Sponsored by - Junction Eagle
Sponsored by - Junction Eagle
The Junction Eagle, Wednesday, December 10, 2008 DEADLINE MONDAY 5:00 p.m. Page 11 Classified Ads The Junction Eagle P.O. Box 226 Junction, TX 76849 Phone: 325-446-2610 Fax: 325-446-4025 All want ads are cash in advance except for those firms and individuals carrying regular 30-day accounts. Charges are thirty cents (30¢) per word with a $3.00 minimum. There is no discount for multiple insertions. REAL ESTATE Texas Crossword solution Candy Cargill, Broker This week’s solution FOUR KIMBLE COUNTY RIVER RANCHES www.thorntonranchsales.com See Price, Terms, Details, Snapshots & Maps At: 960 ACRES: On Main Llano River 15 miles northeast of Junction. Almost 1 mile of choice river frontage. Excellent tree cover. High fenced. Paved road frontage. Trophy white-tail deer, turkey, quail & fabulous fishing. 95 ACRES: On Main Llano River 2 miles northeast of Junction. Five-yr.-old five bedroom, 3 bath rock & cypress house. Paved road access, nice pecan bottom, excellent water well. Gamey. Easy river access. Convey all minerals owned. 70.13 ACRES: On South Llano River near the state park. 1,650 ft. of choice LD river frontage, hwy. 377 frontage, 3 cabins, giant pecan and oak trees, minerSO als & water rights included. 3.73 ACRES: On South Llano River near the state park. 3 bedroom, 2 bath cedar & rock house with large deck overlooking the river plus a small guest house with deck, both recently remodeled. Superb kayaking, boating, tubing, swimming & fishing. Will sell with or without furnishings. Hill Country Real Estate Sudoku Solution WEEKLY MEETINGS The Mills Ranch, apx. 234 acres just outside of Junction on both sides of County Road 311. Large hills with caves and rock outcroppings make way for fantastic views in all directions. Three tanks, new fencing, seasonal creek, windmill, cabin and ranch equipment complete the package. Currently under a wildlife maintenance plan. Call and make an appointment for a showing…..$695,000.00 (Gillespie MLS#58049) Priced below county appraisal! H-31-tfnc 1-800-510-9951 830-833-4591 830-833-4592 fax www.hcrealestate.com THORNTON RANCH SALES 1501 Isaac Creek Circle New Braunfels, TX 78132 Phone: 210 656-1955 E-mail: [email protected] WANTED: Kimble Country Ranch listings on any and all types of land. T-11-tfnc HELP WANTED FOR RENT or LEASE Cedar Hills Apartments now leasing 1 & 2 bedroom apts. 446-4560 or 446-2958. D-26-tfnc Retail or office space for lease in downtown Junction. Call for info. 446-2312 or 210-296-1429 H-37-tfnc Wanted-A few good caregivers to provide services for our clients in their homes. Dependable transportation a must, bilingual a plus. Please call 1-800-669-2291 or 325-676-2281. O-5-TFNC Carrier wanted. Deliver San Angelo Times in Junction. Make approximately $700 per mo. working early morning hours. 1-800-588-1884 ext. 8291. S-48-4c Help wanted. Full time and part time positions available. Apply in person at 2345 Main. EOE D-26-tfnc Rowe’s Chevron needs help all positions. Apply in person at R-21-tfnc 2415 N. Main. Help wanted at COOPER’S BAR-B-Q. Full/part time. Benefits, vacation, retirement. No phone calls please. Apply in person only 2423 N. Main. C-30-tfnc UNDER NEW MANAGMENT Days Inn Junction now hiring housekeeping & front desk. Apply in person. D-45-4c RANCH & FARM NEW MEXICO ALFALFA, small square and one ton bales. Also square bales sudan and coastal hay. Can deliver. 325-446-3577 or 830C-30-tfc 370-4425. Wanted: Grazing land for cattle. Will pay by acre or by head/month. Call Ward 210W-37-tfnc 215-7790. Horses For Sale Weanlings, yearlings and older. Tony Ramirez cell 210-912-4859 or R-14-tfnc home 325-446-3774. Haygrazer 4x5 bales. Abundantly fertilized and watered. Jay @ 325-446-3162. S-43-8c Quality HAY Coastal, Hay-grazer, Bluestem, Round or square Can deliver Tony Ramirez (210) 912-4859 cell (210) 319-0991 truck (325) 446-3774 nights Johnny’s Exxon time/part-time, all shifts J-26-tfnc El Lobo Ranch located at the start of the hill country between Glen Rose and Stephenville, Texas, has an opening for an experienced Ranch Foreman. El Lobo Ranch is a 600-acre high fenced game ranch that has an extensive year around feeding program. Successful candidates will have a degree in Wildlife Management or Range Management, be experienced in all aspects of construction to include welding and farm and ranch maintenance. The Ranch Foreman will be required to routinely guide and entertain clients and associates of the Ranche’s owners. Experience in roping and working with horses is a definite plus. R-28-TFNC Reginald Stapper Farm & Ranch Management Consulting Custom farming, Irrigation, Pecans, Hay, & Grazing management 830-683-7322 cell S-47-tfnc Hay Sudan Square Bales $4. 720 Smith Lane. 325-446-5801. W-48-2p DAY HUNTING Day hunting: axis, whitetail and turkey. Small place, lots of W-48-2p game. 325-446-5801. Successful candidates must be organized, professional in manners and dress and must be proficient in following directions to ensure on time completion date of tasks and within budget. El Lobo Ranch annually constructs a new building project and is recognized as a one of a kind unique and special ranch. Only the most professional and committed should apply. The Ranch offers a competitive compensation package to include insurance, Individual Retirement Account (IRA) and bonuses. This position is typically a 5-day per work week. Please forward your resume to: Mr. Jerry King -Echevarria Post Office Box 1172 Addison, TX 75001 (972) 248-4886 Phone (972) 732-7294 Fax or email: [email protected] An Equal Opportunity Employer FOR SALE HUNTERS LP gas dryer, used electric dryer, used washing machine, electric kitchen range. ALSOrepair most home appliances, small and large. No fixee, No chargee. DAVE’S FIXIT 325-446S-43-tfnc 2901. Trailer flooring for cattle, equipment hauling trailers, etc. 2 inches thick, solid oak. 830Q-7-52c 997-6503. 18 CU. F/F refrigerators-$175$250. TV’s--$95-$125. 30” electric or gas range-$250. Washer$125. Dryer, electric or gas-$125. Twin mattress with boxsprings, new-$145 pair. Double mattress/box springs $165 a pair. Queen mattress with box springs, new $195 set. King mattress with box springs, new-$295 set. Bunk beds w/new mattresses-$385 complete. Furniture 830-257-4267. also. M-tfc Beaux Cook, Agent (210) 387-9949 JOHN McCOLLOM & ASSOCIATES 341 Junction Hwy. Kerrville, TX 78028 (830) 896-1122 www.mccollom.com J-5-tfnc For sale: beautiful home near Junction with Llano River frontage. Home is in immaculate condition, one owner. Picturesque setting with gorgeous trees, stone courtyard. All of this on approx. 