Holy Trinity Catholic Church February 28, 2016
Holy Trinity Catholic Church February 28, 2016
Holy Trinity Catholic Church February 28, 2016 20523 Huebner Road San Antonio, Texas 78258 Website: www.holytrinitysat.org The Third Sunday of Lent Jesus said to them in reply, " Do you think that because these Galileans suffered in this way they were greater sinners than all other Galileans? By no means! But I tell you, if you do not repent, you will all perish as they did!" Lk 13:2-3 People who believe and belong — The Kingdom of God is where you are Parish Office - 210-497-4200 FAX: 210-497 - 4285 Monday-Thursday: 8:30AM – 8:00PM Friday 8:30 AM—5:00 PM Saturday 9:00AM - 12:00PM Pastoral Staff Pastor - Msgr. Michael H. Yarbrough Parochial Vicar - Fr. Oscar Tello-Curiel Deacon Michael Cleary, 857-0930 Deacon Chris Laskowski, 497-4486 Deacon Guy LoTurco, 497-2363 Deacon Jerry Micek, 497-4410 Deacon David Seguin, 365-4902 Deacon Dickie Yzaguirre, 545-2604 Parish Staff Parish Administrator: Oscar Perez Finance Coordinator: Cecilia Greene Bookkeeper: Lizzette Kranz Director of Music & Liturgy: Lucy Tavira Sacristan: Doug Stolo Coordinator of RCIA & Adult Ed: Desma Delgado Parish Secretary: Gloria Barretto Receptionist: Ana Rosa Lane Facilities Manager: Terri Collins (210-497-0700) Facilities Manager Asst. : George Weynand Maintenance Coordinator: Joaquin Martinez Faith Formation Office - 497-4145 Monday—Friday: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM (Limited Hours in July) Faith Formation Staff Coordinator of Religious Ed: Kristin Casas Asst. Coord. of Religious Ed: Eric Mejia Admin. Asst. Rosa Becnel Admin. Asst. Martha Sandoval LIFETEEN - High School Ministry Youth Minister: Debra Gray Confirmation: Assistant Youth Minister: Renee Kuntz The EDGE - Middle School Ministry Assistant Youth Minister: Caitlyn DeWitt WELCOME We extend a warm welcome to anyone new to our parish family & all visitors who celebrate with us throughout the year. If you would like to join this parish, please pick up a registration form which can be found near both bulletin boards in the foyer. Complete & return the registration form at your convenience. Eucharistic Celebrations Saturday: 5:00 PM Sunday: 8:00AM, 9:30AM, 11:15AM, 1:00 PM (Spanish) & 5:30 PM Weekday - refer to page 2 for changes: Mon., Wed., Fri., Mass is at 8:30 AM & 12:05PM Tue. & Thu., Mass is at 6:30 AM Adoration Hours: 9:00AM - Noon ~ Mondays and Wednesdays 9:00AM - Midnight ~ Fridays 9:00AM First Fridays to 9:00AM First Saturdays (24 hour adoration) SACRAMENTS Penance: Saturday, 3:00-4:30 PM in church building or call the office for an appointment. Baptism: Pre-baptism instruction is required. Classes for 2015: Last Monday of the month Jan. - Nov., unless it’s a Holiday. Call the parish office to sign up. Marriage: There is a 6 month preparation period for Sacramental marriages. Please call the parish office for details. Inquiry into the Catholic Faith: Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). Call Desma Delgado 497-4200 BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS, ARTICLES AND REQUESTS DEADLINE: 10 days prior to date published via email please: [email protected] PULPIT ANNOUNCEMENTS by 10:00 AM by Wednesday Prior to weekend needed: [email protected] PARISH REPORTER Sylvia Theall - [email protected]. Help us keep our records current. Please notify the Parish Office if you are moving or if your personal status has changed. Sympathy Monday February 29 6:30AM Communion Service - during Lent Celebrant – Fr. Oscar 8:30AM - Connie Beck, †, Tom Ctvrtlik, Sr., † & Don & Sally Anderson, Sp. Int. Celebrant – Msgr. Mike 12:05PM - Jesus Ricardo Campos, †, Loretta Ctvrtlik, † & Andrea Bravo, † Tuesday March 1 Celebrant - Msgr. Mike 6:30AM - Roger Seguin, †, Tom Ctvrtlik, Sr., † & Jesus Ricardo Campos, † Wednesday March 2 6:30AM Communion Service - during Lent Celebrant – Fr. Oscar 8:30AM - Tom Ctvrtlik, Sr., †, Jesus Ricardo Campos, † & Rick Wiles Family, Sp. Int. Celebrant – Msgr. Mike 12:05PM -Mary Kay Beaumont, †, Luis Alberto Delgado, † & Francisco Adell, † Thursday March 3 Celebrant - Fr. Oscar 6:30AM - Ramon Barretto, Sp. Int., Jesus Ricardo Campos, † & Loretta Ctvrtlik, † Friday March 4 6:30AM Communion Service - during Lent Celebrant - Fr. Oscar 8:30AM - Loretta Ctvrtlik, †, Jesus Ricardo Campos, † & James Barker Family, Sp. Int. Celebrant - Msgr. Mike 12:05PM - Valeria Rivera, Sp. Int. & Erick Cruz, Sp. Int. Saturday March 5 Celebrating – Fr. Oscar 5:00PM – Monica & Luis Jimenez, Sp. Int. Wayne Petts, †, & Jesus Ricardo Campos, † Sunday March 6 Celebrant - Msgr. Mike 8:00AM - Malbina Bear, † & Norman H. Riebe, † Celebrant – Fr. Oscar 9:30AM - Francis R. Smith †, & Juanita Parra, † Celebrant - Fr. Oscar 11:15AM Teodora Mapa, † & Victorino Mapa, † Celebrant - Msgr. Mike 1:00PM Alberto Sias, † & Jesus Ricardo Campos, † Celebrant - Msgr. Mike 5:30PM Kaylee Carew, † & Greck & Rosie Cruz, Sp. Int. **Celebrant subject to change MARCH 5TH & 6TH Saturday 5:00 PM Lectors: John Theall & Sylvia Theall Altar Servers: Andrew Hieger, Caroline Hieger & Aidan La Guardia Sunday 8:00 AM Lectors: Emily Baril & Jolene Waun Altar Servers: Mark Nunziata & Gina Nunziata Sunday 9:30 AM Lectors: Marcel Theriot & Launi Castillo Altar Servers: Daniel Marynak, Julian Garcia & Olivia Hoelting Sunday 11:15 AM Lectors: Bill Hodde Tony Salsedo Altar Servers: Jarren Gonzaba, Luke Prior & Viviana Garza Sunday 1:00 PM Lectors: Pepe Q & Juanito Altar Servers: Karol Zavala, Diego Acevedo & Isabella Avila Sunday 5:30 PM - Lifeteen Mass Lectors: Katie Trexlar & Sammy Kuntz Altar Servers: Connor Fitzmaurice, Lauren Singer & Andres Guerra We offer condolences and sympathy to our parishioners who have experienced a death in their family. Jon Bueche, brother of Fred Bueche Connie Beck, mother of Margaret Maisel Frances O’Connor, wife of Brian O’Connor PRAYER TO ST. MICHAEL Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle; be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray: and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen Parish Prayer List: For Inclusion on the Ill and Homebound prayer list in the Bulletin contact: Gloria Barretto - 497-4200 ext. 307 [email protected] For the Parish Email Prayer Chain contact: ZZ Mylar at [email protected] Ranita Adams Virginia Alvarado Norma Araiza Patricia Beghetti Mike Bordovsky Douglas Boubel Bill Boyle Bernice Burrage Peggy Camp Diana Carlee Dora Cavazos Ramiro Cavazos Heather Cheshier John E. Clifford Betty Jane Choffel Merle Choffel Meredith Clarke Jose Cortes Jack Copeland Msgr. Pat Cronin Benny DeLeon Mike De Leon Berenice Diaz Savas Encina Dick Errhalt Margarita Esparsa Juanita Ferraro Bernice Friesenhahn Alfredo Galindo Patricia C. Galindo Judy Garcia Sharon M. Garcia Carmel Gatt Mary Giniewski Cathy Goin Jacob Goldsmith Amanda Gonzales John Gonzales Lupita Gonzalez Richard Gould Carlos Guevara, Sr. Carly Guidotti Caleb Hesita Jacob Hesita Harlan Hinkle Margie Kiolbassa Bonita Langley Janet Langley Mark Langley Joseph Latronico Kevin Lewis Deacon Guy LoTurco Patricia Matteson Elizabeth Martinez Francisco Martinez Fernando Monroy Joe A. Montoya Josie Moreno Larry Nolte Jose Nuncio Mary Palma Eleanor Palmer Paul Paniszczyn Tuyet Pham Hattie Mary Rachal Macey Rakowitz Mary Rangel Olivia Michelle Ramirez Shannon Riley Antonio Quinones, Jr. Tony Resendez Rick Roberts Hector Rodriguez David Ross Eugene Ruiz Melinda Saenz Ivanna Salas Jose Antonio Salas Michelle Sanchez