Your Best Source for community News and Events The Bright Side Volume 20 No 09 Marietta & Powder Springs Community Newspaper SUPERIOR PLUMBING PRESENTS 2016 NORTH GEORGIA STATE FAIR The 84th Annual Superior Plumbing North Georgia State Fair will take place Thursday, September 22, through Sunday, October 2, at Jim R. Miller Park in Marietta. As the largest fair in metro Atlanta, the Superior Plumbing North Georgia State Fair attracts nearly 300,000 people every year from north Georgia and neighboring states. The Superior Plumbing North Georgia State Fair features live music, free attractions and shows, farm animals, flower shows, blue ribbon competitions, local entertainment, and delicious fair foods. There are also games and rides on the Great James H. Drew Exposition midway– one of the largest carnival midways in the United States, featuring the Wildcat Rollercoaster and the Georgia Mountain Lift. ECRWSS CAR - RT SORT POSTAL CUSTOMER The Bright Side P O Box 935 Kennesaw, GA 30156 PRSRT-STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID ACWORTH, GA 30101 PERMIT #41 georgia lottery concert series The Georgia Lottery Concert Series for the 2016 Superior Plumbing North Georgia State Fair under the covered arena includes: • Audio Adrenaline with 7eventh Time Down on Friday, September 23, at 8 p.m. • Granger Smith on Saturday, September 24, at 8 p.m. • Scotty McCreery with Zach Seabaugh on Wednesday, September 28, at 8 p.m. • Frankie Ballard on Thursday, September 29, at 8 p.m. • Colt Ford on Friday, September 30, at 8 p.m. • Jana Kramer on Saturday, October 1, at 8 p.m. New for 2016: Drew Exposition, often referred to as America’s Amusement Park on tour, has added a new state-of-the-art fun house, The Clown House- a clown-themed glass house that will take patrons through the glass mirror maze by entering the mouth of the clown. After making their way through the mirror maze, patrons will climb the stairs then navigate through other obstacles and take a slide back to the ground. K-9s in Flight– Audiences of all ages will be entertained by this non-stop, actionpacked performance showcasing the top amazing K-9 sports, including K-9 dock diving, high jump and Frisbee all in a fun, high-flying atmosphere. Returning in 2016: Sea Lion Splash! – You’ll laugh and stare in amazement as these unique creatures balance balls, catch rings, do handstands and perform gymnastics tricks! When the sea lions are not performing they will be on display for everyone to view as they swim and play. Robinson’s Racing Pigs & Paddling Porkers - Come cheer on the funniest racing experience ever! Pig racing gets even better when celebrities like Britney Spareribs and Lindsay Slowham are vying for the coveted Oreo prize. Eudora Farms Exotic Petting Zoo– Experience an interactive, hands-on exotic animal petting zoo. It includes 20 to 25 rare and exotic animals from around the world. See a wallaby, a zebra, a lemur and even a once in a lifetime chance to ride a camel. Other long-time traditions will continue, including sanctioned flower shows, non-commercial exhibits, and more than 40 amusement rides and games courtesy of the Great James H. Drew Exposition. Discount Tickets: Fair tickets will be available at all Metro Atlanta Walgreens beginning August 22 – September 23. Adults $3.50, 21 Ride Tickets $11.00. Admission: $7.00 admission. Children 10 and under are free. Ride tickets are $1.25 each, $20.00 for 21 tickets, $50.00 for 55 tickets and $100 for 120 tickets. All rides require more than one ticket. Parking is $3. Concerts FREE with fair admission. The NGSF is held at Jim R. Miller Park, 2245 Callaway Road S.W., Marietta, Georgia 30008. Call (770) 528-8989 or visit www. TM SEPT 15, OCT 15, 2016 Chalktoberfest – October 8 - 9, 2016 MCMA’s annual event is held the second week of October every year and has grown from 2 professional chalk artists to more than 80. In addition to the professional artists, we have a non-professional chalk contest for individuals and school teams. Once again we will offer our one-day Craft Beer Festival to our visitors on Saturday only. The Craft Beer Festival ticket price starts at $35 and allows you to taste more than 100 different kinds of craft beers. In addition to the host of wonderful restaurants on the Marietta Square, there will also be a wide assortment of food trucks this year. Sunday will be Family Day, including the Creative Kids activities and crafts area and the non-professional chalk competition for ages 5+. Mark your calendars for October 8 - 9, 2016, as Marietta/Cobb Museum of Art presents its annual Chalktoberfest that takes place around the Marietta Square and down Atlanta Street to the museum. This year, the Chalktoberfest theme is “Old Masters” and will feature over 80 contracted, professional chalk artists from around the US, Mexico and Canada. Artists will draw in front of spectators during both dates from 10a.m. to 5 p.m. Featured artists include world renowned chalk artists: Nate Baranowski, Jennifer Chaparro, Dorothy Sabean, Willie Zin, Joel Yau, Rod Tryon, Cuong Nguyen and many more. Admission to MCMA is free for the duration of the festival. CRAFT BEER FESTIVAL On Saturday, Oct. 8th, Chalktoberfest includes their annual Craft Beer Festival in conjunction with the Chalk Festival. This Craft Beer Festival allows visitors to walk around and enjoy the Chalk Art while drinking samples. There will be a selection of over 125 different kinds of craft beer. MCMA encourages guests to visit local restaurants and talk to professional artists from around the country as they create their masterpieces. Chalktoberfest will feature an after hours concert in the Park with live music by A1A the Jimmy Buffet Tribute Band starting at 6:00pm. Check the Chalktoberfest Website for the purchase of concert tables. non-professional chalk competition On Sunday, Oct. 9th, Chalktoberfest brings in their Creative Kids craft-making section 1:00pm – 5:00pm, geared toward children of all ages – and host their non-professional Chalk Competition with Youth, Teen, School, and Adult Divisions. Competition starts at 10:00am. Winners announced at 3:00pm. The Professional Chalk area will be available to view until 8:00pm Sunday night. 2016 HarvestFest Event Marietta’s HarvestFest is an annual arts and crafts festival held each October. In addition to a wide variety of arts and crafts items, the festival includes Halloween Happenings for children, featuring a costume contest. Carnival games and lots of prizes will thrill the little ones. The show setting is at Glover Park in the Historic Marietta Square. The event takes place on Saturday, Oct. 15, 2016 and includes the following events: Arts and Crafts Festival - 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.; Touch-A-Truck - 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.; Halloween Happenings - 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. (Photo courtesy of the City of Marietta). 