosa-hohoron-jo no Mondai ni
tsuite (2) JGSS Yobi-chosa no Mokuteki to Hoho (Methodological Issues of JGSS (2) Objectives and
Administration of the JGSS Second Pilot Survey),” Proceedings: 72nd Conference of the Japan Sociological
Society Conference, p.20.[FJ]
KOBAYASHI, Jun, 2010, “Shakaigaku to Shakaichosa-Kyoiku: Nihon Shakaigakkai Symposium yori
(Sociology and Social Research Education: From a Symposium of Japan Socialogical Society),” Advances in
Social Research, No.4, Yuhikaku, pp.52-60.[FJ]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2001, “The Development of the Japanese General Social Surveys and Its Relevance to
Korea,” presented at The Academy of Korean Studies Colloquium, Seoul, Korea.[NP]
NAKAO, Keiko, 1999, “Nippon-ban General Social Surveys (JGSS) no Chosa-hohoron-jo no Mondai ni tsuite
(4) Kokusai-hikaku-jo no Mondaiten: GSS tono Hikaku (Methodological Issues of JGSS (4) Methodological
Issues in Cross-national Comparisons: U.S. GSS (General Social Survey) and Japanese GSS),” Proceedings:
72nd Conference of the Japan Sociological Society, p.22.[FJ]
OI, Masako, 2000, “Nippon-ban General Social Surveys (JGSS) no Chosa-hohoron-jo no Mondai ni tsuite (5)
Johoka to Shotoku-kakusa to Gakko-kyoiku: JGSS Data o mochiite (Methodological Issues of JGSS (5) On
Information Technology, Earnings and School Education using JGSS Data),” Proceedings: 73rd Conference
of the Japan Sociological Society, pp.29.[FJ]
OSAWA, Minae, 2004, “JGSS Project (5) Kaigai no Shakai Chosa: Beikoku to Australia (General Social
Surveys of the US and Australia),” Statistics, Feb. 2004, pp.52-59.[FJ]
OSAWA, Minae, 2004, “JGSS Project (6) Kaigai no Shakai Chosa: Kankoku/Chugoku/Taiwan (General Social
Surveys of Korea, China and Taiwan),” Statistics, Mar. 2004, pp.55-61.[FJ]
OSAWA, Minae, 2004, “JGSS Kokusai Symposium 2003: Hokoku (Reoprt on the JGSS Symposium 2003),”
Milepost No.11, Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, pp.9-11.[FJ]
OSAWA, Minae, 2004, “JGSS no Hyosho: Hokoku (Report: JGSS Project Receives Statistical Activity
Encouraging Award),” Milepost No.11, Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce,
OSAWA, Minae, 2005, “Dai-2-ki JGSS Project no Koso (Grand Plan for the Second Term of the JGSS Project),”
Milepost No. 13, Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, pp.1-2.[FJ]
SATO, Hiroki, 1999, “Nippon-ban General Social Surveys (JGSS) no Chosa-hohoron-jo no Mondai ni tsuite (1)
JGSS no Mokuteki to Igi (Methodological Issues of JGSS (1) Purpose and Meaning),” Proceedings:72nd
Conference of the Japan Sociological Society, p.19.[FJ]
SATO, Hiroki, 2000, “The Japanese General Social Survey: Aims and Rational,” Social Science Japan, No.19,
Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo, pp.27-29.[FE]
SATO, Hiroki, 2000, “Data Archive to ‘Jisshoteki’ na Shakai-kagaku Kenkyu (Data Archive and Quantitative
Social Study),” ESTRELA, No.75, pp.2-6.[FJ]
SATO, Hiroki, 2001, “Nippon-ban GSS to Shakai-kagaku Kenkyu (Japanese GSS and Social Science),” Yoron
(Japan Association for Public Opinion Research-ho) No. 87, pp.5-9.[FJ]
SATO, Hiroki, 2003, “Secondary Analysis in Social Research: Teaching Methods with the JGSS (JGSS no Jugyo
eno Riyo: Nihon Shakai Gakkai deno Hokoku, Giron o Sanko ni),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka
University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Monographs
No.2, pp.233-236.[AE]
SATO, Tomohiko, and SATO, Hiroki, 2006, “Data Archive no Yakuwari to SSJ Data Archives no Genjo:
Jissho-Kenkyu ni okeru Saigen-sei o Tanpo suru tameni (Roles of Data Archives and Current Situtaion of
SSJ Data Archives: To Ensure Verifiability in Empirical Studies),” The Japanese Journal of Labuor Studies,
SHIMAZAKI, Naoko, 2006, “Shakai-Chosas Kyoiku ni okeru Data Archive no Katsuyo: JGSS 2ji-Bunseki
Enshu no Jirei,” ESTRELA, No.147, pp.10-13. [FJ]
SHIMIZU, Makoto, 2001, “JGSS Dai-1-kai Hon-chosa ni okeru Hi-suitei no Kokoromi (Trial Ratio Estimate for
JGSS First Main Survey),” Proceedings: 74th Conference of the Japan Sociological Society, p.193.[FJ]
SMITH, Tom W., KIM, Jibum, KOCH, Achim, and PARK, Alison, 2005, “Social-Science Research And The
General Social Surveys,” Zentrum für Umfrage, Methoden und Analysen (ZUMA), ZUMA-Nachrichten, 56,
SUGITA, Hizuru, and IWAI, Noriko, 2000, “Nippon-ban General Social Surveys (JGSS) no Chosa-hohoron-jo
no Mondai ni tsuite (3) Split-Ballot ni yoru Shitsumon-komoku no Kento (Methodological Issues of JGSS
(3) Examining Forms of Questions by a Split-Ballot Method),” Proceedings: 73rd Conference of the Japan
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
Sociological Society, p.27.[FJ]
TAKAHASHI, Kazuko, 2000, “Nippon-ban General Social Surveys (JGSS) no Chosa-hohoron-jo no Mondai ni
tsuite (4) Sangyo, Shokugyo Coding Jido-ka Shien System (Methodological Issues of JGSS (4) Support
System for An Automatic Industory and Occupation Coding),” Proceedings: 73rd Conference of the Japan
Sociological Society, p.28.[FJ]
TANIOKA, Ichiro, 2000, “Nippon-ban General Social Surveys (JGSS) Keikaku no Shinchoku-jokyo Hokoku to
Kongo no Hatten-kanosei ni tsuite (JGSS Project Report: Present and Future Prospects),” Proceedings: 27th
Conference of the Japanese Association of Sociological Criminology, pp.59-61.[FJ]
TANIOKA, Ichio, 2008, “Column: ‘Sekai no Chosa/ Nihon no Chosa’ JGSS: Kaishi kara 10-nen o hete
(Column: Research Data of the World and Japan: 10 years History of Japanese General Social Surveys
(JGSS)),” Advances in Social Research, No.1, Yuhikaku, p.108.[FJ]
TANIOKA, Ichiro, 2012, “Development of JGSS,” JGSS Symposium 2012, June 9, Osaka University of
TANIOKA, Ichiro, and IWAI, Noriko, 2003, “JGSS Project (1) Tanjo to sono Haikei (Its birth and history),”
Statistics, Oct. 2003, pp.47-54.[FJ]
TANIOKA, Ichiro, and IWAI, Noriko, 2005, “Kokusai Hikaku kano na Micro Data no Teikyo o mezashite: JGSS
Project no Igi to Kadai (Aiming the Provision of Micro Data which enable International Comparisons),” ESP
(Economy Society Policy), March, pp.68-74.[FJ]
TANIOKA, Ichiro, and IWAI, Noriko, 2008, “Profile of the Japanese General Social Surveys: Its Decadelong
History,” Public Opinion (Japan Association for Public Opinion Research), No.101, pp.65-73.[FJ]
TODOROKI, Makoto, and SUGINO, Isamu, 2010, Nyumon: Shakaicyosaho: 2 Step de Kiso kara Manabu (An
Introduction to Social Research Mehods), Horitsu Bunka Sha, 235p.[FJ]
YASUDA, Tokio, 2006, “Hanpuku Odan Chosa to shite no JGSS no Igi: Chosa Kankaku no Mijikasa ga motsu
Riten (Significance of Japanese GSS as Repeated Cross-sectional Survey: Advantage Offered by Short
Survey Intarvals),” The Waseda Sociological Society [ed.], The Annuals of Sociology (Shakaigakunenshi),
No.47, pp.19-33.[FJ]
YASUDA, Tokio, SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, IWAI, Noriko, and TSUMURA, Mondo, “Kaishuritsu wa Naze Kojo
shitanoka: JGSS-2005 to 2006 no Hikaku (Analyses on the Inprovement in the Response Rates of Japanese
General Social Surveys: The Comparison of JGSS-2005 and JGSS-2006),” Proceedings: 80th Conference of
the Japan Sociological Society, p.30.[FJ]
2. EASS Project
BIAN, Yanjie, and LI, Lulu, 2007, “CGSS Pretest Results of 2008 EASS Globalization Module,” Proceedings:
JGSS Colloquium2007, pp.139-141.[FE]
CAO, Yang, SHIBATA, Yuki, and IWAI, Noriko, 2011, “East Asian Social Survey 2012 Module on Network
Social Capital: The Development of Pretest Questionnaire in Japan, Korea, China, and Taiwan (East Asian
Social Survey 2012 Network Social Capital Module no Sakusei: Nikkanchutai ni yoru Pretest Chosahyo no
Sakusei),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.8 (JGSS
Monographs No.11), pp.219-257.[AE]
CHANG, Chin-fen, and CHANG, Han-pi, 2009, “台灣人的多元文化觀與實踐 (Multiculturalism in Taiwan:
From Concept to Practice),” Proceedings:14th TSCS Conference and 2009 EASS Symposium, November 18,
Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, Taipei.[FC]
CHANG, Chin-fen, and CHEN, Mei-hua, 2009, “Sex Tourism by Taiwanese: Where Did They Go and Who Are
They?,” Proceedings:14th TSCS Conference and 2009 EASS Symposium, November 18, Institute of
Sociology, Academia Sinica, Taipei.[FE]
CHEN, Chao-Nan, 2007, “The Impact of Household Distance on Intergenerational Support Exchanges in
Taiwan,” The 9th Research Meeting of Taiwan Social Change Survey, Academia Sinica, Taipei.[NP]
CHEN, Duan-Rung, 2008, “Obesity, Socioeconomic Inequality, and Spatial Dependence in Taiwan,” presented
at KGSS-EASS Conference ‘Family and Social Life in East Asia,’ Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul,
CHEN, Lai-Chun, 2007, “不同婚姻狀態對代間支持交換的影響 (Effect of Marital Status on Exchange of
Intergenerational Support),” The 9th Research Meeting of Taiwan Social Change Survey, Academia Sinica,
CHEN, Yu-Hua, 2007, “Cohort and Age Effects on Marriage,” The 9th Research Meeting of Taiwan Social
Change Survey, Academia Sinica, Taipei.[NP]
East Asian Social Survey Data Archive, 2010, EASSDA newsletter, November 2010 Vol.1.[FE]
East Asian Social Survey Data Archive, 2011, EASSDA newsletter, November 2011 Vol.2.[FE]
East Asian Social Survey Data Archive, 2012, EASSDA newsletter, November 2012 Vol.3.[FE]
ENOKI, Miki, 2008, “Development of EASS 2008 Culture Module: The Result of JGSS Pretest (EASS 2008
Culture Module no Sakusei: JGSS ni yoru Pre-Test no Kekka o Chushin ni),” Institute of Regional Studies,
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research
Series No.4 (JGSS Monographs No.7), pp.195-232.[AE]
ENOKI, Miki, and IWAI, Noriko, 2007, “Pretest Results of EASS 2008 Culture Module and Proposed Changes
by JGSS,” Prodeedings of JGSS Colloquium 2007, pp.115-132.[FE]
EUN, Ki-Soo, 2007, “Direct and Indirect Contacts between Family Members in Korea: A Preliminary Analysis
of the Korean General Social Survey 2006 Data,” Proceedings: JGSS Colloquium 2007, pp41-57.[FE]
EUN, Ki-Soo, 2007, “Are There ‘Asian’ Family Values in Korea? An Exploratory Study,” presented at EASS
Symposium on East Asian Societies and the Family, July 17, Hong Kong University of Science and
Technology, Hong Kong.[NP]
HAN, Gyounghae, and KIM, Sang-Wook, 2007, “Intergenerational Relationships in Korean Families: Lineage
Differences,” presented at EASS Symposium on East Asian Societies and the Family, July 17, Hong Kong
University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong.[NP]
HAN, Gyounghae, and KIM, Sang-Wook, 2007, “Intergenerational Relationships in Korea; Lineage
Differences,” Proceedings: JGSS Colloquium 2007, pp.1-22.[FE]
HAN, Gyounghae, LEE, Yoon-Seo, and KIM, Sang-Wook, 2008, “From Patrilineal to Bilateral?:
Intergenerational Relationship in Korea,” presented at KGSS-EASS Conference ‘Family and Social Life in
East Asia,’ Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea.[NP]
HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, 2009, “Development of EASS 2010 Health Module: Results of JGSS Pretest (EASS
2010 Health Module no Sakusei: JGSS ni yoru Pretest no Kekka o chushin ni),” JGSS Research Center,
Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.6 (JGSS Monographs No.9),
IWAI, Noriko, 2011, “EASS project, outline of the survey methods and its overall results,” ISA RC06 (CFR)
Workshop, September 13, Kyoto.[FE]
IWAI, Noriko, 2012, “Development of East Asian Social Surveys,” JGSS Symposium 2012, June 10, Osaka
University of Commerce.[FE]
IWAI, Noriko, and SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 2012, “East Asian Social Survey kara Mita Kokusai Hikaku Chosa no
Konnan to Kadai (Difficulties of challenges in cross-national surveys based on an experience in conducting
EASS),” Spring Seminar 2011 of the Behaviormetric Society of Japan, March 17, Osaka University of
KIM, Sang-Wook, 2006, “Intergenerational Support Relations in Korea: Evidence from 2006 EASS Module
Survey,” presented at EASS 2006 Taipei Conference, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.[NP]
KIM, Sang-Wook, and KOH, Chi-Young, 2007, “KGSS Comments on EASS 2008 Questionnaire,” Proceedings:
JGSS Colloquium 2007, pp.133-137.[FE]
KIM, Sang-Wook, KO, Dongwoo, KOH, Chi-Young, KIM, Seokho, KIM, Jae-On, NAM, Eun-Young, PARK,
Byoung-Jin, YANG, Jonghoe, LEE, Kyung-Mee, LEE, Jang-Young, LEE, Jung-Jin, CHUNG, Byung-Eun,
and CHOI, Yoo-Jung, 2007, 2006 Korean General Social Survey, Sungkyunkwan University Press, Seoul,
KOH, Chi-Young, 2007, “Intergenerational Support and Children's Marital Satisfaction: Gender Differences,”
Proceedings: JGSS Colloquium 2007, pp.23-39.[FE]
LIN, Ju-Ping, and YI, Chin-Chun, 2007, “Intergenerational Exchange in Taiwan: The Provision of Adult
Children to Older Parents,” presented at EASS Symposium on East Asian Societies and the Family, July 17,
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong.[NP]
LIN, Ju-Ping, and Yi, Chin-chun, 2007, “成年子女與老年父母的代間支持 (Intergenerational Exchanges
between Adult Children and Their Elderly Parents),” The 9th Research Meeting of Taiwan Social Change
Survey, Academia Sinica, Taipei.[NP]
LU, Luo, KAO, Shu-Fan, WU, Hsin-Pei, and CHANG, Ting-Ting, 2007, “I or We?: Family Socialization Values
in a National Probability Sample in Taiwan,” The 9th Research Meeting of Taiwan Social Change Survey,
Academia Sinica, Taipei.[NP]
LU, Pau-Ching, 2007, “誰来照顧老人?台湾民衆対照顧老人責任者法之初探 (Who Takes Care of the
Elderly? Exploratory Analysis of Ways the Taiwanese See Who Takes Responsibility of Nursing the
Elderly),” The 9th Research Meeting of Taiwan Social Change Survey, Academia Sinica, Taipei.[NP]
LU, Yilong, 2007, “Do ‘Little Emperors’ Enhance Marital Stability? -Evidence from Urban China,” Proceedings:
JGSS Colloquium 2007, pp.59-76.[FE]
MIWA, Kana, and IWAI, Noriko, 2010, “Development of East Asian Social Survey 2010 Health Module (2):
Adjustments based on the Pretests in Japan, Korea, China and Taiwan (East Asian Social Survey 2010 Health
Module no Sakusei(2): Nikkanchutai no Pretest ni motozuku Chosei),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka
University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.7 (JGSS Monographs No.10), pp.297-322.[AE]
NITTA, Michio, 2008, “Development of East Asian Social Surveys,” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka
University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS SYMPOSIUM 2008: Development of East Asian Social Surveys:
Results of EASS 2006 Family Module, pp.135-137.[FE]
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
SHIBATA, Yuki, and IWAI, Noriko, 2012, “Development of the East Asian Social Survey 2012 Network Social
Capital Module (2): The Process from Osaka Meeting to Final Decision of Module (East Asian Social Survey
2012 Network Social Capital Module no Sakusei (2): Osaka Kaigi kara Module no Saishu Kettei made),”
JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.9 (JGSS
Monographs No.12), pp.129-153.[AE]
SU, Shuo-bing, 2009, “日常生活的全球化:論人際信任與系統信任 (Cultural Globalization of Everyday Life:
Personal Trust and Systematic Trust),” Proceedings:14th TSCS Conference and 2009 EASS Symposium,
November 18, Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, Taipei.[FC]
TSAI, Ming-chang, and CHANG, Chin-fen, 2007, “Pretest Results of Taiwan Social Change Survey, the Fourth
Phase of Fifth Wave: Using East Asian Social Survey (2008 Culture Module) Questionnaire,” Proceedings:
JGSS Colloquium2007, pp.107-114.[FE]
World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR), 2012, “East Asian Social Survey Meets in Xi'an,”
WAPOR NEWSLETTER, Fourth Quarter 2012, p.8.[FE]
WONG, Thomas, 2007, “EASS Family Survey 2006 (Hong Kong) Report on Preliminary Findings,” presented at
EASS Symposium on East Asian Societies and the Family, July 17, Hong Kong University of Science and
Technology, Hong Kong.[NP]
XIE, Guihua, 2006, “Review of the Studies of Globalization's Impact on Value in China,” EASS Conference
2006, Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.[FE]
XIE, Guihua, 2007, “Living Arrangement of Aged People in China,” presented at EASS Symposium on East
Asian Societies and the Family, July 17, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong
YEH, Kuang-Hui, 2007, “孝道觀念與代間互動 (Filial Piety and Intergenerational Interaction),” The 9th
Research Meeting of Taiwan Social Change Survey, Academia Sinica, Taipei.[NP]
YI, Chin-Chun, and CHAN, Chao-Wen, 2007, “The Social Basis of Mate Selection Patterns in Taiwan: with a
Discussion of Its Possible Linkage to Marital Satisfaction,” presented at EASS Symposium on East Asian
Societies and the Family, July 17, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong.[NP]
3. Social Change/Social Trend
HASHIMOTO, Kenji, 2009, ‘Kakusa’ no Sengo-shi; Kaikyu-Shakai Nihon no Rirekisho (Social and Economic
Disparities in Post-war Japan), Kawade Shobo Shinsya, 229p.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, 2011,“The Current Picture and Overall Trends of the Japanese Family Based on JGSS Cumulative
Data 2000-2010 (JGSS-2000-2010 kara mita Kazoku no Genjo to Henka),” Japanese Journal of Family
Sociology, No.23(1), pp.30-42.[AE]
IWAI, Noriko, 2011, “Changes in the Japanese Family and the Years Ahead (Nihon no Kazoku no Henka to
Korekara),” Japanese Journal of Family Sociology, No.23(1), pp.19-22.[AE]
WAI, Noriko, and et al., 2012, “Challenges of Capturing Attitudes and Behavioral Patterns among Japanese
People: An Experience of JGSS since 1998,” JGSS Symposium 2012, June 9, Osaka University of
IWAI, Noriko, and SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 2006, “Trends of Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns based on
JGSS Cumulative Data 2000-2003 (JGSS Ruiseki Data 2000-2003 ni miru Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo no
Henka),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science,
University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.2 (JGSS Monographs No.5), pp.1-17.[AE]
IWAI, Noriko, and SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 2006, “Trends of Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns based on
JGSS Cumulative Data 2000-2003 (Nihon-jin no Ishiki to Kodo no Henka: JGSS Ruiseki-Data 2000-2003 ni
miru Trends),” Proceedings: 79th Conference of the Japan Sociological Society, p.48.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, and SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 2006, “Trends of Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns based on
JGSS Cumulative Data 2000-2003,” EASS Conference 2006, Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, Taipei,
IWAI, Noriko, and SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 2007, “Trends of Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns based on
JGSS Cumulative Data 2000-2003,” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and
Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.3 (JGSS Monographs No.6),
IWAI, Noriko, and SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 2008, “21-Seiki Shoto ni okeru Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo no Henka
(Changes in Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns in the early 21st century),” TANIOKA, Ichiro, NITTA,
Michio, and IWAI, Noriko [eds.], Values and Behavioral Patterns in Japan: An Analysis Based on Japanese
General Social Surveys, 2000 to 2003 (Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo), University of Tokyo Press, pp.19-43.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, and SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 2009, “The Changes in Consciousness and Behavior of the Japansese,”
International Scientific Conference ‘Ethnos in Cross-Cultural Cooperation: The Ukrainian-Japanese Cultural
Parallels,’ March 27, Rylsky Institute of Art Studies, Folklore and Ethnology and Japan Foundation, Kyiv,
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
IWAI, Noriko, and SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 2009, “Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo no Henka: JGSS Ruiseki Data
2000-2008 ni miru Trends (Trends of Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns based on JGSS Cumulative
Data 2000-2006),” Proceedings: 82nd Conference of the Japan Sociological Society, p.61.[FJ]
KOISO, Kaoru, 2012, “Transition of English Ability of Japanese Adults: Using JGSS-2002 and 2010 Data,”
JGSS Symposium 2012, June 9, Osaka University of Commerce.[FE]
NOZAKI, Kayo, 2012, “The Youth Labor Market and Occupation in Japan: An Analysis of JGSS Cumulative
Data 2000-2010,” JGSS Symposium 2012, June 9, Osaka University of Commerce.[FE]
OKUTSU, Mari, 2007, “Career Analysis of Today’s Japanese from Different Angles: Dramatic Change of the
Japanese Society and Workers’ Way of Life,” Japan Labor Review, Vol.4, No.2, pp.121-138.[FE]
SASAKI, Takayuki, 2011, “JGSS Ruiseki Data 2000-2010 ni Miru Nihonjin no Seibetsu Yakuwari Bungyo
Ishiki no Susei: Age-Period-Cohort Analysis no Tekiyo (The Transformation of Japanese Gender Role
Attitudes based on JGSS Cumulative Data 2000-2010: An Application of Age-Period-Cohort Analysis),”
Proceedings: 21st Conference of the Japan Society of Family Sociology, pp.40-41.[FJ]
SASAKI, Takayuki, 2012, “Gender role attitude and modernization in Japan: An examination of JGSS
cumulative data 2000-2010,” The 40th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology, February
17, Delhi, India.[FE]
SASAKI, Takayuki, 2012, “The Transformation of Japanese Gender Role Attitudes based on JGSS Cumulative
Data 2000-2010: An Application of Age-Period-Cohort Analysis (JGSS Ruiseki-Data 2000-2010 ni miru
Nihonjin no Seibetsu Yakuwari Bungyo Ishiki no Susei: Age-Period-Cohort Analysis no Teikiyo),” JGSS
Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.9 (JGSS Monographs
No.12), pp.69-80.[AE]
SASAKI, Takayuki, 2012, “The Transformation of Gender Role Attitudes in Japan: An Analysis of JGSS
Cumulative Data 2000-2010,” JGSS Symposium 2012, June 9, Osaka University of Commerce.[FE]
SHINOHARA, Sayaka K., 2012, “Changes in Attitudes toward Marriage in Japan: Analyses Using the JGSS
Cumulative Data 2000-2010 (Nihon ni okeru Kekkonkan no Henka: JGSS Ruiseki-Data 2000-2010 o
mochiita Bunseki),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series
No.9 (JGSS Monographs No.12), pp.69-80.[AE]
SHINOZAKI, Takehisa, 2006, “A Time Series Comparison of Self-identification of Social group from JGSS data
A Time Series Comparison of Self-identification of Social group from JGSS data (JGSS kara mita
Shukan-teki Kaiso no Keinen Henka),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and
Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.2 (JGSS Monographs No.5),
SHINOZAKI, Takehisa, 2008, “Trends of Income Level and Distribution: Comparison of the results of JGSS
Data and Government Statistics (Shotoku no Suijun to Baratsuki no Jikeiretsu-teki Suii ni tsuite: JGSS to
Seifu-Tokei no Hikaku),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of
Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.4 (JGSS Monographs No.7),
SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 2007, “JGSS Ruiseki-Data 2000-2006 ni miru Kazoku ni kakawaru Ishiki no Henka
(Trends of Attitude about Family based on JGSS Cumulative Data 2000-2006),” Proceedings: 17th
Conference of the Japan Society of Family Sociology, pp.36-37.[FJ]
SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, and IWAI, Noriko, 2008, “Trends of Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns based on
JGSS Cumulative Data 2000-2006,” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.],
JGSS SYMPOSIUM 2008: Development of East Asian Social Surveys: Results of EASS 2006 Family
Module, pp.105-134.[FE]
SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, and IWAI, Noriko, 2008, “Nihon-jin no Ishiki to Kodo no Henka: JGSS Ruiseki-Data
2000-2006 ni miru Trends (Trends of Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns based on JGSS Cumulative
Data 2000-2006),” Proceedings:81st Conference of the Japan Sociological Society, p.251.[FJ]
SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, and IWAI, Noriko 2009, “Trends of Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Based on
JGSS Cumulative Data 2000-2006 (JGSS Ruiseki-Data 2000-2006 ni miru Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo no
Henka),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.6 (JGSS
Monographs No.9), pp.1-22.[AE]
SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, and IWAI, Noriko, 2010, “Trends of Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Based on
JGSS Cumulative Data 2000-2008 (JGSS Ruiseki-Data 2000-2008 ni miru Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo no
Henka),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.7 (JGSS
Monographs No.10), pp.1-22.[AE]
SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, and SASAKI, Takayuki, 2011, “Happiness in Japan: A Hierarchical Age-Period-Cohort
Analysis based on JGSS Cumulative Data 2000-2010 (Nihonjin no Kofukukan: Kaisoteki APC Analysis ni
yoru JGSS Ruiseki Data 2000-2010 no Bunseki),” Japanese Sociological Review, Vol.62 No.3,
SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, and SASAKI, Takayuki, 2011, “Nihonjin no Kofukukan: JGSS Ruiseki Data 2000-2010 ni
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
motozuku Age-Period-Cohort Analysis no Kento (Happiness in Japan: An Age-Period-Cohort Analysis base
on JGSS Cumulative Data 2000-2010),” Proceedings: 84th Annual Meething of the Japan Sociological
Society, p.55.[FJ]
SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, and SASAKI, Takayuki, 2012, “Japanese Happiness: An Analysis of JGSS Cumulative
Data 2000-2010,” JGSS Symposium 2012, June 9, Osaka University of Commerce.[FE]
TANIOKA, Ichiro, NITTA, Michio, and IWAI, Noriko, “Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo (Values and Behavioral
Patterns in Japan),” TANIOKA, Ichiro, NITTA, Michio, and IWAI, Noriko [eds.], Values and Behavioral
Patterns in Japan: An Analysis Based on Japanese General Social Surveys, 2000 to 2003 (Nihonjin no Ishiki
to Kodo), University of Tokyo Press, pp.3-18.[FJ]
4. Social Group/Organization
GENJIDA, Kenichi, 2013, “Unequal Distribution of Recognition in Relation with Socio-economic Status: A
Cross-sectional Analysis of the JGSS-2012 Data (Shonin no Kakusa to ShakaiKeizai-teki Chii: JGSS-2012 ni
yoru Bunseki),” GSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.10
(JGSS Monographs No.13), pp.13-24.[AE]
HARA, Hitomi, and KAWAGUCHI, Daiji, 2006, “What Do Unions Do in Japan?” COE/RES Discussion Paper
Series, No.171, pp.1-46.[FE]
IWABUCHI, Akiko, 2004, “Shinrai no Kino to Shakai-Kaiso,” NAOI, Atsushi, and TAROMARU, Hiroshi [eds.],
Joho-ka Shakai ni Kansuru Zenkoku Chosa Chukan Hokokusho, Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka
University, pp.141-156.[FJ]
KAWAGUCHI, Daiji, and HARA Hiromi, 2007, “Nihon no Rodo-Kumiai wa Yaku ni tatte irunoka?: Kumiai
Koka no Keisoku,” JILPT Discussion Paper, 07-02, 35p.[FJ]
KOBAYASHI, Jun, 2010, “How Do People Work in the Workplace in JGSS-2009 Life Course Study?: Analyses
of Work Amount, Proposing New Ideas, and Supporting Colleagues (JGSS-2009 Life Course Chosa ni miru
Shigoto eno Torikumi: Shigoto-ryo, Idea Teian, Doryo Support no Bunseki),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka
University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.7 (JGSS Monographs No.10), pp.251-260.[AE]
MATSUMOTO, Miyuki, 2012, “Group Solidarity and Peace of Mind Mediate Effects of Social Situation and
Work Environment on Loneliness and Job Satisfaction from the Data of JGSS-2010 (Rodosha no Shokuba no
Rentaikan, Yutorikan ga Kodokukan oyobi Shokumu Manzokukan ni oyobosu Eikyo: JGSS-2010 o mochiita
Bunseki),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.9 (JGSS
Monographs No.12), pp.29-39.[AE]
MATSUMOTO, Wataru, 2003, “Organizing and Environment in the Third Sector (NPO no Soshiki-ka Genri to
Kankyo Jokyo),” Doctoral dissertation, Course of International Studies, Institute of Environmental Studies,
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, University of Tokyo, 217p.[FJ]
MATSUMOTO, Wataru, 2004, “NPO ni Sanka suru Hitobito no Haikei Yoin no Kaimei (Clarification of
background factors of participanting for nonprofit organizations),” Tayo na Hataraki-kata no Kozo Bunseki
(Structure Analysis of Wide Modes of Employment), SSJ Data Archive Research Paper Series 30
(SSJDA-30), Information Center for Social Science Research on Japan, Institute of Social Science,
University of Tokyo, pp.71-110.[FJ]
MATSUMOTO, Wataru, 2006, “Steadiness of Trust in Organizations: Multiple Group Analysis of the JGSS
Cumulative Data 2000-2003 (Soshiki ni taisuru Shinrai no Antei-sei: JGSS Ruiseki Data 2000-2003 o
mochiita Ta-boshudan Doji Bunseki),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and
Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.2 (JGSS Monographs No.5),
MIYATA, Naoko, 2007, “The Identification with Workplace and the Personal Networks of Job: The Interaction
Effect of Organization Adjustment Period and the Personal Networks of ‘Compound Type’(Shokuba eno
Kizoku-Ishiki to Sodan-Network: Soshiki-teki Tekio-ki ni okeru Fukugo-teki na Sodan-Network no Koka),”
Annals of Human Sciences, Vol.28, pp.99-116.[AE]
MIYATA, Naoko, 2007, “Shokuba eno Kizoku-Ishiki to Sodan Network: Soshiki Tekio-ki ni okeru Sodan
Network no Kata to Mitsudo (The Identification with Workplace and Discussion Network: The types and
density of the networks in the organization adjustment process),” Proceedings; 58th Conference of the
Kansai Sociological Association, p.18.[FJ]
NITTA, Michio, and SHINOZAKI, Takehisa, 2008, “Rodo Kumiai no Chingin Koka no Kensho (Estimation of
the Union Wage Effect),” TANIOKA, Ichiro, NITTA, Michio, and IWAI, Noriko [eds.], Values and
Behavioral Patterns in Japan: An Analysis Based on Japanese General Social Surveys, 2000 to 2003
(Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo), University of Tokyo Press, pp.121-133.[FJ]
OGINO, Ryogo, 2011, “Shakaiteki Network no Keisei ni Chukan Shudan ga hatasu Yakuwari: JGSS-2003 o
mochiita Bunseki,” Bulletin of The Japan Association of Lifelong Education, No.32, pp.125-141.[FJ]
SAKAGUCHI, Yusuke, 2010, “Risk to Risk Ninchi no Shakaiteki Keisei Mechanism ni kansuru Keiryo Kenkyu:
Shitsugyo, Kankyo, Hanzai Risk no Hikaku Bunseki (Quantitative Research concerning Social Mechanism
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
of Risk and Risk Perception: Comparison Analysis of Unemployment, Environment, and Crime Risk),”
Doctoral Thesis, Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University, 117p.[FJ]
SATO, Yoshimichi, 2009, “Reviews: Jeffrey C. Alexander, The Civil Sphere, New York and Oxford University
Press, 2006, xix+793 pp., ISBN9780195612509,” International Sociology, March 2009, pp.262-267.[FE]
TSURU, Tsuyoshi, YOSHINAKA, Takashi, ENOKI, Hiroyuki, and TOKUDA, Hidenobu, 2008, “Rodo Kumiai
no Keizai Koka to Mi-soshiki Rodosha no Soshiki-ka Shiji: ‘Ushinawareta 10-nen’ no Zengo Hikaku (The
Economic Effects of Unions and Nonunion Workers’ Attitude toward Unionization: Before and After Japan's
Lost Decade),” Discussion Paper Series, A No.505, Hitotsubashi University.[FJ]
TSURU, Tsuyoshi, YOSHINAKA, Takashi, ENOKI, Hiroyuki, and TOKUDA, Hidenobu, 2009, “Rodo Kumiai
no Chingin, Hatsugen Koka to Mi-soshiki Rodosha no Soshiki-ka Shiji: ‘Ushinawareta 10-nen’ no Zengo
Hikaku (Union Wage and Voice Effects and Nonunion Workers’ Attitude toward Unionization: Before and
After Japan’s Lost Decade),” Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University [ed.], Economic
Review, Vol.60, No.2, pp.140-155, Iwanami Shoten, Publishers.[FJ]
5. Social Class/Social Stratification/Social Mobility
AIZAWA, Shin’ichi, 2007, “Koki-Chuto-Kyoiku Kakudai-ki no Gakureki to Shokureki no Renkan 1: Sedai-nai
Ido to Shokugyo-Kozo no Henka ni motozuku Tansaku-teki Jiki-Kubun o Tegakari to shite (Linkage to High
School diplomas and their Career Routes in Educational Expansion Era: Inspired from Changes of their
Intra-Genearational Social Mobilty and Occupational Structure),” Proceedings: 80th Conference of the Japan
Sociological Society, p.189.[FJ]
AIZAWA, Shin’ichi, and KAGAWA, Mei, 2007, “Koki-Chuto-Kyoiku Kakudai-ki ni okeru
Kosotsu-Shushoku-sha no Sedainai-Ido: Shakai-Ido Kenkyu ni okeru Jikeiretsu-teki Tansaku-Bunseki no
Kokoromi (Intra-generational Social Mobity of Hich School Graduates at the time of Educational Expansion
Era: Exploratory time-series analysis of the Social Mobility Study Using JGSS Accumulative Datasets,”
Proceedings:55th Annual Meeting, The Kantoh Sociological Society (The University of Tsukuba),
AIZAWA, Shin’ichi, and KAGAWA, Mei, 2008, “Intra-Generational Mobility of High School Graduates in the
Era of Educational Expansion: An Investigative Time-series Analysis of Social Mobility Research Using
JGSS Cumulative Data (Koki-Chuto-Kyoiku Kakudai-ki no Kosotsu-Shushoku-sha no Sedainai-Ido: JGSS
Ruiseki Data o mochiita Shakai-Ido Kenkyu ni okeru Jikeiretsu-teki Tansaku-Bunseki no Kokoromi),” The
Kantoh Sociological Society [eds.] The Annual Review of Sociology, No.21, pp.131-142.[AE]
DATE, Heiwa, 2012, “A Study of the Effect of Parents Educational Assortative Mating on Their Children’s
Educational Attainment: An Analysis of the Expansion-phase, Intensification-phase, Mitigation-phasein
Higher Education by JGSS-2009LCS (Oya no Gakureki Doruikon ga Ko no Kyoiku Tassei ni oyobosu Eikyo
ni kansuru Kosatsu: JGSS-2009LCS ni yoru Koto Kyoiku no Kyoso Kakudai-ki, Gekika-ki, Kanwa-ki no
Bunseki),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.9 (JGSS
Monographs No.12), pp.93-105.[AE]
GENJIDA, Kenichi, 2013, “Unequal Distribution of Recognition in Relation with Socio-economic Status: A
Cross-sectional Analysis of the JGSS-2012 Data (Shonin no Kakusa to ShakaiKeizai-teki Chii: JGSS-2012 ni
yoru Bunseki),” GSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.10
(JGSS Monographs No.13), pp.13-24.[AE]
GRUSKY, David B., SATO, Yoshimichi, JONSSON, Jan O., MIWA, Satoshi, DI CARLO, Matthew, POLLAK,
Reinhard, and BRINTON, Mary C., 2008, “Social Mobility in Japan: A New Approach to Modeling Trend in
Mobility,” WATANABE, Tsutomu [ed.] Shakai-Kaiso to Shakai-Ido, Report of the Research Project Funded
by Scientific Grant from Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, pp.1-25.[FE]
HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, 2010, “Inequalities in Health and Health Care Access: Analysis of Access to Medical
Care using JGSS-2008 (Iryo to Kenko no Kakusa: JGSS-2008 ni motozuku Iryo Access no Bunseki),” JGSS
Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.7 (JGSS Monographs
No.10), pp.99-110.[AE]
HASEGAWA, Hikaru, and UEDA, Kazuhiro, 2013, “Self-Assessed Social Position and Poverty,” Review of
Income and Wealth, doi: 10.1111/roiw.12036.[FE]
HASHIMOTO, Kenji, 2006, “Emerging Young Underclass in Japan: Transformation of Modern Class Structure
(Underclass-ka suru Jakunen-so: Kindai-teki Kaikyu Kozo no Henbo),” Tohoku Sociology Society [ed.],
Shakaigaku Nenpo, No.35, pp.19-46.[AE]
HASHIMOTO, Kenji, 2006, Kaikyu-Shakai: Gendai Nihon no Kakusa o tou (Japan as Class Society: Inquiry
into expanding inequalities), Kodansha, 226p.[FJ]
HASHIMOTO, Kenji, 2006, “Kyoiku-Kikai no Fu-Byodo to Byodo no tame no Kyoiku: Shakai-Seisaku
(Inequality of educational chance and educational-social policies for equality),” World Labour (Sekai no
Rodo), Vol.56 No.11, pp.38-45.[FJ]
HASHIMOTO, Kenji, 2007, “Kakusa-Shakai to Kyoiku-Kakusa (Gap-widening society and inequality of
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
Education),” Shohisha Joho, 2007.4 (No.380), pp.12-13.[FJ]
HASHIMOTO, Kenji, 2007, Atarashii Kaikyu-Shakai Atarashii Kaikyu-Toso (New class society and new class
struggle), Kobunsha, 239p.[FJ]
HASHIMOTO, Kenji, 2009, ‘Kakusa’ no Sengo-shi; Kaikyu-Shakai Nihon no Rirekisho (Social and Economic
Disparities in Post-war Japan), Kawade Shobo Shinsya, 229p.[FJ]
HASHIMOTO, Setsuko, 2008, “Social Stratification and Media Environment in Japan: An Empirical Analysis of
Media Access using Jgss-2005 (Gendai Nihon ni okeru Media-Kankyo no Kaiso Tokusei: JGSS-2005 ni yoru
TV, Shinbun, Internet Sesshoku o mochiita Jissho-Bunseki),” Discussion Paper, No.08-06, Graduate School
of Tokyo Institute of Technology, 17p.[AE]
HIRAO, Ichiro, and TAROHMARU, Hiroshi, 2007, “Josei to Dansei no Sedai-kan-Ido: Association Model o
Mochiite,” 46th Conference of the Japanese Association for Mathematical Sociology, September 15,
Hiroshima Shudo University.[FJ]
HIRAO, Ichiro, and TAROHMARU, Hiroshi, 2008, “Sedai-kan Ido Pattern ni okeru Hiseiki Koyo no Ichi: RC
Model o mochiite,” presented at the 59th Conference of the Kansai Sociological Association, May 25,
Matsuyama University.[FJ]
HIRAO, Ichiro, and TAROHMARU, Hiroshi, 2011, “The Location of Nonstandard Employment in an
Intergenerational Mobility Regime,” 'Gendai Nihon no Kaiso Jokyo no Kaimei: Micro-Macro Renketsu
karano Approadh' Kagaku Kenkyuhi Hojokin Kiban Kenkyu (A) Kenkyu Seika Hokokusho, pp.59-73.[FE]
HIRAO, Ichiro, and TAROHMARU, Hiroshi, 2011, “The Location of Nonstandard Employment in an
Intergenerational Mobility Regime,” Sociological Theory and Methods Vol.26 No2, pp.355-370.[AE]
ISHIDA, Hiroshi, 2002, “Trends in Social Inequality Based on the Pattern of Intergenerational Mobility: A
Recent Shown in the JGSS-2000 (Sedai-kan Ido kara mita Shakai-teki Fu-byodo no Susei: JGSS-2000 ni
miru Saikin no Keiko),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social
Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Monographs No.1, pp.17-31.[AE]
ISHIDA, Hiroshi, 2002, “Oya no Sedai to Kodomo no Sedai: Sedai-kan Ido (Parent generations and child
generations: Intergenerational mobility),” IWAI, Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and
Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to
Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, pp.136-143.[FJ]
ISHIDA, Hiroshi, 2003, “Educational Expansion and Inequality in Access to Higher Education in Japan,”
presented at the 98th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Atlanta, USA.[NP]
ISHIDA, Hiroshi, 2003, “Educational Expansion and Inequality in Access to Higher Education in Japan,”
presented at the Research Committee 28 on Social Stratification, International Sociological Association, New
ISHIDA, Hiroshi, 2003, “Shakai-kaiso to Kaiso-ishiki no Kokusai Hikaku (Cross-national Comparison of Social
Stratification and Status Consciousness),” HIGUCHI, Y., and Policy Research Institute, Ministry of Finance
[eds.], Nihon no Shotoku-kakusa to Shakai-kaiso (Income Inequality and Social Stratification in Japan),
Nippon-Hyoron-Sha, pp.105-126.[FJ]
ISHIDA, Hiroshi, 2003, “Inequality in Access to Higher Education in Post-war Japan,” ISS Discussion Paper
Series No.F-111, Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo, pp.1-35.[FE]
ISHIDA, Hiroshi, 2003, “Class Structure, Intergenerational Mobility and Status Consciousness in Japan and
Industrial Nations,” presented at Thematic Lecture Series on East Asia [Theme 3]: Social Inequality,
Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea.[NP]
ISHIDA, Hiroshi, 2004, “Does Class Matter in Japan? Demographics of Class Structure and Class Mobility in
Comparative Perspective,” presented at the Conference on Researching Social Class in Japan, Center for
Japanese Studies, University of Michigan, USA.[NP]
ISHIDA, Hiroshi, 2004, “Social Inequality and Status Consciousness in Cross-national Comparative Perspective
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CAO, Yang, 2010, “Osanai Kodomo o motsu Hahaoya no Kokyo-Shisetsu no Sentaku Kodo (Choice behavior of
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with three or more children),” 14th Meething of The Japan Public Choice Society (June 27, Keio University
CAO, Yang, 2010, “Kodomo-su ni kansuru Genjitsu to Riso: EASS 2006 Data o mochiita Nikkanchutai no
Hikaku (Actual and ideals conditions concerning the number of children: Using the EASS 2006 survey for
international comparisons between Japan, South Korea, China and Taiwan),” Proceedings: 51st Conference
of the Japanese Society of Social Psychology, pp.576-577.[FJ]
CAO, Yang, MATSUMOTO, Shigeru, and MURATA, Tadahiko, 2010, “Kojin to Shakai’ no Bunmyaku ni okeru
Kazoku-Keikaku no Eikyo-Yoin (Factors Affecting Family Planning in the Context of ‘The Individual and
Society’),” 62nd Annual Meeting of the Population Association of Japan (June 12, Ochanomizu
DATE, Heiwa, 2012, “Ko-Gakureki ga Kafuchosei-Ishiki ni oyobosu Eikyo ni tuite no Hikaku-Shakaigaku:
Nihon, Kankoku, Taiwan, Chugoku, Betonamu, Tai ni okeru Hikaku (A comparative study of the effect of
higher education on patriarchal values: Comparatative study between Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China, Vietnam
and Thailand),” 63rd Conference of the Kansai Sociological Association, May 26, Kogakukan
DATE, Heiwa, 2013, “A Study of the Factors Determining the Types of Patriarchal Values: Comparative Studies
between Japan, Korea and Taiwan (Kafucho-sei Ishiki no 4-ruikei ni kansuru Kiteiyoin: Nihon, Kankoku,
Taiwan no 3-chiiki Hikaku),” Socio-cultural Studies of Education, Vol.13, Kyoto University, pp33-47.[AE]
DATE, Heiwa, 2013, “The Effects of Higher Education on Patriarchy in a Comparative Perspective: Focusing on
Six Asian Societies (Kogakureki ga Kafuchosei-Ishiki ni oyobosu Eikyo ni tuite no Hikakushakaigaku:
Nihon, Kankoku, Taiwan, Chugoku, Vietnam, Thai ni okeru Hikaku),” Japanese Sociological Review, Vol.64
No.2, pp.187-204.[AE]
EUN, Ki-Soo, 2007, “Direct and Indirect Contacts between Family Members in Korea: A Preliminary Analysis
of the Korean General Social Survey 2006 Data,” Proceedings: JGSS Colloquium 2007, pp41-57.[FE]
EUN, Ki-Soo, 2007, “Are There ‘Asian’ Family Values in Korea? An Exploratory Study,” presented at EASS
Symposium on East Asian Societies and the Family, July 17, Hong Kong University of Science and
Technology, Hong Kong.[NP]
FUKUDA, Jun, and HISAMOTO, Norio, 2010, “Josei no Shuro to Oya-Sedai no Kosodate Sanka no Kankei,”
the 121st Conference of the Society for the Study of Social Policy, October 30, Ehime University.[FJ]
FUSE, Kana, 2006, “Daughter Preference in Japan: A Reflection of Shift in Gender Role Attitudes (or not)?”
paper presented at session 57 (Implications of Gender Interactions and Ideologies for Reproductive
Behavior) at Population Association of America 2006 Annual Meeting, March 30-April 1, Los Angeles,
HAMADA, Kunisuke, 2012, “Global-ka ni okeru Ninchi no Kitei Yoin: JGSS-2008 Data no Bunseki kara
(Factors Contributing to Perceived Risk of Globalization: Analysis of JGSS-2008 Data),” Proceedings: 85th
Annual Meething of the Japan Sociological Society.[FJ]
HOSHINO, Tomoko, and WADA, Michiyo, 2010, “Kazoku no Korekara: Shakaigaku, Hogaku,
Shakaifukushigaku kara no Approach (The Future of Family: Approach of Sociology, Law, and Social
Welfare),” Sangaku Publishing Co., Ltd., p.84, 201.[FJ]
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
ISHIHARA, Hideki, 2012, “An Association between Physical Inactivity and Family Life Course Stage of
Japanese Adults: A Study Based on the Analysis of the Japanese General Social Survey (Nihon ni okeru
Seijin Danjo no Undo-Hindo to Kazoku LIfe Stage no Kakawari: JGSS o mochiita Kitei Yoin Bunseki),”
Bulletin of Sports Training Center, Japan Women's College of Education, Vol.15, pp.25-33.[AE]
ISHIKURA, Hiromi, 2006, “Kosodate Kaiho-ki no Yoka Katsudo no Genjo oyobi Kanren-Yoin no Kento (The
Present Condition of Leisure Activities after Liberation from the Child Care and an Examination of Related
Factors),” Journal of Graduate School Taisho University, No.30, pp.274-261.[FJ]
IWAI, Hachiro, 2007, “Kodomo to no Dokyo wa Shiawaseka: JGSS-2002 ni yoru Korei-sha no Keizai-teki
Chii/Kazoku Keitai/Kofuku-kan no Bunseki (Are you happy when you live with your son or daughter? : An
anaysis of economic status, family forms and the sense of happiness for the elderly, using JGSS-2002),”
Proceedings:17th Conference of the Japan Society of Family Sociology, pp.96-97.[FJ]
IWAI, Hachiro, 2008, “Stability and changes in the Japanese Family-Oriented Regimes: An Analysis of
Economic Status, Family and Sense of Happiness for the Elderly,” 46th Interim CFR (Committee on Family
Research) Conference, International Sociological Association, September 10, ISCSP, Lisbon, Portugal.[FE]
IWAI, Hachiro, 2010, “Kazoku-Shugi no Teichaku to Henyo: Life Course ga haramu aratana Mondai (Stability
and change in family-oriented system: Emerging problems in theJapanese life course),” Osaka Gas Co.,Ltd.
