T o d a y ’s fo re c a... ist:
T o d a y ’s fo re c a... ist:
' , ^ 2712 S 3 6 0 100 'J .C ' I .- '. ' ^r ~ ^ 75 5 9 0 2^ ' ' W 2 S / 9 6 W 5 ,S T E £ R .\ M I C tC R O G R A P ttlc i A P T .c , I ' ' -------UT— 5 4 1 T y --------" fP ~ ! - I llie fl ' T o d a y ’s fo recaist: st ----------------r p a n l j n : l o u d y - w t;th t h - o - c h n n c e - o f -a fte r ^ --------—“ ]B y b i c w b c S i l v c r - - 7 - n w ^ i o v y £ r s : , ', H i s;!hl ss in th c 5 0 s . L ig h t ^ 'i r o e » N c w a , w r i t e r - . , — :--------- A v in d s .-i-m v s in - th c 3 0 !fi - ----------- • — ---------_ . - , P 9 g e A 2 _ ------- B Q tS E — I n . a b l i s t e r i nn g :.v c i o j r i i u r s d a y .. G o + . C c c i l A n d r u s k ill e:d d ai S 1 2 7 t r i l l i o n id in g it o s “ fisc al p r o p c r ty - ta x r e l i e f b ill, d e:rrid I f ic t ip n " a n d c h a r g in g it w o u ld p lu n g e th e nk. s ta te b u d g e t d e e p in to r e dliinl N ew jo b s o n thh e w ay ' ' “ In th e n e a r ly 14 y e a r s ttfh a r l . h a y e b e e n Ip r iv ile g e d to s e r v e a s th e ggio v e r n o r o f Id a A c o m p a n y th a t m a k e s a p la s tic a lte r 1h o , I -h u v e n e v e r s e e n a m o r e - f is c u lly ir r c _________j u U iv c to w o o d e n p a l l e t s w i l l e m p l o y c x^ pf c d ic n t- p ie c e o f T W U l T J b . - '■ .................. T ^ tip o n fib lp n n r p n lil jc n l ly 'c a b o u t 2 0 p c o p l b l n TNv in liis4 V cto m c s PageB I - le g i s la t io n ," A n d r u s s a idJ in sa g e. is bt ill im p e r ils th c • 'In o n e fell .sw o o p , th is ^________— __ F a tu r g - o r- tf ilu c n tio n - in - ld d .ih a h o .^ lu n R c s th c a n a l'C o T s h o w c d T lff ^ -----l l i i r T w i n t'U lIT CCuT N m p r o v c m c n t t ^ n i t s ^ ^ — -------- a -w in ie F ^ ft-w o rth -o W n c a n a l s y s te m T liu rsddaa>y .' Page B l _ ^ ____ C a n a ls oh d isp li - ‘ T h i s bbill in^ p e rils __ _ rd m :a tlo n ~ ih I d a h o ; ~ tH e f u lu r e 6T^di — i-: ^ n t i r t h e - q u i c k s aa nn d lu n g e s t h e -st a te -ii »**‘‘ d e fic it s p e n d inn tg a n d p a n d e r s t o y e a r p o litic s .’ election*yc ■ ■ ;■ - _ -[ o f tht* h i i rI'.s .s s p o n s o r s - c h iy f jp c a k e r M ik e - S im p s o n . f l ’ a m o n g tlie m I lou.se Spcji 3 = T i i ^ l s r ( R t " T h : t t ' I d a hl o ^V n ^ u s t c e o .n o m ie - . - -1 g r o w r h T v r q u tti'^ c n c rfriT iT c c im n iT p h - n c w - 'T a x ' ■ A iiilru:: c a llc d ■J r e v e n u e to p .iy f o r th1C e sliifi, s A it a r c c ip c f o r c h a o s . ■ “ I d a h o h a s b e c o m ec u slio w c a.sc f o r w h a t s ta b ility a n d ■ c a n b e . d o n e to b r i nlg g al'uMit a 0 g r o w th ,” h e s a id in h ,is is v y to m e s s a g e . “ I a m r is k a ll th a t w e 'h a v e H c e r ta in ly n o t w illin g to ri — . l a b o r e d . t o b u i l d o nI o n e w ild r o l l o f th e i v ). A Id ah o G ov. C ecil D. / n d ru s ■” .s e n d in g s t a t e j nnto h th e Q u ic k san d o f d e r i c iill .sp tic s v 'a n d p a tn n id crs c c /c lc c tio n -y c a r politii:! s h if tin g s c h o o l m a in te n a n c e a n d o p B y sh r ty e ra tio niss fu n d s fro m lo c a l p ro p erty , .u ix e s t o th c .s taii^c ^c. A n d r u s -said.-tiie b ill wv o ’ui ld h a v c it d ic c ." ' • p u t th c s ta te bbuu d g e t a lm o s t S 5 6 m illio n in "yuMi. lii'th i tn c iiu ic 111 thIhii e OOflllliy lill il i d e in o n .stn ile d th e y e a r th e d e f i c i t w o u ld h aly v ie d r u s ' v e to ; b u t h e s;iiil 1 9 9 6 f i s c a l yc; vision." ■ • h e g o v e r n o r ’s “ la c k o f visio s w o lle n lo mnoot r c th a n S.I 1 0 ,6 m il lio n , hi I, sa id ._____________ ___________ ^ , ^Please s e e V E T O / A 2 Ihe-taies— - . Behind-tl — — E o e n ! S h n < ; h n plE-tces-up----p — meeMn complslaint ^ T h e c ity o f S h o s h o rn e w a n t s isom e Je d c o u rs c . e ra l la n d f o r a gollf col Page Bl I T ^aai T h e T im c s-N c w fl a n d A s s o c ia t e d P r e s s m f a m ______ C a p ita liz in g on e ______ late tc a tio r n e y g e n e r a l ’s B O IS E T h e s ta o f f i c e f i l e d a c i v i l. c o m p l a i n t T h u r s d a y a g a in s t th e n in e m e mnbbcetrs o f th e S e n a te ta x forr w w r i tin g c o m m itte e , fo \ h a t il c h a r g e d w a s lin g d u r in g th e f in a l u n ill e g a l c lo s e d m eeeetii _ \ w e k o f th e 1 9 9 4 le g•isla isla tiv e s e s s io n . " 'A t t o r n e y G e n e r a r■LLaair r y 'E c h o H a w k s a id _ th e c o m m ittc e -m e m ib b cer;rs c o u l d ‘f e s o lv c ; ih e irly m ise ry E a rly lead,jearl: v o lu n ta r ily a d m ittin g ^ d i s p u t e b e f o r e tr ia l byy V' c d in ai f o u r u n d e r p a r L a r r y M iz e tu r n e ■ th c v io la tio n a n d icrrss b u t h o le N o . 15 a t6 8 to le a d th c M a s te p a y in g a S 7 5 fin e. ...................u a c te d - t lic a tte n t io3n n :b y n iin i n g ..a lo t o f T h c f i r s t m e m b e:rt B v . :o H o f t h e c o m m i t t c c lo p la y e r s ’ h o p e s. P a g e 0 1 -----------j/jB S M ■ ........ p a y 'H is rin c w u s 's t a le S e n . J o h n P e a v e y . D)-- ■ C a rcy . P e a v ey and t ' - -------' ^ " v S ____ I h c tw o o th e r ------- D c m o c r a t s - o n - t h e — '/■ g M ---------c o m m ittc c h a d c a lle d ___ _ _ G la ssjiS _ a n a Vvocation____________ o o n E c h o H a w k to in ■ c r a f t s m a n , sta in e d * ; -------- v c s t t ^ 3 t ^ h i r - i n e t r t — j F o r a T w in F a l lIs s < ANOYAR£Nim» i n]g s h c s e e s o n ly o n i n g , a n d t h e y m a i nn- I g l a s s i s n ’t s o m e thiin 3 dd u r i n g a l u n c h h o u r I n t h o M e x i c a n c u l t u r e in ^ t a i n e d R e p u b l i c a n r i o s t h a t a r o I m p o r t a n t In I Sunday. A n d y R o d r i g u e z e xx ppll a l n s s o m o o f t h e s t o r l i Page Cl le a d e r s w e r e r e s p o n■’* I Peavoy le c tu r e . s ib l e fo r th e v io la tioMl n ■ ~ in c o n n c c tio n w ith th ce H o u s c - p a s s e d - p iB n --------- ^ ^ “ "‘C a s a b la n c a f ii ’’? c p y la x c u t in sliiU* h is f o r llic la rg e s t p r o p e r ty Y o u m u s t r e m cemml b e r t h i s : A H o lly to r y ...........— • - — - ..........w o o d p r o d u c c t- J s - t.ht ih i n k i n g j l j n n k i n g j i — _ _ I tkec ^ o m obw ax^on a b u s ---------— “ I f e d n - littlc - b it- ltk ■pesos w e r e u a c d a s c u a e n ' - s e q u e l t o th c 1 9 4 31 -H Hi u m p h rc y -B o g u rt-Iii^ ^ ^ ' ..............................th lT A\ bs s o c i u i e i r S r u d c i n s - o r e 3s iTr r l » a r t - o f ^ ’- ‘ - M e x i c n n lw i sp e e d iiig . b i ^ t w a s w h o g e ts a rre-sted too r .s B y M ic k N o im ln g tc f n d iit io n a l ly c y in t h e N oo rnt h w e s l t h r o u g h o u t t h c g r id D c r ^ a n c la sjss ic m o v ie — a tc lc v ith a t gg(o a l is te a c h in g C S I 's traid n d th e L e g is la tu re h a s a n ille g a l m e e tin g , aand T im c s - N c w s w r i te r 1 800s. s io n m in i-s c r ie s . .......... ... ' w h itee s tu d e n ts a b o u t th c lo c a l1 H is p a n ic le,." sa id P e a v e y . w h o l o 'b e h e ld a c c o u n taib b le n p i o n e e r s s a i l e d t o t h e ______P a g e C l * M e x ic a n r w o y e a r s a g o , th e c u ltujrr ic a n d K cttin g m o r e H isppaarn ic s e n - S e n a te to r u n f o r lie u-___ ____ ..T W I N F A L L S - T w is le a v in g th c .siatc*-Sci W a s h in g to n cro o aajst a n d s e ttle d in 1-774. 'd’a s sludenTS^ ’ ic w h o h e a r d 's tu f e ?611ed’ te n a n t g o v e rn o r . _ o n ly n o n - w h i te p e o pp le thi«; » T h e flrst liv Iiv e s to c k c o m p a n y in e a st[w u t'S p c r c c n t.o f .C S r .'; timI.l<»rttg le t- g v p :.l,r_P-ri--»;wl.;nt_l>ro S e n . J e s s e b c r a i n sp eaK v a s e s ta b irs h e d b y " M e x ic a n im p a r is o n . c m O re g o n w a s c s lc r a re H is p a n ic . B y c o m j M uu l t i c u l t u r c W e e k ______ T c m J c r r y T w . i s c■S. a . JR - B l n c k f o o t . a l s o _ S o u th e r n I d a h o 's M ^r'StTjdcm s'm afce'Q p 6 7 - jK rc ti f in e d , b e c a u s e il w a s iz a n d h i s v ^ i f e , w n u e-: s h o u l d h a v e b e e n fin w e r e A n ily R o d r ig u e z a: 0 0 s . H is p a n ic s .served in th c • I n th c 1800.S e n t b o d y . A c c o r d i n g to th thic I d a h o T w ig g s w h o r a n th c; m e e tin g , O n T h u r s d a y . R; o d r i g u c z w o s t h e l l i a a n d o n U .S . A r m y T h o s e w e re thhe e days SI h a s th c t e r r i t o r i a l m i l i a r tm e n l o f E d u c a tio n , C S I i r a c i e r I n t h a t m e e ti n g ;w H is p a n ic s lu d c n ls “ T h e c e n t r a l c h a ,r s p p k e r a n d s a w a .f q w 1 ic sj tu d e n ts p o sts. icst p e rc e n ta g e o f H is p a n ic T h e c lo u t o f Id aih h o ’s U .S . S e n a te d e le e m j ’ h e sa id . w a s e c r ta in ly th c p r o0 lte: • !• lis te n in g to h i s s p e e c: hh ii„ u f c C S I s , . d c n . R o d r ig u e z s a id t h a t w h ile lo c a l H is ny sta te c o lle g e . g a tio n h a s s li p p e d , c« o n s id e r a b ly s in c e th e u n io n . J e rr y T h o m e o f N'J aa m n p a , tlie c h a im iim o f , , _, i l e ," R o - p a n tfis a r e n ’tt rne p r e s e n t e d in th c lo c a l ' V c ’v e b e e n h e r e f o r a w hh il d a y s w h e n F r a n k: C Clh u r c h “ a‘n d 'J i n r M C ^ 01 to b e in g in m o r e “ C S I is d o i n g a lo t th e L o c a l G o v e r n m lent e n t a n d T a .\a tio n C o m rc in u e z s a id . " W e ’v e b e e n h e re : s o m e g o v e rn m e n ts o f th e M a g ic V a lle y h e ex C lu re r e p r e s e n te d th thie s ta te , t o d a y 's e d i- • •h c y ’r c m a k in g a lo t n o :h a n g e w ith in a few y e a rs. H is p a n ic s tu d e n ts . T he} m it te c . s a id h e h a d no tt y e t c o n s u lte d a ll th e e o p le ." p e c ts th a t to ehai e s lo n g e r th a n th c A n g lo pcof to rio l sa y s. u p a; r e d to a sle e p in g g ia n t," o th e r f iv e R e p u b lic:a a n s o n ih e p a n e l a b o u l m c o f th e " W c ’r c c o m PageA 6~ • o f a d v a n c e s h e r e , ” saTd saT R o d r ig u e z , r e - • e ,to ld th e s tu d e n ts a b o u t soo m p a y in g th e p e n a lty . /e s t th a t h e h e sa id . ----------g i o n a l - m a n a g c t - o L jl h ic_I_daho M i g r a n l H k pm >anie h is to r y o f th e N o r th w e - oiu t - o f - f r v c r y - c i g h l T w in--------------1 ^ B u t- tlia yiic - < o n1£ ^c n1^1$ uic^ t h py w n iiltl C o u n c il a n d a m e m b)ec r o f th e C S I D iv e r- g ic a nnce d fro m U n iv e rs ity d r W /a a sh s in g to iT ------- ^ A b o u t-o n ei -o r e s i d e n t s is H is p a n ic , b u tt lik e t o g e l a la w y e: r aain d f ig h t il." T h o m e lu dd in g ; F a lls C o u n t y>rc h is tojrriia n E r a s m o G a m b o a , in c lu ______ s ity .C O u n c il._______ h e - f i r s l - t o — m iin y -d o n - u vi’O o utc ,.h c .s a itL .H e a n d o th e rs , : .sa id .-llW c :rc jlo L g uiilty i lty .Q C a n y th in g , W c r c t . , . . 'O n e o f l h e t o p g;ooaalls T O f t h c - s tu d c n t ------- M e x i c a n - s e t t l e r s - w e r c th e .W c H 'c g o t s ix R c p u b lito g e t lo c a l H is p a n ic s o u t to’ a lly s h o u ld n ’t p a y ;.W imoo te r a c ia l d iv e rs ity c u lr i v a te p o t a t o e s , r a i s e l iv eiss ut o c k a n d a r c w o r k i n g t o j ............g o v e r n m e n t i s t o p ro m -------- - l A ^ c e ^ n c o i u i rr t h d i n i n ^ -■ th c p o lls . in th e N o rth w e .st. .' o n c a m p u s , M id R e nle e M N a lle , p r e s id e n t o f g r o w■v-wheat P lea a ssee s e e M E E T IN G /A 2 S o m e o b s e r v e r si a rc r a d v is in g P r e s id e n t C lin to n to a im f o r a c o u r t th a t w ill m o r e ----------------c l o s c l y r c f l e c tT h c -;-nna a t io n V d iv e r sc p o p u - — la tio n w h e n h e n ojm m i n a te s a s u c c e s s o r to i;c tirin g J u s tie c H airnr y A . B la c k m u n . ’ P a g e A3 H o m e r u n rc c o rd l- hhco ld e r H e n r y A a r o n w ill, s p e n d th e 2 0 tth h a; n n i v e r s a r y o f h is m c r p e d d lin g a u to r e c o r d - b r c a k i n g hlo o tr g r a p h e d b a s o b a lls o3n n at te le v i s io n m a rk c tin g n e tw o rk . ___ ^ 9 * t _____ t\if y lees muH alismgi;TOwing Clintonrpushes^fiMtlTccare visit r4n Kanssas HFeforiHH ____ n g .” H e a s k e d P re ss ty 's 's la n d fills , fu tu r e o f t h e c o u nity 1 h o w th e g o v B y S ce a n L . M c C a rth y 'P I . — _____ t f tlig c o u n tv dlo o et;sn s ’t c lo s c it s 'm a i n l- e o u ld -m a n a g c ---------I i m c s - ^ W ic ld ih 'g 'c h a rta ■■ K A N S A S C I T Y . K n n1.. — • H u b B u t te la n d f iill ll b y lo d a y , it c o u ld : i a l i s t i c p r o a n d tic k in g o f f p o in ts o n h is f in g e r s , P r c s i'o u n t y f a c e a n n u a l c o s ts; a s h ig h a s S 2 .5 m illi k c u n i v e r s a l T WVIN I > F A L L S - T w in F a lls Coi d e n t 'C Iin to n p itc h e d h is hi c a lth - e a r c r e f o rm insg a n d m o n i t o r i n g ik e ils li o n f o r m a in ta innin I h e a l t h c ta r c w i t h o u t - - h a s nl o t y e t d c c id c d w h e r e to taki ;n a fte r il f in a lly c lo s p l a n in a T V “ to w n h aa lll” l” T h u rsd a y w h e re u p th e d e fic it. g a rb aIg g e a f \c r S a tu r d a y ’s fe d e ra l d e a d - , th c o ld d u m p , e v e n a \ • w a r y A m e ric a n s d e liv e r e d a h e a lth y d o s e o f Ils. c s. o n - tr ^ w s n t thc-^-------U m ifo'oLLic Io s in g a n tiq u a te d la n d fills . sk e p tic is m . F r a l e y - ' . B u t c o n s t r u c t i oo nn o n . a n e w c o u n t y o lu u nn ty C o m m i s s i o n e r J i m Fr; 2 k - ^ .s r ^ ^ ; 4 ^ A g - g o v e m mmoont-to-run-it,^^------------C i ........W h i l e C l i n t o m n a i t e r -5or -o f - fa c tly f i e l d e d a • e la y e d b c c a u s c th e n s u r c la n d f i ll h a s b e e n . ddel s a id T T hh u r s d a y t h a t h e w a s u m 1 C l i n i o nn s a i d , n o t i n g v a rie ty o f q u e s tio n s lh aItt w e n t to th c h e a r t o f n d f l l l c o u n ty s li ll t l o c s, nnoo t o w n th e fe d e ra l n pp r e s e r v e d th e w h c t [hheei r t h e c o u n t y ’s m a i n lan< 1 h is p la n p r o b le m s w ilh i h e c u r T r ccn n t h e a lth - c a r e s y s ~ l a f r d ‘if p la llS T o n is:c:----------------------------------------------c— d b e o p e n a fte r to d a y , o f p r i v a t e in w o u ld Wk. s y s t e m ol K l te n i, h e b r i s t l e d a t i t t l!e e ao t s u g g e s t i o n s h i s T h c nc-vn- s i t e - iiss 9‘ m i l e s s o u t h of=—^ *------“ Wi/c c d o n ’t k n o w .” F r a le y s a id . su r a n c e . p la n w o u ld c o s t jo b s . T w in F a lls , ’r c w o r k i n g o n it.” " W c ’rc . " I ’m nnoo t g o in g t o le t “ F o r m a n y , m a n y b u siin in ee s s c s lik e m in e , th c F r a le y m e t W eddnncc:s d a y w ith o fT icials - C lin to n . S o c ia l S eo c u rity , g e t in C o(u u nntty o f fic ia ls h n v c s a id th c ccio u n m pp ly a c o s t th a i- w i ll - • - : iviisio n o f E n v ir o n c o s t b f y o u r p l a n is s im ill 1m a in ta in its e x is tin g la n di ffiill a t f r o m t h e s t a t e DDiv t y w ill b c ith e r ," C lin to n a d d e d I.. d th e f e d e ra l B u r e a u ' c a u W u s t o e l i m i n a t e jj oo bb s , " H e r m a n C a in , tr o ujbTc nrad o f O m a h a, H u b B u tte u n til a n e w o n e o p e n s5 nr e ar* m e n ta l Q u a l ity a n t AAnnother s k e p tic , J o s e p h C o n n c h i e f e x e c u tiv e o f ilc c r oo ff 'G o d f a th e r ’s P iz z a , iein t to d e c id e w h a t o f L a n d M a n a g c rn n ie w ith f u llb lo w n • b y . ’ d h e w a s “ a p e rs o n liv i n g wii to l d tli e p r e s i d e n t . " W/ hh aa t w i l l I te ll t h o s e s a i d l ,g c r o f m e a s u r e s th c c o uinty n ty m u st ta k e to c o m ^ B uIt^ lL e s R e itz , g e n e r a l m a n a g e l p a y i n g Tor A IDDSS ” a n d w a s h a v in g t r o ui bb lc p e o p le w h o s e j o b s I w illII hhta v c to e lim in a te ? ” r a n d a ic s . W a s te S y s te m s , s a id in a n in ii te r - p ly w ilh th e fe d e rraa l m ltl c are. C l in to n a r g u e d t h a t r ec q u ir in g a ll e m p lo y - h c ailth fbage to B u h l is o n ly T r a n s f e r r in g g aQrb a T h u r s d a y th a t th c c o u n ty' cc o m - ' v ie w/ T th e ir w o rk e r s w o u ld "‘Y y o u w o u ld b e m u c h J jc tte; rr o<f T u n d e r o u r i s i o n ," F r a l e y s a i d e rs t o b u y in s u r a n c e f o Ir ih ta k in g " a t e m p o r a r y d ee ccis io n e r s h a d to ld h im lo s ta r t ta i n . _ C lin tQ n s n id. H e n o t ^d th t a t p rc sc rip - - p u s h - u p - C a i n l s . c o s U o f b u s i n e s s b y o n l y _ p |a j." >f P ^ ’s t r a s h to a n o t h e r c: oo u n l y T h u r s d a y . iin d cr'h ls-p lan :---------------a b o^u t 2 p c r c c a L P P d J g cl cd^ t h a i ’T d k e e p b u y n ftn ig c w p iilri b e n v a ila b le■iir * * U v c :^ o t.lO ;mn ci c<c l w i t h t h e o t h e r __ fill h e a r ^ u h l , — iT S in g le ' fo c u s . • , in g ” p iz z a e v e n a l lh a l ppnn c c . . • O3vvcto11, th c to w n h a ll, w ithn it: R e i t z c o m m is s i o n e r s a nn dd ta t lk w ith ih c m 7 ‘ l i e ‘m n o t e x a c tly s u r e w h y ."' F B u l w h e n C n » n i n siii ss tt e d t h a t h i s c o s t s in g c h a n g e f o r . . . , P S I is th e a r e a ’s .n \a in h a u lc hj,,e a lth c a r c , w a s a r e f re s hhin o u l to m a k e th a t d c c i l r o f s a id l “ I ’m n o t a btout n 'T V ^ to w n h a ll ~ ' w o u ld b e m u c h h i s h c r . th thee p r e s 'tlc n l c u t h im -------------sio n -b y -m yftctC ^ -----ie iu ia l g a r b a s e ;----------;---------— th e W h ite H o u s e d c yj, s tr in g o f s k ^ t i - . N o rth .C a ro lin a b r o u g h t a stri C o m m is s i o n e r M a rv in l l c m p le m a n • o tV a n d to ld h im t o s c n dd ift c i t z s a id h e is s u p p o s e d to0 im e e t m 10 < h is w a s i n - C o e i i r dI’A :A jlc n e T h u r s d a y o n ________ : c a l a n d e v e n 'h o s tile q u c s tio niss oc n e v e r y th in g . to ils o n h is b u s in e s s . m .V i'llttc w a fc F to .N q rtli K orci ................c o u n t y b u s i n e s s ,s ,b b u t F r a l e y s a i d tic 3 2irm r r W c : i l ^ o r i r p n - " r r o m : ------- 'J S e m t il- to m c . r ild 'ja n i n g .'- - .................. - ........ h ee rr e C o m m i s s i o n e r ' C3 a in is an' o u ts p o k e n c riticr oor i i r k n i S w n - rn ley . m e a n w h ile , h a s s c h c diuu le d a d j d n ’ t k n o w , w 'h it." tc H o u s e a i d e s , m . p r e s s c o n fe re n c e t o d isc uUSS s ih c ’ N o n n a B l a s s w a s. A T o p e k a m a n c ite d1 “" pi o o r p e r f o r m a n c e " h e aalil l h - c a r e p l a n a n d W h i l e ^ P " ’’ le d h is p a rtic ip a tio n in th ce f o ru m " a - to ta l in o th e r b ig g o v e r h m e n l fp r o g r a m s a n d c itc d c a llo J — S o c i a l - S c c u r i t y ^ w e l f gn rrcc n n d '.'p o rk b a r r e l s e tuu fp /;__________________________ The A s s o c ia te d ev id en ce ___________ O p tim ls m .iii-a A m e r ic a n b u s inncess s e s , c n c o u r a g c d b y a n e x p a n d in g c c oonnco m y , a r c p la n n in g a b i g in c r e a s e In innvvce s tm c n t in b u ild i n g s •and e q u ip m e n t. P ag eB4 S e c tlo n A W e a t h e r . ....... .. . 2 » N a l i o r i ...... ...........3 J. ; S e c tio n C F e a tu re s ...-1 * 8 D e a r A b b y ........3 O p in io n i ............. 6> l t d a h o ................... 7' W o r l d ...............- . 8 1 C o m i c s '...............6 M o v i e s .................7 S e c tio n D S p o r t s ............. 1 - 4 ' s e c tio n s M a g ic V a l l e y . . . 1 .. ------------- - O b i t u a rie s . . . . . o 22— — , , M in l - :C a s s la ...... 3J B u s i n e s s ............4i — S e t^ o n . L e g a l n o n c e s ..1 C l a s s i f i e d ...... 1 - ^ S e c tlo rT p ^ J I t eo n r e c y c l e d p a p e r . \ W e p rim P l e a s e ri e c y c l e it a g a i n . County^scramb][)les sadline ) meet larndfill dea - IIIIIIUQl^Q^ --------------------j------------ -.1 ------ -■■ f, ■ A. ; A-2 ;g. ItJnho Tim os-N ow s. Twin Fulls. Ii Fftflay, April 8, 19iW■i IUjGoyeernoL ^ is^laps^^e t o --- 5 water — signs j stamp 0an many tbiUs pacfc^ e — ^ ; W eathee r '■> ' • • • A - n d - F U s p e n t o n p r iv a te; hhee a lth in s u r a n c e CIT----------------------------------------------r o f t'lccdy clritditrii, t h e L e g i iilu f w ------- »------ ^------B O I S E '- C o v ..C e c il A n d ru s h a v e w r u iig lc d o v e r t h e “ c a t I— - i ^ n ^ B O I S E ( A P•)) -— H e s till h a s 'in isic aalll y n e e d y p r o A m o n g f u n d " a n d m e d ic ' ...................~ F ~ 3ov. C e c il A n d ru s h a s vi v c 'lo e d 15 b ills T h u r s d a y . A I s 9 0 s 1 0 0 s 1 1 0 s g iv in g s , b u t G o \ O s '1 0 s 2 0 s 3 0 s 44 (0 s S O s 6 0 s 7 0 s 8 0 s is t .th r c e y e a r s , b u t - l O s -D s; r a m s f o r d ie p a st.tl th e m w e r e : • - ...................g • s ig n e d m o st' oi f iu p a c k a g c o f w a t e r ------- th t o m p o r a tu r e - z o n o s .f o r th o3 d ia y . ' B a n d s 's e p a r a t a h ig hfl U i to r c a c h a c o m ^ • • ; ' w • M o u se B ill 9 1 2 ,-w h ic h w ' o u lii '^“ y. !'» ™ ^ ^ b ill s d e s ig n e d to C.1SC a lo o m in g c rie.sult, th e c a t fu n d iilli.til in p r o m is e . A s j re.sul h e r n I d a h o ir r lg a ii u u JT liuvi; g J y c ii K U icjicr.i e n ro l ■ ‘ s is o v e r s o u th c i /ill !!1 I L 'f is-b ro k e , T : g r a z in g m a n a g e m e n t p la n s ' ' % vntcr s u p p lie s . ■u . • B . i - H o u s o B i lIllss 8< 4 6 a n d 8 4 7 . __ eeir c n c e w h e n iw O o r m o r e^ [ _______________“ W c n r o b a bb ly h a rc f in iin c i n g th e ........................... . llu n d c d t o n r e v e n t ' jf - a n o th c r .l 5 - 2 U .w a t c r -_aa p| p l i e d to - lc a s e - s l a l ^ l a n c l -------: ------- Ic g a l- c a rc c r s of-i w s u its - o v c r- lh e — Z X Z T Z Z ;h c n e x t d c c n d c .^ ' t h e - - b ill ^varhiT T ic3 In t'7 o rc sta l!ii *“ o f-.'ic rh o o l-fu n d -— - t — ^ — ~ ~ l a w y e r s f o Y 'lh llin g -a c — ♦•iiten’otighne.»:s““ f .'T liu rs 'd a y a's h e a n - • ' ' tio ti iis s u c |r a s t h b s e o fH a iliJ: Ic y c o n -" - jn g A n d r u s c a Ulecdd tth e m “ a n u n r e • g o v e r n o r s a i dd .^1 [o ffto re v e r in s u la te lig n c d s o m e b ill s in lo si rv a tio rii.st J o n M a rv e l, w ., sc wlh o la s t a lis tic a tte m p t to n o u n c c d h e .sigi r o m i( ? d u t y lo — y e a r t r i e d t o o u t b i d a C h a l l i s ih c L e g i s la i u r e: ffrc i-K \ -r * la w . ■ y ’ ' -' ( ■* is e . o u r s c h o o ls a nid d th tl e c h i l d r e n in rna n c h e r f o r a s ta te la n d Icasi A n d n i s s a idd Ih e in te n d e d to s ig n A n d m s c a lle d ^ th e jiK a s iure u r “th e o u r c las.s ro o m s .!‘ • Uic b i l l s . . c v c; n t h o u g h th e g o v e r : : | lihd sa id • S e n a te B ill 1 5 9 0 . w h ic h ;‘;is “ ? ' \ ' ] ’’ G a id la te r h e w o u ld n o l C r e a t T e r r a in R o b b e r y ." liii n o r 's ofT icc said v.' •, it e L a n d w o u ld h a v e fro zi ce n s ta te h ir in g f o r Ihe m e a s u r e s u n til n e x t ii w o u l d i n f r i n g e o n thle sig n - s o m e o f th r u s n o te d th a t th e li a tio n tw o y e a r s . A n dIrus tB o a r d 's c o n s titu t io n a l o bjlig “ - • w eek. / f o r t h e s a m e L e g i s la t u r ec th t n t p a s s e d th e - , ^ tt<o m a n a g e s t a t e ' l a n d s f< • _ A lm o s t a ll o f a d o z e n r e s o lu tio n s ■nofit o f fr<KWtf-alno a d dl e dd .- 2 9 L n e w stn lc -------------- ^ roO n a n il b ill s , m iro o uccd iitid pas.sed 111 e m p lo y e e s f o r-•the th e c o m in g tis c a j . th ll e p u b lic s c h o o l s ..' . ' ....................... th e la.";! d a y s , oof f th e 1994 le g is h itiv e • h w o u ld y e a r , ^ • H o u s e B ill 9 8 7 . w h ic:h s e s s io n , w e n t in in'to cfT cct im m e d ia te l y p r o v id e s p o |;; . “T h is b ill m e:rrcc l; h a v e f u n d e d t h e c a t a sittrr o p h i c ____________ ly. lii im is O lii ic n T c o v c i ^ ’o nn hh p: s t r i n ^ b c - l c g - --------------- — T hI T w a ^ ‘‘n l\i ^ y s ~ a iv ^l i e a r a i c a r e p“r o g n im . T lie l)! A n d r u s s a id p ~ : ' h o c a n ’t o r * ' _ .w o u ld J ja v j:j c p c a lc d ^ .i h e _ l••m edi- i s l a t i v e b r a n c: h w _ l f= R O N T S : . --------------- — p r c h C T s r v x ^ \*Ah -hcT T T om plex-leg islu-------- ■•’J —-cc f r i l y - i i e t d y " 'e x p 3 n ^ i r o^ f-rv r ttd p — w a n ^ n tr a k tf d if n c o ie d 4 y -im ro d u e c d a n d — — __ — . — — a id . ' I ■ I m illio ti ■ s io n .’; A n d ru s ;a c a id . r e p la c i n g it w illi S I r c ' •• _ r u s h e d th r o u g;h h th e L e g i s la t u r e w fth ---------<Srig94 A cc u -W o o th w ~ s w r c m R ^ ------------- • I . iiitic ttm c lo r s ta tt d y . _ X ^-W c h a d t o0 Id o s o m e th m g ." A iv ---------Pmasuro — TS>Q*s.. '|g Ld_-. I: ▼ Js u r c d b y to p w wca te r la w y e r s th a t th e ___________ H ~ X ~ B E W E R S - RAIN T-STORMS FLU FU fifilBS"SN O W - K k ' ‘SCT H/GH LOW SHOWl . I■ b i l l s w e r e p r o p e r . "'I h o p e U ltiy 'i';; ' CC ooin t in u e d f r o m A 1 ' ■ ' ' a c t i v i s t w h o hlaa dd s u s p e n d e d m s ir i g h t ," th e g oovvtc m o r s a id , b u t p r e ' ViaA3S0Cial0dPrv:3 l yp c o v e r P e r c e n t I n iiia iv tivc e c a m p a ig n to s e e c h a n g e s in .w a - . . "••F o r a ll th e g o v e r n o r 's hyp d ie tin g th e .swk-ceping cc la lu ri e w o u ld d o a b o u t f Id t r i g g e r m a n y la w need fo r w h a t th e L e g isla th e p a s t f e w y e a r s a b o u t th e ni 4 2 .3 4 t e r la w w o u ld SoQllIo 56 42 T e m p e r a tu r e sc, „ ; h1 a d th e p r o p c r t y - t a x reelilieef , s a i d T h u r s d a y p r o p e r ly r ta x r e lie f , w h e n h e 32 su its. S p okono 4 9 32 1 N e w c o m b , R - B u r lc y : liz e n s o f t h a t A n d r u s ’ /e v eto to w o u l d j- e in v ig o ' Max Min oopp p p o r tu n ity to g iv e th e c itiz R e p . B n i c cr N In PP ep .W ashington 5 5 47 .50 e lie f . h e r a te h is c r u ^ d e . Albuquo'rquo 70 5 0 ... Friiiay. X prll 8 R e p . G o ld e n1 L in f o r d . R - R e x b u r g , Iidj a h o t r u e p r o p c r t y - t a x reli r daytlmcCTndintTO end high icini)fftIUfi ----------- -~~Atcu-Wcamcr*mrec3«fof(fcq ° .. T w in F a ils 1 222Atlonia ■ 6 3 41 sa id . B u t R a n k in ,a na n i h d e p e n d c n t’c n n bbac a c k e d d o w n ,” th e s p e a k e r sai a n d S e n . L a iirr d N o h . R - K im b c r l y . iB o slo n 59 4 1 .-32 : Max *lin Mir P cp ‘ d id a te f o r g o v'cemr no r . s a id S i m p s o n Ss im p -so n a d d e d th a t A n dJ nr u s w a s . w o r k e d m o s t o f th e la s t m o n th o f CANAOA ^ ____ ' C nicogo 51 21 ....... ; 5 tr. . th e s e s s io n o n b ill s d e a lin g w ith th e a n d tb e r e s t o f th thee L e g i s la t u r e 's R c Yoslorday 4 9 335 “ m o r e c o n c e r n e d a b o u t th e s t a t e ’s D allas 6 7 3 8 -..... u d g e t th a n a b o u t Uie fa m ily Lost yoar 51 221 1 ..... p r o b le m s . l y''s b u d p u b l i c a n l e a dl eerrssh i p w e r e j u s t a y • bbuc Donvor 6 5 35... .......... ' Normal 61 332 2 lUt th o r iz e s a r e c h a r g e O n e b i l l aU gcL ” m u c h t o b l a m le e -.aa s A n d r u s f o r th e D o s Moinos 5 6 2 5 ..■-",__..Sunsol lodoy_8:1,2 p jn . igncd-tQ-pump_walcr----£ - B u t- S t a tc - T r c a s u r c r - L y d i a !«•.----------- _ p r o j c c t , - d c s i g i ..... |Coouf.DAIen'o|sC’- | ' ’O 'o lro it............... VJS 26'..' J®..... Sunrlso tomorrow 7:07 }7 o .rn . b a c k in t o tb ee tu n d e r g r o u n d S n a k e E{jdj w a r d s . a R e p u b l i c a n , s■a?’ licsa n s h a d b e e n s e riI f th e R e p u b)lic Honolulu 82 7 0 ....... L u n ar p h a s o : L a s t qi e r t h r o u g h th e N o r t h wa: w a s “ r e li e v e d ” A n d r u s h a d ' * H ouston 69 4 0 .. a b o u t t h e; bb ii l l , h e s a i d , th e y gyt tc m in s o u th -c c n h ill It w n u ld - h a v e .c a s t_ s.io t m iir h ----- :--------IndiBnapoits— 4 6 -2 *2 2 -.(0 1 — W buia M » C rc cccsscdTathcT'thairad*--------css d o iu b t o n w h e t h e r th e f is c a tra l I d a h o . K an sa s City 5 0 2 9 .. i ^ E d w a r d s jo u m c d 's o th e y/ ccoo u ld re c o n v e n e a n d [hee p la n is to a u g m e n t bb umd g e t w o u l d b a l a n c e , Ed N o h s a id th Id ah o L as V o g o s 7 7 557!" 7 .. i vv c b e e n tr y to o v e r r id e th th ee v e to . : T h o u s a n d S p r in g s :in ^ai s a id , th a t s h e w o u l d n ’t h a X L os A ngelos 69 5599....... vlln P ep flow .s o f th e T Max Mil h ee v> o le s to o v e rr id e ," " T lic y h n d th b le to ' is s u e s h o r t- te r m ta x aatn lir ip a M em phis • . 60 3 5 ....... 3 6 -.1 1 th e H a g c r m aa nn V a l l e y a s m u c h a s - aubl Boiso 51 36 B uutt w h e n th is b ill first R a n k in s a id . “ B tjojn n o te s t o p a y th e s ta te ’s bbiills, ______ Miami B oach 87 7^1 ....... lio 2 8 p o s s ib l e a t U le ie is ta r t o f th e ir r ig a tio n Bufloy .4 7 2£ m d c re d it p o p p e d o u t , II ssia i d i t w a s b e i n g . ^ I Mllwaukoo 4 3 24 ....... “ 1 c a n 't p le d g e th e fa ith .a n i 2 9 ■tr, se a s o n . Folrfiold 4 1 -2£ j hh bh y th e R e p u b lic a n s h a v e it ," r a m m e d U iro u g • ^M lnnonpolls_...... M .3q_... 3 w a te r r ig h t fee f o r,th e _ o f t h c s ta tc - w h c n I d o n ’t he 4 2 . 1 0 ................ T h c S 6 .2 0 0 w ..... G o o d in g . 40 X o u ld v e to it." j u s t s o A n d r u s ccou ! N o w b flo a n s M 47 .. w a i v e d a n d S 7 5 .0 0 0 3 7 - .. ._ r c c h a r g tf _ w a ss .> HoQorman 5 3 3^ sh e s a id . J n Boiso I 55* I 0 ilis o fR a n k i n s a ii'd d h1: e h a s c o l l e c t e d Id^oFfltlBl 5 ^ ■ vf wYj?" ■■ N ow Y ork 58 4’33 .:-29 ^ n d r u s s a id m e s s a g e s to Idaho Falls - 4 0 3: 3 3 w a s a p p r o p rriia a t e d to f a c i l i t a t e th e A p e titio n s ig n a tu r e s to OklQ homifCity 64 3 0 .,..... Jorom o • 4 9 35 p r o je c t. 3 2 ..... ffici ice a b o u l U ie b ill w e r e a b o uu tt e v e n ly a b o u t 1 7 ,0 0 0 c ti I . O m ah a 60 2233....... Id v c lo it p u t th e I P e r cceenntt I n i t i a t i v e o n th e Lowislon 5 6 4la llu r e a ls o e x te n d e d a s p lit a s to w h e t h e r h e s h o u ld •ll ■ T h e L e g i s la ------------------------ 6S_3. l{ o t.-H 6 - n c c d s - 3 2 ,0 6 1 ------------t t S------------Pho on U ------------ 7 £ _ S56----------6_ ----------- iir o r a to r lu n r o ir "or a llo w it t o b e c o m ’iTlS'iV: ------------------ N o v tr m b e r - b o llo t. Plltsburoh , 44 31 .: PocaiBilol S S n W '^*' Malta 47 ^3^ ..... Id ah o ta x v a lid s ig n a tu r e!ss bb jy e a r ly > u ly . ° jR o n R a n k in , th e n o r ih Idi _______________ |.Twin FnlH I S2’ ^ .. m e n t f ro m thlie e S n a k e P la in A q u if e r 3B-1S------ ------------------------ 3X-a< ^ , Portland, Ore. 56 4<33 S -0 6 Pocalollo 4 7 3^ ^ ..... b y 3 2 m o n th ss a m o r a to riu m f ir s t im Rono 58 3I5t. ..... Salm on 5 0 3: X p o s e d b y W a te r R e s o u r c e s D ir e c to r _ S t^L b u ls_ 54 229 9 ..... . _ s u s n l o y _______ 36. 2 : ..... ---------- K c i ih llig - g iniso s o n la st y c a r r 3 . = S ^ S alt Lako Cily 4 9 35'.:-27 - S u n Volley 7 : .....= 44 2 ; W ’ A S H I N G T O N ( A P )1 -— T h e ' h a v e a m i l i t a r y o p t i o n , b c c a u s e T w o S e n aite te b ill s r e q u ir e t h e in Wl Snow • K» Sannf PI CJCKfff Cl S o n Francisco 6 3 4 0 . Znowm T-aormi lliun riumii i ghhj n o g o to th e ir p r o Clilin to n a d m in is tra tio n is caa ilin l g f o r N A T O h a s a .rig ............. CIPMAiXiW.KT s ta lla tio n o f' m m e a s u r in g - d c v i c c s o n . C s k f o r h e lp .“ h e s a id D to p e t m o r e a c c u t he th e Q u ic k d i s p a t c h o f h u ni dd r e d s o f tc c tio n i f th e y aask ______________w f i lk T h e e no a li t c h r c f - N t r w s h c m r - o n ---------- f l U .N . p e a c e k e e p e r s to S e rl> ci r o o ^ : I tio n o n w h a t is g o i n g U.; in tlie m id-50s to m ii - 6 C r a te in f o r m a tic ooir e c a s t s N o tth c m U tah a n d1N Neev ada: GGc o ra z d e in c a s le m B o s n ia a fn d v o w -” T B S . l i n g o u t o f th e v a s t u n ______in to a n d c o m in sily c lo u d y w iih a c h an cc o f sh' “ W e h a v e aa nn o b l i g a t i o n a n d a U tah - T oday m o stly in e rr d e fe n d intg to h a v e N A T O a ir p o w'c A few d c r g r o u n d a qluu if i c r. T w in Foils, B urle y , R up u j ert, Je ro m e a n d G ooding: Icm o o n rig h t 10 g o in -amn d h e lp th o s e tr o o p s ." . T o n ig hh tt aa n d Satu rd ay rain o r snow'•, ^ th e m i f th e y a rc a tta c k e d . the H o u s e B ill1 9 8 6 s e ts u p a p r o c c s s _ T o d ay p:inly cloiitlyy w w ith a slig h t c h an cc o f a ftc n jle. L o w s 35-10. H ighs 45-50. id , i r attiv e o r i c g a l - a p p e a l s - D] e p l o y i n g t h e p c a c cckk c e p e r s C h r is to p h e r salid. cco m in g fo T -n d m in istrn I show cni. IJigiis in ilic 50s. 50s L ight w inds. T o n ig h t an d S: fo stly .'clou dy th is m o rn in g bcc sp e e c h . A n th o n y - L a k c . In a p o lic y spec ““cco u l d b e a b a s i s f o r p o ss ss i b l e a i r h slight c h an cc o f sh o w ers. Lov iflem o o n w h e n t h e w/aa tt'e r d i r c c t o r J s s u e s a day partly cloudy w ilh li s w itl ith on in c rcasing .chan ce o f afli ' w in d y b y afternoon w :c u r i ty a d v is e r , s a id " a i» W n rre n th e n a tio n a l s<:cur litrik e s,” S e c r r i a r y .n f S u u : , iic r , w h ic h r n iih l th r c a l,. -i;tr ---------l ^ U ’ ’J o r-w a t ci ------------- i>re-3(>5rHtghy49 to - 5 ^ — ■wlnicTJDuthwest 2 0 to 4 0 'm p h . ---------------Showers, "AneritoOirwlP TT " c o n t i n g e n t o rf uU. N 7 " t o r c e s s h o u l d CCl h r is t o p h e r s a id T h u r e d a y nigliL ni C a m a s Prairie an d WVood oo R iv er Vnllcy: c ii th e sh u td oloww n o f u p s tr e a m u s e rs . ghs m ostly in the SOs. T o nightilt w in d y >,.moon level 5,500 fee t.'H ighs w ilh a slight chancc o f an a ftcn T ixlay p«n ly .cloudy’ wi “ O n c e W e h a v e U n ite d1 N 1 a t i o n s s o o n b e o n its; w aa y t o G o r a z d e ... a s /cl a t Ihc I t a l s o c lariTf ic ie s h o w w a t e r w ill b e sn o w o r rain. S now level ■cloudy coldcr jv h h w a sisional io i i.-n WL» Ho s o o n a s p o s s ib le ." ■" 'sIllHiL'r. Hi’t li J U1.IIP 50. I s 2 bl, L ow s ?H iftJH -S n tu rJa y .c:o o lltl ■ (roopr. ih tTft in itn*T 'iVi.lh— wss near o r sn o w sho w ers. L ow )s to lo w ■ w ith n slig h t c h ancc o) ff rain r; min sh o w ers. H ighs m ostly 40s 20. I lig h s 4 5 t o 50. I. outhern Idalio - S u n d a y .a n dd M^ o n - 50^'. E xte nded fo recast; S Sou :i a slight c h an cc o f m o u n tain si da y pnn ly cloudy w ith n ■ W e a t th h . e r s u m m a r y to n e ar 40 w est. High.s ii ers, Low.s in th e m id - 2:0s 0 s east ' p rea d in g ved a cro ss Idaho T h u rsd ay s r w ith a A co ld front m oved csl. T o d a y m o s tly c lo u d y w 5 0 s c ast to m id -6 0 s w w c: a d c r s m a - ic le a d e rs a n dI T T hh o m e in to h is o f fic e C o n t i n u e d froi f ro m A l , o ff th e s e s s io n c a m c a s le ad v e r the stale. t. hH ighs ' clo u d s an d show ers oovc 'WS ___ ,_,,cluinccofsliow cR i..L ow s in lh c.3 0 s cast to 4 0 s w est, s s u e . B u t a ll th e o th e r :o n lin u cd in snuilicasl Idah o a s j n e u v c r e d th e ta x b ill to a s siurc u t a v o te . to d is c u .« th e iissi ------ Thund ersh o w ers coni ~ - e a n s . - - m d l i h in i . k th e y 'l l h o ld to u g h .” __ nc m c m b e r s 'o C ih t l '^~ i c (jbiiV ii»itT e e “f r o m ~ ~ * ’ /cd-inio-W -yom ing.w luIe-tltc-ren y th e lu ll S e n a te s . m ui m p e n a lty f o r v io la P “bby T lic m a x im • ooop p e d i n a s w e l l . m ig h t b e b o th p a rtip s tro o f (lie G em State sawv a Id ecrease in clouds an d show« C o n c e r n e d th a t^ th e b ill n is a S 3 0 0 fin e a n d v o id in g th e la w liittiiia l l y d i s p u t e d r e liltce. S e n T w i g g s 'i n lunis w ere light, w ilh o n ly traci b o ttlc d _ u p in th e la x c o m m itt Precipitation am ouni l io m i h c i n g o f J c c i s i ion.s o n o r aciioR S s te m m i n g b<^ t i o n ^ th a t^ h e m e e li n g --------; in-inchrcported.from .staiioE is,fr' n tic ----------- f e w hiindfcdilis o f an-ir - u t o - P r c s i d c n i.P r o - T c m J e nryy T w ig g s p o n e rs* c o n tcm led sn o w r r a n i- th c c fojsscc d - m c e tin g .- In - h is p re — uti p ^ r c o t t o n w o o d’r Idaho, S o m e station s rcportcc I p anh an d le lo e asternn Ii h le a d e r- w a s s u b j e c t t o ti h e O p c i T M e e t l n g l im in a r y r c p5o o r t la s t w e e k , h o w e v e r , pprr o p o s e d d i v e r t in g it to th e a lo n g w ith ihe rain shov ihowers. ! th e e n t i r e c o m m itt e e ! iu r s C o m L a w b e c a u s e thi s h ip c o n tr o l le d S tate _ A lT an s a id d ie c lo s e d m e e ti n g sh :y w ilh a ii c h o H a w k sai Skies w ere piirtly’ cclou k d y o v e r th e M agic V alley = H ee s a id it w a s o n l y a K o b je c t, w a s p r e s e n t. H m itte e . D e m o c r a ts p la n n e d1 to u rin g th e w o u ld h n v c n o im p a c t o n th e p r o p e r - m Courtony Aainma nnd Allotoy ol Iidatio e rs o f rain o r sn o w fallin g duri scattered sh o w ers m e e t i n g ,” b u t h e la te r rall m is u n - " P r o T e r n ’s m e t ty ta x -c u tU nigg .p . la n , w h ic h G o v . C c - bb ut t b c c a u s e o f a p r o c e d u ra v est or . m id d le o f the d a y . W W:in d s w e re b risk fro m _ ih ei w c d th e e n tir e e p is o d e 'c lo e d o n T h u r s d a y a f te r - ddce r s t a n d i n g t h e y n e v e r g oo tt th e o p - a c k n o w l e d g e d i d ii A n d n is ve(< southw est. a .m ista k ee_ aanrid s h o u ld h a v e b e e n >cm tu ro -in -tlic-statc-T h u rsd ayy_w _ ’ as 5 7 .. - n o o n ; -------------- p o r l u n iiy . ----------- ------ -----------_____________^wos ----------------------------- ---------------I>c | —- T h e-hig h c sl-lcn ipStanley cra I n s te a d . T w ig g s c a lle d D Dce m o c r a t- h a n d le d d if f e r ec n ttly . m e e tin a n d K etchum rep o rted1 ih ll e low ingg o n th e fin a l M o n d a y |- y d eg rees at Payette. S tar e st a l 23 degrees. -----------------------n ation T h u rsd ay , the h ig h est te m pera i/military service delivery and |>er week. Sliideni/mil E lsew here in th e enat • q weekdays. To report latee news r s a t C o ra l S p rin g s, F la , M aa rq r u c tte . C ir c u la tio n ['p.m. 27.60 for 12 weeks. Soles., j S2.30per week. S27.6i sports results after 5:30 ond on1 weekends, » tu r e w as 91 d e g re lo e swtest tem p eratu re nt 7 degrees. prices, A charBC j. -: 'ilson. circulaiion director ccall 733.0931. tax Included in allII above ab< Allen WiUc _____I M ich ., reported the low e levied for all returned • tion phone lines are open beo f S13.00.wil) be le\ y C irculatioi : e i v e f r e s h s n o w d 10 a.m, only. If you do nol rc' Iwccn 7 and 1< :------------------- A d v e r t i s i n g — ii d . R o c k ie s re c e i N e w Y oj rr k . N e w E n g l a m paper liy 7 a.m., Call tiic n u n iw Pclef York, advertising dirccior a , N .Y . S tro n g but sc a tte re d th tl u n d e rfol’^ o u r v c ? T b e A saociated Pre ss ^ertisement. M ill inf«m»tioo a n d 1.29 in C h e lse aa,d sI o f Florida, If you wish lo place nn adver w'cndell-Gooding-HaBemiBn Jcrome*Wc ws (UPS 631-080) is pubJ The Times-Newa (I call 733-0931. Classified a d 1. s ..call 733sto rm s a lso struck p Tibincd ads n n g sn o w 536-2533 w llh a c o ld T ro n t to brin 132 T 'l ' hird St. W ., Tw in W h at h a ppened to sp nr n g ? S now nta’de Ils w ay iht 0931 Monday ihroueli Friday from fro 7 a.m, lished daily al 132 through ;L ow pressure combi) Rupert-Paul-Oaklcy 0 Qurlcy-Rup lo rtlicm R ockics. F o u r in ch esJ o f sn o w (301, by M agic V alley 4 .7a,m .um il F alls, Idaho, 83301 w e s te r n N e w Y o rk . N eew E n g la n d a n d th e Rocki< unlil 3 p.m. and Saturday* from 7 ;k ic s o n to the central an d nortl irk a n d 3 678-2552 I in Y e llo w sto n e N atio n al Park Second-class posiase paid 9 p iin d s -b lc w -th ro u g h thc-Plttins: ads is availNewspaper* Inc. Seco ___ T tm rc.l-'y c tm ng u.’i .-..m mlcfurJ___________ _ ------- ------------ liuhLCntilt ___ 1 a ja .in fo n n a lio n on display ad ns:• fell at O ld Faith fu lide. in Colo.^ an d -A fto n rW y o ,—1^-TIj^Tinies-N tw rO fnirtal--------------r t al Twin Falls by'.TI)^‘ ork, w h ere th ere w as u p to nI fc Bble-weekdoysonly. In w estern N ew Y ork, 18 . 6 foot o f ' Inctiesi'cllT itT clluride, ty an d 4 7 543-1648 i.g u stcd to ' 58 m ph nt H ill C ity ewspaper pursuant to SecY, ciiy and counly newsp icd )gerson-Hollisler Filer-Rogei sn o w , fiv e p e o p le die d in a c c id e n ts o n s lo rm -s lic lic lk cn e d In K ansas, w in d s,g u Idaho Code. Thursda;^ is fr lion 6C -108ofthee Ida ro ad s. B y th e tim e ihc: sio sic n n p assed , 1 1 in ch cs o f snn oo \w h ad m p h at D odge C ity . ssurc How te m 32W 375 ^ helped_clcar sk ies nnd alio illiom lallotlicrareas ........ —inday. S3.00 - hc„.by dcilgnaiedd as the day of the week nToine’dellvery: daily and Sund 1, n e ar N iag ara Falls. T e n inchc __ fallen on_Y oungstow n. ch es fell Su rface high p rcssu ic M i s s i s - ^ - - ^ 733.0931 o mr the so u th e rn Plains in to tllC iticesw illbepublisiied. ^ ek;.Sunday. ^ ^ ic h legal notices lifvndack M ountains, n ____________ __________ rper Week; daily, $2,35 per week: __ lJ_____a iE llM b u rg in llic .A d itw i p c m lu rcs to drop from — S2.00pCTweclc'M ailiubsenption ................ irsday-mom ing.ions musi 1^-------Poilmaslerr|ilea5« leasfl-send-changeofB d-— ...... i g la n d , 6 in ch es fell in B iirlir In n o n h e m N ew Eioog' rlin g to n . sip p l V n llcy on T h tilo j ^ w s f o r th e d a te w e r e plo o :s t e d in paid in advance and are ayailc .O. Hox 548, Twin Falls, N e w s r dress form lo; P.O. r V t. B uffalo, N .Y .. and1 E Errie, P a „ receiv ed 2 in ch cs oo ff !sn ow . S e v e r a l r e c o r d CCS ilo ' in E l D o ra d o , b r e a k in g th where carrier delivery is not mi /alwonh. manafcing ediior ' ClarkWalv nin also d ev elo p ed a cro ss seclic S om e light fre ez ing roin ...... . '9 0 r tc o r d ciions o f A rk a n sa s: 30 d e g reHe so t Springs,, b reak in g th e 199C lavc 0 new* tip orw ish to talk lo> •• idaily nnil Sunday, S3J 5 per wee 0 per CopyHflti ^ B w e i» w n o rth ern M aine. | week," rcco rd o f 31; 28 in m H o. b rea k in g th e .1939 rcc o rd o f 2 9 : an d w m eonc im in iIhc cdiiorial department, call1 ifor 12 weeks: daily only, $2.80 l MyNmnp«p*nlnc, . $2.00 UtOle VaJMy Ni I t a lso ra in e d h e a v/ily ily in p a rts o f N ew Y o rk sta or ;tatc an d ‘ o f 29; 2 8 in Jo n esb olgroth . e 2 8 -d eg rce rircord o f 1990. betw een 10:00 a.m. nnd 5:30) 9$36.40 for 12 weeks; Sunday only, 0. 733-0931 be in c h cs rec o rd e d a t Islan d -P o n d V erm o n t, w ilh 1.32 incl )n d . V l„ 2 6 in M ena, b rea k in g tl f n r- rnoon. Fridav, a th e r® a. A p ril 8 . ' s z m iii] — — - J h e - AG CU - W e a t: ■ — -— T h e T im e a - N c w s a n d A s s o c i a t c d .r t r s a — ' vin g f^t Peacekeepeer plan movi F M eetting—— “14'; juiiipe spen;lpw asj ■ M ercurj M orning: Jupiter, Ji irs, Saturn M ar ning: Venu^ --------Eveni W TheTIm m e s ^ 'f e w s .. . ^ I; _ _ , I n f e w m atuc g lY ^ - - ^ W ............... LOTTERy S s S S ^ J IER. E A T H i LOCftlFCRtCAST f l i \A M U NA IT YI — OPOO T/ff-p HIC V ____SA mT E : MO7VIES SKILhIN [Li/E & ID R— flE CO AM L ______ _______ 1^ ; —^ t, MOVIEtimNCSlN I ^ 1H6MACICVAU£Y p c /" — C »l.et|ACWOTiVlNTS ^lOCAietj MunL ~ .• * -------------------------- — -------------- ■ ‘T r e ? Pr B ^ p r ^ aa - " . 66Pn f i f e l ^ 3 |T t e T a i K 9 N iT hc'fim esN aw ■ ... ______ r - _____ r~5Hinl r i t.MTt A , - ■ 6L m ra M riw I 7 * L " *■i I B rie fly/ ' TirriOG-Nows, Twin Twii Fnlli. Idatio A-3 ■flaSibrs;' Gourt-^watchei; r & : U r g eIk. s liirtTfb]> i r l j u d pe rules ^ t^ a a lc :JoEdiHaatsEne:SW'lHOH<^ -....illeg ■* an cerlin k c s -f in d — —R esearchers FfiJay,"Aprit'u, lOlM _~H i-weeps__^__ A I D S - c a i n ill liii l th e A ID S v ir u s ;_____ [Tlc ll.iu l' -------------------------- ^------TJ"lc'cicr;rt app im aiJ-JlK llJ.' l?l. Ti ig h ts A c lio n L e a g u e ’s am d ir c c tly c a u s c s c a n c c:rr ,, ai n d th e d is c o v e r y o f f e r si aa po-s-sibilily o f b e l t e r ......... ..... W A S H I N G T O N .( A P ) —- J u s tic e - • R e p ro d u c tiv e Rlig A I M - - P o lic e r ite rio r C I l i r A f H ) ((A .rrv o ld o f A r k a n s a s . Ilit ' lis c a se s. I l i i k a r a is e s d o u b3ls ts a b o u t j h e sa fe ty o f m 'e n t w ill J a m e s W a g o n ei'rr w ' o u ld lik e to s e e a Arrv< trc a tm c W f o r b o th disc: H arry A . D la c k m u n ’s retire m , nn a m e d . _'n,',i'si lia v c .w a T rrram a i s 'o_L'otidiict_ ce re liiry B ru c c B a L 'bilt.\v;i5 , a jh ir d _ s v £ im u n .o r l lie „ S c e n _ S u p r c m c _ s c c o n d ;b la c k . a j ’c n e th e ra p y . • s o m e n e w f o rm s o f gcni g iv e A m e ric ji th e .y o u rig est_ S d id n o l g u n s w e e p s inII ppiu b lic h o u s in g ^ a to p p r o s p c c i b u t'.said h e di le n d to sa fe r w a y s to S ‘^ ‘ ih d s o m o -.firsl H is p a n ic aa ss lo n g iis lh a l p e rsiu i a s a T h e r e s u lts , b e in g[ aarn n o u n c e d F r id a y .'c o u ld le C o u r t in a h a l f - c e n t u r y , ahi ih e oth* p r o je c ts e v e n if it rf e s id e n ts s u p •iiiit th e jo b . D a y s is b la c k , lln m s . s a i d th e s t u d y ’s J;-? tr e a t c e r t a i n f o r m s, o f c a n c c r in A I D S v i c r itm c o u rt- w a lc h e rs . ai'e u r g in g P Pir e s id e n t h a s a ••d e e p -see aaile d c y n im itm e n t to w aiii ss se a rc h e s, a fed p d il w arriiiiticss si [Sww h ite . ‘ • v a c y iinil p r o ie c tin g a ' c rs --------------a iith n r .;. I l m v c rs ltVI oOlf C a lif o r n ia a l S a n F rna nntc i s c o D rs . M ic h a c l ideedd T hursday.,C lin to n -to a im f o r o n e th a t w wiill m u re in d iv i d u a l p rivac exal jiu lg e d e c id w i .i t .. t-ti.iisL- M )» k e sw » itiaa in D ee M c G r a th a n 3 B m c c S h iira m iz u . c lo s c ly r e tlc c t th e c o u n tr y ss d iv e rs e ' Wii'iliiih'.VrlylllUM Jeci.sluii L),;., J )cc M y e rs^ sa id iiiiitsila y .i Oc iir e c t e v id e n c e tKa l w e h a v'C e ;a h u m a n v ir u s c a u sBu( R c i Lcl-.. a fo rm e r U .S. so lic ito r Dot* V i•______ [■V n i'i - __A iuliT scii la si I'liiinth'ienipoM I'nni Tl 'a n atn M 11 y in ^ fiii~ A v o ti ------- : — in g - c a r ic c L :th r o u g hh__sS P m c m e c l’i a n i s m — niootr j u M ; i n i d t r c c t f r b y “ I lL w is h J ic ld .p ic k .iiJ ’lnck nm a n jir a ■'n e iic ra l. ai^ut:il~T s e a r c h e s. ____,__ .tlj n l'.’n — -ly ,-.|u ll< -‘l ^ a r r r:iiiile.v^. um lu U i s C l L t l s n ’c ^ c i i t " U E n iu p a p in c ^ lu lZ Ih u Z r ju u u •.“ • M c G i ^ th ^ a i d r :-------------;— ^ o f c . lib , a a y p a r u q ila td c T tT iniun'dsu ppresslon',“ 'h b t.n ck "w o m an " to-providt^-^*-rr ic yy a ," g r e a te r . c c R u ih - , c a llin g th e p o lic lic c n io n llis lo c lm o sc Ju.sticc 's s a r c o m a , h o v e lo n g ' i r f i s n n o n p o l i t i c a l -ihicc - '■" C a n c c r a . I n c lu d i nl gg ly 1 iilp h o m a a n d k a p o s i 's - ; e r a l c o u n t e r p a r t t o c o n snec r v a tiv c S u p r e m e C o u r t ih iiii ih c d a nig g ec rr o l c r i m t n a l la d e r O i'n s b ilrp to r e p la c c rree ti r in g A ID S . B u t m o s t r e s c a r cjh h ee r s h a v e th o u g h t th e b e e n a s s o c i a te d w ithh 1 J u s t i c e C l a r e n c e T h o m la a :s , s a id b r a n c h o f g o vv ccir n m e n l a n d h .is n o p a d i ■ acli\M t> \" T huuirrss d a y 's r u l i n g usticc H yroii R . W hite. ;unniis iic , ta k in ’g a d v a n ta g e o)ff A j I D S ’ w e a k e n in g o f fit c l the p optiliilion, bc Jiisli c a n c e n ; w e r e o p p o r tu A m e r ic a n U n iv e r.sity la w ppir o f e s s o r obligiilion lo re;flc . , c o n tim ie d th a t. injiiiiclii>n. injt T lic - i lc p a r lu r c o f th e S 5 -y•ce;a r -o ld / th e viru.>; itself. r a th e r Ih an b e in g c a u s e d b y tli sa id . . > th e im r a u n e s y s ic m ra lt H erm a n S c h w a rtz . ;a rs ago T h e d e c is io n11 w a s th e la te s t in lacck n iiin — w h o se v eral yeai li.spanic to “ W h at il slioluld u k liMik lik e is ih c very Blla C lin lo n sh o u ld c h o o sc a Hi.s illia rii'j. a i>all!e ih a L liaa s p[i illed c ity offi* ailed liim sc lf a n d Ju slicc s W ill is avui^iiblL-in Ihc legal calle reflc cl lh a t g r o u p ’s g r o w in gg :.share o f b e st ta le n t that is lie A m e ric a n C iv il .h a ll Ihe c ia ls a g ain sl llie / {reiinan a iul 'r in irg o o il M arsh; .aid U :c. whi> se rv e d in Urei tthh ee U . S . p o p u l a t i o n . R;c e]p . J o s e c o m m u n ity ." saic vill ClinL ib e rtie s U n ioo nn ,, w h ic h .ir g u e s u r l’s th ree " o ld go a ls” — wil — S c ie n lis t s h a v e lo n g ,s uu ss |p c c te d b r a in 'le s io n s miiinislTiiiion anil no w is c oour ..W A S H IN G T O N — a n o f th e th e R e ag a n adm iv e u p th e ir c o n c o u rt. -people ilo ii'l ggive : ir a c r 's d is e a s e . SS eeir r a n o . D - N . Y . , c h a i r m a r inue a tie m l to w a rd a y o u n g e r ci Y o u n g tinui . . ' c a u s c th e m e m o r y /lo3SS s s th a t c h a r a c te r iz e s A lz h e ir a C a u cu s, p re sid e n t o ff -- B r i g h a m C o n g r c K K io n a l H i s p a n i c ( i g hhil s w h e i r t h e y a s 7 2 in s litiiii< > n a l r ig <-o T th e c o u r t's a v e ra g e a g e w as g c e s ts b r a in c e lls a rc sa b Q>tag laj ed m u c h e a r lie r b y len i. • U nivcrsiiV : Hons:-------------------------o tc in re s p o n s ib le l o r th e icJiO i l o n i y ^ L c a d t r GciiTfeU l''Wt th e s a m e te ll- ta le protei d m lO col. S e n a te M ajlT i O ................. H o u s in g e H ilt C h icc aa gg i . I lh c rs a rc ilio rc in le rc srtd r-wo y e a r s la te r , a fte r C h ie f' Jiislic J o r ta n t b e c a u s e h o p e s o f aa cc u rc f o r A lz h e im e r ’s - M a i n e , is h i g h tm - T-wi T Iic f in d in g is imip po: M i t c h e l l . D -W o g y th a n d e m o g ra p h ic s. . c ia ls c o n te n d A u t h o r i t y i iffffiic : iVaai rren B u r g e r a n d J u s l i c e; L I e w is ill e r im m e d ia te ly a fte r il a p.pcj^rs. pe ' • lic in c a tc h in g th e kille: m e r i c a n s C l in to n 's lis t oo ff p o s s ib l e n o m in e e s . W C ipp o u t g a n g a n d c lf o r is l o ’s lanm in th e c e llu l a r p r o c c s s ' la rk e F o rs y th e o f A m *ow cll fiad’ r e tire d , i h e ^ v e r aa^g e a g e r«t.in<t_vvhnt i& .hap p c n in c in ih it r .^ o s s ib lC noTl'iilicc. ■ I*OW ____________- I f - w c c a n u n d e rs ta oi!> -sh o u ld — I Io ^s-6 0 ,V tu allii: U n lte d ~ f o r I ::if e . ' <aid € } in to ■ s ir iir :iH -l-7 - d r v c l------------------------------ r - r 7 !n r f T - 2 c n v iric l g h o w to interH pn^e^tid ~ U ll u> f i td)r e Jo se C a b ra n e s. .S3. ,dIronped ror e a r ly e n o u g h ..i Wo m a y m o v e d o s c r to I ta m l'n g 1 cliOQFa so m e o n e w h o d o e s nlin o t s e e k in - U .S . D istrict jitd 1 ju stic e s iip i i i c n i v ^ r c ■ - bbcci i n g ^ r u s l r a f e d •' g r « s s k > n r ^ ^ id - D r J a lric ia -Ci • — trBlt-the-<ie6<l}y-ppQfiT«! ' o u ld - b e ihe c iu irt'i^ ' " W ii h U la ckm un. the ciirreiil ji le g isla te fro m th c -b c flc h 'fls ' aa rep la cc - o f C o n n e c tic uIt,t, w i:hal w ill' b y d r 'a w n - ol U u rr,, l e g a l . p r o c e - _ ^ leg irc Ia n avcriinc y e ars o ld .'llli f ' lire ct th e r e s e a r c h . " T liis I I n s titu te s o l H e a llltTnTyv h crc-c o lle ag u c ft-p c rfp tmn et! -m meei^ t-fo f-tlie -rc U riin i- B la c k rm iin , ih e firsl H is p a n ic /. 'Inccd bv d iires.- - _ - - nhniir M l if hr- is 'f r pln' r b lc - c ;m d id tile ^ 1nc liid«— dec! n ." s tu d y p o in ts u s in thlaa tl {lirectio < ^ ^------~ O tl T ^ r po.v*iifah c o u rt’s 'm o s t lib e ra l m e m b er.~ coi .oniecine aniiiiK l tiial at;c, .. :iona - A m c iic a n s -a r £ jJ c iic .v c dd Ito h a v e A lz h e im e r'.s, ra l D re w S . -D a y s f it soni M o r e th a n 4 m illio a n d S o lic ito r G c n,e e r; N a l i o n a l A b o r tl ii to n ts - ’v ic lim s -a ic - u n a b lc .to . _ T h e i55r o a n h e T T i c m o r y u n til - i ls ^ w H ich g r a d u a lly v?iJ555 n in le s t ta sk . It kUlsJOQ.Q QfLl ■' — p f r f n r ^ e v e n Ihfl filmo th e e ld e r lj^ •took-/dl liscover link to Alzheiiner’s A Scientists dis J gh— --------3 taw iiupport higl ~ ~ " F oil: DUI la n g l y s u p p o r t .s tr o n g e r KeillorrrTHrowr a irnm ent says mato OK, gover Genetic tom )ODIGA ^ ” •H T fl ^ ____ I-------- NDERSGN'SIGAA LYNWOO lURAVE. (m ___ 1147 FIU D PPIH ITC EH TE irV ^ LYNWOOD SHOP TwinFalls Stores Onlyl scandaliBritish-1-style- ritile tr u th ... th a l th e p e o p le tlie "ic ffitiK n u -.r.:-ii':.s n o s m - f ia l n r o s e cj yu lo r . :il cg u iii g a lm ig p i c t — — ro f v c d a c o u h t fV iS-ncilTnlA 1 ^ it s h o u ld in v o lv e A n o th e r B r itis h s to r y iiiv«> M )-y e ar-o ld d e f e n s e o t f ic ia l1 w ' h o s e ty w e ll." a l l s e x i f p o s s ib l e , it 61)-; p a n d I I h in k " I lik e th is p reresident si H s h o u l d be o n th e yyoinuin g f o jm e r lo v e r s o ld tlice n iii n 's li is c o u n l r y d o , " lo v e le lte r s lo a ta b lo id n e w■s [spapcr. • m o s t p e o p le inn th f r o n t p a g e s f o r lovi h e liter* ' t h e M i n n e s o tla w r i t e r s a i d o f T h e p u b lic g o t a lo o k al llu d a y s, and J s e r v e d P r e s id e n t C lin loo n : " I Ic is a s o u lf u l ’^ 1 t h e n il s h o u ld h e a;iry ry s ty l e o f a m a n w h o h a d i ii\\-s mo: o st o f h is lif e in th e n iililaa rr y . a m i , m a n a n d he enji\.v s h is w o r k ." o v e r. m - “ H e c a n f a c e: a n y a u d ie n c e w ith - ; K e i llo r r a te d th a l sty le h ig hily’. ly ‘ M “ W hen you K ci s c a n d a l m il a s c rip t a n d1 ss pp e a k in s e n te n c e s . ; " T h i s w a s th e k i n d o f sc o p e n a B r itis h H e 's a m a n1 w w jh o c a n w a l k o u t w a n e w s p a p e r y o u pp eeoo p le c a n e n j o y ." h e s a idd ,. h ig h l i al!i : s - i i . g o o d _ l h i i i g j n _ _ ___ i g!h l i n g - t h e - w o m a n - s s taalllc in e u L - .a n d .ta lk . a ild .tlia ------ k i i o w 't h c r c ~ w i i i — llig e i llo r s a id . a t s h e d i d n 'l d o it f o r th e m n o n e y , a d e m o c r a c y ." K ei b e a p r i z e j^n i l th Ihai a 'nd g e l H o w e v e r , inI gg ee n e r a l , h e u d d e d , bb uu tt io p iit ii a ll b 'e h in d h e r a' f o r y o u ." K e ill ilho r w e n l o n . .''g o v e r n m e n t is a p r o f e s s i o n th a t n %vilh h e r lif e , _________ UA o ry -tm .'Q ly rd _ a _ n K n !:__ o,o.n_ 1K< e i llo r c h id e d llie p r e s s flio r t r y - T c tT ttrT n -n tm ic rp e b c r o f P a r liiaa m c n t . f o u n d d e a d ;ill." • m ce n 's s t o c k in g s a n d a iinn gg l o k e e p f r o m th e A nmn c 'r ic a n - lo l o f lim e it) k ill .' w e a rin g w o m g a r te r b e ll. ^Hce w a s a m a n w h o p ro m o l e d f a m ii ll y) v a l u e s , b u l w h o ’ ■ I soo h a d a r ic h f a n ta s y • ■ o b v io u s l y a ls H lif e , K e i llo r oobb.se rv c d . " T h i s s toyr y e n te r t a i n e d m il lio n s .. ■ ■ o f - p c Q p l c _ f■««rr_ d a y s a l n o p u b l i c e x p e n s e w hl iaa t s o c v e r . ” K e i l l o r 9 SLC SL 1 -BOO-72 a-S 746 ■| . into call In S a ltt la I k e Glty 486-0125 O utside [_J n o t e d . T h errce w e r e n o h e a r i n g s . W A S H IN G T O N JX A m e r ic a ju S t d o e s n ’t k n o w W A S H I N G T O Ng -— A m e r i c a n s i n c r e a s in g ! h a v e a g o o d S c a n d a l, s a y s I . p e n a lti e s f o r p e o p le: w w h o d r in k a n d d riv e , a c c oo rnd in g to a G a llu p su rG ia r r is o n K e i llo r . vcy. ■ ingg a d e s ig n a te d d r iv e r H e r c c o m m c n d s Ih e r icca n s s a y Ih c y a rc s e le c tin A n d , m o r e A m e ric s ty le . w h e n th e y p la n to dJrin rin k , a c c o rd in g to th e s u r v'ee yy relea-sed b y M o th e rs “ I t 's b e e n a q u ie t v A g a i n s t D ru n k D riving /in g . im p a ir e d d r iv e r s w a s a W h ite w a te r ,” K e illo r t ig h w a y d e ath s' c a u s e d b y in T h e s h a re o f a ll hb ig to th e T r a n s p o r ta tio n xj, N a t io n a l P r e s s C l u b o n T in r e c o r d lo w 4 4 p e r•c c eein t l a s l 'y e a r . a c c o r d i n g tc ;cd . S o q u i e t , in f a c t , t a ir e d d r iv e r s s till a c c o u n te d f o r 1 7 .5 0 0 d e a th s. D e p a rtm e n t. B u l imip pa; m aa n y in n o c e n t liv e s a rc _____ A m c u c a n - p c o p l c _ s c c m _ lin c - s h o w s p r o g re s s “ lo o .m ------------------- B u t w h ile th is d c xc lii tio n a l p r e s itlc n t. b e c o m c f a s c in a te d b y th e . s lill b e in g lo s t." s a idd B e c k te B ro w n . M A D D n aa ti jj, th e y a r c s t i l l s t a n d i n g air rco u n d MsT h e s tu d y f o u n d lh Ih:a t 5 3 p e rc e n t o f A m e ricc aain s ih m k p e n a ltie s f o r m ;a in p o in t ic n in g to a s t o r y w h o s e m d r iv e r s a re n o l s e v e r e e n o uig g hh , u p f ro m 4 8 p c rc en t __________ f ir s l- tim e d r u n k e n dri< 3 h o c j jd . ^ ^ " i n a s m i i J a f i9 9 l , s uir r vv tc y . th e p e o p le '■l l ' s lik e a c i r c u s w i t h th F o r I h ir d o f f e n sic e s , th e s h a r e w h o f e lt p e:nn aa l t i e s w e r e n o t s tr ic t in g f o r th e s il lin g o n b l c a c h e r s w a i tin . si e n o u g h r o s e f ro m 5i9 9 p c rc c n t to 6 8 p e rc e n t. e le p h a n t lo c o m c o u t, h e: s; a id , a n d )p a ll t h e y c a n s e e a r c p e o p llc st:m d ai in g a r o u n d s e l l i n g c o t t o nI cc a n d y . lle r e d lo s ta y rip e lo n g e r — A to m a to g e n e tic a lly allei H E R N D O N , V a ., — “T h o s e g u y s a r c y o u ." .’ h1 e lo ld a v c r n m c n t s c ie n tis ts s a y , i s s a f e f o r h u m a n s; aarn d -th e e n v iro n m e n t, g o v c i r o o m p a c k e d w i t h r e p o r tec rr s . x r y s to r e . — ----------------------b r in g in g th e to m a toD oo in e s te p c lo s e r to ih e g r o c c r — “ T h i s i s a l o u s y w a yy t o r u n a B u t d e s p i t e th e : c l c a n b i l l o f h e a l t h , n o oo rn e c a n p r e d ic t w h e n s c a n d a l. ” s a id K e i llo r , hhoo s t o f " A in a l a p p r o v a l fro m th e p C a lg c n c I n c . 's F laivv r S a v r to m a to w ill g e t ff in P r a ir ie H o m e C o m p a n io nn '" o n p u b* m in istra tio n .__________________ ___________ ■’ ; - l lii r r n t l i n . In E n g l a n d , K e i l l o r s a i d , th e m pp ile d f r o m w ir e re p o r ts ^ ________________________ C o m —n c 'i'? c p a p r r s k n n w t h a t_■a a scandal___ i _ _ ^ o o S PLAYf ------ — 5 1 2 M A IN A V E ^ H . - Falls Stores 0Only! Jl) HOMETC V ~ff)~ we no F or y o u r c omveitience n C O U P O N -— ED•12PACK rASSORTEE j m IK E prgdlUQTS u M m ----- i r — — I — — — — ^ _ -m 199^ . l J , In it ________ i m D n ljJ . — msm — C O U P O N — iFRESir” IFARM LAN ISTRALW ^ BERRIIESjlFRAt C O U P O N OWI IS H tO>n o ^ # j i — — 1 - | 5TIC: '- €i ^ 1 1 ^ 1 4 59if'^PKO. sto i ^^.riGMROZ DZEN — TbakIrVpi iSTRAHWBERRl Y l T w H i P — i C O U P O N — ' ^ I © 1149 •e s v tm _ _ _ lof! F o r a la c k p o ti 3.'OR HOT ^MORTErDFuBllf"" il ‘TIlwk'RiG IGATO m - I m O n lllJ [u m rz ;o p /ffl i — C O U P O N — — M00,0> ------ 1 ^ I I ........ ll? ™ -------- 0 0 ^ g, I | _ l _____ . _______________Stg Next Drawinc 13: Frid a y, A p ri I^ £ L T «alKFtlls fi W itS S S ij :sm — I'T O P PPING I iEJES. _ • GAMIE --------- • loFalu B s m im ^ an ' I Itra to lrlj snlnrWcst!-— Hottest Game iii ThcH 59.5 ' Ftiday. AiJfliO. 1Q9.5 is.k laiio • A -: T.n)M.;.N,.ws. Tvv,nr.-.ll:;.l( ' --- i ' ;a t u r d a y ^ a .................................. 0URS^9:3aAW I yb5430uPMl^-SPECIALHO PR1L-9-9-0PEN p I . t . { t ■25-50%) Intimate:e Appar('el, Acce;?ssories & Fashicons For Her Save' i' p /|L iM 8 M W y ! l g I ______i i _ _ ■ ".r I ■ IlJ : j „ i i : L > i f - - e . . . ----------- r r — - - .......... ^ - I----- ----------------- ................ ■ ^ ~~ SAVE 33 SAVE 30‘ Doksfor Ju n iors ~ 5 ) % Professional to o - SAVE 3(0% % ~ .......M isses C oordilinates H andbags traw an d Canvas H. Entire Stock Str, n o w 2 1 .7 0 -5 0 .4 0 . C h e e s e f r o m a l a r g e _______ R e g . 31.0 0 -7 2 .0 0 , nc r o m - a - s d e c t i o n __________ c » w -6 .7 0 -4 L S 4 _ C h o Q sei iii ------- R e g r 4 0 :0 0 -6 2 ,0 ()r n m w 3 4 .9 9 ^ 7 .6 1 ); C l i o o s e tfO fn jirsele ctG d ------------^----R e g . -19.99-68.(JU, n o)w IS,, s k i r t s , p a n t s a n d b lo lu u ssee s f r o m A i f r ^ - s e le c tio n o f ja c k e ts b r i g h t c o lo r s in a v a r ie;ty ty o f s ty le s ; o f n a t u r a l to n e s o r bi la z z o s w i t h a p r o f e s s i o nr a l a t t i t u d e . d r e s s e s , s u i l s n n d plnal? E H m ner, K o r e t a n d m o r e . S iz e s 8 -1 8 . I m pp o r te d a n d m a d e ■, v a r ie s b y s to r e . I m ps co r t e d . H a n d b a g s . J u n i o r s i z e s 3 - 1 3 . I mn ppio r t e d a n d m a d e i n UJSS/ A . T h e C u b e . p o r ts w e a r . in U S A . M is s e s S pc ^t ' 0 I > ' - I--F J Sh _____ / S A V E 3 0 % I ” Si ) A • ----------------— M i s s e s B l o u s e s am n cd P r o f e s s i o n a l S e p a nr a t e s Rcfi. 19.99-»8.CX), n o wV I13.99-33.60. , s t y f e o f b lo u ses, C h o o se fro m s p r in g sty cels, rtiissos sizes pon'ls, s k irts a n d jackets B-16. M isses S p o r ts w?ear. e ai V S A V IE E 3 0 % BUY 3 0 % 8 .6 0 . 1.00-98.00, n o w 54.60-68.f Reg.VS.C l e g. ^ ^ 0 0 - 3 ^ 0 a n o y ^ l ^ 4.40 0 -2 5 .2 0 . Rc^ r f r o m a g r e a t s e le c tio nvof______ o ’ ’ QI jn v o o se f r o m a g r e a t se le cclionof---------ehoosc-i tii s lt y l e s a n d c o lo r s . M is sie es s iz e s ' le r o k e e , s p r i n g s , lOO 0 0 % c o t t o n p a n t s b y C h e rc n'.s s iz e s ■ e tite s iz e s 4 -1 4 , w o m e n 's 4 -1 6 , p e t am n cd w o v e n t o p s in g r e a t pp aa t t e r n s Iw . S ty le s h o w n f r o m R l 14W-241A f o r s p r i n g . W o m e n 's s iz e!S s 1Ix-S.x is s e s, s , m is s e s s iz e s o n ly . M is s S te v e n - am n cd 1 6 w -2 4 w . I m p o r te d . r c sse s. P e tite amn d W o m e n 's W o rld Dirc Voo m e n 's W o rld . W - S A V E; ,A D D I T I O N A L 5 0 % .................. B e t t e r &t & M is s e s S p o r t I^w e a r C l e a r a n c e . ».99, 5.00-160.00, sa le 29.99-119.9* O rig . 38.0 .99-59.99. C h o o se f ro m a . n o w 14.9! o f jackets, s w e a te rs, b lo uises, se v a rie ty of 14, • p a n ts a nncd s k i r t i M isse s siz es 4-14, cear. ' ctteiL an d M isse s S p o rts\w c —................. ...............Bet S fl GET2t«F(^9^99 1 ,G I 9 ear Bras andi Shapew £ es. Petite Misses )men's Dresses & W ot A^omen's C a su a l' W < ’an ts & Tops Pa w 9 .8 0 -3 4 .3 0 . R e g . 1 4 .0 0 -4 9 .0 0 , n oo w a c tiv e w e a r , C h o o .s e fro m k n its , ac c a s u a l p a n t s , w o v ei n Ito p s , d e n i m s iz e s 6 - 1 6 a n d a n d m o r e . M i s s e s siz* s-m -1 . I m p o r t e d a nid d m i a d e in w ear. U S A . M is s e s S p o r lssw ~ S A V E " 3 0 “A & i t. wear M isses Sportsw t ^ ■' - “ -"S > A V E 3 0 % P^eel t i t e S p o r t s w e a r W 3.60. ' {eg. 2 8 .0 0 ^ 8 .0 0 , n o w 19.60-33 Reg Ih o o se f ro m jackets, b l o u es, ^ , p a n te Che le rm ak ers. n d m o r e fro m y o u r f a v o rite ‘■‘nd ite P lace. ’e tite s iz e s 4-16, p -s-m . P etite -3 0 .0 0 . E n H rc s to c k R e g . 1 0 .00-30 M a id e n f o r-m* m ' Bali** W a r n e r 's * L ilyy l a n d J y p y L e x l b .r a s j ^ ____ of-Hranceflaj s l i a p e w e a rr ff rr o m B a li a n d P la y te x . S h o w n : B allil i "' B e y o n d B e a u tim l" ^/3354, re g .. 2244 .5 0 ; a n d s h a p e w e a r b r i e f tt8 3 5 2, 2 ,r e g . 19.5 0 . B ra s a n d ’Does not in d u d c value b n’S' s. S h a p e w e a rr.. •: S A V E ■ R e g . 1 9 .9 5 -9 8 .0 0I,, n (o w 1 4.9 6 -7 3 .5 0 . ___ C h o o s e f r o m d r ees s^% j ^ u a l . a n d _ fam o u s m ^ r s s p o r t s t y l e s f r o mn fa R e e b o k ,' s u c h a s D e x te r, Ree N a tu r a liz e r , C o nnnnlile a n d m o r e , M e n 's a n d W o mneenn 's S h o e s, alucs. ‘Excludes spodnl value SA V E 2 5 % ' lO N A L 5 0 % S A V iA D D ltK y IB a l i V M a i d e n f o m t ^ P a n lie s 'b Y O lga* a n aI \M o r e Ju n io r Clearance 1.00, n o w 3.75-8.25. Reg. 5.00-11.00 Tl 5sty le s o f p a n lic s a n d C h o o se fro m b rie fs b y m a n jy f a m o u s m a k e rs in ish ip n colors. S izes 5-8. b a sic a n d fashi ..................... • ; ____ In tim a te A paparel. po O rig . 10.00-68.00, ssail a le 6 .9 9 4 i9 9 , ' Ihoose fro m a w id e n o w 3.49-24.99. Cho< ■ v a rie ty o f cle a ra n ccee rm e rc h a n d ise in colors. T h e C u b e . ' •• • m a n y sty le s a n d colO -------- B m h e ^ ( . . M 2 5 -- 55 0 % Entire Stock*;* M ]> en's & loes W onien's Shoe m g £ = LL F R E E IN IDAHO ~1-800-286-4e0'2----S - 734-4800 • TOLL MAGIC VA LLEY/M\ A LL , TWIN FALLS “ Ffic/iiy, AprilI 0.-1094 b <in Fiiii'j. Idaho A-5 TimpC’Nowr., Twin F k T i^ H i V SK W U R D A ^ A P RR I I I 9 • O P !S P E C I A L E N U R S H O U 9 : 3 0 A M1 -1 - 9 : 3 0 I, ' l l l i Kicrcis n:is-F o rK V a O v r Y blo m e rF ^ash& ' Save1 , ' i ' i P M i — ~ r— .. ..................... _______ n T f- , • __ I ' _;>' '-,j -S.'.*f W M l m l I L / ■ » Il 7 - 7 ■/ / 1 1 I i ^ / K ■ u /.■'V. : l |^ z jB . m m l/ ; ; fe i -50% SAVE 25-Dress Shirts SAVEWIthtexf Buster B roww n“ & Garter's® Selected M en's D . W E 46*gular Price Coordmainate Bedding / % Entire Stock* Regi . O shK osh?H ealth V 1 9.50-29.62. C o n l e r n p-o o rra ry o r w (e a r s e le c tio n -- --R e g -2 6 .0 0 -3 9 .5 0 , n o w : — R e g :5 .0 ( M 2 ; 0 0 ; n o w?33 ..0 0 -2 5 ;2 0 . L a r g e p l a y w n J o h n H e n r y , G e o f f r e y’ B e e n e , 7- nnH C a r t e r 's _____________ tr a d itio n a l s ty le s f ro m - _ f o r j n f a n t a r t o d d l e r s rr gg ii r I s 4 - 6 x - a n d J b a y s - i = 2 ; . l u b .in d m o r e . C o tto n n nn cd c o t t o n b le n d s . — H a f f i a w ^ r V a r s i t y l C s s o r ie s . O s h K o s h b la n k e ts , g b W n s , b o dd yy; ^ i t s ’a h d l a y e t te a c c e s; • niis h in g s . Ik n e c k w e .in M e n 's F u m S im ila r s a v in g s o n s ilk js 4 -6 x . K i d s w o r l d . n o t i n b o y s 4^7 o r g irr js - h e e ts , l e 7.2D -480.00. C h o o s e sshe R e g . 1 2 .0 0 -8 0 0 .0 6 , s a le m te n t o f p r i n t s c o m f o r te r s a n d a c c e ss ss o r ie s in a l a r g e a s s o r tt m in f r o m f a m o u s - m a k e r s5.. M a d e in - U S A . B e d d in gg . ■CK'CS n o l , Sheridan. include i^ilph L iuren o r 51 r ------------- 1 m m V — y ----- ^ '. y ' .. , r;..’ . ^ / I . (____I . s ____ f ym I ( ■ rj n m —— Z____________ r50%— stock Vantage & ---------------- S A V E - 5 0 % 2 9 . 9 9 S> iA V E Y O U R[ Cc H O I C E lb” Shorts or Levi's® silverTab’ • 550® Bleach Jeans ms R e g . 3 8 .0 0 -3 9 .9 9 . C hhoo(o s e f r o m lo o s e f ittin g , p l e a t e d s il v ee rT r! ab s h o r ts in tain t O l d " i n d i g o . lig h t i n d i g o o r - " I n sita je a n s w i t h R e la x -f it L evi'S* 5 5 00 j€ IV !B le a c h ." M a d e ta p e r e d le g i n " N e w , . in U S A . T ig e r S h o p . SA V E 2 5 % . . ‘ . - ■ - I's Sw im w ear -Entire Slock M en's S S V F 2 5 - 4 0 % Entire S ^ Towels by Legacy' in® Cannon vien's Sport Shirts Mi ,50-28.50. !eegj . 2 4 .0 0 -3 8 .0 0 , n o w 16.50R in t o r s trip e d g o lf a n d w o v e n P’rrii h i r t s in s ilk , r a y o n , c o tto n co r )n sh i l o l y .e s te r /^ p ttq n b l e n d s. Fn F ro m . • -Pp* jGr na n d S ia m ? S a v ile R o w ,. j. ie v e n g e * a n d m o r e , Re^ k eee n 's S p o r ts w e a r . M Entire Stock: Samsonite* S; Luggage , 3 1 . 9 9 - 3 4 . 9 9r intire Slock Savane & Haggar H. Enl VrinM ^Free Slacks r SlALE A Reg. 12.00-35.00, n o wV_9 9.. 0 0 - 2 6 ^ .____^ _ _ W Rleg. eg 38,0(M 5.0b. S a v in e tw ill iin i c tio n o f tees, C h o o se fro m & g r e a t ssee le b ac k -e lastic sty le s amn dd ■nany pilealed, ier ta n k s a n d tr u n & in m ai s ty le s a n d ag( lu ip m e n t, biru n ish e d g a b a rd in e ; a lk ), H ^3Sgar co lo rs fro m B cach Ec^ui] )tton, basic pila laiin -fro n tiw ill. I n 100% c otto S p ^ o * a n d C h a m p lion.* io r S iz e s s-xl. lacks. ahndd fash io n colors. M e n 's Slacl Im p o rte d a n d m a d e in 'USA . ' ••_ M e n 's A ctivcw car. ’l i M SA V E 3 0 % Entire Stock* » in a R egular Price Chin, K eg."l0.00-500.00, n o3W w '7.00-350.00. 0(X n o w 40.00-162.50. Reg. 80.00-325.0(X casu a l sets, C h o o se fro m fine a nid d g C h o o se from olUr u r ie n tire slo ck of p lac e s e ttin g s a n d o p e n s to c k p ieces, lu d in g S ilh o u e tte 5, Sam sonite, includ a* D F rom Lenox* M ikasa* C ansk, .•rand U ltralite. Insignia, O yster a u lto n , W e d g w o o d •k co n h a n d . L u g g a g e,_______ N o rita k e ! R oyal D oullc . L im ited to slock o sstto c k o n h a n d . , “ • a n d m o r e .L lm lto d to • n o ta v a ila b ic innBBi urlington. ioC.MliT)’ Chimv C h in a . *Dck-s not inclucioC. 3-14.00, n o w 1.99-6.99. R e g . 4.00S to c k u p3 oc n o u r a s s o r t m e n t o f tto n to w e ls i n 's o l i d s a n id d l 6 0 % c o tt. M a d e in U S A . B a th S h o'Pp. . s tr ip e s . M S A V E S5 0 % Entire S5 lo t ck R e g u la r P ric e C o m fo rte rs ____ D ow n O 500 00-850.00,n o w 100.00-425.0 Rog:200.0C jn ro m o u r exclu siv e se lec tio n . C h o o se fro turo o f d o w n com cc forters.-All s ty le s fe atu r to n ticking fo r a d d e d 100% c otto Bedding. com fort. . irrfn e ^ am Vo SAVE 3 0 % 9 9 .9 9 c* Crystal Stem ware Entire Stock* * S tic k T-Fal* 8 -Pc. N onstii Bonus Cookw are Set &: B( )0, n o w 7.00-31.50. Reg. 10.0045.00,1 .99. N o n stic k with^_ ! _ _ R q ; J 2 1 2 2 . .n o w 99.99. !_ C lio d ^ fr o m Mvlikasi.'CprhoiiL_______ it; In c lu d e s Resistal* le x tu r c d jniteriors. le n a n d , RCR a n d m ore. N o rita k e, D urant l-cjt. a n d 2 -q t. c o v 'dI., sa u c e p a n s,‘5-qt. C rystal. c o v ere d D u tc h o v e nI,, / nncnCT/. •C,llk■r\•Crv•^Ul. •CKx-siwl incluiioC.V w ith p u rc h a se : •open fey p a n s. B o n uIS s v\ " C o o k in g W itli T -F all*" l" ’ co o k b o o k , (12.95 v a lu e ). F ive-S;ta tarr K itchen. m jL S . . . 7 3 4 - 4 a O O . ■ T O I ,L L • FREE IN ID A H O -• 1-80Q-286-4802 1■'•■4................. • . ----- plo ^ j" m = M — Editor!rial —" y ChilUrch and ij^ed pLoIiti 1 M t i e c C l u r ee I : I H e ’S b e e M P d c t o a r ,T b r o w r a n d . c le a n c h e j u s - t o - w I tt i i e A _ j a g W a c t i m ^ '^ I 1 s ? — i i t no 4 th y e a r in C o n g r e s s , b u t T h i s .\v c c k m aa rr lk e d t h e 1 0 th a n - 14t ree . im M c C lu re . C r a ig ’s th re e y e a rs in i i i v c r s i i r y o f t hh ee d e a t h o f F r a n k Jin: leen. m a r k e d ' h e S e n a te se e m to h a v e beei C lu ir c h . p c r lia p s; aa g o o d o c c a s io n to ih e o p p o sed . irim a rily b y w h a t h e h a s opp ir 1I d a h o 's s ta r a s fa ll- prii rc flc c t o n h o w far W H P:r in c ip le d ] ;onn . D .C .. in - t h e 13 7T h a t ’s O K , to a p o in t.. P c n in - W i is li i n g to J is s e n t is a h o n o r a b l e clo o uu rs e f o r a ft tl th e S e n a te ; tlis y e a rs s ia c e h e le ft g a t i o n in a i m a l ls ta te S e n a t e d e le g a i In 1 9 8 0 . C h u rcch h w a s th e c h a in n a r T s n i y o s 'S if ie d ' reiiig n R e la tio n s C o m - CCoo n g r e s s d o m i n a t e d bjy o f tlie S e n a te -F o rc m n c o n tro U c d ;__________ _ --------- — m i i i e e - a n t l - i h c - N.Nt o J 2 - D c m o c r a L Q n _ D n.viT iin c ra ts a n d in a to w n C w ite ie o n A g in g a n d th e b3y y C lim o n ite s. b o th th e C o m m itte B u t th a t le a v e s th e s ta te: in a weakei^ u ra l R e s o u rc e s p o m E E n e r g y u n d N a tu ra 0 .s.ih o v c J i id L _ r ) o s iiio n -o n p u s h -c o m e s -io — — 5 m u te e . C h u r c ir S3'C'C' o l l c a g u c r i i r r r M f '—p o: r a ? :in g a n d ~~________ __ fvln PcpTniTican n n LTi ------- :------- GUirCi w a s - tlic - N b w ild e rn e ss t l i a o i l h a s b e e n ffo r y e a rs .' • tlie E n e r g y C o mmtuu iite e a n d a s e n io r wil •• "! m e m b e r o l Uie pp oo w c r ia i- A p p r o p r lu liiicnl difTer-_________ a that, d e s n ite th e ir politic ----------------- — ------------------------ tix y n 'fG o m__n_________w iu * iC r—was' e n ces. th e y recognii^e d th aatt rn a y s a y in g )H c h i g h - w a te r m a r k eni ___________ Il w a s a h i s to ric — -I'm f e r ld a h u . -----ie, ih a iu h c T ^ h e y k n e w , fo r e x a m pple IN S e n a te . N o t 'e v e nn d u r in g th e 12 y e a r s e s t w ay to k e e p I d ^ o ^ s w a le r o u Y o f _________ ih a L id a h o - .s J e g e!nndd a ry W illia m B o r a li bbe: n i iiV g'pools e ig n I^ e la tio n s C o m - _ SS oo u th e rn C a lifo rn ia s w imifm c lia ir e d th e I-'oreiy th e d e b a te , ta te h a v e th a t k in d o f ww ra s to .set th e te r m s o f th' in ittc e . d id th e state a ll in c h its , a n d to d o ih thec i r h o m c c lo u t in W a sh in ig g tcto n , s im p ly b e c a u s e cca^ wco rk b e lte r th a n o th e rs. I 'n o n e o f t h e e iigg lh t I d a h o a n s w h o w 10 the. late M i F 1 r o m t h e m i d ‘ 5 0 s to I s e r v e d in t h e S ce n a t e w i t h B o r a h ■ii\l in itia tiv e '8 0 s , e v e r y m a jo r f e d e ra over picture o f a dcm oral! s ta y e d a r o u n d fo)rr Ilo n g . ter," Tim e ran a covet • Ti,c Wl A'hilewaler im broglio musl;1 bbe getting ;ed Ib y a shifty-cycd G eorge C h u r c h a n d M c C lu r e cc oo n c e r n i n g I d a h o , f r o mT\ tth e H e l l s izcd president flanked I B u t b y 1 9 8 0 , Ci: is te r B e rn s te in If-in R ie te d se rio u s:;: It k e e p s in s p ir in g s e lf-i C a n y o n D a m to th e v a s t ec e n tr a l Id a e sp ite th e d o c u m e n ta ry , — — S tep h a n o p o u lo s. D es I h a d 3 8 y e a r s inn (C o n g r e s s b e t w e e n C i institution 'i" in m y favorite A m erican ins w o u ld b e a r wounds ir bla ck -a n d -w h ite photo, it h o w ild e r n e s s a r e a lh a t wi look o f the gritty blai th e m . P o l a r o pipp co s i t e s o n i d e o l o g y h o s, the press, londis old, taken as C linlon C h u r c h 's n a m e , w a s a n1 oo u tg r o w t h proved lo b e five m ont p e r s o n a lly , th e y w e r e C l a n d n e v e r c lo s e pe loblest role o f the press, the T he no' nts w ere ju d g ed b y blemishes eduling problem. ‘CS m brooded over a_schcdul h oo a n s _ - 7 4 c x tr a o r d in a r ily - e f f e c -- o f - t h a i p h i l o s o p h y . I d aih --------- - n e v c r t h c l c s s - a n cx in Ihe B ill'o f R ig h tv i al rp a sirH aiT y T ru m a n ’ woutd 'im c s d id n in thc'lcxt o f th e ------is oc w n e d b y gives it aa"ploce | Id be ' - j h e jsjcw Y oA Time p oliucal r c e n t o f w h o s e s ta te is p e harp eye on nent honest by fixing a shar tiv e te a m . •time new s conference, but adow o f die notorious Boss Pc govemme last Clinlon prime-timi th e fe d e ra l g o v e r n m e n t -- m a d e d e liorn o f C h u r c h ’s c o n - thi ho govern or aspire to. T lie c o m b in a tio he K ansas C ity D em ocratic' t t ’s front-page story had no readers o f die paper’s c is io n s a b o u t I d a h o n o lI m e r e ly b e d,e C a r te r a d m in is tr a t io n ci: : C lintons’ involvem ent in, tlynd^n tnhngnn_u/finIH h r w ar I bolted i ll the wv»t/»\i/ntrr »»tc d jnitiing-thflHlMj-had-be •causinTTcy-w cTC-bctTcr-STii md deal shoufd have disqualif le park. Indeed, he w a s^ o ^----------— a n d - a m o n g ih en m f™ = lc c 'io nfraud. t.a questions out o f the p Clini s o b u t b e c a u s e th e y w e;re re m o r e a s inton from the presidency,• th 3vemight W ashington PostWhile House sta ff m eetings■ ^t 8 * persuasive that an over A s to the Wl o n C a p ito l H ill aa rn d M c C lu r e ’s in c i- s o ^asm n m n g . ,'oters know was w hen he wai let the vol W hiiewatcr w as proposed as a“ Twrtcd a lO-point surge in tu t e p o litic a lly . A BC N ew s poll rcjwr .s iv e c o m m a n d oolf n a t u r a l r e s o u r c e lu is a journalistic virtue, toe less m N e w Y o r k Timelines N o w c o n g re s s m a n fro m t gs and loan .investigators, ther idng. T he T im es has yet to ^ his job-approval radng a n d e n e r g y issuuee:s m e a n t th a t l i t t l e 3st im m ediately, by T he Wi d a h o w ild e rAlmosi dgen to spell any obstruetior n in passing. o"® * report diat poll even :tin g Id a h o g o t p a s s e d aann d M in n e so ta s p o n s o r Idal le g is la tio n alT ectin :ount. som e 20 new s organiza )r S e c r e t a r y ■ Po-si'scoi abandon its classic the special prosecutor is nail T he press shouldd never nc - nnte s s b i l l s , . . a n d . I n t e r i o r i w ith o u t th e s ta tej ’s s ta m p o n it. rs to L ittle R o c k .A rk ., to ; ly a b o u t ru n re p o rte rs ship w ith governm ent. But ....... adversary relationship B n ic e B a b b itt ta lk s o p e n ly i I r • that down. T h o s e w e r e thlee dc a y s . 'Jeilhcr th c y r n o r th e stable « a rri'to " 6 b sc iv c a -k in d -o f—~ ihs abdund:'distastc1'orthc-m ,1l la nd: m o rcrN c mioral - perhaps ifsh ouldTIe ear n in g c a ttle m e n o f f f e d e ra h o r R o S t e T h c T S so n s u rre n t s e n a to r s , f re s h ni O f I d a h o ’s curr< ivals for the nom ination, nor o f die first couple; the herd nt s o fils o w n . statute o f lim itatiotisol h a t so rt o f ™ I t ’s h a r d to i m a g i n e tth: D ir k K e m p th o m e is ihe R epublican P arly cam i m a n R e p u b lic a na E ublicans aro pi}shing W hitccar o f b eing lale to the lynch: :h m ^ Doctrinaire Rcpublii r i li . i r n h n n d ° - t4 H « ^ > a p p e n i» g .,..w ,h c n C Ig ta n gible-or-w eighly-cnout — ■— — a l o y a l oppbl;1tion^f-9tund*dsnhanm cai_supi> c uii it’s w ortfir-That-is-their-------ll'C 'iow enng^ l lin e Id a h o in M c C lu re w e re r e p r e s e n tin i c n a .c m « c h 1the election - o r even to en the risk o rrb a c k lflsh rd ie y -------a lo n g ’w a y t o g oo;; h1 e ’s 9'7th o n th e s e - M lion oul o f die new s pages; the he ro- role and, w hatever the C o n g r e s s . T h e y k n e w W aa s h in g to n . o f an issu O sue. p6n.sibility o f trying to replay ’ m ally. n io r ity list. aro funcuoning normal . there w ere denials and stoi a n d th e y p la y e d to w in . Sure, t ly dthe role o f the press. Unplain, old-fashioned political b: L a rry C r a ig , is in h is a r 0 '“ -, But h is not really H is_ c o lle a g u e . le Clinlon euinp, and the comj -from-the believes in a fanU sy that I can be as ludicrous as The' \ less anyone really/ be of-ihe C iinum sl advantageous -----------' -----------------niiluroof :e m o v e d -f ro m -th c -W h iic ------lal editorial clueking-widi shoe .‘^ ■ C l i n t o n c a n b e rem a m an w h o w o u ld n e e d fa v o rs ; t Hillary C linton actually (uj :«8h!) H o u sc b c fo ro l9 9 6j,.itit is hardly in the nation’s ■ho deal lost I — ■ seem edi rm ooted by the fact dial the resident o ffa t d ie kTiecs.-................ he cbm modities market. ‘ interosttocutllsprcSK ?__________________ nioney._ QQClUr______________ . ______ ^k-ruthcd40-prinl iU .w rongxon ;v e n a ssu m ln 'g ih 'c ^ o S t a ^ B ulev. le y in -------' le hodn'l used he r ow n mone; mueh sancti- siot' ‘hat she h Allen Wilson Putor-Voi Clark WQlwortli Al IS did 16 years ago, how mu Stcpl»on Horigcn fcin rSngclircclor Cl.ntons :heck• L e s f e r B e rn sfc in was the editor o f lent - die magazine skipped chi ate dale in a that mvcsunenl CircuUitlon nwnagcr Advcrtluii Managing editor O should it provoke at dii.s late PubHshcr ' mony shi 9-82 and earlier was a staff tie old Ncivsweefc in 1979-8: e W hite House (shades o f the i counuy/ w V here favor-swapping is aa ssiale-house '" S w ith theincV gag: "D o n 'l check it looI hhard,, member at Time and The New York Times, and are a fixture newsmagazine joard and w riters of editorials’ jnplaee. when: rainm akers an common] Tlic’ m m em b e rs o f Ihc editorial boa nmentaiy for die New- York He wwle this comme night knock it dow n").' ley fuels con-- somebody migl law firms, whciy PA C money )hen H artgcn.’ C b r k iV a lw o rirth. th Mark Kind and Steve Crum; ' in big lav ore Sicphei p W a- newspaper Sewsday. 'ay____________________ irt. tinder the headline “ Deep If, Fivti,could-----Fnr iLipaH . I— grtfssiwK ’T r 1 i Ik ® SKULL^ iI X edia aree overdcoing it o)nWhitttewater I'hcliimes-News — t ie t t e fFiS o nd lh a t every taxpayet-in -------lhat required a bond ing fo r billing Reasonin] compassion Ity w sponsible to them Plea for f ... .»,» T w in F alls C ounty x a s liable f o r the debt, th ough I nm n o m o re respo ‘a d e q u a t e ? ’ [j who is kno w led g e ab le aboul lonseience o f ■' A s one whi lid b a c k by ju s t a few docj f ^ d:l aj need to appeal lo the con th an I am to th e d riv e r o f'th thie pickup. S ureiicc to ' b illin g sy ste m , I w o u ld lik c o m m e n tin g on a irc ra ft .ly som e e n te rp risin g law yer ie c o m p a n y h o s p ita l's bii R e c e n tly w liile cor , i , q j r i v y e rw ill fig u re oul iv e r o f a s ilv e r a n d b lu e tors. in M o n ic a .E g ^ 's J c ttc r. :pot, N ev., the new s m e- that : F ord - com m enl.onN a ccid c n is neiir Jtickpoi -l rm ers arc resp o n - pick u p■) w ^ h o rc a r-e n d e d -u blao kk-1966 the A p ril 5 e d itio n o f TAc the S alm on T ra c t farmi in lh a t ----- A cco rd in g to the er 1letter gives the im prossibii en e d o n th e I ihink her idea lhat ih e a irp o rt w as sible. d ia co n v o y e d th e ide: ing. T h is a c c id e n t happem s facility w as to be turned M ustani m rate Times-News, d iis fa la rg ed an entire d a y ’s room w ith lhat but w ish to of- ■ Sincc law yers get their big bucks w hether Uob Bai " a d e q u a te ." I a g ree wi la rton H ig hw ay in Jerom1C e on M arch she w as charj o f d o cto rs. T h e y could set _is_noL_oycr_lo_a_group_of< inutcs,.T his-is ----------------------fo r-ju st-l-hliour-and-10-m ou immentsj-------- ^ sTlh'H Fowri'w drkiHgTiOurs ________ firr the_fol|ow i niii:on5!] —thcy-n-in o r lo s c r a la r g e porti o rtio n o fih e a b o y c 30. Icr her — sal anes. U layed until no o n ihe d a y aftci and_nojnfor.^':irue._She slayj ______ • _ N ig h llim e _ d c ppaa£tiu tc a - r c q u ir e ,spe_cial__j. -polico-w ae-not-nolificd-anc ;',-l-am -w ondering____Thu-pi tiin g -c ls c - lh a u tb e y - w a n lJ ------- - tlg ure-bcing-lQ w yer-fces,-!)bm . so w as actually a fth c 'hh io s p l ~ o nd decide-anything co n sid e ra tio n in ther ee v\ en t o u tsid e visual ref- .how it would w ork to m ake kc ttlie study o f law motion1 w as e x cluinged as far as as in su ran ce baby w as bon to b e dedicated ic d ay know doctors arcc supposed su in ccan n o t be m aintained. ing th e M us- ta lf o r 3 7 h olours, u i w hich is m ore than o ne erencc to th e horizon ige. T h e young m an driving ihc'sludy coveragi m andatory for high school,1, Really, R e, bb ut they a rc h u m w and for p ato helping people, nee provides an incentive foi re fe re n c e , the o n se t o f o f t h e law s is n ot as itnpor • W ith o u t v isu alI r< p ortant as b e in g .a tang wa; /as unaw are o f th e extent oo ff dam age to H er insurance nding som e o n e c ise’s m onor sUiy w hen y ou’re spendir a less-lhan-24-hour d n 't w an t to tients w h o arrange an lished a c to r and 'i,is car. sp atial d iso rie n ta tioon n (so m e call it vertig o ) g o od sp e a k e r, an accom ip r. T h e m an e v id e n tly didn crease y o u r w ants. pli: baby. I f M onica h ad g one:hho m e ey, i f s easy to increa eadly w ith resultant com - ?having lim ited conscience. e. W ca n be q u ic k a n d dead ’ atching Perry je o p a rrdd iz e h is e m p lo y m e n t oo r d r iv in g for h aving a b Dr. I’m grateful toI D r A .C . E m ery for bringit (24 hours a fter she w as admlilted). p ic tc lo s s o f airc raaft ft c o n tro l in a few sec- ^M ason and M atlock would lid q ualify yo u for record.1. H 1 ow ever, this leavtys m y sson having at 11 p.m . (24 te n d o n o f th e board. Hopeor o n e ing .this .to the attent only been cha rg cd for lessness. It is she w ould have ha ions., everyone cx- _ to pay’ ffor som eone e lse ’s careles: —the-bar.-In-o-ftiw -gcneration. alw ays fully, the people o f lT w in F alls can still be in rvcr.-n-24-hour. s ta y iS-not.ah \c ira p id ly ris in g te r r a in ‘cept high school dropouts w advan^ d a yrH ow evcj ^-------- - I _ * _ D e c a u s c o f ilie ti wcould be lawyers, beyondd m c w hy an adult w ouldI take cility; - ! length contrbT of t}\is facilir ae tto the tim e lab o r b egins, lc tuation. possible due s u rro u n d in g J a c k pib o t;t r th c -d c ia y -o f-n -n ig h L~_ln v 'o u ld rfrd o -a n y -g o o d -to j 10 sue them as diey m g c.off:a y o u n g person in ih issilu b _________ . --------------o f la b o frcto o nm p n c a tio n s -p h y s ic ia n s ’- d<e c i - ------ M A R JO R IE B A U G H M A N tim e d e p a r t u r e w'oo u ld b e a g o o d o p tio n are very likely poor so the; law r . T.Rh BNNW ALLACE ■ la' yers could s u e . T w in Falls ilienis’ choices, sions o rp a tic t w h e n v is u a l re fe rc nnces c t a re c ith c r-lim iie d or - each other. io Falls Tw in al any Patients arc allow ed lo be adm itted at igf>*nt T h tis th e' n ro b le m s o f sp a tiu l ------pW IfiH T.SH A .W ■ , g-a 24-hour p c r iO d ^ d .th e r e tern iin av o id an ce c a n be d is o rie n ta tio n -a n d ter T w in Falls :ense for young « g o e s Bicyclist licen g e on die d a y that a patient room charge ster safe ly a d d re sse d . Egg-. .•. ragous for E ast omnensate for that. T h ere s Sd l J l S ____ A ll Ih ls in lh abo a b o u t b ik e p a th s in T w in -W J I M L . C O N D E RI ,v ridiculous-can-T m rbe'^V * iih “u lH h e -lio m tL to 0.9® ocate^--------- -- How _ i£rx.y-Conley_advoc :finhion o f w hen on e day b« canyon nm ,"w byiT ot m ake — — 1>®8lns Falls andion the ca t yo u r A pril 4 to be a d e h n “ FDcr y C o n le y , dire cto r Easier■e g g h unts in T w in Falls, yc An o pen le tter to Je rry licensc ju s t like autom obiles bicyclists buy a licei m E asier e g e ""<1 ™ ds. T Too m e. m idnight m a k es die® n had a color p icture o f an o f Fish and Gam e: edition ^ o f th e Idaho D epartm ent 1 sense. W ngs? to pay for these thini fo r o th e r h e ro e s ‘ Recognition foi nTexa-s! d e c isio n to w iih - hunt in ' F irst, I a p p la u d y o u r de D L W E PE C K , R .N . :hat It sh o u ld b e th a t g ra d e sc h o o l a n d high. C o a k le y ’s letter on M arch d ra w ’support for th e propos In re g a rd to M r. Coi posed Idaho T rain-j-hc^ co n ly rea so n w e p a y th ee ’coutrag c o o s ........... ____------------- sch o o l k id s wQuldills j!d -p a y -o -sm a » -fc e -lic c a s c -----. T la n g c in O w y lie e - Cc ^eiw IS for the _ 3 0 , h a v e n 't th e Jew# ss h ad enougii ,sym pathy. Irig C o u n ty r - A g a in s t- ^ iV ihily lj price for 77ie Ttmcs-NcM cr 18 a n d anybody o v er 1 should p a y an cquiva- : nenition (m oney)? ' :l. P lease giVe , ___ |j„]g p u b lic ity and rem uner 3it o f local ncw s.w c do gel. 1 g reat p o litic a l p re ssu re ,. yy<o u r d e p a rtm e n t nce-nf money exchat b m obile license. __ ______ • L“ 6 E _ _ lc n t.fc e to-an.automj tie recognition o f th e real stood | H ow a b o u t a little to protect Id a h o 's us m on g e t th'c nonare lo c a l n e w s; w c c a n ge by ils resp o n sib ilityy to ;o again, show ing m y ignorani :m pi eo p le (20 m illion sac- w• ildlife. . light. Y ou get H ere I go a Sidew alks on one sid e o f th e street could h e ro es - the R ussian Tw in F F;alls new s o n T V every mgl nder th e im pression d ia t th e 1 k p a th s b e c a u s e n obody : G e rm a n a rm y )? B o d ies lease g ive us I w as unde f ^ “ 8b e c o m e th e b ik e i le n . w hy y ou have y o ^ r m m o n ey in T w in F alls, plea rific c d to s lo p th e G I fail to u n derstand, then, ' R e g io n a l M e d ic a l-C e n te ^ ith e re d u n d e r p re s s u rec fro teir DC- wnjkg they all drive rive. w e re p ile d so h ig hII ih tl e tig e r tanks c o u ld n ’t w lo new s. T h e re is lots5 ggo in g on in ic V a lle y R f m h u n te rs lo „iore local . o over them . W hy is th is so elim ^ inate R egion 4 predator lohged to the people o f T w in F alls C^ounty. itors in favor o f the jjij.; )wn. L e t’s p ublish it. g e t b y , a ro u n d o r ove JO H N R .C O M^ E IR 1 thought, •too, tCH that w h en ev e r it w as nnec es-- -’ pheasant, a’ n b h -n a tiv c spei co n y c n ic n tly left o u t co f th e news?. ipccies. If y ou con - f r aAIN CES W A T L A N D - . v e rie n t - T w in Falls______ )rrow m oney for. a n im prove sary to borro from N ei W eim er. Rus- stand j M y p a re n ts c am e fi and th e A ir T win in F alls u p ag a in st G o v . Avndrus nd le T R u ssian people n o t get- Forcc j cial mis.sion, surely sia, p n d I re se n t the to fulfill your ofTieinl .............. tin n th e - c r e d iid u e thihem c . ■ ' , ah o ’s w ild life -s a y you can - on b e h a lf o f Idaho BY GG/A R R Y T R U D E A U w c h a r d g r a ^f •- • - • , • ; nd^To th e e x tre m e ly narrox rrovv in te re sts o f a ) o n e s b u r y __________ ~ B u rie y f p w -------- --- . - ..........— solu' I deplore th is political,, shortsigluetl sl ■ ■ p eN yev sf^^ ^ THBPIFF&iBNCef ' , lo d eclining pheasantnt jpopulations. The hell. THAT'S tion m m f i A 'i s A N OF C anyon damlage aj paym ents F SALM m can o n ly in crease I 1H5CAFHAL / HAVSyoUBVBR 1 w a s .a ttr a c te d to a p ic tu r e in a re c e n t: , d ecim ation o f p red a to rs; ca id d o e s no th in g lo I • e c ological im b a la n c e and > CH eATO ^O Nta^v in g a p ic k u p tru c k d an , T im cs-N cws Show in B Q U lV Jm n / 1 o f declitiing habiI > address the real problem of th e ro ck w all o f a , m ic M II OF"lPiPti'T / ^ i n g p re c a rio u s lyr from fr :st y o u r placing the I /S M M T f coir 6 X ' I INHALe’fWHY I / ' c a n y o n . T h e n I w/as as h o rrifie d w hen I rendI i lat. A n d 1 strongly p r o te s t; jc h an itresponsible I ______ ___ y ' piPN'TH BJusr IA t h a t it w a s th e w-all all o f th e S a lm o n R iv e r■ | burden o f ca rry in g o u t such intelligcril R c g |O r r ^ k H H decision on th e backs o f inte C anyon. CCS“W h 'o " k n o w ~ in s ^ ^ ^ ^ H 1—E i5h. a n d Gam eTcm ploycCs ..— :---------- ¥ o i» - « c c ,- l h a v c a - b ill o n -ia y -d e s k - th u t— 7';. S7 bec a u se so m e p eo - - n■o t in the b est interests oo ff Idah'o'residents', -------------gqya-{-ow o-S 12.6.7i h um an jor •■wiIdT , p ic , f o r o n e re a s oDn n o r a n o th e r, a re in th e: cither le v . y o u a rc lh e _ _ W ||f l R ig h t n o w , M r. C o nn je a n y o n a n d , by a n a c t o f S a lm o n R i v e r Can> :oop. 1 urge you to - easel in th e p h c a ra n t coo ------------ O o d r w c r c - d n m a ggeccd . T h e a u th o r s o f th e• “w rnseless k illing and h a v e g iv e n m e a b o u t the ■ im m ediately sto p th is sensi J. p a y m e n t s c h c m e h a ' what is right for^all be I n te rn a l R ev en u e SLtn a v m y in c o m e ta x e s . the w ildlife-oT this slate. y j r ,. m e tof n: T h e s o - c a lle d “juistic s ti' c s y s te m ’^ sa y ^ I aniI— M S R T T rtJR E E N ---------I ^ g u i l t y o f d u m a grin in ig t h e s e p e o p le e v e n1 ^__ Glennfl Ferry a rt Jack p o t airpori i rwiHToiiaTIHoHo 15^7 April 0, 193-f Tim os-Nows, Twin Fjidny, Ap • .r iE o K e slA Seryiice 0 /West Idaho/ say!fS ; _ p r o b) le m s If ix e d F Decoraited M arinine Q slflegal alienu £ cs the ^ Tlic study cites ' influence of milfnr nr.w Icndcfshlp. Th’nt isi w V hv w c kascd Thuroiay, Mid. _____foe. ----- - W r t 9 H i N 6 - T - e N WP h- ) y - FOTWt—tlw ^u d y rfclea uddcd.'' ^ doUiTrs — SrTVTcc-affi^ift}si-whil«-*Ji imbcr industry, Inifsjiys ptjrl him . T LOS A N G L E S (AP) — A A dec- citiz en sliip o r deptjr oh for failiiijJ to reform Jhc T h e center agreed in ils rep ions of a criti- administration with some o fth e condusiohi , . is Die "ci«y is^a.«i the that'even more important im If in lo l _ "I c o u ld n ’t g o) on or lik e th is ,” oralcd Marine turned him'seir n c .o flh e few positive steps ' SJiy:mnny,.of_.,age_ncy. ItI a lso c o n c lu d e s th a t oone - cal report' c(e Ihc scrvicc,, sji . I guess my back -----------ctw ccntirnberindustry ~ aiilluirilics and admitted he w:' iv:is’a n ''L ig h lfo i)n ;.'iid ;- rg u liV agency xclaUousliip“ betu o f Tliomns as the nujv rglstalivc agehda in regard selcciion scle dy havc been Congress’^leg!; thc problems citcd already 1C IForest.Scrvict manj],^ the wall. I did it offid als und the ' w on’t just gol up against illegal alien, but he probably v chicf. ^ . set by timber chii ......—-------- ; to fo re sls is '•'siibsianllally '-'sii f,.r myo-lf -,n.l my.fnm a.'c-logSinp prn^tnnis —■Itnr Xaiuily.*' . ■ I I '-----.. ■ t n lqiuiieii;----------- --------------:resl.s. • .• " An 81*pagc report 6 y Ihe Cenlcr-for industo' inieres children is a U.S. • lhat in his -"In .speaking ^ ith p eople, I wasg w as Thomas him-sclf llu Sgt. Danny Lightfool. whoI in i.- sta- ., One of his three chil dministration officials dis- . Scrvicc Scr • • Public Integrity based inI W ashington, , O inton .adm bom ouLsiffe the loyccs he struck by the Forc^ lioned in Danitow. is a native: o f the -.dlizen, but the two.) bo ircsl Service's ,.. lack of (id port’s conclusioas but said firsl firs m em o to agcncy cniplo; gciicy p u l, iL s ^ p u l^ lhc repoi ___ D -C-^-said-thc-fcdcral ngcr is wifc,-Raqucl.ii-------.,-------■ountr>-—counlry ore not.-His wi ~naIi;imflsrHc’cntcnyl-,thc-9oi iilJ^ a y lo rrn n 'a d jim c t-------n;' thcrlaw;’" c r e d ib llir ^ h liU adyrw crc under way al Ihc Tmplofcinirennill'ttr*Dbcy-thi imf b u d g c l-a h c o d o f - th c nne cce d s o f th e. d m g c s alrcad m ai and is .seeking ^ ' il a Bahamiiin citizen )urnalism. at American , ,on a student visa hut stayed afler af '■ profc.ssor o f jour: :re Forest Scrvicc biologist the thc reporrsaid. sleeps agcncy. where ...... nationaLfor??ts.a n d J li^ ggeneral cn ihe Unilfcd States, _ ' ,.-UMiig—legaLniM dcnCiLinil'ii m d—\v in n e r —o f " t h c — —-cytiircdrHe-cTiiiMed-i»-m83.-» cx l-Thomin>-rcplaC cd-D alc-.—-JThff repo rt d c f^ rih e d th c ttrr^viU i!ahe:iim bw ,in3iK uy__ : r _ ' ' " — ^iaclr-W nfd-T S-deputy^Hncctoi~nTHTij:----- itH.'TAngelcslNS-di 'ress-C lu M 'O iin d aiio n — foi -foke-ilocumcrils he said wcfcS ervice as"“an agcncy that is al war W n.shington Pre« ih T s y c ^ ." ' Sei y liliberal non- ' Robert,wn ass iSic'fcarir« c Thc ccntcr is.a la rg c ly ■ k M it w;ls "very •Donald B, Uxmey s;ii< and nature — one: tlthal mis- ^V/ard. rest Service d o esn’t show with'itsclf wit plied.by n recruiter, up thal exam“Tlie Foresi profit public interest group .. ■ ■ P'i :fool o w o u ld be 'Hie M arines'discovered he'w he as u n lik e ly " L ig h tfo mployccs._ jr-litllc 0 any ire; and m u sic s iLs own cm; es iin g o vern- .favoritism .lo a organization or busi- ireals lie surprising lo me U) incs elhics-rclaled issues his office would breaks the law, places an illegal immigrant in 19‘J l., bul b he deported, and that liis eal everybody equally and routinely rou orest Scrvicc employees ‘‘n need by foun- ness. W c ireal mcnl a g en d ts. ll is fmancc i r e f o r T find so many Fore Lightfoot and his o f his recommend lhal Ligli over its mission to carc w asn'l prosecuted bccausc buc w r unions and f a ir ly .” UISD SI A sp o k e sm a n T o m - budget [Uld off Ihe record alHiiit w; dations, corporations, labor £ speak lH)th on and stay, laiid and in-gcneral sleeps v o u tsta n d in g rc c o rd , said1 C arl family Ik- allowed lo sl aid Wednesday. lan /ays ihey'-vc been iniinihow in many way individuals. . rs, ■ w e ’ve had a lorney, "O ver the ye ars, Shusterman. L ightfoot's attoi industry.” urc Secretary Mike E spy, ind :n limes oppressed wilh has been one Agriculture “For years Uie scrvicc. ha ‘ :harged number o f aliens gel iin thc military T h c re p o rt, " S le e p in g W ith th c Lightf(K)i's recruiter wtLsn't ch; :cs the agency, was "w ell led, who oversees j-’ o f Ihc m ost m is m a n ^ c dd,, poorly | c ^ i S n 5 Ihcir careers p ut u t,on noiicc for raising orw ilalions and then com c forw ard to adjust .because tiie, statute o f jjriiila Industry: ’u ic U.S. Foresi Sen ic problems and challenges Inc [•lit lliieiiten the limber -be and co rru p t aware of the { p o litically m an ip u latedJ ai •n by free. tssues lhat mtghl they usually gel ■■■. Iheir status and1 the “orest Scrvicc and the need Tim Tir ber Intercsii," wa.? written said in an in terv iew ’ had h;i run out. Sliusterman siiid. govem m cnt,” facing thc For ■agencies ih the federal go' '•jvlorwilh 'n d u s try . he ,s:i g ration lo ^l.iv." 1J >«.'n ey.siiiljd jd...„ ______ ;------ — —----------Tlie iililitarv told im m iKr; — — ...............■■ lance lan joumalisl Steven T rT ay I*— —" _ ut they Lightfmit holds. a ^Navy achievch c l p '- f r o n r a 'h a tf ^ d o z c ir officials aboul Lightfoot, but ■'he lo g g in g o f n a tio n a l .j .•e • E x c e ssiv e , lo, did n o th in g . S h u ste rm a n1 sa : id , m ent m edal, three good conduct rcseardicrs. _ ■ res :he harvest's lh at havc __ j_j |i< ihr; mi-H:ik, twii c i-rlifio 'ifi)-;ites (if com -___________ -LighlftH>lr-2«r^»rrcndcrcd-li — T hcice n lc w n tco d cw cd o U nonhem spoiled owl in •Iciicrs o f.;^ p ic c i':_ tzation— mcndaltt»tT,-sev«i.lclu id retirees, threatened the'no Forest Scrvicc.cmploycis and Im m igration ah d 'N afu raltz: ■ . Fd TlhweslHf^pfimarily-llic------lorious unil com ~S eT ^n :in JT r'I'n csd n y r^ay in gel proccss that rewards , vironmen- risuli of a budget en. He mcndation. H cjiKoJjj congressional staffs and etivi: • w anted to becom e a citizer vcls. the ccntcr s;iid, ;)rs :iand Uep, Jerry j jinlkK; j lusands o f hieh haivest Icvd' m iie .^ bl WIiilary superiors It n|so examined thou: fioklM ny.lhry mtglH ■have hq; IQ lirnit iirlRjlion in " H ti.i f i e e t H u i H'H" u u tlnTT -------- " ’" P O ^ T i a ^ O - C ttyW it; io lir^ber targcl.s icscl fuel leaked out o f a gQ "Jt all boils down do tim aicd 30.0P0 gaitons o f dies< g o v e rn m e n t d o cum ents, ca m paign --------- lh/» nrrn w K'erC tUl CS^m d e c id e w h e th e r to g ra nItt h im Lca-is. R-C.-i)tC ____ gi'ea.iiu]ial t» gLiilng-rrm progc^d^Tqulckly. spending rceorda-flnd-eongri storage tank, unless dJcanup ca iB tlm o n y :— -------------P>T <iipfrintei\dcnl Fred' -^Bgeftyy- — = water limits affe City faces w; be curtailed. spcdalisl Scoll Simonton invironmenlal Quality water spc State Division o f Envi icnerator lank last winter, from aji^cmcrgency gem said ihc fuel, w hich leaked leal table at 'a' dcpUi o f aboul calcllo’s iindcrprdund water tal is silling atop the Pocali 70 feel. Tl,, investigators found a layerr oolf d a y lhal has preventAbout 80 feel down,,] 0 far, ater from traveling deeper. So f Ihe pollution hasn’t cd’the fuel-laintcd watei lefl thc FBI property. Ttitersiroc] hits easter Gembordder S 1 . • J[_ it program ited for dropout Teacher citc ^ • The Associated Press ” o rder w as | ■ T hc Idaho-W yom ing bor isiblc for an iniliativc lo W ASHINGTON — An Idaho teacher responsil another in A shaken again Thursday by ar lots Jn . ip_schopls reoog-____ sh dropouis.is.DnC-ofJ2-cducalor ---------- rcducc- high school.droj at began in “ M — "Ihc jsl Association. Ibi sw arm 'of earthquakes that lucalion by thc Reader’s Digest nized os heroes in educs the ijc u r D ’Alene w as recogthi region on Jan. 30. Hansen o f Project CDA in Coc Director R oger D. Ha ;cy said the »gram designed to prevent ^ The U.S. Geological Survey in aaltemalive high scBbol progn _______ n i z ^ for launching an -iatcsttcm blorstracfc-aH O rl?mg o u t___ _________________ - . — students from dropping er scale. It L l “ mca.surcd.4,8 on ihe Richter s l 5 b .o o b ...... heir schools receive a total o fr SI Thc winners and Iheii 'ounty in a ^ T . w as centered in Caribou Coi 'hose individual commitw; )rdinary men and women who ■•■niese arc exlraordi ween Soda ' | l | sparsely populated area belwc •aordinary challenges and sp ihcm to lake on cxtraoi ments lo exccllcncc drove dn Vyo. M Springs. Idaho, and Aflon, Wy lairman. Sf Grune, the association’s chair win,” said George W/.. C ■ "Only m inor damage, s uich d as bro- “p ilastcr and I ken glassw are, erackcd pin om ebuild- P I ....................... minor structure d.imagc to sor csidenLs-of— | J | ------------------in g s has bccD-reportcd-by-rcs ed-what c o u ld -^.lh e final------ in. ah o Suprem c Court has closedBO TSF=■The^dahc f l statement. T thc M B conlrad slayth area,” offidals said in a^sta ± arg cs involving the nearly 15-ycar-old 15’ chapter in criminal chai Thc series o f carthiiuakes p Ksman Troy Vance. ing o f Nampa businessr iring 5.8 on 1 1 Feb.'3 wilh a temblor measurii d-:shot-to-dcath-in-hisjiomc_ii --------------- Vance-was-found-;Sl -the-R ichler-scale.-ThurR day Robert-Rkhard-JonwJ-and-------th ■ ■d iarges’w crciilc d rddismisiwd-and-lateMo-fikdrRo isj Lake T shock w as fell as far,away aISs Salt ! degree murder. Witnesses sh [incz were convicted o f firet-dc{ Jose Alphonse M artinc ICC. C iiy , s a id W avcrly P crso o f the n a id up to S30.000 to kill Voncc. testified Ihey were paid arlh q iia k c U U SG S N atio n a l Ear imously against an appeal urt on Thuisday voted unanim< • " - The Supreme Court :n. Colo. I M L . Informalion Center in Golden, ife sentenc e . ________ ^ In pholdijighLs convlclion and life --------—filed by M nnincz, upho > D I ' Area residents fikcly are in store for | l | 5 Aug. 2711993, decision • le a s ^ a revised version o f ils / Thc court also releas o n added.. I I - ................. even more aft«in5hock.s Persbr victed o f firet-dcgree m urc\ invidiort.-JonM also was convic upholding Jones’ convi sed (by. the i p ■'We’re nol 'at all surprise) ibilily o f parole. , __ ^-------- d c L a n iw a is c n lc n cc^dJto fixed life, with no possibil uak c 'o fih k | * a itc r s h o ^ ) fro'ni ah'cirthqua Icciiioh. again upnciu j - z “ ai lad divided over the Jones.dcci Thc court remained keep- n ■ size,” he said. "It probably- will v ison writing separate d issi en Bislline and Byron Johnsoi with jusliccs Stephen nth-s’." L l Q, g ee t a T ing going on for several montl scnls. B ' u y o n e s u i t o r ss pp o r t c o a t - 4 - p a n t s aa lt r e g u l a r p r i c e , heriffM ikcT O Lincoln County Undershe: n 1 0 . O r c l i o o s e _ ^ su ui j t a t gs 0e c o n d o f e q u a l v Hansen said his office in A fton had | | | v ea l u e f o r J u s t $ 1 0 0 damage by I I received reports o f minor dr Y ( o f e q u a l v a l u e ) f oo r $ 1 0 0 . :liberatioas in the secondut added il M r e q uu il a r p r i c e , g e t a ss pp o r t c o a t + p a n t s ( c Mft«!nw_jurv.has started dclih ■late Thursdav m om ing, but ----------------MOSCOW — A.M ,r people ,0 I could take a day o r two for Hagedom. g n d a n d s p l i t U ie 6 degree murder trial oo ff William > 2, 4 o r m o re a n d s the ease on Wednesday, ^discover any problems. bur-wom an jury was handedJ tl The e i^ i-m a n , four x)rts of any I I • "W c haven’t had any rcpoi closing arguments, afler altomeys m ade: cli ings falling | — Romero Oct. 27, ^structural damage, just thin) accuscd o f shooling JoAnnn Grace C __________ H agedom . 32. isi ac iklti5 TiTnJTiTgaliigrneTDiT=-------^o ff sh elv es, that lypc uf pprb-b lciiT----- a f " --------------bw hoiii'd after a'filg'nnjfTtrfnklt iW 3.' in Ihcir Moscow itains he pul a gun to her ^H ansen said. "I was in miy y n ffic c .lt tends il w as an .acdaddee n t T he prosecution maintai jiju st shook the building agaii and rat- U trigger because she intended to leave him. back and pulled thc trif •degree murder, they musl Hagedom guilty of sccond-de lied the windows," For jurors lo find1 H icc aforethought." he town o f n ■ At first, residents o f thc led to kill Romero “wiih malice delermine he intended hen the big M aboul 1,500 were afraid whc ■ mors hit, he - T - temblor and subsequent iremi :— B o is e R e d C said. H I ^ HOURS: .... n T u x oid d co R e n ta ls se is lemponi'rjly closed l o ___—^ ;!I-ihink.peoplc..bcforc_'|Vc £d.Cross blood.ccnici in.BoLwj vcrc visibly__ I ■______ ^ ^ 3 l - _ ____ BO ISE— -X htR cd. .v alla b lo ---- M a g l c - V a'al l l e y - Mon.-SaL-!Ul a p.m.---led ippcneil the W l upset by the ones lhal hap{ correct problems d ie d by federal inspectors. ' • , I Sun. 11-6 p.m. lah^Stalcsm an, ihe ccnter ^ 1 4 5 5 0 3 M a l l cumcnis obtained by TTie Idahi “Now, talkI 7 3 4 * first go-around.” he '.said. “I' According lo docun products in the past la n 18,000 uniLs o f blood aiidI blood b! and talking__| H __________ ing lo people on lhc stre d ai has recalled m ore lhan ildinghcrc, I J I— ■ to' people in Ihc officc'buil'c ^ four years. --------S ingle unit p u r c h a s e s 2 0 % off. ( sin ih c ria lc s.'w irp o tcn tia lly Jj 5s that (thc mostly in Idaho and three oUic they w ere trying to guess The blood, used mo ps and other defidencies. ^ oris bccausc o f testing foul-ups: unsafe for iransfusioris • afteishock) re^slcrcd.’* □ H O O D i, we cannot g u a r^ te c 1 0 0 id ccomcs from human beings, v, • ' "A s long a s blood Neely said. d Cross spokeswoman DonnaJ N perccnt safely.” Red C ~ ave contracted hepatitis or ”R c'd'C fc^ o flia ya s 's ' a y no onc is know lo hav< •us. from blood transfusions poj - HIV . the A IDS virus. problems. old the Boise ccnicr lo cor»d and Last fall, Ihe Food a D rug AdminLstraiion told pmcnl maintenance o r f a r e _ in record-keeping and equipm rect 40 deficicndcs; in ican Red-Cross has voluniarily - d o su re.T h c Americai mply. 10 four weeks to comp >es 15-year-old1appeal i Court close; a ........ esme PORTGCOAT+ P>A N TSI^r o o m urder case ury considers m Moscow jui enter closes 1Gross blood cei » tc ^0 ;000for^on 9 upie gets $50,0 Nampa con auction to raise money for na ^Nampa couple’s battle to NAM PA — A n aui the original goal.,son raised $ 5 0 ,0 0 0 — iwicc Ihc _______ kcep.lhciiiodopicd?pn :p Casey, Ihcir 4«-year-old a arc battling lo keep I Leland and Karla Swenson S' tiite woman and an Indian . adopted son. H e iss the it biological son ofV w hitc SQulh-Dakota-wanl Casey the'O galairS ioux Tribc in Sc ------ - Tather. M em bers o ff th . • /ation. raLwd on ihe rcservalii le packed inlo the Nampa Qivic vn Ccntcr Tuesday for an Aboul 450 people f 2 ,0 0 0 for a football autorated S50.000, .including $2,0 auction lhal generate incisco 49cr quarterback S tev/ee'Young. graphed by San F rand $3,000 and quilLs went for w ork brought $3; A w rlificate for oorthodondc r ■ $600andS 800. sed should aboul o jv c r the___ - • — Organizer M ike M M jadison said.thc money raiscc the case also.have agreed to Ils. Altomeys involved with the Sw ensons' legal bills, Jiw cul Ihcir fees, w hich v,ere overSlOO.OOO.' ___ - -1.----- ' co u rscs. N (o c a l c h c s . N o c l a.lu i s c s . N o i i n l e s s --ooll'f c o u r s c y o u c o u nn t U n i c s s of* t h i s w eek. h a v e l o c o n i c in th i ___________________ t h e f a c t l h a t y o u ---------- vitli state— ----:rship settles wi ^ a r d e^ er inlo a selUemcnt atiom ey general’s Qffice hass entered e B OISE — T he ali< [ne. over a complaint allegime Ford-Linc?3hi-Mercury, Inc. with Mountain Home Law. laho’s Consumer Protection Lav , ing violations o f Idaht ny Violation b f law, agreed lip, while not ndmilling to any TTie car dealership, wHegftl-^Kpen sei -TliC' vol— : r ibufsem ent of iiiv» tie a t»vfe M d -------------- tapay^SKXXHcinibu ict court conlaias language ent Tiled with distnct ’ unlaty com pliance; agreem aj Iging in improper octi and lain H ome Ford from engagir I prohibiting M ounlaii !n the complaint. "p n ic U c c s 'c o v e ^ iritl office said it received com nenil’s c onw m er protection off TTie Qtlomcy gcnen im the dealership. Later, the e w ho purch"<ed vehides from : — f a i n t s fm m p eoplgw for the vchidles! When' colmd demanded extra m oncyriof ' d ea lc r^ ip called and It Internal Revcnyp Servicc led. -the purchasers were sent I I lection efforts failed. jensation. • / had received addiiionni compen __' form s saying they had w jrc leporta i ‘' fVwTi IH=. la n k o f A m e ric a '' ' ' , . '. I - - -A ;e ollsJdQ ho Tlmoo-Nowp. Tw in_^l[s, Friday. April 0 ,1 9 194 94 •-* ----- , ^ World Feportedu y - l = ^iiy bars“Atrabs^roiir [Israel-— goldieFS-i^ rcititering] i T i l l e c r aittef dealIth of preesidents —Premiei idin i '*! iiop^ n'Hi cd .iimoiiiie e d 'tnr4?tMtf^f iHit*» iwj ‘.” 15f a 1ryT y— i d f r l ’ctcd ■ ■ ^FD ITA TTIsrae l (A P ) ™ >Vs-tIl'm iwi'fRi ihc security." and ctinlribule lo the i o f a car .calm lh(; situation sii licrcd Tliursday to bury the: viclimrf vi •Israelis gatlicr Day ts April J.L J*L -.................... .................... from Isriicji Independence In lic 'amiy barred 1.8 million Palcjitiniaas Pal ■ bombing, tlic : -support /o r Israel*. __ Itack.’5,'y,'hic}i underniiiied -sii[ closures- ' Tlie-atta that th e re a rc ’a -lo ro f-g u nis-in-n-lt)!s- cntcrine Israel oel for .1 w eek in one.of iui .strictest .sti leeniaking, spurred-calls I'or a suspension of________ . PLO peae. . ever t)f h a n d s a n d w e d o n ’ Il rc a ll.y nnr w iiin licr l ’LU tin ilici .wliir ■nieo^tierh r Itillows iwii mnn: nitncks by lst.iiiiL”iuircl;i- iit;guil.iilt>ii k n o w w htK -is' g i v m g 'dH H U elS 'iU A'est Bank low n o f rom the G aza S trip .and W es n e in w hich an troops fro v h a t rea n ientalists oonr T hursday, including o nt sh o o l a t-w illi a n d fo r wli Jericho. ouu n d e d w hen a so n ," G ^ c y e said. Israe li w ass k illed an d fo u r w e re w.'o ir.i.-;iifi-s i<i bar Palestinians from frot Israel were iht;_____ — H e -n « u l-» l-w u s‘iio t-cleu ;u r-i£ -th e :----- Palestinian oopened p fire at a-bus-Ktopaojioi ■;|ncc'Mr!rch-t‘W n v 'ti? u Jfrisr [r^vTfronrflicTcr^ SlruJrc-St'Slr f Isniei ti» be empty o f Aral' p r e s i d c « i l a l g i f a r d s 'w/hi r o - k - n r - •— ^ w i T p ir ftir ^ ;(T rommi-^sioDCi—iiu u x r iciwjtJOaWniigs:.