―How-To‖ Handbook For Prospective Academy Students


―How-To‖ Handbook For Prospective Academy Students
―How-To‖ Handbook
For Prospective Academy
MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS BY STRAND ............................................................................................................................ 6
BANDS .................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
SCHEDULING BAND CLASSES................................................................................................................................................. 7
MORE INFORMATION .............................................................................................................................................................. 7
ORCHESTRA.......................................................................................................................................................................... 8
ORCHESTRA CLASSES........................................................................................................................................................... 8
VOCAL MUSIC ....................................................................................................................................................................... 9
REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................................................................................. 10
THEATRE ARTS .................................................................................................................................................................. 11
THEATRE CLASSES ............................................................................................................................................................. 11
EXPECTATIONS ................................................................................................................................................................... 11
VISUAL ARTS………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...12
AUDITION INFORMATION AND TIMELINE………………………………………………………………………………………14
PORTFOLIO AND AUDITION REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................ 15
WHO IS ELIGIBLE TO APPLY? .......................................................................................................................................... 18
POLICIES FOR AUDITIONS ................................................................................................................................................ 18
LAMAR FINE ARTS ACADEMY APPLICATION ................................................................................................................ 19
APPLICATION CHECKLIST ................................................................................................................................................ 21
ENGLISH TEACHER RECOMMENDATION ....................................................................................................................... 22
MATH TEACHER RECOMMENDATION ............................................................................................................................. 23
MUSIC TEACHER RECOMMENDATION ............................................................................................................................ 24
THEATRE ARTS TEACHER RECOMMENDATION FORM ................................................................................................ 25
VISUAL ARTS TEACHER RECOMMENDATION FORM .................................................................................................... 26
Page 2
Fine Arts
The following fine arts programs are strands in the fine arts academy:
Vocal Music (Choir)
Theatre Arts
Visual Arts
The following fine arts programs are not strands in the Fine Arts Academy but are
offered as Fine Arts electives:
Guitar (Beginning and Intermediate/Advanced)
Piano (Beginning and Intermediate)
Page 3
The Lamar Middle School Fine Arts Academy (LMS FAA) is Austin ISD’s signature middle
school fine arts program within the McCallum High School Fine Arts vertical team. At Lamar Middle
School all students have access to all fine arts programs. However, only students accepted into the
LMS FAA are assured a seat in the class of their primary strand. The LMS FAA accepts students at
the 6th, 7th and 8th grades. Students remain LMS FAA members for their entire middle school career
unless they are removed from the program. All LMS FAA students must enroll in a year-long course
in their primary strand each school year.
All incoming 6th grade students accepted in the FAA will enroll in a year-long Fine Arts class in
their strand of interest. These students will complete the application process, and may be required to
schedule an audition. Furthermore, 6th grade students enrolled in a year-long fine arts class and a
foreign language class will not be required to take Keyboarding in 6 th grade. However, 7th and 8th
grade FAA students will still be required to complete the Keyboarding requirement. Students wishing
to apply for placement as a 6th grader in advanced classes must complete the audition process.
LMS FAA students that transfer between strands must reapply for the new strand as directed
by the LMS FAA selection committee. Transfers between strands will not be allowed after the 3 rd
week of the school year.
The LMS FAA selection committee is comprised of the student’s FAA advisor (a teacher in
their fine arts strand), their school counselor and administrator. In the case of a request to transfer
between strands, the receiving LMS FAA advisor will serve on the selection committee. The
chairperson of the LMS FAA selection committee is the student’s LMS FAA advisor.
In the case of a LMS FAA student in danger of being removed from the LMS FAA, the
student’s LMS FAA advisor will serve as the point of contact for all parties, and will collaborate with
the student, parent, counselor and administrator according to the removal process as described in
this handbook. A student removed from the LMS FAA may not reapply at a later date.
Students interested in applying for the LMS FAA must complete the LMS FAA application;
attach to the application a copy of last year’s report card as well as the first semester report card for
this year; attach to your application a copy of the most recent TAKS or STAAR scores; and have
three teachers complete recommendations - using the forms provided below – and sent to Lamar
Middle School through school mail.
Students failing to meet application deadlines may be placed on probationary status by his/her
LMS FAA selection committee upon entry into the FAA.
