Document 6498754
Document 6498754
Page $ THE (K, j,) LEAHER, THURSDAY, BUT U, M*7 degree of Baruch-type solitude can. come Home Party for Cpl. Willie Jail Sentence Stayed Harris—Come One Come All." Of be found. course, the conventional downtown In Theft Of Radio Plan (O—Reading The station has about four news- shopping area is west of the station, stands and book stalls, though all about an 8-10 minute walk, or two From Local Store are not always open* There is also minutes by subway to Broad and By E. SOSMAN Robert A. Tonqy, 13, of 709 Jerusa collection of second hand book and Washington streets. Comparison and magazine stores on nearby Market convenience shoppers will find a alem Road, Scotch Plains, was given April 30th, 1967, commuters on and catch one of the Jersey Central St., worth browsing in for those in- colorful food and clothing bazaar a 60-day suspended jail sentence by the Central Railroad of New Jersey. old main line "orphan" shuttles at terested in technical, esoteric and laid out on the Mulberry St. side- Magistrate Jack J. Camilio last A revised regional hig'h Bdtool plan wbich sends Mountainside stubegan using a new system of tracks, 3:44 p.m. (to Cranford only) or at erotic literature. week on a ctoarge of larceny. walks two blocks west, where beans dents to Gov. Livingston Regional e witches, inclines and declines; 12:35 a.m. <thru to Earitan). Or Flan (D>—Train Walriiing Toney was arrested earJy Tuesday High School in Berkely Heights was ramps, bridges, tunnels and escala- catch a P.S. Bus No. 49 Or No. 45 This activity needs little elabora- and nuts are scooped from bags and tors ; lifts, gates, turnstiles and from Elizabeth, about a 30-minute tion, although having a child in tow gourmet (?) foods are sold a la afternoon by Detective LA. Robert approved by the the Union County Bell and Detective Sgt Nicholas Regional Board of Education last stairs-stairs-stairs; from Hampton ride to Westfield, still beating the permits one to be less secretive nativePlan (I)—Station Expiring Bettelli on fche complaint of Jack week. on the west to Newark on the east, next Aldene train, il. All trains stop at Newark, At night or in bad weather, one Cohen of die (Made in America store About 150 persons attended the and somewhere on the south to Fun c) You can also catch bus lines about so smug vs. envious stares can be is best advised to stay within the at 128 Mm a , involving- the tkeft City on the north. meeting, 49, 45, and 140-141 (Somerset) at exchanged with drawing room, parstation, where he can search out of -a radio valued at $49.50. The plan alters one originally marked bus stops along Broad Street, The reasons for all this do not bear lor car, dining car and club car and explore all the various levels A juvenile, apprehended in the presented by Ihe board wlticli would repeating here. But the results may. Newark, for about an hour's ride to passengers on the long distance (5! and corners (x?). The station The results are most interesting for Westfield. Walk, or be sure to ask trains. Car-counting also carries was designed in the early 1930's to case on a charge of receiving stolen have sent futlure Mountainside stuproperty, was released dn the custody dents to Jonathan Dayton Regional travelers who, having survived the for a No, 3 transfer if you ride from mysterious rewards, although the be the hubof New Jersey transpor- of his parents pending further in- High School in Springfield. trip to the city during the day, have the station to Broad. slight curve of the tracks through tation, more or less displacing the vestigation by CheJuvenile Bureau, elso successfully made it back to d) Real railroad bulk who have the station makes it difficult to get The plan is designed to relieve former Public Service terminal (3 Newark in the afternoon or evening. the coordinatable wives, can ride the an accurate tally unless one stations overcrowding, which the board said level) from that honor. The ma-in is at its worst at Arthur L. Johnson These pftople then face a brand Pennsy to Rahway (IB minutes) or himself with the camera fiends at waiting room is in the old tradition, Regional High School in Clark, Giarnew schedule of 25 weekday trains get a cab or bus to Newark's Erie- the far end of a platform. The short- with high ceiling, sky-drenched winleaving Newark during some of the Laekawanna station where Summit est trains are two cars; the longest dows, and octagonal information they have moved "to the Hudson wood students will move one grade at a time to the new permanent liigh hours between 6:30 in the morning trains leave at 3:13, 3:45, 1O;43 and seen so far was, maybe, 19 cars? booth in the center, There are also Tubes concourse." and 1:00 a.m. at night, at such easy- 11:43 (running time 27 minutes). Letter mailers will look every- school