How To Host Church Culture Change Conference


How To Host Church Culture Change Conference
How To Host
Church Culture
Just to refresh, the conference aim is to encourage as many Christians as possible to learn about:
• The mission of Jesus for His Church - to evangelise the world.
• Jesus’ original church growth strategy - mobilise 100% of Christians into evangelism.
• “The gospel” and what this phrase means - clearing away the confusion.
• “Evangelism”: what it is and isn’t, and how to do it - communicating our faith with grace
and love, yet without compromise.
• The Great Commission: what it is and isn’t.
• This conference is just the start of a journey. For the next ‘x’ number of months, your
church will be implementing 28 key strategies. When these strategies are carefully and
completely executed, your church will develop a culture of evangelism. That is to say,
everyone in your church will be doing evangelism naturally and graciously as they go
about their normal life, day in day out, week in week out.
By hosting this conference you are saying “I care. I want to help motivate and equip everyone in
our church for evangelism. I want our church to take the Great Commission seriously.”
Thank you
(Hebrews 6:10)
Julian Batchelor
Version 1:1
What’s it cost?
The importance of leadership
Understanding what is going to happen
Setting a conference date
Conference venue and set up 5
Prayer and intercession
Trees and shrubs
Conference organisation chart - key people
Larger conference organisational chart
How to advertise in your own church
The first Sunday morning
• flyers
• power point slide
• brochures
• testimony
• leadership endorsement
• brochures
Future Sunday mornings
Phoning people inside your church
Other ideas for advertising
How to advertise in the churches of others13
Managing the campaign
Two types of promo video
Critical time line the week before the conference
Churches in your area diagram
Frequently asked questions17
Contact information
Julian Batchelor
Version 1:1
How much does it cost?
So, you put your hand up to host a Church culture change conference?
We really appreciate this and want to support you in any way we can.
One of the first questions leaders ask is ‘how much is it going to cost our church to stage this event”, right?
The following is a breakdown of the costs.
1. Travel 1: Julian Batchelor will be your presenter. He lives in Auckland so you’ll pay for his air tickets
to and from the event. If he drives, we ask you to pay 35 cents/km.
2. Travel 2: Eleanor Goodall (late 60’s in age), the ESI treasurer and board member helps Julian with his
seminars if the event is in the North Island. Eleanor usually drives from Hamilton (where she lives
with her husband Russ) in her station wagon and will bring all the resources with her. We ask you
to pay 35 cents/km for her travel costs. If the conference is on the South Island, we will courier the
resources to you at your expense and Julian will do the seminar on his own.
3. Accommodation, meals, and transport: Julian and Eleanor ask that you to billet them over the
weekend, and provide for their meals.
4. Food and drinks at the conference: We ask you to provide morning and afternoon teas (usually tea
and coffee and something to eat) for conference delegates plus lunch. Usually lunch consists of soup
and buns. You don’t need too fancy or go to too much trouble unless you want to (for more details,
see HOSPITALITY below).
5. Scroggin: Scroggin is just dried fruit and nuts which you can buy at the supermarket. This is provided
for people to eat at their tables during the conference. Don’t get chocolate. It makes people sleepy.
6. Ice: So delegates can drink cold water during the conference.
7. Offering: We ask you to take up and offering at the end of the conference to help us as a ministry.
8. Registration fees: $75 for couple, $60 for a working single, $45 students and senior citizens.
Each person / couple receives:
• a manual with notes of all the power point slides.
• some evangelism resources to get them going in evangelism on the day.
• A digital copy of the latest edition of Julian Batchelor’s best selling book “Evangelism: Strategies from
Heaven In The War For Souls”. Hard copies of this book retail for $49.
Julian will bring his own data projector and lap top.
Julian Batchelor
Version 1:1
The importance of leadership...
Realise that the leadership of your church needs to passionately drive this event by leading by example in
evangelism. When this happens, your people will embrace it with vigour and you’ll maintain momentum.
Remember, the leaders are trained / equipped / inspired first.
Then six weeks later, the people are trained / equipped / inspired. i.e. you’ll be hosting two identical
conference, six weeks apart.