Page 4
Lamar MS Fine Arts Academy
Student Removal Process
A Fine Arts Academy student may be removed from the Fine Arts Academy for one or more of the
following reasons:
_____Lack of academic achievement
_____Excessive absences/truancy issues
_____Failure to abide by student code of conduct
_____Failure to meet the requirements of the fine arts strand
1. LMS FAA Advisor must inform student that he/she is failing to meet one or more of the
above requirements to remain in the fine arts academy at least six weeks before the
removal can be processed
2. LMS FAA Advisor and counselor must meet with the student and parent to place the
student on probation at least six weeks before the end of the semester. A probationary
letter must be signed by the LMS FAA Advisor, counselor, parent and student which
describe the conditions and remediation during the probationary period. (PROBATIONARY
3. Counselor and LMS FAA Advisor must meet with the parent to present the letter of removal
If the parent fails to attend the above meeting(s), the campus must reschedule for a later date agreed
upon by both parties and not to exceed five school days. Failure of the parent to attend the
rescheduled meeting waives the parent’s right to participate in that meeting allowing the campus to
proceed without the parent. The parent will be sent a copy of any documentation presented at the
Note: Steps not included in this document but helpful in the removal process are the LMS FAA
Advisor and counselor’s interventions such as documented communications with the home that could
lead to probation for removal. These interventions must include documented conference(s) with the
student, parent and counselor.
Page 5
Requirements for ALL Fine Arts Academy students:
 Maintain academic eligibility
 Maintain acceptable daily attendance
 Abide by the student code of conduct
Minimum Requirements by Strand
Minimum requirements for VISUAL ARTS majors:
Year-long Art each year
Participate in middle school Visual Arts Scholastic Event (Jr. VASE) each year
Minimum requirements for THEATER ARTS majors:
6th Grade Year-long Theatre Arts Class
th th
7 /8 Grade Theatre Production Class (both years)
7 and 8 graders are required to participate in two productions or department projects per
year (either cast or crew)
Minimum requirements for MUSIC majors:
Music majors are required to participate in all performances
Solo and Ensemble each year (must perform an accompanied solo); TMEA Region Band
Audition each year; attend two Lamar FA concerts (other than Band concerts) per semester;
perform in the Spring Fine Arts Academy recital.
2 years of advanced treble or tenor/bass choir; UIL Solo and Ensemble each year; TMEA
region auditions each year; attend two Lamar FA concerts (other than Choir concerts) per
2 semesters of either Fiddle or Rockestra class; enrollment in UIL competing orchestra
ensemble each year; AISD Solo and Ensemble Contest; audition for All-Region Orchestra each
year; attend two Lamar FA concerts (other than Orchestra concerts) per semester.
Year-long dance each year (preferably Advanced/Performance Dance); participate in both
dance productions (1 each semester) as well as 1 of 2 McCallum Dance performance
opportunities; maintain passing grades in all subjects and at least a B average in dance.
Page 6
Website: www.lamarscottieband.org
The Lamar Middle School Band program is highly respected throughout the region on the concert
stage. The Scottie Bands consistently receive 1st Divisions in U.I.L Concert and Sight-reading. In
2010-2011, the Lamar Symphonic Winds received the ―Overall Outstanding Band‖ award at the
Director’s Choice Festival in San Antonio, Texas. The Symphonic Band and Jazz Factory received
―Superior‖ ratings and ―Best in Class‖ awards. Lamar Band has a long-standing tradition of
excellence, and we would love to have you join us.
The following instrumental ensembles and music classes are offered and taught by the Lamar Band
Instrumental Ensembles:
 Symphonic Winds
 Symphonic Band
 Jazz Factory*
 Beginning Band (6th grade only)
*You must be concurrently enrolled in Symphonic Winds or Symphonic Band. Members of rhythm
section (guitar, bass, trap set, piano) are not required to be in one of the aforementioned concert
Scheduling Band Classes
For Academy band majors, band class is required both semesters of your 6 th, 7th and 8th grade year.
All instrumental ensembles are offered as a fine arts credit or elective. To request band on your
schedule, you must sign up for Band. After your audition, the directors will place you in one of the
concert instrumental ensembles—Symphonic Winds or Symphonic Band.
For additional information, please do not hesitate to call the Lamar Band Faculty:
James Hairston, Director of Bands, 841-2025
Nathan Langfitt, Associate Band Director, 841-2181
Page 7
Website: www.lamarfineartsacademyorchestra.weebly.com
The Lamar Fine Arts Academy Orchestra program, under the direction of Elizabeth Chappell, is an
award-winning program with a long history of excellence. Academy orchestra majors are required to
be in one of the competing orchestra ensembles each year, as well as to perform as a soloist and
chamber musician.