Research Institute for Culture, Enegy and Life [ed.], CEL Vol.94, pp.20-23.[FJ]
IWAI, Hachiro, 2011, “The Expansion of Women’s Education and its effects on Family Values: A Comparative
Study Based on East Asian Social Survey 2006,”AAS-ICAS Joint conference, April 1, Honolulu,
IWAI, Hachiro, 2011, “The Expansion of Women’s Higher Education and its Effects on Family Values and
Practices in Asian Societies: A Comparative Study based on EASS 2006 and Thai & Vietnam Family Surveys
2010.” ISA RC06-CFR Kyoto Seminar, September 13, Kyoto University.[FE]
IWAI, Hachiro, 2013, “Sengo Nihon-gata Life Course no Henyo to Kazoku-Shugi: Suryoteki Seikatsushi Data
no Bunseki kara (The transformation of postwar Japanese life course and familialism: an analysis of
quantitative life history data),” OCHIAI, Emiko [ed.], Reconstraction of Intimate and Public Spheres: Inquiry
from Modernizing Asia (Shinmitsu-Ken to Kokyo-Ken no Saihensei: Asia Kindai kara no Toi), Unversity of
Kyoto Press, pp.127-153.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, 2001, “The Background of the Diversity in Attitudes Toward One’s Own Grave: Results of the
Japanese General Social Survey 2000 (JGSS-2000) (‘Haka’ Ishiki no Tayoka no Haikei: JGSS Dai-1-kai
Hon-chosa (JGSS-2000) no Data Bunseki o toshite),” Proceedings:74th Conference of the Japan Sociological
Society, p.218.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, 2001, “Kazoku Ishiki ni tuite no Jissho-teki Kenkyu: JGSS-2000 no Kekka kara (Empirical
Research on Family Attitudes),” The Review of Osaka University of Commerce No.124, p.165.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, 2002, “The Background of the Diversity in Attitudes Toward One’s Own Grave: Results of the
Japanese General Social Survey 2000, (‘Haka’ Ishiki no Tayoka no Haikei: JGSS-2000 Data Bunseki o
toshite),” The Review of Osaka University of Commerce No.124, pp.57-72.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, 2002, “Hahaoya no Shugyo, Tsuma no Shugyo (Maternal/ Wives’ employment),” IWAI, Noriko,
and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General Social
Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, pp.16-24.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, 2002, “Otto no Kaji (Husbands’ housework),” IWAI, Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese
Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni
miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, pp.25-34.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, 2002, “Single Life,” IWAI, Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral
Patterns Seen in the Japanese General Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo),
Yuhikakusensho, pp.56-64.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, 2002, “COLUMN: Fufu-Bessei, Minpo Kaisei no Yukue wa (Dual-surnames: An amendment to
the Civil Code),” IWAI, Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in
the Japanese General Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho,
IWAI, Noriko, 2002, “COLUMN: Saifu no Himo wa Dare no Te ni? (Who holds the household purse strings?),”
IWAI, Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese
General Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, p.75.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, 2002, “Haka to Nihonjin (Graves and Japanese),” IWAI, Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.],
Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata:
JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, pp.307-312.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, 2003, “The Background of the Diversity in Attitudes Toward One’s Own Grave: Results of
Japanese General Social Surveys (JGSS-2000/2001) (‘Haka’ Ishiki no Tayoka no Haikei: JGSS-2000/2001
no Data Bunseki o toshite),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of
Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Monographs No.2, pp.163-178.[AE]
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
IWAI, Noriko, 2003, “Haigu-kankei to Kofuku-kan no Kankei kara (Marital Status and a Feeling of Happiness),”
Proceedings: 16th Conference of the Japanese Association of Health Psychology, p.55.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, 2004, “The Diversification of Attitudes toward Graves: Based on Japanese General Social
Surveys (JGSS-2000/2001),” Proceedings: EASS Conference 2004, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea,
IWAI, Noriko, 2005, “Gender Differences in Attitudes toward Graves: Based on Japanese General Social
Surveys (JGSS-2000/2001),” Abstract Book for Women’s Worlds 2005:9th International Interdisciplinary
Congress on Women, Ewha Womens University, Seoul, Korea.[FE]
IWAI, Noriko, 2007, “Trends in doing housework and factors affecting doing housework based on JGSS data,”
EASS Symposium on East Asian Societies & the Family, July 17, 2007, Hong Kong.[NP]
IWAI, Noriko, 2007, “Kaji-Hindo kara mita Life Style: JGSS Ruiseki-Data2000-2006 no Bunseki (Lifestyle in
terms of the frequency of doing housework based on JGSS cumulative data 2000-2006),” Proceedings: 80th
Conference of the Japan Sociological Society, p.243.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, 2008, “‘Haka’ Ishiki no Tayoka no Haikei (The Background of the Diversity in Attitudes Toward
One’s Own Grave),” TANIOKA, Ichiro, NITTA, Michio, and IWAI, Noriko [eds.], Values and Behavioral
Patterns in Japan: An Analysis Based on Japanese General Social Surveys, 2000 to 2003 (Nihonjin no Ishiki
to Kodo), University of Tokyo Press, pp.103-118.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, 2008, “Families in East Asia: Using East Asian Social Survey 2006 Data (Higashi-Asia no
Kazoku: East Asian Social Survey 2006 o mochiite),” Proceedings: 18th Conference of the Japan Society of
Family Sociology, pp.82-83.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, 2008, “Features of Housework in Japan: In Comparison with Taiwan, Korea and China Based on
the EASS 2006 Data,” presented at KGSS-EASS Conference ‘Family and Social Life in East Asia,’
Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea.[NP]
IWAI, Noriko, 2008, “Nihonjin no Kaji-hindo no Tokucho: EASS 2006 ni motozuku Higashi-Asia no
Hikaku-bunseki (Features of Housework in Japan: In Comparison with Taiwan, Korea and China based on
the EASS 2006 data),” Proceedings: 81st Annual Meeting of the Japan Sociological Society, p.95.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, 2009, “Housework in Japan: In comparison with Taiwan, Korea and China based on the EASS
2006 Data,” Open Roundtable Session, 104th Annual Meeting of American Sociological Association, August
10, San Francisco, U.S.A.[FE]
IWAI, Noriko, 2010, “Housework by husband and wife in Japan, China, Korea and Taiwan,” Conference
Abstracts: XVII ISA World Congress of Sociology, July 12, Gothenburg, Sweden, p.216.[FE]
IWAI, Noriko, 2010, “Nihon no Kazoku no Henka to Kore kara: JGSS-2000-2010 kara mita Kazoku no Genjo to
Henka (Japanese family transitions and future trends: present situations and changes of Japanese families
based on the JGSS cummulative data 2000-2010),” Proceedings: 20th Conference of the Japan Society of
Family Sociology, pp.144-145.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, 2011,“The Current Picture and Overall Trends of the Japanese Family Based on JGSS Cumulative
Data 2000-2010 (JGSS-2000-2010 kara mita Kazoku no Genjo to Henka),” Japanese Journal of Family
Sociology, No.23(1), pp.30-42.[AE]
IWAI, Noriko, 2011, “Changes in the Japanese Family and the Years Ahead (Nihon no Kazoku no Henka to
Korekara),” Japanese Journal of Family Sociology, No.23 (1), pp.19-22.[AE]
IWAI, Noriko, and YASUDA, Tokio, 2008, “A Study on Balance between Paternal and Maternal Lines in
Intergenerational Support: Empirical Approach to the Theory of Bilateralization of Intergenrational
Relationship,” Japanese Journal of Family Sociology, 2(2), pp.34-47.[AE]
IWAI, Noriko, and YASUDA, Tokio, 2008, “Intergenerational Support Relations in Japan: Balance between
Paternal and Maternal Lines Based on JGSS Data,” 103rd Annual Meeting of the American Sociological
Association, August 3, Boston, USA.[FE]
IWAI, Noriko, and YASUDA, Tokio, 2008, “Intergenerational Support Relations in Japan: Balance between
Paternal and Maternal Lines Based on JGSS Data,” 46th Interim CFR (Committee on Family Research)
Conference, International Sociological Association, September 10, ISCSP, Lisbon, Portugal.[FE]
IWAI, Noriko, and YASUDA, Tokio [eds.], 2009, Family Values in East Asia: A comparison among Japan, South
Korea, China, and Taiwan based on East Asian Social Survey 2006 (Data de miru Higashi-Asia no
Kazoku-kan: Higashi Asia Shakai Chosa ni yoru Ni-kkan-chu-tai no Hikaku), Nakanishiya Shuppan,
IWAI, Noriko, and YASUDA, Tokio [eds.], 2011, Family Values in East Asia: A comparison among Japan, South
Korea, China, and Taiwan based on East Asian Social Survey 2006, translated by SASAKI, Takayuki,
SHINOHARA, Sayaka, and HAYASHI, Hikaru, Nakanishiya Shuppan, 107p.[FE]
IWAI, Noriko, YASUDA, Tokio, SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, SASAKI, Takayuki, and HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, 2008,
“Results of EASS 2006 Family Module,” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.],
JGSS SYMPOSIUM 2008: Development of East Asian Social Surveys: Results of EASS 2006 Family
Module. pp.139-162.[FE]
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
IWAI, Noriko, YASUDA, Tokio, SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, and TABUCHI, Rokuro, 2007, “Analysis of
Intergenerational Assistance to/from Parents and Parents-in-law: First trial using JGSS-2006,” presented at
EASS Symposium on East Asian Societies and the Family, July 17, Hong Kong University of Science and
Technology, Hong Kong.[NP]
IWAI, Noriko, YASUDA, Tokio, SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, and TABUCHI, Rokuro, 2007, “JGSS-2006 ni miru
Jisshin oyobi Gishin tono Sedai-kan Enjo-Kankei (Intergenerational Assistance to/from Parents and
Parents-in-law seen in JGSS-2006),” Proceedings: 17th Conference of the Japan Society of Family Sociology,
IWAI, Noriko, YASUDA, Tokio, SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, and TABUCHI, Rokuro, 2007, “Intergenerational
Assistance to/from Own Parents and Parents-in-law seen in JGSS-2006,” Proceedings: JGSS Colloquium
2007, pp.77-95.[FE]
KASUYA, Masashi, and SEKITA, Yasuyoshi, 2005, “Empirical Analyses of Household Income and Well-being
for Family Caregivers,” presented at the 5th World Congress of International Health Economics
KATAGIRI, Keiko, 2011, “Traditional family norm and sex-role norm and attitudes toward supporting toward
parents in East Asia: EASS2006 data analyses of Japan, Korea, China and Taiwan (Higashi Asia ni okeru
Dentoteki Kazoku Kihan, SeiYakuwari Kihan to Support ni taisuru Taido: EASS Data ni yoru Nihon,
Kankoku, Chugoku, Taiwan 4kakoku Hikaku),” Japanese Journal of Gerontology, 33-2, p95.[FJ]
KATAGIRI, Keiko, 2011, “Comparison of family values in East Asian countries: The Relationship between the
traditional family norm, sex role norm, and attitudes toward supporting parents,” Proceedings: 9th Biennial
Conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology, p95.[FE]
KATAGIRI, Keiko, 2011, “Comparison of traditional family norms and intergenerational support in four EastAsian Countries,” Proceedings: 64th Annual Scientific Meeting, the Gerontological Society of America,
KATAGIRI, Keiko, 2013, “Traditional Family Norms and Attitude toward Financially Supporting Elderly
Parents in Two Confucian Societies,” paper presented at the 66th Annual Scientific Meeting of the
Gerontological Society of America, November 20, New Orleans.[FE]
KAWAGUCHI, Daiji, and MIYAZAKI, Junko, 2005, “Working Mothers and Son’s Preferences Regarding
Female Labor: Direct Evidence from Stated Preferences,” Discussion Paper Series (Hitotsubashi University)
KAWAGUCHI, Daiji, and MIYAZAKI, Junko, 2009, “Working mothers and son’s preferences regarding female
labor supply: direct evidence from stated preferences,” Journal of Population Economics (2009) 22,
KAWASE, Akihiro, 2012, “Empirical analysis on determinants of fertility (Syussyoritsu no Kettei Yoin ni
kansuru Jissho Bunseki),” CIS Discussion paper series, Hitotsubashi University, No, 536, 11p.[FJ]
KIKUCHI, Mari, 2008, “Determinants of the value of visitation after divorce: from the Data of JGSS-2006
(Rikon-go no Bekkyo Oyako no Sesshoku no Sanpi o Kitei suru Yoin: JGSS-2006 o mochiita Bunseki),”
Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of
Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.4 (JGSS Monographs No.7), pp.93-105.[AE]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2001, “Sentakushi Teiji-jun ni yoru Seibetsu Senko Kitei Yoin no Soi (Differences in
Determinants of Gender Preference for Children by the Presentation Order of Choices),” 2001 Conference of
the Japan Association for Public Opinion Research.[NP]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2001, “Determinants of Japanese Attitudes toward Fertility and Policy Interventions: A
Comparative Analysis of the IPP 1990/1995 Surveys and the JGSS-2000,” 2001 Second Annual Meeting of
the Population Association of Korea Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea.[NP]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2002, “Sentakushi Teiji-jun ni yoru Seibetsu Senko Kitei Yoin no Soi (Differences in
Determinants of Gender Preference for Children by the Presentation Order of Choices),” Yoron: Japan
Association for Public Opinion Research, No.89, pp.13-16.[FJ]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2002, “Riso no Kosomo-su: Joji Senko (The ideal number of children. Preference for girls),”
IWAI, Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese
General Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, pp.50-55.[FJ]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2002, “Who Are More Likely to Make a Neutral Choice in Japan?: The Case of Opinion
about Non-Obligation to Have Children After Marriage,” International Conference on Improving Surveys
(ICIS 2002), August 25-28, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.[NP]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2002, “Ippanteki Riso Kodomo-su no Kitei Yoin: Jinko-mondai Ishiki-chosa (1990/1995) to
JGSS-2000 no Hikaku Bunseki (Determinants of Ideal Number of Children for Japanese Couples: A
Comparative Analysis of the 1990/1995 Public Opinion Survey on Population and JGSS-2000),”
Proceedings: 75th Conference of the Japan Sociological Society, p.231.[FJ]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2003, “Determinants of Fertility Preferences: A Comparative Analysis of the Public Opinion
Surveys on Population Issues (1990/1995) and the JGSS-2000/2001 (Kodomo ni kansuru Ishiki no Kitei
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
Yoin: Jinko-mondai Ishiki-chosa (1990/1996) to JGSS-2000/2001 no Hikaku Bunseki),” Institute of Regional
Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS
Monographs No.2, pp.1-24.[AE]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2003, “Determinants of Attitudes toward Children in Japan: An Analysis of Split-Ballots in
the JGSS,” Paper presented at the 54th Session of the International Statistical Institute, 13-20 August 2003,
Berlin, Germany.[NP]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2003, “Determinants of Japanese Attitudes toward Children,” Seminar on Japanese Marriage
and Fertility and Japanese Attitude towards Children, Institute of Policy Studies, Singapore.[NP]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2003, “Determinants of Attitudes toward Children: A Comparative Analysis of the
JGSS-2000/2001 and the Taiwan Social Change Survey 2001,” Max Planck Institute for Demographic
Research Seminar, Rostock, Germany.[NP]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2004, “Determinants of Gender Preference for Children in Japan: A Comparison with Korea,”
Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences [ed.], 36th World Congress of International
Institute of Sociology Abstracts (Papers Presented in Sessions), pp.82-83.[FE]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2004, “Determinants of Attitudes toward Children in Japan and Taiwan: A Comparative
Analysis of JGSS-2000/2001/2002 and TSCS-2001,” Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social
Sciences [ed.], 36th World Congress of International Institute of Sociology Abstracts (Papers Presented in
Sessions), pp.101-102.[FE]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2005, “Determinants of Attitudes toward Children in Japan, Korea and Taiwan: A
Comparative Analysis of JGSS, KNFS and TSCS,” Proceedings: IUSSP XXV International Population
Conference, Tours, France, pp.1-10.[FE]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2007, “A Comparative Analysis of Fertility-Related Attitudes in Japan, Korea and Taiwan,”
presented at EASS Symposium on East Asian Societies and the Family, July 17, Hong Kong University of
Science and Technology, Hong Kong.[NP]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2007, “Nihon, Kankoku, Taiwan ni okeru Kodomo no Hitsuyo-sei to Seibetsu-Senko:
JGSS/KNFS/TSCS no Hikaku-Bunseki (Felt Necessity and Gender Preference for Children in Japan, Korea
and Taiwan: A Comparative Analysis of JGSS, KNFS and TSCS data),” Proceedings: 80th Annual Meeting
of the Japan Sociological Society, p.244.[FJ]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2008, “A Comparative Analysis of Attitudes toward Children in East Asia,” 46th Interim CFR
(Committee on Family Research) Conference, International Sociological Association, September 10, ISCSP,
Lisbon, Portugal.[FE]
LEE, Sujin, 2012, “Gender Differences in Norms of Financial Assistance to Parents and Intergenerational
Support: A Comparative Study of Japan and South Korea Based on EASS 2006 Data (Oya eno Shien ni
taisuru Kihan-Ishiki to Sedaikan-Shien ni okeru Danjosa: EASS 2006 Data o mochiita Nikkan Hikaku),”
JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.9 (JGSS
Monographs No.12), pp.55-67.[AE]
LIN, Ju-Ping, and YI, Chin-Chun, 2013, “A comparative analysis of intergenerational relations in East
Asia,”International Sociology, Vol.28 No.3, pp.297-315, doi: 10.1177/0268580913485261.[FE]
LU, Luo, KAO, Shu-Fan, WU, Hsin-Pei, and CHANG, Ting-Ting, 2007, “I or We?: Family Socialization Values
in a National Probability Sample in Taiwan,” The 9th Research Meeting of Taiwan Social Change Survey,
Academia Sinica, Taipei.[NP]
MANO, Yukichi, and YAMAMURA, Eiji, 2011, “Effects of Husband's Education and Family Structure on Labor
Force Participation and Married Japanese Women's Earnings,” The Japanese Economy, Vol.38 No.3,
MIZOGUCHI, Yuji, 2011, “Kyodo Hokoku: Higashi Asia no Kogakureki-ka to Kazokukan no Henyo: EASS
2006 no
Bunseki kara: (1)Sedaikan Enjo Ishiki no Henyo ni miru Josei no Kogakureki-ka no Eikyo,”
Proceedings:62nd Conference of the Kansai Sociological Association, p.14.[FJ]
MIZOGUCHI, Yuji, 2012, “An Influence of Women’s Popularizations of Higher Education upon a Change of
Desirable Financial Assistance to Parents: A Comparative Analysis based on EASS 2006 Data (Sedaikan
Enjo Ishiki no Henyo ni miru Josei no Kogakurekika no Eikyo: EASS 2006 o mochiita Hikaku Bunseki),”
JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.9 (JGSS
Monographs No.12), pp.169-181.[AE]
MIZUOCHI, Masaaki, 2010, “Dansei ni motomerareru Keizairhoku to Kekkon (Men's economic status and
marriage),” SATO, Hiroki, NAGAI, Akiko, and MIWA, Satoshi [eds.], Kekkon no Kabe: Hikon, Bankon no
Kozo (Staying single and marrying late: Barriers to marriage), Keiso Shobo, pp.129-143.[FJ]
MIZUOCHI, Masaaki, 2012, “JGSS o mochiita Bunseki: Dansei no Kaji Sanka,” ANZO, Shinji, and KOJIMA,
Hiroshi [eds.], Jinkogaku Library 11: Micro Data no Keiryo-Jinkogaku (Quantitative Demographic Analysis
of Microdata), pp.49-65.[FJ]
NAGAI, Akiko, 2010, “Mikon-ka Shakai ni okeru Saikon no Zoka no Imi,” SATO, Hiroki, NAGAI, Akiko, and
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
MIWA, Satoshi [eds.], Kekkon no Kabe: Hikon, Bankon no Kozo (Staying single and marrying late: Barriers
to marriage), Keiso Shobo, pp.172-182.[FJ]
NISHIKAWA, Makiko, 2002, “A Study on Labour Supply and Work Hours of Married Couples: Results from
the JGSS-2000 (Fufu no Rodo Kyokyu ni kansuru Ichi-kosatsu: JGSS-2000 Data ni yoru Kento),” Institute
of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo
[eds.], JGSS Monographs No.1, pp.33-44.[AE]
NOZAKI, Yuko, 2009, “The Psychological Burden of Child Rearing and Fertility Behavior: Moms Less Likely
to Have More Kids, but why?,” National Institute of Population and Social Security Research [ed.],
Theoretical and Emprical studies on workplace, Home, regional environment and declining birthrate,
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OTAKA, Mizuka, and KARASAWA, Kaori, 2011, “Association between Political Conversation with Fathers and
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SAKIHARA, Takeshi, 2009, “The Impact of Co-residence: Causal Analyses on Co-residence with Own Parents
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SANO, Toshiyuki, 2012, “Tsuma no Yoka no Kitei Yoin: Ottogata Hahaoya tono Dokyo ni Chakumokushite,”
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SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 2009, “Kaigo no Shakaika ni kansuru Ishiki Henka no Kenkyu (The Analysis of
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SUGITA, Hizuru, 2002, “Pet no iru Seikatsu: Shitsugaiken kara Zarigani made (Life with pets: From dogs kept
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SUGITA, Hizuru, 2002, “A Study of the Japanese Perception toward Pets: Based on the Data from the Second
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SUGITA, Hizuru, 2002, “Kodomo to shite no Pet no Sonzai-kan ni kansuru Ichi-kosatsu: Dokyo shiteiru
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SUGITA, Hizuru, 2002, “Factors Influencing Time to Spend for Pets: In Terms of the Japanese Pet Owners’
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YODA, Shohei, 2011, “Kodomo-ki no Kazoku Kozo to Kyoiku Tassei Kakusa: Futari-Oya Setai, Boshi Setai,
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7. Urban/Rural/Local Community
AKAEDA, Naoki, 2010, “Dorui Ketsugo ni taisuru Toshi Koka no Kento: Ego-Centric Network Data ni taisuru
Multilevel Bunseki (Examinations of Urban Effects on Homophily in Japan: Multilevel Analysis of
Ego-Centric Network Data),” Proceedings:50th Conference of the Japanese Association for Mathematical
Sociology, pp.19-22.[FJ]
AKAEDA, Naoki, 2010, “Toshi wa Ningen-Kankei o donoyoni kaerunoka: Community Soshitu-ron,
Sonzoku-ron, Henyo-ron no Taihi kara (Reexaminations of Urban Effects on Primary Ties: Community Lost
or Saved or Transformed?),” Proceedings: 83rd Annual Meething of the Japan Sociological Society, p.35.[FJ]
AKAEDA, Naoki, 2011, “Gendai Nihon no Toshi-teki Seikatsu Yoshiki to sono Seisei Mechanism ni kansuru
Keiryo Kenkyu: Community to Personality no Arikata ni Chumoku shite (Generating Mechanisms of Urban
Ways of Life in Japan: Focusing on Community and Personality),” Doctoral Thesis, Graduate School of
Human Sciences, Osaka University, 137p.[FJ]
AKAEDA, Naoki, 2011, “Toshi ni okeru Hi-Tsunensei no Fukugoteki Seisei Katei: Kai Bunka Riron to
Community Kaiho no Kanten kara (Complex Generation Processes of Unconventionality: Through the
Subcultural Theory of Urbanism and the Community Liberate Perspective),” Proceedings: 84th Annual
Meething of the Japan Sociological Society, p.36.[FJ]
AKAEDA, Naoki, 2011, “Reexamination of Urban Effects on Primary Ties inJapan: Community Lost or Saved
or Transformed? (Toshi wa Ningen-Kankei o Dono yoni Kaerunoka: Community Soshitsu-ron, Sonzoku-ron,
Henyo-ron no Taihi kara),” Japanese Sociological Review, Vol.62 No.2, pp.189-206.[AE]
AKAEDA, Naoki, 2011, “Examinations of Urban Effects on Homophily in Japan: Multilevel Analysis of
Ego-Centric Network Data (Dorui Ketsugo ni taisuru Toshi-Koka no Kento: Ego-Centric Network Data ni
taisuru Multilevel Bunseki no Tekiyo),” Sociological Theory and Methods Vol.26 No2, pp321-337.[AE]
AKAEDA, Naoki, 2012, “Complex Generation Processes of Unconventionality: The Subcultural Theory of
Urbanism and the Community Liberated Perspective (Toshi niokeru Hi-Tsunensei no Fukugoteki Seisei
Katei: Kai-Bunka Riron to Community Kaiho-ron no Kanten kara),” Soshioroji (Sociology), Vol.56 No.3,
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
FUKUDA, Tomoko, 2007, “Gaikokujin tono Sesshoku-Keiken to ‘Chiiki no Kokusaika,’” 2003-2005 Report of
the Research Project Funded by Scientific Grant from Ministry of Education, Science and Technology,
FURUTANI, Kaichiro, and URA, Mitsuhiro, 2006, “Hanzai-Boshi ni yakudatsu Chiiki-nai Katsudo, Chiiki-gai
Katsudo, Internet no Chikara: Chiiki-nai/Chiiki-kan Katsudo, Internet Riyo wa Hanzai-Boshi ni Yakudatsu
no ka? (The power of helpful intra-region activity, inter-region activity, and internet for crime prevention:
Are intra-region activity, inter-region activity, and Internet use helpful for crime prevention?),” Proceedings:
53rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Group Dynamics Association, pp.82-85.[FJ]
ISHIBASHI, Kenichi, and TOYODA, Yusuke, and OTSUKI, Satoshi, 2009, “Daikibo Shimin Ishiki Chosa Data
o Mochiita Toshi Kyoju Kankyo Hyoka no Kokoromi,” 46th Conference of the Japan Section of the Regional
Science Association International, October 10, Hiroshima University.[FJ]
SANO, Shigeru, 2005, “A Study of Attachment to the Community and its concern about the Children From the
Data of JGSS-2003 (Chiiki eno Aichaku to Kodomo eno Kakawari ni kansuru Ichi-kosatsu: JGSS-2003 Data
Yori),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science,
University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.1 (JGSS Monographs No.4), pp.33-46.[AE]
SHIBATA ,Yuki, 2013, “The Relationships between Pro-environmental Attitude and the Frequency of Car Use
among Commuters: Analyses Focusing on Urbanism based on JGSS-2005 Data (Tsukin deno Jidosha-Riyo
to Kankyo Hairyo Ishiki no Kanrensei: JGSS-2005 o mochiita Toshido-betsu no Kento),” GSS Research
Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.10 (JGSS Monographs No.13),
SHIMIZU, Makoto, 2002, “Seikatsu, Ishiki ni mirareru Chiiki-sa (Regional differences in life styles and
attitudes),” IWAI, Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the
Japanese General Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho,
SUN, Feizhou, 2007, “Social Awareness about Possession and Use of the Automobile based on JGSS-2005:
Mainly on the Difference of City and County, Possessor and Non-possessor (JGSS-2005 kara mita Jidosha
no Hoyu to Shiyo ni kansuru Shakai-Ishiki: Toshi to Chiho, Hoyusha to Hi-Hoyusha no Sai o Chushin ni),”
Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of
Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.3 (JGSS Monographs No.6), pp.57-68.[AE]
TOYODA, Yusuke, ISHIBASHI, Ken'ichi, and OTSUKI, Satoshi, 2011, “Necessity of Risk Management for
Social Ties from Urbanism Patterns Using Large-scale Volume Data: Identification of Impacts on Social
Environment after Introducing the Compact City Policy (Daikibo-Chosa Data o mochiita Toshi Keitai ga
ataeru Shakai-teki Kizuna eno Eikyo ni kansuru Kenkyu: Compact City Seisaku Donyu ni tomonau
Shakai-Kankyo eno Eikyo o misuete),” Studies in Regional Science, Vol.41 No.1, pp.219-233.[AE]
WESTLUND, Hans, and CALIDONI-LUNDBERG, Federica, 2007, “Social Capital and the Creative Class:
Civil Society, Regional Development and High-Tech Industry in Japan,” paper presented at Joint Congress of
the European Regional Science Association (47th Congress) and Association de Science Régionale de
Langue Française (44th Congress), Paris, August 29-September 2, 2007, Abstract No.294.[FE]
YAMAMURA, Eiji, 2009, “Comparison of the effects of homeownership by individuals and their neighbors on
social capital formation: Evidence from Japanese General Social Surveys,” MPRA Paper No.19495,
YAMAMURA, Eiji, 2011, “Comparison of the effects of homeownership by individuals and their neighbors on
social capital formation: Evidence from Japanese General Social Surveys,” Journal of Socio-Economics
40(2011), pp.637-644.[FE]
8. Disasters
IWAI, Noriko, 2011, “What Japanese People Think and Do After the Great East Japan Earthquake, Tsunami and
the Fukushima Nuclear Accident,” California Sociological Association Meeting 2011, November 4,
IWAI, Noriko, 2012, “What Japanese People Think and Do after the Great East Japan Earthquake, Tsunami, and
the Fukushima Nuclear Accident: A Preliminary Investigation by JGSS-2012 Second Pretest (Higashi Nihon
DaiShinsai-go no Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo: JGSS-2010 Dai-2kai Pretest ni yoru Yobiteki Kento),”
Sociology 3 society joint research/ exchange meeting Collection of subcommittee report summaries,
IWAI, Noriko, and SHIBATA, Yuki, 2013, “JGSS de yomu Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo, dai-1-kai: Higashi Nihon
Dai-Shinsai ga Shigoto ni ataeta Eikyo (Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese
General Social Survey: Aftermath of the Great East Japan Earthquake on Workplace),” Japan Finance
Corporation [ed.], Chosageppo, January 2013 No.052, pp.20-21.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, and SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 2013, “The Impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Fukushima
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
Daiichi Nuclear Accident on People’s Perception of Disaster Risks and Attitudes Toward Nuclear Energy
Policy (Higashi Nihon Daishinsai to Fukushima Daiichi Genshiryoku Hatsudensho no Jiko ga Saigai Risk no
Ninchi oyobi Genshiryoku Seisaku eno Taido ni ataeta Eikyo),” Japanese Sociological Review, Vol.64 No.3,
SHIBATA, Yuki, and IWAI, Noriko, 2012, “What Japanese People Think and Do after the Great East Japan
Earthquake, Tsunami, and the Fukushima Nuclear Accident: A Preliminary Investigation by JGSS-2012
Second Pretest (Higashi Nihon DaiShinsai-go no Nihonjin no Doko: JGSS-2012 Dai-2kai Pretest ni yoru
Yobiteki Kento),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.9
(JGSS Monographs No.12), pp.155-168.[AE]
SHIOTANI, Takamasa, 2013, “The Relation between Social Capital and Disaster Prevention Collective Efficacy
of Community: An Analysis Using JGSS-2012 Data (Shakai Kankei Shihon to Chiiki Bosai no Shugo
Koryoku-kan tono Kanren: JGSS-2012 ni yoru Kento),” GSS Research Center, Osaka University of
Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.10 (JGSS Monographs No.13), pp.35-43.[AE]
SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, and IWAI, Noriko, 2012, “Higashi Nihon DaiShinsai no Eikyo o Zenkoku-Chosa no
Kekka kara toraeru (The Influence of the Great East Japan Earthquake: An Comparative Analysis Among
Local Blocks Based on JGSS-2012),” Proceedings: 85th Conference of the Japan Sociological Society.[FJ]
SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, and TAKEUCHI, Tomohiko, 2013, “JGSS de yomu Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo dai-2-kai:
Higashi-Nihon Dai-Shinsai no Kifu Kodo to Volunteer Katsudo (Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns
Seen in the Japanese General Social Survey: Contribution Actions and Volunteer Activities of the Great East
Japan Earthquake),” Japan Finance Corporation [ed.], Chosageppo, February 2013 No.053, pp.20-21.[FJ]
YAMAMURA, Eiji, 2012, “Natural disasters and their long-term effect on happiness: the case of the great
Hanshin-Awaji earthquake,” MPRA Paper, No.37505, 19p.[FE]
9. Geography
BALLAS, Dimitris, NAKAYA, Tomoki, and HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, 2011, “Exploring the geographical and
socio-economic determinants of subjective happiness in Japan,” the 17th European Colloquium on
Quantitative and Theoretical Geography (ECQTG2011), September 2-6, Harokopio University of Athens,
HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, 2011, NPO/NGO no Chirigaku (Geography of NGO/NPO), Akashishoten, 231p.[FJ]
HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, HANAOKA, Kazumasa, MURANAKA, Akio, and NAKAYA, Tomoki, 2010, “A Note
on Data-Linkage Between a Micro-Dataset of a Social Survey and a Geographical Macro-Data: An Analysis
of Health and Social Capital by using JGSS-2008 (Shakai-Chosa no Micro-Data to Chirigaku-teki
Macro-Data no Ketsugo: JGSS-2008 o mochiita Kenko to Shakai Kankei-Shihon no Bunseki o Jirei ni),”
JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.7 (JGSS
Monographs No.10), pp.87-98.[AE]
HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, MURANAKA, Akio, HANAOKA, Kazumasa, and NAKAYA, Tomoki, 2009,
“Shakai-Chosa no Micro-Data to Chiri-teki Macro-Data no Ketsugo ni yoru Kenko no Bunseki (An analysis
of health by the data-linkage between a micro-dataset of a social survey and a geographical macro-data),”
presented at the 68th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Public Health, Oct. 21, Nara Women's
HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, MURANAKA, Akio, HANAOKA, Kazumasa, and NAKAYA, Tomoki, 2011, “Regional
Differences in Response Rate in a Social Survey: Analysis of Survey Completion Data of the JGSS
Cumulative Data 2000-2006 (Shakai-Chosa ni okeru Kaishu-ritsu no Chiiki-sa: JGSS Ruiseki Data
2000-2006 no Kaishu Jokyo Data o mochiita Bunseki),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of
Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.8 (JGSS Monographs No.11), pp.181-192.[AE]
HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, MURANAKA, Akio, HANAOKA, Kazumasa, and NAKAYA, Tomoki, 2011,
“Shakai-Chosa no Kaishu-ritsu to sono Chiri-teki Keiko (Regional differences in survey response rates),”
The Study Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers Autumn 2011, September 23, Oita
HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, NAKAYA, Tomoki, HANAOKA Kazumasa, and MURANAKA, Akio, 2012,
“Multilevel analysis of the association between the degree of urbanization/suburbanization and social capital
(Toshika, Kogaika no Doai to Shakai-Kankei-Shihon no Kanrensei ni kansuru Multilevel Bunseki),”
Geographical Review of Japan, 85(5), pp.447-467.[AE]
HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, NAKAYA Tomoki, MURANAKA, Akio, and HANAOKA, Kazumasa, 2012, “Regional
differences of survey response rates and their individual and geographical determinants: A multilevel analysis
(Shakai Chosa ni okeru Kaishuritsu no Kitei Yoin: Kojin oyobi Chiiki Tokusei o Koryoshita Multilevel
Bunseki),” Geographical Sciences, 67(2), pp.71-84.[AE]
IWAI, Noriko, and SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 2013, “The Impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Fukushima
Daiichi Nuclear Accident on People’s Perception of Disaster Risks and Attitudes Toward Nuclear Energy
Policy (Higashi Nihon Daishinsai to Fukushima Daiichi Genshiryoku Hatsudensho no Jiko ga Saigai Risk no
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
Ninchi oyobi Genshiryoku Seisaku eno Taido ni ataeta Eikyo),” Japanese Sociological Review, Vol.64 No.3,
MURANAKA, Akio, NAKAYA, Tomoki, and HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, 2009, “Shakai-Chiku-Ruikei ni
Chakumoku shita Kafunsho Yubyo-ritsu no Chiikisa: JGSS Data ni yoru Bunseki (Regional differences in
prevalence of pollinosis between social area types: analysis of the Japanese General Social Surveys (JGSS)
data),” 2009 Annual meething of the Human Geographical Society of Japan, November 8, Nagoya
MURANAKA, Akio, NAKAYA, Tomoki, and HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, 2010, “Regional differences in
prevalence of pollinosis between social area types: analysis of the Japanese General Social Surveys (JGSS)
data (Shakai-Chiku-Ruikei ni Chakumokushita Kafunsho Yubyo-ritsu no Chiikisa: JGSS Data ni yoru
Bunseki),” GIS Association of Japan, GIS Association of Japan [ed.], Papers and proceedings: the
Geographic Information Systems Association Vol.19, CD-ROM.[AE]
MURANAKA, Akio, NAKAYA, Tomoki, and HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, 2010, “Shakai-Chiku-Ruikei ni
Chakumoku shita Kafunsho Yubyo-ritsu no Chiikisa: JGSS Data ni yoru Bunseki (Regional differences in
prevalence of pollinosis between social area types: analysis of the Japanese General Social Surveys (JGSS)
data),” The 19th Annual Meeting of the GIS Association of Japan, October 24, Ritsumeikan University.[FJ]
MURANAKA, Akio, NAKAYA, Tomoki, and HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, 2011, “Regional differences in
prevalence of Pollinosis by social area type (Shakai-Chiku-Ruikei ni Chakumokushita Kafunsho Yubyo-ritsu
no Chiikisa),” Theory and Applications of GIS, Vol.19 No.2, pp.71-81.[AE]
NAKAYA, Tomoki, 2011, “Mapping healthy/ unhealthy towns: GIS-based geo-visualisation of health
inequalities at small areal levels (‘Kenko na Machi/ Fukenko na Machi’ o Miru: GIS o Mochiita Sho-Chiiki
ni okeru Chiri-teki Kenko Kakusa no Shikakuka),” Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Prevention,
Vol.46 No.1, pp.38-55.[AE]
NAKAYA, Tomoki, 2011, “Evaluating Socio-economic Inequalities in Cancer Mortality by Using Areal
Statistics in Japan: A Note on the Relation between Municipal Cancer Mortality and Areal Deprivation Index
(Chiri Tokei ni motozuku Gan Chibo no Shakai-Keizaiteki Kakusa no Hyoka: Shicyoson-betsu Gan Shibo to
Chiriteki Hakudatsu-Shihyo no Kanrensei),” Proceedings of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 59(2),
pp.239-265. [AE]
NAKAYA, Tomoki, 2012, “Chiri Joho System o mochiita Kenkozukuri Shien Kankyo no Kenkyu (Studies on
supporting environments for health promotion in geographic information system),” ESTRERA, No.218,
NAKAYA, Tomoki, 2013, “Kenko no Chikeizu, Bunruizu, Jokenzu (Maps of geomorphology, area classification
and land condition on health),” Journal of Survey, 63(4), pp.8-13.[FJ]
NAKAYA, Tomoki, and HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, 2009, “A Note on Data-Linkage Between a Micro-Dataset of a
Social Survey and Geodemographics: An Application to Examining Geographical Variations in Self-Rated
Health at a Small Areal Level Using the JGSS Cumulative Data 2000-2003 (Shakai-chosa no Micro-Data to
Geodemographics no Data Linkage),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS
Research Series No.6 (JGSS Monographs No.9), pp.23-36.[AE]
NAKAYA, Tomoki, and HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, 2011, “Japanese league of healthy and unhealthy
neighbourhoods: geodemographic profiling of Japanese population health,” the 14th International Medical
Geography Symposium, July, 14, Durham University, UK.[FE]
NAKAYA, Tomoki, and HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, 2013, “Neighbourhood inequalities in health and income in
Japan (Kyoju Chiiki no Kenko Kakusa to Shotoku Kakusa),” Annals of the Association of Economic
Geographers, 59(1), pp.57-72.[AE]
NAKAYA, Tomoki, MURANAKA, Akio, and HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, 2010, “Chiri-Joho o mochiita
Shintai-Katsudo to Kinrin-Kankyo no Kankei ni kansuru Kenkyu (Research on the relationships between
physical activities and neighbourhood environment by using geographic information),” SHIMOMITSU,
Teruichi [ed.], Report of the search on planning effective policy targets and strategies to create environments
for heath promotion in 2009, Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare of Japan (Comprehensive Research on
Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases and Other Lifestyle Related Diseases: H20-Junkankitou-Ippan-001),
NAKAYA, Tomoki, MURANAKA, Akio, HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, SETO, Toshikazu, and TANIBATA, Go, 2011,
“Chiri-Joho o mochiita Shintai-Katsudo to Kinrin-Kankyo no Kankei ni kansuru Kenkyu (Research on the
relationships between physical activities and neighbourhood environment by using geographic information),”
SHIMOMITSU, Teruichi [ed.], Final report of the search on planning effective policy targets and strategies
to create environments for heath promotion in 2008-2010, Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare of Japan,
Comprehensive Research on Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases and Other Lifestyle Related Diseases:
H20-Junkankitou-Ippan-001, pp.145-160.[FJ]
SHIMIZU, Makoto, 2002, “Seikatsu, Ishiki ni mirareru Chiiki-sa (Regional differences in life styles and
attitudes),” IWAI, Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
Japanese General Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho,
SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, and IWAI, Noriko, 2012, “Higashi Nihon DaiShinsai no Eikyo o Zenkoku-Chosa no
Kekka kara toraeru (The Influence of the Great East Japan Earthquake: An Comparative Analysis Among
Local Blocks Based on JGSS-2012),” Proceedings: 85th Conference of the Japan Sociological Society.[FJ]
10. Politics/Policy/Political Attitudes
AIZAWA, Yuko, 2007, “The ‘Conservative’ and ‘Progressive’ Ideology and Issue Opinions (Hokaku-Ishiki to
Soten-Taido: JGSS-2000 ni miru Mijika na Soten no Eikyo),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University
of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.3 (JGSS
Monographs No.6), pp.169-179.[AE]
FUSE, Kana, and HANADA, Nanaho, 2009, “Political distrust and Gendered Attitudes: The Japanese State and
Women,” Sex Roles, Vol.60 No.11-12, pp.843-858.[FE]
Hamagin Research Institute Ltd.[ed.], 2010, Kyoiku-Zaisei oyobi Kyoiku-hi Futan no Arikata ni tsuiteno Chosa
Kenkyu: Kakkoku ni okeru Kyoiku-Zaisei oyobi Kyoiku-hi Futan-to no Jokyo ni kansuru Chosa Hokokusho,
HANADA, Nanaho, 2012, “Face-to-Face Interaction with Government Officials and Its Effects on the Political
Attitudes on the Civil Society Organizational Members: The Study from Japan,” VOLUNTAS: International
Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, doi: 10.1007/s11266-012-9284-y.[FE]
HASHIMOTO, Kenji, 2006, “Kyoiku-Kikai no Fu-Byodo to Byodo no tame no Kyoiku: Shakai-Seisaku
(Inequality of educational chance and educational-social policies for equality),” World Labour (Sekai no
Rodo), Vol.56 No.11, pp.38-45.[FJ]
HAYO, Bernd, and ONO, Hiroyuki, 2010, “Livelihood and Care of the Elderly: Determinants of Public Attitudes
in Japan,” Annual Meeting of the European Public Choice Society, April 8-11, Izmir-Turkey.[FE]
HAYO, Bernd, and ONO Hiroyuki, 2010, “Comparing public attitudes toward providing for the livelihood of the
elderly in two aging societies: Germany and Japan,” Journal of Socio-Economics, Vol.39(1), pp.72-80.[FE]
HAYO, Bernd, and ONO, Hiroyuki, 2011, “Livelihood and care of the elderly: Determinants of public attitudes
in Japan,” Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 25(1), pp.76-98.[FE]
HOSOI, Masayo, 2009, “Josei-Shuro no Sokushin-Seisaku ga motarasu Zaisei eno Eikyo;Chiho-Jichitai no
Kosodate-Shien no Tuika-teki Hiyo to Shunyu no Hikaku Bunseki (The Fiscal Effect of Policies for the
Promotion of Female Participation in the Workplace- A Comparative Analysis of the Additional Child-Care
Costs and Revenue in Local Governments),” Toshimondai Kenkyu, Vol.61 No.6, Toshi Mondai Kenkyukai,
IKEDA, Ken’ichi, 2005, “The Creation of Social Capital and Political Reality from Political & Non-Political
Social Networks: Using the Social Networks Module on the Japanese General Social Survey
(JGSS-2003)(Seiji-teki, Hi-seiji-teki Network wa Shakai Kankei Shihon o hagukumi, Seiji no Reality o kitei
suruka: JGSS-2003 Social Network Komoku-gun no Bunseki),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka
University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series
No.1 (JGSS Monographs No.4), pp.169-203.[AE]
IKEDA, Ken’ichi, 2008, “Shakai-kankei Shihon to Seiji Ishiki (Networked Social Capital and Political
Orientations),” TANIOKA, Ichiro, NITTA, Michio, and IWAI, Noriko [eds.], Values and Behavioral Patterns
in Japan: An Analysis Based on Japanese General Social Surveys, 2000 to 2003 (Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo),
University of Tokyo Press, pp.273-294.[FJ]
IKEDA, Ken’ichi, 2009, “Differential effects of multiple social networks on political participation in Japan,”
paper prepared for a Dialogic Conference on Civic Engagement and Social Capital in Asia, May 8-10,
University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.[FE]
IKEDA, Ken’ichi, 2012, “Differential effects of multiple social networks on political participation in Japan,”
DANIERE, Amrita, and Hy Van Luong [eds.], The Dynamics of Social Capital and Civic Engagement in
Asia: Vibrant Societies, Routledge, London, pp.54-80.[FE]
IKEDA, Ken’ichi, and BOASE, Jeffrey, 2011, “Multiple Discussion Networks and Their Consequence for
Political Participation,” Communication Research, 38(5), pp.660-683.[FE]
IWAI, Hachiro, 2002, “Koreisha no Seikatsu-Hosho, Kaigo wa Dare no Te de? (Who are responsible for the
livelihood and care of the elderly?),” IWAI, Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and
Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to
Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, pp.35-42.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, 2002, “COLUMN: Josei Chiji no Tanjo (The advent of female governor),” IWAI, Noriko, and
SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General Social Survey
(Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, pp.76-77.[FJ]
KATAGIRI, Keiko, 2013, “Factors Related to Civic Engagement among Middle-aged and Older Japanese:
Examination of Gender and Generation Differences in JGSS-2012 Data (Nihon no Chukonenreiso no Civic
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
Engagement),” GSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.10
(JGSS Monographs No.13), pp.57-66.[AE]
KIM, Bumsoo, 2009, “A Comparison of Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) Supporters and Democratic Party of
Japan (DPJ) Supoprters: From Analysis of the 2006 Japanese General Social Survey (JGSS),” The Institute
of Korean Political Studies, Seoul National University [ed.], Journal of Korean Politics Vol.18, No.3,
KIM, Bumsoo, 2009, “Who Are Japan's “Nonpartisans”? Socioeconomic and Ideological Characteristics of
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KIMURA, Masafumi, 2008, “Shinbun Dokusha-so no Shakai-teki Kosei to Seiji Ishiki (The Social Construction
and Political Consciousness of Newspaper Readership),” TANIOKA, Ichiro, NITTA, Michio, and IWAI,
Noriko [eds.], Values and Behavioral Patterns in Japan: An Analysis Based on Japanese General Social
Surveys, 2000 to 2003 (Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo), University of Tokyo Press, pp.295-309.[FJ]
MAEDA, Yukio, 2006, “Shugyo to Katei ni okeru Sei-Yakuwari-Bungyo ga Seiji-Sanka ni ataeru Eikyo ni tsuite
(The impact of job and household dividion of labor on political participation),” SSJ Data Archive Research
Paper Series 35 (SSJDA-35), Information Center for Social Science Research on Japan, Institute of Social
Science, University of Tokyo, pp.32-57.[FJ]
MAEDA, Yukio, 2007, “Sei-Yakuwari-Bungyo to Seiji-Sanka (Household division of labor and political
participation),” NAGAI, Akiko and MATSUDA Shigeki [eds.], Taito na Fufu wa Shiawase-ka (Does equality
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MAEDA, Yukio, 2010, “The Analysis of Gubernatorial Approval using the JGSS-2008 (Chiji Shiji-ritsu no
Kenkyu: JGSS-2008 o Riyo shite),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS
Research Series No.7 (JGSS Monographs No.10), pp.23-34.[AE]
MATSUNAGA, Yoshiho, and OKUYAMA, Naoko, 2009, “Seifu-Shishutsu wa Minkan-Kifu o Yuhatsu suruka
(Do government expenditures crowd in charitable donations?),” RIETI Policy Discussion Paper Series
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NIHEI, Norihiro, 2003, “<Shimin> to [Volunteer] no Aida: Sanka to Neo-liberalism no Kyoshin ni kansuru
Ichi-Kosatsu (Between a “Citizen” and a Volunteer: Rethinking of the Problem of Complicity between Social
Participation and Neo-liberalism),” Proceedings: 55th Conference of the Japan Society of Educational
Sociology, pp.70-71.[FJ]
NOMURA, Akiko, 2008, “Effects of daily life information on political decision making: From the Data of
JGSS-2001 (Nichijo-Seikatsu o tsujite erareru Joho ga Seiji-teki Ishi-Kettei ni ataeru Eikyo: JGSS-2001 Data
no Bunseki kara),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social
Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.4 (JGSS Monographs No.7), pp.251-258.[AE]
ONO, Hiroyuki, 2009, “Perceived Burden of Personal Income Tax: Analysis on Influence Factors Using JGSS
Micro Data (Shotoku-Zei no Ju-Zei-kan: JGSS Kohyo Data ni yoru Sho-Yoin no Bunseki),” Japan
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ONO, Hiroyuki, 2009, “Perceived Burden of Personal Income Tax: Analysis on Influence Factors Using JGSS
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ONO, Hiroyuki, 2012, “The Perceived Burden of Income Tax: The Analysis of Various Factors Using the JGSS
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ONO, Hiroyuki, and HAYO, Bernd, 2008, “Rogo Seikatsu Hosho wa Jijo ka, Kojo ka: Kokumin Ishiki Chosa no
Kohyo Data ni yoru Yoin Bunseki (Elderly liveihood: self support or public support?: Analysis of
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ONO, Hiroyuki, and HAYO, Bernd, 2009, “Livelihood and Care of the Elderly: Determinants of Public Attitudes
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OTAKA, Mizuka, and KARASAWA, Kaori, 2009, “Oya tono Seiji-teki Kaiwa to Kodomo no Seiji-teki Yuko
Kankaku no Kanren (Association between Political Conversation with Parents and Children's Political
Efficacy),” Joint Conference 2009 of the 50th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Social Psychology
and the 56th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Group Dynamics Association, October 11, Osaka
OTAKA, Mizuka, and KARASAWA, Kaori, 2011, “Association between Political Conversation with Fathers and
Children's Internal Political Efficacy (Chichioya tono Seijiteki-Kaiwa to Ko no Naiteki Seijiteki Yukosei
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
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SATO, Tomoko, 2010, “Social Outcomes and Policy Proposals of Adult Education as the Basis of Psychological
Involvement in Politics (Seiji eno Shinri-teki Kanyo ni taisuru Shakai-Kyoiku no Koka to Seisaku-teki
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SATO, Tomoko, 2012, “Local Governance to Shakai Kyoiku no Igi ni kansuru Kenkyu: Community ni yoru
Citizenship Gakushu ni mukete (A Study on Local Governance and the meaning of community education: for
citizenship learning in a community),” Doctoral Thesis, The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of
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SATO, Tomoko, 2013, “The Effect of Adult Education on Political Engagement: Analysis of JGSS-2012
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Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.10 (JGSS Monographs
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SHINOZAKI, Takehisa, 2005, “A Study on Determinants of Preference for Redistribution: Results and
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Senko Kenkyu no Kekka to JGSS Data o mochiita Bunseki no Hikaku),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka
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TAJIKA, Suzuko, 2005, “The impact of conservative-progressive ideology on party support and policy opinions
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wa Shiji Seito, Seisaku Taido no Kettei ni Eikyo shite iruka? Nippon-ban General Social Surveys (JGSS) no
Bunseki kara)”, Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science,
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TAKAGI, Ryusuke, 2007, “Seiji-Ishiki to Seiji-Sanka,” 2003-2005 Report of the Research Project Funded by
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TAKEDA, Yuka, 2010, “The Gender Gap in Political Participation: A JGSS-2003 data-based Analysis of
Political Resources and Political Involvement (Seiji Sanka ni okeru Gender Gap: JGSS-2003 ni yoru Shigen,
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YASUNO, Satoko, 2005, “Personal network, social capital and political attitudes in JGSS-2003 (JGSS-2003 ni
miru Personal Network to Seiji Ishiki),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and
Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.1 (JGSS Monographs No.4),
YASUNO, Satoko, 2006, “Party Identification and Estimation of Parties’ Competency: JGSS Cumulative Data
2000-2003 (JGSS Ruiseki Data 2000-2003 ni miru Seito Shiji oyobi Seito Hyouka no Kitei-Yoin),” Institute
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YASUNO, Satoko, 2006, Juso-teki na Yoron Keisei Katei (Stratified Process of the Public Opinion Formation):
Media, Network, Kokyo-sei, University of Tokyo Press, 210p.[FJ]
YASUNO, Satoko, 2008, “Seito-Shiji to Seito-Hyoka no Kitei Yoin (Japanese Party Identification and Party
Evaluation),” TANIOKA, Ichiro, NITTA, Michio, and IWAI, Noriko [eds.], Values and Behavioral Patterns
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JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
YASUNO, Satoko, and IKEDA, Ken’ichi, 2002, “Shiji Seito: Seito Kokando to Seiken Tanto Noryoku
(Supporting political party: Popularity ratings and ability to take political power),” IWAI, Noriko, and SATO,
Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General Social Survey (Nihonjin
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YASUNO, Satoko, and IKEDA, Ken’ichi, 2002, “Ideology to Seifu no Yakuwari (Ideology and the role of
government),” IWAI, Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the
Japanese General Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho,
YASUNO, Satoko, and IKEDA, Ken’ichi, 2002, “Kokumin to Seiji no Kakawari: Seijiteki Yukosei-Kankaku to
Shakai-Kankei-Shihon (Relationships between citizens and government: Political efficacy and social
capital),” IWAI, Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the
Japanese General Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho,
YASUNO, Satoko, and IKEDA, Ken’ichi, 2002, “COLUMN: Seifu wa Shinrai sarete irunoka: Soshiki eno
Shinrai (Are government trusted?: Confidence in organizations),” IWAI, Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.],
Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata:
JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, pp.196-197.[FJ]
YASUNO, Satoko, and IKEDA, Ken’ichi, 2002, “COLUMN: Koreisha-Fukushi no Sekinin (Responsibilities in
elderly care),” IWAI, Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the
Japanese General Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho,
YASUNO, Satoko, and IKEDA, Ken’ichi, 2002, “Party Identification and political attitudes in JGSS-2000
(JGSS-2000 ni miru Yukensha no Seiji Ishiki),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of
Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Monographs No.1,
YOKOYAMA, Tomoya, 2014, “The Effect of Political Talk on Political Knowledge: Using JGSS-2003 Dataset
(Seijiteki Kaiwa ga Seijiteki Chishiki ni oyobosu Koka: JGSS-2003 Data o mochiita Kento),” JGSS
Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.11 (JGSS Monographs
No.14), pp.1-10.[AE]
11. English Language
CARREIRA, Junko Matsuzaki, 2011, “A Study on Early English Education Using the Data of JGSS-2010
(JGSS-2010 ni yoru Soki Eigo Kyoiku ni kansuru Ishiki-Chosa),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University
of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.8 (JGSS Monographs No.11), pp.35-45.[AE]
KOISO, Kaoru, 2005, “Motivation of Japanese English learners: From the data of JGSS-2003 (Nihonjin Eigo
Gakushu-sha no Dokizuke: JGSS-2003 no Data Bunseki o toshite),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka
University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series
No.1 (JGSS Monographs No.4), pp.79-91.[AE]
KOISO, Kaoru, 2005, “The Characteristics of English Education in Japan from the Viewpoint of Adult
Education -Based on JGSS-2003 and Other Social Surveys (Seijin-Kyoiku to shite no Eigo-Kyoiku ni
kansuru Ichi-Kosatsu: JGSS-to no Yoron-chosa kara mieru Tokusei to Mondaiten),” The Review of Osaka
University of Commerce No.138, pp.13-23.[FJ]
KOISO, Kaoru, 2005, “Yoron Chosa ni miru Nihonjin Eigo Gakushu-sha to Doki-zuke (Affecting Facors for
Proficiency in English of Japanese people in the Data of JGSS),” 31st Kansai Forum of the Japanese
Association for Studies in English Communication.[NP]
KOISO, Kaoru, 2005, “Determinants of English ability of Japanese people from JGSS Data (Nihonjin no Eigo
Noryoku to sono Kitei-Yoin: JGSS no Data Bunseki o motoni),” Proceedings: 14th Congerence of the
Japanese Association for Studies in English Communication.[FJ]
KOISO, Kaoru, 2006, “The Characteristics of Motivation of Japanese Adult English Learners from JGSS-2003
Data,” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science,
University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.2 (JGSS Monographs No.5), pp.95-104.[FE]
KOISO, Kaoru, 2006, “The effects of Enlgish Learning Experience and the Use of English on Japanese People's
English Ability from JGSS-2002 Data (Eigo Gakushu Keiken to Eigo Shiyo ga Nihon-jin no Eigo-Ryoku ni
oyobosu Eikyo: JGSS no Data Bunseki o motoni),” The Jaset Bulletin, Vol. 15, No.1, pp.141-149.[FJ]
KOISO, Kaoru, 2008, “Eigo-ryoku Shutoku eno Michi: Eigo Gakushu Keiken to Genzai no Eigo Shiyo (The
charcteristics of English learners and English users in Japan),” TANIOKA, Ichiro, NITTA, Michio, and IWAI,
Noriko [eds.], Values and Behavioral Patterns in Japan: An Analysis Based on Japanese General Social
Surveys, 2000 to 2003 (Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo), University of Tokyo Press, pp.369-381.[FJ]
KOISO, Kaoru, 2009, “The Characteristics of English Users and English Proficiency of Japanese People: From
the Data of JGSS-2002 and JGSS-2006 (Nihonjin Eigo Shiyo-sha no Tokucho to Eigo Noryoku),” JGSS
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.6 (JGSS Monographs
No.9), pp.123-137.[AE]
KOISO, Kaoru, 2010, “The Influence of Affective Factors on English Reading and Conversation Proficiency
among Japanese from the Data of JGSS-2008 (Joi-Yoin ga Eigo no Dokkai-ryoku to Kaiwa-ryoku ni
oyobosu Eikyo: JGSS-2008 no Data kara),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.],
JGSS Research Series No.7 (JGSS Monographs No.10), pp.163-172.[AE]
KOISO, Kaoru, 2011, “A Comparative Research on English Proficiency of Chinese, Japanese, Koreans and
Taiwanese: Based on EASS 2008 Data (Chugoku, Nihon, Kankoku, Taiwan ni okeru Seijin no Eigo-ryoku no
Hikaku to Kakkoku/Chiiki no Wakamono-so no Eigo-ryoku no Kitei Yoin: EASS 2008 no Data o Motoni),”
The Review of Osaka University of Commerce No.162, pp.19-33.[FJ]
KOISO, Kaoru, 2012, “Transition of English Ability of Japanese Adults: Using JGSS-2002 and 2010 Data,”
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SUGITA, Hizuru, 2004, “The Effects of English Learning Experience on Japanese People's English
Conversation Ability: From the Data of JGSS-2002 (Eigo no Gakushu-keiken ga Nihonjin no Eikaiwa-ryoku
ni oyobosu Koka: JGSS-2002 no Data kara),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce,
and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Monographs No.3, pp.45-57.[AE]
TERASAWA, Takunori, 2008, “Katei-Kankyo, Shakai-Kankyo ni kiiinsuru Eigo-ryoku Kakusa to sono
Sedai-kan Kanyo (Gaps in English Skills Influenced by Family and Social Conditions and its Generational
Change),” Proceedings: 10th Conference of Japan Association for Language Policy, pp.20-22.[FJ]
TERASAWA, Takunori, 2009, “Influences of Family and Social Environments on English Proficiency Among
Japanese People: Through Reanalysis of JGSS-2002 and 2003 (Shakai-Kankyo/Katei-Kankyo ga Nihonjin
no Eigo-ryoku ni ataeru Eikyo),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of
Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.5 (JGSS Monographs No.8),
TERASAWA, Takunori, 2009, “Structure and Change in Educational Opportunities of English Learning in
Japan: Through Statistical Analysis of Disparities of English Proficiency (Nihon Shakai ni okeru Eigo no
Kyoiku-Kikai no Kozo to sono Henyo),” Gengoseisaku Vol.5, pp.21-42.[AE]
TERASAWA, Takunori, 2009, “Nihonjin no Eigo Shiyo, Eigo Gakushu Keiken no Kitei-Yoin (Influential
Factors on Japanese People's Use of English and their Learning Experience of the Language),” Proceedings:
11th Conference of Japan Association for Language Policy, pp.17-19.[FJ]
TERASAWA, Takunori, 2009, “'English Skills’ Divide in Japan Caused by Different Social and Family
Environments: Through Statistical Analysis of the Data of Japanese General Social Surveys,” presented at
ASIA TEFL International Conference, August 8, Bangkok.[FE]
TERASAWA, Takunori, 2009, “Eigo Kakusa no Jittai: Eigo Skill ga Rodo-Chingin ni ataeru Eikyo (Reality of
‘English Divide’: Impact of Workers' English Skills on their Earnings),” Proceedings: 61st Conference of the
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TERASAWA, Takunori, 2011, “Japanese People’s Valuation of English Skills: Sociometric Analysis of
JGSS-2010,” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.8
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TERASAWA, Takunori, 2013, ““Ninety Percent of Japanese do not need English”? Statistical Analysis of
Wrokers’ Needs to Use English (“Nihonjin no 9-wari ni Eigo wa iranai wa Hontoka”? Shigoto ni okeru Eigo
no Hitsuyosei no Keiryo Bunseki),” Kantokoshinetsu Association of Teachers of English, Vol.27,
WATANABE, Akinori, 2006, “Eigo Gakushu Iyoku no Kitei Yoin: Habitus-ron to Kai no Shiten kara,” SSJ Data
Archive Research Paper Series 33 (SSJDA-33) ‘JGSS kara yomu Nihonjin no Kodo to Ishiki (Behaviors and
Attitudes among Japanese as Clarified by JGSS),’ Information Center for Social Science Research on Japan,
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12. Labor/Industry
ABE, Masahiro, 2006, “Shigoto ni okeru ‘Jibun’rashisa Shiko,” SSJ Data Archive Research Paper Series 33
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AGATA, Kenji, 2011, “The Relationship between the Change of Employment Status and Acquisition of the
Vocational Qualification: Analyzing the Data of JGSS-2009 Life Course Study (Jugyo-jo no Chii no Henka
to Shokugyo-Shikaku tono Kanren: JGSS-2009LCS ni yoru Bunseki),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka
University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.8 (JGSS Monographs No.11), pp.71-78.[AE]
AIZAWA, Shin'ichi, 2007, “Nihonjin no ‘Naritakatta Shokugyo’ no Keisei-Yoin to sono Yukue: JGSS-2006 Data
no Bunseki kara (Causes and Effects of Occupational Aspiration in the Contemporary Japanese Society:
Using JGSS-2006 Data),” Proceedings: 59th Conference of the Japan Society of Educational Sociology
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AIZAWA, Shin’ichi, 2008, “Japanese Occupational Aspiration from JGSS-2006: From Age of Wisconsin Model
to Aspiration Anomie (Nihonjin no ‘Naritakatta Shokugyo’ no Keisei-Yoin to sono Yukue: JGSS-2006 Data
no Bunseki kara),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social
Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.4 (JGSS Monographs No.7), pp.81-92.[AE]
CHIAVACCI, David, 2007, “The Social Basis of Developmental Capitalism in Japan: From Post-war
Mobilization to Current Stress Symptoms and Future Disintegration,” Asian Business & Management, 6,
FUWA, Makiko, 2009, “Ryoritsu-Shien, Rodo-Kankyo no Chiiki-sa to Josei no Shuro (The Effect of Childcare
Provision and Labor Market Gender Relations on Women’s Employment in Japan),” Proceedings: 82nd
Conference of the Japan Sociological Society, p.263.[FJ]
GENDA, Yuji, 2010, Shoshika, mou-Hitotsu no Haikei: Shugyo Nikyokuka to Sei-Kodo, Minerva Shobo,
GENDA, Yuji, and KAWAKAMI, Atsushi, 2006, “Shugyo 2-Kyoku-ka to Sei-Kodo (Divided Youth
Employment and Sexual Behavior),” The Japanese Journal of Labor Studies, No.556, pp.92-105.[FJ]
GENDA, Yuji, and SAITO Juri, 2007, Shigoto to Sex no Aida, Asahi-Shinsho, 205p.[FJ]
HARA, Hitomi, and KAWAGUCHI, Daiji, 2006, “What Do Unions Do in Japan?” COE/RES Discussion Paper
Series, No.171, pp.1-46.[FE]
HARA, Hiromi, and KAWAGUCHI, Daiji, 2008, “The Union Wage Effect in Japan,” INDUSTRIAL
RELATIONS, Vol.47, No.4 (October 2008), pp.569-590.[FE]
HAYASHI, Takuya, 2004, “Shokugyo Shiko no Tagen-teki Kozo o toraeru Wakugumi: Profile-ho ni yoru
Conjoint Bunseki Model no Tekiyo ni mukete (An Analytical Framework of Multi-Dimensional Structure on
Career Orientation: Toward Application of Conjoint Analysis based on Profile Method),” The Journal of
Social Science and Humanities, Tokyo Metropolitan University, No.349, pp.67-88.[FJ]
HEINRICH, Steffen, 2012, “Flexible jobs but polarised politics? The political consequences of expanding
non-regular labour in Japan,” International Joint Workshop for Doshisha and partner universities, March 1-2,
HIRAO, Ichiro, and TAROHMARU, Hiroshi, 2008, “Sedai-kan Ido Pattern ni okeru Hiseiki Koyo no Ichi: RC
Model o mochiite,” presented at the 59th Conference of the Kansai Sociological Association, May 25,
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HIRAO, Ichiro, and TAROHMARU, Hiroshi, 2011, “The Location of Nonstandard Employment in an
Intergenerational Mobility Regime,” 'Gendai Nihon no Kaiso Jokyo no Kaimei: Micro-Macro Renketsu
karano Approadh' Kagaku Kenkyuhi Hojokin Kiban Kenkyu (A) Kenkyu Seika Hokokusho, pp.59-73.[FE]
HIRAO, Ichiro, and TAROHMARU, Hiroshi, 2011, “The Location of Nonstandard Employment in an
Intergenerational Mobility Regime,” Sociological Theory and Methods Vol.26 No2, pp.355-370.[AE]
HONDA, Yuki, 2002, “Nani ga Shigoto no Manzokudo o Kimerunoka (What determines job satisfaction?),”
IWAI, Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese
General Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, pp.93-98.[FJ]
HONDA, Yuki, 2002, “Choki-Keizoku-Koyo no Genjitsu (The reality of long-term employment),” IWAI, Noriko,
and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General Social
Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, pp.114-119.[FJ]
HONDA, Yuki, 2002, “COLUMN: Teinen to Intai (Mandatory retirement by age and withdrawal),” IWAI,
Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General
Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, p.132.[FJ]
HONDA, Yuki, 2003, “Increase of Atypical employment in Japanese Youth Labor Market and its Determining
Factors: From the Analysis of Integrated Data of JGSS-2000 and JGSS-2001 (Jakunen Rodo Shijo ni okeru
Hi-tenkei Koyo no Kakudai to sono Haikei: JGSS-2000 to JGSS-2001 no Togo Data o mochiite),” Institute
