NOV 11-16, 2014
NOV 11-16, 2014
NOV 11-16, 2014 2013 BIFF NUMERALIA 13,912 PEOPLE ESTIMATED ASSISTANCE 2013 BIFF NUMERALIA PROGRAM 80 35 SCREENINGS FILMS 17 Mexican( 9 US( 5 Canadian( 4 Other(na1onali1es( 6 World(premieres( 14 Mexican(premieres( 1 La1n(American(premieres( 2013 BIFF NUMERALIA 115 450 ACCREDITED MEDIA ACCREDITED PROFESSIONALS CELEBRITIES AMAT ESCALANTE Mexican director and screenwriter who won the award for Best Director at Cannes in 2013 for his film Heli RUBÉN ALBARRÁN Mexican singer, composer and music producer part of the world renowned band Café Tacvba LUDWIKA PALETA Renowned film and television actress PAOLA NÚÑEZ Mexican television, film and theater actress, and producer ANA DE LA REGUERA Mexican film, theater and television actress, renowned in both Mexico and USA QUIQUE RANGEL Musician part of the renowned band Café Tacvba ARCELIA RAMÍREZ Mexican television and film actress CARLOS REYGADAS Mexican filmmaker who won the award for Best Director at the 2012 Cannes Film Festival IRENE AZUELA Mexican film, theater and television actress, winner in 2008 and 2009 of the Ariel for Best Actress. PETER GREENAWAY Welsh film director who won the award for Best Artistic Contribution at Cannes GAEL GARCÍA BERNAL World renowned Mexican actor, producer and director in theater, television and cinema, starring in Oscar-nominated films. JUAN JOSÉ CAMPANELLA Argentine screenwriter and, film and television director, Oscar, Ariel, Goya and Cóndor de plata winner for Best Film ARTICLES AND PRESS MILENIO Highlighted that the 2nd BIFF doubled in number of participants and said it had a “positive outcome,” despite actor Charlie Sheen cancelling his participation. EXCÉLSIOR It published two articles in which it highlighted details of the event, including “the superb” performance of the band Café Tacuba. REFORMA Reported the “great cinematic boost” the BIFF granted directors and actors. LA JORNADA Columnist Luis Tovar reported the BIFF’s “varied and interesting program;” writer Leonardo García Tsao emphasized the festival’s call for participation and the unique niche the BIFF found by bringing together works from Mexico, USA and Canada. PUBLIMETRO BIFF “promotes new artists” (November 22), and also presents world premieres and “a great competition” at the close of the festival. GOOGLE NEWS Generated a total of 23 press notes of which two were explicit acknowledgements. In one of them, reporter Claudia Llaca noted “the program quality of the festival’s official selection,” and another one mentioned its “spectacular opening ceremony.” QUIÉN MAGAZINE A feature that showcased the details of the making of the BIFF including photographs of various moments throughout the film festival. GRUPO IMAGEN Adrián Ruiz highlighted the “display of talent” presented at the festival. MVS COMUNICACIONES Three interviews with Alonso Aguilar to talk about the making of the festival, which helped position the BIFF. GRUPO TELEVISA Primero Noticias - Carlos Loret de Mola included a piece with statements from BIFF creator Eduardo Sánchez Navarro who foretold great projection for Los Cabos thanks to this festival. These statements were given during the BIFF’s red carpet, as opposed to other press features which were illustrated with press conference images. TV AZTECA Hechos vespertino – Highlighted the tribute to actor Gael García Bernal at the Baja International Festival. CANAL 22 Ventana 22 – A feature on the BIFF press conference that took place in Mexico city. OPINIONS REGARDING 2013 BIFF “The Festival’s ability to convene