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University History and Archives College Yearbooks Western Oregon University The Grove 1955 Oregon College of Education Oregon College of Education This paper is posted at Digital Commons@WOU. http://digitalcommons.wou.edu/yearbooks/18 Year 1955 Ol11110lJt 1. ales " let~i llood . t~tvel~ west lil111 ' silver'to 111Ct 1C 111Cd ol~d tlJcll l~lltte ' COql1l11t~ r'111a ' . co' ·' col~vallts . ·ot utlle :· clatskl ·· O.U.E. PRESENTS SEPTEMBER 22 OCT. 1954 S M T W T NOV. F S 1954 DEC. 1954 SMTWTFc FEBRUARY __ ..... 0 c. MARCH - " c APRIL FRIDAY JUNE SMTWTPS ...... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12131415161718 19202122232415 2627282930 •.•• .. ............ , 3 JUNE 1955 • • • • • ULTY AND S , U , ~ " C"URSES-5 • ORGA&w,IZATIONS- 19 ACWIVITIES-45 ~ ~/ /}( 1 y l TICS-73 LIVla.G GROUPS- 91 1 "~ 1 r UDENTS-IOI / 5- ADVER-TIUING AND INDE.X '!P" sa '.' ub L ~1 ~- h v·l e 1 ! a · . cr UJt ebal1.ol1 laJeview s ert, ' ranlererVdlS Y1Ckre 1 ' aVlTIsvtlle SlJmlne1~ l .. . .. . 1 '? ,--" . 1 .. . 1 .~. . .-, "l""\.e a e ~le tz UJl.s (.1n:Vl ~ ~ . .. ~') .. I oledo aurora aiherla c yalll1111 ~che ~tz lalflva vals ' . ba ITa DR. R OBEN J. MAASK E o. U.E. PRESIDENT To the memory of one whose geniune i n te r es t in student welfare and activities was e vi de nt in the friendly warmth of his wise leade rship, we pay tribute. RUTH 1. JOHNSON Instructor in English Acting Dean of Women ARTHUR H. GLOGAU Assistant Professor of Science and Education ~ ROY E. LIEUALLEN Assistant Professor ~ ~ ELLIS A. STEBBINS Assistant Professor -- FLOYD B. ALBIN Professor of Educa tion WILLIAM A. COE Inst. in Education Supervisor of Teaching MARY DONALDSON Assoc. Professor of Education Supervisor of Teaching DAVID S. BRODY Assoc. Professo r of Education JAMES R. CURTIN Ass 't Professor of Edu c ation EVEL YN CUS1'ER Ass't Professor of Education Supervisor of Teaching Dr. Brody's Educational Psychology Class 9 H. KENT FARLEY Assoc. Professor of Education and Science RALPH A. FARROW, JR. Ass't Professor of Education Supervisor of Teaching RAY K. GODSEY lnstructo( in Education Supervisor of Teaching MARY HELEN GWINN Ass't Professor of Education Supervisor of Teaching lRMAJEAN HARTLE Ass't Professor of Education Supervisor of Teaching EMMA HENKLE Assoc. Professor of Education Mrs. Gwinn's Class 10 JESSIE p. HILL Ass't Professor of Education Supervisor of Teaching . J. MORTON HOWARD MILDRED KANE Ass't Professor of Education Supervisor of Teaching Ass't Professor of Education Supervisor of T e aching VIOLET McFARLAND LUCILLE W. MILLSAP Ass't Professor of Education Supervisor of Teaching Ass't Professor of Education Supervisor of Teaching GERTRUDE PATTERSON Inst. in Education Supervisor of Teaching Dr. Glogau's General Psychology MARGARET PERRY Ass't Professor of Education Supervisor of Teaching OMA BELLE E. McBEE Assoc. Professor of Ed uca tion 11 LORNA RANETTA Inst. in Education Supervisor of Teaching LOIS VANDERPOOL Inst. in Education Supervisor of Teaching ST ANLEY V. RUCKM AN Ass't Profe ssor of Education Supervisor of Teaching WILLIAM S. WAGNER Ass't Professor of Education Director of Stud e nt Teaching Pra ctice Tea ching DORA E. SCOTT Ass't Professor of Education Supervisor of Teaching HENRIETT A B. WOLFER Asso c . Professor of Education Supervisor of Teaching Practice Teaching 12 E . F. BARROWS Professor of Scie nce LLOYD K . JOHNSON Ass ' t Professor of Science SANFORD S. TEPPER Insr. in Science MAT T HEW R. THOMPSON Ass'r Professo r of Science t, Ph ys ical Science Lab . Dr. Barrow's Lab class l _ 13 &~ GEORGE J. HARDING Ass't Professor of Spee c h and Dramati c s CHARLES R. M cCLURE Pro fessor of English DESSA HOFSTETTER MARGARET L. STEINER Ass 't Professor Ass't Librarian Ass't Professor Librarian Children's Literature ROBERT L. MULDER Ass't Professor Director of Sp eech and Hearing Clinic. 14 Miss Harvey's World Lit. \ JANE C. DALE Assoc. Professor of Humanities M. GENE HARVEY Imt. in Humanities PATRICK M. MURDOCK Ass't Professor of Social Science and Humanities DANIEL B. WESSLER Inst. in Philosophy English Literature 15 Play Production ~'tt ~ PEARL B. HEATH Assoc. Professor of Art KENNETH YOST Ass't Professor of Art Education Design in Metals U. S . Histo ry & Go v ernment SodatS~ OSCAR C. CHRISTENSEN Assoc. Professor of Social Science FRANCIS D. HAINES Professor of Social Science CHARLES J. NOXON Ass't Professor of Social Science MILDRED E. ANDERSON Ass 't Professor of Physical Educatio n JOHN 1. CHAMBERLAIN Inst. in Physical Education Gi d's P. E. RUTH LAUTENBACH Ass't Professor of Physic al Educa tion ROBERT C. LIVINGSTON Ass't Professor of Physical Edu c ation and Health 17 WILLIAM D. tv! c ARTHlIR Ass '[ Professo r of Ph ysica 1 Educa tioll Men's P. E. sa u~ : '1 ?1tet«e eo }O~ FLORENCE W. HUTCHINSON DENISE REDDEN Assoc. Professor Assoc. Professor of Music EDGARH. SMITH Ass't Professor of Music of Music MARTHA HILL Ass't Professor Sec. t o the Pres. EDITH L. OLSON Instructo r Director of Health Service and CLARA V. TH OM PSON Instructor Director of Dormitories College Nurse OFFICE PERSONELL Sabb. Leave Anton Postl Joan Seavey Leave of Ab. Margaret Hiatt Vern a Wade Barbara Jackson CaJene Ladehoff Marie L. Miller Doll y Sawt e lle Helen Albin Yvonne Henery Nancy Hays Evelyn Hildebrand Helen M. Perks Minnie Andrews Fay Nedry Dean Craven Myrtle Tyler Joan Sparks C.L. Tomkins Virginia O'Donnell '1 al~ yc 1 1 a~ ol~ re~ '1/~ y~ Registrar's Office Business Office 18 .. .. ~t ~ .". ·sandy bend powers h ubbal~d cr ltJfol~ds,)'·lle 1 el.,aJ1011 la'~ evlew s eru ., l~ all .. ' nc. ~ 'rlckre enll11sbot~O 1 aUll1sville sumrller 1 ake siletz wtlso11vtlle 'a ledo aurora a tlle'11a c reSlVe11 newber alsea Ct \y o ~tz ,alrUJa oe ba Evelyn Neal Editor Shirley Carlo Business Manager THE LAMRO) STAFF Where's that copy? Have you got those heads done? These are the sounds that come from the Lamron office every Thursday night when copy day has arrived. The staff puts out a paper every week filled with vital news and interesting material for the pleasure of the aCE student body. Evelyn Neal and her crew certainly deserve our hearty thanks and congratulations. FmST ROW: G. lng, H. Pease , E. Neal, M. Neal, B. Becker SECOND ROW: S. Kurtz. J. Ethel, L. Gardner, N. Clark, M. Petersen, M. White, B. Krebs THIRD ROW: S. Small, J, Kirk. R. Haury. Waiting for a scoop I How does this sound? Nose for news. c. . Carolyn Jones Co-Editor John Davis Co-Editor THE CROVE STAFF The Grove Staff is that group of hard working people you see scurrying around just before their deadlines to get the pages done and in to the pub lishers. The staff, headed by Carolyn Jones and John Davis, has worked long and hard on this yearbook. SITTING: M. L. Hull . C. Jones, 1. Davis, G . McKinney STANDING: C. Carlson, M. Harden, M. Soults, H. Lowery, Marg. Yashuda, P. Patterson, Marj. Yasuda, D. Knaub, O. Bradshaw . Pasting layouts. The hard working photography staff. LEFT TO RlGHT: B . Smith, K. Seiffert, G. McKinney, M. Nicolai . Choosing pictures for various pages. WESLEY Wesley is the M e thod istgroup on the ca m pus. Throughout the year The Wesleyans c an be seen working v ery diligent lyon Wesley and other campus acti v ities . Pr e sident LEF T TO RIGHT: S. Nye, A. Ellig son, J. Null, M. Neill, J. Chilton, R. Bishop, D. Long. I.V.C.F. IVCF stands for the Inter -Varsit y Campus Fellowship. This group's me mbership is open to all p e ople interested in belong ing to a religious group. Shirley Mos e r President FIRST ROW: D. Re mp e l, D. Hardie , S. Mose r, P. PatriCK, R. Cox SECOND ROW: G. Mc Kinne y, R. Schwe ize r, R. Nichols, 1. Sorm ent, H. Coldiron, M. Soults. M. Kronxer. S. All en . 8 . Betker. 1. Ethell THIRD ROW: D. Ve rbeck, R. Wal ker, A. Taylor. B. Jellison . S . Leverich. P. Blair. H. Wilson. - , CANTERBURY '-- '--- ' '- '-- '- '-' '- '- "- '- '- '- '- ' Canterbury is the Epis copalian group on th e campus. They ar e seen at a banquet which was he ld at the Monmouth Hote 1 during the fall term . Pat Watt President LEFT TO RIGHT: C . Horton. B. Dixon. A. Johnston, Bishop Dagwe ll . S. Huff. 1. Morrison. Dr. Dale (advisor). Fath er Zi egler. Miss Pickard (advisor). Lutheran Students . The Lutheran Stud en ts Association is for all Lutheran students on campus. These students get together for fun and worship each week. Carlotta Nyland President FIRST ROW ,(Left to Right): S. Kurtz , P. Blair B. Bluhm, C. Nyland SECOND ROW: Dr.Johnson, advisor, M . Pederson, C. Farnstrom. -'----"-....