WHAT IS HAPPENING AT SPECTRAL TYPE F5 IN HYADES F... Erika Bo ¨ hm-Vitense Richard Robinson
WHAT IS HAPPENING AT SPECTRAL TYPE F5 IN HYADES F... Erika Bo ¨ hm-Vitense Richard Robinson
The Astrophysical Journal, 569:941–963, 2002 April 20 # 2002. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. WHAT IS HAPPENING AT SPECTRAL TYPE F5 IN HYADES F STARS?1 Erika Bo¨hm-Vitense Astronomy Department, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 Richard Robinson Institute for Astrophysics and Computational Sciences, Department of Physics, Catholic University of America, Washington, DC 20064 Kenneth Carpenter LASP, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 681, Greenbelt, MD 20771 and Jose Mena-Werth University of Nebraska at Kearney, Physics Department, Kearney, NE 68849-1160 Received 2001 August 15; accepted 2002 January 1 ABSTRACT Aiming at a better understanding of the mechanisms heating the chromospheres, transition regions, and coronae of cool stars, we study ultraviolet, low-resolution Hubble Space Telescope/Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph spectra of Hyades main-sequence F stars. We study the BV dependence(s) of the chromospheric and transition layer emission line fluxes and their dependences on rotational velocities. We find that the transition layer emission line fluxes and also those of strong chromospheric lines decrease steeply between BV ¼ 0:42 and 0.45, i.e., at spectral type F5, for which the rotational velocities also decrease steeply. The magnitude of the line-flux decrease increases for lines of ions with increasing degree of ionization. This shows that the line-flux decrease is not due to a change in the surface filling factor but rather due to a change of the relative importance of different heating mechanisms. For early F stars with BV < 0:42 we find for the transition layer emission lines increasing fluxes for increasing v sin i, indicating magnetohydrodynamic heating. The v sin i dependence is strongest for the high-ionization lines. On the other hand, the low chromospheric lines show no dependence on v sin i, indicating acoustic shock heating for these layers. This also contributes to the heating of the transition layers. The Mg ii and Ca ii lines show decreasing fluxes for increasing v sin i, as long as v sin i is less than 40 km s1. The coronal X-ray emission also decreases for increasing v sin i, except for v sin i larger than 100 km s1. We have at present no explanation for this behavior. For late F stars the chromospheric lines show v sin i dependences similar to those observed for early F stars, again indicating acoustic heating for these layers. We were unable to determine the v sin i dependence of the transition layer lines because of too few single star targets. The decrease of emission line fluxes at the spectral type F5, with steeply decreasing v sin i, indicates, however, a decreasing contribution of magnetohydrodynamic heating for the late F stars. The X-ray emission for the late F stars increases for increasing v sin i, indicating magnetohydrodynamic heating for the coronae of the late F stars, different from the early F stars. Subject headings: open clusters and associations: individual (Hyades) — stars: chromospheres — stars: coronae — stars: rotation number of solar flares during solar activity maxima may also support the suggested heating by flares. The dependence of the emission measures on temperature in the upper transition regions seems to support the assumption that at least these layers are heated by conductive heat transport from the coronae. In this case the question then remains: what is heating the coronae? The detailed solar observations of spatial structures and time evolutions of chromospheric and transition layer emission and their relation to magnetic field structures over the last decades, together with the launch of solar observation satellites SOHO and TRACE, have raised new general interest in the subject of the heating mechanisms of the outer solar atmospheric layers. While these observations have brought a large increase of detailed knowledge, they have not yet revealed the governing heating mechanism(s). Stellar observations, showing the dependences of the chromospheric, transition layer, and coronal emissions on the different physical parameters, like Teff , v sin i, and age will have to be used in addition in order to identify the heating 1. INTRODUCTION The identification of the heating mechanism(s) for the solar and stellar chromospheres, transition layers, and coronae has been a much discussed topic for several decades. Acoustic waves (Schwarzschild 1948; Biermann 1946), magnetohydrodynamic waves (for instance, Vaiana & Rosner 1978), heat conduction from the coronae (Woolley & Allen 1948; Unso¨ld 1955), and many flares (Sturrock et al. 1990) have been discussed. Rosner, Tucker, & Vaiana (1978) emphasized the importance of loops, which are especially prominent in solar X-ray pictures. The observed increase of solar chromospheric and transition layer emission during increased solar activity has supported the suggestion of heating by magnetohydrodynamic effects. The increasing 1 Based on observations with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope obtained at the Space Telescope Science Institute, which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Incorporated, under NASA contract NAS5-26555. 941 942 BO¨HM-VITENSE ET AL. mechanism(s). From ground-based observations of mainly field stars with spectral types later than F5, the Ca ii line emission was found to increase with increasing rotational velocities (Wilson 1970). IUE observations of (mainly) field stars showed that the Mg ii and the transition layer lines for stars with spectral types later than F5 also showed increased fluxes for stars with increasing rotational velocities (Walter 1983, 1986). Most of these stars also show rotational modulation of their Ca ii emission (Baliunas & Vaughan 1985), attributed to star spots. On the other hand, the emission lines of the early F field stars did not show an increase of line fluxes with increasing v sin i and do not show rotational modulation, although a few stars may show some very weak modulation (Baliunas & Vaughan 1985). This led Simon & Drake (1989) to suggest that for early F stars the heating of the chromospheres and transition layers might be due to acoustic wave damping, while for spectral types later than F5 magnetohydrodynamic effects would become important. For larger v sin i the stellar dynamo might become more efficient, leading to increased spot and magnetohydrodynamic activity and rotational modulation of the line emission. Skumanich (1972) studied field and cluster G V stars of different ages and found decreasing activity for increasing ages, as was discussed earlier by Wilson & Skumanich (1964). This was attributed to the decreasing rotation with increasing age. The dependences of activity on age and on v sin i may, however, be confused in such studies since age and rotation rate are correlated. We need observations of stars with known ages and different v sin i to determine the dependences of the emission on rotation and on age separately. The different suggested heating mechanisms indicate that the heating may be dependent on Teff , vrot , age, chemical composition, gravity, overall magnetic fields, and possibly binarity (Bo¨hm-Vitense 1982 and references therein). In order to study the dependence on one parameter, we have to keep all other parameters constant as nearly as possible. This can best be done for cluster stars, for which chemical composition and age are the same. If we restrict our studies to main-sequence stars of a small temperature range, then gravity is also almost constant. We still have to deal with at least three, if not four, parameters: Teff , v sin i, binarity, and possibly magnetic fields. This means we have to observe a number of stars in very narrow ranges for all parameters except one, for instance Teff , to determine the dependence on Teff , and similarly for the other parameters. This requires a large number of stars to be observed. In order to reduce the number of targets, we have observed only mainsequence Hyades F stars but as many as seemed feasible. F stars appear to be especially important because of all the abrupt changes observed around spectral type F5 and the implied change in heating mechanism(s). In a previous paper (Bo¨hm-Vitense et al. 2001, hereafter Paper I), we used observations with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS), together with IUE observations to study the Mg ii lines of Hyades F stars. From these we found that, contrary to the observations for the field stars, for Hyades F stars of a given Teff the Mg ii emission line fluxes decrease with increasing rotational velocities. This is true for all narrow intervals in BV as long as the rotational velocities are not larger than about 50–60 km s1 and as long as for the surface line flux, F, we have log F > 6. For smaller fluxes and larger rotational velocities, another heating mechanism seems to take over in the layers emitting the Mg ii lines. It seems possible that the very efficient heating mechanism leading to large chromospheric line emission and increasing line emission for decreasing v sin i only works for young stars (perhaps owing to a fossil magnetic field?), and therefore in the older field stars we only see increasing surface line fluxes for increasing v sin i. In this paper we study the relation between Teff , rotation, binarity, and the emission line fluxes for other chromospheric and transition layer emission lines of the same Hyades main-sequence F stars. 2. THE HST OBSERVATIONS 2.1. The HST Targets We observed 18 Hyades F stars with the HST/STIS. For these observations we used the G140L grating and the Large Science Aperture to obtain spectra for the spectral region ˚ with a resolution R ¼ 2000. In this spectral 1150–1750 A region many strong emission lines are found that originate in the chromospheres and in the transition region between the chromospheres and the coronae. In Table 1 we list our HST targets and the basic properties of these stars. All photometric data were obtained from the Hipparcos catalogue (ESA 1997) in order to have a homogeneous set of data. The v sin i values were obtained from Uesugi & Fukuda (1982), who collected the data from various sources in the literature, as referenced in their paper; ‘‘ vB ’’ indicates the van Bueren numbers (van Bueren 1952). The observing dates and exposure times for the HST observations used here are given in Paper I. HD 27848 with BV ¼ 0:450, the BV for which Ca ii and Mg ii emission lines have the minimum flux, was observed twice to see whether any differences could be seen in the spectra, possibly owing to varying stellar activity. In Table 2 we give the basic data for Hyades main-sequence stars that were previously observed with the IUE satellite. In Figure 1 we show the color-magnitude diagram (CMD) for our target Hyades main-sequence F stars. The absolute magnitudes are plotted, using the parallaxes given in the Hipparcos catalogue. Binary stars are indicated by surrounding squares. More than 50% of our targets turned out to be binaries (see Perryman et al. 1998). This gives us an opportunity to study chromospheric and transition layer emission line differences between binaries and single stars but reduces the number of single stars for our statistics. Fig. 1.