16 SEP WC THIS ‘N THAT The Bright Side™ is a privately owned publication of J. C. Thompson & Associates, Inc. P O Box 935, • Kennesaw, GA, 30156; (770) 423-9555 Bright Side page 2 COBB GENEALOGY The Cobb County Genealogical Society meets the fourth Tuesday of each month at the First Presbyterian Church of Marietta, 189 Church Street, Marietta, Georgia 30060, from 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM. The October meeting features Bob Sapp, a member of the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR),who is known in all high schools throughout Cobb County as he presents the SAR award at the annual JROTC award ceremonies in our local high schools. He will speak to the members and guests about genealogy related subjects Tuesday, October 25, 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM The public is invited to attend and there is no charge. For more information visit http://www. All rights reserved.©. No reproduction or copying of any stories without the express written permission of the publisher Carol Thompson, Publisher and Editor Jennifer Pope, Office Manager Ken Leone Marketing Rep. deadline for OCT 2016 issue: wed OCT 12, 2016 MAILEDoct 17, 2016 BE A BRIGHT SIDE REPORTER It’s easy to be a Bright Side Reporter — if you have a positive or upbeat story about your family, your neighborhood, your civic group, school, church activities, happening in your community of Marietta, send it to us. Simply write us a short note of the facts — we will rewrite it as a story. Email to [email protected] or mail to The Bright Side, P O Box 935, Kennesaw, GA 30156. (Photos are welcome too) . Call 770-423-9555 for more information on submitting stories. SHARE YOUR business with our community GSO Chorus holding open vocal auditions for 2016-2017 Auditions for the GSO Chorus, conducted by Mr. Bryan Black, are now being heard at the Marietta Performing Arts Center. The 80-voice chorus will be featured in masterworks by Verdi, Bach and Handel along with folk songs, American music and holiday favorites. To schedule an audition, contact Susan Stensland, Executive Director, at (770) 4292390 or [email protected] Help Wanted: Full time lineman position. Job involves taking care of aircraft parking, fueling, towing, passenger luggage, rental vehicles, putting ice and coffee aboard the airplane. The work schedule is FridayMonday from 7am-6pm starting pay is $10.00 per hour. Experience preferred. Send resume to [email protected] or fax 678-454-2091. YARD SALE When you Advertise with us. Reach over 21,000 homes by direct mail in Marietta 30060, 30064, and Powder Springs 30127. And ONLINE at www. share your good news Share you good news with us -baby births, birthdays, engagements, weddings, anniversaries. Get your information to us by the next deadline and include your zip code. Send by Email to [email protected]. These announcements are published at NO CHARGE. RETIRED EDUCATOrS Cobb-Marietta Retired Educators Association meets the second Thursday of each month. The monthly luncheon is held at the First Methodist Church in Marietta at 11:30 a.m. For more information visit American Legion Auxiliary is hosting a YARD SALE, Saturday, September 24th at 921 Gresham Ave., Marietta, Inside or Outside - Rain or Shine: 8:00am to 3:00pm. Table Reservations & Information contact Jeana @ 770-597-2842. MARIETTA LIONS CLUB Meets the second Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM, at the First United Methodist Church, 56 Whitlock Ave SW, Marietta 30064. For more information, or if you are interested in joining Dementia Support Group Marietta First United Methodist Church’s Dementia Support Group meets at 6:30 pm on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. The group provides support and resources to those providing care to a person with any type of dementia. Through participation in the group, caregivers will be able to share their own experiences while receiving support and strength from others sharing a similar journey. Marilyn Crozier will facilitate the group. For more information, contact Rev. Elaine Wilder at 770-429-7800 ext. 7826. Open to everyone. MARIETTA BUSINESS ASSOCIATION The MBA REACH Scholarship Fund presented a check for $4,000 to Dr. Tim Brown, CTAE Director/Assistant Principal for Marietta High School. The check was presented by John Silvey, (l) owner of the Marietta Zaxby’s. MBA was honored to present $500 to The Center for Family Resources CEO Jeri Barr for their Thanks for Giving program. this and that ads Selling your home, Renting a house, need an employee, have a home based business, tutoring, teaching, in home childcare provider ? We accept short paragraphs (up to 50 words) for a fee of $25.00. The ads (with check) may be mailed to P O Box 935, Kennesaw, 30156 or dropped in our blue mailbox at the office. Email is acceptable if a check is mailed. We do take Mastercard and Visa. P S Homebased business ads are accepted only if they do not conflict with our display advertisers. House sales accepted if only by owner . Call us at 770-423-9555 if you have more questions. Thanks. BRIGHTMBASIDE NEWSPAP will hold its COMMUNITY monthly luncheon GHT SIDE COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER our club, email [email protected] or on October 10, 2016 at the Radisson Hotel Marietta, visit our website: www.mariettalionsclub. Atlanta, 1775 Parkway Place,PROOF PROOF org. 30067. The members will honor the Marietta Police Department, Marietta Fire Dept., Help Wanted Comfort Keepers, an industry leader Cobb Precinct Carol 1 Police, 911 Call Call atCenter,770-424-2863 Call Jennifer at in678-699-2706 in-home caregiving, needs local CNA’s the Sheriff, Puckett ems and Metro Atlanta EMAIL YOUR Call 770-423-9555 or visit www. Ad rates start at $160 a month and Companion Caregivers to assist adults in Marietta, Kennesaw, Acworth, Smyrna, Austell and Mableton. Interviewing daily for immediate openings, full or part-time shifts. Call 678-354-0102. october luncheon Ambulance and thank them for keeping us safe everyday. [email protected] Are Your Hormones Affecting Your Body Shape? NEED A LITTLE HELP WITH MOM AND DAD? Take Our Quiz: Ovary Adrenal Thyroid 770-425-6068 Liver Do you often feel fatigued? Do you often have cold hands or feet? Do you have problems losing weight? Do you have problems getting to sleep? Do you have dizziness or ringing in the ears? Do you crave salty or sugary foods? Do you have a decreased sex drive? Do you have hot flashes or night sweats? If you answered "yes" to two or more questions you may have hormonal problems. We Can Help! Call Our Office to See How! Natural Health Care Convenient To West Cobb Please Visit: 5150 Stilesboro Road • Ste 415 • Kennesaw 30152 STORIES AND photographs TO • Choose the services needed and the days and hours that fit your schedule. • Need an economical personal security device for 24/7? – we provide them. • An approved care provider for Cobb’s Share the Care program. Leave Mom and Dad with loving caregivers from a local company you can trust. Call... 678-354-0102 FREE CONSULTATION Peter Witkiewicz, Owner Independently Owned and Operated Our caregivers are screened, bonded and insured. 