
Abosoudah, Mohammed, Relief of Suffering
at the End of Life: Constructing an Islamic
Ethical Framework for Palliative Sedation,
Paper Co-Author
Affdal, Aliya Oulaya, Postmortem use of
frozen embryos: the views of IVF users,
Paper Co-Author
Aizawa, Kuniko, From Brain Death to iPS
Cells: Understanding Layperson Attitude
Towards Organ Transplant Technologies in
Japan, Poster Co-Author
Al-Awamer, Ahmed, Relief of Suffering at the
End of Life: Constructing an Islamic Ethical
Framework for Palliative Sedation, Paper
Alessi, Stephanie, Assessing Public Attitudes
about the Ethics of Research on Medical
Practice, Panel Presenter
Alfandre, David, Understanding and Managing the Differences Between Case and
Non-Case Health Care Ethics Consultations,
Paper Presenter
Alfayyad, Isamme, Relief of Suffering at the
End of Life: Constructing an Islamic Ethical
Framework for Palliative Sedation, Paper
Allen, Nathan, “Systematizing” Ethics
Consultation Services in an Era of Hospital
Consolidations, Panel Presenter
Al-Odeh, Fawzi, Relief of Suffering at the
End of Life: Constructing an Islamic Ethical
Framework for Palliative Sedation, Paper
Althaus, Janyne, Pregnancy and Resource
Allocation in Emergencies: Privilege or Penalty?, Paper Presenter
Andereck, William, Ethics Intervention and
Consultations: An Interprofessional Collaboration in the Organization, Panel Presenter
Anderson, Rebecca, Video Informed Consent
Information (VICI) for Participation in a Randomized Clinical Trial of Prenatal Education
about Newborn Screening and Bloodspot
Retention, Poster Co-Author
Anderson, Mist, Integrating Ethics and Neuroscience Research: Recommendations from
the Presidential Bioethics Commission and
Integration in Practice, Panel Presenter
Anderson, Emily, HPV & Oral Cancers:
Bioethics in the Face of Controversy (and
Discomfort), Panel Presenter
Anderson, Emily, Ethics in the CTSA Program: Past, Present, and a Changing Future,
Panel Presenter
Anderson-Shaw, Lisa, Ethics Facilitation and
Documentation in Case Consultations: An
Interactive Workshop Preconference Workshop Presenter
Angela, Martin, Severely Cognitively Impaired
Human Beings and Animals as Vulnerable
Research Subjects: Same, Same but Different?, Paper Presenter
Anspach, Renee, Uncovering the content of
conscience, Paper Co-Author
Antiel, Ryan, Ethics and Emergence: The
Facts of the Case, Panel Presenter
Antsen, Jeff, Identity Forms in Biopolitics:
LGBT ‘Biological’ Identity as Constraint on
Social Discourse, Paper Presenter
Ariniello, Lauren, Perceptions Can Be Deceiving: Personalized Genomic Testing and
Perceived Health Status, Poster Presenter
Ariniello, Lauren, Whole Genome Sequencing
for an Undiagnosed Disease: The Patient’s
Perspective, Paper Co-Author
Armstrong, Kelly, Sharing and Comparing
Metrics: Creating an Epidemiology of Clinical
Ethics Consultation, Panel Presenter
Arora, Kavita, HIV Status and Genetic
Information in the Context of Reproduction:
Differences in confidentiality, physician
disclosure practices, and stigma, Poster
Aspler, John, Ethics and Knowledge Translation Opportunities for Developmental
Disabilities, Panel Presenter
Aulisio, Mark, Avoiding Values-Imposition in
Clinical Ethics Consultation, Panel Presenter
Aultman, Julie, Interprofessional Healthcare
Education in Bioethics and Humanities: Lessons Learned and New Challenges Ahead,
Paper Presenter
Aultman, Julie, Beneath the Covers: Film,
Philosophy, and Sex, Paper Presenter
Austin, Cindy, Comparison of Moral Distress,
Learned Helplessness, and Professional Quality of Life between Physicians and Nurses at
a Tertiary Care Hospital, Poster Presenter
Badro, Valerie, Building Bridges: A Regionally
Inclusive Shift in Health Care Ethics Programming, Paper Presenter
Bailey, Theodore, Medical Drift and Medical
Shift: Social Justice and Surge Capacity in
Accountable Care Organizations and Prisons
with Application to New Hepatitis C Treatments, Paper Presenter
Banda, Jonathan, The Critical Medical
Humanities: Voices from the Margins, Panel
Banda, Jonathan, “Looking at chips in
our thoughts”: Developing a community
bioethics dialogue along the Gulf Coast, our
methods and initial results, Paper Presenter
Banerjee, Mohini, Natural Disaster Preparedness and Bioethics: An Interprofessional Call
to Action, Poster Presenter
Banerjee, Mohini, Bioethics and Twitter
#inclusive?, Paper Presenter
Bard, Jennifer, Ethical Concerns for Primary
Care Providers from the Affordable Care
Act’s “One-Size-Fits-All” Wellness Programs,
Paper Presenter
Bartlett, Shane, A Physician, an ethicist and
an actress walk into a bar... How three disparate professionals are working to change education and improve practice in a community
teaching hospital, Panel Presenter
Bartlett, Virginia, “Comfort” is the New “Expired”: Our New Euphemism for Death, the
Problems it Creates, and the Inter-professional Response it Requires, Paper Presenter
Bartlett, Virginia, Ethics consultation in
the digital age: From inter-professional to
extra-professional Inclusivity (or, How can
they join us if they can’t even find us?), Paper
Bartlett, Jennifer, Developing Ethical Competence: The Perspective of Nurse Educators
from Pre-Licensure Baccalaureate Nursing
Programs Accredited by the Commission
on Collegiate Nursing Education, Paper
Bateman-House, Alison, Guinea Pigs for
Peace: Why American World War II Conscientious Objectors Volunteered as Research
Subjects, Paper Presenter
Bauer, Stephanie, Where does ethics belong
in interprofessional clinical education?, Poster
American Society for Bioethics + Humanities
Bauer, Stephanie, Professional Ethics for Professional Medical Associations: Impartiality,
Conflicts of Interest and Institutional Design,
Paper Co-Author
Bayley, Carol, The Emperor’s Well-Worn
Clothes: Our Relationship to Bioethics Dogma, Panel Presenter
Baylis, Francoise, Bioethics and the market
for lemons, Paper Co-Author
Bean, Sally, Uninsured Patients: an Ethics-Based Policy Approach, Paper Presenter
Belisomo, Randi, Engaging New Media
to Drive Advance Care Planning, Panel
Belisomo, Randi, Disparities and Barriers in
Advance Care Planning: A City-Wide Analysis
of Chicago Seniors, Poster Presenter
Bell, Emily, ‘Everyday ethics’ in neurodegenerative conditions: Examining salient
challenges in Parkinson’s Disease research
and health care, Poster Co-Author
Bishop, Jeffrey, Making Bioethics Personal:
Listening to the Voices of Those We Serve,
Panel Presenter
Bishop, Laura, HPV & Oral Cancers: Bioethics
in the Face of Controversy (and Discomfort),
Panel Presenter
Bishop, Jeffrey, Ethics and Emergence: The
Facts of the Case, Panel Presenter
Bishop, Christine, Overcoming Behavioral Equipoise Without Research, Poster
Biviji, Rizwana, Improving Patient-Doctor
Communication about Risk, Choice, & Ethics
in Obstetrics and Gynecology with Medical
Education, Workshop Presenter
Black, Betty, Caregivers’ Perspectives on
Their Role as Study Partner in Dementia
Research, Paper Presenter
Blanchard, Eliza, Making Clinical Ethics
Religio-Culturally Competent, Workshop
Bell, Jennifer, Cancer patient autonomy and
decision making about clinical trial participation: ‘No man is an island’, Paper Presenter
Blank, Helen, Caring Conversations: Humanities and Bioethics at the Heart of Elder
Health Care, Workshop Presenter
Belling, Catherine, Literature and Medicine
and Bioethics and Humanities: Investigating
our Keywords, Workshop Presenter
Bliton, Mark, Sharing and Comparing Metrics:
Creating an Epidemiology of Clinical Ethics
Consultation, Panel Presenter
Bennett-Woods, Debra, Professional Identity
and Ethics Beyond Compliance: IPE as Character Development, Panel Presenter
Bloss, Cinnamon, Perceptions Can Be Deceiving: Personalized Genomic Testing and
Perceived Health Status, Poster Co-Author
Benner, Patricia E., Moral Sources for
Collaborative, Practice-Based Ethics: A
Transformation for Education and Practice,
Panel Presenter
Bloss, Cinnamon, Whole Genome Sequencing for an Undiagnosed Disease: The
Patient’s Perspective, Paper Co-Author
Bergman, Edward, Learning the Techniques
of Facilitation and Conflict Resolution for Use
in Clinical Ethics Consultations, Preconference Workshop Presenter
Berkowitz, Kenneth, Measuring Ethics Consultation Quality, Workshop Presenter
Berkowitz, Kenneth, Quality Assessment
of the Ethics Consultation Service at the
Organizational Level: A Third Important Element in the Evaluation of Health Care Ethics
Consultation Quality, Panel Presenter
Berkowitz, Kenneth, Understanding and
Managing the Differences Between Case and
Non-Case Health Care Ethics Consultations,
Paper Co-Author
Berlinger, Nancy, Improvising Humanity:
Using Applied Arts to Improve End-of-Life
Care, Workshop Presenter
Berlinger, Nancy, Caring for Undocumented
Patients: Organizational Ethics and Social
Justice in County Hospital Systems, Panel
Bernard, Carrie, Uninsured Patients: an Ethics-Based Policy Approach, Paper Co-Author
Bhatia, Nita, Knowledge of Pediatric Ethics:
Results of a Survey of Pediatric Ethics Consultants, Paper Co-Author
Bidaisee, Satesh, Health, Environment, and
Bioethics in Polar and Caribbean Regions,
Paper Co-Author
Biesecker, Leslie, Return of Results & Incidental Findings After the Research Participant’s
Death: Should We Include the Family in
Return?, Workshop Presenter
Billah, Mubashir, My Donor Taught Me:
Reflections from Anatomy Lab, Paper
Binik, Ariella, Why the risks of daily life are
morally relevant for research with children,
Paper Presenter
Blumenthal-Barby, Jennifer, Doing With,
Doing For, and Doing To: Nudges and Participatory Influence, Panel Presenter
Blumenthal-Barby, Jennifer, Developing and
Testing Patient-Centered Decision Aids,
Workshop Presenter
Bodurtha, Joann, The DNA lives on: Genetic
testing and DNA banking at the end of life,
Panel Presenter
Boeldt, Debra, Perceptions Can Be Deceiving:
Personalized Genomic Testing and Perceived
Health Status, Poster Co-Author
Boeldt, Debra, Whole Genome Sequencing
for an Undiagnosed Disease: The Patient’s
Perspective, Paper Presenter
Booen, Elizabeth, Building Research Integrity
and Capacity: Professional Development for
Research Support Staff, Paper Co-Author
Booen, Elizabeth, Use of Mobile Technologies in Health Research: Exploring mHealth
Ethics, Paper Co-Author
Botkin, Jeffrey, Video Informed Consent
Information (VICI) for Participation in a Randomized Clinical Trial of Prenatal Education
about Newborn Screening and Bloodspot
Retention, Poster Co-Author
Botkin, Jeffrey, Illuminating Interprofessionalism: The Drama of DNA from Prenatal to
Newborn Screening and Sequencing, Panel
Boulanger, Renaud, ‘Real-time Responsiveness’ in Disaster Research Ethics, Paper
Brannick, Michael, A Systematic Review of
Placebo Controlled Surgical Trials: Ethical
Issues in the Design, Conduct and Reporting,
Poster Co-Author
Brasel, Karen, Medical Students’ Creative
Responses to Third Year Surgical Rotation,
Poster Co-Author
Brauner, Daniel, The Interprofessional Nature
of Resuscitation and DNR and its Effects on
Current Care: An Historical Analysis, Paper
Bush, Lynn, Illuminating Interprofessionalism: The Drama of DNA from Prenatal to
Newborn Screening and Sequencing, Panel
Cadigan, Jean, Advancing Research on
Pregnancy and HIV: Ethics and Engagement,
Workshop Presenter
Brazg, Tracy, Ethics case studies as a vector
for teaching interprofessional skills, Panel
Cak, Kamil, The Development & Implementation of an Informal Consultation Process at a
Children’s Hospital, Poster Co-Author
Brenner, Jay, Bioethics STAT! Emergent Ethical Dilemmas in the Time- and Resource-Limited Setting of the Emergency Department.,
Panel Presenter
Campbell, Amy, Legal Update 2014: Top
10 Legal Developments in Bioethics, Panel
Brenner, Jay, The Difficult Patient in the
Emergency Department Offers a Health Care
Provider an Opportunity for Inclusiveness.,
Paper Presenter
Brody, Howard, The Emperor’s Well-Worn
Clothes: Our Relationship to Bioethics Dogma, Panel Presenter
Brody, Howard, “Looking at chips in our
thoughts”: Developing a community bioethics dialogue along the Gulf Coast, our methods and initial results, Paper Co-Author
Brothers, Kyle, The DNA lives on: Genetic
testing and DNA banking at the end of life,
Panel Presenter
Brothers, Kyle, Operationalizing choice and
autonomy: Approaches to ethically offering
and returning secondary genetic results,
Panel Presenter
Brown, Timothy, Intersectionality in Neuroethics, Paper Presenter
Brown-Saltzman, Katherine, Getting Everyone on Board - Ethics Early Action Protocol,
Panel Presenter
Brownstone, David, Fertility Preservation
for Gay and Lesbian Adolescent and Young
Adults (AYA) with Cancer: Addressing sexual
diversity through inclusive and interprofessional collaboration, Paper Co-Author
Bruce, Courtenay, “Systematizing” Ethics
Consultation Services in an Era of Hospital
Consolidations, Panel Presenter
Bruce, Courtenay, Developing and Testing
Patient-Centered Decision Aids, Workshop
Buchman, Daniel, Patient Perspectives on
Negotiating Trust and Addiction in Chronic
Pain Management, Paper Presenter
Burack, Jeffrey, The Emperor’s Well-Worn
Clothes: Our Relationship to Bioethics Dogma, Panel Presenter
Burcher, Paul, Home birth Midwives and
Obstetricians: A Case for the Duty to Collaborate, Panel Presenter
Burda, Marianne, Mannequin-Based Ethics
Simulation Workshop: Healthcare Personnel’s
Duty to A Surgical Patient during a Massive
Natural Disaster Evacuation, Workshop
Burda, Marianne, Clinical Ethics Education for
the Physician’s Office: Teaching End-of-Life
Planning Using a Web-Based Virtual Patient
Case, Paper Presenter
Burke, Katherine, Collaborative Solutions to
Challenges in Health Care and Education:
A Forum Theatre Workshop, Workshop
Burke, Katherine, Devising Healthy Communities: An arts and neighborhood-based
project for first year medical students, Poster
Campbell, Terrance, Community priorities for
patient-centered outcomes research, Paper
Campbell, Jeffrey, “Big Brother” is Watching?