for (Jarwood residents, the Car types are amazingly different in two parallel concourses which luok to remember times as :Q0, :13, :17, e) Leastly, a P.S. bus line No. 12'age, style, and color, andabout half so much alike that it is difficult to where for a mailbox (there ere new David Brearly Regional High ;20, :23, :25, 126, :27, :30, :33, :34,leaves from the reserved lanes under a dozen Southern and Midwestern two); baggage checkers will find School in Kennilworth. Present 8th remember what is where on which. :45, :50, :51 ( :55, :56, :57, :58, andthe station, direct to Elizabeth and railroads share equipment on the plenty of lock boxes but none empty; graders will goto Brearly next year. It might also be worth while to stamp buyers will be thrown out pf Garwood students who are already [59 minutes after whatever particular Elmora, where the JCL shuttle or through trains, intoning a touch of hour they are next concerned with, No. 45-49 can be picked up as cited silent glamor to one who reads the note as incidental intelligence that Lee's Novelty Shoppe unless they •attending Johnson but who have only Track platform No. 1 (for up-purchase a greeting card; and rest relatives who will be going to Brearin (b). names as they glide by. This guide is especially adapted to town PRR and downtown PATH room seekers will find it closed after ley under the new plan can switch f) Lastly, for anyone who misses Plan (El—People Watching three major gaps dn the foregoing trains) is reached by twoescalators. schedule between 2:55 and 4:17 p.m.; ihe last-last train at 12:53 a.m., This can be rewarding and amus- Tracks No. 2, '3-4, and CNJ No. 512:30 a.m. An intriguing sign, "Em- to Brearly if they wish. No change is made in the as9:45 and 11:25 p.m.; and 11:25 tothere might still be time to get up ing wherever it's done, especially in are reached by only one escalator ployment Office" tnear Track A) 12:58 a.m. What do you do if you to Broad Street and catch a 1:10 a.m. the afternoon when all the other apiece tin the south concourse) and leads one down narrow stairs to the signment of students already attendbarely miss a train and have over Somerset No. 141 (Mountainside); ar station users, who evidently tfon't Platform "A" is only accessible by employees' locker roam. There is ing Gov. Livingston. The board asked the school adan hour to wait? Choose from any get a cab to the Airport and inter- have gaps in their schedule, seem "down" staircases. C o m m u t e r s some sort of Shavian moral in realof the following plans, or all of them cept No. 143 at 1:15 a.m., or No. to get about their way quite quickly. would bewell advised to avoid Track izing that these people are heing ministration to develop a summer if tilings don't go well: Plan (A)— 148 at 1:30 a.m. ^Friday and Satur- However, people-watching Jate in the "A" at all costs. This track is only paid to ride and wait for the same program expanded to provide offerKeeping Moving; (B) — Sitting or day on!y). The last Pennsylvania evening is rather risky, because they used in the busiest morning rush as trains we do. One is tempted to ings "appropriate to the prestiit Sleeping; (C>—Reading; CD}—Train train to Elizabeth and Rahway watch right back and are liable to overflow from tracks No. 1 and No.sign up immediately with the rail- situation." Watching; (E) —People Watching; leaves at 1:35 a.m. except on Satur- try and make contact for handouts, 2. When the loudspeaker says "Up- road and the Brotherhood, thusend- The aidminisfoation was also asked (F)—Drinking; (G)—Eating; ( H J - day and Sunday mornings, when it cigarettes, stolen goods or whatever. town Perm Station train on Track ing station exploring and commuting. to continue Its studies in cooperation Shopping; tl) — Station Exploring. leaves at 1:26 a.m. The best places for people-watching A," just ignore it. People getting off Commuters suffering nostalgia for with the 'architect so as to recomPlan (B)—Sitting and/or Sleeping are at the escalators and on depart- that train to change to PATH trains the o]d ferries can tide PATH to mend as soon as possible a program Finn (A)—Keeping Moving Although the station appears to ing train platforms just as the train pour down all the staircases from Hoboken, take a round trip on an providing facilities needed to meet For commuters stranded in any are closing. Follow the an-wall to wall, so that the boarding Erie-Lackawanna boat (25c), and the regi on '$ growth in students of the Major Gaps, It is possible to have a dearth of benches at logical doors to Tracks No. 1-4 as passenger, if he can squeeze up at still return to Newark in time for and to modernize the high school find other transportation and beat places to sit, (such as on CNJ's nouncements all, will finally get to the platform the next CNJ train. Or for variety system. the next train home by a potentially Platform No. 5), actually there ere they come over the loudspeakers. just as the train's dutch doors are coming from New York, you can wide margin, especially If the wife enclosed narrow waiting rooms on Plan (F)—Drinking can be co-ordinated to meet you with all platforms with long benches The station has one Savarin bar slammed shut in his face. By that ride the ferry to Hoboken initially against the walls. The main waiting and cocktail lounge. Every street for time, another Uptown train will be and catch PATH from there to Newher car at some neutral point, arriving on Track No. 1 or No, 2ark Instead of from Hudson Termiroom also has double rows of trablocks around, no matter how short a) You can take a cab or Public anyway, so it's right back, down Service Bus No. 4 from the Market d i t i o n a l , high-backed socialistic or narrow, also hasat least one bar and up the other side to do all over nal Note: Seats available on trains leaving Hoboken, change to Newark St. side of the station to the Busbenches, which are numbered, inci- which can only be judged by watch- again. train at Exchange Place. Shelter at Newark Airport (12 min-dentally, 1 tn IS, to help friends and ing who goes In or comes out before ute ride). Notify the Somerset sdis- relatives locate each other. going in one's self. Another feature of station explor- People with unlimited.riding privpatcher on the courtesy phone there Outdoors, sunny slatted benches Plan id)—Eating ilege tickets might as well return ing includes a trek to the lower level what bus you wont, and Ihe next arc located in two small triangle The station has a Savarin restau- where, city subway trolleys start to New York to use up the waiting No. 143, No. 148, or No. 15 bus will parks cast of the station, and around rant, a Farmstead coffee shop, and time, if they hear one of the "name" They come in on one track to unload, be radioed by him to loop the loop the flagpoles west of the station. three stand-up juice and short order trains being announced with its airthen turn screechingly out of sight to pick you up enroute to Wcslfield, The capacity of these outdoor bench- counters. Soft drink and ice cream The followi ng new books have conditioning and club car. someplace and rc-emcrge at the autMountainside, or Clark, respectively. es fat' exceeds the number of pigeons vending machines am also strategibeen added to the Shelves of the fcouj?<3 platform. Several extra platb) You can ride a Pennsylvania and other native types which also cally located. The better city restau- forms and tracks, crowded with peo- A sort of gamesmanship Is grow- Memorial Library: ing up among timetable hobbyists to Fiction: The wishing tree, FaulkRH train on to Elizabeth (i> minutes) share them, so that a surprising rants such as Renaissance, Arnolds, ple during the 1930's and World War see what is the farthest point that ner; Over the Mountains, Frankau; Brothers, and Kings Tavern, arejn IE when the trolleys operated to all Clinton and Commerce streets west- the West Essex suburbs, are nowcan be reached and returned from One Summer in Between, Mather; ward toward Broad, recognizable by used for storing and servicing the during the gaps in the Aldene Plan The Dragon, Zamyatin. schedule. Probably Boston or Washtheir credit card decals if not by Non-Fiction: TheCompanion Guide last 30 cars still in service. ington on the EAL Shuttle and name or appearance. East of the to Florence, Borsook; The Reader's Trenton on the PRR, Research is station on Ferry St. is Cortese's, a Geology fans will want to examine Encyclopedia of Shakespear, Campstill needed on the intricate Long good place to meet Newark politi- the stalagmites end stalactites becians. ing formed by roof leaks at the far Island Railroad timetables to learn Plan (ID—Shopping , .,, northern end of the CNJ platform, the limits there. Sttilfr ttrees will chafe at the per- The ultimate outcome of all this The station itself is quite on emPOWER, HEAT AND LIGHT porium of shops and gift traps. manently closed-off escalator con- could conceivably be that former WIRING AND MAINTENANCE Ferry St. for eight to ten blocks necting the PATH inbound trains to clubcar groups will re-assemble for bus lanes. Clock watchers will playing bridge while waiting for cast of the station ("Ironbound"), the want to break or re-set every clock trains, since the \-Vk hour schedule RESIDENTIAL - INDUSTRIAL has an old world atmosphere of in the station because they all dis-gaps far exceed the 10-minute riding people living upstairsand shopping COMMERCIAL agree. History buffs will find that downstairs, and is an interesting the only signs remaining from time to Westfield, Concrete pedestal afternoon walk unspoiled by urban PATH'S