32-Channel High Voltage Sample and Hold Amplifier Array HV257 Features
32-Channel High Voltage Sample and Hold Amplifier Array HV257 Features
HV257 HV257 32-Channel High Voltage Sample and Hold Amplifier Array Demo Kit Available Features General Description ❑ 32 independent high voltage amplifiers The Supertex HV257 is a 32-channel high voltage sample and hold amplifier array integrated circuit. It operates on a single high voltage supply, up to 300V, and two low voltage supplies, VDD and VNN. ❑ 300V operating voltage ❑ 295V output voltage ❑ 2.2V/µs typical output slew rate All 32 sample and hold circuits share a common analog input, Vsig. The individual sample and hold circuits are selected by a 5 to 32 logic decoder. The sampled voltage on the holding capacitor is buffered by a low voltage amplifier and amplified by a high voltage amplifier with a closed loop gain of 72V/V. The internal closed loop gain is set for an input voltage range of 0V to 4.096V. The input voltage can be up to 5.0V, but the output will saturate. The maximum output voltage swing is 5V below the VPP high voltage supply. The outputs can drive capacitive loads of up to 3000pF. ❑ Adjustable output current source limit ❑ Adjustable output current sink limit ❑ Internal closed loop gain of 72V/V ❑ 12MΩ feedback impedance ❑ Layout ideal for die applications Application ❑ MEMS (microelectromechanical systems) driver The maximum output source and sink current can be adjusted by using two external resistors. An external RSOURCE resistor controls the maximum sourcing current and an external RSINK resistor controls the maximum sinking current. The current limit is approximately 12.5V divided by the external resistor value. The setting is common for all 32 outputs. A low voltage silicon junction diode is made available to help monitor the die temperature. ❑ Piezoelectric transducer driver ❑ Optical crosspoint switches (using MEMS technology) Typical Application High Voltage Power Supply Supertex HV257 DAC HVOUT0 VSIG HVOUT1 Low Voltage Power Supply A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 HVOUT3 32 Low Voltage Channel Select Sample and Hold High Voltage OpAmp Array EN x y MEMS Array HVOUT30 RSOURCE RSINK Micro Processor HVOUT2 y x HVOUT31 AGND DGND VNN A122104 A122104 1 HV257 Ordering Information Device Maximum Output Voltage HV257 Package Options Nominal Closed Loop Gain 295V 100Lead MQFP Die HV257FG HV257X 72V/V Absolute Maximum Ratings* VPP, High voltage supply 310V AVDD, Analog low voltage positive supply 8.0V DVDD, Digital low voltage positive supply 8.0V AVNN, Analog low voltage negative supply -7.0V DVNN, Digital low voltage negative supply -7.0V Logic input voltage -0.5V to DVDD VIN, Analog input signal 0V to 6.0V Storage temperature range -65°C to 150°C Maximum junction temperature 150°C *Absolute Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur. Functional operation under these conditions is not implied. Continuous operation of the device at the absolute rating level may affect device reliability. All voltages are referenced to device ground. Electrical Characteristics (Over operating conditions unless otherwise noted.) Parameters Symbol Min Typ Max Condition Unit Operating Conditions VPP High voltage positive supply 125 300 V V DD Low voltage positive supply 6.0 7.5 V VNN Low voltage negative supply -4.5 -6.5 V IPP VPP supply current 0.8 mA VPP = 300V, All HVOUT = 0V, No Load 4.3 mA VDD = 6.0V to 7.5V mA VNN = -4.5V to -6.5V I DD VDD