Document 6422247
Document 6422247
,r T^JS>''"v W' I ,— . THI INDEPENDENT Hm Six Ftfryyy 7j%\^j BLOOMFIELD. N. f. 1 Cancer Society Gives Funds J TiCliniatThwighoutSiatt ttjf"g in a Joint partnership waging war fuse that production line rapidity Bergen County — Cnglewood |eral Hoap.tal, Peterson Genera) at S p.m. on February U . The far LtiV wish nperfarnwr u«g public is invited to attend the to g e ^ s A h v l ^ l f ^ . j ^ i w , , ^ on a relentless foe, cancer. ia not conducive to of HosptUl, Hackensack KoapiUi water carnival. early cancer Peterson. late the water haad* first U „,,.. "Every private practitioner of Burlington County—Burlington Union Ccunty—Elisabeth GenA hasty examination seey re County Hospital, S i t Holly. feet his escape under wit. la being medicine ia New sisrmaking i raped dweetepmem of- cancer d i n "Hahy of the clinics now operics in hospitals throughout the Basex County—Beth Israel HoaTwenty si* cancer clinics art of the clinics now operating have State, where in addition to com- ating h a v e received financial pital. Newark City Hospital, St. grants tor improvements of equipnow i s operation In hospitals in received financial grants for im- plete physical examination, biop- ment and services from funds,col- Barnabas Hospital. S t Michael's IS New Jersey counties, it w a s re- provements of equipment and ser- sies are taken whenever indicated lected during the l i e * campaign Hospital, in Newark; Mountainand arrangements f o r proper of the American Center Society. side Hospital. Montciair; Irvingvealed today i s a statement by Dr vices from cancer society funds. treatment are made. There are 20 New Jersey Division. lae." ton General Hospital. Frank Gk Seatnmell of Trenton, The statement said: "To the of these clinics in IS counties now Gloucester County—Underwood Dr. Scammell listed the fellowpresident of the Medical Society medical profession in New Jersey in operation in N e w Jersey and at teg cancer clinics Hospital. Woodbury. of New Jersey. least five more are being or- hi New Jersey: Hudson County — Christ "HosThe statement, released by the it is particularly gratifying to ganised. have the public spirited ptisans Atlantic County—Atlantic City pital, Jersey City Medical Center, N e w Jersey Division, American ! Jersey City; North Hudson Hos"The medical profession recog- Hospital. Cancer Society, added that many of the American Cancer Society pital, Weehawken nised the need for services of thla Mercer C o u n t y — McKinley type. The high type of medical » * ha Hospital. Mercer Hospital. St practice which n e w prevails in the frsneis Hospital. Trenton. » state must be continued. The Middlesex County — Middlesex American Cancer Society oenttnuPHVLLIS A N N ! MAT l O O F General Hospital, New Brunswick. airy urges the citisens to guard Monmouth County—Monmouth agslnet csneer by availing themj Memorial Hospital. Long Branch. selves of health maintenance e x \H Rai* t l - M la I I H Passaic County — Passaic Gen* aminations being given b y most of the practicing physicians in this state. Those who cannot afford the services of a private physician tan receive examinations at any of the cancer diagnostic clinics n e w b e ing conducted by the general hospitals, or in the regular