1 Airport rammar, ocabulary & ronunciation
1 Airport rammar, ocabulary & ronunciation
Units & topics S peaking & W riting 1 Airport Introducing yourself and saying where you are from Meeting on a plane Exchanging names and numbers Airline phone numbers Identifying objects Exchanging contact details Introductions Air travel Nationalities page 4 WB W Punctuation (1). Form filling 2 People S Favourite things Favourite things Jobs Personal details page 10 S Discussing ages S Jobs W Questions to find out personal details WB W Punctuation (2). Personal description R eading & Listening texts Going through customs Useful phrases: Asking for clarification R Brad Pitt’s favourite things In the world today … G rammar, V ocabulary & P ronunciation Units & topics S peaking & W riting R eading & Listening texts G rammar, V ocabulary & P ronunciation G be: present simple affirmative. Nouns. a/an. this/these 9 Hotel S Hotels, rooms and furniture R For the holiday of a lifetime G there is / there are. some/any Hotels Houses page 60 S Where you want to live R Your home in the stars V Rooms and furniture. Prepositions of place V Countries. Nationalities. Languages. Common objects. Numbers 0–10 G Possessive determiners. be: present simple R The percentage of women in certain jobs in the UK V Favourite things. Numbers 11–999. Jobs Useful phrases: Greetings and introductions P a/an R Meet the Collisters Family Lifestyle page 16 S Lifestyle R Who is it? G Possessive ’s/s’. Present simple affirmative R Wife Exchange V Family WB W Punctuation (3). Description of a family 4 Different Men & women Likes & dislikes page 22 S Differences between men and women S Likes and dislikes W A short personal message WB W Punctuation (4). Email to a new friend Review A page 28 5 Days Daily routine Going out page 32 Sophie’s favourite relative R He or She? Are men and women the same or different? G Present simple. Object pronouns S The weekend R Seven perfect daily moments Interview with three people WB W Sequencing: then, after (that). Description of a perfect day Useful phrases: Ordering and paying Habits Special days page 38 S Special days Anecdote: Your favourite festival/party WB W Paragraph organisation S Water sports Water sports Holidays page 44 W A simple narrative WB W Time expressions. Telling a story R Little and Large The top three world festivals Saint Patrick’s Day Useful phrases: Asking about opening and closing times Two people talking about water sports R It’s always warm on the inside R Shark attack! Useful phrases: The weather V Days of the week. Verb phrases: have and go P Long vowel sounds: \iÜ\, \∏Ü\, \OÜ\ G Present simple with adverbs of frequency. Prepositions of time S Family similarities Description Clothes page 72 S People’s clothes WB W Connecting sentences. Description of a person 12 Money S Money Possessions Shopping page 78 S How much you pay for things S Lost property WB W Summary of graphic data Two people talking about diets My brother’s 18th birthday celebration Useful phrases: Buying a sandwich A man talking about his clothes R Mr Average and his clothes TV presenter describing people arriving at the Oscars G Countable and uncountable nouns. some/any. How much …?/ How many …? V Food and drink Focus on: in, on, above, below, next to P Vowel sounds: same spelling, different sounds G Present continuous V Physical description. Clothes. Plural nouns: a pair of … Focus on: get Useful phrases: Buying clothes P Consonant sounds: \s\, \z\, \Z\, \S\ R savekaryn.com G Comparative and superlative adjectives The most valuable things R Lost property Phoning a lost property office Useful phrases: Describing objects V Money. Big numbers Focus on: like P Schwa (\E\) Pages 84, 85: Grammar / Vocabulary / Pronunciation review Pages 86, 87: Reading & Listening. Writing (holiday postcard) & Speaking • Song: Sailing Focus on: go G Past simple: regular and irregular verbs G Past simple: affirmative, negative and question forms Anecdote: Your last summer holiday Lottie’s last summer holiday V Feelings. Adjectives Useful phrases: Complaints and suggestions S Dance S Character WB W Correcting capital letters and spelling. Description of a talented person 14 TV Television Dreams Plans page 94 15 Experiences Experiences Old friends page 100 S TV programmes S Future plans and intentions WB = Workbook. Each unit of the Workbook contains a one-page section which develops practical writing skills. G can for ability. Adverbs of manner. Frequency expressions R Joaquín Cortés: a life in dance V Character adjectives R How do other people really see you? P Stress patterns with can Focus on: be Useful phrases: Making excuses Different TV programmes R Big Brother G Future forms: want to, would like to, hope to. (be) going to Interview with the winner of Big Brother V TV Programmes WB W Linking words: and, but, because. Completing a form Juliet’s favourite TV programme P Sentence stress S Your (travel) experiences S Old friends Anecdote: An old school friend WB W Wh questions. Expanding notes into a text Focus on: What …? and How …? Useful phrases: Suggestions and offers International Travel Magazine R Adventure World Travel Conversation between two old school friends Tom’s oldest friend G Present perfect + ever. Present perfect or past simple? V Past participles P Vowel sounds: irregular past participles Useful phrases: In a restaurant 16 Drive Journeys Traffic page 106 S Drives to work R Driving to work S Journeys Interview about Heinz Stücke W Your journey to work/school Carla’s nice drive WB W Using adjectives. Text organisation P Vowel sounds: irregular past simple forms Pages 56, 57: Grammar / Vocabulary / Pronunciation review Pages 58, 59: Reading & Listening. Writing (a memorable day) & Speaking • Song: Don’t Worry, Be Happy A radio programme ‘Hidden talents’ Anecdote: Your favourite TV programme Focus on: make and do P ed endings Interview about Debra Veal R I want to be alone S How you do things Abilities Character page 88 V Water sports. Time expressions. ago. Time linkers S Feelings R Alone at sea 13 Talent V Verb phrases: make and do. Months. Ordinal numbers. Dates W A retired person page 56 11 Looks G Present simple: daily routine. Telling the time Feelings Experiences page 50 Review B W Two menus page 84 8 Alone WB W Description of a holiday Anecdote: Your last delicious meal Review C P Ordinal numbers 7 Sea S Food shopping lists R Eat well, enjoy your food and lose weight Useful phrases: Expressing opinions R Ms Dynamite’s perfect weekend S Habits and frequency S Diets P ing sound Jack and Layla’s likes and dislikes W A perfect weekend 6 Living S Eating habits Eating Diets page 66 V like / don’t like + ing Pages 28, 29: Grammar / Vocabulary / Pronunciation review Pages 30, 31: Reading & Listening. Writing (web profile) & Speaking • Song: I Like The Way … S Daily routines 10 Food P 3rd person endings \s\, \z\, \Iz\ Useful phrases: Advice and warnings Focus on: in, on, near P Words with ‘silent’ letters WB W An invitation S Families W Sentences about your family Useful phrases: Problems with a hotel room P Sounds of the alphabet 3 Family Anecdote: Your favourite relative WB W Description of your home and locality Useful phrases: Directions G Questions with prepositions. Tense review V Prepositions of movement. Places in a city / the country Focus on: across, along, down, into, out of, past, through, up P Vowel sounds: \AÜ\, \∏Ü\, \OÜ\, \uÜ\ Review D page 112 Pages 112, 113: Grammar / Vocabulary / Pronunciation review Pages 114, 115: Reading & Listening. Writing (email to an old friend) & Speaking • Song: Get Here Pairwork: Student A page 116 • Pairwork: Student B page 121 • Grammar Extra page 126 • Recordings page 136 • Phonetic symbols page 143 • Irregular verbs page 143