-----;--------------u li;tc u -v u l— —rj,ofj^ -unttl-l ii-lnticpeiidene«-I3ay.A.Colicc-iiitpped-thti-t'.iibineU m iniiit •^ T T ^ n m T in criT w erc a c iinn jg u n d e r fio rity o r 1-----------------------o r d e r s f r o m s o m e a u lfio w ere rogue elem ents. U .N . S e cre la ry -G e n e ra .1 l :B outros B ou tro s-G h ali e x p re sse d h ro r and p ro ftiu n d p e rso n a o v e r the d e a th s o f th e pre .Speaking w ith re p o rte rs in Sp “ *■ N A IR O B I. K en y a ^ '/ u m . ■R im 'in a i’ inK t r o d p s rree p o r t e d l y 1 • C [ p U A k ille d R w a n d a 's a c tfn y iinil th re e U.J^^ s o ld ic rs ' fiS h tin g 'Uiuclicd :d o( f f b y th e 1 Im m M r d e n t s o T " /<7vu il c i H h s " o f I h c p r c ssi'i i-in a susp.i| R w an d u iiiuJ B u ru n d i-in ■ IM _ '■.... '> t R ep o rts fro m R w a n'd d a '’s 'c a p 'i ia i r ' K ig a li, w c r e .s k e t c h y at - n o t c le a r w h o w a s in v o h \ y -----.fiyhling. T h e c a p ita l in n eig h b o r•ted q u ie l. \ . in g B u ru n d i w a s reportec lUNDi \ b URUI ilic v io le n c e in R wv aa rn d a b ro k e n t J u v e n a l , s o m iiM ^ ^ o u t a f le r P r e s id e n t * w aa n d a a n d i l a b y a r i n i a n a o f .R w P flr.rii> ; Iw tn ry ^ .m rrirn f \ P re s id e n t C v p riiin Ntar^ — U .N . p e a c e k e e p e r s K titiru R U i d i e d l a t e W cc d n o ts d a y R w anda's- g o v e rn m e n t d c w h e n th e i r p la n e c r aI.sh s h cd w h ile m c c In te rn a tio n a le , c il- w y_,jhal c a u sed th e cra sh . j.rp o r t T h e , la n d in g a t K i g a l i 's air] n lif ic d d ip lo m a ts ,'s a id ■Belp,(nn 1-orcign M inistc " U w r u id a ii'‘g n v e r n m o n l S y c ia l A ffairs M i n i s l c r ■ _Ciae.v-called ^ , , J f - '- t a h o t . a n d [.S for a -strengliu J l ,- l l il l .' I N — p k in K rw a s ^ liu tr d o w ji..' d*T<d;i!<lngvfirhaB-liccTT— ^ihe OTN . •uuuiZ13nriirBwnni ''lU oiiitofS 'K aidthE ry-eouk r a i a - ’-------~pTTTcnTTritm-tti--vHse-lUe-,xi ) p re sid e n ts, bolh I lu lu s. 11 I,, I I T h e iwci n ----------- m ntKKi;iTinT7-Tcacn7t ii tiitrn m n ■Jt,-lf.i:.n tK-w s a g e n c y iTi ‘.“ " T - w e « ' o n 'r t e p h o n e in B u r u n d i 's iti T a ;iz jr ti.i lli:il w a s w o u jd tik e to se e ueffflOT in K w a n d a lak e 'c M n iriS I _■___ n u i e i a n d t h a t th e prc i c .c t h n i c h o s t i l i t i e s in* Kigali airport. ■ d e a th w a s b e i n a re p o r: ta a t- w J n ;n , llw ir - p la iii : - — 1 boenw uea c c id e n i. 'i'h c r e h a s be in R w anda in a blo o d less ■ s p r e a d c lh n i c f ig h t i n gj i.int B u r u n d , I 's g o v e rn m e n t said th e j'lj 1973. re a c h e d a p e a c e ac , „ . sin c c the n a lio n 's firslI H ulu p rc si/ a s - s h o t d o w n ” w h ile ' A ugu.sl.w ilh th e •form er R d e n i w a s - k i l l e d during: [-.ndinE " bny; u n id e n tified ele m e n ts I’a ifio lic ' F ro n t re b e ls, coi co u p last fall. ' is ta n c e s w h ic h a re s till m ainly o f T u tsi. But llie ct . U ilte r r i v a l r i e s bet> v a r io u s f a c tio n s h a v e f; m a jo rity H ulu and m in e id U .N . o ffic e rs, w h o arc a g re e o n a tr a n s itio n a l { ^Z.SOOTSoldier c g r o u p s h a v e m a d e b;)oth o t c e n t r a l ____ p e a ce k ee p - m enl. :th n ic b a llle . A fric an n a tio n s in lo ethi b r o u g h t j i i to m o n ito r T h e la t e s t a l l e n i p t c o g ro u n d s fo r d ec a d e s. R Rw w a n d a a lso ,h ^ H u tu - TTuu isl pcaciT accord, w ere Feb. 22 a fte r tw o polilicia sio n s am o n g h a s b een to rn by d iv isio c e ssjlo the w re c k a g e anti • a ssa ssin a te d . A n estim a te H u tu s o v e r a' p c a c e a c c o i d lh a I Jc o n f ir m w h e th e r ih e civ ilia n s d ie d in tw o y ears rm tenl sig n e d ■ H a b y a rim a n a ’s g o v e rm Ijih o id o w n . ,'i anti n ea rly 1 m illio n w e;re n fo rc eu ------- -with T u tsi-re b c b -b st-yyear:--------------e i: w ; i “n rin r^is c s ^ r c 'p o f le d h e a r i n g from Iheir hom es. :r / i v 7 E l V 1 In W a s h i n g t o n , , I h e a v y . w ec aa p o n s f i r e m o m e n ts r L A lth o u g h T u ts i m a k e; u' p o n iv C li n t o n s a i d R w a n dd aa s » c l;n E b e f o r e Ihh e p r e s i d e n t i a l p la n e s popuL.. . ^ 15 p e rc e n t o f B u r u n d i's p rim e . m i n i s l e r . _____^ f [“J .- *;— cr.t.shr i l , ,lh llici - S r c n c ii- E m b a s s y - in — c_ c o u n iry ' ~ ! . t O €. "I u jn r H ie y ^ o n I r()lle c rtlic~ IS so U w itingiy am an a,'""w as s u g lil u u r - ^ - | l d. y,. until P re sid e n t M e lc h io r f t a n d m u rd e re d ” by R wv aanr d an se e n lo i c le a r w h o . if a n y o n e. — __ a H u tu — w o n ih e r rily forces. tro l o f K igali. C . , w a s in c o n tr seek f ji r s l d e m o c r a t i c e l e c llio i n la s t U .N . s p o k e s m a n Joo e S ills sa id In te n s e g. g u n fire an d e x p lo s io n s June. u e e B e lg ia n in N e w Y o rk lh a l thrci a c r o s s th e c i t y . U .N . A f t e r th e a s s a s s i n aal,i o n o f U .N . s o ld ie rs w ere repc e p o rle d s la in jjpo)^cj;man in M o c ta r G u cy c rep o rt- N dadaye in O c to b e r, a n e; estim a te d • tH jO , in,K ijjali.._ T h ey . w e rec a‘W = n ‘ly upht^nc early in ih c d a y ,— ith n ic v io ^ -1: ^ ^ -in n ;n o rT p e o p ie -d ie d i» eti! a b d u c te d by m e. m nib e rs of ,a i d that hat th ere w ere re p o rls o f _ ,le n c c _ a n tl,J ,m illio n fledd to o lh e r ' ......... R w a n d a 's - p r c s i d c n"lti. " * - 8 \‘*‘.r<l- hou.sc-loM•hico u se k illin g s a n d th a t : n a t i o n s . " N 'la r y a m ir a . j3 9 . w a s i n d m in is a lo n g w ith th re e C a b ir ’s s t r e e t s w e r e e m p ty e le c te d p r e s id e n t by- Bu B u r u n d i’s n c o n fifm e d l e r s . T h e r e w e r e unC' >r s m a ll, q u ic k - m o v in g N atio n al A sse m b ly in Jai ian u a ry ~as rc p o rls -o f-o th c r-U rN T Tr~^Tnhir~a~rn>yd~AVlTh— j jm issin g , b ills siuO. a n d clubs. c iv ilia n 'g t) v e r n m e n l. Tl r h e T u ls i A p t m in is , T h e w h e re a b o u ts o. rf the t a s w c can s e e ,'it seem s slill d o m in ate the arm y. l e r s r e m a i n e d u n ki n co w n . B u t — 'HIp le o n c e : v th fir n ttg e ah yfbr 'a 'xftan} enHtTif.^The O ut u td o IB B IM B o fr ^ ^ m S I m jK M c e r lu u r ~ ^ B K vi«g~SBettorris-ce eso u rce be tt va lu able res everuon e~ffbtn <i se w h o mrselfers to those fe s s io n sk help from profei i» w i t h s. W e'll help you ie a s o n formation and ide )K a n g e ~ . iw~io maKe th a t cKi G H B | | | S p e c ia l Watch for this Sj x t ion-ir r thir Thur aril 1 4 th issu e oof ' I h e mes-News. Tim ^aejFtheori[l^s increasise^inMexdco & n s p i r a M ario*A burlo M artriiez ,;“g } cl c lo se ■ deiail; dislracl h is . W ci M E X IC O C IT Y (A P ) — in C o io sio ’s ssecurity fatal shot. ei i s m i r r h a b it : —s u a r d s - itnid d - h c lp th e I rig g c r-m a n ,-. enough-for-thc M exico; political cynicisn dcnlial candiTlic m u rd er o f prcsider losio h as only dale Luis Donaldo Colosi o n the s tre e t d e e p e n e d s u s p ic io n s on lhal unseen hands arc m m;anipulating politics, the p olice andd llthe liv c s-o f _____ human bein g s.* _______ , M exico's- ru lin g p airiy rty , ih e PR I; through has held pow er for 65 years yc: populism , and a blcnd,of.patronagc.-pop ■' rVli.AlwJlll.\ .iiu .11 q u iek tff* spiracies. . . • believe in )>olilical eonspii ^ R i g h t l y o r w r o n gg lly , m a n y M e x ic a n s b e lie v e lhlaa t P r e s id e n i ' C arlo s S a lin a s dc C oirtari rta a c tu a lly iial e le c tio n . ' Sizes 4 - 7 losl the 1988 prcsid cnnii: j He w as declared the w/inner inr — afler Black. In d itio &: SStto n o w o o d _______________ ................ ^ a c o m p u te r b re a k d o wwn n — w ilh a bare,m ajority. (]ujck w iakc_ i_____ ______________ ...... ._ M cxican s_ arc also _quJ Sizes 8 - 1 4 ------ ---------------- a n y s ig n o f o ffic ia l ccoorrru p tio n o r ■" Black: lndtgn\H^-Bl rB ic .ic h -- ------------------ — confirm ation unexplain ed d e a th s 'a s; cc: steim i t s e l f is th a t th e p o litic a l sy stc untrustw orthy. STUDENT _. S a lin a s h a s tr ie d lo s h o r e u p IndiKQ. Black. DDark ar G re e n . Slonew ash -im age by fir^ fl^W I M exico’s sagging self-im ing co rru p j o r fra u d ulen k n lly c le c ltd ________“ n 'e c o n c m i c ” ^—3 ~ ~ ~govcrhors. b y ' cn d in g 'aan rg"juiiiliiy“th e ~~i IDSI! --------- — R U C rS E L E C T ID r S b b 's + Baggy 5 8 0 's N o r th A m e r ic a n F nre e T r a d e Agreem ent. O ld -s ty le p o litic iain n s arc b e in g re p la c e d a l to p le v e;|s ls by y o u n g , crats although w ell-edu cated lechnocrai in ia p o l itic a l ___ th e o ld g u a r d re m a in ----- forcc.----------------- — m pp lis h m e n ts T B ut th o s e a cco m ||H f h a v e n 't a l l a y e d c y nl iicc i s m a b o u t C oIosioZ i-U w tht_.^___ Policc_have' na'mc_d ■ ^ v cirin d lv ld ;----------- 1------- ■ d e f — includ‘I uals in C o lo sio 's m urder • ' > ' . in g a f a c i o r / w o r k e rr,, a: o n e -tim e ■ O rigin.il B uH onT ly— -----------lard and th ree n ig h tc lu b s e c u rity guarc g ■ fo rm e r p o lic c o f f ic e:rs r s ,. T h e y , s a y m ore people w ere involve )lvcd. fi 1 ' M an y M e x ic a n s s u s fp e c t c s ta b n s ta n iO ld ________ Io_ O unon Fly - B lack & ln< the Jished trolitical g roups,. including in r bbehind those ■ —govcjrnmcnt ilsclf, w ere . arrested. ' ’ ■■ * - “r.tliin k lt- w a s the ggoo v e rn m e n t;''^li, B taclC B lM C liod. O liv e Z ip p e r Fly - Slonew 'ash; s a id P e d r o C h a v e z , o w n e r o f a ___ . ■ ' ' d o w n to w n n e w s s ta nndd, . '^ T h c r e 's hind th is.” 1 som ethin g very b ig bchin lowerful p o liti’ “T here arc a lot o f pow » . S37.99 «ggZ ip p e r Fly ; S lonew ash, B lack osio wa.s talkcal ijnicrcsls. and Colosii ■ in g to o m u c h a b o u tt dd e m o c r a t i c . JlIbaC -didn'L . 1 rcfo im s," Q ia v e z s a idL.il suit Ihem ."' _______ , - . • ._________ lo_ Baggy Fit - P leated T he sev en m en namled ed by authorir ■ ' • l a u l h c sniJ.____________ ■ “ " I t’s m uch b ig g er lhanI thal.” th: . . . 1 lis R iv era.said 1 B ank clerk Jo se L u is : - S'Sll'S. S f.o'S & SILVER R TABS________ '° C o lo s io w a s p ro m is in g . to o m any 0 0 m an y encc h a n g e s, an d m ade loo i c oo ’s r u lin g m ic s w i l h in M e x ic Inary Party, or ^ -O v e r la n d — _ _ lostitutio n al Revolulidnai B U R L E V - 1263-C 25 Mafii Al»e. W. T W IN F A L L S - 125 PRI. p J lL T f K L S l I X d r e l L . . “O ith S a lin a s,”_____________JR U P E R T , _ -‘•JJe.w n s b rc n k in g w it ---------l tf r & m r tt r S ti ----------S t f t W h a V e b e e n ^ I — :— RTvcra“ s a io . " l i t o u l d rdered il." S alinas h im se lf w ho ordei tig a lo t-s sa y G o v c r n m e n l i n v e s tij — th e r e ~ 'w a s j p l o m c r - • • IE l P P 7 I BSSlSA ~M_JVA ^ ANS 5 5 0 JEil % m ANS________ 5 5 0 JEA 2 ^ 5 5 0 & 5£ 6 0 JEANS d e n iw FiSHORTS-iMK s " S h r in k - to - JEANS MK JEANS,^^ J ^ S S I 5 0 1 PRE-SHRUM I - R eelax ed i F it W SS3 5 5 0 I JEANS i iiose F it - Lo< V iytil 5 6 0 • JEANS J SILVER TAB» « A N S 5 6 0 I1 DENIM SHOORfS^ ) . , ^ ■- m IcVialleyf i s c o na p a i i jV m o Y ^' e s t o .'Jf w i n IF a l l s -IflPOUIIm l 4 P l a s t i Ic J h e v aa lle y B y S can L . M cCarthy. Tim es-N ew s w riter ,_XW IN_FALLS - RolLqut o u tjlie .rc d ,^ rp c U ^ ‘ but m ake sure it’s p lastic and 100 percent reS S 9 S ~ I \ - - cyclablc.--. - - '. V . lu rt re le a s e s ' 13y rhld-M uy.'the Tw ini-Falls' Fj area .will be ' ets (U.S.A.) Limit- ^ 9 | H home to Plastic Slip Sheets ed , an in te m a lio n al rhanufi nufaclurcr of, yes. plastic slip sheets. ' . fw in Falls man was rcI 1 , S A L M O N - A Twi vide an alternative P lastic slip sheets providi pending a May leased on S I00.0000 bond b traditional wooden form o f slacking to the irat o f first-degree 17 arraignm ent on a charge c! pallets used for w arehousecSlorngc. SI arch 23 slaying o f his | I m urd er fo r th e Marc! )ss ;said the compaV icc President Bob Ross ! business partner. actn ring-operatiuu.^ [j S M T;kc:np aTigh.-5-2r T y -a c ^ -------; ! Jon M leh acl I'uuki from D enver lo T w in Falls. J ie n B. S w afford, 42, Is. B gW M cused o f k illin g ' Alie will-bc-w orking-in— A b o u t 20 em ployees will ! also o f T w in Falls,>. aaH cr an argum ent at ihw csl C rane R ig * '~ flB lB B 'jheic.cam p sitc.aIom n g the Salm on R iv e r. - — the wcfil e n d -o f-th e Northw lg on Addison Av:sL(o fS h o u p .:_ ._____ _____ __g in g jm d Storage building c about four m iles w est _ J ock C reek Canyon. _ __ _ ei pue W est, j ust west o£Rock : •_ S w a f f o r d d i e d -.oo f a s iiiK lc .t-u n sh o t i wouiuUcLlhgJhtfsl— VC |personnel, how- I m W ' Sales and adm inistrative l>e<ircd Tliursday before ! Peckcnpaugii appoai w fo H lie -jlrst-y ea r— '--------------L rcm h rC o u m y rM nagis g i tra tg -Fi ed ' Siiuo k;— ^— i jound over for trial be- ' o f the transition, h e said. w ho ordered him bou: ialy u 9ed4^-Wflstio— n r a n c r t f i m l O T r ------------ --[^o'ss ^ i d : ’ -------------irl'ja---v tti'at'TO K c^ll ^uIjg ir S --------- " “ T K e T T a le lis K c1n T itinl'lan d tlll w a s tir" [DOo,“ bursnooic saio nc* — “•^Wc nrc’tolcfri'g 75010111101 -------r p"'bond be sct-afS5075W p roducls,"'he said, • nnd turning it into new proi st and set the bond at rejcctcd the request i Ually friendly and ' -J.", " I t's a very environm ental: 5 1 0 0,000. H e saidJ P eckenpaugh p osted • conscious program .” y ’s hearing and was rc______ j9 _____ 1. . . . . __ bond arter Tlmrsduy’s ill'w a n t to wof); • P la s tic S lip 'S h e e is wvill leased................... ased A m erican Rejointly w ilh T w in Falls-basci and Sw afford’s Peckenpaugh, Swvaftord af and more efilcient cycling to m ake it easier anc g irlfrie n d , V ic k ie: A . Pullm an o f T w in x y clc their malcrifor local businesses to recyc :o sot Falls, had planned to si up a h ot dog stand liv e r at Halfway Gulch als, R oss said. along the Salm on Riv( t cornerstone in the- ^ S S u "W c w ould like to be a co to feed fishermen. aho-Oregon-W ashrecycling cfTorts in the Idaho ington area," h e said. )hone trucks Mutual Telephi amict for the 1993The com pany has a conmi filer office stolen from Filf 94 fis c a l y e air w ith J.RL. S im p lo t C o. o f ; --------------- F I L E R - " B r c a teirrbrcakcrrone-nine'.*’ cl B oise, he saiB. Those w ords on their the fieet radio alerted ;ram w ith Simplot, In a 2>4-year pilot prograr )hone Co. ofilcials that Filer M yiual Tclcphoi Sim plot 1.47 milPlastic Slip Sheeui sent Sii som ething w as w rong n g 'Tliursday afternoon, is, and Sim plot relion pounds o f slip sheets, i e y learn ed o n e o f the - -— A ro u n d 2 :4 5 Ihey for recyturned 300,000 pounds ooff plastic f :rv ice trucks had been c o m p an y ’s fo u r servi f cling, he said. > • -!V 1 M anager John Gunn, stolen, said G eneral allows the compaLocating in Tw in Falls all , ANOYARENZm** TVn»».Nn»» ily was seen throughout The truck evidently w ilh other ny to p u rsu e s im ila r c o ntracls n tr Ic S lip S h e e t s w ill m a nlu u lf a c t u r e i t s a lte r n a t i v e tt<o th o w o o d e n p a lle t In1 1t h i s A d d is o n A v e n u eI W ie s t b i/lld in g un* P l a s tic with the ihieves the area ailer being; stolen, sto food industries, he said. some o fth e m ick 's conlosing o r dum ping son)ise ,fpLre.cruiirnent d e r r e r __________ ____ ____T w j ^ F a l l s ^ a t out Boise on cs”a n d a * c lip b o n rd ; .......... .......Tcnts'“ la d d c rs ; conc said Dave o f P lastic Slip S h eets to) Idaho, id Stales has only a lumd;ilcs Tliough the U nited1 Stu :ompany secs annual gross s;ilc lems were found soullilional, T hat trusion, the com Gunn said. T hose ileir conom ic develop- g o t (in1 ’T w in Falls) w as cxccptiot M cA lin d in , th e c ity 's ecor ;el imanufacturers, Ro.ss annually, Ross said, _ ful o f plaslic slip shcel ,mated Sugar Co. facloupward o f 52; million mi cast o f the Am algam a deciding factor.” w as a de m a it director. lain com pelilion comes lion said the industry's main my also takes in almost 5 millio H astic S lip The company f c n tly k n o w n a s b o th Pla: ry, he said. C u rre ' " W c w e re lo o k in g a t b o lh B o ise an d .......... .......... cost $24 000 in 19H9.mcrican-Ex— pounds4>fcte^d . (U.S.A,)U m ittfd-antUs-Am c ___________The m ick..w hich1 cc . Twin,” RQ8s . 6.ii< I^ U h i 9 ku] phi behind the compn'^ __ _________was taken from ripht Main St., he s a id . n y 's o n iccs at 405 Ma; "breaker, breaker, oneAfter li)jaring the: "b the thief, or niije" chatter, Gunnn assumed a thieves, were juveniles iles. / B y .William B ro ck ___ ___ tl . - He disconnected J Ucellular phone in t l i e -- ~ T im t» -N e w s w riter . could not m ake calls on van so the thieves cou reported finding a ccllu-V, " 'it.'SH erifTdeputies rcpt lal company’s work ' . ' . TW IN FALLS - A canal i ly afternoon, but G unn .. la r phone T h u rsday a — ia never done..--------=-----------cr iiit came from the van: - ' was not sure wftetljcr ivin Falls Canal Co, ' .v Over the winter, the Twin • U~'~ ■ spent about 5780,000 dollars lars on safety, cnvi^-------- :--------------------ighborhood Rogerson NeigI m provem ents-to-its- -rrrr-— ■ - ronm enial and delivery impi ng~tonight Watch meeting system. Tlie w eather was mild mi and company " , B y R aym ond D . M VicAlpin e/ Milner Dam all tlie employees w ere busy from1 M residents • ROGERSON -iRRogcrson-area oi espondent__________________ _ kl _ Tim cs-N ew s correspc >rilirtg-tt>-pQmpfln^ lip n N o ig h h n rh n n H _______w ny in rnstltrfnrH .’ nrcordi _________in «:i»lling-j M anager Vince Albcrdi. iviied to a mccling at 7 W atch group arc invil nslniclion detay.s on ' HAILEY ^ Conslr ilishm enls, A lbcrdi r P roud o f th eir accom plisi toniglit. iftlfl Itfd 0 T hu reday■— ond-othcM onipany-efB ««l& ---------* s-pl«e-in-ther6rti-4og------— •ones so far. provides water for '. tour'O f the system, w hich1 pr almon Dam Tload, said , cabin church o n Salm ■ D riv e rs u s in g : Id Id;a h o 75 th ro u g h illey cropland. 202,000 ncrcs o f Magic Valle; S g t. B ill M c D a n ie l o f th e T w in F a lls iheerm s e lv c s fo r th e y H a ile y b r a c e d th A m ong the higlilighis: epartmcnt. County ShCfifTs Depa struction began this ^ w orst w hen co n stru canal has been re- .— • 41 m iles o f m ainline: cn sidenls arc inviled to a H olljstcriarea rcsidi rall > d riv e rs sa id the w ee k . B u t se v e ra iciency. Rocks were shaped for better flow cfTlciei similor m eeting at 7 pp.m, April 19 at Holonly a m inor.incon- . ___ ^ _ construction w as o'nl iks were shorcdjip^- saBBsechnol. ------------------- —__rem oved and eroding banks .lister Elcm fntory.Scho Kt venience. ilong the main canal Several m iles o f dirt road alor 'csidenis interested in a M urtaugh-arca resi( through here every Y "1 tlon’t d riv e th r ved. •.. itch group will m eet at • ••-banks has also been improved N eighborhood W atch jgh to gel a sense o f day. but it's enough ty. Ipre-cast concrclc • Dozens o f high-quality, lyHall, 7:30 A pril 13 at City h so C le m e n ts, w ho tr a f fic .” sa id Jaso n __Vhcadbcxcs” h aycbccnji^ialj >talled to deliver wa- ' - - com niulcs from C'nre arcy -at least iw icc a — ------farmers’ fields. " * ^ ler from lateral canals into fan _____ Hailey shop rai raises money 1:— - — w c e k .-" lf this- is as ro u g h as ifg c is , • -Several lateral canals and hcadboxcs have _ ii'.ll be a p iccc o fccake." ak limal shelter to support anin ay ffrom roads. As a Vj been relocated farther away on. scheduled lo end —J jThe conslruciion. in ruvhat is being touted as result, a pair o f flood-pronec intersections in H A IL E Y - In wha wnjjAM aROCK/Th* ncnM-NM w il ill w id en m osl o f by la te A u g u s t,‘w Valley’s Thrift Store o f the “W ood R iv er Val ral areas should be safer. )ur 1lanes. It w ill also M ain Street to four l i s t e n s a s M a rty G e r g o n 1., th e 9 0 s ,” th e lo c a l a n im a l s h e l t e r ’s icttling ponds have T w in F a lls C a n a l C o . Ma n a gjee rr V in c e A lb o rd J, lo ft, llsl _• A trio o f sediroent setti an c 'b c rw c c n -M y n le ----------- ^ ------— irrc lu d c a 'T u m ’ la nc' a s tleford.^ • a 'p 6 I n tT h u r « c I a y n 'ea Y C a ,------- — “ N dm o n Barkus"-opct jpcns-today:------------------- --- '■ •airs, lTie’pc>nds, lo- c o m piaa n y o n g ln o o r , m a k e s a'p " b e e n built west o f Tw in Fall* th lo Silreel on the north Ic A irport W ay on - .....Ills not-fl.pcL5torc._ c._________________________ ' — cnted-on-privQie land,-arer a 1coopcrativc'vcn-...... id itio a before the irrigation sc. seathe south, indcrgiuand in prim e condit 'c fuel that seeped from iind T h e d o w ntow n H Haailey shop at 111 N. tu re b c tw e e n th e c a n al co m pany an d the rem ove gear. Several backhocs weree in [Hailey residentt D Diiana Drussel said :ompany has son hits high1 gc over the years, the cotr storagec tanks t Ilecting donated g oods M ain S tr e e t'is collec landowner.l u r ^ y , cleaning and straightei vait in traffic b ut was tenslie cxpecled to wait bacteria to operation Thurs aboul 550,000 for hungry’ bi from local residentss to raise money for tlic installed COimprove S J l >-up4oos».ftwl;J .♦ Tw o weirs have been insi E ltcw hrrc, trnrlnrs u.r.: i:cic------- impr«fw«d-flt-how-w iW-M«Jl-«h»-constRJo-'------ :— lavo-alroody— iog4atcr a I< aoalt.^ ana lh«-tank6-hav --------------^Animal-ShultoF^— ^ atcr in lateral canals, accuracy for m easuring water iller canals wilh sturdy iriangul; scouring smallei ular lion w as organized. :d. ............... cmovcd. llin g collectibles; sportThe shelter is sellin T he w eirs a re essentiallyy lilow dam s in Ihe ve jgot th in g s p rcity i"I think th e y ’ve mcrcte headplows. )ther improvement is that conci arcs and clothing. Resiing goods, houseware: f canals. Falls Canal Co. has about 80 f\il ol. T hey arc m oving hillwell under control. - are The T win Fall pl boxes - which used to be cast inI placc cs th » _________d ents o r b u sin esses I at w ant to d o n ate cea-and anotlier dozen-seoMn >nal along at a pretty good goo clip ," she said, let-for-getlmg-work- nowrbdi ihop.-The re*—timc-cmployccjj ------- ^ T his-w ar a good-winlet^! d n g pie-casfat'thc central sho] store al 726-6738 or item s m ay call tbee si said. "I w as plca-santly surprised." su r cltcr quality, employees, Ailtcrdi llx was an open w inter sultant: hcadboxcs, h done,” A lbcrdi said. "It was which ^ o f bcltc lie ja pick up. 788-4236 to schedule le network o f canals in goodI rfC" ;he state Transportails 1to deliver Keeping the r lA ccording to the : and w ? got a lot done.” m installed on lateral canals are then the ative because urban sprawl is i ,in-ii tii>n D epartm ent, the m ost disruptive cholders. pair is impcrativ for individual company sharehc m provem cnts took water foi ___ S o m e o f th e w in te r impi !s 1registration_____ - S e x offendet-’s -com pany's potential:liability-i ruclion-w ill b c sto rm - --— ; y-iHj --p arta-o f-th e ^ o n stru cl imfpany-cm-—creasing Oie-coi w rh l^ liriria m lc ^ Far”Tftronrcaslng-off.-canal-com p lncc-at lhc com pany’s TTw poned for week . nancc shop and yard. at 401 i-floodrhesaid:----------------------- '■ sii'^er placem ent aiid arid w o rk on gutters, hearing'postpo ; thc system- the_evcntofa-flo :s are_still bustljng to hayc-^ iOI 6ih Avc,_W..To: _ployecs' ' . a ir b s and sidew alks. lip . ^ ..... -Tlic prelim inary hcar. T W IN 'FA L L S -- n iHcmale construclion J jW orkers will aller ’cd with failing to regis- • ing for a m an charged .lain ' 0 ^ cach side o f M air Street lo rcducc ler has been postponed , ter ns a sex ofTender an d busincssthe disriiption to trafTic traf for 0 week, :x p cctin g m an u factu rin g p a r s a i d L a r r y C o p e , p r e s i d e n t co f C l e a r es th a t a re exp B y M ic k N o n n in g to o Fifth D istrict Mlag ag istralc B arry W ood a rg e g o o d s. T h o se item s ai a n d o th e r larg g s F o o d s in B uhl, S prings ivcr. M ain Street will T im c s-N c w s w rite r io*^n ' W hen it is all over, in g Thursday after say' continued the hearing I ly s h ip p e d th r o u g h u n io ic v a l l e y 's t r a d i t i o n a l l y Id a hhio f o o d p r o d u c e r s , th e le w tr e e s , b e n ch e s, alpo sp o rt 2 80 ne K cpt a docum ent tliat a ing he could n o t occc| m ss, C ope soid. _ ____ th e ir tru c k in g firm si s t c m p lo y c rs .- g c n c ra lly' Ship ~(Z b ik e r a c k s a n d;-ddee c o r a liv e - s tr c e l deputy prosecuting nl*' ------- T-W4N t F A L L S — M a g iic -V n llc y -b u s i— b ig g e;si Twin Fnlls C ounty' dc t-F tm c .n "t ^ 6ds~has. sh ip p ir e ip e n d e ai-:— U n iv c rsa l-F ■ n e s s e s a r e n 't fe e lin g mnuc uch im p a c t fro m f o o d p r o d u c t s t h r o u g h 'i n ddc Street face lift is part J? lights. The M ain Strc nit iQs ovidencc. -— tom ey tried to submit : -W th a -s m a ll-g ro u p o f loc: in g s F o o d s a g r e e m e n ts ^ ;crs th e n a tio n w id e -T e a m ste rs strik e , n o w in tru c k e rrs , h e -sa id .- C le a r Sprinj; M Im provem ent Diskvns supplied byvNorth T he d ocum ent wns •ted ® u tru c k c rs a n d is unafTectc ihips m a n y o f its g o o d s on its o w n in d e p e n d e n t t d u stry e x e c u tiv e s also sh: leration w ith th e Idaits fo u r th d a y , a re a indus ’ trict done in coopcra Dakota officials as! pprro o f o f Steven Keith so fa r. s a id1 S am L o w m a n , U n iv e r|ial tru ck s. 5. ent. say. ho T ransportation1 Departm Dt Shoup’s convictiona fo fc r “grosft sexual imr T h e; 5strik e sh o u ld ,o n ly affc c:tt b\ u sin e ss" W c d o n 't se e m to b ec fe ft elin g it a t a ll,'’ P le a s e S 0 8 S T R IK E /B I • late. D eputy Prosecutor ' position" in thnt siate id. John Lothspeich Mid. )nkota docum ent h ad a Bill the N orth Dak n b e r fri>m o th e r docudifferen t cnsc numbc ! _____ f rn mT in Hi tn frw d w ira rg p flrta --------ring pQbtlc laiid;» llir tJiv iic.\ - t v e r y o nle e W h o U iiiTCPfisrca m se eir l i * O llice, ^ tcr_to “th tl ^ S h o s h o n e U is tn c t bILM B y M ichacl HofTerbcr c o m m e n t p ^ riod'on ihc^ ndi- ■ A 90-day public con ike this happen, either as ind sting a land transfer to theC ccity b e in- som ething like cnt ^ suggcsti T im cs-N cw s correspondent icgnn A pril I and c loscs Iters B ennett Hills plan bcgn IS ggroups, ought to w rite lettc eludedJ in i its m anagem ent plan for the Ben- viduals o r as kept J u l y l . asking that the option be kc to the B L MLas [ills R esource A rea. . ounded b y federal nett Hill S H O S H O N E - S u rroun "C ouldn’t w c ju sitt ask ai fo r all th e public ive a sin g le opcn .".h esalid. id . n c o ln 'C o u n ty d o e sn ’t have ne plans to ask the “ Line land, th e city o f S hoshone unty?" suggested coun' )cn- land in Lincoln Count] m sfers arc included in the Be I f land transl Ition site,” H aught said, m ent to give it land rccrcatii B ureau o f L w d M anagcmci en.h e y cilm an Joe Andreasen.lan n ow in d ra ft fo rm , lh< B2 urse o r som e other “ A g o l f c o u r s e c o u ld s tre nngg th e n th e n e tt H iils p la O b itu a rie s fo r a m unicipal g o lf cours< e, a " It m ay ta k e th a t m uch to build a g o lf cted u p o n so o n . O thC jw ise, 'be e v en D i- c o u ld b e nctei m y o f Shoshone, and m aybe econom — B3-------_____ • Mini-C a s s ia ' o ncd. ' VC. coursc,” H aught retonc Id ttake m any yeors to approve said.-A- site • transfer could — C o u n c ilm aHnaught - K c n nraised ^ Ht the etrich aand R ichfieldiV 'H aught sat s, tl the council en d orsed ' In oth er busin ess, igem ent pla n is designed toI ddc^ronriate. h e T he manage) ^__ ; ____L fig l s l a t l v g l o g r i t y PrtVnrtl__snuthw t T .:r. .. te rm ln c la nId d u^ se o n th e rc so u rc c jire a ■I'eed to'w rite n 'lc tsaid. ■ m celing. Tlie^colincirngi'ee P le a s e s e e G O L F /B 2 ' ^ p ia • B u s in e s s ^> ^ — B 4 ------- ’- T o r ---------------------- ^— ; Salmon cdui 00,000 bond man on $101 | Canal ccompanly leads5tour off repairsI] Ilaiiiley’s p i "^roacl \work ayed dela] LOtyet fellIt in M ag Valley Truckerrstnke IW c Shoshonlie eyes tlraiisfer cofB L M iacreage]for golf course IS____L l_ i L Z : Z 0 -2 14 ifa, Idaho • Friday. Aptll 0, 1994 T imo5-N ow 5,Tw lnFQ lf3,1 Aeti-ga}lyinitlatiive coorddlnator ssays spe£akermo]orally soift I GOPPbid ::::_tiinL mtics=^ semai ?hen they realize w hal fe w o< p tio n s u n d e r fed era l reegj u la•ts lo put pie s u p p o rt il whe Roberts has led local efforts at a n e w s c o n f e r e n c e Ri Idaho Citi* s to re , s a id al ULACKTO O T — T he; ici )ns in p ro v id in g M cdicaid f tions il is,” he .siiid. IC rm easure on ihc ballot.. “ C urrently* w e 're nol the Idaho coo r- W ed n esd ay ,. "i zcns A llia n c e ’s caslcrn Ida said Sim pson has nol forr abortions, at ;n 's sole Robcrt.s also sai Il m av not be the cam paign •wtill-n o t-lw —<v>ing-icpre;ien ;cnicd-4i-all-aLJili:'_5!Ll!e_-_lL ------d ln n m r s a ^'.’Tpa >- right5-w 0 oppose ld a litr?rusc ^O irT 11' )th< rri!;5uc5rR obcns p n m p io n :* -. don(i.xiiuusli_lgL£ ......... focn ' ' ilid lo upsin level:" thu m ajor ii>suc in niv I’.id illy cul______ mpwn^K-cffori_la_draiiiiiiicalJj no^ney io r aborltnTtir: S im p c initiao f'M c d ic a id moi iltspoken opposition lo the 3 1, filed la s t w ec k 'to ; oilts ichaci S i m p ' 'R o b e r t s , 31 Idaho Hou-sc Speaker Miclii' operty taxes by requiring the ted the speaker 's opprope lallentie. A nd he criticizcd wblk-H«-j>fi— ctiuUfengo-.'vimj ' Mill"nt' liic" im d'nltT ratJllirschoot-T ipw i'9*Jirb'ill“V etpe'cnsy • io Tfill rttc rs in posm t^ri to.a" i*)' son. iL B lackfoot d e n tisi,'' AiLnd n d h e p r e d ic te d m o st vrtt .— - n ijry^ Simpson iiiary. iSlS. )V. Cccil A ndnis. lhat costs, Jutie an d-B ingham co u n ticcss agree D em ocratic tiov. llipson a lso is c o n ip le linng g iiis 'fifth le g isla tiv e Butt d o n e.”- ; " BOISEX AP)) — T he R cpubli-, ___ _ . . Juhii Kut}cns.:>uiij S im p " I t 's th e b e s t Illing h e ’s du "H -• w o u ld h a v e 'e rre r e atcd th e n a t i o n 's two-iem^ Dem o; Its b e e n H ouse sp ea k e r w•■ilh ith his’position.can b id tg'ou'sl[ tw< noral issues, - t e r m . H e has - hus hccii Mift-on o th e r mor; said. _ _ • _ _________ anli-aborlion law. '__ R pjb'crts bi _’ni lierc. m ost restrictive: ar " ll’s one o f the rea.sons I’n r cs:s s m u n - L a r r y ------------cl n wiMild be sin cc 1992. tjnd his icgislalivc d istrici Dushcd ' C o n g rc But lie'a lso said Sim pson pu e. to see a m bvem eni , Bui "1 w ould like.t .ippi.i:.-i^hi-_lii:ihti r.iti- nlO o d<o u b t.” R o b e rts s a id . " I n my tu rned lo sem an- ____ _ LaR occo has turn •thc~L cgiiili i ' ' ■ SinipwHWipj M) I w h icl>-AvaW.^ppfo vc d .b : viJl Oe a u) g e t th a l'u ijcC T; nrrt crf~Tip"tt^ t n r* ~ t Ime4)ill, loor-to-door cam paign, ii wi; :c teffort lo put an inilia- doof Jer. -zens A lliancc - tiiro’s tiKisi.powerful leader. ilv hergislature th is year, prim aril) Legi.s Roberts said. irong issue to hil.liim on.", o ’s N ovem ber ballpt lhal slror lo bc •tivc'^on Idaho's F o r m e r G OPP Lt. ^ G ov. David .•. ,"I w ant m ilhing m ore: than th use it is an_ciection y ear an id' thj: 1990 a b o rtio n causc S im p so n ,sa id ■Sim l i it l l ic ~extenst6tl~orcivil Si pson'L m ot-so^urc. . . - . t 7 ''R o l ^ l i sT~ w ould prbluliil • L e r o y T h u rs rs d id a y a c 9 u se d niVyi)TccLuGniLOiM rict.;i; icw-AndniSAVoiild vf.tn it___L d ; flnd-4h‘p-*uto.haK- knew in k '-ih cm ajo rityro -t f- p e o - - b ilf - w its n n w cfd; :iion tcriiomoscxuals. — - - ••rdon'rth -j in c ltf d iiig '“ nTts^ ^ _______ _;_LaK o^co ok incl tc le p jjo n c rights-proteciio ' w ho o w n s a B la c k fo o t Ic p u s tu iiiig S la te * ' - - . ^ “ le'ffdlng-ond '-pus Dis— -------• - m ents’ -in-a.m lailing-to-lRt ailii 'C trict residents on the availabilicd incom e credit ty o i the earned I incom e taxes for against federalI inc 52,0(M) valid signatures arce jgathcrious crim e and one If 5 saying d ophilia is a serii ds. Jones and M iller have, is op riaie, tliey ’re w ron^. Ms. lahoans. , ' L•^S-VEGAS (A P) —• M ayor Jan o n ly inapprop pprove low income Idaho :d by June 21, and voters app cutcd : ls Clark Couniy ered I ut homo- which he prosecut there's nothing immoral about :1, and ih e y ’.re hate and "ibei int focused on the )regon-bascd th e y ’re, cruel, Jones has confronted an Oreg '■ H is com plaint f question in 1994 and11996, 1 the: ballot br id cross- districi ;ittomey. cxual activity, lesbianism and ing against both the gov* 'scxu worded the mailvho accused fear-mongering ant»-yay rights activist who uld be w ay LaR occo woi N evada-.C onstitulion w oul ones are running for thec N M iller and Jon ressini*-" ■■y.lU.’dtc.siiii}-..:!----------oliliciank-u£—cm ot.oiuiroysd jals do ing, the form att it w ^ as in and the angcd to say that homosexual Tiocrats. Tlie two leadchang tin s ih.it gowmmr a-i RrrM ' M M iller~ said M abon s ciaitr ludcd his picture.tion by supMabon hadd sscheduled a news conproniotiirg child m olcstatior teed to facl .that it includc lidates, b e tiu liliy Ul , iiu 1.4m condone in g G O P candid; lolitical figures in N evada cc rmh/-rQ n f IH.-^ho’v ________ at City Hall to polit ■ — RrpobHcan-mcmb nosexuals. ference on WVedne.sday et |x>ning civil-rights for homos icr minority groups. diculous State Cheryl L;mu and a Reno As.scmhly-'' olher hild mtvlesliilion arc so-ridii initiatives and Ms. Jones chil( delegation have :ir and ‘T a k e your hate and fear a lake it di.scuss the inii mployco n g ressio n al del Mabon said landlords and emj ns, also oppose the iniMa o in t fo r man Jim Gibbons, lial ihey m ake M ille r’.s poi Klics in their taxnes told Lon stepped %(Ut oj ff a; City Council meeling that soniewlie’rc else." Ms. Jones used sim ilar lactic i .. ■ ______ .erss w o u ld bc a b le to d isc rimTiinaie liative. J m: mailings. Citi- to resj^ond lo c o m m e n ts he made- him. Mabon, liead o f the Unitedd Slates Si nc and • payer-financed ainst hom osexuals in housing ying moJ l i e initiative is called Ihe Minority again: “Tlii.s group has an undcrlyir -id G ov. Bob Miller at a “1 iically political ii| _ • __ anization-for about her afid .. J t i - s is basical zeiK’AIIiancc,-parent organt: i-a»enipl— Status tmd-Gliilcj, TTinTnrwcck.---------- — ti\'a(l\'ation;-lHaRh'cy-doHH-c^i»-a e a r , c lia rg u d ~ • 'V:)iiii-gny r 'l ^ i s initTaliveS> in O fegon“ church‘ea'rircni a p o litic a l y ea ;hnnl»/wnitl<t not be ab le to, teach t ilicrnm m-itinn Sqhnt J-aml-in.__u.-ou!dJcgalizc-dh pcatcd-the^jnim enui-llul— n»-« la rrp w ty lo sl the Itlalui,-------------- -Mabon-rcpca ___ Ncvada,-Wa.vlungto»-unU-ItL»: Leroy, w ho narn out homosexuality. Nevada. ^ about pc-' homosexuals in Nc Dlerance." M iller s;iid, adding> lhal I r r ^r.m --gnnr t n _ r-ri nade arc not anyone who ^0jT£0sc^jiis_^^ op "The statem ents you mad ; c il A n d r u s and D e m o c ra t C ec -----------fa c e a-th rp e-chhuulllle n g e s in-.rhe - ------G O P conMay prim ary for Ihe i ,_grcssional nomnination, ina /h'6"iS”unopposcd-------------a ts w h o •_____ • ____ - • L a 'R c ^ o, who A T L A N T A f A P ) ^ Cat: rsh rnggcthjffT hc-------------m 'llieprrm aTS^fil oam new ly suburbanizcd are iting the value o f allegations, citing , grow ing source o f hum an i jn slitu e n ts aw are m aking his const ealth ofn the S o u ih w esl; federal hea if. (A P ) — s tru c tu re , a1 cco uple' h u n d red o f ave been reported. P A S A D E N A , C a lif. itcd Press have T h e A sso c ia te lity o f qualifying o f the possibility icials w arned T liursday. IC found in downtown • S y m p to m s o f the pla g u e :rs ;and older whiclj can be f .. , --M o d e rn 20-stoj7 towers for the credit o)fu f ujp to S2.364. ats were Before 1977, dom estic cat: ;s, the San F ernando um ans include the sudden oonset r uld collapse L o s'A n g e le s, concrete buildings could ut Ihuman plague; hum; m a k e f a m ilie s Facts about lot k n o w n lo I r a n s m il hh u m a n lie n o rth and O range fever, chills, headache, nau arthqunkcon V alley lo ihc during n m agnitudc-7 eartl ses o f hum an p la g u e o f fc o p p o rtu n ity lo aw a re o f th is5 op igue, the * 3 6 2 case; ilague, such as b u bonic piagi e south. But he said he ih Los AngeCounty to the s< nd s w o lle n ly m p h n o d e s. 1 aji existing faull bene;ilh L tro l an d reported in the U nited Slates sincc and burden." LaRoc• * ease their tax bur r e n te r s fo r D ise a se C o n tn dings below 20 .stories, ents should seek m edical trc sday. iKlieves buildin ticnt les, scientists said TljurMla officials have i.s' CO said. S tate offi 1944. ’revention reported. Bul sinICC o then, n aly sis lh a l including oldid ireinforced concrete A new co tn p u le r anal en im m e d ia te ly and tell th e ir sued sim ilar stater :atemenis. * F ro m 1199 4 4 -5 3 , o n ly C a li- mlent hey have been identified asi ccarriers four to eight storie.s, . hysician if their pet had reccr ound motion b uildings o f■fo .studied the kind o f groun zona an d N ew M exi- phys long-short confo rn ia, A rizot M eanw hile, a Ic n al lea.st 15 cases. at risk. , ^ anders quake could also bc; at ccn sick. recorded in tho 1992 Land GOP nomination, inc o r e p o r t eed d c a s e s o f h u m a n been lender for Ihc GO Cats pick up the disease from fn R esid en ts i n j h c j s m i ^ w _w_arncd lhat the s_ludy_ ^ id i'c-lcm blor___ Scientistsjvji ---------- and.ihis.yiiar-S-Nonhridi'i y.-challcnged-his-------- ^— --------^Sonny-K in««y,-cl cc te d -n e iis o r-ro d e n ls andJ p] a s s - i t ------ p la g u c _ S in ci cc c - th e n .lh e .d is c a s c ____ ilications for areas like aniculariy those in newly dev suggests buildings lhal meel me currcnt also H;ls im plic sn e n ts to p u b lic h a s sp re a d to ta N e v ad a , O re g o n , parti p rim a ry o p ponei m w hen they b ite, scra tc h1 o( r lick prtl Tfr»c^-chniilil-kt, P-------- ■clebates.'Burhee-said ^ | c h ..,s o .« c o San Francisco, seismic regulations arc at frisk. W a s h in g to)n n ., U lnhn. M n n ta n iu _Qpex] sa n o n e o rih c lum ans. Even the bre ath o)ff an inle area around their houses cl j _________:0^his-k-in»U»f-gr<iunt ;recd. W y o m in g ,. U ta h . C o l o r a d o , the others h ave agrecc ected cat, if it has m outhTlesions. t ' trash, treat their pels w ithI I Hall w as m meore optim istic aboul would du damage lu a significant si O k lahom a. o f tr the nom ination '• icria. T e x a s a n d Ok . A lso seekingg if ran iransm il the plague bacter awntown Los Angeles’ gs. I'm will- the fate of dowi ow d cr and p re v e n t th e anim fraction o f ihe buildings, 1977. 15 ca ses o f hu- pow. :a ts die, ' S in c c 19^ a rc p o litic a l-- aacc t i v i s t H e le n A b o u t h a lf o f in fe c tc d ca vords 'build- skyscrapers, the llu lallest o f which is :om roam ing freely. ing to say the magic won id form er Port of C henow elh and f m a n p la g u e tra t n sm itted by c a ts from nil the disease now is rarelyy 1fatal in Dhn H all, an 73 stories. ' ing collapse."' said John in a g c r R o n M c______ I L e w is to n m ana{ leople. ly tall ones are a lot P'Oj civil engi"T h e really associate professo r o f ci >. th e y Murray, om d e a d ro d e n ts o r fle a s, T h e in cre ase in tran sn iiss ssio n lo ju n k p ile o r a w ood pile outside from lUSC they have lo carry ' ‘' la IiInstitute o f stronger Iwcaus .......... ^ neering at the Cilifi^rnia an sm it In the G O P' prim pri ary race for iually d o n 't fall ill and tran lum ans is linked to the sub ib u rb an - w h e re ro d e n tss liv 1 e , rig h l al th e ir usual he Mid. "T here's a lot lething rnore " wind load.s,"'hC 'T echnology. " ll's someth to r’s nom ination, the stale auditor': to their ow ners. th ec ddisease i zation o f the Southw est, wh( ’here the -house,".hc said, , lg codes cur- o f reserve slrenj severe than our building c lie a c c o u n t Ron-................. sid en ts. c c rlifie d p u b lic )lag u e is c o m m o n ly fo u nndd , s a id " P e o p le tu rnn lliieir c a is out.' an d ' ' O Oaage rccom m cncled-lhat rcsii For ihe buil S l;^ a rris k ,H = .l KCennelh G a g c . a c tin g .d ireecc to r o f Idwell announced renlly contemplate.” Pollock o f C aldw th ey b rinlg g iinfected fleas o r a in new ne ly suburbanized areas o f lh e :v isin g building stan. 'm not trying .suggested rcvi Blit he ciiulioned: "I'm free voice ir o u n d the beginning o f toll i est k e e p th e a re a arc he C D C ’s plague section. ck to the house.” S oDuuthw l _____ dead ro d en t back ude-lnrgtft-boflmsrlarg— ^ n re - g o ir ^ o —dnrds-lb-includt ■' 'tw’imply our skylincji •ure b u lle tin bo ard a n d c o m p u te r bi e ir hou.ses c le a r o f Ira sh1.. tre a t " P eople are m oving o ul (In (ll T cm r------ Since 1 944. 3( 362 cuses of-hum an__th.eJl _ cr co lu m n s and an m ofe stabilizing get leveled." lav-to-solicit w ays ______ c if p e ls w ith nbT fpow dcrand nd-pre--------lines on-M ondayJ al a reas), b u ild in g new hou ou ses o r phigue h av e bee leen rep o rte d . In ihe their (t u- 2( ) ^ ^ r y — walls:--------------------------Fm it-n u lj^lo n k cd 'arn ICnlngi i p nu‘iliilc-hometir-T>w if -rep o rttn g r-th e -ilis— vcnU ----------------------- stsni ^ ovem m cnl. ly falls abuse o ut o f gove: A |p et o w n er w ho suddenly ' ease w a s foundd iiin only three slates; n u m b e r is 2 0 8 c, nauT h e v o ic e nui w ilh fever, chills, headache, izona and N ew M exi- ill wi C alifornia, A rizo coinputer'U ccess 454-1094. T hez co se:a a a n d s w o lle n ly m p h .mn o d e s ' CO. 1-345,-4987... Jmtejy,-____ num ber.is 20.8-34: louId sec k .trc atra cn ijm m ed K 9 8 4 -9 3 , Ihe d is e a s e shoul B ut fro m 198 bein g challenged ju ld ’bc Pollock is beir “ w as re p o rte d in 13 s ta te s , a s th e G age said. T h e physician shou la te S e n .. L ynn .b y .jf o r m e r .state Id if th e p e t had re c e n tlyy b ee n _ . . - . bacteri.T m o v e:d d ieastw ard ti) T ex a s lo ld R . Sandoval’ Tom inaga fo r• the the right to take Mortuary in Ruperl and Mfagdalcna ag ck. the Hansen M .sick, and a s far norlhh aas M ontana. Jo h n T. Haynes ifore the funeral on Monwj o n incu m b en t D Dicm ocral J. D. Few WENDELL Magdalena R.• 5SanFe' people in the U niled S ta te s T he pla g u e is unlikely to spread itViloYc (Ted) RUf’IiRT - John Thco'i bvem ber. W illiam s in Nove lurch. doval the p la g u e bec au scc m ost jval, 69, of Wendell, died Thurs ir%^ay. ^a^t o f - th e mlid id -P la in s sta te s' b c- d iec from f JiSJ-Tlmrsday: d«y Hayocs. H6| of Rupert, ilicc iw rec- ___________________ pril 7,1994. at the Green Acres!iCare < ly suggests memorial c o n -, April jc to rs in the Souihw cst now cau.sc the rodent; :nts carrying the bac- doctc nidoka MemoTlie family s April 7, 1994. al Ihc Minidi enter in Gooding. :ay bc made lo the Bundy Cente jnize lls .symptoms. G age saic Jing the deer m ouse, ognij rial Hospital in Rupcri of an a extended iribulions may ,d will '‘ " I Arrangements arc pending and uuth 'Rnnelt in care of the An Christian Yout! In 1QQ3, i h e r e_were se v en < illness. 'cndch - T o o k - s q u jrre l-u i by Demaray’s Wcr inn Church. U K ) Eighth bc; announced an p lague, iw o o f pri Thc fiinetal will bc held hcli at 1 p.m. First Christian ide sem i-arid regions, o f■ bubonic bl d o n ’t live outside hapcl. I D t83350. Chap irislian Chureh S l..R u p e d lD • ' S;iturcl:iv al the First Christ :pptitic e m ic a n d o n e o f p rrim it a ry sc I G age said. •y Hggms oiiiin Rupert. wiUi Dr. I'erry h leutnuiiht. O n e p ci.su ird icd ' rlicuTaTiy sU S Ce p llM e " p neu --------------C ats arc p’a rlit nw a| Ihe Ru-_______________ ^______ ririlinn. HiirinI will' follow a itin g s ix d a y s lo se e k m e ----------------tn th e ol:>i»ue; b a c te r ia , he s a id , w ait! pcrl Cemetery. Arrangemc J - tf r n r r lm p in the c n c . TiTo becofllii lliftLlL d ' uidH W h ile d o g s nlsc iS n ^ M o rtu Ucr liic direction of Ihe Han — _ ary in'Rupcii. memorial conIlic family suggests met ich's Funeral Home in Burley). ----------SPO K A N E (AkP) P) -— The Spokane o f Rupert, 11 loch': Jc lo Harold A. Peterson, P iribulions may bc madc t Ihe First male moose to Wa.sh.' R uperl 7lh Ward LDS zoo is giving a female ,crt. a.m. today. Christian Church in Rupert. Veldon Martin, of Kimberly, r yne Mortuary in Burley). Ve Chapel. (Payne crsiiy for research on llo w F r e ig h t o f f i c c in 1T w in ington Slale Universit .m B I V ee il “hapcl 'C o n tin u e d from alurday. Dayton Ward LDS Ch Salur ____ - - captive animals.-------ills :------- ----- ---------------- ^-----Idaho, (W hite Morti jy Thicmc. of Twin Falls, inI Dayton, D: Ttuary p re sid e n t ol xg Laura M oy' o f o p erations. :r-CharlcR-Robbins-i&---------__ Riw m ond A. Reccc -T b o -iru c k in g - c o m p Q n i«jg 9 _ a n d ------ WSU-xescarchcr-C imhi:ii>LCbapcl)--------------------II deficiency lhal cuts dc H o n o rin g a1 n a tio n w id e sT nke. o s t o f t h e i r c u s t o m e r s kk n e w studying a mineral TW IN FALLS - R^yr win Falls. moose in captivity to lifespan o f a moo Is and tl'c ro u g h ly 4000 0 T e a m ste rs in IdaRecce, W . of Twin Falls, i jo u t th e p o s s ib ility o f a ss tr ik e Rula Johnson, o f Idaho Falls Ru rik c-T u csd a y -n ig h t----j, j, j ra J ^ o o sc -g e n e ra lly ______ • e a r ly ■ abouU seven y e a r a J turday,— h o w e n t o n strik __day..A piil,7. iyS4..nl.thc id s h i p p c d t h e i r e o o d s e lu b e rtO rc c n c S c o tl.- o f—forme irmcrly of W endeHrlT-"’“®-'"“f lii iItiTwjld. live 15 or JO yearss iii A dm inisiraiio n M edical n a c irC D S C hapel, (ticker crVcll T h e strik‘c“ i'T iir a f fe c tin g n a iio n a l“ cnou lo u g h to a v o id any deliv e57y*derj memorial scrviee 2 p.m.' W/cen' Ia\k in the W ild sendBoise. "I appreciate Walk Icmorial Chapel in Rigby). s. id . lied M ethodist Church. Mem' tr u c k in g fir miss th a l s e r v e s o u th - lay ssic a u sc d b y th e strik e , he: sa Anangcments are pendli id h; having faith in us lood o f ing her down and (While Moriuiify in Twin ' TTh he International Brolhcrhoi c e n tr a l I d a h o).. :su c h a s C oiL solibc announced hy While h Z. IdcUn Walker, of Jerome, 2 the problem,” Robw ;a y s . A B F F r e ig h t Teatr d a te d F rc ig h tw la m stc rs' c o n tracts w ith the: rm ajor lhal we can solve: the - TwinFalls. alu rd ay , Jerom e 2nd W ard' 1 Satui day. r S y s t e m I n c .. R o a d w a y E x p r e s s irucik uciking co m p a n ie s ex p iredI 1T u eS ' bins said Wednesday, hapcl,-(H ovc-R Q bertson.Fun Ross-Fontesrof-Pocatcllo.—Chap :y k illed M orty, the --------------------------Michael-Rw T he d e ficicncy --------in c .-a n d .J t:c llolovw ^ F r e ig l^ S y ste m j alyy.. N e g o tia tio n s b e tw e e nn b o th hapcl in Jerome). erviec 2 p.m.-loday. Dry • Chap ering down the strccU--------.............graveside serv g:uninn—moose seen saunlcrini des bfOlcc tlo w n b e c a u sc thc:t Inc. ......................' ■■ siclcs ' M iltb n J .H ili eiery. Boise, (Henderson Creek Cemcie ^rAluskar In theopen^— ■orts to o f fictional’CicclyrAl jp o se d the c o m p a n ie s' effoi Mampa “ R e la tiv e ly ev e ry th in g lhat w a s oppo Helen Ann "Mlmi" Siver, of Na RUPERT - M illon J. IHill. C>'), o f Funeral Home nc in Poeaicllo).. . He e tte le v isio n series up m ore g oods by train andI to ti use ing c re d its o f-thhe ship ivcsiilc s ittin g h e re w as pic k ed u p by c u sid rformerly of Twin Falls, grave iday. A pril 6. and R upert, died W ednesda; )su re .” M orty, who "N o rth e rn E xposur p art-tim e workers. en S te a rn s at th e m ore I Falls to m e r s ,'’ s a id K :rvice 2 p.m. Saturday. Twin I rmaa Butcher, of Kalama- servii 1994, al his home, ______________ • Mark Normi s6 . lived at W SU .w as6. cmeicry. (White Mortuary inI 1Twin o f Idaho Cemc a The funeral will be held hel at 2 p.m. zoo. MiefT.,T^mTTormerly Robbins figuredJoou u t the problem ear-' alls). • ’ II. loday. 10th Ward LDS Falls) First Christian Falls, 2 p.m. I Monday at the Ruperl Fir: cn a research moose ■ licr this year when jho Falls, ( B u c k -^ liv a n ' •y Figgins and Church, Idaho Church; with Dr. Terry F ed from a cobalt and named Minnie died f T re v a M ae T rautw ein. o f T T IC in Idaho F u l l . s ) , .. T r rficialing. Buri- Funeral Home Paslof John M.irshall offici ---------- 1 copper deficiency.-.The Th discovery came Monalls, graveside scrvice 2 p.m. N Falls, ipcn Cemetery, al will follow at Ihc Rupcr C o n tin u e d from loo late to save Morty iorty. ay. Sunset M emorial Park, T 7 w in jm Bl VS rigley. of Burley, 11 a.m. day, Frienils Dclsa Wrlgl W a n t to ta k e p a rt^ with military graveside: riles. ril alls, (White Mortuary in Twin Fa "W e're happy to participate \ in that icw LDS Church, (McCul- Falls, Falls). p re lim in a ry plai ilan s fo r a h isto ric a l >.m. Sunday al Salurddy, View. may call from 4 lo 8 p.m. ly le let zoos all across J f, wc can ultimately Ihrough the c ity and w a lk in g p a th ihi T o ob tain a copy o f the d ip ll Ih e ir m o o se live-th e co u n try h e lp . ag re e d to a rmio orr a n e ro d in g riv er--B cnnctLH ills-R csom cc.M ani -loiigefr-saW -H ugh-l ^ 'Im h o f rln te rin r d l;---------ap alorig propertyTjcr------ menl Plan’and Envirorithifnlal ~ B ank w iilT n p rap thee W ------ ■- — m en Maestes. Jriiien. t t a o r , . W alkin th ' ild zoo. lo nging to Carme ,p.ict Statem.erit, or.to miAc wri e a r in g o n p ro p o se d * ‘com ' m ents o n the plan, write --------A p u b lic h ea ite to; _____ the c ity ’s'zo n in g oram endm ents' tou (I indtor, I Bui:k. West. Planning Ciwrdim Released *ER EOIQNAL MEDICAL CENTEP MAQIC VALLEY REOI . . [cd liltlc com m cnt. A s dinancc nttracicd tffice. aic Ferguson. Roy Jans,ion andJ IbixELM S h oshone D istrict Off Nancy Crariney, Bcs.sic rd in an c e restric ts lot p ( . Box 2 -B . 4 00 W esl F S t . . Peggy d ra fte d , th e ordi y; Roba Cry.stal of Heyburn; Pc L ‘ P.O ii Parker, all o f Burley; F at patients' reque.st. Some names arcc omitted or requires building peri; and coverage and rec I; Zena Schorsch of Heyburn; Gulbranson of Ruperl; Z Shoshone. ID 83352. icw co n stru c tio n , re - j____ m ils fo r a ll new Scotl Warr of Malta. Adzalttcd / 51 feet idditions to .stru ctu re s , a m miin im u m -b u ild in g lo t as 50 m o d elin g o r add Lorn Price nnd Ervin Sears, all of Michacl McSwecney.. Lc re .fc c t. ... _ . - w ilh io l h t city lir limits.- - ___ _ .1. — -..byy . 1120-fceU o r 6 .0 0 0 sq u are i.H all..................... ........ ............. Births uker of Gooding: and Uarbara.H Twin Fnlls: Haau:! Huffukci b v .- -------Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parker an 30 perand to— — C o u n c ilm a n H ] a u g h f s u g g e s te d - Mlo A baby was bom lo Mi a x lm u m lo t co v e ra g e is 30 "ofDliss. of jj.« )ayley, both of Burley. Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Dayl crice o r tw o” lo the or- cent, *nt, and the m inim um size o f i adding “ a scntehc ing existing buildings re:ssii i d e n l i a l h o u s in g u n it is Released d inancc allow inf F \ MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Twin ■' MINa>OKAM Stephanie Hollman, both of Tv they bum d ow n o r arc squa; juarc feel. to be rebuill jf thi Edith Albertson and Ste .tAFri/1-9-r^6lMflJ/I^ jme. f Bliss; and Joni Smith of Jeromi tl or* royed. • A sccond p ublic hearing onI the Falls; Stanley Carli-sle ofBI otherw ise dcstroj S5pffr<^b»i<^^rfrT \prfrTo.3l'.rwWi«»[. - Admitted :d ordinance specifies dinai inancc w ill bc held M ay 3. (; and I T '' pioposcil el C Garcia Jr., bolh o f Ruperl; Dale Mile.s and Joel lEMORIAL HOSPITAL CASSL^MEK " IsvrrrMont-.------- --- — —......... Kntlierine Whalen of44svr ■ ■ ___________________ f\Admitted' . — Rcteased-------------------------lobin- ' levarez. Dixie Parker, JJetiy Kob Gabriel Kerr. Mary Neve peri; Wesley Stollcr o f Paul; A nita Baird o f Rupen lelbie Wilkinson and XochitoI DayDi son. Dona Williams, Shelb ie Creek! Utah. Ju-stin Q arretlbf Grouse C ,pril Monies of Rupert. ley. all of Burley; and April d ttth e r ij .. e a k f a s i ______ "Las'Vegaas Mayorr Jones bljiast^Umt States;s Citizensis Alliaiia T^^Seientisists: magniilito a e = 7 ^ ^(sDCpSyf^scats^^irrylmnKtannplagu<e inder Los ^Angeles ' quake ur linan plague ets about hun Faci Death inotices rvices “ Strike:e____ _ S--Spokan me zoo noose gives m ---- to^V¥St Golf_ S't RospitiS is iP tF a ju m r a n W B 'fj I ^0 9 19 ' a r • •ry ........................ _________JinLCcuninUL A uutO M Ofanicn ndcm /itdlnStm frifa ZMnlfd uiMlaln 7023nfSt.W. TMtn F«U«. 10 ■ S98 BlUgTBI ta w f f B ir a r N i L, . . TV^In rin Falla \ ^ ------- - 7 3 3 -9 5 tC — r ____Opan iv^pniSat11 100 :3 0 a n h 5 :3 0 p n i_ ____ " .........................~v . • Trash C ( r, compactor F r***. w Twin s^ ------ !--------- :----------------- - F f k J a iyyr ,^ l V ^ 1 8 9 4 —T iin « « i-N o Cj -' ■. Z 1 -BriesftyJn-M ii i n " tr u e a ssia -tr i - C a s s j aa s t e e s r e p c n l ^ nr af y e i - b a n — ' . rj-T ■Cassia M in i- C . . ^ ^ ;chtK >l-board-jcany-i^»-l-in.ti Ic lc h ersiiid — ------- -- ro f s ' c .iji a e c r a c --------------------' “ B t n n n yr r — C assm ' L o tin iy Sdniiir; gfilUUittiOILbCr.;_ ___ )_inchiUe.priiy.er_ at. Ihcir ijr; ___ J____ - ___ ^vyhcllicr'lo.ii viccs. M o t o cc ir o s s c o m i n g t o R Lu u[ p e r t in o i B o a r d 'I 'h u r s d a y n ig hhtt u n a n im o u sly R U PE R ‘ T h e Schnci R'T - M otorcycle riders, kick kict your starters. ■1 y o u f -o r d SS i!i fd n iiiiy w il a irriv iiuimm in TitiTvTiniaok-n--------------C:a s s ia X o u n ly C ounly Fa g ra d u a tio n1 c c r c m o n l c s w iih in th e C lo 'ab iitil 4 p .m | F airg ro u n d s from H) £ m1.. It t r i c t . T r jjs tc e s f e e l ih c y’ w ill be w ith in , S alurday.a S c h o o l'b iss lr '.anti S u n d a y ., i f sludei^ts ; ' J______ Ihc hotinds> do f ( h e U.S. C o i is lil u lio n if v ole rin rc s -^n c rL a _ t.l.'a :m .-b o iti-d a y .!i. l y c r n nU -w lio w u i . o u c n t ~ — _________' ___ U) havu.prayc [jt-8 -i(.o i.T -p ro m irtcr-R IcE ^ r• : 1>e g i n s - iiv children-uges 6 - t o -----------irc-S.*? fo r miullK,4i2-for-*;l»il ■: r n Ber3lt0Wrible at^-IH ckcts-ar. id uunder. "rce for children agc^ 5 and D istrict 10, and frc I ~ a Cr'ant’cv ilk ilie school districl by the ,Fedcr;il Fei c e s 'u p to ll(e“ 1riST“ p e a l'iti ihe ‘>lh C ontest: [ C o u rt.-T h ee tc a se is now u n d e r up'pe.;: sta n ls'c a n sig n up for ra ces' S M E fe w J p l|w J ;u rs, S25 for proS ig n -u p fee is S2I) am ateurs m inute. Si • . ■h m • • C ircu it C o uurl.. n tite youth races, Is an d SI for " pee-w ces."’■ tit cautioned al th e [ f C hairm an K ent Flelchcr cau T ru stee Ch said. n bo ard m cclin ling T hursday o f ihe comip phlexities o f llte R .ic in g 'those cases can S p o n sio o r c d ITy S o u l h e r n ' IIdd a h o e a ses dealing ing w ilh prayer, and lhal "ihi A sso cia tic tio n . th e racc c o n sists oi f a w in d in g d irt b e reversed." d."rena full o f ju m p s ,)ul one m ile long in an :tren; track abou ;lvcs from supru sle e s distan ced thcntsclvc H O jll C ussiti l^u^ Its. iincluding bolh ' lers. A boul 150 contestants, p r :ty c r does (U i^ m.i S t f i S ______ p o ilin c .u j Jj ,1 »ut.»f.> »w n rid>;r^-4-«v-4>Jtf cm onics. II. Uic j., ce p lace at graduation cerem dnc.sn't lake said. itia te d by iru sle e B ruce B( m o tio n in iti; B ow en, a d tsc |.,^ se ss.a re aviiilablc for pcoplc-nl UZ WRIQHT/n>» TVne. ; at every level o f________ -----------:---------- clh im e rw H h t )vided at the r;lce, >ign-iip sh ee ts w ill be provid ■ thi e .ro g lp n a l l a n dfill a t ^ ^ o h n B u r c h ^ b m ip p aa c ts - tr a s h - ttia t- B ir r io ^^-c c lt v - tr u c k 3 - h a u lo d .in to .th _ po silio n o n\ vw h eth er prayer is included Mn<,t n t h . ----- - = r g o n i p n c J : l;from~-sta ffC M i l n e r B u t t e T h uirresid a v . T h e J a n d lU L o D e nn eo tl ftrrp rm ^ — r z z z — “ ' r 6 U n d l r i g - 8 ix c o uj n t l e s w ill c l o s e F r id a y n nlig h t, to m e e t a f e d e r a l o n v lr o n m e n ta l d e a d lin ee . I j - e g i s i aa t i v e - i b i gI UrTTtq •STTiTTI -------------------- lection with Ihe manufacture of' products p bequest is madee to t( .nursing homes or resi- nccti l a child by a gr.mdpaicnt. .SU143H ~ (Ju (J d lc m ry ancJ R u lcs) — ooT lomposcd of postconsumer or poslin lilies. com] id H um an denliiil carc facllilli S B 1 5 5 2 (C o m m e rce and c h ild v isitatio n rig h ts for Pro v id e s foo r > incss) — Authorizes Board w.ist' [irovidc indi- . HB<iK2 (Biislnc Resources) — A mends law to pn: For TtiuRday. April 7. grandparentss and a: Rrcat'grandpiircnt.'l. Re ■ M M 1 (.State Alfairs) — AntcndH. dividuals nol of Cosm etology' to refuse to issue or renew '^7inS'< insurance coverage to indiv a n d! R u les) — viduiil vie Vetoed By OOTCinor S B I4 4 0 (Judici.Tty (J luies governing counly iniiiaiivcssiin i d r e f. rone in default on student duie: liccnsc for anyon by employer insurance. .ting for HIV' antibodies or unli- covcrcd co' imVSH (Ways and Means) is) — - Eliminaled RequlrcN icMin; EVERY SATORI TURDAY-11 A.M. :iendums,' cieni igcs formula loan payments. .Sin5t)0 (Educiition) — Change p.-itltls in nil persons confined in local pfopcrty Ijjc s fur school liool maintenance gcnn and hep.iti Miscellaneous-Tools >lion) — Household MlSC( HBH92 (R e v en u e and T uxali Import to pubHBf.H7 (Ju ludd ic ia ry . R ules and H and upcrallons, jails and lequi quires results to be released to used u-<i for dtstrlbuiion of stale supp< lues-Twin Falls \llo i) > — Provides reasonable .A liow s persons w ho are beneficir A dm inistra tion) ciaties o f u ii» iT « f?ITHERS ™ i: lie schools. ,^ H U 663 (R evenue andd T a x a tio n ) — viclltns. AUCTIONS s of 50-50 HUHTBROTWE evoc.-ible trusts to receive hencnts u a tto rn ey ’s fees and costs revoi Icquijcs sup- post-judgm eni all SBISfil (Stale Affiiirs) — Rcq (Transpottalion) — Deletes im Allowed carryover for IS year; 'ears of excessive SBI-J4K (Tr lomeowner property lax deduction; ■ mpting to collccl on a judg- homi o f electricity and naturalI ggas lo sup- incurred In attempt frorn the highway distribution plier> pli investm enuox crediis, iillocniion frot 8,1994 . FRIDAY..APRIL API HB'HO (Agricultural Affairs) — V encourage the use o f recycled ply pl) information aboul irrigationI ppumping to mcnl. HEIR45 (Slaic Affairs) —• Provided Pn ih:ii no uccount la enc DemSCaolEkn olDmlcs-Ho’j:cfioid daho Rangeland R esources Comr H B69I) (R e vvci e n u e und T a x a tio n ) — Idah m mission -MiStTool I’u Public Utilities Commission. local unli of nuvenimcni may : 1 Tools-llJti^i ,ay adopt un ordi- mnlerlolN. Inanced by voluntary donations. iclion up to S3.IKI0 for legal finar - R eq u ires Allov^s liix deduclii S B I5 6 2 (SI.MC A ffa irs ) — (C om m erce und H um an tiamcnl-/'flni6 Atfiratiamc nancc lo fcgulalc cxploralion in oi or surface minSU14.S4 (■ HIIB920 (E ducation) — Exempi ip is from WAaAUtr nses when adopting a child. vices on all -or medical expense o f m easuring devic ln> ftUCTlDNEERS in^ in Idahu lhal confllcis wilh with state Surfncc Resources) — Piovules for regulation o f Insinuation ales tax m otor v e h ic le s used In In public enue and T a x a tio n ) — salci H B 7 I 2 (R e vvet Wilier diversions. n m is sio n s by Der»iKtment o f public pul _________________ moncy_tr.TnsiT chool driver ediiciilion programs.— income fax-eredir for wood* -scho Hemovcsstate-inct --------------- -------- FRIDAY,-APRU ■ “ 5 ffl5 fiR “ { I iid ic ia r y '" a n d -■1?ulC5)~—— ft PlUL 8TM • 6 P J t ----- -------ins) — Provided Finance. HB846 (Ways and Means) (Ways and M eans) — P Ptovides Benelil Dinner Auciion lonlor lytiw S:hocss,'er • GIB _____ for a liccnsc burnini; stoves. _____________ IIB92f. II clicKk f<.'t —iC u m m tu iE __aiiiJ__I1j >jii .i p __ Rccniircs.!i-bflgkt.TotinJ .Re lol iiisl.ini bjclgm uiid cli checksiiit CoSna'is - Misc!sinc-ss) — p ro v id es iliut " p)ii>ccUuic iw ilB 7 2 tt (U usin 10 carry a concealed weapon. review. Resources) — Modifies definilion o f "dis- lO' live decision, nol sulijeci lo judicial judi )utchascrs of handguns in complian ancewiih WAUAUC tU C T IO H E E ^'^ Provides for em p loyees of a com ci pany or corporation putcl SBl5f)9 (State A ffaiis) — Pn :r IPublic Employee Ueiiremeni ns) — Reslricled abled" under HB847 (Ways and Means) V iolen ce -------------------------e d eral Brudy H an d g u n Vi ng w ^ ork solely for tbat com- fede issuance o f a liquor license to a facility doing engineering lent over the con- System. ability lo sue siaic govemmeni APRIL 8,1894 FRIDAY, APf •leveniion Act. lied to Slate licensure. Pievi ity. pany iirc not suhjec upi split in owneriihip o f facility sy.*.SB I4 5 H (C (■ om m erce iind H u m an ’ upon Miluliunal rcquilcmcnl for ;iJ “Ihojough" *'11 HB934 (Appropriations) — Appr< propriiites Odl BJHVy&Rusoi SusailKdlv Esiaie-Firm R ules a nd li: ironment)— H B 735 (Juudd ic la ry . SBI575 (Resources and Enviro R e so u rce s)) — R e v ise s n icm b ersh ip o f tem of public education. es-MofltiTCai-Sfosftorw [•ish and [quipmaH-AnliirjSS-fc i49.77 million lo Deparimeni of [• rgc projects Adminisir.ition) — Amends laws on admin- S49.' thal w aler recharge Re ns) — Scl down U nderg ro u nnd d Storage T ank T ech n ic ian Recognizes •HD912 (Ways and Means) iamcnl - Afiil C AlhTtliaJiKi ja m ffo r 1995 operations. :ts license suspensions. Gam Idaho waler islration uf drivcis . enhance Ihc full rca liu tlo n o f Id enl 3r leases on state Board. nev^ requirements to bid for k ICTIDN SERVICE -cchnical WEHTAUCni H11B 946 (S la te A ffa irs ) — Tec R ules and HB73H (Juudd ic la ry . SU 1 4 65 (Ju (J d ic ia ry and R u les) — res grazing lands. ihangcs to laws on campaign finan SB16D1 (S ta le A ffiiirs) —- IIn creases A dm inistration)] — Reduces the standard chan hot any perso n c o n v icte d o f iincc conSATURDAY, P ro v id e s Ihni H U yiS (R evenue andd T a x a tio n ) ~ f, Ai APRIL 9.1894 ribulions. loena uiiliiy records in drug tribu sa la r ie s o f m e m b ers o f S Sitale T ax required to subpoei lunslaughter involvlug one o r sal from vehicular mun Exempted pollution controlI etiuipmenl ec)i Coon ptopriates lynn 6 RlUlh C Ofl - Housofiolfl 110956 (Appropriations) — Appti $55,000 per investigations. Commission from S48.4H5 to $5 of minor child cun be ordered Co propeny_tax ifjj>.e^ U> recycle ^c!e certain prod- lH>th jiarenls^ ol edibles r Paul............................... rciilBt for............................-CollcdllJl atXI.tHH) lo Uiiiveikily o f Idaho.Cc. R ules -and -SUHI year. • .................. H B 742 (Ju d u d tc ia ry . - . . siijipuil for iliai Child.................... ye; ................................ to pay child silt i;i, Atfvclisemti senwit - Aofil 6 lusiness DcvcUipment and Research — R e p ea ls luw w ith Busi In creases A d m in is tra tio n ) S B lfin 2 (Stiile A ffa irs) — I (Ju d ic ia ry and R u les) — d T a x a tio n ) — Slil4()«i (J H D 972 (R evenue and k ASSOCIATES .uthori.es ESTES&AS HB9fi8 (Ways and Means) — Aul ;haritahlc devises jusl prior H ■te increases icslricllons cin cha salaries of elected state officiate :e pr rem iu m lax A m ends law w s providing for fine for Ihc sal O xem pted from Insurance ■late Department o f Pish and Game i governor from $75,IKH) per yearrto tc SKS.OOO. 10 death, issession of marijuana or drug go' covering siuie or crim e o f posse heallh Insurance policies cuvc f, APRIL 8,1994 !'.!!’ SATURDAY, AI vith federal agencies in preparalio al Governmeol) — Allows with opriation o f HB7-J3 (Local I SBl<i()3 (Finance) — Approp lion Ol an Jjck FullCI EStalC • G &HouseholdCCS. p.iruphemalia. other governmental employees. lc-Guns daho wolf management plan. districts to cflTiiain noncon- Idalu Iministration fire protection disi to Department o f Adm _4JudiLiaLy—anil R » k ^ > —___SI23.000 SI TwlnF rwln Falls ______ HU9S7 (Aprnopria liim s ) ^ — Approotiaicd_____ H B 973 (R e v en u e and T ax a ti liguous teiritory. w on heallh insurance A m ends law i filin g affidiivil hy lele- for information technology. scmenl • Auril 7 ~ Advettlscmci e-Aff.-iir<? " 'ClBiifies |re f — Rcdt npm rc’T tn s-----;M B 7 i7 tS t3 t^ ----- SBK)n5' (l-'inu~ii'Jc) A pprtipAUCTIONEERS coverage for^nccdy children, :n. ullocated i SIO phone. --------- WAlTTltnri ie c<imp” ~ lo 2.75 percent for some Inc retailers by an importer. 3I perccnl pe: iblic instruc- milled aid to wine million to superintendent of pubi (0 fund SB14KH (Slate (St: Affairs) — Provides that mi million In currcnt and IV95; budgcLs bu lies and from t,(i lo 1.4 perccnl.lo nics vintner, winery or distributor. i IPRa 8TM -10 A.M. lion for 1995 operations. SATURDAY, APRr shall he included as a lio e Fund. or designee dc Ihe Cataslrnphlc Health Care Pi lies wilh suhsinniinl Idaho Investmei Ih and Welfare) — Provides • nies prialcs S21-4 HB752 (Heallh : nen’’ C i HDllfy and Hoop HooiKf. Ulah Community SBlfiOf) (Fln.ince) — Appropri :ivc o f the Pacific N orthw est ns) — Amended rep resen tative HB995 (Ways and Means) Al -HBU75-(Appr*iprii.«ions)----A l l o c i e s -------Audtcn-H >y-inmatc incdiciit expcnkck ----11 n-Hoopcf, in - ^--------------------on for IVO.I lhal.c.unlies-p-y-i million for vocalioniil education legiontil orgtinlmlion.— mi •Ecomimic-Regi House BUI 95». al&o-vcioedJ hy-govcmor.'(o hy iH.5 million lo governor's office f*'r fi scmcnl-Apill? nt the Medicaid rali talc. S8.5 Advctliscmci opernlion.s, «hool O iiirict. SBM91 [Education) (Ed correct <ia$h flow to Ooixe Scho — Dcleicj a limitu- op' WCTIDH SERVICE iperations. I MASTERS AUCl g tic u ltu r n l A ffa irs ) — oper p p ro p ria le s' H U 753 (A rl SB160H (F in a n c e ) — A pp (lon on sch :iolarships ol for d ep en d e n ts o f '■ SB 1342 (C om m erce aan d H um an proptiales — ■ HB'J7f> (Appropriations) — Appr< :aiii>n of.com m etcial fishH: to Deparimeni oiff iHealth and C larifies applicali :rs und firefighlerk killed u t di&< -SM6.fi.million ..S1‘ rneral obligation peace officers i -R e so u rc e s)— Allowed gener IPRIL9TH-11A.M. 1‘>.3 million for construction o f Inf nfrastrucSATURDAY, APRIl to aquacullure. S‘>.3 Division of cries facilities asVrelated re W elfare for l ‘>95 operalions of' B uly 1. 1990. . W. ubled after July l>onds «o be sold by private negotiation. neg< n SlorwM ddition, K>_-_ _.,Wtii|/rion! Oiyocn Sloi - Motorcycies • urc.improvctiienli.anU-U6-bciJ i)dd isporlnlion iiiiil Dofcns«)------lure. md DivisionHB781 (Transp, Family .md Children Services am S B 1 4 9 7 (C (' om m erce nnd H um an Pui SB1S39 (Stale A ffairs) — Declared all •MIsiL-T*!flF3IIS---------------un, • FiotIIuib • Mia daho Maximum Security Inslituiion, ^ec for cupies of highway Idabi E sta b lish e s a fee , law Io letjuire that u ofo f Community Rehuliililation. state agency rules temporaryy until un and unlesi ‘ Hcioujccs) — Amend.s 5cmcnl-Apill7 propriatcs AtKtrllSCm Cf HB979 (Approptialions) — Appn h ; Its~ A m ends righl-of-wiiy platsla n d lo rd pro iro'v id c sm oke d e te c to r s in •• S B l( iI 4 (S ta te A ffa irs ) — approved by Legislature. UCTIDW SERVICE '•ortcciion HEWRY»SAUCT :55.4H million lo Department of Coi R ules and S55..H H 7 ‘»»i (Juudd ic ia ry . Senate Bill 1500 to incorporatee th I ccxccpIfarc) — Created dwelling units, SB lS SO dleahhandW elfan its. Sc: oM99SoperalicVns. ......................... I allowance. A dm inistration))■— — Provides coverage lo ' for child tuition-cquiv.-ilency all (H e alth an d W elfare ) — lional lio irllizc health caie S B 1 4 99 (I task forcc and panel lo prlorllij APRIL 10,1994 .nsferr$V SUNDAY, APR HB980 (Appropriations) — Tran? eallh insurance plan when HI tpriales S2.9 children in a heal' SB U ilS (Finance) — Appiopr Provides ncw_fi w^fces for disposal o f ha/.irdous ..... ....... ______CQveraec. . IfaItcr--JaJi^l5t-Bliss. ^BudKci— PalcSlJHi--ilafMTfallci rtiiHorY-frf>m-lTi<itn>r-Ft»nd-lt*-l of a coon o n d m ln - —nriH sub miUTon to Bour'd of Ediicjllon for lc?hnolo- coverage Is the subject "two- w'iisle. ' SB1590 (State Affairs) — Imposed 1 Atfvcfllscmct semcnl-Apflia teserve Fund. also requires coverage o f Resc istrulivc order; air starting S B 1 5 0 9 ((SS ta te A f f a ir s ) '— A m en d s gy imprtivements. " year hiring freeze un stale agencies age iUCTIOM SERVICE „ion) — . MASTERS AUCl H B 966 (R e v en u e and T a x a li ent child. ^ H 7prop iia te!\ adopted dependent S B 1 6 I6 (F in a n c e ) — App rcQ uirem ents Its for long-letm p lanning by 'm iipiO JIH ! ■ MB.‘'i5'(B ux|nc? "Vj.KSS'miiiinn ui ruiiirrnnvTTir: e s-|JT — Ueclaicd liiiil stale iigencies u K tru tn u iitc “ :coiini;iliil- "■J'J A P W L ic ia w — -------ively disadvantaged border com in conditions must be dis- tivel rovements lo ment thal certain i p<irtion of Phase Tliree o f Improv on oi f pharm acy ily reporting,:. poi -arm Madilnery - Dlelrlch there shall be no reduction reas and use revenue allocation' ti iperly is being suld. uIca^ 'Stem. closed when proper Public Employee Reiirement Systi laho under T itle ' SB1S34 (Judiciiiry (Ju . Advenisemci and Rules) — So- Pu icment - April 9 reim bursement level in klalii levclopmenl. Affairs) — Allows under- devc lo HBH35 (Slate: A ___ HB550 fSim pson) - Allowss females I rtlCTlOH SERVICE _____ ■ XIX of Social Secm ilvA a; _■ _______ ■-cnllBtl-.zeta.ii Q .iiikr.incc’: in w fur iinifer;iyc------lo w s liccn sc suspen.sion for seiVc set in Nationul GuaiiJ in eombai d riv e rs; ullov S»lgaedUy Uovemor , ;40,0(K) U) pay allorney fees in Snak lake River MONDAY, APf :r w week for up to one ye.ir. $40.( law. day. 40 hours per APR1L11.1994 Ihe same as allowed by federal lav iver with blood-.ilcohol content Ibc S U 1301 (H e alth andJ W V e lfa re ) — underage drive ^ater right adjudication. Affairs) — Provides thal wate; The BakeiStiop-Hartlton Stioi ix a iio n ) — HBK43 (Siaicc A IIB57H (U e v cn u e and T axi respon- o f at least 0.(K petceni liul Uss than O.HI . Requires putative fathers lo0 accept a( HB99I (A p p ro p ria tio n s)- Appr< propriatcs Aijvctllamci scmenl - April 9 records, otherwise exempt ill lor fuels law certain public tcci Makes technical changes to moloi sib ilily for ihelr c hildrenn ooir risk lo sin g percent. ,18,000 to U eparim cnt o f Correct :cilon fur WAUAUC1 mCTIOWEERS shall be open for inspec- SIH.l nm ission to ftom disclosure,, si (Ju d ic ia ry and R u les) — and am u u lh o ri/es stiitc Tiix Comn S B 1 5 32 (J parental rights. rdons and “ ' '" xpcnses of Com mission J o r I’ardi und check purposes. expe iidmlnislra- tion for backgrouni! work more closely wilh fuel laxc ii' jgher penalties for drunken dri- wo and R u les) — Provides lough S D I3 0 9 (Ju d ic iary and Y,APB1L13,1994 ! WEDHESDA^G A •arole. HBH50 (Way.s '.s an)l a Means)-— Prohibits Parol ilood-alcohol reading ill least lor^ lor o f otlier slates. rules will con- v e rs w ith bloi ______ Provides ihai admlnistrniivee ru _______ piupiiaici__ Dullon Farmi£QiiiDiiKnl.t.Jcionie____ Ecui. -----— AniontI ---------- tinueirKffcct-«nlt}-;uJy-?T499S letTwnl-Anrit t l ------- • • , KH).(MK) 10 LcglsLilive Council for ■ e n u e and T a x a tio n ) — SKH) o o r D i tu k i "^'l MJH70 ‘(R e vv"^ o f m oney In Schoo (Ju diciary ^ and R u les) — distribution dis in d R u les) — SB153H (J S 0 1 3 3 2 (Ju d ic iary and UCTIQNEERS • ires for collection of proper- ess of sludy of the juvenile justice sys foi ula for Revises procedures iw iillowing* peo p le to le av e B Buu ilding A ccouni based on form [lartipeni o f Law A m en ds law Authorizes director o f Depart: IIB993 (Appropriations) — Appr< ly tux on slunding igtiinbcr. I: . Ill average dallyatlendancc. :y ftlrfeiied under in stru c tio n s fi for Ihc disp o sitio n o f Iheir avi 'APRIL 14,1994 Einforcemcni to sell properly f»: :90.tl00 10 D e p a rim e n i u f Purl fs iand Means) — Revises S90. HB871 (W ays _ H ^ I H (Agricultural Affairs)) -— Amends Kci-A o-------------- _fcraaina______ N. Enlcipilses_________ i ______ —— _Uniform Ictrealion.---------------------------------... ■ ----------Administrative Pro* r'rtweduren Acl Id cuI-cih Is . - -Rctn - ( J u d i c ia r y - n n d —H ulfls)— l lloa ii i nn ctiiclty liraiitmat.ij: --------------S D l^ sa -c Ju Jrc lB ry —and i n d - R u l c s ) - = -------S B 1 5 4 2 -( JlREaulp.-Jcrorpo____________ _____CiBlam.WoiRE( ~nB 994(A pproprinilon^)-—-Appn ;V nue im d-T Jx-atT bnT = -------HI prupnaics Adveniscmcn nds laws un ■■|IBHH3 (R'e'yer HBf>30 (Education) — Amend attorneys as temClarifies aulhoi Ihorily of counly probation olficmenl • April 12 Provides for nomination of alto :54.7(M) to pay salary increases for income .tax credit for put- $54.: irscs. Provides slate ino or elected MASTERS AUDI standards for driver training cours' tU jm pilSraV IC E , mnBlstrate com- cers regurdinp ng imisdemeanor pronatiot)s. sla fwrarv membcm of district mn m^iipp<*inlcd orficiuls................... icd equipment u.'cd in con---itm^f es additional • chaw s of qualified — ItB C 33-(nu.';lness)^Provides -----SB 1 S4 9 (J (Ju d rc ia ry '‘ and ’ Rulc-s)' — missions. . FRIDAY. APR APRIL15,19M of-siale mall ' licensing tequirenienl.s for oul-ofr.s) — S h ifts a A mends lawV providing p label rcqulrementlt-' lio SD 1335 (S iaic Affalr.-i) Mary Lou I a & Gcorpo G ' AtW ns Idaho. service pharmacies operating in Id live d isiric is in on containers rs of u lubricants containing recy- ser prec in ct betw een legislative i Household &Fufnllurc-Buhl & Ft .ules and H B 047 ( J u d ic ia r y . Rul Fremont Counly 10 comply with will “visible fea- c le d o il., ' AiJrertiscmcr cmcnl-AprlMS Amends lawV con when it (Ju d ic ia ry and R u les) —' Administration) Ad IC T IO N ■ A ict boundarie-s. SB 1551 (J ______ tw e" requirement for precinct b MASTERS AUCl mCTION SERVICE encc when a the adoption _-shall a h t be coiiiidefcd^undue influen' c ls ___ SDI337.(lilate Affaiis) —- AAllo w s cUsirlb-—P /o v ld u jp c:clal.conultlons.for. 1 1 1 0 ,4 9 9 4 une lists lo utility ' ______ ution o f mailing and telephone — —■ FRIDAVTAPR APRH'15,1934-----------------companies for normal uilllty/ purposes. pu 5vak-TwlnFalls J— ir\ • GQtMflovak— SU1354 (Resources and Environment) Env m tho Post Offico In B iu . 2.8 mOMMutfi down old grado. BU* LOCATED b on " i Gunj.GIasswar ssware. Household A m ends law on nor\residcnt lent ta x id erm ist ^ H p B |y i U jcmcnl, April 13 • 11 AdreniscrT^ci liccnsc. iUCTlDHEERS" iM t i ^ • yB e¥ — Increa.scs periSB136I (State Affairs) — It flH rlfe -« ;3 0 A H ---- 1----------office od w hhin which attorneys gei petlE T |T |u l > Eiviit &Carol Caro Hoagiand must review Initiative and referendum refe • FarmMai*li>cry -Guns Guns- Misc.-Glenns Ferry lions. UdOT axle, covered top and tack! room n rse tiailar, 6* x i r . iliract pul, tan« ■ Amartcan 4 horsa imcnl-Afltll13 Advtnlicmen SB 1304 (L ocal G over and sink, sleeps six - Newr acamper sr tl trailer. iO', foU dbwi model, huu alove «i ■ ■ Ih Colsman camper CT10N SERVICE ^ ■ WEHTAUCnt Taxation) — Amend.s law on :avsessmeni ide box p i ^ p • Bed Inar for Iona wkle wkl box pkkup. k J i |U shell (or long wide the value of subJivislon lots. SATURDAY.’.APRiL1B,1994 AP A S S A IL S D I388 (Slate A ffairs) — — A uthorizes Ok)-Coflcdjtte-T*^ Falls UCrtlcot-HouxhoW-C J'x12' wlth5’ w a B lB n t.h a « o v ei-T - h rw vith S' wal tanta. has ttmes • 10' x Two'12'x M'with esiment admlnlsstale treasurer (o charge Invesin «mcnl-AEtll14 Attvertiicmcn a y ^ p ^ bqxas wif tc w y t^ lte tm m s and t» vrffl Jm Ml up tor ditfin) • Tmo llai 'puhlic'fund.t. * rfT -L okkr tenia (lanttv ______ irmionJcc.fcr.iflvcbiQ3cnl.t>rp“ ? UCT10NEERS ^ -------addier- - • — •----- ^JMA AUCT pack Do»Br~’~Pj g tuu« ■a « bergtts «n SB 139B (C om m erce a n d H um an f ii jV n ^ - «ii»he»--TV«) brkllM ' id> - Hou« bSSES ■ H>H« and Bl lltar chapi - Several oui tcawanls Two pair oflealtMi argirig more for — Resources) —• Horbids chargi PRIL16TH-11 A.M. 1 be put ' SATURDAY, APRIL tl •- Horse hobblsS-i^natLCoIUr.* m l r l Stswvd dlppen n surance based -supplem enial M edicare Insu i(tf&Fiitft(Jj-Fiifni!uro-................ J tra w - =-Vfm&P:flDojhi(tf& ^tree • Neckyoke • Coteman 3 burm ' togothar • II Misc.-Twin Falls J ^ Aulo.-FamiWl: a a r r B i t y p e uK n ^m e -W id B ir a M l. “ l l S n 9 r '( C o m m e r c e a H um an Arfrtrlisemcn nsurers offering R eiouree*) — Requires Insui ScTlDifsm VlCE . ! HENRY’S AUCl to perheallh insurance to provide insurance insi. steering -----------------------^ s k l e curtain, flbarglass top, st< viR 15' fiberglua boat, rMW caipet. U L lOSa HWro SwiR APRIL 16,1994 . . SATURDAY,’, AP sons who are Insured wilh1 Ihc Ihe insurer and molor and has tu two wheel boai tralii conlroi, 75 hp. inol Tools, > ■i_ Robert E. DavissEslalo-Shop, Est policy or' w ish lo convert to anotherr plan, pli Conslrudlon lon 1Items-Jerome11 •• [ contract. wooden Atfrertlsetntr < ,Cfnenl-Aptlll4 . 0 i8 W ta » m tabie (Qood) • 8* rdl matal eat* • Two wooden feed troughs • (4) 12' w S B 1402 (C om m erce a o d H um an I hay manger • Steel poet • ^ 1 poet WCHON SERVICE ; noden partela • Barb 'Mri • Small hn «Prt>*r MASTERS AUC: on limited liabilp ' W T T T " . parwl* • (4) S' woo ___ Resources) — Amends law I •fld io: . 3 .. . . ------------• -ff trutod round po«l» r (20) B' u . ■ Hoo tfooghr-H' 4 ^ til-fc s d box* l-p a m c rsh tp rin — k.— ----- ^ t y c o m p a n l e i and llm lted-pa ;dmaieV3 ton ofQOodCMtedhorsa hay APRIL 18,1994 uy. SA'hlRDAY,', AF n ir o z l tk s • (3) 11' 11' corral pci« • Feed baga - Apfxodma corporation lawi. jscftold • Twin Falls ; KllloylDHouscftc nvironnenl) — SB1421 (Resources and E Env - I ;emenl-April 14 1 Gam e L im its m em bers o f Pish ndai blocks - Pipe stands - ^ r » l At WCT10N SERVICE ; ilxer. electric metor • 22S dean dndai ^ l y i s t i i u w s a term s Com m ission to two terms, changes ch iiaina • Od Iron puBey - Main line op; la • (Soeet and olhar doon • Tlrs chair - from six to four years. PRn.1STT{-10A.M. : fittings • melal Impiement a « t - Foik >t1a and SATURDAY. APRIL n • C«ne-t-lonQt ■ Picks • Pipe Unit chair*393iAnmDlHjyi«S »d canvas taips ■Wooden foWto di >mprBssor (or painting • Three good i orchiid -Tractors-Hay S Far Mial harnjwa with draw bar ■ a d or le cabinet • Two s e ^ of 6 ' melal ifltaWe; -Vchm -i Vbilt Mr - Homefito duln taw* (2) T ro ^ l rolotaief, 6 hp. • 3' x 4' weWinfl Tbe AasocUtcd Prcu "cieSSSf S SLANEAUC —SUHDAYf APRIL Q | bincli Inr I SALETIMIE:1:00p.m, E: PTRAILERS HORSE&CAMPJ - HORSETACK CAMPINGTENTS-I ^ BOAT UVESTO C ock iN OTHERMISCEUJW EEOUSITEMS — ........... — MEKIS IDlE hnpoftant rile U «rhiftg'toiU eab<keit«D Check of p u u g e in our mobile (Odety. wd a o o tiik.M ^a)L _ outottfbD okiaodcuecU csoi a n d pleaM n i to help mike ll > ti l e! an S r i ^ ^ a l W P u W iitch- L i b r a i ^ InfomulioHforUj rU i ■’ » H I s ty U -H g b) 3M pMxani • Fertlkier s p r ^ rir,, 1 2 '• r w sher • Some hind toob • (10) :i_other weed burner • Post driver • Plilt. ip..rotoUller • Hand 5 gallon wee . _________s__________ ' t e U y ^ i?3rinc-»c« • AiJ4-Aptni2Ai|Wali]) : ----- IPARKSflui I f l U C ^ C O . ------------ . . . ~ O W N E R : D a l e &U ; a n e S l a n e le Cliecit Day Sala 6t S a ls B u ro g e d tiy M asters e is A a c tlo a S ervice jr m s iC a s lio r B a n lc a b te l . APRIL 17.1994 SUNDAY. APR (1twrtr*«w^&wwmoW«---------------- renl-Bellevue [ ^ ^ Atfvcftlscmefi ^ orling 5 Goods-Shop ament-Aiiiins ; BIUESTES& S &A ^ C IA m ,_________ ■ MCUIDAY, APRIL 1UL1BTH-11A.M._______ Fuisaic'STw^ s^mWondflTFmii c u E i a[ - . • Mxttincrjinctr-Ha.’sllijn , QoiyCDebom land Atfrtrtijoncfi soncrt-Aprll 16 . ‘ -034-6350 LomarLovolai mCTloil SERVICE — -------S o — ^ - -__ MASTERSJUUr la u ^ r ----------RuportrWWw _________ J • 4433 6 ^ 3 ^ - ■- - - ^ i ^ a a s a3—- ;- :’=^6^9---------- : Rupw t ■ Small cement mixe iS f-W S S -. ahovela - AJr comp Wooden atoraoe c a p rm ro n n itm r I JtXtisiness= r .'- f r i w e s t iE f B e ir to i - ^ u s in e s ^ a iii strzrig ht-gg © O W ^ lJ p ^ l - ndition. :iursday-s jo r oversold conditi long-term (in terest) rates.’ < . - H c » t f d '. K ^ g h t . R id i i do'N i ew s Scrvicc t!though th e y u dm jned Thu p a r t o f t lj e:ppirojcctcd rise to tiie auto- lo T he A sso ciated Press ry tbonds w ere, once , ___ ih flow and U.S. Treasury im proving profit.s and cash market dytianiics were not1 rremotely dustry. "C ar kales have re- in m obile iiiiki; s tro n g d e m a n d a lso are m n rh ■■irr.nL’L -c thnn ilirde st ------------ VVASMINOTUN — Ti tsc-arnom ingloss, risrose over managed to crasc-a m ore investm ent. sivc rally, when th e ’Dow rc iths ago," she said. m , . trials rose: 1-3 \-l points to close at 3693 s nom y, A m eri- to six month 'b y rtiL* cxpandiniJ cconor 1 n q u arte r p o in t bv ;___ lO T J o J ia v ’c_____ ih o f more in); m ore than-flThe rep orts-did not appc; / fhr»ir t)'ir<l r n nnr?pntiwp S Thiirsdav: nning a hit» inIn oth er■reports re can businc;;.^cy arc plnnr'i! nfigr Federal Reserve -si « k - m a r . , — -~thnn 6 gnincra to evcrv io s c:Lf ____ _inidaftem 0 0 D..n<^p essioo foHowHng a frccfnl1-~tl la tio n 's largest rctiiilcra-rc—- liil dram atic im pact o n tl)0 -5l fo'r'new b .u il d ~ " »-Thc-nat3 _____ c rca sc 'in iin'osuncnis for speaking = k cf? ^« ch ^v asM i» x « !-flrtc i ility o fth e Chaiffnan AlnnI'Greeaspan, Gr il,,' One caveat about the qualii lier-ilinn-exp«ie<rM ilcs-for—kl thc index 6.5 pcrccnt o f its ------------------s ^ p o n e a -te tie i ~ -----ingH nndcquiprnC T t.— Son Francisco, proved-- — onsum crs. m ore eonfident etery e a rlier thi.s week'. isl’Hvc trading days: " “-th t. r c c - d a y n illy ; tccbnicnl1 canalysts • to bankets in-.San; ■■ ■ < * vallie in jiiSf p a n m c n t said- M arch, Con TIiL' C o in m c rc c D epar umincnt, /j-point hike . rumors b f an immi A lte r tw o m oves sincee F e b ru a ry l Analysts | ir-financial security, apparIs ssaid llic quality o f Thurs-■ ssaid, w ^ that it lias shown a progrcsplan an 8 per- aboul th e ir < . • T hu rsd a y businesses plai J .5 cssions — in tlie discount rate rate to be unfounded. by the Fedenil R eserve to0 :n u d s c in • sion o f dcclining-volumc ses; it’shopping enthusiastically b; ly im proved in latc afters , w hich w ould ently w e n t’s cent increase in 1994. wl 1 enjoyed a moderate ractcristics Tlic dollar had cit terest rates higher, stock p ■ not tlic most bullisli o f charac ing and Was, overall, better r Stef, lc , P " 'f r o o n inidinE capital invest- before liiLste be the biggest ju m p in caf rumors. rom a m a- rally Tliursday on such !i ; i r v a lu e . Miiin W c d j nn e s d a y ’s a c t i o n — a l -• for f a rally that has arisen froi ninibcr o f A m ericans filing lclost about 9 p crcent o f their ;rccnt ju m p in • T he nun m ent since ;m' 11.4 perci: E conom ic stre n g th has,s triggered claim s for jo b less benefits llrst-iim e cl: I9«9. and interest I---------- -----------1.000 last w eek, the L abor fcfears o f rising inflation an sharply h igher rose by 6.0( Tlie latest figure is sha ^ Jiite s, a n d b u sin ess invest nt saidthan tlie^csiim atctl 5.44 p crcenl rise D epannicnt iv--y e a r, fix c d -ra tc in o rt- " pp la y e d a k e y ro le in the p ro jc c tc d j u s t • T h irty . . tliui b u sin e-sscs-h ad pro r a s e d R.47 nL-rceiil th is, gi were asking an average • nst y e a r 's in - ir a w s av eer: oan M o rt- gages, lendersS w( b y th e F e d era l H o m e Loa b; ,nc.HSCs s u r - T h e A s a o d n tedPresa l td S ev eral th o usand busini 4,96 pcrcent, up from w e e k , u p) 1fro m K.0 4 'p e r c e n t la st initial rate o f 4, crease w as 7,1 percent, . ggag e C o rp . Departm ent veyed by thc Com m erce Di ast week. tl: e highest in nearly two v< he h ig h e st 4,65 pcrcent last \ " I t 's c o n s is te n t w ith th e re c c n t w eek andI th T his w e e k ’s, level is thc •IGTON — T h irty -y e a r, W A S H IN G a r nmonga{{CS. a popular :c o r 'd in g to th e F e d e ra l didarin g th c first quarter off 1994 said perFifteen-year s tro rrue r-tlia n -e x p e ct:ed e d g ro w th in y e a r s , accc since m ortgages averaged1 8,48 I n o rtg a ges a v era g ed 8 .47 si -biU ion-iliis_rised:ri»l<?jnoi .-^ljey-w ould-«pcm l-S633-bi ar^^•^oTtBnge-<;t>t^>^— — = ;— -tl isc-rtffinancing-^iottgages,-------a'C Cun'D T rrisr—H o m trL 6 arr •d'Jung'26. ' upiicm-foi~1hoae-ri diTnrig the w eek'ended 'c c o n o m y , .saia"C "wi w e ^ . up from 8 W p ir - cent ci b illio n last Percent this y e a r — Up fro m S 5 8 6 bi ;rc e Secret:iry Kon Drown y icrcentQ ge avcrai*cd 7 .9•11 pp. crccn t'th is week, up ♦ C om inerc P r is c illa T n u n liu U o}ff th t e W EFA Jc, aiid the higliest in near- -- 11 992. Il is n c a rly -l-> l^ tii Jld m odem - cent last w eek. le irising investm ent-spcnd- yiyear — on c onstructing ani cc'nt a w eek e a r l i e r ^ ow of,6.74 frpm 7.55 percc'nl points a bove thc 2 5-ycar lo\ • G ro u p , a B ala C ynw •yd, yd, I’a,. fo re- said o f the - P' - i2:ing-builctings. J c ^ l i h g ;.n , ! cw ,c o m ---.ly -tw g y ^ ni.• " ■ T ltrratc s do n< • -- - - : “^n g p l a n s . ' i r c m r f b i r c c d oil n na^ p — ■ - " —t th e r e q u ip piitiT»j iin ttra d in n oth Bt-ttn.,<<.imi-nt in nnt?hi-irmn4i. nts. ,, rate m ort- k-nown as points. . O n one-year adjustab!.e_n y iie 's a iil sh e WUS'flni -m c n t-a n d m achinery. ff b y-ti»> -r«cont-nm -up-in—rr tlribuicd n-big • ch o k ed off-' - • that-thc-govcm m enl-allril (hree.mimilis tl week tage increasse slightly this Fixedi-rate morti LilM llViCXl I W&t s Dow-Jones5 «*Jon«>«v«f»fl0»l0f KGWYORK (AP) — firol D<w.-Jt Essa"'' Loo OoM CW ofiso.45. 040010*..- - London late. U04.03. on $( no ita«; 500 O 700 IM. 65 00-109 OO; 700-9 :6 tim B00, Ml«a 5-1016 tit 6B0>. per nwvsrwf«foiom. non - no NMA«e>ab<e Pan* aflefnoon fiiJrw NMf 00 00-100 00. mo»o,7!Lo,»orne^h^«-^Mied10, 0^ w e A 7.00-7.50. mo. 90. of off SO05. FranUun fL>no S304.00. ShoO bred 750.00-114 00per f^ead. »303.BO.OfI».45,M04.30_ aieaHerTwn.»3fl3. FreUi neifers: 020.00-l.23d.00 per rwsd. irTlo“M.lewh.0'»rMlV3*1O-5in . f™ lOOO-lDM.mcir, 1 MJUng COM' no Int. KfrBffweH)f‘. non iUe A 0 50-0.00. [^i FilmBsqi. PMnundro U04.30. up S040.. Dreeolr^ bull*, rw Inl. Dre mo»Uy0 00, iom*ehiflt'en hK 1001b »ck», non»U« A ta8«ca!»d. J305 60. up tO 40. * J1.300 00; NY Handy & Harman taBrte Toptpnnger: * 1 , * ^ ‘D S ; ^ing*r* ’ Tof S £04 50. mostly 0 OiO. ocea««*i7 WOf>on 50 tb cei- lop NY Engeinafil. 1305.00. up IwelBhl, 70* 30.0CM2.00, nwUy kjp M »prv>5«n: SU60 00, top 100 »pnngi Mj , Ctuuo o torn. perfiundrsdweH up«)42. . NY Enfloinart laUncalea. t-*1,240 00. JW|SB M;j 32U Jun 3000-31.00.OCCBW JOirO TV>ntncJo.eTt.«.»fl3.00,oI1 «i3LAprt22. NYCome»«}Ud*pot month Special open heifer aaio. open contlgnmeol «Dona iB^.«>5So0.1ew'S«^. OOi Spi OT00^.00, mo»Bj 2 J1.00. can for idvanceO con»Jsinmgnl. Dank 4 p.m. Thu. S304.10. ofT . NY Republic Nauonal Dan» ,rao 1 ^ 0 ? Is^i'lO •3 0S . jI?» . cl'orao ulnlermoun. JO.SO.'^ POCATEUO (AP) —Idaho Fami Duraau li . 2 50 lb w i* . per 1.unflre<fw»KihL 0 PO ZO.OOO.tWO looSSToO. 113*25 (.om S.nclw 4 Co tain U»oiloch lepofl for TKureday. 3,30?,300 QiwljIKjiij (ron S.50-0 00, occationally >tre<ni mani- taui ounce minimum 5.50ulure*bodinoontheCorna« ' NEWYORK (APJ —Fulurei <Ki»iiy_hi0|W jJ0 owiwrrumm^ Ida IgilkMW.oCCatMnsI Idaho Range and Feediot Rapon alauohisr 0 00-0.50, lew k»w, Um (MO* -Che. Am ” B e a n ! 000-000 lb 120.00-121.00; MuoWer hwfon - USOA — mw^^s ^IB120 00-121 OO; feeder aleera 80M50U) _^3^1_” .01 CMlCA G j^(^jj-O i -1)0.00; la«>er.l»lleneOO^ D ) 70.0»-77,5 g c - ---------------------Vir^nyOeiinf Wid.TiiiinS.OSl--- ---------|}5ti?303 00'383 00-^T.W --------------Hoittetfi tlaert no ouoio; aieuBhier Hoitw CrMlnonhom w » / l * n t 4ff 7f)1 ifn f!2ft . - uutm; muBnter no queu; leeae«-Un B7'oo"3a5 4o E^ ” — !uu-------------5J5' 367.00 307.90 *2*1 io-22 M ' 018 »aeki non tuo A Wi»con»in qu< INk* YOfli Stock C>Smo;i fcid», •I 20 00;nn»«U 10018 90.00 W M 301W —1,« L.mrtwJIOOO Aug 300 00 390.00 ido 7.50-OAO; Idano 0.00-0.50. ,2.75 - 02X 8 OM.SO, Colorado i per c»t70«) (kAiicUonIn o o 39200 392 00 LIVESTOCK AUCTION -IdahoUveetoc*, loni count: Wltconwi LIV Veiumo U it Cng. Small wnriin. X 270X —03>: Ru«Ml«50Ibcanoni Idaho Fall* on Wadnetday; uaity and comr ’pro l(Jor» pittos cOioclod wwikiy bj; Daan iNnolon 24 00-20.00. Oreoon 24.00, Ida ; Z07 -.D3K .... 27.00-20.00, WfltNm . . _ - T«fl^A05 __ .'i!n |;?ox 270X ioaxz 1,111,000 {^v^i’N'e.rt'” SoOO^ni (»s. U.S DflpsilfT^inil of AcitcuftDTw. Pncir»- - ^ ---eow» 43 00-31.00: heavy leeden 70.00-00 co« 2 57X — 03X 20 00: Cotemdo J5 25 o0U3o 00; Idaho J9.00-fc.00. V/niMoit a . 40000 —1,00 5.00-tl'?00, Js?............................ tiOwiMt lOOpoundt. U.S.No. 1 Msni. faaoars 60.00-100.00: etocker feedara 95.0 noo»100oount.Wl»coft»in13.00l»* X 2 03X —.04 nu«MU50lbcailoni m2 “ jWO 03 50 403 50 404,10 - 1 00 heevyholj„n 403 50 403 M txian lu> ana ttoiaga cnarQoi Quotes cuiholllsln leader »li«n 70 00^5 00: hec ioA 'IK "os»l8at«j®t>c<.i 7K 2 07X —03 14 00; W«»hlOQtoo H 407.70 -1.00 >p II 5. Ptoiluc«f» ilosuino rxxo tecanl piico Auo ^ 0< J S K S S S S , ’" ” -” " K I feeder ileer* 04.00-72.00; holileln|*P>lnff«f 4078,100 U>1 i.nlooAiX.15. ^ 2^0^ 72X 2 00 22.00 —03X I<JH 'NnU* ■‘O? ColOrBdo 13.0^10 411J0 —1.00 ud.bet>y oSl head 0lBMCMWiSCon»«(e»i0 00-0 25 N>t hetfen (Jerome) 1240.00-1420.00 per 3a.fW 7W300 21)v — >l uila.m«bon»nc 'A 7*Vf — 03X Roonowmroi 1001B A;noucn n oi!c V » 2 50X 2 47X: 1520 415,20 415,40 —1.00 daky cal»e» (Jerome) 70.00-100.00 per he< WiKj.-eMiM 42.047 , ISfwo). ft ^ 419 30 -1.00 Woa'»cpeninl321,704. upOOO 2 ^ 'S m ^ *ix G r a ir heller* 82.06-07.00; Uoekar heUon 8O.OiO-0 K " " S . - C - . i ’i S . , S,000 bu mkMmunc doiloi Mr b u M >—3aa»rMur«lrwJinoontf>«N*w --. tiock *lo cow* 073-00.000.00 per head; OMyt »ioU>;le«ier Wy o t; oens par W *l.nnl liw (juit.ol, ba;'oy,‘tr.iiiSI'BtaVi.‘e«il». M=y ...........■; (Jerome) 00 OO-IOO.OO: weaner p^)» no (jm 2:i23>00 m • X- Ptto.Hlw-l.nr laiW.* no quoie. RemafU: Ail ciaaaa* eteae •« /Apr 6*4,0. M4.0 2.077.400 40 --------- — zVrj ________ Iti«at^J27TbJi«TS oram-------e Chicago 050,0-601iJ5 25.comJ5 00(15%"Wtu>«) Prwc. CHICAOO (API —future* tradoiQon Ihe C 2^<m.iM ^ ~ H UJJO^^ttlS “ - <>» - « i Ially By Rnngf.n's s V d : 1.10 ,1.21 S WeO.-D »<•« 1.330 locBman'a tnc in Mountain Horrw. quolMl sec o«Sip 5m :1 moo 1Stockman . Inc. of Djrlay, tD0Of1«0 »on __________ _ CATTIJ , - 5 3_________ ____________ Peg M7 0 ML9_M0_0_M12 M7 0 !S 11:SS \ \ S ! ! g = g c tl Aw'l dniryorv in Moiii.la,n HomOjI201:___ 11 I.II IT02 TT.W —02 ■' <0, ^ ------------------ .%i— InrHUI' ,57 -.15 ^T-fi jp-i».oarAiuu»rci«iiv«iy:n oc' , ^ 7 0 0 0 « 7- ^ . 3-------------.08 11.14 11.00 1V00 |0 3 -----CCS Chnng* andnwaJpV DcKtlllllori >^y 11.00 0 May °*™‘ “ '’ q '.^ ^ ^ o r ‘o ^IX 0.J5 - -.0 3 u ;; -S iaK>«tno (train X I0 40X —.04X oa 11.10 Auo O^W^ 6 ^ 04^<W oy. no uuolo. n<rwOOP oNiat. no Quale “ V « l e . 17.795 0.34 6 24 8.10 Im I ' i 7 d« « » o 804.0 597,0 595 2 ^ 3 LO (AP) — loitx) Perm tJuconu [ntstmounfi POCATCUOI BPonlWTTii/rwJ.Ty Apr 74.05 74.83 • 74.00 74.00 1,00 - » • '■'“ wBd'***»o»21,000 2111 . ’•■>; bltijjialn tBPO iW^^7 ClXlAuro il"f 0 29H o Wod.’* *a‘e« 0.000 in i>6cA’ e ut o -—wn:i0 wt.out 2 00 (uo 21. Beilcy 4 055' . May-----___^__ ________ Wed,’»openmill0,70i 112,000 RM; oenap 6 J J • -(U J-. 0 J 2 _ 0(I -17 —04X W ^ im -- n .8 9 -S T .9 0 -----.03----- ; Wed'* open M 70.032,-up 050-------— '" U — •): (.iM'dri.upr Cures Uum« !ul 0.M flJO 0 34X I 'reEDeRcAm£. 35 22 05 22.02 22.04 .M IM ‘ .i;: . win!DfJ33(ua Firat InHI 0<i"oc»ii S I I 35 I 22.00 22 04 23 05 —TO W Nov 0,05 0 05 3 04 “ :S S i S S 'wiiln'~n«8l3OO(una|;&»i«>400 ■ 20 .X 'OOOEN-Wf Handy4 Harmon *.»ve» Thursday r « l Soc CofB 4 ^icont s[»ino r>0Quote; 11 pofcent winS r ’ “‘ =‘^ r o '? : 3 00 07 00I97 xtealed tS470.uo 0.030. m ~ ;t t3470.'i^*^; FaWeaS . .. -.w«J.’»<^lnli31.2lO ----M ay -. . 01.20 . 81.43 00.07 01.09 - » 'i J r T i»r«re8iiierinLondon»9,4979 - ---------' .................... - s — - - Thehtfwnpncaferstrwt oj HJ. Hoif'f — I i m " - " ’ " 5i 0 _;Vhrie v>hnsl3.50(ilnaay); uney 7^ 01.73 81.0 01.40 0 1’°S « - r^ ui A---- -0110,275, 2M — PORTIANDlaahoPwwrCo. 1.00 UlM02^4^pofconl»eiino 5.70 (uB5); Sao 01 40 614 3093 01.19 3i.‘i .y. ioo.oo-w.oo 30, upOOM; Fabr*^ed *5,010, I'fK j —= 2 0 —'En^haitiitvor 16,430, u( il: | p ~ 4 r » ' ”2 !S “ d7.« : K<iy Co«p. ■ OlilO 81.^ 00.70 01.M o'., .Wwb'tMl«a023 ' a ¥ ,f, i:!S ^ L » u . w -• - Lo"0'»i"wFit><’' ,L — Wuto wfioat cvrl 4 03 (up 31, O nrloy 07 *4 CALDWELLHnbmnThur*C9y»5,44’8,'Off •-' ■ «7.oa, . ...-y. . 27JQ ...—.13_____ WoO.-»e{»nlnl7, B0!m WOsm«**var*poliro(T Urcron Tocfino*Ooy irt-................................ . ' ' ? 0 H—' ♦>!■' 5.10 (tt^ftdy). • --------------- TMuriisoo^Knudttfl-------- ' ' ''‘'wed.'t aaiaa S09 P»Ci«(XP D(> (AP).—DKJs Qi 1.30pm. MOT Thur»<My Wi>d.-iopenlnni,431, up9 . l/K PORTLAND Pnllnc'- • i | : | L iv e s to i anivod ot PotUnnd tor tKumoni by loit. , Piico<CoilWlrK /ga, porBuUiol. e»ceploats, com. Baney r»ViF#n»UvesiocJiCo<nmi»»ior)Ca 4a ra -X 21K . -X and uvgnum, I rlr||i pnc«> from tns catue wl« ne>d ^ 'UWOTWKgon tno Ne*rYork------------2^7 •02 N£WYORK{AP)-FUW* — 5V“ !■»« iw’t” »lSl2l 3M Thursday, ii;52 ‘8l!72 Morcanllle ; Jul ' ‘ 2^/. ' — No1~Hitocli SmlliB F/0 Inc W»d'»»«lo* 13.518 24 ■K NO 2 gynidO'ni.lticuoa <)» S - r • "S 2ft -----------------S^CMirt^VSivDlrMHaTOTDO a ---------------------------------- -------------------------------oy >0 inland nront ®4.OS SOYDEANMEAL Dec 45.03 40;i2 4570 45.9 .700lo000IM.70.7&-e3.S0;ovw 0< 100 ton*: doOM per ion |^.irtni»<»t>««ortlmfyp«DS»ln . 3.p FeB 40.00 40 30 46.0 60dlB».71.»-7B.i0 !S .S 1?S ■ : May ■ 108.40 100 70 107J0 10 K 7 40 — 40 Apr 44.30 4440 44.30 44>» (» in . 00 00-101.00: 400 lo 500 Ibi. A| ' . 10 pet pfololn 187.00 -.3 0 Hetfen Uoder400>t 1 Jul <00.70 1B8 00 507.50 1( mCO f ^ — —rt)^— 3 < y , 000 kj < -----------^7-5»-<ef. w iea b8-’<< '[Wed.'t aale* 7.071 • ' . 105.20 —30 IB>. 7S SUM.OO, 70( 'iSSuf-i.Uii ii(>yV5 ' ' T U«d.'*opimlnl31.057 21K «K 13pap<oIain 00. 03 20 - 30 000 IM. 70.50-75500 1043 15,00 15,00 -.19 WMll PM S4L ’ ISSIS ISi Jg II PORKOCLUE8 34;; .X 1 0artc fKrtw >0-52.50. Pt UB{|tye(w>:40.00-S: 2iicg Inc nS t . 1005 10.15 10^19 10,05 15,00 - ,I9 I Oec 103M 103.30 1 0 2 ^ It102 40 - 4 0 40,000 ei*.;e»nt» per Bl. lapctpfOloln lors: 38.00-47 00 *0 182,40 —.40 CanngfjandcuBon: 1 Jan 183.00 16340 182.40 1{ May 33.7^ 54,90 53 00 04 3 • Upelpiotom .00-095.00. Stock COW*. 7S0.00-1 OtMlaloniltoin CaAVilO Jpne»4Co Mar 16500 10500 1B400 It104 30 - M S :i! k; s k JSIn 040I \ ISpcJproloin ,50 C 00-050 00. J>. Coofcstf pa n-350 «-25 S5-i2 KSJ i12,25 May 1BS.M IMM 1SSW If105 00 —1.00 *.40 ^ 1 0 « 10« 106 00 —1.00 He»ef«ta: 5fl.0C«4.i OLIS (AP) —Ctoin rutuiM Triu F « 60.S0 6 o!m m !sO 507 250'lo500IOt 74.50-00 00;500lo Fc MINNEAPO^ ■'“'we<).'»ilMi” .M5 iOJJ 50,25 Aft 18,55 18,5! Opon Mlgn LXM StSc Ov. 2.00. ovw 700 (M. M 7M “•’0) ^ 72.00 WKl'sopen mi 60.504, up370 Mv S7.00 57.'40 37.00 57,4 WHEAT M DulcTwr bu9<: UI00^s4.00, DO10.62 10.07 10 03 -.19 Wed.-**aJe*4,7n Lo. ClOM Dianoo S.OOO(>uninlr rtnlmOT: a c ^ ^ jn .00-59.00. FMder built: 55.00-! Jvl 10.01 10.01 10.01 10.02 .10.73— — 10----- --------___ VY«.'»0PWJnU?-U3._ufJM____ ------------------ ------------------------------------H otw t-«00.7d.» ».»---------j------------ ---------------— — -iroo—18*0—1001------. 1 9 ................ 3 40 3 42 - 3 38 3 3dn-01X Cotnmenia'Cows, o IDAHO FALLS (AP) — T^ufwWt nXsk) pot pncee lor |? .| |? : | S = :|! ■ , lucari Liveelock Marketing Aiaodarl*y dUBIca, detfv- JEROME - PfOCi^ Iflano-e upp«f vsney, F*ll»-Oui>*, 3 44° 3 44K ■.of* m2 uon In Jeroms rap^ Mo, Jun Jun DMnik S-F(;;nc ly j j o 00^ 0 0 0 O^^l^ W O^ Jo O0 0 0 137M 137M 13025 -2 00 ns ------- Most actives r“cTni«i. Gufl"' ju" 3 57X -01X ..3 MW - 01X 3 04 - 0 2 Wod.'aopon ml n a. CHICAGO (AP) — Pulura* Usd.no al iling in UOMon Ihe CnuooOoardof TrIK3aT^u.. tS« O ^. ^ ®° Ot»n Hign U»« 6«8* WWEAT 0,000 bu iMilmuRi; Qonw* per b u M j -0M 'T J ^3“3oxV^o ^ « X x 33W : X 3; 37X —OCX C«p 3.37X 3.40 3.30X 4X 344X —01 Dec 3.47 3 48X 3.44X X3.40X-.OOX Mar 3.40X 3.40>( 340H : ins VjS iS'SS'S'iSKsr " S '” ’Z”'*-' ‘ r Sugar -a'=‘s ;"gs."°‘’a . a siT-Sis tri-zli sss i ; 31 rest Local interei s K , a' .K K ?!:“ iS » : Sn?3S g i : gs yji g s ii i - i l ock S S S « lels Fossil fuel t i i s -iT s IS !!5§ W-E’! iii iss B Bis tures Closing futu ■irs~!a' S ’ S ' “ slii :s —: 3 ^Pptatges------ srsKa""-""."”.- g Metals -T . OTffTt*wontw»w. -- ewy ----- Demand fiifty nam: Manat OO-TOOeol 0-119 00. Se ed^joeti. W«e Ouilc«lve»: 70.»11 •r, omw» eOoul eteody. Moeoy mWeO' May Sor<»<>»n» 0®' _a x is. _5j(57 Hong . 05 .......WM'IOM XJ.OO-IOOOOperrwM. He Kor« lata: i305.18. ^ S0.20. HeiferCSIvm: IDO .OC TDno* in F>K«i. RutMl OurMnk. U S S. 12-Jncticr4MEAT----------------------,-------------------l7500-335.00p«n*Bd. Uo 30300 303.00 ■1.00~ Started cafv««. 1751 --------------5 r -'c 3 T ■ I mV 3 m ----- ounS m&numrSaiiKI S-lOlomwht>*u cU . ber nuni*>km ^<Jol^^pwb«^ lOto500*M r»l«t.300Io500)M___ Lo May Coppw 00 BS 8S KMByS.SoTlew ' ‘OpenheUer*'300» I dre<N«H3m.no” *UeAB.00-a.S0,in« 3 405 Apt PlAUnum 4M.OO 4C 00 407®30 ' 1:70 iiS?® _________ s3-"'5,id™ " 05, )40. „K± s s g i ^ yA°« StockHistings [ KAiS- S.“S i - : “"=5 ■ is s ' “ Kaycoipija • 11 4435 51*** NpwVork *** li CiS«m ' _______ 32 ^ • dS h h i .w « '! - i NEWYORKt*P)—Tt>u pnc*i '0' r<*« Yod>Sloe* Eu>w>9< dSSS t 12 9<M 4' ^ p J;4 oSaCol'w M DoimC M 1M3 ” ***” PE KM Oifl. S. X 0«UOn 0»i«'a 168 r .H SSS , / S S :X»! X X Dm i i 2 x.ix IX V OranFi M 74 9039 28 • I »•<. K OrtWi .44 38 2f35 21X- ) 1 ,_ K . UonWM 20 20 1350 501 __ IKIRjc__11___22.IB13_4i’i l J 1 .1 [XmH«m2.54 irx. S— - ' ------- r ° ~ if 4M 3W' -' -.1* Dort>«y 58 jji; H--cipsIcbieJ---. 'ji^ 437..ja: |S oSSn 2M ' •I,. H CUSEr>9.72 12 1741 • 2Z *. !H -oowjm W ii:_ il CPC 1 3fl -18 B77 4M» • ■ a i V '- . l '. S tl! X r S^w iit b * , AKoa' IW OPJMWM.07.** 1722COT be«*7« to 1K9 4SX-, AOrtnd 1.97 » « » ' MX* 77 -1M9 17 ' • X H IX X 22 ' 73* eox- JN H « ' J-** IX 16 3 (» 78X-1* IX 30 3822 B8X*1X c S o r to W '»*7W j S » K C«iKO *54 4H» X CaPee160 6079 « -IX CtttPin .86 17 2574 31 — X GMe 04 33 4283 84X Cita .»8« 14 6430 1BX- X C1C6U 4061 iX - X OgW ^.M a5 - Rohr sRoKaasl.40 noOaa* JO .. 21 1178 43X* X , 388 9 17. 001 17X< X ........... " ’. E III III 1 5 : ! r 1020 ! S 1013 t7!04 Wed.'* talei 00.420 E*1.*ale* 00,123,., We 10,099. UP3.233 W*d.'*openmi4l0,0»‘ :fcaao ,01 g^„ Tuc ?T,«ina ;S S .0 V 5 T,fl •< _ 21 764*’4 _ - t!i B 204 4x 5388 7K- X UAL slS !S r iwi'^ 1.S4 UNOlW " S ' g : ’! SS "S:! S3S*S_ S U3W« 2.14 23X— X ' 24 *« 'IS t'x CWaPt 15 381 10X* X CiO»» 38 0090 41 • X O w ^ .20 14 2 ^ 1 3 ^ X ISooW 0' ■ *08 7140 12X 24 1440 31xT X 9 2 3 JS S ^ :H iSScc iwtA 4407 “ tx 2 38 ' 13 810 34X EipCA 770 10X»1-18 1.80 17 31M- 87X- X F'*ii»Pl * ^ ,99 ^kJka .12 31 34 37X« X M ^2S^ X 08 *44» UX^ X ’ f•i»**nui SS HoeelUl *.78 15 2002 Ho5JPw2 50 • 13 5U 4M» X 2 s s . . ’« i W 2 ? x * i '; ; U3F0 OC S T « " i2 !3 ^S ” i ^ '" S S „ 'S , . S UnElee SfePC .l6e 13 2018 23X-X IM ffiw io” 2o 'l W 2 ^ 5 1 5K ? Urefffl 1 1,04 10 8W 3 » — X . B S 0 0 . UBe»i , 30» »X» X .• - fuf iP ° ?^T,5 -l_m2S_i!so-!jQ-m*4 J iM t 1^ li ~ t5__ ^ — i«£m- 2'*I— !— e -i«ai-fti— I Mr-3TK*-X--lOMn 1 - I 2503_-fl2Xf.Jt__ I 13 15M 4W* X g s r “ _ £ % ” -S " - 5 aSH) 9-iS^T-tfl 24 2558 28 • »5 0KC0K1.12 13 620 17 ♦ X , 8. ^ ^ 9 M‘ V’0 SnefTf l,»4e .17 1217 B OX«.X . USJ on^X •'luiw n ■ I 3 T O ^-^^ X :” 48w’ ..■■£ snanm .65 . «.1^O T -^*^— /artel * 24 , 24 2374 34X* X Ha»Brc 28 g2i.c ^ 14 1 ^ ^ 5 - 1 ' ■■ 07 I?3'r5 saxMx — p-0 — a ----- ij—*i-7n(*-v----------M M -||3 ^ 'MX* X 0 WaeJxM4 IJO 12 1768 S2X* X IW p “^OT ” xt N ^WadiM mpoigiaer . 343 32 • x J8 29 61 13X-X UnpO l 1B 378 vraMI *.1726 48994 28X. X m i.^ X 124 ” ]ssr’i ^ 5 lis* m I = !!! ! WamL 2.4429 2397 81X« X haiCdZ S m S K l i ! " ' '•< •« u1 •: 5 cESS.W?’ \ f n w 17>i^*) ’* 23900 32X*X u £ S ‘ M 22°2U4‘ 3l”- I x jS S S z’iS m Sm ^J4 *1*2 669 %i»*x ' kSS** X MmeOep,12 42 12293 42X» X ■. S S S l i ™ cltoS.1.7^ uJJoS 1 « 18 422a 43 . . X I 5; : ^ il ’*23®2287*-“ « , ^ X- H anishJll 3«a 14X» * aS oT i M U *(XM mk* 5 ParCan .80 24 8301 «3#K— « MaO? M 23 77 2U* X ' H Hmtfk. M 7T O ^*X xT’x fSS i i M ” t8'4W 8M . AtrRBf ,,- w ,l- 2 L—it ^ . S S l M ^3 82ffl IIX* - P»a»n-;13l 10 137 3X» X w S o , m ’ 14lj374.'lixrx ,NTH& SUtTOt . . -«1«. 31X—K . -W» An'Stn • .90 • '8 3 * 2 W —iIX Konit .78 22 448J JW* li X KS?* iS X i- X C«ft5oW« 1.70 13 1W8 24JII — 130^*7 16^^10 4*»S^X anMtl .34 14 4842 14X- X W* - -AT«I McOnO 1.40 11 W^I^IWOX j I4I8I ^K ‘ 13 W28 3M--XX '• H S f r . OtnCo. IJO 12 927 32X-X W A/i»t(Jli1OT JM IS S S i "* “ 3!?? _______ (kran>er40 13 1290 37X. X J J Jjl_ X cwipln JO S5* ' 2J0 15 4WJ SJiJ— 3U 15 IM2I “ ix’“ «* X ^ S f v ii ‘*1M *1^.1’ X X 0»T«<*1.S37 13007 3# *li ’ « 5 *3?S >Mnac . . . 40 3X« X X I S iS e ’ 38,^71” ^ ^ Ueion 3^t • ^ ^ ’5 I 49 .1 own# > 1271 4H *X I X* FPL Cp 2 48 -* * 14 2505 33X J . H * 0»rtn 3 70 22 4013 8M* ) 5 S S ..1 6 ” i r ^ ’? 4 ;.; ^ t— IK F«<W» 2215 7X— X lOP u - X cmjuu J ^ tS « *' 82# 7 Wy —K F*a£>p 21 1885 64*— X uSSnV.80 ’ 7 # 9 ^ I * 'Hx-y-55SSd o t X CI»y*» .80 S 2MaO 40*^ 'X- aP-W404.07-94 17ZIL0T UaU.ISe 18 10833 u97K«4X . pnm I Xm i 3 10 XTO'IOOX' X pnwr I1X«1 bOflrW. . „ „ t .40e 10 1303 20 T X Ortktt -0» 18 *'>‘* ■iiS S 4 i i S S ? »tj)l» ^_ X ^ . . ” * * " ’‘ • 2 5 2 , CWOfp 10 1B1B7 34*» : i i i s s r i . i o * ? ? « * ? ;« ! V ? sx r’2% i2’i o W x ’‘- : .5 5 — tS^n. 2^-^.”-:^ -^ n tt.A — . S Jf X CUttlf 27 804 64X. 1X --TO»--1^19--(4 PealS/i 73 10X ________ .SS6-3W .-Kwil-X — Ctao. - 1 HJ- TB• 490-451- ; ASRKX 9 60 JO <1M g, X. * FltCrJc 1.80, 8 «79 ^ ’ IJ. Mn<Pt.2.02 13 118 29 — X I Booco~'^~'^n^4'"^?r~"x— ----g Co««Uj HEWYORK(AW-TM ryonaf Sctfe X> !X - FlnUU 2 12 <0018 u7«l«1X* U 807 I j ; ^ X ,pS22fj3® ’L ? ’“ ’« I pnawfcrAtnwanBteaiEatf^naa • OWQ 8.AM . ID 5409 M» X U S S ™ :! I Taeow ^ ')(T X Flg^" 40 18 475 38 — J X ' dM^ 1 ' ” t74B 13X jxj*x • ' ** j tJSS ?72 16 8577 6MOX AlC Jmmh . c<T»t IM J, i 4‘5 I TNIn*! * 29 59 24W X '5 il* 4 ^ 'j ^ ^ 5 r x To«P*t JO*______ 22 877 15»________ -------------}] , a ' Conul<.74' 1^ Ots Z&*' I TubUei 123 0 'S-tO *“ ** .1 NLwf*’ ** '* ’« 7 '« ♦ X U FOodA 81 19 1X*M6 TcWwn 39 1ZX« X AU g -j| g S S '-” *2 " ' M • I S ^ i . 54” — ---Teao.-- ••0--4»-«7»-lUU-X---- Ay. ^ .IX CcraMI.04 10 2508 3S;(— I OT-Cia----------- ««7—« ----- X-----------IX AP-WSW4J37.941723E0T Raf«in 1.40 13 1452 , 84X UmrPal_______ > m --------------------------NMjdW . J A -1 ^ -_ .... S ^ -- >te»«eC> 144— 10 ltaM-4»»1X— — jjffi’ss:.! !• I ■£ S / S ' -I; xi-.'s issriis I 5 S'5^25^5 ’iS“‘^2 S H'4«1^s “J ? ,K 'S :S £ ..... “I f ! !?: S f s . | i | ssS.!? EKS.’” I H ’l g i fc r i i E S .5 SJf fiS S .1 1 I K5'i! !!!iS a:! !a ” ; S ’iS 'i S"'" ”lSsr2- KKS ,?S’?.r5 - ^■!S. ‘s Amencan. ^ sal'll,'! £ !£ S .S y,.l!SS:S s [« /5 •WriB g . : rS*: i -fSSl'“, ' Z S A s ,i i! f c .:s;ssj ixVx tlx cIlISr’.» ja 42072 8QX*1X ~ to d W *°1 ' *10 JW) 'sw* X iS ^'.oa , S n 1115 w o .u a"i 8 x."" s i£ l i:i4 4 . FeaItllPtes m wm in rm rjp n u ffif^ ' f f / / mmmm ~v""‘ , ' " ri f i ^ , u:.'. '4 - _ ■- - ~ - I - — :------------ ' T oiday d • R o c k ‘n roll: B oo b b y R y d o il will, .m . d in n e r s h o w p e r f o r m a t a n 8 pp .i _ a n d a n 1.1 p .m ._ clock o d tail s h o w . C a c t u s P e t e s R e s o r tI C a s in o , J a c k p o t , D in n e r s h o w p r ic ee s s t a r t a t $ 1 9 .9 5 ; I . c o v e r c h a r g e f o r t h e r e ’s a $ 1 2 . 5 0 ,ci t h e c o c k ta il s h o wV.. 1F o r In fo rm a tio n . LOa______________________ ________ c a ll.-1 .8 0 Q .-8 2 l7 llQ 2 --,• §aEi» uHtay ^ r ZlL • R o c k ‘n roll: B eo b b y R y d o il will - p .m . d in n e r , s h o w ^ a n d a n 11 p .m . ciocT o c ilSrslT bw . u a c - C a s in o , J a c k p o t. ................t u s - P e t e e - R e s o r t -tC _ _ n in fiR r shn^M p r i ra ^c c ta r t a t *81fli06i-------t h e r e 's a $ 1 2 .5 .0I ccio v e r t c h a r g e fo r th e c o c k ta il s h o wV., F i o r in fo rm a tio n , ca ll, 1 - 8 0 0 -8 2 1 -1 1103. 02 ' S u nnday d • R o c k ’n roll: B eo b b y R y d o il will p e r f o r m a t a n 8 pp..m . d i n n e r s h o w a n d a n 11 p .m . c:o o c k ta il s h o w , C a c t u s P e t e s R e s o r 1t C C a s in o . J a c k p o t . D in n e r s h o w p r ic: e s s t a r t a t $ 1 4 .9 5 ; t h e r e ’s a c o v e r $ 11(0 c h a r g e fo r th e • c o c k ta il s h o w . F oorr Iin fo rm a tio n ,' call. --------------1 - 8 0 0 - 8 2 1 - 1 1 0 3 ._ , ----------------- ^ .C h o r a l c o n c e)rt: r t: T h e C o l l e g e o f ' S o u t h e r n I d a h o C th o r a l C o n c e r t is --------------s c h e d u le d -fo r-S -p),n :m> ^ n -th e -C S I-F in 0 ------— A rts B u ild in g a u d ilto lto rtam . T ic k e ts : $ 2 a t th e d o o r. H K \ ' \ Wm ^ -I" : O p c oi nm i n g ....... it, T w o m o n t h s ’ w o rk | w/ e n t in to G o ri p . W1/ a nr r o n ’s th ro o pilo lo cc o s ta i n e d gillaass s p r o je c t fo r h o K im b o rly I n ite d M q t h o d j s t ________ - Jsh u r c h s a n c t u a r y .' - B JbeIlca w r W a r r e n 's --------------arflq e f le c to d In a la m b reflG om n 0o n o o f t h o pla a nnio ls . ^NOVARCNZ/nwT)me»M»>n,. —....... AMjy ......................^ . S a t u r d a y , Aip p rll 1 6 , a n d S u n d a y , A p r il 1 7 : T hh e ’ M a g l c V a llo y _________E a rly _ l r o n - C o l l e g e o f S o u t h e r n w -w lirb e -h -e ld -fro m --------^ Id a h o C a r S h o w v Tt.. o n S a tu r d a y a n d 1 0 a .m . to 1 0 p .m -------------- f p o m ~ ^ B ^ m H o - 5B- -pp im r ^ u n d a y r r C S f ---------: -------------- ^ p 6 c e n t e r .- $ 5 5- -fo f ( r a d n ltb , $ 3 fo r --------■ m o C o m p a n y (in In dlia iann a ). F eatu re s arc s tu d e n t s . iin. B painted and fired in a kiln. I y D enise T urner iak light boxes, w ith Tim cs-N cw s w riter T hc panels are in oak >rll i • S u n d a y , A p ril 1 7 : T h e M a g ic by Ron Sum m ers o f interior lighting, built V a llo y C h o r a l e ssp p rrin g c o n c e r t is s e t 0 .. W arren named ren and K enny Crist, H agerman. Steve W arren H A G E R M A N - Gcri O _________ fo r 3 p .m . In tn e C o lle g e o f S o u th e r n d lc d -th c -in s ta lla lio n ^ - v a n c c to G o ^ and---------------~ ^ a B o ”ofH Q gcrm an7handlcc stam cil-glasS'shop-Advar B u ild in g a u d ito riu m . ' lier i - Id a h o F in e A rts Biil J ^ less is booming. A n1 o p e n hou.se a t th e A dv 'a n c c to G o Tlie stained glass w as ddonated in m em oT ic k e ts . p r ic e d _ aItt 3$ 5 / o r ,ad u lts_ a rid , ...£sh e’s done just_thnt..Busincs.s 'V icd Glass Studio is sei for 'l1 to t' 5 p.m. SatStaincc s. A, ry o f the R ev. und Mrs, A W. Jam es; w h o -------a n d s e n i o r c itiz e n s . 4 3 fo r s t u d e n t s an< 190 S. Slate Sl. y.,TliestudiQ -is located nl 19' lusc o f the hcaldiy___ urday. ird iJro m _ 1 5 J 7..I0 - “I th in k it’s partly bccausc served t l t f c t ^ Bbcr ly md ui ui a r e a v a ila b le a l L_ a rrso n -A rts.-th e .C .S ! done in this area,"----- in ’Hag agcrman:----------------- ----------iam ount o f building being dot 1918. T h e d o n a tio ^ w a s m ade b y th e ir ■ B o o k s t o r e a n d W e l c h ’s M u s i c In A dvance to t her beveled doors . . T he le cvcril is u celeb ratio n o f ;ska. daughter, Thelm a Malesk.-; isaid W arren, w ho opened hei T w in F a l l s a n d W W<e s t O n e b a n k ip ss com petition. J ^ y tU p annual sta in e d -g h ss i ioriifl'is a set o f five G o ’si first f Stage 2 o f the mem'ori; ' Ifor business in 1985. J e rc p n e . nd shop ow ner las also opened a D o o r ]p rizes w ill be g iv en , and stain cd -g lass w in d o w'S. s, tto be installed in S in c e th e n , W a rre n has ----------------- • S u n d a y , - A p jrri il t 1 7 : T h e C rirrie ne stained-glass ^ arren-w ill-deiiipllstrate. she’s taught-more-------Q cri OrW O id o f tlie church. ---------— the-arch-at-thc-north-cnd staincd-glass studio, and she ■ P r e v e n t i o n c o n c e r t w ill f e a t u r e con&tn Tt^ic mAnlh she's-----__ihnn l*iO p c o p ir h r r fim ft-I h n v i ndo^T e n .fted ,by--------T — ^---------ifa { c o -N o w to h - aaoo<< t-^ e v « -> W a r4 e e f---------[ b e o n d is p la y stained-glass comC osnm p c iito r s ’ w o rk w ill be rst 1Baptist C hurch o f holding h e r first annual stai: W arren include the First I . a t 7 p .m . in th e C o lle g e o f S o u th e r n r e n te r o f H agerm an ^ Jgh thc m onth o f A pril.' ISC to cclcbrate. throug F iler, the C h ristia n Ceni ic k e ts , p r i c ^ a t ^ petition, w ith an open house ________ I d a h o g y ^ >f-woHJ-infom i»lio n r0 o n ta6tiiri i------J u dge f o f tho-cvCTt-is-Rii , business hours, noon to .5S p.m p . T uesday ained-glass panels ing bu B arigar, w ho iiesigncd stain ing. . ■ 'C e n t e r / .r " ''......... Jgh Saturday, at 837-4939. throug )m in C alifom ia and fo r the M G M G rand a n d1 for fo several enter-, W arren. 38. w as bom r i l 1 8 : T h e T w in |tn in c n ’ residcnccs in L as V egas. • M o n d a y , A p ri he took art classes raised in H agerm an, S She c F a l l s H ig h S c h o o l- S e n i o r R e c o g :s a popular hobby “ I think slained glass is fro m h e r •m o th er a nnd b e g a n s tu d y in g n l t i o n C o n c e r t is I: s c h e d u l e d fo r years ago at an art ren said. "Driving staine^-glas? m aking 15 > fo r lots o f p eople,” W arren 7 :3 0 p .m . in t h e C o lle g e o f S o u th e rn e panels-in-m any— “ —gallery. 1d o w n th c stre e t, you se e p -------------- Id a h o F in e -A rts BBuu ilding a u d ito riu m . lo Later, she taught h e:rr oow n children, now, n e n aboul two m onths to do ------------j,g ,^ g tg _ 3 r ^ 5 3 .f oofr-- a d u lts - a n d - $ 2 - f o r ---------!hom es.” •foot vcrtiIt too k W nirei :h rfianked by two 2-by-6-fo( ■ancls-forbosiness— fbot-arch: th stained glass,____________ C___tr. w nrk w ith St WaiTcn has designed pane f the Kim- the w ork tb r the s tu d e n t s a t t h e dIoor. oo idows, for thc sanctuary of.tJ souih* cu'I windc ' c s and private rcsidcnce throughout thr tches, w orked up several deInitcd Mcihodi.st Church. ITic pieces gan w ith sketch' m ering ^rly_y_ni ___________ « W e d n e s d a y , A p ril 2 0 . t h r o u g h __c m J d a h o ^ l^ t_ y c a ra lq n cic._hc^glim ,_ Itcm 3.in_W arrcn!8_sht _shop_range_in_prk:?