As you host/promote/advertise this event, you are going to need
resources to help you do the job. Most of these will be found on the
‘resources’ section of You’ll need a
password to get into this section of the site. The password is mark1615
• When you and your people attend, they will have their eyes opened to what is supposed to be THE
mission of the Christian Church - the evangelisation of the world i.e. the Great Commission. It was
always God’s intention to have 100% of His Church active in evangelism.
• As a ministry, we are asking the Holy Spirit to give people who attend the conference a revelation of
the heart and mind of Jesus for the lost. As people receive this revelation, the culture of your church will
change to become evangelistic.
• Leaders in a church lead by example. If we attempt to mobilise our people for evangelism without having
laid this foundation, we’ll fail.
• In His High Priestly prayer in John 17, He prayed we’d be one with Him in mission. This conference
seeks to bring a church back into unity with Jesus and His mission.
1. Set a conference date:
A Saturday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.
Contact Julian Batchelor and negotiate a date that suits you both.
• [email protected]
• 0274 76 44 30 (mobile)
Julian Batchelor
Version 1:1
2. Choose a Conference venue
The venue needs to be ‘nice.’ By nice I mean
clean, tasteful, and pleasant. Somewhere where
people can feel good about being there. This
could be your church.
We have chosen to ‘do’ the event café style, so
the venue needs to lend itself to this.
* Table Set Up - this picture gives
some idea of what each table will
look like*
The venue also needs to be ideal for a data
projector and a big screen. If we can’t protect
the screen from being flooded with light, you
might have to look for another venue.
When people come to this event we want them
to feel loved, accepted, and special. So, ideally we
are looking to create a bit of a ‘wow’ factor.
Is the venue beside a main road? This may not
be ideal because the speaker at the front will be
competing with other noise for the attention of
the attendees.
* Creating the ‘wow’ factor*
Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning are
other considerations. In winter, we want to keep
people warm.
* A nice place to eat*
In summer, keep people cool. Nothing detracts
from the learning experience than being
uncomfortable about the temperature of the
conference room, or its look and feel.
A Conference Room Set Up:
• Please have all the tables ready by 3pm on
the Friday.
• The team from ESI will arrive on the Friday
at around 3pm to dress the tables. This
usually takes one hour. If you could provide
two or more people to help with this, this
would be very helpful.
Julian Batchelor
* Conference Room Set Up helpers*
Version 1:1
Please ask your prayer people to pray for this event.
This is the most crucial aspect of preparation.
Evangelism Strategies International - ESI will provide:
• Table cloths
• Glasses
• Trail mix (scroggin) dishes
• Dishes for floating flower arrangement
• Carafes for water
Please can you, the host church, provide the following:
Plenty of smiles and friendliness
Tables and chairs
A spoon for people to use to get the Scroggin from the dish
Trail mix (Scroggin) enough to fill a dish at each table twice
Big screen for data projector
Large pot plants to decorate the stage area (About 2 metres high if possible)
Mobile white board
White board pens and duster
Round tables (about 1.2m diameter) or tables about 1.2 m square
2 ushers greet people, offer refreshments and lead them to tables
A hospitality team to provide tea and coffee during the day
a bag of ice to cool the water people drink at their tables
One flower per table for the floating flower centre piece at each table.
A hands free mic for Julian.
One or two roving, hand held microphones for people who ask questions.
A sound cable from a lap top at the front of the venue into the sound system.
Background upbeat music to play as people are arriving and during the breaks.
Host pastor takes up an offering between 4 and 4:30 on the day for Evangelism Strategies International
Provide a person who can handle registrations at the start of the day if Julian doesn’t bring someone.
Julian Batchelor
Version 1:1
A small team who provide:
• A muffin(if possible) tea or coffee for people Saturday when people arrive.
• Lunch, plus morning and afternoon tea. There are three official breaks on Saturday: morning and
afternoon tea, and lunch time.
• Please can you organise a team of people to bake some nice things to have at each of these breaks? Re:
lunch. Two or three pots of different soups served in mugs with fresh bread rolls and butter works well.