-._ - - - . Newman The Newman club is for the Catholic students. This club was just organ ized this year but has since that time been very active. Jim Hall President FIRST ROW (Left to Right): M. White, J. Yuranek SECOND ROW: M. Ketcham , M. Ketcham, S. Minton, D. Robinson, S. Carlo THIRD ROW: J. Avina, L. Sullivan . H. Cedros. The Westminster club is sponsored by the Presbyterian faction on this campus and the Presbyterian church in Indepen dence. This club holds banquets each term. Sylvia Small President Left to Right: M. Pettijohn, W. Meade, S. Small, N. Goeldner, M. Yoder. Ed Montgomery President FIRST ROW; M. T aylor . D. Binkley, E. Munger, S. Henry, E. Perrott SECOND ROW; E. Ne al, H. Booth , E. Mumm ey, M. Hind erlong. FUT UR E TEACHERS OF AMERICA FIRST ROW; R. Walker, H. Cold iron. G . Lane , C. Sakamoto , Ma rj . Ya suda SECOND ROW; B. Williams, A. Wegener, S. Ny e , B. Johnson, P. Patte rson. Every year FT A holds many meet ings which are planned to inform and interest its members in the teaching profession. These t2.ke the form of mock interviews, speeches on foreign teaching and other such worthwhile activities. FIRST ROW: A. Clair, E. Montgomery . B. Shaw SECOND ROW; J . Alston , 1. Kre m e rs, D. Knaub , D. Wickstrand, R. Schweizer. M. Kronser. FIRST ROW (Left to Right); D. Rempel, Rep., E. Neilson, Sec., D. McKenzie, Pres., D. Poole, V. Pres., B. Beigh, Treas., SECOND ROW; F. Brostrom, M. Horning, P. Harris, D. Knaub, P. Seid, B. Shaw, 1. Speed, J. Davis THIRD ROW; p. Patterson, P. Holman, D. Harp, J. Kremers, C. Jones, M. Gordon, 1. And e rson. Don McKenzie President Phi Beta Sigma is the N ationa I Teacher's Honorary. They rep resent a group of students who's interests lie in the teaching field. Their activities include a pie social and the annual Newsletter sent to past members to keep them in touch with each other and to give news of the annual homecoming on this campus. Phi Beta Sigla Meeting time Addressing the Newsletter FIRST ROW (L eft to Right): D. Brown , Dr. Farley, Advisor; E. Hendrickson, I. Anderson, D. Rempel SEC OND ROW: D. McKenzie , D. Harp, B. Arnold . 1. Davis. C. Bake r , C. Head. The Ita D~ Ita Phi Theta Delta Phi is the men's schola stic .honor ary on campus. They strive to promote scholar .,\ ship and leadership. Each term they hold a ban quet where new members are initiated. This year they sponsored an after game sports dance and helped with the blood bank. Earl Hendrickson President ...... Meeting time. Winter Term initiates demonstrating how they got in. ~. :ft ' f t Ie - ~ - Serious Discussion Formal Initiation Sigla Epsilon Phi Joanne Kremers President Sig Ep is the women's scholastic honorary. It performs many services to the school among which are publishing the Wolf Calls and helping with the Blood Bank. Besides these services the club strives to promote scholarship and leadership on campus. FIRST ROW (Left to Right): P. Patterson, V. Pres., C. Jones, Rep., J. Kremers, Pres., O. Bradshaw, Sec. -Treas. SECOND ROW: M. Soults, P. Patrick, 1. Speed, E. Neilson, P. Seid, M. Horning, P. Watt, R. Schweitzer THIRD ROW: F. Furer, M. Gordon, B. Beigh, D. Poole, P. Harris, P. Holman, P. Blair. FIRST ROW (L e ft to Right); D. Hardi e, V. Pres., Mr. Harding, advisor, E. McLaughlin, Sec-Treas., SECOND ROW; R. Jone s, Pr es ., E. Kurt z , E. Neilson. The main activity of Alpha Psi Omega, a national dramatics honorary, is the pre sentation of plays to th e school an d the communit y. Th ey sponsor plays both fall and winter terms. The purpose of this honorary is to promote interest in dramatics and ma y be joined only by invitation and after participation in dramatics producti ons . Rita Jones President Alpha Psi Olega Expla in yourse lf J J J You're so clever J Left to Right: Mrs . Heath, advisor, 1. Speed , V. Pres., L. Rice, Rep., B. Stone, Pres., }. Davis, A. Taylor, Sec-Treas . Kappa Pi is a national art fraternity. The OCE chapter is Alpha Alpha Alpha. purpose is to promote art interest, scholarship, and ability. Their members take a[l active interest i[l art work 0[1 this campus 3fld assist with various exhibits. Kappa Pi Looking over some art objects. Hanging a composition in the gallery. FIRST ROW (Left to Right): M. Soults, Hst., D. Kerzel, Song Leader, M. Horning, Treas. D. Smith, Pres .. G. Goska, V. Pres ., J. Null, Sec., R. Jones, Rep., SECOND ROW: B. Shaw, M. Kronser, 1. Spinney, D. Larimer, E. Krautscheid, M. Gordon, P. Harris, B. Beigh, E. Neilson,!. Speed, A. Hansen THIRD ROW: S. Owens, B. Graves, G. Hamar, R. Schweizer, L. Smith, B. Bluhm. Staff and Key is one of the two women's service honor aries on campus. Each year the y sponsor the All-American formal and a spring term dance. They also do many services to the student body and the school by ushering at various functions and other simila r duties. Donnale Smith President Staff ilud Key Winter term initiates Winter term tea FIRST ROW (L eft to Right): P. Seid, Sec., P, Patterson, V. Pres" D, Knaub , Pres., M. Stallings, Treas., M. Little, Rep. SECOND ROW: F . Brostrom , A. Neirhoff, B, Makinster, O. Bradshaw, J. King , J. Yurane k THIRD ROW: 1. Kremers, P. Holman, J. White, D. Poole, R. Taylor. Darlene Knaub President Collecto Coe ds is one of the two wom e n' s se rvice honoraries on campus, Each yea r they co - spo nsor the Swee the art Ball and the Sadie Hawkins Dance with th e Wolf Knigh ts . Besides doing se rv ices to the school th ey present the Jacqueline Stuckard M emo ria l Awa rd [Q an outstanding senior music student and a scho larship to the Bluebirds. Uolleuto Uueds Winter term initiates Decorating for the formal FIRST ROW; L. Nash, D. Hardie. S. Minten. S. Harp, R. Powers, K. Mendenhall, T. Gordan, A. Roberts, N. Bone SECOND ROW; G. Harding (advisor), S. Kurtz, P. Smith, H . Booth, S. Phelps. L. Cook, B. Bluhm THIRD ROW; D. Hunter, G. Rosaschi, T. Nash, B. Nicholson, M. Stallings, Bill Briggs, P. Blair, M. Pederson . If you are inter ested in dramatics Crimson "0" is the club for you. This group, with the help of Alpha Psi Omega, presents the fall and winter term plays. CRIHSON ~~ 0" H e l en Booth Presid ent Put 'er there friend. 36 Gossiping or play-acting? FIRST ROW (L. to R.): A. Neirhoff , W. Meade , E. Guyton SECOND ROW: O. Bra dshaw, C. Nyland, i'l. Goeldner, B. Be rgstrom, 1. White, P . Blair, N. Shap e r, 1. Bailey, S. Phelps THIRD ROW: M. Peterson, L. Twombly, M. Nicolai, S. Edgar, M. Yoder, M. Altenhoffen, S. Harp , M. Hull, B. Bluhm, G. War e. Shirley Phelps President "Fight, Team, Fight" The Wolvettes can be heard yelling this and many other similar yells at all the football and basketball games. The pep club sits together at all home games and helps support the team. Besides this duty they also sponsor the h<3.lf time intermission for the basketball games. Pe pChb We are the mighty Wolves . . . . . . . . wherever we may be . . .. . . Practice .•..... makes perfect. Rally Bill Briggs JoAnn King Yell Queen Marjorie Pettijohn Lois Smith Mel McCutcheon Yell King Marjorie White Ruby Taylor Squad W-O-L-V-E-S. To such enthusiastic lead ership the OCE student body has rallied to help support its teams, but it is the long hours of practice that the rally squad puts in to help create this enthusiasm that goes unheralded. Under the fine leadership of Yell Queen, JoAnn King, and Yell King, Mel McCutcheon, this year's rally squad has represented OCE well. . . . . . . Football. . . . . . . . . . . . Basketball. .. . .. FIRST ROW: S. Tepfer(advisor), S. Moser, N. Shaper, G. Stephanson , G. Ware, R. Smith, E. Smith SECOND ROW: C. Thayer, J. Ethell, J. Kremers , D. Knaub, A. Roberts, L. Co ok, S. Allen, P. Patrick, L. Nash THIRD ROW: B. Krebs, D. Hunter, V. Bolby. D. Krier, J. Will iamson, G. Rosaschi. Gary Stephenson President d' DUE- do "Alemande left with your left hand, and swing your partner on a right and left grand". The square dance club of OCE, d'OCE-do, is at it again. Every week the club meets and dances to the calls of faculty and student members. Members from this club participate in the "Mac Claren Rhythm Program" also. Alemande left. Swing your partner. 