Childhood MS – a guide for parents
Childhood MS – a guide for parents
Childhood MS – a guide for parents Introduction 4 What is MS? 6 What are the possible causes of MS? Genes ‘Environmental’ factors 8 How is childhood MS diagnosed? Why does it take so long? Diagnostic tests Telling your child 12 How could MS affect my child? Types of MS Symptoms What does the future hold? 16 Treating and managing MS Children in control Steroid therapy Disease modifying drugs Physiotherapy and exercise Complementary therapies Healthy eating Managing mood changes and depression 22 Cognitive issues – memory and thinking What is cognition? Managing cognitive issues Memory tips 27 MS and the family Explaining things to siblings Teenagers and MS 32 School, college and university What issues might my child face in school? Fatigue Bullying Taking medication at school 35 Getting the best from health and social care services Who is involved in your child’s care? Respite care and short-term breaks 39 Financial matters – benefits and grants Finances Disability Living Allowance (DLA) Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) Family Fund MS Society grants Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is usually thought of as an adult condition, but it is now becoming apparent that children and teenagers can also develop it. There are estimated to be around 85,000 people with MS in the UK and perhaps as many as five to ten per cent of young people with MS will experience the onset of MS before the age of 16 – that’s up to 4,250 young people. 1 The youngest child diagnosed with MS is two years old. MS-like symptoms can turn into many other things or nothing at all. Childhood MS may be under recognised, either because symptoms are mild and quickly pass, or because they are put down to other conditions that are known to be more common in children. Some children may have neurological symptoms but not get a diagnosis at all. MS has traditionally been seen as an adult condition, so is rarely considered as a diagnosis for children. With hindsight many adults can trace the origins of the condition back to their childhood. If your child has been diagnosed with MS, or MS has been suggested as a possible reason for their illness, this booklet may help you understand more about the condition, about the care your child should receive and how you can find the support available to manage the changes MS can bring. 42 Improving services and care for children with MS 44 Further information MS Society publications 46 Useful organisations 2 Childhood MS – a guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 Childhood MS – a guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 3 What is MS? To understand what happens in MS, it is helpful to understand what happens in the body’s central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord). The brain controls bodily activities, such as movement and thought by sending messages from the brain, like picking up a glass or lifting your foot. The spinal cord is the main pathway for these messages between the body and the brain. Myelin cell body myelin nerve fibre (axon) Passage of messages along the axon Surrounding and protecting the nerve fibres of the central nervous system is an insulating substance called myelin, which helps messages travel quickly and smoothly from the brain to the rest of the body. MS is an autoimmune condition. This means that the immune system, which normally helps to fight off infections, mistakes its own tissue as foreign and attacks it. In MS, the immune system attacks the myelin surrounding the nerve fibres. This damages the myelin and strips it from the nerve fibres, either partially or2 completely, leaving scars (also known as lesions, plaques or sclerosis). Demyelination in MS cell body damaged myelin (demyelination) myelin nerve fibre (axon) Distorted messages This damage to myelin disrupts messages travelling along nerve fibres. The messages can slow down or become distorted. The easiest way to understand what happens in MS is to think of the nervous system as an electrical circuit, with the brain and spinal cord acting as the power source and the rest of the body being the lights, computers, TVs, and so on. Nerves are like electric cables linking the appliances together with myelin being the plastic insulation around these cables. If the insulation gets damaged, the appliances will become faulty or temperamental and there may be a short circuit. As the central nervous system links all bodily activities, many different symptoms can appear in MS. The specific symptoms that appear depend upon which part of the central nervous system is affected and the function of these areas. 4 4 Childhood MS – a guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 Childhood MS – a guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 5 What are the possible causes of MS? MS isn’t contagious – people do not ‘catch MS’. Neither is it hereditary, so it is not passed directly from parent to child. There is nothing that we know about MS which suggests you or your child could have done anything different to avoid getting it. There appears to be a combination of factors that lead to someone developing MS: Genes Although MS is not a hereditary condition, there is some research evidence to suggest that there may be a genetic link. Around one in every 800 people in the general population of the UK develops MS. Where one parent has MS, the chances of a child developing MS are higher, but still very small; about 16 in every 800. So the chances rise where people have shared genes, but there is no single gene which causes MS. It is possible that a combination of genes along with environmental factors can make some people more susceptible to developing MS. Studies with twins show that if one twin is affected with MS, there is around a 30 per cent chance that an identical twin (who is genetically identical) will also develop the condition. If genes were entirely responsible for MS, we would expect to see a 100 per cent chance of them2 developing MS. Genes play a role, but are certainly not the whole story. ‘Environmental’ factors MS is more common in areas further away from the equator. It is virtually unheard of in places like Malaysia or Ecuador but relatively common in Britain, Scotland, North America, Canada and Scandinavia. It is not clear why, but it is possible that something in the environment, perhaps bacteria or a virus, plays a role. No single virus has been identified as contributing to MS, but some researchers think that a common childhood virus may act as a trigger by disturbing the immune system or indirectly setting off a process whereby the immune system attacks itself. This theory remains unproven and many people who do not have MS would 3 have also been exposed to these viruses. It is important to remember that there is nothing you could have done to prevent your child from developing MS. 6 6 Childhood MS – a guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 Childhood MS – a guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 7 How is childhood MS diagnosed? Why does it take so long? Diagnosing MS can be difficult, both in children and adults due to its complexity and variety of symptoms. Some MS attacks are very brief. There is no single diagnostic test and other conditions with similar symptoms may need to be ruled out before a final diagnosis can be made. Your child should be examined by a neurologist, a doctor who specialises in conditions of the central nervous system. Although there are clear guidelines for neurologists to diagnose MS in adults, the process for children is not so established. A diagnosis may be made by a paediatric neurologist, an adult neurologist, or more usually a combination of the two. Sometimes, it can feel as if you and your child are stuck in ‘limbo land’ – waiting for a diagnosis so that you know what you are dealing with. To reach a diagnosis of MS, there needs to be evidence of MS activity in two or more parts of the brain or spinal cord and on at least two occasions. If your child has experienced a single episode of symptoms, they are unlikely to be given a diagnosis of MS. You may have been told that your child has ‘ADEM’ (acute disseminated encephalomyelitis), ‘optic neuritis’ or has had a ‘clinically isolated syndrome’. These can all have the same symptoms as MS, but might happen only once and not return. If further episodes do occur, then MS might be diagnosed. You can find out more about these conditions by calling the MS Society information team. Diagnostic tests The following are the most commonly used tests and procedures. None are conclusive on their own, but each can help to come to a clear diagnosis. To rule out conditions that mimic MS, other tests may also be done, including blood tests. You will be able to stay with your child throughout most of these procedures. Neurological examination The neurologist will ask either you or your child (depending on their age) lots of questions about symptoms and problems now and in the past. They will also do a physical examination to check for subtle changes in movement, reflexes or sensation. These tests can pick up even tiny changes which you and your child might not even be aware of. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) An MRI scanner uses a strong magnetic field to create a detailed image of the brain and spinal cord. It shows the exact location and size of any damage or scarring (lesions) in the brain. To get the image of the brain and spinal cord they must lie down and enter a small tunnel in the centre of the MRI scanner. The process can take between 20 and 60 minutes and is painless, but quite noisy. Your child might feel nervous about the scan – it is a large, noisy machine in quite an unfamiliar setting; but you can be in the room to reassure them and they can usually wear headphones and have their own music played while they are in the scanner. The scan itself does not cause any pain. Great Ormond Street Hospital has a free downloadable factsheet explaining MRI for children. (See useful organisations at the back of this booklet) 8 8 Childhood MS – a guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 Childhood MS – a guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 9 Evoked potentials This involves testing the time it takes for the brain to receive messages from the eyes or ears. The neurologist will place small electrodes on your child’s head to monitor their brain waves responding to what they see or hear while looking at a screen. These electrodes measure tiny electrical impulses; they are not painful for your child. If MS or a similar condition is active, this test can detect messages to and from the brain travelling more slowly than usual. Lumbar puncture A lumbar puncture (or spinal tap) involves a needle being inserted into the space around the spinal cord, under local anaesthetic. Not all children will need this test. A small sample of the fluid that flows around the brain and spinal cord, called ‘cerebrospinal fluid’, is then taken and tested for abnormalities that show evidence of MS. You can usually stay with your child to comfort them. Some children are sedated for the procedure as it can be uncomfortable and it is important to lie still. Your child will be asked to lie on the bed on his or her side and to curl up into a ball. The nurse will help the child to keep in the correct position. They will apply a local anaesthetic here before starting. The doctor will feel your child’s lower back and locate the correct space between the vertebrae (the bones of the spine). The doctor will then wash the skin around this area and cover the surrounding parts of the back with a sterile towel before inserting the needle. The fluid will be sent to the laboratories to be examined. In some cases the fluid pressure will also be measured. People commonly report headaches following a lumbar puncture. This is a recognised side effect and the neurologist can advise on how best to manage this. Bed rest may help with this. Great Ormond Street Hospital has a free downloadable factsheet on this procedure. 4 (Details in the back of this booklet) 10 Childhood MS – a guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 Telling your child Should I tell my child about their diagnosis? All parents of children with MS will ask themselves this question and will be keen to get it right. The parent-child relationship is built on many things, one of which is honesty. Children will be very aware that something is wrong. They know you are upset, they know that most children do not undergo MRI or lumbar puncture. You may want to provide honest information to your child about their diagnosis. It is okay to tell your child that the diagnosis makes you feel sad, they already know this. It can be very helpful to tell them directly that they do not have cancer, that they are not dying and that MS is not their fault. These are all things that children with MS tell neurologists and paediatric teams that they are afraid of. There are good reasons for telling your child about their diagnosis, but it is an individual choice and it depends upon their maturity and ability to receive the information. Remember: • When you start talking about the diagnosis, you’ll be giving them the vocabulary and also the permission that they need to talk about their feelings. • They’ll be dealing with health care professionals a lot and need to be OK about this. • Children will often take their cue from you about how they are going to act in any situation. If you can talk to them about their concerns and questions, they may be able to deal with the situation more calmly. Childhood MS – a guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 11 How could MS affect my child? Types of MS MS can affect people very differently and one of the most frustrating aspects of the condition is its unpredictability – not knowing what symptoms may arise, when, or how long they will last. Relapsing remitting MS Most people with MS, including children, are first diagnosed with relapsing remitting MS. This means they experience a relapse or flare up of symptoms (also known as an attack or exacerbation) followed by remission. (The period of stability between relapses when symptoms settle down or disappear is known as remission. Remissions can last any length of time, even years. No one knows exactly what makes MS go into remission.) A relapse is usually defined as the appearance of new symptoms, or the return of old symptoms, for a period of 24 hours or more, at least 30 days since the start of any previous relapse. If your child has a temperature, because of an infection, for example, symptoms can get temporarily worse and they may appear to be having a relapse. But this flare up of symptoms is caused by a raised body temperature, rather than by new MS activity and the symptoms fade as the temperature 5 returns to normal. This is known as a ‘pseudo relapse’. Relapses can take a few days to develop and can last for days, weeks or months. Symptoms can be mild or severe. Most children recover well from relapses. In the early stages of relapsing remitting MS, symptoms can disappear completely during remissions. However, after several relapses there may be some residual damage to the myelin, meaning that6 some symptoms may linger which can cause difficulty, even if only mild. Secondary progressive MS Many people who start out with relapsing remitting MS later develop a form that is known as secondary progressive MS. In secondary progressive MS, symptoms do not go away completely after a relapse and there is an underlying increase in disability. Not everyone with secondary progressive MS continues to have relapses. One study into childhood MS suggests that few people who develop MS in childhood develop secondary progressive MS later on – those who do may also have a slower rate of progression than people who were diagnosed with MS in adulthood. It is difficult to give exact figures, and even harder to make accurate predictions for individual children, but on average perhaps 50 per cent of people whose MS started before 16 will 7 develop secondary progressive MS after 15 years. ‘Benign’ MS People with relapsing remitting MS who only have a small number of relapses, followed by a complete recovery, may be described as having benign MS. It is only possible to make a diagnosis of benign MS once a person has experienced little or no disability for a period of 10 to 15 years. However, a diagnosis of benign MS does not mean they will be free of problems; a relapse may occasionally occur after many years in which the MS has been inactive. It is likely that in 10 per cent of people with MS, the disease will follow a benign course. It is not known whether benign MS occurs in children. 12 Childhood MS – a guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 Childhood MS – a guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 13 Primary progressive MS Primary progressive MS tends to be diagnosed in older people, usually in their forties or later. From the outset, those with primary progressive MS experience steadily worsening symptoms and an increase in disability. Symptoms may level off for a time, or may continue to worsen, often with an absence of relapses. Approximately810 to 15 per cent of adults with MS have the primary progressive form. Symptoms There are many possible symptoms of MS – few people experience them all. At times there might be several symptoms together, at other times there may be no outward symptoms. Children can sometimes be remarkably adaptable, not complaining of symptoms because they have found a way to manage despite them, or because they have noticed that some other symptoms clear up on their own. What does the future hold? As mentioned already, MS is difficult to predict and varies from person to person, so predicting exactly how it will affect each child is not possible. Most children have relapsing remitting MS, with periods of good, if unpredictable, recovery. Some9 children can be more severely affected, but rapid progression is rare. MS is not a terminal illness. Like diabetes, it’s known as a chronic or long-term condition which needs to be managed for life. Most people with MS live a normal life span, with perhaps a five to 10 year reduction 10 in average life expectancy. There are many publications from the MS Society that can help with things as they come up. To obtain these you can either go to our website for further information or call the information team. There is also a wealth of information on the MS Society website on the latest research and news. Problems with memory and thinking are common symptoms of childhood MS, as are problems with movement such as poor coordination and tremor. However, MS is unpredictable and it varies from person to person. People can have different symptoms at different times. Although some are very common, there is no pattern that applies to everyone. Some of the common symptoms include: • fatigue – an overwhelming sense of tiredness making physical or mental activity difficult • balance problems and dizziness – walking difficulties, problems with coordination • visual problems – blurred or double vision, temporary loss of sight in one eye or both • numbness or tingling – commonly in the hands or feet • pain – sometimes mild, sometimes severe • loss of muscle strength and dexterity • stiffness and spasms – tightening or rigidity in particular muscle groups • anxiety, depression or mood swings • cognitive problems – difficulty with memory and concentration • speech problems – slurring, slowing of speech, or changes in pitch or tone • incontinence – a lack of control over bladder or bowel functions Some symptoms, such as walking difficulties, are obvious to other people. Others, such as pain or fatigue, are not and are often referred to as hidden, invisible or silent symptoms. Hidden symptoms may be more difficult for people to understand, especially those unfamiliar with MS. 14 Childhood MS – a guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 Childhood MS – a guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 15 Treating and managing MS There are now drugs that can modify the course of MS for some people. Many of the symptoms can be successfully treated or managed. There is also ongoing research into new treatments and better care. You can find out more from the MS Society information team and Helpline. ( Some drug treatments commonly used for MS may not be licensed specifically for the condition. Many may not be licensed specifically for children. However, this does not mean that they won’t be useful or that they can’t be used for children, with careful monitoring. As with adult MS, it can be a process of trial and error – the first drug might not be the one that is effective, and the dose may need to be adjusted before the right amount is found. Your GP, MS nurse or paediatric nurse will monitor the effects the