CHURCH OF ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST SCHENECTADY, NEW YORK MARCH 2, 2014 Dear Parishioners, As we approach the start of the Lenten season on Wednesday, March 5th , 2014, I want to provide you with the schedule for this year’s observance of the Sacred Paschal Triduum. As you know, the spiritual summit of the Liturgical Year happens from Palm Sunday to the evening of Easter Sunday, which we call Holy Week. Though the Sacred Paschal Triduum is chronologically three calendar days, liturgically speaking it is one day that unfolds for us the unity of Christ's Paschal Mystery. Thus, the single celebration of the Triduum marks the end of the Lenten season and leads to the Mass of the Resurrection of the Lord at the Easter Vigil. The liturgical services that take place during the Triduum are the Mass of the Lord's Supper on Holy Thursday, the Lord's Passion on Good Friday, and the Mass of the Resurrection of the Lord on Holy Saturday. Last year the parish communities of St. John’s and St. Anthony’s observed the Sacred Paschal Triduum in one combined bi-lingual service at St. John’s. While my intent was to hold the bi-lingual Sacred Paschal Triduum services on a rotating basis between St. John’s and St. Anthony’s, it became apparent during planning with the Liturgy Committee for this year’s observance that St. Anthony’s would not be able to accommodate the number of parishioners who attended last year’s services. Thus, while the ideal for linked parishes like ours is that only one observance of the Sacred Paschal Triduum should be held, due to the anticipated crowd sizes being beyond what St. Anthony’s can hold, after consulting with Andrew Krakat, Chairperson of the Liturgy Committee and getting the members input, I have decided that St. John’s and St. Anthony’s will hold separate observances this year, although the times of the observances will be the same. Since I promised the parishioners of St. Anthony’s that I would celebrate the Sacred Paschal Triduum there this year, I will keep that promise and be there for all three days. As far as beyond this year goes, I will continue to work with the Liturgy Committee and make an appropriate determination for next year at a later time, although all should anticipate that one day we should have as a goal to return to a single observance of the Sacred Paschal Triduum. The Sacred Paschal Triduum • Thursday, April 17th - 8:00 pm Mass of the Lord's Supper • Friday, April 18th - 8:00 pm Good Friday of the Lord's Passion • Saturday, April 19th - 8:00 pm Mass of the Resurrection of the Lord. • Masses on Easter Sunday, April 20th same as always. Please note, all Triduum services at St. Anthony’s will be tri-lingual (English, Italian, and Spanish), while the services at St. John’s will be English. I pray that your Lenten observance may be one filled with prayer, fasting, and almsgiving as together we prepare for the celebration of Christ’s victory over death. Fr. Carlino CHRISTIAN FOUNDATION FOR CHILDREN AND AGING PARISH OFFICE The Office will be closed Monday, open Tuesday through Thursday 10:00 am to 3:00 pm and Friday from 9:00 am to 11:00 am. PARISH HOSPITALITY Coffee and donuts will be offered in the cafeteria after the 7:30 am and 9:30 am Masses on Sunday, March 2nd again next Sunday, March 9th. A GIFT FROM YOUR PARISH Little Black Books: Six-Minute Meditations on the Passion According to Matthew will be available for you to pick up. It is a pre-Lenten gift to you from your parish to assist you as you journey from March 2nd through Easter Sunday, April 20th. We suggest you start with How to use the ‘Little Black Book’ and that you use the next three days to get ready for Lent. Today, please welcome Rev. John D. Kirwin who will be with us to celebrate Masses and tell us about the work of Christian Foundation for Children and Aging. CFCA is a lay Catholic Sponsorship ministry that helps children and elderly in 21 developing countries. To learn more call (800) 875-6564 or visit CFCA on line at BLACK,INDIAN & LATIN AMERICAN MISSION COLLECTION Next weekend our parish will take up the Annual Collection for Black, Indian & Latin American Missions. Your support shares the faith with those in need, including the youth who are at high risk for violence and often lack an education in values and critical-thinking skills. This collection funds programs that give the youth an opportunity to share their faith and break the cycle of violence in their neighborhoods. Please give generously to next week’s Collection. EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OPERATION RICE BOWL Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of fast and abstinence. As a sign of our penance, we preserve for the Diocese of Albany