Document 6538022
Document 6538022
Device Design for Sub 90nm MOSFETs for Sample and Hold Circuits Mayank Gupta and Jason Woo Department. of Electrical Engineering University of California Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA. 2. In this paper we have extensively studied how different device parameters affect the constituents of sampling circuit performance metrics. As the MOSFET is scaled into sub-90nm regime for ADCs using moderate sampling rate and high resolutions, the gate tunneling current will not only severely degrade the droop rate but also affect the nonlinearity adversely. The effect of scaling on various trade-offs that exist among the metric constituents is also presented. These device guidelines can be used to improve the sample and hold operation to a fairly general degree. 1. Introduction One of the key limitations of future CMOS technologies remains the restricted supply voltage, limited primarily by the thin gate oxide that is prone to voltage stress (reliability) and excessive leakage current [1]. One class of circuits strongly affected by this trend is switched-capacitor (SC) circuits, that are used in many analog signal processing applications including a majority of CMOS data converters. This leakage current not only affects the magnitude of the voltage on the storage capacitor, but also the linearity of the sampled voltage. Device parameter effect circuit parameters like the acquisition time, the droop rate of the sampled voltage and nonlinearity of the pass gate. According to the ITRS, effective oxide thickness (EOT) of 1.2-1.5nm will be required for sub-90nm CMOS [2]. Current research works have identified several physical limiting factors associated with the ultra thin gate oxides. Among them, the tunneling current is the one most sensitive to the oxide thickness. As the thickness of the oxide layer decreases, the tunneling current increases exponentially. This increased current, not only adversely affects the MOS device performance but also significantly increases the standby power consumption of a highly integrated circuit [3]. Unlike other analog circuits, the gate leakage current has a very important effect on the sample and hold circuit. When a high clock is applied at the gates of the FETs in the S-H circuit, the Igate can be very high. This is unlike the case of an amplifier circuit where the FETs are biased near the threshold voltage. All these issues necessitate a comprehensive study, on the merits and demerits of scaling the channel length for analog application in switched capacitors circuits. Simulation Setup For the purpose of this study we used the device simulator, Medici [4]. Accurate self-consistent model was used to calculate the gate current and experimental data from [5] was used to calibrate the gate direct tunneling current through silicon oxide of varying thickness. These devices have large gate lengths, so as to minimize the effect of process induced variations that would otherwise corrupt the validity of the model. A simple Sample and Hold (S-H) circuit is designed by a sampling CMOS switch followed by a hold capacitor, as shown in the Fig 1(a). Devices with a fixed gate length of 50nm and varying device parameters were considered. These range of parameters were chosen to probe the range of device dimensions and dopings around the values specified by ITRS for a 50nm gate length. Oxide thickness, Tox, in the range of 0.8nm to 1.8nm were considered. Variations in the SDE length, LSDE, would lead to devices with varying short channel effects (SCE). The variation in SCE will be used to explain the characteristics of different devices in the later sections. For the purpose of this study we have chosen doped poly Si as the gate electrode material as they are still the industry standard. Substrate doping is varied such that both N and P MOSFETs have a Vt of |0.25| V. SDE doping of 1.15x1019/cm3, deep source/ drain depth of 30nm and doping of 1x1020/cm3 are kept constant for all NMOS and PMOS devices for respective carrier types. We have assumed uniform doping profiles and abrupt junctions for all the devices. The widths of the NMOS and the PMOS were 10µm and 20µm respectively. Such an arrangement compensates for the mobility difference between the electrons and the holes. Clock Drain Source AC DC Bias This is a pre-publication copy. Please do not distribute Vin Clock (a) Vout Load Cap Vout (Volts) Abstract Clock 1.1 Clock 0.9 Input Output 0.7 0.5 0.3 (S) (H) (S) 0.1 (H) -0.1 0.0 2x10-7 4x10-7 6x10-7 Time (sec.) (b) Fig 1(a) A basic sample and hold circuit, with NFET and the PFET. (b) Input and output voltages of the sample and hold circuit. The sample and the hold clock cycles are indicated by (S) and (H) respectively. Results and Discussions In order to characterize sampling circuit thoroughly, the following performance metrics were evaluated: acquisition time, Tacq, the droop rate during the hold cycle and the Integrated Nonlinearity (INL). 