The Ethics of Electronic Adherence Monitoring - An Interdisciplinary Outlook, Paper
Campbell, David, Thank God the ethicist is
here! Dealing with high expectations and
professional limits within an interprofessional
setting, Paper Presenter
Campelia, Georgina, Seductively Alluring or
Epistemically Unjust?: An Ethical Analysis of
Explanatory Neurophila, Poster Presenter
Campo-Engelstein, Lisa, Bad Moms, Blameless Dads: The Portrayal of Maternal and
Paternal Age and Preconception Harm in U.S.
Newspapers, Paper Presenter
Carbonell, Vanessa, Complicity in the Harms
of DTCA, Poster Presenter
Carbonell, Vanessa, Nondirected Kidney Donation: Still Supererogatory?, Paper Presenter
Carlin, Nathan, The Case for Including Pastoral Theology in Bioethics, Paper Presenter
Carse, Alisa, A National Nursing Ethics
Summit: Implications for Inter-professional
Practice and Education, Panel Presenter
Carter, Brian, It Is Hard To Empathize With A
Preemie, Paper Presenter
Casarett, David, Ethical & Legal Reporting
Obligations of Hospice Staff when their Patients Receive Aid in Dying, Paper Co-Author
Case, Gretchen, Collaborative Solutions to
Challenges in Health Care and Education:
A Forum Theatre Workshop, Workshop
Casebeer, William, Integrating Ethics and
Neuroscience Research: Recommendations
from the Presidential Bioethics Commission
and Integration in Practice, Panel Presenter
Castaneda, Sheila, Building Research Integrity and Capacity: Professional Development
for Research Support Staff, Paper Co-Author
Castañeda, Xóchitl, Migration and Health:
Opportunities and Challenges from the Bioethics Perspective, Panel Presenter
Cattapan, Alana, Third Party Reproduction as
Precarious Labor, Paper Presenter
Cattapan, Alana, The Patient and the Donor:
The Use of Frozen Donor Eggs in IVF, Paper
Chanko, Barbara, Understanding and
Managing the Differences Between Case and
Non-Case Health Care Ethics Consultations,
Paper Co-Author
Chapple, Helen, Dying as a Public Health
Issue: Making Systems More Responsive,
Paper Presenter
Char, Danton, Ethical and Candidate Considerations for Implementing Destination
Therapy in Children, Poster Presenter
American Society for Bioethics + Humanities
Charon, Rita, Narrative Medicine: an interactive workshop in reading, writing, and
listening, Workshop Presenter
Chatburn, Andrea, Palliative Care Model for
Interdisciplinary Team Consultation in Clinical
Ethics, Workshop Presenter
Chen, Yen-Yuan, Medical Care Provided to
DNR Patients Does not Blindly Decrease,
Paper Presenter
Cherry, Mark, Defensible Exclusion: An
exploration of the limits of inclusiveness in
health care, Panel Presenter
Clift, Kristin, Significant Variants of Uncertain
Significance: including patients’ views of
clinical exome sequencing results, Paper
Cohn, Felicia, Patients and Families as Partners in Bioethics: an essential and neglected
inter-professional voice, Panel Presenter
Cole, Cristie, An Ethics Committee Toolbox
in the Era of Quality Attestation, Panel
Connolly, Eoin, Uninsured Patients: an Ethics-Based Policy Approach, Paper Co-Author
Chessa, Frank, Quality Measures: Can they
avoid rewarding unethical behaviors?, Paper
Cook, Wendy, Fair Payment: Establishing
Remuneration for Research Participation as
the Norm, Poster Presenter
Chessa, Frank, Planned Homebirth: a rational
option?, Paper Co-Author
Cook, Wendy, Sink or Swim: Racial Disparities
in Swimming and Drowning as Social Justice
Problems, Paper Presenter
Chevinsky, Jennifer, Social Media Training
Session for Bioethics and Humanities Educators, Preconference Workshop Presenter
Chevinsky, Jennifer, Twitter Workshop: A
Guide to Inclusiveness in Bioethics and Medical Humanities Through the Use of Social
Media, Workshop Presenter
Chevinsky, Jennifer, Improving Patient-Doctor Communication about Risk, Choice, &
Ethics in Obstetrics and Gynecology with
Medical Education, Workshop Presenter
Cheyney, Melissa, Home birth Midwives and
Obstetricians: A Case for the Duty to Collaborate, Panel Presenter
Cho, Mildred, Representing Autism: A Demographic Analysis of Public Commentators at
Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee
meetings, Poster Co-Author
Cho, Mildred, Assessing Public Attitudes
about the Ethics of Research on Medical
Practice, Panel Presenter
Coors, Marilyn, Persons with Addiction and
Informed Consent: Understanding Risks of
Broad Data Sharing for Genomic Research,
Poster Presenter
Copeland, Samantha, Setting a Standard
for Responsible, High-Stakes Inferences in
Medical Research, Paper Presenter
Corbett, Timothy, Palliative Sedation: Clinical
and Ethical Controversies, Poster Presenter
Côté, Stéphanie, Postmortem use of frozen
embryos: the views of IVF users, Paper
Cowan, Ethan, Bioethics STAT! Emergent Ethical Dilemmas in the Time- and
Resource-Limited Setting of the Emergency
Department, Panel Presenter
Craer, Jennifer, Past, Present and Future
Role of Humanities Coursework in American
Medical Education, Poster Presenter
Cholst, Ina, Anonymity in Egg Donation: Beyond Privacy Concerns, Paper Co-Author
Crist, Katie, Use of Mobile Technologies in
Health Research: Exploring mHealth Ethics,
Paper Co-Author
Christensen, Kurt, Patients’ Perceptions of
Whole Genome Sequencing Results and
Plans to Use Non-Actionable Findings, Paper
Crites, Joshua, The Ties that Bind: Understanding Donor Trust and Institutional
Obligations in the Context of Biobank-based
Research, Paper Presenter
Christenson, Gary, Dancing Under the Big
Top At Second City: What Health Care Can
Learn from Professional Ballet, the Circus and
Improvisational Theatre, Panel Presenter
Cronin, Angel, Knowledge of Pediatric Ethics:
Results of a Survey of Pediatric Ethics Consultants, Paper Co-Author
Christopher, Paul, Making Bioethics Personal:
Listening to the Voices of Those We Serve,
Panel Presenter
Christos, Paul, Consent and Decisional
Authority in Initiating and Withdrawing
VA-ECMO, Poster Co-Author
Christos, Paul, The Slow Code Revisited:
Continued Uncertainty and Variability in
Physician Attitudes to the Slow Code, Poster
Churchill, Larry, Ethics Consultation within
Accountable Care Organizations: Attending
to Justice for Complex Care Patients, Paper
Chwang, Eric, Shared Vulnerabilities in
Research, Paper Presenter
Clark, Mark, Mapping Cultural Competency
Themes Longitudinally Across the Pre-Clinical Curriculum; or Solving the Case of the
Missing Person, Paper Presenter
Clayton, Ellen, Return of Results & Incidental
Findings After the Research Participant’s
Death: Should We Include the Family in
Return?, Workshop Presenter
Crowder, Jerome, “Looking at chips in
our thoughts”: Developing a community
bioethics dialogue along the Gulf Coast, our
methods and initial results, Paper Co-Author
Cummings, Christy, Assessment of Ethics
and Professionalism Education Provided
During Neonatal-Perinatal Fellowship Training, Poster Presenter
Cummins, Paul, Written ethics projects
enhance third year medical students’
competency in responding to clinical ethical
dilemmas., Poster Co-Author
Cunningham, Carla, Community priorities for
patient-centered outcomes research, Paper
Cunningham, Thomas, Debating the ethics of
embryo research: the language from “making
babies” to “cloning-for-biomedical-research.”,
Paper Presenter
Curlin, Farr, Project on the Good Physician:
Relevance of the Rationalist-Intuitionist
Debate for Ethics and Professionalism in
Medical Education, Panel Presenter
Curlin, Farr, Pharmacist on the Execution
Team: The Law & Ethics of Supplying the
Lethal Drug, Panel Presenter
Cutler-Shaw, Joyce, Must We Measure the
Efficacy of the Arts & Humanities in Medical
Education?, Panel
Cwik, Bryan, Industry-Academy Relationships: Ethical and Policy Concerns, Panel
Devereaux, Mary, Must We Measure the
Efficacy of the Arts & Humanities in Medical
Education?, Panel Presenter
Czarnecki, Danielle, Uncovering the content
of conscience, Paper Co-Author
Devereaux, Mary, Is There Bias in Ethics Case
Studies?, Paper Presenter
Dahlke, Jacob, Applying Adult Learning
Theories to Improve Bioethics Graduate
Education, Poster Co-Author
DeWitt, Paula, Sharing and Comparing
Metrics: Creating an Epidemiology of Clinical
Ethics Consultation, Panel Presenter
Danis, Marion, Measuring Ethics Consultation
Quality, Workshop Presenter
Di Pietro, Nina, Ethics and Knowledge
Translation Opportunities for Developmental
Disabilities, Panel Presenter
Danis, Marion, Swiss-CHAT: Ethical Deliberation on Priorities in the Swiss Health Care
System, Paper Co-Author
Danis, Marion, Community priorities for
patient-centered outcomes research, Paper
Danziger, Phoebe, Beliefs, Biases, and Ethical
Dilemmas in the Perinatal Counseling and
Treatment of Severe Kidney Anomalies:
Towards an Interprofessional Model of Care,
Poster Presenter
Dickert, Neal, Understanding patients’
views on consent for research enrollment
in the setting of acute cardiac illness, Paper
Diedrich, Lisa, Literature and Medicine and
Bioethics and Humanities: Investigating our
Keywords, Workshop Presenter
Dineen, Kelly, Making Bioethics Personal:
Listening to the Voices of Those We Serve,
Panel Presenter
Darrow, William, Designing a Graduate
Level Interprofessional Online Health Ethics
Course: One University’s Experience, Poster
Dirksen, Kevin, Offering a Missing Voice:
Four Junior Clinical Ethicists’ on the Future
of the Practice and of the Profession, Panel
Darst, Burcu, Whole Genome Sequencing
for an Undiagnosed Disease: The Patient’s
Perspective, Paper Co-Author
Dirksen, Kevin, ‘Don’t Let Me Give Up!’ The
Ethical Appropriateness of ‘Ulysses Contracts’ for Transplant Recipients and other
Resource Intensive Patients., Panel Presenter
Davidson, Jacqueline, Making the Case for
Environmental Neuroethics, Panel Presenter
Davidson, Michael, Narrative Bioethics and
Disability: Personhood, Loss, and Gain, Panel
Davis, Arlene, Interprofessionalism in Clinical
Ethics: Collaboration or Competition?, Workshop Presenter
Dawson, Liza, NIH bioethics grants: challenges in designing multidisciplinary projects
and integrating conceptual and empirical
domains, Paper Presenter
de Melo-Martin, Inmaculada, Anonymity in
Egg Donation: Beyond Privacy Concerns,
Paper Presenter
Dotolo, Danae, Ethics case studies as a
vector for teaching interprofessional skills,
Panel Presenter
Doukas, David, Professionalism Education:
Challenges for Ethics and Humanities Faculty
Development and Administrators, Poster
Doukas, David, Patient Informed Choice for
Altruism, Poster Presenter
Drago, Mary, Justice in Regenerative Medicine: A Retrospection of Dialysis and Solid
Organ Transplantation, Paper Presenter
Dresser, Rebecca, Inclusive Research Ethics,
Paper Presenter
De Vries, Raymond, The social and moral
organization of interdisciplinary precision
oncology review boards, Panel Presenter
Du Toit, Jessica, Are indirect benefits relevant
to decisions about the allocation of scarce
healthcare resources?, Paper Presenter
De Vries, Raymond, When Not to Operate:
The Dilemma of Surgical Unresectability,
Paper Co-Author
Dubljevic, Veljko, The rising tide of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in
print media and academic literature, Poster
De Vries, Raymond, Uncovering the content
of conscience, Paper Presenter
De Vries, Jantina, H3Africa (Human Heredity
and Health in Africa): Increasing Capacity for
Genome Science in African Settings, Paper
Dean, Megan, Inhospitable Healthcare Spaces: Why Training on LGBTQIA Issues Is Not
Enough, Paper Co-Author
DeBaets, Amy, Toward a More Inclusive Bioethics: Osteopathic Insights, Paper Presenter
Dejoy, John, Applying Adult Learning
Theories to Improve Bioethics Graduate
Education, Poster Co-Author
Derrington, Sabrina, Patients and Families
as Partners in Bioethics: an essential and
neglected inter-professional voice, Panel
Derse, Arthur, Legal Update 2014: Top 10
Legal Developments in Bioethics, Panel
Derse, Arthur, Medical Students’ Creative
Responses to Third Year Surgical Rotation,
Poster Co-Author
DuBois, James, Making Bioethics Personal:
Listening to the Voices of Those We Serve,
Panel Presenter
Dudzinski, Denise, “Pediatric care providers
are color-blind” and other white lies: the impact of implicit bias and unconscious racism
on the care of children, Workshop Presenter
Dudzinski, Denise, Ethics Facilitation and
Documentation in Case Consultations: An
Interactive Workshop, Preconference Workshop Presenter
Dunn, Mercedez, Uncovering the content of
conscience, Paper Co-Author
Dunning, Lauren, Public Engagement: From
Tokenism to Full Accountability, Panel
Dupree, Claretta, “Pediatric care providers
are color-blind” and other white lies: the impact of implicit bias and unconscious racism
on the care of children, Workshop Presenter
Dworetz, April, Inclusion or Death: Ableism
in life-limiting discussions for extremely
preterm neonates, Paper Presenter
American Society for Bioethics + Humanities
Dyck Brian, Jenny, Bioethics as Public Relations, Paper Presenter
Dzeng, Elizabeth, Autonomy as the New
Paternalism? Problematizing Autonomy in
Do-Not-Resuscitate Decision-Making at the
End of Life, Paper Presenter
Eberl, Jason, Religious Perspectives in Research Ethics, Poster Presenter
Eckenwiler, Lisa, ‘Real-time Responsiveness’
in Disaster Research Ethics, Paper Presenter
Edwards, Kyle, When Public Reason Runs
Out: The Indeterminacy of Public Reason in
the Regulation of Emerging Biotechnologies,
Poster Presenter
Eijkholt, Marleen, Social media and health
care: No room to breathe!, Paper Presenter
Eijkholt, Marleen, Shaking up the debate;
Quality of life measures as ethical justifications for earlier DBS interventions in Parkinson’s Disease, Paper Presenter
Ellis, Lauren, Exploring ethical rationales
for patient engagement in research, Paper
Elster, Nanette, HPV & Oral Cancers:
Bioethics in the Face of Controversy (and
Discomfort), Panel Presenter
Emberley, Julie, Ethics Learning Needs of
Paediatric Residents: A View From All Sides,
Paper Presenter
English, Karen, Imagine What It’s Like: Using
Literature to Foster Empathy for Veterans
in Those Who Care for Them, Panel Presenter
Epstein, Elizabeth, Boys Interrupted:
Coercion, Conflict and Capacity in Forced
Feeding, Panel Presenter
Epstein, Elizabeth, Developing a Moral
Distress Consultation Service, Preconference
Workshop Presenter
Espinoza, Rebeca, Building Research Integrity and Capacity: Professional Development
for Research Support Staff, Paper Co-Author
Esplin, Bryn, Mental Health Care, Immigration
Detention, and Deportation: Ethical, Clinical,
and Legal Issues, Panel Presenter
Fedor, Beth, Video Informed Consent
Information (VICI) for Participation in a Randomized Clinical Trial of Prenatal Education
about Newborn Screening and Bloodspot
Retention, Poster Co-Author
Fehr, Alexandra, Understanding patients’
views on consent for research enrollment
in the setting of acute cardiac illness, Paper
Fenton, Andrew, Bioethics and the market
for lemons, Paper Presenter
Feuerman, Lindsay, Patients’ Perceptions