John Edward Smith Krista Soria David Stolo Nick Stolo, Jr. Peter Suess Martha Sweeney Helen Swete Maddox Steele John Theall Sylvia Theall Nancy Torries Janet Treemarcki Michael Trevino Dan Villanueva Daniela Villanueva Tomas Andres Villegas Kelly Waite Darnell Waun Mary Elizabeth Williams Dustin Wintrow Msgr. Mike Yarbrough Carrie Zyskowsky Joe Zyskowsky If you would like your loved ones name on the prayer list please contact our Parish Secretary: Gloria Barretto at the parish office 497-4200 or email [email protected] Our parishioners serving overseas: Pray for their safe return. Frank Czerniakowski, Kevin Semrlrath, Eric Hohman William McCary & Brant Walz THIS WEEK’S EVENTS at HOLY TRINITY K of C TACO SUNDAY / CDA BAKE SALE 9:30AM-11:00AM High School Confirmation/FFC 11:00AM Spanish Choir Practice/FFC After 5:30PM Mass LIFETEEN 9:00AM-12:00PM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament/Chapel Monday 9:15AM Divine Mercy Cenacle/BH Feb. 29 Rosary/Church After 12:05 Mass 4:30PM & 6:30PM Elementary Faith Formation/FFC Adult Bible Study—Galatians /FFC 6:30PM English Men’s ACTS Team Mtg./BH 6:45PM EDGE/BH 7:00PM-8:30PM AA Meeting/BH 7:00PM Spanish Prayer and Worship Workshop/BH 7:00PM Spanish Bible Study/FFC Tuesday 9:00AM Apostleship of the Cross/BH March 1 9:15AM & 11:30 Bridges Beyond Grief/BH 10:00AM Rosary/Chapel 1:00PM-1:30PM Prayer Shawl Ministry/BH 1:00PM Elementary Faith Formation/FFC 4:30PM Girl Scout Troop 566 Mtg./FFC 6:00PM Boy Scout Troop 501 Mtg./FFC 6:00PM Lifeteen Core Mtg./FFC 6:30PM CDA Committee Mtg./BH 6:30PM Our Lady Rosary Ministry/BH 6:30PM Divine Mercy Cenacle/BH 7:00PM Knight of Columbus General Mtg./BH 7:00PM Rosary Bilingual/Chapel Wednesday 9:00AM March 2 9:00AM-12:00PM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament/Chapel New Evangelization-Dr. Antonio Ramirez/BH 9:00AM Adult Bible Study—Galatians /FFC 9:15AM Staff Meeting/BH 10:00AM Adult Bible Study—Isaiah/FFC 1:00PM-3:00PM Elementary Faith Formation/FFC 4:30PM English Women’s ACTS team/FFC 6:30PM High School Confirmation/FFC 7:00PM-8:30PM RCIA - Adults/Angel Room in the Church 7:00PM Cenaculo de la Divina Misericordia/BH 7:00PM Time Line Dancers/FFC Thursday 9:30PM Rosary in the Church March 3 1:00PM New Evangelization-Dr. Antonio Ramirez/BH 6:30PM 7:00PM Stephen Ministry Supervision Mtg./FFC 7:00PM Divorced and Separated Ministry/FFC 7:00PM Men’s Regnum Christi/FFC 7:00PM Spanish Youth Bible Study/FFC 9:00AM Cenaculo de la Divina Misericordia/BH Friday After 8:30 Mass Rosary Bilingual/Church March 4 9:30AM Mothering With Grace/FFC 5:00PM Knights of Columbus Fish Fry/BH 7:00PM Stations of the Cross/Church 7:00PM-8:30PM Retiro de Evangelizacion-El KERYGMA/BH 7:00PM Covenant of Love/FFC 7:00PM Comunidad de Matrimonios/FFC That Man Is You/FFC Saturday 6:15AM 9:00AM Spanish Men’s ACTS Reunion/FFC March 5 9:00AM-5:00PM Retiro de Evangelizacion-El KERYGMA/BH 3:00PM Confessions 5:00PM Vigil Mass Sunday Feb. 28 Readings for the Week of February 28, 2016 Ex 17:3-7/Ps 95:1-2, 6-9/Rom 5:1-2, 5-8 Jn 4:5-42 or 4:5-15, 19b-26, 39a, 40-42 Monday: 2 Kgs 5:1-15ab/Ps 42:2-3; 43:3-4/Lk 4:24-30 Tuesday: Dn 3:25, 34-43/Ps 25:4-9/Mt 18:21-35 Wednesday: Dt 4:1, 5-9/Ps 147:12-13, 15-16, 19-20/Mt 5:17-19 Thursday: Jer 7:23-28/Ps 95:1-2, 6-9/Lk 11:14-23 Friday: Hos 14:2-10/Ps 81:6-11, 14, 17/Mk 12:28-34 Saturday: Hos 6:1-6/Ps 51:3-4, 18-21/Lk 18:9-14 Next Sunday: 1 Sm 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a/Ps 23:1-6/Eph 5:8-14/ Jn 9:1-41 or 9:1, 6-9, 13-17, 34-38 There will be no Altar Flower-intentions during Lent Contact: Desma Delgado to reserve your future date 497-4200 or [email protected] 2016 MASS INTENTIONS Consider having a Mass said for a birthday, graduation, anniversary, special event, or a memorial for someone special. Please come by the church office during regular business hours to reserved your date and time for a Mass intention. Eucharistic Adoration Invitation Is the Holy Spirit calling you to a deeper relationship with the Lord through Eucharistic Adoration during Lent? Currently, we were in need of adorers to cover a few particular hours. Our hours of greatest need are: Fridays from 6 - 7 PM., 7 - 8 PM., 8-9 p.m., 9 - 10 PM and 10 - 11 PM and 11p.m.-midnight If you are interested in either becoming a committed weekly adorer for any of the above times Please call for more information : Robert & Belinda Galvan: 210-849-1430. [email protected] We have many different ministries here at Holy Trinity. We would like to feature a different Ministry each month. We will pray for the efforts and support of these ministries in the chapel during adoration hours. For the month of February we pray this month of St. Valentine for our couples ministries Comunidad de Matrimonios ~ Covenant of Love Teams of Our Lady ~ Christ Centered Marriage Ministry Sunday: BAPTISM CLASS AT HOLY TRINITY Parents and Parents-to-be: If you are not registered, please do so prior to the class. The Baptism Class is offered to registered members of Holy Trinity. Our next class will be on Monday, February 29, 2016 At 7:00PM in the Church Please call the parish office at 497-4200 to sign up. PASTOR’S MESSAGE In this Lenten season, we are invited to reexamine our lives by the Gospel message. We are to see where we fall short of the mark in living out our discipleship in Jesus. A simplistic definition of sin is similar. Sin can be described as “Missing the mark”. Bishop Michael Pfeiffer, bishop emeritus of the Diocese of San Angelo, describes sin in this manner: “Sin is more than just breaking the rules. Sin is failure to grow. Sin is the failure to respond to the love God has shown us in Christ Jesus”. How many of us listen to what others have ascribed as who we are – and believe them? Or have we limited our self-understanding and growth because of not seeing more of who we are and can be? This could be due to not wanting to grow or fear of failure in becoming more tomorrow than what we are today. One would think that people would want to put their very best foot forward when assessing themselves. For example, here are some typo’s submitted in resumes. What kind of picture would you have of the writer of these? According to the firm Accountemps, here are some real-life excerpts from real people's resumes: "Dear sir: I am a rabid typist." … "I'm a quick leaner." …"I seek challenges that test my mind and body because the two are usually inseparable." … “Here are my qualifications for you to overlook." and finally, "Hope to hear from you shorty." What areas of growth have you abandoned or cut short? Again, sometimes the opinions of others influence us unduly. If we only listen to these comments – and not our own or that of our God – we would have lost out on some wonderful experiences. For example: Enrico Caruso was told by one music teacher, "You can't sing. You have no voice at all." Yet he became of the best-loved singers of his time. Beethoven's music teacher said about him, "As a composer he is hopeless." An editor told Louisa May Alcott that she was incapable of writing anything that would have popular appeal. That, of course, was before Little Women. Walt Disney was once fired by a newspaper editor because he was thought to have no "good ideas." Tell that to the millions of people thrilled by Walt's movies. And finally, when F. W. Woolworth was 21, he got a job in a store, but was not allowed to wait on customers because he "didn't have enough sense." …Look at yourself anew during