Student Organization Officer Training Manual 2013-2014


Student Organization Officer Training Manual 2013-2014
Student Organization
Officer Training Manual
Keeping Organizations And Leaders Active & Successful
August 28, 2013
Dear Student Organization Officers,
Congratulations on your election to a leadership position within your student organization! This not only
demonstrates your commitment to contributing to your organization and Columbia College, but also indicates
your peers’ respect and belief in you as a leader. We hope you find this manual helpful to you as a student
leader. We have included an explanation of important Columbia College policies and procedures and a review
of important campus resources.
Being a student leader isn’t always easy. So when you have questions or experience challenges, as part of your
leadership position, please feel free to come meet with us so that we can help to advise, assist, or serve as a
sounding board for you. Remember that even with the challenges, serving in a leadership position is a fulfilling
experience from which you will learn much about yourself and others. It will definitely prepare you for leading
in your future career, community, and citizenship roles.
We wish you and your student organization the best this coming year.
Melissia Brannen
Director of Student Activities
Miranda Abu-Farha
Graduate Assistant for Orientation and Leadership Development
Table of Contents
Quick Reference Sheet………………………………………………………………………………………………..4
Important Contact Information for Student Organizations……….………………………………….…………...4
Summary of Important Forms and When to Use Them………………………………………...…………...4
Expectations and Requirements of Student Organizations…………………………………………………...…....5
Workshop & Meeting Attendance……………………...…………………………………………………..........5
Student Organization Constitutions & By-Laws………………………………………………………………...5
Student Organization Minutes …………………………………………………………………………………..5
Officer Information ……………………………………………………………………………………………...5
Renewal Process ………………………………………………………………………………………………...5
Student Organization Policies……………………………………………………………………………...………6-7
Financial Information…………………………………………………………………………………………….6
Off-Campus Events………………………………………………………………………………………………6
Posting Policy Guidelines………………………………………………………………………………………..6
Sodexo Student Organization Policy…………………………………………………………………………….7
Solicitation Policy………………………………………………………………………………………………..7
Places to Distribute Flyers……………………………………………………………………….……………….8
Activities Fair…………………………………………………………………………………….……………....8
Around Campus………………………………………………………………………………….……………….8
Create a Group in Koala Connection………...………………………………………………………………......8
Daily Blast...……………………….…………………………………………………………………………......8
Display Board in Dining Hall………………………………………………………………………………….....8
Sidewalk Chalk……………………………………………………………………………………………….…..8
Off Campus Advertising..…………………………………………………………………………………….…..8
Table Tents……………………………………………………………………………………………………….8
Office of Student Activities Resources…………………………………………………………………………..9
Staff Accessibility.…………………………………………………………………………………….…………9
Leadership Resources……………………………………………………………………………………………9
Student Organization Mailboxes………………………………………………………………………………...9
Supplies and Equipment……………………………………………………………………….………………...9
Programming and Promotional Resources……………………………………………………………….……...9
Student Activities Conference Room……………………………………………………………………………9
Financial and Contractual Support………………………………………………………………………………9
Student Leader and Advisor Listserves……………………………………………………………………….....9
Campus Facility Scheduling Guidelines……………………………………………………………………….10-14
Columbia College Student Event Registration Form…………………………………………………………..12
Event Summary Evaluation Form……………………………………………………………………………...14
Financial Information……………………………………….………………………………………………….15-18
Student Organization Money Request/Deposit Form……………...………………………………….………..17
Student Organization Solicitation Form……………………………...………………………………………...18
Additional Resources………………………………………………………….…………………………………19-24
Sample Student Organization Constitution……………………...……………………………………………..19
Sample President’s and Vice President’s Position Descriptions…...…………………………………..………22
Sample Secretary’s and Treasurers Position Descriptions……………………………...………………..........23
Sample Advisor’s Position Description………………………………………………………………..……....24
Quick Reference Sheet
Important Contact Information for Student Organizations
Student Activities: Any question
regarding your student organization
or event
Student Activities’ Website
Melissia Brannen, Director of Student Activities
Miranda Abu-Farha, Graduate Assistant for Orientation
and Leadership Development
Campus Police: To open buildings
and rooms and to provide security
for your events (The Campus
Scheduler will let you know if you
need security for your event.)
Catering: To arrange catering for an
on-campus event or meeting
Room Reservations: To reserve a
space on campus for an event or
meeting or to reserve a table in the
Dining Hall
Room Reservations: To reserve the
Student Activities and Residence
Life conference room or enclosed
display board in the Dining Hall
Facilities Management: To arrange
for an event set-up or to reserve
microphones, etc.
Media Services: To reserve any type
of audio/visual equipment
Campus Police: During business hours
Emergency Line: After business hours
Jennifer DeShane, Catering Manager
Mary Carlisle, Director of Campus Scheduling and
Special Projects; Arts Administration Specialist
Sue Gerdes, Administrative Assistant and Data
Coordinator for Student Activities and Residence Life
Gaby Hickman, Assistant Director of Facilities
Angie White, Instructional Technology Consultant
Summary of Important Forms and When to Use Them
Note: Forms can be obtained from the Office of Student Activities or online at
1. Solicitation Form: Used when an organization wants to do a fundraiser or collect funds or goods for a
charity. The Director of Student Activities must sign off on the form. Any fundraiser involving an offcampus organization requires the signatures of the Director of Student Activities and the Assistant Vice
President for Advancement.
