Outline Perspectives and Challenges for Cognitive Radio Networks Location Awareness for Dynamic Spectrum
Outline Perspectives and Challenges for Cognitive Radio Networks Location Awareness for Dynamic Spectrum
Outline Background Perspectives and Challenges for Cognitive Radio Networks What is Cognitive Radio (spectrum overlay technique)? Challenges in Cognitive Radio Location Awareness for Dynamic Spectrum Access in CR networks Li-Chun Wang (王蒞君) Conclusions Department of Communications Engineering National Chiao Tung University Hsinchu,Taiwan [email protected] 3C Tradeoff in Wireless The 3C (Capacity, Cost, Cwality) Tradeoff High Capacity Good Quality Low Cost The more things changes, the more remain the same (Alphonse Karr, 1808) What is the fundamental issue for wireless communications? Spectrum Efficiency RF Spectrum – 1.39 to 5.923 GHz Motivation Licenced TV band Usage: Over the air/(Cable + DBS) is 15% to 85% Cognitive Radios (CRs) can Most (85%-90%) of the spectrum is unused. Mid-Band opportunistically use spectrum white space and increase usage by 10x Evidence of overcrowding High-Band Evolution of Wireless Communications Both licensed/unlicensed band Licensed band IEEE 802 LAN/MAN/RAN Standards WLAN (IEEE 802.11) ¾ WiFi 802.11a/b/g/n WPAN (IEEE 802.15) ¾ Bluetooth 802.15.1 ¾ Co-existence 802.15.2 ¾ High-data-rate UWB 802.15.3a ¾ High-data-rate UWB 802.15.4a (Zigbee) WMAN (IEEE 802.16) WRAN (IEEE 802.22) Unlicensed band Current Situation of Spectrum Usage Allocated spectrum does not mean licensed. Licensed does not mean used. ¾ 佔著____, 不_____。 Future Spectrum Sharing New unlicensed bands ¾ 60 GHz Spectrum underlay ¾ Ultra-wideband radios ¾ 802.15.3a, 802.15.4a Spectrum overlay ¾ Cognitive radios Basic Idea of UWB Basic Idea of Cognitive Radio Cognitive frequency-agile radios can be allowed to intelligently “switch lanes” and adjust parameters. Source: Fantasma Outline Why Cognitive Radio? Pros and Cons for Cognitive Radio: ¾解 決佔 著____, 不 _____的 問 題 。 ¾ 你幹 嘛 管 我 家 廁 所 有 沒 有 人 用? The true is ¾ Current unlicensed bands are too crowded. ¾ Emergency application ¾ Provide ubiquitous wireless services by heterogeneous wireless networks What is Cognitive Radio? Not CR in your keyboard! Co-exists with legacy wireless systems Utilize the spectrum resource of the legacy system. Does not cause interfere to them Background What is Cognitive Radio (spectrum overlay technique)? Challenges in Cognitive Radio Location Awareness for Dynamic Spectrum Access in CR networks Conclusions Definition Cognitive Radio (CR) is a radio that can change its parameters based on interaction with the environment in which it operates. Application Scenario 1 The IEEE 802.22 Wireless Regional Area Network (WRAN) ¾ ¾ Fixed point-to-multipoint wireless regional area networks for wireless broadband access (especially in rural areas) Reuse TV broadcast bands on a noninterfering basis High power CR device vs Low power CR device High power “fixed/access" unlicensed devices ¾ Incorporate a geo-location method such as GPS or be professionally installed to determine their geographic coordinates, which would be used in conjunction with a database to identify vacant channels. ¾ 1 W peak transmit power, 4 W EIRP (6 dBi antenna) Low power “personal/portable” unlicensed devices ¾ Operate only when they receive a control signal from a source such as an FM or TV station that identifies the vacant TV channels in that particular area ¾ 100 mW peak transmitter power FCC Docket No. 04-186 / 06-156 Application Scenario 2 Super Wi-Fi network (urban areas) An informal coalition of technology companies, including Dell, Google, Hewlett-Packard, Intel, Microsoft, and Philips Electronics, has been formed. ¾ Ask the FCC to make unused portions of the TV broadcast spectrum available for unlicensed use by wireless devices. ¾ A significant portion of the TV signal spectrum should become available when TV broadcasters move from analog to digital broadcasting ¾ Fundamental Goals Primary protection ¾ Theoretically provable and practically feasible to protect primary