Document 6429754
Document 6429754
-- SENATORS WIN AND LOSE enthusiasts at home etaded the error column entirely Grady scored the flrst run of the after- ¬ noon during the early game on a tap that sent the hall oer third and Clarke 8 and Dungans single Clarke and Dungnn got around the pillows in the third and in the SUNDAY AUGUST WASHINGTON THE TIMES PHILLIES WIN CLOSE ONES BATTXE OF THE LEADEES Chtentrn TiiIck n Drop in the Game The Qnakcrt Cnptnre Two Ciuin With Hoston rrorotjie Beanentem 17 Aug BOSTON PHILADErJPglA Aug 17 Tho Phillies The American Mercer Takes His Game Willi the League leaders had a close tussle today and Bostons played a double header here sixth Clarke knocked the ball oier the left Griffith was hit Inrd enough in the thlrt today and the locals won both games Tigers But Patten Is Unlucky field fence oiercominfr the obstructions Manager Manning has had erected for the to w In the game for the home team The which were full of snap from start to Lajole of and other the finish beneilt Dals Orth and Dlneen shaded In the score who hae evidenced a pen ¬ heay hitters first game and the Phillies better hitting II The VnilnKloii Flayers Inll 1o chant DOSTOV for sending the ball oer this partictold 3 In the second errors by the visitors ular-portion Dowd If li of the enclosure Clarkes Capture the Second Contest 1 was a beautv and he Jogged around Stnhl cf assisted the locals to victory Attendance IiiexciiKnUlo Mlnplnj h excellent drUe 0 3b Collins the circuit to the accompaniment of 9351 The score Freeman lb Iltchlnc With Mlnernlile Support cheers from the delighted populace In Hemphill riHUDELPlkA A E R II IK rf 0 0 cf Thomas Parent ss 1 0 Cnran Ycnterdnj Wolverton 3b Terris 2b 0 0 Flick rf Crlger c American League 1 0 Delehanty If Lewis p Washington 5 Detroit 1 5 0 Jacklltsch c Detroit 2 Washington 0 S 10 12 1 27 4 13 Jennings lb Totals 3 eland Cle Baltimore 0 Hallman 2b illlwaukee 5 4 Philadelphia ro A CHICAGO 0 Cross ss 0 Phil idelphla 4S Milwaukee 3 Hoy cf 0 p Orth 2 Chicago Boston n 0 Jones rf 5 1 11 S 27 2 Mertes 2b National League Totals 3 wa- Hi McParlapi if n Urookljn 4 New York 2 1 n II G boston Isbell lb New York 0 1 Brookljn Single 0 rf Hurtman 3b Philadelphia 2 Boston 0 0 1 0 0 Tenney lb Shugtrt ss Philadelphia 3 Boston 2 0 1 0 2b DeMont 2 Sullivan c 0 Pittsburg B Cincinnati 0 1 0 Cooley cf t0 Griffith p Chicago 0 St Louis 3 0 0 Murphy If 1 1 0 C 24 Lowe 3b Totals 0 1 0 Lbng ss Todioa Game X 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 Boston 0 0 c Moran League 2 0 0 National 0 0 0 0 0 0 Chicago 0 0 0 Dlneen p y Pitthurg at Cincinnati 1 r m II Earned runs Boston 1 Chicago 1 10 i Chicago at SU Louis i 0 5 24 Hoy Three Totals itJL Two base hits Hartman x 2 base hits rerris Stahl Hartman 2 0 0 0 0 0 Philadelphia Uott the Clubs Stand Stolen base Dowd Double plays Mertes Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AMERICAN LEAGUE and Isbell Mertes Shugirt and 2Isbell Cooley off First base on errors HallmanBoston First base on balls Off Lewis Won Lost PCL 5 G12 Griffith 2 Struck out By Lewis 3 by Left on bases Philadelphia 3S Chicago 1 Struck Tirst base on balls Oft Dineen 5SS Griffith 2 Time 1 hour and 55 minutes 40 57 Boston 5 base By Two Dlneen 5 By out Orth r 561 Umpire Cantlllion 41 Baltimore hits Wolverton 2 Sacrlflce hits Hall531 52 K Detroit man Murphy Stolen baee Orth Umpire 511 45 50 PHILADELPHIA Philadelphia TWO FOR Emslle Time of game 1 hour and 40 412 54 41 Cleveland minutes 415 53 39 Washington n In QunUerM Mllwnulee nefent The Second Game 350 G3 33 Milwaukee IL ro A Jt Double Header rillLvDELPIIIA NATIONAL LEAGUE 4 1 0 1 Aug 17 Philadel- ¬ Thorms cf PHILADELPHIA 1 Won MSU PCt 1 3b Wolverton v phia helped along her average by taking Flick rf GU 33 53 3 Pittsburg 0 5 40 57 two games from the tallenders today The Delehanty If 0 1 Philadelphia 41 5fi 50 1 Brooklyn first was won by UD hill ploy after tho McFarland c 555 5 41 53 St Louis Jennings in game well lb apparently the had visitors 479 4G M 4 3 Boston ritchcr Mercer acknonleuKCt the plaudits ot hand Milwaukees fielding errors in the Hallman 2b 4 53 C8 1 New York Mercer pitch ¬ Cross ss 3000 highly delighted spectators 409 score 3S costly K The second were 3 p Duggleby Cincinnati ed a truly fine game hence the enthusiasm 112 xv G 1 ll 1 t n 110 G GO ¬ wF Chicago a 390 01 PHILADFLPIIIA eighth Grady was pissed to flrst After giving a splendid exhibition of the stole second and scored on Dungins ball In the first game of the double fourth hit of the game The only run se- ¬ header with Detroit jesterday afternoon cured by the Tigers came to them In the second in i the dnwn hinl cnotnra fn firth when Nance hit for two bags reached third on Dillons single and contest and irtually made a present oN scored on Shaws out to Waldron the game to the Tigers There were about In the second game Holmes cantered 3O00 spectators who had roundly applaud- ¬ around the bases on a single Jordans er- ¬ ed the local fellows for the excellence of ror Gleasons out at first and another on the part of the flrst baseman thtlr endeaors as shown In the earlier misplay Hoboken Krrors by Cllngman and game but when the error 3 that caused from Nances out to Waldron In and Farrell the loss of the second eventuated these deep centre allowed Cisej to make the cheers wire