Agenda Item Cover Sheet
Agenda Item Cover Sheet
Agenda Item Cover Sheet Agenda Item No. A-74 Meeting Date x Consent Section Regular Section November 15, 2012 Public Hearing Subject: Approve payment of excess proceeds from Tax Deed File 2010-435 in the amount of $5,833.76, plus any interest which might have accrued, to be made payable to Dr. Marijo E. Wilson, vice president, Bushnell Business Corporation, on behalf of Eric L. and Billy Biehl. Department Name: Clerk Of The Circuit Court Contact Person: Sharon Sweet-Grant Sign-Off Approvals: Contact Phone: 813 307-7143 Assistant County Administrator 11/02/2012 Date Department Director 11/01/2012 Date Management and Budget – Approved as to Financial Impact Accuracy 11/02/2012 Date County Attorney – Approved as to Legal Sufficiency 11/02/2012 Date Staff's Recommended Board Motion: Approve payment of excess proceeds from Tax Deed File 2010-435 in the amount of $5,833.76, plus any interest which might have accrued, to be made payable to Dr. Marijo E. Wilson, vice president, Bushnell Business Corporation, on behalf of Eric L. and Billy Biehl. Financial Impact Statement: Background: List Attachments: 2 Office of the County Attorney BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Donald R. Odom, Interim County Attorney Kevin Beckner Victor D. Crist Ken Hagan AI Higginbotham Lesley "Les" Miller, Jr. Sandra L. Murman Mark Sharpe Managing Attorneys Christine M. Beck Robert E. Brazel Hank Ennis Mary Helen Farris Susan J. Fernandez Sheree C. Fish Adam]. Gormly Jennie Granahan Tarr MEMORANDUM TO: Kimberly Richards, BOCC Records c~o FROM: Charlotte V. Diggs, Assistant County Attorney DATE: October 24, 2012 RE: File No. 2010-435 - Eric Biehl Enclosed please find the following documents with regard to a claim for the funds generated from the tax deed sale of property in the above-referenced matter: 1. Statement of Claim of Marijo Wilson, Vice President of Bushnell Business Corp. representing Eric L. Biehl and Billy Biehl, the last titleholders of the subject property. 2. Representation Agreement, Agency and Power of Attorney Appointment executive by Eric L. Biehl appointing Bushnell Business Corp to represent him in claiming funds. 3. Authorization of Billy Biehl giving power of attorney to Bushnell Business Corp to represent her in claiming funds. 4. Copy of Quitclaim Deed from Grantors Jerry L. and Renee K. Givens, to Grantees, Eric L. Biehl and Billy Biehl Please place this matter on the BOCC agenda, and upon approval request a check in the amount of $5,833.76 plus any interest which may have accrued. This amount represents the entire amount of the funds held in escrow which were generated from the sale of the subject property. 601 E. Kennedy Boulevard, 27th Floor Post Office Box 1110 • Tampa, Florida 33601 (813) 272-5670 • Fax: (813) 272-5231 An Affirmativt Action/Equal Opportunity Employtr 3 The check should be made payable as follows: Dr. Marijo E. Wilson, Vice President, Bushnell Business Corp on behalf of Eric L and Billy Biehl The address is as follows: 287 Pasadena Drive Lexington, KY 40503 Please advise Nancy Milam or in her absence another employee in the office of the County Attorney when this check is ready to be picked up for transmittal. CVD:nm Enclosures 4 Claim for Eric L. Biehl and Billy B Biehl 2010435 STATEMENT OF CLAIM STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SARASOTA Before me, undersigned authority, personally appeared Dr. Marijo E Wilson ("Affiant"), representing