2. Student Organization Money Request/Deposit Form: Used when an organization needs to deposit
funds, request a reimbursement, get a cash advance, or check. The Director of Student Activities or the
Graduate Assistant for Orientation & Leadership Development can sign off on this form.
3. Event Registration Form: Used to reserve any space on campus for an event and/or program. This
form should also be used to reserve a table in the Dining Hall and to inform Student Activities of offcampus events and meetings you are holding.
4. Event Summary Evaluation: Used after every major event and fundraiser in order to assess the
program or fundraiser. This evaluation will help you with future planning for your organization. Your
organization should keep it for your records. Student Activities is also willing to file it in your
organization’s folder.
Expectations and Requirements of Student Organizations
Workshop & Meeting
Officers in organizations applying for
SGA funding are required to attend
several workshops and meetings
throughout the school year. While
these workshops are not required for
officers in organizations that do not
receive funding from SGA, these
officers are strongly encouraged to
Student Leadership Forums (SLF)
Each organization must have one
representative in attendance at each
SLF. The representative cannot
represent more than two student
organizations and the representative
does not have to be an officer. This
may be a great opportunity for an
emerging leader in your organization.
Student organizations that have
representation at four (4) SLFs will
automatically receive $100.00 and
groups that attend three (3) SLFs will
receive $50.00, in addition to their
allocation decided by the Allocations
Committee. The funds for the SLF
Incentive Program are non-restrictive
and can be used to purchase items such
as surcies, t-shirts or pay for
conference registration fees.
Leadership Lunch Series
The Leadership Lunch Series (LLS)
will meet the 1st Thursday of every
month at 12:30 pm in Student Union
B106 with all student organization
leaders. LLS is designed to promote
communication and collaboration
amongst all of the student
organizations on campus.
Cabinet serves as a voice to the
College community and is comprised
of the SGA Executive Officers, Class
Presidents, and a representative from
the Residence Hall Association,
Commuter Student Association,
Columbia College Activities Board,
and Diversity Committee.
Student Organization Constitution and By-laws
Each student organization should have a copy of its’ updated
constitution and by-laws on file in the Office of Student
Activities. Organizations must review their constitution and make
changes if needed, every other year (Organizations A-L during
the fall semester on odd years and organizations M-Z during the
fall semester on even years). Please note there are several things
that are required in all student organization constitutions. (Please
refer to page 18 for a sample constitution.) If your organization’s
constitution does not include the features in bold, then a
constitutional update is needed. All constitutional changes must
be approved by the Director of Student Activities and/or the
Campus Life Committee.
Student Organization Minutes
Following each meeting of your organization, a copy of the
minutes from that meeting should be emailed to the Director of
Student Activities. You should include the name of your
organization at the top and the date (month, day, and year). A
summary of the business discussed should be listed in the body of
the document. (It may be helpful to use Roman numerals so your
minutes are user friendly.) These minutes will go on file along
with the organization’s constitution and officer information form.
Please note that your organization can turn in any programs from
events, as well as a copy of flyers and other advertisements to the
Office of Student Activities, if you wish to have them archived.
Officer Information
It is imperative that the Office of Student Activities be kept
abreast of any changes in officers within your organization. For
this reason, the Officer Update Form should be completed
immediately after an officer change is made. The following
information is needed: officers’ names, officers’ student ID
numbers, phone numbers, box numbers, and email addresses.
Renewal Process
Organizations must complete an Officer Update Form by April 1st
of each year in order to maintain their status as a SGA-recognized
student organization.
Student Organization Policies
Students cannot enter into contractual agreements on behalf of Columbia College or their
organization. The Office of Student Activities and the Vice President for Finance must
approve all contracts before an event can be held or payment can be made. All
contracts should be approved by the organization’s advisor and turned into the Office of
Student Activities at least three weeks prior to the program or event to allow time for
Financial Information
Student organizations are expected to keep an accurate record of the financial activities of
their organization. All transactions including deposits and requests for money need to be
signed off by the Office of Student Activities. Students and advisors may not sign off on
their own reimbursements, payments, or cash advances.
Student organizations must purchase a license to show movies to their organization
members or campus community in order to avoid copyright infringements. The price for the
license will vary depending on how the movie is going to be used, how many people plan to
attend, and whether admission is charged. Please contact the Office of Student Activities to
get license prices.
Off Campus Events
If your group is planning an event, service project, or trip off campus, you must fill out an
Event Registration form. In addition, you need to come to the Office of Student Activities to
get waivers for the trip, even if individuals are not being transported in college vehicles.
Organization Promotional Materials
SGA allocations cannot be used to purchase t-shirts or promotional items specifically for
members of your organization. Organizations must have all designs (ex. tote bags, t-shirts,
etc.) reviewed and approved by their advisor and the Office of Student Activities before
they can be printed.
Posting Policy Guidelines
The Office of Student Activities must approve all forms of advertisement that are posted on
campus. It is strongly recommended that when using photocopied flyers the original copy
be stamped before additional copies are made. Also, no postings may be placed on glass,
painted surfaces, elevators, or brick walls. Any organization that does not comply may face
repair costs for damages done to these surfaces. For complete rules and regulations about
posting on campus, please refer to your Student Handbook.