as both fixed devices and portable/personal devices Secondary coexistence/QoS support ¾ Technical challenges exist and careful design needed Key goals of a cognitive radio Design elements of a cognitive radio network DSA Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA): quickly and Secondary coexistence/QoS Primary protection robustly detect the presence of incumbent users, who have preemptive rights to access the spectrum, to avoid causing interference to these users, Dynamic Spectrum Sharing (DSS): CRs must be aware of other cognitive radio networks of likely similar access rights and coexist with these networks, and, Dynamic Spectrum Multi-channel operation (DSM): CRs must be spectrum-agile and provide seamless operation across multiple channels, potentially simultaneously. Application User utility/Policy QoS requirements Spectrum handoff Delay/Jitter/Loss Inter-system and Delay/Jitter/Loss inter-flow communication Spectrum Handoff Load (node & Interference aware radio resource) routing balancing Transport Network LLC Spectrum aware Policy routing Delay tolerant Topology networking management for (DARPA DTN) distributed sensing Radio Centralized (e.g., environment broker) or distributed characterization (e.g., opportunistic) Policy Power control Interference temperature Dynamic frequency selection (if channel vacation) Link Coordination of quiet periods Directionality Spectrum sensing management MAC Physical DSS QoS requirements User utility/policy Policy Interference aware dynamic frequency selection Power control Channel assignment Centralized (e.g., broker) or distributed (e.g., opportunistic) Space, time, and code division multiple access Fairness Spectrum sensing algorithms Wideband or narrowband sensing Low SNR signal detection Multiple antenna beamforming and beamnulling Adaptive modulation and coding Waveform shaping Two Main Characteristics for CR Cognitive capability: ¾ The ability of the radio to capture or sense the information from its radio environment ¾ Monitoring the power in some frequency band is NOT enough ¾ Sophisticated techniques are needed to capture the temporal and spatial variations in the radio environment Re-configurability: ¾ Enable the radio to be dynamically programmed Multi-channel assignment Multi-channel and multi-path routing Multi-channel assignment (Non)-Coordinated resource sharing (Non-) contiguous multichannel operation Inter-channel synchronization Directionality Real-time and dynamic resource allocation Multi-channel access Multiple antenna beamforming and beamnulling Spreading Wideband antennas ADC Multicarrier modulation Programmable filters Multiple antennas Beacon detection DSA DSM QoS Multi-layer requirements management Delay/Jitter/Loss Multi-flow management DSS Bandwidth (RF, BB) scalability DSM Key Functions for CR Sensing Radio Wideband antenna, PA, and LNA ¾ High speed A/D & D/A ¾ Scalable for MIMO ¾ PHY layer OFDM transmission? ¾ Dynamic frequency selection, adaptive modulation and coding, power control ¾ MAC layer Transmission parameter optimization Rate adaptation ¾ Feedback mechanism ¾ Negotiate and opportunistically use of radio resource ¾ ¾ Key Properties for CR RF technology to listen to huge spectrum. CR Network Architecture On licensed band Knowledge of primary users’ spectrum usage in terms of location and time. Rules of sharing the available resource (time, frequency, location) Intelligence to determine the optimal transmission parameters (bandwidth, power, QoS). Outline CR Network Architecture (Cont’d) On unlicensed band What is Cognitive Radio (spectrum overlay technique)? Challenges in Cognitive Radio Location Awareness for Dynamic Spectrum Access in CR networks Conclusions Key Challenges Physical Architecture: ¾ An accurate detection of weak signals of licensed users over a wide spectrum range. ¾ Implementation of RF wideband from-end and A/D converter (multi-GHz speed) Key Challenges (Cont’d) Re-configurability: ¾ Adjusting operating parameters: Operating frequency Modulation 9 Transmission power 9 Communication technology 