out-' (tient clinics of general hospitals .. i conveniently located throughout New Jersey It must be emphasized inasmuch as considerable time at required for the taking of a history and giving of a complete physical examination, that prior appointment with the private Practitioner or the clinic selected by the patient, ia necessary to obJ viate the occasional past criticisms that a cursory examination was * * * * * * given during the regular busy hours of service. Anyone familiar with cancer examination will r e e This Valentine's Day give her a gift that I mmmmm ptxttr, riuuipswurg. " IS issgeiai <g ' ares* asss • va^aVax**/*^ T* • e/ill be Introduced and u^ world's fastest turn ungerj^.u, will be demonstrated. Also sofaM uled Is a jcoroedy diving swimming exhibition teat *nd urisg the "Aquatic Moron." A _ be rescbad hh fifteenth birthday, toured Canada for I I weeks teat year with the British Empire champion. Alf PhUbps. The younger Kellam appeared at the Canadian National Exhibition s a g the Pair for Britain afts father once worlds greatest long distance Carnival To Ftoturt and endurance swim of 118 miles Father And Son T t a m non-step In St Hours, rather and son appeared rt the Atlantic City Norris -Corky" KeiUm. fa- Steel Pier test summer. Other features of the show will mous comedisn fend swimmer, and hU son Corky Jr. will be fea- inelude "water ooxing", a new tyred at the Community Family aquaCc sport. The world champNight to be sponsored by the ion will box four opponents SiV.M.C.A. of the Granges in the multaneousry at the deep end Y peel. 12S Mala street, •range.lof the peel. There wuM be a "Leap Comedy Swimmer Will Appear At Y Wotor Color Club To Sec Demonstration Miss Hilda Feldman of Mapi*. wood will give a water color *•*, onstration for the Essex WitJ Color Club on February f at 2 M p.m. at the Harold Pond Studio. 16 Washington street, E*gt Orange. •c*'\ wis PtNET*AY STRAIGHT from Yo«r HEART.. * * * LIS wmmamm eloquently expresses your love. Here at Donald Mam fine jewel pieces make lasting gifts always appreciated. She'll recognise the Mam' name as an extra stamp of quality. Exciting Salt! Metal Study Lamps a.. WANTED TO BUY M*R* m BOOKS • HPHBV E. C. KOHLHEPP P.O. B e x 444 BieoasfteM. N. J. a Otiwr a « f w — s*M#04fl, "Of Os*KOt, * ^ 3 ^ « ! ^ ALL-METAL DUST PANS ftf?'S *-** '' 12c •rTTTV,* Kmtfir r»* thi* as • nasHe Tltwit Nx 5? Sep. **• rffrfff. -^^ZJaWaBBS«fj*»* ?*x^ '!••( UOHIS' COWS ATTOnN«V8 _ • «eet yea've keen tes. 25c. I f SaatraS r.xr.t i TOB« - Tatar Open Monday and Friday Evenings '••Ml*. 1* «„ tltit wnimrtul vol-so! Any Subject . A n , Language Small or Large Libraries Will esll anywhere hi N e w Jersey upon request Swk 2.49 Keguler 4.50 Volus! IJI CHOCcT '* UTES w 25c '- 99c * - - t - 1 1114 •rta»!ll»»r tkale* tssj ooeowMi esjeevaa v»f» t l a r t y . e»»»i a»IWS .. 1 Now Featwred at H E Y M A N V THOMPSON SPECIAL * ; V ./// BROS.! - ' //f (/tin SH. •OR COUGHS BUI TO COLOS tsrioo ti ft > moMrsoN snciAi if* » / . Kt nn * lOZINOtt Vnte»JM N * n « r f .*w*f\ sag) * i sjfa ingl / . •••> '. | - > 4 Pocket Kni Urtl^lbf C«t SBR? ••^iB&.