this season of Lent. What new discoveries will you find? How can you become a better Catholic Christian? What are you missing or overlooking about yourself? These can be challenging questions. But the answers can reveal a new and exciting path to life again. MSGR. MIKE’S SCHEDULE Feb 27 – Baptism: Veronica Nicole Finnie, 12:30PM, St. Matthew Penance, 3-4:30PM, HT Liturgy, 5:00PM, Church Feb 28 – Liturgy, 9:30AM & 11:15AM Feb 29 – Liturgy, 12:05PM Mar 01 – Liturgy, 6:30AM Penitential Service, Holy Spirit, 10AM Penitential Service, Holy Spirit, 7PM KC Meeting, 7-9PM, Banquet Hall Mar 02 – Staff Meeting, 10-12Noon, KC Room Liturgy, 12:05PM Penitential Service, 7PM, St. Helena’s Mar 04 – Liturgy, 12:05PM 24 Hours for the Lord, Penance, 6-7PM Mar 05 – Slow Motion Mass, 9-10:30AM, Church, Faith Formation 24 Hours for the Lord, Penance, 1-3PM Mar 06 – Liturgy, 8AM, 1PM and 5:30PM Mar 07 – Liturgy, 8:30AM Presbyteral Council, 10-12Noon, Pastoral Center Parish Pastoral Council, 7-8:30PM, Conference Room Mar 08 – Liturgy, 6:30AM Dentist Appointment, 10AM Mar 09 – Liturgy, 8:30AM Penance Service, St. Mark’s, 7PM Mar 11 – Liturgy, 8:30AM Wedding Rehearsal: Venegas-DeLeon, 5PM, Church Wedding Rehearsal: Edwards-Owen Mar 12 – Baptism: Tennyson James, Haak, 10AM, HT Wedding; Jacob Venega – Jennifer De Leon, 2PM, HT Penance, 3-4:30PM, Church Liturgy, 5PM, Church Wedding: Joseph Edwards and Jacqueline Owen,7PM Mar 13 – Liturgy, 9:30AM & 11:15AM Msgr. Mike SCRUTINY The word scrutiny comes from both the French and the Late Latin. Its original meaning was “those who search through piles of rubbish in the hope of finding something of”. It also accented the Latin word, scruta” which means “broken things, rags, or rubbish.” The modern English “scrutiny” is derived from this root, indicating a careful examination or inquiry. It often implies the search for a hidden mistake, misstatement, or incongruity. The word is specifically applied in our Roman Catholic Church to the examination of the catechumens or those under instruction in the faith. They are taught the creed and the Lord’s Prayer, examined therin, and exorcized prior to baptism. The days of scrutiny varied at different periods from three to seven. From about the end of the 12th century, when it became usual to baptize infants soon after their birth instead of at stated times (Easter and Pentecost), the ceremony of scrutiny was incorporated, with that of the actual baptism. Currently, there are three moments for the scrutinies to occur: the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Sundays of Lent. These are done in public in front of the entire congregation, and the candidates are dismissed before the Prayer of the Faithful. Only under grave circumstances can the scrutinies be dispensed, and only then by the local ordinary, who can dispense only two at most. The scrutinies are fully intended for the catechumens, that is, those who are to receive Baptism, Communion, and Confirmation. So, for the upcoming 3rd, 4th, and 5th Sundays of Lent, we will be sharing that ritual with our RCIA Elect at the 9:30AM Liturgy, dismissing them at the time indicated above. 2016 ARCHBISHOP’S APPEAL GOALS 2016 ARCHBISHOP’S APPEAL The following are the North Central Urban Deanery goals for the 2016 Archbishop’s Appeal. CHURCH GOAL _ Church of the Holy Spirit $135,438 Holy Trinity $220,367 Our Lady of Perpetual Help (Selma) $143,445 St. Helena $ 63,484 St. Joseph (Honey Creek) $103,757 St. Mark the Evangelist $195,616 St. Padre Pio $ 53,333 We would like to thank all of our parishioners who joined together in pledging their gift to the 2016 Archbishop’s Appeal. If you have not make your commitment, today would be a convenient opportunity to do so. Pledge cards, envelopes and pencils are available in the vestibule of the Church. Once completed, kindly place your pledge card in the offertory. Every gift is very important. Thank you for your generosity. For more information on the ministries funded by the appeal visit. www.archsa.org/archbishopsappeal Holy Trinity Altar Guild Needs More Handmaids of the Lord Bless you all! We have had numerous compliments about the church and Blessed Sacrament chapel decorations. Also many about the beauty and cleanliness of the Altar linens. Keep up the great work. Taking the extra time to remove stains and ironing the Altar corporals and purificators are appreciated by the entire congregation. Please start asking your friends of the Church and others in your ministry about considering joining the Altar Guild. We need only three more volunteers to have five members per team! I know a lot of you are in other ministries, please start looking at additions to our Guild. Muchisimas gracias a todos los feligreses que ya hicieron su donacion a la Campana del Arzobispo 2016. Si todavia no ha hecho un compromiso de donacion, hoy puede ser un buen momento para hacerlo. Hay sobres de compromismo y lapices disponibles en el vestibulo de la iglesia. Cuando terminen de llenar el sobre, por favor, ponganlo en la canasta de ofertorio. Todas las donaciones son muy importantes. Gracias por su generosidad. Para mas informacion visite el sitio en interent de la campana en www.archsa.org/archbishops-appeal. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is an Evangelization ministry that welcomes and prepares adults to receive the sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation) at the Easter Vigil. Informational sessions about the RCIA process will be held on Thursday, March 10 and Tuesday March 15 & 29. I am in the process of setting up a meeting so that everyone can meet their team mates and build a bit of socializing. Eva Caldarola has offered the club house at Independence Hill and she will let me know when we have a date. The same material will be discussed at each session, therefore it is necessary to attend only one information session. Meetings will be from 7 - 8 PM in the Angel Room of the Church building. Interested individuals should attend. Weekly meetings will begin on April 12. I am also working with my nephew to combine the two videos on YouTube into one video. He has a bachelors degree in communication arts and I hope to have the finished product before May! Believe me, you will be the first to view it! Participants starting now will begin a year-long faith enrichment process and will receive the sacraments of initiation next year at the Easter Vigil, April 15, 2017. Please remember that we work for the Lord and are his helping hands on earth. Our true vision sees us as being the handmaids that make the sanctity of each and every mass pleasing in His eyes. You are appreciated. Sincerely, Susan Kent Altar Guild Coordinator Our Altar Guild coordinator will instruct and answer any questions you may have. Contact Susan Kent at 210-748-0200 or email her at [email protected]. Catholics who have receive all their sacraments but are interested in learning more about their faith are also invited to attend. It is not necessary to pre-register for the informational meetings. Please note: Teenagers who need to receive the Sacraments of Initiation may join the adult group if they wish. RICA for children and teens will begin in the fall with the new school year. There will be no new fall session for adults! 