Document 6520842


Document 6520842
September 2009
A note from the President
Please support the JF Burns PTO. Our PTO
membership drive is off to a great start and it’s not too
late to “Get in the Game” and join. The Membership drive
will run until Friday, September 25th. The class with 100%
I am Tami Coleman and this is my first year as PTO president for JF participation will receive a pizza party. If you have any
Burns, although I have been in the district since the third grade. I questions do not hesitate to contact me, Chelsea Platter
feel very strongly that there is no better
tter place to learn than Kings! 677-2760 or [email protected]
Thanks to Denise
There are four, not so little anymore, Coleman kids running
FitzGerald, Diane Lunsford, Christa Lunsford, and Jennifer
around the district. My oldest is a freshman at the high school
Van Nimwegen for helping out with membership during
and my youngest is in 2nd grade, here at JF Burns. Our family
parent orientations. Also a big thanks to Market Inquiry
really feels at home here at Kings.
for sponsoring our membership activities.
Welcome everyone to another school year! I want to extend a
special welcome, particularly to our new families. I hope you find
JF Burns a special place, like I do.
One thing that makes Kings such a great place is the willingness of
our families to help make the district stronger. That brings me to
JF Burns PTO. Our motto is “Parents
Parents and Staff working together
to make a difference”” and that’s what we strive to do
JFB Spirit Wear Sale going on now! This sale
happens only once every two years, so get your t-shirts
and sweatshirts now. There are great new styles to
As you read this newsletter, you will see so many people working choose from. Sample items are in the trophy case inside
through the PTO to enhance the education of your child. We offer the front entrance of the building. The order form is
available on the JFB PTO
O website. Orders are due by
many in-school educational programs, after school enrichment
September 11, 2009. Please contact Birgitt Hacker at
programs, classroom materials and opportunities to get to know
[email protected] of at 774-8081
with ?s.
each other. And of course along the way, we’ll be raising money
to pay for all of this.
So I encourage everyone to join in the PTO. I promise that you’ll
help to further our kids’ education, be better informed about our
school and make a friend along the way! Our membership drive is
going on now – your $5 donation helps start our fundraising and
Helpa JF
gets you
Burns Family Directory.
Krazy Karnival
no experience
That brings
me to the
many “thank
yous”” that needed.
go to all who
helped get the school year off to a great start. Chelsea Platter
3-7-09 11 – 4 (3 shifts available)
and her volunteers have been working to get our members signed
up during
Pratt andticket
her volunteers
working drive.
took care
with aup.
wonderful lunch on the teachers’
work day.
Come have fun with your fellow parents/staff and
And lastly, your
our children were in good hands thanks to the
help us make this event a success. Also a great
volunteer force put together by Laura Wright and Diane Lunsford.
way to earnthe
They welcomed
kids off the
the lunch room
Contact Birgitt
Hacker Mrs.
to volunteer
and toured
Montag has said it was the
[email protected].
start ever. Thanks to all who participat
We’re off to a great start, helping our school and having fun along
the way!
Next PTO Meeting Oct 6th
After School Enrichment Programs – starting soon.
These programs are a convenient and economical way for
kids to participate in after school activities.
activities Flyers have
been sent home and are on the PTO website
• Soccer Shots Classes start September 15 for kids 3 and
• Spanish Classes Classes start September 16th end April
2010 for kids in grades K-4
• Mad Science of Cincinnati - Coming soon the week of
November 2nd for kids in grades 1-4
• Tumbling – flyers coming home soon, registration 9/11
Help Wanted: Room Parents! Some of the special
times at JF Burns come from the parties held every year
in the kids’ classrooms. Please consider signing up for
room mom/dad or helper to bring your child's class party
to life. Information is coming home in the next week.
Questions can be addressed to Tish Renz 336-7771 or
Beth Minotti 677-9374.