of Whole Genome Sequencing Results and
Plans to Use Non-Actionable Findings, Paper
Fiester, Autumn, Avoiding Values-Imposition in Clinical Ethics Consultation, Panel
Fiester, Autumn, Queer Inclusivity: LGBTQI
Persons in Medical Humanities and Bioethics,
Panel Presenter
Fiester, Autumn, Learning the Techniques of
Facilitation and Conflict Resolution for Use in
Clinical Ethics Consultations, Preconference
Workshop Presenter
Fiksdal, Alexander, Significant Variants of
Uncertain Significance: including patients’
views of clinical exome sequencing results,
Paper Co-Author
Finder, Stuart, A Physician, an ethicist and an
actress walk into a bar... How three disparate
professionals are working to change education and improve practice in a community
teaching hospital, Panel Presenter
Finder, Stuart, “Comfort” is the New “Expired”: Our New Euphemism for Death, the
Problems it Creates, and the Inter-professional Response it Requires, Paper Co-Author
Finder, Stuart, Ethics consultation in the
digital age: From inter-professional to
extra-professional Inclusivity (or, How can
they join us if they can’t even find us?), Paper
Fine, Michael, Intervening equitably to eliminate health care disparities, Paper Co-Author
Eves, Margot, An Ethics Committee Toolbox
in the Era of Quality Attestation, Panel
Fink, Kyle, Ethical considerations regarding a
first-in-human stem cell gene therapy trial for
Huntingtons Disease., Panel Presenter
Eyal, Nir, “Big Brother” is Watching? The Ethics of Electronic Adherence Monitoring - An
Interdisciplinary Outlook, Paper Presenter
Finley, Phillip, Comparison of Moral Distress,
Learned Helplessness, and Professional Quality of Life between Physicians and Nurses at
a Tertiary Care Hospital, Poster Co-Author
Faden, Ruth, Advancing Research on
Pregnancy and HIV: Ethics and Engagement,
Workshop Presenter
Fanning, Joseph, Sharing and Comparing
Metrics: Creating an Epidemiology of Clinical
Ethics Consultation, Panel Presenter
Fanning, Joseph, Ethics Consultation within
Accountable Care Organizations: Attending
to Justice for Complex Care Patients, Paper
Fantus, Sophia, Fertility Preservation for Gay
and Lesbian Adolescent and Young Adults
(AYA) with Cancer: Addressing sexual diversity through inclusive and interprofessional
collaboration, Paper Presenter
Farnia, Benjamin, Ethical Implications of
International Differences in Treatment
Approach: The Case of Rhabdomyosarcoma,
Paper Presenter
Fassett, William, Pharmacist on the Execution Team: The Law & Ethics of Supplying the
Lethal Drug, Panel Presenter
Fins, Joseph, Consent and Decisional Authority in Initiating and Withdrawing VA-ECMO,
Poster Co-Author
Fins, Joseph, The Slow Code Revisited:
Continued Uncertainty and Variability in
Physician Attitudes to the Slow Code, Poster
Fischbach, Ruth, Perspectives on Autism: A
Study of Concordance Between Parents and
Scientists, Paper Presenter
Fisher, Marilyn,
Social media and
health care: No room to breathe!, Paper
Fishman, Jennifer, New Mutations in
“Personalized Genomics:” Interdisciplinary
Perspectives, Panel Presenter
Fitzgerald, Chloë, Institutional and Individual
Responsibility for Implicit Biases in Healthcare, Paper Presenter
Font, Jacqueline, Dying as a Public Health
Issue: Making Systems More Responsive,
Paper Co-Author
Foreman, Thomas, Building Bridges: A Regionally Inclusive Shift in Health Care Ethics
Programming, Paper Co-Author
Fox, Ellen, Measuring Ethics Consultation
Quality, Workshop Presenter
Fox, Ellen, Understanding and Managing the
Differences Between Case and Non-Case
Health Care Ethics Consultations, Paper
Frader, Joel, ‘We want to do everything we
can’: How parents represent their experiences with maternal-fetal surgery online, Paper
Francis, Leslie, Autonomy Cuts Both Ways:
Disability and End-of-Life Decision-Making,
Panel Presenter
Frazier, Stacy, Designing a Graduate
Level Interprofessional Online Health Ethics
Course: One University’s Experience, Poster
Freedman, Lori, Conscientious Objection,
Religious Health Care Institutions, and the
Standard of Care, Panel Presenter
Freeman, Thomas, A Systematic Review of
Placebo Controlled Surgical Trials: Ethical
Issues in the Design, Conduct and Reporting,
Poster Co-Author
Friedman, Lester, Reimagining Frankenstein:
New perspectives on a (200 year) old text.,
Panel Presenter
Frolic, Andrea, Intraoperative: Using Dance to
Explore the Hidden World of the Patient and
Family, Paper Presenter
Fry, Jessica, ‘We want to do everything we
can’: How parents represent their experiences with maternal-fetal surgery online, Paper
Gabriel, Jazmine, Home birth Midwives and
Obstetricians: A Case for the Duty to Collaborate, Panel Presenter
Galbraith, Kyle, Grounds for Exclusion?
Professional Consequences of the Office of
Research Integrity’s Administrative Actions
for Research Misconduct, Paper Presenter
Gallagher, Colleen, Proposing a Model Clinical
Ethics Fellowship: What Are the Essential
Features?, Panel Presenter
Garden, Rebecca, Narrative Bioethics and
Disability: Personhood, Loss, and Gain, Panel
Gardner, Melissa, Genital surgery for infants
born with disorders of sex development: the
evidence and ethics of elective procedures,
Paper Co-Author
Garland-Thomson, Rosemarie, Reimagining
Frankenstein: New perspectives on a (200
year) old text., Panel Presenter
Garland-Thomson, Rosemarie, Narrative
Bioethics and Disability: Personhood, Loss,
and Gain, Panel Presenter
Garner, Samual, Ethical issues in treatment
interruption for HIV cure research, Paper
Garrett, Jeremy, Actionability in Contemporary Bioethics: A Conceptual Analysis and
Critique, Paper Presenter
Garrett, Jeremy, Two Dubious Objections to
Pediatric Neuroenhancement: Authenticity
and the Right to an Open Future, Paper
Geis, Gina, Assessment of Ethics and
Professionalism Education Provided During
Neonatal-Perinatal Fellowship Training,
Poster Co-Author
Genovese, Jacqueline, Imagine What It’s
Like: Using Literature to Foster Empathy for
Veterans in Those Who Care for Them, Panel
Geppert, Cynthia, Advancing the Role of
Interpersonal Skills in Clinical Ethics Consultation, Paper Co-Author
Giaimo, Genie, Fiction and Bioethics: From
Speculation to Practice, Panel Presenter
Gibb, Tyler, Offering a Missing Voice: Four
Junior Clinical Ethicists’ on the Future of
the Practice and of the Profession, Panel
Gibson, Jennifer, Are virtues practical? An
interprofessional virtue-based framework
for approaching ethical issues at end-of-life
in the neonatal intensive care unit, Paper
Gigliotti, Lisa, Here Comes the Judge: When
Interprofessional Decision-Making Doesn’t
Work, Panel Presenter
Gillis, Marin, Designing a Graduate Level
Interprofessional Online Health Ethics
Course: One University’s Experience, Poster
Gilmore-Szott, Eleanor, Debating the ethics
of embryo research: the language from
“making babies” to “cloning-for-biomedical-research.”, Paper Co-Author
Glover, Jacqueline, Professional Identity and
Ethics Beyond Compliance: IPE as Character
Development, Panel Presenter
Goering, Sara, Agency at the brain-to-brain
interface: Science, ethics, and medicine.,
Panel Presenter
Goering, Sara, Disability and Devices: Prioritizing enduser perspectives in neuroprosthetic development, Panel Presenter
Gold, Philip, Concentrating on Bioethics
and the Humanities in Residency Education,
Paper Co-Author
Goldenberg, Aaron, HIV Status and Genetic
Information in the Context of Reproduction:
Differences in confidentiality, physician
disclosure practices, and stigma, Poster
Goldenberg, Aaron, Biobanking at Birth: The
research use of biological specimens collected in the perinatal period, Poster Presenter
Goldenberg, Aaron, Who’s Cutting the Cord?
Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications of
Using Publicly Banked Umbilical Cord Blood
for Research Purposes, Paper Presenter
Goldin, Deana, Designing a Graduate
Level Interprofessional Online Health Ethics
Course: One University’s Experience, Poster
Goodman Crews, Paula, Maintaining Integrity
and Voice as Clinical Ethicists: Reflections
on Challenges and Successes from Some Old
Folks in the Field, Panel Presenter
Goodman Crews, Paula, A National Nursing
Ethics Summit: Implications for Inter-professional Practice and Education, Panel
Goold, Susan, Swiss-CHAT: Ethical Deliberation on Priorities in the Swiss Health Care
System, Paper Co-Author
Goold, Susan, Community priorities for
patient-centered outcomes research, Paper
American Society for Bioethics + Humanities
Gordon, Elisa, Protecting Living Kidney
Donors: Empirical and Normative Advances,
Panel Presenter
Haddad, Amy, Ethics case studies as a vector
for teaching interprofessional skills, Panel
Gordon, Elisa, Enhancing Informed Consent
Through a Decision Aid for Kidney Transplant
Candidates: A Randomized Controlled Trial
of Increased Knowledge, Paper Presenter
Hafferty, Frederic, Rebuilding Public Trust
in Science: Interdisciplinary Examination of
Social Responsibility and Ethics in Science
Communication to the Public, Panel Presenter
Gordon, Elisa, Ethnography 101 for IRB
Members: Bioethics Education to Enhance
IRB Review of Ethnographic Research, Poster
Gorin, Moti, Doing With, Doing For, and Doing To: Nudges and Participatory Influence,
Panel Presenter
Gornick, Michele, The social and moral
organization of interdisciplinary precision
oncology review boards, Panel Presenter
Gotlib, Anna, The Many Harms of Professional Exclusion: Bioethics, Identity, and Power
Within Philosophy Departments, Poster
Grant, Lenny, From Narrative to Rhetorical
Medicine: Persuasiveness, Post-Clinical Narratives, and Interprofessional Competencies,
Panel Presenter
Gray, Stacy, The social and moral organization of interdisciplinary precision oncology
review boards, Panel Presenter
Green, Sydney, Abandoning the dead donor
rule? A national survey of public views on
organ donation, Poster Co-Author
Green, Michael, Internet-based Programs
Supporting Advance Care Planning, Panel
Greenberg, Rebecca, Ethics Education of a
Diverse Student Group: development of a
curriculum, Poster Presenter
Greenberg, Rebecca, Building Interprofessional Bioethics Capacity in the ICU: a program of bioethics support in pediatric critical
care, Paper Presenter
Griffith, Kent, Soliciting Donations from
Grateful Patients: Medical Oncologists’
Practices and Their Perceptions of the Ethical
Appropriateness, Paper Co-Author
Groman, Michelle, Take It or Leave It: The
Role of Bioethics Advisory Bodies in Effecting Policy Change, Panel Presenter
Groman, Michelle, Integrating Ethics and
Neuroscience Research: Recommendations
from the Presidential Bioethics Commission
and Integration in Practice, Panel Presenter
Gross, Nancy, Caring Conversations: Humanities and Bioethics at the Heart of Elder
Health Care, Workshop Presenter
Guidry-Grimes, Laura, Inhospitable Healthcare Spaces: Why Training on LGBTQIA
Issues Is Not Enough, Paper Co-Author
Guidry-Grimes, Laura, Problems of Clinical
Insight When Listening to the Voice of Psychiatric Patients, Paper
Guillot-Wright, Shannon, The Critical Medical
Humanities: Voices from the Margins, Panel
Guillot-Wright, Shannon, Healthcare Among
Marginalized Populations and Visual Representation, Paper
Gupta, Abha, Fertility Preservation for Gay
and Lesbian Adolescent and Young Adults
(AYA) with Cancer: Addressing sexual diversity through inclusive and interprofessional
collaboration, Paper Co-Author
Haberer, Jessica, “Big Brother” is Watching?
The Ethics of Electronic Adherence Monitoring - An Interdisciplinary Outlook, Paper
Hall, Daniel, Ethics and Emergence: The Facts
of the Case, Panel Presenter
Hall, Meghan, Complicating Features of Infant
and Child Loss and the Need for Neonatal
and Pediatric Parental Planning for Organ
Donation, Paper Presenter
Hall, Meghan, Surgical innovations and
human research, Paper Presenter
Hall, Daniel, Intervening equitably to eliminate health care disparities, Paper Presenter
Halpern, Scott, New Ethics-Related ICU
Consensus Statements: What Every Clinical
Ethics Consultant Needs to Know, Panel
Halverson, Colin, Significant Variants of
Uncertain Significance: including patients’
views of clinical exome sequencing results,
Paper Co-Author
Hamet, Pavel, Postmortem use of frozen
embryos: the views of IVF users, Paper
Hammer, Rachel, Strategies for Integrating
Health Humanities into Medical Education,
Workshop Presenter
Hammer, Rachel, Obesity Bias and Attitudes
Among Medical Students, Paper Presenter
Hamric, Ann, Developing a Moral Distress
Consultation Service, Preconference Workshop Presenter
Han, Susie, Take It or Leave It: The Role of
Bioethics Advisory Bodies in Effecting Policy
Change, Panel Presenter
Hanson, Stephen, Toward An Interprofessional Model for Teaching Healthcare Ethics-Challenges and Rewards, Paper Co-Author
Harris, Lisa Hope, Uncovering the content of
conscience, Paper Co-Author
Harris, Mark, Perspectives on Autism: A
Study of Concordance Between Parents and
Scientists, Paper Presenter
Harris, Julie, Genomic sequencing of newborns: Are we ready? Addressing the ethical
and policy implications of whole genome
sequencing in state newborn screening
programs., Paper Co-Author
Hatchett, Lena,
Here Comes the
Judge: When Interprofessional Decision-Making Doesn’t Work, Panel Presenter
Hauser, Joshua, Physicians’ and nurses’
perspectives on the role of palliative sedation
in end-of-life care, Paper Co-Author
Hausman, Bernice, From Narrative to Rhetorical Medicine: Persuasiveness, Post-Clinical
Narratives, and Interprofessional Competencies, Panel Presenter
Hausmann, Leslie, Intervening equitably
to eliminate health care disparities, Paper
Hayeem, Robin, Operationalizing choice and
autonomy: Approaches to ethically offering
and returning secondary genetic results,
Panel Presenter
Heitman, Elizabeth, Ethics in the CTSA Program: Past, Present, and a Changing Future,
Panel Presenter
Hodges, Marian, Hearing the Patient’s Voice:
Ethical Decision-Making for Patients with
Diminished Capacity, Paper Co-Author
Hellmann, Jonathan, Ethics Education of a
Diverse Student Group: development of a
curriculum, Poster Co-Author
Hold, Judith, Addressing Interprofessional
Collaboration through Understanding Moral
Reasoning, Paper Presenter
Henderson, Macey, Twitter Workshop: A
Guide to Inclusiveness in Bioethics and Medical Humanities Through the Use of Social
Media, Workshop Presenter
Hold, Judith, Incorporating the Domain Theory into Ethics Education, Paper Presenter
Henderson, Macey, Improving Patient-Doctor
Communication about Risk, Choice, & Ethics
in Obstetrics and Gynecology with Medical
Education, Workshop Presenter
Henderson, Macey, Social Media Training Session for Bioethics and Humanities Educators
Preconference Workshop Presenter
Henderson, Gail, HIV Cure and Social Participation: Emerging Field, Emerging Ethics,
Panel Presenter
Henning, Alyssa, ‘So Satan...inflicted Job with
painful sores:’ The Limits of Tort Law and the
Need to Compensate Survivors of the U.S.