240 Cherokee St., Ste 302 Marietta, GA 30060 page 3 Bright Side 16 SEP WC BRIGHT SIDE COMMUNITY NEWSPAP PROOF Call Carol at 770-851-5469 Georgia 9-11 Memorial Stair Climb On Saturday, September 10, 2016, City of Marietta firefighters participated in the Georgia 9-11 Memorial Climb to honor and remember the first responders including firefighters, police, and EMS who selflessly gave their lives so that others might live on 9-11-2001. Each firefighter paid tribute to a first responder by climbing the equivalent of the 110 stories of the World Trade Center on Saturday in full gear. The Stair Climb benefited the FDNY CSU and the programs provided by the NFFF to support the families of our nation’s fallen firefighters. (Photo courtesy of the City of Marietta). HAMBY & ALOISIO, INC. Insurance Associates At Hamby & Aloisio Insurance we offer individualized attention, service and advice at competitive rates. In addition to our full service Personal Lines and Benefits departments, we offer comprehensive General Business Insurance and Commercial Specialty Programs Marietta’s Classic Film Festival ‘Hosted by the City and the Marietta Gone With the Wind Museum The City of Marietta presents an inaugural Classic Film Festival with a celebrity lineup of actors and their films – including Mary Badham, who we know as “Scout Finch” – during its inaugural weekend, September 23-25, 2016. The event, hosted by the Marietta Gone With the Wind Museum, includes three crowd favorites – “To Kill A Mockingbird,” “American Graffiti,” and of course, “Gone With the Wind.” Activities such as Q&A’s, autograph signings, and interviews with the stars – with a dance contest thrown in, will accompany the screenings, all to be held at the Marietta Performing Arts Center at Marietta High School. Come early for the musical pre-show courtesy of organists Larry Davis, Ron Carter, and John McCall. Visit for all event details. Contact me today for a personalized BRIGHT SIDE COMMUNITY NEWSPAP insurance consultation. Celebrate Fall with Colorful Art Call 770-804-4839 or PROOF Marietta Square Art Walk celebrates the fall season with colorful art at the Marietta Square. Art galleries, museums, boutiques and restaurants host local artists and musicians Email: [email protected]. Marianne Stubbs Joy from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Friday, October 7 during this free, self-guided tour. Call Carol at 770-851-5469 A big congratulations to Edward Baltes! He was chosen by our judge as the winner of Best in Show award. He wins $250 and the opportunity to show work in one of our local galleries. Visit his Facebook page Custom Steel Creations to check out his work! Parking is free starting Friday night at 5:00 p.m. in the parking deck on Cherokee Street, across from the Earl Smith Strand Theatre and House of Lu, as well as the other two parking decks located off of Waddell Street and Lawrence Street. House of Lu, at 89 Cherokee Street, and 1 Block Over, at 25 Powder Springs Street, are the newest additions to the Art Walk venues. SHREDDING DAY City of Marietta and Keep Marietta Beautiful invite you to participate in their Shred Documents Saturday. The event will be held, Saturday October 8, 9:00 am till Noon at 591 N. Marietta Pkwy, just east of Fairground on the N. Loop. For more information contact KMB at 770-794-5606. Marietta Cops & Cars for Kids Car Show Johnny Walker Realty Marietta & Cobb County’s Real Estate Company That Cares and Gets Results! Johnny Walker and Carey Cox bring you a personalized approach to the home buying and selling experience in Marietta. Take advantage of their combined 37 years of experience and indepth knowledge of the Cobb County Real Estate market. The Marietta Police Athletic League (PAL) is excited to announce its Inaugural Marietta Cops & Cars for Kids Car Show on October 22, 2016! This event will be held on Saturday from 9:00am-1:00pm at Marietta First United Methodist Church. PAL invites the community to come out and enjoy the day exploring all types of vehicles. There will be a concession area to purchase burgers, hotdogs, chips and soft drinks. There will also be a 50/50 raffle up for grabs! Want to enter your vehicle in the show? Entry fee is $25.00 and includes a T-shirt if you enter before October 10th. At show entry is $30.00 and may include on on information you have provided us. Due to ThisT-shirt ad wasdepending created based availability. Go to to register your vehicle time or make a donation. All constraints and the need to meet our publication date, we can only types of vehicles welcome. make corrections to spelling, incorrect numbers, and expiration dates at this time. Again because of time constraints, a second proof of any WANTED - 15 NEW VIOLINISTS Symphony on the Square, Marietta’s Pops Orchestra is growing needs more changesand made will not be resubmitted for your approval. violinists - by the end of 2017. Maybe you played violin at one time, put your instrument away and only dreamed that one day you would play again. That day is today! All major form ad change requests will have to be done in the next issue you Simply visit, fill in their information and they advertise in. Thank you will be back in touch with you. Join other orchestra members that play beautiful music for for your business. Carol Thompson, Publisher. our community to enjoy. SCARECROWS ON THE SQUARE Please call 770-851-5469 ADVERTISER - PLEASE ADDRESS CORRECT PHONE NUMBER CORR PRICES CORRECT SPELLING Registration is now open for the City of Marietta's Parks and Recreation Department’s or email corrections to [email protected] Carey Cox Johnny Walker 11th Annual Scarecrows in the Square contest. Please remember each group or organization EXPIRATION DATE must register by September 23, 2016 in order to decorate a Scarecrow on the Square by 404-886-1556 404-993-9750 displaying your group, business or school's creativity and personality via a scarecrow Registration forms are available at for the public scarecrow contest. Entries will be judged on originality, construction and presentation. Creators Call our office are urged to use a theme and name that showcases the business or group's personality or celebrates Marietta's history with a historic figure. While there is a $25 entry fee for each scarecrow in the public scarecrow contest, there 262 Church Street, Marietta 30060 is no entry fee for school scarecrows. All scarecrows must be completed and displayed during the week of September 26th through October 2nd. More info: Marietta's Parks and Locally Owned and Operated Recreation Department, 770-794-5601. 