Why is recess 15 mintues
mintue now??? Check out
7pm in the Library
Tami Coleman
Mrs. Montag’s answer on the PTO website
JF Burns PTO – Parents and Staff working together and making a difference
The Knightly News
PTO-Sponsored Programs Bring the Fieldtrips to J.F. Burns
The J.F. Burns PTO is pleased and honored to sponsor a total of 19 in-school educational programs benefitting all grade
levels in 2009-2010! These programs compliment curriculums across a variety of areas including science, social studies,
language arts and fine arts.
With the high cost of off-site fieldtrips, bringing the fieldtrip experience right to J.F. Burns is a cost-efficient and fun way
to enhance student learning. Proceeds from PTO fundraisers, such as Krazy Karnival and Sally Foster, support these
wonderful programs for our kids. Thus they would not be possible without your generosity and your involvement in our
fundraising efforts.
Our first program, Do-It-Yourself Science, will be held Sept. 14 for grades 3 and 4. During this program students will learn
about energy through an engaging presentation followed by hands-on labs. Then on Sept., 24, preschoolers will use their
senses to make dazzling discoveries about light and color in Tiny Einstein by Dayton's Boonshoft Museum. And on Oct. 1,
the Boonshoft Museum will be back with StarLab to enable second graders to experience astronomy through an
oversized inflatable planetarium.
You should have received, in student folders, an overview of all in-school educational programs coming to J.F. Burns in
2009-2010. This information is also available on our PTO website ( Be sure to ask your student(s) to
share the exciting things they've learned and experienced in these programs throughout the school year!
If you have any questions or comments regarding PTO-sponsored programs, please contact me, Susan Lindgren, at
[email protected].
Treasurer’s Report The PTO budget for 2009-2010 is on the website at Please contact Shannon
McKelvey, Treasurer, with any questions or comments at [email protected].
Staff Appreciation lunch a Huge Success!
Everyone knows the best way to a teacher’s heart is through the stomach! Thank you to the following parents who
donated food and drink to the teachers' back-to-school luncheon: Shannon Russell, Diane Lunsford, Shannon McKelvey,
Amy Cornelius, Tami Coleman, Chelsea Platter, Christa Lunsford, Sharon Voegele, Lori Cook, Christy Miller, Andrea
Chunn, Kris Havrilla, Heather Coniglio, Sherry O'Donnell, Laura Wright, Denise Fitzgerald, Christy Miller, Kim Latham,
Carol Gorley, Renee Lima, Eula Jamieson, Carissa Mettey, Suzanne Huneck, Jennifer Richard, Maureen Harkins, Karen
Rizzo, and Amie Kocher. Thanks also to Sharon Voegele, Lori Cook, Chirsty Miller, Andrea Chunn, and Sherry O'Donnell
who helped with set up and clean up.
If you're interested in providing food or drink for the Oct. conferences, e-mail me at [email protected].
PTO Birthday Book Celebrations
The PTO Birthday Book Program is a unique opportunity to celebrate your child’s birthday by donating a book to our
library. On the day of the celebration, participating children will be invited to the library where they will choose a book
from a selection of library-bound quality books. Each child will inscribe the book and with parental permission have a
small photograph taken to be placed inside the book. They will then receive a bookmark “party favor” and a small treat
to take home. After enjoying the book for a few days, it is returned and becomes part of the J.F. Burns Library collection.
Last year this program donated over 250 books to the J.F. Burns Library!
Look for an invitation to come home during the month of your child’s birthday for the Birthday Book Celebration. The
celebrations will be from 2:15 – 3:20 on the following dates.
Sept. 21 (Aug/Sept.)
Oct. 19
Nov. 16
Dec. 14
Jan. 25 (Jan/June)
Feb. 22 (Feb/July)
Mar. 16
Apr. 19
May 17
Volunteers to help with the party are always needed and welcome! If you have any interest in volunteering or have any
questions, please contact Heather Coniglio at 336-8239.
September, 2009