the custom of abstinence from meat on the Fridays of Lent. Abstinence binds all Catholics who are 14 years of age and older. Fasting binds all Catholics who are 18 years of age but not yet 59. Fasting refers to the quantity of food eaten. Traditionally, fasting calls for only one full meal per day. By retaining these traditions for our Diocese we do not intend that they be interpreted as laws binding under pain of sin, but as customs from which we will not hold ourselves lightly excused. They are expressions of our desire to be converted in our hearts, to be reconciled with each other, and to love our neighbor. MASSES FOR ASH WEDESDAY MARCH 5, 2014 ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST CHURCH 12:15 pm (Fr. Schweigardt) 6:30 pm (Fr. Facci) ST. ANTHONY’S CHURCH 8:00 am (Fr. Facci) 7:00 pm (in Spanish) (Fr. Carlino) STATIONS OF THE CROSS IN THE COMPANY OF CLOWNS On Friday, March 7th at St. John the Evangelist Church at 7:30 pm Clown Ministry Associates established in 1987 invite you to experience a unique and uplifting Lenten Prayer, with music, prayer and drama they will facilitate our entrance into the passion of Jesus. Together we will reflect on the words and images of His final journey. As people gather, the Clown Ministry Associates will play quiet and prayerful music to help set the mood. Punch and cookies will be available in the back of church so you can mingle with the presenters at the close of the experience . There is no admission fee. However, a free will offering will be taken to help defray their expenses. Parents, this is a unique opportunity to introduce Stations to your children. LENTEN STATIONS OF THE CROSS The Station of the Cross will be held at St. John the Evangelist Church at 7:00 pm during the Fridays of Lent. If you are interested in conducting the Stations for those attending please call Sr. Joan at 372-3381 ext 224. Our bulletin is made possible through the generosity of the advertisers who are listed on the back. Please patronize them. As we travel along our Lenten journey, we grow closer in our relationship with God through prayer. Prayer is also an essential part of reaching out to those in need and growing in solidarity with them. Your participation in Operation Rice Bowl helps those in need, both in our own community and around the world. Please join us in this meaningful Lenten observance. Materials will be available near the church entrances to assist your participation beginning Ash Wednesday. PASTORAL CARE Pastoral Care will host a WORKING MEETING on Wednesday, March 5th at 7:00 pm in the Parish Center Cafeteria. ANYONE interested in visiting the sick/ homebound of our parish is encouraged to attend. We will be discussing in detail what this important ministry is about and how, if interested, you can help us reach out to those in need. You DO NOT have to be a current member to attend. Please come with a willingness to learn and perhaps gain a desire to join this rewarding ministry. Questions should be directed to Anna Marie Montanaro, Pastoral Care Associate at (518) 269-2315. ALSO anyone visiting our sick and homebound on ASH WEDNESDAY will find blessed ashes in the sacristy. Please be sure to sign the sheet next to the basket indicating who will be visited. ATTENTION: IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BECOMING A LECTOR OR EXTRAORDINARY MINISTER OF HOLY COMMUNION - Please call Sister Joan at 372-3381 ext. 224 and Sister will arrange training for you at your convenience on an individual basis. FIRST THURSDAY PROGRAM On March 6th at 1:00 pm and 7:00 pm in room 8 of the Parish Center Sr. Joan will continue the series Experiencing Hubble: Understanding the Greatest Images of the Universe DVD 90 minutes. Lecture 7: The Sombrero Galaxy—An Island Universe, Lecture 8: Hubble’s View of Galaxies Near and Far, Lecture 9: The Antennae Galaxies—A Cosmic Collision. Prior attendance at the other lectures is not a requirement. Please use the double doors under the canopy across from the handicapped ramp to St. John the Evangelist Church. ROSARY SOCIETY NEWS Beth Lynch, former museum manager and event coordinator of the Auriesville Shrine will present “The Saints of Auriesville” at the Rosary Society’s meeting on March 12th, 7:00 pm in the Parish Center Cafeteria. All are welcome so please join us for an evening of prayer and friendship. For more information call Barbara Nyland (608-4059). CHURCH OF ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST SCHENECTADY, NEW YORK MARCH 2, 2014 ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST March 1 - 2 Saturday: 3:00 PM 4:00 PM Wednesday, 03 - 05 - 14 12:15 pm For the People 6:30 pm For the People Confessions Fr. L’Arche Sunday: 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 11:30 AM 5:00 PM Fr. Facci Fr. Facci Fr. Facci Fr. Schweigardt March 8 - 9 Saturday: 3:00 PM 4:00 PM Confessions Fr. Schweigardt Sunday: 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 11:30 AM 5:00 PM Fr. Markert Fr. Markert Fr. Facci Fr. Carlino ST. ANTHONY’S March 1 - 2 Saturday: 3:00 PM 4:00 PM Sunday: 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 11:30 AM March 8 - 9 Saturday: 3:00 PM 4:00 PM Sunday: 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 11:30 AM Confessions Fr. Carlino Fr. Carlino Fr. Carlino Fr. Carlino (Spanish Mass) Sunday, 03 - 09 - 14 7:30 am Bernardi Gabriele by Sciocchetti and Abbott PLLC 9:30 am Panetta & Martino Families by Mr. & Mrs. Albert Martino 50th Birthday Remembrance - Patty Sharer - Mom, Liz Mc Guire Bernardi Gabriele by Andrew & Jean Dagostino 11:30 am Felicisimo & Basilia de Jesus by F. Teresa Mc Carthy Md., Vida Mc Carthy Cerrito Esq., Amour Johnson Md., and Families 5:00 pm For the People MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA The Miraculous Medal Novena is held on Monday evenings at 7:30 pm in the Parish Center – Conference Room 8. Please enter through the double doors at the Canopy Entrance closest to the church parking lot. Table of the Lord Confessions Fr. L’Arche Fr. Facci Fr. Schweigardt Fr. Carlino (Spanish Mass) Mass Schedule is subject to change Weekly $10,387.45 Saturday, 03 - 08 - 14 4:00 pm Anniversary Remembrance - Dorine Lawrence by Louise Monarch & Family Frances & William Carey by Family Bernardi Gabriele by Louise Monarch & Family Anniversary Remembrance - Donald Spencer by Spencer Family Candles $204.38 The weekly televised Catholic Mass, Table of the Lord, is moving to a new broadcast time and station beginning on Sunday, March 2, 2014. Table of the Lord will now be seen each Sunday at 7 am on CW15, which is available on most area cable television systems on Channel 15. For those viewers who do not have cable television and receive the Mass as a broadcast signal via an indoor or roof antenna, CW15 is received on Channel 45-1. While the Mass still will be available at other times on many area cable television public access channels with no change in schedule, the 30-minute Table of the Lord will no longer be seen on WXXA-TV, FOX-23 at 6:30 am each Sunday. While we have enjoyed our relationship with FOX-23 over these many years, the move to CW15 provides us with a slightly later and more convenient air time thus benefiting our primary audience. EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ARMED SERVICES PRAYER PLAQUE CHRISM MASS If you would like to submit a picture of a St. John the Evangelist Parishioner serving active duty in any branch of the military for inclusion on the Armed Services Prayer Plaque, email it to [email protected] or send a 5” X 7” or smaller photograph to the parish office at: St. John the Evangelist Church - Attn: Armed Services Prayer Plaque, 806 Union Street, Schenectady, NY 12308. Include a paper with their name, branch of service, and where they are stationed. All are invited to attend the Chrism Mass with Bishop Edward B. Scharfenberger, Principal Celebrant, Tuesday, April 15, 7:00 pm, Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Albany, on the corner of Madison Ave. and Eagle St. The Chrism Mass is the diocesan celebration during which the Bishop blesses the oils used in the rituals of the catechumenate and for the sick and consecrates the Sacred Chrism, used in Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Orders and for the dedication of churches and altars. At this liturgy, the baptized and ordained re-commit themselves to service as Church in the world. WRESTLING WITH OUR INNER ANGELS Spirituality and Mental Illness with Sr. Nancy Kehoe, RSCJ, PhD. Lecture March 27th, from 7;00 to 9:00 pm at Siena College. Workshop March 28th, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm at St. Ambrose Parish Center in Latham. Registration is required. For more information contact the Consultation Center at 489-4431. If you would like to have a registration form emailed to you, contact [email protected]. PASTOR’S NOTES This past week, someone dropped off a gift for Fr. Carlino and forgot to sign the card. If you drop off a note/ gift for Fr. Carlino at the parish office, please make sure to give your name to the parish representative receiving the gift so that Fr. Carlino can thank you properly. BISHOP’S APPEAL The Office of Development and Stewardship would like to remind all parishioners that the final pledge statements for the 2013 Bishop’s Appeal will be mailed in February. The deadline to submit gifts to the 2013 Bishop’s Appeal is March 17, 2014. Thank you for your continued generosity and support.