AGENDA REGULAR SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING Monday, March 10, 2014 6:30 PM Henry Lord Middle School 151 Amity Street Fall River, MA 02721 AGENDA 1. Roll Call 2. Salute to the Flag 3. Citizens Input 4. Sub-Committee Reports 5. Recognition Awards 6. Superintendent’s Report 7. Approval of Minutes 8. Committee of the Whole 9. Request for Executive Session M.G.L. c30A Section 21 (a) (2) and (3) To conduct strategy sessions in preparation for all litigation as well as negotiations with custodians, paraprofessionals, clerical, FREA, FRAA and non-union personnel including Kevin Almeida, Business Manager; Carol Ann Viveiros, School Administrator Manager; Paul Marshall, Principal; Samantha Braga, Michael Ferreira, Pauline McGrath, Alex Mello and Tara Peckham. 10. New Business: Topics for discussion that could not reasonably be anticipated by the Chairman forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting 11. Addendum Agenda: Regular Meeting of the School Committee – Monday, March 10, 2014 CITIZENS INPUT This agenda item allows time for public comment on topics related to the Agenda. The Committee would like the opportunity to hear the wishes and ideas of the public. Although this is not a time for discussion, the School Committee appreciates public input and may refer such comments to administration for appropriate follow-up. SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS This agenda item provides opportunities for School Committee members to share information relative to their respective subcommittee work. Subcommittee reports connected with specific discussion items will be presented immediately prior to the discussion item, rather than this section. RECOGNITION AWARDS Jill Latinville: Paraprofessional being recognized for her hard work and dedication to the students of Kuss Middle School and the FRPS. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT This agenda item will provide an opportunity for the Superintendent to share letters of recognition, commendation, or other good news regarding activities associated with Fall River Public Schools. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 11/7/13 1/30/14 2/13/14 Instructional/SPED Subcommittee Instructional/SPED Subcommittee Facilities and Operations Subcommittee TRAVEL REQUESTS Kuss Middle School Principal Procaccini requests permission for travel: Destination Class or Club Objective Date Means of Transportation # of Adult Chaperones # of Students Cost Funding Source Sky Zone, Providence, Rhode Island 6,7,8 behavior Incentives, life experiences, to achieve short term academic success Friday, March 14, 2014 Limousine 3 9 $1,600 East Commerce Solutions 2 Agenda: Regular Meeting of the School Committee – Monday, March 10, 2014 Rene Kochman of FRED-TV requests permission for STAFF travel: Destination Class or Club Objective Date Means of Transportation # of participants # of Students Cost Funding Source Las Vegas, Nevada FRED-TV National Association of Broadcasters Professional Development Seminar April 6-10, 2014 Air 2 Production Staff Members 0 Seminar: free Travel: $2,300 pp ETP Grant Principal Michael Procaccini requests permission for STAFF travel: Destination Class or Club Objective Date Means of Transportation # of participants # of Students Cost Funding Source Cincinnati, Ohio ELT 2014 Community Schools National Forum April 9-11, 2014 Air/Car 2 0 $20,000 Redesign Grant Superintendent Mayo-Brown requests permission for STAFF travel: Destination Class or Club Objective Date Means of Transportation # of participants # of Students Cost Funding Source Rhode Island Convention Center, Providence, Rhode Island Office of Technology & Information Management