11 acres. Home is stucco, 3 bed/2 bath. This is a MUST SEE! Call Greene Realty to schedule your private viewing today! For additional info on this and other properties go to www.greene-realty.com Sherron Properties, Broker Box 1094, Mason, Tx 76856 • 325-347-0038 • Fax: 325-347-9038 Email:[email protected] Web:www.mikedail.com 46 ac: 16 NE Mason, 2 irri. wells, lrg. pond, roping arena. $425K. 79 ac: 18 NE Mason: Beautiful oaks w/views; new well, game. $3,600/ac. 100 ac: SE Menard: Oak, wells, game, 6% down, owner finance. $2,895/ac. 110 ac: 28 S Mason on ROWeasement, L.O. & brush, views, abun. game. $3,250/ac. 121 ac: NE Mason: 1/2 timbered, unequipped irri. well, game, tank. $3,295/ac. 124 ac: NE Mason on CR: 30 gpm well, oaks, minerals, game. $3,600/ac. 162 ac: N. Eden: Improved grass, game, tank, Duck Crk, minerals. $1,500/ac. 199.7 ac: NE Eden, mesquite/brush, lots of game, tank & comm. water. $1,350/ac. 293 ac: Menard: Oak, wells, game, owner finance, 6% down. $2,895/ac. 300 ac: NE Mason CR frontage: live oak, 3 wells, all minerals. $2,950/ac. 732 ac: NW Eden: Tanks, water meter, mesq/brush, abund. game. $1,450/ac. 1033 ac: SE Eden: Exotic game ranch, well watered, minerals. $1,895/ac. D-2-TFNC 210 W. Redbud 1 1/2 lots, fully remodeled, 3/2 CH&A, fireplace, huge pecans trees. Don't miss this one, $125,000 Kenneth Waites, Agent 210-355-0381 [email protected] FAST Call The Junction Eagle 325-446-2610 Waites Brush Clearing Tree Shear - No job too big or too small 325-446-2152 210-355-0381 cell Special Government Program, NO MONEY OUT OF YOUR POCKET! On a new home if you own land or family will give you land. BAD CREDIT OK. 1L-26-tfnc 888-697-7690. We move & set up mobile homes. Also do re-levels. Licensed, bonded & insured. 830-367-3194. E-mail [email protected]. I#004474. Superior S-44-8p Mobile Home Movers. Repo’d double wide w/land in Junction. Make up 3 back payments & move in. RBI 35624. C-39-tfnc 800-210-9331. NOTICE OF ESTRAY Owner Finance Land/home $250. dep. Terms neg. (830) 9812430 limited time only. Call C-45-7c Now! 35920 AAA $7500 tax credit SSI/Social Security $1400 net. We can put you in a new home with no payments until 2009. (830) 981-2432 limied offer Must call C-45-7c today! 35920 Es usted dueno de su terreno? Necesita Casa; electricidad, agua, y grenaje? Nostros le podemos ayudar: Financiamos y No tendra pagos hasta el ano 2009! Llame Hoy! 830C-45-7c 981-2430. Esther. 35920 WORK WANTED Alterations, mending, custom sewing, ironing, and some monograming. 325-446-3968. W-44-4p FOR SALE Southwest style hide-a-bed w/2 chairs $275; desk $50; 3 chests of drawers $100 ea; glass top coffee, end & couch tables $200. Dining room set $800. Dining room set S-46-3p $1,200. 325-475-2064 MUST SEE Basset hound puppies for sale. Females: $225; Males: $200. Price includes shots. Ready R-46-5x Dec. 6. 325-446-8004. Stephens Ranch Real Estate E-47-1c SELL it MIKE DAIL REAL ESTATE A Private Property Rights Advocate. Contact Us To SELL or PURCHASE Your Next Property BRUSH CLEARING AA no Pmts till 2009 G-21-tfnc RANCH FOREMAN No. 548 - AF & AM Slated Meeting 8:00 p.m. 1st Thursday Each Month Kelly Simon, WM Ilee Simon, Secretary Manufactured Homes Kimble County: Drug free workplace Monday Nights, 7:00 p.m. Trinity Episcopal Parish Hall W-51-tfc Beautiful views, gently rolling, good hunting, close to town & hardwoods Owner Finance Terms 10% down, 6% interest, 5 year balloon, 20 year amortization Call today! Greene Realty (830) 683-4203 Help wanted:Clerks, fullApply in person 8-2 daily EASY TO OWN RANCHES JUNCTION, TEXAS 50 – 500 ACRES AL-ANON Meetings S-46-tfnc NOTICE OF IMPOUNDMENT OF ESTRAY 08-103 Case No. __ Date: 12-02-08 On the 2nd day of December, 2008, I impounded the following estray: Kind of Animal: Goats Breed: Bore Cross Spanish Color: Red/White Black/White Sex: Male Male Age: 6 months 6 months Size: 75 lbs. 40 lbs. Brand, Marks, Identifying Characteristics: None and, on the 2nd day of December, 2008, I filed a Notice of Estray in the Estray Book of Kimble County, Texas. I have made a diligent search of the register of recorded brands in Kimble County, Texas, for the owner of said estray, but the search did not reveal the owner. Notice is hereby given that, if the ownership of said estray is not determined by the 5th day of January, 2009, said estray will be sold at public auction/sheriff’s sale at Junction Stockyard. WITNESS my hand this 2nd day of December, 2008. Mike Chapman K-48-2c Sheriff of Kimble County, Texas Go Lady Eagles, Go! Show ‘em what you’re made of! Sawyer & 14th, lot 90x145. $12,000. 325-446-4601. C-48-4p FREE PUPPIES Four Austrailian Sheppard/ Border Collie mix puppies for free. Just make them a good home. Call Jennifer at 325-446K-47-2p 9282. The Junction Eagle, the best little newspaper in Texas. Page 12 The Junction Eagle, Wednesday, December 10, 2008 Classifieds! Real Estate Gorgeous home sites with quality restrictions located 3.5 miles from Junction with beautiful views of the surrounding hills and creek.* 3.094 Acres – $47,500. 3.181 Acres – $49,500. 3.491 Acres – $54,500. CONTRACT 3.897 Acres – $59,500. CONTRACT 4.722 Acres – Creek frontage and views! $79,500. 5.836 Acres – Both sides of crystal clear Cedar Creek with a dramatic rock bluff, beautifulCONTRACT trees, and great fishing. Build your cabin or dream home overlooking the creek so close that you can hear the running water! $150,000* 7.404 Acres – One of a kind creek tract with approx. 650 feet on both SOLD sides of Cedar Creek. Private water with unique rock dam. Many large hardwood trees and a beautiful building site. $250,000* 9.46 Acres – South Llano River with beautiful pecan trees and cozy 2BR/1BA cabin, workshop, close to town, a must see. $375,000 9.957 Acres – Main Llano River, scattered lg. live oak and pecan trees. $210,000.* 9.998 Acres – 360+ ft. of Main Llano River frontage, newly remodeled 2750+/-sf 4Br/2.5Ba, CH/A, large covered patio under huge oak trees, workshop, beautiful pecan tree shaded river view. $425,000.* 12.80 +/- Acres – Both sides of Sycamore Creek for over 825 feet with new concrete dam and breathtaking views of a dramatic rock bluff. Good soil and easy access in the much desired Segovia area. $225,000. 14.85 Acres – North Llano River with older 3Br/2Ba rock home, carport, and barn. Large pecan and oak trees with city utilities. $300,000. 19.841 Acres – Main Llano River with large live oak and pecan trees and grassy fields with over 665 ft. of river. $395,000.* 28.113 Acres – Main Llano River. Great showplace with over 985 ft. of river with large grassy fields and scattered pecan and oak trees. A new water well, underground electricity, fencing and entrance. $545,000* 31.95 +/- Acres – Beautiful mix of liveoak and cedar with great hilltop views and several outstanding home sites. Segovia area! $239,500. 