Student Organization Policies
Sodexo Student Organization Policy
Sodexo partners with the college to provide all of your on campus food service
needs. The only exception is if your event is in a residence hall. In an effort to help
organizations budgets go further, Sodexo has agreed to allow student organizations
to purchase the items below on their own for meetings without ordering it through
Sodexo. If you are having an event, your organization must purchase the items
below and all other food and drink items from Sodexo.
What is a meeting? A formal or informal gathering of your organization’s
What is an event? A gathering that your organization members, campus
community, and/or off-campus guests are invited to attend.
Items Student Organizations Can Purchase for Meetings Without Going
Through Sodexo:
 Individually wrapped candy, cookies, chips, and pretzels, and prepackaged
Granola and Nutrigrain Bars
 2 liter sodas and Capri Suns
 Individual bottles of water
Please remember that if you are not purchasing your food items through Sodexo
your organization is responsible for providing your own cups, napkins, plates,
utensils, etc.
Other Services Sodexo Can Provide:
 Ice (There is no charge. However, you must bring your own cooler or bowl
when the Dining Hall is open. Sodexo does not provide these items.)
 Tablecloths, coolers, bowls, etc. for a rental fee
Please remember Sodexo provides a 10% discount to student organizations who turn
in their request at least a week in advance. Please view their catering guide at or request the Express Catering
Solicitation Policy
All fundraisers (both on and off campus) must be approved by the Office of Student
Activities and, if necessary, by the Office of Development. Solicitation Forms are
available in the Office of Student Activities and must be approved before any
advertising of the fundraiser or donation drive may be done (Please refer to the
Solicitation Form). It is also important to refer to your fundraiser as a drawing, not
raffle, when appropriate. Raffles are illegal in the State of South Carolina.
Come by the Office of Student Activities to have your organization promotions stamped for approval.
Please refer to the Posting Policy in its entirety on page 5.
Some places to distribute flyers:
1. RA/As- 23 flyers (bring to Student Activities)
2. Student Union- 3 bulletin boards
3. Bush- 1 bulletin board
4. Breed- 1 bulletin board
5. Harrelson - 2 bulletin boards and 1above mailboxes
6. Library- 1 bulletin board
7. C3PD – 1 bulletin board
Where You Cannot Post
1. Glass
2. Painted Surfaces
3. Elevators
4. Brick Walls
Activities Fair
The Office of Student Activities holds an Activities Fair in the Fall and Spring semester. This is a great way to
inform the campus community about your organization.
Around Campus
All student organization events will be published in the Around Campus calendar of events posted on the
Columbia College and The Post Script websites. You may also email a short summary and contact
information to the Director of Campus Scheduling and Special Projects to publicize additional details.
Create a Group in Koala Connection
You can create a group in Koala Connection in order to communicate with members in your organization and
to inform them about your meetings and events. Click on Campus Groups in KC and make your request or set
up a meeting with the Director of Student Activities.
Daily Blast
If your group wishes to have your meetings, events, or fundraisers listed in the Daily Blast, you must give
your information to your advisor with enough notice so she/he can submit it before noon on the day prior to
when you want it to appear in the publication. Please give your advisor the name, date, location, and time of
the event, what days you want the information included (You can only have the same description listed for 3
days per week), and a 255 characters or less description of the event. If your advisor is unable to submit your
information, please contact the Office of Student Activities at 803-786-3663.
Display Board in Dining Hall
In an effort to help organizations become more visible to the campus community, the enclosed bulletin board
in the Dining Hall can be reserved for your organization to display information. You can reserve the board for
one week each semester. Reservations will be made on a first come first serve basis. Call 786-3663 today to
make your reservation.
Off Campus Advertisements
If you want to submit information to the media, you must work with the Office of Student Activities to get
approval from Public Relations. Other forms of advertisement geared towards off campus guests should be
thoroughly explained on your Event Registration form.
Sidewalk Chalk
Sidewalk Chalk can only be used on sidewalks in areas where the rain will wash the chalk off. Do not use
chalk on steps that are underneath pavilions, etc.
Table Tents
All flyers displayed on tables in the Dining Hall need to be placed in the sign holders provided by the Office
of Student Activities. Only recognized student organizations and campus departments are allowed to
display flyers. Please bring your quarter flyers to the Office of Student Activities. A total of 36 flyers are
needed for the table tents. A quarter flyer template is available on the Student Activities’ webpage.
Office of Student Activities Resources
account number and funds in your account. Each
copy is $.04 and is charged to your organization’s
account. If you wish to make color copies a charge
of $0.50 per sheet will be charged to your
organization’s account.
Staff Accessibility
The staff members in the Office of Student
Activities maintain an open door policy. Office
hours are 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. You are encouraged
to come by the office with questions about planning
programs, handling funds, or any other issues that
may arise. Appointments can be scheduled with
staff members. If a staff member is unavailable
please leave a message and/or your paperwork. We
will get back to you within 1-2 business days.
Programming and Promotional Resources
A book shelf can be found in the Student Activities
Reception area containing information about
potential speakers, performers and novelty acts that
your organization can bring to campus. You will
also find several magazines that deal entirely with
making programs successful.
Leadership Resources
The Student Activities office has access to several
different leadership opportunities and resources.