9 9 Challenges are to reconfigure the transmission parameters not only at the beginning of a transmission but also during the transmission Key Challenges (Cont’d) Cognitive capability: Spectrum sensing (detecting spectrum holes) ¾ Spectrum analysis/decision (determining data rates, transmission rate, and modes) ¾ Spectrum mobility (if the current spectrum band in use become unavailable) ¾ Spectrum sharing (providing fair spectrum scheduling among coexisting CR users) ¾ Challenges lies in the fact that radio environment changes over time and space. Concurrent transmission is an ambitious but promising goal. Research Topics in Cognitive Radio Spectrum Sensing Spectrum Decision Spectrum Mobility Spectrum Sharing Research Topics in Spectrum Sensing Research Topics in Spectrum Decision Non-cooperative transmitter detection Cooperative transmitter detection Interference-based detection Challenges: ¾ Wideband sensing and multi-band agile wireless networks ¾ Spectrum sensing in multi-user network ¾ Interference temperature measurement and metrics ¾ Fast Detection capability Research Topics in Spectrum Mobility QoS provisioning in adaptive, spectrum, and cognitive network Spectrum mobility in time (channel variation) Spectrum mobility in space (user movement) Spectrum handoff Multi-parameter decision model for spectrum analysis ¾ Only SNR is not enough Multi-band spectrum decision Spectrum decision over heterogeneous licensed/unlicensed spectrum bands Research Topics in Spectrum Sharing Overlay spectrum sharing vs underlay spectrum sharing Cooperative spectrum sharing vs noncooperative spectrum sharing Centralized spectrum sharing vs distributed spectrum sharing Inter-network spectrum sharing Why Is Location Awareness important for Cognitive Radio? Outline Background What is Cognitive Radio (spectrum overlay technique)? Challenges in Cognitive Radio Location Awareness for Dynamic Spectrum Access in CR networks Conclusions Location Awareness and Spectrum Sensing Wide spectrum sensing, identification and spectrum opportunity utilization are the three important techniques for CR systems. Wide spectrum sensing is not free: ¾ Energy consumption ¾ Access delay Issue: ¾ Should a CR device require to sense the spectrum anywhere and anytime? Location awareness is needed for compliance ¾ to conform to the rules of the country where it operates. Location awareness is needed for efficiency. ¾ to verify distance between devices ¾ to enable use of higher beacon power A Dynamic Spectrum Access system must have location awareness in its mobile devices [John Chapin’06] Objective Dimension the region where a CR device can reuse the same frequency band of the primary user ¾ without the need of scanning the whole spectrum ¾ by taking advantage of the location information. Problem Formulation The locations of the infrastructure user MS3 (r3,θ3) the receiver of the ad hoc link MS2 (r2,θ2), and BS(0,0) are fixed. MS1 (r1,θ1) is uniformly distributed in the coverage of the BS, πR2. Infrastructure link: BS Æ MS3 or MS3 Æ BS 9 Ad hoc link: MS1 Æ MS2 9 Concurrent Transmission Probability Problem Where can MS1 set up an ad hoc link without interfering the infrastructure connection? What is the throughput performance of the network consisting of both the legacy infrastructure and CR-based ad hoc links? CSMA/CA MAC protocol is adopted 9 a well-know and widely deployed MAC protocol in unlicensed band. Coexistence Region - Uplink The probability that both the SIRs in the infrastructure and ad hoc links are larger than the required SIR thresholds (zi, za) MS1 Coexistence Region - Downlink Coexistence Probability – UL case Uplink Case 0.45 0.4 Insufficient signal power in infrastructure link. 0.35 Existence Probability 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 Interference from ad hoc link. SIRth=0dB(simulation) SIRth=0dB(analysis) SIRth=3dB(simulation) SIRth=3dB(analysis) 0.1 0.05 MS1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Distance of MS3 70 80 90 100 The coexistence probability in uplink case is up to 45%. The optimum