40 FIRST ROW: K. LeFrancq, P. Holman, F. Moser , M. Fitch, S. Allen, S. Minten, L. Harden, C. Carlson SECOND ROW; B. Bergstrom, K. Seiffert, 1. White, L. Wacken , H. Overmeyer, P. Patrick, E. Swanso n, Z. Hiebenthal, R. NewtOn, M . Nicolai THIRD ROW: L. Twombly, G. Hamar, D. Gruchow, R. Alsip, M. Ketchum, O. Bradsh aw , B. Makinster, P. Blair FOURTH ROW: G. McKinney, L. Bussett, R. Cox, Miss Lautenba ch (advisor), M. Strode, L. Fox. W. R.A. Women's Recreational Association is open to all women interested in sports. They meet for practice every Tuesday and Thurs day nights. They partici pate in volleyball, basket ball, softball, tennis, bad minton, swimming, and many other sports. Frances Brostrom President Watch out for a smash! Set it up nice and easy. 41 --- ~ - ---- ---- Joy to the World .... . All in step to the music. CD O'iR The choir, under the direction of Mrs. Florence Hutchin son, presents annually the Christmas Vespers Service. The choir also puts on other public appearances during the year . . FIRST ROW: C. Horton, R. Taylor . M. Andrews, B. Dayton, M. Gribskov, B. Parks , G. Boyle, 1. Dawson, U . Urban, B. Becker SECOND ROW: 1. Williams, 1. Janson, G. Lee, R. Verbeck, D. James, K. Mendenhall, W. Ronsford, C. Saucy, R. Saunders, S. Salstrom , Mrs. Hutchin son (director). THIRD ROW: R. Schweiz er, B. Haaman, 1. Kirk , S. Hau ck , G. Lane, J. Barley, A. Miles, A. Deaver, 1. Magee , M . Little, L. Rice, F. Furer, C. Nyland, S. Leverich . FIRST ROW (L. to R.): C. Farnstrom, G. Stephenson , D. Lunda, H. Overmeyer SECOND ROW: R. Verbeck. S. Leverich , H. Janke, Dr. Smith, director THIRD ROW: S. Kurtz, R. McCormick, D. Brostrom, R. Newton . G. Manning, M. Gribskov FOURTH ROW: J. Plessinger, 1. Chilton, P. Kessler, 1. Harrington . The band is composed of a group of hard working students who are interested in music and backing the schools teams. They can be heard playing at most of the athletic functions preceeding and during the half time. They add their bit of color to these functions. Band Practice In Action ~3 Uo-Weds The Co-Weds are wives of the stu de nts on campus. They ge t ,t ogether for social gather" ings. Their acti v ities include mak ing Christmas boxe s for needy families and maki ng stu ffed toys for orphans . ut '0 1 , /' iL , , FI RST ROW (L. to R.): V . O 'Don nell , B. Hubbard, Sec. - Treas .; J. Gar rison, N. Poole, S. Poole . Pres . SECOND ROW: S. Bell, M . Shoemaker, M. Streigh t , V. Bottorff, 1. Sweeney, M. Willis, B. Mansfie ld. Sue Poole Pr e sident L. to R: L. Palm, Mrs . Wise, V . Wise, H . Coldiron, J. Moss , D. Bosell, T. Dixon, E. Munge r, 1. Clark, R. Sande rs, S. McClellan, H. Wilson , E. Stedm an , L. Nash, D. Sweeney, A. Miles , M r. Noxon, advisor. I t 1 1 Russ e ll Sanders President I. R. U. The Interna tional Relations Club is new on campus this ye a r. They a re or ga ni zed to ~isc uss the curren t inter national probl ems facing th e U.S. J r '9' I/ t ,.,- ~ 8 '"1"alld " bend p· · ollJerS h 1_ L J~ -l-~"11 '" locar;' . cr ltJtorasv~ .·e ~l,; r~ on la ~ eview s erll ' ranlererVdlS/ l"lckr~ . II n e ell1 h.111sbot~() I t ~ Ol S C esnlre as .o rl. 1 aumsvi le SVnllrl Cr 1 ake $t ez uJtlsonvtlle 1 OC . ',ur ora atllena c . ~eswe . ' newber .· alsea -alll.ill chem,-u.a val ~c A IVI]I ES A.S.O.C.E. PRESIDENT Head man on this year's O. C. E. campus was DALE HARP, a Junior in Education from Salem, Oregon. Among his many activities here is the office of Sophomore Class President. He is also an active member of Theta Delta Phi and Wolf Knights. ELMER SUMMERFIELD 1st V. PRES. Seated; Harry Pease. Elmer Summerfield . Dale Harp. Darlene Finney. and Pat Holman . Standing; lohn Sutton. Barbara Makinster. Ramona Powers , Edie Nielson. Betty Beigh, Dolores Poole. leanette Spinney. Muriel Horning. Ann Hansen. Dean Glogau. and Phyllis Seid. DAR LENE FINNEY 2nd. V. PRES. STUDENT UOUNCIL PAT HOLMAN SECRETARY HOMEUOMING QUEEN Reigning over the 1954 Homecoming acti v ities was BEVERLY WARREN, a pert Sophomore from Portland, Oregon. During her years here at O. c. E. she has been very active in student affairs and was a member of the Rally Squad her Freshman year. ALL AMERIUAN This year's "All American" was DARREL DAVIS, a Senior in Education from Independence, Oregon. He was presented by Staff and Key at their annual All American Formal. In addition to being an outstanding performer on our athletic teams, he served as presi dent of Wolf Knights this year. 49 , W olf Knigbt Sweetheart The President of Collecto Coed's was selected the 1955 Wolf Knights' Sweetheart. DARLENE KNA UB, a Junior in education from Portland, has been v ery prominent in student activities throughout her three years on this campus. ~ '. Co ll ecto Coed Sweetheart This ye a r's choice for Collecto Coed ' s Sweetheart was ELMER SUMMERFIELD, a Senior in education from S t. Helens . Among his many acti v iti es on campus, he has ser v ed as first Vice President of the S tudent Body . He is a lso an acti v e member of Wolf Kni g ht s . Darlene Finney was ASOCE second vice president, Home coming chairman, song que e n in '53, and a member of Col lecto Coeds, Sigma Epsilon Pi, and others. Elmer Summerfield was the current ASOCE first vice president, a member of Wolf Knights, and a member of the student council in '53. WHO'S WHO Edison Montgomery was ASOCE president last year, is this year's president of FTA, national president of Theta Delta Phi, yell king in '52, Joe College in '54, and a member of several organizations. Iva May Speed won the out standing freshman award and the Eloise Buck award for outstanding literary achieve ment. She is a member of Staff and Key, Sigma Epsilon Pi, and others. Darrel Davis was a member of the basket ball and baseball teams, co-captain of the foot ball team this year, pre sident of Wolf Knights, and this year's All American. Harry Pease was ASaCE financial secretary for the second year, Lamron sports edi tor for the fourth ye ar, state aCPA president, chair man of R. E . Week in '53, and a member of several organizations. Edie Nielson was ASaCE second vice president, play ed lead in all-school plays, Betty Coed in '54, sopho more class officer, chair man of Religious Emphasis Week in '54, and a member of many organizations. Eveyln Neal was news edit or, co-editor, and now edit or of the Lamron, state aCPA news coordinator, sophomore clas s offic er, member of Sigma Epsilon Pi, and s ev e:.. al others. Nine graduating aCE juniors and seniors have been accepted for recognition in the 1954-55 edition of Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges. Students were chosen on the basis of scholarship, participation and leadership in academic and extra-cur ricular activities, citizenship and service to the school and promise of future usefulness. aCE is one of the six colleges in the state to partici pate in this national program for recognition of college students. First public announcement and recognition of the students was made during the inte~mission of the talent show Friday eveiling, November 12, by Arthur Glogau, Dean of Men. Don Wickstrand was the senior class president, Wolf Knight president in '53, All American in '53, and ASaCE vice president in '52. FRESHM AN WEEK September 2 2 wa s the day of much excite ment as many new s tudents moved into the dormitories. The excitement continued as they made new friends and attended the various activities. The "J e ans Dance" was one of the many activities planned to give the new students a chance to meet each other. During the week the freshmen had opportunity to bu y the "beanie" which no good freshman would be seen without. Registration School is here again with its registration rush. It is an old story for the returning student, but a very new one for the fresh men. HELLO DANCE The familiar face of Waldo w.elcomed all at the "Hello Dance" held September 27. This was the time that old and new students became acquainted. FRESBMEN INI1'.IJTION King and Queen of Kangaroo Kourt, Jess Keeney and Jerry Bailey were en tertained by the antics of their fellow classmates. 57 Three gorgeous girls? performing at the talent show given Friday night. HOME The noise parade and the bonfire helped raise school spirit. At the bonfire the freshmen and sophomores had thei r annual tug -of -war. Busy freshmen collecting material for the bonfire. Queen Be v erly Warren, Sopho more, and Princesses Hazel Hall, Freshmen; Dee Ann Larimer, Juni or; and Marcia Hodgson, Senior were presented at the game . ~OMING The 1953 Homecoming Queen, Frances Brostrom, p re sents the trophy to Beverly Warren, the 1954 Homecoming Q ueen, at the dance Saturday night. General chairman of Home corning, Darlene Finney, in be tween Joan Belcher, assistant chairman and Barbara Makinster, talent show chairman. ALL AMERICAN "Jack Frost Fantasy" was the theme of the annual "All American" Formal sponsored by Staff and Key. The couples whirled among winter scenes to the music of Wayne Meus seg. The dance was highlighted by the presentation of the All American Award to Darrel Davis by Donnalee Smith, president of staff and Key. The Christmas spirit was pres ent at "Christmas Capers" in the murals and decorations. The dance was sponsored by Varsity "0" with music by Bill Dayton's Orchestra and intermission entertainment presented by the new members. CHRISTMAS CAPERS SADI E HA lVKINS The Annual Sadie Hawkins Dan c e, sponsored by Collecto Coeds and Wolf Knights, took place October 29. There was evidence of typical Yokumville fashions and si g hts. Best Dressed Arnie Heimbach Glenna Ridenour Mo s t Eli g ible Bachelor and Spin s ter Grant Kremers Sandy Van Blaricom Funniest Dressed Shirley Coffey Dwaine Rankin 62 INDIAN SUMMER The Freshmen sponsored dance was November 6. Maple Hall was decorated in autumn colors carrying out the theme "Indian Summer. " The "Stag" Line . Time out for refreshments . 63 CHRISTMAS Christmas at aCE is a very busy and happy time as many social acti vi ties are planned and many decorations are put up. There is the formal din ner at Todd Hall with the Faculty Re ception following, the Vesper Service presented by the college choir, and the Wassail Party in Maple Hall. There were the Christmas trees in Maple Hall and Todd Hall, the room decorations in the living quarters, and the Christmas carols sung by everyone. 