325 Tamarack Lane Shiloh, IL 62269 (618) 624-2060


325 Tamarack Lane Shiloh, IL 62269 (618) 624-2060
325 Tamarack Lane
Shiloh, IL 62269
(618) 624-2060
Fax (618) 624-2226
Name: __________________________________________________________________________
Age: ____________________
Height: ______________
Date of Birth ___________________________
Weight: ___________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________
Telephone: Home (
) _______________________
Were you referred by a physician?
_____ Yes
Work (
) _____________________
_____ No
If yes, please provide us with the name, address and phone number of the physician referring you:
Who is your primary care physician? (Name, address and phone number)
Would you like us to send a letter to your primary care physician regarding your visit with us? _____ Yes
_____ No
If there are other physicians whom you wish to receive copies of our evaluation, please list the
names, addresses and phone numbers of these physicians below:
Rash / Eczema / Hives (Urticaria) / Swelling (Angioedema)
a) I think I have:
___ eczema
___ hives (urticaria)
___ rashes or other skin problems
___ swelling (angioedema)
b) How long has this problem been going on? _______________________________________________
c) What was your first episode of symptoms like? (you may describe other episodes below as well)
d) What events preceded the symptoms?___________________________________________________
e) Description:
Color: _____ red
_____ other (please describe: ______________________________________)
Number of lesions (areas of rash): ______________________________________________________
Typical size of lesions: _______________________________________________________________
Associated descriptors:
_____ skin/rash is flat.
_____ skin/rash is raised above surrounding, unaffected skin.
_____ skin/rash has a well defined border.
_____ skin/rash has a poorly defined border.
_____ skin/rash blanches (loses color) with pressure (touch).
_____ skin/rash color is unaffected by pressure (touch).
_____ skin/rash develops/worsens after I rub my skin (e.g. appears if I stroke my skin)
(please describe: _______________________________________________________)
_____ skin/rash has other distinctive characteristics (e.g. scaling/flaking)
(please describe: _______________________________________________________)
What provokes (worsens the rash)? (+ = usual/often; s = sometimes; n = never)
___ alcohol
___ animal exposure (cat, dog, dust mite) (please explain: _____________________________)
___ bath
___ environment (please explain: ________________________________________________)
___ exercise
___ food (please explain: _______________________________________________________)
___ menstrual periods
___ stress
___ shower
___ temperature change (please explain: __________________________________________)
___ tight-fitting clothes (bra, underwear lines)
___ topical agents (lotions, creams, make-up) (please explain: _________________________)
___ other (please explain: ______________________________________________________)
g) Do any of the following physical stimuli initiate or worsen your rash?
___ cold (ice cube, cold water, cold wind, or weather)
___ exercise
___ heat
___ increased body temperature
___ insect bites
___ pressure
___ sun exposure
___ sweating
___ vibration
___ other (Please explain: ______________________________________________________)
h) What improves the rash? (+ = usual/often; s = sometimes; n = never)
___ bath
___ medications (please explain: _________________________________________________)
___ shower
___ temperature change (please explain: __________________________________________)
___ other (please explain) ______________________________________________________)
___ itching
___ burning
___ pain
___ other (please describe: _____________________________________________________)
Associated symptoms (+ = usual/often; s = sometimes; n = never)
___ cough
___ fever
___ flu-like feeling (weakness, run-down)
___ hoarseness
___ itch eyes/ears
___ joint paint
___ nasal congestion
___ nausea
___ shortness of breath
___ cramping/diarrhea
___ throat swelling ___ vomiting
___ wheezing
___ other (please explain) _______________________________
Body parts involved:
___ arm(s)
___ legs
___ scalp
(+ = usual/often; s = sometimes; n = never):
___ back
___ lip(s)
___ tongue
___ eyelid(s)
___ neck
___ face
___ front of trunk
___ palms of hands
k) What time(s) of day does the rash occur:
___ any time (no predilection)
___ 6 am – noon
___ noon – 6 PM
___ 6 PM – bedtime
___ during the night
How often do you usually have the rash?
___ several times a day
___ several times a week
___ monthly
___ seasonal
___ daily
___ weekly
___ any relation to menses
___ other (please explain) ___________________
m) How long does the rash last (if you have multiple areas of involvement, this question refers to ONE spot
or area of the rash, not the rash as a whole)?
___ minutes
___ few hours
___ 24 -72 hours
___ >3 days
n) How long does the rash (as a whole) last?
___ minutes
___ hours
___ 24 – 72 hours
___ days
o) Is there a time of year when your rash worsens? ___ Yes ___ No (If yes, please indicate the worse
___ Spring ___ Summer ___ Fall ___ Winter
p) Have you been away from home since your symptoms began? ___ Yes ___ No
Please list trips (more than 3 days) by location and duration.
Did symptoms change during or after these trips? ___ Yes ___ No
If yes, please explain: ___________________________________________________________________
q) Do you notice a pattern to your rash not otherwise described above? ___ Yes
___ No (If yes, please
describe: _________________________________________________________________________)
r) What are your thoughts about what may be causing your problem? What are your major concerns? If
you think it may be helpful, please describe individual episodes below or on a separate page.
What previous evaluation have you had for this problem?
Other physician evaluation (if yes, please describe evaluation, findings and procedures): ___________
Skin test, blood tests, biopsies: ________________________________________________________
Other: ____________________________________________________________________________
Please list all the medications that you are now taking.
Medication Name
Number of times per day
medication is taken
a) Are you allergic to any medications? ___ Yes ___ No (If yes, please describe the drug(s),
reaction(s) and approximate year of the incident(s):_________________________________________
b) When was your last dose of an antihistamine (e.g. Zyrtec, Allegra, Claritin, Benadryl)? _____________
c) Did this/these medication(s) improve the rash? ____ Yes
____ No
Please circle any of the medicines above that you were taking when your symptoms began.
Please list all other prescription and over-the-counter medicines that you were taking when your problem
started. _________________________________________________________________________________
d) Do/did you EVER take any of the following medications (If yes, please describe):
Aspirin (Bufferin, Excedrin, etc.): __________________________________________________
Blood Pressure Medications (ACE-inhibitors, ARBs, etc.): ______________________________
“Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (AKA NSAID, e.g. ibuprofen or Motrin): ______________
Oral contraceptive (birth control pills): ______________________________________________
Tylenol: _____________________________________________________________________
Vitamins or supplements: _______________________________________________________
Oral contraceptives (birth control pills): _____________________________________________
Have you ever had: (check all that apply)
___ allergic rhinitis (hay fever)
___ sinus problems
___ asthma
___ atopic dermatitis (eczema)
___ other allergy (please describe: __________________
Have you undergone allergy skin testing? ___ Yes ___ No
If yes, please provide the name of the physician and date(s) of these test(s):
Have you received allergy shots? ___ Yes ___ No
If yes, when did you receive them, and for how long? _________________________________
Do you feel the allergy shots were beneficial? ___ Yes ___ No
If yes, please explain: __________________________________________________________
Do you have any proven or suspected food allergies? ___ Yes ___ No
If yes, please explain: __________________________________________________________
Do you have any other allergy problems such as “bee” sting reactions or eczema? ___ Yes ___ No
If yes, please explain: __________________________________________________________
Have you ever had any form of “contact” dermatitis?
___ additives including fragrance, dye, preservative
___ creams or lotions
___ detergents
___ jewelry, nickel or other metals
___ latex or rubber
___ poison ivy, oak or sumac
If yes, please describe reaction: __________________________________________________
Please list current and past medical problems (i.e. diabetes, heart disease, cancer, etc.).
Have you ever been experienced or been diagnosed with?
___ arthritis
___ blood in stool
___ blood in urine
___ blood transfusions
___ deafness
___ fatigue
___ flushing
___ hepatitis
___ limb pain
___ lupus (or other autoimmune disease)
___ thyroid problems
___ unintentional weight loss
___ yeast/fungal infection
___ other chronic illness not listed above (if yes, please explain): ______________________________
Please list all surgical procedures you’ve had done, and indicate the approximate year of the surgery.
date of surgery
surgical procedure
Have you ever been hospitalized? ___ Yes ___ No
If yes, please provide the following information:
date of
length of
diagnosis or reason
for hospitalization
Do you have frequent infections (i.e. pneumonia, bronchitis, sinusitis, ear infections, etc.)?
___ Yes ___ No If yes, please provide the following information:
date of infection
infection site
Did you have symptoms of asthma as a child? ___ Yes ___ No
Did you have frequent respiratory infections as a child? ___ Yes ___ No
Did you have exposure to passive cigarette smoke in infancy? ___ Yes ___ No
Date of last flu shot. ________________
Marital status: ___married ___ single
Date of pneumococcal vaccine: _____________________
___ widowed
___ divorced
___ separated
Please list number of children _____ ages: __________
Do any of your children have any chronic illnesses? If yes, please explain: ______________________
Do you ever drink alcoholic beverages? ___ Yes ___ No
If yes, what is your drink of choice? _______________________________________________
Number of drinks per day? ______________________________________________________
Have you ever used recreational drugs? ___ Yes ___ No
If so, what drugs? _____________________________________________________________
Have you ever smoked tobacco? ___ Yes ___ No
If yes:
Are you still smoking? ___ Yes ___ No
How old were you when you started smoking? _____
How old were you when you quit smoking? _____
How many packs per day did you average? _____
Are you currently employed? ___ Yes ___ No
If yes:
How many hours per week do you work? _____
What is your current occupation? _________________________________________________
How long have you worked in this occupation? _____
List chemical/exposures that you encounter at work: ________________________________________
Do you believe that your current or previous occupation has any bearing on your illness? __Yes __No
If yes, please explain: __________________________________________________________
How much work or school have you missed due to your breathing difficulty within the past year?
Please describe the effect of your illness on your job or school performance. ____________________
Do you have any pending or planned legal action against your current or former employer which
pertains to your medical illness? ___ Yes ___ No
Do you anticipate that your evaluation will be used in any legal action against your current employer or
former employer? ___ Yes ___ No
Have you ever worked in a factory, textile mill, farming, grain mill, shipyard or in a mine?