Fine Arts Academy musicians have many opportunities to perform. The Orchestra receives support
from the Austin Chamber Music Center, which provides weekly coaching for students in chamber
ensembles. In addition, students work closely with the McCallum orchestra directors who visit often to
clinic individuals and small groups.
Orchestra Classes
The following classes are available to Orchestra students:
Lamar Advanced Orchestra—Entry into this orchestra is by audition only. This ensemble
serves as our Varsity Orchestra in all competitions and represents the Orchestra program at
Lamar at all showcases and other Fine Arts academy events.
Lamar Intermediate Orchestra—This orchestra is made up of students with at least one year of
playing experience. It is the Non-Varsity Orchestra at all competitions.
Lamar Beginning Orchestra— This orchestra is for beginners and no music experience is
needed. This class provides the foundation for all of the other orchestras.
Fiddle Class/Rockestra-These semester long classes are designed to supplement the
Intermediate or Advanced Orchestra and are open to violin, viola, cello and bass. The focus in
each class will be alternative styles and students will have the opportunity to perform at more
casual venues.
Enrollment in one of the UIL Competing Orchestras as eligible
Participation in AISD Solo and Ensemble
Audition for Region Orchestra during the 8 grade year as eligible
Participation in the scheduled concerts and extra rehearsals
Enrollment in at least one semester of Fiddle or Rockestra
Private lesson enrollment
Daily practice
Enrollment in piano for high school credit
Austin Youth Orchestra participation
For additional information, please call Orchestra Director, Elizabeth Chappell – 841-1287
Page 8
Vocal Music
Website: www.lamarchoirs.com
There are many opportunities to participate in vocal music at the Lamar Fine Arts Academy. The
following courses are offered for vocal majors:
Advanced Boys Choir—―Top Dawgs‖
The Top Dawgs are an audition-only group consisting of 7th and 8th grade boys, which will have a focus in
repertoire, vocal and choral technique, while continuing their curriculum from the Beginning Choir. This group
also participates in other ―gigs‖ that surface throughout the year; i.e. Christmas caroling, local events, nursing
homes, National Anthem performances for athletic events, etc. The students will perform in at least five
scheduled concerts including the Fall Concert, Winter Concert, school assemblies, UIL, Disney Darlings, and
sometimes combines with the Scottie Singers for a mixed choral sound. They also have the opportunity to
participate in the All-City Choral Festival as well as a winter performance at Lamar’s feeder elementary
Advanced Treble Choir—―Scottie Singers‖
Scottie Singers consists of a select group of 7th and 8th grade girls selected through an audition process during
the previous year. These students will work on advanced repertoire and choral technique. Scottie Singers will
perform in at least five scheduled concerts including the fall concert, winter concert, school assemblies, UIL,
and Disney Darlings. This group also participates in other ―gigs‖ that surface throughout the year; i.e. local
events, nursing homes, National Anthem performances for athletic events, etc. They also have the opportunity
to participate in the All-City Choral Festival as well as a winter performance at Lamar’s feeder elementary
Treble Choir—―Doggie Dames‖
Consisting of 7th and 8th grade girls, this choir will have a focus in repertoire, vocal and choral technique, while
continuing their curriculum from Beginning Choir. These students have the opportunity to participate in the AllCity Choral Festival, Solo and Ensemble, UIL Concert & Sight-Reading Contest, and TMEA sponsored
activities. The students will perform in at least three scheduled concerts including the Fall Concert, Winter
Concert, and Disney Darlings as well as having the option of caroling during the holiday season.
Show Choir—―POP!‖
POP! is Lamar’s audition-only Show Choir group composed of 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. This choir will perform
popular musical selections that correspond with our concerts throughout the year. Auditions will take place at
the beginning of the school year. These students will work on advanced repertoire and choral technique.
POP! will perform in at least three scheduled concerts including the fall concert, winter concert, and Disney
Darlings. Additional performances may arise throughout the year.
Holiday Caroling Group – ―Vivace‖ ***Extracurricular. Not a course.***
Vivace is Lamar’s audition-only Holiday Caroling group composed of 7th and 8th graders. This choir will perform
well-known Holiday Carols at several gigs during the Holiday Season such as The Arboretum, Texas Stars
Hockey Game(s) and Zilker Park. Auditions will take place in October after school and rehearsals will be held
on Wednesdays starting in November from 3:40-5pm. Students in this group will be required to provide their
own transportation to gigs and events held outside school hours.