Some venues have charged $1 for a mug of soup and a bun, and this covers the cost of ingredients. You
don’t have to charge anything. It’s up to you whether you do or not.
Two “people people” who can welcome the guests as they enter the building, offering tea, coffee and a muffin
to them. They would then help to get everyone seated. We want the event to be friendly, loving, and caring
to our guests.
Get some nice, large trees or shrubs on the day to make the room look lovely and warm and inviting. Borrow
these from a local garden centre if you have to. They need to be 2/3 m high.
Please can you ask the host pastor to take up an offering at the end of the conference. This usually happens
between 4 and 4:30 pm.
Julian Batchelor
Version 1:1
Julian Batchelor
Version 1:1
Julian Batchelor
Marketing & Promotions
Registrations Manager
Conference Room Set up
Church Liaison Person
Telephone Marketing
Meal Coordinator
Sound Person
In some cases, two or three positions can be rolled into one. For example, the accounts and finance person might also be the registrations manager.
These two roles fit nicely together since the only money coming in is through registrations. The two roles fit together naturally. Another two which fit
nicely together are the registrations manager (RM) and the telephone marketing manager (TMM). Why? Because the TMM’s job description is to
register people. Hence, there is natural synergy here.
Prayer & Intercession
Team Leader
IF YOU THINK YOUR EVENT IS GOING TO BE LARGE (E.G. OVER 200 PEOPLE), you might want to consider creating extra positions on the team, as
per the diagram below
Version 1:1
5. Advertising In Your Own Church
We ask for your assistance in advertising your
conference. How much you can contribute will
depend on the size of your church and how many
people are available to do the advertising. Below
are a number of strategies for encouraging people
in your own and other churches to register.
We think 6 weeks is enough to advertise this conference. If your campaign is longer or shorter
than this, that’s OK. Just follow this plan.
• Flyers: Insert a flyer in the church bulletin which people receive as they come in
the door. To receive your flyer template which you can then photocopy at your
church, please just email julian at : [email protected] or phone 0274 76 44 30.
• Announcement: When the time comes to announce the conference from the
front, have a power point slide come up on the screen which gives details of the
conference. Download this at: Go to then resources
then hosting a dna conference then one off promo slide. Introduce the video and
conference. To know what to say, go to the same place you downloaded the one off
promo slide. Then download How to promote the conference document.
• Promo videos: To locate the promo videos, go to: and
go to ‘promo material’. You’ll see 3 short professional promo videos to show on
Sunday mornings. To find out a bit more about videos on Sunday mornings, go to
page 13.
• Give a testimony: Have someone who has been to the conference before give a
quick testimony from the pulpit.
• Strong leadership endorsement: From the pulpit, ask the leader of your church
to strongly endorse and encourage people to attend. If the leader can say that he/
she wants the whole church to attend, that would be excellent. Then ask him/her
to personally invite people by shoulder tapping them after the service and at other
times. This is most effective.
• Brochures: Hold up a brochure and tell people a little about it i.e. that it explains
in detail what the conference is all about, contains a registration form etc etc. Go
to: and go to ‘promo material’. When it opens, at
the bottom of the page you will find the brochures. Look for the conference you
are hosting and click on “Download a free Brochure”. Print the first 3 pages of the
brochure. These can be used on church notice boards, along with a registration
form. Copy enough registration forms for your congregation. Your minister and
Julian Batchelor
Version 1:1
the conference organising team should have a small supply of these each ready to
‘shoulder tap’ people after the first service. Shoulder tapping is most effective.
Ask for phone helpers: Again, the personal touch is very effective. A great way
to advertise this event is to phone people. On the first Sunday, request assistance
from your congregation for people who can phone people during the week.
Explain that you’ll train them and they can work from their home and do the
phoning in their spare time.
• Encourage people to reach out to other Christians with the advertising material.
• Reiterate your vision - you want everyone at this event. Have “one off promo slide” on the
screen as you talk about the conference.
• keep supply of promo flyers, brochures and rego forms on a resource table at the back of
the church.
• continue to shoulder tap people after the services on Sundays
• have someone who has been to the conference before give a quick testimony from the
• continue with strong leadership endorsement.