678-626-0403 Johnny Walker R e a l t y 16 SEP WC Changing Your Medicare Policies Jerry Bohus Should you Change your Medicare health plan? If you are enrolled in a Medicare health plan, each year you will have a chance to review your coverage and make changes. Medicare Health Plans and Prescription Drug Plans can change their costs and coverage each year. Many insurance carriers offer Medicare products. Their monthly premiums, out of pocket expense, prescription drug formularies, cost-sharing co pays, and physician/hospital networks can change every year. And with these changes comes a lot of confusion each year! That’s where I come in. As an Independent Agent, I help guide you through the “Medicare information overload”! Here is how, as an “independent agent”, I can help you: I don’t represent one insurance carrier. This enables me to get to know and uncover exactly what your personal needs are, both medically and financially. I understand these plans. I can then cut through the clutter and place you in a plan that really fits your needs! If you were to ask “What is the best plan?” my answer would be “There is no best plan, only the best plan for you!” As an independent agent, I can assist you in finding the Medicare option that is best for you. You can reach me at 770.499.2040 or my office at 2655 Dallas Highway, Suite 130 (next to Target). Marietta, 30064. I look forward to getting together with you! Bright Side page 4 “Girls’ Night Out” Celebrating the gift of girlfriends with shopping, socializing and just having fun! On Thursday, October 13, 2016, 5PM until 8PM at The Brickyard at Marietta Station (129 Church Street, Marietta),Minimum Donation $25. Please join us for another special evening with some of your favorite retailers and artists, providing unique shopping opportunities and experiences, all in the spirit of raising funds for single moms who need a hand up. Light dinner, beer, wine, soft drinks, and specialty gifts always promise to make this year’s event memorable and fun for all! Shop Rescue, Repurpose, Redeem; The Minted Market; Vivacious Charms; Tisch Jewelry; Carter Country Crafts; Jamberry Nails ; PMG Woodworks; Kathy’s Accessories; Symphony of Toys; Hickory Flats Homemade Soaps; Say It in Silver; Tricia Pridemore’s Art. Tickets are available through any one of the 10 Women of Hope: Lamuriel Adams, Patsy Bryan, Wanda Callahan, Angie Davis, Jean Hawkins, Laurel Kovach, Linda Palmer, Jacki Payne, Michelle Sams and Penny Warren Or may be purchased through our website: on charitable events) Free parking for guests is available in the First Baptist Church parking lot and also in the parking deck on The Square, after 5pm. 10 Women of HOPE is a 501(c) (3) organization designed specifically to help single moms who are experiencing an essential financial emergency. Dr. Google and Snake Oil Linda Oviatt, Aromatherapist. When you have the right financial advisor, life can be brilliant. BRIGHT SIDE COMMUNITY NEWSPA PROOF Call Carol at 770-851-5469 What matters most to you in life? It’s a big question. But it’s just one of the many questions I’ll ask to better understand you, your goals and your dreams. All to help you live confidently – both today and well into the future. Kerry Beaver CPA,®JD, MBA Financial Advisor 404.913.9133 7000 Peachtree Dunwoody Rd NE #6-350 Atlanta, GA 30328 [email protected] The big ol’ world of the Internet can be a fabulous place to learn new stuff and answer questions. It can also be extremely confusing and scary-- especially when you start going to Dr. Google for health information. Take essential oils, for example. You’ll find an extremely WIDE range of essential oil information floating around the web these days. It’s no wonder why people think essential oils are merely ‘snake oil’.Did you know that the Chinese working on our railroad, brought tea tree oil and used it for snake bites? That’s a story in itself! Anyway, you find everything from insanely dangerous recommendations like putting oils in your eyeballs or injecting oils to unhealthy extremes like “Never, use essential oils unless you have a PhD in chemistry”. I’ve learned while oils aren’t necessarily THE only answer to all of mankind’s woes, they do have a pretty amazing story to tell. If you give them a chance to prove themselves you’re going to walk away with some jaw-dropping stories eventually. I’ve also learned using oils effectively and efficiently requires some common sense. You don’t have to be afraid of them, and you certainly don’t need 10 years of formal education to be able to open a bottle and experience their benefits. I’ve come to greatly appreciate balanced, rational information. Simple down to earth history, how to use, safety precautions, why they work and how to know what to buy are things I share with people interested in traveling this path for overall health benefits. Essential oils have been used for centuries from Ancient Egypt to today’s massage table for any number of reasons, but our society has forgotten the power of them. Effects can be both immediate and prolonged, and there is mounting scientific evidence of their benefits. Use them to clean homes, pamper pets, have happy children and rid your garden of pests. Make your own body care products that actually boost your immune system and not bust it with chemicals. You might even try getting some restful sleep naturally for about 6 cents a drop! Contact Linda Oviatt, Aromatherapist, 770-241-4302, [email protected]. Ask about her free classes. Aromatherapy September 20th - November 3rd Tuesday Nights 6:45-8 pm Thursday Mornings 9:45-11 am Free Classes Join us for classes on how to use essential oils for your home, pets, children, garden and cooking. Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA and SIPC. © 2015 Ameriprise Financial, Inc. All rights reserved. (10/15) Hosted By: Blumsack Family Chiropractic 3770 Due West Road • Ste. 200 Marietta • 770-362-6430 Or Call Linda Oviatt, Aromatherapist: 770-241-4302 Complete Schedule of Classes on Facebook at Linda Oviatt YLEO page 5 Bright Side 16 SEP WC LOCAL CIVIC ORGANIZATION AIMS TO WIPE OUT MATERNAL/NEONATAL TETANUS The Kiwanis Club of Marietta raised $1,100 at their recent luncheon meeting by hosting a Power Ball drawing. That money will go directly to The Eliminate Project – Kiwanis International’s current global campaign for children. It only takes $1.80 to vaccinate a woman suffering from maternal neo-natal tetanus in the poorest, most underserved populations around the globe. The money raised will vaccinate 611 mothers and their subsequent children against this dread disease that kills one baby every nine minutes. In partnership with Unicef, Kiwanis Clubs across the world aims to raise enough money to wipe out