Annual Aspen Institute for X2 April 8-9, 2014 Car 9 0 $2,650 total MIS Budget Durfee High School Principal Marshall requests permission for STAFF travel: Destination Class or Club Objective Date Means of Transportation # of participants # of Students Cost Funding Source Kansas City , Missouri A.P. A.P. Reading for Statistics Program June 10-18, 2014 Air 1 0 $1,925 (approx.) A.P. 3 Agenda: Regular Meeting of the School Committee – Monday, March 10, 2014 Durfee High School Principal Marshall requests permission for STAFF travel: Destination Class or Club Objective Date Means of Transportation # of participants # of Students Cost Funding Source Madrid, Spain World Languages 2014 Program of Hispanic Leaders in USA March 22-30, 2014 Air 1 0 Airfare: apx $1050.00, Lodging: apx $1200, Food: apx $350 , Program Cost: N/A Embassy of Spain, Hispanic Leaders Program No monies needed from Fall River Schools. Durfee High School Principal Marshall requests permission for STAFF travel: Destination Class or Club Objective Date Means of Transportation # of participants # of Students Cost Funding Source St. Johnsbury, Vermont AP 2014 AP Summer Institute July 20-25, 2014 Car 1 0 $1,803.78 A.P. Durfee High School Principal Marshall requests permission for travel: Destination Class or Club Objective Date Means of Transportation # of Adult Chaperones # of Students Cost Funding Source Europe (Amsterdam, Brussels, Paris, London) Freedom Writers To continue their study of intolerance in society and to expose students to a rich, cultural experience. April 14-24, 2015 Plane/Bus 4 25 $3,260 pp Fundraising 4 Agenda: Regular Meeting of the School Committee – Monday, March 10, 2014 CONTRACTS CONTRACTS FOR SCHOOL COMMITTEE APPROVAL, MARCH 10, 2014 VENDOR DESCRIPTION FUNDING SOURCE & AMOUNT SPECIAL EDUCATION CONTRACTS: Accept Education Collaborative Tuition for Special Needs students Bradley Hospital Tuition for Special Needs students Youth Villages Tuition for Special Needs students GRANT CONTRACTS: Rosemary Macek Operating Budget-Special Education$ 21,733.14 Operating Budget-Special Education$109,519.00 Operating Budget-Special Education$ 40,000.00 Math Coaching Services for Doran and Watson Schools Total Contract is $11,760.00 split between: Kindergarten Grant-$7,260.00 Doran Redesign Grant-$4,500.00 Math Professional Development for district staff (Two Math AddVantage courses); Consulting services and administration of AddVantage assessments and common planning sessions as needed for Doran Total Contract is $25,000.00 split between: Race to the Top Grant- $ 8,000.00 Doran Redesign Grant-$10,000.00 Kindergarten Grant$ 7,000.00 GRANT CONTRACTS: Attorney Diane Parent Additional Legal Services for Student Services Operating Budget-$30,000.00 TRANSPORTATION CONTRACTS: Whaling City Transit Inc. Transportation for Resiliency Middle School Transportation Budget-$19,053.00 Susan Mello DISCUSSIONS 1. Vote to Approve: Policies and Procedures for Reporting and Responding to Bullying and Retaliation and Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan, as presented by Attorney Diane Parent and members of the FRPS Committee on the Prevention of Bullying 2. Discussion: Tremblay’s bus contract suspension, as recommended by the Facilities & Operation Subcommittee. 3. Discussion: Tremblay’s bus fine, as discussed and referred by the Facilities & Operation Subcommittee. 4. Vote to Approve: Revisions to Policies GBEB and EEA, as presented by Mr. Tom Coogan, Chief Operating Officer. 5. Vote to Approve: Additional FTE for School Nurse, as presented by Ms. Karen Long, Director of Nursing. 