Page 9
Student must commit to participation in either the Top Dawgs or Scottie Singers ensemble for
for the 7th and 8th grade.
Students are not required, but are strongly encouraged, to participate in additional choral
ensembles such as POP! and/or Vivace.
Student must attend all rehearsals, including after school rehearsals.
Student must attend all concerts throughout the year.
Student must have displayed appropriate behavior for the entire year.
Student must match pitch.
Student must be an independent sight reader.
Student must show exemplary citizenship throughout the year. (i.e. no referrals, home
suspension, or ALC)
Student must pass every six weeks in choir and maintain good grades in other classes.
Student must sing individually and independently in choir.
Students will be required to audition for All-Region Choir, as well perform a solo for the Solo &
Ensemble Contest in the Spring.
Students must work with well with others.
Students must cooperate in rehearsals and concerts.
Student must maintain self-control in all rehearsals and concerts.
For more information, please contact Megan Starkey at 841-5965.
Page 10
Theatre Arts
Website: www.lamarmiddleschool.org/theatre
The Theatre at Lamar Fine Arts Academy is a 3-year high school preparatory program in the arts. We
emphasize creating a well-rounded student artist who feels comfortable in their own skin, and has
confidence in their creative abilities. The performance and problem solving skills students learn in
theatre help them not only in the performance sphere but in every aspect of business, education,
leadership, and community service. As Stella Adler once reflected, ―The theatre was created to tell
people the truth about life and the social situation.‖ The tools learned in theatre can help students
change their reality.
We produce at least two to three one-act main stage shows each year (from comedy to children’s
theatre). These shows are supplemented by class-created performances of monologues and scenes
to build their audition repertoire and experience level. The stage is our laboratory for students to
practice the skills they learn in class every day and the results are outstanding!
Students enrolled in theatre generally take at least 2 field trips a semester to see live theatre at
various venues including the Paramount Theatre, the Bass Concert Hall, and even the Renaissance
Festival. Majors also have opportunities to see additional shows for free at the McCallum Fine Arts
Academy. The University of Texas S.E.A.T. program also provides students a chance to experience
live theatre with their teacher and parent chaperones on the UT campus.
Theatre Classes
The following courses are required Theater majors.
 Theatre 6th grade year-long
 Theatre Production 7th & 8th grade
All Theatre majors have a series of expectations they must meet to continue in the Fine Arts
 Theatre majors are required to take one year of theatre their 6 th grade year, and theatre
production their 7th and 8th grade years.
 Theatre majors are expected to have passing grades in all classes and a B+ average or higher
in their theatre classes. The theatre department encourages students to take advantage of the
many opportunities to get support in academics.
 Other specific expectations are articulated in class syllabi, guidelines, and grading rubrics
throughout the semester.
For more information, please contact Lianne Hames at 841-1285.
Page 11
Visual Art
Website: www.lamarmiddleschool.org/art
Requirements for an Academy Art Major
Year-long art each year
Participate in middle school Visual Arts Scholastic Event (Jr. VASE) each year.
Maintain passing grades in all subjects.
The Lamar Fine Arts Academy offers a variety of art studies:
Semester Art for 6th, 7th and 8th grade
Year-long Art for 6th and 7th grade
Art 1 for high school credit for 8th grade
Students will be introduced to drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, ceramics, mosaics and
a many other areas of study.
For more information, please contact Steven Dwyer at 841-0666 or Sara Massey at 841-1067.
Page 12
Website: www.lamarmiddleschool.org/dance
The dance program is the newest Fine Art Strand to be added to the Lamar Middle School Fine Arts
Dance education in Texas schools provides all students with the opportunity to acquire a
comprehensive knowledge of dance as an art form. Students learn and refine dance skills and
techniques in class and in performance, study the historical and cultural significance of dance and its
evolution as an art form, and evaluate personal work and the work of others. (Dance Curriculum
Framework, Center for Educator Development in Fine Arts)
Requirements for an Academy Dance Major
Year-long dance each year (preferably Advanced/Performance Dance)
Participate in both dance productions (1 each semester) as well as 1 of 2 McCallum Dance
performance opportunities
Maintain passing grades in all subjects and at least a B average in dance.
The Lamar Fine Arts Academy offers a variety of dance studies:
Intro to Dance: (predominantly non-dance majors for PE credit – open to all grade levels)
offered as a year-long class; the curriculum focuses on the study of Ballet, Jazz, and Modern
as well as the history of dance. Students will learn basic skills and techniques to begin their
dance education. Students will be expected to participate in the spring dance concert.
