May - June Newsletter - Pikes Peak Decorative Painters


May - June Newsletter - Pikes Peak Decorative Painters
May, June 2013
From our President
Well, it’s “Springtime in the Rockies”! And you all know what that means – Sunshine, warmth and Spring
flowers poking up and blooming one day and snow-stormy blizzards the next! And of course, we had just that
experience for Paula Leopold’s seminar day. Thank heaven the meteorologists have not been very successful
lately; although we could sure use the moisture. We did have a fantastic experience with Paula learning how
to do Batik! Everyone completed their projects and we all learned something new. Thank you Paula for such a
neat class! AND, thank you everyone for coming out for this terrific seminar on such a questionable day.
At our April meeting Janet Gropp did an excellent job demonstrating her special artistic abilities to show us
how she creates beautiful Encaustic pieces. Thank you so much Janet for bringing all your gear and doing
such a wonderful demonstration – I could have watched you for another hour! Isn’t it fun to watch someone do
something they love! It’s obvious that Janet loves Encaustic painting!
I am very excited about some wonderful painting plans we have going for this year! We are planning some special events together. Either at meeting programs or other events, we will have each other to thank for such
great teamwork in accomplishing everything we are setting out to do this year! Check the calendar for our upcoming schedule!
With all of our upcoming plans, we will get many painting opportunities. Many of these will require us to
paint outside of seminars and programs after meetings. So I encourage all of you to set aside some time to
paint…… on a memory box or two – (one will be needed for the picnic!), or your Christmas ornaments for our
exchange this year, or the fabulous chair you will provide for the chair auction to be held at the Colorado
Springs Conservatory in October. (look for more about this within the newsletter). These commitments can
also give us the opportunity to get together with a few of our friends and paint when our schedules are set with
each other to manage it! SO, think about that for a minute. Are there some of your very special gals who you
could paint with for a day or an evening on the side? Make those plans with each other and have some friend
time while you get some painting done – there is nothing like sharing time with those we care about while we
are doing something we all love to do.
If you are new to the chapter, but would like to set up a painting gathering, send me an email and I’ll do a
shout-out to the chapter for your painting opportunity. Let me know how many you could accommodate in
your home for this – or if you can’t do it in your home, let me know you are interested in participating and I’ll
try to hook you up with other members who are planning something! Some of you seasoned members could call
on some of our newer members to invite them too! HOW FUN! That is why we are all members of this special
I’m really looking forward to all of this painting this year! See you at the next opportunity!
Cindy Bauer
From our Vice President
Dear Painting Friends,
Happy Spring! With the burst of energy that spring brings I decided it was a great time to
start working on my ornaments for the exchange in November. I am one that hopes to
do 20 ornaments so I can have one of each of yours. I thought I had better get to painting!
So far they are all sanded, sealed, based, have a background and the backs have snowflakes
stenciled on them. Now for the real fun! I am happy with the great start but know that November will be here before we know it. Hope you are all starting to think or paint your ornaments too! If you would like to join the exchange, please just let me know. The more the
merrier!!!! Remember you can choose to turn in 10 or 20 ornaments. If you originally
thought 10 was good but get to painting and decide you want to do 20…go for it!!!! This will
be a fun way to share our painting with each other!!
We have some wonderful plans for painting this year! What fun we will all have working together to create our chairs and memory boxes as well as painting in our upcoming seminar.
The plans should keep all of us busy and all of our brushes flying!! Perfect!!
PROGRAMS: First a big thanks to Becca for creating and presenting our March program.
The jars turned out so cute!!! Thank you Kay for taking them to the rehab facility for us! It
always feels so good to do something as a group for others.
Thank you also to Janet Gropp for your wonderful demonstration on Encaustic painting
at our April meeting. We loved seeing such a talented member in action and now have a
better understanding of the process!
Our May 4th program will be so fun! Ellen Spearman will be helping us use fabric dye to
make a colorful scarf for spring. If you have not had a chance to sign up to purchase the supplies for $15, please contact me and we will do all we can to accommodate all those that want
to do the scarf.
Our June1st program will be Cindy Bauer teaching a painting on slate. Some of us have
painted on slate before and know how fun that can be. More details will follow.
July 20th is our picnic at Peggi Severini’s home in Woodland Park. We will start the fun
at 11:00 am. Her gardens will be beautiful and as always we will have a wonderful time
sharing our pot luck lunch. Peggi asks that we bring lawn chairs and wear hats to protect
from the hot mountain sun. This year we are asking each member to bring at least one completed memory box or contribute a $10 donation to the memory box cost. Remember this will
be the Chapter’s 35th Birthday Party celebration. ..Cake and all!!!
What a fun year! See you at the May meeting. Terry Niznik, VP
Remember to bring your Show and Tell to share at any Chapter meeting.