of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo
[eds.], JGSS Monographs No.2, pp.47-59.[AE]
ISHIDA, Hiroshi, 2005, “Stratification and the Labor Market in the Stage of Extended Adolescence (Ko-ki
Seinen-ki to Kaiso, Rodo-Shijo),” The Journal of Educational Sociology, No.76 (May 2005), pp.41-57.[FJ]
ISHIDA, Hiroshi, 2006, “Gakko kara Shokuba eno Iko (Transition from School to Workplace),” Japan Institute
for Labour Policy and Training [ed.], Career Analysis from Different Perspectives of Japanese Workers,
IWAI, Hachiro, 2008, “Changing Patterns of Women’s Life Course in the Japanese Lost Decade: An Analysis on
Work History of the Second Baby Boomers (‘Ushinawareta 10-nen’ to Josei no Life Course),” The Journal of
Educational Sociology, No.82, pp.61-87.[AE]
IWAI, Noriko, and KOHAMA, Shun, 2014, “JGSS de yomu Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo dai-15-kai: Chusho
Kigyo ni okeru Work Life Balance (Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General
Social Survey: Work-Life Balance in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises),” Japan Finance Corporation
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
[ed.], Chosageppo, March 2014 No.066, pp.22-23.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, and SHIBATA, Yuki, 2013, “JGSS de yomu Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo, dai-1-kai: Higashi Nihon
Dai-Shinsai ga Shigoto ni ataeta Eikyo (Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese
General Social Survey: Aftermath of the Great East Japan Earthquake on Workplace),” Japan Finance
Corporation [ed.], Chosageppo, January 2013 No.052, pp.20-21.[FJ]
KAGAWA, Mei, 2007, “Where Have the ‘Good’ Jobs been Distributed?: Two Pathways of School to Work
Transition in Japan (Gakko kara Shokugyo eno Iko ni kansuru 2tsu no Keiro),” Bulletin of the Graduate
School of Education, The University of Tokyo, Vol.46, pp.155-164.[AE]
KATAYAMA, Yuki, 2010, “Gakko kara Seizogyo eno Iko,” NUCB JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND
INFORMATION SCIENCE, Vol.55 No.1, pp.19-32.[FE]
KAWAKAMI, Atsushi, and GENDA, Yuji, 2006, “Divided Youth Employment and Sexual Behavior (Shugyo
2-Kyoku-ka to Sei-Kodo),” Discussion Paper Series (J-147), Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo,
KIM, Joon Young, 2007, “Escaping the Nonstandard Jobs Trap: A Study of the Effect of Initial Labor Market
Entry on Career Prospects in Japan,” Governance Problems on the Process of Economic Development:
Young Scholars’ Contributions from the Beijing Workshop, Discussion Paper no.141, pp.40-59.[FE]
KIM, Joon Young, 2007, “Is Good Beginning Half Done?: Measuring the impacts of non-regular initial
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Rentaikan, Yutorikan ga Kodokukan oyobi Shokumu Manzokukan ni oyobosu Eikyo: JGSS-2010 o mochiita
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MATSUMOTO, Wataru, 2007, “Volunteer Activities, Membership of Nonprofit Organizations and Views of
Work Style from JGSS-2005 (Volunteer Katsudo ya Hi-Eiri-Soshiki eno Sanka to Shuro-kan: JGSS-2005 o
mochiita Data Bunseki),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of
Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.3 (JGSS Monographs No.6),
MIYATA, Naoko, 2010, “Job Satisfaction of New Employees: Effects of Social Network on Adjustment to New
Role (Shinnyu-Shain no Shigoto Manzoku-do no Yoin-Bunseki),” Annals of Human Sciences, Vol.31,
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NAGAYOSHI, Kikuko, 2012, “Effects of the Split Labor Market on Xenophobia In Japan (Nihonjin no
Haigaiishiki ni taisuru Bundan Rodo Shijo no Eikyo),” Japanese Sociological Review, Vol.63 No.1,
NAKAO, Keiko, 2002, “Effects of Changing Jobs on Status Attainment: Analysis of the JGSS-2000 data (Chii
Tassei Katei ni okeru Tenshoku: JGSS-2000 Chosa Data o mochiite no Kento),” Institute of Regional Studies,
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
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NAKAO, Keiko, 2008, “Seiki-Koyosha no Tenshoku to Chii Tassei (Effects of changing jobs in the process of
status attainment for full-time employees),” TANIOKA, Ichiro, NITTA, Michio, and IWAI, Noriko [eds.],
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2003 (Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo), University of Tokyo Press, pp.135-150.[FJ]
NAKAZAWA, Wataru, 2011, “Jakunen-so no Seiki/Hi-seiki Rodo no Chii to Ritenshoku Keiko no Kankei:
JGSS-2009 Life Course Study no Shokugyo Keireki o mochiita Bunseki (The relationship between
regular/temporary worker positions and trends of leaving jobs in the Japanese youth labor market: analyses
of career histories in the JGSS-2009LCS data),” Proceedings: 51st Conference of the Japanese Association
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NISHIKAWA, Makiko, 2002, “‘Imadoki no Wakamono’ no Hataraki-kata (Working styles of ‘youths today’),”
IWAI, Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese
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NISHIMURA, Yukimitsu, 2002, “A Trial Measurement for Income Function Analysis of Labor in Employment
System (Shugyo-sha ni okeru Shotoku Kansu no Keisoku: JGSS-2000 kara mita Nihon no Koyo System no
Ichi-sokumen),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social
Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Monographs No.1, pp.55-68.[AE]
NISHIMURA, Yumimitsu, 2002, “COLUMN: Nani no tame ni Hatarakunoka (Why do people work?),” IWAI,
Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General
Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, p.133.[FJ]
NISHIMURA, Yukimitsu, 2003, “Self-employment: Work Choice and Estimates of Income Function (Jieigyo:
Shugyo Sentaku to Shotoku Kansu no Suikei: JGSS-2000 to JGSS-2001 o Riyo shite),” Institute of Regional
Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS
Monographs No.2, pp.61-74.[AE]
NISHIMURA, Yukimitsu, 2004, “Education, Occupation, Hierarchy and Income in Japan: An investigation of
life-long employment using JGSS (Shunyu Kettei ni okeru Kyoiku, Shokugyo, Yakushoku no Koka: JGSS
Data ni miru Choki Koyo Sonzoku no Kensho),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of
Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Monographs No.3,
NISHIMURA, Yukimitsu, 2008, “Gensho suru Jieigho no Genzai: Shoshoku to Genshoku no Shugyo Sentaku
(Decreasing Self-employed in Japan),” TANIOKA, Ichiro, NITTA, Michio, and IWAI, Noriko [eds.], Values
and Behavioral Patterns in Japan: An Analysis Based on Japanese General Social Surveys, 2000 to 2003
(Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo), University of Tokyo Press, pp.151-163.[FJ]
NITTA, Michio, 2012, “Call Center Jugyoin no Shugyo Ishiki (Worker Attitudes at Call Centers in
Japan),”KeieiRonso, Kokushikan University, No.1.[FJ]
NITTA, Michio, and SHINOZAKI, Takehisa, 2008, “Testing Union Wage Effects Using JGSS Data,” presented
at KGSS-EASS Conference ‘Family and Social Life in East Asia,’ Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul,
NITTA, Michio, and SHINOZAKI, Takehisa, 2011, “Intertemporal Comparisons of the Union Wage Premium
Using JGSS Data (JGSS Data o mochiita Rodo-Kumiai no Chingin Koka no Ijiten-kan Hikaku),” JGSS
Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.8 (JGSS Monographs
No.11), pp.105-117.[AE]
NOZAKI, Kayo, 2011, “Empirical Study of Occupational Experience and Income Using JGSS-2009 Life Course
Study (JGSS-2009LCS o mochiita Shokushu Keiken to Shotoku ni kansuru Bunseki),” JGSS Research
Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.8 (JGSS Monographs No.11),
NOZAKI, Kayo, 2011, “Doitsu Shokushu Keiken Nensu to Honnin Shotoku ni kansuru Jissho Bunseki:
JGSS-2009LCS o mochiita Bunseki (Empirical Study of Occupational Tenure and Individual Income Using
JGSS-2009 Life Course Study),” the 68th Conference of Japan Economic Policy Association, May 29,
Komazawa University.[FJ]
NOZAKI, Kayo, 2012, “The Youth Labor Market and Occupation in Japan: An Analysis of JGSS Cumulative
Data 2000-2010,” JGSS Symposium 2012, June 9, Osaka University of Commerce.[FE]
NOZAKI, Yuko, 2008, “Labor Supply of Older Married Couples,” Abstracts: Regional Meeting of Japan Society
of Household Economics, June 8, Kwansei Gakuin University.[NP]
NOZAKI, Yuko, 2008, “Risk Aversion on Fertility Behavior,” Workshop of National Institute of Population and
Social security, December 20, Hotel Heart Inn Nogizaka.[NP]
NOZAKI, Yuko, 2008, “Risk Aversion on Fertility Behavior,” Kansai Rodo Kenkyukai (Kansai Labor Seminar),
December 23, Osaka University.[NP]
NOZAKI, Yuko, 2009, “Risk Aversion on Fertility Behavior,” Midwest Economics Association 73rd Annual
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
Meeting, Marriott Cleveland Downtown at Key Center.[NP]
NOZAKI, Yuko, 2011, “Work-Life Unbalance wa Doko de Okotteiruka (Women's Higher Education and
Work-Life Unbalance),” HIGUCHI, Yoshio[ed], Work-Life Balance to Kazoku Keisei (Work-Life Balance
and Family Formation)” Chapter 4, University of Tokyo Press.[FJ]
OHASHI, Masahiko, 2009, “San-Gaku-Kan Renkei Jisshi Chusho-Kigyo ni okeru Jigyo-Risk no Kitei-in
(Affecting Factors for Business Risk in Small Business driven by Academia-Business-Public Board Links),”
The Conference of the Japanese Society of Risk-Professional in Kyu-syu Section.[NP]
OHASHI, Masahiko, 2010, “San-Gaku-Kan Renkei ni yoru Waga-Kuni Chusho-Seizo-Kigyo no Jigyo-Risk
Keigen-Koka no Kitei-in (Affecting Factors for Business Risk in Small Manufacturing Business driven by
Academia-Business-Public Board Links),” The Report of Japanese Society of Social Risk Management,
No.22, pp.62-66.[FJ]
OHASHI, Masahiko, 2010, “Waga-kuni Shohisha ni okeru Eco Sho-Kodo no Henka to Kouri Shogyo-Shisetsu:
JGSS-2008 oyobi 2002 yori (The Changing Eco-Behaviors of Japanese Consumers in the Data of JGSS-2008
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Japan, No.9, pp.104-111.[FJ]
OHASHI, Masahiko, 2011, “CSR ni yoru Social Risk Management (CSR by Social Risk Management),” The
Report of Japanese Society of Social Risk Management, No.24, pp.11-16.[FJ]
OHASHI, Masahiko, 2011, “Environmental Risk Management for Manufacturers Approached from Sustainable
Marketing (Seizo-Kigyo no tame no Kankyo Risk Management: Jizoku Kano Marketing kara no Sekkin),”
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OHASHI, Masahiko et al., 2009, “San-Gaku-Kan Renkei ni yoru Chusho-Kigyo no Kasseika to Shindan: Chosa
ni miru Koritsu-teki na Renkei Suishin no tameno Sho-Joken (Diagnostic Research of the Start-up Process of
Small Business driven by Academia-Business-Public Board Links: An investigation into actual conditions for
steps of success),” The Riveiw of the Japanese Society of Business Diagnosis No. 8, pp.41-46.[FJ]
OKADA, Josuke, 2010, “Basic Analysis of Where People Acquire Basic Competency in Job: Using
JGSS-2009LCS (Shokugyo Noryoku no Kakutoku Pattern ni kansuru Kiso-teki Bunseki: JGSS-2009 Life
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OKUTSU, Mari, 2007, “Career Analysis of Today’s Japanese from Different Angles: Dramatic Change of the
Japanese Society and Workers’ Way of Life,” Japan Labor Review, Vol.4, No.2, pp.121-138.[FE]
OHTAKE, Fumio, 2010, Kyoso to Koheikan: Shijo Keizai no Honto no Merit, Chuko Shinsho 2045, 245p.[FJ]
PARK, Hyunjoon, 2010, “The Stability of Self-Employment: A Comparison between Japan and Korea,”
International Sociology, Vol.25(1), pp.98-122.[FE]
SAKAGUCHI, Yusuke, and TAROHMARU, Hiroshi, 2008, “Shitsugyo Risk to Shitsugyo Fuan no Kankeisei:
Jittai to Ishiki no Hikaku Bunseki (The Relationship between Risk of Unemployment and Percieved Risk of
Unenployment: Comparative Analysis of Actual Condition and Perception),” Proceedings:81st Annual
Meeting of the Japan Sociological Society, p.328.[FJ]
SASAKI, Takayuki, and SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 2013, “JGSS de yomu Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo dai-11-kai:
Wakamono no Hatarakikata to Well-being (Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese
General Social Survey: Work Styles and Well-beings among Youths),” Japan Finance Corporation [ed.],
Chosageppo, November 2013 No.062, pp.18-19.[FJ]
SATO, Hiroki, 2002, “Hi-Tenkei-Rodo ni Juji suru Hitobito (Conditions of atyical workers),” IWAI, Noriko, and
SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General Social Survey
(Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, pp.80-87.[FJ]
SATO, Hiroki, 2002, “Jieigyo to sono Hataraki-kata (Self-employed and their working styles),” IWAI, Noriko,
and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General Social
Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, pp.88-92.[FJ]
SATO, Hiroki, 2002, “COLUMN: Chingin no Samazamana Shiharai-Keitai (A variety of forms of wage
payment),” IWAI, Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the
Japanese General Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho,
SATO, Hiroki, 2002, “COLUMN: Rodo Kumiai wa Kiete ikunoka (Are labor unions doomed to fade away?),”
IWAI, Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese
General Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, pp.108-110.[FJ]
SATO, Hiroki, 2002, “COLUMN: Aimai na Koyo-Keiyaku (Ambiguous job contracts),” IWAI, Noriko, and
SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General Social Survey
(Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, pp.111-112.[FJ]
SATO, Hiroki, 2002, “Shitsugyo to Sai-Shugyo no Kanosei (A possibility of job loss and re-employment),”
IWAI, Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese
General Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, pp.120-124.[FJ]
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
SATO, Hiroki, and Research Institute For Advancement Of Living Standards [eds.], 2008, “Balance no toreta
Hataraki-kata: Fu-Kinko kara no Dakkyaku,” Eidell Institute, pp.16-22.[FJ]
SATO, Kaoru, 2004, “Atypical Work, Employment Terms, and Occupational Consciousness in JGSS-2002
(JGSS-2002 ni miru Hataraki-kata no Tayo-ka, Koyo Joken, Shokugyo-kan),” Institute of Regional Studies,
Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS
Monographs No.3, pp.109-120.[AE]
SATO, Kaoru, 2005, “Diversity of Work- and Life-style in Contemporary Japan from the Data of JGSS-2003
(Tayo-ka suru Hataraki-kata to Life Style: 2003 nen JGSS Chosa Data yori),” Institute of Regional Studies,
Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research
Series No.1 (JGSS Monographs No.4), pp.1-15.[AE]
SATO, Kaoru, 2006, “Diversity of Work-style in Contemporary Japan from JGSS Cumulative Data 2000-2003
(Hataraki-kata no Tayo-ka to Life Style: JGSS Ruiseki Data 2000-2003 ni yoru Bunseki),” Institute of
Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.],
JGSS Research Series No.2 (JGSS Monographs No.5), pp.19-31.[AE]
SATO, Kaoru, 2008, “Hataraki-kata no Tayo-sei to Shakai-teki Kakusa (Employment Status and Social
Inequality in Japan),” TANIOKA, Ichiro, NITTA, Michio, and IWAI, Noriko [eds.], Values and Behavioral
Patterns in Japan: An Analysis Based on Japanese General Social Surveys, 2000 to 2003 (Nihonjin no Ishiki
to Kodo), University of Tokyo Press, pp.179-191.[FJ]
SATO, Yoshimichi, 2006, “Trust and Social Mobility: An Empirical Study of the Effect of Job Change on Trust,”
presented at the 101st Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association.[FE]
SHIMIZU, Yohei, 2005, “What determines people's working hours? Analysis of working hours considering the
effects of people's inclination for leisure (Rodo Jikan wa Ika ni shite kimaruka? Kojin no Ishiki o Kitei Yoin
to shita Bunseki),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social
Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.1(JGSS Monographs No.4), pp.257-271.[AE]
SHINOZAKI, Takehisa, 2004, “A Study on Young People of Not Employment, Education or Training (NEET):
Comparing NEET, Unemployed and Employed Worker Using the Integrated Data of JGSS-2000, 2001 and
2002 (Hi-shugyo, Hi-zaigaku, Hi-kyushoku-chu no Jakunen Mugyo-sha (NEET) ni kansuru Ichi-kosatsu:
Nippon-ban Sogo Shakai Chosa (JGSS) kara miru NEET, Shitsugyo-sha, Shugyo-sha no Hikaku),” Institute
of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo
[eds.], JGSS Monographs No.3, pp.121-134.[AE]
SHINOZAKI, Takehisa, 2004, “Hi-shugyo, Hi-zaigaku, Hi-kyushoku-chu no Jakunen Mugyo-sha (NEET) ni
kansuru Ichi-kosatsu (A Study on Young People of Not Employment, Education or Training ‘NEET’),”
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Okayama University.[NP]
SHINOZAKI, Takehisa, 2008, “Hi-zaigaku, Hi-shugyo, Hi-kyushoku-chu no Jakunen Mugyo-sha (NEET) no
Tokucho (Characteristics of Young People Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)),” TANIOKA,
Ichiro, NITTA, Michio, and IWAI, Noriko [eds.], Values and Behavioral Patterns in Japan: An Analysis
Based on Japanese General Social Surveys, 2000 to 2003 (Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo), University of Tokyo
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SHINOZAKI, Takehisa, 2012, “Not by Education Alone: How Young Adults’ Employment Status Is Determined
by Employment Environments and Family Backgrounds,” Social Science Japan Journal, Vol.15 No.1,
SHIRAKAWA, Toshiyuki, 2008, “Relationship between Underemployment and Gender in Youth Labor Market:
From the Analysis of Integrated Data of JGSS (Jakunen Rodo-Shijo ni okeru Hi-Tenkei-gata Koyo, Mugyo
to Gender: JGSS Togo-Data ni yoru Bunseki kara),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of
Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.4 (JGSS
Monographs No.7), pp.133-145.[AE]
SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, and SASAKI, Takayuki, 2013, “JGSS de yomu Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo dai-10-kai:
Chukonenki no Hatarakikata to Kaisokizoku-Ishiki, Kofukukan.(Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns
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TAKAHASHI, Kazuko, GI, Daibi, TANABE, Shunsuke, and YOSHIDA, Takashi, 2012, “Shakai-chosa ni okeru
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Coding System in Social Surveys),” Proceedings: 18th Conference of the Association for Natural Language,
TAKAHASHI, Kazuko, TANABE, Shunsuke, YOSHIDA, Takashi, GI, Daibi, and RI, I, 2013, “WEB-ban
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TAKAHASHI, Koji, 2006, “Gendai Nihon no Workaholic: Shin-Jiyushugi o Ninatte iruno wa Donoyona
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Hitobitoka,” SSJ Data Archive Research Paper Series 33 (SSJDA-33) ‘JGSS kara yomu Nihonjin no Kodo to
Ishiki (Behaviors and Attitudes among Japanese as Clarified by JGSS),’ Information Center for Social
Science Research on Japan, Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo, pp.17-36.[FJ]
TAKENOSHITA, Hirohisa, 2011, “The Economic Incorporation of Brazilian Migrants in Comparative
Perspective: A Preliminary Study of Brazilian Labour Market Outcome in Japan and the United States”
Philosophy No.125 (2011. 3), pp.167-202, Keio University.[FE]
TODOROKI, Makoto, 2010, “A Study on Japanese Young People’s Views for Their Human Resource
Development: Analyzing the Data of JGSS-2009 Life Course Study (Jakunen-so no Shokugyo
Noryoku-Kaihatsu ni kansuru Ishiki: JGSS-2009 Life Course Chosa Data kara),” JGSS Research Center,
Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.7 (JGSS Monographs No.10),
TODOROKI, Makoto, and KAERIYAMA, Aki, 2011, “Gendai no Jakunen-Dansei no Shokugyo-Ishiki:
Web-Chosa-Data no Bunseki kara (Work Values and Consciousness among Young Working Men: An
Analysis of Web-based Survey Data),” Proceedings: 63rd Conference of the Japan Society of Educational
Sociology, pp.352-355.[FJ]
YASUDA, Hiroki, 2009, “Koyo-nushi wa Sei-Yakuwari-Ishiki o Motteirunoka: JGSS o Mochiita Kensho (Do
employers have gender role attitudes: Empirical analysis by using JGSS),” Japanese Economic Association
2009 Spring Meeting, June 6, Kyoto University.[FJ]
YASUDA, Hiroki, 2010, “Micro Data o Mochiita Nihon no Rodo Shijo ni Kansuru Jissho Bunseki (Empirical
analysis on Japanese labor market using micro data),” Doctoral Thesis, Graduate School of Economics, Keio
Universitry, 146p.[FJ]
YUDA, Michio, 2010, “Health Status and Labor Productivity (Kenko-Jotai to Rodo-Seisansei),” The Japanese
Journal of Labour Studies No.601, pp.25-36.[AE]
YUDA, Michio, 2010, “Appendix: Health Status and Labor Productivity (‘Kenko-Suijun to Rodo-Seisansei’ eno
Furoku),” CUIE DISCUSSION PAPER, No.1005, 16p.[FJ]
13. Population
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AKAGAWA, Manabu, 2005, “Freedom of Choice and Fair Share of Burden in a Depopulated Society: On
Gender Equality and the Most Optimum Allocation of Child Care Support (Jinko-Gensho-Shakai ni okeru
Sentaku no Jiyu to Futan no Kohei: Danjo Kyodo Sankaku to Kosodate-Shien no Saiteki-Haibun o
megutte),” Japanese Sociological Review, Vol.56 No.1, pp.20-37.[FJ]
ANZO, Shinji, 2000, “Kyotsu-rondai (A) Johoka-jidai no Jinko Tokei: Jinko Kenkyu Hatten no tame no Kohyo
Level no Data no Kokai (Common subject (A) Demographic data at information age: Disclosing of data at
individual level data for population research development),” Proceedings: 52nd Annual Meeting of the
Population Association of Japan, pp.40-42.[FJ]
ANZO, Shinji, 2001, “Nippon-ban General Social Surveys (JGSS) to Jinkogaku Kenkyu eno Oyo (Using
Japanese General Social Surveys (JGSS) Data for Demographic Research),” Jinkogaku-kenkyukai [ed.],
Jinkogaku-kenkyukai Kiyo (Bulltin of Population Studies) No.43, p.8.[FJ]
ANZO, Shinji, 2001, “Rikon ni kansuru Yoin-bunseki: Nippon-ban General Social Surveys (JGSS) Dai- 2-kai
Yobi-chosa o mochiite (An analysis on the divorce: Using Japanese General Social Surveys (JGSS) Second
Pilot Survey Data),” Proceedings: 53rd Annual Meeting of the Population Association of Japan, p.128.[FJ]
ANZO, Shinji, 2002, “Susumu Shoshi-ka: Sussho Cohort-betsu no Kodomo-su, Kodomo o motsu Hitsuyo (A
declining birthrate: The number of children and attitudes towards having children by birth cohort),” IWAI,
Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General
Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, pp.44-49.[FJ]
ANZO, Shinji, 2002, “Rikon no Yoin to Haikei (Causes and Background of Divorce),” Proceedings: 54th Annual
Meeting of the Population Association of Japan, pp.17-19.[FJ]
ANZO, Shinji, 2003, “Determinants of Divorce in Japan: Analysis of Discrete Time Hazard Model about
Divorce using the JGSS-2000 (Rikon to sono Yoin: Waga Kuni ni okeru Rikon ni kansuru Yoin Bunseki),”
Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of
Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Monographs No.2, pp.25-45.[AE]
ANZO, Shinji, 2004, “Marriage in a Low Fertility Society: Utilizing JGSS-2000, JGSS-2001, and JGSS-2002
(Shoshi-shakai no Kekkon: JGSS-2000, JGSS-2001 oyobi JGSS-2002 o mochiite),” Institute of Regional
Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS
Monographs No.3, pp.13-28.[AE]
ANZO, Shinji, 2005, “Mikon-ka, Bankon-ka, Hikon-ka no Jissho Bunseki: Naze ‘Ii Hito’ ga inainoka (Analyses
on growing popurality of never marriage, late marriage, single through life: Isn't there good person?),”
ESTRELA, No.134, pp.3-11.[FJ]
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
ANZO, Shinji, 2008, “Shoshi-ka Shakai ni okeru Kekkon-kan (Attitude Toward Marriage in Low Fertility
Society),” TANIOKA, Ichiro, NITTA, Michio, and IWAI, Noriko [eds.], Values and Behavioral Patterns in
Japan: An Analysis Based on Japanese General Social Surveys, 2000 to 2003 (Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo),
University of Tokyo Press, pp.73-89.[FJ]
ANZO, Shinji, and KOJIMA, Hiroshi [eds.], Jinkogaku Library 11: Micro Data no Keiryo-Jinkogaku
(Quantitative Demographic Analysis of Microdata), 250p.[FJ]
ASAI, Yukiko, SATO, Hiroki, TANAKA, Keiko, TSUTSUI, Jun'ya, NAKAMURA, Mayumi, NAGAI, Akiko,
MIZUOCHI, Masaaki, and MIWA, Satoshi, 2007, Quantitative Analyses on Marriage and Mate Selection,
SSJ Data Archive Research Paper Series 37 (SSJDA-37), The Information Center for Social Science
Research on Japan, The Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo. 94p.[FJ]
GENDA, Yuji, 2010, Shoshika, mou-Hitotsu no Haikei: Shugyo Nikyokuka to Sei-Kodo, Minerva Shobo,
GENDA, Yuji, and KAWAKAMI, Atsushi, 2006, “Shugyo 2-Kyoku-ka to Sei-Kodo (Divided Youth
Employment and Sexual Behavior),” The Japanese Journal of Labor Studies, No.556, pp.92-105.[FJ]
GENDA, Yuji, and SAITO Juri, 2007, Shigoto to Sex no Aida, Asahi-Shinsho, 205p.[FJ]
HIRAO, Keiko, 2008, “Effects of Sibship Size and Gender on Educational Attainment in Japan: Analyses of
JGSS-2006,” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science,
University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.4 (JGSS Monographs No.7), pp.33-44.[AE]
HONDA, Yuki, 2005, “Kodomo to iu Risk (Child as the Risk),” TACHIBANAKI, Toshiaki [ed.], Gendai Josei
no Rodo, Kekkon, Kosodate (Labor, Marriage and Childrearing of Contemporary Japanese Women),
Minerva Shobo, pp.65-93.[FJ]
KAWAKAMI, Atsushi, and GENDA, Yuji, 2006, “Divided Youth Employment and Sexual Behavior (Shugyo
2-Kyoku-ka to Sei-Kodo),” Discussion Paper Series (J-147), Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo,
KAWASE, Akihiro, 2012, “Empirical analysis on determinants of fertility (Syussyoritsu no Kettei Yoin ni
kansuru Jissho Bunseki),” CIS Discussion paper series, Hitotsubashi University, No, 536, 11p.[FJ]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2001, “Determinants of Japanese Attitudes toward Fertility and Policy Interventions: A
Comparative Analysis of the IPP 1990/1995 Surveys and the JGSS-2000,” 2001 Second Annual Meeting of
the Population Association of Korea Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea.[NP]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2002, “Riso no Kosomo-su: Joji Senko (The ideal number of children. Preference for girls),”
IWAI, Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese
General Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, pp.50-55.[FJ]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2002, “Ippanteki Riso Kodomo-su no Kitei Yoin: Jinko-mondai Ishiki-chosa (1990/1995) to
JGSS-2000 no Hikaku Bunseki (Determinants of Ideal Number of Children for Japanese Couples: A
Comparative Analysis of the 1990/1995 Public Opinion Survey on Population and JGSS-2000),”
Proceedings: 75th Conference of the Japan Sociological Society, p.231.[FJ]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2003, “Determinants of Fertility Preferences: A Comparative Analysis of the Public Opinion
Surveys on Population Issues (1990/1995) and the JGSS-2000/2001 (Kodomo ni kansuru Ishiki no Kitei
Yoin: Jinko-mondai Ishiki-chosa (1990/1996) to JGSS-2000/2001 no Hikaku Bunseki),” Institute of Regional
Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS
Monographs No.2, pp.1-24.[AE]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2003, “Determinants of Japanese Attitudes toward Children,” Seminar on Japanese Marriage
and Fertility and Japanese Attitude towards Children, Institute of Policy Studies, Singapore.[NP]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2004, “Determinants of Attitudes toward Children: A Comparative Analysis of the
JGSS-2000/2001/2002 and the Taiwan Social Change Survey 2001 (Kodomo ni kansuru Ishiki no Kitei Yoin:
JGSS-2000/2001/2002 to Taiwan Shakai Hensen Kihon Chosa 2001 no Hikaku-bunseki),” Institute of
Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.],
JGSS Monographs, No.3, pp.1-11.[AE]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2004, “Nihon/Kankoku/Taiwan ni okeru Kodomo ni kansuru Ishiki no Kitei Yoin:
JGSS-2000/2001/2002, KNFS-2000, TSCS-2001 no Hikaku Bunseki-(Determinants of Attitudes toward
Children in Japan, Korea and Taiwan: A Comparative Analysis of JGSS-2000/2001/2002, NFS-2000 and
TSCS-2001),” Koseirodo Kagaku Kenkyuhi Hojokin Seisakukagaku Kenkyu Jigyo “Kankoku, Taiwan,
Singapore-to ni okeru Shoshi-ka to Shoshi-ka Taisaku ni kansuru Hikaku Kenkyu”: Heisei 15-nendo Sokatsu
Kenkyu Hokokusho (FY2003 Report of the Research Project Funded by Scientific Grant from Ministry of
Health, Labour and Welfare, “Comparative Study of Fertility Decline and Policy Responses in Korea, Taiwan,
Singapore and Hong Kong),” pp.26-54.[FJ]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2004, “Nihon/Taiwan/Kankoku ni okeru Kodomo ni taisuru Ishiki no Kitei Yoin
(Determinants of Attitudes toward Children in Japan, Taiwan and Korea),” Proceedings: 14th Conference of
the Japan Society of Family Sociology, pp.38-39.[FJ]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2005, “Gender Preference for Children in Japan, Korea and Taiwan: A Comparative Analysis
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
of JGSS, KNFS and TSCS,” Abstracts of Women's Worlds 2005, 9th International Interdisciplinary Congress
on Women, June 19-24, Ewha Womens University, Seoul, Korea, p.56.[FE]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2005, “A Comparative Analysis of Fertility-Related Attitudes in Japan, Korea and Taiwan,”
Proceedings:the International Conference on Low Fertility and Rapid Aging in East and South East Asian
Societies, Dong-A University, Pusan, Korea, pp.1-25.[FE]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2006, “A Comparative Analysis of Fertility-Related Attitudes in Japan, Korea and Taiwan,”
F-GENS Journal, No.5, pp.324-336.[FE]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2008, “Nihon, Kankoku, Taiwan ni okeru Kodomo no Hitsuyo-sei to Seibetsu-Senko (Felt
Necessity and Gender Preference for Children in Japan, Korea and Taiwan),” TANIOKA, Ichiro, NITTA,
Michio, and IWAI, Noriko [eds.], Values and Behavioral Patterns in Japan: An Analysis Based on Japanese
General Social Surveys, 2000 to 2003 (Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo), University of Tokyo Press, pp.59-72.[FJ]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2008, “Job Quitting and Fertility among Married Women in Japan and Taiwan: A
Comparative Analysis of the JGSS and the TSCS (Nihon to Taiwan ni okeru Kikon-Josei no Shugyo Chudan
to Shussho: JGSS to TSCS no Hikaku Bunseki),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of
Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.4 (JGSS
Monographs No.7), pp.45-55.[AE]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2008, “Nihon to Taiwan ni okeru Kikon Josei no Shussho Kodo/Shussho Ishiki: JGSS, TSCS,
WMFES no Hikaku Bunseki (Fertility Behaviors and Attitudes of Married Women in Japan and Taiwan: A
Comparative Analysis of JGSS, TSCS and WMFES),” Koseirodo Kagaku Kenkyuhi Hojokin Seisakukagaku
Suishin Kenkyu Jigyo “Danjo Rodosha no Hatarki-kata ga Higashi Asia no Tei Shusshoryoku ni Ataeta
Eikyo ni kansuru Kokusai Hikaku Kenkyu”: Heisei 19-nendo Sokatsu Kenkyu Hokokusho (FY2007 Report
of the Research Project Funded by Scientific Grant from Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare,
“International Comparative Study on the Effects of Work Patterns of Male and Female Workers on Fertility
Decline in East Asia),” pp.61-82.[FJ]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2009, “Higashi Asia ni okeru Shugyo to Kazoku Keisei Ishiki/Kodo: JGSS, TSCS, WMFES,
EASS no Hikaku Bunseki (Labor Force Participation and Family Formation Attitudes and Behaviors in East
Asia: A Comparative Analysis of JGSS, TSCS, WMFES and EASS),” Koseirodo Kagaku Kenkyuhi Hojokin
Seisakukagaku Suishin Kenkyu Jigyo “Danjo Rodosha no Hataraki-kata ga Higashi Asia no
Tei-Shussho-ryoku ni Ataeta Eikyo ni kansuru Kokusai Hikaku Kenkyu”: Heisei 20-nendo Sokatsu Kenkyu
Hokokusho (FY2008 Report of the Research Project Funded by Scientific Grant from Ministry of Health,
Labour and Welfare, “International Comparative Study on the Effects of Work Patterns of Male and Female
Workers on Fertility Decline in East Asia)..[FJ]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2009, “Higashi Asia ni okeru Shugyo to Kazoku Keisei Ishiki/Kodo: JGSS, TSCS, WMFES,
EASS no Hikaku Bunseki (Labor Force Participation and Family Formation Attitudes and Behaviors in East
Asia: A Comparative Analysis of JGSS, TSCS, WMFES and EASS),” Waseda Studies in Social Sciences,
Vol.10, No.1 (July.2009), pp47-73.[FJ]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2013, “Sekai no Shukyo-betsu Jinko no Data to Shorai Suikei (Data on Religion and
Population Projections by Religion in the World),” HAYASE, Yasuko, KOJIMA, Hiroshi [eds.], Jinkogaku
Library 13: Sekai no Shukyo to Jinko (Religion and Population in the World) pp.1-29.[FJ]
MATSUURA, Tsukasa, 2008, “Nani ga Riso Kodomo-su to Genjitsu Kodomo-su no Sa o Umidasunoka,” Kikan
Kakei Keizai Kenkyu, No.78, pp.52-60.[FJ]
MIZUNOUE, Tomokuni, 2009, “The Effect of Income on Birth and Education: An Analysis Using Household
data in Japan (Shotoku ga Shussho to Kyoiku ni ataeru Eikyo: Nihon no Kakei Data o mochiita Bunseki),”
Bulletin of Tokushima Bunri University, No.77 (2009), pp.51-59.[AE]
MIZUOCHI, Masaaki, 2006, “Hoiku Service no Ryo-teki/Shitsu-teki Jujitsu ga Josei no Shugyo to Shussan ni
ataeru Eikyo (The Effect of Childcare Services on Fertility and Women's Employment),” Journal of Tohoku
Economic Association 2005, pp.45-49.[FJ]
NOZAKI, Yuko, 2008, “Risk Aversion on Fertility Behavior,” Workshop of National Institute of Population and
Social security, December 20, Hotel Heart Inn Nogizaka.[NP]
NOZAKI, Yuko, 2008, “Risk Aversion on Fertility Behavior,” Kansai Rodo Kenkyukai (Kansai Labor Seminar),
December 23, Osaka University.[NP]
NOZAKI, Yuko, 2009, “Risk Aversion on Fertility Behavior,” Midwest Economics Association 73rd Annual
Meeting, Marriott Cleveland Downtown at Key Center.[NP]
NOZAKI, Yuko, and FUKUDA, Nobutaka, 2009, “Kyoiku to Shussan Kodo: Bansan-ka to Shussan Penalty
(Education and fertility Behavior: Wage penalty associated to late motherhood,” Labor Economics
Conference, November 14, Tokyo International Forum.[NP]
OKAMURA, Rie, 2012, “Micro Factors Affecting Number of Children-Analysis of Japanese General Social
Survey in 2006 (Kodomo-su o Kiteisuru Micro Yoin: JGSS-2006 no Bunseki kara),” Journal of the Graduate
School of Humanities and Sciences, Ochanomizu University, Vol.14, pp.291-298.[AE]
RøNSEN, Marit, 2004, “Fertility and family policy in Norway: A reflection on trends and possible,” Max Planck
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
Institute for Demographic Research, Demographic Research, 10, pp.265-286.[FE]
SHIMIZU, Makoto, 2002, “Shotoku ga Shussho ni oyobosu Eikyo: JGSS-2000 eno Butz and Ward Model no
Tekiyo (Income Effect to Fertility Behavior: An Application of the Butz and Ward Model to the
JGSS-2000),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science,
University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Monographs No.1, pp.149-158.[AE]
SHIMIZU, Makoto, 2008, “Shotoku to Shussan-Kodo (Income and Fertility Behavior),” TANIOKA, Ichiro,
NITTA, Michio, and IWAI, Noriko [eds.], Values and Behavioral Patterns in Japan: An Analysis Based on
Japanese General Social Surveys, 2000 to 2003 (Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo), University of Tokyo Press,
SUZUKI, Toru, 2012, “Very Low Fertility in Eastern Asia and Europe: Trends, Determinants and Policy
Responses (Nihon, Higashi-Asia, Europe no Shoshika: Sono Doko, Yoin, Seisaku Taio o megutte),” Journal
of Population Problems Vol.68 No.3, pp.14-31.[AE]
TANAKA, Kimiko, and JOHNSON, Nan E., 2005, “Childlessness, Only Children, and the Second Demographic
Transition in Japan,” Conference Papers, American Sociological Association, 2005 Annual Meeting,
TSUTSUI, Jun'ya, 2008, “Shinmitsu-sei no Shakaigaku: Shukusho suru Kazoku no Yukue (Sociology of
Intimacy: Intimacy in the Age of Deminishing Families),” Sekaishisosha, 239p.[FJ]
14. Education
AIZAWA, Shin’ichi, 2007, “Koki-Chuto-Kyoiku Kakudai-ki no Gakureki to Shokureki no Renkan 1: Sedai-nai
Ido to Shokugyo-Kozo no Henka ni motozuku Tansaku-teki Jiki-Kubun o Tegakari to shite (Linkage to High
School diplomas and their Career Routes in Educational Expansion Era: Inspired from Changes of their
Intra-Genearational Social Mobilty and Occupational Structure),” Proceedings: 80th Conference of the Japan
Sociological Society, p.189.[FJ]
AIZAWA, Shin’ichi, and KAGAWA, Mei, 2007, “Koki-Chuto-Kyoiku Kakudai-ki ni okeru
Kosotsu-Shushoku-sha no Sedainai-Ido: Shakai-Ido Kenkyu ni okeru Jikeiretsu-teki Tansaku-Bunseki no
Kokoromi (Intra-generational Social Mobity of Hich School Graduates at the time of Educational Expansion
Era: Exploratory time-series analysis of the Social Mobility Study Using JGSS Accumulative Datasets,”
Proceedings: 55th Annual Meeting, The Kantoh Sociological Society (The University of Tsukuba),
AIZAWA, Shin'ichi, and KAGAWA, Mei, 2008, “Intra-Generational Mobility of High School Graduates in the
Era of Educational Expansion: An Investigative Time-series Analysis of Social Mobility Research Using
JGSS Cumulative Data (Koki-Chuto-Kyoiku Kakudai-ki no Kosotsu-Shushoku-sha no Sedainai-Ido: JGSS
Ruiseki Data o mochiita Shakai-Ido Kenkyu ni okeru Jikeiretsu-teki Tansaku-Bunseki no Kokoromi),” The
Kantoh Sociological Society [eds.] The Annual Review of Sociology, No.21, pp.131-142.[AE]
CHEN, Wan-chi, and LIN, Kuei-hsiu, 2009, “How Education Matters for Happiness?: Commonalities across
Three East Asian Countries,” Proceedings:14th TSCS Conference and 2009 EASS Symposium, November
18, Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, Taipei.[FE]
DATE, Heiwa, 2012, “A Study of the Effect of Parents Educational Assortative Mating on Their Children’s
Educational Attainment: An Analysis of the Expansion-phase, Intensification-phase, Mitigation-phasein
Higher Education by JGSS-2009LCS (Oya no Gakureki Doruikon ga Ko no Kyoiku Tassei ni oyobosu Eikyo
ni kansuru Kosatsu: JGSS-2009LCS ni yoru Koto Kyoiku no Kyoso Kakudai-ki, Gekika-ki, Kanwa-ki no
Bunseki),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.9 (JGSS
Monographs No.12), pp.93-105.[AE]
DATE, Heiwa, 2013, “Effect of Parents’ Educational Marriage Pattern on their Children’s Educational
Attainment: A Comparative Study between Japan, Korea and Taiwan Using the Cumulative Data of EASS
2006 and EASS 2008 (Oya no Gakureki Kekkon Pattern ga Ko no Kyoiku Tassei ni Oyobosu Eikyo ni
kansuru Hikaku-Syakaigaku: EASS 2006, 2008 Ruiseki Data ni yoru Nikkantai no 3-chiiki Hikaku),” Kyoto
University Research Studies in Education, No.59, pp207-219.[AE]
HASHIMOTO, Kenji, 2007, “Kakusa-Shakai to Kyoiku-Kakusa (Gap-widening society and inequality of
Education),” Shohisha Joho, 2007.4 (No.380), pp.12-13.[FJ]
HIRAGI, Kouhei, 2011, “A JGSS Data-based Analysis of Rate of Return to Education: Focusing on the Regional
Difference and Migration (Kyoiku Shueki-ritsu no Chiikisa to Chiiki Ido Koka: JGSS Data o mochiita
Shotoku Kansu no Bunseki),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research
Series No.8 (JGSS Monographs No.11), pp.273-285.[AE]
HIRAO, Keiko, 2008, “Effects of Sibship Size and Gender on Educational Attainment in Japan: Analyses of
JGSS-2006,” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science,
University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.4 (JGSS Monographs No.7), pp.33-44.[AE]
HIRAO, Keiko, 2008, “Changing Patterns of Educational Investment for Women in Japan,” 103rd Annual
Meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 4, Boston, USA.[FE]
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
HONDA, Yuki, 2002, “A Trial Measurement for Income Function Analysis of Labor in Employment System
(Keizoku Kyoiku Kunren Keiken no Kokusai Hikaku: JGSS-2000 to Kokusai Seijin Shikiji Chosa Kekka
yori),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science,
University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Monographs No.1, pp.69-80.[AE]
HONDA, Yuki, 2002, “COLUMN: Kyoiku-Kunren (Education and training),” IWAI, Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki
[eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General Social Survey (Nihonjin no
Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, p.134.[FJ]
HONDA, Yuki, 2004, “The Relevance of High School Education and University Education (Koko Kyoiku,
Daigaku Kyoiku no Relevance),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute
of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Monographs No.3, pp.29-44.[AE]
HONDA, Yuki, 2008, “Koko Kyoiku, Daigaku Kyoiku no Relevance (The Relevance of High School Education
and University Education),” TANIOKA, Ichiro, NITTA, Michio, and IWAI, Noriko [eds.], Values and
Behavioral Patterns in Japan: An Analysis Based on Japanese General Social Surveys, 2000 to 2003
(Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo), University of Tokyo Press, pp.211-223.[FJ]
ISHIDA, Hiroshi, 2003, “Educational Expansion and Inequality in Access to Higher Education in Japan,”
presented at the 98th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Atlanta, USA.[NP]
ISHIDA, Hiroshi, 2003, “Educational Expansion and Inequality in Access to Higher Education in Japan,”
presented at the Research Committee 28 on Social Stratification, International Sociological Association, New
ISHIDA, Hiroshi, 2003, “Inequality in Access to Higher Education in Post-war Japan,” ISS Discussion Paper
Series No.F-111, Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo, pp.1-35.[FE]
ISHIDA, Hiroshi, 2006, “Gakko kara Shokuba eno Iko (Transition from School to Workplace),” Japan Institute
for Labour Policy and Training [ed.], Career Analysis from Different Perspectives of Japanese Workers,
ISHIDA, Hiroshi, 2007, “Japan: Educational Expansion and Inequality in Access to Higher Education,” SHAVIT,
Yossi, ARUM, Richard and GAMORAN, Adam [eds.], Stratification in Higher Education: A Comparative
Study, Stanford University Press, pp.63-86.[FE]
IWAI, Hachiro, 2007, “Girei to shite no Taibatsu: JGSS ni yoru ‘Taibatsu’ ni taisuru Ishiki no Keiryo-Bunseki
(Corporal punishment as an interaction ritual: a quantitative analysis of opinions about corporal punishment,
using JGSS),” Proceedings: 59th Conference of the Japan Society of Educational Sociology, pp.277-278.[FJ]
IWAI, Hachiro, 2008, “Girei to shite no Taibatsu (Corporal punishment as an interaction ritual),” TANIOKA,
Ichiro, NITTA, Michio, and IWAI, Noriko [eds.], Values and Behavioral Patterns in Japan: An Analysis
Based on Japanese General Social Surveys, 2000 to 2003 (Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo), University of Tokyo
Press, pp.313-328.[FJ]
IWAI, Hachiro, 2011, “The Expansion of Women’s Education and its effects on Family Values: A Comparative
Study Based on East Asian Social Survey 2006,”AAS-ICAS Joint conference, April 1, Honolulu,
IWAI, Hachiro, 2011, “The Expansion of Women’s Higher Education and its Effects on Family Values and
Practices in Asian Societies: A Comparative Study based on EASS 2006 and Thai & Vietnam Family Surveys
2010.” ISA RC06-CFR Kyoto Seminar, September 13, Kyoto University.[FE]
IWAI, Hachiro, OKADA, Josuke, and DATE, Heiwa, 2011, “1990-Nendai Iko no Koto Kyoiku Kikai to Shakai
Kaiso: JGSS-2009LCS no Bunseki (Higher Education and Social Stratification since 1990s: an Analysis
based on JGSS-2009LCS),” Proceedings: 63nd Conference of the Japan Society of Educational Sociology,
IWAI, Hachiro, TODOROKI, Makoto, AGATA, Kenji, and OKADA, Josuke, 2010, “Zero-Nendai no Kyoiku to
Shoki-Career: JGSS-2009 Life Course Study no Bunseki (Education and the Early Career Processes in the
2000s: Findings based on JCSS-2009 LIfe Course Study),” Proceedings: 62nd Conference of the Japan
Society of Educational Sociology, pp.42-47.[FJ]
KAGAWA, Mei, 2007, “Where Have the ‘Good’ Jobs been Distributed?: Two Pathways of School to Work
Transition in Japan (Gakko kara Shokugyo eno Iko ni kansuru 2tsu no Keiro),” Bulletin of the Graduate
School of Education, The University of Tokyo, Vol.46, pp.155-164.[AE]
KATAYAMA, Yuki, 2010, “Gakko kara Seizogyo eno Iko,” NUCB JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND
INFORMATION SCIENCE, Vol.55 No.1, pp.19-32.[FE]
KIKUCHI, Nobuyoshi, 2011, “Estimating The Returns to Higher Education in Japan,” 2011 HiStat/TCER/Tokyo
Labor Economics Workshop Joint Conference on Early Formation of Human Capital, June 18, Hitotsubashi
KIM, Ki Hun, 2004, “Trends and Differentials in School Transitions in Korea and Japan,” paper presented at the
conference ‘Inequality and Stratifications: Broadening the Comparative Scope’ of Research Committee 28
(Social stratification and Mobility) of International Sociological Association, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August
7-9, 2004, 49p.[FE]
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
KIM, Ki Hun, and MIWA, Satoshi, 2005, “System Context Revisited: Educational Reform and Inequality in
Japan and Korea,” paper presented at the conference ‘Inequality and Mobility in Family, School, and Work’
of Research Committee 28 (Social stratification and Mobility) of International Sociological Association,
August 18-20, 2005, 32p.[FE]
KONDO, Hiroyuki, 2004, “Shotoku to Kyoiku-Tassei: Kanrenno Tsuyosa to Henka ni kansuru
Kensho,”Proceedings: 56th Conference of the Japan Society of Educational Sociology, pp.230-231.[FJ]
KONDO, Hiroyuki, 2005, “Parental Income and Access to Higher Education: Examining the Trend and Recent
Changes (Oya no Shotoku to Daigaku-Kyoiku-Kikai: Kanren no Tsuyosa to Henka ni kansuru Kensho),”
Annals of Educational Studies, Vol.10, pp.1-16.[AE]
MATSUURA, TSUKASA, 2011, “Shussho, Kyoiku no Jissho Bunseki,” Doctoral dissertation, Graduate School
of Economics, Kyoto University.[FJ]
MIWA, Satoshi, 2008, “Kyoiku Tassei Katei ni mirareru Shusshin Kaiso no Eikyo (The Impact of Class Origin
on Educational Attainment Process),” TANIOKA, Ichiro, NITTA, Michio, and IWAI, Noriko [eds.], Values
and Behavioral Patterns in Japan: An Analysis Based on Japanese General Social Surveys, 2000 to 2003
(Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo), University of Tokyo Press, pp.225-236.[FJ]
NAGAO, Yukiko, 2008, “Who Uses Japanese Vocational Schools (Senmon Gakko) and How?: The
Reorganization of Post-secondary Education into Higher Education,” The Journal of Educational Sociology,
No.83, pp.85-106.[AE]
NAGAO, Yukiko, 2010, “The Shift in the Knowledge and its Supporters: Analyzing about the Fluctuation of
Japanese Junior College Entrants (Tandai Shingaku-ritsu no Hendo ni miru Kyoiku-chi no Shift to sono
Shiji-so),” University of Tokyo, Institute of Social Science Panel Survey, Discussion Paper Series, No.33,
NAGAO, Yukiko, 2010, “The Gendered Choices in Higher Education Curriculums and Their Supporters:
Focusing on Japanese Vocationalization (Koto Kyoiku ni okeru Senko no Danjo-sa: Jitsugaku-Shiko no
Tenkai to Shijiso ni Chumoku shite),” Ochanomizu University, PROCEEDINGS 12 Grant-In-Aid Research
Awards, pp.81-90.[AE]
NAGAO, Yukiko, 2010, “Koto-Kyoiku-Shingaku to Senko no Henka ni kansuru Ichi-Kosatsu: Kyoyochi,
Shokugyochi oyobi Danjohi no Kanren kara,” Proceedings: 62nd Conference of the Japan Society of
Educational Sociology, pp.380-381.[FJ]
NAGAO, Yukiko, 2012, “Senko no Sentaku ni okeru Kitei Yoin oyobi sono Henka ni Kansuru Ichi-Kosatsu:
Dare ga ‘Shokugyo-Chi’ o motometanoka,” 34th Conference of the Japan Society for the Study of Career
Education, October 28, Shiga University.[FJ]
NAKAZAWA, Wataru, 2010, “An Analysis of Decision Making in Higher Education Using the Data from the
JGSS-2009 Life Course Study: Testing the Relative Risk Aversion Model in Japan (JGSS-2009 Life Course
Chosa ni miru Koto-Kyoiku Shingaku Kodo no Bunseki: Nihon ni okeru Sotai-teki Risk Kaihi-setsu no
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Monographs No.10), pp.217-227.[AE]
NAKAZAWA, Wataru, 2011, “Nonstandard Educational Trajectories and Their Impact on School-to-Work
Transition in Japan,” ISA RC28, August 10, University of Iowa.[NP]
NAKAZAWA, Wataru, 2013, “Kyoiku System to Shokugyo Keireki no Kanrensei: Nihon, Taiwan no Hikaku
(The Linkage between Educational Systems and Career Histories: Comparison between Japan and Taiwan),”
The Research Briefing Session of 2013, The ISS Panel Survey Project, February 27, the University of
NISHIMURA, Yukimitsu, 2002, “JGSS-2000 o Riyo shita Kogi Bunseki: 3-Daigaku (Gakubu)-kan no Hikaku
(The comparative analysis of Class Contents in 3 universities using with JGSS-2000),” Proceedings: 75th
Conference of the Japan Sociological Society, p.196.[FJ]
NISHIMURA, Yukimitsu, 2002, “Gakureki to Shakai-Kaiso (Academic background and social stratification),”
IWAI, Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese
General Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, pp.161-166.[FJ]
NISHIMURA, Yukimitsu, 2004, “2 Sedai-nai sho-Daigaku-Nyugaku-sha ni shojiru Kakusa (1) Kohyo Data o
mochiita Inga Model no Jiten-kan Hikaku (The Differentials caused from First Higher Education Student in
the Household: The Comparison of Casual Models using 3 Personal Data),” Kotokyoiku Kenkyu Sosho
(Studies on Higher Education) No.5, Kotokyoiku Kenkyu-sho (Research Institute for Higher Education),
Kansai University of International Studies, pp.1-17.[FJ]
NISHIMURA, Yukimitsu, 2006, “2 Sedai-nai hatu-Daigaku-Nyugaku-sha ni shojiru Kakusa(1): Kohyo Data o
mochiita Inga Model no Jiten-kan Hikaku (The Differentials caused from First Higher Education Student in
the Household (1): The Comparison of Casual Models using 3 Personal Data),” Universal phase of the
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NOZAKI, Yuko, 2006, “Josei no Ko-gakureki-ka to Keizai-Kakusa (A Study on Women's Higher Education and
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
Economic Disparity),” Abstracts: Regional Meeting of Japan Society of Household Economics, November
25, Prefectural University of Hiroshima.[NP]
NOZAKI, Yuko, 2007, “Women’s Higher Education and Marriage Timing in an era of employment uncertainty
(Koyo-Fuan-Jidai ni okeru Josei no Ko-Gakureki-ka to Kekkon Timing: JGSS Data ni yoru Kensho),”
Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of
Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.3 (JGSS Monographs No.6), pp.131-146.[AE]
NOZAKI, Yuko, 2007, “Josei no Ko-gakureki-ka to Keizai-Kakusa ni kansuru Kenkyu (A Study on Women's
Higher Education and Economic Disparity),” Doctoral Thesis, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of
Social Sciences (Economics), pp.47-65, pp.67-86.[FJ]
NOZAKI, Yuko, 2009, “An Examination on Marriage Squeeze by Split Population Duration Model: By Using
JGSS Data (Split Population Duration Model ni yoru Kekkon Squeeze no Kensho),” JGSS Research Center,
Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.6 (JGSS Monographs No.9), pp.37-51.[AE]
NOZAKI, Yuko, and FUKUDA, Nobutaka, 2009, “Kyoiku to Shussan Kodo: Bansan-ka to Shussan Penalty
(Education and fertility Behavior: Wage penalty associated to late motherhood,” Labor Economics
Conference, November 14, Tokyo International Forum.[NP]
SAITO, Tomohiro, 2014, “Family Structure and Educational Attainment Process: Analysis of Children from
Single-Parent Families by JGSS Data (Kazoku Kozo to Kyoiku Tassei Katei: JGSS o mochiita Hitori-Oya
Setai Shusshinsha no Bunseki),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS
Research Series No.11 (JGSS Monographs No.14), pp.11-23.[AE]
SANO, Shigeru, 2006, “A Study on the Transformation of Home Education (Katei-Kyoiku no Henyo ni kansuru
Ichi-Kosatsu: Sen-zen to Sen-go no Hikaku-Kosatsu-Ron kara),” The Review of Osaka University of
Commerce, No.142, pp.51-62.[FJ]
SANO, Shinpei, and YASUI, Kengo, 2009, “Nihon ni okeru Kyoiku no Return no Suikei (Estimating the Return
to Education in Japan: Evidence from Repeated Cross-Sectional Data),” Kokumin Keizai Zasshi, Vol.200
No.5, pp.71-86.[FJ]
SASAKI, Takayuki, 2009, “JGSS-2008 Data ni miru Nihonjin no Kosodate-kan; Katei no Shitsuke no Chikara
wa Teika shitanoka (Beliefs about Japanese parenting based on JGSS-2008: Did the ability to discipline
children at home decline?),” Proceedings: 82nd Conference of the Japan Sociological Society, p.120.[FJ]
SASAKI, Takayuki, 2010, “Japanese Attitudes Toward Childrearing: Opinions About the Ability to Raise
Children in Japanese Society Based on JGSS-2008 Data (Nihonjin no Kosodate-kan: JGSS-2008 Data ni
miru Shakai no Ikuji-Noryoku ni taisuru Hyoka),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce
[ed.], JGSS Research Series No.7 (JGSS Monographs No.10), pp.35-47.[AE]
SATO, Tomoko, 2006, “The Meanings of Classes and Courses in the Civil Society: Quantitative Analysis on
Social Education and Local Self-Governments (Shimin-shakai ni okeru Gakkyu, Koza no Igi:
Shakai-Kyouiku to Chiho-Gyosei no Keiryo Bunseki),” Bulletin of the Graduate School of Education the
University of Tokyo, Vol.45, pp.317-324.[AE]
SATO, Tomoko, 2010, “The Effects of Participation in Adult Learning on Social Capital: Does Education
Promote Social Networks? (Shakai Kankei Network ni taisuru Seijin Gakushu Kikai no Koka),”
Proceedings: 69th Annual Conference of Japanese Educational Research Association, pp.408-409.[FJ]
SATO, Tomoko, 2011, “The Effects of Participation in Adult Learning on Social Capital: Does Education
Promote Social Networks? (Shakai Kankei shihon ni taisuru Seijin Gakushu Kikai no Koka: Kyoiku wa
Shakai-teki Network o Sokushinsuruka?),” Bulletin of the Japan Society for The Study of Adult and
Community Education, No.47, pp.31-40.[AE]
SATO, Tomoko, 2012, “Local Governance to Shakai Kyoiku no Igi ni kansuru Kenkyu: Community ni yoru
Citizenship Gakushu ni mukete (A Study on Local Governance and the meaning of community education: for
citizenship learning in a community),” Doctoral Thesis, The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of
Education, pp.40-64.[FJ]
SATO, Tomoko, 2013, “The Effect of Adult Education on Political Engagement: Analysis of JGSS-2012
(Seijiteki Kanyo ni taisuru Shakai-Kyoiku, Shogai-Gakushu no Koka: JGSS-2012 ni yoru Bunseki),” JGSS
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SATO, Tomoko, 2013, “Kodomo-ki ni okeru Gakushu Kikai no Shakaiteki Seika: JGSS-2012 ni yoru Bunseki”
72nd Annual Conference of Japanese Educational Research Association, August 29, Hitotsubashi
SEKINE, Sayaka, 2009, “Causal Analyses on Educational Attainment; Cultural Reproduction and Meritocracy
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SHIRAKAWA, Toshiyuki, 2011, “Kyoiku no Suichoku, Suihei Kakusa Jigen to Chii Tassei (Vertical and
Horizontal Difference in Education and Its Consequences for Status Attainment: Education and Career
Trajectory after 1990),” Proceedings; 62nd Conference of the Kansai Sociological Association, p.13.[FJ]
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
TACHIBANAKI, Toshiaki, and MATSUURA, Tsukasa, 2009, Gakureki-Kakusa no Keizaigaku, Keisoshobo.[FJ]
TAKAYAMA, Ikuko, 2002, “Institutionalization of Preschool Education and The Myth of First Three Years: An
Analysis Using JGSS-2000 Data (Shugaku-zen Kyoiku no Seido-ka to ‘3-sai-ji Shinwa’: JGSS-2000 Data ni
yoru Kitei Yoin Bunseki),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of
Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Monographs No.1, pp.159-169.[AE]
TAKAYAMA, Ikuko, 2002, “Jiko-Toshi wa Fukaketsu ka: Kyoyo-Koza, Jitsumu-Koza (Is self-investment
necessary?: Culture and practical courses),” IWAI, Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and
Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to
Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, pp.239-243.[FJ]
TANAKA, Ryuichi, 2008, “The gender-asymmetric effect of working mothers on children's education: Evidence
from Japan,” Journal of The Japanese and International Economies 22 (2008), pp.586-604.[FE]
TSUMURA, Mondo, 2003, “Josei no Shakaiteki-Chii no Henka to Kodomo no Kyoiku-Tassei (Change of
Women’s Social Status and Educational Achievement of their Children),” Proceedings: 55th Conference of
the Japan Society of Educational Sociology, pp.90-91.[FJ]
TSUMURA, Mondo, 2006, “The Factors Affecting Expenditure on Education: Results of Japanese General
Social Surveys (JGSS-2002)(Kyoiku-hi Futan ni Eikyo o oyobosu Sho-Yoin: JGSS-2002 Data ni yoru
Bunseki),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science,
University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.2 (JGSS Monographs No.5), pp.135-148.[AE]
TSUMURA, Mondo, 2006, “Kakei no Kyoiku-hi ni Eikyo o oyobosu Sho-Yoin: JGSS-2002 Data o mochiita
Bunseki (The Factors Affecting Education Costs of Households: Results of Japanese General Social Surveys
(JGSS-2002)),” Proceedings: 58th Conference of the Japan Society of Educational Sociology, pp.47-48.[FJ]
TSUMURA, Mondo, 2007, “Oya no Kyoiku-Ishiki ga Kakei no Kyoiku-hi-Futan ni oyobosu Eikyo: JGSS-2006
Data ni yoru Bunseki (Effects of Parental Educational Attitudes on Educational Costs: An Analysis Using
JGSS-2006 data),” Proceedings: 80th Conference of the Japan Sociological Society, p.186.[FJ]
TSUMURA, Mondo, 2008, “Effects of Parental Educational Attitudes on Educational Costs: An Analysis Using
JGSS-2006 data (Oya no Kyoiku-Ishiki ga Kyoikuhi-Futan ni oyobosu Eikyo: JGSS-2006 Data ni yoru
Bunseki),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science,
University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.4 (JGSS Monographs No.7), pp.69-80.[AE]
TSUMURA, Mondo, 2010, “Kakei no Kyoiku-hi Shishutsu-Kozo no Choki-teki Henka (Long-term Changes in
the Structure of Education Costs of Households),” Proceedings: 62nd Conference of the Japan Society of
Educational Sociology, pp.346-347.[FJ]
TSUMURA, Mondo, and IWAI, Hachiro, 2008, “Kakei ni okeru Kyoiku-hi Futan (The Burden of Educational
Costs in Families with Children),” TANIOKA, Ichiro, NITTA, Michio, and IWAI, Noriko [eds.], Values and
Behavioral Patterns in Japan: An Analysis Based on Japanese General Social Surveys, 2000 to 2003
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TSUMURA, Mondo, and IWAI, Noriko, 2013, “JGSS de yomu Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo dai-5-kai: Life
Stage-betsu ni miru Kyoikuhi (Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General Social
Survey: The Analysis of Educational Costs according to Different Life Stage of Household),” Japan Finance
Corporation [ed.], Chosageppo, May 2013 No.056, pp.20-21.[FJ]
TSUTSUI, Jun’ya, 2005, “Factor of Late Marriage; A Survival Analysis of Life Courses for Marriage in Japan,”
NUCB Journal of Economics and Information Science, Vol.49, No.2, pp.223-234.[FE]
YAMAMURA, Eiji, 2011, “The role of social trust in reducing long-term truancy and forming human capital in
Japan,” Economics of Education Review, 30(2), pp.380-389.[FE]
YAMAMURA, Eiji, 2011, “The effect of social trust on achievement test performance of students in Japan,”
Applied Economics Letters, Vol.19 (7), pp.645-648.[FE]
YAMANOUCHI, Kenshi, 2011, “A Study on the Determinants of Access to Higher Education Based on
JGSS-2009LCS Data (JGSS-2009LCS Data ni motozuku Koto-Kyoiku Shugaku no Kitei Yoin ni kansuru
Kosatsu),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.8 (JGSS
Monographs No.11), pp.79-91.[AE]
YAMANOUCHI, Kenshi, 2012, “Koto-Kyoiku Shugaku no Kitei Yoin ni Kansuru Kosatsu: JGSS-2009LCS
Data ni Motozuku 'Zennyu Kasetsu’ to 'Talent Loss Kasetsu’ no Kensyo (A Study on the Determinants of
Access to Higher Education Based on JGSS-2009LCS Data),” YAMANOUCHI Kenshi [ed.], Gakusei no
Gakuryoku to Koto Kyoiku no Shitsu Hosho (1) (A Student's Academic Performance and Quality Assurance
of Higher Education, 1), Gakubunsha, pp.22-46.[FJ]
YAMANOUCHI, Kenshi, 2012, “Daigakusei no Gakuryoku Keisei Shien (Academic Support for Building
Abilities and Competencies of Undergraduate Students),” Visitig Professor Seminar, February 22, Center for
the Studies of the Higher Education, Nagoya University.[FJ]
YASUDA, Naomi, 2007, “A study on Japanese psychologism using the data of JGSS-2005: The spurious
correlation between psychological knowledge and psychological reductionism (JGSS-2005 ni miru Nihon no
Shinri-Shugi: Shinrigaku-Chishiki to Shinri-Kangen-Shugi no Giji-Sokan),” Institute of Regional Studies,
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research
Series No.3 (JGSS Monographs No.6), pp.119-130.[AE]
YASUDA, Naomi, 2008, “Reexamination of the Influence on Japanese Schools of the Active Acceptance of
Psychological Knowledge: The Affinity of Psychological Knowledge for a Child-Centered Perspective,” The
Journal of Educational Sociology, pp.185-204.[AE]
YODA, Shohei, 2011, “Kodomo-ki no Kazoku Kozo to Kyoiku Tassei Kakusa: Futari-Oya Setai, Boshi Setai,
Fushi Setai no Hikaku (Family Structure in Childhood and Educational Attainment: A Comparison of
Two-parent, Single-mother and Single-father Families),” Proceedings: 21st Conference of the Japan Society
of Family Sociology, pp.98-99.[FJ]
YODA, Shohei, 2012, “Family Structure in Childhood and Educational Attainment: A Comparison of
Two-parent, Single-mother, and Single-father Families (Kodomoki no Kazoku-Kozo to Kyoiku Tassei
Kakusa: Futarioya Setai, Boshi Setai, Fushi Setai no Hikaku),” Japanese Journal of Family Sociology, No.24
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15. Culture/Religion/Morality
CHANG, Chin-fen, and CHANG, Han-pi, 2009, “台灣人的多元文化觀與實踐 (Multiculturalism in Taiwan:
From Concept to Practice),” Proceedings:14th TSCS Conference and 2009 EASS Symposium, November 18,
Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, Taipei.[FC]
CHANG, Chin-fen, and CHEN, Mei-hua, 2009, “Sex Tourism by Taiwanese: Where Did They Go and Who Are
They?,” Proceedings:14th TSCS Conference and 2009 EASS Symposium, November 18, Institute of
Sociology, Academia Sinica, Taipei.[FE]
INABA, Keishin, 2012, “Nihonjin no Rita-sei to 'Mujikaku no Shukyo-sei': Kyokanen no Tanjo,” Chuokoron,
May 2012, pp.40-47.[FJ]
ISHII, Kenji, 2007, Data Book: Gendai Nihonjin no Shukyo, Shin-yo-sha, pp.30-32.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, 2002, “Sei ni Matsuwaru Ishiki (Attitudes towards sexual morals),” IWAI, Noriko, and SATO,
Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General Social Survey (Nihonjin
no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, pp.222-230.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, 2002, “Haka to Nihonjin (Graves and Japanese),” IWAI, Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.],
Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata:
JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, pp.307-312.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, 2002, “COLUMN: Shigo no Sekai o Shinji masuka (Do you believe there is a life after death?),”
IWAI, Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese
General Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, pp.316-317.[FJ]
JUNG, Hyong, 2009, “일본 일본인 일본문화 (Japan, Japanese, Japanese Culture),” 다락원, p.132.[FK]
KIMURA, Masafumi, 2002, “The Contemporary Japanese Religious Consciousness From Some Data of
JGSS-2000 and Other Social Surveys (Gendai Nihonjin no Shukyo Ishiki: JGSS-2000 kara no Data o
Chushin to shite),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social
Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Monographs No.1, pp.125-134.[AE]
KIMURA, Masafumi, 2002, “Konna ni Aru Nihon no Shukyo (Diverse religions in Japan),” IWAI, Noriko, and
SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General Social Survey
(Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, pp.294-299.[FJ]
KIMURA, Masafumi, 2002, “COLUMN: ‘Shukyo no Dantai ya Kai’ towa Donoyona Sonzai ka (What are
religious organizations and groups?),” IWAI, Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and
Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to
Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, p.313.[FJ]
KIMURA, Masafumi, 2003, “The Contemporary Japanese and ‘Family Religion’ from the Data of
JGSS-2000/2001 and Other Social Surveys (Gendai Nihonjin to ‘Ie no Shukyo’: JGSS-2000/2001 kara no
Data o Chushin to shite),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of
Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Monographs No.2, pp.145-162.[AE]
KIMURA, Masafumi, 2005, “Wakamono no Kokoro o saguru (Inquiry into the Consciousness of the Young),”
Nagai, H. [ed.], The young of today & Modern Society (Wakamono to Gendai Shakai), Gakubun-sha,
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2005, “Higashi-Asia ni okeru Shukyo to Shussho-Ishiki (Religion and Fertility Attitudes in
East Asia),” Proceedings: 57th Annual Meeting of the Population Association of Japan, pp.45-46.[FJ]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2013, “Sekai no Shukyo-betsu Jinko no Data to Shorai Suikei (Data on Religion and
Population Projections by Religion in the World),” HAYASE, Yasuko, KOJIMA, Hiroshi [eds.], Jinkogaku
Library 13: Sekai no Shukyo to Jinko (Religion and Population in the World) pp.1-29.[FJ]
KRAUSE, Neal, LIANG, Jersey, BENNET, Joan, KOBAYASHI Erika, AKIYAMA, Hiroko, FUKUDA, Taro,
2010, “A descriptive analysis of religious involvement among older adults in Japan,” Ageing and Society,
Vol.30 No.4, pp.671-696.[FE]
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
MATSUTANI, Mitsuru, 2002, “Religiosity and Social Attitudes: Evidence from a ‘Japanese Christian Survey’
(Shukyo-sei to Shakai Ishiki: Kirisuto-kyo Shinja Anketo Chosa o Jirei ni),” Soshioroji (Sociology) Vol.47,
No.1, pp.91-108.[AE]
MATSUTANI, Mitsuru, 2004, “Religion as a Determinant of Social Attitudes: A comparion between three
groups; ‘Religious,’‘Not religious,’ and non-religious members of a Family faith (Shakai Ishiki no Kiteiin to
shite no Shukyo: ‘Shinja’-so, ‘Ie no Shukyo’-so, ‘Mu-shukyo’-so no Hikaku),” Institute of Regional Studies,
Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS
Monographs No.3, pp.187-198.[AE]
MINATO, Kunio, 2009, “Cross-cultural Contact and Attitude Toward Foreign Culture of the Japanese Seen from
JGSS-2008,” Proceedings: 82nd Conference of the Japan Sociological Society, p.311.[FE]
NELSON, John K., 2012, “Japanese Secularities and the Decline of Temple Buddhism,” Journal of Religion in
Japan, Vol.1 No.1, pp.37-60.[FE]
ROEMER, Michael, 2006, “Do Religious Beliefs and Membership Affect Life Satisfaction and Happiness in
Japan?” presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association.[FE]
ROEMER, Michael, 2007, “Untangling the Enigma of Religious Affiliation in Contemporary Japan,”
Conference papers of the American Sociological Association 2007 Annual Meeting.[FE]
ROEMER, Michael, 2009, “Religious Affiliation in Contemporary Japan: Untangling the Enigma,” Review of
Religious Research 2009, 50(3), pp.298-320.[FE]
ROEMER, Michael, 2012, “Japanese Survey Data on Religious Practices and Beliefs in the 21st Century.”
NELSON, John K., and PROHL, Inken [eds.], The Handbook of Contemporary Japanese Religions, Brill
Academic Publishers.[FE]
ROEMER, Michael K., 2010, “Religion and subjective well-being In Japan,” Review of Religious Research.