64 SECOND FRONT, FIRST PLACE, FIRST ROW: M. Soults, M. Lacey, M. Mulcahy , P . Seid, J. Yasuhara SECOND ROW: F. Parks, R. Taylor, A. Nierhoff, M. Pettijohn, S. Salstrom, A . SWiggum, M. Hull, I. King THIRD ROW: L. Nash, N. Goeldner, J. Williams, J . Spinney, B. Graves, E. Krautsche id, C. Nyland. Moonlight and Romance Second Front, Todd Hall girls, won the Willis 'Love memorial trophy for first place in the All-Cam pus Sing on Wednesday, Feb ruary 2. Six groups partici pated in the song fest. THIRD FRONT, TODD HALL, SECOND PLACE, FIRST ROW: C. Sakam oto , M. Rundbe rg , M. White , B. Bluhm, S . Hauck, I. Mary SECOND ROW: M. Little , D. War e , Z. Hieb e mhal, M. Yod e r, G . Ware, J. Baile y , L. Rice, M. Fitch . VET 'S VILLAGE, THIRD PLA CE , FIRST ROW: Mrs. Miller , Mrs. McKenzie, E. Smith, R. McCraken, M rs. Dayton SECOND ROW: D . McCra cke n, B. Dayton, R. Smith, D . McKenz ie . D . W oods , L. Mi ll e r. Myrna Little General Chairman Bi ll Briggs D ave Hunter THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING ERNEST The fall term all -school play, November 17 and 19, was a high comedy in an English setting-arena style. It was presented by Crimson 0 and directed by George Harding. Shirley Phe l p s J ohn Worthington . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Algernon Moncrieff ..... . . . . . . . . . . . C ecily Cardew . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... . G wendolyn Fairfax . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . Lady Bracknell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reverend Canon Chasuble, D. D ...... Merriman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lane .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miss Prism ... .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bill Briggs Dave Hunter Shirley Phelps Marilyn Stallings Teddy Ruth Gordon John Carpenter Walter Ponsford Torn Nash Jewel Kirk Mrs. Don Wisniewski There were many who helped behind the scenes to m ake the playa success. Mar i lyn Stallings T e dd y Gordon FLjPPER The theme of the 1955 Folk's Festival was "Flapper Frolics." The planning committee headed by D 'Ann Larimer did a wonderful job of planning interesting events for the parents to attend. At the game Friday night the spectators were entertained by a German band. FROLICS Registration was Saturday morning and that same day there was a talent show featuring acts from days gone by. At noon there was a luncheon at Todd Hall; later there was an athletic exhibition, and a Coffee Hour. For half-time entertainment at Sat urday night's basketball game the Pep Club pres ented a flashlight drill. • COURT ;. • . 4 "Court of Hearts" was the theme of the 1955 Sweetheart Ball sponsored by Collecto Coeds and Wolf Knights February 12. Music for dancing a nd listening was furnished by Bill Dayton's band. During the intermiss ion the Sweethearts were presented by Darrel Davis and Darlene Knaub, presidents of Wolf Knights and Collecto Coeds respect ively. .• • ' .. OF HEARTS • . ALL CAMPUS DRIVE The All-Campus Drive started with an assembly. After some entertainment, a film was shown on the work that the All-Campus Drive helps support. There was a dance, "Dime Daze ", and a carnival that ended with a faculty auction. The students helped to ma ke the drive a highly successful one. ~tal~d cr 1Uto1~dSv' 11e 1 ball,o n la evlew s erll ·,Y ..'~anle,r erva1$ l~lCkre Ll1 n e, e ll1 hills Dora j lOl1S C . eshll'e astor'!• .' a lk SVlrlln e l ' 1 ~ -/ $t etz wtlsonvtlle 1 ,lcdc aUl~ora atlle'na c 'eSwe11 newber.. " .111/111l ~che u a Z lalfwa alsea valse ba The WOLVI:RTON :'~iliORIAL POOL, named for Grant S. ';/olverton, is the new add tion to the south end of the OCE physical eclucl3.tion building. The late Hr. Wolverton, an 1883 OCE e re.du..'\te , left a grant of $80,000 for the con struction .of this pool. Additional funds to cover c onst r c:ction c osts wIlrs g ranted by the Oregon St9.te Eoe.rd of Hieher E:iu(:~tion eo th.~t en outstanding pool >!ould 'be assured. OCE is one of the feV! small schools to have s~! iuuni~ pool f acilities of such a high 'l.uali ty, and this pool is indeed 6 oQ ethi~ of which OCE students, faculty, and sta.ff are most proud. Construction was st a rted in the fp_ll of 1954 and ~Ias completed in the spring of 1955. HEAD COACH CO-CAP T AINS JOHN CHAMBERLAIN LINE COACH FOOTBALL B ill M cA rthu r , h ea d f o otba ll coa c h, led the bo y s through a s u c cess f u l s e as o n f o r the ei g hth consecutive year. "Mac:" has p l a yed profe ss ion al f oo tball for the Hollywood Bears and the C h i cago Ro c k e ts. He is married and has two future football players - M ike , age s ix , and Steve, age three. The line coach, John Chamberlain, has been with the Wolves for seven years. He is a graduate from Georgetown College, Ge·orgetown, Kentucky. His hometown is Sommerset, Kentucky, where he was noted on the All-State football squad in high school and also played in the Kentucky all-star game in 1938. John coached high schoo l football at Phoenix, Adrian, and Monmouth, Oregon . He is married and has two daughters . The c o - c aptains of this year's squad were Darrel "Mouse" Dav i s and Joe Roberts. Both are outstanding contributers to the te a m and mad e wise decisions in several of the games. 75 54 19 JOHN O'DONNELL Center Sophomore BILL McHENRY Left Guard Sophomore RAY HUBBARD Left Tackle Senior ARDEN DETERING Left End Sophomore GENE OWENS Quarterback Junior BILL ARNOLD Left Halfback Senior W 0 L V E S PAUL RILEY Right Guard Junior HENRY CEDROS Right Tackle Senior JOE ROBERTS Right End Senior CHARLES HARRIS Fullback Sophomore DARREL DAVIS Right Halfback Senior TEAM 1st row: R. Cummings. J. Roberts. D. Davis. C. Christensen. B. Brown. B. Arnold. 2nd row: E. Garrison, H. Cedros, J.O'Donnell, G. Owens. L. Buss. D. Lumgair. 3rd row: Coach McArthur. G. Freeman . G. Eakin, M. Stone. G. Davidson. D. Gridley . C. Harris. row: C. Puhlman. A. Dete ring, J. Chunn. D. Wickstrand, B. Giltner W. McHenry, p. McManus, J. Hall. manager. 2nd row: W. Gernhart. V. Dixon. H. Stephens. L. Gower, J. Atkins G. Bennefiel . G. Huff. 3rd row: R. McHenry. P. Riley. M. Hansen. R. Hubbard. B. Adams D. Zitek. Coach Chamberlain. 1st SE ASON'S o. c. E. -13 .•. Fort Lewis-47 O. C. E. - 0 .•. Seattle Ramblers-20 O.c.E.- 8 ... Linfi e1d - O O. C. E. _ 0 ... portland State-1 3 RECORD o. G. E. - 34 O.G.E. - 6 S.O.G.E. - 13 Pacific - 19 O.G.E. - 33 E.O.G.E. - 6 O.G.E. - 27 O.T.I. - 7 FIRST ROW: Kelly Hoy, Grant Kremers, Darrell Davis, Ron Jones, Larry Chamberlain, Elton Gregory, Harley Willis. SECOND ROW: Jim Hall, manager; Dr. Livingston, coach; Jack McCrae, Dale Andrich, Bob Janes, Craig Baker, Doug Zitek, Wayne Young, Bob Knight, Ernie Ediger. Dr. Robert Livingston, head basketball coach. The fighting Wolves proved ti1emsel v es to be a team that bears watching in future years. They had a lot of spirit and no game was over until the final buzzer sounded. Coach Livingston groomed his team into a well coordinated club and the lack of experience handi capped them during the season. Composed mostly of freshmen, they fought all the way during each ball game. Team captain Larry Chamberlain lived up to his title of "Mr. Hustle" as he was always seen scrambling for the ball. Darrell "Mouse" Da vis was also a thorn in the side of the opposing teams. He is the only graduating senior and will be sorely missed on the team next year. With the necessary experience gained by the freshmen on the team, coach Livingston will have a ball club that wiLL be a top contender next year. SEASON'S RECORD OCE OCE OCE OCE OCE OCE OCE aCE 66 59 72 65 52 63 78 76 - Seattle Pacific 74 Pacific U. 68 Linfield 84 Linfield 80 Willamette U. 56 SOCE 83 SOCE 85 Pacific U. 91 OCE 56 - SOCE 70 OCE 78 - SOCE 87 OCE 60 - Portland St. 83 OCE 69 - Po rt land St. 66 OCE 80 - EOCE 112 OCE 104 - EOCE 110 OCE 69 - WiLlamette U. 87 OCE 54 - OTI 66 OCE OCE OCE OCE OCE OCE OCE OCE 68 85 64 66 77 71 86 81 - OTI 64 Seattle Pacific 77 Portland st. 82 Portland St. 74 OTI 62 OTI 80 EOCE 95 EOCE 86 Bob Knight, a 6'3" fre shman forward from Lake Oswego, helped the Wolves out of many tough spots and made a good showing on the backboards. Doug Zitek, a 6'2" fre shman forward from Redmond, was a dependable man on the back boards and a real spark to the team. Wayne Young, a 6'2" freshman center from Marsh field known as "Big Moose", also a high scorer, was a great man on the back boards and a real hustler when teamed with Jones with whom he ad played in high schoo~I•.......... Jim Hall, a sophomore from Redmond, was manager for both the football and basket ball teams . Ron Jones, a 6'1" freshman guard from Marshield, and high scorer for OCE, is a very