6. Discussion: Superintendent’s Mid-Year Superintendent Meg Mayo Brown Progress Report, as submitted by 5 Agenda: Regular Meeting of the School Committee – Monday, March 10, 2014 7. Discussion: Attendance boundaries for Henry Lord K-8 School, Carlton M. Viveiros Elementary School, William Greene Elementary School, and Alfred Letourneau Elementary School, as presented by Mr. Brian Mikolazyk and Mr. Tom Coogan, Chief Operating Officer 8. Report: Progress of the Committee addressing goals on the AIP, as presented by Mr. Gabriel Andrade, Evaluation/AIP Subcommittee Chair. 9. Vote to Approve: February Expenditures, as presented by Mr. Michael Saunders, Chief Financial Officer. FOR YOUR INFORMATION RETIREMENTS: Name Position Effective Ms. Leanora Casale Mr. Randall Correira Mr. Robert Geleney Ms. Robin Hallisey Ms. Marilyn King-Simoes Ms. Maria Maciel Ms. Marilyn Melanson Ms. Patricia Mellen A.C.E.S.E., Special Education Paraprofessional Resiliency Preparatory School, Guidance Counselor Durfee High School, Fine Arts Teacher Talbot Middle School, Special Education Paraprofessional Greene Elementary, Special Education Teachers A.C.E.S.E., Special Education Paraprofessional Fine Arts Department, Music Teacher Watson Elementary, Paraprofessional 6/20/14 1/31/14 6/30/14 4/7/14 6/30/14 10/24/14 6/30/14 2/11/14 Ms. Eleanor Page Mr. Robert Perry A.C.E.S.E., Special Education Paraprofessional Durfee High School, Social Studies Teacher 6/30/14 6/30/14 RESIGNATIONS: Name Position Ms. Kheley Coriaty Ms. Danielle Costa Ms. Amy Darling Mr. Corey McConnell Ms. Anabela Novo Letourneau School, Paraprofessional Kuss Middle School, School Adjustment Counselor Watson Elementary, Elementary Teacher Morton Middle School, Special Education Paraprofessional Nutrition Department, Cafeteria Worker Effective 2/5/14 1/23/14 1/24/14 2/7/14 1/17/14 Ms. Kristen Rezendes Ms. Ashley Rose Ms. Isabel Uncao Ms. Heather Waite Viveiros Elementary, Grade Two Teacher Viveiros Elementary, Paraprofessional Nutrition Department, Cafeteria Worker Morton Middle School, Guidance Counselor 1/17/14 2/26/14 1/20/14 1/31/14 APPOINTMENTS: Name/Address Position Mr. Matthew Booth 5 Commonwealth Park Onset, MA 02558 Paraprofessional, Green Elementary Effective 2/24/14 Salary/Certifications $12.26 per hour NCLB Qualified 6 Agenda: Regular Meeting of the School Committee – Monday, March 10, 2014 Ms. Jill Brown 556 Tower Street Fall River, MA 02721 Ms. Lisa Freitas 128 County Street New Bedford, MA 02744 Ms. Pamela Gomes 172 Ferncroft Road Somerset, MA 02726 Special Education Bridge Program Paraprofessional, Durfee High School 2/24/14 $12.26 per hour NCLB Qualified Office Paraprofessional, Durfee High School 2/24/14 $12.72 per hour NCLB Qualified Clerk, Talbot Innovation Middle School 2/3/14 $572.92 weekly Step 1, 69 credits Mr. Robert Hargraves 676 Madison Street Fall River, MA 02720 Interim Special Education Teacher, Morton Middle School Ms. Kayla Medeiros 161 Briggs Road Westport, MA 02790 Mr. Christopher Rodrigues 66 Pamela Drive Swansea, MA 02777 1/31/14 – 6/30/14 Grade Two Teacher, Viveiros Elementary 2/24/14 Probationary Safety Officer, Facilities & Maintenance Dept. 2/3/14 Ms. Katherine Salvatore 449 Front Street Lincoln, RI 02865 Autism Specialist, Special Education Dept. Ms. Sarina Silva 6 Harvest Hill Road Westport, MA 02790 Interim 7 Grade ELA Teacher, Morton Middle School 3/3/14 th 1/28/14 – 4/28/14 $37,860 Bachelor’s Degree, Step 1 License: DESE Waiver Moderate Disabilities $37,860 Bachelor’s, Step 1 License: Elem (1-6) $1,078.85 bi-weekly Step 1 $39,988 Master’s Degree, Step 1 License: $37,860 Bachelor’s Degree, Step 1 License: Document Needed DEATH NOTICES: Name Position(s) Held Date of Death Ms. Claire Harrington Office Administrator, Talbot Middle School 2/13/14 ADA Coordinator: Gary P. Howayeck, Esq.- 508.324.2650 7