drugs are having and can alter the dosage accordingly. Drug treatments for particular symptoms are often most effective when combined with other approaches, such as physiotherapy or occupational therapy (looking at how everyday activities can be done most effectively). For more information about treatments for specific symptoms, such as fatigue, pain, or muscle stiffness, contact the MS Society information team. ( Children in control When children are included in planning their own treatment, they are more likely to get involved and stick to therapies and medications. Having choice and a say in treatments helps anyone to feel more in control. For example, if a child takes a disease modifying drug (see page 18 for more details) they can be involved in the injection and preparation to give them a sense of control. They might want to mark where the injection is given, or prepare the medication or apply pre-medication11 cream. All this helps give ‘ownership’ of the process to the child. As children get older they may want to become more in charge of their care. You might monitor that medication is being taken without actually being involved in the process. Whenever dealing with children and teens, it is vital to be honest, present them with clear information, and allow them to help in the decision making process. (See page 29 for more on teenagers and MS) Steroid therapy Steroids are commonly used to treat an attack of neurological symptoms – either the first episode, or later relapses. Although they do not alter the course of the condition, steroids can reduce the inflammation in the central 12 nervous system and speed up recovery. It is important to note that these steroids known as ‘corticosteroids’ are not the same as ‘anabolic steroids’ sometimes used by athletes to build muscle. A short course of high-dose intravenous steroids is as effective in children as in adults when given during the 13course of an attack, though the best dose to give for children will vary. Steroids do not affect the level of recovery from an attack, so if some symptoms remain several months later, steroid treatment is unlikely to clear these up. And although they often speed up recovery, their effectiveness can vary. 16 Childhood MS – a guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 Childhood MS – a guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 17 UK neurologists will generally choose intravenous methylprednisolone (IVMP) (a drip that goes into the vein) as the steroid to treat severe MS relapses. Large doses are usually given over a few days and this method may require admission to hospital, particularly for disabling relapses. Oral dexamethasone or prednisolone can also be prescribed. All drugs can have unwanted effects, and steroids are no exception. These side effects can be divided into short-term and long-term. There is some concern over prescribing steroids in the long-term, due to possible side effects including diabetes and osteoporosis. Possible short-term side effects of steroids include: • a metallic taste in the mouth • increased heart rate • hot flushes or a red face • sleeping problems • an increased need to urinate, particularly at night • weight gain Disease modifying drugs Disease modifying drugs (DMDs) can affect the course of MS. They are not a cure but they can reduce the number and severity of MS relapses. Although much of the information and guidance for doctors on DMDs relates to adults, these drugs can be prescribed to children and adolescents by a neurologist. Studies have shown that the DMDs beta 14, 15 interferon and glatiramer acetate are safe to use to treat MS in children. Children are being prescribed these drugs in the UK and, more widely, in the USA and Canada. The MS Society publication Disease modifying drugs is a good source of information. These four drugs are available on the NHS to adults who meet certain criteria, set down by the Association of British Neurologists (ABN). The NHS has agreed to pay for the drugs for anyone who meets these criteria, under a scheme known as the ‘Risk Sharing Scheme’. (This refers to a financial risk for the NHS and the drug companies, rather than any doubts about the safety of the drug.) Unfortunately one of the criteria is that you should normally be over 18 years old to be eligible for these drugs. This makes it difficult but not impossible to access them. There is much discussion as to how early in the course of childhood MS the available DMDs should be used. As it is possible to get nerve damage at the very beginning of the condition, many neurologists believe that treatment should begin at diagnosis or even when people present with their very first symptoms and have an abnormal scan. DMDs may 16 limit the progression of illness and disability in some people. Another disease modifying drug, natalizumab (Tysabri) is not part of the Risk Sharing Scheme, but is approved for use on the NHS for people with ‘severe, highly-active relapsing remitting MS’. Again, this is a drug that has been tested with adults, but neurologists may be willing to prescribe for children in certain circumstances. In Canada and the USA the decision has been made not to use Tysabri in people under 18 years old. Accessing DMDs in the Risk Sharing Scheme Getting primary care trust (PCT) approval for DMDs to be used in children with MS can be a lengthy and problematic process – and with no guarantee of success. The ABN criteria for prescription state that the person should normally be over 18 years old but that treatment at a younger age can sometimes be warranted. The guidelines mainly refer to people over 18 because there is little evidence from trials relating to younger people. But as with any drug, individual neurologists will use their own clinical expertise to decide whether to prescribe to people under 18. Delays can occur where the local PCT, which pays for the drugs on the NHS, is unaware of the ABN’s reference to children being prescribed the drugs. The four most common DMDs are: Beta-interferons Glatiramer acetate Avonex Copaxone Rebif Betaferon They are all given by injection, at home, either under the skin or into a muscle. Depending on which of the four drugs is used, these injections are weekly, daily, or every two or three days. This means there is a routine to get into for any child taking DMDs – something which they and you will want to discuss in detail with an MS or paediatric nurse, neurologist or paediatrician. An MS nurse will be able to help you and your child with learning about injecting and to answer your questions. The GP will be able to refer you to these specialists, who may be working in partnership to help your child. Physiotherapy and exercise Every child can benefit from being physically fit. However MS affects your child, there are exercises that can be of help them to stay as healthy and fit as possible and to improve symptoms and their effects. Exercising regularly will help keep their growing body working to its full potential. To make it easier, it is important to find exercise that suits them – something they enjoy and find worthwhile. All kinds of physical movement can be of benefit. MS affects each person differently and they will have their own likes and dislikes. Although MS will sometimes make certain sports or activities more difficult, children with MS should not feel they need to stop being active and rest all the time. Of course, there will be times when they need to take it easy, but people find their own limits and learn to listen to their own bodies. Your child’s GP, neurologist or paediatric or MS nurse can make a referral to a physiotherapist, who can work with you and your child to find the best exercises for them. A physiotherapist might suggest exercises that concentrate on a particular area of the body that they wish to improve, or help manage a specific effect of MS. 18 Childhood MS – a guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 Childhood MS – a guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 19 A physiotherapist can also help you find accessible sports facilities, and suitable classes for football, netball, yoga, swimming, and a whole range of other activities your child might enjoy. Organisations like Sport England and Get Kids Going could give you some ideas. (See useful organisations at the back of this booklet) See the MS Society publication Exercise and physiotherapy for more information. Complementary therapies Many people say they also get benefits from therapies which are not prescribed by their doctor – collectively called ‘complementary therapies’ which range from herbal medicine to yoga, acupuncture and massage. The evidence for the safety and effectiveness of complementary therapies varies. Some have reputable national bodies which regulate therapies, others do not. It can be hard to tell what is a safe, potentially effective therapy and what might cause harm. It would be wise to approach cautiously anything making grand claims for a cure or miraculous recovery. You should always speak to a doctor or other appropriate health care professional before going ahead with any therapy, just as you would with a drug treatment. See the MS Society Publication Complementary and alternative medicine for more information. Managing mood changes and depression Everyone with MS will feel down from time to time, but for some people these lows can become more frequent or longer lasting. This is when sadness and feeling low might be classed as ‘depression’. Depression is very common, not just in people with MS, and there are treatments available. If your child feels depressed, health professionals should work with you to identify and change anything that might be making the depression worse. They should also consider whether there might be other related things affecting their quality of life, such as anxiety about the diagnosis, trouble at school or fears for the future. The school nurse, paediatric nurse or school counsellor may be a good first point of contact. You can ask to be referred to a psychologist or psychiatrist who is used to dealing with children. If your child loses their appetite, has trouble sleeping, is frequently tearful and low, or has just lost interest in the things that they used to enjoy, then consider asking for an assessment. Antidepressant drug treatments and psychological treatments, including talking therapies such as counselling or cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), for example may be recommended. If your child is feeling anxious or is worrying to the degree that it’s affecting their normal day-to-day living or is making them unhappy, they need to see a specialist for assessment and help. The charity Young Minds can also give advice. Their contact details are at the back of this booklet. See the MS Society publication Mood, depression and emotions for more information. Healthy eating A healthy diet is important for anyone. Although many special diets have been proposed as treatments for MS, none have been proven to prevent MS or affect the way it may develop. Special diets are best approached with caution as some may be expensive or even harmful. Most people do not need to use supplements either. Children can usually get the nutrients they need through a well balanced diet. With careful planning, perhaps with the help of a dietitian, you can make sure you meet their dietary needs – even if they change over time. Persuading any child to eat well, of course, may not be a simple task! Whether you have a toddler or a teenager, here are five strategies that might help: 1 have regular family meals 2 serve a variety of healthy foods and snacks 3 be a role model by eating healthy foods yourself 4 avoid battles over food 5 involve children in the process The Government website on eating well and the MS Society publication Diet and nutrition have more information. Also the Connexions website has information on health issues and healthy living for children and teenagers. Contact details are at the back of this booklet. 