___ Yes ___ No If yes, please explain. ______________________________________________
Have you had any job with high exposure to fumes, chemicals, dust or other noxious substances?
___ Yes ___ No If yes, please explain. ______________________________________________
What kind(s) of exercise do you perform regularly? _________________________________________
How often do you perform this exercise? _________________________________________________
What, if any, hobbies or leisure activities do you engage in? __________________________________
Please describe your current living situation (private home, apartment, living with relatives, etc.)?
Where is the home located (i.e. rural, city, near any major factories or industries, etc.)?
Age of home: ______________
How long have you lived there? __________________________
How many people live in the home? ____________________________________________________
Home Description
Further description if necessary
Any water damage in basement?
Smokers in the home?
Air conditioning? Central air?
Forced air heating? Gas or electric?
Fireplace? Used how often?
Wood burning stove? Used how often?
Do you vacuum the home?
Air purification systems?
Pillow and mattress dust-proof encasings? ___
Do you use a humidifier?
Is the humidifier cleaned regularly?
Pets? What kind? How many?
Where do your pets sleep?
Fabric softeners used?
Plants in the home? How many?
Where are they kept?
Is there carpeting in your bedroom?
Do you have wall-to-wall carpeting?
If yes, what is the age of your carpeting? ___________________________________________
What is the age of your mattress? ______________________________________________________
What kind of pillows do you sleep on (feather, synthetic)? ____________________________________
What is the age of your pillow? ________________________________________________________
What material are your bedding items made of?
Sheets: _____________________________________________________________________
Pillowcases: _________________________________________________________________
Quilts: ______________________________________________________________________
Blankets: ____________________________________________________________________
List brands of products containing chemicals that you use regularly or have recently added to your
personal care routine.
Shampoo: ______________________________________________________________________
Conditioner: ____________________________________________________________________
Soap: _________________________________________________________________________
Laundry Detergent: _______________________________________________________________
Fabric Softener: _________________________________________________________________
Deodorant: _____________________________________________________________________
Perfume / cologne / after-shave: ____________________________________________________
Air fresheners / other scented products: ______________________________________________
Hair coloring dyes / rinses: _________________________________________________________
Other: _________________________________________________________________________
List all food and drink, including snacks that you have eaten in the past 24 hours:
Do you regularly consume products with aspartame (Equal® or NutraSweet®)? ___ Yes ___ No
Do you regularly consume products with artificial coloring?
___ Yes ___ No
Have you ever noticed worsening of your rash with these food items?
___ Yes ___ No
Does anyone in your immediate family (parents, brothers, sisters and children) have any of the
following illnesses? If yes, tell us who has the illness.
___ Yes ___ No
___ Yes ___ No
___ Yes ___ No
Autoimmune disease ___ Yes ___ No
___ Yes ___ No
Cystic Fibrosis
___ Yes ___ No
___ Yes ___ No
___ Yes ___ No
___ Yes ___ No
Heart Disease
___ Yes ___ No
Hives (urticaria)
___ Yes ___ No
Other (Please explain: ______________________________________________________________)
Please check any of the following symptoms which you are currently experiencing, or which have
caused you serious problems in the past.
___ fever
___ night sweats
___ fatigue
___ weight loss
___ severe itching
___ cold intolerance
___ weight gain
___ loss of appetite
___ heat intolerance
Special senses:
___ loss of vision
___ glaucoma
___ ringing in ears
___ dry eyes
___ itchy eyes
___ blurry vision
___ loss of hearing
___ loss of balance
___ excessive tearing
___ conjunctivitis
___ cataracts
___ itching in ears
___ loss of sense of smell
___ loss of sense of taste
___ ear infections
Lymph glands:
___ glandular swelling
___ chest pain
___ palpitations
___ inability to lie flat in bed
___ swelling of ankles
Intestinal tract:
___ nausea
___ indigestion
___ diarrhea
___ heartburn
___ constipation
___ gall stones
___ glandular tenderness
___ vomiting
___ abdominal pain
___ excessive gas
___ food intolerances ___ acid or sour taste in mouth
___ trouble swallowing liquids or foods
___ irregular periods ___ skipped periods
___ unusual vaginal bleeding
___ menopause
___ infertility
___ miscarriages
___ impotence
Are you pregnant now or planning a future pregnancy? ___ Yes ___ No
___ kidney stones
___ inability to urinate
___ kidney infections
& orthopedic:
___ joint swelling
___ joint pain
___ low back pain
___ fractured bones
___ skin rash
___ excessive hair loss
___ passing out spells
___ epilepsy (seizures)
___ inability to concentrate
___ prostate problems
___ early morning joint stiffness
___ gout
___ osteoporosis
___ hives
___ skin tumors or growths
___ eczema
___ severe headaches
___ difficulty with memory
Please elaborate on any symptoms which are particularly bothersome to you.
Physician Signature: ________________________________________________ Date: __________