3.1 505 6 490 4 475 2 0 460 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Gate Oxide Thickness (Å) Droop Rate (Volts/sec.) 104 Without gate tunneling model With gate tunneling model 103 102 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Gate Oxide Thickness (Å) Fig 2(a): Acquisition time as a function of the Tox (b) Hold voltage droop rate as a function of the Tox Figure 3, shows the affect of Tox scaling on the Integral Nonlinearity (INL) introduced on to the sampled voltage. The points are obtained by measuring the maximum difference between the sampled voltage and the applied source voltage at the end of a clock cycle, for various source potentials. 5.0 Effect of Gate Oxide Thickness Tox. Reducing the oxide thickness of the device leads to better gate control of the channel. As the drain current is proportional to Cox to the first order, this means that the time taken to charge up the capacitor should reduce with the scaling up of Cox. However, the mobility of the device is degraded due to increase in the vertical electric fields and the increase in the drain current is not linear [6]. In this study since all the devices were tailored to have a Vt of |0.25V|, the substrate doping of the FETs were increased as the gate oxide thickness was reduced. This introduces further degradation in the mobility, and hence it degrades the drive current as well. Figure 2(a) shows the variation of Tacq, with gate oxide thickness, Tox. Tacq is the time taken for the sampled voltage to reach 99.99% of its maximum value. Reduction in the EOT increases the drain current and thus the Tacq decreases. The rate at which the Tacq decreases, actually degrades with the scaling down of the EOT due to the reasons mentioned above. Figure 2(b) shows the droop rate for different oxide thickness, with the gate tunneling model on and off. With the 8 520 105 (b) 10 535 Tacq Acquisition Time (ps) (a) Integral Nonlinearity (mvolts) 3. gate tunneling model switched off in simulations, the characteristics show a marked improvement (smaller droop rates) with the reduction in Tox. The real picture (grey curve) however is quite different. Since the gate tunneling current increases exponentially with the decrease in the Tox, the charge on the storage capacitor finds a leakage path via the gate electrode. The droop rate increases by orders of magnitude and any sampling architecture would be severely limited by this problem. % Degradation in Tacq The clock voltage applied at the gate of MOSFETs has a peak value of 1V. The voltage to be sampled, applied at the source of the MOSFET is a 0.5V peak to peak sinusoid in series with a 0.5V DC signal, Figure 1(a). This was done in order to probe the on-off regimes of both the PMOS and the NMOS. The load capacitor is 0.53pF, this is approximately 10 times the total gate capacitance (Cox) of the NFET and PFET. For a Tox of 10Å, this value of capacitance was kept fixed for all the simulated devices. The frequency of the AC signal applied to the input of the pass is gate is 2Mhz, which is sufficiently high to ensure that the overlap and junction displacement currents also form an important part of the entire analysis. Similar to actual circuit conditions, the substrate of the NMOS and the PMOS are connected to the GND and VDD respectively. The clock used for all the simulations has a period of 300ns (3.33Mhz) and a realistic droop rate of 5ns. The duty cycle of the clock was 50%. Figure 1(b) shows the input sinusoid and output voltage vs. time for the sample and hold circuit. The sample and hold instance are explicitly shown by (S) and (H). Vout for the hold cycle has a slope associated with it, which is due to a leakage current flowing out of the sampling capacitor. The leakage paths for the charge on the storage capacitor are via the subthreshold current, the junction leakage of the reverse biased body-drain junction, the displacement current flowing via the parasitic capacitors and, finally, the gate leakage current flowing via the gate oxide. For this study, by turning off and on the gate tunneling current in simulations, we are able to identify the effect of the gate current of the S-H circuit performance. Gate tunneling model Off Gate tunneling model Off Gate tunneling model On Gate tunneling model On 4.5 4.0 INL measured at t=7.5ns INL measured at t=0.0ns 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Tox Gate Oxide Thickness (Å) Fig 3: INL as a function of the Tox. The two time instances correspond to immediately after and 7.5ns after the clock falls to zero. The plots with and without the gate tunneling current are shown to compare the effect of the gate leakage current. The plots measured at t2=7.5ns after the clock goes to zero, show enhanced nonlinearity due the gate tunneling current effect. As can be seen, reducing the gate oxide thickness increases the non-linearity in the sampled voltages. t2 is cho- This is a pre-publication copy. Please do not distribute 3.2 Effect of Source Drain Extension Length, LSDE: 700 650 60 Tacq for different SDE 50 600 40 550 30 500 20 450 10 % Degradation in Tacq (a) Tacq Acquisition Time (ps) Recent studies have shown that Ion degradation with small