supply current I NN VNN supply current -5.2 TJ Junction temperature range -10 125 0 VPP -5 V ±50 mV Input referred. ˚C High Voltage Amplifier HVOUT HVOUT voltage swing VINOS Input voltage offset SR HVOUT slew rate rise 2.2 V/µs No Load HVOUT slew rate fall 2.0 V/µs No Load BW HVOUT -3dB channel bandwidth 4.0 KHz VPP = 300V AO Open loop gain 70 100 AV Closed loop gain 68.4 72.0 R FB Feedback resistance from HVOUT to ground 9.6 12 CLOAD HVOUT capacitive load 3000 pF ISOURCE HVOUT sourcing current limiting range 385 550 715 µA RSOURCE = 25KΩ ISINK HVOUT sinking current limiting range 385 550 715 µA RSINK = 25KΩ 0 dB 75.6 V/V MΩ External resistance range for setting current RSOURCE source limit 25 250 KΩ RSINK External resistance range for setting current sink limit 25 250 KΩ CTDC DC channel to channel crosstalk -80 dB PSRR Power supply rejection ratio for VPP, VDD, and VNN -40 dB A122104 2 HV257 Sample and Hold Symbol Parameter Min Typ Pedestal Voltage 1.0 RSW Sample and Hold Switch resistance 5.0 C Sample and Hold Capacitor 10 RDROOP Droop rate during hold time relative to input VSIG Input voltage range VPED Max Units mV Conditions input referred KΩ 0 12.0 pF 2.0 V/s 5.0 V Max Units output referred Logic Decoder Symbol TSU Min Parameter Set-up time-address to enable Typ 75 Conditions ns TH Hold time-address to enable bar 75 VIH Input logic high voltage 2.4 VDD VIL Input logic low voltage 0 1.2 V V ns lIH Input logic high current 1.0 µA lIL Input logic low current -1.0 VIH = VDD VIL = 0 V µA Diode Symbol Min Parameter PIV Peak inverse voltage VF Forward diode drop IF Forward diode current TC VF temperature coefficient Typ Max Units 5.0 V cathode to anode V If = 100µA, anode to cathode@25OC 0.60 100 -2.20 Conditions µA anode to cathode mV/ ˚C anode to cathode Power Up/Down Sequence The device can be damaged due to improper power up / down sequence. To prevent damage, please follow the acceptable power up /down sequences and add two external diodes as shown in the diagram below. The first diode is a high voltage diode across VPP and VDD where the anode of the diode is connected to VDD and the cathode of the diode is connected to Vpp. Any low current high voltage diode such as a 1N4004 will be adequate. The second diode is a schottky diode across VNN and DGnd where the anode of the schottky diode is connected to VNN and the cathode is connected to DGnd. Any low current schottky diode such as a 1N5817 will be adequate. VDD VPP 1N4004 or similar 1) VPP or 1) VNN DGND VNN 1N5817 or similar Acceptable Power Up Sequences 2) VNN 3) VDD 4) Inputs & Anode 2) VDD 3) VPP 4) Inputs & Anode Acceptable Power Down Sequences 1) Inputs & Anode or 1) Inputs & Anode 2) VDD 3) VNN 4) VPP 2) VPP 3) VDD 4) VNN A122104 3 HV257 Block Diagram Byp-VPP Byp-AVDD Byp-AVNN VPP AVDD Anode To internal VPP bus Bias Circuit To internal analog VDD bus AVNN To internal analog VNN bus DVDD To internal digital VDD bus DVNN To internal digital VNN bus VSIG Cathode AVDD + DVDD CH VPP + AVNN Q1 AVNN S/H - 0 A0 71R A1 A2 A3 HVOUT0 - Q0 R 5 to 32 Decoder AVDD + A4 CH VPP + - HVOUT1 - EN AVNN Q31 AVNN S/H - 1 DGND 71R R AGND AVDD + RSOURCE RSINK HVOUT Current Source Limiting HVOUT Current Sink Limiting To all HVOUT amplifiers CH VPP + - HVOUT31 AVNN AVNN S/H - 31 71R To all HVOUT amplifiers R A122104 4 HV257 Truth Table A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 EN Selected S/H L L L L L H 0 L L L L H H 1 L L L H L H 2 L L L H H H 3 • • • • • • • • • H H H L H H 