predecessor, the Hudson & benches andtables with inlaid checkrenewal or parking lots. The tone is Manhattan Railroad, <are on the erboards, would be set up on the perhaps best described bs the store north marquee on Raymond Plaza; fringes of theplatform, readily availWwtfMd window sign proclaiming a "Wei* overhead on that concourse, and on able ior twosomes and foursomes. The Central is dead! the Travelers Aid counter saying Long live the Central!!! Borough Students Can Now Attend Gov, Livingston The Commuter's Compleat Guide On How To Beat The Aldene Plan L r bell;Italy; An Introductory Geography, Cote; American Traveler's Companion, DeLsnd; River Boats of America. Donovan; The Arrogance ot Power, Fulbright; l\>ughi Sweet and Stuffy, Gibson; Folk Songs of the World, TIaywood; The Bost Short Stories by Negro Writers, Hughes; Social Problems in America; A Source Book, Lee; Nights and Days, Merrill; The Marctt to Tunis, Moorehead; The Unhandy Man's Guide to Home Repairs, O'Neill; Growing Up With Children. Piers; Letters to Childrent. Potter; A Christmas Book, Say re; Saratoga: Saga of an Impious Era, Waller; The Catskill Mountain House, Van Zandt; Friendship and Fratricide; an analysis of Whittaker Chambers and AJger Hiss, Additions to the books in large type: Pride and Prejudice, Austen; A Tale of Two Cities, Dickens, Japanese Festivals Depicted in Film Old Guard members Thursday in the YMCA saw a film depicting seven festivals in Japan. Director Thomas Potts reported on an inter-chapter meeting In Point Pleasant recently, and birthday greetings were extended to Konald K. Snider. Tiie Westfield Chapter will be Traveloque Due At Trailside "New England and New York", a travelogue will be presented by George Baird of Cranford at the Union County Park Commissiiou's TraUside Nature &nd Science Center, in the Watchung Reservation Sunday at 3 p.m. The film takes the viewer from the state of Maine through Massachuetts, New Hampshire, VermoiH, and tlie Long Island area of New York ending with a tour around the island of Manhattan. The film was made by Mr. Baird and will be narrated by him, On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, next week at 4 p.m. each day,Dr. Harold N. Moldenke, director of Trailside, will present one4ialf hour nature talks for children. The topic to be discussed during the four days is "European and Australian Mammals", Hie talks wiH be illustrated with color slides and admission is free, hosts at shuftteboard and card tournaments with MilJburn and Plainfield chapters June 15 at 9:30 a.m. at Tmnaques Park. WH TIM TO MOVE r w TlCKITS TOWNSEND We don't waste time. When youwant us to move your furniture, we do the job promptly and properly. Fair prices, too. NEW LIBRARY BOOKS ALLIE L O C A L &< I O N < 5 DISTANCE • 2 4 1 NORTH AVE ^/W.WCETflELD t ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Call 232-6914 Stir up a lot ofthings - -•- . ' :-•*-• . , " • .-••-• V your mixer 3 hours for T only a penny! . rj r L . ». i*t i V i f i i O i . . " . • • • • • - • - i •}.-.! rf -' . I . J . I L . . ' . ' . • • • - ? . . . . ! - . i - • • . . - ; : : v ! - ? > - : : ^ : ••••;!•:•::::-: • - , ; - ; " ' - - • • • ; • * . - : •' . . : : • - . - - • , : • ' . ] •- • - - . ! . " • , - j r f c : , - . „ ; : - : .--• • • • - j . : - - ... 7"T"* •.- - • - . , - . . . , . . . ' . - - ' - - - • - L . r C . ; . » . * . - - - r n'l'i-.f'-.. . " .- • - • _• - - - ' - - : . - . . - K < - < ' - . .'-•-•-•- - • • ' / • : • — . t - I • - • • - . ' . ' . ' . _ - •• •! _ > " . • •*• - . , .i.-in r.* •^"•ri'iJ* * J . . - . 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While the cost of living has gone up120% in the last 25 years - the average unit cost of electricity has gone down 45%.* You can rely on a dependable low-cost power supply - to help you Live Better Electrically! UH thlt coupon to let us know you're hen HAMt ADDRESl CITY Please have the Welcome Wagon Hostess call I would like to subscribe to the I already subscribe 111 out coupon and mall to Circulation Dept, PUBLIC SERVICE ELECTRIC AND GAS COMPANY m i of WELCOME NEWCOMERS] •Rale reductions ond Increased use havo made this possible. •-• It n« — . OurBank serves as Executor and Trustee of estates in the Union County area. We also provide Investment Management Service and Custody of Securities.Our new Trust Department Headquarters has just been opened adjacent to the Westfield Office, to provide comfortable, convenient service for Suburban Trust customers. You and your attorney are invited to visit with us for a confidential discussion of your plan for your family's future. i» --i +' •i - e •-. - TRUST COMPANY Member Federal uepa&if Insurance Corporation In WESTFIELD at Ihe southwest corner of E. BROAD & ELM STREETS olher offices: Cranford — Garwaad —Scotch Plains — Plainfield