gate overlap mainly comes from the SDE region under the sidewall spacer due to its graded low doping. For box like S/D junctions, as applicable to this simulation study, SDE-to-gate overlap can be eliminated to a great extent without the degradation of Ion with correct S/D design [7]. We define the SDE length, LSDE, length of the low doped shallow junction, to be zero for the point where the gate electrode and the side wall spacer meet. For a positive LSDE we have an overlap condition and vice versa for an underlapped case. In all these devices, Tox was fixed at 10Å and the SDE junction depth was kept fixed at 13nm, as specified by the ITRS, for a 50nm gate length. Figure 4(a) shows the variation of the Tacq with LSDE. Reducing LSDE increases the channel to source and channel to drain resistances, RSD. Of the various components of the channel to electrode resistance, like the accumulation resistance (Rac), the spreading resistance (Rsp), and the contact resistance (Rco), it is the Rac that is being modulated in this case. The decrease in LSDE increases the resistance as well as reduces the drive voltage (VDS) and thus Tacq degradation with reduction in LSDE is very rapid for negative values of LSDE. 400 00 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 LSDE Source Drain Extension (nm) (b) Droop Rate (volts/sec) 106 105 104 103 102 Without Gate tunneling model With Gate tunneling model -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 LSDE Source Drain Extension (nm) Figure 4 (a): Acquisition time as a function of the SDE length. (b) Hold voltage droop rate as a function of the SDE length. If we concentrate on the variation of the hold state voltage droop rate (Fig 4(b)), we realize that the gate tunneling has a very severe effect on it. The droop rate is extremely high (≈106V/sec.) for the case of LSDE=5nm, this is much larger than the observed values for the case of minimum oxide thickness (Tox=8Å). Also the slope of droop rate vs. LSDE is very high, indicating that the droop rate is a strong function of LSDE. The reason behind such high sensitivity of the gate tunneling current on the SDE length is explained in Fig 5, where it is shown that the predominant gate tunneling current path during the hold mode is via the gate-source overlap region (Edge Direct Tunneling (EDT)). The increase in the SDE length reduces the source drain resistance, increases the overlap region (area for gate tunneling current), the overlap capacitance and also increases the potential difference between the drain and gate, due to reduced voltage drop across the RSD (Igate is exponential function of this potential). Thus the gate tunneling current increases very rapidly when LSDE is increased [8]. Ec Ef EV Ec Ef Gate Electrode p-doped Channel region Ec Ef Gate Electrode Ec Ef EV Ec Ef Gate Electrode n+ S/D Extension (b) (a) Ec Ef EV p-doped Channel region Ec Ef Gate Electrode Ec Ef EV n+ S/D Extension (c) (d) Fig 5: The Si-SiO2 interface at various gate biases. The gate tunneling current in positive for the cases (a), (b) and (c), and is negative for the case (d). The gate tunneling current in (a) and (c) flows via the channel and that in (b) and (d) is the Edge Direct Tunneling (EDT) current flowing in the gate-source/ drain overlap region. Figure 6, shows the variation of the INL with the LSDE. We observe that the INL increases with increase in the LSDE. Since the overlap capacitance increases with LSDE, the charge deposited on the sampling capacitor increases and hence the nonlinearity increases. The nonlinear junction capacitance and the overlap capacitance resulting from the 5.0 Integral Nonlinearity (mVolts) sen such that all transient effects have died out (Tacq‹0.8ns always). This can be attributed to the increase in the channel charge injected on the sampling capacitor as the gate oxide thickness is reduced. Nonlinearity is certainly a very critical issue for sample and hold circuits, since unlike the offset and the gain errors that can be corrected using differential circuits and amplifier topologies, the nonlinearity error is hard to compensate. 4.5 4.0 Gate tunneling model Off Gate tunneling model Off Gate tunneling model On Gate tunneling model On 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 -5 INL measured at t=7.5ns INL measured at t=0.0ns -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 LSDE Source Drain Extension (nm) 5 Fig 6: INL as a function of the LSDE. All the devices had a Vt =|0.25V| with Tox=10Å and Xj=13nm. The two time instances correspond to immediately after and 7.5ns after the clock falls to zero. This is a pre-publication copy. Please do not distribute source/drain and gate electrode overlap of the pass gate leads to a nonlinear charge-to-voltage conversion. In this case there is a marked increase in the INL for the case of nonlinearity measured 7.5ns after the hold cycle. The extremely high gate tunneling currents are responsible for the high INL at these SDE lengths. Unlike the previous case (Figure 3) when there was little difference between the INL with and without the