Written Response to Questions October 10 , 2014


Written Response to Questions October 10 , 2014
Written Response to Questions
October 10th, 2014
1. Regarding the terms of the agreement (section 1.4): Would you please clarify if the funding
allocations listed on page 10 are annual dollars, or are these dollar amounts intended to
cover the entire 18 month contract award?
The dollars listed in Section 1.4 reflect annualized funding allocations.
Relatedly, should the budget and budget narrative be structured as an annual budget or for
the 18 month term of the contract?
The budget and budget narrative should be structured as an annual budget.
3. Can required forms and templates published in the RFP be copied and submitted, "as is"
with the page number and borders (if any)? Or do they need to follow the page numbering
within the proposal?
Required forms and templates need to be submitted with appropriate page numbering to
match the proposal document.
Section, on page 13, refers to a table of contents that implies that it is comprehensive
for the entire submission. However, 3.5.4 indicates that the proposal should "include a table
of contents with each section clearly labeled with the appropriate heading." We are
confused by these two statements. Would you please clarify this? We have two follow-up
questions if a separate table of contents is required for each section: (1) Are these section
table of content pages also not included in the count of the total number of pages of the
proposal (3.5.2), and (2) how are "sections" defined? Would they, perhaps, coincide with
the Criteria Description (p. 24): Scope of Work, Services to be Provided, Mandatory
Qualifications, Staffing, Budget and Budget Narrative?
A comprehensive Table of Contents is required. This Table of Contents should include
information for each section of the proposal and those sections should be clearly labelled
with an appropriate heading within the proposal document.
Is the 1.15 line spacing noted in 3.5.2 (p. 20) correct?
6. Using TASC (p. 5) as an example, would a bid be acceptable if it were only for a specific
county within a circuit, or must it be for the entire circuit? Again, as an example, could a bid
be made for only Orange County for Adult Substance Abuse TASC in Circuit 9?
An award can be granted as outlined in Section 1.3 of the RFP. Using TASC as an
example, on page 5 the RFP it states “this service may be awarded in up to four (4)
awards” (ASA for Circuit 9, ASA for Circuit 18, CSA for Circuit 8 or CSA for Circuit
18). Using TASC as the example, these awards cannot be broken down into smaller
county level awards.
The RFP requires a substance abuse license for the JARF program. However, we cannot
apply for the licensing of the JARF program located at 823 W. Central Blvd. prior to being
awarded the contract. Is CFCHS willing to give sufficient time to obtain the license should
we be awarded the contract?
A successful proposal must include evidence that all appropriate licensure can be
obtained by the anticipated contract award date.
Must all services (aside from case management and eligibility) be done by contracted
agency or can some services be contracted/MOU?
Bidders can subcontract services as they deem appropriate for their proposal.
Would network providers bill KidCare directly or would all funds go through the managing
The bidder selected for BNet award will bill the Managing Entity directly.
10. What is the educational and experience requirement of the Behavioral Health Liaison and
where can we find a job description? (BNet)
A Behavioral Health Liaison should have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree and one (1)
year of experience working in the social services field. A job description should be
developed by the employer.
11. Would the managing provider bill KidCare for any services or are funds all pass through?
All funds included in this RFP are billed to the Managing Entity by the successful bidder.
12. Must you be a current KidCare provider to submit a proposal?(BNet)
13. What are “special health care needs” as noted on page 8 of the RFP? (BNet)
Children enrolled in BNet may or may not have identified healthcare needs outside of
behavioral healthcare.
14. What is the maximum case load for the case managers under this program?(BNet)
Case management is governed by 65E-15, F.A.C., unless otherwise negotiated by CFCHS.
15. Can a case manager have a mixed caseload for BNet and other funding sources?
16. Are there funding maximums per year for participants- in total, per service, per timeframe.
The contracted BNet provider can bill $1,000/per eligible enrolled child/adolescent per
17. Are there service unit maximum guidelines established by Title XXI for any services provided
under BNet?
The Managing Entity does not pay for services under BNet by service units, therefore
there is no service unit maximum guideline. This service is paid for using a case rate of
$1,000 per enrolled and eligible child/adolescent per month.
18. Must all network providers/potential referral sources in the community be KidCare
providers? What if the money is pass through- do they still have to be KidCare providers to
serve this population?(BNet)
19. Can we get a list of current contracted network partners for this program?(BNet)
A list of existing BNet providers is found below. This listed network does not have to be
used by the bidder. However, children currently receiving services must complete their
episode of care at their current service provider in order to keep disruption to the client to
a minimum.
A Great Life Services, Inc.
Adapt Behavioral Services
Alpha Christian Counseling Services
Alternative Directions, LLC
Apopka Behavioral Health
Beltran Behavioral Health
Bobby Lyons
Caribbean Community Connection of Orlando, Inc.
