Sample Timetable March 2012 UCD Get in Gear Be Active


Sample Timetable March 2012 UCD Get in Gear Be Active
UCD Get in Gear Be Active
Sample Timetable March 2012
8am - 8.50am
Pilates for Beginners
Studio 1
Fit for Business
Morning Workout
Hall A
Yoga & Pilates Fusion
Studio 1
1.10 - 1.50pm
80’s Aerobics
Hall A
Kettlebells Session
Hall B
Couch to 5k Run
Meet at Sports Centre
Tennis for Beginners
Tennis Courts
Tae Bo
Studio 1
Step N Tone
Hall B
4pm - 5pm
80’s Aerobics
Hall A
Rock Climbing for
UCD Climbing Wall
Yoga for Relaxation
Studio 1
Yoga and Pilates Fusion
Studio 1
Couch to 5k Run
Meet at Sports Centre
Kettlebells Session
Hall B
Lunchtime Workout
Hall A
Shape Up & Go
Hall A
Squash for Beginners
Meet at Squash Courts
(Starts at 4.40pm)
Squash for Beginners
Meet at Squash Courts
(Starts at 4.40pm)
5.10 - 6pm
Step N Tone
Hall B
NIKE Training Club
Hall B
Hall A
Yoga for Relaxation
Studio 1
6 - 7pm
Bums N Tums
Hall A
Hall B
Tennis for Beginners
Tennis Courts
Zumba Fitness
Studio 1
Body Attack
Hall B
Hall B
Couch to 5k Run
Meet at Sports Centre
7 - 8pm
Circuit Training
Hall A
8 - 10pm
Badminton Training
Hall B
Circuit Training
Hall A
Pilates for Beginners
Studio 1
Squash, Tennis, Table Tennis, Badminton, Racquetball & Hall Hire
All FREE of charge to GIG members for the duration of the programme. You can arrange your
own game with a friend. If your friend is not a GIG member they must pay the required amount
at the UCD Sports Centre reception desk.
GIG Members and Public
80's Aerobics
Bums N Tums
Circuit Training
Kettlebells Session (Thurs)
NIKE Training Club
GIG Members Only
Body Attack
Couch to 5k Run
Fit for Business Morning Workout
Kettlebells Session (Tues)
Lunchtime Workout
Pilates for Beginners
Rock Climbing for Beginners
Shape Up & Go
Squash for Beginners
Step N Tone
Tae Bo
Tennis for Beginners
Yoga for Relaxation
Yoga and Pilates Fusion
GIG Members and UCD Staff Club
Badminton Training
UCD Get in Gear Be Active Activity Information
80’s Aerobics
Circuit Training
NIKE Training Club
Tae Bo
This energetic aerobics class is all about having a
laugh while you get fit. The sound track will be pure
80’s gold. Join in and enjoy the energy which the
music gives you while you workout.
This workout includes a range of exercise stations
which will incorporate a mix of resistance training,
aerobic and anaerobic exercises along with
body conditioning exercises.
Each individual
is encouraged to measure their own individual
improvements while been motivated by the positive
energy within the group.
A full-body functional training class designed to
help you meet your fitness goals, this class will be
delivered by our qualified NIKE Instructors. The NTC
philosophy is built on the fundamentals of functional
fitness training and incorporates dynamic, optimised
drills that deliver the most effective, efficient workout
ever. So, if you want to Get Lean, Get Toned and
Get Strong come along to the Nike Training Club.
The emphasis from NIKE is ‘If you have a body, you
are an athlete’.
Learn how to use the techniques of marital arts and
boxing combined to give you an aerobic workout.
Dynamic punches, kicks, and squats are set to
dance beats to achieve a high-energy workout
which also burns calories quickly. By combining
these different aspects, Tae Bo increases your
cardiovascular fitness, tones the major muscle
groups, and improves overall flexibility. This class
allows you to learn the moves without the contact to
help you improve your fitness levels.
An hour long class taking participants into aerobic
training zone for 35-40 minutes. Warm-up, prestretch, cool-down and post stretch are included.
Low impact and low intensity options given
throughout class for participants wanting to limit
intensity of workout.
Badminton Training
This session is a great way to get fit, stay active and
healthy by joining in and play other staff members
in a game of Badminton. The UCD Badminton
Staff club is a long standing club and this session
is encouraging other staff members interested in
playing Badminton to come along and enjoy the
challenge of training.