• continue to have people who have registered give testimonies.
• continue to show promo videos
• have someone who has registered for the conference get up and say why they have
• You can use quiz questions as a teaser. These are power point slides. Use one a week. Put
slips of paper in the Sunday newsletter with the words “Quiz Question” and date. Get
people to write the answers on the paper, and put them into the offering bag. Winners will
be will be announced the following week and a prize given. Repeat each Sunday of your
campaign. Quiz questions can be found at: then resources then
Strategy 1: hosting a dna conference then Quiz Slides. Change the quiz questions if you like!
You probably won’t be able to do all of the above every week. So mix and match each week,
doing as much as your pastor will allow.
Now you have all your Sunday mornings sorted. What do you do between Sundays?
Phoning: You would have got some people to help you with phoning after your
advert on Sunday. If you didn’t get anyone, think of some people who would be
suitable, and phone them to ask them if they would help. Then start training them.
The personal touch is extremely effective so phoning people is an effective way of
advertising. To know what to say when your phone helpers phone people go to: then resources then strategy 1: hosting a dna conference
then Telephone script/letters for people inside your church. You will see in this
document a number of email/letter templates to suit different situations.
Keep records of who you have phoned and their response and send the appropriate
Julian Batchelor
Version 1:1
All phone helpers need is some spare time is some spare time, a good telephone
manner, very basic computer skills, and access to the internet. They can work from
home in their spare time.
Continue phoning for the length of your campaign.
• There maybe people who you can’t get hold of on the phone and they don’t have internet. Send
letters out by post to them AND to key people in your church i.e. the leaders. When key people
are singled out to receive get a warm official letter, they’ll take is seriously.
• Fridge magnets with ‘Getting back to the DNA of Jesus’ written on them. Get these from: www. or 500 from $135.00 plus gst/freight great quality, fast
• Having someone who has already registered for the conference at your church coming to the
front on Sunday and testifying as to why they have registered. These can be very powerful.
If the registration numbers are gradually climbing, give the people in
your church updates on Sunday morning as to how many people have
registered. Make it fun and exciting!
Have a prize drawn out of the hat each Sunday for someone who has
registered e.g. A coffee voucher from a local cafe. Again, make it fun.
The next section of this document is only for those
who want to run a combined church event.
Julian Batchelor
Version 1:1
If your church wants the event to be a combined church event, encourage church ministers in
your vicinity (i.e. the ones in your ministers association) to advertise and promote the event
in their churches.
• Find out from your pastor who the chairperson of the Association is. Phone them
and ask permission to do a promo at their next meeting.
• Take your pastor to the meeting if he/she can come.
• Tell the ministers your goal to have Christians from many churches attend the
• Tell them this conference is about a strategy to grow their churches. It’s helping
churches return to the mandate of Jesus and His original church growth strategy. If
they want to know what you mean by this go to: then
resources then Step 1: What’s the vision of Evangelism Strategies International? Watch
two videos and download a one page document. Then watch the video called “How
to mobilise 100% of your people into evangelism (24 minute video)”
• Give all the ministers a brochure and a flyer.
• Show them one of the professionally produced promo DVDs. Send them a link to
the 24 minutes video.
• Say you will phone them in a few days to see if they have decided to join in or not.
If they say “yes” ask them for the name of one person you could liaise with.
• Teach that person to follow the promotion plan you are following in your own
• Keep in weekly contact with them to make sure it’s happening.
If you can’t speak at the minister’s association, you could:
• ask your minister for their names and emails addresses.
• Go and visit them in person or phone them and tell them about the conference.
• If phoning:
• email a pdf file of a brochure
• direct them to the home page of the web site to
watch other pastor endorsing the conferences.
• Ask them to watch the video called “How to mobilise 100% of your people into
evangelism (24 minute video)”
• To know what to say when phoning, go to: then
resources then hosting a dna conference then Phone Marketing Strategy – people
outside your church.
• If you go and see them in person, take the docs above, and take them on a tour of
the web site in their office.
• If they decide to join in, ask the minister to give you the name and contact details of
one person in their church who you could work with to do the promotion in their
church. Have them follow the promo plan you are working with in your church.