—Positions of our target stars are shown in a CMD. Plus signs indicate stars observed with IUE, crosses indicate stars observed with HST, and surrounding squares indicate binaries. TABLE 1 Basic Data for HST Hyades Program Stars HD vBa mV BV v sin i (km s1) vr (km s1) Spectral Type (mas) MV 27561 ...... 28736 ...... 26345 ...... 28568 ...... 29225 ...... 27848 ...... 31845 ...... 28406 ...... 28483 ...... 28608 ...... 21847 ...... 26784 ...... 27808 ...... 30738 ...... 28205 ...... 28033 ...... 28237 ...... 29419 ...... 37 90 13 85 101 51 128 78 81 86 ... 19 48 121 65 62 66 105 6.60 6.37 6.61 6.50 6.64 6.96 6.75 6.90 7.09 7.03 7.29 7.11 7.13 7.29 7.41 7.36 7.49 7.51 0.412 0.420 0.427 0.428 0.442 0.450 0.450 0.451 0.470 0.472 0.503 0.514 0.518 0.536 0.537 0.557 0.560 0.576 15 35 20 55 40 30 25 20 20 20 ... 5 10d 10 10 5d 10 5d 39.2 40.3 33.0 43.6 33.7 43.2 44.1 38.6 38.0 41.4 ... 38.5 38.9 42.7 39.3 38.8 40.2 39.9 F5 F5 F6 F2 F8 F8 F5 F8 F5 F5 F8 F8 F8 F8 G0 F8 F8 F5 19.46 23.13 23.22 24.28 22.99 18.74 23.09 21.59 19.94 22.96 20.45 21.08 24.47 19.30 21.83 21.54 21.18 22.60 3.046 3.191 3.439 3.426 3.448 3.324 3.567 3.571 3.589 3.835 3.843 3.729 4.073 3.718 4.105 4.026 4.120 4.281 Comment Binaryb Binary c Binaryc Binaryc Binaryc Binaryb Binaryc BY Dra variable?e Binaryc a The van Bueren number. Patience et al. 1998. c Perryman et al. 1998. d Upper limit. e SIMBAD. b TABLE 2 Basic Data for IUE Observed Hyades Stars a b HD vB mV 27397 ...... 28294 ...... 28677 ...... 24357 ...... 26462 ...... 27901 ...... 29169 ...... 26015 ...... 26911 ...... 27429 ...... 25102 ...... 26737 ...... 26345 ...... 28568 ...... 28911 ...... 27534 ...... 29225 ...... 27731 ...... 28483 ...... 28608 ...... 30869 ...... 27991 ...... 26784 ...... 27808 ...... 27691 ...... 28394 ...... 30810 ...... 30311 ...... 27859 ...... 30 68 89 6 14 53 100 11 20 32 54 16 13 85 94 36 101 44 81 86 124 57 19 48 40 77 122 113 52 5.58 5.90 6.01 5.97 5.71 5.97 6.01 6.02 6.31 6.11 6.35 7.05 6.61 6.50 6.62 6.80 6.64 7.18 7.09 7.03 6.30 6.44 7.11 7.13 6.97 7.02 6.79 7.24 7.79 a BV b 0.283 0.325 0.338 0.357 0.360 0.378 0.380 0.397 0.400 0.404 0.417 0.424 0.427 0.428 0.429 0.441 0.442 0.462 0.470 0.472 0.502 0.509 0.514 0.518 0.518 0.528 0.543 0.560 0.599 v sin i (km s1) vr a (km s1 ) 30 102 109 59 6 150 80 30 53 132 54 70 18 55 40 12 40 30 18 20 25 18 12 12 10 25 6 7 5 42.0 44.2 36.0 35.0 36.6 36.6 43.3 36.4 36.9 42.0 39.6 38.4 33.0 43.6 35.0 37.0 33.7 34.1 38.0 41.4 38.8 36.4 38.5 38.9 42.7 39.9 42.4 42.5 38.8 The van Bueren number ‘‘ vB ’’ and vr are from Schwan 1991. , BV, and mv from the Hipparcos catalogue. c Spectral type from catalog 2000. b Spectral Type b (mas) MV Comment F3 F0 F4 F4 F4 F4 F5 F3 F5 F3 F5 F5 F6 F2 F2 F5 F8 F5 F5 F5 F5 F7 F8 F8 G0 G0 F8 F5 G2 22.31 18.42 22.25 24.14 25.89 20.40 22.60 21.27 22.51 21.12 25.42 18.12 23.22 24.28 22.80 19.83 22.99 20.04 19.94 22.96 23.91 21.47 21.08 24.47 21.45 23.25 20.15 26.26 20.73 2.32 2.23 2.75 2.88 2.78 2.52 2.78 2.66 3.07 2.73 3.38 3.34 3.44 3.43 3.41 3.29 3.45 3.70 3.59 3.84 3.19 3.10 3.73 4.07 3.63 3.85 3.31 4.34 4.37 Binary Binary Binary c Binary Variable? Binary Binary Binary Binary Binary Binary Binary Binary Binary Binary Binary Binary Binary Binary Binary BO¨HM-VITENSE ET AL. 944 2.2. The Spectra In Figure 2 we show the spectra of the HST Hyades mainsequence single F stars. For HD 27848 we show the superposition of both spectra, taken at a time difference of 16 days, in order to demonstrate that no variations were seen for this F5V star with BV ¼ 0:450. For the HST spectra the signal-to-noise ratios are much better, the resolution is higher, and the background noise is lower than for the spectra of stars previously obtained with the IUE. The accuracy of the HST observed emission line fluxes is therefore much better than the one for the IUE measured emission line fluxes. For the HST data we estimate the error bars for the strong lines to be less than 10% or 0.04 dex. For the weak S i lines they may be 0.1 dex, and for the very weak C i lines the errors for some stars may be as large as 50% or 0.20 dex. The HST spectra were taken through the long slit (0>5 by 5200 ). The geocoronal contribution and the background contributions to the measured spectral fluxes can thus be determined from pixels near but outside of the spectrum proper and can be corrected for. Vol. 569 For the IUE spectra of the Hyades late F stars (reduced with the original, old IUESIPS reduction method), even the usually strong lines appear weak and may have error bars reaching 50% or 0.2 dex. Because of the strong geocoronal contamination, Ly fluxes cannot be measured for our IUE spectra. 2.3. Error Discussion In the following we will compare fluxes of a given line for different temperature stars, or compare lines for stars with a given temperature for different rotation velocities. We are mainly interested in relative surface fluxes. Thus, for our discussion mainly statistical errors are important. For reasonably strong lines these are mainly determined by the flux-measuring errors, which are mainly due to the personal judgement of the level of the underlying apparent continuum, which may still be influenced by unrecognized, weak emission lines. We measured the line fluxes, f, independently by three or four people and took the averages. The different measurements deviated for the strong HST lines by less than Fig. 2.—Sample HST spectra are shown for Hyades F stars. For HD 27848 we show two spectra, the second one taken 16 days later than the first one. No changes larger than the noise are seen. For the major lines the emitting ions are indicated in the top panel. The spectra are ordered according to the BV colors of the stars. No. 2, 2002 SPECTRAL TYPE F5 IN HYADES F STARS 10% or 0.04 dex. For the very weak C i lines they may reach 50% or 0.2 dex for some stars. The transformation of measured fluxes, f, to surface line fluxes, F, discussed in x 3, makes use of equation (1), which uses mðbolÞ, which we replaced by mv , because the bolometric corrections are close to zero for main-sequence F stars (see, for instance, Perryman et al. 1998). When comparing log F =f of F0 stars with F8 stars, this may cause an error of about 0.01; mv is uncertain by about 0.01 and BV by about 0.001. The uncertainty in BV introduces an error of 0.15% in the log F =f , and the uncertainty of mv leads to an uncertainty in log F =f of 0.004. These errors are negligible in comparison with the measuring uncertainties in f. 945 3. THE MEASURED EMISSION LINE FLUXES 3.1. HST Observations The measured chromospheric and transition layer emission line fluxes, f, measurable on the HST/STIS spectra are listed in Tables 3 and 4. In Tables 5A and 5B we give the surface fluxes, F, for the chromospheric and transition layer lines. They were calculated from the measured fluxes, f, using the relation between F and f given by Oranje (1986), reproduced here in equation (1): 4 : logðF =f Þ ¼ 0:328 þ 0:4mðbolÞ þ 4 log Teff TABLE 3 HST Measured Chromospheric Emission Line Fluxes for Hyades F Stars HD Ly 1215 O i 1300 S i 1473 C i 1657 C i 1560 Si ii 1526+1533 27561 ...... 28736 ...... 26345 ...... 28568 ...... 29225 ...... 27848 ...... 31845 ...... 28406 ...... 28483 ...... 28608 ...... 21847 ...... 26784 ...... 27808 ...... 30738 ...... 28205 ...... 28033 ...... 28237 ...... 29419 ...... 73.36 43.30 29.20 58.27 45.28 19.83 32.62 20.90 31.69 27.29 11.87 32.80 25.57 24.43 22.60 14.31 24.38 19.53 7.46 4.64 2.85 5.12 4.23 1.65 2.61 1.84 2.68 2.28 1.40 2.65 2.60 1.82 1.86 1.05 2.03 1.68 0.16 0.22 0.22 0.64 0.13 0.12 0.08 0.12 0.21 0.06 0.10 0.21 0.12 0.16 0.08 0.12 0.09 0.08 0.85 ... ... ... ... 0.18 0.18 0.36 1.30 0.63 0.57 1.37 1.86 1.17 1.23 0.49 1.60 1.42 0.37 0.17 ... ... 0.24 0.11 0.24 0.12 0.28 0.45 0.29 0.53 0.39 0.23 ... ... 0.41 0.29 0.64 0.59 0.38 0.70 0.64 ... 0.45 0.12 0.62 0.53 0.33 0.53 0.68 0.56 0.45 0.37 0.45 0.42 Note.— Line fluxes in units of 1014 ergs cm2 s 1. TABLE 4 Measured Fluxes, f, for Transition Layer Emission Lines of HST Observed Hyades F Stars HD C ii 1335 C iii 1175 C iv 1550 Si iii 1206 Si iv 1393] Si iv 1402 N v 1240 He ii 1640 27561 ...... 28736 ...... 26345 ...... 28568 ...... 29225 ...... 27848 ...... 31845 ...... 28406 ...... 28483 ...... 28608 ...... 21847 ...... 26784 ...... 27808 ...... 30738 ...... 28205 ...... 28033 ...... 28237 ...... 29419 ...... 19.31 10.36 6.67 13.28 9.18 3.15 5.47 3.08 4.47 4.16 2.22 3.81 4.13 3.22 3.19 0.71 3.18 2.42 10.97 5.61 3.33 7.05 4.24 1.39 2.60 1.25 2.44 1.76 0.77 1.72 1.80 1.48 2.26 0.84 1.40 0.94 28.19 15.51 7.97 19.97 11.18 3.34 6.41 3.59 6.21 4.28 2.40 4.45 4.19 3.36 3.26 0.67 3.61 2.83 12.07 7.39 3.33 7.45 4.15 1.36 2.52 1.63 2.63 1.99 1.59 1.68 2.09 2.13 2.25 0.53 1.98 1.37 7.79 4.39 2.17 4.48 3.51 1.16 2.03 1.06 1.93 1.41 0.98 1.84 1.94 1.45 1.49 0.26 1.51 1.32 4.79 2.96 1.55 3.21 2.35 0.65 1.28 0.78 1.20 0.84 0.61 1.13 1.14 0.97 0.87 0.17 0.88 0.83 3.87 1.91 1.05 3.65 1.47 0.51 1.11 0.53 0.95 0.55 0.35 0.65 0.66 0.54 0.77 0.28 0.54 0.46 3.04 2.77 1.64 1.65 2.64 0.84 2.45 1.02 2.02 1.53 0.50 2.10 1.66 0.92 1.53 Note.—Measured fluxes in units of 1014 ergs cm 2 s1. 1.40 1.22 ð1Þ BO¨HM-VITENSE ET AL. 946 Vol. 569 TABLE 5A Log of Chromospheric Surface Line Fluxes F for HST Hyades Program Stars HD log F =f Ly 1215 O i 1300 S i 1473 C i 1657 C i 1560 Si ii 1526+1533 27561 ...... 28736 ...... 26345 ...... 28568 ...... 29225 ...... 27848 ...... 31845 ...... 28406 ...... 28483 ...... 28608 ...... 21847 ...... 26784 ...... 27808 ...... 30738 ...... 28205 ...... 28033 ...... 28237 ...... 29419 ...... 18.283 18.180 18.269 18.219 18.257 18.380 18.293 18.350 18.402 18.376 18.455 18.350 18.350 18.400 18.442 18.402 18.451 18.433 6.15 5.82 5.73 5.98 5.91 5.68 5.81 5.67 5.90 5.81 5.63 5.87 5.79 5.79 5.80 5.56 5.84 5.72 5.16 4.85 4.72 4.93 4.88 4.60 4.71 4.61 4.83 4.73 4.60 4.77 4.76 4.66 4.71 4.42 4.76 4.66 3.50 3.52 3.60 4.03 3.39 3.47 3.22 3.44 3.73 3.17 3.46 3.68 3.41 3.60 3.33 3.50 3.39 3.34 4.21 ... ... ... ... 3.63 3.54 3.91 4.52 4.17 4.21 4.49 4.62 4.47 4.53 4.09 4.65 4.58 3.85 3.40 ... ... 3.63 3.34 3.67 3.41 3.84 4.02 3.91 4.07 3.94 3.76 ... ... 4.06 3.90 4.09 3.95 3.84 4.07 4.06 ... 3.94 3.44 4.20 4.10 3.98 4.07 4.18 4.15 4.09 3.97 4.11 4.05 Note.—Line fluxes in units of ergs cm2 s1. TABLE 5B Log of Transition Layer Surface Line Fluxes for HST Hyades Program Stars HD C ii 1335 C iii 1175 C iv 1550 Si iii 1206 Si iv 1393 Si iv 1402 N v 1240 He ii 1640 27561 ...... 28736 ...... 26345 ...... 28568 ...... 29225 ...... 27848 ...... 31845 ...... 28406 ...... 28483 ...... 28608 ...... 21847 ...... 26784 ...... 27808 ...... 30738 ...... 28205 ...... 28033 ...... 28237 ...... 29419 ...... 