59.33 Acres – Menard County Great turn-key hunting tract. Complete with blinds, feeders and 2 BR/1BA home! Liveoak and cedar. $214,000 60+/- Acres with 1,000+/- ft. of creek frontage for swimming and enjoyment, large Pecan trees, charming old rock cabin, equipment shed, oak and cedar covered hills & canyon provide excellent hunting, electricity & water on site, less than 10 minutes from Junction. $625,000.* 67.04 Acres – Excellent hunting ranch surrounded by large ranches, abundant axis, whitetail, hogs, turkey, 2 blinds & feeders. $199,500.* 150+/- Acres–Sutton County, hunting ranch surrounded by large SOLD neighbors with paved county road frontage and minerals. $1,850/acre. Houses 109 South 4th – 3BR/2BA, CHA, nicely updated inside priced to sell. $85,000 306 West St. – 4Br/3Ba with CHA, recent remodel, new outside paint, great neighborhood, nice house. Reduced to $120,000. 201 West Cedar–3BR/2BAbrick home, nicely updated with large game room in great neighborhood. $112,500 Commercial 1802 Main St. – Office sites for sale. $25,000- $75,000* 11.44 Acres - Junction Stock Yards – Large building, city water, and great frontage on Hwy 83 North. $395,000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Home: 325-446-8680 Email: [email protected] * Owner/Broker T-8-TFNC Junction Ranch Real Estate 1100-B Main Street Junction, Texas 76849 (325) 446-3811 www.junctionranchrealestate.com 491.34 Acres-Hwy. frontage, new cabin, new well. Liveoak and mesquite country, very little cedar. Good network of roadsentire ranch is accessible by two-wheel drive vehicle. Great hunting for native game and axis deer. 489 Acres-North Llano River frontage, has 2-year-around springs, & 2 houses. 117.26 Acres-Easy access, electricity, heavily wooded with liveoaks and cedar. Loads of game. Axis, Blackbuck, whitetail, turkey, and hogs. Owner financing is available. 108.03 Acres-Llano River frontage, easy access to river. Water well, building sites with views. Great hunting & fishing. 10 minutes from town. 79 Acres with about 1400 ft. of San Saba River frontage. 45+/- ac. farmland, 1 well & 2 earthen tanks. Great for bird hunters or watchers. 44.97 Acres-County road frontage. Travel trailer, electricity, fenced. Great hunting. COMMERCIAL 5+/- ac. - great investment–located 83 & I-10. $2,300,000 1908 Main. Great location. Almost one acre. REDUCED to $80,000. 1008 Main-Great location. $65,500 HOUSES 804 Hackberry - 2 BR/1 BA., Just remolded, very cute. $67,500. 310 S. 9th St. - 3 or 4 bedroom, 1 bath, living/dining combo, large country kitchen. Needs a family/handyman. Quiet neighborhood. $43,000. 210 N. 19th - 3 BR/2 BA, living room with fireplace, 2 car garage, patio, fenced yard. Great neighborhood. $98,500. 115 Mesquite - Nice 3 BR/2 BA home on 2 lots. Large master bedroom, patio, carport, storage bldg. Quiet neighborhood. $87,500. 410 Cenizo - 3 BR/2 BA, 3 lots, large den, carport, workshop & RV carport. Reduced to $155,000. 2 lots - Bluebonnet. Last of the lots. $17,000. 420 S. 16th - 3 BR/1BA, double carport, nice work shop. 301 S. Llano-Cozy country home 2/1. $79,500. Owner/agent. Mary Murr, Broker..................................325-446-3150 Mary Ruth Williams, Asso. broker..........325-446-2539 Pam Bannowsky....................................... .325-446-4098 J-31-tfc L.R. Castleberry........................................325-475-2028 S u e L e w i s G i p s o n , B ro k e r 8 3 0 - 7 3 9 - 6 9 9 2 ; 3 2 5 - 4 4 6 - 2 4 4 3 ; 8 3 0 - 8 9 6 - 4 1 0 6 www.gipsonrealestateservices.com 50 acres, frontage on Hwy 479, surrounded by large ranches, scenic tract for building site. $6,500/acre. 234 S. 16th 3/2 fireplace, shop, large privacy fenced back yard. $96,500. PRICE REDUCED. 220 acres, hwy frontage, Llano River frontage. Can be divided. Beautiful building sites. 248 +/- ac., mobile home, blinds, feeders, pond, native and exotic game, Edwards County. $3150/ac. 280 acres, Menard County, cultivated land with San Saba River frontage, pecan bottom, irrigation rights. 633.21 ac. Kerr/Real Co. Hwy frontage, abundant wildlife, wells, house & more. 210 Cherry Street--3/2 mobile home, with deck and fenced yard. $35,000 Inventories are low & we need all types of listings Rance Roberts Roxie Thomas Jake Jacob G-27-tfnC 830-329-1496 972-742-7241 830-459-2712 Plumley Realty Sammy Plumley, Broker 325/446-2830 2341 N. Main - Junction, Texas www.plumleyrealty.com Acreage Hwy 377 S. - Small rock cabin, S. Llano River frontage, overlooks river, great access. $175,000. 2.7 ac. Rock home, basement with fireplace, storage bldg., carport, close toSOLD town with paved frontage. $75,000. 5 ac. Johnson Fork Creek frontage, 1 Br., 1 Ba. cedar cabin, large pecan trees, paved frontage, lots of wildlife. $189,000. 7.5 ac. 2 br., 2 ba. house, fireplace, new CH/A, shaded fenced yard w/patio, 2 br., 2 ba., bunk house, new 40’X120” metal barn, field. $275,000. 8 ac., beautiful view overlooking Junction, accessed from Jo Lynn Street. $50,000 9.19 ac. 1Br., 1Ba, large front & back porch, cedar frame, fireplace, study & loft, 1 Br., 1 Ba., bunk house, 1 submersible well, 1 windmill, paved access. $192,500. 9.31 ac. 3 br., 2 ba., split level house, covered redwood deck, great views, Llano River access, work shop. $194,000. 10 ac. 3 br., 2 ba. mobile, S. Llano River frontage, 30 x 60 building, close to town. $300,000. 14.82 ac. N. Llano River, county road access, good fishing and swimming hole, electricity. $178,200. 23 ac. S. Llano River frontage, close to town, easy beach access for swimming and fishing, water well, nice building site w/view of surrounding hills, large pecan trees. $650,000. 43 ac. 2 Br./1 1/2 Ba. cabin, front and back full length porches, awesome view overlooking S. Llano River, water well, private setting, river access to common area. $375,000 62 ac. 5Br./3Ba., native stone, beautiful view, fireplace, large living area, workshop, county road frontage, lots of wildlife, good soil. $400,000. 230 ac. N.E. Kimble county, springs, water well w/windmill, nice live oak cover, mixed hardwoods in draws, good hunting, private, spectacular views, cabin, possible divide. $3,500 per acre. SUTTON COUNTY 15 ac. - Sutton County, lots of N. Llano River frontage, large body of water flows into shallow rapids, nice building site overlooking river, lots of wildlife. $225,000. 40 ac. Sutton Co. Paved frontage, good water well, electricity, deer & turkey. $112,000. 