good prospect for future years. He saw a lot of act ion this season and proved to be a real asset. Larry Chamberlain, a 6' junior from Salem, was the 1954-55 team captain. Larry, a hustling guard, carried much of the scoring load for the Wolves and provided many a court thrill for OCE fans. 28 "Mr. Hustle" j', The frosh basketball team, coached by Gene Owens, proved themselves a hustling ball club and completed their season with a 15 -8 record. With the addition of Norm Willo ughby during the season, they played in spired ball. Promising Fresh men were Don Ingalls, the Alaskan boy with a promising two -hand shot; Larry Buss, a hustler in every game; Bill Brown, with his uncanny passing ; Craig "Pepper " Baker, who could pIa y any position ; and Barry "Bear·· Adams, who was a menace on defen se. Top rebounders who proved themselves valuable assets were Pete Barnes, George Krasch and Wyman Gernhart. Valuable play-makers were, Von Sum mers, Harrison Bryant and Vic Dixon. FIRST ROW: B. Brown, L. Buss, G. Krasch, W. Gemhart, D. lngalls SECOND ROW: V. Dixon, B. Adams, N. Willoughby, P. Barnes. G. Owens. OCE OCE OCE OCE OCE OCE OCE OCE OCE OCE OCE OCE 49 42 53 53 36 47 63 42 56 41 61 89 - Marion Motors 77 Linfield Frosh 68 Linfield Frosh 66 Willamette Frosh 63 Pacific Frosh 42 Ren's Drive -In 44 NW Christian 46 Portland St. Frosh 54 Portland St. Frosh 62 Lebanon High 39 Myrtle Creek 81 Independence 54 OCE 71 OCE 107 OCE 70 OCE 62 OCE. 94 OCE 90 OCE 87 OCE 67 OCE 87 OCE 103 OCE 87 Willamette Frosh 66 Lebanon High 83 Ren's Drive-In 52 Sweet Home 34 - Valsetz 56 - NW Christian 49 - Portland St. Frosh 63 - Portland St. Frosh 62 - Central Oregon 68 - Central Oregon 63 - Sweet Home 61 - 1st TRAVELING TEAM VOLLEYBALL The Women's Recreational Associa tion program includes a full schedule of volleyball during the fall term . From the intramural teams pictured on the opposite page, two traveling squads were chosen by the team captains and the W. R . A. executive. Some of the schools which the girls played were Linfield College, Oregon State College, Willamette University, and Portland Uni v ersity. BACK ROW: Rosie Alsip, Kay Le Fran c q, Pat Holman , Miss Lautenba ch, Pal Blair, Lois Wacken FRONT ROW: Opal Bradshaw , Barb Makinster, and Joyc e Wh ite . 2nd TRAVELING TEAM During the term on Tuesday and Thursday nights the girls practice with fast and exciting games with each other. This year's results in the team standing were: First, La Frenchies; Second, T. N. T. Ten; Third, The Nine Pixies; Fourth, ·Wolverines. 85 BACK ROW: Harriet Overmeyer . Kath y Seiffert. Darlene Gruc how. Franc es Moser . Lois Fox FRONT ROW: Ruth Newton. Ruth Cox , Marilee Hardy. Zora Hiebenthal. n WOLVERINES LA FRENCHIES BACK ROW : L. Busset . R. Cox, R. Newton. L. Fox, L. Twombly KNEELING: G. Hamar, D. Gruchow, BACK ROW: M . Ketcham. O. Bradshaw. B. Makinster KNEELING: R. Alsip. K. LeFrancq, P. Blair. M. Strode. ' THE NINE PIXIES BACK ROW: M. Nicolai. S. Minton. M. Fitch, L. Harden, B. Bergstrom KNEELING: C. Carlson. K . Seiffert, F.Moser, S. Allen. T . N. T. TEN BACK ROW: H . Overmeyer . P. Holman. L. Wa c ken. Z. Hiebenthall KNEELING: P. Patrick. E. Swanson. J. White . Women's Basketball These five WRA basketball teams meet every Tuesday and Thursday for games with each other. These games are scheduled in tournament style. A traveling team was selected from the girls in these teams. Miss Lauten back is the advisor and coach for the teams. FIRST ROW: Jean Storment . Opal Bradshaw. Lee Harden SECOND ROW; Kathy Seiffert. Ella Mae Swanson. Glenda Hamar. Gail Ware. FIRST ROW: Jane All stott . Mary Fitch. Sandy Allen SECOND ROW: Nadine Shapero Rita Wacken. Fran Moser, Darlene Gruchow. 87 FIRST ROW: Shirley Minten, Ruth Newton, Lorretta Twombley, Marjorie Pettijohn SECOND ROW: Rosie Alsip, Mildred Strode, Pat Holman, Carolyn White , FIRST ROW: Ruth Cox, Fran Brostrom, Harrietta Lowery, Harri e t Over meyer SECOND ROW: Kaye LaFranq, Shirley Carlo, Mary Gordon. FIRST ROW: Pat Blair Barbara Makinster. Bernadine Be rgst rom SECOND ROW: Mar c ia Nickoli, Pat Patrick, Neva Goeldner, Diane Weeks. 88 ;alldy ben ~bbal~d cr I' powe!"s h uJtordSv'lle 1 ,barlon la .yevicw s· ertl tll hl11sooro I 70l1S ceshtl'c astol~lf - aum ville SUn11ner' 1 llcllaell1 lke - z UJils()nvtl1e 1 )led~1 ~¥3uMlle'na C II newber alsec Jan1 1il1 che u a vals~ tz lalftlJa . oe ba 'eSl.lJe l ... Tono seated: (1. to r.) Ann vasey, SandI a Van Blarl , Darlene Wale, Janet corn SpIowl , ~ alg ie White, charlotte SaKarnS . BeloW: Jeanine O'HeIn, Steve HaucK.atoNot pi.ctured: Rundbelg. ~arlette O. to r.) MariJyn Ketcham, Jo A"" M "Y. M"1,", K"ch,,,,. My,,,, L;"". Seated: Mary Ann Pederson, Zora Ann Hiebenthal Mrs. Thompson, Below: Beverly Bluhm , ' Shirley Kurtz. Top row: (I. to r.) Sharon Brady, Nadine Clark, Marcia Yoder. 2nd row: Lorretta Gardner, Lila Rice, Sharon Bierly. 3rd row: Dot Swigart, Glenna Ridenour. Not pictured: Fay Parks. Behind table: O. to r.) Jerry Ann Bailey, Mary Fitch, Evelyn Wickman, Sylvia Small, In front: Margie Harris, Beverly Johnson, Not Pictured: GaiJ Ware, Betsy COdy. Standing: (1. to I.) Jean patton, Allene sneddon, Joan Belchel, RosernalY carnpbell, neel Bevelly Babb • Dal leen Tlin , Joanne n seated: Geolgann Bladbul , calol Wi.n tel . Boggs. HALL , 'e Yasuda, NI anon r d' (1. to {.) Uene Blase, te . lan NI agee, BloW: Sea erlyBoyle, tNloss . e BeV [\urst, lane Nlildred Norma lean Lois Bussett , Yasuda , Nlarg aret Left to r' h Ig t· Joy Nicholson, ;;Hh Davis, Bonnie Jo M ardene W' Y SeIffert J , elnrich G ,ewel Ki k ,Ienva M ' r, PICturl'd: A ' Shirley Se 'd lI ce Miles, Jane GCKznney. Not I . Ortler. Strode. Seated below: (1. to r.) Lorraine Nash, Alice Swiggum. Ruby Taylor, Mary Bemis, Above : Shirley Minten. Mary Lou Hull. Phyllis Seid . Not pictured: Audrey Nierhoff. , . Barbara Seated 10c\{Wl~e. on steps' (I , ht corner. c carol -rhayer. Barb • . to r) J ara Graves N . une EthelI Upper ng A e soultS , , 'd June y ,aocy Bo • ,Aerle nn tsche1 . Liz Krau Neva Lines. ,.. ashurnira, Ab ne. Joanne Kin ette spinney. , ' pettiiohn . Ardonnah Ell' OVe: JUdy PI ' g. ann one le Nlan n N' Igson N essznger Lefrancq. d' Pat [\olma . Ichols K . or Pictured. . Kaye Not pi.C ture . . aren Waters . . Ruth Goel dner . ar seated: (1. to {.) Glenda [\am , Mrs . Steadman, shirley salstrOm, Carlotta strOm . tolylan , lane tolull, Clarice parn BeloW:d Aloha Taylor , Marie petersen. Standing: (1. to r.) Shermalee Henry Marjorie Altenhofen, JUlia William s. ' S''''d, C''O'y" I"". Myh" M""hy. Manlyn Becke r. NellI , Nadine Shaper , Betty tolot pictured: prances purer. Top row: (1. to r.) Jean Storment, Sandra All e n , Pat Patri c k. Below: Mary Lace y , Wanda Meade, Marjor ie Kronse r, Sylvia Lev e ri ch, Ruth Schweizer. Standing: (1. to r.) Jane A lIston, Darlene Hardie , Pat Blair, Sherry RiPPle , Darlene Gruchow, Helen BOOth . Seated: Loretta TWombly, Joyce Yuranek . Not Pictured: Jan FOulger. seated above: (1. to {.) Eileen sanford, lolan , Carolyn White, shirley Miller e . sen BeloW: Betty Shaw, LoiS pox, Annic tolot pictured: Ruth Cox. Ron el • Ramona , (1 to t.) loan al Bladshaw . Om Standlng 'adin e Beigstr . Op d' Ilene Powels. Beln Gla ves . Se ale . S e Grimes. NancY d' Shirley Halp. U Not PlCtuie . Thomas, Seated on Nt ary Wh' f so a· (I " to r) Sh ' He P '. lr/ey Nt AbOVe' L" at Smith, Ella 1. cGinnis 1. !VJ ae Swa Sh ir/ey. Ph 12I Guy to n, 'Vj aureen Nt . nson, e ps La Vera Cook. lck . Below: THE COTTAGE Seated above: (1. to I.) Pat Kessler, Elaine Wakasa , Mrs. Palms. Harrietta Lowery, Below: Mary Woodworth, Carol Carlson, Marjorie Yamashiro . Left to right. D 10 A . onna Trusty ,. nn Chilton S ' <Vl uriel 0 R ' usan N ngstad osa Lee Bishop Nt ' ye, Frances 10hns ' Plummer ,en/ee Harden Sh ' lon, , It ey 'et overmyer. h Ips Haln , Lane, "ae "" . ht· W1' lma p e , Glon a Left to ng . La Vel a Bogen; hin s . 1 Holmes, d' Mrs. HutC CaIO , Not pictUIe • h Nagos l. ARNOLU ARMS ""t, ~o'/.on. ut son , .c¥' ,.,'," ,. \ lJ.\ an. , \> "'i\C • 'o\\t' JP ROna u ,. bec to tl" . \\ato\O Vi i\SOn, , to \I et ¥" Oa ~a\<.et, 1tott, R\C\\a tet ~otio"?ictute 0'. ? e cawentet. > Vi est 1o\\n cO'/'latU ' Standing. (1 iI ' . to r,) lim D D amar. Udene Urban Dawson, Charles on Wa k , ennis Ch c erbarrh 8ill 8 ' amberJain JOhn D, " 8ilJ 8rown ' Seated: ' QVIs iIa riggs, ' PiCtured: Jim A ' rrlson 8rYant N 'lnderson, 'Ot \.oe~t ut ) Ric\\atO \\a '!, Stanoin~~ cat\ <.\. \\enotlC to t· , \<. on s oa'iiO Left to ri h Jes v g t: George /(rasch s "'eeney ROb , Don Ingall 1'0 ' e r r /(rebs /( , s, m Tanner D I 'elth Mend h ' en all' PiCtured: Joh, D a e ,Long, Clark Lund N n "arrington. 'Ot \\ato\O \\0'1' ' a ' " \\ untstnan, \\otttotO., ,,\ atiOn Gtl' bs\<.o'i ' "OV se ' c\tOn Gte'E,ot'l' ate t \.oa tt '! Go'/'le . Ron 10nes . ~ot ?ictuteo" 96 WEST H!LL 97 OFF £AMPllS ,\. liO{JSE~STANDI"G. liOWliLL avjrl D "-'On, __ 8'1]1 liaberIy SEAT <v' • George lag GI 'enn MurveI Stone K ..... ED: Gordon lietrnan ' el", RIchard, , ",'5 1\-\',r'1: '1: 0 R\G\1'1:)"' I" ' '1: \','1:\1\',\1. 