Eric L. Biehl authorized by a Power of Attorney dated January 8, 2011 and attached as "Exhibit A", and Billy B Biehl, authorized by Power of Attorney dated October 18, 2012. Power of Attorney is specifically to represent this client in the recovery of the surplus funds that remain unclaimed from a Tax Deed Sale of real property deeded Eric L. and Billy B. Biehl and legally described as follows: FLORIDA GARDENS LANDS REVISED MAP OF A PORTION OF LOT 38A DESC AS COMM AT INTERSECTION OF SLY RIW OF NUNDY AVE AND ELY RIW OF RICHMOND ST THN S 00 DEG 07 MIN 14 SEC W 214.17 FT TO POB THN E 229.84 FT THN S 00 DEG 05 MIN 46 SEC W 109.18 FT THN N 89 DEG 48 MIN 27 SEC W 229.89 FT THN N 00 DEG 07 MIN 14 SEC E 109.95 FT TO POB. PLAT BOOK/PAGE: 0006/0043 SECTWP-RGE: 25-30-19 Folio 050502.0060 1. The Affiant hereby submits his claim for the tax deed sale surplus held by the Clerk or Board of County Commissioners from the sale of property which was sold by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Hillsborough County, Tax Deed File 2010-435 on sale date June 17,2010. The Tax Certificate number is 135789-07 issued May 26, 2007. The Tax Deed was recorded on June 17, 2010 in the Official Records Book 19928 Page 601 Instrument#: 2010202587 in Hillsborough County, FL and attached as "Exhibit B" 2. The Affiant is making a claim in the amount of$5,833.76. 3. The Affiant is entitled to the surplus being held by the Clerk because at the time of the tax deed sale, Eric L. Biehl and Billy B. Biehl were the owners of the property. The current government issued IDs for Eric L. Biehl and Billy B Biehl are provided on the Affidavit of Authorization and Release oflnformation and attached as "Exhibit C". 4. The Affiant hereby makes claim to the surplus proceeds generated from the sale in the amount set forth above. The Affiant understands that the clerk will subtract her/his fees from the sale pursuant to The Florida Statutes. Page 1 5 Claim for Eric L. Biehl and Billy B Biehl 2010435 5. Upon information and belief, all governmental units with claims to the excess proceeds have had their claims satisfied. The ownership and encumbrance report generated by the tax collector pursuant to § 197.502(5)(a), Fla. Stat., indicates there may be a possible interest in the Property by virtue of a mortgage recorded along with the Deed on July 14, 2000 Book 1027 6 Page 0295 Instrument #2000 198687 ("Exhibit D") but this mortgage has been paid and such interests are inferior to that of the Owner of Record because the mortgages were released upon Deed Sale and the mortgagee lacks the necessary indicia of ownership of these mortgages to claim an interest in the excess proceeds. 6. More than 90 days have elapsed since the Clerk of Court sent notice of the sale of the Property to all potential interested parties. These entities have received statutory notice required under Chapter 197, Florida Statutes. 7. Because no other person with a valid lien has claimed the excess proceeds in accordance with Chapter 197, Florida Statutes, Eric L. Biehl and Billy B Biehl are entitled to distribution of the excess proceeds under §197.502(4)(a), Fla. Stat., and now claim the excess proceeds. Under §197.502(4)(a), Fla. Stat. the "legal titleholder of record" is listed first (a) in the list of7 (a thru g) with the intent that the legal titleholder be first in line to receive the surplus funds. Another argument for legal titleholder having priority claim: in the case of a homestead property, 50% of the assessed value is added to the delinquent tax amount plus interest and fees to help the legal titleholder that is losing their property to unpaid taxes. 