• We have found that some churches in your vicinity/town/city forget to phone
people in their own church. So, never presume something has been done. Please
phone and check.
• Your church needs to be prepared to phone people in other churches.
Julian Batchelor
Version 1:1
• Regularly review progress. Ask hard questions: What are we doing well? Where could we
improve? What must we do to improve? Etc
• Celebrate victories and breakthroughs e.g. pastors registering, or groups of people from other churches
• The final week of the campaign is a bit unique. To find out what to do, please go to the next page.
Most weeks during your promo campaign, show a video on Sunday in the church
service. There are two types of videos:
1. Professionally produced videos using a well known TV personality.
2. Handy cam videos of church leaders endorsing the DNA change conference.
Go to then ‘promo
Go to and look on the home page
Julian Batchelor
Version 1:1
Julian Batchelor
Version 1:1
Final promotion for the
conference from the front
on Sunday morning.
By 5pm on Wednesday, the team
leader should let the caterers know
approximate numbers for meals on
Saturday. Get numbers from Eleanor
Goodall 07 8461160 or 021 10 10 150.
You should purchasing things for the
conference at this stage: scroggin for
the tables (make sure the scroggin
doesn’t have chocolate in it - this puts
people to sleep), ice for the carafes of
water. Are the fresh flowers ready for
Phone the team during the week to
make sure everyone is ready to do
what they have been asked to do.
Monday to Thursday, go all out with
telephone marketing. An awful lot of
people think about coming and sign
up at the last minute. All the people you
have phoned in the previous 2 months
and said ‘I’ll think about it’ will be on the
verge of making a decision. So go for it!
Pray together as a team for the
Check everything is ready for
The sound and data projector
tested at 5 pm.
Julian and team will arrive at
the venue at around 3pm.
Have tables and chairs
arranged by 4pm.
Bring trees or shrubs in.
Liaise with caterers to update
Make sure your ‘greeters,ushers,
and tea/coffee makers’ who are
going to welcome people at the
door are prayed up and pumped.
Remember, this day is also about
making people feel valued and special.
We want it to be an experience, as well
as an event.
Be at the venue by 7 am to double
check everything and to pray
as a team. Make sure the whole
team is there for prayer and final
Have upbeat background music
The goal is to
have every person
inside all of these
churches receive a
personal invitation
to the conference.
Julian Batchelor
Version 1:1
1) The content - what will individual Christians / churches gain from
being part of it?
The conference aims to:
• Provide specific plans and strategies to show churches how to evangelise their world.
• motivate and equip churches to be more effective/obedient/fruitful with the Great Commission in their
town/city/suburb/work place/neighbourhood/school.
• change the heart of those who attend by asking the Holy Spirit to give them a revelation about God's
heart and plan for His lost world i.e. they’ll realise their purpose in Christ. Those who attend report
through their evaluation sheets that this conference is very liberating and empowering.
• show church leaders how they can create in their people a strong desire to be externally focussed, from a
powerful internal motivation.
• Teach people how to actually do evangelism, lead someone to Christ, disciple them etc
By the end of the conference, those who attend will:
• Understand why it’s critically important for everyone in a church to be united with respect to the
direction and purpose of their church.
• Understand why it’s critically important for the direction and purpose of a church to be united with
direction and purpose of Jesus and His Father (John 17).
• know what evangelism is and isn't, and why it’s crucially important to know.
• know what the gospel is and isn't, and why it’s crucially important to know.
• know what The Mission’s task of the church is and isn't, and why a church will be lost without this
• know exactly how their particular gifts and talents, no matter what they are, are vital for the completion
of the Great Commission i.e. people who come will find their purpose in Christ as that purpose relates to
the Great Commission.
• understand how non-Christians are won to Jesus (a six step process).
• know exactly what they need to do to win their neighbours, friends, workmates, family, and even
strangers to the Lord.
• know what the purpose of the Church is and isn't.
• know what should be the chief motive of a disciple.
• know how pastors and leaders can best utilise those with ‘the gift’ of evangelism in their churches.
• know how pastors and evangelists can sychronise together to grow the church.
