(CAFE) Chinese American Friends East Religious A Magazine Media
(CAFE) Chinese American Friends East Religious A Magazine Media
Organization (CAFE) Chinese American Friends East A Magazine Type of Organization National Affiliation Description Religious Media AAF Kent Academic/Professional Accounting Association Active Minds Advocates of Culture and Knowledge Academic/Professional Educational Cultural theamag.com American Advertising Federation Academic/Professional Greek Honorary Greek Visual Communication Design IFC Alpha Phi Omega Alpha Psi Omega - Beta Psi Cast Alpha Rho Chi Alpha Tau Omega Alpha Xi Delta American Association of Petrolium Geologists (AAPG) Service Honorary Academic/Professional Greek Greek Service School of Theatre and Dance Academic/Professional AAPG American Marketing Association Academic/Professional American Medical Students Association American Society of Interior Designers (ASID) Student Chapter Amigos De Las Americas Amnesty International KSU Animal & Environmental Awareness Academic/Professional Anthropology Student Organization Any Form of Expression Aplha Psi Omega - Beta Psi Cast Art Stuff ASIEHHS Association of International Students in Education, Health and Human Services Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists- Kent State University Chapter (KSAEG) Best Buddies Beta Alpha Psi Academic/Professional Sports & Recreation Honorary Cultural Alpha Phi AIGA, the professional association for design, believes designers serve a critical role as communicators, educators and innovators. aiga.kent.edu www.alphaphi.org We are the Epsilon Psi chapter of Alpha Phi Omega, national co-ed service fraternity. www.apoonline.org/epsilonpsi theatre.kent.edu http://atoksu.airset.com/ Beta Tau American Medical Students Association (National) This is the Kent State University chapter of the National AMSA organization. www.amsa.org Amnesty International USA http://www.amigoslink.org/ohio-chapter http://www.facebook.com/AmnestyKSU Anthropology www://dept.kent.edu/anthropology/under grad/club.html School of Theatre and Dance theatre.kent.edu http://www.kent.edu/ehhs/ciie/iss/ais/ind ex.cfm International Academic/Professional Special Interest Honorary http://www.aaf.org/ http://www.kent.edu/business/accounting /index.cfm www.activeminds.org College of Business AIGA Kent Alpha Epsilon Pi Alpha Kappa Delta Alpha Phi Academic/Professional International Educational Special Interest Website Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists (AEG) Best Buddies Internatinoal College of Business http://www.aegweb.org/ www.bestbuddies.org www.bap.org https://www.facebook.com/groups/ksuzoo con/ Biology Club Biology Graduate Student Council Black Graduate Student Association Black United Students Body Acceptance Movement Educational Graduate Graduate Cultural Special Interest Biology Department Dept. of Biological Sciences BGSA Catholic Student Association Ceramics Club Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship Religious Academic/Professional Religious Newman Center Art Department Assemblies of God http://www.kentnewmancenterparish.org/ Chi Omega Circle K International CMAA Club Managers of Association of America College Republicans Greek Service Lambda Delta Kiwanis www.wix.com/chiomegalambdadelta/KSU Academic/Professional Political Student Chapter Republican Colleges Against Cancer Special Interest American Cancer Society www.cmaa.org http://www.facebook.com/KSUCRs http://college.relayforlife.org/GetInvolved/ CollegesAgainstCancer/index Academic/Professional College of Business Administration Collegiate Business Association Collegiate Entrepreneurs' Organization Communication Graduate Student Association Commuter and Off-Campus Student Organization Construction Management Student Organization Academic/Professional Council for Exceptional Children Academic/Professional Cru Daily Kent Stater Religious Media Dead Philosopher's Society Delta Gamma Delta Lambda Phi Delta Sigma Pi delta sigma theta Delta Tau Delta Delta Upsilon Delta Zeta Distinguished Undergradautes Academic/Professional Greek Greek Academic/Professional Greek Greek Greek Greek Service Academic/Professional www.jamethevine.org Meetings every Thursday @5:15PM in Business Administration Building - Room 314A The Collegiate Entrepreneurs' Organization is reregistering from last year. We promote and support entrepreneurship amongst the student body www.c-e-o.org College of Communication and http://www.kent.edu/comm/graduateprog Information ram/currentstudents.cfm Special Interest http://www.kent.edu/coso/index.cfm Academic/Professional Council for Exceptional Children CMO Delta Gamma Beta Pi Chapter Cru used to be officially named Campus Crusade for Christ. www.kentcru.com kentwired.com http://www.facebook.com/kentdeadheads http://www.ksudeltagamma.com/ www.dlp.org www.dspnet.org