Center for Non Violence
Charles English & Associates
Children’s Home Society of FL
CJA Behavioral Services, LLC
Community Counseling Center
Community Life Development
Doris Lorenzo, LMHC
Expanding Horizons
GEE Resolutions Inc. NP
Healing Lives Therapeutic Services
Hispanic Family Counseling, Inc.
House of Freedom
Journey's End
Lighthouse Family Services, Inc.
Nicole Thweatt, LMHC
Nyoka Place, Inc.
Prevent of Brevard
Progressive Counseling Centers (BOAT)
Riverside Counseling Services, LLC
Seminole Behavioral
Serving Children and Reaching Families
Sylvia Multari, LMHC, BCBA
The Grove
Transition House, Inc.
Turning Point
V. White & Associates, Inc.
20. Must all mental health therapists who are contracted network partners be licensed or is
there a provision for Master’s Level therapists under the supervision of a Licensed
Supervisor? (BNet)
Treatment providers must meet the minimum qualifications set by CFCHS for the service
type being provided. In the case of mental health therapy, a Master’s Level therapist can
provide treatment under the supervision of a Licensed Supervisor.
21. What is the number of clients who have been served under the BNET program each year for
the past 3 years?
The approximate number of clients served in BNet are only available for the preceding two
fiscal years. The estimated number of clients served in FY 2012-2013 was 112 and the
approximate number of clients served in FY 2013-2014 was 105.
22. How many clients has the Behavioral Health Liaison served directly each year over the past
3 years? (BNet)
In the period from July 2012 to present, approximately 175 assessments were conducted.
An assessment is conducted on a client who has been initially screened and is considered
a candidate to meet all eligibility criteria. At times, during the assessment a client may be
determined to be ineligible for a variety of reasons. During the same time span there
were approximately 75 referrals determined ineligible prior to face-to-face assessment.
23. Must the clients receive case management the entire time they are getting services from
community network providers or can case management services be closed once services are
firmly established?
Detailed requirements for BNet are included in the BNet Guidance Document included in
24. What is the fee schedule for the network providers for each service covered?
Developing the fee schedule for subcontracted network service providers under BNet will
be the responsibility of the BNet provider.
25. Which services are covered by this program through the program and through the network
The array of outpatient and residential services, as recommended for the child/adolescent
enrolled in the BNet program.
26. What is the current staffing pattern for the 4 county area (for BNet)?
The existing contract documents related to the HSA contract can be found on the CFCHS
website, www.centralfloridacares.org under the Addendum to RFP-2015-CSA-002. The
development of a staffing pattern, to meet the requirements of the service being
delivered, should be developed by the bidder.
27. If all funding is pass through from the managing agency, what are the expectations for
invoicing to CFCHS? Are the network providers required to do anything directly with
No, network providers are not to bill CFCHS directly. The contracted BNet provider will
bill CFCHS the monthly allowed rate for each enrolled child/adolescent. Management of
the subcontracted services is the responsibility of the CFCHS contracted BNet provider.
28. What is the program structure for BNET with CFCHS - is it similar to FSPT in terms of
service provision?
CFCHS will contract with a provider to administer services to children/adolescents
eligible for enrollment in BNet. The CFCHS BNet provider may deliver BNet services
directly or may subcontract them out to vendors. CFCHS will reimburse the contracted
BNet provider on a case rate basis, equal to $1,000 per month, per child/adolescent
29. Can we get the checklist for the contract compliance review of BNET providers by CFCHS?
CFCHS monitoring tools and the monitoring handbook can be found on the CFCHS
website at www.centralfloridacares.org.
30. Section for resumes of individuals who will work on the project in a
management or supervisory capacity and Section asks for resumes of senior
management staff. Since the RFP encourages giving preference to existing staff in these
programs, and we don't have their information, the resumes we currently have may be the
same in both sections. Is this correct?
Resumes provided should be for existing or proposed staff already identified. It is
allowable for resumes under Section and Section to be the same.
31. How should the attachments be labeled and where do they belong in the structure of the
proposal (i.e., in the body of the text, at the end in an appendix, etc.)
Attachments should be referenced in the body of the text, with a description, title and
label. These attachments should then be added, as appendices, onto the end of the
32. Where do the forms in Appendix A belong in the structure of the proposal and how should
these be labeled (i.e., in the text of the RRP in sequence, in an appendix)?
Completed required forms for the RFP should be included in one Appendix, labelled as
Appendix A, Required Forms are to be sequenced at the end of the proposal.