29 H H H H L H 30 H H H H H H 31 X X X X X L All Open Pin Description VPP High voltage positive supply. There are two pads. BYP-VPP A low voltage 1.0 to 10nF decoupling capacitor across VPP and BYP-VPP is required. AVDD Analog low voltage positive supply. This should be at the same potential as DVDD. There are two pads. BYP-AVDD A low voltage 1.0 to 10nF decoupling capacitor across AVDD and BYP-AVDD is required. AVNN Analog low voltage negative supply. This should be the same potential as DVNN. There are two pads. BYP-AVNN A low voltage 1.0 to 10nF decoupling capacitor across AVNN and BYP-AVNN is required. DVDD Digital low voltage positive supply. This should be the same potential as AVDD. There are two pads. DVNN Digital low voltage negative supply. This should be the same potential as AVNN. There are two pads. DGND Digital ground AGND Analog ground. There are three pads. They need to be externally connected together. A0 to A4 Decoder logic inputs. Addressed channel will close the sample and hold switch. Sample and hold switches for unaddressed channels are kept open. EN Active logic high input. Logic low will keep sample and hold switches open. Vsig Common input signal for all 32 sample and hold circuits. RSOURCE External resistor from RSOURCE to VNN sets output current sourcing limit. Current limit is approximately 12.5V divided by Rsource resistor value. RSINK External resistor from RSINK to VNN sets output current sinking limit. Current limit is approximately 12.5V divided by RSINK resistor value. Anode Cathode HVOUT0 to HVOUT31 Anode side of a low voltage silicon diode that can be used to monitor die temperature. Cathode side of a low voltage silicon diode that can be used to monitor die temperature. Amplifier outpu.ts A122104 5 HV257 100 81 80 1 100-Lead MQFP (top view) 51 30 31 50 Pin Configuration DGND AGND AGND VSIG AGND A122104 6 HV257 Pad Configuration (not drawn to scale) DGND DVDD DVNN AGND VSIG AVDD Byp-AVNN AVNN Anode Byp-AVDD Do Not Bond. For testing only. Cathode A4 RSINK A3 RSOURCE BYP-VPP VPP HVOUT31 A2 A1 A0 EN HVOUT30 HVOUT29 HVOUT28 HVOUT27 HVOUT26 HVOUT25 HVOUT24 HVOUT23 HVOUT22 HVOUT21 HVOUT20 HVOUT19 HVOUT18 HVOUT17 Do Not Bond. Leave Floating. HVOUT16 HVOUT15 HVOUT14 HVOUT13 HVOUT12 HVOUT11 HVOUT10 HVOUT9 HVOUT8 HVOUT7 HVOUT6 HVOUT5 HVOUT4 HVOUT3 HVOUT2 HVOUT1 HVOUT0 VPP DVDD DVNN AGND AVDD AVNN AGND A122104 7 HV257 Pad Coordinates Chip size: 17004µm x 5480µm Center of die is (0,0) DOC. #: DSFP-HV257 A122104 A122104 8 Package Outlines 100 LEAD MQFP PACKAGE OUTLINE (FG) 0.913 (23.2) 70 0.787 (20.0) 51 0.063 (1.6) 71 50 100 31 0.551 (14.0) 0.677 (17.2) 0.063 (1.6) 1 30 0.0256 (0.65) 0.0118 ± 0.0031 (0.30 ± 0.08) 0.0346 ± 0.0059 (0.88 ± 0.15) 0.1063 ± 0.0079 (2.70 ± 0.20) 0.0067 ± 0.0024 (0.17 ± 0.06) 0.0111 ± 0.013 (2.825 ± 0.325) Note: C ircle (e.g. B ) indicates J E DE C R eference. Doc. #: DSPD-100MQFPFG ©2004 S upertex Inc. All rights res erved. Unauthorized us e or reproduction prohibited. Meas urement Legend = Dimens ions in Inches (Dimens ions in Millimeters ) A052104 1235 B ordeaux Drive, S unnyvale, C A 94089 T E L: (408) 222-8888 / F AX : (408) 222-4895 www.s upertex.com This datasheet has been downloaded from: www.EEworld.com.cn Free Download Daily Updated Database 100% Free Datasheet Search Site 100% Free IC Replacement Search Site Convenient Electronic Dictionary Fast Search System www.EEworld.com.cn All Datasheets Cannot Be Modified Without Permission Copyright © Each Manufacturing Company