2016 Lenten season Join us for Communion Service During The Lent Season 6:30AM Monday, Wednesday & Friday Lenten Penitenal Services &ŽƌƚŚĞEŽƌƚŚĞŶƚƌĂůhƌďĂŶĚĞĂŶĞƌLJ ,ŽůLJ^Ɖŝƌŝƚ dƵĞƐĚĂLJ͕DĂƌĐŚϭƐƚ͕ΛϭϬ͗ϬϬDĂŶĚϳ͗ϬϬWD ^ƚ͘,ĞůĞŶĂ tĞĚŶĞƐĚĂLJ͕DĂƌĐŚϮŶĚΛϳ͗ϬϬWD KƵƌ>ĂĚLJŽĨWĞƌƉĞƚƵĂů,ĞůƉ tĞĚŶĞƐĚĂLJ͕DĂƌĐŚϵƚŚΛϵ͗ϯϬD DŽŶĚĂLJ͕DĂƌĐŚϭϰƚŚΛϳ͗ϬϬWD ^ƚ͘DĂƌŬ tĞĚŶĞƐĚĂLJ͕DĂƌĐŚϵƚŚΛϳ͗ϬϬWD ^ĂƚƵƌĚĂLJ͕DĂƌĐŚϭϮƚŚΛϵ͗ϬϬWD ^ƚ͘WĂĚƌĞWŝŽ dƵĞƐĚĂLJ͕DĂƌĐŚϭϱƚŚΛϳ͗ϬϬWD STATIONS OF THE CROSS FRIDAY’S DURING LENT 7:00PM IN THE CHURCH FISH FRY Sponsored by The Knights of Columbus Friday, MARCH 4 & Friday, MARCH 11 5:00PM-8:00PM In the Banquet Hall $8 per plate (adults) $5 per plate (kids) Save The Date! Friday, March 11, 2016 40 Days for Life Holy Trinity Knights of Columbus invite you to help us pray for life in San Antonio. We will peacefully pray in front of the Planned Parenthood facility located at 2140 Babcock. 78229. Our hours we are needing to fill are from 7am to 7pm on Friday , March 11th. Please pick an hour and plan to come pray for the men, women, and unborn who are affected by this. To schedule an hour and for information Contact Brett Wahl at (210) 393-2123 or email at [email protected] For more information: www.Sacfl.org Extraordinary year of mercy HOLY DOORS HOLY THURSDAY, March 24 7:00PM - Msgr. Mike & Fr. Oscar GOOD FRIDAY, March 25 - Offices Closed 12:00PM Youth Drama - Stations of the Cross 2:00PM - Divine Mercy Prayer 3:00PM - Msgr. Mike 7:00PM - Bilingual - Fr. Oscar The Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy proclaimed by Pope Francis began with great festivity on Dec. 8, 2015 with the opening of the Holy Door at the Cathedral of San Fernando and the subsequent opening of Holy Doors at 15 additional parishes throughout the Archdiocese. Please consider making a devotional pilgrimage to one of these Holy Doors. For the complete list, please visit www.archsa.org/jubilee and click on Listing of Parishes with Holy Doors from the left-hand menu. The Holy Doors will remain open during the following hours Sunday, Tuesday & Thursday 6:00AM ~ 8:00PM Monday, Wednesday & Friday ~ 8:00AM ~ 8:00PM Saturday ~ 9:00AM ~ 8:00PM EASTER VIGIL, March 26 24 HOURS FOR THE LORD 8:30PM - Msgr. Mike & Fr. Oscar This is to take place on the Friday and Saturday preceding the Fourth Sunday of Lent. The Parish of Holy Trinity will be celebrating the “24 Hours for the Lord” in two ways. 1. Extended Eucharistic Adoration beginning after the 8:30AM Mass on Friday, March 4th until Saturday, March 5th, concluding at 4:30PM. This takes place in the chapel. 2. 24 hours available for the Sacrament of Penance; Friday, March 4th, beginning at 4:30PM all the way through to Saturday, March 5th, concluding at 4:30PM. Below is the list of the priests who will be available Holy Trinity is the host parish in the North Central Deanery for this because we have been designated with a Holy Door for the Year of Mercy. EASTER SUNDAY, March 27 Regular Sunday Mass Schedule Friday - Saturday, March 4 - 5 "24 Hours for the Lord" All designated Jubilee Parishes (those with Holy Doors) will host Eucharistic Adoration and the Sacrament of Reconciliation for a continuous 24hr. period. Please go to www.archsa.org/jubilee or call 210-734-5138 for the exact schedule in each jubilee parish. Don't miss this opportunity to participate in this special archdiocesan-wide event. The Lord never tires of extending his mercy it is we who too often neglect to ask for it. viernes - sábado, Marzo 4 - 5 "24 horas para que el Señor" todas las parroquias con puertas santas ofrecerán Adoración Eucarística y el Sacramento de la Reconciliación durante un período continuo de 24 horas. Por favor vaya a www.archsa.org/jubilee o llame al 210-734-5138 para el horario exacto en cada parroquia de Jubileo. No pierda esta oportunidad de participar en este evento especial por toda la Arquidiócesis. El Señor no se cansa de extender su misericordia nosotros somos los que no lo pedimos Sunday, April 3, Divine Mercy Sunday During this Jubilee of Mercy, consider praying the Divine Mercy Novena that begins on Good Friday, March 25, and culminates on Divine Mercy Sunday, the Second Sunday of Easter. Novena prayers, information on St. Faustina Kowalska and other resources are available at www.thedivinemercy.org. FRIDAY, MARCH 4 4:30-5PM Fr. Pancho Puente - Sp 5-6PM Fr. Pancho Puente - Sp 6-7PM Msgr. Mike Yarbrough 7-8PM Fr. Oscar Tello-Curiel - Sp 8-9PM Msgr. Pat Ragsdale 9-10PM Msgr. Pat Ragsdale 10-11PM TBA - Sp 11PM-Midnight - TBA - Sp SATURDAY, MARCH 5 12AM-1AM Fr. Eric Ritter 1-2AM Fr. Eric Ritter 2-3A M Fr. Carlos Velázquez - Sp 3-4AM Fr. Carlos Velázquez - Sp 4-5AM Fr. Prathap Tumma 5-6AM Fr. Prathap Tumma 6-7AM Msgr. Kevin Ryan 7-8AM Msgr. Kevin Ryan 8-9AM Msgr. Kevin Ryan 9-10AM Msgr. Doug Fater 10-11AM Msgr. Pat Ragsdale 11AM-Noon Msgr. Pat Ragsdale 12-1PM Fr. Oscar Tello-Curiel - Sp 1-2PM Msgr. Mike Yarbrough 2-3PM Msgr. Mike Yarbrough 3-4:30PM Fr. Oscar Tello-Curiel - Sp Holy Trinity Mission Statement The mission statement is: We at Holy Trinity Catholic Church seek to live out the message and mission of Jesus Christ as a community of worship, shared faith, and service, where we believe and belong and share the gifts and talents received from God through the Holy Spirit. Nosotros, en la Iglesia Católica Holy Trinity buscamos vivir el mensaje y la misión de Jesucristo como una comunidad de adoración, fe compartida y servicio, donde creemos y pertenecemos y compartimos los dones y talentos recibidos de Dios a través del Espíritu Santo. Please provide any feedback you may have to the PPC chair, Will Person at [email protected] Are you looking to become involved in the Parish? Serve Our Lord Serve Your Parish Are you looking for a way to become involved? Do you feel a calling? Do you have a special talent you would like to share with the Parish? Have you been involved in a ministry at a previous parish? We are seeking interested individuals who would like to share their time and talent with the various ministries and groups we have here at Holy Trinity. Please contact anyone of our Ministry or group leaders for more information. HOLY TRINITY MINISTRIES & GROUPS LITURGICAL MINISTRY Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Greeters & Altar Servers - Lucy Tavira, 244-3743 ACTS - Jennifer Bishop, 481-6760 Adult Faith Formation Desma Delgado, 497-4200 ext.315 Alcohol & Drug Dependence John Welsh, 687-9019 Altar Guild, Susan Kent, 748-0200 Alzheimer's Ministry Pat Waisley, 497-7254 Carol Short, 497-4639 Bridges Beyond Grief Emily Baril, 497-8166 Bunco, Ruth Jones, 724-3457 Christ Centered Marriage Ministry Cindy & Michael Gonzalez at (210) 497-0917 Christian Assistance Ministry Rita Farmer, 378-5426 Please contact: Antonio Ramirez, PhD or Berenice Diaz at 210-497-4200 ext. 313 Servicios Profesionales de Terapia Disponible aquí en Holy Trinity Para personas, parejas y familias Por favor póngase en contacto con: Antonio Ramirez, PhD o Berenice Diaz 210-497-4200 ext. 313 Pastoral Council Will Person, 317-5288 Prayer Shawls Carol Short, 497-4639 Safe Environment John Kiernan, 836-8966 Scouts, Kevin Pfahning, 287-0699 Social Concerns Committee Rolland Cole, 316-8039 Spiritual Direction Mary Wilder, 213-9920 St. Timothy - Sister Parish Bob Lorenz, 316-5090 or work: 494-1375 Cancer Support Group James Ermis, 616-1129 Stephen Ministry Pam Hughes, 394-5723 Denise Kirmse, 210 497-2187 Catholic Daughters of The Americas Lina Ramirez, 643-2805 Teams of Our Lady Ronnie & Mary Montemayor, 497-5789 Covenant of Love Tony & Lucy Miller, 842-8896 That Man Is You Joe Kuntz, 781-1637 Divine Mercy Cenacle English - Kerry Johnston, 287-8939 Ed Kowalsky, 452-3837 