http://epsilonmudst.wix.com/epsilon-mu www.deltau.org Gamma Kappa N/A www.distinguishedundergraduates.com Doctoral Management Student Association Graduate Down For Whatever Special Interest EDM Club Epic Eta Sigma Delta Evil Geniuses For a Better Tomorrow: Chess and Strategy Club Special Interest Cultural Honorary Exquisite Inc. Special Interest Graduate School of Management / College of Business Dance/Hang-out organization meant to bring various people together. A club for anyone who enjoys electronic music! http://www.facebook.com/KSUEDM Sports & Recreation FACE AIDS is an organization dedicated to empowering the youth movement fighting the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Our main focus is education and prevention. faceaids.org The Fashion Student Organization is dedicated to providing opportunities for students to get involved in special events, like fashion shows and competitions, in order to express their creativity in areas such as design, styling, cosmetology, PR, graphic design, social media, and interior http://www.facebook.com/FashionStudent design. Organization FACE AIDS - Kent State University Service FACE AIDS Fashion Student Organization Fellowship of Christian Athletes FIAT CLUB Flying Black Squirrels Focus on the Future Special Interest Religious Cultural Academic/Professional Educational Fashion School Women In Aviation http://ksuwomeninaviation.webs.com/ Freshman Advisory Council Golden Flashes for Israel Golden Reflections Dance Team Graduate Association of Student Personnel Practitioners Graduate Management Association h2o church Habitat For Humanity Service Educational Special Interest Student Success Programs http://www.kent.edu/success/studentorga nizations/fac/about.cfm hacKSU Hillel at Kent State Identity Project Inter Fraternity Council Educational Religious Religious Greek Computer Science Department Intercultural Reading Club Interior Design Student Collaborative Cultural Special Interest ESL Center Academic/Professional Academic/Professional Religious Service International Graduate Student Association International h2okent.com Kent State Chapter Xenos Christian Fellowship http://hackksu.blogspot.com/ www.kenthillel.org http://ip.jfusa.net/ksu/ www.kentifc.com http://www.facebook.com/groups/KSUInte rculturalReadingClub/ International Interior Design Association (IIDA) Student Chapter International Peers Association International Student Tourism Advisory Council Iota Phi Theta Fraternity Inc. Academic/Professional International Graduate Greek Japanese Culture Exchange Circle Junior Panhellenic Council Cultural Greek Kappa Delta Pi, Delta Beta Honorary Kappa Kappa Psi Kappa Phi Service Religious Kappa Sigma Greek Kappa Sigma Fraternity Greek Kent African Student Association Kent Books to Prisoners Cultural Special Interest Kent Clarks Special Interest Kent Communication Society Kent Indian association Service International Kent Interhall Council Student Government Kent State Anime Society Special Interest Kent State Ballroom Club Kent State Bronies and Pegasisters Kent State College Democrats Cultural Special Interest Political Kent State Film Society Special Interest Kent State Flying Club Kent State Freethinkers Sports & Recreation Special Interest International Interior Design Association (IIDA) Office of Global Education Tourism and Hospitality Management NPHC www.iida.org www.iotaphitheta.org https://www.facebook.com/groups/ksujcec / http://www.kent.edu/ehhs/tlcs/kdp/index. cfm Kappa Kappa Psi National Kappa Kappa Psi is a fraternity operating to www.kkpsi.org (National); Honorary Fraternity for College promote and serve bands at the college http://www.wix.com/kkpsibetapsi/Beta-Psiand University Bands and university level. Web-09(Local) non denominational Kappa Sigma National Fraternity kappasigma.org, kappasigmaksu.com Kappa Sigma International Fraternity kappasigma.org K.A.S.A is student organization that promotes the general welfare and understanding of Africa. Kent State University's first and premier coed a cappella group. School of Communication Studies https://www.kent.edu/comm/undergradua teprogram/kentcommsociety.cfm Department of Residence Services Kent Interhall Council is funded by the Department of Residence Services. Its primary mission is to advocate and program for students who live in the residence halls on campus. http://kic.kent.edu Kent State University Club focusing on watching and discussing Japanese animation, with additional focus on Japanese comics, games, and culture. http://kentstateanimesociety.wikispaces.co m/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/ksuball room/ www.facebook.com/KSUDEMS http://www.facebook.com/groups/136598 133137171/ Kent State Airport We are an organization that allows pilots to rent university aircraft for non-training nonprofit operations. Kent State Hoop Troupe kent state international