51(4), pp.411-427.[FE]
SHI, Liping, 2011, “Continuities and changes of ancestor worship and family system through the succession
consciousness of tomb in postwar Japan: an analysis of national survey (JGSS-2001) (Haka no Keisho-Ishiki
kara miru Sengo Nihon no Sosen Saishi to Kazoku Seido no Jizoku to Henka: Zenkoku Chosa Data
(JGSS-2001) o mochiita Jissho Kenkyu),” Memoirs of the Institute of Social Sciences, Meiji University,
49(2), pp.367-382.[AE]
SUN, Yuwen, 2010, “Analysis of Japanese Anime’s Domestic and Overseas Audience: Comparison between
JGSS-2008 and TSCS-2008 (Nihon Anime Shicho-sha no Kokusai Hikaku Bunseki: JGSS-2008 to
TSCS-2008 no Data o mochiite),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS
Research Series No.7 (JGSS Monographs No.10), pp.173-182.[AE]
SU, Shuo-bing, 2009, “日常生活的全球化:論人際信任與系統信任 (Cultural Globalization of Everyday Life:
Personal Trust and Systematic Trust),” Proceedings:14th TSCS Conference and 2009 EASS Symposium,
November 18, Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, Taipei.[FC]
TANAKA, Kimiko, 2007, “Graves and the Family in Japan,” presented at the Population Association of America
2007 Annual Meeting, March 29, New York.[FE]
TANAKA, Kimiko, 2007, “Graves and Families in Japan: Continuity and Change,” History of the Family, 12,
TANIOKA, Ichiro, 2002, “Ningen no Honsho wa ‘Aku’ ka ‘Zen’ ka: Ippanntekini Hito wa Shinyo dekiruka (Is
human nature basically evil or good?: Can most people be trusted?),” IWAI, Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.],
Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata:
JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, pp.207-211.[FJ]
TERAZAWA, Shigenori, 2011, “Macro Data kara mita Gendai Nihon ni okeru Social Capital to Shukyo(Social
Capital and Religion in Contemporary Japan based on the Analysis of Nationwide Data),” the 69th annual
meeting of the Japanese Associastion for Religious Studies, September 5, Toyo University.[FJ]
TERAZAWA, Shigenori, 2010, “Belonging to Religious Organization and ‘Status Bridging Social Capital’: from
the Analysis of JGSS-2003 (Shukyo Dantai eno Shozoku to ‘Chii Hashiwatashi-gata Social Capital’:
JGSS-2003 no Bunseki kara),” Research Journal of Graduate Students of Letters, Hokkaido University,
Vol.10, pp.267-283.[FJ]
TERAZAWA, Shigenori, 2011, “Religion and Social Capital in Contemporary Japan based on the Analysis of
Nationwide Data (Macro Data kara mita Gendai Nihon no Shukyo to Social Capital),” Journal of religious
studies, 84(4), pp.1030-1031.[FJ]
TERAZAWA, Shigenori, 2011, “Faith and Publicness in Contemporary Japan: from the analysis of
JGSS-2000-2003,” presented at the 31st Conference of the International Society for the Sociology of
Religion, Aix-en-Provence, France.[FE]
TERAZAWA, Shigenori, 2011, “Gendai Nihon ni okeru Shukyo to Volunteer Katsudo; JGSS no Keiryo-Bunseki
kara (Religion and Volunteering in Contemporary Japan: A Statistical Analysis of JGSS (Japanese General
Social Surveys)),” 8th Conference of The Korea-Japan Next-Generation Academic Forum, August 22-23,
Dong-A University, Busan, Korea.[FJ]
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
TERAZAWA, Shigenori, 2010, “Shukyo to Chiiki Katsudo (Religion and Social Activities in Local
Community),” Research Journal of Graduate Students of Letters, Hokkaido University, Vol.11,
TERAZAWA, Shigenori, 2012, “Shukyo to Social Capital no Keisei ni kansuru Keiryo-Shakaigaku-teki Kenkyu
(Religion and Social Capital in Contemporary Japan: Focusing on Participation in Social Activities),”
Doctoral Thesis, Graduate School of Letters, Hokkaido University.[FE]
TERAZAWA, Shigenori, 2012, “Gendai Nihon ni okeru Shukyo to Volunteer Katsudo: JGSS no Keiryo Bunseki
kara (Religion and Volunteering in Contemporary Japan: A Statistical Analysis of JGSS),” Jisedai Jinbun
Shakai Kenkyu, Vol.8, Japan Center Dongseo University.[AE]
TERAZAWA, Shigenori, 2013, “Religion and Social Activities in Contemporary Japan: Analysis of JGSS
Cumulative Data 2000-2002 (Gendai Nihon ni okeru Shukyo to Shakai Katsudo: JGSS Ruiseki Data
2000-2002 no Bunseki kara),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research
Series No.10 (JGSS Monographs No.13), pp.129-140.[AE]
TERAZAWA, Shigenori, 2012, “Religiosity, Social Stratification and Life Satisfaction in Contemporary Japan,”
Society for the Scientific Study of Religion (SSSR) and Religious Research Association (RRA) Annual
Meeting 2012, November 9, Hyatt Regency Phoenix, Arizona, USA.[FE]
TERAZAWA, Shigenori, 2012, “Gendai Nihon ni okeru Dento Bukkyo to Shakai Katsudo eno Sanka: Zenkoku
Chosa Data no Keiryo Bunseki (Traditional Buddhism and Social Activities in Contemporary Japan: A
Statistical Analysis),” SAKURAI Yoshihide, HAMADA, Yo [eds.] Asia no Shukyo to Social Capital, Akashi
Shoten, pp.60-92.[FJ]
YAMAWAKI, Niwako, 2011, “Within-Culture Variations of Collectivism in Japan,” Journal of Cross-Cultural
Psychology, doi: 10.1177/0022022111428171.[FE]
16. Social Psychology
AKAEDA, Naoki, 2012, “Complex Generation Processes of Unconventionality: The Subcultural Theory of
Urbanism and the Community Liberated Perspective (Toshi niokeru Hi-Tsunensei no Fukugoteki Seisei
Katei: Kai-Bunka Riron to Community Kaiho-ron no Kanten kara),” Soshioroji (Sociology), Vol.56 No.3,
CHANG, Chin-fen, and TSAI, Ming-chang, 2008, “Women's Subjective Social Identity in East Asia: How Does
Family Matter?,” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS SYMPOSIUM
2008: Development of East Asian Social Surveys: Results of EASS 2006 Family Module, pp.183-201.[FE]
HATAKEYAMA, Yosuke, 2011, “‘Trust’ in the Japanese Magazine Articles of Medicine, Education, and Politics
(Iryo, Kyoiku, Seiji ni okeru ‘Shinrai’ ni tsuite no Zasshi Kiji Bunseki),” The Annual Review of Sociology,
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INABA, Keishin, 2012, “Nihonjin no Rita-sei to 'Mujikaku no Shukyo-sei': Kyokanen no Tanjo,” Chuokoron,
May 2012, pp.40-47.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, 2002, “Sei ni Matsuwaru Ishiki (Attitudes towards sexual morals),” IWAI, Noriko, and SATO,
Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General Social Survey (Nihonjin
no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, pp.222-230.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, 2002, “COLUMN: Shigo no Sekai o Shinji masuka (Do you believe there is a life after death?),”
IWAI, Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese
General Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, pp.316-317.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, 2008, “‘Haka’ Ishiki no Tayoka no Haikei (The Background of the Diversity in Attitudes Toward
One’s Own Grave),” TANIOKA, Ichiro, NITTA, Michio, and IWAI, Noriko [eds.], Values and Behavioral
Patterns in Japan: An Analysis Based on Japanese General Social Surveys, 2000 to 2003 (Nihonjin no Ishiki
to Kodo), University of Tokyo Press, pp.103-118.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, 2009, “Values across China, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan,” presented at The 14th TSCS
Conference and 2009 EASS Symposium, November 18, Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, Taipei.[FE]
IWAI, Noriko, 2011, “East Asian Identity and Social Distance among China, Japan, SouthKorea, and Taiwan:
Based on the East Asian Social Survey 2008,” AAS-ICAS Joint conference, April 3, Honolulu, Hawaii.[FE]
IWAI, Noriko, 2011, “What Japanese People Think and Do After the Great East Japan Earthquake, Tsunami and
the Fukushima Nuclear Accident,” California Sociological Association Meeting 2011, November 4,
IWAI, Noriko, 2012, “What Japanese People Think and Do after the Great East Japan Earthquake, Tsunami, and
the Fukushima Nuclear Accident: A Preliminary Investigation by JGSS-2012 Second Pretest (Higashi Nihon
DaiShinsai-go no Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo: JGSS-2010 Dai-2kai Pretest ni yoru Yobiteki Kento),”
Sociology 3 society joint research / exchange meeting Collection of subcommittee report summaries,
IWAI, Noriko, and SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 2006, “Trends of Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns based on
JGSS Cumulative Data 2000-2003 (JGSS Ruiseki Data 2000-2003 ni miru Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo no
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
Henka),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science,
University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.2 (JGSS Monographs No.5), pp.1-17.[AE]
IWAI, Noriko, and SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 2006, “Trends of Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns based on
JGSS Cumulative Data 2000-2003 (Nihon-jin no Ishiki to Kodo no Henka: JGSS Ruiseki-Data 2000-2003 ni
miru Trends),” Proceedings: 79th Conference of the Japan Sociological Society, p.48.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, and SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 2006, “Trends of Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns based on
JGSS Cumulative Data 2000-2003,” EASS Conference 2006, Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, Taipei,
IWAI, Noriko, and SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 2007, “Trends of Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns based on
JGSS Cumulative Data 2000-2003,” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and
Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.3 (JGSS Monographs No.6),
IWAI, Noriko, and SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 2008, “21-Seiki Shoto ni okeru Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo no Henka
(Changes in Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns in the early 21st century),” TANIOKA, Ichiro, NITTA,
Michio, and IWAI, Noriko [eds.], Values and Behavioral Patterns in Japan: An Analysis Based on Japanese
General Social Surveys, 2000 to 2003 (Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo), University of Tokyo Press, pp.19-43.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, and SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 2009, “The Changes in Consciousness and Behavior of the Japansese,”
International Scientific Conference ‘Ethnos in Cross-Cultural Cooperation: The Ukrainian-Japanese Cultural
Parallels,’ March 27, Rylsky Institute of Art Studies, Folklore and Ethnology and Japan Foundation, Kyiv,
IWAI, Noriko, and SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 2009, “Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo no Henka: JGSS Ruiseki Data
2000-2008 ni miru Trends (Trends of Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns based on JGSS Cumulative
Data 2000-2006),” Proceedings: 82nd Conference of the Japan Sociological Society, p.61.[FJ]
JUNG, Hyong, 2009, “일본 일본인 일본문화 (Japan, Japanese, Japanese Culture),” 다락원, p.132.[FK]
KATAGIRI, Keiko, 2008, “Kigyo eno Shinrai ni Kansuru Yoin (Factors related to trust in companies),”
Proceedings: 49th Conference of the Japanese Society of Social Psychology, pp.294-295.[FJ]
KINOSHITA, Hiroyuki, 2011, “Keni-Shugi no Tagensei,” the 84th Annual Meething of the Japan Sociological
Society, September 17, Kansai University.[FJ]
KOBAYASHI, Jun, 2010, “Free-riders to Life Style: JGSS-2009 Life Course Study no Bunseki (Free-riders and
Work-life-balance: Analyses of JGSS-2009 Life Course Study),” Proceedings: 50th Conference of the
Japanese Association for Mathematical Sociology, pp.65-68.[FJ]
MATSUDA, Shigeki, 2005, “Gendai Nihon ni okeru Hahaoya no Shuro no Kodomo eno Eikyo ni kansuru Kihan
Ishiki (Attitude Relating to Effects of Mother's Work to Preschool Children in Contemporary Japan),”
WATANABE, Hideki [ed.], Gendai Nihon no Shakai Ishiki: Kazoku, Kodomo, Gender (Changing Values in
Contemporary Japan: Insights from Gender, Family and Education), 21COE-CCC Tabunka Sekai ni okeru
Shimin Ishiki no Dotai Series 6, Keio University Press, pp.85-105.[FJ]
NAKAO, Keiko, 2001, “Kaiso Kizoku Ishiki to Seikatsu Ishiki (Determinants of Status Identification:
Application of Cluster Analysis and Correspondence Analysis),” Proceeding: 29th Conference of the
Behaviormetric Society of Japan, pp.38-39.[FJ]
NAKAO, Keiko, 2002, “Status Identification and Perception about Standard of Living (Kaiso Kizoku Ishiki to
Seikatsu Ishiki),” Sociological Theory and Methods Vol.17 No2, pp.135-149.[AE]
NITTA, Michio, 2010, “Seido eno Shinrai (Trust in Social Institutions),” Sanseiken Forum, No.86, pp.8-12.[FJ]
SHIBATA, Yuki, 2012, “Tsukin deno Jidosha Riyo to Kankyo-Hairyo-Ishiki no Kanrensei (Transport mode
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SHIBATA, Yuki, and IWAI, Noriko, 2012, “What Japanese People Think and Do after the Great East Japan
Earthquake, Tsunami, and the Fukushima Nuclear Accident: A Preliminary Investigation by JGSS-2012
Second Pretest (Higashi Nihon DaiShinsai-go no Nihonjin no Doko: JGSS-2012 Dai-2kai Pretest ni yoru
Yobiteki Kento),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.9
(JGSS Monographs No.12), pp.155-168.[AE]
SHIGEMATSU, Yoji, and TANIOKA, Ichiro, 2000, “Dansei-teki Bunka to Gambling/Gaming Kodo: Majan, Igo,
Takarakuji no Hikaku-kenkyu o Chushin to shite (Macho Culture and Gaming Behavior: Mahjong, Go, and
Lottery),” Proceedings: 73rd Conference of the Japan Sociological Society, p.192.[FJ]
SHIGEMATSU, Yoji, and TANIOKA, Ichiro, 2001, “Dansei-teki Bunka (Macho Culture) to Majan: Toku ni Igo
oyobi Takarakuji tono Hikaku-kenkyu o Chushin to shite (Macho Culture and Mahjong: Comparative Study
of Gaming Behavior),” Gambling & Gaming, Institute of Amusement Industries, Osaka University of
Commerce, pp.15-35.[FJ]
SHINOHARA, Sayaka, 2011, “Changes in Attitudes Toward Marriage in Japan,” EASS 2011 Symposium,
November 17, Academia Sinica, Taiwan.[FE]
SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, and IWAI, Noriko, 2008, “Trends of Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns based on
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
JGSS Cumulative Data 2000-2006,” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.],
JGSS SYMPOSIUM 2008: Development of East Asian Social Surveys: Results of EASS 2006 Family
Module, pp.105-134.[FE]
SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, and IWAI, Noriko, 2008, “Nihon-jin no Ishiki to Kodo no Henka: JGSS Ruiseki-Data
2000-2006 ni miru Trends (Trends of Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns based on JGSS Cumulative
Data 2000-2006),” Proceedings:81st Conference of the Japan Sociological Society, p.251.[FJ]
SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, and IWAI, Noriko 2009, “Trends of Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Based on
JGSS Cumulative Data 2000-2006 (JGSS Ruiseki-Data 2000-2006 ni miru Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo no
Henka),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.6 (JGSS
Monographs No.9), pp.1-22.[AE]
SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, and IWAI, Noriko, 2010, “Trends of Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Based on
JGSS Cumulative Data 2000-2008 (JGSS Ruiseki-Data 2000-2008 ni miru Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo no
Henka),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.7 (JGSS
Monographs No.10), pp.1-22.[AE]
TANAKA, Yutaka, 2007, “Japanese attitudes toward genetically modified (GM) foods from JGSS-2005 Data
(JGSS de miru Nihon-jin no Idenshi-Kumikae-Shokuhin ni taisuru Taido),” Institute of Regional Studies,
Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research
Series No.3 (JGSS Monographs No.6), pp.95-106.[AE]
TANAKA, Yutaka, 2007, “Japanese attitudes toward genetically modified (GM) foods (Nihon-jin no
Idenshi-Kumikae-Shokuhin ni taisuru Taido),” Proceedings: 20th Annual Research Conference of the Society
for Risk Analysis Japan, pp.407-412.[FJ]
TANIOKA, Ichiro, 2003, “Masculinity, Daily Routine, and Crime Victimization: A test of Routine Activity
Theory by using the JGSS-2001 Data (Macho Culture to Hanzai Higai Keiken: JGSS-2001 Data ni yoru
Routine Activity Theory no Kensho: Boko, Akisu, Goto no Hikaku o kanete),” Institute of Regional Studies,
Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS
Monographs No.2, pp.93-112.[AE]
TANIOKA, Ichiro, 2006, “Karaoke as an Expression of Masculinity: A Model-Testing of Karaoke Play
Frequency by Using JGSS-2001 Data (Chikara no Koji, Eiyu-Ganbo (Macho Culture) no Hatsuro to shite no
Karaoke: JGSS-2001 Data ni yoru Karaoke Sentaku to Play Hindo ni kansuru Kasetsu Jissho Kenkyu),”
Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of
Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.2 (JGSS Monographs No.5), pp.83-94.[AE]
TANIOKA, Ichiro, NITTA, Michio, and IWAI, Noriko, “Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo (Values and Behavioral
Patterns in Japan),” TANIOKA, Ichiro, NITTA, Michio, and IWAI, Noriko [eds.], Values and Behavioral
Patterns in Japan: An Analysis Based on Japanese General Social Surveys, 2000 to 2003 (Nihonjin no Ishiki
to Kodo), University of Tokyo Press, pp.3-18.[FJ]
TOBISHIMA, Shuji, 2010, “Sengo Nihon ni okeru Kyoin no Saiseisan Kozo: JGSS-2002 no Data o mochiita
Bunseki,” Proceedings: 62nd Conference of the Japan Society of Educational Sociology, pp.242-243.[FJ]
TUNG, Chuang-ching, 2008, “An Individualization View on Gaps among the Youth Generation of Japan: the
Earning Differentials and Consciousness Differentials of the Young Generation from JGSS,” Languages,
Literary Studies and International Studies: An International Journal, Vol.5 December 2008, pp.67-96.[FJ]
UEDA, Mitsuaki, 2010, “Media eno Sesshoku ga Taikan-Chian to Genbatsu-ka no Iken ni Ataeru Eikyo no
Bunseki: JGSS-2008 o Mochiite (Analysis of the Effect of Mass media on People’s Perception of Safety and
Punitiveness: Using JGSS-2008 dataset),” 37th Conference of the Japanese Association of Sociological
Criminology, October 2, Kokushikan University.[FJ]
UEDA, Mitsuaki, 2011, “A Time-series Analysis of Determinants of Fear of Crime: Using JGSS Cumulative
Data 2000-2010 (Taikan Chian o Kiteisuru Yoin no Jikeiretsu-Henka ni kansuru Bunseki: JGSS Ruiseki Data
2000-2010 o mochiite),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series
No.8 (JGSS Monographs No.11), pp.167-179.[AE]
UEDA, Mitsuaki, and TSUTOMI, Hiroshi, 2011, “Determinants of Fear of Crime in Japan: Using
JGSS-2000-2010 Cumulative Data Sets,” The Stockholm Criminology Symposium, June 14, City
Conference Center in Stockholm.[FE]
UEDA, Mitsuaki, and TSUTOMI, Hiroshi, 2011, “A Time-series Analysis of Determinants of Fear of Crime,”
16th World Congress of the International Society for Criminology, August 5, Kobe International Conference
UEDA, Mitsuaki, and TSUTOMI, Hiroshi, 2011, “Atarashii Shiten karano Hanzai Fuan Kitei Yoin no Kento (A
New Approach to the Study of Determinants of Fear of Crime),” 38th Conference of the Japanese
Association of Sociological Criminology, October 22, Ritsumeikan University.[FJ]
YAMAMOTO, Hiroko, 2009, “An Analysis of the Japanese Public Opinion on the Death Penalty before the
Introduction of the Saiban-in System;About the Grounds for Opposition to the Death Penalty Based on JGSS
Cumulative Data (2000-2001),” Kyoto Journal of Sociology, No.17 December 2009, pp.67-85.[FJ]
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
YAMAMURA, Eiji, 2010, “Government size and trust,” MPRA Paper No.19727, 27p.[FE]
YAMAMURA, Eiji, 2012, “Atomic bombs and the long-run effect on trust: experiences in Hiroshima and
Nagasaki,” MPRA Paper, No.36805, 19p.[FE]
YAMAMURA, Eiji, 2012, “Government Size and Trust,” Review of Social Economy, Vol.70 No.1,
YAMAWAKI, Niwako, 2011, “Within-Culture Variations of Collectivism in Japan,” Journal of Cross-Cultural
Psychology, doi: 10.1177/0022022111428171.[FE]
YAMAWAKI, Niwako, PULSIPHER, Craig, MOSES, Jamie D., RASMUSE, Kyler R., and RINGGER, Kyle A.,
2011, “Predictors of negative attitudes toward mental health services: A general population study in Japan,”
The European Journal of Psychiatry, Vol.25 No.2, pp.101-110.[FE]
YOSHIDA, Akiko, 2010, “Role of Cultural Lag in Marriage Decline for Japan's Boom and Bust Cohorts,”
Marriage & Family Review 46:1, pp.60-78.[FE]
YOSHIDA, Akiko, 2010, “Cultural Lag, Anomie, and Single Women in Japan,” Doctoral dissertation, University
of Oklahoma.[FE]
17. Mass Communication/IT
CHO, Sungho, 2013, “JGSS de yomu Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo dai-8-kai: Contents Sangyo no Kaigai Tenkai
no Kanosei” Japan Finance Corporation [ed.], Chosageppo, August 2013 No.059, pp.20-21.[FJ]
FURUTANI, Kaichiro, and URA, Mitsuhiro, 2006, “Hanzai-Boshi ni yakudatsu Chiiki-nai Katsudo, Chiiki-gai
Katsudo, Internet no Chikara: Chiiki-nai/Chiiki-kan Katsudo, Internet Riyo wa Hanzai-Boshi ni Yakudatsu
no ka? (The power of helpful intra-region activity, inter-region activity, and internet for crime prevention:
Are intra-region activity, inter-region activity, and Internet use helpful for crime prevention?),” Proceedings:
53rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Group Dynamics Association, pp.82-85.[FJ]
HASHIMOTO, Setsuko, 2008, “Social Stratification and Media Environment in Japan: An Empirical Analysis of
Media Access using Jgss-2005 (Gendai Nihon ni okeru Media-Kankyo no Kaiso Tokusei: JGSS-2005 ni yoru
TV, Shinbun, Internet Sesshoku o mochiita Jissho-Bunseki),” Discussion Paper, No.08-06, Graduate School
of Tokyo Institute of Technology, 17p.[AE]
KIMURA, Masafumi, 2002, “IT-Jidai no Torai (The arrival of the information technology era),” IWAI, Noriko,
and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General Social
Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, pp.244-249.[FJ]
KIMURA, Masafumi, 2004, “The Contemporary Japanese Newspaper Readership From the Data of JGSS-2002
(Gendai Nihon no Shinbun Dokusha-so: JGSS-2002 kara no data o moto ni shite),” Institute of Regional
Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS
Monographs No.3, pp.59-75.[AE]
KIMURA, Masafumi, 2008, “Shinbun Dokusha-so no Shakai-teki Kosei to Seiji Ishiki (The Social Construction
and Political Consciousness of Newspaper Readership),” TANIOKA, Ichiro, NITTA, Michio, and IWAI,
Noriko [eds.], Values and Behavioral Patterns in Japan: An Analysis Based on Japanese General Social
Surveys, 2000 to 2003 (Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo), University of Tokyo Press, pp.295-309.[FJ]
NOMURA, Akiko, 2008, “Effects of daily life information on political decision making: From the Data of
JGSS-2001 (Nichijo-Seikatsu o tsujite erareru Joho ga Seiji-teki Ishi-Kettei ni ataeru Eikyo: JGSS-2001 Data
no Bunseki kara),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social
Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.4 (JGSS Monographs No.7), pp.251-258.[AE]
OHASHI, Masahiko, 2005, “Affecting Factors for the Information Search Behavior of Japanese-Consumers in
the Data of JGSS-2003 (Waga-kuni Shohisha no Joho Tansaku Kodo to sono Kitei-in: JGSS-2003 Data ni
yoru Kensho Kekka),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social
Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.1 (JGSS Monographs No.4), pp.17-32.[AE]
OHASHI, Masahiko, 2005, “Waga-kuni Shohisha ni okeru Joho Tansaku Kodo no Kitei-in to Keiei-Shindan:
JGSS-2003 Data ni yoru (Affecting Factors for the Information Search Behavior of Japanese Consumers in
the Data of JGSS-2003 and Business Diagnosis),” 38th Conference of the Japanese Society of Business
OHASHI, Masahiko, 2006, “Waga-kuni Shohisha no Joho Tansaku Kodo no Kitei-in to Keiei-Shindan:
JGSS-2003 Data ni yoru Kensho Kekka (Affecting Factors for the Information Search Behavior of Japanese
Consumers in the Data of JGSS-2003 and Business Diagnosis),” The Review of the Japanese Society of
Business Diagnosis N0.6, pp.106-118.[FJ]
SHIRAKAWA, Toshiyuki, 2009, “Difference in Information Technology Use and Its Social Effects in Early
2000: Utilizing JGSS Data (Joho-kiki no Riyo ni okeru Kakusa to Shakai-teki Bunmyaku no Henka),” JGSS
Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.6 (JGSS Monographs
No.9), pp.93-106.[AE]
TAKAYAMA, Ikuko, 2002, “Nihonjin no Joho-Shushu-ryo: Shinbun, TV, Hon (The amount of information
among Japanese: Newspapers, TVs, and books),” IWAI, Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru
Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, pp.232-238.[FJ]
UEDA, Mitsuaki, 2010, “Media eno Sesshoku ga Taikan-Chian to Genbatsu-ka no Iken ni Ataeru Eikyo no
Bunseki: JGSS-2008 o Mochiite (Analysis of the Effect of Mass media on People’s Perception of Safety and
Punitiveness: Using JGSS-2008 dataset),” 37th Conference of the Japanese Association of Sociological
Criminology, October 2, Kokushikan University.[FJ]
YAMAMOTO, Akashi, 2010, “Kokusai News eno Sesshoku to Higashi-Asia eno Shinri-teki Kinsetsu-sei (The
relationship between psychological proximity to East Asia and the exposure to international news),”
Proceedings: 51st Conference of the Japanese Society of Social Psychology, pp.210-211.[FJ]
YAMAMURA, Eiji, 2013, “Externality of young children on parents’ watching of anime: Evidence from
Japanese micro data,” MPRA Paper No. 46878, 27p.[FE]
YANG, Jonghoe, 2012, “The Korean Wave (Hallyu) in East Asia: A Comparison of Chinese, Japanese, and
Taiwanese Audiences Who Watch Korean TV Dramas,” Development and Society, Vol.41 No.1,
18. Social Problem
ASADA, Yoshitaka, 2008, “An examination of the determinants of personal opinions about CCTV: As seen in
data from JGSS-2006 (Kanshi Camera no Sanpi ni Eikyo o ataeru Yoin towa Nani-ka: JGSS-2006 o mochiita
Bunseki),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science,
University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.4 (JGSS Monographs No.7), pp.121-132.[AE]
CHANG, Chin-fen, and CHEN, Mei-Hua, 2012, “Dependency, Globalization and Overseas Sex-related
Consumption by East Asians,” International Journal of Tourism Research, doi: 10.1002/jtr.1872.[FE]
FUJISAWA, Mihoko, 2008, “Poverty and Social Assistance System in Japan: Analysis of Take-up Rate Behavior
of Social Assistance based on The JGSS Data (Nihon no Tei-Shotoku to Seikatsu-Hogo Seido: JGSS Data ni
yoru Shakai-Fujo Jukyu Kettei Yoin Bunseki o toshite),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of
Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.4 (JGSS
Monographs No.7), pp.271-283.[AE]
ISHIDA, Mitsunori, 2007, “Dare ni mo Tayorenai Hito-tachi: JGSS2003 kara miru Koritsu-sha no Haikei (Social
Isolation in Japan: From Analysis Japanese General Social Survey-2003),” The Institute for Research on
Household Economics, Kikan Kakei Keizai Kenkyu, No.73, pp.71-79.[FJ]
ISHIDA, Mitsunori, 2009, “Who can’t depend on family? (Kazoku ni tayorenai nowa Dono-yona Hito-tachi
ka?),” Bulletin of Faculty of Human Relations, Otsuma Women's University, pp.1-12.[FJ]
ISHIDA, Mitsunori, 2011, Koritsu no Shakaigaku: Muen-Shakai no Shohosen, Keiso Shobo, 200p.[FJ]
ISHIDA, Yu, 2009, “Social Capital and Perceived Risk of Crime in Neighborhoods: An Empirical Analysis
Using JGSS-2006 (Social Capital ga Chiiki no Hanzai Risk-Ninchi ni ataeru Eikyo),” JGSS Research Center,
Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.6 (JGSS Monographs No.9), pp.73-92.[AE]
IWAI, Hachiro, 2003, “The Transmission of Experiences: An Analysis of Opinions about Physical Punishment
using JGSS-2000/2001 (Keiken no Rensa: JGSS-2000/2001 ni yoru ‘Taibatsu’ ni taisuru Ishiki no Bunseki),”
Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of
Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Monographs No.2, pp.113-125.[AE]
IWAI, Hachiro, 2007, “Girei to shite no Taibatsu: JGSS ni yoru ‘Taibatsu’ ni taisuru Ishiki no Keiryo-Bunseki
(Corporal punishment as an interaction ritual: a quantitative analysis of opinions about corporal punishment,
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IWAI, Hachiro, 2008, “Girei to shite no Taibatsu (Corporal punishment as an interaction ritual),” TANIOKA,
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IWAI, Hachiro, 2010, “Social Tolerance for the Use of Physical Punishment by Parents: An Analysis of Attitude
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KOBAYASHI, Miki, 2010, “Area Level Poverty and Happiness (Chiiki no Hinkon to Hitobito no Kofuku-do),”
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NISHIKAWA, Junji, 2010, “CPTED no Jisssen o Kiteisuru Yoin: JGSS-2006 o Mochiita Bunseki,” Shakai
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OKAMOTO, Yoichi, 2009, “Ippanteki Shinrai wa Ningen Kankei ni Jisatsu Nenryo o Herasu Chikara o
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OSHIO, Takashi, and KOBAYASHI, Miki, 2010, “Association of smoking and drinking with socioeconomic
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SAKAGUCHI, Yusuke, 2006, “Hanzai Risk Chikaku no Kitei-Kozo: Kokusai Hikaku kara miru Nihon no
Tokushu-sei (Determinants of perceived risk of crime: Japanese uniqueness founded by an international
comparison),” A Summary of Presentation at the 57th Conference of the Kansai Sociological Association,
SAKAGUCHI, Yusuke, 2008, “Determinants of the Perceived Risk of Crime: The unique factors identified in
Japan through an international comparison (Hanzai Risk Chikaku no Kitei-Kozo: Kokusai Hikaku kara miru
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SAKAGUCHI, Yusuke, 2010, “Risk to Risk Ninchi no Shakaiteki Keisei Mechanism ni kansuru Keiryo Kenkyu:
Shitsugyo, Kankyo, Hanzai Risk no Hikaku Bunseki (Quantitative Research concerning Social Mechanism
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SAKAGUCHI, Yusuke, 2013, “Inter-temporal Comparative Analysis of Perceived Risk of Crime in the 2000s
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SATO, Yoshimichi, and YOSHIDA, Takashi, 2007, “Hinkon no Sedai-kan Rensa no Jissho-Kenkyu: Shotoku-Ido
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SHIMADA, Takahito, 2004, “Measurement of Perceived Risk of Crime and Victimization using JGSS (JGSS ni
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SHIMADA, Takahito, 2008, “Hanzai Risk Chikaku to Hanzai-Higai no Sokutei: JGSS to Ta no Hanzai-Higaisha
Chosa tono Hikaku (Measuring perceived risk and victimization of crime: Comparison between JGSS and
other victimization surveys),” TANIOKA, Ichiro, NITTA, Michio, and IWAI, Noriko [eds.], Values and
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SHINOZAKI, Takehisa, 2004, “Hi-shugyo, Hi-zaigaku, Hi-kyushoku-chu no Jakunen Mugyo-sha (NEET) ni
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TANIOKA, Ichiro, 2002, “Saibansho no Hanketsu to Shikei-Seido, Saibansho eno Shinraikan: Hanzai no
Kyoaku-ka, Zoka wa Honto ka (Court decision and confidence in capital punishment and court: Are crimes
really intensified and increasing?),” IWAI, Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral
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TANIOKA, Ichiro, 2002, “Hanzai Kenkyu no Data no Arikata: JGSS Keikaku o fumaete,” Proceedings: 29th
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TANIOKA, Ichiro, 2003, “Masculinity, Daily Routine, and Crime Victimization: A test of Routine Activity
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Routine Activity Theory no Kensho: Boko, Akisu, Goto no Hikaku o kanete),” Institute of Regional Studies,
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TANIOKA, Ichiro, 2005, “Crime Data and Japanese General Social Surveys (JGSS) Project,” World Congress of
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UEDA, Mitsuaki, and TSUTOMI, Hiroshi, 2011, “A Time-series Analysis of Determinants of Fear of Crime,”
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CHEN, Duan-Rung, 2008, “Obesity, Socioeconomic Inequality, and Spatial Dependence in Taiwan,” presented
at KGSS-EASS Conference ‘Family and Social Life in East Asia,’ Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul,
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CHIAVACCI, David, 2007, “The Social Basis of Developmental Capitalism in Japan: From Post-war
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FUJII, Nobuya, 2011, “The Relationship between Future Insecurity and Self-rated Health in Three Age Groups:
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FUJISAWA, Yoshikazu, 2005, “The relationship between social capital and self-rated health: Analyzing
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ni okeru Fu-byodo’ no Kenkyu (Study on socioeconomic inequalities in health): Heisei 14-nendo-Heisei
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FUJISAWA, Yoshikazu, HAMANO, Tsuyoshi, NAM, Eun Woo, EDIRIPPULIGE, Sisira, and KOYABU, Akio,
2006, “Preliminary Study for relationship between social capital and health status (Social Capital to Kenko
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HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, 2012, “Associations between Physical Activity Environment in Neighborhoods and
Regular Exercise: A Cross-sectional Analysis of the JGSS-2010 Data (Kinrin no Shintai-Katsudo-Kankyo to
Undo-Shukan no Kanren),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research
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HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, 2012, “Higashi Asia ni okeru Shakai-Keizaiteki Chii to Shukanteki Kenkokan no
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HANIBUCHI, Tomoya and IWAI, Noriko, 2013, “JGSS de yomu Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo dai-9-kai: Yutori,
Iyashi o motomeru Hitobito (Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General Social
Survey: Those who seek comfort and healing),” Japan Finance Corporation [ed.], Chosageppo, September
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HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, NAKAYA, Tomoki, and MURANAKA, Akio, 2010, “Neighborhoods and health in
Japan: An analysis of nationally representative samples linked to neighborhoods' indicators,” 2010 AAG
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HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, NAKAYA, Tomoki, and MURATA, Chiyoe, 2009, “Higashi Asia ni okeru Kenko to
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HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, NAKAYA, Tomoki, and MURATA, Chiyoe, 2010, “Socio-economic status and
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HAYO, Bernd, and ONO, Hiroyuki, 2007, “Comparing Public Attiudes Towards Providing for the Livelihood of
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HIBINO, Yuri, TAKAKI, Jiro, OGINO, Keiki, KAMBAYASHI, Yasuhiro, HITOMI, Yoshiaki, SHIBATA, Aki,
and NAKAMURA, Hiroyuki, 2012, “The Relationship between Social Capital and Self-rated Health in a
Japanese Population: a Multilevel Analysis,” Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine, 17,
IKEDA, Hiroo, 2009, “A Social Network and the Health of a Working Person,” Osaka Gakuin University,
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IWAI, Hachiro, 2002, “Aging and Social Supports for Living: An Analysis of the Elderly using JGSS-2000
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IWAI, Noriko, 2002, “COLUMN: Donor Card no Hoyu: Igai ni Ooi Wakamono no Hoyu, Konbini no Koka?
(Organ donor cards: An unexpectedly large number of youth holders, the effect of convenience stores?),”
IWAI, Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese
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IWAI, Noriko, 2012, “Foreword: Public Expectations Toward the Japanese Government on Social Security
(Kenkyu no Mado: Kokumin ga Seifu ni Kitaisuru Shakaihosyo),” The Quarterly of Social Security Research,
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IWAI, Noriko, and HANIBUCHI, Tomoya [eds.], Health and Society in East Asia: A comparison among Japan,
South Korea, China, and Taiwan based on East Asian Social Survey 2010 (Data de miru Higashi-Asia no
Kenko to Shakai: Higashi Asia Shakai Chosa ni yoru Ni-kkan-chu-tai no Hikaku 3), Nakanishiya Shuppan,
IWAI, Noriko, and TAKEGAMI, Misa, 2011, “Health-related Quality of life in East Asia,” WAPOR 64th Annual
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IWAI, Noriko, and TAKEGAMI, Misa, 2011, “Health-related Quality of Life in East Asia,” EASS 2011
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IWAI, Noriko, and TAKEGAMI, Misa, 2012, “A Feeling of hopelessness, health status and lifestyle in East
Asia,” Book of Abstracts: 2nd ISA Forum of Sociology, Buenos Aires, Argentina, p.286.[FE]
IWAI, Noriko, and TAKEUCHI, Tomohiko, 2012, “Health Status and Social Stratification in East Asia,” JGSS
Symposium 2012, June 10, Osaka University of Commerce.[FE]
IWAI, Noriko, and UENOHARA, Hideaki, 2012, “Medical Care and Oriental Alternative Medicine in Japan,
South Korea, Taiwan,” WAPOR 65th Annual Conference, June 16, The University of Hong Kong.[FJ]
KIM, Sang-Wook, 2011, “Factors Leading to Desired Body Weight in Korea and Japan,” EASS 2011
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KOBAYASHI, Miki, 2009, “The Effect of Income Inequality on Self-Rated Health (Shotoku Fu-byodo ga
Shukan-teki Kenko ni oyobosu Eikyo),” Journal of Personal Finance and Economics, No.29, pp.17-31.[AE]
KOBAYASHI, Miki, 2009, “Shotoku Fu-byodo ga Kenko ni oyobosu Eikyo: Nichi-bei Hikaku (The effect of
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Japanese Economic Association 2009 Spring Meeting, June 6, Kyoto University.[FJ]
KOBAYASHI, Miki, 2010, “The Correlation of Income Inequality on Self-Rated Health: International
Comparison between Japan and the United States by Using Multilevel Analysis (Shotoku-Kakusa no Okisa
to Shukan-teki).” Irho To Shakai, Vol.19 No.4, pp.321-334.[FJ]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2004, “Shakai Chosa ni yoru Ekigaku-teki Kenkyu no Kanosei: JGSS-2002 o mochiita
Allergy-sei Shikkan Yoin Bunseki (Potentials for Epidemiological Research Drawing on Social Surveys: An
Analysis for Determinants of Allergy Using the JGSS-2002),” 2004 Tokei Kanren Gakkai Rengo Taikai
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KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2005, “Determinants of Allergies: Exploratory Contextual Analyses of the JGSS-2002
(Allergy Shikkan no Kitei Yoin: JGSS-2002 no Yobi-teki Bunseki to Tansaku-teki Contextual Bunseki),”
Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of
Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.1 (JGSS Monographs, No.4), pp.47-77.[AE]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2005, “A Contexual analysis of Determinants of Allergies, Using the JGSS-2002 Data Set
(JGSS-2002 ni yoru Allegy-Shikkan-Yoin no Contexual Bunseki),” Proceedings:2005 Annual Meeting of the
Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, October 9-10, 2005, Waseda University, Tokyo,
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2006, “A Contextual Analysis of Allergies in Japan, Drawing on the JGSS-2002 Micro-Data
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(METMA3), 27-29 September, Pamplona, Spain, pp.197-201.[FE]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2008, “Gendered Determinants of Allergies in Japanese Families,” 46th Interim CFR
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Lisbon, Portugal.[FE]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2008, “Gendered Determinants of Allergies in Japanese Families,” Waseda Studies in Social
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KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2011, “Health and Family Formation in Japan and Korea: A Comparative Analysis of
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MURANAKA, Akio, NAKAYA, Tomoki, and HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, 2009, “Shakai-Chiku-Ruikei ni
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prevalence of pollinosis between social area types: analysis of the Japanese General Social Surveys (JGSS)
data),” 2009 Annual meething of the Human Geographical Society of Japan, November 8, Nagoya
MURANAKA, Akio, NAKAYA, Tomoki, and HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, 2010, “Regional differences in
prevalence of pollinosis between social area types: analysis of the Japanese General Social Surveys (JGSS)
data (Shakai-Chiku-Ruikei ni Chakumokushita Kafunsho Yubyo-ritsu no Chiikisa: JGSS Data ni yoru
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MURANAKA, Akio, NAKAYA, Tomoki, and HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, 2010, “Shakai-Chiku-Ruikei ni
Chakumoku shita Kafunsho Yubyo-ritsu no Chiikisa: JGSS Data ni yoru Bunseki (Regional differences in
prevalence of pollinosis between social area types: analysis of the Japanese General Social Surveys (JGSS)
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MURANAKA, Akio, NAKAYA, Tomoki, and HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, 2011, “Regional differences in
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MURATA, Chiyoe, 2009, “Factors Associated with Concern about Health Care in Japan,” Proceedings: 14th
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MURATA, Chiyoe, 2010, “Concern about Health Care and Socio-Economic Status: Analysis using JGSS-2008
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NAKAYA, Tomoki, 2011, “Mapping healthy/ unhealthy towns: GIS-based geo-visualisation of health
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NAKAYA, Tomoki, 2012, “An Analysis on Associations of Self-reported Infection, Fear and Vaccine Uptake of
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Results from JGSS-2010 (2009-10nen no Influenza A(H1N1)2009pdm Ryuko-ji no Influenza Kansen, Fuan,
Yobo-Sesshu no Keiken to Shakai Keizai-teki Chii: JGSS-2010 ni yoru Bunseki),” JGSS Research Center,
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NAKAYA, Tomoki, 2011, “Evaluating Socio-economic Inequalities in Cancer Mortality by Using Areal
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NAKAYA, Tomoki, 2012, “Chiri Joho System o mochiita Kenkozukuri Shien Kankyo no Kenkyu (Studies on
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NAKAYA, Tomoki, and HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, 2009, “A Note on Data-Linkage Between a Micro-Dataset of a
Social Survey and Geodemographics: An Application to Examining Geographical Variations in Self-Rated
Health at a Small Areal Level Using the JGSS Cumulative Data 2000-2003 (Shakai-chosa no Micro-Data to
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NAKAYA, Tomoki, and HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, 2009, “Japanese league of healthy and unhealthy
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
neighbourhoods: Geodemographics, self-rated health and social capital. Social Capital and Health:
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NAKAYA, Tomoki, and HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, 2011, “Japanese league of healthy and unhealthy
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Geography Symposium, July, 14, Durham University, UK.[FE]
NAKAYA, Tomoki, and HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, 2013, “Neighbourhood inequalities in health and income in
Japan (Kyoju Chiiki no Kenko Kakusa to Shotoku Kakusa),” Annals of the Association of Economic
Geographers, 59(1), pp.57-72.[AE]
NAKAYA, Tomoki, MURANAKA, Akio, HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, SETO, Toshikazu, and TANIBATA, Go, 2011,
“Chiri-Joho o mochiita Shintai-Katsudo to Kinrin-Kankyo no Kankei ni kansuru Kenkyu (Research on the
relationships between physical activities and neighbourhood environment by using geographic information),”
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OSHIO, Takashi, and KOBAYASHI, Miki, 2008, “Income inequaqlity, poverty, social welfare, and self-rated
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OSHIO, Takashi, and KOBAYASHI, Miki, 2009, “Income inequality, area-level poverty, perceived aversion to
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OSHIO, Takashi, and KOBAYASHI, Miki, 2009, “The effect of smoking on individual well-being: a propensity
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OSHIO, Takashi, and KOBAYASHI, Miki, 2010, “Income inequality, perceived happiness, and self-rated health:
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OSHIO, Takashi, and KOBAYASHI, Miki, 2010, “Association of smoking and drinking with socioeconomic
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SASAKI, Takayuki, 2012, “Results of EASS 2010 Health Module,” JGSS Symposium 2012, June 10, Osaka
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SASAKI, Takayuki, 2012, “Healthy Aging and Intergenerational Intervention in Japan,” SCHARLACH, Andrew
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SATO, Masahiro, 2006, “Kenko no Fubyodo’no Genzai: Shukanteki Kenko Jotai to Socioeconomic Status no
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SHIBATA, Haruka, 2013, “Ima Yusen subeki wa ‘Kosodate-Shien’ (‘Child Care Support’ is a Top Priority Now
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SHIRAKAWA, Toshiyuki, 2010, “Social Network and Mental Health in Japanese Young People: An Empirical
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Seishin-teki Kenko: JGSS-2009 LCS ni yoru Jissho),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of
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SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 2011, “Stress to Stress Taisho (Stress and stress coping),” OKAWA, Ichiro et al. [eds.],
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SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 2013, “Social Support Networks Among the Japanese Elderly and Attitudes Toward Social
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TAKEGAMI, Misa, 2011, “Relationship between Hopelessness and Health-related Quality of Life: Results from
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YAMAMOTO, Yosuke, 2011, “Relationship between Pruritus and Subject-Perceived Environmental Pollution:
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20. Development Assistance/International Cooperation
HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, 2009, “Exploring Regional Factors Related to Participation in International Cooperation
Activities: Analysis Using JGSS-2006 (Kokusai Kyoryoku Katsudo eno Sanka to Kanren-suru Chiiki Yoin
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MINATO, Kunio, 2007, “Nihonjin no Kaihatsu-Enjo-kan: JGSS-2006 kara no Kento (Values of the Japanese
toward Development Aid: Consideration from JGSS-2006 Data),” Proceedings: 18th Annual Conference the
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MINATO, Kunio, 2008, “Attitude and Behavior of the Japanese on Aid for Developing Countries: Discussion
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University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.4 (JGSS Monographs No.7), pp.57-66.[AE]
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
21. Social Survey (Sampling, Measurement, and Coding)
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YOSHIMURA, Harumasa [ed.], 2001, Aomori Seikatsu-ishiki-chosa, Dai-1-kai Chosa Hokoku (Aomori
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YOSHIMURA, Harumasa [ed.], 2002, Aomori Seikatsu-ishiki-chosa, Dai-2-kai Chosa Hokoku (Aomori
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YOSHIMURA, Harumasa [ed.], 2003, Aomori Seikatsu-ishiki-chosa, Dai-3-kai Chosa Hokoku (Aomori
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YOSHIMURA, Harumasa [ed.], 2003, Aomori Seikatsu-ishiki-chosa, Dai-4-kai Chosa Hokoku (Aomori
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ASAKURA, Masami, 2004, “Shakai Chosa ni okeru ‘Fumei Kaito’(‘Unknown Response’ in the Social
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ASAKURA, Masami, 2005, “Mensetsu-Chosa to Tomeoki-Chosa no Mu-Kaito (Nonresponse in Interview and
Self-Administered Surveys),” Proceedings: 46th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Social Psycology,
ASAKURA, Masami, 2006, “The Causes of Nonresponse (Mu-Kaito no Hassei Yoin),” Graduate School of
Sociology, Rikkyo University [ed.], Bulletin of Sociological Studies, No.13, pp.41-54.[AE]
ASAKURA, Masami, 2006, “Jukyo-Keitai ni yoru Kaitosha-Zokusei to Kaito no Sai (Difference of respondent's
attribution and response by the type of building),” Proceedings: 79th Conference of the Japan Sociological
Society, p.261.[FJ]
ASAKURA, Masami, 2007, “The Bias of Data in Personal-Visit Interviews; Influence of the Type of Building
(Homon-Chosa ni okeru Data no Katayori),” Graduate School of Sociology, Rikkyo University [ed.]Bulletin
of Sociological Studies, No.14, pp.69-81.[AE]
ASAKURA, Masami, 2008, “The Characteristics of Respondents in Personal-Visit Interviews: With an Attention
to Metropolitans (Homon-Chosa no Kaito-sha no Zokusei),” Graduate School of Sociology, Rikkyo
University [ed.], Bulletin of Sociological Studies, No.15, pp.95-107.[AE]
BIAN, Yanjie, and LI, Lulu, 2007, “CGSS Pretest Results of 2008 EASS Globalization Module,” Proceedings:
JGSS Colloquium2007, pp.139-141.[FE]
CAO, Yang, SHIBATA, Yuki, and IWAI, Noriko, 2011, “East Asian Social Survey 2012 Module on Network
Social Capital: The Development of Pretest Questionnaire in Japan, Korea, China, and Taiwan (East Asian
Social Survey 2012 Network Social Capital Module no Sakusei: Nikkanchutai ni yoru Pretest Chosahyo no
Sakusei),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.8 (JGSS
Monographs No.11), pp.219-257.[AE]
ENOKI, Miki, 2008, “Development of EASS 2008 Culture Module: The Result of JGSS Pretest (EASS 2008
Culture Module no Sakusei: JGSS ni yoru Pre-Test no Kekka o Chushin ni),” Institute of Regional Studies,
Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research
Series No.4 (JGSS Monographs No.7), pp.195-232.[AE]
ENOKI, Miki, and IWAI, Noriko, 2007, “Pretest Results of EASS 2008 Culture Module and Proposed Changes
by JGSS,” Prodeedings of JGSS Colloquium 2007, pp.115-132.[FE]
FU, Yang-chi, and CHU, Yun-han, 2008, “Different Survey Modes and International Comparisons,”
DONSBACH, W., and TRAUGOTT, M. W. [eds.], The SAGE Handbook of Public Opinion Research,
GOBO, Giampietro, 2010, “La Globalizzazione Della Survey: Storia, Limiti e Opportunità,” Studi di Sociologia,
Vol.48 3/4, pp.251-273.[FI]
HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, 2009, “Development of EASS 2010 Health Module: Results of JGSS Pretest (EASS
2010 Health Module no Sakusei: JGSS ni yoru Pretest no Kekka o chushin ni),” JGSS Research Center,
Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.6 (JGSS Monographs No.9),
HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, MURANAKA, Akio, HANAOKA, Kazumasa, and NAKAYA, Tomoki, 2011, “Regional
Differences in Response Rate in a Social Survey: Analysis of Survey Completion Data of the JGSS
Cumulative Data 2000-2006 (Shakai-Chosa ni okeru Kaishu-ritsu no Chiiki-sa: JGSS Ruiseki Data
2000-2006 no Kaishu Jokyo Data o mochiita Bunseki),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of
Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.8 (JGSS Monographs No.11), pp.181-192.[AE]
HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, MURANAKA, Akio, HANAOKA, Kazumasa, and NAKAYA, Tomoki, 2011,
“Shakai-Chosa no Kaishu-ritsu to sono Chiri-teki Keiko (Regional differences in survey response rates),”
The Study Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers Autumn 2011, September 23, Oita
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, NAKAYA Tomoki, MURANAKA, Akio, and HANAOKA, Kazumasa, 2012, “Regional
differences of survey response rates and their individual and geographical determinants: A multilevel analysis
(Shakai Chosa ni okeru Kaishuritsu no Kitei Yoin: Kojin oyobi Chiiki Tokusei o Koryoshita Multilevel
Bunseki),” Geographical Sciences, 67(2), pp.71-84.[AE]
INABA, Taichi, 2005, “Estimation of Accuracy for Assignment of Number of Survey Points at Two-stage
Stratified Sampling on JGSS: For example, assignment of number of survey points at JGSS-2000 (JGSS de
miru Soka 2-dan Chushutsu-ho no Chiten-su Wariate-su no Seido Hyoka: JGSS-2000 deno Wariate o Rei ni
totte),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science,
University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.1 (JGSS Monographs No.4), pp.219-224.[AE]
INABA, Taichi, 2002, “An Optimal Assignment of No. of Examination Points at Two-stage Stratified Sampling
by National Social Survey: Estimation of Assignment of Number of Examination Points at JGSS-2000
(Zenkoku Chosa deno Soka 2-dan Chushutsu-ho ni okeru Saiteki na Chiten-su Wariate-ho: JGSS-2000 no
Chiten-su Wariate no Hyoka),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of
Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Monographs No.1, pp.185-191.[AE]
INABA, Taichi, and IWAI, Noriko, 2000, “Nippon-ban General Social Surveys (JGSS) no Chosa-hohoron-jo no
Mondai ni tsuite (2) JGSS Dai-2-kai Yobi-chosa no Kaishuritsu to Keppyo no Bunseki (Methodological
Issues of JGSS (2) An Analysis of Response Rates and Nonresponses),” Proceedings: 73rd Conference of the
Japan Sociological Society, p.26.[FJ]
ISHIDA, Hiroshi, 1999, “Social Science Japan Data Archive and Japanese General Social Surveys,” Japan
Sociologists Network Panel, 94th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Chicago,
ISHIDA, Hiroshi, 2000, “Doing Social Science Research in Japan: Data Archives and Japanese General Social
Surveys,” presented at the 4th Annual Asian Studies Conference, Japan.[NP]
IWAI, Hachiro, 2010, “Zero Nendai no Life Course (1): JGSS-2009 Life Course Study no Sekkei,
Kenkyu-Shikaku, Yobiteki Bunseki Kekka (The Life Course of Japanese Young Adults in the 2000s (1):
Design, Analytical Frameworks and Preliminaly Findings of JGSS-2009 LCS),” Proceedings: 20th
Conference of the Japan Society of Family Sociology, pp.28-29.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, 1999, “Nippon-ban GSS no Dai-1-kai Yobi-chosa o mochiita Kazoku Sokutei-komoku no Kento
(Examining Measurements of Family and Gender Attitudes based on the JGSS 1st Pilot Survey),”
Proceedings: 9th Conference of the Japan Society of Family Sociology, pp.82-83.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, 1999, “Nippon-ban General Social Surveys (JGSS) no Chosa-hohoron-jo no Mondai ni tsuite (3)
Split-Ballot ni yoru Shitsumon-komoku no Kento (Methodological Issues of JGSS (3) Examining Forms of
Questions by a Split-ballot Method),” Proceedings: 72nd Conference of the Japan Sociological Society,
IWAI, Noriko, 2000, “Nippon-ban General Social Surveys (JGSS) no Chosa-hohoron-jo no Mondai ni tsuite (1)
JGSS Dai-2-kai Yobi-chosa no Mokuteki to Hoho (Methodolocial Issues of JGSS (1) Objectives and Method
of the 2nd Pilot Survey),” Proceedings: 73rd Conference of the Japan Sociological Society, p.25.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, 2000, “Nippon-ban General Social Surveys (JGSS) Dai-2-kai Yobi-data ni yoru
Chosa-hohoron-jo no Kento: Sharei no Timing no Eikyo oyobi Split-Ballot ni yoru Shitsumon-komoku no
Kento (Examination of Methodological Issues based on the JGSS 2nd Pilot Survey: The Effect of Timing of
Giving Incentives and Examining Forms of Questions by a Split-ballot Method),” Proceedings:41st
Conference of the Japanese Society of Social Psychology, pp.118-119.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, 2001, “Japanese General Social Surveys (JGSS) and Measurements of Family and Gender
Attitudes: Results of the 1st Preliminary Survey (Nippon-ban General Social Surveys (JGSS) to Kazoku
Sokutei Komoku: Dai-1-kai Yobi-chosa Data no Kento),”Japanese Journal of Family Sociology, No.12(2),
IWAI, Noriko, 2003, “Research Designs for the JGSS,” presented at the Thematic Lecture Series on East Asia
[Theme 1] Social Surveys in East Asia, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea.[NP]
IWAI, Noriko, 2003, “JGSS Project (2) Chosa-hoho to Chosa-komoku (JGSS Project (2) Research Designs and
Questionnaires),” Statistics, Nov. 2003 edition, pp.48-55.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, 2003, “Japanese General Social Surveys: Beginning and Development,” JGSS Symposium 2003
Hokokusho (Proceedings: JGSS Symposium 2003), pp.161-184.[FE]
IWAI, Noriko, 2003, “Research Designs for the JGSS,” presented at the Thematic Lecture on Japanese and
Korean Social Surveys, Institute of Sociology, Academic Sinica, Taiwan.[NP]
IWAI, Noriko, 2004, “Japanese General Social Surveys: Beginning and Development,” Abstracts (Papers
Presented in Sessions) for the 36th World Congress, International Institute of Sociology, Beijing, China,
IWAI, Noriko, 2005, “Japanese General Social Surveys (2) Methodological Experiments in Administering the
Questionnaire, Incentives, Scales and Wording,” ZA (Zentralarchiv für Empirische Sozialforschung an der
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
Universität zu Köln)-Information, No.57, pp.83-102.[FE]
IWAI, Noriko, 2005, “On East Asian Social Surveys,” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of
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IWAI, Noriko, 2012, “Preparation and Deposition of Social Survey Data for Public Usage: The Case of Japanese
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IWAI, Noriko, and INABA, Taichi, 2006, “Issues on the Public Use of the Register of Residents for Social
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Daicho no Etsuran Seido to Shakai Chosa: JGSS-2005 deno Chushutsu kara mita Mondai-ten to Taio),”
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IWAI, Noriko, and INABA, Taichi, 2008, “Chosa-Taishosha ni Sharei o watasu Timing no Eikyo (The Effect of
the Timing of Giving Incentives to Respondents),” TANIOKA, Ichiro, NITTA, Michio, and IWAI, Noriko
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IWAI, Noriko, and SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 2012, “East Asian Social Survey kara Mita Kokusai Hikaku Chosa no
Konnan to Kadai (Difficulties of challenges in cross-national surveys based on an experience in conducting
EASS),” Spring Seminar 2011 of the Behaviormetric Society of Japan, March 17, Osaka University of
IWAI, Noriko, SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, and SASAKI, Takayuki, 2011, “East Asian Social Survey o Toshite Mita
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IWAI, Noriko, and SUGITA, Hizuru, 2008, “JGSS Chosahyo no Sokutei Shakudo to Sentakushi (Response
Scales and Categories of Questions in JGSS Questionnaires),” TANIOKA, Ichiro, NITTA, Michio, and IWAI,
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KOBAYASHI, Jun, 2010, “Shakaigaku to Shakaichosa-Kyoiku: Nihon Shakaigakkai Symposium yori
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KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2001, “Sentakushi Teiji-jun ni yoru Seibetsu Senko Kitei Yoin no Soi (Differences in
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KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2002, “Sentakushi Teiji-jun ni yoru Seibetsu Senko Kitei Yoin no Soi (Differences in
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KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2002, “Who Are More Likely to Make a Neutral Choice in Japan?: The Case of Opinion
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KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2003, “Determinants of Attitudes toward Children in Japan: An Analysis of Split-Ballots in
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KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2003, “Churitsu-teki Kaito-sentaku no Kitei Yoin: JGSS Yobi-chosa Split Ballot no Bunseki
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presented at 2003 Conference of the Japan Association for Public Opinion Research Kenkyu-taikai Program.
