
Sponsoring Institutions
Four-Year College (Men and Women)
Baruch College
Brooklyn College
Hunter College (Women Only)
John Jay College (Women Only)
Community College (Men & Women)
Manhattan Community College
Lehman College
College of Staten Island
York College
Queensborough Community College
There will be a mandatory coaches meeting on October 9, 2013 at Lehman College.
B. Regular Season
1. Rules: Rules of play shall be the NCAA/NJCAA Swimming Rules. All teams must meet NCAA/NJCAA swimming and
diving criteria. Teams must have minimum of eight competitors in order for a meet to take place. Should an institution
be required to eliminate diving at home meets because of a facility that does not conform to minimum depth
standards, opponents must be notified by September 1st. Under these circumstances, diving must be eliminated
from all home competition during the current academic year, and no points will be awarded for diving.
2. Schedule: An entire conference round robin schedule must be played, with at least two conference meets held in
January. (1/04)
3. Officials Assignor: Chuck Porazzo (Metropolitan Swimming) will be the conference assignor for men’s and women’s
swimming and diving, to be mandated as of the Fall 2008 (11/07).
4. Regular Season Champion: The team that has won the most regular season conference meets shall be named the
Regular Season Conference Champion. In the event of a tie no other method, other than Head-to-Head, will be used
to determine a Regular Season championship tie. If three teams are tied, then the point differential between the tied
teams will be used to determine final order of finish. No regular season conference champion is declared for the
community college division.
5. Rosters: Must be submitted to the CUNYAC office before the first date of competition. All changes to the roster must
be sent immediately to the conference office. An added senior college athlete may not compete until 48-hours after
the updated roster is sent to the conference office. Individual swimmers must be officially added to the team’s roster
two swim meets prior to the championship meet that begins on Thursday evening. No athlete may be added after
5:00 pm on the day after the first day of classes of the second semester.
a. If an athlete that is not on the roster participates in a meet, the meet will be forfeited and the meet will
not count towards individual/team eligibility.
6. Uniforms: All competitors must wear NCAA/NJCAA-complying, college issued, uniforms with team warm-ups bearing
the institutions' name and/or logo. All athletes must wear the same color swim suit and cap (where applicable). As
new warm-ups are purchased from the Fall of 2009 forward, the CUNYAC logo shall be placed on all gear. As of the
2012-13 season, if warm-ups do not have the conference logo, a strike will be assessed. (6/12).
7. Games Committee: A Games Committee for all championships, consisting of the head official, the highest-ranking
conference representative and at least one head coach shall be determined for that year at each sport's preseason
coaches’ meeting. Each sport games committee shall consider appeals and conduct for their championship and
should act on reversible errors and may implement immediate redress of inequities. The committee must report its
actions to the entire membership within 72 hours. For the 2013-14 season the coaches representatives will be Scott
Bintner (Hunter College) and Peter Kiernan (Lehman College), with the alternate being Charles Lampasso (Baruch).
8. Conference Score Reporting: All institutions must report their results to the conference website within 24-hours of
meet. Failure to do so will result in a strike.
9. Weekly Nominations: All CUNYAC teams must report their complete weekly results to the Conference Office by 12
noon every Monday. Nominations for Rookie and Swimmer of the week must also be reported by this time.
10. Hy-Tek: Results will be kept through the Hy-Tek Program. In conference play, the home team is the official scorer
and therefore is responsible for creating the meet file. The home team representative is also responsible for sending
the meet file to the conference office as well as the visiting team coach and Sports Information Director within 48hours from the conclusion of the meet. Failure to do so will result in a strike.
11. Three-Strike Policy: A Strike will be issued for the following:
a. Not attending the preseason coaches meeting in October.
b. Not submitting the All-Star Nomination Form & All-Star Ballot to the conference office by the given deadline.
c. Not sending in weekly nominations to conference office by 12 noon every Monday.
d. Failing to update conference website with results within 24 hours of meet.
e. Failing to send Hy-Tek meet results to the conference office within 48 hours of meet.
f. Failing to send official roster to the conference office before first date of competition.
g. Failing to have Conference Logo on team uniform/warm-up.