Government’s Syphilis Studies in Guatemala,
Poster Presenter
Henning, Alyssa, Dignitary Harm: Reading
‘The Binding of Isaac’ To Talk About the
Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital Study,
Paper Presenter
Henriksen Hellyer, Joan, Getting Everyone on
Board - Ethics Early Action Protocol, Panel
Co- Presenter
Henriksen Hellyer, Joan, Conflict of Conscience: Case studies in values-driven policy
development, Panel Presenter
Henry, Susan, Pre-natal Testing, Selective
Abortion, and Inclusion: Implications of Interests and Care Approaches, Paper Presenter
Herbert, Cassie, Advancing Research on
Pregnancy and HIV: Ethics and Engagement,
Workshop Presenter
Herder, Matthew, Fraud Forgotten, Paper
Herron, Patrick, Twitter Workshop: A Guide
to Inclusiveness in Bioethics and Medical
Humanities Through the Use of Social Media,
Workshop Presenter
Herron, Patrick, Social Media Training Session
for Bioethics and Humanities Educators,
Preconference Presenter
Hey, Spencer, Justice, Health Policy, and the
Creeping Specter of Drug-Resistance, Poster
Hey, Spencer, Theory Confirmation, Risk,
and Heuristics in the Early Phases of Medical
Research, Paper Presenter
Hizlan, Sabahat,
An Analysis of
Five Years of Clinical Ethics Consultations:
What Can We Learn and Where Should We
Be Going?, Paper Co-Author
Ho, Anita, Enhancing Supportive Decision
Making For Aboriginal Patients and Family
Members, Poster Co-Author
Ho, Anita, Working with patients and families
who choose against evidence: How context
matters, Paper Presenter
Ho, Anita, Patient Perspectives on Negotiating Trust and Addiction in Chronic Pain
Management, Paper Co-Author
Ho, Anita, Barriers to Advance Care Planning:
Perspectives of Healthcare Providers, Patients and Supportive Decision Makers, Paper
Holland, Suzanne, Agency at the brain-tobrain interface: Science, ethics, and medicine., Panel Presenter
Holloway, Karla F. C., Made Vulnerable:
Notes on Privelege; or, How When You Say
Their Names, the Bodies go Missing, Panel
Holmes, Ryan, Offering a Missing Voice:
Four Junior Clinical Ethicists’ on the Future
of the Practice and of the Profession, Panel
Holtzman, Geoffrey, Seductively Alluring or
Epistemically Unjust?: An Ethical Analysis of
Explanatory Neurophila, Poster Co-Author
Hook, C Christopher, Conflict of Conscience:
Case studies in values-driven policy development, Panel Presenter
Hopfer, Christian, Persons with Addiction and
Informed Consent: Understanding Risks of
Broad Data Sharing for Genomic Research,
Poster Co-Author
Howard, Jean, The Long and Winding Road:
The 10-Year Experiences of a Community-Based Ethics Committee Panel Presenter
Howe, Edmund, Video Projects in Teaching
Military Medical Ethics, Paper Presenter
Hsu, Erika, Brain Death to iPS Cells: Understanding Layperson Attitude Towards Organ
Transplant Technologies in Japan, Poster
Iltis, Ana, Palliative Sedation: Clinical and
Ethical Controversies, Poster Co-Author
Johnson, Nate, Blackfish and the Popular Discussion of Animal Ethics, Paper Presenter
Iltis, Ana, How inclusive and interprofessional
can we become about brain death? Responsible involvement of the public in the controversy over brain death., Panel Presenter
Johnston, Josephine, The Bioethics Project:
How a Research Program for High School
Students Uses Bioethics to Build 21st Century
Skills, Paper Presenter
Iltis, Ana, Exclusion in Bioethics: Why We
Need More Stakeholders’ Stories, Paper
Joo, Hee-Jung, Fiction and Bioethics: From
Speculation to Practice, Panel Presenter
Ivascu, Natalia, Consent and Decisional
Authority in Initiating and Withdrawing
VA-ECMO, Poster Co-Author
Ivascu, Natalia, The Slow Code Revisited:
Continued Uncertainty and Variability in
Physician Attitudes to the Slow Code, Poster
Jagsi, Reshma, Soliciting Donations from
Grateful Patients: Medical Oncologists’
Practices and Their Perceptions of the Ethical
Appropriateness, Paper Co-Author
Jain, Shaili, Ethical Issues for Clinicians
Writing Fiction and Personal Narrative, Panel
Jamal, Leila, Patients’ Perceptions of Whole
Genome Sequencing Results and Plans
to Use Non-Actionable Findings, Paper
James, Cyan, Assessing Public Attitudes
about the Ethics of Research on Medical
Practice, Panel Presenter
Jankowski, Jane, Social media and health
care: No room to breathe!, Paper Co-Author
Jankowski, Jane, Advancing the Role of Interpersonal Skills in Clinical Ethics Consultation,
Paper Co-Author
Jankowski, Jane, Perceptions of Clinical
Ethics Consultation Services: A Survey of
Stakeholder Perspectives, Paper Presenter
Hudson Jones, Anne, Ethical Issues for Clinicians Writing Fiction and Personal Narrative,
Panel Presenter
Janvier, Annie, Patients and Families as Partners in Bioethics: an essential and neglected
inter-professional voice, Panel Presenter
Hunt, Matthew, ‘Real-time Responsiveness’ in
Disaster Research Ethics, Paper Co-Author
Janvier, Annie, Neuromuscular blockers
at the end of life: moral courage or moral
outrage?, Panel Presenter
Hurst, Ashley, Boys Interrupted: Coercion,
Conflict and Capacity in Forced Feeding,
Panel Presenter
Hurst, Samia, Swiss-CHAT: Ethical Deliberation on Priorities in the Swiss Health Care
System, Paper Presenter
Hurst, Ashley, Developing a Moral Distress
Consultation Service, Preconference Workshop Presenter
Huynh, Thanh, Nurse and Physician Concordance on Assessments of Futile Treatment:
Opportunity for Collaboration, Poster
Hynds, James, Proposing a Model Clinical
Ethics Fellowship: What Are the Essential
Features?, Panel Presenter
Hynds, James, ‘Don’t Let Me Give Up!’ The
Ethical Appropriateness of ‘Ulysses Contracts’ for Transplant Recipients and other
Resource Intensive Patients., Panel Presenter
Ikoku, Alvan, Ethical and Candidate Considerations for Implementing Destination Therapy
in Children, Poster Co-Author
Ikoku, Alvan, Global Health Ethics: a Literary
Contribution, Paper Presenter
Illes, Judy, Making the Case for Environmental Neuroethics, Panel Presenter
Illes, Judy, Patient Perspectives on Negotiating Trust and Addiction in Chronic Pain
Management, Paper Co-Author
American Society for Bioethics + Humanities
Jarvik, Gail, Return of Results & Incidental
Findings After the Research Participant’s
Death: Should We Include the Family in
Return?, Workshop Presenter
Jennings, Bruce, Bioethics and Climate
Change: Prospects for Health and Justice,
Paper Presenter
Jotterand, Fabrice, Professional Identity and
Ethics Beyond Compliance: IPE as Character
Development, Panel
Juengst, Eric, New Mutations in “Personalized
Genomics:” Interdisciplinary Perspectives,
Panel Presenter
Juengst, Eric, HIV Cure and Social Participation: Emerging Field, Emerging Ethics, Panel
Jurecic, Ann, Literature and Medicine and
Bioethics and Humanities: Investigating our
Keywords, Workshop Presenter
Kadoch, Isaac-Jacques, Postmortem use
of frozen embryos: the views of IVF users,
Paper Co-Author
Kaebnick, Gregory, Making the Case for Environmental Neuroethics, Panel Presenter
Kaffka, Katherine, Confronting Pediatric Brain
Tumors: Parent Stories, Workshop Presenter
Kalichman, Michael, Building Research Integrity and Capacity: Professional Development
for Research Support Staff, Paper Co-Author
Kapustij, Cristina, Genomic sequencing of
newborns: Are we ready? Addressing the
ethical and policy implications of whole genome sequencing in state newborn screening
programs., Paper Presenter
Karamol, Jeffery, The Long and Winding Road: The 10-Year Experiences of a
Community-Based Ethics Committee, Panel
Karlawish, Jason, Caregivers’ Perspectives
on Their Role as Study Partner in Dementia
Research, Paper Co-Author
Kasman, Deborah, Maintaining Integrity and
Voice as Clinical Ethicists: Reflections on
Challenges and Successes from Some Old
Folks in the Field, Panel Presenter
Kasman, Deborah, Clinical Ethicists As
Healers: Does our mission include ‘Relief of
Suffering’?, Paper Presenter
Jeschke, Erika Ann, Justice and Peace have
Kissed: The inclusive posture of Just War
Theory, Panel Presenter
Katz, Aviva, Quality Assessment of the Ethics
Consultation Service at the Organizational
Level: A Third Important Element in the
Evaluation of Health Care Ethics Consultation
Quality, Panel Presenter
Joffe, Steven, Interdisciplinary Perspectives
on Compensation for Research Related
Injuries, Panel Presenter
Kaufman, Hannah, Uninsured Patients:
an Ethics-Based Policy Approach, Paper
Joffe, Steven, The social and moral organization of interdisciplinary precision oncology
review boards, Panel Presenter
Kearns, Lisa, A Bioethical Defense of “Nanny-State” Legislation, Paper Presenter
Joffe, Steven, Knowledge of Pediatric Ethics:
Results of a Survey of Pediatric Ethics Consultants, Paper Co-Author
Johnson, Starina, A Physician, an ethicist and
an actress walk into a bar... How three disparate professionals are working to change education and improve practice in a community
teaching hospital, Panel Presenter
Johnson, L Syd, Functional Neuroimaging
of Disorders of Consciousness: The ethical
implications of where we are now, and where
we’re going, Panel Presenter
Johnson, L Syd, Conscientious objections
to brain death: Why reasonable accommodation is reasonable, necessary, and good
public policy, Paper Presenter
Kekewich, Mike, Building Bridges: A Regionally Inclusive Shift in Health Care Ethics
Programming, Paper Co-Author
Kelley, Maureen, Assessing Public Attitudes
about the Ethics of Research on Medical
Practice, Panel Presenter
Kelley, Maureen, Under the Big Top? Integrating Ethicists in Research Settings, Panel
Kelley, Felicia, Imagine What It’s Like: Using
Literature to Foster Empathy for Veterans
in Those Who Care for Them, Panel Presenter
Kelly, Terrence, Professional Ethics for Professional Medical Associations: Impartiality,
Conflicts of Interest and Institutional Design,
Paper Presenter
Kelly, Terrence, Time to Take Seriously Our
Obligations to Future Generations, Paper
Kockler, Nicholas, Hearing the Patient’s Voice:
Ethical Decision-Making for Patients with
Diminished Capacity, Paper Presenter
Kukora, Stephanie, Choosing wisely: using
past medical decisions in allocating scarce
ECMO resources, Paper Presenter
Kennedy, Ashley, Don’t call me ‘Dr.’: Titles and
Hierarchy in the Clinic, Paper Presenter
Koenig, Barbara, Return of Results & Incidental Findings After the Research Participant’s
Death: Should We Include the Family in
Return?, Workshop Presenter
Kumbamu, Ashok, Rebuilding Public Trust
in Science: Interdisciplinary Examination of
Social Responsibility and Ethics in Science
Communication to the Public, Panel Presenter
Kerr, Jacqueline, Use of Mobile Technologies in Health Research: Exploring mHealth
Ethics, Paper Co-Author
Kesselheim, Jennifer, Knowledge of Pediatric
Ethics: Results of a Survey of Pediatric Ethics
Consultants, Paper Presenter
Kierce, Diane, Choosing Children or Choosing
For Children?: Understanding Reproductive
Selection as Proxy Decision Making, Poster
King, Nancy, Legal Update 2014: Top 10 Legal
Developments in Bioethics, Panel Presenter
Koenig, Barbara, Should return of genomic
‘incidental findings’ include family members
of deceased research participants? Survey
findings from a cancer biobank., Paper
Kohn, Margaret, Mannequin-Based Ethics
Simulation Workshop: Healthcare Personnel’s
Duty to A Surgical Patient during a Massive
Natural Disaster Evacuation, Workshop
Kingsley, Erin, Fiction and Bioethics: From
Speculation to Practice, Panel Presenter
Kohn, Martin, Devising Healthy Communities:
An arts and neighborhood-based project for
first year medical students, Poster Presenter
Kious, Brent, The underdetermination of key
concepts in bioethical debates, and what to
do about it, Poster Presenter
Komesaroff, Paul, The Ethics of Open Access
Publishing (OAP) in Health and Biomedicine,
Panel Presenter
Kious, Brent, Boorse’s theory of disease:
why it’s not value-free, and why that doesn’t
matter, Paper Presenter
Kon, Alexander, New Ethics-Related ICU
Consensus Statements: What Every Clinical
Ethics Consultant Needs to Know, Panel
Kirpalani, Haresh, Are virtues practical? An
interprofessional virtue-based framework
for approaching ethical issues at end-of-life
in the neonatal intensive care unit, Paper
Kon, Alexander, “Pediatric care providers are
color-blind” and other white lies: the impact
of implicit bias and unconscious racism on
the care of children, Workshop Presenter
Kirschner, Kristi, Narrative Bioethics and
Disability: Personhood, Loss, and Gain, Panel
Kondrat, Andy, Weighing In or Wading In?