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2004, “Churitsu-teki Kaito-sentaku no Kitei Yoin: JGSS Yobi-chosa Split Ballot no Bunseki
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
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KOJIMA, Hiroshi, “Naigai de Riyo Kano na Micro Data to Riyo-rei (Available Microdata Sets and the
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MINATO, Kunio, 2006, “Cross-National Social Surveys in East Asia: AsiaBarometer, East Asia Value Survey,
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MINATO, Kunio, 2007, “Cross-national Social Survey in East Asia: The World Values Survey, ISSP,
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MINATO, Kunio, 2008, “Cross-national Social Survey in East Asia World Values Survey, ISSP, AsiaBarometer,
Asian Barometer, East Asia Value Survey and EASS,” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of
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MINATO, Kunio, 2008, “Cross-national Social Surveys in East Asia: World Values Survey, ISSP, AsiaBarometer,
Asian Barometer, East Asia Value Survey and EASS,” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of
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MIWA, Kana, and IWAI, Noriko, 2010, “Development of East Asian Social Survey 2010 Health Module (2):
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NAKAO, Keiko, 1999, “Nippon-ban General Social Surveys (JGSS) no Chosa-hohoron-jo no Mondai ni tsuite
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NAKAO, Keiko, 2002, “Sentakushi no Sentaku: Nichi-bei Chosa Data ni okeru Shokugyo Kachikan no Hikaku
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NAKAO, Keiko, 2005, “Composite Social Networks: Describing three overlapping discussion networks
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NAKAO, Keiko, 2008, “Shakai Network no Chofuku to Fukugo Network (Composite social networks:
Describing three overlapping discussion networks),” TANIOKA, Ichiro, NITTA, Michio, and IWAI, Noriko
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NAKAO, Keiko, IKEDA, Ken’ichi, and YASUNO, Satoko, 2003, “Implementing a Social Networks Module in
the Japanese General Social Surveys (JGSS): Results of the Pre-test (JGSS-2003 Network Module ni
mukete: Yobi-chosa no Kekka Hokoku),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and
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NITTA, Michio, 2008, “Development of East Asian Social Surveys,” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka
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Johoka to Shotoku-kakusa to Gakko-kyoiku: JGSS Data o mochiite (Methodological Issues of JGSS (5) On
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SUZUKI, Noriyuki [ed.], 2008, Okinawa no Shakai Kozo to Seikatsu Sekai: 2-ji Riyo to shite Kokai Kano na
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OSAWA, Minae, 2001, “Data no Shinraisei ni kansuru Jitsumu-teki Ryuiten to tsukaiyasui data eno Hairyo
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SASAKI, Takayuki, 2010, “JGSS-2009 Life Course Study no Sekkei, Jisshi, Bunseki: Chosa-Hoho no Soi-Kufu
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SASAKI, Takayuki, IWAI, Hachiro, IWAI, Noriko, and YASUDA, Tokio, 2009, “Investigating the Diversified
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SATO, Hiroki, 1999, “Nippon-ban General Social Surveys (JGSS) no Chosa-hohoron-jo no Mondai ni tsuite (1)
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SHIMIZU, Makoto, 2001, “JGSS Dai-1-kai Hon-chosa ni okeru Hi-suitei no Kokoromi (Trial Ratio Estimate for
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TAKAHASHI, Kazuko, 2002, “An Applying the Automatic Occupational/Industorial Coding System to
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TAKAHASHI, Kazuko, 2002, “An Applying the Automatic Occupational/Industorial Coding System to Surveys
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TAKAHASHI, Kazuko, 2002, “An Applying the Automatic Occupational/Industorial Coding System to Surveys
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Method),” Proceedings: 36th Conference of the Japanese Association for Mathematical Sociology,
TAKAHASHI, Kazuko, 2004, “A Combination of ROCCO system and Support Vector Machines in Occupation
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TAKAHASHI, Kazuko, 2006, “Tokei-shori ni Muketa Text-gata Data no Coding Hoho (Methods for Coding
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TAKAHASHI, Kazuko, 2007, “Kikai-Gakushu o mochiita Jiyu-Kaito Bunrui no Kodo-ka ni kansuru Kenkyu
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TAKAHASHI, Kazuko, 2008, “Coding no Jido-ka (Automated Coding with Machine Learning),” TANIOKA,
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TAKAHASHI, Kazuko, 2008, “Kikai-Gakushu ni yoru ISCO Jido Coding (Automatic ISCO-88 Coding with
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TAKAHASHI, Kazuko, 2011, “Improvement of Classification Accuracy in an ISCO Automatic Coding System:
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TAKAHASHI, Kazuko, 2014, “Shokugyo, Sangyo Coding Jidoka System no Ippan Kokai ni muketa Kadai to
Taio,” 57th Conference of the Japanese Association for Mathematical Sociology, March 7-8, Yamagata
TAKAHASHI, Kazuko, 2014, “Shakai Chosa ni okeru Shokugyo, Sangyo Coding Jidoka System no Ippan
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TAKAHASHI, Kazuko, GI, Daibi, TANABE, Shunsuke, and YOSHIDA, Takashi, 2012, “Shakai-chosa ni okeru
Shokugyo Sangyo Coding Jido-ka System no Web Kokai (Automatic Web version Occupation/Industry
Coding System in Social Surveys),” Proceedings: 18th Conference of the Association for Natural Language,
TAKAHASHI, Kazuko, SUYAMA, Atsushi, MURAYAMA, Norifumi, TAKAMURA, Hiroya, and OKUMURA,
Manabu, 2004, “Shokugyo Coding Shien System (NANACO) no Kaihatsu (Developing the Support System
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TAKAHASHI, Kazuko, SUYAMA, Atsushi, MURAYAMA, Norifumi, TAKAMURA, Hiroya, and OKUMURA,
Manabu, 2005, “Applying the Occupation Coding Supporting System for Coders (NANACO) in JGSS-2003
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Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.],
JGSS Research Series No.1 (JGSS Monographs No.4), pp.225-241.[AE]
TAKAHASHI, Kazuko, TAKAMURA, Hiroya, and OKUMURA, Manabu, 2004, “Occupation Coding with
Machine Learning and Hand-Crafted Rules (Kikai Gakushu to Rule Base ni yoru Shokugyo Coding),” IPSJ
(Information Processing Society of Japan) SIG/NL (Special Interest Group of Natural Language Processing)
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TAKAHASHI, Kazuko, TAKAMURA, Hiroya, and OKUMURA, Manabu, 2004, “Kikai Gakushu to Rule Base
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Rule-Based Method),” Proceedings: 10th Conference of the Association for Natural Language,
TAKAHASHI, Kazuko, TAKAMURA, Hiroya, and OKUMURA, Manabu, 2004, “Classification of Responses
to Open-ended Questions with Machine Learning and Hand-Crafted Rules: Automatic Occupation Coding
Methods (Rule Base Shuho to Kikai Gakushu ni yoru Jiyu-kaito no Bunrui: Shokugyo Coding Jido-ka no
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JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
TAKAHASHI, Kazuko, TAKAMURA, Hiroya, and OKUMURA, Manabu, 2005, “Automatic Occupation
Coding with Combination of Machine Learning and Hand-Crafted Rules (Kikai Gakushu to Rule Base no
Kumiawase ni yoru Jido Shokugyo Coding),” Jounral of Natural Language Processing Vol.12 No.2,
TAKAHASHI, Kazuko, TAKAMURA, Hiroya, and OKUMURA, Manabu, 2005, “Automatic Occupation
Coding with Combination of Machine Learning and Hand-Crafted Rules,” Proceeding: the 9th International
Conference on Pacific-Asia Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD-05), Lecture Notes in Artficial
Intelligence Vol. 3518, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp.269-279.[FE]
TAKAHASHI, Kazuko, TAKAMURA, Hiroya, and OKUMURA, Manabu, 2005, “Transforming Scores from a
Classifier into Posterior Probability Estimates (Bunrui Score ni Motozuita Class Jigo Kakuritsu no Suitei),”
IPSJ (Information Processing Society of Japan) SIG/NL (Special Interest Group of Natural Language
Processing) Technical Reports, 2005-NL-170(16), pp97-104.[AE]
TAKAHASHI, Kazuko, TAKAMURA, Hiroya and OKUMURA Manabu, 2006, “Bunrui Score ni Motozuita
Class Jigo Kakuritsu no Suitei (Estimation of Class Posterior Probabilities by Using Classification Scores),”
Proceedings: 12th Annual Meeting of The Association for Natural Lznguage Processing, pp.376-379.[FJ]
TAKAHASHI, Kazuko, TAKAMURA, Hiroya, and OKUMURA Manabu, 2007, “Fukusu no Bunrui Score o
mochiita Class Shozoku Kakuritsu no Suitei (Estimation of Class Membership Probabilities by Using
Multiple Classification Scores),” Proceeding: 13th Annual Meeting of the Association for Natural Language
Processing, pp.542-545.[FJ]
TAKAHASHI, Kazuko, TAKAMURA, Hiroya, and OKUMURA, Manabu, 2007, “Estimation of Class
Membership Probabilities in the Document Classification,” Proceeding: the 11th International Conference on
Pacific-Asia Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD-07), Lecture Notes in Artficial Intelligence
Vol. 4426, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp.284-295.[FE]
TAKAHASHI, Kazuko, TAKAMURA, Hiroya, and OKUMURA, Manabu, 2008, “Estimation of Class
Membership Probabilities by Using Multiple Classification Scores (Fukusu no Bunrui Score o mochiita
Class Shozoku Kakuritsu no Suitei),” Jounral of Natural Language Processing Vol.15 No.2, pp.1-36.[AE]
TAKAHASHI, Kazuko, TAKAMURA, Hiroya and OKUMURA, Manabu, 2008, “Direct estimation of class
membership probabilities for multiclass classification using multiple scores,” Knowledge and Information
Systems (KAIS), ISSN: 0219-1377 (Print) 0219-3116 (Online), Vol.19, No.2, pp.185-210. (2009) DOI:
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TAKAHASHI, Kazuko, TANABE, Shunsuke, YOSHIDA, Takashi, GI, Daibi, and RI, I, 2013, “WEB-ban
Shokugyo Sangyo Coding Jido-ka System no Kaihatsu (Automatic Web version Occupation/Industry Coding
System),” Proceedings: 19th Conference of the Association for Natural Language, pp.769-772.[FJ]
TANIOKA, Ichiro, 2000, Shakai-chosa no Uso-Research Literacy no Susume (Lies in Social Research:
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TANIOKA, Ichiro, and OSAWA, Minae, 2004, “JGSS Project (4) Chosa-hoho no Kokusai Hikaku (International
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TSAI, Ming-chang, and CHANG, Chin-fen, 2007, “Pretest Results of Taiwan Social Change Survey, the Fourth
Phase of Fifth Wave: Using East Asian Social Survey (2008 Culture Module) Questionnaire,” Proceedings:
JGSS Colloquium2007, pp.107-114.[FE]
YAMAMOTO, Koji, 2007, “Effect of Sex-Age-Stratification in Sample Survey: A Simulation of One Million
People (Hyohon-Chosa ni okeru Seibetsu/Nenrei ni yoru Soka no Koka: 100-man-nin Simulation),”
University of Tokyo Institute of Social Science Panel Survey, Discussion Paper Series, No.1, 38p.[AE]
YASUDA, Tokio, 2004, “Ippanka χ2 Tekigo-do Kentei no Kanosei: Daikibo Sample no Kyoyu Kokai Data ga
hikiokosu Mondai eno Taisho (Usefulness of the Generalized χ2 Goodness-of-fit Test: A solution of the
problem occurred by public large-scale sample),” Preprints of the 37th Conference of the Japanese
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YASUDA, Tokio, 2005, “An Analysis on the Missing Mechanism of Fathers’ Education in JGSS: The difference
between DK and NA (JGSS Data ni yoru Chichi Gakureki no Kesson Mechanism no Bunseki: ‘Wakaranai’ to
‘Mu-kaito’ no Chigai),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social
Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.1 (JGSS Monographs No.4), pp.243-256.[AE]
YASUDA, Tokio, 2006, “Sokutei Rinen no Jitsugen o samatageru Hi-chosasha to no Kairi (Unbridgeable gulf
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YASUDA, Tokio, 2008, “Teika suru Kaishu-ritsu to Kaishu Funo no Yoin (Declining Response Rates and
Factors of Nonresponses in JGSS),” TANIOKA, Ichiro, NITTA, Michio, and IWAI, Noriko [eds.], Values
and Behavioral Patterns in Japan: An Analysis Based on Japanese General Social Surveys, 2000 to 2003
(Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo), University of Tokyo Press, pp.447-458.[FJ]
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
YASUDA, Tokio, 2009, “An Analysis of Visiting Records in Japanese General Social Surveys (JGSS ni okeru
Chosain no Homon-Kiroku no Bunseki),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce, and
Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.5 (JGSS Monographs No.8),
YASUDA, Tokio, and INABA, Taichi, 2008, “Sample no Chushutsu to Daihyo-sei (Sampling Methods and
Representativeness of Samples in JGSS),” TANIOKA, Ichiro, NITTA, Michio, and IWAI, Noriko [eds.],
Values and Behavioral Patterns in Japan: An Analysis Based on Japanese General Social Surveys, 2000 to
2003 (Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo), University of Tokyo Press, pp.435-446.[FJ]
YASUDA, Tokio, SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, and IWAI, Noriko, 2008, “Grasping Interviews’ Visiting Patterns to
Improve Response Rates in Large-scale Surveys: An Analysis of Visiting Records in Japanese General Social
Surveys (JGSS),” Sociological Theory and Methods, Vol.23, No.2, pp.129-136.[AE]
YASUDA, Tokio, SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, IWAI, Noriko, and TSUMURA, Mondo, “Kaishuritsu wa Naze Kojo
shitanoka: JGSS-2005 to 2006 no Hikaku (Analyses on the Inprovement in the Response Rates of Japanese
General Social Surveys: The Comparison of JGSS-2005 and JGSS-2006),” Proceedings: 80th Conference of
the Japan Sociological Society, p.30.[FJ]
ZENKYO, Masahiro, 2011, “The Logic of Non-Respondents: An Analysis of the Effect of Generalized Trust on
“Degree of Cooperation” Based on JGSS (Kaito Kyohisha no Ronri: JGSS o mochiita Ippanteki Shinraikan
to ‘Kyoryoku no Teido’ no Bunseki),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS
Research Series No.8 (JGSS Monographs No.11), pp.259-271.[AE]
22. Household Income/Wage
CHANG, Chin-fen, 2009, “Gender Inequality in Earnings in Industrialized East Asia,” Shorenstein APARC
Dispatches, February 2009.[FE]
CHANG, Chin-fen, and ENGLAND, Paula, 2011, “Gender inequality in earnings in industrialized East Asia,”
Social Science Research, Vol.40(1), pp.1-14.[FE]
FUJISAWA, Mihoko, 2008, “Poverty and Social Assistance System in Japan: Analysis of Take-up Rate Behavior
of Social Assistance based on The JGSS Data (Nihon no Tei-Shotoku to Seikatsu-Hogo Seido: JGSS Data ni
yoru Shakai-Fujo Jukyu Kettei Yoin Bunseki o toshite),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of
Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.4 (JGSS
Monographs No.7), pp.271-283.[AE]
Hamagin Research Institute Ltd.[ed.], 2010, Kyoiku-Zaisei oyobi Kyoiku-hi Futan no Arikata ni tsuiteno Chosa
Kenkyu: Kakkoku ni okeru Kyoiku-Zaisei oyobi Kyoiku-hi Futan-to no Jokyo ni kansuru Chosa Hokokusho,
HARA, Hiromi, and KAWAGUCHI, Daiji, 2008, “The Union Wage Effect in Japan,” INDUSTRIAL
RELATIONS, Vol.47, No.4 (October 2008), pp.569-590.[FE]
HASHIGUCHI, Michiyo, 2009, “Skills Formation and Work-life Balance among Diverse Forms of
Employment,” Doctoral Thesis, Osaka School of International Public Policy, Osaka University.[FE]
HESS, Stephane, DALY, Andrew, DUMONT, Jeff, and SANKO, Nobuhiroi, 2013, “When explanatory variables
are unobserved: the example of latent income,” 92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board
(TRB), January 14, Washington D.C.[FE]
IWAI, Noriko, 2002, “COLUMN: Saifu no Himo wa Dare no Te ni? (Who holds the household purse strings?),”
IWAI, Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese
General Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, p.75.[FJ]
KASUYA, Masashi, and SEKITA, Yasuyoshi, 2005, “Empirical Analyses of Household Income and Well-being
for Family Caregivers,” presented at the 5th World Congress of International Health Economics
KAWAGUCHI, Daiji, and HARA Hiromi, 2007, “Nihon no Rodo-Kumiai wa Yaku ni tatte irunoka?: Kumiai
Koka no Keisoku,” JILPT Discussion Paper, 07-02, 35p.[FJ]
KIKUCHI, Nobuyoshi, 2011, “Estimating The Returns to Higher Education in Japan,” 2011 HiStat/TCER/Tokyo
Labor Economics Workshop Joint Conference on Early Formation of Human Capital, June 18, Hitotsubashi
KOBAYASHI, Miki, 2010, “Shotoku Kakusa to Seikatsu no Shitsu ni kansuru Kenkyu (Study of Income
inequality and Quality of Life),” Doctoral Thesis, Graduate School of Economics, Kobe University,
KONDO, Hiroyuki, 2004, “Shotoku to Kyoiku-Tassei: Kanrenno Tsuyosa to Henka ni kansuru
Kensho,”Proceedings: 56th Conference of the Japan Society of Educational Sociology, pp.230-231.[FJ]
KONDO, Hiroyuki, 2005, “Parental Income and Access to Higher Education: Examining the Trend and Recent
Changes (Oya no Shotoku to Daigaku-Kyoiku-Kikai: Kanren no Tsuyosa to Henka ni kansuru Kensho),”
Annals of Educational Studies, Vol.10, pp.1-16.[AE]
MATSUNAGA, Yoshiho, 2009, “Social Capital to Chingin (Social Capital and Wage),” Shakai Innovation
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
Kenkyukai SCWG 2008-nendo Hokokusho, pp.36-47.[FJ]
MATSUNAGA, Yoshiho, 2010, “Salary is Commensurate with Social Capital (Social Capital to Chingin),” ESRI
Discussion Paper Series No.240, Economic and Social Research Institute, Cabinet Office, Government of
MATSUNAGA, Yoshiho, 2010, “Salary is Commensurate with Social Capital,” 9th International Conference,
International Society for Third Sector Research, July 7, Kadir Has University, Istanbul, Turkey.[FE]
MISAWA, Jimpei, 2009, “Shorai-teki na Keizai-teki Fuankan to Shukan-teki Kenkokan tono Kanren (The
relationship between future financial insecurity and self-rated health),” presented at the 68th Annual Meeting
of the Japanese Society of Public Health (Oct. 22, Nara Bunka Kaikan).[FJ]
MISAWA, Jimpei, 2010, “A Study on the Relationship between Future Financial Insecurity and Self-rated
Health: Analysis of using JGSS-2008 data (Shorai ni okeru Keizai-teki Fuan-kan to Shukan-teki Kenko-kan
tono Kanren ni tuite no Kenkyu: JGSS-2008 Data o mochiita Bunseki),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka
University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.7 (JGSS Monographs No.10), pp.123-135.[AE]
MIZUNOUE, Tomokuni, 2009, “The Effect of Income on Birth and Education: An Analysis Using Household
data in Japan (Shotoku ga Shussho to Kyoiku ni ataeru Eikyo: Nihon no Kakei Data o mochiita Bunseki),”
Bulletin of Tokushima Bunri University, No.77 (2009), pp.51-59.[AE]
MIZUOCHI, Masaaki, 2008, “Kekkon-Shijo to Kekkon-Joken (Ideal and Reality in the Local Marriage
Market),” Quantitative Analyses on Marriage and Mate Selection II, SSJ Data Archive Research Paper Series
39 (SSJDA-39), The Information Center for Social Science Research on Japan, The Institute of Social
Science, The University of Tokyo, pp.15-28.[FJ]
MOROZUMI, Ryoko, 2011, “A test of a unitary model on labour supply using the information of household
decision making systems,” Applied Economics, Vol.44 (13), pp.4291-4300.[FE]
NISHIMURA, Yukimitsu, 2002, “A Trial Measurement for Income Function Analysis of Labor in Employment
System (Shugyo-sha ni okeru Shotoku Kansu no Keisoku: JGSS-2000 kara mita Nihon no Koyo System no
Ichi-sokumen),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social
Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Monographs No.1, pp.55-68.[AE]
NISHIMURA, Yukimitsu, 2003, “Self-employment: Work Choice and Estimates of Income Function (Jieigyo:
Shugyo Sentaku to Shotoku Kansu no Suikei: JGSS-2000 to JGSS-2001 o Riyo shite),” Institute of Regional
Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS
Monographs No.2, pp.61-74.[AE]
NISHIMURA, Yukimitsu, 2004, “Education, Occupation, Hierarchy and Income in Japan: An investigation of
life-long employment using JGSS (Shunyu Kettei ni okeru Kyoiku, Shokugyo, Yakushoku no Koka: JGSS
Data ni miru Choki Koyo Sonzoku no Kensho),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of
Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Monographs No.3,
NISHIMURA, Yukimitsu, 2010, “Setai-Shunyu ni yoru Hinkon no Sokutei to sono Bunpu no Tokusei Bunseki
(Measuring Relative Income Poverty and Aanalysing its Distribution),” in Research on the Circumstances of
Low-income People and Implications for the Social Security System, Research Project funded by Scientific
Grant from Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, 2009 Final Report
(Kosei-Rodo-Kagaku-Kenkyuhi-Hojokin Seisaku-Kagaku-Suishin-Kenkyu-Jigyo, ‘Tei-Shotokusha no Jittai
to Shakai Hosho no Arikata ni Kansuru Kenkyu’ H21-nendo Sokatsu Kenkyu Hokokusho), pp.51-65.[FJ]
NISHIMURA, Yukimitsu, 2010, “Tei-Shunyu Shugyo Setai no Kitei Yoin no Bunseki (An Analysis of Low
Income Households),” in Research on the Circumstances of Low-income People and Implications for the
Social Security System, Research Project funded by Scientific Grant from Ministry of Health, Labor and
Welfare, 2009 Final Report (Kosei-Rodo-Kagaku-Kenkyuhi-Hojokin Seisaku-Kagaku-Suishin-Kenkyu-Jigyo,
‘Tei-Shotokusha no Jittai to Shakai Hosho no Arikata ni Kansuru Kenkyu’ H.21-nendo Sokatsu Kenkyu
Hokokusho), pp.231-241.[FJ]
NISHIMURA, Yukimitsu, 2010, “Measuring relative income poverty in Japan: trends in poverty rates by
household type between 1999 and 2005 (Setai Shunyu ni yoru Hinkon Sokutei no Kokoromi: 199-2005nen
no Hinkon-ritsu to Setainushi no Tokucho tono Kanren ni tuite),” The Quarterly of Social Security Research,
Vol.46 No.2, pp.127-138.[FJ]
NITTA, Michio, and SHINOZAKI, Takehisa, 2008, “Rodo Kumiai no Chingin Koka no Kensho (Estimation of
the Union Wage Effect),” TANIOKA, Ichiro, NITTA, Michio, and IWAI, Noriko [eds.], Values and
Behavioral Patterns in Japan: An Analysis Based on Japanese General Social Surveys, 2000 to 2003
(Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo), University of Tokyo Press, pp.121-133.[FJ]
NITTA, Michio, and SHINOZAKI, Takehisa, 2008, “Testing Union Wage Effects Using JGSS Data,” presented
at KGSS-EASS Conference ‘Family and Social Life in East Asia,’ Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul,
NITTA, Michio, and SHINOZAKI, Takehisa, 2011, “Intertemporal Comparisons of the Union Wage Premium
Using JGSS Data (JGSS Data o mochiita Rodo-Kumiai no Chingin Koka no Ijiten-kan Hikaku),” JGSS
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.8 (JGSS Monographs
No.11), pp.105-117.[AE]
NOZAKI, Kayo, 2009, “Nihon ni okeru Danjo-kan Chingin-Kakusa to Shokugyo-Kettei (Male-Female Wage
Differentials and Occupational Decision in Japan),” Working Paper Series, No.252, Graduate School of
Economics, Kobe University, 17p.[FJ]
NOZAKI, Kayo, 2009, “Nihon ni okeru Josei no Hataraki-kata, Iki-kata ni kansuru Keizai Bunseki (An
Economic Analysis of Work and Life Styles Among Japanese Women),” Doctoral Thesis, Graduate School of
Economics, Kobe University, 122p.[FJ]
NOZAKI, Kayo, 2010, “Nihon ni okeru Danjo-kan Chingin-Kakusa to Shokugyo Sentaku (Male-Female Wage
Differentials and Occupational Choice in Japan),” Kikan Kakei Keizai Kenkyu, No.87, pp.51-63.[FJ]
NOZAKI, Yuko, 2006, “Danjo-kan Chingin Kakusa no Yoin Bunkai: Gakureki betsu Kensho (Decomposition of
Gender Wage Gap by Educational Background),” Journal of Personal Finance and Economics, Vol.22 & 23,
NOZAKI, Yuko, and FUKUDA, Nobutaka, 2009, “Josei no Kogakureki-ka ga Oyobosu Shussan-Kodo, Chingin
Suijun eno Eikyo: Bankon Penalty no Suikei (The Effects of Women's Higher Education on Fertility
Behavior and Wage Penalty Associated to Late Motherhood),” Hiroshima University Faculty of Economics
Discussion Paper Series, 2009-6.[FJ]
NOZAKI, Yuko, and FUKUDA, Nobutaka, 2010, “Wage Penalty Associated to Late Motherhood in Japan,”
Eastern Economics Association 36th Annual Conference, February 27, Loew’s Philadelphia Hotel,
NOZAKI, Yuko, and FUKUDA, Nobutaka, 2011, “The Effects of Women's Higher Education on Fertility
Behavior and Wage Levels: The Wage Penalty Associated with Late Motherhood in Japan,” Hiroshima
University Faculty of Economics Discussion Paper Series, 2011-04.[FE]
ONO, Hiromi, 2010, “The Socioeconomic Status of Women and Children in Japan: Comparisons with the USA,”
International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, Vol.24(2), pp.151-176.[FE]
ONO, Hiroyuki, 2009, “Perceived Burden of Personal Income Tax: Analysis on Influence Factors Using JGSS
Micro Data (Shotoku-Zei no Ju-Zei-kan: JGSS Kohyo Data ni yoru Sho-Yoin no Bunseki),” Japan
Association for Applied Economics 2009 Spring Meeting.[FJ]
ONO, Hiroyuki, 2009, “Perceived Burden of Personal Income Tax: Analysis on Influence Factors Using JGSS
Micro Data (Shotoku-Zei no Ju-Zei-kan: JGSS Kohyo Data ni yoru Sho-Yoin no Bunseki),” TCER Working
Paper, J-2, 27p.[AE]
ONO, Hiroyuki, 2009, “Perceived Burden of Personal Income Tax: Analysis on Influence Factors Using JGSS
Micro Data (Shotoku-Zei no Ju-Zei-kan: JGSS Kohyo Data ni yoru Sho-Yoin no Bunseki),” Japanese
Economic Association 2009 Fall Meeting, Senshu University.[FJ]
ONO, Hiroyuki, 2012, “The Perceived Burden of Income Tax: The Analysis of Various Factors Using the JGSS
Microdata (Shotoku-Zei no Ju-Zei-kan: JGSS Kohyo Data ni yoru Sho-Yoin no Bunseki),” Economic
Review (Keizai Kenkyu), Vol.63 No.2, pp.249-264, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi
OSHIO, Takashi, 2012, Koritsu to Kohei o tou, Nippon Hyoron Sha Co.,ltd. Publishers, pp.158-165.[FJ]
OSHIO, Takashi, and KOBAYASHI, Miki, 2009, “Happiness, self-rated health, and income inequality: Evidence
from nationwide surveys in Japan,” PIE/CIS Discussion Paper No.451, Institute of Economic Research,
Hitotsubashi University, 25p.[FE]
OSHIO, Takashi, and KOBAYASHI, Miki, 2009, “Regional income inequality and happiness: Evidence from
Japan,” PIE/CIS Discussion Paper No.460, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University,
OZAKI, Yuko, 2006, “Kakei no Pet Shiiku Sentaku ni kansuru Jissho-teki Kenkyu (Empirical Study on Pet
Keeping of Households in Japan),” Doctoral Dissertation, Japan Women's University, 230p.[FJ]
SANO, Shinpei, and YASUI, Kengo, 2009, “Nihon ni okeru Kyoiku no Return no Suikei (Estimating the Return
to Education in Japan: Evidence from Repeated Cross-Sectional Data),” Kokumin Keizai Zasshi, Vol.200
No.5, pp.71-86.[FJ]
SATO, Hiroki, 2002, “COLUMN: Chingin no Samazamana Shiharai-Keitai (A variety of forms of wage
payment),” IWAI, Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the
Japanese General Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho,
SATO, Yoshimichi, and YOSHIDA Takashi, 2008, “An Empirical Study of Intergenerational Transmission of
Poverty from the Perspective of Income Mobility,” Japan Labor Review, Vol.5 No.4, pp.95-112.[FE]
SHIMIZU, Makoto, 2002, “Shotoku ga Shussho ni oyobosu Eikyo: JGSS-2000 eno Butz and Ward Model no
Tekiyo (Income Effect to Fertility Behavior: An Application of the Butz and Ward Model to the
JGSS-2000),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science,
University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Monographs No.1, pp.149-158.[AE]
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
SHIMIZU, Makoto, 2008, “Shotoku to Shussan-Kodo (Income and Fertility Behavior),” TANIOKA, Ichiro,
NITTA, Michio, and IWAI, Noriko [eds.], Values and Behavioral Patterns in Japan: An Analysis Based on
Japanese General Social Surveys, 2000 to 2003 (Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo), University of Tokyo Press,
SHINOZAKI, Takehisa, 2005, “A Study on Determinants of Preference for Redistribution: Results and
Empirical Comparisons between JGSS and other Surveys (Sai-bunpai Seisaku eno Shiji o Kettei-suru Yoin:
Senko Kenkyu no Kekka to JGSS Data o mochiita Bunseki no Hikaku),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka
University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series
No.1 (JGSS Monographs No.4), pp.205-218.[AE]
SHINOZAKI, Takehisa, 2008, “Trends of Income Level and Distribution: Comparison of the results of JGSS
Data and Government Statistics (Shotoku no Suijun to Baratsuki no Jikeiretsu-teki Suii ni tsuite: JGSS to
Seifu-Tokei no Hikaku),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of
Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.4 (JGSS Monographs No.7),
TAKAMATSU, Rie, 2012, “Occupational Gender Segregation and Wages in Japan (Seibetsu Shokuiki Bunri ga
Chingin ni ataeru Eikyo to sono Mechanism ni kansuru Jissho Kenkyu: Gino ni Chumokushite),” Kansai
Sociological Review, Vol.11 2012, pp.54-65, P.137.[AE]
TERASAWA, Takunori, 2009, “Eigo Kakusa no Jittai: Eigo Skill ga Rodo-Chingin ni ataeru Eikyo (Reality of
‘English Divide’: Impact of Workers' English Skills on their Earnings),” Proceedings: 61st Conference of the
Japan Society of Educational Sociology, pp.45-46.[FJ]
TSUMURA, Mondo, 2006, “Kakei no Kyoiku-hi ni Eikyo o oyobosu Sho-Yoin: JGSS-2002 Data o mochiita
Bunseki (The Factors Affecting Education Costs of Households: Results of Japanese General Social Surveys
(JGSS-2002)),” Proceedings: 58th Conference of the Japan Society of Educational Sociology, pp.47-48.[FJ]
TSUMURA, Mondo, 2007, “Oya no Kyoiku-Ishiki ga Kakei no Kyoiku-hi-Futan ni oyobosu Eikyo: JGSS-2006
Data ni yoru Bunseki (Effects of Parental Educational Attitudes on Educational Costs: An Analysis Using
JGSS-2006 data),” Proceedings: 80th Conference of the Japan Sociological Society, p.186.[FJ]
TSUMURA, Mondo, 2008, “Effects of Parental Educational Attitudes on Educational Costs: An Analysis Using
JGSS-2006 data (Oya no Kyoiku-Ishiki ga Kyoikuhi-Futan ni oyobosu Eikyo: JGSS-2006 Data ni yoru
Bunseki),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science,
University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.4 (JGSS Monographs No.7), pp.69-80.[AE]
TSUMURA, Mondo, 2010, “Kakei no Kyoiku-hi Shishutsu-Kozo no Choki-teki Henka (Long-term Changes in
the Structure of Education Costs of Households),” Proceedings: 62nd Conference of the Japan Society of
Educational Sociology, pp.346-347.[FJ]
TSUMURA, Mondo, and IWAI, Hachiro, 2008, “Kakei ni okeru Kyoiku-hi Futan (The Burden of Educational
Costs in Families with Children),” TANIOKA, Ichiro, NITTA, Michio, and IWAI, Noriko [eds.], Values and
Behavioral Patterns in Japan: An Analysis Based on Japanese General Social Surveys, 2000 to 2003
(Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo), University of Tokyo Press, pp.195-210.[FJ]
TSUMURA, Mondo, and IWAI, Noriko, 2013, “JGSS de yomu Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo dai-5-kai: Life
Stage-betsu ni miru Kyoikuhi (Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General Social
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TSURU, Tsuyoshi, YOSHINAKA, Takashi, ENOKI, Hiroyuki, and TOKUDA, Hidenobu, 2008, “Rodo Kumiai
no Keizai Koka to Mi-soshiki Rodosha no Soshiki-ka Shiji: ‘Ushinawareta 10-nen’ no Zengo Hikaku (The
Economic Effects of Unions and Nonunion Workers’ Attitude toward Unionization: Before and After Japan's
Lost Decade),” Discussion Paper Series, A No.505, Hitotsubashi University.[FJ]
TSURU, Tsuyoshi, YOSHINAKA, Takashi, ENOKI, Hiroyuki, and TOKUDA, Hidenobu, 2009, “Rodo Kumiai
no Chingin, Hatsugen Koka to Mi-soshiki Rodosha no Soshiki-ka Shiji: ‘Ushinawareta 10-nen’ no Zengo
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YAMAMURA, Eiji, 2010, “The Relationship between the Effects of a Wife’s Education on her Husband’s
Earnings and her Labor Participation: Japan in the Period 2000-2003,” MPRA Paper, No.23609, 17p.[FE]
YAMAMURA, Eiji, 2012, “Trust in government and its effect on preferences for income redistribution and
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YAMAMURA, Eiji, and MANO, Yukichi, 2012, “An Investigation into the Positive Effect of an Educated Wife
on Her Husband’s Earnings: The Case of Japan in the Period between 2000 and 2003” International
Advances in Economic Research, Vol.18, doi: 10.1007/s11294-012-9368-x.[FE]
YOSHIOKA, Shin’ichi, 2010, “2000-nen-dai no Shotoku Fubyodo to Hinkon-do no Suii: JGSS to Kancho
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
Tokei,” The economic review of Seinan Gakuin University, 45(3), pp.89-111.[FJ]
YUGAMI, Kazufumi, and SASAKI, Shoichi, 2011, “Income Inequality and Female Marriage Rate: The Effects
of Local Marriage Market Conditions on Marriage Decision (Shotoku Kakusa to Josei no Konin-ritsu: Chiiki
no Kekkon Shijo no Shiten kara),” Journal of economics and business administration, Kobe University,
23. Life History/Life Course
AGATA, Kenji, 2011, “The Relationship between the Change of Employment Status and Acquisition of the
Vocational Qualification: Analyzing the Data of JGSS-2009 Life Course Study (Jugyo-jo no Chii no Henka
to Shokugyo-Shikaku tono Kanren: JGSS-2009LCS ni yoru Bunseki),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka
University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.8 (JGSS Monographs No.11), pp.71-78.[AE]
ANDO, Chiaki, ISHIDA, Akira, YOKOYAMA, Shigeki, and AITA, Yoshihisa, 2008, “Relationship Between
Childhood Growth Environment and Gardening Activities in Adulthood (Kodomo-jidai no Seiiku-Kankyo to
Seijingo no Gardening eno Torikumi tono Kanren),” Journal of the Japanese Society of Agricultural
Technology Management, Vol.15 No.2, pp.87-92.[AE]
HIRAO, Keiko, 2010, “Work Histories and Marriage Events: Dynamic Analyses of JGSS-2009 Life Course
Study (Shokugyo Keireki to Kekkon Event: JGSS-2009 Life Course Chosa ni yoru Dotai-teki Bunseki),”
JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.7 (JGSS
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HIRAO, Keiko, 2010, “Zero Nendai no Life Course (2): JGSS-2009 Life Course Study ni yoru Shokureki to
Kekkon Ibento no Bunseki (The Life Course of Japanese Young Adults in the 2000s (2): Dynamic Analyses
of Work Histories and Marriage Event),” Proceedings: 20th Conference of the Japan Society of Family
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HIRAO, Keiko, 2010, “JGSS-2009 Life Course Study no Sekkei, Jisshi, Bunseki: Event History Bunseki no
Tekiyo (The Design, Inplementation. an Analysis of JGSS-2009 Life Course Study: An Application of Event
History Analysis),” Proceedings: 83rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Sociological Society, p.191.[FJ]
IWAI, Hachiro, 2007, “Changing Patterns of Women's Life Course in the Japanese Lost Decade,” Global COE
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IWAI, Hachiro, 2008, “Changing Patterns of Women’s Life Course in the Japanese Lost Decade: An Analysis on
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IWAI, Hachiro, 2010, “A Study of Changes in the Postwar Japanese Life Course: A Research Perspective of
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Henyo: JGSS-2009 Life Course Chosa no Kenkyu Shikaku to Yobi-teki Bunseki),” JGSS Research Center,
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IWAI, Hachiro, 2010, “Zero Nendai no Life Course (1): JGSS-2009 Life Course Study no Sekkei,
Kenkyu-Shikaku, Yobiteki Bunseki Kekka (The Life Course of Japanese Young Adults in the 2000s (1):
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IWAI, Hachiro, 2010, “Kazoku-Shugi no Teichaku to Henyo: Life Course ga haramu aratana Mondai (Stability
and change in family-oriented system: Emerging problems in theJapanese life course),” Osaka Gas Co.,Ltd.
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IWAI, Hachiro, 2010, “JGSS-2009 Life Course Study no Sekkei, Jisshi, Bunseki: Kaiko-teki Keireki Data no
Shikaku-teki Bunseki (The Design, Inplementation, and Analysis of JGSS-2009 Life Course Study: A Visual
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Sociological Society, p.190.[FJ]
IWAI, Hachiro, 2012, “Stability and Changes in Life Course Patterns in Contemporary Japan: Findings from
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IWAI, Hachiro, 2013, “Sengo Nihon-gata Life Course no Henyo to Kazoku-Shugi: Suryoteki Seikatsushi Data
no Bunseki kara (The transformation of postwar Japanese life course and familialism: an analysis of
quantitative life history data),” OCHIAI, Emiko [ed.], Reconstraction of Intimate and Public Spheres: Inquiry
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Kyoto Press, pp.127-153.[FJ]
IWAI, Hachiro, OKADA, Josuke, and DATE, Heiwa, 2011, “1990-Nendai Iko no Koto Kyoiku Kikai to Shakai
Kaiso: JGSS-2009LCS no Bunseki (Higher Education and Social Stratification since 1990s: an Analysis
based on JGSS-2009LCS),” Proceedings: 63nd Conference of the Japan Society of Educational Sociology,
IWAI, Hachiro, TODOROKI, Makoto, AGATA, Kenji, and OKADA, Josuke, 2010, “Zero-Nendai no Kyoiku to
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
Shoki-Career: JGSS-2009 Life Course Study no Bunseki (Education and the Early Career Processes in the
2000s: Findings based on JCSS-2009 LIfe Course Study),” Proceedings: 62nd Conference of the Japan
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IWAI, Noriko, and KOHAMA, Shun, 2014, “JGSS de yomu Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo dai-15-kai: Chusho
Kigyo ni okeru Work Life Balance (Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General
Social Survey: Work-Life Balance in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises),” Japan Finance Corporation
[ed.], Chosageppo, March 2014 No.066, pp.22-23.[FJ]
KOBAYASHI, Jun, 2010, “How Do People Work in the Workplace in JGSS-2009 Life Course Study?: Analyses
of Work Amount, Proposing New Ideas, and Supporting Colleagues (JGSS-2009 Life Course Chosa ni miru
Shigoto eno Torikumi: Shigoto-ryo, Idea Teian, Doryo Support no Bunseki),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka
University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.7 (JGSS Monographs No.10), pp.251-260.[AE]
KOBAYASHI, Jun, 2010, “Free-riders to Life Style: JGSS-2009 Life Course Study no Bunseki (Free-riders and
Work-life-balance: Analyses of JGSS-2009 Life Course Study),” Proceedings: 50th Conference of the
Japanese Association for Mathematical Sociology, pp.65-68.[FJ]
NAKAZAWA, Wataru, 2010, “An Analysis of Decision Making in Higher Education Using the Data from the
JGSS-2009 Life Course Study: Testing the Relative Risk Aversion Model in Japan (JGSS-2009 Life Course
Chosa ni miru Koto-Kyoiku Shingaku Kodo no Bunseki: Nihon ni okeru Sotai-teki Risk Kaihi-setsu no
Kensho),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.7 (JGSS
Monographs No.10), pp.217-227.[AE]
NAKAZAWA, Wataru, 2011, “Jakunen-so no Seiki/Hi-seiki Rodo no Chii to Ritenshoku Keiko no Kankei:
JGSS-2009 Life Course Study no Shokugyo Keireki o mochiita Bunseki (The relationship between
regular/temporary worker positions and trends of leaving jobs in the Japanese youth labor market: analyses
of career histories in the JGSS-2009LCS data),” Proceedings: 51st Conference of the Japanese Association
for Mathematical Sociology, pp.45-48.[FJ]
NAKAZAWA, Wataru, 2011, “Nonstandard Educational Trajectories and Their Impact on School-to-Work
Transition in Japan,” ISA RC28, August 10, University of Iowa.[NP]
NOZAKI, Kayo, 2011, “Empirical Study of Occupational Experience and Income Using JGSS-2009 Life Course
Study (JGSS-2009LCS o mochiita Shokushu Keiken to Shotoku ni kansuru Bunseki),” JGSS Research
Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.8 (JGSS Monographs No.11),
NOZAKI, Kayo, 2011, “Doitsu Shokushu Keiken Nensu to Honnin Shotoku ni kansuru Jissho Bunseki:
JGSS-2009LCS o mochiita Bunseki (Empirical Study of Occupational Tenure and Individual Income Using
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OKADA, Josuke, 2010, “Basic Analysis of Where People Acquire Basic Competency in Job: Using
JGSS-2009LCS (Shokugyo Noryoku no Kakutoku Pattern ni kansuru Kiso-teki Bunseki: JGSS-2009 Life
Course Chosa yori),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series
No.7 (JGSS Monographs No.10), pp.239-250.[AE]
JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], 2011, JGSS-2009LCS Codebook, Osaka.[FJ]
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[eds.], 2011, JGSS-2013LCSwave2 Codebook.[FJ]
SASAKI, Takayuki, 2010, “A Typology of Childrearing Worries: A Human Developmental Approach Using
JGSS-2009 Life Course Study (Kosodate no Nayami no Ruikei: JGSS-2009 Life Course Chosa ni yoru
Ningen Hattatsugaku-teki Kensho),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS
Research Series No.7 (JGSS Monographs No.10), pp.261-272.[AE]
SASAKI, Takayuki, 2010, “Zero-Nendai no Life Course (3): JGSS-2009 Life Course Study ni yoru
Kosodate-Sedai no Bunseki (The Life Course of Japanese Young Adults in the 2000s (3): An anaysis of
families with children based on JGSS-2009 Life Course Study),” Proceedings: 20th Conference of the Japan
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SASAKI, Takayuki, 2010, “JGSS-2009LCS Data ni miru Nihonjin no Kosodate no Nayami: Ningen-hattatsu no
Kanten kara (Japanese Childrearing Worries based on JGSS-2009LCS Data: A Human Developmental
Perspective),” The 74th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association, September 20, Osaka
SASAKI, Takayuki, 2010, “JGSS-2009 Life Course Study no Sekkei, Jisshi, Bunseki: Chosa-Hoho no Soi-Kufu
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SASAKI, Takayuki, 2012, “Marriage at a Time of Uncertainty: The Effects of Earning Potential Using JGSS
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Katokuryoku no Eikyo no Kensho),” Japanese Journal of Family Sociology 24(2), pp.152-164[AE]
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
SASAKI, Takayuki, IWAI, Hachiro, IWAI, Noriko, and YASUDA, Tokio, 2009, “Investigating the Diversified
Patterns of Life Course: Notes on JGSS-2009 Life Course Research Design (Life Course no Tayo-sei o
toraeru: JGSS-2009 Life Course Chosa no Sekkei ni kansuru Note),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka
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TODOROKI, Makoto, 2010, “A Study on Japanese Young People’s Views for Their Human Resource
Development: Analyzing the Data of JGSS-2009 Life Course Study (Jakunen-so no Shokugyo
Noryoku-Kaihatsu ni kansuru Ishiki: JGSS-2009 Life Course Chosa Data kara),” JGSS Research Center,
Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.7 (JGSS Monographs No.10),
TSUTSUI, Jun'ya, 2005, “Factors Affecting Life Courses of Young Adults in Japan: Possible Causes for Late
Marriage in Recent Years,” paper presented at the American Sociological Association 100th Annual
YAMANOUCHI, Kenshi, 2011, “A Study on the Determinants of Access to Higher Education Based on
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YAMANOUCHI, Kenshi, 2012, “Koto-Kyoiku Shugaku no Kitei Yoin ni Kansuru Kosatsu: JGSS-2009LCS
Data ni Motozuku 'Zennyu Kasetsu' to 'Talent Loss Kasetsu' no Kensyo (A Study on the Determinants of
Access to Higher Education Based on JGSS-2009LCS Data),” YAMANOUCHI Kenshi [ed.], Gakusei no
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YODA, SHohei, 2013, “Kazoku-Kozo to Fubyodo no Keisei: Hitori-Oya Setai Shusshin-sha no Life Course ni
kansuru Keiryoteki Kenkyu,” Doctoral Dissertation, Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University,
24. Law/Social System
ISHII, Masatoshi, 2004, “The conceptions of human nature and public opinion toward punishment (Ningen-kan
to Genbatu-kan ni tuite),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social
Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Monographs No.3, pp.215-226.[AE]
IWAI, Noriko, 2002, “COLUMN: Fufu-Bessei, Minpo Kaisei no Yukue wa (Dual-surnames: An amendment to
the Civil Code),” IWAI, Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the
Japanese General Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho,
LONG, Susan Orpett, 2005, Final days: Japanese culture and choice at the end of life, University of Hawaii
LONG, Susan Orpett, and IWAI, Noriko, 2002, “Anrakushi no Hosei-ka (Legislating of mercy killing),” IWAI,
Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General
Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, pp.300-306.[FJ]
NISHIMURA, Yukimitsu, 2010, “Setai-Shunyu ni yoru Hinkon no Sokutei to sono Bunpu no Tokusei Bunseki
(Measuring Relative Income Poverty and Aanalysing its Distribution),” in Research on the Circumstances of
Low-income People and Implications for the Social Security System, Research Project funded by Scientific
Grant from Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, 2009 Final Report
(Kosei-Rodo-Kagaku-Kenkyuhi-Hojokin Seisaku-Kagaku-Suishin-Kenkyu-Jigyo, ‘Tei-Shotokusha no Jittai
to Shakai Hosho no Arikata ni Kansuru Kenkyu’ H21-nendo Sokatsu Kenkyu Hokokusho), pp.51-65.[FJ]
NISHIMURA, Yukimitsu, 2010, “Tei-Shunyu Shugyo Setai no Kitei Yoin no Bunseki (An Analysis of Low
Income Households),” in Research on the Circumstances of Low-income People and Implications for the
Social Security System, Research Project funded by Scientific Grant from Ministry of Health, Labor and
Welfare, 2009 Final Report (Kosei-Rodo-Kagaku-Kenkyuhi-Hojokin Seisaku-Kagaku-Suishin-Kenkyu-Jigyo,
‘Tei-Shotokusha no Jittai to Shakai Hosho no Arikata ni Kansuru Kenkyu’ H.21-nendo Sokatsu Kenkyu
Hokokusho), pp.231-241.[FJ]
OSHIO, Takashi, 2012, Koritsu to Kohei o tou, Nippon Hyoron Sha Co.,ltd. Publishers, pp.158-165.[FJ]
TANIOKA, Ichiro, 2002, “Shonenho Kaisei no Giron (Revision of the Juvenile Law),” IWAI, Noriko, and SATO,
Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General Social Survey (Nihonjin
no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, pp.212-216[FJ]
TANIOKA, Ichiro, 2002, “Saibansho no Hanketsu to Shikei-Seido, Saibansho eno Shinraikan: Hanzai no
Kyoaku-ka, Zoka wa Honto ka (Court decision and confidence in capital punishment and court: Are crimes
really intensified and increasing?),” IWAI, Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral
Patterns Seen in the Japanese General Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo),
Yuhikakusensho, pp.217-221.[FJ]
TANIOKA, Ichiro, 2004, “Attitude toward the Legalization of Casino Gaming in Japan: The Difference in
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
Regions, Urbanization Levels, and by Socio-Economic Background (Casino Goho-ka ni taisuru Nihonjin no
Ishiki: JGSS-2002 Data ni yoru Chiiki-sa, Toshi-ka Level, soshite Shakai-teki Zokusei no Kenkyu),” Institute
of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo
[eds.], JGSS Monographs No.3, pp.77-92.[AE]
TANIOKA, Ichiro, 2004, “Attitude Toward the Legalization of Casino Gaming in Japan: The Difference in
Regions, Urbanization Levels, and by Socio-Economic Background,” EASS Conference 2004,
Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea.[NP]
TANIOKA, Ichiro, and YANG, Hung Eun, 2004, “Japanese Values for Casino Legalization in Japan through the
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YUDA, Michio, 2010, “The Impacts of Recent Smoking Control Policies on Individual Smoking Choice,” CUIE
25. International Relations/Cross-cultural Understanding
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64th Annual Conference, September 23, Amsterdam, Conference Program, p.74.[FE]
CHO, Sungho, 2013, “JGSS de yomu Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo dai-8-kai: Contents Sangyo no Kaigai Tenkai
no Kanosei,” Japan Finance Corporation [ed.], Chosageppo, August 2013 No.059, pp.20-21.[FJ]
DATE, Heiwa, 2012, “The influence of patriarchal value on xenophobia in East Asian societies: from EASS
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Regions Using EASS 2008 Data),” Proceeding: 40th Conference of the Behaviormetric Society of Japan,
HAMADA, Kunisuke, 2013, “Attitudes toward Globalization in East Asia: Analysis of Four East Asian Regions
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4kakoku-Chiiki no Bunseki kara),” GSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS
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HAMADA, Kunisuke, and IWAI, Noriko, 2013, “JGSS de yomu Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo dai-6-kai:
Global-ka ni taisuru Ishiki (Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General Social
Survey: The Attitudes Toward Globalization),” Japan Finance Corporation [ed.], Chosageppo, June 2013
No.057, pp.20-21.[FJ]
ISHII, Kenichi, 2011, “Factors Accounting for Korean Drama Viewing: Correlations between Content
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IWAI, Noriko, 2002, “COLUMN: Gaikokujin tono Tsukiai, Gaikokujin ga Fueru Koto ni Sansei desuka
(Relationships with foreigners: Are you okay with an increase in the number of foreigners?),” IWAI, Noriko,
and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General Social
Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, pp.250-252.[FJ]
KIM, Seokho (김석호), SHIN, Incheol (신인철), and KIM, Byungsoo (김병수), 2011, “이주노동자에 대한
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migrant workers: A Comparative Study on Korea, Japan, and Taiwan),” 한국인구학 (Korean Journal of
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KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2007, “A Comparative Analysis of Attitudes toward Immigration among Europeans and
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Sociological Association, September 3-6, Glasgow, UK, p.304.[FE]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2009, “Determinants of Attitudes toward Immigration among Europeans and Japanese,
drawing on the ESS-2002/2003 and the JGSS-2003,” XXVI International Population Conference, September
27-October 2, Marrakech, Morocco.[FE]
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
KUNG, Hsiang-Ming, and SU, Shuo-Bin, 2010, “Does Social Distance Explain Everything? Effects of
Sociodemographic Factors on Attitudes toward Immigrants in East Asian Countries,” EASS Conference 2010,
November 25, Osaka University of Commerce.[FE]
LEE, Yong Ryung, 2009, “Social Systems as Determinants of Japanese Attitudes Toward Acceptance of
Foreigners: The Correlation Between Institutions and Consciousness Reflected in JGSS-2005 Data (Nihonjin
to Gaikokujin no Kyosei o unagasu Kettei-Yoin ni tsuite),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of
Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.5 (JGSS
Monographs No.8), pp.121-140.[AE]
MINATO, Kunio, 2009, “Favorability of Mongolia in Japan Seen From JGSS-2006: Comparison With East
Asian Countries/Region (JGSS-2006 kara mita Nihon ni okeru Mongoru-koku no Kokan-do),” JGSS
Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.6 (JGSS Monographs
No.9), pp.139-156.[AE]
MINATO, Kunio, 2009, “Cross-cultural Contact and Attitude Toward Foreign Culture of the Japanese Seen from
JGSS-2008,” Proceedings: 82nd Conference of the Japan Sociological Society, p.311.[FE]
MINATO, Kunio, 2010, “Affinity with a Neighbor Approaching from Afar: The Japanese Attitude toward
Mongolia Seen from Survey Data,” Ritsumeikan Social Sciences Review, Vol.46, No.3, pp.63-80.[FE]
NAGAYOSHI, Kikuko, 2008, “The Influence of the Perceived Threat and Contact in Japanese Anti-immigrant
Attitude: Analysis of JGSS-2003 (Haigai-Ishiki ni taisuru Sesshoku to Kyoi-Ninchi no Koka: JGSS-2003 no
Bunseki kara),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science,
University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.4 (JGSS Monographs No.7), pp.259-270.[AE]
NAGAYOSHI, Kikuko, 2009, “Whose Size Counts? Multilevel Analysis of Japanese Anti-Immigrant Attitudes
Based on JGSS-2006,” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series
No.6 (JGSS Monographs No.9), pp.157-174.[FE]
NAGAYOSHI, Kikuko, 2010, “Effects of Trust on Social Cohesion in a Multicultural Society: Analysis of
JGSS-2008 (Tabunka-Jokyo ni okeru Shakai-Togo ni taisuru Shinrai-kan no Eikyo: JGSS-2008 no Bunseki
kara),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.7 (JGSS
Monographs No.10), pp.149-162.[AE]
NAGAYOSHI, Kikuko, 2012, “Effects of the Split Labor Market on Xenophobia In Japan (Nihonjin no
Haigaiishiki ni taisuru Bundan Rodo Shijo no Eikyo),” Japanese Sociological Review, Vol.63 No.1,
NAKAZAWA, Wataru, 2007, “The Relationship between the Number of Foreigners Residing in Japan and the
Japanese Prejudices toward Foreigners: Multilevel Modeling by Using the JGSS Data (Zainichi-Gaikokujin
no Taka to Gaikokujin ni taisuru Henken tono Kankei),” Soshioroji (Sociology), Vol.52 No.2, pp.75-91.[AE]
NAOI, Megumi, 2010, “Why Low-Income Citizens Are Protectionist Consumers: A Research Note on
JGSS-2008,” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.7
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NUKAGA, Misako, 2006, “Xenophobia and the Effects of Education: Determinants of Japanese Attitudes
toward Acceptance of Foreigners,” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and
Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.2 (JGSS Monographs No.5),
OHTSUKI, Shigemi, 2006, “Contact with foreigners and attitude toward them: rethinking of contact theory from
JGSS-2003 data (Gaikoku-jin Sesshoku to Gaikoku-jin Ishiki: JGSS-2003 Data ni yoru Sesshoku Kasetsu no
Sai-Kento),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science,
University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.2 (JGSS Monographs No.5), pp.149-159.[AE]
OHTSUKI, Shigemi, 2007, “Japanese views over the increase in foreigners: using JGSS-2003 data (Gaikokujin
no Zoka ni taisuru Nihonjin no Kenkai),” Sociological reflections (Shakaigaku Ronko), No.28, pp.1-25.[AE]
OKADA, Akinori, 2011, “Analyzing Social Affinity for Foreigners by Spectral Decomposition: Asymmetric
Multidimensional Scaling of EASS 2008 Data (Spectral Bunkai ni yoru Gaikokujin ni taisuru Shinkinkan no
Bunseki: EASS 2008 no Data o mochiita Hi-taisho Tajigen Shakudo Kosei-ho no Oyo,” JGSS Research
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OOKA, Emi, 2011, “Social Capital and Tolerance toward Foreigners in Japan: Analysis of JGSS-2008
(Shakai-Kankei-Shihon to Gaikokujin ni taisuru Kanyo-sa ni kansuru Kenkyu: JGSS-2008 no Bunseki
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PARK, Jaehyun, and KIM, Seokho, 2009, “Perception of and Attitude towards Globalization: A Comparative
Study on China, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan,” Proceedings:14th TSCS Conference and 2009 EASS
Symposium, November 18, Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, Taipei.[FE]
SATO, Yoshimichi, 2009, “Reviews: Jeffrey C. Alexander, The Civil Sphere, New York and Oxford University
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TAKENOSHITA, Hirohisa, 2009, “The Economic Incorporation of Brazilian Migrants in Comparative
Perspective: A Comparative Study of Brazilian Labour Market Outcome in Japan and the United States,”
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TAKENOSHITA, Hirohisa, 2011, “The Economic Incorporation of Brazilian Migrants in Comparative
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TANABE, Shunsuke, 2001, “The Effect of Personal Contacts on the Attitude towartds Foreigners (Gaikokujin
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TANABE, Shunsuke, 2004, “Japanese Cognitive Map of Nations based on their liking: Analyses of JGSS 1st
pilot survey data (Kuni-betsu Kokan-do kara miru ‘Nihonjin’no Sekai Ninchi: JGSS Dai-1-ji Yobi-chosa o
mochiite),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science,
University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Monographs No.3, pp.199-213.[AE]
TANABE, Shunsuke, 2008, “Japanese Perspectives on “Asia”: Analyses of JGSS-2006 Data,” Institute of
Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS SYMPOSIUM 2008: Development of East
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TANABE, Shunsuke, 2009, “Japanese Perspectives on “Asia”: Analyses of JGSS-2006,” JGSS Research Center,
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TSAI, Ming-chang, 2009, “Transnational Travels and Acquaintances in Four East Asian Societies,”
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TSAI, Ming-chang, 2010, “Transnational Travels and Acquaintances in Four East Asian Societies,” JGSS
Research Seminar, January 11, JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce.[FE]
TSAI, Ming-Chang, and IWAI, Noriko, 2013, “Global Exposure and Openness: Comparative Analysis of Japan,
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UENOHARA, Hideaki, 2012, “Higashi Asia ni okeru Transnational Identity: EASS 2006 Data o mochiita
Kokusai-Hikaku (Transnational Identity in East Asia: Cross-national Analysis Based on EASS 2006),”
Proceeding:40th Conference of the Behaviormetric Society of Japan, pp.157-158.[FJ]
UENOHARA, Hideaki, 2013, “Transnational Identity in East Asia: Cross-national Analysis Based on EASS
2008 (Higashi Asia ni okeru Transnational Identity: EASS 2008 Data o mochiita Kokusai Hikaku),” GSS
Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.10 (JGSS Monographs
No.13), pp.93-104.
UENOHARA, Hideaki, 2013, “JGSS de yomu Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo dai-7-kai: Higashi Asia Ishiki o
motteiru Hito (Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General Social Survey: Who
have an East-Asian identity?),” Japan Finance Corporation [ed.], Chosageppo, July 2013 No.058,
WANG, Weidong, 2009, “The Social Distance between East Asian Societies,” presented at The 14th TSCS
Conference and 2009 EASS Symposium, November 18, Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, Taipei.[FE]
WANG, Weidong, 2010, “Social Distance of East Asia,” JGSS Research Seminar, January 11, JGSS Research
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WANG, Weidong, and SASAKI, Takayuki, 2010, “Globalization and social distance of East Asia,” Conference
Abstracts: XVII ISA World Congress of Sociology, July 16, Gothenburg, Sweden, p.521.[FE]
WANG, Yujun, and WANG, Weidong, 2010, “Pan-Asian Identity?: The Study of China, Japan, South Korea, and
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YAMAMOTO, Akashi, 2012, “The Relationship between Exposure to International News and Affinity to East
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YAMAMURA, Eiji, 2009, “Frequency of contact with foreigners in a homogenous society: perceived
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YAMAMURA, Eiji, 2012, “Perceived Consequences of Immigration in Japan Depend upon Frequency of
Contact with Foreigners,” Japanese Economy 39(2), pp.37-48.[FE]
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
26. Comparative Studies
ANZO, Shinji, 2002, “Rikon no Suii to sono Yoin: America to Nihon no Rikon ni tsuite (Transition of divorce
and its causes: Divorce of the United States and Japan),” Statistics, Oct.2002, pp.16-22.[FJ]
BALLAS, Dimitris, DORLING, Danny, NAKAYA, Tomoki, TUNSTALL, Helena, and HANAOKA, Kazumasa,
2011, “Social cohesion in Britain and Japan: a comparative study of two island economies,” The Daiwa
Anglo-Japanese Foundation, Small Grant project report.[FE]
BIAN, Yanjie, 2011, “East Asian Conceptualization of Network Social Capital,” WAPOR 64th Annual
Conference, September 23, Amsterdam, Conference Program, p.74.[FE]
BOASE, Jeffrey, and IKEDA, Ken’ichi, 2012, “Core Discussion Networks in Japan and America,” Human
Communication Research, 38, pp.95-120.[FE] [AK, AS, AF, and AC]
CAO, Yang, 2010, “Kodomo-su ni kansuru Genjitsu to Riso: EASS 2006 Data o mochiita Nikkanchutai no
Hikaku (Actual and ideals conditions concerning the number of children: Using the EASS 2006 survey for
international comparisons between Japan, South Korea, China and Taiwan),” Proceedings: 51st Conference
of the Japanese Society of Social Psychology, pp.576-577.[FJ]
CHANG, Chin-fen, 2011, “Who Are 'Global'? A Test of Propositions of Globalization in East Asia,” WAPOR
64th Annual Conference, September 23, Amsterdam, Conference Program, p.74.[FE]
CHANG, Chin-fen, and CHEN, Mei-Hua, 2012, “Dependency, Globalization and Overseas Sex-related
Consumption by East Asians,” International Journal of Tourism Research, doi: 10.1002/jtr.1872.[FE]
CHANG, Chin-fen, and TSAI, Ming-chang, 2008, “Women’s Subjective Social Identity in East Asia: How Does
Family Matter?,” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS SYMPOSIUM
2008: Development of East Asian Social Surveys: Results of EASS 2006 Family Module, pp.183-201.[FE]
CHANG, Ly-yun, and TAM, Tony, 2012, “Subjective Status and Wellbeing: Resource-generator or Psychosocial
Pathways in East Asia Economies,” JGSS Symposium 2012, June 10, Osaka University of Commerce.[FE]
CHEN, Duan-Rung, 2012, “A Comparative Study on Socio-Environmental Determinants of Overweight/
Obesity in Asia Countries,” JGSS Symposium 2012, June 10, Osaka University of Commerce.[FE]
CHEN, Wan-chi, 2011, “How Education Enhances Happiness: Comparison of Mediating Factors in Four East
Asian Countries,” Social Indicators Research, DOI:10.1007/s11205-011-9798-5.[FE]
CHEN, Yu-Hua, and CHANG, Ching-fen, 2010, “The Heterogeneity of Gender Role Attitudes among China,
Japan, Korea and Taiwan,” EASS Conference 2010, November 25, Osaka University of Commerce.[FE]
CHEN, Yu-Hua, TSUTSUI, Jun'ya, and KOH, Chi-Young, 2008, “Mate Selection Trends in Japan, Korea, and
Taiwan: An Analysis Using EASS2006,” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.],
JGSS SYMPOSIUM 2008: Development of East Asian Social Surveys: Results of EASS 2006 Family
Module, pp.163-181.[FE]
CHIHAYA, Kenji, 2010, “The Effect of Third-party Influence in Marriage Partner Choice and Educational
Assortative Mating: An Analysis of EASS 2006 Data (Haigusha Sentaku ni okeru Dai-san-sha kara no
Kekkon Aite no Shokai to Gakureki-Doruikon: EASS 2006 no Nihon to Chugoku no Data kara),” JGSS
Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.7 (JGSS Monographs
No.10), pp.183-191.[AE]
CHO, Youngtae, 2012, “A Comparative Study of Health Inequality across Four East Asian Countries: A
preliminary study,” JGSS Symposium 2012, June 10, Osaka University of Commerce.[FE]
DATE, Heiwa, 2012, “Ko-Gakureki ga Kafuchosei-Ishiki ni oyobosu Eikyo ni tuite no Hikaku-Shakaigaku:
Nihon, Kankoku, Taiwan, Chugoku, Betonamu, Tai ni okeru Hikaku (A comparative study of the effect of
higher education on patriarchal values: Comparatative study between Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China, Vietnam
and Thailand),” 63rd Conference of the Kansai Sociological Association, May 26, Kogakukan
DATE, Heiwa, 2012, “The influence of patriarchal value on xenophobia in East Asian societies: from EASS
2008 Data,” Proceedings: 85th Annual Meeting of the Japan Sociological Society.[FE]
DATE, Heiwa, 2013, “A Study of the Factors Determining the Types of Patriarchal Values: Comparative Studies
between Japan, Korea and Taiwan (Kafucho-sei Ishiki no 4-ruikei ni kansuru Kiteiyoin: Nihon, Kankoku,
Taiwan no 3-chiiki Hikaku),” Socio-cultural Studies of Education, Vol.13, Kyoto University, pp33-47.[AE]
DATE, Heiwa, 2013, “The Effects of Higher Education on Patriarchy in a Comparative Perspective: Focusing on
Six Asian Societies (Kogakureki ga Kafuchosei-Ishiki ni oyobosu Eikyo ni tuite no Hikakushakaigaku:
Nihon, Kankoku, Taiwan, Chugoku, Vietnam, Thai ni okeru Hikaku),” Japanese Sociological Review, Vol.64
No.2, pp.187-204.[AE]
DATE, Heiwa, 2013, “Effect of Parents’ Educational Marriage Pattern on their Children’s Educational
Attainment: A Comparative Study between Japan, Korea and Taiwan Using the Cumulative Data of EASS
2006 and EASS 2008 (Oya no Gakureki Kekkon Pattern ga Ko no Kyoiku Tassei ni Oyobosu Eikyo ni
kansuru Hikaku-Syakaigaku: EASS 2006, 2008 Ruiseki Data ni yoru Nikkantai no 3-chiiki Hikaku),” Kyoto
University Research Studies in Education, No.59, pp207-219.[AE]
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
DATE, Heiwa, 2013, “Emotional Social Support in East Asia: A Comparative Study Using EASS 2010 (Higashi
Asis ni okeru Jochoteki Support: EASS 2010 ni yoru Hikaku Bunseki),” GSS Research Center, Osaka
University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.10 (JGSS Monographs No.13), pp.67-79.[AE]
East Asian Social Survey Data Archive [ed.], 2010, EASS 2006 ‘Families in East Asian’ Codebook,
Sungkyunkwan University.[FE]
East Asian Social Survey Data Archive [ed.], 2010, EASS 2008 ‘Culture Module' Codebook, Sungkyunkwan
East Asian Social Survey Data Archive [ed.], 2012, EASS 2010 ‘Health Module' Codebook, Sungkyunkwan
East Asian Social Survey Data Archive, 2013, EASSDA Newsletter, December 2013 Vol.4.[FE]
FU, Yang-chih, and BIAN, Yanjie, 2013, “Nonkin Daily Contact and Conventional Measures of Social Capital:
Evidence from East Asia,” International Network for Social Network Analysis Conference, July 12, Xi’an,
FU, Yang-chi, and CHU, Yun-han, 2008, “Different Survey Modes and International Comparisons,”
DONSBACH, W., and TRAUGOTT, M. W. [eds.], The SAGE Handbook of Public Opinion Research,
HAMADA, Kunisuke, 2012, “Higashi Asia ni okeru Globalization Juyo no Kozo: EASS 2008 o mochiita
4-kakoku, Chiiki no Hikaku kara (Attitudes toward Globalization in East Asia: Analysis of Four East Asian
Regions Using EASS 2008 Data),” Proceeding: 40th Conference of the Behaviormetric Society of Japan,
HAMADA, Kunisuke, 2013, “Attitudes toward Globalization in East Asia: Analysis of Four East Asian Regions
Using EASS 2008 Data (Higashi Asia ni okeru Global-ka Ishiki no Kitei Yoin: EASS 2008 o mochiita
4kakoku-Chiiki no Bunseki kara),” GSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS
Research Series No.10 (JGSS Monographs No.13), pp.105-115.[AE]
HAMADA, Kunisuke, and IWAI, Noriko, 2013, “JGSS de yomu Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo dai-6-kai:
Global-ka ni taisuru Ishiki (Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General Social
Survey: The Attitudes Toward Globalization),” Japan Finance Corporation [ed.], Chosageppo, June 2013
No.057, pp.20-21.[FJ]
HAN, Gyounghae, and KIM, Sang-Wook, 2008, “Lineage Differences in Inter-generational Relations: A
Cross-national Comparisons,” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS
SYMPOSIUM 2008: Development of East Asian Social Surveys: Results of EASS 2006 Family Module.
HAN, Gyounghae, and KIM, Sang-Wook, 2008, “Generation in the Middle: A Comparison of Support
Provisions between Korean and Japan,” presented at KGSS-EASS Conference ‘Family and Social Life in
East Asia,’ Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea.[NP]
HAN, Gyounghae, and KIM, Sang-Wook, 2008, “Lineage Difference in Intergenerational Support Relationships:
A Comparison between Korea and Japan,” Proceedings: 18th Conference of the Japan Society of Family
Sociology, p.87.[FE]
HAN, Gyounghae, LEE, Yun-Suk, and KIM, Sang-Wook, 2008, “A Typology of Inter-generational Relations:
Comparison between Korea and Japan,” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.],
JGSS SYMPOSIUM 2008: Development of East Asian Social Surveys: Results of EASS 2006 Family
Module. pp.203-215.[FE]
HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, 2012, “Higashi Asia ni okeru Shakai-Keizaiteki Chii to Shukanteki Kenkokan no
Kanren (Socioeconomic status and self-rated health in East Asia: Analysis using EASS 2006),”
Proceeding:40th Conference of the Behaviormetric Society of Japan, pp.159-160.[FJ]
HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, NAKAYA, Tomoki, and MURATA, Chiyoe, 2009, “Higashi Asia ni okeru Kenko to
Shakai-Keizai-teki Chii no Kanren: Nihon, Kankoku, Chugoku, Taiwan no Hikaku (Socio-economic status
and health in East Asia: a comparison of Japan, South Korea, China and Taiwan),” Japanese journal of public
health, 56(10), S506.[FJ]
HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, NAKAYA, Tomoki, and MURATA, Chiyoe, 2010, “Socio-economic status and
self-rated health in East Asia: a comparison of China, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan,” The European
Journal of Public Health 2010; doi:10.1093/eurpub/ckq174.[FE]
HAYO, Bernd, and ONO, Hiroyuki, 2007, “Comparing Public Attiudes Towards Providing for the Livelihood of
the Elderly in Two Aging Societies: Germany and Japan,” paper submitted to Faculty of Business
Administration and Economics, Philipps-University Marburg, No.03-2007.[FE]
HAYO, Bernd, and ONO Hiroyuki, 2010, “Comparing public attitudes toward providing for the livelihood of the
elderly in two aging societies: Germany and Japan,” Journal of Socio-Economics, Vol.39 (1), pp.72-80.[FE]
HONDA, Yuki, 2002, “A Trial Measurement for Income Function Analysis of Labor in Employment System
(Keizoku Kyoiku Kunren Keiken no Kokusai Hikaku: JGSS-2000 to Kokusai Seijin Shikiji Chosa Kekka
yori),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science,
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Monographs No.1, pp.69-80.[AE]
INOGUCHI, Takashi, and FUJII, Seiji, 2007, The AsiaBarometer: Its Aim, Its Scope and Its Development.[FE]
ISHIDA, Hiroshi, 2003, “Shakai-kaiso to Kaiso-ishiki no Kokusai Hikaku (Cross-national Comparison of Social
Stratification and Status Consciousness),” HIGUCHI, Y., and Policy Research Institute, Ministry of Finance
[eds.], Nihon no Shotoku-kakusa to Shakai-kaiso (Income Inequality and Social Stratification in Japan),
Nippon-Hyoron-Sha, pp.105-126.[FJ]
ISHIDA, Hiroshi, 2003, “Class Structure, Intergenerational Mobility and Status Consciousness in Japan and
Industrial Nations,” presented at Thematic Lecture Series on East Asia [Theme 3]: Social Inequality,
Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea.[NP]
ISHIDA, Hiroshi, 2004, “Does Class Matter in Japan? Demographics of Class Structure and Class Mobility in
Comparative Perspective,” presented at the Conference on Researching Social Class in Japan, Center for
Japanese Studies, University of Michigan, USA.[NP]
ISHIDA, Hiroshi, 2004, “Social Inequality and Status Consciousness in Cross-national Comparative Perspective
(Shakai-teki Fu-byodo to Kaiso-ishiki no Kokusai Hikaku),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University
of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Monographs No.3.
ISHIDA, Hiroshi, 2009, “Does Class Matter in Japan? Demographics of Class Structure and Class Mobility from
a Comparative Perspective,” ISHIDA, Hiroshi, and SLATER, David [eds.], Social Class in Contemporary
Japan, Routledge, pp.33-56.[FE]
ISHII, Kenji, 2011, “Shakaiteki Chutai no Keisei ni kansuru Nichibei Hikaku Bunseki,” Japanese Association for
Mathematical Sociology, March 18, Okinawa International University.[FJ]
IWAI, Hachiro, 2013, “Expanding Women's Opportunities and their Effects on Demographic and Attitudinal
Changes in Asian Societies: A Comparative Study based on EASS-2006 and Thai & Vietnam Family Surveys
2010,” International Seminar on Seeing Family Changes from Quantitative and Comparative Perspective,
March 20, College of Population Studies, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok.
IWAI, Hachiro, 2013, “Expanding Women’s Opportunity and its Effects on Family Value Changes in Vietnam
and other Asian Societies: A Comparative Study based on EASS-2006 and Thai & Vietnam Family Surveys
2010,” International Workshop on Vietnamese Families in the Context of Industrialization, Modernization
and Integration in Comparative Perspective, November 7, Institute for Family and Gender Studies, Vietnam
Academiy of Social Sciences, Ha Noi.