speedily changed to groans second run for the Wolverines These are Illustrations of how the Alder ¬ and exclamations that the Mannlngltcs men can win and lose with equal grace couldnt beat a rag carpet The Uctory II TO WASHINGTON was accomplished by a score of 5 to 1 the Waldron cf affair defeat was a 1 Farrell 2b 1 Grady If 3 Clarke c 1 Dungan rf 14 0 Jordan lb 0 Coughlln 3b 1 0 Cllngman ss 0 0 Mercer p 27 5 Totals iff rIik wr S II i ro I DETROIT 0 Barrett cf 0 Holmes rf 0 Casey 3b 0 Gleason 2b 0 Elberfeld ss 1 Nance If 0 Dillon lb 0 Shaw c 0 Seiver p 23 10 2 1 Totals Mercer out hit by batted ball 1 0 2 0 0 10 1 x 5 Washington 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 1 Detroit Left on bases Washington 14 Detroit4 4 on balls Off Seiver First base Struck out By Mercer 2 by Seiver 2 Home run Clarke Two base hits Clarke Nance Elberfeld Sacrifice hit Mercer Stolen base Casey Double play Casey Haskell Gleason and Dillon Tmpire Time of game 1 hour and 53 minutes Attendance 3500 The econd Game G sr II WASHINGTON -- ro 0 Waldron cf 1 Iarrellb 0 Grady if 1 Clarke c Durtgan rf 0 Jordan 11 0 3b Pitcher Mercer was the popular hero of Coughlin 0 Clingmun ssJ 0 the afternoon after his feat of beating Tatten deserved Indeed he and the Wolverines 3 27 14 Totals ail the encomiums that were handed out II ro DETROIT to him He displayed a remarkable con- ¬ o 0 trol of the ball and during the nine In- ¬ Barrett cf 1 l rf Hoimes nings did not send a Detroit man to first Casey 3b 0 on a pass Then too he fielded his posi- ¬ Gleason 2b 0 1 tion perfectly his stop of Gleasons drive Elberfeld ss 0 P In the last Inning being one of the most Nance If 0 Dillon lb brilliant plajs of the matinee The ball McAllister lb 0 UKe rapidity came to him with cannon 1 Shaw c 0 and he barely had time to shove out his Miller p hand The ball struck the ungloved mem- ¬ 19 27 0 2 Totals ber and bounded away a few fett but 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 Mercer was after it with all the haste of Washington 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 12 a Government clerk chasing a promotion Detroit First base by errors Detroit 5 4 Left on after he secures a Job in one of the de ¬ ba3es 6 Detroit Washington First partments He picked up the sphere and base on balls Off Patten 2 off Miller 3 without taking time to aim fired the ball Struck out By Patten 3 by Miller 1 ¬ ov cr to Jordan Just quick enough to head Double plaj Cllngman to Farrell to JorHit by pitcher By Miller 2 Um- ¬ ot the fleet footed Gleason Of course dan pire Haskell Time of game 1 hour and there were salvos of applause and Mercer if minutes could have had an thing he wanted for a VoteH of the Gnuie few moments In the second game Patten pitched as Chicago will be here for three g imes The coming good If not a better game than did his commencing tomorrow were given quite a setback at associate In the previous contest but the champs Boston but they will try and make up pieces went to both team on men the other for lost time when they strike the Capital in the hitting and fielding departments Mercer has evidertly struck his proper and gave an exhibition that would not gait and his work of tho last two gimes entitle them to a decent position In the has been about as good as tho most grammar school league Jordan presented captious might ask for Farrell figured In two mispjavs yester- ¬ the v lsitorsv with their first run while day little fellow has been playing in the sixth inning with the score one a fine The game at second and has been hit ¬ against them as a handicap the Senators ting the ball well His errors are easily all took off their hats and turned their forgotten In view of his hard work and cabbage leaves upside down and started his recent good performances Elberfeld of the Detrolts Is one of the In aL If they meant to do something best all round shortstops In either the CUrkx was cute enough to get In front National or American Leagues He not of a slow out curve thereby earning free only fields well but his batting is excellent He has a habit of hitting the ball transportation to first bag of the batters box tnough Dungan immediately pushed him ahead when outside which some umpire will call him out one cushion by a punk hit that landed In lor one of these warm afternoons Just after right field Just out of reach of the fielders he has made a spectacular hit With two men on bases and no one out Ted Sullivan the old ball manager the prospects for scoring were deemed un- ¬ viewed the second game Jesterday from press box the good But hire is where the commonly Cllngman Farrell and Jordan com ¬ nstuteness of the local fellows manifested pleted good double play in the seventh Itself the spectators were also given an Inning aof the second game object lesson regarding the present some- ¬ Clarkes home run In the first game was what obscure position of the Washlngtons tho first since the scaling was extended Jordan hit a and it will not often be upllcated in the In the race for the rag weak one to Pitcher Miller and was easily future The first four hits of the second game retired at first but his crack sufficed to went Casey Two were handled all move along Clarke and Dungan a base right to while the others were too fast for each Coughlln lined the ball down to any fielder