0 P. '/l1l3, p.1\{e o \-ov;i· LITTLE EAST HOUSE (LEFT TO -RIGHT): Fred Stanley, Dale Harp, Eric Jacobson, Larry Sullivan, Larry Chamber~ lain. DEMINGS'-STANDlNG: Frances Moser SEATED (LEFT TO RIGHT): Shirley Moser, Gale Lee, Pat Montgomery, Ed . Montgomery, Bob Wilson. 98 BARROWS '-ST ANDING (LEFT TO RIGHT): Dar PERKINS'-(LEFT TO RIGHT): Joanne Jensen, Mrs, lene Finney, Shirley Carlo SEATED: Karen Woll , Kathy Hansen, Gladys Gos ka, Donnale Smith, Perkins, Beverly Warren, Carol Rogahn, LADEHOFF 'S-ST ANDING: Berry Beigh, K'Lynn Brumbaugh SEATED: lla Pederson, Barbara Dickson, Dee Ann Larimer, Phyllis Spreeman, Mabel Cook, JoannMorrison. HARGilAVES'-STANOING (LEfT TO RIGI-IT): READ'S (LEFT TO RIGHT): Bonnie Stone, Tteva Harden, Yvonne Grosser, DonnJ Pallin. 99 Anna Clair, Lavinia Luttrell SEATED: Evelyn Neal, Jeanne Lauman, Dolores Poole. LIen TO "'G~T' "'"••rid "'". 5<""". "',. and Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Wiens, Sranley, Ron Cynrhia. N\ts. Ray N\ye(s and children. THE VILLAGE Mr. \..EF'f 'f0 R1GB'f: N\t. and N\(s. Mr. and Mrs. John O'Donnell N\ts . Don VHsniewslti.. 100 ;a ll ' V en . power.s . ")6)C" '-al'Q i 1 cra lutol'tdS !/~ 1 J·11 e '1I ,tLll10n lakevieu) s ertl ranlel~ ervatS 1? tCkre t '. nellaell1 hills 'L1t"O ' 70l1S C ' c;sll il'C a~s .Ol~t l aUln~ 71tle SlJrrlr/ '~ ; ' t~e siletz UJl so /'\)\1. ~. · J.... ,. Charle s Keaton Ab t' Td ee n, Wash. President ENIO~ Iva Mae Speed Chemawa Reporter Vice P re si de nt B e tly Williams S a le m T r eas ur e r Winona Agee Albany Ma rl c n e Alspaugh P o rt Orford Bunit a Stone Cl acka ma~ James Anderson Salem William Arnold Salem Joe Avina Portland J ea nette Bitar Portl and .:"ranc e s Brostrom The Dalles De lmer Brown Oakridge Sandra Brown J un c t io n C i t.y Calvin B ry an M o nm o u t.h Do n Brostrom Monmouth Jani c.;c Cr esa p S e J.U }e Janic e Crowley Monm<..outh Darrel Davis Independence Ma ril yn Forbes alex Irma Fu e rstenau Sa lem Maidie Hinderlong De1ak e Rob e r t LeMond Monmouth Joy Davis Salem Joanne De Me r rilt Malin Ed wa rd Fo rbes Salem Yvonne Grosser Milwaukie Ann Hans e n Junction City She rma lee Hen ry Klam a th Falls G ay lon Huff l\ .fonmouLh Rita Jon es Ne wberg Elvera Kurtz Pertland Sab r a McGowan Sa lem Ray Myers 5i Lve rlon E die Nie lson Astoria Gloria Lane Eugene Anne Overman Corva llis _ _ _ _ _~_ Donna Pallin Til lam o ok Darleen T ri nne € r Sa lem Hel e n Co ldi ron Powe r s _ Ha rry Pease Cr over City , Calif. Leo Poole Monmouth Joe Robe rts Springficld Bett y Shaw Gary Stephen son Salcm L awrence Su llivan Sa l em Elm er Summerfield Monmouth J e an T h ompson St. H e lens Lois Wa c k en Sal em Ruth WaLker Glenda Ward Baker Terry Webster South Pa sadena , Calif. Stan Icy K c rze 1 l'....fo nmou ln Eugene Karen Wa tters Troul da Ie Tigar d • r ..... Don Me C racke n Mo n m o uth Pre side nt J oan Belcht.!r Aloha Sha ron Huff Monmou th Mary Gordon Idanha Lavinia Luttrell Siletz John Dav i s Idanha Vice President Gl a d ys Gaska Ast oria Secre tary Jo anne K reme r :s L ebanon Tre a s ure r Zona Allen Sa le m Belt I' Beigh Monmouth Elnora Grimsbo Monmouth Rosalie Harrold C resw ell Arnie He imbach Newbe rg Barbara Makinster Dayton Evelyn N e a l Westfi r Pal Wa lt L a ke Grove Gene Bradford Monmouth Lawren c e Crowley Monmouth Norm Bartel Salem Helen B ooth Salem Bever ly Boyle Crabtree Gcorgann Bra db urn C oo s Bay Lefona Brown Monmouth Shi rley Carlo Portland Ha nk Cedros Springfield Anna C lair Russell Curnutt Garibaldi Le s lie DeG and i Harri et Hall DCl.rlene Hardie Cond on Pat Ha rri s S al e m Mon mouth Pal Holman Mapleton Eugene Muriel H <') rni ng Hills bo r o P hilomath Ma r y Lou Hu 11 Astoria Independen ce Keith Jensen Woodburn Jea nne Lauman Marion M y rna Littl e Sta y ton Dewe y James S hirley M c Ginnis Sale m Fay Pa rks Le h anon Caroly n Jont:!:i Salem Dale Long Dunde e Mary M cInlee Salem Al i ce Miles Pal Patrick Canno n Be ach Pal Patte r son Eug (On e Sw ee t Home Dot Kerzel Monmoulh Da rlene Knaub Po rtland Roland McCormick. Dallas Rita McCracken Monmouth Akihi ro Milomi YOk05uk, Kanagawa. Japan Ru th N ichols Eugene Shi dcy' Phelp::; Columbia Cit y Ool o res Poole L yo n s ---- Loren Reid Dallas Loren Scott Monmouth Daniel Rempel Dallas Donnale Smith Notl. Ca ro l Rogahn Li la Mae Rice $wpet Home Hillsboro Verna Teleck Turner John Sutton Sl. Helens Edward West Karen WeLl Marjorie Yamashi Portland Hillsboro Hanapepe, Kanai, Hawaii TO Roxie Moeek Hillsboro ....... Char le s Saucy Sa lem Elaine Wakasa Hanapepe, Kanai, Hawaii Joyce Yu r an e k Woodburn Pre s id e nt Ray Zweigart Wolf Creek Vice President Tr easurer Betty Becker Aloha Reporte r PHOMORE Bernadine B e r gs trom Po,' \. O rfor d Jun e Eth c l1 G e r vais P al Bla ir Deer I s land Frances Furer Rainier Opa l Bradshaw West. Linn Barbara Graves Portland R u th Cox Crawfordsville Glende Hamar Toledo Sec reta ry Jim Atkins Plainview, Texas Sally Edgar Bay City Stephany Hauck Portland Richard Haury Sale m George lng Portland Robert Janes Portland Joanne Jen se n Dalla):i Eva Kabatoff Salem JoAnn King Marcola Jewel Kirk M o lalla Robert Kr ebs Portland DelRay Krier Dallas Marjorie Krenser Salem Shirley Kurtz Gaston Kaye LeFr a ncq Milwaukie Sylvia Le ve rich Hebo Ba rbara L ines Alba ny Da rre 1 Lunda Sa lem Pat McManus Gervais Shir ley Minten Aumsville Euni ce Mun ge r Silverton Bonni e Jo Nicholson Aumsvill e Audrey Nierhoff Milwaukie Ja.ne Null Gresham Carloua Nyiand Astoria Way ne Osborn Ger vais Sherry Ripple Yamhill Shirley Salstrom Portlan d Ruth Schweizer Clackamas Phyllis Soid Portland Kath er ine Seiffert Sherwood Lois Smith [ndepe nden ce Merle Saults C re swe ll Jea.nnette Spinney Beaverton Marilyn Sla llings Da vid Stump Monmouth Ella Mae Swangon Lebanon Beve rly Wa r ren Po rtland Mardene Wicnr ich Eugene A li c e Swiggum Porlland Aloha Ta y lor Portland Dalla~ Ruby Taylor Aloha , " ,1· .~ Joyce Wh ite Monmouth SylvIa Small Junction City Vice Prt'sident RESHMEN Sandr a Allen Portland Charlotte Sakamoto Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii Secretary J a ne Allslott Gladstone Barry A dams Osweg o Rosie Alsip MonmouLh Marjorit; Altenhoft!n Beaverton Bev Bluhm Milwauk ie Harris on Bryant Myrtle Point Jo Chilton Sandy Jerry Anne Ba iley Taft Sharon Bierly McMinnville Carol Boggs Lakeport, Cal. Douglas Bond Woodburn Jim Bottorff Monmouth Lois Bussett Po we II Butte Carol Carlson North Bend Beverly Ba bb Myrtle Creek John Chunn Aloha Gerald Clark N i.aga r a F a lls. N. Y. Dennis Chamberlain Columbia City Bet.y Cody Forest Grove Eile"en Blaser The Dalles Vern B6wlbX Hood River Mic-hiel Chase Salem Lave ra Cook Portland 1\ ,] I James DeWitt Dallas Fred Donner Salem Dick Duer Cottage Grove HazeL Dotson lnde pendence II II Virgil Fadenrec hl Salem L arry Gower Aumsville June Hamroagren Bend C larice Farnstrom Salem Nancy Graves Garibaldi Lee Hard en A the na Neva Goeldner C heshire Mary Fitch Blaine Lois Fox Elton Gregor y Mill City Da rlene Gruchow Si letz Chuck Hamar The Dalles Ca rl Hedeen Zora Anne Hicb enlha f Monmouth S h irle y Harp Salem Scio Salem David Ho rUo r Eagle Cre ek Jo Jansen Willamina No rma Jean Hurst Aurora Don a ld Irvine Coos B ay Da ve Hu nte r Depo e Bay Robert Hun tsman Walla Walla , Wash. Beve rly J o h n s on Sal em Fran ces Johnson L y on s Marilyn Ketcham Sc i o Marl e ne Ketch a m Scio Don Lumgair Calgary, Alberta, Canada Clark Lun d Sandy G e orge Kra s ch Mi Llol1- F r eewale r Ma r y La cey E staca da Harr ietta Lowe ry Bend Jan M<lgce Jo Ann Ma r y T i llamook Dall a~ G ene Me Dona l d Mitchell Shirley Miller RQseQl,!rg Lorraine Nash Oregon City Jean P a Lton Salem Shirl ey Plummer n lcm F ranees Mose r West Linn Janet Moss Bend Myr e a Muleahy Sa Lem Thomas Nash Salem Ma reia Nico Lai Indepe ndence Susan Nye Silverton Ma r y Ann Pe de rsen Milwaukie Da d een Read S Li l e rn Mar ie Petersen Astoria Kf'trl Rr h m Sal e m Marjorie Pettijohn Eug e ne Clc ana Hi d enour Da lla s Elen a Mummey Monmouth Sandy Owen Monmoulh Judy Pi ess lll gc r Salem Gen e R o.s a s ch i Veri nR Lon , Ne v . Marlette Rundberg PorliaDd Mi cke y Schwinkendorf "ewbu rg Agnes Scott Inde pendence Nadi ne Shape r Bea verto n Claud e Smith Cottag e Gro v e P at r icia Smith Nel s co tt Richa rd Sonnen Aurora Jane t Sprowls Po rtla nd Terry Staats Ind e pend enc e Jean Storment Scio Mildred Strode Sitku m Do nald S weene y Monmou t h Ca r o l yn T haye r Aloha I ren e Thomas Sa lem Loretta T ..... ombly Mitchell Urlcne U rban Sa ndy Ri c.: hfIrrl Ve rb€ ' M ill Cily k ---- Alvina Warren Salem Eugene Wegner Ben Wilkinson Julia Williams Po rtland Salem ----~--- Carolyn White Lebanon Mary White Dra.in Harald Wilson Hooel River Mar y Woodworth Cottage Grove I I Monmouth Marjorie Yasu da Kapaa, Kauai, Ha wa ii Wayne Young Coo s Ba y June Yasuhara Lahaina, Maul, Hawaii John Br e ntlinger Lowell Margaret Yasuda Kapaa, Kauai, Hawaii ,bbal~d cr~ uJtordSv 11 ' 1 ,bal10l1 la yevlew s ertl .. f.