people was admirable, resulting in a more than satisfactory attendance of the industry’s most relevant people from the three countries. The program of the Baja International Film Festival forces one to step away from the sun and the beach.” LEONARDO GARCÍA TSAO, FILM CRITIC LA JORNADA NEWSPAPER “Though such a young festival, it attracts attention in terms of the program quality of the Official Selection, the large number of Mexican and international premieres in our country, and most of all the opportunity to interact and exchange ideas among us industry peers.” CINEPREMIERE DIGITAL MAGAZINE “At the end of each festival I tend to do a press count to see the impact each has had on the press. This year six festivals took place on the same date (13 to 17) and the big winner was by far the Baja Film Festival.” CÉSAR HUERTA, FILM JOURNALIST REFORMA NEWSPAPER “BIFF has become the Meeting Market for Mexico, USA and Canada. Supported by the Hollywood, Canada and Mexico industries, many important steps have been taken to make BIFF a significant boutique market for these three countries.” JOHN HOPEWELL, INTERNATIONAL EDITOR VARIETY “Let’s launch a sort of campaign for this to continue the way it is, in favor of cinema and thank you for everything.” GAEL GARCÍA BERNAL, ACTOR “This festival is different because it concentrates on the promotion of new artists in Mexico, guiding various film projects to make them coproductions with countries like USA and Canada. The second BIFF was an undeniable success for its organizers, a festival that is shaping up to become a strong competitor for the film festivals in Guadalajara and Morelia. Congratulations to all those involved.” OSCAR URIEL, FILM CRITIC REFORMA NEWSPAPER “The Los Cabos Film Festival (the official name it will take as of next year) has fulfilled, in its second year, the aim of being a window for independent work from these three countries, and presenting itself as discreet and effective, without improvised excess or flashy glamor. This type of profile is ultimately something film lovers like.” CARLOS BONFIL, FILM CRITIC LA JORNADA NEWSPAPER “For those of you who have not noticed, the child is walking. This festival already has a profile, a wonderful identity.” JORGE SÁNCHEZ, PRESIDENT IMCINE During the Baja International Film Fest over $283,590 USD were awarded in cinema support prizes. PHOTOGRAPH: Ana de la Reguera / Philippe Falardeau / Peter Scarlett THE S OFFICIAL E C SELECTION T I IS D I V I D E D I N TO T WO O N S : LOS CABOS COMPETITION SECTION MEXICO FIRST SECTION WINNER WINNER Dir: Chloé Robichaud / Canada / 2013 Prize amount: USD $15,000 Dir: Claudia Sant-Luce / Mexico / 2013 Prize amount: USD $15,000 SARAH PREFERS TU RUN LOS INSÓLITOS PECES GATO Moviecity Mexico First Section Work in Progress Mexico WINNER WINNER Dir: David Pablos / Mexico / 2013 Prize amount: USD $40,000 Dir: Bernardo Arellano / Prod: April Shannon LA VIDA DESPUÉS EL COMIENZO DEL TIEMPO AGRUPACIÓN CARAMELO CINEMATOGRÁFICA Prize amount: USD $10,000 Work in Progress Moviecity Work in Progress SPLENDOR OMNIA MANTARRAYA WINNER WINNER Dir: Marcelo Tobar / Prod: Elsa Reyes Dir: Gustavo Gamou / Prod: Alejandro Durán, Elisa Miller / C.C.C. Prize amount: USD $25,000 ASTEROIDE AGRUPACIÓN CARAMELO CINEMATOGRÁFICA Prize amount: USD $30,000 EL REGRESO DEL MUERTO AWARDS This second BIFF ended with the screening of the film Dallas Buyers Club by Jean-Marc Vallée. Matthew McConaughey – Best Actor in the 2014 Golden Globes. Jared Leto – Best Supporting Actor in the 2014 Golden Globes. GABRIEL