Intermediate Dance: (predominantly non-dance majors for PE credit – open to all grade levels)
offered as a year-long class; the curriculum will focus on Ballet, Jazz, Contemporary/Modern,
and Hip-Hop with a fall and spring performance.
Advanced/Performance Dance: (predominantly dance majors) offered as a year-long class;
the curriculum will focus on Ballet, Jazz, Contemporary/Modern, and Hip-Hop with an
emphasis on performance. Advanced dance will have numerous opportunities to perform
throughout the school year which will include, but are not limited to, a fall and spring show.
Students who complete 7th and 8th grade year long Dance classes will receive credit for Dance
I at McCallum High School.
More information
Visit the Lamar Dance website:
For additional information, please do not hesitate to call the Lamar Dance Faculty:
Natalie Reed, Dance Director, 512-841-5955
Page 13
Audition Information
Prepare for my Audition
Prepare my Art Portfolio for review
Register for a workshop
Fine Arts Academy important dates for applying for the 20132014 school year are:
December 15, 2012 – LMS FAA application/audition workshop – 10 am – 11 am at Lamar
January 7, 2013 through February 15, 2013 – Fine Arts Academy Shadowing –
prospective students who have completed and submitted the FAA application may
shadow a current FAA student. (To be arranged through FAA coordinator once
application is submitted).
February 8, 2013 – deadline for submitting LMS FAA application (including copies of
report card, standardized test results and 3 teacher recommendations)
February 11-15, 2013 – LMS FAA faculty to contact qualified applicants to set an
audition time
February 18, 2013 – Auditions at Lamar (afternoon audition slots from 1 pm – 3 pm)
February 23, 2013 – Auditions at Lamar (morning audition slots from 9 am – 11 am)
February 27, 2013 – letters sent out notifying students selected for admittance
March 5, 2013 – deadline for students to let LMS FAA know acceptance of admittance
A successful audition with the Fine Arts faculty is only one step in
the process and does not constitute admittance.
Page 14
Art Portfolio Requirements
Art Portfolio: Bring a minimum of 5 – 8 current pieces of art including:
Examples of work from your elementary/middle school art classes including 2D work (drawings
and/or paintings) and 3D work (sculpture, mobiles, pottery, etc.)
a self-portrait (Draw yourself from a mirror or photograph)
Drawings from observation. Possible subjects include: objects in your home arranged into a
still life, draw the corner of your room, a portrait of your pet, a still life using objects from nature
(such as leaves, pine-cones, shells), draw a landscape (your backyard, your house) and/or
figure drawings.
Artwork and creative pieces completed outside of the school setting including fabric works,
digital works, photographs, ceramics, etc.
Auditions will include an interview and an impromptu drawing.
Music Auditions
Band: If the prospective student is a 5th grader he/she will try out band instruments during their
Students who already play a band instrument must bring their instrument and two copies of the music
to be performed. The audition panel will pick from the following scales: C Concert, F Concert, B Flat
Concert, E Flat Concert, A Flat Concert, D Flat Concert and the Chromatic Scale. Band students will
perform the solo on page 36 of the Standard of Excellence Book I (or a solo performed at your Solo
and Ensemble Contest); percussionist should prepare a Mallet and Snare Drum solo from a method
book (please provide copies during your audition). This audition is separate from the Symphonic
Winds/Symphonic Band audition, which occurs at the end of the school year.
Orchestra: Instrumentalists who audition for orchestra must bring their instrument and two copies of
the music and perform a prepared solo. It is not necessary to memorize the solo. Scales and sightreading may be part of the audition. Your UIL solo or music you have prepared with your private
instructor are excellent choices of audition material.
Vocal: Students auditioning for the Vocal Major will be provided music and an accompanist.
will be selected based on voice part. Further, students will be asked to sight-read an 8-measure
excerpt of music. Students will demonstrate their vocal ability (range, tone, pitch) through
vocalization exercises.
Page 15
Theatre Arts Auditions
Auditions will consist of a workshop in which the theatre teacher will lead auditioning students through
various exercises and theatrical games, as well as a cold reading and a brief interview with the
student. The workshop allows the teacher to gauge a student’s level of comfort working with a group
or in front of one, as well as their level of creativity and ability to think outside the box. The workshop
should last around 2 hours depending on the number of students auditioning.