5.57 5.20 5.09 5.34 5.22 4.88 5.03 4.84 5.08 4.99 4.80 4.93 4.97 4.91 4.95 4.25 4.95 4.82 5.32 4.93 4.79 5.07 4.88 4.52 4.71 4.45 4.79 4.62 4.34 4.59 4.60 4.57 4.80 4.33 4.60 4.40 5.73 5.37 5.17 5.52 5.31 4.90 5.10 4.90 5.20 5.01 4.84 5.00 4.97 4.93 4.95 4.23 5.01 4.89 5.36 5.05 4.79 5.09 4.88 4.51 4.69 4.56 4.82 4.67 4.66 4.58 4.67 4.73 4.79 4.13 4.75 4.57 5.17 4.82 4.61 4.87 4.80 4.44 4.60 4.37 4.69 4.53 4.45 4.61 4.64 4.56 4.62 3.82 4.63 4.55 4.96 4.65 4.46 4.73 4.63 4.19 4.40 4.24 4.48 4.30 4.24 4.40 4.41 4.38 4.38 3.62 4.40 4.35 4.87 4.46 4.29 4.78 4.42 4.08 4.34 4.07 4.38 4.12 4.00 4.16 4.17 4.13 4.33 3.85 4.19 4.10 4.77 4.62 4.48 4.44 4.68 4.30 4.68 4.36 4.71 4.56 4.16 4.67 4.57 4.36 4.63 ... 4.60 4.52 Note.—Line fluxes in units of ergs cm2 s1. The constant 0.328 is determined to match the solar observations. The Teff were determined from the BV colors according to Bo¨hm-Vitense (1981). The values for F =f ¼ ðd=RÞ2 , where R is radius and d is distance, are given in Table 5A. For the Hyades F stars we could also have used the known radii and distances to calculate F/f. However, many of the main-sequence stars lie above the zero-age main sequence and probably have lower mass companions, as indicated by their smaller visual magnitudes. The effective radii are thus larger. We therefore considered it to be appropriate to use the apparent visual magnitude of each star in equation (1) to estimate the effective R/d. This is not an accurate treatment of the contribution from the unknown companion, but it seems better than ignoring it. 3.2. IUE Observed Hyades F stars In Table 6 we give the IUE ‘‘ image ’’ numbers for the short wavelength spectra and the observer’s name. The IUE data are generally more noisy than the HST data. Often the weak lines cannot be measured on these spectra. The uncertainty limits for strong lines on well-exposed IUE spectra are usually about 25% and may reach a factor of 2 for the weak lines. We have therefore decided to use here only the strong C ii (1335) and C iv (1550) lines, which can be measured most accurately. For the relatively faint Hyades late F stars, even these IUE measured line fluxes appear to be rather uncertain. In Table 6 we list the measured fluxes, f, for these lines and also the surface fluxes, F. Unfortunately, Ly cannot be measured on the IUE spectra because of the large geocoronal contamination. No. 2, 2002 SPECTRAL TYPE F5 IN HYADES F STARS 947 TABLE 6 Measured Fluxes for IUE Observed Hyades Stars HD Image (SWP) Observera log f þ 14 C ii log f þ 14 C iv log f þ 14 1735 log F =f log F C ii log F C iv log F 1735 27397 ...... 28294 ...... 28677 ...... 24357 ...... 26462 ...... 27901 ...... 29169 ...... 26015 ...... 26911 ...... 27429 ...... 25102 ...... 26737 ...... 26345 ...... 28568 ...... 28911 ...... 27534 ...... 29225 ...... 28483 ...... 27731 ...... 30869 ...... 27991 ...... 28608 ...... 26784 ...... 27808 ...... 27691 ...... 28394 ...... 30810 ...... 30311 ...... 27859 ...... 27874 10247 45934 45936 10204 45935 48879 40466 10205 10219 45928 48877 48878 9856 45917 48887 48888 52363 48860 45927 9877 48854 45941 48872 15320 15294 48846 45909 9854 E. B. V. E. B. V. E. B. V. E. B. V. E. B. V. E. B. V. E. B. V. C. I. E. B. V. E. B. V. E. B. V. E. B. V. E. B. V. A. W. E. B. V. E. B. V. E. B. V. E. B. V. E. B. V. E. B. V. A. W. E. B. V. E. B. V. E. B. V. A. W. A. W. E. B. V. E. B. V. A. W. <0.67 1.09 1.37 1.28 1.30 1.36 1.40 1.50: 0.86: 1.27 1.16 1.03: 0.88: 1.10 1.03 > 0.56 0.91 0.37 0.61 1.23 0.88 0.71: 0.73 0.70 0.71 1.09 0.66 0.54 <0.28 <0.59 1.66 1.52 1.39 1.37 1.53 1.62 1.11 1.33 1.61 1.40 1.24 1.17: 1.20 1.09 1.16 1.07 0.90 0.93 1.41 0.90 0.69 ? 0.99 0.83 1.66 0.79 0.72: <1.02 0.87 ? 1.50: 1.66 1.65 1.65: ? 1.54 1.30: 1.68 1.11 0.84: 0.93 1.00 0.91 0.75 0.95 0.46 0.48 1.07 0.69 0.25: 1.60: 0.23: 0.24 1.00 0.40 0.01 0.4 18.06 18.14 18.17 18.12 18.01 18.08 18.10 18.07 18.18 18.09 18.18 18.45 18.27 18.22 18.27 18.32 18.26 18.42 18.45 18.07 18.09 18.46 18.35 18.35 18.29 18.30 18.19 18.35 18.53 <4.73 5.23 5.54 5.40 5.31 5.44 5.50 5.57 5.04 5.36 5.34 5.48 5.15 5.32 5.30 > 4.9 5.17 4.79 5.06 5.30 4.97 5.17 5.08 5.05 5.00 5.39 4.85 4.89 <4.81 <4.65 5.80 5.73 5.55 5.38 5.61 5.72 5.18 5.51 5.71 5.58 5.69 5.44 5.42 5.36 5.48 5.33 5.33 5.38 5.48 4.99 5.15 ? 5.34 5.12 5.96 4.98 5.07 <5.55 4.93 ? 5.67 5.78 5.66 5.73 ? 5.61 5.48 5.77 5.29 5.29 5.20 5.22 5.18 5.07 5.27 4.88 4.93 5.14 4.78 4.71 5.95 4.58 4.53 5.30 4.59 4.34 4.13 a 4. E. B. V. = E. Bohm-Vitense; C. I. = C. Imhoff; A. W. = A.Walker. DEPENDENCE OF EMISSION LINE FLUXES ON BV 4.1. Dependence of Chromospheric Emission Line Fluxes on BV Our HST observations are restricted to stars with BV > 0:40, because earlier spectral types have been previously observed with IUE. But none of the chromospheric lines except for the Mg ii lines can be accurately measured on IUE spectra. We therefore have chromospheric data only for stars with BV > 0:40. The measured chromospheric emission line fluxes, f, for stars observed with the HST are given in Table 3. The flux ratios F/f and the surface line fluxes, F, are given in Table ˚ are blends of three lines at 5A. The O i lines around 1300 A ˚ 1302.2, 1304.9, and 1306.0 A, which cannot be separated on our low-resolution spectra. The chromospheric C i (1657) lines are also blends of several weak lines. The C i lines at ˚ are also quite weak and cannot always be measured. 1560 A We did not apply corrections here for the interstellar (and perhaps circumstellar) absorption, although three mediumresolution HST/STIS spectra (to be discussed in a later paper) show that for Ly corrections of up to perhaps a factor of 2 should be applied. The O i lines also seem to be affected by interstellar absorptions, but the corrections cannot be determined from the low-resolution spectra. For the Mg ii lines the interstellar medium (ISM) absorption corrections are on the order of 20%–30%. Since all our program stars are in the Hyades, we guess that for a given line the ISM corrections are rather similar for different stars (see Redfield & Linsky 2001) and that the comparison of the chromospheric emission line fluxes for the different stars, measured on low-resolution spectra, does not depend critically on these corrections. In Figure 3 we show the BV dependences of the surface fluxes for the chromospheric lines of single stars. For C i we ˚ blend. As used the weak 1560 line rather than the 1657 A to be expected, the weak S i (1473) and especially the very weak C i (1560) lines show a large scatter owing to the uncertain measurements. All other chromospheric lines show a pronounced decrease in flux between 0:42 < BV < 0:45, in agreement with the behavior of the Mg ii lines reported previously (Paper I). This decrease is parallel to a general decline in stellar rotation velocity as shown in Figure 4, although for a given BV we see a large spread in v sin i. The only exception to this behavior is in the S i (1473) line, which shows no reliable variation. The ionization energy of S i is lower than that of the other atoms and ions shown, and the S i line is likely to be formed in the lowest chromospheric layers. For BV > 0:46 the line fluxes increase slightly by somewhat different amounts for different lines. For BV between 0.47 and 0.55, the fluxes appear to be independent of BV. For BV > 0:55, they may perhaps decrease again, but this is indicated by only one star. 4.2. Dependence of Transition Layer Line Fluxes on BV In Figure 5 we show for single stars the dependences of the different transition layer line fluxes on BV. The lines 948 BO¨HM-VITENSE ET AL. Fig. 3.—Surface line fluxes for the chromospheric lines, shown as a function of BV for the single stars observed with HST. The lines are ordered roughly according to the height of formation. The v sin i values (in km s1) for the different stars are given in the top panel. For the weak C i and S i lines, the error bars are estimated to be 0.25 dex for C i and 0.15 for S i. For the strong lines the measuring errors are less than 0.05 dex, but the fluxes are uncorrected for interstellar absorption. Vol. 569 Fig. 5.—Log of the surface line fluxes for the transition layer lines, shown as a function of BV for the HST observed single stars. A steep decrease is seen around BV ¼ 0:43. The v sin i values for the IUE measured stars are given in the C ii line panel. For the HST measured fluxes the error bars are less than 0.05 dex; for the IUE measured fluxes they are estimated to be 0.1 dex. originating in the highest layers are shown at the top of the figure, and those originating at the chromospheric boundary are plotted on the bottom. For the strong C ii and C iv lines we can make use of the IUE measurements for BV < 0:450. For the early F stars the fluxes are independent of BV, as shown by the C ii and C iv lines. Again a steep decline of the surface fluxes is seen for BV between 0.42 and 0.45, as is seen for the chromospheric lines, but the magnitude of the decrease is larger for the transition layer lines than for the chromospheric lines. For larger BV, up to BV 0:47, the line fluxes for the single stars again recover slightly. For BV > 0:47, they remain again essentially independent of BV. 4.3. Dependence of the BV 0:43 Flux Decrease on Ionization Energy Fig. 4.—Here log v sin i is shown as a function of BV. For the velocities, two points of steep decreases in the distribution are recognized, one starting at BV 0:41 and a smaller one probably at BV 0:56. The plus signs refer to IUE observed stars and the crosses to HST observed ones. The boxes around the symbols indicate binaries. Comparing Figures 3 and 5 we realize that the magnitude of the flux decrease for BV between 0.42 and 0.45 is different for lines originating at different temperatures in the chromospheres and transition layers. In order to quantify this flux decrease, we determined the flux ratios of the differ- No. 2, 2002 SPECTRAL TYPE F5 IN HYADES F STARS Fig. 6.—Log of the flux ratios at the top and bottom of the steep flux drop at BV 0:43, shown as a function of the ionization energy for the line-emitting ion. The relevant ions are indicated at the different points. Except for C i and S i the error limits are less than 0.1 dex. For S i the error limit is about twice as large, and for C i it is 0.4 dex. The decrease in flux increases with increasing ionization energy, i.e., with increasing height in the transition layers. He ii does not fit in with the other ions. For the X-rays the log of this flux ratio is 0.6 (not shown). ent lines in the single stars HD 27561 with BV ¼ 0:412 and HD 27848 with BV ¼ 0:450. In Figure 6 these ratios are plotted as a function of the ionization energy v of the observed ion, which is a measure of the temperature at which the line is formed. While there is some scatter in the data points (because the next lower ionization energy is also important), there is convincing evidence that the discontinuity in the fluxes increases for increasing ionization energies, which means for increasing temperatures. If we tentatively relate this to a possible change in the heating mechanisms, we conclude that the importance of the very efficient heating mechanism(s) working for the early F stars decreases very rapidly for stars with BV between 0.42 and 0.45, and the decrease is larger the higher the temperature of the layer under consideration. If another heating mechanism takes over for BV slightly larger than 0.45 , then this one, as compared to the early F stars, leads to relatively lower emission line fluxes the higher the temperature is for the lineemitting region under consideration. 