8. Affiant acknowledges that she is making the above representations under oath in order to receive payment of such surplus funds, and understands that, if it is later discovered or determined that payment of such surplus funds was in error is personally liable for the repayment of such surplus funds to the Clerk and/or Hillsborough County Florida. Wherefore, the Affiant, under the Power of Attorney for Eric L. Biehl and Billy B. Biehl pray for the decision determining they have priority to the excess proceeds and an Order to the Clerk of Courts/BOCC/County Attorney to disburse the excess proceeds, less any statutory fees, to Bushnell Business Corp., by Dr. Marijo Wilson, Attorney-in-fact for Eric L. Biehl and Billy B Biehl. Page 2 6 Claim for Eric L. Biehl and Billy B Biehl FURTHER AFFIANT SA YETH NOT - ;,.· II . }/,/ /'" (;.' ' : 11arijo E. wfson,~:p,~~£ushnell Busine~s Corp. t' t 1 / .' ' . ~ J·~ / ~ ' \ r :_,, • " . .(J._ ' I;' _., ·r·_..''"'-...,.., .. / I Attorney-in-Fact for Eric L Biehl and Billy B Biehl I, a Notary Public in and for the said jurisdiction, do certify that Marijo E Wilson, Affiant, who D is personally known to me or ~/provided Florida Driver's License as identification, was first duly sworn and cautioned, states that he execute<i the foregoing and the contents thereof are true and correct. IN WITNESS my hand and official seal, this ---~~ - (~ -- -- . \,. .., .... J.)r,) __f~ day of {)( ' 20/C. - ( -c:::...-;;::- Witn)~s #_I signature /,.,I pr· 7te~~me, NotarfPublic ) ;'·.:;··,·:.<. My ~ommission cxpirus______ _ _j!.cj:L_i_,c·· ....--·"'Witness #2 .~ u./~ j ( VI.. signature J ~C ( L _ _. f'_L±..i~ ((",I i\) i printed name DORIS R FOOS Notary Pu~11c - Stat• uf Florida I :-~My Comm. Expires Jul22. 2013 ~;"\• •;If Commission# DD 910046 '•,;:,~,?f.r,\~:-·' So nded Through National Notary Assn. i'J>': · .'-. --~ g.: Page 3 'BushnEll~ Bl)sinESS . . ._ BUSHNELL BUSINESS CORP. 7 287 PASADENA DRIVE, LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY 40503 Phone (888)316-2532 Fax (859)309-6219 REPRESENTATION AGREEMENT, AGENCY AND POWER-OF-ATTORNEY APPOINTMENT 1 , Located at t-'<. I ("Client"), Er L. /j;r;:.A/ 8J.08';?t<-h moAdS-f 6"""--"S,_,.O~b_,_-/c-=-o---<-4n--------------'' ~ity of G l hsanio n State of f L ~. , Zip .J 3 .'5'3 f< Telephone: ( ~ { 1 ) ~ () /- 53 I :2 Fax: (..___---') _ _ _ _ __ {Case (File Number): o-.J- d.1::fS-E -£ Last four(4) digits ofSocial Security# .3 'l,k 5 ----..::c;:::..L..J/ I hereby make, constitute and appoint BUSHNELL BUSINESS CORP. ("COMPANY") my agent and true and lawful attorney-in-fact, for me and in my stead, giving unto COMPANY full power to do and perform all and every act that I may legally do through an attorney-in-fact and every power necessary to carry out the specific purposes for which this power is granted; TO NEGOTIATE CLIENT'S CLAIMS AND TO EFFECT A COLLECTION AND CLAIM ALL MONIES DUE ME in and for all counts, escrows, holding accounts or claims assigned. It is understood and agreed that an account and/or claim will be considered "assigned," and fully subject to the terms of this agreement, by the Clienfs or their agent's act of verbal authorization, written authorization, or the supplying of specific information with respect to collecting payable account together with instructions to make contact with the