______ ftcd th e finished pieces out oof___ f ■Jesus'as-“ signs'and'cniftcd irihg a 'd o v c .'u 'la rrib uTid Jt In fiv e d fffe rc h t ’- fcaluri S a tu rd a y rA p rll 2 233 : T h e C o l l e g e o f -------- p a n e ls f o u n d h o m e s in from SIO fo r e a r rin ggss co r su n c a tc h e rs to e.' cj ia ile l d lasl traditional leadd cam | , c c n d in g in to h e a v e n , w ere in s ta im p. -------------S o u t h e r n I d a h) o D r a m a D e p a r t o. $1,200 for a T iffany lamp churches. •ound glass is from the KokoThe backgrour id. a 3-by-8- weekend, m e n t w ill p r e s eann t “ S t o o l M a g n o M ost recently. W arrenI created cr amedrgliassbeco)mes accra ilin g s E q^ H ^gennaiLa Open houseeset__ r ife in R o o m 1 1 9 o f th e _________ ||a s 'l a t _ 8 p .m . in F in e A rts B uild inig g ,.'T lc l< e ts a r 8 - $ 5 fo r--------1 a d u lt? a n d $ 3 f o rr ss e n i o r fcltizens a n d ------ -------s t u d e n t s r a n d - a rree-- a v a ila b te - th r o u g h --------1 m ---------------th Q .C S L B n x Q fficc a ^ a i m - 9 5 S 4 , _ . _ e x te n s io n 3 4 5 o r 3 3 9 for m o r e inform a tio n . Chicago T ribune ‘T h e w o r l d i s ec n t i t l e d T h u r s d a y , A jp f l l 2 1 , a n d F r lT w i n F a ll.s H i g h d a y , A p r i l 2 2 :: T to k n o w w h a t H O L L Y W O O D —• T Tlhe fog w as thick. a S c h o o l M a d rriigg a l N i g h t s a r e h a p p e n l ee id . ’ , when w c last saw them. :3 0i p .m .. C o lle g e o f s c h e d u l e d f o r l/.Z v a lk e d arm in arm R ic k nn d L o u is w l S o u t h e r n I d a h o) F in e A rts B u ild in g —- L L ouis Blau, rting their "beautiful ^ along thc tarm ac, siartin a u d i t o r i u m . T ic;kkee ts : $ 5 fo r a d u l t s ictor flew ofT with 1 friendship.” Use and V Vic H oliyw oodd law Ic y e r w ho a n d $ 3 f o r s t u d ee n t s , a v a i l a b l e a t ight sky. the lights of .their idcals intq the night th e A u d io W a r e , - - a r e a s c h o o l s th with th e id ea c a m e u p wit c o a st' fad in g in thc th c N o rth A f ric a n c(>a t ie R e d H e n in th e ___ __ _ h o u s e , T h e L ittle . . - ^:o0 f;a s e g u e ! — ;aincd-altitudc. Sam,‘ clouds as_thc-:plane_g_ain klall, M a g ic - V a l l e y M ai a n d a n y M a d lrp la y in g ’the'piim tjr” w ell,'fie probably w as’pli g r a l. A n y tic k e t s le li ft will b e s o ld a t . ----------- B ut then w hal? iboiit’details bf'tKc were 'reluctanl lo talk aboi th e d o o r. " is rreally go lo BrozDid R ick aiid Louis ion w ho m ight play new book, n ot to m ention • S u n d a y , A pDrll ril 2 4 : T h e C o lle g e contract in zavillc? Did Sam get. aa record i the roles im m onalized b y 1H umphrey 13og- — JoT S o u l b 'e r n I d a h o S y m p h o n i c ic grow old playing ■ H o llyw ood, o r d id he ( jul Henreid. Claude art, Ingrid B ergm an. Paul 1 B a n d C o n c e r t is is s c h e d u l e d fo r 3 : toir w in th e Nobci g in j o in ts ? D id V icto R a in s ; S y d n e y G re e nnsstitr e c t a n d P e te r F in e A rts B u ild in g p .m . in t h e C S I1 F the N a zis finally get I • Pcacc P rize, o r did the -------------- : L orre—------misis s io n is $ 2 a t th e a u d ito r iu m . A d m him? itu re ." said K raft in “ Its a rom antic adventur . , d o o r . ________ . • , lick', o r w as there an- D id Use g et over Rick h er hom e in .0 telephone Intei^icW from' fro hem in P aris?__~........ oilier springtim e for then Portland, Ore, E v e r y w e e k ; T h e T im e s -N e w s since that misty nighl . Jils-bccii.52-ycars sine c r/p ro d u c c r B la u ’s • K raft, w ho is law y cr/p ............... M a g lo V alley- W feeee k e n d wlH-llst s p e century o f waiting to in C asablanca, h a lf a c e r tte n eight previous , stepdaughter, h a s w ritte te r ta in m e n t e v e n t s d a l a r t s a n d e nn ie le d after perhaps the find o ut w hat happened •ics w ith titles like bo oks, m ain ly m ysteries M aa g ic V a lley. ________ _ . o c c u r in g in t h e M Hollyw ood ever pro■■ greatest final-sccne Hoi i v e r , ” " B lo o d y “ “ B u lls h o t,” “ S c r c w d r i' S u b m i t I te m s to to "A rts a n d E v e n ts ," duced. R oy." M ary” and " L e t’s Rob Roj 1 l1942 film ap p ear In thlO ann o w f a m o u s c lo s in g p r in c ip a l a c t o r s In th o i T h e T I m e s - N eiw w is. P .O . B o x 5 4 8 , o v e r. T h c sequel to T h e N ow th e w a it is ovc d 'a fte y B o fla rt, P a u l H o n re ld , “They are all n a m e l r drinks.” she Id Borgmari, Humphroy.B T w in F a l l s 8 3 3300:3 . I t e m s f o r n e x t ing-, in thc form of a s c o n1o0 . F ro m r i g h t a r e I n g r id "C asablanca” is com ing a rc m a k in g a b ig po in te d o u t. " B u t w e: an :-------— w e e k e n d ' s — c a al il e n d a r . . .a r e —d u e -------m oode-for-TV - minis-. ,-Q |a uj d e R a in s a n d a n u h ld oontlflodactor.__ -------“ W arn er b o ok-ahd-a-m n “ novel out o f this'one.'*' W ednesday. cries. .• thc com m ercially successful ! P e lievich, also a nove ca to W am - " S c a rle tt,” the o v c list a n d scrcqntille d lo 'k n o w whal It w wias Blau w ho took .the idea “T h e ,w o rld is cntilli Gone t at |produced s e q u e l to -‘'G oi W ilh th c W in d ." T h a.J-w a-cpisod<is-for-^t^tll ............. oolcs. Inc.. tiic com pany that ritcc_\vlio has.w rittcn-cp is E Blnu, a Hollywood e r Boo happened,” said Louis an copies-nnd-wns-distribulcd »ltsh th c -se-“ sold -6 m illion I rilm -in-1942-Qnd-will-publis is m S tre et B lues.” sa id his n o stT c c e n t film r_who-cam.c up w ith -th e -fili ____ la w c r.a n d .p ro d u c e r_ w ics. som etim e in 1995. Blau said saii he w ill in 15 countries, .A p ro ject w as th e sc re e n p la l y for the 1985 iblanca” sequel. quel s< th J idea for the "Casablo n g re a t sto ry o f u n req u ite d 'a m e r Bros, “ T h is is n g ucc the m iniscries that W an i n L . A . " ___________ dram a "To Live & Die: in w hen 1 first saw il produc “I loved th e m oviec m ^ c r ^ J ic ii.c ^ i;h ._ Q n c jiL th c . c a se o f th e lo v e." said'Q c: ll'k n o w a n d lo v e ^ ------ ’T h e ch a racters wc; aall lave loved it thc other w ill m ft ake fo llo w in g thd relca; C2 . V a l l e y h a p p e sn n ! in g s SO.ycars ago, and I have at-work on the Casablanca sctw o w aters al-v im e and w ill follow ' © d itr’-saW-Blaurwhor-boofcTT J so well w ill be the sam — .-I|,$04inm -I^v«*w «(ohedi liv e ly t i t l e d — g e l th is — th e ir fa te ," sa id Pctievic IQ the b u si- - q u e l, te n ta tiv evich from h is Los a n ie r B ooks-is n o t new to itertainment law pracW ar is retired from hia.cntert C 5 • -------- iic&.nHd ih Sequel.” ___ _ C o m ic s • h im se lf full time lo n e ss o c f p u b lish in g s e q u e ls,to) I'legendary "Casablonca,I, Ihe _ is d cvoling hil ,n , __________ P le?aassie s e e FIL M /C 3 iject. ' ; •— ------—Molly^ — — th B -^ sa b la n e a ^ T n o je e “ M o v ie s -" ^nes=™ iz z iip ^ aiB la n c ^’igetslaij t . ,1 , I - ' ■C*2 ■all9. Idaho Tlrrioa-Nowa, Twin Falla 994' Ffldny, Ap«l 0.103* ' . -Gmwoa-u-p-hesjart-tSirqofe^Rydceti S a illiey happpenihgs------- B y T J e n a r r u n n r r -----------. T im c s-N c w s w riter M y ^ ickets availabh Ip R ydcll icings ---------- JA C K P O T - B obby R> .O n e " --a n d - H H jjjH “S w ip p in- S ch n o l.” hiit. t. ti in real life. n ted on solid his feet arc firm ly planlci een. K ' '’ _ g round. A lw ay s have b eer .. — R y d o ll g o t in tcrcK ted t e d in s h o w __ g ro w K t ': * ' 4 ' bu sin e ss w h en he w;us a1 child, ch h ltsd c lp h ia :------W tV ;n g u p 'u i^ liF 'M n ir iir PPm H e -w ould 'sit in fro n t'bitn tli i c T v i r m i ic c t s orsc, iiiulc group mcc Draft hor l-^ t I taMaiii M d t o t • 10 people. Food is rticipate.’Bring enough for 10 cd to parti i.m . Judging begins )iight in between 6 and 7 p.m. l^sri.Tby~donation:— ... a n ^ eatlni’ will rdllOWrCO;.t lie is invilctT ■ ^ ^ rcpntnr rnnnlhty mcorillp irc bfcm ado^n, call nday at Ihe resort. For more i w ney at 788-4187. ' . a t c a fe F A L L S '- I'h e .Southern Idah T W IN FA As.socialunninTrchangcd-thc'l . anO Mule As nceiing. This m o n lh ’s mcelii mo nthly mci ,nl 'on Ulue L^ikes p,m . todayI al the Sodbu-ster Keslaurant N orth.' • ■ Boulevard N) luring the no-host- A ^ce topics wil! he discusscd durii Several toj cling. Call Jim M iller ar324-7: ^ Uinner mbelii M ag ]' - , s' a R ydcll w ill perform tw o show sh - - -p ^ b b y Rj rday dance _i:: c: iSquares plan Saturdi la y tVirough Siiiiday and Tu n ig h t today iit Wcodd I roHtni N R A - m lects o. ThiiiidA )' Ml C a U ^ ^ P e ^» l la > ra n h c 7 ltid crM )n ^ regulnp;dancc.fpL^atlllda>“ fth c -io c a » rh a p tc r‘ M»"“ cd a ----------------------- w e n d eElL:b -rA -reg u larm ectin g o f th V J a c k p o i . - ........... — Ca^ino'in'Ja ound. ilanned for 7 p.m, ional Rifle Association is plan n,m, show is a dinner show , aand ihe __ ^ the Nalion js-l>cgin-au7;30.p.nk,-vvitkj>q lu iq uarcsJQ llQ ffing.:.____^ today n't Kay' sh o w is a c o c k ta iF sh o w .. Ticket . I I p .m . shi kIs . For more infor- • !‘ the fu n d -raisin g f''" '? ^ 0 1 0 ^ ,m . Bring'finger foods. jic o f discu ssio n w ill be th( an and Sal- T h e topic , 3 M B ^ D r ic e s - f o rr,liic.dinhcr..shov/tonight ,tl: co llJrjn n n Gray_al 8 29-5912, 12, . iieU lor July 2^ ariluTW cston ;rt at 0 cover - - evenl p1uiine< m rday siart a S19.95; there’s a S I2 3?U hct Clark at 733. _____ S unday._______ Falls; For m ore in^prmnlinn. .can_Chct rge for o r 1the c o c k t a i h ow . On Si iturday S s t r o mmony club meets Satui jm Neiwir(^h at 734-7891 orr736:ri()5(): 12 there’s a 1970 o r Tom low priccs.start at iSI4.95: ihi ^ dinner show ers. LStronomy Club will ME - T he M agic Valley Astro JEROM S 1 0 f o r ihhee (cocktail .show. my d ad w as ^ ^ K l || “ Dy the tim e I w as 7 . m 400 S. 1 p,m . Saturday at 747-A'E . 40( :hedules monthly lunc i n c h e o n , . m?et at 8 r reservaDAR S c h i 3re inform ation o r to m ake re F or m ore p e r f o r m in t a k i n g m e a r o u n d toI pi copes, and the stare rogram will be about telcscopi The pro, tions, call11-800-821-1103. 1T W IN FA LLS - T he T w in Fallss C Itapier o f the H S m L:; , s m a ll c l u b s , ” s a i d R yy d c ll in a the program. Call lets w ill be observed afterr tin on Ihas planned its and planei o f the American Revolution Daughters of " W e d n e s d a y p h o n e inite teir v ic w b e 8.324-7606 o r 324-2195. jncheon meeting for 12:30I p.m. p.: Saturday at 736-8678, Petes. “ M y tw e e n sh o w s a t C a c tu s P . T h e r e is aalls o art 1 8 - m o n th - o ld uugg ile d a n c e r w h e n h e fii h'Springs Inn. mom- thought he w as nuts. form ed the “ B irdie” role, ll foi £ in “ ii Jerome g randson. sgrum w ill be a v id e o o f A sh H ollow , a H c l p ^Wagemans celebrate T h e p^og, I-— ------A ti-<H »m cd-out, DadLkngw lu ir5~Strc^ sci t.a rc .in ^ i--------- n ro m h u mr t^ stopp ing-placc-Gn-the-Orego e^n-T m tW |»-N c j ^ kum R ydell w em . " i th in kriny~rnarrnigc'W n -celebrattH he-40lli-------------ly w hal he w a s d oing. R; n p] a ri, b e c a u s e I n e v e r .“ I 'v e had tw o back surgen' irah Sullivan, the sixth-grade ^ybraska. Saral ade w inner m the re d d in g; anniversary a rs. (Christ Wageman o n to p o u n d o u t s o n g;ss fi o r h o m e - c c s s f u l, in o f Mr. and Mrs. dell said. m ove to the W est co a sl, de History Es.say Contest will1 read re; her w inning . ■ A m erican Hi :s un 'h e mi Jerom e Civic Club r 2- to 4 p.m. Sunday at tlie: Jer to w n re co rd c o m p an ies l til 1959, :ry lh in g is so p h o n y 'a n iT ' iIt h a sn 't slow ed him dowr I Shirley Heidcmann at 423-53 ;-5 3 ^ Memorial w h e n h is r e c o r d i n g oo ff “ K is s in - w h e re every al Library. . , "d"e7w 1i,. u 1O n M em or>B4'D ay.*Ryd _________ p l a stic ,^ ’ R Ryy d c ll^ sa id . rwTn tinH.Tnyf f T'f»rr;;inr ^>m niitiih_w-ei£jnarric,d_ 1 „- .,T^ TiinoT-finally “ iook.’.i __ - r itrf o r 'rtP W itlC ^ .ankic'j'A-v =TScylTityr4ivcd’n r ---------^ 1 ^ — - = tln u !£ c s i{ ----- l-A flc r-th a t,-R y d o ll-f« c l T ru lily i.s i ^ I ’hiladelphia’.” r m p C a stle in A tlan tic ( :n ir in Jerome for the ia.and Idaho and have been .ssociation o f Uni- . Calif6mia. “ALLS - Tlie A m erican Asso i r r m illio n Tor* 40 reco rd s, inclu d, lin :i,S; n ,'„ l,ll - n v -N l-A •-elwfr-htiii-n. c n , “T h r Rnhh] alnrHny r.t-thc Ad- ' ppM ve frontTcnd specialist years. H e has worked as a froi ■ p se llin g jin g le s su ch "V 6l gh an 8 00 vcTsU'y Wuiu S to ry ,” b ein g so ld through zed the big, extended clan Sti characterized ;n em p loyed- * t 4 : g i ^ = — f e us tire stores ilhU HJ*. beeirei at various Restauninf. -dw on-W esl;| R G of L ove” a n d “F orget Hi num ber d n TV. ;alian.” In fact, R y d e lfw a s nu has been a houMh Jerom e for 10 ycair;. She: ha riles-a-spcciaLcducation teach acher in Buhl and Scwab ir^; he_tQured- w ilh J i: ic is - s p e n t..........—Mary. Bnlc ^ r r o u i s R id a rc lli. H is 1But a lot p f R ydcll’s-trmc ® uest sjscaker. The w ife.Tliei Xi ^ c a u U i a o g - g i w n - b riheii lal m agician will be the gues * ^ uiiioren, Kjm professional ------- id o ls * ^ n k ic J U a lm u u u L 4n-hU-4»on>otow n , w h e re•, 11^,- jo -in t«n^^-wifp»leQm ed-<o-cook—in. con. For more in- . Fult7. Chi nvited to ihe no-host lunchcor nn ' public is invi “T h e G o ld e n B o v s o fr B n m lsta n d " nw.-H Phil-Ift,.lph;n F.iptps fnn tc -x K ah c irstn m lirrg ^h itu i—aiL Jerom e. The cou^ o n hTS~nivnritci and Laurie W agem an, all o3ff Jt -138 a s p o u s e s an , call Helen Lightner at 733-13 itnd m ad e r e g u la r ap p•5carances ea m em ories iorm ation.ca O ne o f the his fondest m m other and w atch in g her1 d SSk e llo n T V h is grandn^o Ive grandchildren.th e E d S ullivan and ;<cd Dis and pans. is o f the day w hen, after he :o o k O ff-“ lagic piskns Men’s .Coc WestMa, sh o w s. H e also s ta rre d in i th e film Jells live in a big hou.se on it b ig , th e p r in c ip a l at ew.? o f co n im u rify f, rim c s'/^ e w s w elco m e s n ew s Ljike Recreation T he Tit “ B ye Dye B ird ie" and the stag e p iay „ - Tlie W est M agic L;i ed him lo SH O SHlO O NE l C a th o lic h ig h sch o o l askec rlooking a creek in subur- Ca 5-Ncw.v VallcyH apm:ircr;.-i/ to The Times-Nc ook Off for Satur-.. cvcnfs. 5Send c “ W est S id e Stor>'.i;---------jlimned ius annual M en's Cool; — - C lu b hus p!m ■ d c lp h fa rit-h a s'a “s u n k c n --p p ce rfo rm ;- ......- ....................... I ja riT h ila ’de 83303-0S48. Please ■' PO B o x 548, Twin Falls 833i penings, F ed to pa y day at the M Mragic Lake Resort, S o u n d s lik e e n o u g h» at a tte n tio n to ijy jn g ^0 0Dm, ^, fo u r b e d ro o m s, tw o “ H ow m uch d o w e neec vancc.and include a ■ icw.s af least n w eek in advani ics arc main dishe.s, breadss and ai side dishes, subm it nci Categories •spoil any y o u n g Philad idce lp h ia b o y jc n s , g amle e and ; you?" the principal asked. m usic room s and a yo ached. '. _ ji; um ber where y o u can be reach< lie public is invil- pfionc nun i-serts and hors d 'oeuvres. Tlie d e ll, w ho salads, des.sei but it d id n ’t. R ydell, w'h hoo w ill be 52 - b ig k a lia n k itchen.” " N o th in g ,” rep lie d R ydt his ju n io r I _ ________ on A pril 26, is a fam ily'mma n . had dropped out o f school h R y d e ll’ss K tours are short stints on ha igh school year. “ A ll 1 w ani is my higl His stage show features his ye H e ’s b e e n m u rrie d to th e s a m e the road. His ring and diplom a." , ^ to his good friend, rir w om an fo r m ore than 25 years, and b ig hits; a tribute tri ‘ i m p a i r e d ! x S O O K T h a t's exactly w h^t ihe: principal { obby Darin; som e com cdy th e Rydells h ave raisedd 2 5 -y ear-o ld the late Bobl kid filling the house w ith _ hhaa d W itin g f o r h im . R obert, a b u sin ess andI ccco m m u n ica- ab o u t h is kids icks C ollege graduate,------- £ — S h c -a n d -h c f-h u s b a n d r-uu-- ju n io r ----- -W ixom.-a-Ricks lid R ydclI. •T he 'K m cs-N cy — ■tio n s m a jo r w h o works-1 ts - f o r a fo o d —ra p m uslc arid ar a m 'cdleyTroin "B y e “ ■“' rm "cIasii o f I9 6 0 .” said s tu d y in g E n g lis h a l g h e ir fo u r is c u r r e n tly stu< h igh school teacher, and the hig - w ith -g o o d -o ld „ f a s h iQ n c il diH tribuU oa-com pany,-ani jm d _ 2 0 j:y c a c ^ B y « B irdie.” -------------------------------------'wi r^r i ghfim ~Vniinp in p n n iv e r s itv . H e r ■ K >^LLS l e d i l u tTlc—chi ------TW IfTT A t pride. so p h o m o re . Though R R;ydcll w as know n a s an pri old Jen n ife r, a c o lle g c: sc I passion, hope and ^ book is a story o f led h e r n ig h tm are into Cil C ity. Utah. ____________ W ix o m tu rn e d -Jason is a -hc a h h y , a ctiv c "jo y l iito-u b opk:----------------- -J eart.” published by the book " T o H eal a H Hci rs iago, 9-m onth-old Ja - old now. and he points to th , T h re e years )lishing, Inc., is availI.; b o u t him - a n d s a y s , ''" S l a r . ” N orthw est Publish so n W ix o m , w a s o n th e v e r g e o f aabi j.'; an inherited heart d is- W iix o m 's oth er th re e ch ildd :re n d id a b le at C ro w le y ’’s B ook N o o k in death due toI at Falls. I t's $9.95. dow ntow n T w in F b y h elic o p te r to not inherit the h eart defect. J . C U . .. ease. T ran spported or Lom a Linda University C alifornia’s Lo ter, little Ja.son received M cdical Center im pre.ssedby 13-year-olds." N ew Y o rk DaUy N ew s S w ilh the h e a rt o f a 2 -y e ar-o Id d u rin g a He credits his first true love I( R ro c k b e a t idnight surgery. a nward sni- harrow ing midr jolting him from his downw — jol tls-a b o u t-a s— . ^ = _______ S x m lish -rc g g a c 2 -Ih la a t4 t ^ p e n my m r a n r lie airr ft'tra n sp la n ts J ie u r e .— W 3ks, he says, com e easily. ral: ra| “She helped m e to gef< sleddcrs. T h e hooks likely as Jam aican bobslec ago, they w ere even rarW Miit mF ilir Three years age w s-e ea i -v er-y -frin g in g -l^u v —-etir»-a«»d-eyes-.Tv^nd-gcUw ------------W cttre a rib b c n irm C:n T n h av e cu m - ''S w e tJ ts iw er. hen w e talk, w e are doing gangs.” ga ly m p ics and g “ =ge- Wher pctcd in three W inter O 0I> other, T edi W ixom . be- M iase-s sueJa.son’s moth And'noW , w ith A ce-of Ba; th e D is n e y m elodies." b e e n im m o rta liz e d inn tl a t latio n , g “" w ritin g aa jo u rn a l to c a lm her „s.” E k b c f g,'s ’s o w n life , in c o n tr a s t, ce ss an d th e w o rld w id e adu com cdy " C o o l R unnings.’ s e wa-s, sla y in g w ith |[<« Iways ca.sy. He spent sev- -all all o f th e q u a lm s aboul bein be g pop "C'^CS w h ilec sh opie from the w.is n o t alw; A nd now , blo n d peopl sma Linda. Tlie result, a | | n her son at Lom years m ired in dru g se! sellouts h ave vanished....................... onsQ nants are <^fal o f hisi teen tc -L an d of_Too.Jv1any_Coni J " To H eal a H c a n ,’. '- i i - L ^ tte-biggc<;t— Iw ok-entitlcd n rrrio re -th a n -n c c tin g 'a l^ — ”irfcclsT anlaStrcrllk<nhC do m in atin g B illb o ard ’s ssIn g le s T n d ab u se a n d ^ f sale. ;h :skinhead gan&s. H e g ot dream df, .” he says, adding aa properly now availablee for ly 1little tu n e s liance w ith alb u m lists w ith frotliy silting,in- - .W ixqm ._3.6, w as ra ised J n j u ral_ I w in the w hole bit.— .lh c ft,_-aa nra ic -m e la p h o r; “It?s like si ....... u n d e rla id w ith -ih y lh mms s - o f - th c is-- caught up>m oiling and I tla h o . S h e liv I r e d in P a u l, f o r 2Vr ' r a aved heads, su ic id a l ten sit side a snow ball and it’s roi from ihe b a n d J r u g s . shav. lands. It's Rnsta-Litc, froj jrlc y for one year, until RjJ •I im et the w rong pe o p le ," yoii yo d o n ’t k n o w how b ig8 i f s g e t- ycu^i nnd Burli lb u m “ T h e d encies. "I A c c o f B a s e . T h e i r aall w ay in 1986. a she m oved awa W hen you are 11. you are tir ting." 3US single ju st he says. "Wl S ig n ” and iLs eponym ous •• nailed N o. 1; th e firstI ssiin g le , "A ll Jo. 2. _ T h at.S hc.W im ts.”_hit No. ----------------- s p r i n g c e l e bbi r a t i o t i s d e s e r v e: s ip e c i a l jst to b'e N o . 1 _________ _______ “ M v am bition w as just a u v i n g i > u n G em n n i n e -L a n e ’> C c di an ir r h p s t s . _ :yboardist UU in G erm an y ,” say s keybi I ■ (B uddha) E k b erg w ith a laugh. I; :11 l l , A C d o r . ", . ' ^ ------------ 1'6 h e a r b iib e r g lell 4 B ase nev er m ean t to fo foillo w in lh e -r tracks o f such fellow N Noo rd ic c h a rtR oxette. “W e "Z to p p ers a s A b b a and Ro: d id n ’t w ant to b e a popp bb.an d at a ll,” )om in Tokyo, he says from a hotel roorr rky “ In Sw eden, it w a s jerk y to be in a p o p band." m atio n al sucIn other w ords, interna ly ce ss d o e sn ’t n ecessarily ttra n slate on ere co o le r if th e hom e front. “ Y ou w wei T U- t n tin; be ----------------------y o u did dancc~ifln5lcr!W st s.songs.", (Ingin n in g We ju.st d id fast ,1 d e e d a n u m b e r o f tum n ce s o n " T h e •'8 0 s g ro u p A S ig n ” recall the c a rly -’8C - - F l o c k o f S e a ^ ll s ;) , T h e g r o u p f o r m e dd a b o u t f o u r m rg, Swe'deri, y e a rs ago in G othenburg w h e n E k b e rg jo in e d w iith a n o th e r (TnV>»r) __________ ^ ^ — k e y b o a r 4 - p l a y c x ,- l o^ an ;rc i ry-S'uni-5uni ---------tiitie M onda^F viiiny T1 ^ ^ B e rg g re n , a n d h is tw oD ssin g in g s is - ' 11/ 5 pm - 8 pm M ondau-Friday ^ e n i nings ^ ters, L inn and Jenny. T ho u g h determ ined to be a dance Saturdays y am-122 Noon ided to ad d a ac l, the foursoniie decide ntm ent Scheduling ird in a to rfo r Appoint ■ N urse Coorc V us leir repertoire, few "slow ” son g s to their I coupon Lf?: d look fo r in T h e y did n ’t have far to I io, there w ere .. fluences: “In o u r studio, )y a lot o f reg rehearsal room s used by . , '4 n cy care Jam ajca.” . _ ___ _____ ----- -~gac. bands>^Qme from Jarr *2 4 ^ e.of anuLane*Cedarr C Chest at | Yotir purchase. E k b e rg a n d J o k e r B e r g g f e n — e m a te ria l — _____ _ ________ • , _ _ _ w J i o w ritc.m o st_ o f.ih c..n ----------------------------B a mr n e r - i ’i i r n l t u r e . ____ g r o u p s ............ .............. . p roduced so m e o f the reggae reg aho’s lflrgeat selection o f l aMnet* CedjxT-Chesta I I W e've g o t SoutU em Idah s ite Care U n i t . * ^ j ^ c l u d iin k g an 8 Bed Intensi _____ a n d e v e n tu a lly c 6 -o p)ted tec th e b e a t, . C hoose) e fr o m o veriO note in sto c kl.---------kL ... -I . ~ “ W c started to like it a nd tid I(then) d o it as-g a s to w ith - th if eouf ----------------stotawrttn MupoM T , '- ~ ' ------in o u r o w n s ty le ,” thee 2 3 -y ear-o ld say s. ‘ latient S u rg e ry Diay Surgery & Inpa, . Sam eD he ^classic EuT h at style follo w s the chy, c lear vo• ro flu ff form ula o f catchy on and. ly rics c a ls , sn ap p y p ro d u c tio n from one C oa~" 7 “ _ tha^l d o h ’t'm e a n much'ffOi f a c t, ly r ic a l ..........p l e t to th e n e x t. (In fa M R l& C T gen re’s prim e vacu ity is o ne o f this ger - rS yS - es trials ofi i chronide! 1infant | I’s Ace ofrBase didiIn’t want Sweden’ to play ppop,butllookwhafit happen 1 U Twin n Falls Clinic: &Hospital SE R V ICC E S P RlO J Z ID JE D lie HOURS ySIClAN CLINI •PHYJ Daytii ___ _____ Bountiful ZEPTING NEWJPATIENTS •ACCI ; [OXffiEMERGE] -*443EaHOSE]a iA L ,________ 1 I I i RVICES SURGICAL SEF •Sl 5PY •ENDOSCO: |GY ^ -RADIOtOC •charm.s.) stinguishes i t____ .B u t A ce o f B ase distin inding synlhs, s e lf w ith ils Casio-soundi w h ic h a d d a d e l i r i o uusslly k its c h y c o u n t e r p o i n t lo thlee in s i s t e n t fo tr a s p e c ia l' ' rn e lo d ie s . “ It m a k e s fd feelin g ,” E kberg allow s. A cccredited a - - 3 ; M E v e ry N e?eei d .... ' " S e r v i n l gg t h e M a g i c t3 7 0 0 .» t (2 0 8 )7 3 3>-; " o l l i V a iUl e y s i n c e 1 9 4 7 " ? i e e£ 0 - 8 0 0 - 7 0 7 - 5 5 9 >11 Laura I . •* ' ■ . V. r*180 IN S T A N T C R E D IT ' M !! - p B B a E Yorktown Morning- Glory C t J , pakm ont DAYS SA M ^ININ PZMiBirjnnnB iffH ■ '■aphy U n it M ammogra & Nuclearr M edicine ORY •LABORATO •lOPULMONAFRY SERVICES •CARDK --------------------------------------* PPHYSICAL-THl ] [ERAPY ; • HOMEE ]HEALTH p roJFESSIONALS ION CENTER ETES EDUCATIi •DIABEl ’ pELLTm T -fBUY-11IT! j g . A T i m ^ - N l ee ’w s M C l a s s i f i e d ' W wi I^ilT T ill ^ U lllrasound ln , y , j . - _ ' t ■/' .1 -Iw nFjil'jjgnM P .C-3.. , Brieflyy In the aarts c t h e ]ro a ic laiig a l e . IS o n g -^wiitinjEg star OK. ® ihows piaiine ■Ig g 4sh ive w ritlen, lijts lo r gelhe('.’'tl)cy li.ive B y D enise T urner Ciihb..SyK’i:i. Louise Mandtell,I, Terri Ti T im es-N ew s w riter Marie Osmiind. l^ist ^ J Tiie Whites and Mai or tw o perform ances by TW IN FA L L S —- T Tiickets are on sale now for ed a; new publishing C U year, Dunn si;:iied T W IN F A L L S H 0 ill^y^ II ________ .•hc.B.YJU.P.-'llfoO'P^Drit Dnricc_Cq;_______________ ------- — < ’<jf w wrote 'Duddy-.s Hands" as a NTi 2 in tlie fin e A rts ------- : — J h e d n iirr tm iip w ill it oerfom i at 7:3() p.m . Tvlay lows a Ihc coinp;itiv lorir w hich her brolher Ily Dunn will perform iwii sJio' IS iH per (VeiMJii and S?--------D ■■■C enter al the Collcgc.c ’c .o f S outhern Idaho. C o st is ’i-f or--------hi -~hi; r'd jd w as' imi'i iT.vsed.------------------- fDrscntorcltlzensTTTOi 7OTaenis~3ml m e m b e b u f t the-miKtnryrrT-ickct. he t C:asiii() in Jackpot,Kcsort c:. riler is 7^ Iluiiie loi die sittjjer/songw sitt; form o lh c r Pole Line.R ood. E v c ry r-------- -D unn w en t o n to p e rfo i >ble a l at W ilson Bates oti Po -------- ‘“ this event arc availttble ------------ Xickxa kta-priccii-fur-i litf-‘TpcdaLji5 cabin.uii-aiiukc-ouL:— !----___ ;t411-ve;ir-uld logI ca! TSonicoifi; Tr oV jO lTils, su d i as “Love i i3*BcH 's l-'amily B ooks, ajin i r n T w 7 n P .aII.s;-W B st “ bb'dy’s B usiness and i ^2,.SLl.an(.L5;,]!i____ ____ .;; ; ---------- r?!tdc-Nashviilc, H■icr iirc«S I2 ,: nrc4n-thc - - e r olficcs ' and F a rm e r's N ational L ik e M e ," " O n ly W hen I F e d e ra l S a v in g s am O n e , F irst S ecu rityy.. First I :ktaii'; rmly arc-available-al■ l!Ihe H- - ^ucsTj'oui^e behind . C ockt: nd'thcmbiTT:--------------------! md FiisLSecum v-barik-v— - “ StrapgCT:r-ACTTTr:^‘-T hnt -------b a n l^ , all in Duhl; We; A'est O ne. First Interstate and lad li:p 'j li.:bllo,^l6^— 1 . — .........- ■ \ "It s Mil,1(1 aiulIIUluisiic, -said Duiiii..”".. __ ij.m.uTnr lal bunks, both in W eny nd "A Face ' Your Love Docs to Me" and rU n c and i-arm cr ji iNaiionar • m ore in 'fo rn ia iio n o r t,u m ni ake who is sinple. 'TI’m m in Ihe process o f jaol-M a«in ^ ^ tate ir in the C row d,"'w iih Mich» t and F irst S ecurity (Icll; ancl B a n k o f A Anm erica a n d F ir;^ In le rsta 'ations, call l-H(K)-S2l-l 10.1. d rcscrvatii ' huifding on.” lem bership M N urphy. A long with a mei banks, all in G ooding. ig. . ____________ Between gigs, lhal is._______ • ^ .^ l l c J l as 11 . • !_< len p frfnrm nt 7-^r [ p m Mi\\y ny in th r £»ymn:tsiiim____ ---------------T h e group-wiil.'aIso. nrm ln g -iip w ard s-n t------ v on and S7 for senior citri rucked u p th ree Gram m y nom ina— - i-jtnr.n is-pcrinrm School. C ost is $8 per person at the B urley H igh Sch iOA-ticVrK ;irr available------—lions 1i iindc.wus jiunied-T\)j)lie ro.id_ tjiis year. In' _____ izcns. studenis nnd mil m ilitary, people J l i i i l ey-ShQiA L u n Ihe U2U_dhuws on the r. /ful." Dunn, said, w ill^ j__tiii? tiitshvillc..l 0 .jiiakclkixjuilxl:-i iegin_ touring in Uui n - R v p e r t . _ j - _ --_:mi!lc..VociUiKl-by-thc^c_a _rr ^hc will hegil flJurlcy.and.tlicUTOTcSTOrc-in.. . .a t ihe'B d o k P JiL ziiiriJi counuy music world..:. c _ ad e m y -,.r-.j|;L ^ _ „n iliHi-to :5 'icirc’vcryon(rT.vva.s . cou Country M usic in 1986. o f 3 8 dancers and d g h l • C om Dancc Co. is a gro u p of T he B Y U Ballroom ■'My parents wetc afraid o fr llIhe big. rope, •perfectly awful. ul." iw , w ith h e r b and :m bers p f the group arc stage technicians. A ll memi mm said. H er live show lighting, sound nnd1 st: iiad enlerlainnient worlif," Dun D unn g re w up"^! S an1 A / n to n io . A ciuiilly. she ihe w as closer to every ivid ack- 1o-hack hits, Il’s • 'ro v o , U tah. T h e gro u p -jm Y m arried "R io." is solid hack' , stu d en ts at B righam ' oung U n iv ersity in Pro' ‘.'bill niy older hrotlicr w as ni T ex a s, .singing in churchh w ith her father’s dream. 11. ‘-'bu cs a s the w altz, foxtrot. „ other w hile her faiher, aI Church im-packccl. she said. and p erform s such dances to u rs internationallyy ai sincss in*- fasl-paecd and Jam-p m C of jp c o lleg e , sh s e sling and played and settled in Ihc music busir ,er W q >e vw altz, rh u m b a, sa m b a , cchh a-cha, jiv e and paso asier for Having left her ' arner B rothers q u ick ste p , V iennese Christ m inister, led the servi Nashville, so that made it eas group called the Hilltop Na> ■vice. guitar w ith a gn ;ar ;ago "to lake lime recoril lahcl'a year doble. Lee W akefield, :ld, professor o f dance at B Y \ U , is the gro u p ’s din d . th o u g h sh e iiad them." thei ~ cid w a s n ’t S in g e r s . A nd B e in g a p r e a c h e r ’s kii arc spccial one^easy, D unn .said, in a Tiiursd Dunn is cur- • hra rcctor. T h e performnances an in T w in F alls and Burley, Bu a: h e r ' off and cluai niy brain.’’ out lo pursue 7T o d ay . D u n n 's p a ru n ls are •sday phone thoughts o f dropping dn for tim e show s. -----------must ardent suppc'fter.s. often11 1calling replly.Jiiiiking for a n o lh e r re cord rareer, she stayed at Abi=_niu: cxl w e e k ’s her musical car< . in te rv ie w cn ro u te lo nex . . llion. call 678-3814. For m ore inform atio iiink she deal. lia n U n iv e rs ity lo n g to titell her whicli songs iliey liii her le n e C h ris iia stop at C actus Petes, but ilt taught t ■ * Sl ^ ----------------- My i,'.iicn iM.s'h r<>-dt*sfeciMn-ttdrcTtmTTg—shn shtrafd'siny iit'.vi: s— ^--------------on»*ugtH*M*Hr<>i !o." she said, "N ow 1 abiirates the last year or so.‘' lations, , tDunn, .'?6. freiiucnlly collal: Dry s to rie s and public rclali “ I 'v e h eard al! Ihe gor ilor. T o - 'w ant togeiliaek inlo inU lull bloom." w ith her so n g w ritm g .brotho le tg e , D unn m o v ed to wit s are either A f le r c o lle about how preachcr’s kids ; :vcs is Ihe them e o f th e ____ T W IN FA LLS - M usic for lovers and thieve fo r-this-m onth's “ Evening at the MctJ!,sct_fqr_7jp__ ■'' — p ro g m m sc b e d u lc d for lerfonnances Dance troop p schedules 2 pe ■BBEf id at Met Gershwins,, Porter ] featured " iVfftrc'G .crshw insrM iles -J T h e niusic o f Rogc 5 g cf5 & H art, C o l c T ^ d i V -f J i ^ C l l form ed by the Concerns gus ffnd o th ers'w ill be-perfor D avis, Charlie M ingus ;uitai>; J e ff Fox on leitor _ — — bnnd.-C onccpts-cons^ n fR rin n Cridcl_on_£uij • li l h i l .l L . iiJ c s j . i'iiLi' i;r MV'Jic-.-jn. ul dthe H o u n d ." (P is__ — saa:QphoQ e..D eQ ni£H -■ ' ■l,“T'hf I'ox and r f - t h e ^ h a r t s --------- ^tW -irn,.r Ttfi'.. \ ________ ■ -----------------------.............D n v e W rig h ro rrb a sss:--------------s :.•-n:nion'.s' P P O f~ _ v n o n n a ney) ____(i."U (i o ck lU itlo m ." W vt ------W r r lf ly -r>hnrt< frTfJh,-.. g»aiii.s are spcin.wred by '-- = >.e." I'W.imcr)-------------------— J / 'Th e I'i.uiliU-,'— — __ Admi£M(»Mfi4Ftte.-4 (Curti)---------------------------------;s|c'en (Cofumbia) (CU m u sic a n d Bruce Springslc b c s l- s e llln g re c o rd e d mi opolis B akery and Cafe \ r t s C o u n c i^ n d the Mctrop< th e M agic Valley Arts 3,"'n ie Secret Ciarclen. (iar .(\Varncr)-------- --7 ."S ta n d in g O u tsid e thee F ir e ." icar in next A lbum s ' v ideocassetlcs a s they appc: )_e second Friday o f each moni 'D isney). an d are presented the s 4,"Aladdin," (Dis Gat Urooks (Lil'erty)" li T heir Hearts,” Bon- Garth w ee k ’s issue o f BillboardI nm a g a z i n e . , l."U )nging1; In k!: A D inosaur'SloMcBride 5,"W e’re Back!: K."Life No. ‘J." M artina M < io n . (P la l- nie Rain (Capiti pitol) 8 R e p rin te d w ith pcrm issio r\'." (MC'A-Univers; ,ersal) ' 2 .“T h e Si ig i g n . ” A c e o f B ase (RCA) (RC inum sig n ifie s m ore than1 :1 m illion ir ollege C irls." (PlayM cGraw 6."l’laylioy Colle; y.‘'lndian O utlaw ," I ini Mi ifie s m o re (Arista) (Platini :inunO ccio p ie s s o ld ; G o ld sig n ifi ilorful traveling exhibit o n "T h e Basques in Idaho" B U R L E Y - A colo r boy) the R im ’ Soutullrack," (Curb)' (Cu ): 3.“’A bove th t'th a n 5 00,000 copies sold.): y , 1300 M iller A ve. T he ^ t^ w ill open Saturday at the t B urley Public Library, 'eleluilv Centerl< !cl: 7,"Playlioy Celel l().“ A Good Run o f Dad! IL uck." Interscope) \ (Deat.h Row-Int isplay in B urley until Ju n e 10. 10 A dm ission is free, exhib it w ill be on displ Dian Parkinson.""(P (Playboy) Clii Black (RCA) — 4 .“A ugust &. E ve ry th in g A fter." Clint A U D IO lirector em eritus o f the Idaho ho Stale Historical SociA rth u r A . Hart, dirc( H."l’enilmuse;■; 2,‘ 2 ‘.^lh A n n iversary ,)ws (G effcn) (I’latinum) C C ounting Crow: Singles , illustrated program al 7 p.m ety, w ill present an ill i.m. to introduce Ihe ex." {/ (AVisicni) ■ila Paris Swimsuit Video." - {."Beyond a Dre.im." Twil; ," R. Kelly (Jive) (Plal• R. K e lly 5 .-I2 Play," 1 .‘‘B u m p N ' G rin d ," I o f the historical soc jociely for 17 years, durh ibit. H a n served ass director di ideo Centerfold -lOth y."Plavhov Video (Starsong) inum) .. (Jive) 0 0 k an active part in the histo ing w h ich tim e he took story o f the B asques. He (J .’layboy) • 1 9 9 3 ." Anniversary." (Play 22 .-" rirs i D e c a d e 1 983-1 6 i“ M iisic B Bio x ,’’'M a ria h C a re y 2 . " T h e -- S i g n , ' A ce oi f B a se :rs io f the B asque M useum and am Cultural C enter Inc. is one o f the founders :n.'lCW arner)____________ ) .......................10."Unforgiven.'l MichaeLW -.Smilh (R eu n io n ).. -------------------(C olum biaX PI; Platinum )---------------------- W it --------_ (A _____ ___in Pf^ifr rhnirpinr m n -o f.th e ja u sc u m .c o m m iiK iiitcc..hc-has-crcaicd.thc.-----0 risla ) (G old)— Ik (ForeRentals ilour o f My Love." Ce33."Free Al l-isiV D.C. Talk 7.“The Coloi • 3 . ‘‘W ith o u l Y o u -N c v/c e r F o rg e t seen there. interpretive displayss sc I,"'nie l-ugilive." i'e." (Warner) front) (Gold) C o lu m b ia) line Dion (Musi usic) (Gold) Y o u ," M a ria h C a rey (Cc le exhibit, w hich is co-sponsc ___________T he purpose o f the c nsorcd by the Idaho Hu^ o f Fire." (Columbia nolv (In2,"In the Line■of lom ent T oo Soon." Tim 44."G od Is Abie," Ron Keno 8."N ot a Mor - ( G o ld ) ___________________ m a n itic s c o u n c il and ' "— -^I'riSliir^)---- ^ m M m m ," M cGraw (CurK irb) y o f Ihe Bn<^ues and.'th c J ~ 4 . " M m m M m m M m m rN’tnh." OVarncr) TTtSpTtr=------ 3:**l->OToiirimr^'tT yT riO~D V Crash T esi'D um m ies (Arist; ista)” ' 9 ."F a r l3cyo‘ lave m ade to Idaho. contributions they havi 4,“The Good Son. Son," (l' 0 ,\) row) ' e," C elin e (East W est) Ition, call O rtell W ilson at the library al 678-7708. ^ 5 .“T h e P o w e r o f L ove, For m ore inform atio ■islance." (Columbia ." Steve 5,"Siriking Disla: f).“W liere M ercy B egins." 10."Live al,t liie li A cropolis," Yanni Dion (M usic) (Gold) TriStar) Green (Sparrow) ,ic) Gre 6.“So M uch In L^ve." A / ll-4-O ne (Private M usic) W iih o u l a P a c e ," Various 6 ." T h e M an Wi 7,"Songs From the Loft." V CoimUy (Blilzz) (W arner) Artisls (Reunion) 'I-Pcpa feaL " lf lh c G iood o o Die Young," Tracy Art a ................... T W I N F A L L S ^ T Th he C ollcge o f Southern Id Idaho M u sicD cpartm ent.......... 7.“W hatta M an." Salt-N-: .ve Got To Do With 7."W Iiars Love I H."Joy in the Jo u rn e y ." M ichael lateau-Lon-LawTcnce (Alia .tla n lic ) luring Eli V ogue (Ncjfi'Plat ......... ^ ing choral concert fo r 3 p.m ).m. Sunday in the Fine U h a s p lanned its spring . . .U.,‘:.(Touchs!()ne).,„ Card (S p a rro w )......................... 0 .............................................. /e.’’ Little Texas (W arn- Car 2."M y U )ve.’ don) (G old) d A rts C enter. N ight." (M CA -U ni(W ord) 8."Judgnieiil Nig y,“Allepiance." Ray B o ltz (’ Girl in Ihc er Bros.) 8."T hc M ost Beautiful G loir. M adrigal Emsemble and id Jazz Choir, all dircct__________ T he C ham ber Choir ;>lding M y O w n ." Lee I10,"Susan A shton.‘' Susan1 /Ashton versal) 3 .“ I 'm Hold g T v ith - S u f r ^ tllc r ^ lh e - k oeyboacd,, yl cdTjy Carson-W ongT^ w ill.panicjpJlic__ W V orld." Prince (NPG) A bout N o th in g ," y .“ Mueh A do0 A (A rista)----- -------------------- (Sparrow)_________________ OiE ;'‘'R ic h a T d —Rtiy-PamcH(Ai y .“N o w a n d T a r e v c r ;'’' u d e n ts p a r tic ip a tin g a rc C: C a rrie A n n e Jo h n so n , in th e c o n c e rt. Studc i;ir)___________ ----------------(-e^jliiMibiH-rriSuic)R each Her A nym ore." ' , 4.“ 1 C a n 't M arx (C apitol) p jlo d a a y -R a tc s . Pcnny-C lil! Mawson. M onica C ook. _N ------------- <=atherine-H olstonr-R w . " (Hullyxvuud)________ ------------------- l«A ‘u*n-i«-I.aav —A ;haw ilMerJufy) ^ u o i o ---------------------------1 0 ." S lrc e t.s o f P h ila d 1 otzner, all o f Tw in L aura A dam s, Ruthh /A nn M esser and S helley ;y M - asque history •ary displays Bas Burley librai CSI singerss sset spring chon ral concert (, U Lisa G ibbons, S handa Toll 'olm an. Rose L. Cooper F alls; C ori H oltzen. L scr, all o f Jero m e: B uddy C om phcr o f Filer; Jeni I and R andalyn Hauser, berly; R obyn K rivaner o f Bu; M cForlone o f Kimberl Burley; LaD aw n Jense'n, J d ^ s . w i f e ’j S haw n J e n s e n ,-a ll'o f-B liss iss and L uis-V arg a s o f -----■ S tian c Je'nsei> a n d Sh g. si so-w e didn!l have_____ tion, and - on Thanksgiving. V enezuela. ' " | retu m -T h e te 's an easy soluti( D E A R A B B Y : My wv iif c a n d 1 . r ^ 3 l | ^ K T ;ey d in n e r. M y dad here is an exam ple, g u aranniteed to tim e for a turkey ion-i.s-$2.pcr-persoiL-PiQCCC< -----------------Suggcstcd-donation :ceds.w ill go to the CSI college^...... —went together ihrougljout cc id-w c.are.sliirpaying_____ died-lasi June-and-w stop yy pcrccnt-of the b n ig g crs;---------cr u n d ^_ M usic S cholarship F Fur W e h av e bee n m arriedd )12 years Liis! niom li..w e liad a„ e ar. M y . for liLs funeral. Liis! " W e h av e h ad a -b u sy .yci 5, 7 an d ha v e three chllclren.T iigcs j ir-w ashing n ia c h in c - -----ny hourb._lornado.and our_w husband had 10 w ork so many ldcr ( w e a rc j y aand 9. N ow thai we arc oldc into the next rp at the and garage were; blown hh overtim e that he fell asleep Jrivc seem s bolh m o u r 30s), my sex dri waas killed. w lieel and totaled o u u c a r, O ur 12- couniy. Our dog; w •sale o f "N cw ,.W ork" is ■ _ bIt) be increasinK. and my w _ • T W IN FALLS - . A -rcccption and fine arts sa v ife’s sex . VanBuren . year-Tild „v t ve arc "Odierwise. we a w tlL ^ d .g lu d ______ rhursdajTlritK e'm aln'lob'by•at' son w re c k e d liis b ic y c le se t for 7 to y p.m . Thu: 5 fiIin v IH g c -v in ie rR = :-- - jdrive is"dclinitclydffcressiii happy new s,". . . Righl now 1: year-old to hear all your hap] and broke his leg. O ilr 15-yi cional M edical C enter Iter. ------ Wf. arn hnih in gQPtl.h< hcallh.iinO______ t ________ ye;i I duugtiiur ni:iy or may 'iip fhbc c p rcg --------A b h >-. ‘l ^ 'e n e t»T he reception andd ^sil e opens the VijiUlil AHS SlM-spluy 111 llic lubby flf hold d o w n full-tim e jobs, 1 am s, but on a q e A R FRU: noLreceived a bragnani; we are w aiting for the: tlest re- notes, and have nol --------------th r mrHicnl center. T Thh e display features origina inal art by M agic Valley h scale o f 1 lo 10. our sex li ------- , ^ ?R » .S TRA T rj^ . L . since. ging newsletter sine •st jjuried visual arts tu n ip cilil s u its .' Tl ctuii fui-tl>emT W inwag------- S! artists and is the first lU S T R A T E D : Perhaps-* probably be a .i (.tor iwicc: a luiiiuli^. m o lh erin g iti.ri - C lN D E R E L I^ “ My. moliiei li.id la u i-e im display through July 31. artw o rk w ill b e o n disj vn a fu ll-tim e jo b and ob lc m and has left your w W e 3 is c u s s e d Ihc prob viied. R efresh m en ts w ill be served. T he c v c n l’is • ■ T h e public is invite riagc coun- foF anything els ended up going lo a marri: Vlagic V alley A rts C ouncilII aand the M agic Valley e .sponso red by the Maj w ife with little energy ^ Have you rco s e l o r . -------Sl renter. R egional M edical Cen •• ste d ih a t.l day o ff now else. ai T h e c o u n s e lo r suggesti considerec| giving her a H my life for w ith th e -housi look for olhcr things in m ’ and then, and helping H vice, found dren? I t 's also satisfaction. I took his advi iisew ork an d th e ciiiland short vacations ^ Tfh calcr’s production o f ’ a new ho b b y , look up aI sporl T W IN FA LLS - . T Tlh e M agic V alley L ittle T Iso; p o ssib le that som e le children, could rekindle sp and 21 a t W e lc h ’s M usic ,s cnl m ore tim e w jih the :heduled fo r M ay 6, 7, 20 ant “ Love Letters” is schci >ns without the children H L iagi-bJlL j__ - A i i o l b c r the ^all. ' ; in the B lue L akes Mall J TI h is wasj/j:_ry_rcw iaid.u] I om antic re- " p o in tm c n t forletlyour sex life, )d ^w o m an are n eeded fo r the* h c T Jlayrw hichnrw ritten -- w « o u ld 'still like a morcTon r ~ ,— z^i=^A-maiur6=mQn=and srAluminum'Deck . akc-an-up-— - i n. s\ - S H P’EEngine • Rear Banger f CaslAl lationship w ith my wife. lic e n se d se xL hougTii:-M t .uditions w ill be held from1 2 lo 5 p.m. A pril 17 al j; b y A .R , G um ey. Audi 3nty . , ttinq Heights • 2 Year Warranty ir thc t^vo o fy o u to s e c -a - Picasc d on’l suggest flov owers. can* have too much ch, 210 B lue U k e s B lvd. N. th e E piscopal Church, *J. . blc lay fieturn • Mulch Compatible tried these riace to let ilXwith e ra p is t. Y«)u b o lh ■■■'d 'dy'. ctc., because I have ir alion, call L ori at 733-9105.I_. F o r m ore inform atio ■ ch inve.sied in this mar(I also had m n PRICE things w ith lillle succcss. DEERESEASO C om p mpUed from sta ff reports tl withcr. he im m ediD EA R ABB" an affair, and although the —-alc-graij£icalion_W Jis_cxci ic ilin g . th e m “ U jn g lin ^_ l ----------------- —----- -----------------^a JBY: ll i i s is in response rrible.) .sci by'braggin, ____________ eguilt lhal follow ed w as lerri e Reader" w ho w as up' _ (ns-y«>u-e«n— in.sidc ChriMmD — E I h l — iu c k e d - — .................— She-ahould•Ing'newslelier.<: s ___ _ ooffer w ould be w elcome. , fin ally g e:lt Ihrough I lhal fascination C o n tin u e d frorh C1 J scnd her-owii-lctlcr in — ., w ith ja c k : bb o o ls an d fin d h e rse lf a p „ „ c:h h boy? Docs she ever learn A n g eles hom e. “T he sam sar e problem ,1 (unrequited love) w ill slill sti c jis l a n a m cthing w ell other than the full pressure lut)c X \ ’ SHHP I Kawasaki overhead valuee ful ilm uc 10 CMSI, ---------H hat-problem w ill contin Classified Will Fill A Tim es-News C ise? minum Deck ' . acfe Brake Clutch-»CastAlumini m Europe, nol ^ow -but this tim e in wartime >w a b o u t.C a p t. Louis Rcagger Speed on the no shift* RearrBBa' ill Every Need . Casablanca.” Compatible ; _ naull? If he hc didn’t join Rick runnjng 7 Cutting Heignts • Mulchingg Cc , U n re q u ite d lo v e in, w a rtim e E u - „ ( f ,o ih e wwa ar, did he use his acquired Return . • 2 Yr. Warranty • 30 Day Retu rope. Good start, b ut then len w h al? skills 10 run run the M oroccan national •ASON PRICE D E^E SEASi _ Petievich and K raft wo ...........tiiey ce'rtainTy hav e Trlii o t .o f lo o s e A n d that at le av e s V ic to rrlls e -u n d — ends to w ork with. ........................Rick, the lov love triangle to end a ll love _ ____ _ z : _ _ J ^ > J j t R i c k j i n d l Q u ui sisje . a lly .ilo iU —^ _ ; g o t to B razzaville after L aszlo alw ays seem ed like !",? -Y tighl rl.'I .aulle|>and ■ they jo in up with dc Gaul fellow. M aybe w ith Ihc w ar vn . w ith the F ree French? out o f the: V w. ay, hum anity saved and '2HIPK holerO /H • 3 8 ‘ D cck«12l/2H Niobel Prize under his belt, W ell, m a y b e 'R ic k w wco u ld ; L o u is perhaps a N ure Lube Engine A Value Full Pressure he_5tbmacb .Xor. ..Vioior-leam! didn’t seem to have th ej im s to live wilhoul-Ilso and lius I • 15’ Turning Radius original. m a g n a n im that kind o f thing in thee 01 mco u sly r e m o v e s h im se lf • 2 Yr. Warranty ••30 30 Oay Return fro m th e K i d s . . . ^ F e rra ri? R c - from tlie pici Picture. .................. W h a t a b o u t S e n o rf Fi th e D o g ...fo r SHopf en stre e t? P e r- • But w hal ml if R ick and .Use. finally rn em b er Sydney Green? lad Ihe m assive free to relivi live that Paris spring when . fo r th e Tw o o f You! haps by now he has had IVSON PRICES DEERE SEASO jaded for w hen sh e w o re; bbllu e an d th e N azis w ore heart attack he w as hcad( 't stand each other? • ling his saloon gray, c a n ’t s: w e last left him running ...hr just $49.95 pel ablanca’s b lack . T w o form irm cr lovers w ho realize il and w allow ing in Cosabh n ig h t* , p l u s ta x ow condem ned all had more ore lo do with the hazy light m arket. M aybe he is now ■ I n c l u d e s a fr e t DRIVEN J U ind the w ine-than w ith true W'fat couscous, o f Paris and to a lifelong diet o f low-fj b r e a k fa s t, cocktail, as happened before. ,d M rs. Leuch'o ^ ? It has I . - W hat aboul Mr. and ^ iR A N T E t 1 “JOHN DEERE 3( 30 DAVNORiSK’ GUARA --------- s w i m m i tog? Did they ever gelf ypaB f t lim "Ulie >• A n d ' w hal n Deere m owers'com e wwilith a All new John . h e a te d o u m o o r poo. d ness and learn w h o tracke, ;kcd L a sz lo lik e a blo o d -.. w atch, tw o w atch” busine anty is available Ity plus extended warranty 2 year lactory warrant’ a n d rela xin g in.Q w e y m ak e il to h o u n d thiro ro u g h C a s a b la n c a ? Y es, - t o t e ll tim e ? D id they to 4 years. Con 3me see...you deserve a Deere!______ Di o v e r s iz e d vm irlpcol. the m enacing Maj. Slrasscr illy buy digital A m erica and eventually iJ 'tu M up'V iclur in d llsc*5~ ’M SATURDAY ONDAY-FRIDAY*8AM-5 PM 5 OPEN 8 AM-6 PM MOI --------- w atche s ? - ---------- --------I did he really die? M aybe itc Russian barplane, but d D id Sascha the W hite I JNTY TRACTOR B TRI-COUNT O R ^ y MOT. PliAK n« lim to the hospital in time. GEM EQUIPMENT INC. • • Invtkfi hunt e? L e t’? h o p e «hcy got hirr te n d e r e v e r g o h o m e? . M m il CHtHUO II. ^ K IcS ll IDELL. IDAHO LLS | [ ^ B WENDEL KIMBERLY R0AD*TWIN FALL: TU 1115 N. CURTIS Ro bout w hat S ial- . L ouis tipped him o ff aboi 1/2 Milo Easiol Cinema 36-6653 ............ ( 2 0 8 )- 3 7 G = 2 7 0 0Iitnjr — kept on “ A ll o f th I e c h a /n c tc r s w ill be ’ in w os like, and that SSascha as Ro a d , boisE, ID Call Toll Frcel ■ R e s erv a tio n s O N iy roe 1-800-824-9519 . 7 3 3 -7 2 7 2 t Rick’s placc. b ac k ," said lid P etievich “cxcept-M aj. • pouring C ham pagne at Ri w n » e .- D r a ^ li« gag a r : ^ y ’L et s not"forget—Yvon a v : 1 -8 0 0 -7 2 7 -5 0 0 2 ’s sex dri\ives take cdifferentjpaths Husbanc - ' DeapAhby J" ley artists show V Magic Valley works, J---- ers’ shows durin ing May ‘Love Letter S S t Walk-Behind Mower W m 19 S E L L IT I ! BU^ Y IT ! ■ 7 ' 3 3 4SB Self-Propelli ;lled xe Walk-Behind1 Mower I Deluxi \ ^ 1 3 -1 -S E L L J ^ L T jJ 59 ^ a H S gW M— — M— — r ' < _ !■ — r - f — STX38 Lawn Tractor ™.*2 2399 C -J Fntls, Idaho Timos-Nows, Twin Fnt Fridny, April 0, 1994 IQC • ' El*s daiige c The Flartford Counint ---------- —M lU V - J m iU L = J 3la a y id J - c U e r iiu u L is u jl_____ vvliiii In: u^cci to bu, * m .- jji the m idst o f her ^ __ • - Sliiickm i’-Ls.jL-sci.-uis.------ ;;~T «entT -T xpirtivp4*«a«d lira ilc o n " L a ic S h o w W ith . D a v id suidhom elhingbignifi— ------- -Lcltcrm anr-M ndom ut sui dm , ■illv kind o f cncil." she iiberiog how in the old li)lj LcllcnnnnT tcniumlit lis jg uests a hard’lime, * clays lie gave a lot o f his now ," .she "Y nu jusl ki.ss up to0 everybody c ' ' ' A ' ' ; -llia rh ijc s iio w ^ e c m c d — — • snL-crcd::cumQliimiiULlh: "vci^' rehearsed," - \ W ^ W S s ^ le n t Letterm an'V tSvers livLMi ih f m ust ard cn must have bucn p.iiititHl.1 Iv by those words, ' j how long th ey ’ve been fiS B caiusc ih c f kmny ho . Ihinking Ihe .same thing. lg. D ave's different, nains the funniest, m ost ■■ • No (lucsliini. He remai: 'in latc-nighl television. ^ . successful cnicrtaincr'in 1 Only he’s older (he; ll turns -17 this m onth), ^ )oul S l ‘l million a year Anti h e ’s richer — abou richer, Tng— ~ ---------- ^ \T tn ^ M ^ m r tiih s ~ in■[crhl!rsccond-com er IS establishm ent ’as you on CUS. h e ‘s about as e ilevision. ' can gel in lale-nighi lelev las finally becom e who Why'.' n cc a u sc he has -----------h cnhvays vv.uiTcd To be, ■ ^ .T c ’rJo h n n y ''C;irs(rn.'' :i /lkl:Kti-fiil rrvelation. ---------- - -Tinii-inuy-com c^ajCou .3hQW_host _______to v ie w e r s o n th ee ;y o u n g f r in g e s o f ’ gs ii rn c e m Q v lD a Je -C B .5 T roonrNBC^late-nlotit-tollca: m -VVrW II s nol like anyone'•J j 'd id n ' i’ c p o rtc r.s w o n d e re d a loouuid w h e th e r •r- i rep going lo happen, eithcr, cess m ighl dis.e tte rm a n 's big-m oney succes ________ l^v'cn b c l'o re " l .a lle e !S h o w W ilh D a v id ' Le^ll mrcc i iiiii fiom - h ^ w w m anhiv h i ■•mti-fstab- ^StarlErek’ joimmeys intolititerary ^vorlds - T rovga~ ?nnrcinir'= =~iTnyc".Tti r r tt^ ,^ iB h tltT n C f c ? d ^ n r n « '. “ in ’T m ucii^l m pro' on the show , turn tor his his band leader. Paul r, acc_^' ~ ^ ——----------- madc a difTeYencc S h an er. aiid exclaim , "H iow cool-is that?" IS grow n iip. ............ The show has g' , . r v ■ Nol very, Dave. N otIt very VC cool at all. yo u r f a th e r ’s la te -n ig h t TV •This is n ’t you [term ,in’s new. habit o f far ■ ‘Al.so' uncool .is L etlcrr urs. Y o u 're probably not fai show . I t's yours, every m ovie featuring ^ y )o u r s e lf . _______ ^ callinc every show ,-eve ----------------- ffom-n a i r l s ngr ~ one ot his guests, "a h:nt” i f cv c n 'i r H’s-a b o m b. So w ake u p ,___ ictte S h o w " c om es to . 7 ‘‘t hc Jo h n Larroquctte __ L Y o u ^ c .y o u riit s. you m ind.) In ihc old days, yi could have writyour Johnny Carson, . . \ j q ------ And P a v e is yo inzidicckfcmark. ■ • isc— tdn-it-off-'aM -^ouguojni: the show IS ori carlieiTBCcansc ' Tliut’s w hy Ihc ivc No longer, you^can’t l^liiy up as lat<;. any mqre._ You have iiaii a “d c c a d c o f “T o p ig.' A nd a flc r m ore than 8 E Q ^ kids'. You haveJ to go to w ork in the morning, Pet T ric k s ." 'a n assort-' lie T e n " lists, “S tupid Pet A ctually, il has ha: all-b cc n part o f a subtle m e n t o f C a rs o n -e s qijue u e n e rv o u s lie s (theand very succcssf is'sful plan, ban d , the teeth suck- • backhand .slice lo the: ba the ratings. ; Jusl look at ihc faces), Letterm an is n ’t uting, the country-nibe fac lo dale, “ L;itc Show ” has out' Tliis season l o , H e’s m aking it i e selling the w orld on ils ear. p e rfo rm e d A B CC 's " N ig h llin e " and ‘T hhe :nt comfortable, — Toni ghi Show " by b; 16 p ercent and 3 2 pcrcen ^ o u have to g iv e L Leetterm a n cre d it, for pccIiV cly.. M o re " !in p o ria niin l • '/ : "m arg ih sV rc spcc H cflrso -u d u lt-w ilh -th e -.--------lys—exam plerforbdng-T ia-tlc —L e lte rm a n -lc aad> d s ;-l>y-a-w ide-m (irginrs«y: ma. A geritleman all the -to oul-of-control Madonna. ^ CBS. in key 18- to 49-year-old and 25-,-lc w ay, Letterm an gave her a good oiie-upping :mographics. 54-year-old demo cr-lcvcl.— us w ithout stooping-to-hcr-lc our liltle tclevision-sliow ,’- u; This isn’t "our )n. ILcttcrm an-stylc. It-was cla.ssie C arson. s it from tim e lo tim e.___ _J.«ttien«an.calls.it Y T s.c v c fy o 'n c '-w 'OUld o u ) scc rn to - a g r c e f -------^— w illi a capital Ii’— " ‘ This is showV business bi 1er Lcttcrm an’s the Best, n«pftoo jgst takc*i lookk at a' N ew Y ork T im es rcportei -edge ift; B u th c ’sn o c u ttin g -e d j kid anymore, new bbD k.""T he Late Shift, David Letter ftir ^ ,.H g _ r n n 'th r te m H L L E ilL E l^ ^ <>o^'<-T3i>wM.itwt,>fk iir J^iillr ftt --------JltTwrnrYbc:-------------lid Lfocsn iw iini lu be.----iro d u c c r P ete r L assally saic E x ecu liv c proi lishment ffaa n s .c. Ji Just all part o f growtie A little sad. but true. Lille Show " would be a “little eplied: " If early on that "Liil ich Lttlterman laughingly repl To whicl ith ing up. p ” th a n " L a te N ig h t W ilh )uy a new m o re g ro w n uup,' icns.vl’ll just, you know , buy thal hapocr />g T re k " readers an d m ore b e tw e e n ““1 im sci*fi fans is. how ever, a , mainstream .so: dispute. H o h u m . A n o th e r “ S ta r T r e k ” m atter o f .some rck k ic-m o v cm cn U ia sJo D g __ Iw slscllcr.------------ -Thc-Trck ---------- novelritnother insliml-lwf isidcred an em barrassm ent A .C C rispin, al been consii T liars-.S a re k ." by A.C ore serious, and longer-laslN o. 11) on th e N ew.• Y o rk T im e s by the more Id o' f sci-fi. H ard-co rc scihard c o v e r b e st s e lle;rr 1lisl. I t ’s the ing. w orld ~r'eTt~'inrd~" S lar e n c c f i c tu: ’~ 1 t» h ~ stn lg h r“ Slar~Tr'cTt irs~n~pm lcntaTty a n noying — ic raiio n ' .h aru - rfe k k le s'a ? T rek: T he N ext U enera thal the brand o f S,F. ade; m ore than cull and opine opi cover lo make the grade I— k” purveys — with its tales 71) o th e r " T r e k ” p aip p ce rb a c k s an d "S tar T rek” battles and C olum bus-like . de il lo m ass- o f space ba h a rd co v e rs h av e m ade voyages — is an anachronism from market Valhalla. lize th a t 'S t a r the 1960s, . " P e o p le d o n T rcali/.i ’ocket Books’ Ryan insists enon S till, Poc T re k ' i.s at leasl a.s big; a phenom i St: T rek” publishing boom in p u b l i s h i n g a s tl is in -T V a n d thiit the “Star I* scien.i'c fiction, becausc it tn . a sen io r cdi- is helping s film," says K evin Rynn.ople Into book-stores, w here lo r a l P o c k e t B o o k s , th ' e o f f ic ia l draw s peopl JC “they-'ll be hungry for m ore" exam "Slar T rek" publisher,, “Y “’l our average le futuristic genre. f _________ _______'S ta r T r e k ' fan is inn le llig e n t . a n d pies o f the ;t7rTn-.-T7^— litr.-r-^ rK r'n r— Science Fiction M agazine, :a d e rs, b u t i l ’s A sim ov'ss S is sc ie n c e -fic tio n read here is a spillover betw een iu y s in ihe sub- adm its iher spread oul to all the guy :rships, but he w orries thal ;ind o f sales w c Ihc rcadersl ^ way. T o get nut the kint “ w ill p ro llfc rn tc to Ls.-you.have_ta__lllx c k !lb•^<inVs iu . g el o n a re g u lar ba.sLs,-. extent Ihey will drive m ore ;," .such an ext _ . reach a mass audience," c '!"sci-fi o f f the sh e lv e s. 1 " M a s s a u d ie n c e "' is a lm o s t an h a rd -c o re ertain amount o f rack space u n d e r s ta te m e n t. Ml o r e th a n 130 think a cert, i_loy_t6 'S ta r T re k ’ an d ils ------ ::::"T rc k rb O O k s hav c-bbce!i-publisl}ed__hilS_bcen_la ce iffs h o o ts)rA !n h a ris-fin c ;-I— )re lhan 5 5m il- m edia (offs since 1979. w ith m ore ndustry sources ju st d o n 'tt w v ant that material to dis lion copics in print,‘Indi o re a d u lt s c i-fi fro m the 1.000 hardcover p la c c m on estim ate il tak es 150.0C :k-sales t c r m n k in a c k s .’* — and-25().^HH)-pnpCTbacirs lugh sw im m in g u p s tre a m I t ’s louG Tlte Timc.s list. lie Tfekkic current. A s if the Ctrnt w ith Other against the ' rop o f tides w eren't enough, " S la r T re k ” o ffs h o o)ls. ts , E v e r sin c c present crof ic" w:is relc:ised " T h e S taa r T re k E n c y c lo p e d ia : A “Star Trek: T lie M ovie" c Guide to the Future” will . mce an in.sular, Rcferencc ( - in 1979, w hat wa.s oncc •■icl-m<mljv-,’mfl tlif ;iiHnbin^U ia f-h u c o m c a. b&out.ni.-.ia. -----------ECTliy ciill .hi cnom cnon. T he ra p h y oiff G ( e o rg e T a k e i — w h o tnic m ass-m arkel pheno ulu — will be p u b lish ed ’in six “ S ta r T re k ” film s hhave grossed phiyed Suli ion overall, and O c to b e r.. 7T h e re arc also a b o u t 35 ■' more than S500 m illion looks on tape. All lh at 's in ...... ea ch o f the th re e “ S ta r T re k " T V “Trek'.', boo lo W illiam Shatncr’s m em -' ----------s h o w s — ( th e - - o rig ’i inn a l T ^ N C T T addition to liis “T re k " y e a rs, a n d the G e n e r a tio n " a n d “ D e e p S p a c e o irs o f his "1 ekw ar'' novels authored1 N in e ") is b ro a d c a st on or m o re th a n -scries o f "T ICC and future Capi. Kirk. w id e . " N e x t by the once 2 0 0 s ta tio n s n a lio nnw cs_can_alsojqok ft)^rw:^rd to __ wiill s o o n .s p in ___ Trckkics_ ----------G en era tio n ,” w hich..w •ck: V o y a g e r.’‘’a‘ n c w 'T V ure, has consi.s- / ‘S ta r T rek o ff into a m otion picture tenlly been rated amlong oni the top 10 scries andd bbook, debuting in January. w h ic h w/il illl u n d o u b te d ly s p in o f f hour-long T V series inn syndication. s; whole scries o f novels, It'S J in g " th e " S tar another wh " E v e ry b o d y ’s readinj ipable juggernaut, l a n d K a g a n , a an unsloppu , tfT re k " b o o k s, say.s-Jari' 'c gj ro w n from one o r two i c ic n c e -fic tio n - " W e ’ve N ew Je rs e y -b a s e d scic u b ltsh c d in 1980 to m ore autlior w ho w ro te "UJ h ui r a ’s''S o n g ," b o o k s pub he scries. “ I gel lh a n 3 0> iin th e n e x t ) 'c a r a n d ' “ ■ ■ one o f the n ovels in the : Ryan. “Tlie essential ers and doctors, b eyond,"’ says s: fan letters from law yers People think th e y ’re aallll b ein g read appeal o fr S*Sl :i r T r c k ’ is that it’s good ment, there are good characby 1 2 -y .ear-o ld b o y ss,, b u i t h e y 'r e entcriainmc te rs and il it p re se n ts an o p tim is tic nol." he fulurc.” W h e th e r t h e r e iss a c r o s s o v e r View o f the New Y ork D aily N ewss edge liich ran on N BC for 11 cd David Letterm an.” w hich ------------- . audience! T o hell leil w ilh them. ... I d on’t need y e ars befo re L ettermnan an ju m p e d Ship aflcr that aggravation!" n!"-' . }u- N DC passed him lip ass C C;arson’s succcs-sor. T he rcaliiytiiB ' ^V etsis that' D ave’s douJiBw irs------ Slill — -and.- a r D a vtrwotJltt'sayr^'GorTccl-----------v r\ jirs7iricnoarcTs“ n ^ nt7w'««ar^ ------ 7--------bic^>rea.sicd:siiirs; this" — I could have U r -me if I’m w rong o n thi; akcrs. the high-budget ratfiei instead o f sneakc S ent(ir ^ fo r-w e t^yiJ }o 3 y r . ------------- WM l K ^ o iQ e- ------------------ jedlc® S P o s tu re p t iF rp m O n ly F ~ u p p o rt S e d y ■ ....... dOMFORTlSERIES MATTRESS ” ? J B S .s ta r tin ig f aat- - ; R eg.'Price S I 49.00 ea.• pc._____________ pc. ______ ce “ Tvi/in”e^fTpiece Rog. Price S109.0 0 e e .p r pee. ---------------------------- ----------- ^ t 2 T ■! O Full each piecee . R eg. Price S 4 9 9 .0 0 set — t *297 - . Queen Set — RBgrPrfCB-$699:00setf....................................... — ... ........... King Set i J 30 D ay ................ irantee S lee p G uar g ^pneeJ D elivery &i Set-up BaseballQvideo Bilits hbmef^ - ---------- piichcr is"rc a lir2 ip p ln g : r eaa lity c x p e r i______ •you, a lru e .v irl,u a l re ' :i ■-......... -^ P * ieel-Rem oval-oii f -------------------------- •ess O ld M a ttre I K By R oy B aasnvc ...K n ig h u R ld d c rN c w s paapcrs ap V i i d e o - g a m e ---------------rr:z::z:------V o f t h e w e e k ________ 'l^ o n im ts : ScglTGcncsii cm ^ ---------------P r i c e , m a n u f a c tua rrec : ; S fi9 .9 9 . /c r y p la y e r ’s rea l s ta n c e , • Sega. lid • s w in g and sty le o f pitch h a s b eenI . R ecom m ended ag es: s : t8 and, u p. „ K r e d fui or m ore'realism . Thc,'bcUcr )rk s: T h e rulc.s ^ n o>w w y o u r te a m , th e b e lte r H o w the g a m e w orki lical lo Ihc real o f the gam e identicr you w ill reach th e W o rld! 1 S u n iia y . Y ou ............ th in g ,, w h ic h .slartctl Si id th ro w u sin g jj p g . Pay p^. attention lo tlic “ g am e . bat, hit, n m , steal and „ c c h .” Y o u r c h o ic c s w ill a ll 7 0 0 p la y o r.s i n ec lhu d i n g y o u r s j u j , 5 ;re lany otf-5ca.sori J 5 , „ „ r nlee h ow rea l the c h a lle n g e favorite sia rs w ith man; d ttrad es on all ^ j | | B'y 'c lic k in g on th e w o rd free a g en t m o v e s and B re sa m s i n , I h i s ..o p ,jo „ s " yoii I 2 8 M a jo r L e a g u e tc can scl b a llin g and[ ionr a iig n m c n l. i ; v e ls, sound e ffe c ts andI y e a r’s n ew s ix -d iv is io le :a lly e n jo y Ihc p i„ y .b y -p li c om m entary; tu rn on Baseball fa n s w ill real! play g„„, “ In T h e B a tt e r s B oa x ’ v i c w r h a l n. the strike zonp an d auto - gives the feel o f a 90-m )-m ilc-p er-h o u r fj,.](i|ng by bv c lic k in g O N /O F F .^F or fast b a ll c o m in g at y o tu . A lso te a - j|„ js io n ppl: lay, you have a cliuicc o f i x o r o ld four-division contu r c s a 13 to 1 6 2 - g a im e s e a s o n , ,|,c „ c w ssix hornc run dorb y for 11 I10 8 players, m . W hal th is all m e a n s is backbatting practice and a ballery b 1 cj,;a n cu sto m ize ' Ihc g am e up lhat keeps full statist! istics. ex actly aISs the i pros play o r to your skills. B efore you, p] G o o d p o i n t s , ' b a d ' p o i n t s : ow n real playing •ame, do os ihe pros d o and A ttentio n to d clall iss nm a jo r league begin a gan itting practicc.’’ It w il! help Is o f 7 0 to 7 9 en ter “ battii w ith p itc h in g s p e e d s < m p h r 8 0 ‘to 8 9 n ip h a rn d 9 0 to, 9 9 .' yOu s w inn g . T h e p itc h in g in - th is m ph. A s y o u ( l h e b y ter) sta n d ready gam e cniii bbie vicious. . — ^ . ■ . _______ S t o p b y co u r S L E EE P C E N T !^ E R w i t h I ta r g e s t m li a t t r e s ^ s e l e c t i o n i I\ n T w i n F t th e --------------------S a lec n ddsAprU-30,1994 sJ \' w ^Remewiber... ______ ;e n t ^ Z f IlCH m j &m NGS _HO3ME FURNISHINC Gflsfi. v e N o r th D o w n t o w n T w ina F a l l s • 2 0 4 M a i n ^Vve. 7 3 3 -7 1 1 1 V : 3i0 - 5 : 3 0 H o u r s : M o n .-P 'rrli. 9 : 3 0 - 6 : 0 0 S a t . 9):3 “WsJiffer'' Y o u S o M u c h T j A for S ega. B aseball”” ft . \ ' ■r • > ____________ ■ ' iT^HI Q.'liiO.i— i-fldiiyTA 'S, Twin TTmt.’s-Nowr„ T> F.iII;,; Id.it'O C-G ........... ■- •— r P o a n u t a - ■■ ....... ^ t __ I : V ~ l Rl/N IN th e ^ il 4 -E 6 M 1 U ^ 4 -^ l ii'r t ^ ' C a lN ^ a n d H 0 b b 0 3 ~ -------H - — J - * 1 • 1T-<e U)AT£r'S c ?p iN m S I B ^ _____ ^ • irs ^ j B H ^ •p U M P O O r-lT Ic M X G ^ lr /" f @ - ^ g H i ■By Bill Watlei :erson - '- -^ ^ ( G^Trso £ M em <E . . .1 WHE^J rrrw rrr- iN S . r r J 'l A 1 V M FIND - '^ * 7 ^ •______ ___2 ___By-Dean-YQungA -WUb-WRlTt ' J ^ ^ ■ TMESE DUh -_ i- W W M ? -— _______YOU IM 7 < ^ -v ■ TOWN t»>TlSE R SM •W £-TO£'- p r ^ 3 W I< e N - ^ ^ 6 JflU.'THE / I •^BCfiS tVG -A ' X /T ^ P L U M B t ■ ■■ i r f - ^ X ^ TrW n E£«\E.TM mEM 7M 06-H-f^ C o m ic s Cc 1 By., Lynn Lyr Johnston For Bettor o)rriFor W ofso, . — . _ „ . . _ - ^ S y . C h a r i e s M .^ S:chuiz-,.. ct . ' '.. LFor Sldi) By I ••. I IOOMTTHIIIK I ......... - } - - I jWLU <S£E-. H0llEY...I't.L8S m.VEAl.SO.5, H C ^W " B ire:op V f.w F^■[JLLY' TIPEP----- ---------' ■— - -•'■ -V ■■■ TONIGHT? A / i w ox ___________________ B .C. ■ ------------- i J _ By Johnny,y Hart EO c o u io ir r ) \ 1 I KNEW HE O eStST A T ^ o-etT E y Tw N is u r . |W « THEN WELL X L 6 0 ) - ~ '“^ JITE ,-<SORE, OUT POB A 9ITt LET'S • A ‘ ^sr: g-~ s^ ' ----------- ^ = S MgtY^iifiNl'-BROOHAnA— " T — [ j ^ g ^ g / Q 2ia m __________ J/ f |P ^ r _ 5 ^ r |: p —^ » V 7 t e r f e A — i ff /pg*v-- .^,0 ________ Donnls tho Monaco M Davis By Jim D i A LO NE ( HA/V1BUR&E.RI . S C*VOU N tV E R i. 0 6 £ THO Q iq J E T I '• ( f IT S 6 E P A R A T E P S « -T H e -M E R p y -----------------—t - e-H U N T I N & 'INSTINC r s f O FROM-T . iMt y«>r . nie: Oo I h*ve lo m o tio n what h«pp«ned h»p wh«n M m« moron u b otao*^ IM o#rt>*» wlttl l> ^ » 7 • e*M ot Kl<}-ni)»d LOM \ G arfield__________ - — L = : = -------^ I ' ^KOUk hjAaha- haha ; ' /■fli .. ^ 31 ^ I r c T h e3 iF a m ily C ir c u s K e tc h a m ' By Hank Ket By Bil E Keane H " " -O ^^.----- O O • ( o o ^ cO O O i 1 z / . . - )OlF o l p Y o u r \ \M ^P O firY oU e s iM sT E A P o e J _____ L / i O-EAN CLOTHeS ^ SrUPFiN© -TWB■V/A^ iM I vtoU l? / ^ _ . , K S£ T H A T ? Q B E g A U g ^ ± -\P R A V J B t? & U K — ^ ''...WRlNk^LE^ A?:B a \ ' ' 0I(5> PART OF TH£ j 2J fT : : P l flO : f K " (S R U N iS E L O O \^" y J ^ i __________ T By Chance Bro rowne HI a n d L ois_________ ___ ^ z d |= E | |( [« He told “B illy’s n o t v e r y n ic eB.. I-leg."m e to b r e a k a -le g i . , " ^ r i ' ^ - ____________ ' l e o TJT. O V E B M f NAP."_______ __ ' ^ s r i:' £ 2 ^I — -- _ _ T h e w iz a rd o f Id - - ..- - > ------------1 * ! ' (w o W iiw eJy -- p r -^ --------^---------- ----^>U tP;' ______ - ■ -' h J H B ,,- A P ^ a ^ .................................... ■ ----- \ - 4 - G 14 Anilioxlns __ ISH atd togoJ 16 Sooihing •>7 E fo o lo n lOFifly-fKty --- •* _ _ .20 Mado young '"3 again StM P ^ ~ 1 I, d a J ^ .JI l y .O m a r r Sydney,! 3scope -------------;___________ H o r d s c — — l-Y OU R-BIRTHD AY :------ IF APRIL 8 IS-YO metaphysical.inclina-— ------------ M -]7 - Muny peruins. uf.mcl ____ _ i — - tion decia're you lo3 be iim "old S0UI-."-Y0U •• ....... e of cncrg)-.-are aware......... - ...........~p<>^scv» ahundance imilations --y o u .work— ---------— “ "T“ ...of.lim c and.ils-limiia utc. are aeative. pas_ __ well under pres-sutc. :iial. You utc iin origisionate. controvcnial. ------- ;— nai thinker, capabicIcofof bringing order out ns. of chaotic siluation.s. ?1.Aprit n y.Y iiu rie---------------: = = -------A B T F S (\tardIi.?l. People com_ _ _ on cutting edge o f Miciety! stk plenty, you make oihment, "You know■pier |j j ||H . - l i i •■■■■■\----------iS'Ofisk' ■" ............. }« « 10' CRU5T/1C H .iH ACROSS 1 siigni eftaau! V -<: c^KEBft: Of 1TV ----5 Donahuo of lo r .Vir By I D stfuooio5Jq£ V Hart______ . By. Brant Parker & J ohnny 24 Warns 2B N old0n50 aiming 31 Kind ol palnl l l Z ' ------------- T - M j r ^ I I_______________ q u o o n __________ __________ I : \ \ _________ 33 Olympian qu __ \ 34 Squirm . u u U a p . _ M J l ------- — ■••■• ■ 38 Unsoon pan lartlcio ' just being nc;ir you!" u!" ril 20-May 20): Accent M TAURUS (April 2( 40 O utlaws ------------originality, frtsh MartMart repl.icing outwom 41 EnofOy ffcrcnt" love is on hori------- ------ “ machinery. A "diffcrci f ’O ^ a/ ^ I 'M « S O lrtS T O S E T I T TM ® 42Cup&oaicJ rt-lrue7iii— iiiiiit/iny;;---------------" - - ■— “ Ton." Wish, cnme.i” !! M oM g U A Te p g : eJ e p / egT T W ss ] m y e A l 2 5 .P lE f2C -_''5.ThofQlofa.. nf (Jcrsu'asion surge to J ----- 1----- 1 fiLshion. Powers .of |> " \ 1 ^ 8 —• •^ eT im otsbioat !!_________ --------- ^ - T o H I S H T - ™ olved, --------------------C .lnc. • — ------------------- 014 4, / 0 8 / 9 4 - ' forefront.-I-eoinvolvci 01994 TnOirw CorY«:e». I ••'• \ B « 47 Fowl ABnifliil»nB»«>»e4 21-Junc 20); Focus on Ived: GEMINI (May 21-: “ ^rttvS/OT Perform Y ostord ffy's PuzzIb Solve , home, security, mari:t _ l i l l building material, hor g i |e ^ 50 H o rd e act 12 Spol on a card sT 52 D angor's stato says. "There is i? u c g status, Canccr native nati ________13.F.QXV____________CT --------- 64 A vow -------______ you-l-«m ’t tesisll" In-- • -.......21 Incroasos 7+ SOTaKon — r\es;w reliable guide, L lf tP T tuitive inlcllcct series 22 Plano part ?4 (sla/llod) nc 21-July 22); Pisces ^ » } R |E CANCER (June 2 61 S a lis o a .............aSSom othlnggivon SU .............. . - ^ philosophy, mw)n highliglit.ss travel, tr stago for spocial ■ 1 C2 Villain onI sl: wnicipation in publishS H H communication, panic toot somico SI J G4Turr^or'5toc impaign. Accent.divcrL HjE lS ing-advenisingcamp;i >y 26 Sharp, suddon'. ^ 65 Hardon by wiosit>i. Gemini domipain . . . 57 D E |L I E sity. intollectual curio; — heal i ng ?7 Phoioolocirlc ^ nario. _______ By.MortW. W a lk er. . e c sou n d oflaa E In Is l¥1 nates unusual sccn.iriii . B e e tle B ailey io o (-----------coll.-o.g,-------------U irAug. 2 ’'): ’^'m nrtre------------- -——— n ------------------ho rse 's hoo sT tIeT O I — IZ U (July 'iirAu; 20 Lad V (5 ^ 07 Cupidity s;iying. "I love thecch ch::illcn gc-th is is my r n i6 S » (^ U L P T W w :O M EN P I P N 'T \ f " ^ 23 Small At \- / 68 C oaslor icus on intrigue, gl.imkind o f d;iy!’' Tckus ) :vcnt 30 Odors Sj BE A TREAT / U U!S E P I D B E O ' G9 School ever appeal, . h M l t I our. mystery, sex appc 31 Monstrous ono H A FOR y o u y ALL L O W E D IN / 23-Sept. 22): Ft)Cus on i T [' T l VIRGO (Aug. 35 Imago ^ ^ DOWN T H IS C L U B ^ i _ / — TH Jgmcnt of your efforls. " n ■! pul’lic acknowlcdgmc rs 30 Kind of mask ^ POT 1 Oir. loltors s x c eTi u e writing, fonn alliancc ^ l *Get agrcemenLs inn wri ook . 40 Eggs — I—» 2'CorlalnloolM/DB/94 ^j„, ,,ns fnmiliarr ««iiib business proce42 Threw I n S I F ^ 'S ,* 'f'”/ 3 D io sagittarius. another VirSb^^W A L L ig plant 43 Emblem ol 4 Seasoning I dure.s, Gemini. Sagitt aiiof Wales — 5 Movio trailo go play roles. 44 Sang like a bird G Port _ LIBRA (Sept. IV 1V(Qct. 22): Attention 49V anolotlofs • ............7P oocogododfloss fl adjustment.----------for*a iCVotves'-aroimd-- domestic dor 56 Laugning 59 Piaco fo ,0 51 Socfot supply 56 -------0 Ms Homo isehold products, dccimusic, large househc outburst drink 52 Uprlgin ---------0 Antolopo, iiarriage. Financial picjmod sion relating to marri 57 ■ 60 Consum s a v iq ila n r 57 Selves 'fr S ' lO Sullor -articic-volunlarily-rc- - — -sq Sch,-3tibi. - 63'M akoa' ac h oic o turi bright.-Icwt-artic s r s c i i o s -------- - — -sq ~ r -----, 11 Soggym i.is"5------as: Jbran involved. turned. Another IJbra: rhaves , „ ___ , By Bob Th x .23r ^ _ ------- SC OR HO. (Oct.. 2 N ov. 21): MuihF ranK a n d E rn e s t :ry. glamour n s V '•■'i'’ •'“” mys'cry- intrigue, i clc high, ciicunislances J don-l tell all! Cyclc h 1 ^ 1 T H IN K ts, insist on obtaining favor your efforts, ii ^ Alfon-so X<111 lll .served ils King o f Spain ^ p O M i fO X 'S O oJ tt ," Pi.sccs' plays role, "complete sto.ry." F intil 1951. He wa.s tone deaf, -- p ■ from 1902 unlil m e;G the.se letters in name; i ,P ,Y . ^ fo g 50M f lis side on formal occa.sions fl, Alw.iys at his : (^Nov. 22 -D e c 21): SA O nT A R IU'S S (^ t .inthctn mnn." I^ot c v c ^ ip C Jp was his “anti ., . . W h a t ' s w h a t ?? ........ deadline - valuable Meet challenge of di V> 5 monarch IS hasan "anthem man.” Dul cus on property, hisic ■"* ally surfaces. Focus It ddid. Thai's one. who Iclis. ^ VV' : ® * som e do. Or Ghosts were clumsy and .Sil silly, the iisu c s.. scillcmcnl II of..fam o ily dLspulc. lighnesH. in effcci. Stand up Gh P (he-Royal Higl :d, has ihought. It wa.sn‘t until much m lat- Cipricjim involved, h these letters, iniivcfcnt.- ihcy'fc playing the Greeks Gr o and look rcvei tials in name: H. Q. O.Z. Z er in world history, thal other believers b ithcm. cr c National Anthc ;ter. . CAPRICORN (Dei (Dec, 22-Jan. 19): Obryo of the chicken has thc qame qai lo ihink o f ghdsls as siniste ° The embryo giltariiis mc-vsage. Look Bundalion min hint from Sagiitai Q. Which is Ihe concct pronui iw teeth. Thc teeth start, in pcnc to grow " 6 u r Z lA 7 T H i" 1 5 ^ cdiatc, perceivc polen*' o f “Cells" - “Kelts"- or "Sclts“77 l>eyond the immcdiai top and disappear. Why? If of I fad. tlien stop A. Hither. Greeks called ther lem "Kel- tial. accept inviuttion ition to travel. Love rc-' .on growing, hens icelh f ;U P , /1 N £ > X By Art Sansom s&c h i p . Jt to the lationship sputlers. rs. then tl Kick on track, toi," Germans "Kclten.” But so scarcc. loi T h e B om L oser lv ^ 5 TH^ they were "Seltes." cactivaied. Favorite projcct rcacti fou can’l name, thc only French Fr ----- } What! You cd .ycuinf.-------- AQTtAPnit; -Oai?___ iw ypyj^BsniF. 2Q.Fcb. m : _________ :jn play ihafdotM i'l hare nt aeEMSITTIKli’ .'THKrtiHOU rw ^lK U fM IV F-lieE , ’T m so happy to have ly perform You’ll be sayin g.’'I't stcts get so Iwred they routinely ins in it? Try “Thc C om edysic J l e i « one song V T O S ££I*£! ^O FfiO R . ___ D « W .T O .( ! IMYOUR WAlTINt BO s;t mistakes!" Focu-S ' • potential, chance to correctI ^ pa.< iilxiut three urndes below tlieir pc iil> __ y ofE n ofs." "Singh" fneans "lion-hearlei led." and ' on fnah sJarl. indep< idcpcndencc, cre.itivity, o f 10 cancers are on the j, CWERANHOUR? r <■ • N ine, out: ol be p.-irticipaling it’s a name l^kcn by all Sikhs. unique style. Youu could coi facc. . better tho'n in "iheater o f the alwurd."* alwi nidcrs tend to lolcnte pain be ho phone in pizza orders in ^ Those who PISCES (Feb, l9.M l9-f ardr20): Individthc ’ younger, according to one on more tip Ihc deliverers as thi IJ , Califom ia don’t dor to ccxipcrale legories of. . ual who initiallyy rcfascd rci study o f the matter. In ihc categ era in-other stales. Such were sti w ell as buyers ? O m .^ — You were righl. 1 was n w ho arc will now say. "You grownups, il’s ihc young m en • --------- 1- - th c iin d in g sLia’ .ia iL nalionw idcsiiryeyjT y* P£ idox family member rc■saiiI'lb"appearlcisrablcto-put ut u ir w itlr wniiig!" Unonhodbx o f Ihc product. • sa ' welUlcnown1purveyor pu Goal in sight,_ much pain o f the prolonged me iicasurable jaics "fantastic" story. sto :ient Greeks believed in m \ Thc ancier check-<lircctions. _ 5 Q H _ _________^ ____________________ 1_ O U IT A IV JM S t S l N X ^ J ^^aga^ th e H orrible ' — rowne By Chris Bro lHU^AH£^ 39 votiicio H K K a^ ^jii ----g4/as---- J i ^ ji ^ '^ S diini jks believedI ghosts j Greel wfpe rue onl'< <s LM.Boyil n m - , M -[- X066T5'WWT1N6KD0W... I n E E ^ rrp I S ' _ i -------------- J-------------- — :—— -t— — 7- ^ rainrrd'abo'TilffayrAprti-OrttW'*C-e llmos-Nows, Twin>all ! ityZ-bitce& ihe-diLust^siGenX)reheliLia g a in s t ste re o^types i M 4 a iit ............_K night-Riddcr N ew s SScrvicc cr , I ^ M ------------ -A -n^w rM h«;i-J4t>!!ly y w o o d -fid d lc — — .- —-.t- t: • W hy il th ill liice s o - c a llc d X . VI ,I . g e n e r a t i o n , th o s e: ' ,lHI) T jiiT lion“ 31 years . Amcricjins bclw ccn 13 and i i s________ — - r L . oup, but docsn I • l; ; than any.other agC'group uvies? _______ ^’o to fiiMnrraiion X muvi' IN nag^ — — — ' T his million-doHar ([ueMion ([ui \\ res. dislribuiors . ging U niversal Pictures, e romantic comi o f “ Reality Biles." the rii W in o n a c d y s ta r r in g 2 2 -y e a:ir-old r-i ih rrccent collegc . Ryder and dealing willi ■’ ~ t!fads fa c in n .M c Jo h s a nd M cD cbl. Ib lj^ v io w c d -u i— -----------lliough-il-wiw-'fitvornbly a - y - ............. k b H ~ \ _____ _____ I R e>e e ^l w o r l d k -:- an d , . ------ — Yet-sencrm ional-crc^lcjitia iona --~ .r -••• D avid P irn c r.o f Soul . ‘boys su c h as Da E v a n D a n d o o f - th e A .sylum a n d, Ev — d uii.'tguaiJiiltc ered ne is to sa m p le th e ^ H |i i ^ ib ilily , i f one lca|ily Bite.-;” b y collcge response io'“Rca|i newspapers. :fivist Jo n C ow an. 2H, ” H jjjjM i.i Political acfivi Lead ... O r Leave, a H j j H !. co-founder o f L( based youlh-advofcacy W ashington-base ise belie v es the rksis- • .g ro u p , likew ise taiioD al.m oyics.shl'uld,. ' ....... J.iuoce.lo.gencraiii a cultural' rather t ^ n a ____ ^^^B B ---bC -pli> ?ctl.in_a_cii te x t. ............. — / - ■ ------ consum er context. :b eclliin g a g a in it th e I to B g “ W e ’re reb stere o ty p es," Cow an Gcncration>Xt st< :'re not a bunch of lazy, suggests. ‘‘W e're :r si slackers. W e’ve been apathetic, loser lg lhat lold for so long ll w c can’l make a ■at’s not'lruc. • W h difference. T hat’s igh half thi: older gencr-- m H “ ll’s ns ihoughl ■alSon is Id linig g us u we c a n ’t.m ake a lf'Says^------ ^ _ d iffe ro n c e -a nid-lhe-olher-hQ d -l sing anyihing anyw ay, yo u 're not doing when in fact our generation has h i ^ s." volunteer rates." He c o n fe ssssee s th a t h is ow ii f e r r ' ' ------ ^ftroviegolng ■ppaa s s io n s " a r c - m o r e --------PitmtrUp-thc-VolumcT^^--------_ifldam ed-by-“ P w flA ji||[r n m r™ ill M H was promoied strong soundtrack andd w st iin a strin g of lo 'ihe max. this lalest Iling ch ro n ic le s . rcc cn l iw enlysoniclhiu] essors "Singles” has — like ils prcdcccssi a n d “ B o d ie s R e s t & M o tio n ” — ' failed to strike eitherr a generational uld. •chord or box-office gold. opening w eek- — . .. . A fte r a.p ro m isin g cip Jucted f s n mil- _ _ _ _ _ ______ end, the m odestly budue ’rossed a disap-' lion) “ R ealily” has gros in-in pointing SI8.3 m illion i six weeks, ment ' . prom pting Entcrlainm et W eekly lo ite s th e D u s t.” q u ip . " 'R e a l i t y ’ Bite.' •_______ ;lure7l>Ufonly-a------- ■ ^ 9 ■■‘T copirilK edrU jc.picIur a c k n o w led g es • few w enl to see it.f■ ac ' ' A iv e r s a l's vice • D ru c e F c ld m a ir. U n iv lg, w nrcsident o f niarkeling. ^ h o no n clheradio station, passipns via his pirate j }cas pro;caai. IJi.it iJic ijH jw i profil, Linklaier indie "Sfackcr.'' the Richard Ric — I'he' •tiangcr’o rm onv v titc s ■ l a l t t f j /•Incctr iinnlirmT^ lhat they almost ■ | f e , V “ .define a generation is iha PtmoccgrlMyUnhxt sw>w piouna w ho lollygag fo forr:a livirig. ^ '' ' • ih ey ita b ly tu rn o u t to bc g e n e ric ," altributes “ R eality 's” p r o p o s e s N e w s w e e:k k «c r itic D av id ' Cowan, too,), at after graduation. From left,l< 1 0 hard facts a b b u tiifeI af B ites’ features a group3 of i friends facing somo com edy ‘Realityr Bl K to ilc v) tepid box officc 10 the fact that the film A n s c n , 4 8 . Hc.^ c iic s th e ‘fiOs T h e lr r osvorent ind W inona Ryd^r. ihn, Je an a n e Garofalo an was targeted at X > ers, “ and anything Ethan Hawke, Steve Zahn “ youthquake" film.'^. tho thi se self-con. they’re El fine a generation, fails.” that tries to define scio u s e ffo rts su c h as "' W ild in the I to som ething that’s good forir Ihem.” /h o n o n c th e -. account for 52 52 percent o f ticket buy- l6 Reality Bites" — which ‘Tlie Strawberry fo '’ ev eryy jjo b they see k ," o b serv es!i jappe.il." said Feldman, whi Dying w hal Bul isn’l “Real Strcei.s" ( l ‘J68) and “Tli Murphy confcs.scs to enjoy lo tht? N a lio n a l e rs , a c c o■ding rd i po sitio n e d his T V ads ai in prow ho. like m ost o f a dp/.cn1 less 1 Stiller and 2 3 -y c a r-o ld , . lh a t fa ile d to W einer, wl generation also starred Slill S ta lc m e n l’’ ( 1 9 7 0 ) lli he pcrccivcs as the new gc n fo r ih c ir Association1 oolf Theater Owners. But ht im ethings polled, is am biva-- ' jg r a m s c a re fu lly c h o se;n m arket they tar-_ iwcntysonic tim e w ith Ethan Hawke — more a classic lovc appeal to Ihe nichc ma; /, an ___ Art..Murphy, :i industry analyst and gg;a p in H o lly w o o d , th is t-ii lids. • .appeal lo 12- to 34-year-ok il “ Reality Bites." •ul Ilo distinguish lenl aboul I a {genera tio n al m ant.nufaclurcd trian g le than gcted. Ansen is careful Xcrs rejecting producls mnni -Jollywood Reporter w ho X “ R e a lity 's" d irector, B en S tiilef, w riter for Hoi roblem. she says, is lhal the: 60s, il could just as ea.s'R ee a lity B ites," T he proh :rs, 1 have fcsto? In the ‘60s, . th ese effo rts from "R by boom ers. ‘‘Like ihe Xers im scif as " a D epression- bj lat the film ’s describes him concern thal prom oled andJ acknowledged : c h aracterizes as fil”’ w as; “relentlessly "i •cd ;Sandra D ee, and in 3r th e M c ily have starred h ow ever, w hich he cha u g gcsts c o m p c litio n fo r nn<o th in g b ut c o n lc m p i for im primatur m ight gcncr- era k id ." sug; i m ark etedd ’’ to h er age g ro u p , "an dJ '■major-siudio lic F Hawn. co n tro l o f t h e '7 0s, G oldie ; “an appealing romance'." en e ratio n c u rre n tly in mcnl dollar is fierce. G assiduously iheir amu.scme a backlash. And he a; o nally. w e d o n ’l like to be: ale ; nance is another generation; ,ht bbc a tension between of “There might ; But one m an’s roman f; has more d e c - H ollyw ood, and 1 sec the failure neration X ” "The X jcncration Ger ind we don’l like lo be sold1 ;avoided ihe phrase “ Gem labeled and er ai and director intended w om an’s lorture. ia al th e ir d isp o sa l,’’ he G en e ratio n X m ovies as a kind o f what Ihe w riter ileasc in le rtro n ic m edia d u rin g his m any prc-rele (W einer makes an cnlhusias» It scram bling for things.” (W ly boom ers and w hal the m maarketers so ld ,” con_________ ulLyuuLUfcJs-uboui.M poetic juslice for those baby boom ers only had p< "B: I views. Bul how docs the; rniain.strcani theorized. ’Baby !tion-of-TV-s niclie-niiirkclud_: :r-W eincf_llM ayfae-it.is--------uble, and about lie exccptio ^ c - d i s - — ccdesJcnnifcrJW Ihe rent and guy iroubl Indd - I h c - m a v ic s ,—wdiUc— w ■cngaging-ti— frc e-T -V -an d c sc rib T in iro v tc -c ,c 1P la c c .” w hich — un lik e: press | ‘‘M elro se but bu il’s the media and being'un d erp aid and underapprecialun ■s ancl culturGenerationXXhas home video, video tr u s t o f a u th o rity fig uurre s ,” he not the m ovie,H ryingrto-get-a-handle--------__ CLflain genem lion's issuESJ lht:'iiiaikcierS iiy ----------- in lrd o -y o u '^ n r t t r s p c Tlwy have otjservco. ol games and pay-ldevision. pa; r s a l’s Feldm an. 45, a g reess :al references? ip p cry th in g c a lle d dram a enacted Univcrs;: ly G e n X o n th is slippe night seeing the .samee di Ir o n ic a lly , u n lik e e a rly onic cnienainm cnt opporw r ite r s an d more ekctroni ! ■ A nd how d o s c rip iw i ner’s generation d id n 't show ' ma. R yder, w ho that Weinei that w e’re rc^sting.”_ ....... . by people-like W inona, c h ro n ic le s such as “ T he B re ak fa st Generation X lhat 1 the on avoid the tunilies than th previous generation.” cl e PG-13 movie in significantt idirectors o f lhat gcncratior as E n te rta in m e n t Ihan you d o ?" up for ihe I I c r 's D ay P e rh a p s , as lo ok so m uch b e lte r- Ih C lu b " an d “ F e rris B u c lle onholcd? A s Tliey’re ilso ;ilsi wary. "W hen m ovies C , bul he also believes "many^ :sligm a o f being so pigeon iccca AKhcr-rWalsh. 2 5 . ........... n .b y .Jo h n .-W e c k ly ’s Rebecc; a sk s Je n n ife r W e in eer. r. 2 4 . a yo u th numbers, b ...Off,’:.w h tc h .w crc-.wrilten. the tag..:Jl’s the definitive ...0 <eted lo spe-. -arrive .wilh.thc : long xs m ovies arc markei taycd away from the picturc 1 •cs w r itc r a t the pe‘>ple stay I h e r r e c e n t " R e a lity Bites” w as s u g g e s te d in h< — colum nist and features Hughes, now 44. "Reality Bi id for a g e n e ra tio n .’ Ihe H story o f and thought il w a s n ’t forr ic if ic s e g m e n ts o f th e ppto p u la tio n , , “ N ot trying lo ild-Lcader. becau sc Ihey th ort Lexington (Ky.) H erald'l li H e le n B ites” post-mnortcm ;lcd becomc instantly su.s- . w riltc n by Ihe 23-y ca r-oold people largelci \ d "baby T hh e m e d ia la b e le d it as a:i Ilabels such as “G en X ”’ an did a good jo b th e m . "T nay bc the best w ay to >8-ycar-old target X ers may "I Ihink the m o v ieLdi' Childress and directed by 28id Murphy. “Films are n o t : C pidous," said ; all lio n X p ic tu r e , w h ile w ez 1boom er” are going to be allachcd. w ho G e n c r a lio attract them." about show ing collegec graduates g Stiller.____________________ nd people do not respond Si 4 -y c n r-o Id s m edicine and J F c ld itia n ’s ! 2 l o p 4 a com edy with broad il was ' _______ arc o v e rq u a lified o r■uurnderciualtfied ihoughl il ~)o m uch]^Pesci ^ J knm y lelves ^ lo c a lvddeo sh< — o f the lime it is Im. ihough 10 bc. bul loo) much mi kids. But the rcsl o f the film « III ' '' ki underlines unwisely intentII on showing the serious ____ unobjectionable enough, ur ui C a p s iu l e r e v i e w s aracicrs!-livcR.’> n o i- o f ----- -t~fippcur~in“ s r d e ^ r its diarac - W i 11i n m sH w e n nJcjrire-to-fi ------ ,■ IJ i-W -• • . , ------- = lg fr from its ca.st. cspecialbland cncrgctit; ac(ing l indcrful major role for Kirk w arm , cuddly an d 'term in aally affords a wondi ^caton in the lead, does . . - ly M ichael .Kcalc motion piclurc'i. (Grand-Vu Drive-in) Di ivily-t»ld scrap meliil-iyctKin m I Q n cm a)-----------ly caricatured rdaiivcs'vic ‘■Monkey T fo iib lc" (PG;).' ); H b 'r« y >“ 'P ‘ r’8 ,L ist1 _ (R ). A m ost ___ las-u u g h la------;S-Clllind<ir s.. W llh c a c h jth o the r for his .favor._W ith_K -K cilc l is.thc con-artisi who haf ctor. Steven S p id b e rg , as a unlikely director ; M ichacl J. Fox. !■< N ancy T rav is an d jdarling little simian how to cxcel e Mcr adopLs I ' l i s y^ devastating siory o f the pickpocket. T hora Birch lalt 0 , i .l n J - A bo . .„ as Ihe film ’s lik a b le , pj o f H olocaust heroes, ad v e n lO rt unlikelyy ol dcconi ty p es. (Je ro m e ||, ihe a n im a l, and an w ild at « “ " “ ;'lly J' er, Ja convivial sensualist, iio retrieve O skir Schindlcr, ensues when K eild ailcmpis u cr me. M im i B »ntbler»ndwi/ar ariprofiteer w ho rescued Old Men” (PG-13). Waller |,j his fo rm er p a rtn e r in crim d ended up the only Nazi i.r^i 1.10(1 Jews and en jc r 10 be b u rieil m Parly m em ber ne feu d in g frien d s w ho (Jerome (j Cinema) fount Zion cemelarv. Put P l n . l Jerusalem’s Moun ver the same woman ('Anrh___ ___ S N * k « d J 3 jm _ a a w a :_ H i Ird in th e together with care, care emotion and, most :i’s a cantankerous rom p Iinm o l l " (P O -1 3 ). T h e ih lr Mlrainl, this i.s as good a as funny as imporlamly. rcslra :h wil or point, (Moior-Vu “Naked -j Oun” scries U not as hock-filled fiction film onI the Holocaust as wc are th Ih e first tw o b u t is still cho Twin e l« a * iL t. lik cly io g c t.fI\v n Cinema) (PG-13). Tlic pair- w ^ ith good gags. L eslie Niel “Guanling; Tess" T aa" (G). A nim ator Don >ut n o t fo r -Thum bellna" Frank D rcbin if-re tire d bui i"B » [S llirlcIcy y MiieUiine as a cranky p| ls H a n s C h ristia n B luth p re se:n n ts widow and Nicolas Cage long. jo CTwin C inoiia) ■ ns.sic laic of a bite^sized . inH ow ard-... Andcr5cn’s.dns.sii i_«v..fvi.-r !n<.:nt In charge of - . - J ^ 'J a p e r ”-'(R )-T his.Ron ionj-ta.parcnli.b£jiorraal____ }ui~j d a y in little danccr-bom an in.spircd one, and direc- ~tlirccicd ^jj cnscmoic pieciTabotn Charo, Gilbert in cr Hugh W ilson has th e the th life o f a bustling New \York City .-stature. Voiccss include 1 Foray and John Hurt. quirky ^ a f f Gottfried. JuneC F light touch, but this cham- .tabloid ta newspaper and ils qu; (Twin Cinema) . ______ ___________________ ' lakes an unexpected luni can e: bc awfully funny whenI lt_t;ht)oscs li 1^1.1.u is iiiTstrengllis.^fJcromc ________ x ' Los Aflgcles Times L JIw in i^alk •• M ovies .piayingJU.UicJ] I area this w eek. R eview ss are by the T he Tim cs-Ncws a t i ngs a'rc by N ew v id e o s " " ILos A hgclcs-Timcs and rati so c ia tio n o f the M otion P icturc A sso ;s iiin Tw in Faljs _ ______ . ___ . . N ew vidcocassellcs ___ __ —^ ^ ^’G”'(K n 1 p ,l-R id d er N e w s :- ■ ' A - m crici; ............. stores this w eek;---------rt /[>\ -ruic “Jim m y H o lly w o o d ” [Video :Wesi. Great AmericanI ^ papers). (Vi' i-b i-.’c ,o ; 'o ; bemused liwk at the would-l “Cariilo:8 Way” ll’s flit filling liinl direc- v id eo ). . sm all-soalc. lor Brian De P a lm a ’s la 1 test e ffo rl;— " T b e '^•Bg everly H m b lillc s ” L ily. 'Ihc w orld is a return lo st bling hum or by wrili IS a: and ends inside Tomlin, Clo "Carlito’s W ay," begins »loris Leachman. Jim Varney, sham •jilcnrm. Len Tliompsoii. RobI 1Barry lA'yinson. Joc^'l’e.sci is _______ 11 tniin .slalion. bccauscc Ihis tl is a movie n-.hnr-y rnl, lhal'sscriously derailed. r. J J k c Ihc TV show, the filmI 'etlcciive as Jinimy /iiiu. ton SdTncidcrl :ial.carccns reck- -version is'^ Imagine: A-'story lhal, s':! good-natured farce aboutI Ihe | break he needs is jusl thi — but ' hi.t-engagiiig- l'^ift'Ji'mfl •;-----------ksstyThrongh-impknnritTl .iil.!i, i.l..l jo.iiUJ, simple Uogf has two main characters crs who stumble . ways in ihe he face 1 of _such complexities ilsi 'contend w ilh a minim nlis along in fuzzy definitio ilion and. in the ' snobbery/ and a ind'9 or plVfmbing. Bul; .1grandly, bypasses plaiisibil end, offers a messiige tha that has :ls much although il it provokes p the occasional guf- Cinema) ' « iiv e » rPG“A ce Vcntuia: Pel D cttc ,j,c fiin em o tio n al reso n an cec as a: an A m irak [ilm is a one-joke affair, empty schedule. icJ sack holding one scrawny 13). Every body movement as a bushcJ uviiu^coiot" ^r■tte•of-JtnvCarTcy.(of.:•,ln-U^ ^<1. e'iiiidiicRifr, r wiiniui niui i;t‘r n n 7 ~ ' j a ^ - raBUi Kbit. . I'G -T K n iB lin tiifd e r rrJ •y has polenlial. M cwspapci On paper, the slory li p e rs) (V ideo W esl, G real[ fame) is so broadly cxaggc V B ased on ihc n o v e lss by b N ew Y ork AmcTOn1 Video) Ihe makes goofy Jim Varnc Charles Bronson by c o n x T alc” Robert D ^ N iro,. sloic : Judge Edwin Torres, "Oir O irlito’s Way - is — “A Bron drug-dealing cxc h a ^ z pain Ihe laic u f a hardened, dn alm inicri. Does I'alficr know' ■ ' A movic revolving.around, docs'thc-neighborhood w isc - iprcsencc-as C iirrey's-soii — c o n '-n a m c d C a r lito>- -B B rtgB nic-(A I- bcst.^or'doi bc hell, but his star ascd early frofti „uy 7 Dc N Niiro’s directorial debut is a1 could Pacino), w ho is release i surprisingly capable by.the k eenly ob's pri.son lhanks to a l ^ aa!l blunder h ib se rv cd m em ory piece hyt proves i Jack” (PG-13)] Dull, ploddistrict atlom cy's officc. ;to r Chazz Palm inlcri givenr ing unexpected giggle fils. T ■ew rilcr-acto n siarring Paul Hogan as a ■'“ 8 !" “ uneven, bul his cart(H>nish inliumonncs.. in .Il’s 1975 and Carlilo iio returns to his j^gsh by Dc Niro’s symp;itliclic direc- i i gunslinger and. his mute icrabble sirccispf home, ihe griity. hardscra I Ihc h e artfelt ac tin g o f allI . is nearly heroic. (Moior-Vu I uba G ooding Jr. (Jerom e ;____" D 2 'n M > M i^ D u d a " he’s j „ v o lv e d .• C _Spanish Harlem. It’s a pincc-whcrc pin De Niro plays a proud hus__ e-Tliwilrc).---------------------------TV.rmariiig'cd'lo’ w‘in"re'spcL p e e r from local dnvorw ho 10 in‘cs‘‘to l convince his son ifintI a ^ I n i i n g , overly coiitHve eague i r (P G ). T he «-1 9 9 2 o rig i“ M n jo t LLe touglis ihrougli his brava avado and wit in j, is.bcller i bc re.^pected than lo bc the imprcssivo a i^ popular er lo cquel to Ihe 1989 baseball rgclic E m ilio mcvitablc scqi y world o f guns, r (j, ) nal. O ncc again an encrgi ; (Knighi-Ridder Newspapers) negolialing their edgy w so clobber comedy w ilh a hil ' s a so-so E stevez is coaching hisI {p ccw ec icc drugs and death. merican Video, Video Wc.st) (Great Amei moments, most from Bob It ifilm 's clear few funny mo ngcd, and Carlito fe a r le3s s" s ’ Jeff Bridges, Rosie Perez. hockey team, but iho first B ul timc.s have changC' adly muddled Ucckcr aslie tlicplay-by-play announcer is a reform ed man w iih h a new mission: Isabella Rossellini, Ro Tom Hulce, JohnI e■o n c an for values g e u bad gard bul p c n n a n i-b o u n d icma. Jerom e 'h e laggar car-renial busi- Turturro. Peler P< He w ants to buy in io a n c; W eir's unnerving filmI this tim e out. (Twin Cincr jn d ia n s. C h a rlie Sheen; C leveland jn^ D ne.ss in ih c BahamiLS ;ind pursue a sui- ^lars Jefff Bridges as an airline-crashI Cinema) ^sberl.'T om Bcrenger and W eak-kneed Dennis Haysb try, tropical life free o f crime. < All he .survivor w.ho wl com es to think he is aI • “8 Scconds” (PG-13). V [) their roles from the firsi al hull-riding o 'l'crs rccap tl aboul the laic great 1. It I needs is the seed money. ■ysuiieminn. Il is an exhausting, cxhilaral- bio-pic ycd by Luke film. (TwmCinpma) Cit p L anee.Frost, playc cx;asperating snga o f how a1 cham M on ey , o f c o u rs cc.. is i a fa m ilia r i„ g a„d ex i DUblfire" (PG -13). R obin like W oody "M rs. Dout Perry (w ho looks _mqrc_li device 10 Ic.st a p erson’s )n’s morals. The ncar-death c :h expcricncc prompts rebirth, u n't help bul bcXunny in ir bull-riding W illiam s cun' • - Guthrie here). Strictly for goodness o f C nrlilo’ss soul s< IS further B ridges ppc e rsuasively plays the sur-on born in h ig h-concepl riicatrc). (his situation ch a llen g e d w hen liisi law la yer, D avid vivor/savior ior. Rosie Perez strikes a'feso-• fans. (Twin Cincnii!, Acc Til orccd.dad.disgmcs.himscIf___ i-a-snlire-il-s—hcavcn;.divoro ^ — i); talks-him -tnlo—,Ya-„i'c]ior{j----------:KJeinfeld-(Sean-Pcnn).-1 ra'asT gricf-'snickcnrm c'thTrir::• .- ‘‘OTcedy"-(PG -B )r-A s-a more lime with his handed, bul it as a nanny 0lospend s lo her infant, a woman to1 wildly uncWn .nnd hcavy-hu helping him oul n f a veiyv er compromis- ^ |, o has lost ^ -0 G . . ■ rtdgcfl-ia-cmoii«niilly. closerf.• ---------- ------------- -ing jam .— .............................. ................. - w hom-Brtd ------------------- ----C L UJ 1B - H - 0 ^ ' E L-- n O I S - E ----------------lOry lovc imercst, ,j,an , q hislis-estranged wife, played by Tlirow in an obligatory :d C Gail (Penelope Isabella Rossellini. Ro R (Knighl-Riddcr a dreamy danccr named get the picturc Newspaper* Ann M iller), aiid youi gi icrs) (Greal American Video, aboiii this picturc. Video West; est). ay lhat pits vice - s k e c tc Like a m orality play i te rr" T ra cy GriffiCh. Jim supposed 10 bc youngs, Charles Ch NopicL-ilorron.Toxic i g ^ | _ T h e _ _________ against virtue, wc »>re: su as he s ^a sic dump mped hear a .small dcscn town - drow n into C a rliio 's struggle sin le y A r ts C o u n c il M a g ic Valley ^ u n d that creates a ¥ >-our \ycekcnds arc alli vw tlc and no play, it^ time toI kavc it all behind you s u c k c d d e e p e r a n d ddec e e p e r in to the creates a breeding br< dly p re s e n ts ^ proudl> nether world o f crime. ■giant, mulatcd miisqiiilocs. Ri swarni o f gi IdltotsWeckcnd. ^ getaway - the DoubliUte I----- ----------- 1 with thec pcrfcct I i Trouble is. il’s hardd to ic feel for ihis (K nighl-R R iddcr N ew spapers) (Greal sc, we’ll start your day the Doubletree flub Hotel Boise, v but JU.S1 American1 Video, V Video West) guy, who wanls to bc reformed rcfc is cevil ways. For “ C la ssB oi f 1999 P a rt II: The . can’l scom to resist his 3 every morTiing. Whe’n” ........ . ” implim'iailary brSikftist for two eve ■ “ ■ ’'''I'hcomi " M Uu !s i c f o r in vwanls lo show S u b slltulie le ::” S ash a M ilch cll. N ick in.stancc. when a cou-sin ng the family, ki^s stay free ihlyourroom.Andivc’ve you I you bring i L o v e r s5 & i T W eves" coasetus C assav etes tcs. S c ic n cc fiction: W hen • him off al a drug buy,, Carlito G formed by -c’s Ihc mailer of j,uman teaci to go along. And there’s achers can’l handle Ihc rowdy )u oi can spend all day at le to extended chcck-out time i 6 p.m. on Sundays, so you s L ifl P erfo hatched a lougli loi his role in the .corrupt; scheme scl high school, a no-non>e City Grcen Belt and the Boise Tbwne Sguarec IMall, Morrison (ienter, Boise Ci •----by his sm arm y law yer. -cr. (A ssociated scn.se robot lOl substitute icachcr is' sent in. [Wl sikS,^; f — DHBEEmE] [cooT/^4ZZ.,Mi “AnEveninnigattheMel* ^ ht-Ridder Ncwsnancr^) (Video ---------- :4»ress):<Gfoat.Amrjiai Vlt: , ,, — R,(K aichl-' ^ •."T teA g e o fln n o c ea0cC8e ’ Daniel Day- Wcsl) iffe r, W in o n a ^ t 'c w is ; M ic h c llc P fec if V id eo W est: ‘•D ea d fall;” union-of direcRyder. The improbablee ui Me.” wilh Ihc elusive RcscucM e lor M arlin Sc 9 rsesc will dilh Whartcjn « a ,-----------subtleties o f novejist Edilli /cn. Set ,in a gor■ Crcativi itive Custom Picturc Framing 'm arriage made in heaven. 'ork in Ihe 18703,' I _______ Wholesale Priccs peouslv evoked New York angle is'c;fpOMd the film’s romantic tnang ty. The fam iliar ■ F ) |V f . w ilh unsparing clariiy. nse9-»)HHndivi<t— M '" Scursc&c'thenicitliai iAng£ Ihc ^ o u p finds - J ual against ihc power o»ff if; nicxt ----- "~3 voluptpou5~new ~con^ ^ >■ ■ way from it all wid nth a Get aw LiblelreatsWeekend nd, . Ddtil CON(JCEPTS W ___ F rid ay 7-9 PM _ nothing'atairA n'aras ydu can Jusl sit back and do noth Suti Vailcy. Of coursc, ydi )Cobte chip cookies, ou with our freshly baked chocola always wc’ll wclcomc you HiowrCall-your-oaMlpTO^ional onal or dial usdircctat ~ b o , plan your cscajMTi nT ~ )way to a DoubliHhwts Weekend. 208^345-2002nndgctaw B A .K E R l'NY . ^ C A F E 125 M a lfiA v « .C . Q H D nB B | ~ 20W m B fitw ^iy • .i.. :aa for Info____________ __ _ . t ^ ■ ■ -------- 1-800-222-niEE ■ ____ 1 Wrlr fromctxuf w coaif. :omej«u ot rorr eODoufcltinr /tottlj/iwi i lo uxlcon ■^mmmlrrMtyHWlrnJrrTVTmhiiPr&ln M ’ in)' aiJ MiJa>t.__^ i - ' ' fwin Falls. Idaho Tirrios-NcwB, Twin April G, 1994 Friday, Ap WBn l i l W h a £t s j E a t iingJGilI h e r f ClTrape?'^ S r i i a Jl-tO C-7 oca p rise, stretch andd did iv e rsity o f life ni s n 'i m atter. "G ilbert lliatit vw e ' l l M arl l o c o n d e s c e Mid-to isions n f B u t'th a t d o csn' ream like populist m ovie visi BH rio iu sn c ss i.s th e i ls e lf . T h a t varioit s e c h a r a c te r s o r g o . o n s e lIf-piiy f com-, lliesc v jr a l A m erica, from D .W . G riffith Grape’” is such a warm,.hFighl. lo s tly , iiioyie’s strength. ' s w i t h G ^ ’ e rt ^ .a r e m o V, w ith sucii piK igenl. ja g s .' Izard o f passionate s h o w ,' 3 J o h n F o r d to " T h e W izi ' o pA Tnie-G ^pc— :— p -------T f d t d 'h y H a H s t i w ill;' ll c ' k n r tCTfrrmil'll fe**'-ThF'vr:rta.T d a i z l ^ g g d gtc^hniigj^phrTT-n ; — " W IiJi .s E a iin g ^ lttJ tn ilrt:rfG ra B .ipin dow n, ] u 'c b e a u t ie s a n d s il l i n ecss s o f it's som elhing y o>u'can‘t le.xpcctcil, wiifidurftJt— athed in and such an uncx s and rollin g co rn flc ld s batl l)ns th e c a s u a l'O ffb e a t b liss o f a ly fro m . (T w in ^ • all to w n s. H e giveiT E lld u ia-h o f sum perfo rm .in c e 7byD iC a p rio — thal small :ic cream s and honey golds o: ■runny d ay w h e re cverylh j j ii'ict ylhing g o e s | K Q / . ~ flW B jtio n -o n d b r e a tl^ i . ■t * ----- ^------ : you-fo rgivcTi 'lcTt.TCTTtrnltBm:--------r"-------------E ndora isn’t the locale lhal - A sc rc w b u H fu m ilyy-- ct o m e d y - '. il stifled T lic m ovie, like ike “ It’s a W onderful ^ cbel G ilbert w ants. tlrn m a -s c t- in .th c . r u r n 1.A l.A m e ric a n H H . fl 7, L ife ,’’- i s a b o u fs m i a ll- to w n 'f a m ily ~ But the m ovie gives uS the M iciw est a n d s h o t by a S : w c d i s h '^ B f e i i ; : ; : : ^ ,e lyrical ohlig alip n s an dJ dream d s o fescap e. b H — a nd d n cin u iu g n p ticT T iiV n ----------- d T p p scrit>e-in— n „ t- tlic ig :s _ n lO o g u a r d ia n 'a n g e l. - J S i r LuvJid 'y ,lie Ibook, that h e ’s too lrustr; m o v ie .th a t’s flooded v^ilh ’^the I iraleii io- G ilb e r t's o n ly 'sii Ilh eccenlric • ■suWaHoii, ot IlL m " ' 'p'crr^rBrOO- -----------------------see. ec. sunshine, half-barm y delig} ilights. II " thinks, lies in Bleeky. ed ' H O D IN \V 1I.I-1A M S> ^ X -L J IW I C AVRHEV RI en ts a re A nd as Depp pl; plays him, Gilbert is k k r ) SA L LY F IE L D 9O n to p , th e e x te rn a l even ;_Thc s to r y 'is realisiic,, bul bi th e re ’s . M o v ii e r e v i e w aH— .MC lh c --a -g t,y -a im o st-nlarcoTizediby-gm ar ----- an-e?nH t«U -kk‘k-fo -itH io Jfap c -fam ily -p rep a rin g -fo r-/ sc a lin g h im se lf o ff rurcly bu 3 g e s-fro m -h ei— Of*! o naa te -in -its —m o lh -w h o -ru r ------ w u c k y -H n d c o m p a u s ttjn D O U B T F JR E ^ijiieriejind p e ttin e ss, -co uch. .T h erc -arc h is . 8 th ' b ir th d a y p a r ty ( th e o n e h e from the grotcsijii nd s e tt i n g , liv in g -ro o m^-c - b iz a tr c - c h a r a c t e r s and _ 6 :3 0 i/asn'l supposed to live lo «see ) 'a iid 'o f his life by ma; n asking ali his, einn_ .6 :3 0 •n 1,091. . iw o s is te r s ., 1lo < n g - s u tfe rin g E lv isEndorn, Iow a, population I jilbcrt, in a m ule-headed waj ’ay, cop- tions. T lia t's why 'hy D iC aprio is^such......... — Am by w orshipper A n y ( L a u p H arrington) 9**^ E ndora probably was intended im ng w ilh h is dork pals, Tuckt :ker V an a g re a t foil — b b cc au se A rn ie, by JJl^ its c r e a to r , n o v e list-sccrc rc e n w ritc r an d p rim p inn g te e n p rin c e ss E llen •*’8 ) y k c (J o h n R e illy ) a n d I B o b b y c o n lra s tr ic ts cvc: v erj'th in g nut, hides ^ Dyfc ■ofily p o e tic (M ary Khte Schellhardt). Sc lAGK LEMMON P eter H e d g e s , as a goofi! E n i DWraiEBIEBi idcB urney ( C risp in G lover) :r). A n d nothing. VALTER MATTHAU ic h eartland: A nd th e re: ’s o n e m o re : 17-yearnightm are v isio n o f the KfUSTYSW/WSOV vc 'also w atch him haplessly jro lh e r A m ie (Leonardo ’’y I n the recent rem rei ake o f " O f Mice A.. Dcnsel_y old "slo w " bro N o w h c re s v iJ lc , U .S .A 1 0 :0 0 E n i |. lu to f to w n tc c n . b e lle 1 ^ . - -Md M e n .- John in M ; alkiivich played jlliic-cul-de— D iC aprio). w hho, w ith a m ental a g e . d c toilcd, i l ’s a pop-Golliii Juliclle D tw ls) and fum tjlinj ■ nglytiy iT.n n ) ’ frn m (I.T.p--------— li■sac full of-m alconlenl-s. dp dorp cs^se x u ^q ^ i> u g h iy _ 8 j_ ispends the day laughu ex iric a ic n im sc ii iro m a“ ro N • GLENN CLOSE r ~ inside, w iihoul the lh< usual sw eet dope ' 11 losers and ing. y e lp in g and ar hiding in trees. For ^ B B P m ic h a e l KEATC . al a dventu rers, poignant lc w ilh B e tty C a r v e r ( n iiy ffa G ilbert, “fam il " is the m ost hateful ^iffiiir MEI ■ BANDY QUAID oddballs. ^ m a r is a T O M f itc t c ie n b u r g e n ) , w if c o f th e L________ r : Ihc lin e; il w ord in the language. lan A n d s o , a rm a z in g ly , . d o e s . K 5 l ^ * r t A E ndora is th e e n d 'o ff ih nsurance agent. n o v e l is fu ll o f c ris p . »nsu his ow n w hile K a " E n d o rt o f 9“ Mill CJncma even has a store calledI "E hi In .th is c r u c i b l e o f b aa rn a iity , D iC aprio, w hoI held 'in g e n ;,T h c TOmp^M o n ^tppr;G tP STTS= = ------------— lh t- iir ic .I l- A iid - — -w ilh-; iaU5tn?n?;^jp£?:£l.»l:tfa.grg£l SUN 4;45 DiCaprio hiis'a ___ d o o e d . s c h o o Uiauiieir-ttnt 7:0Q-3:I5_________ ________ _ u g g e st a ru ral H old^n_^'"n ““ My 1 Life as a D og,” h e ’s a ____ R nrnQ, r.m p t y flplH ^ .m D ii^ v w ise c ra c k s ssu. risc lO sc ftf this year. ^ .................... leone e l s e ^ e should j :;J i d n ’t. but there’s somco n n li^hm i i'i] u p luLL tl ;ense o f h u m o r, an d i f hc;^ irccior H allstrom and sen; , the hands o f d iu C TT, s a lu te : Drfrleric ' a te s, w h o p lays life nnd h ope oul o f you, |G ilbcr,t G ra p e ” m ig h t g el i PBtK. 7.' 00-3.- J ^ ------------. h i i scn.sitivec Icam li rU I ' Ju m ssicT S J i — cinem 3lo;;ra- " G ‘' ti^ , uesp ite m e fact ■ .----------- B u niitc i)enVC(f> — ii.irfAw tor,i . - i l j ^ u u - ^ h c r ^ c i r NSy I n U r\. Naked Gun n n 3: 3 7:15-9:15 y kv ist- an d - -p i^ u c tio n — p e n tly , s h e .s h a r e d w ardly stoic, inw ardly sarcastic sart 24- d e s ig n e r Blee r n t C a p r a ( " B a g d a d It d o esn’t. It’s a lovable me ira p h o b ia a n d w as V DAILY 7.-00-SM) . D. ------- ycar-old-gfow ry-srtookbo; iru 'nn im flaw ed one. In his a - & SAT/SUNJiSO-X-Za — r , ib o y ^ ilb o ft-e a fO -— t her T exas hom e,1 G rape (Jo h n n y D epp) wo ly ^ U J X O B. MI " ~ I------------would hnvc . becom cs som ion. H ed g es s h ills sc e n es.a n e ih in g chic,_________ tion us think. Irops alm ost all o l O iiD errs’’ It recalls, fo fc r one thing, ihc lyri; drof rt tGr.ape" m ixes cyriile c k n a r r a tio n ( a n d tw o0 o ld e r m ovies, "G ilbert In th e m o v ie ,-G ilb e rt lives I in a c a l, b a w d y'., im a r v e lo u s S w e d is h alee tim en t, w ise crack s 3 rra a p e s ib l i n g s ) a n d ta ckks s o n a icism and s e n tin d e c a y in g h o u se dominate latcd b y his tow n H allstfoi fo m show ed us in “ M y G jcnoM S4 ■ lio ihsur- and “heart." lappy ending th at has “ studio annie G ra p e Life a s a D og.’ 500*pound m o th er. Bonn lg.” • hapi DAILY 7:10-3:30 T h e d a n g e rs> in ii th e m alerial — SAX/SUN l;10-3:J0 ince” w ritten all over it. lusivc b eh eB u t it a ls o l in k s u p w ith th e ancc . (D a rle n e C a te s), a reclusi Iso S:i0-7:l0-9:30 B y M ichncl W ilm ington Chicago T ribune tm rii® lifflOlDMEN lfoini""s'ago'ra Where’sIRicl^ 1 Schhroder? fp T O P ‘’s m o k SI n q I I I N 1 TWO HOURS! I 'p r e s e n te d b y r e l judi _ Jcro m * 4 ^D m lly 7 M )-9 i1 B , N S^V S u n 2:00lA4:30-7:OQ-9:15 ervice K night-R idder N ew s Seivi T h oi n a n d n o w Q W h a te v e r h a p p e n e:d d to t R ic k y ' S icky S tratton se rie s “ S ilv/ecrr S p o o n s,’’ 198 2 -8 6 , S chroder, w h o w as Rickj H [y ssister says an d c o n tin uuee d m a k in g fe a tu re s : in “S ilv e r S p o o n s"? My [^ W O J O H Ns J S O ^ i r d r c ? n r f e w —“ Palc-R lder;'~ ;'~*TtrTurph‘^ ' s Law " and g ' sars a g o . — “The Fury." a -------- ^ w ^ L I N I C A Ll--h v p n o t h e r a p i s i : C., D unw l t h N EEW ^ ID E N T I T Y , IN C . aB oody, G a. F A M O U S S1 F O R : H is a b ility to K ------ --------cp" on-cuc-wwhhen he w as sm all an d tIer1D:836!6-* {308l 939-1530Ml 108 s . Young Lane • Eaele )n ias a nice young m an. 0H S T A T S : his reputation nosis Clinic of Idaho 20 years of Founder &owner o( Ihc HypnK iRexperience. She has dilined one Dm A pril 1 3 ,............... - - ....... S cxpeticnccD years of teachlnRi Y E ^ : S c h fodcr ' S xJs of regaining control of your life. >70, in S ta ic n IN R E C E N^' y 'of the most successful mcihoiJj o n hold to continj^e aci-^ _ | | j lnnd,.N.Y. as put college on ■ I EACH S E M I N A R ^ ^ ^ b een in the T V m inisS i c h a r d ing. H e has bi r a Approved by the Amcilcan Mcdic. Jical S 3 9 . 9iu;«WL-Vnowoui 5. c s o m e D o v e ” an d T V __ W :ram will work (or you. C ] tie lc ^ ptocrarr Q Airoctattonstnce 1*572, HypiK>si6 S lifer thir. rujMHti'c. II ^ u lo re d p r i- m o v ie s “T bo o Y o ^ n g th e H e ro ," 3l $ ia 0 0 d i5 c o ijn i" wcoller S avciyMfe&eKectivemeihcKJol ever need help Wllh M : Edge';and "T error on « ite ly a n d “O ut on the E s&. l(you,Hlvndtwo S c h ro d e r ■ v a ic l H dramaticoMy chanRlng altitudes & nroblem, you can ' rS W habit!!' . 'Vciu will Icfivc ti'p Tended h ig h . - n ig hwuy 9 hV 1.'.' -H e-is-now-faiHed-as— iWj 'iJ.i iiinljii.inni'111-------W — S O .O O discount 11 M scmlrurfccline REFRESHED. ier. IB in.iialNOCI!ARCE g s c h o o l in C o n n e c tic ;ul u t w h e n he Rick S chroder you .iitend ^ill thtcc [ a Ir E I^ E D & MOTIVATED. lingle. w asn’t w orking. H e’s sing » STOP SMOKING BJ-_Cltntal Hwnothtfflpy 15 0 (xwlilv ^ T i r r E A R L Y ; - T C E A R S :::;Sclirodcr_‘s :S r a and Keallliylway io inkc irbiiitol cl first sh o w b iz experience nee w as in a / S f F VFl 8 ten he w as 3 ^ -.diapcr-C om m crcial when '^KWrOO*SuftTlnin7:30...... 1 { fr l-w BndTol^^c have uwl her eom m erciQ ls--------m om hs-old~A fter-50-con Sat-SunttflTlnM2:30------'— l i h j - gQj - -^otlM liMihemjcivwlfom the chains oh _____an d .so m c.m o d elin g , hcj) lcJ)rO kcJnlO ._ -IriT ^ n n a k e b f 'T h e ? M K E :DD G U W 3 3 7 r [ ^ | r g - SM- SELF ES~TEEM m ovies in the 1979 rctnak W Oecome the person you always w.in M5-9:l5*Swniin7:« I I m g j ghl. H e w en t. ’ F8S7:1S Cham p" w ith Jon Voighl. Sol-SunMotinoe2:45 I l[‘ Pfl | m Wllhthis melhodokhaneineaitliu Last F light ' • S oM on to d o features “Thee L - T w in F a lls • 1 3 7 7 B lu e L ak t "T he ^ • 536-: m P U C E : Amerltel Inn -1 o f N o a h ’s A rk " and an •8000 • I-800-822-T W IN Q 7 3 6 -8 ( I'ovics " L illle E arthling," and TV movi = --------Lnfd F nu n tle f o v /' ’T wwo o K inds o f ilhjng in £hc , T e rrib le ” a n d “Som ethii — ! I W O M P A Yi II I • ______________ . ^ — P IlW n E R & - ,9 3 , ■ * 4 l E D llW A ^ ■ I B PD B W -F R E ' iE R Y i P R lH f E ^ O O P : J . m •5-;0.7;/0-5770----- ----------------- ^ W m . s r .00 K ids $1. THE THREE ~ ................. ShKD * Kiefer Sutherland 6^ ■ger Kingl C oupon a t Burger K ^ - P i c f r v p - y o u r J ^ i siscQunt i End» SundMy 2iiw Dmity _ _ J 2 :3 0 - 2 :3 0 / -;- H E 'S < U T E . H E 'S H r S A K U P T O0 : ____ - D m i l y ----------------- -------------1 — 1;30^.20^S!10'-------------- ■ l l ® MG TESS -E * D*Hy , ILEY M a c L A IN E E j a ____ 3LA S C A G E ------------------------------------ b e ------------------ : ALL NhVil JUKES.----DAILY S:30 7:30-3:30 \L l 1I~ 4 .<DAILY >2:30 )5 .7 ;4 5 I I P -- —r ^ - --- S-T7U«f------- — S m ^ S P IE lB E H G " ---------- HLiU A 'F ilm B/Sl ---------- DtOrTAL m o n n m n IU u c n B m i n in m X > - DAILY 12:30 3:40-4:SO-7.-pO-9:t5 . n ooi a p m n p A U L h lO < G A N DAILY 13:30 2:40-4:50-7.-00-9:IS J ig h t o n G ,9 3 . EC Q NPS- H B ^H B |B Ik I B» A Y H . a HHAL WEEK! DAILY t3:4S 3.-00-5:tS-7:30-S.-4S >e im e life rtory of Lane Pw»t. 3.-0 Bated ea the LUKE PPERRY E3 O n c - t h i n lg g stsTriclsTjcivvecn J i m m y a n dd stard o m . Reality. B e g in s 5 p .m . U 93 s / t f i i n P A H ■£nm Songtv JSKETEERS—• DAILY t2:30 3:4S I H S E A F O O D 1 IB U F F E T B e g i n sa 5 p . m . ^-J £ fiO M £ 4 ............................... mSAT/SUN r.-fOO./O 2 : m ^DAILY7:IO-9:30 ■2.00 A d u lts S2 3fflz?rovircpxrEEar^Onl^ R w SHOwwatN 0.T7UCK OtaiTAL i r ~ E R ★ B t ll l B G E T B U F Tl E T II ^ ★ W E E n i\E S P A Y I B r o a 8 t e d C h i c k e n • S p a g h e t t i • W h liipp p e d P o t a t o e s w i t hll G r a v y • R i c e P i l a f r • M i x e d V e g e t a b lliee s • S a l a d B a r * R l o il l s • A s s o r t e d D e sjss e r t s . B e g i n s 5 p . m . T i n J R S I *i A / Y -P R IlW • n ^ n '* ' R rH A B IT B e g i nn ts .S p . m . 5 .9 3 ' S ©H [E i3 HsiSTERi m ^ h ^ A C K IN'riH - S T S H R I Mi l P 5 p .m m .-lO p .m . - .......... 4 T U E S D AW B R O A S T E D I " E l\ M IIC K Ii: 1 O X V > O X Jr6< 5 L A S r090W 9-------------------- ---------------------------- S I M W A Y -----------------------I T O A Y -------------------- — T U R K E YV B U F F E T B R E A K F At S j T B U F F E T 2 - 9) p . m . 9 a . m . -- 1 p . m . w93 K IR K n ^ w g i iillHlllllIISI F aveti^t-Bai ,--------------- m i c r a b l jJ . F h MOSTLY r i i i n F n n l s IStackLed I n 1 E joEPEsa - CIh h s is u a n ■' '■ ■ . S l a t e r , . ^W DAILY I3:^S'- ------ -----3.-00-S:>5- . 7:30-9:4S «6.S R I B t 1B U F F E T . MH i J .* f t x i l iJ DAILY 3.00-6:151:30-i B e g in s 5 p .m . A m ortocA toT orlloite t( a m U b a c W ® 6.93 1AW1MGS3^ gEREEX.DASBLDJR^ H f (J ^ JOHNN~■DEPP ------- jM b p o trN e v J u U — __ ________ ( E V E R Y S U N D AmY 5 8 -2 9 3 7 ^ J U L I E T T E - g g , I A T * -S T I ^ 4 O _______ JB E K r_ l u n b RlAPE m m s m s _ j ___________f ^ u l ________ 7.*00-9:<fl • 5 \ ■ \ - 1 . 4C -0 1 Foila. Idaho tlmos-NovTO, Twin Foi 7 1 1004 . Friday. April 8. IOC . lc .^ a i tc( T o t h e ;r-side ~ th r o Ugh i M u s ic ia n s g a in ^ m ^- tk m h ------------------------------------------- r e s p e cc i t a s a r t i s t s , nl co t j u s t w o m l( e n ' - j p n i ccan such I'orum, bul in a song : P d if f e r e n t.I. 'W e 'ro b e in g tre a te d :is Penthouse - K night-R iddcr N ew s SService cr i::.ai^ (b Iccp )-u n d _ R u u :' — a .la ra c n t— ;— — ----- --cJ.noHu.'Jt a sieroaics.r ------- .--a — ^— - :------ artlsts-and-n - s h e sings, C cxnlosion o f female artists aaboul.indiscriniinale sex —; nK, '-in-J W tw lh1r« year? ■ during thee past p arc listcflfng. er/1 'w ant a ilw.ivs licard il.“.s;ivs Phair. ' w v hi) tries to win you j^ver __________________ • Tvc alw . - . For.a-dian n c,:.; ___ ___ rg a rw h o “^/oyfFTeOT/The^kfiVd oT“j -w. a 3 -llie fj? .-b c fo r e - i —d iuZ j? n - 2 6 .- i ; I i - w jn 'p r c v f o y s y c a fsiTTVCTT'fimc . c ^ J.___ ~’. 'nrik'cs‘lovcKccftusu4icUjii_j d5 a blip on i h C '^ G u y v i llIec..' il ju s t hadrT't gofre'n .'n fem ale perform er ord;l wish I ■ ' o n-som elhing like ___ - ".That’s the kind o£ rccor w.x«ra'cauFC fo r A m e ric at-ready. -n ........... ro c k '‘n* roll scene it w a diool,” says ' / ^ had w hen I was in high sch ol ihrough a cnick that has h : beginning o f a th al. I gol • celcbnilion. It w as the b< inado-who’. s ................ ... . l i ' -- R iie'tline.-a^niusic aficjon; :c o m e a p r e tty p ro n iin e n t F ..sin cc b ccu movcmcnL . . ' : Li nnow prom otions direutor• Ib f m odern it was alw ays there.” T lic m a le -d o m inla a titc d . g u ila r - crack, bulll it in. W indsor. slatinn CIM X-FM in irik in g fea tu re o f the new rock r id w'as about lo T h e slril drcndicU m usic w orld \ 0 the things "1 totally relate lo C :gion o f w om en w o m e n ’ss rroc'k is its c o n te n t, both Ontario. give w ay to a new legic nd m usical. T hese are girls; sshe w rile s a b o u t, b u l alll the sa m e and'dirty ;is the lyrical and w ho can get as dow n am /•" Mrs who are willing lo crank i;lime, it’s funny, not whiny.' even have a few w ilh guitars ___ guys and w ho m ight eve dent Danny S ri A tlantic Rccords Preside oud through the am ps — ^"just d iffc rc n tth in g slo w y■—._ •___________ ‘cm up louc lh Phiiir and A . - noltlln-n^^wlui signed both vement kept not like lli^ bljoys.