949 Fig. 7.—Log of the flux ratio F(BV ¼ 0:516)/F(BV ¼ 0:450), shown as a function of the ionization energy of the line-emitting ion for the HST observed stars. The He ii value does not fit in with the transition layer lines. Error limits are the same as in Fig. 6. BV < 0:45. In Figure 7 we show the relation between this flux ratio F(BV ¼ 0:516)/F(BV ¼ 0:450) and v, which means the dependence of this flux ratio on the temperature of line formation. Even though at first sight there appear to be differences, this ratio is for most of the transition layer lines rather independent of v, as shown in Figure 7. The apparently large value for the very weak C i lines has a very large uncertainty; we omit it in the discussion. The chromospheric Mg ii and Ca ii lines show an increase by about 70% (see Paper I), but most of the chromospheric and transition region lines show only a 25% increase. For the transition layers, the Si iv lines with a 50% increase and the He ii lines with a 100% increase are the exceptions. The behavior of the He ii lines resembles those of the Mg ii and Ca ii lines. A larger v dependence is seen for the ratios of F(BV ¼ 0:412) to F(BV ¼ 0:516), as seen in Figure 8. This, of course, reflects only the strong dependence of the flux ratio F(BV ¼ 0:412) to F(BV ¼ 0:450) and the small variation seen for the flux ratios of F(BV ¼ 0:45)/ F(BV ¼ 0:516). In this figure we also show the point for the X-ray fluxes, which was arbitrarily placed at ¼ 110 eV and will be discussed later. Figure 8 shows rather clearly the similarity of the behavior of the chromospheric line fluxes, the He ii line fluxes, and the X-ray fluxes. 4.4. The Flux Increase between BV ¼ 0:45 and BV ¼ 0:516 4.5. The Line Flux Ratios The flux ratio for the different line fluxes for stars with BV ¼ 0:45 and those with BV near 0.516 (we use the average of the fluxes for HD 26784 and HD 27808) is a measure for the recovery of the fluxes after the drop for If the heating mechanisms change at spectral type F5, as first suggested by Simon & Drake (1985), we might at this spectral type (which means around BV 0:45) also expect a change of the temperature stratifications in the 950 BO¨HM-VITENSE ET AL. Vol. 569 Fig. 10.—Same as Fig. 9, but for the silicon ions. Only HST data were used. Fig. 8.—Log of the flux ratio F(BV ¼ 0:412)/F(BV ¼ 0:516), shown as a function of the ionization energy of the line-emitting ion. The X-ray value was arbitrarily placed at 110 eV. Neither the X-ray value nor the He ii value fit in with the high-energy transition layer line values. Error limits are the same as in Fig. 6. the C iii (1175) lines as a function of BV. In Figure 10 we have plotted the line flux ratios of the two Si iv (1393.8, 1403.8) lines to the Si iii (1206.5) line as a function of BV. ˚ are very weak and there(The Si ii lines at 1526 and 1533 A fore rather uncertain.) From Figures 9 and 10 we see that all line flux ratios of the transition layer lines to the chromospheric ones decrease between BV ¼ 0:42 and BV ¼ 0:45. For larger BV values, they increase very slowly. The C ii lines originate at the bottom of the transition layer. The C iv/C ii line flux ratio shows a rather small decrease at BV 0:43, showing that for these lines the BV dependence is nearly the same. On the other hand, the C iv/C i ratio shows a very steep decrease at this BV. Obviously, the BV dependence of the emission line fluxes for the transition layer lines is different from the ones for the chromospheric lines. The change apparently occurs in the layer where the Si ii and C ii lines are formed. chromospheres and transition layers. This should become observable by comparing line fluxes of given elements for lines originating at different heights, which means at different temperatures, in these outer atmospheric layers. In Figure 9 we show the line flux ratios for the C iv (1550) lines to the C i (1657, 1560), the C ii (1335), and About 20 years ago (Bo¨hm-Vitense 1982) the question was raised whether the line flux increases observed for several F stars were due to an increase in rotation velocities or, Fig. 9.—Logs of the line flux ratios for the different carbon ions, shown as a function of BV for the line flux ratios C iv/C i (1560) (squares), C iv/C i (1657) (diamonds), C iv/C iii (1175) (triangles), and C iv/C ii (1335) (crosses, HST; plus signs, IUE observations). The difference in the flux drop is largest for the C iv/C i lines, as also indicated by Fig. 6. (The uncertainty for each point is 0.25 dex.) The difference is smallest for C iv/ C iii. For these flux ratios the uncertainty for each HST point is less than 0.1 dex, and for the IUE points it is about 0.15 dex. Fig. 11.—Logs of the Ly and O i surface line fluxes, shown as a function of BV. The plus signs refer to Ly, the crosses to the blend of the three ˚ . The boxes around the symbols indioxygen lines at 1302, 1304, and 1306 A cate binaries. The average fluxes of the binaries are not higher than for the single stars, except for the region around BV ¼ 0:44. For this BV region, the BV colors of the binaries are probably reddened owing to the unresolved cooler companion. 5. THE INFLUENCE OF BINARITY ON THE EMISSION LINE FLUXES No. 2, 2002 SPECTRAL TYPE F5 IN HYADES F STARS 951 rather, due to the binarity of many F stars. We can now answer this question, at least, for the Hyades F stars. In Figure 11 we show again the dependence of the Ly and O i emission line fluxes on BV, but in these plots we have included the binaries ( points in boxes). As is to be expected, the points for the binaries scatter more than the points for the single stars. We suspect that this is a result of the slight color changes owing to the companions and the somewhat uncertain procedure for the calculation of the surface fluxes for the binaries. Figure 11 clearly shows, however, that there is no indication of higher fluxes for the binaries; if anything, the binaries have lower fluxes, except for the stars with BV around 0.43, where the BV colors of the binaries with cooler companions seem to be too red by about D BV ¼ 0:02. A similar effect is present for the transition layer lines, as seen below. 6. DEPENDENCE OF EMISSION LINE FLUXES ON v sin i 6.1. Uncertainties in v sin i When discussing the v sin i dependence of the emission line fluxes, we also have to look at the accuracy of the v sin i values that were taken from the data collection of Uesugi & Fukuda (1982). They round the v sin i values to 0’s or 5’s at the end, which means they consider the data to be uncertain by at least 3 km s1. For F stars this corresponds to the photospheric turbulence. This is a large fraction of v sin i if v sin i < 10 km s1. Values of 5 km s1 are often only upper limits. For v sin i > 30 km s1 the uncertainties are probably near 10%, as judged by the values given by different authors. We really would need to study the dependence of the emission line fluxes on the rotational velocities, vrot . The uncertainty in sin i introduces an even larger uncertainty than the one of v sin i, although statistically there are more large sin i values than small ones, with the average sin i being about 0.8. When comparing different lines of the same star, they have, of course, the same v sin i and vrot . Fig. 12.—Dependence of the log of C iv and C ii surface line fluxes on v sin i for stars with BV ¼ 0:427 0:003. For the C iv lines crosses indicate HST observations and plus signs IUE observations. For C ii the squares indicate HST observations and the diamonds IUE observations. The C iv line fluxes depend more strongly on v sin i than the C ii line fluxes. This shows that the increase in fluxes with v sin i is not due to larger filling factors. The error bars for the HST measured fluxes are less than 0.04; for the IUE measured fluxes they are about 0.1 dex. than the chromospheric Mg ii lines. (For the star HD 26345 we have an IUE flux measurement that is much larger than the HST measured flux. We suspect that this is a calibration problem.) For the C ii and C iv lines we find log F ðC iiÞ ¼ 4:99 þ 0:0068ðv sin iÞ ; ð2Þ log F ðC ivÞ ¼ 4:99 þ 0:0096ðv sin iÞ : ð3Þ For the chromospheric atomic lines we do not see the strong temperature dependence for this BV range. Therefore, in Figure 13 we have combined the data for all stars with 0:42 < BV 0:451. For the C i lines ( plus signs) and 6.2. The v sin i Dependence for Stars with 0:42 < BV 0:451 We saw above that for the BV range from 0.42 to 0.45, the transition layer emission line strengths change steeply. For the same range the maximum v sin i also decrease steeply. In this range Teff and maximum v sin i are correlated, as seen in Figure 4. Because of the correlation of v sin i with Teff we cannot uniquely distinguish between the dependences on v sin i and Teff unless we look at each value of Teff separately. This reduces the number of stars in each bin to a very small number. As seen in Tables 1 and 2, there are, however, four stars with 0:424 BV 0:429, i.e., in a very small temperature range. In Figure 12 we have plotted the logarithms of the fluxes for these stars as a function of v sin i. The two straight lines are eye-fitted linear regression lines for the C ii and the C iv lines, for which we also have fairly reliable IUE measurements, although their uncertainties are still at least twice as large as the HST measured ones. The C iv line fluxes increase more rapidly with v sin i than the C ii lines, which originate in deeper layers. This is in agreement with the findings of Simon, Herbig, & Boesgaard (1985), who also found that for the mainsequence G stars the high-excitation lines, like the C iv lines, decrease faster with decreasing v sin i (or Rossby number) Fig. 13.—Dependence of the log of surface line fluxes for the atomic lines on v sin i for stars with BV ¼ 0:427 0:003. Crosses are for the S i lines and plus signs for the C i lines. The boxes around the symbols indicate binaries. For v sin i < 35 km s1 all lines do not show a flux increase for increasing v sin i, but they do show an increase with increasing v sin i for v sin i > 35 or 40 km s1. For Ly and O i the uncertainty for the flux is 0.04 dex, for S i it is 0.1 dex, and for C i it is 0.2 dex. 952 BO¨HM-VITENSE ET AL. S i lines (crosses), the data appear to be best represented by a relation independent of v sin i for v sin i < 35 km s1 and an increase for the higher two v sin i points (although this latter suspicion rests on two binary stars only, it is strengthened when looking at the v sin i dependence of the transition layer lines). It seems that for these chromospheres we are dealing with the combined action of two heating mechanisms. The first one, which we call heating mechanism I, is independent of v sin i or even less efficient for larger v sin i than for lower ones. The second one, which we call mechanism II, is very inefficient for small v sin i but becomes more efficient for larger v sin i. For the low chromospheric layers, mechanism I is dominant for small rotation velocities, but mechanism II appears to dominate for v sin i > 35 km s1. However, at this point, we probably cannot completely exclude that within the limits of error (about 0.05 dex for Ly and the O i lines and about 0.1 dex for the S i and 0.2 dex for the C i lines), equations (2) and (3) may also hold for these chromospheric lines. Vol. 569 6.3. The Dependence of Emission Line Fluxes on v sin i for Early F stars with BV 0:42 Fig. 14.