There are several magazines that come into the
Student Activities Office that may be of interest to
you, including Student Leader Magazine, Campus
Activities Programming Magazine, and Campus
Activities Magazine. In addition to these resources,
there are opportunities for leadership development
through attendance at conferences such as the
annual Student Leadership Diversity Conference at
the University of South Carolina and the Women’s
Leadership Conference at Clemson University, as
well as the annual SLF Retreat and workshops that
occur throughout the year. For more information on
these conferences and other resources, see the
Student Activities staff.
Student Activities Conference Room
Your organization may reserve the conference
room, located in the Student Activities and
Residence Life Office (Student Union B101D) by
calling the Office of Student Activities at786-3663.
Financial and Contractual Support
When you are planning your budget proposal for
CCSGA funds, making a deposit for your
organization, or requesting payment for an event,
the staff in the Office of Student Activities is
available to assist you.
Student Leader and Advisor Listservs
The Office of Student Activities manages two
Listservs for student organizations. All student
organization officers are automatically subscribed
to the officers’ Listserv, and all advisors are
subscribed to the advisors’ Listserv. The Listservs
are the quickest way to disseminate information and
announcements. They are tremendous tools for
leaders and advisors to communicate on various
matters, e.g., upcoming events and programs. The
Listservs provide a system of support for all leaders
and advisors. To send a message to the student
organization Listserv, email
[email protected]. Advisors can send an
email message to other advisors at
[email protected].
Student Organization Mailboxes
Each student organization has a mailbox located in
the Student Activities Office. This box will serve as
a way to distribute information to other
organizations, as well as a way to receive important
announcements from Student Activities. Please
check your mailbox at least once a week.
Supplies and Equipment
Your organization may use the helium in the office
at no charge. However, you must provide your own
balloons. You may also make buttons ($.75 each)
for your meetings and/or events. The Student
Activities Office also stocks butcher paper, markers,
paints, as well as other supplies that are available
for student organizations. You may also use the
computers available in the office to work on student
organization minutes or publicity. Additionally,
there is a copy machine available in the Student
Activities Office if your organization has an
The Office of Student Activities has a website that
gives you 24-hour access to all of our forms. You
can visit the website at
Campus Facility Scheduling Guidelines
Each student organization is responsible for obtaining approval from the Office of Campus Scheduling
for all meetings, events and programs, both on and off campus. This is done through an Event Registration
Form, available in the Office of Student Activities, on the Student Activities’ website, or in the Campus
Scheduling Office. Please turn in the Event Registration Form two –four weeks before your event,
meeting, or program, depending upon the event location. The original completed copy of the Event
Registration Form will be kept in the Campus Schedulers’ office. The organization officer who submitted the
form will receive an event confirmation via email. A hard copy of this confirmation will be provided by request.
A copy of your confirmation should be available during the event to serve as verification of registration.
 Event Registration Forms must be submitted at least two weeks prior your event, with the exception of
events taking place at College Place Church or the Concert Hall and Cottingham Theatre, which requires
a four week notice.
 An advisor (or alternate full-time college faculty or staff member) must be present for the full duration
of any event taking place at College Place Church as well as for socials and mixers taking place in any
 If we determine your event falls under the dance policy, you will be notified, and expected to complete a
secondary form.
 Approval of your event does not guarantee availability of your preferred set up. These arrangements
must be confirmed separately with Facilities Management. If your preferred set up is not possible, we
will work with you to match it as closely as possible or find an alternate event date.
 We reserve the right to request that an advisor or CCPD be present at any event.
 We encourage you to not hold events or meetings during exam week. If you choose to submit a request
for an event to take place during exam week, your request will have to be approved by the Dean of
 All non-Columbia College guests must observe our policies. You are responsible for your guests’
actions and must complete the Off-Campus Guest section on the Reservation Form.
Step 1: Complete an Event Registration/Facility Reservation Form and submit it to the Office of
Campus Scheduling (Forms can be submitted in person in Spears 135 or by email to
[email protected]). This form must be filled out completely in order to receive approval. Note:
Reservations should be made at least two – four weeks prior to an event, depending upon the event
location. Organizations that do not reserve spaces and obtain proper approvals may be subject to the
loss of room reservation privileges on campus.
Step 2: You will be contacted by the Campus Scheduler by email or phone when approval of your
event has been confirmed. Once the Event Registration/Facility Reservation Form has been submitted
to the Office of Campus Scheduling the Campus Scheduler will then contact your organization’s
advisor, the Office of Student Activities, CCPD, and Sodexo Dining Services for approval. (An
exception is the Student Activities Conference Room which is reserved solely through the Student
Activities Office). Please keep in mind you will receive confirmation only when all of the appropriate
departments have given their approval. You should not publicize your event until approval has been
Note: Most reservations such as for a classroom or Student Union space can be made very quickly.
However, some spaces on campus require approval from the department and may take up to two days to
reserve. For example, Godbold Center, Cottingham Theatre, and Spears Music/Art Center are primary
spaces for the departments located in those buildings.
The Alumnae Office is responsible for scheduling events for Alumnae Hall. Please contact Alumnae
Services at 786-3600 to request that space. An Event Registration/Facility Reservation Form still needs
to be completed and turned in for approval to the Campus Scheduler.