• know the heart of the DNA of Jesus, and they will know how to bring their church back to His DNA.
• know precisely what needs to be done in their church to create a church with a DNA of
• Know why it is the responsibility of all believers to evangelise the world.
• know how to maintain evangelistic momentum.
• Learn how to do evangelism and get an opportunity at conference to go out and do it.
2) The format - how much is it sitting and listening / how much is it interactive?
The conference is set out cafe style (making it more informal) so that from time to time registrants enter into
small group discussion with those at their table. In this sense the conference is designed to be very
interactive. Furthermore, people can ask questions at any time so there is open/general discussion as well as
small group discussion.
Version 1:1
Julian Batchelor
3) The purpose - is it primarily to motivate and inspire Christians to action/ or is it
more about techniques and methods of engaging with non-church people / or is it
It is both. 75% of the conference relates to the bullet points detailed above in question (1) 25% of the
conference is about techniques, methods, and tools. At the conference, you’ll learn how to do
evangelism and you’ll go out and do evangelism on the day. If people want more about tools,
techniques and methods, we give them directions as to where they can go to find this. The conference is more
about laying a solid and thoroughly biblical foundation on which to build tools, techniques and methods. We
believe strongly that unless this foundation is laid first, any attempt to mobilise people for evangelism will
only result in a FAD and disappointment. No church can truly move forwards into the deeper purposes of
God without first laying this foundation.
4) Is the conference generally relevant for all Christians, or is it pitched to be more
suitable for new Christians, or for those who have been on the path a long time?
The conference is for ALL Christians, both new and mature believers. While it is highly desirable that every
person in a local church attend, we are particularly interested in anyone with any leadership role.
5) Does it presuppose a certain level of Bible knowledge and Christian experience?
This is answered in (4) above. Brand new Christians will get as much from this conference as seasoned and
mature pastors and leaders. All that's needed is a soft, tender, teachable heart and a love for Jesus.
6) Is there some preliminary reading or preparation that people should
There is no “compulsory” preliminary reading to do. However, we do provide some reading for those who
would like it. They can start reading Julian’s book in the resource library.
7) Would there be opportunities for people to share their experiences
of evangelism?
Yes. We value and encourage people to share their experiences in the conference. Everyone is enriched by
hearing the evangelism experiences of others and so much can be learnt from sharing these.
8) Will the conference consider different approaches which may be needed for
evangelising people - e.g. of different cultures / religious backgrounds / age groups /
backsliders etc?
The conference does not go into detail about how to reach these
different groups. There is a lot of good information and teaching
‘out there’ which can be easily accessed on these topics. What’s
NOT ‘out there’ is what we are presenting at this conference. That is,
the absolutely crucial and universal Biblical keys and principles for
mobilising a church to reach any group with the gospel. As I have
said above, the conference seeks to be more about revelation and
impartation than information.
Information will engage people, and we give vital information. But revelation will change them. As a team,
we are asking the Holy Spirit to work through this conference to effect a DNA change in the heart of everyone
who attends. We want registrants to walk out of this conference with a transformed heart (i.e. the heart of
Jesus for the lost) and a renewed mind (i.e. the mind of Christ for His mission to the world). They’ll be able
to actually “do” evangelism. We want them to be united with Jesus and His purposes. Only the Holy Spirit can
do this. The good news is, many many people report after the conference that this is precisely what happened
to them. One second of revelation is worth more than a lifetime of information.
Julian Batchelor
Version 1:1
9) Does the conference start with worship?
No, the conference does not start with worship. We pray and then begin the conference.
10) Do you want our church to support you financially and in prayer?
We ask churches who engage with us on a long term basis to support Julian $100 a month, and to pray for
this ministry. In return with provide free coaching and on-going support and resources.
• Testimonies of pastors and leaders who have been to the event?
• Free material to promote the event in your church (flyers, brochures, short videos
that can be played on Sunday mornings in church etc)?
• More detail on the concept of changing the culture of your church?
Please visit
Can’t find the answer to a question you have?
Please contact Julian Batchelor directly.
[email protected]
or phone or text 0274 76 44 30.
Julian Batchelor
Version 1:1