918 ac. - 4 Br./2Ba. house, 2 water wells, paved country road frontage, abundant wildlife, turnkey property. $1,695 per acre. 1705 ac. - Live oaks, 2 ponds, 2 water wells, 2 Br/1Ba. house (new construction), large living area, fireplace, great hunting, field, game proof 2 sides. $1,645 per acre. 2015 ac. - Sutton County, large live oaks, excellent grass, 4 water wells, working pens, large pond, good fences, nice views, good road system, draws lined with oaks, loaded with whitetail, turkey and some roaming exotics. $1645 per acre. MENARD COUNTY 870 ac. - 2 1/2 miles San Saba River frontage, bluffs, cabin, Indian mounds, minerals, native pecan bottom, large hardwood, loaded with game, good access. $4,700 per acre. Houses 224 S. 16th - 3/2 house, good location near school, fenced backyard, CH/A. $59,500 109 Martin Dr. - 3 Br., 1 Ba., brick home w/carport, large fenced backyard, nice trees. $70,000. 218 N. 15th - 3 Br., 2 Ba., hardwood floors, nice yard, 2 car carport, large den. $70,000. 415 S. 16th - 3 Br., 2 Ba., carport, fenced yard, corner lot, storage building, good location, call about repair allowance. $80,000 214 W. Cedar - 2 Br/1Ba., brick exterior, privacy fence, fireplace, garage, nice trees, 2 workshops, RV covered parking, large lot. $129,500. 609 Elm - 3 Br., CH/A, 1 Ba., large metal carport, nice yard with large pecan CONTRACT trees. $65,000 2505 College - 4 br., 3 1/2 ba., hand hewn native stone, CH/A, nice landscape, birding paradise, private covered patio, large den w/rock fireplace, 2 car garage, sprinkler system. 301 Cenizo - 2 Br/2Ba., corner lot, large living area, den w/wood burning stove, screened in porch, computer room, large carport. $99,500. Commercial 2+ ac.-I-10 @ 457 Exit-High visibility area with good access off I-10 each direction. Great potential. $200,000. 115 N. 8th commercial building, good office space, storage space. $75,000. Cody Plumley, broker.............................................325/446-2324 Misty Plumley, agent.............................................325/446-2324 P-27-tfc Carter Plumley, agent...........................................830/591-2084 R.D. Kothmann Real Estate Serving the Hill Country since the 40’s. 1701 Main - Junction - 325/446-3013 www.kothmannrealestate.com J U N C B T O Y Convenience Store, gas, groceries, restaurant and feed. Great location. Harper, Texas. 2 ac. - Intersection of IH-10 & 2169. 5 ac. - One mile west of Junction between 1674 & I-10. 6 +/- ac. - Executive home/hunting & tennis court. Three, 9.5 to 16 ac. river tracts, North Llano. Only three tracts left -119 to 135 ac. - 7 miles N.E. Hwy 377 and 1.9 miles on County Rd. 372. 10 ac. - 3/2 modular, near Harper, fenced & water well. MOTIVATED SELLER 40 ac. - 1100 sq. ft. cabin, AC/H, great hunting. $215,000. 50.3 ac. near town, windmill & water well. 72 ac. Off Loop 479. CONTRACT 147 ac. w/well and solar panel. Segovia area. 204.45 ac. - 6 hunting blinds w/feeders, 30x40 metal CONTRACT building, 2 mobile homes, water, septic. $2750 ac. 212 ac.-Live water ranch, new 3/2 steel frame home. Great hunting. Tremendous views. Must see. 370 ac. Near Junction. Hwy frontage. Will divide. Member MLS-Gillespie County Board of REALTORS® Call for other properties not listed here. Visit us @ thejunctioneagle.com O S N T H F A O M N R E K S T M H O E R I BIERSCHWALE LAND CO. P.O. Box 154 Junction, Texas 76849 325-446-2763 Or 432-631-0589 Paul Bierschwale, Broker® Scott Phillips® www.bierschwalelandco.com I E S Greer Kothmann, Broker.....................................446-3241 Kelly Kothmann....................................................446-3280 W. L. Taff...............................................................475-2155 Hill Country Real Estate, LLC. Ward Bolt Whitworth - Broker 26 2 1 a c . ranch. 40 min. SW of Junction. 73 0 a c. ranch. Kerr Co. 22 0 a c . Main Llano River 137 ac. Main Llano River. New listing. 112 ac. Llano River and hwy frontage, bluff with views. Premium office space for rent. 702 College 325-446-8790 Office www.hillcountryrealestatellc.com What’s read all over the world? The Junction Eagle! Really! Really! W-36-tfnc Trey Sullivan Real Estate Trey Sullivan, Broker 1802 Main St. – Junction, TX 325-446-3725 325-446-6060 WWW.TREYSULLIVAN.COM The Junction Eagle, Wednesday, December 10, 2008 Eagles Continued from Page 1 Mart was back in the driver’s seat, but this time the Eagles defensive unit rose to the challenge in a hurry, dispatching the Panthers after three tries and a punt. Stopping the Mart offense were Sam Herring, O’Brian Rodriquez, D. Stapp and Victor Parga. Starting from the best field position they would have all afternoon on their own 47 yard line, the Eagles drove 53 yards in 9 plays, with D. Stapp doing his driving, jumping over, juking, dodging charges that have defined his running game this season. A McKinnerney-to-Ashton Thomas pass was good for 20 yards. Three yards from paydirt, D. Stapp jumped over a Panther defender to score six for his teammates. Thomas’ kick missed the mark. Eagles 6, Panthers 10. Now the Eagles seemed to have gained their stride. With new energy, the Junction defense battled the Panthers, starting on the Mart 47 yard line. Cody Hale and Alec Menchaca took care of the kick return. Thomas, D. Stapp, Rodriquez, Cole Sandlin, William Whitworth, Herring and a 10-yard holding penalty limited the Panthers’ travels. Then a break. Jordan Keeton slammed into the Mart ballcarrier, who coughed up the pigskin. Sandlin grabbed the loose ball, took off heading west and never looked back. The Eagles attempted to fake a point-after kick when Sandlin, as holder, took the long snap from A.J. Heap and ran for the end zone. He was taken down short. Junction 12, Mart 10. The Panthers used the remaining 52 seconds of the first half to practice their passing game, but Hale, Sandlin, Parga, D. Stapp and Joe Wood put the kibosh to any hopes the Panthers had of regaining the lead before the break. After halftime, things would not go well for the Eagles. In their four offensive efforts, they would punt twice, fumble the ball away and throw an interception. On the second drive, starting on their own 20, the Eagles were cooking along. D. Stapp caught a J-McK pass, only to have a holding penalty cost the Eagles 10 yards. This was followed by a motion penalty for 5 more in the wrong direction. A McKinnerney-to-Thomas pass-catch on a second and 25 saved the drive, but the Eagles could not seal the deal and were forced to punt. The Panthers made only 17 yards on their next drive. Jessie Sauceda shot through the line, downing the Panther ball-carrier for a loss. Hale and Wood combined to sack the talented Mart quarterback, and Brad Sandlin made two more