to gather In Casey and at this moment Clarke and Dungan succumbed to an attack of vci BEATEN IN A CLOSE GAME tlgo or something approaching it for after a two or three minute game of tag Clevclniid Inseji to llaltlmore In n Detroit joure it in which the entire Dungan IMteheii Ilattle Clarke and club participated BALTIMORE Aug 17 McGinnity held were both put on Ice and any hopes the crowd had of getting a run across the Cleveland down to six hits Moore did plate Immediately vanished and ever one good work but Baltimore landed on him realized that the Senators had struck in the eighth The score their usual gait and It was all over but¬ ULTIMOMR II ro A E the cheering oti the part of the Wol3U 1 0 4 0 0 verines as they left the grounds on their McOraw 0 Donlln If 0 0 chariot As a game of tag the Clarke Sejmour 1 2 0 0 3 rf cxright was play as all an but Duacan 2b 0 hibltlon of baseball it was simply exe Williams 0 0 0 t rable And then Patten had to go ji Keister ss 0 0 once more and fire balls over the plae Howell F3 1 Brodle cf 0 0 that would have won any game with eight Hart 1 2 0 lb plav ere of an ordinary calibre behind him 0 0 Bres nahan c 0 Because the Board of Aldermen who McGinnity p 2 4 1 1 0 0 have for some months been masquerading under the guise of members of the upper 9 27 3 10 Totals house on the hill secured fifteen hits in the flrst game they concluded they had Tt CLEVFLiNn H PO A C nough honors for one afternoon And Piekcring cf 0 3 0 when Mr Miller a petulant young gen- ¬ OBrien If 0 0 0 2 0 1 tleman by the way who because he once Beck 2b 1 C at up nights studying Ltvy and calculus Ia Chance lb 0 1 0 0 while the other men on the Detroit team Bradley 3b 1 0 2 were worklrg on the day shift at the roll- ¬ Wood c 0 0 5 0 0 ing mills Imnglnes he Is the real article Connor c 0 0 2 0 2 und must be coddled as much as a prima Harvey rf 0 0 0 Shiebeck S3 2 donna entered the box and commenced 0 0 2 heaving the sphere the Aldermen vainly Moore p 2 0 0 0 0 endeavored to get in communication with 1 9 2 scjme of his curves and benders Totals 0 24 At the conclusion of their afternoons Baltimore 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 03 labor It was ascertained by the curious Cleveland 0 0 0 0 0 02 u the that four hits all singles ofrepresented Two base hit Williams Stolen base the local hit- ¬ turn total of tht efforts Sejmour they whtio were gel Double play Hart unassisted ters And tlion too ting this quartette of higgles they were First base on balls Off Moore 4 off 2 Struck out By Moore collecting live luscious errors while the Wild visitors by attending siriely to their pitches Moore 2 Left on bases Balti- ¬ Cleveland 8 Umpire Connollj business and working bird to earn their more 9 game 1 hour and 55 minutes salaries and Jhe good will of the bateball Time of Catcher Mile Grady toraporarih stationed in¬ left field displays a grace and finest in con greatly please nection with his work tha the fans pf c ¬ - 15 13 10 14 110 13 19 12 10 112 13 110 110 G Cat- - Fultz cf Davis lb Cross 3b Lajole 2b SevliOld rf Mclntvre if Ely ss Powers c Wlltze p Totals M1LW AUK1 E Hogriever If Conroy ss Anderson lb Gilbert 2b Hallman rf Malorey c Frlel 3b Brujette cf Reldv p It II ro 10 1 1 4 4 1 S 12 27 II 0 II 2 ro 0 1 0 2 1 1 0 0 3 2 0 1 2 1 1 0 5 3 S 1 1 Slagle rf Tenney lb De Mont 2b Cooley cf Murphy If Lowe 3b Long ss Klttridge c Pittlnger p o s 0 2 0 0 2 2 4 0 O U 0 1 0 0 0 7 6 0 2 3 2 0 0 0 J5 14 1111 1 0 U 0 2 10000100 10000001 13 0 1 First base by errors Thomas Flick Murphy Left on bases Philadelphia 6 Boston First bnse on balls Off Pittln- ¬ ger 4 1 Struck out By Duggleby 2 by Pittlnger 5 Two base hits Flick Dele- ¬ 11 5 12 21 Totals hanty Lowe Sacrifice hits Wolverton Stolen base Cross 0 0 1 3 0 Philadelphia x 8 HallmanplayLong 10 Tenney Double and Long Passed 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 5 Milwaukee Umpire Emslie Kittrldge ball Time Earned runs Milwaukee 1 Philadel- ¬ 1 hour and 45 minutes phia 7 Two base ht Hogrlev er Home run Sev bold Sacrifice hit Cross Stolen THE BBOOKLYNS TAKE BOTHbases Cross Ely Doubla plavs Frlel 5ilbert Anderson Wlltze and Ely Pow ¬ ers and Ely Reidy Conroy and Ander- ¬ JVew York Team v n Match fur Her son Left on bases Milwaukee 8 Phil ¬ fcelKhhor adelphia 1 First base on balls Off NEW YORK Aug 17 The Brooklyns lteldy 2 off Wlltze 1 Struck out By Wlltze 3 Passed boll Maloney ifrrpire took both garnet from tho New Yorks al Sheridan Time of game 1 hour and 50 the Polo Grounds having the Harlemites minutes beaten at all stages of the two conflicts Second Game The champions hit he ball harder and did JiILV- vUKFF ro It the better all round plajing The work Hogriever If 0 of Sheckard at the bat and in the field Conroy ss 0 T and the fielding of Dalj-- and Davis were 0 Anderson lb is o 1 0 2 Gllbezt 2b features The score Hallman rfit- i e lis DR00KLTX R IL TO A E 2 7 0 Donohue c 0 0 0 Keeler rf 1 0 2 Frlel 3b 0 If Sheckard 1 0 0 Brujette cf 4 0 0 0 0 Lulun cf 1 p 0 3 Garvin 0 0 7 0 0 Keller lb 1 0 0 Maloney 0 Daly b G 1 0 0 2 13 4 5 Dahlen 10 21 Totals 1 1 2 0 Li Irwin Jb 1 4 fl 0 0 McGuire c-Batted for Garvin in ninth - 1 1 0 0 2 Kitson p It il ro PlllLvDILIIIIA 1 Fultz cf l s 27 4 1 10 13 Totals 1 13 Davis lb 0 1 3 R II PO A E JEW 10RK Cross 3b 4 I aJoie 2b 0 0 0 0 Van Haltrcn cf