-, .·1 , _ _ ranle,r erVdlS T1C 1l~1'1S·· c/ vle,sl/l 'l 't'" 'e · 1, ,""' . , " ~,.,./ ." /a· q l.. ~ kre I~- ,~ ', ' , - avnlsvil~e Sl J· 11 . ," . 1 -1" . , /1 lRe Sl etz U-) l S() - V -' ,e 1 ,ledo aUl'Or'a ' ~r er a c 'eswe11 l1ewber(' {allllil tlDV -.. / he . ~~~ alsea INDEX Adams. Barry 84. 112 Adams. Gilbert Agee. Winona 102 Albrecht. Elzina Allen. Sandra 24. 40. 41. 86, 94. 112 Allen. Zona 105 Allister. Harold Allstott. Jane 26. 94. 112 Alsip. Rosie 41. 85. 86. 112 Alspaugh. Marlene 102 Altenhofen. Marjorie 37, 94. 113 Alvord. Joan Anderson. James R. 27. 28. 102 Andrews. Melvin Andrich. Da le Archibald. Lee Arnold, Williams R. 28. 77. 86. 102 Atkins. James 109 Avina, Joe 25. 34. 88. 102 MARSHALL-WELLS STORE Hardware & Houseware Appliances Spencer and Heckart Monmouth, Oregon \'\{ON£ +tJ3 Babb. Beverly 92• 113 Baglien. Russell Bailey. Jerry Anne 37. 57, 72. 92. 113 Baker. Charles 28. Baker. Craig 96 Barge. Robert Barnes. Wilson 84 Barnick, Lois Barnick, Vic Bartel. Norman 106 Bates. Howard Becker. Betty 20. 24. 94. 109 . Bee be. Donna Beedle. Charleen Behrens, Norman Beigh. Betty 27. 29, 3 2 , 47, 99. 105 Belcher. Joan 59. 9 2 • 105 Bemis. Mary Jo 93 Benefiel, Ray Bennett. Donald Berg, Mildred Bergstrom. Bernandine 37. 41. 86. 95. 109 Bierly. Sharon 92. 113 Binkly. Diane Millicent 26 . Birdsall. Leslie 97. Bishop. Rosa Lee 24, 95 Bitar. J. 102 Blair. Patricia Blake. Sally Blaser. Eileen 93. 113 Blaser. John Bluhm. Beverly,72,92. 113 Boeder, Hilde Bogen. LaVera 40. 95 Boggs, Carol 92. 113 monmouth fiotel Comfortable Rooms Fine Food At Reasonable Prices Special Rates To The O. C. E Staff and Students Monmouth, Oregon COMPLIMENTS OF COD ( R'S J!ej and J!ouije J.~ch Bone. Nancy 36. 93 Bond. Douglas 113 Booth. Helen Bosell. David Bottorff, Jim 113 Bowers. ,Naomi Bowlby. Vernon 40. 97. 113 Boyanovsky. Norman Boyden. Jean Boyle. Beverly 93. 106 Boyle. Glenn Bradburn, Georgann 92, 106 Bradford, Gene 106 Bradshaw, Opal 22,29,33,37,41,85,86,95,109 Brady, Sharon 92 Brandt, Frances Brennan, Creagh Brentlinger, John 97, 118 Briggs, Wilmer 36,38,66,96 Brostrom, Frances 27,33,41,59, 102 Brostrom, Donald 35,43, 102 Brostrom, Glenn 35 Brown, Delmer 28, 102 Brown, Henry Brown, Lafona 106 Brown, Sandra 102 Brown, Tyrus Brown, William 77,84,96 Brumbaugh, K'Lynn 99 Brunk, Gordon Bryan, Calvin 102 Bryant, 'Harrison 96, 113 Buss, Lawrence 77,84 Bussen, Lois 41,86,93,113 Butler, Kayrene Byer, Donald Campbell, Rosemary 92 Carlo, Shirley 20,25,99,106 Carlson, X. Carol 22,41,95,113 Carpenter, John Carroll, Frederick Cedros, Henry 25,34,77,86, 106 Chamberlain, Dennis 96, 113 Chamberlain, Larry 34,98 Chase, Michiel 113 Chilton, JoA nne 24, 43, 113 Christensen, Charles 34,77 Chunn, John 77,97,113 Clair, Anna Belle 26,99, 106 Clanfield, Carol Clark, Ethel 20,92 Clark, G. 113 Clarke, Dorothy Coats, Richard Cody, Grace 92, 113 Coldiron, Helen 26, 104 Cole, William Collins, Jane Comstock, Ray Cook, LaVera 36,95,113 Cook, Mabel 99 Coons, Ar lyne Cottel, Catherine Cox, Ruth Ann 24,41,85,86,109 Craig, Jack Craven, Naomi Cresap, Janice 102 CroWley, Janice 1-03 Crowley, Lawrence 106 _ Cummings, Ray 77 Curnutt, Russell 106 Cushman, Richard Dacey, Helen Daum, Patricia Davey, Ma~jorie Dav idson, Glen 77, 98 Davis, Darrel 35,49,52,60,75,77,86, 103 FRIENDLY, HELPFUL BANKING SERVICE MONMOUTH BRANCH U. S. NATIONAL BANK AN OREGON BANK SERVING OREGON COnGRATUlATions ClASS Of 1955 monmOUTH MARGARET'S FLOW EJ WE ARE AS NEAR TO YOU AS YOUR TELEPHONE -PROMPT DELIVERY c:2t COMMENCEMENT ANNOUNCEMENTS CAPS AND GOWNS CLASS JEWELRY DIPLOMAS WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS * * SEE lite /IIla~tet C"'1tavet~ ll5 S. W. FOURTH AVENUE . PORTLAND. ORE. monmouth FARMS HOMES RENTAL.S HUBER REAL ESTATE 139 E. MAIN STREET - PHONE 464 Monmouth, Oregon A . F'. HUSER PHONE 592 212 KNOX Davis. John°5 Davis. JoyAnn 93. 103 Dawson. James 34. 96 Dayton. Willia m 72 Deaver. Aura Lee Decious. Gay DeGandi. Leslie 106 Delameter. James 97 DeMerritt. Joanne 103 Denhem . Marshall Detering. Arden 77.86.97 DeWitt. Ja mes 114 Dickson. Barbara Dickson. D. 84 Dierks. Milton Dill. Cecil Dixon. B. 24 Dixon. James Dodge. Donna Doherty. Julia Donner. Fred 114 Dorroh. Harriet Dotson. Hazel 114 Driscoll. Patricia 114 Duer. Richard 114 Dunaway. Gene Dunn. Marilyn Dutoit. Don Dutton. Bruce Eakin. Gleason 34.77 Eckert. Sarah Edgar. Sally 37. 109 Ed iger. Ernest Elligsen. Ardonnah 24. 93 Ellis. Anna Elwood. Claire Emerson. Carolyn Ethel!. June Evans. Donald Fadenrecht. Virgil Farnstrom. Clarice 25.43.94 Fenlason. Joan Finney. Darlene Fitch. Mary Flesher. Gurnee Forbes. Bernice Forbes. Edward 103 Forbes. Marilyn 103 Foulger. Jan Fox. Lois Frantz. Alice Free man. Gerald 77 Fuerstenau. Irma 103 Furer. Frances 29. 109 Gamble. W. Carolyn Gardner. Loretta 20. 92 Garrison. Erv in 77 Gernhart. Wyman 84.97 Getty. Eulah Giltner. Billy Godlove. John Goeldner. Neva Goodrick. Dale Gordon. Mary 27.29.32. lOS Gordon. Teddy 36.66 f Gortler, Blanche Goska, Gladys 32,99, 105 Gower, Larry 96, 114 Graham, Nellie Graves, Barbara 32,72,93,109 Graves, Nancy 95, 114 Graves, W. Joyce Gregory, Elton 96, 114 Gray, Sharon 109 Gribskov, Marion 43,96 Gridley, D. 77 Grimes, Sue 95 Grirnsbo, Elnora 105 Grosser, Yvonne 99. 103 Gruchow. Darlene 41. 85.86.94. II4 Guyton. Elizabeth 37.95.109 Gwynn. Wayne Haberly. William 98 Hack. Logan Hall, Harriet 106 Hall, Hazel 59 Hall, James 34 Hamann, Barbara Hamar, Charles 96, 114 Hamar, Glenda, 109 Hammagren, June 114 Hansen, Ann 32,47, 103 Hansen, Elaine Hansen, Kathryn 99 Hansen, Martin Hansen, Nancy Hanson, Clara Harden, Merilee 22,85,86,95,114 Harden, Treva 41,99 Hardie, Darlene 24,30,36,94,106 Harms, Harold Harp, Dale 27,28035,46.98, 106 Harp, Shirley 36,37,95. 114 Harris, Charles 34,77.86 Harris, Edwin Harris, Marjorie Harris, Patricia 27,29,32,106 Harrington, John 43 Ha rro ld, Rosa lie 105 Hartman, Marie Hartzog, Janice Hassler, Nada Hassler, Zada Hauck. Stephany 72.92,100 Haury. Richard 20,96, 110 Hays. William Head. Clyde 28.98 Heckart. Larry Hedeen, Carl 114 Heimbach, Arnold 62. 105 Hendrickson. Earl 28.96 Hendrix. Norman Henry. Mary Henry, Shermalee 26.93.103 Hensen, LeRoy Herigstad, Joyce Herman, Gordon 98 Herzog, Leo Hicks, Billy Hiebenthal, Zora Ann 41,72,85.86.92. II4 Hinderlong. Maidie 26.103 Hodgson, Marcia 59 Hodgson. Velma Hoeye. Daniel :J)utoit~ Service Station RALPH A. DUTOIT UNION OIL PRODUCTS "WE GIVE S & H GREEN STAMPS" 192 EAST MAIN-MONMOUTH, ORE. MO~MOUTH FUR~ITURl CO. FOR FRll~DLY SlRVICl M AND f STOR(S COMPLETl SHOPPI~C C[~TlR I~DlPl~Dl~ClJ ORlCO~ fISH(R flORAL CO. FLOWERS PHONE 230 INDEP. fISH fR -S CHULrTI ERICH MOBIL GAS and OIL TIRES and BATTERIES MOTOR TUNE-UPS PHONE 701 MONMOUTH MONMOUTH CO- OP WAREHOUSE FEED AND SEED COMPLIMENTS OF PORTLAN D' S OWN STORE Holdorf. Harold Holman. Patricia 27.29, Holmes. Carol 95 Hook. Leona Hopkins. Jeanne Horning, Muriel Horton, Cornelia 24 Hornor. Harlan 96. II5 Hoy. Harold Hubbard. Vernon Ray 86 .100 Huff. Gaylon 103 Huff, Sharon 24. 105 Hull, Mary Louise Hunter, David Huntsman. Robert 96 , 115 Hurst, Norma 93. II5 Hutchcroft, Austa Hutchins, Everta Iiams, Donna lng, George 20 . 98. 110 Ingalls, Donald 84.96 Irion, Clyde 91, 115 Jack, James Jacob, Theodore Jacobson, Eric 98 Jain, Virgil James, Dewey 106 Janes. Robert 100 Janke. Harry 43 Jansen. JoAnne 94, 115 Jefferson, Roseanne Jellison, Beverly 24 Jensen, Ida Eileen Jensen, Joanne 99, 110 Jensen. Keith 35 . 106 Johnson, Alice 24 Johnson, Beverly 26 . 92. 115 Johnson, Frances 95, 115 Johnson. Hazel Johnson. Orah Johnston. Ann Jones, Carolyn 22 , 27.29 .94.1 06 Jones. Dorothy Jones, John Jones. Rita 30 , 32.103 Jones, Ron Kabatoff. Eva Keaton. Charles 97 Keeney . Jess 57 , 96 Kelleher . Mary Ann Kemper . Richard Kenagy. Lo rli Kerzel . Doro thy 42.92 . 106 Kerzel. Stan 104 Kessler. Patricia 43,92,95 Ketcham, Marilyn 25,41 , 86,92. II5 Ketcham. Marlene 25, 115 King. A. JoAnn 33.38.72,93 King, Genevieve Kirk. Jewel 20 . 93 Knaub. Darlene 22 .26,27.33, 40.50.107 Knudsen, Suzanne Krasch. George 84 ,96. 115 Krautscheid, Elizabeth 32 , 72, 93. 109 Krebs . Robert 20 , 40 , 96 Kremers , Grant 62,97 Kremers , Joanne 26.27 ,29.33, 40, lOS Krier. Delray 40 Kronser. Marjorie Kurtz, Elvera 30. 103 Kurtz, Shirley 20.25,36,43.92. 110 Lacey, Mary 72,94. 115 LaFountaine. John 34 Lane. Gloria 26.98.103 Larimer, Dee Ann 32.59,99 Larsen, Mary Helen Lauman. Jeanne 99, 107 Laurance. Barry Lee, Gale 98 LeFrancq. Kaye 41.85.86,93,110 LeMond, Robert 103 Lenox, Eunice Leverich, Sylvia 24,33,94, 110 Lidke, Lois Lightfoot, Wesley Lindsey, Nina Lines, Barbara 93, 110 Little, Myrna 33,72,92.107 Lochead, Gail Long. Chester Dale 24,96,107 Lowery, Harrietta 22,95, 115 Loyd, Leon 98 Lumgair, Don 77, 115 Lund, Clark 96, 115 Lunda. Darrel 43, 110 Luttrell, Lavinia 99. 