20 Childhood MS – a guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 Childhood MS – A guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 21 Cognitive issues – memory and thinking What is cognition? Cognition refers to memory and thinking. More accurately, cognition describes the way we: • focus, maintain and divide attention • learn and remember new things • think, reason and solve problems • plan, carry out and monitor our own activities • understand and use language • recognise objects, assemble things together and judge distances These skills vary naturally in different people – we all have different strengths and weaknesses. But MS can cause problems with learning, remembering, planning and concentrating – the medical term for this is cognitive losses. MS causes changes in parts of the brain and spinal cord and these can sometimes affect a person’s memory and thinking. Thought processes rely on messages being passed along nerves to different areas of the brain and the lesions (scarring) caused by MS can stop or slow down these impulses. Depression, stress, pain, tiredness and relapses can create temporary cognitive difficulties. Some drugs may have a temporary effect on cognition as an unwanted 17side effect. There may be alternative drugs if side effects prove too great. Temperature can affect cognition, particularly overheating which may worsen fatigue and as a consequence cognitive function. Children may be especially vulnerable to problems with cognition, but not everyone who has MS will experience these problems. If you have any concerns about cognitive changes in your child, talk to their paediatric nurse, MS nurse or GP who can make appropriate referrals and help you or your child to find the best ways to investigate the issue and manage any difficulties. Children who experience cognitive problems might, for example, have difficulty recalling facts quickly, or changing concentration from one thing to another. There are lots of ways to help compensate for these problems. People with MS rarely have problems with other types of memory and can remember skills (like riding a bike – things that are ‘second nature’), general knowledge or things about the past. Most often, people with memory problems due to MS have no major difficulties with communication and are able to carry out everyday activities. If your child does have some cognitive symptoms, it does not mean that they will experience all of them. Just like any other symptom of MS, they can affect people quite differently. 22 Childhood MS – a guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 Childhood MS – a guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 23 Managing cognitive issues It is important that a thorough assessment of cognitive problems is carried out. A GP, neurologist, MS nurse or paediatric nurse can make a referral to a psychologist. Cognitive change can get mixed up with changes in mood – which may or may not be directly linked to MS, so a psychologist will look at both these areas to help make sure the best solutions are being found. Any plans to manage cognitive issues should include the whole family and involve the child in decision making, whatever their age. The school and special needs coordinators should be involved, as well as educational or paediatric clinical psychologists. Your MS or paediatric nurse will be able to assist with specific strategies to help your child. There are many things you can do to help your child minimise the effects of cognitive changes. • Help your child to relax and try to have a sense of humour about the situation. • Encourage your child to tell people about their difficulties. This can help reduce the number of misunderstandings. It may also prevent people from interpreting the behaviour as boredom or lack of interest. • Encourage your child to be aware of their own strengths and weaknesses, so that they can set goals and avoid failure accordingly. • Different activities can help children to practice cognitive skills and use different resources. There are many books and puzzles to practise with. There are also lots of free resources on the internet of examples of games to play with your children, which are fun for all the family. Kid’s crosswords, word and number games are also excellent ways to practise. • Encourage your child to recognise their limits and not be afraid to ask for help with difficult tasks. • Help your child to learn to recognise fatigue and try to arrange appropriate rest breaks. • It is important that they concentrate on one thing at a time, for example not having the TV on when doing homework. Memory tips If your child has difficulty remembering things, ‘memory aids’ can be simple but effective: • Encourage them to keep a notebook with them all the time to jot things down. • Get a family planner so you are modelling the use of planning as a good strategy. • Many schools give children daily planners to write down things that need to be done during the day. They can also keep stuff like addresses, phone numbers or the school timetable. If your child’s school doesn’t have this, encourage your child to design and use their own unique planner. • Get into a regular routine of checking their diary and the family planner, for example at meal times. • Use a calendar, wall planner or memo-board. Get your child to design the wall planner – they are more likely to use it if they own it. • Encourage them to stick post-it notes in obvious places to remind them to do stuff, like on the fridge door or the back of the front door. • They won’t need much encouragement to use a mobile phone or a computer to organise and store information but they might need some help in setting the systems up! • Electronic organisers (PDAs) can be carried around and may be easier than having lots of pieces of paper. They can also be set to beep to remind them to do certain things at set times. • They could set alarms on a watch or mobile to remind them to do something. • Keep a message book by the telephone. • Make up mnemonics (pronounced ne-mon-iks). Mnemonics are rhymes, rules or phrases to help remember things. For example ROYGBIV (Richard of York gave battle in vain) can help to remember the colours of the rainbow. • Use visual imagery – make up pictures to tell a story, visualise the information they wish to recall. For example, don’t just learn the directions to the library, picture the route. • Get organised. Have set places for things such as keys or scissors, which are easily misplaced, and encourage other family members to make sure things are put back in their correct place. • Try to establish routines so they will have less to remember. At home It can sometimes be difficult to know what is a cognitive effect and what is a normal part of growing up. Children with MS may not remember that you have told them to do something or to go somewhere. They may not take in all that is said to them first time, or they may understand but then forget. Make sure that you have explained things clearly and check that they understand. You might need to explain the same thing a number of times. This may sound a little too simple, but sometimes these simple adjustments can be enough to help. 24 Childhood MS – a guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 Childhood MS – a guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 25 In school Schools should make allowances for any symptoms, including cognitive changes, if they happen. (See the chapter school, college and university on page 32) At school they’re being asked to pay attention and study in a fairly fast-paced environment which can have a lot of distractions. Difficulty with memory, in processing information quickly or in focusing on a subject might be misunderstood as being lazy, inattentive or sleepy. Keeping the school informed can help to minimise this problem. The cognitive issues in MS can be more difficult to deal with when they happen in someone who is still in the learning environment of a school, where they are constantly being compared and comparing themselves with others. MS and the family With friends Keeping your child’s friends and their parents informed might be helpful. If they are aware of the basic facts then they will feel more able to cope with the situation and make simple adjustments such as those mentioned above. Of course it should be up to your child how much information they want to share with their friends. They might not want to say anything at all. A teenager in the USA has written a book explaining her MS to her friends, giving them answers to any questions they may have so they won’t be afraid and be tempted to leave the child or teenager out of things or to bully them. There is a video on you tube that was made by the MS Society in the USA which shows teenagers at a summer camp for teenagers with MS. They talk about how MS affects their lives and what they do to cope. Details of how to get these and other resources are at the back of this booklet. 