G 0 1 1 0 3 Sevbold rf 0 Davis ss 1 0 0 McBride rf Mclntvre It 0 4 0 0 0 2 Ely ss 0 Hickman If 0 4 1 0 Strang 3b 0 2 Powers c -- 1 4 3 v 0 Fraser p Bowermnn 2b 12 1 0 0 0 Ganzel lb 0 Warner c 1 0 3 0 Totals 0 0 0 p Oi 2 4 Denzer Milwaukee 00 x 6 Philadelphia 7 2 Totals X 13 0 Earned runs Milwaukee 3 Philadel- ¬ Kitson out hit by batted ball phia 1 Two base hits Hallman Davis 0 4 Stolen Brooklyn Sacrifice hit Conroy Cross New York 02 bases Fultz Ely Davis Leftion bases 10 5 Philadelphia Milwaukee First base First base on errors New York 1 Left 3 on balls Off Garvin 1 off --Fraser bases New York G Brooklyn 4 First 5nilr mit Ftv finn In fi hi- - Prnwr 8 on base on balls Off- Kitson 2 Struck out Wild pitches Passed ball Donohue bj- Kitson 4 By Denzer Home run Fraser Garvin Umpire Sheridan Time Sheckard Two base hits Dalj Bower of game 1 hour and 40 minutes man Sacritie hits Bow erman Dahlen Stolen bases Daly Irwin Double play Daly Dahlen and Kelley Wild pitch NATIONAL LEAGUE GAMES Kitson Umpire Dw j er Time of game 1 hour and 45 minutes The Second Game THE CARDINALS LOSE AGAIN n il ro mtOOKIAV 0 Duplicate the Score of Keler rf ChicltfroM 1 1 If Sheckard a Former Vlctorj cr 0 Dolan J ST LOUIS Aug 17 For the second Kellej- 3b 0 0 time in this series the Chlcagos beat the McCreerj- - lb 0 ual 2b Cardinals G to 3 Poor stick work by the Dahlen 1 ss locals lost the game When hits counted Irwin 3b 1 they failed most slgnallj to connect The Farrell c 1 2 change In batting order did no good At- ¬ Newton p tendance 1500 The score 14 27 Totals ro ST LOUIS t II ro NEW VOHK Burkett If 1 Van Haltren cf Heidritk cf 0 Davis ss Donovan rf o McBride rf Wallace fs 3 Hickman If Kruger 3b 1 Strang 3b Padden lb 0 Bow erman Jb McGinn lb 1 Uanzel lb Schriver c 1 Warner c 0 Sudhoff p 0 Leitner p 27 12 Totals 1 Totals CHICACO ro o s 0 4 0 0 Brookljn 1 Hartzel If 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 New 0 4 Green cf York Dexter rf First base on errecs Brooklj n 2 Lert Dojle lb on bases New York 10 Brooklj n 11 Itajmer 3b First base on balls Off Iltner 2 off Chllds 2b I By out Newton Newton 4 Struck 1 ss McCormlck Three base hit Keeler Two base hit Knhoe c 5 Umpire Sheckard base Newton Stolen p 0 Waddell Dwjer lime ot game 1 hour and 55 70KJ minutes Attendance 6 8 27 Totals 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 A BACE MEET AT BBIGHTWOOD St Louis 0 2 2 0 0 0 Chicago 0 C Two base hits Kruger Schriver and The- - Drlvlug Park AMHUclutlonM lro McCormlck Three base hits McGann Krnmme for the ComLnMT AVcek Green 2 Home run Waddell Double plav s Kruger McGann and Kruger The Brlghtwood Driving Park Associa Sacrifice Stolen hit Pauden bases announces a three day trotting and Dexter Rajmer Schriver Left on bases tion running meeting for August 20 21 and 22 St Louis 4 Chicago Struck out By Sudhoff 4 by Waddell 3 Bases on which is exciting considerable local In ¬ 3 Umpire ODay balls Oft Sudhoff terest Time of game 1 hour and 35 minutes The programme for the first day calls for a 225 trot in which there are nine NO BUNS FOB CINCINNATI entries all well known and carded as starters In the 210 trot there Is Perfect funport or Chcnhro Vein Alc asure field of thirteen and with such quanti- ¬ tory for IlttHbiirjr ty and quality both events should be very who Interesting The dajs sport will wind up PITTSBURG Aug 17 Chesbro a running race half mile heats The¬ shut out Cincinnati today was given per- ¬ with Is a good sized one bringing tofect support the work of the infield being field gether such well known runners as brIHHnt Ilahn was steadv but Pittsburg Bough Rider McFonso Mattle Chun bunched Its hits and Cincinnatis errors Checkers and jjcveral others cquallj well known were costlj- - The score The programme fo the other elavs Is it ir ro riTTSiiuRO to be an excellent one and ought to also 0 0 3 0 0 attract a large crowd to Brlghtwood Clarke If 0 0 Beaumont cf 0 Davis rf 4 0 Wagner ss 13 1 0 2 0 Bransfleld lb S 0 0 0 2 Itltchey 2b 2 0 2 3 Leieh 2 0 0 0 0 Zlmmer c - 131210 12 18 12 1100 110 Ll 12 13 VWG3 27lf 01100 02003010 10 00310000 00000020 G 110 ¬ G 110 1110 114 p Chesbro Totals CINCINNATI Dobbs cf Harley If Beckley 0 5 It 0 0 Burning Money 13 10 10 USE jou ueit uliat Joorl IO it uukei COKE Cuil hotter 27 II lb Crawford rf Migoon hs Stelnfeldt 3b Fox 2b Peltz c u Halin p 5 24 2 7 0 Totals x 5 Pittsburg Cincinnati 00 Leach Two base Stolen bases Dobbs hits Leach Fox Three base lilts Brans field Home run Wagner Sacrifice - hits Crawford Zlrnmer Struck out Bj- Ches- ¬ 4 Wild pitch Hahn bro l by Ilahn Hit by pitcher Hahn Umpire Colgan Time of game 1 hour and 40 minutes At- 01001012 00000000 tendance- 4900 ou ulien CoA InstfJti of Coke coatn a Coke fraction of the amount of and a quicker and fire That S - Large Coke delivered J100 bushels Large CoVe delivered iW 4 10 buriuls Large Coke delivered V 25 buthela CrWu d Co lec T 40 Lu hel Crmhcd Coke delivered CO Luahebi Crushed Coke dtUeredJ5 30 2A bushel- 0 CO dchcrrd2 WASHINGTON GASLIGHT 413 Tenth Street Amerlenn Bowline Conirrena Amonir Y M C A Athletes PotomncH He tcatta Crevr Goes to Harlem Blff Card at the Collnenm on the ISlmt It Is a well known fact that for the last ten or twelve jears the big athletic clubs of New York Boston and Chicago and elsewhere have made It a custom to cor- ¬ ral all tho