Part 1: Theatre Exercises
Part 2: Memorized monologue (options provided by teacher at the Dec 15. workshop)
Part 3: Cold reading/partner scene
Part 4: Brief interview
Dance Auditions
Auditions will consist of a workshop in which the dance director will lead auditioning students through
a piece of choreography to be performed later in small groups. In addition to the taught
choreography, students should come prepared with a solo to perform; no less than theatre teacher
will lead auditioning students through various exercises and theatrical games, as well as a cold
reading and a brief interview with the student. The workshop allows the teacher to gauge a student’s
level of comfort working with a group or in front of one, as well as their level of creativity and ability to
think outside the box. The workshop should last around 2 hours depending on the number of students
Auditions will consist of a workshop in which the dance director will lead auditioning students
through a piece of choreography to be performed later in small groups. In addition to the taught
choreography, students should come prepared with a solo to perform; no less than 45 seconds
and no shorter than 60 seconds. Following each performance, the director will conduct a short
interview with candidates in order to gauge student commitment and prior experience. The
workshop should last around 2 hours depending on the number of students auditioning.
Part 1: Director taught choreography and small group performance
Part 2: Solos (45-60 seconds in length)
Part 3: Interview
Page 16
Get the forms I need to prepare my application
Ask teachers to submit a recommendation for me
Meet the deadlines
Page 17
Students in 5 grade attending feeder elementaries to Lamar and students in AISD who are in 5 th, 6th
or 7th grade currently are eligible to apply.
Because the Academy strands have 2 years of rigorous curricular and performance or exhibition
requirements, students are encouraged to commit to a strand in the 7th and 8th grade years.
applicants to the LMS FAA
1. Prospective student’s parent/guardian will submit ALL application materials to the LMS FAA of
by the application by February 1, 2013. (Application Materials consist of a handwritten essay, grade
reports from 5 grade to present; completed application signed by student and parent/guardian, 3 teacher
recommendations on our forms submitted from the student’s current English, Math, and Fine Arts Teacher .)
2. The week of February 11 - 15, 2013, the LMS FAA faculty will notify applicant’s parent as to
whether or not the student has been approved to schedule an audition and will schedule the
audition for qualified applicants. Auditions will be scheduled only on February 18, 2013 in the
afternoon (1 pm – 3 pm) and February 25, 2013 in the morning (9 am – 11 am).
3. Starting February 27, 2013, the LMS FAA selection committee will notify students selected for
admittance into the LMS FAA. Students must notify LMS FAA by March 5, 2013 for
acceptance of admittance.
Policies for Auditions
An audition appointment for applicants will be scheduled for the audition date(s) above.
If the student cannot attend their scheduled audition, the Academy office must be notified
before noon on the day prior to the audition. No-shows will not be permitted to reschedule.
Shadowing Opportunities
Students accepted into Lamar Fine Arts Academy will have the opportunity to shadow current Fine
Arts Academy Students January 7 through February 15, 2013. More information will be provided
upon submittal of complete FAA application.
Page 18
Lamar Fine Arts Academy Application
Application - Please Print – Due Date – no later than February 8, 2013
Applicant Legal name:
Current Grade: 5 , 6 , 7
AISD Student ID#:
OR, if none, Social Security #:
Parents/Guardians Names:
Street Apt. #
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Is your home address in the Lamar attendance zone? _____yes or _____no
If no, then you must apply for either a priority or non-priority transfer to Lamar. See next page for transfer information.
Elementary School Attended:
Did you receive/belong to any special program?
Was your Elementary school a magnet school? If so, were you a magnet student?
Incoming 6 graders: Will you be applying for placement into an advanced fine arts class?
Fine Arts Discipline of Primary Interest (Check one):
_____Vocal Music
_____Theatre Arts
Visual Arts
Respond to each of the following (attach additional page when necessary):
1. Attach a handwritten essay of approximately 500 words describing
some of your personal traits and
goals. Include in your essay how being involved in the Lamar Fine Arts academy will help you
achieve your goals in school and life.
2. List
additional Fine Arts areas you enjoy.
3. List previous experience in your Art area, whether in school or outside of school (Examples might
include: summer arts camp/study, participation in a community theater program; private lessons; membership in
organizations such as Austin Youth Orchestra; Conspirare Childrens’ Choir; Austin Lyric Opera; University of Texas
String Project; Austin Chamber Music Center; Ballet Austin).
4. List
any recognition or awards you have received for special projects or activities in Fine Arts or
other academic areas.