26 Childhood MS – a guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 Childhood MS – a guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 27 MS is a condition that affects the whole family. It can affect communication, relationships, mood and daily interactions. Symptoms such as extreme fatigue, weakness, bladder problems and cognitive changes may alter the child’s ability to participate in normal childhood activities. Children may also exhibit a range of emotions and behaviours such as aggression, depression and anxiety as a reaction to the diagnosis. Learning how to live with an unpredictable and changing condition can be hard on anyone. MS will inevitably bring about changes – and everyone in the family will be aware that things are different. Open discussion of the family’s concerns is critical. There will inevitably be times of greater stress, and general lack of understanding of childhood MS can contribute to this. Additionally, MS relapses, fatigue and hospital appointments can result in missed schooling. Other siblings may feel resentful or jealous of the attention that the child with MS receives and this can lead to bad behaviour from them as they try to redress the balance. As parents, you might not always get the understanding from friends that you need – however well meaning their intentions. Equally, you may come across health and social care professionals who are not aware of MS as a childhood condition. You’re not alone if you feel you are spending a lot of time explaining the basics. There are no firm and fast rules for the best way to deal with MS as a family, but parents in similar situations have found the following tips helpful to remember: • Try to keep the lines of communication open - between everyone in the family, and with friends and health care professionals. • Choose a time of day when children are not tired or distracted. • Make sure you can look them in the eye and gauge their reactions. • Give them a conversational warning. Try “We have something important to talk about.” • Don’t feel you have to share all the details at once: State the basics, then answer questions. • It’s OK to say “I don’t know, but I’ll try to find out” to any question. • Use basic medical terms, and explain them. Express confidence in the doctors. • Explain what the illness may mean to the siblings routine: Will someone else be caring for them while you’re taking care of hospital visits and so on. • Check in from time to time to make sure that children understand and feel supported. • Inform important people in your children’s world – teachers and babysitters, for example – so they can watch out for signs of stress. • Allow siblings individual time with you so they don’t feel left out or ignored. • Use support groups for families. Talking to other parents and families going through a similar situation may be helpful. • There is information published by the MS Society and MS Trust which is written specifically to explain MS to children and young people. This is available from the MS Society information team. • Health and social care professionals can help with caring for your child with MS, and also with maintaining the health and well-being of the family. Explaining things to siblings Family members may have as many questions as your child with MS, and some of the same concerns as you have: What will happen?; Why us?; Will I get it?; Will things ever get back to normal?; Is it my fault? They can also feel fear, resentment and guilt. All of these are perfectly normal reactions, which might be more or less obvious and might surface in different ways. To encourage your other children to ask the questions they have, it’s a good idea to have some knowledge of the basic facts of MS so you can answer their first questions. Perhaps you could visit the MS Society website together, or refer to the Society’s What is MS? booklet. The freephone MS Helpline can speak to children as well as adults about MS and any concerns they have. A paediatric nurse or an MS nurse may be able to help explain the condition to your other children. Childhood MS – a guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 Some practical suggestions for explaining MS to other children: • Remember that not every change in the family and every issue to be tackled will be MS related. For example, moody teenagers are still moody teenagers, whether or not they, or their brother or sister, have MS. • It is important that you get to have time out for yourself as a parent and respite care is sometimes available to give carers and the person with MS a break. Details of organisations that can help are listed in the back of this booklet. 28 To open the subject, you can reassure your children that MS is not contagious and they cannot ‘catch’ it. Many young children and teenagers need to have those fears addressed at the very start. You can also assure them that their brother or sister with MS can be expected to live a long life, and that their own risk of developing MS is low. • The MS Society Helpline is a service available to children as well as adults. Siblings can sometimes benefit from support groups and ‘young carer’ organisations, even though they probably think of themselves first and 18 foremost as brother or sister, rather than ‘carer’. There are details of such organisations at the back of this booklet. Teenagers and MS Children grow up and as a parent you may not even be aware of this because you’re living with them every day. When they become young adults they may need more information, and in greater detail than they had before. Knowledge is power and it’s very important for them to feel that they have some control over their illness. As one teenager succinctly puts it: “MS is only one part of me, not my complete identity, I really just want to be a normal teenager, so include me in activities, and I’ll tell you if I can’t do something.” After a diagnosis of MS, teenagers can withdraw from parents and not talk much about what’s going on. They may even go into denial and just pretend that nothing is wrong. Although it’s difficult to separate typical adolescent turmoil from a reaction to having MS, it is possible. Listen carefully to what your teenager says and be alert for signs of depression or cognitive problems (memory, or attention span issues). Help your Childhood MS – a guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 29 teenager talk about what’s bothering them. Often these conversations happen in the car or while running errands, when teenagers might be more likely to open up. A favourite teacher, or someone your child trusts and respects, can also be people for your child to turn to. It is important to try not to control what your teenager should or shouldn’t be feeling or how they should react. Everyone is different. They may want to cry or they might just have nothing to say on the subject. It’s not unusual for teenagers to feel guilty or wonder what they’ve done to deserve MS. Or they may feel relief if they’ve had unexplained symptoms for a while – now they have an answer. They may take some time to settle down and accept things. They may be in denial, especially if they are in remission, but these feelings may return if they get new symptoms or the MS gets worse. Adapting to life with MS can take time, and in some ways is an ongoing, life-long process, but a positive attitude from you and your child can help to manage the condition well. Learning to drive Learning to drive can be a lifeline, not only in helping young people get around more easily but as a boost to their independence. Young people with disabilities on higher rate Disability Living Allowance (DLA) can obtain a provisional driving license and drive a car at 16 – a year earlier than normal. There is more information about DLA in the MS Society publication Claiming disability living allowance. They can get advice on what kind of car they may need at an assessment centre. If aged between 16 and 24 and receiving the higher rate DLA, young people may be eligible for help towards the cost of driving lessons. The charity Motability can point them in the right direction. (See the useful organisations section of this booklet) Cigarettes alcohol and drugs Like many teenagers, your daughter or son may be tempted to try cigarettes, alcohol or illegal drugs. Teenagers and their families should be aware that alcohol, nicotine and illegal drugs can interact with medications used to treat MS symptoms, and these interactions are potentially dangerous. Pharmacists can be helpful if you are worried about possible drug interactions. You may have also heard or seen on the internet that cannabis can help alleviate some of the symptoms of MS. Cannabis is a Class C illegal drug. Currently it is not recognised as having any medicinal value. Anyone found in possession of cannabis faces two years imprisonment and/or a fine. There is an oral spray called Sativex containing a cannabis extract produced by GW Pharmaceuticals. GPs in the UK can prescribe Sativex on a ‘named patient’ basis for people with MS. ‘Named patient’ means that the prescribing GP takes the decision to prescribe it based on your individual circumstances. It is quite unusual for it to be prescribed. More information can be found on this on the MS Society website. 