I am very excited about an opportunity our Chapter has to partner with the Colorado Springs Conservatory for
an amazing fund-raising with a Painted Chair Auction during the entire month of October. This is a perfect
community service project for us and October is also Decorative Painters Month! The planning details are being finalized with the Colorado Springs Conservatory and will be shared as they become available.
The Conservatory is led by Linda Weise, Chris’ daughter. She has been building this amazing place for over 20
years. They have over 700 students, ages 4 to 19, who have a propensity for greatness in music and performing
arts! I highly encourage you to check out their website to gather an understanding of what they are all about:
We have a need to build our chapter bank account a bit and the Conservatory has a need for
scholarship dollars to help low-income children participate in their fabulous programs. Together we hope to meet both needs. This is where the Painted Chair Auction comes in.
Thank you for voting to split the proceeds from this auction evenly between us and the Conservatory.
For NOW, what do you need to do? Start looking for chairs at thrift stores, garage sales, or
wherever, to paint! Paint as many as you would like in ANY style that suits you. If you
have more chairs than you can paint, bring them to the chapter meetings or call me and I’ll
pick them up for others to paint. If you need ideas for patterns or styles, let me know and
we’ll help you find something. -Cindy
Memory Boxes
In March, PPDP members worked on tray favors designed by
Becca Coffey and delivered to the Sunny Vista Living Center.
Keep painting memory
boxes which are used by the
Birthing Center at St. Francis Penrose Hospital. And
remember that one painted
Memory Box will be your
admission to the Chapter
Picnic on July 20 at Peggi
Severini’s home in Woodland Park. Unfinished boxes
are available at every meeting.
Christmas Ornament Exchange:
There are currently 19 signed up for the Christmas Ornament Exchange. We do have a few girls that want to paint
an ornament for each person but the majority prefer to do
only 10 . Sometimes life has a way of changing our plans
so we need to be a bit flexible. If someone can't paint
their ornaments our numbers may change. We may have
another member or two decide they want to paint as the
year goes on so we have a couple of ideas on how to handle this flexibility. When the ornaments are
turned in at the November meeting, we will divide them as fairly as possible and return them to participants at the December meeting in the amount they contributed..
1 ) Those that want to do one for each should do and turn in 20 ornaments. If we do not have 20 people
you will get back the extra ornaments.
2 ) Those that want to do 1/2 should do and turn in 10 ornaments. We have fun options for those of
you that want to paint and exchange a few additional ornaments at the party. If you would like to do a
couple of extras, bring them to December party. All “ extra ornaments ” will be placed on a table and
round-robin pick can take place for as many turns as you submitted extra ornaments.
The ornaments can be any size but preferably around 2-4" in size. Each person should paint the same
or similar ornaments for the exchange. Each ornament should be signed and dated by the artist. You
can use any surface you would like. We do have some wooden ornament forms donated by Audrey and
Kay. Please feel free to check them out and take what works for you. Please remember the exchange is
a way for each of us to have something painted by our dear friends. The ornaments do not need to be
elaborate. If you have a painting style, you may want to paint in that (like Cindy does her rose-maling)
or maybe paint your favorite design to share with your friends.,
OK, now you have numbers so start painting! This will be such a fun holiday event! I am looking forward to seeing all the wonderful ornaments!! Please let me know if you have any questions. -Terry
Flying Paintbrushes
Put wings on your paintbrushes! We’ve committed to
painting the following projects this year
( in addition to any classes, seminars, retreat or personal
1) Memory boxes, ongoing and one as entry fee to picnic on July 20. 2) Christmas ornament exchange, 10-20 for
those who signed up, due in November. 3) Chairs for the Painted Chair Auction at The Colorado Springs Conservatory, entire month of October. Let those brushes fly!!
June 8 and 9 -- Ronnie Bringle Seminar
Announcing an exciting seminar June 8 and 9, 2013. Ronnie Bringle, a true Big Brush, will come
from Kansas to teach a fun-filled weekend using acrylics. Cost will be $95.00 for members and
$115.00 for non-members. Main focus will be the "Partridge in a Pear Tree" (top of trunk). Pattern and some guidance will be provided on the rest of this continuous pattern that wraps three
sides. The project, 12 Days of Christmas, uses Jo Sonja paints. Some paint will be provided, but
we encourage members to bring their own to supplement. Ronnie used the small Game chest, approximately 10" x 19" x 9", from www.heirloomsfromtheheart/woodpieces You may put the pattern
on surface of your choice and resize as necessary. The seminar will be held at our regular meeting
place, The Moreno Police station in Colorado Springs.
Contact [email protected] for more info or to sign up for this seminar. Send your deposit
check to Chris Hoynes, 10789 S. Perry Park Rd., Larkspur, CO 80118.