12. Dual Meets: Entries are to be given to the officials prior to the start of each race. Alternately, teams may elect to preenter their entire meet, however once the opposing team submits their entry to the official, changes to that event
cannot be made. (4/08)
13. All-Stars: Athlete finishing amongst the top two in each event (where there are at least 6 participants) shall be named
to the CUNYAC All-Star team. If the diving events do not have at least 6 participants, the first place finisher will be
2013-2014 CUNYAC Operating Manual – Four-Year College Division
named to the all-star team. The coaches will select the remaining all-stars consisting of the Rookie, Coach and
Athlete of the Year as well as Sportsmanship Award winner. The All-Star process will be completed on
cunyathletics.com/voting. Nominations Open at 5pm on January 15th and are due by 12pm on January 24th. Ballots
will be distributed by 5pm on January 24 and are due by 12 pm on January 28 .
CUNYAC Championship Meet
1. Championship Meet Format & Other Information
a. Dates: The Championships will be contested on the last weekend in January or first weekend in February. For
the 2013-14 season, the dates are January 30-31, February 1, 2014.
b. Site: The Championships will be held at a conference member school determined by the Conference Board. For
the 2013-14 season, the Championship meet will be held at Lehman College.
c. Events: The championship will follow the NCAA 3-day, 20 event format. All races will be finals on time regardless
of the number of entries.
d. Entries Timeline/Deadlines: All entries must be submitted to the conference championships director via Hy-Tek
files. All athletes are limited to a maximum of seven events in all championships; 3 individual events /4 relay
events. (11/2006) Schools are not limited to any number of entries in each event other than relays (two in relays).
No additions or substitutions can be made after the entry submission deadline. There is no maximum number of
participants at the CUNY Athletic Conference Championship, however each institution must declare their scoring
athletes by the given deadline.
a. Thursday, January 16, 2014: Meet entry hy-tek files will be sent out to all schools at 9:00 am.
b. Friday, January 24, 2014: Meet entries close and hy-tek files are due to the conference office by 12
noon. team entries are distributed to individual institutions by 2:00 pm
c. Friday, January 24, 2014: Verification forms are due by 2:00 pm.
d. Monday, January 27, 2014: final appeals are due by 12 noon. Appeals conference call will take place at
e. Tuesday, January 28, 2014: Online scratches due by 12 noon. Psyche sheets distributed to all
institutions by 2:00 pm.
e. Eligibility: Individual four-year college swimmers must have competed (entered and swam) in a minimum of two
scheduled collegiate swimming meets prior to the championship meet entry deadline for the institution in which
they will represent at the conference championship. (2/08) All athletes (regardless of division) must have swum
the event they are entered in the championship at least once in competition in regular season.
a. Individual(s) that attend an institution that does not sponsor a team may compete, however the
individual(s) must have competed in the event and must be certified eligible by the eligibility officer at
their institution. Also, a coach must be present from the institution for the individual(s) to compete.
f. Time Trials: Time trials will not be accepted unless an event is not part of the 13 event regular season meet
schedule but must have an official present to have the time-trail be considered “official”. (Must be on the same
day of scheduled meet)
g. Entry Seed Times: Times submitted with entries must be the best time the athlete has completed during the
current regular season. Only race times recorded during the current season and reported to the conference office
via hy-tek files will be accepted for entry into the CUNYAC Championship Meet. (3/08). Any inaccurate times
submitted will result in an automatic scratch of the individual in the specific event.
a. Times for 1,000 yard freestyle will be accepted for the 1,650 yard freestyle (as per NCAA rules).
b. Anticipated times will be accepted in relay events ONLY (11/13).