-^rtTcy"Tr-not-tiffiHt»-u>-X o Problem is, the mover ■ — . F e r r i c k .10~I,l:ms IlilHil ,.. — ^ -----r - \ . happening. . ven the first, notes thal eve A ll o f th e p io n e e•rs rs < l t j u s t b l o wW: S m e a w a y t h a t t t i allerw » c o f s o - c called = vcrs w as a s ;____________ ^ ------- ^ a r e s o m a n yy --’w o m e n - i n a k i n g jmn u s i c ------ naluicjockc, ------- - T h e - G o g i i n i y i i r i iiTTircdcccip----------------r it* s r e a l l y g o o d , r e a i l y ------- ^— L lia |W ll.iii. c v c n- t^h e- -------- n o v t f . A n d j j ----------------------- su75~ flT - bT1 ^ •lit- id in s ------------T a r t m u 6 l C r ^ o o . f — ^ r a s m i a i ----------- hl-gtTl-yr r c Rnr d c d - n c ^ im v h e -ro ck ----------------- ^ ! . wtTi7f(rn~frnm 1110 " ^ ^ ^ “ w a v e r in ^ iu b m ilh anO lllitu R d l l l ranks — evic — bonni( ---------f _____ _______ D x b b ic — tLux-y— nof. " ' ■ — hiiidsj?iLC.I'h_as S o n ic :m B io n d ic — n o w seem istcd'nnriali; — __ ; 'Youth and the Pixies hoasi ut sex'and play with the same * .•- c — — ™ — lik e m u sic a l c u rio s;.. P re c io u s fe w ,sing about ^ . b:iss players. ____________ ■ *■•7 as Iheir m ale cuunterparl's.__1 linlain their criti- jsw aeg er a-i have been able to mainl; ^jaFstoiTdTnE:— —4^or^o^tfic; ca rrc g a rd 'o r commeflna' d Hot) Chili more lender emotions. IR.E.M ., Nirvana, the (Red --------------- B u t tb a t.J o u liL aill_ lL h c _ a b o u l to - fnr Iheir me y Jtnllm c;— _______________ I we have here is llie <;bii.suiii-:—Ipcppcrii. Pmirl'Jiim r l lca r^'n ew m o v e m e n t “W hatw c h a n g c .'T K ir e ’s a ncv io m in atcd .” ^ a lol o f mall: criticsi ov i erw h elm in g ly m ale-do :nsc that fem ale m alion ooff wliat • h a ppen in g w ilh a scnsi 1 to \ V / I Goldberg s:iys. "Tliat had t( be rcmew aiting for ... w om eri, ( and a sense lhal said theyy were w rockcrs have arrived an< ay ta le n t is \A / • die d . T h a t's n oi th e way :w how to come on strong." 1 w ho knew th e y 're going to stay. aior. ... You V V J around by the creali igc V oice's Robert Christgau1 spread ^ iccupied fo u r o f the Village Fem ale ro c k e rs occi 1 h a d a lo io fp e n l- u p e n e rggy y oul there, in th e la u d e d wrole inI sum su ming up the Pazz & Jop I th e lo p fiv e s p o ts; in leople w ere and e v e n tu a lly th e se pe( V illa g e V o ic e P a z zz & J o p C ritic s results. to emerge." c o n itn d s thal these w om en1 going { ;d llIhe list for her Phair co Poll; Liz Phair topped O n th e O lher h n n d . th o s e m ale :n around for a while, too, bulI b o ld a n d s e x u a lly eexx p lic it d e b u t have b een; id practices ) artists — w ith so n g s and lyville,” and she that Iheirr nmusic took time 10 seep inio : album , “ E xile in Guyv homophobia lhat 1 counter sexism and he lish songstress PJ the pop consciousness. cor was followed by British undaiion for . ; — m ay have laid Ihc four lad n 't developed an attractive • icn-fronled brand “W c had Harvey and the women• •--Ihoif female colleagues. w omanhood lhal incorporal---! im age o ff w ■ ihe Breeders. ivc superstar “A lot o f those allemalivi >ness," she explains, “llic r e; tuning in these cd crassne Rock fans arc also3 lu bands.” says are very feminine bn sense o f sophisticated crasss bands 1 3W and M e lissa w a sn o -se i d a y s to S h e ry l C row inly d o they r C line o f C IM X . “N ot onl Tien. M en could h av e th e ir ' It fi female rockers fo r w om e Ferrick. O lher current ■w :lv :> Inl Qf___________ _ J—iK)H?Kolmii>-womcn .in .a .w H atlield. lOCkCTTcro: In c lu d ^ ^ o ri Am os. Juliana Jul Jid.'bul Ihey • cock-rock bands o f old dii o u n d a n d he g e n tle m e n ... 1 bands B elly and tu rn aroui K risliii H crsh , the ban id are able to ' th ey a c c e p lc d th a t w om en1 ;.nclually inviie w om en and B c ttic S c r v c e r t. JJaa n e S ib e r r y , b e fo re th< m ininc way, articipate in ihe same deceitI 'wrile songs in a real femi Ilo, Aim ce Mann could part M c’Shell NdegeOcello, with som e understandingg and openjal grace.” w ilh equal and Iris Dement. whal m ade Ph:iir’s “Exile inII ■mindedness." T h at’s%v, ................ A nd th a t!s.n o t to mtm ention fem ale ir al-ch a n g e-- - ..................... e” so'special. She SCI out toi r- •• For C row ; th e ,a ttitu dlin m em bers o f h o t ’ G uyville” ________musicians_who_arc_m.e isic.~“ l-thtnk----------------------song-by-song resp»mse'tO thee— rijns"dccperihan'thc-m usi isliing P um pkins make a soi groups such as Sm ashi ilical climate Slones’ libidinous 1972 albumn it’s due in part lo the polili and W hite Z om bie, oorr singcr-song- Rolling Stc in Main StrccC ’ adopting thee c h a n g in g ." s a y s C ro w . 3 1 . “T h e - M a r y - C h a p i n “ Exile on w r ite r s- - s u c h —ns — imiim in busi_________ C a r p c n m - v v J iliJ S t li^ Co. wagged their tongues —- ness and p o l i l i ^ is chan ■pop. ______ Jagger &fe C ______ / , _____________ ' . ------------ hcm:ccn.camilrY po ^ ______ •rlOTtnnttttsr^^'nt:----------;------P h a ir is o n th e anO other e “ I 'm h a p p y L iz Ph lun g er w o m e n ,” P h a ir• w w o und u p w ith so m ethingg and in olher media, p lan e t, all th e se youn, lal five years n “While it's irritating lhal . o f being a woman in rock veteran w ho greater, aa study • says Bonnie Rain, a roc! c - .ago-we-could-havc-madc-; ,(.jety----- Guyville.-a-phriiKC-. -------- — .hii.-; m anaged to avoldd bcing'taggcd-as—Tnale-socii b< ----d records nnd n o one w buidd have h c urdlovcm cnt. “ Il ju st c o in e d bb yj h er frie n d s in th e band ■ part o f any kind o f movi t iil happens. • - -■ Ihem. it's still great that mt..thcrc_,arc s o ..U rge Over vcrlcilL_ _ b lo w s m e .a w a y lhat. •'s so ngs arcT)oth bluiil andd” C v c ry tim c 'a viahlc-artislsl com es oul-...............T ’^ y ' in gg m u sic n o w . P h a ir’s m any w o m en m ak in \ V , ,-riuver denying.lhc.compjcxi-I- .. . it he lp s the cause. A^in d w ilh so ;■_ A n d .ii;s .really g o o3d, d , re a lly s m a rt dclicaic,-ni -^l-think-il-.s------------ Y Y [-■ m any o f us'nm und-now rJ c o n tradictions o f h er fecllies and C music, too." is going to be awfully hard Itcto ever push Dme o f her sexual revelations A d d s s in g c r-s o nig g vw r it c r C ro w : ings. Som^ lig h t u p th e p a g e s ' o)ff us b ack again.” ow is com pletely w o u ld li ‘'Tlie rcspect level now filt i d QUl W & ’s oiiitb ou n t ‘I’®'.®' a k i i i g ^TavesT^—---- :----------------------------------~V N~;' ' • ------- ;______ ^ho’s m aik in g diinner. P W hca t’s new . ____ _ _«______ to wear. W h a t t( - / ' ~W her^rto~buY= / (/h ere tco w ear it es— 7"-" S ith eh omndadi i - - - ............- ..................... SX/h at-s jin ] th e sdtarsT" ' 'O 3 .sA shc-says.^-----------------is------ ::I-know -how -il-w orks, -— -b e -s h o c k:king^^■jus^kccp-wriling-Ihis— it ■■K n i^ O T d d c r N e w 'S'Servlce— s'S — i.A n y spaki,;spi:r?iHn gc etif.rlp r'i'i-------------)f the mounc. ■ P h a i rr ui n d e r s ta n d s w h y th e see dow n. I'm :it the top o f Liz P h a ir's in love. e c te d , th e n ’t .. ta in now ., I - l l .b e rcjec :ausc su c h a stir. “M en don’l ranted about lust so n g s cau --------------- T he w om an-w ho ran icd to prom ilat nice girls from good famI-' -' rediscovered and relurnci nc good m an on ihink that and searched for onc ; n is ju s t to lould ha v e th ese thoughts." n e n c e . T h e g a m e p lain ilb u m , ■•Exile on H ies shou her splendid debut albi w o rk th ro u g h it a n d k e e p d o in g s. "B nd Ihc re la tio n - she says. ‘ ut w c do.” •G uyville.” h as found 1- wlial I do regardless o f w hal kind o f • hails from the Chicago sub• ------------ ship -x h t-w a sJo a k in gp Jifor. D U lsiiic Ihe ...— n ssiftiic d OU u rb o i •W Wi n h e tk a . I Ic rtrth C T H s -s n H a s il c h a n g c dd h e r m u s ic ? — ................. •cscarchcr'and chicf o f infec- m usic.” S o m e w h a t.' B u l ih1cC 1fr a n k s e x u a l A ID S resi m aking Righl now , Phair is busy bii is e a s c s a t N o rth .w c s te rnn has n ’t b een losl. t io u s dd is _______ lalk o f “G u y v ille” J^as song.<; fo r an • __ — jjX u ;r—m or(r.m usic,..finishing-SC sity -M em oriul-H ospital.-Iler— E v id c n c c t h i s ly-ric r ic s c t~ tb " lh c ~ U n iv c r s itj . She says lo Jalbum due out this fall, i Jy: “ I m et him al m o th erisis an art leacher. Phair stud“ Chopstick-s” m elody: o l 'L i z Phnir le e xpect “basically good ol icd arlatatO berlin College and made a party /I s a id I lik ec tito d o it b a c k ;ae," b ut sh e ' /"A 'T «s -" s tu ff, love a n d m inutiae g se llin g charcoal: d raw lngs h a t ’s f in e w ilh a liv in g s w a rd s /H c . s a id 'T h a i new relationA V acknow ledges that the ne she b egan m aking m'usic. m c /'T h a t w a y w c can car (b le e p ) a n d b efore shc 7/ re sh ip — w ith the e d ito r 1o f her firsl s o n g s o n " G u y v ille ” w ere T h e so w atch T V .' '' 1 / .spin on her / f n- . video — has pul a new : d bhy her m usical and person“I c a n ’t 'h c lp iU no m atter h o w I inspired ingg sin 'C h icag o V m ale-d o m :t— t— so n g s.----- ---------- -------- ............................ ig s'h a v e p r d f a n P a rd e a lin do this."m y b csf'so n g s ttled state — ' It “ I ’m in m ore o f a Settl u n d e rg ro un d rock sc e n e .' It : . . . ly. in t h e m , P h a i rr,, . 2: 6 , c x c l ^ m s _nn^d_uni rc’ o1 r i 9 9 3 s m osl'aC C latm ud" atlackc'd fo r it; w as o ne w ilh a laugh. “ I gel;l a' arc freedom , \n she say s. " T h e re ’s m on s a n d s e t P h a ir u p a s an g o in g lo say I ’m a l b u m s ; so m e o n e 's a lw ay s goi — m o re jo y , le s s te n sioin n , a lth o u g h ing — b ut not unw illin g — trying to sh o ck . Bul1 I1 ;sw ear to G o d , unw itting sis, to o .” th ere ’s absolute outbursl.* st spokesw om an. songs. It isn ’t lo fem inist s »■ these arc my. b e st son ' ' /p j. 0 0 • 0 g o ta r a i![se.Q^oo-o„ 0 . _ . r . : ------------------ ---------°r hat gam(e is o n . ^ W h o)’s ’ o n th(e b all. [pstb out flront Crownnioves froom backup in onc o f her yi C row , plays trum pet on lings you want/Ahd the things "T he lhin| K nigbt'R idder N ew si SSta v i c e laught public a lb u m 's songs. C row tai /c lo . you have I do.” ^ she lefl for____________ e;. school m usic cl.xsscs untH IWS - “ M ycchhan ctcrs all-scem to be mi.s— : S huryl-C fow k now s all ab o u l rfie ia ck u p ' '( [ '.u T-os A ngeles'. Be'sitfcsi llicT t ;ocicty." says Crowi 3 l.'"T h cy )r w o m en in th e fits 10 soci presc rib e d l o l c s f o r v ' _____ jj In singing, she w;ls able toI ssell songs to o so rt o f c u l-n n d -b ail-w h e n • • sc e m -to } ■ ---------m usic industry......... Eric C lapton and W ynonn [ina Judd. *1 ive m oved to Los times ;cl gelloo tough o r p c o p lc -g c u o o Tlie M issouri native V eg a s” N ow , w ith "L ea v in g; Las I ind e a rn e d so m e close lo)them th .” A n geles in 1 9 8 6 ond \ t d o tting the playlists on1 ;a variety o f ow like that? “W ell, in my first i c k u p sin g e r for is Crow stella r gigs a s a b a ars in Los A ngeles I lived in in ra d io fo rm a ts . C ro w is e x c ite d ly M ichacl Jackson, DJon on H enley, Rod tw o years id roles in her (h putting those background liffcrent placcs,” she says wi(h S te w a rt, S te v ie W/ ooirid e r , G e o rg e seven diff ly pasl. “Tlicrc w as a lime jn ir San Diego . “ I don't like to have too m any, er and Foreigner, a laugh. “ I Harrison, Jo e C ocker i e ;so n g nnd a i ’ w h en I in tro d u c e d th e cd h er a Jackson friends., I1find 1 lhal I changc my phone Tabloids even labeled loud." \ ' people d ap p e dJ really r I have to o jn a n y .p w plie__bunch_of le_ numl>crf when w ------------- love iniercsrduring hh iirr l 9 8 8 lour. n k - a b o u U L i. ' \ sc s Ik s a y s;'“ I d id n ’t-lhink life. I c o u ld be a g re at case g o o d , b u t C ro w jn m y lift T h e w o rk w a s goc e people " ju st said 'O h , there arc som s Dr some psychologist, I guess." to b e typecast. study for s found il all too ea.sy I ^ tc t Ihc s h o w ...................... cr here from Las V egas.’ Afi ic w as m C row '.s gen e s; her ...................... — h ire d g u n , y o u M usic "W h e n y o u 'r e aI hi ) m e and .said: id som e people cam e up to r in a sw ing band and iste o f w h a t th e parenls! played p] d e fin ite ly g e l a taste 3W th is so n g tie ‘Y o u n u t. P e o p le know m usic businc.ss,” w ould often ofti bring friends back to the fenlalc role is in the■mi :11 n o w ." ' to ja m . H er ta lh c r, W endell ilways .* ' sh e explains: “T he: so cial lin e s get h o u se ,to im c sN a w , you c a n findi out ( everything you al\V£ 'W ith T h c T im preliy distorted as to) w wlhat’s pcrroissiuch~nwrc;, /alley. A n d m uch, much enow a^Qut th e M agjc Vc . ___ _wamed to knc ________ ble nod w h ai|s not.” st call ( 7 3 3 O T 1 ) . A nd get to ■ ■ fro m r e V e a l i h r j 2 ® C ro w d e m u r s To subscribec t'tcyTTiellfntss^Sew^, just seam y specifics; bul1 the lh( m u sic'o n her. R E W A ^ itiE ic V a llc y r- :------- :--------------- ^ ★ .s ic O u b " a lb u m _ , 'T u csdny N ifibt Music ing. “W hat 1 C an | dqes plcnly o f talking. f 5 c a s h f o r u sed articular o ffe rs a D o for, Y o u ” in parti: W c p a y u p to k xual h o rassm en t, g ra p h ic lo o k a t sexua f l y je a n s ^ j a c k e t s _ LL E V I w ith C ro w ad o p tinng g the m a le :-oh. " , Tl Time: lO:O0 am io'5;00 pm spcclive in the coni'e-or .rii8-10 . W hen: Ttichy ihm SuoJay - Apnl 8 r o w 's s o n g s — w B u t m o ? t, o f C rov ,ddiwn Where; P«ytcM Pmking Loi ai Addia A Dluc Lakw. Twin Falh a tc JU ig h U y b i o - . ___ W i m N G L E R V E N fS IW m r b r o a d c r i n t ^ fALSOBVY LEVI,LEE A^D m b -i'S 'M ^ g r a p h tc a l" — liuVC"l3 ■gc.tliewJaxvlillon _________ ings lio n s . A s s h e s in g in h e r h it S S s. r ---------- " L e a v ln g L a s V c g a ss;” ;'’ th ey 're a b o u t:- W h o StGDie th e bDali. W h o w o n it all. \R D ^ S O V s button1Jl k . J 1 ':: . . . . ■ ' (Call (733-C0931) ’ i. ____________^ ■I loptes Aaron1turns saalesmanI on recorrd’sljirthM a y — iviopnii line T .66 6 • o n s u cc hh a s t r i c t d i e t , I d o n ’t e v e n l i s t e n t o d i n n e irr m i u s ic .' I ’m 9 ' ■ — D etro itt R F a c e C o u rse it Bill K o fe n d e r publiciatE — ■' ' c causc people ar .!on N B C ’s "Today.............T11he reaso n 1 .say that is bbee A aron also will appear d o nI’t 't have to play a s ’long ass 1 td ’d / ' he Mid. show Friday m orning;' pr.peanuts. A fter ~ ir 12 o r 13 years I played for.p T he B rav es w ill ho n o r nsteod o f cclcb ra tin g .the: A T L A N T A — Ins lycr.s arc set lo r — 2 tm n m i r t m s 3 r r o t * game o f the season, j Ijfe." : ants, their sccond hom e gai n r teagtift h nllpiirk. Hnnk ; CTTjtJuni^playtiM— :--------m -sam c::jn :c fpresident uiltrns?i.-.- _• a niroirdrd3llIgtETD ;i A aron is a senior vicc rridny Jiaw kin f^ m erchanA aron w ill sp en d Fri ig-hom e n in - h il- -o-could;_be rccord-brcakingh (he JJaA'es..but h ^ lit- •• w hotant to the president of<hc )pingcham iel7., • • — arse o ira hom e shopp; •s: Juan.G onzalc 2 ^ :;r7~ Ji m-<-o th c r-th a n b d n g 3.- tersi if il they pi'aV<nrfor 20 ycap>: I 'tlo to d o -w ith thc-tcam c -R u th '3 :h o m i;m 'n ,;w o rd -:; ---'-.A a ro n broke B ab e; jriffc thc Tcxns Rangers, K en G rif y .^ r.-o rilie ounty Stadium o n A pnl 8,.'■'m em ber o f tlrc b o n rd . He is also -vice-presi*— o f thi rit Atlanta-Fulton Cou ids o f ih'e Giants opmcnt for the A irport Scatl itlle M uriners, Barry B onds t .'c.s win over the Dodgere.. dent; for business devclopn 1974, in a 7-4 Brave: ,c Bi Bmves, r Ryan Klesko o f the Ihc B raves, is a sub- -undI rookie n ihe m a jo r le a g u e s w illI C h an n el, w h ic h , lik e Ihe E ach hom e te am in Icnsiing System . • f prom pted some t sidiary o f T urner Broadcn.s \aro n sa id 'h is consistency pn iry at ils gam e today, but m ark the an n iv e rsarj ink any current players a. He soid he doesn’t think >ple to tak e him for granted. ar o f the celebrations, I • Aaron w on’t attend any lis record total o f 755 ‘Each y e a r ihcy looked >itI m y record and "Tom orrow nightt ly I i be on QVC,-*’ he said1 w ill b e ab le to break his cnce w ith reporters Thurs-- hom e runs, am assed in, 23 seasons before his during a telcconfercn P le a s e s e ee A , A R 0 N ‘/D3 _____ day. “Hopefully, w c2 ccnn sell som e baseballs.’’ 1976 retirement. a ," T he A ssociated P ress . ' ' Hank Aaron Home-run king - - ^ - f a s M — Je^me^ Couj u ir tis £ lH S ocial x a ti -ro u l S t£ 0 l lie Assocliiced'Piras b l_ ■-A Tir.iisTA n n — r-jq ihis road t o g e t h e r - | j | | | | | H N orm an have been dow n-this a d l e? a d ptrvps—ds 5 0 0 yard lews “Gf bad m cham pionship is b< before. M ize 's o ne M asters: ch ^ j m O M E '^ ^ c r n bibers c t o f Jerom e C ounan y d isap p o in t- | | ^ H H jw jv st o n e o f-N o rm a n ’s m anj try C lu b w ill c o nidd ut c t th e i r a n n u a l a.ryr ro~?iuori"S uiiday,---------“Tircnts: : tr work/'socm! I'rom'S a.fii liursday after the M ize grabbed the lead Thui chalter, chairman. announces Frod Burkhal :onaI with a 4-unfirst has d one the h eavy fi round at A ugusta Nationc "T he g reens crew' he ^ ddicr-p ar 68. N orm an w as oonly n l tw o strokes The Associoted Press people to b rin g th e ir work, b u t w e need peo M back. b: sh o v e ls an d ra k e sI aarn d h e lp c le a n u p f-.both m en w ere Y ou ha v e to w o n d er if'.bc id sshrubs,” Burkhaltcr AU GUSTA, Ga, — Tom Toi Kile called the around the course and a fa ll obout 1987: • -- hole "u disaster,’’ It w a 5---------------------------------------s .■ tliinking tl ....................... .............. • --said..................... ^ T here w as-a 10, tw o0 9s, 9s tw o 8s. five 7s T he social asp ect1 w w:ill be a noon lun* nts asked to bring salcheon w ith participants and num erous 6s. N o t e b o o k - 1P 2 )-yard No. 15 al Au. M eet the par-5,. 500-ya: ads a n d d e serts. T hlie e ci lu b w ill p ro v id e :lub lhat turned some meat. G o lf w ill follow. gusta N ational G o lf Club jfessionals inlo hockT hat y ear they finished 72 holes tied for o f the w orld’s best profes: ned N orm an and boxing smolcer ti e lead. M ize then stunned th crs o n Thursday. Burley slates bo ond playofT hole the 10 with two'shots sto le th e title o n the' sccond N olan Henke m ade the ly at school for next Friday to a 77. w h en h e chipped in fromI 140 14 feet for the into the w ater on his w ay ti ^w inning b ir d ie .- • B U R L E Y — T h e5 B u rley h ig h school -. .Pay n e S tcw aP had a 99 w ith tw o waler ta te d ' f o f 7 i30 -p rm r---------- It"m ade M ize ’s^carM r — iJBXlny "sm oker is sshs' = nnffTjnly’nwjOT • 4 , ^ 1 balls in the crcek short o f llthe green, )1 gymnasium, April I S a tth e school g; id iadded another had a 9 on the to u rn am en t v ictory — and Constantino Rocca o)ff luily lu at 6:30 p .m. Ringside ___ _ - ,., D o o rsjv ill open at.e jn ocfn ea r-m isses. p a g e in N orm an’s collection “ --w n y to a 7 9 .seating is available. enefits from what 8 us he ‘T m still reaping the bene T om Willson had a .triple-bogey .trip .h ap p en ed h ere in 1987,"’ M ize said. “ Il’s All proceeds w ill go to the Burley footidership but still finchallenged for the leader s.infonrm iion m a y .b e .......... J ............- -ball program . M o te.in shot his 68 ju st ■■ ished w ijh a 2-undcr-par 7( a r70.■■ ........................ ■ftin to be le ad in g ." M ize: sh licks at 678-6606. ________obtained from Bill Hick ."jC-j iO to —fourjw.ccks.after surgeiy onn hhiis right knee. Steve E lkington also tc o k 'ah 8 and finsst not to rememN orm an is trying his best Ishcd w ith an 81. lies, tourneys W r e s tlin g c lin ic shot over the b er any o f his disappointmlents. ent Greg N orm an hit his5 second set hii.balUrickLed-down this month lasi.” he said. - •_ - .‘J d on’t carc about th e post _____set-£oiL-yoiitli&-tl rio k -y-w inds.ond_ isappeared. O n a d a y in W hlch-triol' the shaved slope and disap , TW IN FALLS —- K id w restling clinics ftised the w orid’s ; J,’ . iters officials^iifidihai-------__ nj ricklv p in positions confusi re sc hed u led th ro u g h ke a baby’s rcor-ciid,’’ ve o( f A ugusiorrc;• slope shoved it was like alls school district and _bijcst players, M ize, a native April by the T w in Falls No. 15, w here he 3uld place the ball on Norm an said. "Y ou could rtment. '‘ tb ounded from a bogey ot No city rccreation departm< ers hitting into the w as 'one o f a slew o f players _ the.fiingc o fth e green with wit your hand ond it ___ .._____ Jim e s_ fp rjira c tic:^5, ^ s, slated at O ’I ^ a r y _ __% lsh'flr4-underpnr.— ifotcr.'i_ }«-5^to-5r45 p .m .-for-*- — “ \i/atcr; \ to blrdle:18 a n d finish' ----- w ould still run in the-wato — ■ —gy m n a siu m r w ill b«-; iplained about the. • 18-footcr for p o r and ■Norman holed an 18-f nd-sccond grades, and . ■.,::*'Player after player compla • km dergaiien.-first oindre w -h is.b a ll into-the . _ e._.. . w as so exc ited -h o threw b ut n ot M iz e .b r third through sixth -- -- -pin.positions, -j - - ........5:45’to 6:30 p.m . for ju st d id n 't think •d v, wiUi 0 70. crowd. N ormon finished “M oybe I 'm dum b, b u t 1I ji grades. also found life danger--------........ Leader L a n y Mize-nlso Miz e said- VYou - - - 8 lttted fo rA p riI1 2 -1 3 ,’^ • th t e pins w ere that tough,’i-M The procticcs arc slo: tw hl o t h e thoughi was . • - ous o n tho holc.-He h ltw cre.!!______ ^________________ latches a re planned fo r. . _- .cexpecLthcm to b e tough-hcre, .................19-20 and 26-27. Mate He needed ond to the fringe and a perfect 4-w ood second T hat w os easy for M ize to say. s ly, A pril 23 ot Jerom e April 16 at Kimberly, mnce o n the green, In- -• expectcd the ball to bounc eary^. . (only^5_£uns. and A pril 30 a tO ’Lear il’J Jilo r m a n r s ir id — — ; ■ _ _<;iead, it trickled down the slc)pe into ihe wo- — -M o rk -B rio re j-T :w w iin - F a lls - w r c 6 tlin g — ■— ^ * it w a s :c lj;s 5 r tP jia y ;”ositions lhat were prised,’ Mize said. "1 ler. “ 1 was a little surpns '“THcre”w ere som e p in posit cMchTwiil conduct the sessions. ' shot.'T hen.lhnfinriif- ------there wcrg six or__________ p^ y to get o u l'o f there ■ d nnever seen here. ling all-stars seven pin jjositions he had ficull drop and wos happy - Jerom e travelin itts ^ a n M iy . with o bo g ey (6) o n the ho T i i n p ---------- ^ __ - i .lN orm an h ad four m ore putts ----------W hat.m ade \h<i nolU C l o m N itc a n a s o u i h A ididotes for the Jerome JE R O M E — .Candid id ^M ize at 69. It nc northwest svind into than usual was a stout A llem w ere a stroke b ehind :am arc invited to trytraveling all-star team :raged 73.5 in the made o decision to go ____N orm an, w h o has ayerag the player's faces. It mad o’ria T p n n rJu n e -1 6 -n t--------- f: irs t ro u n d o f h is 13 p re v io u s M osters, difficult. Also, the pin outs between 9 a.m.. oil for the green in two difil iy c rfr-n in e -lh ro u g h J2 ---------, ------------- Forayih-ParkT—Playci )n-thc-fa^-right-sidc-o£------— ^\-as-in-o-lricky-spot-on-tl — strag g lcd-m ightiiy-flgamist-hls'-firsurbund---------------stinform ation from R6d j x . He had six birdies, six bogeys and an m ay ob tain m ore infc APphoto jin 0“ the green. Burk at 324-5730. 70. He hasn’t broeagle for o 2-under-par 70. “ I t ’s no picnic to hit y o u r second shot hole during first-round le sand on th e second ho Vatson blasts ou t of the i that hole because you herc since b is first Tom Wi ■ k e n '7 0 in his first round her , __ short o f th e water on thai Golf Club In Augusta, Ga. ialteam sace 'M osters in 1981. Bills ink special w n th lll sh o t fo r'y o u r h a v e a d iffic u lt d o w play aitt 1the M asters Thursdayy af t Augusta'N atlonal Go jace set by Larry Mize. ------third,”- said M i2C..the-19 _iaa2-M osicrsj±am pid l« two s h o ts off th e pac He m ade only tw o parss on oi the back nine u . - u q 8 2.2 million pact O,ta 2-under:par 7P_and.l -------to repottei$2.; be the toughest • ■ — l l a h d - li — M d finishd m e rb b s c y rb W ie r le on, “I’ve always said it can c ipped his sccond shot into.the O R C H A R D PAiiR RIK . N .Y . — S te v e N om tan slappi shot 2 4\ tunder par. bogey, h itting the sond,at 16 and 18. 5- third shot in golf." par-5 hole, but rolled in a 15spccial team s p layer in Tasker, the leading spc W atson, th e 44 -y ear-o ldl iw t> o-tim c w ater o n the par le fc few players to keep and som eT o mI A “ S o m e tim es yo u p la y' good gc K ile w as one o f the save p a r. Y o u w o u ld h a v,>e e, Jiree-year contract with the N FL, signed a thre ad al 4-ilfi- f o o t p u tt to sa' s champion, w as in th e lead blc,’’ Norman-said. M osters ^ slick green, tim es you have to scnunble, 3n— his second shot on the! slic ond he had ju st wOtt )n T gey 8 after thought it w as3 Sunday S the BufTalo Bills on I hursday th a t is re- ' he m ad e a triple bogej ii " I t’s som ething you have; to do in the m ajor ' der*par: until he “ I got lucky,” K ite said. saic "M y sccond shot ers. He tossed the ball into the o f S2.25 m illion. meed back his firet Masters. portedly w orth o to tal la l« in g s a rc n o l in findm gJ the t w alcr at 15. H e bounc ipped up on the green le hil the fringe ond poppe c h a m p io n s h ip s w h e n th ii iiTiilcd fro m e a r to ca r as he selected fo r the 1-under-par ‘cro w d a,nd siliil T asker, w h b 'h o s} been be birdie on 18 to finish at 2-ui Aforst first round in with a bi l;et from the hole. I had ___ an d stayed about.,15.fc«J , synch. It!s probably m y w or ----- - ---------r'w alkW o ffth e ggreen.-----------i ------ - — P r< rB o w l-fiv c -timiie e js -a n d -ln -1 9 9 3 -w a s — disastere going oii." re heard obout all those disa: 't h is tournam ent and y et II w v alk o f f with a 70. atson and N orm an ai 70 were ne S icw an Joining Watsc nam ed P ro B o w l M ’V P , w as th e B ills ’ son, M ize, N orm an, Payne W a tso is o0 very, very difllcult, •d, W a u o n snid "It w as 7 0.'’ 1 , 5 1 -year-old Raymond Floyd, free-agenl p rio rity as _ ihe players T om Lehm an, 5 . biggcst,rem aining_fr< olan Henke w ere am ong the s sw ere fiv es mwo re and.N oli ......... N o rm a n ’s ix b o g e y hole. 1 decidcd not to ggoo lfor il but still found ros and" Vijay Singh. ■emain uiider. th e n e w ' they stru g g le to rem nadc 10 on Seve Ballesteros it the les at The P layers w h o 'h it i drink at 15. Henke mac th an h e 'm a d e in 72 holes )3 the water. ” Please see G0LF/D3 s a l ( ^ cap. e k s a g o w h e n he the hole. !c. C h a m p io n sh ip tw o w eeks m sta Com piled from B ff a n d w ire leppits ■. .m v ntcniion o f eventually ' vn y ears ago w ith the inten I ‘ fering in any oo ff tthose Bubjecls.below Ils own •orea « sn ’t seem that the i m / g m re S o u th e rn Idaho On the face o f it, it doesn IC V high school m ust prove ils ils re jo in in g th e B o isc-o , standards, the tnbership wos declined o f Coriference. That mem be N C A A is p u ttin g a n u n d ut e b u rd en on a to th e N C A A — w h ic h , ol 1 c u r ric u lu m independent; -ticularly one with a lost year, leovingT w inn Foils Fi prospective athlete — partici the NCAA judge and jury, J course, makess lb itcllo feel they will try ~support. L ik e all lot H ighland and Pocoiclh ^ m o d r c u m of~finan£ial*Bui ng prevalent righl now is thol f The thinking cost is paid by the NCAA instrum ents, tHTc_os scriminote against some o f I ^la- _the independent route for a y ear o r two. Pf«ptr«ck 3 this might.discri pock lnto the C lass A-1 - • iool'Cflpltair3'p:m;----------------- athlete. }h r Biirley is comlrig bock ■■TwIn'Falls dnd'Joromofl high schools. T he NCAA mighi h o ’s sm aller higl th is new NCAA tu- division — probobly for good this tim e — B u t a t sc co n d g la n c e , .tl departm ent ot a 50-sluconsider the biology biol ic ot other four, iCe and has to consider d ie "clearing house” is putting' i h o o ltc lo w its "core" sciencc ion process d e n t h ig h schoc S p o rts i r c o « B -m cham pioned the Gem , lcMinico,- w hich h a s chi on high school administrate ics and ath- standards ondd ddisallow scholarship entitlenow is a mahool district itself. S ta te C onference fo r"years, r "ye counselors — plus the schoo m d n lh lc tic m c„t becouse5o f it. an Iowa-based oflas rooned pow n in th e honds hani o f the people il T he “ clearing h ouse" is5 ar more, the suggested selectior from here lhat the NCAA haj «holder. It appears fro e ligibility" developi »f*Oo«Toum«T»tnt supported cariier. 2 p.m. —cntfwwl 33, Mattan < fic e that serves as th e “■‘initial Ini dreadful onus on the coaches izcd Its reason fot^ being. B ill Jones again vandalized HLnoeMjr • , S:30 p.m.-Cnwm«ltXNHLn ;cast five probably will ligh schoo! seniors Eventualjy, the outcast so urce fo r g ra d uating high lirectors because physical anc ; duty in his .b»B.O^ilOo 09W» a p.m. —Cntno*! U. txMMI. a m e kind o f conference that are-beintf consideredi for fo athletic aid by “ d i drpment ext hove to cortie inlo som Is in the eye o fth e behi ingsiyou can depend in the nex A m ong things required-by the state to • “ allgnm entr They a re reqi) N CA A D ivision I o r II schoc n Falls A thletic D irectorit.a B: s c h o l a r , . ITS Is a lot o f huddling and m ud I for rcprescnta5 0 , com pete am ong themnselvcs sel is the most danger-fraughtM-Jones. di ' ' ‘ sports a nd both sexes'. Pocatello, M inico dling am ong5 HIghlond, H lilion in ju s l aboul all ididate's vital staiistion in state com pctilio It requires that the candid w because h e w ould only hav 'w in Falls high schools. ursc, IS th e Burley and Twii T h emd S somebody w ould b e o u t a tics a rc m ade available to3 thot th office prior to ion sports b ut football. • HIGHSCHOOLSCOWS ’ this conclusion is the decisioi «0»COUiCE*HIC tw o-edged prom pting thi year bugoboc 10, A very b ig part o f th is is basketball — the start o f his/her senior yen ad his parents w ould be after J n d s u g - o f t h e G em ’sSn ta te C onference (B lackfool rita 51 loter be followed sw ord:: S118-per-head fee, o f c ours hy the return o f Burley This first m ailing m ust li and Rexburg schools)I uJ U and that w as all set bymtove. There seems a md n othing Idaho Falls, Rigby Rif st s< scores. gests hi th e before ihc G em S tatec mi b y updated grades and test 0 0 . Tntf requirem ent is a J tw f . h e d o c s k ic k -H ig h laanndd.and P o cateU o p u t o f th' > now thol T w in Falls, u g g c s t c d - ^ ^ P P:^ If Jones goes to o student T ^ l i r i t s 'f l r s C a e ^ M o n rth :-NCAA”s eN if which they w ere charter trlem c student IS n l i j ^ e n t , o f w w an t a re tu rn to the ;____ B u rle v otid M in ic o ' wo him g etting up th e $18 ond ----------Gf------- ----------------- ---ioum hat ‘.‘central site" an d "to u r am em leeiing in yone w ith even the :n s;L th e .8 tu d e n tJs,u p se t..If that initial' filing for anyon c scenes w ord is the straw tht (ood fathers Behind the si d *9 la te February rather than ihai the awkward topF o rlh e la le jt« 6 re jc a ll-i m o s t r e m o te c h a n c e .o3ff ia ttro c tin g a re - .• Since ig ond the offer com es, theitiflb 8 c s t'fo r b ro k e th e.c:an a n « r s b a c k w as H ig h la n d ’ : ame p er site dow ner o f stlmpl« Instfuctloni.' «nd follow lh«.tln tjflll seed at hom e, one-game kicker is that each and mol cruiter’8 eye V and the: kii and ante up fiaunting o fils ilspowerful sophomore fooiba I. fee to covfcr thc fam i ,c the past several years. ^ ^ T T ie 'f iin i filing requires a one-timne e $18 ! cc everyone know s how goo I w ill fill cnit team th ro ugh g hthe fall a t 54-0, 69-0, etc olley sc hools would art’I T h e th re e M agic V Vol together. • the expense o f putting'it togi hool com plaining that the star lothers feel their child is, it ii w ith one schoc irity. [ing have the vote supenonty I'uinp 10 athletes, the and file If a school would sign' scorcd seven T D s — includm mily to m ake the decision pani rospective ing h alfback: sc n ig h m e v e r add on-. J h c ( • ; ~NC<^~Trcta~Sl 80 an d n iigl 8 on its ow n. High schools ified w grades the last one will w ith 30 seconds left. W ter fo r the ,io n L a rry H o v e y is aa sporfsw Sf he file. Multiply lhat N C A A other ounce o f W o i l ^ the i ihrec-pronged sltuatio le the forms. e. tests. T here is aI kind-of ki r/m es-N civs . h ig h - * d to a la J iU h $ L J I l3 o• "other k ic k er is this: all pr< — ^im ee-w veratihow sand-hig Tw s ta ts - -= ^ p 2 " - ^ ~ school*s :u f' h ett . F itbt.'T ^ tir F a lls - le f t- th e G e m ^ u i — . .i O n a U S A . ----------------------- ^ A athletes m ust have 3 I" Codego bMebatl : s i n t Ffontlor Field, ono TroBsuro Valloy vs. CSI __floma.-S.p.m._________ E SP O R'JT S LINE 734-6326 L ,' - EUgibilility ‘clesaring heouse’ pooses mainy probblems Today __ . A ii' V' ■' 'V . ) ■ lappy HovBy , m e ;i-Bravej llpen p uits P liilUte&JlMCc k in to ^ga ^ R o c ld les-btiil i ■— en Colonido • D l-N V (iR (AP) — W/hhe [iaylor lo Rockics m anager Don Bay G reg (he m oiiiul to rc m in 'c si ih ir r is , a im irn u ir a ro se ------ STnndTT-rh:;! re a ch e d n ■crw cn c c nd u u f ------ b o o t - ; _________ ^________ ii N a t l o n a l L eBa a g u e ^ ' V ' g y t ,— | I ^ , \ \ 31 ssingle. H o llin s’ two* I added on RBI irun double in1 the the eighth.extended ihc led to five runs. as. ‘ ;■ ik er lip to Mario, and he "I left a sinker teed said. "B ut I’m not hit it o u t,” ‘Recc "Uiscouragcil.-N Noa ii c u i’ a i is Uixcoui'---------' ^-iNlOfW ^— :--------^ ^ ------ n g e d r W c Mi-gct-il m iH H \ '. - Padres 8 B ra v e s 10, P at □ 0 (A P) -r- David JusSA N DIEGO Rockics fans wanictl no part o f the 'single, leading ihe A tl.lth -tn n in g 'sin i llpen alk-r tw o H i h H V icani’s licleagiiercd bullpe ■lanta Braves to na 10-8 victory 'Thursirm ances: But pre v io u s p ilifu l perform San Diego Padres and a day over the Sar ilia t's \vliat ihey >;ol. and anc! the result k<ccp........... .................... ' ^ —four-gnnie-Bwccp ■ - . was prolK-ialilc.' ^ ^ a S g S S B i ~ S 'a i r D i c g b " k M ariuni* D u iJo an 'iiit :t a a'thrcc.^run j-bltfw a 7-4. le ad . T h e 1 - d eficit,- then-bl' to highlight a ' Jg H . ImtiKT oft' Sieve Reed lo :d two unearned runs in B raves scored t\ in g a s th e fiv e -ru n s c v e n tli inm n ii len lied it in the ninlh on the eiglitli, then l . " '■ y ' oun d ed C olP liiladelphia P h iliics ppoi • G ene H arris' w ild il pitch, straight » ** orad o 's bullpen for the; third Ih sc o re 8-8 in th e 1 llh , ■ . . W ith th e SCO lay fo r a 13-8 , ' yaiiie, rallying T hursday doubled ofT rookie A.J. ----- : J l - | ^ i k c K elly dou en d o u s ' vicioi^’. ‘•W e’ve gollenn trem i ►IcGqf^’w as intentionally —•* AP phow Sager, Fred McC ;irters. but our piichint! oul o f o u r startc Justice singled. Follow walked, a nd Just ;to h o m o In th o f o u r th Inn , hullpcn has yiven up 20'-p r o k B o l l s l l d o s a f o l y into qittin g S a n D lo g o 's D orol e n d le io n ’s in te n tio n a l : a t c h o r J a v y L o p o z , r ig h^lt, t, can’t make tho tag, Ilo m g T e rr y Pcnd . tliree gam es)." Baylor said -Jgvier-Lopcz-hiU s.ic:ri- .y. ------------------- vvaikrTookie-jQv llli Oc 3-0 . bill T h liri. d a y - 1 - ' if^Mnjj'p-.irT'is-vv'L-.siiuutcllitter T o n y 'fic e fly . In th e seventh, pinch-hit aid R e e d , a s in k c r -b a ll wind blowB a y lo r said any%vay. and a brisk \\ \ v e :h a v e n ’t fo u n d anny to n c in Ilio cd a double play.” Duncan adisc a< ilichael pitched tw o inerro r, und G reg M cM icl ti right choice in that L ongm ire rcaehed on an ei . • liuljpen wiio can get som mee outs." s j ij , - I , „ .,s ing tow ard left m ade it m ore so on pitcher, w asi tiie as a sinker inside. A nything ir w in, allow ing on RBI . Dff H a rris , n ings for thee w: L enny D y kstru s in g le d of; g o o d th in g situation. . T h u r s d a y . " T h e o n ly gc 8 -6 entering hit in the alir ir itoday had a chance.” P hiladelphia, trailingg S e IlO th. B ra v e s s to rte r ' bringing on Reed (O-l). Hee prom ptly s in g le in thic It we could get a ground bi 'e only three ~ "I thought v about this game is we have 'P h illies m anager Jim Fregosi also al Ih e ,s e v e n th , o v c rc a mlie c atkiw o-run was rou.ghed up for six______ Rickv Jo rr .Steve A verv wo liH .“ A prnim il hnll ihnt vi yielded D uncnn’.s hom er. R r4it;^ng^TKr>-«^m—tr =rmorttJn»f,M tiis-yf;'r,-Frt;ffl, — - . l aj^ w -in- ihc.latc.iniim gfT':sJfn r th r itiiid - frgnird n v r g ;d on D ave runs — live cam earr eij — Oil fUUr lillii' llT VS up is not what I had in dan di then tripled and scored e h .' P o p u p s , lands 30 rows lort. le n -fic ld .wall aL M ile w w a s a lough- d a y to pileli a ir and shor i:ame in a row .__ __ i t Stoekgr 4 l- 3 imiiDgS,---' ' "__________ H ollin.q* sa c r if i c e J l v ^ c v/in __________ • m i'ml.'^_______ w c n t-o u t^ fU ie fc -^ w .----limn'maktf-it-fl-hitier-R-par— w sinki'rrb o cauKC— High-Stndim --------r r 1-WJs-lot)ki»tf-fo ij n-tiin^ Sf=K£:’ >I T h e T im cs-N ew s __ ^__ jn e -h a lf innings through Ttvc nntl one ared. w hen it all disappcare ik s a n d .L u p c A ' p a ir o f w a lk ic o re d th e firs t C u r ie l’s d o u b le sco: teir tw o m o r e tw o ru n s a n d a fftc n itc h e r C h ad w a l k s . ,w i n nine pi JIask in s d eliv ered the d e c isiv e,tallies w ith a single. B u rle y c o n tin u eedd th a t a s s a u lt into th e first in n inlg g io f th e n ig h tivai alk s a n d h its c a p . u s in g f o u r w 3 v y A x x M Ol ,o-j<,,nwa.. Je ro m e 7 , B u Burley 5 7 P lr e p s p o r t s . Clfla aifio'"#-’- Jnf* S»oup, G, ovof JaniamiaClon.0B U R L E Y — T h e Je ro m e T igers 0, 0-0.2. CTiaiiotlo Oovriiy. C. ovof Ang ■■■■ — N EW Y O R li (A P) — M W ike G aljrley Bobcat.s 7-5 iri a tipped.the Burh 0-«. 0-3: 3. Co'iy CS‘ia, (J. ovof EncoS'g.m Oi ond'^ ly T artabull A m e r lle O an L eague fro m 'CUriel u ri and H o sk in s to p ile n atch T h u rsd ay .after|< lego homcrcd twicc, Danny dual tennis mat i up a 4 - Mlead. e „MUM douUlns-Jako C^oney nnj Sumrr d r o v e in f o u r r u n s a nidd B e r n ic mmat John«on, nOOn. ovor Dlflko P«lerv>rvan() Jomie Kloo \ngels4 y w^ ill en tertain M inico at gO T w in s 7 , A nj B urley W i hom er T w in Falls a t V illia m s h it a th re c -r uun r j“ ." B urley w ill1 invade ir GirUOoijBloi.1 Honnan McKon/« and O, ovof Slopnarvo S.icock 0fv3 » 4 p.m . Tue ruesday. OOrown, i sc o re d its MINNEAPOLIi OLIS (AP) — Scott Erick__________________ T h u rsd a y as N ew Y o rk si 3 p .m .T u e sd lay.’ ay - (If -inBlon 0-2, O-O, 2. HolK.cc» ScnmlUl ar rnost~runs al Yankee Siudii dium in 39 son gave up iiI hits' ni bill stni iiclpcd Mill---------Sloroy, 0, Ovnr Casoy Hnip«r nnd M,i» i»oi 00anlovo. (jort nf>Oio» 1. Cnnt i 0100110-35 1 2i 1» V WonB, J. ovot Tylor Oa.ifla 0tuna (S-0 0-1 Irst victory. Dave Winfield _000 M5 .-5 3 3 ^ ta as R angers ncsota to its first • at, J, ovar Curlia Nialtan 0-3, &■ V u"'°oT years and routed the Texas ____________ 0, 6^);2.yOyJon»a.J fidailiufg. J . ovfif r.mll MiJiUan . ^ ront «nd Kirby .Puckett two--------18-6.--------------------------------, 0-0, OU. s, who lost their first two nciieJudd, D.ovarLauta Poll G.tlnif>Bie»-l.Cnm(ii« 19 h its — for ‘he Twins, w. , N ew York, w hich had I' Wendell sweeps Buh! Cttfan Cooko. J, Over Manko fomia by a combined 12^3. — h a d n ’t games to Cniifomi 100 1-2 1 i Rachallo Ntwrnan. J, Over Tara II in c lu d in g six d o u b le s — lad 14 W EN D ELL — The W \ e n d e ll .mp since a California had 1 ruw un in Erickson's scored as many runs at hom lot ,(3) and Cnuren Hamwy, Nrcely (<| but he escaped trouble until un Dowdio and Oftfil W^kar^O, tw o OoyadoublM-I.Onanl T»ro ja n s p ic k c d u p th e irr first 1 hofl. Toyloi (31 W R#m»«y L-Nobm anaomiotnon. 19-1 victory against the Wt runs in the seventh und won vVic to rie s o f th e se a so n T h u rsd a y rnaNolS'3 ovor Kilay Room g _ - Senators on A pril 13,-1955. ofhiscareerJidarLGuthric______ i 5 ^ t JasL_t},e-5oihi5amo o f h f B uhl 9-7 aodJ.r.fnyB.lli.lonfr aftern o o n , k n o c k in g ofT I a G o o d i nn gg 7 , D e c io 5 _ tim e the Y ankees scored Jtlh t s m a n y , allowed Chili Dav Davis' two-ruD-homer. ond • ------------------"i/'T °liCTM Tt£'n'lw ^-------- ^ 9 -8 . ----------------------^ G O OX D ilN l G — T h e G o o d in g and •a pitched pi two innings o f runs anywhere w as a 18-5S ’victory a t Rick Aguilera K e lli M a ttix . J a m ie D C ia s an d 88. one-hit relief forth ■or the save. S e n a to rrss w o n th e m a tc h e s th a t • M innesota on A pril 18, 1988 r.ra> and Kavin McOonaK) 6-7, 0■ntcsted but lost five others K y lc e B e n n e tt p ro v id e d m o st o f w ere eonti T erry M ulholland w on in B r e w e r s 1 2,AthIeHcs2 2 ,. lell batting tl tn u sclc in the W endel to fo rferits itf i n 'a te n n is d u a l w ith the k c e s' d ebut, allo w in g six r . 3 ' K ; S . S S . “ ;S:o. ;EE (AP) — Bill Wegman MILWAUKEE lineup. 0-3. D e c lo T ‘h h uu rsday. li seven hits in 5 1-3 innings. S i ;ame sincc last Moy 30. and in sed oO er .w on his nrstgamc K e n n y R ogers w as ehai m se c o n e r j^un Jaha and Kev Kevin Seiu'cr both hit tw o-........... ow cd C B h l three-plus innings. He allov ---------------------------- -— I tl s the Milwaukee Brewers earned runs iind nine hits.__ e md Athletics-i2*2-Thur^day , _ . ------------------beat the Oakland/ night.^ . • B U R L E Y — T h(ie e B u rley B o b c a ts s w o o p e d fro m b e h in d -w ilh ;totn o f t h e sixth live runs in th e button inning to o verhaul Jero Jet m e enro u te Ic-header sw eep to a 5*3. 6-2 doublc-1 Thursday. h e ld B u rley to T h e T ig e rs h a d he "Yaiikeeij s 18-6; R<£d Sox sweeji X J2 from 1i lgcrs,: ^^ats=take^ ' r ™ " ' __Soorei^and-StitatSz=: __Red.Sox 9. Tigers 6 I n d i a t t s - ^ r'M M iariners 12'---------------____ n n s T O N (A P I —.T heJlet ■ND (AP) -*- Jack Morris, ~ __K cvoa-m orc-cxira-bue-biu^ sU ncludias____ CLEVELAND, 4013 Pn*».30 5 2 20 2 1 PMafB - 4 I t o ---- CJwWaCood 4 0 2 0 ‘sunr,e sum oraKan] 36-42-60 1121 ArtJaeiFoobi Daw- coming ofT hiss worst wo season, pitcHc3 five homcn by Mike Grecnwcll, Andre Ai IOOO AWC 41 12 i ; 5l*rl6 Ra^'c 1 0 0 0 tccic ric*ci ^«tOfi, 42.3»-81t ‘‘ 11 UO»«p 0 0 0 0 £l«vaElk»'«tt 4 110 l«r»»ai 5 1 1 ' 8a i .3 a 2 S9<ng«» 4 0l»,ra!r' 00 ngs befori; faltering in the s :y compleled scorelcss innings i? .fl-6 r SI and Tim Nachring, as they son 0 0 0 0 a-lainPyman 4 113 Artrjp 2 0 11 1 l(fr-,»ip UU< u 2 10 0 DiSV^jd DiSV13 0 0 0 0 0 N B A s ta n d in g s nr 3945-64 . season-opening, ihrcc-gamc: S' OOOO Ca,0.*«f the Cleveland Indians past s\}eep. sixth and led cti'n d 1110 n»wf' p 0 0 OO.Cimp 01 a 0 0 0 0 0 ,44-WD “ EASriRNCOKFERENCt 10 11 CXwgFardfl 8 22 3 0 0 0OO 1 lo.'dtn irinen 6-2 Thursday night. 16 jh e Seattle Mjmne 23 2 ' • O f Bosto'n's 30 hits thisI season, s __________ ^Cai»gau OO S«s«» 00 00 _ _ _ n _ _____ 4 .i-U l.-.EttU jp OOOl was'lJrc'nret'ai'ni^t-UiidEr.-:— :‘ .............................. .. . — iThc-game-was' 41 18 li 17 TrvBtf 10 0 1 have been for extralwses. " ' TcCM s i ' t t ToHa T» S0 5? ? § R B f f ? .•N».yo.» • a 20- I Brtaip 0 0 0( oolhbrush-shaped lights at, > ners ^— iw ^ the vertical, tooth Detroit also >iad three home: __ Orlanjo O 29 I im M 000-8 ViStnp .0,00,1 0 0 0 1 !. . Tb» . . — .™ e r a n d 'D a n —-ne\v Jaeobs Fteld21J21. 334 2&-11 P»x*>[« 10 1' r'un'drive'S'by Cccll Fielder 2 0 0 0 1 N^TOt r standings : r ” ~ N H L s ( ^ iM* 131 ’ ....... •' '-3 J -3'J 3* W ai1.t*«rcit2.LCl(t- ■ UcWdp 0 0 01 2 0 0 0 0 E-5sio)«(l| 0P-T«ui1.t :st Stan Lou Whitak- to 2-0, their best st sincc they won their Bautista, and a solo shot by Lo EASTERNCONFERENCE E S I 13 8 EA9 Caslofi 2fl -11! 3 -tui*(2).u«mn(2) Tcuia 44 10 '13 8 Tn(i «Cm 1n*»2,N*«rcrtl1.2&-tUi OS C21 12-10 ies in Ph.l»l«i,«.-----first three games ii 1984. '040 • **«• ...... CO). .351 OO i»-e Wnthr.jto'^ • ' 21 M 26. ------UME . . x*(l)HK-Cc«a>eilll.m'i OWIAW • WWA UW maoa M 23 7 107 265 219 £ca(1).Pirii3Aii|1).R:»«la i-N T Hanjoi ........... ^ ^ « I h U (7) Sf-VVCJrt. W a ^ J lC»-*airtalO. ••Howje>»«Y H HER DO SO m.Autfar.(1lOP(-> ^ | l | hMim(l|.lc<^(l). WatAngton ‘iChopj JO , O f S»iC>»>:7 20-K«»l :!!! « " ' "g e e 2 0 PKio(t) iin-suur “vj, 'J . H.WC 0 0 0 0 s ; jW dl 5D-00«42(21.Plafl* fK«Ja :ir3e 4 323 RiiQnLCLI 3 I (11.KW(1| &-AO»X.Qan. HY.IHanSan ■ 5M lU ■ ° t.3 .2 (»-<Wi«-«i(11. MB J 1 } 3 DtW ’ 7.3 -•1 31 31 31 01 (1| r s s 'i ; ; s s nnvl SF-OUuu>.-iccu. PMadeiptwi ImccD.Hcgirar.Atnm __ 3 .1 if l_ _ f t« __________ ' 3-;28 41 J1—07-7TT-241-------------- HOUSTON (A P) ------------------------------ranwos-;The iitT' 3 ; 13 ______ ; i - P r o --bt ei e k e t b a l l --------, ---------•R F ocKeta scifll tl'uncllbt; teI a! ! L S T / > '' "'’wtaTtHNCONFCKENCC''' 1 0 0 0 0 ■■ ASrt. W fiC ■ J 1 ' 0 »*f** ’ ' 1 ' . & K*>?5 4 0 ' 0 M lM fiC " 40 27 13 03 275 243 4 1.3 4 e 5 4i i-Ootlon .MUwmt t>«f«Un ccm O laju*«ry »an. 4 0 10 »4»*r<rt 'point shooting, and Hakec I ].] 3 1 0 0 0 i.UcnIioal W L Put 1.3 I? 6 8 1 3 O»0«r. rcift , ’ 5 ®® f J3 :;?s’i s ? ! ! s ninth s tra i^ i at homi: and ••triple douwho won theirir nii 1 J 0 0 0 2 • wQri got his eighth career ti ;.3 0 0 0 0 ; ________ - '? S . / 'T liu isd a y — in 17flunnii I---- U.tWH...4U.i,.^..L'Jir..'A ' bIC m a 1 3 4 -1 0 2 -v itn o r^ 1 0 ■ 0 0 1 1 MaiHord ---------- ------------------------------------ • uu-r • • • « 50. .0. s 38 M1 iO J' O 10 “ ' ' u^w.1-0 : c W ,, night o ver the G olden S ta te ' arriors. Kcm pCTMU2 b a ^^,fl5i>4^ f^ VtSTERN CONFERENCe 0 = ' ' ' • ' " ™ w E r )ViT'-<X« SanOago M n 12 14 11 HIlP-{>rOr»i«(V«Ur») ViP. 87 c e i u '( l 2 o f N e t s 9 3 ,H aawks wi i n 'i S w s e i Toun 4 4 4 2 5 H ouston ^ a d e 75 p erce Utiml I8 D»Ti 9. M ^ 12. ' ' - s r ? ' p » or a ., 1 1 2 0 2 0 PaO^OMWon UOmi THERFORD, 'N.J: (AP) — 5..'O lajuw on EAST_RUTHE 112 17) o f its long-range s h o ts Si.S - S n l s t a n d in g'g=» s^ itcftran ..5a-ir;« M '# .7 , ; ! ? ! , ! S S J ! S _ _— had-26 points,-13-rebounds8 and-10 nan had 24 points and 13 re- ' as*—DerricLCoIeman: ________ LPIncnri_________ *1. 24_ 0 _____________ Catlasa-o_____ : t --------- 40'2a’ l2 #2 270 250 n --.jr-TM— Lvriro«V2»-4wei*rii i W L Pet ca 5J9KL0-1 ing New J(:rscy Nets closer u-S.U«(!|.J4Uison high in bouniJs. moving 1 13 CVw»..(1»JB-&«(J|«ft-S. 39 31 10 M.219 205 csists. Houston scored a seas( »-StL<Xi» • Cac)ani,Wg ' J} 311 ^575 S 4 0 1 000teiMC«J»)*>3t«3MS«i»MCn ^ ^ 36 35 5 81 238 229 -JUW >.C^JWOo0 erth, ' ■ ^ LAl«>cr» 33 33 4M <51 21X 3 0 1000 K Vi1'-G«Ham» PO-Jl in t b a s k e ts to a playoffbet^. 23 48 0 55 237 327 pp o in ts , an d its 12 3 -p o in Wreioog1 lAClpCxifJ M 47 3 0 IOOO X educed iheir magic number ------ — MCTsmsMo' 24 49 3 equaled the team record se ( 1 4 2 2 2 , ' “ “= S T r , . , ™ « . ■ c :ombination ofTlve Net wins . Clf<H»dp ' 2 *000_J__ 4 J 3. 0 1 Fkvld.’___ — 1991-Qgoinst-Denver^-Th© 1 RCR M 10 . T ™ ■■SB! i i i s 'g i i Warriors Rockets (dump Wa .] -I ------ —>iew ----- ■M asters ' Uun 93. DautS} nVrftOtrm* M.rinoiou atOoaion. iSOum NowYcAal PMMa'pn>a. S 30 s n" - _____OCIROt - . DOSTOH C«.o:»r«l.UVaSCTOTn,-T30piti * r Ira t>«Uo.l»lOrttn<3o,5Mpm PhiMJ 5 0 10 liucrcJ UirmJ tn ^ SI CtviiV>ng. S 30 &m 5MS mow n * J 2 ' K Cnioso tl InSjru, 0 3Cp m 3 12 1 £0«nc( ,1 0 0 0 C<T.11 »l» Dai^iuSeatta.Gprn -•__________ c,-,uic___i.c-i-a_ftd«at ME____ooQo -----------D»"'.-«fatl.*-t.stni.'8-»pTT!----raiOKia i I 1 2 vvrnl! Phcw'ii al Saosmtma. 9 30 p m_______ X . # . 4 ! 23 rr>Tm30 <0 0 0 DawItoic p«3ti 50 0 0 Tp«‘jnc 1200 Ccccw Si rtiu 4220 ' Ocunft D.«Uin W L PH J ^ 0 ',^1i,2” » ^ PH U.h>4utM Cl>e*50 M.rvMWli -K.f.w.C.lr Me 1112 Dr)t4c 2 ; 30 2 1 .... 10 0 0 OH 38 9 18 9 2W COO J2t>-« Oil 110 30»-« T . DoKn Oil DmW2 0 E-Owu»(l| W>-C««l,D(a! ■n(1),>iV«HrtrI?J. , »ol7,taKti1J .T>-*IV»i^i11 1.«->m«»ar(1) 3 D«r^(1)30-C™.~,«|1)»« CO 1000 — 2 0 1C I 2 33^ 1 2 3 .33 0 ...3. J) '° Z „ 200 1 4 0 2 0 Dttiaiil wrf A L s ta n d in g s CMOMtion Dt«»l(:ii0-CV,«|11.TVWI sr-c*««' ' “ Ow S lM 5 1-3 9 ! i i . ----------- iT 'o" WMtOhnian ^ 2 23 4 i ; ; g w L pa ________Ci.;3rr_a._ ____ . 2... 1_ f — OaUjr.a 0 2 ~ (M CIO ~ K -------------------- 1----- --; ; i Stairs 0 2 ooi 0 1 ! s s ; ! T^wM*/•0«na• Ne«Ya»18. T»..ufl r' ' ■ '' (loslorfi. [Jalrain Ujvwiola NESO T* ^ CUJFOnM UM CK Cwv«und 0. Saafiw 2 M.i.tgU«12.Clak:ar42 .C ^tf _ JO 2 0 / ^ 5.1= d ____ _■ - • T n \ D . - ^ (NW ^ a * Kanui Cly K ^looroon 5 1 J 7 wS£S 10 0). 12 3S pm UoMui (C»« 0.0) at CraooSTOan « o0 o( ;,i« s ,- [ ^ 5'“ ■J o t o i I t r » . ..... “■ - s ; ; 's i f l s Mi>uilcn 1 too 11 2 333 0 ' 3 - 000 00 ’ 3 000 WMOMM c«trii).c3-05rci COrM>|i)SO-Can<i).l*C«tr e r s n o te b o o k T! s s fc ii I B s c oires---------■ re ; i ! w ., f.' H iiii S" °1ii! :h;!! i j ! ' ’Ss !!!!B> EiHZBS-liitEi c iv l" i w “ o issis ■ ;;; i 1 BPiencr. 10 0 — ^rm — ...... ...........— ®“ * ? ]§ MBOO _______ ” ! ’ ! t ga” J ,g „ e 002 oca-a -> # ^s.i TCXM''- • ... . •' ’ w 'i ? J i § 1 ^1^^ 2 ) HEWTCR gr/ ■ I ' lems in the opening roundd o n T hursmee p la y e rs 'o f-u s in g th e ----------------------------accused-som (day. ’ ■ I slow s the pulsc-ratc, to — ^— " “ I coi^Idn^t k e e p it iirn s id c th e drug, w hich sic - trees . atting.- ........... ............... ........... t J ack N ick - help then- puttin ” six-time"cliaitipibri ‘ Nick Pricc :c tc took it for about eight '1 laus said. rc h is d o c lo rs sw itc h e d lo m n d o u s," y e a rs b e fo re “M y short g am e w as hor her drug about five years imc w in n er, him to another A rnold Palm er, a four-tim tt h ig h b lo o d p re s s u re , s<a id . “ M y p u tte r h o d th e j u m p s , “ go ^ ouldn’t hold still.” . ic saw P n ce soid he so 110 positive cffects w in n y w in ^ - f o r h is g o l f ggta m c 'fr o m u s in g -th e B o th sh o t 78 on a sun :ld a n obundrug. blow n day that didn’t yield » players w as discussing (dnncc o f subpar rounds. "1 ■■1 thought I A group oa f p rs”at a a ' W e d n e s d a y -n l^ t— ' w tt g o o d ,” belo-block'ers ' a s g o m g n o p in y p r e:tty ’ N } icklaus said. function when icn Lanny W adkins said, i ird oc f ‘cm before. I d id n ’t fo rw ard lo “1 never heard " I w a s really lo o k in g fi he w as talking about. I iisappointed know w h at Iplaying. I’m obviously dis a s so m e k in d p f su n th o u g h t it w wa: ,n b o jifit." . * rives caught F our tim es NicVlaus dri\ " Jtr e e s o n th e le f t s id e . " - (c o u r s c w o s to u g h , b u t 1 SQlARCERS=Sl9ft*<J Cllrt-----------------______ ,--M j6_76-'-4SJ'5cO TC tntMUcWt.B a t-o^r** “*«»“ • t i«Young,t>BMortiJ,Uiair»»»yatr _ .'to u g h er,” the 54-year-old s i-s a ; veil I drove 37-3^-76 cwiWd said; “ I ju st d id n ’t pla y wc J9-38-77 S g to Hx HOCKEY • th \ e b all aw ful. 1 k e p t try: 3^30_77 ■ ig-lm rdcr-and-harder-for. — tickets to actually m ake nto the hallow ed grounds iheir w ay onto atio n a l ofA u g u sto NNati , j! ! ! ■ ; ! _____ J f f ic ia ls 'a d d e d a n e w rniilHnV fiv ■ MaStCrS oOff __ things oil '^^y i jn c t rr tMia«ntt«idllnt4N>nt400lor . w rin k le to d det e te c tin g b o g u s tic k e ts 37-40-77 1 0 0 0 0 rack Fanr it. , wiiiraUvGrtlvife u u sun#r T hursday. Each iach ticket contains o bar STAW-fiaetfad Trrrti RKftafda. . s S s ? «i,. IromKaiamuoQ el ITiaInumatalk am o n g ' c o d e th o t is b e in g s c a n n e d b y T h ere ’s been a lot o f ta S m t u ards a s fans arrive a l the zcis o f beta- Pinkerton guart th tnMdtf.' awe I e ployers obout the cffeci U-NanMDtrnUWcMman'i Ib lo ck e rs, a p re sc rip tio n d ru g c o m - entrance, 0O3TONU.5 110 Jack.NidCaua “ ' " “ RcMtaA rc*MO-78 batkal&tllcat blood nres4 There w ere I T cjonR lines flt th e,Rotes . . . ^ _ _ mnnly u-scd [Q..trcal high-b. ---------------- S S S S - ^ s S, Crnmwi ^ ■^ara^----- r i i ? — b n k iM torawd, haa ‘ fo r th e eorly'ni ly'a rrivals, leaving som e sure. pg««f) 10 0 1 ! H ° -a s a g Hmtalla*o«ilabfB>aNBAdr»ft,_________^ a ~ ~~ TonfferioaTlng~pro~M nc n[TO‘Q ra c ty ~ O fth e 5pcctatoi. ato rru p set:----------------------------^w y w i ^ 4 S 5 J.. 4 .-R E R 'e a -5 0 -JaaT B Y rjfl-'' 1 -“ ' ------- ; —gATTIt........... ..... OfVftWO— S 0 )0 KittK “ re poorly Nicklaus, 1Palmer fart sLiiiLS :i!!| r iii: ^ ' or Charlotte lossc: osses will allow New Jersey clinch its third thii straight postseason' •?( IK IX QASEDMi 3#-36-74 -N L box —- . 37.37—74 ---------Ml R£OS-Oarr>«] Pata Scncurak. 3J-35-74 ONCINNATM XUIMC . . . . .- DnaCli.. . («u.------------caa ft»»Y«f»frO«1B>0H«*Y0rtU4tl.plcN.,on-» a tn u «nGataoTM'J>.t..................... 37-37-74 iMAmiNS Artwcad mal J«B 3»-35-74 FlOfilOAM AI Mr.haaoaaradwwvwiandhaa 35-3»-74 Muta, pitchaf. S S !!i I ounjM 10Edmofilond ma Paerte K ? ss 4IM4-74 CoatlUa(^>a 36-36-74 UnM SS’ !” IK ,r 37-37-74 WESTCHEST ITKV^I g 1 1 2 D«iU • Dr dncSoc o( pltytr panonral and 36-36-74 Sicooanli* !;r. S” S K ? S S r ' - 6 9 0 0 Wj; t-miivKar^pmnlinanagtrand 3<2< MaManaOwaS. 37-37—74 »tv»l»4co»c 35-3J-74 “ — n il • FO O rn^ . k r - i s - ? 'o ^ 39-30—75 U(j L ^ p '' 0000 Jia 36-39-75 nFL-N»ni^S f s s s s s i s ? : - - ! . 37-36-75 oaoafMeouM oun«al</NFLPraoarMt, S S ? io a o SSSaoSrt iiCAflDfNAlS— • - - ...... S S r S t - S i S ftMtac*. 40.J5-75 dSfFAIODH 3Dtt.LS-Aor»«>loUm<»»WlSt»v» KMwl/ M l o( Un>Yai (At>( ” o(0**aB n Z ’i , i ! ! ! f S " ^fa»w.einalh<oa-rta<eon>Mu 2 2 10 Cctndo n000 21} 0»- B (2 1 .ElimoirilStoarr« UranRotarU , C-.0«*.(11.0f«ni(2J,Ei ■ ;!!!" “ ' COWOOVS-»9nad Oaf>1JoftntJon, oOt«2 Jir*oOiaU ool 3 05pm |l).CaUncatn V>-Caa») oaW»a-,««®<«aa,A«««<J*) Ucrt»i(21.0t**»(l), TommyAaron SaaRt iFlvTWig&0) al Torwito(Lan* am « ro a ^e.w cn u o # 20-R*rt« :L*»fOJ3), tmS*** aV lJ* TM J6^ J 5 Uirm.w.CiNai TNattNantton.ouart «J417) Cl Ou*«»h»rt r a MO 4 0 -4 . b^(1|.!>wU|1).l-*4lT C J^ w POll5COnS-Aflf»adlolanTii To«» (*/inivw^ 0-0) tl D txmo;uoy..o. n |U OH Wl CQi-7 Haioaujtv quanafMcH-Rai*a»ad 0|.!>3Spin ‘ Iio.uiracug <3).0*Uff»5ffJ).0>rt»(^ toau, guanacMck. 36-36-78 JSiTfUjaau OaUand rWtk:n0-Q| al M^nnawxa (Ua ™ ^ ^' I ) . a ^ l 2 ) . luw.cfturmsr^**!! ■|““ . £ S i ' H . ' £ S S ; C FWJET5-5*jn«PaJFfa»a,<Sa• NEWYOWJ so O4|.0dpin ' Xn:tiMri(}).P>xMa{21.WrM A X b o x s c o re s le-KOCKOtSi —■whosc-previous high in-pi p o m ts th is |W>)—ScornTrxndayi.'lix ' LcnAnoalat AUGUSTA. (Ja (W .1 2 v ic tQ ry berth, r -• n iiijs n iij! sseaso n cam e in a 128-11! C(Sm0rt0rt Ifta fl/»1rounil ol BB»aMa«a<teoillOufMm«nl, >a rch 21, extfplayonbaftr. 0over W ashington on M arc «i.,ard,pa»30-3ft-72Au.<incfto<}pla plar«)ontra0.ff2& Cr^aao IdmKin off Clio a»rta(a-amato«i) y^Lncftaddm ^u»laNabCMlOoBi Pinuuren sion lead to J a 2 z 9 9 , Mav< TTurada/i Oamaa titended their Central Divisic [avericks 82 33-35—C8 12J7-C3 US W I Ptt CO fu!lon*JK»T< CEeiTV-(AP)— KariMal--------0TJ.S4' °ono g am e over Sun A n to n“ia---------------------SALT LAKE C J4.J5-CT BOMOOS.O TJ 3 0 1000 TomKil. ,Han!o«)2 2 0 1 ceo X Tot Lehmafl and Felton Spencer rvT 255 points, poi | 34-36-70 FlofKJa 3, Pfii»aaWiia3,0a P^4l Knicks 97, Cavaliers 94 ^ 0 ^3 M ^ ^Sitlefoaa '4 , 0 1 17 with 14 rebour bounds as Ihe Utah Jazz flnD,(,o>Ari0«la«2 ■ 14-36-70 SILOUU0.W 5«i £>»B0 0 3W4-70 . SanJowalVi __ . . . —NEW_Y.O}iK (A PJ-:.D crtk alVananrrtf.tn) t l ^ l i ^ r hit__ished w ith.a p per: e r f e ^ e c o r d this .seoson • ..eri nnr-nu —-------------33-37-70 — M a — B l ?rOaiTia------------------ r S i 'w ! ^ ----T 'shooting Dallas'by beating iitne'with 6'J against poor-sho< his second 3-poinler of ovcriiti Nollncludad O/aaNofman -82'Thursday night, i'ark ils first Mavericks 99-82' «arlal0,5«ftl>*so8,11 - seconds left, giving New Yo Pt>.:aO«<rt»13.CoMraOo« ling forjustjhe third time in ... ' Utah, winning 1 years, “li!)® CwW'Paw' movement sseason sweep of Clcvoland in1’ 12 Flor«MotLoiA;'Se<«|nl i£ ;i F is h m . Id Dallas to 38 pOTcnl (29D J CafrPUr« Harp^r flnlsh'ca with‘22 fpoints and 12 gamesTheld IRWMfntnl Mcnr«b>rtla«‘''aa(), 3MO-71 aOamaa [XadFajon he floor. The Jazz wound up oOsatCoiinbiaandSAaliaRMf C son-high 24 of-77) from the fl Charles Oakley had a scoso |alUon»eal(P«MajCtvpO««» (>«9orTr»W»<-00l«l« in^v 36-35-71 <J*fniThof»M ' the Knicks, S-0 against the e Mavericks, Mi points and 15 fcbounds for it tna^dO). 11 3Sam‘ CM Ccn SOT EM M F PittUw«(Wa«norDJnMcCMm Cc<or»*)iN'«d(KI)a1Pttti: 37-35-72 ltotw<i« (MGlafion 0).4Upm .fl)alOonnaii(RioO- , PnJ»a»ipr.a(HirtraO-flIal M.38I72 i«iCln IJ.JJSpm 39-33-72 liJUtT ijalMou»lon(5«tnO*s B-JohnMimi NwYomlKKMnO-OlalM 0 0 0 ' 172 03V38—73 loHaUf 38-37-73 lt-afUivi«rt ll Lot AngOol (Atlaoo HtMrtTvnny ^ ”M?rS.rO-01.1Lc. 0 0 0 '0 0 30-37-73 leaCoaa 0 0 0 127 ^0 . __ A U G U S T A , G a . (A PP)) — T w o 3«.37_73 iD^Ontmm Swi E*.an3« |alSarD»90(5»~l«i 38-36-74 K - r - " ”"' CJMOTB*' M a s to n su b je cts o f M aste rs lore: Ih a d p ro b Ict San FfsnciKO (Tw. O ^^ai 1 0 0 0 0 0 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 -K'n O^iBjpsr^ltjJbKannir-ti ^ r r s ! ! f- i ( 'I ^ Twin Fatis, IcJ.iho D-3 • ’ ' lprj'IB ,1 994' ■ Tlm05-NQWS, TwIi Ffid.iy, Api rets eligibbility :hanges ntnight cor)nfijse — C H IC A G O ;( A P ) — — In Hie city H S S I I H I w here Ilis incomjiaralilc ible b.iskctball . a b ility p r o d u c e d ilirc h rc e s tr a ig h t s be been maili)ig'out Tlie NCAA has. i P) '. O o \V E R L A N D PA R K . K an.I. (A isorics as the June lie new' thousands of.advisor —- By B; carcfully following all llic m tnhr;— N flA -drHftrihe-fit-rtilCT/underKr.iduaieN can go iim FuTcs! 'J tr^ V t -TL-Tlllltcr^--------- ^ m UA A dnilt tor Uie iifst time tins on. ibility. taken an c d u a itio n .'effort ... g o in g • ithout surrendering Ihcir cligib: ; negotiating rules, dy surover the contr;ict nc, T he N CA A is hoping nobixly . ^ 'ards.w e think can ^ • th e whole nine yard ndcrs it by accident. • ■ . fendc n g Ihu .iiip b liuL, W l iv.ir lelp them jnake an •aft is not com plicated." saidd R ick' thing .we can to help draft whi(e No. 23 o f the Chicago Chi Bulls, 1." Perko said, P erko, an N C A A legislative: aassis- infonned,'decision." Slill, he did not disappoi ipoint n chillcd ^9 H H on a pcr>- • "A lol is going to to depend d nt, “But all the other issues rclaled rc an d c n ( h u s iu s ( ic c ro \w d fo r the Bb M B > r. ..H h.A ip i I thnt hi-__________ i-it-ean-becomplicatcdi” — = __ W in d y C ity :c 3 'gainst-_thc-r . . j B C . T ' a ally icopardi 7.o hi s ______ _ st J a n —-docihll-unlD tcnliall^ ^^m doptcd-nl^ust ■— ■L'cglslaT lc ----- r —cros5lown G u Iw .'^T c^ h en3ed"in iis eepeligibility," ir y 's NCA A convention is sw uary' 4-4, 10-inning lie. /c u t to.evi.iy..Divi-_.............. !iis-c«)lT lic mailings went lg. and sim ple; O ne time in lii;^ Jordan, bound foj'lhc 'th e Class A A [ j H j j U j ^ athletic dicoa gc career, a kid can declaree for a sion I baske<b;ill coach, Icgc B irm in g h a m B a ro nnss on i F rid a y . i m m issio n e r. rofcssional basketball d raftt :as an, rec to r, con fe ren cccc co w en t 2 -fo r-5 w ilh a g a m e -ty in g din;itor and athlete ;itically ' com pliance coordin;i ndcrgraduatc w ithout automati double in th e seventh i iw o .'■Wc iric d to hit a d v iso ry p a n e l . ." V ising his eligibility. RBIs, a strikeout and an e n o r the lad.-in- evcrbody w ho inI som so e w a y ’would By Tliursday, five, already ha( outficW. md would share the freshhave interaction and ’ lu ding 6 -fo o t 8 C incinnati fi H e d is p la y e d b o th ih 1 s tu d c n t-a th lc te s lan Dontonio W inafield and sQp sc h o -_ in fo fm a tio n w ithh st a b ility and his bascbal ;ball ine.xpcri<o ssaid.' ^ 1 ia, 6-4, and pyrents," Perko lores Jason Kidd o f Califomia, ■. more - c n c c . and hisjpere.prcsi; rcscDcc_Diidicd_ ave relatives o r IcashingA thletes can have |r ; '“ - a nidd 'Yinka Dare o f George Wasl thc-W riglcy Field crowd 3wd to 37,825. ■'^l y them in talk-s with .seems gal guardians joinI the >n, 7-1. Tlie biggest im pact ,si ■' ton, C h e e rs a n d .stnndin d in g o v a tio n s ;rko said about 125 :n a n d pro teams, :md Perko k c ly lo la n d on fre s h m e n wgre m ostly w hat Jordr jrdan received. ion I schools have of the 300 Division jphom ores. i?fhough there w ere a fc few scattered anels authorized by . • “ ff ffer. or. scl up'advisor^ panel If they do not like their offc _____ ■ boos, perhaps fr6 n ^bbasketball as fans ^ ^ 5 stfvcral-ycarK-ago,--------------tcsx'Hft—NGAA-lesislulion1 «}» rrnotT ?crtnkeT trtindcn^dualc =----------- long ing ag ain in .l ee^him Ily nciu.s!i ■ i' i 'i __"rftTTT 1 jy -p a i ; ----- tj^ llT -c o n s is tming" g cir."3 ' 7 ~people DT^^back^o-school•simpty-tJy.; 'I — and faculty. . ' wiihin from the .school’ss staff st; oninc Ihcir.athlclic director w tioni irning his new J o r d a n i.s still learni IVe o■o n lra c l'a 'd v fc e [ gftiiliiy llie panels iiiii giVe l>‘tlav.'>! FreviflUSiy. m cir engn lg .” h c sa id be*-- ■••' n ------------)jamc. " r m im proving." •erWujfp-in-conicict_________ red foi tu athlcics and-ev«n-J ndcd ihe’m inute ihcy dcclarci cnde ------------lore iHfc Biimc xv un uri UHrty 01 -dam . oach Ciin be on the ' • negotiations. A coacl thlee ddraft. ___ eras follow ed his every :ry :m ove. . _ 'g _ ul c annnt rrikr p,irt »at NCA A officials figure, mosl 3Sl alh- in negotiations. “ ■ ■ ■■ ihaFi the ninth. Jordan swuni 'u ng weakly ai ^ tM I cmeenf chief David ;y canN C A A enforcem :tes will know all about; They letes two breaking balls from om former m a' Is a misunderst;mdot agree orally or in w ritihg too a pro I^ersi said there is not a jo r leagMC p itc h e r C Cl:h u c k C rim , ___ ___.m M m s w ill reta in the -------------com tain an ing that pro team ontract, and they cannot rctai now in C lass A A A ,, an and then w as , TS id e r g r a d u a te th c y rig h ts to any undei gent. agen called o ut o n ihe veryy next m pitch. _ 'e a r after his-class But e o f d raft unlil one year B l will they, in this new era A fter he’d, doubledd pa.st p third o ff " ' arc the g riK lu a te s. " T h a t use i d to b e th e •eedom .of m ovem ent, bew an freec ------- - C r i m in the iicventh..Jc ..Jordan didn’t _^'B ut the contract ends to c:ise,” ^ r s t ther pitfalls that bring early cn scorc from sccond on )n JJulio V inas’ AP»«, ssO ciatio n with w ith thcMHny<^siAA> ___ coollepc le carecr? ------------fly h n ll d n iih lr tn r r I in igered, llial provis iull Will T 1 o rb c -itrrffc c t-------- :— lilig ib ility could be endang Light In a rundown in thee seventh mnln'g agalnsi i’s Michael Jo rd an Is caugl id ithinking the Chicago's raced b ack to second raft. Tlie only way erko said, by such things as “ ac- for this y ear’s draft, lit a game-tying Perk also wont 2>for-5 and hit ssic Thursday. Jo rd an al; ____ ball would b e cauRhtt ar iring tho Windy City C lassl and then only Cubs durlr ue is y b o d y thal could continue i; for Ihc Players c tin g a n y th in g fro m a nyl c e p t m ade it as far as third. ird. A nd w hen double.’ree to it, and most A.ssociation to agree wishing to represent him. Thiss could i wish in d cd to third, C raig G reb eck g round )cct Ihat." people do not expcct even ven be a soft drink or a ride." >nc o f three W hite S ox er- flaw fla' lesiily field ed tw o hitss in the sin g le , driving in D arrin Jackson Jo rd a n w a s ca u g h t in a rundow n he m ade one 1C 'White S ox’s firsl made a from third for the outfield and on the second n :n S haw on D unston sinout rors. W hen and tagged out. ird, prc- run in the sixth, perfect o ne-hop peg to ihirt ght, a charging Jordan let per Jan led o ff the glcd to right B atting six th . Jordan laying a gam e in a ro m -ad — -Jordan was play e n tin g -W illie r-W ilso n -fro ;o-undcr-his-gltj\T -as-thc—vvex inn in g -a g a in st—the-ball-go-i ------------ tc jiro f-th c -u c c o n d -in allpark for the first m ajor league balli a base. . var L a n c e D ic k s o n a n d a fte r-la ln n g third of-foo u r-C u b s runs..scored in vancing efcrrcd to the chase record, and he refer bly not the last. He . C onlinued from D1 1 a g u e tim e and probably /A g a in st a n o lh e ^ iiin o r - -le m e very.insidc, the inning. three balls, the first one ;11.’’ as “a personal hell.’’ is )unced a plans to give his rnew game a year lefty, D ave Otto, Jordan boui en he caught a fly ball in left But when he popped out. aw 35 hom e runs and a ,320 the While Sox late saw as tu rn e d u p s id e went o ff and could rejoin1 th Iordan got a standing ova- high hig chopper to third-ihai wi the inexperi- the fifth. Jori Jordan looked likec ti g c." he said. "T liey'd sec il thi age. 'I'Should have had a vc for a in the season. C ra ig W o rth in g to n 's g lo v e ‘io '" ’*'" he said. "I' sl he sam e in n in g . Jo rd a n C n enccd p lay er he is inI the th( third w hen tio n . In the 'c a r an d sa y . ‘A a ro n ju s l h ' ____________________ I ycai joying the record." peaceful lime cnjoyi lomers and .320."’ hom . A lth o u g h m ain n yy fa n s c o n s id e r R u lh . o n Iho o th e r h a n d , w a s Kiwer hitter. A aron w 'v o rk ^ greater pow lam boyant and played in New nt vw ilh his position R u th ’s ^aid he is content - . • wvith ill the vaunted Y ankees. R ' legentl baseball history. rycats W CTC Oftcn elevated to h ium. Anderson said he feat: essec and . A naheim Stadiur al classic. In 199(1, T enncs 1-canlLimagir (AP-)------Ohio— Rht 1 w as in R uth’s "1 never thought <V fYfig ^ fT n tin [» sp ^ r^ s w/ r i t e r s . ----------- C O LUM BU S,-O hio-(A I pion C ol- am icipaicd a,sIr eventual co-national cham pi ibicctions " Jones said, cvc fHht>-Big-Tcii-^myjnajoLi3bii l.'" l {liink~nHKrpr o ^ shadow ." he saidTT v'aronsaid. iw o d iid u w o u ld j a i s c !briidu-pLiyiillJ0_U:3i z3 J . ^ g: hoics-to-fill-m------ D on-T ^dcr -------- last-sca^oti but-with-13'hol' ttn m iju :- p tc ttn ie iiii> c f c n ^ ;"anT'pTovide a blggjrr^ p in gate revenues a; State beat Brigham Y oung;"44-28 <= Igc County Sports Authori- Sta ve." year, has been o f the Orange R u th 's proper perspective." the starting lineup this yea vhcn he w as closing in on P ged Stan- payout to e.ich team. tc; 1991 and T e x as A&M edge tagcs the game, iiiiid Ohio 19' Fresno State . ty which .stag offered a spot opposite: Fi firsl game _ ,, for 10-7 in Bill W alsh’s fit yland Pigskin Stale w ouldd tm ake the perfect oppo- ford in the prescason Disneyla bnck-with the Cardinal-ia-199: ' [ ........ ............I )92______ _----------: rm o State.iclm ; C alif,- —n e n t fo rF resn --------aasiiic'A u g .'2 9 IrrA nahclr rc-guariin----------- ^ uld be very Iiappy to have' '■■1T igskin Chissic-team s-arc ccepts is up to "Wc would . W hether O hio State accc : _ b u l - l a s t . . ______ teed $ 5 5 0 .0 0 0 .Xor_playine,. the team, n th - - O h io State,-,- hhe sjiid by telephone. " If tee --------coach-John Coopcr-and the h Carolina year Soulhern Cal and North < they want lo com c. then ye: :s said Thurs- -they lell us> tl Ictics director Jim Jones s each received $720,000. w e will givee Iihem.ii formal invitalion. euc day. ................. : ■ . ■ ic v e rh a d a Big Ten team IF re sn o S ta te , a f iv e -h o ui r driv e But Jones said earlier if tthe coaches ...-W e’vc'ncv n o rc lh an -^L from A nnheim . bro u g h t me uld and players w ant to playy in ir the gam e, and w c would very much like to have fro lepostscafi,0 0 0 when it played in the 22fi. ny opposition one," he did not anticipate any /ears ago. „ ..■...■ JglT j son F reedom B ow l tw o ye; strators. L a s t.y e aarr.. N o rth C a ro lin a b e a t soi ------from O h ia State administra ~ ‘ :al 31-9 in the fourth annu- The Th Freedom Bowl is alsoI pplayed at chool year, so Southern Cal _______ “It’s not during the schc 'f l j ' •VTO.aij — ' _____ m rned T h ursdny, n oJ t'a l'a s the ~ d o m in a n l player in his,} iis sport ns* .•a millionaire m inor Icagi Jordati, n o w No. 4 5,'v wearing Ihc black and w hile o f the i Chicago. — Aaron — Ohio SiJtate off€fereiLPigj;skin Chla ssicspclot G o l f ^= Scott Sim pson, who shot a 2 -ovcrICC w a s,o b stru c te d b y 'a S , m a n 's stancc C 6 n tin u e d fro m D1 im o f the par 74. w as an early victin:o v e r and he g 6 t a clu b - pai Australian Ian Baker-Fii No._l, his__ .tuuglLpin. placements._On_N( j,.giving-him Ja-shoLat.lhc__tuu ‘P avinT R u ss C och ran .T Jr ;'l, rolled 4 hit short, chippcd up and firsl fir> putt, from about 25 feet, shml o f Japan | Q jip Beck, Hajim e Meshi; fcct:past.lhe hole, cauglit.thc -- - - - • - ■ A fn c a n G a ry ^(^■’ 3 5 . - and 58-ycnr-old Soulh f ro lled a n o th e r 15 fee y ear-o ld A u stra lia n fo l- lope, lop Player, a ihrec-timc.M aslC rn-birdic-oTTthc- pai-5 .sec-—•edge cd{ o f the-g rc en -a n d -cn d c Imvcd-willfaon, all w ere at 1 under par. nd was on hi.s way to his 10 yards dow n the fair%vay, y, leaving C o y c rn , b .II ond hole and Ja y H a a s , Jim M c G him a chip back. vn round, hin jnd U.S. am a' C lasson, John Huston and n is finished at -----------------teur cham pion John H arris even par. _______ crnhard 1 j D e fe n d in g c h a m p ioo^n'H n f n c s ? " ] g S eEaA T S T Y L E S , G K M A T ■ f j I J L anger o f G crrnany w,>as as at 2 -ovcrU BSI N O W IN Y O U K VALUi ccO ♦» , par 74."as w as N ick'Pricc < fZ im babA V O tllT B M O D E L — •-wc.-Nick-Faldo,--John..Da W oosnam all struggled to ‘ "Il w a s a fq u r^c lu b»jw jw ind." said Bakef-Fihch'.'w Ho had 'to to h ii'a "drive 400-yard first % :V MECG E N C Y S U P R E M E and a 3 iron into the 40C Set...........................‘229 •I V' Twin Se normally have ^ hole, w here he would non ■et............ ;.............. ^ \ 5 Full Set a 7-iron ^ c o n d shot. ■nSet....................... *399 ■ V Qvoeni th e h a rd e s t " T h is c o u r s e p la y s5 tl Set...........................‘549 King Se ur face on No. w hen the w ind is in your f 1,” Pavin.said. "T hat’s the way it w as today.” nnd ' A llcm got so m e sagjce advice ; savvy in sp iratio n fromn hhis practicc .C L A S S I C us jand-AmoJd'------- -------- round w iih Jack Nicklaus Set...........................’299 U -Jfwin S( ------- Palm er. “I learned from 1plplaying w ith .. _ . / “ \ l J Set................... ........ ‘399> Jtattack.A u=_ . « V______ _____ Full Set them yesterday,-you d om nJl ,nSet......................‘449 I Queen ni said. “Y ou A j ■gusta N a tio n a l," A llem f \ n d 1 learned J play il conservative. Anc our iron sh o ts ^ that y ou have to hit your Jay after play| ^ X high. I w as pum ped today I -1 1 ing w ith them. It w as an1 inspiration.” in X L A S S IC o th sh o t7 8 . N icklaus and P alm er bbol , Set...........................'329 fir ■ Twin1 S at A uT he greens, alw ays a1 factor fa S e t........................ .•..'449 § B i S FuHSe. ilc d by so m e g u sla , w e re co m p lic a lc c CTSef.......................'499, 0 Queen even by Ma.s- -----— —lough pin-placcm cnts cvc J— ~ had Ihc pin ac G et one Polaris lifcvesl I' lers’ standards. "T hey hai! S tthe lime m catch sIkIu of- Gi when vou lake deiiver\' o f a •c I had n ev er the hoitcsi (CSI bouts on waierl 'I'ukc a wl No. 4 in a place w here Sl.fi.sd. S l.7 5 0 or .S I.’ the 1994 Polaris SI..650. SI aid. I(u)k UI th seen it before,” Pavin said. ; ™ i r a between April 1 and May 31. iin d .tb c new .SI.T750, bo easy." SI-750 ;ii “ I d o n 't think it everr plays p ,ri% per' See the exciiing new I'olarii w o o l TO P fun macliiiics'are pure HiO "Y ou Ibcse fun Baker-Finch said o f the; course. co Minal wiitererufl models al icni! nSel...........................‘349 those 4 - and c^cuvmcii are alw ays w orking fo rr th pariiciputini? Polaris dealer.. right now. your Polarii pa '9 ............................. M79 ;e o f where the ____5 ;.an i6 ;jQ Q tcrsJ» ^ !\u sc^ r9— ven harder to ' pins arc. B ut it w as even placem ents." . day bccausc o f the pin plac ircalio n ea rly N o rm an g o t an indfca lh a l th is m ig h l b e h is y e a r. H e — ^----- p u sh « H iis-te ^ flh o l-o n-N ^ oo .-lrra H lin g - ^ — ----------^ 6 M o n t nR s^ S a T n B ball dropped | It o ff an o ak tree. T h e: b: # / # F A sC s eaviqg him no dircctJy b ehind a tree. leav o f T w in I 1 F a l l s ' shot at the green. 361 4th A ve.WV.. •734-4060 ro a c h e d h is B u t a s N o rm a n ap pprc H # wcept • b a ll.'a b ro a d em ilc sw | o v e r his acd an official.' -.v r-.......:!:i a U, .........MimL- IV'Lili___ / face, nnd ~Rc turned lOWiiE^ 1 Hu.milOi Mm .M. M'jJ A^,.|-a.H' ----------------- ^ y g f l g , r lyjj I’oUm InJii InJiiMnci 1.1’. nodded. N or- , w ho sm iled back and no s& S S S G tll PURCV •egial OWOHA^K SlVAtUES*!® EOIC®& M O U S^*lirsETS^ TYRESrSlEj ly A 1997 ^ ~ V o \m Wi a te r e n "Perrsonal 'V nd Get FREE [fevest! i 9 \jaapedtC 19 hurry INN0\ ... ^m ED WM iiE ^ ^^ONLY! ; , . V. . Kiiiiii»iuun 9LPIRI5 ^I/PO LA R IS KAWASAKI/SUZI t i ■ OashI Jellvery m l—M Free De glpand to Magi I RIver Woodl flays I T Jd o re; Mdh.-Fri: a :. o3 f0 a m - 6 p m FURNITURE A N D A PPU A N CE 0MB. IDAHO ^ l / g j j j g ^ S a t . 9 :3 0 a m -3 p m 2 1 3 S . R A IL. -f .1 - a 0 0 - 9 i 8 8 ^ 7 7 7 4 I r“ 3,1994 ■inFalls,Idaho' Friday.Apffi0,1 * D’- 4' Timoo-Npwo. Twin F iev^er for• goading5 player -E S E N ^^^on’t sla|ip intervM him ‘C hris Evert* on . •' ■ “I'v e calledd hi R ujiiutlitii^_____ ________ ^ a; c k tn c n —t h r r a d i o a nidj d J . c.-tlled him 'C h r is ‘ T h e 6,-f o o t-5 q u 'a rle rb m d o n the Evert' on the TV s h o ^ ' Rom e said. ssto o d u p , p la c e d h is h an :r, ‘1 “I'v e had to listen to ei^'lhe tw o • "He siiid later, ._ rro und tpble lh a t scpa'ralcij years. Ijusjisniippcd.” ’ _ _ R om e. A s'_ihis (or.threc ycai .and sm ash e d .il o ^ c r inlo■F — id h e d i d n ’t w a n t lb jum ped on R o m e s a id R om e to p p led , E v e re ll ju n m om ents later, P cu ;. iH iim !-N n.-punchC 5 a p p e aarc r d tn - b c ' ambu.sh Everett; f^ T n g 'tZ»"CT(i-U|) lillll.''--------'* ■ I "1 w asn t tryi: jl r e f e r r in g to" tl tlirown. ' ^ I D u rin g the in te rv iewV o( n .E S P N 2 Il w a s n ’’t m e an t as a )m the L os R om e said . ""Il E verett w as trad e d fronJm h im a s “ C hris. light,- Everett ;: I broadcast W ednesday nig anhijod o r a slam on Its Jifter l.ist slam on his m mai 'lbi.1 hib td m p sfw iim i Rt r"Mliy w as goou-naiuroi : V in d u d in g his pride, ll reall season. .Some o f h is critics, L - r'I fil T h c - q u a r te r -^ R v e ral tim e s, I .h im " C h r is liv c r l” scvc work 'ou.L”, .. his tough- and it d idn’t worl R om e, have q iic stio n ed h: - 'I H b a c k im m e d i- F ck asked him H. even after ll^e quarterback Rome said he w ill Iry Ihris Evert" M eanwhile, R< m ocking him as “ Chi a le J y lo o k • ness, n I stop. Evorott on h5s*show. H e' . ba is s u e , and — - a questionable analogyy consider- to get EvcretlI back I " W c ’Tc-nol p ro u d oiff w hat hnphe fie rc e st alsd said he; re rc(g re ts p u llin g C h ris ic r c a s in R ly i r r i t a t e d ,'as •ing -ii E v e rt w a s o n e o f the cxecu- b e c a m e inc: 8 —pfr>fT<-'-»»id-Iohn-A~W^nlsh. n 3ryrr- — EN-fn-lniothe-coi ^confrontalioOi ' ■ urtcinT lrhtston c ring a confer- R o m o p c rs• si:is tc d -w ttS rtiis b a n te r , “ 'compclitorij n ~ ' tivc'cditor o f E SPN ; durin pokcsm an said the club .> ^n again un ^ “ A Saints spok' —-r’a rn c d - h im - n o t- to - d { H t~ T lie~iiicident~wg^hliown th r in c id c n t— E v e rett-N var B Z e n c C T u llr-W c n c g r c n tti k c a - s t a t e m c ^ o n - i h c --------—je 'J im E v c rcit...a g ain .,"_ Y b.bu u "l> c ttc r7 (aV c 7 0 r“? t5 ''~ i' le v lslo n 'sta tlo n s'a ro u n dj ith c 'c o u n ~ w i i r n o t m a k e '; II.. o c c u rre d , as I.’n i su rc .Ji 'c rett said . “ Y ou’ve been liIry. ESl’N 2 'iV a sp in b ff'oj f ihc'cablc incident:'..... bre ak ." .Even H did.” ;rsta n d Jim has ap o lo “W c underst:: b lind my back.” nnetw ork ESPN . It began broadcastas aware that talking bchinc I Rom e said Everc^ll was )j>ofully Jim R om e w ill .gizcd and hoj>of low I’m saying it to your iiing last O ctober. iris E vert on “W ell, nov B he w ould be c a lle d Chri a id N F L sp o k e sm a n letw ockand a p o lo g iz e ," ssai “ESPN 2 is a different net ie said. face,” Rom e s I the air. icw \ ing and G reg A iello. "A s far as w e ’re conimiirking, refused to b ack JJ im 's m eth o d o f in |e rv ic R om e, sm H -*i have to say it w as not no w ith m ai-' ■natter is closed, except , a lo n e a p o lo g iz e . T h a t qquestioning is diffcrcTil,’’ W alsh said, cem cd, Ihc matt IS 611 in good d o w n , le t al I icc.” Rom e said. “ It was Iclerm in e w ho a dvised hi.” perhaps to dele; “T here’s o surprise clement. lUSting. It got seem ed to irk Everett even more, I fun. There w as som e jous cw w hal to him to go onn Iho ih sh o w in th e firsl R om e said E verclt knew o u w o n 't say il a g a in ," :llable.” . ' "1 b et you I out o f hand. T h at’s regrell . place.", ’ • " . ’ d. ecxpecl. I Shortly after E vcrctl cam c; e on the E verell said. S h I B R ISTO L, C onn.'(A Pp )y — ESPN ot discipline I said T hursday it w ill not for tau n tin g I ' in terview er Jim R om e fc m erback Jim I N ew O rlc.ins Sairfts ^uarf {broadcast, I E v e r e tt d u r in g a liv e: I; I p r o m p tin g E v e r e tt toI pr h y s ic a lly Brieiiy^ = | — s ii^ w , ' Rom e cxchanged pleas- ' . = ^ ^ •J ____ u _ I'c p: p ast.lour'yesrsrw fls-- ~ ketball coach at Virgima‘"thc . .M o n k , 36. on M arch U 11,, urging him ' lo rclurh. kc w ith G o lts University. hired Thursday as coach o f Boslon Bos T M n iA M A p p jr ^— - The Indian a p o lis C olls ■But He turned it down. _-jj«MipIa«»-Bof>-BrewTtrwhi • T h e R e d s k in s te a m ; during his four years.. 46-latt-vffar anti w.-w -'^S-71d^ -pl^ h^ Ffc-anlHTY-caivof^f I H a rb a u g h and. re lc j iicWcd uftetrili'e'scasoir ‘ Brown's contract was not rencwi $34.2 miHTpn. m said 5^ Jack Tnideau, the leam Wolff, 39, also has beenI an assistant at SMU, , Thursday. ^ ventu re. I l e-was^head— — •W akc-Forcst-and^trBonavenl Icdies-otAiD'S---X a v s '“N o n “plcln: C h a r l e s l ^ a n n , a f o iu r - t i m e P r o B o w lo r f oo rr t h e W a s h in g to n :licvcd TTie Colls were belii Collegc. coach from 1980 td'1982 at; ODnncclicut Co: - Cha'd Kinch, w ho played “ lv e d t o f r e e u p S 1 .6 millllo llll n f o r t h e t o a m to former to have offered ihe foi R e d s k i n s , w a s w 's aiv /ith w inning programs “He has been involved with forth Carolina-Charlottc in > Chicago quarterback a two- H l B h ' 1C past and, although s p e n d - o ls o w h o r e . as an assistant coach in the p draft pick o f the Cleveland “ y ear contract w orth S riu n iiy lo d ire c t a ih is w ill bc his first o p plo o rt CARTERET, N J . —UDS. Cl He w as 35. [J lapolis , m illion, T he Indianaf Division I program, I have every eve confidence thal Jer hospice care for HIV , ,he w ill bc a b lt-to -b rin g .th in Ihc Final Four for Nortl S ta r re p o rte d T hursi rsd a y . ^ .thec-sam e su c c e ss to . IDS, Henry Jam es, funeral 1 9 7 7 a n d 'w a sa N o . Id ra l The n ew spap er iture,” athletic director Boston University in the future Cavaliers, has died o f AID I Funeral H om e in Perth ----------H a rb a u g h ’^ a g rn t, 1. Dennis and I are o f the .'H e dfed S unday alhotne. Gary Strickler said. I'B oth Deni h Kinch had been under S te in b e r g ,.h a d so uj gg h f a niversity is poised (o agreem ent that B oslon Univc jj the virus thal causcs AIDS one-year deal. ss ai and its bright future return to ils previous success Harbaugh 2 d ire c to r o f ihe Jam es Fi id of Giants’ deal [° -round H arb'augh, a firsl-r( is an immediate one." V Am boy, said Thursday.laH< draft pick o f Chicago0 in 1987, became an unre. — Stale officials w ill la st m o n th w h e n he w as s tric te d fre e a g e n t I: e re m o n y onal League officials vio- K H a rd in g w ill m iss ccei He posted a 35*30 record os Florida fights end woived by the Bears. H icn Ihey blocked the problack-lie dinner and PORTLAND, Ore. — A^ bli ir q u e e p la y e r s ;ven-year stint w ith Chicago. a starter during his scve =• TA LLA H A SSEE, Fla. ^ hiteJiouse ceremony ncxl t San.Franciaco G iants to -W XI w eek is cxpecled to argue Friday that Nationa '~in ~ t h e — • drq w 150 a lh le le s w n o0 _ coTTipeteO c ^ d s k lH S -s e e k -r; / co u rt upnelct b a se b a ll's ^Lilleham m er W inler Olymnpics. r a l H y a i k r g n a r i l " ■■ lated aniitnisl law s when “ “ C o w b o y T in k ta pic T o nya H arding S i e ffo rt lo su b p o e n a ^w on't be one o f them .' IR V IN G , T e x a s -— T h e D a lla s C o w b o y s p o se d -1992 sale o f theirlier aging veterans, (A P ) — T h e fallen on1 their th W A S H IN G T O N (y he sale o f the G iants. The T am pa Bay in te y ts . nm iliee, w hich losl a ■yl Johnston to a three-year, The U .S.-O lym pic Com m i signed fullback Darryl the him and retired,I ind the P o sse is B o sticc look l H ogs arc-all g o n e and A n -O sceola C ouniy U.S. c: Supreme Court deci- „court battle lo hold hearings }s on oi w hether Harding $4.2 million contract:t Thursday and announcedBowler Charles Mann, nber. T h ere’s no Four-timlee Pro : down to ils last mcmbe II from law s pre- „could skate in the O lympics, ;s c la im to quash an earlii s, decided nol to invite Nate Newton had agreed to de that Pro Bowl guard N w ill sidelinedi nmost o f the last two seasonss cluc as 10 w ho the quarterback qua ir, records pertaining to the lom: ey general from sub- her to the event, USOC spoke: okesm an M ike Moran s a contract. ee .in ju ries, d id n ’t and w as ..............be, and ihc new coachch is from — o f w ith -k nice Supreme Court lasi upheld -j, :d court ruled that a 1922 U.; iwboys, by day’s end, would social e vent w e are said Thursday. "T h is is a1 so T hat m eant the Cowl freeing up SI.6.millio.n, , _ all p la c e s— 'D allas. ........................... -waived, fre to sion exem pting baseballinfi 1972................... . st sponsoring for ihe Olym pic; team tea and.w e ihoughl... ... have se v en -o f t heir eeight o ffe n sive P ro Bowl :,-the franchise’s m ost popularif ... Monk.-tl Sm all w onder lhatI the thi W ashington e lyn a question o f the attpr— ^we w ould bc well advised'nov n oiio'creaie'fl-dlstrac--.............. isoh under contraci.'Thc‘'Iasl vented the Florida atio players from last seasc nd the N FL’s all-time leadingg Redskins may have an identity crisis player and ity to in v e stig a te ," sa id jj^ Id poening records. The Sup his :se rie s o f events," rk Stcpnoski. lion in W ashington fo r ihis holdout is cenler Mark n in g practice. re c e iv e r w v ith 8 88 c a tc h e s a n d 65S as they prepare for sprin vl the antitrust exemption hief in o fjh e antitrust s ection Jkloran-said,from the U S O OC’s C h e ad quarters in pjinduccd-dcpar-— to u c h d ooww j i j nin<-H thp ex o d u s ■;_WIlh"lh’c~salary'cap:ii y -geiieral’s office.-|!.Thcy ..-Colorfido-Springa. q si " “Right now ,"lt's p u rely Colo, ^ e d s l d a s ----------r h a r l e~s'Mann' ~Wegnc'sda; day~ rirghtL J'_r~ ~ .~ ^ ^ Z^ I = Moiiicto:leavrf irth e sun and lmve lrc u v -~ ' ney g e n e ra l's au th o rity ^^sEmSiiibrnpUyrTinnotniccd-: er — 'I he Rec i — — .ASHB P R K ^ C =^^VitTMonk,-prD-foolb8ifcsr ^ anti A rrM uiiK , liiL -R«dskinfr-4ind Re Jerom e W . Hofftnan, chid 6 . aa<cy c h a rg e in th e J a n . " s^ tla c k o n N a n c y ~ der, declined the latest conikup o f their 14-year relation-'■ career receiving leade: :re resem ble the the breakuj Norv T urner now here - • in th e Florida jUQmgyLg K e rrig a n d u rin g th e UI.S. .S . F ig u r e S k a lin g ill le av e th e W a s h in g to n cr Monk. 36, rejcctcd c lub’ss ship after ; tr a c t o ffe r a n d w ill _ Redsicins o f old. ityJiirts c o a ch ______ c •Championships in Delroil___ , lid W ednesday:--------------- ‘^“ bred b y'thc exemption'.” " ' jr-Icaye-itioffcr .9 ^5600,0 G 0 _ “ Rcd.skln5;ihe;teain:saic ........ - -M a rk R y p ie n ,- I hhe c : l 9 9 2 ..S u p e r .. takc-ittor-1 — --------------------— C om piI« p E e d '^ o w iie r ^ O T tt— ,s Wolff,' an asaistanf-baa-----. h e-team m ade a 1f firm o f fe fb f.S 6 0 0 ;0 0 0 to Bowl M VP, is slill on the payroll al for w halIt vw ould have been fiis"’15thh ............T S3 m illion. But aftee r Ifin ish in g tw o season.■'!- Boston .University. ihe lo w e st ra te d ................ ................y ears in a row a s the lo— :” B O S T O N ;e Dennis V N FC , his future .. qua rte rb a c k in .th e NF here also seem s bleak. ■ as well ^ ' T urner is looking al Rypien F s_stUl_on the maras several free agentsjt: ■ M a d e I nr» ' down "nie jo'F’or kci to possibly hold do X✓ U .S .A . iust long enough serve as a b ackup just I new sigjial raller., ________ fgr.^im to groom a new tr an Ul ^ as he did Troy Aikman I Dallas, . hird p ick in the -■ “B u t d e s p ite ihe ihir r * I & th e R e d s k in s ’ -------------d r a f t o n A p rH .^ 4 ,. ;h S----- E x -B e a r sig n s d e a l | - -• I It’s hlog he;?aven in D.•C. noImore rs leavin g, -new ^ideH tit^ W ith m an ----goneHRee A inncssce’s H eath hopes o f gelling Tenm Ifer from Fresno S h u le r o r T rent D ilfer :r since Ihe Co lts ' ________ Statc_appear.dimmer_si 0 Atlanta and th e traded Jeff George lo A lingler know h e 's — B engals let David Klinj vulnerable. B O C h in sjo ^a fle r_ IS to helpin g guide D allas I consecutive T u rn e r g e ts his S u p e r B ow l title s , Tu ew te a m F rid a y f ir s t lo o k at h is new voluntary” three* w hen he opens a “voli day minicamp. saw th e m w as iT iF ld s T tim e he: s£ ie ld in T e x a s fr o m a c r o s s th e ffie ifte r C h ristm a s, S ta d iu m ihc d a y ufte w h e n h is C o w b o y s3 ol o ffe n se scored hand W ashington. ________ four.louchd.owns tp han its w orst defeat sincc IS It tl the Hnal nail in T he 38-3 score put th e coffin o f'R ic h ic: P Pietitbon’s one* y ear career as a headd ccoach. Pelilbon mai w ord unlil 10 w o u ld n 't gel Ihe formal o nclu sio n o f the d a y s loter al th e conc son in 30 years. R edskins’ w orsl season /e 1had an Idea of B ut he had to have ?oys owncT”JeTry ■ h is-fate w hen Cow bcy J o n e s ran onto the, field fie d u rin g the 10 break up a chat pre-gam e w arm ups to b id IR e d sk in s C M b e tw e e n T u rn e r Tind ------------ Charley-Casserly. Jim m y Jo h n so n ............ A fte r Jo n e s a n d Jin pa rte d w ays, T u rn e:rr rm ay h av e had ul 1leaving Dallas. second thoughts aboul I f so, he w on’t say. “I have the best said la s t w eek jo b in fo o tb a ll," hee si w h e n a s k e d a b o u t th e tu rm o il -------------V alleyRanclK — -----;n’t h a v t the B ut~^ ric-ccrtainly d oesn’t iging John G esek ' players, despite bringin W a sh in g to n ’s - ........w ith h im to b o ls te;rr A line and spending agm g and crippled line C a rd in a ls ' Ken $11 m illio n o n ,th e; Cl ’ll be th e p a ss H a rv e y in h o p e s hlee ’l have lacked since rusher the R edskins bav M arshall a year trading aw ay W ilb err W ago. ----------------A l to g e t h e r , T uwici >ehind a t D allas. B ow lers this y e a r beh: Here, he has none. Gone, too, are the last los o f the H o ^ sivc line' lhal car-; the legendary offensive ------------ rie d —W a s b lo g lQ n _ >o la f o u r S u p e r ’ Bowls. Center B osticc m ra ade his retirelonth; tackle Jo e m ent official la st mon ost o f lost season Jacoby, si(;lelined m ost expected to db ' w ith back spasm s, iss e: the sam e soon. --------------- To m eet the N F I ,’s, tii th e lio n c a p o n p la y e r t R edskins are having to cut their pay— r>-.ii h v SIO m illio n . T h e b ru n t has I r iR E s I L 'S T m U C 3 . 5 — B b b m ■ » ! r o n z e ra d ia l e r i c a n u fI o r t S y i l l W e ni o w t r a c t i o n • ExC(s e a s o n b e l t e d ra • W h1h0 0 t h r i d i n g c o tn f i ■ c e lle n t w e t a n d -s r p r ic e ] i l t e w a l l s _______ 3 1 .9 a 2 7 .S 9 I - P 155, 3 2 .9 9 ;e 3 4 .9 9 “ - H i . P 175, S5/80R 13 3 5 .9 9 i?;” ! ' P I 8i5 5 /8 0 R 1 5 3 6 .9 9 2 2 -S 2 1 P I S '5 S ,/8 0 R 1 3 3 8 .9 9 4 i l i i P I S J5 S /8 0 R 1 3 4 0 .9 9 _ .P 2 0JS 5 /7 5 R 1 4 4 1 .9 9 B H IH H P 2 0)5 5 /7 5 R 1 4 4 5 .9 9 P 2 5)5 5 /7 S R 1 4 _________ ; 4 8 .9 9 P235 m s m m pl H H ■ ^ I I H ^^^■ 1 5 5 S R 1 3 ^ ^ ^ ■ l6 5 R 1 3 ^ ^ ^ ■ ie S S R 1 5 17 6 /7 0 R 1 3 1 8 5 /7 0 R 1 3 1 8 5 /7 0 R 1 4 1 9 5 /7 0 R 1 4 ; -r • A ll s ' S m . cm 5 H ■ V \ ^ p ----------------- )“S /75R're i5 /7 5 R 1 5 )5 /7 5 R 1 5 _________ _ :e 7 5/70R 13 44^99^1 P 175/: 13 4 7 .0 9 p i s3s5/70R /: 35 /7 0 R 1 4 4 8 .9 9 p^B5^■ 4 9 .9 9 ^ ^ H P i e35 s / :/7 0 R 1 4 pg/ftn P iA . _S2J09 35/60R 1& ------- 6 6 .9 9 35 /6 0 R 1 4 . 6 9 .9 9 P 205/I 35 /6 5 R 1 6 —a i.9 9 - ^ 1 P 205/I 1S/6SR 1S 0 3 .9 9 _ _ _ p R ic r ^ B :e ________________ __________ m T lT iiT c T M fS fc M f )5 /7 5 R 1 5 /4 P l y P 2 3J5/7 5 5 R 1 5 /6 Ply > 2 e /7 5 R ie /8 P ly LT22 > 4 6 /7 S R ie/1 0 Ply L T 24 a S /S S R I 6/10 Ply P R IC E >I 'l |; n | ■ I j^ B J iR 6 2 .9 9 ^ ^ ^ ■ P ie 5 /7 0 R 1 3 6 9 .9 9 ^ ^ ^ ■ p 1 8 5 /7 0 R 1 4 6 2 .9 9 ^ ^ ■ ■ ■ P ig 5 /7 0 R 1 4 P 2 0 5 /7 0 R 1 4 _ 6 6 .9 9 P 2 0 S /7 0 R 1 5 ..........6 8 .9 9 7 1 .9 9 P 2 1 6 /7 0 R 1 6 ^ ^ ^ ■ p 2 2 6 /7 0 R 1 5 _•_ : 7 4 . W F a T a I M i V j WJBBb f > j 9 9 !9 9 ^ ^ H 1 0 1 .9 9 ~ ~ SAMERICAH c a r tARElJENTER Cf l a u jLt K i l m b B r i y : B o a d . : ____ I W I n F aall l s * 7 3 4 - 4 2 8 0 »8u8tor».l ■' 7 3 .9 9 ________ B 8 . 9 9 ^ ^ l Ta ■ ( - . / S flsB ri: i s, [■■vin'H.nlis, Id^il'O E-> fim cs News, [v Announcerments TheTim es^vs . -------------- Tl 3,000 readers a day Reachmotethan53,0 Aprjl U. 120.5 TfKl.iy A| ■ S s j ^ ju s to n e p iio n e c a li! w ithi ju Z Z Z R V ie _ J 3 M B - : i B j l i l l l l l i l f l i UUl “ r. : : j - 7 --------- — r e c a l l :l 7 3 3 : Q 9 S 1 - d X t Z2 f o t m o r e I n f o r Tm n a t i o n o r y o u r s eei r v i c e - r e p r e s e n t aa t i v e - — B -------- 5anjpS)isH«----------------m5( ^ : C(9jnjoiH« J _____ w:_ll»neito£ila-......... ...... ■-60. tgjlusiii___ :_______ BO llTijrj AC/jfS • — — ■ ■■C — r : £iH^aSi'TKr,U------ OOt UmidingUjtriUlt ■ V 0jj.>ctiwmirtrtm-—• I** _ 7 T O 5 A lovY^TWI-* - H| ■ •\ ---- W'M«iYui;(i/4:cn.......... 1100 n-ijrprjiimH---- ---------- - _ ■ iOC-Jtiomo'lomrt N. Kl Peoonjis ■ P no 507 K«iyw>n‘5unVi'«yH»T« m taotnmo .. BBO - R A I L I N G S ................. H\ H ydraultc P lp o — -• bM I* CinmvCJUIatDrrCf. N _w r!wSiliDic« “O M O P SQ U A D . 0 /d W orld F looring^ .S T O P I OM Canptfef. 109 SounJOT GATES R ep airs • 5 0 tW ol A TM -llom o a 81 luiwooJ rD O N 'T L E T J U S T Spring has sprurjgl . A rtistry At Sliid AQHA G rullo' IM l’totr.5»;™iw«ivict? At 811 FEN CES W'0eecan ; fix wheellinos 110 PrMcviCiriSfr^n 5I 8 luMietSCs'prf. Hardwood Installation s|, Lot Ht A N Y O N E try to Lc us loavo your houso stnllion, Poco Buono. pQc 817 5} 8 ItfjlroiAtf Ccna.lvO'iind til lUralsFcrli-'x DRTABLE WELDING in tho field, 813 I^Dwotjljffl 6 3 Acrr»:« AId!: 8 Finishing & Rofinishing ^ u ' Mount, Throo Bars 11? lioommjlMVVinlM smolling liko Irish springl. Fir Music . T ^ od W asko. J r ropair your audio. sn withw S 4 tiw«n* I’lOpeity fl ith whoeJs on tho pipes, 113 U-dUCj^aS<rvicn Painting (inside & oul) k P£ DBI5 fjlrfi'irjtani V l( 5 5 Commeitul Prcwity video. & car oquipmont. /AJi area of Magic Valloy brooding, produces 4,13-5545 3-' Swc« CHiwlaiy or 733-9460 eves or just cloan-up Bn0 'Wo havo tho factory 5G PPo oto B u tto n 734-5972 326-4185 o r 536-6731 3; Grullo Dunn & Buckskin ___ ' your b one piles B S MM-juili»lnjrr.enis S aulhorizod oquipmont , fo 1 r F roo E sttm n to s ■ colts, 4 3 8 - 5 5 2 2 . ____ CLYDES a 9 Citcc iQiMimcrl a, e x p e rtiso to d o the 671] Pc» a •JuCTlf. _________ _____< ■Sp r in k l e r p i p e --------- ^— — ro im nn r D o tnoy?--------m - r7<!?2 r t loolvVjcMnert _ J E 3 H ^ OflTHkVESrCOLOftS NOf REPAIRS C a ll u s 1 s t . ■ U?3 VirierrloMl/ServKei it o r i o r & E x t e r i o r lnt< 678^71.49____ B^4 VrffOfHuipTOraflV ^ P i Procl8lonVIdoo& Audio ■ r u s h , r oll & s p r a y , m mn ^ a M i W i K E U i ^ M B ru Ml A<»TW*-.lf3!«»vWiAio«m «ta II mrt deuvered H __ , 7 3 6 -0 8 6 1 ________ __ F r o o o s t i m a t o s _ [ ^ K 2 ' l --------------------------------------------Sand-&-flravel“-topsoif-----S{ 820 C«uect«leiiViliutlK ■ — — ^ R o fo r Q n c o s B h S HARDWARE cloan-up Insido: '' •?05 Uer^ji^iou-ja'id ------------Dar[<ina'^?^s!^otc _ ^Spring P| waiisrviindowsrcDninqsr — _____ Ul I Ulll.U-.111WJl« ' ____ Z adjn d e r s q n ' s ' ____________ - ••— - —w - o w w r a t ----------‘ _________ 'te'DoWCWIMiKsrs ----- •• cupboatos. otc. iMTi ITErtlOR & EXTERIOR SP/7/i NORTHWEST ^ PRINKLER R EPAIR COD ftfTiAf&txjtns __ U parode]your o ld , JOT R«UuT3nl\0W'»" .Sphnaclcan-up_ou^dqi 3uso,-tuirns,loutt>Jdgs —rSetvice ervicestaft-uiHiriBinlcferw!:-------------___^ ^ 210 ,__________ BM l)rWn»(e&J»E« ■• ~ r z :---r COMPANY.-INC.--------->P' ---------- r33^T23g —-----------^ ;'3 8 6 or 486 power C u s to m E x c a v a tin g I hauled, lillinQ. 324-2829 ? 3 mS OpCOftisvKM *^1 nin jiila r nuitilnliln “ ^tnriirup n t _ _________ G raval Snioa------------122!: R o o ^ E silm ato sr Iko Anderson 733^119 -----------------S 1 9 9 .0 0 — ..I-----------;>*, _________ ; S fircinTOtA>S/lrto IJl IIUyaVTlLI fU1U I ' 7 1 Unum* PnsJ««n T h o m p so n B acknoo i ^ 010 rJHwiWiUii IMS Tho Computor Place., . b -- _____ 2i8..£melDi1Mf.lAKad_ - s o rv lc ff IW .........-0 1 tirmilef IW"I ■ . ... ■ -to u se ^ a in tin ^ mi C12 PntutnlO'Rtrt ^ 1 5 ADDISON AVE U Auto A ui Insuranco quotes. ' 908 MolMltomfillVi CI3 WtnMloFUfll Y o u r P ric o 734-1667 ■ OOQ StowVcfudevtQwommt independent agcncy. g o30O-S4D0 n por house STA STAN SNOW CPA Many sources lo choose 220 yoar warranty 911 I SStan ta r & S c o tt Snow SAWTOOTH SHEET ---------------------------------S. 912 U»^trTr>J«r} | C arbor I n s u r a n c o . E u ro p ean Pointing • T a x return METAL ID I-M V A goncy Healing/Air Conditioning 733-2774 Ipreparation C o m p u to r S y s te m s STA H CBA FT C 7 3 4 'B 0 4 - t ^ R efrigeration 331 SuUneuOpOO'lu'i'im • Auditing 486 COM PUTER 302 Mwiffrtolojn G lass & alurpinum C o m m erc ial & Financial Planning 303 UoncvWjrtoJ Hard Disk Orivo&CDROM boats. Fishing,'skiing & ” R e sid e n tia l ■ 3W Invtjlmmts • Bookkeeping & B 1 4 - C o lo r S V G A Jf. 701 Auceonj all stylos in stocic. i m ~ ____(208)733:r8.M l. _____ W f _ TATEWIDE PAVING____ ___ --------Rayroll-----------------------300 , BuSJn«»to Quanc-J f v lo u s o , D O S , 1C 01 TBOrorM Merccruiser storn dfivo. X ! Irufieullew» Driveways • Farm -arm Accounlino Service ic«r Ainoi’jrtiiiwiri pForco & Morcury outtjoards. r ^ s W in d o w s ■ a 1C03 AutMlfl'Bi'HlUM Parking Lots 736-1711 S 1 1 9 9 m low AutmWintM Tony'9 L andscaping __ Full salos &Sorvico. T o ___Soal.Coallng .. 21 219 5 th A v o .E . 2 0 8 7 3 4 5 6 6 3 — m Aulhorizod ropair sorvico for U m H m m M U m h & lH om olm provernonl cR IS A > •REE ESTIMATESl! R Mon-Frt 8-5. 1039 Bluo bikes Blvd. N.TF " MERCURY&FORCE All types lawn caro & ^CALL 736-1157 ffS ir " otho is K a ! “ . ithor tim o s by o p p t PRODUCTS. fiomo repair services S more! -----H om o re p a irs fior rm VimVmn ■ M w im lOlO-MmlPcrUiHl uHARBAUGH MOTORS. « l Scf«x«/lminjca(m do wtiat you cani do!' o f ati k inds. *W *Wo 1? !lSi’c«u.{<«rt IBM AutoSovcB " ICS Vac Inurti INTERMOUNTAIN ' i; imiuuan 15 INC. 536-6323 AutoDeUcfs D ALE J5!yrs expof. Free estimates. 13 Pour.ry&ftJt*.tJ m mYSIDDOWAYSCPA no) U s o d .b o ats In s t o c k - : ., ' COMPUTER SERVICE 7 3 4 -3 3 2 2 - 14 BwStiMB in ir m F J r fs m s m m w - .......... ^GonTpotcrtzH-pfopftfftboft" —— '0 R ^ b l r . R ocolor & IX. relurn preparation ■ 734^2939------^ -------- "W o" •*<Computer i peripheral repair R oflnish rather than gnnk ookkoeping 'P ayroll • Bisir^ ingml syst^ &rK f'^ ----KNUDSEN •move &replace Porcelain. p _a rm S e r v ic e s F • Sra busjfi(« acarg S bcclieepng -s RAY & SON Landscaplng.& Lai Yard Care ccrar iramic tile, f tjorglass, cutturcd to3U4 - 7 7 8 8 f o r o p p t i Coll 733-4590 CONSTRUCTION Trc Tree i shnjb trimmino, stiimp rnartsi rtsie.maxx arils icounicftops to rrjlj^ patterns &colofs 25 grinding. om Ta>ii>g apps lor spring tc P J I f X J . U M J I J Fl 25 Y RS EXPERIENCE Up Uf to 65% savings! J . C . B U IL D E R S E Responsible, reliable, . icnilaer Icriil &chomcal applications 1, 8 : 0 0 t o 5 : 3 0 • S a t u r d JI work lo guarantoodl &gc general yard care. 733-5946 All ali Ccmpimt^onstniclionServiB ■ all phases of construction. F«« roo «»Um»t#» on upgrading 733-5369.Freo eslimatos! ____ Homo building, room " 7; -----------------;-------------------jorbom9orrtnta! proprtiri----- -addilionsrfem odeiing — SHELTON'S TREE — Tho R oflnlahor SHE N ood y o u r lown 30 yrs oxpor. Froo ostimatos, _ D R A G T D A IR Y SERVICE Construcllon & Welding 543-4934 ir d S tr M f W K tr P .O r B C o ll 3 2 4 - 2 4 2 8 C C e ra m ic W o Installer m o w o d th is s u m m e r? tree topping, tree New or Remodoleci iW a llpaper h a n g e r Wo would lovo to caro for removal, chain saw Rnrn«i or Coffals rom _>t)Ui A Intorior p a in tin g T w in F a l l s , ID 8 3 3 0 3 Kwc yard, fleasonab'o rales.^T ■ |■| V 7 7 * 7 j 7 7 ^ ^ ^ B — work yofkr-chi'ub tfioirn ini*;'' . ' ~rnmmor>*ftTXV<ig73n77f).iP ------^ — r, rrStiTOval, h a u l i n ^ r — OTTSr 3J4-5630Bffer5offMMm43. F r e e E s lim a to s 32i ny kind. Yard work or Ropair & hlanufacturo k ^ = = m = famj/yopcrat/on PPROFESSIONAL • any J■o h n R ag a n 543-4966 WHATEVER Gatos & Trailers ROORNG& V FREE ESTIMATES COATINGS FRE - 3 8 5 0 N. 2 1 5 0 E. ----__RlcK‘5 P ro fe s s io n a l____ H O N E Y D O . IN C . ____ F (2 0 8 )7 3 4 -5 5 3 8 '33-7438 - 324-6641---------- r 33-7221 o r 326^5857 ...... 733: l a O Q K K E E P I N G I — Filer,-ID 8 3 3 2 8 -------- u/S .Word's Home Co'nstnictlon _ Landscaping Lar & Lawn.Core,' M 6 - M 5 4 -------------no Spring clean.up, mowing, , ^ “om P m srdatrtncJuslnal.----------S E R V IC E _ Room additions, remodeling. Spi sidentiai. Buildup fools;........ ....... olectrical. plumbing. No job ' iiInmming. shrub work, • C o m puterized _ 0'' 100 largo or loo small. 20 yrs roi rololiiiing, otc. Rots avail, ^ oaks repaired In 24 hrs. . d & L TR EE SERVICE Roasonablo Rotes ■ orihapod.... Trir 734-3ia0 *•734-7698 V E V Z T T I 2 T ! * — .Trimmed oxpor, Fioo cstimalos. 7 M a rg a ro t T u b b s _■ fomovaia .stump _ : (2 0 8 ) 7 3 4 - 6 y i Coll W ord 734-6294 ------Inding. Freo esttmatos. ' T h b m p so n 's M owing j H ........... ........................ .. " Th isu ro d . 536-5185 o r Start your rodwoodllwk ’ -------------------------------S -’YouCn»r'Em,IUow'Em'. _ , --•yo [0x 1 day's p u b licatio n ' "AffofdabijQusinessSyjtBms LAYTON R V s by 1 -; 1-800-536-5185 • 3:00 P.M. Monday pro]octnow! 1_2 Lawn sprinkling systems, -Affordabio. roliablo. day Ihrougli T hursday for nox SKYUNE ~ ' R ,vinyl h o u se siding. I-..................................profession^ lawn ca/oservico. .Wo havQ a good prol Sookkeeping-S lax ' e a s o n a b le r a te s . . -,-.5 ifl0 .p ,H ,F rid a y f E x p e rie n c e d . p, iy for S u n d a y ^ publication Coll proparmion* SBA loan F ree e stim ates. R efs. Ci Grog for all y o u r' , (jlection of NEW 5 th ation. — ............... __a pow ;_____ Powor raking, shrub •.10:00 A.M. S aluri sslstanco • Involco _ Gail 324-2862-Hurry!........ lurday for M onday's publlcali W H E E E S rF R A V E t^ ^ h i m ' colloctions Froo Inltlnr Hantfyman"Sffrv/co" " Ke D is p la y A d s: T“ a rjoi gonora! clean-up. 326-5836 or ovos 326r504S h MOBILE MOWING p•XPANDOS y TRAILERS consultation 736-8665 g In slock. " Free fj estim ates a T im es-N ew s' ■ ‘ w E in s z n ^ M ^ Yard cloan-up. ^ •Iso largo selection of . ' • 3 tinsiness days pi -' C o o ll’s T r o o s prior to public'alion.. Call a ' yard work & iTiowing. ? in lo rm a lio n .-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____________ ■triw rlkinn Sales I "- I ^ T' ----A-1 ORYWALI-----------' ;Muriuugti, Hmi!.an,-------^ ■ HONEY P OriN ertt----------;f es Reoreseniallve lo r more In' 3ED RVs & RV Repairs. Drywall installation, laping & Kimberly & Twin Falls. N o lo b to o sm alll Kii GENERAL H MOTOR Jaxturing-IB ytlexperience.------'r 3 -Caii-DEWEY-TUBBS------7 -734-3535 o r 432-5273- — lARBAUGH ~ ~ IN C 5 3 6 ^ 3 2 3 ^CONTRACTORS Jobs largo or small. 734-6271 ____ Jobs to bid Grog Losslng. owmor . _ Btuoprint copies' C o l o r a d o B lu o . 733-3579________ ------------------------------— - E V EVERG REEN L A W N S I 734-PLAN ----lar o pen ra te s S p ru c o & ■ S e n io r Di Malntonanco, romodols. , ; Mowing & trimming D is c o u n t- 2 5 % off re g u la r A lu s t r i a n P i n o ------------------------------------^N o l s o n '8 D r y w a l l ^ aaditionsfromthogrouixliip.il Sp Spring cloan-ups, powor , lar o p en rates • S tu d e n t [ IDAHO TRACTOR (or Ih spring planting Dr Iho Taping & toxluring, Quality i,'s H 's broken wall fa rt, il you want rak raking, pruning, planting. It D is c o u n t'25% off reg u lar ACCOUNT-ABIUTY SUVACE so a s ;oason. Quality stock ' work ol a conipetltlvo day, $ 8 .5 0 ■ ilwo'll build iL Wo can handle \ • M entor Wood & post control q ,- , &: transplant trai Bookkooping Sorvico , service at rato. Anything from homo ^ job lg or sm. 17yroxp n o ria i N o tic e s 12 lin es, 1 d; any 'Fre estimates 736-6002 'Froo “iiying yY salvage Iraclors, a y s, $ 5 .0 0 cCYMA. GU.AP.AR, payroll „ropair to now conslruction. lo a d ers, b a ck h o esrJoo o o ;s o n a b lo r a t o s . ■ W an te Davo 825-5853 n te d lo Buy: 5 lin es, day: & fork lifts. T r . &ir^venlory, WP 6.0. T e e s 7 '- 1 2 'a t • MIko N elson 734-8569 ___; aw ay 3 lines, 3 days • F re e Ads ■ L ost 8 :o ll B ro d 7 3 3 -0889 440C Qualro Pro, Quickon & 1400 N. 1754 E. Buhl T in k e r s it & Found, ite m s to give aw quarterly payroll toports. m N • S p rin k le rs * ■ T T rn iT rT ^ H n O < R T H V IE W PAUL'S HOME REPAIR Jen r a le cDopondablo & oxc refs. ■ •Sei T R E E FA RM • L an d scap es • H ■I u h U A U U 'F a u c e t s , to ile ts. S e e o rd er fo rm lo r o m o p e r 543-8491 after 6 or lmBms9 ■ 5 4 3 -6 7 1 4 • P la n ts,& t r e e s * H : . w a to r h e a to r s . -----------------5 • G ra d in g • K l Ropair & installation. Loacla,roadgi*i(Jer,cany-a3, • W a lls & m o re ! • “ ■ Eloctrical.carponlry repair. ...... ................... ............... I _ MOST_BRANDS • F a st C ash A ds • __ badAK-Bute imairlains _______ I . F r e o . e s t i m a t e s . — - F R E E E S T IM A T E ---------nploSlOOO' -■--- ------------------ ^ S2.75/lii *' Satoilito syslom s * socTimont ponds. Driveway work, 4 2 3 -4 8 4 0 ■ 3 2 4 -6 5 1 7 'S/line.lOdays.-loritemspiicednp • Big S creen TV's • q ALAN'S General Carpo.ntiy oravd. ditch removaJ, viii 1/avct. 4 2 0 -4 3 4 0 B onded ____ Is* ' ■Camcorders • „ • RomodalS‘ Now ^ 670-1614-676^744 • G u a r a n t e e d A dsalB s < . Cannot be •CarStoroo.& conslruction • Specialty {ClRCi^T CONSTRUCTION ----- = EE L IE C T R O L U X G 7 days leg C a r d e n T illin g . •loctronic oquipmont • .vacuL 5leguiar price/7days (ree on items for sale, acuums & shampooors. - • lor sale ads, fldocks, palios. patto covers, ___ L used r WORK OF A R T I a w n m o w in g , • Copy a Fax machines • « camons.shods. Small lobs ^ e a n '3 E x c a v a t i n g ;ed wilh olher discounts or real eslale lor s central vacuums. P Handyman services P'o w e r R aking, otc. D Sale: a fopairs. 734-3244 ^ Jales, son/ico &'repairs; - Weete must run consecutively. B & R T IL L IN G ^25yrsoxporienco. - Home ropair: Electrical, H , & P a v i n g ------A N D -L A W N -C A R E --------= “ ^umbTng.Tiglit'carporitry:-------^A i ^ ~ w n 7 T T m n H ' v Wo \ do asphalt driveways, Same ~ ^ 2 3 9 D u B o l3 7 3 4 -5 6 0 4 S painting yard & building ) it will be in c lu d e d irt | ■ Atid S2 for Mcfi3c 'pPa rk in g lots, a s p h a lt f C a llJ P E S ' clean-up. 733-0 9 6 6 ^ la rf, tti i l r m Siirirliy s o it pI a tc h in g , g ra d in g & *■ 7 3 3 -2 3 1 8 I^ B lo a v o m o s s a g o • H w m A H H . to p s oil- 7 3 4 ^ 2 2 8 I tJlagic V ilu e s _____ ^ lBiwwa|-ii H i m H yES«£>j 8 "i r = ' i Business Hours: irday, 8:00to10:00 Monday-Friday, i Address: B0)T548;^"“ ; 132 3rd :r i }8 , - LineAds: 30 . i-GelMetAonsjjed e c iils b y calling a Service flepress/ifaf ifadVe. H e w s C u sto m e r J m e s - fle ire. in e s s e • Pleise check your 3 ir a il th e fir s t d s y i l a p p ea rs p a r tm e n t , error, report it lo tlu th e C u s t o m S e rv ic e D ep s -- r - -lojeceiiiejrt-siljiisti P.C.M. -1 P R O fosslonol ■ (Cleaning & Maintenance ‘ " I-Homos, Olficos. Ronlats, Now Constnjcllon. M aintenance repairs. No Job Too Tough! cCall 736-«0t2. Rofs avail. Freo E stimatos ■ of V alley F on c in g for froe estim a te s At Stud APHA Chestnut yJ Toblano ttsIDon by Jet Rapid Browod by tma Brownon, out of Dawns EartyUghlmaro, 3produces color oul ol AQHA P' mares.4 5 5 - 5 5 2 ^ __ S N A K E RIVER .. M E T A L C O . . Melal roofing isidit^.? or 3' .26 gauge &.29 gauge. Star>dard S ctetom trimmade Sta to your spcdficalions. Check to; oour prices beloro you buy. 2 0 8 -7 3 5 -4 6 5 3 o r 2< ___ 1 ■80 0 - 5 6 0 - 6 8 1 2 islirien l.------------------------^— so f, re c la ssify o r • JkJintes-Newsrei re se rv e s t h f r ig h t'to c e n s o i etiiig reject ar)ycl3ssilieil ie d a d v e rtise m e M n o t M e t i thestinrlsrrlsoftlie ' m m m m B [ . ■ JO H N 'S Wl WORD'S WORTH SHARPENING pro(e» ■ofBSJlonal Word Processing ' SERVICE Rcportcports-Contracts* Mailing Lists arbido & sloel saws. In Resu lesumos*Lottors*Flyors business since 1976. 733-1606 bu 141 B ra ck e n S t. S. isaw saAadiSonAvtEnHlilUQBf) _ • -^ 7 3 4 ^ 4 0 5 0 --------- --- -------- ' th e p ublisher. ^ T h e aes-News l W O M E R i S a e a k e r s 5 . S (c h o o l M ^ ICE -U m -it-upth s s s s s s S i _______ • i-5375 Bl BUHL 543-4648 • RL£R 326-5: 'ENDEli 536-2535 ; JEROME/HAC ■iAGERAAAN • GOODING/WE^ i52---------------- ^------ . ■ . . -------BURI£r /RUPeRTa 7 8 ' 2552 _ _ \ _____________ . . , -J lighway Traffic Safety Sponsored by the National High' HighwayvSalety O ffic e ---------dministralion and your State Hig - f e a L B K 1 ^ • ■ I' J----------- . ■■ - ' ill:;, lo.ilTo TiniVs-Nc'w:,. Twin F.ill:;, l e g a i s ^ A r, n i Ffitl.-iy. April eiu-> ( i rB O u n cem < ................ . e n t s - E m 101-208: loyment ......... 1 ( p l < MEDICAL/ 2063 M .E G A L N O T I C E 104) PROFESSIONAL .EGAL NOTICE LE( .EGAL N OTICe. LE LE SERVICES , 0OEWTAL ' . mpolilivo salary o llo r ^ . Compoi iow od in tho q a m ^ ^ o t _ - ^ BANKRUPTCY: MEETING NOTICE No. 5u7 o~Tfho B oriddciary viow' Jo. 411 'ol]? 'MulMimo-dopondablo pf a tfortiabteaHemative-------- loMul 'win Pnll.r. Id,ih0_ ,. ■olof Thn Fnlk. Rurnl FiffI. Twi NA. Apply Jn porson 820- • r ' ^ 9 - 0 0 ' A , t f “ o 4 : 0 0 . -(0^2 irgtoppinflcrodilors&bjll ' CNA.^ >UBL1SH: Frld#y; April 1 .pro, jroporty to bo sol^ lo sot- frorr District will hold Iho soc- PU Braow*-AvorSuhlr*43-— r— r ^ -N Q B IU ___ ULA— ------------‘oirju M*. ‘pivW odnosday. .Apf il • •■'cestloooni'riwj nt tuiiEUflBiwn sprog ind8:1094,-— sfy uiia'aisnarnijjTr-^--------- P^itt ' 11 i s 'J p a tiiln t-tid n ^ — ' ............................... ... u m toity' muuiiiiu loi— nnt iOl tiaskfofP^nvRow. . •, l'594, unlil Iho timo of \Fran R. Komblum 6401 ♦^ J 8 4 '2 1 - 1 1994 9 DATED this 2nd d.iy of 6), 1' on Tuocdoy, Apr»l ncNOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S DA‘ Ti) look J t y o u r own Iroul ■oubic .m d ntal Assistant. 3 days a . 1 ;nlo on April 9 .1 9 9 4 . , a „lornov o, nt Law 733-5900 Dental, February, 1994. cnIo 12. 19W a\ 7:00 P.M. ot VJ 73 12, SALE • Fob ook. Cerllfled In ox; ____ _ k now ' FIRST AMERICAN' TITLETho tho Twin Falls Firo Station aj ordoblo U 10:00 o’clock A,M. on FIR A Q 6 4. tho nn’^ y n aH ^ iniiofi ^'>pnrl _________ •' • 14♦ -7 _ ■ Th.il vou v n ttt^rlf -nmi n o o n o SOMP'ANV-----------------------1»-« luiiu 7, <904. in Iho GXfioO vC O 0--------------:------------- r-TiHW t"bi*d5 aro to bo (or c ash . S E I I ourteam.' Sood into lo ;.. ~ t: w/Darlono Diahl-Nllssan A H b 'E a s t.T w in Fnlii 3 'in;,tho;_oj. il.First.A m ofican.T 't.i .0 — ^------- h a s m 2 d c . i L ’L . . ttwtJor<:Doyounftdyou - -’ S 0n nBox r 105. Twin Foils, ID mvfurmcinoy-ot tho Unitod: -A lto , • - Classfoom. U m ist OKicor, • lowfi ■ ' Coi Company. 2 G0 Third Avo-- Tm -S o p h o c ic s .......WijiT- ■ T- "- - ••^■ 'E A S T donl havo timo lodoan “.J 3303.__________ _____ ' . Statos o l America, at s a id . PUBLISH: Friday, Apn! 1. stat PUBLlSH:'April 0. 10,ond nu( luo North. Twin Falls Ida- PUI yourhoucoorbusinoss? ♦ 75 PL ♦ C3 clinkMl RN-LPN noodod. . ' 1 Quctionsole. . - Let u t holp youf Call 3 IS nnd 22.1994, quci 10. First Amorican Titlo O^J 11. 1094.______ ^_______ f)o, R clinl. ▼A 9 5 2 11 V K Q 10 8 Datod this le t dny of Apnl. , ontoct MR Bodily. Twin : . Company, ai'T rustoo. will . .Laurie. 734-276a.or Conto UNITED STATES . Dati NOTICE OF DEADUNE Coi _______ :> .K 9 _____________ N ;otI,al.pubIio nuclioQ. . « ? ___ __ .'-.DEeARTMENT---------- 1994_________ 19& ______ _______ -'7-734-415*. ovoninna.------— allfcXIinic & Hoapilol__^____ L meed ~ ~E0R 1U NG NOMINAT-__5on -------------4nI-J0 9 6-2----------^ :E 13-3700 0X1206,_______ , 1 Shnron Bryoo. Deputy City —— r^o h ip h o st tiiddoT. tor ■_■■■ OF JUSTICE___ ____ Shn ___ ING PETITIONS Ihc — — .......... -............Bi Clurk ash, in.jawlul monoy ol . Immigration ond Naiura!-.- - ..Ulur Publjc notico Ir. horoby., cos 3 A N K B U P ,T C -Y --s ;S m ■• P i ide,’. . . : . . . .................V. ■.......-S O U T H -■ _ l . .. .ihc.di^unond king offside, Publish: April 7, 1 9 9 4 __________; ho Uniiod Sintos. all poy-AU^Jhaplore 4 AG----- -p o rt-l iznlion Sorvico Pub art-limb 4 ”on.cail os i givon, according to Inw. tho 0” April 8 n 9 3 4 ~ __________ Igh," replied •.‘ |♦ a K Q IO O 15 horotjy givon ' Apn rolatod c ates 1 noedc ibk) at tho limo ol ealo, - Notico N( ■Not neiirly cnouRh, -nnd tho rociulciio nciion ol nbl oeded. Minimum experit____ 4 ----------- ...................... tho Board ol Tfusioos ol ihi _NO.T1CE-OESCHOOI-------------— Froo-T otep^© — ^ - once" rice 1 yoor. Compotitivo ,1 Iho following d o 6 crJb j^_ ppijfsuant uf uld havc been------------- --10 B.C.p.B.-So.c.:-------N ----------N o rth r-'T h rg a m c would TRUSTEE ELECTIONS Don 274,9, lhat tho followtF ay. Apply in person at i rbnl property, cituatod m tion -Joint Sehool-Otstrtcr «316. —rbi _M -ihc. diam ond--------------- ------- - 7 - 3 __________________-Jo _______rours-if-you-haci-Ukca-ihj ^-776ol00-548-2166 FILER SCHOOL DIS538 Ing vohidos w oro se ize d p laho Homo Hoalth 4 Hos♦■A K Q Uf Unccin County. Stnlo ol Twin Tw Falls County, Idaho. W mH. Mulberry finesse the o lh cr w.iy,’ ol their u so in tho TRICT NO, 413: ico, 4180noidn. Ruport. | boc Idaho. Ihflt tho dondllno ond on doscribod os follows, bocaiiso 2 2 yra E xp e rien ^ ___ ^ :ir. Vulnerable::BB'o th NOTICE OF DEADLINE commission o( Violation nc South ruffed the thirdd h eart, drew (or filing nominoling poti- to-wit: tocon nl R u s e, 1324faLlSeC:---_pOH-«WNe-DE€fa^RA--------K Tf lions lor School 2ono t-Jo. Lot Lo 10 o( Woavor Subdivi- q(.| Jth lio lis lop clubs. Dealer: South AfuB-timo.7on-7o((. trum ps, nnd cashod his tion 274(a) of tholmmigrot K TIONS OF CANDIDACY ____ — srortri-ilof. Idaho, oc- tior -4 -B 0 « fd -T f0 9 le 0 —o n d -----11:30-10pmp06hioo.0ur _ from .dum m y.— Tbc-bidding;n HLam ondim retal Viow window washer. - tolsCAPandAABBaction and Nationality Act).__-j-|. T H E p g B L ia S H A L L Cryst School Zono No. 5 Board _ -...cording_t0 -th 0 ,o(ficinl tior Sc ----'es-I do windows’. Carol ,vc,l A low diamond was ledd (0 l< dum niy's cdnvoybnces aro tTAKE a: N O T I C r t h a l nn Voc est North E ast Tn plat thorool rocordod en Thoso Thi Trustoo is Apri! 15. 