G IN NK BA O F Current Affairs Dr .J P SC H O O L October 7, 2014 Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs June World Day Against Child Labour was Observed On 12 June 2014 International • World Day Against Child Labour was observed across the world on 12 June 2014. Theme for 2014 is “Extend social protection: combat child labour”. Each year on 12 June, this Day brings together governments, employers and workers organizations, civil society, as well as millions of people from around the world to highlight the plight of child labourers and what can be done to help them. The International Labour Organization (ILO) launched the World Day Against Child Labour in 2002 to focus attention on the global extent of child labour and the action and efforts needed to eliminate it. Global Day of Parents observed on 1 June NK IN G • The Global Day of Parents was observed across the world on 1 June 2014. The Global Day provides an opportunity to appreciate all parents across the world for their selfless commitment to children and their lifelong sacrifice to nurture the relationship. 40th G-7 summit 2014 held at Brussels BA • 40th G-7 summit 2014 was held at Justus Lipsius building, Brussels at the Council of the European Union on 4 June 2014 – 5 June 2014. • International Labour Organization : Headquarters : Geneva, Director-General : Guy Ryder. O O L • The leaders of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States, the President of the European Council and the President of the European Commission (G7 leaders) met for the summit. O F • It was the first time that the EU hosted a G7 summit. The summit is jointly represented by the European Council President Herman van Rompuy and the European Commission Presi- World Blood Donor Day observed on 14 June dent. P SC H • Originally, a G8 summit was scheduled to take place in Sochi (Russia) in early June 2014 under a Russian presidency. Due to the Russian Federation’s violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, the G7 leaders decided to meet in Brussels on 4 - 5 June 2014 in the G7 format instead. .J World Environment Day observed on 5 June 2014 Dr • World Environment Day (WED) was observed across the world on 5 June 2014. The day is observed every year to raise the awareness around the globe for taking positive action to protect nature and planet earth. • Theme for 2014 is “Small islands and climate change” and slogan Raise your voice not the Sea level. 2014 world environment Day was held in Barbados, Lesser Antilles. • World Blood Donor Day was observed across the world on 14 June 2014. Theme for the 2014 World Blood Day campaign is Safe blood for saving mothers. • The goal of the campaign is to increase awareness about why timely access to safe blood and blood related products is essential for all countries as part of a comprehensive approach to prevent maternal deaths. According to World Health Organization, every year around 800 women dies due to pregnancy or childbirth-related complications. • The major cause for mortality, morbidity and long-term disability is severe bleeding during delivery and after childbirth. The Other Health Campaigns Of WHO – World Tuberculosis Day: 24 March – World Health Day: 7 April – World Malaria Day: 25 April – World No Tobacco Day: 31 May – World Hepatitis Day: 28 July – World AIDS Day: 1 December This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 1 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs World Elder Abuse Awareness Day was Observed Across The World • The theme of the Conference was creating a “safer, more interconnected and fairer world in the face of emerging challenges in the larger OSCE area”. • World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2014 was observed across the world on 15 June 2014. The day raise voices against the abuse and suffering inflicted to our elders. G • The two-day Conference was hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. • Around 4 to 6% of elderly people have experienced some form of maltreatment at home. IN • The Conference was attended by the representatives of 57 OSCE participating States and Asian Partners for Co-Operation Japan, the Republic of Korea, Thailand, Afghanistan and Australia. NK • People over 60 years are expected to more than double, from 542 million in 1995 to about 1.2 billion by 2025. • Japan - Prime Minister : Shinzo Abe, Emperor : Akihito, Capital : Tokyo, Currency : Yen, Official Language : Japanese. BA World Day To Combat Desertification Observed On 17 June 2014 367 exotic new species discovered in greater P SC H O O L O F • World Day to Combat Desertification (WDCD) Mekong region in S-E Asia was observed across the world on 17 June 2014. Theme for 2014 WDCD was “Land Belongs to • 367 exotic new species were discovered in the the Future Let’s Climate Proof It”. The greater Mekong region in Southeast Asia. theme highlights that the benefits of the mainThese new discoveries were published in a report streaming sustainable land management policies titled Mysterious Mekong released by World and practices into our collective response to cliWildlife Fund. mate change. • Among the new species discovered in the Greater • The World Day to Combat Desertification has Mekong in 2012 and 2013, there are 290 plants, 24 been observed since 1995 to promote public awarefish, 21 amphibians, 28 reptiles, 1 bird and 3 mamness relating to international cooperation to commals. The report also highlighted that Greater bat desertification and the effects of drought. Mekong region forms one of the five most threatened “biodiversity hotspots” in the world. • The United Nations General Assembly in 1994 with its Resolution A/RES/49/115 declared • Some of the reasons which have added pressure on World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought the region, according to the report, include to promote public awareness of the issue and im1. rapid unsustainable development, plementation of the United Nations Convention to 2. poorly planned infrastructure, Combat Desertification in those countries experiencing serious drought and/or desertification, par3. uncontrolled and non-transparent extractive ticularly in Africa. activities, Dr .J • A/RES/49/115 92nd plenary meeting 19 December 1994 - is Letter written by united Nations director general to Observe World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought. OSCE - Japan Conference held in Tokyo • Organization for Security and Co-operation (OSCE) Japan Conference was held in Tokyo. This was for the fourth time that Japan had hosted the OSCE Conference since 2000 when annual conferences with the Asian partners started. 4. agricultural expansion and rampant wildlife trade, 5. Warmer temperatures, and 6. more extreme floods, droughts, and storms as a result of climate change, only exacerbate these pressures. Note: • A biodiversity hotspot is a biogeographic region that is both a significant reservoir of biodiversity and is threatened with destruction. The This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 2 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs inadequate facilities, sometimes to provide forced labour or to await mass execution. The term is most strongly associated with the several hundred camps established by the Nazis in Germany and occupied Europe 1933 - 45. term biodiversity hotspot specifically refers to 25 biologically rich areas around the world that have lost at least 70 percent of their original habitat. G 337 person died in West Africa due to Ebola virus disease: WHO O O L • Johann Breyer (89-year-old) a former Nazi camp guard accused of aiding and abetting the killing of hundreds of thousands of Jews was arrested without bail in Philadelphia. The pending extradition hearing will be held on 21 August 2014. O F BA NK IN • The World Health Organization (WHO) declared myCopter Project Day to be held in Braunthat number of people killed by the deadly Ebola schweig, Germany in November 2014 virus in West Africa has risen to 337. It also • “myCopter Project Day” will be held in Braunsaid that in the second week of June 2014, 14 schweig in Germany. This was announced by deaths and 47 new cases were reported across the myCopter coordinator Prof. Dr. Heinrich region. Bulthoff. • It said that Guinea being the worst-affected country had seen 264 Ebola-related deaths. It also • myCopter Project conceived in 2007 aims to dehighlighted that Sierra Leone and Liberia had sign Personal Aerial Vehicles and an effective, witnessed 49 and 24 deaths respectively. These efficient and user-friendly Personal Aerial three countries have been battling to contain the Transportation System. outbreak since February 2014. • The initial project is almost complete, and the next phase of MyCopter will end on myCopter Johann Breyer arrested in US on Nazi death Project Day. camp charges SC H • Federal authorities will extradite Breyer, a US citizen who is wanted in Germany for his war crimes committed during the World War II. Breyer was an Auschwitz guard and a member of the Death’s Head battalion during the World War II and has lived in the United States since 1952, the year when he migrated to the US and claimed citizenship as a displaced person. • For the project, six research institutions of Europe have collaborated to study the feasibility of developing small commuter helicopters. The European Union had granted 4.7 million US dollar for the project. About myCopter Project: • It was proposed in response to a 2007 European Union report called Out of the Box: Ideas About the Future of Air Transport. The report solicited ideas from researchers on radical changes to Europe’s existing transportation system, including ideas for a personal air vehicle. P Background: Dr .J • German authorities have accused and charged Johann Breyer for his involvement in the murder of over 216000 European Jews from Hungary, Germany and Czechoslovakia, who were deported to the Auschwitz II-Birkenau concentration camp between May and October 1944. • Note: Concentration Camp is a place in which large numbers of people, especially political prisoners or members of persecuted minorities, are deliberately imprisoned in a relatively small area with • The project was the brainchild of Heinrich H. Bulthoff, director of perception, cognition and action at the Max Planck Institute, Germany. • The myCopter project aims to make specific advances in three major research areas: – User-centred Human Machine Interface and Training – Automation – Socio-technological assessment This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 3 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs Myanmar’s first site, Ancient Pyu Cities, inscribed on the UNESCO’s World Heritage • Institute for Economics and Peace released List IEP released Global Peace Index 2014. Global Peace Index (GPI) 2014 in London. The GPI 2014 measured peace for 162 countries on the basis of 22 indicators. India is ranked 143rd out of 162 countries and has slipped two positions from 141 in 2013. IN G • Ancient Pyu Cities became the first site from Myanmar to be inscribed on the UNESCO’s World Heritage Site List. The Ancient Pyu Cities include three cities Halin, Beikthano and Sri Ksetra. • In the GPI 2014, Syria displaced Afghanistan as the world’s least peaceful nation while Iceland maintained its status as the most peaceful country in the world. NK • The decision to include Myanmar’s first site on World Heritage list was taken at the 38th session of the World Heritage Committee held in Doha, Qatar. • Georgia showed the largest improvement in peace levels, while South Sudan experienced the largest drop and now ranks as the third least peaceful country. BA • Note : Three cities Halin, Beikthano and Sri Ksetra are located in Burma’s central Dry Zone and featured the walled remains of sites built by the Pyu dynasty. • GPI as a measure of world peace was launched in 2007. The 2014 release was 8th in series. • The Pyu Kingdoms flourished for over 1000 years between 200 B.C and 900 A.D. • United Nations Public Service Day celebrated on 23 June O O L • It is the world’s leading measure of global peacefulness produced by the Institute for Economics and Peace. The Index is composed of 22 indicators, ranging from a nation’s level of military expenditure to its relations with neighbouring countries and the percentage of prison population in 162 countries. O F About Global Peace Index (GPI) • The United Nations Public Service Day was celebrated on 23 June 2014. The theme for 2014 is “Innovating Governance for Sustainable Development and Well-being of the People”. SC H • The IEP is a Sydney-based international and independent think tank dedicated to shifting the world’s focus to peace as a positive, achievable, and tangible measure of human well-being and International Widow’s Day observed on 23 progress. June Top Three Countries: P 1. Iceland, .J 2. Denmark, 3. Austria. Dr World Refugee Day observed across the world on 20 June • International Widow’s Day was observed across the globe on 23 June 2014. To give special recognition to the situation of widows of all ages and across regions and cultures, the United Nations General Assembly declared 23 June 2011 as the first-ever International Widow’s Day, to be celebrated annually. UNEP released a report titled The Environ- World Refugee Day was observed across the world ment Crime Crisis on 20 June 2014. The day is observed annually to • United Nations Environment Programme draw attention to the plight of refugees, celebrate their (UNEP) released a report titled The Environcourage and resilience and renew commitment to solve ment Crime Crisis at the first United Narefugee problems. It also recognises contributions of tions Environment Assembly in Nairobi, the refugees made to the countries that host them. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 4 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • This was the fourth edition of its global campaign: Day of the Seafarer. The first edition of the Day of the Seafarers was observed by IMO in 2011. Kenya. The Report is a rapid response assessment by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and INTERPOL. • According to the report, Global environmental crime, worth up to 213 billion US dollars each year, is helping finance criminal, militia and terrorist groups and threatening the security and sustainable development of many nations. This compares to global Overseas Development Assistance of around 135 billion US dollars. IN G • The decision to designate 25 June as the International Day of the Seafarer was taken by International Maritime Organisation (IMO) in 2010. The Day of the Seafarers has also been included in the list of observances by United Nations. NK • The motto of the decision was to recognise that almost everything that we use in our daily lives has been directly or indirectly affected by sea transport. IMO’s estimates say that almost 90 percent of the world’s goods trade is transported through ships. The Seafarers are not only responsible for operations of the ships but also for the safe and smooth delivery of the cargo. • UNEP - Executive Director: Achim Steiner. BA UNCTAD released World Investment Report 2014 • United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) released its World Investment Report 2014. O F • IMO - Secretary General : Koji Sekimizu, • The Report reveals an encouraging trend: after a Headquarters : London, United Kingdom. decline in 2012, global foreign direct investment flows rose by 9 per cent in 2013, with growth expected to continue in the years to come. International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking observed on 26 June SC H O O L • UNCTAD - Secretary-General : Mukhisa Kituyi, Headquarters : Geneva, Switzerland. International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking was observed on 26 June 2014. The theme of the 2014 is A message of hope: Drug use disorders World Vitiligo Day observed on 25 June are preventable and treatable. • World Vitiligo Day was observed across the world on 25 June 2014. The day is specially dedicated to people with vitiligo. National About Vitiligo: .J P • Vitiligo is a progressive skin disease as a result of which people lose their inherited skin color over the lifetime. About 100 million people across the world suffer from the disease due to which, they become a victim of ostracism, discrimination and many lose their homes, families and livelihoods. Yet the disease has no cure. Telangana Becomes India’s 29th State • Telangana became the 29th State of India with Hyderabad as its capital. With this formation, ten districts of the then Andhra Pradesh will now become a part of the Telangana. First Chief Minister of Telanagana : Chandrasekhar Rao, First Governor : E S L Narasimhan. Dr International Seafarer’s Day observed across India became 2nd largest textiles exporter the world on 25 June after China: UN Comtrade • International Seafarer’s day was observed on 25 June 2014. The day is observed to give thanks to the seafarers for their contribution to the economy and civil society of the world, also for risks and personal costs borne by them while being in their jobs. • India became the 2nd largest exporter of global textiles after China. This was revealed by a recent data released by the UN Comtrade. The apparel exports ranking also improved from 8th position in 2012 to 6th position in 2013. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 5 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs Jammu and Kashmir Raised Age Of Retirement to 60 port claims that it is expected that India would have a positive growth i.e. it will have a faster growth. BA NK IN G • Jammu and Kashmir government announced the enhancement of the retirement age of government employees from 58 to 60 years. The Union Government launched anti-tobacco cabinet also raised the upper age limit for youths advertisement,“The Price We Pay” to obtain government jobs from 37 to 40 • Union Ministry of Health & Family Welfare in first years. It also announced several other employee week of June 2014 launched a new four-minute - friendly measures and pledged itself to redress video titled, “The Price We Pay”. The video their grievances. Besides, it also decided to abwas launched to highlight the health and ecosorb all temporary casual labourers and need nomic impacts of tobacco consumption. based workers who have completed 7 - year’s of • 31 MAY - World Anti - Tobacco Day. service into regular government services. The decision will benefit more than 60000 employees • Cabinet Minister of Health : Dr. Harsh Vardin Jammu and Kashmir. han. Odisha government raised retirement age of Great Himalayan National Park Conservaemployees to 60 tion Area inscribed in World Heritage List O O L • This decision of the government will benefit about 5 lakh government employees of the State. • The Great Himalayan National Park Conservation Area (GHNPCA) inscribed in the World Heritage List by the World Heritage Committee. It was inscribed at the 38th session of the World Heritage Committee held in Doha, Qatar. O F • State Government of Odisha raised the retirement age of its employees from 58 to 60 years. The proposal in this regard was approved by the State Cabinet presided over by Naveen Patnaik, the Chief Minister of Odisha in Bhubaneswar. .J P SC H • Earlier, the State government also enhanced the About Great Himalayan National Park retirement age of doctors who are engaged in gov1. The Great Himalayan National Park Conservation ernment hospitals and in the three State run medArea (GHNPCA) has Greater Himalayan National ical colleges to 62 years from existing 60. Park (kullu district of Himachal Pradesh), Sainj and Tirthan Wildlife Sanctuaries. • Apart from this, the government gave its nod to develop a full - fledged airport at Jharsuguda 2. The GHNPCA (905.40 sq km) includes the Upper and soon will sign a memorandum of understandMountain glacial and snow melt water source oriing (MoU) with the Airports Authority of Ingins of the westerly flowing JiwaNal, Sainj and dia in this regard. In the first phase, the State Tirthan Rivers and the north-westerly flowing will hand over 118.75 acres land to the AAI for Parvati River. developing a full - fledged airport. The airport will be developed at an estimated cost 210 crore 3. GHNPCA is home to several Rare and Threatrupees in its first phase of which the State govened species including the Western Tragopan, Chir ernment will contribute 75 crore rupees. Pheasant, Snow Leopard, Himalayan Musk Deer, Dr • Chief State Secretary of Odisha - JK Mohapatra. India is expected to have a positive growth: OECD report • The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) released a report. The re- Asiatic Black Bear, Himalayan Tahr, Blue Sheep and Serow. 4. The boundaries of GHNP are also contiguous with the recently established (2010), • Khirganga National Park in Trans-Himalaya, • Pin Valley National Park in Trans-Himalaya, This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 6 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • Tentatively named the “Mahatma Gandhi Clean India Programme”, the project will start from three cities in Uttar Pradesh, including Modi’s Lok Sabha constituency Varanasi, according to people working on the project. • Rupi-Bhabha Wildlife Sanctuary in Sutlej watershed and • Kanawar Wildlife Sanctuary. G 11th century stepwell Rani-ki-Vav in Gujarat included in UNESCO’s World Heritage Shome Panel on Tax Administration submitSite list ted its report to Union Ministry of Finance 1. Rani-ki-Vav is a large and complex stepwell with seven levels of stairs with ornamented panels of sculptures and relief representing the height of the MaruGurjara style. NK BA About Rani-ki-Vav stepwell • The Tax Administration Reform Commission (TARC) headed by Parthasarathi Shome submitted its report to the Union Ministry of Finance. The Shome Panel has recommended abolition of the post of Revenue Secretary and merger of CBDT and CBEC among others. Prime Minister Released Commemorative Postage Stamps On 2014 FIFA World Cup • The Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 12 June released commemorative postage stamps on the 2014 FIFA World Cup.The FIFA World Cup is being played in Brazil from 12 June to 13 July 2014 with the Slogan - All In One Rhytm. O F • The decision to include Rani-ki-Vav as World Heritage Site was approved by UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee Session held at Doha in Qatar. IN • The 11th century stepwell Rani-ki-Vav (Queen’s stepwell) in Gujarat was included in the UNESCO’s World Heritage List. The Queen’s stepwell in Patan district of Gujarat, as a result, became the 31st World Heritage Site of India which includes 6 natural World Heritage Sites. O O L 2. It is located on the banks of the Saraswati River and was built as a memorial to King First Solar Power Plant of Delhi Metro Inaugurated Bhimdev I of the Solanki dynasty. SC H 3. The ornamented panels that comprises of about 500 principle sculptures and over 1000 minor ones combines religious, mythological and secular imagery. • Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) launched first Roof Top Solar Power Plant at Dwarka Sec21 metro station. In its attempt to conserve environment, Delhi Metro has become the first mass transit system of India to begin installing solar power plants on the roofs of its stations. .J P 4. It is a unique example of Indian subterranean architectural structure and marks zenith in the evolution of stepwells in India and is the single most example of a stepwell as a testimony to tradi- Prime Minister tional water systems of India. Bhutan Dr Prime Minister Narendra Modi plans multimillion dollar sanitation project to clean up 1,000 Indian towns • The new NDA government under Narendra Modi is set to embark on an ambitious multi-million dollar sanitation project that seeks to clean up around 1,000 Indian towns besides eliminating manual scavenging as a tribute to Mahatma Gandhi whose 150th birth anniversary will be celebrated in 2019. Narendra Modi visited • Prime Minister Narendra Modi made his first official visit to Bhutan and he was accompained by External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj, National Security Advisor Ajit Doval, Foreign Secretary Sujatha singh, The visit reinforced the tradition of regular high-level exchanges between the two countries and upholds and strengthens the special and unique age-old friendship between Bhutan and India.Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has addressed the Joint Sitting of the Parliament in the Gyalyong Tshogkhang. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 7 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • Futher, DRSC can also formulate a strategy and monitor enforcement of traffic regulations. • He described the bilateral relations of India and Bhutan as B2B i.e. Bharat to Bhutan. NK IN G • Prime Minister of Bhutan Lyonchhen Tshering Union MSME Ministry launched Online FiTobgay thanked the Government of India for the nance Facilitation Centre for SMEs allocation of 45 billion rupees for the 11th Five Year Plan and 5 billion rupees for the economic • Union Minister for Micro, Small and Medium Enstimulus plan of the Royal Government of Bhutan. terprises (MSMEs) Kalraj Mishra launched Online Finance Facilitation Centre (OFFC) for • Bhutan King - Jigme Khesar Namgyel Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). OFFC Wangchuck, Capital: Thimphu, Currenis an initiative of the Confederation of Indian Incies: Bhutanese ngultrum, Indian rupee, dustry (CII). The Centre was launched with an Official language: Dzongkha Language. objective to facilitate access to finance and credit for SMEs. Delhi became first kerosene-free city in India • Delhi LG Najeeb Jung approved the formation of DRSC to ensure road safety BA • The centre will operate as a one-stop-shop by providing collective financing options for SMEs from various major financial institutions. • It will also facilitate the SMEs across the country with documentation and preparation of bankable project proposals. SC H O O L Delhi Lieutenant-Governor (LG) Najeeb Jung approved the formation of District-level Road Safety Committees (DRSC) to ensure road safety.The committees will be constituted under the provision of Section 215 of the Motor Vehicle Act 1988. The committee will mandate closer engagement of the local administration and the citizen.The District Road Safety Committees will hold its meeting at least once in three months or as per requirement. About Online Finance Facilitation Centre (OFFC): O F • Delhi Government announced that Delhi has become the first kerosene-free city in the country. This feat was achieved after implementation of the Delhi: A Kerosene-Free Scheme launched in 2012 under which no subsidized kerosene were being issued in Delhi. Role of the committee P • To identify the black spot (accident prone spots). .J • After identifying black spots, the DSRC will make remedial measures like improvement in road condition, provision of emergency medical relief and others. Dr • Ambulances will be deployed at places so that emergency care can be provided within 8-10 minutes of occurrence of an accident. • The complete Know Your Customers (KYCs) norm will help Banks / financial institutions to render quick delivery. • OFCC in order to facilitate credit to SMEs will sign Memorandum of Understanding with seven financial institutions. • They are Indian Bank, Indian Overseas Bank, Federal Bank, Muthoot Fincorp Ltd, Religare Finvest, DCB Bank, EXIM Bank and State Bank of Travancore. • This move of CII came in line with the recommendation of an Inter-ministerial panel on Accelerating Manufacturing in Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises Sector headed by Madhav Lal.The panel had recommended that ministries and departments may consider engaging industry associations to serve as a single window for hand-holding MSMEs and help in pursuing banks to increase credit flow into the sector. India’s first “One Stop Crisis Centre” named • Under the development of trauma care and blood “Gauravi” launched in Bhopal facility category, the availability of trauma care fa• India’s first One Stop Crisis Centre (OSCC) cility including blood banks needs to be evaluated named“Gauravi” was launched in Bhopal, Madand action taken for upgradation where necessary. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 8 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs Kedarnath (Uttarakhand) tragedy that occurred in June 2013. Similar functions were also held at Gangotri, Haridwar, Kanpur, Varanashi, Allahabad, Patna, Nabadweep and Ganga Sagar. hya Pradesh. It was launched by the Bollywood actor Amir Khan. IN Bhopal • Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan gave consent for setting up of the Regional Institute of Paramedical Sciences in AIIMS Bhopal. NK • The OSCC will provide legal advice, medical aid and police assistance. Victims can call the helpline number or visit the facility centre for the assistance. It will also provide assistance in filing FIRs, providing security, rehabilitation of the victim and forensic support. G • The centre is first of its kind in India for women who are victims of violence. It will provide help and assistance to rape survivors and victims of dowry harassment, domestic violence and other Union Health Ministry nod to set Regional atrocities on women, all under one roof. Institute of Paramedical Sciences in AIIMS • A fund of 150 crore rupees will be sanctioned for the institute that will serve people of three states namely Madhya Pradesh, Chattishgarh and Odisha. O F BA • Madhya Pradesh government along with two nongovernment organizations (NGOs) will provide the training to doctors, counsellors and other personnel at the centre. It is also planned to set up sim• Chhattisgarh - CM : Raman Singh, Governer ilar centres across the state along with the help of : Yet to be announced, Capital : Raipur. the Union Government. The state government will issue an advisory to all central hospitals and to the state governments to Taiwanese poet Yu Hsi translated Tirukuuset up OSCC-like institutions. L ral and Bharathi’s Poems in Mandarin lan• Madhya Pradesh - Cheif Minister : Shivraj guage O O Singh Chouhan, Governor : Shri Ram Naresh Yadav. SC H Kolkata recorded highest consumption of cigarettes in India • Kolkata recorded the highest consumption of cigarettes in India. This was revealed by the ICICI Lombard Tobacco Consumption Habits 2014 survey released. .J P • The survey was conducted for the persons in 21-40 year age group in five regions (Mumbai, Kolkata, Ahmadabad, Lucknow and Hyderabad). Dr Union Water Resource Ministry launched nationwide tree plantation drive • Union Water Resources Minister, Uma Bharti launched a nationwide tree plantation drive and public awareness programme to save rivers. • Uma Bharti also planted saplings on the banks of river Yamuna at Delhi in memory of victims of • Taiwanese poet, Yu Hsi translated 1330 couplets of Tirukkural (one of the collection of sangam literature) and the poems of poet Subramanya Bharathi in Mandarin, Chinese language. Bharathidasan’s poems will be translated. • The translation will help the Mandarin-speaking population to know the greatness of Tirukkural in addition to the richness of Bharathi and Bharathidasan’s poems. • The Tamil Nadu government had granted 77.70 lakh rupees for the translation and this will be published through the Directorate of Tamil Development. Tamil University helped in translation of Tamil literature in to Mandarin. • Taiwanese poet Yushi was awarded the Thiruvalluvar award by the Tamil Nadu government in Chennai for his translation work of Tirukkural and the poems of poet Subramanya Bharathi in Mandarin. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 9 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs Union Government reconstituted 6 Cabinet Committees • prices, IN G • World Trade Matters, Union Government reconstituted six important • UIDAI ,and Cabinet Committees of these four will be headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and remaining two • Management of Natural Calamities by Home Minister Rajnath Singh. Now all their functions will be handled by the Cabinet The six Cabinet Committees include Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA). • Security, SAARC Monsoon Initiative Programme National Working Group meet held in Bhopal NK • Political Affairs, • Economic Affairs, • SAARC Monsoon Initiative Programme National Working Group meet was organised in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. At the meet, it was discussed to take steps to link training and research programmes with meteorology related information between different stakeholders. • Appointments, BA • Accommodation and (Commitee which is in BOLD comes under the control of Prime Minister and others will be headed by Home Minister.) The composition of the reconstituted Cabinet Committees is O O L • The Cabinet Committee on Appointments will be headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and will have Minister of Home Affairs Raj Nath Singh as its member. SC H • The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs will be headed by Prime Minister of Narendra Modi and will have 13 other members. • The monsoon initiative is the part of Thimpu Statement on Climate Change adopted at the 16th SAARC summit in Thimphu in 2010. As per the initiative a National Working Group on Monsoon will be set up at national level in each SAARC member country to monitor and address monsooninduced disasters at the national level. O F • Parliamentary Affairs. Railway passenger fares increased • Indian Railways increased the passenger fare by 14.2 percent in all classes and freight charges by 6.5 percent. The revised rates will be effective from 25 June 2014. • The Cabinet Committee on Political Affairs will be headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Government constituted Committee will have other 9 members. .J P • The Cabinet Committee on Security will be headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and will have other 3 members. Dr • The Cabinet Committee on Accommodation will be headed by the Minister of Home Affairs Raj Nath Singh and will have four members. • The Cabinet Committee on Parliamentary Affairs will be headed by the Minister of Home Affairs Raj Nath Singh and will have 10 members. On the other hand, the Prime Minister earlier in June 2014 scrapped the four Cabinet Committees related to to inquire gas leakage in Bhilai Steel Plant • Union Government constituted an independent High Level Committee to inquire into the incident of gas leakage in Bhilai Steel Plant in Chhattisgarh that occurred. The Committee has been asked to submit its report by 17 July 2014. • The independent High Level Committee will be headed by KK Mehrotra former CMD of Metallurgical and Engineering Consultants (India) limited along with three other members. The other three members will be – KAP Singh, former MD of Bokaro Steel Plant. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 10 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs Union Finance Ministry accepted Marayam Committee recommendations on FDI and FPI 3. Investments by foreign investors under private placement /arrangement less than 10 percent of post issue paid up capital shall be treated as FPI. G – Soumitra Tarafder, Chief Scientist at the National Metallurgical Laboratory in Jamshedpur. 2. Any investment less than 10 percent of the postissue paid up value of each series of convertible debentures of a listed / to be listed Indian investee company by eligible foreign investors shall also be treated as FPI. IN – SB Mathur, Director General of the Directorate General of Factory Advice Service & Labour Institute in Mumbai. 4. Individual monitoring of FPI limit of less than 10 percent will be done by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) and FPI aggregate limit will be done by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) like earlier. SC H O O L O F BA NK • Union Finance Ministry accepted the recommendations of Arvind Mayaram Committee on Rationalising the FDI/FPI definition. Arvind Mayaram is the Union Finance Secretary. The panel suggested to remove the ambiguities Andhra Pradesh raised retirement age of over clear demarcation between Foreign Direct InGovernment employees to 60 years vestment (FDI) and Foreign Indirect Investment (FII). • The Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly on 23 June 2014 passed a Bill raising the retirement age of government employees of bifurRecommendation on Foreign Direct Investcated Andhra Pradesh to 60 years. The Bill passed ment (FDI) is titled Andhra Pradesh Public Employment 1. Foreign investment of 10 percent or more in a (Regulation of age of superannuation) Act, 1984 listed company will be treated as foreign direct • Earlier, the retirement age of government employinvestment (FDI). ees was 58 years. 2. An investor may be allowed to invest below 10 • Besides, AP Government also assured unemployper cent and this can be treated as FDI subject ment allowance of 2000 rupees per month to the condition that the FDI stake is raised to 10 for jobless youth. per cent or beyond within one year from the date of the first purchase. • The government took the decision to increase the retirement age considering various factors, includ3. In case an existing FDI falls to a level below 10 pering the increased life expectancy. There was a cent, it can continue to be treated as FDI without significant improvement in the average life exan obligation to restore it to 10% or more, as the pectancy as compared to 1984. original investment was an FDI. .J P 4. In a particular company, an investor can hold the investments either under the FPI route or under the FDI route, but not both. • The Union Government raised the retirement age of central government employees from 58 to 60 years in 1998. Dr 5. Foreign Investment in an unlisted company irreUP Government raised retirement age of spective of threshold limit may be treated as FDI. Recommendation on Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI) 1. Any investment by way of equity shares, compulsorily convertible preference shares/debentures less than 10 percent of the post-issue paid up equity shall be treated as FPI. State Election Commissioner to 68 years • The Uttar Pradesh Government raised the retirement age of State Election Commissioner (SEC) from 65 to 68 years. • The UP Cabinet amended the UP State Election Commission (Panchayat and Local bodies) (services and conditions of services) Rules 1994 to This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 11 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • The Bench directed the Centre and States to take steps to treat them as socially and educationally backward classes and extend reservation for admission in educational institutions and for public appointments. raise the term of the SEC up to either 68 years of age or six years term. • Earlier the term of SEC was either up to 65 years of age or five years term. • The Bench said recognition of transgenders as a third gender is not a social or medical issue but a human rights issue. Transgenders are also citizens of India. The spirit of the Constitution is to provide equal opportunity to every citizen to grow and attain their potential, irrespective of caste, religion or gender. IN G • State Election Commissioner of UP: Satish Kumar Agarwal. NK India has over 1 million children out of school : UNESCO • The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) released a report. The report released that around 58 million children aged 6 to 11 are still out of school. BA L Fergusson College included the category of third gender in application forms RBI and Banking related news O F • The data was presented by the Director-General of UNESCO, Irina Bokova, at a press conference in Brussels, France. The conference was organized by the Global Partnership for Education. • By virtue of this verdict, all identity documents, including a birth certificate, passport, ration card and driving licence would recognise the third gender. O O • For the first, Pune’s Fergusson College has included the category of third gender in its application forms for academic programs. The courses will begin from 2014-15. SC H • Applications for first year BA (FYBA) and BSc (FYBSc) that are available online have the third gender option. The decision of the college authorities was encouraged by Supreme Court’s recognition of the third gender in April 2014. RBI announced second Bi-Monthly Monetary Policy Statement • The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) announced second Bi-Monthly Monetary Policy Statement. RBI in its second bi-monthly monetary policy statement has kept the policy rates unchanged. 1. Repo rate - 8.0% 2. Reverse repo rate - 7.0% 3. Bank rate - 9.0% 4. MSF - 9.0% 5. CRR - 4.0% 6. SLR - 22.5% .J P • The college also planned to have awareness drives and gender sensitisation programs, so that inclu- RBI simplified KYC norms for opening bank sion will not limit to paper. account. About the Supreme Court ruling Dr • A Bench of Justices K.S. Radhakrishnan and A.K. Sikri ruled that the eunuchs, apart from the binary gender, be treated as a third gender for the purpose of safeguarding their rights under our Constitution and the laws made by Parliament and the State Legislature. • The ruling came on a petition filed by the National Legal Services Authority. • Reserve Bank of India eased the KYC norms for opening bank account. In its notification it said that only one documentary proof of address (either the current or permanent) can be used to open bank account or for periodic updation. It also said that in case the address mentioned as per proof of address undergoes a change than fresh proof of address may be submitted to the branch within a period of six months. • About Know Your Customer Norm (KYC): This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 12 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • Chairman of NABARD: Harsh Kumar Bhanwala. – KYC is a term used for customer identification process. BA NK IN G – The objective of the KYC guidelines is to prevent banks being used, intentionally Canara Bank opened branch in New York or unintentionally by criminal elements • Canara Bank opened its seventh overseas for money laundering. branch in New York, USA. Other six overseas branches are in London, Leicester (UK), Hong – KYC has two components - Identity and Kong, Shanghai, Bahrain and Johannesburg. Its Address. While identity remains the same, representative office is at Sharjah and a Joint the address may change and hence the banks Venture is in Moscow. are required to periodically update their records. • Apart from this, in the current financial year, the – RBI issued guidelines to banks under Section bank has planned to open its branches and of35A of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 and fices in Dubai, Germany, Brazil, Tanzania, Rule 7 of Prevention of Money-Laundering Japan, Nigeria and Qatar. Rules, 2005. O O L O F – These guidelines were issued on the recom- SBI plans to merge it’s subsidiaries as it rise mendations made by the Financial Action funds Task Force (FATF) on Anti Money Launder• State Bank of India, the nation’s biggest ing (AML) standards and on Combating Filender, will kick off consolidation in the banking nancing of Terrorism (CFT). industry by combining five associate banks as it – RBI issued KYC guidelines in 2004 to which prepares to fund the economy that is on the cusp banks had to become compliant by 31 Deof a strong growth like China two decades ago. cember 2005. • The combination of the associates will enhance the asset base of SBI to Rs 21.9 lakh crore, and add NABARD reduced rates of refinance to 5,658 branches to its 15,143 branches. The boost investment credit combined market share will rise to 24%, from 19%, making it a formidable force. • The National Bank for Agriculture and Ru- .J P SC H ral Development (NABARD) reduced the rate of interest by 20 basis points (bps) on long-term SBI partners with Ezetap Mobile to launch refinance facility to banks with an objective to mPOS solution promote farm sector investments. The de• State Bank of India has partnered with payments cision was taken in response of growing demand service provider, Ezetap Mobile Solutions, to by farmers and banks and the rates are applicable deploy mobile point-of-sale (mPOS) solution. from 6 June 2014. SBI plans to deploy 5,00,000 point-of-sale terminals within the next five years, “Mobile POS” • As per the notification the rates of refinance for has the power to transform payments and comfive years and above will be 9.50 percent, merce. It can be deployed easily and at low cost whereas for three to five years period it will in every corner of the country, SBI’s Deputy be 9.70 percent. For banks availing more than Managing Director S K Mishra says. 500 crore rupees in a single drawl will further be Dr incentivized by 10 bps. • Apart from this, further incentive of 50 bps would be available on financing for efficient agricultural technologies to combat food inflation. The list of efficient technologies includes 12 such innovative farm practices which will enhance fruit and vegetable production. • The SBI-Ezetap platform would allow the bank to provide value-added services for merchants and consumers from a single, secure POS device and application. • Note: The Ezetap solution turns any merchant’s mobile device into a point-of-sale that is able to read This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 13 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs details of Indians having unaccounted money in Swiss banks. any type of card and complete any type of financial transaction ranging from a credit card sale to a real-time bill payment, to an ATM cash withdrawal or deposit. The mPOS solution will be made available to the customers of both SBI as well as its associate banks across the country. G • According to central bank of Switzerland (SNB), Indian money in various Swiss banks rose by 43 percent during 2013 to close to 14000 crore rupees, including the money held directly by Indian clients and those through fiduciaries or wealth managers. IN SEBI issues new norms for public issuance of debt securities World Bank released a report on Power Sec- O O L O F BA NK • Market regulator SEBI has issued new norms for tor Reforms in India public issuance of debt securities under which such offers have to be of minimum Rs 100 crore, • World Bank released a report on Power Secwhile issuers would need to make additional disclotor Reforms in India. The report titled More sures and attain atleast 75 per cent subscription. Power to India: The Challenge of Distribution was released in New Delhi. • The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) said that the entities coming out with pub• The report was made on the basis of study conlic issue of NCDs would have to provide granular ducted at the request of the Government of India. disclosures in their offer document, with regards • The report reviews Indian power sector across key to the “object of the issue”. areas of access, utility performance, and fi• Also, an entity has to make additional disclonancial sustainability. It identified electricity sures in the offer document about details of money distribution to the end consumer as the weak link utilised from the previous issues of the issuer as in the sector. well as the group companies. • The report recommended freeing utilities and reg• The new norms would be applicable for the draft ulators from external interference, increasing acoffer document for issuance of debt securities filed countability, and enhancing competition in the with the stock exchanges on or after July 16. sector in order to move it to a higher level of service delivery. SC H RBI directed Banks and FIs to provide information to SIT Mobile money services to soon come within • The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) directed common man’s reach .J P all banks and financial institutions to provide information and documents to the Special Investigation Team (SIT). Background: Dr • The SIT under the chairmanship of former Justice M B Shah was constituted by the Union government. The panel was constituted in pursuance of the May 2014 judgement of the Supreme Court. • The panel has jurisdiction in cases where investigations have commenced or are waiting to be initiated or have been completed. • India requested the Switzerland government to expeditious sharing of bank information, that is, the • Mobile money services are set to become popular among the aam admi (common man) with NPCI signing agreements with seven telecom companies, Managing Director & CEO, NPCI: A.P.Hota, Says • The seven telecom companies that have signed agreements with NPCI are Airtel, Idea, Tata Communications, Aircel, Uninor, Videocon and Quadrant. • National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) has convinced these seven telecom companies to provide access to their unstructured supplementary service data (USSD) channel to all bank accounts, Hota says. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 14 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • NPCI is the umbrella organisation of all retail Ugandan FM elected UN General Assembly payment systems in India. President • Ugandan Foreign Minister Sam Kutesa was elected president of the 69th session of the UN General Assembly. Appointments G Former Guerrilla Commander Sanchez Ceren Sworn In As El Salvador’s President IN • Kutesa was chosen unanimously by the African Union as the only candidate for the presidency of the 69th session. • Former guerrilla commander Salvador Sanchez Ceren was sworn in as President of El Salvador. Sanchez Ceren is the first former guerrilla commander to become president of the Central American country, which suffered through 12 years of armed internal conflict between the guerrillas and the army from 1980-1992. NK • The president-elect will assume office at the start of the 69th session in September, replacing John William Ashe of Antigua and Barbuda, who now leads the current plenary session of the 193 UN member states. BA • Kutesa, Des Moines, Iowa, is a Ugandan lawyer and politician. He is the current foreign minister in the Ugandan Cabinet, a position he has held since Jan 13, 2005. He was previously the minister of state for investment in Uganda. O F • El Salvadors - Capital : San Salvador, Currency : United States Dollar, Official language : Spanish. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad won Pres- Jean-Claude Juncker named as the next president of the European Commission idential election for third time O O L • President Bashar al-Assad of Syria won the Presidential election for the third time. The Presidential Election result was announced by the Parliament Speaker Jihad Laham, he will stay as the President of Syria for seven years. SC H • Syria - Prime Minister : Weal Nader Al - Halqi, Capital : Damascus, Currency : Syrian Pound, Official language : Arabic. UNGA approved the name of Zeid alHussein to head OHCHR Dr .J P • United Nations General Assembly approved the name of Zeid Ra’ad Zeid al-Hussein to head the Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) of the UN. With this approval, Jordanian Prince Zeid al-Hussein, a cousin of Jordanian King Abdullah II, became the first Muslim and Arab to hold the post. • Jean-Claude Juncker was named as the next president of the European Commission. He was backed by all EU member states, except Britain and Hungary. • He will take his charge from November 2014. He will succeed Jose Manuel Barroso. • Jean Juncker is a former Luxembourg Prime Minister and veteran EU insider. • Sanjay Kapoor Appointed As Chairman of Micromax: Sanjay Kapoor, former CEO of Bharati Airtel, was appointed as Micromax Chairman. Sanjay was the chief executive officer for India and South Asia of Airtel from March 2010 till May 2013. Micromax is an Indian consumer electronics company headquartered in Gurgaon, Haryana, India. It is in the business of manufacturing of Mobile Telephones, Tablet Computers, 3G Datacards and LED Televisions. • His tenure as UN high Commissioner for human rights will start on 1 September 2014 as the suc- Sumitra Mahajan Elected As 16th Lok cessor of Navi Pillay of South Africa. Zeid al- Sabha Speaker Hussein, a PhD holder from Cambridge Univer• Veteran BJP leader Sumitra Mahajan was unansity will hold the position for four-year. imously elected Speaker of the 16th Lok Sabha, This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 15 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • Coal India Limited is an Indian state-controlled coal mining company headquartered in Kolkata, West Bengal, India. It is a Navratna company and is the largest coal producer company in the world and contributes around 81% of the coal production in India. becoming the second woman to occupy the prestigious position after her predecessor Meira Kumar. She was elected after a motion moved by Prime Minister Narendra Modi was adopted by voice vote called by pro tem Speaker Kamal Nath. IN Madhusudhana Chary became first speaker of Telangana Legislative Assembly • Sirikonda Madhusudhana Chary of Telangana Rashtra Samiti (TRS) became the first speaker of Telangana Legislative Assembly. Chary won the assembly election from Bhupalpalli constituency in Warangal district. NK Kodela Siva Prasada Rao elected as the first Assembly speaker of AP after bifurcation G • pro tem - For a time being, Which means a person will act for the consent post untill the candiSirikonda date is elected. BA • Kodela Siva Prasada Rao was elected as the first Assembly speaker of Andhra Pradesh after bifurcation. Indian-origin Judge V K Rajah appointed as 8th Attorney-General of Singapore • An official notification regarding the appointment of the New Delhi MP as chairperson of NDMC was received from the Home Ministry. O O L • Indian-origin judge V K Rajah was appointed as 8th Attorney-General of Singapore. President of Singapore Tony Tan Keng Yam presided at the swearing-in of Justice V K Rajah. O F • Kodela of Telugu Desam Party was the only person to be nominated for the Speaker of As- Meenakshi Lekhi named NDMC chairperson sembly. He is a Member of Legislative Assembly • BJP leader and Lok Sabha MP Meenakshi (MLA) from Sattenapalli constituency. Lekhi took over as the chairperson of the New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC). SC H • He will succeed Steven Chong. Steven Chong will return to the Supreme Court. • Lekhi takes over from Jalaj Srivastava, a 1984batch IAS officer who was appointed the NDMC chairperson in August last year. • Lekhi will be the second MP to be part of the Council after amendments were made in the NDMC Act in 2011. Before Lekhi, the Congress MP from New Delhi, Ajay Maken, was its member. • VK Rajah was also appointed as a member of the Presidential Council for Minority Rights for a three-year term. 17-member council reports on matters, including Bills or other legislation. Dmitry O Rogozin, the Russian Deputy P A.K. Dubey appointed as Chairman of Coal India Limited Dr .J • A.K. Dubey was appointed as Chairman of Coal India Limited with immediate effect. He will serve his post as an additional charge till a full-time chairman is appointed. • He will serve as the Chairman for a period of three months until the new chairman of the state-owned company is duly appointed. About Coal India Limited: Prime Minister visited India • Dmitry O Rogozin, the Deputy Prime Minister of Russia was on a two-day visit to India. During the visit, he met Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj. During the meet discussions on a range of bilateral and international issues of mutual interest were made. Major discussions during the visit included – The two countries decided to step up their cooperation in the field of hydrocarbons, pharmaceuticals, cooking coal and infrastructure. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 16 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs – It was decided to increase the bilateral trade Vice Admiral Chopra Takes Over As Westbeyond the present ten billion dollars. ern Naval Commander – Meet of the two leaders, Rogozin and Swaraj was focused on improving the untapped potential between the two countries in terms of economic and commercial engagement. G • Vice Admiral Anil Chopra, the second seniormost officer of the Indian Navy, took over the charge of Western Naval Command (WNC) as Commander-in-Chief. He was appointed two months after Vice Admiral Shekar Sinha took voluntary retirement. Anil Chopra a graduate from National Defence Academy, Pune is second seniormost officer of the Indian Navy and only second officer to head both the operational commands Eastern and Western Naval Command. NK IN – Swaraj and Rogozin also deliberated on cooperation in nuclear energy sector. particularly issues relating to signing of a deal for unit 3 and 4 of the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant. – India has also proposed to have a trade show in Moscow in September 2014. O O L • Sisi (59) won the election with 96.6 percent of the votes and defeated Hamdeen Sabahi. He is the successor of Mohamed Morsi, who was overthrown in a military coup. The coup was attempted by then Army Chief Sisi. • Senior Supreme Court advocate Ranjit Kumar, considered an expert on Constitutional laws, was appointed as the Solicitor General of India. The Law Ministry issued notification appointing Kumar, who has defended Gujarat in a number of cases, as the next Solicitor General of India. The Ministry also issued notifications appointing senior advocates Maninder Singh, Tushar Mehta, L Nageshwar Rao, P S Patwalia, Neeraj Kishen Kaul and P S Narasimha as Additional Solicitors General. O F • Former army chief Abdel Fattah el-Sisi was sworn-in as the President of Egypt in Cairo. He is the fifth Egyptian President to come from Army and will be the president for four years. BA Abdel Fattah el-Sisi sworn-in as President of Ranjit Kumar Appointed as new Solicitor General of India Egypt SC H • Egypt - Prime Minister : Ibrahim Mahlab, Capital : Cairo, Currency : Egyptian Pound, N Chandrababu Naidu Sworn In As Andhra Official language : Arabic. Petro Poroshenko sworn-in as President of Ukraine .J P • Petro Poroshenko was sworn-in as the President of Ukraine in Kiev on 7 June 2014. He was elected as President with more than 54 percent of the vote. Pradesh Chief Minister • N Chandrababu Naidu, the chief of the Telugu Desam Party (TDP), took oath as the first Chief Minister of the new Andhra Pradesh, the residuary state formed after its bifurcation for the creation of Telangana. He was administered the oath of office and secrecy by Governor E.S.L. Narasimhan. He has served for close to nine years from 1995 to 2004 as Chief Minister of united Andhra Pradesh. 19 ministers were also inducted into Naidu’s government. Dr • He won the election against former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, who scored 12.81 percent of the votes. The election was not held in Crimea, which was unilaterally annexed by Russia in March 2014. PK Mishra Appointed As Additional Prin• The term of office for the Ukrainian president is five years. In the Presidential election of Ukraine if no candidate obtain an absolute majority in the first round then second round will be held. cipal Secretary To Prime Minister • Former Agriculture Secretary P.K. Mishra has been appointed as the Additional Principal Secretary to Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 17 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • He is a 1996 batch Indian Administrative Service officer (IAS) from the Gujarat cadre. He was a part of Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) under former PM Manmohan Singh. is a retired IAS officer of 1972 batch of the Gujarat cadre. At the time of appointment, Mishra was serving Gujarat State Disaster Management Authority (GSDMA) as Director General. GSDMA was created after Kutch earthquake on 26 January 2001.He also had the additional charge of Chairman of the state-level Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) committee of the Union Ministry of Environment & Forest. G About Rajeev Topno IN • Topno was a Kutch District Development Officer during Kutch earthquake of 2001. He was chief executive of Gujarat State Disaster Management Authority (GSDMA). NK Juan Manuel Santos re-elected as President B Ashok New IOC Chairman of Colombia • Petroleum Minister Dharmendra Pradhan has approved appointment of B Ashok as the head of India’s largest oil firm, IOC, in what will be the first top level appointment by the new government. BA • Colombia (Republic of Colombia) is a country situated in the northwest corner of South America. It is the third largest economy in South America. Subhalakshmi Panse joins Federal Bank board L • Subhalakshmi Panse, former CMD of Allahabad Bank, has joined the board of Federal Bank as an Independent Director. • Ashok, 57, was to succeed R S Butola who retired from service attaining superannuation age of 60 years. Since a full-time chairman was not appointed in time, R K Malhotra, Director (R&D) and senior most director on IOC board, has been given additional charge for the time-being. O F • Colombia - Capital: Bogota, Currency: Colombian Peso, Official language: Spanish. SC H O O • Panse had earlier served as Executive Director of Mustafa Kamal appointed New ICC PresiVijaya Bank for two-and-a-half years, overseeing dent all major portfolios of that bank. • AHM Mustafa Kamal has become the first from Bangladesh to be president of Inter• A post-graduate in Science, Panse has a Diploma national Cricket Council (ICC). in Business Management and Masters in Management Sciences from Pune University. She also holds an MBA from Drexel University, USA. Note: • Kamal who served as Vice-President of ICC and President of Asian Cricket Council, said “I am eagerly looking forward to work with the ICC board and management” for 12 months. Dr .J P • Panse was a member of the RBI appointed committee on Corporate Governance and Chairman of the IBA committee on Cheque Truncation System - National Archive. At present, she is the Chairman of the Quality Review Board of the Indian Institute of Actuaries. • He was elected as the 11th president of the governing body at the ICC annual conference in Australia’s Melbourne. Bangladesh was given the status of a Test playing nation on the same day 14 year ago. Rajeev Topno appointed as Private Secre- Eimear McBride Won Baileys Women’s Prize For Fiction tary to Prime Minister Narendra Modi • Rajeev Topno was appointed as Private Secretary to Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The Appointment Committee of Cabinet (ACC) approved the name of Topno. • Irish author Eimear McBride won the 2014 Bailey’s Women’s Prize for Fiction for her first novel “A Girl is a Half-Formed Thing”.The book is a dark story of a young woman’s relationship This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 18 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs parison based on Net profit to net with her brother, set in an Ireland of religious opworth. pression and sexual abuse. Her protagonist goes on a journey of spectacular self-destruction in an attempt to flee her demons. Miss Nevada Nia Sanchez Crowned Miss Union Government granted Navratna Status to EIL and NBCC BA NK IN G • The award was launched in 1996 and it was origi- USA 2014 nally called Orange Prize for fiction. The prize • Miss Nevada Nia Sanchez was crowned Miss carries a 30000 - pound cash award. USA 2014. She is the 63rd winner of the Miss USA beauty contest. The ceremony was held at UN General Assembly Sets Up Prize In the Baton Rouge Civic Center in Louisiana. Honor of Nelson Mandela Erin Brady, of South Glastonbury, Connecticut, the 2013 winner, gave up her crown to Sanchez. • The UN General Assembly established the Sanchez will go on to represent the U.S. at the Miss “United Nations Nelson Rolihlahla ManUniverse competition later in 2014. Nia Sanchez dela Prize” as a tribute to the achievements and defeated 50 contestants from all the States and contributions of the late South African leader. Districts of Columbia of the USA who participated in the competition. Inaugural Tang Prize winners for 2014 an- SC H O O L O F • The Union Government granted Navratna sta- nounced tus to Engineers India Ltd (EIL) and Na• Tang Prize Foundation announced the inaugutional Buildings Construction Corporation ral Tang Prizes. The Prize will be given in four (NBCC). categories of • Department of Public Enterprises under the Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enter– Sustainable Development, prises granted the navratna status to enhance the – Sinology, greater financial and operational autonomy. – Biopharmaceutical Science, • The Navratna status to two Central Public Sector – The Rule of Law. (CPSEs) will provide the companies greater leeway in deciding on business propositions such as forming joint ventures or taking call on projects Sustainable Development : involving major investments. • Gro Harlem Brundtland former Premier of Criteria for Navratna status P 1. Having Schedule A and Miniratna Category1 status. .J 2. Having at least three Excellent or Very Good Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) ratings during the last five years. Dr 3. Having a composite score of 60 or above out of 100 marks based on its performance during the last three years on the following six identified efficiency parameters such as Net Profit to Net Worth, Manpower cost to cost of production or services, Gross margin as capital employed, Gross profit as Turnover, Earnings per Share and Inter-Sectoral com- Norway. • She was awarded for her innovation, leadership and implementation of sustainable development that laid out the scientific and technical challenges. • Sinology : Ying-shih. Chinese American, Historian Yu • He was awarded for his mastery of and insight into Chinese intellectual, political, and cultural history with an emphasis on his profound research into the history of public intellectuals in China. • Biopharmaceutical Science : James P Allison of US and Tasuku Honjo of Japan. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 19 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs second Malayalam writer to be awarded with the Moortidevi award. The first Malayalam author to win the award was Akkitham Achuthan Namboothiri in 2009 for his selected poems. • The Rule of Law: Albie Sachs, former justice of the Constitutional Court of South Africa. About Moortidevi award IN • The award is given in the memory of Moortidevi, the mother of Sahu Shanti Prasad Jain, the founder of Bhartiya Jnanpith. It is given to a contemplative or intellectual work created by any living author writing in any of the languages enlisted in the VIIIth Schedule of Indian Constitution including English, which underlines and expresses Indian philosophy and cultural heritage based on wider ideals and human lives. Moortidevi award is presented by the Bhartiya Jnanpith and carries cash prize of four lakh rupees, a plaque and a statue of goddess Saraswati. NK • He was awarded for his contributions to human rights and justice around the world. He is a lawyer and human rights activist who spent his lifetime fighting apartheid, helped write the new Constitution of South Africa. O F BA About Tang Prize • Taiwanese Business Magnate, Samuel Yin founded Tang Prize Foundation in December 2012. The Tang prize is the first international academic award to be based in Taiwan and commenced its inaugural year in 2014. G • They were awarded for their discoveries of CTLA4 and PD-1 as immune inhibitory molecules, revealing ways to harness our incredibly powerful immune system to fight cancer and marking the beginning of the immunotherapy revolution. • VIIIth Schedule - list of approved official language in Indian constitution. O O L • The prize is awarded biennially. Each category conferred carries a cash prize of 40 million New Taiwan dollar (NT$) and a research grant of 10 Indian origin physicist Tejinder Virdee honmillion New Taiwan dollar. The aim of the oured knighthood by Queen Elizabeth II prize is to continue to innovate while cultivat• Indian origin physicist Tejinder Virdee was honing and nurturing new talent in their reoured knighthood Bachelor by Queen Elizabeth II. spective fields. SC H • The prize encourages a more holistic and crossdisciplinary approach to reflect the new challenges humanity faces in modern complicated world. The Prize covers the categories which are not included in the Nobel Prize. P C Radhakrishnan selected for Moortidevi Award • He was awarded for his work on the Higgs Boson theory. Tejinder Virdee was accorded a Knight Bachelor for his services to science in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List. List was released to mark the Queen’s official birthday. Professor Virdee is one of the creators of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) Experiment. The CMS experiment is a part of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Geneva. He has delivered seminal results in particle physics, including the groundbreaking discovery of the Higgs Boson, or the God particle, a particle that gives mass to other particles. Beyond his innovative work in particle physics, he is also a great campaigner for science, and promoter of science and education in Africa and India. Dr .J • C Radhakrishnan, the eminent Malayalam scientist-turned-writer was selected for the prestigious Moortidevi Award for 2013. He has been selected for his novel “Theekkadal Katanhu Thirumadhuram”. The novel is a biographical account of Thunchat Ramaanujan Ezhuthachan, the person who is regarded as the father of Malayalam language. The novel is an attempt Hindi poet Kedar Nath Singh selected for to bring back life to the socio-cultural ambience Jnanpith Award 2013 of 15th century. Radhakrishnan as a person • Noted Hindi poet Kedarnath Singh was chosen has also contributed to popular science and all for the prestigious Jnanpith award for 2013. He is branches of literature, mostly fiction. He is the This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 20 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs Pen. It was formed in memory of famous British playwright and Nobel laureate Harold Pinter. the 10th Hindi writer to receive the honour and is the 49th recipient of Jnanpith award. O F BA NK IN G • Kedarnath Singh (80-year-old) was born in Balia Indian sand artist Sudarsan Pattnaik won of Uttar Pradesh and is known for his work prize at World Cup of Sand Sculpting-2014 Abhi bilkul abhi and Yahan se dekho. • Indian sand artist Sudarsan Pattnaik won the About Jnanpith Award People’s Choice prize at the World Cup of Sand Sculpting-2014 held in the Atlantic City • Jnanpith award is one of the prestigious literary of the US. He won prize for his work “Save Tree, awards in India and was instituted in 1961. The Save the Future”. This is first sand art world award is given to any Indian citizen who writes in cup at USA 2014. any official languages of India. It is presented by Bharatiya Jnanpith, a trust founded by the Sahu • Twenty internationally renowned sand artists from Shanti Prasad Jain family. The award includes 11 around the world participated in the event. Every lakh rupees and a citation. sculptor got 30 hours to create their artwork using 10 tons of sand. • The name of award is taken from a Sanskrit words Jnana and Pitha (knowledge-seat). • Pattnaik also participated in doubles category with an American sculptor Mathew Roy Salman Rushdie Selected Pen Pinter Prize Diebert. Both created sand sculpture of Tajmafor 2014 hal. They were placed at fifth position in the doubles category. • Salman Rushdie, the India-born Booker .J P SC H O O L Prize winning author was named as the winner • Recently, he was awarded with the Padmashri by of 2014 Pen Pinter Prize. Rushdie (67-year-old) Government of India in 2014. was chosen for the prestigious award for his outstanding literary output and support for freedom Pankaj Advani won IBSF 6-Red World of expression. He will be given the award at the Snooker title in Egypt British Library in London on 9 October 2014. • Pankaj Advani, the Indian cueist won his • Rushdie’s famous books are Midnight’s Chilmaiden IBSF 6-Red World snooker title at Sharm dren (won Booker Prize), Haroun and the Sea of el-Sheikh in Egypt. To win the title, he defeated Stories, The Moor’s Last Sigh, The Satanic Verses Kacper Flilpiak of Poland. and others. His book “The Satanic Verses” be• The win helped Advani to create a history of came most famous due to fatwa issued against the being the first player in the world to win world book by Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini claiming that titles in the long and shorter formats of both bilthe novel was an insult to Islam. liards and snooker. For Advani, this was maiden • The prize will be shared with an International 6-Red World title and ninth overall. This win Writer of Courage selected by him in association also took, Advani to highest tally of world titles with English Pen’s Writers at Risk committee. by any Indian cueist in the Open (Men’s) category. Dr • Chairperson of the Judging Panel: Maureen Freely (also President of English Pen). • Fellow Judge were: Antonia Fraser (Harold Pinter’s widow), Michael Billington, Simon Jenkins, Kamila Shamsie. About Pen Printer Prize • The Pen Printer Prize is an annual literary award was established in 2009 by writers’ charity English About Pankaj Advani – He won his first world title at the age of 18 and is only Asian to have ever won both the Billiards and Snooker World Championships. – He is also one of the youngest Indian to be honoured with the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna award. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 21 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs – He has also been conferred with the Arjuna and Padmashree awards. Science and Technology “Robot Raptor” - Fastest Runner Developed by Korean Scientists Can Outrun Usain Bolt Malala Yousafzai wins Liberty Medal • A robot Raptor developed by a team of Korean scientists at KAIST, the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, can outrun Olympic runner Usain Bolt. The robot Raptor is very fast, although, robot can run only on a treadmill. IN G • A Pakistani girl Malala Yousafzai has won the Liberty Medal from the National Constitution Centre in Philadelphia. • “It’s an honour to be awarded the Liberty Medal”, Yousafzai, now 17, said. “I accept this award on behalf of all the children around the world who are struggling to get an education”. BA NK • The Raptor can run at 46 kilometers per hour or 28 miles per hour much faster than the Olympic sprinter Usain Bolt who run at top speed of 44.7kph (27.44 mph). The Cheetah is even faster than both Bolt and the robot Raptor. It is capable of running as fast as 47 kph (29.3 mph). India-born Mexican citizen Sanjaya Rajaram to be honoured with World Food Prize of 2014 O F • South Korea - President : Park Geun - hye, Prime Minister : Jung Hong-won, Capital : Seoul, Currency : South Korean won, Official Language Korean. L • India-born Mexican plant scientist, Sanjaya Rajaram will be honoured with the World Food Prize for the year 2014. It was announced by the World Food Prize Foundation. The award will be presented to Rajaram in Des Moines, Iowa in October 2014. • Usain Bolt is the world’s fastest runner belongs to the country Jamaica. O O Google purchased Satellite Firm Skybox • He won the prize for his outstanding work in the Imaging for 500 million US dollar SC H improvement of wheat crop. He is credited with increasing world wheat production by more than 200 million tons during the 25-year-period known as the golden years of wheat building upon the successes of the Green Revolution. It had a far-reaching impact in alleviating world hunger. • The deal will provide images for Google’s online mapping service. The satellites could be used to help expand internet access and with disaster relief. • In April 2014, Google has acquired Titan Aerospace. Google has also launched a small network of balloons designed to deliver Internet access over the Southern Hemisphere. .J P • Honouring of Dr. Rajaram with World Food Prize coincided with the centennial year of his mentor, Dr. Norman Borlaug and the UN-FAO’s International Year of Family Farming. • Google confirmed the purchase of Satellite Firm Skybox Imaging for 500 million US dollar. Dr • The prize was established in 1986 by Dr. Norman Borlaug to focus the world’s attention on Earth’s largest water reservoir located inside hunger and on those whose work has significantly Earth’s mantle helped efforts to end the hunger. Dr. Char• Earth’s largest water reservoir might be located ity Kawira Mutegi of Kenya in 2013 and Dr. deep inside the Earth’s mantle. This was reAditi Mukherji of India in 2012 received the vealed by a study published in the journal Science. award. The study was conducted by the Northwestern geophysicist Steve Jacobsen and Univer• Iowa - Secretary of State : Matt Schultz, Capsity of New Mexico seismologist Brandon ital : Des Moines, Official Language : English. Schmandt. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 22 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • The study is the first to provide direct evidence that there may be water in the area of the mantle known as the transition zone the layer between lower mantle and upper mantle. it will be the World’s most powerful and largest telescope. • The telescope will be able to analyze the environment of other planets and able to track the existence of aliens life. The telescope will track the species which are about 30 light years away. G • The findings will aid scientists in understanding how the earth formed, what its current composition and inner workings are and how much water is trapped in mantle rock. IN • The telescope will be prepared and set up in space itself, due to the large size of telescope it is not possible to send the telescope to space from earth via rocket. O O • Director : AK Srivastava. 02 MAY - World Veterinary Day. BA – The telescope will be about four times larger than the existing 44 feet - Hubble Space Telescope. L • Murrah is high milk yielding mature buffalo. • For the setting up the telescope, NASA will send a group of astronauts to space via Orion rocket. Features of the ATLAST telescope: O F • Researchers of National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI) cloned female buffalo calf, Lalima. Lalima was produced through indigenously developed Hand - guided Cloning Technique. Lalima weighs 42-kg and is a female calf. It is the seventh buffalo clone produced by NDRI. Scientists used the institutes’s indigenously developed hand - guided cloning technique where somatic cells from an ear of a Murrah buffalo were taken to produce a clone. NK National Dairy Research Institute Clones Female Buffalo Calf Facebook releases messaging app Slingshot SC H • Social media giant Facebook announced the release of its latest messaging app Slingshot. – The mirror inside the telescope will have a diameter of around 52 feet, which will be the largest mirror ever created by any man on Earth. – The telescope will be located at a distance of 10 lakh miles. – Telescope to be ready by 2030. • According to Scientists, the telescope will help astronomers in exploring more than 60 odd new planets. It will also give insights into the proportion of oxygen and other gases in space, which either is, the reason for sustaining life on other planets, or vice-versa. .J P • Slingshot lets users share selfies and other short-lived videos and pictures, but friends have to share something before they are able to see images from others, according to the announce- Wipro gets Golden Peacock Award 2014 ment. • IT major Wipro announced it has been recognised with the prestigious Golden Pea• Slingshot is an attempt to take users away from cock Award 2014, in the category of “Innovathe popular messaging app Snapchat. tive Product/Service” for Wipro’s “Assure Health” solution in India. Dr World’s most powerful telescope ATLAST to be built by NASA to track alien’s life • The Royal Astronomical Society, London unveiled the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) plan to build ATLAST or Advanced Technology Large Aperture Space Telescope in Portsmouth. Once, built, • Wipro Assure Health is a disruptive healthcare delivery solution that enables affordable patient centric healthcare through non-invasive wearable sensor, advanced mobility, cloud based analytics and evidence based decision support system. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 23 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs Defence • Project Seabird was approved in 1999 to pursue the construction of the new naval base at Karwar. Phase I was completed in 2005 and the base was commissioned on 31 May 2005. Development of Phase II commenced in 2011. Largest Base: BRAHMOS Missile Test - Fired From Warship INS Kolkata G • India on 9 June successfully test - fired the 290 km - range BRAHMOS supersonic anti - ship cruise missile from the country’s largest indigenous warship INS Kolkata off the coast of Karwar in Karnataka. BRAHMOS missile with a speed of Mach 2.5 to 2.8 is the product of joint collaboration between India and Russia. For the first time, the missile was test-fired from an indigenous warship that will be commissioned in Indian Navy in July 2014. So far BRAHMOS missile have been deployed on the Russia built Rajput - class destroyers and Talwar - class frigates on the Navy. Note: NK IN • On completion, Project Seabird, Karwar in coastal Karnataka will become the country’s biggest Naval base by 2025. O F BA • The base will enhance the Navy’s operational flexibility and strategic advantage in the Indian Ocean region, including in anti-piracy efforts. Moreover, the move to set up an exclusive naval base at Karwar is intended to decongest Mumbai on the West coast and Visakhapatnam on the East coast, as the two ports also have commercial shipping operations. SC H O O L • Mach number: The speed of an object divided PSLV C23, carrying five satellites, launched by the speed of sound in the fluid is called the successfully from Sriharikota Mach number. • ISRO’s PSLV C23 was launched from Satish • The Talwar class is a new class of frigates deDhawan Space Centre at Sriharikota in signed and built by Russia for the Indian Navy. Andhra Pradesh at 9.52 am. The PSLV C23 carried five satellites belonging to four coun• The Rajput class guided-missile destroyers tries namely France, Germany, Canada and built for the Indian Navy are modified versions of Singapore. Soviet Kashin class destroyers. They are also known as Kashin-II class. • All these five satellites were launched under com• The ships were built in Russia after considerable Indian design modifications to the Kashin design. The helicopter pad in the original design was replaced with a flight elevator. .J P Project Seabird phase II in Karwar, Karnataka got environment clearance Dr • Project Seabird Phase II in Karwar, Karnataka got environment clearance by the Union Ministry of Environment and Forests. • Project Seabird will be one of the largest naval bases of India and will be completed in two phases. It will house various warships including India’s largest warship and aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya. About Project Seabird: mercial arrangements that ANTRIX (ISRO’s commercial arm) has entered with the respective foreign agencies. • Earlier, the launch time was fixed at 9.49 am IST but was launched with a delay of 3 minutes due to probability of space debris movement during the launch window. • On its way, PSLV C23 will separate all five satellites, one by one into their intended orbit and these satellites are – The French Earth observation satellite SPOT-7 of 714 kg which is similar to Indian Remote Sensing System (IRSS). – 14 kg AISAT of Germany. – NLS7.1 (CAN-X4) & NLS7.2 (CANX5) of Canada each weighing 15 kg and This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 24 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs INS Vikramaditya to the nation. Off the Goa coast in the Arabian Sea, the Prime Minister also sat in a MIG 29 aircraft to have a feel of the combat fighter on the ship sailing off the Goa coast. the 7 kg are from University of Toronto, Institute of Aerospace studies/Space Flight Laboratory. – VELOX-1 of Singapore from Nanyang Technological University and is a technology demonstrator for design of image sensor, MEMS-based determination and control system and inter-satellite RF link. IN G • The deal for the aircraft carrier was signed during the previous NDA regime in 2004 and the ship has been dedicated to the nation after a gap of ten years. The vessel was inducted in the Indian Navy on 16 November 2013. NK • Till date, ISRO has launched 35 satellites of foreign countries onboard its workhorse, the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV). Supersonic Akash Missile test-fired by Army Indo-French Air Exercise Garuda V con- in very low Altitude in ITR Balasore cluded at Jodhpur O O BA • Indian Army test-fired surface-to-air Akash missile from an Integrated Test Range (ITR) in Balasore, Odisha. This test was last among the validation trials being carried out by the Army on the first off production models of Akash Supersonic missile. Now it is ready for being induction in Indian army. O F L • Indo-French Air Exercise, Garuda V concluded in Jodhpur Air Base. The exercise between the air forces of both countries started saw various combat roles including Air to Air refueling.During the exercise Arup Raha the IAF chief Air Marshal and his French counterpart General Denis Mercier flew combat sorties in Rafale and Su30 respectively. They also interacted with the pilots and technicians of both the Air Force. Note: • Odisha - CM: Naveen Patnaik, Governor: Dr. S. C. Jamir, Capital: Bhubaneswar. Books in news SC H • The Dassault Rafale is a French twin-engine, canard delta-wing, multirole fighter aircraft designed Book titled Blood Feud written by Edward Klein released and built by Dassault Aviation. • Su - 30 is a twin-engine, two-seat supermaneuverable fighter aircraft developed by Russia’s Sukhoi Aviation Corporation. It is a multirole fighter for all-weather, air-to-air and air-to-surface deep interdiction missions. .J P 1. French Air Force was comprised of 4 Rafales and 1 C-135 French Refueller aircraft. Dr 2. The Indian Air Force (IAF) fielded 4 Su30MKI, 4 MiG 21 Bison, 4 MiG 27 (Upg) as well as an IL-78 tanker aircraft and an Airborne Warning and control system IL-76 (AWACS). PM Narendra Modi Dedicates INS Vikramaditya To Nation • Prime Minister Narendra Modi dedicated the the country’s latest warship aircraft carrier • A book Blood Feud : The Clintons vs. the Obamas written by Edward Klein was released. The book was published by the publishing house Regnery. About the book: • Blood Feud is about the animosity, jealousy, and competition between America’s two most powerful political couples. • The book focused upon the relationship between the Obama’s and the Clinton’s with details on closed - door meetings buttressed by hundreds of interviews. • The book also talked about the health of Hillary Clinton. As per the author, Clinton’s heart valves were not pumping in a steady way. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 25 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs Ans: Telungana 2. Which is the common capital of telungana and Andra pradesh ? Ans: Hyderabad G • The book titled “Getting India Back on track - An Action” Agenda for Reform was released by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in New Delhi. The book edited by Bibek Debroy, Ashley Tellis and Reece Trevor was published by Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. 1. Which state became the 29th state of India ? 3. How many districts of Andrapradesh became a part of Telungana ? IN Book titled Getting India Back on Track released authored by Deepti Ans: Chandrasekhar Rao 5. Who is the First Governer of Telungana ? BA Character 4. who is the Chief Minister of Telungana ? Ans: E.S.L. Narasimman 6. Which country is the largest exporter of textiles ? Ans: China • The Novel A Bad Character was authored by Deepti Kapoor. It will be published in August 2014. 7. India is in which position in textile exporting ? Ans: 2nd position 8. The Appared Exports Ranking was recently released on June. The survey was released by which organisation ? SC H O O L • It is the story of a desire of young woman named Idha who escapes from the arranged marriage and security that her middleclass world has to offer. Subsequently she goes through a chance encounter with a charismatic, dangerous young man. Consequently, she is quickly exposed to the thrilling, often illicit pleasures that both the city, Delhi, and her body can hold. O F A Bad Kapoor NK Ans: 10 districts • The book contains insightful essays by eminent academicians and public policy experts and the foreword has been written by Ratan Tata. It says how Indian policymakers can return the country to a path of high and sustained economic growth. Ans: UN comtrade 9. Jammu and Kashmir raised the age of retirement of government employees recently. what is the age of retirement ? Ans: 58 to 60 yrs P • The novel shows a different Delhi, the viewers have 10. what is the upper age limit for youth to obtain not seen in fiction before : a city awash with government jobs in Jammu and Kashmir ? violence, rage and corruption. Ans: 40 years (before 37 years) .J Warrior State Written By T V Paul Pre- 11. The name of the female buffalo calf cloned by NDRI recently is ? sented To Vice-President Dr Ans: Lalima • The book titled Warrior State: Pakistan in the Contemporary World written by T V Paul 12. NDRI has produced how many cloned buffalo till was presented to the Vice President Hamid now ? Ansari . In this book everything is present about Ans: 7 complete behavior of Pakistan’s insecurity mess using literature from history, sociology, religious 13. For Lalima, the clone female buffalo where was the studies, and international relations. somatic cells got from ? National Ans: The ear of a Murrah buffalo This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 26 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs 14. Who was appointed as the chairman of Micromax 27. The PM has planned a multi million sanitation programme recently. What is the name of that project recently ? ? Ans: Sanjay kapoor Ans: “Mahatma Gandhi clean India programme” 15. Where is the Head quarters of Micromax ? Loksabha Speaker ? Ans: Sumitra Mahajan 17. A new book was released by prime Minister Narendra Modi. what is the title of the book ? Ans: “Getting India Back on Track - An Action” Ans: around 1000 towns IN th 29. The sanitation cleaning will start from which city ? NK 16. who was appointed as 16 G 28. The sanitation cleaning programme plans to clean how many cities in India ? Ans: Gurgaon, Haryana Ans: Uttar Pradesh 30. The TARC commitee headed by ——- 18. what is the range of BRAHMOS missile, which was success fully test fixed recently ? BA Ans: Parthasarathi shome 31. The Abbreviation of TARC is ? Ans: 290 km Ans: Tax Administration Reforms Commission 19. BRAHMOS missile was test fired from where ? 20. BRAHMOS missile was the prosuct of joint collaboration between which two countries ? O F 32. The PM recently released the postage stamps on which symbol ? Ans: INS Kolkata, Karwar in Karnataka Ans: 2014 FIFA world cup 33. What was the slogan for FIFA 2014 ? Ans: India and Russia Ans: Karwar, Karnataka O O L Ans: All In one Rhythm. 21. Project “sea bird” was implemented in which state ? 34. what is the name of Indo - French Air exercise? Ans: Garuda V SC H 22. Recently a report said that India would have a pos- 35. who is the IAF Chief ? itive growth. The report was released by which Ans: Arup Raha organisation ? Ans: OECD ( organisation for Economic Co - op- 36. A French twin engine was used in the Indo - French air exercise. What is the name of that engine ? eration and Development) P Ans: Dassault Rabale 23. Union - Ministry of Health and Family welfare launched a video recently. The title of the video is 37. Which warship aircraft was dedicated to the nation recently ? ? Ans: INS vikramadithya .J Ans: “The price we pay” Dr 24. Which day is celebrated as World Anti - Tobacco 38. “Warrier state” book is written by ———day ? Ans: T.V. Paul Ans: 31st may 39. First solar power planet of Delhi is set up in which place ? 25. cabinet Minister of Health and family welfare is ? Ans: Dr. Harsh vardhan Ans: Dwarka sec 21 Metro station 26. Sirikonda Madhusudhana Chary won the Assembly 40. Which country did Prime Minister Narendra Mode visit on June 2014 ? Election in which district ? Ans: Waranangal (Bhupalpalli) Ans: Bhutan This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 27 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs 45. What is the capital and currency of Bhutan ? BA NK IN G 41. Prime Minister Narendra Mode visited Bhutan 54. Who is the Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh ? with ———— Ans: Shivraj Singh Chouhan Ans: (I) External affairs Minister sushma swaraj 55. Who is the Governor of Madhyapradesh ? (II) NSA Ajit Doval Ans: Shri Ram Naresh Yadav (III) Foreign secretary sujatha singh 56. Which state is in the Ist place in highest con42. Prime Minister described the bilateral relations of synption of cigarettes ? India and Bhutan as ———– Ans: kolkata Ans: B2B (Bharat to Bhutan) 57. Who is the Minister of Water resource Ministry ? 43. who is the Prime Minister of Bhutan ? Ans: Uma Bharathi Ans: Lyonchchen Ishering Tobgay 58. Who is the CEO and Managing Director of NPCI 44. Who is the King of Bhutan ? ? Ans: Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck Ans: A.P. Hota 59. NPCI stands for ———- Ans: Thimpu, Bhutanese ngultrum, Indian Rupee O F Ans: National Payment Corporation of India 46. What is the official Language of Bhutan ? 60. Akash Missile is what type of missile ? Ans: Dzonglha Language Ans: Surface to Air L 47. Which city is the first kerosene free city in India ? 61. Akash missile was test fired from which place ? Ans: Delhi Ans: Balasore, Odissa Ans: Najeeb Jung O O 48. Who is the Lieutenant - Governor of Delhi ? 62. Who is the Governor of Odissa ? Ans: Dr. S.C. Jamir Dr .J P SC H 49. The Governor of Delhi approved a committee to 63. Who is the Chief Minister of Odissa ? ensure road safety. what is the name of that comAns: Naveen patnaik mittee ? 64. Union Health Ministry approved to set up a Ans: Direct level Road safety committee paramedical Science Institute Recently on which 50. Union MSME Ministry launched the online Faciliplace ? tation centre for which Industries ? Ans: AIIMS, Bhopal Ans: Small and Medium Enterprises 65. who translated Tirukural and Bharathiyar poems 51. Where was India’s first ”one stop crisis centre in mandarin language recently ? launched ? Ans: Taiwanese poet Yultsi Ans: Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh 66. Who got the Thiruvalluvar Award – 2014 recently 52. What is the name of the ”one stop crises centre” ? launched in Bhopal ? Ans: Yultsi Ans: Gauravi 67. How much money did Tamilnadu Government 53. Gauravi - one stop crises centre was launched by grant for the translation of Thirukural in Mandarin whom ? language ? Ans: Bollywood actor Amir khan Ans: 77.70 lakhs This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 28 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs IN Ans: K.K.Mehrotra Ans : G 68. Union cabinet ministry reconstituted some com- 80. What was the change in the Railway fares ? mittees recently. How many committees belong to Ans: Increased by 14.2 % that ? 81. Union Government constituted a committee to inAns: 6 quire the incident of gas leakage in Bhilai steel plant in Chattis garh. who is the Head of that 69. The Four cabinet committees which belongs to the committee ? PM are ———- BA NK (1) Security (2) Political Affairs (3) Economic Af- 82. The committee to inquire about gas leakage in fairs (4) Appointments chattis garh consists of how many members excluding the Head ? 70. The Two cabinet committees, which belongs to the Ans: 3 (KAP singh, SB Mathur, soumitra Home Minister are ———tarafder) Ans: (1) Accommondation (2) Parlimentry affairs 83. “A Bad Character” Book was authored by whom 71. Who is the Home Minister of India now ? ? Ans: Rajnath singh. Ans: Deepti Kapoor O F 72. The cabinet committee on Appoinment has how 84. Andra Pradesh raised the retirement age of govmany members ? ernment employees from 58 to ——Ans: 2 (PM, Home Minister) Ans: 60 years L 73. The cabinet committee on Economic Affairs has 85. UP government raised the retirement age of govhow many members excluding the PM ? ernment employees from 65 yrs to—— Ans: 13 Ans: 68 years P SC H O O 74. The cabinet committee on Political Affairs has how 86. Who is the State Election Commissioner of UP ? many members ? Ans: Satish Kumar Agarwal Ans: PM and 9 other members 87. Odissa government raised the retirement age of 75. The cabinet committee on Security has how many government employees from 58 yrs to——members ? Ans: 60 years Ans: PM and 3 other members 88. Chief Minister of Odissa is ——— 76. The cabinet committee on Accommodation has Ans: Naveen Patnaik how many members ? 89. Who is the Chief Secretary of Odissa ? Ans: Home Minister and 4 other members .J Ans: J.K. Mohapatra 77. The cabinet committee on parlimentry Affairs has how many members excluding the Home Minister 90. Where is the Head quarter of cool India Limited ? situated ? Dr Ans: 10 Ans: Kolkota, West Bengal 78. Where was SAARC Monsoon Initiative Pro- 91. Who is the Petrolium Minister at present ? gramme National working group meeting held ? Ans: Dharmendra Pradhan Ans: Bhopal, Madhyapradesh 92. Who is the Chair person of the New Delhi Munic79. 2010 SAARC summit was held in ———– ipal Council ? Ans: Thimpu, Bhutan Ans: Meenakshi Lekhi This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 29 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs 94. What was the report about the child education in India released by the UNESCO ? Ans: “India has over 1 million children out of school” Ans: June 1 2. Who is the President of El Salvador? Ans: Sanchez ceren (Sworn on June 1) 3. Which is the Capital of El Salvador? G Ans: United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation 1. Which day is observed as the global Day of parents? IN 93. The UNESCO stands for ? Ans: San Salvador 95. Who is the Director general of the UNESCO ? NK 4. What is the currency of El Salvador? Ans: Irina Bokova Ans: United States Dollar 96. Which is the Ist college to include the Transgender catagoty in their application forms ? 5. What is the official language of El Salvador? Ans: Spanish 97. Which satellite was launched on June 2014 from sriharikota ? BA Ans: Pune’s fergusson college 6. Who is recently appointed to the Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) of the UN? Ans: PSLV C – 23 98. PSLV C – 23 satellite is carried how many satellites ? Ans: 5 O F Ans: Jordanian Prince Zeid al-Hussein 7. Who was elected as the President of the 69th session of the UN General Assembly? L Ans: Sam Kutesa O O 99. PSLV C – 23 carried the satellite belonging to which countries ? Ans: France, Germany, Canada, Singapore SC H 100. What is the name of the French satellite that belongs to PSLV C – 23 ? Ans: SPOT -7 of 714 kg 101. What are the canadian satellites that belongs to PSLV C – 23 ? 8. Which is the new messaging application released by Facebook? Ans: Slingshot 9. Where were 367 exotic new species discovered? Ans: Greater Mekong region is South east Asia 10. Which organisation published a report titled ‘Mysterious Mekong’ ? Ans: World Wildlife Fund Ans: NLST.1 (CAN - x4), NLST.2 (CAN - x5) P 11. Due to which disease 337 persons died West Africa? .J 102. What is the name of the singapore satellite that belongs to PSLV C – 23 ? Ans: VELOX - 1 Dr 103. Till now, ISRO has sent how many foreign countries satellites ? Ans: 35 satellites 104. PSLV stands for ? Ans: Polar satellite Launch vehicle International Ans: Ebola Virus disease 12. Who was arrested in the US on Nazi death camp charges? Ans: Johann Breyer 13. Where will mycopter project day for 2014 will held? Ans: Braunschweig, Germany 14. Who is the Coordinator Professor of mycopter ? Ans: Dr. Heinrich Bulthoff This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 30 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs 15. Where did IEP release GPI 2014? 29. Who is the Secretary General of UNCTAD? Ans: Mukhisa Kituyi Ans: London 16. Which day is observed as the World Refugee Day? 30. Where is the Head quarters of UNCTAD? Ans: 20th June G Ans: Geneva, Switzerland Ans: 3 NK IN 17. Which is Myanmar’s first site inscribed on the UN- 31. When is the World Vitiligo day observed? ESCO’s World Heritage List? Ans: June 25 Ans: Ancient Pyu cities 32. When is the International Seafarer’s Day observed? 18. How many cities are included in Ancient Pyu city? Ans: June 25 33. Who is the Secretary General of IMO? 38th 19. Where did the session of the World Heritage Committee take place? BA Ans: Koji Sekimizu 34. Where is the Head quarters of IMO located? Ans: Doha, Qatar. O F Ans: London, United Kingdom. 20. By who was the Great Himalayan National Park conservation Area inscribed in the World Heritage 35. Who is the author of the book “Blood Feud”? list? Ans: Edward Klein Ans: The world Heritage Committee 36. When is the International Day Against Drug Abuse 21. Which stepwell of India was included in the UN& Illicit Trafficking observed? ESCO’s world Heritage Site list recently? Ans: 26th June L Ans: Rani-ki-Vav O O 22. What is the world’s most powerful telescope which is to be built by NASA to track life of aliens? Ans: ATLAST SC H 23. Which rocket will be used by NASA to setting up the telescope? Ans: Orion rocket. 37. Which status is granted by the Union Government to EIL & NBCC? Ans: Navaratna Status 38. Who is the President of Syria? Ans: Bashar al-Assad 39. Who is the PM of Syria? Ans: Weal Nader Al-Halqi 24. When is United Nations public service Day celebrated? 40. Which is the capital of Syria? P Ans: 23rd June .J 25. When is International widow’s day observed? Ans: 23rd June Dr 26. Which report is released by UNEP? Ans: The Environment Crime Crisis 27. Who is the Executive director of UNEP? Ans: Achim Steiner 28. Which report is released by UNCTAD? Ans: World Investment Report 2014 Ans: Damascus 41. What is the currency of Syria? Ans: Syrian pound 42. What is the official language of Syria? Ans: Arabic 43. Where was the 40th G - 7 summit 2014 held? Ans: Brussels. 44. Who is the President of the European council Ans: Herman van Rompuy This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 31 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs Ans: 5th June 60. What is the theme of World Day Against Child Labour? Ans: “Extend social protection: combat child labour” 46. What is the theme for Environment Day 2014? Ans: “Small islands and climate change” 47. What is the Slogan for Environment Day 2014? 61. Where is the headquarters of the International Labour Organization located? IN Ans: Geneva Ans: “Raise your voice not the sea level” Ans: Barbados, Lesser Antilles Ans: Guy Ryder 49. Where was Robot Raptor developed? NK 62. Who is the Director General of the International Labour Organization? 48. Where was world Environment Day held? BA 63. When is the World Blood Donor Day observed Day? Ans: KAIST Ans: Sate blood for saving mothers 50. How long can the Robot Raptor run in one hour? 64. When is the World Tuberculosis Day observed? Ans: 46 kilometers Ans: March 24 O F 51. Who is the President of South Korea? 65. World Health Day falls on ? Ans: Park Geun - hye Ans: 7th April 52. Who is the PM of South Korea? 66. World Malaria Day falls on ? O O 53. Which is the capital of South Korea? L Ans: Jung Hong - Won Ans: Seoul G 45. When is the World Environment Day observed? Ans: 25th April 67. World No Tobacco Day falls on? Ans: 31st May 54. What is the currency of South Korea? SC H Ans: Won 55. What is the official language of South Korea? Ans: Korean P 56. UN General assembly set up a prize in honor of a South African leader? Who is that leader? Ans: 1st December 69. When was World Elder Abuse Awareness Day observed in 2014? Ans: June 15 70. Where is Earth’s largest water reservoir located? Ans: Inside Earth’s mantle. .J Ans: Nelson mandela 68. World AIDS Day falls on? Dr 57. For how much money did Google purchase the 71. Where & when was OSCE - Japan Conference held satellite firm Skybox Imaging? Ans: Tokyo, 17th June 2014 Ans: 500 million us dollar 72. When was World Day to Combat Desertification 58. What did google acquired in April 2014? observed? Ans: TITAN Aerospace Ans: 17 June 59. When is the World Day Against Chief Labour ob- 73. What was the theme for 2014 WDCD? served? Ans: “Land Belongs to the future let’s climate th Ans: 12 June proof it” This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 32 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs Banking Ans: New York 17. Committee on the FDI/ FPI is headed by whom? NK 2. Who is the Deputy Managing Director of SBI? IN 1. With Whom did SBI partner to launch the mpos 16. Who is the Union Finance Secretary? solution? Ans: Arvind Mayaram Ans: Ezetap Mobile Solution G 74. What is the theme of the 2014 International Day 14. Who is a Chairman of NABARD? Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking? Ans: Harsh Kumar Bhanwala Ans: “A message of hope: Drug use disorders are 15. Where did Canara Bank open its new branch repreventable and treatable” cently? Ans: Arvind Mayaram Ans: S.K. Mishra 18. Who is the Finance Minister of India? 3. For whom did SEBI issue new norms? Ans: Arun Jaitley BA Ans: Public Issuance of Debt Securities. 5. Which report was released by the World Bank in June 2014? Ans: New Delhi O O 6. Where was the report on Power Sector Reforms in India released? Ans: 8.0% SC H 7. What was the repo rate in June? 8. What was the reverse repo rate in June? Ans: 7.0% 9. What was the Bank rate in June? P Ans: 9.0% .J 10. What was the MSF in June? Ans: 9.0% 11. What was the CRR in June? Dr Ans: 4.0% 12. What was the SLR in June? Ans: 22.5% SPORTS 1. Who won the IPL 2014 title? Ans: Kolkata Knight Riders L Ans: ‘More power to India - The Challenge of distribution’ O F 4. Who is the Chairman of Special Investigation 19. Who is the Managing Director & CEO of NPCI? Team (SIT)? Ans: A. P. Hota Ans: M. B Shah 2. Which team was the runner of IPL 2014? Ans: Kings XI Punjab 3. IPL 2014 finals was played at which stadium? Ans: Chinnaswamy Stadium, Bangalore 4. How many times has KKR team won the IPL title till now? Ans: 2 times 5. Who won the gold medal in the International Wrestling Tournament? Ans: Yogeshwar Dutt 6. Who won the silver medal in the International Wrestling Tournament? Ans: Sushil kumar 7. Where did the International Wrestling Tournament held? Ans: Sassari City of Italy 13. What changes did NABARD bring in the rates of refinance to boost investment credits? Ans: reduced 20 bps 8. Who is the President of Italy? Ans: Giorgio Napolitano This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 33 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs 9. Who is the Prime Minister of Italy? 24. Who is the first Indian shooter to win three medals in succession in the ISSF Shooting World Cup Series? Ans: Matteo Renzi 10. What is the Capital of Italy? Ans: Jitu Rai Ans: Rome G 25. Who won the Silver medal in ISSF? 11. What is the Currency of Italy? Ans: Pablo Carrera (Spain) IN Ans: Euro 26. Who won the Bronze medal in ISSF? 12. What is the official language of Italy? Ans: Anton Gourianov (Russia). NK Ans: Italian 27. Where was the ISSF world Cup held? 13. Who was banned for eight years by the disciplinary panel of Bangladesh cricket board? Ans: Mexico 28. Who is the President of Mexico? BA Ans: Mohammad Ashraful Ans: Olegario vazquez Rano 14. How much fine was imposed on Mohammad Ashraful for match fixing? 29. Who won the Austrian GP? Ans: 1 million takas (12280 US dollars) Ans: Nico Rosberg O F 15. Who is the President of Bangladesh? 30. Where was Austrian GP held? Ans: Abdul Hamid Ans: Red Bull Ring 16. Who is the Prime Minister of Bangladesh? Ans: Dhaka O O 17. Which is the capital of Bangladesh? 31. Who won the Women’s Doubles title in Malaysia? L Ans: Sheikh Hasina 18. What is the currency of Bangladesh? SC H Ans: Bangladeshi taka 19. What is the official language of Bangladesh? Ans: Bengali Ans: Dipika-Joshana 32. Who was appointed as New ICC President? Ans: Mustafa Kamal 33. Where was the ICC Annual Conference held? Ans: Melbourne, Australia 34. Who won the Australian open super series title? Ans: Saina Nehwal .J P 20. Who has bagged the FIDE World Rapid Chess 35. Who has been appointed Captain of South Africas Championship title? test Cricket team recently? Ans: Magnus Carlsen Ans: Hashim Amla 21. Where was FIDE World Rapid Chess Champi36. Who won the french Open Title? onship held? Dr Ans: Dubai Ans: Rafael Nadal 22. Who won the silver medal in FIDE World Rapid 37. Which country won the 2014 edition of Men’s Hockey World Cup? Chess Championship? Ans: Aremian Fabiani Carvana Ans: Australia 23. Who won the bronze medal in FIDE World Rapid 38. Who won the bronze medal for 2014 men’s Hockey World Cup? Chess Championship? Ans: Vishwanathan Anand Ans: Argentina This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 34 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs 39. Who is the Captain of Australia Men’s Hockey 52. Who was the best goal keeper of the World Team? Women’s Hockey Tournament? Ans: Rachael lynch of Australia. Ans: Mark Knowles G 40. Who is the Captain of Netherlands Men’s Hockey 53. Who was the youngest player in the Women’s World Hockey Tournament? Team? Ans: Florencia Martina Habit of Argentina. IN Ans: Robert van der Horst. 41. Whose goal is considered as the best goal of the World Cup Men’s Hockey Tournament? APPOINTMENTS NK 1. Who was appointed as the Chief Minister of Telungana? Ans: Sebastien Dockier of Belgium 42. Who was the top scorer of World Cup Men’s Hockey Tournament? Ans: Chandrasekhar Rao 43. Who was the best player of the Men’s Hockey Tournament? BA 2. Who was appointed as the Governor of Telungana? Ans: Gonzalo peillat of Argentina Ans: E.S.L. Narasimman 3. Who was appointed i as the Speaker of Loksabha? Ans: Mark Knowles of Australia 44. Who was the best goal keeper of Men’s World Cup Hockey Tournament? Ans: Jaap Stock man of Netherlands O F Ans: Sumitra Mahajan 4. Who was appointed in Western Naval command as commandar in Cheif? Ans: Vice Admiral Anil Chopra O O L 45. Who was the youngest player in the Men’s World Cup Hockey Tournament? Ans: Jeremy Hay ward of Australis 46. Which team won the Women’s Hockey World Cup? SC H Ans: Netherlands 47. Who is the Captain of Netherlands hockey team? Ans: Maartje paumen 48. What was the Captain of Australia hockey team? P Ans: Madonna Blyth .J 49. Whose goal is considered the best goal of the World Women’s Hockey Tournament? Dr Ans: Kim Lammers of Netherlands 50. Who was the Top scorer in world Women’s Hockey Tournament? Ans: Maartje paumen 5. Who was appointed as the new Solocitor General of India? Ans: Ranjith Kumar 6. Who was appointed as the Additional Principal Secretary to prime minister? Ans: P.K. Mishra 7. Who was appointed as the first Speaker of Telungana Legislative Assembly? Ans: SriKonda Mahusudhan Chary 8. Who was appointed as the commander of strategic forces? Ans: Lt. General Amit Sharma 9. Who was appointed as the new Revenue Secretary? Ans: Shaktikanta Das 10. Who is the President of Colombia? Ans: Jun Manuel 51. Who was the best player of the World Women’s Hockey Tournament? 11. What is the Capital and Currency of Colombia? Ans: Ellen Hoog of Netherlands. Ans: Bagota, Colombia Peso This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 35 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs 12. Who is the President of Israel? 26. Who is named as the next President of the European Commission ? Ans: Reuven Ruby Rivlin Ans: Jean - Claudo Juncker 13. What is the name of the Parliament of Israel? 27. Who is appointed as the Chairman of Micromax? Ans: Knesset IN G Ans: Sanjay Kappor 14. Who was included in the board of Federal Bank As 28. Who is appointed as the Chairperson of NDMC? in independent Director? Ans: Meenakshi Lekhi Ans: Subbulakshmi Panse NK 29. Who was Sworn in as the President of Egypt? 15. World Food prize 2014 was won by whom? Ans: Abdel Fatlah El - Sisi Ans: Indian - born Maxican Sanjaya Rajaram 30. Who was Sworn in as the Presidentof Ukraine? 16. New Private Secretary to PM is ? Ans: Petro Poroshenko 17. Who was appointed as the first Assembly Speaker of Andra Pradesh? Ans: Kodela Siva Prasada Rao SC H 21. Who was appointed as the IOC Chairman recently? Ans: Wipro 2. Wipro received the Golden Peacock Award - 2014, under which category? Ans: “Innovative product / service” for Wipro’s Assure Health 3. Moortidevi Award was given to whom? Ans: Malayal writer C. Radhakrishnan P 22. Who was Sworn as the President of EL Salvador? .J Ans: Sanchez Ceren 23. Who won the Presidential Election in Syria for the third time? Ans: Bashar al - Assad 4. For which novel of his did C. Radhakrishnan received the Moortidevi Award? Ans: Theekkadal Katanhu Thirumadhuram 5. Moortidevi award is given in the memory of ? Dr Ans: The mother of Sahu Santi Prasad jain 24. Who was newly appointed as the Head of OHCHR? Ans: Zeid Al - Hussein Ans: Sam Kutesa AWARDS L O O 20. Who was appointed as the Chairman of Coal India Limited? 25. Who is Elected the President of the 69 of the UN General Assembly? Ans: Mustafa kamal 1. Golden Peacock Award 2014 was won by which organisation? 19. Who was the President of Singapore? Ans: B. Ashok Ans: N. Chandrababu Naidu O F Ans: Indian - Origin Judge V.K. Rajah Ans: A.K. Dubey 31. Who waas Sworn in as Andhra Pradhes? 32. Who is appointed as the new ICc President? 18. Who was appointed as the 8th Attorney General of Singapore? Ans: Tony Tan Keng yam BA Ans: Rajeev Topna th session 6. What is the prize money of Moortidevi award? Ans: Cash prize of 4 lakh rupee plus a status of goddess Saraswathi 7. Who was the Knighthood award for this year? Ans: Indian Orgin Physicist Tejinder Virdee This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 36 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs 8. The Knighthood award was presented by whom? 22. PenPintere Prize is Conferred by ? Ans: Writer’s Charity English Pen Ans: Queen Elizabeth II IN G 9. For which Theory Tejinder Virdee got The Knight- 23. Pen Pinter Prize is given in the memory of ? hood award? Ans: Harold Pinter Ans: Higgs Boson Theory 24. Who won the World Cup of Sand Scullpting prize 2014? 10. Who won the Miss USA 2014 title? Ans: Indian Sand Artist Sudarsan Patthaik Ans: Nevada Nia Sanchez BA NK 11. Miss USA 2014 Ceremony was held in which place? 25. World Cup of Sand Scullpting - 2014 was held in which place? Ans: Baton Rouge Civic Center in Louisiana Ans: Atlantic City of the US 12. Sanjaya Rajaram won the Food prize 2014 for his 26. Sudarsan Pattnaik won the World Cup of Sand work in which Categry? Scullpting - 2014 title for his work on which title? Ans: The Improvement of Wheat Crop Ans: “Save tree, save the Future” Ans: Kedarnath Singh O O L O F 13. World Food prize waas established by whom and 27. World Snooker title was won by whom and where? when? Ans: Pankaj Advani in Egypt Ans: Dr. Norman Borlaug and 1986 28. Who is the Ist Asian to win both Billiards and 14. World Food prize 2014 award Function wasa held Snooker World Championships? in ? Ans: Pankaj Advani Ans: Des Moines, Iowa 29. The youngest Indian, who won the Rajiv Gandhi 15. Jnanpith Award 2013 won by whom ? Khel Ratha award was ? Ans: Pankaj Advani Ans: 10 SC H 16. How many Hindi writers have won the Jnanpith 30. Who was the Liberty Medla from the national Constitition Centre in Philadelphia? Award till now? 17. Prize money for Jnanpith Award is ? Ans: 11 lakh rupees Ans: Malala Yousafzai 31. Who won Baileys Women’s Prize for Fiction? Ans: Eimear MC Bride .J P 18. What is the meaning for the Sanskrit word Jnana- 32. What is the name of the novel which won Bailey’s women’s prize? Pitha? Ans: A Girl is a Half Formed Thing Ans: Knowledge seat Dr 19. Tang prize for sustainable Development category was won by whom? Ans: Gro Harlem Brudtland 33. UN General Assembly has set up prize in honor of a South African Leader. Who is that leader? Ans: Nelson Mandela 20. The prize money for Tang prize is ? Ans: 40 million New Taiwan Dollors 21. Who was selected for PenPinter Prize 2014? Ans: Salman Rushdie (Indian Born Booker) This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 37 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs July Typhoon Neoguri makes landfall on Japan’s southern main island International • Typhoon Neoguri slammed into Japan’s southern main island early after lashing the Okinawa island chain, with three people killed as powerful winds and torrential rains battered the country. G Andy Coulson gets 18–month jail for phone hacking • The typhoon’s winds slowed somewhat overnight, with the storm packing gusts of up to 126 kilometres (78 miles) per hour as it moved east at 25 kilometres per hour. NK IN • Former “News of the World” editor Andy Coulson, a onetime aide to British Prime Minister David Cameron, has been sentenced to 18 months in jail for participating in a conspiracy to hack the phones of celebrities, politicians and crime victims. UN released World Urbanization Prospects BA • Three other former journalists and private inves- Report 2014 tigator Glenn Mulcaire all received shorter sen• Delhi has become the world’s second most poputences. lous city in 2014 after Tokyo, more than doubling its population since 1990 to 25 million, according to a UN report. 6th BRICS Summit to be held in Fortaleza, Brazil from 15 – 17 July 2014 O F L • The 6th BRICS summit will be the sixth annual diplomatic meeting of the BRICS, a grouping of major emerging economies that includes Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. • The 2014 revision of the World Urbanisation Prospects estimated that India is projected to add the highest number of people to its urban population by 2050, ahead of China. O O • It will be hosted by Brazil, as the first host country of the current five–year summit cycle, the host city will be Fortaleza. SC H • PM Narendra Modi will be attending the two– day summit of five–nation BRICS forum in Brazil when it is likely to give a concrete shape to establishment of a Development Bank and pitch for reforms of the UN Security Council. • The Indian capital is expected to retain the spot of the world’s second most populous city through at least 2030, when its population is expected to rise swiftly to 36 million. TOP THREE CITIES: 1. Tokyo, 2. Delhi, 3. Shangai. Dr .J P • Modi’s first participation in a multilateral meeting World Population Day 2014 Observed 11 after taking over as Prime Minister will also give July him an opportunity to meet with world leaders • World Population Day is being observed on 1st including Chinese President Xi Jinping and RusJuly, an annual event on 11 July to raise awareness sian President Vladimir Putin apart from leaders of global population issues, This year, the theme of South America. is “Investing in Young People.” • Summit host and Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff has invited leaders of South American nations including those from Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Uruguay, Venezuala and Surinam for the summit following on the footsteps of South Africa which invited African nations to the last year’s Summit in Durban. • Established by the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme in 1989, it was inspired by the interest in Five Billion Day on 11 July 1987 —- approximately the date when the world’s population reached five billion. Global Population Facts: This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 38 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • In summary, BRICS opens for its five members a space for dialogue, the identification of convergences and consultation regarding various topics, and expands contacts and cooperation in specific sectors. • As of 1 January 2014, the world’s population was estimated to be 7,137,661,030, and increases by 2.3 people every second. • The total number of people who have ever lived has been estimated by the Population Bureau to be around 108 billion. G • India is the second biggest economy on Purchase Power Parity parameter in the group after China. With its huge population and resources, in terms of skilled manpower and sizeable young generation, India is one of the fastest growing economies of the world. NK IN • The world population is estimated to have reached one billion in 1804, with two, three and four billion in 1927, 1960 and 1974 respectively. • China, India, USA, Indonesia, Pakistan and Brazil account for half the world’s people. • In such a case, India is all set to play a vital role in BRICS organization as well as on the world platform under the zeal and vigour of new government led by Shri Narendra Modi. BA • More than one in three people are Chinese or Indian. Prime Minister Narendra Modi and delivered US President Barack Obama’s invitation for him to visit Washington. O O L • Modi is scheduled to visit US in September for the UN General Assembly. The Prime Minister will also hold summit meeting with Obama to take the India–US relationship forward. O F US diplomat William Burns meets Prime India & Sri Lanka signed MoU to set up EnMinister gineering & Agricultural faculty for Univer• US Deputy Secretary of State William Burns met sity of Jaffna SC H • Burns had met Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley and discussed the bilateral ties between the two countries. PM Narendra Modi set to leave for Brazil to participate in VIth BRICS Summit • India signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Sri Lanka for setting up a Faculty of Agriculture and a Faculty of Engineering for the University of Jaffna at Kilinochchi. • The MoU was signed in the presence of Sri Lanka’s Minister of Higher Education, SB Dissanayake in Colombo and the signatories of the MoU were 1. YK Sinha, High Commissioner of India 2. Dunil Jayantha Nawaratne, the Secretary to the Ministry of Higher Education .J P • Prime Minister Narendra Modi is all set to participate in VIth BRICS Summit in Fortaleza and BRICS to create 100 billion dollar development bank and emergency reserve fund Brasilia, Brazil from 14 to 16th of July. Dr • He will embark upon his important journey on 13th of July. This will be his first multi–lateral meeting with the heads of BRICS countries, the growing world economies such as Brazil, China, Russia and South Africa. • PM is also scheduled to have important bilateral meetings with President of China, Mr Xi Jinping on 14th July. On the same day, Shri Narendra Modi will have bilateral dialogues with Russian President Vladimir Putin. • BRICS nations signed a deal to create a new 100 billion US dollar development bank and emergency reserve fund. The deal to from the bank was signed during the 6th BRICS Summit being held in Fortaleza, Brazil form 15 July to 16 July 2014. BRICS group includes Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. • Creation of the bank was announced after a plenary meet at a BRICS summit meet by Brazil’s President, Dilma Rousseff. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 39 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs NK IN G • The founding treaty for the New Development India and Brazil signed three agreements to Bank and the Contingency Reserve Agreement strengthen the bilateral relation were signed by the economy ministers of the mem• India and Brazil signed three agreements during ber nations. Initially, the bank will start off with the sixth BRICS Summit in Fortaleza, Brazil. 50 billion dollars in initial capital with the five BRICS putting in 10 billion US dollars each. • The agreement was signed by Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi and Brazilian President Dilma • The headquarters will be in Shanghai, China. Rousseff at the Brazilian President official resi• The Bank will have a rotating chair and its first dence the Itamaraty Palace. President will come from India for the first six years. • Narendra Modi was on a visit to Brazil to attend 6th BRICS Summit being held in Fortaleza, Brazil form 15 July to 16 July 2014. • The Bank will also have a regional office in Johannesburg, South Africa. Participant leaders of the five nations are BA • The three agreements signed between the two countries are • Brazil – Dilma Rousseff • Russia – Vladimir Putin • China – Xi Jinping – Agreement on Space O F • India – Narendra Modi – MoU on Cooperation in the Field of Environment – MoU on Cooperation in the Establishment of a consultation mechanism on mobility and consular issues. • South Africa – Jacob Zuma • China will contribute 41 billion US dollar L Contribution of different nations SC H O O • Brazil, Russia and India will contribute 18 billion Next BRICS Summit to be held in Russia US dollar each • The next BRICS Summit will be held in the Russian city of Ufa after the grouping’s suc• South Africa will provide 5 billion US dollar cessful meeting in Brazil that saw an agreement being reached on establishing a development bank UK’s Foreign Secretary William Hague reand a contingency reserve arrangement. signs • Britain’s Foreign secretary William Hague has resigned as part of an anticipated P • Reshuffle of the Conservative–led Government ahead of a general election next year. .J Typhoon Rammasun hits Philippines; to toss monsoon ‘low’ into Bay • Brazil, India, China and South Africa convey their appreciation to Russia for its offer to host the Seventh BRICS Summit in 2015 in the city of Ufa and extend their full support to that end. • Ufa is the capital city of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia, and the industrial, economic, scientific and cultural centre of the republic. Dr • Northwest Pacific typhoon Rammasun has barrelled into the Philippines as a category–2 storm on the five–step Saffir–Simpson scale of storm in- Global Innovation Index 2014 released tensity. • The Global Innovation Index 2014 (GII) was re• Rammasun is far from being finished as normally leased at the B20 Australia Summit held in happens with a storm on making landfall, instead Sydney on 18 July 2014. The 2014 Index was it will enter South China Sea and churn up into a released by the Australia’s industry minister Ian stronger category–3 typhoon. Macfarlane. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 40 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • As President of the G20 in 2014, Australia has established a B20. • GII 2014 in its 9th edition covers 143 countries around the world and uses 81 indicators across a range of theme. Bolivia legalised Child Labour for Kids from • The bill also offers safeguards for working children like the bill sets harsher punishment of 30 years for violence against children. O F in Sydney, Australia. At the Summit, the business leaders of G20 countries issued a blueprint for G20 leaders to boost economic and job growth and make global economy more resilient to deal with future shocks. BA NK IN G • The theme of the GII 2014 is Human Factor Age 10 in Innovation and the main authors of the GII 2014 are Soumitra Dutta, Bruno Lanvin, and • Bolivia passed a law to legalise child labour for Sacha Wunsch–Vincent. kids from age 10. The bill was approved by Bolivian Congress in June 2014. The bill was signed • GII is released by WIPO (World Intellectual Propinto law by the Vice President of Bolivia. erty Organisation) • Under the legislation, 10–year–olds will be able to • India ranked 76th in GII 2014. work as long as they are under parental supervision and also attend school. It sets 12 as the B20 Australia Summit held in Sydney minimum age for a child to work under contract. They also would have to attend school. • Business 20 (B20) Australia Summit was held Nikesh Arora leaves Google, joins SoftBank • The B20 Australia Summit was chaired by Corp L Richard Goyder, Managing Director and CEO of Wesfarmers. O O • The blueprint is the result of a set of 20 mutually reinforcing recommendations for action by G20 leaders. About B20 • In a surprise move, Google’s Chief Business Officer India–born Nikesh Arora, regarded as among the top lieutenants at the Internet search giant, is leaving the company after almost 10 years. • Mr. Arora is moving to Japan’s SoftBank Corp as vice chairman. Dr .J P SC H • The Business 20 (B20) is a forum through which Switzerland tops innovation rankings for the the private sector produces policy recommendafourth consecutive year tions for the annual meeting of the Group of 20 (G20) leaders. • Switzerland has claimed the top spot on the Global Innovation Index for the fourth–straight • The B20 brings together business leaders from year while Sub–Saharan Africa “posted significant across G20 member countries to reflect the key role regional improvement”. of the private sector as the main driver of strong, sustainable and balanced growth. • The annual rankings, which this year focused on the role people play in the innovation pro• The B20 was first convened as a business sumcess, found that Switzerland and other top–ranked mit during the Canadian G20 Presidency in June countries Britain, Sweden and Finland, had strong 2010. The second B20 Summit was held under all–round support systems that led to ”high levels the Korean presidency of G20. In 2011, under the of creativity”. G20 presidency of France, the third B20 Summit was held. In 2012 and 2013, the fourth and fifth • India has been the worst performer among BRICS B20 Summit was held under the G20 Presidency nation in an annual index which measures innovaof Mexico and Russia. tion in various countries. • The B20 Summit was made a permanent event during the French G20 presidency in 2011. • While the other members of the grouping of large emerging economies all improved their rankings in This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 41 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • The Council also demanded that those responsible for this incident to be held to account and that all States cooperate fully with efforts to establish accountability. • The GII surveys 143 economies around the world, using 81 indicators to gauge both their innovation capabilities and measurable results. • Council members also insisted on the dignified, respectful and professional treatment and recovery of the bodies of the victims. IN G the 2014 Global Innovation Index (GII) —- Russia by as many as 13 positions to reach 49th —- India slipped 10 places compared to last year, placing 76th. BA NK • Published annually since 2007, the GII is pub- Typhoon Matmo struck east of Taiwan lished by Cornell University, INSEAD and the • Typhoon Matmo struck east of Taiwan. World Intellectual Property Organization. This Matmo, with a wind gust of 173 kilometres per year’s study was also researched by the Confederhour, was the first tropical storm of 2014 to make ation of Indian Industry, du and Huawei, as well as landfall on Taiwan. of an Advisory Board of 14 international experts. • Due to strong winds and heavy downpour brought by Matmo, roofs were tore off and trees were uprooted. This resulted into interruption of rail and air service and closure of financial centres. Besides, the Matmo also left nine people injured. Tesco appoints Dave Lewis as new CEO SC H O O L O F • Britain’s largest retailer Tesco plc announced appointment of Unilever executive and turnaround specialist Dave Lewis as the new CEO in place of incumbent Philip Clarke from October 1 as it warns of ‘challenging’ market Prime Minister of Ukraine, Arseniy Yatsenyuk Resigned sentiments. • The Prime Minister of Ukraine, Arseniy YatNote: Tesco chairman: Richard Broadbent senyuk resigned from his post from Verkhovna Rada (The Parliament of Ukraine) after his govUNSC adopted the resolution for an intererning coalition collapsed. The collapse of the national probe into MH–17 plane crash ruling coalition will lead to early elections, which will be called by the President Petro Poroshenko • The United Nations Security Council within 30 days. (UNSC) adopted a resolution demanding an international probe into the shooting down of Malaysian airplane MH–17 in eastern Ukraine. • Two Ukrainian parties, viz., Udar or Punch Party and Svoboda or Freedom Party left the majority coalition, paving way for new election. Dr .J P • The resolution was adopted by the 15–member UNSC unanimously and it condemned the shoot- European Union extended sanctions on Rusing down of MH–17 in Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine in sia in wake of MH–17 incident the strongest terms. The incident resulted in the • European Union extended the sanctions on Russia tragic loss of 298 lives. in wake of the Malaysian Airplane MH–17 crash that happened over eastern Ukraine in third week • The resolution also demanded that pro–Russia of July 2014. rebels allow unfettered access to the Grabove village, the crash site of Malaysian plane MH17 in • The sanctions were approved by the Committee eastern Ukraine. of Permanent Representatives of the European Union (EU) at a meet in Brussels, Belgium. • Further, the Council demanded that the armed • The extended sanctions include names of 15 ingroups in control of the crash site and the surdividuals and 18 companies from Russia and rounding area refrain from any actions that may Ukraine. These names have been added to the compromise the integrity of the crash site. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 42 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • UNICEF, under the programme, has so far trained over 40 teachers, 100 school management committees, over 200 mother group members, and 2,000 children across the region. existing list of 72 individuals and two companies against whom visa bans and asset freezes have been imposed. • The chief names among these include the head of the Russian Federal Security Service Alexander Bortnikov and Sergei Beseda, head of the FSB department that oversees international operations and intelligence activity. The names include four members of Russia’s Security Council. IN G • According to the company release, mass hand washing facility has also been installed in 20–odd schools in Assam by UNICEF. Nearly 74 per cent of the elementary schools are provided with clean drinking water and 79 per cent girls and 56 per cent boys have access to toilets. NK • The imposition of sanctions on Russia started with the annexation of Crimea in eastern Ukraine by Russia in February 2014. • A team consisting of Woodland and UNICEF representatives has visited some of the rural primary schools in Kamrup district of Assam. O O L • The IGD day has been established by the European Gaucher Alliance (EGA) to raise international awareness about Gaucher disease. • World Hepatitis Day is being observed on July 28 all over the world to generate mass awareness about the deadly disease. O F • The World on 26 July 2014 observed first International Gaucher Day (IGD). The day was observed to mark the 160th birthday of Philippe Gaucher. Slogan of the day was Rare But Not Alone. BA International Gaucher Day observed on 26 World Hepatitis Day being observed July • The theme of this year’s World Hepatitis Day is “It’s closer than you think.” With about one million people worldwide dying due to hepatitis – and millions suffering immediate sickness or developing chronic illness – the theme reflects the lurking dangers of the disease. Note: Hepatitis B is an infectious illness of the liver caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV) that affects apes, including humans. It was originally known as “serum hepatitis”. The acute illness causes liver inflammation, vomiting, jaundice, and, rarely death. Woodland, UNICEF to launch water, sanitation campaign in Assam Chronic hepatitis B may eventually cause cirrhosis and liver cancer – a disease with poor response to all but a few current therapies. P SC H Note: Gaucher’s disease or Gaucher disease is a genetic disease in which a fatty substance (lipid) accumulates in cells and certain organs. The disorder is characterized by bruising, fatigue, anemia, low blood platelets, and enlargement of the liver and spleen. It is caused by a hereditary deficiency of the enzyme glucocerebrosidase Dr .J • Footwear and apparel maker Woodland has tied International Tiger Day 2014 observed up with UNICEF to promote a water, san- across the world itation and hygiene campaign (WASH) in • The World on 29 July 2014 observed the InterAssam. This is the third year of their tie–up. national Tiger Day. The day is celebrated as • The idea of the partnership is to support an awareness day. The goal of the Tiger Day is UNICEF’s efforts to advocate the importance of to promote protection and expansion of the safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene. wild tiger habitats and also to gain support awareness for tiger conservation. • Over the last two years, Woodland has contributed • At present the number of wild tigers is at its lowapproximately Rs 1.25 crore towards the proest. In last 100 years, around 97 percent of the gramme. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 43 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs Note: Camel as an animal provide livelihood to numerous people of Rajasthan and is called as a ship of desert. However, over the years these animals are slaughtered for its meat and are also illegally transported to neighbouring states. Camels are also killed as part of sacrifice in several districts of the Rajasthan. As a result, the camel population in Rajasthan has dwindled sharply. G total tigers population have been lost. In 1913, the world has about 1 lakh wild tigers, which has dropped to 3000 in 2014. As per estimates, India in 2010 had 1706 wild tigers that increased from 1411 in 2006. Among the 13 tiger-range countries, India has the highest number of tiger population. About International Tiger Day BA Marrakesh Treaty • India became the first country to ratify the Marrakesh Treaty to facilitate access to published works for persons who are blind and visually impaired. O O L • India on 1 July 2014 observed the National Doctors’ Day. The day is observed to honour legendary physician, Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy whose birth and death anniversary falls on the same day. On 4 February 1961, he received the Bharat Ratna. O F National National Doctors’ Day observed across India on 1 July • The doctors’ day gives an opportunity to raise the awareness about the doctor’s role in our daily lives. SC H • About Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy – He was born on 1 July 1882 in Patna and died on 1 July 1962. P – He was a legendary physician who also served West Bengal as its second Chief Minister from 1948 to 1962. Dr .J – The B.C. Roy National Award was instituted in 1976 for work in the area of medicine, politics, science, philosophy, literature and arts. NK IN The decision to observe 29 July as World Tiger Day was taken in 2010 at the Saint Petersburg Note: Tiger Summit because at that moment wild tigers Rajasthan – Capital: Jaipur, Cheifminister: were too close to extinction. In the summit, the Vasundhara Raje, Governer: Kalyan Singh governments from 13 tiger-range countries committed to double the number of wild tigers by India became the first Country to Ratify the 2022. • Dilip Sinha, the Permanent Representative of India to the United Nations, handed over the Instrument of Ratification to Francis Gurry, Director General, WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization). The instrument was handed over at a ceremony held during the 28th Session of SCCR (Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights) in Geneva. Marrakesh Treaty and its goal: • The Marrakesh Treaty formally is the Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works by Visually Impaired Persons and Persons with Print Disabilities, and was signed in Marrakesh, Morocco . Note: WIPO – World Intellactual Property Organization. Established in 1967. Secretary general: Francis Gurry . Members – 187 Countries. Rajasthan Government declared Camel as Prime Minister Narendra Modi says Facethe State animal book a tool for governance, better interac• State Government of Rajasthan declared Camel tion as the State animal. The step has been taken to check the diminishing number of camels in the State. • With the government using social media like never before, Prime Minister Narendra Modi told Face- This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 44 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • The Union External Affairs Minister, Sushma Swaraj and UK foreign secretary of state William Hague had discussions on variety of issues related to bilateral, regional and global issues of mutual interest. book Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg that direct communication with people is critical for governance. • Sandberg is on her first visit to India after becoming COO of the world’s most popular social networking site. G • At present, the Bilateral trade between the UK and India stands at 15 billion US dollars. NK IN TN government sets up Raghupathy commission to probe Chennai building collapse SC ordered Union Government to bring MGNREGS’s wage rates on par with min• State Government of Tamil Nadu constituted a imum wages one–man commission headed by Retired Justice R Raghupathy to inquire into the 11–storey building collapse of Chennai. In the building collapse that happened in June 2014 about 56 lives were lost. Udhampur–Katra rail line inaugurated by the Prime Minister O O BA L • Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India, dedicated 25 km–long Katra–Udhampur railway line of Jammu to the nation. He was on his first visit to the State after becoming the Prime Minister. SC H • He inaugurated the first train from Katra railway station and named it as Shree Shakti Express. This train will facilitate pilgrims to visit Mata Vaishno Devi Shrine. Dr .J P • The train on its route will cross seven tunnels and over 30 small and large bridges. The route from Udhampur and Katra has a small station named Chakrakhwal. The complete project has been developed at an estimated cost of 1132.75 crore rupees. The railway station is situated on the foothills of the Trikuta Hills in Reasi district of the state. The Trikuta Hills nestle the holy cave shrine of Mata Vaishno Devi. India and UK to launch civil nuclear cooperation • The decision was given by the SC bench of Justice S J Mukhopadhaya and Justice S A Bobde. The bench directed that wage under the scheme cannot be less than the minimum wage fixed by the State government for agricultural labourers. The bench also asked the Union government to pay arrears to workers who had been paid less. O F • The inquiry commission will look out for the reasons of collapse and will also suggest preventive measures that should be taken up during construction of such huge buildings. • Supreme Court ordered Union government to bring wages under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) on par with minimum wages existing under different States. The order was passed by the SC on 11 July 2014. Amul to sponsor Indian contingent for Commonwealth, Asian Games • Amul has inked an agreement with the Indian Olympic Association to sponsor the Indian contingent for the upcoming Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games and the Asian Games to be held later this year in South Korea. • R S Sodhi, Managing Director, Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (Amul), said that the company is leveraging on the synergies of milk and sports through this partnership. • Amul, which has recently started its “Eat Milk with Every Meal” campaign, had also sponsored the Indian contingent for the London Olympics in 2012 and has been investing in football, cricket and Formula 1 in the past. Air India formally joined global airline group • India and United Kingdom decided to launch neStar Alliance gotiations for civil nuclear cooperation. The de• Air India joined the airline group Star Alliance cision was taken during the visit of UK foreign as its 27th member. By formally joining the secretary of state William Hague to India. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 45 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs O F BA NK IN G group, public carrier became the first Indian air- Nalco, Indian Rare Earths ink pact for titaline to become a member airlines club operating nium slag plant in Odisha over 18500 flights a day in 192 countries. • State–owned National Aluminium Co Ltd has signed a memorandum of understanding with In• This Alliance will further benefit the passengers dian Rare Earths Ltd (IREL), another public secto get the benefit from a wider choice on routes tor organisation under the Department of Atomic connecting North America, Europe, Asia and AusEnergy, for jointly establishing a 1 lakh tonne titralia via the Indian Subcontinent. tanium slag plant at Chatrapur in Odisha. • CMD of Air India Rohit Nandan and CEO • The project is planned as a joint venture for which of Star Alliance Mark Schwab jointly inducted a feasibility study and technology selection would an A320 airbus livery that was unveiled at the terbe carried out soon. The project envisages value minal 3 of the IGI international airport in New addition to ilmenite to produce titanium slag, Delhi. which is an intermediate product for making titanium sponge and titanium pigments. • Decision of including Air India, the national air carrier of India into the global airlines grouping, • Ansuman Das, CMD of Nalco, and R N Patra, Star Alliance was taken during a meeting of the CMD of IREL, signed the MoU on 15 JUly 2014 Star Alliance Chief Executive Board (CEB) in in Mumbai. London. Delhi government to set up 320 Mahila India largest consumer of antibiotics in the world Suraksha Dals for women safety O O L • State Government of Delhi decided to set up 320 Mahila Suraksha Dals (MSDs) across the national capital. These MSDs will be established to ensure women safety at public places. SC H • According to the plan, the MSDs will be made functional in the 80 Gender Resource Centers. As a pilot programme, one MSD will be created in all 11 Districts of the city on the day of Raksha Bandhan. P • The decision to this effect of MSDs was taken at a high–level meet chaired by the Chief Secretary SK Srivastava. About Mahila Suraksha Dals (MSDs) • India has emerged as the world’s largest consumer of antibiotics followed by China and the US, according to a new study which quantifies the growing alarm surrounding antibiotic–resistance. • Global use of antibiotics is surging, according to Princeton University researchers who have conducted a broad assessment of antibiotic consumption around the world. • The study, “Global Trends in Antibiotic Consumption, 2000–2010,” found that worldwide antibiotic use has risen a staggering 36% over those 10 years, with five countries Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) – responsible for more than three–quarters of that surge. Dr .J • The Mahila Suraksha Dals (MSDs) will comprise of retired army personnel, representatives from the Visakhapatnam to be IT capital of AP, says local community (both men and women) and local Minister NGO representatives. Each team will consist of 20 • Visakhapatnam will be made the IT capital community members and three ex– servicemen. of Andhra Pradesh because of its immense potential, Minister for Information Technology • The initiative MSDs will work at the grass–root Palle Raghunadha Reddy announced on 15 level and will address the issues of women safety July 2014. at public place. It will also support women in distress including situations of sexual harassment, • The State Government would be announcing the assault and rape. new IT policy in 10 days. A single window clearThis course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 46 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • The annual document is prepared by the Central Bureau of Health Intelligence (CBHI). It covers demographic, socio–economic, health status and health finance indicators, along with comprehensive information on health infrastructure and human resources in health. CBHI has been publishing NHP every year since 2005. This is the 9th edition. ance for investments would be set up in the State as part of the policy to promote IT industry. G • The Government would take up the development of IT Investment Region in Visakhapatnam. IN Aircel launches 4G services across four circles BA NK • GSM operator Aircel has launched 4G services across four circles – Andhra Pradesh, Assam, R S Sharma Expert Committee constituted Bihar and Odisha – making it the second oper- on Cost Records and Cost Audits ator to offer telecom services on all three technolo• Union Ministry of Corporate Affairs on 19 July gies. 2014 constituted R S Sharma Expert Committee on Cost Records and Cost Audits. The Com• With this launch, Aircel will now offer services unmittee will submit the report within three months. der all the three existing technologies of 2G, 3G and 4G LTE bringing it at par with global telecommunication offerings. • The Expert Committee will review the Companies (Cost Records and Audit) Rules 2014 and the need to have a comprehensive policy towards the role of the cost professions in the corporate and other sectors of economy. O F • Aircel holds 20MHz of spectrum in the 4G LTE(Long–Term Evolution) 2300 MHz band across eight circles – Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Bihar, Odisha, Assam and North East and Jammu & Kashmir. Prehistoric rock paintings depicting aliens L and UFOs found in Chhattisgarh Union Health Minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan released National Health Profile 2013 • The National Health Profile 2013 called for creating comprehensive database for all sectors in healthcare for sound planning and effective implementation • The cave was found by archaeologists led by J R Bhagat. The caves are located about 130km from Raipur between village Chandeli and Gotitola. • Besides, releasing the National Health Profile 2013, Harshvardhan announced the agreement between The Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and CDC Atlanta for close cooperation and collaboration, and exchange of information aimed at strengthening each other. Depiction of the prehistoric paintings discovered by archaeologists – Humanoids with featureless faces (nose and mouth are missing) • As per the agreement CDC would designate a doctor who would work for better coordination of the India projects by acting as a communication bridge between the Director, CDC and India’s Health Minister. – The fan–like antenna and three legs of vehicles stand resembling UFOs depicted in Hollywood movies Dr .J P SC H O O • Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare Dr. Harsh Vardhan released the National Health Profile 2013. • Prehistoric rock paintings that depict aliens and UFOs were found in Caves of Charama village in Kanker district of Bastar region of Chhattisgarh. As per the preliminary dating, the pictures are atleast 10000 years old. About National Health Profile – Humanoids are seen holding weapon like object – The pictures show these people in suitcase– like attire This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 47 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs anticipated Indian Super League —- the first– of–its–kind franchise–based football league in the country. • The findings suggest that humans in prehistoric times might have seen or imagined beings from other planets which still generated curiosity among people. To further do research on the found paintings, Chhattisgarh state department of archaeology and culture is planning to seek help from ISRO and NASA. • Hero has signed a three–year deal with ISL. With this sponsorship, the much–awaited new football league, promoted by IMG–Reliance and Star India, will be called the ‘Hero Indian Super League’ IN G • The paintings on the cave have been done in hard natural colours and hence these paintings have lasted for so long. NK • Speaking on its association with ISL, Pawan Munjal, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Hero MotoCorp Ltd, said: “Football is not just the world’s most popular game, it has become a phenomenon sweeping across continents. O O L • India has the third–highest number of people living with HIV in the world with 2.1 million Indians accounting for about four out of 10 people infected with the deadly virus in the Asia—-Pacific region, according to a UN report. • Prime Minister Narendra Modi suggested certain qualitative changes in the functioning of Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund (PMNRF). The suggested qualitative changes would be on the lines of Gujarat Model. O F India has 3rd–highest number of HIV– infected people: UN BA • According to the villagers, the images depicted on the cave were worshipped by their ancestors who referred these images as Rohela people small– sized peoples. These small–sized peoples would come from the sky and take the peoples in a round PM Narendra Modi suggested qualitative changes in PMNRF functioning flying like object. • The suggested changes will target the selection of beneficiaries and will give priority to the poor and children. • Besides, PM Modi also reviewed the functioning of the other Prime Minister’s funds —- the PM’s discretionary fund, the PM’s National Defence Fund, the PM’s fund for student’s aid, and the PM’s fund for folk art. • The first—-ever UNAIDS ‘Gap Report’ said after sub—-Saharan Africa, the region with the largest number of people living with HIV is Asia and the Pacific. • The PM National Relief Fund (PMNRF) was established in 1948 with public contributions to assist displaced persons from Pakistan. The PMNRF fund consists entirely of public contributions and does not get any budgetary support. The corpus of the fund is invested with banks in fixed deposits. Disbursements are made with the approval of the Prime Minister. P SC H • The report by UNAIDS, the United Nations programme on HIV/AIDS, said that 19 million of the 35 million people living with the virus globally do not know their HIV—-positive status and so ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030 will require smart scale—-up to close the gap. .J • At the end of 2013, there were an estimated 4.8 million people living with HIV across the region. Dr • Six countries – China, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam – account for more than 90% of the people living with HIV in the region. Hero MotoCorp named title sponsor of ISL • Renowned two–wheeler manufacturer Hero MotoCorp Ltd named as the title sponsor of the much– About Prime Minister National Relief Fund • The resources of the PMNRF are utilised primarily to render immediate relief to families of those killed in natural calamities like floods, cyclones and earthquakes and to the victims of major accidents and riots. Assistance from PMNRF is also rendered for medical treatment like heart surgeries, kidney transplantation, cancer treatment etc. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 48 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs India among highest investors in UK • Tirupati along with Kadapa, Vijayawada in Andhra Pradesh and Warangal in Telangana are the sites which have been identified for promotion of regional air connectivity. • Indian projects figure among the highest foreign investment in Britain in the last financial year, a year that saw the highest inward investment into the country since the 1980s, official sources here said. G • The construction of Kadapa airport in Andhra Pradesh has already been completed. • Of the top ten source–countries for investment in Britain, India ranks seventh, with 74 projects during 2013–14. NK IN • Standard for Modernisation and Upgradation of Airport Infrastructure The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the United Nations Agency defines International Standard Atmosphere for an airport. According to the ICAO standards as well as recommendations, the detailed master plan of selected airports is prepared and revised by operating agency. • The upgradation as well as modernization of the airports should be done as per these master plans only. Deviation from master plan leads to seeking approval from Operating Agency’s Board as well as statutory Government agency, both of which are designated primarily for this purpose. O F • The World Bank President Jim Yong Kim arrived in New Delhi, India on his three–day visit. During his visit, he will meet Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi for understanding the development priorities in India. Jim Yong Kim is scheduled to meet the Union Finance Minister, Arun Jaitley. BA World Bank President Jim Yong Kim Arrived in India .J P SC H O O L • Jim Yong Kim will also visit the World Bank assisted project sites in Tamil Nadu in order to find PM Narendra Modi paid first visit to BARC out about rural–urban transformation chal• The Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited the lenges. Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) Note: under Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) in Mumbai. This was his first visit to the DAE after becoming the Prime Minister of India in May • The International Finance Corporation, which is 2014. the private sector arm of the World Bank Group has so far mobilized 1 billion dollars offshore ru• He was received by Dr. R.K Sinha, Secretary, pee bond program, which was aimed at providing DAE and Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission strength to the capital markets of India as well as (AEC). for attracting the foreign investments. • During his visit, he was briefed on India’s atomic • India is also the place for largest operations of the energy programme, DAE’s extensive research the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the and development and education programmes and International Development Association (IDA) and DAE’s contributions in other areas such as International Bank for Reconstruction and Develhealthcare, especially cancer treatment, food opment (IBRD). security, solid waste management and water purification. Dr Union Civil Aviation Minister announced to Upgrade Tirupati Airport to International Indian tennis star Sania Mirza appointed as Standard Brand Ambassador of Telangana • The Union Civil Aviation Minister Ashok Gajapathi Raju announced that the Tirupati airport in Andhra Pradesh will be upgraded to international standards by June 2015. • Indian tennis star Sania Mirza was appointment as Brand Ambassador of Telangana. Sania Mirza will promote the new state’s interests in India and abroad. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 49 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs About the Programme O F – Under the unique national programme, a ten day workshop has been organized in Kullu. L • The magazine was launched during the inauguration of National Geographic Learning’s Explorer Education Program by the US Ambassador to India Kathleen Stephens at the American Centre in New Delhi. The magazine was launched in the presence of the Vice President of India Hamid Ansari and Publisher of National Geographic Learning, Francis Downey. BA NK IN G • The letter of appointment and a cheque of one Himachal Pradesh selected for Union Govcrore rupees was handed over to Sania Mirza ernment’s pilot programme to train Heads by the Chief Minister of Telangana K Chan- of Government Schools drasekhar Rao in Hyderabad. • Himachal Pradesh was selected for a pilot project under a sponsored programme of the Union Government to train Principals and Headmasters of National Geographic launched magazine Exgovernment schools. Other states selected for this plorer for schoolchildren in India programme include Gujarat, Tamil Nadu and • The famed National Geographic launched a special Rajasthan. edition of Explorer magazines for schoolchildren in India. With this, India became one of the • The training will provide education quality and first countries where the magazine has been improvement in the overall system. The prolaunched. The magazine will provide educational gramme has been prepared by the National Uniresources and new learning solutions for teachers versity of Education, Planning and adminas well as students. istration (NUEPA). O O Union Government proposed to set up three Low Cost Airports for Bihar SC H • Union Minister of State for Civil Aviation, G.M. Siddeshwara proposed to set up three new low– cost airports in Bihar at Muzaffarpur, Raxaul and Gaya. While Gaya will is an operational custom airport, Raxaul will be a non–operational airport. – Over sixty principals and headmasters from various government schools will participate in the programme to improve leadership quality and other skills. – The objective of the programme is to help Principals and Headmasters of government schools in better coordination with other teachers. – The programme also strives to make the principals and headmasters work as the resource persons to train their colleagues in the schools. – As a part of the programme, 628 identified schools in the state would have on line facilities so that everyone can check day to day activities of these schools. Dr .J P • The development of airports would depends upon availability of land, availability of mandatory clearances, environmental clearances, traffic projections, and provision of support services by the CMSA Scheme launched in Meghalaya for State Government. The support services include Widows and Pensioners access road to the airport, water supply, power • The Chief Minister of Meghalaya, Dr Mukul supply, services of State Police and State Fire Sangma launched a mass enrolment drive unStaff. der the Chief Minister’s Social Assistance (CMSA) Scheme for widows and persons with disabilities at • Besides, the Ministry of Aviation also decided to Patharkhmah in Ri Bhoi District in Meghalaya. develop Kolhapur airport as a small airport among 50 locations identified across the country. The • Each beneficiary shall be given a financial asMinistry also recognized the proposed greenfield sistance of 500 rupees per month under the airport of Solapur in the same category. scheme. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 50 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • According to the Industries Act, 1948, it is obligatory for the industry to get registration and the license from State Government. There are more than 42000 industries that are registered and have also received licenses under the Government of Tamil Nadu. Eligibility of Receiving Financial Assistance under CMSA IN G • As far as the persons with disabilities are concerned, there is no age bar for receiving the financial aid. However, in case of widow, the age limit of 58 years was decided for a woman and 60 years for a man to be made eligible for receiving Union Government decided to intensify war this aid. against Japanese Encephalitis • The CM, in the meanwhile, stated that the Government was working towards ensuring the upliftment of people in rural areas by providing them the livelihood opportunities in various sectors; especially tourism and agriculture. NK • Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Dr. Harsh Vardhan decided to intensify major war against Japanese Encephalitis (JE) in the fourth week of July 2014. L • Financial aid of 500 rupees per month is given to the beneficiaries of the scheme. • This decision was taken in light of outbreak of JE and Acute Encephalitis Syndrome (AES) across 17 States of India with more Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal and Assam in the month of June and July 2014. The outbreak of the disease in these States have claimed hundreds of lives mostly children. O F • The Chief Minister’s Social Assistance (CMSA) Scheme was launched in Asanang in West Garo Hills in the year 2012. BA About the Chief Minister’s Social Assistance (CMSA) Scheme About Japanese Encephalitis • JE is an acute inflammation of the brain and when it occurs with meningitis is known as meningocephalitis. • The Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, J Jayalalithaa announced that the process of issuing licenses to the new industries will be done online henceforth. The step was taken in order to simplify the process involved for registration of new industries in the state. • The disease generally occurs during monsoon and is caused by a mosquito–borne virus. The Japanese encephalitis virus is a virus from the family Flaviviridae. SC H O O Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu announced launching Web Portal for Industrial Licences .J P • J Jayalalithaa explained that the difficulties which were faced while issuing the licenses will be tackled through the web portal, which will also facilitate information about the government services apart from other things. Key Highlights of the New Portal Dr – The new portal, apart from issuing the industrial licenses, will also help the general public and industrialists in finding out about new government schemes. – The portal will be developed at the cost of 2.24 crore rupees Note: • Domestic pigs and wild birds (herons) are reservoirs of the virus; transmission to humans may cause severe symptoms. Amongst the most important vectors of this disease are the mosquitoes Culex tritaeniorhynchus and Culex vishnui. • Symptoms include headache, fever, confusion, drowsiness, and fatigue. More advanced and serious symptoms include seizures or convulsions, tremors, hallucinations, and memory problems • JE and Acute Encephalitis Syndrome (AES) generally have high mortality and morbidity rates. Since the virus attacks the brain of the child, the chances of the child becoming mentally retarded are high. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 51 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs India voted in favour of the UNHRC resolution on Israel’s offensive in Gaza • The decision of India to not sign the TFA protocol was taken in the backdrop of Narendra Modi government’s stand that India will not agree to a critical trade pact of WTO until India’s food security concerns are addressed. • India voted in favour of United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) resolution for a probe on Israel’s offensive in Gaza. G India’s demand at WTO • The resolution titled Ensuring Respect for international law in The Occupied Palestinian Territories, including East Jersusalem saw 29 countries voting in favour of resolution while 17 countries including European countries abstained from the voting. In the 47–member UNHRC the US was the only nation to vote against the resolution. NK IN • India want a concrete framework on finding a permanent solution for its public stock holding issue that is critical to providing food security to millions in India. • Further India is also asking or a change in the base year (1986) for calculating the food subsidies. Main highlights of the UNHRC resolution BA Logo Design Competition launched for Beti O O L O F • The Council strongly condemned the failure of Bachao Beti Padhao Campaign Israel to end its prolonged occupation of the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East • The Union Ministry of Women and Child DevelJerusalem opment launched a Logo Design Competition for the Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Campaign. The logo • It also condemned all violence against civilians for the campaign is to be developed through crowd wherever it occurs, including the killing of two Issourcing with the purpose of including the logo in raeli civilians all advertisements issued by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting and also for mass cam• It also called for an end to attacks against all civilpaign through conventional and social media. ians, including Israeli civilians • It demanded Israel to immediately and fully end its illegal closure of the occupied Gaza Strip SC H • It called upon the international community to provide urgently needed humanitarian assistance and services to the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip • It expresses deep concern at the condition of Palestinian prisoners and detainees in Israeli jails and detention centres. About the ‘Beti Bachao Beti Padhao’ campaign • The ‘Beti Bachao Beti Padhao’ campaign will be a major inter–ministerial initiative of the Union Government of India. • The campaign shall bring together Ministries, Institutions and Civil societies in a rational effort to reverse the declining sex ratio. External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj Dr .J P • It also recommended the Government of Switzerland to promptly reconvene the conference of High visited Nepal Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Conven• External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj tion. visited Nepal from 25 July to 27 July 2014. She was on a three–day visit to Nepal at the invitation of Mahendra Bahadur Pandey, MinisIndia decided against signing WTO’s Trade ter for Foreign Affairs of the Government Facilitation Agreement of Nepal. • India decided against signing Trade Facilita• She co–chaired the meeting of the Indo–Nepal tion Agreement (TFA) of the World Trade OrJoint Commission that was held on 26 July 2014. ganisation (WTO). The decision was taken at the This Joint Commission meet was held after a gap meeting of the General Council of the 160–member of 23 years. India and Nepal agreed to review and WTO Geneva, Switzerland. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 52 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • During her visit, she met Nepal’s top leaders namely President Ram Baran Yadav and Prime Minister Sushil Koirala.she also met UCPN–Maoist chief and Leader of the Opposition Prachanda. G • The policy has widened the eligibility criteria for bonafide hedgers and has simplified processes and documentation for availing hedge limits on the Exchange platform. With expanded eligibility criteria, the documentation has also been further simplified. adjust the Treaty of Peace and Friendship of 1950 to reflect the current realities. The two countries also agreed to finalise the text of power trade deal. IN Note: • The National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Limited (NCDEX) is primarily the multi commodity exchange in India. The shareholders include national level institutions, companies and large public sector banks. BA NK • Apart from this, she led an Indian delegation that included Sujatha Singh (Foreign Secretary), Sujata Mehta (the Secretary ER & DPA) and other senior officials of the Government of India. After returning back to India, she termed the visit as successful and productive. Kargil Vijay Diwas Celebrated across the country on 26 July L • The Union Government revised investment target for Dedicated Freight Corridor (DFC) from 27000 crore rupees to 80000 crore rupees. The announcement was made by the Railway Board Chairman, Arunendra Kumar during the ASSOCHAM conference in New Delhi. O O Reason for Revising Investment Target SC H • The multiplication of land acquisition led to an increase of investment targets. The Railway Board Chairman explained that the Union Government has plans of constructing more corridors and more investment which will bring down the cost and enhance the technological levels in Railways. • The Day was celebrated with equal pomp in Dras sector in Jammu & Kashmir and at Amar Jawan Jyoti, India Gate in New Delhi. • Defence Minister Arun Jaitley, Army chief Bikram Singh,Navy chief Robin Dhowan and Air Force chief Arup Raha paid tribute to martyrs at Amar Jawan Jyoti, India Gate in New Delhi. • On the eve of Kargil Vijay Diwas announce that Union government will soon finalise the construction of National War Memorial and War Museum for which the Union government has earmarked 100 crore rupees in the Union Budget 2014– 15. The war memorial and museum will be constructed at Princess Park at India Gate Complex in New Delhi. .J P NCDEX announced to introduce Comprehensive Hedge Policy for Commodity Markets • The 15th anniversary of Kargil Vijay Diwas was celebrated in India on 26 July 2014. The day is celebrated in the honour of war heroes of Kargil every year. O F Union Government revised Investment target for DFC to 80000 crore rupees Dr • National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Ltd Prime Minister launched web platform My(NCDEX) announced introducing a comprehen- Gov to get citizens’ ideas for governance sive hedge policy for the commodity markets. • Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi launched Objectives of the Policy a Web platform - The platform has been created to facilitate Citizen En• The NCDEX explained that the policy has been gagement in Good Governance. designed with the objective of making risk management easier, simpler and accessible for com• MyGov will enable the citizens especially the modity businesses. youth to volunteer for specific tasks and Benefits of the new Policy projects at grassroots level. It will allow This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 53 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs the common people to reach the government with Finance Ministry approved setting up of ideas and suggestions. rape crisis centres in all districts • Union Finance Ministry Arun Jaitley gave its nod to the proposal to set up rape crisis centres in all district of the country. The proposal was made by the Union Ministry of Women and Children Development Menaka Gandhi. IN G • To be a participant in development of the country through this platform, a citizen will have to register him/herself on the portal. After which the participants can discuss the key challenges being faced by the country. To enable more focused participation, the platform has been split into two halves - Discuss and Do. • The proposal has been made in wake of increasing crime against women. NK • The platform - MyGov will be implemented and managed by National Informatics Centre (NIC), Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY). • Benefits of the proposed Rape crisis centre BA 1. It will offer medical and legal services besides police help to victims of rape and sexual assault • The platform has been divided into various groups with an objective to bring about a qualitative change in that sphere through people’s participation. The groups are O F • According to the proposal, 660 rape crisis centres will be created across the country. – Clean Ganga – Girl Child Education Union Government Gokul Mission – Clean India L – Skilled India O O – Digital India – Job Creation 2. The facilities are likely to be linked to a national helpline SC H India & Nepal to boost cooperation in defence, security, trade & investment • India and Nepal have agreed to take the bilateral ties to a new level. They will boost cooperation in diverse areas including defence, security, trade and investment, water resources and border issues. .J P • This was decided at the first meeting of the Joint Commission held in Kathmandu after a gap of 23 years. The Meeting was co–chaired by External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj and her Nepalese counterpart Mahendra Bahadur Pandey. Dr • The meeting agreed on setting up an Eminent Persons Group to identify new areas of cooperation and suggest measures to help both the countries seize all possible opportunities. • The meeting deliberated on issues relating to defence and security and agreed to expand cooperation. launched Rashtriya • Union Government of India launched the Rashtriya Gokul Mission (a nationwide scheme) to promote conservation and developments of indigenous breeds of cows in a focused and scientific manner. The Mission is a focused project under National Programme for Bovine Breeding and Dairy Development. • The mission was launched in New Delhi by Union Agriculture Minister Radhamohan Singh. Objective of the mission – Development and conservation of indigenous breeds – Undertake breed improvement programme for indigenous cattle breeds to improve the genetic makeup and increase the stock – It aims at enhancing milk production and productivity – Upgradation non–descript cattle using elite indigenous breeds like Gir, Sahiwal, Rathi, Deoni, Tharparkar, Red Sindhi and others This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 54 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • The Hindi language service will be available both on Android and Desktop platforms, and not on Apple’s iOS format. On Android, a user can use Google Maps only he/she has Android version 4.3 (Jelly Bean) and upwards. • To access Google Maps in Hindi on a desktop, the user has to go to the settings wheel at the right bottom of the map and select Hindi. On the Android smartphone, users can choose Hindi as their language option to access the maps in Hindi. G 4. He was an expert in support of constitutional transitions in Egypt, Jordan, Libya, Tunisia, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. 5. He had published more than 70 articles, book chapters, working papers, and reports. 6. He has authored several books and they are Constitutional Design for Divided Societies: Integration or Accommodation, The Migration of Constitutional Ideas and Dilemmas of Solidarity: Rethinking Redistribution in the Canadian Federation. 7. He received the Trudeau Fellowship, Canada’s equivalent of the MacArthur awards in 2010 and the South Asian Bar Association of Toronto named him Practitioner of the Year in 2011. O O L • With this application, people will be able to see Hindi names for cities, localities, important roads, as well as popular points of interest such as public parks and schools, on the new Google Maps. IN • Internet search engine giant Google announced to launch its Hindi version of Google Maps. 3. He was a member of the United Nations Mediation Roster, and has served as a consultant to the World Bank Institute. NK Google announced to launch Hindi version of Google Maps on Android and PC 2. He was the Cecelia Goetz Professor of Law at New York University School of Law and founder of its Centre for Constitutional Transitions. BA • To run the project, the government has allocated 150 crore rupees for the fiscal 2014–15. Whereas, the project has an outlay of 500 crore rupees during the 12th five year programme. 1. He was born in Delhi and raised in Toronto, Canada. A Rhodes Scholar, Choudhry holds law degrees from Oxford, Toronto, and Harvard. O F – Distribution of disease free high genetic merit bulls for natural service SC H • These new labels was created by transliterating Michelle Howard became first female four– English names to Hindi, or, translating the English star admiral in US Navy names to Hindi and ensuring the text resonated with local dialects. • Michelle Howard became the first female four – star admiral in US Navy. She is the first women admiral in 236 year old history of US Appointments Navy. .J P Sujit Choudhry became the first Indian – American dean of Berkeley Law School • Vice – Admiral Michelle was promoted to the highest rank of four – star admiral at the Women in Military Service for America Memorial in US. The Promotion ceremony was presided over by Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus. Dr • Sujit Choudhry became the first Indian – American dean of the Berkeley Law School, University of California. He is the 12th dean of the famed Law school and he will serve the institution for five years starting from 1 July 2014. Swamy Goud elected as Chairman of Telan• He relieved Interim Dean Gillian Lester, and replaces Christopher Edley, who stepped down in December 2013 after nearly ten years as dean. About Sujit Choudhry gana Legislative Council • Swamy Goud of Telangana Rashtriya Samiti party was elected as Chairman of the 40–member Telangana Legislative Council (LC). Goud was polled 21 votes against zero votes polled for Farooq Hussain, This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 55 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • The company has presence in across the value chain of power business i.e. Generation, Transmission, Distribution, EPC and Trading and the largest infrastructure company by developing projects in all high growth areas in infrastructure sector i.e. Roads, Highways, Metro Rails, Airports and Speciality Real Estate. congress candidate who contested for the chairman of Legistlative council of Telangana. • About Legislative Council: G • Legislative Council (also called Vidhan Parishad) is the upper house of the state. IN • Article 168 of the Constitution: The Legislative Council of a State shall be constituted. Supreme Court appointed three judges • Justice Arun Mishra, Justice Adarsh Kumar Goel and Justice Rohington F Nariman were appointed as Supreme Court judges. The three judges were administered the oath of office by Chief Justice of India, R M Lodha. • Article 182 of the Constitution provides that the Legislative Council of the state may choose two members as Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the council. • Justice Mishra and Justice Goel were the Chief Justice of the Calcutta High Court and the Orissa High Court, respectively. Justice Nariman was a senior advocate at the Supreme Court and has been elevated from the advocates bar. O O BA L M S Mehta appointed as CEO of Reliance Infrastructure O F • At present there are seven states which have legislative council. They are Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Jammu and Kashmir, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh and Telangana. NK • Article 171 of the Indian Constitution provides that the total number of Members in the Legislative council of a State shall not exceed one third of the total number of Members in the Legislative Assembly. SC H • M S Mehta was appointed as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Reliance Infrastructure. He took charge as CEO for a period of five years. • He replaced Lalit Jalan, who held the post of CEO of Reliance Infrastructure for more than seven years. About M S Mehta P • MS Mehta is a mechanical engineer and done MBA from IIM Ahmedabad. .J • Earlier, he was working with Vedanta Resources as its Group CEO for five years. Dr • He also served as CEO of Hindustan Zinc and also worked with Lloyds Steel. About Reliance Infrastructure • Reliance Infrastructure is a part of Reliance Group. It is India’s largest infrastructure company and has presence across three verticals such as Engineering, Procurement and Construction, Energy and Infrastructure. • With this appointments, the Supreme Court’s bench strength is raised to 27 including Chief Justice of India, R M Lodha. The sanctioned strength of judges in the Supreme Court is 31, including the CJI and all of them are appointed by the President of India. About Justice Arun Mishra – Justice Mishra was part of law faculty in Jiwaji University, Gwalior from 1986 to 1996. – He was appointed as Additional Judge in the Madhya Pradesh High Court in 1999 and was made a Permanent Judge in 2001. – He was appointed Chief Justice of the Rajasthan High Court on 26th November 2010. – In 2012, he was transferred to the Calcutta High Court as Chief Justice. About Justice Adarsh Kumar Goel – Justice Goel was designated senior advocate by the Supreme Court in 1999. – He was appointed a judge of Punjab and Haryana High Court in 2001. – He was appointed Chief Justice of the Gauhati High Court on 20th December 2011. – He was transferred to the Orissa High Court as Chief Justice on 12th October 2013. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 56 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • The terms of these Governors will take effect from the dates the incumbents assume charge of their respective offices. About Justice Rohington F Nariman – Rohington F Nariman is the fifth lawyer to be elevated as Supreme Court judge, who has a term of about seven years. • Apart from this, the President also accepted the resignation of Vakkom Purushothaman as Governor of Tripura. G – In July 2011, he was appointed as the Solicitor General of India. NK of Gujarat • Om Prakash Kohli took oath of office as Governor of Gujarat. He succeeded Kamla Beniwal who was transferred to Mizoram by the President of India. BA • Emma Watson, the British Actress was appointed as the Goodwill Ambassador for UN Women, With this appointment, the accomplished actress and humanitarian Watson will work for empowerment of young women and also as an advocate for UN Women’s campaign in promoting gender equality. IN • Emma Watson appointed as UN Goodwill Om Prakash Kohli sworn in as the Governor Ambassador • His oath of the office and secrecy was administered by Chief Justice of Gujarat High Court Bhaskar Bhattacharya. He was appointed as the Governor of Gujarat by the President on 14 July 2014. O F • Watson is the first Goodwill Ambassador appointment under Phumzile Mlambo–Ngcuka’s leadership. Phumzile Mlambo–Ngcuka is the Under–Secretary–General and Executive Director Bashar al–Assad sworn in as President of of UN Women. Syria L President appoints Governor for five states O O • President of India, Pranab Mukherjee appoints Governor for five states, namely Uttar Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, West Bengal, Gujarat and Nagaland. SC H • People, who have been appointed as the Governor are 1. Ram Naik as the Governor of Uttar Pradesh. P 2. Balramji Dass Tandon as the Governor of Chhattisgarh. .J 3. Keshari Nath Tripathi as the Governor of West Bengal. 4. Om Prakash Kohli as the Governor of Gujarat. Dr 5. Padmanabha Balakrishna Acharya as the Governor of Nagaland. • Padmanabha Balakrishna Acharya, the Governor of Nagaland will also discharge the functions of the Governor of Tripura, in addition to his own duties, until regular arrangements for the office of the Governor of Tripura are made. • Bashar al–Assad was sworn in as Syria’s President in Damascus for a seven–year term. With this he became the President for the third consecutive term. He was re–elected after a presidential election that was held in June 2014. • Assad won 88.7 percent of the votes in the first multi–candidate election that was conducted only in the areas of Syria which were under government control. • After his swearing–in, Assad vowed to fight terrorism until security was restored to all of the country. However, he also promised to offer national reconciliation to opponents. • He has defied calls to step down since an uprising began in March 2011. Since then around 170000 people have been killed and more than nine million people have been forced out from their homes. The displaced people have been either within the country or are as refugees in Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan and other countries. According to Syrian Observatory for Human Rights based in Britain, since the election in June 2014, 4743 civilians have been killed. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 57 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs Sriram, Kannan appointed SBI Managing Directors • ICHR supports the academic and empirical research of scholars using funds received from the Union Ministry of Human Resource Development. ICHR does not carry out any historical research of its own. NK • Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo won the Indonesian presidential elections. He won the election with 53 percent of the vote casted in favour of him • The election result were released after his opponent, former general Prabowo Subianto withdrew from the presidential election citing massive fraud which was unfair and undemocratic. Subianto was on his third bid for the presidency. O O L • Singla, a 1997 batch officer, is returning home to serve in the PMO, after a posting in Indian Embassy in Israel’s Tel Aviv. O F Sanjeev Kumar Singla appointed Private Secratary to PM Narendra Modi • IFS officer Sanjeev Kumar Singla has been appointed as Private Secretary to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, succeeding Vikram Misri, who is going to Spain as Ambassador. Y Sudharshan Rao appointed as Chairman of ICHR IN sian presidential election BA • Sriram, previously Managing Director of State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur, will be handling international banking, while Kannan, who was MD and CEO, SBI Capital Markets, will be looking after associates and subsidiaries division of the country’s top lender. G • State Bank of India (SBI) has appointed B Sriram and V G Kannan as Managing Directors and Group executives. Both come to SBI from group associates, where they held senior positions. Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo won Indone- • Widodo, a former furniture maker, is known widely as Jokowi • It was the first election that pitted two candidates directly against each other since Indonesia emerged from the long and brutal Suharto dictatorship 16 years ago in 1998. .J P SC H • Yellapragada Sudharshan Rao was appointed as Ram Naik sworn in as 27th Governor of UtChairman of Indian Council of Historical tar Pradesh Research (ICHR). He replaced Basudev Chat• Ram Naik was sworn in as 27th Governor of terjee. He would serve the council for a term of Uttar Pradesh in Lucknow. He is a former three years. Union Minister and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) • Y.S. Rao taught at Department of History, leader from Maharashtra. Kakatiya University. He had worked at Kakatiya University for about 40 years. He had vast expe• The oath of secrecy was administered by the Chief rience in teaching and researching. Justice of Allahabad High Court Justice Dhananjaya Y Chandrachud. About ICHR Dr • The Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR) is an agency under the Department of Higher Ed- KN Tripathi sworn in as 22nd Governor of ucation in the Union Ministry of Human Resource West Bengal Development. • Keshari Nath Tripathi was sworn in as 22nd Governor of West Bengal. The Acting Chief Justice of • ICHR was established in 1972. It is registered unthe Calcutta High Court Asim Kumar Banerder the Societies Registration Act of 1860 with the jee administered the oath of office to KN Tripathi Department of Industries of Delhi Government, in Raj Bhavan, Kolkata. Delhi. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 58 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs India’s President inaugurated Bank and Post Office in President Estate’s new buildings • CAG Of India, Shashi Kant Sharma took charge as member of UN Board Of Auditors The Comptroller & Auditor General of India, Shashi Kant Sharma assumed office as Member of the United Nations Board of Auditors for a term of six year upto June 2020. Shashi Kant Sharma took over the charge from Liu Jiayi, the Auditor General of the People’s Republic of China at the United Nations Headquarters at New York. He was elected to this position defeating Philippines by a margin of 62 votes in November 2013. IN G • The President of India, Pranab Mukherjee inaugurated the President’s Estate Branch of United Bank of India and Rashtrapati Bhavan Post Office in their new buildings. NK • The Bank and Post Office were relocated from a heritage building as part of measures to implement the Comprehensive Conservation Management Plan for the President’s Estate. • Apart from these two buildings, a fitness centre for the staff of the President’s Estate was also inaugurated by the President. BA • Amitabh Bachchan named as Maharashtra’s horticulture ambassador • The Supreme Court appointed R S Cheema as Special Public Prosecutor for trial in coal blocks allocation scam. R S Cheema is a senior advocate. • Maharashtra, the western Indian state is India’s largest fruit producing state with around two million hectares area covered in fruit orchards. O O L • The appointment of R S Cheema came following the refusal of senior advocate Gopal Subramanium and Dayan Krishnan to accept the assignment. Amitabh Bachchan, the Indian Megastar was appointed as the horticulture ambassador of Maharashtra. With this appointment, he will start promoting the horticulture sector in Maharashtra. O F Supreme Court appointed R S Cheema as special public prosecutor in coal scam SC H • The 71–year–old actor is also the face of Gu• Besides, SC Bench headed by Chief Justice R M jarat tourism as well as the polio eradication Lodha also approved the appointment of Addicampaign. tional Sessions Judge Bharat Parashar as a judge of the special CBI court. The special CBI court will conduct the trial on day–to–day basis. Amit Shah is new BJP President .J P • Earlier, the SC had ordered setting up of a special CBI court to exclusively conduct trial of the coal blocks allocation scam. It had also asked the Chief Justice of Delhi High Court to nominate a judge towards this. Dr • CBI has initiated its preliminary probe into more than 200 cases of illegal allocation of coal blocks. • Veteran BJP Leader Kaptan Singh Solanki Appointed Governor Of Haryana Veteran BJP leader Kaptan Singh Solanki was appointed as the Governor of Haryana by President Pranab Mukhejee. Kaptan Singh Solanki will succeed Jagannath Pahadia who completed his tenure on 26 July 2014. • BJP leader Amit Shah and close aide of Prime Minister Narendra Modi is the party’s new President. • He replaces the incumbent Rajnath Singh who became Home Minister after the party’s victory in the Lok Sabha polls. • A decision in this regard was taken at the party’s Parliamentary Board meeting in New Delhi. Announcing the decision, Mr. Singh said the board has unanimously elected Shah as the party chief and expressed hope that the BJP will touch a new high under his leadership. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 59 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs Awards & Honours Shilp Guru Awardees are • Bollywood’s Kaafiron Ki Namaaz (The Virgin Arguments) won four awards and Iranian film Wet Letters bagged three awards at the third edition of Ladakh International Film Festival. 3. Ghanshyam Nimbark of Rajasthan 4. Shabbir Hasan of Rajasthan G 2. MM Mahapatra of Odisha IN • The third edition of Ladakh International Film Festival (LIFF) was held in Leh, Jammu and Kashmir. The festival screened over 50 films which included among others Bollywood, Iranian and Korean films etc. 1. Ghulam Mehdi Joo of Jammu and Kashmir 5. K Rahmatullah of Tamil Nadu 6. Subhrendu B Roy of Tripura NK Third edition of Ladakh International Film Festival held in Leh 7. Kaneez Asghar of Uttar Pradesh Best Director Short Film: Villari – India Jury Grand Prize: White Van Stories – Sri Lanka BA 8. Fayyaz Ahmad of Uttar Pradesh Category wise Awards 9. Babu Ram Yadav of Uttar Pradesh 10. Alima Khatun of West Bengal Grand Jury Venezuala Prize: The Homecoming – O O Best Actress: Wet Letters – Iran L Best Debut: The Virgin Arguments (director Ram Ramesh Sharma) – India O F The National Awards were presented in two cateBest Documentary Film: Roque Dalton – Let’s gories namely in Handicrafts and Handlooms. Shoot The Night– Cuba • National Award in Handicrafts category was conferred on 21 people • National Award in Handlooms category was conferred on 25 people SC H Best Actors: The Virgin Arguments (Alok Besides, President Pranab Mukherjee also gave NaChaturvedi and late Chandrahas Tiwari) – India tional Merit Certificate to 20 people in Handicrafts category and to 21 persons in Handloom category. Best Cinematography: Wet Letters – Iran Sant Kabir Award Best Screenplay: The Virgin Arguments – India Best Director: Wet Letters – Iran Best Feature: The Virgin Arguments (producer Bhargav Saikai) – India P • President conferred National, Shilp Guru and Sant Kabir Awards for 2011 Dr .J • Pranab Mukherjee, the President of India presented the National Awards for Handicrafts and Handlooms, Shilp Guru Awards and Sant Kabir Awards for the year 2011. The awards were given to weavers and artisans at a function at Vigyan Bhavan in New Delhi. • The award is christened in the memory of sant Kabir, a 15th century mystic poet and sant of India. • Sant Kabir Award established in 2009 is conferred to outstanding weavers who have made valuable contribution in keeping alive the handloom heritage. • The Award consists of one mounted gold coin, one shawl and a citation along with a financial assistance of 6 lakh rupees. About Shilp Guru Awards Sant Kabir Awardees are 1. L Subadani Devi of Manipur 2. Gour C Basak of West Bengal • Shilp Guru Award was established in 2002 on occasion of Golden Jubilee Year of Handicrafts Resurgence in India. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 60 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • In 1964, he founded Dasholi Gram Swarajya Sangh (DGSS) in Gopeswar. • It is conferred to legendary master craft persons of handicrafts whose work and dedication have contributed not only to the preservation of rich and diverse craft heritage of the country but also to the resurgence of handicrafts sector as a whole. G • Later, GPSS became a mother–organisation of the Chipko Movement, for which Bhatt was awarded with the Ramon Magsaysay Award for Community Leadership in 1982. • He was born on 23 June 1934 in Gopeshwar (now in Uttarakhand). About National Awards Books written by Chandi Prasad Bhatt • The National Awards for craftsmen was introduced during the year 1965 and later the same was extended to weavers also. 1. Pratikar Ke Ankur. NK 2. Adhure Gyan Aur Kalpanik Biswas per Himalaya Se Cherkhani Ghatak. BA • Every year up to 20 national awards and 20 national merit certificates is given in each category to the outstanding craftsmen and handloom weavers. IN • The award consists of one mounted gold coin, one shawl and a citation along with a financial assistance to the extent of 7.50 lakh rupees. 3. Future of Large Projects in the Himalaya. 4. Eco–system of Central Himalaya. .J P SC H O O L O F 5. Chipko Experience. • National award consists of a certificate, angavastram, a copper plaque and cash award 6. Parvat Parvat Basti Basti. of 1 lakh rupees and national merit certificate award consists of a certificate and a cash About Gandhi Peace prize award of 50000 rupees. • Gandhi Peace prize is an annual award given by Government of India and was instituted in 1995 Environmentalist Chandi Prasad Bhatt won on the occasion of the 125th birth anniversary of the Gandhi Peace prize 2013 Mahatma Gandhi. It carries a plaque, citation and • Environmentalist and social activist Chandi cash prize of one crore rupees. Prasad Bhatt on 15 July 2014 was awarded with the prestigious Gandhi Peace prize for 2013. He • The award is given to individuals and instiwas awarded by the President of India Pranab tutions for their contributions towards soMukherjee at a function in Rashtrapati Bhavan, cial, economic and political transformation New Delhi. through non–violence and other methods of Mahatma Gandhi. • 80–year–old Bhatt is a Gandhian, an environmentalist and a social activist. He, after realizing aspirations of people, dedicated himself to improve Doordarshan’s Naad Bhed–The Mystery of lives of villagers. He is the person, who fought Sound to be featured in Limca Book of against government’s wrong policies on forests Records through non–violent means • The classical music reality show of Doordarshan Dr About Chandi Prasad Bhatt Naad Bhed–The Mystery of Sound will be featured in Limca Book of Records. • In 2005, he was awarded with Padma Bhushan. • At present, he is considered as one of India’s first modern environmentalist. • He is also known for his work on subaltern social ecology. • The reality show will be featured under Television Chapter in Limca Book of Records for being the first ever National level reality show on Classical Music. About Naad Bhed – the Mystery of Sound This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 61 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs IN G • Naad Bhed the Mystery of Sound, a national– India won 5 medals at 45th International level classical music reality show, aims at promot- Physics Olympiad (IPHO2014) held at Asing and popularising Indian classical music and re- tana warding the best young practitioners of clas• The Indian Contingent won five medals in 45th sical music. International Physics Olympiad (IPHO2014) held in Astana, Kazakhstan from 13 July to • The central idea of the show was to earn respect 21 July 2014 at the Nazarbayev University in for the rich Indian heritage of classical music. Astana. • Naad Bhed was produced by the Doordarshan and an NGO,the Society for the Promotion of Indian Classical Music And Culture Amongst Youth (SPIC MACAY). NK 2. Chitraang Murdia (Rajasthan) – gold, BA 3. Bure Vidya Sagar (AP) – Silver, 4. Gurukirat Singh Bajwa (Punjab) – Silver, Rupanshu Ganvir (Maharashtra) – Silver. O O Six categories of award in each Carnatic and Hindustani classical music SC H – M S Subbulakshmi Yuva Puraskar (Carnatic Vocal) – Vidwan Sheikh Chinna Moulana Puraskar (Carnatic Instrumental) Yuva P – Vidwan Palghat Mani Iyer Yuva Puraskar (Carnatic accompanist) .J – Bhimsen Joshi Yuva Puraskar (Hindustani vocal) Dr – Ravi Shankar Yuva Puraskar (Hindustani instrumental) – Ustad Alla Rakha Yuva Puraskar (Hindustani accompanist) • The winner in each category of the Hindustani and Carnatic will receive 3 lakh rupees each as cash award and the mega winner across these two categories a further 7 lakh rupees. Banking & RBI SBI launches digital touch banking branches L • It included great maestros of Indian classical music as probable judges, like Us Amjad Ali Khan, T N Krishnan, Pt. Shiv Kumar Sharma, Begum Parween Sultana, Vidwan T V Shankarnaraynan, Pt. Hariprasad Chaurasia and R K Srikantan. 1. Aniket Bajpai (Maharashtra) – gold, O F • The show kickstarted in August 2013 through regional rounds of competition at DDs 20 regional centres. While Hindustani music contestants were judged at Sangeet Research Academy, Kolkata and Carnatic music contestants were judged at Madras Music Academy, Chennai. The final of the reality show was held in Mumbai. • India won 2 gold medals and 3 silver medals in the Olympiad. • State Bank of India has launched six digital branches across the nation, as part of its programme to offer next generation banking solutions to the mobile and internet-savvy customer base. • These branches are located in Mumbai, Bangalore,Chennai and Ahmedabad, besides Delhi. One of such branches in Delhi was inaugurated this morning by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley. • Named as SBI INTOUCH, these branches will have digital banking capabilities, which include instant account opening with personalised debit cards, instant loan approvals for education, car and home and remote expert advisors available via video links. The new branches are equipped with interactive wall and table displays and multi-function kiosks. • “Today, more than half of India’s population is under the age of 25. By 2020, India’s average age will be 29 years - this is a digital demographic, one that expects businesses to provide solutions immediately. At the same time, the mass affluent - no matter what their age – have similar espectations. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 62 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs 2. R.K. Jain, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare – Member Note: State Of India: 3. Chandra Wadhwa, former President, ICWAI – Member Established in 01 July, 1955, Kolkata. Headquarters: Mumbai, Maharastra. 4. Aruna Sethi, Adviser (Cost), Ministry of Corporate Affairs – Member–Convener G Ceo: P. Pradeep Kumar Chairman: Arundhati Bhattacharya. NK IN RBI released Draft Guidelines for Licensing RBI eased the infrastructure financing of Payments Banks and Small Banks norms to encourage infrastructure develop• The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) issued draft ment guidelines for licensing of payments banks and small banks. Both these banks will be created with a common objective of furthering financial inclusion by adding value through adapting technological solutions to lowers costs. BA • Reserve Bank of India (RBI) announced to ease the infrastructure financing norms in order to encourage infrastructure development and affordable housing. Dr .J P SC H O O L O F • The RBI exempted long–term bonds from mandatory regulatory norms of Cash Reserve Ratio The Draft Guidelines issued by the RBI (CRR), Priority Sector Lending (PSL) and Statu• Small banks will provide a whole suite of basic tory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) if the money raised is banking products, such as, deposits and supply of used for funding of infrastructure projects. credit, but in a limited area of operation • Further, it asked the Banks to issue long–term • Payments banks will provide a limited range bonds with a minimum maturity of seven years to of products, such as, acceptance of demand deraise resources for lending to long–term projects in posits and remittances of funds, but will have infrastructure sub–sectors and affordable housing. a widespread network of access points particu• The objective of easing infra norms is to mitigate larly to remote areas, either through their own the Asset–Liability Management (ALM) problems branch network or through Business Corresponfaced by banks in extending project loans to indents (BCs) or through networks provided by othfrastructure and core industries sectors. Further it ers. would also ease the raising of long term resources • The entities eligible to set up a Payments Bank for project loans to infrastructure and affordable include existing non–bank Pre–paid Instrument housing sectors. Issuers (PPIs), Non–Banking Finance Companies • The easing of infrastructure norms are in pur(NBFCs), corporate BCs, mobile telephone comsuance of Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley’s panies, super–market chains, companies, real secbudget speech in which he sought banks to extend tor cooperatives, and public sector entities. long–term loans to infrastructure sector with flexible structuring to absorb potential adverse contin• The entities eligible to set up a small bank ingencies. This process of extending loans is someclude resident individuals with ten years of extimes known as the 5:25 structure. perience in banking and finance, companies and societies, NBFCs, Micro Finance Institutions and • Under the 5:25 structure, bank may fix longer Local Area Banks. amortisation period for loans to projects in infrastructure and core industries sectors with periodic • The eligible entities should be fit and proper in refinancing, say every five years. order to be eligible to promote payments banks and small banks. The Composition of the Committee 1. R. S. Sharma, former Chairman and Managing Director, ONGC – Chairman • The RBI would assess the fit and proper status of the applicants on the basis of their past record of This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 63 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • All the banknotes in the denomination of rupees 20 issued by the Bank in the past will continue to be legal tender. sound credentials and integrity; financial soundness and successful track record of at least five years in running their businesses. L • It will cater to marginalized sections of the society that includes migrant labourers, for collecting deposits and remitting funds O F BA NK IN G • The minimum paid up capital requirement of both RBI increases diamond imports’ credit time payments banks and small banks is kept at 100 to 180 days crore rupees, of which the promoters’ initial min• The Reserve Bank has relaxed norms governing imum contribution will be at least 40 percent, to import of rough, cut and polished diamonds by be locked in for a period of five years. doubling the credit time period to 180 days. • Shareholding of the promoters should be brought • It has been decided, in consultation with the govdown to 40% within three years, 30% within a ernment, that the Clean Credit i. e. Credit period of 10 years, and to 26% within 12 years given by a foreign supplier to its Indian cusfrom the date of commencement of business of the tomer/ buyer, without any Letter of Credit (Supbank. pliers’ Credit)/Letter of Undertaking (Buyers’ Credit)/Fixed Deposits from any Indian financial Purpose of setting up local feel small banks institution for import of rough, cut and polished and payment banks diamonds, may be permitted for a period not exceeding 180 days from the date of shipment,” RBI • These banks will disburse small–ticket loans to said in a notification. farmers and businesses and suite of basic banking products such as deposits and supply of credit • Earlier, the time frame was of 90 days. O O • It will also offer limited range of products like acceptance of demand deposits and remittances of funds • The RBI also directed banks to ensure that due diligence is undertaken and Know–Your– Customer (KYC) Norms and Anti–Money Laundering (AML) Standards, issued by it are adhered to while undertaking the import transactions. SC H ADB upgrades India’s economic growth The final guidelines will be issued after the process of forecast to 6.3% in 2015–16 receiving suggestions will be completed. RBI will also start inviting application for setting up the Payment and Small Banks after receiving the feedbacks on the drafted guidelines. P RBI to issue new Rs. 20 denomination notes • Asian Development Bank, ADB, has upgraded India’s economic growth forecast to 6.3% in 2015–16 on hopes of speedy reform process. • The multilateral funding agency, however, has retained its forecast as 5.5% growth in India this year. In a release, it said expansion in the sub– region is expected to reach 5.4% in 2014 and pick up to 6.1% in 2015. Dr .J • The RBI will shortly issue rupees 20 denomination banknotes incorporating rupee symbol, with inset letter E, in the Mahatma Gandhi Series–2005 bearing the signature of Raghuram G Rajan, Gov- Canara Bank signs Rs1,170–cr loan pact for ernor. Kochi Metro • These banknotes would bear the year of printing ‘2014’ on the reverse side of the currency. • The design of the notes to be issued now is similar in all respects to the rupees 20 banknotes in Mahatma Gandhi Series–2005, issued earlier. • Canara Bank signed an agreement with the Kochi Metro Rail Ltd for a loan of Rs 1,170 crore to the Rs 5,200–crore Kochi Metro project. • This is the largest loan offered by Canara Bank, which is Kerala’s lead bank, to a single entity in This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 64 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs O F BA NK IN G the State. RK Dubey, CMD of Canara Bank, who RBI Issued Guidelines for Setting up Trade signed the agreement with KMRL Managing Di- Receivables Discounting System for MSMEs rector Elias George, said the bank was willing to • The Reserve Bank of India issued draft guidelines support the project further. for setting up and operating a Trade Receivables Discounting System in order to facilitate financing Nomura forecasts 6% growth in 2015 for Into micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) dia and to help them convert trade receivables into liquid funds. • India is set to be Asia’s biggest turnaround story and the country’s GDP growth is expected to rise • The draft guidelines issued were a follow up to a to over 6% in FY 2015 and over 7% in FY 2016, paper titled Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises says a Nomura report. (MSME) Factoring–Trade Receivables Exchange published by the RBI in March 2014. The paper • According to the Japannese brokerage firm, highlighted that there was a need for addressing 2014 would mark an inflection point and 2016 will this pan–India issue through setting up of an inbe a watershed year as Indian economy will start stitutional mechanism for financing trade receivoutpacing China. ables for MSMEs so as to enable the MSMEs have • “We believe India is at an inflection point. Unaccess to finance. der Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s new reform– minded government, the medium–term outlook is TCS became first Indian Company to much improved,” Nomura said in a research note. achieve Market Capitalization of 5 lakh crore • “We expect real GDP growth to rise from an av- rupees L erage of 4.7% in 2013–14 to 6.3% in 2015, 7.1% in 2016 and 7.7% in 2017. O O • The last three years have been challenging for the Indian economy, with real GDP growth sliding from an average of 8.4% over the period 2003–10 to 5.3% during 2011–13. SC H OECD released global Standard for Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information .J P • The Organisation for Economic Co– operation and Development (OECD) released single global standard for automatic exchange of financial account information between jurisdictions. Dr • The Standard for Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information in Tax Matters calls on governments to obtain detailed account information from their financial institutions and exchange that information automatically with other jurisdictions on an annual basis. Two Components of the Standard • Competent Authority Agreement (CAA) • Common Reporting Standard (CRS) • Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) became the first Indian company to achieve a market capitalization of 5 lakh crore rupees. This feat was achieved by the company on the back of Quarter 1 results. • In terms of market capitalisation, TCS is followed by Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) at 3.5 lakh crore rupees and Reliance Industries at 3.3 lakh crore rupees. • The market capitalization of TCS is higher than the combined market capital of next 4 biggest IT Indian companies, viz. Infosys (1.90 lakh crore rupees), Wipro ( 1.39 lakh crore rupees) and HCL Tech (1.07 lakh crore rupees) and Tech Mahindra (45000 crore rupees). The combined market value of these four biggest IT companies in India is approximately 4.88 lakh crore rupees. • TCS is the largest software services exporter of the country and is currently the most valued company in India in terms of market valuation. CCEA approved 49 percent Foreign Investment in Insurance Sector • The Union Cabinet gave its approval to 49 percent foreign investment in insurance companies This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 65 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs through the FIPB route ensuring management RBI cancelled Certificate of Registration of control in the hands of Indian promoters. six NBFCs • The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) cancelled the certificate of registration of six non-banking financial company (NBFCs). With this cancellation, these six NBFCs based in Delhi would not be able to conduct business of non-banking financial institution. IN G • The decision was taken in the meeting of the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. With this decision, the FDI cap in insurance sector has been raised from 26 percent to 49 percent. • These six non-banking financial company (NBFCs) whose cancellation of registration certificate has been issued are NK • It is important to note that in his first budget speech in the Lok Sabha, the Union Finance Minister, Arun Jaitley had explained that the insurance sector is investment starved and there is a need to increase the composite cap in the sector to 49 percent, with full Indian management and control, through the FIPB route. BA • GE Strategic Investments India (GESII) • Profound Exports Private Limited • Two Brothers Holding Limited L RBI penalised 12 Banks in Deccan Chronicle Holdings case • Swank Services Private Limited O F • The move will probe beneficial for the insurance firms, which will now be able to enjoy much needed capital from overseas partners. • Praxis Consulting and Information Services Private Limited • Credible Microfinance Ltd. (formerly known as “Credible Securities & Finance Pvt. Ltd.”) SC H O O • The Reserve Bank of India penalised 12 banks in Deccan Chronicle Holdings Limited case. Asian Development Bank clears $350 million The penalty imposed on these banks was of order funding for 2 projects in India 1.5 crore rupees. • Asian Development Bank has made financial commitment of USD 350 million in loan and equity • The 12 banks are Andhra Bank, Axis Bank, investment for two energy projects in India. Canara Bank, Corporation Bank, HDFC Bank, P ICICI Bank, IDBI Bank, IndusInd Bank, Kotak Mahindra Bank, Ratnakar Bank, State Bank of Hyderabad, Yes Bank. Dr .J • The penalties were imposed by RBI in exercise of the powers vested in the RBI under the provisions of Section 47A (1) read with Section 46(4)(i) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949. • The penalties were imposed after RBI carried out the scrutiny of the loan and current account of Deccan Chronicle in these banks in 2013. In the scrutiny, RBI found that proper guidelines were not followed in advancing loan to the Deccan Chronicle group which defaulted to the extent of 4000 crore rupees. • “The ADB has approved a multi–tranche loan facility of USD 300 million to help India’s Assam state continue its drive to eliminate power sector inefficiencies that are hurting consumers and the economy,” the multilateral lending agency said in released. • In an equity investment of USD 50 million in a renewable energy company ReNew Power Ventures Private Ltd, it would help India meet clean energy targets. • The three tranches USD 300 million loan facility will fund generation and distribution upgrades as well as contribution of a 120–megawatt hydro power plant. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 66 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs ADB to provide equity investment of 50 mil- RBI restored the limit of Overseas Direct Investment taken under automatic route lion US dollars to ReNew Power • The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) restored the limit of Overseas Direct Investment (ODI) by an Indian company under the automatic route of Foreign Exchange Management Act, 2004. • The investment will help the company’s growing pipeline of wind power projects which are at various stages of development across India with a total capacity of 1000 megawatts (MW). • With this decision now an Indian company can undertake financial commitment or invest up to 400% of the net worth in all its Joint Ventures (JVs) and/or Wholly Owned Subsidiaries (WOSs) abroad. NK IN G • The Asian Development Bank (ADB) announced to provide 50 million US dollars of equity investment into an Indian company, ReNew Power Ventures Private Limited. • The Investment will allow ReNew Power to tap into ADB’s extensive network, knowledge, and experience in the field of renewable energy, especially in India. BA • However, RBI decided that any financial commitment exceeding one billion US Dollars or its equivalent in a financial year will require prior approval of the Reserve Bank. This rule is applicable even if total commitment undertaken by an Indian company falls within the eligible limit. • The equity investment of 50 million US dollars into ReNew Power Ventures is a signal to private sector companies that renewable sector in India is ripe for further investment. O O L • In 2013, ADB invested 2.3 billion US dollars in clean energy and has pledged to continue investments of at least 2 billion US dollars per year. O F Note: • Earlier in August 2013, RBI reduced the ODI limit to 100% of net worth of company from 400% for all Indian companies by considering the prevailed macro economic situation. The decision was taken in order to control the unprecedented appreciation of the dollar when the rupee touched an all–time low of 68.80 rupees. Dr .J P SC H • India relies on expensive imports of coal and natu- C Rangarajan sets poverty line at Rs. 32 per ral gas. The Government of India has set a goal of day in rural & Rs. 47 in Urban areas maintaining renewables’ current share of installed • A panel headed by former Economic Advisor to capacity through to 2023 and to reduce the depenPrime Minister, C Rangarajan sets poverty line dence on imported fossil fuels and cut greenhouse at Rupees 32 per day in rural areas and Rupees gas emissions. The investment by ADB will en47 in Urban areas. able Re New Power Company to generate an extra 1000 gigawatt–hours of electricity, which will help • The panel has dismissed the Tendulkar Comeliminate nearly 1 million tons of carbon dioxide mittee report on estimating poverty, which had emissions. suggested persons spending below 33 Rupees About ReNew Power per–day mark in Urban areas to be considered poor. He also said that the number of poor • ReNew Power Ventures Pvt. Ltd, an Independent in India was much higher in 2011–12 at 29.5% of Power Producer company, is committed to leading the population, which means that three out of 10 a change in the India’s current energy portfolio by persons are poor. delivering cleaner and smarter energy choices and thereby reducing India’s carbon footprint. • The Rangarajan Committee was set up last year to review the Tendulkar Committee methodology for estimating poverty and clear the ambiguity over • ReNew Power currently owns and operates nearly the number of poor in the country. 500 MW of clean energy assets across India. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 67 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs ADB approves $180 mn loan to help Nepal overcome power shortages • China, the United States and the United Arab Emirates are India’s main trading partners, with its most valuable exports being refined petroleum, followed by jewellery, manufactured drugs, and rice. G • The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved a 180 million dollars loan to help Nepal overcome its crippling power shortages and export surplus power to neighbouring India. IN Budget 2014 – 2015 : Over Rs 2000cr Na• The loan will help Nepal Electricity Author- mami Ganga to clean up river ity (NEA) finance a substantial upgrade and expansion of transmission and distribution lines and sub–stations, allowing the transfer of up to 2,000 megawatts (MW) of power to main load centers in the Kathmandu Valley. NK • To clean up the Ganga, Rs 2037 crores has been provided for the Ganga conservation mission – “Namami Ganga” in the General Budget.Another Rs 100 crores has been provided for Ghat development and beautification at Kedarnath, Haridwar, Kanpur, Varanasi, Allahabad, Patna and Delhi. SC H O O L O F BA • According to ADB, besides meeting domestic needs, this network expansion will give Nepal the ability to export at least 1,200 MW of electricity World Bank to give $153 mn loan for Odisha to India, once a second 400 kilovolt cross–border project transmission line from Bardaghat to Gorakhpur in India is complete. • India has inked a loan agreement with World Bank for an assistance of $153 million (about • With six new hydropower plants due to come on Rs 920 crore) for the Odisha Disaster Recovstream over the next three to six years, the country ery Project. expects to have a substantial wet season supply • “The Loan Agreements for World Bank (Intersurplus for export by 2018 national Development Association (IDA) assistance of $153 million for Odisha Disaster Recovery In terms of GDP, India’s economy is 10th Project were signed here between the Government biggest: World Bank of India and the World Bank”. • According to the World Bank. after growing at • The objective of the project is to restore and an average annual rate of just over 6% from 1980 improve housing and public services in tarto 2010, India’s economy is now the 10th biggest geted communities of Odisha, and increase the in the world in terms of gross domestic prodcapacity of the state entities to respond promptly uct(GDP). and effectively to an eligible crisis of emergency. Dr .J P • However, its growth has slowed in recent years, with an expansion of 4.7% in 2013–2014, up from Retail inflation fell to 30–month low of 7.31% 4.5% the previous year, the slowest pace in the in June 2014 previous decade. • Retail inflation fell to a 30–month low of 7.31% in June 2014 from 8.28 pecent in May 2014. The • India’s growth has been largely driven by the serretail inflation went down mainly on account of vices sector which comprises over half of the econlower prices of food items that includes vegetables, omy, while the agricultural, manufacturing, and cereals, and meat. especially the industrial sectors have slowed down significantly, according to the latest quarterly re• Earlier in January 2012, the retail inflation was at view by the Indian Ministry of Finance. its lowest at 7.65%. • India remains the poorest country among the G20, with per capita income at $1,499 compared to China’s $6,807. • On the other hand, Wholesale Price Index (WPI) based inflation (or Headline inflation) fell to 5.43% in June 2014 as against 6.01% in May 2014. The This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 68 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • Apart from this, the market watchdog(SEBI) also ordered the top five executives of Satyam to pay 1849 crore rupees because they made unlawful gains through sale of shares. The amount has to be paid within 45 days. In its order SEBI also said that the amount must be deposited along with 1200 crore rupees as interest due from January 2009 till date. It means that with extra 1200 crore rupees (which is 12 percent simple interest), the five executives will have to pay at least 3049 crore rupees to SEBI. decline was mainly on account of fall in prices of food items and vegetables with the exception of potatoes and onions. G • Retail inflation is measured by the consumer price index. Findings of the data released by Union Ministry of Commerce & Industry IN • Food inflation fell to 7.97% in June 2014 from 9.56% in May 2014. The four executives are • Cereals and their products saw a lower inflation rate of 7.6%. 1. B Rama Raju, the company’s former managing director. • Inflation in the fuel and light segment declined to 4.58% in June 2014. 2. Vadlamani Srinivas, its former chief financial officer. • Retail inflation for rural areas dropped to 7.72% in June 2014, while in urban areas it slipped to 6.82%. 3. G Ramakrishna, its former vice–president (finance). BA O F 4. VS Prabhakara Gupta, its former head (internal audit). L • Wholesale inflation dropped to four–month low of 5.43% in June 2014. NK • Inflation in vegetables dropped to 8.73% in June 2014 from 15.27% in May 2014. O O • As per the wholesale price index, inflation had stood at a five–month high of 6.01% in May 2014 was and at 5.16% in June 2013. NASA SC H • Food inflation eased to 8.14% in June 2014, from 9.5% in May 2014. • Vegetable prices declined 5.89% in June 2014. P • Prices of sugar fell 2.09% and of edible oils fell 0.75% during the June 2014. .J • But prices of potatoes soared 42.51% in the period. Dr SEBI barred Satyam founder Ramalinga Raju and 4 others from accessing capital markets • The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) barred founder of Satyam Computers, B Ramalinga Raju and four other top executives from accessing the capital markets for 14 years. Science and Technology launched Orbiting Carbon Observatory–2 to track Carbon Dioxide • NASA launched Orbiting Carbon Observatory–2 (OCO–2), a satellite designed to track carbon dioxide which is responsible for global warming. The satellite was launched aboard Delta 2 rocket from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. • The OCO–2 launch mission preparation was managed by NASA’s Launch Services Program, based at Kennedy Space Center in Florida and handled by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California. • OCO–2 is the first of its kind mission of NASA dedicated to study the atmospheric carbon dioxide over several seasons. The spacecraft was launched to replace the first OCO that did not make it into orbit due to an anomaly in February 2009. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 69 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs Navy’s first indigenous anti– • The mission worth 468 million US dollars will Indian last for two years. During these two years it is submarine warfare ship INS Kamorta expected to produce detailed readings to provide • The Indian Navy will formally receive the first regional sources of carbon dioxide as well as sinks fully ingeniously built anti–submarine warfare for the greenhouse gas. (ASW), INS Kamorta, at Visakhapatnam . G • The spacecraft carries one instrument and its sole focus is detecting carbon. The instrument is very accurate through which researchers will be able to count the number of carbon dioxide molecules in the layers of the atmosphere and use the data to draw conclusions about how the increasing amount of gas will affect things like the global temperature. NK IN • The naval warship will be handed over to the Indian Navy by Kolkata–based Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers Ltd. (GRSE) after a brief ceremony. • The first of the four such ships, INS Kamorta will be the first to integrate rocket launcher for anti– submarine warfare. • OCO–2 is a part of the A–Train, a constellation of five other international Earth–observing satellites and joins the train of polar–orbiting environmental satellites of the Earth. BA • INS Kamorta is the first ever warship built in the country with around 90% of indigenous content including special grade high–tensile (DMR249A) steel produced by Steel Authority of India. O F • The spacecraft was launched from the west coast of Vandenberg because it is the only way to acINS Kuthar Warship damaged in mishap, complish a polar orbit from the US. 15th such incident since August 2013 L India successfully test–fired BRAHMOS supersonic cruise missile SC H O O • India successfully test–fired an advanced version of the 290–km range BRAHMOS supersonic cruise missile from Chandipur–on–Sea off Odisha coast. It was test–fired from a mobile launcher from launch complex number three of the Integrated Test Range (ITR), Balasore. About the BRAHMOS supersonic cruise missile .J P • BRAHMOS supersonic cruise missile is capable of carrying a conventional warhead of 300 kilogram and operates on “Fire and Forget Principle”, adopting varieties of flights on its way to the target Dr • BRAHMOS is the first supersonic cruise missile known to be in service • BRAHMOS with a top speed of Mach 2.8 is about three times faster than the US subsonic Tomahawk cruise missile Note: ISRO Chairman – K. Radhakrishnan. • Indian Naval Ship (INS) Kuthar Warship was damaged in a mishap. This was the 15th such incident after INS Sindhurakshak sank on 14 August 2013. The Indian Navy ordered a Board of Inquiry to probe the incident. • INS Kuthar suffered damage while entering the harbour of a naval base in Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands when it ran aground in rough weather in the end of June 2014. About INS Kuthar • INS Kuthar is a Khukri class missile corvette warship weighing 1350 tonne. It is the part of the fleet of the Vishakhapatnam–based Eastern Naval Command, which is in–charge of operations in Bay of Bengal and areas beyond it. • It was commissioned in the Indian Navy in 1990 and was designed by Indian naval architects and built at Mazagon Dock in Mumbai. • INS Kuthar along with INS Satpura and INS Ranvijay represented Indian Navy in the first ever Japan–India maritime exercise (JIMEX) held in the Bay of Bengal from 19 December – 22 December 2013. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 70 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs Narendra Modi inaugurated 240MW Uri–II hydroelectric project in Jammu and Kashmir • In 2007, it was expanded to include the navies of Australia, Japan and Singapore when the exercise was conducted in the Bay of Bengal. Since then India has restricted the Malabar exercise after China protested it. • Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi inaugurated the 240MW Uri–II Hydro Electric Project (HEP) in Jammu and Kashmir. This Uri–II project will be able to generate an estimated 1124 million units of hydel–energy annually from its four units of 60 MW each. IN G • Malabar exercise was not conducted for a brief period after Pokhran II nuclear test conducted by India in 1998. SC H O O L O F BA NK Sports • The Uri–II project is the second power project on the Jhelum River in Uri area and is close to the Indian pistol shooter Jitu Rai ranked No. 1 Line of Control (LoC) in Baramullah district in the world of the state. It is locate on the downstream of the 480–MW Uri–I HEP that is operational whose • Jitu Rai became World Number 1 pistol shooter work was completed in 1997. in the men’s 10 m air pistol category. This was revealed by the latest rankings released by the InAbout the Uri–II Hydro Electric Project ternational Shooting Federation (ISSF). • The Uri–II Hydro Electric Project has a concrete • Munich Shooting World Cup made Rai number gravity dam with four spillways of nine meters 1 pistol shooter in the World. At the Maribor each. The dam is 52–meter high and 157–meter Shooting World Cup in June 2014, he won a Gold long. In the process of generating the power, the and a Silver and at the Munich Shooting World 4.23–km head race tunnel carries water from the Cup in June 2014, he won the Silver medal in 10 dam to the powerhouse that has four units of 60 – meter air pistol. MW that is designed to generate 1124 million units of electricity annually. It has been built by NHPC • Apart from Jitu Rai, Indian Prakash Nanjappa at an expense of 2290 crore rupees. also moved up to the fifth spot in the 10m air pistol category. Other Indians to be ranked under • Jammu and Kashmir is a state that has a top 10 are : great potential of generating hydroelectric power 1. Sanjeev Rajput at 10th position in 50 m rifle (clean and environment–friendly energy) in a great amount. 2. Manavjit Singh Sandhu was placed at 8th position in trap Malabar Naval Exercise featuring Indian, Japanese and US Navy started Dr .J P • Malabar Naval exercise 2014 started in the Pacific Ocean. Malabar naval exercise 2014 is the 18th edition of the Malabar series conducted to enhance multinational maritime relationships and mutual security issues. • Japan is participating in the Malabar exercises for the third time since it first participated in 2007. About Exercise Malabar • The Exercise Malabar is a joint naval exercise first conducted as a bilateral one between the US and Indian navies in 1992. • In women listing, Heena Sidhu was ranked at 4th position in women’s 10m air pistol category, whereas, Ayonika Paul was ranked at World Number 8 in the women’s 10m air rifle category Note: Jitu Rai, a 27 – year old army man from Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh is the seventh Indian shooter to have achieve the feat. The other six to be ranked number 1 in ISSF release were 1. Anjali Bhagwat 2. Rajyavardhan Rathore 3. Gagan Narang 4. Manavjit Singh Sandhu This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 71 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • In the women’s single Petra Kvitova of Czechoslovakia won the Wimbledon Tennis Open defeating Canada’s Eugenie Bouchard. 5. Ronjon Sodhi 6. Heena Sidhu Results of Wimbledon Open Sardar Singh to lead India in Commonwealth Games G • Men’s Doubles: Vasek Pospisil (Canada) and Jack Sock (USA) defeated Bob Bryan and Mike Bryan of USA IN • There were few surprises as Hockey India (HI) selected a 16–member side, led by Sardar Singh, for the 2014 Commonwealth Games that would be held in Glasgow, July 23 – Aug 3. NK • Women’s Doubles: Sara Errani (Italy) and Roberta Vinci (Italy) beat Timea Babos (Hungary) and Kristina Mladenovic (France) L O F BA • Most the players of the squad, that finished ninth in the Hockey World Cup, barring goalkeeper Harjot Singh, midfielders S.K Uthappa, Jasjit Singh Novak Djokovic becomes world number one after Wimbledon victory and forward Mandeep Singh. • Novak Djokovic’s Wimbledon victory returned • The two new players in the Commonwealth Games him to the top of the latest world rankings, reside are midfielder Danish Mujtaba and forward leased by the Association of Tennis ProfesGurwinder Singh Chandi. While Sardar will be sionals (ATP). leading the side Sreejesh will be his deputy. • Serbian Djokovic has moved above Rafael Note: Nadal of Spain to top the rankings by 460 points. Commonwealth Games – Head: Queen ElizaDefeated finalist Roger Federer has skipped beth II, Secretary General: Kamalesh Sharma, compatriot Stan Wawrinka to claim third. Members O O MCC XI won the match played to celebrate 200 years of Lord’s Cricket Ground ATP top 5 1. Novak Djokovic 2. Rafael Nadal 3. Roger Federer 4. Stan Wawrinka 5. Tomas Berdych SC H • Marylebone Cricket Club XI won the match played to celebrate 200–years (bi–centenary) of Lord’s Cricket Ground – the Home of Cricket. Sachin Tendulkar–led MCC XI beat Shane Warne–led Rest of the World XI in Lord’s in Williams stays top in WTA rankings, WimLondon, UK. bledon champion Kvitova fourth .J P • Batting first MCC XI made 296 for 3 wickets. Aaron Finch with unbeatable 181 was the highest scorer of the match. On the other hand, Yuvraj Singh of Rest of the World XI was able to make 132 runs and helped the team to reach a respectable score of 293. Dr Novak Djokovic won the Men’s Wimbledon Tennis Open defeating Roger Federer • Novak Djokovic of Serbia won the Men’s Wimbledon Tennis Open defeating Roger Federer of Switzerland. This is the second Wimbledon title for 27–year–old, Djokovic and seventh career Grand Slam. • Serena Williams of the United States has retained top spot in the latest world rankings released by the Women’s Tennis Association (WTA), while Wimbledon champion Petra Kvitova moved up to fourth. • Kvitova of the Czech Republic has gained two places from sixth but still trails Li Na (China) and Simona Halep (Romania) behind Williams, who is top with an advantage of 2,550 points. WTA top 5 1. Serena Williams. 2. Li Na 3. Simona Halep This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 72 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs Bhullar becomes first Indian–origin player to join NBA 4. Petra Kvitova 5. Agnieszka Radwanska. • Sim Bhullar has become the first player of Indian origin to be a part of the National Basketball Association (NBA) after he signed a summer contract with the Sacramento Kings, a professional basketball team in the US. G Amritraj announces launch of Champions Tennis League IN • Indian tennis legend Vijay Amritraj announced the launch of Champions Tennis League (CTL) in India with an aim of taking the sport to new levels of awareness and popularity in the country. NK • 21–year–old Bhullar, who is 7.5 feet tall and weighs 360 pounds, is a centre from New Mexico State University. • The CTL will feature six city based teams, who will play 13 matches over a 10–day period from November 17 to 26. BA • Originally from Canada, Bhullar’s parents hail from Punjab. His height is in his genes with his father 6.5 feet tall and his being mother’s height 5.10 feet Australia leads ICC test rankings; India in fourth place Germany won the 2014 FIFA Football World • Australia leads the latest ICC test rankings fol- Cup beating Argentina O O L • Men in Blue played test cricket after a long gap in Bangladesh last month and the tour of England will provide them yet another opportunity to improve their ranking. Sania Mirza achieves career–best fifth rank in WTA doubles ranking SC H • Indian tennis ace Sania Mirza has achieved a career–best rank of number five in the world as the new WTA Doubles chart was released. .J P • Sania has entered the top–five for the first time in her career. Sania and her Zimbabwean partner Cara Black could not go deep in the just concluded Wimbledon championships, but a second round appearance fetched her crucial 130 ranking points which was enough to push her in the top–5. • Germany became the 2014 FIFA World Cup champion after defeating Argentina 1–0 at the Maracana in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The single goal of the final was made by Mario Gotze during the extra–time. O F lowed by South Africa, England with India in the fourth place. • With this win, Germany lifted the trophy for the fourth time in the history of FIFA world Cup and first since 1990. The following awards were given at the end of the tournament – Golden Ball: Lionel Messi (Argentina). – Golden Glove: many). Manuel Neuer (Ger- – Golden Boot: James Rodriguez (Colombia). – Young Player Award: (France). Paul Pogba – FIFA Fair Play Award: Colombia. Dr FIFA suspended Nigeria’s team from Inter- National Centre for R & D in Bulk Drugs to national football competitions be set up in NIPER Hyderabad • FIFA suspended Nigeria from all international football competitions with immediate effect. Nigeria was suspended on account of government interference in running Nigeria Football Federation (NFF). • Union Ministry of Chemical and Fertilisers decided to set up National Centre for Research & Development in Bulk Drugs (NCRDBD) at National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER), Hyderabad. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 73 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • The tournament will be conducted in two phases. The first phase would be a qualifier phase in which 12 to 16 teams would be grouped into pools. Top two teams from the qualifier phase would participate in the main tournament. • The NCRDBD will fill the crucial existing gap in Research and Development in bulk drugs. The total cost of setting up NCRDBD will be over 52 crore rupees and will have an operating cost of over 37 crore rupees for five years. G Some Characteristic Features of NCRDBD Rahul Dravid elected as member of Laureus O O L • Mahela Jayawardene, the former skipper of Sri Lankan cricket team, announced his retirement from Test cricket. He will retire from Test Cricket after the home series against Pakistan in August 2014. O F BA NK IN • The NCRDBD would be an innovative R&D World Sports Academy provider in the field of bulk drugs. • Indian cricket legend Rahul Dravid was elected • It will offer competitive and eco–friendly technoloas the member of Laureus World Sports gies in specified areas products and processes. Academy. He is the 47th member of the Academy. • It will also provide centralized research facilities and technologies, analytical facilities and consult• After his election to the Academy, Dravid (nicking services for process improvement and optinamed The Wall) met and played cricket with the mization. young coaches of the Urban Academy of London’s East End. He was joined by fellow Academy mem• It would give special emphasis to the empowerber Steve Waugh, the Australian cricketing legment of MSME sector. end, who is the most successful captain in the history of Test Cricket. The young coaches of the Jayawardene announced retirement from Academy were being trained with support from Test Cricket Laureus Sport for Good Foundation. SC H • He communicated his written decision to Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Sri Lanka Cricket (SLC) Ashley De Silva. However, Jayawardene will represent the country in the one– day format. • Other Indian cricketing legend who is the member of the Academy is Kapil Dev. Laureus World Sports Academy • The Laureus World Sports Academy is a unique association of 47 of the greatest living sporting legends from sports as diverse as football, tennis, athletics, skateboarding and motor racing. The members of the Academy believe in the power of sport to break down barriers and bringing people together to improve lives of young people around the world. .J P • The decision to continue in the one–day format is a hint that he will be playing for the nation during the Cricket World Cup 2015 that will be jointly Germany’s football team captain Philipp hosted by Australia and New Zealand. Dr 127th Durand Cup football tournament to be held in Goa in October • The third oldest football tournament in the world, Durand Cup, will be held in Goa between October 28 and November 9 2014. • A host of top clubs and military football teams will participate in the tournament. Durand Cup was first held in the year 1888. Lahm announced retirement • Philipp Lahm, the captain of Germany’s football team announced his retirement from international game. He announced his retirement just five days after Germany led by him won its fourth football World Cup beating Argentina 1–0 in the final of the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil. • The win helped Lahm to be 20th World Cup winning captain. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 74 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs 14 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow from 22 July 2014 her first three in 2008, three more in 2009, six in 2010, six in 2011, two in 2012, one in 2013 and now one in 2014. • The 20th edition of the Games, to be held in Glasgow, Scotland from 22 July 2014, will witness more than 4,000 athletes competing in 17 sports and 261 medal events. G • The Indian contingent was accompanied by the Dr. Praveen Pathak, of Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, TIFR, Mumbai and others. • A record 22 para–sport events will be contested in five different sports, with para–track cycling set to be held for the first time. India is fielding their second largest ever contingent of 215 athletes. NK IN • The 45th International Physics Olympiad (IPHO2014) was organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan. The sponsor of this event was Exxon Mobil Kazakhstan. • The biggest squad of 41 will be in Athletics, while there will be no Indians in three disciplines —netball, rugby sevens and triathlon. BA • In the IPHO2014 84 countries participated with 374 of the brightest students from across the world in the competition. Irishman Rory McIlroy won British Golf About the International Physics Olympiad Open 2014 (PhO) L • Spain’s Sergio Garcia (L) and US golfer Rickie Fowler finished two strokes behind McIlory to finish at second position. • The International Physics Olympiad is held every year as a competition among the high school students. O F • Irishman Rory McIlroy won the British Golf Open Championship 2014 held at Royal Liverpool Golf course in Holyake, United Kingdom. SC H O O • The 25–year–old McIlory from Northern Ireland won the championship with a 17–under 271. With this McIlroy joined golfers Tiger Woods and Jack Nicklaus to win three of the four majors in golf that complete the Grand Slam, by the time they reached 25. • He also became the first European to have won three Majors. • PhO started in the year 1967 in order to recognize the increasing importance of Physics in Science and Technology fields as well as in terms of general education. • The first International Physics Olympiad took place in 1967 in Warsaw (Poland) and 5 countries participated in it, viz. Poland, Hungary, Romania, Czechoslovakia and Bulgaria. • The International Physics Olympiad includes theoretical as well as experimental sections. The competition, which takes place over two days, involves theoretical exam on the Day 1 and experimental exam on Day 2. The students get 5 hours to solve the questions on both the stages. .J P • Rory McIlory has so far not won the US Masters Tournament, the only Major that eludes him in completing a Career Grand Slam. The Majors won by him are: US Open in 2011, USPGA Championship in 2012 and the British Open in 2014. Glasgow Commonwealth Games 2014 got off Dr Wozniacki routs Vinci for Istanbul title • Top seed Caroline Wozniacki won her first title of the year and 22nd of her career, when she defeated second–seeded Italian Roberta Vinci in the Istanbul WTA final. • The former world number one has now won a WTA title every year for the last seven years, winning at the Celtic Park in Glasgow in Scotland • The Glasgow Commonwealth Games 2014 got off at the Celtic Park in Glasgow in Scotland. The 2014 Games are the 20th Commonwealth Games. • The Game was declared open by the British Queen Elizabeth II after more than two hours of colourful opening ceremony. In the opening ceremony the crowd was enthralled by performances This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 75 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • During the ceremony a minute’s silence was observed in memory of the 298 people who died when flight MH17 crashed in the Ukraine. G • This was Bindra’s first individual Gold medal in Commonwealth Games. Earlier he had won Gold medal in pairs in Manchester (2002), Melbourne (2006) and Delhi (2010). So far he had only won Silver medal in the 2010 Delhi Commonwealth Games in individual category. of singer Rod Stewart, Susan Boyle and violinist Nicola Benedetti. Women’s 10–m Air Pistol • The players’ parade was led by India, by the virtue of being the previous hosts of Commonwealth Games in 2010. 2012 London Olympics silver medallist shooter Vijay Kumar led the Indian contingent. NK IN • In the Women’s 10–m Air Pistol event, India won its first medal of shooting in the 2014 Games. The medal came in the form of Silver medal won by 16–year–old Malaika Goel. She shot 197.1 points to win the Silver. Weightlifters Sukhen Dey & K Sanjita Chanu won Gold Medal on Day 1 of Commonwealth Games 2014 BA • Malaika, currently ranked 15th in the World, hails from Ludhiana in Punjab and is a product of Olympic Gold Quest. SC H O O L O F • Weightlifters Sukhen Dey and K Sanjita Chanu on 24 July 2014 clinched a Gold Medal Obituary each in weightlifting in the 20th Commonwealth Games in Glasgow, Scotland. In all, Olympian, WW II veteran Zamperini passes India won seven medals on the first day of Games away in Glasgow, Scotland. • Louis Zamperini, an Olympic runner and Amer• In the men’s 56 kg contest, Sukhen Dey lifted a ican World War II veteran who survived two years total of 248 kg at the Clyde Auditorium. In the as a prisoner of war, has died at the age of 97. women’s 48 kg weightlifting, K Sanjita Chanu won • He died peacefully after a 40–day battle with with a total lift of 173 kg, pneumonia. Zamperini’s life was the subject of Other medal winners from India the 2010 book “Unbroken and an upcoming film adaption” to be released this year. 1. S Mirabai Chanu – Silver medal (Weightlifting, Women’s 48 kg) Alfredo Di Stefano, the Real Madrid FC leg- P 2. Ganaesh Mali – Bronze medal (Weightlifting, end died Men’s 56 kg) • Alfredo Di Stefano, the legend of Real Madrid 3. Navjot Chana – Silver medal (Judo, Men’s 60 Football Club, died on 7 July 2014 at the Genkg) eral Universatario Gregorio Maranon Hospital in 4. Shushila Likmabam – Silver medal (Judo, Madrid. He was 88. He died after suffering a heart Women’s 48 kg) attack. .J 5. Kalpana Thoudam – Bronze medal (Judo, Women’s 52 kg) • Stefano was a football player, who played for three different nations at international level but never appeared at the world cup. He played for Argentina, Colombia and Spain. Dr Abhinav Bindra won Gold medal in Men’s 10m Air Rifle at the 2014 Commonwealth Games Eduard Shevardnadze, the ex–President of Georgia died at 86 • Olympic Gold medalist Abhinav Bindra won the Gold medal in Men’s 10–m Air Rifle event at the 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow, Scotland. He shot 205.3 points to win the Gold. • Eduard Shevardnadze, the former President of Georgia died after prolong illness at the age of 86. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 76 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • The last rites of the 102–year–old actress, who died, were performed at the Lodhi Road crematorium by her son Pawan in the presence of her daughter Kiran and grandchildren. • He became the second President of Georgia in 1992 after disintegration of Georgia from the erstwhile Soviet Union. He had succeeded Zviad Gamsakhurdia. He was toppled in November 2003 after the Rose Revolution led by Mikheil Saakashvili. • Sehgal had a great innings as an artiste, performer and actor that spanned more than seven decades. She started her career as a dancer with Uday Shankar in 1935. She had appeared in many Bollywood films as a character actor as well as in English language films besides television series and plays. IN G Note: NK • Rose Revolution – The Revolution of Roses was a change of power in Georgia in November 2003, which took place after widespread protests over the disputed parliamentary elections. As a result, President Eduard Shevardnadze was forced to resign on November 23, 2003. BA • Often called the grand old lady of Bollywood, she last appeared in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s “Saawariya” in 2007. She worked with some of the biggest stars of this era be it Amitabh Bachchan in ”Cheeni Kum”, Shah Rukh Khan in “Dil Se” or Salman in “Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam”. • Granville Austin, the eminent scholar of the Indian Constitution died in Washington DC. • A Padma Shri awardee, she also received the Padma Vibhshan in 2010. O F Granville Austin, the scholar of Indian constitution died O O L • He died at the age of 87. He described Indian Constitution as first and foremost a social document Senior VHP leader Giriraj Kishore died at that embodied the objectives of a social revolu- 94 tion. • Giriraj Kishore, the senior Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) leader died following prolonged illness in About Granville Austin New Delhi. He was 94–year–old. SC H • He authored two books on Indian Constitution. They are 1. The Indian Constitution – The Indian Constitution: A Cornerstone of a Nation 2. Working a Democratic Republic: The Indian Experience About Giriraj Kishore • Giriraj Kishore, an Indian activist and politician was actively associated with the Ram temple agitation (Ram Janmabhoomi Andolan) that led to the demolition of Babri mosque on 6 December 1992 .J P • In 2011, he was awarded with fourth highest civilian award in India, Padma Shri. He was awarded in recognition of his writings on the framing and working of the Indian Constitution. • Giriraj Kishore, a bachelor who was wheelchair– ridden for last few years earlier had pledged to donate his body for social cause. • He joined the RSS at an early age, which sent him to VHP. He joined VHP in 1983 during the first Bharat Mata Yatra • He was born in 1927 at Norwich, Vermont • He has served the VHP International wing as the senior vice president and has also served on the advisory board of the organisation. Dr • He worked as a journalist and photographer Grand old lady of Bollywood Zohra Sehgal passes away at 102 • Family and friends bid farewell to veteran actress Zohra Sehgal, who was cremated in New Delhi. • He was one of the senior–most pracharaks of RSS • He was born on 4 February 1920 in Etah of Uttar Pradesh This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 77 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs Books • Earlier, he was a school teacher in Morena World–renowned conductor Lorin Maazel Coffee – Table book titled First Citizen: Pranab Mukherjee in Rashtrapati Bhavan died at 84 released • Lorin Varencove Maazel, the American conductor of classical music, violinist and composer died at his home in Castleton, Virginia. He died due to complications following pneumonia. IN G • First Citizen: Pranab Mukherjee in Rashtrapati Bhavan – published by The Week Magazine. • A coffee–table book titled First Citizen: Pranab Mukherjee in Rashtrapati Bhavan was released at a function in Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi. The book’s first copy was received by Pranab Mukherjee, the President of India. NK • Apart from conducting, he also composed music, produced an opera based on George Orwell’s novel. • He is the second leading conductor to die in 2014. The first was Italian conductor Claudio Abbado, who died in January 2014 at the age of 80. BA • The book has been published by The Week Magazine and was released by Dr. Karan Singh in the presence of Pranab Mukherjee and Philip Mathew, the Managing Editor of The Week. South Africa’s Nobel-winning novelist Nadine Gordimer dies O F APPOINTMENTS L • South African Nobel Prize–winning writer and anti–apartheid activist Nadine Gordimer, who became an icon through her unique insights into the country’s social agonies, has died at the age of 90. • The foreword of the book has been written by the President in which he has written about The Raisina Hill and the buildings in and around Rashtrapati Bhavan. SC H O O • Through 15 novels, several volumes of short stories, non–fiction and other works published in 40 languages around the world, Gordimer eviscerated white–minority rule under the apartheid system and its aftershocks once democracy had been achieved in 1994. • The writer, who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1991, died peacefully in her sleep at her home in Johannesburg. .J P Veteran journalist Sundaram Sankaran died at 87 Dr • Veteran Journalist Sundaram Sankaran passed away at his residence in Kensington, Maryland in the US. He was 87. • He served the World Bank for more than 25 years in Washington D.C. He joined the World Bank in 1962 as a writer in the Office of Information and played a key role in shaping World Bank’s information policy in developing countries. He retired from World Bank in 1988 as Chief of the Bank’s Public Affairs Division. 1. Who was elected as the Chairman of Telangana Legislative Council? Ans: Swamy Goud 2. Who was appointed as the Dean of Berkerey Law school recently? Ans: Sujith-Choudhry (Indain- American) 3. Who is the First Female Fourstar admiral in US navy, appointed recently? Ans: Michelle Howard 4. Who was appointed as the Governor of Mizoram recently? Ans: Kamal Beniwal 5. Who was appointed as the Governor of Nagaland recently? Ans: Vaikkom Purushothaman 6. Who took the additional charge as the Governor of Wst Bengal? Ans: D.Y. Patil, (Govenor of Bihar) This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 78 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs 7. Who was appointed as the new CEO of Reliance 20. Who will be the new CEO of Unilever Executive infrastructure? and turn around specialist from 1st October 2014? Ans: Dave Lewis Ans: M.S. Mehta BA NK IN G 8. The Supreme court appointed three Judges re- 21. Who is the 27th Governor of Uttrapradesh? cently who are in that list? Ans: Ram Naik Ans: Arun Mishra, Adarsh Kumar Goel, Rohing22. Who has been appointed as the brand ambessador ton F. Naiman of Telungana in July 2014? 9. Who is appointed as UN goodwill ambassador for Ans: Sania Mirza women? 23. Who is the Governor of Haryana? Ans: Emma Watson (British Actress) Ans: Kaptan Singh 10. Who is the Governor of Gujarat, at present? 24. Who was elected as the Auditor General of peoAns: Om Prakash Kohli ple’s Republic of China at the Un Headquarters at Newyork? 11. Who is the Governor of Nagaland, appointed reAns: Shashi Kant Sharma cently? 12. Who is the Governor of Uttarpradesh, at present? Ans: Amitabh Bachchan Ans: Ram Naik 26. Who was elected as the member of Laureus World Sports Academy? L 13. Who is the Governor of WestBengal, at present? O O Ans: Keshari Nath Tripathi 14. Who is appointed as the Governor of Gujarat recently? SC H Ans: Om Prakash Kohli 25. Who is named as Maharashtra’s horticulture ambassador? O F Ans: Padmanabha Balakrishna Acharya 15. Who is appointed as the Governor of Mizoram? Ans: Kamla Beniwal 16. Recently, who was Sworn in as Syria’s President? P Ans: Bashar al-Assad .J 17. Who has moved to Japan’s Soft Bank Corp as the Vice Chairman from the position of Google’s Chief Business Officer? Ans: Rahul Dravid AWARDS & HONOURS 1. In which of the following states the 3rd Ladakh International Flim Festival was held? Ans: Jammu and Kashmir 2. Which flim bagged three awards in the 3rd edition of Ladakh International Flim Festival? Ans: ‘Wet Letters’ 3. Who won four awards for Bollywood in the 3rd Ladakh International Flim Festival? Ans: ‘Kaafiron Ki Namaaz’ Dr Ans: Nikesh Arora 18. Who has been appointed as Private Secretary to Prime Minister Narendra Modi? Ans: Sanjeev Kumar Singla 19. Who has been appointed as the Chairman of Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR)? Ans: Y Sudharshan Rao 4. Which film in the category ‘Best Director-short film’ in the 3rd Ladakh International Flim Festival? Ans: ‘Villari’ 5. Which flim won the jury grand prize in the 3rd Ladakh International Flim Festival? Ans: ‘White Van Stories’ This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 79 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs 6. Which flim won in the category ‘Best Documen- 18. Who won the Gandhi peace prize 2013? taruy Flim’ in the 3rd Ladakh International Flim Ans: Chandi Prasad Bhatt Festival? BOOKS Ans: ‘Let’s Shoot The Night’ Ans: ‘First Citizen’ Ans: ‘Wet Letters’ 2. Whose Classical music reality show is to be featured in limca book of Records NK 8. Which flim won in the category ‘Best Actor’ in the 3rd Ladakh International Flim Festival? Ans: Doordarshan Naad Bhed - The Mystery of Sound Ans: ‘The Virgin Arguments’ 9. Which flim got the award Best Cinematography in the 3rd Ladakh International Flim Festival? Ans: ‘Wet Letters’ BA 10. Which flim got the award Best Director in the 3rd Ladakh International Flim Festival? DEFENCE 1. BRAHMOS missile was test fired from chandipur recently. What is the principle it has? Ans: “Fire and Forget Priciple” O F Ans: ‘Wet Letters’ 2. Who is the present Chairman of ISRO? 11. Which flim got the award Best Feature in the 3rd Ladakh International Flim Festival? Ans: K. Radhakrishnan 3. India has planned to launch civil nuclear corporation with which country? L Ans: ‘The Virgin Arguments’ O O 12. Who won the award Best Feature in the 3rd Ladakh International Flim Festival? Ans: ‘Bhargav Saikar’ G 1. What is the title of Coffee Table book, that was released in Rashtrapathi Bhavan, Delhi on 2nd July? IN 7. Which flim won in the category ‘Best Actress’ in the 3rd Ladakh International Flim Festival? SC H 13. The Sant Kabir Awards and Shilp Guru Awards are for? 4. Who is the Foreign Secretary of UK? Ans: William Hague 5. Which is India’s First Navy’s anti-submarine warship? Ans: INS Kamorta Ans: Handicraft and Handlooms 14. Who won the Sant Kabir Award in India? P Ans: L. Subadani Devi of Manipur, Gour C Basak of West Bengal .J 15. How many people were conterred for Handi crafts category in the National Awards? 6. For INS Kamorta, 90% of intigenous content was produced by....... Ans: Steel Authority of India 7. Which Warship was in Port Blair Andaman & Niccobar Islands? Ans: INS Kuthar Dr Ans: 21 16. How many people were conferred for Hndlooms category in the National Awards? Ans: UK 8. INTERNATIONAL Ans: 25 17. What is the minimum age to get National Awards in the categories of Handi crafts or Handlooms? Ans: 35 years 1. Who has been sentenced for 18 months for participating in the hacking of celebrity mobile phones in Britain? Ans: Andy coulson This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 80 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs 2. Andy coulson, who got an 18 months sentence for 15. Who is the High Commissioner of India, at mobile phone hacking is a ....... present? Ans: Former “News of the world” Editor Ans: V.K. Sinha 3. BRICS summit 2014 was held in....... Ans: Fortaleza, Brazil G 16. BRICS nations signed a deal to create a New Development Bank with the total capital of ? IN Ans: 100 billion US dollars 4. In BRICS,C represent which country? 17. What will be the intial capital to open the New Development Bank according to BRICS? Ans: China 5. The BRICS summit held in 2014 was the ..... meeting of BRICS NK Ans: 6th Ans: 50 billion US dollars 18. According to BRICS, where will be the Headquarters of New Development Bank located? 6. Who is the President of Brazil, at present? BA Ans: Shangai, China Ans: Dilma Rousseff Ans: Neoguri 8. Which city is the world’s 2nd most populous city in 2014 according to the UN report? Ans: Johannesburg, South Africa 20. Who will become the President of New Development Bank? Ans: Chair The Bank will have a rotating President L Ans: Delhi (25 million) 19. Where will be the Regional office of the New Development Bank located? O F 7. Landfall occured on Japan’s southern main Island Due to a typhoon, what is the name of that Typhoon? O O 9. Which city is in the first position, in the recent UN urban population Report? Ans: Tokyo, Japan (28 million) 21. From which country the first President of new development Bank is to be elected? Ans: India SC H 10. Which city is in 3rd position, in the recent UN 22. How many Finace Ministers will the New Development Bank have ? urban population Report? Ans: 5 Finance minister, chaired by Brazil Ans: Shangai (23 million) 11. Which day is observed as the world population 23. The president of South Africa is...... Day? Ans: Jacob Zuma Ans: 11 July P .J 12. What 2014? 24. How much fund will be contributed by India Brazil and Russia for the New Development Bank? is the theme of the world population day Ans: 18 billion US dollars (each country) Investing in young people 25. How much Fund will be contributed by China and South Africa respectively? diplomat met the PM Narendra modi rewho is he? Ans: 41 billion US dollors (China), 5 billion US Ans: Dr 13. A US cently Ans: William Burns dollors (South Africa) 14. India signed an MoU to set up Engineering and 26. According to the Princeton University researchers which country is the largest consumer of antibiAgricultural faculty for the university of Jaffna otics? with which country? Ans: Srilanka Ans: India This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 81 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs 27. Who accompanied the PM to attend the meeting 40. Which Council in July 2014 adopted a resolution demanding an internationl probe into shooting of Trade Ministes of BRICS? down of Malaysia airplane MH-17? Ans: Nirmala Sitharaman (Commerce and Industry Minister) Ans: United Nations Security Council 28. Which Typhoon hit philippines recently? Ans: Typhoon Rammasun NK IN Ans: Typhoon Matmo 29. India and Brazil signed on three agreements they are .....? 42. Who is the President of Nepal? Ans: MoU Cooperation in the Field of EnvironAns: Ram Baran Yadav ment, Agreement on Space, Consultation mecha43. Who is the Prime Minister of Nepal? nism on Mobility and consular issues Ans: Sushil Koirala 30. What percentage of votes was won by Syria’s Pres- G 41. Which typhoon struck East of Taiwan with a wind gust of 173km/hr in July 2014? ident Assad? BA 44. First International Gaucher day was observed on...... Ans: 88.7% 32. The 6th BRICS SUMMIT 2014 was hosted by....... Ans: Brazil Ans: “Rare but Not Alone” 46. International Gaucher day on 26th July 2014 was observes to mark the ...... O O L 33. What was the theme of Global Innovation Index 2014? O F Ans: 26th July 2014 31. Which country will host the 7th BRICS SUMMIT 2015? 45. What was the Slogan of the International Gaucher Ans: Russia - Ufa city day on 26th July 2014? Ans: Human Factor in Innovation 34. Where was the Global Index released in 2014? Ans: Sydney Ans: 160th birthday of Phillippe Gaucher 47. Which Country has agreed to take bilateral ties with India for defence, security, trade, investment, water resources and border issues? .J P SC H Ans: Nepal 35. Which was the airline shot down by terrorists over 48. Which company has tied up with UNICEF to proWartorn, Eastern Ukraine? mote a water sanitation and hygiene campaign in Ans: Malaysia Airlines, Boeing 777 Assam? 36. Where was the Business 20(B20) Australia summit Ans: Woodland held? 49. World Hepatitis day is observed on Ans: Sydney Ans: 27th July 37. Which country passed a law to legalise child labour 50. What was the theme of world Hepatitis Day 2014? for kids from the age of 10, in July 2014? Ans: “It is closer than you think” Dr Ans: Bolivia 38. Which country has the top spot in the Global In- 51. Which Virus causes hepatitis in the live? novation Index (GII)? Ans: Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Ans: Switzerland 52. Who launched the Hindi version of Google map? 39. What is the rank of India in the Global Innovation Ans: Google Index? Ans: 76th NATIONAL This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 82 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs 1. Which day is celebrated as National Doctor’s Day? 15. Which rail line was inaugurated by the Prime Minister on 4th July 2014? Ans: July 1 Ans: Udhampur - Katra (25 km long) 2. Doctor’s day is celebrated to honour whom? 16. The PM inauguarated the first train from Katra railway station. What is the name of that express Recently the Rajasthan Governement declared its train? State animal. What is it? Ans: Shree Sakti Express Ans: Camel 17. How much fund has been provided for the Ganga Which country is the First country to ratify the Conservation Mission from the Union Budget 2014Marrakesh Treaty? 15? Ans: India Ans: Rs.2037 crores WIPO stands for? 18. What is the name for the Ganga coversation MisAns: World Intellectual Property Organisation sion? Who is the Director General of WIPO at present? Ans: Namami Gange 5. 6. IN NK 4. BA 3. G Ans: Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy Ans: Francis Gurry 19. MGNREGS stands for? Ans: Standinr Committee on Copyright and Related Rights Ans: Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme O F 7. SCCR stands for? 20. Which organisation signed the agreement with the IOA to sponsor the Indian Contingent for Common Ans: Visually Impaired pesons and persons with wealth Games? print Disabilities Ans: Amul 9. The PM described about a social network that “It can be used for better interaction between people 21. Air India joined with a global airline group recently. What is the name of that airline? and Governments”. Waht is the name of that social network? Ans: Star Alliance SC H O O L 8. Marrakesh Treaty is Facilitated for whom? Ans: Facebook 10. Who is the Chief Operating Officer of Facebook? 22. Air India is the ...... member of Star Alliance Ans: 27th Ans: Sheryl sand berg 23. Who is the CMD of Air India? Ans: Rohit Nandan Legislative Council (Upper house of the .J Ans: state) P 11. What does“Vidhan Parishad” mean? 12. Under which Act, the CCEA approved inclusion of onion and potato Dr Ans: Essential Commodities Act, 1955 13. CCEA stands for? Ans: Cabinet Committee On Economic Affairs 24. Who is the CEO of Star Alliance? Ans: Mark Schwab 25. The Delhi Government plans to open centres for Women safety at public places. What is the name of those centres? Ans: Mahila Suraksha Dals 14. Who is the Head of the Commission to inquire 26. On which day MSDs will be created in all 11 districts od Delhi? about chennai building collapse? Ans: R. Raghupathy Ans: On Raksha Bandhan This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 83 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs 39. What is the rank of India in the list of highest investors in Britain? 27. Who is the Chief Secretary of Delhi? Ans: S.K. Srivastava Ans: 7th 28. Which is the IT capital of Andhra Pradesh? 40. According to the Nomura Report, the GDP growth of India in 2015 will be? G Ans: Visakhapatnam NK IN 29. Recently India has entered into long term agreeAns: 6% ments for nuclear power plants. Which foreign countries are the main Power suppliers to obtain 41. Who is the Union Civil Aviation Minister? uranium? Ans: Ashok Gajapathi Raju Ans: Russia and Kazhakhstan 42. Recently which of the following airport was an30. Who is the Minister of Health and Family Welfare? nounced to be upgraded to international standards Ans: Harsh Vardhan by June 2015? BA Ans: Tirupati airport 31. Union Health Minister released database for all sectors in health carre for sound planning in the 43. The Union Minister announced an airport be upname...... grated to internationl standards. The airport is in Ans: National Health Profile 2013 which state? O O L O F 32. The Union Ministry of Corporate Affairs ConstiAns: Andhra Pradesh tuted a Committee on cost records and cost audits 44. Who is the Chairman of Atomic Energy Commisunder which committee? sion (AEC)? Ans: R.S. Sharma Expert Committee Ans: R.K. Sinha 33. Which of the following Country has 3rd highest number of HIV infected people? 45. What is the full form of OECD? Ans: India Ans: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development SC H 34. What is India’s Rank in the number of people living with HIV as reported by UNAIDS? 46. What was the name of the magazine launched by the for National Geographic school children? Ans: 3rd 35. Which year was established “Prime Minister Reliet Fund(PMNRF)”? Ans: 1948 Ans: Magazine Explorer 47. Which of the following state has proposed to set up three new low cost airports? Dr .J P Ans: Bihar 36. Recently the PM received the functioning of the Prime Minister Funds. The suggested changes 48. Which of the following state selected for pilot which fund target the selection of beneficiaies and project under Union Government to train pricipals give priority to poor and children? and Headmaster of government schools? Ans: Prime Minister’s National Relief Ans: Himachal Pradesh, Gujact,TN,Rajasthan fund(PMNRF) 37. Who is the President of the World Bank? Ans: Jim Yong Kim 49. Who is the ChiefMinister of Meghalaya? Ans: Mukul Sangma 38. Which Country has the 7th rank among the highest 50. Which scheme announced recently by Meghalaya Chief Minister for widows and Pensioners? foreign investors in Britain? Ans: India Ans: CMSA (Chief Ministers Social Assistance) This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 84 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs 51. What is the cost of launching web portal for In- 63. How many rape crisis centres will be create across dustrial Licences announced by Chief Minister of the country as proposed by the union ministry of TamilNadu? Women and Children Development? Ans: 660 rape crisis centres Ans: 2.24 crore NK IN G 52. Which of the following disease across 17 states of 64. What is the name of scheme announced for conservation and developments of indigenous breeds India claimed outbreak of the disease in hundreds of cows in scientific manner by the union Governof lives and mostly children? ment? Ans: Japanese Encephalitis Ans: Rashtriya Gokul mission 53. How many countries are member in UNHRC 65. Who is the union Agriculture Minister? (United Nations Human Rights Council)? Ans: Radha Mohan Singh Ans: 47 OBITUARY BA 54. Who is the Governor of West Bengal? 1. Louis Zamperini passed away recently. Who was he? Ans: KN Tripathi 55. Which Countries featured the Malabar Naval exercise? Ans: An Olympic runner 56. The Malabar air exercise is conducted from...... Ans: 1992 Ans: Alfredo Di Stefano 3. The Former President of Georgia passed away recently. Who is that person? Ans: 18th Edition O O L 57. In 2014 the...... Edition of Malabar Naval exercise held O F 2. The legend of Real Madrid Football Club passed away recently. What is his name? Ans: US, India and Japan 58. Who is appointed as a special public prosecutor for trial in coal scam by supreme court? SC H Ans: R.S. Cheema 59. What is the change in the investment in DFC(Dedicated Frieght corridor) made by the union government recently? P Ans: 27000 crore to 80000 crore 60. Kargil Vijay Diwar is celebrated in India on .J Ans: 26th July Dr 61. What is the cost earmarked for the construction of the National war Memorial and war museum by the union government? Ans: 100 crore rupees 62. What was the name of web platform launched by our PM to facilitate citizen engagement in good governance? Ans: Ans: Eduard Shevardnadze 4. Eduard Shevardnadze, the former president of Georgia resigned in 2003, due to which revolution? Ans: Rose Revolution 5. The Rose Revolution resulted in the ..... Ans: Change of power in Georgia 6. The eminent scholor of The Indian Constitution passed away in Washington recently. What is the name of that person? Ans: Granvile Austin 7. ‘The Indian Constitution : A Cornestone of a Nation’ is a book authored by who? Ans: Granvile Austin 8. ‘Working a Democratic Republic : The Indian Experiance’ is a book authored by who? Ans: Granvile Austin 9. A veteran bollywood Actress passed away recently. Who is that person? Ans: Zohro Sehgal This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 85 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs 10. Giriraj Kishore the politician passed away recently. He belonged to the ...... 8. The genetic blue print of which crop was unveiled by scientists at the IWGSC? Ans: Bread wheat Ans: Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) 9. In which of the following states pre historic rock paintings which are 1000 years old are found? G 11. Which American Conductor of classical music passed away recently? Ans: Chattisgarh Ans: Lorin Maazel Ans: Literature (1991) 14. Chief of Bank’s public Affairs Division who passed away in july 2014. Who is he? SPORTS 1. Who become the World’s No.1 Pistol shooter the Men’s 10m Air Pistol category? BA 13. Nadine Gordimer, who passed away recently won the Nobel Prize in which category NK IN 12. South Africa’s Nobel winning novelist passed away 10. Who found the cave of prehistoric rock paintings that depict aliens? recently. What is the name of that person? Ans: JR Bhagat Ans:Nadine Gordimer Ans: Jitu Rai 2. ISSF stands for? Ans: Sundaram Journalist SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY O O Ans: Jammu and Kashmir 2. What is the range of power produced by newly inaugrated ur-II hydroelectic project by the PM? SC H Ans: 240 MW 3. NIPER stands for? Ans: National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research 4. NIPER is situated in ...... P Ans: Hyderabad .J 5. National centre for R & D in Bulk Drugs is to be set up in which city? Dr Ans: Hyderabad 6. How many countries are members of International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium (IWGSC)? Ans: 15 7. Which year was INGSC started? Ans: 2005 3. Who won the Gold in Maribor and Munich Shooting World Cup? Ans: Jitu Rai (Lucknow) 4. Who is in 5th position in ISSF ranking released recently? L 1. The PM Narendra Modi inaugrated hydro electric project in which state recently? O F Ans: International Shooting Federation Ans: Prakash Nanjappa 5. In ISSF ranking, Indian shooter Sanjeev Rajput is in which position? Ans: 10th Rank 6. Who took the 8th place in ISSF ranking? Ans: Manavjith Singh Sandhu 7. Jitu Rai is the ...... Indian to achieve ISSF rank No.1 Ans: 7th 8. In Commonwealth games, who is going to lead India in Hockey? Ans: Sardar Singh 9. Which team won the match played to celebrate 200 years of Lord’s Cricket ground? Ans: Marylebone Cricket Club XI 10. Who is the Captain of MCC XI team? Ans: Sachin Tendulkar This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 86 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs 11. Who is the Captain of Rest of the World XI ? Ans: Shane Warne 26. Which team got the top position in ICC test ranking? G Ans: Australia 12. Who is the runner of the match played in Lord’s Cricket ground? 27. India is in which position in the ICC Test Ranking? Ans: Rest of the world - XI Ans: 4th place 13. Who won Men’s Wimbledon Tennis? Ans: Novak Djokovic (serbia) IN 28. Who is in 5th rank in WTA Doubles Ranking? Ans: Sania Mirza 30. Due to which reason Nigeria was suspended from FIFA? BA 15. Who won the Women’s singles in Wimbledon open Tennis 2014? NK 14. Who is the runner of Wimblednon Men’s Tennis 29. Which team was suspended by FIFA in FIFA 2014? 2014? Ans: Nigeria Ans: Roger Federer (Switzerland) Ans: The interference of their Government in Nigeria Football Federation Ans: Petra Kvitova (Czechoslovkia) Ans: Novak Djokovic Ans: Rafacl Nadal 19. ATP stands for? O O 18. Who is ranked No.2 in the ATP ranking? L O F 16. Who is the Runner of Women’s singles in Wimble31. Who is the first Indian orgin player to join in Nadon Title match? tional Basket ball Association USA Ans: Eugenie Bouchard (Canada) Ans: Sim Bhullar 17. Who is in the first position according to the ATP 32. Who won the 2014 FIFA football world cup? ranking? SC H Ans: Association of Tennis Professionals 20. Who is in the first position in WTA ranking? Ans: Serena Williams 21. Who is in the second position in WTA ranking? P Ans: Li Na (China) 22. CTL stands for Ans: Germany 33. Where was the finals of FIFA world cup held? Ans: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 34. Who is the runner of FIFA 2014? Ans: Argentina 35. Till now, Germany has won the FIFA trophy how many times? Ans: 4 times 36. Who won the Golden Ball award of FIFA 2014? Ans: Lionel Messi (Argentina) .J Ans: Champions Tennis Leaque Dr 37. Which player from Srilanka announced his retirement from Test Cricket recently? 23. The upcoming CTL will consist of how many cities? Ans: Mahela Jayawardene Ans: 6 cities 24. The CTL launch is announced by whom? 38. Durand cup is related to which sport? Ans: Football Ans: Vijay Amritraj (Indian Tennis legend) 39. 127th Durand Cup is to be held in which state in Indai? 25. What will be the prize money for the CTL winner? Ans: 1 crore Ans: Goa This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 87 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs 40. Who is the newly elected member of the Laureus 53. In which of the following countries the 45th International physics olympiad was held on 21 July 2014? World Sports Academy? Ans: Rahul Dravid Ans: Kazakhstan 44. In which of the following countries the 20th common wealth games took place in 2014? Ans: Scotland 45. How many athletes are competing in 20th Common wealth game? Ans: More than 4000 57. In which year was the PHO (Physics Olymbiad) started? Ans: 1967 58. In which country was the first International Physics Olympiad held? O F Ans: Philipp Lahm BA NK IN G 41. Who is 4th highest run scorer in Test Cricket af- 54. How many medals was won by India in 45th Interter Sachin Tendulkar, Ricky Ponting and Jacques national physics olympiad? Kallis? Ans: 5 Ans: Rahul Dravid 55. Who won Gold medals in the 45th International 42. Who has the title sponsor of the Indian Super Physics Olympiad? Leaque, the first-of-its-kind franchise-based foot Ans: Anikat Bajpai, Chitraang Murdia ball leaque? 56. Who was the sponsor of the 45th International Ans: Hero MotoCorp Ltd Physics Olympiad? 43. The Captain of Germany’s football team who anAns: Exxon Mobil, Kazakhstan nounced his retirement from International game is? Ans: Warsaw(Poland) L 59. Sukhen Dey who represented India is famous for? Ans: Irishman Rory McIlory O O 46. Who won the British Government Golf open Championship 2014? Ans: Holyake SC H 47. In which of the following cities the British golf open Championship 2014 was held? 48. Who won the British Golf open 2014? Ans: Rory McIlory 60. Who won the Gold in weight lifting in 20th common wealth in scotland on 24 July 2014? Ans: Sukhen Dey, Sanjita Chanu 61. Who won the Men’s 10m Airrile at the 20th commonwealth Games? Ans: Abhinav Bindra 62. Who won the silver in the 10m Air Pistol in the commonwealth game 2014? Commonwealth Games P 49. Who declared the 2014? 20th Ans: Weightlifter .J Ans: British Quen Elizabeth II 50. Who is the MD and CEO of Hero Motocorp Ltd? Ans: Malaika Goel 63. Who won the Istabul WTA final? Ans: Caroline Wozniacki Dr Ans: Pawan Munjal 51. Who was the Captain of Germany during FIFA World Cup 2014? Ans: Philipp Lahm 52. In which of the following countries hosted th 20th Football FIFA world cup 2014? Ans: Brazil This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 88 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs August IDSP: International • IDSP was launched with World Bank assistance in November 2004 to detect and respond to disease outbreaks quickly. The project was extended for 2 years in March 2010. The Programme continues during 12th Plan under NRHM (National Rural Health Mission) with outlay of Rs. 640 Crore from domestic budget. NK • It is the most severe in recorded history, both in the number of cases and fatalities. Ban of coal in Beijing • The leaders of West African countries met the World Wealth Organisation (WHO) to introduce a $100 million plan to deploy hundred more medical professionals in the affected areas. BA • Coal-fired power and heating is a major generator of greenhouse gases and has helped turn China into the worlds largest emitter of carbon and other heat-trapping gases. O O L • PHEIC is a legally binding international instrument on disease prevention, surveillance, control, and response adopted by 194 countries worldwide. It was first issued in April 2009 for H1N1 (Swine Flu) epidemic. • Beijing’s Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau announced year 2020 as the deadline for imposing complete ban of coal in the Chinese capital. O F • The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the Ebola outbreak in West Africa to be an international public health emergency. The emergency was declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) SC H • The second declaration of PHEIC was issued in May 2014 with the resurgence Polio after its neareradication. On 8 August WHO declared its third PHEIC in response to the outbreak of Ebola in Western Africa. IN G Ebola - new virus • Ebola epidemic is a viral disease spread through the Ebola virus. The present Ebola outbreak, which began in Guinea in February 2014, has spread to Liberia, and Sierra Leone. • Coal accounted for a quarter of Beijings energy consumption in 2012 and 22% of the fine particles floating in the city’s air. Motor vehicles, industrial production and general dust also contributed to pollution in city with a population of 2.1 crore. • Pressure is growing on China’s central government to clean up the country’s polluted environment, as discontent over smog and water and soil contamination grows among China’s growing middle class. World Bank to fund ecologically safe power Dr .J P • The World Health Organization said it is consider- projects ing the implications of making experimental drugs • World Bank will fund only those hydro-power more widely available to patients in Africa. projects where safeguards are in place to prevent • The Mapp drug, ZMapp, is a cocktail of antibodies any adverse impact on the environment. designed to bind to and inactivate the Ebola virus. • World Bank lends money to a number of development projects in India, including power projects. Note: • With west and central African countries contin- ASEAN to boost cooperation with India in uing to witness an outbreak of the deadly Ebola various fields virus, India’s top health watchdog(Integrated Dis• The ASEAN enhance cooperation with India in ease Surveillance Programme) issued an advisory combating growing challenges of maritime secuto state health intelligence officials and to the Narity, terrorism, drug trafficking, cyber crime and tional Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) to keep trade ties. a watch on the disease. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 89 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • The DF-41 missile is a nuclear solid fuelled road • The 10-nation grouping, particularly emphasised mobile intercontinental ballistic missile and the on close engagement with India to deal with isweapons are meant for deterrence. sues relating to maritime security, freedom of navigation and maritime security in the seas of the region. Hindu eco - temple opens in London G • The comments by ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) came on a day when the dispute relating to China’s territorial claims over the South China Sea was dominating the meeting of foreign ministers of the powerful bloc here. IN • A Hindu temple, claiming to be the world’s first ‘eco-temple’ featuring solar panels and a rainwater harvesting system, has been opened in northwest London in the UK. L • Tata - Singapore Airlines (SIA) named its upcoming joint venture airline as Vistara and will start its operation from October 2014. O F BA NK • The ornate Shree Swaminarayan Mandir in Kings• In the 12th India-ASEAN meeting, External Afbury combines traditional Indian architecture, infairs Minister Sushma Swaraj supported freedom tricate carvings and masterful artistry with green of navigation and access to resources in the South technology. China Sea in accordance with principles of international law, including the 1982 UN Convention Facebook acquired Private Core on the Law of the Sea. • Social networking company Facebook acquired which cyber-security startup firm to boost its huge TATA-SIA Airlines brand name to be called server network. Vistara • Private Core is a California-based cyber-security startup firm that was launched in 2012. • The company specializes in protecting servers against malware and other kinds of virus intrusions. O O • Vistara is an inspiration from Sanskrit word, Vistaar that means limitless expanse. It has drawn inspiration from the brand’s domain - the limitless sky. Bangladesh to join BRICS Bank SC H • The Tata Group and Singapore International Airlines will be head quartered in Delhi. • Vistara will start its operation with an Airbus 320 aircraft and would add 20 aircraft in next first five years of operations. next generation ICBM .J P China unveiled Dongfeng - 41 Dr • China unveiled its next generation Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) Dongfeng - 41 (DF41). • Bangladesh has decided to join the newly formed BRICS Bank, an initiative of the world’s five emerging economies - Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Note: • Named as ‘New Development Bank’, BRICS Bank was formed after an agreement was signed by BRICS countries during 2014 Summit in Brazil, with the aim at easing financing constraints faced by BRICS and other developing countries to address infrastructure gaps and sustainable development needs. • The missile with an operation range varying between 12000 km to 15000 km is amongst the worlds Bangladesh to set up exclusive Economic longest range missiles. Zone for Japan • DF-41 with its long range has similar abilities to the US rocket Minuteman, which has a range of 13000 km or Russian RS-24M Yars. • Bangladesh has decided to set up an Exclusive Economic Zone for Japan to attract investors and entrepreneurs. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 90 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • State: Maharastra • The first Bangladesh-Japan Public-Private Economic Dialogue aimed at deepening economic and commercial co-operation was held in Dhaka. Japan has been moving investment away from China after adoption of “China plus One” policy in 2008 to reduce over dependence on Beijing. • Capital: Mumbai • CM: Prithviraj Chavan G • Governor:Chennamaneni Vidhyasaga Rao NK IN • Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina during her visit to Nehchal Sandhu’s resignation Japan in May, 2014 had offered 40 industrial plots • Nehchal Sandhu resigned before 20 months of his in the Export Processing Zones to Japan. contractual retirement. Note: • Nehchal Sandhu was a former Intelligence Bureau • Commerce Minister of Bangladesh- Tofail Director and he had joined as the Deputy National Ahmed Security Advisor in March 2013 on a three-year contract. • The tenure of Joint Intelligence Chief Ajit Lal and Military Adviser Lt. General Prakash Menon also came to an end on 31 July and they did not receive any extension. O F • French President Francois Hollande named the new French government on 26 August 2014 under Prime Minister Manual Valls. Those ministers who rebelled against the austerity measures suggested by Hollande were dropped out from the list. BA French President Franois Hollande named the new French government • With these two officials retiring, the secretariat of NSA Ajit Doval has been left with three vacancies. Note: O O L • A former banker and ex-presidential economic ad• Present Deputy National security advisor: viser Emmanuel Macron will be the new economy Arvind Gupta minister in place of Arnaud Montebourg. Fleur Pellerin was made Minister for Culture, replacing PM dedicates two hydro power projects in Aurelie Filippetti who is out of the government. Leh and Kargil SC H • For the first time a woman would be put in charge of education as Najat Vallaud-Belkacem replaced Benoit Hamon. Ms Vallaud-Belkacem was minister for women’s rights in the last cabinet. .J P • However, foreign minister Laurent Fabius, defence minister Jean-Yves Le Drian and finance minister Michel Sapin will retain their posts. National Palghar - The newest district of Maharashtra Dr • Maharashtra Cabinet formed a new district called Palghar with a population of over 12 million. • It was carved out from Thane district which held the distinction of being the most populated district in the country, spread across 9,600 sq.kms of hills, forests and coastal areas. Note: • Prime Minister Narendra Modi dedicated to the nation the Leh Srinagar Transmission Line in Leh and Chutak hydro-power project in Kargil. • These projects are the 44 MW Chutak hydroelectric project in Kargil district and the 45 MW Nimoo Bazgo project in Leh district. • The 45 MW Nimoo-Bazgo hydro-electric project is a run-of- the-river scheme to harness the potential of river Indus in the state. The project is designed to generate 239 million units of energy. • The Nimoo Bazgo power station is located on river Indus in Leh district of the state and has an installed capacity of 45 MW (3x15 MW).The approval for the project was accorded at an estimated cost of Rs 611 crore. • However, on account of escalation, statutory charges and higher cost of award, project cost has now been revised to Rs 985 crore. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 91 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • State run Power Grid Corporation of India is implementing the Leh-Kargil-Srinagar Transmission System for connectivity with Northern Region Grid for meeting demands of the Ladakh region. schools close to the bank’s branches in rural and semi-urban areas. • The Leh-Srinagar transmission line will connect the Ladakh region with the country’s northern grid and ultimately solve the electricity woes of the energy starved Leh and Kargil districts. IN • This was part of its CSR initative. G • The Bank contributed for the Swachh Bharat Mission announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Independence Day. NK 2015-16 to be observed as Water ConservaHaider al-Abadi named as New Iraqi Prime tion Year: Uma Bharti Minister • Water Resources Minister Uma Bharti has stressed the need for interlinking of rivers to save excess water from floods. • Masum has given thirty days to Haider al-Abadi to form the next government and present it for the approval of parliament. Before being nominated for the post of Iraqi Prime Minister, Haider alAbadi was deputy parliament speaker. • Ministry has finalized 30 river interlinking projects which will be implemented in the next 10 years.The Union Cabinet has recently approved the Ken-Betwa link. O F BA • Iraqi President Mohammed Fuad Masum named Haider al-Abadi as the new Iraqi Prime Minister. ‘Lights out’ project O O L • The interlinking is being done keeping in view the • He was nominated for the post by the Iraqi Naaqua life and ecological balance. tional Alliance, a coalition of Shia parties.The purpose of this move is to ensure country’s security which collapsed during rule of Nuri al-Maliki, RK Singh’s committee Prime Minister of Iraq since 2006. It was believed • RK Singh, Former Union Home Secretary is headthat Maliki’s policies were partly responsible for ing the special committee to review the security of the violence that has gripped Iraq badly. Indian Parliament that was constituted. SC H • The project named ‘Lights Out’ was held on the occasion of the 100 years of the First World War. Under this lights were turned-off all over Britain on 4 August 2014 to pay tribute to all those who died in this War. .J P • The “Lights Out” project was organised by the Royal British Legion and people in the UK were urged to leave just one light on or candle burning for an hour approaching the declaration of war. Dr • It was inspired by a famous comment made by the then Foreign Secretary Sir Edward Grey, shortly before the war began on 4 August 1914. IDBI donates Rs9 cr to build toilets in rural schools • The IDBI Bank has donated Rs 9 crore towards the building of 300 gender-segragated toilets in • This special committee was constituted Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan and will include former Rajasthan DGP Harish Chandra Meena and former Mumbai Police Commissioner Satyapal Singh. • The committee has been asked to give its report within one month after making a comprehensive review of the existing security set-up and suggest measures to further strengthen it. • In the previous Lok Sabha, a committee on security in Parliament complex, headed by then Deputy Speaker Karia Munda, was set up in the aftermath of the pepper spray attack inside Lok Sabha by a suspended Congress MP that sparked massive outrage. • The Parliament witnessed a terrorist attack on 13 December 2001 when five terrorists in a white Ambassador car with a red beacon had stormed the Parliament complex. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 92 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs Sikkim gets highest number of foreign tourists among NE states • In this paper it suggested that political bodies, religious bodies and central and state government ministries or departments should be barred from entry into broadcasting and television channel distribution sectors. G • Sikkim has become the most favoured destination of foreign tourists in the north-eastern states of the country. • It also recommended if such a permission has been given, an appropriate exit route must be provided. In an attempt to ensure plurality of news and views, it suggested restrictions on political bodies and corporates entering the television and newspaper business. • The state has already been recognised as the best place to visit, in the world famous travel guidebook ‘Lonely Planet’. • The key recommendation of Indian telecom and broadcasting regulator TRAI pertaining to independence of press in India, as announced by it is Restrictions should be imposed on political bodies and corporates from entering the television and newspaper business. BA NK IN • Sikkim is followed by Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura respectively, the release said. Tourism development has been the priority of the SDF government and the state government has been working for tourism development for a long time. ‘Strictly Personal’- Daman Singh O O L • Daman Singhs book does not deal with the period of Dr. Singhs tenure as the Prime Minister, instead it is a description of all the years before 2004. O F • Daman Singh,is the author of the book Strictly Personal, the new biography of the former Prime Andhra Pradesh announced Vijayawada as Minister Manmohan Singh and his wife Gursharan ad hoc capital Kaur, which is to be released during August 2014. SC H • The book portrays her parents on the basis of interviews with them conducted over the past five years, and Manmohan Singhs letters to friends during his student years. Munger through the Ages written by late DP Yadav released • Vijayawada would be used as ad hoc capital of the state until the needed infrastructure and other projects for the new capital are completed. • Andhra Pradesh Chief Minsiter N. Chandrababu Naidu also asked the members of the advisory committee on Capital City to see that the ad hoc capital houses key administrative offices during the interregnum. Note: • Governor: E.S.L. Narasimhan Dr .J P • A book entitled Munger through the Ages authored by late Devendra Prasad Yadav was re- ‘Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana’ leased at the Rashtrapati Bhavan in New Delhi. • ‘Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana’,the new scheme announced by the Prime Minister Naren• The first copy of the book was received by Presdra Modi on 15 August 2014 to help the poor in ident of India Pranab Mukherjee. The President opening bank accounts, which will come with the received the book by Dr. Karan Singh, the Chairfacility of a debit card and an accidental insurman of ICCR, who formally released the book. ance cover of Rs. 1 lakh. The Union Cabinet has “Issues Relating to Media Ownership” already cleared the two-phase financial inclusion scheme under which bank accounts will be opened • The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India for 15 crore poor persons with an overdraft facility (TRAI) presented a paper on “Issues Relating of Rs 5,000 and accidental insurance cover of Rs. to Media Ownership under its Chairman Rahul 1 lakh. Khullar. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 93 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • The warship, constructed by the Mazagon Dockyards Limited, has been designed by Navy’s design bureau. The 6,800 tonne warship is a technology demonstrator and will showcase a giant leap in shipbuilding technology in the country. • The scheme, to be pushed by the government in a mission mode, seeks to provide two accounts to 7.5 crore identified households by August 2018. • Govt. launch Jan Dhan scheme to promote financial inclusion G Note: Note: IN • The Prime Minister had dedicated India’s largest warship INS Vikramaditya to the nation in June in his first outing after taking charge. Prime Minister Modi announces ‘Sansad Aadarsh Gram Yojana’ O O L • Prime Minister also announced the ‘Sansad Aadarsh Gram Yojna’ on the occasion of Independence Day. O F BA NK • The main features of the scheme include Rs 5,000 overdraft facility for Aadhar-linked accounts, Ru Pay Debit Card with inbuilt Rs 1 lakh accident insurance cover and minimum monthly remuner- Govt re-launches Varishtha Pension Bima ation of Rs 5,000 to business correspondents who Yojana will provide the last link between the account hold• The government has re-launched the Varishtha ers and the bank. Pension Bima Yojana, for the benefit of citizens aged 60 years and above. The scheme will provide • The scheme, to be pushed by the government in financial security to almost half a million people a mission mode, seeks to provide two accounts to by ensuring regular income during their advancing 7.5 crore identified households by August 2018. year. Note: • The Scheme will be administrated by the Life Insurance Corporation, LIC. SC H • The blue print of Sansad Aadarsh Gram Yojana will be declared before the nation on October 11, the birth anniversary of Jaiprakash Narain. • After re-launching the scheme in New Delhi, Finance Minister Arun Jaitely said it will benefit the vulnerable section of society with limited resources as it will provide monthly pension ranging from 500 to 5,000 rupees per month to senior citizens of the country. P • Earlier, he also announced the ‘Pradhan Mantri Bhutan, Nepal two most peaceful countries Jan Dhan Yojna’ for farmers, under which the in South Asian region: GPI farmers will be given the insurance of one lakh • Bhutan and Nepal are the two most peaceful rupees. countries in the South Asian region.According to Global Peace Index, 2014 released recently Bhutan PM Modi inducts INS Kolkata, says it will stands at 16th position and Nepal at 76th position. boost our military prowess Dr .J • Prime Minister Narendra Modi commissioned INS Kolkata, India’s largest indigenously built warship, at the Naval Dockyard in Mumbai. • It is an advanced version, but significantly more versatile, of the Delhi-Class ships INS Delhi, INS Mysore and INS Mumbai which will add considerable teeth to India’s maritime warfare capabilities with all-round capabilities against enemy submarines, surface warships, anti-ship missiles and fighter aircraft. • Banghladesh is ahead of India, Pakistan and Afghanistan in terms of ‘state of peace’. While Bangladesh occupied 98th position, India was rated at 143, Pakistan 154, and Afghanistan at 161. • The Global Peace Index is the world’s leading measure of global peacefulness produced by the Institute for Economics and Peace, gauging domestic and international conflict, safety and security in 162 countries by using 22 indicators. Sri Lanka has been rated at 105th position. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 94 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs Noida and Greater Faridabad.“The flyover would be completed in two years. It would help in the development of both the districts,” he said. Note: • Iceland, Denmark and Austria were ranked first, second and third respectively. India was rated at 143. India ranked 5th amongst top 10 wind power producers: Report G Expenditure Management Commission IN • Union Finance minister Arun Jaitley had announced the setting up of an Expenditure Management Commission in the Union Budget 2014-15 in July 2014. NK • India ranked fifth amongst top ten wind power producers in the world by adding 1,700 MW capacity in 2013, a report said.“China was the leading wind power producer by adding 16,100 MW capacity in 2013, followed by USA, Germany and Spain,” Renewables 2014 Global Status Report said. O O L • Karnataka and Kerala governments have signed an MoU for rural livelihood mission.The Karnataka Minister for Rural Development and Panchyatraj, H K Patil, and the Kerala Chief Minister, Ommen Chandy, had signed the MoU at Thiruvanathapuram. SC H • As per the MoU, Kerala Governement’s Kudumbashree and Karnataka State Rural Livelihood Mission are to help train and hand-hold rural Self Help Groups (SHGs) in Karnataka. Gadkari announces 15,000 cr road projects for UP, Haryana • By the end of 2013, China, the US, Brazil, Canada and Germany remained the top countries for total installed renewable power capacity, the report said.According to the report, over the past few years the costs of electricity generation from onshore wind and particularly solar PV (photovoltaic) have fallen sharply which has resulted in an increase in wind and solar power projects being built without public financial support. O F Karnataka, Kerala sign MoU for rural livelihood mission BA • The purpose of setting up the commission is to cut-off the spending and review government expenditure to get maximum output.The Commission will submit its interim report before the Budget of 2015-16 and its final report before the Budget of 2016-17. • In terms of annual investment in the wind energy sector and production, China ranked number one followed by Germany, UK, India and Canada. Worldwide more than 35,000 MW wind power capacity was added taking the total number to 3,18,000 MW in 2013 to which India contributed 1,700 MW. Dr .J P • Union Minister for Roads, Highways and Shipping Haryana Government increases age of retireNitin Gadkari announced Rs 15,000 crore road ment from 58 to 60 years projects in Uttar Pradesh and Haryana.The Cen• The Haryana government announced a windfall for tre would invest over 15,000 crore for construction the state government’s employees which includes of roads in Uttar Pradesh and Haryana. raising the retirement age from 58 to 60 years, 25% • 5,000 crore would be allotted for road projects in per cent increment in Dearness Allowance, full Uttar Pradesh whereas Haryana would get 10,000 pension after 20 years service, and various other crore, Gadkari at the foundation stone laying cerbenefits. emony of a flyover to be built over Yamuna river here. • After 58 years of service, the employee will be given the option to either continue his service or • The Minister said the 200 crore flyover project, seek retirement. stretching over 23 km, would connect Greater This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 95 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs TCS and Bharti Foundation announced to spend 200 crore rupees for Clean India Campaign of the Czech Republic and Association of Czech Railway Industry (ACRI) of the Czech Republic. • The MoU was signed at Rail Bhawan in New Delhi by Chairman of Railway Board, Arunendra Kumar and Ambassador of Czech Republic, Miloslav Stasek. G • Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) and Bharti Foundation announce to spend 200 crore rupees for Clean India Campaign. NK IN • TCS has decided to provide hygienic sanitation facilities in 10000 schools for girl students. On the ‘Digital India Project other hand, Bharti Foundation (development arm • It is the name of the ambitious e-governance of Bharti Enterprises) decided to build toilets in project of the Union Govt., which was approved Ludhiana in next three years covering every rural by the Union Cabinet and which aims to ensure household. that government services are available to citizens electronically. • This initiative of Bharti Foundation is part of O O L • Partha Mitra, an Indian neuroscientist in the United States, was awarded Early Concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER) to map the human brain under President Barack Obama’s multi-year BRAIN Initiative. • The project, which has a total overlay of Rs 1 lakh crore, aims to ensure that government services are available to citizens electronically and help people gain benefits from the latest information and communication technology. O F Indian neuroscientist Partha Mitra awarded research grant to map the human brain BA Satya Bharti Abhiyan where in it will invest in improving sanitation facilities in government schools in rural Ludhiana by building new toilets for girls where no such facilities exist. SC H • Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) is an Initiative by the US government to identify brain structures. Partha Mitra was awarded this grant along with Florin Albeanu, a researcher at the National Science Foundation. • ‘Digital India’ project envisages bringing all the existing initiatives such as the Ebiz project, Ekranti, virtual classroom, e-visas and the National Optical Fibre Network project under a single umbrella. • Other programmes include implementation of eoffice to make Government departments paperless, encouraging domestic manufacturing of electronic products and kick starting Research & Development and entrepreneurship development fund. • The project was unveiled in the Budget 2014-15 and is being directly monitored by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Dr .J P • With this grant, they would develop a virtual neuroanatomist, an artificial-intelligence system that can recognize neural structures and cell types in PM dedicates Ranchi-Dharamjaygarh-Sipat tiny images of brain slices. They would also be transmission line to the nation developing conceptual and physical tools that may • Prime Minister Narendra Modi dedicated to the help to promote neuroscience. nation the Ranchi-Dharamjaygarh-Sipat 765kv inter-regional power transmission line in JharkIndia and Czech Republic signed MoU on hand. technical cooperation in Railway • India and Czech Republic signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on technical cooperation in railway sector. • This MoU was signed between the Union Ministry of Railways and Czech Railways (Ceske Drahy) • This line is the first inter-regional link between eastern region and western region, an official statement said.The Prime Minister also inaugurated the commencement of work at state-run NTPC’s thermal power plant (3x660 MW) at North Karanpura at Chatra in Jharkhand. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 96 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs IN G • Central transmission utility Power Grid Corpora- Kerala state cabinet ratified new liquor poltion has implemented the Ranchi-Dharamjaygarh- icy Sipat inter-regional transmission line at a total • Kerala state cabinet cabinet on 27 August 2014 cost of Rs.1,600 crore. ratified the new liquor policy. The policy was contemplated to shut down bars attached to hotels • Two new sub-stations have been built at Ranchi in below the five-star category .It was a part of govJharkhand and Dharamjaygarh in Chhattisgarh, ernments plan to reduce availability of liquor. the statement added. • As part of new policy, 312 bars attached to hotels below the five-star category would be served notices, asking them to close their bars by 12 September 2014.The government also decided not to renew licences of 418 bars which were remained shut since April 2014 for want of required facilities. NK Union Government launched Dot Bharat domain • Union Government on 27 August 2014 launched a new domain, Dot Bharat in Devanagari script in New Delhi. Initially the domain will cover eight languages like Hindi, Bodo, Dogri, Konkani, Maithili, Marathi, Nepali and Sindhi. The included languages are from the list of 22 languages that has been included in the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution of India. BA • The UDF leadership met on 22 August 2014 in Thiruvanathapuram to consider the fate of the 418 bars which were closed since April 2014 due to lack of required facilities and decided to sharply cut down on liquor trade. O O L • Creation of the domain.Bharat is aimed to connect people with social media and provide contents in regional languages, especially to those who are not conversant with English. Background O F Purpose of the domain dot Bharat • However, the cabinet put off the decision on issues related to licences to beer and wine parlours and elite clubs that serve liquor. Dr .J P SC H • Kerala Chief Minister Oommen Chandy proposed • The domain will provide information to people this policy and got his cabinet nod. in their own regional languages which will help in promotion of e governance The domain was Tata Value Homes and Snapdeal tied up to launched by Union Communication and Informasell homes online tion Technology Minister, Ravi Shankar Prasad. • Tata Value Homes tied up with e-commerce major • The website with this domain would also in bringSnapdeal on 26 August 2014 to sell houses online ing revolutionary changes in economic activities through the online marketplace model. There are at least of rural India resulting in creation of busi1000 apartments across Mumbai, Talegaon, Pune, ness opportunities and jobs for almost all sections Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Chennai and Kolkata. of the society. • For the launch period, Tata Value Homes would • The domain was developed by the joint efforts of offer a benefit to the customers who book the home National Internet Exchange of India and Centre through Snapdeal. In this, customers would get for Development of Advanced Computing. For 10000 rupees per month for one year as assured creation of the domain, they have worked on it rent after the possession of the home. It is left on for last two years. customers to stay on premise or lease it out. • Comment: The newly domain Dot Bharat would Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs apreplace the commonly used top domains like .com, proved Urea Production from Naphta .in, .net and others. It would also give a push to • The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs on creation of website content in local languages as 27 August 2014 approved the continuation of prowell. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 97 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs IN G Obituary duction of urea from 3 plants by using existing feedstock Naphtha for three months beyond 30 June 2014, that is from 1 July 2014 to 30 Septem- Pran Kumar Sharma passed away ber 2014. The three plants are: • Indian cartoonist Pran Kumar Sharma, popularly known as Pran, passed away on 5 August 2014 at – Madras Fertilizers Limited (MFL) Manali the age of 75. He was the creator of iconic Indian – Manglore Chemicals and Fertilizers Ltd cartoon characters such as Chacha Chaudhary and (MCFL) Mangalore his friend Sabu, Shrimatiji, Pinki, Billoo, Raman and Channi Chachi. – Southern Petrochemical Industries Corpora- NK tion (SPIC) Tuticorin • He created the character ‘Dabbu’ for a Delhi-based newspaper ‘Milap’. His most famous character was Chacha Chaudhary which was first published in 1969 in ‘Lotpot’, a famous Hindi magazine. • Later (in 1981) all his characters were given shelf space in Gulshan Rai’s Diamond Comics and this publication became almost synonymous with Pran and his comic characters. O F On the basis of NPS-III, total cost of production of urea is calculated. The selling price of urea is fixed at 5360 rupees per tonne. BA These three units would help Indian farmers in meeting the urea requirement in the ongoing Kharif season. This decision will ensure food security of the country. ONGC board approved 5219 crore rupees in- Yoga guru BKS Iyengar passed away vestment in Daman gas fields O O L • State-owned Oil and Natural Gas Corp (ONGC) on 29 August 2014 announced to invest 5219 crore rupees for the production of Daman gas fields in the Arabian Sea. • World-renowned yoga guru and founder of the Iyengar School of Yoga BKS Iyengar passed away on 20th August 2014 at the age of 96-year-old. • Iyengar, honoured with Padma Vibhushan, is the highest civilian award. SC H • The investment will be made towards Daman Development project to enhance production of natural gas and condensate in its Tapti Daman Block Squash Legend of Pakistan Hashim Khan in Arabian Sea by the mid of 2016. passed away .J P • The project is located about 90-100 kilometer from Daman coast and includes additional development of C-24 field and monetization of B-12 marginal fields (B-12-11, B-12-13 and B-12-15). Once operational, it will give output of 8.35 million standard cubic meters per day of gas and 9286 barrels of condensate per day. Dr • The cumulative production till 2034-35 is targeted at 27.67 billion cubic meters (BCM) of gas and 5.01 million cubic meters of condensate. The project is scheduled for completion by premonsoon 2019. • The project envisages installation of seven well head platforms, one riser platform with associated pipelines and drilling of 28 wells. • Squash Legend of Pakistan Hashim Khan died. He died on 18th august due to congestive heart failure. He was believed to be 100, in Aurora, Colorado. He was born in Nawakille near Peshawar in Pakistan in 1914. • In 1942, Khan became a squash coach at a British Air Force officers’ mess. In 1944, he won the first All-of-India squash championship in Bombay, and successfully defended this title for the next two years. • When Pakistan became an independent state, he was appointed a squash professional at the Pakistan Air Force, and won the first Pakistani squash championship in 1949. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 98 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs James Foley passed away • He received Padma Bhushan Award in 2010 in the field of Literature and Education. He was also awarded Itihas Ratna on his 86th birthday in December 2013 by the Asiatic Society of Bihar. • James Foley is the American journalist who was killed by the militants of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) by beheading, as shown in a video released by the militants on 19 August 2014. G Awards BA NK IN • The militants of the Islamic State had released a horrific video which contained the beheading of Ramon Magsaysay Awards 2014 U.S. freelance photojournalist James Foley. About Ramon Magsaysay Awards • The White House on 20 August 2014 authenti• Ramon Magsaysay Awards were established in cated the video as real. James Foley thus became 1957 and are named after popular Philippine Presthe first American citizen to be formally executed ident Ramon Magsaysay who died in a 1957 plane under the ISIS establishment. crash. These awards are often known as the ‘Nobel Prize of Asia’. Oscar Winning Actor Robin Williams passed away L • Robin Williams was remarkably known for his accurate impersonations. He will be remembered for his crazy comic personality and great dramatic performances hereafter. O F • Oscar-winning actor and comedian Robin Williams died in Tiburon, California on 11 August 2014. He was 63. • An important feature of these annual prizes is that they are awarded only to personalities from Asia. Magsaysay Awards were first awarded in 1958. O O Hollywood icon Lauren Bacall passed away • The prestigious Ramon Magsaysay Awards for year 2014 were announced on 31 July 2014 and it included six winners. • Education is a big theme in this year’s awards, with two individuals who have dedicated their lives to educating indigenous communities a Filipino and an Indonesian and a Pakistani organization that builds schools for girls, among the 6 awardees. .J P SC H • Legendary actress Lauren Bacall, an icon of Hollywood’s died on August 12th who lit up the silver screen in a series of classic movies opposite her Winners: husband Humphrey Bogart, has died at the age of • Hu Shuli (China) 89. He is a Chinese investigative journalist whose work has led to the ouster of corrupt officials. He is the Noted Historian Bipan Chandra died founder and former editor of ‘Caijing’ a business magazine famed for its ground breaking investigaNoted historian Bipan Chandra died on 30 August tive reporting that has had a profound impact on 2014 at his residence in Gurgaon after prolonged China. illness. He was 86. Dr Bipan Chandra, former professor of history, was considered to be a specialist in the economic and political history of modern India and was a left leaning historian. He became a Member of the University Grants Commission in 1993. • He was the Chairman of the National Book Trust, New Delhi from 2004 to 2012. • Saur Marlina Manurung (Indonesia) She was cited for “her ennobling passion to protect and improve the lives of Indonesia’s forest people” through jungle schools put up by her organization. An anthropologist by profession, she put up a “Jungle School” program for children of Indonesia’s Orang Rimba, or forest people. • Randy Halasan (The Philippines) He was chosen for the award for serving the indigenous Matigsalug tribe. He put in huge efforts This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 99 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs IN G in teaching the children of the Matigsalug tribe Rajiv Gandhi National Quality Awards of in one of the remotest mountain villages in Min- BIS announced danao. • The prestigious Rajiv Gandhi National Quality Awards for the year 2012 were announced by • Wang Canfa (China) Union Minister for Consumer Affairs, Food and Wang Canfa founded the Center for Legal AssisPublic Distribution Ram Vilas Paswan on 26 Autance to Pollution Victims, which has offered free gust 2014. The awards are given by the Bureau of legal services to thousands of people and provided Indian Standards (BIS). environmental law training to lawyers and others. BA NK Winners in Different Categories • Omara Khan Masoudi (Afghanistan) Masoudi was awarded for his courage in protecting • Best of All Award: Rail Wheel factory (MinAfghan cultural heritage. At great risk to his life, istry of Railways), Bangalore the deputy director of the National Museum of • Large scale service industries: Tata Business Afghanistan in Kabul led his colleagues in moving Support Services Limited, Hyderabad some of the museum’s most precious objects to safety during the Taliban’s assault on his country’s • Large scale manufacturing industries: Sakthi cultural treasures in the 1990s. Masala P. Ltd., Erode, Tamil Nadu O O L O F • The Citizen Foundation (Pakistan) • Small scale manufacturing industries: Elin The Citizen Foundation, a non-profit organisation Appliances Pvt. Ltd., Solan, Himachal Pradesh (NGO) in Pakistan founded by six business leadOther than these nine organizations have been seers, was recognized for building 1,000 schools over lected for commendation certificates under various hundreds of cities and towns in the country with categories. the world’s second highest number of children who are out of school. About Rajiv Gandhi National Quality Delhi University professor Dr.Sunil Kumar received Global South Award of IPSA SC H • Delhi University professor Dr. Sunil Kumar received Global South Award given by International Political Science Association (IPSA). The award was given at the 23rd world congress of political science held in Montreal, Canada. Dr .J P • Dr. Kumar received the award in recognition of outstanding work on the politics of the developing world. He was awarded for his paper titled Changing Landscape of Electoral Democracy and Political Demography: A Study of 2014 General Elections in India. • He is an Associate Professor in Political Science Department of Shyam Lal College of Delhi Univeristy. • The first Global South Award was bagged by Aam Aadmi Party leader Yogendra Yadav in 2009. Awards • The Rajiv Gandhi National Quality Award is the national quality award given by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) to Indian manufacturing and service organizations that show excellence in their performance. It was introduced in 1991 after the death of former Prime Minister of India, Rajiv Gandhi. • The award aims to promote quality services to the consumers and to give special recognition to organizations that contribute significantly towards the quality movement of India. • There are five awards consisting of one for large scale manufacturing organizations, one for Medium, Small and Micro scale manufacturing organizations, one for large scale service sector organizations, one for Medium, Small and Micro scale service sector organizations and one for BEST OF ALL. • These awards carry a cash prize of 500000 rupees for BEST OF ALL category, 200000 rupees for This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 100 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs Dronacharya Awards For 2014 Dronacharya Awards is presented to eminent Coaches who have successfully trained sportspersons or teams and helped them to achieve outstanding results in international competitions. Dronacharya Awards carry a cash prize of 5 lakh rupees, a statuette and a citation. O O L • The academy noted his films such as Carmen Jones, Odds Against Tomorrow and The World, the Flesh and the Devil strived to bring attention to the injustices of racism and inequality. He will recieve the award in November 2014. O F BA NK IN G each winner in respective categories and 100000 The awardees of Arjuna Awards 2014 were: rupees for each winner of commendation certifiSl.No. Name Discipline cate. 1 Jai Bhagwan Boxing 2 V. Diju Shuttler 3 Heena Sidhu Shooter 4 Abhishek Verma Archery 5 Tintu Luka Athletics US actor Harry Belafonte to receive Jean 6 H. N. Girisha Para-Athletics Hersholt Humanitarian Oscar Award 7 Geethu Anna Jose Basketball 8 R. Ashwin Cricket 9 Anirban Lahiri Golf • US actor and singer Harry Belafonte was named 10 Saji Thomas Rowing for honorary Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Oscar 11 Saji Thomas Rowing Award on 29 August 2014. Jean Hersholt Human12 Anaka Alankamony Squash itarian Oscar Award is one of the three Governor’s 13 Tom Joseph Volleyball Award given by the Academy of Motion Pictures 14 Renubala Chanu Weightlifting Arts and Sciences for lifetime achievement. 15 Sunil Kumar Rana Wrestling .J P SC H • President Pranab Mukherjee presented Na- The awardees of Dronacharya Awards 2014 tional Sports Awards to eminent sportsper- were: son Name Discipline The President of India Pranab Mukherjee pre- Sl.No. sented the National Sports Awards to eminent 1 Gurcharan Singh Gogi Judo sportsperson on 29 August 2014 at Rashtrapati 2 G. Manoharan Boxing Bhavan, New Delhi. The awards were presented 3 Jose Jacob Rowing on the occasion of National Sports Day. 4 N. Lingappa Athletics 5 Mahabir Prasad Wrestling Dr • No sportsperson was selected for Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award in 2014. List of awards and awardees: Arjuna Awards Arjuna Awards is given to sportspersons for their consistent outstanding performance for 4 years preceding the year of award. Arjuna Awards carry a cash prize of 5 lakh rupees, a statuette and a citation. DhyanChand Awards DhyanChand Awards for Lifetime Achievement in Sports and Games is presented to the sportspersons who contributed to sports by their performance and continue to contribute by promoting sports even after taking retirement from sports career. DhyanChand Awards carry a cash prize of 5 lakh rupees, a statuette and a citation. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 101 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs The awardees of Dhyanchand Awards 2014 The awardees of Rashtriya Khel Protsahan were: Puruskar 2014 were: 2 National Adventure 3 Tenzing Norgay National Adventure Award is honoured to sportspersons for their outstanding achievement in the field of adventure activities. The award carries a statuette, a certificate, ceremonial dress and a cash prize of 5 lakh rupees. 4 Jindal Steel Works Guru Akhara Hanuman Link Foundation Of IndiaMagic Bus O F Tenzing Norgay Awards-2013 Employment Of Sports Persons And Sports Welfare Measures Community SportsIdentification And Nurturing Of Budding/Young Talent Establishment And Management Of Sports Academies Of Excellence Other Forms Of Sports Activities Not Covered In The Categories Mentioned In The Schemes Rashtriya Khel Protsahan Puruskar, 2014 Oil And Natural Gas Corporation G 1 Category IN Discipline Hockey Swimming-Diving Tennis NK Name Gurmail Singh K.P. Thakkar Zeeshan Ali BA Sl. No. Sl.No. 1 2 3 2 3 Discipline Land Adventure Land Adventure Air Adventure Lifetime Achievement .J P 4 Name Subedar Jagat Singh Passang Tenzing Sherpa MWO Surender Singh Wg. Cdr. (Retd) Amit Chowdhury. SC H S. No. 1 O O L The awardees of Tenzing Norgay National Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Trophy Adventure Award 2013 were: Dr Rashtriya Khel Protsahan Puruskar Rashtriya Khel Protsahan Puruskar is presented to recognize the contribution made to sports by entities other than sportspersons and coaches. The recipients of Rashtriya Khel Protsahan Puruskar are awarded with Trophies. The Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Trophy is presented to the institutions for their all round performance in InterUniversity Tournaments. The winner receives a replica of the Trophy and a cash award of 10 lakh rupees which is further utilized for development of games and sports. The recipient of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Trophy 2014 was: Sl. No. 1 Institution Punjabi University, Patiala Year 2013-14 Appointments New Chairman of the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) • K.V. Chowdary is the 1978-batch officer belonging to the Indian Revenue Service (IRS). • He was working as the Member (Investigations) of the direct taxes revenue collection board till now and succeeded R.K. Tewari who retired on 31 July 2014. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 102 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • Maitreyan has also been removed from the post of the leader of the Medical wing. Mrs. Sasikala Pushpa has been named the Whip of the AIADMK party in the Rajya Sabha. • CBDT is the top policy making body of the Income Tax department and is constituted of six members apart from the Chairman. New CEO and MD of Infosys G • A press release from the party also stated that Dr.P.Venugopal would be the leader of the AIADMK Parliamentary party in the Lok Sabha.N.Ramachandran has been nominated as the whip of the party in the Lok Sabha. IN • Vishal Sikka is the fifth head of the company. • He replaced S.D. Shibulal, who was among the cofounders of Infosys founded in 1981. BA NK • Four earlier CEOs of the company were N.R. Recep Tayyip Erdogan won the Presidential Narayan Murthy (1981 to 2002), Nandan Nilekani election (2002 to 2007) and S. Gopalakrishnan (2007 to • Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan 2011). won the Presidential election held in the country. • Sikka is the first CEO to be outsourced from out• These elections were a watershed event in countrys side the organisation. 91-year history. Because this was the first-ever direct presidential elections in the country. • Muzaffar Ali, the noted filmmaker was chosen for the 22nd edition of the Rajiv Gandhi National Sadbhavana Award. O O L • Muzaffar Ali is known for directing the classic Bollywood film ‘Umrao Jaan’. He is also known for his social work and Sufi poetry. O F Rajiv Gandhi National Sadbhavana Award SC H About award • The award is given in the memory of late Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi and is given for outstanding contribution towards the promotion of communal harmony, peace and goodwill. • The Turkish president was previously chosen by parliament, but a 2010 referendum gave Turks the power to choose the head of state by direct vote. With 99% of ballot boxes counted, Erdogan had 51.95% of the vote. • Opposition candidate Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, a former diplomat and academic had 38.34% and the third candidate, Selahattin Demirtas, had 9.71%. 60-year Erdogan old has been in power since 2003. • Barred by party rules from seeking a fourth term as prime minister, he has faced multiple challenges to his 11-year rule, amid growing opposition to his authoritarian style. A clear victory in these elections is expected to solidify his hold on Turkey. Dr .J P • It carries a cash prize of Rs. 5 lakh apart from a citation. Recipients of the award include Mother Teresa, K.R. Narayanan, Ustad Bismillah Khan, IDFC appoints Ravi Shankar as head of Lata Mangeshkar, Sunil Dutt, Dilip Kumar, Ustad Bharat Banking Amjad Ali Khan and Maulana Wahiduddin Khan. • Ravi Shankar joined infrastructure finance company IDFC as the head of Bharat Banking with effect. IDFC, which recently bagged a commercial Jayalalithaa appoints P.Venugopal as Parliabanking licence, plans to start bank operations by mentary party leader in LS October next year. • AIADMK Party Chief Jayalalithaa has appointed • With about 29 years of experience across sectors, A.Navaneethakrishnan as the leader of the ParShankar will be responsible for conceptualizing liamentary party in the Rajya Sabha and has reand building the rural and inclusion business at moved Dr.Maitreyan who had been holding the IDFC Bank. post for quiet a long time. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 103 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs G • Prior to IDFC, Shankar was head of business and Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi selected as the marketing at Fullerton India Credit Co Ltd and Chairman of the Estimates Committee Senior Vice-President at TNS India Pvt Ltd.Prior • Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi selected as the Chairto IDFC, Shankar was head of business and marman of the Estimates Committee of Parliament keting at Fullerton India Credit Co Ltd and Senior by the Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan. Vice-President at TNS India Pvt Ltd. • The Estimates Committee consists of 30 members, all from Lok Sabha, who are elected by Lok Sabha every year from amongst its members. IN • He holds a bachelor’s degree in economics and a post-graduate diploma in management. Haider al-Abadi named as New Iraqi Prime Minister NK • The main function of this committee is to suggest alternative policies in order to bring about efficiency and economy in govt. administration. O O L • The purpose of this move is to ensure country’s security which collapsed during rule of Nuri alMaliki, Prime Minister of Iraq since 2006. It was believed that Maliki’s policies were partly responsible for the violence that has gripped Iraq badly. • She was appointed as Chairperson of UPSC by the President Pranab Mukherjee. She replaced Prof. D P Agrawal who completed his six-year tenure as Chairman of UPSC. O F • Before being nominated for the post of Iraqi Prime Minister, Haider al-Abadi was deputy parliament speaker. He was nominated for the post by the Iraqi National Alliance, a coalition of Shia parties. BA • Iraqi President Mohammed Fuad Masum named Haider al-Abadi as the new Iraqi Prime Minister. Masum has given thirty days to Haider al-Abadi Rajni Razdan takes over as new UPSC chief to form the next government and present it for the • Rajni Razdan became the new Chairperson of the approval of parliament. Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). SC H Executive Director of the Bharatiya Mahila Bank • SM Swathi was till now the General Manager of Corporation Bank. She headed important branches, zones and other offices during her tenure in Corporation Bank. P • She was appointed as the Executive Director of the Bharatiya Mahila Bank. .J • She took the charge on 14 August 2014. • He was appointed as Chairman of UPSC on 2008. She will serve as UPSC Chairperson for next six years. She had joined as UPSC member 2010. AFI president Sumariwala to be Chef-deMission for Asian Games • Athletics Federation of India President Adille Sumariwala has been appointed the Chef-deMission of the Indian contingent for next month’s Asian Games in Incheon, South Korea. Note: • India won 65 medals in the 2010 Asian Games in Guangzhou in China with 12 medals (5 gold, 2 silver, 5 bronze) coming from athletics. Dr Former RBI Governor Bimal Jalan to head K V Thomas takes over as new PAC Chairthe Expenditure Management Commission man • The Union Government decided to appoint former RBI governor Bimal Jalan as the head of the Expenditure Management Commission. • Senior Congress leader K V Thomas took over as the new Chairman of Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee. • He would be tasked to suggest ways for managing public finances by reducing food, fertiliser and oil subsidies to include fiscal deficit. • The key committee, which examines CAG reports after they are tabled in Parliament, will hold its first meeting next week. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 104 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • The CEA’s post has been vacant since last September after Dr. Raghuram Rajan took over as Reserve Bank Governor. The Modi Government that has the economy’s revival high on its agenda presented its maiden Budget last month without a full-time senior economist on-board. • The post of the PAC Chairman is held by a senior member of the Opposition party. Murli Manohar Joshi (BJP) was the Chairman of the PAC in the last Lok Sabha. G Note: • The PAC, constituted every year, consists of not more than 22 members 15 members elected by the Lok Sabha and not more than seven members from the Rajya Sabha. IN • The appointment could also give the Centre’s war on food price rise a key strategist as the CEA normally heads the Inter-Ministerial Group on inflation, of course if the Modi Government decides to retain it BA NK • The PAC’s controversial 2011 draft report on the 2G scam, which had strongly indicted former Telecom Minister A Raja and come down heavily on Managing Director (MD) of public-sector the PMO and the Cabinet Secretariat for not tak- based MRPL ing “corrective action”, continued to be on its ‘un• H. Kumar was appointed as the Managing Direcfinished agenda’ for three years. tor (MD) of public-sector based Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Ltd (MRPL). Chief Prayuth Chan-ocha elected new PM • Thailand coup leader, Army Chief Prayuth Chanocha, has been elected Prime Minister of Thailand. O O L • He was backed by 191 members of the 197-strong junta-picked national assembly, with three abstentions and three voters absent. • He replaced PP Upadhya, who retired as MD of MRPL. Kumar was till now posted as the Executive Director (corporate strategy and planning) of Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL). O F of Thailand • MRPL is an oil refinery established in 1993 at Mangalore (Karnataka). It is a subsidiary of ONGC. • No assembly member opposed the selection of the army chief, who was the sole candidate for the post. Shah Rukh Khan became Ambassador of Dr .J P SC H • Prayuth seized power from an elected government Turn Back Crime campaign of Interpol in a bloodless coup, shortly after Yingluck Shi• Shah Rukh Khan on 27 August 2014 became the nawatra was dismissed as Prime Minister in a conAmbassador of Turn Back Crime campaign of Introversial court ruling. terpol. This was revealed from a statement released from Interpol headquarters in Lyon, France. Note: The campaign will promote awareness on how ev• Prayuth seized power from an elected government eryone can play a role in preventing crime. in a bloodless coup, shortly after Yingluck Shi• He, thus, became first Indian to become the amnawatra was dismissed as Prime Minister in a conbassador of Interpol. As part of the Campaign, troversial court ruling. Shah Rukh will lend his voice to help spread the message that all of society benefits when citizens Arvind Subramanian all set to be the Chief respect the law and fight crime. Economic Advisor (CEA) • The Modi Government is likely to name Arvind Subramanian, the Dennis Weatherstone Senior Fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics and senior fellow at the Centre for Global Development as its Chief Economic Advisor (CEA). • Shah Rukh joined a club of actors who have been the ambassador for the campaign. These include Hollywood actor Jackie Chan, footballer Lionel Messi, Formula 1 racing drivers Fernando Alonso and Kimi Raikkonen in addition to law enforcement agencies around the world. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 105 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs Science and Technology • He announced his retirement on 30 July 2014 during the ODI series against Sri Lanka. GPS IIF 7 launched NK IN G • GPS IIF-7 the latest Global Positioning System 20th Common Wealth Games (GPS) satellite of the United States (U.S.) that • On August the curtains were raised on the 20th was launched from Cape Canaveral Air Force StaCommonwealth Games 2014 held at Glasgow tion. (Scotland). • This satellite has an expected service life of twelve • England was placed at first spot in the medals tally years and will replace USA-132 (GPS IIR-2), with a haul of 58 gold, 59 silver and 57 bronze which was the first Block IIR satellite to enter sermedals. vice and was launched in July 1997. • Australia followed with 49 gold, 42 silver and 46 bronze medals while Canada was at third place with 32 gold medals. ISEE-3 completed its visit O O L • The decision to make the GPS available to civilian users was taken by Ronald Reagan in 1983, after 269 people were killed when a Korean airliner became lost and strayed into Soviet airspace, where it was shot down. • England finished at the top in the medals tally for the first time since Commonwealth Games of 1986 (Edinburgh). SC H • The ISEE-3 spacecraft made its closest approach to the earth and a flyby of the moon. Its closest approach was 15,600 km from the moon’s surface. P • In an unprecedented move, NASA formally handed over control of ISEE-3 to a private “ISEE3 Reboot Project”, which was formed through a crowd-funding project. .J Sports Retirement of Jaques Kallis • From 1990 Australia dominated six Games till 19th Commonwealth Games in 2010. O F • Although originally developed for military use, some GPS signals are also made freely available for civilian navigation and the network is used by most commercial navigation devices. BA • GPS IIF-7 is the part of the US Air Forces Global Positioning System (GPS), a program aimed at providing worldwide navigational data which began in the 1970s. • India was placed at fifth placed (after England, Australia, Canada and hosts Scotland respectively). India won 15 gold medals, 30 silver medals and 19 bronze medals. • India’s total medal tally was thus 64, which is far less than the 19th Commonwealth Games of 2010 at New Delhi, where India won a total of 101 medals. Note: • Gold Coast City is situated in the Queensland province of Australia. The city would host the 21stCommonwealth Games from April 2018. The hosting rights to Gold Coast City were awarded in November 2011. It thus would be the fifth hosting of these games in Australia, with the earlier stagings in 1938 (Sydney), 1962 (Perth), 1982 (Brisbane), and 2006 (Melbourne). • Rajeev Mehta, the Secretary General of the Indian Olympic Association (IOA) was arrested at the ongoing Commonwealth Games on charges of drunken driving. • During his illustrious career, spanning nearly two decades, Kallis played a total of 519 internationals in which he scored 25,534 runs with 62 centuries and took 577 wickets, besides 338 catches. • On the other hand unattached wrestling referee, Virender Malik, was arrested for a more serious charge of sexual assault. The two were not staying with the Indian contingent at the Commonwealth Dr • Jaques Kallis was one of the greatest all-rounders of all time in the game of cricket. He was on par with the likes of Imran Khan, Ian Botham and Kapil Dev. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 106 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • Prakash Nanjappa: Men’s 10 metre air pistol shooting Games Village. The arrest of the two of officials left the Indian contingent thoroughly embarrassed. • Ayonika Paul: Women’s 10 metre air rifle shooting Indian winners in Common Wealth Games Gold: 48 G Women’s kg • Shreyasi Singh: Women’s double trap shooting IN • Sanjita Khumukchan: weightlifting • Anisa Sayyed: Women’s 25 metre pistol shooting • Ravi Katulu: Men’s 77 kg weightlifting • Abhinav Bindra: Men’s 10 metre air rifle shooting • Gurpal Singh: Men’s 50 metre pistol shooting • Gagan Narang: shooting • Apurvi Chandela: Women’s 10 metre air rifle shooting BA • Harpreet Singh: Men’s 25 metre rapid fire pistol shooting Women’s freestyle 48 kg L • Vinesh Phogat: wrestling • Sanjeev Rajput: Men’s 50 metre rifle 3 positions shooting O F • Satish Sivalingam: Men’s 77 kg weightlifting • Amit Kumar: Men’s freestyle 57 kg wrestling Men’s 50 metre rifle prone • Vikas Thakur: Men’s 85 kg weightlifting • Rahi Sarnobat: Women’s 25 metre pistol shooting • Jitu Rai: Men’s 50 metre pistol shooting NK • Sukhen Dey: Men’s 56 kg weightlifting • Rajeev Tomar: Men’s freestyle 125 kg wrestling • Lalita: Women’s freestyle 53 kg wrestling • Bajrang: Men’s freestyle 61 kg wrestling • Sakshi Malik: Women’s freestyle 58 kg wrestling • Babita Kumari: wrestling • Satywart Kadian: wrestling Dutt: Women’s freestyle 55 kg Men’s freestyle 65 kg SC H • Yogeshwar wrestling O O • Sushil Kumar: Men’s freestyle 74 kg wrestling • Geetika Jakhar: wrestling Men’s freestyle 97 kg Women’s freestyle 63 kg • Vikas Gowda: Men’s discus throw athletics • Seema Punia: Women’s discus throw athletics • Vikas Gowda: Women’s doubles squash • Achanta Sharath Kamal and Anthony Amalraj: Men’s doubles table tennis .J Silver: P • Parupalli Kashyap: Men’s singles badminton • Mirabai Chanu Saikhom: weightlifting • L. Sarita Devi: Women’s 57-60 kg boxing • L. Devendro Singh: Men’s 49 kg boxing Women’s 48 kg • Mandeep Jangra: Men’s 69 kg boxing • Rajinder Rahelu: Men’s heavyweight powerlifting • Shushila Likmabam: Men’s 60 kg judo • Vijender Singh: Men’s 75 kg boxing • Malaika Goel: Women’s 10 metre air pistol shooting • India: Men’s hockey Dr • Shushila Likmabam: Women’s 48 kg judo • Santoshi Matsa: Women’s 53 kg weightlifting • Jwala Gutta and Ashwini Women’s doubles badminton Ponnappa: This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 107 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs Bronze: • Tsonga improved to 5-11 against Federer. Federer dropped to 2-5 in finals this season, with his victories coming in Dubai and Halle. • Ganesh Mali:Men’s 56 kg weightlifting • Kalpana Thoudam:Women’s 52 kg judo • The Swiss star made several uncharacteristic errors and had a hard time with Tsonga’s powerful serve and ground strokes. The first set was a rather choppy affair. G • Swati Singh: Women’s 53 kg weightlifting IN • Rajwinder Kaur: Women’s +78 kg judo • Omkar Otari: Men’s 69 kg weightlifting Archery World Cup: Deepika Kumari-led NK • Mohammed Asab: Men’s double trap shooting women’s archery recurve team wins gold • Punam Yadav: Women’s 63 kg weightlifting • World number two Deepika Kumari bagged a Gold and two Bronze medals, as India finished the Archery World Cup Stage IV in Wroclaw, Poland with a total of 5 medals. • Manavjit Sandhu: Men’s trap shooting BA • Gagan Narang: Men’s 50 metre rifle 3 positions shooting • The Gold came in the Recurve Women’s Team event which saw Deepika, Bombayala Devi Lashram and Lakshmi Rani Manji beat Mexico, 6-0 in the final. • Chandrakant Mali: Men’s 94 kg weightlifting • Navjot Kaur: Women’s freestyle 69 kg wrestling Women’s vault gymnastics L • Dipa Karmakar: artistic O F • Lajja Gauswami: Women’s 50 metre rifle 3 positions shooting O O • Pawan Kumar: Men’s freestyle 86 kg wrestling • Pinki Jangra: Women’s 48-51 kg boxing SC H • Sakina Khatun: Women’s lightweight powerlifting • P.V. Sindhu: Women’s singles badminton • R.M.V. Gurusaidutt: Men’s singles badminton P • Arpinder Singh: Men’s triple jump athletics .J Tsonga beats Federer in Toronto final Dr • Jo-Wilfried Tsonga won the Rogers Cup, beating second-seeded Roger Federer 7-5 7-6 (3) for his fourth straight victory over a higher-seeded opponent. • The 13th-seeded Frenchman won his first ATP Tour title of the season and 11th overall. • He beat top-ranked Novak Djokovic , eighthseeded Andy Murray and seventh-seeded Grigor Dimitrov. • Deepika, however, settled for a Bronze in the Recurve Individual event and the Recurve Mixed team pair event in which she partnered with Jayanta Talukdar. India complete clean sweep in hockey series • India have made a clean sweep of the three-match hockey series against Bangladesh. Continuing their dominating performance, the men’s hockey team defeated Bangladesh 3-1 in the third and final match in Dhaka. item India had taken a winning lead by clinching the second encounter played by a 5-1 margin. Former Hockey Captain Ajitpal Singh to head Dronacharya Award Selection Committee • Three-time Olympian and former Hockey Captain Ajitpal Singh was selected as the Chairman of the Dronacharya Award Selection Committee. • The committee will have 15 members, including 12 eminent sportspersons and three officials. The three officials – Director General of the Sports Authority of India and a joint secretary and deputy secretary from the ministry – will also be in the committee. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 108 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • More than 350 athletes are expected to participate in the championship.The top five finishers will get a chance to participate in World Bodybuilding and Physique Championship to be held at Balewadi Stadium in Pune. • The Dronacharya award is scheduled to be presented on 29 August 2014 (National Sports Day). The Committee will recommend the deserving sportspersons for the prestigious awards and a final decision vests with Union Sports Minister Sarbanand Sonowal. G • Miihier finished fourth in the last edition of the tournament held in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, in 2013 and represented India at the 5th World Bodybuilding and Physique Sports Championships at Budapest, Hungary in November 2011. IN • In 2013, the Dronacharya Award Selection Committee was headed by Mountaineer HPS Ahluwalia. NK Note: BA • Dronacharya Award instituted in 1985 by Gov- Indian Men thrash Bangladesh 5-1 in the ernment of India recognizes excellence in sports second hockey match at Dhaka coaching. The award comprises a bronze statuette • The Indian Men’s Hockey team thrashed of Dronacharya, a scroll of honour and a cash comBangladesh 5-1 in the Second Test played ponent of 500000 rupees. at Dhaka. With the win, India clinched the three-match test series against the hosts. Kapil Dev to head Arjuna Award selection committee L O F • India now expects a clean sweep by winning the third and last match of the series.The goal scorers • Former India cricket captain Kapil Dev will for India were: Harjeet Singh, Yuvraj Walmiki, head the Arjuna Awards selection committee for SK Uthappa, Devender Sunil Walmiki and Affan choosing this year’s outstanding sportspersons of Yousuf. the country while former hockey skipper Ajitpal Singh is likely to be in charge of selecting the Dronacharya awardees. Kumar Sangakkara broke cricketing-great SC H O O • While Kapil, who bagged 434 wickets in 131 Tests Sir Don Bradman’s record in his 16-year-long career, got the Arjuna in 1980, • Kumar Sangakkara struck his 10th double hunformer Olympian Ajitpal was conferred the Award dred in Galle (Sri Lanka) in the first innings of in 1970, and awarded it in 1972. the first Test match against Pakistan. • A source in the sports ministry said the government had issued a notification in writing to all persons concerned. The awards will be conferred on National Sports Day which is August 29. P • Each committee will have 15 members, including 12 eminent sportspersons and three officials. • With this double century he broke the record of nine double centuries made by West Indian Brian Lara. • The knock also put him two behind the great Don Bradman. However, he managed to break the Australian’s 66-year-old record for most scores of 190 plus. Dr .J • The three officials – director general of the Sports Authority of India and a joint secretary and deputy secretary from the ministry – will be on R Ashwin ranked no. 1 Test all-rounder; Inboth committees. dia slipped to 4th position: ICC Test Rank- Miihier Singh to represent India at 48th Asian Bodybuilding Championship • Miihier Singh, who won the Mr India title this year, will represent the country in the 48th Asian Bodybuilding and Physique Sports Championship.The event is to be held at Macau in China. ing • India’s Ravichandran Ashwin was ranked number one Test all-rounder in ICC Test team rankings released on 11 August 2014. He was ranked at the top after his fine show with the bat in the fourth cricket Test against England played in Manchester. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 109 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • The Award Committee which was headed by the Speaker of Lok Sabha, Meira Kumar, recommended these names, which were accepted by executive committee of the Indian Parliamentary Group. • He successfully scored 40 and 46 not out at the Old Trafford though India lost the Test by an innings and 54 runs. The latest ICC Test ranking was released in Dubai. L Miroslav Klose of Germany announced retirement from International Football O F BA NK IN G • Ashwin the Indian off-spinner with 372 rating points displaced South Africa’s Vernon Philander (365) at the top of the ICC Player Rankings for World Chess Olympiad Test all-rounders. • India created history by winning the bronze medal in the 41st World Chess Olympiad held in Norway. • Apart from this, India slipped to fourth position behind South Africa, Australia and Pakistan in • This was for the first time India won a medal in the Test team rankings for its dismal performance the Chess Olympiad. China won the gold medal against England in two test matches one after an(open category) in this edition of Chess Olympiad. other. England is placed at fifth position in the ranking. • 41st edition of Chess Olympiad was held at Troms, a northern city in Norway. China won the gold • As per the released test rankings, Africa leads the medal in the open category for the first time by ICC Test team ranking with 124 points followed defeating Poland 3-1 in the 11th and last round. by Australia with 123 points, Pakistan with 103 points. However, India has slipped to fourth posi• Hungary clinched the silver in open category while tion with 102 points. India won bronze medal after crushing Uzbekistan SC H O O • Miroslav Klose of Germany announced his retirement from international football.He was the part of Germany team that won the FIFA World Cup 2014 held in Brazil. During the FIFA World Cup 2014, he scored 2 goals taking his total goals in all the editions of World Cup to 16. With this he became the leading goal scorer in World Cup overtaking 15 goals scored by Ronaldo of Brazil. Note: P • He also is the all-time top scorer for Germany with 71 goals in 137 appearances. 3.5-0.5 in the final round. Indian players who represented the country in open category included Parimarjan Negi, Sethuraman, Sasikiran, Adhiban and Lalith Babu. • Top three spots in women category were claimed by Russia, China and Ukraine respectively. Chess Olympiad is a biennial chess tournament in which teams from all over the world compete against each other. The event is organised by FIDE, which selects the host nation. Total number of 1,570 players participated at the 41st edition of Chess Olympiad, with 881 in the open and 689 in the women’s section. Ravichandran Ashwin nominated for 2014 Dr .J • Arun Jaitley, Karan Singh and Sharad Yadav Se- Arjuna Award lected for Outstanding Parliamentarian Award. • Offspinner Ravichandran Ashwin has been nomi• The Parliamentary Award Committee selected nated for the 2014 Arjuna Award for his perforBJP leader Arun Jaitley, Congress MP Karan mances as India’s leading spinner. Singh and JD(U) MP Sharad Yadav for Outstand• The Tamil Nadu player, who made his Test deing Parliamentarian Award for 2010, 2011 and but in 2011, was part of India’s World Cup vic2012 respectively. tory that year and recently became the number • Arun Jaitley and Karan Singh are the members of one allrounder in the ICC rankings. Rajya Sabha from Gujarat and Delhi respectively. • In the Test rankings, Ashwin displaced South Sharad Yadav, on the other hand is a member of Africa’s Vernon Philander at the number one spot. Lok Sabha from Madhepura, Bihar. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 110 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • The 27-year-old Ashwin has been India’s premier offspinner for the last few years and he has taken 104 Test wickets from 20 matches and 106 scalps from 79 ODIs. About Federation Cup • The Federation Cup is an annual club level football tournament of India. It was started in 1977.Presently it is the most important club tournament after the I-League to which it has become a de facto League Cup. G Kush Kumar became first Indian player to reach semi final of World Junior Squash Championship IN • The winning club of the Federation Cup gets a chance to compete in the continental level in AFC Cup.The current holders of the Federation Cup are Churchill Brothers which defeated Sporting Clube de Goa by 31 in the 2014 final held in Kochi. NK • Kush Kumar on became the first Indian player to reach the semi-final of World Junior Squash Championship. The championship is being held in Windhoek, Namibia. Jayawardene ends test career in near-perfect style SC H O O L • Mahela Jayawardene ended his illustrious 17-year test career in near perfect style in the whitewash win for Sri Lanka against Pakistan. A half-century at his home ground, another century stand with his friend and favourite batting partner Kumar Sangakkara, capped with his teammates carrying him off the field on their shoulders. O F BA • He achieved this feat when he defeated England’s Dutch teenager Max Verstappen to become George Parker 11-8, 11-8 in straight games in youngest Formula One driver quarterfinal of the WSF World Junior Individual • Max Verstappen of Netherlands will become the Squash Championship. From the outset, Kumar youngest Formula One (F1) driver in the F1 hishad a firm control of the proceedings, getting his tory when he will compete for the 2015 season. For drive on direction and drops to perfection. the 2015 season he will make the F1 debut with Scuderia Toro Rosso. • Verstappen currently racing in Formula Three is the son of former Formula 1 driver Jos Verstappen, who had contested for 106 Grands Prix for teams such as Benetton and Tyrrell between 1994 and 2003. • The youngest driver to earn a Championship point is Toro Rosso’s Daniil Kvyat, who was 19 when he finished ninth in this season’s opening race in Australia. The Russian will be Verstappen’s teammate in 2015. Dr .J P • In retirement he will be preparing a special place in his trophy cabinet for his 15-year test cap as he turns his attention to playing at next year’s World Cup, before quitting international cricket Ravi Shastri appointed as the Team Director of the Indian cricket team altogether. • Ravi Shastri was appointed as the Team Direc• Jayawardene made his debut against India in 1997 tor of the Indian cricket team by the BCCI for as a 20-year-old and scored a half-century in his the upcoming ODI series against England, a decifirst innings which largely went unnoticed because sion which virtually sidelined Chief Coach Duncan of Sri Lankas record breaking 952-6 with Sanath Fletcher. Jayasuriya (340) and Roshan Mahanama (225) in a 576-run partnership. • While Fletcher will continue as the head coach of the team, the shake-up is a clear indication that his wings will be clipped. Jammu and Kashmir to host Football Fed- eration Cup in August 2015 • The All India Football Federation (AIFF) announced that Jammu and Kashmir will host Football Federation Cup in August 2015. • Under pressure to act after India’s disastrous performance in the Test series, the BCCI also appointed former players Sanjay Bangar and Bharat Arun as assistant coaches and R. Sridhar as the This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 111 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs fielding coach as it revamped the team manage- Lifter Rahul bags first gold for India at ment. Youth Olympics • Weightlifter Ragala Venkat Rahul bagged India’s first medal of the second Youth Olympic Games in Nanjing, China. G • BCCI also gave a “break to bowling coach Joe Dawes and fielding coach Trevor Penny for the upcoming ODI series. • In the 77 kg category, Rahul won the Silver by lifting 141 kgs in Snatch, and 175 kgs in Clean and Jerk to finish with a total of 316 kgs. This was also India’s first medal in Weightlifting in Youth Olympics. IN Australian Cyril Baldock is oldest to swim English Channel NK • Australian Cyril Baldock has set the world record for the oldest person to swim the English Channel. • India had won eight medals, 6 Silver and 2 Bronze, in the inaugural Youth Olympics in 2010 in Singapore. BA • The 70 year old Bondi Surf Life Saving Club member completed the swim between England and France in 12 hours and 45 minutes. India maintain its 2nd position in ICC ODI • It was his second Channel swim, after first com- team rankings L Hockey India inducts Madhya Pradesh as new Associate Member O O • Hockey India added its 23rd associate member by welcoming on board Hockey Madhya Pradesh under its wings. SC H • Prior to being the associate member of Hockey India, Hockey Madhya Pradesh was known as Madhya Pradesh Hockey Association, HI said in a statement. • India has maintained its second position in the latest ICC ODI team rankings after Australia despite not having played ODIs for quite some time. O F pleting the test considered the Everest of swimming in 1985, when he became the fifth Australian to do so. • Australia has 115 points while India has 112 points followed closely by South Africa and Sri Lanka with 111 points each. • Among the batsmen, Virat Kohli is placed third while skipper Mahendra Singh Dhoni is sixth and Shikhar Dhawan is ranked eleventh in the ranking list. • Hashim Amla is at the top followed by AB Devillliers. Amoong the bowlers, India’s Ravindra Jadeja is placed fifth while Ashwin is at 18th place. Dr .J P • Speaking on the newly formed Hockey Madhya Samsung unveiled 12 Sports Ratnas for the Pradesh, HI Secretary General Narinder Batra Incheon Asian Games said, ”I welcome Hockey Madhya Pradesh to the • Samsung Electronics Company Limited on 27 Aufamily of Hockey India and we look forward to gust 2014 announced the names of 12 Samsung them to continuing their commendable work that Sports Ratnas for 17th Asian Games which is they have been doing since their inception as Madscheduled to be held in Incheon, South Korea in hya Pradesh Hockey Association. September 2014. The name of the 12 sports ratna was unveiled with underlying theme Our Games, Note: Our Pride. • Hockey India currently has 25 permanent, 23 as• The objective of Samsung Sports Ratna program sociate, 2 members through State Olympic Asis to nurture and develop Indian sporting talent. sociations, 6 Academy members and 1 Hoc-Key Member. Nitin Dhimole is the President and Lok • Now in its fifth edition, the Samsung Sports Ratna Bahadur is the General Secretary of the Hockey athletes for 17th Asian Games are from five disciMadhya Pradesh. plines This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 112 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs – Wrestlers: Yogeshwar Dutt, Vinesh Phogat, Babita Kumari – Boxing: Devendro Singh, Mary Kom 3. Who is the new CEO of Infosys? Ans: Vishal Sikka 4. Muzaffar Ali got Rajiv Gandhi National Sadbhavana Award. For which film did he get the award? Ans: Umaro Jaan – Badminton: P.V. Sindhu, Parupalli Kashyap G – Shooting: Manavjit Sandhu, Abhinav Bindra, Gagan Narang, Malaika Goel 5. How many Indian origin scientists got major mathematics awards and what is their name? IN – Archery: Deepika Kumari Ans: 2, Manjul Bhargava and Subhash Khot Books NK Ans: 55 BA • Delhi-based 13 year old school boy Yashwardhan Shukla authored a novel, Gods of Antarctica. The book is fictional tale of gods and monsters. It was put into print by the Readers Paradise publishers. Amish Tripathis Shivas Trilogy and J K Rowlings Harry Potter series has inspired him in writing. Rick Riordan remains his favourite author. 6. How many Gallantary Awards were announced on the eve of 68th Independence day on 14 August 2014? 7. Who became the first woman to bag fields medal? Ans: Maryam Mirzakhani 8. Who won the Presidential Election of Turkish? Ans: Recap Tayyip Erdogan O F God of Antarctica written by 13 year old Yashwardhan Shukla 9. Who appointed as head of Bharat Banking? Committee Ans: Ravi shankar L Sivaramakrishnan Committee submitted re10. Who named as New Iraqi Prime Minister? port to Union Home Ministry on AP Capital .J P SC H O O Ans: Haider al-Abadi • Sivaramakrishnan committee constituted by the Union Government to suggest the place to build 11. Who is the Executive Director of the Bharatiya Mahila Bank? the capital city of Andhra Pradesh submitted its report on 27 August 2014 to the Home Minister Ans: SM Swathi Rajnath Singh in New Delhi. 12. The Union Government decided to appoint former • The committee gave options about the capital and RBI governor ....... as the head of the Expenditure positive and negative points of the places. But the Management Commission committee did not Zero in on any particular place Ans: Bimal Jalan for the capital. It only mentioned the availability of lands and other factors. 13. Who got the Global South Award given by International Political Science Association (IPSA)? • Interestingly, the committee objected Vijayawada Ans: Dr. Sunil Kumar to be the capital, in the context of the AP government transferring certain departments to Vi- 14. Who was selected as the Chairman of the Estimate jayawada, declaring it as the future capital. Committee? Dr AWARDS AND APPOINTMENTS 1. When did Ramon Magsaysay Awards establish? Ans: 1957 Ans: Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi 15. Who became the new Chairperson of the UPSC? Ans: Rajni Razdan 2. Who is the new Chairman of Central Board of Di- 16. Who has been appointed the chef-de-mission for Asian games? rect Taxes? Ans: K.V. Chowdary Ans: Adille Sumariwala This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 113 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs 17. Who took over as new PAC Chairman? 2. Who is the Present Deputy National Security Advisor? Ans: K V Thomas Ans: Arvind Gupta 18. Who elected as new PM of Thailand? 19. Who became the Cheif Economic Advisor? G 3. Where did the PM dedicate two hydro power projects in Jammu and Kashmir? Ans: Cheif Prayuth Chan - Ocha Ans: Leh & Kargil 4. What is the name of the project which represent the 100 years of the First World War? Ans: H.Kumar Ans: Lights out INTERNATIONAL 1. What is the name of vaccine for Ebola virus? 5. A bank in India donates Rs.9 crore to build toilets in rural schools. What is the name of the bank? BA Ans: IDBI Ans: Zmapp Ans: 2020 3. ASEAN is abbreviated as Ans: Association of Sountheast Asian Nations. Ans: 2015 – 16 7. The special committee was headed by former Union Home Secretary to review the security of Indian Parliament. Who is he? Ans: RK Singh L 4. What is the brandname of TATA-SIA Airlines? 6. Which year will be observed as water conservation year? O F 2. Beijing’s Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau announced, which year as the deadline for imposing complete ban of coal? NK 20. Who is the MD of public sector based MRPL? IN Ans: Arvind Subramanian O O Ans: Vistara 5. Where did the Hindu eco-temple open? Ans: London SC H 6. Private core is a California - based cyber-secured firm which is acquired by ......... Ans: Facebook 7. Which country has decided to join the newly formed BRICS Bank? P Ans: Bangladesh 8. Which country got the highest number of foreign tourists among NE states? Ans: Sikkim 9. Who is the author of the book named ‘Strictly Personal’ ? Ans: Daman Singh 10. Who is the author of the book named Munger through the ages? Ans: DP Yadav .J 8. Which country has decided to set up exclusive Eco- 11. What is the ad hoc capital of AndhraPradesh? nomic Zone for Japan? Ans: Vijayawada Dr Ans: Bangladesh 9. Who is the Commerce Minister of Bangladesh? Ans: Tofail Ahmed 12. A scheme is announced by PM on Independence day for poor people to help opening bank accounts. What is the name of the scheme? Ans: Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana NATIONAL 1. What is the newest district of Maharashtra? Ans: Palghar 13. When will be the blue print of ‘Sansad Aadarsh Gram Yojana’ announced? Ans: October 11 This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 114 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs 14. A scheme is re-launched by the government for the benefit of citizens aged 60 years and above? 2. ............ got the highest civilian award who died recently? Ans: Yoga guru BKS Iyengar Ans: Varishtha Pension Bima Yojana 3. A Pakistan sports person Hashim Khan passed away recently. He beolngs to which sports? Ans: Squash Ans: 143 4. Who is James Foley who was killed by the militants of the Islamic state of Iraq and Syria? Ans: An American Journalist 18. What is the rank of India amongest top 10 wind power producers? Ans: 5th 19. What is the retirement age of Haryana Government? 6. .......... , an icon of Hollywood’s died on August 12th . Aus: Lauren Bacalt SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 1. What is the name of the latest GPS Satellite of the US that was launched from cape Canaveral Air Force station? L Ans: 58 to 60 years Ans: Robin Williams BA Ans: 15000 cr 5. Oscar - winning Actor passed away recently. What is his name? O F 17. Union Minister, Gadkari announced for roads, highways and shipping in Haryana. How much money did he allot? NK Ans: Karnataka Ans: 200 crore rupees O O 20. How much money did TCS & Bharati foundation announce to spend for clean India Campaign? 21. EAGER is abbreviated as .......... SC H Ans: Early concept Grants for Exploratory Research 22. With which country did India sign MOU on Technical Cooperation in Railway? P Ans: Czech Republic 23. What is the budget of ‘Digital India’ project? .J Ans: 1 lakh crore 24. PM dedicatd to the nation the Ranchi - Dharamjaygarh - Sipat trasmission line. Where is it? Ans: Jharkhand OBITUARY 1. An Indian passed away on 5th August 2014. His name is Pran Kumar Sharma. Who is he? Ans: Cartoonist IN 16. Which state signed in MOU for rural livelihood mission with Kerala? Dr G 15. What is the rank of India in Global Peace Index’s report? Ans: GPS IIF - 7 SPORTS 1. A cricket player announced his retirement on 30 July 2014 during the ODI series against Srilanka. What is his name? Ans: Jaques Kallis 2. Where did 20th Commonwealth Games 2014 held? Ans: Glasgow (Scotland) 3. Who beats Federer in Toronto final? Ans: Jo-Wilfried Tsonga 4. Who won the Archery World Cup? Ans: Deepika Kumari 5. Who is the head of Dronacharya Award Selection Committee? Ans: Ajitpal Singh 6. What is the cash prize amount of Dronacharya award? Ans: Rs.500000 This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 115 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs 7. Who is the Head of Arjuna Award Selection Com- 20. Hockey India inducts which state as new associate mittee? member? Ans: Kapil Dev Ans: Madhya pradesh Ans: Miihier Singh G 8. Who will represent ‘India” in the 48th Asian Body- 21. Which weight lifter bags first Gold for India at building and Physique Spoorts Championship? youth olympics? Ans: Ragala Venkat Rahul NK IN 9. Who broke Cricketing great Sin Don Bradmans 22. What is India’s position in ICC ODI team rankrecord recently? ings? Ans: Kumar Sangakkra Ans: 2nd 10. What is India’s position in ICC Test Ranking? Ans: 4th BA 11. What is the name of Germany player who annnounced his retirement from International Football? 12. Which country won the Bronze Medal in the 41st World Chess Olympiad held in Norway? Ans: India 13. Who has been nominated for 2014 Arjuna Award? L Ans: Ravichandran Ashwin O F Ans: Miroslav Klose Ans: Kush Kumar O O 14. Who became first Indian player to reach semi final of World Junior Squash Championship? SC H 15. Which Srilankan Cricket player retired from Test Career recently? Ans: Jayawardene 16. Which state will host Football Federation Cup in August 2015? P Ans: Jammu & Kashmir .J 17. Who will become the youngest Formula One (FI) driver in the FI history when he will complete for the 2015 season? Dr Ans: Dutch teenager Max Verstappen 18. Who was appointed as the Team Director of the Indian Cricket team? Ans: Ravi Shastri 19. Who has set the World record for the oldest person to Swim the English Channel? Ans: Australian Cyril Badlock This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 116 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs SEPTEMBER O F BA NK IN G Japan researchers headed by Prof Jiro Yasuda collaborated with Eiken Chemical. The RT-LAMP (reverse transcription-loop-mediated INTERNATIONAL isothermal amplification) technique by synthesising Libyan parliament reappointed Abdullah al- and amplifying the DNA of the Ebola virus detected the Ebola virus, as well as the viruses of Marburg hemThani as Prime Minister orrhagic fever and Lassa fever. Libyan parliament reappointed Abdullah al-Thani as the Prime Minister as the government lost control over the ministries in Tripoli which had been taken over by WHO released first global report on suicide armed groups. Thani, a former defence minister, had prevention been the prime minister of Libya since March 2014 The World Health Organization (WHO) released its India slipped to 71st rank in WEF’s annual first global report on suicide prevention. The report is aimed to increase awareness of suicide and suicide Global Competitiveness List 2014-2015 attempts among the people and urge governments to India slipped to 71st position out of 144 countries by develop comprehensive suicide prevention strategies. losing 11 places in the global competitiveness list of The report was launched just a week before World SuiGeneva-based World Economic Forum (WEF) . cide Prevention Day that is observed every year on 10 India stood at the lowest position among the BRICS September. countries. Among BRICS countries, China stood at 1st place with 28th spot, Russia stood at 2nd place with rank at 53rd position followed by South Africa (56th South Africa denied visa to Dalai Lama for Nobel Summit rank) and Brazil (57th rank). • Singapore- 2nd rank SC H • United States- 3rd rank South Africa on 3 September 2014 denied visa to Dalai Lama for Nobel Summit. He was scheduled to attend the 14th world summit of Nobel peace laureates in Cape Town in October 2014. The summit was an annual gathering. South Africa is holding this summit for the first time. China is South Africa’s biggest single trading partner. The trade volume of two countries in 2012 was worth 21 billion US dollar. Both countries also cooperate in the BRICS grouping of emerging economies along with Brazil, India and Russia. L • Switzerland - 1st rank O O Top Ten Countries • Finland- 4th rank • Germany- 5th rank • Japan- 6th rank P • Hong Kong SAR- 7th rank .J • Netherlands- 8th rank • United Kingdom- 9th rank Dr • Sweden- 10th rank Japan Researchers developed new method called RT-LAMP to detect Ebola virus Japan researchers at Nagasaki University developed a new method called RT-LAMP to detect the presence of the Ebola virus in 30 minutes. To develop this method World Literacy Day observed across the world World Literacy Day was observed across the world on 8 September 2014. The theme of International Literacy Day 2014 is Literacy and Sustainable Development. The aim is to highlight the importance of literacy to individual, communities and societies. On this day, UNESCO reminds the international community of status of literacy and adult learning. On this day, International Conference on Girls and womens literacy and education: Foundations for sustainable development and the awarding of UNESCO Literacy Prizes was held in Dhaka with cooperation of Bangladesh. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 117 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs Tony Abbott, the Prime Minister of Aus- Global business leaders gather at WEF, China tralia launched New Colombo Plan • Global business leaders and politicians have gathered in the northern Chinese city of Tianjin for a meeting of the World Economic Forum. G • Australian Government’s New Colombo Plan for India was launched at Mumbai University on 4 September 2014 by Prime Minister of Australia, Tony Abbott. The plan was launched and the MoUs were signed at the time when Australian Prime Minister of Australia Tony Abbott is on a two day visit to India. He was on a two day visit of India from 4 September to 5 September 2014. NK IN • The Chinese Premier Li Kequiang will open the event. He is likely to downplay slowing growth and instead emphasise the importance of innovation to support a better quality of growth for the world’s second largest economy. – Internships or mentorships L O F BA • The plan was launched to enhance student exchange and collaboration between universities of India signs 2 MoUs in WHO regional Health the two countries. At the event, fourteen mem- Ministers Meet orandums of understanding were signed between • India has signed 2 MoUs during the WHO South the Universities. Aim of the New Colombo Plan East Asia Health Ministers Meet in Dhaka. Canberras New Colombo Plan aims at lifting knowledge of the IndoPacific in Australia by sup• A multilateral MoU among India, Bangladesh, porting Australian undergraduates to study in InNepal, Bhutan and Thailand on prevention, condia. Plan involves trol and eradication of Kalazar, a vector borne disease affecting millions of people in the region, was – Scholarship programme for study up to one signed with the aim to eradicate the disease by year 2020. O O – A flexible mobility grants programme for short and longterm study SC H The plan will be implemented from the next academic year. IndoNepal joint military exercise Surya Kiran VII concluded at Pithoragarh • Speaking on the occasion, Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare, Dr. Harsh Vardhan said, India has already put into effect interventions to aggressively tackle the disease in 56 affected districts of the country in Bihar, West Bengal and Jharkand. • A bilateral MoU between India and Bangladesh was also signed for cooperation in the field of traditional systems of medicine and homeopathy. .J P • IndoNepal joint military exercise Surya KiranVII concluded at Pithoragarh. The exercise was sev- Gates Foundation pledges $50 million to enth in the series. fight Ebola epidemic Dr • The 14day exercise was based on to practice counter insurgency, jungle warfare and disaster management under the aegis of the Indian Army’s GARUD division. The exercise has also boosted bilateral ties between the two countries. • Surya Kiran aimed to create a greater understanding between the Indian and Nepalese armies and develop expertise in jungle warfare and counterterrorism operations in mountainous terrains. • The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has pledged 50 million US dollars to support emergency efforts to contain West Africa’s Ebola epidemic, which has already killed almost 2,300 people in the worst outbreak of the virus in history. • The US based philanthropic foundation said it would release funds immediately to UN agencies and international organisations to help them buy supplies and scale up the emergency response in affected countries. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 118 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs WHO honoured Bangladesh and TimorLeste G20 Labour and Employment Ministerial meet held in Melbourne for Excellence in Public Health • The G20 Labour and Employment Ministerial meet was held at Melbourne, Australia on 10 September 2014 to 11 September 2014. • The newly instituted awards were presented to Saima Hossain of Bangladesh and National Malaria Control Programme of TimorLeste in Dhaka on 10 September 2014. • The meet was called to put forward recommendations to G20 Leaders. During the meet, discussions were held on how to increase job growth across the G20 to help address disadvantage, improve productivity and drive growth. NK IN G • The World Health Organisation (WHO) honoured Bangladesh and TimorLeste with South East Asia Regional Award for Excellence in Public Health. • Saima Hossain was conferred the Award in the individual category for leadership in advancing the cause of Autism in South East Asia and worldwide. BA • At the completion of the meeting, the ministers released a Declaration outlining their commitments to address the labour, employment and social challenges faced, nationally and globally. O O L • The National Malaria Control Programme of Timor Leste was conferred the Award in the region category for its aggressive antimalaria effort which has drastically reduced malaria cases in TimorLeste. • The International Labour Organization, International Monetary Fund, Organisation for Economic Co operation and Development and the World Bank prepared a series of reports to inform the ministers discussions and declaration. O F • She is a chairperson of National Advisory Committee on Neuro development and Autism in the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare of Bangladesh. • G20 members will finalise their Employment Plans and contributions to the Growth Strategies ahead of the G20 Leaders Summit in Brisbane. The summit is scheduled to be held in November 2014 SC H International Day for preservation of Ozone Layer observed India, China sign 3 MoUs including setting • The International Day for the preservation of the up Industrial Park in Gujarat Ozone Layer was observed on 16 September 2014. The day marks the commemoration of the date of signing of the Montreal Protocol in 1987 on substances that deplete the Ozone layer. Dr .J P • The theme for 2014 is Ozone Layer Protection: The Mission Goes On. iii. On the occasion of the day, countries were invited by UN to devote a Day to promote activities in accordance with the objectives of the Protocol and its amendments. • India and China have signed three MoUs including setting up Industrial Park in Gujarat. All the three MoUs have been signed in the presence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping. • The agreements include 1. Sister city pact between Guangzhou in China and Ahmedabad 2. setting up of an industrial park in Gujarat 3. The third is between the governments of Gujarat and a Chinese province. About Ozone Layer The ozone layer is fragile shield of gas that protects the Earth from the harmful portion of the rays of the sun. The layer helps in preserving life on the planet. It protects human health and ecosystems by limiting the harmful ultraviolet radiation from reaching to earth. • Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping held formal talks at Hotel Hayat in Ahmedabad. Earlier, Prime Minister Narendra Modi welcomed the Chinese President Xi Jinping and first lady of China at the Hotel. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 119 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs 1st Industrial Park under MoU signed between India and China to be set up in Vadodara • The Labour Party of New Zealand led by David Cunliffe won 25 percent of the votes whereas the Green Party won 10 percent and New Zealand First (NZF) party won 9 percent of the total votes. G • The first Industrial Park under the Memorandum of Understanding signed between India and China Ashraf Ghani declared next Afghanistan will be set up in Vadodara district. new president • The Chinese are looking for two to three other locations also. According to sources land for industrial park will be purchased on onetoone basis, but whenever genuine industry will face any problem, Government will be at help. NK IN • Afghanistan’s election commission has named Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai as the winner of the country’s presidential election. Voreqe Bainimarama sworn in as Fiji’s PM O O L O F BA • Under this MoU, the products allowed in India as Google India launches new campaign to help per Indian law including the pollution norms will women get online only be allowed to be produced in India. • Search giant Google today launched a new social campaign in association with Bollywood actordiCognizant acquired healthcare software rector Farhan Akhtars initiative MARD, to incompany TriZetto crease internet literacy among women in the country. • Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp acquired healthcare IT services provider TriZetto Corp for • Google India had first time launched a digital lit2.7 billion US dollars. The acquisition is aimed at eracy initiative campaign called Helping Women boosting the healthcare business of Cognizant. Get Online (HWGO) in collaboration with Intel, HUL and Axis Bank late last year. • Cognizant acquired TriZetto from Londonbased private equity firm Apax Partners LLP • “The first phase has been very successful. In the last 12 months, the number of women using the • Apax Partners acquired TriZetto in 2008 and was internet has grown 35 per cent as against 31 per exploring a sale of the company. cent by men. This for the first time that women have surpassed men in using internet. SC H Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp P Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp provides services such as claims processing, billing and call center operations to insurers, hospitals. It also provides state run healthcare exchange set up under President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act known as Obamacare. • This is just the start of the programme as its only 10 months when we launched it (the first phase), Google India vice president and managing director Rajan Anandan said. SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY .J John Key reelected as the Prime Minister of GEDI by NASA New Zealand for a third term Dr • John Key was reelected as the Prime Minister of New Zealand for a third term. This was revealed by the preliminary results released by the Electoral Commission of New Zealand. He has led New Zealand as the Prime Minister since 2008. • In the 2014 General Elections of New Zealand held on 20 September 2014, the centreright National Party led by John Key won 48 percent of the vote. • Scientists have discovered the first evidence of water ice clouds on an object outside of our own solar system, about 7.3 light-years away from Earth. • This scientists team led by Carnegie’s Jacqueline Faherty • The US space agency, NASA, is developing the Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) Lidar device to map forests on Earth in 3D and This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 120 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs increase understanding of their role in the carbon MARS ORBITER cycle. MANGALYAN India now joins an elite club of the United States, Russia and Europe who can boast of reaching Mars. The United States had its first success with a 1964 flyby by a spacecraft called Mariner 4, returning 21 images of the surface of the planet. The former Soviet Union reached the planet in 1971, and the European Space Agency in 2003. More than half of all missions to the planet (23 out of 41 missions) have ended in failure, including China’s in 2011 and Japan’s in 2003. No single nation had previously succeeded at its first go, although the European Space Agency, which represents a consortium of countries, did also pull it off at its first attempt. Now Mangalyaan has reached Mars, it is expected to study the planet’s surface and scan its atmosphere for methane, which could provide evidence of some sort of life form. • Powered by solid propellant • Surface-to-surface missile • Single-stage missile First British medical journal award to the Indian institution BA • it has a strike range of 700 km NK IN • India successfully test-fired its indigenously built nuclear capable Agni-I missile, from a test range off Odisha coast as part of a user trial by the Army. (MOM)/ G AGNI-I Missile by Indian Army MISSION know about MOM / Mangalyan L • This award is considered as the ”Oscar” in the medical field. O F • Kerala-based Amrita Institute for Medical Sciences (AIMS) has received the first British Medical Journal (BMJ) India Award for Paediatric Heart Programme. Here are some Important points you should O O India successfully get mangalyan into mars India creates history by becoming the first country to successfully get its space craft Mangalyan into Mars orbit on its maiden attempt. • This program is run by ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization) • Manufactured by Indian Space Research Organisation Satellite Centre (ISAC) • Launched into Earth orbit on 5th November 2013 • It was launched from Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh. • This project is aimed as a “technology demonstrator”. It will showcase and prove the capability for inter-planetary missions • The launch was made using PSLV-XL C25 rocket P • The first image, as seen here, has been taken from a height of 7,300 km; with 376 m spatial resolution, as posted by ISRO. .J SC H • Just hours after making history by being the first Mars mission to succeed in its first attempt, Mangalyaan was already at work, and has sent back a set of data, including high-quality images of the Red Planet. • The Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM), also called as Mangalyaan (Mangalyan is an unofficial name) Dr • Scientists from ISRO present this first image of Mars taken by Mars Orbiter to the PM Narendra Modi. PSLV-C26 BY ISRO Amid the success of India’s Mars Orbiter Mission to the Red Planet, ISRO scientists are working towards the launch of the country’s next rocket PSLV-C26, which would carry IRNSS 1C satellite, the third in the IRNSS series from Sriharikota on October 2014. • The orbiter will have a life of 6 to 10 months in the orbit • While orbiting Mars the orbiter will study surface features, minerals and atmosphere on Mars • There are 5 main instruments on the orbiter – Lyman-Alpha Photometer (LAP) – Methane Sensor For Mars (MSM) This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 121 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • Responsible for developing satellite technology and implementing satellite systems for scientific, technological and application missions. – Mars Exospheric Neutral Composition Analyser (MENCA) – Thermal Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (TIS) P Kunhikrishnan – Mars Colour Camera (MCC) G • Project director, PSLV programme; ninth time as mission director. • It was successfully inserted into orbit of Mars on 24 September 2014 • India the first Asian nation to reach Mars orbit. • The Mars Orbiter Mission was achieved on a budget of $74 million, nearly a tenth of the amount the US space agency Nasa spent on sending the Maven spacecraft to Mars. Chandradathan NK IN • Responsible for seeing the rocket completes its mission successfully and that the satellite is correctly injected in the designated orbit. • Director, Liquid Propulsion system. BA • Made rich contribution to the realisation of solid motors for sounding rockets • This mission has been executed without any association with any foreign country. ..its completely indigenous. AS Kiran Kumar • Director, Satellite Application Centre • Responsible for designing and building three of the orbiter payloads - Mars Colour Camera, Methane Sensor and Thermal Infrared Imaging Spectrometer. O F • The spacecraft has traveled more than 650 crore kilometers in around 300 days to complete this journey. O O K Radhakrishnan L Team Members worked on Mangalyaan MisMYS Prasad sion • Chairman of ISRO, secretary in department of space. • Director, Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Chairman, Launch Authorisation Board • Responsible for range safety and schedules, overall in-charge at rocket port. M Annadurai SC H • Responsible for leading the mission and overall acS Arunan tivities of Isro. • Programme director, Mars Orbiter Mission • Project director, Mars Orbiter Mission. • Responsible for leading a team to build the spacecraft. .J P • Responsible for budget management, direction for B Jayakumar spacecraft configuration, schedule and resources. S Ramakrishnan Dr • Director of Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre and Member Launch Authorisation Board. • Responsible for realising the rocket (Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle) that would ferry the Mars orbiter. SK Shivakumar • Director, Isro Satellite Centre. • Associate project director, PSLV project • Responsible for the rocket systems, testing till the final lift-off. MS Pannirselvam • Chief general manager, range operation director at Sriharikota Rocket port. • Responsible for maintaining launch schedules without any slippages This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 122 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs BOOKS • The research centre will soon be functioning at Gujarat Forensic Science University, GFSU, in Gandhinagar. This was disclosed by GFSU’s Director General J M Vyas. 50 years of man in space: authoured by Garik Israelien, Brian May and David J Eicher • Till now, the armored vehicles from India are sent to countries like the UK, USA and France for testing. IN G Starmus is a book about the first Starmus festival that took place in 2011. The authors of the book was Garik Israelien, Brian May and David J Eicher. The Starmus book is a historical document, because it contains the last lecture by Neil Armstrong and talks by the Soviet and Apollo astronauts, as well as the rest of the festival material. NK • Ballistic Research Centre will conduct tests for armored vehicles of the Indian Army and also provide services to private players who supply vehicles to the VIPs. L • One of the most formidable actors in Hindi cinema, Shah started writing about his life in 2002 but was not sure about its quality so he kept postponing it. • Indian Telugu Actor, Akkineni Nageswara Rao became the first Indian actor to be honoured with a postage stamp by the US Post Service (USPS). It was announced by the Akkineni Foundation of America (AFA) on 30 August 2014. O F • Naseeruddin Shah’s memoir ”And Then One Day” is a candid recount of almost four decades of his life and the actor is happy that it is being appreciated though he says it may ruffle a few feathers in the film industry. BA And Then One Day: Naseeruddin Shah’s auA Nageswara Rao became first Indian actor tobiography to be honoured by US post sevice O O • When asked why he was hesitant to release the book, he said he was not sure that anyone would be interested in reading his life story. SC H NATIONAL • The stamp will be issued on the birth anniversary of Nageshwara Rao that is on 20 September 2014 in Dallas Texas. The AFA is planning to release the stamp in India on 17 December 2014 at the first International Akkineni Awards Ceremony being planned at ANR College, Andhra Pradesh. Revived Nalanda University started its first session Former CJI P Sathasivam to be the next The University started its first session 2014-15 with Kerala Governor P • Former Chief Justice of India P Sathasivam is all set to become the Governor of Kerala after former Delhi chief minister Sheila Dikshit vacated the post earlier this week. .J • Justice Sathasivam served as the CJI from 200714. Dr • Dikshit was the seventh UPA-appointed governor to quit after the change of power at Centre. the classes for the School of Ecology and Environmental Studies and the School of Historical Studies. At present, the University has 10 faculty members. The University started its first session after completing the three-day orientation programme for students. • Nalanda University Vice-Chancellor - Gopa Sabharwal • Chairman of the Governing Body of the university - Economist Amartya Sen Asia’s first Ballistic Research Centre to open The governing body of the University also has several in Gujarat renowned teachers from various countries ad its mem• India will have Asia’s first Ballistic Research Cen- bers that include Former Singapore Foreign Minister tre which will help it in achieving selfreliance in George Yeo and Ministry of External Affairs Secretary Anil Wadhwa. testing of armored vehicles. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 123 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs A Nageswara Rao became first Indian actor President released a Set of Eight Commemorative Postage Stamps on Indian Musicians to be honoured by US post service Indian Telugu Actor, Akkineni Nageswara Rao became the first Indian actor to be honoured with a postage stamp by the US Post Service (USPS). It was announced by the Akkineni Foundation of America (AFA) . G • The set of stamps has been brought out by the Department of Posts and it features luminaries in the field of classical Indian music and they are IN • Pandit Ravi Shankar was the best-known exponents of the Sitar of the 20th century and was also a composer of Hindustani classical music About Akkineni Nageswara Rao NK • Nageswara Rao popularly known as ANR was born in Rama Puram, Andhra Pradesh on 20 September 1923 and died on 22 January 2014. He was also a film producer with the name of the Annapurna Studios banner. BA • Pandit Bhimsen Joshi was an Indian vocalist in the Hindustani classical tradition and is known for the khayal form of singing. He was also popular for renditions of devotional music (bhajans and abhangs) • He received Padma Bhushan (1988), Dadasaheb Phalke Award (1991) and Padma Vibhushan (2011) for his contribution to Indian Cinema Proposed O O L • State Government of Andhra Pradesh proposed a Metro Rail Project for Temple Town Tirupathi. It will be the third venture that the government aimed to complete after completing the other two in three and half years. O F Andhra Pradesh Government Metro Rail Project for Tirupati • D.K. Pattammal was a prominent Carnatic musician and a playback singer for film songs in many Indian languages .J P SC H • The other two ventures were in Vishakhapatnam and Vijayawada-Mangalagiri lines. The principal adviser of Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC), E Sreedharan was appointed as the adviser for the AP government on the metro rail projects and the state government assigned the construction of the projects to Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC). India among top three medical tourism destinations in Asia Dr • KPMG-FICCI on 1 September 2014 released a study on medical tourism destinations titled Medical Value Travel in India. • The study has ranked India among top three medical tourism destinations in Asia. The other two countries within Asia that receive maximum medical tourists are Thailand and Singapore • Pandit Mallikarjun Mansur was an Indian classical singer of the khyal style in the Jaipur-Atrauli gharana of Hindustani classical music • Gangubai Hangal was an Indian singer of the khyal genre of Hindustani classical music and was from to the Kirana gharana. She was known for her deep and powerful voice • Pandit Kumar Gandharva was a Hindustani classical singer and was well known for his unique vocal style and his refusal to be bound by the tradition of any gharana • Ustad Vilayat Khan was one of India’s well known sitar maestros and was one of the great pioneers of his generation to introduce Indian Classical Music to the West, along with Ravi Shankar, Ali Akbar Khan, Nikhil Banerjee and his younger brother Imrat Khan • Ustad Ali Akbar Khan was a Hindustani classical musician of the Maihar gharana, known for his virtuosity in playing the Sarod. He was instrumental in popularising Indian classical music in the West, both as a performer (often in conjunction with Sitar maestro Ravi Shankar) and as a teacher This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 124 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs The countries include all P-5 members barring China Former CJI P Sathasivam appointed as GovUSA, Russia, France and UK. Apart from the P-5 ernor of Kerala members, India has also inked deals for supply of ura• Former Chief Justice of India, Palaniswamy Sathanium as well as reactors, nuclear technology and waste sivam was appointed as the new Governor of Kermanagement with other nations like ala on 3 September 2014. G • Canada • Sathasivam was appointed to the post after President Pranab Mukherjee accepted the resignation of Sheila Dikshit as the Governor of Kerala. IN • Kazakhstan • Namibia • Mongolia NK • Argentina • With this appointment, 65-year-old Sathasivam became the first Chief Justice of India to be appointed to the post of a Governor of a State, which is lower in warrant of precedence to the CJI. • The Summit saw the issuing of Joint Statement by the two Prime Minister, viz., Narendra Modi and Shinzo Abe. The Joint Statement called for enhancing the cooperation between the two countries. O O L • It was launched to address health issues at the grassroots level and ensure that all health facilities extended by the government reached all sections of society. Tokyo, Japan on 1 September 2014. The Summit was held during the Prime Minister Narendra Modi five-day visit to Japan from 30 August - 3 September 2014. O F • Karnataka became the first State in the country to launch a Health Adalat. The Health Adalat was launched by the State Health and Family Welfare Minister U T Khader in Gulbarga, Karnataka on 2 September 2014. BA Karnataka became first state in India to India-Japan Annual Summit 2014 launch Health Adalat • India-Japan Annual Summit 2014 was held at Energy deal SC H • The adalat also aimed at narrowing the gap be- Union Government approved 28 road tween the Health Department and the elected rep- projects in Ladakh region in J & K resentatives who function as a bridge between the • Union Government on 10 September 2014 apgovernment and the people. proved 28 rural road projects worth 438 crores rupees for building roads in Leh and Kargil districts India, Australia signed pact on Civil Nuclear of Ladakh region in Jammu and Kashmir. Dr .J P India and Australia on 5 September 2014 signed a pact on civil nuclear energy deal. This inking of the pact on civil nuclear energy deal has opened decks for the sale of Australian uranium to India. Now, Australian uranium will be purchased by India to support its growing energy needs. Apart from the civil nuclear deal signed between India and Australia, the two countries also inked three more pacts. Other three pacts were • MOU on cooperation in Sport • Renewal of MOU on cooperation in the field of Water Resources Management • MoU on Cooperation in Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) • It was announced by Union Minister for Rural Development, Sanitation, Drinking Water & Panchayat Raj, Nitin Gadkari. • The rural roads will be built under the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojna (PMGSY). Under the proposal, a total of 350 km of rural road network will be built. • The projects cleared include six proposals in Leh District covering road length of 142 km to be constructed at a cost of 181.4 crores rupees. • Another 22 projects in Kargil district were approved to build 207 Kms of rural road at a cost of 256.6 crore rupees. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 125 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs Railway Ministry launches trial run of e- Andhra gets new capital, to be located in Vijayawada region catering service • The new capital of Andhra Pradesh will be located in the Vijayawada region, chief minister Chandrababu Naidu annouced in the state assembly. Justice HL Dattu to be Next Chief Justice of India • Nearly a decade ago, Naidu turned Hyderabad into some sort of Silicon Valley. It became an exceptionally prosperous IT hub. He now says he has ambitious plans to transform Andhra Pradesh into a “bustling” state and model it on Singapore. G The Minister of Railways has launched a trial run of its e-catering service on six trains without pantries that run in the Delhi-Amritsar section. The trial run will be carried out by IRCTC which will serve food at five nominated stations. Passenger with confirmed PNR number will be able to place an order through a phone call or SMS to the dedicated number. The food will be served from the IRCTC food plazas or catering units at select stations. BA NK IN • Andhra Pradesh was bifurcated to create a new state of Telangana earlier this year in June. Hyderabad will serve as the shared capital of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh for another 10 years until 2024. After that, Hyderabad will belong to the new state of Telangana. • Justice HL Dattu is all set to be the next Chief Justice of India. The government moved with great speed earlier this week to clear his appointment. after which Justice Dattu will have a tenure of more than a year till December 2015. O O L • Justice Dattu joined the apex court as a judge in 2008. Born on December 13, 1950, he enrolled as an advocate in 1975 and began practising in Bangalore. O F Sushma Swaraj inaugurates India Invest• CJI RM Lodha retires on the 27th of this month ment meet in Bahrain capital Manama SC H BCCI signs fiveyear agreement with MRF Pace Foundation P • The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) will send pace bowlers to the MRF Pace Foundation in Chennai for training. Both signed a fiveyear agreement in this regard . • External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj inaugurated the first ever India Investment meet in Bahrain capital Manama . • The meeting is aimed at attracting investments from Bahrain and the Gulf region into India and give a boost to bilateral trade and investment relations. • During her stay, she will hold talks with top Bahraini leaders and discuss issues of mutual, regional and international interest. • This is the first visit to the Gulf region and to Bahrain by the External Affairs Minister, which underlines the importance of the region in view of high stakes India has in terms of its energy security, Indian Diaspora and trade ties. Dr .J • Glenn McGrath, director of the foundation and former Australian pace bowler, will train the players. McGrath who played for Australia for 14 years was himself trained in the foundation un- HM launches India’s first ’National Anti Tuder Dennis Lillee in 1992. For a fast bowler, berculosis Drug Resistance Survey’ skill, fitness and attitude are important said Mc• Health Minister Harsh Vardhan launched India’s Grath. Note: The BCCI will divide some of first National AntiTuberculosis Drug Resistance the Indias best and upcoming pace bowlers into Survey in New Delhi. two categories Elite and Probables. Elite will include those selected by the BCCI to play official • The survey will be conducted on 5,214 patients matches. There will be a maximum of ten trainees across the country. It will provide information on in each camp of two weeks. the prevalence of antituberculosis drug resistance This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 126 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs the specified criteria after a certain time period or not. • The survey will include tracking the effectiveness of tuberculosis prevention and control activities,assess epidemiological trends and identify and respond to outbreaks of drugresistant TB. • Serious discrepancies were noted in upgradation of 8 B category institutions to A category institutions. G among new and patients already undergoing treatment Govt sets up panel to review environment NK IN • The number of multidrug resistant TB cases in the laws country had increased by five times between 2011 and 2013. • The Government has constituted a highlevel committee to review various environment laws in order to bring them in line with current requirements. WTI and TCL signed MoU to setup Indias first Coral Garden in Gujarat BA • The fourmember panel, headed by former Cabinet Secretary T S R Subramanian, has been asked to review five key green laws concerning protection and conservation of environment, forest, wildlife, water and air among others. • The committee has been set up in the backdrop of government taking serious measures to fasten the environment clearance process for achieving economic growth without compromising green issues. O F • Wildlife Trust of India (WTI) and Tata Chemicals Limited (TCL) in first week of September 2014 signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to set up Indias first of its kind Coral Garden in Gujarat. This Coral Garden will be set up at Mithapur coastal region of DevbhoomiSwarka district of Gujarat. .J P SC H O O L • The funds for the project will be borne by Gujarat Forest Department, as WTI also signed a broad MoU with the State also. As per the plan, Bihar government recognised transgender as the coral garden will be helpful in conserving sev- third gender eral coral species at one place and will also boost • The Bihar government recognised eunuch and tourism in the State. transgender as third gender. The cabinet accepted to declare eunuch and transgender as backward H Devaraj Committee reported most class annexure II category which will provide them deemed universities not fit for being a uniquota benefit for availing or getting government versity jobs. • H Devaraj Committee on 8 September 2014 re• Eunuchs and transgender from upper castes will ported that most of the deemed universities are be treated as OBC annexure II and get reservanot fit for being a university. tion benefits whereas transgender from scheduled castes and 16 scheduled tribes will remain in the • It said that out of 41 C category deemed universame castes. sities only 10 universities are found to be fit for being a university. Rest of the university does not fulfil the criteria to become the university. Main Raya Power to set up 50 MW solar park in findings of the Committee Andhra Pradesh • Rays Power Experts announced to set up 50 mw Solar Power Generation Park in Andhra Pradesh. The total cost of the project is 300 crore ruppes and it will be completed by January 2015. • The UGC or Union Human Resource Development Ministry failed to check whether the institutions with conditional notification have fulfilled • The project includes the complete infrastructure designing of the project, its technical and engineering ground work, installation and commissioning. Dr • Many institutions were accorded deemed university status on certain conditions, against the Union Grants Commission (UGC) Act, 1956 which does not allow conditional notification. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 127 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • Earlier, Swach Vidyalya Campaign was anchored by Union Human Resource Development Ministry as a part of Swachh Bharat Campaign. The campaign aims to ensure the provision of toilets in all government schools by 15 August 2015. G About Rays Power Experts Rays Power Experts is a third largest company in solar power executed in India. It was started in 2009 and since 2011, it is catering the nationwide demand for clean, sustainable energy. It has built its presence pan India with solar parks across 6 states. Doordarshan celebrates 55 years of existence Peru to sign free trade pact with India IN • Public service broadcaster Doordarshan is celebrating its 55 years . Doordarshan made a modest beginning in India on 15th September 1959, when the first experimental centre at Delhi with a small transmitter was inaugurated by the then President Rajendra Prasad. NK • Latin American nation Peru has plans to sign a free trade agreement with New Delhi to ship more of minerals and metals it produces. • “Peru got permission to sell gold to India in 2011. We began exporting in 2012 and shipped out 106 million ounces. Last year, we exported 270 million ounces. This year, it will be even higher,” said Javier Paulinich, Ambassador of Peru to India. He is in Pune in connection with the 11th India International Gold Convention 2014. BA O F • Initially the coverage range was small which increased widely after May, 1975. India to contribute USD 12 million to UN to tackle Ebola L Note: Peru is the sixth largest gold producer, mining 5 million ounces every year. Peru is also the second largest producer of silver and the third biggest producer of copper, tin, zinc and lead. • Doordarshan is available on television, online and through mobile services throughout India, as well as overseas. Doordarshan is serving as a major source of information, education and entertainment for years. O O KK Paul sworn in as Manipur Governor SC H • Manipur Chief Justice Laxmi Kant Mahapatra administered the oath of office and secrecy to Paul during a function at Raj Bhavan, which was attended by Chief Minister Okram Ibobi Singh, his cabinet colleagues and high civil and police officials. Union Government announced Swachh Vidyalaya campaign to fund .J P • Union Human Resource Development Ministry on 11 September 2014 announced to fund Swachh Vidyalaya campaign. Dr • Funding of the campaign will be through Swachh Bharat Kosh that the Union Government has announced to set up to fund the Swachh Bharat Campaign. • Prime Minister Narendra Modi has approved 12 million dollars assistance to United Nations to fight Ebola virus in Africa. • External Affairs Ministry Spokesperson Syed Akbaruddin said, 10 million dollars will be contributed to UN Secretary General’s Fund and an additional 2 million dollars will be given for purchase of protective gear to tackle Ebola. • Ebola virus hit the African continent earlier this year and has killed nearly 2,200 people in several countries there. The UN Security Council has declared the outbreak of the virus in West Africa a threat to international peace and security. AWARDS Vinod Mehta selected for G K Reddy Memo- • Also, HRD Ministry would initiate the process of rial Award 2014 drafting a new cohesive education policy for the • Vinod Mehta, eminent journalist and Editorial successful implementation of the campaign. The Chairman of Outlook group, was selected for G policy will be drafted after conducting nationwide K Reddy Memorial Award 2014. The award was consultations from January 2015. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 128 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • He gave away 11 Saakshar Bharat Awards 2014 to State, Districts, Blocks, Gram Panchayats, State Resource Centre (SRC) and Jan Shikshan Sansthan (JSS) for their best performance in the field of adult education. announced by the TSR Foundation and the award will be presented in New Delhi in December 2014. • He was selected for this award for his outstanding contribution in the field of Journalism. He is one the popular editors in India, who launched successful publications including The Sunday Observer, The Independent and The Pioneer. He also authored the biographies of actress Meena Kumari and politician Sanjay Gandhi. About GK Reddy Award NK IN G • One of the recipient of Saakshar Bharat National Award 2014 was G.S.R. K.R. Vijaykumar, the District collector of Prakasam District, Andhra Pradesh. He received the award for turning 4.75 lakh non literates into literates within nine months in the total literacy programme. – T Subbarami Reddy established the award in the memory of G K Reddy • Saakshar Bharat Awards 2014 were given in following categories: BA – It is presented annually for outstanding contribution in journalism. – State- State Literacy Mission Authorities (SLMAs) – The Award carries a cash award of 5 lakh rupees, a gold medal and a citation. O O L UNESCO AsiaPacific Heritage Awards 2014 announced – District- Zilla Lok Shiksha Samitis (ZLSSs) SC H • UNESCO AsiaPacific Awards 2014 for Cultural Heritage Conservation were announced in Bangkok . Esplanade House & Shri Sakhargad Nivasini Devi Temple Complex bagged the UNESCO Asia-Pacific Heritage Awards from India. – Gram Panchayat- Gram Lok Shiksha Samitis (GLSSs) O F – The New Indian Express Editorial Director Prabhu Chawla, The Hindu Editor-inChief N. Ravi and The Indian Express former Editor-in-Chief Shekhar Gupta are some of the recipients of the award. – Resource Support Organisations like University Dept. of Adult & Continuing Education, SRCs, JSSs, NGOs and other organisations. Saakshar Bharat Awards • Saakshar Bharat Awards were instituted by the National Literacy Mission Authority, Government of India to encourage institutions working in the field of literacy and skill development. The awards are presented on the occasion of International Literacy Day every year. • Out of 46 entries a total of 14 projects have been recognized for UNESCO AsiaPacific Awards for President of India presented Indira Gandhi Cultural Heritage Conservation 2014. Rajbhasa Awards .J P • The award is an annual recognition of conservation projects by non-state actors across five categories: Award of Excellence, Award of Distinction, Award of Merit, Honourable Mention and Jury Commendation for Innovation. • The President of India Pranab Mukherjee presented Indira Gandhi Rajbhasa awards on the occasion of National Hindi Divas at Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi. presented • Indira Gandhi Rajbhasa awards also known as Indira Gandhi Official Language Awards are celebrated every year. • President Pranab Mukherjee presented the Saakshar Bharat Awards 2014 at International Literacy Day Celebrations. The function was organized by Union Ministry of Human Resource Development at Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi. • Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited (RINL) CMD Madhusudan was one of the awardees who was honoured with the prestigious Indira Gandhi Rajbhasha Shield for the Best Hindi Implementation in the organisation. Dr President Pranab Mukherjee Saakshar Bharat Awards 2014 This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 129 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs List of Indira Gandhi Rajbhasa Awardees Indira Gandhi Official Language Awards Scheme Edward Snowden and Alan Rusbridger won Right Livelihood Award 2014 • Former U.S. spy agency contractor Edward Snowden and Alan Rusbridger, editor of The Guardian won Right Livelihood Award. The award was shared between the two. The Right Livelihood Award is also known as Alternative Nobel prize of Sweden. IN G Indira Gandhi Official Language Awards scheme was instituted by the Rajbhasha Vibhag or Department of Official Language under the Union Ministry of Home Affairs. The award recognizes the excellent contribution of Ministries, Departments and Nationalized Banks in promoting the Official Language Hindi. Under the Indira Gandhi Official Language Awards scheme, following awards are given: NK • Edward Snowden was awarded for his courage and skill in revealing the unprecedented extent of state surveillance violating basic democratic processes and constitutional rights. While, Alan Rusbridger, was awarded for writing extensively on government surveillance, based on leaks of Edward Snowden. BA • Indira Gandhi Rajbhasha Shield for Ministries/Departments of the Government of India. • The Indira Gandhi Rajbhasha Shield for Nationalized Banks and other Financial Institutions. L • The Indira Gandhi Rajbhasha Cash Award for writing original books in Hindi by the Employees/Officers of the Central Government. O O • The Indira Gandhi Rajbhasha Shield for Boards, Autonomous Bodies, Trusts, Societies etc. SC H • The Indira Gandhi Rajbhasha Shield for Town Official Language Implementation Committees. About Edward Snowden O F • The Indira Gandhi Rajbhasha Shield for Public Sector Undertakings of the Government of India. • Cash prizes went to three activists from Pakistan, Sri Lanka and the US. Edward Snowden fled to Hong Kong and then Moscow in 2013. He is believed to have taken 1.7 million computerised documents. Those published so far revealed massive programmes run by the NSA that gathered information on emails, phone calls and Internet use by hundreds of millions of Americans. OBITUARY Renowned Telugu filmmaker Sattiraju LakSukinda Chromite Mine of the Tata Steel in shminarayana died Odisha won Asian CSR Leadership Award • Bapu was also an acclaimed artist, painter, car- .J P • Sukinda Chromite Mine of the Tata Steel in Odisha won the Asian Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Leadership Award. The Sukinda mine of Tata Steels won the award for Community Development. The award was presented by World CSR Congress at Dubai, UAE. Dr • Sumit Ghoshal, Regional Commercial Manager of Tata Steel in Middle East received the award on behalf of the company. toonist and illustrator. • In 2013, he won the Padma Shri award • He was the winner of five Nandi Award of Andhra Pradesh government • Apart from this, Bapu received several coveted honours like two National Film Awards, two Filmfare Awards South, and a Filmfare Lifetime Achievement Award South for the year 2012 • The award recognised the voluntary action of Renowned Kathak dancer Maya Rao died several officers of Sukinda Chromite Mine who • Veteran Kathak dancer Maya Rao died following have been sponsoring orphan tribal girls of nearby a massive cardiac arrest. She was 86. schools of Sukinda. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 130 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • In college, he became active in the musical functions of Ismail Yusuf College gaining the nickname Taan sain. He completed a bachelors degree in Bombay. • Known for her mastery over abhinaya and dance ballet, Maya Rao helped the dance form Kathak to gain popularity in South India. G World’s Oldest Test cricketer Norman GorLegendary Nazrul singer Firoza Begum Died don died • The world‘s oldest test cricketer Norman Gordon died in Johannesburg. He was 103. He was a former South African international fast bowler. IN • Prominent Bangladeshi Nazrul Sangeet singer Firoza Begum died in Dhaka due to heart and kidney problems. She was 84. O F BA NK • Gordon became the oldest-ever Test cricketer on James Bond villain Richard Kiel died 23 March 2011 when he surpassed New Zealander • Actor Richard Kiel who played steel-toothed vilEric Tindill who died on 1 August 2010. lain role in two James Bond films died in Califor• He was Nicknamed Mobil for the way he greased nia. He was 74. down his hair with hair gel. • Kiel made his name as intimidating henchman and steel toothed villain against Roger Moore, the Former Foreign Secretary A.P. James Bond. Venkateswaran died O O L • Former foreign secretary and a member of the In- Japan actress Yoshiko Yamaguchi died dian Foreign Service AP Venkateshwaran died. He • Yoshiko Yamaguchi, the film actress of Japan died was 84. AP Venkateshwaran due to heart failure . She was 94. She was known • He was chairman of the Asia Centre that seeks to as Rikoran and Shirley Yamaguchi in the US. promote political, economic, cultural and social • Yamaguchi was one of biggest Japanese film stars exchanges among Asian countries. during and after World War II. US comedian and talk-show host Joan Rivers died SC H • Legendary US comedian and talk-show host Joan Rivers died on 4 September following a cardiac arrest. She was 81. P • Joan Rivers was an American actress, comedian, writer, producer, television host and was best known for her stand-up comedy. .J Former NASA Scientist Dr. Noel W. Hinners died Dr • He was involved in the scientific exploration of the moon for the Apollo program and later oversaw projects such as the Mars Surveyor Program. About Yoshiko Yamaguchi • She also appeared in two Hollywood films namely Japanese War Bride and House of Bamboo during the 1950s. • She was elected to Upper House of Japanese Parliament as a member of the governing Liberal Democratic Party till 1992. Educationist Kireet Joshi died • Educationist Kireet Joshi died. He was 83. He was a former education adviser to the Union government in 1976. About Kireet Joshi • Joshi was a philosopher Habib Wali Mohammad died at 90 • He was best known for his film ghazal Aaj Jaane Ki Zid Na Karo that catapulted him to widespread recognition. • He studied law at the Bombay University • In 1976, he was appointed as education adviser by the then Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 131 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • He introduced the culture of cricket scoring and stats and also helped in grooming several cricket statisticians and scorers. • He was also formally Educational Advisor to the Chief Minister of Gujarat from 2008 to 2010. Mandolin maestro Uppalapu Srinivas died • For the first three decades of independent India, he did live scoring for all major cricket matches of India for the All India Radio. IN G • Music Maestro Mandolin player Uppalapu Srinivas died in Chennai. He died following a failed liver transplant at the age of 45. He is now survived by his father, mother, a sister and brother Rajesh, who is also a mandolin player. He also authored some books and they were NK • Duleep - the Man and his Game, the book was co-authored with Vasant Raiji About Uppalapu Srinivas • He was declared as the musician of the Tamil Nadu government at the age of 15 by late Chief Minister MG Ramachandran in 1984. BA • Cricket Ties: India-Pakistan and Art of Scoring (in Gujarati) • As a musician he won several accolades that included Padma Shri (1998) and the Sangeet Natak Akademi Awards (2010). APPOINTMENTS Sangeeta Ratna award. L Veteran Cricket Statistician Anandji Dossa died at 98 O F Libyan parliament reappointed Abdullah al• He was also the recipient of the prestigious Thinni as Prime Minister SC H O O • The veteran cricket historian and statistician Anandji Dossa died in New York, US. He was 98. Dossa in 2013 moved to the US along with his wife to be with their daughter. • Libyan parliament reappointed Abdullah alThinni as the Prime Minister as the government lost control over the ministries in Tripoli which had been taken over by armed groups. Thinni, a former defence minister, had been the prime minister of Libya since March 2014. • 64 out of 106 representatives voted for Abdullah al-Thinni and on the basis of these votes the house instructed him to form a crisis government within two weeks. Abdullah al-Thinni is tasked to assert government control over the country where a fear of full-scale civil war looms large. P • The doyen of the Indian cricket’s scoring and statistics started collecting the newspaper cuttings of every India match since first test in 1932 to 1990s in form of a scrapbook. His scrapbook had minor details that evolved into an integral part of cricketing scoring. This scrapbook is an encyclo- Tessy Thomas and V. Ravindranath became pedia of Indian cricket in itself. first Women directors in IIT council. • His collections are preserved by BCCI under the name Anandji Dossa Library on the premises of the club. The preservation work was done under the stewardship of former CCI and BCCI president Raj Singh Dungarpur to whom Anandji donated his collections. Dr .J Tessy Thomas and V. Ravindranath became first Women directors in IIT council. The appointment was confirmed by Union HRD Ministry. About IIT Council IIT Council is the apex body of 16 IITs. IIT council is headed by HRD minister and consists of three members of Parliament, chairpersons and directors of About Anandji Dossa all IITs, chairperson of UGC, director general of CSIR, • He was a former cricketer who remained as a re- chairman and directors of IISc, nominee of HRD minserve in Mumbais Ranji Trophy but never suc- istry and three appointees each of the ministry and AICTE. ceeded to break into the side This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 132 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs Former CJI P Sathasivam appointed as Gov- the National Capital Territory of Delhi. It was incorporated in 1998, IGL took over Delhi City Gas Disernor of Kerala O O V Nagarajan joined IGL as a new director SC H • V Nagarajan took over as Director (Commercial) of Indraprastha Gas Ltd. (IGL). • Before joining the new assignment at IGL, he was serving as Senior Vice President in-charge of Bina dispatch terminal at Bharat Oman Refineries Limited in Bina P About V Nagarajan .J • He is a post graduate in Organic Chemistry Dr • He carries a diverse experience on over 32 years in operations, retail, industrial and commercial sales and businesses. He gained this diverse experience during his service in Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited About Indraprastha Gas Ltd. (IGL) Indraprastha Gas Ltd. (IGL) is a joint venture company of GAIL (India) Ltd. and Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd. (BPCL) along with the Government of NK • Ecuador unveiled plans to issue worlds first digital currency. The currency will be issued by Central Bank of Ecuador. The electronic money, as yet unnamed, will start circulating in December 2014. The new money will be used alongside the existing currency in Ecuador, the US dollar. Ecuador introduced the US dollar as its currency after a crippling bank crisis in 2000. BA L • Sathasivams appointment is the tenth appointment of Governors in different states after the NDA government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi came into power at the centre. Banking O F • With this appointment, 65-year-old Sathasivam became the first Chief Justice of India to be appointed to the post of a Governor of a State, which is lower in warrant of precedence to the CJI. Apart from this, Sathasivam who was the 40th chief justice of India holding office from July 2013 to April 2014 is also the first non-political person to be appointed for a gubernatorial post by the new NDA government. • Piped Natural Gas (PNG) IN • Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) • Sathasivam was appointed to the post after President Pranab Mukherjee accepted the resignation of Sheila Dikshit as the Governor of Kerala. G tribution Project in 1999 from GAIL (India) Limited • Former Chief Justice of India, Palaniswamy Satha(Formerly Gas Authority of India Limited). sivam was appointed as the new Governor of KerIn Delhi and the National Capital Region (NCR) ala. His appointment to the office will come into towns like Noida, Greater Noida and Ghaziabad, IGL effect from the date, he will assume the charge of is the sole supplier of his office. • United Bank of India declared Vijay Mallya as wilful defaulter.Three Kingfisher Airlines Ltd directors A.K. Ganguly, Subhash Gupte and Ravi Nedungadi were also declared as wilful defaulters. This declaration would cut off further bank finance for UB Group companies by empowering banks to change course for managing firms who fail to pay. Banks will now initiate criminal proceedings against Mallya and force him to quit company boards. • Delhi Government to charge one rupee cess on cigarette and liquor to promote public transport.Delhi government decided to establish an urban transport fund to promote public transport and its use in a bid to tackle the rising pollution levels in the national capital. • The Reserve Bank of India decided to fix the upper age limit at 70 years for Managing Directors (M.D) and Chief Executive Officers (CEO) in private sector banks.As per the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 under Section 196(3), it prescribed that no company shall appoint or continue the employment of any person as managing director, wholetime director or manager who is below the age of 21 years or has attained the age of 70 years. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 133 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) censured Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) for its conduct in share sale of National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC) worth 6000 crore rupees through Offer for Sale (OFS). available for all kids above 10 who can sign uniformly. • The retirement fund body also has also fixed the minimum monthly pension for EPFO schemes at Rs. 1,000. This move will immediately benefit 28 lakh pensioners who get less than this amount at present. Mr Jaitley in the Budget had allocated Rs. 250 crore in the current financial year for this purpose. Dr .J P SC H O O L O F BA NK IN G • ICICI (Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India) launched a Cardless Cash Withdrawal service. The service allows its customers to transfer money from their account to anyone in India with a mobile number. The recipient can withdraw without a debit card or even a bank acBanking and Finance related news count.The sender will get a four digit verification code while the recipient a 6-digit reference code Basel Committee on Banking Supervision: through SMS. • The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision is • Market regulator Securities Exchange Board of Inan institution of Governors of the Central Banks dia (SEBI) extended deadline by six months to apof “G-10” nations and was formed in 1974. point atleast one women director on board. SEBI has extended the deadline till 31 March 2015. • The Committee is a forum for discussion on the SEBI has also simplified its norms dealing with handling of specific supervisory problems. related party transactions, which are now aligned • It coordinates the sharing of supervisory responwith the Companies Act, 2013 and also the presibilities among national authorities in respect of vailing accounting standards. banks’ foreign establishments with the aim of ensuring effective supervision of banks’ activities • The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on closed down worldwide. six Urban Cooperative Banks (UCBs). These UCBs were suspected of being used to route il• The committee operates from Basel in Switzerlegal money, but RBI did not disclose the names land. of these six UCBs. Basel III Guidelines:are based upon 3 very im• State Bank of India (SBI) celebrated 150 years of portant aspects which are called 3 pillars of the its operations in Sri Lanka. SBI Managing DirecBASEL II. tor Krishna Kumar reaffirmed the bank’s commitThese III pillars are: ment to partner in Sri Lankas efforts in developing its economy. The branch is located in a heritage – Minimum Capital Requirement building in the Fort area of Colombo, which is the – Supervisory Review Process financial hub of Sri Lanka. – Market Discipline • The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) approved the appointment of V.G. Mathew as Managing DiImportant Points: rector (MD) and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Kerala-based South Indian Bank Ltd.V.G. • In accordance with Basel III norms, Indian banks Mathew is appointed for a period of three years will have to maintain their capital adequacy rawith effect from 1 October 2014. He will replace tio at 9 per cent as against the minimum recomV.A. Joseph who will retire on 30 September. mended requirement of 8 per cent. • State Bank of India (SBI) and Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India (ICICI) on 24 September 2014 allowed kids to operate bank accounts independently. The bank account is • Under Basel III accord, banks have to maintain Tier-one capital (equity and reserves) at 7 per cent of risk weighted assets (RWA) and a capital conservation bugger of 2.5 per cent of RWA. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 134 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs O O L O F BA NK IN G • According to the recent RBI financial stability re- Some Recent Working Groups & Commitport, Indian banks will require an additional cap- tees by RBI & Their Focus Area: ital of Rs.5 trillion (5lakh crore) to comply with • Working Group on Benchmark Prime Lending Basel III norms, including Rs 3.25 trillion (Rs 3.25 Rate (BPLR): Deepak Mohanty lakh crore) as non-equity capital and Rs 1.75 trillion(Rs 1.75 lakh crore) in the form of equity cap• Working Group on Surveys: Deepak Mohanty ital over the next five years. • High Level Committee to Review Lead Bank • To ensure that PSU Banks meet the Basel III regScheme: Usha Thorat ulations regarding capital adequacy, the government will infuse Rs 14,000 crore in public sector • Working Group to Review the Business Correbanks in next fiscal (2013-14). The Basel III capspondent Model: P Vijaya Bhaskar Rao ital ratios will be fully phased in as on March 31, • High Level Group on Systems and Procedures for 2018. Currency Distribution: Usha Thorat Questions Related to BASEL III For RBI Assistant Exam: • G20 Working Group on Enhancing Sound Regulation and Strengthening Transparency: Dr. Rakesh 1. According to Basel III norms Indian banks will Mohan and Mr. Tiff Macklem have to maintain their capital adequacy ratio at how much percent? • Committee on Financial Sector Assessment: Dr. A. 8% B. 9% C. 7% D. 6% E. None of Rakesh Mohan High Level Committee on Estimathese tion of Savings and Investment: Dr. C. Rangarajan 2. Under Basel III accord, Indians banks have to maintain Tier-one capital (equity and reserves) at • Committee on the Global Financial System how much per cent of risk weighted assets (CGFS) on Capital Flows and Emerging Market (RWA). Economies: Dr. Rakesh Mohan A. 8% B. 7% C. 9% D. 5% E. None of these • Task Force For Diamond Sector: A K Bera SC H 3. According to the recent RBI financial stability report, how much additional capital does an Indian bank will require to comply with Basel III norms? A. Rs 3 Lakh Crore C. Rs.5 Lakh Crore E. None of these B. Rs 1.75 Lakh Crore D. Rs.4.5 Lakh Crore P 4. Where is the headquarter of Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS)? .J A. Rome B. Switzerland C. Belgium D. Washington DC E. None of these Dr 5. To meet the Basel III regulations regarding capital adequacy, what is the total capital infusion for Public Sector banks in budget 2013-14? A. Rs 15,000 crore B. Rs 30,000 crore C. Rs 12,000 crore D. Rs 14,000 crore E. None of these Answers 1. B 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. D • Technical Advisory Group on Development of Housing Start-Up Index in India: Prof. Amitabh Kundu • Working Group on Defraying Cost of ICT Solutions for RRBs: Shri G. Padmanabhan • Working Group on IT support for Urban Cooperative Banks: R Gandhi • Working Group on Technology Upgradation of Regional Rural Banks: Shri G. Srinivasan • Interest Rate Futures: Shri V.K. Sharma • Internal Working Group to Study theBanking Recommendations of the NCEUS Report: KUB Rao • Territory of Lakshadweep: S. Ramaswamy • Working Group on Rehabilitation of Sick SMEs: Dr. K. C. Chakrabarty This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 135 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • Need and Use Behavior for Small Denomination Coins: Sanal Kumar Velayudhan • Working Group on Improvement of Banking Services in Himachal Pradesh: Dr. J. Sadakkadulla • Debt Sustainability at State Level in India: Indira Rajaraman, Shashank Bhide and R.K.Pattnaik • Internal Technical Group on Seasonal Movements in Inflation: Dr. Balvant Singh • Internal Group to Examine Issues Relating to Rural Credit and Microfinance: Shri H.R.Khan • Working Group to Examine the Procedures and Processes of Agricultural Loans: C P Swarankar • Working Group to Review Export Credit: Shri Anand Sinha • Task Force on Empowering RRB Boards for Operational Efficiency Dr. K.G. Karmakar • Internal Working Group on RRBs: Shri A V Sardesai • Technical Group Set up to Review Legislations on Money Lending: Shri.S. C. Gupta • Working Group on Warehouse Receipts and Commodity Futures: Shri Prashant Saran • Working Group To Suggest Measures To Assist Distressed Farmers: Shri. S. S. Johl • Internal Group to Review Guidelines on Credit Flow to SME Sector: Shri C.S.Murthy • Technical Group on Statistics for International Trade in Banking Services: Shri K.S.R.Rao • Working Group on Regulatory Mechanism for Cards Shri R.Gandhi IN NK BA O F L • Technical Advisory Group On Development Of Leading Economic Indicators For Indian Economy Dr. R B Barman G • Working Group on Improvement of Banking Services In Jharkhand: V.S.Das O O • Working Group on Savings for the Eleventh Five Year Plan (2007-08 to 2011-12): Dr.Rakesh Mohan SC H • Working Group on Compilation of State Government Liabilities: Dr. N.D. Jadhav • Working Group on Improvement of Banking Services in Uttaranchal: V.S. Das • Working Group on Cost of NRI Remittances: P. K. Pain .J P • Working group to formulate a scheme for Ensuring Reasonableness of Bank Charges: N. Sadasivam Dr • Committee on Fuller Capital Account Convertibility: S.S.Tarapore • Committee on Financial Sector Plan for North Eastern Region: Smt. Usha Thorat • Group on Model Fiscal Responsibility Legislation at State Level: Shri H R Khan • Task Force on Revival of Cooperative Credit Institutions: Prof.A.Vaidyanathan • Special Group for Formulation of Debt Restructuring Mechanism for Medium Enterprises: Shri G.Srinivasan • Working Group on Screen Based Trading In Government Securities: Dr.R.H.Patil • Expert Group on Internet Deployment of Central Database Management System (CDBMS): Prof.A.Vaidyanathan • Report on Monitoring of Financial Conglomerates: Smt.Shyamala Gopinath • Report of the Internal Working Group on Implementation of Counter-cyclical Capital Buffer–Shri B. Mahapatra • Survey on Impact of Trade Related Measures on Transaction Costs of Exports: Balwant Singh • Report of the Committee on Data and Information Management in the Reserve Bank of India–Shri D.K.Mohanty • Advisory Committee on Ways and Means Advances to State Governments: M.P.Bezbaruah • Estimates of Productivity Growth for the Indian Economy–Research Advisor B N Goldar This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 136 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • Surging Non-Performing Assets (NPAs) have rendered public sector banks such as State of India (SBI), Punjab National Bank (PNB) and Canara Bank unfit to take deposits from non-government Provident Funds (PF). As per the current rules governing investments by PFs, non-government Provident Funds (PF) are barred from being deposited in a commercial bank in case the NPAs of that bankexceed 2% of net advances. • Report of The Committee to Review Governance of Boards of Banks in India–Dr. P.J.Nayak G • Report of the Working Group on Resolution Regime for Financial Institutions–Shri Anand Sinha IN • Report of the GIRO Advisory Group–Prof. Umesh Bellur • Report of the Group on Enabling PKI in Payment System Applications—Dr Anil Kumar Sharma NK • RuPay, India’s indigenous card payment network launched by President Pranab Mukherjee is developed by the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI). • Report of the Working Group on Pricing of Credit–Shri Anand Sinha • Report of the Committee to Recommend Data Format for Furnishing of Credit Information to Credit Information Companies–Shir Aditya Puri BA • India became third largest economy in 2011: World Bank . • Report of the Committee on Benchmarks–Shri P. Vijaya Bhaskar Financial L • Report of the Technical Committee on Mobile Banking–Mr. B Sambamurthy O F • Implementation Group on OTC Derivatives Market Reforms–Shri R. Gandhi O O • Report of the Technical Committee on Enabling Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) in Payment System Applications–Dr Anil Kumar Sharma SC H • Report of the Expert Committee to Revise and Strengthen the Monetary Policy Framework–Dr. Urjit Patel • Committee on Comprehensive Financial Services for Small Businesses and Low Income Households– Dr. Nachiket Mor .J P • Additional views on the report received from two members of the Committee on Comprehensive Dr • Financial Services for Small Businesses and Low Income Households–Smt. Shikha Sharma and Shri S S Mundra • Draft Report of the Committee on Financial Benchmarks–Shri P. Vijaya Bhaskar • Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs), a newly created class for overseas investors, will be able to invest up to $81 billion (close to Rs 4 lakh crore) in government and corporate debt securities in India. • India’s current account deficit fell sharply to $1.2 billion, or to a mere 0.2 per cent of Gross domestic Product (GDP), in the fourth quarter of 2013-14. CAD was pegged at $18.1 billion, or at 3.6 per cent of GDP, in the same quarter of the pervious fiscal. • The country’s foreign exchange (forex) reserves fell by $2.26 billion to $ 312.65 billion. • The market regulator SEBI exempted Abu Dhabi based Etihad Airways from making an open offer in the Jet deal. In its decision, the market regulator termed that purchase of 24% stake of Jet Airways by Etihad Airways doesn’t amount to a change in ownership in Jet Airways. Thus it doesn’t need to conduct a tender offer for shares in the domestic carrier. The Jet-Etihad deal is the biggest merger and acquisition deal in India’s aviation sector. • Indian rupee becomes the best performing currency in Asia-Pacific region against US dollar so far in 2014. • El Nino effect may shrink India’s GDP by 1.75 • India will overtake Japan to become the world’s third largest oil consumer behind the US and China by 2025, the US Energy Information Administration (EIA) said. • As per the Quick Estimates of Index of Industrial Production (IIP) with base year 2004-05 for the month of March 2014 released by the Central This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 137 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs of migration to CTS cheques in New Delhi and Chennai from 24 September 2011. Statistics Office (CSO) of the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI), the industrial production remained negative for the second consecutive month, shrinking 0.5% in March 2014 due to poor performance in manufacturing, especially capital goods. G • The deadline for switching to new format bank cheques under the cheque truncation system (CTS) ended on 30th April 2014.Transactions with cheques that have magnetic ink character recognition (MICR) and not CTS technology will from 1 may 2014 be delayed, with banks likely to take four days or more from the date of deposit to credit the amount. NK IN • Union Government of India on 30 May 2014 signed a credit agreement of 24 million US dollar with World Bank for additional financing for Uttarakhand Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project (URWSSP). • RBI directed all new ATMs to be installed by commercial banks from July 2014 onwards would provide audible instructions and Braille keypads to customers. • India’s current account deficit (CAD) is likely to narrow to 2.3 per cent of GDP this fiscal as the new Government is expected to focus on exports and reduce its dependence on imports, as per the report of Citigroup. • The RBI allowed minors above the age of 10 to open and operate savings bank accounts independently to promote the objective of financial inclusion and to bring uniformity among banks in opening and operating minors’ accounts. O O O F L • Foreign direct investment into India grew 8 per cent year-on-year to $24.3 billion in 2013-14, according to the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP) data. In 2012-13, FDI totalled $22.4 billion. BA • The GDP rate of India is likely to accelerate to 6.8 per cent over the next two years as per a report published by Morgan Stanley. SC H • Special Investigation Team is set up to unearth black money chaired by Justice MB Shah. Union Government of India on 30 May 2014 signed a credit agreement of 165 million US dollar with World Bank for Maharashtra Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Programme (MRWSSP). .J P • The Union Government of India on 30 May 2014 signed a credit agreement of 121.20 million US dollar from the World Bank for the Uttarakhand Decentralized Watershed Development Project (UDWDP). Dr • Central Statistical Organisation (CSO) on 30 May 2014 released the Provisional and Quarterly Estimate of National Income for the financial year 2013-14. It pegged Indian economy’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth rate at 4.7 percent in 2013-14. • The frequency of clearance of cheque was reduced from three sessions in a week to two days (Mondays and Fridays only) in Chennai. Earlier, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) started the process • Floating loan products include housing, corporate, vehicle and personal loans. Some banks are charging pre-payment penalty of up to 2% of the outstanding loans. • RBI barred Indian companies from raising the External Commercial Borrowings (ECB) from overseas branches and subsidiaries of Indian banks for refinance or repayment of the Rupee loans raised from domestic banking system. • SEBI exempted Etihad Airways from making open offer in the Jet deal as purchase of 24% stake of Jet Airlines doesn’t amount to change in ownership. • The RBI panel, headed by Ex-Chairman of Axis Bank, P. J. Nayak, said to dilute the government stake in public sector banks to below 50% as the 26 public sector banks (PSBs) suffer due to several ’externally imposed constraints’ like dual regulation by the RBI and the Finance Ministry, and external vigilance by agencies such as the CVC and CAG, among others. • Governor of the Reserve Bank of India announced that plastic currency notes will be launched in 2015 after field trials in five cities. • The committee to review Governance of Boards of Banks in India on 13 May 2014 submitted its This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 138 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • Special Investigation Team (SIT) under the chairmanship of former Justice M.B. Shah was constituted by the Union government. report to Reserve Bank of India (RBI). The committee was constituted under the chairmanship of P. J. Nayak. He is a former Chairman and CEO of Axis Bank. • RBI announced second Bi-Monthly Monetary Policy Statement: The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) announced second Bi-Monthly Monetary Policy Statement on 3 June 2014. RBI in its second bimonthly monetary policy statement has kept the policy rates unchanged. Based on the assessment of the current and evolving macroeconomic situation the following changes has been taken G • Bharatiya Mahila Bank included in second schedule to RBI Act, 1934. NK IN • The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) made easy the gold import norms under the 20: 80 Scheme. Reserve Bank of India allowed banks to provide loans to exporters with tenures of up to 10 years. In 2014, Foreign Exchange Reserves increased by 15.5 billion US dollar RBI. • The repo rate under the liquidity adjustment facility (LAF) unchanged at 8.0 percent. • RBI kept key rates unchanged. While the repo rate was maintained at 87%, the SLR was cut by 50 basis points. • RBI in the context of shadow banking, has said that the country’s top ten corporates outdo the top ten banks in treasury income. O O BA L • India and the US have agreed to implement Foreign Accounts Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), a US law that targets tax non-compliance by US taxpayers with foreign accounts. SC H • RBI eased KYC norms for opening bank account. Single documentary proof of address can be used to open a bank account now. • HSBC sold its Swiss private banking assets to Liechtenstein’s LGT Bank. This deal could have bearing on India’s fight against black money. .J P • RBI has tightened the money laundering rules for money transfer companies and has empowered their designated directors to penalise offerders who failed to comply with the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002. Dr • RBI has directed banks to disclose sector-wise advances in the Notes to Accounts to the financial statements from financial year 2014-15 onwards. • Canara Bank opened its seventh overseas branch in New York, USA after London, Leicester (UK), Hong Kong, Shanghai, Bahrain and Johannesburg. • Reduced the statutory liquidity ratio (SLR) of scheduled commercial banks by 50 basis points from 23.0 percent to 22.5 percent of their NDTL with effect from 14 June 2014. O F • RBI has permitted the NBFCs to act as BCs of banks with an aim of spreading financial inclusion. NBFCs-ND is only eligible to act as banks BCs. • The cash reserve ratio (CRR) of scheduled banks unchanged at 4.0 percent of net demand and time liabilities (NDTL). • Introduce a special term repo facility of 0.25 percent of NDTL to compensate fully for the reduction in access to liquidity under the ECR with immediate effect. • The policy is continued to provide liquidity under 7-day and 14-day term repos of up to 0.75 percent of NDTL of the banking system. • The reverse repo rate under the LAF remained unchanged at 7.0 percent and the marginal standing facility (MSF) rate and the Bank Rate at 9.0 percent. • India emerged as the 2nd largest exporter of global textiles after China. • IICA & Grant Thornton India signed MoU to develop capacity of Indian companies to implement the CSR Rules laid in Section 135 of Companies Act 2013. • The Services sector in India expanded for the first time in 11 months. This was revealed by the HSBC Services Purchasing Managers’ Index. • The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) reduced the rate of interest by 20 basis points (bps). This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 139 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • Bank of Maharashtra was conferred Best Bank Public Sector award in BFSI Awards: 2014 by World HRD Congress in recognition of its performance in Banking category. • GEP report of World Bank has revised down the economic growth forecast of developing world in 2014 to 4.8 percent from 5.3 percent. • The Tax Administration Reform Commission • Fitch Ratings has assigned Bank of Baroda’s $250 million senior unsecured notes due July 2019 a final rating of ’BBB-’. ’BBB’ ratings indicate that expectations of default risk . IN G • (TARC) headed by Parthasarathi Shome submitted its report to the Union Ministry of Finance. • An Online Finance Facilitation Centre was launced by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) to facilitate easier finance to SMEs. NK • The Reserve Bank will shortly issue new Rs. 20 denomination banknotes in the Mahatma Gandhi series-2005 with inset letter E. These banknotes would bear the year of printing ’2014’ on the reverse side of the currency. India will hold the Presidency of the USD 100 billion BRICS development bank for the first six years. BA • SEBI issued new norms for public issuance of debt securities. L • Union Finance Ministry accepted the recommendations of Arvind Mayaram Committee on Rationalising the FDI/FPI definition. Arvind Mayaram is the Union Finance Secretary. Government has decided to provide interest-free loan of 4400 crore rupees to cash- starved sugar mills. SC H O O • United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) released its World Investment Report 2014. The Report reveals an encouraging trend after a decline in 2012, global foreign direct investment flows rose by 9 per cent in 2013, with growth expected to continue in the years to come. World Bank released a report on power sector reforms in India. The report titled “More Power to India: The Challenge of Distribution” was released in New Delhi. .J P • The Union Government granted Navratna status to Engineers India Ltd (EIL) and National Buildings Construction Corporation (NBCC). • Kolkata-headquartered UCO Bank has set up an e-lobby with four self- operated machines for cash deposit, withdrawal, cheque deposit and pass book printing in the Supreme Court complex. O F • Uma Bharti, the Union Water Resources Minister launched a nationwide tree plantation drive and public awareness programme to save rivers. • Corporation Bank will open 200 Corp Excel branches by the end of December 2015. • As a debate continues on alleged black money of Indians in Swiss banks, the authorities in Switzerland have come across a significant quantum of fake Indian rupee notes in their country the third highest for any foreign currency after Euro and the US dollar. • Canara Bank signed an agreement with the Kochi Metro Rail Ltd on 20th July for a loan of Rs.1,170 crore to the Rs. 5,200-crore Kochi Metro project. • The RBI has set out a framework for identifying and dealing with large banks, termed domestic systemically important banks or D-SIBs. • Canara Bank will open over 1,250 branches and over 3,700 ATMs in the next two years. • Even though Wipro has lagged behind Infosys, which posted 2 per cent revenue growth, the company has done a better job in retaining its employees. • Union Ministry of Commerce and Industry upgraded the National Industrial Classification -1987 (NIC-1987) to National Industrial Classification2008 (NIC-2008). • The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has slapped a monetary penalty, ranging from Rs. 5 to Rs. 40 lakhs, on 12 banks including ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank, Axis Bank, Canara Bank and IDBI Bank, in Dr • Union Ministry of Commerce and Industry delicensed manufacturing of defence items. Almost 55 percent of the defence items have been removed from the compulsory licensing list. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 140 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs countrys bill payment system. It will have a single brand image providing convenience of anytime anywhere payment to customers. the case relating to the loan and current accounts of the troubled Deccan Chronicle Holdings Ltd for violations of its instructions/directions/guidelines. The central bank has imposed the maximum penalty of Rs. 40 lakh on ICICI Bank; followed by Rs. 15 lakh each on Axis Bank and IDBI Bank. G • The RBI said that it will transfer the surplus amount of Rs. 52,679 crore to the Government. The year before, the central bank said that it had transferred Rs. 33,010 crore to the Government. IN • Federal Bank has launched a woman-only car loan scheme called she car. • Coca-Cola has announced it will pay $2.15 billion for a 16.7 per cent stake in Monster Beverage, cementing a distribution-based link between the two that had added significantly to Cokes profits. NK • Repo rate- 8% • Reverse Repo Rate-7% • Five Indian companies, including Hindustan Unilever and Tata Consultancy Services, are among Forbes list of the worlds 100 most innovative companies that investors think are most likely to - generate big, new growth ideas. • CRR-4% BA • SLR-22% • Bank Rate-9% L • Betting big on the governments reforms agenda, overseas investors have poured in more than USD 5 billion in the Indian market so far this month taking the total inflow to over USD 25 billion since January 2014. SC H O O • The soon-to-be-turned private bank IDFC will be headed by its current Executive Chairman Rajiv Lall. Subject to RBI approval, Rajiv Lall will be the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of IDFC Bank, which is expected to be formed by October 2015. .J P • SBI Caps (the investment banking arm of State Bank of India) has been asked by the Finance Ministry to undertake a study on the merger and recapitalisation of banks The Central Bureau of Investigation has registered a case of alleged bribery against the Chairman & Managing Director of Syndicate Bank Sudhir Kumar Jain. Dr • Vidyo, Inc., a visual communications solutions provider has been selected by IndusInd Bank, one of the fastest growing new-generation private sector banks in India for Video Branch, a mobile and desktop-based banking service being deployed across the country. • The Reserve Bank of India has said that the proposed Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS) will function as a tiered structure for operating the • People can now deposit up to Rs 1.5 lakh annually in their Public Provident Fund (PPF) with the government notifying changes in the popular savings scheme. The government has issued a notification raising the limit from annual PPF deposit limit from Rs 1 lakh to Rs 1.5 lakh in pursuance of the announcement made by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley. O F • Marginal Standing Facility (MSF)- 9% • Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFC) with asset size of Rs. 100 crore and above have been forbidden to give more than 50 per cent of the value of shares pledged with them (capping the loan to value ratio at 50 per cent). This would be applicable only to loans of Rs. 5 lakh and above.This has been done to minimise volatility in the market . • The Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance is bringing out the twentieth issue of the annual publication Indias External Debt: A Status Report 2013-14. The Report presents a detailed analysis of Indias external debt position at endMarch 2014, based on the data released by the Reserve Bank of India on June 30, 2014. • The Tata Group has retained its place as the countrys most valuable brand at USD 21 billion, while the total worth of top-100 Indian brands now stands at USD 92.6 billion. • The Indian Cotton Federation (ICF) organised the second All India Cotton Conference on August 12 This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 141 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs and 13 at The Residency in Coimbtore. The theme of the conference is “Indian Cotton Scenario in the current context 2014-15”. IN G • The Ken-Betwa Link Project, benefiting Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh, has been taken up for the implementation. The estimated cost of the Phase-I and Phase-II of the Ken-Betwa Link project is Rs.9393 Crore (2008 price level) and Rs.2283 Crore (2012-13 price level) respectively . NK • Reserve Bank will issue Rs 1,000 new bank notes under the Mahatma Gandhi Series-2005 with the rupee mark ’R’ in inset. O F Dr .J P SC H O O L • The government will spend Rs 20,000 crore to provide mobile connectivity in 55,000 villages, which are still untouched by wireless telephony, in the next five years, Telecom Secretary Rakesh Garg said. BA • The Ministry of Environment and Forests has given environment clearance to Cairn India to raise crude oil production from its prolific Rajasthan block by 50 per cent to 300,000 barrels per day. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 142 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING SIGNIFICANCE BUDGET - 2014 OF Current Affairs RAILWAY • 5400 unmanned level crossing removed. • Tourist trains to be introduced to link all major places of tourist interests across the country. The new government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi presented its maiden budget - its first big policy statement on how it intends to overhaul an economy saddled with slow growth and weak public finances. Railway Minister D. V. Sadananda Gowda presented the Railway Budget in the Parliament on 8 july 2014. Here are some highlights - IN G • 4,000 women constables to be recruited to ensure safety of women. 17,000 RPF constables to provide safety to passengers. • Setting up of Railway University for technical and non-technical study. NK • Ultrasonic system to detect problem in track. • Indian railways to become the largest freight carrier in the world. • Proposal to start Bullet trains in Mumbai Ahmedabad route. Speed of important trains will be also raised. BA • Social obligation of Railways in 2013-14 was Rs 20,000 crore. Note: Operating ratio of 94% means spend 94 paisa of every rupee earned, leaving a surplus of only 6 paisa. O O L • Focus in past has been on sanctioning projects rather than completing them, Railway minister says. • Indian Railways spent Rs 41,000 crore on laying of 3,700 km of new lines in last 10 years. SC H • Fare revision will bring in Rs.8,000 crore; need another Rs.9,000 crore for golden quadrilateral project. • Railways also proposes to set up Food Courts at major stations. .J P • Need to explore alternative sources of resource mobilisation and not depend on fare hike alone, Railway minister says. Dr • With 12,500 trains, railways move 23 million passengers every day; equivalent to moving Australia’s population. • Separate housekeeping wing at 50 major stations. • Diamond Quadrilateral project of high speed trains to connect all major metros. Note: Diamond Quadrilateral is a rail route between - Delhi, Mumbai, kolkata, Chennai. O F • Gross traffic receipts in 2013-14 was Rs 12,35,558 crore, operating ratio was 94%. • E-ticketing system to be improved. Future eticketing to support 7200 tickets per minute & to allow 120,000 simultaneous users • Wifi in A1 and A category stations and in select trains. Internet-based platform and unreserved tickets. • GIS mapping and digitization of Railway Land. Extension of logistics support to various eCommerce Companies. A geographic information system (GIS) is a computer system designed to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, manage, and present all types of geographical data • Bulk of future projects will be financed through Public Private Partnership (PPP) mode. • Facilitate transport of milk through rail. Special milk transportation trains in association with Amul and National Dairy Association Board. • Mechanized laundry will be introduced. • One ticket to reach from Delhi to Srinagar. Uddhampur to Banihal by bus and Banihal to Srinagar by train. • Dedicated freight corridor on Eastern and Western corridors. • Mumbai local to get 860 new, state-of-the art coaches. 64 new EMUs to be introduced. • CCTV to monitor cleanliness activities. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 143 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs 2. Agriculture sector growth rate 4.7% in the year 201314 3. Agriculture exports grow by 5.1% in the year 201314 G NOTE: Char Dham are the names of four pilgrimage sites in India that are widely revered by Hindus. It comprises Badrinath, Dwarka, Puri and Rameswaram. It is considered highly sacred by Hindus to visit Char Dham during one’s lifetime. The Char Dham defined by Adi Shankaracharya consists of three Vaishnavite and one Shaivite pilgrimages. 1. India ranks first in the world in productivity of grapes, banana, cassava, peas, and papaya. IN • Train connectivity to Char Dham cities. 4. Exports of marine products show a growth rate of 45% in the year 201314 Services: • Ready-to-eat meals to be introduced in phased manners. 1. India rank’s 12th in terms of services GDP among the world’s top 15 countries. • 27 Express trains to be introduced. 2. India has the second fastest growing services sector with its CAGR at 9.0%, just below China. BA 3. The growth rate of the combined category of trade, hotels, restaurants, transport, storage, and communications decelerated to 3.0%. O F • 5 Jansadharan, 5 Premium AC trains to be introduced. NK • Paperless office of Indian railways in 5 years. Digital reservation charts at stations. Dr .J P SC H O O L Economic Survey predicts GDP in range of 5.4 to 5.9% in 2014-15 4. Financing, insurance, real estate, and business serIndian economy is likely to grow in the range of 5.4 vices grew robustly at 12.9%. to 5.9 per cent in 2014-15 overcoming the sub-5 per cent GDP growth of past two years, even as poor 5. Services constitute a 57% share in GDP at factor monsoon and disturbed external environment remain cost in 2013. a cause for concern. Finance Minister Arun Jaitley detailed his budget The Survey released on 9 July 2014, expects that for 2014-15 on 10 July 2014, the first budget under moderation in inflation will ease the monetary policy stance and revive the confidence of investors. “with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s new government. the global economy expected to recover moderately, Here are the highlights of 2014 budget: particularly on account of performance in some advanced economies, the economy can look forward to 1. Fiscal deficit for 2014-15 pegged at 4.1% and better growth prospects in 2014-15 and beyond,”. for next year at 3% After recovering in 2009-10 and 2010-11, GDP growth slowed down to decade’s low of 4.5 per cent in 2. Revenue Deficit seen at 2.9% for FY15 2012-13. 3. Defence FDI cap raised to 49% from 26% at HIGHLIGHTS OF ECONOMIC SURVEY present 2014 - 2015: 4. Exemption limit on income tax from Rs. 2 lakh • Gross Domestic Product growth seen at 5.4 to Rs. 2.5 lakh. 5.9% in 2014 - 2015. 5. For senior citizens, the exemption on income has • Fiscal deficit for 201314 contained at 4.5% of the been raised to Rs. 3 lakh per annum. GDP. 6. Tax-free cap on home loan interest from Rs. 1.5 • Current Account Deficit to be contained at 2.1% to Rs. 2 lakh. of GDP in 2014 - 2015. 7. Annual PPF ceiling to be enhanced to Rs 1.5 lakh, from Rs 1 lakh Agriculture: This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 144 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs 8. Women Safety: • Outlay of Rs. 50 crores for a pilot scheme on road safety 27. Skill India initiative to make youth employable and create more entrepreneurs. 28. Kisan Vikas Patra to be expanded. 29. Rs. 7060 cr for creating smart cities. • “Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao Yojana” 100 crores 30. Assam and Jharkhand to get Centre of Excellence on farming IN 31. Rs. 100 crores for modernization of Madrasas 32. Skill India, a programme to train youth for jobs NK 9. Rs 3600 cr set aside for National Rural Drinking Water. G • Another 150 crores to be spent by MHA on safety on women in larger cities 33. Equity in PSU banks to be raised through share sale to the public 11. Metro rails in PPP mode; Rs. 100 cr set aside for metro scheme in Ahmadabad and Lucknow 34. Rural housing: Rs 8000 crores for national housing banking programme 12. Rs 100 crores to set up virtual classrooms 35. MGNREGA programme to made more productive 13. Rs 500 crores for setting up 5 more IIMs and IITs 36. Senior Citizens Pension Plan Extended Till August 2015 15. Rs 7,060 crore allocated for building new cities O F 14. To enhance the scope of income tax settlement commission BA 10. Rural housing: Rs 8000 crore for national housing banking programme 37. National Adaption Fund for climate change to be set up 38. Rs. 500 crore for price stabilization fund. 17. Rs 200 crores credit scheme for start-up by those from scheduled castes and tribes. 40. Agriculture University in AP and Rajasthan, and Horticulture University in Haryana, Telangana; Rs. 200 cr set aside SC H 18. 15 Braille press to come up. O O L 16. The government is committed to the welfare of scheduled castes and tribes. 19. Currency note with Braille-like signs 20. Promote FDI selectively in sectors. India needs a boost in job creation in the manufacturing sector P 21. 24x7 electricity in all houses. .J 22. Minimum pension of Rs.1000 per month to all Professional Protection Scheme. 39. 100 soil testing laboratories across the country. 41. All six new AIIMS are functional. Four more AIIMS under consideration. 12 more medical colleges will be added. Rs. 500 crore allocated for this. 42. Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Gurantee Act,(MGNREGA) programme will be made more productive 43. Crisis Management Center for women at Delhi Dr 23. Rs 50,548 cr proposed for SC development. 24. Bharat Swach Yojna proposed for hygiene and cleanliness. 25. Rs. 200 crore for Statue of Unity, a statue of Sardar Patel in Gujarat. 26. Rs. 1000 cr for irrigation plan named Pradhan mantri krishi sichayin yojana. 44. Start up village at Rs 100 crore to promote entrepreneurship among rural youth. 45. Rs. 14,389 crores for PM Sadak Yojana 46. Rs 200 crore allocated to set up six textiles clusters. Note: This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 145 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • Fiscal deficit is the difference between the government’s expenditures and its revenues (excluding the money it’s borrowed). A country’s fiscal deficit is usually communicated as a percentage of its gross domestic product (GDP). Purpose: To probe Meerut fire tragedy occurred on 10 April 2006 in which around 60 people were killed. Head: Suresh Prabhu Purpose: NK The decision to appoint Suresh Prabhu Committee comes one month after the Union government decided to put on hold the revision of natural gas price. 6. Committee to review the Companies (Cost records and Audit) Rules 2014: BA • Revenue Deficit if the actual receipts are higher than expected one, it is termed as revenue surplus. A revenue deficit does not mean actual loss of revenue. Let’s take an hypothetical example, if a country expects a revenue receipt of Rs 100 and expenditure worth Rs 75, it can result in net revenue of Rs 25. G 5. Committee to review gas pricing formula IN • Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the total value of goods produced and services provided in a country during one year. Head: Former Justice SB Sinha Head: R. S. Sharma IMPORTANT COMMITTEES Head: Bimal Jalan Purpose: To examine the Companies (Cost Records and Audits) Rules, 2014 including the prescribed classes of companies/industries/sectors and threshold limits O O L The purpose of setting up the commission is to cut-off the spending and review government expenditure to get maximum output.The committe would be tasked to suggest ways for managing public finances by reducing food, fertiliser and oil subsidies to include fiscal deficit. O F Purpose: 1. Expenditure Management Commission: SC H 2. Committee to review Parliament security: Head: Former home secretary RK Singh P Purpose: It has been asked to submit its report within a month after making a comprehensive review of the existing security set-up and suggest measures to further strengthen it. .J 3. Committee to review the status of UGC: Head: Former UGC chairman Hari Gautam. 7. Committee to inquire gas leakage in Bhilai Steel Plant: Head: KK Mehrotra Purpose: To probe the Gas Leakage Incident in Bhilai Steel Plant occurred on 12 June 2014 8. Special Investigation Team (SIT): Head: Judge MB Shah as its Chairman and retired Judge Arijit Pasayat as the Vice Chairman. Purpose: To monitor the probe into the black money case in the country and abroad. Purpose: Dr The commission was set-up to review the present status of UGC. The committee will suggest ways to restructure and reorganise the panel to attain better performance in order to meet desired objectives. 4. Committee to probe 2006 Meerut fire tragedy: 9. Panel to Inquire into IPL Spot-Fixing Scandal: Head: Justice Mukul Mudgal Purpose: The panel would conduct an independent inquiry into the allegations and examine the IPL spotfixing scandal. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 146 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs 17. Committee to prepare the blueprint of Indias first womens bank: 10. Committee to Define FDI and FII: Head: Arvind Mayaram Head: MBN Rao Purpose: Purpose: The committee will look into the difference between them and it will also give definition of FDI and FII. G IN Head: G K Pillai (One man committe) 18. Committee to formulate a policy on publicprivate partnership model to raise coal output: Purpose: Government for the first time had formed such a committee to examine the demand of Bodoland in Assam. Set Up On Purpose: The Central Government has constituted a panel to formulate a policy on public-private partnership framework with state-owned Coal India Ltd. BA Committee Floods: Head: SK Srivastava Uttarakhand Head: AK Ganju (Chairman, Ganga Flood Control Commission, Patna). Purpose: 19. Committee for rationalization of foreign investment norms: O F 12. Head: K M Chandrasekhar To understand the possible causes of the floods and land slides in the state Purpose: Head: JS Mathur Purpose: O O L 13. committee to revise Newspaper Advertisement Rates: SC H 14. Committee on indecent depiction of women in media: Head: K. Ratna Prabha To investigate into the possible irregularities in funds management by finacial institutions. 21. Committee suggest MSME exports: measures to boost Head: RS Gujral P .J Dr The government-appointed panel looking into Walmart’s lobbying with American lawmakers for its entry into the Indian market security Purpose: Purpose: The committee will suggest short and long term measures to enhance exports from MSME sector 22. committee to evaluate aspects related to set up of Nalanda University: Head: MS Ahluwalia Head: Mukul Mudgal Purpose: the Head: Janakiraman 15. To finalise modalities for a media campaign against indecent portrayal of women in mass media 16. Committee looking into US giant Walmarts lobbying activities to enter India: To report on simplifying the foreign portfolio investment regime 20. Committee to investigate transactions of the bank: The committee will look into different parameters on the basis of which advertisements are issued. Purpose: NK 11. Committee to study demand for Bodoland state To prepare blueprint for Indias first womens bank in the public sector, for which Rs 1,000 crore initial capital will be provided 23. committee for inclusion of Bhojpuri language in eighth schedule of constitution: Head: Sitakant Mahapatra Purpose: This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 147 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs Purpose: To suggest the Parliament on the need to include Bhojpuri and Rajasthani languages in the Eighth schedule to the Constitution. 24. committee for evaluation of corporate sector participation in Higher Education: Head: N R Narayana Murthy Head: Bhandari The Committees mandate was to examine and provide recommendations on the potential and modalities for corporate sector participation in higher education Purpose: Head: C Rangarajan NK Committee looked into the issues in depth and came out with rehabilitation packages consisting of both financial and non-financial components. 31. Committee to Prepare a a roadmap for enhancing domestic production of oil and gas: BA 25. committee for poverty scale estimates in the country: IN 30. Committee for Reconstruction of RRBs : Purpose: Head: Economist Vijay Kelkar Purpose: Purpose: To review the Tendulkar Committee methodology for estimating poverty. To enhance domestic production of oil and gas so as to substantially reduce the nations import dependency by 2030. O F 26. committee for inspection of illegal mining activities: 32. Committee for framing National Corporate Governance Policy: Head: MB Shah L Purpose: O O To probe the issues of illegal mining of iron and manganese ore. 27. committee to examine taxation policies for I.T. Sector: SC H Head: N Rangachary Purpose: G The committee was mandated to review existing policies and suggest necessary changes in the investment framework in the high-priority infrastructure sector. P Committee will engage in consultations with stakeholders and related government departments to finalise the Safe Harbour provisions announced in Budget 2010 sector-by-sector .J 28. committee for implementation of GAAR (General Anti Avoidance Rule): Head: Parthasarathi Shome Dr Purpose: To frame draft guidelines for proper implementation of the GAAR provisions and to suggest safeguards to curb abuse thereof. 29. committee for Financing Infrastructure sector: Head: Deepak Parekh Head: Shri. Adi Godrej Purpose: To suggest a comprehensive policy frame work to enable corporate governance of highest quality in all classes of companies without impinging on their internal autonomy 33. Committee on Customer Service in Banks: Head: M. Damodaran Purpose: The committee will review the existing system of attending to customer service in banks approach, attitude and fair treatment to customers from retail, small and pensioners segment. 34. Committee to look into the demand for a separate state for Telangana region in Andhra Pradesh: Head: B.N. Srikrishna Purpose: The committee constituted in February 2010 and Submitted its report in January 2011. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 148 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs 35. Committee for Kaveri water dispute tribunal: 41. Committee for Dissemination of Credit Information: Head: Shri Aditya Puri Purpose: Purpose: To take up pending applications of the Cauvery Water Disputes Tribunal. To put in place a system to disseminate credit information pertaining to willful defaulters for cautioning banks and financial institutions so as to ensure that further bank finance is not made available to them. G Head: B S Chauhan Head: N R Madhawan IN 36. committee to prevent misuse of public funds by govt. in advertisement: Purpose: NK 42. Committee for gold import regulations Head: Shri K.U.B.Rao To find the extant guidelines on advertisements to prevent misuse of public funds for political ends To recommend aligning gold import regulations BA 37. Committee to review long term safety needs of railways: Purpose: 43. Committee for rationalization of foreign investment norms Head: K M Chandrasekhar Purpose: Purpose: To review “long-term safety needs” of the national transporter. O O Head: Dr. C. Rangarajan Purpose: For giving clear definitions to Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Foreign Institutional Investment (FII) 44. Committee on Banking Sector Reforms L 38. Committee on Estimation of Savings and Investments: O F Head: Anil Kakodkar SC H To critically review the existing methodologies used to estimate saving and investment aggregates for the Indian economy and suggest measures for improvement. 39. Committee on Credit Related Issues under Swarnjayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana: Head: Prof. R. Radhakrishna Head: Shri M. Narasimham Purpose: To study all aspects relating to the structure, organization, functions and procedures of the financial systems and to recommend improvements in their efficiency and productivity 45. Committee on Financial Sector Reforms Head: Shri Raghuram Rajan Purpose: The committee Submitted its report in 2009 and recommended setting up National Rural Livelihoods Mission To identify the emerging challenges in meeting the financing needs of the Indian economy in the coming decade and to identify real sector reforms that would allow those needs to be more easily met by the financial sector. 40. Committee to study the feasibility of Aadhaar 46. Committee for existing prudential guidelines by banks/financial institutions Dr .J P Purpose: Head: Shri Pulak Kumar Sinha Head: Shri B. Mahapatra Purpose: Purpose: To study the feasibility of Aadhaar as an additional factor for authentication of card present transactions. To review the existing prudential guidelines on restructuring of advances by banks/financial institutions. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 149 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs govern the institution, and to investigate possible conflicts of interest in board representation, including among owner representatives and regulators. To update, and revise the Banking Ombudsman Scheme, 2006 53. Committee to prepare a road map to make India: Banking Head: Suma Verma Purpose: Purpose: Head: Kirit Parikh Committee was appointed by the Petroleum and Natural Gas Ministry to prepare a road map to make India selfsufficient in oil and natural gas by 2030. 54. Committee to examine the current monetary policy framework BA Committee has suggested that the diesel prices should be increased by Rs11.50 a litre every month as againstthe 4550paise monthly hike followed currently. NK Purpose: 49. Committee for Bullion Bank: Head: Urjit Patel Head: K.U.B.Rao Purpose: Purpose: To recommend what needs to be done to revise and strengthen it and making it transparent and predictable. O F To Suggest the idea of setting up Bullion Bank or Bullion Corporation of India 55. Union Government constituted a panel to review environment laws 50. Committee for NBFCs: O O L Head: Nachiket Mor To permits NBFCs to work as Business Correspondents of banks SC H 51. Committee On Data and Information Management in the Reserve Bank of India Head: Deepak Mohanty Purpose: IN Head: Vijay Kelkar 48. Panel on fuel pricing: Purpose: G Ombudsman 47. Committee on Scheme, 2006 .J P To recommend measures with a view to further reducing the burden on reporting entities, delivering quality information to data users and reinforcing the management information system for policy making. Dr 52. Committee to review Governance of Boards of Banks in India. Head: T S R Subramanian Purpose: The motive is to bring the environment laws in line with the current requirements through amendments to achieve economic growth without compromising green issues. 56. Union Finance Ministry constituted panel to evaluate unclaimed PPF Head: H R Khan Purpose: The panel will suggest steps for utilisation of unclaimed funds for the benefit of senior citizens. 57. Bombay High Court set up a Committee to conduct forensic audit of NSEL Head: PJ Nayak. He is a former Chairman and CEO of Axis Bank. Head: V V Daga Purpose: The committee will discover the liability that is outstanding against the defaulting borrowers of NSEL, conduct a forensic audit, and monetise the assets. To analyse the representation on banks boards to see whether the boards have the appropriate mix of capabilities and the necessary independence to Purpose: This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 150 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs Oscar Awards 2014 winners List • Best Sound Mixing - Gravity (Skip Lievsay, Niv Adiri, Christopher Benstead, Chris Munro) • Best Picture - 12 Years a Slave • Best Visual Effects - Gravity (Tim Webber, Chris Lawrence, Dave Shirk, Neil Corbould) • Best Actor in a Leading Role - Matthew McConaughey (Dallas Buyers Club) G • Best Adapted Screenplay - 12 Years a Slave (John Ridley) • Best Actress in a Leading Role - Cate Blanchett (Blue Jasmine) NK IN • Best Original Screenplay - Her (Spike Jonze) • Best Actor in a Supporting Role - Jared Leto (Dallas Buyers Club) Film Fare Awards 2014 Winners List • Best Actress in a Supporting Role - Lupita Nyong’o (12 Years a Slave) • Best Film - Bhaag Milkha Bhaag • Best Actor - Farhan Akhtar (Bhaag Milkha Bhaag) BA • Best Animated Feature - Frozen (Chris Buck, Jennifer Lee, Peter Del Vecho) • Best Debut Actor - Dhanush (Raanjhanaa) • Best Cinematography - Gravity (Emmanuel Lubezki) • Best Directing - Gravity (Alfonso Cuarn) L • Best Documentary Feature Film - 20 Feet from Stardom (Nominees to be determined) O F • Best Costume Design - The Great Gatsby (Catherine Martin) • Best Actress - Deepika Padukone (Goliyon Ki Raslila RamLeela) O O • Best Documentary Short Film - The Lady in Number 6: Music Saved My Life (Malcolm Clarke, Nicholas Reed) SC H • Best Film Editing - Gravity (Alfonso Cuarn, Mark Sanger) • Best Foreign Language Film - The Great Beauty (Italy) P • Best Makeup and Hairstyling - Dallas Buyers Club (Adruitha Lee, Robin Mathews) • Best Original Score - Gravity (Steven Price) • Best Debut Actress - Vaani Kapoor (Shuddh Desi Romance) • Best Director - Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra (Bhaag Milkha Bhaag) • Best Debut Director - Ritesh Batra (The Lunchbox) • Best Film (Critics) - Ritesh Batra (The Lunchbox) • Best Actor (Critics) - Rajkummar Rao (Shahid) • Best Actress (Critics) - Shilpa Shukla (BA Pass) • Best Screenplay - Abhishek Kapoor, Chetan Bhagat, Supratik Sen and Pubali Chaudari (Kai Po Che) • Best Story - Subhash Kapoor (Jolly LLB) • Best Actor (Supporting Role) - Nawazuddin Siddiqui (The Lunchbox) • Best Production Design - The Great Gatsby (Catherine Martin, Beverley Dunn) • Best Actress (Supporting Role) - Supriya Pathak Kapur (Goliyon Ki Raslila- Ram Leela) • Best Animated Short Film - Mr. Hublot (Laurent Witz, Alexandre Espigares) • Lifetime Achievement Award - Tanuja Dr .J • Best Original Song - Let It Go - Frozen • Best Live Action Short Film - Helium (Anders Walter, Kim Magnusson) • Best Sound Editing - Gravity (Glenn Freemantle) • Best Music - Jeet Ganguly, Mithoon and Ankit Tiwari (Aashiqui 2) • Best Lyrics - Prasoon Joshi for Zinda (Bhaag Milkha Bhaag) This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 151 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • D.V. Sadananda Gowda : Railways • Best Playback Singer Male - Arijit Singh (Tum hi ho, Aashiqui) • Dr. Harsh Vardhan : Health and Family Welfare • Best Playback Singer Female - Monali Thakur (Sawaar loon, Lootera) • Gopinath Munde : Rural Development, Panchayati Raj, Drinking Water and Sanitation • Best Choreography - Samir and Arsh Tanna Lahu muh lag gaya (Goliyon Ki Raasleel RamLeela) • Harsimrat Kaur Badal : Food Processing Industries • Jual Oram : Tribal Affairs NK • Best VFX - Tata Elxis (Dhoom:3) • Kalraj Mishra : Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises • Best Background Score - Hitesh Sonik (Kai Po Che) • Maneka Sanjay Gandhi : Women and Child Development BA • Best Action - Thomas Struthers and Guru Bachchan (D Day) • Najma Heptulla : Minority Affairs • Nitin Gadkari : Road Transport and Highways, Shipping • Trendsetter of the year - Chennai Express L • Best Production Design - Acropolis Design (Bhaag Milkha Bhaag) O O • Best Costume - Dolly Ahluwalia (Bhaag Milkha Bhaag) SC H • Best Sound Design - Bishwadeep Chatterjee and Nihar Ranjan Samar (Madras Cafe) Ministers of India 2014 Prime Minister .J P • Narendra Modi : Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, Department of Atomic Energy Department of Space, All important policy issues and all other portfolios not allocated to any minister. Cabinet Ministers • Anant Geete : Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises Dr • Narendra Singh Tomar : Mines, Steel, Labour and Employment O F • Best Cinematography - Kamaljit Negi (Madras Cafe) • Best Editing - Aarif Sheikh (D-Day) IN G • RD Burman Award - Sidharth Mahadevan • Ananth Kumar : Chemicals and Fertilizers • Radha Mohan Singh : Agriculture • Rajnath Singh : Home Affairs • Ram Vilas Paswan : Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution • Ravi Shankar Prasad : Communications and Information Technology, Law and Justice • Smriti Irani : Human Resource Development • Sushma Swaraj : External Affairs, Overseas Indian Affairs • Thawar Chand Gehlot : Social Justice and Empowerment • Uma Bharati : Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation • Venkaiah Naidu : Urban Development, Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation, Parliamentary Affairs • Arun Jaitley : Finance, Corporate Affairs, De- Ministers of State fence • Dharmendra Pradhan : Petroleum and Natural Gas (Independent Charge) • Ashok Gajapathi Raju : Civil Aviation This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 152 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • Dr. Jitendra Singh : Science and Technology (Independent Charge), Earth Sciences (Independent Charge), Prime Minister Office, Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, Department of Atomic Energy, Department of Space • Shripad Naik : Culture (Independent Charge), Tourism (Independent Charge) • Gen. VK Singh : Development of North Eastern Region (Independent Charge), External Affairs, Overseas Indian Affairs • Upendra Kushwaha : Rural Development, Panchayati Raj, Drinking Water and Sanitation G • Sudarshan Bhagat : Social Justice and Empowerment IN • Vishnu Deo Sai : Mines, Steel, Labour and Employment • Kiren Rijiju : Home Affairs • Krishan Pal Gujjar : Road Transport and Highways, Shipping NK • GM Siddeshwara : Civil Aviation LIST OF NUCLEAR PLANTS IN INDIA POWER BA Power station - District - State • Manoj Sinha : Railways • Tarapur Atomic Power Station - Thane - Maharashtra • Mansukhbhai Dhanjibhai Vasava : Tribal Affairs • Rajasthan Atomic Power Station - Chittogarh Rajasthan • Nirmala Sitharaman : Commerce and Industry (Independent Charge), Finance, Corporate Affairs • Kakrapar Atomic Power Station - Surat - Gujarat • Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant - Tirunelveli Tamil Nadu O O L • Piyush Goyal : Power (Independent Charge), Coal (Independent Charge), New and Renewable Energy (Independent Charge) O F • Nihalchand : Chemicals and Fertilizers • Pon Radhakrishnan : Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises SC H • Prakash Javadekar : Information and Broadcasting (Independent Charge), Environment, Forest and Climate Change (Independent Charge), Parliamentary Affairs P • Rao Inderjit Singh : Planning (Independent Charge), Statistics and Programme Implementation (Independent Charge), Defence .J • Raosaheb Dadarao Patil Danve : Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution Sanjiv Baliyan : Agriculture, Food Processing Industries Dr • Santosh Kumar Gangwar : Textiles (Independent Charge), Parliamentary Affairs, Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation • Sarbananda Sonowal : Skill Development, Entrepreneurship, Youth Affairs and Sports (Independent Charge) • Kaiga Nuclear Power Plant - Uttara Kannada Karnataka • Madras Atomic Power Station - Kancheepuram Tamil Nadu • Narora Atomic Power Station - Bulandshahr - Uttar Pradesh • Gorakhpur Atomic Power Station - Fatehabad Haryana IMPORTANT ORGANISATION AND THEIR ABBREVATIONS • IOD - Indian Ocean Dipole • ICANN - Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers • CCI - Competition Commission of India • DGCA - The Directorate General of Civil Aviation • UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 153 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) • HDFC - Housing Development Finance Corporation • NFSA - National Food Security Act • NASA - National aeronautics and space administration. • UNEP - United Nations Environment Programme G • ESA - Employment and support Allowance IN • NDMA - National Disaster Management Authority LIST OF IMPORTANT DAYS • MPA - Marine Protected Area BA NK • OHCHR - Office of High Commissioner for Human January Rights • January 1 - Global Family Day • DRSC - District-level Road Safety Committees • January 15 - Army Day • AICTE - All India Council of Technical Education • January 23 - Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose’s birth anniversary • ASSOCHAM - Associated Chamber of Commerce and Industry • January 26 - Republic Day • BIS - Bureau of Indian Standards • January 26 - International Customs day • January 28 - Birth anniversary of Lala Lajpat Rai L • CSIR - Council of Scientific and Industrial Research • CVC - Central Vigilance Commission O F • AIIMS - All India Institute of Medical Sciences O O • DGCA - Director General of Civil Aviation • ECIL - Electronic Corporation of India Limited SC H • FCI - Food Corporation of India • FICCI - Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry • FIEO - Federation of Indian Export Organization P • IDFC- Infrastructure Development Finance Co. Ltd. .J • GATT - General Agreement on Tariff and Trade • AICI- Agricultural Insurance Corporation of India • January 28 - Data Protection Day • January 30 - World Leprosy Eradication Day February • February 4 - World Cancer Day • February 5 - Kashmir Day • February 6 - International Day against Female Genital Mutilation • February 12 - Darwin Day • February 12 - World Day of the Sick • February 14 - Valentines Day Dr • CCIC - Central Cottage Industries Corporation • February 20 - World Day of Social Justice • CCI - Consumer Confidence Index • EFTA- European Free Trade Association • February 21 - International Mother Language Day • ISRO - Indian Space Research Organisation • February 22 - World Scout Day • ICICI - Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India • February 23 - World Peaces and Understanding Day This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 154 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs May March • May 1 - International Labour day • March 4 - World Day of the Fight Against Sexual Exploitation • May 3 - Press Freedom Day • March 8 - International Womens’ Day G • May 4 - Coal Miners day • March 13 - World Kidney Day • March 13 - World Rotaract Day • May 9 - - Victory Day • March 15 - World Consumer Rights Day IN • May 8 - World Red Cross day NK • May 11 - National Technology Day • March 20 - International Day of the Francophonie • May 12 - International Nurses day • May 14 - World Migratory day • March 21 - World Sleep Day • May 15 - International Day of the Family • March 21 - World Forestry Day • May 17 - World Information Society Day • March 21 - International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. • May 21 - Anti-Terrorism Day • March 22 - World Water Day L • March 24 - World TB Day • May 31 - World No Tobacco Day June O O • March 23 - World Meteorological Day O F BA • March 20 - World Day of Theatre for Children and Young People • June 4 - International day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression • June 5 - World Environment Day • March 25 - International Day of Remembrance Victims of Slavery and Transatlantic Slave Trade • June 7 - International Level Crossing Awareness Day • March 27 - World Drama Day • June 8 - World oceans Day SC H • March 24 - International Day for Achievers April P • April 2 - World Austism Awareness Day .J • April 7 - World Health Day • June 12 - World Day against Child Labour • June 14 - World Blood Donor day • June 17 - World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought • April 17 - World Haemophilia Day • June 20 - World Refugee Day Dr • April 18 - World heritage Day • June 23 - United Nations Public Service Day • April 22 - Earth Day • June 23 - International widow’s day • April 23 - World Book and Copyright Day • April 25 - World Malaria Day • June 26 - International Day against Drug Abuse and IIlicit Trafficking • April 29 - International Dance Day • June 27 - International Diabetes Day This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 155 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs October July • July 1 - National doctor’s Day • October 1 - International Day of Older Persons • July 11 - World Population Day • October 2 - International day of Non-Violence • October 4 - World Animal Day IN • July 18 - Nelson Mandela International Day G • October 3 - World Nature Day, World Habitat Day • July 12 - Malala Day • October 5 - World Teacher’s Day • July 28 - World Nature Conservation day NK • October 8 - Indian Airforce Day • July 30 - International Day of Friendship • October 9 - World Post Day • October 11 - International Girl Child Day August • October 12 - World Arthritis Day BA • August 3 - Independence Day of Niger • October 14 - World Standards Day • August 5 - Independence Day of Upper Volta • October 15 - World Students Day • October 16 - World Food day O F • August 9 - International day of the World’s Indigenous People • October 17 - International Day for the Eradication of Poverty • August 12 - International Youth Day L • August 15 - Independence Day (India ) O O • August 23 - Internatinal Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition • October 20 - World Statistics Day • October 24 - United Nations Day September SC H • October 31 - World Thrift Day • August 29 - National Sports Day ( Birthday of Dhyan Chand ) November • September 5 - Teacher’s Day (Dr. Radhakrishnan’s Birth Day) P • September 7 - Forgiveness Day • November 5 - World Radiography Day • November 9 - World Services Day • November 14 - Children’s Day ( Birth Anniversary of Jawaharlal Nehru ) • November 16 - International Day for Endurance • September 14 - Hindi day,World First Aid Day • November 17 - International students Day • September 16 - World Ozone Day • November 17 - National Journalism Day • September 21 - International Day of Peace, World Alzheimer’s day • November 18 - World Adult Day • September 25 - Social Justice Day • November 20 - Universal Children’s Day • September 27 - World Tourism Day • November 21 - World Television Day Dr .J • September 8 - International Literacy Day • November 1 - world vegan Day • November 19 - World Citizen Day This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 156 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • November 21 - World Fisheries day • United Nations - Ban Ki Moon • November 25 - World Non-veg Day • United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF) - Anthony Lake • November 26 - Law Day G • United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) - Irina Bokova • November 30 - Flag Day • Arab League - Nabil Elaraby IN December • December 1 - World AIDS Day • Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) - Le Luong Minh NK • December 2 - World Computer Literacy Day • European Union (EU) - Herman Van Rompuy • December 2 - International Day for the Abolition of Slavery • Group of Eight (G8) - David Cameron • North Atlantic Treaty Organisation - Anders Fogh Rasmussen • December 3 - World Conservation Day • South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation - Ahmed Saleem BA • December 3 - International Day of People with Disability • December 5 - International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development • December 7 - International Civil Aviation Day O F • December 4 - Navy Day • World Trade Organization (WTO) - Roberto Azevdo • Asian Development Bank - Takehikonakao • International Monetary Fund - Christine Lagarde • December 10 - International Day of Broadcasting • FederationInternationale de Football Association (FIFA) - Sepp Blatter O O L • December 9 - The International Day Against Corruption SC H • December 10 - Human Rights Day • December 11 - International Mountain Day • December 14 - World Energy Day • December 18 - International Migrants Day P • December 19 - Goa’s Liberation Day .J • December 20 - International Human Solidarity Day Dr • December 29 - International Biodiversity Day • World Bank - Jim Yong Kim • International Cricket Council (ICC) - N. Srinivasan • International Olympic Committee (IOC - Thomas Bach • Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) - Edmund Daukoru • World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) - Francis Gurry • World Food Programme (WFP) - Josette Sheeran INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATION AND THEIR HEAD • World Health Organization (WHO) - Margaret Chan Organizations - Head • Commonwealth of Nations - Queen Elizabeth II • International Atomic Energy Agency - Yukiya Amano • Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 157 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • Allahabad Bank (1865) • Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) - Jos ngel Gurra Head Quarter: Kolkata • Asian Football Confederation (AFC) - Zhang Jilong It is the oldest Joint Stock Bank of India • International Paralympic Committee (IPC) Philip Craven Branches: more than 2500 G CMD: Mr.Rakesh Sethi Head Quarter: Hyderabad IMPORTANT BANKS IN INDIA WITH THEIR HEAD AND HEAD QUATERS IN • Andhra Bank (1923) NK It is founded by freedom fighter Mr.B.P. Sitaramaya Chairman: Mr.CVR Rajendran • Reserve Bank of India (1935) Branches: more than 1632 BA Head Quarter: Mumbai • Bank of Baroda (1908) Governor: Dr.Raghu Ram Rajan Head Quarter: Vadodara Functions: It is founded by Maharaja of Baroda Sir Sayajrao Gaekwad III O F 4 Deputy Governors: Mr. Harun Rashid Khan, Mr. S.S. Mundra, Dr. Urjit R. Patel, Mr. R. Gandhi It has 4 regional offices, 15 Branches and 5 suboffices. Chairman: S.S. Mundra Branches: more than 3409 Bank of India (1906) SC H O O L Formulates, implements and monitors the monetary policy, Regulates and supervise the financial system, Regulates and supervise the payment systems, Manages the Foreign Exchange, Issue Currency, Promotes national objectives, Short terms loans to Govt. under ways and means advances, Inspections: On site thru CAMELS & CALCS and ofsite thru OSMOS, Nationalized in 1949, Established in 1935 by RBI Act 1934. • State Bank of India (1955) Head Quarter: Mumbai Dr .J P It was the 1st Joint Stock Bank of British India, Bank of Bengl, Bank of Bombay and Bank of Madras amalamated on 27th Jan. 1921, Imperial Bank of India was converted into SBI in 1955, 7 subsidiary were added in the year 1959 State Bank of Saurastra was merged in 2008 and State Bank of Indore was merged in 2010, Now SBI is having 5 Associate Banks, It is 3rd largest employer in India after Coal India and TCS (among listed companies) Head Quarter: Mumbai Chairman: Mr.A.K. Mishra Branches: more than 3415 • Bank of Maharashtra (1935) Head Quarter: Pune It has larged number of branches by any public sector financial institute in Maharashtra. Chairman: Mr.Narendra Singh Branches: more than 1375 • Canara Bank (1906) Head Quarter: Bangalore Canara bank acquired Lakshmi Commercial Bank in bid in 1985. Chairman: Mr .R.K. Dubey Branches: more than 3432 • Central Bank of India (1911) Chairman: Ms.Arundhati Bhattacharya Head Quarter: Mumbai Established in 1911 Branches: more than 15143, 170 branches in 34 nations CMD: Mr.Rajeev Rishi Branches: more than 4200 This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 158 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • United Bank of India (1950) • Corporation Bank (1906) Head Quarter: Mangalore Head Quarter: Kolkata Chairman & MD: Mr.S.R. Bansal Chairman: Mr.Bhaskar sen Indian Bank (1907) Branches: more than 1443 Head Quarter: Chennai CMD: Mr.V. Kannan • Indian Overseas Bank (1937) IN Head Quarter: Bangalore Branches: more than 1500 Chairman: Mr.M. Narendra Branches: more than 1400 Award - Awardee BA Oriental Bank of Commerce (1943) NK AWARDS AND HONOURS OF INDIA Head Quarter: Chennai • Ambassador of Goodwill Award - Saina Nehwal and M.S. Swaminathan Head Quarter: New Delhi Chairman: Nagesh Pydah • World Food Prize 2014 - Sanjaya Rajaram (India born Mexican scientist) Head Quarter: New Delhi Founding fathers are Bhai Vir Singh, Sir Sunder Singh Majithia, Sardar Tarlochan Singh. Branches: more than 900 O O • Punjab National Bank (1894) L Chairman: Jatinder Bir Singh SC H It is Indigenous bank of India and 2nd largest Comm. Bank of India Chairman: Mr.K.R. Kamath Branches: more than 4500 • Syndicate Bank (1925) Head Quarter: Manipal P Chairman: Mr.Sudhir Kr. Jain .J Branches: more than 2650 • UCO (United Commercial Bank) 1943 Head Quarter: Kolkata O F • Punjab & Sind Bank (1908) Head Quarter: New Delhi G • Vijaya Bank (1931) Chairman: Mr.T.M.Bashin • Jnanpith Award (Highest Literary) 50th Jnanpith Award 2013 - Kedar Nath Singh (Hindi Poet) • 49th Jnanpith Award 2012 - Mr.Ravuri Bharadwaja (Telugu) • 48th Jnanpith Award 2011 - Ms.Pratibha Ray (1st Oriya Woman writer) • 47th Jnanpith Award 2010 - Chandrasekhar Kambara (Kanada writer) • Moorti Devi Award 2013 - C.Radhakrishnana (Malayalam writer) for the Novel Theekkadal Katanhu Thirumadhuram • Moorti Devi Award 2012 - Haraprasad Das for novel Vamsha • 21st Rajiv Gandhi National Sadbhavana Award 2013 - Ustad Amjad Ali Khan the Sarod Maestro, Mr.Khan is also the winner of Padam Vibhushan in 2001 • Indian Car of the year 2014 - Hyundai Grand i10 Branches: more than 2000 • Indian Car of the year 2013 - Renault Duster Dr Chairman: Mr.Arun Kunal • Union Bank of India (1919) Head Quarter: Mumbai Mahatama Gandhi inaugurated it. CMD: Mr.Arun Tiwari • Indian Motorcycle of the year 2014 - Royal Enfield Continental GT • Indian Motorcycle of the year 2013 - KTM Duke 200 This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 159 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • Booker Prize 2012 - Ms.Hilary Mantel RECENT 2014 • Man Booker International 2013 - Ms.Lydia Davis January 2014 IN INDIA Visitor - Who is he / she ? • Shinzo Abe - Prime Minister of Japan • UN Public Service Commission Award 2013 Cottage and Village Industry Department of MP for their initiation for Swaviamban and Grameen Haat G • Man Booker International 2011 - Phillip Roth VISITORS IN • Booker Prize 2013 - Ms.Eleanor Catton • J. K. N. Wang Chuck, Jetsun Pema Wangchuk Bhutan King and Queen NK • John Kerry - US Secretary • Park Geun-Hey - President of South Korea • Dadasaheb Phalke Award 2012 - Mr.Pran • Abdullah Yameen - Maldivian President • 98th Pulitzer Prize - for Public Washington Post and Guardian • Itsunori Onodera - Defence Minister of Japan BA • Dadasaheb Phalke Award 2013 - Mr.Gulzar (original name Sampooran Singh Kalra) February 2014 • Templeton Prize 2014 - Tomas Halik • Ali Mohammed Shein - President of Zanzibar • Erlan Abdyldaev - Foreign Minister of Kyrgyz Republic L • Templeton Prize 2013 - Archbishop Desmond Tutu • Templeton Prize 2012 - Mr.Dalai Lama Visitor - Who is he / she ? O F • Pulitzer Prize in Poetry Category -Vijay Seshadri O O • 23rd Saraswati Samman (2013) - Govind Mishra (Hindu Author) for Dhool paudho par • Joachim Guack - President of Germany • Hamed Bin Isa Al Khalifa - King of Bahrain SC H • 22nd Saraswati Samman (2012) - Ms.Sugatha KuMarch 2014 mari for Poetry Collection “Manalezhuthu” • Vyas Samman 2013 - Mr.Vishwanath Tripathi for Vyomkesh Darvesh a biography of noted Hindi scholar Acharya Hajari Prasad Dwivedi Visitor - Who is he / she ? • Mohammad Javad Zarif P • Foreign Affair Minister of Iran • Vyas samman 2012 - Dr.Narender Kohli for Na Bhoota Na Bhavishyati (Hindi novel) No important visitors in April 2014 .J • Kalidas Samman 2012 - Anupam Kher • Kalidas Samman 2011 - C.V. Chandrashekhar Dr • Gandhi Peace Award 2013 - Chandi Prasad Bhatt a pioneer of Chipko Movement and environmentalist • International Gandhi Award 2013 - Dr.Vijay Kumar vinayak Dongre and prof. Guocheng Zhang • Rajeev Gandhi Khel Ratna 2013 - Mr.Ronjon Sodhi (for shooting in Double Trap) May 2014 SAARC Countries Leaders - Who is he / she ? • Mahindra Rajapaksa - President of Srilanka • Hamid Karzai - President of Afghanisthan • Tshering Tobgay - President of Bhutan • Abdulla Yameen - President of Maldives • Navinchandra Ramgoolam - Prime Minister of Mauritius This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 160 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs Important schemes in India • Sushil Koirala - Prime Minister of Nepal • Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) : • Zawaz Sharif - Prime Minister of Pakisthan • Dr. Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury - Speaker of Bangladesh • Visitor - Who is he / she ? • Laurent Fabius - French Foreign Minister • Yousuf bin Alwai bin Abdullah - Oman Foreign Minister Gram BA • Pradhanmantri (PMGSY): SwarojgarYojna SadakYojna PradhanMantri Gram SadakYojana (PMGSY) was launched on 25th December 2000 as a fully funded Centrally Sponsored Scheme to provide all weather road connectivity in rural areas of the country. O F • Wang Yi - Chinese Foreign Minister • Park Geun-hye - South Korean President Gram It aims at providing self-employment to the rural poor by organising them into self - help groups (SHGs). It’s been launched on April 1st 1999. • Murray Mucully - New Zealand Foreign Minister • Dmitry O Rogozin - Russian Deputy Prime Minister Swarnajayanthi (SGSY): NK June 2014 IN G It’s been launched in 2006 as NREGA and renamed as MGNREGA on 2nd October 2009.Its intended to provide 150 days of employment to rural adult households as a right. • Indira AwaasYojna (IAY): O O Visitor - Who is he / she ? L July 2014 • John Kerry - US Secretary of State SC H • William Burns - US Deputy Secretary • William Hague - UK Foreign Minister • Prof. G. L. Peiris -Srilanka Foreign Minister P • K. Shanmugam - Singapore Foreign Minister .J • Sheryal Sandberg - Face Book COO The objective of the scheme is to primarily help the weaker sections in rural areas who belong to Below Poverty Line (BPL) category by granting financial assistance for construction of a pucca house. Additional assistance will be provided for sanitary latrine and smokeless challah under Total Sanitation Programme (TSP)and Rajiv Gandhi GraminVidyudeekaranYojna. This scheme is operational since 1985. • Bharath Nirman: It’s been launched in 2005 to provide basic infrastructure in rural areas. Six components of this programme include – Road connectivity – Electrification Visitor - Who is he / she ? – Drinking water supply in rural areas Dr August 2014 • Chuck Hagel - US Defense Secretary • Aaron Schock - United States Congressman • Nick Clegg - Deputy Prime Minister of UK • Penny Pritzker - US Secretary of Commerce – Telephone connectivity – Housing – Irrigation It’s based on PURA (Providing Urban Amenities in Rural Areas) model of Dr. Abdul Kalam. 1st phase of the programme has been completed in This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 161 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs 2009 and second phase is being operational now.It was implemented and extended in three phases i.e., from (2005 - 2009), (2009 - 2012), (20122014).It is centrally sponsored scheme for the rural development of India started in September 2005.There are 6 objectives in this scheme Rashtriyaswasthyabimayojna health insurance programme): Objectives: Launched to meet the challenge of climate change and to achieve sustainable energy. It’s aimed to achieve 20,000 MW of solar power by 2022 Launched in 2008, to provide health insurance facility to people of below poverty line. IN G Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission: NK Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM): BA It was implemented and extended in two phases i.e., (2005 - 2012), (2012 - 2014). Started in the year 2005 to make million plus cities squatter (Slam area) free.There are 2 components. a) To construct pakka houses for urban poor dwelling in squatter under Rajiv Awas yojana. b) To make transportation system faster and greener. SC H O O Note: All these objectives are extended till 2014. Swarna Jayanti (SJSRY): ShahariRojgarYojana .J P Launched in 1997 (revamped in 2007) to provide self employment and wage employment to urban poor with special attention to women. Integrated (ICDS): Child Development Scheme National Rural Health Mission (NRHM): O F L – To provide all weather road connectivity to the village which have more than 1000 population in plain areas and 500 population in hilly areas. – To bring 10 million hectares of land under irrigation facility and to make 1.4 million hectares of additional land for arable land (for the use of agriculture). – To provide clean drinking water to all villages by the end of 2012 under Rajiv Gandhi payjal yojana. – To electrify 1, 76,000 villages by the end of 2012 under Rajiv Gandhi Vidyutikaran yojna. – To construct Pakka houses for BPL households under Indira Awas Yojana (Now from April 1st 2013 cash assistance Rs. 70000 for plain areas and Rs. 75000 for hilly areas) previously it was Rs. 40000 for plain areas and Rs. 45000 for hilly areas. – To provide telephone connectivity to all villages and all BPL holders by 2012. (National It was started on 12th April 2005 to enhance the health facilities in rural areas. The appointment of ASHA workers (Accredited social health activist) in Angonwadi Kendra to provide basic information on health and hygiene conditions as well as to guide people regarding conservation of water. Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI): It was started in the year 2010 to provide multipurpose national identity card (MNIC) to every citizen aged above 5 years. Its name has been changed to Aadhar. Its model state was Karnataka (started). The retinal identification is taken from the age group of 14 and above.Scheme has 7 components like address, PAN no., Passport no., retinal identity etc, It consists of 12 digit number. Chairman: Nandan Nilkani National Food Security Mission (NFSM): This scheme is to reduce the poverty in India under national social assistance programme. Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme: Under Public Distribution System (PDS), government will provide rice @ Rs. 3/kg, wheat @ Rs. 2/kg to the BPL households. Dr Launched in 1975, to alleviate problem of mal nutrition among children of age group 6 years or below and their mothers. This scheme is intended to provide pension of Rs. 200 to the poor above the age of 65 years. Its been revised and renamed on 19th November 2007. Indira Gandhi National Old age Pension Scheme (IGNOAPS): This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 162 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs objective is the generation of supplementary employment for the unemployed poor in the rural areas. The wage employment under the programme shall be given to Below Poverty Line(BPL) families. This Scheme is for the people who aged above 65 years. New Social Welfare Schemes in the Annual Budget 2014-15 IN Rs. 500 per month (Central govt + State govt = Rs. 250 + Rs. 250) for the people who aged more than 80 years. G The amount of Rs. 400 per month (Central govt + State govt = Rs. 200 + Rs. 200) will be provided by both Central government and State government who aged between 65 - 80 years. Dr .J P SC H O O L O F BA NK Indira Gandhi National Widow Pension “Deendayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana” Named on:- Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya was a Scheme (IGNWPS): Philosopher, Socialist, Politican. He was important The beneficiary is in between age group of 40-64 leader and Forerunner of Bharatiya Jana Sangh (BJS). years in this scheme. BJS gone into several changes to form present political Assistance of Rs. 400 per month (Central govt + party BJP State govt = Rs. 200 + Rs. 200) will be given to Aim of the Scheme:Improve the power Supply to particular person. Rural Areas and to Strengthening Sub-Transmission and Distribution System. Its long term Goal is to SupNational Family Benefit Scheme (NFBS): ply 24 ×7 Power Supply to all Homes. Under this scheme a grant of Rs. 10000 is given Fund: Rs. 500 Cr is allocated for this scheme in in case of natural and accidental death of the Budget 2014-15 primarily breadwinner of the family (he/she) of “Shyama Prasad Mukherji Rurban Mission” BPL households. Named on:-Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee was an Indian politician, who served as Minister for Industry ANNAPURNA: and Supply in Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru’s cabUnder this scheme 10 kg of food grains are pro- inet. After falling out with Nehru, Mookerjee quit the vided to BPL households free of cost every month. Indian National Congress party and founded the nationalist Bharatiya Jana Sangh party in 1951. But for this scheme the particular beneficiary Aim of the Scheme:Shyama Prasad Mukherji Rurshouldn’t be registered with IGNOAPS ban Mission will be launched to deliver integrated project based infrastructure in the rural areas. The Swarnajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojna scheme will also include development of economic acThis programme was launched in April, 1999. tivities and skill development. The preferred mode of This is a holistic programme covering all aspects of delivery would be through PPPs while using various self employment such as organisation of the poor scheme funds. into self help groups, training, credit, technology, Soil Health Card Scheme For Every Farmer infrastructure and marketing. Aim of the Scheme: The Government will proJawahar Gram Samriddhi Yojna vide to every farmer a soil health card in a mission Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojna (JGSY) is the re- mode.There have also been growing concerns about the structured, streamlined and comprehensive ver- imbalance in the utilization of different types of fertilsion of the erstwhile Jawahar Rozagar Yojana. De- izers resulting in deterioration of the soil. Fund: A sum of Rs 100 crore for this purpose has signed to improve the quality of life of the poor, been kept aside by the government. An additional Rs JGSY has been launched on 1st April, 1999. The primary objective of the JGSY is the creation of 56 crores have been allocated to set up 100 mobile soil demand driven community village infrastructure testing laboratories across the county. Swatchh Bharat Abhiyan including durable assets at the village level and asAim of the Scheme: The Government intends to sets to enable the rural poor to increase the opportunities for sustained employment. The secondary cover every household by total sanitation by the year This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 163 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs O F BA NK IN G results because of the lack of concerted effort by all the stakeholders. To harness the enthusiasm of the NRI Community to contribute towards the conservation of the river Ganga, an NRI Fund for Ganga will be set up which will finance special projects. “Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao Yojana” Aim of the Scheme:-This new scheme “Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao” is to generate awareness and improving the efficiency of delivery of welfare services meant for women Fund:- Rs 100 crore is allocated for this Scheme. The government would focus on campaigns to sensitize people of this country towards the concerns of the girl child and women. The process of sensitization must begin early and therefore the school curriculum must have a separate chapter on gender mainstreaming. Housing For All By 2022 Aim of the Scheme:-As the Name Suggests to provide housing for all by 2022,the 75th year of Independence. Government has proposed to set up this Mission for Low Cost Affordable Housing to be anchored in the National Housing Bank. Fund: A sum of Rs 4,000 crore has been earmarked for National Housing Bank with a view to increase the flow of cheaper credit for affordable housing to the urban poor/EWS/LIG segment. The Government has already outlined some other incentives such as easier flow of FDI in this sector and is willing to examine other positive suggestions. The government has included slum development in the list of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities to encourage the private sector to contribute more towards this activity. P.M. launched Make In India Campaign to make India a manufacturing hub The campaign is aimed to attract foreign companies to set up their manufacturing units in India and to seek greater foreign investment.The launch ceremony was attended by Top CEOs from India Inc, international industry leaders, ambassadors, ministers and government officials. Financial Inclusion Mission To provide all households in the country with banking services, a time bound programme is to be launched as Financial Inclusion Mission on 15 August in 2014. It would particularly focus to empower the weaker sections of the society, including women, small and marginal farmers and labourers. Two bank accounts Dr .J P SC H O O L 2019, the 150th year of the Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana Aim of the Scheme: The Government has proposed to meet the need to provide assured irrigation to mitigate risk to the farmer since bulk of the farm lands are rainfed and depend on monsoon. This scheme would facilitate access to irrigation. Fund:- A sum of Rs.1,000 crores is being set aside for this scheme. A Dedicated TV Channel ‘Kisan TV’ To Be Launched For Farmers Aim of the Scheme: Kisan TV, dedicated to the interests of the agriculture and allied sector will be launched in the current financial year. This will disseminate real time information to the farmers regarding new farming techniques, water conservation, organic and farming etc. Multi Skill Programme - Skill India Aim of the Scheme:- Multi-Skill programme called Skill India programme would skill the youth with an emphasis on employability and entrepreneur skills. It will also provide training and support for traditional professions like welders, carpenters, cobblers, masons, blacksmiths and weavers etc. Kisan Vikas Patra (KVP) Aim of the Scheme: Kisan Vikas Patra (KVP) is being re-introduced to encourage people, who may have banked and unbanked savings to invest in this instrument. About Kisan Vikas Patra (KVP): Kisan Vikas Patra is a saving scheme that doubles the money invested in eight years and seven months. The Directorate of Small Savings Government of India, sells these saving bonds through all Post Offices in the country so that the scheme can be accessed by citizens from all over the country. A KVP can be encashed after two and a half years from the date of issue at the value it has been bought and the interest accrued for the period. Integrated Ganga Conservation Mission ‘Namami Ganga’ Aim of the Scheme:- The Government has proposed to set up an Integrated Ganga Conservation Mission called (Namami Gange). Fund:- Rs. 2037 crore has been set aside for the Mission in the current Budget. The Mission is being launched because a substantial amount of money has been spent in the conservation and improvement of the river Ganga but the efforts have not yielded desired This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 164 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs G IN • 10000 crore Rupees earmarked for National Food Security towards the incremental cost. NK • Drinking water and sanitation will receive 15260 crore Rupees. 1400 crore Rupees is being provided for setting up water purification plants to cover arsenic and fluoride affected rural areas. BA • Proposal to launch Inflation Indexed Bonds or Inflation Indexed National Security Certificates to protect savings from inflation. • Voluntary Compliance Encouragement Scheme launched for recovering service tax dues. O O L New Plans and Schemes rolled out in the Union Budget 2013-14: • Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) Scheme to be rolled out throughout the country during the term of UPA Government. This scheme will help the poor. Under the scheme, a bank account will be opened for each beneficiary; and the bank account will be seeded with Aadhaar in due course. SC H • Nirbhaya Fund: The Finance Minister announced the setting up of a fund called the Nirbhaya Fund with the Government contributing 1000 crore Rupees for safety and security of the women in India. The Finance Minister announced that various initiatives were underway as well as a lot more were undertaken by Government and NGOs for empowering women and providing them safety and security. Dr .J P • 1000 crore Rupees scheme for training youth: A 1000 crore Rupees scheme for training youth for boosting up their employability and productivity was rolled out in the budget. The National Skill Development Corporation would be required to set up curriculum and standards for training different skills. The trained youth who will pass the test by the end of the training would get monetary reward of 10000 Rupees on an average. This initiative would motivate 10 lakh youth. • Proposal to set up Indias first Womens Bank as a public sector bank with 1000 crore Rupees as initial capital. • 9000 crore Rupees earmarked as the first installment of balance of CST compensations to different States/UTs. O F in each household are proposed to be opened which will be eligible for credit. Neeranchal Aim of the scheme:To give an added impetus to watershed development in the country, a new programme called “Neeranchal” with an initial outlay of 2,142 crores in the current financial year. Pashmina Promotion Programme (P-3) and a programme for the development of other crafts of Jammu & Kashmir is also to be started. Fund: For this a sum of Rs. 50 crores is set aside. Van Bandhu Kalyan Yojana Aim of the scheme: For the welfare of the tribal people Fund: Rs. 100 crore. National Heritage City Development and Augmentation Yojana Aim of the scheme: For conserving and preserving the heritage characters of these cities. For the beginning programme is launched in the cities such as Mathura, Amritsar, Gaya, Kanchipuram, Vellankani and Ajmer. Fund: Rs. 200 crores • The Interest Subvention Scheme: This scheme for short-term crop loans is proposed to be continued for loans by public sector banks, RRBs and Cooperative banks, and expanded to private scheduled commercial banks. Under the scheme, a farmer who repays the loan on time is able to get credit at 4 cent per year. • National Livestock Mission: 307 crore Rupees have been provided for setting up of the National Livestock Mission. This will attract investment and enhance livestock productivity. A sub-mission of this Mission seeks to increase the availability of feed and fodder. • Assistance of the World Bank and Asian Development Bank will be sought to build roads in the North Eastern States and connect them to Myanmar. • The body of Rural Infrastructure Development Funds (RIDF) is proposed to be raised to 20000 crore Rupees. • Plans for seven new cities were finalized for industrial corridors and work on two new smart industrial cities at Dholera (Gujarat) and Shendra Bidkin (Maharashtra) will start during 2013-14. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 165 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs IN G • Two new ports will be established in Sagar (West Australian Open (Badminton) Bengal) and in Andhra Pradesh. • Men’s singles - Lin Dan • A power transmission system will be constructed • Women’s singles - Saina Nehwal (India) from Srinagar to Leh and for this 226 crore Rupees were provided in 2013-14. • Men’s doubles - Lee Yong-dae (South Korea) and Yoo • Apparel Parks are proposed to be set up within the Integrated Textile Parks, to house apparel manu• Yeon-seong (South Korea) facturing units. • Yunlei (China) NK • Women’s doubles - Tian Qing (China) and Zhao • Standing Council of Experts: Standing Council of Experts is proposed to be constituted in the Ministry of Finance to analyse the international competitiveness of the Indian financial sector. • Mixed doubles - Ko Sung-hyun and Kim Ha- na (South Korea) Australian Open (Tennis) • Women’s Singles Li Na (China) O O • Men’s Doubles - ukasz Kubot (Poland) / Robert • Lindstedt (Sweden) • Men’s Doubles - Julien Benneteau and douard Roger ( French) L • Men’s Singles - Stanislas Wawrinka (Swizerland) O F BA • A number of proposals relating to capital market have been finalized in consultation with SEBI. These include simplification of procedure and uni- French Open 2014 : forms norms for foreign portfolio investors, clarity • Men’s Singles - Rafael Nadal (Spain) relating to FDI investment, allowing FIIs to participate in new areas, etc. • Women’s Singles - Maria Sharapova (Russia) • Women’s Doubles - Hsieh Su-wei / Peng Shuai (China) • Mixed Doubles - Anna-Lena Grnefeld (Germany) / Jean-Julien Rojer (Netherland) • Vinci (Italy) SC H • Women’s Doubles - Sara Errani (Italy)/ Roberta • Mixed Doubles - Kristina Mladenovic (France) / • Daniel Nestor (Canada) Sony Open Tennis / Miami Masters 2014 • Men’s Singles - Novak Djokovic (Serbia) • Women’s Singles - Serena Williams (USA) • Men’s Doubles - Bob Bryan / Mike Bryan (USA) P Wimbledon 2014 • Men’s Singles - Novak Djokovic (Serbia) • Women’s Doubles - Martina Hingis (Swizerland) / Sabine Lisicki (Germany) .J • Women’s Singles - Petra Kvitov (Czech) Dr • Men’s Doubles - Vasek Pospisil (Canada) / Jack Sock (USA) Italian Open (Tennis) 2014 • Men’s singles - Novak Djokovic (Serbia) • Women’s Doubles - Sara Errani / Roberta • Women’s singles - Serena Williams (USA) • Vinci (Italy) • Men’s doubles - Daniel Nestor (Canada) and Nenad Zimonjic (Serbia) • Mixed Doubles - Nenad Zimonji (Serbia) / Samantha • Stosur ion (USA) • Women’s doubles - Kvta Peschke (Czech Republic) and Katarina Srebotnik (Slovenia) This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 166 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs Indian Wells Masters / BNP Paribas Open : • Kerala - Thiruvananthapuram • Mens Single Novak Djovic (Serbia) • Madhya Pradesh - Bhopal • Womens Single - Flavia Pennetta (Italy) G • Maharashtra - Mumbai • Mens Doubles - Bob Bryan Mike Bryan (USA) • Womens Doubles - Hsieh Su-wei Peng Shuai (China) • Mizoram - Aizawl Monte-Carlo Rolex Masters 2014 • Singles - Stanislas Wawrinka (Swizerland) NK • Meghalaya - Shillong IN • Manipur - Imphal • Nagaland - Kohima • Doubles - Bob Bryan / Mike Bryan (USA) BA • Odisha - Bhubaneswar 2014 Fortugal Open : • Punjab - Chandigarh • Men’s Single - Carlos Berlocq (Argentina) • Rajasthan - Jaipur • Men’s Doubles - Santiago Gonzalez (Maxico) / Scott Lipsky (USA) O F • Women’s Single - Carla Suarez Navarro (Spain) • Sikkim - Gangtok • Tamil Nadu - Chennai State and Capital O O L • Women’s Doubles - Cara Black (Zimbabwe) / Sania Mirza (India) SC H • Andhra Pradesh - Hyderabad (Proposed new capital is Vijayawada Region) • Arunachal Pradesh - Itanagar • Assam - Dispur • Bihar - Patna P • Chhattisgarh - Raipur .J • Goa - Panaji • Telangana - Hyderabad • Tripura - Agartala • Uttar Pradesh - Lucknow • Uttarakhand - Dehradun • West Bengal - Kolkata Union Territories - Capital • Andaman and Nicobar Islands - Port Blair • Chandigarh - Chandigarh • Gujarat - Gandhinagar • Dadar and Nagar Haveli - Silvassa Dr • Haryana - Chandigarh • Himachal Pradesh - Shimla • Daman and Diu - Daman • Jammu and Kashmir - Srinagar (summer), Jammu (winter) • Delhi - Delhi • Jharkhand - Ranchi • Karnataka - Bengaluru • Lakshadweep - Kavaratti • Pondicherry - Pondicherry This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 167 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Current Affairs Important Wildlife Sanctuary in India: • Kaziranga Wildlife Sanctuary - Assam NK • Gir National Park & Wildlife Sanctuary- Gujarat BA • Sundarbans National Park - West Bengal O O L • Bandhavgarh National Park - Madhya Pradesh O F • Periyar National Park and Wildlife Sanctuary Kerala • Kanha National Park - Madhya Pradesh SC H • Ranthambore National Park & Wildlife Sanctuary - Rajasthan • Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary - Rajasthan Tamil Nadu Tamasha, Dahi Kala, Lavani, Lezim Macha, Lota, Pandvani Wangala Laho, Shad Nongkrem, Shad Sukmysiem Manipuri, Maha Rasa, Lai Haroba Andhra Pradesh Karnataka Assam Bihar Gujarat Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jammu and Kashmir Maharashtra Madhya Pradesh Meghalaya Manipur P • Tal Chappar Wildlife Sanctuary - Rajasthan STATE Odisha Kerala IN • Manas Wildlife Sanctuary - Assam DANCE Odissi, Bhaka Wata, Dandante Chakiarkoothu , Kathakali, Mohiniattam, Ottam Thullal, Chavittu Natakam, Kaikotti Kalai, Koodiyattam, Krishnavattam, Mudiyettu, Tappatri Kai, Theyyam Bharatnatyam, Kummi, Kolattam, Devarattam, Poikkal Kuthirai Attam, Therukkoothu, Karakattam, Mayilattam, Kavadiattam, Silambattam, Thappattam, Kaliattam, Puliyattam Kuchipudi, Veethi-Bhagavatham, Kottam Yakshagana, Bayalata, Simha Nutrya, Dollu Kunitha, Veeragase Bihu, Ojapali, Ankia Nat Jat Jatin, Faguna or Fag, Purbi, Bidesia, Jhijhian, Kajari, SoharKhilouna, Holi Dance, Jhumeri, Harvesting Dance Dandya Ras, Garba Lasya Nritya, Bhavai, Garba, Rasila, Trippani Swang, Khoria, Gugga dance, Loor, Sang Dhamal Luddi Dance, Munzra, Kanayala, Giddha Parha Hikat, Rouf, Chakri G Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING .J • Sariska Wildlife Sanctuary - Rajasthan Dr • Chilka Lake Bird Sanctuary Odissa • Nandankanan Zoo Odissa • Corbett National Park Uttrakhand This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 168 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs Mizoram • Online booking to support 7,200 tickets per Punjab minute; to allow 1.2 lakh users log in simultaneRajasthan ously . G • Reservation system to be revamped, ticketUttar Pradesh booking through mobile phones, post offices to be popularized . IN West Bengal • Online platform for unreserved tickets Goa • Combo parking-platform tickets at stations Arunachal Pradesh NK • Women RPF Constables to escort ladies coaches; 4,000 women constables to be inducted BA Chhattisgarh • Retiring room facility to be extended to all stations Jharkhand • Battery operated cars for differently-abled and senior citizens at major stations Nagaland • Feedback services through IVRS on quality of food Sikkim O F • Food can be ordered through SMS, phone; Food courts at major stations Telangana L • Cleanliness budget up by 40 per cent over last year Tripura Uttarakhand • CCTVs to be used at stations for monitoring cleanliness O O Chiraw (Bamboo Dance) Bhangra, Gidda Khayal, Chamar Gindad, Gangore, Jhulan Leela, Jhumar (Ghumar), Kayanga Bajayanga Kathak, Nautanki, Chappeli, Kajri, Karan, Kumaon Jatra, Chau, Kathi Fugdi, Dekhnni, Tarangamel, Dhalo Bardo Chham, Aji Lamu, Hiirii Khaniing, Pasi Kongki, Lion and Peacock dance, Chalo, Popir, Ponung, Rekham Pada Karma, Panthi, Pandavani, Rawat Nacha, Soowa Nacha or Suwa Tribal dance Paika, Chhou, Santhal Zeliang, Nruirolians (Cock dance), Temangnetin (Fly dance) Singhi Chham, Yak Chaam, Maruni, Rechungma Perini Thandavam, Dappu, Lambadi, Tappeta Gullu Hojagiri, Goria, Lebang Boomani Chholiya, Jagars, Thali-Jadda, Jhainta, Barada Nati Railway Budget 2014-15 : Highlights .J P SC H The Union Railway Minister D.V. Sadananda Gowda presented his maiden Railway Budget in Parliament on 8th July 2014, promising to seek increased foreign and domestic private investment to fund modernization of the country’s huge but badly stretched network. The state-owned railway has suffered from years of low investment and populist policies to subsidise fares. These have reduced the system to a slow, congested network that crimps economic growth. Here are the highlights of this Budget. Dr • No new increase in passenger fares and freight charges • Setting up of corpus fund for stations’ upkeep; RO drinking water in some stations and trains • Automatic door closing in mainline and sub-urban coaches 58 new trains and extension of 11; 864 additional EMUs to be introduced in Mumbai over 2 years • FDI in railway projects, except in operations • FDI, domestic investments in rail infrastructure • Office-on-Wheels: Internet & workstation facilities on select trains • WiFi in A1, A category stations and in select trains • Bullet train in Mumbai-Ahmedabad sector • Railways university for technical and nontechnical subjects • Diamond quadrilateral for high speed trains • Some stations to be developed to international standards through PPP model • Plan to hike speed of trains to 160-200 km/hr in 9 sectors • Parcel traffic to be segregated to separate terminals to make passenger traffic unhindered This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 169 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • Bengaluru -Mangalore Express (Daily) • Loss per passenger per kilometre up from 10 per cent in 2000-01 to 23 per cent in 2012- 13 • Bengaluru -Shimoga Express (Biweekly) • Solar energy to be tapped at major stations • Bidar-Mumbai Express (Weekly) • Expenditure in 2014-15 pegged at Rs. 149,176 crore. G • Bandra(T)-Jaipur Express (Weekly) via Nagda, Kota • Highest ever plan outlay of Rs. 65,455 crore for 2014-15 IN • Chhapra-Lucknow Express (Tri weekly) via Ballia, Ghazipur, Varanasi New Trains NK • Ferozpur-Chandigarh Express (6 days a week) Jansadharan Trains • Guwahati-Naharlagun Intercity Express (Daily) • Ahmedabad-Darbhanga Jansadharan Express via Surat • Guwahati-Murkongselek Intercity Express (Daily) BA • Gorakhpur-Anand Vihar Express (Weekly) • Jaynagar-Mumbai Jansadharan Express • Hapa-Bilaspur Express (Weekly)via Nagpur • Mumbai-Gorakhpur Jansadharan Express • Hazur Saheb Nanded-Bikaner Express (Weekly) • Indore-Jammu Tawi Express (Weekly) O F • Saharasa-Anand Vihar Jansadharan Express via Motihari • Kamakhya-Katra Express (Weekly) via Darbhanga • Saharasa-Amritsar Jansadharan Express Premium Trains • Kanpur-Jammu Tawi Express (Biweekly) • Shalimar-Chennai Premium AC Express • Lokmanya Tilak(T)-Azamgarh Express (Weekly) O O L • Mumbai Central-New Delhi Premium AC Express • Mumbai-Kazipeth Express (Weekly) via Balharshah • Jaipur-Madurai Premium Express • Mumbai-Palitana Express (Weekly) • Kamakhya-Bengaluru Premium Express • New Delhi Bhatinda Shatabdi Express (Biweekly) SC H • Secunderabad-Hazrat Nizamuddin Premium AC Express 6 AC ExpressTrains • New Delhi-Varanasi Express (Daily) • Paradeep-Howrah Express (Weekly) • LokmanyaTilak(T)-Lucknow (Weekly) • Paradeep-Visakhapatnam Express (Weekly) • Nagpur-Pune (Weekly) • Rajkot-Rewa Express (Weekly) • Nagpur-Amritsar (Weekly) • Ramnagar-Agra Express (Weekly) • Naharlagun-NewDelhi (Weekly) • Tatanagar Baiyyappanahali (Bengaluru) Express (Weekly) Dr .J P • VijayawadaNewDelhiAPExpress (Daily) • Nizamuddin-Pune (Weekly) Express Trains • Ahmedabad-Patna Express (Weekly)via Varanasi • Ahmedabad Chennai Express (Biweekly)via Vasai Road • Visakhapatnam-Chennai Express (Weekly) Passenger Trains • Bikaner-Rewari Passenger (Daily) • Dharwad-Dandeli Passenger (Daily)via Alnavar This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 170 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • Gorakhpur-Nautanwa Passenger (Daily) • World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) - Geneva • Guwahati-Mendipathar Passenger (Daily) • Byndoor-Kasaragod Passenger (Daily) • World Bank - Washington, D.C IN • Rangapara North-Rangiya Passenger (Daily) G • International Standards Organization (ISO) / International Organization for Standardization Geneva • Hatia-Rourkela Passenger 7 • International Monetary Fund (IMF) - Washington, D.C • Yesvantpur-Tumkur Passenger (Daily) MEMU services NK • International Court of Justice - The hague • Bengaluru-Ramanagaram 6 days a week (3 Pairs) • International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) - Lyon • Palwal-Delhi-Aligarh DEMU services BA • International Atomic Energy Agency - Vienna • Bengaluru-Neelmangala (Daily) • Baramula-Banihal (Daily) • Amnesty International - London O F • Chhapra-Manduadih (6days a week) via Ballia • International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) - Montral • International Maritime Organization - London • Sambalpur-Rourkela (6 days a week) • Common Wealth of Nations - London L • Yesvantpur-Hosur (6 days a week) • World Tourism Organization - London • Universal Postal Union - Berne Name of the Organization - Headquarters • Food and Agriculture Organization - Rome O O Organization and their headquarters SC H • United Nations Organization (UNO) - New York • United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF) - New York • United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) - New York .J P • United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)- Paris • World Health Organization (WHO) - Geneva • South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) - Kathmandu • World Tourism Organization - Spain • Transparency International - Berlin • International Renewable Energy Agency - Abu Dhabi (UAE) • United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) - Vienna Dr • World Trade Organization (WTO) - Geneva • International Labour Organization (ILO) - Geneva FIFA World Cup 2014 The 2014 FIFA World Cup was the 20th FIFA World Cup, the tournament for the association football world championship, which took place during 12th June 2014 • World Meteorological Organization - Geneva to 13th July 2014 at several venues across Brazil (12 • International Committee of the Red Cross - venues). Below are some important details you should Geneva know about FIFA 2014. • International Telecommunication Union - Geneva This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 171 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs Important Points you should know : Dr .J P SC H O O L O F BA NK IN G enth season of the IPL. The IPL tournament started in 2008 and from then it usually takes place every year Winner - Germany during the months of April - June. There are eight Runners-up - Argentina teams this season, one fewer than in 2013 after the 3rd Place - Netherlands withdrawal of the Pune Warriors India. Initially DLF 4th Place - Brazil used to sponsor IPL matches. But from the year 2013, Top scorer (Golden Boot Award) - James Rodrguez Pepsi is sponsoring the matches. IPL 2014 tournament of Colombia with 6 goals was held from 16th April 2014 to 1st June 2014. Below Best player (Golden Ball award) - Lionel Messi of are some important details you should know about IPL Argentina Winners - Kolkata Knight Riders (2nd Title) Best goalkeeper (Golden Glove award) - Manuel Orange Cap - Robin Uthappa (KKR) with 660 Runs Neuer of Germany Purple Cap - Mohit Sharma (CSK) with 23 wickets Best young player - Paul Pogba of France Hosts : India and the UAE (United Arab Emirates) Nick name : Inspiration The design is based around a photograph of three Constituency of Cabinet Ministers victorious hands together raising the World Cup trophy • Narendra Modi- Vadodara- (Gujarat) , (Banaras and its yellow and green colouring is meant to represent UP) Brazil warmly welcoming the world to their country. Official Ball : Adidas Brazuca. • Rajnath Singh- Lucknow -(Uttar Pradesh) Official Song - On 24 January 2014, FIFA and Sony Music announced that the official song for the tourna• Arun Jaitley- RajyaSabha- (Gujarat) ment • Sushma Swaraj -Vidisha- (Madhya Pradesh) will be “We Are One (Ole Ola)” by Pitbull, Jennifer Lopez and Claudia Leitte. A customized version of the • Nitin Gadkari -Nagpur- (Maharashtra) song “Dare (La La La)” by Shakira, who provided the official song of the 2010 tournament, will be used as a • Venkaiah Naidu- RajyaSabha- (Karnataka) secondary theme song. • D. V. Sadananda Gowda -Bangalore North- (KarOfficial Mascot : Fuleco (An armadillo). The tatunataka) bola, an armadillo that defends itself from predators by rolling up into a ball, was chosen by FIFA in September • Ram Vilas Paswan- Hajipur- (Bihar) 2012 as the official mascot from 47 designs created by six Brazilian agencies. • Kalraj Mishra- Deoria- (Uttar Pradesh) Official Slogan : “All in One Rhythm” (Portuguese: • Maneka Gandh -Pilibhit- (Uttar Pradesh) “Juntos num so ritmo”) Miscellaneous : Brazil has hosted this competitive • Ananth Kuma -Bangalore South- (Karnataka ) for the second time (first time in 1950) 32 Countries competed • Ravi Shankar Prasad -RajyaSabha- (Bihar Total Matches played are 64 • Ashok Gadpati Raju -Vizianagaram -(Andhra This is the most expensive tournament (US$14 bilPradesh) lion) 12th June 2014, our Prime Minister Narendra Modi released Commemorative Postage Stamp on the • Ananth Geete -Raigad- (Maharashtra) 2014 FIFA World Cup Uruguayan striker Luis Surez was suspended for nine international matches and • Harsimrat Kaur -Bathinda- (Punjab) banned from taking part in any football-related activ• Narendra Singh Tomar -Gwalior- (Madhya ity (including entering any stadium) for four months, Pradesh) following a biting incident on Italian defender Giorgio Chiellini. • Jual Oram -Sundargarh- (Odisha) Indian Premier League (IPL) - 2014 • Thawar Chand Gehlot -Rajyasabha- (Madhya The 2014 season of the Indian Premier League, which Pradesh) is also known as IPL 7 or Pepsi IPL 2014, is the sevThis course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 172 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • Smriti Irani -RajyaSabha- (Gujarat) • Half A Rupee Stories - Guljiar • Uma Bharti -Jhansi- (Uttar Pradesh) • Haunted by Fire: Essays on Caste, Class, Exploitation and Emancipation - Mythily Sivaraman RajyaSabha- (Madhya • Healing Memories: Zeenat Shaukat Ali • Radha Mohan Singh -Purvi Champaran- (Bihar) Civilization In Dialogue - G • Najma HeptullahPradesh) • Hero - Rhonda Byrne IN • Harsh Vardhan -Chandani Chowk- (Delhi) • House Of Cards - Sudha Murthy Books and Authors • House of Hades (Heroes of Olympus) - Rick Riordan • A Leaf Turns Yellow The Sufis Of Awadh - Muzaff ar Ali • How Not To Make Money - Raj Kundra NK • 1283 - Pele (Brazilian footballer) BA • How To Get Filthy Rich In Rising Asia - Mohsin Hamid • An Agenda for India’s Growth: Essays in Honour of P. Chidambaram - Sameer Kochhar • I Am Malala - Malala Yousafzai • And The Mountains Echoed - Khaled Hosseini • Breakpoint - Jeff Tejpal O O • Birth of Cinema - N. Gopal Krishna L • An Ardent Patriot-Dinesh Goswami - Kumar Deepak Das • Boomtown - Aditya Mukherjee SC H • Casual Vacancy - J.K. Rowling • India And Malaysia-Intertwined Strands - Veena Sikri O F • An Uncertain Glory India & Its Contradictions Amartya Sen & Jean Dreze • India Saga Of Steel (Coffee Table Book) - Beni Prasad Verma • Indian Painting: Themes, History and Interpretations - Professor B N Goswami • Inferno - Dan Brown • Introduction to Urdu poetry - Anees Ayesha • In The Shadow Of The Banyan - Vaddey Ratner • China’s Travel Attraction (Also Called Kailamakal) - Jhao Jiang • Labyrinth - Udayan Majumdar • City Of Bohanen - Kevin Barry • Lean In: Women Work And The Will To Lead Sheryl Sanberg P • Dare To Do For The New Generation - Kiran Bedi • Maharani - Ruskin Bond • My Beloved World - Sonia Sotomayer • Fida-E-Lucknow - Parveen Talha • My Journey Transforming Dreams Into Actions Abdul Kalam • First Woman President Of India Reinventing Leadership Pratibha Devisingh Patil - Sunaina Singh • Narcopolis - Jeet Thayil Dr .J • Dhyan Chand-The Wizard of Hockey - Luis Fernandes • Flight Behavior - Barbara Kingsolver • Gandhi Before India - Ramchandra Guha • Grand Ceremony - Mo Yan • Ninja Innovation - Gary Shapiro • Punjab - Rajmohan Gandhi • Religion Law & Society Across The Globe - Prof. Tahir Mahmood This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 173 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • Re imagining India - Clay Chandler • Saving Capitalism from the Capitalists - Raghuram Rajan International Organizations Summits - A brief insight • BRICS summit Country: Brazil, Russia, India, China, SouthAfrica. G • Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru Second Series - Prof Madhavan Palat - 6th BRICS Summit 2014: Fortaleza, Brazil • Shahar Sone Chala (Collection Of Poems) - Sat Pal IN - Next 7th BRICS Summit to be held in Ufa, Russia Note: Ufa is the capital city of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia, and the industrial, economic, scientific and cultural centre of the republic. NK • Satyagraha - The Story Behind Revolution Prakash Jha • S.D. Burman:The World Of His Music - Khagesh Dev Burman BA - The theme chosen for our discussions was “Inclusive Growth: Sustainable Solutions”. • Steve Jobs - Walter Isaacson • The Billionaires Apprentice - Anita Raghavan • The Siege: The Attack on the Taj - Adrian Levy L • The Lowland - Jhumpa Lahiri O F • Smritiyan - Garima Sanjay New BRICS Bank: The New Development Bank (NDB), formerly referred to as the BRICS Development Bank, is a proposed multilateral development bank operated by the BRICS states (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) as an alternative to the existing World Bank and International Monetary Fund. The New Development Bank headquarter will be in Shanghai, China. The Bank will have a rotating chair and its first President will come from India for the first six years. • The Mahabharata Secret - Christopher C. Doyle The first chair of the Board of Governors shall be from Russia. SC H O O • The Luminaries - Eleanor Catton (Man Booker winner 2013 -Longest Novel to Win the Award) • The Malice Of Fortune - Michael Ennis • The Moonballer - Nirupama Vaidyanathan • The Namo Story: A Political Life - Kingshuk Nag P • The Orphan Masters Son - Adam Johnson .J • The Racketeer - John Grisham Dr • The Race Of My Life - Milkha Singh • The Story Of My Assasins - Tarun Tejpal • The Test Of My Life - Yuvraj Singh • The Third Curve - Mansoor Khan • Understanding Bhagat Singh - Prof. Chaman Lal The first chair of the Board of Directors shall be from Brazil. The Bank will also have a regional office in Johannesburg, South Africa. Participant leaders of the five nations are – – – – – Brazil - Dilma Rousseff Russian - Vladimir Putin Indian - Narendra Modi China - Xi Jinping South Africa - Jacob Zuma Development Capital: The member countries will also set up a $100 billion currency reserves pool to help countries forestall short-term liquidity pressures. Note: The bank will begin with a subscribed capital of $50 billion divided equally between its five founders. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 174 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • IBSA Summit: Nepal and aims to create cooperation in multiple sectors including trade, investment and energy. New Member United Nation South Sudan new member country . Total - 193 members India will host the next summit of IBSA (India, Brazil, South Africa) in New Delhi in 2015. • Nuclear security summit: 1. 18th BASIC Ministerial Meeting held in New Delhi. IN – 3rd Summit 2014 : Hague, Netherland OTHER SUMMITS: G – 2nd Summit 2012 - Seoul, South Korea. – 4th Summit 2016: United States BASIC -(Brazil, South Africa, India and China) • G 8 Summit: Note: It was the first time that the EU hosted a G7 summit. The summit is jointly represented by the European Council President Herman van Rompuy and the European Commission President. • G 20 Summit: NK 3. Fifth Indo-US Strategic Dialogue held in New Delhi during which the two sides discussed “transformative initiatives” in key areas of security and energy. 4. 3rd India-Africa Summit will be held in New Delhi. 5. 6th International Nuclear Energy ATOMEXPO-2014 held in Moscow. Forum O O L – G-20 meeting (2014) of Finance ministers and central bank governors held in Sydney (Australia). 2. ASEAN foreign-minister-meeting held in Myanmar. BA – 40th G-7 summit 2014 held at Brussels. O F – G-8 Countries: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, Britain and the US Note:17th BASIC Ministerial Meeting on Climate Change was held in Hanzghou, China – G20 Leaders Summit (2014) will be held in Brisbane, Queensland (Australia, in November 2014. SC H • SAARC Summit: – 18th SAARC Summit 2014- Kathmandu (Nepal) • NATO Summit: .J P NATO Summit 2014 will be held in Britain. (Britain last hosted the summit in 1990, when Margret Thatcher was Prime Minister). • BIMSTEC Summit: Dr – 3rd BIMSTEC summit 2014: Nay Pyi Taw (Myanmar) – 4th BIMSTEC summit will be held in Nepal. Note: BIMSTEC (Bay of Bangal Initiative for Multisectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation) BIMSTEC includes 7 countries: Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Bhutan and 6. World Economic Forum 2014: held in Abuja (Nigeria). Bharti Enterprises founder and Chairman Sunil Bharti Mittal co - chair this year’s edition of the World Economic Forum on Africa. SOME NEW ENTRIES: WTO - Yemen new member country. Total - 160 members. World Bank & IMF -South Sudan new member country. Total - 188 members European Union - Croatia new member country. Total- 28 LIST OF WORLD AMBASSADOR IN INDIA • Y K Sinha - Indian High Commissioner to Sri Lanka. • Subrahmanyam Jaishankar - Indian Ambassador to US. • Ashok K Kantha - Indian Ambassador to China. This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 175 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • Bahamas, The : Capital - Nassau; Governor General-Arthur Foulkes; Prime Minister - Perry Gladstone Christie • Ranjan Mathai - Indian High Commissioner to the UK. • Vijay Keshav Gokhale - Indian Ambassador to Germany. • Bahrain : Capital - Manama; King-Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa; Prime Minister - Khalifa Bin Salman Al Khalifa G • TCA Raghvan - Indian High Commissioner to Pakistan. • Bangladesh : Capital - Dhaka; President - Abdul Hamid; Prime Minister - Sheikh Hasina IN • Dinkar Khullar - Indian Ambassador to Austria. • Shamsher Rana - Indian Ambassador to Nepal. NK • Barbados : Capital - Bridgetown; Governor General-Elliot Belgrave; Prime Minister - Freundel Stuart • Yogendra Kumar - Indian Ambassador to Philippines. • Belarus : Capital - Minsk; President - Aleksandr Lukashenko; Prime Minister - Mikhail Myasnikovich BA • K. M. Chandra Shekhar - Indian Ambassador to World Trade Organization (WTO). Countries - Capital - President • Albania : Capital - Tirana; President - Bujar Nishani; Prime Minister - Edi Rama O O L • Algeria : Capital - Algiers; President - Abdelaziz Bouteflika; Prime Minister - (Acting) Youcef Yousfi • Angola : Capital - Luanda; President - Jose Eduardo Dos Santos SC H • Antigua and Barbuda : Capital - St. John’s; Governor General-Louise Agnetha Lake-Tack, Prime Minister - Baldwin Spencer • Argentina : Capital - Buenos Aires; President Cristina Fernandez De Kirchner P • Armenia : Capital - Yerevan; President - Serzh Sargsian; Prime Minister - Tigran Sargsian .J • Aruba : Capital - Oranjestad; Governor-Fredis Refunjol; Prime Minister - Michiel Godfried Eman Dr • Australia : Capital - Canberra; Governor GeneralQuentin Alice Louise Bryce; Prime Minister - Anthony John Abbott • Belize : Capital - Belmopan; Governor GeneralSir Colville Young; Prime Minister - Dean Oliver Barrow O F • Afghanistan : Capital - Kabul; President - Hamid Karzai • Belgium : Capital - City of Brussels; KingPhilippe; Prime Minister - Elio Di Rupo • Benin : Capital - Porto-Novo; President - Thomas Boni Yayi; Prime Minister - Pascal Koupaki • Bhutan - NDE : Capital - Thimphu; King-Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck; Prime MinisterTshering Tobgay • Bolivia : Capital - Sucre; President - Juan Evo Morales Ayma • Botswana : Capital - Gaborone; President Seretse Khama Ian Khama • Brazil : Capital - Braslia; President - Dilma Rousseff • Brunei : Capital - Bandar Seri Begawan; SultanSir Hassanal Bolkiah; Prime Minister - Sir Hassanal Bolkiah • Bulgaria : Capital - Sofia; President - Rosen Plevneliev; Prime Minister - Plamen Oresharski • Austria : Capital - Vienna; President - Heinz Fischer; Chancellor-Werner Faymann • Burkina Faso : Capital - Ouagadougou; President - Blaise Compaore; Prime Minister - Luc-Adolphe Tiao • Azerbaijan : Capital - Baku; President - Ilham Aliyev; Prime Minister - Artur Rasizade • Burma : Capital - Naypyidaw; President - Thein Sein This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 176 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • Cyprus : Capital - Nicosia; President - Nikos Anastasiadis • Cabo Verde : Capital - Praia; President - Jorge Carlos De Almeida Fonseca; Prime Minister - Jose Maria Pereira Neves • Czech Republic : Capital - Prague; President Milos Zeman; Prime Minister - Bohuslav Sobotka • Cambodia : Capital - Phnom Penh; KingNorodom Sihamoni; Prime Minister - Hun Sen • Denmark : Capital - Copenhagen; QueenMargrethe II; Prime Minister - Helle ThorningSchmidt IN G • Burundi : Capital - Bujumbura; President - Pierre Nkurunziza • Cameroon : Capital - Yaound; President - Paul Biya; Prime Minister - Philemon Yang NK • Djibouti : Capital - Djibouti; President - Ismail Omar Guelleh; Prime Minister - Abdoulkader Kamil Mohamed • Canada : Ottawa; Governor General-David Johnston; Prime Minister - Stephen Joseph Harper • Dominica : Capital - Roseau; President - Charles Savarin; Prime Minister - Roosevelt Skerrit BA • Central African Republic : Capital - Bangui; President - Michel Am-Nondroko Djotodia; Prime Minister - Nicolas Tiangaye • Dominican Republic : Capital - Santo Domingo; President - Danilo Medina Sanchez • Chile : Capital - Santiago; President - Sebastian Pinera Echenique L • China : Capital - Beijing; President - Xi Jinping; Prime Minister - Li Keqiang O O • Colombia : Capital - Bogot; President - Juan Manuel Santos Calderon SC H • Comoros : Capital - Moroni; President: Ikililou Dhoinine • Congo, Democratic Republic of The : Capital Kinshasa; President - Joseph Kabila; Prime Minister - Augustin Matata Ponyo Mapon P • Congo, Republic of The : Capital - Brazzaville; President - Denis Sassou-Nguesso .J • Cook Islands : Capital - Avarua; Prime Minister - Henry Puna Dr • Costa Rica : Capital - San Jos; President - Laura Chinchilla Miranda • Cote D’ivoire : Capital - Yamoussoukro; President - Alassane Dramane Ouattara • Croatia : Capital - Zagreb; President - Ivo Josipovic; Prime Minister - Zoran Milanovic • Cuba - NDE : Capital - Havana; President - General Raul Modesto Castro Ruz • Ecuador : Capital - Quito; President - Rafael Correa Delgado O F • Chad : Capital - N’djamena; President - Idriss Deby Itno; Prime Minister - Emmanuel Nadingar • Egypt : Capital - Cairo - President - Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi; Prime Minister - Ibrahim Mehlab • El Salvador : Capital - San Salvador; President Carlos Mauricio Funes Cartagena • Equatorial Guinea : Capital - Malabo; President Brig. General Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, • Eritrea : Capital - Asmara; President - Isaias Afworki • Estonia : Capital - Tallinn; President - Toomas Hendrik Ilves; Prime Minister - Taavi Roivas • Ethiopia : Capital - Addis Ababa; President - Mulatu Teshome; Prime Minister - Hailemariam Desalegn • Fiji : Capital - Suva; President - Epeli Nailatikau; Prime Minister - Josaia Voreqe Bainimarama, • Finland : Capital - Helsinki; President - Sauli Niinisto; Prime Minister - Jyrki Tapani Katainen • France : Capital - Paris; President - Francois Hollande; Prime Minister - Manuel Valls • Gabon : Capital - Libreville; President - Ali Ben Bongo Ondimba; Prime Minister - Raymond Ndong Sima This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 177 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • Iraq : Capital - Baghdad; Supreme LeaderAyatollah Ali Hoseini-Khamenei; President - Jalal Talabani; Prime Minister - Nuri Al-Maliki • Gambia, The : Capital - Banjul; President - Yahya Jammeh • Georgia : Capital - Tbilisi; President - Giorgi Margvelashvili; Prime Minister - Irakli Garibashvili G • Ireland : Capital - Dublin; President - Michael Daniel Higgins; Prime Minister - Enda Kenny • Germany : Capital - Berlin - Fed. President Joachim Gauck; Chancellor-Angela Merkel IN • Israel : Capital - Jerusalem; President - Shimon Peres; Prime Minister - Binyamin ”Bibi” Netanyahu • Ghana : Capital - Accra; President - John Dramani Mahama NK • Italy : Capital - Rome; President - Giorgio Napolitano; Prime Minister - Matteo Renzi • Greece : Capital - Athens; President - Karolos Papoulias; Prime Minister - Antonios Samaras • Jamaica : Capital - Kingston; Governor GeneralPatrick Linton Allen; Prime Minister - Portia Simpson-Miller BA • Grenada : Capital - St. George’s; Governor General-Cecile La Grenade; Prime Minister Keith Mitchell • Japan : Capital - Tokyo; Emperor-Akihito; Prime Minister - Shinzo Abe • Guinea : Capital - Conakry; President - Alpha Conde; Prime Minister - Mohamed Said Fofana O O L • Guinea-Bissau : Capital - Bissau; President Manuel Serifo Nhamadjo; Prime Minister - Rui Duarte De Barros • Guyana : Capital - Georgetown; President - Donald Ramotar; Prime Minister - Samuel Hinds SC H • Haiti : Capital - Port-Au-Prince; President - Michel Martelly; Prime Minister - Laurent Lamothe • Honduras : Capital - Tegucigalpa; President Juan Orlando Hernandez Alvarado P • Hungary : Capital - Budapest; President - Janos Ader; Prime Minister - Viktor Orban Dr .J • Iceland : Capital - Reykjavik; President - Olafur Ragnar Grimsson; Prime Minister - Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson • India : Capital - New Delhi; President - Pranab Mukherjee; Prime Minister - Narendra Modi • Indonesia : Capital - Jakarta; President - Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono • Iran - NDE : Capital - Tehran; President - Hasan Fereidun Ruhani, Hojjat ol-Eslam • Jordan : Capital - Amman; King-Abdallah II; Prime Minister - Abdullah Nsour O F • Guatemala : Capital - Guatemala City; President - Otto Fernando Perez Molina • Kazakhstan : Capital - Astana; President - Nursultan Nazarbayev; Prime Minister - Serik Akhmetov • Kenya : Capital - Nairobi; President - Uhuru Kenyatta • Kiribati : Capital - South Tarawa; President - Anote Tong • North, South NDE : Capital - Pyongyang; Supreme leader: Kim Jong-un • Korea, South : Capital - Seoul; President - Park Geun-Hye; Prime Minister - Chung Hong-Won • Kosovo : Capital - Pristina; President - Atifete Jahjaga; Prime Minister - Hashim Thaci • Kuwait : Capital - Kuwait City; Amir-Sabah alAhmad al-Jabir al-Sabah; Prime Minister - Jabir Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah • Kyrgyzstan : Capital - Bishkek; President - Almazbek Atambaev; Prime Minister - Joomart Otorbaev • Laos : Capital - Vientiane President - Lt. General Choummali Saignason; Prime Minister - Thongsing Thammavong This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 178 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • Latvia : Capital - Riga; President - Andris Berzins; Prime Minister - Laimdota Straujuma • Mauritius : Capital - Port Louis; President - Rajkeswur Kailash Purryag; Prime Minister - Dr. Navinchandra Ramgoolam, • Lebanon : Capital - Beirut; President - Michel Sulayman; Prime Minister - Tamam Salam • Mexico : Capital - Mexico City; President - Enrique Pena Nieto G • Lesotho : Capital - Maseru; King-Letsie III; Prime Minister - Thomas Motsoahae Thabane • Micronesia, Federated States of : Capital - Palikir; President - Emanuel ”Manny” Mori IN • Liberia : Capital - Monrovia; President - Ellen Johnson Sirleaf • Moldova : Capital - ChiInu; President - Nicolae Timofti; Prime Minister - Iurie Leanca NK • Libya : Capital - Tripoli; President - Nuri Abu Sahmayn; Prime Minister - Ali Zaydan • Mongolia : Capital - Ulan Bator; President Tsakhia Elbegdorj; Prime Minister - Norov Altankhuyag BA • Liechtenstein : Capital - Vaduz; Head of StatePrince Hans Adam II; Prime Minister - Klaus Tschuetscher • Montenegro : Capital - Podgorica; President Filip Vujanovic; Prime Minister - Milo Djukanovic • Lithuania : Capital - Vilnius; President - Dalia Grybauskaite; Prime Minister - Algirdas Butkevicius • Macedonia : Capital - Skopje; President - Gjorge Ivanov; Prime Minister - Nikola Gruevski O F • Luxembourg : Capital - Luxembourg; Grand Duke-Henri; Prime Minister - Xavier Bettel • Morocco : Capital - Rabat; King-Mohammed VI; Prime Minister - Abdelillah Benkirane • Mozambique : Capital - Maputo; President - Armando Emilio Guebuza; Prime Minister - Alberto Clementino Antonio Vaquina • Malawi : Capital - Lilongwe; President - Joyce Banda • Nauru : Capital - Yaren District; President Baron Divavesi Waqa SC H O O L • Madagascar : Capital - Antananarivo; President Hery Martial Rajaonarimampianina Rakotoari • Namibia : Capital - Windhoek; President - Hifikepunye Pohamba; Prime Minister - Hage Geingob • Malaysia : Capital - Kuala Lumpur; King-Abdul Halim Mu’adzam Shah; Prime Minister - Najib Razak • Maldives : Capital - Mal; President - Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom .J P • Mali : Capital - Bamako; President - Ibrahim Boubacar Keita; Prime Minister - Oumar Tatam Ly Dr • Malta : Capital - Valletta; President - Marie Louise Coleiro Preca; Prime Minister - Joseph Muscat • Marshall Islands : Capital - Majuro; President Christopher Jorebon Loeak • Mauritania : Capital - Nouakchott; President - Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz; Prime Minister Moulaye Ould Mohamed Laghdaf • Nepal : Capital - Kathmandu; President - Dr. Ram Baran Yadav; Prime Minister: Sushil Koirala • Netherlands : Capital - Amsterdam; King-WillemAlexander; Prime Minister - Mark Rutte • New Zealand : Capital - Wellington; Governor General-Jeremiah Mateparae; Prime Minister John Phillip Key • Nicaragua : Capital - Managua; President - Daniel Ortega Saavedra • Niger : Capital - Niamey; President - Issoufou Mahamadou; Prime Minister - Brigi Rafini • Nigeria : Capital - Abuja; President - Goodluck Jonathan • Norway : Capital - Oslo; King-Harald V; Prime Minister - Erna Solberg This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 179 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • Saint Lucia : Capital - Castries; Governor General- Dame Pearlette Louisy; Prime Minister - Kenny Davis Anthony • Oman : Capital - Muscat; Sultan-Qaboos bin Said Al Said; Prime Minister - Qaboos Bin Said Al Said • Pakistan : Capital - Islamabad; President Mamnoon Hussain; Prime Minister - Mohammad Nawaz Sharif G • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines : Capital - Kingstown; Governor General-Sir Frederick Nathaniel Ballantyne; Prime Minister - Ralph Everard Gonsalves IN • Palau : Capital - Melekeok; President - Jr. Thomas Esang Remengesau, • Samoa : Capital - Apia; Chief of State-Tui Atua Tupua Tupuola Efi Tamasese; Prime Minister - Fatiaalofa Aiono Lupesolia’i Sailele Malielegaoi Tuilaepa NK • Panama : Capital - Panama City; President - Ricardo Martinelli Berrocal • Papua New Guinea : Capital - Port Moresby; Governor General-Michael Ogio; Prime Minister - Peter Paire O’neill BA • Sao Tome and Principe : Capital - So Tom; President - Manuel Pinto Da Costa; Prime Minister Gabriel Arcanjo Ferreira Da Costa • Paraguay : Capital - Asuncin; President - Horacio Cartes Jara L • Philippines : Capital - Manila; President - Benigno Aquino III • Senegal : Capital - Dakar; President - Macky Sall; Prime Minister - Aminata Toure O F • Peru : Capital - Lima; President - Ollanta Moises Humala Tasso; Prime Minister - Rene Cornejo Diaz • Saudi Arabia : Capital - Riyadh; King-Abdallah bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud; Prime Minister - Abdallah Bin Abd Al-Aziz Al Saud • Serbia : Capital - Belgrade; President - Tomislav Nikolic; Prime Minister - Ivica Dacic • Seychelles : Capital - Victoria; President - James Alix Michel • Portugal : Capital - Lisbon; President - Anibal Antonio Cavaco Silva; Prime Minister - Pedro Manuel Passos Coelho Mamede • Sierra Leone : Capital - Freetown; President Ernest Bai Koroma SC H O O • Poland : Capital - Warsaw; President - Bronislaw Komorowski; Prime Minister - Donald Tusk • Qatar : Capital - Doha; Amir-Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani; Prime Minister - Abdallah Bin Nasir Bin Khalifa Al Thani • Singapore : President - Tony Tan Keng Yam; Prime Minister - Lee Hsien Loong • Slovakia : Capital - Bratislava; President - Ivan Gasparovic; Prime Minister - Robert Fico • Slovenia : Capital - Ljubljana; President - Borut Pahor; Prime Minister - Alenka Bratusek • Russia : Capital - Moscow; President - Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin; Premier-Dmitriy Anatolyevich Medvedev • Solomon Islands : Capital - Honiara; Governor General-Frank Ofagioro Kabui; Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo .J P • Romania : Capital - Bucharest; President - Traian Basescu; Prime Minister - Victor-Viorel Ponta Dr • Rwanda : Capital - Kigali; President - Paul Kagame; Prime Minister - Pierre Damien Habumuremyi • Saint Kitts and Nevis : Capital - Basseterre; Governor General-Cuthbert Montraville Sebastian; Prime Minister - Dr. Denzil Llewellyn Douglas • Somalia : Capital - Mogadishu; President - Hassan Sheikh Mahamud; Prime Minister - Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed • South Africa : Capital - Pretoria, Cape Town, Bloemfontein; President - Jacob Zuma • South Sudan : Capital - Juba; President - Salva Kiir Mayardit This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 180 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs • Spain : Capital - Madrid; President - Of The Govt. Mariano Rajoy Brey • Turkey : Capital - Ankara; President - Abdullah Gul; Prime Minister - Recep Tayyip Erdogan • Sri Lanka : Capital - Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte, Colombo; President - Mahinda Percy Rajapaksa; Prime Minister - Dissanayake Mudiyanselage Jayaratne • Turkmenistan : Capital - Ashgabat; President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow G • Tuvalu : Capital - Funafuti; Governor GeneralIakopa Italeli Taeia; Prime Minister - Willy Telavi IN • Sudan : Capital - Khartoum; President - Umar Hassan Ahmad Al-Bashir, Field Mar • Uganda : Capital - Kampala; President -Yoweri Kaguta Museveni; Prime Minister - Amama Mbabazi NK • Suriname : Capital - Paramaribo; President - Desire Delano Bouterse • Ukraine : Capital - Kiev; President - Petro Poroshenko; Prime Minister - Arseniy Yatsenyuk • Swaziland : Capital - Lobamba, Mbabane; KingMswati III; Prime Minister - Barnabus Sibusiso Dlamini BA • United Arab Emirates : Capital - Abu Dhabi; President - Khalifa Bin Zayid Al Nuhayyan; Prime Minister - Muhammad Bin Rashid Al Maktum • Sweden : Capital - Stockholm; King-Carl XVI Gustaf; Prime Minister - Fredrik Reinfeldt • Taiwan - NDE : Capital - Taipei; President - Ma Ying-Jeou O O L • Tajikistan : Capital - Dushanbe; President - Emomali Rahmon; Prime Minister - Qohir Rasulzoda O F • Syria : Capital - Damascus; President - Bashar Al-Asad; Prime Minister - Wael Al-Halqi • United States of America : Capital - Washington, D.C., President - Barack Obama SC H • Tanzania : Capital - Dodoma; President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete; Prime Minister - Mizengo Kayanza Peter Pinda • Thailand : Capital - Bangkok; King-Phumiphon Adunyadet P • Timor-Leste : Capital - Dili; President - Taur Matan Ruak; Prime Minister - Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao .J • Togo : Capital - Lom; President - Faure Gnassingbe; Prime Minister - Kwesi Seleagodji Ahoomey-Zunu Dr • Tonga : Capital - NukuAlofa; King-Tupou VI; Prime Minister - Tu’ivakano, Lord • Trinidad and Tobago : Capital - Port of Spain; President - Anthony Thomas Aquinas Carmona; Prime Minister - Kamla Persad-Bissessar • United Kingdom : Capital - London; QueenElizabeth II; Prime Minister - David William Donald Cameron • Uruguay : Capital - Montevideo; President - Jose ”Pepe” Mujica Cordano • Uzbekistan : Capital - Tashkent; President - Islom Karimov; Prime Minister - Shavkat Mirziyoyev • Vanuatu : Capital - Port Vila; President - Lolu Johnson Abbil; Prime Minister - Moana Carcasses Kalosil • Venezuela : Capital - Caracas; President - Nicolas Maduro Moros • Vietnam : Capital - Hanoi; President - Truong Tan Sang; Prime Minister - Nguyen Tan Dung • Yemen : Capital - Sana’a; President - Fd. Mar. Abd Rabuh Mansur Hadi; Prime Minister - Muhammad Salim Ba Sindwah • Zambia : Capital - Lusaka; President - Michael Chilufya Sata • Zimbabwe : Capital - Harare; President - Robert Gabriel Mugabe • Tunisia : Capital - Tunis; President - Moncef Marzouki; Prime Minister - Mehdi Jomaa This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 181 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING Current Affairs Imphal Shillong Aizawl Kohima Bhubaneswar Chandigarh Jaipur Gangtok Chennai Agartala Hyderabad Dehradun Lucknow Kolkata O O L Dr. Krishnan Kant Paul Dr. Krishnan Kant Paul Dr. Krishnan Kant Paul Shri Padmanabha Acharya Mr. S.C. Jamir Mr. Shivraj Patil Kalyan Singh Mr. Shriniwas D. Patil Mr. K Rosaiah Padmanabha Acharya Mr. E.S.L.Narasimhan Dr. Aziz Qureshi Mr. Ram Naik Keshari Nath Tripathi Dr .J P SC H Mr. Hemant Soren Mr. K. Siddaramaiah Shri. Oommen Chandy Mr. Shivraj Singh Chauhan Mr. Prithviraj Chavan (RESIGNED) Mr.Okram Ibobi Singh Mr. Mukul A. Sangma Mr. Lal Thanhawla Mr. Neiphiu Rio Mr. Naveen Patnaik Mr. Parkash Singh Badal Smt. Vasundhara Raje Mr. Pawan Chamling Mr. O. Paneer Selvam Mr. Manik Sarkar Mr. K. Chandrasekhar Rao Mr. Harish Rawat Mr. Akhilesh Yadav Ms. Mamata Banerjee G Manipur Meghalaya Mizoram Nagaland Odisha Punjab Rajasthan Sikkim Tamil Nadu Tripura Telangana Uttarakhand Uttar Pradesh West Bengal Dr. Syed Ahmed Vajubhai Vala P. Sathasivam Mr. Ram Naresh Yadav C.Vidyasagar Rao Mr. Tarun Gogoi Mr. Jitan Ram Manjhi Dr. Raman Singh Mr. Manohar Parrikar Ms. Anandiben Patel Mr. Bhupinder S. Hooda Mr. Virbhadra Singh Mr. Omar Abdullah IN Jharkhand Karnataka Kerala Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Dispur Patna Raipur Panaji Gandhinagar Chandigarh Shimla Srinagar (Summer), Jammu (Winter) Ranchi Bengaluru Thiruvananthapuram Bhopal Mumbai Mr. N. Chandrababu Naidu Mr. Nabam Tuki NK Assam Bihar Chhattisgarh Goa Gujarat Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jammu and Kashmir Mr. E.S.L.Narasimhan Lieutenant General (Retd) Nirbhay Sharma Mr. J. B. Patnaik Mr. D. Y. Patil Mr. Balramji Das Tandon Mirdula Sinha Mr. Om Prakash Kohli Kaptan Singh Solanki Ms. Urmila Singh Mr. Narinder Nath Vohra BA Hyderabad Itanagar O F Andhra Pradesh Arunachal Pradesh This course material is only for students of Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING and is not for Sale. 182 Contact: Dr. JP SCHOOL OF BANKING, D. S. Complex, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09. Mobile: 78452 02153, 94886 02153; Web: