ANNOUNCEMENTS CONDOLENCES: To Bro Otis Williams Sr. for the loss of his sister, Sis. Ernestine Smith of Forth Worth, Texas. Please keep the family in your prayers. CONGRATULATIONS: Kudos to Marnetta Singleton (3rd Place) & Jasmine Lester (1st Place) for their superb orations in the AMBA Oratorical Contest last Sunday!! OPERATION FILL THE HOUSE: We thank everyone who brought canned goods, and non-perishable food items TODAY. Please put your items in the designated bins. Birth Months Club BIBLE STUDY AND PRAYER MEETING: Join us weekly on Wednesdays: Seniors’ Special Service 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. in E218. Bible Study 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. in E218. Prayer Meeting will be held from 6:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Bible Study will start promptly at 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. PRE-MOTHER’S DAY BRUNCH: Sponsored by the Deaconess, will be held on Saturday, May 4, at 10:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Tickets are $15.00 and can be purchased through April 28, from any member of the Deaconess Board. Sis. Janice Green, President. BOOK SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS: (For Providence Members) The PMBC Education Commission will present book scholarship awards to eligible 2013 high school graduates on June 9, at the 10:45 a.m. Worship Service. Applications for the award are available in the Church Office or from an usher. The deadline for submitting the completed form to the Education Commission, or into the Church Office, is Friday, May 24. Please see Sis. Blanche Calloway, Education Commission Chairperson, if you have questions. DANCEAFRICA Atlanta: Join us Friday, June 14, for Providence Night an explosive evening of African dance, featuring Giwayen Mata, the Southeast’s premier women’s drum and dance troupe. Early bird until April 30, all tickets $25.00; after April 30, seniors and children $25.00, adults $30.00. Contact Sis. Janice Liddell for tickets and other information. “O Lord, be with your children who are sick” Sis. Deborah Amey Mother Ophelia Brown Bro. Stanley Demmons Sis. Wilma Diamond Sis. Nancy McClinton Sis. DeNatalie Phillips ─ Anderson Mill Rehab - Room 305 770-941-8813 ─ Home – 404-691-3131 ─ Cards only, please “O Lord, be with your children who are shut-in” Sis. A. Maude Bagwell Sis. Verna Banks Bro. James Burch Sis. Aurelia Hindsman Sis. Bettye Lynn Sis. Sinclair Smith Mother Martha Speights ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ 404-794-8580 404-763-4378 404-696-8563 678-754-0230 404-699-7112 404-758-6855 Signature Healthcare – Room 421-A The Audio Ministry is temporarily closed for renovations. The Ministry will reopen in May. Deacons Karl Adkins and William Bell, Coordinators WEEKLY CALENDAR OF EVENTS Week of April 28 ~ May 4 Sunday, April 28th 7:45 a.m. Early Morning Worship Service – The Sanctuary 9:00 a.m. Breakfast 9:15 a.m. Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship Service 1:00 p.m. Dorcas Club – E112 1:00 p.m. Health Ministry – E104 1:00 p.m. Singles’ Ministry – E112 Monday, April 29th No Meetings Scheduled Wednesday, May 1st 6:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting – E112 7:00 p.m. Bible Study – E112 Thursday, May 2nd 6:00 p.m. Consecrated Voices of Praise – N217 6:00 p.m. Roses & Royal Lords – The Gallery 6:00 p.m. Mime Rehearsal – N111 6:30 p.m. Weight Watchers – E112 7:00 p.m. Combined Choir Rehearsal – E222 Friday, May 3rd No Meetings Scheduled Tuesday, April 30th 6:30 p.m. 12-Steps – N113 7:00 p.m. Board of Deacons’ Meeting – E218 Wednesday, May 1st 11:00 a.m. Seniors’ Special Service – E218 12:00 p.m. Bible Study – E218 6:00 p.m. Angelic Wings of Praise – N321 Saturday, May 4th 10:00 a.m. Pre-Mother’s Day Brunch -E112 10:00 a.m. Ministers’ Meeting – E216 11:00 a.m. Archives Committee Meeting – N313 & N315 11:00 a.m. SWAG – N321 12:30 p.m. Youth/Children’s Choir Rehearsal – N217 Providence Missionary Baptist Church Happy Birthday, Fellow Members April 28 ~ May 4 28th Bro. Geoffrey Bennett, Bro. Ashton Briggs, Bro. Julius Kinsey, Sis. Miriam Lucier, Sis. Phyllis Towns, Sis. Lisa Williams, Bro. Otis Williams, Sr. 29th Sis. Marcelle Hughes 30th Bro. Man-odulua Kialeuda-Tiya, Sis. Dorothy Lockhart, Sis. Lynn Wood May 1 ~ May 4 1st Bro. Anthony