1994, rodilod, ExcollontbonolitB ' 6 ubioct-(o.forfoiturD.excopt_l.oio{ 24-4397 for froo oslimato,' ---Bock-3-of-Plotdr-Pni}0-6ub nloctiorx-will-ba_hold _ o n 324 , ^ ______ nuecn and E a s t's king, and ai th c dia-------------------------iss____2 > -------- EiSS------------at-3;30P,M at0^d compotitivo salary. a s p ro v id ed in 8 CFR May 17th, 1994, Tho purNominating potillono tor 13. ro c o rd s of Twin ns um m y's acc. ^ Pass ■Matfic'vffiavrflogionai------- -— I iss Pass Pass mond retu rn w ent to ddur Duso cleaning. 0yrsexpor. 274.5<b). Tho Imminration poso ol sold oloction shall Hou: taid 2ono5 con bo plckod ■‘ Falls County, Idaho 27-: Modical Conior ' ,i avoid anoth er There w as no w ay lo nvc ond (Jnturnlizntion Servlco ^bo to oloct a trusleo for concoming tho one up nt tho RIchtlold School Information |ni PO Box 409 ' , Ing lead: H eart king p*? Ith could manOpening (INS) is considorlng lorfoi- ^or t Zono 2. to servo for a po- ____ diam ond loser and South District oHico botwoon tho location of tho pfopOrty (IN turo of the eeizod convoyhours ol 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 ' may bo obtainod (rom tun mtJC5Jonaraoani(i!n^<^ —u«ivr flo d - o l- ih H » » -y w H f ® ‘’‘-PrDtc age only nine tricks. —. ' ll°, ancu5.-flnQ_inuic_Balif^oLZJ)vo tfvo-da t o o t tb aoloc tion—^ - P:»»h-Mo>iUay ihrtp:FririaY;i== = m o r n U ’tG fb ,-V h o 4 o - ^ « •£0E ■ I fllT H THE ACES * Iri (ron* April 6 IhfU April 15, oforoncos. Call Doo or -----i t Persons seeking election rof' tolophono num ber is othor oth disposal according ncssc aRainst a missi (2 0 8 )7 0 5 -5 5 1 1 , Ac- 10 10 Inw. Any prospectivo.., to ,tho position of trustoo 1994. ^obbio 736-6088, NA or i qc I - nc^-r-,1 -in South. ■Pa»d.lhlt.^ih.day nl.&pnl, — — ^ frii'n g .lo .ih o Triir.t- potiiionors for rolio( rom shall tw ijii^QcUii.ihn proious boutii iiu id ^r --------------ift4<,reHhai>-Uw-otviouJ rr m m r p m T T n m r ttr s — A ^ poreon iogoiiy qunii- - = •Tc/cnanui'U'iPynu, Limx ©rsuKJ lono ' p|36 " io o r n w c a r e ^ ^ ^ ir Wct. - t t t c s t— ;;-------------^ N orth’s sw liJin j' iu)swi'j " T tT ^Board of Trustooa __________ n n n o n rs a s : 8 2 t CF iiQd ill g.4lh S;., Shoshonp. • fini to^hofd tho offim o f . . nILPEHSQNALt^ARE 511 E ; ,~yon 1 7 T T F 2 ----------------- --------3o has thu J ia tmffTd-^i»g,y ,al^*raya .------------:-----Joint Schidl "DIStrfCl“ MO: s c h o o l tr u s to o lor Flhji —T Yakima Avonuo. Filer, <;/ SERVICES 722S 274.17, S u ch ^titio n s f o r_ -|° [ ever, you can 316 Idaho. 27^ _______score thc gam e. Howcvc ♦ K 9 .• J I [>o(fod,immndinic]y^ M 4 :s ^ -_ - ^ ---— .................... -nJtlotjTO7ri9np,'tyiB;3I)l»5t — TO-Rtrhfir>lrt-tdaho----------------“ ts -trs-^-tstrt-wm-Bg-nrgflpr.TDll' '!^.!M ila ^ i ^ D ! ! l m ° i ^ a ----- --NA’s. rr —* 1 ...................— will assist with In NA’s nnd companions for _j -TOBOSH:-Frldpy Apnl ti\ - without covononi or wor- t»to likjdat tho INS ollico o l--_candidacy for that offico“ E xtprCNA ^ now caro ngoncy. f.-,. mmo earo. 733 .8 OIO. nowIn-homo I o r doublcton king wii^iiTE£ast.-^ “ - -■ - -............ .O . Box 112. H avro. ond S u n d a y April 10. „ranty regarding Utio, pos- PH.« or D o cla ra tlo n s of C ondi• x>m in liconsod homo, ono , ContaclJowelotl243 Co should North Soutl >Utfi ' . 19 ■ To m ake thc game'., Souih Sc __________ so 1994 ■ session, or oncumbrancos M Moontana. 59501., a n d ^daq< mooting all legal ro- -R oot Lynwood Mall or call >n ono care, CNAstallod, J-IJ should bo (iled within thirty V “ quiromonts shall bo lilod om jnd acc a fte r i ♦ 1V NOTICE OF SCHOOL to sau'sty tho obligab'ons she r33-6849 Mon-Fri 9-5pm._ k cash dum m y’s diamond lnll734-3537,.............. _22i< {30) days o( tho date of with tho Clort< of tho dis_Cnl socurod by nnd pursuant (30 TRUSTEE ELECTION so he cashcs his- 2 + ? draw ing tru m p s. Kcxl. he KKfod Immodiaiolyl CNA's. j, trict ot tho district o (fi« lojho lirst publication of this trici SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. to tho power of solo con- Iho S NA's for rosIdenlAl cnro ' |T a diam ond to high clubs and leads-a c 3 CHILD CARE &I. NA catod at 700B STEVENS. 113 (orrod in tho Dood ol Trust advertisomont. ad 411. (01 cati scores ANSWER: : T hree ' clubs. G am e AVENUE. FILER IDAHO, oxocutod by DAVID RAN(i On 22. Mar. 1994 nt AVI dum m y’s queen. Thc queen qu TWIN FALLS COUNTY, ox (1) SERVICES DOLPH CtDNRAD, on un- 10;00 ib AM ono 1980 Lin- no lator than 5:00 p,m.. IDAHO D < w henever W est has thee kkiin g o r when chances a rerc; slill alive. R aise clubs senings available lor cenifApril 1 5 . 1 9 9 4 . D oclarn 24 h I hour child care. ExperiOpenir m arrjo d m nn. a s gg coin T o w n car. C al. 2 Api n NOTICE IS HEREBY m, king and leave J l thc next decision to led CNA’s. Apply ot Magic k Elast has dropped a singleton sin] incod. trust-worthy, with fled C Granior(s), FIRST AMERl- N nfF709, tions forms moy bo ob- on< VIN: tior GIVEN: That tho onnual Gt GI /alley Slallmg. 200 Pnd t; queen fa ils lo partner. ofa. Call 733-9450 ._ Vallc under the acc. The que from tho district o(- rof: CAN t ItiIE COMPANY, 0Y82F627498 qy was seized tainod tair oloction ol school trustoos C> ok nsTruETDorfonho'txmofit— o f -Ihe-doubleton---------------------■olTwiTrFaTriTldahortJintfir-Tit^ Tito:-------------------- ------------------- cCortiliod nursooassjsAvu. I ------------- --------------------------------“ forTwtn-Fatls-School-Drs— toi ns Polling placo for Trustoo jsHions coon for full timo 4 t nnd socurity o( JACK H, an on d C ost Bond roquiroP{ tanllooUngforchUdronto Poslio irict No, 411. Twin Falls on king, but som ething good go( happens Zono f shall bo at FILER jart timo RN’s nnd LPN'o iri f nuutlimi 10 The Ant. PO. Box c< WILLIAMS, and EUNICE mt ment: $250,00 Zor aabysit in my homo. Wookpart 11 Couniy. Stnto of Idaho, w anyw ay. E a st m usl offer HIGH S C H O O L . HIGH3^' vlinidoka Memorial Hospital fc Tcxu 7»:s, «IU> MlMddreurd, y,|| husband and Roforenco Rq Cose «: 944- HH will bo hold on May 17, WILLIAMS, w days, moals, &TLC includMlnid WAY 30, FILER. IDAHO......... ind oxtondod caro lacililv. H :ond diam ond ,u„p^„vciope discard, nnd th e sccon lope for rrply19 1994. nnd Iho pollBolsoid wl w ilo. d a to d J u n o 19th, HVM-00236 h\ • W/> • - odi - - - andc ., l.M, r.ilur. Sjndlc.l. ^|, Jonlact RoNao Smith, B C opri>*ki. i»i Donna Lutz. Clerk ni 1991.’rocordod Juno 19. Call Trisha 01734-5642. Cent ,Doi oloction will bo opon bo- ig loser disappears. vlinldoka Memorial HospiB 'Filer School Oistrwt 413, — 1991. as Instrument No, (21 ( 2 ) On 24 Mar. 1994. ot File twoon tho hours o( 12:00 ig _____________________ tw consod child coro. Moals Mink ol. 1224 8th Stroot. Rupert B 91004085. D ll roconJs ol b:00 AM, ono 1987 GMC File n oon nnd 8:00 p.m . on 9 1 n c l„ a la q o s.7 3 6 « )9 2 _ _tnl. 1j vfj|l43C-04&l -------5 -R 1500-P!ckup-W ashiw |lon— Oa saldoay. 2Tho abovo Grantor(s) aro 5 j March. 1994. Roa jdlologfcTochnologlst H 55544W VIN: Ma Tho purpose o( soW oloc' PUBLlSHi.F.tIday.A>flLl______ -iG-TER-l'4H8HJ60a808, PU i1l-timtrASRT-«oohn<^ltt,------- f i n o r r s f a r t xi-to-oioct o n o -g < 7ir67flft. ' •folHin and 8, 1994.______________ ____ w as soizod ot H ollister, am Tiommogrophy oxporionco . mam trustoo 10 dorvo (or o po- , fIdaho j Codo. No roprosnta1 necessity. Call lor moro Claim ond C ost riod o( throo (3) yoafs from tion [9- is mado thot they oro, Idoho, ric o jond B roq u iro m o n t: 1 nlonrtoilon or send resume tho dalo of tho oloction or aro not. presently- ro- $480,00 0 : St. Bonodlct’s F.M.C. who rocidos within Trustoo ®' sponsiblo (or this.obliga- pRoleronce j aodlologyDopl. PO Box Caso «: 944Zono No, 1. Only thoso pP i I ■ I I 1 1 1 'J I S66, Jeromo Idaho 83338 HVM-00240 qualifiod doctors residing “o I ^ 1 ■ ■ ■ 'J M 1 1 m qi *Tho dolault (or which this at call 324-4301 oxt.233. in tho spocifiod trustoo 8o!o ' i# to bo mado io tho , 3 . (3)' On 27 Mor, 1994, at zono may voto (or o Zono f ® RN'S N ^wantodi Wolkof Conler. to: 12 12:00 PM, ono 1981 DotNo, 1 candidalo. Legal do- (nlluro nonprofit hospiiol, speciol______ i f y o u a r e u n aa tb le t o c a ll o r c o mQcc b y T h e T i m ^ (1). moko tho monthly In.6 u n .3 lo .h o ic h b a d u ld o h o _ . Izlng in oddlcllon-psychlc-------« “ r 1ptlon o t-» n o is ovoil- -Istallmont of poncipal. in- 2T32 pi 351 VIN: II n a i l ~ t l i I s ~ o r d c r ' oblo itomment. Now taking opN e w s o f f ic e , s im p ly c lip a n d m upon roquost, and escrow foo in JN 1PN 03S3BM 015491 ^ plicalions (or RN's, training_____ Polling placo (or Tfusloo lorost ° plical “ , soizod ot Twin Foils. f o r m t p o u r cclla s s if ie d d e p a rtmm i e n t s o t h a t w e Zono No 1 chalfbo Blekol Iho sum ol $479.78 duo. was w .jb ft-tp th -day .ol. OcW> m :t-d e la y . ^~6 loniuumiy^. 607 G utund ' -S e n d ------feqt»if«morU;— s — MANAOCMEHr - - f Ing^\d. a 8 ^ 5 ^ r calljiid^^ ~ Bicyclo found In Buhl area. ___ of $ 4 7 9 .7 8 d uo on Iho g, S250.00 Bic nt l.flOQ.227.^190, Dodamtion o( Candidacy 19th day. of oach nnd ev- r , Ploasocolltoidontrty. . . aosi osponsiblo loam, manage ------Roforenco Caso «: 944P ir k p e n c il o r p e n b! boQfinfl tho nnm o o( o p rint clearly w ith darl - Please: pi month theroaftor; u> mobile homo pork, mainlain , 543-6009, ____________ fjio HVM-0024S 54 : nominoo lor oloction as oty D7 OFRCE/ (2) comply wilh Paragraph 3 c h a r a c t e r s lawns, light olect.-plumb. 207 1 arc approximately.23 < Found: 2 piecoa ol linoleum lav • There ar trustoo must bo filod with A.4. o( said Oood o( Tnjst. ^ ing. Rotirod.Qkny,.Exp.^prp:_ _ ' .. CLERICAL In ing Any p o rson..clairnlr'g Ir TF. To Idonlilv 543-S377 tho Clork oJ tho Elocuon ^ r H n e ' ______________ . _ ,ih iing blank spaces)-pex-l -■-{Includin (orrod, Salary.* SMco-Fax. dminlstroilve Soerotory---------"Found: Malo Heolorrroan ft- - tw no jntbr thiin 5:00 p:m. o n --'° .bo/?rV .do,llnquoncy all -eolzod-convoyonc05..moy__f2] to 310-377^4378, t c - s c h c d u l c _ w h i c h -------whrto-iNf-tfockod lajl.-found,- s oroaumo : i-pay-according-to-ratcNursfng'Administf ation-,-------—•Plcase-p; ,taxos and assossmohts df-.. ^ ofcall310.S41.7674 commenco judicial forloiNotJohnn/sCountryctom *lhat *soid oloction shall- •[“ lull-time days. Roqulfo-.......... locting said proporty. Rpol ,y, turo proceedings in United Qted below. is print( an 93.CaliaS6-2112. bo socrot ond soporoto property taxos nro dolm- g , monts: High school grado- • ■ ____________J b; 32-ADULT-CARE . . JJ]®*]; -Staios-District-Court-by.lil:__^ ■F6und; Malopup.w hitowiih- 202bailot. ^ P' inn a claim ond bond purAbsohtoo voting sholl bo quont qi for tho first hall o( in| slwro^aw^or oqrvalont'^ tan sp ots. Stovens& H w y i s s l f i c a t i o n | ^ aro flivor for oldotly to work socn suont to e C.F.R. Soction « I r u n m y a d i n c l a s r P le a s e i pormlttod beginning April 1993. j in tho o rig in a l 274.10, Such cloim an d _2l oxporionco, 50 wpm typing lin Stll 326.5042 in rosldontial caro homo. oxm 19. 1994. ns provided by amount □, o( $726,64. plus 2. ond and Word Porloci skills. bond must bo lilod nt (he Lost: to; 3/31 lomalo col. black woflo basod on oxporienco. _____ d a y s . I J'S oction 33-()46. Idaho penalty p, ond intorost. __________ f o r Prefer oxporionco with with whito markings, very op opportunity for advoncoProl Immigrotion and Naturalv > as omondod. Any This Amondod Notico ol ization Sorvico ollico. P.O. etofling-schodullng and n c lu d ln y b la n k sjja c c s.) I Codo. C friendly, S olJorom o. Call mr mont w1tllr^ln.3?4-8S24, Btaf fc I (P rim o n e c h a n iic ic ttc r p e r a p a c e p le a s e . Incl qualifiod (rustoo oloctor Dolault q is rocordod to cor-' *2; hospiiaTrDuiinoaanalunc- .. -hosf .who.ojipocls.to bo.obsont. .roct.lho.jjripInai-Noljco. o(. Box 112 . Hnvre, Mootarw. - _3324-1381. - •____________- T^ S H tS U H U R A L------r l l inm _ _______ I __ -fctrsHrrHeteliofVf'inielufe- -203(mrr. thn nictrif-?. nn ihr> ' De p ta oH.' lnM rumofr4-?^e ,— .......... it, I" ............. ... April 14, ol Cassia kTomo^ within twonty ( 20 ) days.of c Sch n au zor. fom alo, salt — -------------1-----------------* o( oloction or who wilt ; .1i9 9 3 0 1 8 8 8 0 ,ro co rd o d tho doio o( tho lirst puWi- q rial Human Re - ■ I day ?bo uriablo. xperloncod outsldo porson rial Hospiiol. I and pepper, rod collar wHh Exp bocQUSO ol O c ctobof.D cfcom bor 15, ''' _______________ _________ I b sources. 2303 Porko Avo,. I ______________ ^_______ sour cotion of this advortlsoyvaccination tog only. Ctfll lordalry.ailphasos.good loi physical disability or .blind- 1992. i ro c o rd s o l Twin cf r»w«'n^sa C a ll3 2 4 ^ fe 2 ._ J lld j mont. Tho cloim must sot n ________________ [ ^n ^ s . 10 g o jo f e Pollino ’ •' p.ll, noQ.«;on.1 attnf fi pm nr ^ m rn .inh/ IHflhn______ f ISigtlPLOtm--------------I ■ _____________ ■_ =ami hond noodod lor grayE |O l 432-S252._______________ Fat ploco moy moKO writiun Tho principal balance is claimed ownership of tho j-^ ------------ T = ------------------------------1FVD______________ ___ ity irrigating &troctor work. opplication to tho Clork o( $54,281,75. $ togolhor with ^con 1. v e y an ce nnd allogo Lost: Male Chihuahua, light 15 l _ L -------------------------orod but not ready lor lull•Yoar Boroc tho District for a ballot o( jf ion & whho, Adams & Hoy- -% ti louna job with house. thoroon ot 8 % por ^ ■I _____ -------------------------------------- s tho kind to bo votod on ol inlorost timo Can 734-5123, timowork? Bo on • bu rn .n e o d sm o d ica tio n . ___ „ annum-in Iho omount of 7 ' AMERICAN TEMPORARYI ■ oloctlonrwhlch-npplication—■j$i:498,68.-a5-otFobrunry--‘ Form help nootJod. (Of tubo_ AME — Ph>ftsocftll734.A16S--- . -F a claim must bo accomfiaWo'nood data entry dorks. imgalor&lroclofwork. Wo shall contain tho narrw o( •1;-t094.^ and-oocruttd-int—^ ■MTTfftrtTy-irboft<t-if>-tha-----bookkeepers, socrotorios. -------^ o a 4 2 3 .5 0 0 8 -. . bool tho oloctor ond tho oloc- lorost. ,, All dolinquoncios amount spociliod abovo. small, bull, tiiolopup&yrrwr ~ s ■woTiTprocoaBorsrfooop--------------------------------------------- 1 IE tor's prosont oddross. _ nro now duo together wilh Fann 1!^, collaf.(loffytniroars,& Fr laborers: Shoshonotho form of cash or certionisls. Soosonnl, tompo__ ___________________ • 1 DDoiod Ihis 2Sth d a y of a.n y lato c h a r g o s . nd- in whiskors. Last soon on tilied check. If tho bond is rory; PT orFT. You tolfus----March. 1994 ^ 1W vancos to protect Iho so- in !" tho form of a check, It CamoySi.BEWARDIICall ( how much you wont to _ ______________________ _ 1 RRosoStotfons. Clork curity, and loos ond costs ‘must IJ 734-1934. ^^ milker noodod. must I A d d re ss______ bo drawn payablo to ________ _ worki Board ol Trustoos „ associated wilh this (orclo- Iho Immigration and Natu- Lost: bilingual, 537-6916. ' Tl§Twin Lq REWARD! black with erxiak sc Can 734-6452 ; Foils School Distnct -------------------------------------I 1 City/State/ZIp _ rnlizntion Sorvico, whho v chest & foot, Lab Tor- uoj, or ro folp wanlod: Exporioncod in t 678-9295 Burfoy___ Datod: 28 Fob. 1994 , X. last soen on old Bliss noneral farm woik. Hood ir- EOEI — D ftor •Qg M/F/D/V NEVER A FEE -------------------------------— , r__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _______ I P hone N um ber_ Norman L. Mercer Hvw. ^ Call 837-4529. K ligation. sprinWors ond Ml- [mmodloto FT oponing lor — 1 Chief Patrol Agent ’ ~ T W IN F A L L S B I T ! g Ik), in oastorn Oregon. Call i I S E L L I T ! I U Y ik secfolary-ollico morwoer, PUBLISH: Friday, April 1. ]I m oo n e y o r d e r is e n c lo s e dl ffco r $ ___________ 3CJ Will n il Evofy Nood P ffor f ihonosi, organized, proI □ M y c h G c k o rm A T in iu s-N o w s ClassifiocJ A* N IM A L S H E L T E R ^ S oU tM SB ), --------------• 8 nnd 15 1094, Vanlod: Dairy hordsperson (qsj no) , (esslonal, doloiled Individ- . j Q Bill m y V ISA oo rr M a s te r C h a r g e (citcinonoi for 600 cow dairy, exportuol with oxper wilh WordNOTICE OF SALE p.oun d & F or A do p tion ,________ I F oncttsi o.nly.^ho.o6ing,fur-_. ._p„f { • C re d it C: aa r d N u m b e r______________ -Porfoct,.tolophono rocop-----“ _ _N0T1CE.IS CIVEN.thaiQ_lf I — D ogs-oro lisled ln-Tuo»------“nishod. Send rosumo nor» buslnoss opnrotions: lion, _Lrrz.T: .i..____ ._'_.E>^p>ra!ion -------------— •public auction will bo hold , day. W odnosday; Thurs" — _ : Z ' ■~i~i ------- ' 304S.230W .Jerom o.lD omc outo noodod. $ 1000-$1200 T. by tho City of Twin Falls, day & S u n d a y T im o sf. mo. ; ___________ rno, Resume to: PO Box Idaho a t 1:00 P.M .. on tN ew s. L ocoiod 139 6th -2B333B. : i u l e _____________ 446, • Wonted: Exporkincod 446 TF, ID83303-0446. Saturday. >^ril 9. 1994, at ~ ~ A v o W .. a f le r n o o n s tho Polico Station which is 'o n l y , M on-Fri. C lo se d swathor operator., immc mmodlato oponing for toller ! DF THIS NEWSPAPER ^locolod on Lots 11 through J soll-motivaled.mechnnicol pos position in Buhl's Iriondliost A flEAOEn SERVICE OF ___ C harge p er lin e SaL ^un & holidays. Call u “ Num ber of PDays__________ a 16. Block 74. Twin Falls : -2 2 9 9 lor m ofo Iniorknowlodflo, fot year-round , bank. ban Offico machines and ^ 736 k ..............$ 3.'10 p o r lin o .Townsiie. 0t 356 ThlrdAv! ation. This Is a public omploymont. Call 'c a sh s dtawor oxporionco •“ 1 -3 d a y s .......:...... J ,7 m ..............$ 4 .7 5 p o r lin o onuo East. Twin Falls. Ida' 324-7148 lof Inlorviow bovery vor helpful. Excollont sorvico onnounMmont o( 3; 4 - 7 d a y s ............... ..........$ 8 .0 0 p o r lin o twonn9nmlo5om. v vqt ho. ot unclolmod.porsonal wording coriditlons, com8 -1 5 d a y s ........ oroDonv in tho custody ol — ^lolo^bMoftt^ekago Is 0 ^__ __ ..............$ 1 4 .5 0 p o r lin o ----------- -------- 1 6 -3 0 -d a y s r....... ■6iH ^ ity-m d~ doim w j-D !r- 7105 ; !M-CHIUK!AJ1E— ^----- =- - i i j S K s J a S f e , PERSONAE" - . ■20« follows: ” refs: PO Box 466, Buhl, ID _________________________ fofs 83316, EOE____________ ITEMS B Babysitting in my homo, 833 Buy E’ola onorny-woight loss Ba _____ _ x $ /lin e __ ___ ,1. lOcompuiors . . cloan A loving onvironmonl. • Olfico qu # lin es______ . ,products, discount c o st, cl 4 Clerical posillons. ~ Sutjiotai 2. m on ito rs______ . •. ' Ann.-your indopofxjont-di^ ^- w<w>kriflVg-C^.734.a344, Valuosr------T ------------------JaTmsbdioii;oyd$2for Manic-Val EX PR ESS -------= Fof.oa'ciVSunday' —3 .-2 ,t4u>yboards.. tributor 734-6940 anvtimo , c'r wook'. PERSONNEL SERVICES □d in Ag Weekly (or only S3 per \ Includoyouf ad. 4 .5 printers ^Guyn & Gats Dnling Sorvico. 20i 20^ DOMESTIC/ ‘ " Twin FaDo, 733-7300. J: - 5.- Othorcomputof compo- - O oscfiminutlng olnolo? “ HOUSEHOLD b J Buriov. 678-4040 • No loo nonts ond accossorios _____________ Tbl.-'l Tlrod ol m ootino airth o __ PT Rocoplionist noodod lor / 8 . 1988 Ford Crown Victo wrong pooplo? Call today Su Super 8 Motol now occopling PJR Vot Sond - 4 ria opplicatlons lor houoo rosumo ''oj in Jeromo. n? ' lo.moet somoqno compalia r J □ 'nic'nm anNc^t? SLincoIr*, ' . 5 7. Chairs P.O. Box 548 b lo w lth y o u ll-8 0 0 - 6 9 0 koopers. k Applicant musl be «>8U ^ to;ID2380 ■ Mail your I H k ^ c u s t o m e: r□ Joromo. 83338. . ! 8 . Ropo M i Y w r r dependable ond moturo, -±21; 8227, serving all Southeast d Twin F a lls jd a h o □rdor form to; 9. Cnr chains K — ^ JS E R V IC E Super 8 Motol is now hiring P Idaho, member of Chamber havo h good roloroncos ond Supc 10 . Tripod PT ovodosk clork. Ploaso P ofCommorto.________ ^ .workwoUwithdhora./^(y.' ;.PT sn ■ 8“ * . . .... • 1lirM onoy b o x \ T — :........................ ....... ....... ^ i ^ ^ i n ^ w . 1260'BKio___g -----------------------------------112 . CassottDS and bag • - ’ — Hontonl Hoalth In lorm aiion _ii n°a • noiworKHeafihConcoms? L 13. • _ . 1 Sultcaso (2) - 14K10-783-6113 ■ Th Tho Best Wostorn Canyon •14.Rad’« — • -7 “ ' Inn occopling op- 2i3S" 203 PROFESSIOKAL ECOR FOR THE HOME ' S -1 . ELEGANT FLORAL DEC , 15. Eloctric typownlor and \WEDDING O resH s. shoos.. Springs pficailons lor Iho Houso- — Bridesmaid & Prom rentals p c Today's cmptiasis scemt to bo on Vicioiian decor. DESIGNER. DRAFTS kooplng Dopt. Compelitlyo. OES 2 2SV.o(flnvi1tttion3.733-8038 k sofiealoiyourliometnnoad -, 1le ” Ronllstic epoakors B e a u t i f y , c l e aa i r o u t a n d ‘ ■' • Ma)(in(jthMepnceyaeetssoi POWER Englnoors. inc.'o, wagoo ond attonoanco boPOV 17. > = v > }ei-stmplewiltiourl7-paaD 1 Caso Logic cassono . ot buying Ihem can be super muhi-disciplinod consulting, mu ca&owlth 1 8 tapos t107 SPECIAL nnus applios. Modicol Insurmplalewilliphoio-lllusiralec) c onglnoering ond doslgn ^ G K T Kll).^ , cc lll e a n u p y o u r hh (o m e j u s t b y oncoond401KavollQblo on 18 s. Not only aio ttiese 16 l .2 bats ond 2 toy guns NOTICES Jwth conditions. Roaso apslep-by-sl'ep Insttuciions. limi lim located In thd boautilul 19. 1 Diilosoond CD case _ pioiecis easy to make, butll Ihe ll supplies you need can sS'e l l i n g a l l t h o s lee u n w a n t e d central Idoho mountains, is ply in porson ot 1357 Bluo cei I with vt 12 CD’s ,* be easily oblalned • they may m evon tie laying In iho A L C O H O L IC S J LnHOTBWN.Tf:-------------kwking for on Electrical Do-^UNSIOIITI.V 20. 2 Caso Logic CD case bollomolyourcrallbasket., learnthebaslclnsirucilons t< i t e m s i n t h e c ll a s s i f i e d s . signor-Diafter lor its Ekidri^ ^ jV A N I lS t ANONYM OUS flower mrasuiements. with 20 CD’s on'bow lymg. gluing and (l( col Englnooting Group to 206 MEDICAU col 21. _______________ 2 Packard Boll koyboard _ assist in the design ol eloc22. RoQlistte AMffM cas DEKTAL OVEREATERS trienl svBtWP*- UlnlmMmjf----sotto Eteroo Sendctieck to; □ KHTl > UpoWg"riw‘B ^ r ' ono on to Iwo yoors Autocod C ^ IlI —23 . . ------- SCNA’NA f ____ 2 9 acK with h and-toola-------- ----- - ff TOPaagn^gpt------ B-1-tfroxpofienco reoulred: Interablothotoflors solfsotlaoxg ’ictufing 700 woodworking 224. Contuty AM/FM casP. 0. Box 2383.' (Picl PREGNANCY CRISIS - floction, oxponds ’your graph gn preferablo. Must pos-. sotto steroo . ' Van Nuys. CA 01409 am and handicraft projects) B CENTER I BOSS a strong intorost In n e x t , 2 ^ awaronoas ol humanity, so 25. Groort'pink bag with ' - S\ m»k1: -ondj;Moreiwidlng.oLcom-.___ tQUChos.yourhaartpluaalI_ .am 115 ___ , - T o p l a c e y o u r c ;llaa s s l f i e d A d putors. Electrical (powor - thousumbonofits. Wooro .pu distribution on\pnq.sis) looking for special pooplo dit CPU ^ ! C background a muM. Ouoli- " |!to bocomo part ol our spoboi Afldfess— ------.. 1109 PROFESSIONAL ____ 227. Lock ______ J i od..candIdatoB should----dal cafo gh^ng loanvU.youia “TBTSol pi braes utansils------------------- S ERVICES------•• « ________ :___________ 2 , ___ Cily■ ;■ think vou may PO jntoroaod sond soi resumes lo POWER —38^u< oc-m lacQ llanaQ U fi^ ■EhglnoorsTfil^'.'. P.O rflox-----Bankruptcy ' li _ Zip- ttItoms .1066, Hall(iyJD 83333.’ Compotitivo rnlos. '■ ■ pp lo a ^ a p '^ y a t Mt. Viow -10 -Caro-OonlofrSOO Polk-St^ -AHft^Human-fle»oofeo*:-----AH ------- KEVINM.ftOQEfl9----------< E.. An EEO-AA Emolover. , AllomevolUw,.324-4553, E Klmborfv. tho abovo Itoms crw tw , ................... * 0 — -T H E A c is q n ~ ^ p j ^j E _ _ ^ . q p j y v / o l f f . . — . —• [ LEGAL NOTICE h! a SS'king';-' I •N e w s ^ ll W M I I . # ----- . -------------------i,si ___ =»3V S c l i e i i i i T 3 3 - C0 9 3 1 SELF IDEAS I DO-IT-YOURS ' I | 2i to ' I M I jiik — 4— . . lent-Financi Employme B :tion-Real!Estate/Saille 199'J Frfd.iy. Aptii -nF.iH;:,lc!nho g - 3 . ' Trmi~j:-rjcw::. f\% fV.~n !08-502 20 _______________ / i a l - l n s t r u c i -- hoi .e s i-MlSCELLANEOUS------i l l S F 0tr5ai:E ---------------- --------le ig h f s /K E rr ' K OPPORTUIimES ] f vnor; 3 bdrm. 1 bath, ooking lor oxpononcod dioS vidoo morchnndiior. Aulo At m ochanic TRAINEE, Lookii GISTER------ ^TODAV& AQiicullrnl wrilor-odilof.. TMusic . o'yard Wlih fruit iroosr-------------col m ochnnic for honvy Establishodnoilonal.distriboothor mbc dulios. coMsinrtrORK TOMORROW ^ ■ sirono nnricullrol.bnck' )t cill-do-cn c. NEATI duty nr d u f trucks. Musl hovo u lof hns nn im m odlalo n no-r.moklno. 734.7090. irohouso, conBlru e llon. | JRH round witn Journalism do* Wnroh 000-7S9-S<»2 oviia — ----------- --tools. tooli MurJ bo xUalo lo work ^__ ------- ---------------------------------,K!iT i5!6iy.Jdn‘35enpo. doTivn ------ Qfoo. 3»-~TTCwfHtnQ-odHlnj t oponlnp tor qualily Indtvld- STOM BUILT HOME , 0“ varioly ot hours, som u u --------- BYponorio. HWrlaVubhsl*-“ rrTwTISwIViawif nccounib Kotchum ry, produclion. CDL driv- I ID lo now InterIrm, 2 bnih. opon lloor •_________ S al & S u n’s jn g s • . • rr jnh lor mnin- I ______ lr)Q nl 20B-524-70Q0. Ask; in Iho Twin Foils 4 Burloy v inwlpn lor Journoym nn gO' TTOT-iotn oak UJjli lul:., '' ......................... • •‘" •pim rcu! ------luou, 3 iJjjs fwi v;ou^.' fto^— jEloctnclnn's in propoVnuoli innnco mechanic. | ----------lUlod .JAOtPOLhtlYM y^ ------------bnckg-ioundlo: Box 01872. | (»E50RTCA.';iN0 • J/ (, MERtCANTEMPORARY--40, — SI 0 LS-AN6 - ------------ ic .lm cbillno3.conifnl___ busy sooson. ‘ 'SCH0 CHIEF OF POLICE-{Snlory;• toil oxporionco holpful. Fax' for'upcominn u c h moro. 560 r . The Tim os N ow s. PO covorlollorS rosumo to; q SERVICES. INC. M*" ;INSTRUCTION. CnlllornDoi726-f5ie, 1EDIATE DOE i quQlillcnIlon-floodi W E H A V E IM M E iJngham. S179.90Q By . . BucWng: BOX548.TF.IDB3303. . !. Ann: Dori 503 G02-3077. . . Coll 734-6452 1 bonoMo), TTio Citx ol Won-. Cornmlc inslnllor w aniod. •.— r ^owf^nr7^0(>0^ 0 P _ E N IN j3 .S -A V A^B l^ LB EO B — _ 678-9295 Dutloy . _ . . CallRuHvoi 7.-lv7.tt4.---------Lo.o^ i f o s s i o n a l T r u ^ F ; n ~ t ”T )&M/Rt?W<EVEH A FEE . PTQtt ------------ goew toportoTJraTmloty;9lcom- Noodod wilh intJusUlal solos IDICK SIMON TRUCKING or. SI individunl'losorvoasan Dlr iv in g S c h o o l on river, s 75.000 in lUBSTHUTE TEACHER D •vers SUB: plox odmlnlslratlvo; supor-I ' oxporionco.-A pplicants ■ Cook i^Baker "Serve Newhighorpay&cnlo.48 • inn.Cnll934-82QC I. qualified inslnjctorsolGooding. ( ns-'.ir.inni nursory mnnnqor, • WORKSHOP L ^ il. q visory ond'protosslonal' should bo fosTflts oriontod. ■ B uspersons "Floorr Cashier* t and Canada, oroal bono.c . Snlos exporienco holplul. ng cInsR A-B-C CDL li1ID E A L ■mFallsWnh School. loimg work in planning, coofcJinnlTwin F fHs. 1^800-727-5865 ablo tocnlo.hloor hofsolt _ ■ SecuriW O fflcer Willing lo train Iho l,AprillClh,9-4, • I consc t locnlion or a n o 728 sq__________ ing and d lr ( « i^ 1ho oaiwr . ' _Snl,Ai: 03 woll as tho producl. bo. p, Orivor o poninn for short & ____ji —jiCage t a s h l e r „ . ----rnatstot-l--BQQ-gag-eB64— 3mo: LociitDd-nrrvory. ■ long ha u ls. Nood'curronI I p5.& ,grnn l3nvn il. 10 ,^,|5|bio cc )lo comor lol in 400 bik monl. Minimum qualilica-] ■ ' s king s opplicalions (rom rosloady bul chollongnn (COL, clonn drlvinQ rocord. Jood-oxpotloncod-fnillwijgbl__ _ ■Hard C o u n t Team M o iMiddison d js Avo. $4 2.000.■ tlonsJnduda.lhQ btLacJnw.-. _ InmacrSnlfli^-fbon »PBX/ReJervat{ons— p0naible-indi¥iduAlfi-l0u |_ _ l‘ililipd studofils. ^------------------------------ — soon otitirS- -( -Cnll a3.'5874 f,Oli uosnternppoim meni. -■ holporsJor rnnnir nf u .io d • anfijfdoiSlirtnrnlnlno n c a d^. - Z- ScofTimisBionJso'naTDsunioi:^ fonnrntra'atMlctfons tlotf-j— — r rr rrrr= ." :*:.-:.. - tttwotk •Seam stress oqulpmont.'Wages siifttlng _____emy.or.oQuhfalom^prolora.Drtvors ' oqu s n) rosidontial lochs, Mnry tslstartt , . os ,■ “ toT Box 08274, % Tho ^ 734-0500 or _ _ ■ A dm lnbtrative Assi nl nl$$ 10:55 por hour. Applica bly somo Chiol Iralntng and rWnndv 734-5180. ^ Timos Nows. PO Box 540. 1.800-900-0580 Q A tio ■Kitchen S tew ard . tivo yonfs or moro oxporlD O N 'T M IS S 'iO'n s nro boing token Twin Fnlls. ID, 83303. through; Job Son/ice. Twin uget now hiring part-tlmo ■ .Targe onco In polico work. Appll- • TH IS. Fnlls. ID, 736-3000 eOE )Osillons available. Early H .posi' cant must P0050B5. or bo) IProduco Brokor: Musl bo Iiicludor, Inconiivu Oonus RE O P P O R T U N IT Y ! ^’nrts counter porson TRAIN norning hours onY, S4.65 B ______ ^ k ) 10 ' ‘"j!,” I _ coll-slnnor. with strong snlo • ______ 7 3 : 3 -4 3 2 1 ir. a Application available at I Wa hr. EE. j|,j ihis is your nppoMiinily lo gfo.vvandbfiComepaiioflliE ar W E ' H E ......... e e ! oiher misc dulios. Must. >orvico desk..Tarnol, 1611 H JS T F O R Y O U U hnvo autom otlvo. boch, eon'so wiihout rocord off " T o B ^ 3 2 . “jorom ’». ?0 e oi oiler excellent woikinp |orv lynamic Cactus Peles leami We R E C R U IT IN G .• 3lun Lnkns Blvd. N. EOE. % . 83338. .oround . SQlt-atarlor. no droom. 2 bath hom o. cusponcion orfovocfl|ion>. luding meflicai/dental h M :ondilions and benelils, indue " A P R I L 1 0 ;1 1 .’& 1 2 Vnico lloor plan. Ovor SALES OPPORTUNfTY •ftmnkinn.734-7090. ' COI anyctatiK ,J U0Ssq.-ft T * nil on 000 floor.--------------growing company look---------- --------------------------- ins nsurancQ and profit stiarint),„ \Many posilions also O A S IS TR A V E L • — Applications will bo occoplo<Ji Fast I 3 bodroo no tias g a s hoat and .w i; I n g io lllls a lo s p o s ltlo n . nclude sionificanl lips andd iincentive bonuses. . - inc unlil May3t. 1094. A PkV( VIRGIN RlVERl lili ^PLAZA 1-84 & EXIT ** * , * * * ) . --Oualiliod pofBon.wiitLPxf»'_ _ ---------- AT: Cltyof-Wonde!h-POItnm !lifi Twin Falls and __ ■.__________ __ Em ____________ ;mploycc-Biisesji£.ayallatil(Ui2] 15TO M. ----------------1B2-------------------H O T E t= e A S iN C ^ ^ ^ I'o cnr'^arngo'.'^nck ' Box 208. Wondoll. 103 • fiortco.Inondlyi dopondPROFESSIONAL Pil, Homo n -ilcr areas, d is nil lon ced in wilh 83355-0208, Phono (200)t' ablo. Cotnmlsssion plus 9 : 0 0 A .M . - 6 : 0 0 P.M . OTR DRIVERS BINGO, W L„ „ openinos pleaSe For ludhcr inlormalion about ihese ihi )d piivocy fonco. Saw . _____ 53S-5161: ___________ _ bonolils Avocations, roaW ol ' o Iwo c -MESQUITE-,-----p J - -rnnnhlnhoufiLCnll _ -u Wofelway-E»P^OM. Inr.. nnn 1 ynrdh-«hooUlislii£a«lmiIlIb________ i s : Io-po6so66ion_u oot5 --------------I— Monte yaller Weme Cwtfw.— -3 ;F B X t;:6 6 0 9 = ' ■'oftTfO'tvatlon'Clop'.tomTr'' or ■^r^'SiofosTW oTiood'oir" = ^ : i [ B e 0 p « 2 ^ 3 8 3 3 — NEVADA-------= = HOMES wood ;ingpi Pricod ol S 0 2 ; 9 ^ *>3&4}777er 324-5566 giusgo snlo w1il>ouI on ad In1 Irinoralod trucking compaporioncod po drrlvors with Is F OR SALE ---------- . teoih -« i isl6oKlng fo rth e . botWGon tho hours of 10am a ni dd 3: pm,MoTiday-Ftiday damirind. Cnll us flr^l. 733c;>iift^ fv><iHtf>n nooninn • _ nlni; ir etitrr^r|t^^r.nnkinq ---- /1 .alo-p “f^T w b rk‘ afrd"dfi»o“h ii;td ^ —j--—L-potei'io torm ot^ od kCRES. hay. orchord, closing, employees. . corwi Expofioocw only (minimum flOB . jioufs.paj'scntoibonofits, • iho-lino oquipmoni lo m i- _ 209 RESTAURANT/ jIJ.yoara)Jln B icook8.ai_ -J.Y^7: ing salolllio communicn,• Como in and w ep.ggqfc«fm i«t ftm itila .___ )BE'nf°JOHESREALLUUNUe— -------r- tlnn'i n pfQ aro sslyo -o a v ------:b work-anyghiit,.starting F 'Wontod-maiofo-pefsoqjuho- _ -733-0404.. ........... r _ rr i i «-A T & R e A L T V ------------------ Exporioncod.PT wailporson„ wnge'doponds on exp' I lovo to soli S likoo to moot. perm l!o{DO E),andsom o 734-0400________ • -miW-g^>l Hagorman,-----lof ovos ctiitt. must bo ablo - pooplo. Food roulo opon for • ol tho most gonorous bono- ~Ask tor Ron. Man/, or Chuck Also oxporiencod g u e e t______ )o open floor plan on to wofk wook-ond. Apply in, room ottend ant (maids) p H liis in tho truckino industry. , Mngic Valloy. Elko, Rono, ot cul-do-sac 3 bdrm, 2 porson aflor 5 'pm otI lu ll day Jnclipot, Koichum & Sun- 637-4975. -----------ih homo. Vnoliod living ri Gooroo K'c FIno Food.'• ■ W tloy Includod, Any nblo Stop 56,0 by and soo aur rocruilor PTSl PJS 48 Slalo corrior basfld S in " acros fijclng Billing >m wilh rock liroplnco, . l719KlmboMvHd, B u t p e r s o n t oil s h ills this wook only! II you aro mlBoiso. looking lor quailtjodlod porsons, sonloro ook. 3 bdrm m obile, 2 iny w ind ow s. 2 0 x 2 0 lied 4 0 0 -6 9 9 's 55,00 1 “o por hour plus tips, unablo to mako it. call 1J'O' ovmor oporniors ol flat East 3rd , 4i wolcomo. Abovo nvorngo ClaMlliod . . . mukoluiion tor Ihi lor appointmont call jllod lamily room with liExcellent wage 4 benefit Jtxjrm 800-302-0934 for moro in- . bod bo oquipmoni. last pay, _ incomo, Producl soils ilsott. anyournoo<l3.733.(ra31._ iry wall, skylights, woodmedical, dontal. _fonini flood 4 0 0 -6 9 9 l ;peckege, ? 7.6357. __________ ninny East 4tti 41 0° bonolils. Call 1-800Excolloni ropoat salos. Ap- _ lormnlion, EOE, >vo. Woll III kitchen, 289-0113, Bud Dodao. vision. SCRIP card. 4 401K 3bdrn rm, 2balh homo or 2 unit vnullod plicanl must havo dopond- Exporioncod c asphalt paving — )nty of c nbinols"plnn. g ; Conlncl P erson n el nood East 5tti • 4i4 0 0 - 6 9 9 II.1I.S64.000.736-1897, brary w . 210 SALES nblo transportalion. Call Mr. ond malntonanco persons. Twin’ Twlr F,an5'Counly Is nccoplLaundry room Monday-Friday. 1pm-3pm . 2 bath, must sa lo , ing Irm, slountors. . in .Vorm ans at C onyon CDL rofloirod, Doan’s Soal in£ npplicaiions lorn Dep hv oslorogo, AC. floa heal, East 6th 4'4 0 0 - 6 9 9 Eloctricai distiibulor In Sun only, 1-600-34^7721. od' c-v.h In TF. 733-7806 plenty uty Appralsor-Trainoo. Tho 1 Springs Inn Wotot, Monday ' r(v<llnn^33-3272.________ Ul) on ono lovoL7'33-130t,. Valloy oroa looking lor oulsu cc o csu l candidate will O 1 April 11th Irom 12:00 to tE xporionced OTR Roofer 71 Navaio Circle oil Cnrsldo-insido solos porson, havo oi^erionco In ngriculVOLUNTEER HANDYMAN li 3:00pm. 734-5000 . *=Drivers noodod. 32 Stnloa ™ ’PRICED TO prolorrod 2 yrs oxpotlonco a lloon Lano. o turo and roni e sta to and NEEDED., ,->on, T O D A Y East First 11 0 0 - 6 9 9 & Conado. Now OQUlpmonl. id in rolalod nofd. Ploaso sond ) comlortablo 1600 sq ft 2571LNOWATtlQg.SOON p o,ssess excollont public ro- Nood holp In lown malntoroorr 9- 211 TECHKICAL Kimboriy. ID, Call 1-800P° rosumo with salary roquiroERENT FR EE- 2 bdrm mo In Kimboriy, 3 bod-- -rin goL 1 0 0 -6 9 9 ' ' Snanco ond light buiUing lalion skills. Current drivers IVIain A ve.E 1 i. - : l monts to; PO Box 2203. : 348-2531_______________ 1 down. sms. 2 balh. cozy lamily sELL S 1 bdrm npl up. liconso and good driving mnintenanco.Thoso inter^ Growing olocirical company Koichum. td. S3340. achod om. Two d ock s, groat r ju P B ? carngo. conlrally record Is nlso n o c o sso ry, __ oslod, ploaso coll Tho 57, homo. ____ Milne r Ave. N, 11 0 0 b l o c l < nily Coll DAlQ ON- LIVERE alod . S69.900. Assum—A Ammicaft-Rodcroec-at--------------A ppraisal oxporion co is ------- f« T i^ S o n c o d p im t ^ a n - ------------------------------- ------fa-8-^iir-m ofloago_ay--------------IMMEDIATE OPENING Exporionced push-pull opor733-6464, ^D ^LE731-2892,Pricod hho o b lu l. Sa la ry $ 1 3 0 0 & approntlco oloctrlclan E $74,500, *93-516 nor. Cnll 736-0970. I___ alor neodod. Send rosumo $ 1 5 0 0 por month DOE, __ -;-i-W ) H h e s e - s t r « e t i --------- TT T^BY SnTER S l6f iir>'B<JvofiTin5S7«preien=• o q a -D O E. bo nnlH.p kp,- - to: PO Box S3."C5o6dingriD ' Twin FolisC ounly Human — IfyoiHive-by-anMH ^ m vj availablo. II you aookth o lotlvein th* Burloy , . S3330orcall 934-8464._______R r<ooourcos. Attn; R onoe and vi/ouid like; to I d e liv e r WANTED ^ lO N S T R U C T lO N Rupert market. Must bo u.aft polontlnlforndvancomont, PO Box 126. Twin , Rc I Full tim e mill oporotor. at__.. Robbins. P lo a so sond rosumo with f k no m oro, Horo is the soll-startor. colloao jjrnduID 83303. Twin Foils )lder grandmothorly-lype, _____ least 25 yrs old. must havo___ Falls. V waaoroqulrom onlstoPO' Fa mo you havo boon look;-N e w s “ ^ for 6 mo old. 2'A days po,- Bonut ato proforrod. Wo oro oxis an oqual opportuCc ? T A T ? S ' l TY , CO N Th o-childron-or----------- CDL liconso. 324-8606._______Counly *0 Box 1693 TF.ID83303 }-lorl ponding our sonflcos lo tho n'tlv omplovor. LOOKnO wook. 423-9002 ..................... 3lu l 734-0400 HAIRSTYUST, .___ -Di! indmothorwill bo happy ;o Secretsrlai Day Mini-Co55la oroa. Plonso Wanted exporienco short Third Dlm onsion Culs now____V\ thoir sido ol tho house ■ A prll27,l994 1 lulltiil now 5 or G W m a, .jnn.foi sond rosumo lo:* haul truck driver. ollora our stylists S our cli 17 RESUME lilo mom and dad enjoy W IN asocrotaryforthodny’ Tho Timos Nows. Cnn 324-7148. ^ ents a CHOfCE. II you nro ___ and givo yours tho day old J privacy ol thoir mnstor PREPARATION Atlon: JnnolGollin. ito. 3 bedibom , 2 bath. on ostnblishod ctylisl w4h a -------------PO Box 548. ** * * * * - tm aU dining-tfloni-and--------------clienlolo or lust beginning, — 7 3^3--2 0 0 9 lor c u stom ized ___ Sond us your businoss card. Twin PntlsiDB330t.EOE urof.'TnrumtP^Rov'Stotion oat room plus tots ol oxlrn “ Tho drnwlna will bo holdL our now CHQICE.npppln.1:. •Wff—h a v e -a rt—im m o dlo lo " — om In unlurnifihod basomont oyatom cnn acoomo^ Id' I Wodnosaay.ftpnTSaj, ' <noleWord.734_S217^ oponing fora qunliliodtoch^ ,Loal" p^nvHnd j | 0 ^eold ont, Boau iilui noulrni — H O M E j grran: n o m R R i m ^ sSlodt^H K ^^^^W o^ior [|! oxporionco proforrod, mi T i iiriii-Tn ' i ' i ' i ’^'n ;!!r 1 sfe'» h o n e* it^ l« 0 lino I Cindy nl 733-1606 doslngod lo holp familios n\] CAROLYN CUTLER (lunrnnloo plus c o mmis- -ExcollBnt-bonoliU:.& _p maculate counl^^2-slorY^ TwIriFflllt. ID 03301 work copo with Iho eollogo finan r733-9026.«04.'137 ' sion. complolo bonofifpac- - ,ing condilions. Id 734-6452 cial aid mazo, and fund akgo, on-going company ^Coninct Mr. Chuck Hosman thoir childron's oducation. training 4 eoroor opportuni- ^ at Con Paulos Chovrolot. j?c 212 TRADE Wo nood 2 ononis in Magic .. Il03.7 33-4733,- iih bonulilol iniorior and a ‘ •Pontint:, GMC True* and - -i -----------Valloy aioa. call 342-7025. igo SHOP. Ifs oxqubito 4 • BUILDING in spe c to r ” " - ■Hlrir>gfor;loodproco5Slng.-' -----•'■geo ; ----------- JR T V 8 3 2 _______ M bQlof0.12. or 1:800:____ ^onl lasl long. Coll Nowl I------ warohouso.-coTTCtruclionr-------TJT CnsBlaC ountyis currontly------ 73:4:6565324:3900-------- ' ■■3 0 0 * 4 0 0 A d d fe o rirri"Aye7-™—^ “ ‘ - - :944-0272 onytimo lor your — NOW $99.000--------------- ST A T E r e a l t y -----r ■ ■mochanicc.'maehinBts. - — taking applications fori n734-0400 inlon/low.____________ carpontry. CDL drtvors. j.-i lull-timo building inspector. 300 . B o r a h A Ave. \ 213 MISCELLANEOUS I _____-T v ^ F d ls733-7300___ .f l: aEET9ALESPOSrriON- -A p plica n ts most hnvo a - OPPORTUNITIES— -~ 3 0 0 - 4 0 0 F ile r A v ve. e • > Burley 6 7 M 0 4 0 * No Foo >s, knowlodgo ol consirutfion 0,11543-4371 I Doo to incfoosod flool sa)09, as industry and bo fomlllar ; local doalorship now has Accopling npplicaiions lor on 3 0 0 - 4 0 0 H e y b u r nirn Ave. E X PR E SS aS ti- with Iho Uniform Building { oponlnns for solf-moti101 BUSINESS ^ PER SO N N a SERVICES oogor oi paronl of a child with ith Codo. ond havo oxcollont , _____ 1°’ - 1 0 0 - 5 0 0 J a c k s o nDn St. volod individuals with disability 10 bo a RogionnI -OPPDHTUNITIES- - ' . \ Journeym an plumbor di vo comm unlenllon sk ills. A < siiong dosiro to cam nbovo Education Coordi ____ J- -n o o d o d Kotchum -nroa. - -Pnront r ■ 1 0 0 - 4 0 0 ' Q u in c y/ S£ t . bo - valid Idaho Drtvors Llconso...............nvorogolnwmos.^Mo^b^ nator lor Idaho Paronts Unif.tablishod usod oppliance ^ ^ lin»l08.l0-praviau.TULuuu:;-IfrA lcajgqultQ d-Sondjtt^-._oQod oay-Q^ii 7RR-9731. = = J -faouildinfl.&-uuttnr~QuOJ i 300 G h e t in^^ v o,.__________ H iss sumo and salary o x p o c ta■-...Joumoymnn sleoi sIud^rarlT' o“s, training 4 support to municolo woDwith businoss i opportunity. R oasonnblo.' c S Dxlions to; Timolhy A. Hurst, oro, drywall ha n g ers S ownors. Previous salos oxothor paronis. Must bo able J 7 3 4 -2 3 6 5 orwrito: 1828 ... orCnssia-CoontyCourlhouso. '■ topors . dryvit appli^qilys; poiionco prolorrod. Inlor10 Irnvol 4 w ork54 hrper -rtmbwtT-Hti.' Tr, m m j o r - t ~ " —ytr - I, 4 0 0 . 5 0 0 — A d d is oM n VA - vO. f y fpp^lntmani J y j .B u ila V iin fi^ lP • NNYBROUGHTl 1326 month. Will pr'S'vaavainfng:------Excollont opportunity lor right LO at tions musl bo rocoivod byy 208-322-1885,___________ • pFor moto inlormntion. writo: 'E«' contact Rick Muollor at th oil y o u n o e d tor 400 B o r a h Ave. A> porson to own 4 oporato sq 5:00o,m ,A oril15.1994. I lo n d s c o p o d , (rult LICENSED ONLY Joutnoy||IPUL, 4696 Overland Rood 736-2480. • .. thoir own BBO rostaurant. wc • 400 F ile r A.ve. ve LOOK WHAT THE EASTER BUNNY -I man & approntlco oloctiin c o d ,w /lu ll a u t o , 8478, Boiso. ID 83705, HavealIoquip.rocipos4 trc jq . ft., 3 bdrrii. 5 b a t n w ith cions. Kotchum-Sur> Vnlloy Or call. 342-5604 o oa n d c o r if c o l air ^ 1 0 0 - 4 0 0 , H a r r is oon n Ave. wortTi woQthior o n jo y m o n ti l o firop iaco, 2-cor aronrGood pay. Call Monfornpolicntion.______ ^ tr c ?o o s & sh r u b i. I^ullv f o nooc d o irnAve. . ________ Fri.-6-4:30 7fe-4427, ^- BECO CONSTRUCTION .4 0 0 -5 0 0 H e y b u rn S-109, . sp Hotl Newl 3D Sports vid eo QCrin klors. p a t i o . Q o z e b o 0 Local truck dealer, lookeng COMPANY INC. ^ 400 S h o u pI Ave. A cy*. on oiilon in gl G os r iooi. w oCONV od Sportsbarslovoill EN IEN C E. 3 (or exporioncod mechanics, jj is jtaking applications lor tho Ooroo©’ A sking 592.000. «LS-10 Locations woitingl o d o n 2.25 a c r e s , fo St. 1 0 0 -4 0 0 V a n B uren un _ ( o llo j^ g ^ ^ W ^ 5 ;^ ^ s p e r s o m ^ W f f l r s p a t a r v ^- ---Tm gino-i.drivalm inJlIPoiL^c 6Krei;uirod . ^ tpiic. N ico b arn a n d onco proforrod. Sond ro- •i,, COUNTRY QUIET. CITY 2CO OuicJt rolurn on invostmonll _. .2 5 w Q lu r st^ or oj. — ----------------- . _Qu su m o to: Sorvico •*ci crushor operator c Kod ro o m . 1 batti fio m o sliod ' — i:S0«t34-9449---------- -- - b d-pQliO :-Zon©d-M 2^ -----------these streets a n d ^ __ Mananger. PO Box 1656, *fr if y o u live b y a n y o f thi • masler moehanic. DO surveyod. Has w ell & sop lic • #SK-134 Wodding Docor rental busiTwin Falls, Id B3303. So Sond rosumo lo; p5?o n s o t u p for o n l m a l s . 2.2E newspapers for ness only $14,000. Coll w o u ld like to d e liv e r PO Box 1768, Idaho Foils. ID S^'ritSkror'SVStom-ercovorod-p Looklnnforonood PC Hmehni 734-4567. B3403. NAILTECHNiCIAN ■’N e w s — T he Jlm eS’N • Aim: Tofk to ront spaco in a woll302 MONEY TO LOAN __ or cnll 200-529.9891. -1991 octablishod holr salon. Call Hoir Etc. Etc. C Ccashiors nondod, must bo___ « NEED CASH? n A venue, E a s t 733-5002 days', or i19 yonr old or oldor. swing ^ We buy notes 4 rent o sln lo , 7 3 4 -/oKon'mopp' 19 __________ We 733-11B4 ovos. &wookonds.- _ ssh ill. Apply in porson nt 326-5040 • cbniracfs; Croativo Finnnco Sio "inSBIuoLnkosBtvd N. ' 733.5559 1 2 6 6 A d d is o10 n snarp A Loo'Wno lor all-nround sor- _1 1-800-9^9-^009. iSnarp 733-5559_ ^ 1 0 7 0 B lu e I Insulator noodod; oxport-. vico porson. must bo ablo |n; Slow Hollows 7a4^l'29a"'S!0v0 Ko V Smtin 734-2020 o n co d proforrod, Cnll to change tiros, oil, ilo b o 3uamn HalK>W3 734.1200 GonoStii ibiODanlAl) 734-4044 304 INVESTMENTS ‘ ;1;^ Whilohend Homo 4 Enorhoovy cfuly trucks. Ablo lo V Jonn Etmwwoo 734-1340 BlioSnai McMftSIOJ 733-0070 T w in workvariatyol hours, somo j (IV. 733.9688.____________ JimHMQ 734.7105 tjiny Sm R ooleslnto limited pannor'S5vG.bD3 733.0S90 OoOBiO 1 -D3 8 8 2 Sat & Son. Sond rosumo & Job , ship. lsy»-20% lotum-^inx Opening April 1 5 ,1 or Slevo Dl Luccn 324.C773 TUn McM background to: Box 91072, honnrrt-. 733.9658, 11 p o ssib ly 2 p o op le, wntor % Tho TImoo N ow s, PO ihnulor. Must bo ablo to sor1 .8 0 0 -6 5 8 - 3 Box 548. TF. ID 83303. [vlco. drivo lorgo 4,000 gol 305. CONTRACTS AND MORTGAGES H T Polorblll truck. Desert job roouiros trallor h o u so on Contracts, tnitt doods, purjo b .A p iiI2W u ty 1 . Cottle chasod whole or pan. allotment i^ lly fouling AlWest Ono Bnnk — — IbTJijly 1. sn m o pors'on m O f c D t.800-772-4666 __ could conlinuo on for us as ridor lor mountain olloimonl - ob,-also roquires troilec n o u so ond 2 or moro horcos until Oct IS. or unlil catllo aro romovod from for-' ost, Coninct Vnughn Jons- • on,AlCOlD527-M90. Legal brolhel bartondor. permonont gravoyard shih, 3 2 0 0 - 3 0 0 B L-CO . C K w ks, 7 d a y s, then 1 wook E Q U A L H O U S IN G 1 1 otl. i s nnhr. For moro InM< O P P O R T U N IT Y m form ation c a ll 7 0 2 -7 5 2 E C E S S A K Y I ar this - If yoo Uvo B ear I area _____ N o E xX i P E R I E N C E N E ( _ 09t4nsktorD innoorJnw i. real ftstala advortsiog m this I W ied b dolhreriag ......... ^ All and'voD a re tn te restei ncnnpapM is tUt^Hict to ttw FaV Local monulncturlng plant in c o m e o f , $ 3 0 , 0 0 0 u l i o n s o ffer o p o te n lio l im tboT Ines-N i i-NcwsI Ha M vrfAfi matos Rkoal t h e s e s a l « p oilill will bo occepting applica 10 advonis» ‘any preforonco m u sl h a v e a g o o d j tions for production workers to $ 5 0 , 0 0 0 a inn n n u ally . To q u a lify y o u hHMoog(fau>i»r«*onbaBndcn on < Mon. April 11th S Tuea racft cdcr. nicJen, tax. twtJcap. b e . a b le , lo fo lloiw w s im p le d ir e c t io n s ro d riv in g r e c o r dl,_mList ,- r April botwoon 9nmstftB. a n3Sonsl oigln. or 3:30pm . 621 Washington'; p ee'o p l e . _. i b le to w o rk closely w ith p an Intonilon, to mako any toch a n d m ust b e a b l e St, Sou lh . Must hovo lo l proloionco. lim.l8tlon or lowing oxporionco: Powor i iiserimlnalion.' Familial status W e offer: = = = = = = T i ttJutte didtxi undor tools, w ood working, pro t » ope of | ctio n * manufacturing. 0 T T raining • M o d ical a md n d D onlal P a c k a g e du • O nt> on-ono r A d v e r tis e rs * S18 living with paronts or legal Must bo ablo to uso 4 road custodian: pregnant womoo^and cut ^ lir o m o n l P ockogo j lion I • Excoljonl M • P aid V acalio r ta p e m ea su re . M ust bo p c ^ toart^ oBtxV Ofd * h n ^ P* /Vcorking C o n d itio n s • ' ioblo to lilt at looat 5 0 lb s. tiW IB.. _______ mnm issions • Excollont W O R O L b i • Liboral C o m Wuik hum TOilial ft wMion ■ TNs nowspf^xx w< nrt iTOn^nt^ n dd a y th ro u g h Friday, ordore. N o p h o n e c a ll* >ri a t tho D oalorship, M o n ^ A p p ly in p e rs o n < accopi any advoni^ngtor 10^ D leBiel__________u l a r r a t e s » whch 3 o r Ken C h ristianson. j o f f a l l r e g u : 000 p .m . to M a n u o l D av ila c iwaio is n >Uaix)n o( the 1 :0 0 p ,m . fo 5 :0 N eeded: Exporioncod floor law Our raadors aro hereby lify Employer : : m , o lnlonon co p o op lo. D US a t t h e tim e Be su re to iriform I sm Molorj Is on Equal Opportunity iislham I inlormed mat- ad dwellings wagos buBOd oo expor. apadvortsod in W newspaper are ^ovA-tto y o u p l a c ej yy o u r a d i plv nt 130 Bkio Lakoa, feOE on an oqjjl_oppo»turtty Now toking npplicaiions for boas. To conitifi d w i i«fflgn yrs or older anyone 60I yr production porconnol.' caa HUO Toflroo al V 8 0 0 ;€ ^ i l l l . IhflTott-tmo-iolopliiine' — Mott"Thur»r10 hourohrhs;— lUfitcr lor tw hoorrg IrrpwoJ is __ 1^6. por^hour^^A^pjy^ol a h o ^ 3 3 -5 7 7 ^ ^ ^ _ ' 208 PflOFESSIONAL-. • 2210 SALES 212 21: TRADE ; . t ^ i s e 'I 'o N e w T T T e iDE2 12_TH t2 - f jW t e c Si lllS ‘ d i ^ S f c r - - 5A BA LA REALTY ^ O n e R o u te Wende S e c o n d R o u te f SSV Tp The Times-i call toll free 536-2535 5. ' CCLEAN S '”,; COU NTRY ROUTESAVlA AIILABLE B A R K E R 'j ST/ RT. 833 L . tf, Opportunity Careerd ----- ^ - -- - - J o in .lc la h o ^ a s lEilB^t S nrnwinn automotive ' gro u p as a salesp e on, oroup medical, 401K p lus com m ission, 'acauon pay, Superior retirem ent, vac; ronment. Mustbeweii worldng environ mess minded. Serious .,___dressea,busine: jnls only please. applicanli ni lext. call 733-0931 1 203 estland Hyundai Gary's Wes Btakes Blvd N .r~ n Falls, ID n Webster Dam F I L IE R R O UJ T E r ; I • FAIRSTf-REET 1 * \ m D 09Q S_ J I .• i bo 111 SO^Moln. Rier. Id ■ .I i < ” 1 I For Our Senior 1 i : .m m m ^ •JAIRGRCOUNDS • MAiNSlTREET • NORTHtSTREET r •PARKS!THEET I ,• YAKIMA t f r e dD O f - Y o h IL o o k i n g - F o r A .- J ; B r i g:; h] t e r F u iT U R E ? NOW \ H I RU N G .. • H a .LEYREALTY MAGICVALLE -------- -.ill;i, Idiilio E-J Iifiii's Ni'w:;. Iwiti F.ill; Fridiiy, 8.. li i9a-i' ■' ' tate/Sale/i=!Rent R e a l Estg 502-612 ' 506 .JEROME HOMES 512 FARMS/RAHCHES 6503 FURNISHED APTS/DUPLEXES — a n d DAIRIES■ . Extm sharp 4 bdrm homo in countfY sotting, wtlh (odococ- 3 7 7 ncros.2 hom es!I biick). 1I bdrm in TF, uliis lurn. 53M ). ------------ _ U I H A R ^ N G oratooinioriori nico landftd' corrals, f.lOoI sh o d . TFC mo. Loase & rofs foq. No 2 r.loiy homo wimTrDCJnii:.,' ^ “^ipJrrgTnh-^«i.>kl«i.oaJli.----- u;ati-r 70 nc rns ovorlookingg pot^Cnll326-316l. nico Irg kiichon with walk-in . octos plus walof sharos.; In • Iho Snakn fti7or '/a rOnqngrf! ^^-Ufurniihodbdim '-liaiCmunrr: -----g»qel{i!wHec<rtten GW o f pl,iiiL-d liiiu 13 Vj.li'ujt!'., fwtf~ .iroa.'ulitily room. loncoO =0'’ Joromo. Mdsl coo lo oppro'foslroam . Ronlior ownodH apt lor a vory quiot potson. i back ud with w ood dock. No sm oking. All ulijs lurciatn|$163.?l00 Pioar.o caH- '543-4930.543-5669 $r>7,OOQ C.illJqnn _ • . ■7 r\Ishod: IncJudos WD. $300 * .1m.0 » L 3 2 4 l5h? 1 .. Appfox.-OOaau-S-oU-aur. SO. ° L-mo.-733-2672 . —1 ^ slw ros ol TF. walor. houso, • , ...... S P A R K L I N G • j’ 'Joromo; Fiffnishod 2 bdrm g a r a g o .'c o r r n ls .^ h o d . • 2-r.iorv coltrtfjo homolocnlt'd ■ m l. Nico J or 2 rocponr.iblo - g i7 2 600 7 .ll.S 5in ---------------—jOITp y o lVCuCKliuill.ifii .5 0 8 k im ber ly /M2 FOnSALE “ _______ HANSEN HOMES ^ Or. abdim . IVibaih. laniily — 513 room, (j.ifafjo, kjicMon flp3 bedroom, 2 bath homo on pir, Pfiq>dfif]Ml. Call nny. y , ? ’,6aercs.J23S4d7_____ “ f -0 1! 9 3 1 - L BUY IT!'ill! 7Fill3 3Every - SELLL IT! B ^N T eed^ - ^ A ' l B A r A BSHBrii I{I^‘41!f j ip - fogo, r>o pole, no r.moiung. ACREAGES AND' " Hnlmoniro':. 324.1367 LOTS_______________; _ 604 ..U N F U R N ISH E D _1^_ . ' -------- APTS-'OUPLEXES ' - ' | LOT^ & A CREA G ES: 510 CUT-OF-AREA “ 1 4 2 bdrm cpls L_____HOMES____________ ____ ’.NEW SUBDIVISION, nonh-|. ■-.■■■'LnurolPoikApoftmont'T' oast nros, 10 lots lor homoss 176MauricoSl.N..TF. ' CABIN IN PA RA D I^lI , jnd i duploxos, C hooso your" ________ 734-4195.________ 733-4321 Nowor an oloctric. yoar-r'ound own conlMCtor. -----■ homo wilh cfock (font in„ 1 bdrm. dow nstairs npt, no • GOOD VIEW. Monndor POTENTIAL PLUS: Chafmi»mPinoFoaihon/illo area. rxitr,. £295 mo 736-1654 Point,2.5ncior., inf] 3 bdrm hom o wilh V.iullodcoiling5,jacur2i » 1 bdrm townhouso in rotirop.nrk-likoyafd on nlmoal 3l 1 lub, walk-in closois. goo0R O B E R T J O N E S* mont communily in Filor, acm Wllh 125 lool ol comomihormalnvail.iblo. .iro only r..'asonnblo.CnH f a -9 1 7 7 . R E A L T Y •mi)iical If0nla<50 on'Addiddlpan gl Iho outstanding lon2 4 3BEDROOM ‘ r.onEar.1. ROBERT JONES i6 _ 7 3 3 -0 4 0 4 ■lES ?75.0Q0 3??-?51fi _ TOWNHOUSES , REALTY.733-0'1D-1. - ! lrom$415. 1-800-262-5001 1 SPACIOUS RANCH STYLE “lT 512 FARMS,-RANCHES _»-!_Waihof-&dryof.hooltup-----— .. gX T -lgV l ' ' • ~ ____ j m j£ J W lN FALLS----— --------ANO'OAlRtES--------~ Small yard & storngo 3l>drmfl.2baths,lormal ___ 5 improvod lots in Rogorson.'• No polsl 734-6600 dining foom, largo ont-mll cd, Cnfi655-43SS.-_________^ ; 240 acfor., sprinklor iriigalcd, 7 2 bdrm. 2 balh, in 4 plox. Mchon, living foom, lamily t'‘'y ; oxcolloni low c o sl wnior, :of, H,ignrm.an; 125x50'lol, cow- ‘ nv.iil now, Cnll 734-7680 or loom with (tioplaco, olfico. idoal’location, good dairy iiry nr-w,ilnr rnadv. 352-4401 733 6677 nitor Som. __________ boautilul maluro land'.Mph_ •''P- ., tilo^ 'j-n-.U U -lnlot& lalo, iittj------ h o R S E -L 'O V B R S — 1? hrfrm in TF."53D0ri0f 1. or “ _ . • n.-.!i-V,n-203i___________ i ---l.or;,ui.J . JT?---ud^o ol buM 1Q(\'l L’rSnwood7it'g637. — 'Lur^'Cbdfm m . W tS'm orw— : hfiek-hnmo-Gtihl-------------clodps ulllillec-fc d c p o siI.,' • DBL 8 - Gfado A, good imI'I’ shod! 4 loaling shods, NiM' Prolor no p o ls. Cnll 733503 BUHL/FILER rovomnnts, homo and nplo j ____ 3bcdrQQm.2balhhomD____ - - 3 1 51-ttr.k-iorGtwrnn:-------- --HOMES------------------iUSVVofJeromo : ... wilh caipon, basomoni S 95g_;j3BL.3^SmaiL<?-'‘l%.4___garaflO Mrrn r -—^OUJEX-UYliiG..^ _ ishop'IPfico.s.r^, . — •-'~ b p d rp orn :t-h .ith r< 3fie ■ ,,ClnnncQmp!t;?i:.i;8:gb ------------duflw ^towtlteotintnq'm ,1 r.Q ft. homo, nowiy romodc ■ TRIGON - fully oquippod, ,apts. S 3 2 5 4 up, ?d, , ByOwnofiS179.500. olf-d m ustr.w 326 3356 Rolurbishod, cloan, - — • lOOncros, Joromo, Shown by nppoimmonl only. dishwashor. Inundry ’Call 543-4119. ' ; R O B E R T J O N E ;SS 504 BURLEYyRUPERT Incililios. no pols KimbotlvLol.733-S904. ’ Qiiinev 734-6600 ' R e a l t y HOMES Lol lor snlo. now.construc- ■ ■ 7 3 3 -0 4 0 4 lion. Morningsido-O'Loary » C ijdrm; 2 bnih, br.ml. oxcol i y 605 ROOMS FOH RENT districl. 733-2576.________ ‘ localion, closo to school. - T A T i nm r es-News C Classified Wi 94 R E A L T Y - — - e 30'. ; - i-flOO-262-5001 ?->5000 G7G-3t.I7._______ mo rnlos 736-1900" Prims loU 4 lownhouso do-“ MOTEL i ----- I________EXT. 1211________ rr signhomos. Sunaof.l sub’ R 1 oom s for rent: C a b le TV i E X C ELLEN T FARM M on Sunriso Blvd N, EXCEL 505 GOODING/ incl HBO. housokoqping, ' i Loc.iiod dor.o lo Wunaugh \c. ’ LOCATION, doal w- ownor. V/ENOELL HOMES .f' dirocl dial phonos, Som o : 186 o c fo a ol g o o d farm Save Biff S. Call 736-0346.L. rooms wilh microwaves or ^ ! land. About 4 2 a cro s >s 3 bdrm, 1 bath. 2 comor kils. IS rolrigeralors, Convcr^ionl lon Tako your pick, 3 acros ir. nn' ; pasiufo. Iho rosi has boon near downiown. $00,000, I- downtown location. Dal^ 4 hn zonod R-6 lor molli dwollI ' ! in whont nnd bon ns. Tho C,^llq3■^e3^2SalaSu^. ,jn ing, utils closo by. By own 1- vveokly rales availablo. Call — • larm h a s coricfoto main ). 733-5630/tfefef 3__________ or. will carry, only $27,500. 3 bodroom, IVs balh. Inun dilchos nnd 174 shares er ol 734-7720.423-5787 nltorC ' dry,- (ormal dining. 2 car ,0fga- ■ TFCCwntor, Th o2bd «m intio, (I'ncod yard. On 2 I® tols 3ut 515 COMMERCIAL (606 MOBILE HOMES '-’ ; homo, oulhldgs and about in VVondoll. £<<6.500. Coll ' 2 ncros ca n bo pu iehasod________ PHOP-ERTY----------------.J »al - tC loW 3 Krm mobile h'oniuT" =?— n^ e»w -7a i- ? S 9 » ----n r 11 .0 0 0 cq ll, comm orciai BRINGING IN 1950 PER MO j JEAN?E AT ■423-5736. J6. oloctricity, 4 ncfos. BurloyOFFICE AND Lfi homo wiiti country living. Ruport aroa. 436-1314. '' 607 ( ng. Fnrm land ex clu d in g 2 om bdrm homo, outbldgs and 2 3 bdrm. Ig calhodrni Ironl RETAIU SPACE R E D U C E D !! ox. ; ncros lor $ 2 7 9 .0 o 0 . s04rm, g.Tmo tm. cn approx. ONLY $ 4 4 ,9 0 0 ;OFFICES $120 up 736.0022 .-icru ol ground, landncap•■'P116. Easy accoss, high visiblily, 200-3000 : ni,il ' ing, nlr,o wrih 2 bdrm rcni.il ollico Space availpnvod parking, could bo „2 ‘ able. Handicap designed^ I .............. hou so in bftck, p lu s. 13. - - *• oMicos. For this gr&al ollicfl.' Good location. Lois of^paik-" 1 .icror.. $185,000 (or all or cpaco cnll . . _ will divido pr o p c tly . For ing. All ulils lurnishod. Call I _■ morn inlnrm.alion 53fl-2135 SPRING CREEK 733-1874 loave m essa g o I — ------S T A T E R E A L T Y or 734-4411._____________ ^ 3 4 ^ 4 0 0 - _______ ______ REALTORS 506 JEROME HOMES -----— “ — 24QQjiq Ji with 16x14 over- I — LA N D IS hoad doorTnTsb 20 00 Eq1t— | BY OWNER: 3 bdrm, 1 baih. for slorago, porlocl lor au?^ N O T B E IN G _________ latgnJpncod.vafd. oalift. , 'lomolivft^hop-DowfUovjJ__ ----- M A D E -A N Y M G R E 32A-iU3 $5.1,000-o»ot.^ ----- buyyourT-irmnow. ^;U,4UU. 1 0' w ido mobilo lor sa lo . 35 acto farm r.oulhwosi,ooff 1 ,3 0 0 $2500 Of ollor. 734.3540. ’• APPROXIMATELY ' By ownor; NonI, clcn n 3 ' Filor. Full TFCC wafor SQUARE FEET ON MAIN bdrm, J V.- balh with hoi 'tub, la s: 12x70 wilh 7 fl lip-out. Groat - FLGOH.hall-finlshcdbasQ- . . sharos. m osl loconlly has ------------- G ood""1ocation ■ nonr nd Lnkos. $ 3 0 0 0 . 3 2 6 -5 0 3 ■ 4*- ' mont. Located cl 1440 Fitor boon in boons, allalln nnd J_______ -fcci-,oob.324.3703 ovos- .. ;E*-~ ” — — p.1Sturo:CaII RON FREE-- ""AvorEasirRonfnogoiIablo.'' -..................InvMtorsI- .................■ ■■"MAN nl 734-4208. «94-114 1 4 - 1 9 6 8 1 2 * 6 0 , Now c a ip o i,1, •CaI1734-S3SQ- T................. ' Two lor tho prieo o l one. now paneling, complotoly "f Commercial building. From: 3 bdrm. lg dining romodolod. Must soo lo ap. willromodollosuit.From.. .. j room kilchcn. 1 bnlh. Back; ofocialo. S9B50. 324-7311.lOOOsqllloeSOOsqft. ' Smallof 2 bdrm, J upstairs, 2 bdrm lully lumishod mobilo 0 Suiiablo lor totail •1 down, I balh. Vdry nood homo. $19.500.734-2730._ or ollico space. ~ rental history. Incomc S685 E85 ; S T A T E R E A L T Y Good downtown kwntion- ■ CASH lor usod yd? •_________7 3 4 ^ 4 0 0 ________ mo. $48 500. Interested? CnIIChatlolie 734-1754. mobilo homos. Cat! 324-1288. Jofomn. — T U R N -K E Y [ Brockmans 324-4203. COMMERCIAL J5A LB F A IL E D ■dairy Evcrylhinn f’oodod lo FOR LEASE ------- '- • 'o n th i5b ti.}afo& m I u:iiT ‘‘'I'i ' start your own duiiy, mciuoBluo LokoTBlvan: 33 1051 1 homo in n oxcolloni aroaa in ! ing rolling dairy 4 farming i Dbl wido 1980 Fuquo. if Spaces Irom 600-4000 cq ft uC ' bdrm 2 balh & much morol I iiiif iiiii ^ 1IT innn iri--!i -It "«»ni|'nmofit.-0f»40 n c r ca Nfa STAIl'utiiitios in clu d ed with / on ll'o main Itoof and 1000 500 m Joiomu. -i ;.Uin,liion lUrt- '■ $27.0j)0^bo slo » o r :C a llS_-r l \onr.o C.ill lor r.itos. . sq . It. in tho bnsom ont. : barn, c a ll p o n s, loaling 2 963 Bluo LaUesUIIICDS:--------R(;,idy for immodinto occu •cu- I shod. Handlino irngation. 4 I For salo: 1994 M nilollo. 2n ;spacosnpprox 050-2100 so r vn-'! bdrro. so t-u p in H anson pancy. Wood burning slovO' ovo' I bdrm. 2 balh homo lof ownll Cnll lor your p o fso n n i lor'; n.7rk Call423-6495 _ ir. inctudnd. Call RALPH nl ! o t plus 2 bdrm. 1 balh lor showing, 7 3 3 -9 5 7 6 . Toinl prico3 Is I s ' hirod holp. S130.000, Call 371 Locu»t Str«ot Soulh . . . .SS9,000.«34.007. :°I!-,L519-CEHETERYL0IS__ ; . ... Joao733-aS7fl.-................ - Approx !4 2 0 flq li.-W o le r 4 r sowor included. Zoned fo2 adjnconl com olory plots • tail light mnnulacturing. plus vnults at Sunsoi MoL ! S A B A L A • 2055 O«tcrloh A ve.-.................. ■ morialPnrk.$1950lorboth. 'Approx 1000 cq It. Rocop503-391-9132lordoiails. - —' ilonaieQ.-kitCihon.-mulii-pur— R E A L T Y _____ -.ST-A -TE-R EA LT -Y — Compriion'lots, primd locn-' ' '■ pose loom. Fenced & land73'3-4321 734-0400 lion in Su nsot M emorial scaped. Call for details P.irk. $600 o n .733-5994 - .502H oni(ln»RoodS. . . . For snlo nl Sunset Memorialll ;2. story ollico building wilh . PnrV.3comolnryplots. npl. H eal pump, conUnl 736-0840 vacuum . 2 0 0 0 sq ft on 2 lloors. Owner pays utilities, 1 Call lor inlormalion. I r -iS iOrSUPERCi: A ^ X 4 3 X^TT^’ I ji '-i yr ■ 6 AT r _THIS— -fR IC ^ ^ ^ 'o%sa 7— - %2119 ....... i IRUJ f fl n M ONTH PER venlence Group nditioning •Cruise •Tilt •Convcni ission •XLTLoriol Trim•Air Cond yl, «5 Speed Monual Tronsmissu •4.9LEFI6Cyl. do Air Bag •Much Morel 3nl Styled Wheels •Driver’s Sido •AM/FMSicreo •Argent! " menis of Sfi93&..SI 900 (osh down cr Itodo liodo equity. wymcRlt of S289 iwr moRlh plus sol« la> *74 Iwe D cyr FiSI pdyriliSnnnili' = IRRY^ALEI e n d s m ^ ^ n n M i m n I GEM _a33Q32^:nr" m I GEM ................ : : I ' * ; ........ . ' ' S « Sprin ling in Our Field" "Outstandim ' ExcopllonaJ homo, 5 bdrm, 33 61 a c re s farm ground lor . >■ bolhs, doublo ear gortsgo,'• •■■rdhl,"ouTfab!ef6rpoiwo'or~ S family loom, firoplnco. chon olhor crops. Cash, ront or H lormlooso. $950 month, ; NEW CON! noooiinto. 934-5582. « THE MANAGEMENT CO, ' I kz hew iiomi (EATunts 3 eto Approx. 138 nc. larm land for noOMturt Fritoi doors leaohig to »S s FmtiY (UX3UAiio lusttR D[D funtx 733-0739. r ront or looco. Suiiablo lor > ARtOWKODlCK. BlAUIlfUlOUi beets oyjolaloes. ioi!(5‘'pflScM"AroNLy'$i^ '* In Jofomo: 1 bdnn - f . $335.’• « [i:r uAiitiENwiiu vih^i siC iKC n lco. firepla ce, no p o le.'• I UOn{ IKfORUAIlON. >' 1 m iS .,3 e„ J o fo m o . , CCLNHJIWOftKOaiANIORUOn 324-2834_______________Budj, 324-6555VIO ^ S REDUCED NOW T ONLY *99,900!!! ^ Jerome, 1 bdmi, $275 mo -f :n[5 IH IH C C O U M IR T IN It(£ FlUfi W ltA , . Excellenl potato ground for > .FlooM to flOAUoN 1 1/4 Acnts 13/4. > .......i250dofl.NQ PO l3--------: , So MUCH10 fliJOYwitliTKtS;wwiTMiBinucuo3£tDPmu. ww ------ rent; S Burloy oToa,- C tiir ' .'C all 324-3161 . 8ATII5 WIIH BEAinirUl’OAKIII 6 7 8 -7 6 8 3 , 6 7 0 -1 0 1 8 . or p :. r . i ! i , ‘5,S,;ls°K ia V _______ ' flfmmn yiiw or tm uouhiaih s Usually can m ove you PASTURES s ANYWHERE for,(CBS thanI 612 I L rontinfl o truck. Nood FOR HErir » -Joad*loCali|.&Ari2------ , : FREE ESTIMATES 6'/ii i acres o llrrlg o led p a s - • y Cnll 324.3490. _ lute, nood lenco 734-5265 > N ew 2 bdrm h om o, W-D3 iCoral 4 email paslurokovail* . hook up, now caipd . paikr ir -ablo.-horaoo. . calllo. prico « ir)g, Qppis Included, $500 0 noneliablo. 324.4909 failQ uihh -Xoeuan Lytu V' • m» S4& d ep.734-47S8 1■, ]Irriggtod paslurp: 5 mKos SW' ' ■ — ■ '■ -7 S i n , f r ‘ M m tiuriy,""fTum ippnn— > * MolBroquifod^ $40b\*^^^^I.' 6 0 -6 5 pair. S om o cnr> be f.wmhed 736 3907. ^ No pots, 886-2640, J l l I P W >E a r n - ___ yourr trade! rTfdSe Top’ s iwance ^ allou i ^ Top doUat 7arf o r '" ^ ^ ■■ $ 1 ,0 0 0 i d e - i n ! —^ ^ = ^ r n in im u m ^^^= ^^^your tradi trade-in allowance:” - N --------- *6,977 *6,977 u k iS w ift S ^ H y u n d i Ex *6,977 V *7,977 0 T 7 91 FordJ T ' em po Stt'C a m a ro Z ^ C h e v r o le Icsw ogen.Fox-.--------- *8,977 -.93-V ollcs ----Suzuki Sai k im a ra i 4 x 4 ----- ^ 2 '-90 7 7 a r u Lbyale - ------ *8,977 8 2 N issan 28' 977 :k C en tu ry $*8,977 j O T T 91 Buiek Q S ^ O ld s m q bbile ii C alais O T T 9 2 FordJ IEscort 8 7 M ercury *8,977 $J 8 8 Fordj ' 'IB r ^ n c o i i 4 x 4 8 5 Ford Broni m co I1 4 x 4 - . ^ 3 , 9O T T ■ *8,977 •cury T opaz O T T 9 4 Merci LeBaron ^ 8 7 C h ry sler' h *9,977 fjF m M .................... j R a n g e r XLT 4 x 4 8 4 ^V o lk sw agg e n V a n a g o n *9,977 ,977 vroleff C a v q iie r— - 19,977— — ,977:-!>....... Ota Pickup . M a z d o B2 32200 -------* ,977 *9,977 *M«W..................... Ige S h a d o w ^ A udi 4 0 0000 Q u a tro *9,977 .977 ................................ Eda B26<W E x tC a b $10.977 | { ExtCafa 4 x ii......... g 8 5^N issan Exl ,977 v ro ie t B eretta $ ]|10.977 £ T T 9 3 Chevi 8 9 T o y o ta Tei rercol . . ^O W 'O T T ~ 9 2 c.......... h evvir o te r iv m tn a ------ 1 0 ,9 7 7 ^ 5 - 4 it4 " " " ■ ' -------------75-GM C.C25iB! r o n c o ll 4 x 4 .. O T T 8 9 - F o rd ~ ~ 9 | ^ u x u k l Sw 10/977 fT r w M ■ k s w a g e n J e tta nc bile C u riass ^ 8 9 O ldsm obil 10.977 ,977 9 1 NIsso io n S ta n z a ^ 110.977 C Qt c b 4 x 4 " qO T T 81 C h ev ro let k sw a g e n . P a s s a t $ ^ ^ 9 0 Volkfi S S ^o id sm o bbiie ii c ie r o ............ ^O T T ■ 10.977 fM t M .......... — _ X p p d g o -C o i 13/977 ,9 7 7 ______ on wagon • I57t Z7 ^ MAGIC VALLEY REALTY 734.1991___________ Newly remodeled 3600 sq ft - rciaitDroMiecspacoonAd' dison Avo. Call 736,0994. I Now ollico sp n co lor ront, • North TF lo ca tio n . Call 3 734-5681._______ Small ollice in prolessional '; 601 FURNISHED ‘ ollico park. 12x14, $150 in^ R e a llo r s ddulils. 733-2124________ V HOUSES ^ - Topoltho5tnjro.1950M .lt.. ^ Kimborly, 2 bdrm wilh shopP S250.540 6Q. n.$ 1 2 5 ,lim STARTER HOME > ? cofrals. pasture, $650 mo, ited remodeling with lease, cono locAtimi. cinr;( to ^cuMi a'cO '? B56-7181 dnvr, . utils lurnished. Call Archis. AST LONG AI J37.5C0. Cau tJtanA ■> Lif-rjirtillS WOlJTL^^^^ Goodman 733-2 0 4 9 or E. flHKr,ilUiJlWlMM(l)(IW!. ^ 502 UNFURNISHED F:^»lkncf 736-6729 - ■ IE WORLD GO BY ^s WATCH THE 1 HOUSES ; lAA/Avl CAQirjAiWCTf.ucrrwmi s PiAcciui AiiD 1‘fnffcr riCiA*. - 609 WARiHOUSi? iUAuiJ:;i..‘.uiv Cf.u/X inou.j; Spiuco; $ 4 5 0 -i- $300I s M.*’A S K f f s i s r ' " " J^: ' 1202 lA«t «l fJitltiy. CCWLI’I «’0 ■ STORAGE REm’A L ’ dop or 1224 Spruco. $500 93-OOBGQ ' . ♦ 1300 dop. Bon 734-9880^ ; Convonioni location 10x20'c, y or733^X)yo.___________550 mo. Some w/oloclric. s 2 bdrm, $400 mo. Ist-lost + * STASH-rT 734-6462. , doo. No potcl 733-4551. • « 3bQ dtoomhom o,8miloaSE E | 611 FARMS FOR I. o lT F ,S 4 0 ^ d m r » ^ ^ I u c REKT ___________ ^B H p The Genneral says: rre cleaning tl ...and I Givins You GEM I I S i m ^ ,977 i g c n Q u a n tu m 8 4 V olksw agi 83^H onda Acc U c o rd ^ 2 977 977 9 8 6 f w iubishi M it-M ax PU SRor"""tiac ”' G randA m / »f15T3 ........... # »I1545 ........... W / »I1K>4........... M M■ »>1305 ........... t M »11S60 . riisoi ....................... 3 8 6 4 , 9 8 6 $ 4 ................ 9 • 1I5M ....................... fT r X # • tlS74 »11«K........... «iMoo «iisfl7........... *21223....................... 2 $ 5 $ 5 M »1t603........... »n8oa 8 ■ f ■ I jlA ___ ___ m Pt Ftillii. . r , rridayrApnl nln ;l2 3 -1 " “ Tirncs Ncwr;,-Twn ----- •- — . fmer's Marhket leaf Estate,e/Rent-Farn 99 13-703 61; iVAKTTO F IE N r' '’ ■ ■ ■ DEALERS . 1099 ALTTO A 19 ' -AUTODEALEnS 1099 )9 ALTTODEALEnS 1M9 Al/TO DEALERS ’ ^ .• ' Iivo lamily jusl moving 4-H QCtivo I roo noodo a hom o / m onB yd fivoolT w in’_, Fnlis would woul liKo n 3-5 bdrm. Ih. tvith ■ ------— W6<U0C I I a f I— ""Jw ypvT I u&o’dtuQS soldom J——“^ M ■ j J V S rx V k. P lo a so call o v o s - • • drrnk.^pi ______ •.__ wants Io roni of loaso Fnmily' wnn 3 4 bdmi houso Filor clonn.*. 3-4 Rota nvnil. 3264925. . ed_Io r e n t .m od a«t ____ -VVa^nJod-l A ' - T —W----- - — 73;.;ag3 ; k >3^-______ • *— - • • w O /S -J . ' igo. Iparkinfl aroo lof '^ O i onrogo. t |fu ck -l-lfailfl»-flo---------------____ ::------- ------------- — 6«ml|ru< id ..lO -aQ X _97J49^ — ----------r __________________ ____ opQnd..ic it.N ow s.PO 00* 5 4 B ,_ .. ____ -------1-— .Timot.Nt Twir)Fnllf a S to c k /441T ‘ - Ford . . . Sure it's built b y F P 'A a z d a ’s W a r r o a rn B u tt M ' • . • t y is B e t t e r ! ju c tlb lo . F* C C o v e r a g e W llh Z oro D odu l . ^ a „ S O . C C O ^mile l '.BumpeiJo-Bu.mP.ef‘ are powerful V-6 than anyy Im In porl truck to d a y l o n Nissan or T oyotol ighor towing ca p ac ity ttnon lulo-tocW ng front h u b s l------ ^ S hltfontho fiy4x4-wilh-oulc ^vMI BI ^ -Ins • - y S u r T f e - A ||- T hh1 i r 8 r M o 7 e ! ~ - M.S.R.P,--'rs;665= [°vo£o *J 3,843 i?°re S F o r O n l y * 1 2 , 9 9 8 or * 702 CATftE ca t ^ ^ W e ic o m e ! B l v d . T> 1You $ 0 > 1 C b o to w J I ________ _ — >rico-ti—0*^0-trvrotog-^ T g S ^ r ^ 0 - P o w n - r/ /- - ^ - 1 - 9 - ^ m o n t h t----- CAR(NST£ '//5sr~ ilTNEEEH T I ad ol lof»g^orn catlte lo lOhoadol 324-7292. e/>lvo.^nnvdnv. nny 16 wt^rto lo ^ laco^w irc.acaM n g________ A A K tu TIg M Dta a rf BtJc*:--------r — aldyhoilors. SSObs^ Cftl 6 7 8 - 3 ^ : W i ® S . ‘ 5 5 r'■ ■ arted-Hoteloin calvos,-----------------Cnll 934-B134. ilslolnbull catvos. 200[to S250oa324-S41B hrrvHf -'l-.n-- irUnt. n hoilor calvos. S Holstoinhoi n stoof calvos. Bandod itock/44127 ■ ; S dohofnod. S, nOod grass • ste 'OS. !$300 & $425. Call C.llvC5. -4540 morna. ovos and -----423-454C m -tr n _ w t onds n ^ Qf829-S212dnYS. . ild Horolord bulls. Blood M o r e p a is s; s e n g e r r o o m t hi oa n C i v i c a n d S e n Il I I SyroldHt a s o l Awsomo. & Sumitl. ofolla. o n 'd S a tu rn SLI a n d SL2 SI s e d a n ft M ore Inferior c a r gloo 'volum e thon SenJra. Coro 326-5402.__________ _ \v Cnll326e hhorsepow er than Saturnn SL2, SI C orollo. a n d S e n tra G: LX h a s m o re ad ol hoilors pairs. 35tioadol )ef" w a rra n ty In Its c la ss basic 'bum per-to-bum pef' Best b( H u rry c n N '3*-S265.___________ T^ )ld Limousin ronistofd ........ fo r 3yroldLI Win irado. 934-5117 A l l T ht iii s & M o r e ! B «rr Isloln stoor eolvos, 6 -g rC l , 6 Holfilol ^ s e ie c n o n i wooks. c B37-62I2. iks.CnII 5 F o r O inn l y * 9 , 9 9 5 o r ilout pollod horoloTd l >7 V , Big siout itling bulls lor eoIo w* 1 4 4 0 P n ; 'o T , i ^ _______ 0 J X Q y m /' l*l 1 6 9 ” p e r m o n t hT Pricers rrwtnnitAO'i’yooritnB ^ h tr€ftfr6g4-^ .------— yootling rog ~ 5 T ^ ?k?Annus n s.ThobosllO outolour buHs. Th l.cow-tiQrd^Jim Millor._______ _ ____ ___ _______ _____ 10Q.co« r. 3264729.__________ Fitnr, 32t ~ '^ )lstnjm lod bull calvos Colsinj Tsalo. , for tall Call 324-7392 or 736-6313. ................. itum ctanodbun calvos Colsttom .............. G I V I C t r u c k Mto. 324-7360 foTMto. B U K iraclorin ofco building Conlracli m a z x s a M T IA C ry co corral lacililios at bodairy compotilvo pricos. Cuf’ I • low■com ll OD•Picmium ClolhBudct Scots •Futly C:or«tcd orpci illy-buildina-<uiw.£oiui]________ __________ :_____ M o u a ta i ■------- -------------- ~ — wnlly-b irson Sliun P o ck ciO Q •MV 8 rinen Steering •A^otrtictM n iln losat Manuol Dinis Id a lacllnlQ VER&PAS5wD{RAlRfi^ ‘W ki ftcp PkI ---------------------------ii honoWiiofs »Mony Other Stondcrd Fcotuies irv.^Wondoll. C ontact ______ «Povr« Dm Ftoni M t i S 4 8 5 3 5 = = = = p ^ s / ----------- --l55nooa?20a-357-5656 :oji. Ooc»w(oiort roDotw. lomo vrtt» mo :. invc4co moy tvsi bo ochK* 0«»o« coji. ' •72 monini, 6 «a. O A.C. InS cS 2 f " J SIroo prico QUdo. 31ncJuQo ig...ttrviAaog: roo. s-x>)ocr to tmouQhAprt Utt^.lOM.Prtcaoaotnoinc - O o y oold id fHolstein bull calvos. . . ------------------- _______ _ .SaoprtitttMttacllvotHio ftflto. $100. 536.2928. lor salo. _ -F orsalo; Quality--------------------O. ■ Holstoin hoilors He 662-3613 ollico 6G 1dffiffl a trodctijuiy. SJCOIttfQEi.rn ofB62-3812homo. 13pamcnifi ius, $ol« tu oi S7.47 maiiW^0 ^ •2<l««poiTOflBo{S149.43;w jfi. . . . A t R an d y H an sei Itortiritrto fapcyrwliwreW KJdIng L Iv o sto c k ?3-ljS23L^ ’ KiW L ^ MSRP *12,605 : K S *11,435 - IBE 2-DOOR I994ASPIH an O LD F r ie n d ... Take; ac N E W Look, a t ai ^ GR/[ANTj^EETERSEN PO N 1 %r333-7445 * -^mo mLYt-^ Mosji..... W — j; \ B lommtsslon Co.________ TAHCE " DSIDt ASSISI^ ROAD ■E k i ii m B iiil t CHEVY-CAV ZAUER__Ji Friday. April Bth. Dairy conlo will soil 11:30 AM. Regular sala i E | _ w l l h J n y j i iat i w r F o f d « u r o r t r ni n« k p u K h n s e IRT4-DR.LX- 1 9 9 4 ___ _ ^ — REGULAR SALE Early Conilgnmcnt ESCOI _________• 150.-200 lbs. 150-; > ctoofs &hoilor^, -ST.-tf4025----------- *306100. _______ -----— - I ‘/L D MY^ 1 9 9 4 I • 0 4 W heel Anti-Lock B ra k e s , . K: ' " — - - ■ C lear-C o at Finishr— ------------------------ - -Po w er-S teerin g ,-F uulli r w h e e l Covers, Autom atic; D o o r L o ck s * S 1 3 m e b u y e r r e b o t e w hhen financed I n c l u d e s I s l t iim l i n s - R A d f e . S u b j e c t ta tc pHor_salel GGl M A C r D e a l e r R e t a i n title . Plus Tax &Ti MGERSPORT RANI ------------- — HC DRIVE AMIRICAJS w ith hbrkLM.Owrwr 934-4478________ or pairs. Simmontal X roicemor^t-heilof#,-oxcol............- • >i: Can 82S4275 ovos.-................... oy boll cahros, cotoan.mi ^ £ 6 0 . Cnll 326-5271 ■ LIMOUSIN B U a S Forealo. E«IWh(lo67640&9 _ !!! | -fORONL •2<i[ann!ftrfSt??i 400-550 lbs. 400________ b5 • 25 Stoor8,700r800 stooi 5 hoilors; 500-600 b s. MOShoii 0 hoilors. 600-700 tt». • too hoi: .young block wtiiio -laee-eewsrpreiHotied--------------horsos jularrunol claughlor cows &bulls. DAIRY SALE spfingors -2 0 Holstoin Hob loreoy Sprmgors. *7Joreo Hobtoin hoitofS. .. . 250-350 t o a ................ _ Sallie Price i s ___ ef^!tosI*W flediic PcmoleNjtoo >ajp * ^ 1 1 CofTrtrience Gnjup• to d 00 HfWne te (mitior^ •« tnlwia&ccf .1.9Un4Cyl.‘5SpKdWtfiudOO » 'ffifliw WrnhH/Vipe*onWogon•WAS 5 1 it«mg»Wuieluggc5«tekonW(jgom •Jimi •Powtf Stettin V miTfflganiiBiy tuiiuir.---------------::--------------------------- jmnim d tn Llvaaloek Dairy. I/O. FridayApriie. 12:00 lon. G ood solOQtlon ol noon. ISO up closo I springors. Conjnod.Klany otW springs . short brod and opon Mora, also conslgr^. 011 :ij354.M 5& ie4. 11-800401-BEeP. — obrod Angus bulls, calv-'' goaao-*-p oilorm an co.----- -!&S336nttof 6_________ mi ' m ~ obrod Black Angus yoarig bulls. Bomon tostod. il?nCnuhom 825-5971. igo bulls, proven quality. i . 2 y rs, Slm m onlol &. . 10,995 . _ _ ^ ^ P r i c e $1C immonlal Rod Angus X, ]hl bidh w olghl. Cnll luiknor's for Inlormflilort l7-47t1or 731-3171. ___ ;s t,-/iP 1 .4 4 3 _ . Red R» Angus Bulla. Jalvina oaso 4 growth. , 3nWonCnnlo S34-4363. . NO DOC. FEE[ ' =>rice $ 8 9 9 0 Plus tax& titte. h S e v e ra l to C h o o see )from starting a t S a le Pric ------------------------------ Wanlod ntod: Nood somootto lo ko ovor my loaao ol 37X : F=EE! • . II call hoilors jmllking). • N E V E R O P 'EE N O N S U N D A Y S ou k( koop Iho c&ivos and 1 . You il givo you o l mv'milking Open M ■.sure. »'e<. . S^iii?>mnnl. 208-66^2272 Mon. - Sat. U lanod H olsioin bu lls & Woano ~8 a ;m .-8 p.m. tiHofs. CnI 543-6966. ____ S a t u £ d a y _ _ ^ H oTiingsayioia-A T rn os----------8 a.m. - 6 p.m. ulls lor so lo . Glonn Oalo nnfhn« 5434131. Hfivlce D a l. N O C .. F E E I DOC ----------------------------- 1 ae©Rsis£w' ^ m . | i©.@3 m ig¥[email protected] i s -Auto.y-A-AirrTiltr!Power Windows, Power Door Locksr AM/FM Stereo, Rear Defroster 3 Hfliiua OD•Bwtionlc WA/FMf a « tiB*C JUumlnumWh*at»fua Coipoting*60/‘ “ ^i^EFitngino-YSpceaHfl fltBumpcf »fuBGnupg •Mixh Mac! *WAS doge -Pai 5 Sled Rafcl Tifas -Sport Rcw B ____ ... I •HondbftjPockoji B ___ ^ I C HPPY^ saie eHti ■ ■ IT ! 1 O 99 » r a , « sa j^ o v ^ om,. mil. -^O R O ^ . '• v y “ 75flBh(ki*iic»tmdee(7if|'. lirwpticp. CHrr^^ /S'NEVERAOa (S Vour "No Pressu No Hype" Deal m ^ - r n Mon. - Ffl 7:30 a .m .-6 p.m. ’ Saturday 7:30 B.m. - 4:30 p.m. 703J DAIRY D H H ■ . EQUiPfcCMT f ^ P P (5 > f C f Z ^ C H E K / n^ o L _____ ES & SE R V IC : SALE^ jf-P o /o /m o U 5 3 :^ 2 ffa 54=Sluo L^kes N:'at-i F* ^ But nepSr W' -/X j 755^ , f. . _ _ 1' e r ,. mil S StQ-R»o milkir»g OQui^ . 4 unit Bluo Diamond horrmg4Blu< ono stalls. 8 Ion gronory bono ,n to^s with4-CK»lomatto-------- 2 6 4 9 p0 boloro11om. '' 326-4' -1 Ms. Idnho Friday, April a. 199-1 E-6 Timos-N ow a. Twin Fnlls. v\ I n B ^r • . •- -j. E l i s E E l iI m r M [ in • n M W 'te S sw M HONESJTLYBELlil E w Iff aU U W ffi m . iiL i m fS -W iCAUSE-ij i F V E m miBEELSSGI i yaBWYACM ■^-■FOi^LSShHAfi :mmALLmis ' -miPMEtlT3l S~ ==Mf:nP¥=fsffS^j MLITYJl ■'• yp '••./■sv ' W = ✓ DUAL AIR BAC 3AGS ✓ POWER LOCK CK GROUP M m * T T [P E R 2 b I W S i ■ m H LIGHTGROUP-________ _____ CRUISE CONTROL • - • TILTSTEERING WHEEL •X-22 . B&tfjSB m 9PAZ 4 DOOR jranadSi!*^ ^ QH NI tiVMU DniST, liooa UOUHIIQ FhO (UXSUrSSlON. Affl CONOItlOHillG. ifuxy W, AUIOUAIC liWWUtSSlOH, (WTfl' siUKiiii:,P(MtnEiuws. >Aq q o J e r / M d p r %E: om >A-PRILUDE- 1984 MARAUIS 982 COUGAR I T BROUGHAM XR7 ;• OHY14,000 mui:. AUICMJIKiiiwcw IWCU&SION. mOMTMHIl Dn^t, • AiHcoHOiiiO’tmo, siiwa'usstm, p?a' CUIf.SPCSn.ICOHOMW, W fERHEAD PRICE: t I THEISEN LOW OVER t m ;Sri"»5""’- __ ^ m a S9 9 0 I ^ 3 . 9 9f S ID IWu Sgs B . ^ 4 9 9 1O •ERHEAO PRICE: m - s s s s r » A ' s | . ‘S ’‘' V LOW OVERHEAD PRICE: , 9 THEISEN LOW OVERHEAD PRIl 1 9 9 0 CHEVY Y C O R S IC A . fUjeuOSIM. MRCOHDItlOKIW. rrr&rojHOWw. J .9 9 S T»EIS£ULOW OVERl ERHEAD PRICE: ^^ E i I 5 5 . 4 9 _______ i S i 1991I FORD T-BIRD d THEISEN ggg"" j6 4 9 0 ^ RHEAD PRICE: THEISEN LOW DVERHE ^ 4 , 9 i9 5 1 9 9 0 » TEMPO F 0 R D 1 'MOUlilEOTRANSuis'siQH, Onir 10,000‘MiiES, air, riooR-MOui, IROHI WhEEl DRIVE. PO 'OWEf EftlOCKS. THEISEN ^ J IT O^fRHEAD ^ ^ 6 PRICE: 1991 M IT S U B ISSH H I M IR A G E 4 DOOR. AUIOMAIlC inAIISUlSSlON, .ION, A I IRCOIinillOHINS. ■powfB siTEmTO, TOvrtn 9RA«ts,-HAD N/<DA Book: (7d60 E L ^ S SSOO 1991 •. P O N T I A CC !S U N B I R D .LOW.HiaS.AinCOKOIIIOKlNS.St «S|StEntO SYSTEM. Fun io drive) 2 S S SIGNATURE SERIES Im in.P «n, PiOWERSEAIS, POWER WWDOW^flUISt COklRm. fIR COKDIIIO IIOX XIH IHIIj, ASSOlUmYlOAOEOl SABLE 1993 MlERCURY EI Tiic SPtwiPuTOiAst HA(A JAin iniOUATlCmAKSUOSIOK. URCOKDrTIOItM], onicf cCHmoi.fWuivmnw mrm. fRMi wrni owvt kwh eruflfw. powinenMi]. ehrio IREOSrSTIM&PCMRDOORlOOS. m o v e r h e a d PRICE: . THEISENLOW s 1 9 9 5 S - ^ 9 . 99 9 S 1 9 9 2 MERCURY SAB A B IE L S W G N LOCAt. I OWKIR. lUSGACE RA EEIROSTEfl. Ain AC CK K, D COKOniONWO, POWER SEATS, CRUISE C( ISECONinOl, HASITAllI THEISEN C S d ^ J 2 ,\ 1995 ‘T F l c J L e g e n d CZ oo n t i n k e s . . . O u r m ^ p u t a t i o n M i F ^ la c e Iri T h l ee ^ D'owfitown TwiniiF a lls --T ^ E. Beautiful D ( 1 7 0 1 MAII IN AVE. E m llf^ 1 9 8 8 L IN C O L N T (O W N t A R n ‘o T n H E A D ^ PRICE: For 40 Years3 The. E a sie stt _________ _ / $A 4 t6 M HfAURUS-1— 1 cwitn wnn rnoMTwiEEi drive.. A Aino lITOUATICinwSMISSIOK. | 8 milO& AIRCOKOIIIONlNO. POWERSIIfRlllO < POWEROnAXES. t itssion, POWERsittmKO 4 m m s, I ownti Auio«*iic inAKSM tss DOWN 0,A.C, 1 RETAINS REBATES, IF ANY, NO MONEY MOI f f l J / u f e s i h C a r r i s oo n ' s n THEISEN O V E R H ^D ^ - Pf^lCE: ■ THt 'mCE: THEISEN LOW OVERHEAD PfJIL m S 1989 DO)DG B E CARAVAN UK KIKQ IRANSUISSIOK. SUR(0, FRONI WIlEIL Moon RQOf.' llOOn-UOU ll«4eWK5. AuiM um TMtussjn. AJOcsmiiQir.o:. powir stiiuu luaiic I f O O jl CWtIRSUfRlliQ&JflAAES, AIRCOHOIIIOlllXO PRICE: AkIOUAIICTRAXSUISSIOK, PO 1987 HONDA PRELUDE ^ 5 ,5 0 i FAcorolla Lewuois WIIHftooBMoumto tawa T O rO T A i T986luiiNCOLN TOWN Cil 39 i wup. fi2. ip,ai «iiL y.v, iim uxjits ip.> lE s E ^ iiiO i 5 9 9 a OVERHEAD * £ PRICE: ' W .yiS'sSi IRY 1 9 9 1 M ERCUR -------- ^ T R A C E R — O nY rC E lE B R IT T W G N 1988 CHEV LowUILES.AUIOUAIICIU H lA HS., S., Ain, POWtfl SUtRIXC. lUCCACERACK. .ITIOUlfWOwmi AIRCOHOmMWO. CRUBLCOH Tiis lujunr wto 0 ruiiT FWin SUIS, PCMIR I /I f ^ 3 aS O ^ t >R!CE:___ THEISEN LOW OVERHEAD PRIl m i9 ^ KWMS, tBTSntniJlO. 1 9 9 1 9 m aui c ifu.cMitC'i,»:»cc«iii:ui:, pwa aits ■ D.MARQUIS. ' g r a n d /M-0150 Icnwn.M/TciUATicmiM Msuis$iO SJ K,iifficoKOiiiONiKi;, uns.ouctcoNiRA, .powRSTKRure.roMfleRw: i4 6 £ h 0 FnoifTwtffi ORW C RSniRDlO. POTitfl SfUAK. ,T. P PIW AlR IRCDKOinOKaiC, 7WOVERHEAD PRICE: THEISEN LOW ENLO W OVERHEAD PRICE: THElSEh M 9 GE E SHADOW: 4 DR. 1987 DODG . mCWT OAr.T. SPORIYmo (CONOMCU. Ltwu^fs,™ COUtSiETHSGlOTDOATl 1 9 8 8 GRAND M A R Q U IS jo m L LeMANS ^ o ^ 9 8 3 FORD BRO :ONCO 1 9 9 0 IGEO METRO U PRICE: THEISEN LOW OVERHEAD' PF - P(WTf\ WIXOOWS. KWfRoocn IOCW.AIR 4 DOOR, AIRCONOIIlONDlG,'AmOIMIC, /AuiawTC TiwcuiWOH. *in coxoinoKiM j, AuroMtic intNSussicM, iti«isifi smniNG S Euns. Au Tu srrnni MM IT ID ITIONIW:, KWrtRSUtWKIj &BIMrtS. C W THEISENLOW. •. ' OVERHEAD PRICE: t iM owtnsnfnu,c, AUTOUATICHVWWiSJOU, *« COHDIIKW:NO, fWtfl ................... STOAweaws.............. - P t E O s lE c _ :S _ 1 ^ 9 jM 1 0 N D A f m POWER LOCK GROUP INTERVAL WIPERS i H f lnVFRHF■ n i#i iiwtirir m mMW" m iflilV l~ h w I r ^ Iff b l l l l kE kg IH H H H R S R B g ^ w £ ^ > a i -------------------- i_ia 1 9 8 8 ^ . I ffl A UTOMA TIC OVERDRIVE TRANSMISSION POWER SEATS & WINDOWS REAR DFFROSTER I VNTED-CCASS POWER STEERING & BRAKES — BOY FOI m ..T ... 2 , t-'FULL WHEEL COVERS POWER LOCK GROUP 1 I . li v i o . I me) sccurily deposll. ido ol S2014, plus (Irslpaymcnl and s 24 months, 10% down cash or trade ICloo ol S2D.77. docs not Includo sales l u and doc QuaranloGil luluro yaluo $11,682, do on ISLONGAS W OWNYOUR mCOUGAR! tn s n ^ z REE:0ILWR=^ '^UW M ATICO VERD R'm ------- ------------TRANSMISSION--------. - = j ^TINTEDGLASS j; . | ^ V 8 ENGINE i r ? S y'DIGITAL CLOCK */•AUTOMATIC HEADLAMP I A ■ S ......... U^IL'T STEERINCWTIEEIT . ✓ i/tH ty /t l l t A _____ i i S iM ^ mMBSIDE .. If S : i i i ^^^ t m ...b ASSlSTAmSE - I tj iiijLEiig£g in I B \'- FORBMOWHL . •• ------- ------------ INTERVAL WIf WIPERS m U M WHEELS t^'CASTALUMIN ✓ DIGITAL CLOCK ✓ REAR DEFROSTER CRUISE CONTROL ✓ TILTSTEERING A m tB tm S m itS m m U m f - d ^ POWER SEATS & WIND> INDOWS (• ; ✓>!//? CONDITIONING i • •/'INTERVAL WIPERS BRAKES ■ ✓ P O lV ffl STEERING & BR — r-rt^-CRUISE-CONTROL ------ H3isiE^SS" S 1_ i - AUTOMATIC C C OVERDRIVE ^ = i:] MEW 1934 L. MERCURYSf .... ‘ t p POWER STEEf BERING.. TIQNING..,___ __ . _ ^ C _ , ~ ^-A lR C O N D ina ^ z ! , i ------------j •NDOWS-.--------------------------- ^ ---------- 1----------^t/^'POWCftWIND pfJQfJ-J- lEEL DRi Ve . . ■ — z FILLEDwm y Ib&solik w~' ^ . : : i ^ B r z l .///T/ffi-.H Z e k tZ E ^S : i - 'AOS. S B B a m i m'RED SERE ^ mmtss. iW M li ^ FRONT WHEEL D B m ^ n,iai_r>n\.-jr.nj^iani — -T—----- v^PORT-MAQ-WHEEti POWSR.BRAKES . — ^ UPGRADEO-INTERiOi • ’ REAR DEFROSTER -POWERSTEERING-✓ STEREO CASSETTE ✓ CENTER CONSOLE --------------- ✓ UALVbU'tHtAULAM, i ✓ TINTED CLASS ■ %/AIR CONDITIONING I ✓ TRUCK LUGGAGE RA 1 • MICHELIN TIRES ■ t / INTERVAL WIPERS K - o mu o v m V E f ^ S S B S mM B B M l o i m M ■s r jn ^ R W w - i 1 1 ~3 b u y A C Q ' ^ rr o z o s s a r ______ ?-7703 — .pnl n. 199.1 I'tjcliiy. Apt Farmer'sj IMarket ,i .1 ^04^705 70 -_________ h e T im e s -N e v v s I B U Y IT - F I N D' . IT - S E L L !■ I Tr 3--I— g tIS T O iW E R iE R \n c E ~ t:j r Tiinus Now;.. ’twi Tv/ii'i i F. iII:;, Id .itio'F-1 ............ H ------ RHi-EST •704 CUSTOM'FARM • SERVICES CUSTOM HAYING ' - I ------ Riclr. PocU 2a^ ':t77,. ' I Cur.tom mochnnicnl . I------- ROCK-PtCKlMG,«Jilacoof-: • ' ^ I WnvnoBowof543-67l9.’ Gfoundwoik. planting. loodor work, m onuro hauling. g. Randy Wonvof. 543-66a6. I Hay retrieving, 2 wido. 1 ion. Cn!l3S6-4342 Marjuro Hauling i ___ D uon a'iC ujlom F orm ln o-I 713-2809 or 436-673S Wo would liko 10 houl . J— ------------ vaufoolnto y w l 1 Plon.-.ncnlU3&:H156. j . I T~ 705 tf€ 1 TONj CREWCCAB 4X4 "I I -1 9 9 3 ^ M FARM MAQHINERY 4 9 9 4 ^ * O fi NBIRD LlECOUPE 7 . - -— ns. 454 F.npine w ith ^ te n e v a -P a c k n i^ D un) Rp.nr i r Whpo^f;. AHto. Trnns ihL-^ I m o m s r - L o n g ^ ^ T r t ^ l^ ■;-------- t winq olofrrovpr59g-45e(}507- ^ g -----------------------------15 .5 X 36* Gnop-orf duals. lo. m $450, Catt'324-2056.. g^nin^l _ v v ith I p n f hher 'II - m r---- IT A L U H h ^ V wFW j ' — * 3 3 , i6 8 8 1 ito Transm ission' Sierra Special, Autc Liter V-6 Engm e Rear Bum per, 4.3 L ______11994 P01\m A C GRtAND AM[ SEDAN ise C o n tro l, E 3 i r , Tilt W heel, C ruise Air lear Defogger, AM/FM •M C assette g l __ , Burlov Tractor Salvage Combino&trador parts Paul. ID .438-5420 Farmal M 51850. Ford 3000 ~ S4SOO. Bolh iroclors groat cond. 733-4193.__________ iih Ford Fofouson Iractor wilh chains. S1 SOO-fl2»S460. . Fordson-Mojor diosd tractor. 324-4537 ovoninoa._______ _ . . lH14'SwolhofdoisoI.oxeol cond. Call 536-2500. 7? ^ Inl. model 55 Chtsol plow. 13 It ^ ....... ^chnnka. lnt. 666 iroctor... good rubbor overhaul unSflr 1000 hra. 423-5806 „ JD 3010. good condilion 'n.. ^ £6000. Call 788-30B0. or JD 4 4 4 0 .- now motor 20 14-9-46liroa. Massoy 520 2 0 'disc, hydraulic foldup ;ol wings, M assey 13* Chisel lot plow, Parmo 6 row Boot cutiivaior.lH1404bottom im plow. AC 2 0 'd isc . Sund nd' lie windrow pickup, hydruallc lu. drivon. 1^9-34 snopon du als. 14-S-46 snapon duals, Is, Harrow UoiWr. T-Bor culti7 volor6row . Call436-2176 nftor7ffl?orloavomco. JD 4455 17 hours, now 14.9 1.9 ^ X 46* liroo with duals, exc. >111 cond, W ani lo Soltl $59.300.1-208-226-7010 • JO 6 0 3 0 cob. 175 hp. £10.000.Call543-5G43. . HT JO RG630 rolling boan cuftivalor, 6 r o w .3 9 r o lls. rtow }w Rod bu A d barbod wlro, 0 --------- e o o now sto o l 6' p o sts, :g, 324-4290 atlof 6-_________ MF 135. gos. Powor steering . rnulli powor w- duals. $ 3 9 0 0 .1 6 .9 x 3 8 sn ap on an . -du als.$1100.734-6166’ — :— WH-t0 efr-8 tBCtrer'. 4 now . tiros. robuUl lronc.'3400 _ .. . C a li934— i4— -----------5 1 6 0 o f 0 3 4 ^ 1 , — •- k ■”" ¥ 4 2 0 3 8 ; 'iSTLAND^ 288 ' 74 - •EP WAGONEER 4X4 RBAN 4X4 ~ B 89 JEEI [X4 1 90 GMC SUBURl : 'H 8 88<C H E V Y B L A Z E R 4X H-1, l.imitL-tl, 4.0 (.C yl. Rnature Soricb H «43281-1 1 5 j9 » 8 g r O B O n i y I6,(KK) ! 3 j9 8 J 4 9 8 J B93H *3988 I s *6488 J HYUNDAI EXCEL ■ )7377-t «073, 1 ■ ■ ■ 4X4 ‘ER4X4' 9 91 ISUZU TROOPEB |£j3688J g X I —— :MCEXCAB4X4 S I S 27-1, t ' Sl.K _ !■ 88 CHEVY 1/2 TON 0>MX4— _ ■■ *12;488i 9 8 8 8 8 M ER C U R Y COI X)UGARXR7 I g s HO? ONDA PRELUDE #4S 014-I, V-8, 19-2, A uto, A/C ■ /f31U19-: Full Power. ■ ro w e r Reaullful Car y y o o B S unroof ' 1 4 2 7 /<073y0-l, 350V.-8_____ LACER .1H 91 MERCURY TRAC ' I■ ^*398y . il-S O O ^ I 333-2219Z - - TRUCKS ■ H07399-1, A/C, Kenwooi G reat ncoiioniy, y N ew T ires • 3 v B L U IIE ---------- ------------ 1 L A K E S B L V D>.. N . I M p n W07470-0, V-6.5 SpL-al, ' liW o iV I S '! □ J List I.on>; J. O .34-2, Koll Har tt451J4. r ------------------ ----------- - . ' ;B '4‘ ■ 9 1 - F 0 R D -33 / 4 0 : 0 H 4 X 4 _ H _ ■ 91 GMC1/2T01 W iper C ab D iesel, X L T , * 0 05 Tr 0 1 0 T T :2 S O “4 X 4 ^ ■ # 2 2 3 3 1 1 , Supc ----- ■ # 0 7 3 8 » - 0 , Auto, ----------- ------------ -------- ■ ♦ 1 0 7)7473-0;FIatbed-;------------4 Larlc't S h o w ro o m $ * j ^ ^ ^ ■ c o n d ltio m ^ sp e e d ,C asse tte, #42063-1, S Sp ^ H v c ry $ ' N Icc C a r \ i NISSAN PICKUP 4X4 84 NIS ^ lA CIVIC 87 HONDA --------- I I f C t B ^ --------- M Z *17j98M£|f f i ^ B ------- GREAT ■ SELECTIC ^ON H OF QUALI JTY USED CAI \R S Ii U l-e a ih u rl P |A u to .l.lk t 4X4 E I 9 3 GMC CLUB1 COUPE C SLE 9 2 D O D G5E E DAKOTA LE W S I GMCSUBURBAN G fj.s T urbo Picsel S liow room CondlHIon o ■ » 4 3 2 6 3 - l , Auto, 6.S ■xtendfd C ab 4 x4, ■ « 4 3326S-1, 2( » 4 5 I 7 M , Ext' io H s le , % > jr. V .8, A u to S 1 99*1 J P rice a fte r R eb e b a te l • Hff43247^1,SLH,-.SiRn; h < T > 0 0 r I R - F 'S ------- i '^L A N IX -U -----------— — WESTL H ^ 5 I4 ,6 7 4 • zzzizii-z I ■■■■ M k IM ^ TOl)DAY! fM H «»-i2() 12091-2, Silverado ____________________ n icn V I m m m m .. W a s $ 1 4 ,2!04 0 — --------- • P rice a fte r RIc c lb a te ! I H ^E B I - .■ I ------------------ p 32V Ly a Q Ml ' Ni \ ’O W CL( LOSE OUT S PRICE m W m ' I "19944 GMC 1/22 TON PIC]:kup ehains.Told foadyl6 row iV. . . polalomarkorwith ground id H M -------------- ffmurcquumupuiiipaiiy* drauBc markoro. 6 r«5whiliof fi damof dikof. 60 Kw gon, 110-2 2 0 einglophaso. : Davis 35' potato pitor, oxcol (or sood spuds. Sfriglo -------------- shanktippor hydraulic 4 . . . rubbor tiros, Forinlormation, coll 676.9240 or ----------mohiln 4 M 7 1 i--------906 IHC, 2400 hours. Itonl 11 ^ wolghls. 12‘follorhafrow. crow loot from & back. CaB 678-7987. Andorson rock rako. oxcollont cor^dition. 68S-2646. nd Buot growers. 18 row. Bond ow Sprayof, 3 Britnnnta 6 row carts, folding bars 250 gal }°{ col tank, oloclric valvos, oxcol ___ ______ cond..SS500.-.Q jllLB25_-. 5750 or 420-3161.________ Botlor Built soodcuttor, ~ Scoopy '0" p I W a s S 3 8 ,8388 8 R _____ s r f ^ MB _____ 2 4 2 u i v z i r ■' ‘p- aB ai -C ondU ioriing, 2.0 Liter Ut 4 Cyl. Air-^ ■ Seats, Kn.irds ^ JTHlrS.ONEi H A S • Jrans, vory good. Brillion 6 row boan cullivoior, good od H / to n d , W asko rotary PTO dilch cloanor. hoavy duty. Collar vont pipo, 18' gal. 8' T \iL V ' V s o c lio n s . Collar fan. 66' | H blado & o!oc molof. 25hp. oil ono unit. PTO onion top >pper, 2 rcw, flood cond. On« 3 3”4 :^2 I Ion flullbr, odjustablo. hy- m ]1 droullc drivo, liko now. 6 ‘ ; O a n u c o rb lo d o 3 p l.4 2 :33- K l ■ . 5012»423.S331 ovoa ^ 2 5 Kw gonoralor. singlo i phaso, 120-240 volts. PTO M ' ; Srivo, $1850. Rollor mill, 7‘ H X 16* rolls lor wot or dry ' com. approx. 600 bu por hr )o. . capacKy. Liko now, $t 100. Call43a-5116. 2 IH 6 2 0 1 ? grain drills. Pro jod Mutual mobilo tolo• — phone;€oJI-8aa«32-of— f— ■ _________670-3724._______ 3 0 2 0 tfac lor & A IIon fok;o, o, Call 423.4377____________ ^ 336JDbalor.960Caso swalhor, JO sidorako, good cond, Cnll nfior 5pm, ' 67S-5706._______ 415ln1omaliona!rollor hanow. 14'likonow. I m . p Call 423-4464 ovos, 1 4440 JD. 16.9 duals & quad, (wJ r • 7 4 C h o v C -e o .1 6 'b o d a h oicl. 3 1 .5 0 0 m is. bolh \ jl nood shnpo. 734-4361 4 J 0 plonlor units. Asking -C12SMi.unlt 934-55ft2. -----------6 IHCr165rplaf>lor-ynittt.-t»V row com-boans roEng cuhlli_______ yiilot-CufLpfllalooj!iatU.nL_ "4-^ r— -r^8085— ^ ----------- 4 row34* spacing, 1‘Accum -TfQk.-cbmponsolino hlich. :h. — W hiio6row oofnhoodconor' voModio IH 1460,1 Poor' _______joss split c aso conlfllugal jal m :“ -------------------------- - ump. 7 5 hp, 1500 flpm:" gjroihorm.-plaama torch. iCs 1 PTOnonoraiorOnan75 r KW 4 6 0 & 2 0 0 -volt, 3 ' p h a so . Call 32 4 -5 0 1 3 or 324-5537._______________ jr, ^ _______ 6 row Thiokol potato planlor, fi J I I --- — r.iili'.. r.ill Idalio • . P-2 _ 195-1 Fiid.iy. Apijl 8. Ii -iFarmer'S-s Market-i\/gtfjiscellaneo(PUS : 715 SWIN£ ‘ 71 -7711 HORSE • 1710 HORSES EQUIPMENT —Woanorpigs tor calo. Call doop bay Tobiano, w •TlmKuhr^hofsoshooing. hoi _ .&d6-6746. A JscdJl4!i4:’ b n ffo ls a d d lo . | JO Flo*71Giowboan planT ani-I 300 ion moslly 1cl and 2nd,p-*—5t«drCnH-g0e>793-7095:--------nbln. 324-5072___________ doop s6at, oxcolloni conot- •=? Cuissitiod . '. . for pooplo I B29-S647 Of 629-5100. ^tfOHA Appondix rogistorod ;or or. £1500. 73-1-S714. • lion. 326-4574 o v o n l n g y ^ ovcrYwhorol 733-0331. : =— 6«fe»ijeWi>9r5-yi6r$2lOQ-M-. — i Allalln tiay, ton b.ilos.' let $1300; JD boan or. corn orm nko otiof. irnil oxpoilEQUIPMEm~ ~ r-Wanlild: » Usod jiornol&'fitoek — ■ —cniitvrnoi, sisoCrHosston~^onc6d. Cair^24-6T25Ti7<nr~ ~ ;’® " ^ 7 ~ F S T m E E D 77 ^i e FARM MISC.’ 101*1 Hydfj) nwing. S2000; I shod*,'Mo^nkoJd. Call . '1907 Circio J, 2 hofco Inn- _ tmilofs.326-b47l. . A tirnctivo 6 y o af olij dark 208-663-4405. ^ HI corn SJD bonn plan|Ofs. i horso trallor. $ 1 3 0 ^ _ AAA Allalla-f.ood dom. fully onclosod. Excol .WWII .V ~ brown, 15.3 H maro, OH X,; •______ • S900 oa: JD RM coih bean : Gtnnd'Vnlloy corn r-(iod.. cond.$24S0.&it4-7S7tr-------- 7e8-9235:72G-459rd/ivr.. ' 80 Fwd Hareh f(^^ — oiT^T^nmrBTjnsTmr— f orn. croso counlry-Jumping or Adrian. 324-5048 . ___ ___ ^whQch_£25J\llalla.cQniaa-laa-—----- Bob Hamlflort Seed Buying tiay on clump, let', 1. oxporionco. $1500. Othor liko now. $ 1,00 0 . \ long7 712 IRRIGATION ' ' (or, $G50;3bnfcuI1iv.Hor,. 'Of.-1 734-3507 cr 733-1477.— — 2nd and 3rd. 423-4377. _ - horses nlso nvailablo.-7fi0horn roping caddlo..oxc. $100; Qriilion rollof hnrrow, AAA allalla frood. local tood eor>d.$7^50 324-4152. __ -1200-P.VC-galodpipOr$U167 y o onn All in rn nrfi'.2 ^ 1 __ !____Calf.35.1,-1266___ ^_ J.BJuiol’horsQ.tfoininoj-SJilM ■ ; horso.ltlr. 5lh whool. cloopH, 1260' aluminum gatod 8* ' — ^ : ^ ~ 6 2 4 - 4 5 4 4 0V0f.. ■ • Lof.sonr., Cnll 532-4458 Of, lack cot^nritTiont, now :~ p io o :s n s r ir ;^ r a o 9 g :^ ----- ------ Ceileci SOft-3Gf.-2S2C— -B^nmoa pIpo-forsBHrnnd(^relfffng ttom.- r- n » t e - igft00703^5S:g2J3II ^ ^ "sA V EToU n EOUIPMEKT ■"“ iTor'shluTMu'crCnkinrn'yrcov-j; -Grnndpa;&-I ^ ?«c"-----Annn3T0oae7Tjraworr~ 4 horso, hortolraitor wilh ijf-nnlodpbo. 886-77S2 horsoE, colling ovo(y----------- FROM RUST DAMAGE. CERT. Wrnnnlof. $1.500 I orod ion baloc. dairy finy.,^ our thing lor $ 3 0 0 0 .2 horsos •tackroom.$30q0. .... r6 Thurfdorblrd whool linos, SEEADUNDERai002—^ : V.N.S.-A.R.C., SI .45. Cnll all . 7 0 0 tons. Foodorhay,-Ion II (I2& 6yrs.)2horsolrailof. Cnll423-4673 ovoninns. apart roady 10 rido $3,000 Snap Ofi du.ils. 12.Jx30, I -balos, 2 & 3 su in g . Call 3^'^ Moyor'5 Fnmily. ;Charmac 6x20 custom oach. 0011208-507-6356 82^5596._____________ ___I 326-4735 Of 326-4074. ___1_034-4036.________________ - ftnddloa &onnr. 638-5588 Z H or» es:B o u g ht,to lda n d . goocanock horoo & clock -------------------- :all ' Good tifst outting hiw. nny' traded. J" Wanted; 1068 or 1078 r.lnck- For Rood spud hauling call irailor. 324-2822-_________ pFarmorcl 0* PVC pipo. plus Call 733-6055. 1 or in good condition. ] 677-4S3G.______________ ' amount S75. 733-4174 CirctoJa Logan Coach ' HORSESHOEING . olhor sizos & couplors. also aoi Q( A N nou E S ; CalF9M-5060 Perry ollalln seed, . ! - . - .Hay lor salo. . .....................Hotofcold............... horu& siodctm ilois. . motal WQtor volvos; oto. _ ---- .■ S 'M por pound, — Foodorhay.$ 7 5 dolivorod. CnllWadoZolCngor • Tim Wilson S34-59S2 Bosl ollor. 423-5525. Ii 1925 Vintngo pinyor piano. ’ , WaH«irKn<.tnr 543-Kfl15•—~ : Alfto dairy (iny lor snloInto ovos 67B-3342 ,= -..original finish, Lots_ol rolte. -----------706 FARM&RAfJCH ------- NowVnBoypKrols------- - 1B u ylh isboaotyn nd onioy ■■703 FERTILIZER............ '----- 624-4544 or 35I-12B6,~ ' Horso drawn.buckboard. for IMPLEMENTS Fnst Dolivory jihonostnlfiiaoMhooIdtimo ___j AND TOP SOIL Ouality dairy 3nJ crop hoy, 1 or 2 h oroos. S 6 0 0 . 2 - r - : —also'toodtirft:rtocV -cpw — - ^ o c k t t K ir s s o c r s 'P o c r s o r lonK in yo u o o w n ' ofgQB-670-2^5 I a>omo. ]horlky$3200.93i-5467. jjido ■Lnndscapo quality lopsoll, ol nico pony harnossos. Ill h'ay. Lg or sm b a lo s. !• ^sio^N o w id im 5 bar cido Burtaco irrigaiion p'po, — 0 , ; $ l 0 por yd. dolivotod to mi , SOO-709-3868.____________ ponios op to 400 0)5, $350. NoHox N .rako $500J23-.lG73ovo.-:. No, ronotahorco.b otil'c 5* UP 10 24'. 326-S695 ’ nroa ot TF. 10 yd minimum Quality hay. good tost, proSol ol whilo harnossos lof _ FORSALE load. Of will load PU. Evos: Rain Whool Lino. largo modiom horso, $200. A lot Wado V loin21%. 1 tonbalos. C otter Burro.w Mochlno, I 73-14.13fior 734-7285 ■' ■■ •767-91Qg«-767-33gOr— —^)l ml6o-tackr-ia«hM lft-el-. —Whool6r g 0 «d-«0 0 <*i'i®"-^— U ^ MPTinrjItrpfortg-fippwr: pnftlelQ bQard-Chnlvinn— $^i<nn rn ll ^74-4066 ot __ cnf.; TOP SO IL:$6ayarddol.v. I WEHAULHAY S3fi'2?67 i Standing nl Stt;d. APHA Evoror.iman 10' whocI car; — ch o c n o rt^ tn rT B tja ire ^ .— ■734^888:-------— le-x B -lo n o r lln isH o d -o n . ^^1 ■ r>rPd in TF Call 734-7039. . ■ -------fi«T <<i-<K-3 soetiottsfcloal ------ i^ ta et <x>tM- 4 g3-474 S. .... -— belh-oldoi $0 p er e h aal , ■» ^ J ^------ - harrow. Mh i;;4 nayc.iior. ■>^J'f3-POULlHVANO . |»" n w hito"TobiotioM loooufl RflBHfTS.___________ ___ Tmapfs lor snlo or loaso_ ----------- _S.13:5S56anor6pm :----; AND PEEP — I s 1 0 0 0 . 78B-9235 0 vo, or----~ F6x"rtolI6/;-1b.-J tT.'OXCOt - Goosonocks. burrioof nncflT _ Ffooman bnlor. 5050. 6 row EASTER B U N N IE S 7~ Sido s l b o o rd .-2 3 0 yrs .old . Slock, or Homo irallore. ■oj ! ■ 726-4595 davS. ' ... d isp o sitio n . $ 3 0 0 . Call Flal IrdlTtfs IromSlngto ■ c “ 734-5257 or 733-6493:— ~ _______ loryn'iO Ca‘iU?3-5Q17 J ? a 1! ^ f^d l‘o olO ^ ' ^ AauI tu T^tdenY Duflls, -j iSummoPBtall ronthl;"S10u 1*^uchfikinfl^iown. Gon-: IC I istcfo p h o y , Wnns 5 bottom hydrnulic $5oach.CallKifnnftor4pm, ‘ J934 -4 7 7 0 or slo p by 33 7 MK Trallor Sale I. $ I.! mo. Pnsturo also ovail. Call tlo & siartod. Call alior 5pm.! 52 i lio rj bales.' ro50lplow.Cnll829-5332 324-2098 • :2ndAvofl5inGoodinn. Coll 823-4630. \ 436-4352 or 435-4234.. , 678-5706. . . Ij 733-5203 or 734-4662. or 431-5332 _______ 709 j ■ 706 FARM i RANCH IMPLEJilEfn’S 70S. f a r m ; mCHlNERY 7710 HAY.GRAIM AND FEED ■ 705-809 ; - 7 102 APPLIANCES . ' T BOI ANTIQUES 802 eo; Wnshom $135. Dryoro $657 . fAntique show ond tole; Was Rango9$135. Shilo Inn Convonilon Conlor, Shi ______ Also parts for ; 7flO LtnHfiov Blvd. Idaho______ F; Falls. April 8, STRTTrPKTr April 0. 10 Af.1- 6 PM. April App A p p ll^t^ft Rofri^eratlon • A t o , i w ie in - s P M.AOP tT t-— • gusm n leedl ' FREE. Sponsoro^TIdaUD---------------- a2r2nrf-AV0r9.------------- . — f I Fnil-tVFW P^at44 -----------------“ ■ Wnio Wnior condltlonor, onviron^ rombvoQ oxisling sc a lo . t sido by sido rol/troozor. 26 K 2 Can John 733-0126 $398. cu. It.. 1 frigidaro o lo c l. 'rango.'Lllton Air m icro-. — .wOYO..,Li^ib?!3fil»'^w;1nu106 CHIL-DRSN'S' ■ :■ ' . .... c o t, 1 c o u th 5 lovoB on T r , ’ 'ITEMS' ••733-4379ntlor4:30pm. . ftmnna w nshor 4 dryor, 9 Air . BabyWuoslrolIor yoars old. nlrfiontl, porloct ■ Easy Entry swing, & cond,. $200 oa. 734-3875 $40 oach. o r 7 3 3 - im ________ ____ cnii: Snll733-0913ftsk for Aaron. Ffoozor. oldor small chost Ff< jn sso tt crib w - m attross, fiivlQ.$75.5 ^048. “ ^$250. 5 f,l Changing Jnblo. $65. ^GE 40 ' rnnno, clonn, good playpln. pinj $40. Bnhy monttw. __ cond. doiiblo ovon, lots of $25 S ? ^ G alo .$;r 4& -54gQ Jj ttorago-cpaco. $75 or bost _-ollor .736-6714 --------------- 807' 107 CLOtHiNQ-------------- ; “- HORSES J, APHA mtii»ililil i KIA iii “ T HZZEuZZ3 ^94 ECllPSI»EGS 19< ^ HA5 V o ^ P U R C H A SS .S 609 >09 COMPUTERS u T ~ E D D IC K ■1 ZU! be B U IC K , IS U Z I DD! E Y O L D S , B All inventoryy from preevious deal . i / M n y ^ a g ^ . $^^^ drhro, • l^; Stock w oshor A dryor, al- 2l86COMPUTER;hard 86C Sti dfivos,-S-pin printt' mond. mid-£<2oiooo. Works 22 floppy flc -«r,m ouso,colorm on itor, > r; ~g_ronV ^ 24(^ r.bo^^f^e ^ —er.^i r ^ T O ir 7 8 8 « $ 7 > T r j-«el< - e ^ w 6f»4o«d «d..4& 00 ___. ^ 734-9416ovonlno8 I hhomo LAND MOITORS CARY'^'S WESTLi A g g r e s s iv e3 S f y l i n g • E t o n o m i t aa ll P e r fo r m a n te ! . / n •'O *^°u'^Ul°ia00*^733^3c73 I_ i ^ ioi^ ith rS b H flo^ ^ m lld s Nico L Nic Maying wnshdr & dryor. d®r. o sso o In duaty rooo. 1 yjQ 0.6in734.8G 91 -------womans wodding ring. AsK Rainbow Vacuum Cloanor. fp /{Roso 736-8776. for Likonow$815.734-2195 . )oauiilul wdiSdina drossrsizo ~ Romodbirng'Wtciranrmusr “-lOrWtX^onJosf^orTVbn-^— I0; -Tntl'nlmnnifnpptjrr^W-Kon'------m — Tndodod. Con 324-5030 t ipi T o r o lflg ^ $'^ 0O ~0T ~ 3A T " « p ------------------- __________________ ^ ^ PRICE! Here’s one eexample! ng tCru^M •A M /(M .C a isa l!o_»Alloy.Wlie«>*.?TIil___ tte - ............. »fllr C onditioning I ______ . ______________ ^4 W haol Dl»< B rq k e i,* » u ihh Morel ' t a ; TROOPERR 4X 4 N ew 19S9 4 ISUZU ■ : 7 r .^ 2 2 ; 9 5 0 il Price................... . ; .:r.77^ F a cto ry R eta il al dealer markup) (nQ.addULonai " z _ Z Z Z Z ^ E -^ E ..... -‘3116 Nation Discount............. Minus LIquida S T # 4 8 0 0 7 ^ ^ J — fC R -M O K IB — ^ — ^ ^ ^ L iq u id a tk ;229 |w<nujnih, plus k Ics iik. $ |5 5 3 ^ i ~'3SlM«p(iyrwnt5cl5229 eposii due al leose inteption. 1Ht S/iWRl Vtf rcfur.dfib!csecu:ir/dcposi 19'994 GALAH»T IS '°"™^T=9;. ',834 Price........ |r ...................... ........ _____________________ C, 4 D oors INCLU[ JDES: S tereo, A/C, tn fs & H eed s T he P et r lf e i t Balan< e o f W an\ i f{ 2 A T - .-' ___________ } " th is r USED C:AR AND tt* •Dual Air B ags •Tilt ng *Cro!<o *AM/FM C oss*tt* *Atr C onditioning •P o w er lo ck s &; P Pco w er W n d o w f • F o ld in 1gR^ ear S eat •Mw<h Wore * ^ ^ — _ 9 T F O R D - F ^ 5 0 - 44JX 4 ------- 9 0 N I S S A N ^SEE 4 X V -6 ilns fM8011-1,V- 8 8 00 Mile H / 2 ~ |— n s g8 9 0 N I S SSAA M 4 X 2 _____9 2 CHEVsV Y _S-10 4 X 2 W07392-0, A/C, VC, Low Miles O RD F -1 5 0 4 X 2 9 2 FFO ?87fzz|'lzz3 1— j ; .« 0 7 4 5 7 -0 ________ r - - # 0 7 4463-0, 6 Tahoe PER MONTH *36 IcoMpi^cnn of S235 icKindobJc sccuiify ocpci iCCORD 9 0 HONDA AC< 9 1 M ERCURY T O ACER_______ a :o »07458-0' »07467-0 — _____ 1987 FORD TEMPO S6888 S O A fifi ’ ’ ’ > ROTWPO /P3099......... #PA45888A.......................... Z O O O 1988 PONT. GRAND AM AM SOOOC 1988SUDAI .......... 5 ^ 9 8 7 #UB60802A... /[047778B......................... IDGE SHADOW IG S A Q A O 1993 DODG 1989 FORD MUSTANG -----»fi24084A_... ---------- ^P00740?A" :....:/.- - :....-----^ iin o T 1991 MAZE 1990 FORD ESCORT ........... 5 8 8 8 8 «0524MA.,..: #W1076-I4A........................ ID < ^ A t\O T 1992 MIT. I. (GAi^NT ^9897 1987 HONDA ACCORD «053154A..... /J004S32A..„.„,.^............... ^2995 ^^-^4848 ..^4987 "..^4987 19a7HdNDACRX --------- • i t MERCUR :URY SABLE WN WCI ^ 9 9 9 »5 5 ________________ --------- M C H EV Y CAVAUERRS Ot 9JP9Bm * . ^6847. ....^6849 m a r night! 5AU ENDS MOH HURRY, Sl g f i o b o>CECO<.tVISTA c #3409 #07465-0 '° 7 3 3 ____ ^ 3 7 7 0 - ____ i- 1 8 a 9 3 F O R D T A U R Uu !s #07460-0 I * 1 3 .9 8 8 lJ p i 9 3 d f f i V Y C OOIR S C A #07301 HO HO a SCUTUSSOBIA 92010S< # 0 7 4 0 6 -0 #C ^ 4 6 >6 .9 «0> 439-0 »5292 5 . L ^ o M i—i iB IIIS « 8 9 OLDS a m JTLA SS - IW M iles #07464-0, Low ^ 6 7 7 '3 l _ l 7 “ PA T HffW fB DER sijil fc— #074 4 2 -0 I 4 ,9 M B U IC K • E| - t ........ ............... ...............: ............... / \ ■ ; »14 .8 6 3 in #07452-0, ------------- All W heel Drive Al n7r9«B ' ...J L _ y O p p o r t u tn i iity ! IS U Z U h52&--- 8 0 0 - 8 2 4 - 1i 1310 PO L l ;BUKKCBfTlJRyW CN #07451-0, 1600 Mi. m K iZEHE3 f Z Z i J > S M > flO B IL E • : L lJ Kg | | U lM t^ A Ll #4502 »154 ^ L i f e t i m es t t M i s s T hlis i O n c e I nyA ^ O CADOIACHSIWOOO #07237-0 X ow Ml. 1 Owner M46016-6, Low h IPh 9 2 SUZUKI s w mF T ,no^9izJ ^ i i ^ XmVGRAND 8 4 MERCUI AQUS MARC ! 4 ________ !. nsMo I I 6 0 1 6 - 1 ,4 X 4 i2__L!1L1 ^ff0 7 4 3 8 .0 2 PONT. GRAND AM P( «07437-0 i5S=aBs; ^ 91 O L D S O n b " 9 0 P O N T 'C R A N D T>RIX--------R CRX i 3a__I I__^ Ih DA ACCORD, 0 ^ 4 8 8 ■/P005I63A.......... ............... 1991 PONT. GRAND AN RDT BIRD S ] 0 , 8 8 8 /ZC431033A........................ SSANSTAKZASJO SLJIQO J992N ISS/ 1989 MERC SABLE ........ /P3106A........ #P3088............................... ;D S i L 7 Q 7 1992 H0NE 1989 PONT. FIREBIRD |N D A A C C O IiI5,3'488 ....... ’ O / O / /UB52101A..... #P3124............................... RD TAURUS $ .| 2 Q 9 4 1990 DODGE MONACO CO S A Q > 1 7 1993 FORD ..... -/P3098.._..... /JA94298A........ .................. T. DIAMANns20 995 c ,o /ta 1992 MU. I 1990-PLT.ACOA1M /JOO2402A..... /P3115A,.;.......................... lO N D A 84 HC r44iT 0 --------------------------------- «3 (# 33403-3 ------ ,-----------------»07'W p O i i i I litiiiin — ""55847 ^0400 ^ x 4 RDa — F Y . M f t l l ) J. ' 1 ■ K fc I | ■' ‘ ^r y, April Q, 1394 v.-r., 'Tv.’in F a lb , !d:ilio. F-3 hmi.T. Nir.vr., i S \ / i i s c e l i a r a €e c u s -4M4IE ■ f I L I N^ ^11I W e o W m miilow l Cleaf W •WTRUCKSi V ^ A » -^ M E V 1 N E W E X P> I L O R E R S tf a m ' ' ■' ■ ' ■ : ■ ■■ ~ r j E W i l T 4 i al ii t f ’ D l E S E L SS — t ^ A L L M E B fLi i A B S — : WRAMftgBfi : —PHD-gnl»rprlt»»^0^a32- i — O P E K SSi U N D A Y S '• W c'llBtu u ;y Y o n r'Q a .^ TEM PO I ■4 T n . 1. F rtm 5 ^ 9 ^ From 1 9 9? 3 C O U G A R S _ 1 i a y _ p o r - f T T O ---------- 3 4 -- i - F a c to ry _______ a n d r y g g i riP fT cd — — ? 3 ~ 9 E Z I n - SS t o r e F i n a n cc ii n g ^ E X P IO R E I^ ^ • Lowr M iv ^ : : A u^ o r i z e d S e r ^ H Cl et z E M t e E E E ilc s iE R 0 5 T A R = = ^ Call ,.p|Q ‘cr!p'''£ni”^ 3 ° ^ i * ' .iko now 83 Kowasoki 5 000 ---------wntl non, $1700.733-1667 * jKO-nOW njoeHc w h ^ l^ i f - ________ “"RIcroTompulor ivnc cdnlrol.' . con comploto with battorioc 4 gha chargor, now prico $6500. soil prico $1500.733-2920. ' " Log;Coblnpaekage, S949S. C learan ance \ f4 24'x32' with 6' porch rool, Centei te r ' 7* 7' Swodish copo, saddlo notch nol logs. 2*x6* T4G roof docking. doc Plans, video, loh 4 702 Main Ave. N. . I— I 1 olhofsizos availablo. 733-61 ____ 307-€e4.244S. Oil tank, 250 gallon, $75. ____ Can 6 2 9 - 5 5 5 4 . ________ Sriglnol'N ordic Track lor Orio c L ^ w c r cC JN JE R J | i f sale, sai( $200,733-5531 Tho 1 rho wator solution, rovorco osn osis, cizo 6.75' diameosm tor 12 . 5 ' high, 61bdry tor& wolght. noafly now. $ 100. woi -Calfr33-9&1S. -Call JOLI rOLE PAir/TING CLASSES Staning coon ot Wood HolStai }15 LAWN & GARDEN low, 734-3602.___________ 'ow. Jsod shelving, glass chowDISCOUNT . Lawn coro. D?: COSO. Lozlor ond olhor mowing, trimming, cprinklor t^ sh elv in g . GLASS m isc. ropair. Froo ostim atos. , - a, CASES: Fixturo Sourcos, ________ 733.9530. Z _Z In c.. 7 0 2 3rd ST, W est, . -C y ..J y Fin FifctClass Roiolillino.yafd & -Twi Twin Fnlb. ID 733-4466 onrdon work. 733-1169 -----------------------------a j flB H Full Circle Sprlnklort q^b MUSICAL JIB ■ '^ow Instatotions. ri^alrs & INSTRUMENTS yord molntonanco. Froo ____ jstimalos call. 324-7653. ja^yi 2a.yLOld.Lowfoy.olotrlcorhroooo^oro;----3 n rdor> fotQtilIina_tnfir.oni- - o aafvw-borw r ~HbTb ratias 733-6769. $ 150. 1£ Cnll 733-8474 Black oloc guitar. F ocu s JD 185 Hydro, 46* dock, now Blac ^ 3000 powor flow b o g g o f, >t2* 30C Floyd Krammor, like Outgoing SWF. 43 P blado. $2600 or bost odor. nov w/caso & Poavy amplinow uli-finurcdT Enjoys camping. o' ■■ -f® -l«f:-6600-or-o(IOfT-7-36--------------f^ — -Gn»-734-eH0:---- F o i U f o u f e ? : = C a l l . r : r S irnancinBrooitmTmniisicz nkn'fldnnlt- ------------imes. Sooking S/t5WM, 401 caro ft roloiilllnfi Cnll_ -~6722Lorsm Lawn iZ f ____ ■ „ _ T X l— — ijmovi3rTonnfina:n!p; pos-" — ^lof 0fllimnlciir73y& b6a. ilntlenshlo. VMB 4478 Sibio reinilc n P ^ s o f l a; ^ 1 I S SncrrlicelExcol 6 string Lawn Mowing. Trifnmlng & Si SWF, 28 '■? acousfc guitar, by Gibson, Thatching. Froo ostimatos. a« music, dancing, movlon. i ___ __ Likos mu Cnll733-7604.-------- - - groat flfC lono, wUh hard caso.................... ' ’ Sookinn ig pormanoni p relationship — $375. 543-4012, Lawn WM. with similar Interosis. Lo' Mowing: Wo'ro taking ____ A wllh SWM. Spinet Plano. $595. on social drinker okay. VMB 0 now Iriwns. Mowing. m M ^ smokof.f. sc ________676-2717 •_______ trim ______________________ _ tl m ing, ond cloan up. ____ rosonablo ratos. Call Karii ' holetaleplono*. W DWF, 26 f nnd Kun Kaisor 734-3084. _______ 676-2717. Altractivo itivo, 5'3", 116lb5„ brown _« MapIo shndo Iroos, 10-15', hair, oyos. i k aa, Calii.13J^3La]iot M ft-n F n C F ------------^ ^ ------0.°'attracilvo malo. 26-34. |Som, 543-6069,__________ sincoro. a •EQUIPMENT 0 fc fclalionship. Andy ploaso TT: ■possible Mowing, odging, roio-lilling. __ ihono numbof.-VMB2615 ' loavo phon Sopiota for sale.-Latgo sospinn donn upi 736-62S0 • Copi V b o ic e G r e e tin g ol rocondilioned Wood ^Ridino lawn mowor, runs ft / locilon ^ ' Woi Rivor Valloy l_°_° - . Arifil.<?nn " . ' ________ j ~ I—liyi - OR • 4 WHEEL DRIVE • 4 DOOR LT • AUTOMATIC • XLT --------- • 42per mo « 3 4 “ A ir -T iM c s r W heel ”^ 3 1 F ’- ° ~ 8per mo I I a 162.‘199 Cosh Dovsm, Reduced T o '16,-162. ’,75% APR. OAC. 7 2 months, 7.7S 199 CoiK down, 7 2 months, ‘19,688, $195 7.75% APR OAC 7.7 Foo not included * Tax, tillo ond DOC F» s '^'-'‘ nfr r W ------ — - - I I ^3' Iso n -B ajes^ p 11 - 7 Hand mado bnby'quillsTor -gnto-Catl e7e-75B3.— -gntf Hott Hot tub. soil com,. 6 pornon. loal toal-rodwood covorod. 30' sqk clonn. Whirlpool elec sol! tric ttic range, nimond. Curio linhtod. mirrbfod, • cabinet, cab walnut. All items l|ko now, wal C70-C242.________ - •• '- C7fl jnjut Insulation business Ior solo. Tru Truck, 1 6 'Arksonrblowcr, 5 wot spray oquipmont. S all $6000. Cnll 934-5796. Konmoro dryor. $60. Cnll -y jg V . -----------TTTT Large scroon TV. $700. Alio ‘■e"’ S axop hon e, $ 5 5 0 . VCrtT S1 0 0 . 2 lam ps. $ 1 0 0 . 1 ■^DUch-$l257CofoiMablo;----- r-r-r:^ SBO, End tnblo. $60,-eaH_________ N ow W u~jroyosoat7 Guiid^ —733 alorod rockor. $30. 2 wntqr Nu branonowwiihsut^'nbai- o ^ ________7337115.________ Sill's= wuslufn cna'EnriltT:h-------------chow clothes, chnp3,jackFor Snlo: 26C IBM Compnt- HOTEL MATTRESS SETS: F. — nbi on ' MLU'M5mo'fy - ia -‘— ^ ~ ^^^A^ n-5';'J;^ullT^2^:--------- ^QIack porcolain sink with Mog H Drivo, P an aso n ic ( OuoonS99;King-$90.Call vnnily nnd toilol. $50. Old ^tinlof. $450. Loovo mr.g . 73-1-.1373, 678-4933 Of nontlo donkey; $25 to good i-eoo-052-1 \&i homo with EhottorCall-nf--------;— _5 cQfppulorr. ior cato. ^ Homostnr C o^ u roreenlw ^ ^-j^ R m p izii piIIu.Vfop-------- -— m 10.nm-8pm Mon. & Tuor^. ^ aiiross 4 box sprinn, slill in p lastic, rogulor $ 4 9 9 , S Thurr. ihruSnl. r.nurfor $250. 734-5881. ; Kirby vncuum cloanol with nil 810 FIREWOOD aiinclimonis, $75, Full sizo Cliirotonic mnitrocs and Firewood (or cnkj ns e . bost i;odor etilsrt. 733-0033 1box springs, comploto wiih Iramo & ho.idboard, $275. 5 drawer c h « t. $50. Full • »' 811 FilRNfTURE---................ ' sizo hido-a-bod {Oiirth AND CARPETS •■ „tones). $250. All oxcol cond JpnghrfroegofTfl)i<~ifn. , ; . / ^avofycioan.CKors. 7 t5 T ^ 7 3 d ^ 5 w.ivo. foclint>r, hicJa-a-bod. comploio bdrm col, chin.i Lg Lq (lofal brown couch, $150. M6d sizo multi-color Horn! vacuum, sov^ing mn^ j closot. couch. $50, Dark Brown vichinoAmiftC. 733-8530. c -n yM o ^ v.^ oatr 4 5 0 -C a lL P a y L ee s s l / jlvDown, 6 0 monlhs,^ •8.d88,'199 CojUC ______________7.57%; APR,OAC AP ‘199 cash cJown. 7 2 months. '12.B 27, M9‘ ■7.: . I n r R ? - TOPAZ o® ® '__________ ^ ^ S i ^ ' B u y ^I g h i & - 11 " •' -• l / w h y R ^i e n t & 1993 t h u n d e r b iiid s ™ ----------------- 8 n r -n )R N fT U R 5 -------------- f w .___ . FOR SALE_________1 AND CARPETS 386 SX-16 with VGA moni- !__ Diningroom s o l, $300, Lator. 40 MB. hard drivo. 1 i 129yd3US0dcnrp0lr.till d io s Dalwa nol! club s. MS RAM. Sinr color prinior, down untilApnMOih, S200.C.an734-fe41. ' . bolh «J00. 543 6547 _____ C a tl7 3 3 -^ 1 A .-------- ^ For sale playhouso, $300. — Call 326-5269. • Boloro you buy n computor, . Full sizo pillow top mallrosc & tjox spring, slJl in plasle. F«iaaallfii&.CaJLZ3aJiaa.l^._____ nood. h’orsMnIcomputor ^3 Tho Times N ow s, or stop Glass lop Ratan 5 piooo din} oHieo t^tweon 8 nm conculiing. ’ Gl by Ihn l T l M EE R C U R I f i L N 809-820 -----------------^---------------------I— H m^atch^novv hou^ n Inow $350. i anliquo bird | ^Quoon r-i:opji!o,y<.lop, . 'cfl[jo'Win26/chaifS,'9'6(5inm maiiross & box spring, still dlos.$1SOoa.324.B563.'-- ■ In |r Qlosiic $200,7 il-6 S a i “ aSyardi 'UiM CafpUI.M^W. ■QiiOOftTitzowatortxidvntti— 2 8 ' baseb oard ho ators, b bookcoso-hoadboard, hoalS50. Cnll 324-3480. .or. mattress & linor. $75, Cnll 734-4569. ■ . j ■_ . " j 4 ploco black loaihof, ■coctlonal. quoon slo<>por Rq Rocltnor. oxc, condition, $75, 4 roclinor. $1500, c 733-4401,___________ Coll cCall 734-4tM9 or 733-5715. Ton, tong. low armod couch. 5 0 yards usod carpot. $75. 0 5( ovorctullod chair, liko now Call anvlimo 734-7233. co llo o table, all In oxc. c _i eond. 736-1736__________ CASH FOR FUHNrrUHE • 1 _o iitom or a houso lull. Wo will Tw Twin sizo pillow top maiiross bo glad 10 gtvo you an on4 box sprimi. still in plastic. & tho-cpol oBlimato for your $ $125. Cnll 7S4-BSB1. qualHy usod (umiiuro. , 312 HEATlNCL&.Alfl . . -SEC6 NOTIWtWROUND - -®'' CONDfTIONING 639 N.W athlnplon.TF _____________ :___________ 734-600ff — 3lozo King wood ctovo. rock Tuflt. Sat.; lOom • 5:30pm wall & pod ostol. $350 or _ J bost ollor. 43B-fl572 Soofs air conditionor. 9700 ------------------------------- 1 So __________________________-BTU'c..axc_condilion-CalL B 734-3028. $200/o1for, ! t a -W aiting4 i&rfi—S o mn e o n e Is^l V o ice In trT odlictior Attroctlvo DWM, 3. _aiL^B5ltja.^fow n.hal. dyod. Sook s qIUqcIIvo ;la3..foman-________ _______ enjoy Iho ouldoo's, moviao, lie oionofe, having-lun lo ntogothof-------------| n \ m c o s z ____________ 'Roal blondo 8 DWF.-25................... ----------- --- j . PfolasslofiB!. nilreciivo 0' ono child, poslllvo, onorgoilc. one ' :oladas and Soeklng WM for Pinn Colai ,^o»^no couflhl In Iho rain. roll VMB a tc h \ Burloy aroo (or ' , OWF. 38. Ilully.taOy. Looking Loo /M, who Is hpnosl ana opon DWM, ^ pow ibte '.■■■.............................. l : • mlallonshtp. VMB 5640 . H on ostS F ,20 20 — Plt>fW hnlrrrinrk browr own oyos,_____________________ * F r e e P r i n t e i dd A d • F r e e imbnio OM.-------------------------- --— Socks honosl. o«xJ humoi :nnbws.gQ0 d..V2 b-U..r 6!r e - p ” P __ _ -22'29„nondflnkQf—who. — ^ --------------- - • - F r e e: e- - M e s s a g e - K e tt ir i e v a J ---------------nulol difwofs, movlo3- VMB powor mowor. oxcol cond. l*;'‘ X nnonsmokof.'36-45. who P S/DWM, -SIDO.Call 734-6561, -£ il! ----------------------DWM,40 — henllhy iilestyte.-ouWoots.- — .=2 t i o n P e r s o n a l s > U n c V o ic c In tro d u c ti< n e e in y o u r life. M a tc h j Of. ILooking W c C a n h c l p2 y > o u f i n d a n e w ro m a n c i 611., SSOIbS, truck drtvor. Hii wtion, tr_avcl. VMB 4199___ Hiding mowor. Bho. Iniornn- B20 gjg PETS AND oly. curva(or 0 co-drlvor: ahnpoly. tional, $400 includos lawn RomanUc DWF. 43 ti nor liar in te re s ts , dream .s a n d G o a l s . n ee o n c w h o s h a re s sim ll; SUPPUES lo n d fin k o f.------- c a n p u t yt y o u to g e th e r w ith so m COOU3. hoQithy lody. non( 10 area, brown hair, bluo _5SwooQor. 543-8048, ® Now to a 38.40. VMO 0034________ S'fl", onjoys lono wnlks. - • Rototlltlnnroartinotitlcr.