Headteacher: Mr Paul Henery


Headteacher: Mr Paul Henery
Headteacher: Mr Paul Henery
Acle St Edmund Church of England Primary School
Fletcher Way, Acle, Norwich, NR13 3RQ
01493 750322 Fax No: 01493 750600
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.acle-st-edmund.norfolk.sch.uk
Friday 23rd May 2014
This half term seems to have gone by incredibly quickly! We wish you all a great Bank
Holiday weekend and an enjoyable half term break for all the children. We look forward to
seeing all the children back in school on June 2nd.
Curriculum developments
As a staff, we are preparing for the new national curriculum which will come into force
in September. Mrs Welch is leading curriculum development within the school, working
with all the staff to plan an exciting, challenging and meaningful curriculum for all our
pupils. We shall be giving you more information about the changes you can expect for
September, over the coming weeks, but one development is our Science partnership
with Empiribox.
We are working with Freethorpe and Lingwood schools to develop an exciting, hands
on approach to science using Empiribox’s resources and the expert support and
direction of Dan Sullivan, an outstanding Science teacher who has taught across KS2
and 3 in a range of settings. Next term we shall be focussing on Forces (Years 3 to 6);
do take a look at the scheme of work on Empiribox’s website: http://empiribox.com/
This website will be further developed so that from September
you, as parents, can get an even better idea of the sorts of
experiments your child will be carrying out, as well as other
home learning opportunities for children.
Well done to the following
children who have all earned
themselves a Merit certificate
and badge this term:
Olivia Fisher RL, Eben Hall
1T, Alice Butler 2/3M, Jackson
Barford 2/3W, Millie Sales
4RH, Charley-Anne Pizey
5/6G and Taylor Gray 5/6LO
A huge THANK YOU from FOSA
for all the lovely BBQ & Fete
donations received today for the nonuniform day. If you forgot to bring
something in today, we will be
accepting items after half term also.
Staff news
Miss Gowen has been successful in securing a new teaching post
(Year 6 class teacher with responsibility for leading Maths) at
Blundeston Primary, starting in September. She is moving to Suffolk
and has been looking for a new post closer to where she will be
living. It will be a great loss for the school and we shall all be very
sad to see her go, but we wish her every success for the future in
her teaching position.
We are very pleased to let you know that we have appointed Sarah
Gentle to be our new SENCO (Special Educational Needs
Co-ordinator) from September. Mrs Overy is retiring at the end of
the summer term, and she will be able to liaise with Sarah to
ensure a smooth change over in September.
Sarah has considerable experience and expertise in Special Needs education,
having worked as a SENCO in four different settings, including the Short Stay
School for Norfolk. She is also a Specialist teacher, involved in training other
SENCOs within the county, and she is already working within the Acle cluster, coordinating SEN provision in our schools. Sarah will be able to meet new parents at
the induction evening on 10th June, and she will also arrange to meet other parents
informally at some point during the last half term. We shall let you know when this
meeting has been arranged.
Save Hemsby Coastline
5/6G were able to present the schools donation to Lorna (from Save Hemsby
Coastline) during today’s assembly. The children were all very excited to finally
hand over £370.06 to the charity and Lorna gave a super presentation about the
issues that Hemsby have faced and how fundraising is helping to support the
coastline. Every child in 5/6G kindly received a wristband from the charity and two
lucky children received a t-shirt; the class nominated Jack P (as he came up with
the idea at Holt Hall) and Courtney was the winner of the lucky dip!
Mrs Pizey also helped to support the class, school and charity with her Easter
Bingo and raised over £200! She was able to present her donation today, during
the assembly.
On behalf of Save Hemsby Coastline, Lorna wanted to say a huge thank you to
everyone at the school for their support and donations and she will be in touch so
that the children learn how their donation has helped save the coastline in the near
Sports news
Congratulations to the Year 5/6 football
team, who played consistently well at
the Cluster football tournament at
Lingwood earlier in the week and came
away with silver medals, just losing out
to the eventual winners, Fairhaven.
Our 3/4 team of footballers also
represented the school well in the
younger competition, which was also
won by Fairhaven.
25% off school
uniform through
Tesco until Monday
26th May
School Concert Rehearsals are on
week we return). Timetables are on
display in the music mobile window
and classrooms.
School Concert Performance –
Thursday 5th June at 7pm in the
school hall. All are welcome.
Rainbow Assembly music today was
played by some of our young flutists!!
Thank you Rhianna Diven, Isabel
Hornagold, Eleanor Forster, Eva
Snelling and Isla Fisher.
Future Dates:
Monday 26th May to Friday 30th May - Half term holiday
Monday 2nd June
Week beginning 2nd June
Tuesday 3rd June 2014
Thursday 5th June 2014
- Return to School
- Year 6 Cycling Proficiency during this week
- Show & Tell 1T (in class)
- Show & Tell 2/3M (in class)
Monday 9th June – Visit by children’s author to school.
Please use the calendar on our school website
www.acle-st-edmund.norfolk.sch.uk for dates of events for
2014 and beyond. You can subscribe easily to this calendar on your phone, computer or ipad.