mentors Sports & Recreation International Kent State Invisible Children Kent State Kayak Club Kent State Planeteers Special Interest Sports & Recreation Service Kent State Running Club Kent State SPIE Student Chapter Kent State Student Chapter of the Optical Society of America Kent State Universiry DECA Collegiate Chapter Sports & Recreation Academic/Professional http://www.facebook.com/groups/166734 140004905/ www.ksimonline.org Invisible Children Akron Planeteers DECA Kent State University Air Traffic Control Organization Academic/Professional College of Applied Engineering, Sustainability and Technology Kent State University Art Club Kent State University Bass Fishing Club Special Interest Sports & Recreation Service facebook.com/KentStateInvisibleChildren http://akronplaneteers.wordpress.com http://www.facebook.com/groups/220283 058022950/ www.spie.org Special Interest Educational Kent State University Flash-A-Thon Kent State University Jewelry & Metals Coop Kent State University Knitting for Those in Need Kent State University Philosophy Club Meetings on Wednesdays in room 309 of the Student Center. www.osa.org http://www.facebook.com/pages/KSUCollegiate-DECA/145665808858338 https://www.facebook.com/groups/15078 0761718908/ Children's Miracle Network Hospitals, Akron Children's Hospital Special Interest Service Special Interest Kent State University Precision Flight Team Sports & Recreation Kent State University Pre-Law Club Academic/Professional Kent State University Students Supporting Military Personnel Military Kent State University USGBC Kent State University Veterans Club Academic/Professional Military Kent State University Writer's Workshop Special Interest The Pre-Law Club is an organization which provides the students of Kent State University with information about the legal field and the educational field which correlates to it. SSMP is a student-based organization at Kent State University dedicated to supporting members of the military, veterans, and future service men and women. United States Green Building Council ksuvetsclub.org Young Life is a non-denominational Christian outreach program for high school and middle school students. The Kent Zendo is a non-profit group and a Buddhist sangha (community) in the Soto Zen Buddhism tradition. Kent State YoungLife Religious Kent State Zendo Cultural Kent Student Ambassadors Service Kent State Alumni Association Kent Student Education Association Kent Student Liberty Alliance (KSLA) Kentlingua KentWired.com KOSAK Academic/Professional Political Media Media International OEA and NEA Students for Liberty KSU AAAE Academic/Professional KSU Association for Computing Machinery KSU Dungeons & Dragons KSU History Club Daily Kent Stater None Lambda Pi Eta Late Night Christian Fellowship Honorary Religious NCA LDSSA Legacy Dance Team Religious Special Interest Religious Academic/Professional www.aaae.org We are a chapter of the ACM national organization and we are affiliated with Kent's CS department. Special Interest Greek Lutheran Student Fellowship Management of Information Systems Association http://www.kentwired.com http://cafe.daum.net/kosak1 American Association of Airport Executives (AAAE) KSU Super Troupers Lambda Chi Alpha Media http://kentzendo.org/ http://www.kent.edu/studentlife/activities /ambassadors/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/kseaks u/ http://kentsla.org MCLS - Center for Applied Linguistics Academic/Professional Special Interest Special Interest Luna Negra http://www.facebook.com/pages/YoungLife-Kent-StateUniversity/158848197531898 KSU Super Troupers is a theatre troupe determined to give equal audition opportunities to all KSU students no matter http://www.facebook.com/KentStateSuper their major. Troupers http://lambdachikent.weebly.com/ https://www.kent.edu/comm/undergradua teprogram/studentorganizations.cfm http://www.latenightministries.org/ The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Office of Student Media Lutheran Church Missouri Synod KSU - CIS http://acm.cs.kent.edu www.mormon.org https://twitter.com/TeamLegacy_12 Luna Negra Magazine strives to publish outstanding literary and artistic achievements by current and former Kent State students. www.lunanegramag.com www.kentstatelutherans.org Targets KSU CIS Business majors but open to all majors! http://misa.bsa.kent.edu/ May Fourth Task Force Educational Medical Technology Club Academic/Professional MODISTA: Minority Fashion Group Academic/Professional Mortar Board National College Senior Honor Society MSA Honorary Religious National Art Education Association Student Chapter - Kent State University Academic/Professional National Pan-Hellenic Council Greek National Residence Hall Honorary Honorary National Society of Collegiate Scholars National Student Speech Language and Hearing Association (NSSLHA) Native American