stops. Herring put pressure on the QB’s passing efforts. A long boot gave the Eagles the ball, but they were pinned on their own 5 yard line. Beginning the fourth quarter, trailing by 4 points, D. Stapp kept hammering the line, dragging tacklers along, but he never got an opening for the breakaway romps that have been the highlight of his 2,702 rushing yards this season. He would average 4.4 yards per carry, a stat that most running backs would be happy to claim. For Stapp, however, it was far below his usual impressive numbers. A well-covered C. Sandlin made a beautiful catch. Then, disaster. On first and 10, as D. Stapp was fighting for yardage, the ball came out, or was knocked loose. (Stapp said he wasn’t sure which.) Mart recovered. Adding to the loss of possession was a 15- yard personal foul penalty. The Panthers took over with Junction’s goal line just 27 yards away. Sauceda, Parga, Hale, D. Stapp, Wood, T. Stapp and C. Sandlin made stops, but the Panthers were watching the clock, could see the Junction uprights and were smelling victory. Nine plays later, the Mart QB slipped into the end zone from the two yard line. The point-after kick failed. A 22 to 12 lead, with only 3:41 left in the game, made the possibility of pulling out a win for the Eagles pretty much out of reach, but the mighty heart and spirit of the Eagles would try. Thomas took the kickoff from the end zone out to the 21. D. Stapp ran around the right for 12. A McKinnerneyto-D. Stapp-to-C. Sandlin play didn’t work, but Sandlin and Stapp would pick up more yardage later in the drive. Then J-McK launched a pass downfield, intended for Menchaca, who was barely visible surrounded by two purple uniforms. The pass was picked off, finishing the Eagles’ shot at a slot in the state championship finals. The 2008 Eagles soared higher than any previous Junction football team. They, and their coaches, set a high standard for future teams of gridiron Eagles. They played with class, discipline, skill, spirit of teamwork and lots of heart. They secured a respected place in JISD football history and will, no doubt, be the subject of tales of admiration and pride by their community and school. Congratulations to the 2008 Eagles! To the Eagles who will take to the JISD field next August: Start now! Get to the weight room so that you’ll not only be “Army Strong” and “Built Ford Tough”, you’ll be Dustin Stapp strong and tough! Page 13 These students from Sandra Van Winkle’s 3rd grade class took part in “College Day” on Tuesday. They are, back row, from left, Ethan Whitlock, Elyssa McCain, Mariah Rivera, Jacob Wilham and Noah Ivy. In front, are, from left, Kyna Bullard, Tristan Carlile, Macina Davis, A.J. Esquivel and Brian Black. They all say, “Gig’em.” College Day introduced at JISD In order to get students thinking about college at an early age, Kaycie Sullivan decided to start College Day at JISD. There are two parts to this program: First, once a month students can wear their favorite college T-shirt or colors and may bring spare change for a scholarship fund; a different university is spotlighted each month (the ones that the teachers attended) and the students learn about that college. The first college to be introduced was Texas A&M University. According to Sullivan, the kids really loved the A&M stickers, pencils, etc. they received. They also enjoyed hearing the Aggie War Hymn over the intercom every morning. During the second part of the program, the spare change brought for the scholarship goes to a high school senior chosen by the elementary and middle school. High school seniors will apply and talk to JES and JMS about why they need the scholarship and why they want to go to college. So far there is $1,300 in the scholarship fund, and it continues to grow each month. Now on to the University of Texas! Adults participating in the first “College Day” by listening to the Aggie War Hymn one last time are, from left, Joan Helton, Lisa Lester, Tiffany Bierschwale, Becky Stapper, Meredith Nowlin and Rhandy Helton. Star Shuttle & Charter buses carry the Junction Boys, cheerleaders and the Golden Eagle Marching Band to Georgetown on Saturday to meet the Mart Panthers in the semi-final football playoffs. Loyal football fans and parents followed the buses to and from the game. PUBLIC NOTICES Notice Kimble County Title will be changing our company name to Surety Title Company as of January 1, 2009. All files will remain at 1802 Main Street, Ste. C, Junction, Texas 76849. All operations will remain the same. K-43-1C More Classifieds! Real Estate City of Junction RANCHES 50 Acres 10 minutes northeast of Junction, nice views, good bottom land, building sites. Whitetail D L O Deer, wild turkeys, dove,Sand wild hogs. $2,250 per acre 50 Acres 10 minutes northeast of Junction, nice views, good bottom land, building sites and Gentry Creek. Whitetail Deer, wild turkeys, dove, and wild hogs. $2,500 per acre 52 Acres 46 miles NW of Kerrville. 3-2 home on top of hill with super views of the Texas Hill Country. Barn, garden, good access one mile off Hwy. 479. Fenced and cross-fenced. Nice Hill Country property. $335,000. Call Barry McCollom 830-896-1122; [email protected]; www.mccollom.com/2940.htm. 63 Acres 10 minutes northeast of Junction,D views, good bottom land, building sites. Whitetail L niceper SO$2,500 Deer, wild turkeys, dove, and wild hogs. acre 90 Acres Minutes to Junction, own your own hill. Views, native wildlife, unique ranch. $2,250 per acre 173 Acres 10 minutes northeast of Junction, nice views, good bottom land, building sites. Whitetail Deer, wild turkeys, dove, and wild hogs. $2,000 per acre 233 Acres Ready to go, Cabin, Windmill, small tank, and new fence. Just minutes to Junction, and frontage on County road 311. $2,900 per acre 260 Acres 10 Minutes northeast of Junction, nice views, good bottom land, building sites, hill tops, and Hardwoods. Whitetail Deer, wild turkeys, dove, and wild hogs. $2,000 per acre 631 Acres Views of Tea Cup Mountain and the Llano River Valley, Native wildlife, hardwoods, well, and a nice mix of Hill tops and valleys. $2,000 per acre 742 Acres 5 miles north of Junction. Gentle rolling pastures with some high hills, valleys & scenic canyons. There are some springs in the canyons. $2,200 per acre 1,500 Acres 10 miles north of Junction. Agreat combination of the best features of the Texas Hill Country – scenic hills, high plateau pastures, wooded valleys & creek bottom land. Spring-fed Gentry Creek runs through the ranch for about 3,500+/- feet. Has a new water well & is fenced on 3 sides. $2,250 per acre FOR THE RANCHES LISTED ABOVE CONTACT BEAUX COOK, AGENT 830-896-1122 OR 210-387-9949 Trash Schedule for December 25, 2008, and January 1, 2009. Residential and Commercial trash pick up schedule is as follows: If you are a Thursday pick up, your garbage will be picked up on Wednesday, December 24, 2008 and December 31, 2008. If your garbage is not out on that day, it will not be picked up until the following week. C-48-4c More Classifieds! Real Estate ******************************************* Various sizes ranging from 30 Acres up to 300 Acres with or without improvements just north of Harper. Nice rolling Hill Country terrain. Good views from hilltops. House, large hanger/barn & 2,700' grass airstrip. (2876) Barry McCollom, Agent 320 Acres 14 miles west of Junction. Gentle rolling Hills & river bottom land. _ miles frontage on the beautiful spring-fed North Fork Llano River. 