Body Attack
Super intense interval-training session to improve
your strength and stamina. This is a high calorie
burning aerobic workout that activates the power
energy systems in the body and provides a range
of cardiovascular, muscular endurance and
agility based benefits. The nature of this session
encourages all participants to see improvements in
your individual fitness levels.
Boxercise class incorporates skipping, boxing
techniques and moves without physical contact. It
focuses on upper body conditioning, working arms,
abs, chest and shoulders, while the lower body
works aerobically.
Bums N Tums
An excellent combination of toning exercises that
will focus on working all those hard to work areas…
Couch to 5k Run
Using the UCD woodland walkways as our route,
this class will help you ease into running at a gradual
level. The idea is to transform you from a couch
potato to a runner, getting you running three miles
(or 5k) on a regular basis. This session will get you
fit and the emphasis will be on increasing the time or
the distance you run each week. Don't miss out and
enjoy Tracking Your Fitness over the 6 weeks.
Fit for Business Morning Workout
An early morning workout is just the thing to start
your day off in a healthy way and get you Fit for
Business. While the urge to hit the snooze and stay
asleep may be tempting, motivate yourself to get out
of bed for this refreshing morning workout.
Kettlebells Session
Originating in Russia, a kettlebell is a centuriesold training tool that looks like a cannon ball with
a handle. Kettlebells training will build long lean
muscles, improve strength and power in the upper
body, core and lower body and increase coordination,
joint mobility and overall endurance.
Lunchtime Workout
This is a fantastic lunchtime class that will leave you
feeling fitter, exhilarated and motivated. Make the
most of this dynamic session and watch your fitness
level improve. A great combination of fitness drills
is offered to provide an excellent base for crosstraining, endurance, flexibility and toning. Join in and
reap the benefits of this class. No matter what your
fitness level, you will enjoy the buzz of getting fitter
each week.
Pilates for Beginners
Tennis for Beginners
This beginner’s class focuses on the Pilates
principles of breathing, core stabilisation, alignment,
body awareness and control. It includes breath
work which is integrated with muscle work. Pilates
is especially good for those desiring low-impact
exercise coupled with improvement in posture,
flexibility and functioning.
Start playing tennis with instruction and advice for
beginners. A fun introduction to tennis covering the
five main strokes: forehand, backhand, forehand
volley, backhand volley, and serve. You will be
coached on all these strokes both individually and
as a group. All equipment is provided
Rock Climbing for Beginners
Yoga-Pilates Fusion
Have a go at climbing our state-of-the-art indoor
climbing wall and enjoy the exhilarating feeling of
this challenging activity. This activity will take place
under the supervision of our climbing instructor and
you will learn the basic skills to help you climb safely.
Climbing equipment is provided.
Uses core stability exercises from Pilates along with
muscle lengthening & strengthening. Yoga postures
are put together in a fun & dynamic flowing form.
This sequence of postures will not only improve your
body posture, increase your muscle tone and help
you develop GREAT ABS but also help to de-clutter
& de-stress the mind.
Shape Up & Go
Yoga for Relaxation
This is a workout targeted at getting your body toned
to allow you go away feeling in good shape. An
excellent mixture of exercises will focus on all those
muscles which need toning. No time wasted – so
come along and join in.
Yoga is the practice of uniting all aspects of a person
- body, mind and spirit - through physical postures,
breathing exercises and meditation. Flexibility,
strength and muscle tone improve quickly as the
mind and body work together in harmony and unison.
Yoga is an excellent way to stretch and strengthen
the body, focus the mind and relax the spirit. In fact,
most modern stress-reduction techniques are based
on the principles of yoga.
Squash for Beginners
If you want to learn how to play squash, this class is
for you. So just come along to UCD Squash courts,
join in for some coaching under the supervision of
the UCD Squash Club coaches.
Step N Tone
This class is the perfect combination of a cardio
workout & conditioning to tone and shape the body.
Using easy to follow step patterns the class will be
full of high energy and fun to target all the major
muscles in the body.
Zumba Fitness
A latin dance based workout class. The routines
feature interval training sessions where fast and
slow rhythms and resistance training are combined
to tone and sculpt your body while burning fat. Good
fun and energetic!