crack college athletes during the summer vacation and train and enter them for the A A U championships and other big meets But there Is everj indication that this practice has come to an end and In future if the college athlete competes at all In games outside the Intercollegiate Athletic Association meet he will wear his college colors only The Initial step toward this reform has been taken by the faculty of Princeton University which passed a rule this year prohibiting athletes of that institution from competing for athletic clubs No re striction was placed upon the athletes as to when or where they should compete but it was made imperative that on all occasions Princeton men should wear the Princeton colors and not even interwoven with that of nny athletic club The matter has been generally taken up by the other colleges and those In favor of purity of college athletics at Tale Har- ¬ vard Pennsylvania and Columbia favor the precedent established by Princeton It Is quite probable that a rule similar to the one Inaugurated by Princeton will be Introduced at the next general meet- ¬ ing of the Intercollegiate Amateur Ath- ¬ letic Association and made to apply to every college member of the association It Is sure to please all the big colleges ¬ ¬ AMfcRICvX BOWLING CONGRESS 0 0 0 sril - N GO W THE KIDNEYS rt thi enrfrft nt th vatm Warners Safe Cure keepa them open and free and toon rutorea health I tUllea Fourth race For maiden Ire and one halt futlonft Blur Blood Oiicadee Step Onirard Batjah Put Katherine C La4r GodtTi Roae of Mir Ohio Girl Trrpetota Clip ¬ per Querna Mrwenner Teiarrea Happy Torch light Rojral Mr Fontenii Triner Marine GltAND CIRCUIT MEET AT THE COUSTUM The announcement that the American Bowling Congress will convene in Buffalo In January created considerable bowling talk here much more than usual at this season when there is scarcely an alley In service except at the Y M C A where the bowling never stops on account of the hot weather Mr Samuel Karpf Secretary of the Bowling Congress spent part of a day here last- week looking over the Held prirfiarllj- to secure the attendance of one or two teams at tho tournament to be held in connection with the annual meet ¬ ing of the congress He was given no definite promises by the local leaders Mr Karpf reports the sport In a healthj- - condition throughout the countrj- Tho congress at Chicago last winter was tho best ever held since hla connection with the sport he says lie states that radical changes will be made In the national affairs of the sport at the coming congress The organization will be made more compact by uniting the several leagues In each city into a local association through which all records and reports must be sent to have them recognized as official by the congress Each alley also will be compelled to take out a sanction from the congress which will be furnished freo of charge Theidea Is similar to that under which the League of American Wheelman has been working for many J ears Kach alley must be otllclar in order to have the records made upon it count ard eech city must be supervised by the local asso-¬ ciation similar to the State divisions of iii i jv heelmen Totals Boston j ard SS0 yards two miles steeple- ¬ Knight 110 Connie 98 Dr RiiUl 120 Cher chase one mile 120 j arrls hurdle 2 Cucaa Work 100 Leuttnt rleav 103 Mercer 10 yards hurdle 440 yards hurdle running 105 high jump running long- Jump pole Third rice The Mohiwk tor vault triple Jump standing high Jump arlltnc one and ont attrMith nlln Col rid- ¬ hrond Jump 16 pound hammer den Hi Glade Runner Mabter KB Bowdr Collegiate Track and Field Men standing 16 pound discus 16 pound shot 56 pound Arab 103 Lone Fisherman Nitrate 106 Barbara weight potato race Ftletchi S3 Must Not Perform for Clubs 27 1 - 110 TO WEAR COLLEGE COLORS ro 0 4f 5 3 Two out when winning run was scored Philadelphia 1901 It Totals B03TO- - 18 - AMONG YM I A ATIILETLS With the aid of electric fans and plenty of lemonade the bowlers of tlie Young Mens Christian Association defy the heat daj and night and bowl to their hearts content The fact that the association won the league championship last spring has created an interest among the bowlers that has never before been felt The am- ¬ bition to retain the honor has spurred the plajers on to renewed efforts and they will be prepared to defend the title when it comes ttaie to again battle on the allej s It has not been announced but it is more than likely that the same team which won the championship will again llnp up to try for It a second time this coming season Every afternoon and evening neea theallejs almost as well filled as they are in winter ThetenniB TJlayers the cracks and others are taking plenty of practice for the annual fall championships in singles and doubles to J5e held next month The track and field men are doing light practice work at the park preparing fer tile Atlantic Association games to De neici At Baltimore September 23 In about ten days active training nna practice win ne gin under the direction of Profs Ride out and Beckett The Juniors are developing at a rapid rate and in a year or two will be fit to try for honors alongside their seniors in j ears One of the best all around juniors¬ Prof RIdeout has In hand is DeWltt Ellsworth He Is muscular well built