Page 19
Mail to: Lamar Middle School – Fine Arts Academy
6201 Wynona Ave., Austin, TX 78757
Application materials include:
•Copy of last year’s report card as well as the most recent report card
•Three recommendations on the forms provided
•Copy of most recent TAKS or STAAR scores
Student will be notified of application status once application has been reviewed. Audition/interview
appointments will then be arranged.
Application Deadline: February 8, 2013
Recommendation forms and other information available at:
Teacher recommendations are to be sent to Lamar directly from the teachers. Parent will mail all
other application materials to:
Lamar Middle School Fine Arts Academy
6201 Wynona Ave
Austin, TX 78757
All applicants please sign and date below.
Applicant’s Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature
Page 20
* Parents: Please make sure you have ALL the requested materials for the application.
_____ Application (2 pages)
_____ Handwritten essay (500 word minimum)
_____ Last year’s report card
_____ Current year’s report card
_____ Most recent TAKS/STAAR test scores
_____ 3 teacher recommendation forms given to teachers
Note: All teacher recommendations are to be submitted directly to Lamar Fine Arts Academy.
Teachers may either fax them to 512-467-6862, or send them through campus mail to Lamar Fine
Arts Academy.
* Do NOT put application in a folder, binder or other such device.
Please place it in a flat, clasp envelope only.
Page 21
English Teacher Recommendation
Please return AS
SOON AS POSSIBLE by fax (512-467-6862) or AISD campus mail or U.S. mail to:
Lamar Fine Arts Academy6201 Wynona Ave. Austin, TX 78757
Applicant’s Legal Name_________________________________ Student I.D.__________________
Sending School ___________________________________________ Current Grade Level:______
Course title and level: _______________________________________________ Date:__________
Teacher Print Name__________________________Teacher Signature_______________________
Superior (4) Very good (3) Average (2) Below Average (1)
1. Cooperative
2. Respectful
3. Works well with others
4. Considerate of peers
5. Good tempered
Compare this student’s social skills with others this age.
In your presence, has this student ever exhibited outbursts, belligerent behavior, foul language, inappropriate
behavior, bullying, etc.? YES
Superior (4) Very good (3)
1. Ability to stay on task
2. Completes tasks on time
3. Pays attention to detail
4. Spends extra time on work
5. Ability to work independently
Compare this student’s work ethic to others this age.
Average (2)
Below Average (1)
Superior (4) Very good (3) Average (2)
1. Reading & writing skills
2. Study Skills
3. Works beyond minimum
4. Analytical skills
5. Participation in class discussion _______
6. Seeks help when needed
Describe the student’s interest & achievement in academics.
Below Average (1)
CREATIVE THINKING – How has this student demonstrated higher level thinking skills?
Page 22
Math Teacher Recommendation
Please return AS
SOON AS POSSIBLE by fax (512-467-6862) or AISD campus mail or U.S. mail to:
Lamar Fine Arts Academy 6201 Wynona Ave. Austin, TX 78757
Applicant’s Legal Name ________________________________Student I.D.__________________
Sending School ___________________________________________Current Grade Level:______
Course title and level: ______________________________________________ Date:__________
Teacher Print Name ________________________ Teacher Signature_______________________
BEHAVIOR & SOCIAL SKILLS Superior (4) Very good (3)
1. Cooperative
2. Respectful
3. Works well with others
4. Considerate of peers
5. Good tempered
Compare this student’s social skills with others this age.
Average (2)
Below Average (1)
In your presence, has this student ever exhibited outbursts, belligerent behavior,
foul language, inappropriate behavior, bullying, etc.? YES
Superior (4)
Very good (3)
1. Ability to stay on task
2. Completes tasks on time
3. Pays attention to detail
4. Spends extra time on work _______
5. Ability to work independently _______
Compare this student’s work ethic to others this age.
Superior (4) Very good (3)
1. Reading & comprehension
as it relates to math problems
2. Math study skills
3. Works beyond minimum
4. Analytical skills
5. Participation in class discussion_______
6. Seeks help when needed
7. Motivated to succeed in math _______
Describe the student’s interest & achievement in academics.
Do you anticipate this student passing the Math STAAR?