105 Magee. Jan 93, 115 Mahon, Joyce Makinster, Barbara 33,41,47,59,85,86,105 Mann, Glenda Manning Anna Manning, Gordon 43 Mansfield, Joseph Mary, Jo Ann 72.92,115 Maxwell, Lenore McBee, Blanche McCleary, Edna McClellan, Stanley McCormick, Roland 43 McCoy, Sally McCracken, Don 72,105 McCracken, Rita 72, 107 McCullen, Virginia McCutcheon, Melvin 39,97 McDonald. Gene 97 , lI S McGinnis. Shirley 95, 107 McGowan, Sabra 103 McGowan , William McHenry, Robert 34 McHenry, William 34,75,86 Mcintee, Mary McKenzie. Don 27,28,72 McKinney, Glenva 22,23,24,41,93 McLaughlin, Elaine 30 McManus, Pat 34, 110 Meade, Wanda 25.37,94, lIS Mendenhall, Keith 36,96 Michael. Nellie Mick, Maureen 9,) . lIS Miller. Janet Miller. Jessie Bennett Miller. Shirley 94. 116 Miles. M. Alice 107 Miller, L. 72 LUCILLE'S DRIVE IN Specializing in Delicious Dinners and Noon Lunches STEAKS * SEAFOODS * CHICKEN * Independence - Monmouth Highway Phone 94 A. L. THOMAS & COMPANY Congratulations to the class of 1955 PAT AND HARRY'S DAIRY DREAM -- Congratulations and Best Wishes CRIDER'S DEPARTmEnT STORE MONMOUTH FOR QUALITY STANDARD LINE ATHLETIC EQUIPMENT FEATURING RAWLINGS & SPALDING SEE: HOW~RD WICKLUND SPORTING GOODS 372 STATE ST . SALEM. ORE . CENTRAL CASH MARKET Home of Quality Foods At the Lowest Pos.ible Prices 153 E. Main Street Phone 444 B£Sl llilSH£S 10 ClHSS Of '55 fiSCHER'S mARKET QUALITY MEATS FROZEN FOOD LOCKERS "WE GIVE S & H GREEN STAMPS" MONMOUTH, OREGON Minten, Shirley 25,36,41,86,93, 110 Mitomi, Akirhiro 107 Moeck, Roxie 108 Montgomery, Edson 26,52,98 Morgan, Louise 97 Morrison, Allen Morrison, Joanne 24,97, 99 Moser, Frances 41,85,86,98, 116 Moser, Shirley 24,40,98 Moss, Janet 93, 116 Mulcahy, Mylrea 72,94,116 Mummey, Elena 26,116 Munger, Eunice 26, 110 Myers, Ray 100,103 Nabut, Emily Nagoshi, Mae 95 Nash, Lorraine 36,40,72,96, 116 Nash, Thomas 36 Neal, Evelyn 20,26,53,99.105 Neal. Viola Neill. Marilyn 20.24.94 Nelson. Ray Neuschwanger. Harley Newberry. Shirley . Newton, Adrian Newton. Alberta Newton. Dewey 97 Nichols. Delbert Nichols. Ruth 24, 107 Nicholson, Bonnie 36.93. 110 Nicholai. Marcia 23,37.41.86 Nielson. Edith 27.29.30,32.41.53. 103 Nierhoff. Audrey 33,37.72. II I Nohlgren, Sonia Nothelfer. Donna Null. Jane 24.32.94, I I I Nye. Susan 24.26,95 Nyland. Carlotta 25.37,72.94, I I I O'Connell, James O'Donnell, John 77,86.100 O'Hem. Jeanine 92 Ongstad, Muriel 95 Osborn, VVa yne III Overman, Anne 103 Overmeyer. Harriet Owen. Sandra 32 Owens. Eugene 34.77.84,86 Pallin. Donna 99. 104 Palm. Lillian 95 Park. Robert Parks. Fay 72.107 Patrick, Patricia,86,94.107 Patterson, Patricia 22.26.27,29.33,107 Pa tton, Jean 92 Patton. Mabel Paulsen. Kathleen Paulus, Jean Pearson. Earl Peast::. Harry,97.104 Pedersen. Mary 25. 116 Pedersen. Ronald Perks, Helen Perkins. M. 99 Perrott. ~lsie 26 Petersen. Cora - mae Petersen. Elizabeth Marie 20,36037,94,116 Peterson, Avadna 92 Peterson, Ila 99 Peterson, Ronald 97 Pettijohn, Marjorie 25,38,72,93,116 Phelps, David Phelps, Shirley 36,37,66,95, 107 Phelps, Wilma 95 Pickett, Carol Pierce, Russell Plessinger, Judy 43,93, 116 Plummer, Shirley 95, 116 Ponsford, Walter Poole, Dolores 27,29,33,47,99, 107 Poole, Lawrence 104 Poole, Leo Powers, Ramona 36,47,95 Puhlman, Charles 77 Pyles, Daurice Rankin, Dwaine 62 Read, Darleen 116 Read, Hazel Rearden, Nancy Rector, William Rehm, Carl 116 Reid, Loren 108 Reid, R. Gary Rempel, Daniel 24,27,28,108 Rice, Ann Rice, Lila ~1,72,92, 108 Richard, Karol Keith 98 Ridenour, Glenna 62,92,116 Riggs, Lucille Riley, Paul 86 Ripple, Sherry g4, III Roath, Vesta Roberts, Annice 36,40, g4 Roberts, Joe 34,75,77,86.104 Robertson, Jim Robinson. Asa Robinson, Dalvina 25 Rogahn, Carol 99, 108 Rogers, Esther Roner, Joan 95, lOS Rosaschi, Andrew 36,40,97, 116 Ross, Betty Roth, Sadie Ruckman, Stanley Rundberg, Marlette 72, 117 Rydell, Dorothy St. Martin, James Sakamoto, Charlotte 26,72,92, 1I2 Salstrom, Shirley 72, g4, III Sanderson, James Sanford, Lois Eileen g4 Saucy, Charles 108 Saunders, Russell Schilling, Ethel Schulton, J. 9S Schweizer, Ruth 24,26,29,32,g4, III Schwinkendorf, Laurin 117 Scott, Agnes 117 ~::::: ~:;yn 108 Seeger, Lola 484 STATE Sf. SALEM, OREGON DALLAS MUSIC SHOP R. C. A. Victor Television & Radios We carry a complete stock of records "We sell the best & fix the rest. " 615 Mill Street - Dallas MAfair 3-2389 W( ST SAL (M FU(L COM PAN Y Seid, Phyllis 27,29,33,42,47,93, III Seid, Shirley Seiffert, Katherine 23,41,85,86,93.III Sethre, Ida WOOD and SAWDUST - STOVE and DIESEL OIL 1525 EDGEWATER - WEST SALEM, OREGON Shinn, Joyce S]<elton, Suzanne Small, Sylvia 20,25,92, 112 Smiley, Sue Smith, Claude 23, 117 Smith, Donnale 32,60,99, roS Smith, Ervin Smith, Elaine 40,72,100 Smith, Gordon 97 Smith, Lois 32, 3S, I I I Smith, Patricia 36,95, 117 Smith, Ronald 40,72, [00 Smith, Veda Sneddon, Phyllis 92 Sonnen, Richard [17 Soults, Merle 22,24,29,32,72,93, [I [ Sparks, Charles Marvin Speed, Iva May 27,29,31,32,52 Spinney, Jeannette 32,47.72,93, III Spree man, Phyllis 99 Sprowls. Janet 92, [ 17 Staats, Terry [[7 Stallings, Marilyn 33-.36,66. I II Stanley, Fred 9S Stedman, Elvina 94 Stephens, Harold Stephenson. Gary 40,43,97 Stillwell, James Stone, Bonita 3[,99 Stone, Murvel77,9S Storment, Jean 24,94, [17 Stout, Ida Stowell, June Strasser, Ronald 97 Streight, Ray Strode, Mildred 4[,S6,93, 117 Stump, David III Sullivan, Lawrence 25,35, 9S Summerfield, Elmer 35,47,51,52 Sumpter, Stanley Sundet, Mary Sutton, John 34,35,47, lOS Swanson, EllaMae41,S6,95,Ili Sweeney, Donald 117 Swigart, Dot Swiggum , Alice 72,93, [I I Tanner, Richard 96 Tanner, Wanda Taylor. Aloha 24,31,94, III Taylor, Martha 26 Ta ylor, Ruby 33,39,72,93, 117 Thomas, Frances Thomas, Irene 95, 117 Thomas, Margaret Thompson, Helen Thompson, Jean Thompson, Marjorie Torney, Ivan Treat, James Trent, Mildred Trinneer, Darleen 92, 104 Trott, Peter Trusty, Donna 95 Twombly, Loretta 37,4[,S6,94, [17 Urban, Udene 96, [[ 7 VanBlaricom, Sandra 62,92 VanDenBosch. Eva Vanikiotis, Aliki Vasey, Ann 92 Verbeck, Richard 24,43,117 Vickrey, WamiBeth Vogan. Max Voit, John Wacken, C. Lois S5, S6, lOa, 104 . Wacken, Rita 41. lOa, 117 Wackerbarth, Don 96 Wakasa, Elaine 95, lOS Walker, Ruth 24,26, 104 Wall, James Walters, Phyllis Waltner, Jean Ward, Glenda 104 Ware, Darlene 72,92, 117 Ware, Gail 37,40,72,92,117 Warren, A. lIS Warren, Beverly 4S, 59, 99, III Watt, Patricia 24,29,106 Watters, Karen Weaver, Celia Webster, Terry Lou 104 Wegener, Anita Esther 26, I IS Wegner, Eugene Weinrich, Mardene 93, III Wells, Russell West, Edward lOS White, Carolyn 94, [IS White, Joyce 33,37,41. S5,S6, [12 White, Marjorie 20,39,92,112 White, Mary 25,72,95, liS Wickman, Evelyn 92 Wickstrand, Don 26,53 Wiens, Benjamin 100 Wiens, Donald I1S Wilcut, Ronald 96 Wilkinson, Benja min I IS Williams, Beverly 26 Williams, Elizabeth Williams, Julia 72,94,IIS Williams, Mark Williamson, Jack 40,96 Willis, Hanley Willoughby, Norm 84 Wilson, Harold 25.96, I IS Wilson, Robert 9S Winter, Joanne 92 Wise, Marjorie Wisniewski, Donald 100 Wisniewski, Marsha 100 Woll, Karen 99, lOS Wood, Doris Rachel Wood, Dorothy 72 Wood, John Woods, Jennie Woodworth, Mary 95. [IS Wright, James Yamashiro, Marjorie 95, [oS Yasuda, Margaret 22,93, I IS Yasuda, Marjorie 22,26,93, I [S Yasuhara, June 72,93, IIS Yoder, Marcia 25,37,72,92 Young, Mary Alice Young, Wayne 97, [IS Youngblood, Delores Yuranek, Joyce 25,33,94,109 Zerkel, Ronald Zitek, Douglas Zweigart, Ray 35, 109 FACULTY Albin, Floyd B. 9 Anderson, Mildred 17 Barrows, E.F. [3 Brody, David S. 9 Chamberlain, [7,75 Christensen, Oscar C. [6 Cochern, George W. Coe, William A. 9 Curtin, James R. 9 Custer, Evelyn 9 Dale, Jane C. 15,24 Donaldson, Mary 9 Farley, H. Kent 10,2S Farrow, Ralph A. ,Jr. 10 Godsey, RayK. 10 Glogau, Arthur H. 7,47 Gwinn, Mary H. 10 Haines, Francis D. 16 Harding, George J. 14,30,36 Hartle, Irma jean 10 Harvey, M. Gene 15 Heath, Pearl B. 16,31 Henkle, Emma 10 Hill, Jessie p. 10 Hill, Martha IS Hofstetter, Dessa 14 Howard, J. Morton II Hutchinson, Florence W. IS Johnson, Lloyd K. 13 I Johnson, Ruth 1. 7 Kane, Mildred 1 I Lautenbach, Ruth 17,41,S5 Lie ua llen, Roy E. S LiVingston, Robert C. 17 Maaske, Roben J. 6 McArthur, William D. 17,77 McBee, Oma Belle 11 McClure, Charles R. [4 McF arland, ' Violet I I Millsa p, Lucille N. II Mulder, Robert L. 14 Murdock, Patrick, M. [5 Noxon, Charles J. [6,96 Olsen, Edith L. IS Pa tterson, Gertrude II Perry, Margaret 1 I Ranetta, Lorna [2 Redden, Denise IS Ruckman, Stanley V. [2 Scott, Dora E. 12 Smith, Edgar H. IS,43 Stebbins, Ellis A. S Steiner, Margaret L. 14 Tepfer, Sanford S. 13,40 Thompson, Clara V. [S:92 Thompson, Matthew R. 13 Vanderpool, Lois H. 12 Wagner, William S. [2 Wessler, Daniel B. [5 Wolfer, Henrietta B. 12 Yost, Kenneth [6 · . L!11~ti?· 11 ·CltYSllJcet all mllllJdl,kee ell el seio Cl~at'rtl'ee co s -<el1dleton lOllJcll til HelcllSnevada l1aw cluell . tuiScollsill .cal : talla~ia . ····:tnct~ .. cnclen " .. - ;=~'" :. ••: . . . . .
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