Chukwurah, Bro. Darroll Lawson, Sis. Myra Tucker, Bro. Khary Weaver 2nd Bro. Caderrius Armstrong, Bro. Clifton Smith, Sis. Miranda Starr 3rd Sis. Cathy Tyler 4th Sis. Cynthia Blandford, Bro. Reco Griffin, Bro. Benjamin Kornegay, III Providence Nursery: A safe environment for our kids!! Ages 9 months ─ 5 years, only. Maximum capacity 12 children with full staff. Please no fevers, runny noses, rashes, stomach viruses or other contagious conditions. Every parent is required to commit and serve in the nursery at least one Sunday per month. Nursery Ministry – N205 April 21, 2013 April 28, 2013 Rev. Damon P. Williams, Ph.D. Senior Pastor 2295 Benjamin E. Mays Drive Atlanta, Georgia 30311 Phone: 404-752-6869 Fax: 404-752-5284 ww w. pr o vi d enc e at l an t a. or g “SILLY RABBIT” ACTS 5:1-11 PROVIDENCE AT WORSHIP The Providence Family welcomes you to this Worship Service and prays that you will be blessed abundantly. Please take this opportunity to turn off all cell phones and audible pagers. Please NO food, snacks, or beverages in the Sanctuary. Restrooms are in the vestibule. *Please refrain from walking. PREACHER: Rev. Damon P. Williams, Ph.D. MAIN POINTS: ____________________________________________________________ YOUTH SUNDAY PRELUDE ____________________________________________________________ Teressa Blount (7:45), Stephani Shepard (10:45) ____________________________________________________________ “It’s Not Just About You” SWAG James and Quinn Washington (7:45, 10:45) ____________________________________________________________ *CALL TO WORSHIP *PRAISE AND WORSHIP Music Ministry ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ CONGREGATIONAL HYMN #401 “This Little Light of Mine” ____________________________________________________________ ANNOUNCEMENTS Teressa Blount (7:45), Stefani Shepard (10:45) ____________________________________________________________ WELCOME TO FRIENDS AND VISITORS Hailey McGhee (7:45), Nigel Walton (10:45) ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ BABY DEDICATION (10:45) Bro. Mario Pittman & Sis. Shapiro Warthen, Parents Paris Warthen, Baby ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ The Kingdom Connection ‘Connecting with God’s Kingdom through the Word and the Way’ PMBC’s Christian Education ministry is inviting YOU to get connected to the Kingdom. Classes are designed to deepen your faith, enhance your biblical knowledge and equip you to live victoriously in every area of life. Sunday School — May 5th 9:15 AM – 10:15 AM Preschool/Primary N213 Children Rm. N-203 Next Sunday’s Topic: “Making Things Right” — Genesis 32:1-33:17; Matthew 5:23-24 Teens: Rm. E-214 Next Sunday’s Topic: “Appreciating Families” — Genesis 37; Proverbs 24:3 Adults: Fellowship Hall Ordinances of the Church: Baptism Pastor Damon P. Williams ____________________________________________________________ MINISTRY IN MUSIC ____________________________________________________________ A WORD Christian Story ____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ MINISTRY IN MUSIC DORCAS RECOGNITION (10:45) APPLICATION: *THE SERMON Rev. Damon P. Williams, Ph.D. *INVITATION TO DISCIPLESHIP ____________________________________________________________ Franklin Stanley (7:45) Jasmine Lester Briggs (10:45) ____________________________________________________________ Franklin Stanley (7:45) Anthony and Amir Arrington (10:45) ____________________________________________________________ Teressa Blount (7:45), Stefani Shepard (10:45) ____________________________________________________________ TITHES AND OFFERINGS BENEDICTION Theme: Jesus Family Reunion: The Remix! ____________________________________________________________ Lawrence Lane (7:45), Rachel Demmons (10:45) ALTAR PRAYER VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL July 8-12, 2013 Volunteers are needed to serve in All capacities—from teaching to decorating. Sign up! We need you! ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Volunteers are needed to serve in All capacities—from teaching to decorating. Sign up! We need you! For additional information, please contact Sis. Diana Ashurst, VBS Director, at [email protected] or by phone at 678-567-2128 OR Sis Jeamelia Butler, Assistant VBS Director, at [email protected] or by phone at 404-633-7754. MARK YOUR CALENDAR—Save the dates!