Client's payor. NO LEGAL ADVICE CAN OR WILL BE PROVIDED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. II It is understood and agreed that consideration for this agreement shall consist of a percentage of 390/o of the total amount collected. The monies collected will be deposited in an escrow account and 61% of said funds will be dispersed on the t• of the month or the 15th of the month. Funds will be sent to you payable in the form of CERTIFIED FUNDS. Unless otherwise agreed, there are no fees, no commissions, no points, no added costs, no legal fess, no filing fees, no court costs, no transfer fess, no carrying charges, no consultant fees, and no other costs upfront, intermediate, or at closing. All incurred costs and fees are paid from the 39% of the total amount collected. III This power of appointment shall provide a full working arrangement to effectuate legitimate receivership on behalf of Client of all claims owing. The parties agree that this appointment does not create any personal or company liability on the part of COMPANY or its employees or agents for the debts of the Client who will indemnify and hold harmless COMPANY and its employees and agents. This agreement carries an obligation on the part of Client to cooperate with COMPANY requests for information pertaining to the case file, and to honor all collected funds made and based upon representation of Client and that COMPANY is obligated to provide professional assistance to the best of its ability to effectuate collections of said funds. ·tv- ---------~ Client agrees that COMPANY's total fee is due and must be at disbursement of collection and then and only then does COMPANY receive full payment of work. Both parties agree that time is of an important factor of this agreement Time is of an essence and it is essential Client responds to all of COMPANY'S requests that relate to the client in a timely period. Client understands and agrees that the nature of COMPANY's business does not allow them to offer Client any type of credit terms, extension of credit, loans or early dispersement of uncollected funds. There is no flexibility in this respect v Both parties understand and agree that should legal action be brought to enforce this agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to attorney's fees and court and collection costs. VI The undersigned agree that this agreement is irrevocable. In accordance with this agreement, Client shall be responsible for fees/commission earned on money Client receives due to information provided by COMPANY during the time peri0$1 this contract was in effect Receipt of funds by Client will terminate this agreement Bushnell Business Corp. _ _ __:__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _signature Client (print name) State of County of £r is. J... 8/<:. JJ FLA . t/i lh,6tJ--u:;- ---- - .. date _ _ _ __ ~ ~~ /· S. ~!!~~---- --- signahue . 1 Crtr:.. 1, aNotary Public in and for the said jurisdiction, do certify that b~ party to and who has been satisfactorily identified as the person who executed the foregoing, personally appeared before me in said jurisdiction and acknowledged the same to be his act and deed. Given under my hand and seal, this . day of_s."""':L'-"~=L+----->' 20 , , r Notary Public My commission expires._ _ ___;...._,..,.,'-"RR.- , 8136458262 CARR& CARR 8usim;·~·; I ~· Bushm;llh,.. Ill' ~ A"'"'IDAVIT F Al!THOIUZATION AND R..:LEA ..: OF INFORMATION J 8 10/18 1 12 13:26 N0.017 03/04 .._ .;:. 