his incredibly cruel, centuries-old disease. Kiwanis Club of Marietta has committed to raise a minimum of $100,000 over the next 5 years towards this goal. Through the generous donations and fundraising efforts of their members, to date they have accomplished well over half of their goal. If you would like to be a part of this organization that serves our children both locally and abroad, please contact Executive Director Pat Huey ([email protected]). welcome new advertisers johnny walker realty The Bright Side welcomes Johnny Walker Realty owned by Johnny Walker and Carey Cox. Both men have grown up in the Marietta area and are here to bring you a personalized and knowledgeable buying and selling experience in Cobb County. Call Johnny at 404-993-9750 or Carey at 404-886-1556. kerry beaver , FINANCIAL ADVISOR - The Bright Side welcomes Kerry Beaver of Ameriprise Financial. She is an expert in planning for retirement and your comfortable future regardless of age bracket. What is even better, she will meet with you and your home or place of business. Take advantage of her expertise, give her a call at 404-913-9133 or email her at [email protected]. linda oviatt, AROMATHERAPIST The Bright Side welcomes Linda Oviatt, Aromatherapist. Linda is giving free classes on how to use essential oils for your home, pets, children, garden and cooking. Learn how to make you own body care products. Call Linda at 770-241-4302. Her ad is on page 4. georgia ballet The Bright Side welcomes Georgia Ballet conveniently located just off Cobb Parkway and Bells Ferry Rd. Why not let your budding ballerina take advantage of their offer as one class free (good through October). Call 770-528-0881. And don’t forget your tickets to Peter Pan October 8-9. Story is on page 7 of this publication. BRIGHT SIDE COMMUNITY NEWSPAP PROOF This October, chameleon actor Bill Oberst Jr. returns to The Strand’s Stephen W. Imler stage for a weekend of inhabiting Call Carol at 770-851-5469 the hearts and minds of two American LEWIS GRIZZARD AND MARK TWAIN LIVE greats – Mark Twain and Lewis Grizzard. Previously performing as Lewis Grizzard to sold out audiences at The Strand, Oberst brings with him this year iconic author and humorist Mark Twain for the first time. Lewis Grizzard: In His Own Words (Thursday & Friday, October 13 & 14 @ 8PM) Bill Oberst Jr’s portrayal of Lewis Grizzard is authorized by the humorist’s widow, who says it is as close as one can come to seeing the late great spokesman of the South onstage again. For anyone who grew up in (or just loves) the South, it’s a sweet and funny evening of theatre, with lots of laughs and a few tears, just the way Lewis would have liked it. Mark Twain: In His Own Words (Saturday, October 15 @ 8PM & Sunday, October 16 @ 3PM) Bill Oberst Jr.’s solo show Mark Twain In His Own Words is just as caustic, and just as sentimental, as Sam Clemens himself. The material is pure Americana; tall tales, wild adventures and sharp observations on humanity All tickets are on sale now. Seating is assigned. Tickets are $25 and are available online at, over the phone at 770.293.0080, or in person at 117 North Park Square. Box Office hours are from 11AM-6PM, Monday through Friday, and 9AM-12PM on Saturdays. The Box Office opens two hours before showtime. For more information or tickets, visit or the Box Office at 770-293-0080 or 117 North Park Square, Marietta, 30060. Smithsonian Museum Day, September 24th Explore the Marietta Museum of History for FREE on Saturday, September 24th, 2016 from 10am to 4pm. In order to participate in this wonderful event, a ticket for two must be downloaded at or you can find the link on the History Museum’s website. Walton Community Services, Inc. NOW HIRING • R.N. Program Coordinator • C.N.A’s / H.H.A’s / L.P.N’s / R.N’s Please send resumes to : [email protected] Accepting New Clients for Community Based Services. • Private Pay • Some Insurance Walton Community Services, Inc. 561 Thorton Rd, Ste. Z, Lithia Springs, GA 30122 Office: 770-943-6768 American Quality Tree serVICe John Strick, Owner 16 SEP WC Bright Side page 6 678-524-5574 Clean up for Fall! • Total Tree Removal & Clean Up • Bobcat & Chipper Services • Underbrush/Lot Clearing • 24/7 Emergency Service* Fully Insured Free esTIMATes 10% OFF for senior Citizens/Military d based on information you have provided us. Due to nd the need to meet our publication date, we can only make ling, incorrect numbers, and expiration dates at this time. time constrants, a second proof of any changes made will for your approval. ge requests will have to be done in the next issue you adverfor your business. Carol Thompson, Publisher. Please call 770-851-5469 corrections to [email protected] A WEEK IN ALASKA! Boy Scout Troop 29 of Marietta, GA, took a weeklong trip to Alaska in early June. 12 scouts—Nicholas O’Neill, Christopher O’Neill, Beau Ligon, Patrick Ramsey, Evan Wallace, Jeremy Bolt, Reed Charleston, Bo Buckner, Rudy Shivertaker, Jack Shivertaker, Tyler Rushing , John Haight (BSA FL) and Troop leaders and supporters camped for a week in Denali State Park. They had a fantastic time taking in the sights, viewing the wildlife and hiking the trails. They also took a glacier and whale watching cruise. Lifetime memories were made by this fantastic opportunity. A huge THANK YOU goes out to Post #29 American Legion of Marietta, GA for contributing to and supporting their fundraising for this trip. CONGRATULATIONS MILFORD LITTLE LEAGUE ADVERTISER - PLEASE CHECK: Milford Little League, 12-13 years old intermediate baseball team won the 2016 Intermediate 50/70 Little League Baseball State Tournament in Peachtree City, GA. The ADDRESS CORRECT team represented Georgia in the South East Regional Conference in Apopka, FL, July 2124. PHONE NUMBER CORRECT The team went undefeated in the double elimination tournament. They played 3 games in Peachtree City, GA to win the State Championship. It has been 15 years since Milford played and won in a District Championship and the first time the team played and won PRICES CORRECT a State Championship in league history. Also, this is the first time Milford played and represented GA in the Southeast Regional Tournament. SPELLING VOLUNTEERS NEEDED EXPIRATION DATE Calling for volunteers of all ages to come out and assist Marietta Tree Keepers as we maintain Hill Park on Saturday, October 8, 2016. Hill Park is a pretty little pocket park that was transformed from a once vacant lot just a few blocks off the northeast corner of Historic Marietta Square. The park was dedicated to the memory of Willie Hill, deacon of Zion Baptist Church. Volunteers are asked to arrive at 8:30am to enjoy donuts and beverages before digging in to work. All ages are welcome to the family-friendly event. Dress appropriately for the weather. Tools will be provided although volunteers are welcome to bring their