Ronnie has been painting for over 44 years and has been teaching painting for 23 years. She has taught at many miniconventions , at the SDP National Conventions and in her home
studios in Oregon, Washington, and Kansas. You can see her
inner joy and love of teaching in her projects. Read her complete
bio and see her packets at her website.
Paula Leopold demonstrating watercolor batik at a seminar on March 16.
Butterfly Necklace
Thank you to Kate Dowd, former member, who taught the
colored pencil butterfly necklace on April 20.
Thank you to The Colorado
Springs Conservatory for hosting and offering classroom
July 19-20, 2014
Brenda Stewart Seminar
Painting Sisterhood
Remember your Painting Sisters:
Kay Kozak reports that her husband is home from Sunny Vista Living Center.
Great to see Jana Towery at chapter meetings following her recovery from
breast surgery.
Dolly Copeland’s daughter is going through a high risk pregnancy in North
Nancy Gepford’s grandson, Dylan Redwine, is still missing but extended
searches will resume with the spring thaw in Antonito.
Maddie White lost her almost 102 year old mother.
Congratulations to Peggi Severini for being invited to attend a workshop in
Dubois, Wyoming in September, sponsored by the Susan Kathleen Black
Foundation. Instructors this year include an oil artist, a water colorist and
a sculptor, with a main draw being Robert Bateman, the premier wildlife
artist. We are so proud that Peggi was selected to attend this workshop and
know she will come back and share lots of what she learns with us.
NOTE: Please notify Maddie White, our Sunshine Chair, if you are aware of
any situation with a painting sister so that a card can be sent on behalf of
the Chapter.
Bazaar 2013
Painting Tips
The Chapter has
voted to participate in
the bazaar at Pine
Creek High School.,
Saturday, November 9, from 9:00 – 4:00. The
only participation fee will be 10% of items
sold. Those wishing to display items for sale
should sign-up at a chapter meeting or by
contacting Cindy Bauer, Joyce Clothier,
Becca Coffey, or Carolyn Culwell.
From Jackie Gibson: Carry peel and stick
address labels for identifying your projects or supplies during a seminar or program.
To remove stubborn labels from boxes or
other surfaces, heat with a hair dryer and
gently lift.
Ribbon that has tiny loops on both sides
can be used as an evenly spaced marker
for designs. Tape ribbon on project above
or below area and use a chalk pencil to
mark desired spacing.
This is a primary way for the Chapter to present decorative painting to the community so
each member is encouraged to participate. A
few non-painted items will be allowed but
must be approved prior to sale.
Getting to Know Your Executive Committee
Name and EC Position:
Dolly Copeland, Membership Secretary
Retired, State of Alaska, Trial Court Supervisor, 33 years
Where Did You Grow Up?
Anchorage, Alaska, 55 years
Family, Children, Grandchildren
Widow, 21 years
Son, Brian, has three daughters and lives in Colorado Springs
Daughter, Miranda, has one son and is pregnant with a girl and lives in North Carolina
Hobbies and Interests
Besides painting, I love to quilt and travel.
How did you get started with painting?
Many years ago, my friend and I decided we wanted to try painting and since there were no classes available
we taught ourselves from books.
Which painting styles and artists do you like best?
I like oils and acrylics equally and do not have any particular favorite artists.
Any special painting project(s) you would like to complete this year?
I have numerous incomplete projects and I would like them all finished. Time seems to be the biggest problem.
How long have you been a member of PPDP and why did you join?
I was in a painting class about three years ago with Joyce Clothier and Barb Radvanczy when they suggested I
join PPDP. I joined to meet others, have fun and at the same time learn a little more about painting .
Share something about yourself that we might not know
Not painting related, but several years ago I was in a bank when two gunmen robbed it. We were forced to lay
face down on the floor (like in the movies) and they forced the manager to open the vault (rather loudly and
crudely). They got away before police arrived so we were not held hostage but were unable to leave for several
hours while the FBI interviewed us. I only went into the bank because I was in a hurry and the drive-thru
was backed up.
Getting to Know Your Executive Committee
Name & EC Position: Joyce Clothier, Newsletter Editor
Occupation: Retired Database Services Director for Newspaper Association of America, Northern Virginia, outside Washington, DC
Where did you grow up? First generation American born in Rocky Ford, Colorado.
Both parent’s families immigrated as Volga Germans from Russia.
Family, children, grandchildren? Husband of 53 years. Grown son and daughter and
their families, including five grandchildren, all living in Ohio.
Hobbies and Interests? Painting, gardening, travel.
How did you get started with painting? While living in Richmond, VA, our children
were enrolled in swimming at the “Y”. I noticed a painting class offered at the same
time so I thought “why not?” Started with oils; the teacher moved classes to her basement only a couple blocks from my house where I continued once a week for the next
several years. A move to Northern Virginia and a busy job with travel interrupted
my painting until we retired to Colorado Springs.