—Dependence of the chromospheric Ly, O i (1300), and C i (1657) surface line fluxes on v sin i for the two HST observed stars with BV < 0:42 (e.g., for the early F stars). They seem to decrease with increasing v sin i, but not much can be concluded from these two stars. Error bars are the same as Fig. 13. For BV 0:42 we have only two HST observed single stars with BV ¼ 0:412 and 0.420. The one with the smaller v sin i has the larger Ly flux. The same is true for the O i and C i line fluxes, as seen in Figure 14. This is in agreement with the Mg ii and Ca ii line observations but carries little weight because of the small number of stars and the unknown sin i. (There is, of course, the slight possibility that the star HD 27561, with v sin i ¼ 15 km s1 and a high line flux, may have a small sin i and actually a much higher vrot .) For this BV range a fair number of stars were observed with IUE. We can use these C ii and C iv emission line fluxes to study the v sin i dependence for the transition layer lines. The results are seen in Figure 15. The IUE observed single Fig. 15.—Logs of the surface line fluxes for the C iv (1550) lines (top) and C ii (1335) lines ( bottom), shown as a function of v sin i for stars with BV < 0:422. The left-hand plots are for the single stars, and the right-hand plots for binaries. The colons in the bottom right plot indicate uncertain measurements. For comparison, the straight lines in the top plots show the relations given by eq. (3) and the ones in the bottom plots those for eq. (2). For v sin i < 80 km s1 they match for the single stars the measured points rather well, although a somewhat less steep relations would match even better. The C ii lines of the binaries do not follow this relation. The crosses stand for HST measured points and the plus signs for IUE measured values. For v sin i > 80 km s1 the line fluxes decrease, except for the C ii lines of the binaries. No. 2, 2002 SPECTRAL TYPE F5 IN HYADES F STARS 953 early F stars all have BV < 0:40 and v sin i > 50 km s1. For the single stars and for v sin i between 35 and about 100 km s1, an increase of the fluxes is seen that for the C ii lines is consistent with the gradient of equation (2) and for the C iv lines consistent with the gradient of equation (3). For larger v sin i > 80 km s1 the fluxes seem to decrease for increasing v sin i. This was also found for field mainsequence stars by Rutten & Schrijver (1987). For G dwarfs in young clusters Ayres (1999; Ayres et al. 1996) also finds no further increase of the C iv line fluxes for v sin i > 80 km s1, for which he has, however, only one star in the Per cluster. He attributes this to a ‘‘ saturation ’’ effect, discussed also by Vilhu & Rucinski (1983). We do not think that for the Hyades early F stars we see a saturation effect, because we see decreasing fluxes with increasing v sin i, which we do not think can be explained as a saturation effect. Rather, we believe that we see for our stars a nonlinear relation between the logs of the emission line fluxes and v sin i. (We see no compelling reason why the relation between the logs of the transition layer line fluxes and v sin i has to be linear.) Ayres finds saturation for log½F ðC ivÞ=F ¼ 4:5. For our early F Hyades stars the log of this flux ratio for v sin i ¼ 80 km s1 is about 5.3, or about 0.8 dex lower than for the Per late F star. It is quite possible that we see different effects. For our binary targets the C iv line fluxes also show a general increase for v sin i < 100 km s1, consistent with the relation (3), plotted as a solid line in Figure 15 as a comparison. For the C ii lines we also plotted the line corresponding to equation (2) for comparison; however, the C ii line fluxes for binaries are not represented by this line. 6.4. Chromospheric Emission Lines of Late F Stars with BV > 0.46 We saw in x 5 that for BV > 0:46 the emission line fluxes for many of the lines are nearly independent of BV. Therefore, we can combine these stars to study the dependence on v sin i. In Figure 16 we show the dependence of the chromospheric line fluxes on v sin i for stars with BV > 0:46. For the single stars there does not seem to be any dependence on v sin i for the Ly and the O i lines; however, within the limits of error, an increase with v sin i, as expected from equations (2) and (3) probably cannot be excluded. For the S i and C i lines there appears to be decreasing flux for increasing v sin i, but this conclusion is based mainly on one star. We need more observations, especially of stars with a larger range in v sin i, in order to reach definitive conclusions. For this BV range such stars are not available in the Hyades. For binaries there seems to be some flux increase with increasing v sin i. For smaller separations perhaps rotation and the activity may be increased, but presently we have no information about the orbital parameters for the observed binaries. 6.5. Transition Layer Emission Lines of Late F Stars with BV > 0.46 In Figure 17 we show the v sin i dependences for the transition layer lines. They are ordered according to the ionization energy for the line-emitting ion. Except for the C ii and C iv lines we have reliable line fluxes only from the HST observations. The N v lines originate in the highest layers studied here. The layer of origin for the He ii lines is not clear. The high ionization plus excitation energy of the line Fig. 16.—Log of the atomic line fluxes, shown as a function of v sin i for the single stars (top) and for the binaries (bottom) for the stars with BV larger than 0.465. The asterisks refer to Ly, the triangles to the O i lines, the squares to the C i lines, and the crosses to the S i lines. The line fluxes for the single stars appear to be independent of v sin i. The S i and C i line fluxes even seem to decrease with increasing v sin i, but we have too few targets to say anything definitive. For the binaries an increase of the fluxes with increasing v sin i is likely. suggests a high layer, but the relatively low ionization energy prevents the existence of He ii at high temperatures. The BV dependence of the line flux is similar to the ones for chromospheric lines. The flux drop around BV ¼ 0:43 is also close to the one for chromospheric lines. Figure 17 (left) shows that for single stars the transition layer line fluxes generally do not seem to increase with increasing v sin i, but we have data only for v sin i up to 20 km s1. The scatter is large enough that at least for the carbon lines an increase with v sin i, as given by the gradients in equations (2) and (3), cannot be excluded, as shown by the solid lines drawn in for the C ii and C iv lines. For binaries (Fig. 17, right) we see a trend of larger flux increases for increasing v sin i, but this trend depends mainly on one star. The measurements are inconclusive because of the small number of targets. In order to reach firm conclusions, we need observations of more stars with a larger range in v sin i as are available in the Pleiades. 954 BO¨HM-VITENSE ET AL. Vol. 569 6.6. The Emission Measures The emitted line fluxes are proportional to the emission measures Z Z dh EM ¼ n2e dh ¼ n2e d log Te ; ð4Þ d log Te where Te is the electron temperature. The integral has to be extended over D log Te 0:30, which corresponds approximately to the temperature interval in which the ion is in the state of ionization emitting the line under consideration. We have calculated the emission measures for the single Hyades F stars, as described earlier (Bo¨hm-Vitense & Mena-Werth 1992). The results are given in Table 7. Fig. 17.—Dependence of the log of the transition layer surface line fluxes on v sin i, for the single stars on the left-hand side and for binaries on the right-hand side for the stars with BV > 0:465. The figures are ordered according to the atmospheric height of the line formation region. The straight lines for the C ii and C iv lines have the gradients given by eqs. (2) and (3). For the N v, the He ii, and the Si iv lines, no increase with v sin i is seen for the single stars, but within the limits of error a slight increase with v sin i cannot be excluded. The number of observed targets is too small to be sure. The binaries show generally increasing fluxes for increasing v sin i. Fig. 18.—Log of EM. plotted for single stars as a function of the log of the electron temperatures Te for the strong transition layer lines of C ii, C iv, Si iv, and N v originating approximately at log Te indicated at the top. The different symbols refer to different stars with different v sin i (in km s1). The different panels are for different ranges of BV. The derived emission measures for the Si iv lines were reduced by D log EM ¼ 0:35 to better match the other emission measures. The straight lines are eye-fitted linear regression lines. The emission measure gradient is smaller for the early F stars (top) in comparison with the other plots. For the slightly cooler F stars, the highly ionized ions experience a larger flux drop than the less ionized ones. No. 2, 2002 SPECTRAL TYPE F5 IN HYADES F STARS 955 TABLE 7 Emission Measures for Single Stars HD BV C ii 1334+35 C iv 1548+50 Si iv 1393+1402 N v 1238+1242 28.83 28.48 28.27 28.11 28.19 28.27 28.30 28.29 28.21 27.99 27.58 27.41 27.20 27.24 27.28 27.29 27.31 27.22 HST Targets 27561 ...... 28736 ...... 26345 ...... 27848 ...... 28608 ...... 26784 ...... 27808 ...... 28237 ...... 29419 ...... 0.412 0.420 0.427 0.450 0.472 0.514 0.518 0.560 0.576 28.67 28.30 28.19 27.98 28.09 28.03 28.07 28.05 27.92 28.20 27.84 27.64 27.37 27.48 27.47 27.44 27.48 27.36 IUE Targets 28677 ...... 24357 ...... 27901 ...... 29169 ...... 26737 ...... 28911 ...... 26784 ...... 0.338 0.357 0.378 0.380 0.424 0.429 0.514 28.64 28.50 28.46 28.60 28.57 28.40 28.16 Figure 18 shows for different BV ranges the dependence of the emission measures on the temperature in the lineforming layers. As discussed earlier (Bo¨hm-Vitense & Mena-Werth 1992), the emission measures for the Si iv lines always come out too high in comparison with those of the carbon lines. Therefore, we have again reduced the log EM (Si iv) for the plots by 0.35. (Formerly we had reduced them by 0.5.) Figure 18 demonstrates that in the transition layers the emission measures for the late F stars decrease faster with increasing height than for the early F stars (d log EM=d log Te 0:9 for the early F stars and d log EM=d log Te 1:2 for the late F stars). This also remains true if we consider the uncertainties of the EM. The uncertainties in the atomic constants enter in the same way for all plots and therefore cancel when we compare the gradients of the EM. The weak N v lines have the largest measuring uncertainties, which are, however, estimated to be less than 0.1 dex. Also the difference in the gradients hardly changes if we disregard the N v lines. The emitted energy is lower for the late F stars as discussed above. The steeper decrease of the emission measures probably means a relatively steeper temperature gradient in the higher layers, reducing the line-emitting volume. 