1/Wc, an md1vtdual, Ol'll". persunal n:pn:s~ntahh: of dccpascd, or ownur/authonA:d company officer, hereby authonze all crcd1tors andlm thcu agents to d1st:~J.~s our accmml mtd Jlruv•de uny and aJI documentation with rcpresentative(s) of Dushnell Dusiness \\horn we have given powcr-nf-uttorn~.:y to handle scttk:ment arrangements on our payabl~.: accounts and I~IVL' been inft,rnwd as to the amount nf tlf. funds available I/ we acknowledge that excess proceeds could be clarrncd without representation and 111)/our contact uf•rmution is corr~.:cl and this n:prescntation is made under oath. Corp. I Thl~ mf<,rmatJOn lwmg , ''l"estcd ~04 of Public l.<m I) 1-SIJ A cop~ of th1s authom.allon f-urther. Wl~ clcasc ,•tit ~~· m~1y IS f(Jr us I.' with a bona tid~· "pcrmJSSlhlc purpose" as defined m Section I be accepted as ongmal t •'Bcnt~ fllmt art) IHO~g doing in diS~.:ussmg any aspect ofthc nature of the account in I cn:dito · ·n · ·p h1 c · cntat1v 111 c-oJJJJLTIH)ll .usincss Cor,. ..L.J~~~·-·· /).._,,_J.~ AA.t~tfr' /p~· ~k wh.J~"t~ I I STATE m _-S:_\Of printed name tcb_~ C'OIINTY OF _\.\ \\\~~.lJ\ c'-<'~~- p~,;1smmlh ap~cd ~~\~-~'h ~- _who 111 pcr!IOnally known...!?2: ____ _ _.(tV)~ of I U.) a!l idmtificat1on and who by me was first duly sworn 81:-.FORF. Ml\. the undcnugncd "uthonl), me or who has pmduccd __ ·-· ~d cautwncd. stat1.~ that hc/sh~· c.xc~.·utcd lhi.' fl'rl.·gomg. 1•d the comcnl.$ thereof ~c tru~.: and correct. IN WITNESS .., h•nd ond omc~l '"''· lh•}8 "'' "' Ocl.... --+ ' 2ll I~ I M) Comnussron F.xp1rcs ~·...-~:~:" .. ~ . ···-- _ .( " .. '"'"i"~ ~ :!.~~·~: :·: '.', ... ' ::i·:.·.·:·:,·.::· .. :,.· i. ~ ,., ,. .. ·•· '· ., '''·"'· .' . . \'\ 1 p r ~J.j_CJ: O\ \llr\_5 N.:.., Public .. --'bJ. 9 10/18 '12 13:27 N0.017 04/04 CARR&CARR 8136~~~2~2y,_....,,..ut\1t;U FlJNDS ~ I 2010-435 . • Busi,;;;rj & I. Rilly R Biehl, hereby appoint Or Marijo, Wilson as my true and lawful attorney for me and in my name and stead, and for my use and benefit 10 claimt funds held tor me by Hillsborough County, Florida arising from the t<tx deed sale This agreement is irrev~able and cannot be superseded by future contracts or assignments Any previously signed agreement withregard to this specific purpose shall be disavowed. Giving and granting unto Illy said attorney inlact full authority and power to do and perform any and all other acts necessary nr im:tdcnt to the performance lfld execution of the powers herein expressly granted with power to do and pcrf1>rm all acts authorized hereby, 's fully to all intents and purposes as the Grantor might. or could do tf pcn;1mally present. \ This Power of Attnmey will cease six (o) tnl\nth!i !Tom date hereof or will cease when the funds are returned to the ( irantm l>ated this . . f.~ .. _day of __ .. OJ::::i.(_ . . _. . ·-·-----' 20)_~ . li~ . --- ·-. I i> Pn7.too,;:,lh~f;!;;;;;;.:;--~ ~. i: i --~.2_-J\.cL Address \ City . dtt ~~ State Zip FIS35$r \ ue of FLORIDA) t ss unty of \~ 1 \\'lb).)Oft.t\.otJ I, the undersigned Notary Public in and tor the S te of Florida hereby certify that on the _l.i... day of .. . 2012, personally appeart~d hef(Jrc me, I illy U Biehl, II> me known to be the individual(s) ;ribed in und whll cx('cuted the within instmmcnt, <t acknuwledged that he'shclthey signed the same as 1er/Lhdt frc~ and voluntary act and deed, for the uses d purposes therein mentioned. ~t., . . s;gned_~ ___t)__;j~ Notary Public in and fort c State of_ ~1\l\.\.