willing and ambitious lie does splendid work at all the shorter distances on the track Charles Taylor is another youngster who does splendid all around work He Is only fifteen jears of age and is already doing five feet in the running high Jump He Is fast at the 10O jard and holds his own in the relay Draper too is a good high Among Jumper doing 4 feet 10 Inches others who promise well In the lX jard are Masters Walter Bone McCaulej and Berthrong rOTOSHCBOvT CLUB The management of tho local Coliseum will play its trump card next Wednesday night when It will present the American Blcyclo Companjs big professional team In the grand circuit meet to be held at the bowl There will be three- classes of events handicap championship and 210 Femosole 112 and Fifth race Handicap for upward one and one ipiartrr miles Flnt Whip 120 CiTiar 117 111 Kamira Decanter HI Trigger 103 Utaon 100 Alalkr W class Tho team Includes nearly all the be3t professional flyers heretofore seen here Results at Delmar and a lot of others not so well known DEUIAR Aug 17 Results of todijl here but who have earned good reputa ¬ races track PARK fant tions for speed and endurance on other and upward Flnt race For tracks The list includes among others Tom Cooper Oascoyne Newhouse Owen selling one mile- - Ladas Dale even woa Kimble Lestir Wilson Lamson Jenkins Nekarnii Snell to 1 erond Ml si Theraa Dcvvnlng j jid Jacobson Motor pacing Wainwrlght X toi 1 third Time 143 3 1 wll add Interest to the contests Second race For and upward d 4 to K Q Bann Jones won Iloraeahoe Tobacco OBrien 4 to S aee 30 to 1 third end John Morion Ltodwj Time 11S fire and cne half Third race For furlong Dugan Taby Tosa 5 to 1 won Mamie Ecgluh OBrien 6 to 5 second Hunter Ralne Irren 3 to 2 third Time 1 OB and upward Fourth race For La Spam selling one and one alxterath miles to Lindney 6 to 1 won kugenle S Dale 1 ond Zatel Watson 5 to 1 thirdr Time selllnr aix furlong PC51ME1T BEAT TKEASUBTITES 1 Titer J rrn the Iloate Quickly- and take Sixteen Trips It require Jsut five innings of ball play- ¬ - 5 ing of a rich saffron hue to show Pete Russell and his team mates how little they knew of the game of hit and run and catch and throw It is thought that had the game lasted the usual number of innings everj man on the Treasury team would have tried his luck at serving up shoots and curves to his opponents As It was though there were three of them who tried their wings in the centre of the diamond and as many came out feeling like a pawed over remnant in a department store on bargain day But It was lucky for the men from the postal headquarters that Sir Peter did not en- ¬ ter the box for he would undoubtedly have made it warm for the postmen Mr Gages men went to the bat first but did not succeed In getting a man across the rubber although they got one within hailing distance of the slab Dur- ¬ ing the time allowed the mailmen to wield the old hickory rod they made nine tours around their opponents who had evidently been taking a nap The postmasters boosted their score five notches In the next Inning while their opposing friends did not get as far as the third corner of the diamond The men from Fifteenth Street got one of their number across the slab in their half of the third but spoiled the spec- ¬ tacular effect of their effort by allowing the postmen to get twice as many in the very same Inning The Treasuryites ela- ¬ tion at making a beginning was therefore very short lived Even their friendly op- ¬ ponents realized the unnecessary boost ¬ ing of the score was a bit cruel Just at that time In the fourth wild throwing seemed all the rage and ths - postmen took to It with great unanlmltjThey threw the sphere all over the field and in fact everj where except - the right place By their wildness thej- presented the moneychangers with three runs making a total of four for the latter The legal number of batters appeared at the plate for the letter earners in their naif of the fourth The men from Uncle Sams money storage house took their fifth swat at the leather and after the dust had cleared awaj when their swatting had ceased it was found that they had crossed the rubber twice and that their total score was rep- ¬ resented by the figure 6 Upon comparing the statistical reports of both run columns it was found that the alley in which the postmens scores had been chalked up exceeded the one In which Mr Gages men kept their earn ¬ ings by exactly ten scores Thej-- were accordlnglj- - announced the winners of a five Inning game with material enough in It to make up three or four entire games The score CITY rOSTOFFICE Bradley ss King 3b and lb Harding c Chamberlain lb and Laud 2b and 3b Bennett If Holmes p Walker rf McConvIlIe cf Holmes R 3 2 2b 2 1 2 2 1 rf Totals OEASURV uussell 3b 1 1 1 H 0 2 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 a R II 1 1 0 16 and c 10 PO 3 0 7 A 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 t IM and Fifth race Handicap for one and one slateenth mfies Reins OBrien 5 to 1 won Meddlesome ONeill 3 to 1 third Jones Nearest third cTen i Time 1 ts 1 and upward Sixth race For selling aix and one half furlongs Street Dream Llndsey 3 to 1 won Four Leal C Dale eTe second Snmrr ONeill 3 to 1 third Time lil 8 A 1 4 and upward Seventh race For six furlongs Lindscy Sard 3 to 2 