The role of the clinical ethicist in a health
care organization, Panel Presenter
Kirschner, Kristi, Autonomy Cuts Both Ways:
Disability and End-of-Life Decision-Making,
Panel Presenter
Kondrat, Andy, Narrative Construction in
Situations that Matter, Paper Presenter
Kitsis, Elizabeth, Warning Letters to Pharmaceutical Companies Related to Social Media
Use, Poster Co-Author
Kitzinger, Jenny, Inclusivity and the insider/
outsider debate: Interrogating empirical
data in ‘coma’ research and including family
experience in public/professional debate,
Poster Co-Author
Kitzinger, Celia, Inclusivity and the insider/
outsider debate: Interrogating empirical
data in ‘coma’ research and including family
experience in public/professional debate,
Poster Presenter
Kitzinge, Jenny, Improvising Humanity: Using
Applied Arts to Improve End-of-Life Care,
Workshop Presenter
Klein, David, Interactivity and multimedia
consenting for biobanks: A randomized trial,
Poster Co-Author
Klein, Eran, Agency at the brain-to-brain
interface: Science, ethics, and medicine.,
Panel Presenter
Klein, Eran, Disability and Devices: Prioritizing
enduser perspectives in neuroprosthetic
development, Panel Presenter
Klitzman, Robert, Egg Donation in the
United States after Kamakahi v ASRM, Panel
Klugman, Craig, Engaging New Media
to Drive Advance Care Planning, Panel
Klugman, Craig, A Survey Of Elected Options
Among Individuals Completing an Advance
Directive, Poster Presenter
Koch, Valerie, Take It or Leave It: The Role of
Bioethics Advisory Bodies in Effecting Policy
Change, Panel Presenter
Kong, Alice, Conflict of Conscience: Case
studies in values-driven policy development,
Panel Presenter
Korngiebel, Diane, Assessing Public Attitudes
about the Ethics of Research on Medical
Practice, Panel Presenter
Labrecque, Cory Andrew, How to write an
exam in bioethics, Workshop Presenter
Lagunas, Meg, Ethics case studies as a vector
for teaching interprofessional skills, Panel
Lamb, Erin, Unnoticed Exclusions: Why the
Health Humanities needs Age Studies, Paper
Landon, Barbara, Neurodevelopment, Child
Maltreatment, and Bioethics, Paper Presenter
Lang, Kellie R., “Pediatric care providers are
color-blind” and other white lies: the impact
of implicit bias and unconscious racism on
the care of children, Workshop Presenter
Langley, Jackie, The Long and Winding Road:
The 10-Year Experiences of a Community-Based Ethics Committee, Panel Presenter
Lantos, John, There are no atheists in the
PICU: Chaplains work with the families of
critically ill children, Paper Presenter
Lazaro, Gabriel, The Fiduciary Relationship
Model for Managing Genomic ‘Incidental’
Findings in the Clinic, Paper Presenter
Lederman, Muriel, Triple Sanity: A Century
of Womens’ Mental Health in Fiction, Paper
Ledon, Charo, Community priorities for
patient-centered outcomes research, Paper
Lee, Sandra, Ethical and Candidate Considerations for Implementing Destination Therapy
in Children, Poster Co-Author
Lee, Lisa, Bioethics Literacy Across the Lifespan, Panel Presenter
Kuczewski, Mark, Development of the Advanced Clinical Ethics Skills (ACES) Course,
Paper Co-Author
Lee, Lisa, The Ethical Management of Incidental and Secondary Findings in Context,
Panel Presenter
Kuczewski, Mark, A Bioethics of Immigration:
Scope, Resources, and the Inclusive Community, Paper Presenter
Lee, Sandra, Assessing Public Attitudes
about the Ethics of Research on Medical
Practice, Panel Presenter
Kuczewski, Mark, Social Media Training Session for Bioethics and Humanities Educators
Preconference Workshop Presenter
Lee, Hajung, Confucian Culture as a Social
Determinant of Fertility in South Korea,
Paper Presenter
American Society for Bioethics + Humanities
Levine, Aaron, Egg Donation in the United
States after Kamakahi v ASR, Panel Presenter
Levine, Emily, Death and Education within
the Anatomy Lab, Poster Presenter
Levy, Judith, Let’s be inclusive: Bringing a
disability perspective to your clinical ethics
consultations., Panel Presenter
Libman, Steven, Dancing Under the Big Top
At Second City: What Health Care Can Learn
from Professional Ballet, the Circus and
Improvisational Theatre, Panel Presenter
Lawrence, Heidi, From Narrative to Rhetorical
Medicine: Persuasiveness, Post-Clinical Narratives, and Interprofessional Competencies,
Panel Presenter
Leung, Peggy, Deficits in the Transfer of
Advance Care Planning Information for Patients Discharged from Hospitals to Nursing
Homes, Paper Presenter
Laupacis ,Andreas, Are virtues practical? An
interprofessional virtue-based framework
for approaching ethical issues at end-of-life
in the neonatal intensive care unit, Paper
Krag, Erik, Just ‘Health’ Distribution: Just
What is it We’re Distributing Anyway and
Why Does it Matter?, Poster Presenter
Kuczewski, Mark, Twitter Workshop: A Guide
to Inclusiveness in Bioethics and Medical
Humanities Through the Use of Social Media,
Workshop Presenter
Lewis-Newby, Mithya, Managing Conscientious Objections in the ICU: American
Thoracic Society Recommendations, Panel
Laventhal, Naomi, Choosing wisely: using
past medical decisions in allocating scarce
ECMO resources, Paper Co-Author
Krubiner, Carleigh, Advancing Research on
Pregnancy and HIV: Ethics and Engagement,
Workshop Presenter
Leppla, Idris, Blanche DuBois: Close Textual
Reading Complicates Her Diagnosis, Paper
Larkin, Meg, What is an injury? Creating an
ethically justified framework for compensation of research related injuries, Paper
Krag, Erik, Masculine Vulnerability and the
Threat of Physician Assisted Suicide, Poster
Krawiec, Kimberly, Egg Donation in the
United States after Kamakahi v ASRM, Panel
Lenihan, Merle, A Humanities Perspective on
Uncompensated Care, Poster Presenter
Lewis, Adam, ‘People can survive without
having children’: Conceptulizations of infertility among infertile and non-infertile patients,
Poster Co-Author
Kostelecky, Kayla, Conceiving of the Defective: Wrongful Life and Wrongful Birth Cases,
Paper Presenter
Krahn, Timothy, Imbalances in Canada’s
Down Syndrome Research Agenda, Paper
Leisten, Amy, Medical Students’ Creative
Responses to Third Year Surgical Rotation,
Poster Co-Author
Larkin, Meg, Interdisciplinary Perspectives on
Compensation for Research Related Injuries,
Panel Presenter
Laventhal, Naomi, Beliefs, Biases, and Ethical
Dilemmas in the Perinatal Counseling and
Treatment of Severe Kidney Anomalies:
Towards an Interprofessional Model of Care,
Poster Co-Author
Krahn, Timothy, Bioethics and the market for
lemons, Paper Co-Author
Leffel, Michael, Project on the Good Physician: Relevance of the Rationalist-Intuitionist
Debate for Ethics and Professionalism in
Medical Education, Panel Presenter
Lindor, Noralane, Should return of genomic
‘incidental findings’ include family members
of deceased research participants? Survey
findings from a cancer biobank., Paper
Lipford, Daniel, Exclusion in Bioethics: Why
We Need More Stakeholders’ Stories, Paper
Lipworth, Wendy, The Ethics of Open Access
Publishing (OAP) in Health and Biomedicine,
Panel Presenter
List, Monica, The Case for Veterinary Bioethics, Paper Presenter
Little, Margaret, Advancing Research on
Pregnancy and HIV: Ethics and Engagement,
Workshop Presenter
Litton, Paul, Pharmacist on the Execution
Team: The Law & Ethics of Supplying the
Lethal Drug, Panel Presenter
Liu, Emily, Representing Autism: A Demographic Analysis of Public Commentators at
Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee
meetings, Poster Presenter
Lizza, John, Donation Following Cardiac
Death: Does It Matter Whether Donors Are
Really, Most Sincerely Dead?, Panel Presenter
Lombardo, Paul, Crime, Eugenics and the
Hillbilly Homicide of 1936, Paper Presenter
Lorenzo, Armando, Fertility Preservation
for Gay and Lesbian Adolescent and Young
Adults (AYA) with Cancer: Addressing sexual
diversity through inclusive and interprofessional collaboration, Paper Co-Author
Lorish, Philip, Ethics and Emergence: The
Facts of the Case, Panel Presenter
Low, Clarke, Deficits in the Transfer of
Advance Care Planning Information for Patients Discharged from Hospitals to Nursing
Homes, Paper Co-Author
Lyerly, Anne, Advancing Research on
Pregnancy and HIV: Ethics and Engagement,
Workshop Presenter
Lynch, John, Ethics in the CTSA Program:
Past, Present, and a Changing Future, Panel
Macdonald, Arlene, The Critical Medical
Humanities: Voices from the Margins, Panel
Macdougall, Daniel, Industry and impartiality:
The case against restricting sources of funding in academic ethics, Poster Presenter
Macklin, Ruth, A Global Perspective on Women’s Rights to Health and Safety: Progress or
Regress?, Panel Presenter
Macpherson, Cheryl, Health, Environment,
and Bioethics in Polar and Caribbean Regions, Paper Presenter
Marks, Jonathan, Industry-Academy Relationships: Ethical and Policy Concerns, Panel
Marks, Jonathan, Interrogating Fracking,
Protecting Public Health: Legal Interventions
by Health Professionals, Paper Presenter
Marouf, Fatma, Mental Health Care, Immigration Detention, and Deportation: Ethical,
Clinical, and Legal Issues, Panel Presenter
Marquis, Don, Donation Following Cardiac
Death: Does It Matter Whether Donors Are
Really, Most Sincerely Dead?, Panel Presenter
Marshall, Elizabeth, The Emperor’s Well-Worn
Clothes: Our Relationship to Bioethics Dogma, Panel Presenter
Marshall, Mary Faith, Boys Interrupted:
Coercion, Conflict and Capacity in Forced
Feeding, Panel Presenter
Marshall, Mary Faith, Developing a Moral
Distress Consultation Service, Preconference
Workshop Presenter
Macpherson, Calum, Health, Environment,
and Bioethics in Polar and Caribbean Regions, Paper Co-Author
Marshall, Patricia, H3Africa (Human Heredity
and Health in Africa): Increasing Capacity for
Genome Science in African Settings, Paper
Macpherson, Peter, Ethics Learning Needs of
Paediatric Residents: A View From All Sides,
Paper Co-Author
Martinez, Nicole, Neuroscience, Criminal
Justice and Social Responsibility, Poster
Madden, Kendall, Body As Ecosystem: An
investigation of metaphor and the body in
medical practice., Poster Presenter
Martinez, Nicole, Community priorities for
patient-centered outcomes research, Paper
Magnus, David, Ethical and Candidate
Considerations for Implementing Destination
Therapy in Children, Poster Co-Author
Mast, Deborah, Physicians’ and nurses’ perspectives on the role of palliative sedation in
end-of-life care, Paper Co-Author
Majumder, Mary, “Systematizing” Ethics
Consultation Services in an Era of Hospital
Consolidations, Panel Presenter
Master, Zubin, Bad Moms, Blameless Dads:
The Portrayal of Maternal and Paternal Age
and Preconception Harm in U.S. Newspapers,
Paper Co-Author
Majumder, Mary, Ethical Implications of International Differences in Treatment Approach:
The Case of Rhabdomyosarcoma, Paper
Mastroianni, Anna, Advancing Research on
Pregnancy and HIV: Ethics and Engagement,
Workshop Presenter
McCormick, Jennifer, Significant Variants of
Uncertain Significance: including patients’
views of clinical exome sequencing results,
Paper Co-Author
McCullough, Laurence, Do Pediatric Oncologists and Parents Experience Whole
Exome Sequencing of Solid Organ Tumors in
Children as a Disruptive Technology, Poster
McCurdy, Jennifer, Professional Identity and
Ethics Beyond Compliance: IPE as Character
Development, Panel Presenter
McEntyre, Marilyn, Subverting the Dominant
Protocols: How Poetry Deepens, Challenges,
and Complicates Clinical Conversation, Paper
McEntyre, Marilyn, Practicing Poetry as
a Clinical Skill, Preconference Workshop
McGinn-Natali, Anita, See Me, Hear Me, Know
Me - Honoring Patient Values in the Clinical
Encounter, Paper Co-Author
McGoron, Anthony, Designing a Graduate
Level Interprofessional Online Health Ethics
Course: One University’s Experience, Poster
McGowan, Michelle, HIV Status and Genetic
Information in the Context of Reproduction:
Differences in confidentiality, physician
disclosure practices, and stigma, Poster
McGowan, Michelle, New Mutations in
“Personalized Genomics:” Interdisciplinary
Perspectives, Panel Presenter
McGraw, Sarah, The social and moral organization of interdisciplinary precision oncology
review boards, Panel Presenter
McGuire, Amy, Illuminating Interprofessionalism: The Drama of DNA from Prenatal to
Newborn Screening and Sequencing, Panel
Maldonado, Lawrence, A Physician, an
ethicist and an actress walk into a bar... How
three disparate professionals are working
to change education and improve practice
in a community teaching hospital, Panel
Matharu, Kabir, Obesity Bias and Attitudes
Among Medical Students, Paper Co-Author
McGuire, Marlee, Working with patients and
families who choose against evidence: How
context matters, Paper Co-Author
Malek, Janet, Voluntary Stopping of Eating
and Drinking and the Physician’s Duty to
Inform, Panel Presenter
Mathews, Debra, Articulating the Goals and
Assessing the Impact of Bioethics Projects:
A Report from the ABPD Working Group,
Panel Presenter
McGuire, Amy, Patients’ Perceptions of
Whole Genome Sequencing Results and
Plans to Use Non-Actionable Findings, Paper
Mathews, Debra, Integrating Ethics and
Neuroscience Research: Recommendations
from the Presidential Bioethics Commission
and Integration in Practice, Panel
McGuire, Amy, Do Pediatric Oncologists and
Parents Experience Whole Exome Sequencing of Solid Organ Tumors in Children as a
Disruptive Technology, Poster Co-Author
Matsui, Kenji, From Brain Death to iPS Cells:
Understanding Layperson Attitude Towards
Organ Transplant Technologies in Japan,
Poster Co-Author
Mchugh, Wendy, Spreading Ethics Throughout the Institution, Paper Presenter
Maloney, Anne Marie, Fertility Preservation
for Gay and Lesbian Adolescent and Young
Adults (AYA) with Cancer: Addressing sexual
diversity through inclusive and interprofessional collaboration, Paper Co-Author
Manchec, Barbara, A Systematic Review of
Placebo Controlled Surgical Trials: Ethical
Issues in the Design, Conduct and Reporting,
Poster Co-Author
Mangione, Thomas, Consent and Decisional
Authority in Initiating and Withdrawing
VA-ECMO, Poster Co-Author
Mangione, Thomas, The Slow Code Revisited:
Continued Uncertainty and Variability in
Physician Attitudes to the Slow Code, Poster
Mann, Paul, A Partial Survivor: Sociohistorical
and Ethical Implications of the Phrase “Intact
Survival”, Paper Presenter
Maradiaga, Gerardo, Learning from Family
Caregivers: The Role of Bioethics in an
Interproffesional Education Program, Paper
Marget, Matthew, Cinematic Remedies: Film,
Medicine, and the Ambiguities of Interpretation, Paper Presenter
Matthews, Ralph, Making the Case for Environmental Neuroethics, Panel Presenter
McKenna, Elisabeth, Imagine What It’s Like:
Using Literature to Foster Empathy for
Veterans in Those Who Care for Them, Panel
Mc Glanaghy, Edel, Ethics and Knowledge
Translation Opportunities for Developmental
Disabilities, Panel Presenter
McKinney, Evelyn, Ethics of Authorship in
Inter-professional Team-Based Research,
Paper Presenter
McCarthy, Michael, Development of the Advanced Clinical Ethics Skills (ACES) Course,
Paper Co-Author