h. Diving Events: Competitors will conduct a total of 6 dives in each of the events. (11/13)
Diving Minimum Score Requirement: Divers must have met a set minimum score at least once in the regular
season in order to be eligible to compete in the Championships. This minimum will be 125.00 for both the men’s
and women’s 1 meter and 3 meter dives. (11/13)
Relay Eligibility: The CUNYAC Championships will follow the NCAA Championship rule (rule 3-3-2) of the
following: In championship meets, once an institution has been entered in a relay event, any eligible competitor
from that institution may be designated by his or her coach to participate finals of that event as a member of the
institution’s relay team. For relays, only actual participation in the finals of an event shall be counted against the
18 competitors allowed each institution or against the maximum number of events in which a contestant is
permitted to compete. The names of designated relay participants must be submitted to the appropriate official at
a specified time before the start of the race (heat or final). (6/12)
a. Participants for the first relay must be given to the meet director at the scratches meeting for the day.
b. Participants for the second relay must be given to the meet director at the start of the intermission
preceding the relay for that day.
k. Heats/Seeding: All heats will be swum starting with the slowest seeded heat and ending with the fastest seeded
heat. (6/13)
Community College: All participating Community College are welcome to enter the Senior College Championship
as guests. If two or more teams are involved, CUNYAC will provide team trophies. Otherwise only individual
medals will be distributed. Community Colleges must have a minimum 5 athletes to be considered a team and
win a championship. (5/08)
m. Scoring: Four schools must declare full teams in order for the event to be deemed a championship. The
Conference Championship shall be awarded to the team which has scored the highest number of points, as
determined by the order of finish and the number of teams participating (based on a 16 place scoring system –
11/06). Both the “A” and “B” relay teams will score.
2013-2014 CUNYAC Operating Manual – Four-Year College Division
Results: Results are posted on the wall outside of the pool (near entrance) immediately after the results are
official. Copies of the results will be given to the coaches after the completion of each event.
Games Committee: The games committee will be comprised of the Chief official, the sport commissioner, one
coach, one alternate coach and the conference Executive Director.
Back-Up Timers: Schools MUST provide at least ONE back up timer for each day of the tournament and stay for
the duration of the session regardless if the lane is occupied or not.
Uniforms: All athletes must wear the same color swim suit and cap (where applicable). If there is a specific
question, a coach may ask for clarity from the meet director and head official. No student-athletes may ask for
clarification without a coaches representative.
Championship Pre-Meet Protocol
Day1, 2 & 3
Coaches Meeting/Warm-Up (At this time coaches will make any necessary scratches from
their entries).
Scratches are due to the meet director
Back-up timers report to the scorers area
National Anthem
Championship Meet Begins
D. Protests
As per CUNYAC General Regulation #13, all protests (eligibility, rules, unsportsmanlike conduct, etc.) shall be referred in
writing to the Conference Commissioner for the first level decision. The Commissioner, along with the sport commissioner
and conference president will recommend the extent of punishment (suspension) for an individual/coach or team
(including determining the result of a contest) in cases brought to him/her within three business days. This may include
postseason play and/or competition following season of participation. All appeals shall be directed to the Ethics &
Standards Committee for consideration. (2/05). In cases of apparent conflict of interest, the conference Vice-President will
become the alternate.
Awards (Men & Women)
The top two teams will receive team trophies, while the top 3 finishers in each event will receive medals. A third place
team trophy will be awarded if there are more than 5 teams participating. In addition, the Meet Champions will obtain the
CUNYAC Permanent Trophy for the year. The Meet MVP (a male and a female winner) will be determined as the top
point scorer (individual and relay points included) and will receive a watch.
NCAA Championships
Coaches are reminded to enter the athletes who qualify for the ECAC & NCAA Championship on-line.
G. Tape Exchange
Exchanging game tape(s)/DVD of contests involving conference members is strictly prohibited. However it is permitted to
exchange game tape(s)/DVD of non-conference contests with conference member institutions, for the purpose of
scouting. AT NO TIME, may a person on the coaching staff (head, assistant, volunteer and/or manager) or anyone acting
in the interests of the same, video a conference game when scouting. Penalties will be assessed to the head coach for all
said actions.
2013-2014 CUNYAC Operating Manual – Four-Year College Division