-j k Mnltosb pups. $175. ' f ' A r ^ O ' ................5'®' 2j aAKC --------------- ^--------------OWCM,60— ttc-dm frefr-elc--8 v0 kino-----------— CntlChTCr:>r3g6i3g67^ -~CHn~43g:B093r--------------ctc, ----------Educated, pilot, advonlurc caring mnn_VMB_3094___ — '_______ ' honost,. can S la b s ol shnlo rock, onliro 2 Lab pups. $200, ' Attroctlvo, maturo j r o s w F .a i ,------------ ;---------- ^ smoker. Seeking amaH.. ifim. Ulr bluo■■' Tall SWF, 41 ■ ■ looso stack. $900 or wall, AKC yollow mftlcs. oyod allractlvo S/DWCF. CF. friond, Groon>oyod bruno motto. Sooks . r p ^ -r* 1 gonlleman. G'2 "., 42-50. ^ bost o llor. you haul. 150 avol. (rlond- SWM, 25-35. who orjo Call 837-4892 or irjoys outdoors. X O X <15-55. who's socuro. travol 5 in d t o . T o R e s p o , caring, sharing, smoker. p Filmoro. 733-2373nnyiimo.- ____ * (i (riondshlp ________ B37-4909.________ shi^. fomanco. moybo moro. mor VMB horsos. dancing, etc.. (Of II social drini Jrinker, romantic, assorliva — _________ or rolattonship. VMB 40 Tractor rololilling. w ood 30 30 gal, „ 0 aidod. Living World )caf, (or doling (olationship. Tr „ a n a d Ci c a ll : mowing, blndo work, corrunoi Country SWM, 40“^ 40 ’a - Burloy DW; }76 ___ ___ n aquarium w- stand, comcatinn, Allol MV 326-4631, piQ, set up & paraphomaSooks, nondrlnkor. rions lonsmokor, Nlco looking, young, £ ploto DWF, 30-3 ‘• - 2 QCtivQ (emalo, likos Inleiliflc )lllflonl con- (igurod, romantic. Sooi Turl lin,$50.Call lin, 324-2816, 1 - 8 0 0 -- 88 6 2 - 5 5 4 5 , 3 1 8 1._slondor. brown-hairod. Tu powor 10 horso, 36* cut, S3 forovor? and husband, 45-55. versatlons. Is olononoss fi roar yod. indopondont single f' ongino, ubod 3 limos. SAKCminaluro Iho good plus. V M a£311-_Arorv’l tho last.yoars1 Ihi ^ F .i d i - a l U s S l .9 9I ppic r n , i „ u , c iOcRing mtoWgcnt. strrcora; ?G00rCaH32g-5271. s i c 5ib a.— 2 4 lu )u rs.M^-F -P : R ain -4 p in , Sat SC Sun yoars? VMB 7330________ ---------------SWM,24,5-11", ■ i(idenl. nonsmoking genlloyn Coro. Ou.ility caro, low , _ i,i sol(<on(ido ............. Ynrd •Y o u m u s t b e 18 ye.irs o oarty animal. inoaomo___ Lono brown hair, oa 3-15. (or (fiontJship, possible .eof.t . 733-4219. ---------- 6 2 , dlvorcod and lonoj man, 36-15 ____ Cnll 733-0555 .. I9 shipjyMB_1662_________ -— 'BflShtuI DWM. OIL. 1 5 lb s. Sooking SWF. bidndo.ifr u S iiv c s w ill l i c l p y o i r '■....... » 2 4 h o u rs rt d .i} r 7 'd a yy-.s.Tw cek. ............ .s ; 3 AKC rog, Pomoronian malo 5-50. who ndvonturous relntlon Sookino S/DWF. 35-5C OF, 65 01 MISCELLANEOUS 017 PUPS. $250 67S-3B96 dining out. 2_037_______________ onjoya iravbl. movios, dini _________ ;■ w it h y o u r FFRR E E 2 0 - w o r d p r in te d adI • B e read y w ith t h e %'oicc ic e m a ilb o x Country g ry girl, enjoys long drives, FOR SALE me Old Bassoti Corrigoe X, Twi'n Falls aroa. VMB 0023 -------55 mo out. dancing, lishing. outSWM. rotln»dprof< n u m b e rs o f a d s th a t in it e r e s t y o „ , o r . ,™s('S 'o ° o t n a n d g iv e y onil u t h e in fo r m a tio n y o u spayod lomnlo. housobtoile in gcnefal. Seeking genCountry ladyy Widower, financially 104 total (t, cutting room 4 lor companionship, possi)d naturod, lomporod. good-naiur< kon. has shots, groal with SWF. 50, classy, good n ,lured. Spoking , o rccort iioman, :o r d y o u r F R E E v o ic e "brow se" t h r o u g h w oDmm e n ’s o r m e n 's lockor moat rail syslom &. kids. ,,1^ Froo lo good home. •05. outdoor, . WojeJ.-iliqrir lionr.hip.VMQ 3651_______ " whilo (omalo. 58-OS onjoya family, homo, outdoors, ou' 5c.nIo. For moro details Call r, nonsmokranch, farm glii type. 50. good cook. g r e e tin g n nidd lis I te n l o y o u r m essa g es. v o ic e gr ee tin g s. Socking (armor, ranchof. no BB6-2144 or 066-2615, SCF ■ ■ • I B23-4622, _____________ ago unlm- VMB 7274__________ or, wllh nood moralos. agi movios.'dining oul. good j— 6 Chows rogistorod, black 4 Likes mo\ to you. the • Y o u cn n q u ic k ly m a k:ce y] o u r sc lec tio n .s ^^755----------.n ,r tb n o 7 c cost o 24 pertanl. VM80327_______ intionjcnSQ o( humor, hon24 vending machinos, could -------------SW cowboy. ^ ■' convorsntia cinnamon. 6 wks old, $125 'r'" 532-4124 joking fef male-companion.------b b o oxcollont pon-limo. /F, 21 0’2", 170lbs.. nonsmi smokor. social advertiser! Pro>093lonal SWF, ------ u s in g }'o iir t o tic h -to n en-e -p h o n e :----- — -os^. Looktr on, lonvomof.r., 35-50, with similar Iniorosls. _C Call 436-1221____________ - ~ IS. dancing and „ , aylng baso- drinker, lovos rodoos. < ' 1 S/(:m. 35-5' 5'4- t25tba..-on|oys ploylni A cockaliolwflhcngo h.ivc a lo u c h - t o n e p lio n c s o n so u n d s, y o u vm B 4070 ■king cowgirl or •Y o u m u st h.iv • I f y o u lik e h o w a pcnsoi mclng. pic- country music. Sookin; ball, sklirig. rodoos, dancli 27’ * and ' 7 . ^ : ______________ ___ 27 Fishor TV ctoroo-moniStand. $100, ty, ^3.35. VMB ng honest, country Incllnod lady, : nics. camping. Sooking I lor.£400.734-4682ntlnr6 jtdoor typo SWM, 20 ti . Outdo sc rv ic e. c t n leave h im o r h er n im e ssa g e . Can 733-9477. 2C35_______________ rosponslblo S/DWM. (or■r iong-torm loi ^ • UvQS hor: horsos, has groat sense o( 3 3 pioeoa o( 4' hook and latch Tjr;: roLilionship. VMB 1670 -------------, likos lalklng. travelling. ^ ’’ Bollovuonroo, >0. DWM I _ _ __ ________ humof.Jiki pipo. 7 0 Monlo.Cailo.Co- AKC black Lnb pu ps, B old, ir.fshoirdow ^- '---------^ :owboy. Enjoys I— :---------------;— sookmgrSW S' F . iS -24. with samo Dowivto-oorth Ih — Young 49. 5'10". cowl ramie rooting tilos.-85 Lynx _ w r ooks “' Istlc SWCM, 30 miorosts.vi s. VMB 3930________ . ____'Wagon-SuDftru y jood sonso horsos. animals, done ancing. Sooks Youno SM,2 SM. 1 ________________ Ecloctlctic SWF /DWF. 42. lull-ffl'urod. gwx _ IdoallstI parls. Cnll -o r m o d r dow ~ clnw s to'-' - movod. $150. Groat Eastoi-------------nctgclit:..iirivchiufo—Dusmo66-<ift of humor. olcJ.taBhlonoiJ-’ od-valuos.-snrn-bum S/OWF.TO^J W9.7ionamoH— ^oVtng'S/D ^mnan, an! 20-25, good_ M wfinihor^cnc Iking companionship ■ " 7 : z 3 £ m _ ----------- — proflom. Cnll 326-3269. lO ly likos out- or, druQ-froo. socialI drlnkor. dri sarno gppgg ol'humor. wliO' wlic likua gomg sookir^ woman n \with an Inquiring somo. onioys c Sooks SJDM. 35-50. who 42. S B”. lulMigured- Enjoys ^ 5^ d>awor chost ol drawers, — omnntic, lontJcr lov- ratling. Seokir lancing, bil- iniorosls. Joyco. ptoos' door nctWtlos. fishing, danc 3030 call agoin having lun timos, nos, movios, din- mind. Opon to lorr 3, (ishing. motorcycles, ani' AKC,ROTTWEILER child's toy box. handyman ' rolaliorishlp. (flentfship, possiblo po; _________ and (oavo your lolcpho llards.VMB 1701_________ _____________ Ing, heallhy SM,, 330-55. VMB 2663 phono numW. ino! VMB 6767 ogolhornoss. Sooks tall. ? m alo4 lomalo. jack, whool Barrow, also do ■ pupics: P' m ;WM VMBOSfiO________ , caring S/DWM, smokof t Outdoor typD SWK TT^--------------DWF, 22 22 ' DW W 37--------------- yMB_48p9_ ------------------------ — honosl. . ca hand quilting In my hom e. ------ 324-7132m esa:" ' sleo lly fit SWF okay. lasti asting rolalionship. VMB ^ ys d danclf^g, DWM,3^34 , Phyale . 43, C T . 160ID3., enjoys ifunotlo, 12Slba., 6 ’5". 23510s.... (drug-lroo. nonMoihor o( Iwo. brunt B eautiful b ic o lo r e d Por- . Cull 324-4S77 . Boot riding, ani- 0916 ig. Ilishing. 6M", 105lbs.. brown outdoor activilios. 31. onjoys horseback ho country music, camping. onloys dancing, dilnkof. cnloys, oi lamlly otiontatcd, ont clans, 6w to old, B37-&0B4 rag racing. Sooks non^ . 5x to Snookor lablo compibto F. similar Iniorosls. mals qnd drag los. Sooks se n so ol humor, arils hunting.'romnntic timos. ituro, tosponsiblo Sooking S/DWF. Sooka mature ~"AbbrowlaUon3 malo, 7 wooks, with Chih ossiblo folniionship. smoking. S/D>. jr In Intorosis. alonal. Sooking SF v 1 SWF. 40-50. wilh similar T (riondJhip. po3-. lor (tiendship, pos; 0 jFl-Female (Sl-Singlo (Dj* balls, cuos. rock, now chihuahua, S/DWM. 21-23. lor (rk jll?*; 7.T4.»7J4atior3D[p Iifiht drlnkor.Snoi S i f f i s S J K S 'IdSl6 )-Chrls1lan (J)-Dowish cover A-euthiort-DolivorodJ. S12 • Qualiiles. -lof slncofo ta ) lasting Irlond- siblo foiatlonahlp. VMB VME 5574 _____ VMB 1514___ _ VMB 4601________ • c . 4Sc o t-u p . $800..BiU.,734- Fom^ Fomalo. 1 1/2 yoar old puro InjjSW F.- aMp..VMB4a90--------:k Wj-Hispanio iWj-Whtio ' B|-Black|l - - - Cut», ncUve, outgoing llcSWM,-t9^ 3l5Sgto ln s 2 1 m e SWF' "• EnorBOtlc r e — ^— - E nthualaanc 7257 or Gono. 734-5084 bro b a s set nouncf, lovos oulgoing, nonsmoking, Ai-Aslon ((NAl-Natlvo American brod an _7 rorSooklng SHM,^ 35 alf. oyos, medium Fun-lovmg. ou 5 T . lOOlbs., good (louro.: blonde, 35. likos 6'4". brown hair .«ii„V 5-2”. bluo-oyod blon g DWF, 5'4”. 120(b8. NRI-Non f kids on Religious lVMB[-Volco ( VM, 50-60, Nlco guy. onjoysiPK°, spi C 77 pcoak dining sol, 3p c, pnKid; $75. Insulated Igloo activo, nonsmoking SWM, Sooks build. Enjoys allII coutdwr octlvlllos. nondrinking outdoors, rodoos., animals. ani ry music, dancino. out- MaiiM* $30. 324-7913 lc. d dancing, skating, baseball, footb ock music, Sooks Ukos couni™ r 011)011. bocKing gocu,o, humotous. a lio s o t.'A hp Bwnltow woll dofihouw dog who lovos.couniry music, JS. sponlnnoouo wostorn nnd roc thing cowboy. 25-35,0. VMB54t0 doors. Soefelr llios: VMB porsonabto. ODsyool Indoor. oulOoor acllvliios QOlng. undor- g/OM. 28-40, who 0 likos m children. slim_SW, 10^20.' pump, 733-0903. ptoo =roo; Adult lom olo B assot ^inmslji. VMB2t55 _______ ^ standing SHF, 22-35. /M, 33 wi'iM n’PJiJLoi Hound X, 3 2 4 -2 5 4 2 or _______ _ _ 1 SWM -2211-----------------------------0' ovorshot campor. $499, Hoi ^nf nonsmoTiof. nondrinkt Jow toisroa Now Togothor forovor 324-8017______________ _ ■, ■ I, 30 5’10". 17BI13S.... !sonso o( humor. Philco. 17 cubic, coppof324 dron ploaso. VMB0827 Iking SWM. 23. G'4",. Allractlvo. oulQoInn,I, sincoro. si onost. sincoro. goai-oriontod,, oonjoys running. Social drinktr , . m e bV Pro(o3Slonol. hono tono Irio, $99 543-5868 Proo =roo; Lob X pu pp ios. 9 likos movios, • / i y Xr J 'I. 1iso ib s.. Happyw ldowod' m ers. camping, easygoing, romanlic. rorr socuro SWM. 3J, 5'7'i. lonso o( humor, jomantlc dlnni romanlic. good sons old. all m a les. 2 Amana microwavo, pairoxtra -wooka "w®' lings. Sooking S/DWF, / . / \ A — An kor. Enjoys 5‘7". darVholrod, gi 22-36, (or sorious doino’fun thing nonsmokor, social drlnkof. movios, dancing. Sooking S/DF 2: Enjoys skiing, old moblnck. 1 cromo color. Call long twin bodo w-lram os. pl**' IB4860_________ 19-28. (riondsh. aship. possible rolatlon- V ^ n T f T vorsalton. lovos country ond wostorn wo: sports, camping, convori music sooKIng fomalo, 24-; 24-36. (or (ong- roloiionship.J/M^ l.->tn aflorneon 934-5384. 340________________ I n i y M qulltod bodfiprond, JilI2 JV-SS. VMB and dancing. Sooking romonco. Sooks aWF, 2V-3 ■aecranited-^____ shio.VMD434; VMBOOIS-------------------- LoQOllys. Z 3 3 3 I I B 3 - . ^ J)quoon Froo: Malo ent. nnutnrr>d. do________ down-io-oami WM. 50-!sIsK i i " S caia Irijn dutch ovon 4 ntid- Fr(w: 6060 • ____________ lal Roman Catholic ' ' ^ \ j ■I5ibx, hazol-oyod. Tradlllonali 0 now Illo Fnlhof, 63-, 215 pnniorishlo. VMS 4783 "ciaw od, all s h o t^ Wk S artad,ouldoorw>n— &WM,-29r-i DWF. 31. 733-3110 ask for Dobbie or !WF. with samo tradlibs..sm ok. ---------- D W FTrr onship wilh Blonder, charming SWI ---------- -poTito, rw ni. 5 b'. I ibibi:; Brand now card tabk> wrth 4 733 dancing, iravol, Sooks compantoni V .^ ^ <7 Bf, call 734-2033 s. who 5'4". ISOIbs.. light w on|oys tho out^or, social drlnkor. Enjoyss outdoors, ov if bt r o w n ^ ,,,. i S i i ’i K a ' nonsmtjkor. E chairs, $50. Sow ing ma- _££!! hon- liko-mindeo SWF,F, 35-46, nonsmok- tional vlows. '■g f C g G # ' ^ \ lor, Iravol. arts, lltoraw p la ce s, bluo'-oyod. Enjoys danc reasonably consor- doors, humor, aanclnn, golno lb now osslblo eolation- or, nondiinkor, ro; chino. $50,733-5465, Froo FfOO to good homo: Z blnck i-40. VMB diivos. horsos. SookI turo.VMDDIQC 1QQ Looking for S/DM. 35-4b • vatlvo.VMB43l717 4J ton lomnlo dogs. May bo Browning oholnun. commorti Bl coring S/OWM. 22-27. \ ----------------■ ^ciBl inonrgrjndorrquoon- -RonwoilfifX.32<U9tS. 5601 • iicioj; nan.mjrrifd miltviJkijli ot (h< opprntf \ , l'«M>n>ll II nin lot ihf putpoKol irwnJutm, Gorman Shepherd puppios Voit« lmn>J«cio<il^ cizo bod. l5* rodial tiros. 10 Gorr I.* >llo-rJ ihit doti iwi r« ihii riiJfl'"* «' ' $75:532-4475, Rupon 'ICE: I f you have a oU. No ot «ck( «illII I" sod biko. Call 733-9094 $7£ C U ST O M E R SKRVICl iiiinffj inr>itil,c rlKri. People v^, '5 Wr ihit fi/il mminci ilnjp I«rifii <tjl public. W < ion»t'iW riciil 1 0 nlii (opr. ervice, pleaic call us I B-* German Short. Hair AKC rog,. Dogroasor or hol lartV. Good Gom question about our lervi' c<KV<>rm(>on»bil.irol ^ D-n ilik, Vo*cr JniioJgiiiofl rf»»»nili TdIIovi ij MVu«t tniioiluciioo adl do u >l ihtli o-> Cylinder to lilt tabto, both bot parents hold til los. :-554S. ext. 31B and JL 1l 1i e T i m e s - N* ' ^ e w s s e U 'r 7i» I ot n'oic .nfe.mi____ cond. C ____ __ toll free at 1-800-862-55 »iuCI'Bn PttMKlIl II «ipniil Kr»KCol 7/» -- tO 10(O V g u a ra rtla o d ^ h ip . ______________ (lormll l-BUO-»<.i.» =ip'yo». • "wc wiH'bc Rappy to help^ Diho 537-5737. piiii froo. 800-265-0205, ^ ' " ] W P la c e y o u r Fre. •ee ad call, ^ 3-9902 1-900-903- . Z .. 3 3 Z E Z Kl.ilio .. Fmi.iy. Apt:rn.I. 1' l o j ’l ' ' - ' — 820 PETS AND SUPPUES . ZhGivn nwny: 8 mo mnlo pujsiDic py. r.m fijack, som o b.TDic oliQ dloneo, Isl >'S, rIoGfi'.il Dane puppiOfl. Harlor^rrir. hUck Ror.toH & Mtif• B20-t002 ^8: ^ '. i\flgscellaiineous-Reccreational-i-ti'ahsportjlation I -------------------------" 1002 11 1002 AUTO PARTS g08 MOTOR HOMES II 1901 ATV’SAND ^ j' & REPAIRS AND a v s —i (.10T0RCYCLES ■ ! Wanlod: Ford 312C .I.D . 01 4 family ynrd sa lo . bring 0 !I ------ . - i992'20'Clas5Cmolor^ ■73 ’ /i> ton C hovy 4 w hool "• -8 9 Virago.750cc.$1500 ■■ C all; rnonovS.it 8-3396 Fillmofii'■ substitute lor -G4 PU. Cal homo, liko now conditioni drive, parllng oul. P rices — lirm. C.nll 733-6836 I 54 3 5713. .__________ 916 Dot Mar Or. 529.900, v,np/. Cnll 734-1373. Garngo r..-ilo Salurday-..9j 1. [• ask iQf Alnr>. i W.inlori fiood lO x 10or 1C I.........gall 733719^--------------5 V ' ■93T V rY3TTT.itia tu-ri. gOOecr-^ ' xSO Uullybamiof wollbu.l J u i i i a b o t h . Th- T oys. hiO's casof $&30 inoavY d^^ on5 0 m is, undor warranty, 1993 3711 R ockw ood 5th : shod. Call733 0182 gino stand, $100. UliliV box whool trailer. 2 f,lido outs, __ _ : cloihos. misc.___________ r_ S5495.Cnll733-a031. wiv,h^r^4^d^or. top &ondi-' ^ with carno rnck lor sm nll ' W.-<ntnf<- Hrwl ri<;pd air con j 825 WAfHEDTOBUY ;B27 GARAGE SAL£S CREED WRIGHT Oraw-Tne rociover hitch, liic Lnto modol Chovy PU. $75. - 'C.nll324-7434. ” FACTORY REBUILT fo r all your 350 31 Chovy-$489: 302 Ford^ $489:MQny.m0f0 in stock. -1 aquarium. Can 734-6209. 1__ _ cliny , l.nwn o qu ip .,Jo^ s.;■ ' SGOO or b e st o llorT ^ all . •CLEANI Low m i lo a g o .g ^ C Grtinidonl! ' PROTECT YOUH INVEST324 4403. • . • ■' 7 r;a«ah;nl.-ip.-uk.ii;f1,A!-Jla.. ' y jgnluil. Gogd u co 'f 'ricT' 9lLMntQrhomLV lomnlo, S300. , .genorntor. roo! air, sloops $250.734-35j^. “~ b ru s li 6 n RU S T CHECK.” irailor. al lo.i-st 14’longS GV/ GV: ' ing room sol. kilchcft .npplr.. ] •iFor sa lo 1962 Honda V45 -< 678 3G54. ___ & misc. crystal, mninrlnl, Corivon runt 10 black prim ft. $5000,324-3317. ^ _ I widn.S13 4744. ' Magna, good shapo. Call JAPANESE ENGINE 4 er. $ IB .9 5 * $3.00 S 4 H S ,POl cr.itl supplies, basknis, onWanlod: Good usud whoo Pifnnh.i Wllh limkJGO: _ _ I R A N ^ > ^ 5 ^ e i n l s _ I_ .^0 95 Idaho s a le s lax. torlainm ont co n io r. TV, [, . i chair 734-3653. - 909-SNOW-VEHIGLES ■ ^{■Hntl»y-0«»vid60»VTj»J**n^ i Send chock or MU IU:------- ; T -rr—VCRrslr’morkpybonfdH'j—r' I Wantod: inoxponnivo.hulcf :, I ch.ir.sis.ntjw Pnunhco rigid C/ic/n/cW»/7-W*,eOJ-Atlion^ io loo dog houso,-waigbt sol, : Pur.'biod InBf.iOor Potrinvor ANO.EQUJPMEffIL _ pPariing-oui 1871 Plymoulli C p °._ | lor ciiild'.sbunny. 432-5393 i._i-IraauJ,.»klu nlido, t a l Boo'fi.l i i - . . . gym m -lo*kotfi.^dim jyu.— _________ ptipn bofn.3j2;94 N opnu h u a s 3 a , i 6 , , ___ D^sjnr, g^ood 3^8 and .i________s ; ■ Mr <;i97.5-a37.:E^60. — ' IJ himn^rcl - .:^ n ow niublte«r'93-Polgri3,- lifi! -L iyan ici:i?lrt9;W !n ^stor« i 800-277-9010 - , Hoc, m o d o r i8 G G ~ 6 ^TGt; ' n°V?mh Avo Fast Jnromoi . T '91 Ynmaha, now irailor. IWanl'. 10 soil 06 Honda 125, JSOn.V 734-45«9. J------------------------- ------------•V 4 whfolor, good shnpo. lit___ ■ 9 2 - on up. A lso ,.m o didol o Cnll 7a3-5Q-~^5 • Mor ! HOLLISTER COMMUNITY | >ics, I 18G0 Honry rillon. A ho 1 House. S600 543-8516 ' Rl'gir.toroO Mafioso puppies, • 0. S ' 5om~. 676-60-15.__________ ; Y A R D S A L E S .A p ril8 ,9 |Y,im.iha born 2-19-94, llu'tly, cuto. SPORTING GOODS t992SZ R 600.n ow 910 ' andlO,W nlch lorr.itins. ■7 condition, only 2600 miles. , cuddly, rendy lof Enr.tor, ■ Wnniod. Potinblo, clippin; ‘ HUGE 4 FAMILY SALE Fri S '87 Club Car goll cart, looks ?3f-0. Call 734-9202 ___ r,hoot.4h.53G6336. “ $.1200. 788-5.134 altor 5. 4 rxins liko n^w^52700. Call Tuil , Sal. 8-3. Cornor Maxino & ______________________ .flc ' V/antod:OH Grulln Buchskii ~ni Locusi in Kimboriy. Rom- ' Ron Lhaso Apso pups, TC $85 or Dun-or n Paint. CnI inglon 2 00 w -scopo.W mSi’O.il GSaAliufur.Dr,TF. :'• 903 BOATS AND 'i3a.a093.. ■___________— ; chosior 7m m .p o o l table, Cnpfi olociric goll cart. oxc. Shiti T;u pups, brindlo. AKC Wnntod: Sh oot m usic- lo MARINE fTEMS Chainsaw.3'xl2'f.wimpool • condiiion. $800/ollor. Call tog, 5 whs old, will bo rond „ Don William's son g, 'Jus r;oon CALL NOW! lor pic 7 ) w o ^ d ock ,$350ofb cst.ol- . Harly D avidsonoloclricgoll ----------------on,1!or,3yJ-».Ji)Uot J^4 ' 733-7gV.i:-------------------^ ' grill, e.ir^tkil.'fishing guQf, for 324-0115_____________. 1334 ?77G ?3?f.________ enrl. 324-7501 •_________ clo th o s. all c i: o s . and • ------- Wnntod; Singlo Ironl end Ifolor Marcy woighl iraining mnmuch, much morol_______ 15' Larson boat. 55 hp ' 730 Caso or .nny singlo wilh will 821 STEREOS/ ” Johnson w,Irailor 4 canvas crino, complolo w' 3V.-* boll Dnttnrn. 543-5269 2^ HUGE YARD SALE ■ covor,$ 1990 733-1711 ’. ---- ------------------RADIOS.'COS---------wfilnhis. bonch, accossoOf— ^To>-rbo',:4i£!oUics-Ga.'nes— ----- ^ -----WSninOTCrtjuyrlSSwK^or 011 not on k,__ _ .1 sji-Ly.irovtupHJtaiiULiCi. 1 .I coiyiEESEE _ AUTO PARTS ’ REPAIRS------------ H MM ikilPSltlK ~ i33«3gg«gA5!3»&lBlCT Z - ^ 7 7 ^ ~ - r m J l] F il J [I I IB S a l 4 Sun, all day, cornor _ 5 0 hp J ohn son m olor. ' oqulpmont, io sitting siand ol Bluo l nkos 4 Addison. al Calkins Irniler, $3200. 734looi Ln/(70 f?.TOOO 5.1)0: Fri S Sal shoors. wool c.'ird: hoo fJ . ?tl16.or.5-13-5614ovos. - !=!r-hrnrif> n u ck s Unlimited, — on1y,S .^g^ghn-Sl-l4^TF^ “ f^ iw io d udlilonim1fu'u]T:iTr-' L.1— ' w 5iTOa'tg troy:4&hnre.-r q ;o' 150 hpMorcury. now into- j c lu d o s oklnning. loldinn 1.n>. : nfniinrt wnr»r rinht-; Tr.ans )(\r—Ttg Fand'paint=S38007T€ftit=:: *~"D0 cn Cnll 513 IS 7 3 3 -5 7 2 3 dnys o l o v o s I I i;hoaih in presontation b o x ,' ___^ ! on P h ^ s a n i RD, Sp o t's ____ . ntior 6om. 423-9052. mr6om.S.13B069. 0. 324-8409._________________ I.I S150:Can324-7434. quo oquip. chain saw, lumiigro. , ■ WANTED TO BUY: Anliqur ■ '0 17V,.‘ Silver Linor. 165 HP.' ■1I Scuba Goar usod 1 sonson. irod ' boat, clothos, wood slovo crochetod S ombroidoroc 823 VARIETY FOODS _ 1-0 , good cond . great lam- , I complolo oullil with mons n si s s : 734-0940_____________ __ ■ lin en s, A old cut g in AND SERVICES in ilv lun. 324-7501___________ ;r wot su it. C osi $2400. will ___ ____ hams. 733-373B. _______ _ 'M oving Sn io ! Sal i Sun N 1984 Cuslom sk iboat, 150 : nos Irom 10-6 at 232 2nd Ave 104 lolal H. culling foom i& Wnniod to boy: Birds, cngos fl- hrs, liko now . 351 V8 . ^ iirs' i apt 2 1, inside il bad woaihlockor moat rail system am i& ospoclally brooding pairs 1911 THAVEL S, S8700 or ollor, 734-8500. , Of. outsidd il nico. Antiques, 1 9 8 8 F O R DI TTi A U ^ S scalo. For moto doimls5 ccna ll, Ro.nson ablo. 438-8093. TRA1L£RS _ 734-7474._________________, 1! “ , car. lurn..npoli, misc. 1 9 8 5 F O R( D R A N G E R 4 x 4 R234G22_____________ _ Wnniod io buy: corral posts -------■ GL,W oll $ q ■ .S.it,B-2, 722ChorokooLano 10 1985 2 0 11 Corwin. 163 I I in oood cond. 536-2560 11973Arisl0CT0l. 16’. s o ll-c ^ c. hours, 260 8 cylinder, oxI rrr t F, Typowriior. book s. VC, . 024 VIDEO Equipped............ J I talnod. alovo-oven. ico box,■ _ Wnniod to buy: lorks lor d- tras. 5|^tent shapo. $9,000. ° ‘i ' hand loob, lable saw. bodENTERTAINMENT g o o d c o n d it lo O j e o o or ^ ’ 1981 Yamaha moiorcycio SH b II................ dinfi. clothes, moro. ; c.lll 733-6074.__________ i TELEVISION n r S.nl, 8:30-4:30,537 ParkTer- 1989 t 9 ’/b'Bnyllner Cuddy ___ ___ _______ ~ ’ 1973- Roadrui>nor. Traveli — — : Warned to buy: Kiddy cart■i!” lo •• f.nen 3.fnmilvlots ol misc _ cabin. 125hp. manyexiras. 1993 Echo Slaf 710 sniollil loiiite bicycle. Small boys biko Irailor. S o lf contnlnodI s. U sed crtly 2 se a so n s. Ex svslom. Call 324-7336 ------S o l i Suti: Kitchon appls. Call 543-4555________ • ai cellent condition. $8500. : 11 L inens. E xofcycio, Legal 27* f.lilsublshi TV. 9 monlh 1975 R R 2 r trailer, sell conS S ’ ’ WANTED 1 0 BUY: Old S(,u Call 734-3429.___________ ; ’piJo ; lilo drawors. v a cuum s, 5 old ONLY>$7J5. 734-2195 ininod. 536-6347._________ Dioners, Call 324-113B.;___ I gnl propano lank. 300 gal 2 b oats your choice, com e ; Saiolliio dish w- ponasoni >>d ; g a s lan k. Lnwn m ow ofs. and so o . apt only. Ask lor! j11978 immoculale 27' Torry. 746"^ i Wan ^ i o ^ u y Sm^lold ___________rocotvof, S I500 734-9746 ■ I S7000.Call733-6511. .0 — _JUununuia-windflW 5 id U ]_ . liU-RarW y, 733,2140 hnmn, nr ■ ----------------T js^ ‘VCR’5 ITEm 57930.SO. ■ chickoncoop. 734-9360 S 0 _ storm windows. Largo don30 733-1623 work. 1;1906 23 (tT r a v o lo io . liko colof TV's $69.50, storo • ' now. $10,000.324-B69B 3oys : house. 1 mile E ono block •87Boyllner, 19’,Trophy I f - _ oqupmont, spoakofs,“'‘i ml- ■ Wantod To Buy: Smnll boy ___ ' N ol W osi Ono bnnk. in b ik o .7 3 4 .2 2 li--------------center console. 125hp. VHP. 1i 1988 Alponliie 25 X ^doluxe CfowavQ ovons too. 30, 2 da)y ffj, H.ioerman,_______________ 5th whool. Call 734-5782. — AM-FM. depth, live well, Wanlod io buy: Usod larm 1 9 8 7 TOY( warraniyl EZ-lorms.;. 1 9 9 2 CHEVY AS ill 'Saturday, April 9 . 9-4 pm, a , Bimini Top. Galv trailer, 1990 5lh whoel Tarrl, $3000. lie# . tractor. 60-90 hp. Call Mel’s Ouale's Eloelronlcs S6795. Can evenings Cnll 702-755-2243._______1 ; 702-753-7823. ___ __trolling motor, tires, tools,s. 5 Spoed, 1730KlmbBrlvRoodd /Passenger, $ | Q ■ sporting g o o d s, antiquos, S, 208-676-2675. • W antod 10 Buy; Very nic •- 1993 Krt. 28*, LOADED. Ha? •WnntBd do od orn live .Cossetle........... , : bfaidecfruo. dolhus. dish6aL,A/C... I J j *1' ; 9 .9 Evinrude trolleng m o -' b o o n low od only 3 0 0 ml. • s i i o 14 dross lor grand TV's,VCn-s,AAppts. 5on. o s . m ovio pro jecio f 4* I ; tor.Exc. cond. 733-8118. . Can b o c o o n a l, 1857 moihor ol thobrido. ro.isor TVDoetOf, 734-ai88. : scroon, boogio boards, lots • i Granada, call 7 34-6541. -------• nblo pricod. 733-01 £2----- ---- o l _fn|(;c. Jero m e Goll' m' i j o t Sk i#, -92 7 5 0 S S . ’92 j----- ^734-4060: -----------------nT^diJ0.-‘91-X-2r3 ptaeo tfoiiof.-------------- 825 WANTED TO BUYi ■ • - WANTEO-TOP3 , C ourso. entor North Him” ; -------; Ounloy Spurs & Bits I Fairway nnd lollow sicins. ' I $ 9 8 0 0 or sa le se p a r a te .■ 24' irnvol irailor, built in ml— I C.all 734-4999.___________- ; crowavo, AC. Qwninp..fl00di ____________h rl^ny^ : 208-774-2266 to" R Larger non-wofkin — y . _ ^ - ^ _ S p o fla .c n c d ^ W l» q ^ ^ .,.n(r,r»TVn<-Vr.RJft.Cn e r g la ss hull, iish 4 ski' ;13V 5th whool. Immnculolel lli-----; Cnll734-30-».___________ ------ , B W N G T H E K ID S ^ 10 [ ; bboat, 90 hp oil injected Mor1 1 o’f moro USED CELLULA . Wanted: Usod cnbinots,.,«P• ! Self contnlnod w-baihlubap I r.ois,5ubsots.cingk«, 1140 cury outbo.ird engine, oloc- ;' chowor a toilet, now tiros, PHONgS.734-B529. -------: pliancos, building m.ntorialr fials. : Hovburn Avo E. ’— Itic trolling molor. Lawrence’ ■I £8500.734-0722_________ '235- ; 423-5130or 829-5554, -— 'TF A ntiq uos. cow ing ma2 pickup 1 if0 5 ,sii0 LT23' '*• Iish & depth finder, lull -13 l-'-Air-SiroAm.-ExcolIoni— __________ Asni6;-aISQ.acouslic.0Uil: ■ W am od-U sod chitd'9-pley l[g y i; ~Chln7rdi?=hiJ57pictorfn::nnd_?^--~H^v5?:if-5nur:32ir44g7— - r:- c o n d i lio n —ex tr a s—r o a r----------------casoreord lof Hoovof olo^ ' h^f.,rC nn733:0552-----■ T A -S U P R A ~ — “ E E M 5 I 0 Y 0 IiA mir.c. H o u s o n o l d it o n ^ — -in»^kaUH-73a^1fn------=-r-bdrm r$12:500,-or best o l— C J H E V 1 M X 4 ^ T — - V/antOd: ucoQ microitsn mi: -berglass,ton d(^°w iiha^ • ' lor. Cntl733-5369. - .................A ulihly irailor lorn pickuf --------- 'S o p o r - " S ' l ' O ’ L m ' Chino 6 sioamor. Cal 73C e c e s s ,, lold down soats^lor Silverodo, powof tako-ihatchor, whoi ' •85 2 4 ’ A1ponlilo5thwhoel,r ------PB rform cr........ I W j S l e s a i H H i S n H E ■ beds, 233hp Mou: Cruiser. Barrow, iond m oacurin • ^oxeol cond. Cng 352-4401. — Cnlcon Irlr. 543-5004. |, Nico;:.:..!.::.:... jnor I Wanted: Usod opaquo propre i l9 9 5 R u f Avo. E whool n n s lawn odgo Kountry Aire 4011.5th whi. Cnll ; TF Garago salo: Lois ol baby cfson ! joclor. Good condition. Cn *>' R o f u 4 C alorofI* S h o w ■ . 85slid , Nininturiloiioms. Hudso e p lu s oxlra'6 . Groatli ____ ' & kid's c lo th es, all siz e’S s . It Sat S Sun. all day.cornor/ nkot. I 734-337_l______________ Bay or Whilnoy blanko eend. £15,000.324-5745 Ford • S lo v o . i m isc. Sat 9 -2 . ■ I of Bluo Lnkos 4 Addison. __ _ Call 736-6002._________ _ i Wanl to buy '92 of '93 For : -BG Kit Companion. 19‘. soili F -250. 4 x 4 .w -o x to n idod d o : 1201 Sunburr.l,__________ | ! Wanted individu.nl with dosiro. -Children's slurdywoodon contained. AC, slo o p s 5. ____; Totally Awosomol Our mov- ; I to s.nil wookonds 4 month ouldoof play so ts, in good goo i c.ib.Cnll734-07_22.--------J grent c ondition. $ 6 5 0 0 . il itint ■ ing IS your gain! C lothos I _________ condition. 324-208G. _ od_L_?' ■;I 736-4252.QVOS H wkndr. ^ f^lnibofl or Doai u n iiu r'^ 2® I Tirne 4 dosiro moro impor-• '1 Antlquo 1948 Spartan 24' riohv dual axles, 5 to 6 tt wido t ' sical (juiinr. Call 733-797 i choap. ColToo Irool 1730 r ° I tanl.C,nil Miko 7 3 4 -9 9 8 83 ! aluminum, not soil conl., ; or 733-4216.____________ 121tlonn 543-G249 t T h ' SkylaneD r.9am -5pm .Sat I days. 423-6274 nvns. _ ;■ S1150.324-7G20.1 9 8 1 M E Rt C U l RY l,"^, ; only! No oarly birds! ____ I ------- --- Hunling n llo , 2 7 0 , 3 0 .Of ’ Cuo Ic illnoon: Mu d f.o ll' j i - ----------------V 5 8 f t t £ ER R € « R « A e b I -------------~ ’r rwm l-nib • InsidOfroTTTrtf]ig04_CAMPERS G R A N D M AIR R II S O R -----------------------------3 Z T " 1 9 9 0 30' NuWn travel -------------- - ptnnftfinnr- 937-4535..... . .. 7554 ovoninn'. ■ r r r T salo'OnbiniomrrTSiroilor:-: i'.trailofbyHrich hiker,load-1] aid ; AND SHELLS j ^TTjr . Wani to buy or irado lor I.n Sharp, • ' wood tablo & 4 ch.nirs, gold , • Looking lor O sh-K' osI , I o d . u s ed 4 m onths. Call ij-h 1 m odelJocp 4x4 PU. Lort 'rt A t S whiio vanity, radio storoo 1 Busior Brown & churc Loaded!............ I, ; 7 3 3 -3 7 6 4 or s e o at 4100 '^T a : do. in lin o lu efin jo cio d , r o ! c o n s o lo .lo ls o f r o c o r di”s . j 1986 11’/?• c’nbover quoon,y }! CrtTstviow Or. clothing lof boy. Sizo 3T • ■ k;!' '1 so lf-co n t, load ed , m ony j ■ cylinduf. air. crulso, odomt I Somo antiques, old books. IID 733 6 2 1 5 ’ '•_______ fi I mounting accessories. Ex-• ,I IMMACULATEI’87 Fireball. -r—r • lor, oct. Cnll 862-3691 — I Lots ol misc. Fri 4 Sal, B-6. II col cond. Eves. 726-5733. _ |I 23Mo.-'dod. 733-9094 Old huiinr churn, any ktni m< 1 2332GmndViowDfN. I Old p oliory, su ch, a ' Warn to Buy: Property or ,r"0r : |2 9 It. R ogal cam per. LikeP I■ Jwnntyourbu#lncB*l •rtiipo ■ dium sized ollico buildinj n<H' I Yard snio: Bam Sal. Groal RosovilloorHijll. OW colic *1?' I|! nnw $8 . ^ . 734-0372 - 'I Right now. top dollar lor your f'o h I on Kimboriy Rd. or Main S ' buys on cxcoHont qualily ----------odndox, i old phoRograpl ' ^ ' i aroa. ouiiablo lor commo r I good trado-in. Wo are 15 rmn ■ iunk.477'Filmoro,TP. 1 yr.old lull siz e d cam por11 |I Call 734-6915.__________ T—T-; I cial uso.733-8fl38nnylim( lammed full ol now 5th T T ~ ! Yard Salo in Gooding. IB40 | Old iloms wantod: Color! ' WEBUYOLDORENTAL i -wheob and irnvol traitors.’ •c f i Elmwood Rd. S a l 4 Sun . kitchon itoms & cupboafi ; 5 I at prices thnt Will RUGS &TAPESTRY'S. 1 9-5, toys, lools & mir.c ' 8 ' 2 0 lh Century lib orglassI- I! '■knoekyourtocksetr. p ictures or Irnmos, ifc ^ shell plus cushioned intori- . i i S i _____— .Biid. lighl liiluros. rnilro.] Yardsalo: Tools, lablosaws. !-l- i or $850 or best oiler. CnllII';; Como coo why your neigh 5696 -• Wfl pay lor rockchucK hidoi i hido-n-bod. roclinof. m isc,-■ china, outhouso. 73>669< bors tost Iheir socks to Ty 1 9 8 8 T O Y O IT T AA T E R C E I 1989~H 01 733-5776._______________ ; — I Cnhlirst 736-0645.--------------- ' Fri I0am -5pm ; Sal 9nmBonham at Nelson's RV's, Oregon M ryllowood bdr me 8 '/^:’ cam per with o v o r-: Reliable .t LX; Loaded, • lurnituro. any pioco, otioionr ! Wrockod. burnod or mochar I Noon, Skylino Mobito homo. . sh o l. stove, ico box. Sink. : 5309 Chindon. Boise, opon1 Furni-; ically bad. ChovroloUfucK; JCKs.. ■ • today, Sun 11-5. anytime nolly sold nl HooRinr Furr Economy............ O = S300. Cng 326-3145. Low M iles............... 734-7090______________ fayoppointmonl. luru, 1930’S 6 oarly 40'S. 40’ 0 . ___■--■>.000.077-8^03---------B It. cabovor cam pef. good.; ............... 208 436-4443__________ condiiion. 3 burnor,stovo.’- Usod tenl irailor, good condi-'" ^ 6 W ' B27 'GARAGE'SALES“ ' Propane lurnaco. 733:56( lio dow n s, now curtains.’• loin, s le e p s 4. $350. Cnll d.ivs or 734-7523 nvor.. 1 9 9 1 TOYOTA CAMRY £450 788-0802. " 1 9 8 6 CHEVY CELEBRI TTTT:! 1316 Poplar: NEIGHBGF 734-3307 lo.nvnmr-.n. ^ I W W Oooon si20 bod. complolo 4 Dr., Aulomotic, Air, Power Wmdows, !,«452A... Hi 11 ................. 5 2 3 9 0 HOOD SALE: Fri & Silt,' Sn 4 Door, Auto. Air, KIto................. will trndo lor w nlof bo April B nnd 9 .8 am to 4£pm SL '• 912 LFTILrTY 733-9450______________ 1 9 9 3 NISSAN 4 X 4 PICKU : r r 2 P om lly s m o l Saturdn rday HiT 7J>TT>7TinTT^ 1 9 8 5 TOYOTA CAWR I TRAILERS • - Sm all labralory typo Tlurr only, 8am-3pm. 1203 61 .................... ^ 3 8 5 0 (il. SheJ, OiKmWhctb......................: 4Dt., 5 Speed. Power Siccnng hood, call 733-7766 days •*yAvo E. On tho comor ofif Gt 733-3599 ovnninns. --------i aAr.hst.________________ 811 overh ea d cam p er, h y- 1 9 7 2 2 4 It o n c lo se d 5lh d whool utility trailer, tandom 1 9 9 1 FORD F -1 5 0 4 X 4 draulic jack, porl-a-potty._ 1 9 8 4 TOYOTA TERCEI W anlod: 150 yards got axlo, roll-up rear door, cin-" 4 FAMILY YAROSALElSa Sal ..... S 3 9 8 0 lully ca ip o tod , 4 burnor XLV-e,Auto.,A.T.................... ............ quihtyusodjjnrpol. Prol SR-5Viian.,V«yHI(6............... 3lhs’ 901 ATV’SAND flto sido door. 8 (I wido, 8 (I , r nil 8am-4pm, lools. clolh; stove 4 oven, healer 4 ico faluos. or.iys, maroons. C ' high interior, $ 5 4 0 0 . In is.r MOTORCYCLES mowofs, dishoo, pans.: ho» SQOO 733-30a0 423-4568. 1 9 9 1 ISUZU TROOPER cludos lolding hitch pen lor -------w.tlort5od. sports c.nrds! 1 9 9 0 TOYOTA TERCEI = Campor shell liis mid-sizedWantod: 35-45 hp oulboa o EE. 1974 Hofldy Davidson, big K.U.SSpoti.UtCoD&mr^ -------pickuo. 432-6629_________ board •■oie 1140 Hnyburn Avo . 2 0ooi,Coupo,/jjlo,Ur«WjIoJ.... .................:.....= 5 9 9 0 oickuo. 734-1955 boat motor. CaB 536-522i twin sh o v el hond. rebuilt 1981 Bucko oooseneckllai!April ethi9lh.D-5PM : i onginB . n o w p n ln l 4 Fal Custom Topper, lul! siro. . ■bod irailoi7-7x 1S. dual nxlo, W antod:4-T235-Rl5or - - 1 ^ 9 3 H IS S A N KINGCAB 4 5or - ST -A N T H O N ySP A R11SH IS L I W l FORD RANGER^ - B o b lanksrKkih * otoo tlart,whilo. $350, Cnll - _______ L-.-^oon5iirtig;E-pty.— y ~ ~ HAl.L~'5a5-2nd-Ai^o-:{ ■“ ::dxc'oi c o n d : 5 1 5ocr::c a ;i& i £ Z 3 i L L ~0ctin,-Vi»y5tai&-;.:.;..-:..... looko 4 runs grunl. fciJt Cari733-644B. _____ bl^ ________ 733-9530.;----------Wondoil.____________ " 324-4511. __________ ■7 ^ noodc complolo front ond, iiih SWe-iasloopor campor for W n n lod :6or7fix16ftsto 1stock April 9lh . nnd 10th. 150 4 x 8 ulilllylilr wilh camper 1 9 9 2 MAZDA NAVAJO 41 S5975 83 7 -^ 6 8 . KEE CHIEF syggQ ^ 1 9 8 8 JEEP CHEROKEI • lufl.sizo.^hort bod. o x co l-. top. $ 300 lor bolh or sold irlr, 1000 ll ol 3' handlin idlinos Shoup Avo E.___________ Iwdcd, Indwfing Power Socls.............. T 7 T 1978 Yamaha Enduro 100. 6CyL../JrCondifiottr9................ With hsors. ping pong-lab _ sooaraiolv- 733-8038 ’ ’•'.Chin Back yofd snio: S n t. 4.< runs g o o d , g o o d cond. loosball table, 400 siphi - r iGGOKimes, Goodkiicho 5x10' w- 36’ ckJod 4 tailgnio. ' ° $400. Call 423^^4039, loavo 1 9 9 2 CMC JIM M Y 4 X 4 lub«w 733-3634________ 1 9 9 3 MERCURY TOPi hoavy duly axle, toolbox 4 -----fnor.ntiQO. 906 GUNS AND 4Dr„5l£.lowW!«............. - ......... Wanted: 8'xlO’ utility itaili _ tarn. W ? ^ - 1 5 1 2 „ 2Dr,;SfcrtCo«po,5Spo«),VC.. Boga Sigmn Phi. bonolii”^; 1979.HondaXR80. 00: Cnll 734-5722._________ RIFLES -------r.ago calo lor tho thollof li 0 2 . ;-CO«lMyndiiion,_ 1 9 9 2 JEEP CHEROKEE ____ u ___ W aniod-B irda.eyji-itu c 1 9 9 2 TOYOTA COROI tuiplo -bQitorod woman. Sat 0-: Modol 70 Winchester. ........, ..... 5 9 8 5 0 d r o sso r ,' oldor • sm om.nll Bioo Lnkos Mall, SpP.®"ot 4Doa,Lofido,..,.............................. .. . 4 Door.'Aulo,, Afl........................ : --C a8 543-67S0, 3O-338caIbur,$4B0, • pick-up pfo1or4W, sorod by Dnhn Epsilon. ' — Cnll733-1S67._______ rr^ 1985 Suzuki Madura 700 cc,Call 423-6291._________ 1 9 9 3 TOYOTA PREVIA V/ -------- BLOW OUT YARD SALE I 1 9 9 1 MAZDA 6 2 6 4 'r.T, • oxc. condition. $1500-ollor. Mosberg Ducks Unlimitod Wanlod: campof lor impoi Fri & Sat only, Houso lu' ....;........ = 9 9 7 0 , low Wes, 7 PiB»nfl«, Piwo Vfitdowi, I Under 3<.OOOWts,NADAO« SI C II6 7 a J 0 6 2 .___________ lag u ago p«mp,3’ diambor. truck call Randy at ; roady lo go! tvofylhlng now lri^ x $275.CalI 733-0118 days dr' i,Tirt4 1 9 8 5 TY 3 5 0 Irail bike,, ovofyfoom,Fir6icomo,lir 1991C A D IL U C FL E E T W 0 — ________ 324-7434. 1 9 9 1 CHEVY CAMAR • 734-9544 t^inhlr.. ■— ARORS 5 9 9 JO se rv ed , 5 m is W , '/• S ' Booutiful Cm, Under 19,000 AU«,Uolhe : 4 l“ ’ i9B 7 K n w n 6 k l4 S 4 .$ 1 5 0 0 , Rugor Rodhawk 4 4 m og. Wanted: cam por tor PU w- •Joromo. Or cnll 324-7244. V-«,5Spee(!,t-TojB,VC........... $350. CoB Gold Cup. comp.4 0 ‘ bolwoonroar(ondo 5,(,. 93'4-5726 nllor Gpm.______ E slalocalol Loveceat, oil — £500. CnB 734-8609. Cnll 677-3217 altor 2pm. jlo. 4 . 1S92 Hailoy Davidton. 1200 211L— roo. Duncan Phylo inblo, , Wanted good ctonn g u n t & o n d ._ SPORTSTER $73_00. Call ■ ■ Wanlod; Chnractof Cook pol'!?;- cha irs, vory flood-com 1002 AUTO PARTS’;............. r rreportlng oood item# for - • in r g .i o.-ElsiP~thoCow 0 0 r 4 3 i-5 sio ~. ' ............... isu yi]___ flpril fl « q 9-6pm'. '44C tH E P A lR S . 0 ®' consignmonlol 4 d n f o r m e ” ____ { • Barroi$1o6,DovoyCfOci .......... ■fockol Soulh 400 Wesl, HovPurn 2 m o to r c y c lo e : S u p ___ M. Terry'e Gur) Repair 2) 900-20 Goodyonr Urea, 4) $ 1 8 0 , D onald D uck ■ alHinn” Gorngb S Esloto sale: Ffl F ria good c ond.'K aw Jw ak i, 200 733-CB72. r9 0 0 -2 0 now c o p s, 2)' Pumpkin $120. Rod Ridir cn. ?' S a l. Wator bod. roclino 'f’or. n e o d s now b r o a ^ nnd 000-20 used , 733-0093 or . h o o d $ 1 2 5 , P op i$350 boddlng, A big so lo cslion llc cylindnrc. B o lh 4 2 0 0 0 , " 423-4817. Q00-7D5-S?02 -------misc. 988 Plainviow. Fal Falls 4 ^ .4 0 1 0,o r4 2 3 -5 e6 0 . i L_ ' 907' HOTTUBS’ " — ,' ijtl, ANU KKJLS------------ • 350 Chovy short block laclyjin Avo E lo Dffsert Viow Dr it— -82 Honda Goldwing AspenWanted: Oollio or GoWoi nki, -^-1 _ tory- robuiit. S 5 0 0 ox^ Garago Salo. Books, purlurcade 1100. lull dress, oxc. _ ch a n g o . G ood pricoa on 20 condition, S 3 5 0 0 .-81 Ka zlos.clothos.lumliuro,,992 i w ? n e ” D e a l ee rr ■ • g g S -O T 00 0' othors. Highw ay 30 Auto iij^ Minor St. Buhl, wasaki KZ-1100, Ion dress, Wanlod: Froo cloan lill dl 5, Parte. 734-7090._________ -8 0 0 -6 2 1 -5 2 4 7 . Nj f a il s • 7 3 3 -2 8 9 1 ■ 1-8C rallof: Fri.>Sni.8-6pm. ____ S1800, Motorcyk) trIr. $275. 908 MOTOR HOMES , • • 3 N E STREET W EST • TW IN 2 3 6 SH O SH O 7x14WollBCnr£)olrall< ■ 7 3 Nova Slock Cor. $ 6 0 0 ^ 8-2. I Cnll734-2615. c o o k - Garano Solo Sol only.. 8-: ^ r»IH rrnr k^i w n o d .COO jT-r*—b*«w > llir-O oub Ia.p um pKC. ANDRV6 • S SS?:10~Oooi'o r-E )0€-fo o . owB a 10 SpooH7Vocuum ciuai loan- .' '£57 P olatio '4x2 4 wnooIuT Slovo; Itoms lhal ehowe )Sl _______ hoads Ibar^ $300 m-bost 6lor, 2 5 0 c c racks fronl-bnck. ill 733 ore, llro s, Stalr-m ncio » . womnn or Indian. Call 7. 0S3 1977 Rond Runnof. Dodgo ollor. 7?4-4M 2 call afior 6,— cloihino. mcc. 482 Filmort fiore, SI 600.543-5897 ovos, 275, .460. low m ilos,joodljros, -6606_____________ ^ 822 -------- TOOLS AND ' MACHIfiERY— — ■ ^5965 >3735 ^4990 3.900 3^1r|z i J9830 ^ -H ii ^6940 M27( ; ^ m i I ^9980 I =10,810 2,990 ......=13,850 *...... =14,989 =17,990 ■t =18,790 =18,850 L!;^I!,t=19,970 E “ =21,900 Imip nihfit y n u i W I IU IS . r - r : j l u f 1978 CrutwAtr. 21 fl inolor jck. homo, excollenl corWillon., Cnll 324-5662,, ............... .S S g>T O Y Yc Vour "O ld To^ — _ y . .. , . ...... Y ' Tiimj:..r>Iuwa. Twin'FailsrWaho'F-S-------------TWlr ipril O.'lOO'l Fnday. Apr " . 1 r a n s ^ o ri ri t a t i o n 0 ? s2 0 - 1 0 9 9 12 GEO ' 1070r 0OLDSUOBUE 029 CHRYSLER 'l042 VANS S BUSES 'lOM CutlasB Suprem e, 2 dr jOO Metro LSI convcitbto '09 Cutli 977 Chrvslor C ordoba, 93 Go 1986Aroostnrvan.donn. 1977 19 powof optfons; Exc cond 13,500miles.$8000.. allpow. 74,OOOfniIos. original 1 74,C ': sharp, cncw llros.call F 700-olfnr 324-4512 • Cnll734-?6?5 $5700-. 2 - 10x156 holo.Chovyliros roo l076Amoricnn clock irir, 48\ 0943 own owner, oxcoliont condtion. . __ 733-C750or733 Z /]' nnd rims. 4 -icy_20,lon 2 • yorYy^^^eondjlion.$75Q^^^ l5-pivm w trV cY n gm -S€7 r H i 9 ;4 [j.a j g » P A ________Z I m O " P L ^ ' i j f H ' , . -tO;e0O on new er>gif>o.-now- -«3-Li0 c h n s sls. 31)6 vB. 5^S Z ~ 1977HuborgrndorFAt500,' XLT, PS. trans. lots ol extras. $6500 PS, AM-Fl^sioro. 86,000 . • X 46,000 m'ios, all highb' c p o o d ,0 2 0 J irO fi.$ 3 0 0 0 1008 4X4 ■ ' tur, oxcol cond. now liroo Rndloiof. $75, fionl bumpur, Qrolto.Cni|e37^57^_______mis, mis, brand now llros, oxcol ' )8 Honda Accord DX. 2 Ht4ii ' t i 'j ir H r r .iiiTjm.u'tT . I '7 '' ~ 'in- 1 r r r ir'iT ■"It*!*I* j ppp¥raaongoir35P'‘ “ s’ COM. 36 Coll Dodgo Visin, brown, £on in d llion. 676-0134 of _rool, nl: jI, nll.wheolilrivo. ouiso, • — ! ilV« _______________________ 1979 Victor BOO Bowio hy- - —YB.ATj^C^OfoalshQpo^ .1 __________ apoKod,whonis.6 •5st)d,-$24W,-678-3740— - -_QZ2 ?rrl?00. _______ 5bmid >and cass. w/CQ-adi^of. r r ~drornulcKofr$B500r ig 7 0 r | J• S1295orollor.324-B346. f100a o ton Ford '7 3 - 7 9 , S100. 0 0 .__ 1979 Ffoiohtlinor 350. 13 V. inn ilYi nnflnfi .WT i o u g ; — — Muw rtm— ^rrihn'i •_______ St'tomalhing 10 mM CalL 324-2103 pvcw. - ___ - a nnort 7 ? Ii I -1 u r j-V 4 I U.ov^y,4x4, MW. Cummins C diosol. toadodi 3-1547 or 73&-9204. ' in# low-coil way . . . with • Yorker Brounham ,has Isl W-JEEP , 733-15 hro.S12,000. 1980COSO mllo still on It. h as n o v o s PL. lilt, G‘ lift, chfomo oxlos. 114,000 m ilos. $ 2 5 ,9 0 0 . ciassinod. 733 0031.; mill r r w ii.6 2 S o h rc .$ i4 ,o o o . 4 5 6 goars, noods molor, 7733-3%1. •__________ ^ had 1W 3 AUTOS-OTHER - - - ■ - -h a i a w rench ’ o n - I t , 7 - CJ5 Joop. V-8, bikini lop. i076S PONTIAC 19B2CalorpiIlar VSOCIork P r , 1981 Ford F t404x41ruck . 2 0 ,3 0 0 .0 0 ORIGINAL 20, ----lift. 5000 Ib, LP nas. $9000, • wilh plow. 7 9 .5 0 0 milQO. ~ £1500.077-3935 nfini 7 pm “I c l como 1st so rvo. 190 4 ^h> t?000. 324-6S33 _______ . , 1970 GMC 'A lo n . V .8. MILES, rm 91 and can't ------ ’■ MIL B .44 Cntl431-5510. . lo015 i- AUDI 7-Eonliac 6000, tilt, PW. ______ . Jsa3-C hoxyJM oiLJ5£Lm :. _ c ___________ , | l 9 B7-£o ------fe3S06^2»»U 3. ........... y r iv o w n r o n r w iil-c o in o — • c p c fr ta8s-c ti0vr M on ro • , ' ' - —yriv $3a00 otlf>r. 543-6719. jh miloa. $1995 of bost > l LINCOLN ■ • milna.324-5127:<-■ . ^ ;984 Audi 4000 S Quoilfo;^ zjtjo __L— -------Oflrlort’loptrrbtncKrlow ih o-h iB h osrtn d d B C zIb e-^ !." ''1?'^ 1984 Kohwonh truck. Inrt-" i ^ a S h o V :' igB_£Bronco‘I17GJcJirini5rr -^T annjfgTTvrTr,----- TSt3I'?-L-inoe1rvTown.Caf'.'uX-“ :7.0-Chovy J.U-4xfU-flL»^L -..Sil .Sih-U f-SB^S^ii^OOQ ^ iiminlinguiiln lU ■ ■ mllof;-1owni»r.7^-21gO. £ i_ -. — 3oritr400Ctmwmn57l3Tpdrm n . n d ,.b o d y oxc. sh a p o . .Cn Catalino. good pamt, wp-- ----------co ? "Tulltawpko, AM-FM rndlo, [now iFrbs, tun s good, .Cnlt726-18r>4___________ Write Vfito to PO Box 3670. Boise, •64-FordTfuck, with campof )llonl condition, low miTos. ^ .V ilstory, fitS ipor Irons, now tiros, oxc. condi$3995.C nll733-3135 5 ----4 tiros. Ru/is $3500oroUor.678-75B3 2. $2800.733-6460.•________ J Id.l) Id.ihnft3702-0fi70________ bulli In. color on lop. coll lion, $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 , Call 702--------S jatl S $13951 Soo ol: 1027 1984 C hovyV ..lonflnibod • 7 6 CJ-7, foally good cond, 103. 1024 BMW ------contalnod, big holding mnK, nr'h, 755-2245.._____________ 1906 C h o v y i ton, 4 6 .0 0 0 H irfcvfflvnf.0f734.7l69. $3.600. C allfe40117. _• ' _________________ 1037 milos.bonulilul solid while fpickup. 4x4 d io s o t 50K 037 DODGE ,0 6il, MAZDA $3500. ‘91 Ford F«itJva. ?5 1984 ulility roolor tilr. 46'6', ' ■ 9 0 535 BMW. Rod i black ____ “ 1 wilh lols ol oxtrasi S6000. rmilos, nowliros 4 brakos. •79 JoopCJS. runs oxcoliont. '90 cp . Ilko now , 24,000 mi. 102* wido. good tiroi. oxcol Cnil 436-S5B4.___________ inioiior, low milos. liKo now. '84 C odgo D aylonn turbo. 34 D )very clean , $ 6 0 0 0 . Call uitS olol '88M azada.4r 10811 SAAB S S 3 B 0 0 .‘S Z Isu z u D lo'*.7 io l. looks oronl. V-8. low mik5S, ini cond. Call B29-5930. 324-4511._______________ "mostly lowtjd. mar^y extras, _££ $25.500. Cnil 734.4999. no( n o o d sso m o work. $ 6 0 0 . .door, loaded. $3550, PU. with choll good condir - 1989 Toyota pickup EX cnb. 5nab, tooKs fi runs good, Call 1985 Suburban diosol Silvofj£5506. C.-.II 734.7669. ^ ^ Call 886-7051 aflof 4pm or Cnil 543-5930 llo n .$ 1 5 0 0 .4 2 3 -4 0 1 0ftoor r 1085 Froighllinor. 400 Cot. “'• . ..v-C. AT. 79,000 mis. $7495. ’.r ic n ow b fok oa, tr c n s .4 nnvtlmnwnnKnnds. ' ■ lOspooodlroct.aircusponjm . . 423-5S60 loavo msn. Of borJ ollor. Call 734-8239 ‘ado. in good shapd, $6200. 7 9 Suburban, oxcoliont con- 1026 BUICK rtch £?000 324-4340 ^ sloM. 63* sioop of. BoDtlc '• 736-7688 nlmr 5pm_________-dition.iondrjdtothom ftx.-- 7 - 7 ^ MERCURY------------------ ^ ........... -'80 Chowy SlO, 4 eyi, 5 spd, • -so.il5:$13.000:734-G005.- 1991 Mardo 2x4.'4 cyl.-luol- ~ l e f t iBlkl\0Q} BuickSky^ M i'r o R b < $3500.678-7583ovcs. . . . rod. chorpi $ 4 2 0 0 .^ 8 8 — injoction, cob P’us. 5 cpood. ^1987 GMC Suburban. Sierra 4 . SUBARU lark. 2 ownof. oxcol cond. __ rin««lc I findod Immneu- ~ ^ 1. ■ _______ , ■ I 19717 -------------=-OotfgirStiaaow, AT, AC.' 4 ~ 8 t Cliuiry DlAZur GHvcfiw^o.i ■ ■ F S . P B. Sluruu, t S f W r - t w i^al 60KW gonoralorS4500. 10 • df, whho. $3100. Will doal. AC. va. $3900.736-0044, . Come sool 733-4423. Cal'l324-5225. 'lalo cond. now tires, baitory 2 Legacy, white with bluo $40 $4M. C^B 7^"-2M i !‘ ° _ . and brako.*;. 788-2993. ;------------- -733-1S36of.324^134____■ _ KWoonornlor. S900 ofiof.-loadodi Lew milos,—........— — 72 Fordr3/4'ton-ptckup,-ATr 979 Ford M ustang, runs c n ll4 iT fi •-________ ' 197C 19 8 8 Ford Bronco XLT, '8 '0'6 Fold FlSO. 4x4. o xcol' r o .eccon c o , d.733,3?0^ _____ 11423-6290.____________ Drivo Q now QUlomobilo fi ' 733-3SB3 57- . PS. SieOO, 734-6432 nood. $500. Call 423-5329. — ^ 1028 CHEVROLET noo cloan.'loadod. $9000. Call _Scond. Cnil 7330398. rfco! •71GM C,7500,tnndamdr, 985 Grand Morquis.lyll pny only oboul 'fi tho prico! •86' Toyota 4-RunnOf, low _ _ 436-9969 Innvn'moyj'no. '8 97 9 Ford Pinto. $ 3 0 0 or riflhi 4 7 8 , 2 0 ‘ bonrd b o d .’71 powor. $2500, Coll 1087 T '74 Ford-W» loft pickup,3fiQ.. 7 TOYOTA •' , POf doialb caJ John wttehl milos. ImmacUlnlu! $0750. 1909 lOff CliCFvySorotta. red v^h~ ^ J o l f o 733-7911'. ll •■ChovyC-60,427.tnndom GMC S -1 5 Jim my. [ 536-64B1. ‘ • _______ B0CU73-5797«a24^816 J j,,.. V 8 .6 2 ,0 0 0 ocrunlm iloc. 1988 H tinted windows, good cond, — ^ 734-4534 nlinrCom. lin r— -dr. 20' board bod. Call' _t Toyota Cojien, wj^ito, 1 suOQQjifajxc-condto^ S I-G fan d -M atq u it-L S :^ -Cnll3g4>79B8-flhw6pm:---------■J2a4£ofdfagQ rL-do«lU_.499.}. N FW iVtAZDAS74Suborbfinfno]«-‘t54 mo= $ 4700 C oll 3 24- '74. a. fjfoai cond. $10,900. S7M5Vrrm\''939-6529 ' " • , cond. c 0 ^ 2 4 -^ 5 8 ° ^fl3..PW&dQorJQckAC. — NEW B UICKS 3 _74 (Lit bod. 40' good cond, r rn o w p a m t; p osaib Jy— - lo 10: iirPonyworX 780-6373 01 -i somo.row milos.oxc, cond, ” 1IJ9 89 Suburban. loodod7 -76&1. 985 Ford.Tempo, now ro- . cruli ■uiso, lilt, storoo. loa^od! n/CMf/nflr»«.$3500lirm. NEW PONTIACS LOADERS! LpADER'si —- ^. ^10 a-63l6homn. '88 '81 Toyota, 0x1 cob. Iiliod. big ory cloan carl $ il .750. ' 788-63 buill ongino. gront c o n d .' Vor> 500.734-6426._______ J S14.S00.C nll934-456ir 734^793 Ql/os&wkonds. tir^. ALL TH E^N D Y I | ^ ■----------T I E V ir Q M e ^ 5=vyO C K W AGEN ' ■ ■ . L f M l Tomoo,4 doof.AT.AC. ----------- t 8 S ^ T r t 3 R i n v o i c c l l -2 7 -0 0 0 mil09.-*-cylm«lefrS— s ________InTOjco may n ^ o our.oaunl — p-1 ^r S T T P o r B ^ f^ : OOCr-^— — Bhorlbox. Slorra, 35^ 779 9 Z-28,3M ; oxMl cond, Tirln tn rfila r lc lo a d o f, ? -yrfmont's 3^-4?37atior 6 50 0Id 5C uilos8C ioraS. |?'ssVorn n ow 'rob U m r n on ------------I bJWol, 75 Clark iondorralof ----------- --------------- -- 1990 ' ■ ___________________ 1 9 9 0 U o d g o O nkoio‘4x4. _£mnlchinfl aholl. 678-8508. CALLNOW!!‘ 83 E scort, 3 ooor, runs V6 6, Ironl whool dtivo. AC. brakos, $2200 or otlor. Call • "'S3 yd bockot wilh cab. now on•9 bn 2‘ Mu#t S o li: 1991 2 w hool wilh ^ choll. 5 spd. low milo^ lFortExpk»orXLT.AT, campor. new OOOd,$lSOO. 733-7892. cfui: uiso control, tilt stooring. 19844 Wosllalia W( 423-4911 aHorSom. qoc 15 ^Ino. Call day or night 208whilo,oxcel cond, 63,000 42 '®' dfivo Nissan pickup. Clolh a, g o . oxcol cond. Call 734jtch . brakes, lu llysorW. PL, doluxo AM-FM clutch 86 Thundorbird turbo PW milos, $15,300, Call •82 82 Chovy C avallof. good '8 8 Ford f — interior, AM/FM CQSSOtlo. • 2050.______________ :od. $ 6 0 0 0 . bost offor. vicod. co 436-0542.________ co OldorMnc hoavy duly, iwln cond. $600 or best ollor. coiu p o . Block, load ed ! cnsilaa otto. 324-4222. 'if oxc. cond. low mileo.S5600 rj 1005 ANTIQUE AUTOS3 1991 F ord,F150X LT4x4, _______ _ 3-8264 msn.___________ 72.000'm iles, $6000. Call ’85 01 Olds, oxc cond,, PL. PW. .? 33-82 od ■or bor.t ollor. 886-P363 'jInn with cam por sh oll. SHARP'86 ___ scrow. dump iruck. good 72, Toyota 4x4 oxt. - -CnJ1734.&100_________ Cf SI 32&4276nltnrSom. . p sS. . cloth Intoriof.QSking 84V/W W »J e tlo . nico.in sid ofi 1.Kk runnor. $4500 firm. 1985 1968 Mustang, rod wiih bl.icli '85 85 Chovy short box, low c( ru iso , a if, all oroctric, _ccnb. $5S00,734-8823 ovo. 3r L9I your dilly ntw ip ipn r I. sunrool. aoreo. luel in). oul.sui n;ns Mac ca b ovor uaclor, I vinyl lop. good ohnpo. mns 93 XL I Fofd Explorer, low $30i3000 or bosl ollor. miiles, oxcol cond, MUST '93 8I 0.000 milos. Good condi- S sih a rp '91 Ford. 4x4. 150. m or work for you . , . ciad »nd 5 so sod. $2500 734-3093. w /5 . ofonll All original. Call 733733noods ongtno work, ollor. mis. Call311678-7583 SEE! • mij: bkn now. 543-5231 XLTLnriot, Call 352-4401. SE 324-3456, ' lion, $13.500.324-7250 ) Via tt)o clossJlitKTs. I Cnl!S77-4M6 •i288oflor 7om. 1002 AUTO PARTS & REPAIRS 1006 SEWS & HEAVY' EQUiPMEKT • 1007 PjCK-UP TRUCKS 1& 1007 TRUCKS 1966 DodgoV* ion Mnlbod, “ fu n c.g o o d . $ 1 2 5 0 . Call For onto 1971 C hovy'/jlon ?r<4.R1Q7 ovn;»—■--------J^icK^u^Go^ 009 100J 1008 tO C 4X4 TRUCKS 1989Chovy chortbox, now llros 6 whools. oxc. cond. 18000 OfBosl. 438-0572. I ^IIB - j m i 't * 1 11 J — ^ CrI - — .J S IGER 1987 FORD RANGE '3 9 8 8 «;i5«B,w*ssm5..... laBiiAZERZI Z I - — 1984CHEVY-S-101 = = J 3 9 8 8 -----------VCB3«102BrW»S.SmS,-™ J--------- -H 8 « H M H IR 0 K I /UB;8!lCtt.VttSSS9!S..... PICKUP 1984GMCS-15PI ___________ ' 4 4 8 8 ---------- -f»03l0aBrWAH51!5----1986:NISSAN:iRm -------------- ™ 00«».W 1SS !5»5- 192-eHE-VY------H -___ 1 9 S 2 - G M C J L S O 0b . _ [E W -......M ------199; ----- 1991 CH£ 4X 4 • . S S P O R TT SHORT BOX ^ WM 1 /2 TONI 4X4 ^ >-— ^ 0 7 4 9 4 - 0 ------- --- -. . -_l i B s j — ^------------( w o a w ^ 9 llvcraclo AutO;v\/C, Sllv ----------------8 -Ji07.492.a ____________p j _ 350 50, Low Miles ^ I 4 ,4 S 5 f 9 9 ^ i — ______ — ■ ______ 1984 CHEVY PICKI CKUP '4 9 8 8 \KOTA 1989 DODGE DAKC I /UA54II0J,W»SS6995 -----------1985fORDBRON() N C O II------------------------— /!0«87fJ,WASS6995.... i G ^ X 5 ----------------------— --------------W HORlHiANGl i m i u o K n m m i . ... 1988 FORD AEROS idsTAR ___________ --------------T w i r o s r a c w j i w r r 1g E R 4 X 4 1990 FORDRANGI 15................................................- ........ /CMM7«B,WiSSI(l,99S.... 50 4X 4 1990 FORD F-ISO rai3H!A,VttS5I0,99S.„. 15................................... .................. 10 PICKUP 1993 CHEVY S-10 /f3ll8,W«SSIl,995„ SO 1989 FORD F-150 /5..................................................... mi3197B.WiSSll,995.... \KOTA 1992 DODGE DAK C #P007261A.WAS511,995........................................................ ____ 1 ;^ W i 1 9 9 3 . C Hl EE V Y . . I ------------E X T ^ G: A a b --------------f e 3-0 pvT H07493-0 “ ■'■ ."Z Z ^ ; 2 w n ^ s n y e r ; !d 0 ,,I, i.t)W i.i; M iles, Ix)adet3| 1 2 ,OOOT^i]cs‘' > " Ei Sharp , : 50 1989 FORD F-ISO (01632(84, W»SSI!.99i 50_____________________ L _ J9M F.qR D,F;2ffl --------------1991 FORDRANGI «B0I9354,W»SSI3.99S ........................................................ WOTA 1992 DODGE DAKI /fAI!21SC.W»SSH,99S-.. ........................................................ [OSTAR 1990 FORD AEROS 7f309;,WASSH.995...... 50 1992 FORD F-150 fW10?;illA.WBSIf,995.. ....................................................... 50 . 1992 FORD F-150 ™047<4.W»SSIS,99S.... ..................................................... . lOKEE 1992 JEEP CHEROt «C?911i4*.W*SSIl,995,., ......................................................... 1 0 BLAZER 1991 CHEVY S-10 ---------- ^47ran^«SIS.^9S5... 0 ~ ~ ' 1991 FORD F-1 5SO /«i34124,W»SSI(.99S..., >5....................- .................................... )NCO 1991 FORDBRONI «im74A.W/lSSI7,99S:„ ........................................................ >LORER 1991 FORDEXPLO (aiBt9JA,W»SSie,99S„.. ............................................— ...... ‘LORER 1992 FORDEXPLO .. ..................................................... (n5l096B.WASSI9,!J7... IDEO 1992 ISUZU RODE ««3i6(H,mS19,995_ ........................................................ 1993 FORD F-150 50 ■ JG1M6B0A, WAS520,995 95.............. ........................................... »LORER 1993 FORDEXPLO ilM177U.W«52«,<9S... 15.................- ...................................... 1^8 '5 4 8 8 ' 5 9 8 8 - 1 9 ^ IE E R « 4 '6 4 8 f r . - •10 4 l 9 9 rr tF O K I T F t A R l i - ^ ' -i kiiln. liullitif. . J -----^ i4 9 8 8 .;.n Ik-s ■ ■ • i-ow Mill n S SIID E 4X 4 ff07->29-0 S ipoecl, I.0 W M iles S5S '8 9 9 4 _ ij _ 71 7 ,7 7 5 I L ------------ i 9 9 ^ 4 S U ---------- r l - ---------------1 9 9 2 -N I S S tVN --------T R O O •PP IE R P A T H F I N D E R XCI E 0-1 ............. ff3800.1 ti0739K-0 -----------^ ' T u To / M C V m , TW r^fT atiT ” ----- --A/C, C assclte, V-f> * 1 8 , 9 9 ? *19,99 9 4 : 9 . '9 5 8 9 - '9 9 8 8 '9 9 8 8 ^ '1 0 , 4 8 8 '1 0 , 5 8 8 U 9 8 '1 2 > 9 7 W s ;iO 1993 CHEV _ --------------- -E X T .C ::/a h ______ • «n7?i2-.: \/C ~ Aulo, A/( )92 HONDA 199 1992 : _____ PKELTJPE________ PJ - ^ 1 6 ; 7 VN M lle^. tta s i( /ill! LOW 5 ,9 9 7 770 7 ~_” • ^ 1 9 9 0 F O IR D B R O N CC OO I I G S H Y U N D A I G ----------«-lH 0 5 3 H l' ~ " f S p o c d r — — U -— - _.ff07-122-:0.. . . . . . . _____ ... — 5 9 8 - - # 0 6 ‘)96H< '6 H 4 ................. - ....................... ^ sh .-irp • • ' . $ 9 9 • - r 5 8 '1 3 , 4 8 8 ■ ? n rn — I '1 3 , 9 9 8 g '1 4 , 4 8 8 im m m '1 4 , 6 8 8 '1 4 , 7 8 8 ^ _ VY 1 9 9 1 CHEV^ ............... . i si9 9 2 '1 4 , 8 8 7 A07-199H A uto, Low Miles,.EI x tra Sharp '1 5 , 9 9 7 »15,9? 9 '1 7 , 4 8 8 Jy o t a “ " 1993 SU ZU K I --------G O R O) L L lL A ------------------- -------S W IF l— ---------------------- « 4 H Q 66H I..A A u t n ,.A /C ,_________ _____ ___ --------■— ...... -#4 H 0 6 3 H 1 — Good T ranspoi sp o rta tio n T ^ j e e 3 , C asbelto; 10,000 M iles GEQ _ _ _ -S T O R M ------------ - is o o J ------------------------------------------S ----------------------------------- 4 X 4 7 . '8 fl07256-l. A/C, Cassette A/ 8994 * 5 9 9 4 t >94 *29S '1 7 , 8 7 8 '1 7 , 8 8 7 y /1 '1 8 , 8 8 8 hH '1 8 , 9 8 8 S3 ATtinHDER fu r [u e 1 0 7 0 B li R M 825 l v d .N . • 733 L a k e s B li All-pfUyH^lut t alcs tnx, ,1ft l l ------------------- SAIJ a j i t i c i i T f t ^-in n o r , f e e .— -----------^ . .. I ^ Friday. Apnl 0 ,11D9.1 as o lls Jd a h o - fin ' •. E m " ‘■I ' i j - i '''T i— IL M = - g l 5 - E - y i C s[e - v - B ? 3 ■B ® B B _ : = IB ® i i _ : _ s a _ = > 4 8 gt ; 3 1 H H I SESlft3OTG€ S P D S K = -2hE S i - ~ t m ^ j; S S 9 K :— s .o c k .7 9 8 : •>0” .................................=..........■ -' m iT slS i r 3 ^mnc-f<« I'M unlrr»«T[(« I* a ?Aiy3i^,ys a s s s im m fl-y a a Tr*r.7STi | | | @ & S ■ w = t t ^ - ...—..................... i~ • * y ycQ w ^ .....^ ^ Stoct; tf74si '48B _____ -.................................. ^ & jm m m i .............................................. ^ I— 1 ~ * T g 1c lO D ..................- ....... i ............... S l : 1 1 d @ 88 MS^TOl 0 SE^WSLiS8L.eeiM@MC§yP | i82B.......................................... -.- m '91B ............................... - ............. Slock <*9911 ."Fi.TM@llflr3 l © _ 1 —I — f 4 1 ----------------i ® P I i54B:;T;::.n:-::I::--:-L::;;.... ............. 92 T 0 Y 0 7r /A € ® R Q L L ^/ m ™ o H B - T ^ 9Z PS.¥M@IS' B 1 9 992 SUBABiyJ W ^ © @ M $^ P J |- " r p 9 ^ 8 8; b M « « O d .w n. ' M ------- 4 n i j | ^ " ilM j :V ^ Z - Z Z E Z : --------- i s j p i BB m M W S lack f/M 4 1l B ............................................... § S 1 1 ^ 1 I ^ E i-S @ l. $ '* i i 's i c f . f — .1. .^J. 1... «,l. „ . |«U«, .jJ U.^,U l« Unil..uM ,..l.r-l-«l»u ... m I45B......................-....................... ' Slock 0945 I ^s R A ' ™ ........ ....................................... g {7 M A ZB A >174,,.-— — _ "' ' 'M m — W "SESEZZZZ l i i r w M © ! M |I ~ ■15®c/s 1 9 83: 8 m m K~i >145................................. :........... : 1 9 88 9 JEEF W i Q Q r r o S j:i8ioikMSI.:4! « EHESHH^El^ % \ m 2 DODGE PO W ! m 7 - ^ h I Slock «4jc-JQl- n 3 2 .........................- ........... - f P z |H H l 2 9 8 1I . M J5 9 8 13 J im ^Odown . IfOdom A m IM ilM Rebate " Dealer Retaliu n i 7 .— .— ........... ------------- J iid « 5 a ^ ^ 5 p $ ^ ra | N ertlMi di ect T o W pr.S alt r " ^ l e P r iceaf and ;U! Unite Siibjcct' ^ ^ , 3 5 D M 5 5 S ^ a ^ 5 1 Q -2 ] '/ - r T T ^ - „ - . 1 3 ^ 1 ■ i' '■ is s ■as ss >SS'S S $ 4 F O R D F - 1 5 0 CC / C 4 x 4 P . U . $ I d or on approved c re d it' F inancing DaMHJ $ ^ 7834 .............................................. _____ 0 L U M m ^ }2 CHEVY C-J im cm vsH is TmSSGTGWm ic W iS 5 iriB 3 S ® i A 'S S 7972 ................................... r ulr VJX. Tji. I>ll«fn (UXC) <nJ Dxtrt idcd in lh< mgnlhly |i<}iMnl. fWk Al'K Unlil »it>|r<t lo plof »!•< ul« T<v llllf tn (WA)) <na D*iln I> Inl [iIn Ihi moBlhljr r«rwml. fciJS AIH. h rtl5i») tn nal Iwludnl 'down, nmnnthlx pifitiml J - B ■ J L 5 ® .© 4 x 4 : ..$ H A is iis • 1 T O Y O T A EXX1T . € A B 4 x 4 8 m m : 7618.............................................. Slock »761 € 1 1 I1E ^ ® § C E E I m ^ « ......... HTO - ___________ ■:..... .......... :-.- _.__ - m 9 2 JEEP W i ic iT P ^ E iC § € iC w s@ p.l l A C k i R .... „ > 0 D O D G E R AMf M ¥ 44 z z ^ i r i i ™ ............ -............................... ...... 9 3 ..© .i® .... i W ■■ ^ 1 5 ............ - ...... -.......................... - d<i~fl.ne«,nltilyp.ymci>Ii :;/.t:;;-.v :o ;'.t,t..J t-'^ T - ; '^ .s ~ 'm s "■ P.l ^553____________________ __ SI ocM TSS r Mir o.tx. T*v lIHr Ire (W.OOl ind D»il« idrd In lh» monlhly |'*rmrnl. 6.41'i Al’R. j Icoj.c. T<v »llr (n (>AOC) <nUIlMlrr IX rOIn Ui» monlhly p*>mrnl. 7JSS Al'R. N (SISOO) tir ni» ImluM a S : >055.....................-................... - - .... Slock #905 "W O ra j ^ ® ^ 6 w * r 'S S £ / .............................. . Slock 11908 >081................. .:.:....:...:............... * 1 1\ 4 8 1i j p i 1 9 8 J)O “ Hi i J im n w \Bwrl^dowfl = - ........ " - SS 3S F r r jfn f .s a a a ml.^ @ lim :ii-.... i Slock #4K l'.ll)------ T- m BB i_ s p 0 ^ r r 1 m B B ■---- ^---- VN O MAGICVALLEY REALTY \ B I l ;ot the N W c ' vc goi --------- V " ^ \ h o H tlmi r f O T ---------— ------- y'nii nn _ _ \p a g e V e^ TheTln ly ^ =alis, Idaho ^ ^ ■ M zz II bse^IMOTORS t : sociaii) vative co T h e E a s i ee ^ t P l a c e i n .ri [ERCVRT t h e W o r l d ttco B u y a C a r ! 'i The show address ^t S S I m Mb CENTr *' H f @ x S ^ s to r^ ^ ^ H Page 2^ '— ^PiM*'' ifc' ........~ H — ■' \ yW •-' ^ OUTOF YOm L POCKET! •FfontWhcclDiivo ♦ Power flraices • Halogen Headlamps ' Power Minor” - Sport Mag Wliccls“ *DualPov rSlfcrino • Stereo Cassotlo ■" • Power Sl 1 Glass • Rear Defrostof •TlnledGI jded Intcfiof - •Center Console------5lln Tires • Inlova! Wipers :fS K !S :w -:!!K S li Der U incentives, 72 months at SI67.68 per Salo prico S9588 alter tactoiy ince of ^ down. OAC.. lax. title and doc feeI ot month, 0.00% APR. no money den Tient. 529.77 not inciudcd In this payiner ju C ^ :Harrison‘s T H E I1 S E N ti: m M O Tr o R S > 1 _ - ^ The E asiest Place F o r 4 0 Y e a r s Tl Id T o B u y .A C a r In T h e W o rld ... .. - b » s 8 a s 5 i£ S E S -5 7 ^ > > IE . E .,T w in F a lls 7 0 1 M A IN AVE - . W e e k o f A p r i l 8 - 1144, , 1 9 9 4 Page 2 .______________ ‘704 Hauuser’ puts twist one^ " s h o w^ ‘H e a r t ;s A . & e ’ g e ti “ n e w ’s l o tT 3 r a ^ R o 1 u d e;= e2 y.................. cowrrtoiy. ? P ta S f® OibteVCRI e2i conwrsionI guides......-Page \ Oriobrity 90 j o H i p .................... P a g e3.13 e : e 4t [its TOlendor-Poge Lowl event e 5I Oiildren'spprograms— Page «9 |hllghtt...-...-Pq9e^ — SppA higlil nKifles^^^.Poge“ - =^i^suniin ■itcn^--MOVWTi^ ...J8-29 l « ^ « -------------“f^--Daytinwrii* |eS9 Bngs..... ........ P a ^ Fr-Ktaylirtir je I^TIr listings..........Page _ Soturdgy lh race-relaicd issues large] Jt that characters John Ht T lie Waslungton Post ignored by olher sitcoms. m an, a legislative ait O ne episode, for cxan as enand-Gcorgie Ann Lahli -H earts A fire" has t pie. focu-ses on the discon >eriod. press secretary, tied i t e i ^ a cmcial irial peri( fort o f R ose's sister, a beai Ic a rts k not, then m oved ihi lecsH av in g a ire d "H ca. tifu l. successful busines k’cning from C iipilol H ill e an Afire” in im early-cveni w om an w ho feels lik e ; :ason. sm a ll-to w n M isso tim e period th is seasi o utsider in both black ar Oman- (Bloodworth-Tlioma.so CBS lias given the rorn; thi primes:—homc-iurO.-Ny.>'pr>* i,i(u<;<HiKxly-a-Iaicc-pm3 -------^--------------------------------------- w h ite so c ie ty . A n o-----------up ~ d c 7 ls “ w ith y o u n g Tlnl niglit.s) bought a newspaper, “Tiie wliolc idea grew up o re time slot (Mond:»y nigl decid- thal caHier time slot. -------out u f a n j ccounliint-w ha. fTAfvt’f! <li;iemiinalion to — f --------.L.rinp April before dec les main chaste until m am a^ would call m e several times *'’8 whether lo renew jld —a n d - a _ th ir d .c o n c e r n s jan -^on, . ~ ~~'a' vcar asking why-1 would -j— -jf- - F e n p s jW a lh irrts e i^ n -D f -o v c rT c a lo u a -g u u r< l-in pay storage to r tlie set-TDf Planting "llearts "Alirc--------R!tTcrand-lW%N'cn Ali rly 10___________ f J tyt*— g BiS ’-i - W oahington reccnlly _ '_ v \ tl- lin h c -P.tiiiily.-'-’-' 'M»>ytr — irnm rm ttidhrxT f-eB -n ig h t promote Ihe show tto t Loaf,' w h o p ro d u c c d 'thrtata t -father-und-Kon o n -a sho • p o ten t M o nday-ni] ur- ping expedition, blylwaitially ters whiit will probabl) classic com cdy series dur black comedy lineup cssenti; h “ I enjoy putting a bla audi- 'a do-or-dictcst. ' in g th e 1970s. T h e truj tth ll -in* ^ives the show an1 au r^it'.T Riti.-r .inil I’ost nfTc w as he sa y s. “ I c o u ld nn 't 't family on the nij;e thal i vrti— rTrllcTTTgTiboui im p o rtt div e rg en t view s on --------Fe'^'r to s c ~ n iciTrrnTOWtT •• lhan chiise away, things, important to then nal lal- Mondiiy nighl iry-oui. away.” nrevi. Tlie series’ original u c--snid-L c«r.-71. whose prc Ilbwed “ W e’v e g o l~ f -•--------- T |i'iJn :tlie liii;t tim e the ucifd e” er-eviniinrsToT-''’'» " »d_-QUS-hits include ” MaUd' ’s hotc h an c es up at bat v , countant calIiTdrL:w r^“»*' ^ I t e r ^ s j i n d P o st’s I ---------T llfaugltl. •! wuiider wyho" h a "Q n o -P ay 1,1..ck blooclea ciianiciers lo 1 r -~ . ■ several scries starring bU :d . bul said. In his view, iff tthey lives there now?” * lelTerfairly unfettered. 104 performers — ''T he JelT ?ed and don’l score subst^tial • ' T h u s w as b'orn ” 704 Son” moved ,me uinvenl ings in lhat period. I H au se r." set in th e sam e sons,” “Sanford and Sc practically lu d to reim 3ig. and "Good Times.” no d a te liiay get canceled. house where outspoken big ontroits e lf to a c commoci l ie d ' Docs Lear expcct conI j s r a; l d ----- “ hscc-us-eoming-l ot A rchie B unker clashed family viewiiig. Posl me talk .next year, bul-we wai law versy? _ ,said.w ith his liberal son-iti-la%t 'here was even some “ 1 h o p e s o , ' h e sa se c u re lh a l tim e sl Meathead. o f rctitling it.________ rc n ■T-nntmvfcfSy SlipCStS P jTTOduc^— l*osnaid.-“l'don’t'bel ----------- BuHhis-tinwHlww-SfC-* Instead, writcr-pio< is p ie a rc th in k in g ab( w oorth-, w e’re figliting with i few tw ists: T h e fam ilyy i: er L inda B lood w •certa in—body-butoiinw lvcs^ black, the tntncr is llbCTaf it and -rarniSSiSimiinic-CCT v e.’ te r b e la u g h in g firs t : and the son is conservative. ^ t " fo rem o sto rit’s a d o g ." • i thought there’s a grca ________• lack conflict inherent in a blacl father w h o ’s a veterana o f >dof Ihe civil rights battles and o rci Crtlwlilon foe0» , lu-d ” in is Th.ch-»-niut Vietnam anil w hose son i S; Jr them 4ouri They The Associnted Press • LO S A N G E L E S - II ff ••s p ro d u c e r N o rm an L e a r 's 7accouniam liadn’t been try ;w ing to save money, his new be comedy scries mighl not be on p r e m ie rin g M o n d a y on :ncc f S’ grow ing up to be Clarenci ;fcrI I T hom as," Lear said, refer rin g to ih c c o n s e r v a tiv Supreme Court justicc. l i ll T he parents. Ernest aand n lo h n -- - n'KOcnn — ***• *— ■■ ' R ose C u m b e rb a tc h (Joh 't ? '; ............A m o s a n d L y n n ic Gjo odd coua>Kai/nwv f » .......... frcy). arc a blue-collar coi p ic m a rrie d fo r 25 y e a r S S U ' U ' ? T h ey're so devoted to socii octal a exM * causes that they named the H n lock g mivT - - I t - 11 •so n a f te r a lib e r a l b lo c licie . m S u p re m e C o u r t ju s tic n »»»• ” Thurgood Mareliall.' a wiow — ’* rum CO IW* • ” 1! Thurgood M arshall Cun . b e itatch (T.E.-Russcll).is ) is n— g ^ V. idcnt n MC -■ » right-w in g co lleg e studci » „ id — -who;conicnds-bl8cks shou - p •« jj jj O USA — M fo c u s o n s u c c c e d inlg g in : m it ing “ S ?"* Z U M » business and sto p blam M m. a i »fiv ' Z ' nIT .JT Ihcir problems on rMism. erlyn g _ » H is g irlfrie n d . C hcrl] T ie ierm *>■>• M a rk o w itz (M a u ra T S« S . ----------ncv).-i3 whito a n d J c w wisis h . , -S-TN T______ arovc .ta -m , “ ..........H er p aren ts d o n 't appro' -of-yotiD g ThufBood t :- -nno t ...... t 5 : - S" S P HHtVW M b e a u s e - o f his race, b uj tlbbecause o fh is politics. T htiesces i re n 't m »o« \ nior^Cum berbatchcs ant :h ,cig r ; r-: thrilled about the match, < au WON • —I — _______ thg . ■ - f nic kk l c I— ^------T h e sto ry lin c ^vrtn crK • leT6-19 stings............ Page i."lS 'Sunday list ^22-23 lisBnqs..... ■■■■..Page ;tact_--Mon<kiyJW je2iP2S listings--------Page ■™''S Toesdoyris l u l l I I i r i n n T ______D cKIO. lU y I l S U l i g * '.........r v 5 |f« -i W l — ie3g-31_|__ .Poge ---- Thursdayrlistings^,---Ii I . ’/■ ■ . _ ■ __________ ____ O . _ - .'®7 ............... Rivir-Wtnans---* It • • • suttUndin' •• 5 ^ 1f a ““ _ _ - - Z u \ 1 ...... — ► O T«««.U <=“ *• ------(lO«.Com«l,ie>«tl» / a • * tV n T ^ TrP»« y AduRlansuagi. adun J f altuauan. D H 1:#4(V) 1«— n » 31, • — ■— _— I — — — IJ ” »I ,1*. - - - — - ri:; ” - * r ■ 7» ' — •«» — T -; ~— _ — _ ,i» — •• — » , 11 10 T7 , caplkin In •■>«<« S s S _ r i ■ a duftdon - - - r—' I® - --- - — ~ / MMiwatena UMo<an r CCnA\g, Uallnv*to>euMMMin ««al ctnMbriM i «aW»wi^MUai W wit»«l w eUawia. Mayndai aOoMlae^ bfMdcMtan tndrar a e> I WMkout or dalar »reofWW"l"e prDt.dlM>M«MM~aU, mi> local catMepMUrtar quMUgna n»ar a#artl»* Ifi*«a CoRlaa^m ho> NHlacia apMlflc righmndho. t b«f»c**rsd \ " - ~ • ;» Sim: >* *’ ^«« I ----------mk: i* ” v«i » 1ire <^oi !*?________i: ---------i - 1 ■ B p . fl, CD = V' 7 Z - ^ '1 . g ------------ ■ - s __. p n n ^ m ------------------------—«-■— — Mnu1Mn<fU.dl>«ul>l«g hlmMlfMa wom«i and ^ ^ *®' inrw Kjy S-' u XJwwVCn rx* • M > d H a ^SniSSTnirt fgMtfr—Miiiii"™. J Page 3 Week of April 8 -114,1994______________ 4 re ss co n fe rA : N o t v e ry . T h o s e p rt e n ^ c s y o u r e f e r to n m ^ a r e u s u a lly o n e ssii id e d a f f a ir s w h e re T a y lo r p rom otes h er \ Tc A : T h o s e d is a s te r s h a v e n 't h e lp e d . o w n h u a u ty prfiH - y ^ f th o m n in r c ii^'on ~UUt.S. W hvii li B Q-1 o n g >n g - f o r-ii— B | | ^ | lo j u i c y g o ssip . L iz ■ n p lc r lif e a n d | H H le lc n d s tu lo o k t h e B l ' so mn e p riv a c y , w h ich o t h e r w a y , e v e n in sh o rt su p p ly in w h e n th e in f o r m a ^ H olly llyw o o d . A m o n g > ' t i o n is , o u t r a g e o u s .......... ti< J ^ thisc o sew h o n o w h av e a n d p a te n t l y m a d e '------an : o n d h o m e s in I__ / s c c o r T a y lo r u p b y ta b lo id s . A n in t, the_. a s w e ll a s lo v ec r , s h e s a y s . In m iy ' up \ • B ozen We really like AiDy Grant, z em g n , M o n t.. arc Q: W in s id e r in Ihc w orld is - r o c k ' e v e n t, th e .c o u pl hie b e lie v e .^ in d o in g - in: ^ M e:gg RI y a n , M el G ib - p o s t eerr girl fo r the-religious-i o ld m e .- l'S h e ___ _ o f lu r id g o s s ip s h e e ts to k ly th e y ’ve c o n v e rte d a inger os g ood. T h a t’s w hy 1. DennifS Q u a id . Idoveni cmenL Is this attractive siog( > so n . I v c iy m u ch as :n n e ssc e p ro p erty in to ju juis t d o e sn ’t seem to care: vc tra y e d ? b a m o n Ihcir T en c h a d — K e a t o n , — g o o dly-two-shoes yas she’s portra; 0 m e e tin g p lac e fo T r te en a g ers. N otirfg lo n g a s h e r n a m e is s p ce lle d rig h t, .S . . . •. G i b s o n - K i euffec r S u t h e r l a n d , — G '.S. ' ' - .................. M any o f those sto ries a bbout o i h e r my.-i-, ie in te d th e c o n tr o v e r s yy s w ir lin g a b o u t p o p M: A : B y m o v in g rc lig io u s - o rrie ...................... - B ro o3ko k e S h ie ld s o n d pital sta y s arc ir trnm - sin p o r M ichacI Jack Ja so n ! A m y h a ste n s tc terrio u s ailm en ts an d hospit; flnd-4xMM;iKU»^4irc— — G le nn C loao. C lo»»-an< iia c e a s an “ u n o ttic ia l Fuj a. A m y to dc.scribe th e ph h o u s e , b u t rig h t m e rc ia l p a r tn e rs in a c o f f c er he su ia g —H e r.jc ---------i < ism —y o u th reac h -o u t c t now ”th e “a c tre s s iS 'lni t”Lb r A T - s ta r r tf tg ^ iti^ W HmPp i ^ H - h a s - d f a w n - c r i {riiic sk so n F a m ily ccnt^m i^u^rs^'^al T he *Jacks Q! W henever I ’ r o iile v a rd .”__ I___ ||^ E___ ! ^ M j x o m - s . o m c . f npiinrtn______ th e .m u s ic a ll‘S u n se t B oi ld s a n d th e H o n o r s r e g a r d in g ta b looie y lo r.a t a n e w s confcE=__li( r is tia n s sh o w in g L iz.T ayL m e n ta lis t C h rist ---------- Q : 7Actor-comic Ga; G a rry S h a n d lin g e nm e d w i l d l y___ fcclipg s h e 's a c o n tro l__ 'g a r b a g e * th e y p r in t s e;e a p p a l l e d , th a t s h e c n c e , I g e t th e fe< was great hosting the5 G G tm m n y a . S i n c e - ^ w o u ld re c n rH a if h frmlc, w h o trie s t<i a r ‘“ L a r r y S a n d c T S ~ | ^ ~ — J_ w —-fae starB 'm the popular n in g h e r. H o w s u e - _ iM po p hca rtth rolb b P I e te r d ia s to r y c o n c e;m t iie t i n d t i m e t o Qk Z ----------S h o w ,’* W iien d o c s h ■ /OS, sh e c e ssfu l is she a t th is? — C .T . C etera. B ut, yes, B ta n d -u p c o m e d y ^ keep polishing his stai is a g c nlu u itin e ly routines? — W.M. ^ H .- w h o le s o m c — t} b e e n a w a y fro m - - A - S h a n d lin g h a s be A m y te lls m e —...... '------" c lu b c o m e d y fo r th ree e y e a r s a n d w as i-n ~ . --------- v e r y w o i i l u d - t n ;*d - b i -rr-.__^_______G a r y .C h a p m a n , ------r- G ra m m y a r-T o -g e l-b ia a cclk - in - s h a p c ,- b e ---------- -rr-. nigle e n tity .” T h e y <vork and d id fo u r p e rfo rm a n c eess a; t a lo cal L .A . a “ singl h e r — h e ’s h e r p roducer-ihan clu b , w h e re h e b ro k e in n e w m a te ria l.' logethe: .. ^ u s e o f th e rio ts, Q: Is it true that becai fires, floods and earthc ih q u a k c s I n C a lio o d s ta rs a r e fle e fomia many Hollywooc io n tan a? — G .T . ioK for places like Moni n n i 14 I 2J3S2nS‘ M C Tc rg y jS S m ii N ^ -beirrg-done;''----------r<k)ctors-^—questiO fjabie-va h B -------- — Noi-many4>7&rd la c tfla u a ta .-!. hL<ays.--------- a rc c learly Inac have heard about tho 11: new ivs his report He knows In study. s o m e a re u n s a f e ” , o r __ ___ Canadian back pain -chifopractofs,---------- 1 ■com pllca-------may-bfi'nefit-ch r 5 « n “=— D V BircausB~co b u fth ey prW abl?1 rtsa But it se em iss : so positive u a c to r s tions. the report £ y s. ■' b e c a u se chlro-pr< ;lpI but wonder wutiL Manoa says 's Ihe found one can't help can1 stop talking abiM have so m e ial evidence d o e s he ha 3ne by a “good empirical The study - don lerest in giving ire v o r y , personal intere p a tie n ts aro team of Canadiann health ith c h lro chiropractorsrsaa boost? ilssloned s a tis f lo d ’ with economists conimls rest is serving "M yinteres 5 Ontario p r a e to r s a n dJ ““c o n s id and funded by iheC tisfied with th e public int in te re st," he ilth - Is___ erably.less satlsi M inistry of H ealt nagem ent" resp o n d s.- ‘ " I t 's — not- • itarislve physician manai ------ =— trffSSll on ari bxte sain. Many personal, and nd not family of Iow*back paf rovlow of in te rnlaa tlo n a l nything^_i havo ' pay o u t-o f-plo o cc k e t for s related. II anytl iTiedfcal Itteraturo,. a s well many (m edics Itcal) doctors c h ir o p ra c to r b ills n o t ______ as_in terv io w s wil vith ro in su ra n c e : in my family." Itioners . c o v e re d by Ins s'oarch'crs, practlU ly tbelieves his IHe simply they w ouldn't if it didn't and patients. he evidence is findings. "The i that the help, ho says, Its conclusion:: tl ja c h e d tiy over-powering. ing,’ he says, essho w M an o a , reac best clinical studies I r i n k - O r a n g e J u l i iuuss . . Re-fuel w ith thhe e original energy jlri sk(ed w hy, II Iniversityof . W hen ask itlon by phono at the Uni; pn/Hsp in a l m anipulatl' ir secret recipe to concoc ir favorite fru it in our We ll whirl your f re he Is a th is is .truuee. , m odical O tta w a , w hore ^ c h iro p ra c to r s Iss m oro ny“Be~a“Juliu8. Gourme a t could'only th e icy, cream y tireat’th t;: ys ho is "a d o c to rs d o3nn' 't se e m to id moro p rofessor, says n ie t effective, safer and anga sa y s. “I know it. Mane in other little e m b a rraa s s e d " at ig ic ' cost-effective than meal a t Magi' oin us for a quick andd delicious < hot dogs, too. Joii think d o c toorsrs do know ockpain. hav in g bo co m te chlro. treatments for kM^bac ly ^Time. Every day. Volley Mall. Any >rs are hotter ipion. chiropractors principal proctors' champic Tho report's pri effective” for 10W w here and m ore effc “I d o n 't knov ________jesearchaL -E ran VM anga, “Their beef is" ludy - 1 did back pain. “Th rs could they got the slud says chiropractors )rs).2l s o . t r e a l _____ ------------- save-huncJreds-olHTi-millions— n o t - t a l k - t o -_aa - 8 in g le — (chiropractors) of pproblems." other kinds of c h iro p ra c to r oorr p e rso n of dollars a year,, but t jie ro4iy 10-29-33 them , and ccpynomusATcxoi .doesn't slop th e re}..'‘ Many . w orking w ith thi k now the medical th e ra p ie s ; r M a g ic Vaalley __ Mall — e a n • MSrio^s I^ z5zzi a ....... _•IB ro ile rw oirks. rl .• Ju m p-N -B ei o k ■ • O ra n g e alius^? Bim_Top D eli • W ayne’s Woh C oD r b l n C h i r o ppi r a c t i c Ronald-S. Corbin., [D .C . 7 66(0 B l u e L a k e s B lv d . N . . - T . P . 7 3 3 -0 4 1 1 Sun d ay 11 am to 6 pm S a t. 10-am to 9 pm • S Hours: M on.-Sa ^ - Week o fA p ril8 -1 44,1954 ,Page4 . ~ lOol Senior ate spec!-' F a llt High School Sb'owTOOm on the date M t is set for e a n sa t RecognitionCoocm ficd. 1116 dlnna show'bbe I 8 in liic Col. (tail show 7:30 p.m. April 18 8 p.m.. wilh Ihc cocktai: Fine iu JEROME - H * Rnvrai HiU fundable lege o f SouthernI Idaho Id, at 11 p.m. Non-rcfur rickcts are S3 Ds xdonFri- /\it.s Auditorium. Tick Bmd will pb y counoy and ‘Sfti rcscrvatioas arc required' br ssludcnK at and ‘6 0s rock ‘n* roll from 8 Jirnia and for adults and S2 for day and Saturday for dim ------ i>,m-4ft-midmBl>t-at D.-ifin's« showman— ih^door.----------------T h e Ifareo rh.-'rpcd. TWIN FALLS-Tl T W IN l-'XCLS' - T O B B I S S t n - f c c - a ’ill he■ch jallay un uic Museum and Ait UaUi Bennuda C ow boys featuring 'K Rcscrvatioas held onlyy orK-half o m ldatx)C3m. • Torr O lson w ill play from 9 lime. tl»e College o f Southern Ic Ss^-«3 hour beyond reserved lift :ai of closed on pus will feature an exhibit c p.m. to I a.m. at ihc OK Corral . '1 Gala Showroom is do: •t -iApril 19 vs may be CS! student art on Kimbwly Road. ' ' Mondays. Some shows r TWIN I-ALLS - FlaahbocJc rvicc only, through May 5. ■ . limited to cocktail servic will p b y four dccadcs o f classic ice Gill and inBOISE - Vince For nscrvalions or forir more m gucsi rock ‘n roll from 9 p.m . to I ' , 821-1103. KalbyMsttea withI spccial spc ' . ■- form.iiion,call 1-800-821 formct.lcail,__ ....... a.m. al tlw Windbreak Lounge.— -■Bobby RydelJ will11 pperform - L a r r y . Stewart,-fon “ Of Apnl-'Thc opening ptw| aun Rc<llc5t TWIN F A l.LS - LD S Sin— i.iny nnd singer of lhe£roup. ----------- tmloy-through-Sunda ~ t« c t for-7 p.m. loday----rm il K p.m. f>te.<i w ill hold th eir Spring Iiursday: Heart will perform _..TWIN FALLS-Tlie; N Ntigic Tuesday through TIiu D ance aod PoUuck D inner ni lise Siaic Unifonn April April 22 at the Boise; Valley An.s Ccntcr Art Di; Holly Duim will perfom Tickets afc tiic Twin Tails West Slake Ccn to r n will vcrsity Pavilion.. Ti iS-16; and Danny Maro will rcnuin in the main1 1lobby ' jle nuw. I'of tcr on I lanison Street. Thc din19 S20 and are on sale of the .Magic Valley Rcgi egional pcrfumt April 17 andJ April A ner is set for 7 p.m . Bring a ticket information'. c.ill 3XSMedical Center Thur; ursil^’y through May 1. 17.66- ----------------■'ihrougliM yil:------------L- vicc- .Tlic ilancc will.bc.hcld at_ ._.1101SE- -nwHoiMAn i-7H8:3o:pjn.:Mtisjc-.wili-bc.byjhe_, -8C um -s-l994-95 xxhlEi IbTiion— -t w IN-FALLS— D,.lr PInuN OrrAcstm. A dortv —schedule ia ^cl h»-lwgitv i‘»^>«»^>all.vCnmc Prc%yitiCT . - .iioa.of-S3.50 pcr.pcrson.is-rci;cling-Ceramic----iiure Steve—Annual Spring-Fling montli. ation concert will fcatur qucstcd. All single adults and iful I lap. est." cwton at 7 Show, “A Bountiful •'Fahricalcd Nature" will wi bc Waiincr and Juice Newt y and.&imbv Collepe-of—isjwt-for Saturday_ar dispiayW S'atnrdaj-ihrt firough—j^,77\prit-t7irrthcKBol friends. Field tl. TickcLs, al ihe O’Connor 1-ie House, June 5. TIic dispby foaw iises on s„uihcm Idaho Gym. 1 icncml ad- 21st and Bbinc. Ihe U.SCof industrial nuteri: enaism priced at S17.50 for gem ■ E S S S i S l HI ,vill fcJlutc ilc al Thc The show will contemponiry American1 sculps mission arc available elDURl,E.Y - Country F eel otraiiinmve: —lurcr ScwlpntTc^mrcnarun urallStiC Center. VHcorWcii W 'and boiilks, coliipcliliCitn: ings will pLiy from 9 p.m rio> I— I— as. :Hours aic M in in.shapc hiil ‘I ■f"'” Great Amcrican-Video i Twin i f and lake-it ideas. tril 9 nn»l noon )cjiaiiiitdit “ noon4ftjfcpim npni,; homing. liuiii I'uliLL Dqi. 10. A ' -R IC l IFlt-LI) - Thc Bcraiuda Servicc in to 5 p.m.'April 10. , no-liost epiixy. Hbcrglass, hard rdwaVe Lorry’s Quick Ser ' CJdwboys featuring Torr Olson 1:30 a.m. Apiil in brunch is set for 9:30 cloth, vrirc cablc. rcsiii. poi [xilycih- uuiii; and Daw’s Market Ma Room of Simwill play from 9 p.m. to I o jiv . ylenc, pig iron and asphalt :.ili. llic Hansen. Tickcts arc also alsi avail- 9 in ihc Ftrcsidc Roo Lson’sCollcge at the Slockadc Bar. •he M usic, plot Hall alAlbcttson -anisLs' imcnt is to convcy cy Ixiih ;,blc al the door. Thc TWIN. FALLS - Flashback Icvelitnd llhd. lig away a of Idaho, 2112 Clcve personal and cnvironmi mental. Center will be giving . will play four dccidcs o f classic ,'ednesday and : gtiitar - - - Eniry dates ate Wcdn ^■i^B concerns. ' • T.ikaminc acou-stic g rock ‘n roll from 9 p.m . lo 1 away by Tliursday. ^C o. The.tmiscijm is local' lated al signed and given av a,m,-it ilirWimllin;vik U)mi;:c— ^ i< 7+loiir?T—w a rtn trm h c rn n c n tTWIN FALLS - Dusty and ages 10 a.m. lo 5 p.m. Tu. chil rucsday T\VIN FALLS - liie -nie M a ^ imd 50 cen« for children ^ B o b b y R y d o l! w ill pp oe r f o r m t o d a y t h r o u g h SSuuin the Nomads w ill pliiy from K frre;; The c'tnl nsconccn 6.12. Under 6 is fm tu s througli Frid;iy and noon on 10 5 vaJicy Chorale spring Ir’s d a y a n d T u e s d a y tihhrr o iig h T h u r s d a y a t C a c tu p.m. (0 midnight at Spanbaucr’.s il 17 ilic We.'lern p.m. on weekends. It >s is is set for 3 p.m, April I in the is sponsored by the Barn. For more inform alion. 3H. P o l e s G a la S h o w r oaooim in J a c k p o t . lub. open on Mondays from m June College of Soullicm Idaho Ida Fine - Idaho Ceramic Club. call 324.7366. Cover cliargc is notion, till Jo For moreinfomut: through August. For moi iiore in- Aris Auditorium. Tickets, T :ost Ls Socicty and architociurjlI hisiohis w;elcome lo attend. Tlie cost J3. Lida Kae S5. ___________ . , • early a fiimvition. call I.20K-345ilt-s and S3 Fisk al 459.9733 15-8330, priced at S5 for aduli.s rian. lias photographed ncarl; _ _ S2.50 per pcTMjn. •M2 or lirrmiJ or citizens. Rcdford al 362-2-M•niesc_ BOISE - “The AIM l-Idabo for students and senior i Coi- thousand bam.sjn Idatio. nn ■ ____TWIN FALLS - The Q ii:---------------- wmcd Boolrl^dcbiiiuu,** Amiliiii are available at L n w n / y u lege o f Southern Idaho Cha JE R O M E - T T ieR avtB Hill - The ^W SALT LAKE. cCITY r lal will Hooker's Dozen: M1 1Idaho CSI Bookstore and v V d c h -s 50s Coocrrt is set for 3 p.m. in in ttlie into a traveling exhibit tlial ivillpcrfonii ai Bond will p b y country a n d ‘50s Is or West Utah Syi£?*ony will lues in AriisLs" and Ecccniric Bo rolSlc among seven venues Boobi." Music in Twin Falls c ^ 8 CSI Fine Arts Auditorium.1. AdA dS Saturday at und ‘6 0s rock ’n' roll from 8 8 p.m. today and "The Mission Press and id Firsl One Bank in Jerome. IW . ani mission is S2 at thc door. , . 50 W. 200 S. p.m. to midnight ul Dano's. Jam lishing Idaho linprinis" und "James "J “Idaho Boms: A Vanishi jW IN FALLS - Tlic Tli Twin Capitol Theatre. 50 V Scssioas will also be held. al ppro- Castle Books" will be on oi disH Legacy,*' an audio-visual TWIN FALLS - Tlic Twin om all play S.ilurd.iy througli Ap April 20 if Ida- gram featurini; bams from ^ TW IN'FALLS-OncofJi Falls Seoior C itim is will hoM a ocnlaj- at-llic- Hemingway Wc Vcstcrn ■ ■ | eies is - -poruof Idaho, willbcpre&cn th e - ho's tnost endearing legaciea ----- dan ccT rom 2 to 5 p .m /o t thC' cach Studies Ccntcr. cturcs on thc opening nighl o)ff c: vc, thc variety o f farm structui . ccn tcr, 6 1 6 E asiland D rive, JACKPOT - llie folk exhibit. Thc travelingg road rt .Mowing I W e ! led tliat hiivcbeen n part oftheecco« Live m usic w ill b e provided Twin perfonncn will perform TH for il . ■^ c - show will appear at the: T\ be nomic smjciurc o f the state, and r efresh m en ts w ill be U Secdinner show and/or coi Falls Public Library. 434 S md Arthur A. 1lart. fomicr liirecdin f se rv e d . A ll se n io r s in and month show at Cactus Fetes lorical ond St. E-. through the mo Uld tor of the Idaho Slate liisiori' around thc area ____ invited nnd E V E N I NN (G C L I N I C th ro u i'li I'rid a y M o n d iiy tin m to 5 : 3 0 prn i 8:00 pm mpportant your job and school W c un derstan d h o w im it it arc and h o w d ifficu lt it is IO liteak away iii see a ' doctor in tlie m id d le oo ff illic day. ’I'hat's w hy we've nrs'rA 'rum iiy o p e n e d our diHir torymT’aricflm yoi p h ysician w ill bl)c e on < duty to help you. A P P O IN T M r.NITS T S EU-COMMKNDI-D N SW I-LCO M I-: ■ W ALK-INS r...A /0 < jy Tim rPrias! iV iRi/'rimeCarr... ^- Ispecialize;e I in 1part-y eaf ite andcout-of-stai retu rn s. . I* TFG^ Twin FallsrcCliin ic& T lo sp ital fJ A S h o sh o n e S l E a srf»» 733-3700 > 1 .8 0 0 -7 0 2 ;5 m ir om piete aterin s ^ l a cnd C a l l t o d aavy f o r p r o f e s s i o n a II J terwice / 3r Any f i y --------- - . q u i cckk t a x p r e p a r a t i o n . . - $ 2 5 . 0 0 1 0 4 0 A ' s - $ 33 55 ..0 0 IC M Q E Z 's-: - l W ' . c a s io n ! ^^ ~ Jl ss c h e d u le s A & B 's - $ 4488 ..0 0 1O40’s w ilh s o offer bookkeeping We also "ft tion payroll,I, h a n k reconciliatic irvices aiuijnQ fe7Z.l ’ _______ s e n CC£a ll G a r y t o d a y . ■ F in a n c ia t _ * ,7 3 3 - 8 4 7 i C I S L p -Falls.FI . Pages W e ek o fA p ril.8 -1 ^ ■14,1994______________ 0 DEL SABER 11G156 S :0 0 a .m .[B ELTESOROO f 91086 C:30a,m. OXUXA(CC)91C C S BOZO 055595 .7:00 a.m. fD MOUSERCISE ISE (CC) 702359 ___________m _ W ^ O N . LOIS BRAM'S ELEPHANT H TER (CC) 6861 6:00 p.m. 0 ( 1 3 ) GHOSTWRrTER 6:' TER (CC) 4213 6:30 p m 0 ( 1 3 ) GHOSTWRrTER S:: 7:00 APPLE (CC) 2749' 7:i p.m. 0 ( 1 3 ) NEWTON’S APF JOH AND A DAY . 9:35 9:: p.m. f f l WINNIE THE POOH 97 FOR EEYORE (CC) 55639497 H _______ 7 ! 3 0 o m ^ » 't iG |^^M OORPHIN Rt PQWEB________ LSlI AM WORLD 244224 O JANOSCH'S DREAM 8:00 a m B OWtJTV (CC) :C) 549156 £ TlX •QD EUREEKA-S C A Sn ^ 234972' S TI TIME STATION (CC) 8:30 a.m. D (1 3 ) SHINING 60156 WONDERLAND (CC) ID ADVENTURES IN WO 449243 ----------- 0:00ajn .O (13)S E S A M EESTREET S(CC) 75601__ C. — l ___________f f l FRflfifiLE ROCK (co-inrififfl__________ rrr 3 ^ . 9:30 a.m. ID WELCOME TO POOH CORNER .• fTC)16&S08 (CC) 450476 CD ENCYCLOPEDIA (CC; 10:00 lu n. 0 ( 1 3 ) MISTER RR ROGERS < (CC) 64865 RELLA TREE 475430 . _______ E UNDER THE tlMBREl . Z . 10:30 ajn; 0 ( 1 3 ) LAMBCHC CHOP’S PLAY-ALONG (CC) 40392 5 (C C )4 3 e n 9 -. — i a DUMBO-yCtRCUS(C m 'JUST SO STOmES 91 ----- - — - .■ ----- ^ fi37S*»ViJ^TTTfj ' 'Z Z r Z . ~ ~~ i'ltao'fcm; fD'WORLDOF •F DAVID D THE GNOME 398359 OX'160224 : --------- 12:30 pjn. f f l LUNCH BOX DTHE . 1:00 p.m. ID PETER AND T( MAGIC EGO 794330 1:30 p.m. 0 9 WBNERVILLE 639243 ___ f i l S E~STREEnCCr3:?602 ------------3:00>-mrQ(13J-SESAHE-S1 's g M 4 :00p.m. 0 ( 1 3 ) BARNEY& FRIENDS (CC) 4408 ------------4:30 p.m. 0 ( 1 3 ) ftgAOtWH i 3392 EUMBREUATREE ^ ^ 9 S :0 0 p jn .ID UNDERTNEUI 446021 iWORLDJS CARMEN • 0 ( 1 3 ) WHERE IN TKEWI SANDIEGO (CC) E ONE 5:30 p.m. 0 ( 1 3 } SQUARE 01 TELEVISION (C 0 7 9 7 2 WONDERLAND (CC)m ADVENTURES IN WOI 'pnctocsuR^narai»aarbn & :ooa.m .ffl tL it a u K u u ^l 6:30am . O XUXA91006 S BOZO 955595 '02359 7:00 am . f f l MOUSERCISE 7023 7:1 JH'S ELEPHANT 0 3 SHARON. LOIS & BRAM'S SHOW 265717 77:30 .; a m . a MIGHTY MORPHIN HIN POWER RANGERS 9157C VORLD 244224 EQ JANOSCH'S DREAM WOR 8:00 a m . E0 OWL/TV 54916C 234972 -----ED - EUREEKA'S CASTLE 234{ ' • • -S;30am..a(13).SHlW NG JlM 1E.SIM1QN E.S 60156 ID ADVENTURES IN WONDEI IDERLAND 449243 JO) 446015 IQ BEDTIME STORIES (Tuo) r iM a t SESAME STREE REET 75601 -----------------------------1 3 FRAGGLE ROCK 4J0iyb“ E WE ALL HAVE TALES (Mon) (Mo 077430 »OOH C_OR N ^ _ 9:30 a m . f f l WELCOME TO POO — 1 5 W 0 8 ------------------------ --45M 7 5 - - ------------------— ErEHC3ffiLQEEDIA:{Fjfl3Sff )n) •418237 ___C l. REAL STORY OF... (Mon) )GERS 84685 10:00 am . 0 ( 1 3 ) MISTER ROGEI f f l UNDER THE UMBRELLA JVTTIEE 1 475430 Y 5C 535088 EQ CAPPELU & COMPANY P'S PLAY-ALONG 10:30 a m . 0 ( 1 3 ) LAMB CHOP'S . . 40392 - ----- — 1779 f f l DUMBO'S CIRCUS 436779 B3 JUST SO STORIES (Fri)) 91 915175 7698 I — EB WHITE SEAL (Moo) 337691 . fB KINO GRIZZLEBEARD (Tuo) rtu< 804015 cyi PAPA DCAVrn fWodI 371 ED BROTHER AND SISTER H{T>lu) (li 782649 ^STLE 380330 11:00 a m . EQ EUREEKA'S CAST >V1DTHE GNOME 11:30 a m . ES WORLD OF DAVID 398359 APPLE fTuo) ■ 12:15 p.m. 0 ( 1 3 ) NEWTON'S API 8009386 50224 • • — 12:30 p m f f l LUNCH BOX 16022 EMAGICEGG--------------.1:00 p m f f l PETER AND.THE Mi _ iF r t L Z 9 4 ^ _______________ orO S343 f f l RAILWAY DRAGON (Mon) G (Thu) 932443 f f l GO WEST. YOUNO DOG a 1:30^p.m.^ffl BIRTHDAY DRAGpl GpN (Mon) B e e r c a r t o o n s a ir w o e kW d ca y s o n T N T a n d W G N . s F< ^ ^ S f i w S P Yogii B 5:05 ft.m. f S REAL NEWS ) DEL SABER 65373 6:0 0 «.m .IE] ELTESORODE 394749 :) 1760335.36644.81063 . =TWO GYPSY DOGS (M)^1 " 0 3 WEINERVILLE 639243 — ' 6:05 a.m. IQ LEODIDOFTV Q BEDTIME STOI 'ORIES (CC) 495361 9-n p.m. a SCHOOLBREAK: SPECIAL BRAINWAVES 32422 (CC) 70065002 ' (Tuo) 2:00 SP STER ROGERS (CC) 20584 9:00 a m . 0 ( 1 3 ) MIST BIRTHDAY 76151 S FOR Cfi} EARTHDAY B 6:30 a m . O REAL NEWS FC KIDS 622083 . _ 9 4 1 M ______________________ IRNEY a FRieNOS^eC)----------3^ SCIENCE— 0 ;30anw -e(13}«A R I iECT34682 3:00 p m 0 ( 1 3 ) SESAME STREE _______ m MADBJMEaBEaCUE CUEiC CU53977.. - H lf fA ir 56497 O SCHOOLBREAKSPEOAL lAL (Tuo) 62638-----------3E(CC) 253536 . 7:00 ft.m. IQ MOUSERCISE ( EOF TOYS (CC) 655774 4.0 p.m. 0 ( 1 3 ) BARNEY & FRIEI GS ENERGY EXPRESS 30915.536 536246 f f l SECRET UFE< 4:00 RIENDS440S ED T .V .048199 NCE f f l ENCYCLOPEDI :DtA(CC) 958300 . . a m . 0 ( 1 1 ) BILL NYE THE SCIENCt K SJ SPECIAL CTuo) • £ S IN WONDERLAND ® ^H^^SCHOOLBREAK 7:30 a-m. D ADVEKTURESI EHINO THE SCENES (CC) , Y (CC) 77826 10:00 a m . 0 ( 1 3 ) B& (CC) 89208 p.m. f f l WILD SIDE 190809 35519 1 (CC) 265373 12:30 p.m JNBOW 3392 4:30 p.m. 0 ( 1 3 ) READING RAINB Q DUMBO'S CIRCUS (C< EADING RAINBOW (CC) . sjo p.m. f f l ADVENTURES OF CURIOU iOUS 10:30 a m . 0 ( 1 3 ) RE^ CC) 80441 ’ 2:35 P.IJ 5:00 p.m. f f l UNDER THE UMBRI BRELLATREE 0:00 a.m. a DOG COY (CC) ORGE 35366151 26768 446021. ^ ’^C O M E T O P O OOH H iCORNER (CC) . •SOF PETE AND PETE 1:00 p.ffl. jn . EQ LMNO Wrm DINOSAURS ts EQ ADVENTURES RLD IS CARMEN 0 ( 1 3 ) WHERE IN THE WORLD - ----------------- 653381--------- ----- --------------------------------------SANDIEGO (CC)................' 8:30a.m . O'MIGKTYMORPI IRPHIN POWER ■ , ‘,1 ° “1064— ®' HInFnVtIME CTATION (CC) "sd m ED ADVENTURES OF PETE ANO ANI 11:00 a m . 0 ( 1 3 ) SHH 6:30 pjn. E Tl T E I^ siO N 5 :3 0 ^ ^ . 0 ( 1 3 ) SQUARE ONE RANGERS (CC) 89712 fE 963557 , '93381 lELLA TREE 916460 PETE! f f l UNDERTHEUMBREU JERVILLE 566958 I .m. ED ARE YOU AFRAID OF THE <E 12:00 p.m. EQ WEINEi f f l ADVENTURES IN WONDEF DERLAND -ENTURESINWON0 :3 0 a .m .(J ] f3(11)ADVENl INCORPORATED (CC) 194156 23985 0 ^RK7S52441 DERLANO(CC) 97118.239 6:00 p m f f l KIDS INCORPORATI WTED (Moo-Thu) 6'0i E l SECRET UF6 OF TOY rOYS(CC) 624977 ^ ■ ■ 1 EY MOUSE CLUB (CC) ' l 513782 1:30^^m.^ffl MICKEY n a REAL STORY OF... 50: 563731 66:31 :3 0 ^ ^ ^ ffl MICKEY MOUSE. CLUB CU (Mon-TIiu) m. a BRAINWAVES 39403 . ' 6:00 a.m. 10:00« . m . B {?3 0 ( 1 1 )BEAKMAN'S ) BE i 3:00 p.m. ID WILD SIDE SII 619749 m.. Q ENERGYEXPRESS913466 ■. 460.58826 6:30 am WORLD (CC) 52600,72460 E PLANET (Thu) 45 4:00 p m GU NICK NE NEWS 2294 7:0i 7:00 p m f f l MUC ROCKSTHE Pl m. ID MOUSERCISE (CC) 737045 ^0 (OF THE LOST 7:00 a.m. 0 ( 8 8 ) 0 ( 3 5 ) CB LAND S O F PETE AND PETE !^ 8 2 a __________________ »3652 0 9 ADVENTURES m .. IQ DUMBO'S CIRCUS (CC) 643e 5034 7:30 a m (CC) 9204557.65S47. 5503^ 7:30 p.m. f f l WORLD OF STRAWI AWBERRY ------------ 7:31 J) 47923---------*39045----------------m. 0 ( 1 3 ) SESAME STWEET (CC) 4; 0 ( 3 8 ) REAL NEWS FOR 3R KIDS > 63489 ___ SiflOe.m. • SHORTCAKE (Tuo) 154675 ’OU AFRAID OF THE ■ ! S:00 p.m. 0 3 ARE YOI TO POOH CORNER (CC) (CC fflWWELCOME I -10:30 am . 0 ' C B ' i a ( T n)ST0RYBREART(5C) ST DERLAND (Wod) DARK? 614294 If f l ADVENTURES IN WONDER 478 •. 39547E 30335.67489.76608 •' . 400400 DH0USE346361 < 5:30 p m ED ROUNDS m.. f f l UNDER THE UMBRELLA TREE TRJ ------- ------- 0 ( M ) 0 ( 3 5 ) ( S WEEK! EKEND SPECIAL 8:30 am do not want to SIELLyou acari (etohelpyou BlU UYor LEASEone. 'we wouldlike •e-” C 4 L L T O »LL 1 F R E E 1 -8 M^c:::a u l y l e H C u J iL K I N C a b le v is io n TC I Cal o f Idal d a h o . 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S ' ^ D B IS D p i ue91l' Uurphy 8rown[Deslgnlng ReicueS 5i 59 59446 [women 70427 S99»4 Sally 45330 Sa UauryPovlch 43972 Anolher Worid 78866 uj Headline Newt Day* of Our Uvei 7 7 ^ I (:M)V»M Newt 62150 lH«» Whltrwy 03663 | 720: 72021 IlnyToonArf- [Anlmanlact,"' ~ 1 Love C onne^lG ^ng Pain Paint Designing iTomand iii I " HMtofNIoht' HuRlif,.40M0____ Women4i37 |Kklt2408" ventures ve KTRV EH 6972 |79S3 ' ’ Uon4'604O' [53330 3 >’'<6804 Young and Ihe Rettless 85427 AstheWoridTums3i4t2 5 CithleLm Guiding Ught 51073 Bold, Beautiful Uvo - Rtglf &Kithi KMVT O ID 3I47G 42224 Goof UauryPovlch 78999 G c Troop IBonkers 311 mi 21039 Guiding Light 17427 “ Boldandtht AathsWortdTumt: 44 K)OK O O '' Ba*uttful4311 a i!:; 4494 __ ____ D O — if! -KPVI a 46953 ~A n U yC h ?V ’ On8UfotoU«469 Q* ® ’ drtt»73t56 • KJR D- General Hospital 55601 b ABCWorld CtiSJicaub" Newt 7160086 6600885 HlghwayPa(rol 88446 M'A’S'H 21663 Rush Umbaugh 59972 “ News 16770 NBC Nightly Newt 57514 OprahhWlnfrey39779 Wl ED " . 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W-ASeng li njUBcm rnSurOOOl }63 [Wings 295708 ige NInJa [Teenage Ninja [Wings 547663 IUacGyver 343324 Teenage! $25,000 Pyra- $100,000 Pyi»-[Ua PrwiYour [Scrabble -----------------Iurtki22 I — y 1225234 IiUt!£t2M44Q__________ midS5&3tL mld&2098^ <1 Li)Ckfl935H [262359 Daily D w e l l jjoiUtfaiited_ ,HoiJHanlKL73S08fl_______TfabwL IcmiyPlfrerMtf Pauly,azm »--------B4C44G---------- 100793— ~ (?SmrB37738' ------ - ' [S2G5B2 j~ 5m GrindJsaaiTuaArvlc^fc ;----------- :- --------B179W- “ videoBtock IPrograms 374330 VariedPro nt750540s VIdeoBlock [VideoBlock >ck~ Jam 972021 ThliliVH-1 Coimtiy - 628492-------— f EB " p VHt . 13G427 . 518072I . Iystertes 106330 market jShopTilYou [Unsolved Uyste ofiapoo(Dr.Wto;W-FM) Supernal 3243 LAL1W899663 UoonlighUng61324: F-Outragcl; M-Four Friends; T-Tho fi Drop 811750 a a iD iE i I I uFE TilDawTi________________ Sweep»622866 62: Days Ono SunmecTN^ Hours Td I_______________ i o i i ^ New Lassie Waltons 10015C 0156 PunkyBrew- [BlackStaDlon RInTlnTli irto Popeyo |Thal'tMyDog[Pu; jl'iUakea HeathcUfl [superMario” Namt-Tunt Boggle: Inter* Ltl't .10392 815576 . . . [ .................. sler 186576 . 8308S5 - JCop8i03! '205 • 107069 • [826040 - - tie . e d CO D B l r a PAM — 729330........|»ef}vt168069 Ottl )etl99S934 439330 Brot. B97205 V ldeoPM FU Club Dance 6 3 ^ 4 |[Country Nnn 153 WdeoPUS60717 “ CouR&y Newt aub Danee 52OT53 |S34750 554514 EQ CD GO I D ^ TNN 275595 I_______________ KM50 ' ■ __ • '. Bunny's Mt-Stan iKungf^i Jews' Wa!k;T.T?>oT«ican;W-Ride~ BugiBun V-T?wlF-Apacho Uprising; J«unman-s W ai s; M-Abraham, Part 1; T-Abraham, Part 2; W -TN - - (:00)CHIPt F-Sava9oPampo«;^ 7__________ ^____________• 827972 CD Q S 3 E b M ;Th-OcfnonSood____________________ Vaquctp. Th-Run ol the Arrow 154708 |Dayo(moTrtlM3;ThIh Var. Programs ■rowing [(;3S]Gmwln3 AndyGrtfRlh Savedbytfie [Savedbyth^ (:C5)Gro« f-lhi Uai Fronl>amr. U-SpMdnp;: T-The Paf*iM|Bugi Bunny'ICaptaln Plane ijanet Flintstonei [Brady Bunch \Sr Cwt>»aion. W-ThoBkie Knigtt TNThe^'~«"l"_.|»3S9mS Rw 6794972 2711156 Pains 2062750 3076009 Bea3888175 BeltS464601 PalftS271 ES BD O TBS 1922359 5300595 Be! B73imo — mo^b«»n«H « ) ----------------s.unCamIno NotlderoUnl- OcsMuJorts.un Primer DoctorrCifldICi 1161514 CenlzasyDlarDi*^ Cristina23205 Mi Impacio 61330 “ (:00) Lm Dot' iLa Mujer Prohlbldi 6 566 vision 53750 48330_______ mantat88886 8886 EDCD ' m Olanateooea to. iMuppeS y Tunes Looney Tunes Doug 750040. “ B«tloJulee [WlldSCraty Saluta Sal Your Hidden Temple LoontyTu n ile 630972 [Hey Oude Welnervllle “ OavlWnome'" Ripper OOG427lLa*»l 408175 484595 4683111 770068 KMt 404350 Shoru Sh< 755595 476570 ■ BD S CD - - i i NICK ■ •' 398350 ■ 264068 639243 I J l. ____ ___g f l ^ Jefferrons Chartes Design. W. Saved by Ihe Saved by Ihe I (:15) Tenth In- Stunt Dawgt Fllntstones Fllr M5427 ~ (:00) Newi .. Varied Programs 4454 1B9224 39088 108972 471717 898965 Bell 160953 Bell 10906 _ _ _ JB . ® WON _ _ 76^2__ nlnfl22052004 507121 89t _____________ (9:00) Jam _ .. 933137. “ shop'TilYou DfOp70057B do64eco i l i f n i r n 'm g E O r a 03 I D p ~ OISN ' Varied Programs 704330 5 e B w 0 6 u t r a n l 5 M i undiBox ]^ 60224 357640 . [450350 jl602 ^ S cn S r tB ea r t ! c 5 w f li! n M y ij 3 m r v OuadrAtti TMtyPogM 105685 1743922 jl70576 SnW ondT lan^ UnlbrellaTre^ |l94156 I 446021 [• ));W-ThoGuyvcr; j arts; T-Mnd Hearts ond Coronets {5fl0); W ISof Boren Munduusen (3:45): F-Thoftrd: “ F M lt_tt«yiaO}; H^Utaurmw**; ^g^i5^V3SrThc^^F3aB(5:M)^Th^Cc^rri^a( icia(5:3(^--------- ,----------— ■ B GD ED si) SHOW —. d;;^T-€wrx)U«W-TT»eU^«»Dnye 0)rnvW5^amesl3:30r.......... ’nwAngais :TMoO«. ToSteep T'Samanllia (lOO), ));T-UW«n$4W4jy IfJOoFTJOeMWBeBtienlCW-wj,,Ver I Ver«»m» (4 JO ). U-The Ten» M crtX (5 00); T -( »5«,y(1J0):T.T1« ryCoodbye F-tOrvCoFeflCl^ACMttrwSu UMiKIWHtyw T-€vwyTin*W*SayC< KWotpJOCW-TenTilHon - //4toi«c<Uer.ac» (5:15). TMRwf Rim.Tto/^JiniSCO) Tto oa Bl ' . I MAX UanFfOTCdcn»aal1:45).W-lJr,l>l Ur,Maiwti*(l?:30) ■ ojoifrffewOttn (12.001;W-Sallrtjy K<WF««r. TMbeiK«nl(12J0) K« F 555o*D pn5»D w U efl2;45W ■Monsignor(22S);W- F-Rocky 11(2:40)::U.WMingtoll»lJg«13:M|; MM.ThaPutf£Eyo(2«);T+tat W oa e a . I TMc |««<^t220V^*ia^Warngn (t2-i» stw-ftname BnnkdanEyo(2:25);TNPo{J( ■o{J(1:15) Th-OME)cplorOT(3: nonbaSRunll •rmanll (5:M); M-Rodcy II(5«); T-Cannont to(3-<IO);M-T»n'IighlZor«:The F-Siperma XQScTnOttstbusten F-Absonco oTMancs — M«<rt<TtiaOt:W4aJftogs: = |f S S ! k 3 S S S W-LcMi Potion No. 9; Th^jbyiinth (430) 0)_________ ^ towrdsEnd(3.«))_________ i(530);W-L _____________• [Movio(3:15)rT-H»t ~ IB a m a e hbo' ~ (3:10)___________ 14451 ~ .-OOOOtKOIWPfttaWWOT-KECg^Tlg rw^tftWyAtUCANNOTiERECaVElJon • • CHAKKEU'flSoiB&arOUIJBE aimP^FiLEB.' tTOHjB WJE»XI&COOO«a,WaKLL ..................... •■MCKafiftOAOCMTW [ [ . WTCKOM 1 w u u i f . t u kr T^ ______ r----fAUtHPtWIMM- - • _____________» w v * u g y ___ ^ ____ __ HOOCT _ Page 8 _______ ' Appji. £.■;»< ' CTS EVEMKG________ SPORT tbvIES - ~ ' FTl^DAYEV' BOn 8 :3 0 9 :0 0 ^ 9: 7 ^0 0 ^7 ^3 ^8 ^0 0I KEvre •'.•.1; •J« ^t gnawBaja^-Nrv-M'.'. i3uT* »L»«'-V Uwsrar* c:itewe.-s*-Oagw “ «>f ircs**!^ i':c• *r - r - ______________'-g? ^■'-~ •'■ a| a c cu t -■an-: r ^i.-.Vn|Ch*nnd2 ?c*i-.FtKet'sJV: rv*2e8r£t*it S=s=es*B». dtetei pori^r wr^ infY.~ :, lu: to e — 1>rx5c« Chsiw * .hem . Oj r c Week o f April 8-1. -14,1994' 3 ^ M 1 ^ 0 ^ M 1 ^ 3 h^ | W I Hi (a5)Ut«Sh :C)52229156 iHe«22.«359 3-W i (CC|: ^fcj; Djt ,.r^ r =r wws;-: • KIDS Onlhe l»*u« ttong« S'? jTr-r;'{CCr53?OS «vt91ir.,Htw*iCQ •: *; r t . Kj>“j S--^ R«cv Harried-With' & 5 6570525 |g207B66 c n { a « u ic O iA ( J ^ n :K*«EWSS35 (;35)Che«rt 76717 Progrca)S6«224 I___________ (CC) 728767 (li "(Tr06|lnCone*i cett492CSJ3 ■ |Charfi<R{»S«A 909>« (Off Air) ;' 1*511 (:05)LataSho»Aiansj-Xe "itaSar* iiu (:151H'A*S1 90595422 8779 0ro«a A (CO 72000663 90 (CC) 727877 :, : r.i^r I5JCS353 :&VK3 ■"S' Mine iRushL. l(JS)AnenioKa!l( KalHR)n(CC) ;liifT>rt.-Wrt)i (;3S)Nightlir »5 lt*3rt M , K M :SW t , Sas5 5*5T. S-ite' 2j 7^ ~.Z iC-iiv ^:'ttar»l_we ix-rrtASir =«t) 54069 7206412 6397372 ;cs.-i3 (CC) 623540 a p P j a j S " ^ b 'm *V3T:ii.r- ~ :c “ :-• MA 6525514 r.h3T4 ]Ke*»i9r5C43'{:3S}Tom9h1 ighlShowA(CC) (:J5)L»teHigMA -.fjsarw -:-C =3»'..’. a r ' . ' ^ “ -s'.r «ff K e * - ; w r - : hrichar.fi; *ic«'*<r' eitr a rraw: l-»kb .j 4S3S666 a ! ; O r |[ B |^ G e * r E3;'*“ T!~ j7 y '. T-.-n frt- .'. •‘T r « 17 r>* . ISieeleJnlic*. ICC] Current Affair LovtConnecSi iH igW Ccurt Cop* 0 (C C o-t: r>* ae;' ■=• '• Ten* 7m &: a 6-ss Csssf. .t-^itt •ji-o-i; ^•Hranstf Ten ITATH Ct ■ ' ‘JiSS , -V ri gr^r !- i "*iiwi£« ’ • i n Hi — I /*X« |b-|*** I'l ywAlt j j u ";. -Qjy^u 1?!**? rri7 le ra -l 59J lleea I ; :S5eft>jSW •. ssftr.ssitf 2i?j:: : jK^Lmy :PrwCTM'~-2£.C-'i UriT K ________ -P-' 1 - tWVi-Si 'KviShcwtO ty UastMS--------(:21)UttSbo«A: •' Tanyyjn 30»«8S------BcMcUUCCUHi ^ThtShowA-tfy* /rj5)Tpfrt7>Tl |7695717 -- . WwMwWlUp-. liy LafiyWngUwOr.SheffeSAi-Wc rwyllneiR; Newtnight ShoatttToiS?ort»Ten^^Mon»j dateS30644 . I34___ \pn (R) 665595 d» iSK.......... « l i u _____ djy.M7934_ BodybuOiSngNPCNatmU ‘ C DiiS d esT w ? " S?orttctrtEf<:&Kn ji BMtbia UpOoMI Urn's Dwaion.(R) 607779 540199 U i TontgM 3&51S6 . AndenlHrtt j rftvplanbfinngAdoa&frTurri#Td A n £»r>mfltl!S«l.T?re» WU-933S rim«>Uchin«TheS0f>0<ir» ---------------**966*------- t- iBwrtan laajTsejOoB. rryrUsaaarj resVt;i JOA. ttatXT P e z tr;: rff^jrs ff Ne> -;:a ra-JTT? C ?fa«n/.' f.'!»; ZT^tZT y i^ Tbb* KaSmt ”re ssr* Df sar e: 5t »*.<, I27I2 • . • (CC587750 . tloo712J4 KaniR)n(CCl fitoT R llih L [(JSjAnemoKarTi Nfw»29«S07|(:35)Nighto 65205 3701125..... 17Z57i7_______ ________ ___________ (CC) 12SG52 ■-u-g;-raDK *7 rw K rx r rtro ff8 X * lif v t n’ iCC>772?2 7 S6S3 icq-iscses M '(:05)La!sSbowAc»SSJU< UJ I h s i t r T - -----« ;..- e ‘ n Nn«223ri55 1:15)Night 2S4&5:£7 : 29064 A (CC)81628535 - 25 C0uft&4290 » L»*'■',' ________________ - r a Ea;-;- ■'■ :*£ " : « — OLO!_____ js T A .la i? . jo 1 j r o M l t r a t r ‘'> riT ri'.'. a»«n r=ir- Oajna .tf: 2»243 r.iHCTW6SI7066 (:W)C>w* t»rw “onijfe o nen e * yfSsv-1 Ec rra TT a x J c o tr t tffO Z 2 2 3 ]E !Z I!E Z Z H ^ Z Z ” rVfpn - :Waarft Oran-'Profilt fleic<H> Vtl(rtfr<Af- i F i t t o n ^ -^ J ra i^ t.. .KaoiKxan .reCce Cosac. . .K e& U j% S e r ^ a S Cse!^a=a Bc ■;a|ffiii3|® y osc - 4•|?5iiai 5 340W2 s£2Si3« rsorDCSSU 565934 tsiyz^ • ■ -|37k:x itoTS XV'JZ •r.’sas •jy.rvtSi i - « 6 ^ SK na * * Ttmt. *<'. PaalKc»™iA : i TT f 4 I .!' 5ThiLorq.HaStfmaw «T} S. Hot Summer * • * (I95a.Dr3ma)Paal WS«W»yH»* »tv(l^,'Drrrj TJ) JeanS:-maf8 Atoy Th«Lofi9.H • • * ,» to =Stfw tn * • * '’iti. 3«7t 5Cflesow-jylfei»rpitamibtn>r.r.923595 92: ffljo e a , r | " « : -'.fr? 'rtjs: yn» x oxt^ 'a-g rg i g g s u -Sa-'VryTaHjiS-.gK-^ > antoireca -ft*2£.ara;3£37K llrt^Sa «i. |BadO rsam s**(lS8S.H ori^ i ! ' i 1__1 *£ {WeioxnebSprrigBi jKSAfe I GoITn: li = ! n -iSe=K Aj; I Break * (1 Honx) Kous Oc Tctti. 0Z44C ___ _ Bnj»AttalHciaalL»tdLiOZ44 -f»ew^>c:j?*jrT. iGoecij r,-V i'^aft-fiinso-----------------------" 853Vlt8slC"” ~ jw r :— rr6TimrKjpi7r737353“ — 3-JLfcg g g i to y g * g .- - a igg 3-------------------^------------P® - S2friP0 ::^3Tr9 so9«i ---------------------040 ^ ■i ' s L ajyCsrua iS « U y |„ iv » - _ ■!s£r.fc:!...................... l^ .; I f f l |p e | 1 .'{ I ju ra | a p d I b Ib I TAM leajs f f l j r a S * ^ -■ Isjo lB ls^ B ij TBS. ! I jfflj^ I p-j UM e '^b->: .Elijnc BooSi^ 37 Elayne BoosJer Party of One"HftkendJitti; H| t« r Pisy e< On* :S?epa>;H 'spoflij xlight SuniiayComlcs(R)3S3i37 .137 ___________ . (R)113576______________ 96115t ; WBStorttcWanesSRS»tetiS* « • • ■ ( I'SVDrara) •? |Pr»aB: - .UntotvtdtfjrCene*4: wthbg-ASlopal iPtMProsram'‘ PaidPrognni Pa I43&S76. 'u nuhcd Iniinyiometi . jr., 505064 I'JasD w OtTi. l » 3 ZiZfO^-a.. T isj S »ss.. tiX Zatn •« A i I Uy»L 185972 ?/(CC)627066 [7190Sa 50 ' 700aub .'A rtottedltadcit •tii*3S5,OearU ar Uartr Asarro-g .....-TXCk* SskCj ^-rtr rr 'R.^.r-n- TV. I g~ lan. IPaMProgram PaidPrognm 70 EptMdH BigSrothar Uaniacktan. X-g-ia-enc ■ 2548J? la iB a rew sr c w ^ f x r r e r s T a 446 710682 706514 25 4sai33 Jak« 189758 »ion 19&446 iCoirerylla«yd«A6cai . « f jtCejrToruytG** c^ C3*T35t’ .'i2rr=5i w n ” MujJcCityTofiJshtGwCarTptie] 3t*] (HI A : l ",(, ^ O r « '= . - 2: dc: c Count: jntryN m Couni/yllinlcVidcoAIbum ■■ H»jr.'. £ ” J -r • . ... iS) 0n 520682 HoUffR) A 907682 632311 tocnccFcUJi) j ■• Th«Beg5E*O g * t { ‘.3ZZrvl3SftU :y} Uarr Snj«r,'7ar>>'a Raeni. Rc Tor. A ‘ Batt=**ar2:n«rjs?ith*PofUJd ttf»BuiTingOoon)«1 ***(5967,&xn d r m e *qi991,FjK > [liU ndoltN ■a t a n a w T c r ^ a c a a i E g s ^siagiTnjyr-, ig 2W0C3 .. :t£:a__________: H A se -ia a a a t0 » a p fa » l m1 ' Th« Good GujrtKdSli Bid Gup •* •* s ( ta 6 9 .C « ; f) [ I b ^ L c ^»'6*scbal 'B i A^rea 9-*}>o z Ln h ty ta1 [> ICritttn2:TTNliataCou(M **(15M|S **( Fron Oodgs Stadum. (U»o)) .. RfCwlUsiwa ^ G«e(9»KerrM) » sa vi s s s . ..'... _.. .{2511S6 - - >576 ; Gntnes. rroe Apgmaaig. 576576 ;(5iO,Tei?21C«c9?3*r J I ^ I b ) );r7|«iCK \ix\3 ^S a a n “ in S~.sa T^S^sxi'tVrt77 •' ib UitALii^futgStrA-.t {frjcte citH dc Aaar :!SS: 13ers3= 3crr. r xlaRaarc B .HsboireUni. a cc:afa « Parehada Jiio Aleman, A2wto JsjBToa » 3e bs yrarsa a * paner sj »-xr a xrjOt.T2Xi jes [«ba<K21 I/jbc BC3l.FredcncoVia,-48W27 ' ^rV^>»;U9rt~S Mntfjr :iLm L «Lusy Be6K«nrtiK ;UjrirTx<«f 1 :>£*7Tri« :ockv»fiOjt»|ctiS(i »ck Smart [Otagnrt lA.Hltdicodi J Byisscee i:<757c 575 U iizit :Uoen Tit2;< ,1 ;< |1 to fl7 7 iiH ;:7 7 « A 627<C k '40a |9071S6 961576 ' TlwOaHoTM ••i(t9S2;Trt>vH0K toiorj Ai23tUCedta^!NewtjO:i72ZZ :N-rfi Court £ v s 9Scd a ;a es G ssaa lx3S. 731S •31S35_____________ ___________ ______________ |77<9a is p o iD ra ” " ]H y D o sew T U d * * (1 ^ }D « sreKdtran.|T)i*U^Oaehs(BBtf «^ 19K.Ccr»f,-5 sSond* Beileza(R) Supennan 372311 "CrfsUftJlRl •tWorkJV»ionlCr 667335 S1088 66 F-Tfocp' Lucy Show ” F-‘ J48GM S24972 tama) tOc'c' ii^ tnmComedyChiblR) A OifogojM >Jo«cndth*StKmgM *«{*990-0ra™ 96^7: «l.EffliyUoyl.Pa8yKensit.W<6g3 372_________Suthert»»J.E B*>90 •♦(IWI.COI :om«y)CndyWiSam$. : ■ • ! 1 vtofttMNOi **i{13&S.A<Jvenm)K2Ut TTMJmio juiyArtilfcbeT.(CC)3i:ia |5 . _______ |DeanJgm.Sa«rrepieggae |i Q 8?«3M P?^;t3se?ie [CCl ^ aelC )0u8!ai.DancyDaVaD.(CCl3W0S14.^ ___ lActodOom iTfftw rrflsaj ^ n a s i o r a^TfcBBH; - 1iim ^srn r -r r tr m r s e e ii ' £rtiJa3CiBtiushi.llgyd B tolititIt.**{t932. * <i}vcfaiB) Dm'Tte Qraa- 76917712 13J» |H«a!,VwatlVi(a. 17E7M |*nyrfW Cojk».l3rfQ£n.n4iS3: rtfTw, Pe!wBo)'<. w s M99330 on'V flmn.BBrad Hefton. 6*42175 . ^ T tearT 5 * tiw 5 5 d 7 7 7 7 i^ 5 I DftamOei'f M -------- - E GeiasApd f '5-Co-tSrtPai EzCBUhnForca •>*<l993)ThomsjlanGrf• HiDtCopB ***(1997)Ed4*Utfphy. Di BmttyHilfa p a _ I «*«• 7 |te { O ^ Oe/a. Jeaca w es22s0) 54801.18 . |H35*i.a»KBeeas n 951095___________ fc - O a t g e lo ia . AAT2>796____________RomyCox.< a . A (CC) 6704175 ____________Iff a r e a r t - - i ” <= ^ : j sk a isiM jt jAcpiiiEAnM * 7r(J882.0ora}PaJG 0: , **»(1M5) aaPC ffB eT.fcw 'rajHj;>cs T«? IA Fev Good Hm tt* ***» (199Z Drama) Ton Cfuso, Demil*OT.ANsvy iW | J * 9 9 « ia 9 * ^ Jge0968S &k»adartuiia&«sR Ksrae Coiarxls t b m x e n . A (CQ 1?M1 n 959330 jwyerfleigtithwUy M7298___________ |OennOose.A95 ](SM) Sop «Tsiol~***i |(1«0)A -pg(C C )M 77W f l S • ^Po6enNo.« «.*r>332)TakDoro«vlAaexpamena ki, \ m nnwavks w n d n to a BY bochenfi. {CQ 33 Q332S24M ilfn o n a am d o 'j deiSi. n (CC) mt; O .D Sn{^Whlt*F«fnalt S; |P oW olH oR *tu m *»»(1S ^ ratrj|B^ I# **i(l992.Suspense)BndgtfFwdT .to?tfer.i3Mntay: rA -ff(CC)4W 6«.-._ .......... Fotfa A 1T(CC) 396392 SOI I • ■CHUKU BftOADC^ O V ^]£ TW Tl MFAUS aUOOT K (CC8VESKISOKAAEAS. •«jet»CMDOaLCCOO x tx a ia u o n ^ b o ii^ 'a a K s n ts ciCHAWa... y ■ ........... VMCTgBBQAaCAnOow Wjia ii~.Boifcbcbooftw ^ ^ AWFUR. .I «TO«* _ I____ U V M l£r ___ ; - E = ^ g n .............. Week of April 8 -14, 4,1994 F rid a y ________ ' ._ ____________ Page F 9 urto. — i Ouchafme, Paul Morcurtc Tom Konny. (R) 394064 ^ J-i . f f ' OR G I RELDS.OF ARMOR 12:30 a SPORTS LATENIGHT 251644 Tho Impact unfolding toct: WAY ochSATURDA ® KOJAK 730422 nology has on future batli' ig NASCAR Grand atlioNoon Q ) Auto Racing N 0 1 SPORTSCEMTER fldds. (R) 798731 250. (Uve) 448083 Natkjnal — Goody'ss 25 600609 S ) MOVIE MUGSVS^ lacing NASCAR < 2:00 p.m. CS) Auto Raclr i g MOVIE SABOTEUR GIRLS * * ( 1 9 8 5 ,C o m o UiBer Gcnuino Drofl .. l^aonai.T-^Be . - ~ * -^ *44842;5u sp e f»6o}-^ dy) RultvCofdon. L-eum XD2----------------Roborl CumminQS, Priscilla lla • Bronigan, Sorority sisters lacing Saturday 6:30p jn . IQ Auto Racir Lano. Alfred Hilchcock‘5 -.. -......concoct 0 mud wrealltng • 0)331335 1" Night Thunder. (Live) 3; wartimo thriller about a mu uschem e to sovo thoir cam flcing NASCAR I^V1:30 a m . GJ Auto Raclr nitions worker on tho crossISpus rosidonco from forocli 3 o o d /s 250. (R) Grand National — Goo. counljy trail of nofarioua suro. 676967 |A . 550942 © ALTERNATIVE NA i • Nazis. (V) 766847 JAY : SUNDAY Q ) PRORLES OF NATION 587712 Racing NASCAR flAM 11:00 a.m. 1 0 Auto Racl TURE611002 0 3 S ] PAIOPROGRAl odOtySOO. ( U v o ) ____________ WInslon Cup — Food C S MOVIE NOCTURNE 116248,136002 •S 141213 * * * ( 1 9 4 6 . Myslofy) P MOVIE MUNCHIES Goorgo Raft. Lyrin Barf Ak .......... (1987. Comody) Harvey lyKo3:00 p.m. CJ Auto Racir H SATURDAY rman, Charles Stratton.i.An Ai dotoctrvp rolonfJossly por■ Sli*50200.{Lhro}264 _______suca.lhotnjUibohlnd a._____ ________archaoolooisl’3 Peruvian adnflNHRAWirr-------10:00 a.m. BIQ Boskotbaii Portsmouth In- a nio x - - -3 :3 0 p.m. Q)-Dr«gR ttdr -songwritor’s npparont sulpedltlon uncovors tho oxis ll Championship. (Uvo) 558809 m|s_ s t o g j n v i ^ r a U Lw^) .0 413213 -----------£i£l0.-737460---------------------loncu'uPiin attoii'Duutuiu’ ----------- Sa-BEAVIS AND BUTT.■ -----" that craves lunk food ond I A46596G ------------'-Antonh?S{Spurs at Houston Ro(*ob.-------.. H E A D (R ).A 0 0 6 H ii— “T. ~ J— miscfljor. ---------3AY - - ----------- (UVorJSlK 0 3 PAID PROGRAM fB MAS ALLA DEL A IBasketball San Antonio 11:00 a.m. ID Auto Rool ^ i n g NASCAR ( E NBA 871422 PUEMTE 174335 o d a ty 5 0 0 .(R ) Spurs alH iH o u ^ .R o c k e ls, (Uvo)_______ Winston Cup — FoodC ______ BD-COU»fraY.NEWS______ ______ SDJDICKVANDYKE— ------------ 800793^^ z iir .: : : ^ r a s ie r o - ™ - ^ ^ - ^ - - — ___ScticduloduTJCortl foviow.— .---------^ 0 6 3 7 3 -------------- -------T) N M to k o t^ l tieinff Sntmr<.TV 6:30 p.m. fT -----------(RV-n-510460------------------------------ © -H E A D U N & W B W S 585638 kooBucto Nicht Thunder. (R)58K EQBOBNEWHART . ... 3637373 SDAY 298002 3F .................WEDNESD/ 619644 1:23 B UFESTYLESOF SUi^DAY K ing NASCAR 3US 1:30a.m . IQ AutoRacln C S HEAOUNENEWS THE RICH AND FAMOUJ 3da 11:00a.m. 0i ( 3 8 ) NBA Basketball Now Srosa Winston Cup — Food Cty 5 0 0 ,(R ) 9490625 _ Actor Ed Bogloy Jr.. octro! Jcks at Now Jeraoy Nets. (Uve) YorkKnk* >86 . 449882 ' • 12:35 0 ( 3 8 ) ( 7 ) FRIDAY Loretta Swit. (R) 5213286 IDAY 742861 THURSDA' NIGHT 4 3 5 9 ^ . 35535577 1:27 Q ALF ^ 1 3 7 3 A Basketb^l Now Yort( Knicks 12:38 ti(6a)PAIDT>RO ;-------cycloRadngAM A C S NBAl __________11:00 p.m. IQ Motorcycl -------- 1:30 Q-OVERNIGHT____ GRAM 8521880 J o f ^ ^ e ls . (Uvo) 663229 Supofcro5S-Soikra.-(TB{ (rBpod)467-153----------- ^alNovtJor 0 ( 3 5 ) ( S IN CONCERT T O SOLD ON CHICAGO Q (M ) NSA'BMkolfiall-------- — GO 1:30 D-m. IQ Auto Racin »cInglndyCo(— 1:30 p.m. O 991S460.4555354 173480 Sltak50200. (R) 91600 6009 PhoonixSi :Sura ot SoaOio SuporSonlca. ItlLjTrlllTJIgtgf Vjr “------------ ®-NHt-HOCK55«Jtttftn!600 ' DESIRE * * ( 1 9 9 2 .Sus- ______burflh Pengulna ol Now>fJorJc ai w j ^ v i l s . (RT5D2E25 ponso) lonyakobcrtsTNI^ SuperScnics. (Uvo) 393958 AY - . SoatMeSu] FRIOAY EV - Cossavoto3.•Av«xTO^do- — .......m MOVIE BODY OF Pv. MONDAY 12:30 p . m . ® MoJorLoa I flitgiHt Basobail DENCE * * ( 1 9 9 2 .M y^st^>fmlr>o3 to loam wtjy hor ED NBA Boskotboll Oriarxk) Boston Rod Sox al Chic Chicago While Sox. .6 :0 0 p.m. ID flory) Madonna. Wlllom. sistof committod suickJo af f/agfeatN 1No^ York Knicks. (Livo) lid of' (Uvo) 472576 • ter sho rocoivod IroolmontI D.ifoo.'A woman occusod «agiH> Baseball * " 5901530 olthy 8:00 pm 'C Q Major Loog using sox to kill her wealth a la sox thorapy clinic, n __ WEDNKDAV" m oy AHarta Bravos at U »ttAngeles Ai lovor or\snoros hor Qttorrw ______ ( ^ 763397.12. . In nn »mllr w nhnf gttHiir. 156___ ___________ 5:30 p.m. ( 22 NBA'Sastotboll C hicago. . ir / _..DodQ£sa.(Li«i)251.156 ______ B D -M O V ltB A IIL E fiF____ Miami HeoL (Uvo) 954482 DAY Buns at Mil SATURDAY THEWORLDS * * ( 1 9 6 11,, (ion. n (V) 9465793 I ftnqtm Rmmhntl SlSSo.m. liH [B_NBABaakettiaU£loYEland— Scioneo Fiction) Claudo >373 _ i i i 3 0 j ! . j D i llM a io a e a s o t AUanta Havsta. (Uvo) Ralri^HrCartw. A dodicat* lorn Ct*3»go Cubs ot Montre jntrnal Expos. (Uvo)' CavaDorst 68903690 od sdonlisi is pittod agaixtsl st d o ^ g h ts botweon pianos » OS 95123267 A r n o l d P a lm o r , a b o v e9,, pf r a c an unknown onomy from miles fnim oach olhor oro THURSDAY iro 8:00 p.m. CS Majw Losgi oaguo Baseball t i c o d f o r t h o 1 9 9 4 W ass t e r s a t spaco wtion on omwd mowagod by radar ortd comID High School Basketball mAUanta Bravos ot Los Aj oAj^gelos 1 1 :0 0 a jn .O Ih. puiors. (R)401793 toor Is sent to destroy Earth. Classic. (Taped) 915 • Mogic’sRRourtdball o Dodgers. (Uvo) 726915 t h o A u g u s t a N a t i o n a lI G< G o lf (V) 98454248 EQ S 3 r a PAID PRO AY 729530 PSUNDAY C l u b in A u g s t a , G a ., oo n 1 2 : U Q NEVkTS 94408915 GRAM 294170, 876118. ED NBA Basketball C^hortotlo 1 1 :3 0 o .m .[^ MaJorLooi Loaguo B aseball 6:00 p.m. ED ' 12:53 O PAID PROGRAM 863644 T u e s d a y . D e f e n d i n g cc hh :a m p iChicago Cut» ot Montro xjtrool Expos. (Uvo) Homols ot Oriondo Magla (Live) 3626712 CD MARY TYLER MOOF »UKt 95027039 2850266 * o n B e r n h a r d L a n g e r to o k 409335 1:00 0 CROSSRRE(R) 2:00 p.m .C S Major Uoaguo a g i Baseball f S HEAOUNENEWS, 314793 h o m e $ 3 0 6 , 0 0 0 In p r izz e im o n Atlanta Bnivosal Los ■sAngotos Ar • I B JEWELRY SHOW-. . - . -5 3 4 4 8 0 9 ...........- ______ ..................... DbdgbfS. (Uvo)'447749 ........................................ 7 4 9 ^ SU N D A Y ’ e y f r o m l a s t y e a r ’s M aa s t e r s , 1:35 0 ( 3 8 ) JERRY CASE 6866996 eoguo Baseball 10:30 pjn. ID Q PBTA Billiards Wortd d:'a 6:00 p.m. I D Major Leooi 35. . SPRJNGERSchodulod:'! • m UP CLOSE (R) 138335. T h o S 8 t h M a s t e r s w illi aaii ir : S a t Ftorida Martins ot Son in O Diego Podroo. Champkx« x sh ip — Semifinal. (R) 166768 IQ DEF COMEDY JAM mothor who resorted to0 u r d a y a t 1 : 3 0 p .m . a n d S u n . , (Uvo) 382590 . 130793 prostitution in ondor to eupeui lAY . . 83 MONDAY I-'p ^ her family. 5139083 a j EVENINGATTHEI**.d a y a t 2 p .m . o n C B S . MEN 1 1 :3 0 a .m .(D Major Lo«( PROV Host: John Capont s DESIGNING WOME Loaguo Basoball SATURDAY ora. Comics: Frod SloUor. A) ^ 0 6 4 CWcogoCubsolNewYi w York Mels. (Uve) 7 ;45p .„,.inn ii Boxlr>o Santos Cardona 354644 ____ 95087411 9lfWhitokor.