Spanish-listed under Spanish Ministries Young Adult Community Eric Mejia, 497-4145 Divorced and Separated David - 473-1841 Mary, 473-9608 Dan, 497-1704 ENDOW Christina Orsborn, 422-2530 Emily Schuelke, 551-8836 Eucharistic Adoration Robert & Belinda Galvan, 849-1430 Forever Young Seniors Lina Ramirez, 481-3294 Professional Counseling Services Available here at Holy Trinity For individuals, couples and families Parish Prayer Chain E-mail: [email protected] Habitat for Humanity Jack Wilder, 275-2587 Hospital Ministry Goldie LoTurco, 497-2363 Patricia Matteson, 408-6387 Knights of Columbus John Ly, 878-9172 4th Degree Knights, Tom Trbovich, 497-3482 Meals on Wheels - Christian Senior Service Mike Clary, 497-7929 Mothering with Grace Emily Schuelke and Bridie Chaudoir [email protected] Nursing Home & Homebound Ministry David Porter, 494-5410 or 452-2350 Carol Rickhoff, 497-4400 or 884-2400 Our Lady’s Rosary Ministry Ana Flores, [email protected] Spanish Ministries / Ministerios en Espanol Coordinador Luis F. Jimenez, 296-6815 Ministros de Eucarastia Martha Rodriguez, 912-7344 Lectores Alejandra Perales, 415-2284 Musica Rafael Moras, 431-2017 Los Niños de Valor Alejandro Cantu Huerta, 347 6600 Ujieres Gerardo Barona, 262-2227 Cenaculo Divina Misericordia Ivonne G. Martínez , 606-0649 (AM) Marichuy Garcíamoreno , 803-2608 (AM) Ernesto Brux, 843-730-3134 (PM) Adrian Guerrero, 702-8655 (PM) Estudio de Biblia En Espanol Estelita Stevens, 286-1481 Comunidad de Matrimonios Roberto & Elizabeth Chinea, 274-5290 Apostolado de La Cruz Estela Andonie, 838-8768 Regnum Christi Men Hector Islas, 909-8083 Regnum Christi Women Cata Villarreal, 501-2873 Grupo de Jovenes Martha Rodriguez, 912-7344 THE DIVINE MERCY Weekly Message Today Jesus said to me, I desire that you know more profoundly the love that burns in My Heart for souls, and you will understand this when you meditate upon My Passion. Call upon My mercy on behalf of sinners; I desire their (93) salvation. When you say this prayer, with a contrite heart and with faith on behalf of some sinner, I will give him the grace of conversion. This is the prayer: “O Blood and Water, which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a fount of Mercy for us, I trust in You.” Mensaje semanal De La DIVINA MISERICORDIA Hoy, Jesús me dijo: Deseo que conozcas mas profundamente el amor que arde en Mi Corazón por las almas y tu comprenderás esto cuando medites Mi Pasión. Apela a Mi misericordia para los pecadores, deseo su (93) salvación. Cuando reces esta oración con corazón contrito y con fe por algún pecador, le concederé la gracia de la conversión. Esta oración es la siguiente: Oh Sangre y Agua que brotaste del Corazón de Jesús como una Fuente de Misericordia para nosotros, en Ti confío. Source: The Diary of St. Faustina, Divine Mercy in My Soul, paragraph 186-187. For further information call Frank Salinas (210-415-9061) or Ed Kowalsky (210-452-3837) Divine Mercy Cenacles available in English on Monday - 9:15AM and Tuesday - 7:00PM and en Español - Wednesday - 7:00PM and Friday - 9:30AM Sometimes It’s Hard to Ask for Help We’re brought up to be strong, selfsufficient, independent people. We tend to think that if we ask for help, it is a sign of weakness. So we try to keep our struggles hidden, stuffed deep inside. However, that’s not God’s plan. Galatians 6:2 says, “Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” God wants us to care for others, to show his mercy to one another and to allow others to care for us in our time of need. If you’re sad or struggling inside, don’t suffer alone. Ask for help. We’ve got a team of Stephen Ministers who are ready to listen, care, encourage, pray, and help you through a tough time. Women minister to women and men minister to men. Your Stephen Minister is going to respect you. He is not going to tell you what to do; he’s not going to judge you. He is there to listen, to walk alongside, to help you talk things out and work things through. And it’s totally confidential. No one will even know you have a Stephen Minister, and your Stephen Minister won’t share anything you say. And remember, it’s not just the two of you in that caring relationship, our Lord is there too, and that’s where the healing comes in. It is God who will help you take hold of what’s buried deep inside and bring it out and turn it over to Him to provide the cure. In this Holy Year of Mercy, if you or someone you know is in need of seeing God's mercy in action, talk with one of our Stephen Leaders: Denise Kirmse 497-2187 or Pam Hughes, 394-5723 or email Pam at [email protected]. Our Stephen Ministers are there to care! Holy Trinity Our Lady's Rosary Ministry Holy Trinity has a Rosary devoted to Our Lady, and all are welcome to join: We speak and pray a universal language of love for Our Blessed Mother! Training is provided and rosary making supplies are provided for you to take home and make rosaries at your own time at your own pace. Workshops are held the First Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM - 8:30PM 3rd Tuesday of each month at 11:00 AM - 1:00PM Both times in the Children's Room in the Banquet Hall Come and join us, we pray and make a very powerful and Beautiful tool... A Rosary If you would like more information please call Ana Flores 210-307-6083 or [email protected] Holy Trinity Prayer Shawl Ministry We will meet March 1st at 1:00 PM in the Family Room of the Banquet Hall. We welcome anyone who would like to renew their knitting or crocheting skills with our support and encouragement. Those who have thought they might like to learn are also welcome. This is a wonderful way to show God’s love and healing powers and meet some other wonderful people in this ministry. If you would like more information please call Carol Short at 210-497-4639. INDEPENDENCE HILL COMMUNITIES WILL BE HOSTING THE SENIORS OF HOLY TRINITY PARISH AND FOREVER YOUNG SENIORS FOR A TOUR OF THEIR FACILITIES AND FOR LUNCH AFTER THE TOUR MARCH 17TH. PLEASE MEET IN THE PARKING AREA NEAR THE BANQUET HALL AT 10:30 AM AND CARPOOL TO INDEPENDENCE HILL. PLEASE CALL MARY PEARSON AT 210-545-3176 TO RSVP. RESERVATIONS ARE A MUST. Join us for our next Catholic Daughters of the Americas meeting Thursday, MARCH 31, 2016 6:30PM ~ Spiritual Activity 7:30PM ~ Court Meeting CDA Mission Statement Catholic Daughters of the Americas strive to embrace the principal of faith working through love in the promotion of justice, equality, and the advancement of human rights and human dignity for all. Formed in 1903, the Catholic Daughters of the Americas® is one of the Oldest and Largest organizations of Catholic Women in the Americas. Under the patronage of the Blessed Mother, the Catholic Daughters of the Americas are united by their faith in Jesus Christ, in their devotion to the church and the Holy See. TICKETS GO ON SALE THIS WEEKEND Who are the Catholic Daughters? The Catholic Daughters of the Americas is one of the oldest and largest organizations of Catholic women in the Americas. They donate to charities, administer and strive “to be the helping hands where there is pain, poverty, sorrow or sickness.” The CDA motto is “Unity & Charity.” Catholic Daughter women enjoy each other’s company at meetings and work hard for their parishes and communities. Deeply spiritual, together they share faith, love of God and a distinctly feminine spirituality alluded to by Pope John Paul II when he spoke of the necessity of “feminine genius” in today’s world. This includes concerns of today’s church and society as well as issues that affect the well-being of women and children. 