McKinney, Ross, Articulating the Goals and
Assessing the Impact of Bioethics Projects:
A Report from the ABPD Working Group,
Panel Presenter
McClimans, Leah, Place of Birth: Ethics and
Evidence, Paper Presenter
McCormick, Jennifer, Rebuilding Public Trust
in Science: Interdisciplinary Examination of
Social Responsibility and Ethics in Science
Communication to the Public, Panel Presenter
American Society for Bioethics + Humanities
McMahon, Graham, Knowledge of Pediatric
Ethics: Results of a Survey of Pediatric Ethics
Consultants, Paper Co-Author
McMillan, Gianna, Confronting Pediatric Brain
Tumors: Parent Stories, Workshop Presenter
McWilliams, Shannon, Persons with Addiction and Informed Consent: Understanding
Risks of Broad Data Sharing for Genomic
Research, Poster Co-Author
Meado, Keith, Utilizing an Interprofessional
Clergy-Mental Health Partnership Approach
to Moral Injury, Paper Presenter
Meador, Keith, Ethics Consultation within
Accountable Care Organizations: Attending
to Justice for Complex Care Patients, Paper
Meagher, Karen, The Ethical Management
of Incidental and Secondary Findings in
Context, Panel Presenter
Meltzer, Ellen, Consent and Decisional
Authority in Initiating and Withdrawing
VA-ECMO, Poster Presenter
Meltzer, Ellen, The Slow Code Revisited:
Continued Uncertainty and Variability in
Physician Attitudes to the Slow Code, Poster
Meltzer, Joseph, ‘Don’t Let Me Give Up!’ The
Ethical Appropriateness of ‘Ulysses Contracts’ for Transplant Recipients and other
Resource Intensive Patients., Panel Presenter
Mendis, Katherine, Written ethics projects
enhance third year medical students’
competency in responding to clinical ethical
dilemmas., Poster Co-Author
Micco, Guy, Practicing Poetry as a Clinical
Skill, Preconference Workshop Presenter
Mikane, Sakae, Survey on moral sensitivity and interrelationships in clinical work
settings of general hospitals in Japan, Poster
Mikulich Gilbertson, Susan, Persons with Addiction and Informed Consent: Understanding Risks of Broad Data Sharing for Genomic
Research, Poster Co-Author
Miller, Jennifer, Bioethics in the Pharmaceutical Industry? Prevalence studies and a strategy for trustworthy reform., Poster Presenter
Miller, Eliza, Narrative Medicine: an interactive
workshop in reading, writing, and listening,
Workshop Presenter
Mills, Kathryn, Improving Patient-Doctor
Communication about Risk, Choice, & Ethics
in Obstetrics and Gynecology with Medical
Education, Workshop Presenter
Millum, Joseph, Are indirect benefits relevant
to decisions about the allocation of scarce
healthcare resources?, Paper Co-Author
Mishra, Ruchika, Ethics Intervention and Consultations: An Interprofessional Collaboration
in the Organization, Panel Presenter
Mitchell, Christine, Neuromuscular blockers
at the end of life: moral courage or moral
outrage?, Panel Presenter
Mitchell, Christine, Sharing and Comparing
Metrics: Creating an Epidemiology of Clinical
Ethics Consultation, Panel Presenter
Mohapatra, Seema, Health Care Disparities and Inclusion in the Context of Racial
Minorities, Individuals with Mental Health
Conditions, and Individuals with Physical and
Mental Disabilities, Panel Presenter
Monti, Martin, Functional Neuroimaging of
Disorders of Consciousness: The ethical
implications of where we are now, and where
we’re going, Panel Presenter
Moore, Quianta, Variability in State Laws May
Negatively Impact Adolescent’s Participation
in HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Research,
Paper Presenter
Morain, Stephanie, Public Engagement:
From Tokenism to Full Accountability, Panel
Morain, Stephanie, Responsible Government
or Nanny State? Evaluating the Legitimacy
of Public Health Laws for Noncommunicable
Disease Control, Paper Presenter
Morar, Nicolae, Industry-Academy Relationships: Ethical and Policy Concerns, Panel
Nebeker, Camille, Use of Mobile Technologies in Health Research: Exploring mHealth
Ethics, Paper Presenter
Morgan, Jenny, Enhancing Supportive
Decision Making For Aboriginal Patients and
Family Members, Poster Presenter
Nelson, Craig, Maintaining Integrity and Voice
as Clinical Ethicists: Reflections on Challenges and Successes from Some Old Folks in the
Field, Panel Presenter
Morgenweck, Cynthiane, Medical Students’
Creative Responses to Third Year Surgical
Rotation, Poster Presenter
Moritz, Chet, Agency at the brain-to-brain
interface: Science, ethics, and medicine.,
Panel Presenter
Morse Nowicki, Kelly, Conflict of Conscience:
Case studies in values-driven policy development, Panel Presenter
Moskop, John, Interprofessionalism in Clinical
Ethics: Collaboration or Competition?, Workshop Presenter
Moskop, John, Bioethics STAT! Emergent Ethical Dilemmas in the Time- and
Resource-Limited Setting of the Emergency
Department., Panel Presenter
Mukherjee, Debjani, Autonomy Cuts Both
Ways: Disability and End-of-Life Decision-Making, Panel Presenter
Mukherjee, Debjani, Ethics Facilitation and
Documentation in Case Consultations: An
Interactive Workshop, Preconference Workshop Presenter
Mulcahy, Mary, Engaging New Media to Drive
Advance Care Planning, Panel Presenter
Mulcahy, Mary, Disparities and Barriers in
Advance Care Planning: A City-Wide Analysis
of Chicago Seniors, Poster Co-Author
Murphy, Alan, Forgiveness: imaginary or
impracticable? Respecting and attenuating
interprofessional tensions around forgiveness
in therapy for moral injury, Poster Presenter
Murphy, Timothy, Queer Inclusivity: LGBTQI
Persons in Medical Humanities and Bioethics,
Panel Presenter
Murphy, Timothy, Justifying a Future with
Humans in It, Paper Presenter
Musiimenta, Angella, “Big Brother” is Watching? The Ethics of Electronic Adherence
Monitoring - An Interdisciplinary Outlook,
Paper Co-Author
Myers, C Daniel, Community priorities for
patient-centered outcomes research, Paper
Myers, C Daniel, Community priorities for
patient-centered outcomes research, Paper
Nair-Collins, Michael, Abandoning the dead
donor rule? A national survey of public views
on organ donation, Poster Presenter
Nair-Collins, Michael, How inclusive and
interprofessional can we become about
brain death? Responsible involvement of the
public in the controversy over brain death.,
Panel Presenter
Nakada, Haruka, From Brain Death to iPS
Cells: Understanding Layperson Attitude
Towards Organ Transplant Technologies in
Japan, Poster Co-Author
Nash, Ryan, Defensible Exclusion: An exploration of the limits of inclusiveness in health
care, Panel Presenter
Nash, Woods, The Water Cycle: David Foster
Wallace’s This Is Water, Imagining Narratives
of Suffering, and Student Reflective Writing,
Poster Presenter
Nebeker, Camille, Building Research Integrity
and Capacity: Professional Development for
Research Support Staff, Paper Presenter
Nesbit, Eric, Physicians’ and nurses’ perspectives on the role of palliative sedation in
end-of-life care, Paper Presenter
Nguyen, Tan, Everything Is Held Together
With Stories*: Humanities in a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC)*Winter Count,
Barry Lopez, Paper Presenter
Nieuwsma, Jason, Utilizing an Interprofessional Clergy-Mental Health Partnership
Approach to Moral Injury, Paper Co-Author
Nuila, Ricardo, Caring for Undocumented
Patients: Organizational Ethics and Social
Justice in County Hospital Systems, Panel
Oakes Mueller, Ross, Project on the Good
Physician: Relevance of the Rationalist-Intuitionist Debate for Ethics and Professionalism
in Medical Education, Panel Presenter
Okita, Taketoshi, From Brain Death to iPS
Cells: Understanding Layperson Attitude
Towards Organ Transplant Technologies in
Japan, Poster Co-Author
Olson, Nate, Medical Researchers’ Ancillary
Care Obligations: A Relationship-Based
Approach, Paper Presenter
Oppenlander, Jane, Applying Adult Learning
Theories to Improve Bioethics Graduate
Education, Poster Presenter
Orfanos, A, Consent and Decisional Authority
in Initiating and Withdrawing VA-ECMO,
Poster Co-Author
Orfanos, A, The Slow Code Revisited:
Continued Uncertainty and Variability in
Physician Attitudes to the Slow Code, Poster
Orr, Robert, Concentrating on Bioethics and
the Humanities in Residency Education,
Paper Presenter
Osipov, Rimma, Ethical Issues for Clinicians
Writing Fiction and Personal Narrative, Panel
Ouellette, Alicia, Legal Update 2014: Top
10 Legal Developments in Bioethics, Panel
Ouellette, Alicia, Let’s be inclusive: Bringing
a disability perspective to your clinical ethics
consultations., Panel Presenter
Overby Koretzky, Maya, ‘A Change of
Heart’: Racial Politics, Scientific Metaphor,
and Coverage of the First Interracial Heart
Transplant in the African American Press,
Paper Presenter
Parker, Wendy, Bad Moms, Blameless Dads:
The Portrayal of Maternal and Paternal Age
and Preconception Harm in U.S. Newspapers,
Paper Co-Author
Plon, Sharon, Do Pediatric Oncologists and
Parents Experience Whole Exome Sequencing of Solid Organ Tumors in Children as a
Disruptive Technology, Poster Co-Author
Parsi, Kayhan, Development of the Advanced
Clinical Ethics Skills (ACES) Course, Paper
Pope, Thaddeus, Ethical & Legal Reporting
Obligations of Hospice Staff when their Patients Receive Aid in Dying, Paper Presenter
Parsons, Donald Williams. Do Pediatric
Oncologists and Parents Experience Whole
Exome Sequencing of Solid Organ Tumors in
Children as a Disruptive Technology, Poster
Poston, Rebecca, Adolescent, Parent and
Provider Experiences of Informed Consent
and Assent in Oncology Research, Poster
Paterniti, Debora, Ethical considerations
regarding a first-in-human stem cell gene
therapy trial for Huntingtons Disease., Panel
Paulino, Arnold, Ethical Implications of International Differences in Treatment Approach:
The Case of Rhabdomyosarcoma, Paper
Pavlish, Carol, Getting Everyone on Board Ethics Early Action Protocol, Panel Presenter
Payne, Camille, Interprofessional Ethics
Education: Enhancing the Processes of Moral
Reasoning and Deliberation, Poster Presenter
Payne, Camille, Addressing Interprofessional
Collaboration through Understanding Moral
Reasoning, Paper Co-Author
Powers, Carol, Including the Community’s
Voice - Creating a Community Ethics Committee, Paper Presenter
Prince, Anya, Paying for Prevention: The
moral duty to consider insurance coverage
for preventive interventions in adult onset
genetic diseases, Paper Presenter
Pringle, John, ‘Real-time Responsiveness’ in
Disaster Research Ethics, Paper Co-Author
Rabbanifar, Samira, My Donor Taught Me:
Reflections from Anatomy Lab, Paper
Pearlman, Robert, Internet-based Programs
Supporting Advance Care Planning, Panel
Rabe, Kari, Should return of genomic
‘incidental findings’ include family members
of deceased research participants? Survey
findings from a cancer biobank., Paper
Pearlman, Robert, Measuring Ethics Consultation Quality, Workshop Presenter
Pearlman, Robert, Ethics Facilitation and
Documentation in Case Consultations: An Interactive Workshop, Preconference Presenter
Pena, Adam, “Systematizing” Ethics
Consultation Services in an Era of Hospital
Consolidations, Panel Presenter
Pena, Adam, Offering a Missing Voice: Four
Junior Clinical Ethicists’ on the Future of
the Practice and of the Profession, Panel
Pendo, Elizabeth, Health Care Disparities and
Inclusion in the Context of Racial Minorities,
Individuals with Mental Health Conditions,
and Individuals with Physical and Mental
Disabilities, Panel Presenter
Perlman, David, Ethnography 101 for IRB
Members: Bioethics Education to Enhance
IRB Review of Ethnographic Research, Poster
Perry, Corey, The Long and Winding Road:
The 10-Year Experiences of a Community-Based Ethics Committee, Panel Presenter
Petersen, Gloria, Should return of genomic
‘incidental findings’ include family members
of deceased research participants? Survey
findings from a cancer biobank., Paper
Pansick, Ethan, HPV & Oral Cancers:
Bioethics in the Face of Controversy (and
Discomfort), Panel Presenter
Petranek, Stefan, The Genetic Portrait
Project: An Interactive Art Initiative Proposal,
Parent, Brendan, Informing Donors About
Hand and Face Transplants: Time to Update
the Uniform Anatomical Gift Act, Poster
Philpott, Sean, Applying Adult Learning
Theories to Improve Bioethics Graduate
Education, Poster Co-Author
Parentis, Michael, Sickle cell screening of
NCAA athletes: Legal obligations fulfilled,
moral obligations lacking, Panel Presenter
Pilitsis, Julie, Shaking up the debate; Quality
of life measures as ethical justifications for
earlier DBS interventions in Parkinson’s
Disease, Paper Co-Author
Parker, Joseph, Interprofessionalism in Clinical Ethics: Collaboration or Competition?,
Workshop Presenter
Pinkerton, Darlene, Egg Donation in the
United States after Kamakahi v ASRM, Panel
American Society for Bioethics + Humanities
Powderly, Kathleen, My Donor Taught Me:
Reflections from Anatomy Lab, Paper
Peace, William, Autonomy Cuts Both Ways:
Disability and End-of-Life Decision-Making,
Panel Presenter
Pacheco, Blanca Azucena, Building Research
Integrity and Capacity: Professional Development for Research Support Staff, Paper
Powderly, Kathleen, Quality Assessment
of the Ethics Consultation Service at the
Organizational Level: A Third Important Element in the Evaluation of Health Care Ethics
Consultation Quality, Panel Presenter
Rabideau, Marina, The DNA lives on: Genetic
testing and DNA banking at the end of life,
Panel Presenter
Rabins, Peter, Caregivers’ Perspectives on
Their Role as Study Partner in Dementia
Research, Paper Co-Author
Racine, Eric, ‘Everyday ethics’ in neurodegenerative conditions: Examining salient
challenges in Parkinson’s Disease research
and health care, Poster Co-Author
Racine, Eric, The rising tide of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in print media
and academic literature, Poster Co-Author
Radecki, Breitkopf, Should return of genomic
‘incidental findings’ include family members
of deceased research participants? Survey
findings from a cancer biobank., Paper
Raghavan, Rajeev, Caring for Undocumented
Patients: Organizational Ethics and Social
Justice in County Hospital Systems, Panel
Rajczi, Alex, Healthcare Justice, Philosophical
Method, and Personal Transformation, Paper
Raliski, Kathryn, Justice and Peace have
Kissed: The inclusive posture of Just War
Theory, Panel Presenter
Ramirez, Adolfo, Shaking up the debate;
Quality of life measures as ethical justifications for earlier DBS interventions in Parkinson’s Disease, Paper Co-Author
Ravitsky, Vardit, Postmortem use of frozen
embryos: the views of IVF users, Paper
Raymond, Kristen, Persons with Addiction
and Informed Consent: Understanding
Risks of Broad Data Sharing for Genomic
Research, Poster Co-Author
Raymond, Victoria, The social and moral
organization of interdisciplinary precision
oncology review boards, Panel Presenter
Reed, Amy, From Narrative to Rhetorical
Medicine: Persuasiveness, Post-Clinical Narratives, and Interprofessional Competencies,
Panel Presenter
Reese, Peter, Protecting Living Kidney
Donors: Empirical and Normative Advances,
Panel Presenter
Reiheld, Alison, What does it mean to include
vulnerable research participants in research?