IWAI, Hachiro, and NAKAO, Keiko, 2010, “Cross-cultural Comparisons on the Process of Status Attainment:
Comparisons among Four East Asian Societies based on EASS 2008,” EASS Conference 2010, November
25, Osaka University of Commerce.[FE]
IWAI, Noriko, 2008, “Families in East Asia: Using East Asian Social Survey 2006 Data (Higashi-Asia no
Kazoku: East Asian Social Survey 2006 o mochiite),” Proceedings: 18th Conference of the Japan Society of
Family Sociology, pp.82-83.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, 2008, “Features of Housework in Japan: In Comparison with Taiwan, Korea and China Based on
the EASS 2006 Data,” presented at KGSS-EASS Conference ‘Family and Social Life in East Asia,’
Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea.[NP]
IWAI, Noriko, 2008, “Nihonjin no Kaji-hindo no Tokucho: EASS 2006 ni motozuku Higashi-Asia no
Hikaku-bunseki (Features of Housework in Japan: In Comparison with Taiwan, Korea and China based on
the EASS 2006 data),” Proceedings: 81st Annual Meeting of the Japan Sociological Society, p.95.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, 2009, “Housework in Japan: In comparison with Taiwan, Korea and China based on the EASS
2006 Data,” Open Roundtable Session, 104th Annual Meeting of American Sociological Association, August
10, San Francisco, U.S.A.[FE]
IWAI, Noriko, 2009, “Values across China, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan,” presented at The 14th TSCS
Conference and 2009 EASS Symposium, November 18, Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, Taipei.[FE]
IWAI, Noriko, 2010, “Housework by husband and wife in Japan, China, Korea and Taiwan,” Conference
Abstracts: XVII ISA World Congress of Sociology, July 12, Gothenburg, Sweden, p.216.[FE]
IWAI, Noriko, 2011, “East Asian Identity and Social Distance among China, Japan, SouthKorea, and Taiwan:
Based on the East Asian Social Survey 2008,” AAS-ICAS Joint conference, April 3, Honolulu, Hawaii.[FE]
IWAI, Noriko, and HANIBUCHI, Tomoya [eds.], Health and Society in East Asia: A comparison among Japan,
South Korea, China, and Taiwan based on East Asian Social Survey 2010 (Data de miru Higashi-Asia no
Kenko to Shakai: Higashi Asia Shakai Chosa ni yoru Ni-kkan-chu-tai no Hikaku 3), Nakanishiya Shuppan,
IWAI, Noriko, SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, and SASAKI, Takayuki, 2011, “East Asian Social Survey o Toshite Mita
Kokusai Hikaku Chosa no Konnan to Kadai (Difficulties of challenges in cross-national surveys based on an
experience in conducting EASS),” Advances in Social Research, No.7, Yuhikaku, pp.18-25.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, and TAKEGAMI, Misa, 2011, “Health-related Quality of life in East Asia,” WAPOR 64th Annual
Conference, September 23, Amsterdam, Conference Program, p.74.[FE]
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
IWAI, Noriko, and TAKEGAMI, Misa, 2011, “Health-related Quality of Life in East Asia,” EASS 2011
Symposium, November 17, Academia Sinica, Taiwan.[FE]
IWAI, Noriko, and TAKEGAMI, Misa, 2012, “A Feeling of hopelessness, health status and lifestyle in East
Asia,” Book of Abstracts: 2nd ISA Forum of Sociology, Buenos Aires, Argentina, p.286.[FE]
IWAI, Noriko, and TAKEUCHI, Tomohiko, 2012, “Health Status and Social Stratification in East Asia,” JGSS
Symposium 2012, June 10, Osaka University of Commerce.[FE]
IWAI, Noriko, and UEDA, Mitsuaki [eds.], 2012, Culture and Values in East Asia: A comparison among Japan,
South Korea, China, and Taiwan based on East Asian Social Survey 2008, translated by SASAKI, Takayuki,
SHINOHARA, Sayaka, Nakanishiya Shuppan.[FE]
IWAI, Noriko, and UEDA, Mitsuaki [eds.], 2011, Culture and Values in East Asia: A comparison among Japan,
South Korea, China, and Taiwan based on East Asian Social Survey 2008 (Data de miru Higashi-Asia no
Bunka to Kachikan: Higashi Asia Shakai Chosa ni yoru Ni-kkan-chu-tai no Hikaku 2), Nakanishiya Shuppan,
IWAI, Noriko, and UENOHARA, Hideaki, 2012, “Medical Care and Oriental Alternative Medicine in Japan,
South Korea, Taiwan,” WAPOR 65th Annual Conference, June 16, The University of Hong Kong.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, and YASUDA, Tokio [eds.], 2009, Family Values in East Asia: A comparison among Japan, South
Korea, China, and Taiwan based on East Asian Social Survey 2006 (Data de miru Higashi-Asia no
Kazoku-kan: Higashi Asia Shakai Chosa ni yoru Ni-kkan-chu-tai no Hikaku), Nakanishiya Shuppan,
IWAI, Noriko, and YASUDA, Tokio [eds.], 2011, Family Values in East Asia: A comparison among Japan, South
Korea, China, and Taiwan based on East Asian Social Survey 2006, translated by SASAKI, Takayuki,
SHINOHARA, Sayaka, and HAYASHI, Hikaru, Nakanishiya Shuppan, 107p.[FE]
IWAI, Noriko, YASUDA, Tokio, SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, SASAKI, Takayuki, and HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, 2008,
“Results of EASS 2006 Family Module,” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.],
JGSS SYMPOSIUM 2008: Development of East Asian Social Surveys: Results of EASS 2006 Family
Module. pp.139-162.[FE]
IWAI, Noriko, YASUDA, Tokio, SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, and TABUCHI, Rokuro, 2007, “Analysis of
Intergenerational Assistance to/from Parents and Parents-in-law: First trial using JGSS-2006,” presented at
EASS Symposium on East Asian Societies and the Family, July 17, Hong Kong University of Science and
Technology, Hong Kong.[NP]
JONSSON, Jan O., GRUSKY, David B., DICARLO, Matthew, POLLAK, Reinhard, and BRINTON, Mary C.,
2006, “The Role of Occupational Inheritance in the Social Mobility Process,” Institute of Sociology of the
Academy of Science of the Czech Republic, paper were discussed at sociology seminars at the University of
Umeå and Gothenburg in March 2005, revised on February 19, 2006, 42p.[FE]
JONSSON, Jan O., GRUSKY, David B., DICARLO, Matthew, POLLAK, Reinhard, and BRINTON, Mary C.,
2007, “Micro-Class Mobility: Social Reproduction in Four Counties,” Mannheimer Zentrum Für
Europäische sozialforschung (MZES), paper submitted to MZES, in July 2007, 47p.[FE]
KATAGIRI, Keiko, 2011, “Traditional family norm and sex-role norm and attitudes toward supporting toward
parents in East Asia: EASS2006 data analyses of Japan, Korea, China and Taiwan (Higashi Asia ni okeru
Dentoteki Kazoku Kihan, SeiYakuwari Kihan to Support ni taisuru Taido: EASS Data ni yoru Nihon,
Kankoku, Chugoku, Taiwan 4kakoku Hikaku),” Japanese Journal of Gerontology, 33-2, p95.[FJ]
KATAGIRI, Keiko, 2011, “Comparison of family values in East Asian countries: The Relationship between the
traditional family norm, sex role norm, and attitudes toward supporting parents,” Proceedings:9th Biennial
Conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology, p95.[FE]
KATAGIRI, Keiko, 2011, “Comparison of traditional family norms and intergenerational support in four EastAsian Countries,” Proceedings: 64th Annual Scientific Meeting, the Gerontological Society of America,
KIM, Jibum, 2011, “Aging Anxiety in Japan, Korea, and the United States,” EASS 2011 Symposium, November
17, Academia Sinica, Taiwan.[FE]
KIM, Jibum, KIM, Seokho, and YOO, Hongjoon, 2010, “Paranormal Beliefs in East Asia,” presented at the 63rd
Annual Conference of the World Association of Public Opinion Research, Chicago, IL.[FE]
KIM, Ki Hun, 2004, “Trends and Differentials in School Transitions in Korea and Japan,” paper presented at the
conference ‘Inequality and Stratifications: Broadening the Comparative Scope’ of Research Committee 28
(Social stratification and Mobility) of International Sociological Association, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August
7-9, 2004, 49p.[FE]
KIM, Ki Hun, and MIWA, Satoshi, 2005, “System Context Revisited: Educational Reform and Inequality in
Japan and Korea,” paper presented at the conference ‘Inequality and Mobility in Family, School, and Work’
of Research Committee 28 (Social stratification and Mobility) of International Sociological Association,
August 18-20, 2005, 32p.[FE]
KIM, Ki Hun, and PHANG, Hanam, 2005, “Social Class and Gender Differentials in Korean and Japanese
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
Higher Education: A Comparative Study (고등교육 진학에 있어 가족배경의 영향과 성별 격차),” The
korean journal of sociology (韓國社會學), Vol.39 No.5, pp.119-151.[FK]
KIM, Sang-Wook, 2004, “A Comparison of the Characteristics of General Social Surveys in East Asia,”
Academy of East Asian Studies, Sungkyun Journal of East Asian Studies, 4(2), pp.137-154.[FE]
KIM, Sang-Wook, 2011, “Factors Leading to Desired Body Weight in Korea and Japan,” EASS 2011
Symposium, November 17, Academia Sinica, Taiwan.[FE]
KIM, Seokho (김석호), SHIN, Incheol (신인철), and KIM, Byungsoo (김병수), 2011, “이주노동자에 대한
태도에 영향을 미치는 교육의 효과 분해 (Decomposition of Educational Effects on Attitudes toward
migrant workers: A Comparative Study on Korea, Japan, and Taiwan),” 한국인구학 (Korean Journal of
Population Studies), Vol.34 No.1, pp.129-157.[FK]
KOISO, Kaoru, 2011, “A Comparative Research on English Proficiency of Chinese, Japanese, Koreans and
Taiwanese: Based on EASS 2008 Data (Chugoku, Nihon, Kankoku, Taiwan ni okeru Seijin no Eigo-ryoku no
Hikaku to Kakkoku/Chiiki no Wakamono-so no Eigo-ryoku no Kitei Yoin: EASS 2008 no Data o Motoni),”
The Review of Osaka University of Commerce No.162, pp.19-33.[FJ]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2001, “The Development of the Japanese General Social Surveys and Its Relevance to
Korea,” presented at The Academy of Korean Studies Colloquium, Seoul, Korea.[NP]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2003, “Determinants of Attitudes toward Children: A Comparative Analysis of the
JGSS-2000/2001 and the Taiwan Social Change Survey 2001,” Max Planck Institute for Demographic
Research Seminar, Rostock, Germany.[NP]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2004, “Determinants of Attitudes toward Children: A Comparative Analysis of the
JGSS-2000/2001/2002 and the Taiwan Social Change Survey 2001 (Kodomo ni kansuru Ishiki no Kitei Yoin:
JGSS-2000/2001/2002 to Taiwan Shakai Hensen Kihon Chosa 2001 no Hikaku-bunseki),” Institute of
Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.],
JGSS Monographs, No.3, pp.1-11.[AE]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2004, “Nihon/Kankoku/Taiwan ni okeru Kodomo ni kansuru Ishiki no Kitei Yoin:
JGSS-2000/2001/2002, KNFS-2000, TSCS-2001 no Hikaku Bunseki-(Determinants of Attitudes toward
Children in Japan, Korea and Taiwan: A Comparative Analysis of JGSS-2000/2001/2002, NFS-2000 and
TSCS-2001),” Koseirodo Kagaku Kenkyuhi Hojokin Seisakukagaku Kenkyu Jigyo “Kankoku, Taiwan,
Singapore-to ni okeru Shoshi-ka to Shoshi-ka Taisaku ni kansuru Hikaku Kenkyu”: Heisei 15-nendo Sokatsu
Kenkyu Hokokusho (FY2003 Report of the Research Project Funded by Scientific Grant from Ministry of
Health, Labour and Welfare, “Comparative Study of Fertility Decline and Policy Responses in Korea, Taiwan,
Singapore and Hong Kong),” pp.26-54.[FJ]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2004, “Determinants of Gender Preference for Children in Japan: A Comparison with Korea,”
Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences [ed.], 36th World Congress of International
Institute of Sociology Abstracts (Papers Presented in Sessions), pp.82-83.[FE]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2004, “Determinants of Attitudes toward Children in Japan and Taiwan: A Comparative
Analysis of JGSS-2000/2001/2002 and TSCS-2001,” Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social
Sciences [ed.], 36th World Congress of International Institute of Sociology Abstracts (Papers Presented in
Sessions), pp.101-102.[FE]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2004, “Nihon/Taiwan/Kankoku ni okeru Kodomo ni taisuru Ishiki no Kitei Yoin
(Determinants of Attitudes toward Children in Japan, Taiwan and Korea),” Proceedings: 14th Conference of
the Japan Society of Family Sociology, pp.38-39.[FJ]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2005, “Higashi-Asia ni okeru Shukyo to Shussho-Ishiki (Religion and Fertility Attitudes in
East Asia),” Proceedings: 57th Annual Meeting of the Population Association of Japan, pp.45-46.[FJ]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2005, “Gender Preference for Children in Japan, Korea and Taiwan: A Comparative Analysis
of JGSS, KNFS and TSCS,” Abstracts of Women’s Worlds 2005, 9th International Interdisciplinary Congress
on Women, June 19-24, Ewha Womens University, Seoul, Korea, p.56.[FE]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2005, “Determinants of Attitudes toward Children in Japan, Korea and Taiwan: A
Comparative Analysis of JGSS, KNFS and TSCS,” Proceedings: IUSSP XXV International Population
Conference, Tours, France, pp.1-10.[FE]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2005, “A Comparative Analysis of Fertility-Related Attitudes in Japan, Korea and Taiwan,”
Proceedings:the International Conference on Low Fertility and Rapid Aging in East and South East Asian
Societies, Dong-A University, Pusan, Korea, pp.1-25.[FE]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2006, “A Comparative Analysis of Fertility-Related Attitudes in Japan, Korea and Taiwan,”
F-GENS Journal, No.5, pp.324-336.[FE]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2006, “Determinants of Attitudes towards Foreigners: A Comparative Analysis of ESS and
JGSS (Gaikoku-jin ni kansuru Ishiki no Kitei Yoin: ESS to JGSS no Hikaku-Bunseki),” Proceedings: 79th
Annual Meeting of the Japan Sociological Society, p.344.[FJ]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2007, “A Comparative Analysis of Fertility-Related Attitudes in Japan, Korea and Taiwan,”
presented at EASS Symposium on East Asian Societies and the Family, July 17, Hong Kong University of
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
Science and Technology, Hong Kong.[NP]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2007, “A Comparative Analysis of Attitudes toward Immigration among Europeans and
Japanese, drawing on the ESS-2002/2003 and the JGSS-2003,” Proceedings: 8th Conference of the European
Sociological Association, September 3-6, Glasgow, UK, p.304.[FE]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2007, “Nihon, Kankoku, Taiwan ni okeru Kodomo no Hitsuyo-sei to Seibetsu-Senko:
JGSS/KNFS/TSCS no Hikaku-Bunseki (Felt Necessity and Gender Preference for Children in Japan, Korea
and Taiwan: A Comparative Analysis of JGSS, KNFS and TSCS data),” Proceedings: 80th Annual Meeting
of the Japan Sociological Society, p.244.[FJ]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2008, “Nihon, Kankoku, Taiwan ni okeru Kodomo no Hitsuyo-sei to Seibetsu-Senko (Felt
Necessity and Gender Preference for Children in Japan, Korea and Taiwan),” TANIOKA, Ichiro, NITTA,
Michio, and IWAI, Noriko [eds.], Values and Behavioral Patterns in Japan: An Analysis Based on Japanese
General Social Surveys, 2000 to 2003 (Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo), University of Tokyo Press, pp.59-72.[FJ]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2008, “Job Quitting and Fertility among Married Women in Japan and Taiwan: A
Comparative Analysis of the JGSS and the TSCS (Nihon to Taiwan ni okeru Kikon-Josei no Shugyo Chudan
to Shussho: JGSS to TSCS no Hikaku Bunseki),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of
Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.4 (JGSS
Monographs No.7), pp.45-55.[AE]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2008, “Nihon to Taiwan ni okeru Kikon Josei no Shussho Kodo/Shussho Ishiki: JGSS, TSCS,
WMFES no Hikaku Bunseki (Fertility Behaviors and Attitudes of Married Women in Japan and Taiwan: A
Comparative Analysis of JGSS, TSCS and WMFES),” Koseirodo Kagaku Kenkyuhi Hojokin Seisakukagaku
Suishin Kenkyu Jigyo “Danjo Rodosha no Hatarki-kata ga Higashi Asia no Tei Shusshoryoku ni Ataeta
Eikyo ni kansuru Kokusai Hikaku Kenkyu”: Heisei 19-nendo Sokatsu Kenkyu Hokokusho (FY2007 Report
of the Research Project Funded by Scientific Grant from Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare,
“International Comparative Study on the Effects of Work Patterns of Male and Female Workers on Fertility
Decline in East Asia),” pp.61-82.[FJ]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2008, “A Comparative Analysis of Attitudes toward Children in East Asia,” 46th Interim CFR
(Committee on Family Research) Conference, International Sociological Association, September 10, ISCSP,
Lisbon, Portugal.[FE]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2009, “Higashi Asia ni okeru Shugyo to Kazoku Keisei Ishiki/Kodo: JGSS, TSCS, WMFES,
EASS no Hikaku Bunseki (Labor Force Participation and Family Formation Attitudes and Behaviors in East
Asia: A Comparative Analysis of JGSS, TSCS, WMFES and EASS),” Koseirodo Kagaku Kenkyuhi Hojokin
Seisakukagaku Suishin Kenkyu Jigyo “Danjo Rodosha no Hataraki-kata ga Higashi Asia no
Tei-Shussho-ryoku ni Ataeta Eikyo ni kansuru Kokusai Hikaku Kenkyu”: Heisei 20-nendo Sokatsu Kenkyu
Hokokusho (FY2008 Report of the Research Project Funded by Scientific Grant from Ministry of Health,
Labour and Welfare, “International Comparative Study on the Effects of Work Patterns of Male and Female
Workers on Fertility Decline in East Asia)..[FJ]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2009, “Higashi Asia ni okeru Shugyo to Kazoku Keisei Ishiki/Kodo: JGSS, TSCS, WMFES,
EASS no Hikaku Bunseki (Labor Force Participation and Family Formation Attitudes and Behaviors in East
Asia: A Comparative Analysis of JGSS, TSCS, WMFES and EASS),” Waseda Studies in Social Sciences,
Vol.10, No.1 (July.2009), pp47-73.[FJ]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2009, “Higashi Asia ni okeru Shugyo to Kazoku Keisei: Microdata no Hikaku Bunseki
(Employment and Family Formation in East Asia: A Comparative Analysis of Microdata),” Proceedings:19th
Conference of the Japan Society of Family Sociology, pp.38-39.[FJ]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2009, “Determinants of Attitudes toward Immigration among Europeans and Japanese,
drawing on the ESS-2002/2003 and the JGSS-2003,” XXVI International Population Conference, September
27-October 2, Marrakech, Morocco.[FE]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2011, “Health and Family Formation in Japan and Korea: A Comparative Analysis of
EASS2010,” Proceedings:21st Conference of the Japan Society for Family Sociology, pp.14-15.[FJ]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2011, “Cohabitation in East Asia and Its Demographic Implications,,” Proceedings:
International Symposium on Population Issues and Social Development in China, Japan and Korea,
September 24, Institute of Japanese Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing.[FJ].
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2013, “Higashi Asia Shokoku ni okeru Dosei Jotai no Kanren Yoin: EASS Micro Data no
Bunseki Kekka o Chushin ni (Corelates of Cohabitation in East Asia: A Comparative Analysis of EASS
Microdata),” Proceedings: 23rd Conference of the Japan Society for Family Sociology, pp.106-107.[FJ]
KUMLIN, Johanna, 2007, “The Sex Wage Gap in Japan and Sweden: The Role of Human Capital, Workplace
Sex Composition, and Family Responsibility,” Oxford University Press, European Sociological Review,
23(2), pp.203-221.[FE]
KUNG, Hsiang-Ming, and SU, Shuo-Bin, 2010, “Does Social Distance Explain Everything? Effects of
Sociodemographic Factors on Attitudes toward Immigrants in East Asian Countries,” EASS Conference 2010,
November 25, Osaka University of Commerce.[FE]
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
LEE, Kristen Schultz, and ONO, Hiroshi, 2006, “Specialization and Happiness: A U.S.-Japan Comparison,”
SSE/EFI Working Paper Series in Economics and Finance, No.631.[FE]
LEE, Kristen Schultz, and ONO, Hiroshi, 2008, “Specialization and happiness in marriage: A U.S.-Japan
comparison,” Social Science Research 37, pp.1216-1234.[FE]
LEE, Sujin, 2012, “Gender Differences in Norms of Financial Assistance to Parents and Intergenerational
Support: A Comparative Study of Japan and South Korea Based on EASS 2006 Data (Oya eno Shien ni
taisuru Kihan-Ishiki to Sedaikan-Shien ni okeru Danjosa: EASS 2006 Data o mochiita Nikkan Hikaku),”
JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.9 (JGSS
Monographs No.12), pp.55-67.[AE]
LIN, Ju-Ping, and YI, Chin-Chun, 2011, “Filial Norms and Intergenerational Support to Aging Parents in China
and Taiwan,” International Journal of Social Welfare 20, pp.S109-S120.[FE]
LIN, Ju-Ping, and YI, Chin-Chun, 2013, “A comparative analysis of intergenerational relations in East
Asia,”International Sociology, Vol.28 No.3, pp.297-315, doi: 10.1177/0268580913485261.[FE]
MINATO, Kunio, 2006, “Cross-National Social Surveys in East Asia: AsiaBarometer, East Asia Value Survey,
ISSP, World Values Survey, and East Asian Social Surveys,” EASS Conference 2006, Institute of Sociology,
Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.[NP]
MINATO, Kunio, 2007, “Cross-national Social Survey in East Asia: The World Values Survey, ISSP,
AsiaBarometer, East Asia Value Survey and EASS (Higashi-Asia ni okeru Kokusai-Hikaku-Shakai-Chosa to
sono Kadai),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science,
University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.3 (JGSS Monographs No.6), pp.1-23.[AE]
MINATO, Kunio, 2008, “Cross-national Social Survey in East Asia World Values Survey, ISSP, AsiaBarometer,
Asian Barometer, East Asia Value Survey and EASS,” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of
Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.4 (JGSS
Monographs No.7), pp.159-193.[FE]
MINATO, Kunio, 2008, “Cross-national Social Surveys in East Asia: World Values Survey, ISSP, AsiaBarometer,
Asian Barometer, East Asia Value Survey and EASS,” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of
Commerce [ed.], JGSS SYMPOSIUM 2008: Development of East Asian Social Surveys: Results of EASS
2006 Family Module, pp.65-82.[FE]
MINATO, Kunio, 2009, “Favorability of Mongolia in Japan Seen From JGSS-2006: Comparison With East
Asian Countries/Region (JGSS-2006 kara mita Nihon ni okeru Mongoru-koku no Kokan-do),” JGSS
Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.6 (JGSS Monographs
No.9), pp.139-156.[AE]
MIYATA, Naoko, 2009, “Sodan-Network no Kitei Yoin no Nichi-bei Hikaku (The Determinants of Discussion
Network: A comparison between Japan and the U.S.),” Proceedings: 82nd Conference of the Japan
Sociological Society, p.121.[FJ]
MIZOGUCHI, Yuji, 2011, “Kyodo Hokoku: Higashi Asia no Kogakureki-ka to Kazokukan no Henyo: EASS
2006 no
Bunseki kara: (1) Sedaikan Enjo Ishiki no Henyo ni miru Josei no Kogakureki-ka no Eikyo,”
Proceedings:62nd Conference of the Kansai Sociological Association, p.14.[FJ]
MIZOGUCHI, Yuji, 2012, “An Influence of Women’s Popularizations of Higher Education upon a Change of
Desirable Financial Assistance to Parents: A Comparative Analysis based on EASS 2006 Data (Sedaikan
Enjo Ishiki no Henyo ni miru Josei no Kogakurekika no Eikyo: EASS 2006 o mochiita Hikaku Bunseki),”
JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.9 (JGSS
Monographs No.12), pp.169-181.[AE]
MURATA, Chiyoe, 2012, “Concern about Health Care and Socio-economic Status in East Asia,” JGSS
Symposium 2012, June 10, Osaka University of Commerce.[FE]
MURATA, Chiyoe, HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, NAKAYA, Tomoki, OJIMA, Toshiyuki, HAYASAKA, Shinya, and
NODA, Tatsuya, 2009, “Higashi Asia ni okeru Shukan-teki Kenko-kan no Seisa: Nihon, Kankoku, Chugoku,
Taiwan no Hikaku (Gender Differences in Self-rated Health in Four East Asian Societies: China, Korea,
Japan, and Taiwan),” Japanese journal of public health, 56(10), S506.[FJ]
MYAE, Aye Chan, and GODDARD, Ellen, 2012, “Importance of traceability for sustainable production: a
cross-country comparison,” International Journal of Consumer Studies, Vol.36 (2), pp.192-202.[FE]
NAKAO, Keiko, 2002, “Sentakushi no Sentaku: Nichi-bei Chosa Data ni okeru Shokugyo Kachikan no Hikaku
kara erareta Chiken (Selection of Alternatives in Multiple Choice Questions),” Proceeding: 30th Conference
of the Behaviormetric Society of Japan, pp.352-353.[FJ]
NAKAO, Keiko, and IWAI, Hachiro, 2010, “Cross-Cultural Comparisons on the Process of Status-Attainment:
Comparison among Four East Asian Societies,” Conference Abstracts: XVII ISA World Congress of
Sociology, July 16, Gothenburg, Sweden, p.334.[FE]
NAKAZAWA, Wataru, 2013, “Kyoiku System to Shokugyo Keireki no Kanrensei: Nihon, Taiwan no Hikaku
(The Linkage between Educational Systems and Career Histories: Comparison between Japan and Taiwan),”
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
The Research Briefing Session of 2013, The ISS Panel Survey Project, February 27, the University of
OHASHI, Masahiko, 2006, “Nichi-Bei Shohisha no Kankyo- Kodo to Jizoku Kano Marketing: JGSS-2002 yori
(Affecting Factors for Eco-Behaviors of Japanese-Consumers in the Data of JGSS-2002 and sustainable
Marketing),” 135th Conference of the Japanese Society of Business Diagnosis in Kansai Section.[NP]
OKADA, Akinori, 2011, “Analyzing Social Affinity for Foreigners by Spectral Decomposition: Asymmetric
Multidimensional Scaling of EASS 2008 Data (Spectral Bunkai ni yoru Gaikokujin ni taisuru Shinkinkan no
Bunseki: EASS 2008 no Data o mochiita Hi-taisho Tajigen Shakudo Kosei-ho no Oyo,” JGSS Research
Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.8 (JGSS Monographs No.11),
OKADA, Josuke, 2011, “Kyodo Hokoku: Higashi Asia no Ko-Gakureki-ka to Kazokukan no Henka: EASS 2006
no Bunseki kara (Increase in Educational Level and transformation of family values: Using EASS-2006
(3)Increase in Educational Level and Marital Power in East Asia: Focusing on Marital Decision-Making on
Child Rearing.),” Proceedings;62nd Conference of the Kansai Sociological Association, p.16.[FJ]
ONO, Hiromi, 2009, “Husbands' and Wives’ Education and Divorce in the United States and Japan, 1946-2000,”
Journal of Family History, 34(3): pp.292-322.[FE]
ONO, Hiromi, 2010, “Divorced Japanese Women’s Socioeconomic Status and Children: Comparisons with the
U.S.,” International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family.[FE]
ONO, Hiroshi, 2011, “Shiawasena Kekkon no Joken: Nichibei-Hikaku, Danjo-Hikaku (Conditions for a happy
marriage: A U.S.-Japan comparison),” Keizai Seminar, No.658, pp.30-35.[FJ]
ONO, Hiroshi, and LEE, Kristen Schultz, 2006, “Specialization and Happiness: A U.S.-Japan Comparison,”
Japanese Economic Association 2006 Fall Meeting, October 21, Osaka City University.[FE]
Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], 2008, JGSS Colloquium 2007 Hokokusho
(Proceedings: JGSS Colloquium 2007), Osaka.[FE]
Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], 2008, JGSS SYMPOSIUM 2008:
Development of East Asian Social Surveys: Results of EASS 2006 Family Module, Osaka, 248p.[FE]
JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], 2009, East Asian Social Survey: EASS 2006
Family Module Codebook, 342p.[FJ, FE, and AE]
JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], 2010, East Asian Social Survey: EASS 2008
Culture Module Codebook, 286p.[FJ, FE, and AE]
JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], 2011, East Asian Social Survey: EASS Conference
2010 Hokokusho 'Proceedings: EASS Conference 2010), Osaka.[FJ]
JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], 2012, East Asian Social Survey: EASS Conference
2011 Hokokusho (Proceedings: EASS Conference 2011), Osaka.[FJ]
JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], 2012, East Asian Social Survey: EASS 2010
Health Module Codebook ,338p.[FJ, FE, and AE]
JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], 2013, JGSS SYMPOSIUM 2012 Hokokusho
(Proceedings:JGSS Symposium 2012), Osaka.[FJ]
JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], 2014, East Asian Social Survey: EASS 2012
Netowrok Social Capital Module Codebook.[FJ, FE, and AE]
OSHIO, Takashi, NOZAKI, Kayo, and KOBAYASHI, Miki, 2010, “Relative income and happiness in Asia:
Evidence from nationwide surveys in China, Japan, and Korea,” Hitotsubashi University CIS Discussion
Paper, No.487, 33p.[FE]
OSHIO, Takashi, NOZAKI, Kayo, and KOBAYASHI, Miki, 2011, “Division of Household Labor and Marital
Satisfaction in China, Japan, and Korea,” Hitotsubashi University CIS Discussion Paper, No.502, 31p.[FE]
OSHIO, Takashi, NOZAKI, Kayo, and KOBAYASHI, Miki, 2011, “Relative Income and Happiness in Asia:
Evidence from Nationwide Surveys in China, Japan, and Korea,” Social Indicators Research (2011), Vol.104
No.3, pp.351-367.[FE]
OSHIO, Takashi, NOZAKI, Kayo, and KOBAYASHI, Miki, 2012, Division of Household Labor and Marital
Satisfaction in China, Japan, and Korea, Journal of Family and Economic Issues, doi:
PARK, Hyunjoon, 2010, “The Stability of Self-Employment: A Comparison between Japan and Korea,”
International Sociology, Vol.25 (1), pp.98-122.[FE]
PARK, Jaehyun, and KIM, Seokho, 2009, “Perception of and Attitude towards Globalization: A Comparative
Study on China, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan,” Proceedings: 14th TSCS Conference and 2009 EASS
Symposium, November 18, Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, Taipei.[FE]
RICH, Susan Lynne, 2008, “Marital Instability in East Asian Societies: A Comparative Study of China, Taiwan,
and South Korea,” Doctoral Dissertation, Mississippi State University.[FE]
RICH, Susan Lynne, and XU, Xiaohe, 2009, “Marital Instability: A Comparative Study of China and Taiwan,”
The Global Studies Journal 2, pp.153-168.[FE]
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
RøNSEN, Marit, 2004, “Fertility and family policy in Norway: A reflection on trends and possible,” Max Planck
Institute for Demographic Research, Demographic Research, 10, pp.265-286.[FE]
SAKAGUCHI, Yusuke, 2006, “Hanzai Risk Chikaku no Kitei-Kozo: Kokusai Hikaku kara miru Nihon no
Tokushu-sei (Determinants of perceived risk of crime: Japanese uniqueness founded by an international
comparison),” A Summary of Presentation at the 57th Conference of the Kansai Sociological Association,
SAKAGUCHI, Yusuke, 2008, “Determinants of the Perceived Risk of Crime: The unique factors identified in
Japan through an international comparison (Hanzai Risk Chikaku no Kitei-Kozo: Kokusai Hikaku kara miru
Nihon no Tokushu-sei),” Japanese Sociological Review, Vol.59 No.3, pp.462-477.[AE]
SASAKI, Takayuki, 2010, “Healthy aging for older adults in Japan,” International Symposium on Healthy Aging,
September 13, Berkeley, CA.[FE]
SASAKI, Takayuki, 2012, “Results of EASS 2010 Health Module,” JGSS Symposium 2012, June 10, Osaka
University of Commerce.[FE]
SHIBATA, Haruka, 2012, “Higashi Asia ni okeru Oyakokan Enjo Kodo no Kokusai Hikaku: Higashi Asia
Shakai Chousa (EASS) 2006 nen no Data o mochiita Kijutsuteki Bunseki (International Comparison of
Supportive Behavior between Parents and Children in East Asia: A
Descriptive Analysis Using EASS 2006 Data),” 63rd Conference of the Kansai Sociological Association,
May 26, Kogakukan University.[FJ]
SHIBATA, Haruka, 2012, “Patterns of Support and Care between Parents and Grown-up Children: Descriptive
Analysis Using EASS 2006 Data,” Social Innovation and Sustainability for the Future: GCOE International
Conference, November 8, Kyoto University.[FE]
SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 2006, “Kokusai-Hikaku-Chosa ni okeru Sentakushi no Kento: Kankoku, Taiwan, Chugoku
to no Hikaku ni kansuru JGSS Project no Keiken (Study of Response Categories in The Cross-national
Surveys: Experience of JGSS Team with South Korea, Taiwan and China),” Proceedings: 79th Conference of
the Japan Sociological Society, p.106.[FJ]
SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, and IWAI, Noriko, 2011, “Designing Response Categories of Agreement Scales for East
Asian Social Survey,” WAPOR 64th Annual Conference, September 23, Amsterdam, Conference Program,
SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, IWAI, Noriko, and YASUDA, Tokio, 2009, “Designing Response Categories of Agreement
Scales for Cross-national Surveys in East Asia: The Approach of the Japanese General Social Surveys,”
International Journal of Japanese Sociology, No.18, pp.97-111.[FE]
SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, IWAI, Noriko, and YASUDA, Tokio, 2010, “Challenges of Agreement Scales in
Cross-national Surveys: From the Aspect of East Asia,” The Review of Osaka University of Commerce,
No.158, pp.63-76.[FE]
SUN, Yuwen, 2010, “Analysis of Japanese Anime’s Domestic and Overseas Audience: Comparison between
JGSS-2008 and TSCS-2008 (Nihon Anime Shicho-sha no Kokusai Hikaku Bunseki: JGSS-2008 to
TSCS-2008 no Data o mochiite),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS
Research Series No.7 (JGSS Monographs No.10), pp.173-182.[AE]
SUZUKI, Toru, 2012, “Very Low Fertility in Eastern Asia and Europe: Trends, Determinants and Policy
Responses (Nihon, Higashi-Asia, Europe no Shoshika: Sono Doko, Yoin, Seisaku Taio o megutte),” Journal
of Population Problems Vol.68 No.3, pp.14-31.[AE]
TAKENOSHITA, Hirohisa, 2009, “Transnational Migration and Social Stratification in a Comparative
Perspective (Kokusai-Ido ni tomonau Kaiso-Ido ni kansuru Kokusai-Hikaku-Kenkyu),” Kokusai Kagaku
Kenkyuhi Hojokin Kenkyu Seika Hokokusho.[FJ]
TAKENOSHITA, Hirohisa, 2009, “The Economic Incorporation of Brazilian Migrants in Comparative
Perspective: A Comparative Study of Brazilian Labour Market Outcome in Japan and the United States,”
International Sociological Association, the 2008 Summer Meeting of RC28, August 6-9, Stanford
TAKEUCHI Maki, 2011, “Kyodo Hokoku: Higashi Asia no Kogakureki-ka to Kazokukan no Henyo: EASS
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TAKEUCHI, Tomohiko, 2012, “Higashi Asia ni okeru Shakai-Keizaiteki Zokusei to Kenko Kakusa EASS 2010
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Behaviormetric Society of Japan, pp.161-164.[FJ]
TAKEUCHI, Tomohiko, and IWAI, Noriko, 2013, “Health Status and Social Stratification in East Asia:
Comparison Using EASS 2010 Data (Higashi Asia ni okeru Shakai Keizaiteki Zokusei to Kenko Kakusa:
EASS 2010 Kenko Module o mochiita Hikaku),” GSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce
[ed.], JGSS Research Series No.10 (JGSS Monographs No.13), pp.81-92.[AE]
TSAI, Ming-chang, 2009, “Transnational Travels and Acquaintances in Four East Asian Societies,”
Proceedings:14th TSCS Conference and 2009 EASS Symposium, November 18, Institute of Sociology,
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
Academia Sinica, Taipei.[FE]
TSAI, Ming-chang, 2010, “Transnational Travels and Acquaintances in Four East Asian Societies,” JGSS
Research Seminar, January 11, JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce.[FE]
TSAI, Ming-Chang, and IWAI, Noriko, 2013, “Global Exposure and Openness: Comparative Analysis of Japan,
South Korea and Taiwan,” Comparative Sociology, Vol.12 (2013), pp.301-329.[FE]
TSUTSUI, Jun'ya, 2007, “An Alternate Model for the Comparative Analysis of the Mate-Selection Process,”
presented at EASS Symposium on East Asian Societies and the Family, July 17, Hong Kong University of
Science and Technology, Hong Kong.[NP]
TSUTSUI, Jun'ya, 2008, “From Arranged Marriage to Love Marriage?: An Alternate View of Mate Selection in
East Asian Countries,” Proceedings:81st Annual Meeting of the Japan Sociological Society, p.66.[FE]
TSUTSUI, Jun'ya, 2013, “The transitional phase of mate selection in East Asian countries,” International
Sociology, Vol.28 No.3, pp.257-276, doi:10.1177/0268580913484775.[FE]
TSUTSUI, Jun'ya, CHEN, Yu-hua, and KOH, Chi-young, 2008, “Shifting Trends and Variety of Mate Selection
in East Asian Countries: Finding from EASS 2006,” Proceedings: 18th Conference of the Japan Society of
Family Sociology, p.85.[FE]
TSUTSUI, Jun'ya, CHEN, Yu-hua, and KOH Chi-young, 2010, “The Transitional Phase of Mate Selection in
East Asian Countries,” Conference Abstracts: XVII ISA World Congress of Sociology, p.94.[FE]
TSUTSUI, Jun'ya, and KOH, Chi-Young, 2009, “Mate Selection in Korea and Japan: Facts and Future Research
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UENOHARA, Hideaki, 2012, “Higashi Asia ni okeru Transnational Identity: EASS 2006 Data o mochiita
Kokusai-Hikaku (Transnational Identity in East Asia: Cross-national Analysis Based on EASS 2006),”
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UENOHARA, Hideaki, 2013, “Transnational Identity in East Asia: Cross-national Analysis Based on EASS
2008 (Higashi Asia ni okeru Transnational Identity: EASS 2008 Data o mochiita Kokusai Hikaku),” GSS
Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.10 (JGSS Monographs
No.13), pp.93-104.
UENOHARA, Hideaki, 2013, “JGSS de yomu Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo dai-7-kai: Higashi Asia Ishiki o
motteiru Hito (Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General Social Survey: Who
have an East-Asian identity?),” Japan Finance Corporation [ed.], Chosageppo, July 2013 No.058,
WANG, Weidong, 2009, “The Social Distance between East Asian Societies,” presented at The 14th TSCS
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WANG, Weidong, 2010, “Social Distance of East Asia,” JGSS Research Seminar, January 11, JGSS Research
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Abstracts: XVII ISA World Congress of Sociology, July 16, Gothenburg, Sweden, p.521.[FE]
WANG, Yujun, and WANG, Weidong, 2010, “Pan-Asian Identity?: The Study of China, Japan, South Korea, and
Taiwan,” EASS Conference 2010, November 25, Osaka University of Commerce.[FE]
WONG, Thomas, 2007, “EASS Family Survey 2006 (Hong Kong) Report on Preliminary Findings,” presented at
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YAMAMOTO, Akashi, 2010, “Kokusai News eno Sesshoku to Higashi-Asia eno Shinri-teki Kinsetsu-sei (The
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YAMAMOTO, Akashi, 2012, “The Relationship between Exposure to International News and Affinity to East
Asia: A Comparative Analysis between China, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan Using EASS 2008 Data
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Chugoku Nihon no Bunseki),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research
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YAMAMURA, Eiji, and ANDRES, Antonio, 2011, “Influence of age of children on differences in marital
satisfaction of males and females in East Asian countries,” MPRA Paper, No.32756, 30p.[FE]
YANG, Jonghoe, 2012, “The Korean Wave (Hallyu) in East Asia: A Comparison of Chinese, Japanese, and
Taiwanese Audiences Who Watch Korean TV Dramas,” Development and Society, Vol.41 No.1,
YANG, Juhua, 2008, “A Comparative Analysis of Family Structures across Four EA Societies: Findings from the
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YANG, Juhua, 2010, “Parent-Child Dynamics and Family Solidarity: A Comparative Study of East Asian
Societies,” presented at the Population Association of America 2010 Annual Meeting, April 16, Dallas,
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
YANG, Juhua, and LI, Lulu, 2009, “Intergenerational Dynamics and Family Solidarity: A Comparative Study of
Mainland China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan,” Sociological Studies,
YANG, Wen-Shan, and YEN, Pei-Chih, 2011, “A Comparative Study of Marital Dissolution in East Asian
Societies: Gender Attitudes and Social Expectations towards Marriage in Taiwan, Korea and Japan.,” Asian
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YASUDA, Tokio, and IWAI, Noriko, 2008, “Balance of Intergenerational Support between Husband’s Side and
Wife’s Side: Cross-cultural Comparison Based on EASS Data,” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka
University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS SYMPOSIUM 2008: Development of East Asian Social Surveys:
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YASUDA, Tokio, and IWAI, Noriko, 2008, “An Analysis of Balance between Support for Husbands’ Parents and
that for Wives’ Parents: A Comparative Study in East Asia based on EASS 2006,” Proceedings: 18th
Conference of the Japan Society of Family Sociology, p.86.[FE]
YASUDA, Tokio, IWAI, Noriko, YI, Chin-chun, and XIE, Guihua, 2011, “Intergenerational Coresidence in
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YI, Chin-Chun, 2013, “Changing East Asian Families: Values and Behaviors,” International Sociology, Vol.28
No.3, doi:10.1177/0268580913488397.[FE]
28. Elderly/Generations
CHEN, Chao-Nan, 2007, “The Impact of Household Distance on Intergenerational Support Exchanges in
Taiwan,” The 9th Research Meeting of Taiwan Social Change Survey, Academia Sinica, Taipei.[NP]
CHEN, Lai-Chun, 2007, “不同婚姻狀態對代間支持交換的影響 (Effect of Marital Status on Exchange of
Intergenerational Support),” The 9th Research Meeting of Taiwan Social Change Survey, Academia Sinica,
FUKUDA, Setsuya, 2009, “Korei-sha no Seikatsu to Fukushi,” KANEKIYO, Hiroyuki, and ANZO, Shinji [eds],
Jinkogaku Library 7; Jinko-Gensho-Jidai no Shakai-Hosho, Harashobo, pp.43-73.[FJ]
HAMADA, Kunisuke, 2013, “Wakamonotachi no Shorai-Fuan to Kofukukan (Well-Being and Anxiety of The
Japanese Young Generation),” KIMURA, Masafumi [ed.], Gendai o ikiru Wakamonotachi (The Young
Generation in Modern Japanese Society), Gakubunsha, pp.115-126.[FJ]
HAN, Gyounghae, and KIM, Sang-Wook, 2007, “Intergenerational Relationships in Korean Families: Lineage
Differences,” presented at EASS Symposium on East Asian Societies and the Family, July 17, Hong Kong
University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong.[NP]
HAN, Gyounghae, and KIM, Sang-Wook, 2007, “Intergenerational Relationships in Korea; Lineage
Differences,” Proceedings: JGSS Colloquium 2007, pp.1-22.[FE]
HAN, Gyounghae, and KIM, Sang-Wook, 2008, “Lineage Differences in Inter-generational Relations: A
Cross-national Comparisons,” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS
SYMPOSIUM 2008: Development of East Asian Social Surveys: Results of EASS 2006 Family Module.
HAN, Gyounghae, and KIM, Sang-Wook, 2008, “Generation in the Middle: A Comparison of Support
Provisions between Korean and Japan,” presented at KGSS-EASS Conference ‘Family and Social Life in
East Asia,’ Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea.[NP]
HAN, Gyounghae, and KIM, Sang-Wook, 2008, “Lineage Difference in Intergenerational Support Relationships:
A Comparison between Korea and Japan,” Proceedings: 18th Conference of the Japan Society of Family
Sociology, p.87.[FE]
HAN, Gyounghae, LEE, Yoon-Seo, and KIM, Sang-Wook, 2008, “From Patrilineal to Bilateral?:
Intergenerational Relationship in Korea,” presented at KGSS-EASS Conference ‘Family and Social Life in
East Asia,’ Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea.[NP]
HAN, Gyounghae, LEE, Yun-Suk, and KIM, Sang-Wook, 2008, “A Typology of Inter-generational Relations:
Comparison between Korea and Japan,” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.],
JGSS SYMPOSIUM 2008: Development of East Asian Social Surveys: Results of EASS 2006 Family
Module. pp.203-215.[FE]
HAYO, Bernd, and ONO, Hiroyuki, 2010, “Livelihood and Care of the Elderly: Determinants of Public Attitudes
in Japan,” Annual Meeting of the European Public Choice Society, April 8-11, Izmir-Turkey.[FE]
HAYO, Bernd, and ONO, Hiroyuki, 2011, “Livelihood and care of the elderly: Determinants of public attitudes
in Japan,” Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 25(1), pp.76-98.[FE]
HONDA, Yuki, 2002, “COLUMN: Teinen to Intai (Mandatory retirement by age and withdrawal),” IWAI,
Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General
Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, p.132.[FJ]
IWAI, Hachiro, 2002, “Aging and Social Supports for Living: An Analysis of the Elderly using JGSS-2000
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
(Karei to Seikatsu Hosho: JGSS-2000 ni yoru Koreisha no Bunseki),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka
University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Monographs
No.1, pp.45-54.[AE]
IWAI, Hachiro, 2002, “Koreisha no Seikatsu-Hosho, Kaigo wa Dare no Te de? (Who are responsible for the
livelihood and care of the elderly?),” IWAI, Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and
Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to
Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, pp.35-42.[FJ]
IWAI, Hachiro, 2007, “Korei-sha no Shakai-teki Chii no Henka to Kofuku-kan: ‘Life Course to Kaiso’ Kenkyu
no Shiten kara (Changes in the social status of the elderly and their sense of happieness: from a perspective
of life course and stratification research),” Healthy & Active Aging, Vol 13, pp.47-72.[FJ]
IWAI, Hachiro, 2007, “Kodomo to no Dokyo wa Shiawaseka: JGSS-2002 ni yoru Korei-sha no Keizai-teki
Chii/Kazoku Keitai/Kofuku-kan no Bunseki (Are you happy when you live with your son or daughter?: An
anaysis of economic status, family forms and the sense of happiness for the elderly, using JGSS-2002),”
Proceedings: 17th Conference of the Japan Society of Family Sociology, pp.96-97.[FJ]
IWAI, Hachiro, 2010, “A Study of Changes in the Postwar Japanese Life Course: A Research Perspective of
JGSS-2009 Life Course Study and Results of Preliminary Analysis (Sengo Nihon-gata Life Course no
Henyo: JGSS-2009 Life Course Chosa no Kenkyu Shikaku to Yobi-teki Bunseki),” JGSS Research Center,
Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.7 (JGSS Monographs No.10),
IWAI, Hachiro, 2010, “Changing Patterns of the Course of Women's Live in Japan's Lost Decade: An Analysis of
the Work History of the Second Generation Baby Boomers,” Journal of Intimate and Public Spheres, Pilot
Issue March 2010, pp.55-71.[FE]
IWAI, Hachiro, 2011, “Koreisha no Shakaiteki Chii to Kakusa (The Social Status of the Elderly and its
Disparity),” SATO, Yoshimichi, and OJIMA, Fumiaki [eds.], Contemporary Strafitied Society 1: Disparity
and Diversity (Gendai no Kaiso Shakai 1: Kakusa to Tayosei), University of Tokyo Press, pp.191-206.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, and YASUDA, Tokio, 2008, “A Study on Balance between Paternal and Maternal Lines in
Intergenerational Support: Empirical Approach to the Theory of Bilateralization of Intergenrational
Relationship,” Japanese Journal of Family Sociology, 2(2), pp.34-47.[AE]
IWAI, Noriko, and YASUDA, Tokio, 2008, “Intergenerational Support Relations in Japan: Balance between
Paternal and Maternal Lines Based on JGSS Data,” 103rd Annual Meeting of the American Sociological
Association, August 3, Boston, USA.[FE]
IWAI, Noriko, and YASUDA, Tokio, 2008, “Intergenerational Support Relations in Japan: Balance between
Paternal and Maternal Lines Based on JGSS Data,” 46th Interim CFR (Committee on Family Research)
Conference, International Sociological Association, September 10, ISCSP, Lisbon, Portugal.[FE]
IWAI, Noriko, YASUDA, Tokio, SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, and TABUCHI, Rokuro, 2007, “JGSS-2006 ni miru
Jisshin oyobi Gishin tono Sedai-kan Enjo-Kankei (Intergenerational Assistance to/from Parents and
Parents-in-law seen in JGSS-2006),” Proceedings: 17th Conference of the Japan Society of Family Sociology,
IWAI, Noriko, YASUDA, Tokio, SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, and TABUCHI, Rokuro, 2007, “Intergenerational
Assistance to/from Own Parents and Parents-in-law seen in JGSS-2006,” Proceedings: JGSS Colloquium
2007, pp.77-95.[FE]
KATAGIRI, Keiko, 2013, “Factors Related to Civic Engagement among Middle-aged and Older Japanese:
Examination of Gender and Generation Differences in JGSS-2012 Data (Nihon no Chukonenreiso no Civic
Engagement),” GSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.10
(JGSS Monographs No.13), pp.57-66.[AE]
KATAGIRI, Keiko, 2013, “Traditional Family Norms and Attitude toward Financially Supporting Elderly
Parents in Two Confucian Societies,” paper presented at the 66th Annual Scientific Meeting of the
Gerontological Society of America, November 20, New Orleans.[FE]
KIM, Jibum, 2011, “Aging Anxiety in Japan, Korea, and the United States,” EASS 2011 Symposium, November
17, Academia Sinica, Taiwan.[FE]
KIM, Sang-Wook, 2006, “Intergenerational Support Relations in Korea: Evidence from 2006 EASS Module
Survey,” presented at EASS 2006 Taipei Conference, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.[NP]
KOH, Chi-Young, 2007, “Intergenerational Support and Children's Marital Satisfaction: Gender Differences,”
Proceedings: JGSS Colloquium 2007, pp.23-39.[FE]
KRAUSE, Neal, LIANG, Jersey, BENNET, Joan, KOBAYASHI Erika, AKIYAMA, Hiroko, FUKUDA, Taro,
2010, “A descriptive analysis of religious involvement among older adults in Japan,” Ageing and Society,
Vol.30 No.4, pp.671-696.[FE]
LIN, Ju-Ping, and YI, Chin-Chun, 2007, “Intergenerational Exchange in Taiwan: The Provision of Adult
Children to Older Parents,” presented at EASS Symposium on East Asian Societies and the Family, July 17,
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong.[NP]
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
LIN, Ju-Ping, and Yi, Chin-chun, 2007, “成年子女與老年父母的代間支持 (Intergenerational Exchanges
between Adult Children and Their Elderly Parents),” The 9th Research Meeting of Taiwan Social Change
Survey, Academia Sinica, Taipei.[NP]
LIN, Ju-Ping, and YI, Chin-Chun, 2011, “Filial Norms and Intergenerational Support to Aging Parents in China
and Taiwan,” International Journal of Social Welfare 20, pp.S109-S120.[FE]
LU, Pau-Ching, 2007, “誰来照顧老人?台湾民衆対照顧老人責任者法之初探 (Who Takes Care of the
Elderly? Exploratory Analysis of Ways the Taiwanese See Who Takes Responsibility of Nursing the
Elderly),” The 9th Research Meeting of Taiwan Social Change Survey, Academia Sinica, Taipei.[NP]
MIZUOCHI, Masaaki, 2007, “Tokei kara mieru Korei-Josei no Sugata: Keizai-Kakusa to sono Hendo (Statistical
Analysis on the Economic Gap among Aged Women),” F-GENS Journal, No.7, p.116.[FJ]
NISHIKAWA, Makiko, 2002, “‘Imadoki no Wakamono’ no Hataraki-kata (Working styles of ‘youths today’),”
IWAI, Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese
General Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, pp.99-105.[FJ]
ONO, Hiroyuki, and HAYO, Bernd, 2009, “Livelihood and Care of the Elderly: Determinants of Public Attitudes
in Japan,” TCER Working Paper, E-12.[FE]
ONO, Hiroyuki, and HAYO, Bernd, 2008, “Rogo Seikatsu Hosho wa Jijo ka, Kojo ka: Kokumin Ishiki Chosa no
Kohyo Data ni yoru Yoin Bunseki (Elderly liveihood: self support or public support?: Analysis of
determining factors with a public opinion survey data),” 65th Annual Conference of The Japan Institute of
Public Finance, October 25, Kyoto University.[FJ]
ONO, Hiroyuki, and HAYO, Bernd, 2009, “Livelihood and Care of the Elderly: Determinants of Public Attitudes
in Japan,” Japanese Economic Association 2009 Spring Meeting, June 7, Kyoto University.[FE]
OTSUBO, Hiroko, 2014, “Views of Five Generations of Japanese People about the Societies They Belong to and
Their Personal Lives: An analysis of JGSS-2012 Data (JGSS-2012 no Data Bunseki ni yoru Shakai oyobi
Kojin Seikatsu ni taisuru Ishiki no Sedai-betsu Kento),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of
Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.11 (JGSS Monographs No.14), pp.25-36.[AE]
SAKIHARA, Takeshi, 2009, “The Impact of Co-residence: Causal Analyses on Co-residence with Own Parents
(Oya-Ko Dokyo ni taisuru Eikyo),” Journal of Economics No.31, Meiji University, pp.1-21.[AE]
SASAKI, Takayuki, 2012, “Healthy Aging and Intergenerational Intervention in Japan,” SCHARLACH, Andrew
E., and HOSHINO, Kazumi [eds.], Healthy Aging in Sociocultural context, Routledge, pp.62-71.[FE]
SHIBATA, Haruka, 2013, “Kosodate Shien to Koreisha Rodoryoku Katsuyo wa dosureba Ryoritsu dekiruka:
Koreisha ga hataraku Hoiku Shisetsu ni okeru ‘Baaba’ Gainen no Datsu-Ketsuenka to sono Kanosei (How
Can We Achieve a Balance between Supporting Child Care
and Making Use of the Older Labor Force? The Potential in the De-kinship-ization of the Concept of ‘Baaba’
in a Child Care Center Where the Elderly Works,” MIZUNO, Eri [ed.], Kyoto University Global COE
Working Paper, ‘Next-Generation Research Project’ 101, pp.55-81.[FJ]
SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 2005, “Korei-ki ni okeru Shakai-teki Network no “Tayo-sei” ni kansuru Kenkyu:
JGSS-2003 Data o mochiita “Sodan” Network no Bunseki (“Diversity” of Senior Citizen's Social Networks:
An Analysis of Discussion, Network Based on Japanese General Social Surveys JGSS-2003),” Proceedings:
78th Conference of the Japan Sociological Society, Hosei University, Tokyo, p.79.[FJ]
SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 2006, “‘Diversity’ of Senior Citizen's Social Networks: An Analysis of Discussion
Network Based on JGSS-2003 (Korei-ki ni okeru Shakai-teki Network no “Tayo-sei”: JGSS-2003 Data o
mochiita “Sodan” Network no Bunseki),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and
Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.2 (JGSS Monographs No.5),
SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 2006, “Chu-Ko-nenrei-sha no Yoka-Seikatsu-Manzoku-do o Kitei suru Yoin: JGSS Data o
mochiita Bunseki (Determinants of Leisure Satisfaction in Middle-age and Older-age: Based on JGSS),”
Proceedings: 16th Converence of the Japan Society of Family Sociology, pp.40-41.[FJ]
SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 2007, “Difference between Men’s Happiness and Women's Happiness in Later Life An
Analysis Based on JGSS Integrated Data 2000/2001 (Korei-ki ni okeru Kofuku-kan Kitei-Yoin no Danjo-sa
ni tsuite: JGSS-2000/2001 Togo-Data ni motozuku Kento),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University
of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.3 (JGSS
Monographs No.6), pp.45-56.[AE]
SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 2007, “Koreisha no Shakai-teki Network to Yoka Seikatsu Manzoku-do: JGSS Data ni
motozuku Bunseki (Social Network and Leisure Satisfaction in Old-age: Based on JGSS data),” The Review
of Osaka University of Commerce, No.147, p.151.[FJ]
SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 2008, “Koreisha no Shakai-teki Network (Social Network of Elderly),” TANIOKA, Ichiro,
NITTA, Michio, and IWAI, Noriko [eds.], Values and Behavioral Patterns in Japan: An Analysis Based on
Japanese General Social Surveys, 2000 to 2003 (Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo), University of Tokyo Press,
SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 2008, “Inter-generational Support to Own Parents/Parents-in-law and Stem Family
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
System: Based on the Data of the JGSS-2006 (Jisshin, Gishin eno Seadi-kan Enjo ni miru ‘Ie’ no Genri:
JGSS-2006 ni motozuku Bunseki),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and
Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.4 (JGSS Monographs No.7),
SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 2008, “Lifestyle Preferences for Old-age of the Middle-aged People;b An Analysis Based
on the JGSS-2005 (Chunen-so ga idaku Korei-ki Life Style no Bunseki),” The Review of Osaka University
of Commerce, No.150, pp.85-100.[FJ]
SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 2009, “Kaigo no Shakaika ni kansuru Ishiki Henka no Kenkyu (The Analysis of
Attitudinal Changes Concerning Socialization of Nursing-care for Elderly),” Proceedings: 19th Conference
of the Japan Society of Family Sociology, pp.26-27.[FJ]
SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 2009, “Chukonen no Chiiki Volunteer Katudo no Kenkyu: JGSS-2006 ni motozuku
Bunseki (The Analysis of Community Volunteer Activities of Middle-aged and Older),” Proceedings: 82nd
Conference of the Japan Sociological Society, p.171.[FJ]
SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 2011, “Seikatsu no Shitsu (QOL) to Shukan-teki Kofukukan (QOL and Well-being),”
OKAWA, Ichiro et al. [eds.], Series Shogai Hattatsu Shinrigaku 5: Episode de Tsukamu Ronen Shinrigaku
(Series life span developmental psychology 5: Old age psychology understood by episodes), Minerva Shobo,
SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 2011, “Stress to Stress Taisho (Stress and stress coping),” OKAWA, Ichiro et al. [eds.],
Series Shogai Hattatsu Shinrigaku 5: Episode de Tsukamu Ronen Shinrigaku (Series life span developmental
psychology 5: Old age psychology understood by episodes), Minerva Shobo, pp.186-191.[FJ]
SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 2012, “Social Support Networks Among the Elderly and Attitudes Toward Social Security
Policies: Analysis Based on JGSS-2010 (Koreisha no Shakaiteki Support Network to Shakaihosho-Seisaku
eno Ishiki),” The Quarterly of Social Security Research, Vol.48 No.3, pp.290-303.[FJ]
SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 2013, “Social Support Networks Among the Japanese Elderly and Attitudes Toward Social
Security Policies: An Analysis Based on JGSS-2010,” International Network for Social Network Analysis
Annual Conference, June 12, Xi'an, China.[FE]
SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 2013, “JGSS de yomu Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo dai-12-kai: Korei-ki no Setai to Seikatsu
no Shitsu” Japan Finance Corporation [ed.], Chosageppo, December 2013 No.063, pp.20-21.[FJ]
TABUCHI, Rokuro, 2008, “Parental housing assistance as a determinant of parent-child proximity in Japan:
Results from the JGSS-2006 (Oya kara no Jutaku-Enjo to Oyako no Kyoju-Kankei: JGSS-2006 Data ni yoru
Kento),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science,
University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.4 (JGSS Monographs No.7), pp.13-23.[AE]
TAKAGI, Emiko, 2007, “Intergenerational Coresidence of Older Adults in Contemporary Japan: Traditional
Cultural Norms in Divergent Styles,” Doctoral Dissertation, University of Southern California.[FE]
TAKAGI, Emiko, and SILVERSTEIN, Merril, 2006, “Intergenerational Coresidence of the Japanese Elderly:
Are Cultural Norms Proactive or Reactive?,” Research on Aging, 28(4), pp.473-492.[FE]
YASUNO, Satoko, and IKEDA, Ken’ichi, 2002, “COLUMN: Koreisha-Fukushi no Sekinin (Responsibilities in
elderly care),” IWAI, Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the
Japanese General Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho,
YEH, Kuang-Hui, 2007, “孝道觀念與代間互動 (Filial Piety and Intergenerational Interaction),” The 9th
Research Meeting of Taiwan Social Change Survey, Academia Sinica, Taipei.[NP]
29. Knowledge/Science
YASUDA, Naomi, 2007, “A study on Japanese psychologism using the data of JGSS-2005: The spurious
correlation between psychological knowledge and psychological reductionism (JGSS-2005 ni miru Nihon no
Shinri-Shugi: Shinrigaku-Chishiki to Shinri-Kangen-Shugi no Giji-Sokan),” Institute of Regional Studies,
Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research
Series No.3 (JGSS Monographs No.6), pp.119-130.[AE]
YASUDA, Naomi, 2008, “Reexamination of the Influence on Japanese Schools of the Active Acceptance of
Psychological Knowledge: The Affinity of Psychological Knowledge for a Child-Centered Perspective,” The
Journal of Educational Sociology, pp.185-204.[AE]
30. Leisure/Sports
ANDO, Chiaki, ISHIDA, Akira, YOKOYAMA, Shigeki, and AITA, Yoshihisa, 2008, “Relationship Between
Childhood Growth Environment and Gardening Activities in Adulthood (Kodomo-jidai no Seiiku-Kankyo to
Seijingo no Gardening eno Torikumi tono Kanren),” Journal of the Japanese Society of Agricultural
Technology Management, Vol.15 No.2, pp.87-92.[AE]
ATARASHI, Masashi, and NAKAZAWA, Atsushi, 2006, “Walking no Zoka to Sports Jissen no Kojin-ka,” SSJ
Data Archive Research Paper Series 33 (SSJDA-33) ‘JGSS kara yomu Nihonjin no Kodo to Ishiki
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
(Behaviors and Attitudes among Japanese as Clarified by JGSS),’ Information Center for Social Science
Research on Japan, Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo, pp.60-71.[FJ]
HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, 2012, “Associations between Physical Activity Environment in Neighborhoods and
Regular Exercise: A Cross-sectional Analysis of the JGSS-2010 Data (Kinrin no Shintai-Katsudo-Kankyo to
Undo-Shukan no Kanren),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research
Series No.9 (JGSS Monographs No.12), pp.1-10.[AE]
HAYASHI, Yoshifumi, 2011, “Factors that Promote and Constrain Tourist Behavior: An Analysis Using
JGSS-2010 Data (Kanko Kodo no Sokushin Yoin: JGSS-2010 no Data o mochiite),” JGSS Research Center,
Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.8 (JGSS Monographs No.11), pp.59-69.[AE]
ISHIHARA, Hideki, 2012, “An Association between Physical Inactivity and Family Life Course Stage of
Japanese Adults: A Study Based on the Analysis of the Japanese General Social Survey (Nihon ni okeru
Seijin Danjo no Undo-Hindo to Kazoku LIfe Stage no Kakawari: JGSS o mochiita Kitei Yoin Bunseki),”
Bulletin of Sports Training Center, Japan Women’s College of Education, Vol.15, pp.25-33.[AE]
ISHII, Kenichi, 2011, “Factors Accounting for Korean Drama Viewing: Correlations between Content
Consumption and Attitudes to Foreign Countries (Kankoku Dorama Shicho no Yoin Bunseki: Taigai-Ishiki to
Contents Riyo no Kanren),” Discussion Paper Series No.1282, Department of Social Systems and
Management, University of Tsukuba.[FJ]
ISHIKURA, Hiromi, 2006, “Kosodate Kaiho-ki no Yoka Katsudo no Genjo oyobi Kanren-Yoin no Kento (The
Present Condition of Leisure Activities after Liberation from the Child Care and an Examination of Related
Factors),” Journal of Graduate School Taisho University, No.30, pp.274-261.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, 2002, “Shogai Gakushu to Yoka (Leisure and Lifelong Education),” Higashiosaka-shi Shogai
Gakushu Joho News, No.8, p.1.[FJ]
KUMAGAI, Narimasa, 2012, “Socioeconomic Determinants of Physical Inactivity among Japanese Workers,”
CIS Discussion paper series, Hitotsubashi University, No, 535, 241p.[FE]
NAKAYA, Tomoki, MURANAKA, Akio, and HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, 2010, “Chiri-Joho o mochiita
Shintai-Katsudo to Kinrin-Kankyo no Kankei ni kansuru Kenkyu (Research on the relationships between
physical activities and neighbourhood environment by using geographic information),” SHIMOMITSU,
Teruichi [ed.], Report of the search on planning effective policy targets and strategies to create environments
for heath promotion in 2009, Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare of Japan (Comprehensive Research on
Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases and Other Lifestyle Related Diseases: H20-Junkankitou-Ippan-001),
SANO, Toshiyuki, 2012, “Tsuma no Yoka no Kitei Yoin: Ottogata Hahaoya tono Dokyo ni Chakumokushite,”
Proceedings: 22nd Conference of the Japan Society for Family Sociology, pp.12-13.[FJ]
SAWA, Ryosaku, MATSUNAGA, Yoshiho, and MATSUMURA, Masaki, 2008, “Karaoke Aiko-sha no Shiko to
Kodo-Yoshiki ni kansuru Teiryo-Bunseki: JGSS Ruiseki Data 2000-2003 ni yoru Kensho (Econometric
Analysis on Karioki lover’s preference and behavior revealed by the JGSS accumulated data set from 2000
to 2003),” The Bulletin of the Institute of Amusement Industry Studies, Osaka University of Commerce,
‘Karaoke Tokushu-go’, pp.65-92.[FJ]
SHIGEMATSU, Yoji, and TANIOKA, Ichiro, 2000, “Dansei-teki Bunka to Gambling/Gaming Kodo: Majan, Igo,
Takarakuji no Hikaku-kenkyu o Chushin to shite (Macho Culture and Gaming Behavior: Mahjong, Go, and
Lottery),” Proceedings: 73rd Conference of the Japan Sociological Society, p.192.[FJ]
SHIGEMATSU, Yoji, and TANIOKA, Ichiro, 2001, “Dansei-teki Bunka (Macho Culture) to Majan: Toku ni Igo
oyobi Takarakuji tono Hikaku-kenkyu o Chushin to shite (Macho Culture and Mahjong: Comparative Study
of Gaming Behavior),” Gambling & Gaming, Institute of Amusement Industries, Osaka University of
Commerce, pp.15-35.[FJ]
SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 2008, “Lifestyle Preferences for Old-age of the Middle-aged People; An Analysis Based
on the JGSS-2005 (Chunen-so ga idaku Korei-ki Life Style no Bunseki),” The Review of Osaka University
of Commerce, No.150, pp.85-100.[FJ]
SUN, Yuwen, 2007, “Determinants of Regular Exercises: From the Data of JGSS-2003 (Undo-Hindo o Kitei
suru Yoin: JGSS-2003 ni yoru Bunseki),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and
Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.3(JGSS Monographs No.6),
TAKAYAMA, Ikuko, 2002, “Nihonjin no Stress Hassan: Karaoke wa Nezuita noka? Tsuri Boom wa? (Stress
release among Japanese: Do people like karaoke or fishing?),” IWAI, Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.],
Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata:
JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, pp.260-265.[FJ]
TAKAYAMA, Ikuko, 2002, “Tabi ni Deru (Setting off on journey),” IWAI, Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.],
Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata:
JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, pp.266-270.[FJ]
TAKAYAMA, Ikuko, 2002, “COLUMN: Kai eno Sanka: Sports Club, Shumi no Kai (Involvement in
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
organizations: Sports clubs and Hobby groups),” IWAI, Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values
and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru
Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, pp.288-290.[FJ]
TAKAYAMA, Ikuko, 2002, “COLUMN: Yujin tono Kaishoku, Atsumari (Dine and/or meet with friends),” IWAI,
Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General
Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, pp.291-292.[FJ]
TANIOKA, Ichiro, 2002, “Shogi o konomu Hito, Igo o konomu Hito: Do chigaunoka, Naze
chigaunoka/‘Yoka-katsudo ni okeru Daitai-kodo-sentaku’, Kasetsu no Kensho (Preference of Shogi,
Japanese-Chess, and Go Games),” Gambling & Gaming Vol.4, Institute of Amusement Industries, Osaka
University of Commerce, pp.1-14.[FJ]
TANIOKA, Ichiro, 2002, “The Reason People Buy a Lottery Ticket: A Test of ‘Friedman-Savage Model’ of
Gambling Behavior in Japan through JGSS-2000 Data (Takara-kuji wa Shakaiteki Jakusha eno Zeikin ka?