2014-2016 Our Lady of the Holy Trinity Court #2661 Officers Lina Ramirez, Regent Rita McSorley, Vice Regent Olga Muller Gonzales, Recording Secretary Sonia Morton, Financial Secretary Barbara Nasis, Treasurer For more information, visit Catholic Daughters of the Americas www.catholic daughters.org Court Our Lady of the Holy Trinity #2661 QUESTION OF THE WEEK Each week we offer a question for further reflection by our parishioners. The encouragement is for everyone to ponder that question or to dialogue in your family prayer time, over the particular question. Begin with prayer and then have someone pose the question. Listen with respect to those who respond and close with another short prayer, perhaps the Lord’s Prayer. This week’s question is: Throughout our lives we are faced with situations like the man with the fig tree. When were you recently faced with a challenging situation that required your patience and nurturing? How did your faith see you through? A lo largo de nuestras vidas nos enfrentamos con situaciones parecidas a la del hombre del higuero. ¿Cuándo fuiste recientemente enfrentado con una situación retadora que requiría de tu paciencia? ¿Cómo te ayudó tu fe a pasar por esta situación? Women's ACTS Retreat March 31st - April 3rd Because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ; It is by grace you have been saved; It is the gift of God. Ephesians 2:4-5,8 The 2016 Holy Trinity Women's ACTS Retreat will be held March 31st - April 3rd. Registration will be open to parishioners Feb 6th and non-parishioners will be considered if space is available starting March 10th. Registration forms will be available in the parish office and on the parish website. A $25 non-refundable deposit, which will be applied to the $175 retreat fee, is required at the time of registration. For any questions, please contact: Marge Kiolbassa at (210) 508-4757 Email: [email protected] OR Elsa Wenzel at (210) 478-6872 Email: [email protected] HOLY TRINITY FAMILY GOLF DAY SUNDAY, APRIL 17, 2016 CANYON SPRINGS GOLF COURSE THIS FAMILY EVENT IS OPEN TO ALL HOLY TRINITY PARISHIONERS, SPONSORS, AND GUESTS Taco Sunday TODAY After all Sunday Morning Mass Including after Spanish Mass Joined by the Catholic Daughters of the Americas bake sale THE COST IS $85.00/PP AND INCLUDES GREEN FEES, CART, RANGE BALLS, PRIZES AND A FAJITA BUFFET DINNER FOLLOWING THE GOLF TOURNAMENT FORMAT: 4-PERSON SCRAMBLE - 1 PM START REGISTRATION AT 11:30 NON-GOLFING SPOUSES/GUESTS ARE INVITED TO JOIN US FOR THE FAJITA BUFFET DINNER AT $25.00 PER PERSON THE CUT-OFF DATE FOR SIGN-UP AND PAYMENT IS APRIL 10, 2016 KNIGHT OF COLUMBUS REPRESENTATIVES WILL BE AVAILABLE OUTSIDE OF CHURCH TO SIGN UP AT ALL MASSES ON MARCH 12, 13, 19 & 20 AND APRIL 2, 3, 9 & 10. ALSO, GOLF HOLE SPONSORSHIPS AND PRIZE DONATIONS ARE GREATLY APPRECIATED DIRECT QUESTIONS TO: DAN GRUNDHOEFER 210-370-3266 J. R. REED 571-502-8895 THANKS FOR SUPPORTING THE GOLF TOURNAMENT AND THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS SELECTED CHARITIES SAVE THE DATE ~ SAVE A LIFE Sunday, March 20 That Man is You! The Young Adult Community Who are we? Y.A.C. is a ministry made up of Catholic Young Adults in their 20s and 30s from Holy Trinity, St. Mark, & St. Padre Pio. The Young Adult Community seeks to deepen our relationship with Christ and His Church by providing opportunities for fellowship, spiritual development, and service. Join us for our Next Meeting: Sunday, March 13th Ministry Contact Information Coordinator: Eric Mejia Phone: 210-497-4145 ext. 334 Email: [email protected] Website: www.holytrinitysat.org/yac or Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/yacsa All married and engaged couples are invited To our next gathering on Friday, March 4, 2016 at 7pm- 9 pm Holy Trinity Catholic Church Room: Gathering Area in Faith Formation Building Refreshments will be served. Childcare available contact Barbara at [email protected] Covenant of Love “Date Nights” is a ministry provided to the couples of our parish to help enrich and support Catholic marriages. Attendees will discover God’s plan for marriage, as well as gain practical tools to build a stronger and more joy-filled marriage. We are starting up the spring session on Saturday January 16th, 2016 at 6:15 am The program has all new material for this session and is a great way for men to act on their New Year's resolution to grow in their faith this year! All men 18 and over are invited. Saturdays 6:15 to 8:00 am Tyler Peltier Gathering Area in the Faith Formation Building (Tacos, coffee and juice provided) For more information, contact: Joe Kuntz at [email protected]/210-781-1637 Or Rick Riney at [email protected] Cancer Support Group Next meeting is Thursday evening, February 25, 2016 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Faith Formation Building, 2nd floor conference room. Please come, we're here to listen. Your first time? You will not be alone. People who believe and belong The Kingdom of God is where you are. Having trouble saying the word cancer? We have all been there. Looking for support? This is it. What can go wrong? Nothing. Prayers? Endless - just for you. Patient? Caregiver? Family or friend? Meet caring supporters - here to help. Witness courage, faith, understanding Experience what support really means And, be glad that you came No reservation needed - just come FREE PARKING The Holy Trinity Cancer Support Group is listed on the American Cancer Society's website (acs.com. See Connections page). The parish webmaster transfers our Impressions articles to the parish webpage for your review. See bulletins for the following month's meeting time. For questions, info, contact Jim or Jan Ermis, email - [email protected], or phone, Home: 497-8613, cell: 616-1129. God bless! Enjoy Your Marriage Workshop With Greg & Julie Alexander From EWTN’s “Marriage Works in Christ” and Authors of the best-selling book “MARRIAGE 911” Greg & Julie Alexander, through, the Enjoy Your Marriage Workshop will inspire couples to initiate positive change in their marriage/relationship. Couples will learn: How to improve communication, cherish the marriage God intended for you, experience the healing power of forgiveness and explore the role of service and prayer in your marriage. You will leave with a renewed sense of hope, inspiration and encouragement! April 23, 2016 at 8:30 am – 4:00 pm St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church 1602 Thousand Oaks, San Antonio, Texas 78232 $80/Couple For more information, please contact Lauren at: [email protected] Join Holy Trinity's moms group ~ Mothering with Grace Join us on Friday, March 4, for our monthly fellowship meeting. We will read Sunday's gospel, have discussion, and enjoy each other's company. Come from 9:30-11:30 a.m. in the St. Simon Room of the Faith Formation Building. Childcare will be provided for children over the age of 1, but you must RSVP by Monday, Feb. 29, to guarantee a spot We are a group of moms working towards a closer relationship with God. Moms who strive to ignite a passion for God in our children and families. Moms who know we can't do it alone, support each other and need each other. Moms who band together for spiritual growth, social activities, and service projects in an effort to make a difference in this world, one tiny face at a time. We meet first and third Fridays of the month. (except holidays) 9:30-11:30 a.m. in the St. Simon Room of the Faith Formation Building. Please contact Emily Schuelke or Bridie Chaudoir at [email protected] if you are interested or would like more information. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT For the information of all ministries which work/volunteer with youth and/or vulnerable persons. Effective February 1, 2016, the Archdiocese of San Antonio has discontinued the OVASE - Safe Environment training program; both the regular and refresher trainings. Consequently, the 2016 OVASE yearly calendar which we have been publishing in the parish bulletin and posting on the parish web site has been removed. All OVASE training is being replaced with a program referred to as "Virtus" training. "Virtus" is a Latin word meaning: Valor, Moral Strength, Excellence and Courage. The new training has two components: "Protecting God's Children for Adults," and "A Plan to Protect God's Children." Each component will be supported by a video and include prayer, readings, reflection and personal/group discussions. One specific advantage of the Virtus training program is that participants may continue to attend scheduled training in person on site (as in the past), but now they may register in advance and complete scheduled training on-line from any computer with access to the internet. Virtus training will be good for a 3-year period. Refresher training will be eliminated. Criminal Background Checks (CBCs) will still be required to coincide with the Virtus training. After our parish has had sufficient time to review the details of the training manual and workbook, and is certain of the requirements and administration of the Virtus training, additional information, including a revised 2016 training schedule, will be published in the parish bulletin and on Holy Trinity's website. NURSING HOME & HOME BOUND MINISTRY Eucharistic Ministers needed to assist a few hours per week in this vital ministry, taking Holy Communion to those who cannot come to Mass. Training and written instructions will be provided by someone currently in this Ministry. If you are a homebound Parishioner, or have moved to a Nursing Home, and would like Holy Communion bought to you on Tuesday mornings, we can add you to the schedule. Please contact: David Porter (H) 210-494-5410 (C) 210-452-2350 or [email protected] Carol Rickhoff (H) 210-497-4400 (C) 210-884-2400 or [email protected] HOSPITAL MINISTRY Please join us in volunteering for HOSPITAL MINISTRY. We visit Catholic patients and provide them with prayers and Holy Communion. We are in NEED of Eucharistic Ministers that have completed Safe Environment Training (OVASE) in the last 3 years and have completed/will complete shortly the volunteer application at the hospital. If you don't have any of the training yet we still need you and can take the training, please see requirements at the Holy Trinity website Hospital Ministry section. We have volunteers at the hospitals every day of the week, a volunteer normally is there one day a week. We are accepting applicants for any day for North Central Baptist Hospital. Fulfilling both the spiritual and corporal works of mercy fit hand in hand with loving God and your neighbor. Please contact: Goldie LoTurco at 210-497-2363 or Patricia Matteson at 210-408-6387 ALZHEIMER MINISTRY Ministerio del Hospital Se Necesitan Voluntarios The Alzheimer Ministry at The Haven, 511 Knights Cross, San Antonio, We meet at The Havens at 10:00 every Thursday to socialize and do activities with the residence of the Alzheimer Care facility there. Carol will usually bring one of her service dogs for the residents to enjoy. Besides visiting with the residents, volunteers join in on the singing, exercise and other activities. The current Ministry Volunteers are seeking more volunteers. Por favor acompáñenos a ser voluntarios al ministerio de visitar pacientes Catolicos al hospital. Les llevamos la Sagrada Comunion y oraciones. Necesitamos a feligreses que ya son Ministros Extraordinarios de la Comunión y que terminaron en los ultimos 3 anos la clase 'Safe Environment Training (OVASE)', ademas tienen que completar la aplicacion para hacerse voluntarios del hospital. Tenemos voluntarios en los hospitales todos los dias de la semana, cada persona normalmente es voluntaria un dia por semana. Estamos aceptando voluntarios para North Central Baptist Hospital. Cumpliendo con obras de misericordia espirituales y corporales es como amamos a Dios y a nuestro projimo. Please consider joining this Ministry by contacting: Pat Waisley 497-7254; [email protected] or Carol Short 497-4639; [email protected] Por favor llame para mas informacion a Patricia Matteson al 210-408-6387. COMUNIDAD HISPANA LA COMUNIDAD DE MATRIMONIOS DE HOLY TRINITY Los invita este viernes 5de febrero de 7pm a 8:30pm En el Faith Formation Building 2do piso Habrá cuidado de niños So tienen preguntas por favor llame al (210) 274-5290 Nueva Evangelizacion "El Nombre de Dios es Misericordia" Los invitamos a reflexionar en este ano de la Misericordia sobre el Nuevo libro el Papa Fransisco - "El Nombre de Dios es Misericordia". El centro del Evangelio y el Rostro de Jesus es la Misericordia nos dice el Papa. Recibamos pues el amor gratuito misericordioso de Dios para asi poder llegar a ser misericordiosos como el Padre. Todos los miercoles de 10-12 en el salon B - del Area de Banquetes. Sesiones son coordinadas por el Dr. Antonio Ramirez. NOW HIRING Part-time - Evening Receptionist Holy Trinity is accepting applications for an evening receptionist. We are searching for a College student or Senior in high school that will be attending college here in San Antonio. Duties include answering phones, light office work, directing people to meeting, events or functions on property grounds and other responsibilities as assigned. Please send your resume to Deacon Oscar Perez to [email protected] HOLY TRINITY MEN’S 35 & OVER BASKETBALL TEAM Did you know that Holy Trinity has a 35 & Over Men’s Basketball Team? Are you interested in playing full-court basketball games in a gym on Friday nights? Games start in early April and there is a need for a few taller players on the roster. The Team plays in the San Antonio Church Athletic Association league. Contact Dan Scheel at 832-265-7169 or [email protected] before March 14th for more Divorced and Separated Group Our Catholics Divorce Survival Guide Program for Divorced & Separated meets every Thursday at 6:30 p.m. in the St. Teresa conference room on the second floor of the Faith Formation Center building. If you are interested in the program, please plan to join us at the next meeting. This is a peer group ministry program presented by ministers who have personally experienced Divorce & Separation. Our goal is to help you find Hope and Healing. For questions or additional information regarding this program, please contact: RETIRO DE EVANGELIZACION CUARESMAL: EL KERYGMA El Papa Francisco nos invita, en nombre de Jesús a tener una experiencia del Amor incondicional de Dios. La parroquia de Holy Trinity ofrecerá la oportunidad de vivir lo que el Papa nos anuncia a través del Kerygma. Respondamos a esta invitación con un corazón abierto. Viernes 4 de Marzo: 7:00 – 8:30 Introducción al Kerygma Sabado 5 y Domingo 6: 9:00am-5 pm Retiro de Evangelización “Es éste el corazón del kerygma apostólico, en el cual la misericordia divina ocupa un lugar central y