favorite outdoor gloves and tools if they like. Large groups please contact us with your number of volunteers that will be in attendance. For more information, please call 770.424.4664. Advertise with us and reach 21,000 homes in your target market of Marietta (30060 & 30064 ) and Powder Springs (30127). We are delivered FREE by direct mail and published online FREE. Visit us at Ad rates as low as $160.00. Call... 770-851-5469 16 SEP WC page 7 Bright Side The Georgia Ballet’s “Peter Pan” Flies into Powder Springs The Georgia Ballet is thrilled to bring its season opener of “Peter Pan” to the J. Alton Keith Theater October 8-9. This will be The Georgia Ballet’s first performance of “Peter Pan” in their 57 year history. The production is staged and choreographed by Daet Rodriguez, Artistic Director, and Margit Peguero, Ballet Mistress. “After performing Peter Pan with the St. Augustine Ballet last season, I knew I wanted to bring it to GAB and share the exhilarating show with our community,” says Mr. Rodriguez. Over the last hundred years the story has itself taken flight in many performing arts genres. The Georgia Ballet is transporting you into the world of Neverland through a professional ballet performance. Providing a delightful approach into the characters’ psyche, the show is “an invitation to dream.” In the effort to continue to give back to the community and add to the fun, The Georgia Ballet is partnering with MUST Ministries by inviting all audience members to dress up in their favorite costumes and bring a jar of “Peter Pan” Peanut Butter and other nonperishable goods. Donation bins will be located at the theater throughout the weekend for the community to make donations. Looking forward to performances in the Paulding communities, The Georgia Ballet is reaching out to audiences of all ages and interests, from the traditional ballet enthusiasts to the younger generations of new-comers seeking quality entertainment opportunities. This production of “Peter Pan” promises to offer an enchanting experience for everyone. The 2016-2017 season also includes The Georgia Ballet’s annual holiday favorite, “The Nutcracker” that will run from Dec. 2-4, and the not to be missed performances of “The Sleeping Beauty” March 4-5. In addition, The Georgia Ballet is introducing a new series entitled “Dancers Up Close” which invites the community into the studios to experience a behind the scenes look at each performance. To purchase tickets and find more information, visit or call 770528-0881. The theater is located at 2400 New MacLand Road Powder Springs, GA. NEED A RIDE? Door-to-Door Transportation Offered to Cobb Seniors The senior Citizen Council of Cobb County and Common Courtesy Rides are sponsoring door-to-door rides for members in a program that began on Tuesday. This personal ride service will pick up members from any location in Cobb County and take them up to 15 miles for $2.00 per person per ride. There can be up to three people per car with a nominal charge for more than 15 miles. Riders are limited to two (2) round-trip rides per week. They also must belong to the Senior Citizen Council of Cobb County. To become a council member, complete the application at the front desk at each Cobb Senior Center or visit: to complete the application online. Click on the “Membership Application” tab. A single membership is $12 per year with an annual household membership being $15. Riders also must register by completing the Common Courtesy Rides application available at or at Click on the “SeniorsGo!” tab or “Get a Ride” tab from Common Courtesy Rides to complete the application. There is a one-time $10 registration fee and specify chapter affiliation as Cobb Senior Citizen Council Member. Information about the program call (917) 374-3459 or www. So you want your Business to Grow... GHT SIDE COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER Then...Advertise with The Bright Side PROOF • Reaching over 49,000 homes Call Carol at 770-851-5469 with 100,000 potential readers. GHOSTS OF MARIETTA TOURS • Walking Ghost Tours • Scary-etta Haunted Trolley Tours • Private Group Tours Make your reservations now! 131 Church St. • Marietta • 30060 • 770-425-5755 Visit • Delivered FREE by direct mail to Kennesaw/Acworth, and Marietta/Powder Springs • Published online! • With top notch design services to help you create your AD Take a trip around our website for more information about AD RATES and sizes, then GIVE US A CALL 770-851-5469 Ad rates as low as $160.00 per zone. 16 SEP WC Bright Side page 8 From having physical therapists and certified athletic trainers who only work with kids to using Dartfish motion analysis to correct mechanics and prevent injuries, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta offers the specialized care needed to keep young football stars playing at the highest level. Whether it’s a torn ACL, a shoulder injury, or a concussion, the pediatric experts at Children’s will get your superstar back on the field as quickly and safely as possible. We’re proud to serve Cobb County athletes. Find the location nearest you at ©2016 Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, Inc. All rights reserved. THREE COBB LOCATIONS | KENNESAW, MARIETTA & SMYRNA page 9 Bright Side 16 SEP WC DEGREE PROGRAMS IN TODAY’S MOST VITAL FIELDS ONLINE FIRE DEGREES AVAILABLE FROM ASSOCIATE TO MASTER’S LEVEL AND CERTIFICATES AND CEUS. Why Choose Columbia Southern University? • Textbooks at No Cost • Exceptional Student Support • Affordable Tuition • No Entrance Exams Required • Transfer Credit Evaluated • Financial Aid Available • Flexible Start Dates • And More! Vera Morrison FLEXIBLE. AFFORDABLE. ONLINE. | 800.977.8449 2015 Graduate DeKalb (Ga.) Fire Rescue Battalion chief 16 SEP WC Bright Side page 10 WHAT CAN I DO TO HELP Rev. Sam Storey, Columnist There are three basic attitudes about life in the time-honored story of the Good Samaritan. (Luke 10:25-37). First, we have the lawyer who asked Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life. His attitude was basically: “What’s in it for me?” Think about his question to Jesus: “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” He’s not asking what he must do to build a better world. He’s not asking even what he can do to be a better person. All he’s interested in is finding out what he must do to get into heaven. KENNESAW MEMORIAL PARK CEMETERY Permanent Tributes - Cremation Options A memorial can be as simple or elaborate as you like, and there are many options available. An urn can be placed in a mausoleum niche where it can be viewed through protective glass, or positioned behind a memorial plaque. The urn can be placed in a family plot or cremation garden, accompanied by a personalized bronze memorial or headstone. Each life is marked by beautiful milestones and measured in relationships. At the