7. COMPARISON WITH X-RAY LUMINOSITIES 7.1. The BV Dependence of the X-Ray Luminosities The X-ray luminosities of the Hyades stars have been studied by Stern, Schmitt, & Kakabka (1995) by means of the ROSAT satellite and by Micela et al. (1988). From the paper by Stern et al. we have extracted the data for the Hyades F stars. The v sin i values were taken from Uesugi & Fukuda (1982) and the BV values from the Hipparcos catalogue. In Table 8 we have collected the data. While most stars with BV < 0:30 are not X-ray sources, we have included a few flux measurements for stars with BV < 0:30. For the stars with BV < 0:30 we do not expect intrinsic X-ray emission because convection and 28.16 27.98 28.08 28.19 28.16 27.83 related phenomena generally only occur for stars with BV larger than 0.30. Since the Hyades X-ray sources with BV < 0:30 are all binaries, we believe that the X-ray emission is due to the cooler companions, which are fainter in the optical than the A9 or F0 stars but have measurable X-ray fluxes. Of course, for very few stars a white dwarf companion could also be the source for the X-rays. Stern et al. (1995) did not give the surface X-ray fluxes, but from the measured fluxes they calculated the X-ray luminosities that the stars would have if they all were at a distance of 45 pc. We have collected the distances given in the Hipparcos catalogue and determined the X-ray luminosities that the stars must have if they are at these distances. They are also given in Table 8 and are called LX ðdÞ. [They are different from the LX ðdÞ listed by Stern et al. because those authors used different distances.] For distances larger than 45 pc, the LX ðdÞ must be larger than the LX (45 pc) given by Stern et al. (1995) in order to give the measured X-ray fluxes. In Figure 19 we have plotted the log LX ðdÞ as a function of BV. Different symbols are used for single stars and binaries. We also have distinguished spectroscopic binaries and binaries indicated by an ‘‘ I ’’ in the catalog of Perryman et al (1998). These binaries are probably, on average, wider pairs because they were previously known as binaries, and many of them were resolved. We therefore expect many of them to behave almost like single stars, unless they are also spectroscopic binaries. We will call these stars the ‘‘ wide ’’ binaries, although probably not all of them actually are. Since for the spectroscopic binaries the companions are bright enough to be seen in the spectra, the colors of these stars may be distorted by the companions. Figure 19 looks like a scatter diagram. The binaries show, on average, somewhat larger X-ray luminosities than the single stars (but rarely more than a factor of 2), as already noticed from Stern et al. (1995). We suspect that this is mainly due to the additional flux by the cooler companion. The X-ray fluxes show a strong dependence on temperature if we include the binaries with BV between 0.3 and TABLE 8 Basic Data for Hyades X-Ray Sources HD vBa Hipparcos BV log LX (45 pc) d(Hipparcos) (pc) log LX (d ) v sin i (km s1) 29388 ...... 37147 ...... 33254 ...... 28546 ...... 28052 ...... 28556 ...... 28226 ...... 27176 ...... 27397 ...... 31236 ...... 27749 ...... 33204 ...... 29375 ...... 27628 ...... 28294 ...... 28677 ...... 24357 ...... 26462 ...... 25570 ...... 27901 ...... 29169 ...... 26015 ...... 26911 ...... 27429 ...... 27561 ...... 18404 ...... 25102 ...... 28736 ...... 26737 ...... 26345 ...... 28568 ...... 28911 ...... 27524 ...... 13871 ...... 27534 ...... 29225 ...... 27848 ...... 31845 ...... 28406 ...... 27483 ...... 27731 ...... 28483 ...... 28608 ...... 30869 ...... 21847 ...... 27383 ...... 27991 ...... 26784 ...... 27691 ...... 27808 ...... 28394 ...... 30809 ...... 28363 ...... 30738 ...... 28205 ...... 30810 ...... 28033 ...... 27406 ...... 28237 ...... 30311 ...... 30676 ...... 20430 ...... 29419 ...... 30589 ...... 104 168 130 83 141 84 67 24 30 126 45 131 103 38 68 89 6 14 160 53 100 11 20 32 37 154 8 90 16 13 85 94 35 157 36 101 51 128 78 34 44 81 86 124 21589 26382 23983 21039 20713 21036 20842 20087 20219 22850 20484 24019 21588 20400 20873 21137 18170 19554 18975 20614 21459 19261 19877 20255 20357 13834 18658 21152 19789 19504 21053 21267 20349 10540 20350 21474 20567 23214 20948 20284 20491 21008 21066 22607 16517 20215 20661 19796 20440 20557 20935 22566 20916 22524 20815 22550 20712 20237 20826 22221 22496 15304 21637 22422 0.129 0.237 0.249 0.258 0.262 0.263 0.270 0.277 0.283 0.292 0.310 0.311 0.312 0.315 0.325 0.338 0.357 0.360 0.371 0.378 0.380 0.397 0.400 0.404 0.412 0.415 0.417 0.420 0.424 0.427 0.428 0.429 0.434 0.439 0.441 0.442 0.450 0.450 0.451 0.456 0.462 0.471 0.472 0.502 0.503 0.509 0.509 0.514 0.518 0.518 0.526 0.527 0.536 0.536 0.537 0.543 0.557 0.560 0.560 0.560 0.563 0.567 0.576 0.578 28.531 <27.954 <27.90 <27.95 30.122 28.968 <28.30 28.954 29.130 <28.43 <28.67 28.591 28.431 28.643 28.591 28.756 28.903 <28.52 29.360 28.959 28.785 <28.82 28.903 29.137 29.176 29.111 29.233 28.959 29.130 28.869 29.507 29.246 28.964 28.568 28.785 29.413 28.556 28.875 28.740 29.299 28.982 29.248 29.049 29.250 28.724 29.274 29.487 29.253 29.430 29.303 29.339 28.875 29.049 29.049 29.029 29.500 28.708 29.065 29.233 29.380 29.212 28.568 29.152 28.724 45.89 53.58 53.94 44.35 47.94 45.79 47.96 54.80 44.82 68.17 47.24 54.71 45.54 45.73 54.29 44.94 41.43 38.63 35.97 49.02 44.25 47.02 44.43 47.35 51.39 31.84 39.34 43.28 55.19 43.07 41.19 43.86 51.15 40.11 50.43 43.50 53.36 43.31 46.32 45.87 49.90 50.15 43.55 41.82 48.90 42.97 46.58 47.44 46.62 40.87 43.01 58.34 48.59 51.81 45.81 49.68 46.43 44.90 47.21 38.08 43.55 49.50 44.25 50.81 28.548 <28.11 <28.06 <27.94 30.177 28.984 <28.36 29.125 29.127 <28.79 <28.71 28.761 28.442 28.657 28.745 28.755 28.831 <28.39 29.165 29.033 28.771 <28.86 28.892 29.181 29.291 28.810 29.116 28.924 29.308 28.831 29.430 29.223 29.075 28.468 28.884 29.384 28.704 28.842 28.763 29.136 29.072 29.342 29.021 29.187 28.796 29.234 29.171 29.299 29.461 29.196 29.299 29.101 29.116 29.172 29.045 29.585 28.735 29.625 29.275 29.235 29.184 28.651 29.138 28.830 80 115 20 35 195 95 90 105 100 110 15 30 130 30 100 100 60 10 55 150 80 30 50 145 15 35 55 35 70 20 55 40 90 20 40 40 30 25 20 10 30 20 20 25 ? 20 20 5 10 <10 25 ? <25 10 10 5 <5 10 10 5 15 <5 <5 <5 29 57 19 40 48 77 143 75 121 65 122 62 31 66 113 119 1 105 118 Binarity I SB I SB I SB SB I I I SB I SB I I I SB B SB I SB I I SB I I Member? SB I I SB SB I SB I SB I SB I SB SB I SB SB I SB SB SB SB SPECTRAL TYPE F5 IN HYADES F STARS 957 TABLE 8—Continued HD vBa Hipparcos BV 25825 ...... 29310 ...... 27859 ...... 27836 ...... 28344 ...... 28992 ...... 26767 ...... 28068 ...... 28099 ...... 30246 ...... 27685 ...... 27989 ...... 10 102 52 50 73 97 18 63 64 142 39 58 132 19148 21543 20577 20553 20899 21317 19786 20719 20741 22203 20441 20686 24020 0.593 0.597 0.599 0.604 0.609 0.631 0.640 0.651 0.664 0.665 0.677 0.680 0.707 a log LX (45 pc) 28.763 29.199 29.033 29.724 29.049 28.886 29.188 29.093 28.903 28.580 29.149 29.295 28.613 d(Hipparcos) (pc) 46.71 42.48 48.24 44.94 47.42 43.12 45.07 45.96 46.69 51.50 37.09 43.33 54.71 log LX (d ) 29.265 29.149 29.093 29.723 29.095 28.193 29.189 29.112 28.935 28.697 28.981 29.262 28.782 v sin i (km s1) ? 5 5 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Binarity SB B I SB SB I SB SB I The van Bueren number. 0.35. Since no single stars in this color range are observed to be X-ray sources, it is rather likely that for these latter binary stars, the X-rays are due to cooler companions. (The low X-ray fluxes require then that the companions have BV > 0:7 or larger.) If we include these early F star binaries, then the X-ray fluxes start out low at BV ¼ 0:30 and increase up to BV about 0.41. This is quite different from the transition layer lines, which start out high immediately for BV > 0:32 (see Table 6). If, on the other hand, the binary X-ray sources with BV between 0.30 and 0.35 owe their X-rays to the companions, then X-ray emission for the F stars starts only at BV ¼ 0:357. It then also starts out at about the same level as the stars with BV ¼ 0:40. We must then ask why the onset of the X-ray emission is delayed as compared to the transition layer emission. Since the spectroscopic binaries probably have their colors distorted by the companions, we have in Figure 20 plotted only the X-ray fluxes for the single stars (not known to be binaries, although a few may still be) and the ‘‘ wide ’’ binaries, for which the BV colors are probably not so distorted. Figure 20 shows the true dependence of intrinsic X- ray luminosities on BV much more clearly. In spite of the large scatter, a steep decrease in flux between BV ¼ 0:42 and BV ¼ 0:45 is clearly recognized, with a flux decrease of about 0.6 dex, i.e., 0.2 dex smaller than observed for N v. A slow recovery of the X-ray fluxes occurs for BV > 0:45, which reaches the flux observed for BV ¼ 0:42 again at BV ¼ 0:52. This is similar to what is seen for the He ii line fluxes, which we have also plotted in Figure 20 for better comparison. It is also similar to what is seen for the Ca ii and Mg ii emission line fluxes as shown in Paper I but quite different from the behavior of the transition layer fluxes as demonstrated earlier in Figure 8. It has been suggested that the He ii line emission at 1640 ˚ , originating from a high-excitation level, might be excited A by coronal X-rays. The similar BV dependences of the X-ray fluxes and the He ii line fluxes argue in favor of this suggestion, but, of course, this similarity is only a necessary but not a sufficient condition to show that the excitation of the He ii emission may be due to X-rays. (Other chromospheric lines, like the Mg ii lines, show similar BV dependences.) Fig. 19.—X-ray luminosities for Hyades F stars are plotted as a function of BV. The asterisks show single stars, the triangles presumably ‘‘ wide ’’ binaries, and the squares spectroscopic binaries. Fig. 20.—BV dependence of the X-ray fluxes of single stars and ‘‘ wide ’’ binaries is compared with the BV dependence of the He ii (1640) line. The two distributions look rather similar and are also similar to the ones observed for the Mg ii lines. Fig. 21.