3BR/2BA rock home, carport, metal barn & shed. One water well with submersible pump, one windmill & one 15,000 gallon holding tank. Native & free roaming exotic game. (2848) Beaux Cook, Agent 350 Acres – 16 miles northwest of Kerrville via IH-10 & Hwy. 479. Gentle rolling terrain with good turf and oak trees. Free roaming native & exotic game. Water well & boundaries fenced. Steve Oehler, Agent JOHN McCOLLOM & ASSOCIATES 341 Junction Hwy. Kerrville, TX 78028 (830) 896-1122 www.mccollom.com M-22-tnfc C-12-eowc Page 14 The Junction Eagle, Wednesday, December 10, 2008 Letters to Santa Junction Elementary 2nd graders’ Sponsored by: Bierschwale Land Co. 519 College St. The Junction Eagle, Wednesday, December 10, 2008 Page 15 Letters to Santa Junction Elementary 2nd graders’ Sponsored by: Thornton Ranch Sales 1501 Isaac Creek Cir., New Braunfels Page 16 The Junction Eagle, Wednesday, December10, 2008 Letters to Santa Junction Elementary 2nd graders’ Sponsored by: West Bear Creek 406 Main Street The Junction Eagle, Wednesday, December 10, 2008 Page 17 Letters to Santa Junction Elementary 2nd graders’ Sponsored by: Parker Lumber 2136 N. Main Page 18 The Junction Eagle, Wednesday, December 10, 2008 The Directors of the Kimble County Wild Game Dinner Association would like to thank everyone for their hard work and dedication in making the 2008 Wild Game Dinner the biggest and best ever! Many thanks to you all because we could not do it without YOU!! Prize Donors Simon Bros. Mercantile Conchos & Crosses Eagle Bluff Ranch Junction’s Cowboy Cottage Bode Feed & Supply First State Bank Junction Warehouse Co. Food Basket Sutton Pecan Eva Villanueva Junction NAPA Automotive Flatrock Canoes West Texas Gas Jerry & Judy Ramsey South Llano River Pecans The Legends Inn Carson Distributing Donnie Coleman Hill Country Rentals & More Super S Foods Les Williams Inc.-Big Star Apache Floors Benny Frazier Knives Joy’s Tire & Lube A & M Gonzales Café Cindy’s Taxidermy Hill Country Liquors Teresa’s Country Candles La Familia Restaurant Cooper’s Bar-B-Q & Grill Rite-A-Way Auto Service Hi Lonesome Ranch/Tommy Turners Markey Burch/Premier Alternative Energy Johnny’s Exxon & Subway Sandwiches HillCountry Sporting Goods Wild Rose Native American Jewelry West Bear Creek General Store Mama Kay’s Sunshine Café Meat Donors Cherokee Exotics Game Ranch Escondido Ranch Don Hancock/Crosswinds Ranch Colt Brandenberger Camp Estates Ranch David Garza Jerod White Pete Rose North Mill Ranch Eagle Bluff Ranch Comanchero 4 Ranch Little Paint Ranch Rust Ranch Cody Murr Bryan Booth Ranch Jeff Worrell Dale Brandenberger Alice Rose Don & Cindy Horrocks Douglas Day Dayn Dunbar Dan Bauerle Gun Security Officer Ted Morgan Gun Registration & Transport Rick Clark Dennis Fusilier Matt Willmon Bobby Colston Melonie Willmon Ann Hurtte On Stage Gun Handlers Raffle Ticket Tumbler Turner Kenny Rooke Philip Leach Bryan Booth Meat Cutters Wanda Teel David Teel, Jr. Josh Teel Stephen Teel Ken Herring Corey Childress Vanessa Childress Steven Childress Jimmy Teel David Teel, Sr. Yogi Childress Jacob Childress Johnny Lombrano Daryl Renfroe Michael Wagner Becky Insall Jerry Insall Elise Insall Cade Insall Ainsley Insall Tourism Survey Taker: Judy Nickelson General Helpers Bryan Booth Paul Purlia Phillip Leach Dale Johnson Steve Brown Ted Morgan Kyle Konz Gregorio Villanueva Teresa Leach Brisket Donations Sheriff Mike Chapman Brisket Cooks Tommy Randle Wood Donors: Leon West Mark Batey Ticket Selling Locations West Bear Creek General Store, HillCountry Sporting Goods, Junction Warehouse Co., Parker Lumber, Hill Country Rentals & More and Simon Bros. Mercantile Gun Donors Ella Blue John & Kathy Cashman David & Wanda Teel, Jr. WW Cattle Company Affordable Air & Heat Gene’s Go Truck Stop Rowe’s Chevron Junction Restaurant Bryan & Connie Booth Mr. Anonymous Wild Turkey Lounge Kerr County Federal Credit Union Mitch Davis Construction Harold’s Food Mart Trips by Nick Albert Wolfe III Best Western Dos Rios Rodeway Inn of Junction Cherokee Exotic Adventures Junction/North Llano KOA Coyote Properties Sonny & Donna Price The Heights of Kerrville Dale Johnson Mickey Estep Family London Dance Hall Kothmann’s Real Estate R.D. Kothmann Ins. Deputy Steve Brown Trey Sullivan Real Estate Bierschwale Land Co. Gentry-Fife Funeral Home Hardin Plumbing Junction Dairy Queen Charles & Teena Hagood City Pharmacy Radio Shack Metco Supply Kimble County Ready-Mix Hill Country Chevy/Buick Gipson Real Estate & Appraisal Whitworth Ranch Gene Cole Mechanical CarQuest of Junction Junction Stockyards Kimble County Title Co. Texas Trails Maps Eagle Nest Ranch Atkinson Pecan Company Roy’s Chevron Spaeth-Ahlschwede, PC Attorneys James & Connie Murr Dennis & Judy Dunagan Econo-Lodge Plumley’s Country Store Brad Bullard Properties Junction Ranch Real Estate Hill Country Well Service Clint Smith Propane Morgan Shady Park Ed’s Fix-It Shop Sutton Specialty Electric Hubert D’Spain Family Larry & Sarah Harrison Comanchero 4 Ranch Kneese Land Management Johnson’s Pest Control McGuire Well Service Kerrville Vet Clinic Noe & Doreen Martinez Ox Hollow Woodworks Milky Way Drive In Larry & Suzie Maddux Rooke’s Texas Hills Ins. Clint Singleton Rust Ranch Robinson Plumbing & Appliance Isaack’s Restaurant Tony & Sally Franklin Stone Creek Outfitters Cole & Mitzi Holland Ms. Anonymous Gentry Creek Ranch R & M Land Ventures Sonic Drive Inn of Junction Paul & Carrie Purlia Granite Ranch Bob & Carolyn Carlisle Kimble County Farm Bureau Riverside Saloon Llano Travel Center & Church’s Chicken Junction A&M Club Lynn Nickelson Construction Company Junction Automotive/ Napa Motel 6 Photo Presentation of Donors/Supporters Chamber Webmaster, Derrick Ard Melonie Willmon Connie Booth Hunts Donated Rio Bonito Ranch/Gwen Hughes North Mill Ranch/Bill & Wendy Kirschner