JGSS-2000 Data ni yoru Numbers, Mini-lotto tono Hikaku Kenkyu: 'Friedman-Savage Model' no Nihon ni
okeru Kensho o Kanete),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of
Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Monographs No.1, pp.107-124.[AE]
TANIOKA, Ichiro, 2002, “Ippatsu-Shobu no Kitai, Shobu suru Kaikan: Game, Gamble no Shiko-do (Nail it in
one. Excitement of betting: Preference for games and gambling),” IWAI, Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.],
Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata:
JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, pp.271-275.[FJ]
TANIOKA, Ichiro, 2004, “Attitude toward the Legalization of Casino Gaming in Japan: The Difference in
Regions, Urbanization Levels, and by Socio-Economic Background (Casino Goho-ka ni taisuru Nihonjin no
Ishiki: JGSS-2002 Data ni yoru Chiiki-sa, Toshi-ka Level, soshite Shakai-teki Zokusei no Kenkyu),” Institute
of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo
[eds.], JGSS Monographs No.3, pp.77-92.[AE]
TANIOKA, Ichiro, 2004, “The Reason People Buy a Lottery Ticket: A test of ‘Friedman-Savage model’ of
Gambling Behavior in Japan through JGSS-2000 Data,” Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social
Sciences [ed.], 36th World Congress of International Institute of Sociology Abstracts (Papers Presented in
Sessions), pp.82-83.[FE]
TANIOKA, Ichiro, 2004, “Attitude Toward the Legalization of Casino Gaming in Japan: The Difference in
Regions, Urbanization Levels, and by Socio-Economic Background,” EASS Conference 2004,
Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea.[NP]
TANIOKA, Ichiro, 2005, “The Players of Pachinko & Pachislo: Prevalence, Frequency and Allowance; A Report
from JGSS-2002 (Pachinko, Pachi-slot o suru Hitobito: JGSS-2002 ni yoru Play-hiritsu, Hindo, soshite
Shiyo-kingaku ni kansuru Kenkyu),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and
Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.1 (JGSS Monographs No.4),
TANIOKA, Ichiro, 2006, “Karaoke as an Expression of Masculinity: A Model-Testing of Karaoke Play
Frequency by Using JGSS-2001 Data (Chikara no Koji, Eiyu-Ganbo (Macho Culture) no Hatsuro to shite no
Karaoke: JGSS-2001 Data ni yoru Karaoke Sentaku to Play Hindo ni kansuru Kasetsu Jissho Kenkyu),”
Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of
Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.2 (JGSS Monographs No.5), pp.83-94.[AE]
TANIOKA, Ichiro, 2008, “Takara-kuji wa Shakaiteki Jakusha eno Zeikin ka?:‘Friedman-Savage Model’ no
Nihon ni okeru Kensho o Kanete (The Reason People Buy a Lottery Ticket: A Test of ‘Friedman-Savage
Model’ of Gambling Behavior in Japan),” TANIOKA, Ichiro, NITTA, Michio, and IWAI, Noriko [eds.],
Values and Behavioral Patterns in Japan: An Analysis Based on Japanese General Social Surveys, 2000 to
2003 (Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo), University of Tokyo Press, pp.383-395.[FJ]
TANIOKA, Ichiro, and OZAKI, Moriyuki, 2008, “Karaoke o Konomu-Hito wa konna Hito: JGSS-2001 Data ni
yoru Kihon-Zokusei to Kanren-Hensu ni kansuru Kenkyu (Karaoke Prevalence: Attributes and Important
Variables by using the JGSS-2001 Data),” The Bulletin of the Institute of Amusement Industry Studies,
Osaka University of Commerce, ‘Karaoke Tokushu-go,’pp.49-63.[FJ]
TANIOKA, Ichiro, and YANG, Hung Eun, 2004, “Japanese Values for Casino Legalization in Japan through the
JGSS-2002 Data,” Japanese Journal of Gambling and Gaming Studies No.1, pp.40-47.[FJ]
31. Environment/Ecology
AITA, Yoshihisa, ISHIDA, Akira, KAGEYAMA, Yoshiteru, and YABE, Mitsuyasu, 2007, “An Analysis of
Consumer Attributes and Changes in the Purchase of Organic Agricultural Products (Yuki Nosanbutsu no
Konyu-Henka to Shohisha no Zokusei Bunseki),” The Agricultural Marketing Society of Japan [ed.],
Agricultural Marketing Journal of Japan, Vol.16, No.1, pp.68-72.[AE]
HIRAO, Keiko, 2010, “Kankyo to Kaji no Aida: Dare ga Gomi o Bunbetsu shite iruka (Elaborating Gender
Differences in Pro-environmental Activities),” Global Environmental Studies No.5 (2009), pp.49-58.[FE]
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
HIRAO, Keiko, 2010, “Emergence of a New Domestic Work?: Gender and Pro-Environmental Activities in
Japan,” 105th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 14-17, Atlanta.[FE]
ISHIDA, Akira, and AITA, Yoshihisa, 2005, “Consumer Purchasing Behavior for Organic Agricultural Products
as Indicated in JGSS-2002 Data (Shohi-sha no Yuki Nosanbutsu Kobai Kodo ni kansuru Ichi-Kosatsu:
JGSS-2002 Data o mochiite),” The Agricultural Marketing Society of Japan [ed.], Agricultural Marketing
Journal of Japan, Vol.14, No.2, pp.45-54.[AE]
MATSUMOTO, Shigeru, 2011, “Determinants of pro-environmental activities (Kankyo Hairyo Kodo no Kitei
Yoin),” The Economic Review, No.3, pp.59-82, Aoyama Gakuin University College of Economics.[FJ]
MATSUMOTO, Shigeru, 2013, “Spouses’ time allocation to pro-environmental activities: who is saving the
environment at home?,” Review of Economics of the Household, January 2013, DOI:
MATSUMOTO, Shigeru, 2013, “The Opportunity Cost of Pro-Environmental Activities: Spending Time to
Promote the Environment,” Journal of Family and Economic Issues, March 2013, DOI:
MYAE, Aye Chan, and GODDARD, Ellen, 2012, “Importance of traceability for sustainable production: a
cross-country comparison,” International Journal of Consumer Studies, Vol.36 (2), pp.192-202.[FE]
OHASHI, Masahiko, 2004, “Affecting Factors for Eco-Behaviors of Japanese-Consumers in the Data of
JGSS-2002 (JGSS-2002 Data ni miru Waga-kuni Shohisha no Eco sho-Kodo to sono Kitei-in),” Institute of
Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.],
JGSS Monographs No.3, pp.93-107.[AE]
OHASHI, Masahiko, 2005, “Junkan-gata Shakai ni okeru Eco Kakaku Seisaku to sono Shindan: 2002-nen JGSS
Data no Kaiseki Kekka yori (A Practical Study on the Sustainable Pricing and the Diagnosis by the Data of
JGSS-2002),” The Review of the Japanese Society of Business Diagnosis, No.5, pp.59-68.[FJ]
OHASHI, Masahiko, 2006, “Affecting Factors for Eco-Behaviors of Japanes Consumers in the Data of
JGSS-2002 and Sustainable Marketing (Waga Kuni Shohisha ni okeru Kankyo Kodo no Kitei-in to Jizoku
Kano Marketing: JGSS-2002 no Data yori),” The Review of Osaka University of Commerce No.141,
OHASHI, Masahiko, 2006, “Nichi-Bei Shohisha no Kankyo- Kodo to Jizoku Kano Marketing: JGSS-2002 yori
(Affecting Factors for Eco-Behaviors of Japanese-Consumers in the Data of JGSS-2002 and sustainable
Marketing),” 135th Conference of the Japanese Society of Business Diagnosis in Kansai Section.[NP]
OHASHI, Masahiko, 2008, “Life Style Kenkyu to Lohasu Shiko: JGSS-2003 yori (A Study on Lifestyles of
Health and Sustainability of Japanese Consumers in the Data of JGSS-2003),” 141st Conference of the
Japanese Society of Business Diagnosis in Kansai Section.[NP]
OHASHI, Masahiko, 2008, “Shohisha no Kankyo-Kodo (Eco-Behavior of Consumers),” TANIOKA, Ichiro,
NITTA, Michio, and IWAI, Noriko [eds.], Values and Behavioral Patterns in Japan: An Analysis Based on
Japanese General Social Surveys, 2000 to 2003 (Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo), University of Tokyo Press,
OHASHI, Masahiko, 2009, “Henka suru Wagakuni Shohisha ni okeru Eco Kodo no Kitei-in to Keiei-Shindan:
JGSS-2008 yori (Affecting Factors for Changing Eco-Behaviors of Japanese Consumers in the Data of
JGSS-2008 and Business Diagnosis),” 147th Conference of the Japanese Society of Business Diagnosis in
Kansai Section.[NP]
OHASHI, Masahiko, 2010, “Affecting Factors for Eco-Behaviors of Japanese Consumers: Mainly on a
Comparison between JGSS-2002 and 2008 (Waga-kuni Shohisha ni okeru Eco Sho-Kodo to sono Kitei-in:
JGSS-2002 to JGSS-2008 no Hikaku o Chushin ni),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce
[ed.], JGSS Research Series No.7 (JGSS Monographs No.10), pp.61-72.[AE]
OHASHI, Masahiko, 2010, “Henka suru Waga-kuni Shohisha no Eco Sho-Kodo to Kigyo ni okeru Kankyo Risk:
JGSS-2008 oyobi 2002 yori (The Changing Eco-Behaviors of Japanese Consumers in the Data of JGSS-2008
and Environmental Risk in Manufacturers),” Kansai Meeting of Japan Risk Management Society, March 15,
Okinawa University.[NP]
OHASHI, Masahiko, 2010, “Waga-kuni Shohisha ni okeru Eco Sho-Kodo no Henka to Kouri Shogyo-Shisetsu:
JGSS-2008 oyobi 2002 yori (The Changing Eco-Behaviors of Japanese Consumers in the Data of JGSS-2008
and Commercial Facilities with Retailers),” 13th Conference of Academic Society for Commercial Facilities
Japan in Kansai Section, February 6, Osaka University of Commerce.[NP]
OHASHI, Masahiko, 2010, “Waga-kuni Shohisha ni okeru Eco Sho-Kodo no Henka to Kouri Shogyo-Shisetsu:
JGSS-2008 oyobi 2002 yori (The Changing Eco-Behaviors of Japanese Consumers in the Data of JGSS-2008
and Commercial Facilities with Retailers),” 9th Conference of Academic Society for Commercial Facilities
Japan, August 8, Bunnka Women's University.[NP]
OHASHI, Masahiko, 2010, “Waga-kuni Shohisha ni okeru Eco Sho-Kodo no Henka to Kouri Shogyo-Shisetsu:
JGSS-2008 oyobi 2002 yori (The Changing Eco-Behaviors of Japanese Consumers in the Data of JGSS-2008
and Commercial Facilities with Retailers),” The Review of Academic Society for Commercial Facilities
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
Japan, No.9, pp.104-111.[FJ]
OHASHI, Masahiko, 2011, “Waga Kuni Shohisha ni okeru Eco Kodo no Kitei-in to Kankyo Risk: JGSS-2008 no
Data yori (Affecting Factors for Eco-Behaviors of Japanes Consumers in the Data of JGSS-2008 and
Environmental Risk),” Japan Risk Management Society, Risk and Insurance Management No.42,
OHASHI, Masahiko, 2011, “Environmental Risk Management for Manufacturers Approached from Sustainable
Marketing (Seizo-Kigyo no tame no Kankyo Risk Management: Jizoku Kano Marketing kara no Sekkin),”
The Review of Osaka University of Commerce, No.161, p.139-148.[FJ]
OHASHI, Masahiko, 2012, “Affecting Factors for Changing Eco-Behaviors and Eco-Goods' Purchases of
Japanese Consumers in the Cumulative Data of JGSS2000-2010 (Waga-kuni Shohisha ni okeru Eco
Sho-Kodo oyobi Eco Shohin-Konyu no Henka to Kiteiin: JGSS ruiseki Data 2000-2010 yori),” 45th
Conference of Academic Society for Business Diagnosis Japan, September 30, Hokkaido University.[AE]
SASAKI, Takayuki, and HAMADA, Kunisuke, 2013, “JGSS de yomu Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo dai-3-kai:
Setsuden Kodo to Saisei-Kano Energy no Riyo Jokyo (Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the
Japanese General Social Survey: An Attempt to Conserve Power and the Use of Renewable Energy),” Japan
Finance Corporation [ed.], Chosageppo, March 2013 No.054, pp.22-23.[FJ]
SHIBATA, Yuki, 2012, “Tsukin deno Jidosha Riyo to Kankyo-Hairyo-Ishiki no Kanrensei (Transport mode
choice by commuters: Focusing on the relation between car use and pro-environmental attitudes),” MERA
Journal No.29, p.64.[FJ]
SHIBATA ,Yuki, 2013, “The Relationships between Pro-environmental Attitude and the Frequency of Car Use
among Commuters: Analyses Focusing on Urbanism based on JGSS-2005 Data (Tsukin deno Jidosha-Riyo
to Kankyo Hairyo Ishiki no Kanrensei: JGSS-2005 o mochiita Toshido-betsu no Kento),” GSS Research
Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.10 (JGSS Monographs No.13),
TAKEHASHI, Hiroki, 2011, “The Relationship between Well-Being and Eco-Friendly Behaviors: Analysis from
the Data of JGSS-2008 (Kofukukan to Kankyo-Hairyo-Kodo no Kankeisei: JGSS-2008 ni yoru Bunseki),”
JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.8 (JGSS
Monographs No.11), pp.143-154.[AE]
TAKEHASHI, Hiroki, 2011, “Kankyo Hairyo Kodo to Kofukukan no Kankeisei (The Relationship between
Eco-Friendly Behaviors and Well-being),” the 75th Annual meeting of Japanese Psychology Association,
TANAKA, Yutaka, 2007, “Japanese attitudes toward genetically modified (GM) foods from JGSS-2005 Data
(JGSS de miru Nihon-jin no Idenshi-Kumikae-Shokuhin ni taisuru Taido),” Institute of Regional Studies,
Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research
Series No.3 (JGSS Monographs No.6), pp.95-106.[AE]
TANAKA, Yutaka, 2007, “Japanese attitudes toward genetically modified (GM) foods (Nihon-jin no
Idenshi-Kumikae-Shokuhin ni taisuru Taido),” Proceedings:20th Annual Research Conference of the Society
for Risk Analysis Japan, pp.407-412.[FJ]
TATEISHI, Yuji, 2006, “Setsuyaku Shiko to Eco Konyu Shiko: Gendai Nihon no Kankyo Hairyo Kodo to
Kankyo Ishiki,” SSJ Data Archive Research Paper Series 33 (SSJDA-33) ‘JGSS kara yomu Nihonjin no
Kodo to Ishiki (Behaviors and Attitudes among Japanese as Clarified by JGSS),’ Information Center for
Social Science Research on Japan, Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo, pp.1-16.[FJ]
YAMAMOTO, Michiko, 2007, “An Analysis Using JGSS-2002 Data of the Determinants of Purchasing Organic
Vegetables (Mu-Noyaku/Yuki Saibai Yasai no Konyu o Kitei suru Yoin: JGSS-2002 o mochiita Bunseki),”
Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of
Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.3 (JGSS Monographs No.6), pp.181-192.[AE]
YAMAMOTO, Yosuke, 2011, “Relationship between Pruritus and Subject-Perceived Environmental Pollution:
Results from JGSS-2010 (Soyo to Shukan-teki-na Kankyo Yoin tono Kanren: JGSS-2010 Data o mochiite),”
JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.8 (JGSS
Monographs No.11), pp.13-24.[AE]
32. Social Network/Social Capital
AKAEDA, Naoki, 2010, “Dorui Ketsugo ni taisuru Toshi Koka no Kento: Ego-Centric Network Data ni taisuru
Multilevel Bunseki (Examinations of Urban Effects on Homophily in Japan: Multilevel Analysis of
Ego-Centric Network Data),” Proceedings: 50th Conference of the Japanese Association for Mathematical
Sociology, pp.19-22.[FJ]
AKAEDA, Naoki, 2010, “Toshi wa Ningen-Kankei o donoyoni kaerunoka: Community Soshitu-ron,
Sonzoku-ron, Henyo-ron no Taihi kara (Reexaminations of Urban Effects on Primary Ties: Community Lost
or Saved or Transformed?),” Proceedings: 83rd Annual Meething of the Japan Sociological Society, p.35.[FJ]
AKAEDA, Naoki, 2011, “Reexamination of Urban Effects on Primary Ties inJapan: Community Lost or Saved
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
or Transformed? (Toshi wa Ningen-Kankei o Dono yoni Kaerunoka: Community Soshitsu-ron, Sonzoku-ron,
Henyo-ron no Taihi kara),” Japanese Sociological Review, Vol.62 No.2, pp.189-206.[AE]
AKAEDA, Naoki, 2011, “Examinations of Urban Effects on Homophily in Japan: Multilevel Analysis of
Ego-Centric Network Data (Dorui Ketsugo ni taisuru Toshi-Koka no Kento: Ego-Centric Network Data ni
taisuru Multilevel Bunseki no Tekiyo),” Sociological Theory and Methods Vol.26 No2, pp321-337.[AE]
BALLAS, Dimitris, DORLING, Danny, NAKAYA, Tomoki, TUNSTALL, Helena, and HANAOKA, Kazumasa,
2011, “Social cohesion in Britain and Japan: a comparative study of two island economies,” The Daiwa
Anglo-Japanese Foundation, Small Grant project report.[FE]
BIAN, Yanjie, 2011, “East Asian Conceptualization of Network Social Capital,” WAPOR 64th Annual
Conference, September 23, Amsterdam, Conference Program, p.74.[FE]
BOASE, Jeffrey, and IKEDA, Ken’ichi, 2012, “Core Discussion Networks in Japan and America,” Human
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DATE, Heiwa, 2013, “Emotional Social Support in East Asia: A Comparative Study Using EASS 2010 (Higashi
Asis ni okeru Jochoteki Support: EASS 2010 ni yoru Hikaku Bunseki),” GSS Research Center, Osaka
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FUJISAWA, Yoshikazu, 2005, “The relationship between social capital and self-rated health: Analyzing
compositional effect of JGSS2000/2001,” KONDO, Katsunori,[ed.] Shakai-Keizai-teki Inshi ni yoru ‘Kenko
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FUJISAWA, Yoshikazu, HAMANO, Tsuyoshi, NAM, Eun Woo, EDIRIPPULIGE, Sisira, and KOYABU, Akio,
2006, “Preliminary Study for relationship between social capital and health status (Social Capital to Kenko
no Kanren-sei ni kansuru Yobi-teki Kenkyu),” Niigata journal of health and welfare, Vol.4, No.2,
FU, Yang-chih, and BIAN, Yanjie, 2013, “Nonkin Daily Contact and Conventional Measures of Social Capital:
Evidence from East Asia,” International Network for Social Network Analysis Conference, July 12, Xi’an,
HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, HANAOKA, Kazumasa, MURANAKA, Akio, and NAKAYA, Tomoki, 2010, “A Note
on Data-Linkage Between a Micro-Dataset of a Social Survey and a Geographical Macro-Data: An Analysis
of Health and Social Capital by using JGSS-2008 (Shakai-Chosa no Micro-Data to Chirigaku-teki
Macro-Data no Ketsugo: JGSS-2008 o mochiita Kenko to Shakai Kankei-Shihon no Bunseki o Jirei ni),”
JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.7 (JGSS
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HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, MURANAKA, Akio, HANAOKA, Kazumasa, and NAKAYA, Tomoki, 2009,
“Shakai-Chosa no Micro-Data to Chiri-teki Macro-Data no Ketsugo ni yoru Kenko no Bunseki (An analysis
of health by the data-linkage between a micro-dataset of a social survey and a geographical macro-data),”
presented at the 68th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Public Health, Oct. 21, Nara Women's
HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, NAKAYA, Tomoki, HANAOKA Kazumasa, and MURANAKA, Akio, 2012,
“Multilevel analysis of the association between the degree of urbanization/suburbanization and social capital
(Toshika, Kogaika no Doai to Shakai-Kankei-Shihon no Kanrensei ni kansuru Multilevel Bunseki),”
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HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, NAKAYA, Tomoki, and MURANAKA, Akio, 2010, “Neighborhoods and health in
Japan: An analysis of nationally representative samples linked to neighborhoods' indicators,” 2010 AAG
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HIBINO, Yuri, TAKAKI, Jiro, KAMBAYASHI, Yasuhiro, and NAKAMURA, Hiroyuki, 2011, “Social capital
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HIBINO, Yuri, TAKAKI, Jiro, OGINO, Keiki, KAMBAYASHI, Yasuhiro, HITOMI, Yoshiaki, SHIBATA, Aki,
and NAKAMURA, Hiroyuki, 2012, “The Relationship between Social Capital and Self-rated Health in a
Japanese Population: a Multilevel Analysis,” Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine, 17,
HIRAMATSU, Hiroshi, UKAI, Kozo, MIYAGAKI, Gen, and HOSHI, Atsushi, 2010, Shakai Network no
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IKEDA, Ken’ichi, 2005, “The Creation of Social Capital and Political Reality from Political & Non-Political
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JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
JGSS-2003 Social Network Komoku-gun no Bunseki),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of
Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.1 (JGSS
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IKEDA, Ken’ichi, 2008, “Shakai-kankei Shihon to Seiji Ishiki (Networked Social Capital and Political
Orientations),” TANIOKA, Ichiro, NITTA, Michio, and IWAI, Noriko [eds.], Values and Behavioral Patterns
in Japan: An Analysis Based on Japanese General Social Surveys, 2000 to 2003 (Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo),
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IKEDA, Ken’ichi, 2008, “The Effects of Network Social Capital on Personal and Collective Outcomes in Japan:
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IKEDA, Ken’ichi, 2009, “Differential effects of multiple social networks on political participation in Japan,”
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IKEDA, Ken’ichi, 2010, “Power of Network Social Capital on Personal and Collective Outcomes: Japanese
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IKEDA, Ken’ichi, 2012, “Differential effects of multiple social networks on political participation in Japan,”
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IKEDA, Ken’ichi, and BOASE, Jeffrey, 2011, “Multiple Discussion Networks and Their Consequence for
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INAMASU, Kazunori, 2013, “Position Generator as a Measurement of Network Diversity: Using JGSS-2012
Data (Network Tayosei Shakudo to shiteno Position Generator: JGSS-2012 Data o mochiita bunseki),” GSS
Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.10 (JGSS Monographs
No.13), pp.45-56.[AE]
ISHII, Kenji, 2011, “Shakaiteki Chutai no Keisei ni kansuru Nichibei Hikaku Bunseki,” Japanese Association for
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ISHIDA, Mitsunori, 2007, “Dare ni mo Tayorenai Hito-tachi: JGSS2003 kara miru Koritsu-sha no Haikei (Social
Isolation in Japan: From Analysis Japanese General Social Survey-2003),” The Institute for Research on
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ISHIDA, Mitsunori, 2009, “Who can't depend on family? (Kazoku ni tayorenai nowa Dono-yona Hito-tachi
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ISHIDA, Mitsunori, 2011, Koritsu no Shakaigaku: Muen-Shakai no Shohosen, Keiso Shobo, 200p.[FJ]
ISHIDA, Yu, 2009, “Social Capital and Perceived Risk of Crime in Neighborhoods: An Empirical Analysis
Using JGSS-2006 (Social Capital ga Chiiki no Hanzai Risk-Ninchi ni ataeru Eikyo),” JGSS Research Center,
Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.6 (JGSS Monographs No.9), pp.73-92.[AE]
KOYABU, Akio, HAMANO, Tsuyoshi, and FUJISAWA, Yoshikazu, “Affecting factors for generalized trust in
the concept of social capital,” Niigata journal of health and welfare, Vol.6, No.1, pp.48-55.[AE]
KUROKI, Masanori, 2011, “Does Social Trust Increase Individual Happiness in Japan?,” The Japanese
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MATSUMOTO, Naohito, and MAENO, Takashi, 2010, “What affect subjective well-being in interpersonal
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MATSUMOTO, Wataru, 2006, “Steadiness of Trust in Organizations: Multiple Group Analysis of the JGSS
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mochiita Ta-boshudan Doji Bunseki),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and
Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.2 (JGSS Monographs No.5),
MATSUNAGA, Yoshiho, 2007, “Is Japanese Participation in Philanthropic Activities a Beneficial Consequence
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MATSUNAGA, Yoshiho, 2007, “Nihonjin no Jizen-Koi to Social Capital; Kodoku na Bowling Dai-7-sho to
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MATSUNAGA, Yoshiho, 2007, “Nihonjin no Jizen-Koi to Social Capital; Kodoku na Bowling Dai-7-sho to
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Wisdom and Resources of Local Residents Themselves), Dec.19, The Japan Research Institute, Limited.
MATSUNAGA, Yoshiho, 2008, “Nihonjin no Social Capital to Philanthropy ni kansuru Teiryo Bunseki
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
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MATSUNAGA, Yoshiho, 2008, “Japanese Philanthoropic Behavior and Social Capital Flow: An Econometric
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MATSUNAGA, Yoshiho, 2010, “Salary is Commensurate with Social Capital (Social Capital to Chingin),” ESRI
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MIYATA, Naoko, 2007, “Shokuba eno Kizoku-Ishiki to Sodan Network: Soshiki Tekio-ki ni okeru Sodan
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MIYATA, Naoko, 2008, “Shigoto no Manzokudo ni taisuru Sodan-Network no Koka: Soshiki-Tekio-ki ni okeru
Sodan-Network no Type to Mitsudo (Job Satisfaction and Discussion Network: The types and density of the
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MIYATA, Naoko, 2009, “Sodan-Network no Kitei Yoin no Nichi-bei Hikaku (The Determinants of Discussion
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MIYATA, Naoko, 2009, “Shinnyu-shain no Shigoto-Manzokudo to Sodan-Network (Discussion Network and
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MIYATA, Naoko, 2010, “Job Satisfaction of New Employees: Effects of Social Network on Adjustment to New
Role (Shinnyu-Shain no Shigoto Manzoku-do no Yoin-Bunseki),” Annals of Human Sciences, Vol.31,
NAGAYOSHI, Kikuko, 2010, “Effects of Trust on Social Cohesion in a Multicultural Society: Analysis of
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NAKAO, Keiko, 2005, “Composite Social Networks: Describing three overlapping discussion networks
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Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS
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NAKAO, Keiko, 2008, “Shakai Network no Chofuku to Fukugo Network (Composite social networks:
Describing three overlapping discussion networks),” TANIOKA, Ichiro, NITTA, Michio, and IWAI, Noriko
[eds.], Values and Behavioral Patterns in Japan: An Analysis Based on Japanese General Social Surveys,
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NAKAO, Keiko, IKEDA, Ken’ichi, and YASUNO, Satoko, 2003, “Implementing a Social Networks Module in
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mukete: Yobi-chosa no Kekka Hokoku),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and
Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Monographs No.2, pp.193-232.[AE]
NAKAYA, Tomoki, and HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, 2009, “Japanese league of healthy and unhealthy
neighbourhoods: Geodemographics, self-rated health and social capital. Social Capital and Health:
Cross-National Comparative Perspectives,” June 19 2009, Harvard Center for Population and Development
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NOZAKI, Kayo, 2011, “JGSS Statistical Analysis Seminar: Analysis of “the Others’ Influences” Using
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no Eikyo’ no Bunseki),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series
No.8 (JGSS Monographs No.11), pp.207-218.[AE]
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
OGINO, Ryogo, 2011, “Shakaiteki Network no Keisei ni Chukan Shudan ga hatasu Yakuwari: JGSS-2003 o
mochiita Bunseki,” Bulletin of The Japan Association of Lifelong Education, No.32, pp.125-141.[FJ]
OMORI, Takashi, and YONEZAWA, Akiyoshi, 2002, “Measurement of Social Capital in Japan,” paper
presented at Social Capital Measurement Conference held jointly by the OECD and the UK Office of
National Statistics.[FE]
OOKA, Emi, 2011, “Social Capital and Tolerance toward Foreigners in Japan: Analysis of JGSS-2008
(Shakai-Kankei-Shihon to Gaikokujin ni taisuru Kanyo-sa ni kansuru Kenkyu: JGSS-2008 no Bunseki
kara),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.8 (JGSS
Monographs No.11), pp.129-141.[AE]
PEKKANEN, Robert, 2006, Japan's Dual Civil Society: Members Without Advocates, Stanford University Press,
SATO, Tomoko, 2010, “The Effects of Participation in Adult Learning on Social Capital: Does Education
Promote Social Networks? (Shakai Kankei Network ni taisuru Seijin Gakushu Kikai no Koka),”
Proceedings: 69th Annual Conference of Japanese Educational Research Association, pp.408-409.[FJ]
SATO, Tomoko, 2011, “The Effects of Participation in Adult Learning on Social Capital: Does Education
Promote Social Networks? (Shakai Kankei shihon ni taisuru Seijin Gakushu Kikai no Koka: Kyoiku wa
Shakai-teki Network o Sokushinsuruka?),” Bulletin of the Japan Society for The Study of Adult and
Community Education, No.47, pp.31-40.[AE]
SHIOTANI, Takamasa, 2013, “The Relation between Social Capital and Disaster Prevention Collective Efficacy
of Community: An Analysis Using JGSS-2012 Data (Shakai Kankei Shihon to Chiiki Bosai no Shugo
Koryoku-kan tono Kanren: JGSS-2012 ni yoru Kento),” GSS Research Center, Osaka University of
Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.10 (JGSS Monographs No.13), pp.35-43.[AE]
SHIRAKAWA, Toshiyuki, 2010, “Social Network and Mental Health in Japanese Young People: An Empirical
Analysis Using the JGSS-2009 Life Course Study (Life Course Sho-Chu-ki ni okeru Shakai-teki Net Work to
Seishin-teki Kenko: JGSS-2009 LCS ni yoru Jissho),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of
Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.7 (JGSS Monographs No.10), pp.273-284.[AE]
SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 2005, “Korei-ki ni okeru Shakai-teki Network no “Tayo-sei” ni kansuru Kenkyu:
JGSS-2003 Data o mochiita “Sodan” Network no Bunseki (“Diversity” of Senior Citizen's Social Networks:
An Analysis of Discussion, Network Based on Japanese General Social Surveys JGSS-2003),” Proceedings:
78th Conference of the Japan Sociological Society, Hosei University, Tokyo, p.79.[FJ]
SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 2006, “‘Diversity’ of Senior Citizen's Social Networks: An Analysis of Discussion
Network Based on JGSS-2003 (Korei-ki ni okeru Shakai-teki Network no “Tayo-sei”: JGSS-2003 Data o
mochiita “Sodan” Network no Bunseki),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and
Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.2 (JGSS Monographs No.5),
SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 2008, “Koreisha no Shakai-teki Network (Social Network of Elderly),” TANIOKA, Ichiro,
NITTA, Michio, and IWAI, Noriko [eds.], Values and Behavioral Patterns in Japan: An Analysis Based on
Japanese General Social Surveys, 2000 to 2003 (Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo), University of Tokyo Press,
TANAKA, Keiko, 2008, “Taijin Network to ‘Kekkon-kan’ (Personal Networks of Young Adults and Their Views
on Marriage),” Quantitative Analyses on Marriage and Mate Selection II, SSJ Data Archive Research Paper
Series 39 (SSJDA-39), The Information Center for Social Science Research on Japan, The Institute of Social
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TANIGUCHI, Hiromi, 2012, “The Influence of Generalized Trust on Volunteering in Japan,” Nonprofit and
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TANIGUCHI, Hiromi, and MARSHALL, Gul Aldikacti, 2012, “The Effects of Social Trust and Institutional
Trust on Formal Volunteering and Charitable Giving in Japan,” VOLUNTAS: International Journal of
Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, doi: 10.1007/s11266-012-9328-3.[FE]
TANIOKA, Ichiro, 2002, “Ningen no Honsho wa ‘Aku’ ka ‘Zen’ ka: Ippanntekini Hito wa Shinyo dekiruka (Is
human nature basically evil or good?: Can most people be trusted?),” IWAI, Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.],
Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata:
JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, pp.207-211.[FJ]
TERAZAWA, Shigenori, 2011, “Macro Data kara mita Gendai Nihon ni okeru Social Capital to Shukyo(Social
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TERAZAWA, Shigenori, 2010, “Belonging to Religious Organization and ‘Status Bridging Social Capital’: from
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TERAZAWA, Shigenori, 2011, “Religion and Social Capital in Contemporary Japan based on the Analysis of
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
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studies, 84(4), pp.1030-1031.[FJ]
TERAZAWA, Shigenori, 2012, “Shukyo to Social Capital no Keisei ni kansuru Keiryo-Shakaigaku-teki Kenkyu
(Religion and Social Capital in Contemporary Japan: Focusing on Participation in Social Activities),”
Doctoral Thesis, Graduate School of Letters, Hokkaido University.[FE]
TOYODA, Yusuke, ISHIBASHI, Ken'ichi, and OTSUKI, Satoshi, 2011, “Necessity of Risk Management for
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Environment after Introducing the Compact City Policy (Daikibo-Chosa Data o mochiita Toshi Keitai ga
ataeru Shakai-teki Kizuna eno Eikyo ni kansuru Kenkyu: Compact City Seisaku Donyu ni tomonau
Shakai-Kankyo eno Eikyo o misuete),” Studies in Regional Science, Vol.41 No.1, pp.219-233.[AE]
URA, Mitsuhiro, 2009, Haita to Juyo no Kodo-Kagaku: Shakai to Kokoro ga Tsukuridasu Kodoku, pp.174-178,
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URA, Mitsuhiro, and FURUTANI, Kaichiro, 2008, “Social Capital ga Hanzai-Boshi ni oyobosu Koka no
Kento,” Hiroshima Prefectural Police and Hiroshima University, ‘Heraso Hanzai’ Kyodo Kenkyu no Seika,
WESTLUND, Hans, and CALIDONI-LUNDBERG, Federica, 2007, “Social Capital and the Creative Class:
Civil Society, Regional Development and High-Tech Industry in Japan,” paper presented at Joint Congress of
the European Regional Science Association (47th Congress) and Association de Science Régionale de
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YAMAGUCHI, Kazuo, 2012, “New Regression Models with Egocentric Social Network Data: An analysis of
political party preference in Japan,” RIETI Discussion Paper Series 12-E-048, 46p.[FE]
YAMAGUCHI, Kazuo, 2013, “New Regression Models with Egocentric Social Network Data: An Analysis of
Political Party Preference in Japan,” Sociological Methodology, Vol.43 No.1, pp.312-345.[FE]
YAMAMURA, Eiji, 2009, “Comparison of the effects of homeownership by individuals and their neighbors on
social capital formation: Evidence from Japanese General Social Surveys,” MPRA Paper No.19495,
YAMAMURA, Eiji, 2010, “Public policy, trust and growth: disclosure of government information in Japan,”
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YAMAMURA, Eiji, 2011, “The role of social trust in reducing long-term truancy and forming human capital in
Japan,” Economics of Education Review, 30(2), pp.380-389.[FE]
YAMAMURA, Eiji, 2011, “The effect of social trust on achievement test performance of students in Japan,”
Applied Economics Letters, Vol.19(7), pp.645-648.[FE]
YAMAMURA, Eiji, 2012, “Effect of social capital on income redistribution preferences: comparison of
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YAMAMURA, Eiji, 2011, “Comparison of the effects of homeownership by individuals and their neighbors on
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YAMAMURA, Eiji, 2012, “Atomic bombs and the long-run effect on trust: experiences in Hiroshima and
Nagasaki,” MPRA Paper, No.36805, 19p.[FE]
YAMAMURA, Eiji, 2012, “Charitable giving under inequality aversion and social capital,” MPRA Paper,
No.37975, 43p.[FE]
YAMAMURA, Eiji, 2012, “Social capital, household income, and preferences for income redistribution,”
European Journal of Political Economy, Volume 28(4), pp.498-511.[FE]
YASUNO, Satoko, 2005, “Personal network, social capital and political attitudes in JGSS-2003 (JGSS-2003 ni
miru Personal Network to Seiji Ishiki),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and
Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.1 (JGSS Monographs No.4),
YASUNO, Satoko, 2006, Juso-teki na Yoron Keisei Katei (Stratified Process of the Public Opinion Formation):
Media, Network, Kokyo-sei, University of Tokyo Press, 210p.[FJ]
YASUNO, Satoko, and IKEDA, Ken’ichi, 2002, “COLUMN: Seifu wa Shinrai sarete irunoka: Soshiki eno
Shinrai (Are government trusted?: Confidence in organizations),” IWAI, Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.],
Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata:
JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, pp.196-197.[FJ]
33. Pets
OZAKI, Yuko, 2004, “Factors which influence pet choice decisions: By using data of JGSS (Shiiku Dobutsu no
Sentaku niwa Nani ga Eikyo o ataeruka: Nippon-ban Sogo Shakai Chosa o mochiite),” Animal Nursing,
Vol.8, No.2, pp.12-24.[FJ]
OZAKI, Yuko, 2004, “Factors that Influence Owning Pet: By Using Micro Data of JGSS (Pet Shiiku no Kitei
Yoin: Nippon-ban Sogo Shakai Chosa Micro Data o mochiite),” Journal of Personal Finance and Economics
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
No.19, pp.21-34.[AE]
OZAKI, Yuko, 2006, “Kakei no Pet Shiiku Sentaku ni kansuru Jissho-teki Kenkyu (Empirical Study on Pet
Keeping of Households in Japan),” Doctoral Dissertation, Japan Women's University, 230p.[FJ]
SUGITA, Hizuru, 2001, “Nihonjin no Pet ni taisuru Ishiki to sono Keiko: Nippon-ban General Social Surveys
(JGSS) Dai-2-kai Yobi-chosa o motoni (Japanese People's Perception of Pets and Its Tendency: Based on the
Second Pilot Study of the Japanese General Social Surveys (JGSS),” Proceedings: 7th Annual Meeting of the
Society for the Study of Human Animal Relations, p.24.[FJ]
SUGITA, Hizuru, 2001, “Communication Aite to shite no Pet no Sonzai-kan ni kansuru Ichi-chosa: Nihonjin no
Pet ni taisuru Ishiki to sono Keiko (A Study of Pets as Communication Partners: Japanese People's
Perception of Pets and Its Tendency),” Proceedings: 31st Annual Convention of the Communication
Association of Japan, p.22.[FJ]
SUGITA, Hizuru, 2002, “Pet no iru Seikatsu: Shitsugaiken kara Zarigani made (Life with pets: From dogs kept
outside to crawfish),” IWAI, Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen
in the Japanese General Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho,
SUGITA, Hizuru, 2002, “A Study of the Japanese Perception toward Pets: Based on the Data from the Second
Pilot Survey of the Japanese General Social Surveys (JGSS) (Nihonjin no Pet no Sonzai-kan ni kansuru
Ichi-kosatsu: Nippon-ban General Social Surveys (JGSS) Dai-2-kai Yobi-chosa no Data o moto ni),” The
Review of Osaka University of Commerce No.124, pp.73-86.[FJ]
SUGITA, Hizuru, 2002, “Dokyo Setai-ninzu ni miru Pet no Sonzai-kan: Dokyo shiteiru Kodomo no Umu o
Chushin to shite (Perception of Pets Observed in the Number of Household Members: Centering on the
Presence of Children at Home),” Proceedings: 8th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Human
Animal Relations, p.45.[FJ]
SUGITA, Hizuru, 2002, “The Influence of the Number of Household Members on the Perception of Pets
Observed in the Data of JGSS-2000: From the Perspective of Children Present at Home (JGSS-2000 no Data
ni miru Dokyo Setai-ninzu ga Pet no Hyoka ni oyobosu Eikyo: Dokyo shiteiru Kodomo no Umu no Kanten
kara),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science,
University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Monographs No.1, pp.135-147.[AE]
SUGITA, Hizuru, 2002, “Kodomo to shite no Pet no Sonzai-kan ni kansuru Ichi-kosatsu: Dokyo shiteiru
Kodomo no Umu to Nenrei no Kanten kara (A Study of Pets as Children: From the Perspective of the
Presence of Children at Home and Their Age),” Proceedings: 32nd Annual Conventions of the
Communication Association of Japan, p.30.[FJ]
SUGITA, Hizuru, 2002, “Factors Influencing Time to Spend for Pets: In Terms of the Japanese Pet Owners’
Demographic Background (Nihonjin no Pet no Shiiku Jikan ni Eikyo o oyobosu Yoin ni tsuite: Shiiku-sha no
Zokusei o Chushin to shite),” The Review of Osaka University of Commerce No.126, pp.51-64.[FJ]
SUGITA, Hizuru, 2003, “The Effects of Dog Ownership and Attachment to Dogs on Japanese Dog Owners’
Physical and Emotional Health: From the Data of JGSS-2001 (Inu no Shiiku to Inu ni taisuru Aichaku-do ga
Kainushi no Shintai-teki Kenko to Seishin-teki Kenko ni oyobosu Koka: JGSS-2001 no Data kara),” Institute
of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo
[eds.], JGSS Monographs No.2, pp.127-143.[AE]
SUGITA, Hizuru, 2003, “Dog Owners’ Health Status Observed in the Data of JGSS-2000 and JGSS-2001
(JGSS-2000 to JGSS-2001 no Data ni miru Kainushi no Kenko Jotai),” JGSS Symposium 2003 Hokokusho
(Proceedings: JGSS Symposium 2003), pp.277-292.[AE]
SUGITA, Hizuru, 2004, “Dog Owners’Health Status Observed in the Data of JGSS-2000 and JGSS-2001
(JGSS-2000 to JGSS-2001 no Data ni miru Kainushi no Kenko Jotai),” The Review of Osaka University of
Commerce No.132, pp.101-122.[FJ]
SUGITA, Hizuru, 2005, “A Study of Dog’s Role as Substitute Children: From the Data of JGSS (Kodomo no
Daitai to shite no Inu no Yakuwari ni kansuru Ichi-kosatsu: JGSS no Data kara),” Institute of Regional
Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS
Research Series No.1 (JGSS Monographs No.4), pp.111-129.[AE]
SUGITA, Hizuru, 2005, “A study of cat's role as substitute children: Including the comparison with the analyses
of dogs (Kodomo no Daitai to shite no Neko no Yakuwari ni kansuru Ichi-Kosatsu: Inu ni kansuru
Bunseki-kekka to no Hikaku o fukumete),” The Review of Osaka University of Commerce, No.138, pp.
SUGITA, Hizuru, 2005, “Kainushi no Kodomo no Umu to Aichakudo ni miru Inu no Yakuwari (The perceived
role of dogs for owners seen in the relationship between the presence of children and attachment to dogs),”
Proceedings: 46th Conference of the Japanese Society of Social Psychology, pp.196-197.[FJ]
SUGITA, Hizuru, 2005, “The effects of children on attachment to dogs in Japanese households: Using JGSS
data,” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Colloquium 2005
Hokokusho (Proceedings: JGSS Colloquium 2005), pp.31-45.[FE]
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
SUGITA, Hizuru, 2006, “The relationship between the presence of children and the degree of attachment to dogs
in Japanese households: Using JGSS data,” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce,
and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.2 (JGSS Monographs
No.5), pp.105-118.[FE]
SUGITA, Hizuru, 2007, “The effect of life stages on the pet keeping rate and on the perceptions of pets in
Japanese households,” Proceedings: 11th International Conference on Human-Animal Interactions, p.44.[FE]
SUGITA, Hizuru, 2008, “Pet Boom no Haikei (Behind the pet boom),” TANIOKA, Ichiro, NITTA, Michio, and
IWAI, Noriko [eds.], Values and Behavioral Patterns in Japan: An Analysis Based on Japanese General
Social Surveys, 2000 to 2003 (Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo), University of Tokyo Press, pp.355-367.[FJ]
SUGITA, Hizuru, 2009, “Should Pets Suffering From Fatal Diseases Be Euthanized? Japanese Attitudes Toward
Euthanasia of Pets as Seen in Data of JGSS-2006 (Fuchi no Yamai ni kakatta Pet wa
Anrakushi-saseru-bekika),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research
Series No.6 (JGSS Monographs No.9), pp.53-72.[AE]
SUGITA, Hizuru, 2010, “Research Notes; The Dog Ownership Rate and the Demographic Background of Dog
Owners From 2001 to 2006: From Outside Dogs to Inside Dogs (Kenkyu Note; 2006nen no Inu Shiiku-ritsu
to Inu Shiiku-sha no Zokusei no Suii: Shitugai-ken kara Shitsunai-ken e),” The Review of Osaka University
of Commerce No.156, pp.71-86.[FJ]
34. Social Movement/NPO/Volunteering
HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, 2009, “Exploring Regional Factors Related to Participation in International Cooperation
Activities: Analysis Using JGSS-2006 (Kokusai Kyoryoku Katsudo eno Sanka to Kanren-suru Chiiki Yoin
no Tansaku),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science,
University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.5 (JGSS Monographs No.8), pp.67-78.[AE]
HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, 2011, NPO/NGO no Chirigaku (Geography of NGO/NPO), Akashishoten, 231p.[FJ]
INAMASU, Kazunori, and IKEDA, Ken’ichi, 2010, “Social Psychological Research for “Buycott” and Social
Participation: Using JGSS-2008 Dataset (Buycott to Shakai-Sanka no Shakai-Shinrigaku-teki Kenkyu:
JGSS-2008 Data o mochiita Kento),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS
Research Series No.7 (JGSS Monographs No.10), pp.73-85.[AE]
MAEDA, Yukio, 2009, “Analyzing Gender and Volunteer Activity Using JGSS-2005: Implicit Comparison With
Political Participation (JGSS-2005 ni miru Seibetsu Bungyo to Jihatsu-teki Shakai-Hoshi Katsudo),” JGSS
Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.],
JGSS Research Series No.5 (JGSS Monographs No.8), pp.27-40.[AE]
MATSUMOTO, Wataru, 2003, “Organizing and Environment in the Third Sector (NPO no Soshiki-ka Genri to
Kankyo Jokyo),” Doctoral dissertation, Course of International Studies, Institute of Environmental Studies,
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, University of Tokyo, 217p.[FJ]
MATSUMOTO, Wataru, 2004, “NPO ni Sanka suru Hitobito no Haikei Yoin no Kaimei (Clarification of
background factors of participanting for nonprofit organizations),” Tayo na Hataraki-kata no Kozo Bunseki
(Structure Analysis of Wide Modes of Employment), SSJ Data Archive Research Paper Series 30
(SSJDA-30), Information Center for Social Science Research on Japan, Institute of Social Science,
University of Tokyo, pp.71-110.[FJ]
MATSUMOTO, Wataru, 2004, “Background analysis of participants in the nonprofit and voluntary sector in
Japan (NPO Sankasha no Haikei Bunseki),” Proceedings: National Conferece of the Academic Assocaition
of Organional Science, pp.49-52.[FJ]
MATSUMOTO, Wataru, 2007, “Volunteer Activities, Membership of Nonprofit Organizations and Views of
Work Style from JGSS-2005 (Volunteer Katsudo ya Hi-Eiri-Soshiki eno Sanka to Shuro-kan: JGSS-2005 o
mochiita Data Bunseki),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of
Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.3 (JGSS Monographs No.6),
MATSUNAGA, Yoshiho, 2006, “Is time more variable than money?,” The 35th Annual ARNOVA Conference
Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA).[NP]
MATSUNAGA, Yoshiho, 2007, “To give, or not to give; to volunteer, or not to volunteer, that is the question:
Evidence on Japanese philanthropic behavior revealed by the JGSS-2005 data set,” Institute of Regional
Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS
Research Series No.3 (JGSS Monographs No.6), pp.69-81.[FE]
MATSUNAGA, Yoshiho, 2007, “Is Japanese Participation in Philanthropic Activities a Beneficial Consequence
of Social Capital Accumulation?” the 2007 ARNOVA Conference paper, Nov.15-17, Atlanta.[NP]
MATSUNAGA, Yoshiho, 2007, “Nihonjin no Jizen-Koi to Social Capital; Kodoku na Bowling Dai-7-sho to
JGSS-2005 ni yoru Kensho (Philanthropy and Social Capital in Japan: A Comparative Analysis using Data
from Bowling Alone and the JGSS-2005),” NPO Research Forum of Japan, Dec.16, Osaka University.[NP]
MATSUNAGA, Yoshiho, 2007, “Nihonjin no Jizen-Koi to Social Capital; Kodoku na Bowling Dai-7-sho to
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
JGSS-2005 ni yoru Kensho (Philanthropy and Social Capital in Japan: A Comparative Analysis using Data
from Bowling Alone and the JGSS-2005),” Social Capital Policy Development Study Session (Independent
Reconstruction of Regional Management: Fostering “Trust”“Standards” and “Networks” Making Use of the
Wisdom and Resources of Local Residents Themselves), Dec.19, The Japan Research Institute, Limited.
MATSUNAGA, Yoshiho, 2008, “Nihonjin no Social Capital to Philanthropy ni kansuru Teiryo Bunseki
(Philanthropy and Social Capital in Japan: Econometric Analysis using the JGSS-2005 data),” The 10th
annumal meeting of the Japan NPO Research Association, March 15, Chuo Univeristy.[NP]
MATSUNAGA, Yoshiho, 2008, “Jizen-katsudo to Social Capital (Philanthropy and Social Capital),” In The
Japanese Social Capital Policy, Report from the 2007 survey, The Japan Research Institute, Ltd.,
MATSUNAGA, Yoshiho, 2008, “Giving Japan,” Giving Korea, The 8th International Symposium on Giving
Culture-Giving, Convergence and Divergence!, The Beautiful Foundation, Korea, pp.98-113.[FE]
MATSUNAGA, Yoshiho, 2008, “Japanese Philanthoropic Behavior and Social Capital Flow: An Econometric
Analysis: Using JGSS-2005,” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS
SYMPOSIUM 2008: Development of East Asian Social Surveys: Results of EASS 2006 Family Module,
MATSUNAGA, Yoshiho, 2012, Atarashii Kokyo to Shimin Shakai no Teiryo Bunseki (Numerical Disclosures of
Civil Society), Osaka University Press, 181p.[FJ]
MATSUNAGA, Yoshiho, and OKUYAMA, Naoko, 2009, “Seifu-Shishutsu wa Minkan-Kifu o Yuhatsu suruka
(Do government expenditures crowd in charitable donations?),” RIETI Policy Discussion Paper Series
09-P-003, pp.47-62.[FJ]
NIHEI, Norihiro, 2003, “<Shimin> to [Volunteer] no Aida: Sanka to Neo-liberalism no Kyoshin ni kansuru
Ichi-Kosatsu (Between a “Citizen” and a Volunteer: Rethinking of the Problem of Complicity between Social
Participation and Neo-liberalism),” Proceedings: 55th Conference of the Japan Society of Educational
Sociology, pp.70-71.[FJ]
OGINO, Ryogo, 2009, “Volunteer Katsudo no Kitei-Yoin ni tuite no Keiryo-Bunseki; ‘Sanka’ no Kanten kara no
JGSS Data no Bunseki (An Analysis on the Determinants of Volunteer Activities: From the Viewpoint of
‘Participation’ by Using the JGSS Data),” Bulletin of The Japan Association of Lifelong Education, No.30,
OGINO, Ryogo, 2009, “Volunteer Katsudo no Kitei-Kozo to Koka ni Kansuru Keiryo Bunseki,” Proceedings:
26th Conference of the Japan Society for the Study of Adult and Community Education, p.72.[FJ]
OKUYAMA, Naoko, 2009, “Determinants of Volunteer Activities in Local Communities: An Empirical Analysis
Using JGSS-2006 (Chiiki Volunteer Katsudo no Kettei-Yoin),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of
Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.6 (JGSS Monographs No.9), pp.107-122.[AE]
SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 2009, “Factor Promoting Volunteer Activity in the Middle-Aged and the Elderly and
Community Life Satisfaction: An Analysis Based on JGSS-2006 (Chukonen no Chiiki Volunteer Katsudo
Sokushin Yoin to Chiiki Seikatsu Manzoku-do),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce,
and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.5 (JGSS Monographs
No.8), pp.41-65.[AE]
SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 2009, “Chukonen no Chiiki Volunteer Katudo no Kenkyu: JGSS-2006 ni motozuku
Bunseki (The Analysis of Community Volunteer Activities of Middle-aged and Older),” Proceedings: 82nd
Conference of the Japan Sociological Society, p.171.[FJ]
SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 2010, “Volunteer Katsudo-Keiken no Nenreiso-betsu Kitei Yoin: JGSS-2005 ni motozuku
Bunseki (Factors of Volunteer Activity According to Age Group: Analysis based on JGSS-2005),”
Proceedings: 83rd Annual Meething of the Japan Sociological Society, p.272.[FJ]
SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, and TAKEUCHI, Tomohiko, 2013, “JGSS de yomu Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo dai-2-kai:
Higashi-Nihon Dai-Shinsai no Kifu Kodo to Volunteer Katsudo (Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns
Seen in the Japanese General Social Survey: Contribution Actions and Volunteer Activities of the Great East
Japan Earthquake),” Japan Finance Corporation [ed.], Chosageppo, February 2013 No.053, pp.20-21.[FJ]
SHISHIDO Seminar, Osaka University of Commerce, 2013, Volunteer Group, NPO no Soshiki, Katsudo ni
kansuru Enquête: Chosa Kekka Hokokusho (The Report about the Civic Activities of Volunteer and NPO
Groups), Supervisor: SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 94p.
TANIGUCHI, Hiromi, 2010, “Who Are Volunteers in Japan?,” Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Vol.39,
No.1, pp.161-179.[FE]
TANIGUCHI, Hiromi, 2012, “The Influence of Generalized Trust on Volunteering in Japan,” Nonprofit and
Voluntary Sector Quarterly, doi: 10.1177/0899764011434554.[FE]
TANIGUCHI, Hiromi, and MARSHALL, Gul Aldikacti, 2012, “The Effects of Social Trust and Institutional
Trust on Formal Volunteering and Charitable Giving in Japan,” VOLUNTAS: International Journal of
Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, doi: 10.1007/s11266-012-9328-3.[FE]
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
TERAZAWA, Shigenori, 2011, “Gendai Nihon ni okeru Shukyo to Volunteer Katsudo; JGSS no Keiryo-Bunseki
kara (Religion and Volunteering in Contemporary Japan: A Statistical Analysis of JGSS (Japanese General
Social Surveys)),” 8th Conference of The Korea-Japan Next-Generation Academic Forum, August 22-23,
Dong-A University, Busan, Korea.[FJ]
TERAZAWA, Shigenori, 2010, “Shukyo to Chiiki Katsudo (Religion and Social Activities in Local
Community),” Research Journal of Graduate Students of Letters, Hokkaido University, Vol.11,
TERAZAWA, Shigenori, 2012, “Gendai Nihon ni okeru Shukyo to Volunteer Katsudo: JGSS no Keiryo Bunseki
kara (Religion and Volunteering in Contemporary Japan: A Statistical Analysis of JGSS),” Jisedai Jinbun
Shakai Kenkyu, Vol.8, Japan Center Dongseo University.[AE]
TERAZAWA, Shigenori, 2013, “Religion and Social Activities in Contemporary Japan: Analysis of JGSS
Cumulative Data 2000-2002 (Gendai Nihon ni okeru Shukyo to Shakai Katsudo: JGSS Ruiseki Data
2000-2002 no Bunseki kara),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research
Series No.10 (JGSS Monographs No.13), pp.129-140.[AE]
TERAZAWA, Shigenori, 2012, “Gendai Nihon ni okeru Dento Bukkyo to Shakai Katsudo eno Sanka: Zenkoku
Chosa Data no Keiryo Bunseki (Traditional Buddhism and Social Activities in Contemporary Japan:A
Statistical Analysis),” SAKURAI Yoshihide, HAMADA, Yo [eds.] Asia no Shukyo to Social Capital, Akashi
Shoten, pp.60-92.[FJ]
YAMAMURA, Eiji, 2012, “Charitable giving under inequality aversion and social capital,” MPRA Paper,
No.37975, 43p.[FE]
35. Happiness/Satisfaction
BALLAS, Dimitris, NAKAYA, Tomoki, and HANIBUCHI, Tomoya, 2011, “Exploring the geographical and
socio-economic determinants of subjective happiness in Japan,” the 17th European Colloquium on
Quantitative and Theoretical Geography (ECQTG2011), September 2-6, Harokopio University of Athens,
CHANG, Ly-yun, and TAM, Tony, 2012, “Subjective Status and Wellbeing: Resource-generator or Psychosocial
Pathways in East Asia Economies,” JGSS Symposium 2012, June 10, Osaka University of Commerce.[FE]
CHEN, Wan-chi, 2011, “How Education Enhances Happiness: Comparison of Mediating Factors in Four East
Asian Countries,” Social Indicators Research, DOI:10.1007/s11205-011-9798-5.[FE]
CHEN, Wan-chi, and LIN, Kuei-hsiu, 2009, “How Education Matters for Happiness?: Commonalities across
Three East Asian Countries,” Proceedings:14th TSCS Conference and 2009 EASS Symposium, November
18, Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, Taipei.[FE]
GENJIDA, Kenichi, 2013, “Shonin to Well-being: JGSS-2012 ni yoru Kento (Recognition and well-being: An
analysis of JGSS-2012 data),” 54th Conference of the Japanese Society of Social Psychology, November 3,
Okinawa International University.[FJ]
HAMADA, Kunisuke, 2013, “Wakamonotachi no Shorai-Fuan to Kofukukan (Well-Being and Anxiety of The
Japanese Young Generation),” KIMURA, Masafumi [ed.], Gendai o ikiru Wakamonotachi (The Young
Generation in Modern Japanese Society), Gakubunsha, pp.115-126.[FJ]
HONDA, Yuki, 2002, “Nani ga Shigoto no Manzokudo o Kimerunoka (What determines job satisfaction?),”
IWAI, Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese
General Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, pp.93-98.[FJ]
IWAI, Hachiro, 2007, “Korei-sha no Shakai-teki Chii no Henka to Kofuku-kan: ‘Life Course to Kaiso’ Kenkyu
no Shiten kara (Changes in the social status of the elderly and their sense of happieness: from a perspective
of life course and stratification research),” Healthy & Active Aging, Vol 13, pp.47-72.[FJ]
IWAI, Hachiro, 2008, “Stability and changes in the Japanese Family-Oriented Regimes: An Analysis of
Economic Status, Family and Sense of Happiness for the Elderly,” 46th Interim CFR (Committee on Family
Research) Conference, International Sociological Association, September 10, ISCSP, Lisbon, Portugal.[FE]
IWAI, Noriko, 2002, “Shiawase desuka: Nihonjin no Kofuku-kan (Are you happy?: Japanese Happiness),” IWAI,
Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General
Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, pp.2-8.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, 2002, “Kekkon-Seikatsu wa Shiawase desuka (Are you satisfied with your marital life?),” IWAI,
Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General
Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, pp.9-15.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, 2002, “Shiawase de nakereba Rikon shita ho ga yoika (Better to divorce if you are not happy?),”
IWAI, Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese
General Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, pp.65-71.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, 2003, “Haigu-kankei to Kofuku-kan no Kankei kara (Marital Status and a Feeling of Happiness),”
Proceedings: 16th Conference of the Japanese Association of Health Psychology, p.55.[FJ]
KAUFMAN, Gayle, and TANIGUCHI, Hiromi, 2010, “Marriage and happiness in Japan and the United States,”
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
International Journal of Sociology of the Family, Vol.36 No.1, pp.25-48.[FE]
KIMURA, Masafumi, 2002, “Nihonjin no Kofuku-kan to Seikatsu Manzokudo (Japanese happiness and life
satisfaction),” IWAI, Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the
Japanese General Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho,
KOBAYASHI, Miki, 2010, “Area Level Poverty and Happiness (Chiiki no Hinkon to Hitobito no Kofuku-do),”
Journal of Personal Finance and Economics No.31, pp.1-11.[AE]
KOBAYASHI, Miki, 2010, “Shotoku Kakusa to Seikatsu no Shitsu ni kansuru Kenkyu (Study of Income
inequality and Quality of Life),” Doctoral Thesis, Graduate School of Economics, Kobe University,
KODAMA, Naomi, 2005, “Jiieigyo-sha wa Kofukuka?,,” SSJDA-32, Information Center for Social Science
Research on Japan, Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo, pp.34-47.[FJ]
KUROKI, Masanori, 2011, “Does Social Trust Increase Individual Happiness in Japan?,” The Japanese
Economic Review, doi:10111/j.1468-5876.2011.00533.x, 16p.[FE]
KUROKI, Masanori, 2012, “Crime Victimization and Subjective Well-Being: Evidence from Happiness Data,”
Journal of Happiness Studies, Springer, doi: 10.1007/s10902-012-9355-1.[FE]
KUROKI Masanori, 2011, “Essays on Well-Being in Japan,” Doctoral Dissertation, University of California,
KUROKI, Masanori, 2013, “The paradoxical negative association between subjective well-being and the
objective "Happiness Ranking" in Japan.” Applied Research in Quality of Life, 18(2), pp.251-259, DOI:
LEE, Kristen Schultz, and ONO, Hiroshi, 2006, “Specialization and Happiness: A U.S.-Japan Comparison,”
SSE/EFI Working Paper Series in Economics and Finance, No.631.[FE]
LEE, Kristen Schultz, and ONO, Hiroshi, 2008, “Specialization and happiness in marriage: A U.S.-Japan
comparison,” Social Science Research 37, pp.1216-1234.[FE]
MATSUMOTO, Naohito, and MAENO, Takashi, 2010, “What affect subjective well-being in interpersonal
relation network?: Social network structure analysis of Japanese General Social Survey Data (JGSS-2003),”
Japanese journal of interpersonal and social psychology, No.10, pp.155-161.[AE]
MATSUSHIMA, Midori, and MATSUNAGA, Yoshiho, 2014, “Does Trust Ease the Decline in Happiness after
Traumatic Experiences?,” The Review of Osaka University of Commerce No.171, p.21-37.[FE]
MIYATA, Naoko, 2008, “Shigoto no Manzokudo ni taisuru Sodan-Network no Koka: Soshiki-Tekio-ki ni okeru
Sodan-Network no Type to Mitsudo (Job Satisfaction and Discussion Network: The types and density of the
networks in the organization adjustment process),” Proceedings: 46th Conference of the Japanese
Association for Mathematical Sociology, pp.17-20.[FJ]
MIYATA, Naoko, 2009, “Shinnyu-shain no Shigoto-Manzokudo to Sodan-Network (Discussion Network and
Job Satisfaction of New Employees),” The Western Regional Meeting of the Society of Economic Sociology,
December 5, Kobe University.[NP]
NOZAKI, Kayo, 2009, “Nihon ni okeru Shigoto-Manzoku-do to Seisa (Job Satisfaction and Gender in Japan),”
Working Paper Series, No.254, Graduate School of Economics, Kobe University, 16p.[FJ]
NOZAKI, Kayo, 2010, “Nihon ni okeru Shigoto-Manzoku-do to Seisa (Job Satisfaction and Gender in Japan),”
Journal of Personal Finance and Economics, Vol. 32, pp.33-49.[AE]
ONO, Hiroshi, and LEE, Kristen Schultz, 2006, “Specialization and Happiness: A U.S.-Japan Comparison,”
Japanese Economic Association 2006 Fall Meeting, October 21, Osaka City University.[FE]
OSHIO, Takashi, and KOBAYASHI, Miki, 2009, “Happiness, self-rated health, and income inequality: Evidence
from nationwide surveys in Japan,” PIE/CIS Discussion Paper No.451, Institute of Economic Research,
Hitotsubashi University, 25p.[FE]
OSHIO, Takashi, and KOBAYASHI, Miki, 2009, “Regional income inequality and happiness: Evidence from
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OSHIO, Takashi, NOZAKI, Kayo, and KOBAYASHI, Miki, 2011, “Relative Income and Happiness in Asia:
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OTSUBO, Hiroko, 2014, “Views of Five Generations of Japanese People about the Societies They Belong to and
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ROEMER, Michael, 2006, “Do Religious Beliefs and Membership Affect Life Satisfaction and Happiness in
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SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 2006, “Chu-Ko-nenrei-sha no Yoka-Seikatsu-Manzoku-do o Kitei suru Yoin: JGSS Data o
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SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 2007, “Difference between Men's Happiness and Women's Happiness in Later Life An
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ni tsuite: JGSS-2000/2001 Togo-Data ni motozuku Kento),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University
of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.3 (JGSS
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SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 2007, “Koreisha no Shakai-teki Network to Yoka Seikatsu Manzoku-do: JGSS Data ni
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SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 2009, “Factor Promoting Volunteer Activity in the Middle-Aged and the Elderly and
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SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 2011, “Seikatsu no Shitsu (QOL) to Shukan-teki Kofukukan (QOL and Well-being),”
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yoru JGSS Ruiseki Data 2000-2010 no Bunseki),” Japanese Sociological Review, Vol.62 No.3,
SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, and SASAKI, Takayuki, 2011, “Nihonjin no Kofukukan: JGSS Ruiseki Data 2000-2010 ni
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SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, and SASAKI, Takayuki, 2013, “JGSS de yomu Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo dai-10-kai:
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TAKEGAMI, Misa, 2011, “Relationship between Hopelessness and Health-related Quality of Life: Results from
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TAKEGAMI, Misa, and IWAI, Noriko, 2012, “Hopelessness and Health-related Quality of Life in East Asia,”
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TAKEGAMI, Misa, YAMAMOTO, Yosuke, and IWAI, Noriko, 2012, “Hopelessness to Kenko-Kanren QOL no
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JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
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TAKEGAMI Misa, YAMAMOTO, Yosuke, and IWAI Noriko, 2012, “Hopelessness and health-related quality of
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TAKEHASHI, Hiroki, 2011, “The Relationship between Well-Being and Eco-Friendly Behaviors: Analysis from
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TAKEHASHI, Hiroki, 2011, “Kankyo Hairyo Kodo to Kofukukan no Kankeisei (The Relationship between
Eco-Friendly Behaviors and Well-being),” the 75th Annual meeting of Japanese Psychology Association,
TERAZAWA, Shigenori, 2012, “Religiosity, Social Stratification and Life Satisfaction in Contemporary Japan,”
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YABE, Aiko, 2008, “An examination of subjective variables as determinants of class identification: Focusing on
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YAMADA, Yuko, 2007, “The truth of the theory of winner and loser: Examination from an analysis of the
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Kofuku-kan Kitei Yoin kara no Kosatsu),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and
Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.3 (JGSS Monographs No.6),
YAMAMURA, Eiji, 2012, “Influence of age of child on differences in life satisfaction of males and females: A
comparative study among East Asian countries,” MPRA Paper, No.36988, 37p.[FE]
YAMAMURA, Eiji, 2012, “Natural disasters and their long-term effect on happiness: the case of the great
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YAMAMURA, Eiji, 2012, “The Effects of Information Asymmetry and Government Size on Happiness: A Case
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YAMAMURA, Eiji, and ANDRES, Antonio, 2011, “Influence of age of children on differences in marital
satisfaction of males and females in East Asian countries,” MPRA Paper, No.32756, 30p.[FE]
36. Gender
AKAGAWA, Manabu, 2005, “Freedom of Choice and Fair Share of Burden in a Depopulated Society: On
Gender Equality and the Most Optimum Allocation of Child Care Support (Jinko-Gensho-Shakai ni okeru
Sentaku no Jiyu to Futan no Kohei: Danjo Kyodo Sankaku to Kosodate-Shien no Saiteki-Haibun o
megutte),” Japanese Sociological Review, Vol.56 No.1, pp.20-37.[FJ]
ANDO, Jun, 2012, “Empirical Analysis of Dual-Earner Couples' Housework Behavior Using JGSS-2006 (JGSS
Data 2006 o mochiita Tomokasegi-Fufu no Kaji-Rodo-Kodo ni kansuru Jissho Bunseki),” Bulletin of Niigata
University of International and Information Studies Department of Information Culture, Vol.15 pp.59-70.[FJ]
CHANG, Chin-fen, 2009, “Gender Inequality in Earnings in Industrialized East Asia,” Shorenstein APARC
Dispatches, February 2009.[FE]
CHANG, Chin-fen, and ENGLAND, Paula, 2011, “Gender inequality in earnings in industrialized East Asia,”
Social Science Research, Vol.40 (1), pp.1-14.[FE]
CHEN, Yu-Hua, and CHANG, Ching-fen, 2010, “The Heterogeneity of Gender Role Attitudes among China,
Japan, Korea and Taiwan,” EASS Conference 2010, November 25, Osaka University of Commerce.[FE]
FUSE, Kana, 2006, “Daughter Preference in Japan: A Reflection of Shift in Gender Role Attitudes (or not)?”