—The v sin i dependence of the X-ray luminosities for single stars, shown for different BV ranges. An approximate average value of BV is given in each plot. Based on the top plots for BV < 0:42, the X-ray luminosities decrease for increasing v sin i, as long as v sin < 80 km s1, similar to the observations for the Mg ii lines. For very large v sin i they may perhaps increase as shown by one star only with v sin i ¼ 150 km s1. For the cooler stars with BV > 0:42, we find increasing luminosities for increasing v sin i. The straight lines in the plots for BV ¼ 0:425 and 0.44 have gradients corresponding to eqs. (3) and (2), respectively. The different v sin i dependences show that the heating mechanisms for the coronae are different for stars with BV < 0:42 and BV > 0:42. SPECTRAL TYPE F5 IN HYADES F STARS 959 7.2. The Dependence of the X-Ray Fluxes on v sin i Figure 20 shows a large scatter of the LX ðdÞ even for the presumably single stars. Is this due to different rotational velocities? In Figure 21 we show the v sin i dependences of LX ðdÞ for single stars only, within different ranges of BV. The values of BV given in the plots are approximate average values for the BV range used for the plot. The top two plots suggest that for BV < 0:42 the fluxes decrease for increasing v sin i if v sin i < 80 km s1 but may increase for larger v sin i, as possibly indicated by one star only. If so, this would be similar to our findings for the Mg ii lines. For stars with BV between 0:42 and 0.45 there seems to be a real increase of LX ðdÞ with increasing v sin i. The gradient of the solid line in the plot for BV 0:425 agrees with the gradient found in equation (3), and the gradient of the line in the plot for BV 0:44 agrees with the gradient given in equation (2). For the stars with BV 0:56 an increase of the X-ray luminosities with increasing v sin i is possible, but the v sin i are no larger than 10 km s1 with uncertainties of 3–5 km s1. No firm conclusion can be drawn from those data. It seems important to notice that for increasing BV, starting at BV ¼ 0:42, the X-rays show the same v sin i dependence as the transition layer lines, which means they increase with increasing v sin i, while for smaller BV they decrease with increasing v sin i. The change occurs at the same BV for which the decrease of the v sin i starts. 7.3. Relation between X-Ray Fluxes and C iv Line Fluxes Ayres (1999) and Ayres et al. 1996 find mainly for G stars and some late F stars a tight correlation between RX ¼ LX =L and RðC ivÞ ¼ F ðC ivÞ=F , namely, RX / ½RðC ivÞ1:7 . At the top of Figure 22 we have plotted for the single F stars for which we know both LX and F(C iv) the 4 , where T log RX as a function of log F ðC ivÞ=Teff eff was determined from BV according to Bo¨hm-Vitense (1981). The points for which F(C iv) was determined from HST spectra are indicated by crosses, the ones with IUE measured C iv line fluxes with plus signs. We find a scatter diagram even if we omit the uncertain IUE measured points for BV around 0.45. We can find some systematics when we look at the BV distribution. The points for stars with BV 0:424 have been enclosed in boxes, the ones for 0:427 BV 0:472 in triangles. For these two groups we have drawn in relations RX / RðC ivÞ1:7 , as shown by the dashed and dashed-dotted lines, which are perhaps reasonable fits for each group, although with large scatter. For stars with BV > 0:50 the points are shown in the upper left corner of Figure 22. These stars come close to the temperature range of the Ayres study. We do not have enough points to determine any proportionality. Figure 22 clearly shows that for the Hyades F stars the relation between LX and F(C iv) is very temperature-dependent. To better understand this diagram, we have with the dotted line connected the data points in succession of increasing BV. In spite of the large scatter seen in the top half of Figure 22, we find a surprisingly tight correlation between log½RX =RðC ivÞ and BV, which we found puzzling but which becomes understandable when we follow the dotted line in the top figure. For a certain color range this line goes more or less parallel to the dashed or dash-dotted lines, corresponding to the Ayres relation, and then crosses over to the next color range. In the bottom figure we see for BV Fig. 22.—Top: Log of the X-ray luminosities LX =L, plotted as a function 4 . The crosses show stars for which F(C iv) was of the R(C iv)= F(C iv)/Teff determined from our HST observations, and the plus signs are for stars for which F(C iv) was determined from IUE observations. Symbols for stars with BV < 0:424 are enclosed in boxes, those for stars with 0:424 < BV 0:472 in triangles. The remaining stars in the upper left corner have BV > 0:50. We see a scatter diagram. The data are connected by dotted lines in succession of increasing BV. For the stars with BV 0:424, the dashed line gives the approximate relation RX / RðC ivÞ1:7 . The dash-dotted line gives the similar relation for the stars with 0:424 < BV 0:472. Bottom: Log of the ratio of RX =R(C iv) for single stars is plotted as a function of BV. The staircase curve demonstrates again that different relations between LX and F(C iv) hold for different BV. For BV < 0:42 and BV > 0:472, the gradients of the curve are different, indicating different relations between the heating mechanisms for the transition layers and the coronae. between 0.42 and 0.472 a staircase, but for larger and smaller BV values we find smooth relations, which have, however, different gradients. For the whole range RX increases faster than R(C iv), as also indicated by the Ayres relation, meaning the emission of the coronae increases relative to the one for the transition layers. In Figure 23 the log of the ratio of RX =RðC ivÞ1:7 for the Hyades F stars is plotted as a function of BV. This ratio should be equal to a constant, say, A, if the Ayres relation would also hold for the Hyades F stars. However, we see that between BV ¼ 0:42 and 0.47 this ratio increases steeply because the decrease of the C iv line fluxes is much larger than the decrease in LX . For late F stars the gradient is much smaller and may tend toward 0 for the spectral type G0. The variations of this ratio may also be interpreted in another way. We write RX ¼ ARðC ivÞc ; ð5Þ or in logarithmic form log RX ¼ log A þ c log RðC ivÞ ; ð6Þ 960 BO¨HM-VITENSE ET AL. Vol. 569 nent c. We can calculate the values of c for stars with different BV, which will reproduce the observed values of Rx/ R(C iv). We use log A ¼ 12:7, as obtained above for c ¼ 1:7 and BV ¼ 0:60. (In this way we are sure to obtain c ¼ 1:7 for BV ¼ 0:60.) The values of c required by the observations are shown in Figure 23 at the bottom. The range of c is rather small, but a steep change is seen between BV ¼ 0:40 and 0.45. 8. DISCUSSION 8.1. The Onset of Convection and Emission in the Outer Stellar Atmospheres It is well known that for field stars chromospheric and transition layer emission is observed for main-sequence stars with BV > 0:29 or 0.30 (see Bo¨hm-Vitense & Dettmann 1980). Our observations of the Hyades F stars confirm this: no measurable emission was seen for HD 27397 with BV ¼ 0:28, while HD 28294 with BV ¼ 0:325 shows transition layer emission lines at the same flux level as the cooler stars. (We can exclude that the emission lines from HD 28294 come from the companion. Its high line flux would require the companion to also be an early F star because later F stars have less flux. However, the absolute magnitude of HD 28294 precludes such a luminous companion. See Fig. 1.) Since convection is believed to be ultimately responsible for the chromospheric temperature increase, this shows that the younger age and the higher v sin i for the Hyades early F stars, as compared to the average field stars, do not change the BV for which efficient convection sets in abruptly. Some change in BV for the onset might perhaps have been expected since rapid rotation is expected to decrease convective efficiency (see Chandrasekhar 1961). Apparently, rotation velocities of 80 km s1 do not yet delay the onset of convection and strong chromospheric and transition layer emission, although v sin i > 80 km s1 reduces the transition layer emission line fluxes (see Fig. 15). It is, however, quite interesting to realize that for single stars the X-ray emission only sets in at BV 0:357. It seems that at this temperature the depth of the outer convection zone is large enough to create enough energy in heating mechanism I, presumably acoustic shocks, to also heat the corona. Fig. 23.—Top: For single Hyades F stars, log½RX =RðC ivÞc ¼ A is shown as a function of BV for c ¼ 1:7. If the Ayres relation would also hold for Hyades F stars, the ratio of RX to RðC ivÞ1:7 should be constant. Instead we see for these stars a steep gradient of A for BV between 0.42 and 0.47. Bottom: Attributing the differences from the Ayres relation to differences in the exponent c we calculate for a constant log A ¼ 12:7 the values of c required by the observed ratios RX =R(C iv). The values derived for the exponent c are shown as a function of BV. A steep decline is seen between BV ¼ 0:42 and 0.47. where c ¼ 1:7 for the Ayres relation. If this equation would hold with constant A and constant c for all F stars, we should be able to represent the points in the top plot of Figure 22 by a straight line. Obviously, this is not possible. With straight lines we can only represent points in a given BV range with c ¼ 1:7 and use different values of A for different ranges in BV. The necessary range in A is shown in Figure 23 at the top. We can, of course, also attribute the mismatch with the Ayres relation to differences in the expo- 8.2. Different Heating Mechanisms in Different Atmospheric Heights For low chromospheric emission lines (i.e., S i, C i, Mg ii, Ca ii) we find for all Hyades F stars with v sin i less than about 40 or 50 km s1 either no v sin i dependence of the emission line fluxes (i.e., S i, C i) or we find decreasing fluxes for increasing v sin i (Mg ii and Ca ii, as discussed in Paper I). We attribute this to a heating mechanism that depends only on the convective velocities, such as acoustic shock heating. This should not depend on v sin i except if rotation becomes fast enough such that Coriolis forces influence the convective motions (Chandrasekhar 1961). In that case the convective velocities slow down. It is not clear yet whether the decreasing fluxes for increasing v sin i, observed for the Ca ii and Mg ii lines for moderate v sin i, and also for the early F star coronae, can also be attributed to the same heating mechanism or whether an additional one is needed. No. 2, 2002 SPECTRAL TYPE F5 IN HYADES F STARS For the transition layer lines we find for early F stars a different dependence on v sin i, namely, increasing emission line fluxes for increasing v sin i. This must be due to a different heating mechanism, which also seems to contribute to chromospheric heating if the rotation velocities become very large. This can explain the large Mg ii emission line fluxes and X-ray fluxes for very high v sin i. The increasing efficiency of this heating mechanism for increasing v sin i indicates that it is of magnetohydrodynamic origin. This is contrary to the belief that magnetohydrodynamic effects become important only for spectral types later than F5, as suggested by Simon & Drake (1989) and also by Schrijver (1993). Mullan & Mathioudakis (2000) emphasize, however, that the flare observed for the star HR 120 with spectral type F2, shows that magnetic activity is already present for this spectral type. Here we find that magnetic activity is already present for the earliest F0V star, for which transition layer emission is observed. 