30 Childhood MS – a guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 Relationships and sex Some young people have relationships and sex. MS may affect the way they see themselves and this may affect their relationships, both in forming them and in keeping them going. MS may also affect sex drive and sexual function. Some medicines can have side effects that alter sexual function or make the contraceptive pill less effective. It can feel embarrassing to talk about these things, but anyone who is worried can talk in confidence to the MS Helpline, or to a doctor or MS nurse that they feel comfortable with. There are support groups and online discussion boards for teenagers which are hosted by the MS Society ( under the heading Young People in the chat forums, and also on the American MS Society website (, where they can discuss and share experiences, chat to people of their own age and get support. Contact details for further resources for teenagers are at the back of this booklet. Taking care of yourselves as parents When a child is diagnosed with MS, parents often report feeling ‘lost’. As they disclose the diagnosis to others they often hear statements such as, “MS does not happen in children”. There may be few opportunities to meet and network with others in the same situation, yet establishing a relationship with other parents is helpful in coping with the diagnosis and growing as a family in the process. Telephone conference calls and internet chat rooms can be useful to make links with support groups for parents of children with long-term conditions and others living with MS. Parents of children with chronic illnesses like MS often mourn for the loss of the 19 healthy child and the loss of the dreams they had for their child’s future. As a parent you will inevitably find yourself in the position of comforter rather than comforted. However it is important as a parent to come to terms with the complex feelings surrounding a diagnosis of MS for your child, so take time to acknowledge how you are feeling, to yourself and those around you. Take care of yourself as well as your family and get the comfort that you need from a partner, friends or family. Details of organisations that can also offer help for parents and carers are at the back of this booklet. Get in touch with them and see how they can support you. The MS Society Helpline is open for anyone in the family to call, adult or child. Childhood MS – a guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 31 School, college and university What issues might my child face in school? Having MS can disrupt schooling. You and your child will of course make adjustments so they can continue to participate, but schools, colleges and universities also have a duty to make ‘reasonable adjustments’ for their students (under the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA). There is more information on this at the MS Society website. ( Many people with MS continue study or work, with adjustments to allow them to do this. In an educational setting, this could include extra time for exams, if concentration becomes difficult, or perhaps the use of a computer instead of pen and paper. Remember that most teachers, schools and colleges will not know a great deal about MS, so you may have to spend time explaining things to them. It might help to involve a health care professional in these meetings, to explain symptoms and the possible impact on your child in school. The relapsing remitting nature of MS means that an affected child or teenager may have unpredictable school attendance, with missed days due not only to relapses, but also due to many scheduled medical visits and treatments. Children may drop out of activities because of sporadic attendance or for physical reasons. Making adjustments for your child will involve working closely with the school, college or university to determine what issues might be present over time. As your child may miss out on lessons through illness or hospital appointments, it is important to inform his or her teacher as soon as a diagnosis has been made. The school should be understanding about this and provide extra help if needed. Every primary and secondary school should have a Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) who can organise classroom assistance or any aids your child needs. Some schools are extremely good at providing help, while with others parents can face an uphill battle. It is no longer necessary to have a ‘statement of special educational needs’ to obtain support in the classroom. Organisations like the National association for special needs will be able to give further advice and support. Contact details are in the back of this booklet. You may want to consider sending your child to a special school as they may be able to get more help in smaller classes. The pupil-teacher ratio in special schools is 6.3:1 (this compares to 22.7:1 and 17:1 in maintained primary and secondary schools respectively). Many children are ‘dual registered’ which means registered in both a mainstream school and a special school. More information on this can be found at the Every Child Matters website. ( Moving from primary to secondary school also needs careful planning. Secondary school children have to cope with more stairs, more pupils and more moving around for lessons. It is a good idea to talk to schools early – at the end of Year 5 or beginning of Year 6 – to make sure they are prepared. The school’s SENCO should help. Deficits in attention and memory are likely to have greater importance as children enter secondary school where these skills are much more important. Decisions for higher education may be influenced by the diagnosis. Some teenagers choose to attend a local college, so that their medical needs can be cared for at home. 32 Childhood MS – a guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 Childhood MS – a guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 33 As well as the DDA, there are systems in place in schools to ensure that your child can continue to get an effective, suitable education, however MS affects them. There may also be help with funding through the Disabled students allowance (DSA). For more information visit or call 0800 328 5050. Getting the best from health and social care services If you need more information about your child’s education both at school and at university or college, please contact the MS Society information team. Fatigue If your child is affected by fatigue, early mornings or late afternoon might be worse times for concentrating or doing active things at school. They may not have to stay at school all day – this is the kind of adjustment that a school might make. Help them to choose a time where they will be at their best, maybe they could choose lessons that they like most to start with. Checking where the lessons will physically be is important. They may be up long flights of stairs or at the end of long corridors. Changing some classrooms could be another reasonable adjustment. Similar adjustments can be made for other symptoms which might affect the school day. Your paediatric or MS nurse will be able to assist your child with fatigue management planning. Bullying If your child is missing alot of school, or is perceived as different, then they may be subject to bullying. They are no different from other children in this regard. They may be badly behaved themselves as they ‘act out’ their feelings of fear and feeling out of control, which could lead to them bullying others. There are organisations which can help and offer further information and advice if you need it. Contact details can be found in the back of this booklet. Taking medication at school If your child needs to have access to their medication at school you should make an appointment to talk to the head teacher about it as soon as possible. The head teacher will be able to tell you what support is available. This issue should be covered in the school’s health and safety policy. If there is a need to clarify exactly what the school can do, they may suggest drawing up a health care plan. School staff members aren’t obliged to help your child manage their medication (unless they are employed to do it – for example, as a health care assistant). But those who volunteer to do so should get the proper training. Schools are advised to consult medical professionals on these 20 issues. Be patient if the school takes a cautious approach. You can find guidance for schools on developing a policy on medical support – and information on health plans – through Teachernet’s page on ‘Managing medicines in schools’. ( 34 Childhood MS – a guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 Childhood MS – a guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 35 There are many ways that health and social care services can help you and your family, but knowing who to contact and how to access them is not always easy. What follows is a very basic guide to a very complex area. Local sources of information, such as your nearest MS Society branch, Citizens Advice Bureau or other volunteer organisation can offer further pointers about what’s available and how to get hold of it. Many local authorities (who provide social care services) will have a ‘one stop shop’ – a single phone number to get in touch. Their number will be listed in the local phone book. The division between services provided by health and social services is not always fixed or clear, but broadly speaking, social services can provide respite care, help at home with care tasks, adaptations to the home and support for both your child and you at home and school. The exact services provided varies from place to place, so get in touch with your local authority to find out what is available there. Local carers groups are often good sources of information about what you are entitled to. If you have any questions, problems or concerns about the health care of your child, you can contact, in England and Northern Ireland, your local Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS). They will answer queries both from people with MS or those looking after them. The telephone number for PALS services is normally available from a doctor’s surgery or hospital. Issues around health care in Wales are dealt with by Community Health Councils. In Scotland, you can find out how to make a complaint through NHS Scotland. You can find information on what issues you could face when your child makes the move from paediatric care to adult services at the Department of Health website. ( See the MS Society publications Getting the best from social services, Getting the best from social work in Scotland and A Guide to health care services for further information. Who is involved in your child’s care? There may be many different people involved from the outset, and these may change over the years. There may be a combination of paediatric and adult services involved. This may seem confusing but different specialists can bring different expertise. Your child He or she will know the most about their own symptoms and their impact. They will understand when regular therapies and treatments are needed and if they are working. You You will know more about your child than anyone else, you will have personal knowledge of what causes their relapses and know how symptoms affect them mentally and physically. Your GP This is your first point of contact; they can supply repeat prescriptions, help deal with some symptoms and refer to more specialist help when it is needed. They can also liaise with an MS nurse or neurologist. They will hold all your child’s medical records. MS nurses They are often brought in on a special contract to work with children with MS – they can be a vital point of contact as they work closely with neurologists and have an in-depth knowledge of the condition. Paediatric nurses They specialise in childrens’ illnesses and often work in partnership with MS nurses. Adult neurologists Key in diagnosing, treating and prescribing appropriate treatment. Paediatricians A doctor who specialises in childrens’ illnesses can often help deal with some symptoms. They can also refer on to therapists or psychologists. Child psychologist They will be a specialist in working with children with cognitive and behavioural problems. They will have experience of dealing with children going through difficult situations. Child psychiatrist They will be specialists in working with children with behavioural and mental health problems, for example depression. They will be able to prescribe medication and psychological ‘talking therapies’. 