Page 23
Average (2)
Average (2)
Below Average (1)
Below Average (1)
Music Teacher Recommendation
Please return AS
SOON AS POSSIBLE by fax (512-467-6862) or AISD campus mail or U.S. mail to:
Lamar Fine Arts Academy 6201 Wynona Ave. Austin, TX 78757
Applicant’s Legal Name ________________________________Student I.D.__________________
Sending School ___________________________________________Current Grade Level:______
Course title and level: _____________________________________________
Teacher Print Name ________________________ Teacher Signature_______________________
BEHAVIOR & SOCIAL SKILLS Superior (4) Very good (3)
2. Respectful
3. Works well with others
4. Considerate of peers
5. Good tempered
Compare this student’s social skills with others this age.
Average (2) Below Average (1)
In your presence, has this student ever exhibited outbursts, belligerent behavior, foul language, inappropriate
behavior, bullying, etc.? YES
Superior (4)
Very good (3)
1. Ability to stay on task
2. Completes tasks on time
3. Pays attention to detail
4. Spends extra time on work _______
5. Ability to work independently _______
Compare this student’s work ethic to others this age.
Average (2)
Below Average (1)
Superior (4)
Very good (3)
1.Tone quality
2. Musicianship
3. Music reading ability
4. Pitch accuracy/intonation
Compare this student’s skill level to others this age.
Average (2)
Below Average (1)
Superior (4)
Very good (3) Average (2) Below Average (1)
1. Works beyond minimum
2. Analytical skills
3. Participation in class
4. Seeks help when needed
5. Motivated to succeed
Describe the student’s interest & achievement in academics.
Page 24
Theatre Arts Teacher Recommendation Form
Please return AS
SOON AS POSSIBLE by fax (512-467-6862) or AISD campus mail or U.S. mail to:
Lamar Fine Arts Academy 6201 Wynona Ave. Austin, TX 78757
Applicant’s Legal Name __________________________________Student I.D.________________
Sending School ___________________________________________Current Grade Level:______
Course title and level: ______________________________________________ Date:__________
Teacher Print Name __________________________ Teacher Signature_____________________
BEHAVIOR & SOCIAL SKILLS Superior (4) Very good (3)
2. Respectful
3. Works well with others
4. Considerate of peers
5. Good tempered
Compare this student’s social skills with others this age.
Average (2) Below Average (1)
In your presence, has this student ever exhibited outbursts, belligerent behavior,
foul language, inappropriate behavior, bullying, etc.? YES
Superior (4)
Very good (3)
1. Ability to stay on task
2. Completes tasks on time
3. Pays attention to detail
4. Spends extra time on work _______
5. Ability to work independently _______
Compare this student’s work ethic to others this age.
Average (2)
Superior (4)
Very good (3)
1. Works beyond minimum
2. Analytical skills
3. Participation in class
4. Seeks help when needed
5. Motivated to succeed
Describe the student’s interest & achievement in academics.
Average (2)
Below Average (1)
Superior (4) Very good (3)
1.Voice quality
2. Characterization
3. Facial expression
4. Movement
Compare this student’s skill level to others this age.
Average (2)
Below Average (1)
Page 25
Below Average (1)
Visual Arts Teacher Recommendation Form
Please return AS
SOON AS POSSIBLE by fax (512-467-6862) or AISD campus mail or U.S. mail to:
Lamar Fine Arts Academy 6201 Wynona Ave. Austin, TX 78757
Applicant’s Legal Name _______________________________ Student I.D. __________________
Sending School ___________________________________________Current Grade Level:______
Course title and level: ______________________________________________ Date:__________
Teacher Print Name __________________________ Teacher Signature_____________________
BEHAVIOR & SOCIAL SKILLS Superior (4) Very good (3) Average (2) Below Average (1)
2. Respectful
3. Works well with others
4. Considerate of peers
5. Good tempered
Compare this student’s social skills with others this age.
In your presence, has this student ever exhibited outbursts, belligerent behavior,
foul language, inappropriate behavior, bullying, etc.? YES
Superior (4)
Very good (3)
1. Ability to stay on task
2. Completes tasks on time
3. Pays attention to detail
4. Spends extra time on work _______
5. Ability to work independently _______
Compare this student’s work ethic to others this age.
Average (2) Below Average (1)
Superior (4) Very good (3) Average (2) Below Average (1)
1. Works beyond minimum
2. Analytical skills
3. Participation in class
4. Seeks help when needed
5. Motivated to succeed
Describe the student’s interest & achievement in academics.
Superior (4)
Very good (3) Average (2)
1.Drawing from observation
2. Shading
3. Creativity
In brief, compare this student’s skill level to others this age.
Page 26
Below Average (1)