Which painting styles and artists do you like best? I like Betty Caithness and any folk
art, but truly enjoy a variety of patterns and mediums.
Any special painting project(s) you would like to complete this year? I finished the
black mirror frame project from the seminar with Juanita Denton for my daughter
and swore I would never do another…but my daughter-in-law saw it and wants one. It
is top of my list of unfinished projects.
How long have you been a member of PPDP and why did you join? When we retired
to Colorado Springs in 2003, I went to the PPDP bazaar and was astounded at the variety and beauty of their painted items. I joined PPDP immediately. I have learned so
much from chapter members, from seminars and from classes. I credit Nancy Gepford
with introducing me to acrylics and floating. And I have been taking classes with
Paula Leopold for 6 years where we have done oils, acrylics, watercolor and colored
Share something about yourself that we might not know. My job with the newspaper
association was at the time newspapers were in their prime. My department was responsible for keeping all data for newspapers and for conference registrations including on-site travel to wonderful destinations. We were able to see close-up so many interesting and important people who came to speak at the conferences: President and
Mrs. Clinton, President Bush, Colin Powell, Dave Barry, Dr. Laura, Steve Jobs, Bill
Gates….too many to recount. What an experience to have had such an interesting job
but now I have time to paint!
Editor’s Note: Committee Chair Bio’s will be featured in subsequent newsletters.
*Unless other wise noted all meetings and
seminars are held at this location:
Colorado Springs Police Department
Gold Hill Division
955 W. Moreno Ave.
Colorado Springs, CO 80905
2013 Calendar
PPDP in Black / All others in Blue
January 5
Chapter Meeting followed by a paint-in with items of your choice
February 2
Chapter Meeting, Margarita Glass painting taught by Carolyn Culwell
February 2
Rocky Mtn. High Chapter, Paula Leopold Colored Pencil Workshop
March 2
Chapter Meeting, Tray Favor Painting by Becca Coffey
March 23
Paula Leopold Watercolor Batik 1-Day Seminar
April 6
Chapter Meeting, Encaustic Painting Demonstration by Janet Gropp
April 5-6
Western Colorado Decorative Artists, Karen Hubbard Seminar
April 13-14
High Plains Lynne Andrews Seminar
May 4
Chapter Meeting, Silk Scarf Painting by Ellen Spearman
May 13-18
SDP Conference & Expo, St. Charles, IL
June 1
Chapter Meeting, Slate Painting by Cindy Bauer
June 8-9
Ronnie Bringle Seminar
July 20
Chapter Picnic & Birthday Party at Peggi Severini’s 11:00 —
—Potluck, Entrance Fee a painted memory box or $10
August 3
Chapter Meeting, Sack Lunch Paint-in
August 10
High Plains Charles Danford Seminar, Watercolor project
September 13-15
Retreat at Hideaway
Entire Month, Painted Chair Auction, Colorado Springs Conservatory
October 5
Chapter Meeting, Gold Leaf Painting by Bev Martinez
October 12-13
High Plains Diane Bunker Seminar
November 2
Chapter Meeting
November 9
Bazaar at Pine Creek High School
December 7
Chapter Holiday Party
Noreen Goetz
Marcy Crowl
Kathy Kula
Jo Paige
Chris Weise
Audrey Hodges
* 2013 Executive Board *
Executive Committee
Vice President
Membership Secretary
Cindy Bauer
Terry Niznik
Barb Radvanczy
Brenda Stotler
Dolly Copeland
Joyce Clothier
Newsletter Advertising Rates
Full page ( 9½ ” x 7½ ” ) $14 per issue*
Half page ( 7½ ” x 4½ ’ ) $8 per issue*
Appointed Officers
Committee Chairpersons
Audit Chair
Bazaar Team
Community Service Chair
Nomination Chairman
Public Relations
Retreat Team
Seminar Chair
Ways & Means
Colorado Seminar Coordinator
Quarter page ( 4½ ” x 3½” ) $4 per issue*
Business card ( standard size ) $2 per issue*
Cindy Bauer,
Joyce Clothier,
Carolyn Culwell
Becca Coffey
Angie McClain
Jackie Gibson,
Cec Rae,
Maddie White
Chris Hoynes,
Barb Radvanczy
Ellen Spearman
Melinda Barnes
Martha Kucera,
Beth Carroll
Maddie White
Classified or Personal ( 1 ” x 3 ” or less ) $1 per
*Non-member rates are $1 higher per category.
Ads shall be submitted to the Newsletter Editor in
camera ready condition along with payment in the
form of a check made payable to :
Pikes Peak Decorative Painters.
Next Newsletter deadline June 15