(Uvo)n(CC) ,A\f VS. Pomoll A istefs— 1:30p m O PGA Golf Tho Mosl jn a TUESDAY 17 • Third Round. (Livo) (CC) 26668) 6668 K q 5:35 p.m . CS Major Lragi TUESDAY B PGAGolfThoMflsters — TW ■ rd q S w Frandsd) Giants al Bm/utonu. „:oo».m .IB ID Boxing (R)(CC) 858096 Round. (Live) (CC) 718809 y Brovoa. (Uvo) 31028893 B Boxing AnlhonyBoylova. ® PGA Goff The Masters — TW ! rd Q 6:00 p j n .C S (Major Laagt r o T ^ ) ' (CCl 701917---------------fl -NewYofkYonkocootCI S ) Boxing Anthony Bdyto vs. 13(11) PGA Gotf Tho Mosters lers — Sox. (Uvo) 303164 Ulh. (R) (CC) 857503 JO^Y CarfGriflilh 7489 Third Round. (Uvo) (CC) 47748S WEDNESOA THURSDAY . SUNDAY 11:30 a.m. a Major U o t taster;— - ---- D BoxinaBort.coopofys______-22:0 : 0 p jn ^ O -P G A Go» Tho Mast - — C rtcB Q O ^fltN ow 'rt nakL(UvQ).(CC) 633240________ _ Rnal Roundr (Uvo) (CC) 344841 1 8 4 1 _ _ _ ------------------------- 939S89M ------------------o POA Golf The Masters — F Final saguo Basotwll 5:30p.tn. | D Major Losgt .Round. (Livo) (CC) 438039 Toama to Bo A/v)our>coc Dcod. (Uve) FRIOAY C S PGA Golf Tho Masters — — Fmai f W e n o w r e nI tt 'v i d e o s i n o u r Round. (Uvo) (CC) 744887 2:00 p.m. B PGA Golf The Masters — 8 : 3 0 ^ ^ I Q Major U BSfluo s f li Bssoball (Uvo) (CC) 653798 ' IS (11) PGA Golf The Masters :ors-Finol J e r o m ee lI o c a t i o n ! read. (Uvo) S o c o n dRound. ^ Teams to Bo Announcoc B PGAGolfThoMoslors — 7:00 p.m. EB Round. (Uvo) (CC) 354403 441232 Round. (R) (CC) 881779 THURSDAY DAY Socond Ro THURSDAY SATURDAY 2: ffPGASo2:00 pjn . Q9 Senior PGA Goff P( JO B Baseball Chk»Noon ( D Major Loaguo D(66)GolfW ondorfulW orid.' niora Champkxtsh/p — First Rot Round. , kMeu.(Uvo) 11:30 a .m .f l go Cubs at Now York Me 310915 (Uvo)(CC)415S30 (Toped) 13 52279269 ----- --------------JEROME (Tapod) g; WPGAStv.............. 9:00 pjn . EB Senior PGA Goff Pl TWIN FA LLS----------->agU«Bft»«ban ......— Q (3 ^ G oioffwondoituiworid, ' 5:35 p m i S Major Loagl : niors Championship — Firsl Rot Round. (R) 329536 San Frofxlsco GiantssatAUanta at M 4 ^ 7 8 WonderW y ^ , ( T o p ^ _ (CC) 406882 _ _ _ 037 CSGoWW H Bravos. (Uvo) 31999337 a Mn im n ? •I B E m ArARDPS —PH[ZIA'.. - leia s e s $ 1 w ith A ll n e w rc le p o r c h a s e o f m e ilin m o r --------------J a r g e ;e p iz z a 733-5678 ____i P a g e J O ] ~ ~ APRIL 9.1994 I )A'iY M Q R S I N G j .,_ - 'r T s P ODI R f n N E W S _ U I J ilQ V lES_|^-^SA T lJR D A I KIDS ~|1 Week o f April 88 -• 1 4 . 1 9 3 4 ] jS ^ M O jO ^ M O jS O ^T ^ a j j n ^ ^ j 3 ^ V g ndFri«Kl»(CC) • (OffAlf) ItofM l ‘ _________________( W „ (Off Aif) □ Crer 03016 _ G3330 92flW7y Tamag* Mutant Klf (CC) 40557 onie lAddamaFafli^ Crypttoeptr IBuj >y9814083 1781828 |613 9802248 iWar30064 Btakman'i Wor(dS260e Storytnak( (OC]3033S5 r-8oyt Lattdoftht Weekend 170 |Lwt9204M7 [l760335 fHala. . D»aUnQWWiPIWf>lty«647 tf7~ I M 5 ___________ ___________ - , Off Ain |gtoupsinth(iU.SA2111i 63335_____________________ 84828 D DD G3 a 10 KiPT Q iA Guide to [ir iim v e I* i™ 55 Martha StewartlHavaii A ^1672267 N«w* (CC) 673996 tnupllami iLMoUemuld Now(CC) er '"AgD»y66ii5l|W»lISt.Jml. Illvw Honm 97034 32422 [43538 62151I :C) 50441 (CC) 14002_____________ 1 * _________ 5T3M ;CC); UndofUw Weekend Sp«3ug»BunrTy4T*Mty(CC) C.O.W/.-8oyt~ .-B. ■0 A(CC) Adv.olSonIc Adv.ofSonIc ” (Of!Alr) Cror Lott A 65647 dal38644 J85489 59625; ly A 74083 2 ^ jsas «441 41267 62248 4<H44 Q b Ic q I ^S ^oSyT’ Real Hewt for Aihrenturo, tf«.A(CC) [New*30002~ ?ev#npa Today Schcdvlod np* ■■wdunumal bicytig w d ilw H ^ Hem aaeiW SaturdayJodi ^ HBCHffW— Hwdl 57267r--------- Wdf 03489— 36268 - a ' O B ^ KUAS ED . . BM02 ' 3 14250151 499096 4 12083 ^ ” he C a t- Tiny Toon— T»4Unl*-A»8Wr Bobby*gWottd Eeidttei ntfl-tadv.in W6A.--jKfi-aiy-71~|PW WU74147 CiplalnPUMt Inmifonnwi 8— = [OffAJfJ------ --Focus 0-23967- Advr49170~ (CC) 76248— ------- jAiCG)7d06*- A-<CC)-S — j«teftftwi-e9?66- [CC)eo^i— 1*^ _______ ^ 6S118--------- M161--------_____ o O IB E p}''] >CTRV B_______ ____ ____________ — r~ InWon^ Baakman'a StorylHMk Ninja TurtlM. Dennis ttie Adv. In W indFriMd»(CC) . leenagaMutantNIt ^ {OffAlf)------------------------ - ^ jTKfptaflJ- StSrtlwmaM BirfleWwdF id239a5 Wortd5882a ‘ (00)756066 iMeniM 72422 de'rtand2 (CC) 45601 ;C)741C5 (CC) 34248 57402 1 9 ID ID DIpS^ KUVT ED n . _________________^ i .f,HCri,.nrf<ir:n Twrnt^tMtrlantNlt 5— 5*555 g . t^ A !0 , • —— ~ B “ - - M Ktoic D* :C) 25199 [cc rt^ 3taw ...............................(CC)37083---------Jug»BunnyATweety(CC)_ CO.W.-B otilc jAddamsFami^ Crypt)i«l>*f- Bu$ - Athr.-gfSenlc Adv.cfSotifc ^ (O H A if}r .r ._ ----;::— c rp-n-(CQ~ rS i.~ ~ ^ L e t t A 65034 c t a i8 ? ^ ?33n------^171^-W41 12002 24335 ------ ty‘A'3Ci70“ 79248------- 333 a a qa ' S0441 ' 7 NBC N«w» J*81B2a a a EQ CD IQ Q ' E n j GED!HB3arnr Ado5tBs*ic&fue«i “ GEDnaMmj ual bicycics. A (CC) b |3port*Folll« ^itunlay Today,ScfteduI«l: n«wand uflusual »80 \AW22 692B( Advtmuft 97644 Cal Jreim* D691s|872C7 O f# 86480 Hill* 864 |stuffW 22 61 B'day76151 BlkarHlee 9793 SdencaGuy 5952557 DefalflcJiSo___ 18199 . I Energy Exprat* 3091S MadScienlltt 50539 FisurtSkilinjI 111608--------------X4tan.A (CC)i----- -S7441----------------ConanWariore 76199 SdonceGuy ' 5517---------- 1-------M^ScienlltM__ iiaasH-i— i— . .. 53557 I lull-94 HJw»d^(CCn&«n*4No5 5 * 4 O 5 C 0 n S d e n ^ » e r BaMbali New* MoneywMk ShowbUTTil* Sty aybn«k(CC) RealKmror UomlngNewi Oaybfuk(CC) Sport* Oot*. D«ylx 31 613335 |wk60&462 [700098 747ni {C0 379489 Weoll975815 14460 Kid* 622083 350354 685793 0PM1373 9W4t taHonal Chanipi-. scenttT BatkotlallPcrtsmoulhlnvttaaot Spoitiman [Sportsman Sp«t»c* nitCutKAOutdoofi FUWn'.Hol* Jim Houston FiyFi*hAmer. Sp< 'a. (Uvo) 558809 ra c«hip.PfOTPort»mouih.Va.{L M5460 561373 in063 82960^ ‘ ^B11880 JOf»540915 444267; 165248 . l&SDaytil I Ican J ^ Biography Ava Gardner (R)) Eicftmamiand |Am«flcan JusAmtrlw Jilno Thc aory o< Wfein lo>ft9 A tfcH f Ed Hdlif>tfvtt8rtei(R)6l7?a6 TlnnMachlne __HniKii fit Pllnfl m<R1 37005? WW Ii Tgeio to israd. (R) 709006 «'■ -r - . . JosclMcngeio iJ.rt’'" rann [Wonihntrildt m5T MaclMuii«r PaldProgram Paid Program PaidProj jram jPakf Program iPald Program IPai Jid Program |PaldPn>orani PiWProBfOT ” PildPmgfwi'IPildPrognfn P*id i 0( 633977 51_____ 906985 (RMn4K)] <64996 I [455246 181151 |737489 465625 |4W . M1593 ■ 718354 708002 M1731 M51116 ill i'« Big Night ** A SupermnCatanova'«B Millu **>(l962)LaurorK9Harvey.A cmoy.Awomanlm AClrf NamedTiflil 7mMatingS*tf00 **»(1&51)Gcfwr«mo5 ~ SpKUIlRmtigator * * Atom 455373 (1954) Bob) Hope. ot 723149 481064__________ Eurasian InTolcyoafalii fa ter a Japaneso woman-452266 jftteambit«a)ttgigW M aMfvant48lo ^ (1936)RichartQg.4480iH .- »i8ih 90),Joanna CassiJy. K Lewis Whee!to(Tfin>rt*{1990)J ]weMSci*nco[Park»rU ;ram |Ho))ywoodln~ WorldWreitilng Fedwatlon Fe jidProsrani IPaJdProgtam iPaidPrognfn “ pSTPropwTTpiidProflTiitr PaidI 035 • 99 .. Uatde Lsed*. A(C0729335 |(R)A405426 749199 tidcr 364557 ManiaWmtlng1682606, 68 36828 617151 [345422 — 510489 976441 j&668: errier A- M W ortd (R) IWeth b>Rtock-|Sprl»gB.R«.------o^ = dporti A — f n a h s d - A -^W ^TV-JamsCounlitewn ltag: ■ Up-Serrt in ld w (R) n-415002 --------^-------"" Spood PUoT Top20ViiJ«-CiwnW >828- 314064 47 A 275199 (R) A 653828 Bd Beilamy. A 574248 390847 ■ . 991625 634793 |BJ itfyXwiBltVtwn Spodi^ ___ FathlonTV MyGen^onluyGRnrratlon CourtnH 1^575557. • iM y S S T hw mtt TT jWMkMdJui ~ H u iicM U 9 8 l0 ^ [wiiS >TrWL(R) 574609 |345083 365847 356199 TravisTrt . ✓ ____________________ Sdby Supermir1«r , [Uetima Magana Anctacd^ PaldProgram rour Child 6 to Baby^15 anc gnm. PatdProgram PaldProgram Pal aid Program iPiWProgram PaidPropani ~ P M ? m g rm IPildPrognrn” Piidl Sweep2B23M 1,365151- UaMcRee.(Cqa9544l M899G____ 1 J 6 3 ,9 2 « _ ChM.36: 906557 649625 ]«{ 02880 259151 987422 236441 509793 502& Wagon Train 0Irathtr Big VaBty’Jcwney IntoVioBabyRacn Mighty Jungle BJgBrot! C) M*hUd(CC) That’»HyOog M rincaVtUani i u d ^ Babaf(CC) ” P ow e " HuSdW Piinc 369977 lenca*999267 __________ 902731 635422 (R) 659002 Jake 369 9930S3 A 638151 |63! D6606 . R n c 253977 961248 230267 ■ 536847 506» ” BO Dane* •• ftdMattt- IfrfithenBtn-iGfeilOul*-^ iodeoA . . OrUwtoW— Raianttil if in i Mwhanle-H ChampinnthlpRot - ............. . RwnodtUn#. ~ ( O f f A i.l_ _ „ .,- ---------->538 7347M 961609 |dootl369538 wn-363354 [S2455757 15116 614G25 • : 846422----- "--------------' Today 635111 — 48, Western) John itdthe FortApaef»e****i1M8.W d ffight of the Wild. Wild Watt *Night West Wa* Won WM. WildWe*t ffi OAdo'TTwSingingVW ' Howtb#Wo»i “ W igonnwtr *.** (1950) Ihoo 5 eyfwtio.6992M _____ Wayne. HenryFonda. SW tyf I 662460 Cadn3'2432B6 CctoKTsGhosree: 14266 X______________661731 Bon Jchuoa 49083002 l5i42i 1977. Fantasy) Tha Last OInonur **(1977 eographle Eiplortr Glart tanuitulas; 0iMmw't WO 0 W r ^ 9618915 -1:05) Nattonal 0«os (tS]Bonirua'ToOwnmo WCWPraWn “ RMlNmfor iJonnyOunt (:U^I \tfc.S822lSl ... . ■ RaadBoon8.-JwnVtnA>t.i . . hofflocantngikayai pUng in M oxica.. (R) (CC) 6612538 -' I0(U3843847 9653977 /Brtf 7077441 •• __ _______ |WaW PapiSoiwiTi SSTcoT u*Yat«lo(R) 25606 [ChapullnCol- [ChapuUn vcfsion. Juogo* y candones. 46199 ITm w o M ICantinflat T.V. 0 Dhwsi ”” JohnnrCinaiM(R}S7t44^ QT» 7063 ______________________ 38170 ■ * Of.41170 or.7706: abw6S373 9G606 S f " LoooeyTiwt] Dude(Rj“ F555r706967lWUd&Cnir Guts 462538 Hidden Tem^HryDgd 3ablt«|Uupptt8abia*|B«eU«iulc« oug342460 Rusratf UupprtBiblf “ Dmnit706C44[Un(itrdog poog XC 664847 ta [Wda 475002 406118 169703 728731 463267 401575 716996 349373 I m ra oa OI j i dsc - ” - n i - — • B Q ffi ^ 2= A“ C ffl-M EG i s o sg a VHl ^ B a lB FAy O O M B O a m 'n m a ttjB O ^ 'T K T IB W B o r a TBS D BD ^ UNI ES Q a ^ J L - 4 _____ ^ ' - llP k ------- I— hB won ■^DannyBon*. “ C) 414847 l3.Fann R r B u a ln m F ^ H«wi(CC)4i WofWTonwf- UAI oa,8OT.6M .. 527M 5............................. GoodFlahlno GoHShow UotorWMTA^ 919557 . 918828911 - 992660 ■- Prosram Soul T r^ A 256625 p S fS o 173 . - . • ...................... 642373 Energy Expret* 536248 u h o n S w lia B fo w n Alad<8n Umbr»naTre« S y ^ t P o ^ T S aS ^ Ij ^ lD u n S o T c ir PoohCorw Un 05)Ug«)do(T«DGyp(y UoutardM |S 3 ^ i6249T7„|523e09 K3S96 916460-^------T tltt90ni2 [Toyi62‘ ^638-jcu» 268373— 924489-------; 911 >Ogt(R)(CC) 70065002-------(CC)»3638iriy SaeUnflSuun,, 0B2,Coma(^)OoSyi^ iktptfHaty.: HmM-------- ^Rkhanl Scany «ra(gMTaP(-** (10BZ a)30566609 _ Dunnfl.4970*4t |**s(198S)a 605624 . James Wood*, Griflin Dur 255183 60i }aU (R) A G98267— ((99ZDrBins)Noa>vHsS>— P«foctOaU< im gfefHo- |ToDi».-Tftawp(<g i,UfiyGat!ia A 735i(m 5 • ,Bm |way.P8>iCocte.U iap o( Iht Human H u tt * * M m Drama famaJJajonScoOlJft Unl>«fuI&tW**>(1932) I Hip ,mtParteij(l.PalittBqgin. A (CC| 216170 6170 ,KurtftBM lA215083 |Amt M lra d tB ^ **(tK2.Corngdy)Anj *< IThtDi^ 4 ^ 9 aalReiwle.PattldaNMi.72aM7. . Dotenz. Dean Comc imoron,P4aninUulLA 132286 Michssll a is I S P MAX ln aB ox***('M ' ' |H0MttHn7 Comedy] Dana Garvey. A iTbtUntlnka ilnk^U oDyBm m ***(1964, Muskal 5 )0 5 5 e [ThtMFuglUvtt * *r*(1989.CoiwJy)Ntt i(1 “ OppofturtI)rKnoela**(1990,Cwi ^ S p ^ G Gray.7151731 ny A998575S7 « i y f ^ . A297957B3 Reynold*,i.Ha(VBPre*ne».EdB<igliiy. Hai ?7 , Nolte. MartinShort AUCC)M292373 (C B ; B H m e .: ,tm^dmehoodtttotoaamaweami) Ww^JohnRgtf. iGal»*it*<19931Jam8*. Syhmtar If ***k(1965)RjtfiardFam»ath.Annph rphansdbMn WhttaFang RaalStb Story I Slay T i ^ * )deo horso mtoacnanpcnfuirpUibttSISS: i n | i a | a ^ h b o ~ . .H*545437i2 ‘ G W . J o t a ^ PPryca. y A inccr99 02 0 i99 oiraanxJoo inr^Q BETu^-* wjB u ie wEwai. 1 . (X COOOMGAM) FUS 0 0 »1UECEK£3U •SJO •■ CHAW^ BROADCASTOUTSO EETMMFA^IS CAKHOTB6RRBVBJW .. . . ■ ««lflCK88«0«)CAST( WTOWa «JEroHE.(iQOOWO.WE)a)ai a iA w a s i *T ' '1 n WTCKIW i .........I .WL ........ B - ' — r\ ^ r p e ^ n e i ^ wy r y : --------j:^-------a w vAtttY **■"] — ^ / ■ ' ■ .......... .________ _ ^ W e e k o f A p r il 8 - 1 44 1 9 9 4 APRIL 9.1994 | M I J ___________________________ vs^xzhm^hzez NEW S SATURDAY A R E R N O3C0 N 1 SPO RT S ,, Country ■ Tncki2462 o ToB«Aiinouncad841 8 4 3 S ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ T S ! oo5 tn5«»UasM - TNnl Rouid. Fion Augusts r tsKa&mal Goff ClubInAugus____ ________________ |ta.Ga.(Uve)(C 8)(CC)2a666e ___________ ___ ______________ ' Gotf Wondorlul WoU. (Tspcd) 1310915 s is |PeA6o«ar)gBPAAU^Opea p^FianTroy, jWWtWortdofSp^ orts(lM) (CO) 9486422 Micfl(Uvo)(CC)e288183 f Dw Uaotr lntro|C«it»mpof«QM»»w^ M lnESU . ^ b )* D a y 4 A rt« < « M in iI 6nw(ngOMM«NwAg«— {Nw •««K ton—|T»th»«on— I 1982B 61829 ..........~ 93 1 9 !) 41064 55828 . 484) 847 [bary 0 0880 ~Anlma)A(hretv- LHMKtron * * i((1991, l9 Drama) RacanlJi PGAGolfTTnl. ihe Mastcn - TNnd Round. Fton Augusta h aNaticnyOolfQubinAuous• Iurw3t644 Simpson, KoiUiChrislcfB acrtsen. 37002 ' la. Ga. (Urt) (0 718809 o)(CC) *"T™ Gi Wonaorti Worid. (TatwJ) 329538 ■ GoB J8 IPBA Bowling fiPAAU.S. Open.. orts(Lh«)(CC)7621l8 pen. From Tnjy, jMdt World of Sport O f f i KKVI I S MidL(Uye)(C0^111iB ' T r k id s iP a g e 11 ' l j 3 ^ 2 P j l t ^ 2 BL u i?i.'g - [ Baywitch ■tehTaiconMaitfcsto’ CBS Evening ig (CC)3373__________ News A 8460 160 (R) 0 (C C Flshlngth gthe Outdoor Who's Bow? iT Wesf819: J193034 Gazatta 6677557 Channel2News 373 ABCWorid News 4793276 Korth)<M Mah»— nrtngUnti— 8erlou»«6Aey UcLau^tHi^----Forun89' 18915 WetfafB4109 E064 , Group 8151 Paid Progi togram SayNoTo 45286 Paln34170 Travel Update itT CBSEvenlng" 19373 News 25422 PaidProgi r o^nT ABC Worid 18170 Hews 14354 Star Search (R) A 76606 ITi? n Worid C na n y io msi;Mt)i!ion. ii^ NBA ShmrtimajNBA BaskitbaE kctiFromlheSunnt.(Uvc} Amertcani ttbaOSan Artcnio Spun 81Houston Rockct an GUdlators 18731 HewsB344ir jl INBC NlghtJy — a ~ Ba Q K3BA9fia"^ FlfluitSkiflng rrem V U u f^'Jo ^ illk ie 02480 SSSiUS [News 31408 ^ n _____{ ,S « th P 8 C tfe :**-(195SvUusksl)Ro»6anotoZ2l.Ut:tGaytK i^ n t of National Geographic DesJgnlno [big [WonderYears Untouchables"V S w ^ S H to L A W a id w T ii fSwi es-Voywjf'A(CC) = : a a B e p inir f "; ^CSOtgoCSiTO nw»)flK>s1ovDM(tiaw1 awttMMisUnd«r.S23083............... . ........................... ' WywsanA(Nenturci‘Tii286- WomeB4i t»4i5I_ A.(CCJ.3«1_ S625 -P3i 'Sctm etGuy Paid Program 171)0iLastLaaf L» iPaldPrognm IPGAGotfTh^ Ta Mastm - ThMRound. FromAugustaa'wasi^CoBCIubinAuguj. N RshSgiS heNextGenera- ' C BSEw iinr StarTrefcTheN l a i D o o i y K i i v T o ' 77828 ^ 62288---------1239212 , --------- 6,680--------- |ta.-Ga,(U«>{C< »)(CC)4n4a3—• . .Wtstegis iSlS__ NewsA.3189 tlon(R)A(CC) COJ7083. ... [Boj ^ ~X tooOwrYou *»(t99l)RldmdPryCT,( CT,GortoWMef.ACTngtlsl|pGAGo«T}MW TwMasSm - Thrd Rouxl Fnyn Augusta3 National N Goff OubhAugos- sS k e ilB ^ E v en in g E N C b S ecr^ ts d the National ___ ~ ~ ~ !lijr."9M34-------- ;---------- |ta;Oa; (IweKft :;r r q o z S O ” ' GoHWoKlerful.WoriiL{Tap»d}3M64ri — .|PMeewUn9 6 PAAUS,0 p«(i.l » l . fOTvTrayJ----- iMda Worid of ? ------- ^ Mfcfi.-(U>e)(CG)76lt8-------- a . . ‘IjEj w n ‘ BMkitbaD ^ 558809 ra ia o 01 m a a |7SSS47 847 |359625 [757118 _ Ava Gardher, PolittiM^B«sto<ComlcRttWf956660' |Ev^ vning at the Improv(R) Stifl C h r o n .[POn i^ of Ka- IWIngt of tht Uiftnff* -ME-• 4C87I2 tun 1022G7 102 321 Giganr(R) 180422 - y A»c ' Catanova's Big733MQ UIdnJghtPa(T0IS19422 ^ O ftM UmKs a *M 1S53. Comody) Bob Hope. ~ eyRoonoy.S4a825 : (.GdutyF UwGiioti faiirt^ C87C25 KacUnt f ealag17 ***i(t953,Dr3nia)Wi&unHol IHolden. American jPOW iWs : In'Oefmany iMnfcacyntail sorgoanl Kbaspy.866608 b (:M}€prlng » w k R«vWM HighSete 6$lre#nMTV$toveragfrtifS$tingert3H994: <r S S B B s iu fE -jinSeirchC chOf-Uartlans/Ancjenj HonwAgaln jljHoweAgaln.’ A.LU«»'{R i‘ {ff) 842823------------m rtrj--------- tl Five Card Stud ' tud**(l963. Western) Dean kC mMarljn.830915 Wstlng ***i(t9a2.0rama)JackL k Lennon. Sissy Spacck, John Shoo. An |Wlngs*Ubor Duckman(R))■ |V IWebdSeknM ~ Americanwftor dhappoars dtfl^ a Ch Chleanni^afy coup. 568793 . - Pains'762915 (CC) 154480 [(R) [(I A 753267 Z '* _________________ R)'S7S460 iTopit Countdown (R)S bfoneRad ladng Reminglon Parit SportscantereK r6832B8 ' |Dert)y.2ir 211731 B«yond2000Az«»gnivlty |5ovii jvieUagle [NaxtS(ap(R) KatureWor Worid of UltsuaUhn- UonstacAPortr >ortratt of Stalin bl . simuialor.656444 - ’ - |(R)2; rtPoUce 231400 1217860 945151 go(ft)6S75 >57657 BlooA Secret Po WhMlsofTaf' IUicltBehavlor**(19' (l^ToramDi'Rciwl Oavt An Intemai A/P ' ror72a33S " t;ya cop’s wife. H (CC) G282G7 Eairaofficer Is sediiccdi by ra u u S p S tto n s ^ tts S jr T ! ^ r i! n ^ 8 o ! h a d e ^ W o I w T ordoId a n E ^ n f l I_____| t77647_____ 450052______|c -[d a y 7 6 8 1 0 9 - ------1S4CC0--------j(CC)J570a3-j4005 0K7------_|769628------- [746135— Auto Racing NASCAR Grand G National - Good/s 250. Fron Bib. ^ Tennis Bausch and LoROOiamplDash Bhips-'Soffltfinal. From way. Tern. (U«) 448083 • • [lollnlenalicnal Raceway Amefialsland, Fla. (SamfrK^ Tape)IM0731 a< ' Inend. Ani. mau 834008 Jonathan R. ^[CerrtafStagt j ^ (R ) |(R)181064 [836825 IWeelrinRa tRodrRsaJWorWVVSlatrA— ^' 3pem (R?-A-------| n 364151 151 360335 . 656880 |3 I5o5 »di Party 285422 FashionTV ^ 8 9 JcpaltanR. 115644 FM630441 F I [onc*lsKo(£nc (Enough **;{1975.Drama)KiADwgS^ Shop'TBYou" i X U w - T t w ^ ^Sof iRises* [Uittoivad, 3S.AtabSmith.Aftnpn>- IToBethel M BM(1992. Orsi^ljnSayWagner. r.~^hcfess An ________My»to80703 [ducermantofar s (or mcney to satis^ hb dpughtor. 374441 <1 wantslorra ImaXe a ruche Inher grandrncthci's empire. plre. 660083 ..■. ^Dfop2830M (00)388002 M-s ToIoYoungRktra-ATW*n(CC) 382828 GuMinoki36M48 ' “ |iBonanza: The Lott Episodes iBlg'^ |VaaeyladyKik>'28l62S S n m Rhw: j ^ The McGregor iBordertawnnA lAMcanSUes 'A Placn to Hide’ 276286 j heSlampedo‘29346o |(R) A 665538 8 (CC)306373 (C S»B«The£ B b n b K ir (;00)Wagon TfltaKC73t ” “ ^ E jT T ! P B B B ra W T H ^ 55 CMiliyOirt- UAAToday IIrM l»A»dng ^ TnicUn'USA iT nickP eii^ r iAutoRadngNASCARG(andN^~ la l-M a erT lG o in ^ 83 |(R) A 634489 [674034 ' _ Gentine { I^^ r a 5 < a 0 383118 22<583 Draft SOO. (Uvt ) n 228002L . . _ ___lWiy5230i0 VW«>PMn U A 768373 Country UutJcVii Ic Video Album !909t5-- - ......... . .... ___ __________ [Hour(R) A 3909 B |^ a FortApaeh* **** (1 9 4 8 .Wajtam)Jol )John j g Henyfonda. SMriayTempi#. 6B Q288 Wsyne. 689: BugsBunn] jnny'sAIKStars30i4e9 _ B a a m n D ^ g E ID - . UttDlno(aur|TTwLandThaiTlRttFor FofBot * * (1975) Ooog McOn. A WrtiTp SS and vit [ThePMipltThatTlffleForgot * T (1977.SciencoF]cM ^ WCWSatun Murday Night Scheduled; Ousth Rhodes ar &lc Watts 5822161, Isubtnds an island Aod xjMShpre(ii^ w beasts. 7B8S557 F aazengor and Shanghai PieccB. 44761647 847 .................. J64 ............ .................... «.TinSlaa , PBtrick Wayne. Doug McCluro.22500« u» (:00)P^>i 0ndaUaz6760e ^ Solttro 38170 I "@ »C K P - j H "°”' " LootwyTutm C v tm 832246 iKablOOty a ^ P 8 |H B o |Control4S288]ljnt*Loco I 70170 > )A Gamte Umpio Rafael Indm. Mxibi nbelGuar(Sa.UniMadn« n resuolve b muortade una mu^erde bitiaseoftx74647_ d Sida(R) UvtngWtthOlnouun(R] “ AraidJ i IWtMSidi OO |l880M • 2236915 100600 u T Ttnthlnning Expos. FromOlyirpieSladiuffl. Hafor Laagua Basaban CNcsgo Cuts at al Montmit I. • .____________222181460 (lMi)B51232fl7.__________________ 5!' ThaFHghtolDngons * * i B p 9 B ll& ^ UanyRlvmtoCroas * * .i (1^RotertTay1or.Vbacl(ww& l^ iPs'SoccfidChann'. lo iP i uny her. 988712 73924 jtomboypenuadesananlomany J248 n s^. IW (1963)5394644 --- Nwrs'p48*^ 6|(3 7 3 DSC n — soBB^g .. ^800793 • ( R ^ T o n m a T I n ^ y o w llo o ^ ~ ~ ' SSDaytitPtUng a ***(1963.'Advwti pj IB O l 41002 ( S w sm k i^ H M llh in ^ ^ 476C06 | bOS842 iD s iiQ m m E s p N ED S3 iela.rromlhoCijmmll(U.'D) O' ^ D GSra o m CKH arts(U«)p:)2253a_____P 5 d ^ ABCWorid Star Search (R).| {R).n.59lS ---------------------------------1441 - - News7825------------- g ^ ^ n s !w r ip F M « M 4 ^ ^ ^ T F Gtotit K38815' 8151 I |G BuenasKot Hots- |No6elereUni-‘ [ S ib a d o G nts ig ^Intemadon^ das 50116 118 Vbl0n 49002 55568644 [Family DoublalFr^ shmen DM946248 21542 >422 ■ IwiiatYouDo Tomorrow iw GutS851712 943793 People 002t M2828 RatPatrol 669915 Charies [664460 Charh IriM 1151 91015 Savedbylh ylha BeH650267 267 rbyaGBIandttwUtttoPeople * * *I 59) Albert Sharpo. Sean Connety. 6741915 915 Doug227267 Ift 9* 942064 CalUDftams OfUortar.ReLr F Fortune < Hunt 649151 922996 K 6C3731 Pet»'sDr>gon**i(1977)Mickq lickey Rooney. HelenReddy-A(CC)87i55373 n JeyT Sister Act ***(1992. Coaedy)^ x{y) Whoopi GoU^f-Tw vain____ I Honeymoon InVegas tas * * * (1992) JamesCaan.Aprtwlec) hBMomnHtf ***(1992)M«YlS»eop.T DnparaltlySMUng Susan OuStiB< -------berB:UsOTo'SiSifi.'A’(CQ 97691: 'M I5---------------------i 22K^ 7 [Ews his iSnaeinaIppc ^ game- A' (CO?2 4 8 ^ ________ ^ f l « WtfiTMotf (oaemS HT * *V (19e5)30566a06~~~ iCTienw «rts **-(198iCanedy)J(i«TrtMirTEi ■ Everytbne 4 (1993. F#fiO«UtoaBQf_l Jha.Exp^ lallautAseites.io. The.SkiWxwf. Kmi 1-U41989] m SaH0fteM.AhU(ian9Wa 3293880 Snu^k^PrsstoA. A 897460 3? 731 |Busfleld.BcssAnmtnn rong.Ae04373 la.AfyeGros W^OTMohnLuxlV ' tanevlroptaedumpioa n (CC) 24682731 . IRobert Sean Leonard. N sisn throat- ' Ueatballt4 K dy)CcfDy ISwlnglOds **i(1993)Rol :ar(8ai1haianow,Kel{hAnSmriAca:de9o|< Honittrlna |ColaJ«nUca(t9e8)'^ )B[Oh.WhataW^t**(1992.Cor7»dy) *11722118 jazznxoic A (00)73294731 *i . H Hakn.RobbieOo(lrano.nie92S004: ■ [eosthrccHends'liwetofJan BOX7151731 |(nfesortocomes8CCMt) gi»t)oy-»t)teviOilanH. AS6773S57 ■ apbncPKipU From Another Star * *r Ghostbusten ci no. Tw poke officers by to [ Hyper Sapb kmody)R^6an9ef. iPlayhouaJr* c IbjorUagut Udybugt *(1992.Con; “ CoDisianCours«**(1987)JayLono, ^ fdneyPenny.-PG'(CC)70931l8 \Pl 70*3068809 C)55067M4__________ (1986) Syme 3'(CC) 803896 [3817680 tl tndaBotentiibochygw.n-PC(CC)! 2207538 IMd.Jactoe.n-PG.13'(C ETWNFAUS CANNOTBERECEIVEDMSO M ooomo ANDFUERDOHOTRECQVETH>rCHAKNEL'' Ol SOtCAREAl *-JCROME.MEMOai.CO(ni . '-CHAXMELS BROADCAST0UT8OCTW ......... — yWCXBBKOADaUTOMB M B HJStOHE.GOOOOa.WDICCaAM W FILER ^ Tin • I KXTGWa I 1---- ~ | ------Mwvaiiv----- ^ ^ W e a r o f A p r i l 8 - 1 144, .1 9 9 4 P a g e 12 Muldooiomdoesn’t ^ £ to be jusist a pretty face leedles. disap* Jamal, ilcalhly afraid o f need nily lest, Janet ^ 1 pcafs before taking his paiemily ic Valley and \ is thrilled lo be back in Pine \ P a tr ic k M u ld o o n checks into llie Pine Cone M Moold. Adam — b e e r r p ta y iifg lW S..... in IlMlI - rfratllcsM hg^ncontcioag~Gtan3 s then Lives" for underground tunnel collapses th tries to o n "D ays o f Our Liv :cs Trevor on ^ claw his way out. Janet sees ' c lo sc t o tw o years n n(o w and e>in and lakes j H B I f t television following the cave-in r ch e s t i l l f in d s th e j lidcs as Gloria r a T o ff for the boathouse. She hide? w a r d in g . " D a y s”’ fa fa n s arc iwly avoids a ^ is being rescued but narrowlj / to h a v e p o is e d an d read y ti ars Adam and Fj ' • • .'.', •.7' run-in wilh Trc>'of. Alec hears in f in a lly C arrie an d A u stin for onc ' Gloria declare their undying5 love lo Bianca another. Erica is an^ ish ed. when wh le o f Ihcm w ill make financial dc bas to return to T nvis. She vijiw vis Opal al _______________ ds ■ ns for the business wilhoul ilic 01 Del offers to Ihe Chicken Shack, where Dc roker. • - - John N. Gouda: Idas Incrs’ coiiient. Pres.<mfed by hi.'! brol jffendcd when "[MrtncT write her biography. Del is ofTei m Ihe ' X acccpts Blair’s offer 10 lend him Erica cuts him down. Later, Del Del makes on ea ch olh ney. After receivin g a m yslerii r io u s vow Ihcir tovc forea lells Corvina ' m oney offer to Kendall. Edmund lell >nc.call.-Nora gcts.o conlinuiinccjr nitri the truth.. ------------ that he is-gotng to-ioll-Dimitr Jron'------ o r a n d tliis-w eck’s>s.sttoiyl in c ------------------------------------ —phonc.( judge then flics 10 Portland, Oreg inaboul Anton with or wilhoulI Corvina's Co g lo v e r s uflcr’ sneak w ilh V id o r ’s former bull iall is siallihg pul. Anton suspects Kendall ^ to spei rom an tic a b o u t lo sh are a ro j)iin. Jc-i'iica iff f i g x-ritlr-.l from icli w-in-»hinking-----______thck m aftiaac bcfim i* 'ili'i iC'lujiiir iT1u ^ ------- w c c k c ilii al llie skT 'III I'liip n- she vahdalizcs Sloan's booili at w hy ; -y l i » about rcvcnp e. Laurel wypndcrs on — 'H o w e v e r , t u c a r inint tervenes t Trevor is so'inlercsieiT iti what' whi happens r o i y . ----------------------------------------am M am p ers - w idv-A ■ bcttvt tii iiriJ JivrVu ld o o n heads for P a t r lc lc Mlu u li a live prcis conference that she will rctun) c a r. L u ca s th en hot perccniage IO modeling and donate a pen Meil warns lo sleep wilh Dru but slv r e w a r d in g t h e lo d g e , d o n n in in{g a s k i F i n d s p a r t revi Ihc proceeds to a rape cris occupied about her mother and.Oli' t ■ preocci c s< se e him. . l^Ifk m ask w hen lost w decKendall fumes upon hearing E ide arrives to tnke Aslilcy lo meet J u e s t sh o ts, duccs M u ld o o n h as aa b b ig f o i- le d t o m o r e gju lh il pa-. laration. Urooke returns with I his mysicjy woman. Jack inlrodu in beicl lg the lo w in g a tn o n g wvootm c n ^ o f w h ic h h e sandwvichcd pets for Tad. Edmund, wiiliI Corvina. Co ari Jo” to Gina, who rccalls seeing ir k . Ir ish tw c c n c b s s c s . Dimitri lli^t Anion is his son. a ll a g e s . H is d ark man al the rcslauranl. Blade hass 1figwoman lation . Miilendeared U p o n graduati' d oul llial Marilyn is Jack's my.sieri erious g o o d lo o k s h ave cn fiad -foru w n 7, = t A| April nnd Robert fought, and ; lc in As Liike and Laura circle ir closer o ls and read fcr s m o re p rim c-lim e pilots ■H tli h o p e s th al lie OtTcr eefully stales lhal her father never 1 ^ibouls, Sniilh ' . Frank Smith's sccfet wlicrcabn forcefu • for fo the role llia n ja slh L s _ _ her. Blade orders Marilyn to le le:a v e . cl cnnlrol over . E i l eteern D a v i d s o n ' |ipts logcihcr u ^ liem c to gel ci to her. o f Au-stin xfore. p h ysical ap ,Tt. April rcKilU Robert's actions bci )iiy get into a . - irtriston .i. o n 'D a y s’ R eed on. Tony punehcs P l a y S Kri. is 1that pcanm cc. stabbed him. Mcaiha also iasisis screaming argument after Ton “ Days." bcrt never abused her. Jed ihrills AshiS ' ‘’ T h e r e Damian ot Thc.Ouihack. Mn Victor temporarily moves__Robert L"}-. hc.m ovc5.oui.. Vi and Blade with the ncw j ihat groi - J u g g l i n g -------__ proinpiu perfomwnce ai The C i ’o a MarIcna'urKCS Kiiic lb Icy aiiiJ ■ a rc p le n ty ' OU t-bcbroken-for-ilicir-ncw-Uonicjja p lace o f the m lssing-in-acti lamage, vivian in v ite s .^ - Will'bc ~nll the iris j s ~ o r nicc.s'0 dl 1^1 lowing day, Paul arrives as Chrii ___ Ma[n/Nc^As^n^V|^ws^ihc ci Ijlic I’cnlhmise Orill. Under followi s ib ilitie s . ,ccrow d.i-eli; , ,o_jinnct.atJiu lycflll. th e r e a n d ! . ing Suzanne that shc.wili probably.---------c u T c c lt-iU c r c J tc -h io r c -sc renwmbcn; ll^c clundclicr telling: LJiccicU..lLdl_hypr«»i».-Jolm1 re "he opted Sihai k n ew i f 1 to as a witness. Norman confe!^scs 1 w am in^ from ,j,g roon Miguel is hiding. Dwpiie wan 00m o f the souihem plania- her as f o r the da and Robin rea) ly adw a s to h ave C! fam ily and friends. Brenda i realizes lhal before he was he isis nreally a barber, lisihcr cjuickly ..s o a p ..A s .il„ . lhal she is a maid, Pete brings Gli icir forbidden u ,jj„ ,he dun] make a dale lo be wilh Ihcir lungeon on tho Tibcton Iv milss lh; ___ a -.lo n g .c a - — 1, „ Biriinc passenger manifcit lhal sIk turned oiilt .l0 VC5,.Sonny_and Slone.,Car was.held al ihc plantatiun. the airi r e e f in Ih is yA \w _ _ 'pnml rnmg ffnm_iliis a t r ■S!!;A ia l - I h c —n U iO — _ n 'w as b u s in e s s , 1 Iw )3. and her traveling companion IJren'da reads Ned Ihc rioi ac onfronlalion with Siefano. 1993.1 IWO jo b s had lo c o n gr il Williams, --------- trcntTne<tl-of-Lotf.-Ncd-Bfaiials jo-thc joiicc-stalion to ask Paul W did not p n ce n tr a te on From o f Lucy, jcjo h n has IBS contacted the New Orrcluclani forgiveness. In fron ----------------------— ^ -—- o01u t — J ^ b b je siKlls_out hor feelings u Damian. __ m y a c tin g , ’ gs^o Police Dcp: i^ tim c n t. While there, she I B i l w way. onyrhous mII from a young RlJj Rldgc (ells Toylor thai he knows! What v • h e told us. —-- P 1 a tric k M uld o o n ■ U g H i i i H 'h an d le sn anony " A u stin lg to man threatening t rape someone. As Car- she: is up lo. He also conv*^ how much m M u ld o o n ---------ously for Au.<;tin to join her _ be wants wan 10 start a family wilh her. He a ’s grave and n e waits,anxious 1 uUsurvivor." Dinah L ee visits Trisha’s is'a f i l t e r and ; eri m i “P S a n -■Ppi cd ro , a lins how she taught him to opeti ker. When she at Ihe lodge, his car fcrcaks down on the' plains confesses her love for Trucker, ity o f L o s so y s M u ld oon,, "he "hi can take harbor c o m m u n ity iad. Siefano. meanwhile, is about I feelings and how that opcni romantic din- side o f llic road. jui his returns Io Pins, she finds a1 roi If. I1f h e lik c s a typical carc o f him self. 5 Jakens A n g e le s, and w a s a Celeste, his trusted servant can cm 1 enrich a relalion.ship, Taylor awaV [)d wrongly a-iangered tlial Cel her from Curtis awaiting and v ylh in g for, chool he y o u , h e ’ll d o an an) 3ver, slipped tranquilizers • and1 find? fin Ridge pone. Anihony tells M Macy k id . In p r e p sehonsible. Curtis ;. and former love sumcs lhal T ru ck s Is responsi him, sherry to prevent her from thatIt he made olher plaris for tlie even id Ibc c am e y o u . B u t i f y olii.cros.-! ii.c aroa showdown inlo Kristen's shi travels lo Trucker's cabin for m ing. p layed football and him. C eleste accidenlally but1 she and , she lcmpt»-him wilh all kinds o •"cul'* fc rrives, he finds disco v ering hirr over Dinah Lee. When he arriv. h e w ill protectI him.sclf hii . a d q it enough at t he h e :sport to ry ai and scn.suous ircals unlil he car :r. [Dcspiic Iiis leaves behindJ a coded journal bearing nary a helpless, injured Trucker. o w lhat lie ball sc h o lthose h e lo v e s.. NNc ?? w in a partial foolbal longci :ker lo the ho s-. John's name, igcr refuse to spend time with I jealousy. Curtis ni.'hcj Trucker th Carrie, the ivcc rsily o f is in v o lv ed w ith ( Vo„y arship to the U n iv hen Sally enters Ihe room, Anihi se A Avn lliat his pilal, Alex tells the cdmaiosc csting Austin m ia . H is w riters are invcsti S o u t h e r n C a lif ojm I I I 1 1 'I I I I I M - S Is ,her tliat he forgot aboul dinner' plans p divorcc is final. Sieffi turnss to lo Clay afler isitiv ity than w ith’ m o re sensili lg and g o o d lo o k s a n d1 a t h l c l i c rs .Jason financial help for lie had already made for the evening hearing the news o f Casey and Ally’s enMarty offers yi in Wanda. Rebecca and Pow- hass to cancel their dale. Kan:n ovcrhi n lo h e h as displayed ii the pxsi. thrars build a lso le d him t m odgagcm enl. A va's condilion v 3n worsens a s - ,1,^ stnjggling Wi icy’s conversation with Anthony. Ri rir love for one another. Do- Macy’; her o ff confess their I Ale* and Kate struggle wiili1 taking lal B u t h e ’s slill a pretty prc strong w h ic h k e p t h im in convinced that Eric and Sheila’s r gins as.Viki takes thb wit- is con< life support Meanwhile. Han Harry beckons rian’s trial begin /.. B u l th e in d iv i d u a l witithh d e n n it c ’ ns Ihe s p e n d in g m o n e y I ge is issie collapses and is Ibrced riage i in big trouble, Macy opens Avo towards eternal peace.:. Oiarlie O con- „gj;s standrCaisii h at w h e n , id eas o f his ow11." n." Jt il is a c lo r a d m it s that or expecting to see Anthony, but Andrew llfhl she has been—door c wilh ,q confess to An fiDnU Angie about tivoiding5 intimacy ml for a liv T h a t i s h oww M 1 u ld o o n lly..nnd_shejs visibly upset,_.Sally Ily cxttskcd what_he d idd f< adical-hormonc-iierapy^lo ..Sally..! him and ihrowina berself mio I work to follow ing a-radi' iiojicr lias her fear o f Anlhony being iiivol i/olvcil" ■ in g'h e never said m triibilcliiig! s e c s h is A u su h cli vgnant. Cassie lells Andrew plaias o f jicip iicrgel pregr keep ifrom .lh m k jng^ ihe possibility po; ipcaling com- ; ih aanolher woman. She suspccis Macy V ot tdestroy his life anymore with being infccled by flic HIV vims.-lnspircd via -,hat she cannot , ln s lc a d ._ h c _ w o uild ld_ rc p .ly i is th is sa m e appca ghi kntjw'-who this olher woinjin c< 'b y n drrami A loe p t ^ lo tiwn ;lrcn divorce. Nora is concerned' might iwrry A v a l tr a . ijsla for aI dl' ayer.” ■ ' b in a t lo n b r ’slr c glh and “ I’m a football playc reminds Anthony that he i lose Viki’s friendship after be.. Connor Co bedside ccrcmony, hoping lhat ilia by dijing that she may losi ic h has led , d u cc d him s e n s it iv i t y whhic! fas 110 M odeling introdui ve vwilh Sa lly 's daughter and ha: ' so he will'bc giving herBomcil Max Icams his stock in-' love mcihing to live Dorian’s trial.I. N )Ce placed onM u ld o o n th e a c to r to b [ lacy u t o a c t in g a n d Mi oicc bul 10 tell Sally the iruih. Mac :om p lctcly w orthless and choicc vestm ent is con for. Dinah Lee is shocked lo to leani,Curtis I th e lis l o f th e; "“110 Hotlcsl out 1lo lell Sally the truth when Sallj illy rek n e w t h is w a s w h a t h e rches for S60.000 to pay his about life, frantically searchi • w as responsible for saving Tnickcr's Tiu )aytim c TV." zcs lhat she must slop pulling hei rokcragc house. Todd goes alizcs fierself w o u ld like to d o for th e rest B a c h e lo is in Dayi ’atti's develop- debt to tbe broki * Shana and t e o celebrale Patti d iilf his bach-ough tliis torture — she knows she (^n bul she gct.\ rid o f him throug rted taking But w h e n asked hom e wifh Lynn he is a o f h is life. H e starlet ntcntal progress. sl w Dot'to mist Aniliony. Macy tells J* numbered. an ailicic in the newspaper fool wheit she seesI on m ore octin g d o s see s aftd g o t c lo r d a ^ v /e tf n any thal he either tell Sally Iji^l. lh ' Tin tijM o ff the police abow thony ajth a lh e « -a s... _ aboutiiim . Lynn. otrt'thcm o r Iheir relBlionship ts; -or S ! - ^ o a c o f .ih e f u 5 t jo bb3 sJijc fludi- 1 Iho actor rq^licd tl •Bocrto-New-York City to aboui Laura announces thal k ale thal there are 1 them ' J i o n c d fo r: t l i c i ithony.must now^chooM b«ween l: (|na and Con\ ask-,tLfurious__Anlhoi . Jennifer c a iv .. inyesliBa,tc..LMiw ptfln s in the . _ fnir mfli Bill W-.fc ccarw forall;----------------------------n ttrinding agreement t h a t-o n c c s A ly ^ 'M iln n o V t J C of^ v c Bill, io - M ax t6 sig n n noi find it in her heart to forgi ____ _ J o n “W h o ’s the B oss7 o si ” T h is ncarftilu re. b i; Soap studs ‘T h e r e a r e ■lenty o f f a c e s -i >ut t h e r e :a n d l — 11 k n e w If I w o a to 'h a v e ~ a lo n g ^ — hi c a r e e r in. t h i s lu s in e s s rl h a d — “ :o c o n c e n t r a t e — th o n m y a c t i n g . ’ JjJ r iliE S 3 3 B S 3 H E W e e k o f A p r i l 8 1- -11 4 , 1 9 9 4 __________________ P a g e 13 Q : W c j u s t lo v e d J C a i ^ , the star o f T V ’s '^ - I ^ v i n g C olor," in bis mo Pe t De t tive." I s T f a c ^ a 's e q u e l C a fre v V fu tu re ^ ^ --0 ^ . uch o f their own rm cr girl- tlie mother d f h is . 3ttcry in life, vdopcd much isXwo cliil-..,’w o n -u b ig lotti Ocm . Harlin'.s forme •reared Rc- and b e lieves in sp reading sign language age for the film, r f T T B friend; and Je ff Golc joldblum , dren, Kentucky-rc d. N ichol- his good fortune me around, es- AKhough •mar many signs were ind. D em bc cc a B roussard. IlH iH G eena’s ex-hu.sband. ighter from peciully to tlie: m other o f his v a ria tio n s s oo f A m erica n , .ill tM and Goldblurii ore: no now dat- son’s grown daugl ag e is 2 8 - two young childi ildrcn. English andid FRussian signs. — 1 in g . n r H II , s a y ss G e'cna, h is o n ly m arriag W in reb r N ichol-O:. A frie ni d a n d I saw-^' U unicraiid1 Wiltman. __________ vcar--old Jen n ife m c n tio a e d .J 5 n h lr o rmrt she mntn- .ilijy. creaiccTi cd a language o f o r ju s t a ldt~d o ff g ood tttttf hnm [landsome good friend o f Bre lrou.s.sard's, ta in s th a t man an:y o f H o lly their ow n. . YY< our com panw o rl '® i‘^ f n ^ l i c i t y ? - - C . C ision was underh is tid b it. H unter’s sig35iuin th e film ion’s confusio , h u n k in “ B e v erly rly H ills an d p ro v id e s thi r ,;J v A M i:s very muchlio<n lh c 90210," bcm g the! target tm It Rcbccca, w e re u n f a mlilia ili r to h e r . standable. Hi H unter m ade a o f Jennifer says that level. ^ I r f s home n c is fun ahatecanqiaign ? — lend is p ro fi- p o in t o f ack ic k n o w le d g in g i l l p a rt in S in ce m v frien — 1M C . w h o had a sm all b y s o la r pow<jr. a r assistance when s c oi f lan- W iiunan’.s ass ' m ay be Nicholson’s ‘Tw/o o Jakes" a d e n t in the u5C bikes, o r d r i v c s ^“I"cctlic also guage, I w as wwio n d ^ g l f the acuess wo won her Golden t h e co u p le o f y ea rs1 ago, a car. H e’s b « n appoiiv titled H unter was iisinj ang u n iv c i^ - Globe Aw.ml. m l. and you can h e a r t - m ade another m ovie, o\ ■ B H H hi ' Uie Santa M onica Moi ^ o u n t a i r t x ^ ^ ^ T ^ 'l ( H g •..i, to .d o likew ise im p a g n c ." lyaccqrtedsigns gns.—tB .Z . - ex p e ct Jie rr to ih i'o b o f '" T h e B lu e C ham c n c C on scrv an 'cy B oard ird. T he “ , ' J ^ a . y• y, o u n g That m ovie w as pa perform ance be p a ^ l y fiA : I d u n te r an and h e r sig n sliould tlie pei nel s e ts ic h a e ig h t-m e m b e r panel vith an Academy ultimillion- language teachc cher, D arlene rewarded with gS i r l s nanced by the mull . su c h policy fo r the organij inization | - - - « e^v e r y * aire actor. Jack f( n, actually de- Award this mo month' feels h e ’s Allen W ittman, i 4 t surpr !! p ^ _ lh a t_ b u y s _ n a r k |a n dd..i|n .ih c _ I __________ w ---------- fc ^ -h -T l> , , J S an ta M o n ica Moun )un tains 0 _____ 1 gg fM iy C arrev h -c l. ^ — snd adjuccnt mngcs. 15 i.Bcglcy i , 7^ been be u>v > 7711 f l i t I v , .p ro b also serves on the Los Lo! An- H V • □ b le l e d ■ E j , ______ bly be in it. B e lieve it ita l - g cIcfi-E nvironm enta -h -e ^ T t^ m fS 9 B b not, C a n ty h53 been tu u j J hr tTiC om m ission., B B y the ------------m g -d o w n ther ole-fofH S T h e w iy V b c g tc y s s o l aSrrJ5 l in 5 P e rry P Pce o p le pa.s( tw o years bccause, fo r th e w as functjo n m g p erfectly en fo [I; I H W hated th e script. He reh while the community, ilT i J W lil k j ity. as a Ethical Trcatm emt ooff A nilanlly signed on only wh / C a r o C y ti whole, faced delaysS ir "T-gcJ* m als (P E T A ). T he i the producers gave him i ^ ‘o K m k f l tin g utilities ninning lUiON DOUJiR ng after has run ads in the i m / ‘ Miixi opportunity to help rcwi cw nte the January earthqiiakc PRODUCBt* ake. wood trade papers cr n I ^ it himself. Needless to° fSiy * Q : W h a t th is a b o u t in g .P e rry ’s ne w fill now t h a l 'i t l s s u c h .a . t ,^ J ^ ,f ~ f i e g n t r P a Y i 8 - t > m i ) 733-9026 y | ~ iiiuiicy-inaker, a sequel “ c i i s n u d e o n th e c o v ee rr o f a to th e a n im a l rigg h tts a c y [i already in lh e works. . ■ ..8lcazy.8ldn mag?,Caii decepUve C a l l HIB 10 f ^ that tivists,. presents a deo FAX: (208)) 733-6112 7: . Q: A re w c th e o n ly > y1J V b e ttu e ? — B J . . view o f anim al cruel ™=i'y by p i a c B .y o u r M diton Ave. L » Twin F*nt. tdah daho'83W 1 1 Boic174M445Adc v iew en n iio g e t Ibose t A : D o n ’t a sk th thia t o f rom anticfzing rodeo , lo ok> altk e c r i ti c s , O e b u s in e s s ■ Geena. Shc’s-fiirious i IS about ignoring the abuse ,o°wh”i22 to ' _____ :. S h a lit.a n d - J o c L S I e g i c a rd to d a y ! iv e ro fa —th e b ulls and calves, - ■h e r picture on the eovc TTiiTfH Up? Wrrfi rtiwr httit t-them t o ----recent-issue-of-somnoth ol ing—afe-subiectedto-get-th -------- . heads o fh A ifflo J b ig flu c a lle (i “ Celebrity:^SJ ••pertbrm.” A ietter-w tBcbes; tbey-coold pass-1 tS HE n S :E E ss T or - S h i 's shb'CT iii hbthiii; fiiiig but campaign to P eirylias brotbcra.— P J . sn a g o r M | p u rp le u n d e rw e a r.. T u rn s launched. S a le s R ep . I G onera/ Manf A: They*re quite difT< iitier- out-the m agazinc.somi amehow___ Q :_ W lia t!s- th is .* ent^ P5T" pi ta k e n Ja c k N ic h o lso n tryii g o t h o ld o f sh o tss tJ sonal D a v is, fresht ooiu t o f tM vmovie io le s fcH-hli "Ac “B i n S " S t a n d * f o r SSccrr v ic c l 1 1 ^ — IF -' B o s to n U n iv e rs ityy , w a s ftie n d to p la y ? C a n ’ Tfc* least j o b — g e t woric o n h e r owi “ t m w orking a t her first[ jo ow n? — I^ E S T H T IV I © 3 )o el. T he A Jl. *> ® a s a lin g e rie m odel, ! )a i? d l r e z t l t r a m i A i ii^ u u lie be inn g ::8 - b itr m agazrh'e-'aisoniflted i I jU u H lc _ _ L ent hus- harsh. T h ere is a 26 -y e ar 8 Geena and her current f o oo nm s b a n d , p ro d u c e r-d ire i r e c to r a g e d i f f e r e n c e .hicctw f ecn tljn .rri-- . ■ / f i i .I I ' TC in to Nicholson, 56i and his lover .R e n n y H a rlin , w ere /ears and ■ R f l | I V 3 v ie s qiate-sw apping wilhh L Laura o f the last several year ^ rx rx m -J fV' m J .C u tk r W ^ ^ a E M TT ll PO- liJ~— jjj ■ L - ^ i^ lf c S d ia H s h o w KJHTS ' ► J ? __ PRluemiEKICHUOHT Ptrt3 S h a llt to tl • • c r itic s ta r-g a z in Siegel c o m e s in w ithh hh f , 1 own plastic b ag o f popcoi >com. ^ ■ ■ ■ ■ 9 ■ ■ tmim m XsmllMpM'i I chats with other m ^ 'aI peo* pe H nr I s H l teOll lajdWonal re MOvKlAtW pie and is quite gregariot rious. .j | H ^^ / m ^ \ u s niOBtngDBM . . Shalit, o n th e o th e r han [land, L B J ' a Gottra tta AFfiGsidUa ; ’ rem ains a lo o f an d usual u ally P ^ ^ B B ? reserves any sm all talk Ik ffor L— | B 4 1 th e p r o je c tio n is t.- H Ve ' ■ ■ ■ ■ @ aSi f r e e^ • c o a » " _____u i» _______ Dccati t--------- dbcRn-t'liko-boing-recO{ BHo^N •en.-n O N C A B L nized o r bothered. I f neart te«t»ttr« I—•; -^ c o n v e rsa tio n is a b ^ t - n e m ovies, w hich it often I , m iis . FREBPREVIBWAprfl9 rjl9 « n d l0 . 1 0 1• he’s bcCT know n to put h . S H O W T IM E 1, .fingers in 'h is 'e a is in aahhi„“ W atch for o r ------m orous g esture that seen - S a turday's ■to say “ Include m e out." ffe r ! S peclai Offe. resfl • Q : W h e n e v e r y o u re« anything a b o u t th at hnnc V id ie o c 3 b l ■ s b m e 'a c t O T ^ 'B ^ ^ T i ' h l j grea t interest ia e n viroi 5 S i _ _ : . _ _ 7 3 3 - 6 22 :3 0 • 5 3 6 - 6 5 6 5 ^ , ^ fro» piwirw._____ ' •'m ontH! c a n s c s - is ^ f wva a} y s - ------------- T A « ity .-^bfa»lutacrtbW6 i ^ ; ’ Sl I ONLY Th! I How’s fAfeS ior ""31SS" ing? 1” I P KLE >*® i r J I ttll S M / ^ AEALTOR ^ i/r y kM w a ftl] ||i LYI -YNN R A SM U SSEN j^ A sso c oaATC B r o k e r /P a r tn e r 1 1 M il ■IlLUON DotiAR ClUO bV - * OmC£: 73^-WO?. W • RESIDENCE: 733-2807 H i P.O. Boxc 174 1 » T-t4S Addison Avo. E. •• Ti Twin Falls. Idaho 83303 I wM - ■ 11^ [a ic o A ^Ma L f jy I j <0 W**t. Twin F«ll», ID B3301 155MalnAv«.' __________ J 2 0 8 )7 3 3 :7 3 3 5 _ ^ — 14a EMt'ayne Apaar»on:.^:i::-- ~ - - Lg f m'VCOT fr n m n g'A id X !ettters| -: - H e a n n ( Serifice-and-Rcpair — — Sal csrSei ost Major Brands - C s iS . for Most < HUNG and UNDEMANDING 'yOURJfEARII IS OUR CONCERN* iso ^^ ■ K S ^ * ? M Im IM Ij I P age 14 , |1 ■ APRIL9.1994 ' NEW S T «0V1ES T I" mo' lAYEVENING ' SATURDAY Q u toM ileSS ieW om rM R o^^ Jecpvdyt (CC) FunllyMatton Dr.Quli stOooUaab/(CC)4lt8 |Hood*A(CC)t 1*266 S3fl ‘jlStOi Tcmicto. oil* o« W«f (19W. Drama) Jofu Hoard. Prom l< A lOCT " H m 1448101 WhMlotFor* Spoil* Jad. n 9815712 |esar^H3Bonshlpwi^hht^long^strangod[^ad. ) tun«T743533 forges t ^ a O ^ B a ^ - ' - iCI B IQ 1 9 ~ ” Im m m m i n ! Q ” T _ o n ._ n . j D (TAmeittrlWffWin«-— ItavmiiMWent ^ t o t a t tuM i^ EuTPpearrr^ m jA i (CCy^egft-jwofthsege— ( o W a w c e'AWwloinlho *A' “ New* (CC) Movie Show Dr. Quinn, Qui UedlcJne Woman Ro«d Home CC)40880 5tOnoLuW(CC)&MGO Hcafn(CC)^ •*22335 40015 ‘JuStOi romton.Aioen oil* of War (1994. Dramo) John Hoard. Promb “ Biny0oh'*CourtiyOl4GO Spoil* KKVI EB3 Jad. n 75712 )cs a rtiatimhip with his bng-cstrangcd dad. . Iwgesj mlcRelkfS7e53S rooie. Anliishmanseeksn>-' B**tofComlcl ' Mufphy'*W4T-**(W1)Pclef07ook ID m ID (Q GO ESPN . ji icw. 577809 • venge aflcf a U -^ l msssocm his ocw - I' KIDS II 3 -14,1994 W e e k Of A p r il 8 - J m ^ j A r S t T Y o i H T I m C ^nedy) RieJvirt PryChannel 2 RushUm31004 |« . Gene Wider. MercodesRinhl. johl. 63248 New* 55644 baugh310 hlng Wild * * * (1986) Jeff DarAils. A^mystery my; lady R) A (CC) ' N e« 1785644 Somethlnj [Commlth 'Hero' (R) a rrikf-mannonxj oxecuth^ to adventure. 0.5303151 53 whislaarn 2858557 ------:^|{onAh)— n-------|TBMrrt«tBr'[tntJw»te(C^ 56847 93W • -[43083 nBerThe 1)3002 A&E 3 I e M ^ * w l G u l d n M « ^ ^ 3) aplUlGang Netrtnljh^TNBwpiiaS Sport»‘TMlghl[(^pl [490286 |642647 i|738083 -: 455101 [4559^11 4 ^ lJ -. [(R)7 roit tNatonsI Dnisnn Championship - Detroit 460 MjJorlndoofL*cro**«N3t Spoit*eenterWl46( 3. (SarrxHUy Tape) 208267__________ Turbos at Buffalo BwK£a.(£ ____________ 5T ) 7 1 ) F ^ 0 T ^ . An Irlshnianjc&kuih. M rflR l-T . «urphy:*.War.** (19711 Comedy on.tteBw issaacTh^'cnnir. 662480___________ venge afler a U-boat massai 581002 li lui4J>Hoild(R)KiT-I22 “ lh.iy'™ll»r.jM,IWtlH| • lUlUli y, Diplomatic Ucense 457861 Sportscenter 3018^ BestcfComlfc-----Rellet 165039 terwr 663G» >66703 ness o( rape, (fi) 727002 • mal* 237644 1002BC • . I .Comedy) Bob Hope.- [UveGhMt ~" Oot-Town OflUmlts **»(1953,Co 'sBlgNlght **(19»,Comedy) HMiidnightPT" Idr Aboordl Riding Ihe Rails of Casanova'* Bl< ■ FlveCardSlud **(1»6e. AIIAbc 542923 I r . ■ 451557 01549151 M Sckoy Rooney. 524977 Joan Fontaine. 817199 [troll lerlcari Fllni (R) 049002 BoOHope, WcslCfn)DDanMaH)n.8309l5 Anertc LFantasy) Sharon.. I Shop *,(1986) Michael OavMWrtohl,Tvw Tw - I Priric**»Wa»rlof-*s(19M7iif lice [Duckmsn A • -j TfMM alibJ^nisi her Reid, RobinHarris. Arap WeWSdeflce " Mou»eP»rtr***{1990)Cftristophefl m m si ]■■ AMc _ iiwsi ihfws sn Irnpn:^ housa bash. 1575 |LeoJono3.Danj FredstL 371575 •each front biUni boulkjue. 113625 14 (CC) 704129 broUm Inherit a beai ih.ni1!>609 . ... [CC)754444 / sd-[Berrts-eufl.” ' lishmash cf mctaTs massSu musical modporii'A'" [H»i£lia7>g^<BanAm^ om MTVs covcrBgo o( Beavlt-ButL Beavl*-8utt.’ ' Liquid Tekrri- jspoi B ) E B a ] Q g usA " ySpring Break Revitiled H«hl>shts fromI 602377 81199 u'Jtions, A 288538 671199 ' *lon237266 3811 6S2004 ., Spring Bnakl9W .n 026280. . ~ Sp6tugl.t-. ‘ 1732400 potllghi ’ Top21 CoLinidown(R)73: SpoUlgM Spol untiy Countdown Host Center Stage fllx (^ Weekend Jam 775737 ICountr B B) ca ■' WTV . .“ ll 456213 26004 190335 71B880 426( vis 1Tnl(R) 451083 (R) 111828I [Travis im P^Program 170— [PaldPri>gram [Paid Program “ :Out 032847 . . Anything but - Can 4fry Shan. Chin* Beach (CC)-015170 »y Wagner. PaUacorrvKtas ClrisNlsMOut ■w ToBelltoBwr(1992.Dr3nn)Llndsay\ S . ; . , VH1 907949 274335 279915 ling 389731 U ve202ii8 [dllnj jrrpany,93l118 ■kiU)Jonslhsn for rocagnilion Intho nxrp tftT Paid Progran evio Paid Program Paid Program )0Ulght(R) CCU-TVA [ZoiaLevid t r The McGregor Counlry Music Spoti Rod Taylor. SrwwyRhrerT " AGathering o(E*g>es ***(1963)))Rod(Hudscn, Ri SD IQ 10 J ; UFE 6- — 201489 ----- 2e0441-_ .... W2395________ Slsmpede'-9»373- 9 1 6 6 0 9 ^——^ - ----------- 647267-------- 666016whBbandr92e944-------- Ss^*TheSto - J; ^^iMiBOTd Airrertewteleaynhert ■ ED S ^ . ORTS I SPOl le a i Ptckrt Fence* 'Buried Alivo*Tl A ^ n t^ lls ' nger'Tho News(CC) [SporiJBej Walker, Tern Ran^i 1***461382 151 (CC) 44731 ;) 60644 67731 Sat 33151 LongHai>rn(CC)6 *Cro**lng ****(1990)Gobrt>fBymo,/i R)A(CC) SIskelA Ebert Mlder'sCr ^ Commlsh 'Hcro’ (R) ■06064________ jnderling oDsses an Irish crimo kxd. 220601 - 20625 Italian unde 57118 ay h Night Uvo Host Kefsey Grammer, MuVomcnin New* 28267 Satuntoy i n [Nurses n WInnetka RoadV/or «fotn n lUommletlR) lEmptyNestn ' Entertainment Tonight Rutgcf Blo*»o (iladlalars e s t Owight Yoakam. A 135286 160 siealgycst Lovo'ri(CC) 48460 K3SAS CD 75977 A (CC) 13625 (CC) 64625; [(CC) 96460 iJ ^ Haucf. n (CC) C9002 (c q:) 7; Be*i ntcou[CryptTale* [CryptTile* Ull **i[1990}BoaoMidtcr,Anarr^cnla MostH imled,n._ Seeoe*Fromi M all p*(CC) Cop* "Cops In AmerkalaMojI BaI>ylonSTlomtoltioPufplo' Copt(i — Whorehse------------■ ■-[59422 --------4S354--------^flnthciranntvo^\94083' ‘ _____________ p!o QiAinqcsbartBi KTKV 3 2>*(R)A’{CCV'87*2 ' |p A ---------- BPasO-4170- (CC)ei89&-_ ------- COM' sihray Sta«on'Hin-nnr(1992)-JufttlO Chri eSfe^vW id — 1 nger'Tho' New* 6 2 4 9 ^ TheR^hr e'AWhoto in me Walker. Texas ^rigi Quinn. Medidiio Woman Road Hora^-^ ~ si SUrTrek: Deep Space Nine Dr.Qui l-G^ 3354----------- bw^ttw - f\ (C-C)-t i u m . m1. jj WowH«KH6GHO^a— e*'Voyeur'A (CCi; «b Deep Spaee Nine [Untouchable* “V ngerlhe New* 42170 SlarTrefci e'AWholo in the Walker. Texas Rangi Quinn. Medicine Woman Road Home *A' ” Cni*3den 7CC2S Or. Qui ofAcqutsiton'83354 [oSOaT TlulcsofA :C)7064 Long Hour A (CC):)7828 7 KlOK D I* '^ ' aO Head* C\ (CC) i -Jibj O noL uW (C C )l«4 no. An ambitious"” ***s(1990) Gabriel Bymo.^ R) A (CC) News 6257719 Mlilef’*I Crossing Cr SrrtwTAieen Commlth'Hero'(R) oil* of War (1994, Drama) John Hoard, Pnsrrti “ Star Spoil* St Trek Ttie NextGenerv iKJening crosses on Irish crtno lord. 60904: »0420 ______ j Italian in k Jad. 0 44199 42606 ya a rdaiiatahip with his kx>»cslranqcd dod. L lion [R} 0.{CCJ.3oa47____ {grgg.1 kii>^jPerni3j^*__ ay fNight Uvo Host KclsoyGrafnrTwr,M7II N«w*S(460 Saturday < n [Nurse*«fl«kJJuRo<»d--WVomlmtn— or ~ Humberl----- iPrtmaSutP^ B l .tto e ^ m n |MommlM(R)-|E<»ptyNe*t7r icsri>inghtVoekamrA-44e09 ■ ------ j< [Parwef'ijflr'' ^BlC q'COOOZ ,.'?y!. 5 1•* Count[y3286 ti( :)1712 jn(C C )y22 [iccr6660 |(R )n4538 (CC) 15 T o n -a * c < U11B170 TyWngWeekendCa^^ P r b n e fIe w n C C n 3 3 5 3 ^ T L ^ :) 1109422________ j___________ |(CC) C Ivo} [Baseball lay Nighl Thunder, FromVentura. CaM. (Uvo). “ Speedweek lAuloRadngSatunJayf [Tonight 323199 |331335 ^Q ]Q 3 ~ ) l 8 ; 3 0 | 9 j 0 ^ M ~ |^ ! □ Q} Q DSC Dancln'SpoU imeniw HeeH*w(R) A611538 OpryBack- jOw irsndOpry Stader Bros. Sheby Lynne. iBerBro*. Shcfiiy Lynne, tho Ho* Haw 0V4842B6' 48 [StaBef stag* 754557 | b24: 24737 Amaang Knakh. 474809 M __________ ^ _ 332774 lazingKrcskin. 475538 Amazir 978,Btography) non BoundforGlory ***1(1976, • (:10)KongFu'Sunj nondOoud (:15) Kung Fu'The Demon (;05) Kung Fu'Aleihoa* :C16g5623---------------------DJVMCniT3<flnc7RsgTytaccCl6 I I 00^7437809-------------51369165 ........... .............. SKadow*25281441 ;r) Henry ivo) Tentade* **(19T7. Horror) H( Fonda, ]ueB»ebaRAllanta raves al Los Angelos los Dodgen FromDodger Starfem. (livo) Uajort^iME SheSoy Wrten. T*ne Appfoximal limalo. 571593 726915' "■ in 290083 “ Lexicon 3?a26[WorW Vision 29 31107538 ^ ^ isj(:45) SuperSibado Sensadonal 3ii U Programa do varladados o>n Oon Francis-" (5:00) Sibado GIgante lntem»ck>RiJ Pi - CO.S55GS644 (5 iiian F-Troop LuqrShow“ Dick Van DykT Unlikely Couples Unlikelyduos team up for forrtmsnce. [A Hitchcock ISuperman D&Stlmpy [AreYou [VeryVeryUnia 'ClaristaEx- iPeU&Pete |Ren&: „ B13403 •I [674149 __________467083 , 476731 1_____ 656828 )731 [Afraid? [585828 plain* 949977 903557 230731 ------- Q } a s B i e - £ A M — ‘ ^OpryBKk- iGrwdOpry it*geG264W 62era 5) Kung Fu 'An Eyolor an lKungEuDark_Afl3er6C609l5 (:05)Ki ^ _____________Eyo>'’»0155441 “ rrr ~ i c nguTBSkiangU.S;Of^r^Salute.(U< i (Urt) 111267 — “ BD IB f f l f f l i^i TKT' ' E B G )a iI O ^ THN E B S B fa ^ m — — IT" :i;;. um . S ) BO ED CB 1 0 'r (Q _ waukoe Bucks at Chfcago B(i!$.Freri ChiC «agoSo5um.(U«) Dgc |New*(CCJ NBA BsjketbaJI Mlwsu _________ |540712 298002 “ Rat Patrol John MiSs, SyMa Syms, Anthcny Ouaylo. eeCold InAlex ***(1956, Drama) Johr Hm |Ana JIarmy ambiianea officar loamsol a spy In iylnhlsaw ,0OSS8O ........................... 263565 md [Alm o»tPi^ tarioVan Peebles. Fomw soldiors defend Jaitholomow. [ P ^ ^ * * (1993)Marto ntFuglU m **1(1989.Comody)fMI |ColtJusbc«(mDnima)Car1Baii ' Uaitbtns4 **(t99?)Caey Thru 5489........... abiadilownshipfranKKKi M<iridera.A.(CC)68004557-_.. . [nant19991652 to. MartinShort n(CC) 30548248 .........., KeHfiAnlrmMkoWlles.A41154. - Peldniy . n 1722118 -- .|NoBa.li . Pondl WWaksr. (Uve) A (CC) 18640967 r»b***{t992) »7 Sld*Ucks **«(1993.Dn 1. Drama) Chudi Norris.' j Fbul Analytb [:omedy)8a|Boxlr)gSaiitDsCenionan!^ ~[S:45) Ghottbutm * * * (1S84;Corr TMc „ | Minay, “ <.36519083 __________ Jonathan Bramfa, A -P >g(CC) g( 0419625 RietaniGare.3( n-P C (CC) 3008803 . . - - “« i [~ m "^T 89 ■ “ ci "BuiSeyi pj, 660a«4 ^ ipsldeOown*** , J i r S I e T l I S r j S o R ^ t o n n e^lT ^ n ^ T T o g a T jV la a D i!^ ^ jto fO i» n e H T « c tT » n ^ M 1 9 ^ . Peta’»Dr»gen * * i(1 9 7 7 )n F*erie U)873441 lrh.6gT5267 ___________ [557: 5735625 [0UviaN0«l0(Kk5hn. 872711 ing Hood (CC) 275625 [paStoEstrh-t (CC) 87155373 Rkfingl aiorsM'l'WWffWfTyswsiny* * *ir(1999)B2y---------*Vi f in o a H ^ “i^ i9 9 3 rc fi« i« -sia ie r:A 'trA'VfflgrKi'Bnga~[ Hots«*lttt r « Wr(l99?)Sti7virMan>rA'samiywanrcmo r ■ SlfttfA a iReadyorNd" TlnSS sher^A 2313557 _ _ Q l Q I Q I B m 0>3N . - Lq 'busboyJ3eoittaniinaa!»Jonaficc.-Q.(CC)j^ IC) 349246---'-'-— h«t5rtjnto.nn,Bixh(te ty>erfi.!i'«..OiCC)J2«15.__________ ___ _ CwaL tegl^C afT io.Fphy. ***.878315- (CC)7A!<22- SbytUB rama)Frod ttlhe Sooth BMcfi **(1992.Draria stovorTwolurMov- HMlolWn * * »((1389) (! Patrick Swayze, A hill dan stalks ft in « Worts * * (1990, Comody) Emiio Estove ■ EwiyTimeW#S»yGoodbye Uenti q U a s f f l ^ show, j ity, 1662170 [WiSixnson. Gaiy Busoy, Vanity, 1 gartjago men snMout loxfcHRStBamr-(<>. 2 ^.22724110 ' mobsterswhokaodtl id lhe> trothcf. A (CC) 904064 • - * * (l9 8 6 .0 ra n a )P W ^ Iriggarl aim - NICK ; il WCN Bi ■ ^K i HBO 1(5: OCTw6i?AUSCA)5wm Ul y~\ •VCTWOeiaeiWADCAOTOUTSBCf Tmol — .- ~ ~ '[-T w rrA D acw B D S^ «S CHANNO. NSOMEAREAS. «>JEKWE.WDBEU.,GOOOMOANOFn^OOHOTR£COVET»S OOC LLANDFtfR. n m sijKJEROiiLsooouajNEiffiaL, — ___..M.^iKXBBaaAOCASTPH ! KETCHUH I .......... SUNVAUFT _■ _ I 'BURLeV.RUPCTT; n - I—-fAUUHOftUW( ., . ..... r HniMim - ...........U^WTOOVTCAIU P ' - ' * j. . I Week of April 8 -14, 14,1994_________________ ___________________________ Saturday s ________ r ho lums Into D soasooal 00977861 12:30 8 ( 6 6 ) SISKEL & EBERT Ef’t Lara ScivxJulod: 'nvocsomo* (Lan Flynn Boyto):‘Rod Rock W o sr(N «^ C o go );*a if(cnT (Math Short):-Sikint _______ ^ n ^ ^ (R tv o f PtKionix). ^ f | I i f J J I M • - 1 ^ 0 SPORTS LATEWlGKT z: 72B861 • [ill COMEDY SHOWCASE (CC) 24671 b o CROSS TRAINER Q) SURFING World Boctfboard ChampJcnships. CTapod] 384316 f e B ^ V IS AND BUTT. _______HEAD (R) 0 277107 , _ m STAND UP SPOTUGHT _______ Loh Bfomrio<d: Slovo O: Vic __________ ^Page \ 5“ - 15 i y ' s ;C o u n try\In In n woodi 1 3 2 0 O v e ria n d A ve. 13: . ‘ B u rie y . Id a h o ^ ■ ET m DREAMT1ME4966 m ^ BD PAID PRC GRAM 698497.247107. 330661 ionpoCS GETSMART8123( ^ I S HEADUNE NEWS criminal, G o rm n y CtTofcing - W 'y K en t a n id d IL e e W o o d lan d : O w n e rs pi ! s ..- a ^ i: 4 ^ ^ f f M 0 V I E D 0 t t W P h o n e 6 7 6 -6 0 6 4 _________ L *x(1991.ScioncoFMalc ■p ............................ ^ * TlmTliorTVsrson. JacWo I •t t Haloy, A diminutive olion Deo olTicef takes on Now ^ ^ l A - S p e c i a li -l - L i m i t e d T i m e 0 ' York's street gangs while ’. f E S s : :: ■Clf^ III suing on IntcfDalactic crir __________ f r o m III A M 15307749 1:55® N E W S99851720 ~ / ^ - “M^YdleyitgomgVt'ire t 2:OOOS1SKEL&EBER EEK^ I;-' Sctwdulod;'Throc5omo' ibic Se n icc OW rSEP& OPERATED C .bic KkJs.a YourLQCALLHIU 202039.279565 INCB SABADOGIGANTEINTERNAaONAL (Unido cn Progroso) P ro s o n t^ por , • Y o u ' v e bb le e n t h i n k i n g 'a b o)uUi t Don Frondsco. Con la muska t t — _________ — :— do Franco do \«a,-Joso Josor " " “ ' t — n o ww’s ' t h c t i i n c - t o - a c t ! !— • -P oeh ivsuC ocotend vB — ^ ~ ‘2 1 ^ -----------PadTT ^ un Gofifnomoraa LARRY KING WEE cion do Marto Morono *Canlir>END ScivxIuJod: City Wc (bs; con omnjvistas do sus mxjp of youngsters from £U „ F O R O N L ontioos y osconos do sus YorXwtw promote racial po5ailasymas.(R) 561841 H -------ancc through song AndOUSE..... d . ED MARYTYI^MOORE ___ _ PQrformarxas. (R) 37033 O ltc r 186661 W— ------ T O -H O M frW O eo S ^ ^ v c x p i r e s so o n CD HEADUNENEWS r STARS JooyLavffenco _____ 93M497 -------------- -----' rBlossomI, Sally Jossy aJohnw K K K I m '^ ' 1 12:35 ENTERTAINMENT RophDol.BobBaJkor.M£ jalob' TONIGHT RulgorHoocfdlssW W H B p iB M M M Monroe. (R) 873126 _______CUSS03 his roTo In tho upconv .IQ AROUKDTHEHOl Tn T n w n ^ , mg iwn, surviving (fio iiomo.' 5964855 • less ___ F o r le s than 6 S i p er day 0 OD MOVIE TO KILL FO A(CC) 3528661 l a MOVIEAUEN 3 *■*■* ■ * * (1 9 9 2 , Suspense)AT^ be watchin g ;. ' y o u i could Cf (1992. Sdonco Fiction) Michod Madsen. Laura J , Advenfrv S e w ^ ( son. A detocUvo’s soxual Sigourney Woovof, Chnrks S. Ava 1 1 ™ !. E S — Ouilon.RipfoyralliosaorDup— session wtlti a murder a, suan \ CountryMim of wooponlou convicts m 0 j l tspcni J t Ennrtw jprotod^ I J { ^______ _ ? ^ F ^ ^ N e illc g n y w a dosporuto attempt to kSf tho — I 's 'd in g ln g fS T ie r p5sf:in a ' slngfe. mothiPwfib's' olion staDdno (hofn. A (V) ( P B ^ ®S H g U N B C f f ^ x>ut e s tr a n g e d p a re n ts a n d . ------- 7347010--------------.----1994TV ^ram aaboi 66456942 lUr-^I MOVIE55DAYS A1 ' 1 2:4510 MOVIETHEHAND i l e t e e f r t g e s o n . - A B C , ------- * - 1 - l-^ J r »s PEWNG * * * (1 9 6 3 .AAaim i s ILE ' THAT ROCKS THE CRADLE turo) Chariton H^ton.Av ■ * * * { 1 9 9 1 ,Suspense) ........Gardner. In 1900CWna, i MR) 1 0 } phy, d o b u tin tW ssd -ficte^ ^ Annabofla SdofTO. Robocm3 Bohrondt and Scan Murphy. a '' . A/norican major trios topi Do Momay.A wxnan posing ^ (51798331. . . Weslomors from Iho violc roslrfalslimoonthok»so.{V ns tho ideal nanny ombarioion on B l SECRETS OF THE ({ of Oiirtoso natiorialisb, (\ DEEP*GreolWhitosofAusa campaign o( tornx’ogairtstl o0 J-541039 •. & T h c - ' ^ ' ^ c ^ C h haain n c l _____ftEnSyj5h s ,tt« w s far hof hus-i»iralla'SctontistsBndcotww • S I JU sncEFiLESV «a ^ bonSlS'SVU^u lu^uvullw txintfsdoath. A (VT055D229~ ................... of nipoholpmisopid)licllOfybO--------------------------►OptlOt elonai P rcm inm C h aaacls man has non ng to (oar ton 1:00 0 ^ 6 3 PAID PRO irpand awareness of tho olmo.( ■ 1 : lS ^ ^ R E W A T C H A GRAM 68942.609403. • tho OTcal wWlo sharit (R) ™ 474519 lock at oducatioruil software NOW ATr O C U R N E W L O C A T I OO ^N 603229 f f l movie FIVE CARD IG * for chiJdfon. (R) 536958 O-W r— S i MOVIETHINKIN’ BIG -----------O W ) NBC NEWS NIGHT— ' e . E . - * T w l n F a l l s • 7 3 3 l-OM -O i O------------2148 4th Ave. 0STUD,**(1968.W osto jvJof. (T) DESIGNING WOMEN (1986. Comody) Bruco Andt SIDE 361300 RuvTA OoonMdriin, Robert Mltd r c lc s s . ® R c m c n ) b c r ...I f iii t ' s n o t I H T , I t ' s n o t wivi ir E son. Nancy Buochlor.TvA Q NEWSNIGHT UPDATE Aprooehofandagambto arvSTRUNAWAYWITHTHE o p t i c a l buddies tako cont 807958 -------------— fortxa to-sofw the mysler ^ .. RICH AND FAMOUS Soap parathfoonotoniy to extreme r a BABEWINKELMAN'S> 11 A hind a lynched caidsnarp 5 vMIo scouring the boochIfor - - - stars FtonoHiMilson and OOOD RSHING(R) 770565 . ■ hisrivornurdofodocquoTr John Vlscarrfl InJamaica. (R, wim on.-A(V) 452942 :■ ID OVC JEWELRY OUT ^ tancos. 937403 •R 416855 m TODAY’S WEATHER LET 6760768 QJ QD S I PAID PROG ) AUTO RADNG CM ■10 MOTOWORLD (R) 7547749 GRAM211497.611768. NA NASCAR C r a r ^ t o ^ ^ U0U1D TELEVISION r 532652 ^ COMEDY ON THE 521671 »D^ m ^ W G N E T 435300 h «S65 E u JoW EH oioA Y IN N m r a WEEKEND JAM 9545£ ROAD HoslJohnByTwftwti 1 0 HEADUNENEWS * * s . *i*s(1942.M uslcallBing 1 IB MOVIE THE BLOB *< Cobb's Comody Qub In San .(R ) 5293720.......................... Itove Cfoaby.FnjdAHaifnjVnofto — S A L E S • S E RRVV I C E • R E P A I R • ------..............(i9SB.Sclcnco Fiction) Stow . . . FrondscaComicalncludfl'.— lul Ing his fiancee, Oman retreat HARUS & V iaO R TORCI RCHES MJLUR WELDERS Chrto Hobbs, David Anthony. i. McQuoon, Anota Corscaul on to‘hbConnoc»cut/armwt\id' McOuoon rnado Ns sooon Patton Oswald. Grog S H O P R E P A IR F O R CO M P L E T E IN-SH ^ q IJ5 ... n r-in -t.h p -r.n iin miry------ J m S: -H T O^ ° I CALL1 . 7 z z ___________ ~~ j — ^ “ • ^ ^ V V p i n a n ccing ir ■■---------- ' — = c locl<— ------'s D a y is - n e a r - G e t- h s r - c o:olleclibie lt c le a n e d a n d r e p a ir e d toe today. c e n iflc a le s ~ ~ 4 2 3 -4 0 8 0 = 7 ; ------- ArallablB^^ ® | Ible /W Avallabli O n All1 .... W e ld e5rs rs 1 ^ I ^ 0 treats rf\icti llectible Clock: IRepair 3 ^ ^2 0 . ^ FETYEQUIPMEMT “ ^SAff! SALES hSEKVlC i v ig | • m tEEXTMCUlSHER i MEDICAL CASES ESftLEASES 4 F A L L S • 7 3 3 - 9 5 5 3 / F aa x : 2 0 8 - 7 3 3 - 9 ^ A ft r r Houra C aU . 7 3 3 - 9 UnS o r 7 3 4 - 1 6 6 0 ------------- I ^ W |*INDUSTiUALfirMl _____ _ |»CYUNPaSAl£S I N F A U ^^ 0 ^ 2 ^ 0 7 ■ 5 • ' | ' | p |b o jc a lg y o B KgTT a i ' ^ ftowisttis Id S ^B i i B B .Zmrw) rcT m lyitto tO •■ *«v> jiB ^ y,1jC0 !OfTA<0 .. ^ . ICWAifJ \'i7^'-M l5St5j ^ jeai q j f l j " ~ | AU i ? - - - ~ jm e E0 «Aoain Wlldi«# MytWnw (P, 456745 Ho«ntA( iI1«5 (ft) 6110 AMc “ “■ ffl ID oa _ m e i« » 720749 '49 j„ Jame) G^eascn. Joan WooOiur/. toi t922 19229 j(4:00) j j Top 20 Vid«9 Countd(Jwn(R) 0619300 - .' vHi S 3 m ID J ES G3 n ' - ifortyKaogttyCM* **{1937 ContU, «tfj) Ttrrytooni. ,jSeootj)fD« ES USA — 807120 |4W ta ED Q] e s a B ES FAM ^ • ” tnn _ Thitl»VH-lCountry97i2t3 JitBMK*nn»dy83»42 Tos - • cp O - — ^ -UN' HICK DB • 7151 J810519 Choir 37749 «AX Uan83229 C3652 7759479 80855 (CC) ;i9 — [HomeShow— jjaT ahowtlme ilie h NBAaatkd-------— rT.u^rfDacov^tsarajy-ToajyiTsc' cciBiCSii~tBrettli!rPicvi tCC3‘«85l9 \irftx-.fl jirfCTf.Tsr^ ■-{. ................... ...... }m 774 ____ 7W?1 _ bh«n r.fii?yi h. V Wee)rtnft^ . World Soccer Week fntH KBSn N «nS y(C C ) Sdenco-Ttch. View742836 [232792 586687 V 580403 214958 AutoRadng Wrttr55e67i Road to Indy~ A Sporticenti 141213 226213 1 OnthtUenu iSoun urces [R) 45*652 [4939: 3923 Sports Rtportars Skating [Clapprood «d Lifrtimi Uagazine Anchored by Figure F Uve 858311 S316- Lisa Mcficc.(CC) 397300 •. 3 : [1938. Musical) ISupafUarior ~ i VW»hUd(CC) That-iUyDog pUni5 nkyBrew- American Healthy Kldi Kid UttieWstBroadway **»(193( Bre*. 383107 17 :395042 A7B1738 ’ Her 1 72942 ShirleyT6fnple.JimmyDuranto.60 0.607045 ir 131279 [Baby 126229 (R) A 7729 ullBassmastart TfvcUn'USA r i Truck P ew er'W n ntn n ^ IRATodey- inikMUdng Racediy y7^ tnH^emian [BIUDane* OuLlB A [ a 145300 (R)AS50Z79 79 193724 1 768300 . A 76 767671 [758923 48483C 465316 754107 [/ FlinUton rtone* 9133687 «87 Wild, Wild WetfKoh' Jeniso Dared. ; ^htolGr«nWeifwafd the Women ** * * * (t95t. Western] Robert To)tor. Oenis K2W97........................ ---------- (Womenginejtlomefllhei ther maiHrter husbands.-Cofcrtrt--;19S?9 g* |2 ) the Creek * (1984. Comody) Ten Mathe: iCaptaJn Piantt [2 Stupkl Dogi ]: Stupid Dog* (:05) Growing lUpth ;i962)ScoOBa«r ilheson.Glwy-soctiing I Zappedl * (19E 8421708 210881B {874G010 30551774 ; Paint 8508010 co:cgi icgianS conpeio in a mUiica raft raco. 393 3931923 ’ |WiCisAames.305 P<piSc4tefO(R)27S768 ■ ............. ■■ LaSwU inU UfM N u w ln F ^ l- Lnicon_30039 >39 1TemaiyOe7 ' la 829'56 tb4tn 15774 ■ 48107 D«nnlt273e07|Un{(ftdog 814132 l«rmouM BfoUejulee 0«ifl»ftt 624519 19 482942 Onl Robert* CfiwUna Undo 2C7381 81 rattfemamkiA^i Johnny Canale* 61I1B05., IB ... .[CalardonTV.. [Control(R) (R) . jUCamlonetii^ManoAlma^ 40942 76855. mada. Los Tlgn» del Norte. 69519 >519__________ _ ReniStlmpy Rocko‘*Ufi r O f^ CtariiuEx-. [Pela&Pett iTomorrow IT People 235836, 864497 598942 . plains 473294 853361 , P LoontyTunas e t iLooney Tune* DougM7774 Rugra srat* 103923 2295958 94604 5045 PtoplotoPeo- N»w» (CC) 8858; 185830 pll275872^ - ■ •' Stax Search (R) A sa 806565 UfeityleioftheRichandF idFa- Silent Legacy Baseball _______ moot (R) 356229 B29564 . . 382381 n ra t^o^u m b ? » a ^ Pooh Comer Two Tr w a T lA la d d lr^ ^ M ouM fd T Tw( of • Kind * (1983. Fantasy) John Q[|^ Nfirion-John. S700071 • [24338749 |CC) 737045i [c»J*643C52_ |c 395478 01)^ Umbn ibrellaTree My Little Pony Secret LH e< jJoonChSiieBrownAIad^ 39474 >743 Tale*4Si229 Tlyi6S577 i5774 [875836 [307213 ~L«a(Wft«an ; L : 9949213 ^OOlArablan; [Xlghtl 577297 _ [N iilyc*pertonc«lfw Bedtir dtlmSto- R ic h a r S s^ Parenthooc iood ***(1989)SloyeMarttn.Al3milyc; ~ r(et4' 1495361-- 562861-------- prcMunKOt « otjasing thiilren. n-wo78720 I Captain Amerv " ConfMiIoni lUinthonliUn * * *tx(lB76)Di^ x (l Hoffman.Agraduout&j-• |Hoot«otWu**»(1953.HorTor)W H Vncem Wind **(199^)Matawwk iwtoijino. The U?S. sailing 1^ raoa:.•Tc _ „ 016045 ‘f a Naifwar atmiul. 802039 . . . [f dent bid [ha maty 8 N |Prico. KJrii. Frank Lovejoy. 9062£ B294....... . towinbadcUnAmerica'sCq I O y. A (CC) 93130381 .............[iC Ica97100749‘ ; Munich 49C010 ^ CO . . B , |« mi n m ^ tmc hbo , • ” RrebaltFcr;------I BreatjattWittit fiUi tht Art* Kaaieen Ba3e S05J a! n e UetrcpolOn Ue Th* Great Impoitof * ***(l960)TonyCurtis.-Hait«aWcn:A-* [UjscjnriArtlF! nono&igpn^essicinab. 487497 «ward54in4 ; W FfW i mereswfei Degas 292861 dropout lives his life impcrsa C oM «SfigM uftr**j ISltUrAi If Ad •**(1992.Comcdy)W)ioopiGol(SM *ttwg.AReno n a f f l m m i s H o w ^ j(1^)Kevi«vKlif».-«476a»g i»>inQ8fpoM«Manunloc!ijdeino08»a«ii UUiftl60327B kwft9*»ii 0 9 01 mNBABasket' m Your Busi- NBA Showtime i ne** 28861 19010 b btfl 742661 : ' jBusiBu iBunny'(Al^tan3lC8Cl g j | WQH - - 874720 8„ ------- itfang2M2M 03 Q ID IS ra D'9N Spoken Wort~ Paid Program r KHL i Hockey 37519 28768 2225132 T a WMk in Rock SprtngBflukR* SporU/ UTVJams Countdown Host ” R ik RavWtad H ^ i5« s fron JJTVs ow3g< 3geotS()nngBftJ!i19« A60J478 Saiw ofld W __( A 7_«>C67 ,____ in _____ (RIACC076B) 323923 _____ Bii Bellamy,.A 399768_____ Jn jJonathan RT-^ TICtl'233774 •, Sunday Bfvncti: Brvnch lUyGetwr^on 441661 (R)749300 1123213 IPrincTv. ;• Valiant iHuthcJIft 31 682120 |202331 ' iFHoUtom | bM7749 G.T. Am>- tion P^froBW tr PrtffTosr (R)237294 484300 |nte3«) 297316 949132 9454( 475652 (R) 862039 (I Great Votes” ThtCirtRuth **»(1955.CoT. Gxicdy)RD»M PaidinFuU * * i (19 (1950) ReMft Onvninss. Tw sislers bees xcsmo Laughing Towedtna “ < roma.'iScatyinvofvoda Russe3.EfliieAlbefL 157010} d»ith[he5amcmin,92ie0l _ Gravy 828720 Hole 220039 8622768 ' PInli Pinth«r A 38374Q Q CE) 0 3 HomAoain (R)49C768 (Off Air) (Off £B£a ^ JKL, _ . ” “T “ ” • ” JtUont ijU F ^ fte K ^ T o B e A n n e ln jncKl w *40774 42720 [ nichlld WWF_AltAm*ricanWre*fllnflr • 1House Parrp • ICfilpmui oiunki... S u p « r { G J - ^ I I T .T. (Choitoatarj Teenage HtnjalTetm enagi Hfnii [ftiy BHsy Spi- jProblepLC^ >45 137328 74J743 75158* Tixrtlet 489720 TurlJe rlJe* 591519 der 402671 (CC) 13612i 453Q4S 6120 757768 .. * * • *400)jr : ' ------- CD IB C B fflO C D Q •hti Boiw Thti 6126 Week 7612 roes al P»i(J Pfogr*ni PaidProfffiffl iPiidPro PfOflfam iPaidProgara PaidProBram m I[PaidProgjani iPaid Program [Paid Id IProgram [Frugal _ CM 07 C68300 389381 <471316 381792 7312; 5J4720 ■ 0M720 |««107 1233 [Gourmet ;, Q fs e D iia Q ;- jg ^ -g aitT « * 'TourUoncy D jy b r S M C C ^ r T w iK ^ o Iyxt^ u k (CO TrmI Gukte lUomingNm ’49' (R) 937300 )747181 ((R) 833316 10775J rtk<MK« Jt2749' 282119 — W e e k o f A p r il 8t--11 4 , 1 9 9 4 OrinUty [61720 VieiiM llraidtSr.PCAjtnsidtPCA iSpemcentar SportsWadJy 547471 478 8port*e»nl»f Bodythjpins FtoxWei (R|63IB6J_ . !Ri95J3«. _ 701872 172 __ MC942 [5619a V | !g)_65a95a ____ - - w ‘ I li* Week vr»h David BrinUey Dr. JackkVan Va 'PaidProyan J497 C)7i&478 Unpe5849) joaai j'CC) ini Zl 235229 INew* 20126~ Viewpoint ;« * « » • PrmlCCj: 56039 1 497 (CO&3457 _______________ 4W9: ? s c » w . (C C jw*«552S4 il/ynansic'Lrt^ Go5TBZ7roq7 x c g . 59720 [ingwjxfi dayAj»Soc«» K B C i^ l^ i« n iW 0 rE = = = a ra e a a ira c N N KIDS; i lS Robert Schuller 60652 P Preview of :»wr«*n Focus 73836 Ulnimaz Eioufjid__ _ j.jStsotPrrttC- 'Fcwvffioda 1H»V “ • Homes 59923 • S & i' ---------------------- ; 77279|lsn71768 “ 63213 ■■ "USA n. Lov* eUag- FacetheNa- [PaJdProgranT E 1 by 1 nr»60942~ Robert LHestylelt FarraP.*' jCaptain Pimct 'StndjyUomii^ rning Tfe r>« d v x 'ftrm 'VS.Ftr 7297 don20590 ' 77478 551381 • Sdiullef7i294 aan272g: . (C (CC, ■pCitfiU y^n |33Cio C 20382_____________________ ogram PaidPnjgram64294 1RaihnySl -• J iAdnx:^"^ Paiil iiProgrira Taberhaeie ' PaidPregn n^ - j T ofi*^5 1 e « y ] ^ 5 5 i » ^ - ~ & e 5 r i t orTsnqr^Csr<y^'.’ (OSAtf?---------^ ____________ 7 ' lOuSmiit ^ ' o » r a i 3 “ jK T i r / n j'‘ ' .13 Id | i D ID r a K im C l ;En*r7y£x;? rw * si5 « sigAetnck'Stfv ;Dyrjr=jeLn- ,CoodllcrrEngJ w . 33&aa ' ;ingv/rj? Id jyk ceCaate ia y V x e if-ir a Cr»H rtnH nn2’.2Z\ 'Soo(S»yTo<!jr. W jJStJrri' H oiin. i Z iiu -x a Ii2 ;____________ i y r j X Vm^i'J [5/57£iJ lO SKfj-. . .' —.... iffiCKSn > I j® B ^ m ^ A 3 S y^, -j y o i SPORTS ' SP This Week With Dav>dBrinUey[^ leylKHLHoekey . DaytOtiCov- Home* 2 ICC) 971*039____________ 227S8942 cry 1668923 ' 35C2S42 & Behind the [Reading RainS n- Shining Time 'uisUfRogefi Baffley& S«»as>eSnct(CCH47323 Seenet355l9 bo«(H)26768 68 Station S 93381 __ _L ^ H C C l^ ^ Friends156491 561 . ■hscrjr^mjrDiisrfnjriC Spoiien.Wc i.Word"' Face the N>. SayKoTo . Number I >tft- H«ti«andCarqStf*liylteTingTh! :<rtsrj<A*ftfttion 95478 Pain 31294 Country*i377, C ;T*iicr<n ICC)«»5; MJ213' 61923 ;trw 2;!777 'fitnrrAl ; _____________________ ' 'a j 1 i >e jSiRtayUcrningTV iSpo;C C n T iiS(.a‘X,;Ci»p-BDa(»• ,irncbte* :T * .t? a .X p 7 ilfS p 55254 <S ,Rcies»e774} I :<i IPoe#i S55M (CO 5« ‘V.VJ-. TyAi twijTSTTiM CopelandjWeekjy W Mcrnnj t e » r ^ ‘Ux- itestx Kmwdj G wddi 2225C45 Ktx o f' ” 1 ___ _________ ; 1 ■JOatJ) b ______ ■*» )AY M O R N IN G SUNDAY uMOVIES V ' n ^ s ....... P a g e 16 A ?K L 1 0,1 »< 'anPofr ISwlngKto **»(1993)Rc*wli beri Sean Ltonard. Nazismthreat- [Jezet P o m * * * (1993. Wwtam) Mario Van I ris, HonryFondTA I You're tn the»Army Ajti Now **»j zebel ****(t938.0rama)B«tlQ0avis,l • bl9KSt8phflnBa)(Mn. tiw, 881 jsnilhfMblondt’IbvofarlaaiTus :musiaA(CC)49i60(>87 Southi n (CC) I50?4a61 jthem belle prcwite a jcalois rhraty, S50: 55076584__________(1941)950ia?lSy s-________ i Family PU^ oum Tnlino I WKhotrt i Traci fUtlUnpn lUiiorUagut [(ilS)^^ raci **1(1983,Dntma)JuddKnch.Aa (1992. Comedy) >cepholpsa[WhlltFang lEncycloped •pedla |BufV th*V «n^SU yer*{1M A203C9855 Mcminutfchtor A (orAer vaniihod cMd. ^0' SC958S 13000774 2 800S300 . DirTyn: QS45128 ■ [302687 058300 [KttoySwinton. A-PG-13'(CC)& OOO. >TYWf FALJJCAHNQTBE R£C£rVEl) INsbk£ AAEAS...« • JEAOUE. nCMDEU.OtOOOlNOAIOfUjaoOMgtRtCCVtTWtCi •■CHANKELl BROADCASTOimiDCTVn »«MICK13 BROADCASTOH I INJEB^COOOtHawOmELLA> Nm •AXOFIIER. -r ‘KTTCHUM “ . '• w ii.' ----------- --------- tUKVAUJr------- ^:.T^^^SwSSJwuS^ 3 / ____________________________ / "• I '■ • ■ : BiirtiilpB^ E3S»=i.......... IU ' 1994 W eek o f A p r i l 8 - 1 4 ,i S ' ^ APRIL IO.1994 1 NEWS T " [ " ' m o v ie s T ~ ^ SUNDAY AFTERNOON " j2 ^ 0 0 ^ 2 ^ 3 ^ M H j] T SPORTS T »age 1 7 '" |~ ' "Pag I KIDS I D \ 4 :3 0 i 5 :0 0 I^ ji 3 0 Channel 2 cu5la.Ca.(Uve)(CC) Emergency Chai . FromAugusta National Golf Oub h Augusi PGA PI Colt ThoKlaslcrs - F««l Round. Fn Call (R) 7855 Hews Hew 590 344841 News 2553899 23J6|Slskel&Ebert ABCWorid New (Bhips-FnOT Los Angeles. [News74423J Figure Skating U5. Pn>AmChampionsf icago B!ackho»ts. FromCtaJjo Stadium.~ Fl HHLHockty Los Angolcs Kings at Cttoa 5547710 News6644229 (Taped) 2744300 _______ (Lhre) 2758942 Idaho Reports ~ This Old WaiilvBei Idali keeShop [Frugal VictoryGarT " Heartl'ndQuUtlHofflttiiiie [Yankee [Sowing Witli H A 3720 Scaltlilodel- IComputer ( J o yofPalntinglWatenMlor ^ House9768 Week5213 (R) ■ Gcurmet(R) den3584 5132 [93283 13 [Studlo&838} Njney59584I 77861 1 p l a r a D m KiPT B lnflS40»Q ^ [Cllf0 9512Q 50213 KewitCC)___ !_____ C^tl^nlnn___Ne» OTirTonowTtattffa' f i V ii SSSri^ ^ P 13135— ----------W0mefl07e87 131 438039________________• son, Caron Spinney, 91382________4. Cwnt»y 9 1836 |(ty) Votaa ot JimHenson edy) Etfwrd h Avenue Irregulars **j(1979. Comedy) jnships. FromLos Angeles. |T»ieNorthA> RguTeSkatlngU,S.Pro-AmChampionsl licagoBlacktoAs. FromChicDQOStadium,“ F <2 NHLHockey Los Ar^gdcs Kings al Chkaj I, Barbara Harris, Ports Leachmafi. 88942 i------_ NK Hemrann,Ea (Taped) 22923 __________ __ 'a a EB KKVI EB (Ltw)225132 (|> • I I ofthe Rich and Fa- [HewsB72t3 [[HBCHIghtly hB( baa Phocfli* Suns at Seattle SuperScrtcs..From Ff the Coliseum, (Lh-e)” Ufestyletof: JwjcfwyNeiTFrom iNBABasketbaaF 1--------------- ---(Ja NBABukottun Now Yotk Knicks at New moos(R)9tS 91565______________________ [News 95720 |472590 !a O O ^ KMAS 8D Mc^ cflttow<anils Arena, (livo) 742S61 Legend Conlln-, •Tho Tholian Web’ Kung Fu: The Legei :aithy,KimC^1.AwS^ Star Trek *Th : |Hanne(iuln**(1987)ArtlrowMcCait * (1985) JohnStockwcl A high-s-tfwi J R) (C ICC) 8958 ues •Shaman'(R) Kartha Stewartl My Science Prelect ** < <iuifi. 75403___________ [46403 jcdgets out otconmii. 42768_______ ddowdfosscrtalsintovnwiiiiamaflncqui audwit'sscieneopfpiccl' . ! a B Q Q - I » ^ V ed : soc?? sa uguita.6a.(Uvo)(CC') Designing [^ I. FromAugusta Nabonal Golf Club in Auguj kSenior!Championship - I P j ld P r on^! PCA E GqHTho Masters - Final Round. Fi tune •. -- Womeft8381 tu rb 9316 . {OflAi^ PeldProgrsffl IPGASw 354403__________________ __ rfew985213 [T7774 3 l o fO D l ID 0 1 kuvt O 64958 - PrevJew Hews ugusu.Ga.(UvoHCC) Golden Giris H e> 316' ~ F PGA GoHTho Masters - Final Round.1. From F Augusta National Goll Ouh InAugu: 92)Jurio Grand Slam G2923 ^ A(CC)4381 '!--------------- ^ “ TiiTlie Rjifway Station Man ***(1992). 744887__________________ ___ ; O KIDK B * Oiffetio, DonaMSuttiertand. 83229 icd/)Etf«irt th Avenue Irregulars **n(1979.Comcd/) oosKps, From Los Ajigclcs, [TheNoithA Figure Skating U5.Pr»Amai3nipiora licago Biaekhanta. from Ct o y Siadmm,I” F ABnrh.inHirrt<l.O0risLC3Clim3n.ai26 ■8______________ NHL Hockey Los Afljolos Kings at CJi^ -------------------------------Hcrrmna.H; — {(TaiwPJWJ — ~ B o ~ —"ui3r^ ^(U»e)»W T9 >dIsrael 6958 s.Fft>mlheCoEseum(LMi) NIckHewT tall Phoenix Suns al SeaKe SuperSonics. F IHBABasketfa^ R»tkHhaB Nm. York Kftt ts Jt H N<ew !wJ«MY Nets. From^ To B« Announced 440774 I — - — Q - r r ^ -m ' & MosSowttnite Ma Arefl3.-(lire) 66322&------ Sports Sunday S(> 7 E d !l!o n (C C )B 7 2 3 8 ^ T w erS^ ^ ^ S e f l n N B A Pinnacle LateE 146478 |l55126 421671 141 159942 *Baseb^ 1 Phoenix imematiorar Sportscenter Ba to Radng IndyCar -Slick 50 200, FromPh INASCAR Sh ^ Artel 81945126 5898346 [81! ecway.Arit (Livo) 264749 Talk 715497 RacC T '(D B ) (□ (B ESPN ’ (Uva) (U 141213__________________ _ tn(C20855 St(R)24G942 House of Eliotttt in fit W ar Journal *F(edcrirt [Real West (F )rama) Burt Lancaster, Inlantrymen CiviH : Fireb»llFofmi4**A(‘0 7 2 ,D rla) a ^Ben Gaz-1 Castle Keep * * * (1969. Dram ugla«:(a)234107,-................. PouQiry10^ le d a R'^ian casilo ftomGenTang.-<8l2i3................ ftom •. zani. ;E3 f fi B3 ^Ij A4E za Eddie Aa«tt 541774 Wortd Secret* of theIDeep Dee Great fari-Ganges Gtoflar 249039 Padflcai:Tales[Maglcal Tal I |Th9v'reOolnQHvTlme(R) Safari ____ twis*^ toiiy'(R)s3G'^ "^''" [470381 let O Union Station • 238023 959519 {R)CT4 I ;Q] S3 03 0 9 ^ DSC 23 rama)UutcncoOiiTicr.VivtcnLei9h-.Tho i latKimlltonWeman ♦**«(1941,Orami oCrain,AlanYoung.Atecn^eflap- That * * * 180294 sliYour Margie * * * (1«6)JcannoCr: ■ The Great Man Votes * * * ' Thlsli nance of Lord Hwalio Nelson and Lady Emma Ent Hamillon. 791584___________ Frenctiteacftcr. 649213---------- romr ,95^584 pet develops a cnfih on her Frenc I ** **(1991)RodI [mmm a « c ■. {{| (1939) 822768____________ 1^*9^ fiio I Wings Iho [ Deadly Game ijSTDjd [MaforDad [Wings-The JklncyP0i!«r,Ari09C''lW!!salu:i(!f )ChrBl> Shoot 19Kill **»(198fl)Sldnc A 403300 1010 G/r 140294 IdyMcDowaJ. A4t " Hou$eP»rty ***(1990,Comody)Ch 0411294 (CC) 238^03 &ff 144010 ounlains. 187823 [(CQ' ---------S) S S ) O Q -U8A- —- JpftgRea,-Rot)inttam».-n 440687—_______ andafasliigelhnwtl!Hh?J»«Q5^ aak W . A 445923____________ fi’-ghts fromMTVs covcrago ol Spring Break «JUaBo^ SpxiDBaoaK.ReYlslle.dH^tV-g'N = C3fwalinRm-se%7i--------- !W »w (R) A n 774300 Ies ED SB -■) MTv_____ I Center Stag«..L..... oJtheKlght(R)-------iFashien.wZIci lUl cf VH-1208958-----------1Women oJ t 120-,-------------- ; ------------(R)368565 top 21 countdown (R)3M120 [593923 (R [tl4565 = w - i i oO iw - Im tlR)- ~ Hollyw r47l407i=^— - ' • ------- ------- , ” E Eight Men Out ^ " ~"V H i 124942 730052 [HltS-A T lT3 ctl76gck-{-Bit»e-Sklei Agiln *jlU119831 S{ Many Hamlin, Robyn Bario. A Wishes of Blily Grier . * (isa^TJrafiaT^ J Sir On.oln«l . jof-lo^uo tascBaJi teanTSrasO-------- 4:4ZJ67.I_______ __ [woman bies out for a major-ii “ Figure Skating LA Law'flomancfig t)fook.R:^phMacchto. 508720_________ > Myst 388652 Icy, Hal HoH)root ; The ■ • OrDno'(CC) 775039 |qD O 02 .' r't LIFE - 384B30 ^ Jmali IT ia f “ y D g l.5 ~ g B laE j" McGregor ifUfs-*rr(1959.-OrBm9)tafta^umwrJ« jmpeSTTKTTO--------56)Rockliudson.C>irtsae'" ImllBtiwiofUft • A795768 SagsTfieSlampe " All ^Mshlp. 765294 ________ 700584 P ^ T! A Thai Heaven Allow* ***(1556)1 Kie daughlors complicato hw women's frienc ffldcnet.871890 Thoir icen-oped Ie s ES B a EB FAM c, jWlnneri (R)7t qitiosm mars a vroman’a tove to o ytfdt Beauty" Remodeling Ueehanlc W HRAToday lO^Racing” Speed-Beai tr [Championship Rodeo (R) A [NHR 412584' nnem(R) A |Truckln-USA~ Tnick.Eofer~| I Today594i32 780407 4; II78652.,, 413213 492720 "HankParker ISpatttflB aiiStiM I ••'1 H ----- ----------A i: 0652 ■(R) A 401120 487023 | 466045 lartara Hcrjhoy. i |E!g ED Q i 03 r a TNN 2 im ((1994) (Part 2 o<2) RjcftanJ HaiTis, Bartja 226229 841687 48865. jrd H arris, BartaraHcrshey, Abraham Abraham (1994) (Part t ol 2) Ridurt «ara Abrahama son. whom they namo Isax Isaac. 772478 lem) TomTryon. Harwj Presnel. Afl Amiy " TheGI«yGuys ***(196S,Wc$lcm: jswfeSarah.pqroio [Sarahbean [The bil>!<al sioiy o<Abrahamand his» lheSlom.575i57aa Ict tB m e a , TKT....... _ ^m frmisiscndunlrain0di7>cnt0n9>'n^» ifiL**'.(19873_J . . r.TsattnrAnBC!aOod8ea-ftomDo(}3«; 5,««?on5igu*B«*hinAt3nt3tIrr^ wd'bytlie'lBiigs Bunny ICaptaln Planet " P S S585958 ■ " zappedi * (l9 8 2 [^ B 3 io . IsayM [447749_______________ lil 132300 740470 131G71 ilardeSlempre en jsB ffi] o I S ^ TBS ■ JMiloAamcs-30551774 . [Belli: NotlcleroUnl- LaHoraEstelard iempreen Domingo 696497 0 M.B. Penta Cortlnent;^, CampcoM-|Sieir 83G________ __ 0 FutW Mcaano. equipos por anunciar (HI J vision-31584 Domlngo9383G " La Camloneta [Domingo DeportlvflK (EnViy0)423i07------- ----------------iniw:DavidKaTOUVs:Kgnny6ayyge.(En\ tobeSu^wPesQUQW --------- g E S ■■ ■■- | i UNI- —“ GGfi»695ro P w r" Gutt 435229" Are Yoii [b iiidSide [Rocko’aUfe [Pete4P«' [AJSde -[FamilyDouble wid |(R) 346301 5 ■ Afraid? [(1 xnic Uaic Weiner. 566958 19749 347010 [430045 “ Frttiimeli WelnervllleWrthc^ |G23942 [pare 342565 [0191 (R| fA 401958 Gnfrith.AndyTayWre. StarSearth(R) £eQ ID I NICK 2236565 I ________ latum to Waybeiry **«ll9B6)AndyGnr jbs al Mcnlroal Eipos. FnjmOlympic StaAum. eriff:407720 ‘ «ns to his hometiwn 10 mnoga^ fa sheriff: " Major L»gu* Cubs i IH , ■■ WGH (Urt) 95027039 _________ |o E3 B l I CNN tM jIn e ^ W e lld r p o r n O ^ ^ ^ U n R ^ T lo n e ^ M M E ^ !^ ,774 [ ’ _____________ ■ vlew742836 IKJ (R)4(M039 |2inr7^ Racoway,Tevt. Food ■ Auto Racing NASCARWWlon Cup -. F c City500. FromBristol Inlcmational Rao ...... 1 - r r - r i — r i n r I IJn Bound-The InHomewardBour !angerB a^ Z ?T o(C C ^ Y d lowitone,theFlr»lNational m S S S r S n W d s T e o r p n M I c k ^ ^IsnpTtyAIIHIloConcert(R) A [Oan^ 1)7445381__________credible Journey itn«y * * « CC) [Pari«(R)7< “ f lo o S S a n N ih t * * * » Fwa '51 [(Cq 425395 , [1C C| 312010 146519 one307410[r«ted736310 [Club4052Sl (1 **J1892)KtfI KatMyn Grant 5772S7 |Wofi< '■ (1959), I 1. Dan Aykroyd. H--gM «J> Captain Ren *. (1992, Comedy-Druma) Robert Redfotd. D; ^.Captain Hook kid- j Sneakers * * * (IE CC)583590 r Fantasy) Rciin W>-1iams, Dustin HoBtnan. xjo J93768 Russdf. A (CC) I computer haciers aro an trickodintoespionago. A (CC) 75493: "M wiiBy ]Ho<* * * * (1 9 9<1'theodalPetcrPan.A(CC)306i695a ^ tt* * > (19S6)Al>y ___ Amhony.Aprincotricsto ShortClr^,!: _ _ _ p m n D m ^ l ^ Z_ ! 7£M36flZ___ MDstHecWdnwciinc K«H-*^ (1983) Ken Marshall, LysettoAna * r» (19iS,-CamM)() fWcr S K e r s r - ^ 32G2IW9 ___ . A 49927107 . ShCOfly,nj32(i2 s SS m T^ I Jftat’a Ne*. Pu»iycat7. * *» B<rtinna bctTOdiedfroman cSen beast. A “ Captain Amertei **(1990) Matt SaSr skier, T45403 _______ ! ,9710(5749 Peter OTdoie. Romy Sciwtder, it*»(1991)Oon 97i House Party 2.* * (1991),Christopher RcM. I BloodfUt in: Foreed to Fight *« '''■ _ 1 ' i!Melinda Dlloa Ronny Cox. H (CC)liken •lySeeUngSuun ***(1985). ..Hoi 5558 V«jlnamvetjloadan«s-l0e*peiit*ly8 [•ThoOragon'WasotL-A B765958 >rislopher Maitin.'A (CC) 65501316 ^ M'cBain *»(1M5)ChrtstBphefWalicw ^rquetlc, Madonna. 93930630 [CW J505213 RwamaAr^ ra IWayoe'f ortiddeflDance *(t990,Orama)Lan laiitonoCctomWandicUitof. O 33505 p a a - ^ 1 TMc J 6) TomHanks. An od execu^ TheFortil [ Nothing In Common * * * (19^1 51248039 nn **(1992)HiHaryW»TA Ufeitorlei1 g. A ” Big GlrU Don’t Cry-They CetEveiT rtage. -PG' (CC) 3228J6 [HerringT TG-13-(CC) 7053590 Itive's parents end their 36-year martii lC3fkig^ . A 8 1 9 t 0 7 600377 disonctiKitfid teco Does fromhor uncsfli (Q i i 01 a | P HBO ( HISCHAHM L _ . „ GOOOm A H O FIER po N O T M CQVE T H IS HHSOICAREAS. ♦ • JEROW.WEKOELUCK> ^ TWH fU LS CAWOT B£ BECaVE^HJ ______ 1».rm'Mvn<BBninrt«!Tom^ sr o w O -ti«Jg « ^i)Q o o w a :v < B <aiAta^fHgt— ^ ----------- :--------- i T fflcinJUHDWicjgroi ^ IQ s IQ I D ^ DISN = r^ ' j - r - B 5 g g SiT* g — 1 — KCTCWUM ~ -awivAUTf-- j ■ j. s _ j: ~I NM s~ r ~n Page 18 I MOVIES APRIL 1 0 .19M . 60 Mlnulo»n(CC) 51661 — S -B B p F £ o tl-** *' m3 ?5743313 a a m|. KKVI a e|k3sa3 b3 ** jb o iB ia iiQ 1010 o [ D ” Ancient ProphoclM(R) A (CC) 1322S 1229 Week Of April188 -1 4 .1 9 9 4 ' Sports Talk 1842942 Design. W. [6410590 (:35)Cun Cumnt Affair Extra 768 • 4409768 nDay* tmien].Acot- New# 14519 Sevan Di rf O Obsession (5994) Vcronka Hamd. Prem Shadow of b ___________ 270399 uabtcrroAodtiyadcfaAgodiTun. A 18774 181 legopfofossai: K f Sup* ^ iSarr42556~' Paid Program 4884782 GoodNeigh- [(OflAlr) [bor# 81590____________ _ (;*5)BunTcf'“ rcf“ [ H I^ (je r '■ Sle«i 1789S6S )565 [ 5 1 ^ 3 nlo Kail (R) A(CC) (:35)Ar*enioh 8831310 [Crusader* 78300 j Headline Now* 369701 1 SpacaNlne- U*A*S*H(CC). Cumnt/ At ARairixtra 54359 [Cobra 'Oiomon in the Rough' With iGMrg* Caitln Isiar Tr*k OMp Spj rtin'ContrtrjLiving5lr*gf*- iIanW.iWlth |C«Jo3(R)n-|«»rtin JjKTRv _________________- {R).A.(CC)38; 1)38300---------------------X I 76132 63229_____________ !i07[A(CC)4iM2 l^loiora-(R) A (CCl |(CC)5923 (R)96! 19687 [(R)(CC)1107 Childf»n2107 u1coH.EA.t!{R) A • Uniouchable* VoyeuT A (:36) Acapulco ^ n sa cn Hew# 8012800 (:36)Ura( io1hor(19W)lii«k>A)i(jy.I’fcmicro.Ai^ uilor,ShaWrota’N<sMoltt)o David's Uolha * 60 Minute* A (CC) 19342 HurdJ o KMVT m* ^______________________ Coyoie 5C69039 3145229 :) 06042 (CC)5C6< lyfcr hof mcnlaUychallcf^cd son, A (CC) i yolo' (R) A (CC) 83476 fices grtaliy Italbn so<cEcr’8p3^ wnansacft- News 41942 Tlmo1to IKill **s(1990)Nkx^asCa9O.Anltalia lother (t994) Alley. PromicfD. Aworn “ 60 Hlnirtei A (CC) 55687 Munloi inIor.Sh«Wrola*Nighio<mo DsvJd'iUothc "V KlOK D*' ^_______________________ Coyoto to encounter leads to trogody. 08270 y te her menlflSydtancrijfod son. A (CC) 1 :)1381 . slonatocr yoto'(R) A (CC)4045 lieo$(pjatlyte 'C « J 9 3 A cD'fc * (CC)4671 ^ ^rpaVldgM ^ = “=E=i «solSup*rman(R)52584 ,;:''Kin Q* *rIir5IoP3y3Icdn^ P riS n «rt(C C n 205C ^ |C N NNPrM Pi FfwnP mPovw:y”50l38i I □ S Q S IB j^ CNN ’ m m OD I Q p ESPN ■• -B B a J E tt 690229 DSC ^ mor 3 4 5 ^ ■*“ “ "T ” |E 8 G 3 m ;: SpoftaTontghtllniii lesa 125010 880300 jnesi 1107 ' kbjor Uagut Bsubaa Florida Mariim : San D«go Padres. FromSon Dlcgo/Jadi /JackMuiphySiadI- Sporac«nter32ll0 im al [ill ufTi(Uvc)3a2590________________ ' ThiclwrThanWstv(te93.Susf«nse)l ion P Pugh. Idenool » ) Therosa Russell. Jonathan Pryro'. Roeoh l l ofo lom apart byjojiouiy rnurdcf. twins r^ 020774^ _________ A*E BI r a IQ 5 m omborqcw R>ri> **.ii(>Qf».MalihewMo()ino.A^ Ih w ^ rr^ a s over World War II Europe. A 32720 isions . [|:3i)Ar»enioH iioHallTRTA(^ri T7505ET tfyHour Caroline's Comedy: 254^9_________ omicpososasa MyFr 'FivorttaSpy **i(1951)BobHopo.Acomi [spytoc 'to obtain seeret plans for tho U.S. 5762133 ' Vassilva, 513768 Wortd Report Final Edttlo jUon Hosts: Ralph Wengo and Ralltsa Vas: Bawbaii Tonight . iPBTABiD .BiDlanl# World Champi- iPaople'e [Sport*cant*r~ I-Semifinal. 160768 Gann 837478 478 [(R) 633332 |M»ship-£ 1993. Suspotjse) Theresa Russell. Anathar athan ftyco; Rob^ TWekarThanWaUr(199: t tvn span byjealousy and murdof. 56601 36010 Pugh.k}cntlcallwlnsoioto igrofttwUrftwffy^MC- Itotur^otTWni on. 959377 ;Giflanr[R)97S039 ' |o(lhosa’tt<on.i}: |432I32*- ■ (JJ UntenStalion ***(1950) m WuliamHoIdon. 1B0294, N«w»4057337 (:35)Curr Current Affair Extn jti t U* Program MrtcnirA cot^ Hm 2S37M0 8portiM i — 1(t05) Jack Van- Oesign. W.. -“ ‘jPsW siu do w If o ttt dwaiilon (19W) VOTnSsrHsmof:^ 6446830 impe3730667 9782107 [5931350 isorblcntiiud by a (deranged man. A 30: 303ie . ■chltwa44 lo^ pfofcssor h I", AncI«ntPfophKl«i{Rj-A-iCC)55cn O I jStrved latraMiddicman* A(Partlo< B«ii>gSt liuro < of Sex *Tho Sex jUasterpIectTheati Hatur# Naiuro 274977 !R)(CC) 34126 - [61(CC>a7n4 _______________ , Cyifaa-.(R)1C HB«at New# (CC) Sport»B< 29403 320233 lUnansacA- J«h»f7195J7Knwi wwy. wemicfo. A won rrtBr.-?fiBW5i*-W8Tinsnr5ii DisiaTMWii WuMe 030958 ■■y^ to her m c ^ (*a.non9od son. A (CC): Coyote ryoto‘ (Rf A(CC)47294 tosgnuUy Kimborcrew B«n« **>(1990)MatinowModir»,Abw HomoVldoos iNewFunnlMt LoltS 'ItSCIark:ThoNowAdvon- M«mphifB«~n. E03 36543 32_________ ssions over Work) WarilEmpo. A 10132 ■M(or Suptimaii (R) 34766 n«s 25 mission |p#oplfl 16671 turc* “ SITMinutet 11 (LCj UD5S •' b KIDSi S P O R T S 'P l - | SF TOTMnsaa^Tchannel^^ RushlU Unr t^ lA c a p u lc o H lE ^ x S lothtr (1994) Klr^ Premlcn). A won irdor, Sha Wrot* *Ntht ol th« Divid't Mothi Murdo ih 30836 [Name; Dcscn Dragon* S8497 97" C)48S5 '|New» 27310 baugh3( jyly^'iw i^diallenoodson. A(CC) lyoto* (R) A (CC) 7510 Tiecs grtuUy Iw Coyou •hyBnjwn (:OS)liUtIock'TheSlaiiorTAT wmbefoow Lew#8983229 lluiphyI B*n« **1(1990)UanhowModina.Abon M«tnphiiB^' 3651229 |(CC) 1703213 £361 I (CC) 365 ssionsiwcfWorMWafiiEijropo. A 273631 flios 25 mission iliSClarlcTlwNowAdvftiTHomtVldm IAjti. FunniMt Loll S r»sofS&pennan2629045 S092805 turttii rwton'sAp. |butiJoofi<laho ” G Ghoitwrltor Ghoitwriter Nowto ^R13H9 Ia ,6867 3™ ! •■ - - !a Q ^ a Bi}KIPT |D^ p DAY EVENING ' s U n DA' I T (R)C5350a a CKMcr. VMen Leigh. Thel Union SUtJon” don ***(1950) Oman ***s(lM1,0Qma)LaurenaCXi Thai Hamilton Worr «. 260519___________WKamHgWoa den. 979774___________ njmanco ol Lon) Hoft tofatio Nelson and La^ Emma Hamiacn. 2 am .(Paid PropanT igs'ThePerfcdAli- SilkStaJklnBs*W>idi ■ DoKllyGamo **(1991)Rod- CawC >idCard'(R) iHoIIywDodln-iPaldProg M CIos«d(R)(CC) 503749 IsakSlaJkingt' ■rogram [Paid Program Paid Program : dyU dJciw O iiO iSoa-___ I_____ Cg)si7iW7 -- n.(CC).69fl6(3t7" --------------- |409S94~ 14------- [887213 ------|l04132.------~ - 8 5 3 5 4 0 ~ r ^ -----.• - •• - -ZZZ. br.(R).A(CC|i — ' RottWortd A |Unpiugg»d A Rockuf :kuin«nUfy|Sport» A 7W039 m n i E i 3 - “E . _ S- 870403,------, 7 3 8a 5 5 _ _ 4 (U .S1S2519 2j — (5:30)Contor SB ' .........H VHI . _‘ ^0 Stss« 3Ca»5 -------f f l IB IB - g mG3n IntMc-Radng iR ievd^A i"* 4194^7 |400740 tw _ tAndy o Gnrrih. 565956 JP ^ {ra ra QI NICK p* " la vOwoN Slate(R)A lUqu 13 Iquid Ttlevl- 120 Uinutaa A 764403 B77023 ■ slon lon76l836 - • SouiofVH-1 •1 (R (R) 831720 Stand Up 110749 DISH a hbo lOielt Van DyktlUuy Tyler fliB o b ^ n ^ 176 022213 |436956 Hooro 610470 i Rlcti and Fainous Worid'i B«it (R) C«5] ^5749 Honwward iToikeltoni Boimd 073045 j(CC) C59605 S Feed Chile 0863822 iin" Paid Program"" • pZdPregraffl P aid pirog^ 661120 1748590 499362 G«( Smart 246300 KnwBuil Naws(CC) ~ln»UntR*pIay i 8742300 70702377 936749 Avonlea niJTsSangffrTToNigh u r lte ^ r f» (1 9 8 n 3 y c n ^ ^ ri (( (CC)751590 iRedSleagall,I. A (CC) 6579030 (R) A C«pt»inRon **{1992)Kun ChliiCr rcrost I National Lampoon’# l o 5 dWoaponl ^ **> Ru«i3'J,-n.(CC15^500_____(R) A 4410565 [nS^rrfoEtftiV ai A {CC)TO ;:)TO53W- n r z Sho(tOn»lt **((1S86)AiV 9toS5 n * * * (1980) Jano Fonda. DoOy Parton. hr nvUng 1. T Thnso on rebd againsl their texisi pig ol a boss. 474^ SJxwfy. A 32027300 wnwnr 474403 , (&45) WcyTw’tWorid **>(1992. Ckrwdy) oth MtoMyws. n 'PG-13'51246039 NHRAToday (R)A-lfl4M8- • RJ* JdeBeyondVengeanca **>(1966.W« Western) Chuck Connors. Micfad Rennie. Ini^ NIght-Gon Ouils jilawi asadc a buflatohunter a# he retun# an# homo. 10053836 ..........— __ 43031518- iNiUona ksnai C«ogr»phlc Explorer Tho Liatania;i; submarines. sub iPald Program ’ iPrindpat MtSeS [SLJudoKos'pltat:RaM'’ “ (CC) [Network Earth RIneta^onda iJk 754671 671 >9636 492294 cr«t40104 88412C 1296 11042 Againtt Time 750855 TlMBInlt ***t(1963)RodTS)lor,rf> JW HodmAsman f f town is ottxiiod by thousands o(Ibirds. shore tiin 5089045 I JohnQttMn (CC) 181774 (OfUndc initoWI)- iRolandlUrtln Busm isttn pe*(M<auty AiMrfcu Sporti Cwaleai licaite A 76446497 Going Out n IICreatOuf. Road Test Sp« -Jl.-----------------------W*y 3813000 »0n9« U l jdQor*861316. M»g.-i32a30 - 57.13 r.1310_____________________ 8C^1_. 5 ! ^ l . . .: _ , (R).A.77938l| Lucy Sti rsiiow 707058 056 • ILovoUicy [430774 “5 M AX ^ m ." -P I w c . Hltffl !ngram,|£ald?togn(iU{rald Pro^sm^ n^jPaMPfoOnm^-----IdikaBwta. EflMfrearanulEaldftBgi (R) !) 776768 7 280326 1293166 . .. 687300 479508 [655830 )hnAnkefJohr berg 103 763294 KickNtwt 3432<)4 ia m J IB n Ben Kaden 670381 Vlft»d«l do 19947* TItulareiD*- Ondi I d«i Mar Giatudo on vivo dcsdc Chiio eniFcbfCfo Ftb nda llu (R) 349403 os.clI;^6simoquinIoaAodorcsliYal. 16403 «tOe5.< 103 pofthro<24B55 sjow _ o inTouch3l630 163iy) Dreamtimo A 112617 FUl ir557Strr-r ffMMna-Jam-sswos— Clmira Infra- iLentoLoco 9»J1tl 20740 1G22t> B m SD ^ tt. lB«avL*-6utL B«avlv8utt. 140774 7658C0 KungFu * * * (1971. Atfvcnluro) David avid Carra- More Dead Tlun Alivo * *■(19( (1969)ainlWaIkof.Agunsiingcf ^rtinn B^fyy ntjnKt ---------- >|oinsati3voSngsinivasa;haps la ip sh ^ . 4001749 Th«Bimonairv **i(t9S7) 13 esia J W lloO na (R)22C740 ’ Kolocauft (R) ( ^ 1 ^57315671 i i - - f B I B f f lH D r a ™n E seg fjoMth! lathjnR. |&e6C67 iC67 * BghtUanOut * * * (1968) John C:usact.Ei9hlfaafplaYefsarB um PfatlfMMa^ »0aUnaAnehorod.by' Clapprood— -UF6- — ■Saceu$bd bl mrcuwng tfioSVoridSeflw..423671 42: Lisa McRoo.r.(CC) (CC 492774 • Lhre 082855 FAM ___ ED IS m m m FU 220565 Drafi Tfinet 5692 19294 lA. Hitchcock Supemun nan 941500 0540103 Eiuei ue# Coin' On (R) 810478 Powerwaik Plu* 655904 Nochede' deVaJ- WortdVIsion 12687 Slempr»4>om. ore* 47851 7855__________ ^ ___________ 538879 F-Troop 323045 [Lucy Show ' 479478 P aid Progi^ 200430 Lifeatyleti fe* ofthe Rich and Fa- Ko|ak4ii300 OO mou»(R)2 :R)220590____________________ in n lo P o o ^ G w J ^ n d e S o im 5# o^ r ! d T w i d e « c ^ j l r i r i S I 5 ^ ^ |5563: C39497 [Man'* Creation’ (R) A 26!! iratlen(R)599l32 269749__________ . [Huileal Hlflratic A bodyguard fait# Children of the Com >dyguard * * s (1592)KevinCostner.Abo rniliiTheFlnalSaertnce TheBodyj >ingBf-octrc»h9musltn<octn(CC)537 15373300 **(1992)Tcn«»Ki I Knox. A (CC) 085942 [forlhoiingt r*(1S83. Horror) iMcBaln *>(19S , (1991) Chrtstophof Walken. Vietnamvrts l« 3loadanss-|Cai}dym>n **>(1992,H I.Hcrrtt)Vtfgii^l^ o jChrfstlm **(1 sauHooaCotont liornbiancSctalcr. A 53074107 |K««hGorton.1. A 34827213 sen. Tony Todd. n(CC)|7826749‘ 78: I BuffythaVam^raSlaytr ^(1^ Jverturo) Richard r(1992.Comedy) ~lDan9erTiutTouch(1t laxtherrlFlftalllKaion **(1985.Adv8ni (1993) Lou Diamond PhKlpi Aradio sax B |KrtslySwitnson. A-PG-13'(CC)6 young. John Erkacn. A W 158749 158:c)645478 |apistoetslnvoh«)wilh vith a deadly u-con. 'R' (CC) 419310 rTmFAU.»W«CFfBeflECaVH)wioi :__ »t n n MWFn B»fl*ncAgwffw>64w -80igTwe*i-rt »JbajME WEKKiircg55i SCHAKNEL”;';"' WKKNOANOFIUROOHOTREd^TKISC I______ 1 i w 5 y !« w i£ w M j^ - I' I, B udir.m rcR t. . , ICopandaHair**! * (1903) Burt RoynMs. Nor-1 Tha Dlitln' C«nedy)Edao *tlngu[*h«dO*ntS«Ran ***(1992.Com :)G tnan d. Gddenii. a■»(CC) (■ 0434403______ •• Murrfiy.lJU . Une Snith. Shoyl Utt Ral(<uA (Cq G224g6ig.r.~.^--------- *»MCXtSBRmDCASTW| W i o nJERQUE.COOOOiaWEKDaLAT .ANOFUR. • I K7TCKUM. i suNVAurr • I ■ lir'uT-ntiffikLiwiliiMrtiin*! 1 ^ ^ ■. - . \ W eek o f A pril 8 - 1144; ;1 9 9 4 ------------------^ ,EageJ.9_„_ _ p — Sunday • CQ a 's ” fT h is w S n S a v e up m PAID PROGRA 30614. 287695. S03: i i v „ _ t o . $ 2 5i iO o n _ „ ^ ^ 608166.-2e9053.-65( B ( 3 8 ) NBC NEWS V g JB L Sound^ EE I ffe c ts NIGHTSIDE 838527 Q BOTH SIDES|22!9 2 S 2 7 M u s ic a n dI M o v ie s , J a ROBOCOP: TH idEffects Music ™“ S Stotwi».SoundE Robocop. Dian _ i_________ thn Chftlrmnn comtw awcwt^ik o -i f e a y a . - . T .- -fodDctediblfi.j»n gong torrortzlng tho •. )undEffects sound..AddSouni of Old DotrolL A .9g6^ 3Q° o KOJAK 6231B8 M Movies lo turn yourlVlntoa yoi m SAMPLER 672( . ONE hofno theater. Thenmalto Tht Q FLEX MAGAZII WORKOUT 402099 irclesswtth ?Trt»jp your system wireli B 3 CAROUNE’S C ' SoundEffectsMag DYHOUR Comics;.. David. Chris Hobbs, IS, Bob -------------Zany, Wondy Kamot ........ ' S t 1 Oarroll Hammond.. Host; H 281546 ------- ------— Richard Jonlr<R) 28 B l BLACK ^ T E TUfod WTiaijkcfoato I H H kbraham It's JsJftfioy w rnnoangourrnindt. en assassination of Abr rdabfo home Uncoln byJohnWilk y granted til our whho$ form tlfonl^ /ilkos SoundEffodsUwYgi Booth. (R) 256850 thoa(cfspoa*ofsyst( ysto/n.* f f l MOVIE MY FA_ _ iiO B I I & S P ¥ - * - r T , . Comedy) Bob Hope, s ) m ^ P A iD ^ ___ Lamarr. An Amoric.;i: . T tortainer imporsbnjt< 2 ||^ = 1 7 3 0 K i m b e r 30 r ■■■.^ ^ 76C546. 753072. 571430 1 spy in ordorto obtali tain QD DRAG RACING Unitod ■■:■■} cret plans for the Un NHRA Winston Invitationa onal. r: - ' aiiirt : Statos. 1497035 a s auti , , r* " 7 0 4 : H a u s e r ” ? .j- Johri />ono8 (R) n 465966 f f l WEEKEND JAI lAM' 12:3SB (6B )H O M E A N D who'moves ° r m e d i a n l c E r n e s;tCumbierfeatch, o « "8072 GARDEN SHOW849232< EB CAMARA INFR bm : In to t h e h o m e o n ce c e occupied by the Archie) 0 ( 3 5 ) [6 ] ABC.WORLt GANTI 429782 7. B u n k e r f e m ily - C B BSS . NEWS N O W 7470S917. ES HEADLINE NE - 3 \ L E N N O 40377091 _________ 3 5 0 8 81 7........ . . ra] COMEDrSHOW-— d' s l a m V ^ Qsln1:05 B ( 6 8 ) GRAND <Jof haifdressor boconios Ir . . two Marinos o co iso d 0 . CASE (CC) 3417701 sh A u sPLAYfiRS CHAMPI .0 volvod vflth a roguish >Pi3AY booting a comrado lo mnv . ONSHIP PREVIEW dnntti woro fnllnwion t ^ -----------zKrarcg--------------J, A ■ havo murdofod a pair < 1/ commandor’s orders, f 12:45 [ S MOVIE A FEW (V 116086898 GOOD MEN * * * K Q MOVIE FATAL B( 0992. I^ m a| T ^ ^ >________ LU992^Sji520nM ) LInd o vo Blair. Jerome EhTors. A Navy lawyer trios to p tw o . 1Z;30 0 ( 3 8 ) ES HEADU N EN EW S630701, 9361169 Q SPORTS LATEKIGHT 122183 a g g W 0R U 5 t o 614 m o r r o w 25695. 119614 _ _ [ £ ) KNOW BULL (R) -------------J--------------3t)/as0 " CJ m o v ie THREE WISHES FOR JAMIE Jock * * - . (1986, Fontnsy) Joci IS. tA W.irdcti. SiQvon Rlm kus. ^rtg (oity quoon grants a youns Irishman throo w ishes. B.isod on 0 book by Clinflos O'Nool. n 7602904. . . . .................. (3-M O V lE HELLRAJSEF SER' ■ III: HELL ON EARTH * * (1992. Horror) Doug * * Brndloy. Tofry Fofroll. Tho 13 sodistic Pinhoad rocniils fresh souls to populafo his othcrwortdy homo of pain and lorturo. O (V) — 1 O' ...M beriyRoad- = - Twin F a lls;•7 -7 3 3 4 9 1 0 , w a n a Since 1909 RIZEI ) w ith a n y c a s » e t t ( u ^ ^ ^ l lyer p u rc h a » e _ malkinS p g T B 1— —-s u p p u c B oning H eatihhg i & A ir Condition = r ^ U P y t h o n s ........ & 4o=S50(trebatc=OB on : • ■ = p ti ;nt difying equipmen quali gS? purchases. A P '.y ’ B o a s ................M 1 9 “ 1 I « p o n c --^PTrcESSTiR^BERE! ' ^ ^ ^ v i d l o C an *s is o t t e w ith :r p u r c h a s e — S I 99t W a ter T u r t le s ............ - - - ^ 6 . ^ l E ^ O I I N D ~n»'s«mid6>. 3 ox T u r t l e s ................. 2 1 M t’ M oi _ S p c c ia l e n d s.. M a y 3 1 , 1 9 99 44 ' ct— Wt& U SM tal iciamai:! ■ ? )' in O a £ & ) . iD t e r m o n iiia iii' _ _ 7 3 3 ;2 6 2 4 _ _ »tors Pricess From Th(leisen Mot p K 5 w vOverheacId M eans bLow ?84 MERCURY ' I9 7 7 01D SH I W 9 8 A u tn m a lic power M ^ W ' 3 ■ ■ I CUT TO... ^ 1 9 8 9 F OMR D d to o r TEM PO 4 D j p s $ tP O H T U C 198 sV 5 4 D O O R TOP OPAZ4DOOR ^3998B 986 , UHCOIM 1 9 8 8 'f O R D TAU RU S 1 9 8 77 D 0 D C E I 0 W 4 D R . s h a d o 19t TOWNCAR T( i1 9 8 8 O I D S M O B Ht iIe C U T IA S S m ^ 9T i > ■ 7 7 0 0 M a in A l — C O U G AI R !00 . i 450j| ^S S O O fe 7 0 1 - T ^ J 9 8 2 ' M E R tC 0 URY 1 9 9 0 C HrEm I C O R S I CCA A il B E E : . l - 8 0 0 - 3 1 6 ^ B^ : 7 7 0 j L T O U - F B _ P a g e 20__________ A GARROTC UHPIO RAfadHlndnn. Inc <200)IB Sat.2 . . . . . AllRAIiAU <1034, Ooma) (Part Part 1 o( 2) 12 00) ID Sun. 2 p m 007010; U*n, lon.12:00pjn.BC5017 ABRAHAM (Itm . O.viu) (Part: i'aH2ol2) R>d>anl Hams. (2.001 ES Sun. 4 77247a: Tm. ua. 113:OOpjn.31(X>9a AOSSNCE OF WAUCE # • OS • (1901, Drama) Paul N«fcfnan, Saty F»ta. -f>C' {/Wufi lanouAQe. lanfl attuH ulu-itiacn. m u violona)) [2:00) ID Frt 1 p.m. 3: m.307021 ~ W eek o f A pril 8i -- 1' 4 , 1994 m COHFESSIOKS OF A SERIAL KILLEf LLER *K(I092, Hor;age. ndult smjations. ror) Robert A Dumj -R' (Adjit language. omi OmpMicv^ctonce) (t:30) 03 SaL4am.Gl: n.G15045 THE CONQUEROR * * ( 1 0 5S0O,,/Advonluie) John D-Wed.-12:30 a,m, Wayne. 6u*an HeywnrO.-(2:00) ffl-Y 251820 CONSENTIHO ADULTS ** x (1(1092. 0 9 Drama) Kovin Klino. Mary Ekzabeth Mattrantonio. fT (AduH (Adu language, adult Mudton*, bflol nudity, wolonec) (1.40)0 3 ) 0 S«.4:20tjn. 05470055 CONSPIRACY **(t039.Adverture) lure) ASan Lane. Linda H.^VT.1 fi o n iin M»n 4 II m Roberl Duval Lukai CONVICTS * * (1091, Drama) Robi !I984049 H.aa»-N/r (1:35)10 Thu, 5:30 p.m. 09041 imody) Ourt RoynoJdj. COPANDAHALf * * (1003. Comod ^Jorm.V1 D. Golden It.-pG-(Violonee) (1:45) 1:45) l a Sun. 9 p.m. IM34403 CRACKER: ONE OAY A LEMMING NG V WILL FLY (1003. i^lory) Robb« CcAone. (2 00) O Tue. Tue. 7 p.m. 101947. I?*' II p.m. 054300 CRITICAL C0NDITK5N * * (1007. 07. C Comedy) Richard lage. ndult WuiiUnna. >ryor. Rachel TKctin. ‘R‘ (Adult language. f’lyo nJdW>ier>co) (1:45)10 Sun. 3:43 a.m. tt 11, 11323033 CRHTERS 2: THE MAIN COURSE: **«* <1000,Soanca Ficu -Icijon) Scott Cnmns. Uv)0 Curta. (2.00) .00) ICD Frl. 11 p.m. 25^576 M IH B **imiaeO,r4nU*,)Jc*nN<rrtle, «!«, Er«: kfle. >-(y3fl34flt................... f-" ' ■ . - r r - r - Q . . . , olence) {?15) Q Mon. 305 pjn. U: A0AIN8T THE WALL *■»•% *.« (1094, Ornmn) Kylo • ’ 03 Wad. 2 a.m. HacLacWan, 5omue( L Ja<*son. (1.M) (1. 7625T40 12. Dmm.1) DoroOiy WdMn AOEOFCON3EVT *^(1Q32.D (1:16) m W»d.4:lS«.m. U422W0 MO ALIEN WTRUDEB Hr» (1003,I, 56 ScMmce Fidior) (}iT^ Doo BEST T 0OF THE BEST 11 * * (1093, Drama) E'lc Wllliami. -R’ (AcJull lanpuaflo, adull idull siuatlons. violnnco) Rctioits. PI>!i5) Pl>a R»oo. -R' (Adon lnr>OU»Oo. QfOP'^c vtol violenoa) ___ (1:35) 03 Ffl. 3:«S a.m. MS437 143712: Thu. #:10 a.m. (145)03 TTi BEVERL ERLY H n jj COP II **»(10fl7, Corpedy)! Kdy) EddM , ALIEH 3 « * * (10S2. Sclenc Jeneo FiUion) Stooumoy Murj^ry, Ronr ?onr7yCo« -R'(Adull lanfluaoe, adw« Muat<« atior>*. nu- ' Woav«f, Cnanea S. Ounon 'H' (A>^jUB«p»Bo, <Ju« adu" wua- ,jjy. vioiaia)) na>) ( t u s i o FrLlO:3apjn.07Ut75 . lion*. Dtoohic violonco) (1:55) 5) B oa Sal. 12:35 a.m. 010 CIR 004UI942 ' (1092. Como. 3mody-0rama> HiOary Woll, David Sirainaim 1808007 _______ ■ Uan Mowbray. (1:15)0 Sat. 4 a.!m. Ca08( ALIVE **■. (1003, Drnrrn) i>) Et Ethan Hnntko, Vrnconl (2 00)03I Su J50714” ^ Sun. 11:30ajn.010l07;Thu.10ajn. 8507! Spano,-R'(V«*>nca) (2:101 IB Tua. 7u». 3:49 Bjn. 025ID023, THE B:LU0N BIU DOLLAR HOOD **% (1078.. Comedy) Cor • ■ ' (. H t a Won.Sp.m.5S88(}9l ray. WJ Com. 'C (1'30) Q Tue. 2 p mr 433522, 43; A / ^ ■ TVnConwoy. re (1050, Qfama) 3a.m.l7060( 0600 009, Hormr) Starr Arv DANCEOFTHEDAMNED •xllOOg. irecii. M (Aduirtonouago.' oduftiiualions! on*: hodrty^violoneo) H r - M a | P * P . ’ .1 iM uo KAiHE * '*>tim i/:M ia5!yr w iy & 0710M O.TvilMcCaA. :>»um (2 .0 0 )0 Sun. 9 p m 665960 155)10 Wed. 12:30».m.271(i58l ALLTMEWAYHOWE **x(1IX (1063, Drama) Jean S>mBtLLYTH (1000, rTHEKIO **»(1M9.Wostorr)ValK*no*. DANGEROUS PASSION * * M OO Drama) Carl ___ Bion*. BoOert Pmslon.-(?«)) D Ffl. Frl. 3 pm_3227J7, 8:M _cnn J aUl>u..12JQ u n ______ O.Ti»*,.t0:}Spjn.02Mai2___ •---- pm'STftMO------------------ ------" • ■ ' DINGO t0309 0 * * (1D91. Comedy) Cin^ Willloms, n rC b 'a y i T T j l l l ^ P ^ ^ H g B ALMOST AH AMOEL * * »» (1000, (1 Comedy) Paul Rj,Kho. PC PG' (Mild violence) (1:30) B3 Frl, 9:03 DANGEROUS TOUCH (1093. Suspen» penso) Lou Diamond Hooan. Ehai Koleat W (AduS larva anguasje. vWence) (1:30) 0500514 'hAtn. -R- (Admt lar>Quaoe. aduH sbiabcns. cto, nudity, videnco) . O Frl7:Mpjn.001£05.W*<La«jn. ajn,0SS220 THEBIRC ':13*Lm 0076502 ^,00)0 Swn.9p.m.4l0310;T}iu.13:1Si UROS ***ii(1003,Susoen9e)RadT»>4cr. ALMOST PREGNANT * « ( 1(1032. 0 Comedy) Tanya piHodnm.-PC £ PEOPLE *** DARBY O-flILL ANO THE LTTTIE PI . -PG-13- (2.001 D Frt 4 p m 553224;•BS i' s i RoCntls. Joff CoriMvy. ~R' (Adun l a ^ 1059. Fanlan) Abert Sharpe. Sean Conner onery.-C (1J5)D 5089045: Tha 8 a m 47101 T: 4 a m 280M8 1808 (t:3S) a Sat, 12:03 a.m. 100010 a t 3 p m 8741015.3:30 t m 4304801 JIROS fl: LAND-a END <1004. Honor) Orad n a Jonrv-. J ^ O M |p f r, 80037775 nedy) Jule AreJ/ws. i OARLINOULI * * * (1070. Comedy) S) D S a t 3:45 a m 423IS300; Thu. 12:10 2:10 am r y flj- ^ THE AMABNO OB. CLITTERHO RHOUSE * * * (1 0 3 8 . 531780M .m. 770121.9 p.m. ' OCX Hudson. (200) 0 Mon. S p.m. 1 C o m o iJ y )^ ^ 0. RoUfwon, Clare Ti irv Trevor. (t:30) QJ Frl. THE BLA SLACK MARBLE * * * (1000. Drams) < a) R Roberl v a A DAVIO-S MOTHER (1004. Orama) KM Kli^ABw, (2:00) Paula Prcniiit. 'PG* (2.00) Q Tua.. 10 10«.m. ^ T y J t,- . AMERICAN SAMURAI *% (100 J S S f ”- '’" 1 Sun. 8 p m 4055; C l Sm. 8 p mL30058; 30S O l S ^ a_____ Dmdlgy. -R' (ASull lanQunao, vioton^, *»n««l_U;30).Bl_TBu-------- OLACKBf m 13811 0(11)6un.8pmB<iiW2__ __ KBELT * » (1002. AMTSUre) Don-The>OragonOra 10;«pJ!i:B211207 nr^iooSTsaenCT ~ ' (Adiil languaoe. nduR »«u8lic«j.>W i'utf'ty. —TH eO A Y -O T T H E T RlFnD a-*^ ud'ty.ylg--------■ ■ AlBTYVii I F IM?. rr-s Ann.iT-n »he-frli-ie!4<hKmrew»tr9--------------fO«) Slopheti Macni, R- (AduH larrgua iguaoe. aduS ailuauont. ni cg«S nTHE BEASTS AHO CHILDREN * * x ( l p m800503 ml ^ r ^ l e vtolanca. nuOily) (1:40) 1 )S0 Wad. 2:20 a.m. Orama)D.»yM THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD BULL V -nx * * * x < to 5 i. l oa i l ..T i s ChriBtophorUoyd, PP<o to rB o y lo ,M lc h o « l »yUumy.D«iy Roblni.-PO' (1:45)03 M cienes Ffdton) Micnael Rennie, Pauioa>Noai,'C Noa P A 381937S3 (1J0)03 Konton and Stophon I n F u r s t, c lo c k w ise AMOSAANOREW * * (1003. Co tL 9-JOa m 728647 L Comedy) f«olaaCaoe. OUND) VISION VI • * (1091. Sutpenae) Lenny Samvol L JadiMC.-PC-13*(A<tuR langu • from top Ion, s ta r InI 1T h o D ro a tn T o o m ' 0DAYBREAK * * * (1003, Drama)) Cul CUM Goading Jr.. Dbomh SlioBDn. -NR- (Adifl lar>gu9oa, adun a vWerxs) (1.40) Q Wad. 10:43r a.ni dra Katy. -R' (Adult larvuaga. adult sAMllon*. sAm violence) s r r ; - 7 s s , r c ; : g r . i £ noa) s ; (IJO hO Moa 3:35 u n . 3309300 n USA. ' S3G4000; O Mon. 12:20 p.m. 500 50024237. 12:S0 a.m. OUNK( OF 0> AN EYE * * (1002. Adventure) Mid JO) O Thu. 3:39 a m 3230113 . ,_____________MJO) Michael ' \ ___ 7Sfl274ra_-................... . ____ - ....... Pare. JarmsLe DEAD END .* * * » (1037. Drama) I) Hu Humphrey Oogart. Lee; -ff (AJu8 tanDOBOO.-^totonai) (1:35) 1:35) O CANNONBALL~RUN'lf r n " * (1004, Comedy) Burl - • AMASnSUCiTi * * OVjO. Om D r^iTngnd BofBman. Wad 2JS pjii m .-^1»4.-i-a-m.----------pji£BO7B343S:T0;55pJll.CCW73M-------Heyrwidi. PC' <Adult1ano<^ S m . mid violonce) (2.00) O (2.00) Q Mon. 10 p) m ‘.410430; Tua. S a m THE OLOl ILOB **»(ID58,SdencaFlctlon) Sieve leve Me- Frt. n JO p m 502072:Tue.^ i.p m l 7 0 ( I 7 0 OEADLV GAME * *_^88l. Syapcni ipcnse) Roddy.»!le-_______ eiaCcraeaul. (t:S S )0 Bat 1 a m 4041687 1687 CAPTAIN AMERICA **.» (1000. Adventure) Matt THE ANCELS WASH THEIR FACI P-AUaC_*i».t>,[iaM, Art.an»iCTMot«^ — 3a>v »i. r o :i3:j<iBnanim»j u a g a rw a a e T n :*!) m 'g is :— ----- rr»)-*fn OhandarrftgraW Wmuji:~P dy) WUIlam Holden. DEARWtFE * * '» (1040, Comedy) V alU(3a5> a We<i.4|MiwM13056------" 11rl9>ffCVM*T*l> pjtl. 708139 DflCT * (1P80. Adventura) Don 'The OraoonOra< g f a iAMf l m * * / i an: 002,£omadyH<«. « W I , Mar___ r--.iuui.' un snort -P&13- (Adul t»<guai uage. adun iBuatWn. bnel nudk ^ (2.00) a Sat. 11 pjn. BS46; 00 Sat11:30ajn.30034 SM. BLOOOFta -DEATH BECOMES HER-« * * (1003.' «2,-ComedrtM<iryl ' 3Ft5Tm: FORCED TO FKWT *k(ID91.Ad> ty) 0 .0 0 ) 0 Bon.B pm 983: a3390 " I ' ' APACHC UPRISING * *(10M reep. Oruca WUa*. -PG-13- (Adult l «■guage. ^ adua *U<aWJ, W o « e m ) ^ C«t„ ,0 W TTTw 1 »DraQon' Wlaon. -R- (Adu« language, I.Advanadun otMtMEL CARA PARCHADA Jl , JuM o; Aleman, (1 :3 0 )0 Ffl. houn.OeFortOKsBey. (2.-00) O Frt 2 na. vWlence) (200) B3 Sat 12-JOpma262947 20 rt3pjn.0MS70 uoOcna. vtolanc 4ence) (1 :3 0 )0 Sun. 4:43 p m 6785050.4 150.4:50 9:30 p m 480437 APPOWTMEKT WTTH DANGER 4orrt>r) Chrtilopher R * * * (1 6 5 1 . Drama) iS ^ ^ b S 08; o ? !89 Toe. 3:33 a m 3300771 DEATH DREAMS * * H <1091. Herrt CASANOVA-S BIG NI0H1 WT *ik (1054. Comedy) Dob Alan LsM. PhylUi Cavort. (1:30)) B >eve.MatoHeloenbergor. (2:00)0 Thu,] o Tue. 12:00 p,m. OLOWN A h u ,7 p m 200443 HAWAY **<1093. Suipenw) Corey H< >y Halm. Hope. Joen FontM. <1:30)) O B Sat 10:30 a m 723140, S 2S0305 DELTA HEAT * * (1002. Drama)I AJa AAlhony Ethvards. man. -R- <Adu« languaoe. aduit dtuason*. nw ».no<»y. pm6l7100 nco Henrtkaen. TT (AduR language. aduA AAENA *tk (1DS9. S<ienu Fiction) FKtK Pam Sattecfleld, S o S r « ? tJ n ^0 ) O Uon.2;30«mSt2703 ■dull sttuatiens. vio* CASTLE KEEP * * * ( 1(1000. Drwna) Ourt Lancaalar. QaudIa OvttOwi. 'PG-IT (Adult languo r.fluaoe, adult «tuaOO«. <ce) <1.3$) O Wed. 7:29 p-m. 1501S503 503 . ILUEKNIGKT * * K <1075, Drama) 0«orge__PciixFalk..<2JX) G.0 O Sw ki p brta(nudSr.vto>«nce) (l:4S) ES SM.12: 'DEMON'SEED'*** (10T7.'Sd*nc< lance FteBonjJur.0 ’ '• — Ker»w>r,Atel JexRoca).-(inn) 0-W ed'I1:05uK:4000; >000700 CATTUANNICANOUTr TTLE BRirCKES * * M 1 0 » T '' c i(Istle.Finz ^ - ARTISTS AND MODELS * *»(1 ( » (1055, Comedy) Dean OLUE SXa Weaver. (2:00) ID Thu. 12.-00 L-00 p1 m 270240 SMESAOAM • * (1083. Comedy) HaryH rryHarrv Weitem)Owl LancMter. Jot»i S in SavBoe. VG' (1:40) O Tue. q[ Martin. JorryLmrt*. (2.W) » FrLSpjn DENNa THE MENACE **(1087.0x1 Comedy) VldorDI. „ l«,R«;,nDarto larta (2:00)0 Sun.3:30p m 500350 7:20 ajiv 00745734 ASPEN EXTREME *tk<1S02.Dr» Ala.PattldaCtMn.'O- (t:») Q SaLSpj Drama) Paul Cm*. P»body OFEVDENCE OF 8 p m 0075207 * * (1002. Mytlary) Madcr ladonru. CHAINSOFOOLD * ** (1080. < Drama) John Travolla. lar OoTQ.-R-(Adull languago. adul tfusBc DESIOKMOWOMAH ***<10S7.Ca m«Bon*. brief Bud»y,vto- VtUemOaioe-f ’. Ccrjedy) Gregory M. -R- (AduR languaoe. adul iAiauooa. nudty. wtty. VV Joey Lawrence. -R* (AduH lani languaoe, adult utuailon*, vlolanea) Frt»>ffl.00eCW,e;4 I, ft49 p m 0700440 - S o i S 10) i l O Frl. 1:30 a m IM057D3 . d . .Laurw Dacel (3:00)0 Tue.12;3Sp. 29 p m 2314000 lence) < 1 4 0 )0 M oa4J9aj' « m 80030015 DESPERATELY SEEKtNO SUSAN ***X(10a3.Com* THE BOD^ ODYGUARD * * » <1002. Sujpente) Ka .)Kavtn CHARLEY OKE.EYE * i* <1073. Watlem) Richard □ y) Rosama Arguene, Madonna. PC-IT (A IT (Adult language. Coatncr. Whtnt Mney Hoiralon. -R- (Adu»:lan(^w(^. adul il »it vtu»< Roundlreo. Roy Thlnne*. < 2 <2:10)-Q Mon, 9:20 p.m. jitltuatkra brier nudly, violence) <1:55) 5 5 )( 0 Sat 10:33 BABES IN TOrLANO r <1034. Fantaty) Sian Wm. violence) c») (2:15)119 Sun. 10:30 p m 5373300;I; Th> Thu. 9 32077600 rv 30500000; O Sun. 1:3S p m 03330872 0872--------------- --• Lwrv<.OI«v«rHan>y. <1:30)0 Men. « . 3 p-m. 737004; Tue. THECHEYCHNEKJD ** ((1033, Wetlom) Tom Keene. THE DISTINGUISHED GENTLEMAN AN * *X (1002. 3RROWERS *-**-<1973. Fants>y)et)dM ; — lt30»jn.4l1S60-------tWoAJ- (1,00) O FK.4am703080 medy) Eddio Murphy. Lane Smith. -R<Ai language, r (Adull BACK TO BATAAN ***x(104: (1045, Aifvenlur*) Jc*«i ' Pert TammyrGrlmoa. Gfl <IJO) Q Wed. 2 p m 0343209 CHICAGO JOE AND THE HE SHOWGIRL ***<1000, ja situations) (3:00)0 Sun. 10:43 p m : m. O 0240052 ue. 8:30 pjn. OSOSGO OOUNOFO iFORCLORY •**%<1D70.DK>vsphv)Da Wf>no.AnD»nyOulnn. (2.-00) O Tu*.( y)OavW Drama) KWerSuCwrtand.Emay r*, Uoyd. (2:00) O Frt 10:30 * " DOCTOR oC MORDRID * * ( 1 0 0 3 .. Far Fanlasy) Jenrey RonnyCox. ( 3 : 0 0 ) 0 J a l . 11:133 p.m. p. BAD DREAMS * * (1088. Horro lorrof) Jenniler Hubin. Carradlne,- Ro p m 004003 Combt mbs. Yvwta Nlpar. -R' (Adult language, adun adul (Ituatloft*. v( .507440 01005025 CnKaAbtnS. (3:00)0 FrLllpjn.507 CHILDREN OF THE CORN RN H: THE FINAL SACRIFICE olerKS) rwe) <1:15)0 Thu. 10p-m.7450000 I FY 1TRACKER- * X (IQ92. Orama) Lotan OAOOEOF SOJENCE: MAMAC COP COI la * (1003. Itor. BOUNTY otanzo * * (1092. Horror) Terence Knoit. Kn Paul 9<fterrgr. -R- (Adult OQ DODOECfTY * * <1030.Wcstom)en i) Errol Flynn, Ann adiM tSuBtnm, Bmpntc lJ>ma9 T4R- •(A(Adull c re«) Robert Oavl. TT (AduRlanguaf^, adi« tooouioo. vBlonco) (1JO) O M Mon o a l lanouaoa.irapftevWorKo) (1:3 1:30)n8Sun.Op.m.005tM2 Shond« >ndan. <1:45)0 Men. 10:35u n . 410003 [100332 4030812 ajn.2IOia4 «4otone» <1:30)10 Men.2:09ajn.4030 CHIHA O'BRIEN 3 * * X <1001. Drama) Cynthia oO DOLUMAN *x(100t.Sctenc»Flcoan)n n) Tim Thomenon. 4AMED Co A BOY N AM CHARLIE BROWN * * * (1000. BARSARIAKS AT THE OATE * * * (1003. ComedyO.ComRoOvoclc. Richard Norton.-R-< , r <Adull lantnMoa. adult sllua- -R<Adiil -r^ tartguage. adult utuation*. grapM vh ■cvtdence) (1J5) CO. 1 W <«uS Lv<ouooo) edy)Vo«»»olPi olPolef Rabbin*, Pamet,nFertn,-0- (1J0)| Drama) Jamet Gamer, Jcnathan Piyce. JO) O uoTB. vldenoe) (1:30) 03 Sun. in.3:5Sam3345001 Sat 1:40 aun. 15307740; Thu. 11:90 » aa;m 65030260. . . . Tue.« p m 574183 5741 (1:55)03 SM. 9:20«JR. 00020190 CHRISTTNE * * (1083. J. IHorror) KeiUi Cordon, John 8:33 pjm 03173153 9 p ROM BRAZIL <1092. Ooaimontary) -NR(Ad BATAAN * * * (1043. Advonlur inluro) ftobott Taytor, . “ ''■8 fW I r («un Slockwen, -R' (Adun languaae. le, violence) (1:50) O Sun. 00 OONT TELL HER ITS ME *»(1090.C X). Comedy) Steve dull tltuallonv nud«y) <ti15) 03 Tua. 1 a. m 173500 lanouaoo, odull Thomai MAcM, (Z30) ID Tua. S pm 1 1 a.m li;40p.m.34027213 GutlenC lw * ^ ^ t^ l3 '( A J u l sBuaSons) <1:45^1 «5^C3 Wod.,3:30 ;l« 0 . A<MK,b^) tau. « “ « 5 BATTie OP BRITAIN A CHRtSTMAS STORY * * * (1083. Comedy) Peter pm 3 0 ICCAHEER * * * <1030, Advonlure)F(M) rsncB OiMer, Michaal Coln«. 'G‘ (2:15) 5) O fl Wed. 3:09 *jn. . Billinoitoy. Darren MeCavin, •PC -p. (Adull languape) (t:45) THI DOUBU O KID * * <1002. Advi THE _ _ Morcfi, FranciJlui attaCaal. (2.3 0 )0 Mon. 11:30ajn. 5255( 0273m j------ ;-------- -------------------- . i^550a^ . O.Mon.-lJ0pm.7466702— mrBnBma-N?fliMir-TO-TT.iAjun Uiojj ----------- BATti r W TWE-WORIoa-*'*!! ___ _ aTYOF,HOPE * * * |1 (1(»i;0raTO)>.^>o»nt C Spano. ' lonc»i ( «) <1:30)0 Fi1.3pm 305311 THE VAMPIRE SLAYER * (1002, Comoc Oon) Claude Raina. Oii Carter. (I:SS) 0 Tony Lo Blaneo. -R- (AduH lang injjuage, adult tJluaOorlj. vK>DR DRACULA RISING * X <1003. Horror; >rror) Chililophar ten VG.13(Adun langvaQO, vloh>noe) (1:3 MM54340 . . . lenoa) (2:15)10 Wed-3;55ajn im 80430799 AlUna. • * (Adu« language, aduH sAHHlon*. na, -R I. gra graphic vWlenee. u n . 545126.7:30 p m B45476 THE BEASTMASTER * • (1082 1082. Fanla.y) Marc D CLASSOF-44 **(I073,C ly) <1:25) n Men. 3:93 a m 17337B93 3. Comedy) Gary Crime*. Jerry nudly) 93 * * * <1091. Dr»na) Warren Beatty. Am ^el .«pjn:iM 70a „ OIKMV *« SMoar. Tanya RoberU. (2J0) O FrL S p. Houaer. (3,00) (33 Wed. 2 mjo .. m.S512&<, THE THI DREAM T E A M -*** (1080,, gnwdy-Drama) Co. languao*. adul »«uatlor>*. vWloOM) (12 BEASTMASTER 3: THROUGH THE HE rPORTAL OF TIME . 2?T^® ^ ^ Vdu« • CLEOPATRA * * * (IDO: D03. Drama) eiiabeth Taylor,' Mk^-uel umIKeaton. ChrmopherUoyd <2.00)01 Op.fg 00270503____________________ *K (11701, Fanbtty) Marc Stnger. (2:19)1 19) O Ffi #:J0 p.m. _ _ RWiardBurton.t;-(4:15) O Tt Thu.9:49am6W80350 174030 1034361 O H COCKTAIL * * » (1008. 