A consideration of bioethical research on
clinical ethical issues in the treatment of
transgender persons, Paper Presenter
Rennie, Stuart, HIV Cure and Social Participation: Emerging Field, Emerging Ethics, Panel
Rezach, Karen, The Bioethics Project: How a
Research Program for High School Students
Uses Bioethics to Build 21st Century Skills,
Paper Co-Author
Rhodes, Rosamond, WHOLE GENOME
Panel Presenter
Rian, Johanna, Strategies for Integrating
Health Humanities into Medical Education,
Workshop Presenter
Rian, Johanna, Dancing Under the Big Top
At Second City: What Health Care Can Learn
from Professional Ballet, the Circus and
Improvisational Theatre, Panel Presenter
Rich, Mary-Ann, Mannequin-Based Ethics
Simulation Workshop: Healthcare Personnel’s
Duty to A Surgical Patient during a Massive
Natural Disaster Evacuation, Workshop
Rich, Ben, Conscientious Objection, Religious
Health Care Institutions, and the Standard of
Care, Panel Presenter
Rich, Leigh, The Ethics of Open Access
Publishing (OAP) in Health and Biomedicine,
Panel Presenter
Robinson, Jill Oliver, Patients’ Perceptions
of Whole Genome Sequencing Results and
Plans to Use Non-Actionable Findings, Paper
Sandberg, David, Genital surgery for infants
born with disorders of sex development: the
evidence and ethics of elective procedures,
Paper Co-Author
Rorty, Mary, Ethics Intervention and Consultations: An Interprofessional Collaboration in
the Organization, Panel Presenter
Sankar, Pamela, Queer Inclusivity: LGBTQI
Persons in Medical Humanities and Bioethics,
Panel Presenter
Roscigno, Cecelia, “They Don’t Know Who
They are Dealing With:” Healthcare Team
Communication with Parents about Traumatic Brain Injury, Poster Presenter
Santacrose, Laura, Bad Moms, Blameless
Dads: The Portrayal of Maternal and Paternal
Age and Preconception Harm in U.S. Newspapers, Paper Co-Author
Rose, Nancy, Video Informed Consent
Information (VICI) for Participation in a Randomized Clinical Trial of Prenatal Education
about Newborn Screening and Bloodspot
Retention, Poster Co-Author
Sargent, James, ‘From Fully Human to
Dehumanized Other: A challenge for all
professionals’, Paper Presenter
Rose, Susannah, Industry-Academy Relationships: Ethical and Policy Concerns, Panel
Rose, Susannah, An Analysis of Five Years
of Clinical Ethics Consultations: What Can
We Learn and Where Should We Be Going?,
Paper Presenter
Rosenthal, David, Ethical and Candidate
Considerations for Implementing Destination
Therapy in Children, Poster Co-Author
Rothenberg, Karen, Illuminating Interprofessionalism: The Drama of DNA from Prenatal
to Newborn Screening and Sequencing,
Panel Presenter
Rothwell, Erin, Video Informed Consent
Information (VICI) for Participation in a Randomized Clinical Trial of Prenatal Education
about Newborn Screening and Bloodspot
Retention, Poster Presenter
Rowe, Zachary, Community priorities for
patient-centered outcomes research, Paper
Roychowdhury, Sameek, The social and moral organization of interdisciplinary precision
oncology review boards, Panel Co-Author
Rubin, Lisa, Anonymity in Egg Donation:
Beyond Privacy Concerns, Paper Co-Author
Rifkin, Dena, Must We Measure the Efficacy
of the Arts & Humanities in Medical Education?, Panel Presenter
Rushton, Cynda, Managing Conscientious
Objections in the ICU: American Thoracic
Society Recommendations, Panel Presenter
Riggs, Kevin, Should Consent for Invasive
Life-Saving Technologies be Presumed?,
Poster Presenter
Rushton, Cynda, A National Nursing Ethics
Summit: Implications for Inter-professional
Practice and Education, Panel Presenter
Riley, Christopher, Confronting Pediatric
Brain Tumors: Parent Stories, Workshop
Ryan, Kerry, The social and moral organization of interdisciplinary precision oncology
review boards, Panel Presenter
Robert, Jason, Under the Big Top? Integrating Ethicists in Research Settings, Panel
Ryan, Ginny, ‘People can survive without having children’: Conceptulizations of infertility
among infertile and non-infertile patients,
Poster Presenter
Robert, Jason, Core Competencies for
‘Benchside’ Research Ethics Consultants,
Paper Co-Author
Robertson, Christopher, Experimental Approaches to Conflict of Interest Disclosures,
Poster Presenter
Robertson, Christopher, What’s Wrong with
Cost-Sharing Once It is Scaled to Income,
Paper Presenter
Robey, Thomas, Bioethics STAT! Emergent Ethical Dilemmas in the Time- and
Resource-Limited Setting of the Emergency
Department., Panel Presenter
Robinson, Marguerite, Should return of
genomic ‘incidental findings’ include family
members of deceased research participants?
Survey findings from a cancer biobank.,
Paper Co-Author
Saghai, Yashar, Doing With, Doing For, and
Doing To: Nudges and Participatory Influence, Panel Presenter
Saigle, Victoria, The rising tide of transcranial
direct current stimulation (tDCS) in print
media and academic literature, Poster
Sakai, Joseph, Persons with Addiction and
Informed Consent: Understanding Risks of
Broad Data Sharing for Genomic Research,
Poster Co-Author
Sample, Susan, Ethical Issues for Clinicians
Writing Fiction and Personal Narrative, Panel
Sample, Susan, Necrography: A New Corpus
of Death-Telling from the Physician’s Perspective, Paper Presenter
Sanborn, Ruth, Here Comes the Judge: When
Interprofessional Decision-Making Doesn’t
Work, Panel Presenter
American Society for Bioethics + Humanities
Satoko, Ubuka, Survey on moral sensitivity and interrelationships in clinical work
settings of general hospitals in Japan, Poster
Sayeed, Sadath, Assessment of Ethics and
Professionalism Education Provided During
Neonatal-Perinatal Fellowship Training,
Poster Co-Author
Saylor, Robert, Comparison of Moral Distress,
Learned Helplessness, and Professional Quality of Life between Physicians and Nurses at
a Tertiary Care Hospital, Poster Co-Author
Schaffer, Susan, Voluntary Stopping of Eating
and Drinking and the Physician’s Duty to
Inform, Panel Presenter
Schaffer, Elliott, Voluntary Stopping of Eating
and Drinking and the Physician’s Duty to
Inform, Panel Presenter
Schartz, Helen, Interactivity and multimedia
consenting for biobanks: A randomized trial,
Poster Co-Author
Schindler, Mélinée, Swiss-CHAT: Ethical Deliberation on Priorities in the Swiss Health Care
System, Paper Co-Author
Schmidt, Harald, Public Engagement: From
Tokenism to Full Accountability, Panel
Schmidt, Harald, HIV Cure and Social Participation: Emerging Field, Emerging Ethics,
Panel Presenter
Schmidt, Harald, The Ethics of National
Ethics Committees – opportunities and
challenges for inclusiveness of values and
perspectives, Paper Presenter
Schmitt, Patrick, An Ethics Committee
Toolbox in the Era of Quality Attestation,
Panel Presenter
Schneiderman, Lawrence, Rationing and
Banana: The Need That Dares Not Speak Its
Name, Paper Presenter
Schneiderman, Lawrence, Sanctity of Life: A
Staged Reading, Presenter
Schonfeld, Toby, How to write an exam in
bioethics, Workshop Presenter
Schroer, Grace, Understanding patients’
views on consent for research enrollment
in the setting of acute cardiac illness, Paper
Settersten, Richard, New Mutations in
“Personalized Genomics:” Interdisciplinary
Perspectives, Panel Presenter
Shafer, Audrey, Anesthesia and Poetry:
Altered States, Paper Presenter
Shah, Seema, How inclusive and interprofessional can we become about brain death?
Responsible involvement of the public in
the controversy over brain death., Panel
Shah, Seema, Interdisciplinary Perspectives
on Compensation for Research Related
Injuries, Panel Presenter
Shapiro, Johanna, Blanche DuBois: Close
Textual Reading Complicates Her Diagnosis,
Paper Co-Author
Shapiro, Johanna, Everything Is Held Together With Stories*: Humanities in a Federally
Qualified Health Center (FQHC)*Winter
Count, Barry Lopez, Paper Co-Author
Shapiro, Johanna, Obesity Bias and Attitudes
Among Medical Students, Paper Co-Author
Sharp, Richard, Rebuilding Public Trust in Science: Interdisciplinary Examination of Social
Responsibility and Ethics in Science Communication to the Public, Panel Presenter
Shelton, Wayne, Advancing the Role of Interpersonal Skills in Clinical Ethics Consultation,
Paper Presenter
Shelton, Wayne, Perceptions of Clinical
Ethics Consultation Services: A Survey of
Stakeholder Perspectives, Paper Co-Author
Michele, Survey on moral sensitivity and interrelationships in clinical work
settings of general hospitals in Japan, Poster
Shriver, Adam, Chronic Pain and Ill-Being,
Poster Presenter
Shriver, Adam, Functional Neuroimaging
of Disorders of Consciousness: The ethical
implications of where we are now, and where
we’re going, Panel Presenter
Shuchman, Miriam, Sickle cell screening of
NCAA athletes: Legal obligations fulfilled,
moral obligations lacking, Panel Presenter
Shuman, Andrew, When Not to Operate: The
Dilemma of Surgical Unresectability, Paper
Silvers, Anita, Let’s be inclusive: Bringing a
disability perspective to your clinical ethics
consultations., Panel Presenter
Simon, Christian, Interactivity and multimedia
consenting for biobanks: A randomized trial,
Poster Presenter
Simpkins, Steven, Ethics case studies as a
vector for teaching interprofessional skills,
Panel Presenter
Slashinski, Melody, Patients’ Perceptions of
Whole Genome Sequencing Results and
Plans to Use Non-Actionable Findings, Paper
Schwartz, Jason, Take It or Leave It: The Role
of Bioethics Advisory Bodies in Effecting
Policy Change, Panel Presenter
Slashinski, Melody, Do Pediatric Oncologists
and Parents Experience Whole Exome Sequencing of Solid Organ Tumors in Children
as a Disruptive Technology, Poster Co-Author
Schwartz, Jason, The Ethics of National
Ethics Committees – opportunities and
challenges for inclusiveness of values and
perspectives, Paper Co-Author
Slomka, Jacquelyn, Ethnography 101 for IRB
Members: Bioethics Education to Enhance
IRB Review of Ethnographic Research, Poster
Scolnik, Dennis, Ethics Education of a Diverse
Student Group: development of a curriculum,
Poster Co-Author
Smith, William, Agent-Relative Obligations in
the Doctor-Patient Relation, Poster Presenter
Secker, Barbara, Proposing a Model Clinical
Ethics Fellowship: What Are the Essential
Features?, Panel Presenter
Smith, Maxwell, Just what is ‘just’ in public
health? Preliminary findings from a qualitative study of public health policy-maker
perspectives, Poster Presenter
Smith, Susan, Sickle cell screening of NCAA
athletes: Legal obligations fulfilled, moral
obligations lacking, Panel Presenter
Stoddard Holmes, Martha, Reimagining Frankenstein: New perspectives on a (200 year)
old text., Panel Presenter
Tomlinson, Tom, Donation Following Cardiac
Death: Does It Matter Whether Donors Are
Really, Most Sincerely Dead?, Panel Presenter
Verhagen, Eduard, Neuromuscular blockers
at the end of life: moral courage or moral
outrage?, Panel Presenter
Smith, Martin, An Analysis of Five Years of
Clinical Ethics Consultations: What Can We
Learn and Where Should We Be Going?,
Paper Co-Author
Stoller, Lynn, Making Clinical Ethics
Religio-Culturally Competent, Workshop
Paper Presenter
Victor, Elizabeth, Inhospitable Healthcare
Spaces: Why Training on LGBTQIA Issues Is
Not Enough, Paper Presenter
Snow, Dave, Biobanking Embryos for Research in North America, Poster Presenter
Stolte, Helen, Ethics Education of a Diverse
Student Group: development of a curriculum,
Poster Co-Author
Topol, Eric, Perceptions Can Be Deceiving:
Personalized Genomic Testing and Perceived
Health Status, Poster Co-Author
Wagner, Frank, Uninsured Patients: an Ethics-Based Policy Approach, Paper Co-Author
Snyder, Catherine, Applying Adult Learning
Theories to Improve Bioethics Graduate
Education, Poster Co-Author
Strand, Nicolle, The Ethical Management of
Incidental and Secondary Findings in Context, Panel Presenter
Topol, Sarah, Whole Genome Sequencing
for an Undiagnosed Disease: The Patient’s
Perspective, Paper Co-Author
Solomon, Mildred Z., Bioethics Literacy
Across the Lifespan, Panel Presenter
Strand, Nicolle, The Cost of Misinformation:
Consumer Remedies for Misleading Genetic
Test Results, Paper Presenter
Topol, Eric, Whole Genome Sequencing
for an Undiagnosed Disease: The Patient’s
Perspective, Paper Co-Author
Wahlert, Lance, Learning the Techniques of
Facilitation and Conflict Resolution for Use in
Clinical Ethics Consultations, Preconference
Workshop Presenter
Stulberg, Debra, Conscientious Objection,
Religious Health Care Institutions, and the
Standard of Care, Panel Presenter
Torkamani, Ali, Whole Genome Sequencing
for an Undiagnosed Disease: The Patient’s
Perspective, Paper Co-Author
Wahlert, Lance, Phantom Pains: Spectral
Forms and Seropositive Spectatorship in
Derek Jarman’s ‘Blue’, Paper Presenter
Sudore, Rebecca, Internet-based Programs
Supporting Advance Care Planning, Panel
Tovino, Stacey, Health Care Disparities and
Inclusion in the Context of Racial Minorities,
Individuals with Mental Health Conditions,
and Individuals with Physical and Mental
Disabilities, Panel Presenter
Waisel, David, Pharmacist on the Execution
Team: The Law & Ethics of Supplying the
Lethal Drug, Panel Presenter
Solomon, Stephanie, Community priorities
for patient-centered outcomes research,
Paper Co-Author
Specker Sullivan, Laura, Inclusiveness and
Bioethical Discussion across Cultures: Understanding the Ethical Claims of Disparate
Groups, Poster Presenter
Specker Sullivan, Laura, Japanese Patients’
Expectations at American Hospitals: Historical and Social Influences, Paper Presenter
Spector-Bagdady, Kayte, The Ethical
Management of Incidental and Secondary
Findings in Context, Panel Presenter
Spencer, Danielle, Ways of Seeing: Teaching
Bioethics Through the Lens of Visuality,
Paper Presenter
Spencer, Martha, Working with patients and
families who choose against evidence: How
context matters, Paper Co-Author
Spencer, Martha, Barriers to Advance Care
Planning: Perspectives of Healthcare Providers, Patients and Supportive Decision Makers,
Paper Co-Author
Spencer, Danielle, Clinical Crucibles: An
Analysis of Medical Training Memoirs, Paper
Spiegel, Maura, Literature and Medicine and
Bioethics and Humanities: Investigating our
Keywords, Workshop Presenter
Spike, Jeffrey, Quality Assessment of the Ethics Consultation Service at the Organizational Level: A Third Important Element in the
Evaluation of Health Care Ethics Consultation
Quality, Panel Presenter
Spike, Jeffrey, An innovative curriculum
teaching Professionalism and Interprofessional Ethics to students in Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing, Informatics, Biomedical Sciences,
and Public Health and Health Policy., Paper
Spill, Gayle, Weighing In or Wading In? The
role of the clinical ethicist in a health care
organization, Panel Presenter
Stark, Louisa, Video Informed Consent
Information (VICI) for Participation in a Randomized Clinical Trial of Prenatal Education
about Newborn Screening and Bloodspot
Retention, Poster Co-Author
Stark, Meredith, Consent and Decisional
Authority in Initiating and Withdrawing
VA-ECMO, Poster Co-Author
Stark, Meredith, The Slow Code Revisited:
Continued Uncertainty and Variability in
Physician Attitudes to the Slow Code, Poster
Stark, Susan, Quality Measures: Can they
avoid rewarding unethical behaviors?, Paper
Stark, Susan, Planned Homebirth: a rational
option?, Paper Presenter
Stoddard, Hugh, How to write an exam in
bioethics, Workshop Presenter
Summers, Karen, ‘People can survive without
having children’: Conceptulizations of infertility among infertile and non-infertile patients,
Poster Presenter
Sutin, Angelina, Abandoning the dead donor
rule? A national survey of public views on
organ donation, Poster Co-Author
Tovino, Stacey, Mental Health Care, Immigration Detention, and Deportation: Ethical,
Clinical, and Legal Issues, Panel Presenter
Trevor, Terra, Confronting Pediatric Brain
Tumors: Parent Stories, Workshop Presenter
Sutton, Erica, The social and moral organization of interdisciplinary precision oncology
review boards, Panel Presenter
Truitt, Anjali, Disability and Devices: Prioritizing enduser perspectives in neuroprosthetic
development, Panel Presenter
Sutton, Erica, Genital surgery for infants
born with disorders of sex development: the
evidence and ethics of elective procedures,
Paper Presenter
Truog, Robert, How inclusive and interprofessional can we become about brain death?