Step 3: Contact Facilities Management for approval on any Set-Up Requests for your event. A
copy of your confirmed Student Event Registration/Facility Registration Form will be submitted to
Facilities Management by the Office of Campus Scheduling. Please note: When you receive
confirmation from the Campus Scheduler on your event, this confirmation is for space only. You are
responsible for contacting Facilities Management to finalize set-up arrangements, at which time they
will confirm whether or not your requested set-up is available.
Please note: Set Up Requests forms must be submitted to Facilities Management two weeks prior to
your event. This includes events taking place in Breed, Humphries Hall, the SU Dining Hall, SU B106,
SU Lounge, Alumnae Hall, and outdoor spaces. If you have any questions as to whether your event
requires a Set Up Request please utilize the contacts listed on the following page.
Step 4: Contact Sodexo Food Services if you are planning to serve food at your event. Due to the
contract Sodexo has with the college, Sodexo must be given the opportunity to provide all of your
organization’s food service needs. If Sodexo decides not to complete your order then you can use
another vendor. However, you must remember to go to them every time and understand their decision
may change with future orders.
Canceling events:
Contact the Director of Campus Scheduling and Special Events to release the space at
786-3783. If you reserved the Student Activities Conference Room please call Sue Gerdes at
Inform each department on the Event Registration/Facility Reservation Form of the cancellation. It
is especially important to obtain a cancellation signature from Sodexo. If you do not, you will
be subject to charges for the food prepared for the canceled event.
Commonly Used Spaces on Campus with capacities noted:
BLC Foyer
BLC 201/202
BLC Boardroom
Humphries Hall
Student Union B106
Student Activities Conference Room (B101D)
Student Union (TV Lounge)
Student Union Dining Hall
Student Union Terrace
Student Union Lobby
The Mall
The Green
Porter Gym
Spears Concert Hall
Cottingham Theatre
125 for standing reception
75 classroom style, 149 auditorium style
25 at table, 20 additional chairs along the walls
120 at tables, 143 for standing reception
1 fundraiser, vendor, or display table next to the ATM
200 (approximately)
500 (approximately)
200 on bleachers, 200 chairs on floor
We encourage student organizations to use the Student Union facilities as often as possible for meetings and events!
Columbia College Student Event Registration Form
Step 1: Bring this form to the Office of Campus Scheduling for approval. Section #1 and #2 are required.
Section #1: Campus Scheduling Office
(Please complete all items in this section before requesting approval.)
Name of Event:
Requested Location:
Target Audience:
Event Type:
Advisor Name:
Contact Number(s):
Date(s) of Event:
Beginning Time:
Number of participants:
Group Meeting
Guest Speaker
Visual Arts Event
Other (please describe):
Ending Time:
Musical Performance
Multi-Media Presentation
Theatrical Performance
Dining Hall Table
How do you plan to advertise your event? (ie: Daily Blast, Facebook, flyers etc)
Briefly describe your event:
Will there be off-campus guests?
If yes, where will your guests be coming from?_____________________________________________
If yes, what is the approximate age group of your guests?_____________________________________
Will CCPD need to be present at this event?
Cancellation Policy: All events must be cancelled through the Scheduling Office at least 1 working day in advance. Cancellation
through the Scheduling Office is for information only, and does not cancel food service, facilities set-up requests,
or off-campus vendors.
Section #2: Facilities Management
Please use the additional space on the reverse side of this form to draw a
set up diagram or list any additional information regarding your set up needs.
Seating Needed for:
Seating Style:
(number of participants)
Other (please describe):
Tables Needed (check all that apply and please list number needed ):
Equipment Needed (check all that apply):
Microphones (please indicate type and number needed):
Other(please describe):
Sound System
iPod Cord
Risers (# needed___)
CD Player
Tent (1- 10x10)
Cordless Mic
Corded Mic
Lavaliere Mic
Other Equipment(please describe):
Note: All multimedia equipment (including screens, projectors, and laptops) must be reserved through
the Media Center at x3712
Facilities Management
Please note that set-up requests must be submitted to Facilities Management 2 weeks prior to your event date, if your event requires
the setup of tables, chairs, sound system, etc. This form serves as the first step in the set up request process. If additional information
or paperwork is required for this event you will be contacted by the Office of Campus Scheduling or the Office of Facilities
Management. Requests will be processed on a first-come first-serve basis. Requests for changes made after 3pm prior to the date of
the event may not be honored.
Please use this area to draw a set-up diagram or list any additional set-up needs below:
Cancellation Policy: If your event is cancelled, you must notify Facilities Management of the cancellation of your set up request at
least 1 working day in advance of the scheduled date of your event.
Facilities Management Cancellation Approval: _____________________________________ Date:__________________
Sodexo Food Service Please Note: Sodexo is the exclusive foodservice provider for Columbia College.