~~------· ---·-·-·siding at _r_ \ ..ku'":J,_\_~~----------- 10 IUIIUDimiWICI~IWIRIIUUI. INST.R f 2000198687 lH~S ~S NOl &:~=~~~ 0295 CERl~lF~ED ~v·~oo QUITCLAIM DEED Al98-10 R298-04 TillS QUITCLAIM DEED, Executed thts 3 0 day of Tu 1.-\ e. by first party, Grantor, ~.t!Zi ~ d-1?~er=' k Gl v-et.-ts "l'k t=? ~ EQ/j. I 1' S"t../ r u -!.N: e-J, p-l. whose post office address lS to second party, Grantee, [:=rz;~ L .r 1,'\li "B ];;-e..k \ whose post office address ts I ~(}0'8 l?•' .-\..,...,"'- ~ s:f- (s; ,• bc!>L1..~1 F/. 3'3 s-3'-( WITNESSETH, That the satd first party, for good cons1derat1on and for the sum of Dollars ($ ) patd by the satd second party, the recetpt whereof 1s hereby acknowledged, does hereby remtse, release and qmtclatm unto the satd second party forever, all the nght, lltle, mterest and clatm whtch the satd first party has m and to the followmg ~escnbed parcel of land, and Improvement~ and appurtenances there- t1 It~.s 1»-..6~ ~ , State of FIe. r--1 de\ to wtt Le~o. \ J.e£.-t-d~eJ ~ \,\ ~'f \.,; ~;t fJ "'if-q~~ h-ere.--\;; to m the County of 19/.so 3~e.. ~~:bit..i AOAA 13./ d-C (I) If your state requ1res 8 '12' x 11' forms, cut off the bottom of thiS page at the dotted hne I ~ 11 OR BI< 10276 IN IO.l~Jf~ey ho~Q,I PG 0296 AodoyMdyo ~~f+--l--1-E Stgnature of Wttneb!• Pnnt name of Wttness \... State of fL-on.' d"County of \A\\\<;. bot". . . . ~ On ~V-....._ -:l.ot, _,oou before me, 1r appeared .\~rr"\ \_, 6 • ..x ..... <., Tll. d f?-e:n<~· f' G,ve.vt.s personally known to me {or proved to me on the basts of sausfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) 1s/are subo;cnbed to the w1thm mstrument and acknowledged to me that he/~he/they executed the ~arne m hu.Jher/thetr authonzed capactty(tes}, and that by ht~er/theu stgnature(s} on the m~trument the penon(~}. or the enuty upon behalf of whtch the person(s) acted, executed the mstrument WITNESS my hand and official seal Affiant _LKnown _ _Produced 10 Type ofiD - - - - - - - - (Seal) ~ ~ AliCe G Harrill ,.,........ *~*My Comllll851Dil "'""~254 Signature of Notary ~L-I.l~• d" l, State of County of t\;\hbor u"' ~ Exp11es Dec 3. 200,1 On ~ ~ 2- r, -z_o.> • before me, appeared ~ (. r r 'a L G I \Jfl'-\, '";)" t\. personally known to me.lor proved to me on the basts of saUsfactory ev1dence) to be the person(s) whose name{s) ts/are subscnbed to the wtthm mstrument and acknowledged to me thar he/she/they executed the same m htslher/thetr authonzed capactty(tes), and that by htslher/thetr stgnature(s) on the mstrument the person(s}. or the enuty upon behalf of whtch the person(~) acted, executed the mstrument WITNESS my hand and offictal seal .S Signature of Notary Stg ature of Preparer Jf-rrrr~ l . G:·v~$ J7c- Pnnt Name of Preparer j?<J, #t /<?:51 7?,•()-e(L{ew, Address of Preparer ........................<~L.............. . If your state requires 8 '12' x 11' forms, cut off the bottom of this page at the dotted lme ' f/. s3S&>'6 ,, ~ER;[~ DESCRIPTION: LOT I .A parcel of land 12 OR BIC 10276 PG 0297 E~E~ ~0 [P g I , wn1 lp , a County, F"lorlda, ol1 g n o Lot 8A R SE:D as Recorded In Plot ook , age 42, of !lie Pu lie Reoor 1 o rforfdo, expJioJIIy described 01 foiJOWil 01!, Ill• rou F' OAR l1 orough Coun , ,) Commence ot the Inter... olton of the Southerly right-of-way line of Nundy Avenue and the t> &) Eostertr rf,l!hl-of-way line of Richmond Str..t ; thence on eald E:aaterty right-of-way line ' ll 500'07 14 w, a dl1fance of 214.17 feet for a POINT OF' BE:GINNINGt thence Eoet, a _dl~c• / GRAPffiC of 229.84 f .. l: thence S00'05'46"W, o dl•tonce of 109.18 feel; thence N89'48'27·~ 10 distance of 229.69 feet to a point on 1ald to1terly right-of-way line; thence on •old right- ' • of-way ""' N00'07'14"E, Cl dlltanc• or 109.9S , .., to the POINT BEGINNING. I I or .ot3e. SCALE ISO 1----tl Containing, 0.58 Acres, more or len NUNO"r' AVENUE ,l,r,r-r-.. I I' '- / I I ,... - L .;' 1....