conclusion of your life, those connections remain, and your loved ones will need and want to reflect on their memories of you, honor your life and, in so doing, begin to heal. Every memorial is for the living, and every memorial is a gift - a personal reflection of your life and your love. Let us help you design a memorial that speaks for you and to your friends and family. For us, there is not greater honor. • Private Cremation Estates • Cremation Benches • Memorial Bricks • Bronze Memorial Plaques • Community Niches • Scattering Options • Private Family Cremation Niches PROUD DIGINITY MEMORIAL® PROVIDERS Kennesaw MeMorial ParK 1306 whitlock avenue, Marietta, Ga 30064 770.428.0502 The second attitude is expressed by the religious professionals in the story, the priest and the Levite. That attitude is: “Not my problem.” This is a growing attitude in our society. Not my problem. Army Major Odie Butler was on his way to work at the Pentagon one morning when he came upon a man who had lost control of his truck and crashed. As Butler ministered to the man, no one had stopped to help some drivers screamed at him, honked, made obscene gestures. They were upset that the wreck was slowing down their morning commute. Butler tried desperately to get someone to call for an ambulance, but those drivers who weren’t hostile to him were indifferent. Finally, an Air Force computer specialist, Larry Meade, stopped to help. Hundreds of other motorists passed the accident that day, and no one else offered to help. It wasn’t their problem. Finally there is the Samaritan. His attitude is: “What can I do to help?” We could spend much time dissecting this story and expounding the fact that the person in this story who needed help was undoubtedly a Jew and many Jews and Samaritans despised one another. And that’s significant, of course. It may be, however, that the Samaritan never even stopped to think about that. Thank God there are still people like that, a lot of them who live in our community! (Rev. Sam A. Storey, Sr. is Senior Associate Minister, Emeritus, First United Methodist Church of Marietta, Georgia. Email: [email protected]) THE TEN COMMANDMENTS ARE GOD’S WORD Dr. Bill Ross, First Baptist Church Marietta The Ten Commandments are a countercultural way of life. They are much more than a way to keep America running smoothly. They are God’s words to produce a people who are a signal that God has not left the world to its own devices. We have the Ten Commandments because we have been delivered and redeemed by God. These words show us who we are and who God intends for us to be. (Thanks Stanley Hauerwas and Will Willimon – “The Truth About God,” p18). God spoke ten words to the people of Israel as they moved from slavery into the wilderness of freedom. The Ten Commandments, for some, are words that are to be held by a nation enabling us to be blessed by God. For others, these words are the foundation of our Judeo-Christian beliefs. The words spoken by God in Exodus 20:3-17 are meant to be more than a set of laws for a judge’s courtroom, or a way back to a moral nation. First, the Ten Commandments give us a glimpse of God. Secondly, each commandment expresses how we can worship daily as a community of faith. The Ten Commandments include belief; however, they are honored as we follow them each day. This is the type of people that God wishes to produce. Lying, stealing and coveting are quite natural, but we are transformed by the Spirit of God to be the people of truth—the church. Does your life reflect these ten words which bring about community with others, enhancing your relationship with God? Dr. Bill Ross, Marietta First Baptist Church, 148 Church St., Pop-In to the Museum Pop-In for Pop Culture is a yearlong program, created by the Museum to allow visitors to explore the Museum in a whole new way! Every 2nd Tuesday evening, except November, from 4pm to 8pm, the galleries will “Pop Open” for a night of Pop Culture from the 1950s and 60s. Enjoy reminiscing about the music, food, games and so much more. These events are held in conjunction with our exhibit, BOOM! Toys of the Baby Boomer Generation. The activities and food tastings are FREE and are included in the price of admission. Admission to the Museum for this Pop-In night is Free for Museum Members, $7 for adults, $5 for seniors (55+) and students. Children 5 and under are free. Memberships will be available the night of and start at $30. To find out more, call 770-794-5710 or visit Financial Planning at Every Life Stage Just like there are four seasons in a year, there are different seasons of financial planning. In a nutshell, the stages include: Building and protecting your assets — At the beginning of your career, your financial focus is typically on asset accumulation. At the same time, you should be establishing an emergency fund and purchasing insurance to protect your income and your beneficiaries, while you’re still able to lock in your insurability and obtain lower premiums. Investing for the future — As your income grows, you should see a corresponding increase in your discretionary income. During this stage, you’ll start planning and determining the best strategies to deploy your discretionary income towards saving for your future goals, such as a child’s college education, retirement, etc. Make sure to choose wellbalanced and tax-diversified investments to maximize growth opportunities. Planning for retirement — As retirement draws near, planning for it becomes a priority. Think about your retirement goals and dreams. Then, create a detailed plan with strategies designed to invest your retirement savings in ways that provide flexibility in accessing your retirement income in a tax-efficient manner, and enable you to protect against the unexpected and continue your lifestyle throughout your life. Generating retirement income — Once you retire, begin implementing your retirement plan and enjoying the assets you’ve accumulated. Continue to periodically reevaluate your plan and make adjustments so you stay on track. Leaving a legacy — Later in life, leaving a legacy can become important. Legacy is about the impact you’ll make on people, charities, and causes that are important you. Regardless of the life stage you’re in, you should ensure that your legal and financial documents are properly structured to ensure the most efficient and effective transfer of your assets upon your death or incapacitation. Doing so can give you the peace of mind that comes from knowing your family will be financially stable, no matter what happens. Kerry Beaver, CPA, JD, MBA is a Financial Advisor with Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Phone: 404-913-9133. E-mail: [email protected] Website: Address: 7000 Peachtree Dunwoody Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30328. page 11 Bright Side 16 SEP WC HUGE SUCCESS - THANKS EVERYONE Wow! Our military care package operation was a HUGE success! This was definitely our largest one so far. We built 131 care packages that will be sent to military members who are currently stationed overseas! We wanted to send a BIG thank you to everyone who donated, volunteered, and helped spread the word! BounceU & Staff and Aqua Tots & Staff - our longtime partners in this event. We couldn’t collect as much as we do without their help. Dickerson Heating and Air for paying to ship all of the packages! Hayes Elementary, Pine Mountain Middle School, Belaire Community in Powder Springs, Stephanie Natale Rice, Malena Barahona Hankins, John Gifaldi, Kimberly Gigi, Anne Daniel, John Krudwig, Drexter & Rosslyn Smith, Jim & Barbara Goers, Shanna Daigle & Jeff Daigle, Allison Giddens, the Clarke family (Adrienne Adams Clarke), the Cossick family (Elizabeth Dondiego Cossick), Chris D’Auria, Ms. Dinch, Jenny Mitchell Dickerson, Sherry Marker, Julie Traylor & Toni, Brenda Baty, Taylore Bradshaw, Andrea Meeks, Laci Johnson Brogdon, Steve Goodall, Nick Nichols, Karen Derr, Rickelle Hadley, Amy McElhannon Wilemon, Carrie Slay Powers, Chantelle Gibbard Catania, Shantel Warren, Angie Chavez, Kristie Greenlee, Beverly Bullard Pleinis, Jennifer Vaughn, Aileen Smith, John Krudwig, Natasha Winchestor, Linda Barbour, Eden Barnett Nastal, Carol Grigsby Thompson, and Page Brantley. Half of our volunteers that built the care packages were wonderful young people in our community:). Lots of folks donated items at our collection points. Please forgive me for whoever we have have missed. THE BRIGHT SIDE Smyrna/Vinings - South Cobb Fax approval to 770-424-8674 We will let everyone know about our next collection, which will be toys for local military families for Christmas. That will be coming up in November. Editor’s Note: A great big thank you to Melissa Krudwig, Bear of Real Estate and her staff for organizing the military care package operation. BRIGHT SIDE COMMUNITY NEWSPA PROOF REGISTER FOR VETERAN’S DAY PARADE Call Carol at 770-851-5469 Registration is now available for the community to participate in the City of Marietta and the Kiwanis Club of Marietta’s 12th Annual Veterans Day Parade on Friday, November 11th at 11am on the Marietta Square. The parade will begin at the Roswell Street Baptist Church at 11am and march up towards the Marietta Square and back down Lawrence Street. This year’s Grand Marshall is Captain Ed Gallrein, United States Navy SEAL (retired). Sign up to participate and help the City of Marietta and the Kiwanis Club of Marietta honor all veterans and commemorate those who have paid the ultimate price in serving the United States of America. Please visit, search Veteran’s Day Parade, 2016, to find your registration form. Please fill it out and submit your application by Friday, October 14th at 5pm. • Complete Tree Removal • Care and zzquality assured YWCA Youth Track or Treat Run The YWCA of Northwest Georgia will host the Fifth Annual Youth Track or Treat Run Presented By Team Texaco (located at old 41/Barrett Pkwy) on Sunday, October 16, 2016, at Swift Cantrell Park in Kennesaw. The family friendly event is open to the entire community. Proceeds from the event will benefit the YWCA of Northwest Georgia’s Domestic Violence Shelter, the only one in Cobb County. Chairing this year’s event are Jodi Martin and Jennifer Johnson-Lynch. Entry fees for the Track or Treat are $15 per person (Race Day $20). See website for special pricing for Scouts! Register online at Online registration closes on Thursday, October 13th at midnight. In addition, families may enjoy other activities such as a Home Depot Workshop, face painting, dance contest and inflatables. The first race starts promptly at 2:20 PM, with race day check in and registration beginning at 1:30 PM. Trick or Treating fun will follow the race. Costumes are encouraged, but optional. For further information, visit or contact 770-423-3562. • Storm Damage zzspecialists • Pruning/Shaping zzspecialists 404-975-9831 Say NO to Drugs Sober & Drug Free Competitive Rates Fully Insured Free, Prompt Estimates 24-Hour Emergency Service 20% Off Tree Removal (with removal of 2 or more trees plus Coupon) Coupon not to be combined with any other offer Must present coupon at time of estimate Expires October 31, 2016 Expires February 28, 2010 country 16 SEP WC Bright Side page 12 STARS bumper CARS AND BARS deep fried candy 84TH ANNUAL 2016 Superior Plumbing North Georgia State Fair SEPTEMBER 22OCTOBER 2, 2016 Audio Adrenaline with 7eventh Time Down The Fish Birthday Bash Friday 9/23 @ 8pm Granger Smith SATURday 9/24 @ 8pm Scotty McCreery with Zach Seabaugh (opening) WEDnesday 9/28 @ 7pm THURSday 9/29 @ 8pm T 21 Ride Colt Ford Jana Kramer SATURDAY 10/1 @ 8pm PRESENTED BY: SPONSORED BY: HALF-9/23 at all Me 8/22– Frankie Ballard Friday 9/30 @ 8pm SALE N O S T E ta CK PRICE TI tro-Atlan 10 & KIDS R UNDE Free SION ADMRISYDAY! EVE missio 11 - Ad ickets $ n $3.50 Jim R Miller Park | Marietta | 770.423.1330 or 770.528.8989 | 16 SEP WC The page 13 Bright Side BRIGHT SIDE BLACK & WHITE AD RATES FOR ONE ZONE Color Charge per zone: $50 for 1/8, 1/4 page, $75 for 1/2 page, $150 for full page - No discounts on color charge Introductory Offer $950.00 Introductory Offer $740.00 Introductory Offer $525.00 Full Page 10.375" x 13.25" 3/4 Page 7.5" x 13.25" 1/2 Page 5" x 13.25" or 10.375 x 6.5" Introductory Offer $275.00 Introductory Offer $160.00 1/4 Page 5" x 6.5" 1/8 Page 5" x 3.25" 1 time $1150.00/month 3 times $950.00/month 6 times $850.00/month if paid in advance in three months increments Introductory Offer $435.00 3/8 Page 5" x 9.75" or 7.5" x 6.5" 1 time $490.00/month 3 times $435.00/month 6 times $400.00/month if paid in advance in three months increments 1 time $830.00/month 3 times $740.00/month 6 times $650.00/month if paid in advance in three months increments 1 time $300.00/month 3 times $275.00/month 6 times $250.00/month if paid in advance in three months increments 1 time $600.00/month 3 times $525.00/month 6 times $475.00/month if paid in advance in three months increments 1 time $190.00/month 3 times $160.00/month 6 times $150.00/month if paid in advance in three months increments Call 770-423-9555 or 770-851-5469 Email: [email protected] 10% discount off TOTAL if advertising in multiple zones in the same time period All Advertising must be paid by the time of publication AD RATES QUOTED ARE FOR ONE MONTH IN ONE ZONE AND INCLUDE PRODUCTION OF AD COPY IF NEEDED AT NO EXTRA CHARGE Advertise 3 months in a row in the same zone -- We will publish a story about your business
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community event similar to the ones I grew up with. Sure, this event has goals
stated in a businesslike manner:
*To spotlight those people who contribute to the quality of life in East Cobb County