Service Needed:
Approved by:
Budget Account #:
Cancellation Policy: Cancellations must be approved by both the organization’s representative and the food service manager with at
least 3 days advance notice. Cancellations are subject to charges for expenses incurred prior to cancellation. If 3 days’ notice is not
given, the organization may be subject to total balance due. Increases or decreases in estimated number must be given to the food
service manager with 3 days’ notice. The organization will be billed for the estimated number or actual attendance, whichever is
Food Service Cancellation Approval: _____________________________________ Date:__________________
This section to be completed by Campus Scheduling Office Only:
Date Received:
Confirmation #:
Advisor Approval Received:
CCPD Notified:
Student Activities Approval Received:
Facilities Notified:
Sodexo Approval Received if Dining Hall Tables Requested:
Event Summary Evaluation
Name of Event/Act: _______________________________________ Agency: _____________________
Date of Event: __________________________ Location of Event: ______________________________
Committee: ___________________________________ Chairperson: ____________________________
Please provide a brief description of the event (i.e., topics discussed, type of music, vulgarity used, etc.):
Expense/Revenue Summary
Ticket Sales
________ tickets x $______ each
Other (please describe) __________________________________
Total Income $____________
Performance fee
Labor (security, ticket window, ushers, Facilities Management, etc.)
Audio-visual equipment rental
Hotel and transportation
Incidentals (meals, snacks, petty cash expenses, etc.)
Publicity (please list all publicity done for the event)
Other (please describe) __________________________________
Total Expense $____________
- Total Income $____________
Net Expense $____________
÷ Total students in attendance ____________
Total Spent per student $____________
Please rate the event or program on the following criteria:
Day, Time, and Location of Event
Appropriateness for Campus
What were the positive aspects of the event or program? ____________________________________________________
What were the negative aspects of the event or program? ____________________________________________________
What could have been done to improve the event or program? ________________________________________________
Should this event or program be brought back in the future?
Financial Information
CCSGA funds cannot be used for the following:
 Promotional items designated for the organization’s members, such as t-shirts or key chains or an
organization banner
 Fees associated with attendance at a conference or convention
 Fees associated with fundraising efforts exceeding $35 per semester. Student Activities will check to see if
your organization has completed your fundraiser at the end of each semester. If you have not, those funds
will be removed from your organizations’ account
 Organizational chapter dues
 The cost of member gifts
 The cost of advisor gifts exceeding $25 per year
 Salaries for members, advisors, or directors
Making a Deposit
To make a deposit:
1. Write the organization account number on each check being deposited. (Students writing the checks
must also write their student ID numbers on their checks.)
2. Attach adding machine tape to checks and/or cash showing the total amount being deposited.
3. Complete the Student Organization Money Request/Deposit Form.
4. Take the completed form to Student Activities for signature and approval from either the Graduate
Assistant for Orientation and Leadership Development or Director of Student Activities. Make copies
before any deposits are turned into the bank at Tuition Accounts. A copy should go to Student Activities
and a copy should go to the Treasurer of your organization for their records.
5. Deposits should be turned in during regular banking hours, 10 am - 3 pm, to Tuition Accounts (Third
Floor, Allison Building). If you are unable to get to the bank during their regular business hours, you
may drop it in the drop box at Tuition Accounts.
Obtaining a Reimbursement
If you need a reimbursement from an organization’s account:
1. You must have an original receipt for the amount to be reimbursed.
2. Complete the Student Organization Money Request/Deposit Form. If the reimbursement amount
exceeds $50, a signature from your organization’s advisor is required. Officers and Advisors may not
authorize their own reimbursement.
3. Take the completed form to Student Activities for signature and approval from either the Graduate
Assistant for Orientation and Leadership Development or Director of Student Activities. Make copies
of your original receipt and the Student Organization Money Request/Deposit Form. A copy of the
receipt and form should go to Student Activities and to the Treasurer of your organization for their
records. Student Activities can scan and email copies in lieu of hard copies.
4. After you have your paperwork signed, you can go to Tuition Accounts (Third Floor, Allison) during
their business hours and get reimbursed. Only the person who the form is made payable to will be able
to get the money. Your picture ID is required.
5. For requests over $50, the Business Office will cut a check for the full amount. Checks are cut twice a
week, usually on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Tuesday check runs require that all information be turned in
by 12:00 noon on the previous Friday. Thursday check runs require that all information be turned in by
12:00 noon on Tuesday. Checks are usually sent to Student Activities the day after they are processed,
unless specified otherwise on the payment request.
Obtaining a Cash Advance
If you need a Cash Advance:
1. Cash advances are restricted to $50 or less.
2. Complete the Student Organization Money Request/Deposit Form
3. Take the completed form to Student Activities for signature and approval from either the Graduate
Assistant for Orientation and Leadership Development or Director of Student Activities. Make copies
of the Student Organization Money Request/Deposit Form. A copy should go to Student Activities and
a copy should go to the treasurer of your organization for their records. Officers and Advisors may not
authorize their own cash advance.
4. Take the form to the Tuition Accounts Office during their regular business hours to receive the advance.
Only the person who the form is made payable to will be able to get the money. Picture IDs are
5. Once a purchase has been made, bring the receipt(s) and any remaining money to Student Activities. All
change must then be deposited and receipts must be taken to Tuition Accounts for verification. All receipts
should be turned in to Student Activities within three days of receiving an advance.
Requesting a Check
If you need to request a check for payment:
1. Complete the Student Organization Money Request/Deposit Form. If the check amount exceeds $50, a
signature from your organization’s advisor is required. Officers and Advisors may not authorize their
own payment.
2. Take the completed form, along with the original invoice or contract, to Student Activities for signature
and approval from either the Graduate Assistant for Orientation and Leadership Development or
Director of Student Activities. Make a copy of the Money Request/Deposit Form. A copy should go to
Student Activities and a copy should go to the treasurer of your organization for their records.