gate leakage for t=0ns, in Figure 6, we observe that there is a visible degradation in the INL even at t=0ns. This again is due to the high EDT current that flows through the overlap region, for long SDE lengths. The LSDE plays a critical role in the design of the sample and hold circuit. For a moderate decrease in the Ion (13%) with the reduction in LSDE from (5nm to 0nm), we can achieve a reduction in the gate leakage current of the order of 83%. This would not only reduce the droop rate by an order of magnitude (from ≈5x106 to ≈5x105) but also reduce the injected charge and the nonlinearity, circuit parameters that are very hard to compensate otherwise. This reduction in LSDE would certainly increase the acquisition time (11% increase), but this can be traded-off with the benefits that are obtained otherwise. 3.3 Gate Length Scaling: Given the analysis in the previous sections, the reasons to scale FETs in a pass gate must be re-evaluated. If we are able to achieve better S-H circuits performance, with larger gate lengths and with thicker gate oxides, there is certainly no merit in using scaled MOSFETs. To test this hypothesis, the SH circuit performance of the CMOS pass gate for different gate lengths is evaluated. Figure 7 shows the acquisition time, Tacq, for three dif700 Tox=13Å Tox=15Å Tox=18Å 600 500 400 50 60 70 80 90 100 Gate length (nm) Fig 7: Tacq vs. the gate length for devices with scaled Tox and a fixed Tox of 15Å. 4.0 INL (mVolts) Acquisition Time (ps) 800 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 Tox=13Å Tox=15Å Tox=18Å 50 60 70 80 90 100 Gate length (nm) Fig 8: INL vs. the gate length for devices with scaled Tox and a fixed Tox of 15Å. ferent gate lengths with the gate oxide and junction depths scaled in accordance to the ITRS guidelines for corresponding gate lengths. The operating voltage and the threshold voltage were kept fixed at 1.0V and |0.25V| respectively. The storage capacitor was kept fixed at 0.53pF for all the devices. Also shown in the plot is the gate length scaling trend for a fixed Tox of 15Å but with other device parameters scaled appropriately. We can see that the scaling reduces the acquisition time, which means that the channel RC delay does play a significant part in the charging of the storage capacitor. The improvement in the Tacq with the scaling of Tox for a particular gate length is not significant as is evident from the marginal improvement obtained by using Tox=13Å instead of 15Å for a 50nm gate length and by using a 15Å gate oxide instead of 18Å for a 100nm gate length. Scaling of the gate length also leads to improvement in the INL of the pass gate. Figure 8, shows the behavior of the INL for the pass gate for different gate lengths. These plots were obtained with the gate tunneling model on and the nonlinearity is measured at the instant the clock voltage falls to zero. Plots with the Tox scaled in accordance with the gate length and a fixed Tox of 15Å are illustrated. We observe that the nonlinearity reduces with the scaling of the gate length. Since the nonlinearity is related to the channel charge deposited on to the storage capacitor, small channel lengths devices inject smaller amount of charge on the storage capacitor (smaller Lgate/Tox) than longer gate lengths devices, leading to lower nonlinearity. 4 Conclusion: In this paper we looked into how the various device parameters of the MOSFET can influence the circuit parameters of the sample and hold circuit. The effects of the gate tunneling current can be reduced by choosing a suitably large storage capacitor (low frequency) but since they can not be completely nullified, an understanding of the these effects is very important. We realize that the scaling of the gate oxide, leading to the high leakage currents, would be severely limited by the droop rate of the sampled voltage and the non-linearity introduced. The SDE length is very critical to the design of the sample and hold circuit. Any amount of unnecessary overlap will increase the gate tunneling quadratically and has cascading effects on the injected charge, droop rate and the nonlinearity of the S-H circuit. With uniform box like profiles, best performance would be obtained for the SDE length equal to the spacer thickness. It was also shown that devices with small gate lengths can operate at a higher frequencies (lower Tacq) and still have lower nonlinearity, when compared to longer gate length devices. Thus correct device design can reduce the gate leakage without sacrificing on circuit metrics. Acknowledgement The work is supported by the Semiconductor Research Corporation. References [1] Leland Chang, IEEE TED, 49(12), 2002, pp.2288-95. [2] Int'l Tech Roadmap for Semiconductor 2001. [3] Yang N, IEEE TED, 47(8), 2000, pp.1636-44. [4] Synopsys TCAD, MEDICI Version 2002.2, July 2002. [5]Chang-Hoon Choi, IEEE TED, 48(12), ’01, pp.2823-9. [6] C.G. Sodini, IEEE TED, 31(10), 1984, pp.1386-1393. [7] Jun Yuan, ESSDERC 2002, pp.503-6. [8] Yang KN, IEEE TED, 48(6), 2001, pp.1159-64. This is a pre-publication copy. Please do not distribute