won Kazan ONeill 3 to 1 second Tenny Bell Bell 3 to 1 third TImr 115 Entries at Delmar DELMvR rtRK Aug 17 Entries for Monday races four and First race For maiden 105 one halt furlongs Meda Glenca Leaning 100 Jollify 103 Called Back Retelle 103 Wrapper 100 Dr Lovrjoy 103 Elua Cook 100 Aules 103 Second race For maiden flrs 103 Jlaxzara and one half furlongs Halmis 103 Irosata 10 BeuU May Ben Hempstead Bart Howe 103 Lady Clarik 100 Virginian 103 and upward Third race lor selling twenty yards CJuT- Tone mile and Parker 103 Sadie Levy 109 Pirates Daughter OS 99 Prince btoneraoulh Elerrn Bells lot 10V Pan Charm 108 John Jlorton Kmpjreal 96 St Rogue 111 ld and upward Fourth race For one mile Monograph 101 Menace Ito Lunar 107 and upward Fifth race For selling serrn furlongs Fickle Saint 57 Med¬ dlesome 100 Alalia 87 Euterp 103 Revoke 103 feirth race For and upward six furlongs Ilaiel Hughlett Nesrcst 107 Toss Collins 112 Robert Jr Surrivr 103 Verify 103 It en alt m nt Fort Erie FORT ERIE Auff 17 Result of tody neen track fast First race For and upwanl 4 ta scTen furlomja Prince Plausible Allaire 1 won Badze Roll S to 1 second Idanu Franconi J Daly 5 to 2 third Time Second race For maiden four and one half furlongs Quixada Bender 6 to 5w won Juamta M Maj 15 to 1 second Lauretta Burke Jacknon 5 to 2 third Time 033 1 1 and upwanl Third race For six furlongs Lelfa Barr Johnson 5 to 1 won 3 to 1 Racebud McQuade second Ocones Jackson 3 to 1 third Time 111 1 J Fourth race Toronto-- Stakes for three jcar olds and upuard seren and one half furlotur 3 to I won Oakciai4 Nouns Henry Jackson 1 to 4 second May 1 to Hieaway Blake third Time 1 34 Fifth race For fire furlongs Concertina Blake 3 to 2 won Dixie Quees fi to 5 second Redfern Ilalmetta Ttoxler 6 to 5 tbirtL Time 1 01 1 4 Sixth race Steeplechase for and upward short course- - Terry Ranger fiorm ley even won Interference Ray 9 to 3 sec¬ ond Mrs Bracbhaw Clancy 6 to 5 third TIme lS3 i 0 3 0 0 0 lo 1 upward 51 TO i 1 1 1 328 Entries at Fort Erie 3 F FORT races ERIE Aug 17 Entries for Mondays Dudley lb and upward First race For 1 O i Brooks d seven furlongs 109 Free Lance 112 Tamarm 1 Hlgglns rf 0 107 Randy C CalUenne Exit 103 Coriahs Bolway ss 0 0 106 Ida Penzance 102 The Brother Punctual 1 4 1 McGuire c 3b and Flaneur iOL Hoffman If p and 3b 2b Hardy 0 0 1 Second race For fillies selling 0 0 0 Gardner cf five furlongs Abbey Dell Silver Concertio 110 Owl 105 Vivian Casine Latch Floretta 6 Totals Z 12 String 102 City P 0 9 5 2 0 x IB Third race For and upward Treasury 0 0 t 3 six furlongs Tubculum 110 Mound Builder 103 Maitentie 101 Benckart 103 Xona B 102 Com ¬ First base on balls Off Brooks 2 off petitor 101 Lilly Hammerton Race Bud 100 Hfiffman 8 off Holmes 5 Struck out Blackford 99 Doratnick Leha Barr OS Anno By Holmes 3 by Hoffman 1 Sacrlflce V 93 hits Dudley Stolen bases Bus el I Mc- ¬ Maggie Fourth race For and unwardr Guire Holmes Walker McConville and one and one sixteenth miles Rurfhficldi 107 Hlgffins Wild pitches Holmes Passed Radford 10tJ 103 Jessamine Porter Dick Warren 1 Umpire Harding balls Proctor Time 102 Filibuster 100 AH baints W The Goldem of fame 1 hour and 23 minutes 4 Dolly Wagner 01 J II Sloan 103 Prince di Ill 26 Hfth race For five furlongs 110 Easy Street 101 Ilalmetta Mowich Taxman Sixth race For and upward selling t rec Play 107 Obey six furlongs Gotcmba Icon 104 Lakeview Belle Isaac Hop ¬ per Northman 102 Remsen Willard J Knuckle Down Cray Bill Higgins Grey Morn lUy Seed Charman 99 Sunny Girl 97 THE KACING CALENDAB IipnultM nt Saratoga SRVTOG Auff 17 track fast First race Handicap Up 100 Results of todays races for all ages eren fur C to 5 longs Chuctanunda Turner won Specific Bums 6 to 1 second Demurrer Gar rigau 3 to 1 third Time 1 27 1 5 Second race For and upward gentlemen riders one mile and seventy yards 2 to 5 won Mr Paget Carbuncle Cogswell Mr Devereaux Mr 5 to 1 second Dogtown 30 to I third Mavbee Time 131 1 5 Third race United Mates Hotel Stakes for Mas fire and one half furlongM 5 to 2 won Dixie Line Beau U7C- T- Cullman 12 to 1 second Caughnau aga Turner champ 20 to 1 third Time 101 ld Fourth race The Delaware Handicap for and upuard one and one six terntli 5 to 2 Shaw Blues won Rockton miles 9 to 5 second Kmmkinic Turner McGinn 8 to 1 third Time 117 lifth ract Steeplechase for four j ear old and Bacchanal Dayton upward full couise 8 to 3 won S to 1 Mr Mofel Owens second C Buliingdon 3 to 3 third Green Time 642 2 5 Sixth race For three yea r old and upwanl sellirg one and one eighth miles Mtrate 3 to Dolando Shaw 9 to 3 won Michaels 4 to 1 5 hecond little Daisy Mulholland third Time 136 3 5 Entries at Husrtliorne The Potomac Boat Club will hold its lUWTHORNE Aug 17 Entries for tomorrows second regitta this summer open to mem- ¬ races 24 pro August only Saturdaj The bers seven furlongs First race For grammp will Include races for eights Silurian 112 Argregor 110 Deuman Thompson fours double working boats single shells 107 Amoor Introductor 103 and canoes Second race lor and upward The Analostan Boat Club was invited tc selling one mile and three furlongs Hennen in events crews enter the various but KnIght Banneret 98 cia 103 Baird 103 Chief 91 ban Andres 90 Little Elkin found it necessary to decline because of Carlovignian S8 62 the absence from the city ot so