fundamental. Es «la belleza del amor salvífico de Dios manifestado en Jesucristo muerto y resucitado» (Exh. ap. Evangelii gaudium, 36), el primer anuncio que «siempre hay que volver a escuchar de diversas maneras y siempre hay que volver a anunciar de una forma o de otra” Papa Francisco Inscripciones abiertas. Llamar al 210-497-4600 ext. 313 o contactar el Dr. Antonio Ramírez [email protected] David - 473-1841 - [email protected] Mary - 473-9608 - [email protected] Dan -497-1704 - [email protected] Reflection ~ Retrace Your Steps While it is true that divorce results in many negative experiences and painful changes, it is also true that in that rubble some gems can be found. Think and pray about it. Did you go back to school as a result of your divorce? Did you learn a new skill? Did you make a new friend that has helped you or added to your life in some positive way? Did you draw closer to your faith? Did you renew/repair an important family relationship? Are you seeing your family more often? Are you able to help other divorced people because of your experience? Looking back helps you gain perspective that there is always some good that comes out of something bad. We know that all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose. - Romans 8:28 Copyright 2014, (c) Vince Frese For more resources visit DivorcedCatholic.org and vincefrese.com. HIGH SCHOOL & MIDDLE SCHOOL Every Monday 7- 8:30pm in the Banquet Hall!! All Middle School Students are welcome!!! Lifeteen For information on any of our Middle school events Or If you are interested in helping with Middle School Youth Ministry please contact 210-497-4145 Caitlyn at [email protected] Renee at [email protected] For High School Students (Incoming 9th to outgoing 12th) Sunday nights after the 5:30pm Lifeteen mass. Please join us in the Faith Formation Bldg., upstairs for dinner and a Lifenight. This is a gather, proclaim, break and send format. We gather as a group spend time Together and learn about the Catholic Faith. Now registering for Lifeteen Summer Camp 1 year of Lifeteen (with excellent attendance) is needed before entering Confirmation Join us for a faith filled week paired with fun in the beautiful mountains of Georgia. This week is life changing and an awesome way to grow closer to Christ. For more information and to see pictures of our events Check out our Youth Website: http://www.holytrinitysatyouth.org Total cost with airfare is $850 Deposit of $125 due to reserve spot. Limited spots available, so don’t delay in registering. High School: June 20-25 or July 18-23 (Incoming 9th to outgoing 12th) Middle School: July 3-8 (Incoming 6th to outgoing 9th) Attention all High School Youth.. Save the date for this awesome event. Please come by the Faith Formation Building to sign-up or email Renee at [email protected] High School Confirmation Please pray for the 130 youth being confirmed on April 22 & 23 Cost is $265 and forms are in the Faith Formation Office. For questions concerning Confirmation contact: Renee Kuntz 210-497-4145 or [email protected] Confirmation is for 10th grade and above and completed one year of Lifeteen. Summer Mission Trips: June 12-16, 2016 San Antonio Mission This trip is combined with several other parishes and we go out together to serve those in need. We stay at Holy Rosary Church and go out from there to paint, clean, build and be Christ to others. Adult volunteers are needed. This is open to those going into 9th grade through outgoing 12th Contact [email protected] with questions. July 7-14, 2016 Lifeteen Haiti Mission Base This trip is for High School Students with a parent attending and young adults. Donations will be accepted for the youth and teens that will be served on this trip. Prayers are appreciated. Please contact [email protected] with questions. ~ TIME ~ TALENT ~ TREASURE ~ HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC CHURCH ~ TIME ~ TALENT ~ TREASURE ~ THANK YOU NOTES & LETTERS Through the generosity of the Holy Trinity Parishioners 10% of every collection goes into a sharing fund to assist the needs outside our parish family. Here are a few organizations that sent thank you notes and letters. TEAMability Multiple solutions for multiple disabilities The Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word. 2016 Champagne and Shamrock Gala SECOND COLLECTION The Catholic Relief Services Next week, our parish will take up The Catholic Relief Services Collection. This collection supports six Catholic agencies that touch more than 100 million lives around the world. The funds from this collection help provide food to the hungry, support to displaced refugees, and Christ's love and respect to all people. Next week, please give generously to The Catholic Relief Services Collec tion and help Jesus in disguise. SEGUNDA COLECTA The Catholic Relief Services St. Peter Prince of the Apostles Catholic Church Winter Gala Seton Home The Black and White Gala Sisters of Divine Providence 150th Jubilee Year Luncheon Mission Road Ministries 36th Annual Grand Western Shindig La próxima semana nuestra parroquia realizará The Catholic Relief Services Collection. Esta colecta da fondos a seis agen cias católicas que tocan la vida de más de 100 millones de per sonas en el mundo. Los fondos de esta colecta ayudan a propor cionar alimentos a los que pasan hambre, apoyo a los refugia dos desplazados y el respeto y el amor de Cristo a todas las personas. Por favor, contribuye generosamente a The Catholic Relief Services Collection de la próxima semana y ayuda a Jesús con otro rostro, ¿le ayudarás? COMMUNITY NEWS & EVENTS ^hWWKZdd,K>/^,KK>^ IWHS to Host Spring Shamrock Preview: Incarnate Word High School (IWHS) will hold a Shamrock Preview, Sunday, April 3 from 2 – 4 p.m., (727 E. Hildebrand Ave., 78212.) The open house is a great opportunity for prospective students and their families to tour the campus, meet the faculty and coaching staff, and learn about the academic and athletic opportunities awaiting future Shamrocks. For more information contact the IWHS Director of Enrollment Carli Valverde at (210) 829-3123 or email the enrollment office at [email protected]. San Antonio Right to Life is holding a musical fundraiser on Sunday, March 6th at 2:30 at the Josephine Theatre. SCHOLARSHIPS FOR INCOMING FRESHMAN TO ATTEND SAN ANTONIO CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL St. Joseph’s Society and Hope for the Future are offering 16 scholarships to incoming high school freshmen, two for each of the eight San Antonio Catholic High Schools. These scholarships will be awarded based on grades, class attendance, extracurricular activities, community service, Church service, family income, and other criteria. Applicant must register online at http://eepurl.com/bOc3mn before March 31. Completed applications must be received by April 15. For more information visit www.stjosephshall.com/scholarship/ or call (21)224-8279. The office is open Monday through Friday from 3:30pM to 7:00PM. The production is Legends of the Golden Oldies and features music from the 50's and 60's. You are sure to enjoy this all song and dance revue and recognize many of your favorite songs. Tickets are $25 and if you cannot attend but would like to support the cause, donated tickets for the religious are always appreciated. We are delighted to be back again at the Josephine and you may reserve your favorite seats. For tickets or other information please call Kay Delaney @ 342-5334.