3. The Business Office will cut a check for the full amount. Checks are cut twice a week, usually on
Tuesdays and Thursdays. Tuesday check runs require that all information be turned in by 12:00 noon
on the previous Friday. Thursday check runs require that all information be turned in by 12:00 noon on
Tuesday. Checks are usually sent to Student Activities the day after they are processed.
For more information on any financial information, please don’t hesitate to ask. Remember to make sure you
receive approval from the Office of Student Activities for all financial transactions. This makes record
keeping much easier for your organization and allows Student Activities to maintain a current record of your
organization’s account.
Student Organization Money Request/Deposit Form
Date: ___________________
Student Activities must sign all financial transactions (ex. deposits, reimbursements, advance, etc.).
Reimbursement* □
Payment Request* □
To Acct.
PAYABLE TO: ____________________________________________ PHONE _______________________
COLUMBIA COLLEGE ID # or FEDERAL ID #: ________________________________________________
ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________________________________
CITY: ____________________________
STATE: ____________
ZIP: __________________________
Organization/Class Making Request: ___________________________________________________________
Account #: _____________________________
Amount Requested: ________________________________
Purpose: __________________________________________________________________________________
Organization/Class Making Deposit: ___________________________________________________
Account #: ____________________________ Amount Deposited: __________________________
Purpose: _________________________________________________________________________
Prepared By: _________________________Treasurer or President Signature: _______________________
Cash Received By: ____________________ Advisor Signature**: ________________________________
Please Indicate Request Below
US Mail ____ Pick Up ____
To Student Activities ________
To Campus Box ____________
*Must include all receipts and documentation for reimbursement and/or check request.
** Advisor Signature required only if request exceeds $50.
For office use only:
Student Activities Authorizing Signature: ________________________________________
Receipts turned in from cash advance: __________________________________________
Columbia College
Student Organization Solicitation Form
Name of Organization: ______________________________________________________________________
Contact Person and Position: _________________________________________________________________
Phone Number: ________________________
E-mail: _________________________________________
Date(s) of Fundraiser: _______________________________________________________________________
Describe the project (types of items/services being sold, donations being collected, etc):
Describe how the project will be carried out (location, audience targeted, etc):
Purpose for which the funds will be used: _______________________________________________________
Signature of Person Completing Form
Signature of Organization’s Advisor
Will this project involve an outside company, agency, or individual? Yes: ___ No: ___
If so, please list the name of the company/agency. _________________________________________________
Please note that you cannot use more than $35 of your SGA allocation for your fundraiser. If you go over
the $35 allotment, YOU WILL NOT BE REIMBURSED! This form should be turned in at least 2 weeks
before your fundraiser. In addition, approval of your fundraiser does not reserve your space. Please fill
out an Event Registration form too.
For Office of Student Activities Purposes Only:
Yes: ________________
No: ________________
Reason for Non-Approval: ____________________________________________________________________
Director of Student Activities: _____________________________________
Date: ___________________
Assistant Vice President for Advancement: ___________________________
Date: ___________________
(Approval is needed from the Asst. VP if the fundraiser involves soliciting funds off campus or working with an outside agency.)
We, the members of [New Student Organization], to fully realize our purpose, do hereby adopt and establish this
constitution as the guiding instrument of our organization.
The name of this organization shall be [New Student Organization Name], hereafter referred to as [NSO].
The purpose of NSO shall be to help provide information and assistance to groups wishing to become registered student
organizations of Columbia College.
Section 1. Membership in NSO shall be limited to persons officially connected with the College as students, faculty,
or staff (with voting privileges restricted to students).
Section 2. Membership in NSO shall not be limited to persons based on their race, color, religion, gender, national
origin, age, ability, or sexual orientation.
Section 3. Active membership in NSO shall be conferred upon those members who, in addition to the above
requirements, have paid the semester dues (if applicable) in full within one month of the first day of classes.
Section 1. The officers of the organization shall be elected from the active members. Any student seeking to hold office
must have and maintain an overall grade point average not less than 2.5.
Section 2. The elected officers of NSO shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, which shall
serve as the Executive Committee.
Section 3. Elections:
All officers shall be elected on or before April 1st of each year, and shall serve one-year terms, which
may take effect after April 1.
All officers shall be elected by a majority of the votes cast. Only active members are eligible to vote. If
no candidate for an office receives a majority of the votes cast, then only the top two candidates will be
placed on a second ballot for that office until a majority is reached.
A quorum of one-half of the active membership shall be required for all meetings where officer
nominations or elections take place.
All elections shall be conducted by secret ballot. The ballots shall be tabulated by any officer not on the
ballot and the faculty advisor.
Section 4. Officers’ Duties:
The President shall preside at all NSO meetings and have the authority to appoint all
committee chairpersons, to create new committees, to nominate a faculty advisor to be
approved by the active members, and to act as a spokesperson for the organization.
The Vice President shall preside at all NSO meetings in the President's absence, and in
the event of her resignation, shall become the President of the organization for the
duration of the term. The Vice President will support the President on special projects.
The Secretary shall handle and keep a record of all NSO business and correspondence,
including, but not restricted to recording minutes at all NSO meetings, keeping an up-todate file on all members, and informing members of all NSO meetings and activities.