man or Apprentice allowance claimed Indeed the float Its rowing members Steeplechase race handicap so little attention has been Third for officers s4 and upward given to shell rowing this summer it Is short course Corona turf 133 140 Chesterfield Lord Chancery would thej be entered If Diet doubtful If thej Furber 130 Capt Oonorer 127 were In town because of their lack of Fourth race The Test Stakes a sweepstakes for condition two- - ear olds five and one half furlongs Ed A joint regatta b the two clubs would ustm 123 Nellie Waddell 120 Jaubert US undoubtedly have been a splendid way to 115 South Trimble Memnon Commissioner wind up the season and both clubs re- ¬ Forster 113 Emathion Helen Print 110 gret thit it could not come to pass free handicap The Fifth race six furlongs One of the features of the regatta will Rush 100 Bangle Headwater 104 Jimfnex 103 be the single scull race between Hecox Bummer 101 Livadia 100 Boney Boy 93 Mag ¬ and Joe Dalj The latter Is showing con- ¬ gie Davis 92 Max Bendix 90 siderable Improvement in form and speed and upward Sixth race For under the coaching of McKlnney at one one mile Hargts 110 Approved 107 Lmmett time the champion sculler of this river Saratoga at Entrle Ladylike 102 103 Haxzah 100 Orr wagers Xibel Winn a is of have said number that it SUtVTOGl Aug 17 Entries for Mondjya Throstle 101 Crescent City 9s Stuart Young been laid on the result of the race 97 Rngaw C Mzanne Jane Oaker Santt It has been finally decided that the races junior eight oared crew will be sent to for twyear old U Teresa 94 First race Handicap Apprentice allowance claimed the Middle States regatta at the Harlem furlongs Endurance By Right 122 Gunfire 117 and upward Seventh race For Day expense will be met bj Whisky King Labor The 113 Bel1 110 Commoner King Dellis 108 St Wood one mile selling subscription by the members Coach Zap 104 Sam Lazarus Esq Henry ot pone is working hard with the crew and OHagan Tribes Hill 10G t trail 101 Sister Espionage Eveyn Byrd 101 Mondoro s hopes to put out the fastest eight the Juliet 103 Ld Sterling W Old Hutch Franstmar 103 99 Little Boy Blue 99 Beauty Book Lady Godiva 03 Brownia season has seen Van Hoorebeke 94 and upward Second racx For Anderson 97 The crew as it has been rowing several Apprentice allowance claimed dajs has May stroke Lowe 7 Snell C selling seven furlongs Speedrcas 100 Bold McGowan 5 Geare 4 Chase 3 Hernan 2 Rowland 1 and it is probable that It will row in this order in the race Geare is seen In CoburnH place and be- ¬ ing some fifteen pounds heavier weighing VARICOCELE Km pounds he materially strengthens the crew LOST MANHOOD Coburn has decided not to row any more Varicocele Fvery sufferer from Stricture and its offspring this season and Geare was given the place Stearns has been out as coxswain Prostatitis and Seminal Weakness should write to the St Ohio Midge Cincinnati Ross who on Jauie Association 41 St James Building several times C experience In the A C for their illustrated work showing the parts of the human sys ¬ account of his tem Involved in Urethral Ailments which they send to male ap boats Is considered the best coxswain on securely wrapped in plain package prepaid plicantt the river has been over the course a number of times The boys would like to Cut out this coupon mail to the St James As ¬ Reddington Dick is COUPON him Harlem at FREE TREATISE have sociation with 3 our name and address plainly trying for the place and hopes to make copy of their a will send exhaustive treatbe accurately illustrated n half written they It A second crew is being formed and parts ot the male sjstem involved in Urethral Ailnlents showing the toue will aslst the regulars in their practice work Nnme ST JAMES ASSOCIATION Tammany STRICTURE FREE COMING MUSTS AT THE STvDIUM The next on the list of contests of an athletic nature ct the Stadium at Buffalo are the gjmnastic championships to be held August 21 The entrj list promises to bo unusually large Many entries have already been received from crack athletic clubs turnverelns and Y M C A The events wiU include parallel bars long horse side horse Indian clubs rope climbing horizontal bars living rings and all around standing apparatus Ono of tho most Important meetings is tho one to scheduled for the Stadium be held September C and 7 to decide the and Held worlds chumplonshlp In track contests There will be twenty events and tho meet will bring together all the performers crack college and athletic club many from of this country as Well ns Cambridge team Tho Oxford abroad will be here after Its meet with the Yale Harvard team and will undoubted y make entrj be ths events con ¬ The following will CO j anls 110 jard9 tested all scratch BldgCincinnatifO 44StJames of your Illustrated send me a Add rest n copj Please Work upon the Male fcexual tystem securely seuled PHEIMID FREE of all CIHRGES RESTORED CUPIDEKE MANHOOD th Thl crsat VeisUbls s FnV3i 7 enratiT ortii nerreai eur joe llws JfsHemlnavl mllon Varicocele omnia rain In the Hack EvIliuiibf and Con Urnlns irr or nltbt Trsitnta qocknsl tl pallon It ol all Vltallzer or prescription or a ramcras of In hj EDWARD STEVES3 Do Yon Know Selenes In Neatness Klnth Str ttt That There T - of discb Slops all losws bx dar Tor salt h Be Wise and Use and Pennsilnnla whlob M oo Arenne SAPOLfO