- I I t. ..1 2 ~.'..:: 1.0' DO. . :~ 229.89' 3.30.09' (F') __ ,___ _ 1\11 I • I ~' .9o. '.>· '"'·~·-·"*""" t 03' -- FIR1" f I 0 _ _j _ 330' (P) l01'ES ) 0 II< [ SURVEYING, INC AND CERTIF'YiHG LAND SURVEYOR, ACCEPT NO RESPONSIBILITY F'OR RIGHTS Of WAY, EAS£t.j£NlS, RESTRICTIONS, OR OTHER loi.ATTERS l<ffECTING TITLE TO L,i.HDS S\JRVE:YED, OTHER THAN THOSE RECITED IN CURRENT DEED .AND/OR OTHER INSTRUMENTS or RECORD rURHISHED BY CLIEHT ) UNDERGROUND ENCROACHI.IENTS LECEHD r 1r ANY NOT SHOWN. DESCRIPTION SKETCH 6-26-9 = round S • S•t I P .~: tron Pipe I R • Iron Rod C W • toncr•l• H& c • 0~~~" C<lpj>4tl Holl I Dltk "j"': .. • ~· n.1., d , ,... • D••ct • :II ERIC & BRIDGETTE BEHIL Won"m•nl PI<H• , . Noll Calc~o~lold , • •. , , . . . • Ovt'rtMod Win• BOOK ,\-59 PAGE..L_JOB NO.JJ;:..OJ.ZJL_ CE:RTIF'IEO TO: I CERTIF'Y THAT THIS PLAT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE t.IIHIMUM STANDARD REQUIREIAENTS OF' CHAPTER 61017-6 F'LORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE. PURSU fO CHAPTER 472 D RR LL COPELAND 13 lH ~§ ~S:~iij6rA10276 ro 0298 PGE RlUf ~EBatGoOPV Payment Date # Interest Payment Principal Payment Principal Balance Periodic Interest Payment Rate a;ia~i~~,~-------~~~~~;-------~;;~;;-----------~6~~;6~;;------;~~~~~--------08/01/98 ~ 140.22 174. 72 16, 652.01 314. 94 09/01/98(~j 138.77 176.17 16,475.84 314.94 10/01/98 c K) 137.30 177.64 16,298.20 314.94 11/01/98 ( $~ 135.82 179.12 16,119.08 314.94 12/01/98(~) 134.33 180.61 15,938.47 314.94 Year 1 828.11 1,061.53 To-Date 828.11 1,061.53 01/01/99 ( /'(") 02/01/99 ( ~) 03/01/99 ( d).. 04/01/99 ( ~ ) o5/01/99 c~A 06/01/99 ( ~/) 07/01/99 ( ~'l') 08/01/99 ( .)'(~ 09/01/99 { )5..) 10/01/99 ( .J:-6~ 11/01/99 c $?A 12/01/99 < > Year 2 To-Date rs 01/01/00( ~ 02/01/00 (:::;7o~/l) 03/01/00(~ 04/01/00 05/01/00~) 06/01/00 ( ....-;::;..--> 07/01/00 ~ ) 08/01/00( 26 ) 09/01/00( 27 } 10/01/00( 28 ) 11/01/00( 29 ) 12/01/00( 30 } Year 3 To-Date 01/01/01( 02/01/01( 03/01/01( 04/01/01{ 05/01/01{ 06/01/01( 07/01/01( 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 132.82 131.30 129.77 128.23 126.67 125.10 123.52 121.93 1.20.32 118.70 117.06 115.41 1,490.83 2,318.94 182.12 183.64 185.17 186.71 188.27 189.84 191.42 1.93.01 194.62 196.24 197.88 199.53 2,288.45 3,349.98 15,756.35 15,572.71 15,387.54 15,200.83 15,012.56 1.4,822.72 14,631.30 14,438.29 1.4,243.67 14,047.43 1.3,849.55 13,650.02 314.94 314.94 314.94 314.94 314.94 31.4.94 314.94 31.4.94 31.4.94 314.94 314.94 314.94 113.75 112.07 110.38 108.68 106.96 105.23 103.48 101.72 99.94 98.15 96.34 94.52 1,251.22 3,570.16 201.19 202.87 204.56 206.26 207.98 209.71 211.46 213.22 215.00 216.79 218.60 220.42 2,528.06 5,878.04 13,448.83 13,245.96 13,041.40 12,835.1.4 12,627.16 12,417.45 12,205.99 11,992.77 11,777.77 11,560.98 1.1,342.38 1.1.,121..96 314.94 314.94 314.94 314.94 314.94 314.94 314.94 314.94 314.94 314.94 314.94 314.94 92.68 90.83 88.96 87.08 85.18 83.27 81..34 222.26 224.11 225.98 227.86 229.76 231.67 233.60 10,899.70 10,675.59 10,449.61 10,221.75 9,991.99 9,760.32 9,526.72 314.94 314.94 314.94 314.94 314.94 314.94 31.4.94 -------·--·- ........ ·-· ·--·-·--·-- -· 14 , lH~§ ~ ~ti~or. A0276 / PG 0299 Pa~~9E;B:JF~ {f:i~l::itE»::QP ~:!c Interest Date Payment # Payment Balance Payment Rate -----------------------------------------------------------------------------·-08/01/01( 38 ) 79.39 235.55 9,291.17 314.94 09/01/01( 10/01/01( 11/01/01( 12/01/01( Year 4 39 } 40 } 41 } 42 ) 77.43 75.45 73.45 71.44 986.50 4,556.66 237.51 239.49 241.49 243.50 2,792.78 8,670.82 9,053.66 8,814.17 8,572.68 8,329.18 314.94 314.94 314.94 314.94 01/01/02( 02/01/02 ( 03/01/02 ( 04/01/02( 05/01/02( 06/01/02( 07/01/02( 08/01/02( 09/01/02( 10/01/02( 11/01/02( 12/01/02 ( Year 5 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 69.41 67.36 65.30 63.22 61.12 59.01 56.87 54.72 52.56 50.37 48.16 45.94 694.04 5,250.70 245.53 247.58 249.64 251.72 253.82 255.93 258.07 260.22 262.38 264.57 266.78 269.00 3,085.24 11,756.06 8,083.65 7,836.07 7,586.43 7,334.71 7,080.89 6,824.96 6,566.89 6,306.67 6,044.29 5,779.72 5,512.94 5,243.94 314.94 314.94 314.94 314.94 314.94 314.94 314.94 314.94 314.94 314.94 314.94 314.94 01/01/03( 02/01/03( 03/01/03 ( 04/01/03 ( 05/01/03( 06/01/03( 07/01/03 ( 08/01/03 ( 09/01/03 ( 10/01/03 ( 11/01/03 ( 12/01/03 ( Year 6 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 43.70 41.44 39.16 36.86 34.54 32.21 29.85 27.48 25.08 22.67 20.23 17.77 370.99 5,621.69 271.24 273.50 275.78 278.08 280.40 282.73 285.09 287.46 289.86 292.27 294.71 297.17 3,408.29 15,164.35 4,972.70 4,699.20 4,423.42 4,145.34 3,864.94 3,582.21 3,297.12 3,009.66 2,719.80 2,427.53 2,132.82 1,835.65 314.94 314.94 314.94 314.94 314.94 314.94 314.94 314.94 314.94 314.94 314.94 314.94 01/01/04( 02/01/04 ( 03/01/04 ( 04/01/04( 05/01/04( 06/01/04( Year 7 67 68 69 70 71 72 15.30 12.80 10 28 7.74 5.18 2.60 53.90 5,675.59 299.64 302.14 304.66 307.20 309.76 312.25 1,835.65 17,000.00 1,536.01 1,233.87 929.21 622 01 312.25 0.00 314.94 314.94 314.94 314.94 314.94 314.85 To-Date ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) To-Date To-Date To-Date ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) } ) __a_w_ .s :::;:::: 4JW fJW CDi J ; Jt: CiiiihOOiihi$1 I~ 15 TH~s (~ Jtior A 6 Date 5/31/2000 ToCERe1~F~ED COPY From Jerry L Gtvens Jr 8803 Rtverlachen Way Rtvervtew, Fl 33569 Phone- (813) 677-4115 OR BK 10276 8208 Richmond St Gtbsonton, Fl 33534 813-671-3230 Re· Payment due date of monthly Mortgage payment Dear Enc & Bndget PG 0299A Thts letter IS notificatiOn of a change m the due date of your owner financed mortgage Effectlve tmmediately the due date of your monthly payment w1ll be the 25 1h of each month, with a grace penod of 5 days The 5 day grace penod IS per Flonda law Any payment recetved after the grace penod will be assessed a $60 00 late fee The change m the payment due date 1s due to untimely payment htstory, thts has caused 6 late fees that I have mcurred, from the first mortgage that I have on the property My due date ts the 151 of every month With a 5 day grace penod Thts means that I have to send payment by the 151 of each month m order for the payment to reach Dallas, TX before end of grace penod, to avOid a $75 00 late fee I will also be filmg your note wtth the credtt reportmg agency's Thts Will allow you to butld your credtt htstory as tt rates your payment history Thts can benefit you greatly as long as you avOid late fees This notice takes effect for the payment due for July and here after until the note IS patd off, or until you re-finance your loan tfyou destre to do so ~;re!p _,f;.jJ. ~GtvensJr ---------------------·····-----------------