3. Drania) ( Tom Cniite. Oryan DRI DREAMS OF DESIRE * (1009, Adult). fult) Man Greene, Or»ma) Oa«J Nfven, BEIOVEOEKEMY **»(103a., On (AdJI co Dro«M». f r (Adun lanouBoa. adu alcontenl) (1:30) idult sKUabons. nudJly) (2:00) W ’ (A < language, nudrty, g t r ^ aerual OrtanA/wme. (1J0) O TTtu, 0:30I «.ni «.m. 480240. 4 a.m. CAOED FEAR' FE/ * » (1002. Drama) Kmten Cloke. 'I O Frl. *■9- -R' OS Tue.'IO p m B24744 B1M7 . (AduKlanouuaoa, Wed.- COLE JUSTICE (IDOa. Drar «ma) Cart BartHotomew. 'NR' DUE DUELATOIAOLO * * * <1000. Weslem age, adun UhiaDonc.v<tfenoe)'<M5)0I W *i 3lam) Jamea Oar«17, AdvoWure) Oonj/. 10:30 p.m. OMM BENJt THE HUMTEO ***(1007, UM35 ni. vWenca) (1 35) |Q Sat m#. Sidt (AduH languaoe. adult tlUiaDani. Sidney Power. (2-00)0 Frl. 12:00 pm m 151040 t tn. 0379030, ):30 am, LA CAMIONI RadSloa9aO,iy (1:3!) ID Sun. • p.m. 0! lOMETA ORtS Marto Almoda. (2.00) Q I Sun. Su 12:l»p,m. 50773557, B:30p.m i.m. 4119460; Thu. T:05 pjn. ' DY1 ROOM ONLY. ** X (1073, Sui| 0Y1H0 Suipense) Ooni 500320(30. . ____- __ _ .42MI03u :...-;........... ... . 19»jn.60319. — , - -, ...............................Leaehn chman. Rea* Marlln.-(1;30) O ' W Wee efl.-»:90p.m .- — S eiN CANDYMAN THE BEST UTTLE WMOREHOOSE I T C X A S**» IAN * * * (1002, Horror) Vitijlnia Madiei >dien.' ~ COLLISION COURSE * ** (1067, Comedy) Jay Leno, arton. (2:30) D SaL Tony Todd, W r (Adkit (A languaoe. adi/t vtuaUona, gnplac (1082. MuakaO Burt Reynold*. Do«y Parlon *c w VICK Palllonta -PC' (MJd vtolcnee) .) (1 :4 5 )0 SA 2:15 p m ._H;W i.m,821J10_________ ________ ._ .. ...................... .teiCB) (t;40)OO Sun..10pm7B20749___ ________ ............S5007644............. — ___ a s E a s ., .'. . ^ ^ 9Kml!' / 2^ nf 1° ; W eek - o f A p r i l 8 - 114.1994_____________ 4 21 ■___________ Page P L 8I p m 67040; QD Frt. 8 p m Waoner, (2.00) 0 (38) Frt. 72332 093. Suspense) Marlee Maam. -R-.' HEARNOEVU. *»(109: D **K (1077. Advenlum) THE EAGLE HAS LANDCO i a) (1:50) ID Thu, 3:39 a.m. (Adun language, violence) nd. (2:45) IB W m L 11:20 lUh«< Cota. D o~" Suttwtand. 00032467 p m. U7C'>400 ____ HEAVENLY DAYS_ * *• (il(U4,C<ynedy)F<iborMcCoo 108S. Drama) Jom CusKk. ~ H ^ B 9 tlGlfTMeMOUT ***(108fl :30) 6B Frt. 8:30 £m. 205224-----H ar<dMoffy,Da(t>araKalo. (1:30 SJO C^vto Cl-oco. (2:30) 0 Sun. S JO pjn. 423071 . ON EARTH * * (1002. Homx) HELLRAiSERBI: HELLO ElOHT O'CLOCK WALK * • * (1QS3. Myilsry) Doog Oratloy, Terry Farol.I. f-R- (AdoR language, aduS ailua'Donwll. (2:00) Q ) Fti. 2 ■ ■ I H (un.vi3 AKonborooo". Camy OOon 1 5 )0 Sun. 12:30 a m 2807053 L M tnrn.oraphic violence) (1:35) im. 70iS57 Salire) Dosun Xoftman, C«ena ■ ■ 0 HERO * * H (1002.SI ej HOURS TIL DAVm *r* * »« (1000, Drama) Robert uoe. vkMnce) (2.00) O WmL ST jIIj H Ckava. 'PG-13- (Ad^ lanouao T1ui.2pjn.237a«0 R s S S iV Ur>:^ P«« smuts- (2-00) O Tiui. SZILSSi:^ 11am247481,flpm(U832: 1329 _ -OP-THE-WORID, * * — [■' m , ----------- CCEXNOR.-ptJWT tABY-OF'! HlCHUH'tiHUUND WW m. 6.G. |1M:. Doorapny) Jaan Slapklon. 6 Ma(*haa. 'Ct (1:5S) *' I ver.MegW«nef.'PC-(2 00)| □ Fri. 5.03 «.m.708lM56 THE HINDENOURG •* *i ( (1075. Drama) Georoe C. THE ELfiPMAHT MAN * * ** » (1080, Drama) Jonn ■j® Tua. 10:30p m 309580 Seta. Anne OancTon. (2.30) C HiA A/itfeny Itopkinj. (2:30) OB Tlui. T» 12:00 pjn. 097714 HOLIDAY INN * * * » (1042. Musical) Omg Crosby, r . . J im. 7053500. Thu. 11:4Sajn. 48402713 >1 * * » (1073.Atf«nturB) 6uft.4p.^ EMPEnOR OF TW6 NORTH rt1:30am0n8G1 W&bsoa FredAstart. (2.00) *a Sat 1 lEVCRYOUNO * * * (I092,Fantesy)MolC 7 :3 0 ,D W « L 1 tO O .jn . lr« M.wn. Emesl Oo'gnine. (2:30; ): THE «o) (1:45) HOMEWARD DOUND: 1 INCREDIOLE JOURNEY | H 00 Cons. PG' (Adua lan0830«. mid vWflnco) VoKaa of Mjcnaol J. Foi. Don * * * (1003, Advanlwe)) V , 10 a m 3400430,7 p.m. OS072SO OTMES * » (1M7. FanUrty) O M n. ^ « TIIE EMPEROR-8 NEW CLOTM Sun. 5 p.m. 073045. 2:05 a.m. 4mWayne, Ameche.'G’ (1:30) E l Su rr APACHE ****(1048,We-.lorT.)JohnV. « . 22 p.m. 073095, 3 :» ^ n . SrfCac-jf.W Mon. 0321250 onda. ( 3 0 0 )0 SaL 10ajn.C90280 :GAS * * * (1092. Comody) W i i?nio • xfy) J.vne* HONEYMOON IN VEG; tTYNAUCHTYGlRLS * * (1037. Comedy). Comody) M^arlda ENCHAMTEO APRIL ★ *»» (1091. (1 le. -p(Vt3- (Adull langunge, nduR M g Caan. NUaias Caoe. n, Joan Woodbury. (1:15) ES Sun. 5:15 S;1S a.m. It ;2:30 p m 240600; Wad. 2:15 n^Jwiiiwn. Joan PlownoM. "PC' { utualior^t) (2.00) 19 SaL e T M ou.T iispjitisew w B184808 . K J imalPerrv' 'p.m.2081038.10;*}p m 818 STER’liKD'LAURlE * * » (1975.'Oriima) Comedy) Soan A»Un, Paiiy • ^OSTE , fantasy) R o ^ WiJiams, D u s U n _ r^ _______CNCIH0.MAH_**.t1W7,Cpn !. HOOK' * * * tI091,F< »nH«r«<wod.-(2 0 0 )0 W*<UJO^un.77i « ) t2:JU) O'Sim.'^JrOS-pjn. Sinm 'PG' (Adull languooo. rnkj vK 0 Wl Wasjon Hoirmii: PCfMM'vaend.) JRFR)END9 * * * » (1001. Drama) Cnwo 1l:M ».m. 2200M. t:30 pjn. C0SS4>070 ilont (2 30) 03 Mon. 2 p.m. 237000 <ER * » (1030, Comody) Oort DOOYE **(1000, Orama) JodlTtxHont EVERYTIME WE SAY OOOOO oEclholdl HOOK. LINE4 SINKEI 3OINOOH30 **(1008, Comody) Slovo EO FlepMo h. 'PG-13(Adun lanfluao#. 14 OOIJ a m 050770 Tnm lOnVj. CHJlma MafwllKh. 'P WhoeW. (1JO) m Fri, 5aji Aihbrw*. (1:30)0 Thu.8 pm .452917? (1-4SI tm S a t 5:30 p.m, -------- THEHQTROCK * * •*> * (1072, Com«?y)Rot»ert Rodr - t-o wa u e s T-Of pAKAPtae » « * ( ^>99 t Man O ut:-------------G.13'fVo- lord. CootQOSoQal. (2 UU) U Ocp«rd«w, Amiand Ajsanle. PC.13 »(1030. MyWery) Nil* Note, vwluro)»C«R-d Oo EVCRTOOOY WINS *>H(1tr un ‘ HOUSE OF WAX * **H 'i (1053, Horror) V n a ^ Pnco. g>undoy n ig h t o n L ifotim o. 2 3 0 ) 0 Thu, Ba.m, 031705 I Sun. 7J0 a m 000294 DrVj Vitvct. (2.00) CD W*d r pj ,0- Drama) P"y«oKiiVPC' (1JQ )D S *_* * JtosK D ‘^ , ’n :EHDLY.EER30A8I0N_* s is miVI -------- £VH.-8PtRIT6-^-.<t«»,Momji flthleen Ttimofr M^iwiol OoutjUa-'PC- (Adu Comody).CJ«lslO(inot_,yjnk i j 'S r e i " ----'HOUSE PARTY-* *.*-^18»0r * joper. OoftXhy UcGtSra- IT5SJ (S Mon. "«:«■ ED S«.8p.m .1l9009;3un.l1 ^K*enco) (1:i5) D rtT10:35 p.m. 355005: .r,) (1 WB14-.............. .......... Liiflvago. 0>apnicviolonc». nodrif) ( 35) iQ Frt 2J0 a.m. n«l, llobin Hari«:‘(2.00) Q Dona JGZESEL * * * » (1030. Drama)) D ol Davis. Hervy ENDSANDLOVERS * * (1031, Dr.vna) Lm (1W3, Adventure) Thomas FRIEND 6504 ‘■'^imi^E PARTY 2 *r** (tool. Comedy) Chnslophor EXCESSIVE FORCE «*(![> onda. (1:45)m Sun. 8:35am &50765B4 «VJolpheMon)ou. (1:]5)ffl Sun.4 «.m.07024 **<. Reid, ChnMopr«« MartJX.-n-0 V(AduSbnguaQe.nduRMuatJC«s) (Adun lanouago. »)u» »“>«• dwof.AJoi i.n Cnri'J', CnjBtiM le»<s. 'R' (Mi THE SOC TAPES SCANDAL :Ca Frt,0 FU1a EXPOSURE: E D5501310. l:30a.m, 0351540 H Uy.t, y«>i«cc) .(1:301 ffl 1*0(1ul0pjn.0311M . 10 (2.00) m \ (1092. Comody) Slovo Marlin 1202570 . . (1909, >ramn) Orar: Vanosia Wiloms, Li»a H.irtm.w (2.0 ptn. 7217»I.W*d. 12:13 ajn. £202! 4<chael Diehn. Matl K2 * *H (1992. Aflyonluro) Michi m (M5492 languago. aduR srtuauons) (2.00/ 30, C Corrvody) John Travolta, Mon, 7ppm THE EXPERTS * * (1680, Haven, 'R' (Adufl languago, violenco)I (2 00) O Thu.# NNY ABOUT LOVE * * (tOOO, Comody) )U»00. mJd violonca) (1:30) FUNNY Aiy. C>«». ’PC-ia' (Adult UmBuaO' Lahti 'PC-13' (Adun LinoonO«. Wider, Chrr-bno Chrt jn .501337 .' HOWARDS END * *r**4(1002. Dr»m.i) Anthony Hop- ajn Q Sai. 4 p.m. 097400 ’ama) Ri^plvMnxtto. THE 145) *• (2.30) O Tu», 3pm7l51(>4 T KARATE KID **% (1004, Drama iu»[>on»«) Pderr Coyole H' IjOos) (1 45; 0 Mon. 11;43a.m.48Miiei7 EXPOSURE *x(1WI1.Su»l>. A I.fit All kim. Emma Thompson.-pG’ I »ge, v(o»ofW>) (2.10) lorlyuH *Par MorM -PG' (AduS langunge, ^NYFACe ***(lD57.Mu-JMl)Fr^Ml.« ;OPLE FROM ANOTHER STAR B Tu..10;19am3709t031..«;S0p-m.2: (150JC9 FUNNY (A.*u:i lancvjaOO. MuS tnuatlOftS..gmpncvwlenos) grni iV o T hyper SAPIEN; PEOF m.22105630 iellJtt,l(iOO) m Thu. 7 p.m. 405705. lion)Jlyilnay-Ponny-JtldtyJaua— IB ,1 Ji-.-11 ....— —WtilHO 5TRE£T«-*i;TlWi;0rama): jiajUmadPOTjR- i-g;;.-yioio-Hcont:4sria-sac-4—^ WuB * 1 Lmou'>ao, adufl muaPora, bnel_nud»ty. CYTOF TOe STORM * ,«»<• hT(1092. Sujoonie) Dennn 172714. Jd.ty,vt0l«nce) (1:50) ■e r r ^ V ^ 3 < W t 3 t 3 ‘‘^ ~ J ^ H i uaivviolonco) ("1.35) 6 To*. I1:*0 S *< * * * (1040, KINO HEARTS AND CORONETS q jlKal) Alco lEOANG-SALLHEPE * * * (1043. Mu«al EYESOFTHEDEHOLOCRI **(1092.Honw)Joanna * :omody) Alec Cuhness, Oenms Pnco.. (2 00) Q Tue-5 omphlc ^ cam, I’-icuU, Mat! McCoy. 'R' (Adull lanouago. lane :«m»n Miranda. (2 00) £B To.. S p.m.,270218,0 27C Drama) John MJs. ^I.m. 4J0090 ICE COLD IN ALEX ***(1058. * • • 1130) BJ Mon. 8:25 >m. 85400540 a i8:W «tl1a.m .34»77 , >ama) Frank Snavn. • • pjn.307211 at0;30pjiv0050fl0 H 0S40_________ KINGS GO FORTH * * * (1050. Dram inr. aimon S,trta Symi'l2 30) Sat TE II * * * (1090, Honor) tOuH Tilpp. * * (1091. Drama) Robert Davl, 127 GATE ony Cuitts. (2:00) 03 FrtT1 pm, 703427 at. n (Adull limouaoa, adull eilunlions, vio (1070, Orama) Dustin D S«L 12:00 p m 028207 [,KRAMER VS, KRAMER * * * * (107' B 1Tl».ie:40pmfl1110314 uage. aduR sJtualxns. (oflman. Meryl Suooti. f ff (AdoR language i-i IMFTATIOHOFUFE **4* * (1059, Dram.1) Lana Turner. „g„„ THE FALLEN IDOL * * ** (I04fl, Drama) RatpH (t:35) (□ 3ATHERIN0 OF CAOLES * * * (1£»3 C 344072 X))QO A GAT m, 1:30 p m 705294, brwf: ■nefnudSy) (145) O Fri. 0:30 a.m. 33440 fi?rS44 John Cavin. (2.30) E l Sun, Kcluroten. Dobby Horvoy- (2 00) G Tu«.2ajn.02a220 u-JVIl.J?«T»y1i» <2M) O M O p m. D :O C MafShaa. lyseBo An. **s(1009.DramoIClonnC»»o,____ t KRULL * * (1083.Fnnln8y)KenMan Dra™) Frpa RqO'Hu'JX ------------ A FA«ILV-UPS»£-OCWN_ftJ RDNIMO * * *11062, Woiumrcfiue* Co Spm-49927107----------Ailutllanouncoriidutt'Wtualiorw) S5v 1>G'-(V.bl««,r(2.151 m-SunrapJT GEROI M-.wi), lloion Kayet. (2.00) ClI Sat 9* 11:30 p.m. B7J14) DoYl (2 00) CQ Thu.«:3Sp.m.40BDfl20 M09,We<l.6;V5 a m 2740410 ,KUNO FU * * * (1071. AdVontura) jra) ID»vM Can»d«l, A *< * * * (iaa3.Dtama). .KamalaPffi ________ FANKY AND ALgXAHDER 0STTIUSTERS-*"**-11t*>4,-Comechr) 6< k (1092- rantasy) AJexartdm Pau^ ■ tarry g 4 a i a - ----------- -----p -S u n . 8 tni'.-<g40: 7*35rBBuG3i5rS3urBm:--------G)10S1 1'wn.ii Ajh«vi. D5f3"Guv5nT7®L kroyd -PG' (Adofl lintpuoe. volenco) (2.00) C :30) O Fri, 6:30 a.m. 400972 _ on. 4 a m 10054030 ' OaflAyVOy Robert ForeIw.-PG.t3-(1:30 Uxn.bnelnu(Uv) (3.1S)fD Won-4 * I(1000, Ofomal Donovan Loildi. ■»QP? rvamj' Tom Cnjim.__ J;45p.ra. 3 T,-v>'> Tire IN CROWD_ *_* Kidmon. TO-IT (AjJult togw ---- im v piuT H -**'< 'rT nnc .ran^ TOODavW Boie.~ Jeir — J, Richard Allonoorouflh. (2.00) (23 FrlI p.m. Ftl. S INTHESOOP * * * ( k.«o) (2.30)0 Ff1,t30«jn.322' Kfer Connelfy. 'PC' (V»»on«) (2«l)TLr jR Ilanguage, vttienco) (1:30) na 0 CROWD * * * * (1 0 0 7 . 701595 rnmntlvl Sejmour Ca»M>l. 'R- (Adult FAR FROW THE MADQWO Cl '17705 .OERSLEEVE'S GHOST <•'* w2l«pm075455 Dangerfwld. D'nma) OtftstM, A!^ Batm. T LADYOUGS * (1002. Comedy) Rodney Ron Peary. Marion Martin. (1:15)60 lilon.Sil '*• ® ' * ’“* ■ ^ „Sj ft,a . 9,15 a m. INSPECTOR «EN£ INERAL ****(1iU0,Muslcal)' it 12:00 p m 803990; »m. 158*!?5T............................. *. (200) SS W «l 2 a m 307801 ^ PO-t3-(A*iuRtenouage) ( t:X ) ia Sat 12 pente) Linda OWr. TT (Adult tSOOSTO01 I ■ramalLAu. DonnyKaye.WalterSloai*. I FATAL DONO (1002. Su»pen» Wad. 1 p m 352752 3IRL NAMED TAMIKO * *» (1062, Dramt LVEI-* * .\ (1are. Omma) Talom . — (1:30)0 A GIRI fVamnl .Vwi Sfvm w -1 ^ ' ' -IMTSRNAnONAL-VELVI Lvvuaoo. ado* eiluallons. tirtol'nud^y.vWenoa) nod t^^mg^wtaeouEwcC' * * (i mTl3. o w .-PG -(«u# languaoe, nSldvK> Uwoy Franca Ni/yen. (2.'00) Q) Frl. 1 p.m. .m.OC9021, 0 oTjaal. auuaohof PKimmoi adiA sRuotions. nuoi__, ronco Kwi Sun. 12:4Jam 4000540 xsnce, D 4ly Zane. -R' (AduR language, adi^ 1_ ,02230 :19 p m 24455701; Tue. 8JO a m 1W2. 5u»i»nM) CWBUno s*t«ajn. n.« ® »*on.9:1J THE FEAft mSIDfi.* * *M(1C y) (1:25)0 Mon. 2:30 ajri; 5314012I ECIRLRUSH **»(1055,Corr»dy)Ros.Jn ^vna IWt- 27700070 THE Cl * * (1075, Sdenco laPf.OAWMcDemoB. (?.00) ffl ffl TT>u.7pjn.(H1l53 ' LAND THAT TIME FORGOT *1 r (1005. Advenlure) Chock Noms. -kSCT) 'THEDoug d»Albert. (IJO)ffl Sun.8:30wn. 157010 ** * n (1002. Drama) Tom um.EMu/ n ,.i INVASION U.SX *(■ A FEW 0 0 0 0 UEN * * McCkire, John MeCnary. (2 a0 0 ) 0 8*12:05 ENOARRYOLENROSS ***»(1092,Dra (2 0 0 ) 0 Mon. 8:05 p m.3063093 3C t Un languaoe, aduR altuaUoo*) CLENC Criyijo, Oomi MOWO. -R' (AduH s.m. 7005557 J.-K* Lemmon. Tr(Adu»lanow*9e) (1:45) ffi son. S *x(1059.Setene»Fletlon)John P-"^, j) IU ihvISIDLE INVADERS • 177. Fantasy) Richard m Frl, 9p.m, p#cmo.J.-»c 12 30) Q Sun. 12:45 «.m. 732710K 732) THE LAST DINOSAUR ,* * (1077. I i«ma03£r7J10............... . ... ^jBWM.JowiVanAflt (2flO)€B Sat10:« -Aoar. (IJ5)CB Frt.l40«J ^ 3flSajn.l 10:05 a m 5622151 .....~ wrzoa EGLOfWWYS * * * (1005.We«om)T«n TOT Tryon, island OF THE BURf IRNIKO DOOMED * * * (1 0 0 7 . W "THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS * * * (1092. A<hnnTHE Gl ss DAYS AT P£KINO * •*** (1003, Advootura) CMrl^ S ; S n 2 % IB sun. 11:lS am 57515708 XH lee. Peter CusNng. (2.00) CD lure) Dantel Oay-lewia, Madotmno Stowe, ))6D •OM. 'R* (AduR cRuolon llcslcn. Ava Cofdner. (3.00) SI Sat tia jn . 704644,2 |t»rvO Prosi ilHOAPEI * * (1081,Comody)Tor>yOortia, pm. 200473 DOINO uns.'traohtc violence) (2.00) O Tua..11 111 _________ am,541030. *PG' (Adufl lanouOQO) (1'30) 03 Frl. 0 pjn, 8! SuVponii) Richard OeVia. VC J75. Conwdy) SWnoy FINAL ANALYSIS * * * ( 1[TptO.’ 1 ......-L E T S DO IT AGAIN- * * * (1075. E GOLDEN VOYAGE Of SWBA0 * * M (1974, 1 ^ Fer>Kitjiwoe.oi)ulltiKaoeira.bnef-- ■ thCC< 10) (:(200) ca Toe. 7 C«ro. nm Dunoer.-'R’(AOiAtmoo) PoiUor, OJ Costly.-PC-(AduS LinouBOO) ^ P W IP Law, C a« l« Monro. (2:15) ID1 Thu Th >J0 L11;4Spm305l0003 wjrtJofinl p.m. nu«,ty,vwton«) (2:15)01 S«.11: B.m. 329000 ' . JAGOEOEDGE * *m » (1085, Drama) Oenn Close. Drama) WBem Datoe. i5,A<Jv«rturt)R)eMfdYounB. p m 3^509 ' UGHTSLEEPCR * * * (1992. Oran FINAL MJSSKM **(t&S5,A< lage, nudity, violence) (2.00) 03 I Ondge?. R-(Adull la ^ a o ' GUYS AND THE HAD GUYS *»*»(1009. *» UQO, adu« aituatton*. oraP*« . th eECGOT C< Susan Sarandon. ’R- (MuB .language,. sduR adi altuattons, v<oJdin Enoon. W (Arti# lan^WQO. Frl 11:30 p m 059330: W«l. 11 Suti SSIDIFH. jn . 158740;W .<tl2J0ajn, -comody)R Y) Robert M.tiJwm. Coor^ Konnody. (1:^) f lence) (1 :45)0 Sat3:05a.m. 1D017407 ’^07 _ . • r<oi«ncii) (I JO) oa Sun. 11 pjn. 1 J33153 leno INCYJONES *•** &I1100 U3TEH UP: THE LIVES OF QWNCY •4 * (1092. Myslory) Andy Garela. OlOfltaphy) JENNIFER OGHT * IE 0GREAtI u POSTOR * * * (1000. t.OlO C ^rank 5«atfa. -PC.13«iQuaoe,aduRUualiCRS.nudfy,vl. (tog 11000, Documenlary) Oumcy Jones. Frank F)RC.ICeAKODYNAIIfTB* * '* (1D90, Corn«Jy)Ri»w * ° ’th'e 2 UmaThuntan.-R-iAdirtlant Mawon. (2 00) £3 Sim. 0 a m 487497 48, difltmuofts) (1:45) ffl Ffl TonyCurtu [AdKI languaoe) (200) D Mori. B:J0 a m 304701 I.Wo, Suri Oeliicrta. -PC (WiA i 1:20 a m 00477050 (Adt olonc») (2:15)0 Thu. 1:2t 11;1Sun. 07225205 V ^ j jo h n JESSK» * * M J ^12. Comedy) Anglo DWJnson, MaoEOREAT MANVOTES * * * » (1030, Dmra *» (1072. Drama) Den Gai- *■ thEOI Wed. 1:30 a m 030288 FT F1RE0ALLFORWARD **X in 111 a.m, rtosChovaltf. (2:30) IB W' lis m E ] ,ora Virolnia Waldler. (1:30) ffl Sun. Jun.llajn.541774 Oarrymoffl lENILE * * « (1005. Advonlun) U i am.Ed0WABMn (2.00) Q Sun. THE JEWEL OF THE I Uon. 54; Omma) Ten flan, Pete* 022708.I M < 0:30 u n . 031527 nRSTBORN * * » (1B04;t artin Sheen. 10717 TH^G Woaw. (200) aa FrLBajn.71071 5430 A FISH CALLED WANDA * * «* * ( 1088, Comody) John Lo„|,Go»t pente) Rod QT ^ (Adun lanouaoo. adwR •nuaqu ,lt Cioowi, Jvnio L«S CwW, -R" (Adi >ncb) (1:30) su«gw.Li» ixyn. vKMncs) (2:00) a Uon.u9p.m.e75500 9p •lDiy-StortHondo4.ShpOHV8 {VengiM ' Q Z [1000. Waslom} Deon q s a tl: . FrVECARO8TUO.**(10« IW) Anffwny •• X afofSup8riof6-iltpMiJdunfl . E g g :ajL .9 p.m,-630016.-2 a m GUILT • B a iH o WthUoda lysHmfoi HeooTrwnaium.-(2 00).|B :a*t \, \ » 8MnaOfl«w', (2.00)0 Tha 12:00 aum. j^ e09480 037403 « y -d « k •Zone Sion, , (i/aaH • i P i i ufiible.ftsiliwl, XenoY* mSwTS W AW -*T*- nO M rW j^»-V «i an m -..___ V R * * » ( l 0 6 2 , t > » 2 ^ ^ '**OUNU FIVE CIaYS ONE SUMUCR ) © W ad2 pjn. 820232 TabHuntar Corwiorv.D«t»y0mn8cy. (2:00)© Mark HarM. .V 0, C Comedy) Oennit tH6 O' FLASKOACK * * (1090, n ju w . a«u» aluaoor*. vo- yManWu. Kioter Suffwtend. -R' (AiMI *an»M g r , lonca) (1:55) O W«d.5:09a.m.Oi ntETUOKT OF DRAGONS AiRBar, (1:3S)C1 SaLII Vscei or Janw* E«t Jgno*. JM iF LE * * * a m 53045*4 FUOUT TO TANGIER *-*it <1001^^. ^ ,! ^ ) HRM2I5POA Fortfaina. Jabc Palanca, (1:30) O lu« li^ i l w . adult U ^ I , t>«af FURTWG * * * (1 0 0 2 .Dnn .M on.l:30am N««ton.-R-(Adun Uuallena) _yi50).ID (1:! •3772I8J-; * ( 1BOO.Dcama)Lj»i»H«. t S r ^ A S r H^URKS (1OT3. My.lafy) THC FOROOOeN DANCE * < (1l4S) O * itng. 'PC-tS- (Ad« la n a i^ .., #di5#_Mi«tlon»)_ Mu ■ |H RMONY 215 ^ HONDA HARJ 222EEn sr: SK ...iTM NEW S ' M I OVIES ^ T ^ d a 'y e v e n Tn g M O N DA 1 SP O R T S SF r [ K IP Si i | 8 ^ 3 0 | 9 j 0 ^ ^9 ^ 3 ^ ^ 1 0 jO ^ M O j3 H Free C hannels T Week of A p r ils1 - 1' 4 , 1 9 9 4 1 )tl2 a jn i. S tjR w h ^ ^ JteShow(Slki jllatTted-Wth e *Ti ^ ^ S o n n e l J (:J5)UiteJ Northern Eiposun U w ph yBnrn|H8»ts/u!r« fo^ Jeopanlyl (CC] Ro»oann« Eveoing IS) ((R) A (CC) |8279556____ |6214096 :C)589a |Hew« 2175275 Progress) 40 ||n'iCC)8275 andaPraya‘ n(CC] i t 3332 (CO) 250____ . |R) (0(^ 9140 4J5________ 'AlcreMa) 5had«3 — 5poBJpfOn“ ----------heen |CbssleClut){Jotf«dn her’sWeek N m 8870701 (:35)Cheei ro9237 . ' SpomghtOhllotftei KSCSpa 27092: N«wt40S2C2S Wheel of For- Kow'lnStyJe(Jo^ln In! 2707633 Pipgress) 9775140_________ 256610? I (CC) 7770: 2712701_________ iress) 2723817______________________ tuno 1773807 Progress (Ofl Air) Charlie Rose A 24492 9n1911-1M9(R)(CC)21017 O ^ ea toM cT ’ ChinabiRevohrtlon HeiVLehm Miwihour (CC) rn Ffy Aw»ypDc Look&Cook ButioeuRe- lUcNtil 07140_____________________ n _____________ st fc s - n ( c q 9 6 5 M ___ ^31<a sa4S2 F H iT (;05}U »S l«»M f^ C Q l!Ii ■y^AWino ' IHew»(CQ-' |i35)lirA^ fiinfl-------[ T o n o u n ^ autphy Brown H«ti(CCr~ NeiiTCC] Evomnj ~pa9M 6 I ^ ‘ 509C9S 7 2 9 4 8 8 7 9 ___________ X ) 59350 8436275 (CC)7509( 091 n(CC) 72098 ond a Prayer*. n(CC: de773«3 |(C0)13633 (R)(C0)BC091 7G0M M121 Shad«7 0 HallA (CC) ightline RushL [(:J5)Ar*enloHa igh&igforeo Uvrted-Wth (:3S)Nlght J **»(1990)CMriioShccn.And4ofigh' 0nc(00)eo492 . N«ySEAtS * lUnW -W loi Curt»nt Affair DayOiv 994968 4155148 8735188 32689 (CO) 4994! io Esslcrn lerrarists. A (CC) 13576 raclslMdSoEs 730M 100)07633_________ cmlgMShow A (CC) (:3S) Late Night UndaGrayTA Hewtl8l7256 (:35)Tonl« ITruOi; Broken Pledges (19M. Drarnajli iJi Prince iFreshPrtnce UomentdTful Newi7i09S Entoitalnmwl FrwJiP 52_____________________________ 4467782 (her fights lo prevent hazing deaths. (CC)113550 i: It 9t459 grieving moOicff TonigM 95275 40411 ri(CC) jCurrtnlAffair Love ConnecxtGenersNight Court” Cops A (( tstrsght-lacodlccn- IStar Trek: The Next ( kySwines* ***{1383)TomCn*se.AsW WwdcrYMf* lil'A‘S'H(CC) RhlcyF (1972) 55928 (00)20966 tion 23186 9966 . 46053 55701 W169 tlon(R)n(0C)599( A(C0)44t6! n(CC)Biaa 2 u o ?9« ’QCisinvchtdwilhaFrosUuio. b« — SweaOngteil----------(:06)LM»-snow{R)-A-(cq— re’AViiiio^ News 72C1102 (:36)Che* nmlHeartsAfire. . HorthemExposure' rUng___ hu H au ser.. lUurptiyBmm Hem 1166 WhMlofFor- Ev«nlnc . leu 5590305 701'638 50807527 CO) 51324 . (CC) 47011 66 A(CC)470i [and a Prayer* A (00 deC5«G (CC)1922 [R)(CC)2966 tune 1838 Shjde ( iS w i r {J5)LaleShow.(R).A.(CC)_ “ Harrted,,jw .th_______ re'AWing— Hew» 2162701 (JS)WgM swii HeartsAfte- HorthemBcposore' ning------ 7M H»utef~ llurptiyBrown Cheef»(Parir EVenmt 6201522 1241940 22072071 __________ Court 124 CO) 2324 CC A(CC)5701 jandoPfoy«'A(CO be 7546 (CC)782 [R)(CC)39C6 of 2) (CC) 898 Shtde? lo iiall A (CO) iSijftT RushL [ :35)A^riioHa ^jJhbngfcrcT Mew*3306643 (;35)Night l£ * * i 119901 Ch-K lia Sftcai. An cM a fflh Ofvi(r.n)?4?sfi Ww5£ALSJ! Ertertalnmenl' Curi«ntAft»ir ItoyOrv ------------------------------(CCj w i r to Eastern tcrrcrists. A (CC) 17332 ndsMddloEa tonight C324 (CC)0184 _____ ight A 1049701 onlghlShowA(OC) (iJS) Late Night" > ^ 5001071 (J5)TonI{ fTruth: Broken Pte<>ges (1994. Drama) LMaGrsy.A Un ihPrince [Fresh Prince MomentolTfui Mewl 1492 Roieanne Fre»hP 33 139188 __________ 7526633 6 - ........|l2 M _____ -Atoa--n-.- - 2 2 se llg g ig ii psiiigsi |iiliiB i niiisBii C a b le C h a n n e ls ISiSBSBH ■sgSQgiii ■sSgllQIi ■ liiriH M R iiiB a HlgliiBBi PtltnKwnlCC) 697782 7 l5 I a lM (^ W w i5 n )l^ ^ LanyK ) 580576______________I __________________ (CC)Sa *285184 lortey1ine(R) Newinlght Sport* Tool^jlloo 99527 963237 • 366275 |609i 5555 Tonight 9M 5portseentef89696( Locnli Ohanponship - FnaL FromAm<4ails-[Basebaa liH ” Air Races iTennlsBjifldt^Loni • ■Top8)2i9l69 ___________ |Ton>ght_________________ I 312695 land. Fla. (SamwljyTof f-Shark Ter." rsterin432782 W ikUlfe Uystertet*S {todiHo)me«Uy*tertet |LoYejoyll)f»ter " DjvWLWolperPfwents: |Sf»ioe !452«Q- , _______ forD3n9«BcacJi:4l 302_ _____ PynmJdM69«___ _____ <56302 )lzTo- Lany KbigLhre(R) 216966 n w S S d e u j ShowtizT •2985 ________________ •. |date302367. djy07298 Im Brickyard ite____ Brickyard [indy 500 Film" upCiose [951522 [302237 7878709_____ 167066 ntti!___ Sherlock Holmes Bysteries‘ LovejoyWy*David LWolpef Presents: _ .,|te tiet122103_______ ___ ___(R| 681250__________ _____ PyiamU.455031______ Arrterica Coast loCoasl(R)1 [Fronflersof fA k Trans- Fwest.of Fear 437'^ OOFnSnEcTwTeM FfonlieiiolFDghtV IILK&llutley Beyood2000Ft iFUgM 137015 ______ G90188_________ _______________p«lfcrAr(R)427flS - nemee304!» ^(fi>6WM— thMQ: With a Song In My H « r t*r** * * (1952) Susan, Canody) Julie Androvrt. A Germai Why)SusanHay“ DarHngUi * * *»(1970. (1 111 Song In Hy Heart ***(1952. Biograph ~ 0»fllngLEl***(1970,Com- WWii 411 Hjyward.OavUWayne. 736411 vhandsorrwAlMpnry. 806343 fans Inlove withhtfh [],DavW (Kty)JulicAfldrcws. 778121 irart. D Wayne. Rg«yCat)0un.7B2Sl2 In- [PaidPrograrT Odd Couple [HoHyKxxTbT flngs A (OC)lQuintuml^p-Roberto-. >g**ScfvoaPi«^ WlngsA(CO)jWlf>i MWieitlbgFedertUon: [SakSlaDdi^ ~ Hun5er.SfNWroto*Fami)ySo- WotfdV ra 320763 15 363188 aider 584879 W695 ary 27.198T A 635445 >960512________ 3S1343 : 6W vlayHlBhlR»w2S5904 (R)n(CC)960 octs’ (00)682850 Mofula) A 184169 ative Nation A 440237 DreamtimeAl «vt>ButL Jon Stewart [Altem ^ :)AS98459 ’ Be<vto-Butl Bea^ ” "T ^ ^ Citwaft(R)n I PrtM.Ttae n BflWM____ S2B33--------CR)n S23C33-------------------------------- --- 144140~----- 2S21 >in<u> • i4 » Suna»yC«Bie»(R^ia3 grCT(R] 331775— S«rtym botr3ll« ^ ^ SmaiyCofrra " Vtdeo Block |Jm20G27S B284K I___________ •onwthing-Moteuin— jP a id P ioaa-fP g ^ aldP rogr^--------ltr«0527— Onsofved----- [TWrtyscwi -4i[19egrDrama) ' - /y j a iS 11E* Exposure: The Sex Tapes Sci(K U ~*ii ( ■ Si»tm -Eijgnog* (CC) 222492 I FuD 946725 ■ 9tanr(Cq4S5169 124411 __________Byit.505237. Wondertan ■ B ijw n jn g rto Hjrtrrun. 645492---------------------------am n o Qub cMan- [PaidProgrwi PakJProgratT stEplsode* BJgBrother Hanlactt 00817 ” Bon anaT hel^tl |Twaubs9oai " Holoc»nt(R](Psl2o«S)e9916e 01411 156343 128237 X»3 “ M e 525091 lionSOH ■Bushw»dwre700S oeTWaRCeeinsHR)-----------wiflHV HueifrOty^eAlgMAeyfrtoeTV lountryHcwe CeiebfftietOfhti9*XW<i a t a ti lonJgHKjyftSiSrWafliUJiimmr - csH)ffl»ixirruiae]tvi|H)nIuitiii< | a 709594 ^) A 951053 345343 ______________ [(R)^ !t40 D56508 442140 jy.AbbcklarrSy, “ m l Boy * * (1972. WosternjBa Cosby. A fianJRa«aroe.AUnlcnAniiy |Ban»*d irCharley On»€ye **(1973) Rchar )w Y cr1( Krido. Frcm UaiSscn Square Gar~ NBA B«tkelbtfOi1xdo Magic ot HowV (make a horne InIhe Artata desert 92073 207343 triesloma deserter and on Indian bor>don Ihe open cp Iral 32677898 den.(Uvo)S90l530 es. FrientDy Per*. jhic Explorer The Lioitania; submarines. |(:05)Kadonai Geographic lljn * * * (t9 8 4 , Drama) Martin Sheen..An Ar apartrTb.Afcfmef09CflJgoesirto]TheGuafdljn " lm »lonU5A. *(l9e5)Chuc*Noais. 43802541 (R)(CC)8927148 rts thire 0 rrdltatlstic teorty guanl 2 3 5430 ^ m nfs lenarts odion Mtwn Russians Invado U.S.. 3963C9S 39 iv T Cristina(R) SaCnde |(:45)Wor1d^ iflck»&pedal(Rj jNotlckro U n MIda ^ del.Uar 7836707 I iu 2 4 8 9 a ....................Cri*tln3:E«fl^ -IL b A lU M Puente 34324 jCteriu CB • 03715676 ' Belira sion 1761169' vision 80237 33540 F-Troop 5 S 5 r ~ Superman LueyShowr M Smart | Dragnet'Ad. |AHlleJ]« DlekVmOyke Get rveLucy iBobNewfurt UanrTyter^ [HvyTyler 'PartrtdgeFtm-IUodi&ICftdy I Love I 768909 . '7 710072 9G0275 8C689' ViCD'32987? 338527 337 lllcwe 1B7072 715527 18* 1817 . 814237 Hoece 185237 11/827701 | b18053 109817 nHestot A Norman VarLofd * * * (1965.Drama) Chartlon He jnerflency” OddCoopU TheWarl 1148527 Night Court En« Susponso)LoniAndefson. New»(CC)l*a ~ Sony.WrongNumber **i(19e9.5u! ■an. 078782 andaPrtid^inbjaflovCTflvwman.1 aU5041G9 875169 . .. . blighland ............. - - I 42754C . . C*U " Jenningi ConneciKomeUatten' PriCof miiii|Biii liBllSSi pilliiaii liisiiSSi Car1Woinfl3tj&,HiHog)reolLl4y69a ■ P r e m iu m C h a n n e l s 956) IngridBergman. An anvwsiac giri T t o n w o o d ince Charm- Anastasia * * * * (1956) I Theatre The Throe [AvonlM'Effler Print w T lftW fp n ic Id leT M ^ Chjrtle |Yr». 621630 claims to be Iho heir lo Iho the IRussian thrw«, A416430 :CC)153459 [ing-(Cqi33C95 B90' (CC) 533546 UaieRgs(CC) ratedS13782 |ciub537362 895898 kJ2: Two Shades of (i993)ThcxnaslanGrif- |W3dOrchid2: )srcomeso( Excessive Force * * (19 rve **1(1992) Albert Fmney.AlociKkdor ^la1csBfons^^lMaroll^o^5 RlehlnLwei ■ TheVabchlPjpen **»(1972)0>iart« 1991)A 852817 i(CC)8Sli68 »ua**(1991 , Wi;CharioOoLcwfa.A(C( herparofto'divTOi. A (CC)269I4362 , Aiwpoinl.9423140 apedjlngheft soen trani inf(yirierJoscf^ VatatfiTt viow iso:A :zi:piffl5ixR inSsV fn’w 2.siiwiggTTgfr.? i >i«ia.*i*:(53Sa.C ^TW inC{ccso: Fraser. A . ^ | A Fish Called Wa« iKiolTlet ***{1992.Dfama)Bfor»(lanFf3S ■ -nwTenth Montti'« t s (1979) j SdiM CO)729256 5508 son Ford. Anne Ardw. A (00): ts ntcod up with)ewei thieves. (CC) 875501 LaidonlmYefgotsr » endures aftt-Sctnttisni Ota 1950s prepischod.847850 schc Carol BunotL 527459 youti© a .Td Drama) Joe jrvivocT ^iePubUcEye * * * (1 9 m I^Drano) Ethan Hawte. PUnfrcash surriv 191) Miranda RktiardASve **1(199::^ C ram3)Timfn|Ench»ntidAp.a **s(1991)» ' IntaniationalVelvet «*>(IS78.Drami (CC) 12351492 ■ Pcsd.B3rtanHershcy. A(CC) llocamibafcsm. n-(CC) 5888001 :)lS689<5g areloradlorcsatllc 701’ |M«.JconPtowttftn(CC)l5< OTtoA CWjtDpher Plwmw. 24455701 Iin iPolntNo cod's Oi-Comedy Houn George Carlin * * (1992) Clinl Eostvracd. Oinl Easltnod' M93Qslestplot Unforglven * * * « rtvtfVoimg ***(1992)UelGisson.At93 "(S^t) Rodcyl ***(1979) IFoftw 1761B251 1 at Paramount 8360250 a Qfona9ed(|uOTan-Tr(CC) 4010091 C)624064 car^»^rr^ngpcrt^aao ikcnslnmodeflHtoyAmtrta. A'PG'{CC)g SyHv^ S B i o n e . Are3053 |3»akcn HBCH*KKEL..V_ . . cooonc AKOFOER00 NOTRECEIVETm t e T¥IWFAU8 CAXWn BESECEJVED KdOKEAREAl • ■JERO«.WEWeXCOC iiAM in m i '________ ffOWgl WJEBOIie.COOO«6.WEHOQi. ^ #.|eO(BB«OADCA5TOW I KCTCMW LTn • j — s a u r .R u m Fr ' T- ^ I------ / - + ------- iUMVMlTf-----w o ......... .............KUJCHIVBWBf” IlllllSSi p d i zj.. 1=—:^ P a g)b e :23 W eek o f A p ril 8 - 1 4 , 11994_________ 9 Ionday___________ _ Mor • 19 THE MINUTE 27989589 AY SIDE 29401676 I 12-30 □ SPORTS UTENIGHT 682015 Q SPORTSCENTER BOBKEWHART E headunenew s — S' Blocal f fls rs s s , ' ■§ M i '^m s acocK 11 EWS ma)Joan Sovoranco. Bill: Zone. A lonely housowifo frusifolions load lo o prov i-feFre(ie 4 9 ^ 4 ) e le c t € d f.W .c h a s e _ ^ — a s E C im O N E R ***H (l?; Riimosr. McffifliSU ------- KlcfonMooro P e r ^ ^ a i •A V i eiiosundomwwataypsyatrtsVstfoalmonlofaOi^ ------- turtood RAf-vtatyan.(V).. SSSSSH” I I2 '50ca M OVlEAMOSiANj4DREW * * (1933. Comody) Nicolas Cago, Somuol L Jackson. A famous Wack tt-nicf Is pinnod down by flunfifc Qflcf noighbore mtotako rty him (ofoburolarinWsnowty purdissod homo. A r SAMERICACOASTT ifutlon" — SueWflliams. ! . - C h i n a in R e y o f t I t h e w r ite r o f-W e d n e s< I M a o Y e a r s ." p r o d u c e s v<e n ls ' in C h in a b e t w e e n 1 s tu d y Of histo rfc?lev J a i cOASTEvotyyoarmofo •• lhan 3 million tourists con secthoCrondCanyonbi rail mulo ofon foot. (R) ^ ; 1911 and 1949. PBS ----- » “Avonlea" ,—.S.a,i ^ n r a l^ a r a h Over a300 channels) OTadio~stations —and"~TOO A S LOW A S Etes M O^ , o .A .r. \'irt st t M >OBOCPOnCY^Ji te n w ith l h a s o n (Jain FERENCE 354763 0 S ret c f a tw o -p a rt e p is o dle e .. n e w m in is te r o n I h e f 7102__________________________ _________ CT DREAMTIMESnn se L s. g g ^ ^ U N E NEWS’ " / k n CLAK15A ^yo7-W ■ 90' IB DRAGNET 460090 rs S i h ea d l in e NEWS O iS N . ----------------------- m^UP^CLOSE (R) 5 7 6 056 ^ 9104725 0 ALL-STAR TRIBUTE: Wiliam HoMon. Joan nr, 1-12 H ALF 6504034 ND Couifiold.AblustcryJudgo s TO WOODY GUTHRIE AND f i I m Q OVERNIGHT btows a gaskol when ho LEADBELLY 172909 alur0 3 MOVIE BADGE OF O MOVIE BOUNTY IB AL^O RACING Salur ca^^htThundof.(R ) . TRACKER'*K(1992.-0«>r^ Was____(V)417744 ^ mn) Loronzo Lamas, MattWaa Dto • It f wn r a PAID PRO-----------Hu afcA b amtyJttinlaL^PCto S _______ B-MOVltiLIECDNG Ns g r a m 7M 560;35!909, ?**(1992.0ram oyNjoaTi----------oat rcvcnno for tho munlor ol Ns ...... b roO w ijM ltw as^ toio^ fy " S r o v i r A N M ^ r o ^ — Dsjainst an Imprisonoo hoodtudenl TODAYS WEA‘ mbfll and on African studc FATHER - - - H m - n 2 1 9 1 6 4 --— olfifst 77512096 BD WILDUFE MYSTERIES is — 2:13 0 C SS NEWS UP jpTO orid WEHTE 538034 Remote beaches o« tho worid inIB DICK VAN DYKE D . ________ ________ ^oW somo of Iho most danwfiito. m ato ond sharia (R)75630S m FOREST OF FEAR Sinco 1965, tho tioore of In yivo dia's Sondortan fofosls t w c takon tho Uvos of almost 400 ““ ......... }367 >AID p W k / S S S 5.250386. "' K srsrsfc . PR'S lir & F T S FOR MOTHER DAY 5908299 m MOVIE RETURN TO BOGGY CREEK **H f1977.Advonturo) Down WoBs. Dana Pialo, WhJo searthlngforalogondary monslof t> a LouSslatOlJiii ou Ihroo children aro cau£ .inohumcano andmeoior 4BUSHR0D * * s ( 1 9 7 4 . iia WMlom) Max Julion. Vonotla _______i.uGoo A vooQoful lawmiw ilM Q ^ 'c ^ S F fR E T R l 745164 donor and ttvoafT airw ilh apa^ 4812 hiswlfo, n(V )SJ1481. f f l MOVIETHERAINMA IflAKmody) *®ERS*:i(1935,C omod Bcrt Whodof. Robert «rt iblocon Woolsoy.TwoomloblO' mon bring Ihdrrainmak mnc h l n o s l o g i ua^ oC r . nlowtwo^usfstiymsT , ------ ^j-iO^ofMOVlE.THOMASlNE^ • ta ) NBC NEWS NIGHTW AY E M O V m BLOWN AW Corov * * (1993.S usponso)C o ^ KainrGofey R w lm an'A ,n i i S e T H E W i C J ^33---------; l ady * * (1 9 8 3 . Comody, Foyo Dunaway. Alan Balos sonal integrity oftof ho SfaitK In 17Uvcontury England. L o * Baitiara Skelton Is a C f , , . r t i » l w s 99.95164 lOS 2:00 O LIVING IN THE'90S , . 12:35^005) r a WORLD NEWS NOW 31036639j J0844763 01361 ral LATER Schodu w lb m iia c tw Martin Mull. neG68198.44a8638 “ 12:37 Q N E W S 3 5 K ^ ------12:38 0 PAID PROGRAM - ^ ^ 1 5 9 ° ™ “ ™“rr-' i i B s i i S i R 's r ^ i l PAID PROGRAM 677163.226473 GJ COUNTKYNEWS Sdiodulod: o look ol Iho WiW WC51 CluD in Phoenix, (R) H • ^ __ • _____ 0 ’ X g jA T E i-L lT E . T E C H N C 3 1 .0 E lo s 1-800-843-88C >eniJenl upw .ncvoMrigjeeouW.actw srsM”'"' )U R S E LERr THRUUST YO x rtJM to fijJ ^ u m b ito jt^ 2 £ l^ m r S Ik K S A R r if t,, dronwoitlngloboodoptot ^ men ig kin gw o m ei E ^ m6 ® ’ d § « w ifeL ...... , i :0 B O ^ U I R E H A T y W »*% (1949. Comedy)------- EH M DUNENEW S L. , I RT T0 COMIFO f o c t F or: leading In B e d -------V a tc ftfn g T.V. t e l l e v e b a c k o r legr sslt r o s s 4-2400 ■ -IIP -----^TwinX^Long *899> C O M P L E T EE ! I d. e 2 S i d e b y S id — M a k e - A - K tiig .S i I J I _________ _________ ' i ______ ■ MWILEBEDSr u m EIACTOP r EVEBTOi V MATTBES n M on.-f fl. a «m m J n o o fv S p ii^ l . Page 2 4 ________ I -- N ^S I T i6i p . m . APRIU1;,H84 I 6 :3 0 JV I e T I MOV I ^ ^ EVENING TUESDAYf E - RTS F T I SPOR' KIDS- I M 0 j 1 0 j 0 ^ M 0 j 3 30 0 M Week Of April 8 .-1 .-.14,.1994 I........ l^ 0 ^ M l j 3 ^h 2 a j m . h lR u sh L ^ ^ ?Show(Lonki [Mankd_Wlth[Ri . U »i*i (1994. »a m ) S te a l GWs. Twt jo911(R) A(CC)954i S*pant«dbyMu [oiieeca [0070170 [01 Joopafdyl (CC) Romnn# n R«cuo9 105* N««3H2W 7 PtDOnJM)(R)A(CC) HH] ;h DmmuftWd ono'a husband. (CC) 0305 orelmplicttedlntti 9 0 0 _ .. : 1C C )S69..............,. Hfi -l^iihfi4Qa744_ “ Haws 6847473 1:35) Ch»i» (Lenin ProgfBSs)27707a,5 Jc Club Clastic Club (LoH 74305 _______________________ [{CO 727743 Htws 839783T Wh«l cf Fof- Clastic C (Joined in ess) 2790589_______________________ [un»4G92229 ProgreiS) “ (C (OffAi?) >Stocy So AfUr Goodbye: An AIDSi Story Stc CharileRos* A 12102 rinaKick [AIDS Resaarth:TlicS lallfLahror Htwthour (CC) Nova 'Can China 1 tho GrahvnKerr'i Bu»ln«»» R»- tt»cN«W A (CC) 82763 09812 |Far(CC)89670 J_____ Habiir(CC)698l 3724- pert 7305____M164___ a D m jo e l W Klleh«n kiui ~ 0 Design. W , _ . (;WU»Sho«.(R) A (CC )~ ry,«ft«k».jr i S ^ ( c c > - ^ |ft3a t f H i ~ »' J1238C8------ '■ rc367 7 2»8i5l . . N ^IC C ) Hcw»(CC) Rm w «9 (R )ait,t;)liiw » S*p4l*WLyMu 1102 8403047 (CC)75703C j Inthe nxr tg of one's husband. (CC)0410 areimpOcalcdlnt 58251 72&31______________ ■HairA(Cq jhtiifw RuiiiL l(:35)ArtenloHaii ■(CC) MarriodW ith (:35) NlghUii l)|Coach(R)A [Comody Showcase (C fou»[R)|Ph«nom(R)A Rotaanno(R) |c M500 295S7S0 8795560 Mirricd...WiUi CumnlABalr FuHHou! 54103 (CC)27945£ Jl (( (CC) 13038 67096___________ ;C)18163 (COSC831 A(Cq27831 eb 43307 i (CC)C7W7 n(CC)1 )ht A oight Show'A (CC) (:35) Late Night r 8793102 *36 News 1884026 (:35)TonIgh Lam>- Datallna A (CC) 6503 )Uf«A SacondHart John Lano. ” John 3 I. New»4i909 " EmcrtJiflinent GoodUf 4434454. qu«tta7t580 10725 •IC 54473 quctto 254733 |q Tonight G5589 (CC)107 > iTtewtoKlll ”1 1 t Genera-” HIght Court Cops Ai(CC) (C( iCumnt Affair LoveConnoc\repcrtontbolRS. StarTrtk:ThaN«rt& hCentral Roc(R)7\ FronlPagcArep[(CC) 02638 tion 60164 i***450<2 Wondof Yoars M‘A‘S'H(CC1 South C« 34763 10163 22 tion A (Cq 30386 e/7 8 9 3 (CC) S541 A (CC) 10522 A ((CC) 6305 6&57 ^MoneT ID IQ — KTRV ^ jA Foftver Knight ««rs (:06]Lat»Show(R)A(CC) ~ F Tvmsislen Nows 1500314 (:36)Ch«en rt Himlor (1994. Drama) SharonGloss. Twi ;u*9l1(R)A(CC)3G560 SoparaWbyHi :. [R)S567D77 B1270js0S74209 ................ : (1 N ««77fa WhoclofFor- Rmcu*! 3096 -■ — ........ -(CC)4761g d h 1tho ani toi()licaUidin 1 rminjcr of cno’s husband. (CC) 230! r a ID ID KM V Tjfflj” tuntBOlS ~M aSedTwith ' jtit (;OS)LataShow(R)A(Cq~i TwiftslslM N*WS2I39473 (:35)Hlght jy Munlor (1994, Drama) Sharon Gloss. Tw ;ua911 (R)A(CC)3367~ SoparatwlbyMi 546152[56377283 ___________ |o6105304 N«wi763 Chc«rt(P3ft2 RoKuo! 83, Court 5546 din tho rnuntercf one's husband. (CC) 683' . _____________ wn liT 'nIiC T lftd In t ■rff)(CC)g05 --------1 GeneraH »w i/w ji»5 fMJItlghtJi R) |Coadi(R)A [StarTrafcThoNenG Houso(R) IPh«nom(R) n RosMnna(R7 66812 [3609763 1621305 Entortalnnunt CurrctrtAttalr Foil Hou 812 (CqW688 jtion(RrA(CC)e5e_^ :C) 8367 (CO601S A(Cq 70155 (Cq6522 o •• KPVl | o j TTonl8W6251 0f (CC)42Q1 H (CC) ghl iA 1616473 night Show A (CC) (:J5) Lata Night 0950 iNewt 0306283 (:J5)Tonl9l ■"johnU floOat8lln«A(Cq709J H«wt.iM7__ Rawanntt A . GooddUf# U: A _ SccofldjUH John Ljni>-_ s _____________ [ _________ ---------------7593305— :i: “Rrp?' o i --------------10763---- -ib* A 1183 cpt^21B3 i“ quatu~i2ia~|" :i— _ ■'•••i r ;cq225t?— (CC)o7( i^_°_iZEE E°ZZ!EB| I D ffl KKVI | |433 — lo Q d Ib • DDEQK38AS ED -- B la m a -•: ~ - D eqIeQ is s i CNN 10 O) 03 ID ES ESPN BDQJQD •" A4E m ca m - auc ____ SSSiiiS^SS LanyWngUwP) 707763 TwortdwWeU? \\ [data 886874 ____________ P U PRCA RocUoDUe National, flNBAToday(R) Up Clos* J, (Uvo) 1 FromJadoon.Misj.52,1305 [< NHL Hodcoy Ttamj to Bo Announced, (U 252305 |27e670 Tonight nBWlU'F}y(1993, R) Cndttr. One Day a Lemming W Blo8raphySidCaes3r(R) 3)Ro«jioColtrano, WlWUfo MysHries (R)90372T (RI ekan Ott* Day a Lamming Will Fly (1993) Rc 4388 Mystery) Robbio Cottane. a&436t ■ BlogiaphySidCac^MlcST ICnclw • 506812 yoy-Oia! 161947 - — -— )craidtnwislhoappnrenltukadapfo14-yoy" ........... Rtzocrs Monster A Portrait ot Staliniln|TerniX{^ In . Inventlon(R) [NortStep( jOThiSdcrdomo TtrraXlR) [«i»^ Ccnnoe- [Animals lB«yond2000Tli ■ Jonnlns* HQ34 I89S454 1807102I_____ Blood: Mnd Control 165763J 157394___________ 33.____________ 26ai64______ 54U1 it;tm02 ' STWa — |lime».0081181 Danny SrtndaT A Song l» Bom ***(1948. Comedy) Ct Ift ***(1943)AlicoFoyo.Caft7wnMtfai nyKaye.Afugilhir ThoGanj'sAl Hot ;ong Is Bom * * * (1 9 « . Comody) Danny K i ' Kay«.Vfginti Maya 294980 ' TlwGing'iAllH«rt * * * ASont bos (or a chorus girL382216 r.523947 AsoWef vailing his»tather la fff dupes a nwicpfPleMOf Into hiding hcf.52< (IW)AteiFaYO. 276216 sjoQCfd ~ Odd Coupio i CountsfStrlk8'JhoHr(R) W ln g sA (C q [1b^g s A (CC) jOuantum Leap A (CC) dng AnOwny Bo/l«vs. Carl 6ri«h. (IM) (Cq (Cq 703047 ' " Uurtof.Sh# Wrote Tho Sawd Boiltig 702B31__________________ 708042 i2l64 546454 826102 1521 OlMjfdet* 160947________________ Ithr* Nation A 000104 • Dreamtimo A 6651386 oavls-ButL T JonSlawart Altemathn Baavls^tl Baa^ [UquidflCtvlvr ISIalo A ~ “ ?t PiimaTlm* (^304M7 )5270 (R) A 675160 a 935562 635947 [7052 tion 185205 53« [AllNlghtorS20^ | 5^5 Sunday Comics (R) 80530 «ilc»(R) 882454 S«xSymbols60221I Sunday Cofflla " VMeoBlock |Jam740i64 ^ y K b J u w a M R io n n i ^ ^ I&S2015 __________ I • . Sport»Tonlghl[y^ InoJlnnRn*****'^^ 7096 449102 831034 [1C70! ,561763 UT": Spoftie*nlar30554i UTo5522 day 425522 Basabaii Tonight. a. m f f l e s O Q USA — ^— a a ID IB “ “ TV ------------ ~ ----- o a (O {Q ^ ({1 vi . UFE Q jf S O a E B ^am ------------------ -- r 3i02W I ------ e » 3S0744 • Unsolvedrgh. A Dado County UnsohredMystorios' xpaakablt Ads * * * (1990) JB CbybUBh.; " Sht«r»-Good Help Ij Hard 10 lU ntfi MytL381152 __________ __ i<anj cpcratof is suspected rt chSd abuse.1.310251________ 3i( F Findi, (CC) 715657_________ daY-or itEpItodo*~ Gig Broths <57034 Bonanza:The Lost! |700ClubX7W “ Holocaust (R) (Part 3 of 5) 36C305 •347270 Jake781108 ‘Rock-a^yoHoss'i' SI sm [PaidPJogwrT tomething 'CaT.tania'-^- iPaJd PrograjT iTWrtysom 340042 15096______________ 699270 [(CqoiSO m 700 Club [PaidProgram PaUProgram ManiaccUanUi 438969 86706 600522 693096 [slon4867i a.WatBCo!lns.(R) WthTrT MuslcCHyTonghtAlabama.W. ountryNew* FullAeceu:OnTourWlt^ [Cou :sic City Tpnlght Alabama,WtfliCoDins. A |ClubOanco(R) A 185454 " Fl FullAcc«s:OflToorWllhTf- lU uiic 2560 A 538541_______________ ----------. " “ “_ ^ J ( R )^j4 2 6 8 1 2 lshaYoaiwood(R)6i256( --1 — 1^ 1725 ^ -' . ■e. ISlrom Force * * ( 1958, Drama)VkaorMaturo. hwture)JctinWayno.An I Tank Fon i.Aljbcrt TayWTTlwnas m M . Uoyd Nolan. AK BicktoBatian ***i(lW 5,Adrti ~ E Bataan * * * (t»43.Ai)venturo)Robcr 6907042 enn.Li)dataPakgzi. 7183522 ' 'ortJWarll.950560 LeoGenn. nvaston. 173580 ______________ Amaican trains Fiippinos duringWort SodMldieretJYtogemoJapaneioInvaa ^ ler. Duncan Regehr. the Kid **»(1989.WesWn)Vo!KJmer.C 'cstcfn)SucyKeaoh.The BlOythel ThaLongRldtn ***(t980,Wosl ICOGtoUaJAflarta erawn FromAllantJful~ hUor Lugut Basoball San Francbco ( 62W612 sunt of the Infamous outlaw’s exploils. 62» a the OWWesL 4925676 Anoccoun James and Younger gangs Uxrorbo Ih ^ion County Stadium. (Uva) 310268033 ■_________________ . on |Crittina(R) Saioiide t(:45) LaxlcofT 'lftadelHar4i85639 pacto Edldon Hoc- Notidtro Uni- Vlfti irls« 89270 fpJimafimpact! ” lil*»AlUdfl1Pu*nt«37134 CUriJJ 937B2348 BePea 1721541 K vi»Ion7S589. tumtliigB ~ P-Trc«P_________ s.H«.rm»n LueySbg«__ M Smart— |DngnaPA»l|ArHlSchci f----- ly«ryTy1«-= DIdiVaADyfc* <M SVfftDcy— IBotrfttwtmt- ManrTy»«t— “ P«tfidg#Fam.|U«k4Wndy-i0Vff 155936 14 261251 413812 i49676 [896096 ’ 805744 SI64 Moort 664299 299034 549 .9744 [374104 M oO fB 645164 Ily i^ 394928 378960 66974 ^C.ScoO-Amon {Indenburg * * s (1975. Drama]GoorgeC >rim«sutp«ci CourtTV:ln- ^^*Hlnd iikcyPartt(Uw) M«w*(CC) Prif rankfic*ot ChicagoWhIto Sox. FromComhlic) " Major U»8U» Basebad N«r Yorii Yank [ht. 3369589 } prevent tabotoje on BwdltlflMe's flight. R) A4&5ll6[tidft335096 IrieslOFn BW703 -(R) ■ “303164___________ Ba go ra g E TMH __ I,l.»hq«wgg^Pii-?-'i.^^— — ----------7 ED e s O) ;; TNT ----------- ii E B E D O B D ra tbs Q OJ I" UKI m EQ IS ‘ :;•• wck ' “ I B ”' I ; l.Adventura]John reatlon I KlgharOreund * * (1986.A d> J ^ r G u e st YotamHa; A Gift ol Creat .6enajLjC2S31-------------- - Denver.Meg WiOnarrOsykl^ r50760'' ‘ .■(R7B23347----750 , Drama) TomCntoo.An arroganl )wng jLov* Street ■)SeanAsti^ Codctall **»(1988.0ra |Encinol*»**(t992,Comcdy)S ” Wnd Hurt! and Coronrti Robo irmand bartender uses his ctiami I good looks. A B24744 ____Potiy SNOT. A (Cq 605544 Bbara Crampton! A (Cq 762831________ Bsba ■ _ ■ ****{1&«9)438096 ' jk*.itU992LD2Q!?l____ Dom A lnwywf itiefreaC oiby.-Tw -jJaggadEd^^ (IMS, OfBma) «f»DdTrA8ar*rr(1975)'3kln8yPo«iefrl “ Uptown Saturday NI9M * * » L«f» _______ Day-Lewts. A (00296473 S ' ' — murder case. A (COJ42725 ge.329S09 |lorherc!ienilnomu cflMligafttlefstqsavBCwlraouMedlodBO.a (1974) 32661744__________ caea~ T ^ non ISho’a G e t^ in i* * i (1990.Horw)LoubTripp,Sknon **t(t989,Comedy]Nick [Gatall (iMacdilo.NortyuW Tliw FuaW wIri hiKtfataKId ***(1984.Drams)Ralphfcto " Busty ***(1991)W anwT Thai olds. A61116314____________ •. 82658077 rt. A (CC) 8751544 Reynolds [rWlo, MartinShorL 'ar Morta. EteabeBi Shue. A 22165638 m ™ c _ • BMtty.n(CC)oa2765C2 • |-Pari [ National Lampoon's V trto ^ n * * * ('» 3 . i(1993, Drartu) Chuck Nonis, MajorrLugut. U )omoi^)JohnRitlcf. SWaWck* * * t(5 .Comedy) IStiyTurwd * * (1992.Com« (5;J0) CwnonbaURunll *(lSft4.a 055134096 r2i63 Cc»r»edy] Chevy Cha»e-(C05i L IA ’PG'(CC) 8865047 [2 77721B ) 860812_________ [JcnaOian Brandi P8mDw»te.ATG-(CC)8« • But Raynokls.-PG-(CC) 170670 [Q O CD q ] ^ hbo t; OOOOHOAM&ni£R 00 NOTR£CE»S TW IWSCHAWffl.--------------------♦ w aH 0ltt,t«W «lt;a ttOETWNFALLSCAKNOTBEROBVEDIKSOKEAREAl n! ' •.ciwiKELBBTOADCAJTOUrSJOC ELLAMOpg l arOHBl WJEROIg.COOClMC.WPg)EU ______ , wWCKgBaOADCASTO Q E B dlbm D )S N miid,Ch«1l« Brown (196?) _ PeterRobUns.GlennG8gcr.574i83 ^ ^ B S J o d l S y S w ? Ch*fl f, f»tnl754819 |Cluti564ai1 36201 7. ------- to ! ^ ^ S e ,d o e w ^___________L ,.,w g B S * > a a — ■t I 01........ KBTCHWM ...................atlHVALUV 1 • ■ iiil W e e k d f A p r i l 8 - 1 4 , 1199 9 4 _____________ ■ H ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ^ 12 30 Q SPORTS ’^UTENIGHT 157874 QJ SPORTSCENTER -------- 13 M V I 6 NERVOUS-. ffcK S » * » ( 1 9 9 2 Com cOy) Bill Pullman. Julio Brown. Unfofosoon mishaps complicate o har- il ■ i l ■ ' ■ lomplsTffliup J piono <0 Rio wiin his morriod m lsliL-ss (V) 9586690 BJ MAGICAL WORLDS Tlic bcliovore in C hinese BucJdliism practico foscirniingand som olim os 3(H>cking custom s. (R) . 517232 g ) BOXING Anthony Boylo vs. Carl Grtlfilh. <R) .(CC) 857503 f e PAID PROGRAM 3 ■ I Ew m n ■ i H ■ I n ■ i B : n K K T E^^COUNTRYNEWS Schcdulod; Robert Duvall. TOk Speelnr* ‘—Old--------- ^ e O B NEWHART 51507-1 E HEADLINE NEWS by Stalin--------------------------- Bolshevik idaals by 99356655'---------------694961 ll intont of D9936 twists tho orldnal mi S 1:55 NEWS 997999 EB HEADLINE NEWS rolution. IC Iho Russian Rovolui 2 :00 0 ( 6 8 ) CLASSIC 3535961 1 (R )716042 CLUB 2440110 ' 1:05 0 ( 3 ^ JERRY 5L1CY E '9 0 S f f l PUBLIC POUC jary: D LIVING IN THE 'J SPRINGER From Januai CONFERENCE 875706 87£ »lo(R) 408771 ■ ■ child victims of street vio (E :262771 Er a DREAMTIME MOVIE SCARElonco. (R) 7657665 MD PROM EN-^—•CR O W -*.*-S.(19Z 3J - (« } DESIGNINGWOM£ 122329. - “ GR A ^72M SB,*1°: ma)‘G eno Hackman. > AM Pacino. A grtjff ox-cor 1:08 0 PAID PROGRAM f ^ ^ A R i s A e 591313 g ,: on ex-seam an s h aSr eS: f o ? 9008597 664313 Whiio I d DRAGNET 66fios of adventures whi 1:12 B ALF 5571706 p i HEADLINE■NEWS________ NE — ..............travclioQ -agoss.A asi — z l o s ' i ^ s s r N B c TiEWS^^— ^E ' S O e ALTH“ a NDf fFli f . ^ VflLLIAMS TV 511394 NIGHTSIDE 80511 NESS 5895771 CRET ADFALLEN ( S MOVIE SECRI cam s BD MOVIE THE FAI ( D NHL HOCKEY Tea 385, Como5 DraMIRER * * {1985, IDOL * * * ( 1 9 4 8 . D to Bo Announced. (R) Ison. dy) C. Thomas Howell, Hov mo) Ralph Rlchardsoi 101023 of JipioLori Loughlin. A, sorios SOI DffBobby Henrey. A dipl' Q | NEXT STEP An off derstand:loartho romantic misunden ;A. m at's son trios to cloc road whoolchalr; NASA. sn on 10 of ings rosulls whon o family butler's nam e ( (R) 236461 elotler falls 6 anonymous love le (R) murder, (V) 828226 0 JON STEWART (R lands. A PORInto tho wrong hon< O l MONSTER: A^ P' A 68722C “J IN fV) 57973145 ROTRArr OF STALIN ir s 0 3 GD PAID PRC rOOGES Id K Mind ■ ^ - T H R E E STOC 58, BLOOD ’Stnlin ond 135400. 765058 erslon of 94202329 Conlrol' The subvers 689684 -------ra-MARY-TVLER MOORE 234023 I/S CT IjEADLINE NEWS 1:35 CaT NBC NEWS NIOHTSIDE 29478348 ' . • 1 -3B n NEWS700657C '7 0 6 _ O-.:- -1 :4 0 g - M O V I E EYE OF THE STORM n r * s (19 iliing I r i l w e o n “S a n ie Dir-' i tiv e c u ltu r e s a fte r fallii Su spense) Dennis Hop f e r e n c e ." C B S . TlOtOl Lora Flynn Boylo. A me on tho edge of tho Mo): Oosort provides n bloa* I HEAD(R) A 9506B4 barriers of poverty ond iroviRAM soWng for a strandedJ Ir nor0D m PAIDPROGRAl racism on his way lo inlor itorloler ond hor two mystoi impl103936.952042 national fame a s a chofnf o u s hosts, A (V) § B MAS ALLA DEL on cyclist, A 927416 •36061313 lOM PUENTE 916313 l a MOVIE BOYS FROh 1:45 a NEWSROOM nonI B DICK VAN DYKE E BRAZIL (1992. Documer tafv) A 10 Tient'-Tw o te e n s — on e K p re m lM fJie v v -tre a lm e :h . left), th e o th e r ( :a th o lic -------- tt77Tm3— ----- --------------- - ige 25 Page ____________________________ TU6! r u e s d a y _____________ ■ v C fl i ~ S 12:35 0 ( 3 5 ) C5] A^C WORLD NEWS NOW 14880351.40811435 Q {3 8 ) ® LATER A 1412010.4375110 0 MOVIE THE OVERTHE-HILLGANG * ★ * (1069, Comody) Waller Brennan. Pot OBrion. A .......... (ifoup of foUrod T exas Rnngcrs allempta to bringg im 1-1,u nnH nrr^or If) a WoStom ---------- lown. l { ,2 1 li5------------------- Sral South American Iran 12:37 Q NEWS 355927055 M ‘vestltos living In Rio do 12:38 O PAID PROGRAM Janeiro, 0022435 3543435 • 5 3 WILDLIFE MYSTER 12:55 CD MOVIE THE lies Vic Hisiop of Australi • NIGHT WE NEVER METr is respocted for his work * * ,(1993. Comedy) capturing sharks, dospilo Mnlihow Broderick. his controvorslal views. (I Annabclla Sdorra. Throo3 strangers oharo an opart‘nd ■ H I ^INVENI’ON A fiber . monl in Now York City ond ' cotiTuio Knovroactrottior • ■ o^nfr”^ ^ f o w t io c a U o n wittiouractaailyTTiooting:" .to periorm togemor; tho i A (V) 48416961 ) ventor of Iho Steadi-cam 1:00 Q CROSSFIRE (R) 156771 EN ® ® M 0V1ETW 0T1CKC9 ] DESIGNING WOMEN CTS TO BROADWAY ' 238416 ★ * s(1 9 5 1 .M u sic a l)T c ID JEWELRY SHOW Martin, Janot Leigh, CASE 66916S4 slnaors so o a ray ol hop' (Q UP CLOSE (R) In thelf future whonthoir 963023 )F Incompolont manager CD MOVIE TRACKS OF prom ises Ihem on oppof GLORY (1992. Drama) nH. o n ce on q popular lolevi Phil Monis, Cameron Dody ' sion show. (V) (Jo. A lum-oMho-contury ' m BEAVIS AND BUT black alhielo breaks.tho - t m e n t N eML tNVEST N Stocks • Bondsi*•C D s * M y i u A iF iim s * A N^NUIIIES S ir ____________ ^_ — OU UWANTTOBUYACAROR ABEYOUSUREYO TRUCKWITHOUTCHECKING USnRSt? * I JEEP G;JherokeeE u l l f' ’jo rg e ------ -------f t ho N ow York Stock E xchar M o m b o rojftI ^0 thori 4 50 O fncos Nationwldo Mora the ■M ^ 3006 |m i|jl *m - ^ / S A I U R DD /A Y r A P B l L 9 , - l ® COFFEESHOP ' ■ .IPCiOWA-O CtNwa»tSo>w.iocMomDorSir^ S _ Z s u m d aW h , IM.153-CLZ I |> A PR IL l O , 1 9 '9 4 'N _ COFFEESHOP Sorted lfom:11:30-5.00pm FOOD 'N ' A BASKET SEAFO J cOHVPnTOHCEKraH" 1 1 r - /S'yESTMENTS SISCC m !Si7 8 202 S h o s h o nn ee St. E. • Twin Falls. Id.. 83301 7 3 3 - 6600 1 9 • 1 - 8 0 0 -2 3 4 -6 0 1 9 : .■ N olson • F ro d1Nc f c | : = = 7 «G rE dw ardt — RfiRlsEYlNN: Kelly W ard C raig N olson L&REDO a n UMES A V AIliaU M s i m o l ONE OF 13 CHEAT CAB ' with a scono and com on Iho cob. SorvodIwill icKEHWSBurrnr (Hid W Bftad J _______ _ _ Jewd«S.FfBsfiEato)£ Searai Vese£a6Ht o t isanJftocs o af liCOFflESHOROllliDKSElif?! m m AliOlNOURC FWDAY. , LUNCHEONSPECK ScTVDfl (imu; '11;30 o.m • 2w Sloak Sandwhl Sllr-Friad Chhke * •" Broiled Haltbul • All so rvo d with frosh i fi,'" " ' Yoor C b ek * Jv>t $5^95 VBtrieyta-OT.BiKtiHlloM-': SEAFOOD BU f ) K t e 7 j s - & C H 0 C a0 A l B= $6.95 , Crab H a lib u l. S p l u s a ll I h e I n m /77/nosand im ^ d e s s e r t buf f i /l n n - '3 S “,B iJ d g e tliliilel-'2 '2 9 » ' ' Burieyln S ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ —,.PncaiaxiUini - ; Page 26 " A P m i1 3 .lW 4 lOVIES I 1 1 NEWS . 1 I MO^ I 6 p .m . I 6 :3 0 I 7 :( I 6 iPAY EVENING TODNKD^ lj8 j3 ^ ^ M PORTS I I SPI I KIDS' ■ r Week“^ 'A p n r 8 •- 14,1994 C ^ M Vith RushL iteShow^enin [UafTicd_With News A (CO Channel 2 (:3$)Ute 6178240 SS)(R)A(Cq [5328482 Hew*2110619 Progress)' ~ ClastleClub. :he«n...[NowlaStyl«{Joinodin ....... 1 In Progrtsss)S S M e w w s |J5) Che« K6W In Style (Left h i^c Club (Jcmed in Progress) 9040400 2437646 N«w*2G92049 WhMlofFor- Cl«»lc '2741077[ProgteSS)^0684 ■ (C072T4 2750145________ lUn0 744G‘M1 (Off Air) Chartle Rose A 64874 :) 54481 wgiaphle "Jewel* Mao Yeai> A (OC)! :N«IIXehref Hewsheur(CC IKatlonalGwgn FvEasUm B u iln m R ^ HaeN«ll F»f u __________________ oflheCaribbeai i>aaas*al5L35£--.. Cookety 7CM2- port«W------ ififlLJs i KIPT- ( D C0( f ' Design. W . ~ ” J^A’S-H (:051 Lata Show (R) A ( C c j~ U:35)rA= «Hh*NlghtyOosl AUIouailallasJJc r\ irolHewttCCl nyiKCClIToniTum's trrthfr«eat«Wi = 5 i i S 3 « 6 = |^ = = Nowi (CC) NoW*'(0:) NinTiri r^13?|72802023 •_________ 8470019 (C0747C (CC)020S8 79394 77 Thumb' 57077 Loto'(R) H1 (C( 64313 55065 28077 lio Hall A (CC) 41ghtlin« RushL [;35)AJwnloH :)G6868 Mafrt«t..with (:35)Nlgh [These Friend* Turning Point (CC)( nt If ImThunder Alley Home ImMaiTlod...Wlth Cumrrt Affair Horn* 1043892 16250972 8762232 55313 (CC) 104: 71 ofMlr>B 26526 __________ _ >8.25333 [n(CC)48313 prove. 11771 IS KKVI £ s 3107? 3,( (00)22329 prcve.: <ight Scheduled: 00- ronlghlShowA(CO (:35) Late Nighl viuary-A” Now* 1771400 (:35)Tonl 0 4C 40874 Uw& Order-Sancfi fllved MysHfie* A (CC) Now A (CC) iUghLAe760874 Nows 39019 Eniertainmenl Unwlvi Qo tressJudJhUgl' 4338226 (CC) 57110 20___________I________________ ^ K3BAS BD Tonlght40771 08220 ICC-1 Empefo7 A (| 0 0 [Currant A f ^ LovaConnecixtGenera- Night CouH Cop* A ace’Fbtog With Dis- Star Trek; The Next •erty Hills, 90210 •Cmncii Helros* Place' North 054648 WonderYoar* H*A‘S*H*E(}- Bovetly (CO 82752 Hon 58874 K) 18085 199555 1 (OC) 17930 .. Oofl A (CC) 20400 asler‘ (R)A{Oi A (CO) 3084 Wifta'4930 Timo-(R)A(CC)09936 o*(P ktrv cD'n' Crime Cheen” (;06) Lato Show (R) A (CC)i) OWS A (Cq N«W» 5861526 (;36)Ch*i oflhe Night‘A i ^ « Houri Moiing N Nii iny’DadiJy [Tom'Tom's In th# Heat:old Ntwt S042 Wheel of Fof-_ Hanny ‘ ________ 5461849 4S0S042 50761771. . - . ---------------- [C0-1S6! S(CC)10j)W , . , 99918tfi5sr4752 ThumS'B706. Lovc‘ (R)n(C< . . Um#63!M. [)cJtbst D *<«VT Oi Night— (;M)UtoShow(R).A(CO_ -N c w r A i^ N«wrtl0ei45 (:3S^N(g^ rsnmrrngtirAKis <»Houi*»jMngf<c my 'Daddy Totn‘‘Tom's ' IHTKeHeSrsni 6172066 'N owT m ChMf*(CCr Nanny80672495 Court14805404 48! 0 0 4674 3058___________ if«I*5752 Thumb'418 Love*(R) H1 ((0( KIDK D*• . • 232 DcafKl iloH allA(0O Hlghtllne RushL l(:35)Ar»enloH 0 7593G' New* 1906067 (:35)Hlgi IThese Friend* Turning Point (CC) iTim^ Thunder Alley Home Im* Enlertalnmont CumnIAffair Hemcli 8382684 3676435 ' - 1698077 . _ _________________ (0C)M8: ve.5394 A(CC)4394 prove. 40422 |of Mine 6077_________________ : _ Kpvi 0 ^‘ Tcnight tb 70&B (CC)eilO prove. I HlglnaUiwiuieO. j;.' ficmorjm— N m jty n o s (:J5)Ton: tolvcd Mystorlw A'(Cd)''' tiOTi A (CC) iH 1Lighl A 1083145 ______ ft77. wgsJudnhUs! ■ NmW?o__|Ro»SW''«_0 ___ ______ , _ _ _ _ _ 75600774 ----■ (CC) 66232--------!• . (CGI 0700 7734B tiy-Daddy TonTTomTnin lh# Heat of th rcM'6220 Thumb* 690 Lovo*(R)A(CC • F“ ------ !b O S 3 O !a a ^ Q a r a a is iD ~ . P D EDO -------------------- Nff I a I rin _ _ l a m m m a cnn "■■ p E I i n i l Q E B ESPM - I h* QB EE 0 3 ASE ItU T ^ u !7 w n 9 L !v a (R M W 2 k lo n e y llM m N S w ^ ^ 0 180990 SportiTonlghllHoi ^ w n ju ra S p fw o n !^ ^ lUrtyK 134771 ,| S61313 I&25023 [day 0347 391901 [561 :) 949042______________I___________ |(C0)S4 ST [Sport»e*trte7 .BeAnnouncod. (U V O ) 441232 Milor League Bmbafl Teams lo Be Announced. (Uve) 030084 ■ Major Uagu« Baseball Teams lo BeI An 273771 Woridwlde Up date 273801 J48 300139 lAmerican Justice (R) 034348 It -SharkTer- ■[Civil War Journal (R) 30C [War-Wolfpa(*:Tho IWlldllfeMyiterie*' i«r1canJustJc«30lB68 iMaslenofWaj "civilWafJournal028004 i Amtflc cF ^(R)390752 em/-^M*iC . .-ror.ShaikFre«£|f Hiddcn'Encm/BV^ ir Tho Yak Beyond 2000 A petsonai hovwPortraHofthe WingsoftheRedSUrTT 100 408348 Living Planet A Po iConnK- jMa^aHiiti^r Bcyond!0004 ^ JfnnlnQt “ Homo Hatter* PelCoi craft. 536752 )5604 3. (R) 308771 ^-Ju ngle-3p 56 Ma*tenofWat 664337 Prinianew»(CC) 506368 ____________ __ rLa BS na' Ta r c~ s ~- o ~« -~^7 5re W o a CD A(i(C b s i E B a m USA ® ID ID ' i'Jr “TV tra ID ' uFE r----------------E lE o c Q iia m '■■ p O J B I C D E ■ £ fam TWN EB g j m th t IfB B Q O IE )^ TBS ^ es ___ in E EB E S . . . . .-------wfl ^ Uvlng planet:' Earth 769581 ^usoll KiUHjy-— I--------My Cal Sa(***(1iM 2. Mus* Payi aaMatura.AnacTin Pan Alley *r** * (1940, Musical) Alice Fayo. John Payne, rGalSal ***{lM2)RltaH3y«rti.V»3a_t Sutton. 690665 MyGa 50597 wcflh. Vidof Mature. John Sutto md a singer soek'fame h New York. 7605' me.'90586« Two composers and inlol Paul Dresser’s riiolosongwnltng fame-i counlo sr [Odd Couple «Hsto - Ccuntefstrike french Twin* Wing* taion Four mental Wing* A (CO) W li A (CC) [Quantum Leap'Motwrts ,e Dream Team ***(1989) Mictod Keaton [275269 ” Murdef.StwWrote'TtwDcad TheOi J3481 (R) 276348 550481 Live-May 4.1985-0334C 174936 ■ 393329 ^ us find ihcnfflslvcs loose in Manhattan. A1 17^ Frie*(CC) 551930__________ liCfUtfi Tiallve Nation A io448i iDreamtimee A 9899?3 Beavls-flutL Jon Stewart [Altsmaii ■90s|S«xlnth< *90* Beavis-Butt. Be; iinlhe'90s(R)A 823l45 ISexhilheWs ‘ PrimoTlme A 104042 S«in 289787 (R) A 550787 577329 962850 28! IV485394 [tum9htatJI730aS---------- -ai4B— -------S«ni,yComi«(R)J6s: omlc*<RH7e484— S*xSymboU3G21 -------- LstmdayCwnIc - Vkfeo Block— jJsm-233329—— ~— " Tin Pan Ai!e7 AIlc« Faye ,• * * 981313 220145 it w iu n u n n nittijw A-Note.-Apn v flte^ Un*elv*dlty»t>iw ?eryl>6d/Wlnr»tnT'9!»:fclys!Bty) ffek-No ” Sitter* iw Jea$i^tlics Aioi. 'I^ve^' ........ T75i?5 ------ B0551V • - - | MysL 505619 ?3220 csbgaics a psychialrig’s flrisV mtfder. 72322i Frankio and Tc<ldy. 282974 |ifrvcsb! iram 700 Club lacUan[Paid Program Paid Program ost Episodes' Big Brother " Maniac J 738023 BonanuiThe Losl 700 Oub 7380 “ H Hol«au»t(R)(Part4o(5)737394 538356 i 465665 617963 368941 521787 Jake 552145 tlon46i Tha Piisoncn’ 821 luiod: NlerBeotEdfFame MuslcCltyTonlghtSchedulod Evening of Country Great*: A Hail of Fai Ed- lCIubD»nc#{R) A 5724M 117 jslc City Tonight Scheduled: Killer Beac Ed” Country Gr«aU Hall of Fame IMusic n. (R) A 832868 die Raven, Hank Thompson. (R Celebration (R) A 042110 i R3Yen,HankThompson.-A 3063&4, ICelabration 959481 . [a-oRJ * * * (1961,Drama) ^ flc fleeing The Sin* of Rachel CadaI ** ^cm) John Wayne, WanJ Bond. Outlaws flmao) John Wayne, Lauren BacaH. A merchant ma 3Godfathefi * * * (1948,Wester ” BloodAllay **>(1955,Advef'turo)J( ch,106597 Angle Dickinson. Pelor Finch, i ^mottier. 47323058______________ Irino help? Ctiincse peasanB Kcape Cot Communists. 54612055_______________ across tho desert come upon odyins leH [The Eagle Hau Landed * * V ig. Two Now [Dying Room Only *k*%(1973,Susper»e) *i id Laurie **»(1975. Drama) Petty King, salAtlanlaHawks.Fromthe IFosterindLj 769400 ~ NBA Basketball QoveUnd Cav^en sl » Martin. 6102431 • (1977) 62769' 333 ac»lsLcachman,Ros$W poiicenwn are klled Inon ambush, 775533: Yotk City poiio 0Omni. (Lfrt) Ga9030!)0 WW.lCri»tlna(R) ' fSaionde (:45)Woi1clVi VIAadel Mar 7939351 nalisimo 00090 [NotlderoUtlP IVli trtsa&oo^ ^ SensacJonalis 5313 93670820 ~ hUs AIU del Puente 31428 Clsrti Bellen slon 1625313 vision 30961 ' f, __ ? J lUacyTyler .ove Lucy iBobNewhart MaryTyler “ Partridg# Fam-lHofk &Mlnd^ ILo« 5941 IMoore 148706 I0?33 |785771 Moore615941 Ily87a435 |6097B7 |91033 :) 182901 ■ liam i Heal-From Mbtni Arena. N«w»(CC)i8 “ NBA B»k«lb3l Chicago Bulls at M iam i N WCN -,-■ (I [UW)0544B2 nick Inside PGA 839356, I iw Paid Program illchcock Superman Lucy Show” Get Smart [DrasnefJuve-[AHIlch Dick Van Dyke Gt 640191 sot 761706 817139 281413 ■ |nil0’ 29C313 372901 759961 28 3ragon' Wilson, A kidiodfist * (1989, Arfventure) Don The Drag' Renegad«-HonaBound'(R) Bloodfi NightCourt R« thcr, 3'10348 !Ttakes on the fighlof who kilted Ks brother, 365752 33 (1961, Drama) Eh*> Torkel> sday Weld. 830936 ) 737055 [Prasley. Hope UJnge. Tuesday (CC)73 6sCoan,Apftv3loeye neyrnoon in V eju * * * (1992) James Ci Honeyr 61859936 a his, fiancee ino poker game, A (CO ei.a toseshi: l a m EZQ^ oko,|Exce**hre ged Fear * \ (1992. Drama) KrW en cSkoT **(1B9Z Comody) Slovo Caged ------- Fore* 6282578---------= jm i V Keith.’ftay Sharkey.-A 6639435--------ojCawerTO455--------------- DavltfK alic. 725684 Bi»^.5eyTTtti q Iq . S mm cConwdy) A 32039410 [chaeo 92. Adventure) Michael iendefend iBIlnkofanEyt **(1992.A 1993) M ario Van Peebles, Former soWiefs rama) Anthony EdP o m ***(19! ^ lio c I D elUH ttl** (1992. Drama 60947394_________ " ThiLonflGoodby* ***«n973)EII |pare.JanbL8e.A(C0MW pfcomKKKraldera-A (C 0 1451233 rv ( C 0 15616503 Hblack tewmsNp fcl |wads,UnceHewtaan. A(C Gould. SUfling Hayden, 9301597 m ■ TMC ^ • G ndefi [Crypt Tale* Dream On (R) [UnySanlef 192) Dustin Hcffcnan, A homeless Vietnam ll Hero **«(I992; lyper Siplen: P*opli Ffora Anottwr St»ir**(198e.Sdenca *i (5:50) Don't Tell Htr ire M* jwyp* i5329 831714 329 |(CC) 112418 (R) A 35532 a hood's bravery. A -PG-iy (CC) 848329 (B68 lakotcreaiorahi Cion) S»<tneyPenny. A -pG' (CC) 33004868 .. »»(1990)TG-13'3076394 |naiof •TW $'cK«Ha.~' ■ “ “ i . O O O O O IO AXO fll£R 00 H O T RECaW T h inSOUEAREAl ».JEROie.W W «r« B D e ^ y m ^ N O T ^ ra c s ___ i.auHnasflJtoADCAST.ovrjw DQIWFILES. CTOW a WJEROWjCOOOW&WDOa • .WCXtSBJWADCASTC ^ ^ M rtieB relm l^ndelllnnT hl^^idE«th(R)A K K W iInw fp^lekiyM ouse Charll 12752 |4a0<00 | b60C936 , f»t»d4n930 |ciub504410 7427i iWceflTurner.A eggy Sue Got Married * * * (1986)Kflthlcei " TlnAntnltWashThtifFfCM Pegg n an Qoes back 10 her seniof year Inhighijcheol.,181226 tdx ** * (1939, Drama) 708139 .. >wmai “ urage: The MaryTlwmMStoiy AMoth«’*Coun reWoodard, A (CC)37t3l3 *fH(1989)AHreV iw**(1993)Nicala5Ca9e. Amo*4Andrew ion. A (00)8372619 . Samuel LJackscw y srn )0>W ' i Ttr * n ■ •' kBTCHtW . m n tiT .iw fo . ...................... auNVAuzY . .......MUUHflVWm- Tiii I—stDsanrafflB S O T S Itrn P>aagg e 2 7 ------------------------------ Wed fednesday----- r i 9 9 4 - - : ................................... T — W ^ k of^Spfll 8 ^ 1 4t,1 sa M l 3439733 1 :0 5 0 ( 3 8 ) JER R Y SPRINGER 7 6 2 4 3 3 7 DESIGNING C R WOMEN 4 6 1 8 2 4 0 „ I D E E ;Pp F R I E D S H R I M P• O 1:08 B SQ UIRE NA' K [E N F R I E D S T E A lKK O R „ „ -_ C H IC K ------ URAL II 9 0 7 5 2 6 9 — 1:12 H ALF 5475571 I P H IC K E N & S H R IM P M 1:30 a OVERNIGHT I 7132714 U IZ All D in nlee rr s S e rv e d W ith S o u p S / I f o i WILLIAMS TV ----------- lOg-^ O f r S B l a djrr Pl o ta to e > O r - R lc e r ~ l — 3 ^ 0 8 5 ---------------------------T O -A U T ^ R A C IN G .. " S T U ilS f^ la o , ■ i___ jf? 'ujSj D A NC E OF )F THE DAMNED * x (19S9. Horror) Storr An----------dronll7Cvril-0'RoiH)[^A-r sa PBS 1 I chi 1 3 3 3 1 1 = . H I wfth d estin y by o lon oly younfj vam piro in co;irch of com p on lon - ship. (V )2 7 1 6 5 B 1 . i n MOVIE JA G G E D EDGE * * s (19B5. Drnma) G lonn C lo so . JoffBrltJnos. An attor ney fa llsin lo v o with h<Srclionl. □ S a n F ran cisco (low spapor-publlahor ______ who mny b o a m onlpulativo murdoror. f \ (V) 9886375 CU MOVIE FINAL MISSION * * (1 9 8 5 . _ F ood City 5 0 0 . (R ' 449882 EQ JO N STEWART RT (R) A 1 4 7 1 5 3 ■ r a o n 0 3 PAID m PROGRAM 6 8 7 3 3 7 . F 1 5 2 0 8 5 .1 4 9 5 1 1 ,CA A, r G I MOVIE J E S SIC * * H (1 9 6 2 . C om od Angio DickinBon. Mo H co C h o v a llo f. A m| lt |o c . _ ____ w ifcL bocom os.lho.pt of iu si for tho m on a 3mon jea lo u sy for tho wonr of a sm aii Itailan vill; 93 8 2 8 8 ------- B 3 - M ARY TTLER ^— MOORE 7 1 8 5 3 0 fiQ . HEADLlNE NE' “ ------ 5 6 4 6 2 6 9 -----------------B 1:35 0 1 N BC N EW S ^ K NIGHTSIDE 2 9 3 6 5 8 g. I 1:38 B NEW S 78969573 OM ^ K E 1:45 a NEWSROO: 99323337 e g MOVIE WIDE.SSA R ■ U G A SS O SE A * * H :,f„o z ?.>■'' .•} (1 9 9 3 . Dram a) Karlr ll-). I Lombard. N alnanlol o ia n d ^ '-“t Parker; Superstition v o o d o o form tho boi ^ a o Z e d d n g . p te tu re « .a b o vfe, e . • •! L ■ !★ -cri: tV ★i 'V M ! / ^ I N G IN YOUR^ I CANS FOR EXTRA 1 $ CASH $ I I l— a Wlicrc Fashion. 1. T Quality St Expcri •J I r A FoUow-UpCarc _ # --------\ . . . Make-thc • I j r O P T I C A t , DUfcrcncc! y |« o ii.- F r t.V ^ J ^ 9 t0 0 • 6H)0 ;io * w l S a tu r d a y ---------------A nerMlo«u r s b y ^ A p p o I n t m e n t _ ^ ! s -80NUS-PER POUND On Aa Aluminum Cor«° I 'OeCopsihiVcnodKn I I CrrnoiddAxartiDdJdod Cim^MuiodhCaVObnWti - ^ ^ o u n t a i n^ I W e s t ' S ^? » 1 V a ^ resents P^roudJ ifP re : V -M- -M - ★ ★ iV | yHOURS\ t ^ « 525 BLUE: LAKES BLVD.iS... ^LLS • 734-EYES T W I N F A I miceri ^ U v e In Con • H ^ ^ f i T ”Jm c e N e W . :■ G lass s e s inI >h o u r! i -V f ★ E 3f IN FALLS CRIME, TWIN TIO N bITION ASSOCIATI ^ PREVENT Young. Joh n E ricson. ______An ox-cop an d form or ‘ - “ .iarvotorcin aooKa roiorvcngo aga in st a murdorous gan g lod by an old Gficmy from h is d a y s in V iolnam. n ( V ) 6 8 1 1 9 9 a ) MOVIE THE C O N QUEROR * * (1 9 5 6 , Advonturo) John W.iyno, S u s a n Hay ' ward. A m ighty M ongol ------ worrtof-kldnaps.lbo , d.Tugtilor o f o'poworful Tartar kino a n d s o lz o s ;? ? ----------- uunKgr o r n ii n i inptiu : n n t ^ fo u r d oy u m a nt a ry. ^ i to j^ ir r in e d Iri W CT ; m adw om an's daugi* ( V ) 251 8 2 0 SSish. ¥■ ^ who m arrios an Eng @ PAID PROGRAM . in W o n d e r ia n d “ — The^ R e d ' ‘ mon in J a m a ica . AA (V) “ ==T«Advan«iiM ll1' 197D17 Is 24563998 lion E l COUNTRY N E W/ S s Q u e e n 's c o n s tru d id r o f a royal te n n is c o u rt is , 1:55 NEW S Schodulod: tho Hlghs h u t d o w n w h e n thh e W a lru s d isc o v e rs a rare 99766608 w.nymon, A 8 1 2 3 7 5 ERIOR ^ r a MOVIE ULTEF isee s . DISN.__________ ■ . p la n t o n th e .p re m is CD- BO B NEW HARTr ----------------- M 0T J V E S T T * -n1932; 9' ■■■ 902801' ------- ----------Dram a) T h o m a s lar -----------E 0 H E A D L IN E N EW SA JR) * * * % (1 9 3 7 rD ram c jm a ) Griffith. Mary Pa'flcr S P O R T S AMERICA ( 9292085 Humphroy Bogart, ir Kniior. A orivnlo p y i 1 ? -If? B I ( 3 S ) m A B C__ — =--------- SvMs-SWnoyrVoungi j*^ ' w im inuriinl .n la Ira r a m ih -s= WORLD NEVVSNOW CING sioTs in on E ast River IVDio nroos lo protoct ao jourHOLLYW OOD'S KIN ■1B185563, 4 0 7 1 5 2 0 71 3 S743 Slum fighl to ovorcom :a*as- • \A • ° 7 .° nalisl from Yakurfl* OF LAUGHTER 83S7 0 ( 3 8 ) @ LATER fS ihoir onvironrnont. (V] (''> snsslns. n (V) 6 D WILDLIFE MYS. ★ Sciioduiod: o c tr o ss-a, uu -. I 52 B 47820 TE RIES D ivors R on £ It^or Carrlo FIshor. A\ !/oko‘* E °b I a VIS a n d V alorlo Tayior provoK ' 5 7 1 7 0 2 2 .4 3 4 2 8 8 2 'rdo? BUTT-HEAD (R) A ^ .................... — Q Shark attack In ordt 12:37 Q N EW S to stud y Iho croaturo: • -35496578^------- -------------.. © °ffl-P A IO -P R tQo-- — 12:38 B SO L O F L E X’- - ^ GRAM 4 3 2 7 3 3 . 4 336559 65 ^ " S ’s o F T HHE E >Et. 3447207 : R ED ST A R Tho YoK 1:00 0 C R O SSF IR E so m o lim o s roforrod ti YKE ( R ) 62 3 9 9 8 0 3 tho R u ssia n HurriID SAM PLER c a n o . ( R ) 6 0 9 4 4 3 J E ND 1EW5 6G68356 6 3 HEADLINE NEW ® MOVIE DEAD E ___ o SHOOTING,______ ---- ____ imily I Limit. Good For Tho Enliro Famil) N o Lirr ril 3i 30.1994 J - 8:30 PM Mon.-Fri. Expires April o n .^ ir m Steve Wari e i^ ~ 7^994= ^' = ? Ettm ^ B ^ B i c o ufCEOFs’o iim V T IC K E T S ; ' * 7 . - S 0 ^. C e n e r a l-* lD A ^ V ie Music Center will be xM iig away a . Ttikaitiine acoustic sguitar i“l' ~ ” sisiieJ & siyeii aivay/ bbyy '^ ____ S la ’C-Wariticr.aLtJie:conccil. co. Arimhslon * T w in F a llss T h e M usic C e n te r - ~ f m - — . . V ideo.W est rican Vijjeo / 1 ^ G re a t A m erici ^ Buhl Buhl Police Di D e p t. — 7 ck Servicc U rry 's Quick^ H a n sen -------- D aw T W ffrkei ket -y f ★ V ff★ ^ ^ - A - -* r • y f 'At (- IN E ! YiiSM BES m a n d j b ath Exira sh a rp h o rm e fea tu rin g 2 b ed ro oDms I itc h e n , la rg e ';fW ^ r 1 4 0 0 s q . ft. U p d a te d k b o a s tin g o v er su n H t la u n d ryy ro o m , b a s e m e n t, m a irin te n a n c e fre e ..-JT " ' • le. W I U S E L L A J i. . ex te rio r, g a s h e a t, o v e rs iz e d g a ra g e . 1 ,5 0 0 -C A U NOW . FAST AT $39,! S S I D 7 3 4 - 8 7 5 4 o r 7734-6500 3 ASKTOR SidLCQ ★ -Ufl __ W e e k o f A p r i l 8 -- 1 4' , 1 9 9 4 Page 28 R.viaran StfrpLrTTLEHEROCa * *-, {1OT1,, Or.ima) Ot: iM. 12:00 p,m, 37002 u>n. KoUiCrvKlenMn. (I 30) B SM-‘ UTILE MlSa DnOAOWAY * * (1030, Muelcel) t;30) B) Sun, a.m. SlMikry Temple. Jimmy Ouianlo. (»iM 007W5 >H(I073, My«ery)ElDon THE LONG COODOYE 5) 0IQ Wed, Coula. Sl«Mino Hayden. 'R' (1 55) OM1507 TH6 LONO. HOT BUMMER • ** ** (lOU.Oranu)Paul B H I H H Nowmnn, Jonnno Woodwnta. (2:00) (2:01 60 F»l, Sp-m, J 0 3 T 0 8 ,p .m . 023505 ------- TH6 LOHO RlOERS-*.*-*-llO.(laQO^Wealflinj.Slacy... ——HcnaRTiFSijCwmBinn^KgOCrBI ^^” 577297 :K3 * * (1090. Comedy) D.vm OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS -13' (Adult langu-igo, ndutt s<iu.v Carvey, RoOert loggia.-PG-i: a.m. 7052072; Sal. 9:10 a,m, lions) (1:45) (D Fcl. 11 a.i 20705703 U * * jk (1070.Comedy) Jack ------- THE OUT-OF-TOWNCRS :00) ffl Sat 12:00 «.m. 542023 • Lemmtti. Sandy Demis, (2:00 Orama) Beau Bridges, OUTRAOEI * * * ( !(1080. ( Frt2p,m. 400175 ^ ^ 1 Roberi Preslon. (2,00) ffi Ffl * * * (1000, Comedy) ■- f M THE OVER-THE-HIU. GANG OJ L*4m, (1:30) r a Tue. 12:39 a-m. W S S m Wanof Drennan, Pat aSnen, —— ” ] 1521130 —------! - OVERSEAS •***(1090 1070, WelIcm)KuftRuJ' Qg'Frl, 6:19a.m. 12I(^SSa THE LONGEST DRIVE **(1070 d,12:30p.m, 1017030 • (1:45) C3 W»<J. 12 Fnnlmy) Petof Fificfi, LNt LOSTHORIZON **(I073,Fnnl UIlmnnn.-G' (2.20] ff> Thu.<;45p.m. ;i050. Orama) Robert Cummtngs, Tue, 2:2} pjn, 00485522 ^ ^ PAIDINFUU **»(10; Suspense) So-m Young, LOVE CRIMES **<1001,Sus[ ITER IN A DOX * * • (1091, Comodr) Spak3n>g Spal 3un,Ba.m.02l061 ^ ,jjaboth Scott (2.00) EB Sur PnUick Oeopn 'R' Unguago, «I D;4S a m, jj^g PARADISE COKNE NECT10N * * (1070, Mystery) C o , ” •S13'(AduB br>gufloe) (1 .3 0 )0 Sat 1D;4S vwlenco) (130) B3 fri.2;M».m. tCOl ( 2 .0 0 )0 Tue,.1lrt)Sa-m, H :om )0« 0^u«^EO«n,Mar,Ou«y, LOVE POTION NO, « **(1092, • DEAD THAN ALTVE * * (IDC9. Woslom) ynn, Sftfxita DullOcV. 'PO-n' (Adull la PAREMTOOOO * * ** l (I960, Comedy-Orama) Slovo .040. 7;15 pjn. 420715(3. Uom) (1 30) ID Frt- « 07UM0. S i ! ? ? o K E ? W e “l S ? ? S i i l« S S'.T O . Martin,MaryS>9orilwgt»n.-PC ■PO-13’(Adurt kmguoge.-mM •«— Wed. < pjn, 772077 .30 BJn. 14075720 H Johnson, (2.05) ID Sun. 9:30 meOvl Painck Dompjey, f*Y * * » ( 1(IDB9, Ornmo) A»ro Woodard, A.J. John LOVCRDOr * * (1000, ComoO' Stan- H Wed. 8 pjtl. 37 t313..3.a,m, 446337 _ ------- PARIS.TEXAS * * * ( 1(1004. Orama) Harry ------Kalo"JflcVM>ft.'TC-13“ (AOU!t imousi AduR language, adult sjluaUxu. pV ' <G; VIOLATIONS *H (1005, Comedy) John lohn MmNaslatata KlnUL 'R' (Ad " i i K • (1 4S) Q Mon, 1:30 p,m. 3370607 1.3:50 a,m, 20747400 1 :3 0 ) 0 wielnud-ty) (2:40)Oa Toa.3 3' (AduU longuaflo, nduR jilunllons) (V30) 01 Orama) WiDlam Russ. Glenn n, 512068 PASTIME * * * (1901. age) (1 :3 5 )0 Wed. 12:50p.m, ^ i r s GIRLS * * (1005, Comedy) Rum1 Cordon, Co. piyn^ner.'PG‘(Adult lar^gungt Comodif) Joan [jranioai Ugan. (2.00) O) Fti. 1 a.m. 076907 MAID'S NIGHT OUT * * (1930, (IS H«m T-ITnln^ UIIMfHIF :hif «i * <lfla7. Comedt) Harvey Kotman. (, ■n, (2.00) ^ pat WOT OAMES * * * (1002. Suspense) Hamion U fi ITOI) Blair Orown. 12 00) ^ “ rt.Sa-tn. alra 87000* MAJORHY RULE (1OT2, Dfam.1) l-ord. Anno AJUUll, H ll'WuH I i e) Poler Men, 11 pjn. 729250 PHV'S WAR * * (1071, Advenlure) P GQ W e d - t^ . 170374 cl«el m PACIFIC * * (1056. Adven7809,1# PEARL OF THE SOOTH THE UAUOUDIKJNI SHOP *I((tOOO,Como<Jy)M '9 ;£sn PhilDpa, (2.00) S J Sat 8 p,m. 97780! ima Uayo_UJQl-*B-Men J 0 _ » t e - . iure).Oennl*.UorBan.-JflromU b. 111035-----------------pjn.8624a8•‘-■-Oav<dW*.0M.-«-00)ffl SeL9jKm.U • “ 'FtophoW 2. We»1oin) Dill Cosoy, y y oOG OG TOE THIEF * * (1075, Comodr) Ow. ajn.7074B1 ' MAN AND DOT * * (1072. VS UWIEO * * * (1080, Comedy) Ffl.e p jaL3111M. 31l PEGOy GUE GOT MARI CeoTDsSpea. (2,10) ID Mofi.lOiJOp id bbBBobat! R odford p la y s a g iftod Cage. 'PC-13’ (AduR language. RRobert ot Kalhieen Turner. Nicolas Ca THE MAH FROM COLORADO” * **°M0« , WoMom) ?|S?2?,'m !^ Frt 2 p m 000000; Wed. 7 pjn. p,^, W ORnc'sW * * » (1051,Comedy) Dobh W) Hope,- oduR Muauorn) (2:00) GI Fr o rtu n o to bo45) 01 Tue. 1:4S p.m, u y pAVO Glenn Fwd. W*Jlom HoiOon. (1:45) ila y o r w h o o v o rc o m o s m iafortu 3. 1 a.m. ,61220;Thu.iajn.074289 norr,, (2:00) O l 8un, 7 p,m, 570213. S0320C70 » m o a blB -loaguo s t a r In 'T1,0 ho N a tu ra l.' _ nME FORGOT * * (1077, Sc*- COn THE PEOPLE THAT TM THE MAN FROM LARAMIE ****H(1055,Weslem) * 9. Daug McClura. (2:00) fO Sat -rh p ,,o m ovio a ire T h u rad o y n igj h tt o n HBO. ■laywwth, enco Fldion) Patrick Wayr«.C AL SAL * * * (1042. Muteal) Rita Hay* 7 00) f S Ffl, 11:05 aJTi. MY OAL J s im Glewiul. Anhu> Kennody. (2.00 , 11 p.m, ^05 pjn. 2250004 turo. (2 00) ffl Wed. 7 p,m, 005068,11 0575332 Vtdor Mature HE CASE OF THE DEFIANT ,mCHINLOVE ***(1992. Drama)/ PERRY MASON: THE »iwi}y) Andrew McCartJry. 090005 na) Albert Fmney. Jil MAHNCOUIN **(1007, Comoa » Fiction) OAUCKTER **H(1000. M kiR *snuatiora) (2:00) CIENCE PROJECT * * (1005, Sdon«^Fk n.7&403 MYSCIEI aaytjurgh, 'PG-13' (AduR lanouago- *JuR Kim CaRral. (2.00) O Sun. 2 pjn. 75 D Sun, VMjg^^(1:45) IB Mon. 2 i D Mon. «J0 a m 504014.8:09 p m 2340302 2340 )rama) Edwanl C. RoCxnStockvn AwoD. Oanlella Von Zemett, (2:00) O : MANPOWER **K (1041. Dram i2;00 p.m, 42 1,4276B RI06 DEYOND VENGEANCE * ** *» (1006. Wetlem) un.Goor9eRnn. <1:45)01 Wed., 7:20 7:2i a.m. S3402023 CASE OP TOE FATAL FASH. _TwckCorvKxV. ’ PERRY MASON: THEZ C **% (1055, Weslerr) Michael RanrH, ( 2 ^ ))B0 Bun. 8:49 pjn. • MANY RIVERS TO CROSS *1 Ourr, Valene Harper. ^10053830 ION * * (1001. MyttefV)) Raymorxl R Rotxifl Tajlof. Eleanot Petkof. (2 00) 0 CD SaL p.m, .C2409M0 J ,) Tommy “ RIDE. VACWERO * * * 0 °^ - astern) Robert TeyW. E AND HAYES * * (10&3. Adventure) To ’ iiiujrr e.T ur'ael &'K55le ,' VG''tVi51eniJf ‘(.J' .OO’ RM nJ^H elan Roddy, CG'*(V:V 5r0^8a7.*4l35 p'im! •R-(AduB Urxjuabe, aduJl 0. Western) Tkn HolV RTOGIlANOe PATROL **(1050.W Jason Scoa Lee, A m PanDaud IT (< dLm. 401450 " im ® ,4715733 ?1B170 USiardMartn. (1:15) ffl Wed,3»m471 tituauonj) (200) 63 SH.BBjn.21Bi: 3NAU LAMPOON'S LOADED WEAPONn’-P&*T 1 i ADISE *• (1091. Adull) Linda PLEASUREJN PARAD >ynedy) Tom Crutje. * *H (1963. Oyne UARATHOKMAN • * * « ( 1 0 7 med,)EmJ<.EM»«i. Samuel LJaduon, P< e. nudity, .trono sexual eomenl) IMwcea J fttSKYBUSlNESS Drown, -R' (Adun language.. i^ur4'CiJe"“v !ol‘^:S.). Honman. Uurooeo Olivtor, ’R' (A fluH De Momay, (2.-00) B Mon. 7 ppjim 44109 Sun. 7:30 pjaCO5304 J9459020 (155)10 T»iu.2:3J*in.3!M A RIVER RUNS THROUGH IT * ***% * (1092, Drama) (2.00) O Sun, S;30 a.m. 002030 ONAL LAMPOON'S VACATION * *■» * (1083 (1 M * * » (1093. Drama) Drtdgel » lg• Sheflef. Brad PitL 'PC' (AduB langut POINT OF NO RETURN inguago. brief nod.iy) MARGIE * * * (1040. ComwJy: Chevy Choe. 0»«xV O'Ar^geto, (Adu* lar>o. (AduR 13000774- ForxJa. GatirW Dyrpe, 'R' (A < teiguage, ftdus snuatwn, 2 ;1 5 )0 Thu. 9 p m 7340578 Young. (2:00) ffi Sun, 1 |>,m. W iion».nudM (1:40) c a Sat 4:05 aJ-w 13001 0 ) in Fn.11pjn,306302-.M<^ (2:15 ' bnofnudity,vtoler>») (2:00)1 18. Orama) JmOavts, ___ -XKMaZ_______ ___________ _ Spjtu 55134090____________________ rRedicrt----12:1S»>V CM5C7BT~------r'(1090. Corned^) Calhof. ---------------lilASTERS OF MENACE * *(» £ HATURAL * * * (1 0 W , Drama) RoOer1Re< Alan ArtJn, R«a Moreno, koo Scot Brady. (2.00)0 Frt 2a3ajti.24(W POPi * * * » tio io .cComedy) o. idence FleOon) Oon ino Elad<. OavM RAM^e. 'PG-O (Adu * * » (1093, Sden jvoB, 'PC' (Adutl language, adull eluaUona RobirTOuval m 54238705 . RODOTWARS ' -C (1 :5 5 )0 Thu.1:19pm (VWeoee) (1:30) IB lenco) (1:4S)ia Wed. S:1S (un. 32030410 320: kmml (2 M1 . 30) fla Thu. 12:30 pjrv 065240 UE ADVENWRES OF THE AL- «chael “ ch Paul. DartMfa CramplDn. -PG' (VW ■_ _ THE MAT1N0^8E^0N_* *»(l051.0rama)Cene r SEALS * tta.(iiKin, AdvBButoixtmy a >t.EADeR^MHWPCWINq~1*OM rui T |l fTT i).aytvcs1ar Slaanna, — — ROCKY II-* * *-4ie70rOrama).£v: aHllMgJlO) m35H<a«i I p ■u,13570: iaiiii siiii r 'P O ^T in^^i55Ft3:05r»' IPullman, ' languoge.adullaltuaUonj) (1: r ) CnrtUophef Walken, W • MC8AW *11(1091, Adventure)© rOUSTICKS * * x (1092, Compdy)IJ<dPull r307790S: o Hon. 7 a m 03270402. 9pmS7D4540 9 ju 12:30a m p o s s e * * * (1903.' ) (V 4 5 )« »un.11:40 (Adult IanROYCE (1P>4. Advwaura) JamesI Oelushl, Del m. W (Adu« lar^guaoe) (1:35) Bl Tue. 12:10 SlacMi BakMrW. TT (Adult e 40) O Fri. 9 p m graphic vWeneo. nudity) (1:40) b7 QSOCflOO sjuaoe. UEAT0AL1.S4 * x (1092. Com Us oi S m Thu. 8 p m 8208482 Comedy) Corey FeWman “^ ex Tr OF 01 KIN * * » (1005, Drama) Palrtek Sw „,nu«ty) (1:30) m Sat Uam S c •on. e i 'R- {Mult language, adull »«uaBor», vWl RUN OF THE ARROW * * » ( 11058. 0 « Westeni) Rod W (Adul tarouaoe. adufl MuaUons, m. * » (1089, Fa«a»y) Sharon Lee Steiger. I PRINCESS WARRXmI < h u .2 p m 789288* SatS p jn .004004 9JO pja17fcl10 2 2 Charlas Oronson. (2:00) Q Thu, i -to ~ » J2 « j) f f l S A 1 1pjn.371575 ^ «0,Orama)Mat»>ewMo. UEMPHIS OELLE **>(1000, tr OF THE GENERALS * * * (IM7,.Mytlecv) Myi roUEN ON TH6 MSIOE * * * wm 1-93 pm. PRISON STORIES: WOI Clno. Eric Sloia, (2:00) 11(00)i) sun. Su B P J - 2/30301; 'oole, Onw (»unr, ( 3 .0 5 )0 Sun. 11:93 Chcax), Lokta Davidovich. (2.00) (lOgi, Drama) Raa Domti Ct 0 ( 3 5 ) 9un.Bp,m. 10132; Cto Sun.« aenKfjR^SrtCuSv" SABOTEUR * * * (1B42.Su»2^ Suspense) O Frt 7 pjn. 430000 HCNATWORX **(1000.“S Cor x n S ^ i 'E r n f c E ^ ^“ ni’gSirOFTOCKUNTER t C * * * » (1055, 5u«. J1W3, Drarfi^Slavw Raes6»etc,_min, TUngSjPrisclPa Une, TO ' (2:00) iOo FrL 12:30 aum. __ ^..HWATEWAR3,.1»»J1' Chamo Srwen. -PO-ir-CAdcIt lang, Rc*»»n. She*ey wmior^-(»)45) 0 - W ^ » ncc) (1:30)81 Son. ilS a j R . ,,766< -R- {AduR lartwiva- violeflct r ir 4 m T rJ. 3;3°0*p.m, (1:45) O Sat. 7:19 p.m, 227341 VesMn) Joel McOea. , .SAOOLETRAHP * * * (1050, West* NWMT »VE NEVER MCT **»(1993. S432IB3 1003. Comedy-Orwna) Paul New- wan WandaHendrU. (1:30) (3] Th<>-2>^1.800041 B0( iS :l IREAM * * * * (tOM, Mat^SS&S A MIDSUMMER NIOHrS DRE^ Orodartck. Armatjolla Sdorra, V: (AduR■ lanff lure) OnW CariBdlne. SAFARI 3000 * * <1081. Adventure) on. (2;10) O Thu. 9:90 a.m. ' man. Edward'C, Robinson. l'Tue.12:95ajn.4a4ieooi daHaviIland. (2:30)13 (v40)BD'Tu 1 9 a m 88115300 StockardChav^mg. (2:19)0 Sat2:19aJ 8 * * * (1060. Comedy) Jarw Fonda. Ddh 8. Musical) Nal King R (1001. Drama) Domain Olehir, ST. LOUIS OLUES **»(1058.M in i£ R ^ c R O S s m o • * **» « ({1090, Drama) GabrW to_*p&(Ad.I lAdun iwouaoa. adul tAiatlont) (ZOO) OB K S. ' " ;. C200)ID Frt.7pjn.-72060. U a m 588481 JO. 2 ajn. 877025 Cole Cole. Pean Bailey, (1:30) ffl Wed. 8:30 Oyma. AlMrl Finney, (2:00) 0 1 3 5 ) 8aL 10:35 p ,r^ pj„.474403 KJ3 idy) IMartha Piimp“ . . . . Susoensal___ THE PUOUC EYE **<* * {1092. Drama) Joe Peso, ... aAMANTHA.*,k» (IDOL Comedy) /AV-TOTTteATALADY-*** (106fi.Suso - - 220eO(Mr(a6.t10iM««n.OOI»«a jlenei)' (1:40)-ffl- MonTZ P-mJ— Dermot Mulroney. ‘PC (2«0) IS -Tue..33 pp.m 4 87015 237000 Oartwa Herthoy, H' (Violai w.Georoe Segal. (200) ffl Tl~.-2ajn.1. 233 Sle«e' ( MINE OWN EXECUnONEA * i* * H (1047. Orama) insasy) Oudkiy Moorv. BANTACLAUS * * » (1085. Fansas! Rafl.Lyt»i 3003411,1l!l0pjn.l23514l (2 00) f f lM o n .2 ^ rURNE * * * (1940. My«lory)OoofoeRa*l. OitfOOta Mefodim. Wonin Moore. (2( 2:00) ID Wed. 9:30 17400 PU99 >H BOOTS * ** %(1988, Fantasy) Chrtslopher John^JU^.-PC'(UiW vlolenea) (2:00) 0) a FrL7pjn.eS2001,12:30un.73740C 433U57 ^ Walken. Jason Connery,-Gy (1 I :3 0 )0 Ffl 2 pjn. 537392 AVENUE IRREGULARS * *»»{1070. »( 92, < Comedy) Ami Odenz, ^ t KE*NORTH O MIRACtE BEACH * * (1092, Johri SATURDAYNKiHTFEVER * * ** (1077,Drama) (11 « iaI[3 5 ) Herrmann. Oartiara Kama, (2,00) iUoru.nud.ly) (1:J0)Ca comedy) EdMrd Ed. Doan Camwon, fJR- (AduB ailuflUoni un language, aduI *«Travdla. Karen Gomey, 'PO* (Adun la Trav m. 88042; (D Sun. 4 pjn. B120 ' Sat Bajn. 132260 ■2343S • uatons) (2.0 0 )0 Wed. 11:30tJti.42343 3STARK * * * * ( 1 0 8 1 ,Ad«Kv uaU STAR * * » (1043, Orama) Dana Dan AqlESS **>(1M t.W «1- ®“"to E ^NORTH o1 RAIOERS OP THE LOS1 MIRACLE IN THE WILDERNESS 0. AdvenlUfO) Robert I SAVAGE PAMPAS **M 1000.A . Alen, -PO' (AduR language, vto1, (2.00) O Thu. 10:35 om) K(l» KnaWIoraofi. K)m Callral, C turn) Harrtson Ford. Karen A* n e Oailar, (2.00) BB Fri, 2 a.m, 0290103 I Taylor, Marc LaviTonca. (2.00)0 Fri..12Mp.m.427150 12:1 pjn. 725604 Tayl 1IN0IH COMMON * * * (1080, Comedy-O dy-Orama) |«nce) (2:W) 13 WecL7pJi p.m.oiW3se la) Cerw Hackman, Ai | SCARECROW **»(1073.0rama)0 noNMAN * * * (1002, Orama) Tom^SJUTj THE RAILWAY STATIO UIRRCA nUAOES * •(1 0 0 1i1,Su»per«e)OoUflSr>ep, S' ka, JacUe Cleaaon. -PG' (AduS langv»»go,.aduJsnuadu (2 .0 0 )0 Tue. 2 a-m. 010435 .j.qq, lertand, (2 00>ro Sun, 11 a m Padno. Pad m. 087508 juu, cnftsUa. OonaW Sutnen part. Jen Conaway, -Nff (AduR anguage, aduB tituaOoni. •:00) e a Sun. 2 pJtt 322830; Wed. 7 ajn. 0< (1900. Comedy) OeOe SCENES FROM A MALL ***(1901 t:1SaJn, 00132700 DWOOS * * ( lB 02,Su»pw»e)JohnShoa., r«a.Jenny <J3220. 0 (11) Sat 10:38 p.m. p.i 4033004 rwdifr.vtoteoce) (t:35) US Tua.2:1Si ipm04063 * » ( 1035. Comedy) DertWheokir. MKlier, kS Woody AJien.' (2,00) O Sat 9 pjn ,ma) .tort Lemmon, S.t»y laSStNG * * * H (1062. Oama) ______ • TOERAINMAKBIS- *» 1, (2.00) S3 Tue,» a m 007200 amo) Brendan Fraser. SCHOOL TIES ***{1092, Oramol .778307 (1:30)m Mon.2;30mjn.T7 SpaaA, (2:30)01 S«.2pjn.S0a W (2.00) O vW (IOOO' ^ e d y Orama) Mnt< ali Oamon, -PC-IKAduS language.. vwiencs) MISTER JOHNSON * * H (_tO -------uarw rncA iN * * (t(1992. Sosperwe) John Uthgow, M MoB,-7-p.»rM7««^^----------------------- aOUR-WU3i»»a.-Tne»— Mw ----- PWcfPioansn,-TO r ^ T Mar' -~ LoK rD iw fc ^ 'ririM UuingnQum?B, ’t' a Thomai ENRTS FUU. HOUSE * * * { l ^ . 6rt«i» SECRET ADMIRER **(1005, Comedy) Coc 'O.HENB :19 p.m. 12350424 BB FfLTJOaJn. 05090470 w T n t kjr«e) (1 :39 )0 Tftu.t1:1S ■ge.nudUy) (1:40) O oe. Oalo ftoboftaon. (2,00) D Mon, r7:30 i 074, Advenluia) Charles M MonrtJO. HLUS * * (1091. Drama) Jacfyri Howei. Ho» Len LoogNin. W (AdJl lariguage. THE RAPE Of DR. Vnt HR. MAJE8TYK. * * » (1074, Tue. 2:09 u n . 57973145 quage. aduA Uuatiera. vt- 774640 • 00)03 Tue.2pm J50015 Tue - Branaon,Allattle<l.'PG'(Mul1lanouj( 004, Drama) Sharon LttllTS **% (1053, Comedy)Oot>Hope. fc SEPARATED BY MURDER (1004, o f f UM TbS m o 951, WeUem) Tyror* Power. 5uoleocQ) (2 « ) a W .4 1:30 p m 04102; ffl Sal, 12:30 p.m. 348625. 10." ? 2 (2:00) B Tua. 8 p m 0305; OB Tue..l T ,957. er^n.) Alan Freed, " ^ n .y , (1:30) (1: Pii. 8 a-m. 072350 ^ Cleta. ii^ROCKAMO.ROa *»(1957 unHoywanl, (1:30)0 Pfi. pm23090 Cfl Tu*.8pm 6831: 0(1 1 ) TM ,8pm :S * * » (1002. Drama) David 10 (1 :3 0 )0 Fri-B-J»am2S1S95 c m H a^ REO SHOE DIARIES WAT A NIGHT * * (1002. Comed,) Cow SEPTEMBER AFFAIR * * » ( 1^ 05!0 . Orama) Joan R' (AduR Iwguaoe. aduB sauatKins, UR.8KSFFW0T0N *** (1 0,044. * 4 Drama) Oe<leDavrt, ) O Sat DucJwny. Drtgni®Oalus "R'( tftrane. PG-13’ (Adun tituatlcns) (1.35)01 Fontaine. Joteph Colten. (1:4S) ffl . • jn ,2091106 Fen a «jn. 04108000 noddy) (1 :5 0 )0 Thu,4aji Clauda Rakit. (2:45) O Tu*. T:M , 1892S004 R i* * * M « 4 , Orama) l.M P -"-'B ***(1977, Advtirturo) 07724038 077, >4« F Ferter, RETURN TO DOGOY'CREEK Cl FOaOW THAT BIRD I^JVINKLE 00E8 TO WAR EXPLORERS * * (1900, DrnmaJ J0»« SESAME STREET PRE8EHIS: FOU •C-(Vk3lwo» (1:30)(D.Mon.2 Roth WarrkJC ( (,•35) 01 D«Ti Weis. Dana PlaW -CSpmMtmonij_'PG'(Adjillanouoge,v^oiereo) (i J * * » {1985, Comedy) Vok»» of J n Henson..Carrt>i Herv a.m. 460104 ajn.7(B4W11 . 2._______________ Aey,-{2i)0) B Sun, 12:Cttpjn-ai3a2.— EN PPLEOOBSJtW*. Ora- -ThU. JWy "* * »-t19e6rC«tiedy) A o d y --^ ' ~~ HTTIIIITM: BAOKEN )W.M>»“ ------HgTVRHTOMAYBW ^ ls" N O T M C W O H "* T im ^ ) ( S 8urt3 (u n.49n20 ............ _ 141.............Ort«ft.OonKr«rt» (200)Q •— A ] tlnda 0«*V. J tM > B(3a> « « i iaSmi0.;-{2J0)B3 Sal. 1:30 pJn. 374441 ay) Voieas THE REVENGERS * •* * » (1072. Western) Wifcam Hok»- H j NH3HT8 * * » ( 10S9, Fantasy) \ rama) ChrHlopher Reeve. • 1001 AftUIAN Aft >) ffl Thu. 11:05»Jii. 0344424 1* r 1 1 a ,m , en. ErmtOorgnlrvi. (200)1 iguage, nuOtty. vlolenee) . of Jim B•au*. aat KaDiryn Grant, (1:30) ID Son. 11 m O, Tim fcWrxrton. "if r£V“r-f;’'ir -Si TKe.BDAaMum£R»_* *.1.1?M, 9; •assi ri “ K S S’o l'T ?.';,” ’ ._________ P'aa g e 2 9 ■ W ee k o f A p ril 4 - 8 J199 9 4 a-m- 7347010; Thu. 2 a.m. vtoler>ce) ( 1 :3 5 ) 0 S a t 2 a-r 7212370 TOO MANY GIRLS * * »»<<1940. MusteapUnla Bal. 251:W »d.6 DetlAmai. (1 :3 0 )0 Toe..1;30p.m,W 1: u n . 402459 MusKal)FrodAUaire.G<r^ tOPHAT * « '* ’1(1035.M l Rooan. (2 00) O Thu. 5 p mi.l3O402,Spm22a0C0 1 >sy) RobUi WilUama, Mki\ad TOYS * * (1M2. Fanlasy «o) (2 00) O Thu. 3 p m 1*1 (1003. Achrdflture) ) ID Tito, 10:39 p.m. . OF A DOUBT * *T* * (1043, SusponM) (2:00) ID Fri. 2:30 .SO *‘" s h m S « o fo b 5 E S S io h (iomw. jSusponu) Veronica 1BH4: H.vne(. {2 00) D (3e) Sun. BpJn. 1B T1 OD 8on, Bp m * (1080. CoinoiJy)TnKy “ ’ she-s o o tta h a v eit language, camu John*, Tommy Rodmond HKka.’R'(Adoa i^ IB Tu(, 12:19 a,m. «(!uM silualiont, nuBlly) <1:25) IB ■ ■ RrI S B B *‘*‘sH «»TTOraJ. **X(1008,A(Jy 1 ____ ' )2. Orwna) PM Moms. (200) ” ^ ^ C K S OF OLORY (1092. O Tm . 1 a m .9274to nTES **H (1902. Science TRANCERS lit; DETH UVI nieSm.lh.-R-(^langua()^ FWBn)HmTT>omertor.Mebnie >nce) <l:^5^Q Uon. 3:20 adull Ulualtons, ofaphlc vtolcne jtopher UIAN II * * * :• (1000, FarUsy) Chnttop^ su ps ™ jlanco) srnol Kidder. 'PO' (Adult aduations, violenc ReevaJMaroo Frt.5pmiO n440 C l ICION Frl GrarM, * * * » (1041, Su«per\io) Caiy Gra ,r>e. <200(0 Tho.l:30am251370 Sean 0 KIOS * * % (1D93. Drama) RnBerlI Sa SW'NO I' toleoce 'sih ' t AKE3 a HOUDAY * * ((1030. Orama) Con. aununn Q aU > . 10 a.m. il..«U)Bow«a. Basil RaBibooa. (155) W^*’B*OsLm'.'36o” M35 W« SINCLfl WHITE FEMAUE *k**>» (1002. Su31>«n»«) 40100007;reSTCR—* - * 'v - (1905.. Drama) Rlctic rlnn. "R" (Adull rar^Buage, SYLVCS U;WO«t Fonda: JofTOifef Jflion L^fv , M e«u CJlxul. P6' (Adofl lanouaot,. ntW > »,;un flualions. vWoneo) (2.00) G3 f< 1 5 )0 SaLT;1SiiH.e05.12025 . SIKS OF DESIRE * * (1002, lA ^**<i (1905, Drema) CarroU Baker, Gebtge Geoi diA languaoe, adurt MuaNek Co*3BYtrl«. 'N ^ A Frl. a ^ 12:45 2.00)0 Frl. 2 a m 444246 ___________ am. 70330712 Mjftara . (2.00 toi: nuci^. vMenM) (1:3$) I S Frl. 1 lE * * * (1001, Drama) T^Ie&HS OF RACHEL CADE * 230) CO Wad. 11 p m Ano'" Dickinton, Poler FInen. (2:30) CFORCE * * (1056, Drama) Vetor Maturo, I TANKFO • 5 ) 0 Tue.l0:j0pjn.7103522 ^lure) HuriyrBY Dogail- f>nn (1:45)1 _______ nm ncco 11Adwec^^ ) I*tin U . ^ ISam _ . TtN lAU locen. (2 00)01 Tut. 12:15 «J uyJ'i'*^ Whoopi GoldorfbeftRolAw). RoU (I.4 5 |ia Wed. 3:30 p.m. 613C0S5 SISTER ACT * * * (1tW2,, Corned,) Co< Slicll<ry ACLES * * (1D77.Hortor)HcnfirFom».Shc >0).|D. Sat. 4:30 p.m. itNTACL • -bo'.j, Magjle-Smim. •PC'...<2;00).| 2 0 0 ) 0 8*t-11pm6716M o;flUI5:Siill.«im.803270 ^ riHTH MONTH * * * (1970. Drama) piiol I )3. Fantasy) Tlm c^B ^r>roiBurTHE SKATEBOfcRP KID (1003. F M <hoO (2 00)10 MO(t 5 p m 527450 :30) IB Sal. 2:30 p.m, n*n ,<eiOiM <l 1 n -ioi tnw PG'(AOutt lanoui*0«) 0:30) fERROR *H(19C3. HortorjporljKailon. '• (1 09, C Otama) Timotfiy D.Uy. _ °’^VnAKE TREATY **»(1909, ST cA N ^ '* (1000- Woilom) AuOiO Muri it.Ba.m. 125140 THEtTEX CrnmrwvoOu^ (2.00) 0 J Mon. B. c S l ? " (2.00)0 Tu.-2pmM 14M « * » ( 1002,Ad«.nluio) jyo^rttkcr* SHAXEEATER m... H19 LAW »0O. odult »Kual«nj, v«> r HAMILTON WOMAN * * * » (1 W 1 ,D lumn^o Lnma». 'R' (Adutl bnflunoe. ' irn Tm .. 75557GG0 , „,„f,nrn Okver. VLIon Lolflh (2:30) O Sun,I, 3a fp.m. irf«o),(l:35Ha Tho. 12;J0a.m,765 RoMrt 7(,,jM,9p.„ . ,,o „5 SNEAKERS * * * { 1 0 0 2 ., Comedy-Dramal Cof :Adull THERE ( IE C'OE^THE NEIOHBORHOOp * *LV„ <H HrOlord, Dan AyWoyd. 'PO-13' (A Uul Uv>gu.iflo, vwlonco) jSit 0.wel», Cnmenno O'Hara. PG-13- (^/^5n 7 ^ i:25)IQ 8un,2:3JpmTM0370a l'4 5 ) 0 Thu.7;15p.m.22520, - • SNIPER * * (100J, Ofan«i)Tom s s THICKEF T i iiM ; vioicnCT) : THAN (WATER KER (1093- Susoensa) l^oreLi The Thu. 1^30 P.m. /•j-?iin «• (Aijult lanau.->o«. w6lefw©) (<.00)03 «>) ........... „i Ruaan. (30C 4fll?<M0 ‘ ^ o .: . . , i50 a,m. Lon i idi. (1:65)10 Thu. 10:30 Lor Chaney Jr. (1.45) ID Tho. 12.S0 c.;i.-i[rfvy>PaulNo>*man, P*of An^di. ( «. 15790708 51070950 »m,6l77280;O Frt. 12:«Sp.m. 15; IK^OIO * jj^SO. Comodyl Bruca AnOar Comedy) Joir tHINKIN SOMETHING WILD * * ** (1060, ( 10:30 pm- ,jo O )a) SJ D,inicl3, Melnnio Giinilh. (2.00)I H(C8)-Sal. O HASmE*ftBUSHROO **>. THOHA! MCniSI Comod,) Danny \Vooetla MeOoe. (2.00) ID Mon. 12:40 A SONO 18 DORN * * *r Ct04a*<£ I Tue- 7 p.m- 529047,11 osjooic EC FUGITIVES * *•. (1009, \ s^o,^. XX-. •PG-13- (AOutt lanouago. m .ld ^ o n ^ I -------SORRY. WRONG NU«OER[ ***»(1009. SoJpenM) 9:0: a.m. W292373. 0:50 p.m. 30540246. Ti Lon, Anoer^o, Cart WcMaut). (2.00) (2.1 Cfl “ O"- ®P "’- m Sat 9:03 S!i. 875154U7UM I0^IHER3 * * « ( 1 0 4 0 ,W « W ^ JO ^ nn»«»n **1100? On s t.« GunentWJ. 'PG' (««" ™ ""* “ SlSpjn. 32027300 Chuck NoriH. aiOEKICKS W *»(1003,DDrama) ra I Sat. 10 p m 0410023: Jon-Vhan Ow>«r».'PG' (1;*5)I0^9* ^ot. 12J0 pJit. 4710MT. 8 p m KJG5 Pyj P.?.*'!'-*?•": SOUTH PACIFIC * * * < 1TToSd,' 05 2 :0 0p.m. 023063 Drnii),M«lGoynof. <3 0 0 ) 0 Sat Ut1 R ** * (1030, Myalery) ■ SPECIAL INVE8TI0AT0R )0)fB 44«l04 (tcMtd Ooc. J. Carrol NaW'. <t00) fi 8atS»mDon Baker, SPEEOTRAP **»(l078,AAtf«>nUiro)Joo tf« >Sam-04l3S06 T™Daly. <2.1X))iS »oo.11:OS«J SPOlli OP WAR (10M. ( hfama) ^ < John Heard. (2 00) 0 (M )S « .7 p .m , 0815712: 00(35) ( 3 Bat 7 p-m- 75712: yrf wi3MC?FyR*’r«“ "='*^*.:i.H"'°. F»" ^ViitevaniiniKuj. ii.i3) O "8“'^;‘ J Werdon 7602004 •* MOM THE THREE THI WISHES OF DILLY OWE" * stin * ‘ 1^0 Deny Bockloy. Hal Holbrook, (2 00) S3 Son. DramajBott) p ^ . 506720 Im IR m IHU CAST * * » I 'f s . 74&M3 THUNDI U Deborah Kart. (2.00) EB Thu. 8 a.m. 7 4^ AWnLadd-0 Wl Kilmer, THUNOI vMlenca) r a aflunw pa>ia’,j g T (AoJt l i F ^ i i i j r w p w i a ^ 3 :1 0 ^ .0 8 0 ^ JRDER * * (IWO- Mysleiy) rrway. (1 :1 5 )0 Wad. 5:19 Bonita GrartvUle, Morgan Conwi a.m.lC(M014S THE TURNING POINT ^» * * (1952. Mystery) vroam EB Wed. fl:30 aJn. 542394 Holdon A^eilsSmith (1:30)0 lOVIE * * * (1063, Fanlasy) TWILUSHTZONE: THE MO' >G- (Adull languaoe. vtoUnai) John uihowr. ViC Morrow. PG - 22076237: Thu. 8:30 p.m. ------- Fli-photo' ' -ALKWITHMC * * (1092. TWIN PEAKS: FIRE WAI lanouaga. aduS Mysiory) Shoryl Lw. Mora KWiy. elK R'(Adull glU vos' SolO wed. 3:35 a,m. rtJn S h o r t s ta r s In ‘n i r e o FufllU tituslions, nudity, vidonco) (2:25) (. vlo C h a n n el. 05(»7733 lay a n d T u o o d ay o n T ho Movio 1063. Fantny) John Travona^^ Ufday TWO OF A KIND * <106 jloatkjns. viotenca) (1:30)0 -PC' <Mull languaoo, »d(it mu wdy) IVAYNC-S WORLD * * » (1002. Como^l Mika My«ra, OS sjn. 5700071 WAI Sat 10 p m 072712: Sun. S:05 adu silualions) 3ADWAY **H (1051. Musi- Danaa CCarvoy. 'PG-13' (Adull bnguago, adull TWO TICKETS TO BROAI igh. (2 00) m Tua, 3p.m, (1:«5) C T„~v Mnitin, Janol Loiflh * M 7750^'' ' —- • XasDoTolh, (2 0 0 ) 0 Frt,»pm,0377K ■ F i H ^ Ncblasl Westward the women .* * * (1051, <io; Western) 0 -l-S o n _ J a Jti.,___ lart Taylor. Oont50^0areBt-(? 35) O the UGLY DACHSHUND Comedy) W U r S NEW. PUSSYCAT? * * S 1(1(19CS. 9 Jones, Suianne Pletholto. 9200330,4:30 a.m. 5207422 (0 Son. 1 p.m. ar ^ 1a% Palo. O'Toolp. (2:00) O ULTERIOR MOTIVES *a ** (1992. Ornmn) Thomas Inn Pojo' S «3 Sotportse) Joanna cn n h , Mary Page K«H«r. .•R' 'R' (Aflull lnnou.igo. violence) 14jWHEELS OF TERROR * * (t090, So«. WH 9 a-m. 729335 ( 1 :4 0 ) 0 Frl. 3:55 a.m. 224282200; Wad. 1:55 a.m. Cassidy ,sWy,Maroe Leeds. <2 00) HI SatlOa-ir (1009, ConvKlyWHEN HARRY MET S J ^ Y * * * ** 1,'' 52647620 WHBiBy uhoERFIRE * * * * (111003. 9 Drama) N«* None. Gena Jit Lv>gu»ge, aduR mai Crystal, Mog Ryan. -R (MuR W 10:30 p m 207705 Drama! 57 Hackman. (2,30) C0 Thu, 10:. Western) Dinl East- tiIu.M« ilom) Robert Wag- • ■ ^ I tV f W niER**"* » M055, Westa^^ UNFORDIVEN * * * AduH ** (1992. langu.->go, wWt siluntxjns. WH 1027409 JofviLond <145)03 Sat11«.m.4027i *«*>• Oerw H a e ^ . 'fT (Mi » p m 4010001: Toe. 5:05 am, rw' rwhite ,^ Adventure) Ourt LIOHTNINO * * » (1973,, A .d' ‘WO"'"' ea «»"■ » P jn language, aduH t42<05C2 *J10M, Dr.;n^y W.tom Hj^ - R a^ ^s , A ZO il^___ ______ ***f omody) Faye pui>'^^WICKCD LADY * * (1B03, ComO( ®":3oplnI^07S774^ c,y,AJan Bates. (2.00) (51 Mon. 2 a m 11 Su^pof^»o) Kurt awny, I UNLAWFUL ENTRY iRlar>auao«. ** * <t (1992. 93, tDrama) Kaima WIDE SARGASSO SEA * * » (1003, adult Mualcns.nu. Wl Ru-.«»,RayLWa.-n_(AauRl dity, slrDr« soiual nbard Nathanioi Partner. •NC-ir (Nudity, ri. 4 a m 215083 Lombai •.m. 24503900 .lenLvWlono) (1:40) O * * * (1 0 M , conlenl ^ - i s s s s a s - b OLLYBROWH ; 001, Drama) Elvis WILD Marvo Ptosnell. (2.10) CO Sat Wl IN THE COUNTRY * *(1001, t i p.m. 030930iBloy, Mope Lange. (2.00) O Wad.:. 11 Ptnsloi 1 * * * (t990,Drama)J.nCl.iy. • *:30a. ‘®v5iLb°OMt«IO 2: TWO SHADERSI OF OF BLUE * * D Toe. 7 p.m. 31K51 WlDrl<m.-i) Nina SOTmaszko, Hugl>04. "R' (Adult 191, Wendy igHug seiual conlnnt) UKTAMED HEART •t ** * (I90j.-.0r»ma» Cnrijtian (1091, ifluaoe. aflull silualions, nudity, strong s< 13' (Adutt L-mguage, (KMl/Jtu.v lanfli^ 9»t-7p.m. 349240 (2W00)) E Mon. 11:30p-m.052a 17 [1904, Corned,i'TnTHHlIioio'r STnS ^'u^O )'© , t<ai1 MaJden -PG' (AduJTlnr>guaoo- violon 1 5 )0 Sun-9 a.m. er'&or'PG-13'(Adiin languaoe) (215)B .130301 03130: •ama) Jett Ondgas. WINTER KILLS * * * (1070- Orama im. 401302 x«hy Matone. (2.00) O Sat 12:00 »m.RS *'*»(lD72.Dmma)Charte» w m i A SONO IN MY HEART * ** ** (1052. DiograTHE VALACHI PAPERS (2.00J.O_Bon-7----- ly) SuDon H a^artf p a ^ W«yne._(2.0( .(Kllin.'PO- <2.05) O “ ^";J‘._pny)£ Cronson, Gerald 5. O Loooti prT v 0 4 2 3 j^ ^ _ ^ - ^ uspensa) Melista 0.-0rwna) W«Bm ilOert-Onnkman, (1:30)03 Frt. 4:30 p.jn. m 305034 3 C4t>er (1953.-0 ?7c;’i2i"-*i:-TPS=Or;m .)N«>U.aCag G>WITHOUT A TRACE * * * ( 1 9 6063, 3 , Drama) Judd TIUETC •* (1040, Wolleinl Tim Holt, W OnoPwrnmoo*. (200) O »«L3Spm.OOCCOO pJ )0270; a WAGON TRAIN * * ,go. iadus snuauons) n l , <20C)CH Sun.,10;30 p-m. 00271 n<*. Kato Nofl.g.->n. 'PG' (Adutt t.inouaoo. Jo»<n R«er, Pam anjarto^Oiar B Tua. 4 a.m. 0729503 STAY TUNED * * (1002, Comedy) Con .r- c,v« MailhaOOl»a3«. (1:15) *ffl* (1050. Wirstom) Ben John- (2 00) O Sun. 7 »m. 500565_________ (1 ) 0 S a t 10a.m. ji-.12:00« Oft»bo«. TG- (Mild »'£!»'’« ) ;30p.in. < ’ :■:3 0 609012 M^T ***<1040,1 a n m' WAGONMASTER 0* *Fri;4:0}itm-4DOft3OO2 TINayne. FAI a(LLEY^ 141000: Tu». 10 aJTt. 572270.7;J0 p 1 :3 0 )0 Wad. » p.m. 001313. 9 son,JoannoDru, <1.55)0 I **»(1090.Comedy)Tcn M Adventure) Rod john Payn« lOHT THE STEEL LADY * * »X (1953, (' c~wt, WATnHOFORTHEUGl 316420 Cameron, TahHunlef. (145) D}67.Tue.llSajn.,14072505 Tu tH ,YOU-REINTHEARMYHOW * * »»(194l.Canody) 'T1N8TAR **N (1057. Weslam) Henry nry F Fonai, , MftcUme. PC' 'PC (1:35) ffl Mon-3:40 pmTHE Til ] Sun.10:M am STEELE JUSTICE **<1007./iA<Jvontuta) Martin Kovo. rpenon* (2.00)£B T hu.3pm 173443 J • Anthony Per Ik* DramalChyw Hflsa 'i s " s s ; " » 'r s . s s ® (2.00)0 FH.1J;00am 12712- * * (IBM. Watlsm) Tim. - ..T O DBE ?>..‘: * 11965F’ -'::*^ '^ . . ! ° ® w I w a r l o r d * *)CJ) E 'THE DEST (IPW, IWflWr.BanyStfS- " Mon-1D:J0pm07II7B2 yW l « * * » < 107l,Woslem)CnmWfl: {TORMOVCRWYOtilM * ’ Tho,S:30»m60fl5TB Waflner (2. 31 Lmdsay , . Molt.RldufdMarlin. < 1 0 ) )f f l^ u 2)l->na-ay wAROAKES * * * < P 1(1963. Drama) Malthow Bnsdorsn ,( 1 ^ ) O Thu. 12:3S a m I K K63^ TO BE 3' (Adun Umo«aa«. vtoienco) 5TRAKJHTTALK * * l« 2 wn. ® - Comody) DolV J»mo»Wood*.-PO- (1:33)10 Satl r . <’ n s ; " ' . , . ™ ! A STRANGER AilOKO US ‘ THE WATERDANCEE*^?**** (1002. Drama) Eric 08 D«K>. (1:55) IB (Adull MoBlion*) ( l ^ ) P-”"•ZAPPEDI * (1962. Comedy) ScoH 3-(A(JonianguW,adJl«. JC-13-(Ad MclorM Cnffllh. Erte7^at WJ.1T A *IM«d«in SloM.HeV>r)H^WyWua ,on. 10:35 ».m, 30551774 S S ^ i & ) (2:00)0 Frt.L4:4 4:*5.p.m. 06090S5 ®=” ;1S im . 30253060 Son. nu^ty)(t:50)IBTu^3:1S ID35. Orama) May Rob«n. , T O ^ “ otW IOERSALL *»<1M5, (Adui lanouaoe. adutl a«ua««i.. ■ JI10 __________ (l;15) ff l Tu#.t*5aJn.5311B110 -fi Sdney Poiuet. D.P C o u ^••PC' '« ( 1 4 5 )0 32001744 !o c a iTI^ 1T h e T irmes-Ngw s 5^ I P a g e 30 ' 1 '^ n e w s ' ' T ' r . . .. APRJL14.1994 m Mlo v ie s " I ........ THURSDA DAY EVENING | SPi iPORTS I I K id si " I W e e k o f A p ril 8 --1 4 , 1 9 9 4 \ I, JwpanJyl(CC)RoMjnnen 0A(CC)3795 Trap*7rlogo*Ai(C (<C)3559 Channel2 (:35}nsShowMI^^TErrier!^ W HhRushL ChirlM riWy^oOiYajrHoScsV Lati I&623694 6145912 ■ «3 (CC)755 (CC)7375_________I______ News^191 Proytss)(R)A(Cq. ess; mule 77 SpoaighfOtuU^' Cheer* ISpotUghtOn:Mother'sWeteir ek classicClub “ NowiSUCTCl WhMlofFor- CU l Club(JoinedInProgress)9617172 >mer'sWe*k- M«wi87i89i7(^Chi " (leItlnProycss)22650917 Is tun«17411S3 (CC)7723C45849|(JoinodinPnjgrcss)9013356 2404318 seIAG9240 hoIIdahoReports «y»tetylItBpocU »orseVII MasterpieceTheatreMid kkJcmarcfi A(Part1o( jCbarlleRo>se ~ClMItalian BuslnnsR*- •cNolVUhrtfNnnhouriCCIOutdoorIddaah wxM 270S |A4530 'GrcelisBearingG “ IM9 portSSIl J89098 Sift ilts’27682 6)(CC)39801 wKou5ts*A- Ey»^ogy*H=HGGJ<5882-^ ^=^ TfBps^rtsge*-7vliC icC)83848"fHwiceC)- ■|(:i5riF rA'TtHt^) tanShew(RTirm^ ;) [Itolun.w. ------• Nm(CC)-^ Ch«l*ty^h^< ri*t. A )6'>462 [4150912 ■ 34627 56207 (CC)C 83871B1 (CC)7743i0511 |72879795 «iso^MuijCf^ PrimetimeUve(CC CC)45820 Uanied-WIth(:35]N mgilii^ loHallA(CC) ~ RMditvJwHTCurrertAfWr ByrdiofP rdt afadiM-WCasaEs BWland“*Scm lgl RushL |(:15]ArseniloH Cl a ES KKVI CQ to jnann' H(CC)2360B A(CC)32356 0|n{t23559’ (CC)J450I Tsuw 32917 (CC)534418004 5509264 66CG004 . lgighhitA8664646 Albout jVfit>5»'Ro/ SdnfetdTn» ho iFrasierA LALaw*SilcncotIsG ls oldon’A Mews1748172(:35)TonightShowA(CC) (;35)LatsNM "K0w»i480l- EiTtHtthimwt Haid dA a a a w i u i a s i d3 * 43059598 337 (CC)84172 [CC)434C2 TonlgM34563 You(R (R)9C9t7 Craz/34527 Ubraf/72;3 ec- uiltyCoft. npsoniA Slnbad*Adcf>- InLMngC :oolor Hetman's StarTrekTheN«oit it Genera- NightCourt Cops A(C “- W oiri rA*S*H(CC) Siril^ i C) [CunentAlbir LoveConnle^jG iB a 3 IS ^ KTRVES "71o0n0d*e3r5Y [CC)03173 Uon48998I sd«nc*00466 :)5 11 719t (CC )5(627 tion*3375 (R)(CC)4375 [HeadA3882 lionA(CC)8588822_____B9269 ■ 08917r rttty i C)93284 Traj>sTil3go*A(C (CC)87240 Hews4ll0838 (:3$)CShhe< eers" (:06]L8teShow(R) A(CCiT” ) barkJustlee “ S«260 WhMlofFef. ChrU l)'BothYourHouses*A EyetoEye>A(C tfS IDIDIDIiii KMVTID MS32714 50736443 ................. (CC)~463: (R)5421221 ■ :))99J8356 *^ tutwWO (CC iig iit (;0 5 )L ateS h o w (R )A (C C :) ) ManM-Wlth (C C )9 1 3 5 N e w s 2 0 0 0 9 1 7 { :3 S )N lg li rijty -B o U iY o ifH o u se s* A E yotoE yoA j iA (C C )9379 T ra p t' T ria 9 0 'A (C ” N e w s 2 6 9 C h M n (C C ) ho ■; KlOKD’ Court01£9067659921707 6149738 )4(801 •’______ M9_____(CC:)4 :C Rw»dlng,Wril- CumnlAfUr ByrdtrfP ti araditeTA.Casa'Ej' Blrdland*SontasandUuddcn*“ PrtmetimoUveC iieehUine RushL f(i35)AiIenlio ioK Hall A(CC) T)63648 Newt4928909(:32)W I a a . T- Kpvi •'lJia4085 1592849_ [CC)8a59356 3S: 3570207 (CC)5337 TsuiniuanirA(CC)67462 A(CC)4318882 - W8w»{H53 -R « W ftft» -^lib « U U :))9-jFrasl«r-A---liAlJi •a:uiiLU't!.‘ n o i" KiFi O I' ^_____ tCC)3733.__ Y 07..-|(CC)S424-^ (CC)Sfl714___ «l(r: H9_______________ Ib U F o -i _ a _ E 0 ^ m 1"ff “ . Prtm«i>e«(CCnMJ8^^nS^ Sport!TonlghtlUon btzTo- LarryKingUvi(R)6522C9 TlSgUw(^Soon!)jw^ rs4l8C27 :))4 43;2207_______ I__________ 788998 |70m 3:™ ** 301Kw'**' day3I0& 10646 dat*724080 ______ ______ |(CC id MoicreydeRadngAMASu^RxahotseOT per‘ s^ofTalia iBoiingBcrtCoopcfv vs.rLanyOonakl(Uvo)(CC)633240 Baseball SportKefltef24i091l7 Biiebaii Uoto«om rl< 7G90M I _Tonight ____________ Tonight |l328200 nDssScrlos.407153 9*St313803 «tThoOaitonGang* iHlg,h hlig lightsFromtheRoyalB«l-|Symphony'In InW Vhite(R) W UdllfeMysteries>(F {R)881559 RealWest'ThoOanonGanrg* Hlghnght*FremIheRoyalB«a(-l-SymphonyIn mwm a&e ■. 4R0o2a1l9W WWti577134 1 icteas: B853y 8617B5 (R)884640 let(R)218527 adfleaifalwMovieUxtic [Machin nee ChallengeSharkShootosFim Mysterkw* Honwwcffcs HotwMafftf* P«tC w 1 1 m ! i 2543^ P « e' ' > 4 2 0 M t8 i WwM146^ [489:240 fooEsooraSSrST^TOl ~(R)267B2Q (R)2M172 ' UonM: 7762M 752606a usic opHat **rki(1935.Mu» FunnynyFtee ***(1957.MuslcaJ)FnJdAstaalro..Aphologtaphor TopHU***s(19; [1935)FredAstaire.Awomanmistikiaitto tho FunnyFace***(1957.Milu sical)frodAstaire, !, AMC " ^cTaO AudreyHepbtfn.KayThorrpesorL FradAstsn. 130462 tunsa: sasalcswcmankilosgtaniorDusmodct.465795 idont;tyo(adamrro rromancingher.228066 n.172714 jn d -(R ) C o u n te ritjik fl •C o n te n d e r" (R ) “ H u n te r, S h o T nal C u rT h e F o ti,A n o g o ra p h o W c — S eriio r'p G A G ^P rcASOTknamvS^^ G R [OddCoupU eF earln sld e *** (t9 9 7 )C M s(in o U h ti. A OSffl Q] o ra USA ^km*(CC)7^503 rtrtjoi 30roomta(wrnaiovolentstr3f»gctj.0411153 153 (CC)406ea2 . . . [647337_____. . . 759770 " P rfm o T to io n 2 W 1 M _ L Q jR M lW o rJd A B eaY M utt.. lB uvis4utL_|JonSttw * « ait ..lA tte m a ttv i _____ • e N a tio n A 8 8 8 9 9 8 iD rum tim eA A S 5 08240 . . . ___ ......_[R «jlW gridj:> , m B] f s uA (R)A947714 ___ _ ' 9e56^9'-. • 964356___ 573153 66577C068 "vWeoBlock IJan63528a SundayComIc icaa(R)760288 SexSymtwb7404«4 2< SundayComic*(R)743511 jADNighter491173 _______ ffl . S ^ a260103_____ ^ - S ^ *W crt»ijd~»y(CO—}t3^ ^Omn *'«i(1991)Chrisli:f)hcrRcovnit.-) e*2.38578 Unsohred jThWyso irB-fPaaPfOBfirf---------n.-AwtfoTtairm linso^ Mysterle wcnethlnJi*ThoRanrts'lPaJffProyia" S » ■ ~ 5 ufT ~ ® 660153 stehat hasmadocontactwithN»tatodaughtcf.290443 Hyst952646 AroCotr^*(C rr^ C)886530 579462 391778 I H o k icau tt(R )(P art5 c(5 }2 W S ii . 1 7 0 0 Q u b 2 0 5 2 4 3 0 B onantc T h e L o tt E rtE p iso d es K g B ro th er M anlK :llsr> lb . iP aM P ro g ran T P aidP rogtir^ m’ TOOai* B O B a B FM« “Cassio'225004 _____ Me949173 sion958M 6:620 587:a6 [573288 733991 'B aitanlbntfr«a& thellan- lUuticC lieOtyToBigMPhyttsDiQer.A899559~|aubDaftee'(R) A753040 ICow unrtryNews BarbaraMandr*9&theiM Harv i Music^Tonight Phyllis[»£r. U£r.(R)A409065 B B I H | B | i TON g; Ctf»nsi»t»f»n316849 I :)A3800G6 drtllSister*A767066 _______________ h « Baskci&aa OiatlaQo Kcmots ot O Ortj rtandol-laoic.FromOrlandoArena.(Un) 0) T)wGoldenVoy>gtofSlnbad***s(1974.Farrtasy)John ISevenSSm ei toCalab **s(1963)RodTa)fcr.S er.SirFrancis ’ n IB f f l E8 i g IH T ' NBA 2™S502C0 PhaipLaw.CaroEnoMunro,TomBala iker.32509443 Drakepilu knderst^eas(f^tadenSparishships.236E90068 ’ KaforLeaguoBastbaOSanFranciscsG X)GantsatASanlnBravca.FromAOartl^Puut- GerDnlmo***{1962]ChuckCcnnn(ots.KamalaDcvI.An Hlradehi lcm)KiisKristtflcr-’ e~hithtWlkiemes* **>(1991,Weste rn) r a s D O B n» a tonCovnlyStadium.(Uvo)31090337 ApacholoaderwagesapersonalwarooaM r0| thoU.S.4889020 son.Klm 71Caflran.JohnDennisJohftstoa8155;3 35S8 'm»Ani(WPuente77530 jcuJ^ 1»a4i0G6 ....... . iNott- .“ Blenvenktos. iNotldefoUt>|. fW T ISatende KifSiWorM^yt|'yitlfHL(RJl_ __ ____ - am - 1| - ™ - “ OO-f:>'./!in uUlAn-wife AadelMar1234S63 ------------ Ii . ■[Mutv^Coii. BeBS= [tmil I6P208J5 5-"B3CTC592 ~ ' PtrttMseFam-lMorkSUndy IL^ wLuey. |Bo6No*h*rt UaryTyier~ HaryTylcr OlekVanDyke Gets ItSmart jDragnet lOtdiw hcock Superman LucyShow~ F>Troop m IB m . |! j HICK lly26S4G2 25C714 5302686 252998 |MooreS1CC!0 068 UooreS26443 137240 |4871878J82 Torocry* 17835781 149085 [391846 199370 Kewi(CC)55C G2»608 ’ Bifldit'BflrttMOrtJIhoSMirA/>Ocrn■\55iM ! 207 ^ Nlght,Court HlgBhhlianderTlteSerft*-Color UnderlS Hacackman.Wartests Fir* ***i(t9S 3) Nick Hofio. Gone M vvGN.......^ B65207 . |o<Auulthatty'(R)A732648 jtholwcso ( o(fithroo corssporidonts In FCcaragua. 207: 207795 ■ MdsbKOtpnui^^ ?RoelI*thenanet{R^ n3nM195a)SloveEd!S rSIidlannLrrtlTfS^ JtotothTB^TR^IShadowdiOw I Doubt**** _ _ S«820------ — jDapiW^ht)CPb0lrook.(CC)4S2917 • |(CC)l)824424 |l74627--96873r|crub-9590eS-}{CC)I55W ----_... ------- — |(tW3)Ter«^ aWrtgili7S358 C o n v ic tJ * *(1991. D ra m a ) W h teU to L g h tn In g * * i(1 9 7 3 )6 u rtR o y n o ld 3 .A .An(oi-conhelps lRoyca{1994.AdransnlL lure)JamesBtfushi,MiguelIAmerfcan anS:amural *>(t992.Adventin)Davv1U dlB |l lnUD ^ ^ |a s D e B i ||s H o w ^R obertDuval, n 6984649 jredora falo toaenBhfeaXniflmoortthinatlng. A62 6255442812 Ferrer,PttofBoyle.B 8208462 •_______Bradley..M MaarkDacascm.A6211207 i1853912 ___ r n f c g j - — ~ 7 1 r» C o e H heM ^h b o ft> o e d -* * -(t6 9 2 .-C S o o « w e d y lJefl----2b»B w lygiw dj**i A W v w R u n o T h ro u g h tt -Uiowg ± « ;i!8 9 fc6 w p en « lJ{ eY ift C ostnetJftS M teeyikiutaH , K .—l-& rfp e r <t8a3)J9«--=-- -I0|0 ^KAXr ** ***«('19^2)07349578 jOanto.' CJS.CathoffwWafXAlCC)22526578) bodyTonjbOsIcrIh .(CC)4812998 hoshger-actnssshemustprotoct A.(C CC))220842 9e/c^.A(CC L ortzon ** (t973)Poter ColtIJu:ttica(1988.Drams)CarlBartholomew H. lOonman*i(199I.SdoneoFKtio?fT i r~ r ~ JfcT ^ LaoitH ')rm|DoctorUordr1d'**(in mUShgow.LoOa”" 932):J |Ril*kigC*ln **V992)JolnL F inch, n 41711849 [KeilhlA AnnidrswrUkoWios. A0400C27 Thomerson.JaddeEadHaloy..A6331173153 JefteyCor^ A74506B08 [OavidovWtA(CC)123»424:4 b | . ® SI Fix uj lT«Hng«ZoBrTholW Horlt ***(IS83.Fanla-]S(d*Ucks**i **s(1993]ChuckNorris.AyoungtnisfdIm Intagines BestoflheBestn ** (1993.[^)Eric [DetCorowty” |lDanger.Tch HBO . [jb ij^rtRtfi !/)JohnLjft0ow.n W ?G‘(CC)8G7970S he's0moviehC cfO tp-spartnor. A-Pg(CC)83919795 Roherti A'R‘(CC]0211085 Jam8095820 17550738 £TTVV FAUSCUOfOTBEItECSVEDMS M SOUEAREAl *■ JEROME.WENOEU,GOOD *■CHANHB3 BfKUDCASTCXnS&E Im iOOOOl0ANDRL£RDOM OTRECEIVETW S 3CKUMEL — r—»»WCHaB80JU)C*STxJB»Ig j i g a ^ 'c o c c w c , w a p & n j ------------------------- -------I ^ WTCM*J . __ n • I BUBuy.RUPeiir^ ' ..... I --;$ » iV A iu r._ . — - : -. 3 ' ■ ^ J > f f lk W y w M ___ ____• 5 5 ! ^ ^ ^ iflij 9 ? ° ° E f c z ^ a i W e e k o f A p ril 8 - 1 44,,1994_ ~ ____________ ^age 31 __________________________^ T ilh u r s d a y four od with the woiraro ofpf f< waifG gols involved fn(1 a m ngo war. 800641 IQ QVC JEWELRYr OUTC LET 5839115 LFOR 0 3 MOVIE TO KILL F e) * * { 1 9 9 2 , Suspense) ura . Michael M adsen. Laur: Johnson, A detective's ual o bsession with a murder m suspect lh ro alo n sto )o “ dte» his easo-and hfa ni A (V) 7212370 RROR E J MOVIE THE TERJ oris * h (1 9 6 3 . Horror) Borf Karloff, Jack Nicholson NapoloonlcoHicorfind! id s docaption ond h o n w who :;,r n “ pursues a beautiful woi lo her cfumblifM seasic casllo, (V )4 6 6 « 1 : T ‘H i:C H A U E N B E IS n Shooters* Jack and Jol McKenney shool foolai 0 myriad of sharks. (R) 767776 m MOVIE NO WAY' 'TREATALADY * * i (1968, Suspense) Rod SQ 12:30 a SPORTS LATENIGKT 869680 m SPORTSCENTER 677573 Q ] PACIFICA: TALES KS FROM THE SOUTH SEAS Twilight of Itto G ods; Sur> vivol a l Soo: Tho Mormald ________ ^ m m £ .jR ) ^ 6 2 7 W PASSION * * ( 1 9 9 0 , Dra ma) Cort Woathors, Billy Doo Williams. A aocijrity exex port IfTvokos Iho winlh of o dangoreus cHmlnol wtton ho tho onlore Inloon aflalrwilh tho' 399 cHmolortfawifo. A 719399 m PAID PROGRAM 655486 ------------ BD'COUNTRY NEWS (R )R)— n 387134 m BOB NEWHART 453080 E S HEADUNENEW S 9269757 TRIKE a j COUNTERSTR ,rton Munroe Port< (fvlortoi Downey Jr.) t ^ e s3 his hi oxin show to ploitattvo lolovlston s o sm now low's w hen ho SI ears well... -thoropulatlonofaa w 359912 liked senator. (R)) 3! ’ROGRAM m QD PAID PRC , 30 689399.234450 IONS E S JEFFERSON 458776 HrrcHED ALFRED HrT :n t s COCK PRESENT 894554 e s HEADUNEE N EW S 5187115 W h U e u s in i n g ih is p ro g ram , IL O S E F A T - B ’ y'OU... ot iS~ I E L M I N AA 1T E H U N G E R P A N G S F E E L G R E :AA T & M O R E E N E R GS E T I C I o f f 4 I n c h e s a n d W p a umn d s ! " I = i i - S l o r i a j i f - T U m F a ltl es -— ________ 7?dfl077fi 4n7ft?n7Q psychotic kiiiorof d d c r H (3 8 )® later a women drosses In vorii ..........- 9 0 1 ^ 3 4 .4 3 1 9 5 5 4 ,.............. diSQutsos a nd d u d e s o ES MOVIE YUMA * * x sislonl dotoctlve. (V) ■ (1971, Woslom) Clint WalkIlk237950 Of. Ban7 Sullivan. A U.S. m PUBLIC POUCY marehal ha s his work cul ------------- -■■ CONFERENCE 72266 out for him taming a wild 13405 r a DREAMTIME 213 ffonbortown. 1558283 GRAM m E l PAID PROGf 12:37 a NEWS 35456950 ' 693592.789365 12:38 B PERSONAL POW CSlr^, E SCOTT RO SS -S: ER 3414979 S e x 'A lo o k o lsa fo so * 12:50 I Q MOVIE SNAwhothor ifs really work KEEA-TCR III... HIS LAW J - '. '' G uests: Or. fvlichael G( ________ w '' f1992.Advonturo) jp .- ” —--------HietrrKatyn f ^ raonoi— Lorenzo Lomas, Minor (vluv -**. I Mlchaol G ross. Roger tain. Vlotnam vot-lumod-viga tt'' - . ' McGuinn. (R) A 9479 7950 z •i J u l I e t 'a n d M ^ s e n eet'8 t 'i rMahon U so a u t,' tha la ilanto Jock Kolly w agos war m CLARISA 642047 K ^ tV ^ K e n m lH iM a c M llla n ,: ; T t e i ^ chpreoflrapH® against a gang of outlaw : |H ,D R A G N E r81 5 04 - I f M7 S t e r e o blkora. n (y ^ 5 5 5 7 6 6 0 r A & E r . '- " eS HEADUNE NEW! ED MOVIE-THIEF OF !l=.Sani-CD niPthlL:— • j r r h o - B ) M s o f earadiM P j ’i?-----5168080 DAMASCUS * * ( 1 9 5 2 . : T V . (Je nI-' 2 :05 0 ( 3 8 ) NBC NEW£ d ----------- Advcntufo) Paul Honmld..............B u s f l e ! d ) . t i f o . t O . K 9a<ih^ri<^_ers'FiOTny ’SQ----- --------- -------------------------io IT J NIGHTSIDE 8055573S ind r i i i ^ S y 5 r e e n ) ,w li5i: ________Lon C h a ^ Jr, Sinbad. Al-ntferLovfrHew ltt)enti 3£ 5 ________ F eatures_________ _ _________ B THREE STOQOE ' ' are unaw are o r an cm ? ^ ^ 94166573 broadca.st stu-reo"soi s o i J F loin forcoa to oppose a 2 : 1 0 ® TODAY’S W E/ mn____ a f t t e , M u ra y J B m g ! sloi • 3;jack A /X m o)nilor n il pand • on-scrvcn clock, slocpand wkdtod rulor in this A ra b la =------------ 77443912.------------------a lB f l n n h n i i t = ^ N « « iw a n t3 6 « M 0 7 a 9 S 0 = nTot«'corilroirWodL-lF26251. St "379 | - -RCA-___ 26”* '.'i ^ U p .-rO = -«l.irnMtniefi-«-r«imo C R O S S ^ (R )\ ____ room.ABC. T h e MINUTE 278104( >405 . 2:25 1 0 MOVIE ALM02 ( 3 KOJAK 529318 PREGNANT * ★ (19S HOWIE SPENT OUR SUMSUI I D AROUND THE 1:12 O ALF 5435950 4800 iL EYM ALL TWIN FALLS-734-480 vjrts' iWAG/C VALLE Comody) Tonya Robot PER MER 80413592 HOUSE 6635028 1:20 S MOVIE JENNIFEF ? j•_________ I ■REE IN IDAHO •1-eOO-2B0-48O2 it^ b ^ rOLfPRE JofI Conaway, Fertility I B U P CLOSE 912399 EIGHT * * (1 9 9 2 .M y sto i ............ io m s to o d to fise tlo so f f i WILDUFE MYSTER t* Andy G ard a.U m a Thur rro> ijMtienl ' 580 adventuros for on impc 1:55(8) NEWS99726080 IES John and Noroon man, A mavorick cop'a roE ‘9 *00S wife OR a 8ingle-mlnd& 2:00 O UVINQ IN THE McKonny follow ond film ' assignm ent lo Northernn ColC quest lo boar a child,l.(V) C n I m ony shark sp o d o s dospllo ’I'o ifomla lo ads to on Invostlg 80937775 | ^ 1?J||SADDUE thodafw ofs. (R) 161738 tkjn o fa b ru la l sorlosof ODAY 2:30 a SHOWBIZ TOI 1 ^ P * * * (1 9 5 0 . • ED MOVTE MAGIC Cam>■ killings, A (V) 9 0 4 n 9 5lo0 ]. (R) 454950 Western) Joel McCrea. ora tricks that glvo (ho iflu'• 1:30 Q O I^RN IG HT ________ Wands ram -— rrai-N B C -N E W ST nG f Hendrbc-An tmam ■ Sloo ottmJfKreaso-Of ------------ 710948*----------------------trustSlOE 30776 bilious ranch hand onlrusi ________In fltrw < R ^ S 6 7 ^ 3---------- ® _ A U IO JlA C lN G Jndy; m R E F L E C nO N S ^N C a r — Slick 5 0 200, (R) THE SILVER SCREEN: . 916009 ROO STEIGER Actor Rod° I Q MOVIE SUSPICION Sloigor talks a boul his rolos , P r i m ei C E N T E N N IA IAL o f f e r s 3 I----- T V- .. ■■ 1” * * * x ( 1 9 4 1 .S u 6 p o n s o ) in such da ssfc films o s -Tho Cary Grant. Jo a n Fonlaini 2 b a th s . b e d ro o m s. Pawnbrokof' and *0n Iho' Alfred Hitchcock's OscarA rch ed w in d o w s apcfenlcd W alorfronr with Irflorvkwor ?rt winner a bout a wom an wt scats & .^ u lie d fr n fi^ Richard Brown. (R) 534660 9 I w A vindow scc . su sp e cts that h e r husbanc l ^ ^ ^ p e c i a*■ m BEAVIS AND BUTT-: _______la t&Uing.tarDUCtor hor. C 2 c a r g a ra g e . c e i l i n g s . 2 -( ------------H E A D 1R rA -98773a— S H -1 2 6 H f-th is - - J l g j y -----■ $99;975TtfSH BD B 3 PAID PROGRAM " H J SECRET U FE OF M oor p la n y o u 're is n ot th e flooi 985370.989196 CHINES The history and n di^ ' EB MAS ALLA DEL p lea se call us. li l-'A loo 1<ing for, pi nor workings of Iho vacuu cuum T O C , ^ 11 . - ' ' PUENTE 967047 a n y p la n s, fo r .QtnuaUnUft . . . _ _ _ W e ,h a v e mnai ....,...i..d o a n o r„ { R )M 7 ll5 . ilkiws ....... - • - ffl-O fC K VAN DYKE - - 0 3 JO N STEWARTIR) y o u 'to c h o o)'sefrom se : awNtd-Brtow *OK£R, S peciai: ? ^ 621660 GR1.CRS RS ,« START I B HEADUNENEW S EQ EZD PAID PRO 5:00 P,M, 3406405 GRAM 230414,636592. C a ttle m a n * 1 1 ' 1:05 a (38) JERRY V 630310 M A G IC V A U E Y R E A L T SPRINGER From January: X m MARYTYLER wom an who fool thoy woro MOORE 285757 coorcod Into giving up ihoir s i M ua I B HEADUNE NEWS babies for adoption. fR) — “ 1:00 a ie iO W h U U Ns ”'•* ^ $ y 9j m o A r iiA lr n m Y E' • N " 1 : 3 5 QD NBC NEWS NIQ^ ~ . SID t2 9 3 3 2 5 9 2 AL - 1 :3 8 B NEWS 78929950 1:08 B ^ I q UIRE NATURAL 1:40 B HOWIE MANDEL 9035641 j O v E L to c c a f f ln 4 1 3 Main S ireouSooam g) ................... 9 3 4 -4 4 2 3 . =\ ? LTY 734-1991\r..\ P a g e 32 W e e k o f A p ril 8 -- 11 4 ,1 9 9 4 1 ! L I i ___ ^____ L _ . l ^ _ t _ i__ I ; ' uH Fr 33' T -m rrl I____ ____ i I n m = -K i _ 1 _ i i {____ • _ _ I r ___ •____ i ' . I I m m FOR Of % ) / ! ©CD f^ T = y i , i j n S S N i l w i>E S :C ^RF^^-Pi^ - y v i 64ni6svHr -h -h = h FREEEStHV R^S DISGOtj “>WSi— mM - [ SCHODOi ^ iOO%AnsoChoiccNvJoii • I l|l I i iiZ n z iL — : t i 1 ■ J— i :— ------ B A S )ED;QN-80 EE r ~ ' sqrydr(S EEE-DRAWING) E •-$ 15;'95 ? 5 -- p e r y d r i n s t a i l e d « - 6 00 :m o 's.-j-1 8 * IN T E lfe ; -»0:A -.'G ^------ ;— •! £ ST "■ k H m A -! S t e ! ! - ^ o J tN T R A G T O R i ____I____ i... ( I ! , 1 , ,1 • t — — E 1 0 0 % S t a l n m a s t e r NJyylc lo n • 5 Y o a r W e a r G ulaanr a n t e e • F .H .A . A p p r o v e d • L if e ti m er S S:t a t i c W a r r a n t y • U h s u r jp a s s e d T e x t u r e P re v e n llo n • 5 Y e a r SJali ita ln W a r ra n ty • C o n tin u o u s H e a t S e t- » (18) ---------- B eooO ful’G e te rs — ----------- S T M t — IOC • C M tJ n u o u s F ila m e n t • 1 O 0 'Y w W car' W Wai arranty • 5 Y e u Matting aain d C rx ishlng W a rro n ty .» _35. Year. Stain, W Waiarranty • Easy M aintenance :e » (2 0 ) B e au tifu l C o lo rs • — T OMAHSW W K • r ....... , . . -/ r ^ 7 S ta in P r o te c tio n • 5 Y e a r W e a r W a r ra n ty • N o FHu ttd r n g • N o P ilin g • F .H .A . A p p ro v e d • (20) 10) B e au tifu l C o l o r s ' — r— -GSuarantce ua • F.H .A . A p p ro vc^d • 5 Y e a r S ta in W a r r ^ t y • •►Totture T< PnstecUon • (20) PIu lu s h .C o lo r e /. , ■ _JIVINGRM - CARPEl MILLS •Moh 3hawk • Wunda Weve V\i I - • Queen’: I’s • Hollytex • Ci Cumberland • Well a i c o I ---------- ^ i-»-Heritage « For jruiti • Sheffield^" _ • Brinkm: nan • K.D. Ellis • Tribute . VINYL M H ILLS • Mannir lington • Congolei leum T ■|i 'ong • Colmar , cm •■•Arnistrc "KTTC HE FLOORf TIZ3E»"Arrtico» “i7Sizrock"?V.PJ. ___ _|_ • ManniiK ngton • Arrtistron ing HALL BTH. *— t r r ---------------------------------------- :— • ^ "T L BEIII!00M2 .J _ .. 1 2 'X 1 0 ' beds E0R 00M 3 1lO’ 0 ' XIO* • M W ■ J - v ' - I' ^ 1 1 : i J H O M I EF F U R N I S H I N G S i .j . : : £ ■ - i ;i J i ; i i cictTMore” D co w n t o w n T w i n F■« a l l s D 2 (0 4 M a i n A v e . N oo ir t h — ' . Ll J, ,r ~ “ We Ofi y ff^ r V p ir ^ M i m ______ __ vt c, p e t T 13*X 22*‘ j ______ ■ - f j O fuRlNG^ MS. BTH. MST. BEDROOM12'X15» —• j llE A S V R Y P L l i? ' !■ ^ 7 3 3 = 7 m — . H o u r s : M o n i. .--I F r i . 9 : 3 0 - 6 : 0 0 S S a t. 9 :3 0 -5 :3 0 ^ •• W I I