Student Association Kent State University Since October of 1975, the May 4 Task Force (M4TF) has continued to meet on a weekly basis throughout each school year to the present day. We offer educational information and programs on the KSU campus culminating in our sponsorship of annual May 3-4 commemoration events featuring speakers and musicians. Our history is uninterrupted since 1975 and we remain one of the most significant, longstanding student activist organizations at KSU. M4TF promotes understanding about the importance of recognizing and maintaining the tradition of KSU student activism promoting positive social change. http://www.m4tf.org/ We are an organization that works to promote the awareness of the medical technology profession and to provide academic and professional support to those students who have chosen to pursue this career path. http://modistagroup.tumblr.com/ Mortar Board National College Senior Honor Society www.mortarboard.org National Art Education Association www.nphchq.org Residence Services Honorary Academic/Professional Cultural Nellie's Catwalk for Kids: Kent State Special Interest Nepalese Student Association at Kent State University Cultural Net Impact Graduate www.nscs.org ASHA www.facebook.com/KSU.NASA Nellie's Catwalk for Kids Helping kids and teens battling cancer in a Headquarters (Columbus, Ohio) fun and fashionable way. College of Business www.NC4K.com Neuroscience Journal Club Academic/Professional Ohio Collegiate Music Education Association Orchestral Percussion Club Order or Omega Educational Special Interest Greek Organization of Athletic Training Students Orthodox Christian Fellowship Special Interest Religious Oscar Ritchie Scholars Organization Panhellenic Council Parents Reaching Educational Success Academic/Professional Greek Special Interest Phi Alpha Theta, PSI Chapter Academic/Professional Phi Delta Epsilon Academic/Professional Phi Delta Theta Phi Kappa Tau Phi Sigma Iota (Chapter Gamma Pi) Phi Sigma Kappa Phi Sigma Pi Greek Greek Honorary Greek Honorary Philosophy Graduate Student Association Pi Kappa Alpha Graduate Greek Pi Mu Epsilon Honorary Pi Sigma Epsilon Academic/Professional Political Science Club Political Science Graduate Student Association Political Portage County Players PRIDE! Kent Special Interest Special Interest PRSSA Kent Academic/Professional Academic/Professional Ohio Music Education Association Professional development organization to help better its members through workshops and speakers, gaining knowledge to become the greatest teachers of music that we can be. Athletic Training Education Program Orthodox Christian http://www.kent.edu/ehhs/attr/oats.cfm www.ocfkent.org Panhellenic Council www.kentpanhellenic.com International Professional Pre-Medical CoEd Fraternity. Interfraternity Council Phi Kappa Tau Phi Sigma Iota Ohio Lambda Chapter of Phi Delta Theta Kent State Mathematics Dept Public Relations Society of America (PRSA), The School of Journalism and Mass Communication http://sites.theginsystem.com/pdtkent/ pktnetwork.com http://www.phisigmaiota.org/ connect.mcgraw-hill.com/ www.phisigmapikent.com http://pmeatksu.blogspot.com/ Pi Sigma Epsilon is the only sales, marketing, and management organization in the country. Political Science Department Kent State School for Theatre and Dance Phide.org www.kent-pse.org http://www.kent.edu/polisci/undergraduat e/political-science-club We are Kent State's official improv troupe. http://www.prssakent.com Psi Chi Honorary Psychology Club Academic/Professional Public Health Student Alliance Recycled Knowledge Service Educational Kent State University College of Public Health http://www.kent.edu/publichealth/phsa/ This is a club mainly devoted to the board game of RISK! but does allow for various other "war" strategy games to be played and discussed. RISK! and Strategy Club Sports & Recreation Roundtable SATCA Special Interest Educational Saudi Student Association School of Biomedical Sciences Graduate Student Council Cultural SID Kent State Chapter Sigma Alpha Epsilon Academic/Professional Greek Liquid Crystal Institute Sigma Chi Zeta Lambda Greek The Sigma Chi Fraternity Sigma Gamma Epsilon Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc. Sigma Nu Fraternity Academic/Professional Greek Greek Sigma Gamma Epsilon Sigma Phi Epsilon Sigma Sigma Sigma Sigma Tau Delta Sigma Tau Gamma Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration (SME) Greek Greek Honorary Greek Kent State University Sociologists for Women in Society (SWS) Academic/Professional Spanish and Latino Student Association Cultural School of Theatre and Dance NATCA www.natca.org https://www.facebook.com/groups/ssaken t/ Student Government Fraternity Academic/Professional Student Affiliates of the American Chemical Society Academic/Professional Student Affliliates in School Psychology (SASP) Academic/Professional http://www.lcinet.kent.edu/student_org/Si dKentStateChapter/index.html www.sae.net The national website is www.sigmachi.org http://zetalambda.net/ http://www.kentsigmanu.org/ sigep.org, http://kentstatesigep.com/,http://kentsige ps.org/ www.trisigma.org http://www.english.org/sigmatd/ www.sigmataugamma.org www.smenet.org Sociology https://www.facebook.com/groups/73426 817195/ Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry This is a group geared towards the professional development of undergraduate students pursuing careers in the sciences, and for promotion of the science field to both local and national communities. www.kent.edu/chemistry/SAACS http://www.kent.edu/ehhs/studentorgs/SA SP/index.cfm Student Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) Sports & Recreation NCAA http://www.kentstatesports.com/athleteSe rvices/academicStudentServices/SAAC Student Dance Education Organization Student Dietetic Association Academic/Professional Educational Dance Department http://www.facebook.com/SdeoKsu A cooperative student organization for campus reps and brand ambassadors to use to integrate the brands they represent with student life on a greater level. Student Organization for Brand Integration (SOBI) Special Interest Student Pharmacy Organization Academic/Professional Students for Justice in Palestine- Kent State University Chapter (SJP- KSU) Educational Students For Obama Political Students for Professional Nursing Students for Sensible Drug Policy Academic/Professional Special Interest Students for the advancement of science Students for the Cure of Fibromyalgia Academic/Professional Service Students of Scholarship (SOS) Students Striving to Enhance Technical Theatre Service Study Abroad Student Association (SASA) Tau Kappa Epsilon International Greek The Burr Magazine Media The Campaign for Change Service Students for Justice in PalestineNational N/A http://sjpnational.org/ College of Nursing ssdp.org studentsforscience.tumblr.com Our motto: "Giving back to Kent some of what Kent has given to us." http://www.facebook.com/StudentsOfScho larshipAtKentStateUniversity Special Interest The Cowbell Crew Sports & Recreation The English Club Academic/Professional The Episcopal Commons at KSU Religious The Financial Management Association The Impact Movement Educational Religious Office of Global Education www.iotapitke.com/ Kent State School of Journalism and Mass Communication The Official Student Section of Kent State Athletics theburr.com http://www.kent.edu/annualfund/student/ index.cfm https://www.facebook.com/groups/16987 5977683/ http://www.facebook.com/ksu.english.club The Episcopal Church A Young Adult and Campus ministry in Kent https://www.facebook.com/pages/ChristOhio and Kent State University from the Episcopal-Church-KentEpiscopal Church, which welcomes you. Ohio/195906947148142 The Kent State University French Club The Light on Campus Academic/Professional Religious Church of God The National Society of Leadership and Success The Navigators Honorary Religious The Navigators The Time Lord Syndicate The Vinyl Club THEMall Entertainment To Write Love On Her Arms UChapter Transforum Theater Turkish American Cultural Association (TACA) Uhuru Undergraduate Geography Student Organization Undergraduate Student Government Undergraduate Student Sociological Collective UNICEF KSU United Christian Ministries A group for Whovians and non Whovians alike to join in the fellowship found in Doctor Who Special Interest Special Interest Cultural Special Interest www.thelightinkent.com www.societyleadership.org OR https://www.facebook.com/TheNSLS.KentS tate www.ksunavs.com https://www.facebook.com/groups/32399 7494363859/ We plan to push people to the edge and help them think outside of the box and try something that they may have never tried before. TWLOHA Inc. http://www.facebook.com/twlohaksu Transforum Theater is a theater company that lets students use their creativity and imaginations to find the place where the things they love to do and the things that they are good at come together. Special Interest Cultural Media Special Interest Geography Student Government Educational Service Religious None The authority, which exists on the campus of Kent State University, is the authority of the State of Ohio delegated by law to the Trustees of the University and through them to such agencies, as they deem proper. Recognizing our lack of sovereignty in this regard, we use the term "Undergraduate Student Government" to pertain to the primary vehicle by which the undergraduate student body provides its input into the university community. www.usg.kent.edu https://www.facebook.com/groups/33308 407914/ http://www.facebook.com/unicefksu www.myucm.org Writer's Workshop Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Academic/Professional Greek www.sigma-alphazetas.com