FIGUEROA FILM FUND AWARD IN DEVELOPMENT STAGES Prize amount: USD $5,000 EPITAFIO Dir. Yulene Olaizola / Prod. Rubén Imaz OPERACIÓN BABY Dir. José Luis Valle / Prod. José Luis Valle IREKANI Dir. Gabriel Mariño / Por. Tania Zarak SEMANA SANTA Dir. Alejandra Márquez / Prod. Nicolás Celis LISBOA Dir. Pablo Delgado S. / Prod. Carlos Garza LA TEMPESTAD Dir. Tatiana Huezo / Prod. Nicolás Celis GABRIEL FIGUEROA FILM FUND AWARD IN POSTPRODUCTION STAGES Prize amount: USD $51,620 In postproduction services for each one. Partnered with Labodigital. EL COMIENZO DEL TIEMPO Dir: Bernardo Arellano / Prod: April Shannon EDÉN Dir: Elise DuRant / Prod: Leandro Córdova BAJA FILM FEST DOCS FORUM AWARD LA PLAZA DE LA SOLEDAD By Martha Sosa and Maya Goded CASETE AWARD LOS INSÓLITOS PECES GATO By Claudia Saint-Luce LUTO By Claudia Saint-Luce Katina Medina Mora BERING, EQUILIBRIO Y RESISTENCIA By Lourdes Grobet Prize amount: USD $6,500 Supporting encounding and/or postproduction to upload material to Google Play and iTunes BENGALA AWARD FERNANDO FRÍAS Prize amount: USD $3,850 INDUSTRY ACTIVITIES INDUSTRY PANELS • Digital platforms • Mexico-Canada co-production • 2013 BIFF workshop – Sales agent training for distribution INDUSTRY COCKTAILS • Meet your neighbors: producers from Mexico, USA and Canada • Official Selection: participants of films presented during the festival • Industry cocktail: presented by UP with the support of Proméxico PARTICIPANT PANAMERICA FILM INITIATIVE Official presentation of the fund INDUSTRY SCREENINGS • WE ARE WHAT WE ARE • THE BOY WHO SMELLS LIKE FISH CONVERSATION WITH PETER GREENAWAY GABRIEL FIGUEROA FILM FUND AWARD CEREMONY COUNTRIES REPRESENTED: Canada, Chile, Colombia, Spain, France, Germany, Mexico, United Kingdom, USA, Switzerland, Argentina, Brazil. PABELLÓN CULTURAL DE LA REPÚBLICA VENUES Center for cultural development and diffusion and exhibition of science and arts in the Baja California peninsula. It is centrally located in the access marina. It aims to link the pedestrian flow of the city and the marina. The Pabellón Cultural de la República enables the diffusion, promotion and presenting of cultural goods and services of our country and the region, to strengthen national identity and offer a recreational option, and for international tourism to discover the cultural and artistic richness of Mexico and Baja California Sur. IT HAS • A main theater seating 660 people • Outdoor area for 1,100 people PUERTO PARAÍSO Is located in the heart of Cabo San Lucas. Its impressive and beautiful construction on three levels is located on La Marina walkway and is only a few steps away from the main tourist attractions of this port. • • 4 NIGHT GALAS 4 DAY GALAS • RED CARPETS • OPENING PARTY • MASSIVE CONCERT BY CAFÉ TACVBA who present for the first time their documentary EL OBJETO ANTES LLAMADO DISCO (THE OBJECT PREVIOUSLY CALLED RECORD) • RED CARPET AND EVENTS PARTY SPONSORED BY PRODUCTION COMPANIES of the films which had their world premiere here: EL CHARRO MISTERIOSO and VOLANDO BAJO • CLOSING PARTY THE 2014 FESTIVAL WILL OFFER • 5 NIGHT GALAS • 4 DAY GALAS • RED CARPETS • 4 INDUSTRY COCKTAILS • MEETING POINT LOS CABOS INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL 2014 OFFERS PRINTED ADVERTISING GOBOS TO PROJECT BRAND LOGOS PRESENCE ON RED CARPETS PRESENCE IN INDUSTRY COCKTAILS PRESENCE IN THE PRESS ROOM PRESENCE IN THE PUERTO PARAÍSO AND PABELLÓN CULTURAL VENUES PRESENCE ON THE WEB PRESENCE IN ONLINE MATERIAL PRESS DIFFUSION
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