Responsible involvement of the public in
the controversy over brain death., Panel
Swirsky, Eric, Weighing In or Wading In? The
role of the clinical ethicist in a health care
organization, Panel Presenter
Tabor, Holly, Operationalizing choice and
autonomy: Approaches to ethically offering
and returning secondary genetic results,
Panel Presenter
Truog, Robert, Donation Following Cardiac
Death: Does It Matter Whether Donors Are
Really, Most Sincerely Dead?, Panel Presenter
Wahlert, Lance, Queer Inclusivity: LGBTQI
Persons in Medical Humanities and Bioethics,
Panel Presenter
Walling, Anne, Deficits in the Transfer of
Advance Care Planning Information for Patients Discharged from Hospitals to Nursing
Homes, Paper Co-Author
Walter, Jennifer, Soliciting Donations from
Grateful Patients: Medical Oncologists’
Practices and Their Perceptions of the Ethical
Appropriateness, Paper Presenter
Walton, Mary, See Me, Hear Me, Know Me
- Honoring Patient Values in the Clinical
Encounter, Paper Presenter
Wang, Jenny, Warning Letters to Pharmaceutical Companies Related to Social Media Use,
Poster Presenter
Wasson, Katherine, Development of the Advanced Clinical Ethics Skills (ACES) Course,
Paper Presenter
Truong, Alan, My Donor Taught Me: Reflections from Anatomy Lab, Paper Presenter
Waters, R. Amerisa, #fatshaming: Un-blurring
the Line Between Helping and Hurting in the
Care of Obese Patients, Paper Presenter
Tunzi, Marc, A Modest Proposal: Mandatory
Reporting of Physician Public Service Hours,
Poster Presenter
Waters, R. Amerisa, Creativity through Communitas: Empathy Development in Gross
Anatomy, Paper Presenter
Tuohey, John, Hearing the Patient’s Voice:
Ethical Decision-Making for Patients with
Diminished Capacity, Paper Co-Author
Watson, Katie, Improvising Humanity: Using
Applied Arts to Improve End-of-Life Care,
Workshop Presenter
Tarzian, Anita, Avoiding Values-Imposition in
Clinical Ethics Consultation, Panel Presenter
Ubel, Peter, Patients and Families as Partners
in Bioethics: an essential and neglected
inter-professional voice, Panel Presenter
Weber, Valerie, Toward An Interprofessional
Model for Teaching Healthcare Ethics-Challenges and Rewards, Paper Presenter
Tarzian, Anita, Let’s be inclusive: Bringing a
disability perspective to your clinical ethics
consultations., Panel Presenter
Ubel, Peter, Doing With, Doing For, and Doing To: Nudges and Participatory Influence,
Panel Presenter
Taylor, Kim, Enhancing Supportive Decision
Making For Aboriginal Patients and Family
Members, Poster Co-Author
Ulrich, Michael, HIV Criminalization and
Anti-Gay Laws: Their Impact on the HIV/
AIDS Community and Potential Duties for
Researchers, Paper Presenter
Webster, Laura, Bioethics STAT! Emergent Ethical Dilemmas in the Time- and
Resource-Limited Setting of the Emergency
Department., Panel Presenter
Tabor, Holly, Under the Big Top? Integrating Ethicists in Research Settings, Panel
Tarsney, Preya, Weighing In or Wading In?
The role of the clinical ethicist in a health
care organization, Panel Presenter
Taylor, Holly, Caregivers’ Perspectives on
Their Role as Study Partner in Dementia
Research, Paper Co-Author
Taylor, Kim, Barriers to Advance Care Planning: Perspectives of Healthcare Providers,
Patients and Supportive Decision Makers,
Paper Presenter
Taylor-Swanson, Lisa, Ethics case studies as
a vector for teaching interprofessional skills,
Panel Presenter
Terman, Stanley, Must we all die with forced
hand-feeding? Patient strongly wanted
to avoid prolonged dying in Advanced
Dementia but British Columbia’s Supreme
Court ruled her Living Will not valid., Paper
Thiessen, Carrie, Protecting Living Kidney
Donors: Empirical and Normative Advances,
Panel Presenter
American Society for Bioethics + Humanities
Weipert, Caroline, The social and moral
organization of interdisciplinary precision
oncology review boards, Panel Presenter
Urushihara Urvil, Nobue, When Doctors
Are Fat: Models of Inclusive Patient Care in
Reality and Fiction, Paper Presenter
Weise, Kathryn, Proposing a Model Clinical
Ethics Fellowship: What Are the Essential
Features?, Panel Presenter
Vanhorn, Samantha, Considering Possible
Ethical Aspects of Pro-Ana Websites, Paper
Weise, Kathryn, An Ethics Committee Toolbox in the Era of Quality Attestation, Panel
Vassy, Jason, Patients’ Perceptions of Whole
Genome Sequencing Results and Plans
to Use Non-Actionable Findings, Paper
Wenger, Neil, Nurse and Physician Concordance on Assessments of Futile Treatment:
Opportunity for Collaboration, Poster
Vawter, Dorothy, A Systematic Review of
Placebo Controlled Surgical Trials: Ethical
Issues in the Design, Conduct and Reporting,
Poster Presenter
Wenger, Neil, ‘Don’t Let Me Give Up!’ The
Ethical Appropriateness of ‘Ulysses Contracts’ for Transplant Recipients and other
Resource Intensive Patients., Panel Presenter
Vercler, Christian, When Not to Operate: The
Dilemma of Surgical Unresectability, Paper
Wenger, Neil, Deficits in the Transfer of
Advance Care Planning Information for Patients Discharged from Hospitals to Nursing
Homes, Paper Co-Author
Wenger, Neil, Assessing areas to improve an
end-of-life care intervention, Paper Presenter
Wheelock, Vicki, Ethical considerations
regarding a first-in-human stem cell gene
therapy trial for Huntingtons Disease., Panel
White, Douglas, New Ethics-Related ICU
Consensus Statements: What Every Clinical
Ethics Consultant Needs to Know, Panel
White, Bruce, Proposing a Model Clinical
Ethics Fellowship: What Are the Essential
Features?, Panel Presenter
White, Douglas, Developing and Testing
Patient-Centered Decision Aids, Workshop
Whitford, Kevin, Getting Everyone on Board Ethics Early Action Protocol, Panel Presenter
Wicclair, Mark, Managing Conscientious
Objections in the ICU: American Thoracic
Society Recommendations, Panel Presenter
Wicclair, Mark, Assessing Reasons when
Health Professionals Request Accommodations for Conscientious Objections, Paper
Wikler, Daniel, Interdisciplinary Perspectives
on Compensation for Research Related
Injuries, Panel Presenter
Wiley, Joshua, Nurse and Physician Concordance on Assessments of Futile Treatment:
Opportunity for Collaboration, Poster
Wilfond, Benjamin, Ethics in the CTSA Program: Past, Present, and a Changing Future,
Panel Presenter
Wilfond, Benjamin, Articulating the Goals and
Assessing the Impact of Bioethics Projects: A
Report from the ABPD Working Group Panel
Wolf, Susan, Return of Results & Incidental
Findings After the Research Participant’s
Death: Should We Include the Family in
Return?, Workshop Presenter
Williams, Connie, Are virtues practical? An
interprofessional virtue-based framework
for approaching ethical issues at end-of-life
in the neonatal intensive care unit, Paper
Wolf, Susan, Should return of genomic
‘incidental findings’ include family members
of deceased research participants? Survey
findings from a cancer biobank., Paper
Wilson, Brenda, The Critical Medical
Humanities: Voices from the Margins, Panel
Wolpe, Paul, Reimagining Frankenstein: New
perspectives on a (200 year) old text., Panel
Wilt, Kathryn, Mannequin-Based Ethics
Simulation Workshop: Healthcare Personnel’s
Duty to A Surgical Patient during a Massive
Natural Disaster Evacuation, Workshop
Wycliff, Julia, Patients’ Perceptions of Whole
Genome Sequencing Results and Plans
to Use Non-Actionable Findings, Paper
Wilt, Kathryn, Everyday ethics in nursing:
Using simulation to enhance the ethical lens
and clinical ethics skills of nurses, Paper
Winch, Sarah, Improvising Humanity: Using
Applied Arts to Improve End-of-Life Care,
Workshop Presenter
Wineinger, Nathan, Perceptions Can Be Deceiving: Personalized Genomic Testing and
Perceived Health Status, Poster Co-Author
Winright, Tobias, Justice and Peace have
Kissed: The inclusive posture of Just War
Theory, Panel Presenter
Winslade, William, Mental Health Care, Immigration Detention, and Deportation: Ethical,
Clinical, and Legal Issues, Panel Presenter
Wocial, Lucia D., Ethics Facilitation and
Documentation in Case Consultations: An
Interactive Workshop, Preconference Workshop Presenter
American Society for Bioethics + Humanities
Yarborough, Mark, Ethical considerations
regarding a first-in-human stem cell gene
therapy trial for Huntingtons Disease., Panel
Yearby, Ruqaiijah, Health Care Disparities and
Inclusion in the Context of Racial Minorities,
Individuals with Mental Health Conditions,
and Individuals with Physical and Mental
Disabilities, Panel Presenter
Ying, Irene, Uninsured Patients: an Ethics-Based Policy Approach, Paper Co-Author
Yoon, John, Project on the Good Physician:
Relevance of the Rationalist-Intuitionist
Debate for Ethics and Professionalism in
Medical Education, Panel Presenter
Young, Susan, Persons with Addiction and
Informed Consent: Understanding Risks of
Broad Data Sharing for Genomic Research,
Poster Co-Author
Youngner, Stuart, Boys Interrupted: Coercion,
Conflict and Capacity in Forced Feeding,
Panel Presenter
Youngner, Stuart, Articulating the Goals and
Assessing the Impact of Bioethics Projects:
A Report from the ABPD Working Group,
Panel Presenter
Youngner, Stuart, Medical Care Provided to
DNR Patients Does not Blindly Decrease,
Paper Co-Author
Yu, Joon-Ho, Operationalizing choice and
autonomy: Approaches to ethically offering
and returning secondary genetic results,
Panel Presenter
Zallen, Doris, The DNA lives on: Genetic
testing and DNA banking at the end of life,
Panel Presenter
Zautra, Nicholas, Core Competencies for
‘Benchside’ Research Ethics Consultants,
Paper Presenter
Zizzo, Natalie, ‘Everyday ethics’ in neurodegenerative conditions: Examining salient
challenges in Parkinson’s Disease research
and health care, Poster Presenter
Zlotnik Shaul, Randi, Ethics Education of a
Diverse Student Group: development of a
curriculum, Poster Co-Author
Zlotnik Shaul, Randi, Uninsured Patients:
an Ethics-Based Policy Approach, Paper
Zlotnik Shaul, Randi, Fertility Preservation
for Gay and Lesbian Adolescent and Young
Adults (AYA) with Cancer: Addressing sexual
diversity through inclusive and interprofessional collaboration, Paper Co-Author