Camp Estates Ranch/Marvin Holland, Pat Walkin, Syd Dryer Whitetail Junction Ranch Joshua Creek Ranch, Game Preserve & Resort Donors of Mis. Items, Services & Equip. Pedernales Electric Cooperative Inc. – Banner Junction Deer Processing – Storage & Game Processing Duncan Disposals – Dumpsters/Poly Carts Lee McKinnerney Trucking – Move Equipment Trailer Artic Ice/San Angelo – Bags of Ice & Use of Trailer Cherokee Septic Service – Porta-Potties Ed Harris – Pick-up of Ice and Ice Trailer Connie Booth – Advertising, Gun, Hunt & Prize Solicitation Connie & Bryan Booth – Game Donations HillCountry Sporting Goods – Guns & Gun Table Registration Food Basket & Ben E. Keith Beers/Llano – Ice Chests for Serving Meat Judy Nickelson – Hunt Solicitation AuroraVillanueva – Pickup of Ice Chests Sidna Enterprises – Tents James McCann – Electrical Helper Ed Stewart – Sound System Teresa Leach – Tickets, Prizes, Prize Room & All Around “Big Time” Helper Great Prize Donor Jim Schrieve & Whitetail Junction Ranch WGD 2008 FRY COOKS & COOKS Aaron Bierschwale Justin Bierschwale Johnny Lombrano Chris Casaday Shannon Bynum John Bynum Ivan Ponce Matt Willmon Todd Baca Travis Davidson Adolfo Ponce Jim Barker Craig Brooks Tom Hash Sergio Ponce Matt Stolle Accommodations Duck & Oyster Gumbo Cookers Donated & Servers Red Creek Nature Ranch Terra Firma Cabin Ticket Booth Bill Blaylock Jean Blaylock Serving Lines Angharad Rees Emily Bierschwale Dolphia Dawson Gerald & Avis Loeffler Kelli Lovelace Brandon Leach Anita Alatorre J.D. Kidwell Kim Paxson Roxanne Fargason Caleb Leach Mike Bland Matt Soward Jodie Dawn Billie Noguess Laura Lester Trish Jones Jerry & Janis Kirby Faye Robinson Judy Nagel Marie Robinson Glen & Em Carnett Marty & Catherine Dolfuss Kyle Konz Rick Novotny Paul & Anna Henry Jorge & Lena Roman DeeCee Stewart Billie Stewart Lynn Kelley Vivian Landrey Ice Tea Servers Grand Prize Donor Junction National Bank & Joshua Creek Ranch, Game Preserve & Resort Raffle Ticket Sellers Georgia Morgan (TOP SELLER 2008) Teresa Leach Natalie Kothmann Tamara Munsell Peggy Weems Trudy Weems Rhonda Fuquay Carrie Purlia Aurora Villanueva Miss Kimble County 2008 Sara Sanders Miss Kimble County 1st Runner-Up 2008 Misty Sexton Miss Congeniality 2008 Ashley Rowe Money Room Angie Wilson Trent Wilson Bonnie Brauer Gerald Loeffler Avis Loeffler Joyce Brown Brenda Rios Aurora Villanueva Carrie Purlia Jessie Nixon Keeley Armes Laura Haynes Ashley Gardner Rhonda Nixon Lisa Sanders Prize Registration Table BEANS & CHILI COOKERS: Kenny Rooke Curt Kneese Hardy Hardin Cindy Hardin Ed Harris Stacy Harris Croix Harris Gordyn Harris Claire Higdon Barbecuers Kyle Konz Kyle Konz, Jr. Stacey Tomlinson James Taylor Coe Patton Paul Henderson Tiger Powers Bobby Awtrey James McCan Danny Bundick Paul & Carrie Purlia Prize Movers Prize Room Rhonda Fuquay Ronnie Fuquay Drawers Sara Sanders Misty Sexton Ashley Rowe Little Miss Kimble County 2008 Chariss Barrow Setup & Take Down Junction Volunteer Fire Department Emcees Bryan & Connie Booth The Wild Game Dinner Association is a nonprofit corporation chartered to promote hunting season and Kimble County. Profits are used for the production of next year’s dinner, for equipment, and for community projects, and are distributed between two organizations – The Junction Volunteer Fire Department and the Kimble County Chamber of Commerce and Junction Tourism. Wild Game Dinner Directors are: President Connie Booth, Vice-President Steve Brown, Treasurer Rhonda Fuquay, Secretary Aurora Villanueva, Dale Johnson, Ed Harris, Hardy Hardin, Aaron Bierschwale, Paul Purlia and Judy Nickelson W-48-1c JISD NEWS The Junction Eagle, Wednesday, December 10, 2008 IN SHORT Daedalians Study Club to meet On Thursday, December 18, the ladies of the Daedalian Study Club will hear a Christmas message from Justin Hall in the home of Dorthy Murr. There will also be the club’s annual ornament exchange and Christmas carols. Hosting with Murr are Florence Ellen Murr, Doris Jacoby and Kay Boyles. Leti Study Club to meet Leti Study Club will meet December 16, at 3 p.m. at the same location where it met 55 years ago. The Cecil Woodard home was the setting for organization. Miss Margaret Farmer (now Mrs. Dave Akers) was the first president, and Mrs. Edith Allen served as vice-president. The name of the club was suggested by Miss Betty Hill (now Mrs. Sherry Nall). Leti is an Indian word meaning “promote relations”. Through the years the club has strived to promote good relations throughout the area. Hostesses will be Edith Allen, Emily Bierschwale Betty Nethery (founding members) and Mary Ann Woodard. “Remembrance of Things Past” is the program title and will be presented by original members. From December 1953 to December 2008, the club has served Kimble County in many ways to encourage and promote service, fellowship and good will. Happy birthday Leti. taken to support Junction's Ministerial Alliance. Courthouse to hold open house/ retirement party Kimble County Courthouse will be having the annual Christmas Open House/Retirement Party on December 19, from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. A presentation of plaques will be held at 11 a.m. Come by and wish the retirees well and have a snack. Community Lessons and Carols to be held JMS boys basketball results Sunday Come one, come all! Everyone is encouraged to attend the Community Choir's Service of Lessons and Carols on Sunday, December 14, at 7:00 p.m. at Junction First United Methodist Church. This is truly a community effort with singers from all over Kimble County. We are happy to be joined by many talented instrumentalists this year. Ministers from our local churches will be reading scripture and a love offering will be by Coach Butch Lewis A team Junction 24, Medina 11 Derek Cantu, 10 pts. Kade Wimberley, 6 pts. Reese Sawyer, 3 pts. Justin Brown, 2 pts. Aurelio Hernandez, 2 pts. David Bednarz, 1 pt. B team Junction 24, Medina 12 Drew Martinez, 11 pts. Austin Rivas, 4 pts. Juan Perez, 2 pts. Henry Whitworth, 2 pts. Zach Herbst, 2 pts. Judge Modesto, 2 pts. by Dr. Reneé Schulze Did you know how big the children of Texas? (After Texas public school system English, the most common are really is? Spanish, Vietnamese and Urdu.) • that last year, there were • that 473,000 students with 4.7 million students enrolled in disabilities are being served public schools? every year by Texas schools? • that the largest school dis• that 720 million meals are trict in Texas has 199,534 stu- served each year to disadvandents (Houston ISD) and the taged Texas school children? smallest district has 15 stu• that 2.6 million students dents (Divide