8.3. Different Heating Mechanisms for Early and Late F Stars? For early and late F stars we see no difference in the v sin i dependence of the chromospheric lines of S i and C i, as shown here, and Mg ii and Ca ii, as shown in Paper I. We also see no guaranteed differences in the v sin i dependence of the transition layer emission line fluxes for early and late F stars, although the decreased fluxes for spectral types later than F5, attributable to the lower v sin i, indicate a lower contribution of the magnetohydrodynamic heating mechanism. For the late F stars several line fluxes (N v, He ii) also appear to be independent of v sin i, but the relatively small number of single stars and the small range of v sin i available for the late Hyades F stars prevents a firm conclusion. The different v sin i dependences of the chromospheric lines and the different transition layer lines can be understood if we consider the height dependence of the two heating mechanisms. In the lower layers the v sin i independent chromospheric heating mechanism (acoustic shocks?) is the main heating mechanism. With increasing height, the magnetohydrodynamic mechanism with a strong v sin i dependence becomes increasingly more important, leading to the increasing v sin i dependence of the emission line fluxes. For BV > 0:42 mainly the transition layer heating mechanism changes, leading to reduced line emission. The chromospheric heating mechanism changes very little. For stars with BV > 0:42 we thus expect initially smaller v sin i dependence for the transition layer lines than for stars with smaller BV, although this may change for larger BV. The different flux decreases for different transition layer lines originating at different heights clearly show that the decrease is not (only) due to a reduction in the surface filling factor for the emission, which means it is not due to a decrease in the surface area covered by active regions. The decrease of the transition layer line flux level can mainly be attributed to the decreasing v sin i between BV ¼ 0:42 and 0.45, but the v sin i dependence does not seem to be quite strong enough to explain the full amount of flux decrease. This is especially true for the chromospheric Mg ii lines, for which we found increasing fluxes for decreasing v sin i, yet there is a flux decrease between BV ¼ 0:42 and 0.45. There must be an additional reason for the decreasing fluxes, which does not work, however, for the low chromospheric lines. This looks like a third heating 961 mechanism may be involved, whose efficiency also decreases around BV ¼ 0:42. It is also possible that the changes are due to a change in damping length for the heating energy flux, perhaps due to changes in the magnetic field or density. We have to leave it to future theoretical studies to investigate this problem. According to Figure 21 the v sin i dependence of the Xray emission for early F stars is very different from the one for late F stars, showing that different heating mechanisms are responsible for the heating. For late F stars the coronae are probably heated by the same mechanism that heats the transition layers, which does not seem to be the case for the early F stars. 8.4. The v sin i Dependence of the Emission Line Fluxes and the Rossby Numbers Noyes et al. (1984) found for G and late F main-sequence field stars that the Ca ii emission line fluxes F =Teff are roughly proportional to the Rossby number Ro1 (Ro = rotation period/convective turnaround time) if young and old stars are combined and provided that the convective turnaround times are computed for a ratio of mixing length to pressure scale height of 2. Looking only at the young stars, the F =Teff are approximately proportional to Rox with x between 0.7 and 0.5. Comparing main-sequence stars with a given temperature this means F / vrot for old stars or F / vxrot for young stars. For the Hyades F5 stars we measure that the fluxes are roughly proportional to v sin ix , where x 0:67 for the C ii lines and x 0:9 for the C iv lines, for which the data scatter much more. These exponents also approximate the measured v sin i dependence of the transition layer lines for the early Hyades F stars and possibly also the late F stars. It is in reasonable agreement with the result of Noyes et al. for young G and late F stars. This result seems to confirm that the transition layer heating mechanisms for young G stars and F stars, including the early F stars, are the same. The correlation with the Rossby number also indicates that for these stars magnetic activity governs the heating mechanism II, i.e., the heating mechanism for all F star transition layers, and probably the late F star coronae. 8.5. Influence of Binarity We find that the average emission line fluxes for binaries are the same as for single stars. Binarity generally does not increase the emission line fluxes more than might be expected owing to the additional but lower emission from the companion. There is, however, a trend for increasing dependence on v sin i. This may ‘‘ explain ’’ why for close field star binaries with high-rotation velocities the emission increases strongly, although we do not know the reason for it. 9. SUMMARY We found that at the spectral type F5 most chromospheric lines show a steep decrease of emission line fluxes for BV between 0.42 and 0.45, parallel to the decrease of the rotational velocities. We found that for early F stars the transition layer emission increases for increasing v sin i. We have thus used the decrease of the rotational velocities as an explanation for the major part of the flux decreases between BV ¼ 0:42 and 0.45. This flux decrease is larger for lines 962 BO¨HM-VITENSE ET AL. of ions with higher degrees of ionization, indicating that the rotation is less influential in the lower transition layers, showing that another heating mechanism contributes also to the heating of these lower layers. It is reasonable to equate this one with the chromospheric heating mechanism, presumably acoustic shock heating, which is not expected to increase with increasing v sin i. We have taken the observed strong v sin i dependence of the early F star transition layer lines as an indication that these transition layer lines are heated by magnetohydrodynamic effects, contrary to the often expressed belief (for instance, Schrijver & Zwaan 2000; Simon & Drake 1989) that for the early F stars the transition layers are heated by acoustic shocks. We have to remember that the absence of rotational modulation does not necessarily show the absence of magnetic activity. We will not detect rotational modulation for small-scale flux differences distributed homogeneously over the whole stellar surface. We speculate that for the thin convection zones of the early F stars with BV < 0:42 dynamo activity is present, but magnetic fields and structures are small and nearly evenly distributed. The line flux decreases around BV ¼ 0:43, attributed to the decrease in vrot , show that for the late F stars the contribution of the magnetohydrodynamic heating is reduced. On the other hand, star spot activity shows large-scale magnetic activity and explains the observed rotational modulation observed for late F stars. For cooler stars the photospheric densities increase, and the convection zones become thicker. This leads to larger dynamo activity and larger magnetic fields in larger, but fewer spots, which lead to rotational modulation. The average line flux is lower than for the early F stars. We still need to explain why the rotational velocities decrease for BV around 0.43. It is generally assumed that this is due to stellar winds that carry away angular momentum (see, for instance, Schrijver & Zwaan 2000). But why do stellar winds suddenly become so effective for braking? They must have been even more effective for the cooler mainsequence stars because those were braked much faster. We would expect that strong stellar winds of the Parker type (Parker 1958), as seen for the Sun and perhaps expected for F5 stars, require high coronal temperatures, which lead to high coronal emission. We do not see that for the Hyades F stars with 0:42 BV 0:45. On the contrary, for single stars the X-ray emission also decreases between BV ¼ 0:42 and 0.45. If strong winds do the braking, there must be additional or other properties responsible for the strong braking. In this context it seems important that for BV 0:42, the X-ray emission shows a positive dependence on v sin i, in Vol. 569 agreement with the transition layer lines, while for smaller BV the X-ray luminosities decrease for increasing v sin i. This means that for the early F stars magnetohydrodynamic effects do not reach into the corona; the magnetic structures are small (see also Giampapa & Rosner 1984). Only when the magnetic structures become large enough to reach into the corona do the magnetic fields in the winds increase the braking efficiency of the winds (see, for instance, Schrijver & Zwaan 2000, chapter 13.3) to cause the steep drop in rotation velocities. While for F0 stars the hydrogen and helium convection zones are separated, they merge for slightly cooler stars, and the depth for the outer convection zone suddenly becomes much larger. At which BV this happens depends on the efficiency of the convective energy transport. (See Bo¨hm-Vitense & Nelson 1976.) The abrupt changes observed for BV around 0.43 tell us that perhaps it happens at this BV. We expect then that because of the sudden increase of the depth of the convection zone, the magnetic fields and the geometric scales of the magnetic structures increase, star spots form, and open and closed loops reach into the corona. Braking by the winds then increases rather abruptly because the wind is frozen in the magnetic field out to the Alfve´n point. Any wind then acquires and carries away much more angular momentum than for stars with BV 0:42. The deeper the convection zone, the larger the magnetic fields and structures, and the stronger the braking will be. If indeed the dynamo action and the size of magnetic structures increase for BV 0:42, should we not expect an increase in chromospheric and transition layer emission line fluxes and also coronal emission in comparison with the early F stars, rather than less emission and a dip in the Xray emission? If our arguments are correct, then the geometric scale of the magnetic structures is mainly important for the braking, while for the emission line fluxes the efficiency of the magnetohydrodynamic heating is important. It then seems that the scale of the magnetic structures and the heating efficiency for the transition layers and coronae are not necessarily correlated. We are very much indebted to the staff of the Space Telescope Science Institute for their continuous help and support to obtain the observations. Without their dedicated help this research would not have been possible. We also profited from a long and informative discussion with Tom Ayres. We are also very grateful for financial support by NASA grant GO-07389-01-98A to E. B.-V. and NASA grant GO-07389.02-98A to K. G. C., without which this study could not have been completed. 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