-ff Mb AN1 TABLETS Foil Base Rigs eaaat. F l e w she 35c tes TAsum o-y*5" 2Spj«c* w e v e ef •MS? 1.00 so« nn «>t sin 714 « t 9 X 10' 3 l i l t t S IS SWa • « • » r « a . aJaf a * M » « 4 t*\I la Iter J M * 4 f 7.SS t.95 11.95 li.30 4-OUNCI far 60c Mffaia WWW9 s T l f i sWwiv Tfca l a v s i * M w awatal ttMrinm* mm4 4 M l u i u n a v t «l»>Wiia a * * • Chafwi Itmi Uwff r t e flOHy PaBOW*™-™HWfP*J*B | * « M H M v ^^^aa»^^^B P^^^^^H is 14 14 14 « . « . Onry^ ALKA SELTZER cBssae eean wavs * I A U I R S SLACK PAL r-» s '« r L sun MM ^ S ^ ^ l U S r x Of 4 DOZ. PKGE. 89c MTB-PM USE WET PROOF WATA PANTS-MS m%m YOU WIAI A FAi YOU W I A I T H I FlPggST /€OOp i /• •fie OL-VITUM mw WW mm mw fleWCgnw H M M P r fl^B itc earn CAPSULES V»Na*iiAI I Bi©0 2 MW • etWsae^i|reefers fS-ilO* s * # 0 i ( M Scoop Chairs BBBBvaBsiBSBeadl afsaa* eesjw^p^SPW s wi i*taha» a — — t s> mifMW^fWmfmmm » Quick Relief! 100 TABLETS 1.00 aSSaap*. ..«-%% Tampax Qjjk HAND CREAM Toe! I t s Meg. Beet-Freer. Ogec-r>ee<. Can be Hashed, and Hill Net FaleeHse. Lamp sr ssssss efeai A lajapa Vartsea or r l»l 79c ORB ORAM Better 5 9 6 5 9 8 /VOV ALCOHOLIC Living EYMAN I °J! s>7£ B I O O M FI £ I D AVENUE •>>ES Untitled Document CENTER Until • ^ j-^, • Vftiiniits tind i Miieriti JOHNSON S ABY POWOER 3 0 Dsys'Stippfy Thysol Antiseptic The fUllseli F^wim Fer Fep»inifie HygitRg 60c * tmm^- t**%,,e#fc,••. rf> FOOT PAINS? Fsjf Qajfeg, Un Relief mes T ^<^L)«r MACES $230 CO-VAX 20 TAII SCHWARZ CUT-RATE DRUG STORES I eaergO MS0II/M ssoerrari seeesr^^ NITS star Your Buy-word f(or ^ p - EOR RMtlMMITK PSjej n C / Y I U f f 49c Bad Pillows 0»ry * J 95 inch e*t lies . Vataea' T^SALKOLE RELIEF ''KMQDIC" PAIN They're Newt-Allerfid VITAPUF" l f A t «_. UFHOLSTIPED sivs featuresl|50 [rUATFO WKM W K H HARY HARY 00(1 (1 rwiATFO 49c - wlta 6 esclu- gas r > /*% •roset m i mtmnit, SALE! Athletic Supporter The tupperter /'NATA-PAX,,;.e~''*^p> DISPOSABLE ItS.-' ! goer iy m - F f » » » » ties . 4ft «Jt it) af M«»*» 1Sl M W I^Wfli as SMAO rues 34 tUW-COtO »UO* 34 »UON tUOl 44 >(IOM l u e i ©J f\B»>^ FOOT PRODUCTS AT OUR FOOT AlOS D t f t . t Placer 's««fdlrite«l> . . l t e (»llu» Pla«<w 'awdieat'd( . Sl« Pro»#rl-t>Pad for Corn* . . t t e Protert-O-Pad* for Callaets . H e I'rntrrt OI*jd» far RanlofM . l i e f,•^•1*1 1M111 itasaST'sT #" # *** see <'a«t PawsW . • tie Peoi B a ) « . 2*« llolriki* ••« Fch P»J» . • . . ISe. S fee 2Sc f l x 24 b a a l r a M t , 4mt ar > » f f c t » » w . C h a r m Traak a n calar-ttytaal by l a r U r S r r i — H , n«>«S bttariar d a t a rata > n W y ' r * easSy w t h a h h j . W I M I W . Ca« s a a lotta^^waainnsj, A w j v a v h > M l # v a l r •••»r| a Toal IlKTiesf*'©, '•owteortaj T«M*f *t aaafSa 4 M ta aaMt BLUE raamir *te »• OgagaA f l f t H f ©»»• Formula FHly wmi SHAG COTTON RUGS 69c ZS TAStltS I* CaU r M Stu* Metal aarura Tac**«ca*ar • , # « « < * • « OJO • • f W w f W i m i Kaap t . a r if,, U( * t a * r l a lata h»mif t*m. r . t k . i tmr T . a r SriaiH. AatarUS r a l a r i . AS • a r a a a 4 irrf . Susan Hi: trorrf •WJO Zipper . - . • « permnnenl— SSMSa 25c CBgfaBrftf, | * '•'" - uses} to pay $ 1 1 (rOf • Aa elfecth-a espe» tsrsnt for r»«|l'i das to col J i . ' .'7tttfi est •• 1 v . - •« .*..»-:•.-- # i SANADFRM **• 565 BLOOMFIELD AVE, BLOOMFIELI CENTER ..'., Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 • • ••«stsf«V-»al * « a -so * .
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