33. Which entities make up the Evaluation Team?
As indicated in Section 4.1 of the RFP: “A selection committee of not less than three
people will be used to read, evaluate and rank properly submitted proposals. The
Selection Committee will be comprised of Central Florida Cares Health System, Inc.
staff, a representative from the Department of Children and Families Substance Abuse
and Mental Health Office in the Central Region, and others with pertinent backgrounds
selected by CFCHS.”
34. As far as location of the TASC programs, will they remain where they are, and if so is there
any cost (lease, maintenance, etc.) associated with those locations?
Location of TASC services should be determined by the bidder and identified in their
proposal. Determining costs associated with programming locations will be the sole
responsibility of the bidder.
35. The RFP does mention the ARF will remain at its current location. Is there any cost
associated with this (lease, maintenance, etc.)? Can we have a copy of the current lease for
the ARF?
Bidders interested in JARF services should work with Orange County Government,
identified in the RFP as the owner of the property, to determine costs associated with the
physical location.
36. From a budgeting standpoint, are we to assume that the number served and number of
staff/staffing patterns should be based on the HSA program descriptions which may or may
not reflect current actual staffing patterns/numbers served?
The current HSA program descriptions can be utilized as a guide in budgeting, however,
each provider is able to design and staff the proposed programs as deemed best by the
bidder given the budget limitations listed in RFP-2015-CSA-002.
37. How can the funding for Adolescent OP therapy be sought, as it is a service listed on HSA’s
Funding outside of that listed in RFP-2015-CSA-002, that a bidder is interested in
pursuing, is the responsibility of the bidder.
38. How can the Zebra Coalition funding be sought, as it is a service listed on the HSA website?
Funding outside of that listed in RFP-2015-CSA-002, that a bidder is interested in
pursuing, is the responsibility of the bidder.
39. Can we please have current salary information for all staff in all the programs except
Salary information for individual staff will not be provided as part of this RFP.
40. Are we to retain salaries or retain staff?
RFP-2015-CSA-002 states “existing program employees, working under the existing
vendor for the services described in this RFP shall be given preference in the hiring
process. The RFP goes on to state “a successful bidder must describe the process through
which they will ensure this occurs”.
41. Can we please have budgets for all programs with the exception of FSPT?
Detailed programmatic budgets for existing programs will not be provided as part of this
RFP. However, the existing contractual documents for the existing programs are
available on the CFCHS website, www.centralfloridacares.org as part of the Addendum
to RFP-2015-CSA-002.
42. The following services are provided under the current contract between Human Services
Associates, Inc. (HSA), and Central Florida Cares Health System, Inc. (CFCHS); however,
they are not listed specifically in the RFP. The funding amount included in RFP is less than
the funding currently contracted for the services provided by HSA. Can you please clarify
the provision for continuation of these services and staff, as indicated would be required
during the CFCHS September 19, 2014 Board meeting, and whether these services and staff
should be included in the proposals?
Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF): 4 Case Managers, 1 Program
Coordinator, 1 Program Assistant, and 30 Subcontracted Providers
Osceola Drug Court: 2 Case Managers
Adolescent Outpatient: 5 Counselors, 1 Clinical Supervisor (shared with SAMHSA Teen
Court Grant), 1 Program Director (shared with SAMHSA Teen Court Grant and
Adolescent Intervention Services), 1 Program Assistant (shared with SAMHSA Teen
Court Grant and Adolescent Intervention Services)
Adult Outpatient: 2 Counselors, 1 Program Director (shared with Adult Family
Intervention Services), 1 Program Assistant
These services are not a part of RFP-2015-CSA-002. Services outside of this RFP cannot
be addressed as part of the written response to questions under RFP 2015-CSA-002.
43. Regarding the Treatment Alternatives for Safer Communities (TASC) program described on
page 5 of the RFP, what are the estimated numbers to be served broken down by circuit and
number of youth and adult by circuit?
Fiscal Year
FY 2012-2013
FY 2013-2014
FY 2014-2015
FY 2012-2013
FY 2013-2014
FY 2014-2015
FY 2012-2013
FY 2013-2014
FY 2014-2015
FY 2012-2013
FY 2013-2014
FY 2014-2015
Total Served
Circuit 18
Circuit 18
Circuit 18
Circuit 9
Circuit 9
Circuit 9
Circuit 18
Circuit 18
Circuit 18
Circuit 9
Circuit 9
Circuit 9
44. Regarding School Based Intervention Programs described on pages 5 & 6 of the RFP, can
the intervention specialists also be located at high schools within the four counties
identified? Given the age range provided it appears so, however only middle schools and
alternative schools are mentioned.
Yes. High schools can be included.
45. Again regarding School Based Intervention Programs described on pages 5 & 6 of the RFP,
current schools are in Seminole (1 school) and Orange (4 schools) yet dollars are divided
amongst four counties. Have other schools been identified for new start up? Can additional
schools be added by the provider at the provider's discretion?