The Treasurer shall handle all financial transactions of the organization, including, but
not restricted, to the collection of dues (if applicable) and recording all transactions.
Section 5. The Faculty/Staff Advisor to NSO shall be nominated by the Executive Committee and
approved by a majority vote of a quorum of active members. The Faculty/Staff Advisor must be
selected from full-time faculty or administrative staff members of the College.
Dues and Finances
Section 1. The dues for NSO (if applicable) will be established by the Executive Committee. Payment of
dues must be received by the Treasurer within one month of the first day of class of each semester to be
an active member of NSO.
Section 2. NSO will finance its activities through membership dues, fund raising projects, or funding
from Student Government Association allocations, if so granted.
Section 1. The first meeting of the fall semester shall be held within two weeks after classes start.
Section 2. Regular meetings shall be held at least once a month during the school year at times set by the
Section 3. The meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the revised edition of Robert’s Rules of
Section 4. The basic agenda at regular meetings shall follow:
Call to order
Roll Call (Optional)
Approval of minutes
Executive committee report
Officer reports
Committee reports
Old business
New business
Section 5. Action on any business, old or new, requires a quorum of one-half of the active
membership of the organization.
Removal from Office
Section 1. An NSO officer whose dereliction of duty adversely affects the operations of the organization
shall be subject to disciplinary action or removal from office.
Section 2. A written request stating the reasons for dismissal and signed by at least three (3) active
members of the organization must be submitted at a regularly scheduled meeting.
Section 3. Before the next regularly scheduled meeting, written notification of the request and the reasons
for dismissal must have been given to the offending officer, who should come to that regular meeting
prepared to speak.
Section 4. A two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of all active members is required to remove the officer
from office.
Constitutional Amendments
Section 1. The Constitution is binding to all members of NSO, but is not binding unto itself.
Section 2. Amendments to the Constitution must be proposed in writing by an active member of NSO at
any regular meeting at which two-thirds (2/3) of the active members are present.
Section 3. Proposed amendments shall be voted upon only after two regular meetings following the
introduction of the proposal.
Section 4. Proposed amendments will become effective following a three-fourths (3/4) affirmative vote
of the active members.
Sample President’s Position Description
Prepare for all meetings
Preside at organization meetings
Facilitate Executive Board meetings
Meet weekly with the advisor
Inform the Executive Board of other meeting information
Represent the organization to the institution
Serve as spokesperson for the Executive Board and organization
Serve on various committees or task forces
Prepare prior to all interviews
Organizational Effectiveness:
Lead the setting and accomplishing of goals
Assess and fulfill the purpose and needs of the organization
Assist all executive officers
Be aware of all money matters
Coordinate campus-wide programs
Provide follow up to organizational tasks
Coordinate the Executive Board transition
Create a shared vision with the group and enable others to articulate the vision
Recognition and Motivation:
Provide motivation for the organization
Be open to all opinions and input
Prepare for the annual banquet
Sample Vice President’s Position Description
Preside at organization meetings in absence of the President
Serve as Parliamentarian
Direct constitutional updating and revision
Facilitate elections
Submit term reports
Serve as liaison to committees
Perform other duties as determined by the needs of the organization
Sample Secretary’s Position Description
Prepare and maintain minutes of all Executive Board and organizational meetings
Send minutes to all appropriate members and institutional staff
Prepare an agenda with the President for all meetings
Maintain attendance (roll call) at all meetings
Maintain a calendar of events
Maintain a phone and email directory of all members
Inform members of upcoming meetings and events
Reserve meeting rooms for the year
Oversee the organization’s public relations and advertising of meetings and events
Maintain the office and any supplies; work with the treasurer when new supplies need to be
Organize an end-of-the-year slide show
Minutes should include the following information:
 Type of meeting (executive, organization, standing committee, etc.)
 Date, time, and place
 Time of call to order
 Approval and/or amendments to previous meeting minutes
 Reports from officers, standing and special committees
 General matters
 Record of proposals, resolutions, motions, seconding and final disposition (and the names of
people making these)
 A summary of the discussion
 A record of voting
 Time of adjournment
Sample Treasurer’s Position Description
Prepare the organizational budget
Prepare money request/deposit forms and submit according to institutional procedures
Maintain financial records in an organized manner
Serve as Chair of the Finance Committee
Audit books twice a semester with the advisor
Make regular reports to the Executive Board and the organization
Coordinate solicitations and fundraisers
Maintain an inventory of all equipment and its condition
Serve on various committees and task forces
Sample Advisor’s Position Description
Meetings/Information Sharing:
Meet weekly with the organization’s President and/or Executive Board
Attend organization meetings and events when possible
Give a report during the organization’s regular meeting
Keep the Executive Board informed on institutional matters
Provide a background history and insight to the organization
Understand institutional requirements for the organization
Organizational Effectiveness:
Encourage and assist in the setting of organizational goals
Help the officers assess and fulfill their duties
Develop the effectiveness of the officers and members through coordinating leadership
development/team-building opportunities
Confront ineffective leadership, negative behaviors, or lack of follow through
Assist Treasurer with budgeting and financial issues
Assist with risk management decisions
Assist with election concerns
Recognition and Motivation:
Promote involvement and discussion
Provide motivation for the organization
Encourage annual celebrations and recognitions