paper presented at session 57 (Implications of Gender Interactions and Ideologies for Reproductive
Behavior) at Population Association of America 2006 Annual Meeting, March 30-April 1, Los Angeles,
FUSE, Kana, and HANADA, Nanaho, 2009, “Political distrust and Gendered Attitudes: The Japanese State and
Women,” Sex Roles, Vol.60 No.11-12, pp.843-858.[FE]
HASHIGUCHI, Michiyo, 2009, “Skills Formation and Work-life Balance among Diverse Forms of
Employment,” Doctoral Thesis, Osaka School of International Public Policy, Osaka University.[FE]
HIRAO, Ichiro, and TAROHMARU, Hiroshi, 2007, “Josei to Dansei no Sedai-kan-Ido: Association Model o
Mochiite,” 46th Conference of the Japanese Association for Mathematical Sociology, September 15,
Hiroshima Shudo University.[FJ]
HIRAO, Keiko, 2010, “Kankyo to Kaji no Aida: Dare ga Gomi o Bunbetsu shite iruka (Elaborating Gender
Differences in Pro-environmental Activities),” Global Environmental Studies No.5 (2009), pp.49-58.[FE]
HIRAO, Keiko, 2010, “Emergence of a New Domestic Work?: Gender and Pro-Environmental Activities in
Japan,” 105th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 14-17, Atlanta.[FE]
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
IWAI, Noriko, 2002, “COLUMN: Josei Chiji no Tanjo (The advent of female governor),” IWAI, Noriko, and
SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General Social Survey
(Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, pp.76-77.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, 2002, “Otto no Kaji (Husbands’ housework),” IWAI, Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese
Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni
miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, pp.25-34.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, 2005, “Gender Differences in Attitudes toward Graves: Based on Japanese General Social
Surveys (JGSS-2000/2001),” Abstract Book for Women’s Worlds 2005:9th International Interdisciplinary
Congress on Women, Ewha Womens University, Seoul, Korea.[FE]
IWAI, Noriko, 2007, “Trends in doing housework and factors affecting doing housework based on JGSS data,”
EASS Symposium on East Asian Societies & the Family, July 17, 2007, Hong Kong.[NP]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2008, “Gendered Determinants of Allergies in Japanese Families,” 46th Interim CFR
(Committee on Family Research) Conference, International Sociological Association, September 10, ISCSP,
Lisbon, Portugal.[FE]
KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2008, “Gendered Determinants of Allergies in Japanese Families,” Waseda Studies in Social
Sciences, Vol.9, No.2 (Dec.2008), pp.65-81.[FE]
MAEDA, Yukio, 2006, “Shugyo to Katei ni okeru Sei-Yakuwari-Bungyo ga Seiji-Sanka ni ataeru Eikyo ni tsuite
(The impact of job and household dividion of labor on political participation),” SSJ Data Archive Research
Paper Series 35 (SSJDA-35), Information Center for Social Science Research on Japan, Institute of Social
Science, University of Tokyo, pp.32-57.[FJ]
MAEDA, Yukio, 2007, “Sei-Yakuwari-Bungyo to Seiji-Sanka (Household division of labor and political
participation),” NAGAI, Akiko and MATSUDA Shigeki [eds.], Taito na Fufu wa Shiawase-ka (Does equality
between wife and husband increase their happiness?), Keiso Shobo, pp.97-118.[FJ]
MAEDA, Yukio, 2009, “Analyzing Gender and Volunteer Activity Using JGSS-2005: Implicit Comparison With
Political Participation (JGSS-2005 ni miru Seibetsu Bungyo to Jihatsu-teki Shakai-Hoshi Katsudo),” JGSS
Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.],
JGSS Research Series No.5 (JGSS Monographs No.8), pp.27-40.[AE]
MIZUOCHI, Masaaki, 2010, “Dansei ni motomerareru Keizairhoku to Kekkon (Men's economic status and
marriage),” SATO, Hiroki, NAGAI, Akiko, and MIWA, Satoshi [eds.], Kekkon no Kabe: Hikon, Bankon no
Kozo (Staying single and marrying late: Barriers to marriage), Keiso Shobo, pp.129-143.[FJ]
MIZUOCHI, Masaaki, 2012, “JGSS o mochiita Bunseki: Dansei no Kaji Sanka,” ANZO, Shinji, and KOJIMA,
Hiroshi [eds.], Jinkogaku Library 11: Micro Data no Keiryo-Jinkogaku (Quantitative Demographic Analysis
of Microdata), pp.49-65.[FJ]
NAGAO, Yukiko, 2010, “The Gendered Choices in Higher Education Curriculums and Their Supporters:
Focusing on Japanese Vocationalization (Koto Kyoiku ni okeru Senko no Danjo-sa: Jitsugaku-Shiko no
Tenkai to Shijiso ni Chumoku shite),” Ochanomizu University, PROCEEDINGS 12 Grant-In-Aid Research
Awards, pp.81-90.[AE]
NAGAO, Yukiko, 2010, “Koto-Kyoiku-Shingaku to Senko no Henka ni kansuru Ichi-Kosatsu: Kyoyochi,
Shokugyochi oyobi Danjohi no Kanren kara,” Proceedings:62nd Conference of the Japan Society of
Educational Sociology, pp.380-381.[FJ]
NAKAO, Keiko, 2002, “Shakai-Kaiso to Gender (Social stratification and gender),” IWAI, Noriko, and SATO,
Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General Social Survey (Nihonjin
no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, pp.155-160.[FJ]
NOZAKI, Kayo, 2009, “Nihon ni okeru Shigoto-Manzoku-do to Seisa (Job Satisfaction and Gender in Japan),”
Working Paper Series, No.254, Graduate School of Economics, Kobe University, 16p.[FJ]
NOZAKI, Kayo, 2010, “Nihon ni okeru Shigoto-Manzoku-do to Seisa (Job Satisfaction and Gender in Japan),”
Journal of Personal Finance and Economics, Vol. 32, pp.33-49.[AE]
NOZAKI, Yuko, 2009, “The Psychological Burden of Child Rearing and Fertility Behavior: Moms Less Likely
to Have More Kids, but why?,” National Institute of Population and Social Security Research [ed.],
Theoretical and Emprical studies on workplace, Home, regional environment and declining birthrate,
NOZAKI, Yuko, 2011, “Work-Life Unbalance wa Doko de Okotteiruka (Women's Higher Education and
Work-Life Unbalance),” HIGUCHI, Yoshio[ed], Work-Life Balance to Kazoku Keisei (Work-Life Balance
and Family Formation)” Chapter 4, University of Tokyo Press.[FJ]
NOZAKI, Yuko, and FUKUDA, Nobutaka, 2009, “Josei no Kogakureki-ka ga Oyobosu Shussan-Kodo, Chingin
Suijun eno Eikyo: Bankon Penalty no Suikei (The Effects of Women's Higher Education on Fertility
Behavior and Wage Penalty Associated to Late Motherhood),” Hiroshima University Faculty of Economics
Discussion Paper Series, 2009-6.[FJ]
NOZAKI, Yuko, and FUKUDA, Nobutaka, 2010, “Wage Penalty Associated to Late Motherhood in Japan,”
Eastern Economics Association 36th Annual Conference, February 27, Loew’s Philadelphia Hotel,
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
NOZAKI, Yuko, and MATSUURA, Katsumi, 2008, “Seihi ga Danjo Shogai Kikon-ritsu ni ataeru Eikyo (The
Effects of Sex Ratio Imbalance and Higher Education on Marriage Behavior in Japan: An increasingly high
sex ratio as a justification for an overhaul of the social security system),” Abstracts: Japanese Economic
Association 2008 Fall Meeting, Tohoku University.[NP]
NOZAKI, Yuko, and MATSUURA, Katsumi, 2010, “The increasingly high sex ratio and lifelong unmarried rate
in Japan,” Journal of Population Research Vol.27 No.1, pp.43-57.[FE]
ONO, Hiromi, and SANDERS, James, 2009, “Divorce in Contemporary Japan and Its Gendered Patterns,”
International Journal of Sociology of the Family. 35, pp.169-188.[FE]
SASAKI, Takayuki, 2011, “JGSS Ruiseki Data 2000-2010 ni Miru Nihonjin no Seibetsu Yakuwari Bungyo
Ishiki no Susei: Age-Period-Cohort Analysis no Tekiyo (The Transformation of Japanese Gender Role
Attitudes based on JGSS Cumulative Data 2000-2010: An Application of Age-Period-Cohort Analysis),”
Proceedings: 21st Conference of the Japan Society of Family Sociology, pp.40-41.[FJ]
SASAKI, Takayuki, 2012, “Gender role attitude and modernization in Japan: An examination of JGSS
cumulative data 2000-2010,” The 40th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology, February
17, Delhi, India.[FE]
SASAKI, Takayuki, 2012, “The Transformation of Japanese Gender Role Attitudes based on JGSS Cumulative
Data 2000-2010: An Application of Age-Period-Cohort Analysis (JGSS Ruiseki-Data 2000-2010 ni miru
Nihonjin no Seibetsu Yakuwari Bungyo Ishiki no Susei: Age-Period-Cohort Analysis no Teikiyo),” JGSS
Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.9 (JGSS Monographs
No.12), pp.69-80.[AE]
SHIMA, Naoko, 2010, “Wives’ Employment for Husbands’ Sex Role Attitudes: Interaction by Husbands’
Earning Status (Tsuma no Joko Shuro ga Otto no Seibetsu Yakuwari Bungyo Ishiki ni oyobosu Eikyo: Otto
no Keizairyoku ni yoru Kougo-Sayo),” Japanese Journal of International Society for Gender Studies, Vol.8,
SHIRAKAWA, Toshiyuki, 2008, “Relationship between Underemployment and Gender in Youth Labor Market:
From the Analysis of Integrated Data of JGSS (Jakunen Rodo-Shijo ni okeru Hi-Tenkei-gata Koyo, Mugyo
to Gender: JGSS Togo-Data ni yoru Bunseki kara),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of
Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.4 (JGSS
Monographs No.7), pp.133-145.[AE]
TAKEDA, Yuka, 2010, “The Gender Gap in Political Participation: A JGSS-2003 data-based Analysis of
Political Resources and Political Involvement (Seiji Sanka ni okeru Gender Gap: JGSS-2003 ni yoru Shigen,
Seiji-teki Kanyo Yoin no Kento),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS
Research Series No.7 (JGSS Monographs No.10), pp.323-335.[AE]
TANAKA, Ryuichi, 2008, “The gender-asymmetric effect of working mothers on children's education: Evidence
from Japan,” Journal of The Japanese and International Economies 22 (2008), pp.586-604.[FE]
UEMURA, Ryotaro, 2008, “Seiyakuwari-Hoyu, Seisa, Inshu-Kodo,” Proceedings: 18th Conference of the Japan
Society of Family Sociology, pp.24-25.[FJ]
YASUDA, Hiroki, 2009, “Koyo-nushi wa Sei-Yakuwari-Ishiki o Motteirunoka: JGSS o Mochiita Kensho (Do
employers have gender role attitudes: Empirical analysis by using JGSS),” Japanese Economic Association
2009 Spring Meeting, June 6, Kyoto University.[FJ]
YASUDA, Hiroki, 2010, “Micro Data o Mochiita Nihon no Rodo Shijo ni Kansuru Jissho Bunseki (Empirical
analysis on Japanese labor market using micro data),” Doctoral Thesis, Graduate School of Economics, Keio
Universitry, 146p.[FJ]
YASUDA, Hiroki, 2011, “Koyo-nushi no Seibetsu Yakuwari Ishiki ni kansuru Jissho Bunseki: Koyo-nushi ga
motsu nowa 'Konomi ni yoru Sabetsu' Ishiki ka, 'Kotei Kannen' ka (Empirical Analysis of Employer’s
Gender Role Attitudes),” Economic Analysis, No.184, pp.51-74.[AE]
YASUDA, Hiroki, 2013, “Koyo-nushi no Seibetsu Yakuwari Ishiki ga Kigyo no Josei Wariai ni ataeru Eikyo
(The Impact of Employers’ Gender Role Attitudes on the Proportion of Women),” The Japanese Journal of
Labour Studies No.636 (July 2013), pp.89-107.[AE]
37. Marriage/Divorce
AKABAYASHI, Hideo, 2007, “Who suffered from the superstition in the marriage market? The case of
Hinoeuma in Japan,” presented at American Economic Association Annual Meeting.[FE]
AKAEDA, Naoki, 2009, “Hi-tsunen-teki Kekkon-kan ni taisuru Toshi Koka no Saikento: Multilevel Model o
mochiite (Reexamination of Urban Effects on Unconventional Marital View: Using a Multilevel Model),”
Proceedings: 82nd Conference of the Japan Sociological Society, p.199.[FJ]
ANZO, Shinji, 2001, “Rikon ni kansuru Yoin-bunseki: Nippon-ban General Social Surveys (JGSS) Dai- 2-kai
Yobi-chosa o mochiite (An analysis on the divorce: Using Japanese General Social Surveys (JGSS) Second
Pilot Survey Data),” Proceedings: 53rd Annual Meeting of the Population Association of Japan, p.128.[FJ]
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
ANZO, Shinji, 2002, “Rikon no Yoin to Haikei (Causes and Background of Divorce),” Proceedings: 54th Annual
Meeting of the Population Association of Japan, pp.17-19.[FJ]
ANZO, Shinji, 2002, “Rikon no Suii to sono Yoin: America to Nihon no Rikon ni tsuite (Transition of divorce
and its causes: Divorce of the United States and Japan),” Statistics, Oct.2002, pp.16-22.[FJ]
ANZO, Shinji, 2003, “Determinants of Divorce in Japan: Analysis of Discrete Time Hazard Model about
Divorce using the JGSS-2000 (Rikon to sono Yoin: Waga Kuni ni okeru Rikon ni kansuru Yoin Bunseki),”
Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of
Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Monographs No.2, pp.25-45.[AE]
ANZO, Shinji, 2004, “Marriage in a Low Fertility Society: Utilizing JGSS-2000, JGSS-2001, and JGSS-2002
(Shoshi-shakai no Kekkon: JGSS-2000, JGSS-2001 oyobi JGSS-2002 o mochiite),” Institute of Regional
Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS
Monographs No.3, pp.13-28.[AE]
ANZO, Shinji, 2005, “Mikon-ka, Bankon-ka, Hikon-ka no Jissho Bunseki: Naze ‘Ii Hito’ ga inainoka (Analyses
on growing popurality of never marriage, late marriage, single through life: Isn't there good person?),”
ESTRELA, No.134, pp.3-11.[FJ]
ANZO, Shinji, 2008, “Shoshi-ka Shakai ni okeru Kekkon-kan (Attitude Toward Marriage in Low Fertility
Society),” TANIOKA, Ichiro, NITTA, Michio, and IWAI, Noriko [eds.], Values and Behavioral Patterns in
Japan: An Analysis Based on Japanese General Social Surveys, 2000 to 2003 (Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo),
University of Tokyo Press, pp.73-89.[FJ]
ASAI, Yukiko, SATO, Hiroki, TANAKA, Keiko, TSUTSUI, Jun'ya, NAKAMURA, Mayumi, NAGAI, Akiko,
MIZUOCHI, Masaaki, and MIWA, Satoshi, 2007, Quantitative Analyses on Marriage and Mate Selection,
SSJ Data Archive Research Paper Series 37 (SSJDA-37), The Information Center for Social Science
Research on Japan, The Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo. 94p.[FJ]
CHEN, Yu-Hua, 2007, “Cohort and Age Effects on Marriage,” The 9th Research Meeting of Taiwan Social
Change Survey, Academia Sinica, Taipei.[NP]
CHEN, Yu-Hua, TSUTSUI, Jun'ya, and KOH, Chi-Young, 2008, “Mate Selection Trends in Japan, Korea, and
Taiwan: An Analysis Using EASS2006,” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.],
JGSS SYMPOSIUM 2008: Development of East Asian Social Surveys: Results of EASS 2006 Family
Module, pp.163-181.[FE]
CHIHAYA, Kenji, 2010, “The Effect of Third-party Influence in Marriage Partner Choice and Educational
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HIRAO, Keiko, 2010, “Work Histories and Marriage Events: Dynamic Analyses of JGSS-2009 Life Course
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IWAI, Noriko, 2002, “Shiawase de nakereba Rikon shita ho ga yoika (Better to divorce if you are not happy?),”
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KOJIMA, Hiroshi, 2011, “Cohabitation in East Asia and Its Demographic Implications,,” Proceedings:
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LU, Yilong, 2007, “Do ‘Little Emperors’ Enhance Marital Stability? -Evidence from Urban China,” Proceedings:
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MIWA, Satoshi, 2006, “Rikon to Shakaikaiso no Kanren ni kansuru Shironteki-Kousatsu (An Exploratory
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MIWA, Satoshi, 2007, “Naze Rikon-Risk wa Shakai-Kaiso ni yori Kotonarunoka (The Effect of Social
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MIZUOCHI, Masaaki, 2006, “Gakusotsu-chokugo no Koyo-jotai ga Kekkon Timing ni ataeru Eikyo (The Effect
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NOZAKI, Yuko, 2006, “Bankon-ka/Mikon-ka ni kansuru Ichi-Kosatsu (A Study on Late Marriage in Japan: An
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NOZAKI, Yuko, 2007, “Makuro-Keizai Yoin ga oyobosu Kekkon-Kodo eno Eikyo (The Effects of
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NOZAKI, Yuko, 2007, “Women’s Higher Education and Marriage Timing in an era of employment uncertainty
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NOZAKI, Yuko, 2008, “Labor Supply of Older Married Couples,” Abstracts: Regional Meeting of Japan Society
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NOZAKI, Yuko, 2009, “An Examination on Marriage Squeeze by Split Population Duration Model: By Using
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NOZAKI, Yuko, and MATSUURA, Katsumi, 2008, “Seihi ga Danjo Shogai Kikon-ritsu ni ataeru Eikyo (The
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JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
38. Methodology
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ASAKURA, Masami, 2008, “The Characteristics of Respondents in Personal-Visit Interviews: With an Attention
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(JGSS Tokei Bunseki Seminar 2013: Keiko Score, Weighting-ho o mochiita Oyo Model),” JGSS Research
Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.11 (JGSS Monographs No.14),
HAYASHI, Hikaru, 2012, “JGSS Statistical Analysis Seminar: Causal Analysis Using Propensity Score
Weighting (JGSS Tokei Bunseki Seminar 2011: Keiko Score Weighting-ho o mochiiru Inga Bunseki),” JGSS
Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.9 (JGSS Monographs
No.12), pp.107-127.[AE]
HAYASHI, Takuya, 2004, “Shokugyo Shiko no Tagen-teki Kozo o toraeru Wakugumi: Profile-ho ni yoru
Conjoint Bunseki Model no Tekiyo ni mukete (An Analytical Framework of Multi-Dimensional Structure on
Career Orientation: Toward Application of Conjoint Analysis based on Profile Method),” The Journal of
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HAYASHI, Takuya, 2012, “Shakai Chosa Data o mochiita Positioning Bunseki no Kiso,” Textbook for
Sociometry, Graduate school of Humanities and Sciences, Nara Women's University, 111p.[FJ]
HAYASHI, Takuya, ISHIDA, Mitsunori, and TANABE, Shunsuke, 2012, Hoso Daigaku Kyozai:
Shakai-Tokeigaku Nyumon (Textbook for The Open University of Japan: Social Statistics Primer), The
Society for the Promotion of the Open University of Japan, 234p.[FJ]
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HIRAO, Keiko, 2010, “Zero Nendai no Life Course (2): JGSS-2009 Life Course Study ni yoru Shokureki to
Kekkon Ibento no Bunseki (The Life Course of Japanese Young Adults in the 2000s (2): Dynamic Analyses
of Work Histories and Marriage Event),” Proceedings: 20th Conference of the Japan Society of Family
Sociology, pp.30-31.[FJ]
HIRAO, Keiko, 2010, “JGSS-2009 Life Course Study no Sekkei, Jisshi, Bunseki: Event History Bunseki no
Tekiyo (The Design, Inplementation. an Analysis of JGSS-2009 Life Course Study: An Application of Event
History Analysis),” Proceedings: 83rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Sociological Society, p.191.[FJ]
HOSHINO, Takahiro, and MAEDA, Tadahiko, 2006, “Applying Propensity-score Adjustment to Social Surveys
with Non-random Sasmpling and a Selection Criterion for Convariates (Keiko Score o mochiita Hosei-ho no
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IWAI, Hachiro, 2010, “JGSS-2009 Life Course Study no Sekkei, Jisshi, Bunseki: Kaiko-teki Keireki Data no
Shikaku-teki Bunseki (The Design, Inplementation, and Analysis of JGSS-2009 Life Course Study: A Visual
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IWAI, Noriko, and YASUDA, Tokio, 2007, Basics of Survey Data Analysis: Usage of JGSS Data and Online
Data Analysis (Chosa-Data-Bunseki no Kiso: JGSS Data to Online-Shukei no Katsuyo), Yuhikaku, 296p.[FJ]
KANBAYASHI, Hiroshi, and MIWA, Satoshi, 2011, Shakai-Chosa no tame no Tokeigaku, Gijutsu-Hyohron Co.,
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MIWA, Satoshi, 2009, “A New Class Mapping Using Micro-Class Schema From JGSS Cumulative Dataset
(Shakai-teki Kakusa o toraeru tameno Micro-Class Approach),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of
Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.5 (JGSS
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NOZAKI, Kayo, 2011, “JGSS Statistical Analysis Seminar: Analysis of “the Others’ Influences” Using
Ego-Centric Network Data (JGSS Tokei Bunseki Seminar 2010: Ego-Centric na Network o mochiita ‘Tasha
no Eikyo’ no Bunseki),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series
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OKADA, Akinori, NAKAI, Miki, and GENJI, Keiko, 2012, Introduction to data analysis: Basic statistics (Deta
Bunseki Nyumon: Kiso Tokei), Kyoritsu Shuppan Co.Ltd. 166p.[FJ]
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SASAKI, Takayuki, 2009, “JGSS Statistical Analysis Seminar: Application Examples of Event History Analysis
(JGSS Tokei Bunseki Seminar: Event History Bunseki no Tekiyo-rei),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka
University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series
No.5 (JGSS Monographs No.8), pp.91-105.[AE]
TAKAHASHI, Kazuko, TAKAMURA, Hiroya and OKUMURA Manabu, 2006, “Bunrui Score ni Motozuita
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Proceedings: 12th Annual Meeting of The Association for Natural Lznguage Processing, pp.376-379.[FJ]
TAKAHASHI, Kazuko, TAKAMURA, Hiroya, and OKUMURA Manabu, 2007, “Fukusu no Bunrui Score o
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TAKEUCHI, Tomohiko, 2013, “JGSS Statistical Analysis Seminar: Latent Class Model Analysis Using Panel
Data (JGSS Tokei Seminar 2012: Panel Data o mochiita Senzai Class Model Bunseki),” GSS Research
Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.10 (JGSS Monographs No.13),
TSUMURA, Mondo, IWAI, Noriko, YASUDA, Tokio and SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 2008, “Latent Class Models of
the use of communication devices based on JGSS-2005: Example of Application in the Statistical Analysis
Seminar (JGSS-2005 o mochiita Tsushin-Kiki Riyo no Senzai Class Model: Tokei Bunseki Seminar ni okeru
Tekiyo-rei),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science,
University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.4 (JGSS Monographs No.7), pp.233-249.[AE]
YAMAGUCHI, Kazuo, 2012, “New Regression Models with Egocentric Social Network Data: An analysis of
political party preference in Japan,” RIETI Discussion Paper Series 12-E-048, 46p.[FE]
YAMAGUCHI, Kazuo, 2013, “New Regression Models with Egocentric Social Network Data: An Analysis of
Political Party Preference in Japan,” Sociological Methodology, Vol.43 No.1, pp.312-345.[FE]
YASUDA, Tokio, 2004, “The Generalized χ2 Goodness-of-fit Test for Large-scale Sample: Application to the
data of JGSS (Daikibo Sample ni taisuru Ippanka χ2 Tekigo-do Kentei: JGSS Data eno Tekiyo Rei),” Institute
of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo
[eds.], JGSS Monographs No.3, pp.175-186.[AE]
YASUDA, Tokio, 2004, “Ippanka χ2 Tekigo-do Kentei no Kanosei: Daikibo Sample no Kyoyu Kokai Data ga
hikiokosu Mondai eno Taisho (Usefulness of the Generalized χ2 Goodness-of-fit Test: A solution of the
problem occurred by public large-scale sample),” Preprints of the 37th Conference of the Japanese
Association for Mathematical Sociology, pp.14-17.[FJ]
YASUDA, Tokio, 2005, “An Analysis on the Missing Mechanism of Fathers’ Education in JGSS: The difference
between DK and NA (JGSS Data ni yoru Chichi Gakureki no Kesson Mechanism no Bunseki: ‘Wakaranai’ to
‘Mu-kaito’ no Chigai),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social
Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.1 (JGSS Monographs No.4), pp.243-256.[AE]
YASUDA, Tokio, 2006, “Problems around Textbooks for Data Analyses of Social Survey Data: The Result of
Interview with Undergraduate Students (Shakai-Chosa no Data Kaiseki Text o meguru Mondai: Gakusei
Interview no Kekka kara),” The Review of Osaka University of Commerce, No.142, pp.87-98.[FJ]
YASUDA, Tokio, 2006, “Sokutei Rinen no Jitsugen o samatageru Hi-chosasha to no Kairi (Unbridgeable gulf
between investigators and respondents that disturbs achievement of measurement ideas),” Proceedings: 79th
Conference of the Japan Sociological Society, p.105.[FJ]
YASUDA, Tokio, 2008, “An Application of Online Data Analysis to Education of Social Survey (Chosa Data
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39. Consumer Behavior
AITA, Yoshihisa, ISHIDA, Akira, KAGEYAMA, Yoshiteru, and YABE, Mitsuyasu, 2007, “An Analysis of
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
Consumer Attributes and Changes in the Purchase of Organic Agricultural Products (Yuki Nosanbutsu no
Konyu-Henka to Shohisha no Zokusei Bunseki),” The Agricultural Marketing Society of Japan [ed.],
Agricultural Marketing Journal of Japan, Vol.16, No.1, pp.68-72.[AE]
“Do Dual-Earner Couples Use Food Service Industry to Reduce Their Housework? Empirical Evidence from
Japan Using JGSS-2006 (Tomokasegi-Fufu no Gaishoku, Chushoku Riyo to Kaji Rodo Sakugen: JGSS-2006
o mochiita Jissho Bunseki o Chushin ni),” Bulletin of Niigata University of International and Information
Studies Department of Information Culture, 15, pp.33-51.[FJ]
DATE, Heiwa, and IWAI, Noriko, 2014, “JGSS de yomu Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo dai-13-kai: Setsuyaku
Kodo, Shohi Iyoku no Jokyo to Henka (Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese
General Social Survey: The condition and transition of saving action and consumer confidence),” Japan
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INAMASU, Kazunori, and IKEDA, Ken’ichi, 2010, “Social Psychological Research for “Buycott” and Social
Participation: Using JGSS-2008 Dataset (Buycott to Shakai-Sanka no Shakai-Shinrigaku-teki Kenkyu:
JGSS-2008 Data o mochiita Kento),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS
Research Series No.7 (JGSS Monographs No.10), pp.73-85.[AE]
ISHIDA, Akira, and AITA, Yoshihisa, 2005, “Consumer Purchasing Behavior for Organic Agricultural Products
as Indicated in JGSS-2002 Data (Shohi-sha no Yuki Nosanbutsu Kobai Kodo ni kansuru Ichi-Kosatsu:
JGSS-2002 Data o mochiite),” The Agricultural Marketing Society of Japan [ed.], Agricultural Marketing
Journal of Japan, Vol.14, No.2, pp.45-54.[AE]
KAGEYAMA, Yoshiteru, ISHIDA, Akira, YOKOYAMA, Shigeki. and AITA, Yoshihihisa, 2008, “Which
Consumers Are More Likely to Check the Place of Origin on the Fresh Food Label? (Sanchi Hyoji no
Kakunin Hindo ni kansuru Ichikosatsu),” Bulletin of the Faculty of Life and Environmental Science-Shimane
University, No.13, pp.45-52.[AE]
MATSUZAWA, Yoko, 2007, “A Study of the use of credit cards: From the Data of JGSS-2005 (Credit Card no
Riyo ni kansuru Ichi-Kosatsu: JGSS-2005 no Bunseki kara),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University
of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.3 (JGSS
Monographs No.6), pp.107-118.[AE]
MOROZUMI, Ryoko, 2007, “An Empirical Study of Health-related Consumption and Subjective Health Status,”
Doctoral dissertation, Graduate School of Economics, the University of Tokyo.[FE]
NAGASAKI, Chizuka, ISHIDA, Akira, and YOKOYAMA, Shigeki, 2007, “A study on use frequency of
convenience store and consumer attributes (Convenience Store no Riyo-Hindo to Shohisha-Zokusei ni
kansuru Kosatsu),” Journal of the Japanese Society of Agricultural Technology Management, Vol.14 No.2,
NAOI, Megumi, 2010, “Why Low-Income Citizens Are Protectionist Consumers: A Research Note on
JGSS-2008,” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], JGSS Research Series No.7
(JGSS Monographs No.10), pp.137-148.[FE]
OHASHI, Masahiko, 2004, “Affecting Factors for Eco-Behaviors of Japanese-Consumers in the Data of
JGSS-2002 (JGSS-2002 Data ni miru Waga-kuni Shohisha no Eco sho-Kodo to sono Kitei-in),” Institute of
Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.],
JGSS Monographs No.3, pp.93-107.[AE]
OHASHI, Masahiko, 2004, “An Empirical Study on the Sustainable Pricing by the Data of JGSS-2002
(JGSS-2002-nen Data ni yoru Jizoku Kano na Kakaku Seisaku ni kansuru Jissho Kenkyu),” The Review of
Osaka University of Commerce, No.133, pp.25-47.[FJ]
OHASHI, Masahiko, 2005, “Affecting Factors for the Information Search Behavior of Japanese-Consumers in
the Data of JGSS-2003 (Waga-kuni Shohisha no Joho Tansaku Kodo to sono Kitei-in: JGSS-2003 Data ni
yoru Kensho Kekka),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social
Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.1 (JGSS Monographs No.4), pp.17-32.[AE]
OHASHI, Masahiko, 2005, “Waga-kuni Shohisha ni okeru Joho Tansaku Kodo no Kitei-in to Keiei-Shindan:
JGSS-2003 Data ni yoru (Affecting Factors for the Information Search Behavior of Japanese Consumers in
the Data of JGSS-2003 and Business Diagnosis),” 38th Conference of the Japanese Society of Business
OHASHI, Masahiko, 2005, “Junkan-gata Shakai ni okeru Eco Kakaku Seisaku to sono Shindan: 2002-nen JGSS
Data no Kaiseki Kekka yori (A Practical Study on the Sustainable Pricing and the Diagnosis by the Data of
JGSS-2002),” The Review of the Japanese Society of Business Diagnosis, No.5, pp.59-68.[FJ]
OHASHI, Masahiko, 2006, “Affecting Factors for Eco-Behaviors of Japanes Consumers in the Data of
JGSS-2002 and Sustainable Marketing (Waga Kuni Shohisha ni okeru Kankyo Kodo no Kitei-in to Jizoku
Kano Marketing: JGSS-2002 no Data yori),” The Review of Osaka University of Commerce No.141,
OHASHI, Masahiko, 2006, “Waga-kuni Shohisha no Joho Tansaku Kodo no Kitei-in to Keiei-Shindan:
JGSS-2003 Data ni yoru Kensho Kekka (Affecting Factors for the Information Search Behavior of Japanese
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
Consumers in the Data of JGSS-2003 and Business Diagnosis),” The Review of the Japanese Society of
Business Diagnosis N0.6, pp.106-118.[FJ]
OHASHI, Masahiko, 2008, “Life Style Kenkyu to Lohasu Shiko: JGSS-2003 yori (A Study on Lifestyles of
Health and Sustainability of Japanese Consumers in the Data of JGSS-2003),” 141st Conference of the
Japanese Society of Business Diagnosis in Kansai Section.[NP]
OHASHI, Masahiko, 2008, “Shohisha no Kankyo-Kodo (Eco-Behavior of Consumers),” TANIOKA, Ichiro,
NITTA, Michio, and IWAI, Noriko [eds.], Values and Behavioral Patterns in Japan: An Analysis Based on
Japanese General Social Surveys, 2000 to 2003 (Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo), University of Tokyo Press,
OHASHI, Masahiko, 2008, “On Affecting Factors for the Change of Life and Shopping Behavior in the Data of
JGSS-2003 (Waga-Kuni Shohisha ni okeru Seikatsu/Kaimono Shiko no Jittai to Sono Kitei-in:
JGSS-2003-nen Data yori),” The Review of Osaka University of Commerce, No.147, p.91-109.[FJ]
OHASHI, Masahiko, 2009, “Henka suru Wagakuni Shohisha ni okeru Eco Kodo no Kitei-in to Keiei-Shindan:
JGSS-2008 yori (Affecting Factors for Changing Eco-Behaviors of Japanese Consumers in the Data of
JGSS-2008 and Business Diagnosis),” 147th Conference of the Japanese Society of Business Diagnosis in
Kansai Section.[NP]
OHASHI, Masahiko, 2010, “Affecting Factors for Eco-Behaviors of Japanese Consumers: Mainly on a
Comparison between JGSS-2002 and 2008 (Waga-kuni Shohisha ni okeru Eco Sho-Kodo to sono Kitei-in:
JGSS-2002 to JGSS-2008 no Hikaku o Chushin ni),” JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce
[ed.], JGSS Research Series No.7 (JGSS Monographs No.10), pp.61-72.[AE]
OHASHI, Masahiko, 2010, “Henka suru Waga-kuni Shohisha no Eco Sho-Kodo to Kigyo ni okeru Kankyo Risk:
JGSS-2008 oyobi 2002 yori (The Changing Eco-Behaviors of Japanese Consumers in the Data of JGSS-2008
and Environmental Risk in Manufacturers),” Kansai Meeting of Japan Risk Management Society, March 15,
Okinawa University.[NP]
OHASHI, Masahiko, 2010, “Waga-kuni Shohisha ni okeru Eco Sho-Kodo no Henka to Kouri Shogyo-Shisetsu:
JGSS-2008 oyobi 2002 yori (The Changing Eco-Behaviors of Japanese Consumers in the Data of JGSS-2008
and Commercial Facilities with Retailers),” 13th Conference of Academic Society for Commercial Facilities
Japan in Kansai Section, February 6, Osaka University of Commerce.[NP]
OHASHI, Masahiko, 2010, “Waga-kuni Shohisha ni okeru Eco Sho-Kodo no Henka to Kouri Shogyo-Shisetsu:
JGSS-2008 oyobi 2002 yori (The Changing Eco-Behaviors of Japanese Consumers in the Data of JGSS-2008
and Commercial Facilities with Retailers),” 9th Conference of Academic Society for Commercial Facilities
Japan, August 8, Bunnka Women's University.[NP]
OHASHI, Masahiko, 2011, “Waga Kuni Shohisha ni okeru Eco Kodo no Kitei-in to Kankyo Risk: JGSS-2008 no
Data yori (Affecting Factors for Eco-Behaviors of Japanes Consumers in the Data of JGSS-2008 and
Environmental Risk),” Japan Risk Management Society, Risk and Insurance Management No.42,
OHASHI, Masahiko, 2012, “Affecting Factors for Changing Eco-Behaviors and Eco-Goods’ Purchases of
Japanese Consumers in the Cumulative Data of JGSS2000-2010 (Waga-kuni Shohisha ni okeru Eco
Sho-Kodo oyobi Eco Shohin-Konyu no Henka to Kiteiin: JGSS ruiseki Data 2000-2010 yori),” 45th
Conference of Academic Society for Business Diagnosis Japan, September 30, Hokkaido University.[AE]
SHIMIZU, Makoto, 2002, “COLUMN: Kakei no Jokyo (Conditions of family finances),” IWAI, Noriko, and
SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General Social Survey
(Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, pp.168-170.[FJ]
SUN, Feizhou, 2007, “Social Awareness about Possession and Use of the Automobile based on JGSS-2005:
Mainly on the Difference of City and County, Possessor and Non-possessor (JGSS-2005 kara mita Jidosha
no Hoyu to Shiyo ni kansuru Shakai-Ishiki: Toshi to Chiho, Hoyusha to Hi-Hoyusha no Sai o Chushin ni),”
Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of
Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.3 (JGSS Monographs No.6), pp.57-68.[AE]
TATEISHI, Yuji, 2006, “Setsuyaku Shiko to Eco Konyu Shiko: Gendai Nihon no Kankyo Hairyo Kodo to
Kankyo Ishiki,” SSJ Data Archive Research Paper Series 33 (SSJDA-33) ‘JGSS kara yomu Nihonjin no
Kodo to Ishiki (Behaviors and Attitudes among Japanese as Clarified by JGSS),’ Information Center for
Social Science Research on Japan, Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo, pp.1-16.[FJ]
YAMAMOTO, Michiko, 2007, “An Analysis Using JGSS-2002 Data of the Determinants of Purchasing Organic
Vegetables (Mu-Noyaku/Yuki Saibai Yasai no Konyu o Kitei suru Yoin: JGSS-2002 o mochiita Bunseki),”
Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of
Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.3 (JGSS Monographs No.6), pp.181-192.[AE]
40. Female Employment
FUKUDA, Jun, and HISAMOTO, Norio, 2010, “Josei no Shuro to Oya-Sedai no Kosodate Sanka no Kankei,”
the 121st Conference of the Society for the Study of Social Policy, October 30, Ehime University.[FJ]
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
FUWA, Makiko, 2009, “Ryoritsu-Shien, Rodo-Kankyo no Chiiki-sa to Josei no Shuro (The Effect of Childcare
Provision and Labor Market Gender Relations on Women’s Employment in Japan),” Proceedings:82nd
Conference of the Japan Sociological Society, p.263.[FJ]
HONDA, Yuki, 2005, “Kodomo to iu Risk (Child as the Risk),” TACHIBANAKI, Toshiaki [ed.], Gendai Josei
no Rodo, Kekkon, Kosodate (Labor, Marriage and Childrearing of Contemporary Japanese Women),
Minerva Shobo, pp.65-93.[FJ]
HOSOI, Masayo, 2009, “Josei-Shuro no Sokushin-Seisaku ga motarasu Zaisei eno Eikyo;Chiho-Jichitai no
Kosodate-Shien no Tuika-teki Hiyo to Shunyu no Hikaku Bunseki (The Fiscal Effect of Policies for the
Promotion of Female Participation in the Workplace- A Comparative Analysis of the Additional Child-Care
Costs and Revenue in Local Governments),” Toshimondai Kenkyu, Vol.61 No.6, Toshi Mondai Kenkyukai,
IWAI, Hachiro, 2002, “Hataraku Josei no Career (Careers of women in the labor force),” IWAI, Noriko, and
SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General Social Survey
(Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, pp.125-131.[FJ]
IWAI, Hachiro, 2007, “Changing Patterns of Women's Life Course in the Japanese Lost Decade,” Global COE
Kickoff Symposium.[FE]
IWAI, Hachiro, 2010, “Changing Patterns of the Course of Women's Live in Japan's Lost Decade: An Analysis of
the Work History of the Second Generation Baby Boomers,” Journal of Intimate and Public Spheres, Pilot
Issue March 2010, pp.55-71.[FE]
IWAI, Hachiro, 2013, “Expanding Women's Opportunities and their Effects on Demographic and Attitudinal
Changes in Asian Societies: A Comparative Study based on EASS-2006 and Thai & Vietnam Family Surveys
2010,” International Seminar on Seeing Family Changes from Quantitative and Comparative Perspective,
March 20, College of Population Studies, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok.
IWAI, Hachiro, 2013, “Expanding Women's Opportunity and its Effects on Family Value Changes in Vietnam
and other Asian Societies: A Comparative Study based on EASS-2006 and Thai & Vietnam Family Surveys
2010,” International Workshop on Vietnamese Families in the Context of Industrialization, Modernization
and Integration in Comparative Perspective, November 7, Institute for Family and Gender Studies, Vietnam
Academiy of Social Sciences, Ha Noi.
IWAI, Noriko, 2002, “Hahaoya no Shugyo, Tsuma no Shugyo (Maternal/ Wives’ employment),” IWAI, Noriko,
and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese General Social
Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata: JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikakusensho, pp.16-24.[FJ]
KAWAGUCHI, Daiji, and MIYAZAKI, Junko, 2005, “Working Mothers and Son’s Preferences Regarding
Female Labor: Direct Evidence from Stated Preferences,” Discussion Paper Series (Hitotsubashi University)
KAWAGUCHI, Daiji, and MIYAZAKI, Junko, 2009, “Working mothers and son’s preferences regarding female
labor supply: direct evidence from stated preferences,” Journal of Population Economics (2009) 22,
KUMLIN, Johanna, 2007, “The Sex Wage Gap in Japan and Sweden: The Role of Human Capital, Workplace
Sex Composition, and Family Responsibility,” Oxford University Press, European Sociological Review,
23(2), pp.203-221.[FE]
MANABE, Rinko, 2004, “Educational Difference of Women's Working Behaviors: Husbunds’ Income and
Wifes’ Working Choice (Josei no Shuro-Kodo no Gakureki-sa: Otto no Shunyu to Tsuma no Shuro),” Bulltin
of Tokyo Gakugei University, Series 1, Science of education, Vol.55, pp.29-36.[FJ]
MANO, Yukichi, and YAMAMURA, Eiji, 2012, “The Influence of a wife’s working status on her husband’s
accumulation of human capital,” MPRA Paper No.37247, 27p.[FE]
MATSUDA, Shigeki, 2005, “Gendai Nihon ni okeru Hahaoya no Shuro no Kodomo eno Eikyo ni kansuru Kihan
Ishiki (Attitude Relating to Effects of Mother's Work to Preschool Children in Contemporary Japan),”
WATANABE, Hideki [ed.], Gendai Nihon no Shakai Ishiki: Kazoku, Kodomo, Gender (Changing Values in
Contemporary Japan: Insights from Gender, Family and Education), 21COE-CCC Tabunka Sekai ni okeru
Shimin Ishiki no Dotai Series 6, Keio University Press, pp.85-105.[FJ]
MIZUOCHI, Masaaki, 2006, “Hoiku Service no Ryo-teki/Shitsu-teki Jujitsu ga Josei no Shugyo to Shussan ni
ataeru Eikyo (The Effect of Childcare Services on Fertility and Women's Employment),” Journal of Tohoku
Economic Association 2005, pp.45-49.[FJ]
MIZUOCHI, Masaaki, 2006, “Gakusotsu-chokugo no Koyo-jotai ga Kekkon Timing ni ataeru Eikyo (The Effect
of Employment Status right after Graduation on Marriage Timing in Japan),” Journal of Personal Finance
and Economics, Vol. 22 & 23, pp.167-176.[AE]
NISHIKAWA, Makiko, 2002, “A Study on Labour Supply and Work Hours of Married Couples: Results from
the JGSS-2000 (Fufu no Rodo Kyokyu ni kansuru Ichi-kosatsu: JGSS-2000 Data ni yoru Kento),” Institute
of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo
[eds.], JGSS Monographs No.1, pp.33-44.[AE]
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
NOZAKI, Kayo, 2009, “Nihon ni okeru Danjo-kan Chingin-Kakusa to Shokugyo-Kettei (Male-Female Wage
Differentials and Occupational Decision in Japan),” Working Paper Series, No.252, Graduate School of
Economics, Kobe University, 17p.[FJ]
NOZAKI, Kayo, 2009, “Nihon ni okeru Josei no Hataraki-kata, Iki-kata ni kansuru Keizai Bunseki (An
Economic Analysis of Work and Life Styles Among Japanese Women),” Doctoral Thesis, Graduate School of
Economics, Kobe University, 122p.[FJ]
NOZAKI, Kayo, 2010, “Nihon ni okeru Danjo-kan Chingin-Kakusa to Shokugyo Sentaku (Male-Female Wage
Differentials and Occupational Choice in Japan),” Kikan Kakei Keizai Kenkyu, No.87, pp.51-63.[FJ]
NOZAKI, Yuko, 2006, “Danjo-kan Chingin Kakusa no Yoin Bunkai: Gakureki betsu Kensho (Decomposition of
Gender Wage Gap by Educational Background),” Journal of Personal Finance and Economics, Vol.22 & 23,
NOZAKI, Yuko, 2007, “Josei no Ko-gakureki-ka to Keizai-Kakusa ni kansuru Kenkyu (A Study on Women's
Higher Education and Economic Disparity),” Doctoral Thesis, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of
Social Sciences (Economics), pp.47-65, pp.67-86.[FJ]
NOZAKI, Yuko, and FUKUDA, Nobutaka, 2011, “The Effects of Women's Higher Education on Fertility
Behavior and Wage Levels: The Wage Penalty Associated with Late Motherhood in Japan,” Hiroshima
University Faculty of Economics Discussion Paper Series, 2011-04.[FE]
SEKINE, Sayaka, 2008, “The Impact of Mother to Child; Causal Analyses on Intergenerational Transmission
(Ko ni taisuru Hahaoya no Eikyo; Sedaikan-Ido ni kansuru Yoin-Bunseki),” Journal of economics, Vol.30,
Meiji University, pp.97-114.[FJ]
SEKINE, Sayaka, 2009, “Ko ni taisuru Hahaoya no Eikyo; Sedaikan-Ido ni kansuru Yoin-Bunseki (The Impact
of Mother to Child; Causal Analyses on Intergenerational Transmission),” Dentsu Ikueikai Summer Seminar
2009 (August 8, Crosswave Makuhari).[FJ]
SHIMA, Naoko, 2010, “Wives’ Employment for Husbands’ Sex Role Attitudes: Interaction by Husbands’
Earning Status (Tsuma no Joko Shuro ga Otto no Seibetsu Yakuwari Bungyo Ishiki ni oyobosu Eikyo: Otto
no Keizairyoku ni yoru Kougo-Sayo),” Japanese Journal of International Society for Gender Studies, Vol.8,
SHIMAZAKI, Naoko, 2004, “Josei no Career o torimaku Josei o shirou (The environments of Women's career in
Japan),” presented at J-Career Waseda Project Session 2, Waseda University.[NP]
TAKAMATSU, Rie, 2012, “Occupational Gender Segregation and Wages in Japan (Seibetsu Shokuiki Bunri ga
Chingin ni ataeru Eikyo to sono Mechanism ni kansuru Jissho Kenkyu: Gino ni Chumokushite),” Kansai
Sociological Review, Vol.11 2012, pp.54-65, P.137.[AE]
TANAKA, Ryuichi, 2005, “Working Mother as a Role Model for Daughters: An Empirical Study of Human
Capital Accumulation,” presented at the 2005 Fall meeting of the Japanese Economic Association
Conference, September 18, Chuo University.[NP]
TSUMURA, Mondo, 2003, “Josei no Shakaiteki-Chii no Henka to Kodomo no Kyoiku-Tassei (Change of
Women's Social Status and Educational Achievement of their Children),” Proceedings: 55th Conference of
the Japan Society of Educational Sociology, pp.90-91.[FJ]
WATANABE, Asako, 2006, “Effects of mothers’ employment on children: An analysis of the determinants of
people’s attitudes towards working mothers (Haha-oya no Shugyo ga Kodomo ni ataeru Eikyo: Sono Imi o
Kitei suru Yoin no Bunseki),” Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of
Social Science, University of Tokyo [eds.], JGSS Research Series No.2 (JGSS Monographs No.5),
YAMAMURA, Eiji, 2010, “Effects of Female Labor Participation and Marital Status on Smoking Behavior in
Japan,” MPRA Paper No.21789, 14p.[FE]
YAMAMURA, Eiji, 2010, “The Relationship between the Effects of a Wife’s Education on her Husband’s
Earnings and her Labor Participation: Japan in the Period 2000-2003,” MPRA Paper, No.23609, 17p.[FE]
YAMAMURA, Eiji, 2011, “Effects of female labor participation on smoking behavior in Japan: selection model
approach,” MPRA Paper No.28698, 19p.[FE]
YAMAMURA, Eiji, and MANO, Yukichi, 2011, “Human Capital Accumulation through Interaction between a
Married Couple: Comparison between a Housewife and a Working Wife,” MPRA Paper, No.28936, 39p.[FE]
YASUDA, Hiroki, 2011, “Koyo-nushi no Seibetsu Yakuwari Ishiki ni kansuru Jissho Bunseki: Koyo-nushi ga
motsu nowa 'Konomi ni yoru Sabetsu' Ishiki ka, 'Kotei Kannen' ka (Empirical Analysis of Employer’s
Gender Role Attitudes),” Economic Analysis, No.184, pp.51-74.[AE]
YASUDA, Hiroki, 2013, “Koyo-nushi no Seibetsu Yakuwari Ishiki ga Kigyo no Josei Wariai ni ataeru Eikyo
(The Impact of Employers’ Gender Role Attitudes on the Proportion of Women),” The Japanese Journal of
Labour Studies No.636 (July 2013), pp.89-107.[AE]
98. Government Periodicals/White Paper
The Small and Medium Enterprise Agency, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry [ed.], 2005, White Paper
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
on Small and Medium Enterprises in Japan 2005: Structual Change in Japanese Society and the Dynamism
of Small and Medium Enterprises (Chu-sho-Kigyo Hakusho 2005nen-ban), 391p.[FE]
Cabinet Office, Government of Japan [ed.], 2006, Annual Report on The Japanese Economy and Public Finance
2006: Japanese Economy Heading for New Growth Era with Conditions for Growth Restored (Heisei
18nen-ban Keizai-Zaisei Hakusho).[FE]
Cabinet Office, Government of Japan [ed.], 2007, White Paper on the National Lifestyle 2007: A comfortable
way of life for the Japanese people, founded on personal relationships (Heisei 19nen-do Kokumin Seikatsu
Nomura Research Institute, Ltd., 2012, Heisei 23-nendo Naikakufu Daijin Kanbo Tokei Iinkai Tantoshitu
Ukeoi-Chosa: Nihon ni okeru Panel Data no Seibi ni kansuru Chosa Hokokusho, Chapter 2, pp.48-70,
YAMAUCHI, Naoto, TANAKA, Takafumi, and KAWAI, Takayoshi [eds.], 2007, The Japanese Nonprofit
Almanac (NPO Hakusho 2007), OSIPP Center for Nonprofit Research & Information, p.121.[FJ]
Toshi-Seisaku Kenkyusho, YOKOSUKA City [ed.], 2010, Yokosuka Hakusho 2009 (White Paper 2009 on
Yokosuka city), pp.84-85.[FJ]
99. Research Paper
Doshisha University, Sociology Course, Department of Social Science, Faculty of Letters, 2002, “Shakai-gensho
o Yomi-toku: JGSS Data no 2-ji-Bunseki o Chushin ni shite (Analysis of Social Phenomenon: Analysis of
JGSS Data),” 2001-nendo Shakai-Chosa Jisshu-Hokokusho (Social Survey Report in 2001), Supervisor:
KAWAGUCHI, Daiji [ed.], 2005, SSJ Data Archive Riyo Hokokusho: Japanese General Social Surveys o
mochiita Nihon no Rodo-Shijo no Jissho Bunseki, College of International Studies University of Tsukuba,
International Christian University, Quantitative Analysis in Sociology II (ISHIO, Yoshito) [ed.], 2009,
Quantitative Analysis in Sociology II, 2008, 44p.[FJ]
International Christian University, Quantitative Analysis in Sociology II (ISHIO, Yoshito) [ed.], 2010,
Quantitative Analysis in Sociology II, 2009, 42p.[FJ]
International Christian University, Quantitative Analysis in Sociology II (ISHIO, Yoshito) [ed.], 2011,
Quantitative Analysis in Sociology II, 2010, 95p.[FJ]
International Christian University, Quantitative Analysis in Sociology II (ISHIO, Yoshito) [ed.], 2012,
Quantitative Analysis in Sociology II, 2011, 79p.[FJ]
Department of Regional Environment Studies, Faculty of Letters, Nara Womaen's University, 2009, 2008-nendo
Bungakubu-Kamoku Shakai-Johogaku Jisshu I, II: NaraJoshidai-sei no Seikatsu to Ishiki ni kansuru Chosa
Hokokusho, Supervisor: HAYASHI, Takuya, 147p.[FJ]
Regional Environment Studies, Faculty of Letters, Nara Womaen's University, 2010, 2009-nendo
Bungakubu-Kamoku Shakai-Johogaku Jisshu I, II: NaraJoshidai-sei no Seikatsu to Ishiki ni kansuru Chosa
Hokokusho, Supervisor: HAYASHI, Takuya, 126p.[FJ]
Department of History, Sociology and Geography, Faculty of Letters, Nara Womaen's University, 2011,
2010-nendo Bungakubu-Kamoku Shakaichosa Jisshu I, II: NaraJoshidai-sei no Seikatsu to Ishiki ni kansuru
Chosa Hokokusho, Supervisor: HAYASHI, Takuya, 211p.[FJ]
Department of History, Sociology and Geography, Faculty of Letters, Nara Womaen's University, 2012,
2011-nendo Bungakubu-Kamoku Shakaichosa Jisshu I, II: NaraJoshidai-sei no Seikatsu to Ishiki ni kansuru
Chosa Hokokusho, Supervisor: HAYASHI, Takuya, 221p.[FJ]
Department of History, Sociology and Geography, Faculty of Letters, Nara Womaen's University, 2013,
2012-nendo Bungakubu-Kamoku Shakaichosa Jisshu I, II: NaraJoshidai-sei no Seikatsu to Ishiki ni kansuru
Chosa Hokokusho, Supervisor: HAYASHI, Takuya, 331p.[FJ]
Murase Seminar, Faculty of Sociology, Rikkyo University, 2009, Senmon Enshu 2: Ronbunshu, Faculty of
Sociology, Rikkyo University, 233p.[FJ]
SHISHIDO Seminar, Osaka University of Commerce, 2013, Volunteer Group, NPO no Soshiki, Katsudo ni
kansuru Enquête: Chosa Kekka Hokokusho (The Report about the Civic Activities of Volunteer and NPO
Groups), Supervisor: SHISHIDO, Kuniaki, 94p.
Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, The University of Tokyo, 2008, “Nihon-ban General Social
Survey Data no 2-ji-Bunseki (Secondary Data Analysis of JGSS),” 2007-nendo Shakai-Chosa
Jisshu-Hokokusho (Social Survey Report in 2007), Supervisor: SHIRAHASE, Sawako.[FJ]
Shakai-chosashitsu, Faculty of Sociology, Toyo University, 2002, Kazoku, Gender Kankei ni tsuite no
Shakaigaku-teki Kosatsu: 2001-nendo Shakai-chosa oyobi Jisshu 21 Chosa-hokokusho (Family and Gender:
Sociological Research, A Series of Research Report 21 in a Seminar on Social Research, Toyo University),
Managing teacher: NISHIMURA, Junko.[FJ]
Shakai-chosashitsu, Faculty of Sociology, Toyo University, 2002, Shakai-kaiso to Shakai-teki Network:
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
2001-nendo Shakai-chosa oyobi Jisshu 31 Chosa-hokokusho (Social Stratification and Social Network, A
Series of Research Report 31 in a Seminar on Social Research, Toyo University), Managing teacher:
Shakai-chosashitsu, Faculty of Sociology, Toyo University, 2004, Shokugyo Seikatsu to Kazoku Seikatsu ni
kansuru Keiryo Shakaigaku 2003-nendo Shakai-chosa oyobi Jisshu 19 Chosa-hokokusho (Family Life and
Occupational Career, A Series of Research Report 19 in a Seminar on Social Research, Toyo University),
Managing teacher: TAKENOSHITA, Hirohisa.[FJ]
100. JGSS Publications
IWAI, Noriko, and HANIBUCHI, Tomoya [eds.], Health and Society in East Asia: A comparison among Japan,
South Korea, China, and Taiwan based on East Asian Social Survey 2010 (Data de miru Higashi-Asia no
Kenko to Shakai: Higashi Asia Shakai Chosa ni yoru Ni-kkan-chu-tai no Hikaku 3), Nakanishiya Shuppan,
IWAI, Noriko, and SATO, Hiroki [eds.], 2002, Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Seen in the Japanese
General Social Survey (Nihonjin no Sugata JGSS ni miru Ishiki to Kodo), Yuhikaku, Tokyo.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, and UEDA, Mitsuaki [eds.], 2012, Culture and Values in East Asia: A comparison among Japan,
South Korea, China, and Taiwan based on East Asian Social Survey 2008, translated by SASAKI, Takayuki,
SHINOHARA, Sayaka, Nakanishiya Shuppan.[FE]
IWAI, Noriko, and UEDA, Mitsuaki [eds.], 2011, Culture and Values in East Asia: A comparison among Japan,
South Korea, China, and Taiwan based on East Asian Social Survey 2008 (Data de miru Higashi-Asia no
Bunka to Kachikan: Higashi Asia Shakai Chosa ni yoru Ni-kkan-chu-tai no Hikaku 2), Nakanishiya
Shuppan, 132p.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, and YASUDA, Tokio, 2007, Basics of Survey Data Analysis: Usage of JGSS Data and Online
Data Analysis (Chosa-Data-Bunseki no Kiso: JGSS Data to Online-Shukei no Katsuyo), Yuhikaku, 296p.[FJ]
IWAI, Noriko, and YASUDA, Tokio [eds.], 2009, Family Values in East Asia: A comparison among Japan, South
Korea, China, and Taiwan based on East Asian Social Survey 2006 (Data de miru Higashi-Asia no
Kazoku-kan: Higashi Asia Shakai Chosa ni yoru Ni-kkan-chu-tai no Hikaku), Nakanishiya Shuppan,
IWAI, Noriko, and YASUDA, Tokio [eds.], 2011, Family Values in East Asia: A comparison among Japan, South
Korea, China, and Taiwan based on East Asian Social Survey 2006, translated by SASAKI, Takayuki,
SHINOHARA, Sayaka, and HAYASHI, Hikaru, Nakanishiya Shuppan, 107p.[FE]
Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], 2004, JGSS Symposium 2003 Hokokusho
(Proceedings: JGSS Symposium 2003), Osaka. [FJ, FE and AE:varies according to reports]
Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], 2006, JGSS Colloquium 2005 Hokokusho
(Proceedings: JGSS Colloquium 2005), Osaka. [FE and AE: varies according to reports]
Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], 2008, JGSS Colloquium 2007 Hokokusho
(Proceedings: JGSS Colloquium 2007), Osaka.[FE]
Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], 2008, JGSS SYMPOSIUM 2008:
Development of East Asian Social Surveys: Results of EASS 2006 Family Module, Osaka, 248p.[FE]
Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of
Tokyo [eds.], 2000, JGSS-1999 (First Pilot) Codebook, Osaka.[FJ]
Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of
Tokyo [eds.], 2001, JGSS-1999 (Second Pilot) Codebook, Tokyo.[FJ]
Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of
Tokyo [eds.], 2002, JGSS-2000 Codebook, Tokyo.[FJ]
Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of
Tokyo [eds.], 2002, JGSS Monographs No.1, 204p.[AE]
Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of
Tokyo [eds.], 2003, JGSS-2001 Codebook, Tokyo.[FJ]
Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of
Tokyo [eds.], 2004, JGSS-2002 Codebook, Tokyo.[FJ]
Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of
Tokyo [eds.], 2003, JGSS Monographs No.2, 249p.[AE]
Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of
Tokyo [eds.], 2004, JGSS Monographs No.3, 289p.[AE]
Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of
Tokyo [eds.], 2005, JGSS-2003 Codebook, Osaka.[FJ]
Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of
Tokyo [eds.], 2005, JGSS Research Series No.1 (JGSS Monographs No.4), 317p.[AE]
Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of
JGSS/EASS-related Bibliography: JGSS Research Center Osaka University of Commerce
Tokyo [eds.], 2006, JGSS Cumulative Data 2000-2003 Codebook, Osaka.[FJ]
Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of
Tokyo [eds.], 2006, JGSS Research Series No.2 (JGSS Monographs No.5), 202p.[AE]
Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of
Tokyo [eds.], 2007, JGSS-2005 Codebook, Osaka.[FJ]
Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of
Tokyo [eds.], 2007, JGSS Research Series No.3 (JGSS Monographs No.6), 192p.[AE]
Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of
Tokyo [eds.], 2008, JGSS-2006 Codebook, Osaka.[FJ]
Institute of Regional Studies, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of
Tokyo [eds.], 2008, JGSS Research Series No.4 (JGSS Monographs No.7), 317p.[AE]
JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], 2009, East Asian Social Survey: EASS 2006
Family Module Codebook, 342p.[FJ, FE, and AE]
JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], 2009, JGSS Research Series No.6 (JGSS
Monographs No.9), 242p.[AE]
JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], 2010, JGSS-2008 Codebook, Osaka.[FJ]
JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], 2010, East Asian Social Survey: EASS 2008
Culture Module Codebook, 286p.[FJ, FE, and AE]
JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], 2010, JGSS Research Series No.7 (JGSS
Monographs No.10), 374p.[AE]
JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], 2011, JGSS-2009LCS Codebook, Osaka.[FJ]
JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], 2011, JGSS-2010 Codebook, Osaka.[FJ]
JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], 2011, JGSS Research Series No.8 (JGSS
Monographs No.11), 352p.[AE]
JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], 2011, East Asian Social Survey: EASS Conference
2010 Hokokusho 'Proceedings: EASS Conference 2010), Osaka.[FJ]
JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], 2012, East Asian Social Survey: EASS Conference
2011 Hokokusho (Proceedings: EASS Conference 2011), Osaka.[FJ]
JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], 2012, JGSS Cumulative Data 2000-2010
Codebook, Osaka.[FJ]
JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], 2012, East Asian Social Survey: EASS 2010
Health Module Codebook, 338p.[FJ, FE, and AE]
JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], 2012, JGSS Research Series No.9 (JGSS
Monographs No.12), 257p.[AE]
JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], 2013, JGSS-2012 Codebook, Osaka.[FJ]
JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], 2013, JGSS Research Series No.10 (JGSS
Monographs No.13), 216p.[AE]
JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], 2013, JGSS SYMPOSIUM 2012 Hokokusho
(Proceedings: JGSS Symposium 2012), Osaka.[FJ]
JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], 2014, East Asian Social Survey: EASS 2012
Netowrok Social Capital Module Codebook.[FJ, FE, and AE]
JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce [ed.], 2014, JGSS Research Series No.11 (JGSS
Monographs No.14), 155p.[AE]
JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce, and Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University
[eds.], 2011, JGSS-2013LCSwave2 Codebook.[FJ]
JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce, and Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo
[eds.], 2009, JGSS Research Series No.5 (JGSS Monographs No.8), 140p.[AE]
TANIOKA, Ichiro, NITTA, Michio, and IWAI, Noriko [eds.], 2008, Values and Behavioral Patterns in Japan: An
Analysis Based on Japanese General Social Surveys, 2000 to 2003 (Nihonjin no Ishiki to Kodo), University
of Tokyo Press, 483p.[FJ]