Graham Bissett Barham CE Primary School Valley Road Jo Duhig


Graham Bissett Barham CE Primary School Valley Road Jo Duhig
Graham Bissett
Jo Duhig
Deputy Headteacher
Email: [email protected]
Barham CE Primary School
Valley Road
Barham, Canterbury
Tel: 01227 831312
Fax: 01227 831096
Wednesday, 08 October 2014
Dear Parents
The National Curriculum 2014 and related assessment
I am sure that many of you are aware that from September 2014 all schools are now required to teach
the new national curriculum. This applies to all year groups except year 2 and year 6 in this academic
year, although in reality they will be covering significant part of the new curriculum.
There are significant changes in the new curriculum, with some concepts, especially in mathematics and
English, being introduced to children much earlier than was previously the case. Alongside the changes in
content is a complete change in the way that children’s progress is to be assessed and reported. These
changes will mean that the conversations between teacher and parents at Parents’ Evenings will be very
different from those you may have had in the past.
To try and explain all these changes in a letter, would be difficult and require a very long document.
Therefore I would like to invite you to a meeting on Thursday 23rd October, at 19.00 in the school hall,
where my colleagues and I will explain the changes in more detail and give some indication as to our
current thinking on assessment. Hopefully what you learn at this meeting will then inform the
conversations you will have with your child’s teacher at the forthcoming Parents’ Evenings in November.
The meeting is open to all parents and carers, but will not be suitable for children. I would be grateful if
you could indicate your interest in this meeting by emailing the school office and letting us know
whether, or not, you plan to attend.
Yours sincerely
Barham CEP School
Graham Bissett
Digitally signed by Graham Bissett
DN: cn=Graham Bissett, o=Barham CEP School,
ou=Barham CEP,
[email protected], c=GB
Date: 2014.10.08 13:48:39 +01'00'
Graham Bissett
U:\Letters\2014-2015\General\Meeting re new curiculum and assessment..docx