Additional schools can be identified and added by a bidder in their proposal for RFP2015-CSA-002, as the bidder deems necessary and appropriate.
46. Regarding the Juvenile Addiction Receiving Facility (JARF) described on page 6 of the
RFP, how should the successful bidder show/document the successful relationship with
Orange County government?
Section of the RFP indicates that “each proposal referencing collaboration,
cooperation or subcontracting related to the services delivered, must include a
cooperative agreement and/or Memorandum of Understanding with the proposed partner,
collaborator or subcontractor”.
47. Due to length of stay from JARF, it appears a waiver would be appropriate for the school
component similar to the CCSU. Is there an opportunity for a waiver? If there is no
opportunity for a waiver, is there a school located on site? Are educational services provided
by Orange County Public Alternative Schools?
School services and/or availability of a waiver for the school component, as it relates to
JARF services, is dependent upon determination by the appropriate school system.
48. Regarding the Family Intervention Specialist (FIS) as described on pages 7 & 8 of the RFP,
do the 9 staff identified encompass all the program FIS dollars currently allocated? Are FIS
dollars being withdrawn from other providers to make this one comprehensive contract
encompassing all FIS services for one provider or are these dollars in addition to current
FIS dollars under contract with other providers?
The intent of the FIS portion of this RFP is to bring all FIS services from all CFCHS FIS
providers into one contract.
49. Regarding the Family Services Planning Team (FSPT) described on page 8 of the RFP, it
references: “youth in the DJJ system who need community based support services". Does
this also include those at risk for child welfare involvement or only DJJ?
These services should be focused on a priority population of youth of those at risk of DJJ
involvement or existing DJJ involvement.
50. If you are awarded the FSPT contract, may you also receive FSPT for providing the
51. The RFP makes several references throughout to budget match but doesn't define required
match or indicate match amounts etc. Pages including match references include: 14, 18 and
27. Is there a required budget match? If so, what is the required match amount? Which
programs require match? What constitutes or is excluded from match?
Match requirements are defined in 65E-14, F.A.C.
52. Will CFCHS be publishing who responded with Letters of Intent?
Yes. Letters of Intent were received from the following agencies:
Community Treatment Center, Inc.
The Transition House, Inc.
Circles of Care, Inc.
Park Place Behavioral Health Care
Aspire Health Partners, Inc.
Community Initiatives, Inc.
Children's Home Society
Phoenix Programs of Florida, Inc.
HSA, Inc.
BAYS, Inc.
The Grove of Florida
53. The RFP indicates the contract(s) is/are for 18 months, are the dollar amounts identified in
the RFP annualized or is the amount intended to cover the 18 month contract period?
The dollar amounts indicated in the RFP are annualized amounts.
54. Given that only one proposal may be submitted, regardless if applying for one service or
more than one service, will the categories be scored separately?
Yes, categories will be scored separately.
55. What is the current contracted budget and staffing pattern for each area being procured? If
the allocation is different than the current contract amount, please explain the variance.
The existing contract documents related to the HSA contract can be found on the CFCHS
website, www.centralfloridacares.org under the Addendum to RFP-2015-CSA-002.
Differences in anticipated budget amounts in the RFP are due to projections and system
of care management decisions made by CFCHS.
56. Will other funding allocation such as outpatient substance abuse, TANF etc., be procured at
a later date?
Services outside of this RFP cannot be addressed as part of the written response to
questions under RFP 2015-CSA-002.
57. Does the equipment, furniture and fixtures convey with the JARF?
58. Do any computers, vehicles, office or medical supplies convey with contracts?
59. Are budgets, staffing charts part of the page limitations; what specifically is excluded from
page limitations?
The Table of Contents, attachments and budget proposals are excluded from the page
length requirements.
60. If the primary applicant subcontracts with another company to manage BNET and/or FSPT,
is the primary applicant/company eligible for services funding if awarded?
61. Can DJJ FSPT and MH FSPT funds be combined -both for budgeting and for utilization?
Yes. However, separate reporting related to priority populations (DJJ/MH) may be
62. If a provider were awarded both DJJ FSPT and MH FSPT, would there be 2 separate
contracts or 1 contract for both FSPT funds combined and would the reports, etc. need to be
separated for DJJ FSPT and regular FSPT.
There would be 1 (one) contract, however, separate reporting related to priority
populations (DJJ/MH) may be required.
63. For outpatient programs: information that will help determine the number of staff: either the
actual numbers now, or the number of services to be provided or the number of clients to be
Bidders should refer to the program descriptions to help with the development of staffing
patterns. Each provider is able to design and staff the proposed programs as deemed best
by the bidder, given the budget limitations listed in RFP-2015-CSA-002.