36 Childhood MS – a guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 Childhood MS – a guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 37 Occupational therapists They can provide practical help for problems that affect daily life at home. for example dealing with fatigue. Financial matters – benefits and grants Physiotherapists Can give advice and offer treatment regarding mobility issues and other physical problems. Educational psychologists They tackle the problems encountered by young people in education, which may involve learning difficulties and social or emotional problems. They regularly liaise with other professionals from the departments of education, health and social services. Social worker Can give advice about other organisations and about which benefits your family and child may be entitled to. Voluntary organisations Including the MS Society in the UK and in the United States and Canada and the UK National MS Therapy Centres. There is a list of useful organisations at the back of this booklet. Respite care and short-term breaks Short-term breaks are one of parents’ most frequently reported unmet needs. There is grant funding available from the government. Shared Care Network is funded to promote short-term breaks and increase short-term break carer recruitment. There are organisations which can help with breaks, including the Shared Care Network. ( 38 Childhood MS – a guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 Childhood MS – a guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 39 Finances Having MS in the family can have a financial impact. There may be added costs associated with the MS. Caring responsibilities may mean that working full time becomes more 21difficult. Parents may have to go part time, or stop working altogether. There is financial help available. There are several benefits that a child who is under 16 may be entitled to, including those listed below. But it is a very complex topic and things can change from one year to the next. Always seek local information from an organisation such as the Citizens Advice Bureau or Jobcentre Plus office. See the MS Society publications Benefits and MS and Claiming disability living allowance for more information. Disablity Living Allowance (DLA) This is a tax-free benefit for children and adults who need help with personal care or have mobility difficulties because they are physically or mentally disabled. It is made up of two components, care and mobility. Your child might receive either or both components, at different levels, depending on how their MS affects them. DLA is not means tested. You may be able to get other help for your child if they get DLA. You may get an extra amount for your child’s disability in income support, housing benefit, and council tax benefit or child tax credit. You may also be able to get a blue badge for your car. More information on benefits is available from the free advice line run by the Department for Work and Pensions on 0800 88 22 00. There is also a leaflet available called Disablity living allowance for children from the DWP Disability and carer’s service. ( 40 Childhood MS – a guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) The disabled facilities grant provides financial assistance to help with home adaptations. It is not means tested for families with disabled children, so your earnings and savings do not affect what you are entitled to. It is administered by local authorities and subject to a maximum grant of £25,000. For more information on the grant for home adaptations see the MS Society publication Adaptations and your home. A parent’s guide to the DFG is available from the Every child matters website. ( In Scotland; there are similar housing grants available. A booklet available from the Scottish government ( An applicant’s guide to improvement and repair grants for private housing. This tells you what works are eligible for grant, who can apply for a grant, how much grant you could get, and how to apply for a grant. The Family Fund The Family Fund is funded by England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. The Fund supports families of severely disabled children under 16 with grants for items such as holidays and leisure breaks, washing machines and tumble dryers, bedding and clothing. MS Society grants The MS Society, through its branches, considers grant requests to help people affected by MS obtain funding for items they need because of their disability, but for which they cannot get statutory help. The MS Society provides individual grants to assist people with necessary items such as aids and equipment, adaptations to the home or car and top up funds for respite care breaks. You can find out more at or call our grants team on 0208 438 0700. Childhood MS – a guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 41 Improving services and care for children with MS Over the next five years the MS Society will invest in research specifically directed at understanding childhood MS and developing treatments, and encouraging other research funders to do so too. We’ll also work with researchers to consider where there might be greater interaction between adult and childhood MS research. We aim to develop further resources like this publication to empower parents of children with MS to be able to provide information to their local school and education authority. We want to engage with the national government’s Special Educational Needs agenda (SEN), looking to work with the Department for Children, Schools and Families to identify routes to inform and advise schools attended by children with MS. We will fund one full-time posting in 2008 to provide MS paediatric specialist nursing and consider how this role could be adapted to incorporate training and outreach to maximise the number of children who benefit. We will facilitate a paediatric MS network for people affected by the condition to encourage the sharing of best practice between health care professionals, working in collaboration with organisations such as the British Paediatric Neurology Association. In particular we will work to raise general awareness of childhood MS. As with everything we do, people affected by MS are involved, so get in touch and let us know how we can help you. Contact the information team on 0208 438 4799, Monday to Friday, 10am-3pm. 42 Childhood MS – a guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 Childhood MS – a guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 43 Further information MS Society publications MS Society publications The MS Society has publications on a wide variety of topics, including information for people newly diagnosed, types of MS, managing relapses, and social services. For a publications list and order form visit the website or call 020 8438 0799, Monday to Friday, 10am-3pm. MS Society website and magazine Keep up to date with news relating to MS with the MS Society website and members’ magazine, MS Matters. Details about MS Matters are on the web and in the MS Society’s publications list. MS Helpline The award winning MS Helpline offers confidential emotional support and information to anyone affected by MS, including family, friends, carers, newly diagnosed or those who have lived with the condition for many years. Information about MS is available in over 150 different languages by speaking to a Helpline worker via an interpreter. Call freephone 0808 800 8000, Monday to Friday, 9am-9pm, except bank holidays, or email [email protected] MS Society National Centre, Information Centre Based at the MS National Centre in London, the Information Centre is equipped for visitors to read or locate books and journals or view videos and DVDs. The Information Centre also runs an information line: 020 8438 0799, Monday to Friday, 10am-3pm, which you can call to request publications, research articles or other information about MS. Local information centres There are MS Society local information and support centres in many locations around the country. These centres are staffed by volunteers who can help you with information about MS and services in your area. Call 020 8438 0799 for the details of your nearest centre. Local branches The MS Society has a network of some 340 local branches across the UK. The branches – run by trained volunteers – provide information about MS and local services, a chance to meet others affected by MS and take part in a range of activities. For more information check the MS Society website or call 020 8438 0759. Further reading and resources MS Society Carers’ Handbook and MS and your life: A guide for young carers handbook MS A guide for families Third Edition 2006 By Rosalind. Kalb, PhD. Published by Demos publishing A Teenager has written a book explaining to her friends about how MS affects her life, Dear Friend, I have MS. A Book for Friends of Teens With Multiple Sclerosis. It is available to download at Generation Now: I Won’t Let MS Beat Me Teenagers speak frankly about what it means to live with MS. You can view it on you tube or at 44 Childhood MS – a guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 An online forum for teenagers with MS based in the USA Childhood MS – a guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 45 Useful organisations Adviceguide The online Citizen’s Advice Bureau service that gives you information on a wide range of topics, including benefits, employment, debt and legal issues. You can find your local bureau in the phone book. Anti Bullying Campaign Advice line for parents and children Telephone 020 7378 1446 (9.30am-5pm) Advisory Centre for Education Advice for parents and children on all school matters Telephone 0808 800 5793 British Council for Yoga Therapy Umbrella group for over 10 UK yoga organisations which can provide details of member organisations and information about yoga The Canadian MS Society Has excellent information for teenagers and for parents of a child with MS Telephone 416-922-6065 E-mail [email protected] Children’s Legal Centre Free legal advice on all aspects of the law affecting children and young people Telephone 01206 873820 Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) Can provide advice on benefits and help with filling in application forms. To find your local office, see the telephone directory under ‘Citizens Advice Bureau’ or the Yellow Pages under ‘Counseling and Advice’ Telephone 020 7833 2181 Contact a Family Charity providing support and advice to parents of children with any kind of disability Telephone 0808 808 3555 Email [email protected] 46 Childhood MS – a guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 Childhood MS – a guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 47 Connexions Great Ormond Street Hospital Offers advice on education, careers, housing, money, health and relationships for 13-19 year olds in the UK Kids Health Ideas for healthy eating for children Disability Information and Advice Line services (DIAL) Run by and for disabled people giving information on benefits, equipment mobility and more Telephone 01302 310 123 Disability Alliance Information on social security benefits and tax credits Universal House 88-94 Wentworth Street London E1 7SA Telephone 020 7247 8776 Disabled Living Foundation (DLF) Free, impartial advice about all types of disability equipment and mobility products Motability Information on mobility aids and driving Warwick House Roydon Road Harlow Essex CM19 5PX Telephone 01279 635999 Helpline (car scheme) 0845 456 4566 Helpline (wheelchair and scooter scheme) 0845 607 6260 National Association for Special Educational Needs (NASEN) Aims to promote the education, training, advancement and development of all those with special and additional support needs 380-384 Harrow Rd London W9 2HU Telephone 020 7289 6111 Helpline 0845 130 9177 NASEN House 4-5 Amber Business Village Amber Close Amington Tamworth B77 4RP Telephone 01827 311500 The Family Fund The National Parent Partnership Network (NPPN) Helps families of disabled or seriously ill children under 16 They work with the Council for Disabled Children and are funded by the Department for Education and Skills (DfES) Unit 4 Alpha Court Monks Cross Drive Huntington York YO32 9WN Telephone 0845 130 4542 Forum of Mobility Centres A network of 17 independent organisations covering England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, who offer professional, high quality information, advice and driving assessments Telephone 0207 843 6058 The National Multiple Sclerosis Society USA Keep Smyelin is an online magazine for younger readers, Teen Inside MS an online magazine for teenagers affected by MS. Let’s Talk MS for kids – mixes information about MS with games and quizzes. They also have online chat and message boards. Telephone 001-866-543-7967 Email [email protected] Telephone 0800 559 3636 48 Childhood MS – a guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 Childhood MS – a guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 49 Parentline Plus Get kids going! A registered charity that offers support to anyone parenting a child Ideas for sport and activities with kids Telephone 0808 800 2222 (free) Email [email protected] RADAR (Royal Association for Disability & Rehabilitation) 12 City Forum 250 City Road London EC1V 8AF Telephone 020 7250 3222 Samaritans 10 King Charles Terrace Sovereign Close London E1W 3HL Telephone 020 7481 8110 Fax 020 7481 8150 Email [email protected] Mind The mental health charity has specific information for children Telephone 0845 766 0163, Monday to Friday, 9.15am-5.15pm, or ask your doctor Emotional support to anyone in distress 24 hours a day Telephone 08457 90 90 90 Email [email protected] SANE Mental health helpline Telephone 0845 767 8000 Teens 4 MS An organisation working alongside the National MS Society (USA) and focusing on educating teens about what it means to live with multiple sclerosis, and helping teens that are in any way affected by the disease Young Persons with MS: A Network for Families with a Child or Teen with MS The network supports families living with a child or teenager that has been diagnosed and offers the opportunity to connect with other families. Parents can join an email group where they can share with other parents their concerns and information as well as develop a support network. They also have magazines for teenagers and children and online chat rooms. Telephone 001-866-543-7967 Email [email protected] Young Minds A mental health charity specifically for young people The Together Trust Disagreement resolution for parents who are in dispute with the Local Authority over their child’s education Telephone 0161 283 4848 Sport England Getting kids into sport 3rd Floor Victoria House Bloomsbury Square London WC1B 4SE Telephone 020 7273 1551 50 Childhood MS – a guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 Childhood MS – a guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 51 References 1 The International MS Journal (2004). 11, pages 36-42. 2 Compston, A. and Coles, A. (2002) Multiple Sclerosis. The Lancet, 359, 1221-31. 3 Noseworthy, J. et al. Multiple Sclerosis. New England Journal of Medicine (2000), 343, 938-52. 4 (Date accessed February 2008). Authors and contributors With thanks to Dr Evangeline Wassmer, Dr Brenda Banwell, Helen Lloyd, Dr Anita Rose, Dr Sasha Hvidsten and all the people affected by MS who contributed to this publication. Disclaimer: We have made every effort to ensure that the information in this publication is correct. We do not accept liability for any errors or omissions. The law and government regulations may change. Be sure to seek local advice from the sources listed. Suggestions for improvement in future editions are welcomed. 5 Diagnostic Criteria for MS (2001) (McDonald et al.) Please send them to [email protected] 6 Renoux, C. et al. Natural History of Multiple Sclerosis with Childhood Onset. New England Journal of Medicine, 356; 25, 2603. Written by Sarah Westlake Illustrations by Crescent Lodge Design by Crescent Lodge 7 Bioko, et al. Early Onset Multiple Sclerosis, A Longitudinal Study Neurology (2002), 59 1006-10. 8 Thompson, A. J. et al. (2000) Diagnostic Criteria for Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis: a position paper. Annals of Neurology, 47, (6), 831-5. © Multiple Sclerosis Society 2008 First edition, March 2008 9 Deryck, O. et al. (2006) Clinical Characteristics and Long Term Prognosis in Early Onset Multiple Sclerosis. British Journal of Neurology, 253(6):720-3. 10 Compston, A. et al. McAlpine’s Multiple Sclerosis. 3rd ed London: Churchill Livingstone (1998) p 228. 11 Chesson, R.A. et al. (2004) Counseling Children with Chronic Physical Illness. Patient Education Council, 55; 331-338. 12 Barnes, D. (1998) Treatment of Acute Relapses. In C. P. Hawkins and J.S. Wolinsky. (2000) Principles of Treatments in Multiple Sclerosis, Oxford, Butterworth Heinemann. 13 Natan, G. (2003) Multiple Sclerosis in Children. Brain and Development 25, 920030; 229-232. 14 E. Waubant, et al. (2001) Interferon Beta-1a in Children with Multiple Sclerosis is Well Tolerated. Neuropediatrics 32: 211-213 DOI: 10.1055/s-2001-17370. 15 Krupp,L. et al. (2005) Current Treatment Options Neurology May 7(3): 191-199. 16 Jacobs, J. et al. (2004) Intramuscular Interferon B 1a for Disease Progression in Relapsing MS, Ann Neurology 39; 285. 17 Ron, M. A. et al. (1991) Cognitive Abnormalities in Multiple Sclerosis: a Psychometric and MRI Study. Psychological Medicine, 21, 59-68. 18 Stalker, K. and Connors, C. (2004) Children’s Perceptions of their Disabled Siblings: She’s Different but it’s Normal for Us. Children and Society, 18 (3). 19 MacAllister, W.S PhD. et al. (2007) The Psychosocial Consequences of Paediatric MS. April Neurology 68 (supplement 2) S67. 20 (Date accessed February 2008). 21 Preventing Social Exclusion of Disabled Children and Their Families from the Department for Education and Skills at 52 Childhood MS – a guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 Childhood MS – a guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 53 Multiple Sclerosis Society Contact information Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common disabling neurological condition affecting young adults and we estimate that around 85,000 people in the UK have MS. MS is the result of damage to myelin – the protective sheath surrounding nerve fibres of the central nervous system. This damage interferes with messages between the brain and other parts of the body. MS National Centre 372 Edgware Road London NW2 6ND Telephone 020 8438 0700 For some people MS is characterised by periods of relapse and remission while, for others, it has a progressive pattern. For everyone, it makes life unpredictable. The MS Society is the UK’s largest charity dedicated to supporting everyone whose life is touched by MS. It provides respite care, a freephone MS Helpline, grants for home adaptations and mobility aids, education and training, MS specialist nurses and a wide range of information. Local branches cater for people of all ages and interests and are run by people with direct experience of MS. The MS Society also funds over 50 vital MS research projects in the UK. Membership is open to people with MS, their families, carers, friends and supporters. You can help the work of the MS Society by: • becoming a member • making a donation MS Society Scotland National Office Ratho Park 88 Glasgow Road Ratho Station Newbridge EH28 8PP Telephone 0131 335 4050 MS Society Northern Ireland The Resource Centre 34 Annadale Avenue Belfast BT7 3JJ Telephone 028 90 802 802 MS Society Cymru Wales Temple Court Cathedral Road Cardiff CF11 9HA Telephone 029 2078 6676 • offering your time as a volunteer MS national Helpline Freephone 0808 800 8000 (Monday to Friday, 9am-9pm) Registered charity 207495 54 Childhood MS – a guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 Childhood MS – a guide for parents © MS Society 03/08 55