point exists as the infrastructure user locates in R/2. Throughput Performance The total throughput performance is 145% compared to the pure infrastructure network. Infrastructure Uplink Case The more the allowable ad hoc users, the less the throughput improvement due to the more the collisions among CR devices. Normalized Throughput Total throughput 1.8 1.75 1.7 1.65 1.6 1.55 1.5 100 0 20 40 # of users 50 60 80 Distance of MS3 100 0 Summary We dimension the region where a CR device can reuse the frequency band to set up an ad hoc link with the primary infrastructure link without the need of scanning the whole spectrum. ¾ ¾ The coexistence probability can be up to 45%. It can achieve 145% throughput performance. With the help of location information from upper layer, an mobile to mobile ad hoc CR user device could avoid scanning wide spectrum and identify the spectrum opportunity. Outline Perspective on future research Background What is Cognitive Radio (spectrum overlay Cognitive MAC protocol Design technique)? Challenges in Cognitive Radio 9 QoS Provisioning 9 Concurrent Transmission MAC Protocol Location Awareness for Dynamic Spectrum Game theory approach for spectrum handoff for cognitive wireless system MIMO-based Cognitive Radio Networks Access in CR networks Conclusions Conclusion Reference 1. Li-Chun Wang and Anderson Chen, “On the Spatial Coexistence of Infrastructure-Based and Ad Hoc connections for a Cognitive Radio System,” submitted to IEEE Trans. on Mobile Computing [Conference is available at 1st International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Network and Communications (CROWNCOM), 2006, Mykonos, Greece, June, 2006 ] 2. Li-Chun Wang, Anderson Chen, and David W. L. Wei, “A Cognitive MAC Protocol for QoS Provisioning in Ad Hoc Networks,” submitted to IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology. [Conference version is available at IEEE Consumer Communications and Network Conference, Cognitive Radio Workshop, Las Vega, Jan. 2007 3. Li-Chun Wang, Chung-Wei Wang, Yin-Chih Lu, and ChuanMing Liu, “A Concurrent Transmission MAC Protocol for Enhancing Throughout and Avoiding Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio,” IEEE Wireless Communications and Networks Conference, Hong Kong, China, Mar. 2007 Cognitive Radio Is Hard! Cognitive Network Is Harder! Don’t miss your prime time! Thank You! [email protected] Current CR Research Activities 1. OFDM-based Spectrum Pooling Techniques [Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Germany, Weiss’04] 2. COgnitive Radio approach for usage of Virtual Unlcensed Spectrum (CORVUS) [UC Berkeley, Cabric & Brodersen’ 05] 3. IEEE 802.22 Wireless Reginal Area Network (WRAN) 4. DIMSUMnet Project (Dynamic Intelligent Management of Spectrum for Ubiquitous Mobile network) [Bell Lab, Buddhikot’05] BACKUP Current CR Research Activities (Cont’d) 5. DRiVE Project (Dynamic Radio for IP services in Vehicular Environments). [Ericsson Eurolab Deutschland, Germay , Xu&Toenjes’00 http://www.ist-drive.org/index2.html] Follow-up project: OverDrive (Spectrum Efficient Uni-and Multicast Over Dynamic Radio Networks in Vehicular Environments) [http://www.comnets.rwthaachen.de/~o_drive/index.html] Current CR Research Activities (Cont’d) 6. Nautilus Project [UC Santa Barbara Zheng’05] OTHER Cognitive Radio PLAYERS Vahid Tarokh – Information theoretical aspect 7. OCRA Project (OFDM-based Cognitive RAdio) [Georgia Tech, Akyildiz and Li’06] 8. CWT (Cognitive Wireless Technology) [Virginia Tech] 9. NCTU: NSC Project Access Technologies and Resource Management for Cognitive Radio Networks ¾ ¾ Lead by Prof. C. J. Chang, W. H. Sheen, L. C. Wang and C. Y. Huang of cognitive wireless networks Harvard Univ John Chapin -- Software-defined radios Vanu, Cambridge, MA Michael Honig -- Pricing algorithm for spectrum sharing Northwestern University Joseph Mitola III -- Cognitive radios Mitre, McLean, VA Adam Wolisz -- Protocols for communications networks Technical University of Berlin, Germany
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