ISD)? enrolled in Texas public • that 716 of the state’s 1,222 schools are economically disschool districts and charter advantaged? schools each enroll less than • that 635,000 people are 1,000 students? employed by Texas school dis• that more than 136 lan- tricts-more people than the guages are spoken in the entire state of Wyoming! homes of the public school • that Texas schools spent $1 Page 19 billion on bus transportation in 2006-2007? • that the transportation allotment hasn’t changed since 1984, when the average price of gas was $1.21 per gallon? • that Texas school buses drive more than 262 million miles each year? (That’s 550 round trips to the moon!) • that more than 48 million textbooks are distributed to students each school year? • that 246 districts encompass more than 300 square miles? • that 974,000 students were enrolled in at least one Career and Technology course last year? • that Texas schools tested the physical fitness of 2.6 million students last spring? Head Start Menu Breakfast Monday, December 15 Mandarin oranges, French toast Tuesday, December 16 Frozen stawberries, Cream of Wheat Wednesday, December 17 Fruit juice, cheese toast Thursday, December 18 Bananas, cold cereal Friday, December 19 Apple slices, waffles Snack Rotary Exchange student Janis Laursons shares with his basketball idol Andris Biedrius (star center of the Golden State Warriors) their countries flag. Both are from Latvia. Monday, December 15 Milk, animal crackers Tuesday, December 16 Fruit juice, crackers & cheese Wednesday, December 17 Milk, bananas, vanilla wafers Thursday, December 18 Apple slices, trail mix Friday, December 19 Pineapple juice, oatmeal cookie Lunch Dennis Smith, right, got more than he expected when he went to the Spurs game. Posing with Tony Parker (NBA MVP 2007 Finals) Smith now has proof for his wife, Betty, that he really attended the game. Parker Lumber Bridal Registry Bridal registry is always open. Come by and make your selections. 2136 N Main Sudoku puzzle 325-446-2243 2101 Main Street, Junction (325) 446-3321 Milk is served at breakfast and lunch. Community Calendar Luke Tillman Thursday, December 11 Land Improvement Cedar Clearing Mesquite Clearing General Bobcat Work Right of Ways Full Liability Insurance 210-216-9304 London Community Library: 9-10 a.m., London Com. Center London Exercise Group: 9-10 a.m., London Community Center Rotary: noon, Isaack’s Restaurant JHS Band Concert: 6:30 p.m., Auditorium Order of the Eastern Star: 7 p.m., Masonic Hall London Community Association: 7 p.m., Community Center Friday, December 12 London Community Library: 9-10 a.m., London Comm. Center London Exercise Group: 9-10 a.m., London Community Center 3rd Grade Christmas Program: 1 p.m., Auditorium Junction, Texas T-31-tfnc Saturday, December 13 Sponsored each week by: Kimble Hospital Monday, December 15 Chicken w/rice, bread, peas & carrots, pineapple Tuesday, December 16 Ham & macaroni, bread, broccoli, mixed fruit Wednesday, December 17 Sloppy Joe, bun, tator tots, applesauce Thursday, December 18 Chicken spaghetti, bread, cauliflower, peaches Friday, December 19 Cheese enchiladas, Spanish rice, pinto beans, pears COW POKES by Ace Reid Frontier Guards Camp, Sons of Confederate Veterans, Mary Harlow Griffith Chapter, Order of the Confederate Rose: 10 a.m., Full Gospel Church Fellowship Center Sunday, December 14 Men’s Bible Class: 9 a.m., broadcast on KRVL 93.5 from Girl Scout House Celebrate Recovery: 6 p.m., First United Methodist Church Community Choir’s Service of Lessons and Carols: 7 p.m., First United Methodist Church Choir’s Christmas Musical: 5 p.m., Hill Country Baptist Church Monday, December 15 Al-Anon: 5:30-6:30 p.m., Trinity Episcopal Church Parish Hall Alcoholics Anonymous: 7 p.m., Kimble County Library Tuesday, December 16 London Community Library: 9-10 a.m., London Com. Center London Exercise Group: 9-10 a.m., London Community Center Story Hour: 10 a.m., Kimble County Library Children’s Corner Leti Study Club: 3 p.m., The Cecil Woodard Home Business and Professional Women: 6 p.m., College Street Church of Christ Family Center JMS Band Concert: 6:30 p.m., Auditorium Wednesday, December 17 Department of Public Safety Driver License representative: 9:30 a.m.-noon, 1-3:15 p.m., Courthouse Courtroom Place your ad with us, call 325-446-2610 for more info. Cowpokes is sponsored each week by If you would like to have an event placed on the Community Calendar, call 446-2610 before 5 p.m. on Monday or email to [email protected]. J unction N ational b ank UPCOMING EVENTS December 19 The Brand Name in Kimble County Banking www.junctionnational.com Courthouse Open House Member FDIC Page 20 The Junction Eagle, Wednesday, December 10, 2008 Tour of Homes sponsored by Kimble Library Board Betty and Mike Leep cordially welcome guests to their home on Smith Lane during the library Tour of Homes. Smilingly inviting people to tour their home are Jaycee Up the road from the Leeps, Walter and Susan Curry open Murr and her mom, Carolyn Balchuck. Derrick was out-oftheir home for sightseers on the tour. pocket (maybe that was planned??). Posing for a Kodak moment in their beautifully decorated home is the Weitz family: Renee, son Chet, Doyle and daughter Chainey. In her pink bedroom, Chainey Weitz shows off her pink tree with a quick hug and a beautiful smile. Joan Burch reluctantly poses by her tree while there is a lull in visitors. Joan has beautiful doll and glassware displays. This beautiful armoire, displaying festive decorations (and concealing a TV) is seen in the Curry home. Jaycee Murr excitedly shows off her hot pink and lime green room and tree to Kodi Croft during the Tour of Homes. Chet Weitz kneels “cowboy roper style” in front of the tree in his room. Later he was seen practicing his roping. Preparing for the Community Children’s Choir presentation that will be held Wednesday, December 17, at the First Baptist Church beginning at 7 p.m. are, back row, from left, Hanah Martin, Skylar Silva, Krista Noseff, Chelsie Noseff, Pricilla Garcia and Chelsea Pope; 3rd row, from left, Keian Young, Cooper Davis, Jordan Young, Kaylie Deifenbach, Madison Phillips, Ramses Salinas, Darius Carrington, Samantha Barrow, Hyleh Davis; 2nd row, from left, Michael Van Winkle, Kylen Rowe, Harlea Burleson, Skylar Silva, Daisy Garcia, D.J. Ainsworth, Brandon Salinas, Hannah Purlia and Jacee Murr; front row, from left, Jessey Martinez, Josh Richardson, Abbey Carpenter, MaKlay Simon, Rachael Carpenter, Adam Carpenter, Rebekah Young and Carl Mogford. Not pictured are Alexis Villeda and Francisco Villeda.
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